#and is very happy thranduil has decided to stay in middle-earth
Thranduil is Miriel’s brother and it changes nothing but it’s funny af (not-canon)
Idk man, i personally think that the idea of Thranduil being Miriel’s brother would be hilarious bc everyone sees these noldor kinslaying monsters and screams bloodymurder, but Thranduil looks at what is his nephew and grandnephew and goes “goddamn it Miriel, they had to get your personality”
When Oropher gets re-embodied in Valinor alongside Finwe he will spend entire meetings glaring bloody murder at Finwe for Miriel’s predicament, much to everyone’s confusion.
Finwe: making my way down town, walking fast-
Messenger: Your Majesty, King Oropher’s here to see you!
Finwe: walking faster
Oropher: Finwe!!
Finwe: -fucking sprinting!!
The Noldor of Valinor get to spectate as their high king is running full speed away from this feral silvan king while screaming bloody murder.
What, you thought Feanor got his attitude from Finwe? No way, that was all Miriel.
(PS, this is all in an AU where Oropher is a silvan, and thus was not in Doriath or in Beriland at all when the first age shit went down, (though he feels the need to point out that, just bc they weren’t involved with the noldor drama, that doesn’t mean they didn’t fight against Morgoth, they were just not geographically close enough to be apart of the armies in Beriland)
Oropher, Thranduil, Legolas and other family and friends would all know, but they’re all collectively ignoring the Feanorian mess bc that bunch has been labeled “the insane half of the family” (completely ignoring their own feralness, as you do)
But, can you imagine:
Elrond: -look, they might have kidnapped me and Elros, but they were the best parents anyone could ask for-
Thranduil, drowning in his wine to hide his expresion: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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sotwk · 8 months
Not to give you two asks in the one day but I always find it interesting to consider which elves stayed or went to the Undying Lands but sadly most of my 'real life' friends do not have any opinions on Thranduil staying or going. I find the idea of him leaving really interesting (how long does he stay? how easy/hard is it for him to leave? what makes him finally decide to go? how does the rest of middle earth/his people respond?). I think it really makes sense in your au for him to go (not that I know much about it) to be reunited with Maereth and his sons. For me, I've always thought that he would stay because I think he wouldn't necessarily mind living on in a different Middle Earth the way other elves might and also stubbornness. (Also I subscribe to the theory that Legolas's mother is alive and well, which very much changes things).
This is a very long and rambling way of saying that I'm glad to hear your take on Thranduil leaving/staying in Middle Earth because it's a topic that has always interested me and also would you ever write him and Maereth reuniting in the Undying Lands?
SotWK AU Headcanon: Thranduil's Fate in the Undying Lands
A Thranduil headcanon I feel very passionate about yet I feel does not get enough mention in fan writings, is the depth of his suffering and the true extent of his losses during the Third Age.
Certainly, Mirkwood gets a happy ending when it survives the fall of Dol Guldur and is reinvigorated into the new kingdom of Eryn Lasgalen. But it took Thranduil nearly everything he had to get his people there.
Putting aside the deaths of his most beloved wife (grievous enough to cause lesser elves to fade) and two of his sons, the Elvenking battled against Sauron and his minions from TA 1000 to 3019. In the SotWK AU, the death of his wife in TA 2793 meant at that point, he had already lost half of his family, and been forced into underground halls, his once proud people turned into refugees on their own lands.
Yet he always picked himself back up and continued to protect just not Mirkwood, but also their allies in Dale during The Battle of Five Armies. Then, he sent his last remaining son to The Council AND thwarted Sauron's invasions into Mirkwood during the War of the Ring.
Yes, Thranduil is perhaps the most enduring elf in Middle-earth, but centuries of holding fast against corrupting darkness and suffering would be enough to take a toll on anyone. We Thranduil stans like to point out that he did not have the advantage of a Ring of Power. So what powers did he lean on? His own!
By the time the "happy ending" is achieved, Thranduil is just as badly beaten and bruised in spirit as the ringbearer Frodo. Look at it this way: Frodo carried the One Ring for about 18 years (the last year being the Quest) and suffered unspeakable pain as a result, and was never fully-healed again.
Thranduil, whose spirit was tied to Greenwood the Great, used his inner strength and innate "magic" powers to guard it as best as his could and prevent Sauron himself from overwhelming that entire forest for 2,000 years. In my mind, Thranduil turned his very self into a shield to protect the Elves of Mirkwood against the Darkness, to prevent every last one of them from being hauled off to Dol Guldur where they would be corrupted into an orc army. (Which isn't to say this did not happen to some unfortunate Silvans throughout the Third Age.) The point is, the Elves of Mirkwood still had enough quality of life to hold merry feasts in a Valar-forsaken forest, and Thranduil had to have paid a steep price for that. He HAD to have been SO TIRED. But he carried on.
At the start of his rule, young Elvenking Thranduil might have declared he was prepared to live in and rule the Woodland Realm forever. But that was not his destiny.
As that quote we love so well goes:
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Thranduil needed to retire to the Blessed Realm to achieve healing and rest, just as much as Frodo and Bilbo did. And of course, to reunite with his beloved wife and sons. THAT is his happy ending--in my mind and AU, at least.
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How long does he stay?
Thranduil sails on the Last Ship with Celeborn, Círdan and (pardon the spoiler) Gelir, the last of his sons to leave Middle-earth. The date this last ship sails is unidentified in Tolkien canon, but takes place at least after FA 171. Why?
A neat SotWK timeline event for you: In honor of his wife Maereth's love for the Durins and his family's friendship with the Dwarves of Erebor, Thranduil led an army to assist Durin VII in the Retaking of Khazad-dûm. Thranduil and Maereth shared special memories of Khazad-dûm, and Thranduil was actually moved to tears to see those halls finally cleansed of orcs once more.
How easy/hard is it for him to leave? What makes him finally decide to go?
200 or so years was more than enough time for Thranduil to ensure that Eryn Lasgalen was properly re-established under the kingship of his heir, Aranion, son of Mirion. His granddaughter, Anariel, had committed to staying with her brother in Middle-earth and helping him in his rule. The Silvan people were in excellent hands.
Thranduil's daughter-in-law, Itarildë (eager to reunite with Mirion), and his son Turhir, had already sailed to the Undying Lands in FA 61, on the same ship as Samwise Gamgee. Legolas left with Gimli in FA 120.
By the time the Last Ship sailed, Thranduil was more than ready to go and join the rest of his family in Aman.
How does the rest of Middle-earth/his people respond?
The people of Eryn Lasgalen deeply loved Thranduil, and were of course sad to see him leave. But they also knew their King had suffered long enough and missed this wife terribly, and they wished only joy and healing for him, especially after everything he had endured for their sake.
Farewell feasts were certainly held, to allow friends and allies from across Middle-earth--Gondor, Dale, Rohan, the Shire and Khazad-dûm--to pay their respects to the great Elvenking.
I have no specifics, but I know that his departure from Middle-earth was forevermore commemorated in a great annual feast in Eryn Lasgalen.
Would you ever write him and Maereth reuniting in the Undying Lands?
Well, seeing as writing just this headcanon post got me all misty-eyed and punched in the feels, I suppose I could write that reunion story once I'm able to gather the emotional strength for it. XD
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Thank you as always for this superb Ask, Ace Reporter @hobbitwrangler! <3
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carmisse · 7 months
Eryn Galen Family Tree
Some headcanons on which I based this.
Before leaving Nelyafinwë and Findekano get married secretly due to the death of his grandfather.
Unfortunately, they are forced to separate for a long time before Fingon goes to look for his husband, rescuing him from the clutches of Morgoth and his servant. After a long healing process, the two finally unite their faiths and conceive a son. Ereinion Gil-Galad, whom they must let go to Círdan for his proper protection.
Gil-Galad grows up without knowing much of his origin, however he manages to consolidate as a friend of the Sindar, under the tutelage of Círdan.
Thus, during a visit to Doriarth, Eldarion meets Prince Oropher, the young son of Elmo, and nephew of King Thingol. Who also turns out to be a candidate to be his spouse; to the displeasure of both, since at the beginning they do not tolerate each other at all. However, and after a time in which they put their laziness behind them after their lives were put in danger due to an incident outside Melian's belt, they decide to continue with the courtship between them, concluding that they will go at their own pace with it.
As it turns out, they get married.
Living in a fairly stable and happy marriage, they decide to wait a while before even considering having children. Although they enjoy taking care of their nephew, Celeborn, son of Oropher's brother, Galadhon.
The two enjoy their time together very much, Oropher still works in his uncle's court and Ereinion continues to apprentice with Círdan.
During the eighth year of their marriage, they finally have an only son, Thranduil.
Gondolin falls, and with it Ereinion is summoned to the island of Balar where he is told of his origin, who his parents are and the death of his uncle Turgon, for which he was now to be named High King.
Shortly after the third murder of relatives. Gil-Galad founds the city of Lindon which he rules with the help of Oropher. At the same time they see Thranduil grow up more. Being that when the latter reaches adolescence, his ada founds Eryn Galen, Oropher is appointed king by the wood elves and much to his regret he must leave to lead what remains of his family's village, Thranduil stays with Ereinion for seasons, especially because he wishes to continue seeing his cousin, Celeborn, although he also visits his ada.
The last alliance arrives, Gil-Galad has decided to create an army to attack Sauron in an attempt to quell the evil he spreads throughout Middle-earth.
Oropher is captured by the dark lord, his husband and son believe him dead, Thranduil is crowned king in the midst of battle and his Atar guides him as best he can given the current circumstances.
(I know Thingol banned Quenya, but Erenion, Oropher and Thranduil probably spoke it at home).
It is not until the climax of the war that Glorfindel gives his help to Oropher who manages to flee from Sauron because the latter finally came out to give battle to Gil-Galad.
(Fuck the canon, Oropher and Ereinion are alive when it ends.)
Thranduil and Glorfindel met during the last alliance, because of young Elrond.
Thranduil felt a great admiration for the lord of the house of the golden flower, while Glorfindel decided to give himself a chance to fall in love again if he and the prince of Eryn Galen could get out of the war.
Being so, both spoke towards the fourth year of the conflict, confessing their desire towards the culmination of what they are living. Since by tradition the elves do not marry during the war and much less have children. During that time, only once in the fifth year of the last alliance, the two share a single kiss that turns out to be nothing more than a brush of lips. The war ends, thanks to the Valar they can now breathe without fear that this is their last day in the same land.
Glorfindel decides to court Thranduil this under the blessing of Gil-Galad and Oropher.
(Celeborn and Elrond organize the betrothal dinner)
They however, decide to marry with the trees as witnesses before having a larger celebration as expected by the elves. Ten years pass before Prince Legolas is born.
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Version 0.2
Aragorn and Legolas already have a relationship when they join the Fellowship of the Ring. Gandalf knows it and Frodo is very suspicious since despite their many attempts, they do not disguise it as well as they think.
Frodo is aware of the looks they give each other when they think no one sees them.
Boromir has seen them flirting, they use the sindarin but it is clear what is flirting.
Gimli also found them sharing his watch. Aragorn had his head resting on Legolas' lap while Legolas hummed to him and stroked his dark locks, both looking up at the stars.
It is Pippin who in his boredom asks to please tell them how they met, how long they have been together and also asks if those rings they wear themselves mean they are married.
It is Legolas who just resigns himself and tells the story, Sam finds it quite romantic and Gimli just says that Legolas charmed him with his singing, which makes everyone laugh.
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Extra headcanons :
- Fingon is trans.
- Sindar have both gender.
- Glorfindel was very afraid of falling in love after losing Ecthelion, however Thranduil came as a bucket of cold water. He makes amends with his relationship with Ecthelion and decides to follow his feelings.
- Glorfindel is sworn to Elrond being this descendant of Turgon to whom he was sworn before. For which he lives in Imladris, Thranduil understands it because his parents also lived separated in spite of being married because they had their own duties. However, Elrond sends Glorfindel away until Legolas is the equivalent of sixteen human years old. It is then that he is finally allowed to return.
- Legolas has honey-colored hair, a combination of his parents'. His eyes are also warm like Glorfindel's even if the color of them is similar to Thranduil's.
- If Aragorn and Legolas had a daughter she would be named Miriel.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Afternoon Tea - Elrond
Part 3 of Frodo and his unexpected family
Summary: after the time Bilbo visited Imladris with dwarves and asked Elrond to afternoon tea the Lord finally took the hobbit up on his offer now that Bilbo was taking a holiday to Imladris
Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings
FT: references to Take these broken wings and learn to fly and Our Sweet Boys are Stress bakers
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Elrond sighed as he looked at the clock it was just coming up to 4 o'clock, he had gotten most of his work which he needed to do done, he had some time for a break unlike normal, he suddenly remembered Bilbo's offer from the first time he had met the hobbit, the hobbit also offered him the same offer when he stopped in Imladris going back to the shire.
'afternoon tea is at 4 o'clock you are welcome to join if you ever stop by bag end' Admittedly he was to busy to go to the shire to take the hobbit up on his offer but now he did not have a problem, Bilbo the hobbit was peacefully having a vacation in Imladris, and the new hobbit hole, Glorfindel insisted in building for the hobbit was not that far from his study.
Elrond stood from his desk and set his quill down in the stand next to his Ink well, the Lord dusted down his robes and set off to the Hobbits home.
Lord continued his way until he got to a Hill, a path wined up it and at the top was a door like a port hole perfectly round painted green door with a brass door knob in the exact center, It took after bag end in hobbiton or that was what the hobbit and Glorfindel had said.
Elrond knocked on the door and stepped back the hobbit opened the door, "Lord Elrond, Welcome, I was unaware of your visit, I am sorry for the mess" Bilbo said stepping out of the door way and opening the door wide enough so the Lord could get in, Elrond ducked under the door way, after the roof was taller.
"It was Glorfindel's Idea to extend the height upwards so you could stand in here, if we made the door bigger i fear i would not be able to reach the handle" Bilbo said motioning Elrond to follow him.
"I have come to take you up on that offer of afternoon tea" Elrond said the hobbit jumped on his heels.
"Of course, I completely forgot I offered it to you, I did not write it down, come we were just going to start afternoon tea" Bilbo said leading Elrond Into the small dinning room, Glorfindel was sat with his legs kicked back enjoying the sun filtering in the window
"Take a seat, any seat you wish" Bilbo said rushing away to the kitchen, he came back with Lindir carrying a plate of Seed cakes and Lembas the two made earlier, the ellon behind him was carrying a tray of mugs and a kettle, as well as so Milk, the two laid everything down on the table.
Glorfindel stayed for a short time before he had to go, and Lindir had to go help Erestor, soon it was just Bilbo and Elrond sat at the hobbit's table.
Bilbo was very interested in Elvish and the history of the elves and the nature of Middle earth and Elrond was happy to tell him.
"That Oath, did any of Fëanor's children not swear it" Bilbo questioned taking a bite out of a seed cake.
"Yes one didn't he's Glorfindel's husband, although he prefers not to speak of it" Elrond said the two spent some time in silence before Bilbo asked for Elrond's council on the adoption of frodo telling him what Thranduil's stance with it was first.
"Thranduil gives you good advice, but now it really depends how you want to face Frodo, would you like him to leave him in his aunts hands who already has kids or adopt frodo, you could teach him a lot, and a lot of people would care for him" Elrond said
"And even if you can't watch him I am sure plenty of people would be up to babysitting him" Elrond contuied soon Bilbo had a lot of good advice and council from Elrond, but the Lord had to leave to do his paperwork. but Bilbo did decide he was going to adopt Frodo.
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moony-artnstuff · 3 years
Oh, okay! Thanks for clarifying :)
Can I request headcanons of him with a future S/O (gender neutral) who is travelling with the company and very obviously has a crush on him? Such as staring, blushing when he gets close/touches, etc..
If you don't want to write this that's 100% fine :)
Note: Hello! I'm so sorry for the long wait, I had to do a bunch of things for school before I could finish this. It was a bit of a challenge to write for Gandalf romantically, but still very fun to try out. I hope you like it!
Being Gandalf’s future s/o and having a crush on him during the quest to reclaim Erebor:
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He knows.
He’s a wizard, so that’s to be expected. He was a bit surprised though, when he found out, but also flattered.
Gandalf has been around for a very, very long time and finding romance has never been on his mind, nor did he ever expect someone to fall in love with him, old as he was. However, when he noticed you blushing every time the two of you spoke and the lingering touches between your hands, a warm feeling made its home within his chest and he decided that maybe romance wouldn’t be such a bad idea. He waits for you to make the first move though, enjoying making you flustered as he finds your reactions adorable.
