#and ill have to repost so much shit
ecstasydemon · 10 months
TUMBLR DELETED MY NSFW ART BLOG WHAT THE HELL.. i guess i should've anticipated that but ugh thats sooo annoying
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hefcumin · 2 years
Should i reblog some shit from my old naruto blog from when i was 16 🧐
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killerlookz · 3 months
another think piece bc this is kind of getting ridiculous now and i feel so bad for the people on here who are constantly losing motivation or outright deleting their hard work bc of some dumbass kids on the internet
im genuinely curious now, bc i still keep seeing people post about their work being posted on joostwt... like it must be on purpose now right? look i can understand being naive and coming onto tumblr for the first time and just looking up a fandom you like and then being surprised when people are little freaks about it ... but i mean at this point you have to KNOW what is on tumblr we've been the talk of joostwt (and tikok honestly) for like over a month now... you're no longer "accidentally" stumbling upon nsfw works you're actively seeking it out. and specifically actively seeking it out to harass and degrade the people who made the work, to what? to prove your own "morality" in this fandom? do you really think joost feels better now that you've put some random person on blast? do you think he's going to get on his knees and thank you for fighting the evil disgusting tumblr fandom... omg get a GRIPPPP!
if the tumblr fandom bothers you so much... stop actively seeking out the tumblr fandom??? like if its so gross and weird to you WHY do you keep coming back. go block some tags, or delete tumblr off your phone and stop trying to live out your repressed high school mean-girl fantasies over the internet and go outside.
like personally i dont really enjoy the joost fandom on tiktok or twitter, so i just simply dont interact with them, that easy. sure if joost content happens to be on my feed ill probably like it, but other than that i dont go out of my way to search the joost tags, or seek out fan accounts, bc just not my vibe- i suggest the rest of you do the same for us on tumblr
and tbh like i probably assure you joost is not surfing the "joost klein x reader" tag on here 😭 he's not going to see this shit as long as YOUUUU stop reposting them other places. anyways if you want to complain about sexualization are you also going to complain about the women he sexualizes in his songs? or what about that short story he wrote where he talks about a woman going down on him in a club bathroom... are you going to complain that he sexualized that woman? or when he talks about how he stole his friend's mom's bra... are you going to whine about how he sexualized her? because that's him sexualizing a real-life person. i mean cmon if sexualizing real people is so bad, lets at least keep our morals consistent.
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kiyeuo · 23 days
some cussing so im sorry but yk!
please please please credit moodboards that arent urs and that u repost/reupload or use on a diff website/platform. everywhere i go, on roblox, pin, insta, or wtv i keep on seeing moodboards stolen from ppl w/o any credits. n tbf it shouldnt be much of a big deal to do, because you can just simply put “credits @______ on wtv”. you guys r lit so funny acting like crediting is so mf hard, like if u have time to download all the pics n add a whole ass list of tags, just spending less than a min to credit the og poster wont hurt! making moodboards is really hard sometimes, as u need to find the right images n shit, but by some people just taking them off n not crediting its really disrespectful n the fact some of ygys even claim as urs? like where the fuck is the reasoning in that!
please use some common sense n credit the original posters its literally not that hard..! i cannot emphasize how important it is to credit the bro wtf??? like jsut please use ur brain omfg
i cant write anymore n shit cs ill jsut be repeating the same info again n again w more cussing so yeah! :3
please help spread awareness , reblogging n tagging ppl!!!
tags ::
@chaeryeos @hourlyhoon @artoruu @sh2ua @daezsuki @heeivrs @prettias @porcelise (guys idk this is rushed)
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808len808 · 11 months
Crack Baby
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!Leon S. Kennedy x Gender Neutral Reader!
Summery: After coming home from your mission, Leon notices something different in you.
Authers note: Thank you for all the likes and reposts on "Noted"! This story isn't really based on the song Crack Baby from Mitski, but it does describe the feeling that the "reader" has. Plus I absolutely love the song.
!Warnings!: self-harm, eating disorders, depression, trauma.
(Words: 4,210)
You had just gotten back from a mission, the most horrible mission you have ever had the misfortune of being on. You witnessed your whole squat being executed in front of you while you were powerless, you couldn’t save them and you blamed yourself immensely for it. Your agents, your friends…
The door to your apartment opened slowly you fumbled around with the key before taking it out of your front door and putting it back in your pocket while stepping inside the apartment you shared with your boyfriend Leon. You and he worked together at the D.S.O as a federal agent. You met him there with him accompanying you on many missions. You two were amazing together in battle and got along very well. So well that he asked you out to dinner after your second mission together. There was an instant click between the two of you and you became close friends slowly growing on each other till the point where he came over every day even when you already worked together even sleeping over sometimes. You knew everything about him even his past just like he knew you better than you knew yourself at times. The friendship bloomed slowly into something much more. Ending up with you asking him out since he wouldn’t pick up on your signals, even after you had kissed him. He had moved in with you mere weeks after dating since your apartment had an extra room that you didn’t use.
Fast forward to 6 months, now. 
You had been nothing but happy for the last six months he was the best partner you could’ve hoped for, he was sweet, caring, funny, and could cook a really nice dinner. He was perfect. You’d sometimes think that you didn’t deserve him and he would help you overcome it together with the rest of your insecurities. He was super understanding even when you told him about your history of mental illness and your scars from the past. Of course, he had his flaws too, a full hand of trauma and other family issues. Leaving him with panic attacks and a lot of PTSD. You were always there to comfort him always. 
Leon heard the door of the apartment open he immediately sprung up from the couch a big smile was painted on his face when he saw you.
“You’re back” his voice was high-pitched.
You had been gone for a bit more than a week and he was getting worried. He had texted and called you over a million times but you seemed radio-silent the whole time. His heart raced when he saw you, his eyes lit up as if he had just come to life by seeing you. There was a huge wave of relief through his body he couldn’t even begin to describe the ecstasy he felt when seeing you, even when you looked like shit. He almost ran over to you a happy hop in his feet as he wrapped his arms around your tired body.  He snuggled his face in your neck and closed his eyes in the warm embrace. But to Leon’s dismay, he felt you flinch beneath him but he didn’t want to let go of you just yet.
“I was so worried” his voice cracked when he spoke into the crook of your soft neck. “I’ve called you, but you didn’t respond, and I thought-“ 
He stopped himself before he continued because he didn’t feel your arms around him. Your arms had just stayed by your side not moving as if you were frozen, like a statue glued to the wooden floor of your apartment. A frown caught his brows and he removed his arms from you leaving the one-sided hug. It’s now that he got a good look at you, your eyes seemed dead as if your soul was a second away from disappearing your face pale with dark half moons under your eyes, you looked like shit. He noticed a new scar on the side of your right eyebrow a dark red stitched wound against the cold skin on the eyebrow. 
“Are you okay?” his tone sounded even more worried than before a concerned frown on his face as he examined yours.
“Yea just tired”, you managed to squeeze out before walking away. 
“Wait” he grabbed your wrist before you could walk any further the grip was gentle but at the same time had some firmness to it. 
“You’ve been gone for like a week can we at least-, talk?” You turned your face around. But all Leon could see was the way your whole body was shaking under his touch it was an upsetting view, the way your hand trembled while he held your wrist. His brows knitted together a hopeless look on his face. 
“I- I’m just really tired. I want to take a shower and so to sleep.” You explained but he could even hear the shaking in your voice. You were staring at the ground he desperately tried to get a chance to look into your eyes, but you seemed to be avoiding his gaze, you seemed to be avoiding him.
“Okay, we’ll talk in the morning yeah?” The gentleness of his voice made you nod. And so he let go of your wrist even when he didn’t want to. Even when the only thing he wanted to do was hold you in his arms the way you had held him every time he came back from another traumatizing mission. You and Leon were different in that way, Leon was always looking for physical touch, he lived for it, the only thing he wanted to do all day was hug you cuddle you or you cuddle him he loved either. He loved your soft touch the way your body fit so perfectly in his warm embrace the way he could bury his face in your neck. 
But you were the opposite Leon had noticed that each time you had come back from a mission you just seemed to want to distance yourself from him. He learned that sometimes physical touch was too much for you, That you couldn’t handle being touched while you were overwhelmed sometimes. He didn’t really understand it he couldn’t really grasp it but still, he took note of it and didn’t attempt to touch you when you told him that it was too much. Eventually, he could pick up on the signs. He could tell when you wanted to be touched and in which way you wanted to be touched if it would result into cuddles or something more intimate. He could also pick up on when it was too much for you, your body language he knew it all. And right now it was definitely too much so he left you to yourself which he knows now was a bad idea.
Leon still had to go to work that day but you got the week off due to the mission. Leon still didn’t know what had happened on that mission since you still hadn’t talked to him. You were supposed to talk in the morning but when he came to your room last night to lay with you, you shook him off and told him that you wanted to be left alone even when you were asleep. 
So that was the first night in 5 months that Leon had slept in his own room. You couldn’t really call it sleeping more like staring at the ceiling the whole night while he thought of you. He was worried sick and just wanted to comfort you so that it would calm his nerves but at last, he was sent away. He didn’t close one eye that night so he was desperately waiting for it to become morning so that he could talk to you. And so morning came. He was up early mostly because he couldn’t sleep but also because he wanted to make your favorite breakfast since he knew you were going through something that he had yet to understand. 
He cooked up your favorite food for breakfast he was really proud of how it turned out actually even when he had already made it many times, still he felt good knowing it meant so much to you. He had to leave for work at 9 am so when the clock hit 8 and a half he had already expected you up since you had gone to bed so early the day before but he still hadn’t heard a sound come out of your room and the food was getting cold. 
He sneaked to your room and saw you sound asleep under the many blankets you had on your bed. Even in summer, you insisted on having them but now it was fall and it was getting colder. Even under those blankets you wore a hoodie. Normally you wore a shirt in bed because Leon was basically a walking heater. But now that you had slept alone it was cold for more than one reason, just like how you wore the hoody for more than one reason too.
Leon’s eyes softened when he saw you peacefully resting. soft breaths came out of you as he admired you from the door frame. You looked so relaxed almost happy. He snapped out of his staring and walked over to the bed gently shaking you awake. 
“Babe?” He saw your eyes veagely open a soft grumble escaped your lips.
“Five more minutes” 
“I have to leave for work in five more minutes” Leon softly said with a chuckle escaping his lips.
“Hmm,” You turned your back to Leon and pulled the blanket over your head as if to say let me sleep. Leon got the hint and left you be even when he really wanted to talk.
“All right, we’ll talk at dinner tonight, you just catch some sleep yeah? I have to go.”
“There’s breakfast on the table.” No response. He sighed before leaving your room and closing the door behind him. He wasn’t sure how he’d be able to work with him being so concerned but he didn’t really have a choice anyway, besides maybe he could get some answers at HQ about what happened on your mission since you didn’t want to talk. 
And so he left for work. At headquarters, he was met with the receptionist who seemed worried when he saw Leon walk in. The D.S.O. had known about the relationship between you and Leon and that you lived together.
He walked up to the desk to register himself but was met with a concerning conversation. 
“How are they holding up?” The receptionist spoke while looking up at Leon before even beginning to register him. 
He shrugged his shoulders because he had no idea how to respond the the receptionist. He didn’t even know what happened he knew something was wrong, but he had no idea what.
“I don’t know, we haven’t really had a chance to talk.”
The receptionist frowned at his answer. 
“Do you know what happened on that mission Leon?” she consciously asked and spoke as if she was scared of someone hearing them.
“No” he responded a guilty tone underlying his voice. 
“The mission failed, and they witnessed-… they witnessed it all go down before they were rescued by the BSAA.” her voice went quieter 
Leon felt his heart sink to his stomach “The BSAA? Why didn’t we rescue them?” Leon bluntly responded almost sounding mad.
“We thought they were dead. They had been radio silent for so long and- The D.S.O.  just didn’t want to waste time.”
Leon felt a wave of rage hit him when the innocent receptionist spoke “Waist time?!” 
The receptionist stayed quiet like she didn’t know how to respond. 
Leon’s blood was boiling the D.S.O. didn’t even bother to look for you?! to try and save you or contact you?! He was fuming.
