#and if your coffee was left unattended he would help himself
carterashofficial · 2 years
It is our first Christmas without Abbey.
You would think that this would be a quiet, calm Christmas with No Mischief b/c she isn’t here anymore. Please keep in mind that over the 11 years we had her, her favorite Trouble to Get Into during the holidays involved:
-trying to eat the glass ornaments (they looked like a tennis ball?)
-chew on one of Great-Grandma’s duck ornaments (Jewel had already eaten one so we are now down to 4 of the original 6)
-tennis ball under Christmas tree means the whole tree must fall over, thankfully it was caught by the couch
-eat the flocking on the real tree (no more real trees)
-tissue paper is a SNACK
-Ate the tissue paper, found the fuzzy socks for Mom, and was caught burying them in the backyard by mom
-Present smells like Food let’s Eat It (she got partway through the wrapping paper and into the cardboard, pretty sure it was clothes from a grandparent)
-we then had to store all presents atop the china cabinet or put them where she couldn’t easily get them
-the tree skirt was really a blanket in her mind and she chewed it all up (this was LAST YEAR)
-eat legos (almost every year)
-steal whatever stocking was closest to her and RUN (always caught before it became Demolished)
-the “you’re saving this pile of wrapping paper? For me? Oh you don’t want me to have it? I love this game.”
You get the idea. Snicklefritz was a Menace during the holidays and had to have Constant Supervision.
The past 2 years with Teddy Pete, he has been very calm and quiet. Abbey was the Hurricane of Chaos to his No-thoughts-Just-Bellyrubs. Now it’s just the Dingus and without Someone to cause trouble, he’s taken it upon himself. So far Tedboy has:
-Decided the fake tree was a Real Tree and started eating the branches
-the wicker thing to hide the bottom of a Different fake tree was Snack and now there is a Hole in it
-chewed up the new tree skirt
-almost got one of the duck ornaments, ornaments are back in storage
-last year he partially ate my sister’s nutcracker which we didn’t take as a Sign but it clearly was. We couldn’t find one arm.
-tried to eat the fake garland my mother put on the mantle (it has been removed)
-the fake tree on the stairs (with the wicker thing) has been moved to the family room b/c Someone with 1 braincell kept knocking it over when he got The Zoomies
Long story short I’ve decided that when the Holidays start, the dogs just become Troublemakers. Probably has to do with the short days and long nights. Less time to play outside. More shiny or interesting things inside.
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How They'd Come In Late After a Race (1)
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<word count - 3375>
In this chapter - CL16, MS47, DR3, MV1, GR63
Charles Leclerc
Charles hadn't had a great race in Monaco. In fact, he didn't even start it. Of course, he still wanted to hit the dazzling streets of his home town to try and drink away his problems.
You had stayed at home, not feeling like going out tonight since you could any night of the year. If you were somewhere else, maybe you'd think about it, but not tonight.
You did decided to stay up and wait for him, however, since we all knew how wild parties in Monaco can get. It was nearing on 3am, and there was still no sign of Charles.
On the other side of the door, you could hear the jangle of keys, and some silly giggles. There was no point in helping him - it would be more funny to let him struggle.
After a few grunts and groans, he stumbled in, slamming the door a bit too loudly than he probably should have.
At first, he didn't notice you at all. He just wandered past you and into the kitchen. It's not even like you were sat in the dark, you had the light on in the living room of your apartment as he walked by.
Some glasses clinked together, the tap was aggressively turned on and off, then Charles walked towards you. He still didn't notice your presence.
"What time do you call this?" You asked him, watching as he nearly dropped his glass on the floor. "Shit did I wake you up?" he whisper-shouted.
"No, you are just very late," you explained as he set his water down on the coffee table, the clear liquid sloshing over the rim and onto the table.
He plopped down next to you and leant all of his weight into your side. "Sorry for being late," he softly mumbled, before yawning.
"It's OK, my love," you told him, shifting your weight as he wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled into you even more.
"But it's not. I let you down," he started.
"No, Charles, you didn't let me down,"
"I did," he protested, "Baby, I didn't even start the fucking race,". How you had gotten from him being late to the race, you didn't know, but drunk Charles' mind wandered like an unattended toddler.
"I think it's time for you to go to bed, OK?" you told him, tapping his shoulder to get him up. Normally, he'd be upset after a bad race - which was understandable. But when he'd had a bit to drink, it got worse, so you didn't want him to tumble into that spiral.
He stumbled over to your bedroom and collapsed onto the bed.
"You not getting changed?" you asked him. "No, just come here," he pouted, opening his arms out to you and doing the grabby hands.
There was no resisting his pouty, flushed face, the ruffled hair and the grabby hands, so you traipsed over to the bed and led down next to him.
He shuffled around for a second, pulling one of his many Ferrari hoodies over his head and handing it to you. "What's this for?" you asked, since you already had one of his hoodies on anyway.
"This one smells more like me," he babbled, his eyes fluttering open and closed. There was no arguing with him because he was right, so you replaced the one you had on with the new one.
You slumped down into the vast sea of sheets and pillows that were on your bed, and Charles shuffled over to you.
He rested his head on your chest, immediately making himself comfy and his arms clasped around your waist. Just as you were about to fall asleep, you heard a soft "I love you," from the drunken boy.
"I love you too," you whispered back, pressing a soft kiss into his hair and closing your eyes.
Mick Schumacher
Most of the time when Mick came home, you waited up for him. But, he had specifically told you not to due to his flight getting in at 4am.
As much as you had protested, he had charmingly convinced you to go to bed and he'd be right by your side when you woke up.
So, when you did head to bed, you left him one of your famous, homemade granola bars that he adored and scribbled a short note onto a post-it.
You fell asleep easily, especially since you knew that Mick would be there when you woke up. However, some hours later, you were woken up by the low rumble of a vehicle outside.
To be more specific, it was the sound of Mick's motorbike engine. Why he had taken that to the airport, you would never know, but you did love the sound of it.
You smiled to yourself, glad you wouldn't have to wait much longer to see him.
The door opened downstairs, and light footsteps pattered through the kitchen. Mick had spotted the snacks for him on the counter and couldn't stop the large grin that crept across his lips.
"Mick I'll probably be asleep when you get home, but I'm glad you're here because I've missed you. I thought you'd be hungry after your flight, so enjoy. ❤️"
He took a few minutes to himself, munching away at the granola bars and already loving the serenity of being at home.
He cleared the plate away and tucked the note into his jacket pocket so he could read it whenever.
He left everything that could jingle or make any noise as he moved downstairs since he didn't want to wake you up, and quietly skipped up the stairs, avoiding the ones that creaked out of habit.
Meanwhile, you had closed your eyes to try and go back to sleep, but the excitement of having him home was too much.
Mick came into the dark cave that was your room, and you could hear the rustling of clothes and the wardrobe opening and closing again. The bathroom light flicked on for a few minutes, before you finally felt the mattress dip beside you and the covers rustled.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to his chest. "Thank you for the granola, I really did need it," he whispered into your hair, "I love you," he said.
You two had never said it to each other before, and he thought you were asleep at the time. You couldn't help but wonder if he had said it before when you were asleep. For a second, you were frozen, but there was nothing you wanted more than to respond.
"I love you too," you whispered back, feeling his smile against the top of your head as he planted a soft kiss on it. No more words were exchanged, Mick tucked his head into the crook of your neck.
Your heart sang in your chest, and there was no where you would rather be.
Daniel Ricciardo
You didn't know what time Daniel was going to be getting home, since you weren't actually going home. You had flown out to Australia to meet his family for the first time and he was flying over after the race.
The second leg of his flight had taken off a few hours ago, so you were waiting for the call to either pick him up from the airport or that he'd gotten a taxi and he was on his way. His first flight was supposed to set off nearly 12 hours ago, but it was cancelled last minute, so he had to get the one he was on now and he was going to be fashionably late to 'lunch'.
Meanwhile, you had headed out to the grocery store to pick up some things that you'd need for dinner. You'd picked up some basic things, like fruits and cereals you'd need for the week, as well as a some desserts that you couldn't resist.
You wandered around the store for a bit, picking up things you thought would make nice lunches while you were there. You were next to the cards, since it was Daniel's nephew's birthday and you still needed to get him one, and you heard a voice.
"Sorry, excuse me ma'am, I was looking for flowers for my girlfriend, do you think these are nice?" A familiar voice spoke behind you, and you thought you knew who it was, but it wasn't possible. Well, it wasn't supposed to be.
You turned around to see Daniel stood next to the flowers, beaming from ear to ear with a large bouquet of pink roses in his hand. "I think she'd love them," you smiled, abandoning your shopping cart in front of the cards.
You flung your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek. "You're not meant to be here for another few hours," you said to him.
"I know, but the flight was much quicker than expected," he explained. You looked at him, examining the dark circles under his eyes and how bloodshot his eyes were. "I'll pay for the shopping, then we can get you some rest," you said, pulling him into you as his head flopped onto your shoulder.
He groaned in agreement, following you to the shopping cart and to the tills. He went separately to pay for the flowers, despite your protests. You met him on the other side of the tills, "A very pretty lady helped me pick these out," he smirked, handing them to you and taking the shopping cart to the car.
"Oh did she now? You're away from me for a week and you're already looking at other women," you playfully scoffed and rolled your eyes at him. "Couldn't help myself, she was just that stunning," he hit back, stumbling as you lightly shoved him.
Once you got home, you unpacked the shopping while Daniel took a well-deserved shower. You were done before he was, so you sat on the living room couch, scrolling through Instagram for a bit. The door to the bathroom opened, and Daniel walked in, his hair slightly damp and he look a bit more awake.
"You going to take a nap for a bit?" you asked as he stood between your legs.
"Yeah," he said, trying to pull you up from the couch.
"I'll wake you up before dinner," you told him, expecting him to go to your room.
"Can you come with me?"
"I'm not sleeping,"
"Can you still come with me?" he asked, tugging on your arms harder. You laughed and stood with him, following him into the room. He flopped down on the bed and patted the space next to him. There was no denying his pouty face as he turned to look at you.
You got yourself comfy on the bed next to him, and he rolled over and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your chest. "I'm so tired," he mumbled, his eyes fluttered closed.
"I'm not surprised," you laughed back. It wasn't long before Daniel was softly snoring as he rested all of his weight on you. Now, you had three weeks to spend, relaxing, spending time together and probably napping.
Daniel would want to do a lot of that.
Max Verstappen
As expected, Max had just won yet another race and he now had three weeks off until his home GP in the Netherlands. You had only just arrived back at the hotel after waiting for him during interviews and the post-race debrief and whatever else they got up to. 
Flopping down on the bed, you allowed your muscles to relax after a day of tension. "We've got half an hour before we need to get to the bar," he said, flinging his jacket off onto the armchair in the corner of the room. 
A few of the drivers were getting together for drinks to celebrate the finish before the summer break, but you didn't want to go. You were flying back home tomorrow, then you had work the next day. 
"You can go, but I'm not," you told him, supporting your head on your arms as you spoke to him. 
"You're not coming?"
"No, I don't feel like flying hungover," you said.
"Please baby, it'll be fun. We don't even have to stay out late. Just a drink or two and then we can go," he pleaded, taking a seat next to you. 
"You can go, by yourself, and have as many drinks as you want and stay out as long as you want. Don't let me spoil the fun," you told him. Sure, Max was very calm and collected when it came to racing, but when he went out, he was a whole different person.
"But I won the race," he whined, gently poking you in the stomach and making you laugh. He was really like a child sometimes, but in the most adorable way. "I know you did, and I'm very proud of you, but I don't have the next three weeks off," you told him, and he sighed in defeat. 
"Fine then, I guess you'll be missing out on all the fun," he scoffed, getting of the bed and going to the bathroom for a shower. As he was at the door, ready to leave, he looked over at you, all cosied up in bed and thought it would be better to crawl in with you and watch a movie. 
But, tonight was going to be fun and you'd want to go to bed early anyway. "You sure you don't want to come?" 
"Yes, now go or else you'll be late," you told him, itching to get watching your movie. Just like that, Max was gone and you were watching your movie. 
As the time went by, you slowly drifted off to sleep during the new movie you had just put on. You were settled in your slumber, only to be woken up by the door being slammed and some sort of loud rustling.
Your eyes fluttered open as the lights flicked on, and Max was stumbling around the room. He was just idly giggling to himself as he leant against the wall, and he hadn't yet noticed that you were awake. 
"The fuck are you doing?" you grumbled, irritated that you had been woken up. Normally, Max tried his best to be quiet if he was coming in late, but not tonight. "Oh hey baby, I didn't realise you were awake," he said with a goofy, lopsided grin on his face.
"Well I wasn't until you came clattering in here," you huffed, rolling over in bed to try and avoid the light. "It's not even that late," he argued.
"Max, it's three A.M," you told him, glancing at the alarm clock on the side table. You didn't mind him coming in late, but you did when he woke you up. "And we have a flight to catch in... six hours," 
"It's fine," he scoffed as he threw his jacket onto the floor somewhere. 
"It might be for you," you grumbled back at him, screwing your eyes shut to try and fall back asleep. "I'm sorry," you heard him quietly say and you heard him shuffling around the room a bit. "Baby, I'm sorry," he said, sitting down in front of you on the floor next to the bed.
You ignored him and tried to go back to sleep. "Y/N," he whined, poking at your face and squishing your cheeks. "Max, get off me," you said, trying to swat him away as you looked at his rosy cheeks and ruffled hair. 
"I'm sorry," he repeated as he carried on prodding at you. You knew the only way to get him to stop was to tell him you forgave him and that it was alright. "It's fine," you said, closing your eyes as he finally stopped poking you.
"But you don't mean it though, you're annoyed at me," he complained like a child.
"Just get in bed, Max," you said, just wanting to sleep.
"I can't sleep if you're mad at me," 
"I'm not mad at you, I'm just tired my love," you said to him as another goofy smile spread across his lips. "OK," he said, finally standing and hopping in bed with his clothes still on. But, you couldn't be bothered to tell him to get changed.
"The lights, Max," 
"Oh yeah, sorry," he giggled, getting back up to switch the lights off. He shuffled back into bed, and he fell asleep nearly instantly. And he was snoring. You groaned to yourself, knowing you wouldn't be getting a good nights' sleep like you had wanted. 
George Russell
"I am a fucking champion!" George yelled, jumping on the bed of your hotel room in Brazil. You could only hope the neighbours were heavy sleepers and couldn't hear him.
"George, I know you are, but please be quieter," you told him, knowing you were going to have among night. "I bet Max does this and you don't yell at him,"
"George, I'm not with Max when he goes to his hotel room," you said, confused as to why he would even suggest that. But, he was drunk, so you couldn't expect complete sanity from him. "But I bet he still does this,"
"George, Max doesn't do this. Max celebrates like a proper adult by being quiet and respectful to the neighbours," you said, grabbing him by the arm and trying to drag him off the bed. He had never done this before, but he had never won a race before. 
"Fine, you're no fun," he whined, sitting down on the floor. 
"George come on, get up. It's time for bed," 
"But I don't want to," he whined, lying down and spreading his arms and legs out as if he were grounding himself. "It's late, George," you sighed, knowing you wouldn't get very far with persuading him to function like a normal human being.
"And? I'm a champion, I can stay up as late as I want. Consistency is key, after all," he drunkenly giggled to himself, "Fine, you can stay up, but I'm going to bed," you huffed, hoping that might incentivise him to go to bed with you. 
"Alright, goodnight," he said, still staying on the floor. You didn't say anything else to him, you just got changed, crawled into bed, and turned out the lamp beside you. You heard George rustling around for a second, and then you felt something in front of your face.
Opening your eyes, you could make out George's features through the darkness. You squealed in surprise when you saw him, but you calmed down when you saw it was just George being silly. "George, please, I'm trying to sleep," you sighed, rolling over to face away from him. 
"But you're pretty, I want to look at you," he said, lazily tickling his fingers up and down your back. "Thank you, but you can look at me tomorrow when I'm not trying to sleep," you smiled to yourself. Even if his words were at the wrong time, they never failed to make you blush. 
"I'll go back to the bar so I'm not annoying you," he sulked, getting up from beside you and skulking over to the door. "George, you're not going back to the bar," you said, sitting up and turning the lamp back on. 
"But you want to sleep, if I go back I can let you have some peace," he smiled. He had the right intentions, but the bar was the last place he needed to be right now. "I appreciate that, but you should stay here. As long as you're reasonably quiet, then I'll be alright," 
"OK, I'll just lay here with you for a bit," he smiled, kicking his shoes off and flopping down into bed with you. "Goodnight, George," you said, turning the light back off and trying to fall asleep again. 
It was silent for a few minutes, before you heard his whispers and quiet chants, "I'm a champion, I'm a champion,". You couldn't help but smile at how proud of himself he was, and you were proud of him too. 
You just breathed a bit heavier, and he got the message. "Sorry," he giggled, continuing his chants but just a bit quieter. You didn't want to rain on his parade, so you let him carry on while you tried to fall asleep. Again. 
A/N - I just thought I'd do these little like.. Drabbles for each of the drivers and I have a few different scenarios planned out. I have another part planned with 5 more drivers, but let me know if there's anyone you would like to see in particular! Have a great day!
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whattheheckmidoriya · 2 years
Steeped in Love pt. 1
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Description: Levi Ackerman never expected to fall in love— he didn't consider himself capable of such a thing. But what's to become of his heart when you pull him out of the flames and offer a place for him to recover? What will he do when you barely make it back to him— when he hasn't yet mustered the courage to bear the secrets of his heart?
Pairing: Postwar!Levi x Firefighter!Reader
Warnings: building catching on fire
Word Count: 1,627
Author's note: After so much anticipation, it's finally here! I'm so excited to share more of this with you all, so please enjoy!♡
Join the taglist here!
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"One coffee, black," Levi perked up, glancing away from the delicate cups he'd been so focused on scrubbing clean only to meet a gaze he's become warmly familiar with. "And make it a big one."
He couldn't help but click his tongue, turning back to the task at hand before replying with a plain, "This is a tea shop, not a cafe, you idiot." Scarred lips quirked up subtly at the exasperated sigh that seeped into his ears.
A tired hand massaged your temples as you leaned over the counter, waiting for him to turn to you. "I can see the damn coffee bags, Levi." You sighed, "You know that coffee place down the street is ass— help me out here."
The former Captain hummed, now satisfied with the sparkling reflection on the cup in his hands. Snatching a cloth to dry his hands with, he finally turned to you. The tired pull of your brow wasn't lost on him. "I heard about last night," Looking around, he made sure no customers had been left unattended. He crossed his arms. "How are you?"
A subtle smile tugged at your lips at the note of concern in his words. Your shoulders sagged as you released a weighted breath. "Been worse," What that implied made the man before you frown. You shrugged. "But everyone's safe, and that's all that matters."
Levi would've scoffed, hadn't he bit his tongue. Did you believe he didn't notice the darkening shadows under your eyes? You seemed to waver under the weight of it all just a bit more every day. He wished you'd let him ease that pressure off your shoulders, even just a fraction of it. He'd do it in a heartbeat.
There wasn't a single person in town who hadn't heard about last night's raging fire. It'd been a while since he'd seen destruction like that. He hated that you had been risking it all, staring down at the heart of those ravaging flames while he could only idly wait and read about the more gruesome details in the morning paper. A bitter taste settled on his tongue just thinking about it.
A scarred hand placed a travel cup over the counter, nudging it over in your direction. He quirked a brow at you, prompting you to take it.
You obliged without much of a fight, curiously eyeing the drink before taking a whiff of its scent. Warm. Roasted. Bitter, but sweetened to your liking. A weak smile threatened to curl your lips. "When did you make this?"
Levi shrugged nonchalantly, carefully watching your reaction as the rim of the cup met your lips. Satisfaction bubbled in his chest as he watched you relax into the drink's warmth. "Figured you'd need it," He commented, knowing well how last night's incident had snatched any chance of rest away from your begging hands. He didn't have the heart to point out the residue ash that still stained your cheeks and lingered under your nails. "Brewed it as soon as I opened the shop."
A small breath of amusement escaped you. For someone so obsessed with his tea, he surely knew how to brew your coffee just right. "My hero," you teased, taking another sip from the cup. "What would I do without you?"
This time, Levi allowed himself to scoff. He leaned over the counter, eyeing you under dark lashes. "You'd be choking on that shitty coffee from down the street."
You sputtered as a laugh soared past your lips. He still hadn't gotten used to such a wild melody. How exciting. A new glow flashed behind your eyes, a dazzling little thing that tugged at his heartstrings.
"Hey," you smiled, adjusting the collar of your jacket before sliding some money across the counter. "Thanks for the coffee, seriously."
Levi shook his head as he shoved the bills back in your direction. "It's on me," He cleared his throat, his gaze advising not to challenge him. "This town doesn't need the Captain of its fire department passing out in broad daylight."
You grumbled under your breath, stuffing the money back into your pockets. "Then how about I pay you with some dinner?"
At that, the former Captain froze. You chuckled at the sight.
"Nothing serious, I promise," You raised your hands in feigned surrender, gaze softening ever so slightly. "Just something to show my appreciation for the best tea shop owner in town!"
Levi rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, "You mean the only tea shop owner in town."
Shrugging, you leveled him with a teasing look. "My point still stands," Courage bubbled in your veins as you leaned on the counter, agonizingly close to him. "Let me pick you up tonight. We'll grab something to eat, and I'll have you back before you know it, okay?"
"Aren't you busy?" He knew how unpredictable your job could be— he also knew how exhausting it could be.
You groaned in feigned annoyance. "I'm off of work early today, and tomorrow's my day off!" A pout settled on your lips. "Please, just let me do something nice for you."
Levi sighed, glancing over to the clock on the wall. It's starting to feel like a rather slow day, he had to admit. Mismatched hues glared at you with little bite. "Be here by seven," He stepped back, returning to the task of scrubbing the dishes clean. "I won't be up all night waiting for you." A blatant lie, he knew.
A sense of victory warmed your chest, and you couldn't help but subtly fistbump the air in celebration. Levi snickered. "I'll pick you up at six-thirty," you clarified with a grin. Getting ready for your leave, you once again grabbed the travel cup. "Oh, and dress warmly tonight! I hear it'll be cold." You shouted over your shoulder before stepping through the door and out of the shop.
Levi could only shake his head and bite back a smile as he watched you walk away.
Anticipation pooled in your chest and spilled down to your stomach as you drove down to Levi's teashop. Lucky bastard. Of course, he would have his apartment just above his shop. What you'd give to live so close to your job and avoid the treacherous drives into the heart of town.
All day, you'd been planning the evening, fine-tuning each detail to perfection. You'd take him out to dinner, have him try out some desserts, and if his leg permitted it, you'd offer to go for a walk around the city market. It'd been made clear that Levi preferred simplicity, and you didn't mind savoring a bit of it either.
A gentle tune crackled and poured out of your radio, the sound sweet as it seeped into your ears. You smiled, glancing at the scarf you'd gotten for him. It's been cold out lately. Supposedly, it would be even colder in the evening. A small gift such as this wouldn't be too much, right? You shook your head. It'd be best not to overthink it in case your courage trickled away.
A frantic clamor disrupted the melody, flooding your car. You frowned as you watched people rush out of their houses, jumping the last few steps off their porches before going off in a sprint. How strange. Their shouts drowned out the tune of your radio, something vile and fearful twisting in your stomach as their voices echoed in the air.
"What's going o—" Your eyes widened, chest constricting at the sight of smoke. A puff of gray rose to the sky, dark and angry, showering the town in ash. Silent prayers tugged and yanked at your heartstrings as a new weight of urgency settled over the gas pedal.
