#and it does worry me there are people who literally don't know the distinction between f*scism and authoritarianism
dykekakashi · 1 year
i feel so awkward when people talk about anakin as if he had some sort of ideological predisposition to f*scism that was visible since AotC for his comments about wanting a strong leader, as if authoritarianism is exclusive to right-wing governments or none of you have ever met tankies who think u just need one strong leader to call the shots on the revolution or whatever the fuck like. i won't deny vader's actions obvs support and expand the power of a f*scist empire later on, but like, it's ignorant to say it was ideological as opposed to being a way of pursuing his own misguided interests, which i do actually feel is a relevant distinction
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Hello! Fellow English child here lmao. I was wondering if you'd be interested in sharing your thoughts on Cutie?? I really like the way you think :D
If not, no worries, and have a nice day!
*cracks knuckles*
i would like to preface the following rant with the blanket statement that people are products of their environment. how you are treated affects the way you treat others.
cutie is the first real example i can think of (from here in the shallow end of the asmr paddle pool) in which the listener is placed in the role of the abuser in a relationship. and i don't want to mince words - i believe cutie was emotionally manipulative and abusive, and the series treats that with an appropriate amount of weight and respect.
i also think that cutie, like geordi, displays a great deal of insecurity, and expresses it by being controlling rather than as geordi's avoidance. listener backstories are left up in the air to allow for people to put on the mask of the character, save for a handful of small and usually inconsequential details (see darlin's fling with quinn, ollie's partner having a rocky relationship with their family, etc) - but i agree with the people saying that cutie probably comes from a similarly emotionally manipulative environment.
telepathy is a super compelling wrench in geordi and cutie's already unstable relationship. thoughts are (to us, anyway) as private as you can get. literally nobody has to know what's going on in your head if you don't want them to. that's why i think cutie's repeated breaches of geordi's trust make me and i think a lot of others extra uncomfortable - the idea of someone being able to hear everything you think at any time with no warning is terrifying! cutie cites wanting to know what geordi is 'really' thinking, but geordi is 100% correct in the assertion that bypassing the filter of what's in someone's head versus what comes out of their mouth is essentially skipping over their personality entirely. i think that cutie's environment (whether that be upbringing, a past relationshop, or something else) has made them somewhat paranoid of people keeping true feelings from them. this means they're a lot more likely to pry, seeking 'the truth' of what geordi thinks of them, unable to take his word for it.
personally, i find that cutie is the most distinct Character out of the listener group - not just because they're multifaceted, but because they go against the grain of what most of the audience expect from a pov character. i know i'm not the only person who was incredibly disappointed in cutie listening in on geordi's thoughts after their argument about that exact topic - and that's good drama! it takes a lot of talent and incredibly good writing to build a compelling character that never has a single line of dialogue, let alone conflicts between that character and others around them.
geordi, and by extension the narrative, acknowledge that cutie isn't a bad person. they're not trying to be malicious, but they end up hurting the people they care about because they don't know any other way to maintain control over their life. i find it very refreshing that cutie is not being treated as a villain or as an innocent bystander. they hurt geordi by repeatedly crossing a hard boundary, and he's justifiably upset. however, cutie (presumably after trying to direct that controlling insecure behaviour at something or someone else and failing) does seek outside help to start to work those learned behaviour knots loose.
geordi and cutie's story doesn't have a villain. neither of them are The Bad Guy, and even geordi acknowledges that they're both partially to blame for the shaky foundation of their relationship. even without a voice, i believe that cutie has potential for a really strong character arc where they learn to examine the reasoning behind their actions instead of trying to maintain a death grip on every aspect of their life.
so the moral of the story is... maybe listen when someone sets a boundary. it'll save you a lot of trouble.
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beheworthy · 1 year
In ragnarok, Thor dresses Bruce in Tony's clothes when Bruce turns back into himself, a bit disoriented after being the Hulk for so long. Thor also offers his jacket to Jane in the first Thor when it's raining. Thor finds Valkyrie her valkyrie armor that meant a lot to her. Meanwhile, when he's undressed against his will in love and thunder, his "friends" ogle at him instead of helping him :/
Great observation!!! He covers his Jane quite a lot actually :) :
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But we need to make a clear distinction between Bruce Jane and Valkyrie Korg. Bruce and Jane have always been kind and grateful to Thor regarding how he behaves with them and what he has done for them. Bruce literally said to him that it was he who pulled him out of that dark place, referring to the very instance you mentioned. And Jane was very concerned about him when Zeus stripped him (s*xual assault).
Now, Jane is an outsider, a human like you and me in the world of these Gods. She doesn't know what's normal/acceptable in their culture and what's not. When Thor is stripped and nobody even flinches - the massive crowd, Zeus' guards etc, and especially Thor's so-called friends - she is confused. This would be our reaction too if we were in her place because I know it was mine. I wanted to give Marvel the benefit of the doubt, that maybe this is SOMEHOW not immoral in this society because they were commemorating human killings 2 seconds ago.
So, she naturally asks the two people who are her guides to this new place and obviously know about its culture. She is definitely not ogling Thor, enjoying the situation, or indifferent. She does the best she can - asking if this situation is of concern and that they should do something. The only reason she doesn't take further steps is because she is assured by Valkyrie that they will step in when the situation calls for it, meaning this forceful stripping is not one.
Which brings us to Valkyrie and Rock Man. [Disclaimer: I'm only critiquing the writing and direction of the characters, please don't jump on me.] Like you said, Thor gave her her armor becuase he understands what it means to her. And she is casually sitting there ENJOYING him getting stripped, ogling him, eating grapes, wrongly telling his girlfriend it's nothing to worry about, and offering her grapes too. What the actual.
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She says later 'you got properly humiliated'. This means that she knows what happened was wrong and immoral. That makes her actions there even more deplorable. Great writing.
Korg somehow tops this shittiness by f-ing commenting on the size of Thor's **** . Jesus! I hate that Valkyrie and Korg are unblinkingly staring at Thor like creeps. Waititi's creepy obsession with Chris truly peaked here. And then he had the audacity of having Thor kill Zeus in revenge without a second's hesitation FOR KORG. Like, that is how important Waititi wrote Korg to be for Thor right after Korg enjoyed him getting stripped. Let that sink in. It should be the opposite. Thor, just cut these 2 creepy a-holes out of your life.