You have such a big crush on him you don’t know what to do with it. You find yourself staring at him both when he’s casting some amazing spell to save the company as well as when he’s simply smoking his pipe. Gandalf is wonderful to talk to; he tells funny jokes and has tons of stories he’s collected over the many years he’s spent in Middle-Earth, and you find yourself hanging on his every word while simultaneously trying to not obviously blush whenever you make eye contact with him.
You notice that you never feel quite as cold on the nights where even the dwarves are shivering, and even after having fought orcs and wargs all day after walking several miles you always immediately fall asleep and wake up refreshed.
When the rest of the company finds out… ohohoho prepare to be teased.
Especially by Fili and Kili; they will make inappropriate jokes, have you ride your horse right next to Gandalf’s, they even grab your stuff and place them next to Gandalf’s bedroll.
You worry for him whenever he leaves the company, especially when he suddenly takes off right when you’re about to enter the forest of Mirkwood. You don’t see him again until right before the Battle of Five Armies, when you sneak out with Bilbo to offer the Arkenstone to Thranduil and Bard.
You’re so happy to see him that you give him a hug as a greeting, which he happily returns. Just like with Bilbo, Gandalf tries to keep you out of harm's way by ordering you to stay in Laketown, but of course you don’t listen. When he sees you on the battlefield fighting orcs and trolls, Gandalf tries his best to shield you from most attacks, determined to keep you as safe as possible.
After the mountain has been reclaimed you confess your love to Gandalf, after which you join him on his travels around Middle-Earth.
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Magic in a Time of Need
Okay so I received this request from @empress-writes, and I’m honestly very excited to write it! I haven’t written for Thranduil or anything related to The Hobbit, so this should be an interesting experience. Flashbacks are in italics. As always gif and characters are not mine. Hope you enjoy it!
Description: Y/N is the most skilled mage in Middle Earth, and has chosen to help the Dwarves reclaim their homeland. When Y/N and the dwarves are caught by the king of Mirkwood, the tension of Y/N and Thranduil’s past arises
Warnings: a little bit of sexual tension, references to past smut, mentions of blood. If I miss any please tell me!
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Y/N, one of the most well known mages in all of Middle Earth, was stuck in a prison cell with their comrades. Of course, they didn’t mind that they were in this predicament. It was merely a small wrinkle in their journey with the Dwarves of Erebor, and Y/N wouldn’t have changed anything.
Y/N was recruited by Gandalf the Grey at the very beginning of the quest to reclaim the mountain, and Y/N accepted in an instant. They knew Thorin from when he was younger, and got along with all of the other Dwarfs, who saw Y/N as a sister. Y/N understood what it was like to lose a home, and they wouldn’t let the company fall to that same fate.
Of course, now there quest had come to a halt. All of the Dwarves sat in their cells. Some were angry, while others had simply given up. “Come on, we can’t let this small inconvenience dampen our spirits,” Y/N stated as they leaned against the cool metallic bars. “I know the strength that is within all of you. We will get through this.”
“I hope you are right, dear mage, but with Bilbo missing and Thorin unwilling to cooperate, our luck seems to have run out,” Balin replied. Y/N could understand Thorin’s anger towards the Elven king. He had abandoned the Dwarves like a coward when they needed him, and that was one of the many reason why Y/N decided to join the dwarves.
Fili kicked the door of his cell and let out a scream of frustration. “Can you not use magic to break these blasted bars? Surely that is possible!”
“No, it’s not possible,” Y/N retorted. “My cell is marked with enchantments that prevent me from using magic. Funny, they take the time to make something like this, but they don’t take time to save the innocent.”
The Dwarves all voiced their agreement. After a few minutes, an elf appeared in front of Y/N’s cell. They recognized him from the first time they had came to Mirkwood. Y/N smirked at him. “Nirornor, it’s been a long time. I can see that your still working for blondie. How’s that going for you?”
Nirornor’s face remained stoic. “It’s going well. Not that you would know, mage. Thranduil is requesting your presence.”
“Hm, I can see your still stoic as ever my pointy-eared friend. Alright, let’s get this over with.”
Nirornor mumbled under his breath, something about idiotic humans. Y/N knew better though, for they had spent much time with him while they were in Mirkwood last. Deep down Nirornor wasn’t as uptight as he was now, but Y/N figured that he had to keep up appearances.
Nirornor escorted Y/N into the throne room, and they started the climb up the winding stairs leading to the throne. Y/N tried to rub their wrists, but it was much more difficult with the enchanted handcuffs that were placed around them. Gods, did Thranduil not trust them at all? Well, after what they did, he was probably still angry.
Finally, the two reached the top of the stairs. The king of Mirkwood himself was stretched over his throne, his boot-clad feet dangling over the arms of the throne. Thranduil wasn’t looking at either of them as he pretended to be lost in thought. “You may leave us, Nirornor,” Thranduil said with a wave of his hand.
Nirornor bowed to the king and journeyed back down the stairs. The tension in the air was thick, and Y/N began to shift on their feet. Thranduil simply chuckled at them. “How do those cuffs feel, melethel? I had them specially made for your return.”
“Don’t call me that, and if I’m being honest, these cuffs are a pain,” Y/N growled at the blonde Elf.
“Oh come now, don’t be so aggressive. You didn’t complain about my nickname for you the last time we were together. Don’t tell me you have forgotten?”
Thranduil was right, Y/N couldn’t forget about that night, or the first time they had met. It was several years ago, when Y/N was a mere apprentice. Some of the older mages were called to Mirkwood to help the king, and decided that Y/N should come too.
“Don’t you fret, my dear. Everything will be fine, and I think you’ll find Mirkwood to be quite enjoyable.”
Ealdthard, the head mage of Artevor, a school of magic located near the Blue Mountains, turned in his saddle to check on his apprentice. Y/N was looking around at the massive trees and how their leaves danced in the slight wind. “I think you are right, Ealdthard. However, I’ve heard rumors about the king. Is he really as nasty as they say?”
“Well, all my dealings with him have been pleasant. He may not always be fond of other races, but he admires our magical skills.”
Y/N nodded their head. Surely if Ealdthard liked him, they would too. They approached the front gate of Mirkwood, and a tall, brunette elf approached them. “Alatulya, mages of Artevor. The servants will take care of your horses, and I will escort you inside. My name is Nirornor, and I am an aid to the king.”
The two mages followed Nirornor into the throne room, and upon reaching the throne, Y/N let out a quiet gasp. They never expected the Elven king to be so beautiful. Y/N knew that Elves were often picturesque, but they assumed this king would be old and scraggly. Boy were they wrong. His locks reflected in the light of the room, and his skin appeared to be softer than velvet. Thranduil’s ocean colored eyes stared directly into Y/N’s, and Y/N could have swore that they darkened ever so slightly.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Ealdthard. Who is this beautiful person that you have brought with you,” Thranduil asked as he approached the two.
“This is Y/N, my apprentice. I thought it would be good for them to travel to new places and experience new things before they leave my side to travel alone,” Ealdthard responded.
“That’s very wise of you, and I hope that you enjoy your stay here, Y/N. I am Thranduil, the king of Mirkwood.” he leaned down and left a gently kiss on Y/N’s hand, and Y/N blushed at the action.
“Ealdthard and I have some business to attend to, but I do hope to see you at dinner,” Thranduil added as he started to walk away with Ealdthard.
“I will be there, your highness,” Y/N answered with a bow.
“Please, call me Thranduil.”
Y/N later learned the reason why they were summoned to Mirkwood that year. Thranduil wanted help with learning more enchantments to hide his face, which had been touched by dragon fire. At first Y/N had felt pity for him, but his future actions filled them with rage.
“Whatever proposition you have, I want nothing of it,” Y/N snarled.
Thranduil glared back at her. “You haven’t even heard what it is. Stay with me, Y/N. Be my queen and a powerful mage at my side.”
“So, I’m just going to be a tool then?! Never! I am loyal to the dwarves, and they are more courageous than you’ll ever be!”
Thranduil crossed the room in a flash, and his hand harshly grasped Y/N’s chin. He forced Y/N to look into his eyes. Anger was flowing off of the two of them, and a mix of something else was also present. Thranduil’s lips were inches from Y/N’s. “Don’t you ever mention those dwarves around me. They could never give you what I have given you.”
That evening, Thranduil had hosted a huge feast to welcome his guests. After they had filled themselves with a wide array of dishes, a bard began to be lay music in the corner. The peppy tune caused the Elves to rise to their feet, and they all began to dance. Y/N, dressed in a fancy outift, sipped wine from their chalice. Thranduil approached them, and offered a hand to them. “May I have this dance, Y/N?”
Y/N accepted. Thranduil and Y/N spun around the dance floor in graceful movements. Both of them were laughing. Y/N was finally starting to believe that Thranduil wasn’t as harsh as they had originally thought. “You’re an amazing dancer, Y/N,” Thranduil commented as his eyes sparkled with adoration. Thranduil knew that he shouldn’t be falling for someone so quickly, let alone that person being a human, but he couldn’t help it. Y/N made him feel happy, and he hadn’t felt that way in a long time.
That night, Y/N stayed with Thranduil. As the moon travelled across the dark sky, Thranduil and Y/N were caught in the throes of passion, and afterwards their limbs remained tangled with one another until the early morning hours. Y/N woke to an empty bed.
A maid walked in, and Y/N tried to cover themselves with the fitted sheets. “Excuse me, do you know where Thranduil is,” Y/N asked the maid.
“Oh, he had to leave early this morning. A dragon has attacked Erebor, and the dwarves are requesting assistance. However, Thranduil has already made up his mind to not help them. A dragon is dangerous business,” the maid stated.
Y/N’s features flushed crimson from anger. If Thranduil wasn’t going to help those innocent Dwarves, then why did he even leave in the first place! Y/N quickly dressed and gathered their things, and before leaving they told Ealdthard the reason behind their abrupt exit. Y/N could not stand by and help a selfish king.
“If that is what you wish,” Ealdthard whispered, “then I will meet you back at Artevor. Travel safely, dear Y/N.”
And travel they did, all the way back to Artevor. They finished their apprenticeship, and travelled into the world as planned. Never once did did they think of Thranduil, except for the few nights when they woke up in a hot sweat from a dream they had about him and their time together. Y/N became the most powerful mage in Middle Earth. When the moment came that Y/N could help the dwarves, they joined with no hesitation. They would get back at Thranduil for doing what he was to scared to do.
When Thranduil returned and learned that Y/N had left, he grew angrier by the second. Tables were thrown, and Thranduil even pulled a sword against Nirornor. “Where did they go?! Why has Y/N left me,” Thranduil shouted in anguish and rage.
“They have gone back to Artevor. They said that they would not help such a selfish king,” Nirornor said.
“I swear, that if Y/N ever dares to return here, I will make them suffer! I will show them what happens when you cross an Elf!”
Little did Thranduil know that his time for revenge would eventually come, and now here his now enemy was, just an inch away from him.
“I may still love you deep down, Thranduil, but until you change your idiotic ways, I will never stay by your side,” Y/N declared.
Thranduil leaned in and roughly connected his lips with Y/N’s. His anger went straight into the kiss, and while Y/N wished they could return it, they shoved him away as best they could with cuffs on. Thranduil’s eyes flashed with fury, and he slowly backed away from them. “Take them back to the cells. I will wait an eternity if I have to in order to have you by my side, Y/N.”
As Y/N was dragged away from the king, they flung their head back in a roar of laughter. “Sorry, blondie! You’re going to have to wait longer than that!”
Y/N was right of course, for hours later Bilbo had freed them and the other dwarves, and they floated down the river in oak barrels. Their journey was back on track, but Y/N couldn’t shake the lingering feelings they had for Thranduil.
Nirornor approached Thranduil for the second time that day. This time he was wearing armor, and orc blood stained the side of his slim face. “Your highness, Y/N has escaped again.”
Thranduil simply smiled. “I know that they’ve escaped. Something tells me this won’t be the last time I will see that famous mage.”
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hypermanga · 4 years
Stuck in the middle (Thorin x reader; Thranduil x reader)
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Requested by: @queenofmankind​
Request: Hi can I request an imagine where the reader is a fem elf who’s travelling with the dwarves company and Thorin feels the tug that tells him you’re his One although he never admit it, just to discover later on that you’re Thranduil’s lover when the Company arrived in Mirkwood.
Word count: 1456
A/N: Because today it is Richard Armitage’s - the actor who played Thorin - birthday , I decided to give this fic a happy ending for our favourite dwarf king 
Gandalf had asked you to join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield after you told him you wanted to leave any commodities behind and help more people in Middle Earth. Thanks to your long life span, you had seen the rise and fall of many empires, cities and kingdoms as well as many of  Middle Earth's secrets that only someone like you had the time to unveil. 
Convincing the Company of your use in the quest had been difficult to say the least mostly because of your race and the circumstances, given that you joined them in Rivendell.
"A woman in our quest? And a she-elf to say the least?" Gloin had exclaimed, making everyone mumble and complain about it. It seemed everyone apart from Bilbo and Gandalf was not happy about your addition, which you didn't take as an offence: you knew how the Mirkwood elves had treated the dwarves of Erebor in their time of need; In their position, you would've been just as wary, that's why you challenged yourself to change their opinion about you.
"Mithrandir" you greeted him at one of Rivendell's balconies "(Y/N)" "It feels strange to help the Company" you watched how the dwarves had fun laughing at a member who had just broken a table he was sitting on "I know I ask a lot, given their opinion on elves. Specially Thorin's"
Ah yes, Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror. He hadn't been ecstatic with Gandalf's announcement, in fact, he had been quite vocal about his opposition to it "Why would I want an elf" his words had venom, especially at the mention of your race "Elves don't approve of our journey, and I wouldn't trust with my life those who have already abandoned my people once" His eyes had been on you all the time, anger and another emotion you couldn't have pinpointed. 
"I understand where he comes from, I only wish to prove him otherwise...That not all elves have the same mentality" "I wish you all the luck to you, he is a very prideful dwarf" Cups of wine clashed together as you enjoyed the Valley of Imladris' gentle breeze.
Disbelief, that's what Thorin had felt when his eyes landed on you and felt a familiar tug in his heart. For years, since he was a young dwarfling, he had dreamed of finding his One but after Smaug's attack, whatever hope he had faded, including the one of finding his one true love. Now, as he had you in front of him, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: he had found you, yes, but you were from the same kin of those who didn't help his in their darkest hour.
Your sword slashed the goblins with scary precision, one only elves could possess. Like a hurricane all fell around you, none coming near enough to inflict any kind of pain or become a menace "Thorin!" You saw a horde of those creatures approaching the Company's leader, who seemed too lost in fighting another group that he didn't notice them. As you made your way to him, you continued executing anyone who went toe to toe with your sword, your eyes trained in the dwarf king; Not even when you ducked or jumped did your eyes leave him. 
As you arrived at his position he turned around with wary eyes, which softened when he saw who you were, catching you off-guard "There are too many! Let's fight back to back!" As you said that, more goblins appeared, obliging Thorin to follow your strategy with a huff. 
His outside mannerisms and attitude, though, couldn't be far more different than how happy he felt that you were fighting together as one, like soulmates who knew exactly how the other fought.
"Lady (Y/N)?" Everyone's eyes turned to you when Mirkwood's prince recognized your face "Hello Legolas" You faked a smile, not content at all with your kin's hostility "I demand you let us go" 
"That is not for me to decide, but Ada's" You could feel the hatred pouring from the Company's gazes, especially the Durin's folk, but decided to carry along with your plan, with all its consequences.
"I'm sure he will listen to what I have to say" You smiled, ignoring the guard who was checking you for any possible threats.
You were all guided to Mirkwood, where the Company was imprisoned while you were accompanied to the Throne Room "Ah, (Y/N)" The elf king smiled sweetly from his antler throne "Thranduil" "What can I do for you, Nin Meleth?" "You must set free the Company. Their intentions are nothing but noble, as well as their quest" "(Y/N)...You understand I can't let them go without a bargain right?" "If you were a good king who empathized more with the other kins perhaps" "Watch your tongue. While I hold you very dear in my heart I won't hesitate to raise my voice if necessary" "I understand, but-" 
Your conversation was cut short as the guards brought Thorin up. He looked dishevelled, a far cry from how you had met: his hair was covered in spider webs, and the ends of his coat soaked in dirty water and mud. And even like that, he still stood proud as the rightful King Under the Mountain, with qualities you'd to admit Thranduil didn't possess.
"(Y/N)" You nodded at Thorin, stopping yourself from siding with the dwarf king, scared of making the situation worse than what it was about to become.
The negotiations didn't go very far, as Thorin wasn't about to give Thranduil Erebor's gems in exchange for the other's help, not when he had deceived his people once 
"Imrid amrad ursul!" With those words, you knew Thorin had sealed his fate. for Thranduil was quick to dismiss him, but not before playing another card.