When did screams of panic replace the angelic tune of your car radio? When had your anxiety gotten the better of you, pushing your foot just a little further down, the rush not enough to propel you forward as quickly as you wished? When had the home of so many smiles and fleeting glances turned into a flaming coffin?
Hastily abandoning your vehicle, you rushed through the crowds, fear clawing viciously at your back as you stood before the beloved teashop. The once comforting aroma of tea and sweets you became so familiar with now withered away under the attack of raging flames. Your lungs stung bitterly.
"Is he still in there?!" You asked the first person you could get a hold of. "Is Levi still inside?" You pressed, hating the sour taste of desperation.
Your answer came in the form of wide eyes and a choked cry.
The crackle and pop of the wooden structure snapped you out of your panic. A quick look at the upper level of the building suggested the fire hadn't fully reached his apartment as of yet. A new sense of determination overshadowed your fear as you sprinted back to your car, grabbing the scarf you'd gotten for the former Captain.
With no time to rush back to headquarters for your equipment, you came to the dreadful realization that your team might not have gotten notice of the situation as of yet. Odds dictated that the situation could worsen before they arrived.
Frightful screams rang in your ears as you rushed past the crowds. Perhaps you were thinking ahead of yourself. Perhaps you weren't thinking at all. Maybe something other than fear was pulsing through your veins, chilling and addicting in the most dangerous ways. Whatever it was, you savored it fiercely.
You promised Levi a nice evening. Making sure he was okay was vital for you to fulfill such a daring promise.
Covering your nose and mouth with the scarf, you greeted the flames like an old friend as you plunged into them.
🏷 Levi Ackerman taglist
@leviackermanmyhero245 @violet-19999 @celestair @ms-sin-city @ghostly-haunted @andrastesbeard @ikisstoga @izukus-gf @Bluetima @lemonboi69 @aconstructofamind @figlia--della--luna @imjustasimpxd @notgoodforlife @bubsonnobx @a10vely-yutazen   @Just-sana @Loca-raccoon @Hjnhuh @geese-goose18 @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @crbin-quinn
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vvolfy · 1 year
The brothers + MC at the mall (in the human world)
Lol, these hc’s were also brainstormed by @absoluteyeet​ and @stardustursa​
American malls, for the win LOL
Divider credits to @rubystarraven​ (if its not okay I can take them down they’re just super cute!)
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Would spoil MC without hesitation, and especially of the risque variety.
   Reluctant to tag along because he would have to babysit his brothers (as usual)
   Would visit stores that specialize in formal wear, (appearances matter), expensive colognes.
   MC drags him into Bath & Body Works, but he doesn’t stay for more than 5 minutes before he loses his sense of smell and develops a headache.
   The type to stand outside of stores with his arms crossed, only to say he isn’t rushing anyone. (he is)
   He’s like a cranky old man. From complaining about the malls music choice to criticizing anyone that passes him.
   Any food vendors that sell fine chocolate would pique his interest.
   100% avoids mall vendors. You want to fix his D.D.D? Too bad so sad. Mammon already scams him. He doesn’t need another.
   Bookstores (Barnes & Noble) would be his go-to.
   As would antique shops. Those are his favorite.
   Would be the first to leave the mall. Honks at the rest to hurry up.
   A MC plushie from Build A Bear would perk him up, I think.
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  Has a coin purse, despite being broke. Lucifer takes it and hits him with it when he makes bad choices.
   Obviously cannot be left unattended. (Do your job MC)
   Spoils MC unconditionally after stealing Goldie back. (Spoils himself as well.)
   The type to haggle prices.
   Has been kicked out of most stores for haggling/stealing.
   Food? Yeah. Like everything else, it goes on Lucifers tab please.
   Resorts to stealing and gets caught.
   Tries to steal cologne from Bath & Body Works while MC is shopping, only to spray himself in the eyes.
   Makes MC at Build A Bear, makes MC pay for it.
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   Only tagged along to go to Gamestop, Hot Topic, Spencers, and for the Asian food vendors. Otherwise he is being forced to go. Send help.
   On his phone and switch the whole time, headphones on full blast. (He’s a pro at playing and walking.)
   “I guess I’ll h-hold your hand MC. N-Not that I like you o-or anything-- y-you’re just so n-needy you’ll hold a filthy Otakus h-hand--”
   “Can we go now?”
   Talks MC’s ear off at his favorite stores. (Always listening ofc)
   Due to sensory reasons, he avoids Bath & Body Works, though he’ll wait outside for MC.
   Loves stim toys. Walks out of Hot Topic with a bag full of em.
   You can find him at the arcade! Claw machines are his favorites!
   He would share Dippin’ Dots with MC.
   Would go to the pet shop to see fish and snakes ofc
   Would go to Barnes & Noble for the mangas, duh
   He would spoil MC in his own way. “It’s not like I l-love you or anything! I just didn’t want y-you to feel left out! Ugh!”
   I think he would love Build A Bear. He would so build Lotan and Henry, and carry them everywhere. He would also love a plushie of MC.
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   In this for Barnes & Noble or any bookstore really.
   Actively avoids the others. (Except for MC)
   Loves the cafe in B&N, would eat croissants with the blackest coffee while reading.
   Lucifer physically curses Satan to follow him if he doesn’t leave w/ them.
   Accompanies MC where ever they go/want to go. (Spoils them too.)
   Would stop at the pet store to see the cats. Expect him to be there for a long while. Cats > you.
   Stops at Bath & Body Works for warm scented candles.
   Like Levi, Satan would LOVE stim toys.
   Starbucks 100%
   Would go to the movies with MC to watch movie adaptions of books.
   The last to leave the mall, by closing time. Lucifer is angry.
   Leaves with like, 50 new books.
   Loves a cat plushie from Build a Bear, though a MC plushie would be better.
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   Would live in a mall for eternity if he could.
   Takes his sweet time in every single store.
   Manipulates a few human lackeys to carry his and MC’s bags. If he can’t find anyone, then Beel would suffice.
   Takes MC to Sephora or Ulta to spice up their vanity wardrobe.
   Would definitely take MC to Spencers for the risque stuff. ;)))
   Bath & Body Works spree. (He has a huge collection of their products, duh.)
   Would make MC at Build a Bear 100%, along with a bear of himself. (Rose bear for him!!!)
   Wouldn’t splurge at the food court tbh, he doesn’t want to get dirty.
   Would be the one to help MC choose fashionable clothing. (Lingerie, etc)
   Though he does his own nails, I think he would still go to the salon w/ MC to both get their nails done. Mani/pedis, duh.
   The type to try every. single. beauty. sample. in existence.
   If you thought Mammon was a heavy spender... lol
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   “Hey MC, I’m hungry.”
   Pulls MC to every food vendor until they flood a table with various snacks and food (Onlookers are shocked)
   He would carry MC’s bags to exercise so long as MC feeds them.
   His way of spoiling MC would be sharing his food, but I think he’d also buy MC stuff, like what he sees them taking an interest in, you know?
   Would definitely hit the gym or martial arts training, whatever available in the mall at the time.
   For additional exercise, carry both Asmodeus and his bags.
   Would mistake soaps and candles at Bath & Body Works for food. Lord help us.
   Better dip with Mammon before Lucifer kills the three of you for embarrassing him. (And that shoplifting charge)
   Carries MC anytime they say their tired, or when MC wants a piggy back ride lol
   Would love any food related plushie MC gets him, though he eats it because it looks too realistic.
   Frequently checks on Belphegor who decides to sleep on a massage chair.
   Helps MC reach the taller shelves.
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Tired Edge Lord(TM) didn’t want to go until he was yoinked into Spencers by MC. More face jewelry for him. Plus some quality time with MC is always best. (Works at Hot Topic too)
Finds a massage chair, falls asleep instantly.
(If) Lucifer manages to get him out of the chair, it’s a team lift.
Will wake up to MC or food, or both. Both are nice.
If he’s awake enough he would love it if MC shared their Dippin’ Dots with him.
If he has enough energy he would gladly hold MC’s hand as they walk together.
He would definitely be a candle man, and would love the soft scent candles Bath & Body Works sells.
Would love Build A Bear like the others. Cow plushies, and a plushie of MC are ideal to snuggle with.
Loves stim toys like Levi and Satan do.
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Rejection over coffee? How cold. (Asa’s Pride Month Oneshot🏳️‍🌈!)
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A/N: Hi guys! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Lost of stuff happened and I just kept on adding to the story just to make sure it was coherent. Other than that I’m kinda glad about how this oneshot turned out. I hope I did it justice since Asa should be the first oneshot because I seldom see AroAce rep in media.
“Thank you for accepting my invitation, Miss Sakamaki.”
The young lady walking by his side gave him a curt nod in response, stray blonde curls escaping from the small bun she tied on their way to the cafe, framing her face, “There is no need to thank me. You offered and I accepted your invitation.” He could not help but chuckle at her response, already familiar with how blunt she can still be, even after work. “It seems so. There is a coffee shop I’ve been going to frequently. Their coffee has a unique aroma that you might enjoy.” He ponders to her, taking her silence to continue talking.
She stops in her tracks. He almost didn’t notice. Just barely.
“Since when?” she asks, closing the distance between them.
He had already halted in place, breathing in the cold air and her much colder and authoritative tone, “A month, the café is thirty years old, it sits in an idle street, and they have few regulars.” The report left his lips easily, a practiced routine he has grown accustomed to when working with her. “How many of them are there?” she asks again, tilting her head to the side, not breaking her gaze on his face. “Seven, most of them are adults. They all arrive at the café at separate times. Only early to late noon.” He continues, ending his report with a sigh, the tension in his shoulders dropping.  
She looks up at him, craning her long neck just to continue pinning him under her gaze.
“So, they close early,” she remarks.
He already knows that she never looks to him for reassurance or comfort on the matter. n all the years they stood together, she never faltered, always carrying herself with ease, leaving no invitation for vulnerability. Solace was never something she looked for, not from him, at least. Or anyone, if he lets himself ponder further in the matter.
“Yes, that’s right. Shall we?” He averts his eyes from hers, feels as if he lets himself gape at her face any longer, his slow heart will race through his years.
It comes as no surprise to him or anyone in the Demon World or even the Human World for any matter, that Asa Sakamaki is beautiful, truly. The elegant kind that he would associate with classical paintings in museums he would visit, the kind of beauty he finds so lovely that it leaves him with almost nothing to say nor comprehend in his head.
All of this, yet he would not dare to say out loud or even attempt to preserve in paper and ink.
Whenever he tried, he would find himself faltering, just barely at the edge of risking it all.
He was afraid and still is. There was too much to lose.
It was his duty to report to her, to lend his hand in the most important, yet often overlooked task of ensuring that vampires remain a myth to the humans forever. 
To discard any traces left by their fellow kind, reckless as they are. Leaving any indication of their existence unattended for anyone with a brain to piece together.
He had sworn to her all those years ago and had intended to keep his promise, not letting a single piece of information slip from his grasp no matter how insignificant it seemed, to sort and sift one report at a time, as accurately as possible, to be laid out before her eyes to study.
He would have given Asa Sakamaki anything if she had asked.
Yet she had never asked for his heart. Nor his affections.
And yet, it’s still with her.
His heart leaps as a smile graces her face, a rare sight for him. “Lead the way.”
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“You look rather anxious, are you alright?”
“No, I’m quite alright. Again, thank you for accompanying me, Miss Sakamaki.” he lied, he was nervous and surprised at both his ability to muster up the courage to invite his colleague over for drinks at a small café sparse of people and the fact that she even accepted his offer was something he would have never expected from her considering the amount of time she would dedicate to her work despite his efforts on aiding her on any of the smaller tasks. “I see, the pleasure is mine. If anything, I should be thanking you for inviting me since I seldom give myself the time to not work in the first place.”
A quiet laugh left his parted lips, taken aback by her unexpected quip. “Yes, I suppose you should, shouldn’t you?” he continued to chuckle until he coughed into his hand, attempting to compose himself before her. “Would you like something to eat, maybe drink first? I’ve had coffee here before and I enjoyed it ever since.” she nodded at his offer, “If you say so it must be right. I’ll just have coffee for now, thank you.”
He gave her a nod before standing up on his feet to give their orders to the young man behind the counter. “Yes, I’ll just have that, thank you. My companion and I will just have our orders over there.” The vampire points over to where Asa sits, face curtained by gold curls as she looks on by the window.
Curious, the young man followed who he had pointed to, and his brows raised. The young man remained quiet, speaking only to tell him that his order would be delivered in twenty minutes or less, much to the vampire’s relief. How he wished he had something to anchor himself as he found his way back to her, just a seat across from hers.
“Miss Sakamaki, Asa,” His voice hitches when he lets himself use her given name, “I have come to know you for a long time. We have worked together ever since you arrived in Japan,” under the Vampire King’s wing, he added in his head, though he could not find it in himself to bring it up to her, she would have motioned him to stop otherwise.
Or worse, she would have glared at him to silence.
Any vampire smart enough would have guessed why family is a sore subject for any Sakamaki.
Instead, he simply resorted to folding his hands together as his eyes met her’s again.
“Yes, we have, your support is and always has been appreciated,” she confirmed, her gaze now completely fixed on him, still polite and elegant with her hands neatly folded together. “Tell me, is there anything weighing in your mind?” she asks again, concerned, so easily he had to steel himself from impact. He let in a short breath before continuing, “I… I’m sure that you would have guessed that I have thought highly of you over the decades. I admire you more than I could possibly say…” 
Her brow raised, then furrowed in confusion, “Hm?”
Although vampires have a pulse, it is weak, a stagnant river in comparison to the overflowing stream in a human’s veins, yet he felt like he was caught upstream, his eyes squeezed shut, close to drowning in his thoughts before he could tell her that-
“Sakamaki Asa, I wish to court you, if you would have me.”
The words left his lips before he could ever hope to take any of them back, the dam had already broken, spilling his affection and admiration like cards laid out for her to decide whatever she may do with it.
“This… Is this so?”
Her question rings in the café’s tranquil atmosphere, hushed by the blood rushing to his face.
Ringing in his head.
He tries to quell his dread, force his eyes to open, and look at her. It was the least she deserved, what he could offer after placing her into this predicament. Grasping onto hope that she never felt pressured or even obligated to say yes to him.
Yet here she was, still seated across from him, hands neatly clasped together, light sapphire eyes widened ever so slightly. Her cheeks did not flush red or pink, retaining their pale smooth surface since they stepped foot in the café, mush to his dismay. He fears that he won’t even receive a reply to give his heart any closure.
“I see…”
She pauses for a moment, leaving him waiting with bated breath.
“I cannot accept.”
The words washed over him as quickly as they had left him there in shock. Deafening him to the world around him with nothing to anchor him back to the reality he lives in.
It was over, wasn’t it? 
And so quickly too.
Maybe he shouldn't have told her.
How can he go to work the next day?
“…na… ta”
“Two coffees for Hinata Watanabe, correct?”
“Hinata’s” eyes darted toward the source of the voice calling for him, a waitress standing over him, and Asa, with eyes narrowed in his direction. “Yes, that’s right, my apologies. The black coffee is for me, espresso for her.” “Hinata” bows lightly, embarrassment washing over him, she must have called him several times, forced to hold a flimsy tray and their drinks as he spaces off.
He's such an idiot.
As he takes a sip, thankful that his brew was not hot enough to burn the roof of his mouth, he finds himself unsure of what to do to the new silence washing over them. Should he have pressed further as to why she could not accept? Was it better to leave his questions unfinished and let himself guess as to why he could not have a chance even to court Asa?
Was it because Karlheinz, king of the Demon World would not have his firstborn niece marry a man who was barely even considered high-middle class?
“Miss Asa?”
Hinata felt as if someone stuffed his mouth with cotton, “May I take a leave? For work, that is.” 
Asa looked up from her coffee, to look at him, mildly surprised at his sudden request, “… you never asked for any days off…”
He knows, he never did give himself any rest from her work, but neither did she. Hinata didn’t want to bear the weight  of their work all on her own. Guilt swallows Hinata’s mind as he steels his resolve, “I just need to clear my mind, Miss Asa. I hope you understand…”
Silence envelopes both vampires, leaving the sound of coffee brewing and utensils clinking together as other customers lounge in their seats.
Her lips pursed together in a thin line. “I understand…”
“… I’ll be fine take care of your part of the work. So rest assured.”
Hinata could only give her a bitter smile in return, “I’m sorry…”
Asa’s pale hand finds his, grazing his skin with her feathery touch, “Don’t be, I should be thanking you for… this… for everything.” 
Looking down at her hand on his, Hinata finds a sense of relief in this small gesture, letting himself close his eyes for a moment before he raises her hand to his lips. He counts his luck when he noticed she never pulled her hand away from him and his affections that he will need to bury deep in his heart.
“Don’t push yourself, Miss Asa.”
Hinata smiles into her skin and lets her go.
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“Your eldest sister might become a spinster at this rate, don’t you think?”
Amaya lets out a huff at the fedora-clad vampire, “Oh that’s just rich coming from you, Laito. No, no, it’s not like everyone in the manor can smell at least five different girls on you every night, no, no, that’s definitely not the case.” she waves her hand around as if to prove her point as Ayato lets out a laugh at her unexpected comment, much to Laito’s dismay. “Ayato-kun, don’t laugh, aren’t you supposed to defend your brother? How can you let her say that to your own flesh and blood?” Laito lets out a dramatic whine when his triplet swats his hand away, “Tch, I ain’t defending you for shit.” Ayato snarks back, still snickering at Amaya’s quip. “Hehehe, The Grudge over there can actually come up with something funny for once. Ore-sama can give her respect for that.”
“Tch, as if you can come up with anything better.” Subaru scowled under his breath and roll his eyes at his older brothers, but decided to save the bickering for the moment, “So you haven’t seen Asa lately?” he asks Amaya, she frowns at his question, slumping back into the old velvet of the sofa, one of the oldest pieces of furniture in the manor he has yet break in a rage, if he remembered what Reiji told him.
“Well, I do see her, just not as often lately. Busy with work and all.” Amaya pondered carefully, twirling her inky strands between her fingers, “I don’t know how to describe it, other than telling you she has been acting kinda off.” Amaya pauses, tugging at a lock of hair, “Akemi even agrees with me, so I’m not alone on this!” she adds quickly, still doubtful of her limited observations. Ayato scoffs at her, “Hah? Crazy Eyes has alway acted like that, hasn’t she?” He counters, “I’m telling you, she needs some guy to remove that stick up her ass-“
“Anything else you want to add, Ayato?”
The red-haired vampire turns to the sound of a new voice behind him, his green catlike eyes meeting her sapphire blue’s, flickering like embers, waiting to catch fire. Laito lights up at the sight of the blonde, “Relio, isn’t this a lovely surprise? Feel like joining us for a chat?” He purrs, letting his hands slowly trail down to his lap, petting it, “Come sit right here, wont you? I promise I’ll behave.” He coaxes her softly, ignoring Subaru glaring daggers at the back of his head, his fists clenching as his nails dig into the fabric of his seat. “No, in fact, I was just passing by to go to Asa’s room, if you would excuse me, Laito.” Akemi huffed in response, glaring at the fedora-clad vampire before walking her way up the stairs.
Taken aback, Akemi halts in her step to find her youngest sister calling after her. “Are you going to try and ask Asa what going on?” Amaya asks, the concern in her voice apparent to her. Akemi’s gaze softens, “I’ll go try and talk to her, I’ll see you at dinner, okay?” she gives her sister a smile, hoping that would be enough to reassure Amaya who only nodded in return.
Making her way up the hallways she had long memorized in the back of her mind, Akemi knocks on her sister’s door.
“Asa, are you there? I need to talk to you.”
No one answers. Akemi knocks again. Harder.
‘How odd’ ,Akemi swears she can feel Asa’s presence behind the door. That and there is warm light pooling out of the door’s gaps. Most likely from her ancient study lamp that seems to run on the power of the sun. It burns like the sun too, considering she had touched it once when she would lounge at her sister’s room on any other uneventful day.
“Even if you’re not going to answer me, I’m coming inside!” Akemi hollered, her hand reaching for the knob, waiting, giving her sister one more chance to at least respond to her call.
 A faint but very familiar voice replies from the door between them, “Just mind your step”
 “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Opening the door, Akemi is greeted with an unexpected surprise. Something Akemi would have never guessed her sister be so capable of as she makes her way in the dimly lit room, the desk lamp being the only source of light, still burning bright enough for her eye to see.
Her sister’s room is a complete mess.
“Well, would you look at that, did a hurricane hit your room? Care to tell me, sister dear?” Akemi let out a short laugh at the absurd situation she find herself in, bending down to pick up the papers strewn about on the floor, fluttering about as if they’re butterflies in the wind that takes them everywhere but her sister’s desk. “Trying to channel your inner Hamilton?” She jokes, inspecting the sheets of paper covered in her sister’s sharp writing.
“I’m busy.” Asa answers curtly, returning to the parchment in her ink-stained hands, haphazardly grabbing random pen strewn across her desk. “Leave those papers be, I’ll handle them in a bit. I’m just about done here. Only one more left” She adds immediately after hearing the shuffling of files behind her back to see Akemi placing them on her bed, on top of her blankets.
“Alright, alright, don’t point your pen at me. I’m wearing the dress I just bought a week ago.”  Akemi raises her hands in mock defeat, letting the papers fall from the covers, slithering down to the floor again. “You were never this busy, Amaya is getting worried.” she could hear the scratching of the pen halt, finally getting Asa’s attention again. Bringing up their youngest sister never failed in stopping either of them in their tracks. “Japan may be smaller than Europe but don’t you think it’s too much? Didn’t Uncle hired Hinata to help you?”
Asa tenses at her sister’s words. “He requested for a temporary leave. Something personal.”
“That’s it? Just like that?” Akemi asks, “He left with no reason?” Her eyes narrowed, clearly suspicious of the eldest’s evasiveness , “Can’t even come up with a reason why?”
“Its the truth.”
Sighing, Akemi grabbing a stool from the vanity, plopping both the stool and herself right next to her eldest sister. ”Did he confess to you already?” She asks, not caring if it was wrong or not. Akemi normally would make a game of prying the truth out of anybody, yet in all honesty, she was already tired of dancing around with questions when her sister is throwing herself back in work in whatever underworld she has created herself.
Taken aback, Asa turns to her, “You knew?”
“I have eyes.” Akemi chuckled, finding some humor in her sister’s obliviousness. “Thought he’d never tell you, considering you worked together and all. Would have been awkward” she adds, much to Asa’s dismay. What a predicament her sister found herself in, Akemi would’ve never though she’d see the day. 
Asa let out a deep sigh, pinching the skin between her brows at “I never knew… How was I supposed to have known he…” she murmurs to herself, her head collapsing into her table with a soft thud, “How did this even happen?”
“Did you love him?” Akemi asks, nudging her shoulder, already having her fill of fun at her sister’s expense, “In a way you wanted to be intimate with him?” Asa raises her head from her desk, looking more lost than Akemi had expected. An unusual sight for her.
“I… I don’t feel the same way…”
Akemi raises her brow. Clearly confused and unsure who she could possibly do to help.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try another question, maybe a few, “You never loved anyone? Kissed? Anything?” Akemi asks again, and again, knowing she can at least name a handful she had loved and lost to time. Mortality was cruel, and longevity is another kind of hell humans strive for.
Didn’t matter, the way most of those loves ended were her fault anyway.
But what about her older sister? What about the people she loved that Akemi and Amaya never got to know? Before they were given another chance to start over together?
Asa shakes her head, “No, no one.”
“I once thought that perhaps I might pursue that kind of love, when I would finally stop focusing on surviving until tomorrow… I thought I might want settle down like how our mother and father did.” Asa groaned, running her hand down to her face. “But I didn’t, I had no desire for it. It’s been years, Aurelia. Decades.” she continued, letting out a deep sigh as she faces Akemi, “I don't think I’ll ever understand it… perhaps I’ll never understand.”