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
hiii !! i love the switch from cherries to watermelons for the summer theme~ may i request romantic hcs for azul, ruggie, sebek and ace with a reader who seems oblivious to their advances but is actually subtly flirting/super smooth? + bonus if they don't get flustered like at all ! im so sorry if this doesn't make sense haha :') also, if you have anons, can i be ☆ anon? tysm anyways i love seeing your blog on my dash !!
thank you very much! I like eating watermelons, so this is a nice change for me as well~
yes, you can be ☆ anon! I do have a 🐁 anon, wherever they may be, so feel free to do so!
reqs are open!
gender neutral reader
tw: none
ruggie's bit is a lil' different from the others, 'cuz I'm trying smth new
links for crocs courting, hyena courting and octopus courting resources that I used~! hugely inspired by @supremeshrimpy 's posts about diasomnia courting hc's [1] annd [2]!
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ace trappola
🍉 he's frustrated. SO frustrated. of ALL people he could've caught feelings, it's you? your stupidly oblivious and dorky self? you??? ace doesn't know if he wants to cry or laugh.
🍉 he flirts through touch. his hands on your hair, on your arms, shoulders pressing against each other, it's all there, and you reciprocate with a simple hum, smiling, but never saying anything more. he's so- URGH.
🍉 HAHA but ya see, what he doesn't notice is how you don't do this to anyone else, just him. all of your touches are only for him, and just him. nobody notices the longing looks you cast upon his way when he's genuinely not looking.
🍉 oh well, let's see how long you two can play this game. it won't take long for one of you to crack.
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sebek zigvolt
🍉 he is probably having the worst time of his life right now. like, he doesn't want to make it seem obvious that he likes you, but at the same time... YOU'RE NOT UNDERSTANDING. HIS. FEELINGS. PLEASE RESPOND.
🍉 he has LITERALLY asked you to dance with him- what's more romantic then that?! hello, a ballroom dance? with you holding him, pressed against your body as you flawlessly lead him across the ballroom, never breaking eye contact???? EXCUSE HIM????
🍉 he's going to cry at this rate, he really is, but is interrupted when he hears popping noises coming from you and when he looks up... he sees you, staring straight at him, without an ounce of shame, bubbles appearing within his view.
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🍉 its when you close the distance between you two to rub your nose against him does he finally understand how you feel.
ruggie bucchi
🍉 leona's had it with you as much as ruggie. can you just hurry the fuck up with your advances, hah? he's too damned exhausted to see ruggie moping around while running around savanaclaw doing chores (its leona's way of saying he's worried)
🍉 the way ruggie goes back and forth with approaching you, letting you sniff him (leona's GAGGING) and lay his chin on your back (for a bit)… are you stupid, or just oblivious?
🍉 when leona walks up to tell you how his scrub feels, he doesn't expect to see you with a sleeping ruggie in your arms, letting his scent rub all over you. even when you spot leona, you only give the savanaclaw leader a small nod of acknowledgement, before continuing your doings.
🍉 huh, goes you won't be needing his push, won't ya?
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azul ashengrotto
🍉 floyd as up his ass about how stupid he's being, and even jade's snickering but he honestly does NOT care right now. can you please just... spare him and go out with him already...?
🍉 he's already let you see his merform, where he's shyly flashed distinctive patterns across his tentacles (purple and black stripes), then place a few tentative tentacle suckles against your skin- which you HAPPILY took into stride?!
🍉 it's not after he notices how you keep on wearing that shawl with purple and black stripes every time you're near him, and how you don't bother hiding his sucker marks does it finally click that oh. y- you like him too. o, oh. oh.
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vampiremeerkat · 1 year
"simply doesn’t care what gender a person happens to be" is literally the same as "can be attracted to both guys and girls".
How did this turn into The Great Bi-bate. I can't believe I have to explain pansexuality on Tumblr. Again. I'm baffled and shitting. I'll describe bisexuality and pansexuality in a way I understand it, and hopefully, you'll too: Imagine a party, there are two cakes on a table. Triple chocolate mousse and triple berry. No other flavour exists in this universe, humor me here. The cake bisexuals will look at that and say "Omfg, I love chocolate and berries!". Perhaps one slightly more than the other, but this is their general stance. The cake pansexuals will say "Omfg, cake!", or really, "Omfg, food!". Maybe just "Omfg, I'm at a party!". They'll likely not ask what flavour those cakes are and will go with what smells good or looks cool. The conclusion is the same; the individuals in both groups end up with a piece of any flavour, or perhaps a slice of both like the hungry hippos they are. So, someone of the same or opposite.. flavour. And at the next party, their choice may differ from the current one. Cake relationships don't always last, after all. Where I focus on with Ed -which I've already talked about- is the mindset. I don't believe he's attracted to the shape of a man or a woman, per se. That's a trait of classic bisexuality. What I believe is that he cares so little, he'll date anyone who manages to impress him. He won't think or worry about what's in their pants. So far I'm aware, that's what is called "pansexuality". Since mindset is the only major difference between these two sexualities, there are people who see no point in calling it anything different. It's a brand of bisexuality, I suppose it's not wrong in the official sense, but I don't know how the pansexuals look at it. I find the distinction important to mention in Ed's case, as it immediately answers the question "why".. which you've still misunderstood and attributed to "he's never shown to be attracted to anyone in the show", while I've pretty much always argued the complete, extreme opposite. Does this clear things up.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Something something nonviolent resolution to Jaune/Cinder is not theoretically or at all incompatible with Jaune still being a badass blah blah blah combat prowess blah blah for the people who might take issue with the characterisation of him presented here on my blog (... go ask Chapter 14 of Skimming Eye!Jaune what he's thinking). Both because imo he's a far more interesting character than a flat 'him big sword kill stuff' though it's a show with a focus on fights/combat so he can and does do that but also because I think nonviolence in the presence of violence is more conceptually stark.
There's something very thematically peculiar going on there because Cinder is part-Grimm Dark Cursed, is the dragon to the knight, but also a Maiden. The thing Huntsman were made to kill is ostensibly someone who won't be (and killing a maiden is not the answer at all here).
I mean I even contended in Skimming Eye - sorry I'm talking about my fic here but more of my Jaune thoughts are contained in his character in that than necessarily on my blog - that pretty much the fact he has mercy-killed a Maiden means he won't and can't touch another. Once again I am pointing out that Penny's death has potentially many positive resolutions (because I've had anons very worried about Jaune).
I think I also find it amusing that essentially the most underpowered/occasionally comic relief character people dismiss is also someone wielding a very different power (which I think is why they make such a big deal out of his Semblance, especially around the time of Ruby's silver eyes) which is monumental/symbolically part of a major and unexpected turn in the story (Cinder's redemption). As I've said I think the path to getting Cinder purified by Ruby's eyes involved someone getting her there, and it's not Ruby herself initially, and - well - the organic/better answer to Rhodes...
The thing with Jaune is that he's also kind of in that category now of a subtle storytelling theme which is that 'the healer has the bloodiest hands'. It's rarer than my usual fare of crack like with the Byronic heroes/sad villains in need of apologia, but it's no less a favourite. I love healers who are exposed to violence/intimate with violence (Cinder)/capable of great cruelty but are not cruel/finding the wound to let the healing in/etc. etc.