"(Y/N), you will stay here with me. This little adventure of yours ends here" "But-" "I will not repeat myself, dear" Thranduil beckoned you a second time, hand extended which you took with distaste "What?" "Has she not told you? My, my (Y/N), and here the dwarf thought he had any chance with you" Your brows shot up in surprise "My lord, what are you saying?" "I can't believe you have been so naïve my dear" Thranduil smiled, pleased that his pet name infuriated Thorin even more "He's obviously infatuated with you...May I adventure myself to think you are his One?" 
Thorin looked at the other king defiantly "You do not know anything about me!" "Oh but you know I do" He just smiled wickedly "Thorin, I didn't know..." "Don't make this any worse" Thorin's voice cracked, defeat etched in his features "I do not wish to do so! In fact, I want to make everything clear. Yes, I have been infatuated with Thranduil for centuries. He was a good elf, one that seemed to take over the world and protect it from any danger" You turned your head to Thranduil "But not anymore" At that, Thorin's eyes widened, as well as Thranduil's "I'm sorry, but you are nothing but a shadow of what you were: you let the forest fall ill, the darkness has possessed it with the spiders. You didn't take part in defending another kin's kingdom you were allied to, and now that you could make amends you decide to be egotistical!" Thranduil's face was like an open book: he felt betrayed, hurt that you decided to side with the dwarves instead of your lover "I'm sorry, but this ends here" You freed yourself from Thranduil's weak grasp and descended the throne's stairs "Is that quest more important than me?" "Yes, it is the right thing to do, but you can't seem to figure it out"
Next thing you knew, the guards were dragging you to the dungeons alongside Thorin, who thrashed around to free himself before being thrown in a cell "You have been blinded (Y/N). Trust me, this will be for the better" Those were the last words you heard from Thranduil before the cell's door closed. 
"(Y/N)?" Balin exclaimed, upon seeing you "What are you doing here?" "Thranduil and I didn't see eye to eye on some matters. I thought I could put some sense in him, but he's not the man I fell in love with a long time ago. I'm sorry I couldn't be more useful"
It seemed like some members of the Company wanted to talk to you regarding the "Thranduil's lover part", but Thorin quickly shushed them, not wishing to put you even more down "I'm sure everything will be alright" "How?" "We still have a chance"
A chance that would present itself in the form of a very witty hobbit called Bilbo.
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anki-of-beleriand · 3 years
And, okay, this is the second part and still don't know what am doing exactly but, hope you like it @aduialel thank you for the idea!
ThranduilxReader - sort of
GlorfindelxReader friendship
Modern Reader, mentions of Elrond and Celebrian
Here is the first part, if you wanna give it a chance
The wine is quite delicious; you are always quite surprise at how it slides down your tongue leaving behind a fruity taste. You are not used to this kind of beverages, but you have learnt to love them in the last couple of months you have been trapped in this strange, yet so familiar world.
Your companion says something and you have to shake your head to go back to the conversation. He looks highly amused by your distraction; you wince because you know he will tease you mercilessly once you have gone back to his place. You should have never said anything about this party, or the particular elf that have caught your attention.
“I think, my lady, that you are highly distracted.” Glorfindel says and you roll your eyes, then he places a hand on your shoulder and leans in whispering in your ear. “And the reason of your distraction is coming over.”
You tense because really one encounter was enough for a day. You can sense the tension on your shoulders, that empty pit on your abdomen and the fluttering of butterflies in your heart as he approaches. He is not alone, he comes with Elrond and another elf, his eyes are completely focused on you though his face seems to be a mask of pure indifference those eyes burn with emotion.
“Ah, Glorfindel, fancy seeing you here.” He says and Elrond shoots him an exasperate stare while Celebrian merely rolls her eyes.
Glorfindel arches a single eyebrow bowing his head, “Thranduil, it has been quite some time, how have you been?”
“I’ve been doing fantastic, though Elrond here was wondering quite a few things and we thought you and your companion can help us clarify.”
Now it is Elrond the only looking completely flabbergasted at this declaration, you hide your smile behind your goblet because this is really strange but funny at the same time. When you arrived in this strange world you never entertain the idea of getting to know the characters that have been filling your dreamless nights, or the stories you have been working on. You think briefly on all your WIPs back home and shake your head knowing they will forever be in that status.
Someone pokes you on the side and you notice you have been staring at Thranduil more than you should, and they have stop talking at some point. You can feel your cheeks warming up in embarrassment, but it is your eyes and your smile the ones that betray this.
“Right, I…wasn’t paying attention. What was it?” You try to sound sheepish and apologetic but Thranduil doesn’t seem to be impressed by this.
“Lord Thranduil was asking for your name.” Glorfindel sounds completely and utterly amused and you shoot him a stare that says you will kill him later. Or try to.
You turn to Thranduil who is waiting for an answer, Elrond and Celebrian both decide to not be part of this though they stay watching the interaction with growing amusement on their part. You smile politely an introduce yourself, the name that escapes your mouth is the one Glorfindel bestowed upon you on your first meeting when he saved you from a certain dead as soon as you arrived to Middle Earth.
Thranduil arches an eyebrow as if contemplating the veracity of what you just say, and as he does this you also take a closer look. He is ageless though there is something youthful in him, perhaps it is his clear eyes that show no pain nor any sadness or coldness, this is a time before Sauron breaks havoc so you know nothing beyond the Fall of Doriath has happened. He is still young, and perhaps happy. There is no wife as of yet, and he is vain and extrovert though right now, for some unknown reason, he looks highly offended though the conversation soon moves to different topics.
You can seem to stop your eyes from wandering back to Thranduil and he seems to be under the same kind of predicament. Though you can’t help but think his reasons are different to yours, your little crush really have you wanting nothing more that touch that silky hair of his or to see those eyes and that beautiful smile he seems to wear only behind a mask of sarcasm and arrogance.
“It seems you are easily distracted,” his voice is deep taint with amusement and his blue eyes gleam as they look down on you, “is my presence uncomfortable to you?”
You narrow your eyes, for the very first time noticing you two are alone. Glorfindel has been dragged away by Echtelion and Elrond is back on the dance floor with Celebrian. Your eyes go back to Thranduil who seems to wear a smirk and wait for an answer.
“No, of course not.” You answer trying to keep your cool, but really he is suddenly far too close to you. “But, I do get distract easily it’s just….I’m not used to all of this.”
You wave your hand around and Thranduil seems to contemplate you for a moment, he turns to the room and then his eyes are back on you.
“You mean celebrations? Or, elves in general?” He asks with a single eyebrow lift and you shift uncomfortable for a moment, no one knows you real origins. No one but Glorfindel and Echtelion, you are not overly excited to share it with anyone else because they don’t need to know.
You turn to Thranduil and your heart speeds up when his eyes settle on you, he really has such beautiful eyes. You shake your head and shrug.
“I’m not pretty good at social gatherings.”
“Whatever not?” Thranduil replies genuinely surprised. “They are the best to spend a tiresome day fill with routine.”
“I prefer to read, or just to hang around with my closest friends.” You want to tell him you also prefer to hear music or watch movies but…
Thranduil then tilts his head, “Friends? It was quite shocking to see Glorfindel it is such a friend, I did not know he mingle with mortals.”
You tense turning to Thranduil furrowing your brows, “why not?”
Thranduil seems genuinely surprise by the question, he gives you a quick glance pursing his lips.
“Why would one of the Eldar mingle with a mortal? It is but a brief blink of an eye to us, to create attachments seems foolish.” He says as if this was a universal law, his words hurt you deeply but they also infuriate you.
“What a stupid thing to say.”
“Excuse me?” He turns to you rather shocked that someone seems to say something like that to him.
“I said that’s a pretty stupid and ignorant thing to say.” You retort looking at him who was now lancing at you with narrow eyes. “Why would you deny yourself a friendship for such an stupid reason? You are not invincible, and you can also die by fading or sword, so you stop having friend or lovers because of it?”
“Lovers?” He says the word with a strange glint in his eyes, there is something you are missing in this conversation but now Thranduil is back with a fire in his eyes as he tries to intimidate you with his height and stare. “It takes too much effort to try and build a relationship with someone who is to die and whither with time, it simply has not sense.”
Your hand tightens around the cup of wine, your really are quite offended by those words mainly because in your head you though this conversation would go differently. Perhaps, you imagine yourself getting to know Thranduil and befriend him and maybe, just maybe, getting a kiss or two; really all the fanfics you read fill your head with impossible dreams. Now, he is just an arse, and you want to hit him for such harsh words.
“How petty of you, Lord Thranduil.” You said with all the animosity you could muster. “Either way, my friendship with Glorfindel is none of your business and thank the heavens you are not to decide this, nor I am interested in forging a friendship with someone like you.”
“Someone like me?” He looks downright offended, and now you are completely certain no one has spoken to him in such a manner.
“Yes! A complete brute, insensitive, idiot.” You take a deep breath shaking your head, “now, if you excuse me, I think my friend is calling for me.”
Thranduil is left alone, shocked and completely outrage at such treatment. No one and you really mean no one has ever dared to treat him in such a disrespectful way. He sets to follow you and you don’t realize it until his hand wraps around your arm turning you around mid-stride.
“Apologize.” He demands and you can help but laugh.
“Really? Whatever for?”
“Your rudeness for starters, you should not speak in such a disrespectful way to a lord.” He says as a way of explanation, you snort taking his hand in yours to disentangle it from your arm.
“Right, let’s get something straight, I don’t apologize to my mum, whatever makes you think I will apologize to you, lord or not?”
He seems annoyed; his eyebrows are knit together as if he is looking for an explanation. You purse your lips looking away before speaking.
“But don’t worry Lord Thranduil, you will not see this rude girl ever again, so you won’t have to deal with my rudeness anymore.”
“Why?” He asks and you stop death on your tracks.
“Why I won’t see you anymore?” He asks surprising himself, his blue eyes glaze over for a moment before the settle on you with decision.
You gape, because that’s strange thing to ask but, then you shake your head and step back.
“Because, we won’t see each other again?” You kind of ask, kind of answer not really knowing what to say.
He seems to pounder over this straighten himself up, “And, why not?”
Again, he seems surprise at his own question and boldness, you are just confuse because, really? What the hell?
“Uh, you don’t deal well with me being honest?”
“Rude, you were being rude.”
“I was being honest, that it came out rude because I call you an idiot is of no consequence to me.” You reply stepping back a little. “And, we won’t see each other again, because I do no fancy having to see or talk with someone like you.”
“Someone like me?” He asks offended all over again, and this time around you look rather amused.
“Yes, someone like you.” You reply taking another step back, he seems to pierce you with his eyes before asking.
“What do you mean someone like me?” He asks and, just because you can and you’re still mad you answer.
“An idiot.”
He is left there with a strange expression on his face and, while you do not know it, he is already working on a way to see you again.
Only because it is Thranduil the one who should always have the last word.
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meteor752 · 4 years
Tilda of Mirkwood
This is the one I’ve been waiting for.
Out of the Bardlings, Tilda is easily my favorite and the one I think about the most, which is why she has a bit more info than the other two. Let’s just get into it.
Tilda was born on the hottest day Laketown had ever experienced since Smaug literally burned their city, so it should have said a lot about the ocean eyed girl.
Tilda quickly became known throughout Laketown as Bard’s troublesome child, that her siblings always could be found chasing after.
The young girl had always been a fan of climbing, and would try to literally climb anything she came across, including people. Her own da was her favorite, and he didn’t mind.
Tilda has always been a lot like her ma, assertive, stubborn, playful, and all over the place. Think five year old Yuki from Wolf Children, but spanning over the majority of her life.
Tilda was too young to remember anything about her ma, so she didn’t feel any sadness about her death, which she was happy about considering how many nights Bain has cried into Sigrid’s arms about her. It did make her feel a bit isolated from her family however, as they had something that she didn’t have.
During the battle of the five armies, this gal was hyped.
When the elves had arrived to help out the men of Dale, she basically bombarded every single one with questions, including the elven king himself.
And when her da and the king eventually fell in love and got married, she didn’t hesitate leaving dale to live in Mirkwood and get trained as an elf.
And I’m not going to talk so much about that, since I already covered that here.
But because of the fact that her da married the king of Mirkwood, it also meant that she was technically a princess of Mirkwood, and she hated that part.
Tilda is not one to just sit still and listen to when people talk. Either she will fall asleep, or she will start to babble about something irrelevant, causing quite a few problems here and there.
Legolas found her hilarious.
She’s not someone who holds her tounge while speaking with people she do not agree with, so more than once has she gotten into an argument with a council member about something, and she’s not one to hold back on the profanities.
Again, Legolas found her hilarious.
When it came to studying she was the same, mostly falling asleep during lessons or just not paying attention at all.
But when it came to more physical stuff, like hand to hand combat, or sword fighting, or archery, she was an expert.
She still stuck to her roots though, and could always be found climbing stuff, because she likes to feel tall.
It got out of hand for a while, as every time she traveled through a forest she would jump between the trees instead of walking on the path.
Because of the fact that she always stayed in Mirkwood and didn’t visit Dale much, she gained a much better relationship with Legolas than she did with her other siblings.
The two bonded over their total lack of self control, their love of nature and their archery skills.
Despite Legolas being her best friend, Tilda has other Elven friends.
There was Aria, the tailor who was a total snob but still kind enough.
Mambar, the soldier who had two daughters but no wife.
Taleki, the pretty much outcast who cuts his hair with a piece of glass so it looks jagged and spiky.
Kamarind, the fisherman that has never been clean in his life.
Vivian, the blind artist who lost her brother.
And Talalia, the kindest, most beautiful and most amazing person in middle earth.
Or, that’s at least what Tilda thinks.
Tilda is, to put it simply, a bit of a slut.
She sleeps around, she flirts with everyone, and she won’t shy to have sex with people of other races. What she’s attracted to changes every day, and she’s quite fluid in her sexuality.
And that applies to everyone except for Talalia.
Talalia is a tall, slender, pale, red haired elf, with soft freckles and a beaming smile. She works with the animals of Mirkwood, like horses, rabbits, elks, cats, and sometimes even spiders.
Tilda met her when she was about fifteen, when she’d found a small injured elk calf, and took it to Talalia for help.
Talalia helped Tilda nurse the small calf back to health, and while doing it they got talking.
Tilda ended up keeping the calf and named it Aloe, and Talalia was more than happy to help her take care of the small little fellow.
Aloe grew up beside Tilda, which made him very attached, and quite spoiled. Tilda often used to say that the only one who could rival the elks ego was Thranduil, so she always made sure not to give him to much praise or it would go to his head. She gave him plenty of treats though.
Anyways, back to Talalia.
Talalia was like Aloe’s other mom, as she was honestly the only other person he was okay with (He totally hated Legolas, always tried to bite his fingers off). She did not hold back on the praise and scratching, and Tilda always grumbled a bit when she did as she knew he would preen like hell the next few weeks.
Tilda didn’t know when she fell in love with Talalia, she just did all of a sudden, and to her own surprise she had a hard time confronting her feelings about it, but she just assumed that it would all work out fine.
It was when she received an invitation to Talalia’s wedding that she realized that it would not work out fine.
Tilda’s biggest personal problem in her life, was that she often felt coddled and felt that no one was taking her seriously.
Sure, she was a bit wild, but she was a master archer, a trained elven soldier, the daughter of a dragon slayer and a king, and one of the best climbers of middle earth, and yet people still one saw her as the family’s annoying youngest sibling.
It didn’t help that Legolas was one of the best archers in middle earth and the heir to the throne of Mirkwood, Sigrid was the queen of Dale and the best healer there was, and Bain was an excellent soldier despite his blindness and captain of the royal guard of Dale.
Meanwhile Tilda was just...okay in comparison. She was a good archer, but not as good as Legolas. She was an okay healer, but Sigrid was better. She had it easy to get along with people, but Bain was a master at it.
She could climb stuff fairly good, but that wasn’t much to boast about.
Plus, because of the fact that she was the youngest, and had a habit of getting herself injured, her family didn’t quite trust her. They didn’t want her leaving Mirkwood without an escort, and she always had to ask for permission, despite being way over an adult.
So when she was given the opportunity to follow Legolas to the council of Elrond, she turned it down just because she didn’t feel like doing something they wanted her to do.
And she regretted it ever since, because if she would have followed then she would have had the chance to really come out of the house and do stuff.
She still got Aloe and rode off when she got a message from Sigrid about coming to Gondor, without telling her da or Ada because they would have stopped her.