Blinking back her shock, Akemi looks at Asa in awe, surprised by her words. Acts of vulnerability or any stories of when they were separated were never shared. Too much pain under the ugly scars long mended with time buried deep down to their bones. Yet here Akemi was, sitting next to her sister as she let herself open up to her.
“I… I don't think there’s anything wrong with feeling that way…” Akemi voices out, still unsure of what she could even say. “Look at me, most of the men who ogle me on the streets are complete crap. Following me, asking me to drink with them, you're not exactly missing out on anything.”
Bursts of quick laughter left Asa’s lips, leaving a breathy and pitched sound in the air.
“Maybe so…” Asa smiles, feeling a bit of weight leave her shoulders. “It’s just that, Hinata… I’m mostly worried for him,.” she winces at the memory, remembering the aroma of coffee wafting over her nose. “I was never as good with my words like you or Amaya.”
“I’m sure he’ll understand… maybe I might have to help you when his leave is over-“
A knock on the door interrupts the two sisters before it was open slightly ajar, revealing Reiji. “Asa, do come downstairs to help me set up the table in approximately fifteen minutes. Dinner will start shortly.” He states cooly, looking over at the pair of blond vampires staring back at him as if he intturupted their conversation. Although he did, both of them would not tel hm otherwise. “Ah yes, and Akemi, fold and sort the laundry downstairs as I have washed them yesterday. Make sure to bring clean clothes back upstairs in their respective rooms.”
Rolling her eyes, Akemi stands from her seat, “Guess we can try to come up with something later. Want to talk after dinner?”
Asa gives her smile, it reaches her eyes “Of course.”
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jay-avian · 1 year
7 Snippets, 7 People
Thanks to @the-broken-pen for tagging me! Seems simple enough.
Our Intrepid Detective
I looked out the window and took another sip of my coffee. Looking down into the city streets this early in the morning is always so serene. The usual hustle and bustle just starting to wake up, the sunlight just reaching above the rooftops, the cool fog just clearing out from the streets. All the saints and pretenders are getting ready to be ministered to. But I will be ministering to the sinners.
Kraken's Bane
Despite the old song, there are many a fool who choose to venture out into that vast hellscape. Greedy for power, control, freedom. Sometimes, those fools are rewarded. But sooner or later, they all end up paying a price they’re too poor to afford. They delve too far, cursing the gods for bringing doom down upon them. But they know as well as any that it was themselves who brought doom with them. This is the story about men who went too far.
Elduin stumbles back and falls to the ground, barely catching himself. He raises one arm up in defense. “Listen, I can explain-” “YOU LEFT HER!!” Mattias screamed, voice cracking, fists clenched at his sides. “She loved you more than anything in this world and you left her! And now she’s lost because of you! She went looking for you and now…” “Listen, I- I didn’t have a choice.” “You had every choice! You could’ve stood them up, could’ve ditched ‘em. But you think your duty is more important than the love of your life.”
In Love and War
He chuckled again. “I’m sorry your Highness,” he says standing up. “But I’m afraid I can’t let you pass just yet.” “And why not?” she asks, drawing her sword. “I have to give you a little test first.” An even bigger grin spreads on his face as he steps closer. “Test? Do you know who I am??” Eliza spreads her wings out. Instead of having insect wings like most of her race, she was born with blue jay wings.
All the soldiers stopped and looked at the chief. Some stood silent, others whispered amongst themselves. Thalra tilted her head and gave a slight grin in both amusement and disbelief. “I’m sorry, what did you call him?” “Moonscale. That’s his name.” “With all due respect, I think you’ve got your dragons confused-” “I know his name, I gave it to him! Now what happened??”
Village Of Dragons
As they were talking, a grey, rather bulky-looking drake was climbing through the kitchen window and into the house. It was clumsily making its way over to the counter and the unattended plate. It hoped to not get the attention of the people living there, but it couldn't help knocking over everything in its path. Shane's mother was the first to notice the intruder falling on its back as it left the windowsill. "Oh goodness..." she sighed with a little smile. "Looks like you have your second customer."
Silvyr the Just
"I see no enemy base, sir. Only a small village." "That is the base," said the lieutenant. "They're hiding themselves away among commoners, traitors who would make their homes a haven for those heathens." "But sir, what will happen to the civilians? The women and children?" "The same that happens to all who defy this country. You have orders just as I. You are expected to follow them, Bryman."
Alright, now I would like to ask @at-thezenith @annachronistica @jarrickdexum1991 @caffeine-bee @twistthing @aohendo @arctic-oceans to join in on the fun! Happy writing!
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ruins-and-rewritez · 1 year
Morning is undoubtedly the worse time of day. The brillant sun destroying the comforting wrap of darkness, birds of all shapes and sizes squawking back and forth until the night of peace is shattered.
Coffee is truly sent from the saints or whatever other deity might hold dominion over the skies and land below. How else could the magical properties with the bitter liquid be explained.
Nina wakes up blearily wondering if such a gift will be waiting for her once she actually manages to make her way toward the kitchen. Matthias near always brews a pot of the stuff when he wakes at his normal unnatural hours of the morning.
Instead of taking a minute to stretch out and let her mind adjust to being awake Nina sits bolt upright at the bedroom crashing into the wall.
Matthias has the decency to look abashed at his unintended affront to her ears and soldier's instinct so early. But the wooden tray he is carrying more than has the potential to erase the scare from her mind.
He scuffs his way over toward her, apologetic of the way he startled her, and places the tray down gently on her lap.
She surveys the platter questioningly, not quite sure of the occasion. Coffee steaming and creamy, sprinkled with cinnamon. Sliced and glistening Fjerdan winter peaches. Stroopwaffles. Flaky and golden, covered in shining red syrup, topped in whipped cream.
"What's all this?"
Matthias flushes, an endearing nervous trait he's picked up over the last months when he's attempted something romantic or affectionate and doubts that her response is going to be positive.
"I made breakfast. Or I tried too."
Nina still isn't quite sure whether or not this is a dream but she gives him a shimmering smile. "Tried too? It looks wonderful."
He winces slightly as if the comment has wounded him, "I didn't actually make it."
She tilts her head in confusion, breakfast clearly settled and ediable on her lap. "Oh?"
Matthias nods. "I wanted to I really did. I woke up early and thought it would be nice. And I remembered stroopwaffles were your favorite and thought I'd try my mother's recipe and see if maybe you'd like them this way."
He hesitates then, as though there's more but he isn't intent on sharing the rest.
He won't meet her eyes when he answers, "I burned them."
Nina isn't sure whether to laugh or comfort him at his completely unnecessary stress over such a little thing, "so where'd these ones come from."
"A resturant, in town," he admits this as if it were the worst crime in all imagining, as if they hadn't broken into the world's most secure fotress/prison to kidnap a political prisoner for their own gain.
She can't help the stuttering laughter that escapes her, as if she would damn him over a simple meal that he'd purchased from another person rather than having cooked it himself.
Matthias makes to leave as if she's dimissed him from her life only to be stopped by her tug of his sleeve.
Nina pulls at him until he leans down enough so she can place a soft kiss on his lips, "thank you for breakfast, love." She yanks him down further so he'll sit beside her and begins to attack the meal.
She hands him the fork occasionally, sharing bits and pieces of waffles and peaches between them, but she keeps the sweetened cup of hot coffee to herself.
Nina listens, the picture of affection as Matthias describes his kitchen mishaps that proceded having to go into town to provide a meal that wouldn't poison her.
He'd wanted to make the waffles with a special blood maple syrup from a rare tree that produced red sap rather than the normal honeyed brown syrup that you would get from down south in Ravka or even Kerch.
He'd poured the batter into the mold and settled it over the flames wo cook while he worked on the syrup. And then, before he knew what was happening the waffles were burning so he left the boiling syrup unattended only for that too to burst in flames.
It was a lost cause, so he'd made the trek into town so at least he could offer her something worth eating.
Nina grinned at him, pressing another kiss to his cheek before taking his face into her hands, "Matthias, I love you, but please, for both of our sakes, let me cook the stroopwaffles next time."
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slutforsilverfoxes · 2 years
You glanced up from your clipboard, abandoning your sketch of the team’s next pyramid formation at the sound of a small huff. Grace Williams dropped her custom drawstring cheer bag next to you, plopping down beside it.
“What’s up, monkey?” You tucked a strand of her pretty brown hair behind her ear, using the pet name you’d inadvertently picked up from spending so much time with her father. You had first met Danny at back-to-school night when Grace was in your seventh grade class. The two of you had bonded over your mutual love of his daughter, how intelligent and resilient she was and how she managed to stay positive despite ongoing changes in their family dynamic. As luck would have it, Grace happened to be in the cheer squad you volunteered to coach the following summer, and the three of you had been inseparable since.
“Danno and Uncle Steve are at Tripler again,” she grimaced, waiting for your reaction.
Your jaw tightened at the reference to the army medical center. Danny’s partner was a walking danger magnet, always getting him into life-threatening situations that you feared one day surgeries and stitches wouldn’t be sufficient to rectify.
The Navy SEAL was arrogant and headstrong, he refused to admit when he’d made a mistake, and he was the most gorgeous man you had ever laid eyes on.
You couldn’t stand Steve McGarrett.
Rolling your eyes but trying to mask your emotions- Grace loved her adoptive uncle and you didn’t want to mess with that- you stood and inclined your head toward the parking lot. “C’mon, we’ll wait for them at The Palace.”
Jumping up from her spot in the grass, Grace scurried to catch up with your long strides. “Can we-”
“Get Starbucks on the way?” you finished her question with a smile. She simply grinned in response, knowing you could never deny her when those sweet little dimples popped out and she turned those doe eyes up to level 10.
Over the past two years, you had come to love Grace as though she were your own daughter despite being just double her age now, at 30. Given the nature of her father’s work with Five-0, more often than not you were the one picking her up from school, spending evenings with her at Danny’s house at opposite ends of the kitchen table, Grace doing homework while you graded assignments. Unless she was at her mom and Stan’s, but that was another story.
You crawled your way along the drive-through, ordering a frap for the teen and coffees for yourself, Danny, and the nuisance Steve.
Taking a sip of your life-renewing cappuccino, you mentally tallied the number of hospital visits the two men had racked up this month alone, your annoyance with the SEAL growing with every mile on your odometer as you approached The Palace. By the time the glass doors opened revealing the partners in crime, you were charged up and raring for a fight.
“What did you do this time?” you demanded, staring McGarrett down, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
“Why do you always assume I did something?” Steve asked, incredulous.
“It’s always you,” you, Danny, and Grace answered in unison, receiving an eye roll in response.
“Why do you insist on waiting here, huh?” he challenged you with that dumb smug face you swore he reserved just for you and interrogations. “Can’t you just drop Gracie here and get back to terrorizing local children?”
Your jaw dropped and his own twitched with mirth, having successfully gotten under your skin. “The only terror here is you, Steven.” His smirk quickly dropped into a frown. He hated when you called him Steven. “At least I don’t leave minors unattended in unsafe locations, unlike some people!”
“It was one time!” he defended himself, recalling the event that you were no doubt referencing. He had been helping Grace train for a marathon at her school and left her on the corner of his street to chase a car down on foot.
Granted it was his car, and it was being stolen, but still.
“And given that this place is literally teeming with cops, I think Gracie would be just fine here by herself for a bit.”
“One time is too many! And don’t act like you haven’t been attacked here or held hostage here before.” He opened his mouth to contradict you with some dumb excuse and you held a finger up, unwilling to hear it. “Also,” you flung your arm out to indicate the arsenal behind you, “a literal wall of very not safe weapons!”
“You know I wouldn’t touch that,” Grace offered gently, trying to calm you down.
Your heads snapped in her direction, both of you instructing, “You stay out of this!” She rolled her eyes in response, walking over to her dad to check out his newest stitches that would result in yet another cool scar.
“If you’re not going to be more careful yourself, at least don’t get Danny involved,” you demanded for the umpteenth time. “He’s always coming home with scrapes and scratches and the occasional GSW. I have to keep a suture kit in the guest bathroom because of you!”
Steve tried to hide the smile that came to his face at your use of the cop jargon, disguising his delight by swiping a hand over his face in feigned irritation. He would never in a million years say it out loud, but your mouth looked so pretty when you were mad, your anger usually directed at him. He couldn’t help but think about how pretty your mouth would look turned up in a smile, or kissing his own, or around his-
What were you talking about again? Sutures.
“It’s good practice,” he shrugged, standing with his legs spread wide and his arms crossed, a dominant stance that would’ve made your knees weak had you not been so rigid with pent up anger. “Keeps your fingers nimble. You’re welcome.”
“What is the matter with you?” you exclaimed, beyond exasperated. “Were you dropped on your head as a baby or something?” You were vaguely aware of Danny muttering Been saying that for years, but your attention was trained solely on Steve’s stupid crossed arms and the stupid way his stupid veins were bulging out of his stupid biceps.
“You,” he looked down at you with that goddamn smug face of his and you resisted the urge to kiss him punch him, “are annoying.”
“Yeah? Well, you- You’re incorrigible!”
“What, you think you’re gonna win cause you use big words? Oh great, yeah, gold star for Y/N."
“Don’t think about it too hard, your head might explode.”
“Don’t you have homework to grade?”
“Don’t you have municipal property to destroy?”
“Oh, get a room you two!” Grace yelled, fed up with your quibbling.
All three adults’ heads swiveled in her direction and her cheeks flushed.
“Why does my daughter, my sweet, innocent, perfect little monkey, know that phrase?” Danny turned his attention on you, head cocked in a challenge.
Grace made panicked eye contact with you because she definitely hadn’t learned it from marathoning Sex and the City with you. Definitely not.
“She’s fifteen, Danny,” you gently reminded your friend that despite his denial of her growing up, it was happening whether he liked it or not- and covering your own ass simultaneously. “Anyway, I should get going.”
You lovingly tweaked Grace’s nose and kissed Danny’s cheek in goodbye, slapping McGarrett’s arm as you passed by and holding back a gasp at the feeling of rock hard muscle beneath your fingertips.
“Yeah, you walk away!” he called out to your retreating form, and you could hear the infuriating smirk that was no doubt adorning his annoyingly handsome face.
Refusing to take the bait, you yelled, “I’ve got more important things to do than stand around arguing with you all day, Steven!”
Like angrily fantasizing about his muscles rippling beneath your hands as you-
Nope. Not going there.
Hours later, you were seated on the floor of your apartment in front of your couch, trying and failing to focus on the stack of papers before you. You couldn’t stop thinking about the way Steve’s eyes would light up when you hurled a clever insult at him or ignore the fact that your fingertips still felt like they were on fire from touching his bare skin.
Fucking hormones.
You debated texting your best friend, but what would you even say? Hey Danno, I don’t hate Steve, I’ve just actually got the hots for him didn’t seem to cut it.
Another hour and a glass of wine later, you decided you couldn’t take it anymore, snatching up your keys and driving over to his house before the logical part of your brain could stop you. Mustering up your resolve with a nod of your head, you made the short trek up his driveway to the front door, then promptly turned right around. What the fuck were you thinking? 
As you stepped off the porch, you heard a soft creaking and Steve’s low voice. “Y/N?”
You swore your name had never sounded more beautiful.
You turned back around sheepishly and gasped at the sight before you. Steve stood barefoot in his doorway clad in an old Navy tank and basketball shorts, a thick white bandage on his left shoulder. “You’re hurt,” you pointed out rather brilliantly.
“This is nothing.” He shrugged it off as if a bullet wound was a mere paper cut and you felt your heart twinge, realizing how much pain and brutality he must have seen during his service.
“But you got shot today, Steve,” you said more forcefully. And all I did was yell at you about Danny being hurt.
Taking a swig from the beer in his dominant hand, he nodded with a laugh, “It would appear so.”
Hearing him laugh at your concern, your guard went back up and you turned around quickly, muttering, “This was a mistake.”
“Hey!” He caught up with you in seconds flat, his large hand curling around your arm and turning you back to him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed. This kind of stuff isn’t normal for you.” 
His face softened at the worry in your eyes, breath catching in his throat as you lifted your hand to gently run your thumb over the gauze. “I wish it wasn’t normal for you either. Or Danny,” you added quickly, pulling back your hand as if you’d been burned for the second time today. You suddenly felt lightheaded at the sheer closeness of his body and his intoxicating smell muddling your senses. “I should-” You pointed your thumb over your shoulder. “I’m gonna go.”
“Y/N,” he stopped you again, this time grabbing your hand. The corner of his mouth quirked up in a smile and he inclined his head toward his house. “Wanna come in? We can have a beer, talk at a normal volume for once.”
The intensity of his gaze, those beautiful ocean blue eyes trained on you, stole your breath away. “Yeah,” you nodded. “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
The next morning, Danny stopped by Steve’s house after dropping Grace off at school as he did every day, stooping down on the porch to scoop up the little brown box sitting there. Making his way through the living room to the kitchen, he called out, “Hey babe, brought you a pack…age,” his voice trailing off as he noticed a very familiar figure standing at the stove wearing a blue Navy shirt emblazoned across the shoulder blades with McGarrett- and little else.
“You brought me something?” Steve moved forward to retrieve the box, squinting at the scrawled handwriting across the top.
“No, it’s from the UPS fairy. What is this?” Danny asked, accusatory finger darting back and forth between the two of you.
“Took your daughter's advice,” you shrugged simply, smiling to yourself and turning back to salt your scrambled eggs. “She’s a smart girl- hey!” You smacked Steve’s hand away with the spatula after he snuck a morsel of your yet unfinished eggs.
“What’s the matter with you?” he asked indignantly, face drawing into a familiar frown. “You spend the night here one time and suddenly you’re the boss of my kitchen, huh?”
“You can’t wait two more minutes? You’ve got the self control of a seven year old child!”
“I just wanted a taste. Wanted to see if it’s worth keeping you around,” he smirked, and your eyebrows shot up.
“Oh ho ho,” you chuckled, narrowing your eyes at him. “You want a taste? I’ll give you a taste, McGarrett, you insufferable-”
Danny reached behind him to pull the front door closed with a sigh. Some things never changed.
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sukirichi · 3 years
sweet lies [03.final]
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His lies were way too sweet – and you were too addicted to make him stop.
cw. toxic! megumi, SEXY TOXIC MEGUMI 🥵, toxic college settings, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasm, orgasm denial, explicit smut, car sex, biting, scratching, sukuna is a sex god, MEGUMI WITH A LIP RING, slight angst
note. FINALLY FINISHED THIS SERIES AAAAHHH I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS I HAD A LOT OF FUN WITH THIS SERIES TYSM FOR EVERYTHING! lotsa lub lub for each and everyone of you! anyways let me just say...sweet lies sukuna can politely rail me.
series masterlist | 01 | 02 | 03
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It’s…a different story when you have to move back and forth between your newly made acquaintance slash fuck buddy, Sukuna, to your actual fuck buddy and crush, Megumi.
Sukuna’s polite enough to not meddle into your business as he’s promised, which you’re extremely thankful for, but you should’ve known the bubble of happiness would pop the moment you stepped out of your apartment. You’ve left your phone unattended and on silent, earbuds always placed inside to ignore Megumi’s calls.
It’s funny, actually, that he’s never replied much to you before other than occasional dick pic and ‘you awake baby?’ but ever since you’ve been…pre-occupied, suddenly you’re on top of his contacts.
You grumble at the vibration of your phone, Megumi’s name flashing on the screen. Back then, you would’ve soared and jumped to pick up the call, voice sultry and toes pointed at the ceiling as you try to keep in your giggles. Now, you’re dreading it, glaring at his annoyingly handsome contact icon that used to make your heart skip a beat. You’re studying in the library and have been doing a terrific job at avoiding him so far, and today won’t be any different.
With a sigh, you completely flip your phone upside down and turn back to your book. You’re on the second line of the paragraph when you feel large, warm hands caress the back of your neck, tilting you upwards to meet his curious – and certainly annoyed – blue eyes.
“Babe,” Megumi drawls out, minty breath fanning your cheeks.
He looks absolutely stunning today, plain and casual yet so handsome in just a black hoodie and sweatpants, his dark hair slicked back to reveal his forehead. For a guy who sure pounded into your skill he had no interest in you that went beyond sexual, he sure did know you well enough, the slight tugging of his lips a sign he could easily read through you. It makes you huff away from him, scooting – trying is the keyword – away from his touch. Megumi’s persistence leads him into you placing you right above his lap and cages you between his arms, chin on your shoulder and his breath floating over your ear.
You can’t help but squirm in embarrassment. Half of the students in the campus library have turned to look at you, and Megumi merely smiles at the attention, audacious enough to kiss the shell of your ear.
Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him! In reality, you really do want to fuck him.
“Why have you been ghosting me?”
“I wasn’t ghosting you, Megumi, it’s called being busy. You ever tried doing homework?”
“You’re so mean to me today,” he pouts, but that pout soon brightens into a smile when you scowl at him. Megumi, albeit never really paying attention to you, your facial expressions have registered as second nature to him now. It doesn’t take much before you soften under his hold, still as mushy as ever, and the nasty fucker basks in it proudly. “There’s a party tonight at Okkotsu’s house, said his parents were away in Greece or some rich family shit. Wanna come and get wasted with me?”
“I don’t know, Megs, I have an essay to finish…”
“Come on, it’s just one night. It won’t hurt,” he shrugs and sways you to side to side, causing your heart to sway side to side in giddiness. It’s this – moments like this – that really fools you into believing Megumi likes you. And that sweet lie only turns sweeter from his words that drip like honey, “Plus, I’ve missed you. Can’t think straight when we’ve been apart for too long, baby.”
You pretend to think about it.
That slight falter in a split second brings about a waver in Megumi’s confident you didn’t think would be possible. Not that you can blame him; you never did have to think about it whenever he invites you to fuck around with him. In fact, you say yes a lot faster than he can ask you something, but something’s been changing you lately – or rather someone.
In the end though, you’ll circle up right where you belong.
Relishing in the rarity of having Megumi coddle you with kisses and affection, his perfume still as boyish and vanilla that deluded you into his faux aura of a sweet boy, you melt one more time. Hopefully, it would transition into a one last time before Megumi’s completely wrapped you around his finger.
“Fine. I’m leaving if it’s too noisy though.”
“Awesome,” Megumi chirps, pulling you in for a long, solid kiss. It takes you back by surprise that you end up wide-eyed above him, stiff hands on his shoulders as you feel him smile through the kiss. Then, just as you’re about to kiss him back with the same passion, Megumi separates himself from you and squeezes your ass. “Promise we’ll have fun, babe. I’ll even bring extra condoms.”
You’re not surprised he left afterwards.
But are you hurt? Most definitely so.
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Fuck Fushiguro Megumi.
You were going to leave him, block him, ignore him, avoid him, and carve him out of your heart for good. It’s what you deserve – to be freed from such a toxic guy like him. His pretty face shouldn’t be an excuse for you stick around any longer. That party…well, it would be your last one, you’re never going back!
Still, it’s not that easy to let go. Years of following him around with puppy eyes and spreading your legs open for him like it’s the most natural thing to do isn’t just going to disappear in a day.
It’s for closure, you lie to yourself. That’s all it is – you just need closure. So for one last time, you’ll fuck around with Megumi, then you’d leave him. For good this time.
And yet – your mind still races back to him. His throaty, boyish laughter and the stupid way his eyes crinkle into half moons, his large hands slapping his knees when you tell him a really silly joke. Okay, he didn’t really laugh that much because he’s already passed out in the times you crack jokes after sex, but the few times he did, though? It’s magical, beautiful, phenomenal.