That strikethrough was a joke but it's literally not a joke, the idea that you have a killer and a villain in love with a healer is, once again, complete crack to me.
The point of this post was to point out characters can have complexity without being watered down and I think the show already does this with the characters (that Jaune-Penny move is, as you can tell, still one of my favourite things). I'm also minding the detractors lol.
On another note, writing about Cinder's conceivable redemption arc is something easier to do, because themes/morals of the series is easier to describe, and there are demonstrable redemption arcs in the show to derive from. When it comes to Jaune, discussing the inverse - how do you get him to a position of being able to sympathise, or come to understand Cinder - is still sort of rooted in that, but it's something I prefer to write fanfic about it, because it's so much more deeply emotional. There are also many ways to do it, but as I've expressed before, the position of narrative empathy felt in killing Penny with Cinder is probably doing a lot. (You might say, Pyrrha killed Penny, but that is distinct in motivation, or lack thereof. There's still an interesting linkage between Pyrrha -> Penny, Cinder -> Pyrrha, and Jaune -> Penny, particularly in putting that cycle of unnatural resurrection to rest).
I don't know how to cap off this post. Sorry other Jaune fans, if you want to know what I think about him and the things he does it's more in The Distance Which Fools the Skimming Eye, though I think I do post about him quite a bit? I don't know. Maybe I'm just self-conscious in thinking I don't come off like a proper Jaune apologist. Lol
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houseofhurricane · 2 years
I want to take a minute to talk about why I think Bryce's time in Prythian and with the Inner Circle will be short, and why I don't think we'll be getting a full-scale Avengers Assemble crossover in CC3.
Let's start with precedent.
First, the last book in an SJM series has always started with the protagonist in a location they have to escape. In ACOTAR, this is Feyre at the Spring Court in ACOWAR, which takes up about 15% of that book. In TOG, this is Aelin in the coffin in KOA, which takes up approximately the first third of that book. I'm noting percentages because I think they're useful to consider. While Feyre's stint in the Spring Court is shorter, hers is the only perspective in ACOWAR, so to move the action forward, SJM had to get her out of the Spring Court quicker. In contrast, TOG's multiple perspectives meant that Aelin in the coffin wasn't necessarily holding back the story.
As a result, it seems likely that Bryce will spend up to a third of CC3 out of Midgard. Keep in mind, though, that Bryce's ultimate destination is Hel, so that time will likely be split between Prythian and at least one other location.
Second on precedent, let's consider SJM's previous crossover: Aelin falling through Velaris, as well as Crescent City. This is a blink-and-you-miss-it moment, but it's actually really effective for readers of both series. We get to see Feyre and Rhys, find out that Feyre is pregnant (moving that plot forward slightly!), we confirm that the ACOTAR world is distinct from the TOG world, and Rhys helps ensure that Aelin reaches her world intact. It's quick, it's satisfying, and, perhaps most impressively, it achieves all of that without impeding the ongoing plot of KOA.
Which brings me to my next point: SJM has truly not set up the Crescent City universe for a full-on crossover.
In my opinion, part of what makes the Avengers crossovers work is that the individual heroes' movies have pretty trimmed-down casts, and the hero is always the star of the show. For example, you're not going to watch Iron Man for more of Pepper Potts, and as great as Zendaya is, I don't know that people are watching Spiderman just for her. When the heroes all come together, the rest of the world falls away.
If this were what SJM was going for, I think that we would've seen her trimming away at the characters in HOSAB. We would have focused on a core group, perhaps even just Bryce and Hunt, so that there would be space for all the new characters. Instead, SJM does the opposite: she introduces a ton of characters who are not only compelling, but capable of moving the plot forward. Don't believe me? Here's an incomplete list: Lidia, Baxian, Celestina, the Ocean Queen, Ariadne, and Cormac.
Plus, SJM spends a lot of time developing characters she introduced in HOEAB, giving them arcs and backstories and complexity we didn't see before. Ruhn, Ithan, and Tharion are the primary characters who receive this treatment, but Flynn and Declan get extra attention, too.
With all these characters and arcs, there literally isn't page time for the Inner Circle (or the High Lords, etc) to inhabit this book as fully-realized characters with arcs. It would be a disservice to the Crescent City characters, and rather than worrying that SJM doesn't realize that, I think she's made it pretty clear that she will do the Crescent City characters justice, and give them a book that primarily resolves their stories and arcs.
On a plot level, the Crescent City crew doesn't need the Inner Circle to save them, or even to advise them. They will likely benefit from having Truth Teller (I've written a bit more on that here), and of course if Rhys or the other High Lords could spare armies, I'm sure nobody would object, but is Rhys even in a position to offer the Illyrian or Darkbringer armies at this point? Bryce very likely still needs to go to Hel.
And this brings me to the main reason why I think this crossover is going to be short: SJM is always driving after the emotional stakes for the characters. There are emotional stakes to Bryce's being in another world when her mate and her brother are captive. There are emotional stakes for Bryce going to Hel. As fun and shocking as it is to see Bryce in Prythian, the only stakes for her revolve around Truth Teller.
Let's talk about object quests for a minute. SJM, up to this point, has always treated them as secondary to character arcs. Consider Nesta looking for the Mask and the Harp in ACOSF. Once she feels ready to find those objects, she finds them quite easily -- she doesn't need to go to secondary locations, for example, or fight enemies to keep the Trove in her possession. The point is Nesta's character arc, not the Dread Trove. SJM's mythology is always treated similarly, as information that drives the plot and character arcs, rather than an end in itself.
If SJM wanted to, she could have set this crossover up with emotional stakes for the characters. Instead, she set us up with information, mythology and objects. While these are cool and I think will have implications across both ACOTAR and CC, I believe that she purposefully made sure there wasn't a character or plot arc that required the crossover. These characters will exchange information and likely Azriel will have to give Bryce Truth Teller, but I think that most of their time will be occupied by trying to help Bryce get out of Prythian. (I think it's possible that 1-2 ACOTAR characters might travel with her, but overall it seems likelier that these characters stay in the Night Court.)
Finally, keep in mind that there is only one book left in the Crescent City series. SJM has said as recently as the HOSAB tour that her contract for this series is three books. While Bloomsbury did extend her contract for TOG, SJM was a brand-new author then. Signing her for a seven book series was a huge risk. She's now incredibly successful. If she had wanted to write a longer series, I have no doubt that Bloomsbury would have given her that contract with their blessing. With one more book, with so many character arcs to resolve, with SJM's commitment to character over object quests or mythology, and with her precedent for protagonists in the last books of her series, I think that we're going to spend some brief but quality time in Prythian before Bryce continues her journey.