After possibly the longest feeling day at work and a very angry conversation that he had with the people that navigated your mission he stepped into his car still fuming. He had to get a hold of his emotions if he wanted to talk to you. He wasn’t mad at you no you didn’t do anything wrong it was just the assholes that he and you worked for that he wanted to punch to pulp the fact that he could’ve lost you because the D.S.O because they didn’t want to “waist time” was making his stomach turn. He was worried sick about you literally. 
He hurriedly opened the front door just wanting to see you to comfort you maybe hold you if you let him. He just wanted to be with you again to never let you leave his sight. He was so scared of losing you and the fact that it almost happened was tearing him apart.
The first thing he saw was the food he made for breakfast it was in the same spot that he had left them seemingly untouched still on the table. His brows knitted together in the same upset look that he had worn for the past few days. He knew something was off immediately. He didn’t see you, he assumed you were in the living room playing games or watching something or reading but he found the room to be empty which worried him even more. Had you even been out of your room? It was already 6 pm. You must be hungry seeing you left your breakfast untouched.
Leon made his way over to your room and saw you lying in your bed your eyes fixated on your phone. You didn’t even look up when Leon entered your room. 
“Hey sweetheart, how are you holding up?” his voice was sweet and he saw your eyes glance over at him just for a second before going back to your phone. 
“Fine” Your voice was hoarse and you looked even more tired than before even after you had slept. He sat down at the side of your bed as you spoke ignoring the way you didn’t even bother to look at him. He had to ask it or else he wouldn’t be able to calm his mind down, he gulped before opening his mouth again.
“Have you- ehm… eaten anything today?” Your eyes darted at him before nervously looking beneath you at your bed and then back to your phone
“Yeah… yeah of course” Liar, the worst thing was Leon knew that you were lying. And the fact that you were made it even worse for him. How could he even respond to that? What was he supposed to say?
“Okay… Well, what would you like for dinner tonight?” Your anxiousness gave off as you bit the inside of your mouth making it even more apparent to Leon that you were lying. 
“I’m not hungry” Your eyes went back to Leon’s and you saw the way he wasn’t buying it. 
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not-“
But he already stood up not wanting to hear any more of your excuses.
 “I’m making spaghetti,” he responded, leaving your room. 
He should have seen this coming, he knew about your past and that you could sometimes struggle with eating. So when he forced you to come out of your room and sat you down at the table he didn’t expect you to dig in.
You looked down at the plate of spaghetti beneath you while you could feel Leon’s eyes piercing through yours. Your pulse was pumping an anxious look on your face, you had nowhere to go now. 
“So how was your day?” Leon broke the silence.
“Oh, you know…” you responded trailing off as you looked back down at the favorite food that your boyfriend had made. 
It fell silent again.
“Sweetheart, I heard what happened, I’m so sorry you had to go through tha-“
“I don’t want to talk about it” You interrupted looking sharply into Leon’s soft eyes while yours only hardened.
You could feel nervousness spread over your face and you knew Leon could see it too. You tried and tried to not think about it, you wanted to forget, to forget everything, and to just not think or feel anything, your chest hurt and it became harder to breathe.
You avoided Leon’s gaze as if it were the plague, you couldn’t bear to see him worried because it only made you more guilty. You didn’t want him to worry about you, you didn’t want anyone to worry about you, it was your problem and you should work your feelings out yourself. 
Leon looked pleading, big eyes trying to catch yours “Please eat something” Your lips pursed into a thin line as you felt your brain mingle with the cloudiness of overwhelming stress. You needed to get out of this situation as fast as possible, you needed to find some sort of escape or excuse. “I told you I’m not hungry.” 
“I don’t believe that” Leon sternly responded. You looked down at your full plate and felt your stomach turn, you felt empty yet so full of everything like it would just flow over at any moment. You hadn’t even lifted up your cutlery or even your arm for that matter, you didn’t feel safe somehow even when you knew you were there was this feeling lingering that just made you want to run away. “Can we please not talk about this right now?” your voice was barely louder than a whisper as you stared down at your hands on your lap, nervously fiddling with the fabric of your pajama pants. 
Leon leaned in closer, he didn’t want to stress you out. He’s trying his best not to be nosy, or to get you mad. But this answer only confirmed his suspicions were right. “Tell me what’s going on,” Leon said completely ignoring your protests. 
You took a deep breath in yet it didn’t fill your lungs. “I’m tired” you croaked out your throat suddenly dry and weak. You stood up your chair sounding too loud as it scraped against the wooden floor. 
The atmosphere was cold, and you actually were tired, exhausted even, but that was no excuse. You turned around your eyes strictly glued to the ground. 
The hairs on your arm stook up as you felt a hand on your shoulder, your whole body tingled and tensed, Leon had stood up and was right behind you. “You’re not leaving until you tell me what’s going on” Leon’s voice sounded hurt but it was still gentle, somehow it made you snap, you had made it really clear you didn’t want to talk and Leon was pushing the wrong buttons now.
“Leave me alone,” you gritted through your teeth, turning back to face Leon’s shocked expression. but the hand on your shoulder didn’t move. “Look-“ Leon sighed as he lowered his hand on your shoulder, he tried to be as calm and gentle as possible. He thought for a moment, picking his words very carefully. “This” Leon stopped again looking at you with concern. “This is not okay.”
You took a deep breath in, as hurt and tired as you were, you didn’t want this to turn into an argument. “I know this isn’t okay, but just-“You took a look back into Leon’s eyes but immediately regretted it and looked back to your side.
Your hands kept busy picking at the hem of your hoody and making small dreads come out of the fabric. “I’m fine, we don’t need to talk about it” you mumbled.
Leon shook his head, as much as you can hide it, it doesn’t make it go away. You felt your heart beating on your eardrums, your socks were put on wrong and your hands were sticky with sweat and your hoody rubbed against your wrist too hard and- 
“You are not fine,” Leon said his tone more firm, he wasn’t budging.
It was all too much. “Fuck! Just leave me alone!” You snapped in Leon’s face, your skin felt like it was burning. Leon’s eyes widened and there was and you could just see the slight shock on his face before quickly turning away to finally go back to your room.
Leon’s expression hardened. You needed to talk, he needed to understand and he wasn’t giving up on that so easily, he was your boyfriend for fuck’s sake. Leon swiftly grabbed your wrist in a fit of instinct mixed with hurt, you were still in the midst of walking away as he grabbed you by the wrist making your sleeve roll up a bit on its own as you tried to wiggle out of his grip it made it worse, and before you knew it you were facing Leon again.
You looked him in the eyes but to your dismay, Leon’s eyes were pointed down, you followed his gaze only to find him staring at the bit of exposed wrist, the wrist you had cut today.
The scar was barely healed and gave off a strong red color as if it wanted to stand out, you felt the breath get knocked out of your throat and you quickly looked up to Leon who was now looking at you with wide eyes and mouth agape as if he couldn’t comprehend what he was seeing, you felt your face burn up as more panic hit you like a hurricane, leaving you feeling almost dizzy. 
You were speechless and so was Leon, you both stood like statues with Leon staring at you as your eyes averted back to the ground. “Leon I-“ you tried but he just stayed still before his expression turned stern almost like he was angry. 
You didn’t dare move scared of what Leon would think or feel if you did you looked so distressed it was almost unhealthy. You wanted the ground to swallow you whole and hide there for the rest of your life, covered in darkness so that nobody could ever see you again, so you could never see Leon’s face like this, so you wouldn’t exist.
The next few things that happened turned into a blur, Leon almost dragged you outside and into his car, not caring that your wrist was still exposed and not caring that there were now tears rolling down your face, you were sat in his car, and he drove off with you without saying a word, he looked pained and he kept biting his lip.
He wasn’t looking at you, the car ride felt dreamingly long the car filled with the sound of your held-back sobs as you stared out the window.
To your surprise he brought you to the building where you had therapy, you hadn’t had a session in ages, the building made you gulp, Leon opened the door for you and you walked quietly beside him, sniffing back your tears as you walked the halls that the receptionist had told you to go. 
With every step and every door you passed, you got more anxious, getting warmer and warmer to your destination was getting your pulse more heightened. 
The building smelled stuffy like an old hospital or elderly home, suffocating you with dust. 
The door was opened the familiar face of your therapist standing in the door. She welcomed you in with a warm smile and left Leon outside, You could faintly hear her tell Leon to wait in the waiting room. 
Leon was a nervous wreck at this point his lip bleeding from how much he had been tormenting it with his teeth, he waiting room was empty with a few comfy chairs with an ugly yellow color on the wall, there were magazines placed by the coffee table but Leon couldn’t even think about reading right now. His leg bounced uncontrollably his eyes darting around the room his brain going too fast for his own body to keep up. 
“Mister Kennedy?”
Leon looked up and was met with the pleasant face of a woman. “Yeah?” Leon asked hoping his voice didn’t give away how nervous he was. “I want to talk to you about Y/N’s situation”, she spoke keeping her eyes on Leons. He felt his pulse increase as he nodded. “Okay,” he breathed standing up and following the older woman. 
She led him to a cozy room decorated with all sorts of plants and paintings. She asked him many questions, and so did Leon asks her. After talking and giving advice to Leon about what to do she led him out. Leon opened the door but just as he was about to leave he turned around and asked one last question. “Are they going to be okay?” his voice showed his hesitance. The therapist smiled, “They’ll be just fine Mister Kennedy”. Leon gave her a small nod and sighed as he closed the door behind him.
Walking back to the waiting room he came across you. His face immediately softened as he saw you. “Hey,” he said dryly immediately regretting how formal it sounded. 
“Hey” you replied back with a sad smile, your voice still stuffed from crying. “Wanna go home?” You looked around and took Leon’s hand in yours. “Yeah”. 
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pedroshotwifey · 1 year
Bad Idea
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Tags/Warnings: NO use of Y/N, sex pollen, dubcon but not rly (just putting this here bc of the pollen), piv sex, softdom Frankie, smut, fluff, friends to lovers, Frankie is a fucking sweetheart, oral sex (f receiving), breeding kink if you squint, unsafe sex (wrap it before u tap it, babes), ill add more shit later if I missed something
Summary: While on a mission, you and Frankie find yourselves covered in some kind of pollen and realize that there is no chance you'll be able to resist each other.
A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to finish this, I hope it was worth the wait! I'm not really sure what compelled me to make this so fluffy, but it's there, so, like, I hope you people like fluff. Likes, comments, and reposts are extremely appreciated <3 (Also feel I would love to start getting some requests in if anyone's up for it)
You knew this was a bad idea. 
It always is, accepting any kind of job that Santi offers you. But the asshole knows your weakness. He mentioned Frankie would be there and you were in. Suckered once again. He, and the rest of the group for that matter, seem to be well aware of your infatuation. Except for Frankie, of course. He’s never really seemed to pick up on it. Which, honestly, you’re not sure is a good thing or not. 
You’ve been harboring a massive crush on Frankie since the first time you were introduced. You and Santi–against your better judgment–had been longtime friends when he brought you to a local bar to meet up with some of his other buddies. You had been away on a job for the last year or so, so when he heard you were back in town he jumped at the opportunity. You hadn’t expected much, already knowing Ben and Will meant that you would only be meeting two guys you wouldn’t be familiar with. 
What you really didn’t expect was for one of them to be a devilishly handsome and ridiculously charming bachelor. Frankie had absolutely taken your breath away the first time you laid eyes on him. You two had hit it off immediately, practically separating from the rest of the group as you polished off drinks and told stories from your military days for the remainder of the night. 
Fortunately, you kept in touch through mutuals and occasionally worked together on smaller jobs–thank god for Santi. (But also fuck him.) Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it. Frankie never showed any kind of explicit interest in you, so you never pushed it. You were perfectly content to just be friends if that’s all he was willing to give you. 
That's exactly why it’s such a problem when you find yourself coated head to toe in some kind of powder, right next to Frankie, who received a dusting as well. Your walkie is going off at your hip and you briefly register Tom’s voice coming through the receiver. He is positioned right behind the two of you and got the perfect view of whatever the fuck just happened. One second the two of you were walking, looking for any signs of landmines or traps around the building you are targeting for the mission, and the next your vision was completely compromised by a soft yellow pollen. 