He’s so awful yet so irresistibly charming it’s a huge tug of war between your rational mind and foolish heart.
You couldn’t focus anymore in the library. If you wanted to pass your exams, you need to be somewhere that won’t remind you of him, in a place where a stronger aroma would conceal his lingering scent. The best option was to hang around in a local café closer to your apartment than on campus, and you’ve completely ditched your usual get up to just opting for lookinglike a complete shut in – bags under eyes, heart torn over a stupid boy, the usual Iced Vanilla Latte with the condensation sticking to the wooden table and soft lofi music playing in the background – it’s just the perfect atmosphere for you to wallow in self-pity.
And wallow in self-pity you did, your cheeks squished against the pale furniture while you sighed for what seems like the hundredth time that day. At the back of your head, Megumi is still giving you one of those slow, long kisses reserved for only when he’s half-sleepy, your heart doing insane back flips as you reminisced whatever moments you once had.
You’re so lost in your own train of thought you fail to hear the scraping of a chair, followed by a heavy body plopping across you. “Well, this is kind of gloomy…”
At the sound of that awfully familiar, deep voice, you sit up straight in a frenzy. Sukuna smirks at your reaction as he loudly sips from his matcha latte – which you would’ve never thought he likes – and sits back at his chair, legs crossed against one another. Unlike Megumi, he doesn’t seem to pose any other malicious intent, so you bury your head in your arms, wishing for the ground to just open up and eat you already.
“I’m sleep deprived and haven’t eaten anything except Red Bull and coffee,” you try to explain, “I look horrible.”
“Don’t say that. You’re gorgeous all the time.”
From under your arms, you scowl at nowhere in particular, ignoring the heat rushing from the back of your neck. Sukuna didn’t seem to be flirting with you, and one peek at him swirling his straw inside his cup proves your theories.
However, the offhanded compliment falls so naturally from his lips it takes you a back, and not in a good way. Defensively, you cross your arms against your chest. You knock your toes against Sukuna’s knees under the knees to get his attention, the taller man peering at you under his lashes, tongue innocently swirling around his straw.
I fucking hate men! – is what you want to say, but something different comes out. “Why are you even here? Aren’t you asleep in the morning because of work?”
“It’s my day off,” he sets his cup down, placing his chin on both of his palms. Sukuna’s gaze travels from your face down to the abandoned papers before you, a scowl immediately making its way to his face.  “Got too bored to cook so I came here for a light snack. As for you…ew, are you doing essays? I hated that shit in college.”
“Yeah, I hate it too,” you numbly agree, “Can barely function right now.”
Sukuna’s eyes lit up the moment you nearly fall on the table again, his palm quick to caress your cheek. If he can feel the intense heat of your skin from the sudden gesture, he makes no comment about it. Instead, Sukuna hauls you from your seat, nodding to your bag and papers before he rushes you out the door.
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When Sukuna said he could make you feel better, the last thing you thought of was going to the nearby park. Now, you find yourself sitting comfortably with him, aggressively licking on the vanilla ice cream he’d gotten you from an ice cream man that passed by. It’s a great way to kill the time – or just to enjoy the day despite the rough start – because the sunlight feels warm on your skin, the trees above you shading you from extra shade.
Next to you, Sukuna is surveying his ice cream with the least interest, his brows furrowed as he notes, “Your crush is toxic. I suggest you cut ties with him and get it all over with.”
In part of making you feel better, Sukuna’s subtly given you clues you could tell him whatever’s going on in your mind. It makes you wonder if maybe you’ve been that obvious that even Sukuna could read you, but you’re thankful that he understood, because you really did want to rant about it. Your friends are just a one call away, but they’re not any better. They’ll keep claiming ‘Megumi just needs time’ because they know it’s what you want to hear to make yourself feel better. Though, every once in a while, you needed to talk to someone who could actually slap the harsh reality at your face, and who else would be more suitable than a mature adult like Sukuna?
Looking at him now, the contrast between your roommate and your crush is immense. Where Megumi is all bark and no bite, all needy and never giving, Sukuna’s silent and compliant, an extremely good listener with the patience of a monk.
“It’s not that easy.”
“Yeah it is. Just block his number and avoid him. He’ll get the answer soon enough.”
“You don’t understand,” you groan in defeat. Sukuna faces you with worry written all over his face, seemingly tender in comparison to the tattoos marking his skin. Sometimes, it’s so easy to forget he’s actually a lot more decent than Fushiguro fucking Megumi, but you end up slipping anyway, turning to the sky just as tears prick at your eyes. “I…I love him, okay? I’ve always been in love with him even though I know I’m just someone who warms his bed. I know that much and yet…I can’t seem to let him go.”
Sukuna is silent for a full minute. You thought he’ll offer you some adult wisdom only people like him would now, but Sukuna simply snorts, happily licking at his ice cream as if you didn’t just break down in front of him. “Shit’s tough then.”
“You’re great at comforting, you know that?”
“Oh, I wasn’t comforting you,” he smiles and pats your knee, “Come on, let’s go home. I know just how to take your mind off things.”
With the way he’s caressing your thigh and his voice turned an octave lower, you chastise yourself for feeling aroused when you wanted to cry just seconds ago. But his fingers are inching closer and closer to your inner thigh, and he’s warm and strong – so fucking nice too that perhaps fucking him wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
But like always, Sukuna never fails to surprise you.
You expected he’d take you right to his room the moment you’ve crossed the door, but Sukuna dashes for the TV before carrying a huge blanket and heaps of pillow. You watch there, stunned. He makes quick work of fluffing the pillows before grabbing your wrist and pulling you above him the same way Megumi did a while ago.
The only difference? Your heart doesn’t skip a beat. You’re not intoxicated by his scent. You’re not trying to squirm away from him nor do you feel like a silly little schoolgirl who’s fallen in love at first sight.
Where Megumi is deceivingly charming, Sukuna is more like a strong pillar to lean on, which you do exactly. Your head rests on his shoulder, both of your legs tangled under the blankets he’s covered you with. He’s blinking as Tangled plays on the TV, the faint sensation of his fingers playing with yours comforting and way too comfortable. It should feel weird to hang out with a guy like this without him wanting to shove his dick deep inside you minutes later (your movie marathons with Megumi never really finish as previously planned) but with Sukuna?
It feels natural. It feels great. It feels like home.
You’re gaping at him long before you realize it, one of your hands absentmindedly playing with the strings of his hoodie. Sukuna hums along to I Have A Dream with a small smile on his face, one that forms into a playful glare as he catches you staring at him. “Don’t look at me like that. Disney is a classic.”
You fight back a smile. “Wasn’t complaining,” burying yourself deeper into his warm embrace, you’re lulled into an early slumber with Sukuna’s humming combined with the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
His plan worked efficiently – for a moment, you forget your heart was aching to begin with.
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After screaming internally for a good hour and a half, you arrive at the party anyway. The stench of weed, alcohol, and sex hanging thickly in the air is more than familiar to you by now. You ignore the catcalls you receive as you make your way to Megumi and fuck, he just had to look even sexier tonight.
He’s ditched his e-boy getup with a plain white shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, a Converse, and that black leather jacket he always refused to wear. Megumi really woke up and chose violence today, the minimalistic silver chain around his neck only adding to his appeal. You should’ve run away then – he literally screams trouble – but you’ve never been one to shy from that. Truth be told, you’re only pulled in harder, swaying your hips side to side as you sashay to where he’s laughing along with his friends.
Clearing your throat to get his attention, Megumi finally lays his eyes on you.
You’re glad you took the extra time to dress in your best outfit today – a lace orange mini dress that accentuates your cleavage just enough for a tease, paired with black combat boots and a white purse slung from your shoulder. Pride pumps through your veins when Megumi steps away from his friends, his hands encircling around your waist almost possessively. He smirks through your hair, those addicting lips trailing lower and lower down to your neck until, “You smell like another man.”
Now that you weren’t expecting. He doesn’t seem to be mad, perhaps a little jealous judging by how he’s grinding his crotch to your abdomen and tugs you closer, but this is Megumi in the question. He never gets jealous, so you flatten your palms onto his chest, eyes daring and red lips upturned into a smirk as you ask, “Why do you care?”
Megumi raises a brow – which really shouldn’t have been such a sexy thing – at your spunk. Normally, you’re too sweet and submissive to him, never would’ve even dared to dress something as revealing like this, but maybe you’re tired of being sweet.
Maybe this time, you wanted to match Megumi’s spice, fight fire with fire.
Megumi chuckles above your lips and swipes a thumb over your lower lip, humming when the coating doesn’t stain his fingers. He’s mentioned before he hates washing the lipstick off his dick, and the fact you remember that has him groaning at your ear. Unsurprisingly, Megumi’s already hard. He nibbles at the shell of your ear, possessive hands brushing over your collarbone as a silent promise of what he’ll be doing to you tonight.
“Like I said, this pussy is mine.”
You should say no. It’s evident in the darkness of his eyes he’s daring you to say no, but it’s too much. The cramped space that diminishes space until it becomes a myth, his hands rubbing circles at your hip, the glint of his new lip ring under the disco lights and anything, everything about Fushiguro Megumi just makes you feel so weak you can’t say no.
Satisfied with your silence, Megumi sweeps you upstairs. There’s already a round of Truth or Dare going on with a bunch of drunk and half-high college students, the lights red and the aroma of weed thick in the air.
It bothers you so you stick close to Megumi, nose stuck at the collar of his leather jacket. He’s not satisfied with just you sitting next to him; Megumi is territorial. He makes sure you’re comfy and using his lap like a throne, clasping both your hands in your lap while he boredly stares at his friends. Okkotsu Yuta, the host who used to be super shy in his freshman year but became one of the most sought after guys in his junior year, sits across from you in the circle. He’s already giggling in his drunken state while Nobara Kugisaki makes the mistake of choosing dare, flinging her bra straight at a very enthusiastic Yuuji.
They spin the bottle and it lands straight at you. Megumi hums in anticipation at the crook of your neck, his little sounds mixed with his heated touches sending fire straight down your core. It’s inebriating to have him this close, but you need to keep a straight head if you want to survive.
Fighting the arousal pooling at your stomach, you offer a flat smile. “Truth.” As expected, the crowd isn’t pleased. They holler, “Booooo,” with their hands cupped around their mouths, the others snickering at you, though you’re quite satisfied with the safety of your choice. You could be crazy with Megumi, but being crazy around others isn’t something you’re comfortable with.
Thankfully, Yuta shushes the crowd dramatically with a threat he’ll kick them out with his infamous Katana that’s been passed down by an ancestor. Once everyone’s calmed down, Yuta smirks at you, eyes wiggling as he asks, “Who’s the best dick you ever had?”
You don’t think twice about it. Someone else’s face pops up for a split second, but it’s so natural, so obvious that you would say – “Megumi.”
“Speak louder, baby, they won’t hear.”
“It’s you,” you suddenly grow shy at the attention, whatnot with Megumi shamelessly trailing hot kisses down your neck now for everyone to see. He’s shameless as he rocks you back and forth on his thigh, all the while keeping eye contact with the other guys whose eyes are zeroed in on the swell of your breasts that are an inch away from popping out from your dress. It’s the best time to submit, the perfect time to give him what he wants, and his expert hands prompt his name out of you with a single suck at your neck.
“Fushiguro Megumi.”
“Damn, Megumi, you’ve trained your bitch well.”
“’Course I did. My dick does all the disciplining,” Megumi cups your jaw to tilt your face at him, cooing at you as you flush embarrassed from everyone’s snickering. “Aw, don’t pout baby, it’s all just harmless jokes. You know I treat you like a goddess when we’re alone.”
“Yo, man, get a fucking room!”
Megumi ignores Yuuji’s comments and makes an offhanded comment the latter is just jealous because he hasn’t had his dick wet in days, ensuing a close dog fight between the guys. Maki has to step in and kick the strawberry haired boy back to his seat, scolding her cousin to back down. Meanwhile, you cling to Megumi like a scaredy-cat, head empty with nothing but the way he’s never hold you this close and proudly before.
Just one last time.
“Megs, your turn.”
Yuuji slaps his palm over Yuta who usually gives the dares. The older guy rolls his eyes but lets it slide, knowing that Yuuji could also let loose with his dares. Megumi isn’t afraid though, he stays docile around you, leaving little nibbles at your ear and even squeezing your boobs at one point. You know he’ll never back down from Yuuji’s dares, even as his eyes darken with mischief. Now, Yuuji is a nice guy, but something doesn’t quite feel right with the way he’s staring Megumi down.
“I dare you to kiss the hottest girl in the room.”
Megumi freezes.
Time must’ve stopped because everyone is chanting, “KISS, KISS, KISS!” but he makes no move. You stay there, staring up at him wide eyed with your arms looped around his neck. Your heart is beating a mile a minute in your chest the moment Megumi’s eyes gaze down to your lips, smirking as he leans closer, leans down lower, and you close your eyes, waiting for the salacious kiss that would sear at the back of your mind. But it never comes and a gust of wind flies by through you, and before you know it, Megumi’s leaned over your shoulder, his hand cupping the cheek of this girl named Alicia who you’ve heard about from your friends before that she’s Megumi’s current pick.
Alicia was never supposed to kiss him back. Your friends told you, they promised you she wasn’t the type of person to fall for the likes of Megumi, and yet she’s smiling through the kiss. You’re still in Megumi’s lap but your vision is of the audience, their jaws dropped and Yuuji slapping Yuta’s thighs. “Oh, shit! That’s gotta hurt!”
You don’t think twice.
You push yourself off Megumi and run out the room, the sounds of their chaotic laughter mocking you to no end. You know – you fucking know – you’d never quite belong in Megumi’s circle. Everyone knows you’re just another one of his bed warmers, and they also know how much you’re hopelessly in love with him, begging, hoping that one day he might return your affections.
It makes perfect sense with each step you take further from the room. This has to be staged, intentional, because there’s no way Yuuji would’ve said that if he didn’t already have an idea maybe Alicia reciprocated Megumi’s feelings.
But what about your feelings?
Does no one really care? Were you really reduced to just another body count?
Your chest squeezed uncomfortably as you pushed past the crowd, ignoring everyone’s protests from how rough you were. You don’t stop until you’ve locked yourself inside a restroom, tears freely falling down your face. With trembling hands, you fall back to the floor, dialing the only person you could trust right now.
He picks up not three rings later, voice still gruff and laced with sleep. “Hello?”
“S-Sukuna,” you whimper, pathetically wiping your tears away with the back of your hand. “I’m – can you please pick me up?”
From the other line, you can hear Sukuna shuffling for something in the background. Keys dangle and he locks the door, the sounds of his rushed footsteps so relieving to your senses. “Where are you? What’s wrong? Did someone force themselves on you?”
“No, I just…I want to go home.”
“Text me the address. I’ll be there soon.”
You text him the address and end the call. From the outside, the bass is thumping so hard it makes your head pound. You’re already feeling dizzy from crying so much, hands clutched around your chest because it hurts so much.
Stupid Megumi, fucking stupid Megumi – but aren’t you the stupider one? You’re the one who chose to keep being with him despite the warning signs. You’ve heard what everyone said about him, his reputation as a fuckboy isn’t exactly a secret, but you hoped, you sincerely hoped you could at least be good enough. But you’re not not good enough – Megumi just simply doesn’t deserve you. You deserve better and he needs to go to hell, so then why does it hurt so much the more you picture how he’s humiliated you like that?
Your dress is beyond soaked from how much you’ve cried. At this point, you just feel achingly numb. The pounding in your head is matched by the soft knocks rapping against the door, and thinking it’s Megumi or one of his lackeys, you wrap your arms around your knees.
“Sweetheart, it’s me. Open up, let’s get you home,” It’s Sukuna. Scrambling for the door, you push it open and jump into his arms without a second thought. Sukuna effortlestly catches you, and the dam you thought had dried up in you breaks again. He stiffens as you cry on his shoulder, fists balled around his shirt in a vice-like grip. “Who the fuck made you cry? Is it him again?” he growls, “I seriously want to knock the living daylights out of him.”
“Don’t start a ruckus, Sukuna.”
“I won’t, I promise,” he visibly softens at your state. Sukuna rubs your back soothingly and lets you cry like that, shielding your vulnerable state with his arm. He moves you to hide your face in his chest and kisses the crown of your head, so gentle and unbelievably tender. “I don’t pick on someone weaker than me. That’s bullying.”
You don’t utter another word as he leads you out of the house. He mutters under his breath on how kids are so wild these days and he really can’t imagine he was once like that. Sukuna’s car is parked on the curb, and you rush for it, eager to go home until he stops you. He wraps his jacket around your shoulders to offer you some modesty and you offer him a weak smile, allowing him to embrace you from the sides to guide you.
“Hey!” Megumi calls out, “Hey, what are you doing with her? Let her go,” his footsteps echo behind you just as you clench your eyes shit, “I said let her go!”
“Don’t punch the kid, don’t punch the kid, don’t punch the kid,” Sukuna mutters to himself like a mantra.
“Yo, steroid guy, you deaf or what? I said let my girl go—” Megumi falls on his ass. He stares up at whoever punched him, eyes wide at Sukuna’s arm raised, but his eyes are on you. “Ow! You fucking bitch, you broke my nose!”
“Shit,” Sukuna laughs beside you as you wince at the soreness of your knuckle. “That was hot.” Somehow, you find the ability to smile. You’ve always wanted to top Megumi, but seeing him below you like this, weak and clutching his broken nose while whining about it like a little bitch, it feels a lot more satisfying.
You want to scream at him, to release all the profanities that have manifested your anger throughout the years. But Megumi crawls back with something unreadable in his eyes, the edges of his lips tinted red with a smack of lipstick, probably from Alicia.
The sight has you scoffing. Maybe you don’t have anything to worry about after all – Megumi hates lipstick stains with a passion. If he ever gets with her, they won’t last long enough.
That fact is enough for you to flip your hair over your shoulder, glaring at Megumi one last time before dragging Sukuna down by the collar. His laughter ceases the moment your lips collide, your hands teasing around his neck to brush at his undercut. Sukuna moans through the kiss, the way he’s explicitly grabbing the flesh of your ass a sign he’s aware what kind of game you’re playing. You make a mental note to apologize for this later, but for now, you’ll shamelessly savor his tongue and the minty aftertaste, grabbing at his large frame that picks you up with no ease.
You leave Megumi gaping at the lawn after that, your finger middle raised right before Sukuna speeds off.
Fuck, that has never felt so good. This feeling…it bursts through you. There’s this certain satisfaction in finally having the power at your fingertips this time around, and you you’re your wicked smile through your hair, too absorbed in your own feelings that you don’t register Sukuna’s worried tone at first.
“So…do you want to talk about it?”
“No.” He doesn’t pry afterwards, just shoots you a curious look. Just moments ago, you were crying and feeling like you’re on the verge of breaking down, but this adrenaline rushing through absolutely cannot fuck around anymore. The image of Megumi realizing he’s lost you is so exhilarating, and you twist your torso to face your roommate, grinning at his handsome features. He looks so delicious like this, black button up shirt left open at the top, his veiny, muscular arms driving one hand on the steering wheel and the other gently caressing your thigh. You suck in a deep breath, licking your lips as you purr, “Hey, Sukuna.”
“Pull over.”
“Wait, why? We’re so close at home.”
“Pull over, I’m done,” you insist with a glare, although the animosity isn’t directed at him. Sukuna keeps his eyes on the road before he spares you a glance, smirking at how you’re already unclasping your bra from your seat.
“Oh, I see how it is. You’re going to use me as a stress reliever.”
At his words, your arms still behind you. You glance up at him with wide, worried eyes that immediately reach out for his hands in assurance. “N-No, I didn’t mean—”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Usually, sex is a lot crazier when the other is angry. Use me as you will – I don’t really care,” he licks his lips and suddenly slams on the brakes under an empty parking lot, already flipping something in the engine. You’re taken aback as Sukuna discards his shirt in a second, his large arms carrying your frame to the backseat with him. Sukuna spreads your legs as he helps you get rid of your dress but it’s too tight that you just give up, leaving the material bunched under your boobs instead. Sukuna’s eyes darken at the lack of material under your dress, his fierce gaze shooting up to yours as he massages your inner thighs, his breath labored.
“What position do you want?”
“Fu-fuck, I don’t know, just fuck me,” you whine, spreading your legs farther to make space for him. He’s a tall guy with long limbs that he shrinks even with his fancy car, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it. Sukuna seems a lot more focused in fucking you in that moment because he’s unhooking his belt, diving down for one more kiss that is a lot heated and rushed than the previous one for show.
“I want to get rid of his face from my mind, I fucking hate him so much,” you can’t help but bite down on Sukuna’s lip, hard enough that it draws blood. Sukuna groans into your mouth, the sound so utterly deep and sexy you drip down on his seats even more.
“You’ll still go back to him after this?”
“No…it would be stupid if I did,” you roll your eyes.
“Good girl,” Sukuna praises as his lips leave a wet trail from your jaw down to the valley of your breasts. His smile is quickly replaced with a sinister grin, one of his hands cupping your breasts at the same time his teeth dart out to playfully nip at your breasts. He really shouldn’t look so enticing under you like this, and you’re so caught by his devilishness you fail to realize he’s already rummaging through your purse. “But I think lover boy still doesn’t get the message. We’re gonna have to punch it through his dumb skull.”
He hands you your phone, Megumi’s contact right before you.
“Sukuna, what’re you doing?”
“Call him,” Sukuna moves up to fish a condom out of his wallet and slides it to his already throbbing cock, chuckling at the way your eyes widen at his girth as if you hadn’t taken him before. “Call him and let him hear how I fuck you better, sweetheart. Boys like him won’t get the message unless you tell them directly.”
His hands clutch the backseat until his knuckles turn white, aligning himself with your entrance. You’re wet enough that he slides in easily and you moan loudly at the intrusion, pretty little gasps a sign of your pleasure. Helplessly, you grip at his bicep while your legs shake from how tense you are, the tantalizing movement of his hips pulling breathless moans from you. “And what better way than to take what’s his, right? What did he call this? His pretty pussy?” Sukuna scoffs, “Fuck that, stupid little boys can’t even fuck you right, don’t you think, sweetheart?”
“Ngh, Sukuna, that f-feels good, right there!”
“Right here?” he teases with a stroke of his cock that brushes against your tight walls. Sukuna’s face contort into pleasure when your tight pussy sucks him in, falling forward just to rasp in your ear. “Call him. Then, I’ll fuck you however you want me to.”
You don’t know how you’re able to swipe on Megumi, but he picks up in the speed of light like never before. Sukuna mouths loudspeaker and you follow his commands, Megumi’s voice booming through the sex-filled air of the car. “Where the fuck did you go? The party wasn’t over yet and you’re hanging out with some beefy, tattoed guy? It’s your roommate, isn’t it?” Megumi curses at someone before continuing, the aggravation evident in his tone. “He’s such a fucking creep, I swear if he lays his hands on you again I’ll—”
“You’ll do what, kid?” Sukuna challenges, “Oh and mind you, she’s the one who asked me to fuck her. As her concerned roommate and the more mature adult, I believe it’s my duty to listen to her complaints and make her feel better, especially when she keeps whining she’s not being fucked good.”
“Sukuna!” You whine and slap his arm, but you’re smiling, the pleasure and satisfaction of slapping Megumi this harshly making you feel greater than ever.
“Are you sleeping with her?” Megumi sounds like he’s losing his shit, and you sincerely hope he does. “Gosh, Y/N, how low can you be? I thought you were my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend? Since when?” you attempt to scream, but Sukuna’s gripped your thighs and pulls your lower body closer to his cock in time to meet his thrusts. Your body slides off the seat and you’re left screaming Sukuna’s name, the latter wearing a shit-eating grin at the way you’re creaming around him. Somehow, your attention reverts back to Megumi’s whining. “You’re a fucking dick, Megumi, I honestly hope you choke on your small dick!” you shout and end the call, slapping your hand on your face as you throw your phone away. “I hated saying that.”