Of course, SJM is the queen of satisfying plot twists, so if I'm wrong about this, I'm sure I'm going to enjoy the journey.
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wedreamedlove · 2 years
Hi, wishing you a wonderful day!! Can you tell me how many nicknames does Jesse have and the nicknames that he given to MC??
Sorry if it's a troublesome question 😅
don't worry, it's not a troublesome question but i also don't follow his fan group or anything so this is just a list from memory.
unofficially, he has the nickname 00. i wrote a post explaining the fan nicknames for the guys here.
in the game, Jesse and the heroine call each other a lot of nicknames based on what they're currently doing in a date (honestly, the same goes for the other guys. nicknames are everywhere). but the most common ones are:
大小姐 (Miss) = another translation can be missy.
姐姐 (Big Sister) = self-explanatory, haha.
小祖宗 (Little Ancestor) = used whenever he’s asking for mercy or trying to coax the heroine to stop being angry. it’s because chinese people place emphasis on filial piety so an ancestor has a larger standing over you.
大设计师 (O’ Great Designer) = whenever he’s being cheeky and praising the heroine.
some uncommon ones are him using 学姐 (Senior Sister, for school and stuff) or 妹妹 (Little Sister, used once in a date).
the heroine calls him these things most of the time:
汤圆 (Tangyuan) = his childhood nickname! it’s literally the glutinous rice dessert.
夏鸣星 (Xia Mingxing) = his chinese name and it’s pretty important because they make a very strong distinction between Xia Mingxing and Jesse in the game. Jesse is his stage name and sometimes he worries that he loses himself in his roles and doesn’t know who he is at the end, so the heroine once told him that Jesse belongs to the stage and the world, but Xia Mingxing belongs to her.
夏/汤圆同学 (Classmate Tangyuan/Xia) = whenever she’s being teasing about something.
the uncommon ones are whatever is happening in a date and you can just stick a noun beside 夏 so she’ll call him Magician Xia, Bartender Xia, etc etc.
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ginjointsintheworld · 2 years
I see Leyla getting a lot of flack after this episode and I don't think it's fair. Leyla basically went to Lauren with her tail between her legs and you could see the anguish on her face, because that was the very very Last thing she wanted to do - ask Lauren for Money. Of all things. But even the most prideful person knows that when it comes to literally fighting for you life, that pride must give way, no matter how painful.
I find it so sad and unfortunate that Lauren thinks their relationship will be transactional, but can you blame her? She still has "you tried to own me. You bought me. That's not love." hovering around her head, a lullaby every night since then, if you will...that hasn't been addressed (we can only hope it will), she has no assurance of any sort that this r/ship will thrive again, so she is right to feel that way. At the same time, she knows Leyla isn't using her. Saying that was also major key!
I know that Leyla saying nothing so far about how she feels (even though her facial expressions have said alot.. HELLO, Shiva, Welldone, Shiva) and Lauren being more expressive continues to give the impression to some that this love is mostly one-sided. And you have people thinking that.
I hope they address the Elephant still in the room (I mean, they have to at this point if not, just throw the writers in the bin) and we hear Leyla final say all what her heart feels and what her facial expressions alone have said for so long.
And maybe, just maybe Leyla will finally learn that we all need a helping hand, especially an immigrant in a new country, alone and very far from home. And that helping hand can be lunch, a good word, connections, a room for the night or $200k. And genuine help is not about being owned, or bought or expecting you to repay in some way. A lot of times, it means just that, Help with no strings attached.
Finally, Shalla to Lauren still using that hard conversation to tell Leyla how much she admires her strength, fight and courage. That's Love!
That's the woman she fell in love with!
i have no desires to mince words, the flack leyla is getting from this episode is bullshit. the 5th spot situation and this visa situation are in no way comparable. i bristle at the implication that leyla is hypocritical or helpless for coming to lauren about this because leyla has done everything in her power to handle it herself. helpless, would have been giving up and accepting that because she didn't have the money to retain a lawyer, she should accept deportation. hypocritical would've been.... honestly i don't even have an example for hypocritical in this situation because it's such VASTLY difference circumstances and stakes.
i've maintained since day 1 that i didn't want to see leyla as someone who would follow her pride off a cliff. like you said, this is most likely a literal fight for your life situation for leyla and that's something her pride should not supercede.
we've seen lauren internalize the words of people she loves and respect have said to her (helen's "you've gone soft and it's putting your patients' lives in danger") so it doesn't come as a surprise to me that she still holds onto what leyla said. but part of what I really loved about their conversation in the OR is that they're both worried about the other person resenting them for their part in this situation and they make all the efforts to try and communicate their side of it. I know leyla hasn't been vocal in how she's been feeling after everything but the very pointed shots that capture her reaction to lauren's words convey all the things that she's not ready to say yet. all the love that she still carries for lauren, all the love she knows lauren still carries for her but she can't accept quite yet.
you know me, I'm still foolishly holding out hope that we'll get leyla acknowledging there's a distinction between help and charity and possession. she's human and complex and imo, it does more of a disservice to her as a character for us to always accept her words and mindset as infallible.
listen!!!! lauren will always take any and every opportunity to remind leyla what a strong, talented, brave, admirable person she is whether it's shouting it from a rooftop or whispered quietly between them and the cover of four walls. come what may, that will never change.
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Hello! If you’re free, I was wondering if I could have a request where 15y/o Dazai meets his future s/o which he feels comfortable around them and has good impression abt them. Like he’s wandering somewhere and suddenly run into them. They have a chitchat abt their thoughts on something and have fun talking to each other. Then leave and meet again when he joins ADA. (s/o is a weird kind of person, like out of this world)
I’m not an English speaker so sorry for my terrible English y-y. Btw, i love your writings!!💟
This is such an amazing idea! I had fun writing this! And dw, your English is spectacular ♡ Enjoy, dove!
Dazai Osamu x gn! Reader||Reader has a time traveling ability
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You were a time traveler. Your ability allowed you to visit places from different timelines. The only drawback was that you aged no matter where you were, even if you were using your ability. This meant that if you wanted to enjoy the present, you had to ensure that you didn't spend much time in the past. You couldn't visit the future.
But that was okay. You loved finding out the root of all problems. That's why you joined the ada. Your ability helped them to identify who the perpetrator was. You would travel in the past and be there at the crime scene at the right time. Then you'd come back and reveal important information like the hiding place of the murder weapon, or if they had been looking at the wrong suspect all along.