“Fuckkk,” you hear Frankie mutter next to you. You look at him with wide eyes as the powder settles on your skin, eliciting a tingling sensation wherever it touches. The said sensation, however, becomes the least of your problems when you feel the amount of slick that suddenly coats your panties. Your knees buckle and you have to drop your gun to hold your balance, which doesn’t seem to help much as you continue your descent to the forest floor. Frankie’s hand quickly shoots out and steadies you by your elbow but it only makes it worse. 
The feeling of his skin on yours acts as a balm on your quickly overheating flesh and you moan involuntarily at the feeling. He retracts his hand as if you had burned him and the action would have embarrassed you if not for the moan that slips out of Frankie’s lips, as if he had felt the same thing. At least it’s not just you. At the sound, you feel another wave of arousal coat your already-soaked panties, the wetness growing extremely uncomfortable as the fabric starts to stick to your cunt.
“Uh, F-Frankie,” your voice sounds weak as you call for him. You have no idea whether or not he heard you, but you take a guess based on the pained groan that escapes his lips. The sound is like heaven as it reaches your ears. 
Your vision grows slightly blurry as a sudden need to be fucked takes over all of your senses. Without Frankie’s hand to help you up, you let yourself fall the rest of the way so you can lie down on the ground beneath you. You watch as Frankie’s blurred form follows suit with a groan. You start to inch toward his writhing body until you hear Tom’s voice again, this time it sounds much clearer, like the connection is getting better as he gets closer to you. You struggle as you pick up your walkie and press the button. 
“D-don’t come any closer, we're covered in some kind of f-fucking pollen.” You have to take a breath before explaining further. “It’s itchy and it’s everywhere, stay where you’re at.” You don’t bother listening to his panicked response as you tuck the walkie back into the clip on your pants. Your skin feels tight and you can feel your clit starting to throb between your legs. It feels like the smallest amount of friction would grant you an orgasm, and as good as that sounds right now, you would rather not cream your pants in front of your crush.
“Fuck,” Frankie repeats his statement from earlier, his voice strained and raspy. “We need to get out of here.” You nod your agreement and crawl your way toward him, ignoring the way his skin feels so cool against your own as you reach out to help him up. The both of you use each other to get back to your feet. By the time you’re standing, the feeling is less overwhelming than it had been at first, enough so that you’re able to hold your balance this time. You pick up the weapons you had dropped while Frankie comms the rest of the guys to let them know what happened 
You definitely got the most of the blow, as you were the one who had stepped on whatever the fuck that plant was. Frankie had only been a few feet behind you and had been exposed to a good bit, but likely nowhere near what you had been covered in. At least one of you is lucid enough to figure out what to do next. You hear the tail end of the conversation before Frankie signs off of the walkie and bends down next to you. 
“Alright, Hermosa, I’m going to get you out of here, okay?” You hiss as Frankie wraps his arms around your sensitive skin, picking you up bridal style. 
“Fuck, Frankie, it hurts,” you whine and tuck your head into his neck, breathing in his scent. He is shaking slightly and even you can feel the way his skin has started to heat up. “I know, sweetheart, just hold on for me.” You nod into him and close your eyes, only opening them when you feel your body being set down in what you assume is the passenger seat of Frankie’s truck. He leans over you and you have to resist the urge to grab onto him as he buckles you in. 
You close your eyes again and wait until you hear Frankie get into the driver’s seat before you speak.
“I think I saw a motel a few miles from here.” Your throat feels like sandpaper as you struggle to get the words out. “I think I saw it, too.” Frankie’s voice doesn’t sound much better. The entire way to the motel the only thing you can focus on is how your nipples are rubbing painfully against your bra and how fucking bad you want to suck this man’s cock. Your thighs keep clenching and rubbing together and you have to bite down on your lip so as not to moan at the slight pressure. You feel like you’re going to explode. 
“Think you can walk, sweetheart?” You nod at Frankie’s question as he turns the truck off. His voice still sounds pained and you’re not even sure if yours will work at this point. He keeps one arm around you just in case as the two of you walk into the motel. He gets keys for two rooms and you feel a twinge of disappointment. It only lasts a second though, because you can’t think of much else than the fact that everything feels hot and sensitive. 
As soon as Frankie gets the keys, he leads you to the rooms. They're side by side so you won’t be far from him, and the fact that he will be in such close proximity, likely doing exactly what you’ll be doing, is enough to cloud your judgment again. And fuck, now you’re thinking about his cock again. You know it has to be big, there’s no way it isn’t, not for a man like him. Frankie sets one hand on the small of your back and leans over you to unlock your room for you. You gasp to cover your moan as you suddenly feel something else against your back, definitely not his hand this time. 
“You’ll be okay?” Frankie’s concerned tone cuts you out of your spiraling thoughts. You look up into his own lust-blown eyes. He looks fucking wrecked. God, you would get on your knees in the middle of this dirty hallway for him right now if he only asked. “Yeah, you?” You ask when he doesn’t. He nods slowly, and you let your eyes fall to his plush lips before trailing back up to meet his gaze again. He says your name lowly, like a warning, and you lick your lips, ignoring his tone. 
You roll your hips back against his while keeping eye contact, watching Frankie groan as you grind on him. His hands fall to your hips and he begins to guide you against him. “W-why don’t you come inside?” You ask him breathily. “Are you sure that's what you want?” He steadies your hips and brings his face down so he can whisper in your ear. “If you let me in there, I’m not letting you leave until I’ve properly taken you apart.” You shiver at both the way his words elicit another gush of slick from your cunt and at the way his tone turns dark so quickly, letting you know he means it. 
Instead of answering him, you turn on your heel and crush your lips to his, your hands going up to wrap around his neck and thread your fingers through his hair, knocking his hat to the ground. Frankie moans deeply and grabs onto you as he guides you backward into the room. His tongue finds its way into your mouth as he slams you against the door once it's closed, both of you grinding against each other like desperate teenagers. He only breaks apart once he hears you whine in pure desperation. 
He steps back and takes in your disheveled appearance, his hand flying to the front of his pants to rid himself of his belt. “Strip, get on the bed.” You don’t need to be told twice. You practically rip your clothes off as you stumble through the room. Each article removed feels like a relief, allowing the cool air to kiss your skin, sticky with sweat. Frankie does the same, both of you completely naked by the time you reach the bed. The sight of his cock hanging flushed and heavy between his molded thighs makes your mouth water.  
He quickly climbs on top of you and you both moan at the way your flesh brushes together, temporarily soothing the burning sensation. Frankie wastes no time in lowering himself to a position easiest to lick into your aching cunt. 
The first stroke of his tongue makes you scream out and you bring your hand up to cover your mouth. He immediately starts eating you out like a starved man, licking and sucking and fucking you with his tongue like there’s no tomorrow. You throw your head back as your free hand buries itself in Frankie’s hair. He groans when you tug on the strands and you swear you can feel the vibrations run up your spine. 
You feel the knot in your stomach growing embarrassingly fast, your entire body tensing as you reach the edge. 
“F-fuck, Frankie, fuck-” you unsucessfully attempt to get a sentence out. “God, don’t stop, please, god!” You feel him smirk as he continues his assault, before taking your clit into his mouth and sucking hard. 
You think you scream as you climax, but you can’t be sure. There is nothing you can feel, see, or hear other than the orgasm Frankie is currently riding you through. It’s the most intense thing you have ever felt, and you don't know if it's because of the pollen or because it’s Frankie. Probably a good bit of both. 
He continues to eagerly lap up your release until you pull him away when the overstimulation starts to become too much. Hand still in his hair, you guide him up your body until you can look above you and into his eyes. Your heavy breathing catches in your throat when you see the sticky liquid dripping down the lower half of his face. 
“Oh my god…” you trail off as his smile widens, his tongue coming out to lick his bottom lip. “Look so fuckin’ beautiful when you squirt, Hermosa.” He brings his lips down to yours in a bruising kiss and you sigh as you taste your release on him. Needless to say, you get over your embarrassment pretty quickly. 
Despite your orgasm, your skin seems to burn even more than before, and your clit seems to throb out of control. All it takes is one look to know that Frankie feels the same way. His eyes are filled to the brim with tears getting ready to overflow and you have no doubt that your expression matches his own.
Before either one of you gets a chance to say anything, Frankie surges forward and encases your lips in his own. He kisses you sloppily as he pushes you back even deeper into the mattress. 
“Gonna f-fuck you now, Hermosa,”  he says, his voice bordering a whine. “Need to feel this soft fucking pussy.” You whine in a way you hope signals your agreement, your arms wrapping underneath Frankie’s to let your fingers claw at his back. “Just f-fucking hurry,” you manage to squeak, your skin burning as you grasp at him.
He listens, immediately scrambling to grasp his weeping cock and guide it to your sopping entrance while keeping one forearm settled next to your head for stability. There is almost no resistance as he slips in, bottoming out in one frantic thrust. The two of you moan in unison, capturing each other's desperate noises. 
Frankie wastes no time in setting a hurried pace. The force of his thrusts makes the headboard of the bed slam against the wall but you can’t find it in you to care. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he immediately starts to hit something heavenly within you. The pressure is already building up in your abdomen.
You open your mouth to scream but you find that the punch of his thrusts are restricting your ability to make any kind of sound. Your eyes close as your second orgasm sneaks up on you. With two more frenzied thrusts from Frankie, you’re coming undone around his thick cock. 
Frankie hisses as you squeeze around him, the added sensitivity from the pollen enhancing every small stimulant. 
“God, not gonna last long in this s-sweet cunt, pretty girl.” Frankie’s voice is pitched an octave higher than usual as he tries to stave off his own orgasm–damn well bordering a whine. You can feel how close he is by the way his dick pulses with need and by the way he clings tighter tighter to the bedsheets beside your head. 
“Go ahead, Frankie, need you to come inside me.” He practically whimpers at the request but shakes his head to juxtapose the noise. 
“N-no baby, give me o-one more first.” He’s shaking with the amount of effort he’s exerting to hold off. Almost as if your body is listening to his demands before you can process, you find yourself arching your back as you spasm around his cock once again. It takes you by surprise–you didn’t even realize you were that close. 
Completely fucked out, you let Frankie use your body to chase his own end. “Come on baby, mark me, come inside,” you slur your permission for a second time. He lets out a guttural groan as he lowers his head to nuzzle into your neck. His strokes get deeper with the lower position and you wince from the overstimulation, though you want more at the same time. 
“Yeah, Hermosa, that’s what you want, huh? Let me come inside this pretty pussy, let everyone know who you belong to now? Let everyone know that you’re fucking ruined for any other man?” His pace gets more frantic as his own words spur him on. You whine at the thought of the people knowing that Frankie fucked you, laid his claim on you, made you his. 
“Yes, Frankie, God please,” you keen into his ear as you bring one of your hands down to tangle your fingers into his curls, bringing him closer into your neck. “I’m yours, all yours, take what you want, baby.” 
Your words push Frankie off the edge and his teeth lock onto your neck while he comes to a stop deep inside you. You pull him closer still, encouraging him to leave his mark. As his seed floods into your cunt, it feels like you jumped into a pool of cool water. Your entire body relaxes further and by the way Frankie settles his weight onto you, you figure he feels the same way. 
After his dick stills and softens inside you, the two of you lay there for a moment. You run your fingers through Frankies messed hair while he licks over the mark he made on your throat. It feels like the most natural thing, laying there with him tangled in your arms, his head on your chest, both of you on the verge of sleep. You’re about to drift off when Frankie interrupts the silence in a gentle tone. 
“Been wanting to do that for so long, pretty girl,” he says quietly, his voice filled with sleep. Your eyes open and are immediately filled with tears. 
Frankie must sense the way you tense up because he quickly lifts up to look at you. You can see the panic that blooms in his eyes as he meets yours. Before he is able to say anything, though, you surge forward, wrapping your arms around his neck and planting your lips onto his.
You feel a few tears drop from your closed eyes, but you ignore them as you continue to kiss him and push until he’s forced to lay on his back, pulling you with him. When you finally separate, you stare into eachothers eyes, both of you with lopsided, love-drunk smiles. 