“Because you still like him or…?”
“No, because he was actually a good fuck and his dick is huge,” you say through pants. Sukuna must’ve hated how you’re talking about Megumi’s dick when he’s literally rearranging your insides, and Sukuna grabs your leg, manhandling you into the position he likes. You’re immediately on your knees with your back flat to his chest, your arms locked between your bodies as Sukuna takes you from behind. Your head falls back to his shoulders where Sukuna leaves messy open-mouthed kisses to your sweaty skin. “I fucking hate him. He’s such an asshole.”
“Hmm, well don’t spend too much energy thinking about him anymore,” Sukuna snarls at your skin, releasing your hands just to rub at your swollen clit. “Just let loose and let me take care of you. I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t even remember meeting him.”
The honest side of you wants to moan, the familiar tightening of your abdomen appearing already. He’s hitting all your sensitive spots that you can barely think, only feel, but you also feel so powerful and enraged that you cup Sukuna’s cheek, narrowing your eyes at him. You hit his thrusts by pushing back against his cock that causes him to slide in deeper, the large man groaning deep within his chest.
“You sure about that?”
“Oh, hundred percent confident, baby.”
“Let’s see what you got then,” you teased him. Pretending you’re not seconds away from coming is an even bigger challenge than leaving Megumi, but for the sake of riling up Sukuna, you would do it.
“You’re challenging me?”
“If I don’t cum at least twice, then that’s going to be a damn shame.”
“Twice? That’s not even the minimum,” he shakes his head tauntingly at you, increasing his pace until the sounds of his balls smacking your ass and both your groans are filling the dead silent night. It’s so lewd and dirty that your tongue lols out from the pleasure, eyes shut tight because you’re close, so fucking close! “You’re going to lose your fucking mind,” Sukuna said as a final warning.
You didn’t think too much of it until he pulls out of you seconds before you came. The crestfallen look written all over your face makes him laugh, but Sukuna only turns your body and goes down on his knees, hitching your legs over his shoulders. Your chest falls up and down as he dives down to your sopping, abused cunt, hands threading through his hair before he rudely flicks it away. “No. Hands to yourself. You’re not allowed to touch me,” he hissed, but his roughness is softened only by a little bit when you whimper so sweetly for him. “Don’t pout, sweetheart, you’ll get your chance when we get home. For now, since you’d so rudely woke me up and left me without inviting me for dinner, I’m starving.”
Sukuna dips between your thighs, tongue poking out to take the first taste of your juices. Your reaction is instantaneous and gratifying; head thrown back, nails dug into the seats, legs quivering and falling open wider to welcome the warm, wet muscle that licks flat from your entrance up to your clit.
“Fuuckk, Sukuna, slow down, ngh—”
“He ever ate you out this way?”
“No, I don’t know, I don’t know.”
“Can you take it, sweetheart? Should I stop?” You know he’s teasing you, the sniggers muffled from your pussy lips are still heard but you can’t fight back, not when your legs turn to jelly at his ministrations.
“Keep going, fuck, please, I will slap you if you don’t make me cum tonight,” you threaten, and Sukuna smartly responds by sucking your clit into his mouth. He rolls it between his teeth, careful enough not to hurt you while plunging two fingers deep inside you, curling it into a come-hither motion that stretches you pleasurably. “Too, oh, shit!”
“You can’t even talk properly,” he chuckles, and the vibrations that come afterwards shatter your entire world. “And this is just my tongue. Feels too good?”
“Yes, yes, too good!” you cry out, “Sukuna, em coming!”
Your orgasm has no build-up whatsoever. You lay there panting with a silent scream as your nails scratch against his seats, toes curled as it comes down into you in one, hard slap. Sukuna hums as he licks up the arousal trailing down your pussy to not make even more of a mess. “Already? I haven’t even started yet,” he sighs sarcastically, “Don’t think I’m done with you. I did say you’d lose your mind, right?”
Sukuna has now joined you on the seats, flipping you to the side where he hooks one leg under his arm, your other leg extended to your side that remains flushed at the seats, his thighs squishing yours. It’s utterly challenging to move in this position and you’re completely at his mercy, the sight of his tall, dominating figure above you forcing you back into a submissive space. He doesn’t give you much time to recover before his cock is pushing past your pussy once more, bottoming out in one, swift thrust.
“’Kuna, too sensitive, mhhm—”
“You’ll take it,” he breathes out while peppering kisses at your ankle, “Come on, you’re a good girl, yeah? Give me one more.”
“Su-kuna, it’s too much!”
“Just one more.” Sukuna elicits moans from you the harder he thrusts, leaning forward until you’re crying out from the stretch of all the muscles in your body. He’s being nice today by letting you cum more than twice in the exchange of holding back his, because he’s absolutely throbbing inside you. He picks up a rougher pace from where he left off, saying your name through gritted teeth as you tighten around him. You’re squealing and whimpering from behind your fists, overly sensitive still from your previous orgasm.
His hips roll in such a mind-numbing manner before Sukuna rams into you utterly deep, your bodies flushed so close you can feel the heat pulsing from his skin. Sukuna tenses above you before he brings you to your orgasm, with him following not long afterwards.
Sukuna pulls out with a groan and ties his condom in a knot, discarding it above his clothes. Upon hearing your soft sighs, he immediately rushes your side and pats your cheek to wake you up. “Hey, look at me,” he commands, though his voice is gentle and soft. “You good?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out through fluttering lashes, “Yeah, I’m just tired,” extending your arms to him, you wrap your legs around his waist to bring him close. “Come here. Want cuddles.”
Sukuna gives in to your request for a few minutes and stays wrapped up with you. It’s perfect to be in this state, to be held so close and not just touched, the intimacy of it all bringing about unfamiliar warmth that only ever makes itself present when he’s here. “As much as I want to stay like this, we’re sweaty and sticky,” Sukuna murmurs through your hair, his hands roaming all over your skin. There’s no other sexual meaning behind it even as his rough palms graze past your mound. His touches are more like him exploring your body out of curiosity, out of the desire to just have you this close. You’re unsure what to feel about it and your mind is uncannily clear after an orgasm, but Sukuna’s already sitting up with you above him before you could ponder about it any longer. “Let me take you home first, then we’ll cuddle. What do you think?”
“Oh fuck,” you cut him off upon seeing the flashing of your screen. “It’s Megumi. Fifteen missed calls.”
“Lover boy is crazy,” Sukuna snickered behind you.
“Good thing I’m crazier,” you shut your phone off and throw it to the passenger’s seat, beaming up at Sukuna and giving him the puppy eyes from behind your shoulder. “Can we get milkshakes on the way?”
“I think you got enough milk.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” he raises his hands in surrender. You pout until you feel something hard and wet poking your bottoms, and Sukuna smirks, gesturing to his erection that you haven’t noticed. “You do know that I’m still hard, right? I’ll fuck you again when we get home.”
“You could’ve just let me suck you off.”
“Nah,” he refuses, “I want to feel you come around me,” Sukuna cockily winks at you, and your mouth falls open, gasping in disbelief at how vulgar he could be. He steals a quick kiss then as he tugs his pants up, the sight of him rolling his sleeves back up to his elbows thoroughly…compelling that you’re left salivating at the ripples of his muscles. “I’ll just wait ‘til we get home. Right now, I need to treat someone like a princess and get her some food.”
“You should stop saying that,” you blurt out defensively, “Sweet lies won’t get you anywhere.”
“I wasn’t lying about anything. I meant every word I said.”
The tension thickens in an instant. Sukuna looks at you warily – or perhaps worriedly? – before he situates himself back in the driver’s seat, starting the car right after you’ve fixed your appearance. Considering it’s already late, he’s struggling to find any restaurant or diners open to appease your cravings, though he doesn’t complain about it.
You fiddle with your hands on your lap, unable to find a proper explanation to his behavior. “Sukuna…” you start off nervously, refusing to look him in the eye. “Do you uhm…do you like me?”
“What kind of question is that, sweetheart?”
“I meant…maybe you just like me for my body, you know?”
“Oh, don’t worry about me, sweetheart,” he tilts his head towards you, “I’m too old for drama and playing with people’s feelings. Like I said, the cards are all in your hands now. If you want us to just have casual sex, I don’t mind, but if you also want to be, uhm…” Sukuna awkwardly rubs at the back of his head with a clear of his throat, the tables turned because now he’s the one who can’t meet your gaze. “…something more, then I won’t refuse that either. I’m up to whatever you want to do.”
“And if I said that…maybe I’m considering getting to know you better?”
“Then maybe I would happily say yes.”
You smile at how easily he lightens up the mood, feeling a smile already playing on your lips as you giggle. “Just a maybe?”
“Just shut up and kiss me,” he groans, averting his eyes from the road (it’s empty anyway) to get a quick peck. You whack his arm and his laugh only grows louder; he knows you’re not really angry, because he kisses really good and you like it a lot more than you’ll admit.
“I’ll be a hundred times of a better boyfriend than what you’d expect.”
“You’re really confident, huh?”
“Oh, I’m confident I can treat you well,” he nods proudly, head tipping back to the backseat. “I did just let you ruin my leather exterior and let you walk away while I have a raging boner. Do you have any idea how much self restraint a man has to have to let that happen?”
“Probably an immaculate one. Megumi would never let me go unless he’s came.”
“Yeah, well, fuck that guy,” Sukuna doesn’t even bother to try and hide his hatred for your former crush, and you’re smiling like a lovesick fool on the seat. “You’re with me now. So, since I want to spoil you, how many milkshakes do you want?”
Back then, you were always too addicted to lies that seemed so sweet that you couldn’t be able to stop. But now that you’ve met Sukuna, perhaps the blissful truth is a lot sweeter, and it’s a much healthier addiction you’ll take any day.
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taglist: @thesimpsclub @uwubby-1 @expectoscamander @your-consulting-fangirl @dora-the-grownup @cosmotoic @charlie-xo @kittaliapenn @sukunas-cult-leader @flowersgirl02 @cloudsinthecosmos @90s-belladonna @averysheart-raleighsdick @generousstudentpsychic-bat @kat-su-ki @issamomma @sklycan​ @ggsmashgg​ @dora-the-grownup​ @ninefuckingoneone​ @ambiguous-something​ 
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michwritesstuff · 3 years
Late Nights (The Outer Banks: Rafe Cameron)
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This song just gives giant Rafe Cameron enemies to lovers vibes! Also, Holy shit, this is my longest work ever! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it!
This takes place season 1, before Rafe kills Peterkin. Let’s just pretend he’s not a psychopath. He’s still the resident bad boy of Figure 8, but not a killer…
summary: female reader (she/her) x Rafe Cameron When Y/N finds herself abandoned by her friends at a house party thrown by no other than Kook King, Topper Thornton, she finds odd company in the form of her classmates and neighbors that she has taken very little liking to. She is surprised to learn that her disinterest in all things “kook-related” has sparked the interest of a particular kook. tw: mention of alcohol/drug consumption, slight smut (18+) word count: 4.1k
Y/N might’ve been a kook, but if it wasn’t for her consistent attendance to Figure Eight events you wouldn’t have known. She hated all the superficial bullshit and quickly found herself befriending a certain group of pogues who she would often run into while working on the Cut. Everything in her life had been so easy for her, and although she was grateful, she couldn’t help but feel guilty about the privilege she received while her friends had spent their life fighting for a chance. Being able to find an ally in Kie was all that Y/N had to look forward to as she continued to find a place for herself among the fight between class divisions in her small hometown.
Summer was coming to an end, and with a few weeks left you couldn’t help but just enjoy the moments with your friends. Sitting on the small boat as the sun slowly set, passing the blunt around while you all tried to keep a serious conversation going before blurting out laughing at some stupid shit JJ had said. You had even found an unlikely friend in the form of kook princess, Sarah Cameron. You had known Sarah Cameron for as long as you could remember, always greeting each other’s families at events and having at least one class together every year. But this was different, you had known Sarah but never gave her a chance to hang out. When John B mentioned her a few weeks ago and started to bring her around you and the other pogues were stunned to say the least. You knew that she was dating Topper Thornton, I mean everyone knew that, but what she had with John B was different, at least from what you had seen. “This was great guys, but I promised Topper I would meet him at his party. Keep up appearances, you know?” Sarah said unsurely. Everyone looked around, nodding in understandment, except John B. “I don’t like him,” JJ spoke up, standing up for John B who continued sulking in silence. “Yeah, him and Rafe are always doing some shit,” Pope also spoke up. “You guys have no idea,” Kiara replied while rolling her eyes at the thought of the kook boys she had known so well. You also nodded in response. “Yeah, well I would invite you guys, but I can’t imagine that going over well.” Once again everyone nodded in agreement, except John B. “What if Y/N goes with you,” he suggested. “Thanks for throwing me under the bus!” you exclaimed back at him. Sarah turned to you with a shy smile, “It’s not such a bad idea. I mean you would know almost everyone.” “Yeah, so does Kie, you don’t see her being volunteered to go,” you exclaimed again. “That’s because they actually like you,” Kie replied, smirking when you rolled your eyes at her statement, she was right. “C’mon Y/N it’ll be fun. You’ll have me to hang out with and if you absolutely hate it, we’ll make up an excuse and leave. Besides, it’d be nice to have someone there that I don’t need to be fake with.” You thought for a moment before slowly nodding your head, cursing under your breath as your friends cheered around you. “There’s our little kookie,” JJ stated, jumping away in defense as you attempted to punch his arm.
The bass of the music pounded in your ears as you walked up the driveway. If even possible it got louder once you finally entered the front door, you swore your eardrums were about to rupture. Finding the kitchen, you reached out for two truly’s, your disappointment in the night continuing as feeling they were just room temperature. They weren’t your first choice of alcohol to get through a night like this and seeing as though they weren’t even cold made it worse. You instantly cracked it open, downing as much as you could on the first sip. You handed the other one to Sarah, bumping your open can to her’s in an attempt to say cheers. She laughed at you, “I’m gonna go find Topper. You’ll be okay if I leave you alone for a few minutes?” You took another sip before responding, “Figured this would happen at some point, yeah I’ll be good.” Watching her leave your eyes scanned the kitchen, deciding you needed to loosen up some more you pushed off the counter, “I need something stronger,” you whispered under your breath.
Making your way through the house you scanned the room for unattended bottles you could mooch off. To your surprise you were pulled by the arm, “Omg Y/N, what are you doing here?” a girly high-pitched voice screeched. You turned around, already ready to use your preppy voice, “Hey Claire,” you responded in a mock happy voice matching hers. Claire was sweet, n just not your cup of tea. The two of you had always been civil, sharing a few classes here and there. “Mind if I?” you asked, gesturing to the bottle of Tito’s vodka in her hand. “Oh sure, just be careful. I’ve gotten fucked up with this shit more times than I could remember,” she laughed while handing you the bottle. You lift the bottle up to your lips, the taste on the rim barely making an impact on your tastebuds. But as you thew your head back and lifted the bottle you took one big swig. The alcohol ran down your throat, a warmth following the path it took as it settled in your stomach. “Ugh, Claire, that shit is just straight rubbing alcohol. How the fuck do you drink that?” you exclaimed, handing her the bottle as you wiped the back of your mouth with your hand. She laughed at your reaction, “Believe me, in a little while you won’t even care how it tastes. Just know that you’ll feel it.” You nodded your head while once again scanning your eyes across the room. A few feet away was a coffee table surrounded by teens. Claire noticed your interest and dragged you over. Looking up from the table was Rafe Cameron, Sarah’s brother, who on more than one account you had gotten into a heated argument about your choice of friends. The two of you made eye contact as he wiped the leftover residue from the line of cocaine he had just done. Classy as ever Cameron, you thought as you broke eye contact and examined all the other teens waiting their turn. Rafe greeted Claire with a smirk and half-nod before returning his attention to you. “Awww Y/L/N, get tired of hanging around those boring old pogues, and decided to have some real fun?” he mocked while gesturing to the lines set up in front of him. You scoffed at his suggestion, “Keep dreaming,” you responded. Living in your teenage years and drinking was one thing, but if your parents caught you doing drugs there was a good chance you wouldn’t have much of a life to live. Making eye contact with you he slowly lowered himself closer to the table, quickly doing another line before looking up at you again. Is this kid trying to kill himself? you thought to yourself. You reached out for Claire’s bottle, taking another swig before motioning it up to Rafe. “Always a pleasure Cameron,” you stated before handing Claire her bottle.
Leaving the room, you realized that you hadn’t seen Sarah for a while. Wandering around the house in attempt to find her you bumped into Topper. “Hey Top, seen Sarah anywhere?” you asked. “Uhm a little while ago, she said she went to go find you,” he said quizzingly. “Yeah, right. Just kidding, she went to the bathroom. I’ll go find her,” you quickly spitted out. Nearly running you got away from Topper as fast as you could before finding an empty spot on the wall. Leaning back against the wall, you pulled your phone from your pocket and found a few texts from Sarah and one from John B. “Hey Y/N, John B showed up.” “We just left, please distract Topper.” “I owe you one.” You responded back, “ughh ok, I’m on it.” Clicking on John B’s name you read his message, “sorry kookie, had to steal her. thanks!” You rolled your eyes at the dumb nickname him and the others decided for you, their attempt to always tease you about your kook lifestyle. You sent him the middle finger emoji and a yellow heart before turning your phone off and looking around for Topper. Spotting him talking to Kelce you kept your place on the wall. As long as you could see him and he couldn’t see you, there was no reason to suspect anything about Sarah. Besides, after about half an hour you could probably make a break for the exit, and no one would notice.
As you continued to scroll on your phone you were slightly startled by the presence of another human standing near you. Your eyes looked up to a boy standing in front of you. He was tall, but you couldn’t ignore how young and immature he looked. “Don’t even think about it freshman,” you said before he had the chance. He laughed while nodding his head. “Hey, I had to try. Should’ve known a girl as smart as you wouldn’t give me a chance,” he responded. You gave him a quizzical look as you quickly glanced him up and down. He wasn’t too dumb if he knew to compliment your intelligence over any physical feature. He reached his hand out to shake yours, “I’m Nathan.” You glanced at his hand for a second before reluctantly shaking it “I’m Y/N,” you replied. “I know,” he said a little too quickly making the both of you chuckle. “Mrs. Nichol said you were the captain of the mock trial team. She talked to you the other day about me joining,” he rambled on. You laughed at his apparent nervousness. “Oh yeah, well I guess it’s nice to meet you, Nathan. Not exactly the type of place to bring up extracurriculars,” you laughed while motioning to the number of teens, drugs, and alcohol around you. As you did you could feel the stare from a certain kook, no doubt watching your exchange with the boy in front of you. “Probably not, but it did get you talking to me,” he quirked back. Nodding your head in amusement at his reply you responded, “Touché.” As the volume of the music had apparently increased within the last few seconds of your exchange, Nathan leaned forward slightly so he could hear you better. “Can I get you something to drink?” He asked while leaning down. “I can take it from here,” you heard Rafe speak from behind you as he slid his hand around to the small of your back. Confused by the situation unraveling in front of you, you were quick to speak. “Uhm, actually Cameron, Nathan and I were having a lovely conversation about something you couldn’t possibly be interested in,” you stated attempting to distance yourself away from Rafe and closer to Nathan. “Yeah, I—” Nathan attempted to speak before being interrupted, “Seriously, Miller, beat it or practice on Monday will be hell.” You confusingly looked at Nathan and Rafe before finally understanding. Just like you would be Nathan’s captain, so was Rafe. “Water polo?” you questioned. “Yeah, you’ll catch a game?” he asked in return. “Yeah!” you said sweetly before a mocking scoff turned your attention to Rafe, to which your surprise still had his hand on the small of your back, it almost felt natural that you hadn’t noticed it was still there. Looking at him expectantly he pulled his hands away holding them up in an ‘ok I get it’ way. “Can I help you?” you asked expectantly. “Care to go for a swim?” he asked. You looked at him confused, you weren’t sure if it was your light buzz from your shots of vodka talking but he seemed just as surprised as you were as you answered, “yes!”
As he grabbed your hand, you quietly followed as he led you through the house. “I’m gonna need more alcohol before we do this,” you exclaimed as loud as you could, hoping he would hear you over the volume of the music. He turned to look at you for a moment before turning back and nodding, showing that he had in fact heard your request. Walking through the kitchen he left you at the counter while reaching into one of the cabinets, pulling down a full bottle of Tito’s. He motioned you from your spot and you continued to follow. “My parents got this as a gift for the Thornton’s but it’s not really their style.” You nodded understandingly, Topper’s parents didn’t really seem like the type to be chugging back vodka shots, they were more sophisticated. Following him through the house you were confused as you walked past the sliding glass door that led to the pool and the dozens of other teens who had the same idea you two had, or so you thought. “Where are we going?” you asked. Rafe stayed silent as you continued following him. Opening another set of glass doors, he let you exit first before quickly following. On the side of the house was a hot tub that apparently no one knew about, seeing as though you and Rafe were the only ones out here. “What the hell is this, Cameron?” you asked. He looked at you, confusion evident on his face. “You said we were going swimming. We can’t do that in a hot tub.” He laughed before handing you the now open bottle of Tito’s, watching you take a sip he replied, “What, did you plan on working on your breaststroke or something?” He said jokingly. “No, I actually planned on playing mermaids. Maybe it’s you who needs to work on breaststroke,” you responded wittily. He feigned shock and hurt, taking the bottle from your hand. “My breaststroke is amazing, just ask your friend Claire,” he winked as you scoffed in amusement and disgust. After taking another sip he handed the bottle back to you, removing his clothes he stripped down until he was in his boxers. That left little to the imagination as you could see the outline of his dick printed. Feeling your eyes, he gave you a smirk to which you sheepishly took another sip of vodka, shaking as you felt the liquid burn down your throat. Entering the hot tub, he sat with arms spread out to both his sides, resting on the edge. “Aren’t you going to join me?” he asked. You nodded, feeling your breath catch in your throat. You handed him the bottle, starting to undress as you felt his eyes drawn to your exposed skin where you had begun to lift your shirt. “Hey! Turn around Cameron,” you exclaimed. He put his hands up in defense, turning his head so his attention was drawn to the bubbles and pressure coming from the jets. Folding your shirt and jeans on to the table nearby you turned back around to Rafe examining your exposed body adorning a basic black sports bra and lace thong. You immediately turned red, not knowing how to react under his intense stare. As you entered the hot tub you slipped when placing your foot on the bench to step in, landing you a little closer to Rafe then you planned. He held your arm as you attempted to steady yourself. “You alright?” he asked. You were able to manage out a “mhmm” as you reached for another sip from the bottle. He gladly handed you the bottle, a lazy smile on his face.