You were currently investigating the death of a businessman. His body had turned up near the docks. It was highly decomposed, and probably atleast 2 years dead. You decided to travel 2 years into the past, and made your way to the docks. While searching for the potential crime scene, you bumped into someone. A mop of brown hair stood a few steps ahead of you. The boy wore bandages all over his arms and neck, and had an eye covered. Judging by the absence of any outline of his eye on the bandage that covered it, and the lack of moisture, his eye probably wasn't injured at all. He was probably only wearing bandages to appear weak. But this was just an assumption on your part.
"Ah, I'm so sorry, boy. I didn't see you there!"
He looked at you with a dead look in his eye, then gave you the fakest smile to ever exist.
"It's alright. May I ask what you are doing at a place like this?"
You were taken aback by his cold demeanor. It reminded you a lot of your own self.
"I'm here to investigate a death."
You said. His eyes darkened at your words.
"You see, the body will be discovered two years later. No tangible evidence will be recovered, then. So I must find something useful here, now."
The boy smirked.
"Time traveling ability?"
You smiled.
His smirk dropped and he glared at you.
"I see. This is a dangerous adventure, dear. You might get caught in a string of trouble, one that might lead you to harm."
The boy's aura and dark look had made you suspicious about his employers, but now you were certain that he worked for the mafia.
"Don't worry. I'm pretty positive that the murder wasn't committed by someone from the mafia."
His surprise was momentary, but obvious. It caught your eye.
"Before you ask, no, I don't know your future self. Also, the method of the crime doesn't match the mafia's M.O."
He nodded, thinking.
"Well in that case, I don't think you and I should be enemies."
He chirped, a happy look on his face.
You were taken aback by the sudden change in his mood.
"Sure, kid."
You said, patting his shoulder and walking away, trying to find the crime scene. The area was littered with compartments and shipment goods. It all looked so similar, almost like a maze.
"Hey, kiddo, can you lend me a hand?"
He blinked in confusion.
"Um. Sure."
He was confused as to why you weren't afraid of him. You clearly knew he was from the mafia, but you still acted so casually around him. It made him think that you either represented somebody powerful, or worked for an influential employer.
You rummaged through your pocket, trying to find the picture. Handing him the the snap of the crime scene, you observed him as he peered into the paper.
"This way."
He said, walking between two cargo containers, and leading the way.
"I never got your name, boy."
He shrugged, peering at you over his shoulder.
"Does it really matter?"
You mimicked him, raising your shoulders in a lazy shrug.
"Maybe, maybe not. But I'd like to call you something other than 'boy'."
He hummed in thought.
"How about 'knight in shining armour'?"
You scoffed.
"I get the whole 'I'm helping you, so I'm a knight' thing, but I'm no damsel in distress."
He smirked.
"Oh? And what if I were to abandon you here? What would you do?"
You smirked.
"I'd find my way on my own. I don't need you, eye-patch."
He grinned at you smugly, stopping in his tracks and moving towards you. He leaned in, his face almost touching yours.
"And what if I were to overpower you, hmm? What would you do then?"
You shuffled closer to him, much to his surprise. You whispered near his ear.
"I'll ensure that you'll never be able to have kids."
Pushing him back, you snatched the picture from his palm, and continued searching for the location. He was astonished at your bravery. He always comes across as intimidating, and that was putting it mildly. You were very courageous.
Following you like a lost puppy, he watched you hide behind a bunch of wooden crates.
You patted the space next to you, beckoning him to sit there.
"The show's about to start, eye-patch."
You took out your camera and were ready to click.
That's when two men, clad in expensive suits walked over. One of them was explaining something to the other.
You began clicking a few snaps.
The guy who was observing, turned his back on the other for a second. That's when he brandished his knife and plunged it into the other's back. You were furiously tapping away on the camera's button, determined to get every detail of proof.
The victim suffered atleast 50 stabwounds, 53 to be exact, when the killer decided to stop and hide the body. You snapped every single second of the ordeal.
When the killer left the crime scene, the two of you got up, and dusted your clothes.
"Do you have any plans after this?"
He asked you.
"Well, not really. I was planning to grab a drink, maybe something to eat, before heading back."
You said.
"Or heading 'ahead', since I'm going to the future. I don't even know."
Dazai nodded his head.
"How about I treat you to a drink?"
You eye him suspiciously.
"I have no reason to harm you. You literally don't belong here, so I've got no reason to hurt you."
You hum in acknowledgement.
"Okay then. Lead the way."
"How old are you?"
He asked, swirling his drink in his glass.
"A few years older than you."
"You have so many questions, don't you, eye-patch. "
Dazai hummed, taking a sip.
"Consider me intruiged by your... ability."
He turned in his bar stool to face you.
"Why didn't you prevent it from happening?"
"Because if I break the flow of time, or even mess with it, everything will go haywire."
"And if you were able to prevent it, without disrupting the flow of time, would you have intervened?"
You gaze at your own glass.
"I would do some heavy research before I make my decision."
Dazai was curious. Did you not want to save people?
"Everybody has a reason for murder. Nobody wakes up one day and decides to kill someone. I'll dig into their lives and find out why the killer did it. And I'll decide whether or not preventing the murder would save an innocent life, or harm many others in the future."
"So, in short, you intend to play God."
You chuckled.
"If given the power, who in their right mind would turn down the offer? Everybody wants to play God. Our entire society is built that way. The one who has more money, more power, more influence, has the right to play God to those beneath them."
Dazai found you very interesting. The way you viewed the world was so unique. You were a textbook 'good person' but could easily become the 'bad guy' if given the resources. Good or bad doesn't really matter to him, he finds the difference between the two very confusing.
"Doesn't that make you, and everybody who has power, a "bad" person?"
You chuckled.
"Funny coming from a mafioso."
Downing the rest of your drink, you answer his question.
"The distinction between good and bad is so distorted. The same set of actions can be termed as good for certain circumstances, and bad for others. The villain is always the hero when you try to see the world through his shoes, and the hero is always the villain for those supporting the so called 'bad guy' ."
"I agree. I don't care about what's 'good' or 'bad' ,either."
"Then what do you follow?"
"What do you mean?"
"There must be some set of rules that you abide by. What are they?"
"I.. Don't have any. I'm a free bird!"
You tap your chin in thought.
"One must have something to fall back on when they don't know what to do. Something to blindly follow. For example, I follow a set of rules created by my morals and values. When I don't  know how to proceed, I remember them and act accordingly. "
Dazai observed you as you spoke, absorbing every single syllable that floated out if your luscious lips. He was attracted towards opinionated, strong and focused people. He adores the look on people's faces when they speek about their passions, and express their opinions on matters. Even if he disagreed with them, the fact that they have a strong reasoning behind their actions, and the way they calmly portray their points so skillfully, makes him like them more.