It was the feeling of total freedom as she rode to Gondor, that made her want to do this and never stop. Aloe was strong and quick, and only needed to stop a few times for about half an hour, so Tilda managed to arrive before Dale.
It was then that she met the hottest fucking person she’d ever met in her life, and she was just ready to go down on him right then and there.
Unfortunately, he was her brother’s loved one, so she didn’t make any moves on him. Well, she made a few, but it was just some light flirting.
Both Tilda and Aloe made it out fine, thankfully, and Tilda was already planning on letting everything go and just live in the woods with Aloe for the rest of life.
Which she did, after a long argument with both her Da and Ada and her siblings.
Tilda became known throughout small villages in Middle earth as the witch with the elk, despite not being a witch at all. She was just a weird girl with ocean blue eyes, wandering around with her elk and killing beasts that some Villages had problems with.
And one of those beasts was a Forest Dragon that had killed six people of the village, and had stolen a lot of their gold.
And Tilda didn’t even hesitate, she just grabbed the black arrow she stole from her da a long time ago and started to hunt down the dragon.
She didn’t think of The Dragon Curse for the moment, or of the consequences of her actions, she only thought of the idea of becoming a Dragon Slayer, meaning that she would actually be something other than the troublesome younger sibling of the family.
She killed the Forest Dragon, it wasn’t that hard they are pretty meek and doesn’t have too much of a defense, and Tilda didn’t think too much more of it, just that she could now brag about being a dragon slayer.
It was about three days later that she realized exactly what she’d done, in the middle of taking a step as well, so she fell to the frown in shock with a very confused Aloe beside her.
It took a few hours for Tilda to get out of the hole she’d fallen into, as she ended up having a panic attack right then and there, with Aloe just helplessly prancing around her, buffing her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.
Tilda then decided to not return to Mirkwood, or Dale, or Gondor, or anything like that, as she was to ashamed of what her pride had lead her to.
Instead, she decided to set out to find other Dragonlings and Dragons, that could teach her of what would happen to her exactly, as it wasn’t really widely known.
The first she went to was of course Moln, the ice dragon in the north that was known to not kill you, as long as you didn’t try to steal from him.
Moln was ancient, with little memory of the past couple millennials, and wasn’t too much help like that, but he did recommend to find a Swamp Dragonling, as they are generally not too agressive or deadly.
It took almost two years for Tilda to find another Dragonling, an at that point scales had already started to form on her hardened neck, and she was getting a bit impatient.
The Dragonling was a former elf named Reskal, that had killed a Swamp Dragon almost a hundred years prior. He told her about the pain of the wing formation, and the behavior differences she would experience, neither of which was something that she looked forward to.
And Reskal was right, around ten years after she’d killed the Forest Dragon she had the worst year of her life, and when her wings were finally out and ready to go, she was practically just skin and bone as it hadn’t been easy to hunt while in constant pain, so the meals had been rare.
Tilda has been forced to send Aloe away, as she feared what she might have done to him if the dragon instincts kicked in.
That turned out to be a mistake in her part, but also probably the best thing she’s ever done in the long run, as Aloe was quickly to run to Gondor to find Legolas.
Aloe didn’t like Legolas at all, anyone who would try to get the attention of his mama away from him was automatically evil, but his mama was in pain and he knew that the mean elf could help her.
When Legolas saw Aloe willingly come up to him, without Tilda by his side, he immediately knew something was up and Aragorn barely had time to follow after him when his husband got on his horse and rode after the elk.
Aloe led the two to a Forest, where they at first couldn’t find Tilda. It was first when she jumped out of a tree, her wings spread out and her teeth and claws barren, that they realized why Aloe had been so stressed.
Tilda had gone into beast mode, and it took a good while for her to fully catch Legolas’ scent and calm down, as he was a part of her treasure and she wouldn’t hurt him.
It took two days for Tilda to come back to her senses, and during that time Legolas and Aragorn managed to piece together what had happened, Tilda had become a Forest Dragon Slayer.
When Tilda had finally calmed down and had returned to her less animal behavior, she was held by her brother as she cried into his arms, scared of what she’d become, and what she might do.
After the two doing their very best to calm her down, which was not easy since Tilda was not one to show any vulnerable emotions so she’s been bottling up shit for years, they helped her up and separated, as Aragorn needed to go back to Gondor while Legolas would follow his sister to Mirkwood.
Legolas tried his very best to get out what had happened out of Tilda on their journey, as she knew the consequences of killing a dragon, and why in Valars name she did it anyway. Tilda didn’t feel like talking however, she just sat on Aloe as he walked, completely trapped in her own mind.
When they arrived at Mirkwood, Legolas took her straight to her da who just a few years prior had gone through his own wing transformation, though as a wyvern they had grown out of his arms instead of his back. Very painful indeed.
Her da was more than shocked when he saw his his daughter with wings growing out of her back, and horns halfway done on her head.
Bard forced Legolas to leave and sat down with his daughter, trying to comfort her while at the same time try to make her explain why she’d killed a dragon.
It took almost half an hour for Tilda to break, and explain that she’d just wanted to be something like her siblings, and that her pride had gotten in her way.
Bard was very comforting, and he told her that he wasn’t angry, just scared for her.
Tilda stayed in Mirkwood for a few years, just to be able to fully calm down and get a grasp of what had happened. She was gifted an enchanted cloak that could hide her wings, horns, and tail, so she wouldn’t get weird or scared looks while outside.
Tilda couldn’t stay in Mirkwood forever though, as she now had gotten a taste of freedom and felt like a caged bird. She grabbed her stuff one night, left a note, and then rode off on Aloe.
And it went okay. She continued to help small villages with their issues, and even taught a few kids how to fight with a sword.
It was during winter, when Tilda and Aloe had wandered through the cold weather for three (stinkin’) days, that she fully snapped, and when she came back to her human form, all that was left of Aloe was a bloody pile of bones and mush.
That day basically only consisted of her crying and throwing up.
The next day a dagger entered her chest, and after 346 years of constant hyperactivity, she finally got to rest.
If modern, Tilda would not really have a sexuality, as it’s constantly changing. Instead she would just get a lot of small pride flags from all the sexualities and sew them into a giant flag.
Tilda hater saddles more than anything else, as she found them restricting and uncomfortable. She would never use a saddle when riding Aloe, or reins for that matter, and she would just trust him of where to go.
Legolas made it his life mission after meeting Merry and Pippin to not let them meet Tilda, as he knew that it would be the death of them all.
Tilda absolutely loved Fire, and would always sit in front of it for hours when it was lit. She’s gotten a lot of burn marks because of it.
Despite being a fire lover, her favorite season was winter, as she found the snow so fun.
Tilda and Legolas would always have something to argue about, as siblings do. The most common thing was that one of them stole the other’s hairbrush.
Tilda absolutely loved Rivendell, as they weren’t so strict about what she could and couldn’t do, plus her favorite activity was to annoy Lindir.
Because of her amazing climbing ability and the fact that she never used a saddle unless forced to, she had gained an amazing balance.
AU Masterpost
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blankdblank · 5 years
Jewel Thief
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@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shesakillerkween
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac
X Thranduil - @evyiione​, @sweetlytenacious25​, @tigereyesf​, @pastelhexmaniac​
“She is set on thievery, I know it. Five days she has arrived to peruse our stock and nothing, not even a sizing!” Lowly Drorn grit out only to notice the time and force on a grin seeing the same woman back again, though this time with a burly Elf towering over her with a far from friendly demeanor, even towards her.
The raven curled wall of hair swaying around a petite Elleth with stunningly purple eyes and a face able to stun a man to silence and a body to match, no doubt with far from visible smile yet to be seen in the seemingly sullen window shopping sprees. Always women came in and her sunken mood set her apart from the others all too eager to try on various combinations and get closer glimpses at what they could never afford themselves from the shop known to fit for the King and his clan themselves for generations.
Rapidly a forced grin flinched across her face and in a honey dripped yet anxious tone at the tapping of her plum painted nail on the class case she walked straight to she asked in the common tongue, “Could I see this one?”
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The Elf behind her stated about the single strand of square purple sapphires in a dazzling necklace any would be glad to have earned, “That is not acceptable. Far below value of adornment needed for the occasion.”
His stern tone clearly led to a prickling in her eyes and again she flinched out her smile in a try for a chuckle that died in a wispy exhale. Their eyes fell over her in her shifting peach layered sundress swaying as she turned to another case making Drorn’s cousin step back eyeing the tall shadow to the woman now in front of Drorn with another flinched grin tapping at a group of diamond strands to lay across the chest in varied layers, “This one?”
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The question clear in her tone and the Elf shadow stated, “That will do.” Drorn brought out the necklace that was raised to be found seemingly made for a woman of her more petite build over a Dam then was added to its box and set aside for purchase. Next rings were set out and after a almost tear inducing bout of ‘no’ ended with a simple yet elegant purple sapphire rectangular cut stone on a tolerable white gold band coated in diamonds. Far from the usual varied blue stones they splashed out left and right for the Durin crown though a gritted refusal at the woven rings for a wedding band coated in both diamonds and more purple stones the meaning was clear for the visit.
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Clearly the woman was off to meet her intended and with the offer of her hand sizes were taken for the rings thankfully not needing any adjustments, unlike the simple diamond bracelet to match the necklace to be taken in. And at the offer of a telling blue charge card for the crown the identity of the rumored Princess sworn to Crown Prince Thranduil.
The union was sudden, just as sudden as the King Oropher had been taken by sickness urging the need to travel back to Valinor to seek treatment with his Queen Taule. Leaving the Crown Prince to ready for his throne and with recovery needed from the war that had nearly lost them their kingdom of Amon Lanc requiring an alliance to repay their assistance in defending the kingdom and aid in rebuilding their peace. Fires had left the lands depleted. And for an offer of food and aid in returning the charred earth the youngest of a noble line of Vanyar dwelling with her distant family in Lothlorien since having fled as a child visiting relatives in the fallen kingdom of Gondolin entangling her with the leaders of all Elven lands in Middle Earth was now betrothed. The widowed Elleth so vocal on the Council of Lords, usually publicly at odds with the future King himself was far from their imagined future Queen assumed to be sent for from Valinor to establish old traditions in arranged unions, yet all the same if the Crown Prince had agreed surely some happiness could be found in the union.
In your stepping back to join the shadowing Elf to the waiting car surely meant to show you back to the Palace grounds to the appointed cottage snapped so often in the papers since the betrothal was assumed. Dwarven jewels were set to be acquired to aid in privacy while all of this was secured. No longer wed and now saddled with a second arranged union, the first followed tradition with an Elf brought from the rebuilt Tirion, which ended scandalously on the wedding reception opening speech as the groom had gotten entangled into a traditional duel of crossbows for honor ending with him shot through the head by your chosen victor.
No one had blamed you for not crying. Not after the groom’s disgusting speech alluding to beating the stubborn will out of you at the opening of the reception in which even Thranduil had stood readying to throttle the man, held back by his equally as furious father, who treasured your company and counsel immensely to invite you often irking his son to amusing levels. From the time the groom was zipped in a body bag off to Amon Lanc you jumped at King Oropher and Queen Taule’s offer to stay in the very same cottage for as long as you had required.
You were not the first choice, as most would hope that instant love would have secured a union, yet all the same you were clearly the most trusted and most capable to aid in guiding the new King into a good footing with other leaders all through Middle Earth. All of this could have been so amazing had it not been for how it was handled. Future Queen bartered off by a father hoping to have his home and attached cottages on the property back to just his possession alone after an assumed embarrassing slight from you in open council. Just nearly passed off to another man and abruptly passed back again, no longer a daughter but a piece of furniture to be sold off and in the first chance your father had he secured a meeting with the future King and had offered you up once again. It all would have been so easy, if you didn’t love the infuriating idiot now to be your King.
Always your enemy, your rival to the world, yet for you always internally, yours. At odds since infancy on seemingly everything except for when some stranger would strike out at the other, always commonly respectful of the safety and well being of the other. Never malicious or cruel, simply, at odds. It was safe in your respected corners, though now, the world would force you together into the same tiny square and the pressure to face that tiny square openly and withhold your former corners surely you would falter. You would fail, your mask would slip and he would see the single lie you had kept enforcing to the world bringing only two options, he had been honest or he had been lying too. And you didn’t know which would terrify you more to discover.
First it was back to the Palace to have tea and discuss the plans for your first formal dinner the following night leading up to the wedding and joint coronation on Saturday. It was soon but at least for Elven weddings you were allowed privacy for the sunrise service but the reception after the joint coronation would be broadcast as all other Royals would arrive to greet you formally. To yourself you muttered in folding your hands on your lap while your shadow sat in the front seat of the car divided by a clear divider, “This is going to be a disaster.”
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* ..Thranduil.. *
“Don’t look at me like that!” In a croaking order to the giant elk he was brushing in hopes of calming himself. “I am the one getting married you can’t give me a hard time.” A snort was what he got in return making the blonde King shift to avoid any staining snot or spit from the creature to ruin his clothes he had wasted nearly half the night deciding on to greet you on his own. “You’ve already got your mate, mine’s been picked for me-,”
“You accepted,” the Elk replied making the King huff.
“After that disastrous twenty minute marriage of hers I couldn’t allow Princess Pear to be bartered off. Her father seemed so adamant to have her gone, and I wouldn’t let anyone dare try to repeat the behavior she has faced.”
“Hmm, and Pear will not assume-,”
Thranduil groaned laying his head against the Elk’s shoulder, “Princess Pear does not make assumptions. Not where I am involved,” again he stood upright and turned to pace again, “Why does this have to be so hard?! When this has all played out perfectly! I love her! I could not fathom how to begin approaching her for courtship let alone marriage and then she is betrothed, wed, and promptly widowed, now she was offered as my betrothed by her father fully blessed for the union with none to find an argument against my crowning her.”
“The struggle then?”
“Oh I don’t know! The 14000 years of our rivalry for one!”
In a low chuckle Lord Glorfindel entered the courtyard behind the King just beyond the ring of trees surrounding the stables, “You still imagine yourself to be at odds in all but politics?” Thranduil turned promptly with expression dropping to find his oldest friend chuckling to himself in a bow of his head, “Come now, my King, surely you could not be so obtuse to imagine the palace would not be in flames had Princess Pear not have agreed to the union.”
Thranduil rolled his eyes again, “I know her wrath well,”
Glorfindel smirked, “You know her temper,” that made the King pause and look at the smirking Lord, “You have reveled at her wrath being aimed at others in your defense. Even that runt of a betrothed she had been promised to, he knew her wrath in my being named her victor. You have received little past a paper cut and well earned tongue lashings in your ages in debates.”
“Your suggestion then? How to enforce I am not buying her? That I would never treat her as my property.”
“No need,” parting the King’s lips, “She knows you. Tell her you love her.” Thranduil’s brow shot up, “Be honest, and yield first. Should no doubt shorten the wait for her to admit the inevitable as well. You are perfect for one another.”
“Yield first?! You want me to-,”
Glorfindel’s hands rose for a moment in mock surrender at the King with furrowed brows, then smirked at his meek 180 when it was announced your car was at the front gates, “The way I see it, you yield first or we get to see her bring you to your knees in utter adoration.” Thranduil blinked at the Lord who neared him to aid in fixing the top button on his shirt.
 * ..Months prior.. *
“There is no merit to the words on suffering from a woman!” Tilting your head a tick with brow raised to the Master of Dale shouting out his response to your argument on the Lords needing to aid in the plight of the Men who had fled Numenor and were building Gondor. With your hand on the podium you were beside due to its place damn near to your shoulder just a few feet from the now shouting Crown Prince among the sea of Lords doing the same.
Woman or not you were still a High Born Princess, though in the back of your row you spotted your father seated quietly more interested in his conversation with the man beside him on plans for another hunt to care how you were spoken to. Mingled into those from Lothlorien your sliver of kin tried their best not to draw too much attention in their being trapped in these lands. You had always demanded that someone from your people speak up and in their unwillingness you had taken that spot while they remained silent without aid to any slight exacting that it was your own fault and you had no right to anger or tears at breaking the unspoken code. Women, though free to work where they wished were still property and all funds won were passed either to father or husband with little rights to even choose which school they could attend if accepted on their family merits. So much had changed and yet you were no more than property, still.
“True,” the room quieted and he grinned, “No, what would a woman know on suffering? In fact we know little at all if our fathers refuse us education. We know little more than to follow orders silently and with a smile. Every stitch before you good Lords is woven and crafted by the permission of my father.” That turned his head luring a glare from him, “Women know nothing of suffering, our voices or even the simplest freedoms you take for granted and spite your sons for settling to and not aspiring for more. ‘Spare the rod spoil the child’, men are built to be strong for fear of lashes while women are cobbled to perfection and left to dust and decay between dinner parties as you conquer the world. From our infancy we are taught how to master our silence, our smiles, not for any gain but for the allure of a possible mate. We are the greatest farce of all, My Lords. You imagine a Vanyar Princess when I am naught but a mare,”
Men now rested back into their seats weighing all you had said against their own lives, except for a man from Bree shouting out, “I’d not bid on you for your temperament, bound to buck and bite.”