You weren’t sure how you always ended up like this but something about being drunk and outside led to you staring at the moon and stars. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Rafe asked, breaking the silence. You tried to remain calm with his choice of words, not wanting him to know the effect he was having on you. “Just thinking,” you responded quietly. “About what,” you scanned his face for a second, genuine interest radiating off him. “As niche as it sounds, life…I mean doesn’t this all seem so pathetic,” you stated as you continued to stare off into the sky. “Life?” he asked, laughing to mask his confusion. You chuckled along with him, “No, this…pogues vs. kooks. It’s all so fucking dumb. There are so many more problems out there, so many people who need help and we can’t even come together to help people in our own community.” He just hummed as you continued to ramble on, listening to what you had to say. “I can’t help but just feel guilty. I mean what did I do to deserve this type of life. I mean my parents work hard but they’ve had so many opportunities because of their parents and their parents, and it just keeps going. This sort of generational wealth and success…” you quietly trailed off as you realized who you were talking to. “But I mean you probably don’t care,” you said while looking at him. He shook his head with a smirk. “Now I know why Sarah never shuts up about how smart you are.” You looked at him more intently, “what?” you exclaimed. He nodded his head, before turning his attention to the sky like you had before. “I mean, I guess I just never thought of it that way. Kind of blind to the privilege that I have.” “Must be all the coke,” you mumbled to yourself under your breath. He shot you a warning look before chuckling, “might be the coke,” he responded. You laughed along with him before a serious tone washed over him. “I mean it Y/N, you’re just so attuned to the needs of others,” He exclaimed. “Well, you can be like that too,” you reassured him. “Yeah right, there’s not a lot of hope left for me,” he replied sarcastically. “That’s not true. I mean sure you have your flaws, but from what I’ve seen you’re a good friend, loyal and family is important to you. Those are good qualities, and I mean of course you’re not half bad looking.” He laughed at the last part. “Well, Y/L/N, you’re extremely caring, intelligent, and hot as fuck! So, you have that going for you.” It was your turn to laugh and turn red at his comment.  You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol dulling your senses, but as you looked into Rafe’s eyes you felt yourself being drawn closer. You both leaned in, lips barely brushing each other as your breaths slowed. “Can I kiss you,” he asked. You could barely hear him over the sound of your own heart beating in your chest. “Please,” you nearly whined. Your tone making Rafe swoon as he gently pushed his lips onto yours.
As happy as you were with his gentleness, the alcohol you had consumed throughout the night had made you far hornier than you liked to admit. Leaning deeper into the kiss you gently placed your hands onto his chest before lightly pushing him back to so you could straddle his lap. As you did so, Rafe took a large sip from the bottle, as you looked at him expectantly. He gave you a smirk before bringing the bottle close to your lips, tilting your head back, you let him pour some of the alcohol down your throat. Before you could process the liquid once again burning the back your throat you pressed a heated kiss on to his lips. As your hands moved up from their place on his chest to the back of his neck, playing with the ends of his hair, his hands move from where he was setting the bottle down to trailing around your waist and landing on your ass, holding you in place. As your tongues continued to fight for dominance, he pulled away slightly. Kissing down your jaw and starting to suck on your neck you slightly grinded down on to him while continuing to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. His hands left your waist, guiding your hips back and forth as you continued to grind on him. As he continued to work on your neck you moaned as he found your sweet spot, “Fuck Rafe,” you exclaimed. You could feel him smirk as he continued. Giving him a break, you leaned forward slightly, changing the angle to which you were grinding down on him and leaving marks over his neck and chest. “Fuck babe,” he stated. “Being so good to me,” he continued as he leaned in for another kiss. “Yes, sir,” you said, testing the waters. You could clearly tell that you were starting to drive Rafe crazy as he moaned into your mouth at your response. Roughly grabbing your hip, he speeded the pace of your grinding. As you continued to litter marks along his chest, he reached a hand up to pull your sports bra down far enough so that your boobs were spilling over the top. The pressure of the band along with the added sensation of Rafe’s mouth on your nipple was almost too much. Along with this you could feel how hard he had gotten under you. I mean, you knew he was big, but this was godly. Your makeout session was quickly abrupted as you both snapped your heads to the sound of the glass doors sliding open. Quickly removing yourself from Rafe’s lap and adjusting your bra, you sat silently, reaching for the bottle again. “What’s up Top?” Rafe asked nonchalantly. Topper looked at you both slyly, clearly knowing what he half-witnessed between the two of you. “Not much, I can’t find Sarah anywhere Y/N. And she’s not answering her fucking calls.” “Yeah, she wasn’t feeling well. Said she headed home; her phone probably died. Don’t worry Top,” you said as convincingly as the alcohol would let you. Topper seemed to accept your answer and reentered the house. Rafe looked at you unconvincingly. “She just left you?” he asks. Avoiding his gaze, you let your hands play with the water. Slowly nodding your head, you responded, “guess so…” “That doesn’t sound like Sarah,” he continued. “Well that’s what happened,” you snapped. Thinking about the conversation you would have to have with Sarah about how you failed to keep Topper distracted and the alcohol finally making its presence in your system known was too much to handle. “Ughh back to reality, I guess,” you groaned out. Rafe pulled you into his side so that his arm was around your shoulder and your head resting on his. “What are you up to now?” he asked. “Figuring how to make it home alive,” you chuckled dryly. He hummed in thought next to you. After a second, he spoke, surprising you in the process, “Stay with me.” “Rafe…” you dragged out unsurely. “Seriously Y/N, that way you don’t have to worry about going home right now.” You looked at him for a second before slowly nodding. Getting out of the hot tub he disappeared for a second before returning with a set of towels. As you both dried yourselves off and gathered your clothes you headed to Topper’s guestroom.
Stumbling around in your drunken state, Rafe grabbed the clothes from your hand. Setting them on a nearby table he turned so that you were facing each other. Reaching down slightly he grabbed your legs from under your thighs so that he was now carrying you. Feeling the warmth of his chest you pressed closer, wrapping your legs around his hips in the process. With each step you slightly bounced against him. The sexual tension from earlier quickly returning. Finally reaching the room Rafe laid down so that you were now on your back while he hovered over you. With your legs around his waist and arms around his neck you gently pulled him in, pecking a sweet kiss on your lips. “I need to shower,” you said shyly. He nodded his head, pulling away slightly so he was standing, and you stayed sprawled out on the bed. “I’ll go get us some water,” he stated as he slowly walked out the room. Leaving the door cracked enough so he wouldn’t bother anyone with the sound of it opening and closing you sat up, finally taking in your surroundings. Getting up and heading to the bathroom you folded your towel, pulling off your bra and underwear as you let the water run until it was hot enough. As you let the water run over your body you stood for a minute, just thinking about everything that had happened that night, you rub your hands down your face, muttering “fuck.” You weren’t sure what was happening, but it was a problem future you would just have to deal with later.
a/n: If you like my work please support by liking/reblogging. Also, feel free to message me about ideas. I haven’t written in a while because I don’t have a lot of time, but when inspiration hits i’ll sit down for hours :)
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erimeows · 3 years
Ratchet was missing you as he finished cleaning the med bay, sleepiness threatening to take over his sky-hued optics. You were probably in your shared bed, fast asleep like you always were- and you always tried to wait up for him, but never managed to stay awake. Since he’d gotten to earth and met you, he’d gotten used to working late, whether that be helping his teammates with their injuries or doing research on Sari’s key and the organics on earth to help their cause. 
Ratchet couldn’t help but sigh as he thought about you. The two of you had been dating for a few months now, and while he had initially been reluctant to get attached to a human who he feared he’d eventually have to leave, he couldn’t help but be smitten with you. Your relationship was still in that somewhat casual, testing-the-waters stage, but he adored you, and he’d give anything to be recharging next to you instead of cleaning.
Still, he needed to clean the med bay or it would be disgusting and unavailable to use the following day. He was just glad that he was almost done with it.
Ratchet missed you, and he always felt bad for leaving you to sleep alone... Especially after the incident. 
When it had happened, he’d been in shambles, unsure of what to do with himself. It was a month after the two of you had started dating and, in the middle of an encounter with the Decepticons, Lockdown had swooped in and stolen you to take to Megatron for a bounty since you’d been helping the Autobots for a considerable amount of time.
Thankfully, Megatron had wanted you alive, and as a human, you didn’t have any parts or upgrades for Lockdown to want to steal... Ratchet hadn’t dared to say it out loud, but he was just glad that the bounty hunter hadn’t known enough about human anatomy to think about harvesting some of your organs to sell. 
That aside, it had taken almost a whole day after that battle for Ratchet and the rest of his team to find where Lockdown was hiding and take you back, barely getting you back to earth and leaving Lockdown to escape. 
You didn’t talk about it much, and for the most part, you tried to act normal. Things were okay, and you were safe, but Ratchet saw moments where you slipped up. When Lockdown or what happened that day were mentioned, you clammed up, and any time you were left by yourself, you were noticeably upset, almost like you were scared something would happen again or scared to be left alone with your thoughts. 
The red and white bot was snapped out of his own thoughts when he heard footsteps- too light to be a bot’s, but too heavy to be Sari’s- and looked over to see you standing in the doorway. You were in a large t-shirt and some sweats, (h/l) (h/c) hair messy and (e/c) eyes bleary. Ratchet couldn’t tell what it was, but something seemed off about you, so he immediately finished wiping down the last counter and tossed his cleaning rag to the side before approaching your smaller form.
“(y/n), what are you doing up this late?” The Autobot asked, placing a gentle servo on your shoulder.
“I, uh...” You stopped and looked away from him, almost as if you were embarrassed. “Had a nightmare and wanted some company. I figured you’d still be awake. When are you coming to bed?”
Ratchet could only sigh. Of course, you were embarrassed about a nightmare of all things- he’d been the same way for a long time, waking up from recharges in the middle of the night with terrible nightmares wracking his processor, only to sit up and look around to see that he was alone and safe in his empty bedroom instead of on the battlefield watching comrades die like he’d dreamt. 
He’d been embarrassed about his own trauma and feelings for a long time, too, but he knew that in the end, it was better to open up to others rather than let those things fester. So, rather than getting onto you for acting the way you were about it, he answered your previous question.
“Now, actually, unless...” Ratchet stopped. When he had nightmares, if he immediately went back to sleep, he’d go straight back into the dream. It would probably be best to keep you up for a bit and get you in a better mood before letting you go back to sleep. “Would you like to stay up for a bit before going back to sleep?”
“I’d hate to keep you up-” You started, but he quickly cut you off, able to see in your face that you didn’t want to go back to sleep at all and were only trying to avoid inconveniencing him. 
“Come on, I know how it is,” The medic spoke and moved the servo on your shoulder further down so he could hold your hand, intertwining his digits with your fingers. Slowly, he raised your hand up and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles.  “I’ll make you some of that, uh... What’s that hot stuff you humans drink?”
“No, the one with the herbs.”
“Oh, you mean tea,” You smiled and gripped his servo as he reached over to turn the lights in the med bay off. “That sounds nice, actually. Thank you.”
With that, the two of you walked into the kitchen, you sitting down at the table and Ratchet getting out a pot to pour water in. It was a weird process, making tea, but you liked the stuff, and he’d seen you do it enough times to understand how it worked. 
While he’d expected for you to stay seated at the table until he finished, it was in the middle of him putting two teabags in the pot and setting it on the stove to boil that you stood up and approached him. Wordlessly, you wrapped your arms around his midsection from behind and buried your face into the cool metal plating on his back. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked and fully turned around where he stood to face you wrap his arms around your body in return. You sighed into his chest. 
“I need a minute.”
“Take as long as you need,” Ratchet tried to be as reassuring as he possibly could, though comforting others wasn’t his forte nor his strong suit. He found himself feeling a bit awkward as he stroked the top of your hair and ran his digits through the tangled locks. “I’m here.”
“Are you... I mean, do you still feel the same way towards me that you did before it happened?” You asked, and Ratchet felt his spark drop.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You nuzzled into the red and white bot’s chest as he reached back to turn the stove off in fear that the tea would boil over if he left it unattended. Voice cracking, you started to talk, words spilling out faster than your brain could comprehend.
“I just feel like when we started dating, things were so light-hearted and easy, and then Lockdown took me away and I’ve been so...” You paused to choke back a sob that had caught down your throat, hands desperately squeezing his shoulders and tears streaming down your cheeks and falling onto his chest plates. “Withdrawn? But also needy? I just haven’t been the same, and it feels like I don’t know who I am anymore! I’m used to the nightmares at this point, but now I’m having dreams about you leaving me because I’m too much to put up with and-”
“Hey, (y/n), slow down a bit, will ya? I don’t know what to say here, and y’know I’m not good at this kind of stuff, but...” Ratchet looked at your face with a gentle smile, sky-hued optics pouring into your (e/c) eyes. You blinked up at him with tears still welling up, but he reached down to wipe them away with one of his digits. “I love you more and more every day,” He admitted, almost wanting to stop himself- it had been the first time either of you had said the ‘L’ word, and maybe it wasn’t the best timing, but he needed you to know that no matter what happened, he loved you and would continue to do so. “Nothing that could happen between us or with Lockdown or whoever else will change that. I’m here as long as you want me to be, even when things are hard, because I know you’d be there for me, too.”
You nodded and further buried yourself into him, sobs now racking your entire body- now, though, instead of the anxiety that had been rolling off of you in waves moments before, you seemed to be flooded with bittersweet relief. 
So, he held you for as long as you needed, the tea cold and forgotten by both of you in the pot behind him in favor of each other’s warmth.
And, when you did collect yourself, you looked up at him with the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen and told him that you loved him, too. 
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wkemeup · 4 years
Sunrise (1)
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summary: After an explosion takes his arm and his only sense of belonging, Bucky is content to live out the rest of his days in the hollow comfort of the dark. This is, until Sam drags him down to the local VA and he meets you. (Modern AU) pairings: bucky x reader chapter word count: 3.5k warnings: heavy focus on Bucky’s PTSD/anxiety, the first splinter in the wall around Bucky’s heart 🧡 series masterlist / series playlist
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This was a bad idea. A monumentally bad idea.  
Bucky closed his apartment door behind him, pausing for a moment at the top of brownstone steps as a chill of autumn air swept by. Brittle to the touch, cool on his skin, it nestled into his spine and ached deep in his bones— in ones that had been long abandoned, too. The sun reflected against the shine of the pavement from last night’s rainfall, forcing Bucky to squint his eyes.  
Was it always so bright outside? Maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t left his apartment for nearly a week before Sam threatened to turn him over to Steve that he’d forgotten how unpleasant the streets of New York could be. Loud. Cold. Chaotic.
He stepped onto the sidewalk, slipping out of the path of a jogger who nearly ran him over and had the gull to flip him the bird. Bucky groaned, curling his right hand into a fist and digging it deep into his pocket as he tried to calm the sudden racing in his chest. The free arm of his army jacket swung down by his left side, empty.  
Not even a few steps outside the sanctuary of closed curtains, warm bedsheets, and the unattended static of a decade old television, and Bucky was already regretting ever knowing Sam Wilson.  
Bucky turned towards the busy street ahead, staring up at the hustle of pedestrians and rush of taxis for a moment longer before he dared to take a step. His feet felt remarkably heavy and he had more than half a mind to tell Wilson to shove it and head back up to his apartment. He had better things to do than make a completely unnecessary trip to the VA.  
What those things were, he couldn’t say, but they didn’t make his heart feel like it was about to beat straight out of his chest. He could stare at a wall for a few hours, for example – see if he could find the crack in the drywall again and follow it to the ceiling.  
“Don't be a coward, Barnes,” Bucky grumbled to himself, earning a strange look from an elderly woman as she passed by. Her eyes held on him longer than she should; clearly a woman who had little shame in her degradation of strangers. 
He gritted his teeth and commanded his legs to move. Those worked, at least.  
As he made his way to the main street, his palm started to sweat inside his pocket. He could see his breath in every tense exhale, and still, he was boiling hot under his jacket. There wasn’t a chance in hell he’d remove it, because even with a sleeve hanging loose off his shoulder, he could at least keep up the pretense there was something inside. People would have to look twice before they realized. Wasn’t so easy to hide a missing arm in a short sleeve shirt.  
Still—he was thankful as he weaved his way upstream through the crowd that he wasn’t as broad as he used to be. A couple months' worth of weight loss, diminished muscle mass, and one less limb will do that do a guy.  
He used to be the sort of man that women would glance at as he passed by. Charming smile. Infectious energy. He could make a woman bite shamelessly at the edge of her bottom lip with a single trail of his eyes along her figure. Extend a hand, offer a drink and a dance. He used to hold confidence in every ounce of his body.  
Now, he kept his eyes on the pavement. He hid from the sun and the curious looks of strangers under the brim of a baseball cap. No one looked twice in his direction. He was invisible these days and that was just the way he liked it.  
By the time he reached the VA, he was surprised to find it a little less than pristine. The windows were dirty with handprints and smudges, the window panes covered in soot. A few of the roofing panels were missing from harsh New York winters. Even some of the outer brick wall had seen some weathering.  
Though, if he were honest, it wasn’t usual at all. Made some sense that the VA was left to wash and wear on its own, deteriorating in front of a busy street of onlookers, right out in plain sight. It was how Bucky felt after he’d come home from his last tour— discarded. Placed upon a pedestal, but only as long as you wear the uniform, only as long as you’re staring down the other end of a barrel. Once you’re shipped back home and cast out from desert, you’re made to fend for yourself. Pull up your bootstraps. Adjust.
Bucky wasn’t sure how to do that anymore. Sam insisted this would help. The people at the VA were good, he’d said. They were like him. They’d understand.  
While Bucky was suspicious, it was enough to drag him a couple blocks from his apartment. It was more than he’d done in weeks anyway. Sam would put on his makeshift shrink hat and call that a meaningful step. Bucky would call it pathetic.  
He stared at the double doors, focusing on dark red rust on the metal hinges. He wondered if he put enough pressure on the latch if it would snap clean off. It looked sharp on the edges, too. Someone could easily cut themselves on it if they weren’t careful—
A jolt surged through Bucky’s chest enough to nearly knocked him off his feet.  
Sudden flashes of a sweltering heat, the unnatural vibration of the desert under his feet. The car horn echoed into the back of his head, longer than it should have, and his ears started to ring. His vision felt tunneled and Bucky quickly stumbled his way through the double doors just to escape the blare of the horn outside.  
It took a minute to adjust to the dim lighting. It was darker inside than what he was expecting. He blinked a few times, hand resting on the wall to hold his balance as he looked around, shaking himself from the memories.  
Lamps were spread throughout the common room to offset the abrasive overhead lighting left untouched. Bucky started to wonder if he maybe it was on purpose, if he wasn’t the only one who had become sensitive to these things, when Sam walked into the room.  
He froze.  
“Holy shit!” Sam’s mouth rose up into that goddamn know-it-all smile, wide enough to show teeth and the dimples in his cheeks, and Bucky winced. Sam started to laugh as he crossed the space to where Bucky was standing. “I didn’t think you’d actually come!”
“Yeah, well,” Bucky shrugged, “I’m here. Don’t make this a big thing.”
“Who me?” Sam scoffed, feigning offense. “You know Steve’s the one who’s going to blow this up. He might throw a welcome party if you ever show up to the support group.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “That’s not happening.”
“Yeah, I figured as much.” Sam nodded, though he was still smiling. He looked almost... proud? It didn’t sit well in Bucky’s stomach. “Still, got you out of that cramped apartment, didn’t I? You open those curtains yet or are you still living like a vampire?”
Bucky glared at him. Sure, Sam was right... but he didn’t need to know that.  
“Come on, I’ll show you around.” Sam put a hand on Bucky’s back to guide him down the hall.  
He was only one of two people Bucky tolerated touching him at all and he was lucky he didn’t flinch anymore. Even an innocent touch from his own mother when she tried to hold his hand after he came back from his final tour had nearly left him in a panic attack. She’d cried as Bucky desperately tried to gather his breath, shoving her away as if she’d burned him.  
Sam and Steve didn’t give him much of a choice. They didn’t handle him with kid gloves or treat him like he was about to break. Even if he was splintering at the seams, you’d never be able to tell with how Sam and Steve were around him; like old times, like nothing had changed, like they were still three kids dressed in fresh uniforms with chips on their shoulders and a whole new world ahead of them.
After a while, the small pats on the back and the nudges in his side became a small comfort; not that he’d tell them. It was a strange feeling to both be repulsed by touch and crave it. But the topic didn’t come up much these days outside of his friends anyway. No one tried to touch him and he didn’t seek it out. It was easier that way.  
“The kitchen’s over here,” Sam said as he pointed into a room that had likely once been covered in white tiles and appliances, though now resembled more of a pale yellow. Two men were hunched over at the table, nursing coffee out of Styrofoam cups as a woman waited eagerly by a toaster.  
“Everything in there is free rein,” Sam added. “Always stocked with food from donations, though I would make sure to check the expirations on the milk before adding it to your coffee.” He shivered at an unpleasant memory and Bucky found the edge of his mouth curl, though he suppressed it rather quickly. 
The next room was mostly empty save for the wooden lined floors and chairs folded up against the wall. A sheet covered the small window peering inside that read ‘group in session when closed.’
“I know what you’re thinking,” Sam started, to which Bucky narrowed his eyes, “but I’m not going to force you into the support group, Buck. You go when you’re ready. If you ever are. Talking about this stuff, or even listening to it... it isn't for everybody. Steve will get that, too. We all find our outlets eventually. You’ll find yours, too.”  
Bucky nodded, a swell of relief in his chest. He’d been forced into a mental evaluation by the army docs shortly after his discharge; something about routine testing, but he knew what they were looking for – what all those shrinks were looking for – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  
The nightmares came first, soon after he’d returned to the States. It started in screams that burned deep into his throat, waking up neighbors at two in the morning, finding blood in his bed from injuries he’d caused in his sleep. Lately they’d manifested into sweat drenched in his sheets and a heart rate that couldn’t seem to even out until the sun rose.  
Then came the jumpiness – the flinching at every loud noise, thinking it was a bomb or the latch of a safety. He’d broken more glasses than he cared to admit, knocking them straight of his hand at the sound of a gunshot on the television.  
Then the paranoia settled in, then the hypervigilance. The anxiety in crowds and tight spaces was new, though. Add it to the list, he supposed.  
Through all of it, he never let the shrink catch on. He’d put on a smile and tell them he was proud of his service, that he’d serviced his country with honor and he was thankful to return to the civilian side of things for a change.  
It was bullshit.  
He was pissed. He lost an arm and half his mind to a war that recruited him young and idealistic right out of high school, when he was looking for a better life than what his neighborhood could offer, to put food on the table for his ma and sister. Pissed was understated.  
He wouldn’t find himself in Steve’s group; of that he was certain. You don’t talk about those things after you leave the desert. Hell, you barely acknowledge them while you’re there. It’s just how it works. It’s how you deal with it. Bucky didn’t allow himself to consider whether his method was doing him much better.
Sam walked him through the common areas, the lounge space, even a room with a pretty decent sized television and a shelf filled with DVDs. It was a nice enough place. Quiet. But so was his apartment.  
“Now this is the best room in the house.” Sam opened a door on his left, the hinges squeaking under an old wooden frame as he stepped inside.  
Bucky followed in closely behind and was surprised when a subtle scent of pine brushed his senses. A small candle was burning at the center of a coffee table, surrounding it were a few couches, all with mismatched fabrics, laid upon a carpet that looked to have been donated from an estate sale. The walls around him were lined with shelves, though they were completely empty. Cob webs hung in the corners and dust lined the wood.  
What caught his eye was a single cart at the edge of the room. It was filled with books, all in bright colors on the binding and tags from the Brooklyn Public Library piled high on top of one another, far beyond the confines of the cart itself.  
“Y/n? Where you at, kid? We got a newbie!” Sam called, nudging Bucky in the side with a playful wink he did not return.  
A figure suddenly jumped from behind the couch with a book in hand covered in layers of dust and crumbs. The sudden movement forced a flinch deep in Bucky’s chest, his breath held tight in his lungs, though he kept himself firm on the surface, like stone. It took a minute before he realized how tight he’d barreled his fist and he slowly released his grip before Sam could notice.  
“Been looking for this one for over a year!” you exclaimed, holding up the book for Sam to see. You brushed off the cover, restoring the original vibrant hue of the artwork. “Can’t even imagine the overdue fees I’ve racked up on this sucker...”
There was a strange lightness in your voice Bucky didn’t expect, a tenderness and a sunshine that didn’t belong amongst the dark overcast of the men and women who occupied these rooms. It certainly sat in dangerous contrast to the gravel and stone in Bucky’s voice and the clouds that usually followed in his wake.