The way you were effortlessly articulating your inner thoughts was something that he was fascinated by. He had so much going on inside, so much turmoil, that it was impossible for him to express it out in words. But you seem to be so sorted and disciplined. He loved that about you.
"You'll get there someday, eye-patch. Don't worry. "
You comforted, smiling at the young man.
He smiled back at you. For the first time that day, he had given you a genuine smile.
"You should smile more. It suits you."
He blushed at your words. It was a weird feeling for him. He didn't understand why his face was heating up, or why his ears felt like they were on fire.
Flicking your wrist to check the time, you sighed.
"Well, time to leave."
Dazai held your wrist as you were about to get up.
You looked at him quizzically.
"Will we meet again?"
You tilted your head and smiled at him.
" I can't say for sure, but I do hope that we do."
With that, he watched you walk out of the bar. He only respected Odasaku. But now, he respected you, too.
Time skip to a few weeks later.
"L/N san, please get yourself together, we're expecting a new member to join us, soon."
You laid on the couch of the ada as Kunikida rambled on about how everyone must be in their best behavior to greet their newest member. Yosano was handling most of it, so Ranpo and you had no work to do.
"Yes, yes, Doppo. Also, it's Y/N."
You said, stretching your arms above your head.
"Y/N kun, you need to try this new type of cookie. It has two different flavors!"
Ranpo said, offering you a cookie from his bag.
You smile at him, accepting it.
"I know, right!"
"Ranpo san, Y/N san! Please come here! Our newest member has arrived!"
Both of you lazily got up and strolled over to the front of the office.
"What is the big deal, Doppo-"
You stopped mid sentence when you saw the person standing at the doorway.
Dazai's eyes widened when he saw you, the one person who had managed to intruige him other than his deceased friend, standing in the office. The office where he was to work at, today onwards.
He said, pointing at you.
You scoffed at his choice of nickname.
"Ha! I knew your eye was fine!"
"Do you both know each other?"
Kunikida asked.
"Ofcourse they do. They met a long time ago, right, Dazai?"
Ranpk said, muching on his sweets. Ofcourse, he figured it out.
"Well, not that long ago for me."
You smiled.
Dazai had finally met you. He was elated.
"I'm glad we met again."
"Don't worry, eye-patch, we have a lot of time to catch up. ;)"
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n1kolaiz · 3 years
"Man fears death and yet, at the same time, man is drawn to death. Death is endlessly consumed by men in cities and in literature. It is a singular event in one's life that none may reverse. That is what I desire."
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Character Analysis: Dazai Osamu
Age: 22 || Ability: No Longer Human
I've done a lot of research concerning Dazai's character because of how complex he'd initially appeared to me. It is still a question as to what his personality type is; some say he's an ENTP while others argue that he's an INTJ, and his enneagram would most likely be 7w8 (The Realist), but that isn't the thing I'm going to focus on.
According to general databases and fan analyses, his temperament is dominantly melancholic. A person's temperament is basically how they react to and live in this world. For those of you not interested in such details, don't worry, I'll get to my point.
The melancholic behaviour is characterised by individualism, self-reliance, and reservation. People of the melancholic temperament are described as having been overcome with sorrow and depressive thoughts, which is beyond the feeling of "just being sad."
Nonetheless, they are generally calm beings, with a tendency to hide how they truly feel by keeping their composure, even in events that demand severe reaction otherwise. Other aspects of melancholic temperaments is that they are absorbed in the cruelty and tragedy of this world, and tend to get lost in their thoughts.
Sound familiar?
Dazai is seen to be as the comic relief of the adaptation, and he'd never fail to bring about a sense of lightheartedness to relieve the serious moments; we all know that for sure. Remember the time both him and Kunikida found Nobuko Sasaki in that godforsaken hospital, and how Kunikida asked him about his opinion on the current state of affairs?
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But, despite having developed a calm and serene personality, Dazai's dark side was more apparent during the Dark Era. There was a type of intimidating and arrogant flair evident in his behaviour, or even on his face. It was the type of demeanour that came off cold and terrifying to the rather unlucky people he dealt with. In a moment's notice, they could literally die by his hands. And I believe most of them usually did. It was during this time, he was more brutal and vicious. He lacked remorse. Plus, Dazai's suicidal ideations were more dense during this Era, and his suicidal tendencies did not do anything to alleviate the depth of how dark his character was posed to be.
Side note: Unfortunately, people misunderstand this 'depressed' part of Dazai; they minimise his character so much to the point that people use only a single word to describe him: suicidal. He is, in fact, so much more than that. I'll elaborate more on that in a while.
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"Hey, Odasaku, do you know why I joined the Mafia? I joined the Mafia because of an expectation I had. I thought if I was close to death and violence—close to people giving in to their urges and desires, then I would be able to see the inner nature of humankind up close. I thought if I did that… I would be able to find something—a reason to live."
Dazai's approach to life is that of an aimless soul, weary of the world's oppressions and exhausted from the concept of living itself. Nevertheless, what he said above about having an expectation made me realise something: he had a goal, which he wasn't that enthusiastic about achieving—seeking for a reason to carry on with life. So he joined the Mafia.
And there, he met Oda Sakunosuke.
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Despite how resilient Dazai carried himself to be (especially during the Dark Era), this specific excerpt stands in direct opposition of how he effortlessly embodied all things daunting:
"With every step I take, I feel as though the earth has opened up into a bottomless pit as I fall endlessly. As Dazai pointed to his forehead and approached the muzzle, the look on his face – like that of a child about to burst into tears – had already been branded upon my eyes."
- quoted by Oda Sakunosuke, excerpt from Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era Light Novel.
When I read this, it sent my mind into a spiral of despair and confusion. It was so vague, yet it made so much sense. Dazai was desperate to escape from this life, but part of him seemed to live in conflict with his desire for death. I won't elaborate more on this, because this specific excerpt has personal meaning to me, as I'd expect it to have for others as well; so I wouldn't want to ruin anyone else's perception on it.
Back to my point: Odasaku was one of the only characters who managed to interpret the complexity of Dazai's mindset and was able to compartmentalise the specific details of his persona that made Dazai the way he was. Oda knew that Dazai wasn't just suicidal.
"For most things in life, it's harder to succeed than fail. Wouldn't you agree? That's why I should attempt suicide rather than commit it! Committing suicide is difficult, but it should be relatively easier to fail at attempting suicide!"
Others boasted about how he was just a suicidal maniac, and that was only because of how good Dazai was at concealing his own feelings whilst flamboyantly priding himself in new, risky techniques, which he sometimes elaborated on. But Oda, on the other hand, saw through his jokes, and empathised with his friend, never wanting to ever barge into his vulnerability without Dazai's permission, but still trying to be there for him.