“Me too. I’ve wanted you for so long, Fish, you have no idea.” 
“You’re right,” He huffs a laugh as he says it. “I had no idea, I never thought you could feel that way about me. You’re so fucking perfect and I don’t deserve any part of you. I'm just…” he trails off and looks down for a second before meeting your gaze again.
You give him a slightly confused look as you answer him. “I thought I was being so obvious,” you laugh quietly in return. “I’m nowhere near perfect, sweet boy. Even if I was, you deserve anything you could ever want. I want you, Frankie. Do I deserve you?”
He doesn’t miss a beat before he has you pulled into his chest. “Of course, angel, you deserve everything, I’ll give you anything.” 
You’re crying again and you wipe away your tears before saying what you need to say. “I love you, Frankie.” You look into his eyes to see that he is tearing up as well.
“I love you too, my perfect girl,” he says softly as he pulls you into a hug and rocks you, his one of his hands on the back of your head, tucking you into his chest. You close your eyes and breath in his scent, knowing that this is where you belong. 
pt. 2??
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popcorn428 · 4 months
i noticed that u like to repost bsd fanart! i was wondering if u have favourite artists?
their band au is so cool and i love how they draw sigma its so wgfhafha
their fem skk has me in a chokehold, esp their recent chuuya fanart i see it every day on my dash and i gotta just stare at it for like a minute each time just admiring their art
i just love their art style sm its so pretty
they're so good with color and im so jealous everything is always just so beautiful
i just noticed i wasnt following them and almost cried but they draw expressions so so good and their style is so cool too i feel like if i look at it too long ill break the art in some way
they're one of the first ppl i followed on here but literally just everything abt their art has me on my knees
I love their art so so much and i love all the fyolai stories they make i eat that shit up every time, also they're really good with anatomy
they're art and stories are so cool and cute i want to absorb it
I want to eat their art omfg im not even a kunizai shipper, but ive considered it so many times because of them theyre also so good at anatomy and colors and babababba
their art is so cute i wanna squeeze it and throw it affectionately
anyways thanks for the ask!! <3
look at all these artists 😠
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lizzieislife94x · 10 months
Woman In Red. (e.o)
LizziexFem Reader
I'm reposting every one shot and fixing what mistakes i find along the way haha, i know they're not new but i hope yall enjoy them just as much!! 
I'm to busy looking at my phone rushing through the busy streets of New York running extremely late to my job at the local bank next thing I know I crash into something and drop my phone ''fuck'' I groan as I drop my phone kinda pissed seriously what else can go wrong today I think to myself, I'm pulled out of my thoughts my the sound of a woman's voice I look up to the direction the voice is coming from and instantly feel my face flush red almost as red as her well flitted pant suit "I'm so so so sorry I didn't see you are you ok?'' she stutters trying to study me making sure I'm not hurt ''im yeah I'm fine honestly are you ok?'' I question ''it was completely my fault I should have been looking where I was going not my phone its just I'm running extremely wait for work so I'm truly sorry'' she giggles fuck her laugh is adorable, no y/n stop if you don't hurry you're gonna get fired I curse at myself ''no it was my fault your all Good can I get you a coffee or something as an apology ?'' she questions I give her a saddened smile ''as much as I would love to I can't unfortunately if I don't get to work ill have no job tomorrow" she almost looks disappointed and I apologies as I go leave I get maybe 5 steps away from her as I hear her call ''wait whats your name? Maybe I can get you that coffee after work?'' I smile and blush a little as I step towards her ''y/n l/n whats yours?'' she smiles ''lizzie Olsen its nice to meet you y/n so a coffee later?' Her smiles is so beautiful I reach into my bag and grab a business card with my work an phone number on it and hand it over to her ''yeah absolutely I really have to go but this has my phone number if you want text me a time and place and ill be there'' I gave her one last smile and walk away unable to get the smile off my face.
Ugh today is going so slowly and I can't get the woman in red off my mind she was a breath of fresh air why have I been thinking about her all day I let out a sigh and lean against my office table resting my face on my hands being rudely disturbed by my assistant calling through the speaker ''miss L/N your 1 o'clock is here to get their account set up should I send them in?'' I walk over refilling my coffee cup putting on a fake smile as I hold the buzzer to reply ''yes thank you Ashley'' I say in a not so enthusiastic tone I look down at the paper work in front of me as Ashley leads them into my office ''your one o'clock miss l/n'' I put on a smile and look up instantly frozen its her fuck the woman from this morning lizzie the woman in red fuck act professional y/n I stand up and offer my hand for a hand shake and Ashley leaves the room."its you'' is all I hear and I clear my throat I laugh nervously ''lizzie right? What are the chances what can I do for you'' I smile and offer her a seat as we both sit ''yeah small world'' she giggles and continues ''im actually here to open a new bank account I got divorced last year and its always been joint accounts and I thought it was time to open my own account'' I smile and smirk to myself She's divorced Good to know ''im sorry to hear that lizzie but you came to the right place ill be more than happy to help you get your account set up'' I get to work setting everything up.
Its been 3 hours she's still here we finished all the bank account stuff almost 2 hours ago but we've been sitting chatting and laughing unknowingly getting to know each other slowly, fuck her smile and laugh are perfect everything about her is perfect I shouldn't be thinking like this stop it y/n ''i still can't belive I crashed into you'' she laughs and I laugh with her ''hey it was 50/50 I wasn't looking where I was going'' her laugh calms a little as she looks at me ''honestly tho I'm glad we crashed into each other'' is she blushing holy shit, I play with my fingers nervously ''me too I enjoy chatting with you'' she leans over and gently rubs her thumb over my hand she must sense my nervous energy ''so are you still up for that coffee offer''she looks excited as she asks ''actully if I drink anymore coffee today I don't think ill sleep tonight'' she looks disappointed and I smile wide ''buuuuut we could go get ice cream or milkshakes'' I offer and her smile returns she looks like a child on Christmas morning ''that sounds perfect y/n so what time do you get off work" she questions I grab my phone to check the time ''umm now actually its just past 4pm I only had a half day today'' she nods and leans back in her chair fuck she looks sexy ''great we can leave together and go get some milkshakes'' I agree and gather my things as we leave the building together
"Holy shit this milkshake is amazing wow'' I say a little to loud, she has a smile on her face ''yeah this place is amazing I love coming here to unwind its always so peaceful to me'' I smile and look at her with a mischief smirk ''i think I'm going to have to steal it from you lizzie because these milkshakes are amazing'' I confessed with a smirk ''i dont mind but I'd rather you come back with me ''she looks down playing with her shake ''id love that if your being serious ''she looks up with a huge grin ''im completely serious but I was thinking the next time we hang out if you maybe want to make it a date?..'' she looks at me with hope in her eyes and I blush ''id love to go on a date with you'' we spend the next 2 hours laughing and chatting and gosh  she's fucking perfect and she asked me on a date I still can't believe this beautiful woman asked me on adate, After another hour we leave and part ways sharing numbers before we leave, I head home with the biggest smile on my face people probably think I'm a weirdo but I honestly couldn't care less.
as I get home and settled for the night my phone buzzes grabbing my attention, i take a quick look and bite lip to stop the smile as i see her name on my screen or the name i gave her at least, i chuckle to myself before giving all my attention to the text
 woman in red: Hey just making sure you got home safe, i had such a great day today thank you
 Me:I did indeed get home safe thank you, and no thank you for the great day I'm so glad we met there's something special about you..
 I turn my phone why did i say that I'm so stupid she's gonna think I'm crazy she won't reply fuck, my phone buzzes and I hide my face to scared to look at it fuck just look at it i say to myself mentally
 Woman in red: I felt it too..i couldn't stop thinking about you after this morning and I felt something special I thought it was just me I don't want to freak you out so if you think its to forward please forget I said it haha..
  Fuck, I can't help but smile at my phone like an idiot
Me: I don't think its to forward beautiful but hey ill text you later im so sleepy goodnight ❤❤
  Woman in red: Goodnight beautiful sleep tight 
Its been 6 weeks since I met lizzie we've been out on  9 dates and hungout loads since, she's fucking amazing and the more time I spend with her the more I feel myself falling in love with this amazing woman, I really  want to make our 10th date something she will never forget..
AN:this chapter was just the meeting etc I wil post a part 2 with loads of smut don't worry but if  you read these yall need to comment I need feedback I don't wanna keep writing if you guys find them garbage I don't know if its Good or bad anyway see you in the chapter, word count 1.5k (I'm just gonna keep the original ANs in haha)
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bluesworldd · 1 year
pairing: miles morales 42 x gn reader
cw/tw: death, description of blood, panic attack(s), cursing, mention of vomiting, using the word “god” in vein, mentions of depression, lower case letters intended. no use of y/n
*if i missed anything please let me know*
genre: ANGST!!, hurt/comfort.
synopsis: you never seen your boyfriend like this, and as much as it hurts all you could do was be there for him.
proofread?: yes/no/kinda
blues says: this wasn’t supposed to be a series but here we are… first fic im kinda nervous. hope you enjoy
spoilers ahead !
┄┄ ︰ ┄୨୧┄ ︰ ┄┄
standing on top of the body miles couldn’t breath- god what has he done? there was blood everywhere; on the ground, on the walls, on him. the world seemingly began to spin, miles was beginning to hyperventilate with ringing in his ears.
it had happened so fast, too fast. he was supposed stop some of these guys from a smuggling, he never meant to kill anyone. god where did he go wrong? trying to remember only seemed to make this all worse, he could feel his mouth start to salivate, miles was gonna be sick-
“MILES! hey are you listening?!” aaron yelled. grabbing his shoulder while taking miles out of his trance. just how long have they been standing here? “hey look we have to go” he had began dragging miles to the parked car. this was all surreal and too sudden, fuck what was he going to do now? how could he possibly live knowing he took someone else’s life? what if he went to prison? how would uncle aaron see him? how would his mom see him? fuck how would you see him?
being practical shoved in the car he could hear his uncle’s voice. “listen miles we tell nobody, not your mother, not your friends, absolutely nobody. ok?” miles truly wishes he could respond but honestly everything his uncle said went into one ear and out the other. instead of responding miles opted for nodding thats all he could do right now.
god miles just wanted to go home and sleep the night away in his parents bed like he used to, when everything was fine and all he had to worry about was going waking up on time..oh how the times have changed, miles can’t remember when it all changed.
miles was so absorbed by his own thoughts that he didn’t even notice he was already home. turning his head he could see the conflicted look on his uncles face. “look miles…im sorry none of that shit should have happened….fuck” miles wasn’t upset with his uncle, no it wasn’t him who dragged miles into this, miles did this to himself. he got so engrossed with his depression and rage that he ended up taking this stupid offer in the first place but here he is, dont get him wrong, miles never intended to kill anyone. besides needing a distraction from his grief he needed this money, miles refused to watch his mother work herself to the bone. either way if miles could take it all back he definitely would.
“…so what should we do now?” god his mouth was so dry and his voice sounded so weak. “ill fix all of this, you don’t have to worry about anything…” aaron trailed on “fuck im so sorry miles” his uncle’s voice didn’t sound any stronger than his, miles could hear how apologetic his uncle was. “..why dont you head inside, its late and your mother is probably worried sick…ill deal with everything..” nodding his head miles made his way into his complex. miles was beyond tired and decided that he would sleep all of this away and deal with everything tomorrow.
©️bluesworldd 2023 || All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, copy, or claim my work as your own.
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Baby gazing part 2 The weekend
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Just fluff mentions of pregnancy, babies brief mention of changing diapers and some good-old nature fooling 18+ just incase . Chris wvans as a father if that's a warning Comments Welcome and reblogs welcome to not repost translate or publish anywhere
Part 1 here
With our little one on my hip I poke Chris awake with one foot.
He groans
But the minute she giggles his head pops up
"Is that a giggle my little Oh come to daddy:
He holds his hands open then its like he sees her on my hip and freaks instantly so:
"You shouldn't he hold her like that give her to me, come on."
"Chris I-"
"Give her to me and you sit relax."