Chuckles roared through his section and you replied with a smirk, “I will take that as a compliment from a man who has owned more wives than dress jackets.” Jeers sounded through the rest of the room and even in his section as he grinned at your fair jab back. “We are the farce but you Lords are the greatest liars of all.”
Grins began to dim again, “Daughters swaddled and adored so fiercely, like hoarded jewels to a dragon, when once we begin to mature that kindness is gone, that wonder. No more could we be anything we wish from our greatest fantasies, we are limited to what a man would find acceptable of his wife. You talk of suffering my Lords, when you have never known the betrayal of the man we love most selling us off and no longer being our hero. Once out that door no more hero, we are the husband’s topic of worry now, beaten, forced and broken with every lie on those silver coated lips and tongue. All in the hopes of a son, that coveted son, who is never ours! Who will never defend us to join the masses of men who look down upon us. Our daughters lied to as we were. Then we share the truth, ‘you will know kindness, if you earn it. If he finds you worthy’.
Father’s never truly know the true man they barter us off to. If we will be their Queens or a common whore in an impossible dress adorned with jewels to boast on his prowess and finances. Plastered with a smile to cement the lie. What lie will you go home and tell your children tonight? Because every one of you is the product of a woman who created you. How many were kept from you at her husband, or ex husband’s whims because you were their property and not hers? How many of you lost their mothers due to their refusal to listen that something was physically wrong and the expense of Healers were found frivolous? How many mothers were cast off for younger more lucrative investments for more heirs?”
Next to your fuming father behind your uncle High Prince Inowen pondering your words along with the other Kings and Lords ruling their lands. “This is the birth of the Second Age, My Lords and this circlet on my head does me no favor past gaining spare pounds of gold towards my auction.” You raised the copied page the Lord had presented to you as proof to support his argument against your position for aid.
“This is your smoking gun as you said. This will solve all the problems each man in the territories instead of what I am asking to give aid in an offer of friendship to those remaining of our fallen council members unable to fill their section of this coliseum of half truths, because that is what this is, comfort, for the men.”
In folding the page in half you walked to the table seeing Thranduil shift in his seat peering up at you only to rise along with the Lords at the lowest of the tiered tables at your approach. King Oropher remained seated due to his rank higher than yours, merely tapping his fingers to his chest in a sign of respect to your title allowing you so close to him unrequested even here. The page was passed to Thranduil as the highest ranked at the table now entirely focused on your misty eyed gaze at him unmatching to the easy grin on your lips, “Here is your gun, please shoot me with it, put me out of my misery. For unlike the sea of silent women this would affect, I cannot bear the betrayal of a promise for a brighter tomorrow, yet again knowing the lies I will have to tell the children I can never keep as my own.”
The room was silent in your step back when Thranduil let the page fall to the table lost in the truth heavily weighing behind you eyes. So many truths you had shared and so many pains shouldered as rivals to struggle through for your people alongside his father to learn his future possible role and this he had never seen. The weight of unspoken pain women still faced. Greenwood was meant to be safe and freer for women and yet Elleths still had clauses to each choice and contract demanding permission from the highest male closest in their family line even widows having to hold their sons to mark the page for them to better their lives.
It never hit home until he had known that in your supposed confident stroll through the nodding now upright Lords you passed to return to your seat your heart was breaking for the monster you could be sold off to. In his seat again him and his father both readied their brains to unravel at their plight to aid women, a task they had completed over the next year in support of you and all overlooked women under their rule, fully backed by all the Elven nations now freeing their women completely. To the joy of Queen Taule, who had tried to nudge some easy changes herself into life the Council wouldn’t fight her and Oropher on, and yet it was too late.
As repentance for your embarrassing scandalous remarks your father had set that auction and off you were sold to a stranger far from timid on breaking in his new bride he was set to meet at the ceremony. Even rumored to have been barred from meetings, had the Kings all not agreed to issue summons for each council meeting after to ensure you were still present it might have been true. Yet the effect of that wrath whatever it was rang loud and clear in your silence, at least until the Crown Prince took the podium on each topic possible and hit every button he could blatantly provoking you to your feet to challenge him spreading a hint of a smirk seeing that fire still lingering in there.
 *..Present time..*
This was in his mind on repeat through the press conference, still seeing an expected fear in your eyes at facing the auction block again, yet here you would be safe and far from your father’s reach. Safe in this palace and hopefully soon comfortably in his arms calling it yours as well. There was more to your tears that day he hoped, that it was an unspoken plea for proof he wouldn’t hurt you, that he would claim his place in your heart and prove you could be safe and belong to one another cherishing your children always Eru would grant you. It would just take patience as a good deal more jesting feuds to goad you out again to your former confidence around him in this new change to your bond.
He hated that you had been forced into marriage so young without an inkling of affection or trust for your spouse and that he especially could not shop with you leaving you to his adviser for the proper ceremonies and traditions to be met. Yet you were a new Queen set to be far more vocal and involved than any before if he had his way, you would share the rule together and he didn’t care what anyone said. All the Lords all loved and cherished your opinions and steadfast path to reason most would overlook or skid past and soon his subjects would calm down seeing that the fuel for the long-standing rivalry was a deep seeded adoration for one another steadily dawning on the pair of you over the past few years. The buzz of his phone however had his brow tick up in scrolling through the pictures of what you had suggested and finally chosen turning his gears noticing that this was a clear display of your settling for what would be tolerated.
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“I’ve looked at these pictures of the rings you turned down and honestly it is astonishing.” Turning around in the sitting room on the usual chair you chose as your own you spotted Glorfindel seated at the window bench having waited to chaperone your tea while terribly late Thranduil strode in leaving his outer pale yellow robe on the back of the couch he passed to the carpet in front of you. His long blonde hair still brushed back after having removed his crown on his way here from a press conference in on the first agreed trade deal having been settled on the union between the pair of you with other Elven nations.
When he turned to face you he continued while Glorfindel raised the phone he was using to film you both for a better shot, “It’s as if you don’t even want to do this.” In a slight tilt of your head your brow inched up and Glorfindel smirked seeing the clues that you were ready to stand your ground to honor your word in this. “Five choices I know you would have preferred were skipped over for a spectacular, albeit, uninteresting ring, when I know since the first day we met you have wanted a heart shaped ring and clearly if you wanted this you would have fought for it. Clearly this is merely a contract and to silence the usual traditions you would settle for tolerable. Well I am not one to be tolerated.”
“Oh trust me I can barely tolerate you at times.” You fired back resting your hands on the arms on the chair readying to stand.
“Then we agree. The contract will be rewritten to exclude the betrothal.”
“Seriously?!” You stood up, “Just how would you manage that? Honestly it took hours of hammering out the details just for the drafted alliance between the other kingdoms teetering on the union you now imagine yourself to just be so flippant on.”
“I am not flippant!” He said looking you over already feeling a grin fighting to slip across his lips at the dress he loved to see you in since he had helped his mother pick it for you.
“Who then?” You asked crossing your arms making him puff up and do the same.
“I don’t care to understand what you are insinuating!”
“Who else will be your saving grace in all this? Which Elleth are you going to tear out of the sky to come down and be your Queen. Because honestly I highly doubt there is any other Elleth who could put up with you and this stack of cards you’re building.”
In a scoff he said, “Oh it’s a stack of cards now?! You love this kingdom, told my Ada in several occasions! Well this stack of cards could take any Queen I feel fit,” at your scoff and dart of your tongue to wet your lips he sharply inhaled. Again feeling his brow twitch at his urge to kiss you to ruin the maroon coating across your irresistible lips, but he was in too deep in his panicked ramble in a try to test if you really wanted this. “I am King. What I say goes.”
“Oh really, well if you choose another you won’t be King for long.”
“Threats now?!”
Your hand jut out and his eyes lowered to the finger that tapped him in the chest instantly loosening his arms to drop back to his sides, “If you choose another they would just kill you for the crown. At least with me you have a chance to survive.”
“A chance,” he scoffed back, “Really now, and how long would you rate my lifespan if I chose you and you did decide to kill me?”
“Just long enough for me to move everything lower so I can reach it.”
Wryly he laughed, “I’m all limbs to you then?”
“As you would be for anyone else. Even more so until your soldiers succeed”
With a hint of a blush on his ears he replied, “This is not about breeding!”
You nodded lowering your hand to your hip, “Kinda is. King needs an heir, to get an heir you need a Queen.”
“I am not using you for your uterus and you have no plot for my testicles, I know to be fact!”
“Then you should shoot your sources for lying.” The boldness of the statement made his eyes flinch wider and his brows furrow in your step closer, “I’m going to make this perfectly clear, I’m not tolerating this, I am demanding this. You are marrying me if I have to drag you down the aisle. For your safety and everyone else’s, I refuse to sit on that council and watch you tear your country apart by putting some diamond hungry antelope on the throne next to yours.”
“You demand?” You nodded, “You demand?!”
“What of it?”
“I’m King!”
“Good, you’ve got the title down Dew Drop, that would make me Queen.”
“What makes you think you can just demand that I marry you?”
“I just did were you not listening?”
Again he inhaled and Glorfindel glanced between you uncertain of what the King was going to explode with next, “Fine but I’m telling everyone that it was my idea!”
“Fine by me, I expect to be awed by the proposal.”
“Oh you will be, and you’re getting the ring you wanted since you made me spend three hours trying to fish the single green heart shaped ring out of the hundreds of other plastic rings on that shore resort!”
“The one-,”
“The one you picked is not fine! It is not tolerable or acceptable, because you love me and I love you more than air I am not letting you have to be drug into a second even more public ceremony and all that scrutiny unless it is exactly what you wanted!”
“What?” You asked feeling your ears start to prickle in the beginning of a stunned blush.
With a nod he replied trying to hold his confident expression as his voice cracked, “You heard me.” Suddenly his hands had cupped your cheeks and firmly his lips met yours for a passionate display you both melted into before his pull back nipping at his lower lip hearing a knock at the door from a messenger. His eyes turned to the door only to stop at Glorfindel asking, “You’re filming this?” lowering his hands to his sides.
Glorfindel smirked, “Future reference for your children to see what idiots their parents are.” His eyes flinched to you at your weight shifting on your feet to face him, “Trust me, we all know he’s the bigger idiot.”
Thranduil rolled his eyes at your hint of a smirk, “More size jokes.” After stepping back a fraction he said, “Come in,”
Only to glance down at you with a playful smirk as you said, “Is it though?”
Accepting with a hushed thanks the long black velvet box from the messenger who promptly turned to leave he offered it to you, “To wear tonight.” He opened the box making your lips part seeing the purple necklace you wanted, “I demand it.” He teased.
Softly you replied, “Dew Drop,”
Lifting his hand his fingers curled in a stroke against your cheek, “I am yours if any ever spur a debate on ownership. I will never raise a hand to you or joke on that matter in any fashion together in private or in public. You are and always will be cherished above all.”
“Well I never imagined you to have a death wish. And if you tried I’d cut off your feet.” Making his eyes narrow playfully and you said, “More than air, Hmm?”
“I had to keep it brief, I have another conference here in a bit…what plans do you have for my testicles?”
Back at him you teased in a reach for your purse, “That’s a discussion for the wedding night. You’d be surprised what sort of literature there is out there on them.”
“Ugh, don’t get me started I keep finding more in my room every night. ‘To help’.”
“On testicles?” You teased.
“Yes.” Glorfindel shook his head at Thranduil’s cocky reply.
“Good. We can compare notes then.” He looked over to his friend, “Why are you shaking your head?”
Glorfindel replied, “Idiots in love,” smirking in his playful bow, “And long may you reign. Because the throne can’t tolerate another courting pair attempting this.”
Thranduil, “You’re next in line.”
Glorfindel, “Yes, and I am worse than the pair of you. I can only imagine how the wedding will be if this is the bargaining phase for proposal rights.”
Thranduil, “I wouldn’t dare accept an offer from a flippant Queen.”
“And don’t you think for a moment I’m crossing the council room to your side just for two rings on my fingers.”
“Every syllable in that sentence is preposterous. What good would that do, silencing my longstanding opposition. Who else would call me a fool on live broadcast without blushing?” He asked with a playful glint in his eye making you smirk again, “Not to mention the time you compared my argument to fruit flies.”
“It was inconsequential buzzing and you were stalling for time.”
To which he replied, “See, exactly what we need.”
Glorfindel chuckled, “Ah,” his head turned at the next knock at the door, “That would be the conference.”
At which you said, “I’ll be in the theater then until you’re done.”
Thranduil, “I did try to move it. Only that new dam in Gondor..” his eyes looked you over asking, “What will you watch?”
Playfully you shrugged turning to step backwards to the door flashing him a copy of the new Sweeney Todd adaptation on disc parting his lips, “Maybe this.”
“You are not watching that without me! It’s my favorite!”
“How could I not know, we go every time it’s nearby. I’ll start on the guided tour of the sets feature, then I’ll start it. You might just have to watch halfway through.”
“We’re starting it over when I get there!” He said walking after you pulling on his robe again as you reached the door Glorfindel opened for you, “I’m not joking!”
“Better hurry then.” He scoffed then looked to you as you popped back into the doorway saying, “I’ll be wearing my gift.” Making him shake his head and smirk at your step out of sight again leaving him to huff and hurry to button his robe and find his crown to get the conference over so he could focus on your first film together as a betrothed couple.
Still to be supervised but none the less special in just Glorfindel’s company, after which he’d be able to go through with his planned proposal with the dream ring of yours he’d had for near to a year now for you. You hadn’t said you loved him yet and still seemed a bit tense but never the less he was certain this was what you wanted and you would ease into trusting him as your future spouse as you’d trusted him all your lives up until this forced situation. A stolen brush of his finger against the chain holding the simple green crystal heart and meteorite band ring you had bought him in return for his three hour debacle deepened his smirk remembering the peck you stole on his cheek then darted off. A tiny hint that there was hope to grow up and get married one day now all the more special as it was coming true. Now the perfect size to fit the very finger to seal your bond.
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Pt 2+ on ao3
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Writers’ Month 2020 masterpost
1. “tattoo artist/florist AU”: On Arda Street, chapter 1: The Tattoo Artist and the Florist. Bard/Thranduil plus Sigrid, Bain, Tilda and Legolas. There’s a tattoo studio, and a florist’s shop, one on one side of the street and the other a few doors down on the other side, and the curious thing is that the tattoo artist has no tattoos at all - or at least, no visible ones - and the florist has more than a casual observer would be able to count at a glance.
2. “quarantine”: Quarantine with Hal and Jack, chapter 1. Hal Peacock/Jack Outlaw | Jack McQueen, plus Natalie Peacock (OCs from my forever-unfinished novel Two of a Kind). Jack is not coping as well with the covid-19 lockdown as Hal had thought he might. Luckily, Hal has an idea for something to take his mind off it. (not that, get your mind out of the gutter :D )
3. “magic”: Something Magical. Bard/Thranduil. Thranduil thinks about magic, and glamour, and illusion, and wonders if now he is under a different kind of enchantment.
4. “long distance relationship”: So Much To Say. Bard/Thranduil. Bard did not quite manage to tell Thranduil exactly how he felt before the Elves left Dale to return home.
5. “soulmates”: Who Else?. Elladan/Elrohir. The twins are not looking forward to the day of their majority, when they will find out how long they have until they each meet their respective soulmates. However, it appears the Valar already have something in mind for them.
6. “ocean”: Anchor Me To My Promises. Legolas/Imrahil. Legolas stands at the top of the tallest tower of Dol Amroth and looks out over the Sea to the West; sometimes the Sea-longing is almost more than he can bear, but Imrahil is there to ease it and to anchor him to Middle-Earth, for now at least.
7. “hurt/comfort”: All The Time That There Is. Melkor/Mairon. After the Ring is destroyed, Sauron falls.
8. “eight”: Not Right At All. Pippin. It isn’t right, Pippin thinks incoherently as they stumble away from the gates of Moria, blinking in the daylight, blinking back tears. It isn’t right, they were the Nine Walkers, and now Gandalf is gone and there are only eight of them.
9. “illness”: Susceptible. Elladan, Elrohir, Aragorn, Legolas, Elrond, Erestor. The twins and Estel have caught something distinctly resembling the flu while out hunting Orc with the Dúnedain. Elladan is not happy about it, Elrohir is asleep, Elrond is trying to care for them, Legolas is worried about Estel - and Erestor takes charge.