"Listen. You told me if you put yourself in a world of violence and bloodshed, you might be ale to find a reson to live. You won't find it. You should know that. Whether you're on the side that takes lives or the side that saves them, nothing beyond your own expectations will happen. Nothing in this world can fill the hole that is your loneliness. You will wander the darkness for eternity."
Notice how Odasaku recognised Dazai's despair, before Dazai even dared to acknowledge his very own emotions? That was why, at Oda's death, he took the initiative to uncover Dazai's bandaged eye to show him that there was no use in concealing his feelings anymore.
Odasaku's last words to Dazai was to "be on the side that saves people," for he was aware that even though Dazai didn't believe there was a clear distinction between good and evil, he thought that perhaps Dazai would find meaning in his life, even if it was just a little bit of purpose.
In Dead Apple, we briefly relive this moment, but I'll write more on that some other time.
And when Dazai joined the ADA, he loses that dark side to him. No, wait, let me rephrase that: he loses a part of that dark side to him. He eliminated the raw sense of bitterness against the world from his face, and instead, he is seen to be a little more passive, and a little more adaptive. No doubt, he still does explicitly state his desire to die, but his wishes are very specific, if you know what I mean.
And a few years later, his journey with Atsushi began.
Atsushi and Dazai's relationship is just one of a kind. I think it isn't a matter of whether Atsushi needed Dazai, or whether Dazai needed Atsushi. It's the fact that they both needed each other. It's the way they both worked hand in hand, and how they sustained each other in ways they were lacking.
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The two were polar opposites, but they had a tender kind of warmth embedded in their protectiveness for each other. Atsushi was just as lost as Dazai, but somehow, they worked together just fine. It was like their duality was meant to be. It was the type of symbiotic relationship, where their care for each other was implied, but very deep.
Does this also sound familiar... perhaps, in relation to Dazai's friendship with Odasaku?
Side note: Oda and Atsushi have the same enneagrams, which is Type 2, 'The Helper.'
There is a sort of balance that is brought about by two opposites. Odasaku taught Dazai many things, and I believe Oda learned a lot about a man's life from the way Dazai lived out his life with the innate desire to die. Atsushi sought for the right to live, while Dazai searched for a reason to live; in addition, Dazai validated Atsushi's feelings, and Atsushi was able to acknowlegde the amount of pain Dazai was going through.
Despite how Dazai's perspectives and beliefs stood in contrast with those of Oda's and Atsushi's, a type of inseparable bond connected the man who no longer felt like he was human, to the people who was the most human.
No Longer Human in the Japanese romaji is 'Ningen Shikkaku.' Ningen means "human," and Shikkaku means "disqualified." The late author, Dazai Osamu, wrote the book No Longer Human. He had gone through the rough throes of trauma and wrote this book as a semi-autobiography, whose plot was centred around a man who faked happiness, for he was tainted by the truth that everyone around him was fake themselves. He turned his life into a joke in order to protect himself from the delusions of this world.
This brings us back to the melancholic temperament, where a person was too deeply immersed in the sad truths of reality and the world itself.
And that's what Dazai's character and ability is based on: being disqualified as a human being, because he wasn't well-versed with what being human was actually like. The fabrications of being human sprung up all around him, but he wasn't willing to be fooled by how ingenuine the world truly was.
“I am convinced that human life is filled with many pure, happy, serene examples of insincerity, truly splendid of their kind—of people deceiving one another without (strangely enough) any wounds being inflicted, of people who seem unaware even that they are deceiving one another.”
- excerpt from Dazai Osamu's No Longer Human.
People who don't feel human emotions or don't react to circumstances the way humans do have a variety of ways of explaining how they feel inhuman. They are highly intelligent, which separates them from the average class of humankind, since they've analysed and untangled the truths of life in order to attain understanding, which they value above all else. But, this understanding of the world and its painful truths results in a deep kind of sorrow, which only a few people can seem to empathise with in order to help them out with that burden.
“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.”
-excerpt from Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment.
Don't you think that this deep sorrow that lies in the heart of the intelligent, makes them the most human of all? They're too human, to the point where they don't feel human. Perhaps, it is a type of defence mechanism, where the mind numbs the heart from feeling normal human emotion, because logically breaking down such concepts is easier than feeling them. But it comes at a price. The heart is willing to recklessly comprehend and fathom any sort of emotion, including pain in its true form, but the mind bears more pain in understanding such concepts because it seeks to decipher every single agonising detail of how complex human emotions are. The mind thinks, the heart feels. There is a clear distinguishing factor between the two. Whether feeling hurts more than thinking, or thinking hurts more than feeling, or whether both these processes work hand-in-hand to make up the reality of life itself, is up for an individual to decide.
Only a few people can seem to empathise with intelligent people who are deeply sad at heart, in order to help them out. As for Dazai, it was Atsushi and Oda. They never took away the pain, but they made him grow from it; it worked vice versa, too.
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Of course, there are less tedious and more appealing aspects to the concept of Dazai's intelligence. Dazai was seen as a threat to his enemies because of how manipulation and his keen skill of deduction made up how sharp his mind was. Besides, no one could commit '138 murders, 312 cases of extortion, and 625 cases of fraud, along with various and sundry other crimes,' without having a certain level of intelligence, right?
Dazai had the moral alignment of 'chaotic neutral.' He was more focused on using his intellect to achieve the desired end results of a predicament, and he wasn't afraid to use the wrong means. A famous example was when he deflated the airbags of Ango Sakaguchi's car in order to gain the assured protection of Kyouka Izumi.
Justice is a weapon. It can be used to cause harm, but it cannot protect or save others.
Another example was when he blew up Chuuya Nakahara's car.
Just kidding. That was just a simple pastime (;・∀ ・)
His moral alignment points to what Oda said about him: the part where he mentioned that Dazai didn't really see any difference between good and evil. As long as his ends were achieved, especially if it were in the benefit of his fellow colleagues, he wasn't afraid to exploit, threaten, or endanger others' wellbeing. Because, at the end of the day, the end result triumphed the morally bad methods utilised to achieve it, correct? He always had a reason for his motives and actions, even if those actions were evil and inexcusable.
(eg. action: the psychological abuse he bestowed upon Akutagawa Ryunosuke.
motive: to enable him to hone his own ability favourably and to curb his arrogance)
But the consequences of one's actions will always catch up with a person, no matter what heights they've achieved.
Okay, we're reaching the end of my rambling very soon, I promise.
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“If I had to go, I’d like to go out just as beautifully.”
“I’d prefer you don’t go.”
This part of the post is highly inspired by iwachuwu!!