"Chris I have to chang-"
"I'll change her you sit there relax I'll bring her back to be fed then ill make us breakfast. just relax"
"No buts I got her baby." He kisses me on the forehead
"You ready to get changed all cleaned up baby? yea we gunna dress you cutie hu? ill put you in a cap. shirt." He bounced her as he walked out of the room.
Why argue when he wants to do everything? I could get used to this again. He hasn't been like this since the first few weeks after bringing her home but to be fair we are both sleep deprived and now were gunna be more so because- shit I had to make sure things were ready for Miles. But they won't be here till 2. Though ah no worries its easy just an extra.
Baby we'll tag team.
Chris comes back in with her and while I. Ferdinand her he comes back with a huge breakfast.
Did the fridge break or something.
"No I just wanted to make sure we had enough food here. It's not just you, you have to worry about."
He wrapped his arms around me and then petted her on the head she looked up at him and then smiled as much as she could. Which is unusual as she doesn't like to be disturbed when she is eatting.
So much fruit and sweets my brian is wanting the sweets but the baby- God she'll be too hyper with sugar from the fruit. Maybe some will be ok.
When she was done Chris took her back
Chris wa-
Let me hold her
Babe no I'm holding my baby
"She's my baby too" I pouted
"You always hold her let me"
"I want to"
"No, please babe," he gave me this sad woe is me look.
"Fine fine but if she has to be changed."
"I'll be all over it."
"Oh you will?" I thought." I've been eating broccoli the past two days and boy is Chris in for a surprise.
She kept reaching for me but Chris said no she tried to crawl but nope daddy dragged her back to his side. He had 2 girls who aren't happy right now. Both of us pouting and fo once I wasn't going to try and make her laugh she has good reason to pout- daddy has to learn.
He insited on putting her down for her nap and me taking a nap- who was I to argue with that. Ill take any nap. Then the glass alarm woke me up leaving me to wonder what he did to our guard-baby now....Then he came running in with her
"Ok it's ok see look mommy is right there" he came standing right next to the bed but wouldn't give me her. I'm wondering where the tissue box is so I can knock him over the with it then she had screamed so loud and high
"Here here here's mommy" he has never handed me the baby so fast in her life. The second I brought her to me she quieted down.
"I hope your happy your made your baby girl cry."
"I wasn't trying to I just-"
"It doesn't matter"
"But I"
"right now she wants her mommy all day she's been wanting her mommy"
"Honey but... look Let's just lets all lay down ok."
Then He slid his hand to support her belly and her and was able to move her enough to that a lot of her weight was on him and not me. I still didn't get it but hey he wants her butt in his face let it
He he was rubbing her butt, which is also his way of checking her diaper, then she shot him a dirty look and shuffled towards me more ans layed her head down on my chest. Her favorite pillow. I couldn't help but laugh.
Not like that I smacked his shoulder
But the rest of this day he was going crazy not letting me get up. I had to sneak to make sure we had stuff for Miles.
"What are you doing"
I jumped hearing Chris voice behind me hold our baby who had reached for me but Chris put her arms down.
"Chris what are you doing? Give me my baby!"
"No you're supposed to be resting-"
"Christopher Robert Evans I swear-"
The door bell rings. Great it's gotta be Jamie and Kyle and Miles.
"This is not finished" I point. pushing past him and walking to the door.
"No honey whose here? you shouldn't be around people its flu season." He comes after me.
"Hey guys"
Miles reached out for me.
"Hi Miles,"
"Someone got an admirier" Jamie said handing him to me
"Who wants a baby biscuit?"
His face lights up. This is going to be an easy weekend.
Nah I just give him cookies. I found it works on dogs and men. Uh that's not what I meant," I chuckled
"Babe no what are you doing?"
he tries to take Miles from me.
"Chris stop what are you doing"
"You shouldn't be holding him"
" What come on."
"Fine gime me her-"
"Chris we have company "I say through my strained teeth.
"But you still shouldn't be holding him. Think of the baby."
They look at me.
I shrug my shoulders. I
"fine but put her down please."
"Its fine I can handle two. i'll have to get used to it anyway."
Kyle and Jamie give me a look my shoulder goes up and down. I'm completely lost.
"Alright its just the weekend."
"Ok he is expecting a baby biscuit it is in the pantry ill get it"
"No you sit I don't want you straining"
"Ok ok"
Chris puts both of the babies down in the play pen and then to go get then thier cookies.
"Come on you guys sorry about him I wish I had an excuse he's just acting nutty today."
"You guys want coffee" He yells from the kitchen. They both nodd thier heads.
I reply "3 coffees"
"Nice try"
"That man is pushing me right now. I'm allowed the odd coffee while breast feeding and right now I need it or he'll need a new place to live. He driving me nuts Won't let me hold her at all."
"Are you- He's acting like you're pregnant again"
"Oh you have no clue I mean the breakfast me made it was so huge and -oh god."
"You aren't"
"No no I made a joke last night I totally forgot it was about watching miles that we'd have 2 babies in the house I made a joke hed have less than 9 months who knew he'd not realize this morning we have everything ready for miles I swear just-Wait a minute this could work."
They look at me
"I get a weekend off and Chris plays daddy for two babies oh this would really work. You think I can pull this off all weekend?"
"Oh yes," Jamie nods "You have to for women everywhere."
Chris comes back in to give the babies their cookies in the pen and then returns,
"two coffees and a non caffeeinated slightly sweetend ice tea for you."
He sits down and puts one hand on my stomach. Yep he thinks I'm pregnant.....
This is going to be a fun weekend.
Taglist (sorry if I missed you let me know if you want to be added
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit @coltrainbat @hawkeyes-queen
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raprockcity · 6 months
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debating on changing my theme soon so here's a new temp about i guess. hey im anastasia, or amadeus! (my friends & polycruel know me as akira, tho!) 20. she/he. im a jew of color. something something about my sexuality and gender whatevr. who care
no dni btw. i block whoever i want for any reason. as should you! dont like what you see? block me! if you really wanna know my stances, fuck around and find out! im not really into creatin dnis cuz they make me look sillier than i need to be
byi? dont use or repost my art. remember i draw for myself & only me, my art isnt for you! i get really self indulgent & draw stuff nobody asked for or wanted ever!
more stuff abt me under cut if you wanna read !
main blawg | oc blawg | oh i also have anotha main but... ooo you gotta go find that yourself. its a secret. you'll totally never find it (sarcasm)
interests: i like jjba, metalocalypse, brba & bcs, cookie run kingdom, bojack horseman, minecraft, off, ponytown, & my ocs !!! feel free to talk to me if we share interests! idm making/being friends if youre also an adult!
ive been into jjba since late 2020. also the time i was obsessed with akira, keicho, and rohan and still am. my fave part is diu & i dont really think abt the other parts. i also really love ranting abt narrative stuff & the problems i have with diu (and also jjba as a whole) & also how other ppl talk abt it and interpret it. as much of a hater i am, i dont bite! i try to be polite, heh.
+ my other interests... i heart rock, but i also listen to some metal on da side. cant pin down a particular sub-genre for both nor a fave band atm. oops. i like writing, believe it or not. i also like art (no shit), i think im still a beginner but i taught myself color theory from ponytown. heh. i also like character design & fashion, but really im not educated on those i jus think theyre neat. OH OH! i also really love (basic) web design & html... i also like editing & at some point ran an editing blog which is now deleted. XP
OH and last thing cuz i cant really articulate my interests well - heh, i actually began writing before i began drawing. i really like writing my own poems, um.. creative writing especially. i also love writing analyses on my favorite characters. maybe ill do that sometime!
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poursomesunaonme · 1 year
can u pretty please do gojo + gold star my eye is twitching ..$1&
can it be sfw i am feeling incredibly soft for him in this moment (im falling apart)
fully writing a fic out of this making a mental note thanks im so ILL
cw: satoru's a cocky bastard, time being a few years after graduating, friends to lovers(? you decide), satoru is injured but it's not described
"i'll wait up for you / i'll wake up for you / talk to strangers in the elevator / so you think i’m friendly like you / make my bed for you / when you finally come through / can you give me a gold star / and see me through?"
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the door opens and footsteps stumble over the entryway.  you straighten at the sound, padding over to the doorway of your bedroom to see satoru leaning against the front door he just slammed shut, panting heavily.  
“you can always come to me.”
“thanks for the offer, but i won’t need it.”
his words echo in your head as he slings an arm over your shoulder, grunting at the slight exertion.  no words pass between you as you struggle to the couch to lay his body down, lifting his long heavy legs onto the arm and prying off his shoes.
“fuck,” he breathes, throwing an arm over his eyes.  you don’t say anything.  you don’t want to make this worse for him that it already seems.  he said he didn’t need your help, yet here he is.
you leave him for just a moment to get a cold rag and a glass of water for him.  your jaw clenches at the way his body trembles just slightly.  he was still perfecting his technique—it didn’t help that he alone carried the weight of the most difficult missions.
you wordlessly pry his arm off his face and lay the rag down on his forehead, smoothing back his hair gently.  he takes the water, and sitting up with some difficulty, gulps it all down.
“thought you’d never see me like this, yeah?”  there’s a bit of loathing in his voice, completely directed at himself.
you shrug, kneeling next to the couch.  “dunno, but if it happened, i wanted to be here for you.”
he lets out a long breath and you know his eyebrows are furrowing underneath the cold rag.
“whaddya want, a gold star or somethin’?” he flashes a cocky smile.  you return it with a sad one.
“i want you to come to bed with me.”
“just can’t help yourself, can you?”  as much as he wants to continue to arrogance as much as possible, but the way his jaw sets and his breath comes out in hisses signals that he can’t keep it up for much longer.
“cut the shit, satoru.”  you stand up, offering your hand to him.  he hesitates, eyeing you like he’s seeing you for the first time, then takes it.
you help him to your bed, helping him settle in before to climb under the covers next to him.
“i’m sorry,” he says after a few minutes of silence.
“i know.”
“it’s just…”
“i know.”
you turn over on your side to face him, watching as his eyes squeeze shut to hold back the tears that so desperately need to fall.  your fingers intertwine with his, your thumb stroking his knuckle.
the strongest man in the jujutsu world wins the battle to fight back the tears of exhaustion and frustration, letting out a deep breath instead of letting the salty water leak from his eyes.
“i’ll wait up for you,” you whisper, watching as your breath stirs the tufts of snowy hair around his ears.  
“you don’t have to do that” comes his reply, and suddenly the tears are back with a vengeance.  they effectively beat the shit out of him and suddenly he’s turned into your chest, hiding his face as he stains your shirt.  he’s supposed to be the strongest.  he’s supposed to be the one waiting.
“i know,” you sigh against his hair, the white strands tickling your chin as your breath distills them.  “but i will.”
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submissions for the promised event are now closed but you can still click here to go to the nav page
© all work belongs to poursomesunaonme. do not copy and repost.
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Hello, could you write about Daemon x Fem!Reader? Could you base it on Two Birds by Regina Spektor? Daemon and the reader are friends and little by little they fall in love, but the reader has always been in delicate health and little by little he dies, but not before getting in a relationship with Daemon. I'm looking forward to reading something sad and sweet. Thanks 🥺
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(Gif not mine)
Title: Two Birds
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,783
Warnings: Fluff, illness, angst, blood, death, murder. Edit: I forgot to mention Daemon's vulgar language. Whoops.
Summary: Daemon never believed his oldest friend, Y/n was sick. Until one day he’s forced to acknowledge its existence.
A/N: How dare you request one of my favorite songs. Get ready for some angst y'all because this song was the only thing I listened to while writing this 😈
(I do not consent for my works to be reposted/copied)
Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away And the other watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well But he is a liar
“Ao gīmigon, ziry iksos dangerous naejot geron mērī mijegon iā escort.”
[You know, it’s dangerous for you to walk alone without an escort.]
Y/n looks up from her book, marking her spot in one hand while brushing the hair out of her face with the other. The gardens are emptier than before she had sat down to read, and now it was only her and the Targaryen prince standing over her. Daemon’s shadow towered Y/n, blocking the sunlight from warming her usual sickly skin. He had his long, silver hair pinned behind his ears and his arms folded behind him as he raised a curious eyebrow.