10. “bunnies”: An Alliance With The Land. Tilda, Tauriel.  On their way to the Woodland Realm to visit the Elvenking, Tilda decides she doesn't want to eat rabbits any more, and Tauriel tells her about the Elves' alliance with the forest.
11. “light”: The Light In The Bottle. Sam, Galadriel, Celeborn. At Aragorn and Arwen's wedding, Sam scrunches up his courage to thank Galadriel for the Light of Eärendil which saved Frodo's life (and, he might reluctantly admit, his own).
12. “meet-cute”: A Man Of Splendour. Legolas/Imrahil, Gimli. Gimli likes to tease Legolas about how starry-eyed he got when they first met Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth. Legolas likes to deny everything, but he knows Gimli is right.
13. “music”: Quarantine with Hal and Jack, chapter 2. Hal Peacock/Jack McQueen | Jack Outlaw. Hal’s and Jack’s bands do a livestream gig...with a surprise at the end for the fans.
14. “metamorphosis”: How To Build A Boy. Hal Peacock/Jack McQueen | Jack Outlaw. Hal thinks about how much Jack has changed over the long years he's known him. Which is...a Lot.
15. “coffee-shop AU”: On Arda Street, chapter 2: The Last Homely Coffee House. Elrond, Celebrían and the kids, half of the population of Imladris, Thorin's Company, various hobbits and a few refugees from the Silmarillion. A little further down the street from the tattoo studio and the florist’s shop is a coffee house. The sign over the door says ‘The Last Homely Coffee House’ and everyone is welcome.
16. “history”: Tales of Glory. Pippin, Merry, Éowyn, Legolas, Glorfindel. At Aragorn and Arwen's wedding, Legolas introduces Éowyn, Merry and Pippin to Glorfindel, who is very keen to thank Merry and Éowyn for proving him right.
17. “cooking”: Birthday Cake. Hal Peacock/Jack McQueen | Jack Outlaw, Natalie Peacock. Natalie wants to bake her dad a birthday cake. Jack, slightly bewildered by the whole concept, helps out.
18. “myths”: Stories of the Past. Frodo. Frodo thinks about stories a lot, in the months after his return to Bag End.
19. “deaging”: A Little Less Than Safe. Bard/Thranduil, Sigrid, Tilda, Sauron. Thranduil takes Bard, Sigrid and Tilda for a picnic in the forest. The sorcerer of Dol Guldur sees an opportunity to have a little fun and teach the Elvenking a lesson.
20. “loss”: To Those We Have Lost. Legolas/Imrahil, Bard/Thranduil (past). After Imrahil's funeral, Legolas arrives back in Ithilien to find that he has a visitor, the one person in all of Middle-Earth who knows exactly what he is feeling: his father.
21. “family”: Room For One More. Legolas, Tilda, background Bard/Thranduil. Legolas finds himself travelling near Dale, ten years or so after the Battle of the Five Armies, and decides to see for himself how the city has changed since he was last there, which brings him news and a gift that he had not expected.
22. “pet store AU”: On Arda Street chapter 3: The Animal Café. Beorn, Sigrid, Tilda, Legolas, Théoden, Théodred, Éowyn, Éomer, Elladan, Elrohir, Arwen, Aragorn. One of the other shops on the street isn’t a shop at all; it’s an animal café and sanctuary for all sorts of animals.
23. “poison”: Complicated. Tilda, Tauriel, Sigrid, Bard/Thranduil. Tilda wants to know why the Elvenking was mean to Tauriel, when her Da seems to think he's nice, and Tauriel tries to explain.
24. “true love’s kiss”: True Love’s Kiss. Hal Peacock/Jack McQueen | Jack Outlaw, Natalie Peacock. Natalie is trying to explain Sleeping Beauty to Jack. Jack doesn't get it, and Hal steps in to try and help (and possibly demonstrate).
25. “drop”: Nobody Tosses A Dwarf. Legolas, Gimli. While exploring the Glittering Caves, Legolas and Gimli come across a place where the path has fallen away. Legolas can make the jump, but Gimli...can't quite.
26. “summer vacation”: Reunions. Legolas/Imrahil, Bard/Thranduil (past). In the fifth summer of Legolas' new colony in Ithilien, his father comes to visit him, and they talk about some of the things they now have in common.
27. “dream”: A Dream In The Green. Gawain (Cursed 2020). Tortured, gravely injured, barely alive, Gawain dreams. And the earth takes him back to herself, to heal.
28. “fantasy”: You Know There’s Another Three Movies, Right? Hal Peacock/Jack McQueen | Jack Outlaw. Hal and Jack watch the Lord of the Rings movies. Jack actually enjoys them, which is rather more than Hal had expected.
29. “high school AU”: On Arda Street, chapter 4: The Kids Are All Right. Legolas, Sigrid, Bain, Tilda, Bard/Thranduil. The children of the tattoo artist and the florist think it’s high time their dads admitted they like each other. Little do they know, their dads are some way ahead of them.
30. “joy”: Empty-Handed. Bard/Thranduil, Thranduil’s Wife (Auriel), Bard’s Wife (Maudie), Legolas, Sigrid, Tilda. Thranduil almost does not sail West at all, certain that Valinor will hold nothing for him, and when he does get there he begins to lose his already tenuous grip on life. But his wife and his son have a plan to restore his happiness to him.
31. “there was only one bed!”: The Fellowship Reunited. The Fellowship and friends. Everyone is very, very tired after the end of the War of the Ring, and when the Fellowship visit Frodo during his recovery, nobody can quite stay awake. Unfortunately there is only one bed...zzzzzz...
All works posted to my Writers’ Month 2020 series on AO3!
Huge thanks to the mods of @writersmonth for organising this event and to everyone who has read, kudos’d, commented and supplied ideas! I have had a hectic, tiring and incredibly enjoyable month, and have written and posted 41,307 words (phew!). Now I’m going to have a little rest...and then start working on the extra chapters some of these stories deserve! (and posting the story to which several of these serve as side-fics and epilogues...)
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sotwk · 1 year
Can you tell us more about Mirion's wife and children 👀
Hello Anon! I believe this is the second time you've asked me about Crown Prince Mirion and his family, and appreciate your interest so much. 🥰 Mirion is my personal favorite of the OC Thranduilions, so any inquiries about him are dear to me.
I have been keeping the details about Mirion's family under wraps for so long, but I no longer see a good reason to keep them secret, so here we go: some basic headcanon info that will hopefully satisfy your curiosity. 😉
For those who might care: some SotWK AU Spoilers ahead!
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SotWK AU Headcanons: Crown Prince Mirion and his "Golden" Family
Although Mirion tragically died in his attempt to free his homeland from the Necromancer (his efforts did drive Sauron out of Dol Guldur for a time and gave Mirkwood four centuries of respite), he left behind a beautiful wife and two children to continue his legacy. His son gave Thranduil a new heir and continued hope for the future of their line and kingdom.
Because Mirion's wife was an Eldar of powerful lineage and incredible strength in her own right, she and their children helped Mirkwood to stay strong and protected through the dangers the realm faced in the Third Age.
And when Thranduil's grandchildren took over the rule of Eryn Lasgalen in the Fourth Age, it ushered in a new Golden Era for the last remaining Kingdom of Elves on Middle-earth.
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SotWK Fancast: Teresa Palmer (A Discovery of Witches)
Mirion's wife is Princess Itarildë, an elleth with a rare mix of Noldor-Vanyar-Teleri blood with "royal" lineage on both sides of her family.
Itarildë’s mother is Nimeithel (a SotWK OC), the younger sister of Nimloth and niece of Celeborn.
Nimeithel is featured in my ongoing Thranduil x Maereth series, Sins of Our Fathers. She grew up with Thranduil in Doriath, and was the one who introduced him to Maereth.
Itarildë’s father is Maranwon (SotWK OC), the grandson of Glorfindel and his wife Elemírë (SotWK OC), who was the sister of Elenwë, late wife of King Turgon.
Itarildë has a high Eldar "pedigree" due to her lineage, but that was not what attracted Mirion to her. On the contrary, her noble background nearly caused the Crown Prince to decide against pursing her hand in marriage, despite their deep love for each other.
Before ever meeting Itarildë, Mirion had intended to choose his wife and future Queen among the Silvan elves of Greenwood, out of love for his people and his wish to honor the land's native race. (Something Thranduil was unable to do by marrying a Noldor.)
Mirion agonized over this conflict between his duty and his heart until his parents persuaded him to pursue his own happiness.
Itarildë is older than Mirion by a few decades, born in Lothlorien but raised in Rivendell. Her father died in the War of the Last Alliance fighting alongside his surrogate father, Gil-galad.
She takes after her father's side of the family; she is passionate, joyful, strong-willed, and has a radiant presence that commands and captivates every room she enters. She has a compassionate heart and a determination to effect good changes in the world.
She adores her husband's brothers and counsels and cares for them as an elder sister.
She is a fearless and skilled warrior (what else would you expect from the great-granddaughter of Glorfindel), who more than holds her own whenever she marches into battle alongside the princes.
It is later discovered that something about Itarildë’s presence causes the Spiders of Mirkwood to flee; just looking upon her somehow pains or deters them, and so they never attack her directly.
Mirion's death broke Itarildë and very nearly caused her to fade; she was brought back only by the healing efforts and pleas of her daughter. But her joyful spirit never recovered.
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SotWK Fancast: Bradley James (Merlin)
Aranion is the elder child of Mirion and Itarildë, making him the eldest grandchild of Thranduil and second-in-line to the throne of the Woodland Realm.
Upon Mirion's death, Aranion inherited the title of Crown Prince of Mirkwood. (This responsibility never fell to Legolas, which is why he remained free to travel, join the Fellowship, and and even sail to Valinor as he eventually did.)
After Maereth died, Thranduil became very focused on preparing Aranion for the throne, since he was then resolved to sail for Valinor and rejoin his wife--once the future of Mirkwood and his people had been secured with his grandson in place.
The name Aranion translates to "Son of the King" in Quenya, but the prince was actually named after the plant kingsfoil or athelas, also known as asëa aranion. Kingsfoil did not grow naturally in the Greenwood forest, since it thrived in the Western lands.
However, in the year of Itarildë's pregnancy with Aranion, kingsfoil began to sprout in abundance in the lands surrounding their home.
Although the Mirkwood Elves previously had no use for kingsfoil, later in the Third Age the plant became an vital resource in their healing for wounds inflicted by orcs and other beasts coming from Dol Guldur.
Aranion is utterly devoted to his homeland and the Silvan people of Mirkwood, a sentiment that they reciprocate with fierce love and loyalty. While not as politically-savvy as his forebears, he is a "people's prince", spending most of his days working alongside the common folk of the realm.
Although he is often compared to his great, great-grandfather Glorfindel, Aranion's cheerful, energetic, and light-hearted temperament is actually most similar to that of his uncle Legolas, to whom he was always very close.
The Prince is a fearless and naturally gifted fighter, whose innate talents were enhanced by centuries of intensive instruction and training from the greatest warriors on Middle-earth, including Thranduil and Glorfindel.
As the darkness worsened in the Third Age, Thranduil grew extremely protective of Aranion, increasing to paranoia at the loss of his wife and each of his sons. As decades passed the prince's very existence soon became unknown to outsiders, which was what Thranduil had intended.
By the events of the Hobbit, Aranion was forbidden from traveling outside of Mirkwood, and was not permitted to participate in the Battle of the Five Armies.
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SotWK Fancast: Gabriella Wilde (The Three Musketeers, Poldark)
Anariel is the younger child of Mirion and Itarildë and second grandchild of Thranduil and Maereth.
Beautiful and sweet beyond compare, she is very much the darling treasure of not only her grandfather Thranduil, but also of her loving uncles who have doted on her since she was a baby (probably because they never had a little sister of their own).
Unlike her boisterous older brother, Anariel is reserved, introverted, and avoids drawing attention to herself. She prefers to listen rather than speak.
Large crowds and excessive noises make her very uncomfortable, and it is possible she suffers from a mild form of sensory overload.
However, she very much carries the courage and willingness to serve that runs in her family, and devotes herself to the welfare of the people of Mirkwood.
Anariel is highly intelligent, much like her uncle Arvellas. Being a voracious reader and learner herself, she grew especially close to the Scholar Prince and gained knowledge and abilities from him.
She lived in Rivendell for periods of long years throughout the Third Age, during which she was mentored by Lord Elrond himself, and became skilled in the healing arts.
Anariel has actually already appeared in one of my WIP fics, although she was not yet named/identified. The first person to comment and tell me correctly which fic/character I am referring to, will receive a special prize from me from the Tumblr Market!
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Tolkien Headcanon tag list: @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @klytemnestra13 @creativity-of-death @heilith @fizzyxcustard @absentmindeduniverse @lathalea @tamurilofrivendell @jordie-your-local-halfling @ladyk8tie @scyllas-revenge @asianbutnotjapanese @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @ratsys @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @entishramblings @stormchaser819 @freshalmondpandadonut @beekieboo
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c-c-cherry · 5 years
Restless Nights
Basically just a vent fic. Happy Holidays you rascals. 
**A BEFORE-FIC MESSAGE**- This is part of a lil AU that I’m working on where the fellowship end up all coming back to Gondor once they finish their travels and settle what they need to settle. Set after the defeat of Sauron but before the Grey Havens. 
DESCRIPTION: Legolas is angsty and needs some comfort. Angst, H/C, fluff 
Word count: 2372
A startled gasp followed by a momentary loss of breath jerked the elf awake in breathlessness. He clutched the sides of his sheets ferociously. His breath came out in short bursts as he watched as Gimli slept soundly beside him, snoring every couple of breaths. An onslaught of frustrated tears blurred his vision as he felt his body, drenched with sweat.
He could barely remember what the dream --nightmare-- was about. Only falling, disappointment, and the oncoming feeling of dread that gave him a sour taste in his mouth when he finally woke up.
A soft, groggy voice from somewhere in the darkness around him caused a startled sob to escape his throat, his breath shuddering as he looked around to find the voice somewhere in the jet black room, sheeted with darkness. It sounded like one of the hobbits... Frodo?
“Are you alright?” the faint glow of the moonlight through the window showed the culprit to be, unsurprisingly, Frodo, his large eyes glistening with worry.
“I’m fine,” he mumbled, managing to say without his voice breaking. He wobbled up, barely trusting his legs, stepping past all of his friends sleeping soundly beside him in various spots on the wooden floor.
Ignoring Frodo’s question and walking past him quickly, Legolas softly opened the door to the nice wooden cottage and swiftly shut it behind him and staggering across the balcony to the edge of the roof. Using his left foot first, he quickly climbed up on the roof and sat on the flattest surface of the roof, basking in the moonlight and the stars glittering above him.
Elvish instincts never go away- no matter how long you’ve been away from--
A shred of guilt sliced through him like a sword. A near 2 years had passed since the destruction of the ring, and he had yet to return to Mirkwood to address his father--and his people--about the decisions he’d made. He sighed. Although he already knew exactly what Thranduil would say, he couldn’t help but feel a slight lingering feeling to tell his kin what had become of him.
He could already feel his heartbreak at the thought of having to choose between his people and his new life. Maybe he didn’t have to if he just didn’t return to Mirkwood. Even if he did, what would he even say?
“It’s been a long time, Ada. Sorry I disappeared for years without a word! Also, I’m living in upper Minas Tirith among mortal men and I’m also engaged to a dwarf! How have you been?”
He could already see the looks of horrors on his fellow elves’ faces. He could just hear the endless questions about why there was such a large, binding braid in his hair and what it represented.
Maybe that’s what his dream was about. He couldn’t remember anything about it anyway, which may or may not be a good thing.
Normally he would be fine with just Gimli by his side at night. It had been fine for the past year and a half...But lately, his nightmares became worse and worse as the shock of the war slowly left him these past few years. He didn’t even want to think about what Gimli would think if he woke him up because of some silly dream. It wasn’t fair to him. He deserved to sleep soundly.
Thank the Valar that Gimli was an extremely heavy sleeper.
Feeling tears of frustration build up in his eyes, he closed them softly and let the crisp, night breeze hit his face. He was surrounded by people that loved him, but he just felt alone. Just him and his worries. He and his problems. Him and his--
“There you are.”
The gentle voice nearly made the elf jump, but (barely) kept his composure to look behind him. Legolas frowned, peering around the roof. How in middle-earth did he…?
“Frodo...how did you get up here?” Legolas asked, surprised. Frodo shrugged, the carefree hobbit smiling softly.
“Never underestimate what a hobbit is capable of. Sam and I did survive Mordor, after all.”