He glanced down at his clothes as you approached; a pair of old ripped jeans from a few years ago, a faded t-shirt, and his army jacket hung over his shoulders. Dull and raggedy, ripping at the seams.
But you? Dressed in the warmest shade of a red knit sweater, a gentle glow on your cheeks, a softness about your movements, you resembled the sort of sunset at the end of a highway one would stop the car to capture on film. Inviting. Tender and ethereal. Lovely.  
You stepped closer and he noticed the knees of your jeans were covered in dust, your palms too. Messy in the pursuit of happiness, like a child on a playground. You didn’t seem to mind the dust as you brushed it off your knees, holding the found book close to your chest like an extension of your own heart.
“Blame it on Lang. He's always losing stuff around here,” Sam offered as you set the book on the cart. You started to laugh and swatted Sam in the arm. A pout perched on your lips, though it didn’t seem to last long. Your laugh was infectious.  
Bucky swallowed as he watched you; the way your smile wrinkled up into your eyes as if a face like yours was drawn and designed to curve at the lips and push dimples to your cheeks. It shined into the bright hues in your irises and Bucky wondered if you would keep smiling like that forever, if it were possible that he could stare into the sun and not be burned; if instead, he could find warmth in its embrace.  
His heart stammered, his breath shallow, but it wasn’t unpleasant like it had been on the busy streets. It was something new, a sensation he hadn’t had since before he signed his name to a cause that took his arm and his dignity.  
Y/n, Sam had called you. It was a beautiful name. He didn’t know if he could even find things beautiful again after what he’d seen overseas. You were the first, he supposed.  
He must have been staring too long, because your lips were moving to words he didn’t hear, and suddenly two pairs of eyes were on him. His heart skipped, frozen in embarrassment.  
“This must be your first day of school,” you teased, extending your right hand to him.  
Bucky stared down at it, heart pounding, and before Sam could politely tell you that Bucky didn’t really do that sort of thing, he pulled his hand from his pocket and shook it. You had a firmer grip than he was expecting, but still soft. Your fingers were like ice and it was a nice contrast to the swelter he felt under his jacket.  
Sam raised an eyebrow, surprised by Bucky's sudden willingness to take the hand of a stranger, though thankfully he didn’t say anything. A shit eating grin curved up upon his lips and that, Bucky could have done without.  
“Thought it was time I checked it out,” Bucky said, his voice a little dry. You let go of his hand and Bucky found he missed the contact almost instantly.  
“Dragged him here by the skin of his teeth is more like it,” Sam interjected and Bucky’s ears burned red. He shot Sam a glare, who only shrugged, unbothered by his humiliation of his friend. “Been trying to get his sorry ass through the door for a few months now.”
You nodded, though your smile never wavered. Your eyes remained on Bucky, listening to Sam, but intently studying the lines on Bucky’s face. It left him feeling exposed, but somehow, even as his own gaze trailed to the floor, he didn’t mind you watching him like that, like maybe you found worth in what you saw. He adjusted his stance, suddenly remembering the startling absence on his left.  
“Well, I’m glad you’re here now,” you said, brushing Sam off in his teasing. “I’ve been volunteering at this place for a little over a year. We got good people here. I’m sure you’ll fit right in...” you paused, biting on your lip.  
“Bucky,” he offered because he could tell you were waiting for it. You smiled at his name and a sense of pride burned bright in his chest. God, if he could just make you smile like that again...
“Bucky’s a cool name,” you grinned, though Sam rolled his eyes. “That short for something?”
“Don’t lie to the new kid, Y/n. We all know it’s corny as hell,” Sam interrupted playfully before Bucky could get a word in. You wacked Sam on the shoulder and Bucky felt the edges of his lips curve. It felt strange, achy, like he hadn’t done that in a while. Maybe he hadn’t.  
“Buchanan,” Bucky answered, though he quickly added, “but my first name’s James. James Barnes.”
“Well, James Barnes,” you started, exchanging a knowing look with Sam that made Bucky’s stomach twist in knots, “I run a book club of sorts on Sunday evenings around six. You should swing by. We’re always looking for new members.”
“Y/n works at the Brooklyn library most days,” Sam explained. “We’re lucky to have her. Never thought I’d see so many tattooed men with biceps the size of my head sitting in a circle talking ‘bout books, but Y/n works magic. Everyone loves her. Helps that her book club is pretty unconventional.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes. “Unconventional?”
Sam started to say more, but you pouted your lips at him and he left the words on the edge of his tongue. He held up his hands in defense and took a step back, returning the smile to your face.  
“Don’t listen to him,” you said, laughing so sweetly Bucky was sure his knees might give out at any second. “It’s a good time, I promise. No pressure at all.”
Bucky nodded, considering his options. The idea of seeing you again could make the walk down to the VA worth it, but he wasn’t sold on the concept of sitting in a room full of ex-combat vets probably using a shared book as a proxy for a support group. He wondered if you had them reading something about PTSD or adjusting to civilian life or a memoir of some guy embellishing his time overseas to make a quick buck.  
But he wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, so he asked, “what are you reading?”  
You shrugged. “Depends on who you ask.”  
Bucky raised an eyebrow, confused.  
“Just think about it,” you suggested as you unclicked the lock at the bottom of the cart. The front wheel was broken and you struggled to get an angle to move in the direction you pushed it. “I should head back to the library. It was really nice to meet you, Bucky. I’ll see you later, Sam.”
Bucky nodded, finding himself searching for something else to say, some kind of excuse to get you to stay longer, but came up empty. You smiled at him, all bright and starry eyed, and his knees felt weak again. Shit.  
“Don’t let Stark talk your ear off on the way out,” Sam warned, a laugh in his voice.  
“I think I know my boys around here by now, Samuel,” you teased back. Bucky couldn’t quite tell if it was a pang of jealousy in his stomach or an eagerness to be included. It was a strange rush of feelings he hadn’t tapped into in years; not necessarily unpleasant, but certainly unfamiliar.  
You paused by the door, turning back and capturing Bucky’s eye one last time. “Sunday at six, alright? I’ll see you there.”
He didn’t say anything, but you seemed to take his silence as confirmation. You gave him a final wave before you disappeared into the hallway. He could hear the click of the broken front wheel on your cart echoing down the hall.  
Bucky and Sam followed you out of the room and hung back by the makeshift library doors.  
“What did I tell you!” Sam cheered, nudging Bucky hard enough on the side to knock him off his balance. He was too fixated on watching grumpy old men and stone-faced women pass by in the hallway with smiles on their faces as they saw you.  
“It’s, uh, it’s not bad.” Bucky waited until you disappeared out the front doors and onto the busy sidewalks before he turned to Sam. He was watching him with a sort of I-told-you-so look that made Bucky want to slap the dimples straight from his face. “...what?”
“Nothing, man.” Sam shrugged, though there was something lingering in the smirk he wore, like maybe he knew something Bucky didn’t.  
He didn’t care for that one bit.
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fanfiction-inc · 3 years
Oh I loved your hc about the reader being like a sister to Arthur and John! Can I request a similar sisterly hc with Arthur and John about the reader being kidnapped?
Ahh! I finally finished it! I hope you enjoy!
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Things have been tense back at camp, the gang trying to figure out the next step to evade the Pinkertons.
The boys you cared about so much have been trying to help Dutch and Hosea with the Pinkertons, and now the O'Driscoll boys were starting to revolt.
Usually you would try to help where you can, but they have been getting distant the more they get involved with this petty Grays vs. Braithwaite’s debacle.
Less conversations.
Less teasing.
You were missing the boys that usually treated you like their sister.
But things changed quickly.
You had been on duty at the perimeter of the camp when the shots rang out.
Your gun drawn, firing into the night at the dim lanterns that were being held by riders on their storming horses.
The full gallop sent your heart racing, trying to move here and there to avoid being trampled while also getting the attackers dead.
Some fell, but soon you fell too.
You heard the shot before you felt it, the wound in your side spreading pain like wildfire through your body.
The faint yells from your brothers echoed among the trees, the two having joined the fight late after returning from Rhodes.
Your gaze watched them fight, watched the panic in Arthur Morgan's gaze and the frenzy to reload John Marston's gun and fire.
But it was all in vain, as black clouded your vision and you were whisked away as a prisoner of the battle.
John huffed when he couldn't keep up on foot, out of ammo and out of breath.
Arthur caught up to John, sweat slickening his brow and legs screaming at him to slow down.
"I...I lost her, Arthur." He pants out, trying to swallow a breath and continue on to try and find which way you went.
Arthur placed a hand on his shoulder, making John look back at him with a frenzied gaze.
"What are ya doing? We gotta keep goin'!"
"John stop and listen! We gon'have to regroup and figure out just where they may have taken 'er."
He tried playing the voice of reason, knowing no matter how badly he wanted to run and try to find you right away, that they needed a plan.
Running in guns blazing would get them killed.
But most of all, it would get you killed.
John jerked his arm away from Arthur's grasp, fuming at the idea of letting you go for now but knowing deep down it had to be done.
The boys regroup in camp, telling Dutch and Hosea what they saw, the conclusion of the O'Driscoll boys being the culprits after getting a good look at the bodies.
They needed information.
Your life was on the line.
They couldn't lose you.
It took nearly a day before they had any idea of a location that you may be held in, off in the woods, hidden away.
They had gone alone, stealthy in the night while the O'Driscoll’s attempted to use you to make the gang weakened.
Leave them vulnerable without the unruly daughter of the Van Der Linde gang.
A fist collided with your gut, blood being spit out onto the dirt floor of the cellar you were tied up in.
They just liked to see you bloodied, liked to see the girl who has been helping kill their men get hers.
"Had enough yet, ya Van Der Linde scum?"
"Bit me." A harsh grip was given to your side where the bullet wound went unattended the moment after you spat at your kidnapper, the bloody saliva hitting their chest.
It was getting harder and harder not to let the pain singing in your body take over, a cry leaving your lips when a thumb is jabbed into the wound and blood once again begins to seep freely from it.
"I don't like ya tone with me, little lady." The man hissed, thumb pushing deeper as tears blossomed in your gaze.
He was gonna make you black out from the pain alone.
Then gunfire sounded among the room, the man falling before you with a struggled noise and hand falling away from your wound.
Though the black spotted vision that appeared with each throb of pain, you finally felt hope for getting away from this.
Arthur ran to your side, hand coming to cup your cheek and make sure your gaze stayed focused on him. He couldn't have you blacking out, it would make it harder to leave.
"Jesus- They did a number on ya." He pats your cheek when your eye lids flutter, forcing your gaze before working to get you untied. "Can y'walk?"
"I..." You rasped, coughing on the crimson mixture that drips down from your lips. "I don't know."
"Alright John, y'gonna have to take lead here." Arthur spoke, form helping lift you up and carry you in his arms.
He couldn't let you die in this place, not like this.
John takes the lead out of the cellar, checking the coast as the O'Driscoll boys run around, trying to find the source of the shots.
He gestured for Arthur to follow, the man keeping close to his heels with your form, struggling to stay low while also keeping a good grip on you.
"Hey! There they are!"
"Shit!" Arthur falls with you behind one of the exterior walls of the shack that was connected to the cellar, form used to protect your own and spraying bullets without looking in hopes to hit someone and get out of there.
John takes aim, shooting the man that spotted them before grabbing a hold of Arthur's shirt and giving a hard tug. "Come on!"
The boys run like sheep from a pack of wolves, the bullets flying by them as they try to get you to safety, back to the camp.
Arthur hissed with pain when a bullet grazes his arm, sparks of pain shooting up his arm from the flesh wound but body surging forward.
He somehow manages to get you up on his horse, one hand wrapped around you tightly and the other clutching the reigns with a loud "ya!"
Shots ring out in retaliation to the O'Driscoll’s trying to keep up, John having luck on his side with each shot behind them and bodies left along the less beaten paths back to the main road.
You three were home free, now you just had to get patched up.
"Have I ever told ya how much I hate them damn O'Driscoll’s?" John tried to joke with you, earning a faint, raspy chuckle and cough in turn.
Even if you couldn't see his face from the way you were sat on the horse, he held worry in his gaze.
Every fiber in his being was scared you may die out on them.
The unruly brothers being without their sister.
The camp crowds the boys, John helping get you off Arthur's horse and into a tent so your wounds can be tended to.
"Marston, I need you outside." Mrs. Grimshaw demanded in a hurried fashion, untying the ties on the canvas tent to let the flaps fall closed before beginning her work on you.
It took hours until they could see you, being forced back when your pained cries came from the cauterization of the wound.
Being told they couldn't help at the moment, that the ladies had it as they held you down and the hot iron heated by the camp fire dug into your side and stopped the bleed.
Hours and hours until it was night time and Mrs. Grimshaw finally left the tent, wiping her bloody hands clean.
"She's restin'. Y'can sit with her if ya want but I don't think she's gon'wake up any time soon." The woman informed, sending the men who looked dead to the world from the need for sleep nod and stand, entering the tent.
Arthur's heart damn near shattered at the view of your bandaged up form, his seat taken in a chair at your side while John steals one near the entrance of the tent.
Sleep be damned, he was going to watch over you.
And he did. He watched until it was daybreak and he could barely keep his eyes open, flinching from his half-asleep state when Arthur brought in some of the camp fire coffee for them.
"B-Bring me some?" Their eyes darted to your form, hearing a wheezing cough fall from your chest before seeing the faintest lines of a smile on your features.
Yes, it was pained but it made the boys drop what they were doing and come over.
"Hey," John starts, taking your hand and giving it a firm squeeze, "y'had us worried there." "I was...worried m’self." Your words come out in a slow, careful drawl as you try to move past the tenderness of your throat and body. "But hey, your gon' be okay. Mrs. Grimshaw thinks you'll make a full recovery." Arthur smiled, seating himself on the edge of the cot you lay on and watched how your body visibly relaxed. "No i-infection?" "Not that she could see. Seems you're luck didn't run out jus’ yet."
John smiled when your barely there smile grows, an attempt at a laugh causing another wheeze but the attempt was admired.
"Rest for now, yeah?" The boys smiled at your nod of a response, returning to their seats in the tent when you fell back into a light slumber.
They weren't gonna leave you any time soon, their unruly sister.
@lise-soontobemarried  | @imtootiredforreddit | @morgans-cowbaby | @btsloversaregreat | @sokkasdarling | @the-internet-ruined-me
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Sirius Black x Reader
Summary - (Y/N) had been waiting for four very painful hours for the return of her boyfriend and he did just for mere minutes but she was determined to get him back.
Warnings - So many tears that u could bathe in and fluff.
(Y/N) sat at the dining table, alone, a coffee that turned cold being left unattended, her foot tapping anxiously and she blankly stared at the mahogany wood though her thoughts ran wild.
It's been four hours, very long four hours since Sirius - her beloved boyfriend - was supposed to be back home by the time from a "mission" but he still hasn't returned just adding fuel to the blazing amount of worry she had been enduring these days. She was a strong woman, Sirius always told her that, he would add it with a chuckle just realising how lucky he was.
Rapid knocks pulled her away from her trance. She gulped, taking out her wand and arming herself as she tentatively walked the door.
Upon unlocking, the door swung open and Sirius - she just knew it was him - smashed his lips against hers, pushing the two of them inside, pinning her to the wall.
He kissed her as though there was no tomorrow, as though he was terrified of something beyond her knowledge. He kissed her hard. A deep intuition in her just rang those bells of alarm. 
(Y/N) pulled away, cupping his face as he heaved deep breaths, his head ducked and his whole body shivering. 
"Hey, hey, Sirius, look at me," she pressed, softly as she tried to get him to look at her for she would read him like an open book once she saw his eyes.
When she did see those grey orbs, a soft gasp tumbled from her lips. There was no such thing as a sparkle in his eyes anymore, it was hollow, empty and filled with tears.
"Sirius, what happened?" She asked, worried beyond any level. A sob racked his body, his hands clawing hers as he tightly held them.
"James," he muttered through his sobs.
"James? What happened to him!?" She asked her eyes widening with fear, "Sirius, what happened!?"
Sirius flinched and tried to regain his breath, "James and Lily - they - that rat - he killed them!" 
He sank to his knees in front of her but she stood there watching him sob uncontrollably as she numbly tried to comprehend the situation vaguely.
Giving up her attempt she too, collapsed before him, collecting him in her arms as he held onto her as if she was his lifetime. Not a single tear strung her eyes rather she blankly stared ahead, holding Sirius tightly in her arms.
It would take her years to accept what had happened, she lost them, she lost her best friends, she lost her almost family but what actually made her feel something was how Sirius felt, he lost the one he called his brother right after he lost his own, the girl he saw growing accustomed to their shenanigans and keeping them on the line was simply gone. He wouldn't hear his laughter anymore, he would see her lovely emerald eyes anymore and all because of the person they considered their best friend.
Rage passed through her though it subsided the moment a beaming Harry's face crossed through her mind.
"Sirius, Harry!" She vaguely exclaimed. 
Sirius' sobs intensified and she waited until he calmed down enough to speak.
"Hag-Hagrid took him and I-I did a foolish thing," Sirius said, not meeting her eyes as he felt his head spin.
Her eyes widened, filled with an excessive amount of worry, "Wha-?" 
She didn't even get to finish the question before the door burst open, a group of Aurors stood at the door, their wands outstretched, glaring at the couple sitting on the ground in each other's much-needed embrace.
"Mr Black," the Auror in the middle, growled as he stepped in. (Y/N) and Sirius scrambled to their feet, (Y/N) before Sirius. 
"Ms (L/N), move over, he is dangerous," A female Auror said softly, outstretching her hand and looking at her as though she was a child about to throw a tantrum. 
"Dangerous?!" (Y/N) scoffed, "Absolute bullshit!"
"Ms (L/N), step aside," Another Auror commanded her.
Sirius slipped his hand into hers, squeezing it, searching for the warmth he was afraid he would be deprived of.
The two Aurors in the front whispered amongst themselves. Suddenly one of them harshly pulled (Y/N) back, dragging Sirius away from her.
"NO!" She yelled as she struggled against the restraints of the Auror holding her back by the arm.
Before her, Sirius struggled to remove his arm from the Auror wanting nothing more than to just rush into her arms and be in her comforting embrace though that seemed like a wild fantasy at that moment. 
Finding (Y/N) too hard to be held back, the Auror muttered a spell under her breath. (Y/N) straightened, her eyes turning blurry. She balanced herself against the wall, shaking her head and blinking her eyes.
"Sirius," she muttered, slipping in and out of consciousness. She no longer was able to stand on her feet. And Sirius watched her, yelling her name over and over again until three Aurors bodily dragged Sirius. 
"(Y/N)!" Sirius yelled as he tried to pry the Aurors' hands at the same time (Y/N) whispered, "Don't go, Sirius," watching as he struggled against them and then, blank.
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"(Y/N)," she heard someone call her name, "(Y/N),"
"Moony!? Moony is it you?" She asked, trying to open her eyes.
"Yes, yes, it's me," Remus said, helping her sit up. When Remus had entered Sirius' home after he had received the news, tears staining his cheek, he found the door blast down, not a soul aware of what had happened and what he next saw disturbed him senseless. For a second he was scared into oblivion, for a second he doubted his best friend, for a second he pitied that traitor as he saw (Y/N) laying on the ground motionless.
Remus had rushed to her, racking his brain all the difficult charms and methods he had been taught to wake her up but in the state of panic, he forgot the simplest method of all - just shaking her to wake up.
(Y/N) sat on the floor, her back against the wall, her hand clasped tightly in Remus', she took deep breaths. They sat in silence as the two of them tried to contemplate what had happened. 
"They dragged him, Remus, I don't know even why. They said he was dangerous; Sirius cant be dangerous, he isn't," she muttered, looking at him with tear-filled eyes.
Remus sighed as he sat on the floor, squeezing her hand comfortingly and took a deep breath for what he was about to say, "After he found out about...Peter, he left after him and Sirius seemed to have cornered him, and then the Aurors arrived when almost 12 muggles were killed, and they saw nothing of Peter except for his finger was found. Before they could arrest Sirius there itself he had apparated here,"
By the time Remus finished, (Y/N) had her head leaning against the wall, staring at the photo frame right before her. It was of Sirius and her, making goofy faces and smiling at the camera, it was a week after they graduated.
"Why would Peter do that?" She whispered as she finally looked into his eyes. Remus chuckled sadly, "You know him, very well honestly, he would want to be under those who were more powerful than him, so he joined," Remus gulped, "Voldemort,"
(Y/N)'s lips parted in disbelief, "He was the spy?"
Remus nodded.
"But how did he do it?" 
He sighed, "He was the secret keeper, it seems,"
(Y/N) slapped a hand against her mouth as tears ran free from her eyes. Remus wrapped his arms around her, allowing his best friend to weep into his arms and he too, unable to hold the tears, let them stream down his eyes.
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The morning when Dumbledore came to the household where Remus and (Y/N) sat, silently grieving for their best friends, not a word uttered by them, to inform Sirius has been sentenced to Azkaban for life, (Y/N) didn't feel sadness rather rage, "What!? He's not been given a chance to prove his innocence! You can't throw just him like that into Azkaban forever!" She yelled.
Dumbledore spoke calmly, "Ms. (L/N), please calm down. It's been declared by the Ministry, we cannot do anything about it,"
She took a deep breath and looked at the man pointedly, "Well, professor, if that's it, I don't find a reason for your presence here anymore,"
Dumbledore's blue eyes flashed but he apparated without a word nonetheless.
"What have you gotten in your mind?" Remus asked with a smirk as he looked at her pulling her hair into a bun and taking a deep breath.
"I am gonna prove Sirius' innocence and get my godson back," she said, determinedly as she left to her room leaving Remus sitting on the couch smiling to himself. When you have a determined (Y/N) with you, that's an announcement for the hell that is about to break loose and it could be positive or negative. 
"Coffee," Remus muttered, placing the flask on (Y/N)'s desk as he glanced over the papers and textbooks scattered on her desk, "What are these?"
(Y/N) sighed, placing her pen down and leaning back on her chair, tipping it as Sirius taught her, unconsciously and Remus didn't want to point it out to her, dampening the mood.
"It's so simple, honestly," She said, glancing at the papers and then at him, "I have to get Harry's custody, and if not me Sirius should, it's legally that way too. You can't just place a year old baby in a household of the worst sort of muggles, one that absolutely ignored the fact that she had a sister,"
She took a deep breath, "Now, to Sirius, you cannot arrest someone without any evidence, much less sentence them to prison with no trial permitted. If we just try to get him a trail then everything will fall back to normal,"
"As normal as it could be," Remus said carefully. 
(Y/N) sighed and nodded, "As normal as it could be,"
"What are we gonna do next?" Remus asked.
"Find someone who could help us officially for this,"
"Can't we, I dunno, do it ourselves?"
"I...I don't know,"
"We will give it a shot?"
"Damn right you are,"
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Finally after two exhausting days, (Y/N) stood before Barty Crouch, some would say glaring at him, the other a cold fixated stare. She stood briskly, head held high without the minimal amount of shame or fear in that massive room, filled with people.
"Ms (Y/N) (L/N), you are here requesting another trial for Mr Sirius Orion Black." Barty Crouch said, looking at her through his glasses. 
She shook her head, "Demanding for a trial,"
Crouch's nose flared as he without any disagreement corrected his mistake, knowing far too well the capability of (Y/N).
"Now, the best Aurors have seen Mr Black on the spot laughing like a maniac as the street held 13 dead bodies, including his very own friend Mr Peter Pettigrew," Barty Crouch said.
"First of all, 13 dead bodies? When was Peter's body found?" (Y/N) asked, ignoring the whispers and mutters that grew thick in the council, her gaze fixated on the man before her.