Sighing, the fair lady closes her book completely and stands, “You know I don’t speak Valyrian so why must you speak to me in a language I don’t understand?”
“In the hopes that you’ll learn it one day,” he grinned, unfolding his arms and offering one to her, “Let us begin. Uēpa raqiros.”
“Uēpa raqiros,” her accent is flat for the time being, but her pronunciation was good. Y/n loops her arm around Daemon’s and he leads the both of them down the path of the gardens, “I recognize ‘friend’ but not the other word.”
“‘Old friend.’“
“I’m not that old,” she scrunched her nose up.
“I never said you were my friend,” Daemon smirked but quickly reverted to laughter when the lady hit his shoulder with the broad side of her book. She huffs, unlocking their arms and walking ahead of the prince in a flurry of skirts.
“If you were only seeking my presence to mock me, you have succeeded and are free to leave me now,” Y/n scolds, despite not having much heat behind her words. She knew her friend well enough to know that he only ever teased her to get a rise.
“I actually came to see if you wanted to fly on Caraxes later this evening,” Daemon caught up to Y/n without ever quickening his pace, playfully bumping shoulders with her as they walked side by side, “It’s a beautiful day and you could use some fresh air and not this... pile of shit King’s Landing calls 'air.'”
She hums, closing her eyes to briefly take in the warmth of the sun. The maesters have said time and time again that she would be healthier if she were to spend her days outside, taking in the sun and the air as her medicine. But no matter how many times she insists, they don’t believe she ever listens. Y/n nearly spends her whole days outside, and yet the maesters doubt she ever steps foot outside the castle. Today was a day she felt a little faint, and so the idea of getting on the back of a dragon terrified her.
“I best not,” she sighs, a little downtrodden, “Maester says I shouldn’t be doing any ‘exciting’ movements today.”
Daemon scowls, “The maesters wouldn’t know how to pull a thorn out of a toe even if the pliers sat right beside them. No one can decide what’s best for you other than you, Y/n.”
Her footsteps stop and so Daemon is also forced to do so. He sighs, regretting the words the moment they left his lips. He turns back to his friend, but the lady only offers a sad attempt of a smile, “You may do as you please, my prince. But I cannot. All my life, men have decided what’s best for me and they shall do so for the rest of my life as well... no matter how short of a life it might be.”
“Don’t,” Daemon shakes his head, immediately sporting a wide smile and quickly grabbing Y/n’s arm to continue their walk, “It’ll be a long life. A good life. No more talk of... whatever thoughts plague you. Whoever told you such things is a cunt.”
Y/n snorts, amused, and decides to drop the subject for her friend’s sake. No matter what she says, she can’t force Daemon to picture her as a sickly girl. He’s never believed it and continues to believe that she’ll live longer than even his little niece. Once upon a time, Y/n thought Daemon refused to acknowledge her health because he lost his parents at such a young age, but now she wondered if he was just mad enough to actually believe she was a picture of health.
They take a short ride to the Dragonpit after Y/n promised to watch Daemon fly off. As he mounts Caraxes, Y/n stood close with a mischievous smile on her lips, “Where will you go this time? Perhaps to finally be with your lady wife?”
The instant disgust that twists into Daemon’s expression forces her into a fit of laughter that quickly leads to harsh coughing, but she grins despite gasping for air. She tilts her head back up to smile at Daemon and he relents once he caught onto the joke.
“The day I go to be with my lady wife is the day I am to bury her in the dirt,” Daemon spat, glancing up at the sky and then back down to his friend, “Umbagon syt nyke, uēpa raqiros.”
[Wait for me, old friend.]
Y/n nods, recognizing that small phrase as one he often said to her, and remembers the proper response he taught her, “Hae bōsa hae mazēza.”
[As long as it takes.]
He grins and then orders his dragon to fly. Caraxes takes off, leaving a gust of wind behind that nearly knocks Y/n off her feet when she had moved to be at a safe distance. She smiles to herself while watching the two fly away until they’re a speck in the sky, imagining what it must feel like up there. She wished she accepted his invitation, but a part of her knows how frail her heart can be. If she were to fly up to the sky, she may not ever come back down.
Two birds on a wire One says c'mon and the other says "I'm tired" The sky is overcast and I'm sorry One more or one less Nobody's worried
She finds herself in the Dragonpit again, waiting to see Daemon off once more, only this time, she worries that she might not see him for a while. Viserys has chosen Rhaenyra as his heir after the death of his wife, and now Daemon is exiled to Dragonstone or until he finally consummates his marriage to Lady Royce. If Daemon was angry, he didn’t show it, but Y/n knew her friend, and she knew that Daemon often showed his anger in violent actions and often never showed what his next move would be on his face. A storm is brewing behind those eyes, but no one is aware of it other than his oldest friend.
He approached her as he was just about ready to leave and Y/n tries to talk to keep the silence at bay, “It will be good for you. Dragonstone is your ancestral home and you’ll be better off governing a small keep over a large kingdom. This is something new and exciting. It should keep you occupied.”
“I don’t need to be entertained like a spoiled, bored child,” Daemon sneered, though it wasn’t nearly as hateful, the last of the sentence dying on his tongue when he remembered who he was talking to. He lowers his gaze, regrettably, “At least not whenever someone as competent as you is around. You can come with me, Y/n.”
“And anger my father?”
“He’s an arse--”
“--Who is my father.”
“He’s a drunken fool. You needn’t listen to a drunk who won’t remember your arguments come the morrow.”
Y/n laughs softly under her breath, shaking her head at the ground before glancing back up at Daemon. The Rogue Prince softens his gaze, stepping closer and leaning his head down further to her height, eyes near pleading, “Come with me. There’s fresh air in Dragonstone.”
Her eyebrows droop, pity in her eyes as her mouth opens and closes to try and form the best rejection. Instead, only a weak response is let out in the form of a whisper, “I’m tired, Daemon.”
His jaw visibly tightens but he doesn’t say another word. His gaze hardens but he doesn’t look disgusted or angry, just disappointed. It’s not as though he should be surprised by her answer. Nothing had changed since the last time he asked. He may be a dragon, but Y/n is a flightless bird. Daemon turns and without looking back, climbs up onto Caraxes’ saddle, only looking up at the sky ahead of them.
“Umbagon syt nyke, uēpa raqiros.”
Daemon nearly falls off his saddle when the words he usually speaks are thrown back at him. Surprised, he looks down at Y/n and merely nods his head, automatically responding without thought, “Hae bōsa hae mazēza.”
Y/n smiles, blinking back a tear as she instinctively backs up. When Daemon takes flight again, she doesn’t watch him leave. Instead, she walks out of the Dragonpit, with the heavy thought of never needing to go back there again.
Two birds of a feather Say that they're always gonna stay together But one's never going to let go of that wire He says that he will But he's just a liar
Years pass and Daemon only gets one brief interaction with Y/n when he comes back to the Capitol as King of the Stepstones, hair cut and framing a crown. Unfortunately, he’s exiled again that very same day, and he’s gone before Y/n was even aware of his departure.
Their next interaction, however, lasts longer. Ser Laenor and Princess Rhaenyra’s wedding ceremony rolls around and no one expected Daemon to show. But he did, and it didn’t take long for him to corner his old friend with two wine goblets in hand.
“Still not into dancing?” He grins while offering a cup to her.
Y/n is a little timid but doesn’t turn away the drink. She swirls the wine and watches the liquid dance before looking up and sporting an amused grin, “Nyke jorrāelagon ziry. Yn ziry iksos se maesters qilōni pendagon ziry tolī exhausting va ñuha rytsāri.”
[I love it. But it’s the maesters who believe it’s exhausting for my health.]
Daemon’s eyes widened a fraction before his own smile spreads in delight, “Impressive.”
“Rhaenyra’s always been the better teacher,” her smirk makes an appearance before disappearing behind the lip of her cup, eyes twinkling as she watches Daemon's expression while she took a sip. He rolls his eyes, and for a moment they’re young again and close friends who roam the gardens together. Y/n thumps his shoulder lightly, “Admit it. You never had the patience to teach me anything.”
“I never had the patience for you to finally listen to my teachings,” he gripes back.
The words sting, but Y/n doesn’t let it show, gulping down her wine and looking out onto the dancefloor, “I’m sorry to hear about Lady Royce. Terrible to die doing the thing you’re best skilled at.”
“Indeed. I shall mourn her as any widowed husband should.”
“How? With celebration?” Daemon looks back and catches the knowing twinkle in her eye as she scoffs, “You don’t need to fool anyone, my prince. Especially me.”
He lets his smile grow under her trust, watching the dancing crowd alongside her as she comments, “I suppose a place such as this is a good place to start looking for a new wife. Lady Westerling is the one in yellow over there, and of course, Laena Velaryon is hard to miss. Lyonel Strong has two daughters, I believe. They should be around.”
Daemon inspects the women in question as he asks his own, “And what about you?”
She glances back at him, “What about me?”
He looks back at her, “Have you no husband?”
Y/n paused any quips from leaving her lips, lowering her goblet and reminding herself to breathe. Slowly, she looked away, “I’m not fit for marriage, Daemon. Even my father says so.”
“Fuck that,” the Rogue Prince growled, leaning into her space so that she can hear him over the cheers and laughter, “You’re the most comely lady in this room. Any man with more brains than balls would want to marry the family friend of the crown. My brother looks at you and sees a younger sister, someone he’s known her whole life. Anyone who wants his good graces would marry you.”
Y/n huffs in amusement, “I would not make a good wife and I would not live long enough to be a good mother.”
“Y/n,” she nearly loses her footing when Daemon grabbed both of her arms and forced her to face him, glaring into her very soul with angry passion, “Shut up. Stop thinking about all those things the maesters told you for just one second and think about you. You’re miserable here. King’s Landing is no place for someone who can barely breathe. It’s full of shit and crowds and the summers are unbearable. You would not be sick if you were to come to Dragonstone. There’s wind and rain and grass... one day you’ll wake up and realize you haven’t felt ill in ages. I want you to come home with me. I need you to.”
“Avy jorrāelan, ñuha hontes.”
[I love you, my bird.]
Y/n’s eyes widen, her heart skipping a beat as her mind calculates the foreign words. Doubtful, she swallows to wet her dry throat, “... I don’t know what that means.”
Daemon straightens his back, towering over her again but didn’t let go of her arms, “Yes you do.”
Her shoulders slump, trying to come up with a proper excuse that wouldn’t break either of their hearts, “You have no idea what you’re asking.”
“I’m not asking, I’m proposing,” one of his hands moves down her arm, sending shivers down her back as his hand finds hers. He lifts her hand until it’s placed flat on his chest, adjusting it to sit over his heart, his free hand gently pinching her chin to keep their eyes locked together, “Marry me, Y/n. Imagine all that we once had returned in tenfold. No one could tell us what to do. We’ll be free. Kesan dōrī drējī sagon dāez ēva ao sōvegon lēda nyke.”
[I’ll never truly be free until you fly with me.]
Her heart leaps and for a moment, she thought it had lept from her throat and flown off. She couldn’t deny how much she had missed and longed for Daemon in the years they’d been apart, and she was glad that the feeling of loss was mutual. But a part of her brain reminded her that she was still a sickly girl and she was only going to get worse. Despite Daemon’s promise of fresh air in Dragonstone, there’s no guarantee she’ll live long enough to enjoy it as much as he does.
“I won’t be a good wife, Daemon. I cannot give you children.”
“Who cares? I don’t want children. I don’t need children. I need you,” he steps even closer to her, “Just you.”
Whatever answer she gave him is drowned out by the screams of terror and the sound of fists meeting flesh. In the chaos of Joffrey Lonmouth’s murder, everyone is too distracted to catch Daemon Targaryen slipping away with Lady Y/n. It wasn’t until morning did people notice the pair’s absence, and by then, the couple had found a septon to marry them, binding them as one before anyone could object.
Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away and the other Watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar
Dragonstone was everything Daemon said it would be and more. Y/n had only been there once before after Queen Aemma passed away but now as she lived there to watch the seasons pass, she could see why her husband spoke highly of his ancestral home. In celebration of their marriage, they flew to Dragonstone on the back of Caraxes. It was the first time Y/n ever flew on dragonback and yet again, Daemon was right. She had never felt freer.
Unfortunately, she began aggressively coughing once they reached their destination, and she was embarrassed to have ruined the mood. But Daemon wasn’t bothered. He confidently stated that soon enough the fresh air will cure her and she’ll never have to worry about it again.
And for a while, it did. She took it easy at first and slowly noticed the effects of Daemon’s ‘medicine’ positively affecting her. Y/n began to swim in the ocean, jumping from high cliffs and splashing into the sea. She ran through the fields of long grass aligning her small island of paradise, picking up flowers and smelling their sweet aroma. And best of all, she clung to her husband as they flew above the clouds, basking in the heat of Caraxes' fire when he roared and chirped. Y/n, for the first time, did things that she thought she would never be able to do in her lifetime. She was better and healthier than ever.
Until winter came.
Her sickness came back and in full force, worse than it’s ever been before. She became so dizzy that she could barely stand. Her coughing fits would get so terrible, she would cough up blood. She could barely eat or drink, until finally, she was forced to remain in her bed, day and night, and could only move about her room with the help of another.
The maesters in Dragonstone concur with the ones back in King’s Landing and in the Citadel. They have all seen this before in all sorts of illnesses. The patient would always get better before the sickness got worse. And most times, it was fatal.
Daemon cut off the hand of the maester who told him to prepare for the worst and say his goodbyes before it was too late. Instead of listening, Daemon acted as though nothing was wrong. He spent most of his days in his wife’s room as well, talking normally, speaking of certain subjects only she would know. He never once mentioned her sickness and blatantly ignored it at times... except when Y/n would start a coughing fit. Those were the times Daemon would acknowledge it. He always tended to her, either offering her a handkerchief or a cup of water or rubbing her back. If Y/n wasn’t so occupied with her illness, she would have seen a window of vulnerability on her husband’s face whenever she had to stop talking to cough until her eyes were wet with tears.
One morning, Y/n was too weak to even sit up in bed. She had spent the entire night coughing and wheezing, she couldn’t even sleep for an hour. She had lost all color in her face and her hair was damp with sweat, a small basin filled with her blood and stomach contents sat on the floor beside her bed. Daemon was awake with her the whole night, at her side, only occasionally drifting off before moving into action when Y/n’s coughs would start up again.
Her throat is raw and her voice is quiet, her tone nothing like her own. It was like rock scrapping against rock and nothing like her usual, angelic voice. She barely spoke, but when she did, it was always optimistic. It was almost as though she believed Daemon’s former confidence in her.
“I’ll be alright,” she would whisper, coughing into her handkerchief, “It’s as... you said. I’ll get better when spring comes... comes back. It’s my first winter here. I just need to get used to... it.”
Daemon carefully watches her in response, never saying a word. It was chilling to hear his wife repeat his words back to him as if they had switched personalities. He wasn’t sure if she only spoke in confidence to reassure him, or if she had become delusional in her illness and she truly believed she would heal.
“I want to go see Cara-- Caraxes tomorrow,” she told him, barely hanging onto Daemon’s hand as she lay in bed that fateful morning. She was staring up at the ceiling, although her eyes appeared glassy and far away, “We’ll go flying. We’ll fly across the Narrow Sea until we reach Essos--”
Her coughs start and her body convulses as she spits out scarlet red. Daemon quickly helps her lay on her side so she wouldn’t choke on her own blood, assisting in rubbing her back and pushing loose hairs out of her face. Y/n’s whole body shakes uncontrollably and nothing can be heard outside of her coughs.
Daemon feels sick, clenching his jaw while trying to focus on something to do other than the coughing. He can’t find the right words to say, for once, and he was fighting an internal war with words that won’t come out. Every instinct is telling him to run, fly, and try to get as far away from Dragonstone as soon as possible. His adult self wanted to protect his inner child from the horrors of death, wanting to shield himself from the pain he felt when he lost his parents or his cousin Aemma. Watching his family members die was horrific for Daemon, as a child, and as a man. He refused to ever let another loved one die in his lifetime, and perhaps that foolish part of him is what really killed Y/n in the end.
Y/n wheezed, despite Daemon’s inner thoughts. She was no longer strong enough to read his thoughts anyway, “I think Rhaenyra is... having a baby soon. Her first. We should... be there for her when the time comes.”
He can only nod, despite Y/n not looking at him. He can’t find it within himself to look at her either, instead watching as his thumb caressed her bare shoulder. Eventually, Y/n’s body relaxes to his touch, humming softly when the tickle in her throat dies down.
“What... what do you think Pentos is like?”
He doesn’t answer. Instead, he takes his time rearranging the pillow under her head, tears finally forming in his eyes.
Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away and the other...
Daemon never took his eyes off the funeral pyre.
Not when Caraxes engulfed it in flames, not when people came to offer their condolences, and not even when everyone had gone back to King’s Landing. He hasn’t spoken a word to anyone, not even to the servant girl who came into Y/n’s room that morning to find her dead and the prince at her side. The girl wasn’t at all surprised, just heartbroken. She didn’t seem to notice the iron grip Daemon had on the bloody pillow in his lap.
Daemon remembered his brother and his niece standing on either side of him, holding onto his hand or his shoulder, but if they ever said anything, he couldn’t remember. Eventually, they left, too, leaving the cold air to surround him in their absence. He had been left alone, watching the flames of his wife’s funeral pyre dance and rise into the sky. His eyes eventually follow the flames and note the dark clouds in the distance, slowly making their way over. In the corner of his eye, Daemon spots two small birds flying overhead, and for whatever reason, they made him smile.
“Umbagon syt nyke, ñuha jorrāelagon...”
[Wait for me, my love...]
A/N: I’m sorry if the Valyrian is not correct. I had to use a translator. I gotta admit, writing Daemon is hard. I love him as a character, but I feel as though I didn’t represent his personality enough. It is my first time writing him, so maybe I just need to get used to it and rewatch House of the Dragon lol. Please interact and support! If you have a request, leave it in my inbox!
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
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If You're Smart You'd Read This:
I’m in my 20’s.
I write adult shit so children shouldn’t be interacting with me or my posts.
Blank pages /Ageless pages /Minors get blocked. Like 90% of the shit i post is not suitable for yall lmao.
Don’t ask me for tips/advice on anything such as art, your writing, anything. Google it. Thats what I did.
I speak my opinion. And if you don’t agree idc.
It’s very easy to be blocked by me. So don’t try out the theory of it.
YOU CANNOT BE ANONYMOUS WHEN REQUESTING ONLY NSFW If you want a nsfw request you have to unanon yourself so i can see ur age in ur bio.
Do not ask me super personal questions.
Do not ask me why I will or wont do something.
Do not be annoying and send long mf hcs in my ask. It’ll get deleted.
Do not try and keep having a whole convo w me in my ask (unless ur my mutual) esp. if u anon.
Speaking of Mutuals. I have mutual bias. So theres some things I let them do/say to me that my followers cant.
I will not write: Piss play, rape, incest, furry stuff, Alpha/Omega verse, pet play🧍🏾‍♀️ and will ABSOLUTELY NOT write anything blasphemous about God or other religions
Please only use my ask box for request or genuine questions
I don’t do emergency request
I do not write catgirl or catboy stuff or anything w furries ig (all humans only)
I will write for other fandoms besides One Piece! An example (but not limited to): Jujustu Kaisen, Naruto, Fire Force, Gangsta, etc
Speaking of One Piece my page does contain MAJOR spoilers (ill try to put warnings if i can)
I mostly write for POC/Black Fem Readers but it’s not limited most of the time. Any girl can read.
If you request something please give me time :( I can only write so much in a day.
I hate like 99% of ships people have made in all fandoms so please don’t tell me yours, and if you ask me opinions on them I will be brutally honest with it.
I do not tolerate any form of racism, bullying, or homophobia here. It’s annoying go away.
I also don’t gaf if you don’t agree with my HC…I just…bro go write em yourself I’m not writing these for you.
Please don’t trauma dump on me…just don’t I’m not a therapist.
If you want something specific BE SPECIFIC
I don’t really care for dark content(?) I’m not really sure what it is exactly it is (because I’m stupid) so if your request dark content lmk and if I feel uncomfortable with it ill decline lol
I will NOT Write NSFW for characters like Chopper, Brook, etc
I will NOT Write for demons like Sukuna or characters from Obey Me
If your share repost/blog my writing please give credit!
I really only write female x male NSFW. (I will however write fxf or mxm platonically) That’s just personal preference and what I feel best writing :) please respect that decision.
I don’t do character x character writing unless it’s canon (…or if it’s eren and Mikasa i—)
I do NOT age up characters for nsfw writing. If they’re not canonically already an adult or have a pre timeskip I’m not doing that. I’ll do SFW ones though!
I do have to right to not write for a character I just simply don’t like so don’t get mad if I don’t.
Remember: this is mf FAN FICTION writing. Just a bunch of ideas I have in my weird head so if u don’t like or agree with it dip.
I’ll keep this rule list updated (ill reblog when i update the list) when I can if new stuff comes up. I’m relatively new on here so bare with me :(
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circular-bircular · 3 months
I’m not going to bother blocking (believe it or not, I agree with some of your posts, and I don’t enjoy cutting off discussions) but I also am not giving anymore notes to the post, particularly when the “very open to discussion” person blocks and hides people attempting to add to the discussion. They also seem quite agitated with me and said they’d block me if I interacted again, so!
We're normally a long post to be in detail about our points and topics we get, or small generalized posts with 0 to no explanation at all because we're tired or some other shit that makes us be lazy and don't talk in depth in a a topic
And that is absolutely fair! We do the same — quick, over generalized posts. The difference is, we 1) try to make those posts as open ended as possible, or open to others experiences as possible, and 2) we accept the criticism of others when they tell us it’s over generalized.
All my response was was a criticism pointing out the flaws in the over generalization, because I think your over generalization was absolutely heinous, and is used constantly to discredit singlets from a discussion that I find them vital to.
In all the topics, not only surrounding system topics/syscourse the generalization don't talk about all the cases, there's a lot of "it depends" in every topic you can imagine, we firmly believe that the best answer to any topic regarding the topic is "it depends" but we're just too lazy to elaborate sometimes, that's why in the repost we did you may see some "incongruences", it's just we did talk in more depth, we're just lazy lol
K. “I’m just lazy” really isn’t the best defense you think it is. I’m glad you can acknowledge that you over generalized, but at that point, I think it’s fair to accept criticism from others for that laziness. Syscourse is a high-octane conversation with nuance and depth; not a quick post you fling out from your bed in 5 seconds with no thought because you’re lazy.
I get it, I do; I’m currently sick with at least 4 different illnesses and I don’t have a lot of spoons. But I can still debate. I can still raise valuable points and dedicate time to things. Hell, my response to your originally was lazy, because I relied on the thing I find easiest — sarcasm — to discredit your point, hoping the slap to the face bluntness might get through to you the point. That obviously didn’t work! It typically does for my 11 year old students, so I guess that’s on me for assuming you’d react to sarcasm similarly.
So yeah, we tend to generalize and be short with no explanation sometimes, you just happened to encounter one of that posts, but those post are completely open to civil discussion, in those cases we do prefer not to quote the first post because it's a lazy generalized why of our opinion. I say this to have in mind for future references with our posts, if we're gonna talk in depth of this topics we might seem hypocrite or incongruent for this exact reason
Thank goodness this is a civil discussion then! So was sysmedsaresexist’s reply, but you still blocked that discussion. Unless by “civil” you mean “must concede points to me, even if they disagree with me, and must not sound angry at all.” In which case — yeah no, I have dampened my anger far too much in syscourse to allow some rando who’s spouting non-nuanced nonsense to earn my silence.
I’m allowed to be pissed off at non-nuanced posts. I’m allowed to be upset at things that further the split between singlets and systems in the system community! (Though, thank you, because as this is my last response to this particular post, it’s helped me realize I can dedicate this frustration toward yet another post about singlets and how much benefit they have in system discussions!)