Legolas sighed, shaking his head and resuming his position on the roof, knees tucked into his chest. Maybe a sleepover wasn’t the best place for someone with a terrible time sleeping, but it was hard not to since everyone had agreed to be in the same place for once.
They had planned these little “hangouts” once they had all agreed to spend a little more time in Gondor, and Legolas didn’t want to be the one person that flaked out. If he flaked, Gimli would most certainly flake too, no matter how much he loved spending time with everyone.
Frodo and Sam had packed up their stuff from their cute little Gondorian cottage in the rural area of Minas Tirith. “The ring-bearers deserve only the best” the people of Gondor had said once it was decided that Frodo and Sam were to stay in Gondor before making the long journey to the Shire.
Merry and Pippin would stumble in with all of Middle-earth’s booze (which Gimli very much enjoyed), Aragorn would travel down from the castle and leave Faramir in charge whilst he took a small break once in a while, while they all crammed into a nice, secluded, wooden house in the Upper-town and had a nice night once in a while.
Gandalf was… where in Middle-earth was Gandalf? No one knew. He had left on some “trip” after Aragorn and Arwen were wed and Aragorn was crowned king, and hadn’t returned to Gondor since then. People say he’d turned up on the outskirts of Rohan, but the wizard was quite a mystery.
He didn’t seem like a sleepover kind of guy, anyway.
Legolas was initially worried about the others; while Gimli was a heavy sleeper, he was worried about waking the others up. Thankfully, it seemed like everyone else was prone to sleep pretty soundly at night, and he had yet to wake anyone up. Legolas would think that everyone would be sleeping in safety and comfort after the hardships they had been through…but Frodo was never the same after that ring.
Curse those easily-awakened, ever-vigilant eyes.
“So you haven’t told him yet, I’m guessing?” the hobbit asked nonchalantly. Legolas felt his whole body freeze up.
“Gimli. You haven’t told him about the nightmares, yet. Or anyone else. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be outside alone, would you?”
Legolas swallowed instinctively. How in Middle-earth did Frodo know about it? Oh well, that was a question for another late night, he supposed.
“No, I haven’t.”
Frodo narrowed his large, glimmering eyes and inched a bit closer to him. The roof creaked a bit under the weight, and Legolas wondered for a moment if it would wake anyone else up, but reconsidered, as they all seemed to be snoring quite peacefully.
“Why?” the waning question split his heart in two, and he suddenly felt guilt gnaw away at him. He had been keeping things from the people he trusted most, wasn’t he? Did that make him a liar?
“It didn’t seem that important,” he mumbled half-heartedly, knowing what a stupid reply it was. Frodo unsurprisingly was not convinced.
“All right, then. Keep your secrets.” Frodo replied, and Legolas swore he recognized that saying. Feeling the guilty feeling worsen, he sighed loudly and stared intently at his feet.
“I was...I was scared...alright?”
Frodo raised an eyebrow, not following. Legolas felt the heat rise to his cheeks as the silence between them became deafening.
“Scared of what?”
Months of insecurities finally boiled over, and Legolas found himself spewing word vomit in place of proper sentences.
“That-that maybe Gimli wouldn’t love me anymore! That maybe he doesn’t deserve to be with someone who’s as messed up as me! Maybe I’m terrified that I’ll have to return to Mirkwood once everyone gets tired of me! Maybe I’m afraid of the fact that Gimli might just leave me, and maybe I’m scared--scared of everyone finding out just how horrible I am!” the elf replied, snapping at the hobbit. Legolas barely noticed he was breathing rather heavily.
“Sat-satisfied, hobbit?” he spoke in a shuddering breath.
Frodo was silent for a moment before wrapping his arms around his shaking friend. Legolas didn’t even notice how hard he was shaking until Frodo grounded him with a hug, letting him bury his face into his chest and try to regain his composure again. Tears threatened to fall, but he ceased them to. He had to keep some of his composure.
“Funny, knowing how long you’ve known Aragorn, I would guess that he would be the first one you would tell about all this stuff,” Frodo said in curiosity. Legolas pulled away from him for a moment in response.
He sighed, letting the breeze blow through his hair. “Aragorn seems...different. He’s more occupied with the kingdom, Arwen, the children he’s no doubt going to have very soon...he has more responsibilities now than to just put up with me.”
“Now whoever said that?”
A familiar voice had them both jump to attention as Aragorn stood on the balcony below them, looking out at the scenery of his kingdom.
“Evening Frodo, Legolas. What a beautiful night it is.” he turned and smiled up at the couple sitting on the roof, “Another nightmare?”
Legolas practically fell off the roof. How the hell did Aragorn know? He glared at Frodo, who meekly shrugged. Aragorn walked towards the ivy wall where they got up to the roof and smiled.
“Frodo hasn’t told me anything if you want to know. He’s not the only one with good observational skills.” Aragorn chuckled, climbing up the wall in a couple of swift movements, “You’re practically an open book, Mellon nin.”
Legolas felt himself blush, wondering just how much Aragorn had heard.
“How long have you been out here?” he stuttered, his heart beating a mile a minute.
“Long enough to hear just about everything.” the king replied, crawling across the roof and sitting on the other side of the elf. Legolas felt dread fill him. Of course, he had heard everything.
“Mellon nin, this does not concern me, and I’ve been holding off on talking with you just in case things would resolve themselves. But clearly, they haven’t. Something is not boding well with you.”
Legolas stayed silent.
“I would never forget about you, mellon.” His soft, understanding voice of his old friend caused him to lose his breath. It was ironic, he remembered being Estel’s comforting hand when he was a young child, still new to the world. Now he was a king. A king.
Why did that phrase sound so familiar?
Then it hit him.
A king. He was supposed to take over Thranduil’s position as king of Mirkwood. He wasn’t a dubbed a prince for nothing. But it had been so long since he had returned to Mirkwood...was the arrangement still into play? Would Mirkwood still accept him as a king? Was he even ready? And the wedding, the engagement, would that even be possible anymore? Could he even marry a non-elf if he was to be king?
He knew the answer to everything, but he couldn’t bear to think about it any longer. A breath caught in his throat. 
Aragorn noticed the elf’s distress and called for Frodo to give the two of them a few minutes. The hobbit nodded understandingly.
“Of course.”
The elf and king sat on the edge of the roof as Frodo crept back inside the sleeping cottage, leaving the two of them alone. Silence followed deafeningly. Legolas felt his heart pound rapidly, awaiting what his friend was going to say.
“You need to talk to Gimli.” he finally said. It was too gentle.
“I know.” he choked back, barely trusting his voice.
“And I need you to talk to me.”
“I-I know...”
A desperate whimper escaped him as Aragorn enveloped him into a hug, and Legolas felt warmth fill him. Such a coldness had filled him since the absence of fighting in his life, and he hadn’t felt so safe in so long.
“I know that things are hard right now, Legolas. Believe me, I do.” Aragorn said softly, grasping his friend and letting him bury his face into his cloak, “We can help. I can help. You just have to talk to us.”
“I don’t want to go back..” was all the elf could whimper, his shaking arms crossed over his chest, his frame shaking like a hunted, wounded animal.
“You don’t have to go anywhere. You can stay right here, Legolas. I promise you.” the king said reassuringly, but his cries only got louder. He had a feeling that he might have been talking about Mirkwood. Only his homeland provoked so much emotion out of him. Not necessarily good emotion.
Eventually, the elf calmed down and cleared his throat, sitting up and out of Aragorn’s arms with a pained look on his face.
“I’m sorry.” he sniffled, flicking away the last of his tears.
“I cannot accept your apology, for you have nothing to apologize for, mellon nin.”
Legolas laughed dryly and smiled teary-eyed at his hands.
“Mr. Strider?”
Both looked down at the balcony to see Frodo had stepped outside holding a mug of something warm. Aragorn inquired the hobbit, who smiled warmly.
“I hope I’m not intruding on anything, but I seemed to have woken someone up on the way in,” Frodo said sheepishly. Aragorn nodded understandingly and hopped down from the roof.
“It’s about time we get off this roof then, isn’t it?” he gestured to Legolas, who grabbed his hand weakly and climbed down onto the balcony. The elf felt exhaustion take over his body, and he turned to the door to the cottage, freezing in his tracks.
The dwarf stared concerned at his fiance, and Legolas saw nothing but love in his eyes. Legolas felt the tracks that were still wet on his face, and he suddenly felt very self-conscious.
Legolas was about to open his mouth, but Gimli just shook his head and pulled him into a warm hug. The thoughts that plagued him vanished just for that moment.
And Legolas felt nothing but love.
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growingingreenwood · 5 years
So I checked out your stories and I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! Your 'Little Moments' chapters are all so amazingly written, unique, and well captured. I'm also going through your other stories and am now waiting eagerly for the next chapter of "Effects of War" but now I want to know more about Avaleina cause she's the only Legolas x OC I've ever liked.
Oh my god??? Wow thanks!!!! Im so glac you like her, I need more people to SO like here we go guys 🤷‍♀️
• She was one of 5 elflings who had both parents die when Amon Lang fell. The same night that Legolas lost his mother.
• They come to be known as the "Orphans of Greenwood," and most grow to become the most fierce and most intimidating of Greenwoods army. Burning rage and revenge are incredibly good motivators.
• Thranduil ended up basically making a dormitory for all of them inside the Mountian, since all the elflings were too tramatuized and unwilling to be adopted to another family.
• I always thought that Thranduil was the type of father who was fully invested on all of his sons friends lives, and he has more than enough lecturing and love to go around so he kept a super close eye in them all.
• So the orphans were raised by an assortment of well meaning and over protective staff and a King.
• Anyway Legolas was super good friends with all of them, and grew up with all of them but he was particularly close to two of them. Farlen and Avaleina.
• But especially especially Avaleina
• Thranduil can keep his crown and Greenwood because these two have their own domain because they are the King & Queen of friends to lovers but slowburn af
• If you look up "Commitment Issues" in a Silvan dictionary it'll just be a drawing of Legolas. He saw and felt what losing his mother was like, and he see's everyday how much his father still hurts over missing her.
• So he decided when he was like 10 that he would never fall in love. No sir. No love for him. That was too painful, and he wanted nothing to do with it, losing friends was enough.
• If you catch only one of them doing something dumb, dangerous or against the rules then you better keep looking cause you best believe the other one is lurking nearby.
• They're absolutely ridiculous togeather sometimes cause they have so many inside jokes and energy and theyre so hecking comfortable around eachother, and they both can be really loud without meaning to be out of excitement.
• Ava knew she was in love with Legolas wwwaaayyyy before he knew he was in love with her. But she didn't say anything cause she knew him and she knew it would freak out.
• Meanwhile Thranduil and Galion were watching from a distance taking bets on how long it would take them to get togeather.
• When they did FINALLY get togeather Legolas was also the King of trying to break it off several times but then changing his mind for various reasons. (Near death experiences, his father/Galion talking him out of it, jealousy, Ava just absolutely not taking ANY of his shit, ect)
• They kept everything Super Super Secret (even from their own people.) And while Thranduil noticed the change, he never asked and they never outright told him. Occasionally, he would make passing veiled comments that he was fully aware of their secret and they never denied anything.
• They never once said "I love you," to eachother That Way until after the war.
• Because Love Is Dangerous And Bad And We Do Not Love Here.
• Instead; They would ask one another to marry them, when nobody else could hear OR "We're going to die doing this." "At least you'll finally meet my Nana."
• He made her engagment rings out of random object literally all of the time. She has a whole box fill of them.
• Sometimes ribbons, bow strings, grass blades, flower petteles, strips of tree back. Anything. Everything.
• They were both on a team called the Amarth which translates to "Doom" which was essentially the Navy Seal team of Greenwood. This made them even more disturbingly close cause TRAUAMA BONDING ANYONE
• If they're on the same patrol in the forest they usually sleep next to eachother, or one sleep while the other keeps watch. At home, she usually sneaks into his room and crawls into bed in the middle of the night so that they can sleep togeather. Cause they both sleep significantly better with the other one around.
• Legolas didn't say a single thing about her to anyone during the quest just in case little ears of the enemy overhear and tell those working with the darkness in Greenwood how important she was.
• He was terrified the entire time that she would meet the same fate as his mother. Or that she would be kidnapped and used against his father. Or worse. Kidnapped for the sake of it.
• So he didn't say anything until after he got home, and she almost punched him in the face for joining the fellowship.
• She goes to Ilithein with him but also does quite a but of traveling with him and Gimli
• Gimli adores her. Absolutely adores her.
• Not only because he pretty much legally has to love anybody Legolas does, but also because of how Legolas is whenever she's around. Like. He thought Legolas was annoyingly happy during the quest?? That's nothing compared to being reunited with your lifelong best friend after surviving a war both of you had just assumed would painfully kill the both of you, and then get to enjoy a newly peaceful word togeather the likes of which neither had ever experienced AND be publicly affectionate????
• Nothing beats that. Nothing.
• He leaves for Valinor before her because of his Sea longing, she stays until the very very last of the Greenwood elves are ready to sail. And then a bit longer than that cause she goes with the Twins to find Maglor and make him sail west with them.
• She and Legolas get married twice. Once it middle earth so all their mortal friends can be there and then once in Aman once all if their family has come back to life.
• He might as well have: "If she's on the other side of the world and the only way I can reach her is to cut the earth in half with a dull spoon, i would be there in 3 days," tatood in his face
• And she should have : "If you day or do literally one single thing to hurt him after everything he's done I'm going to hurt you until Eru himself regrets making you," in hers.
• They're the biggest fucking dorks in the WORLD who I just want to run around singing and making jokes and be togeather and I love them very much.
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legolaslovely · 6 years
Human Part 2
A/N: Here’s part 2! Definitely the longest part, but I didn’t want to cut off any important parts haha. Hope you enjoy! 
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
Word Count: 2,318 
Warnings for entire series: Maybe language, Gimli’s fault haha, mentions of blood, orc violence
Summary: AU where Aragorn protects a human village with the help of Legolas and Gimli during an orc war in Middle Earth. Reader comes to the village for refuge and everyone is convinced she’s an elf because of her beauty and grace. Legolas especially is distrusting of her. Will she earn their trust and help the village survive the war?
Human Masterlist
The next morning came slow for (Y/N). She could hardly sleep, her mind too busy whirring with thought. She could hardly stay alone in her fallen village, but she felt like an outsider in this one. The scene from the night before kept replaying in her mind. It was as if the elf was trying to show her she’d never belong.
As soon as it was acceptable to rise, she dressed and left the room Aragorn had shown her to. She quietly made her way to the stables with plans to ride on the outskirts of the village to clear her mind.
“You have risen early.”
She recognized the smooth voice behind her and turned over her shoulder to Legolas in a silent, cold greeting. She continued her work, turning to lift her saddle off the gate.
“Wait,” Legolas said and disappeared behind the stables. Soon he glided through the barn holding a beautiful saddle as if it were light as air. (Y/N) reached for it as he lifted it over her horse’s back, causing their hands to touch, her icy skin feeling peculiar against his. “Please, let me,” he said, fastening the girth.
She ran her eyes over the detailed leather work of the saddle. Twirling and curling vines with tiny leaves were painstakingly etched into its skin inside a border of impeccable braids. It was stunning and looked as if it had never been used before. “It’s beautiful,” was all she could think to say.
“It was made for the High Elves of Mirkwood long ago,” he explained. “The craftsmanship is traditional.”
“I cannot use this.” Her awe was evident in her soft voice.
“Please. You can.” His body was relaxed but his eyes were still cold towards her. When she silently agreed, he asked her, “May I join you?”
How she longed to say no! But Legolas was already preparing his beautiful horse and she knew she should not be riding alone in times of war. “Of course,” she said.
(Y/N) had seen a path on her way into the village that she wanted to explore. Legolas let her lead and they rode silently for a while. Despite his attitude toward her, she decided to allow him another chance. He did gift her the beautiful saddle her fingers were presently fiddling with. She would never be reminded of the blood stained leather of her other one again, thanks to him. So she spoke.
“This saddle is magnificent. Again, I thank you, Legolas.”
“There is no need to thank me, Lady (Y/N). I carried it with me from Mirkwood in case someone was in need. Since, it has been sitting in the barn. I am happy someone can use it,” he said, his gaze locked ahead.
“You carried it? You said it belonged to the High Elves of your land,” (Y/N) said, deeply confused. Was she sitting on a highly decorated saddle stolen from the King of the Elves? She began to worry she had made a mistake in trusting the elf.
“It was made for my father long ago and later given to me, yes.” Legolas looked over to see (Y/N)’s look of despair and couldn’t help but smile from the very corners of his lips. “My father is Thranduil, King of Mirkwood.”