"That's right. His body was never found," She said.
"So are you telling the Wizengamot that Mr Pettigrew just magically disappeared from the scene,"
"Oh please, this Wizengamot is for magic!" She stopped to look at the slightly embarrassed face of Crouch and smirked, just look at him in the end, "Besides, he could have apparated for all we know. But that's a matter for another day; all we have at our hands is a trial for a falsely imprisoned man,"
"Ms (L/N), I will be the one directing the Wizengamot today, so please," Crouch glared at her. Someone raised a hand amidst the crowd, Amelia Bones, "Mr Crouch, I think it's best if we allow her to explain her demand. We can vote," she said, looking at the council.
A little more than half of them raised their hands, "Ah, the motion is passed, Mr Crouch, we must let her speak,"
Barty Crouch's lips twitched, "Very well then, please proceed Ms (L/N),"
(Y/N) had a smirk rivalling Sirius himself's. She took a deep breath, this moment would determine her whole life, "I demand a trial for Sirius Black, with respect to the event that happened on the night of Halloween. I am quite blatantly ashamed that the most powerful ministry wouldn't grant a trial for an innocent man," there was a voice of disapproval. 
(Y/N) ignored it and continued, "I find it extremely disturbing that someone just based on his last name could be sent to Azkaban for a crime he allegedly committed. Now, Siri-Mr Black's relation with...James Potter was well known, they were almost brothers and the question here is how was he supposed to betray someone so close to him,'
"It was also known by almost everyone here about how Mr Black was disowned for going against the absurd ideas of his mother at the young age of 16, would that very man commit a crime as such!? And it's quite easy to find the truth here at the Ministry of Magic, a simple Veritaserum would do the job and if that didn't work, a check of memories of muggles at the spot would have shown the truth. And just as you said you have the best Aurors, allow them to seem the truth!"
(Y/N) finished, taking a sip of the water beside her and the council looked rather convinced by her speech. Once again Amelia Bones stood, "A vote again, perhaps, Mr Crouch?" She asked.
The man in question looked absolutely bewildered by how wrong things have been going now that the spotlight to it had been given. He nodded. 
"Great. Those in favour of granting Mr Black his fair trial upon the use of Veritaserum," she said and grinned as almost all the members in the council raised their hands.
(Y/N) beamed as Crouch announced, "Sirius Orion Black will be given his trial on the third of November, here at this very room with Veritaserum brewed by a highly talented Potions Master. Any objection? Very well then, Council dismissed,"
"Moony!" (Y/N) rushed into Remus' arms, tears stinging her eyes, "We did it, Moony! We did it!"
"You got the trial!?" Remus asked, grinning at her after she pulled away.
"Yes!" She chuckled happily.
"You did it!" Remus yelled as he pulled his best friend into a bone-crushing hug, wiping his own tears.
"When is it?" He asked, still beaming.
Her bottom lip quivered, "Third of November,"
Remus' shoulder slumped, Sirius had planned something that would have changed the two of their lives on that day, and it was part of the reason why he got arrested. Remus engulfed her in a warm hug.
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"Don't worry, we know he is innocent," Remus reassured (Y/N), him moving to the stands while she stood in the front of the very room she struggled for a trial on November 3.
Minutes later, the Aurors escorted Sirius into the room, he looked glum and hollow. He looked as though he feared human touch anymore, as though all those bad memories within him surfaced. He looked fragile and in that moment (Y/N)'s heart shattered. 
She wanted to just rush into his arms and never let him go, hold him close to her, whisper soothing terms into his ears, for only him to hear.
Sirius glanced around the room, his eyes falling on (Y/N), he felt in the precise second nothing but pride blooming through his chest, she was his brave girl, he wouldn't worry about her, he knew she would survive. If his world hadn't collapsed, he would have called her his fiancee. 
"Mr Sirius Orion Black, after the request of Ms (L/N), you have been granted a chance to prove your innocence. You will be given two drops of the truth potion - Veritaserum, and then Ms Amelia Bones, will question you," Barty Crouch announced.
Sirius was then seated in the middle of the room, his eyes fixed on nothing but (Y/N) who smiled warmly at him and he felt as if there was nothing wrong, it's just another prank he got caught in, just another petty detention, just another pathetic duel with Slytherins, he felt a bloom of comfort spreading from his chest. He allowed a little smile, very minuscule to tug on the corner of his lips.
"You, Sirius Orion Black, son of Walburga and Orion Black?" Amelia Bones questioned the basics, testing the potion.
Sirius snorted, folding his arms before him and slumping on his chair, "Unfortunately,"
"You were a Gryffindor?"
He smirked, "Yes,"
"Well, Mr Black now let me know what happened on Halloween's night?"
Sirius took a sharp intake of breath and sat properly on the chair, "I went see Prongs first to tell about the ring and when I went there the roof of their house was absolutely collapsed and I was afraid what could have happened so I went in and," Sirius' voice broke and tears stung in his eyes just as it did to (Y/N), she never knew these.
"And I-I saw James laying on the floor, his eyes were open but....he wasn't- he wasn't moving and when I checked for his breath," Sirius took a deep breath, "There was nothing,"
Sirius retold what he had seen and done on that day, with pauses for breath and sips of water to calm himself down.
By the end, Amelia Bones was moved to tears so were the rest of the courtroom, especially (Y/N) who often wiped her eyes.
Bones turned to Barty Crouch, silently asking him for the final judgement. 
He took a deep breath, "Very well then, at the end of this trial, based on accounts given by the Accused induced with Veritaserum, I, Bartemius Crouch, hereby declare, Sirius Orion Black innocent!"
Remus and (Y/N) patiently waited for Sirius to change out of his Azkaban clothes and into the one he was wearing that day.
"Love?" Sirius called, tentatively, about four feet away. Tears started to stream down (Y/N)'s eyes as she ran towards him.
She threw herself into his arms, burying her head into his shoulders and chanting his name. Sirius slowly started to rock her, finally, the warmth he had been deprived of seeped into his body, he felt safe and...home.
"Darling, I am here, don't worry, it's going to be OK," He consoled her. The turn of events was almost hilarious for (Y/N), it was supposed to be her saying those words.
She pulled away, cupping his cheeks. There were dark circles under his eyes, his eyes - Oh goodness - they were a dark shade of grey, bad memories and tears clouding them, and he looked pale.
She couldn't hold her to see him anymore so she smashed her lips against his, inviting him for a passionate embrace. Neither of them knew until then that this was what they wanted, to feel the other, a silent reassurance that everything is going to be alright.
Remus watched as the two of his...remaining best friends held each other in a much-needed embrace, he smiled warmly. The surprise that would await the two of them by the other.
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"Come on," (Y/N) beckoned inside their, squeezing Sirius' hand and Remus in tow, "Stay here," she said and disappeared inside a room.
Sirius took out the velvet box buried inside his coat pocket and showed it to Remus, who clapped him on the back and nodded encouragingly. 
When (Y/N) returned with a sleeping baby Harry in her arms, beaming, she didn't expect to see Sirius on his one knee, holding a velvet box open, a beautiful diamond ring shining inside.
The two of them gasped simultaneously as Remus watched with proud eyes, feeling like a mother watching her kids grow.
"I dunno what to say," Sirius said, "Everything I prepared flew out of my mind. But just one thing, I need you in my life, I need you for my sanity, I am absolutely nothing without you and you hold my world above, darling, if it wasn't for you it would have collapsed ages ago. Over everything else...I love you, so much that I can't even express it. I-will you, (Y/N) (L/N), marry me?"
(Y/N) nodded rapidly, unable to speak she rushed into his arms, still holding Harry carefully.
They pulled away after a moment and Sirius slipped the ring into her finger and took Harry in his arms, admiring how much he looked like his father.
"I love you, (Y/N)," he said, his arm encircling around her waist.
"I love you too," she muttered, laying her head on his shoulder.
"Remus," Sirius called, glancing behind for his best friend, "Group hug,"
Remus rushed to the three of them. Finally, they felt happy perhaps like tightly woven remainings of one big family.
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bonesmctightass · 3 years
The Enterprise was docked for repairs on Earth, leaving the crew no choice but to return to the lives they left behind. Spock, of course, had nowhere in particular to go back to. But that suited Leonard just fine, because he was going to officially change that. He had a perfectly spacious apartment in the city with room enough for both of them. It only made sense for them to cohabitate on the ground as they did in the stars.
"Are you ready to go?" Leonard called over his shoulder. He didn't have much to pack, really. A few essentials tucked away in a backpack was enough. "Don't suppose you have much to take with you."
Spock emerged from the sleeping alcove with a bag slung over his shoulder. "I do not. Merely a few toiletries and a spare uniform. If memory serves, I believe I left enough items at your apartment to get by until repairs are completed."
"We'll have to go food shopping." Leonard reminded.
It was all wonderfully domestic. They didn't have much time to be them with their respective duties constantly getting in the way. There would be time enough now. And they would savor every second of it. From now right up to the moment they set foot back on the ship. He'd make good on that.
Spock graced him with a small smile. "I believe tonight would be an excellent opportunity to order in."
Leonard went a little stupid and a lot soft. "Yeah. Yeah, I think you're right."
The shuttle back down was comfortably silent, and the taxi into the city was too. There wasn't much to say and not a whole lot needed to be said, anyway. Sometimes Leonard stole a sideways glance just to watch the way Spock's eyes warmed. Sometimes Spock would slide the tips of his fingers over the back of Leonard's hand. A fleeting little touch. A promise. Leonard's heart swelled. He could do this forever.
It had been a little over a year since they were last in the apartment. Leonard wasn't sure what he was expecting when he slid his key card into the door. A mess, maybe. Dust piled up on the furniture. But, no. No, it was just as perfectly pristine as they left it.
"I was just reminded that we left a plant unattended in the bathroom," Spock said as he took their combined luggage and set it on the coffee table for unpacking. "You don't suppose…"
"Dead, now. Surely."
The disappointed expression on Spock's face was equal parts endearing, because he just couldn't help himself, and devastating. "Shame. I had hoped to propagate it before we last left. It has been quite some time."
Accidental plant homicides aside, the remainder of the afternoon had passed without incident. They fell into an easy rhythm, as they always did. As they were meant to do. Spock delivered each of their belongings into their rightful places while Leonard read off some takeout menus stuffed into a cabinet over the fridge. They ate together on the couch and watched one of Leonard's favorite holos.
"Spock," Leonard said, finally. "I've got something for you." He thrummed with a sort of nervous anticipation as he retrieved an envelope from the pocket of his jeans. Now was as good a time as any. "I know I've never really formally asked, so… I'm asking."
The anticipation of the answer nearly killed him, as if he didn't already know it would be an emphatic yes. As if they hadn't already given the entirety of themselves to each other. Spock peered in between the folds of paper and plucked the key card from inside. The implication was there. Leonard didn't have to say it. Spock certainly didn't need him to. And Leonard didn't really need an answer, anyway.
He found the soft kiss pressed to his lips was reply enough.
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secret-ssociety · 4 years
Behind the scenes
Pairing(s): Aaron Tveit x Reader, Les Mis (2012) cast x Reader
Warnings: This is just fluff. Like one curse
Summary: It is never intended for Enjolras and Eponine to fall in love in the original story, but a lot of things can happen when the cameras are turned off
A/N: I know everyone is waiting for more of the Let Me Down series but I have wanted to do this for a long time bc I am utterly in love with this man and I've always said I don't want to just write Peter Parker's stuff. Might make this several parts, who knows, I like things with parts.
requests are open!!
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For the first time in the whole day, silence fell upon the set of Les Mis, being only vaguely interrupted by the quiet chatter of everyone else who, unlike you, still had energy to talk. It's not like it was your fault, though, you had no idea of how much running around implied to play Eponine.
Huddled in a quiet corner of what had been built to be the Café Musain, you pushed your knees against your chest and hid your face between them, hoping to catch some rest before Tom decided he wanted to do a scene again. Was it maybe two in the morning? Three? You didn't even know anymore, you weren't allowed to carry a watch around your wrist and your phone was charging in your trailer, but the last time you had checked it was midnight and that had been a few hours ago.
Doing a movie, you had come to learn in your first few days of filming, was quite different from putting up a show. Interacting with your surroundings, going over scenes and even directing your eyes to a certain place while saying your lines was a world away from your common place on stage. You'd had to repress a loud squeak on your first day on set when you saw just how real everything looked, and when you started to try on your garments... you might as well have been a street urchin on Paris, 1832.
A small finger touched your shoulder timidly, waking you up from your fragile sleep and making you lift your head from its place. Your eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the light and you even had to squint a little to recognize Daniel standing next to you, looking just as tired, but with a small flame of caffeine dancing in the back of his eyes. Who the fuck gave the kid coffee? You wondered.
"How long do you think they'll keep us here?" he asked sitting next to you. From all your cast mates, Daniel was probably the first one you had grown fond of, but then again, so had everyone.
"Maybe not much longer, unless they want us to be here at noon tomorrow," you answered raising an eyebrow. Being the youngest person on the whole set, you could tell he was trying to hold his own like the adults, drinking coffee and doing his best to stay awake.
The problem with that, you knew, was that caffeine reacted differently on kids and adults: when an adult drinks coffee, it gives them energy for a long period of time, the caffeine is distributed in order to serve the body for good while. When a child drinks coffee, on the other hand, the caffeine gives them a rush of adrenaline that gets them jumping up and down and running circles around the adults, very much like Daniel was doing a while ago, thus burning all the energy they had acquired as fast as they had engorged it.
"You want to rest for a minute?" you asked him, stretching your legs so that he could rest his head on them. He shook his head tiredly, but didn't put up a fight when you grabbed his shoulder and started to lay him down.
Softly, you caressed his hair, while carefully trying to undo the tangles the dirt had made onto his hair to give him that street gamine I-live-in-the-elephant-of-the-Bastille look. In a matter of seconds, he was fully asleep, snoring quietly against the fabric of your skirt.
You heard some of the boys approaching, laughing loudly with cups of steaming coffee on their hands, and were quick to lift your finger up to your lips, to let them know of the resting boy that would be quickly awaken by their laughs. They apologized in whispers, handed you the cup they had brought for you and sat around you.
"Helena is trying to convince them to let us go to the hotel," Alistair commented, although he didn't look tired at all, more like he was amused by everyone else's exhaustion.
You sighed in relief against the cup, which was held close to your lips, making the steam hit your face in a warmth that made you aware of how cold your nose was. Only one gulp of the bitter liquid was enough to warm the blood flowing through your veins and take you back to life, you could open your eyes properly and the first the landed on was one of the most distinctive of your cast mates: Aaron Tveit.
Was there something special about him that made you think of his full name instead of just the first? Yeah, everything. He was the embodiment of the Enjolras Victor Hugo had wrote, the one that had been nicknamed Apollo by his friends. Maybe it was the way he held himself, somehow taller than everyone else, with that revolutionary fire in his eyes and walking around the set like he was actually going to get the people to build a barricade.
Wherever he happened to exist, you couldn't help but feel the presence of an olden god amongst mortals, the time go slower and light to travel in a bliss. There was just something so ethereal about him...
"He's talent, isn't he?" Alistair commented, having followed the direction of your eyes. "Among other things," Eddie joked, perhaps having caught on on the repressed smitten nature of your gaze. Stubbornly, you rolled your eyes.
As if saved by the bell, your director announced that everyone was allowed to go and get some rest, under the condition that you had to be back the next day before lunch. You were so tired, you almost forgot you were on your costume, being remembered by Eddie when you walked straight to the exit.
Up until that day, you had followed you stylist's skincare routine religiously every day after finishing filming, but once you found yourself in your sweatpants and Alistair's sweater, you simply poured water in your face and wiped all the makeup away with a paper towel.
Outside of your trailer, you found at least half of the Amis waiting for you to go grab some pizza while forming a wall to shield a newly caffeinated Daniel from your accusatory eyes. "I just left my cup unattended for a second!" George said quickly. You didn't know if you should laugh or yell at them, but you decided you were too tired to do either, so you simply took his hands and walk with the boys to the minivans the studio had hired for your transportation.
Eating pizza after having barely washed the makeup off of your face and only having a few hours to sleep after? You knew you were going to break out, but that was a tomorrow's problem.
Perhaps it was the magic that gravitated around Aaron that made you look back to see him, walking several feet behind the lot of you and clearly immersed on his thoughts. What you did next wasn't exactly a conscious decision, but it felt as natural as if it were.
"Hey, Tveit," you smiled, stopping before him. He looked surprised for a second, since he hadn't heard you approach him, but then smiled softly at you.
"Hello, Y/L/N," he said back, looking at you with those piercing eyes of him.
"We're going to grab a bite, wanna come?" You asked with a bright smile, one so cute that made it hard for him to say no.
"I don't know, it's late..." he said with half a smile.
"Did you know that pizza wasn't invented until the late half of the 18th century," you said, persistently, making him raise an eyebrow at the random fact, "that means all of our characters died without having ever eaten pizza. Shouldn't we, in order to honor them, do the things they never got to do?"
Aaron tried as hard as he could to fight back a smile at your argument. He had heard from the other guys about your occurrences and funny yet charming way with words, but he still hadn't had a chance to delight himself with it all too much. Maybe you were both too busy, maybe he wasn't as good as he liked to think to break the ice and Alistair had beat him to it.
He was practically convinced already, but still you added, "come on, Enjolras is still going to be here tomorrow morning... er, today a little less morning." You corrected checking the time on your wrist watch.
He was tired and not really hungry, but sill he nodded and followed you to the exit, where the rest of your friends cheered upon his joining.
Thankfully, the place Fra Fee knew was not too far away from the hotel, because none of you would have managed to walk too much after the day you'd had. Pulling a couple of tables together with the help of a waitress who pretended not to be a little starstruck, all of you sat down and ordered. You personally tried to ignore the way Eddie gave you his sit so that you would end up sat next to Aaron.
After ordering three large pizzas and some lemonade, and having grudgingly remembered that you couldn't order a beer or anything of the sort, you resumed your chattery. You soon found that, while you weren't the only theatre actress on the room, you were the only one who had never been on a film before. Still, that didn't mean your previous work had gone unnoticed.
"I was really excited to meet Y/N," Eddie commented on Daniel's side, "because I went to see her in The Phantom of The Opera, in London and I was" he made the gesture of his head blowing up, making you laugh.
"Yes, I knew I had seen you somewhere! You're Christine Daaé!" George exclaimed, interrupting the bite he was about to give to his pizza.
"Didn't you say on the first table reading that your dream role is Esmeralda, from the Hunchback?" Aaron perked up, making you blush a little.
"Esmeralda, Christine and Eponine," Alistair numbered, only giving you time to nod, "are you planning on becoming the Holy Trinity of French Theater?"
"I'll be able to say the Holy Trinity of French Theater died in my arms!"
You almost spilled your lemonade at the exclamation, unable to contain your laughs, very much like everyone else on the table. You didn't mean for your face to be as red as it was in that moment, but you couldn't help it when everyone seemed to be so interested in your past work. Despite attention being your line of work, you didn't know how to handle it that good.
It was when Daniel's adrenaline burnt off, as you had predicted, and he was found too tiresd to even keep his head up that you came back to the hotel, with the quiet company of Aaron, who had also offered to take the young boy back to his room. You were both in silence, though it was not an awkward one, it just wasn't necessary to talk to enjoy the other's company.
"We're getting a cow," he said suddenly, when you were approaching the entrance of the hotel.
"What?" You asked with a confused smile.
"We're getting a cow, on the set, tomorrow," he clarified grinning, "she will be there for the scenes of the barricade."
"Why would a cow be on a barricade?" You questioned with a laugh, opening the door for Aaron, since he was carrying Daniel, and receiving a little thank you in return. "Not that I'm complaining."
He laughed in return and followed you to the elevator, making sure neither the young boy nor the jacket he had put over him fell from his embrace. The cow thing had just been to start conversation and be able to ask what he really wanted to know, although he was a little pumped up about the cow.
"Do you want to do what Alistair said?" He asked curiously, "About being the Holy Trinity of French Theater, it is."
"I had never thought about it that way, but it sounds quite nice," you answer thoughtfully. "Though, I believe I would have to play Eponine on a stage, rather than a set to really earn that title."
"You're not liking movie making so far?" He asked somewhat amused, specially when you whipped your head to look at him with wide eyes.
"No! That's not what I mean," you talked so fast you nearly stumbled through your words, but the kindness on his eyes made you sigh and calm down. "This has been amazing so far and I would never underestimate the huge effort it takes to make one of these. I mean, I've only been doing this for a couple days and I'm already beyond exhaustion. And yet it has been wonderful, the set and the preparation and just seeing all the work it implies is... unbelievable."
You knocked three time on the door, to see Daniel's mother not two seconds later. Aaron had been worried that maybe she would be concerned and even a little mad at how late her son was coming back, but you had been texting her throughout the extra hours of shooting and to let her know you were going to take him to eat something before coming back to the hotel.
She kindly thanked you both, took Daniel (who was still sound sleep) on her arms and gave Aaron his jacket back, to then close the door. Without saying much, he walked you to your own room, prompting you to continue.
"Where was I? Oh, yeah! So filming a movie is... I'm running out of adjectives, but it's really great," he chuckled slightly, "but I don't think it can top the feeling of being on the theater," you sighed dreamily.
"On stage, there is no take two, the things you're doing can only be done once. There's..." your tongue ran through your lips, an action Aaron found almost mesmerizing, as you tried to find the words to describe the thing you loved the most in the world. "There's this feeling, when the show is about to start, the lights dim, the overture starts and you get goosebumps and you heart starts thumping at the moment you come on stage, there's something about that moment being unrepeatable and having the eyes of the crowd on you, the adrenaline is just... is like the identity line that divides the actor from their character disappears and in that moment you're not quite them, but you're not you, you're just..." you let out a breath at the inability to find the word and, for a moment, you worried you might have bored him with your rambling, but he had that bliss over his face, the one only a theatre actor knows and has, that told you he knew exactly what you're talking about.
The next morning, back on set and with your costumes again covering your backs, Aaron found himself so hypnotized by the sight of you rehearsing with Amanda his tea got cold and was utterly scared when Eddie's palm fell onto his back, dragging him out of his day dream.
"Is this the part when the Phantom is stalking Christine?" George asked jokingly, making Aaron roll his eyes.
For someone who made so much fun of him for becoming Enjolras, he had certainly developed Grantaire's mocking nature.
"She's really talented," the blonde man answered nonchalantly, drinking from his tea and making a face when he found out the drink was cold.
"I see," Eddie said handing him his tea, "are you seeing our dear Y/N under a new light?"
Was he? It would be a lie to say he didn't come back to his room with you occupying every single one of his thoughts, his heart fluttering who had managed to put his passion for theatre in words. Had his hands always became a little shaky around you? Yes. But today it was even worse.
Today, your voice giving life to Eponine's thoughts and emotions could make his cheeks blush or bring tears to his eyes in a matter of a second. Today, you walked around with a strange light over you, one that didn't allow him to look away while, at the same time, reprehended him for staring. Today, you were more than an artist, an actress. You were something more than human.
"Nonsense," he replied stubbornly, "I have always known how talented she is."
Before he could get a sarcastic comment or a snide yet friendly remark, the three men's chatter was interrupted by the two previously mentioned ladies rehearsing The Robbery, one of the scenes you planned on filming that day.
"It's the police! Disappear! Run for it!" Your strong soprano voice cut all chattery in one swift motion. "It's Javert!"
He probably held his breath for as long as you held the note. Once you opened your eyes, you seemed a little embarrassed at all the eyes on you, but Aaron didn't understand just what did you have to be embarrassed about.
Eddie shook his shoulder, "breathe, mate!"
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