“Civility” is a concept that doesn’t make sense to me in these situations. I’m never sure what someone means. From my perspective, I’ve been civil. I’ve also been insulting and mean. I’ve also criticized neutrally. I’ve done all those things! That’s all still civil to me. I didn’t harass you, I didn’t blast you on my blog — I just reblogged your points (which from my perspective encourage a dangerous mentality) and was mean about it. I think I’m well within my rights.
I do think is inappropriate to make a blog about syscourse if you're not a system, yeah, the problem might affect you because of people who are close to you and they might have some things to say about topics regarding system, but when it comes to syscourse most of the topics around it are about the community of systems that affects the community of systems, so a non-system talking about it it's just weird and doesn't have sence
You keep flip flopping. You described how it’s perfectly reasonable for my partner to participate in syscourse in the previous post, and now you say they shouldn’t, but with a new goal post added.
I disagree with you fundamentally about what syscourse is about. Syscourse falls into numerous topics. My partner primarily posts about respect and research into DID. Is it wrong of them to do so? I don’t think it is. But that is still posting directly to the tags, directly to systems, and into the syscourse community.
I don’t think that’s wrong.
They can talk about their experiences and how somethings do affect them, in the case is talking only experiences like I don't think that count as syscourse, and I also don't know that singlet's post so I can't really talk a lot about that
They talk about my experiences more. They ask I preview their posts but I wish they wouldn’t; I’ve never had to change a word beyond showing them how to tag things.
I’m not sure why you don’t count it as syscourse when it blatantly is from my perspective. As always, a debate boils down to a difference in definitions. You’re clearly defining syscourse as something other than “a tag on tumblr (or on other social media, but for this conversation, tumblr) that is dedicated to discussions about system discourse.” Anyone can have a discussion.
We also have singlet friends who are normally involved and affected into syscourse or system like topics, but they recognize entering to syscourse isn't right
I wonder how much of that is because their friend puts posts out explaining how awful it is for singlets to post in syscourse…
I encouraged my partner to make a blog because they’ve helped me so much to understand my own systemhood. I needed their perspective to be where I am now. Non-nuanced posts like yours lead singlets to avoid these spaces and systems to believe that’s a good thing. That’s what I was fighting against.
Don't get what you're saying here except you like to do the same shit you claim I do lol, also wtf is "The Other Side"??
Okay, let me explain in more depth then:
I saw your very non-nuanced post and thought, “God, not this shit again. We see this constantly. I do not have spoons or energy to explain yet again, in detail, all of the reasons this is wrong. So I’m going to respond with sarcasm, since that’s easier, and explain how they are wrong that way.” This wasn’t lacking nuance; it was just a different way of tackling a lack of energy.
My response to you was brief — there’s nothing wrong with low energy posts, and I’m not sure where you got that from in my response. The issue is over generalizing your ideas in such a way as to demonize A Side — the “Other Side.” In these spaces, there’s always two sides in the debate: Your Side, and the Other Side. I sit in a nebulous “both sides” nearly at all times, and it often seems like your posts are trying that — but in this case, Your Side is Systems In Syscourse and the Other Side is Singlets in Syscourse. One is right and one is wrong, one is black and the other is white, and there’s no swaying your opinion.
You saw a post from the Other Side — a singlet in syscourse or someone supporting singlets in syscourse — and it pissed you off enough to post a non-nuanced vaguepost. If you wanted to use low energy while keeping the nuance, you could’ve said, “Posts like X piss me off because it doesn’t feel like OP has enough experience with systems to participate.” But given that your whole issue is just… singlets having a DNI on their posts or a stance on their blog (based on the OG post you mentioned,) it came across as “Singlets having any opinion about system stuff online is bad.”
Combine that with a non-nuanced “singlets aren’t allowed to syscourse” blanket statement, and that’s what I have issue with.
Does that make more sense?
Didn't say that, if you understand that is a you problem, what I did meant to say it's you can engage but don't do it in a way that isn't outside a third eye perspective, the topics aren't about you, you might be affected to them but aren't about you, so the best if you wanna enter is to doing in a respectful way
Okay, so this wasn’t clear due to how non-nuanced your original post was. If you wanted to say this, then you should’ve said it. If you didn’t have the energy to say it, then don’t fucking post it. You need to be clear about your words. Like, let’s refresh ourselves on what you said:
When you're directly affected by that is obvious that you can have an opinion, and ofc it's gonna impact your online life if it impacts your irl live, but because of that it doesn't mean singlets should be actively entering in syscourse/system topics
“That doesn’t mean singlets should be actively entering syscourse/system topics” has become “If you want to enter syscourse topics, you need to do so in a specific way and be respectful.” Do you understand how different these two things are? Do you understand how it’s not a “me” problem when I am literally reading the words in front of me as they are?
They're not affected in the same way a system would be affected, they can be affected ofc, we said that in the post, read it again please, so yeah, dk what you want us to say in this part
What I want you to explain is how they are not affected the same was a system is affected. Because from my experience, they are.
I am stressed out by syscourse. So is my fiancé. I am triggered by syscourse. So is my fiancé. I have insights into systemhood and how it impacts both me and those around me, and so does my fiancé. In all of your responses, you’ve still failed to address that discrepancy; why should singlets not participate?
The most you’ve said is “they aren’t affected the same way,” but that’s so nebulous and uncertain and denotes nothing. My partner is affected in the same way! I don’t understand why you won’t take my word for that through all of this.
It's obvious people are gonna have other things outside their professions, that's common knwoledge genius, again, I don't get your point in somethin so obvious that you can't make out
“I don’t get your point.” My point is, there are so many therapists and medical professionals who participate in syscourse, which goes against your original claim. I’m uncertain how you missed that. Maybe it’s because you just flat out blocked SAS’s response about that topic? They spoke at length about those medical professionals. I would suggest reading that blocked reblog for some more perspective.
I'm not even gonna try to talk about the other things you say because it's just nonsence shit and you justwanting to attack me or shit like that, you're simply being someone inmature and I see you really open to civil talk, the main point of the blog here
“I’m not even going to try and address your other points because you’re just attacking me and immature, and I’m only interested in civil talk”
Pray tell, the other points I made are attacking you? How? I saw it as attacking your position. We’ve already discussed the “civility” thing (people are allowed to be mad, get used to it) but I see nowhere where I attacked you. I may have used some insulting language (I think I called your beliefs absurd at one point, so I could see how that would upset someone) but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t civil.
(The other points, for context, were further examples where singlets would have a place in these conversations, including final fused systems who choose to identify as singlets; these points are evidently attacking them.)
And I saw your posts, you don't care about breaking others boundaries, if you do that online what can I expect you do irl? Or you're just a incongruent hypocrite like you say I am? You don't want to engage in anythig real but hate and attack, and you see pround about that, or at least you don't see that as a real problem when it is, you're just bein an inmature hater
You mean my one post I’ve made, across around 7 years of syscourse at this point, saying I don’t really listen to DNIs anymore because they’re simply used to avoid discussion and spread misinformation?
Welcome to Ad Hominem, by the way! Why does what I do in my regular life matter? Why was that relevant to this discussion? (It’s not; it’s moralizing about me to try and demonize me because oof ouchie my words hurt your fee fees >;). To that point; I have written numerous posts about respect, understanding the other perspective, and the understanding of consent. I teach in my regular life how boundaries are vital and that students need to set boundaries with their teachers and parents, especially as a traumatized individual who lacked boundaries.
What do you do?
don't have time for inmature people like you and that's why mid reblog I just gave up because people like you can't appeal to civil disccusion which, again, is what this blog is about. And even with almost no boundarie and DNI you still manage to break it, I'm impressed in a bad way
Again. “Civility” is being defined by you were very differently than by me. Hilarious.
For me you're just a little hypocrite hater inmature and a bad person, other people might not see you as a bad person? Good for them, I don't fucking care, you care that I see you as a bad person? It's a you problem that I couldn't care less, you see me as a bad person? Good for you, it's the lastthing I would care tbh
I have to be perfectly honest, I can’t interpret this.
It seems like you just calling me an immature bad person? Not sure how that’s relevant to the discussion. We’ve just resorted to playground name calling it seems.
I really do not care if you see me as a bad person, and I certainly don’t see you as one. Not really sure where that came from, to be honest. What a non sequitur.
I can't have a real talk with someone like you so this "talk" ends up here, if you respond with another repost I'll just ignore it and block you, I recommend you ignoring me from now on, or if it helps your black hater heart block me, demostrate you can be mature shall we?
“If you reblog” (not repost, we use different language on tumblr) “I’ll ignore you and block you, or you can be mature and block me first.”
You still haven’t blocked me ._. ? Like. Okay, you know you don’t have to wait, right? You could’ve done so at any time.
I haven’t blocked you because I don’t feel the need; I enjoy conversations and the ability to see other perspectives. It’s just that your perspective is unclear. You’ve still not explained any differences that would necessitate that singlets not participate in syscourse, whereas I’ve explained in each of my posts situations where singlets would be welcomed. A vague “it doesn’t affect them” isn’t enough.
But sure; please feel free to block me and have any sort of opinion about me. Lord knows you’re not going to be remembered. The amnesia does that to me lol.
Have a good day!
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spoops-screams · 2 years
| MC who has terrible luck
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Character(s): Malleus Draconia
TW: Injury, car/carriage crashes, illness, minor angst
Notes: Gender neutral MC || My friend sent me a meme about the fact that everyone has one friend who can never catch a break and seems to be targeted by god himself. Unfortunately, that friend is me according to her and everyone else so after the risk of losing the house, my health going to shit in the worst way for me at the time, various other complications and a car crash within the past 2 months, I figured I needed a better way to cope which is this <3
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He's constantly horribly concerned about you even before he knows you all that well considering everything he hears going on around you. He considers that it might be the first years you hang around but it doesn't take long for that theory to be disproven
On top of constantly being roped into every single overblot incident and more, everything in the entire world seems to quite literally be against you
His life isn't really led by luck with his magic often taking the lead and ensuring him safety and success. With you, who doesn't have that privilege, it's a completely different story which is made much more evident when you don't seem to react to any of the frankly horrifying situations that you find yourself in
How you could be so used to this really makes him worry about how your life was before
You'll joke about some higher power targeting you but even Malleus begins to genuinely believe it with certain things going wrong only when you were present
The first time he attempted to bring you to the valley of thorns, he'd had to take you through the mirror and by car the rest of the way to the castle because teleporting, he had found, made your blood pressure drop drastically, something that he doesn't think he'd ever come across before
And only when you are in the car - a magically powered limousine - does another car somehow crash into it, from your side and only affecting your side in any way that mattered
But you act like you're completely fine. A little shaken and sporting a few small cuts from the glass which shattered on you but otherwise alright. Even he himself was panicked by the occurrence and yet you acted like it was a regular kind of incident
Even when he takes to putting up elaborate shielding spells around you, nothing seems to help. Your health which he had begun always closely monitoring, would take a random turn for the worst with a sudden deficiency which Silver and himself are absolutely certain there should be no way that you have
And whenever the spell weakens when it's been up for too long, something ridiculous will happen that the spell can't block like a tree branch falling directly onto you
It genuinely terrifies him because you seem to accept every incident so easily
Crowley forgets your staying in Ramshackle and a government issued bulldozer comes into the school to take it down since it's a safety hazard while you're in it? He's never teleported so fast in his life but catches you climbing out of under some shattered wooden planks. "Don't worry, only like 3 planks fell on me and most of them were rotting and light anyway :)"
One of the horses violently throws you off of it into a fence? You sit up with a wince and give him a thumbs up. "I'm alright :D" Well, you shouldn't be!
You're mortal already, he hates the risk of you suddenly getting into some freak accident that he can't save you from which only seems to be amplified since it's you
He gets so, so worried some days and will cling to you so much, absolutely refusing to let you out of his sight
You make him really tempted to just keep you in Briar valley but, knowing you, you won't be safe there either. As much trust as he has in magic, he certainly can't be certain of your safety when even he's struggling to keep up with everything that goes on
He's used to time moving slowly but here you are giving him whiplash
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Do not repost or claim. Only reblog 💕
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