(Y/N)’s jaw fell and her brows could have shot off her forehead into the sky. After a moment of silence, Legolas looked over at her and couldn’t help but softly chuckle at her surprise. 
After she gained her bearings she asked, “How does an Elven prince befriend a man and a dwarf?” attempting to shift the subject from her ignorance. 
His laughing quickly ceased as he thought of how to explain. “We were tasked with protecting a hobbit as he journeyed to destroy The One Ring.”
“I have heard the story.” It was only then that she saw the long bow and arrows strapped to his back. She had heard the story many times, and couldn’t believe the elf riding next to her was that of the tale. 
Before she could think any more of the subject, Legolas said, “Please, tell me your story.”
(Y/N) let a sigh escape her lungs and focused on the path ahead. “There isn’t much story to tell,” she said. “I come from a long line of humans who lived simple lives in our village. Only when we were threatened did I learn to fight, more out of necessity than anything else. Now I am here,” she finished quickly, not wanting to recall the details. 
Legolas pulled gently at his reins to stop his horse in front of hers. “I am deeply sorry for all of your loss, Lady (Y/N).” For a moment, she noticed the ice in his stare flicker.
“I believe I have had enough air for the morning. I am going to return to the stables. Thank you for accompanying me, Legolas,” she said quickly. Before Legolas could protest she was off, galloping back down the path they had come.
Disappointment flooded him as he sent his horse slowly walking to follow her. He couldn’t get her sadness out of his thoughts and he let his trusted horse bring him back to the village. Then a loud whinny ahead made his stomach drop. “(Y/N),” he said to himself and raced toward the sound.
He cleared a bend in the path and his elf eyes saw (Y/N) on the ground below her horse, holding her wrist. She was obviously in pain, but Legolas had other things to worry about. About ten other things. A small band of orcs appeared out from behind the trees and bushes to surround her.
Atop his galloping horse, he pulled his bow and an arrow from behind his back and aimed for the head of the orc that was closest to (Y/N). His fingers let go and the arrow soared until it hit the orc and flew through its skull, causing the ugliest hiss of pain before it fell to the ground right on top of (Y/N).
His concern turned into pride when she threw the orc aside and stood with her sword poised just in time to attack the next creature. By that time, Legolas was in the fight loading arrow after arrow, each one targeting an orc too close to (Y/N) by his standards.
He counted in his head, there should be six orcs left, but as he scanned the area, he saw only two still alive. He quickly realized (Y/N) had killed four herself that were laying at her feet.
He looked to her and watched her slashing and stabbing possibly the biggest of them all, about to take it down by herself. However, there was one left to dispose of and it was quickly making for (Y/N), aiming to attack her while she was distracted. Legolas easily took care of it, one simple arrow doing the trick.
Legolas leapt down from his horse to help her, but he was too late. The giant orc fell with a thud that shook the ground beneath their feet. He was at her side in seconds, his eyes glancing over every inch of her looking for wounds.
“That was exciting,” she said, her voice thick with sarcasm. When Legolas heard the smirk in her voice, he looked at her, a chuckle escaping him. He saw her unconsciously wrap her hand around the wrist she had fallen on when the orcs knocked her off her horse. Legolas immediately pulled her hand away and replaced it with his own.
“I’m alright,” she said shaking her head as she began to pull her wrist away from him.
“Let me see,” he said softly. His fingers were hardly touching her but working to find any broken bones or fractures. When he was satisfied, he looked up to meet her gaze which was already on him. “You’re alright?”
“Yes.” The ice in his eyes had completely melted away and for the first time she noticed their warm blue tint.
Again, Legolas faltered, blinking and looking away from her. “Lead the way back to the village, I will follow you.” In one swift movement he lifted her above him and set her on her horse.
“Le-Legolas, I can- wait! I’m alright!” But her efforts were too late and he was setting her foot in the stirrup for her.
The way back to the village Legolas tried to concentrate on the orc problem they now had. For the shortest moment, however, as he watched her hair tangle in the wind in front of him, he did wonder what designs her hair could be braided in.
When (Y/N) and Legolas returned to the village they parted ways. After assuring Legolas her wrist was only sore, and not injured further, (Y/N) headed to the stables to untack and groom her horse. When Legolas didn’t follow her, she felt a sting of disappointment in her stomach and cursed herself for suddenly feeling so alone.
When her work was finished, she left the stables. As she walked out of the barn, she passed Legolas gracefully and silently walking his horse inside. He nodded his head to her when he passed, his golden hair falling forward on his shoulders. (Y/N) felt an urge to follow him, but Aragorn was waiting for her ahead in the road.
“I heard tell of your encounter,” he said.
She felt nerves in her stomach swirling as she thought of Legolas’ kindness in the woods.
“Orcs are a fierce enemy. I was told you fought well,” Aragorn said.
She let out a breath, relieved he was speaking of orcs and nothing else. “Indeed, but I have fought them before.”
He placed a heavy hand on your shoulder. “It is good experience to have,” he said gravely. Only after being prompted with (Y/N)’s look of concern did he continue. “The war is beginning. We are leaving at dawn. “
“I will join you,” she said, holding the dagger strapped to her hip.
A small smile shone on his face. “No, (Y/N).”
“I can help you. As you said, I have experience. I fight well enough for battle,” she said.
“Yes. That is why I need you here. Those who cannot join us need protecting. I trust you to do that,” he said.
(Y/N) understood the honor and importance of being elected leader in Aragorn’s absence, but she was filled with sadness. Her gaze rose from her boots to the stables. Through the doorway she saw Legolas feeding her horse another carrot.  
“When you return, the village will be as you left it. I will protect your people,” she said.
“They are your people as well now. You belong to this village,” he said.
She looked around herself, seeing the people work and prepare for war as the children innocently played in the street. Both pride and the sense of duty washed over her as she straightened. She would protect this home as she did her other one. But this time, she would succeed.
She nodded to Aragorn and walked down the road, lost in thought. She ended up at the gates of the pasture behind the barn. She leaned her elbows on the chest high fence in front of her and absently watched her horse graze next to Legolas’.
“I took the liberty of letting them both out to pasture.”
(Y/N) turned to see Legolas standing tall next to her. She nodded and returned her eyes to the horses. “I hear you leave for battle tomorrow.”
“When the sun rises,” he said.
She pushed away from the fence, still not looking at him. “I wish you luck. I had better go, I too have much to do before tomorrow.” She turned from him and started toward the road.
“(Y/N),” he said, gently grabbing her hand and pulling her to him. He pushed his fingers through her hair and held her cheek, placing a soft kiss to her forehead. “Be safe,” he said, his breath fanning over her skin.
They froze for a moment, close together, his lips still on her skin. Then his hands left her and he glided down the road, not pausing to look back.
She released her breath in attempt to calm her thrashing heart. She turned back to the horses and again leaned on the fence. This time, when she was approached, she heard the footsteps.
“Well if it isn’t the elf who’s not an elf!”
She looked down with a smile to see her other new friend. “Hello, Gimli.”
“Hello, lass,” he said, fitting his chin on one of the shorter planks of wood in the fence.
“Why does everyone think I’m an elf?” she asked, exasperated.
He pulled his chin away from the fence and looked up at you with a twinkle in his eye. “You are very beautiful, Lady (Y/N). And full of grace,” he said.
She quietly thanked him, feeling heat rise to her chest and cheeks.
“And the elf really threw us all off,” he continued.
“He was convinced you were an elf. That you were lyin’ to us all,” he said.
As she thought about the past, Gimli’s words started to make sense. “Why was he so sure I was an elf?”
A smirk grew beneath Gimli’s mustache, his eyes brighter than ever. “Elves are not attracted to other beings, especially not humans. He thought you must be an elf.”
(Y/N) frowned at him, willing him to move a little faster in his explanation, which only earned a chuckle from the dwarf.
“He loves ya, lass,” he said. “From the moment he saw ya, he knew. It’s some elf thing.”
She held tightly to the fence, her breath tight in her chest. “What?”
“Gimli!” Someone down the road yelled for him.
“Stay safe, lass! See ya after we kill all those bastard orcs!” Gimli said before trotting off, leaving (Y/N) to sort out what she just learned.
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meganlpie · 5 years
WIP/Current Requests List
(This can be found on my blog page as well, where I will update it as I get through the requests)
WIPS (Fics I am currently working on to post): These are subject to change based on my moods and inspiration.
Unbreak My Heart: Anonymous asked: So glad requests are open, you’re my favorite blog. Could you do a Castiel and Reader song fic with the sing Unbreak my Heart by either Wheezer or Toni Braxton please? Again love love love your blog (I’ll be honest, this one is taking forever because I really don’t like the song XD)
Tears of the Widow: Another Wattpad request. for avengers, natasha and y/n has been together for a few years, when y/n gets called out for a week mission, and halfway through, something goes wrong and they had to abort the mission and when they get back, Y/n is bloodied and unconscious and natasha freaks and literally blames tony and fury and after a week she finally wakes up and everyone shocked when they see nat cry and when nat cries, so does Y/n and Y/n tells her sorry for making her worry and Y/n pulls natty in the bed and they fall asleep together.
Unique: I have an imagine request. It’s with dwalin because he’s underrated. He asks the reader to marry him in a unique way. Like maybe doing it at a farm sanctuary.
Muggle Healer: Anonymous asked: Oooooo….how about some Snape? Instead of dying, he lives and goes into hiding and ends up in a Muggle hospital where the reader works as a nurse. They get close and he ends up telling her everything. Maybe some romance?
Current Requests (Unstarted fics that are on the list):
Abducted: A Wattpad request. Hey meg ! So i finally came up with a plot , this takes place at the very start of age of ultron and is captain america x reader. So the reader is tony starks younger sister and while shopping she gets abducted by hydra and experimented on . She is isolated and experimented on , eventually she becomes enhanced , her powers are controlling all 4 elements , like an avatar. So when the avengers come to rescue her and retrieve the teseract steve confesses that he can‘t live without her and eventually kissing but tony disturbing. Back in the avengers tower steve never leavs her side and he stays with her cuddling the whole night and talking , the next day they train together and steve really helps her control her new powers and just a lot of steve fluff :)
Mission Memories: Another Wattpad request. I’ve had an idea for a Steve x fem!reader (also inspired by these two lol) only they’re getting ready for a mission (kind of like when Steve and Bucky are talking in Civil War) and he’s reminiscing. I just love Steve so much lol
Stowaway: Another Wattpad request. Howdy! I wish to inquire regarding a request of the Guardians of the Galaxy variety. A Drax x reader where the gang imprisons a stowaway but she convinces Drax to let her out through lies and deceit. Drax is unaware of her dishonesty and announces to the guardians right afterward whilst their mid conversation, “I HAVE FREED THE PRISONER!!” The guardians get her back and Drax distrusts her for realsies this time. Mostly platonic, i suppose…thanks luv! Your writing is a big inspiration of mine
It’ll Get Better: Anonymous asked: I’d love a Steve Rogers x reader with a reader who has depression. Something like a comfort fic ^^ Thanks!
Animal Control: Rocket Raccoon gets picked up by animal control. Requested by @tallguy1130 (that’s my hubby, y'all!)
A Interesting Child: Baby Groot goes to daycare.
Saving Thorin: Another Wattpad request. Could you make a Thorinxhuman female reader. And like, she finds herself in Middle Earth and is really shy and sweet but like saves Thorin??? Thank you!
Incompatible: Thranduil x Human! Reader imagine. Somehow he opens his heart to love a human and it was a good relationship. Until they have a fight about something (maybe he says something about human that hurt reader’s feeling?) and he makes her cry. For him it isn’t a big deal but for her the fight was too much for her to handle. And she starts to think that her relationship with Thranduil was a mistake because she comes from a different race and she is too young for him that she can’t do anything right. The elves also tell Thranduil that she’s not the one for him because she’s incapable to be his queen. She overheard the conversation between Thranduil and the elves and she has decided to leave. But when she confronts her beloved Thranduil, he is flabbergasted to know that she is leaving. You can end it in your own way (maybe she really leaves or stays? I don’t know). I just want an angstyyy imagine because I love crying XD
Cooking: Hi can I request a dwalin x reader please where dwalin falls in love with the readers cooking and gets super shy around her and finally manages to confess with the help from thorin and the company please
Not Human: Hello, love! Please could you write a Lindir x Reader in which the reader is a Peredhil (half human half elf) travelling with the company and she meets Lindir when they arrive at Rivendell? Thank you ❤️❤️Maybe Lindir thinks she’s only human at first but finds out about her being a peredhil when he sees her ears or something?
Support: Anonymous asked: Hi meg! Would write a Thranduil x reader where the reader shows him support (bc of things like doing what he thinks is best for his kingdom/people) A lot of fluff💫
A Picnic with Scorpius: Could u do a Scorpius x reader? ( next generation ) During their 4 or 5 year at Hogwarts? :3  maybe they’re having a picnic by the black lake ?
Breakfast Interrupted: So the harry potter one would be a draco x reader , being a couple & staying at dracos mansion chilling and talking all night (basically just seeing his good and cute side ) the next morning he brings the reader breakfast in bed , but then getting interrupted because the whole „thing“ in deathly hollows happens where harry , hermione and ron get dragged to dracos house and draco has to identify harry but because he doesn‘t want the reader to see this bad dark side of him , he chooses to lie and not tell them that they caught harry
Kids: Would it be possible if I made another request for a marcus flint x reader where they fight in the war for the good side then after the war they get married and have kids who are best friends with oliver Woods kids if that’s OK with youOh and marcus and Oliver hate there kids friendshipand try to break it up then reader gets involved and is angry at them both and threats marcus to sleeping on the sofa
The 2nd Task: Hey girl! I’m in love with your imagines honestly and was wondering if you could write an imagine about a fem Hufflepuff reader who is best friends with Cedric and you’ve had a crush on him for a while but never said anything because you think he is in love with Cho. When it comes time for the second task, you are chosen as the person who will be in the Black Lake for him. (You’re a little annoyed and after Cedric wins the task, you’re forced to take pictures for the prophet.) he tries talking to you afterward but you storm off down the dock, argue, and you finally have enough and admit to loving him. (He stares dumbfounded and admits he loves you too and there’s a wee bit of fluff?) I’m trash at requests but thank you much ❤️ Not sure if this was too little or too much
Suitcase:I saw you started doing Harry Potter one shots and had to get in on that. You’re kind of my favorite one shot artist. I’m so glad you’re back. If its ok, I wanted to request a thing with Newt Scamander where maybe the reader has pretty severe anxiety around other people,but is really good with the animals so maybe, after a panic attack he takes reader into his suitcase and shows her around like the Hufflepuff he is. And all the animals love her. She calms down and laughs, seems reallt happy. Maybe a time skip where they’ve been traveling together a while and realize they love each other?
The Hufflepuff: Requested by @lust-for-pan:  heyy! love your blog💛 can i pls request something with draco? can reader be a hufflepuff pls? reader is quiet/shy and has a bit of a crush on draco. she accidentally bumps into him and rushes to apologize, he’s about to get mad but stops when she sees her? like he’s taken back by how pretty she is maybe? and tells her it’s fine or something? lol srry i’m in that cliche mood rn. do what you want with the request💛💛💛 thank you
Why is He With Her?: Anonymous asked: Okay, I need some Ron from you please. Instead of Hermione, it’s the reader who gets upset at seeing Ron with Lavender and Ron doesn’t get why she’s so upset until Hermione points it out. Then, when Ron is in the hospital wing, Hermione shoos Lavender away so the reader can have some time alone with him
I Knew All Along: Anonymous asked: Can we get some reader saving Snape because she’s known all along that he was a double agent? And maybe some closure between Snape and Harry?
Yule Ball: Anonymous asked: Hi Meg, can I get a Snape and teacher reader where the reader is a teacher for whatever class you want and she looks a little bit like Lily Evans and he asks her out to the Yule Ball please? (This will be changed a little bit)
Winning Her Heart: Anonymous asked: THANK you for opening requests! Can I ask for young Sirius trying to win heart of Slytherin girl?
Pranking Lockhart: Anonymous asked: Would you write something where the Twins prank Lockhart? Like putting hair dye in his shampoo or something in his tooth paste that turn his teeth into different colours? (Perfect if both of them CHANGE colours so they always clash with his clothes.) As some kind of ‘welcoming’ him to Hogwarts? Sorry if this is not enough to work with.
I’ll Be Your Friend: Anonymous asked: Ooooh Harry Potter! Okay, can I request a Fred Weasley x fem!reader? The reader is a Hufflepuff and muggleborn and really quiet and Pansy picks on her, but Fred cheers her up by getting her to help with a prank?
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