An important factor of Dazai's development is highlighted BSD Wan's episode 10:
I'd like to appreciate that this scene focuses on how much Dazai actually means to Atsushi. When Atsushi responds with "I'd prefer you don't go," he said it lightheartedly for he thought Dazai was joking. But he wasn't. And once Atsushi absorbed the fact that Dazai meant what he said, he was overwhelmed with anguish at the thought of ever losing Dazai. Dazai, on the other hand, had a sense of longing on his expression. There was that look of pure desperation on his face. He was so desperate, yet he knew he couldn't act on his desperation due to a promise he'd made to someone dear to him. But keep in mind, Dazai is unpredictable, so we can never be sure of what's going on in that headspace of his.
Nevertheless, this time, Atsushi recognised Dazai's suffering, as no one usually cared to do, and Dazai didn't put in any effort to hide how he truly felt, as he habitually did. And this mutual emotional connection happened countless times during all the times Oda spent with Dazai as well.
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To summarise,
Dazai's character had been carefully wired and patterned out in a way only a few would put in the effort to understand. Dazai was more than just suicidal; he was a being wandering from place to place with no specific aim. He was too smart for his own good. Dazai understood too well of how the world worked and deemed it void of any sort of hope.
Side note: Yes, the truth does come at a price, but it all comes down to how a person understands the truth. As for Dazai (both character and the author he was based off upon), well, it was quite tragic. But that's the way it is for some people, I suppose. But everyone has a different path to travel on, remember that.
His transition from working with the Port Mafia to the Armed Detective Agency was proof of how well-executed his character development was. It was two different personas morphed into what he is today: a womaniser with questionable morals a person who is still standing even after the rough refining process endowed upon him by the realities of this life.
However, he had people along the way come and teach him a thing or two, which perhaps made his life a little more interesting. Perhaps these people were passing clouds that hid the void out of sight for just a moment, and Dazai was always seen to be grasping on to these moments, and letting them go whenever it was time to let go.
His outlook on life makes his intellect look all the more intriguing. It shows that not only does his intelligence contribute to his own wit and shrewdness, but also the practical sense of realism that explains how tired he is of the concept of living because of the truths there are to bear.
However he's enduring the pain right now is by far the most bravest thing a person could commit themselves to doing. It takes courage, and it takes strength, but only a few would ever take the time to recognise such efforts.
Dazai has one of the most beautiful character developments, but I do hope that the development doesn't reach its end anytime soon.
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fanart credits: @S7dOZPN3jWBB6cW on twitter
“Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness.
Everything passes.
That is the one and only thing that I have thought resembled a truth in the society of human beings where I have dwelled up to now as in a burning hell.
Everything passes.”
excerpt from Dazai Osamu's No Longer Human.
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the-mad-starker · 3 years
StarkerFestivals Holiday Exchange: Good Omegas
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For @kingnorth​, So this fill is mostly cock stupid cumslut omega Peter but I also took something from the other prompts to come up with this 😅 I hope you like it 💗
Good omegas obey their alphas. Even tied up with a gag and blindfold, good omegas obey. Peter wants to prove he's a good omega.
WC: 2661
(AO3 Link)
Notes: Bondage, a/b/o dynamics, omega Peter, alpha Tony, heat cycles, facial, some dirty talk (also the bondage in here is realllly superficially researched so please don't come after me 😱) also, position is loosely based on this reference pic Here for how Peter's tied up
Caught up in numbers and equations, it was easy for Tony's brain to push aside any distractions. It was only when the soft whimpers grew louder that the alpha finally turned away from the monitor and looked to the side where his favorite spiderling was bound and waiting.
Peter made such a pretty sight, smooth, lovely skin flushed pink. The omega had been stripped completely, naked except for the red bands that kept him tied up, pretty as a picture. Bold and beautiful, they tied his arms behind his back and connected with similar bands that bound his ankles to his thighs, leaving his immobile and hogtied on the floor. Red was such a vibrant and attention-grabbing color. It suited Tony but seeing his color on the sweet omega was a far better picture. 
Around his head, Tony's tie was secured over his eyes. From where he sat, Tony could even see where the tears soaked into the fabric and turned it into a darker red. The color matched the boy's pretty lips even while they were stretched around a ball gag.
The alpha wasn't too worried even though the boy was increasingly begging for his attention the longer he was kept there. The position wasn't the most comfortable but Tony's nanotech would adjust to Peter's needy little squirming to a certain point. For someone like Spider-Man who had such a bendy little body, it wasn't too much of a hardship.
No, the reason his pretty little omega was crying for him was because he wanted to get fucked. Tony was several feet away from the boy but even that short distance was too much. It was enough to have Peter try to entice him closer Once the alpha came closer, it'd be easier for him to seduce Tony and get what he really wanted. 
The alpha's cock.
Tony remained where he sat although once he was reminded of the visual his mentee made, his cock started hardening in his pants. The boy couldn't see him anyway so Tony felt completely at ease about bringing a hand to his cock.
"What's wrong, kid?" Tony asked, voice low and intimate, as he started to touch himself over his clothing. It felt good to acknowledge the building pressure in his body. "It hasn't even been ten minutes and you're already hopeless."
The omega's restless wiggling stopped as he listened to Tony speak. His entire body trembled from the heat and his scent was enough to intoxicate alphas from miles away. It was good that Tony's labs were scentproof, as well as soundproof.
When Tony didn't continue, the omega grew restless once more. A soft noise escaped the bound boy but Tony wasn't taking the bait just yet.
Instead, the alpha started unzipping his pants. Peter jerked as though he'd been slapped. Without the boy's loud whimpering, the sound of the zipper being pulled down made it clear just what Tony was doing. Peter recognized that sound and trembled from the implication.
"You know," Tony sighed as he looked at the omega with hungry eyes. "I didn't expect it of you, kid. Didn't think you'd have the balls to come here… Stinking of heat and fuck me pheromones… Oh, fuck… Already so fucking hard and it's your damn fault..."
Tony had been caught off guard when the boy showed up, literally presenting himself as a sweet little morsel for the alpha to devour. 
It was too easy to believe that he was an innocent victim to biology just like Tony.
But Peter was an omega and omegas like him were dangerous with their sweet scents capable of scrambling an alpha's mind. Wide-eyed with color creeping up his neck, the beginnings of a heat just setting in… Peter had grabbed onto the older man and clung to him with pleading eyes as though he wasn't dripping wet between his thighs and begging to be fucked.
Tony had resisted all the others in the past but Peter… He couldn't resist Peter. He didn't want to. But that didn't mean he had to give in right then and there. No, he was going to give the sweet boy what he wanted but on his terms.
If Peter wanted Tony Stark as his mate, he was going to have to earn it. He'd have to take the full brunt of Tony's desire that had built up over years and years of restraint, of knowing that touching Peter, sweet, innocent Peter, would've been the worst thing to happen to either of them.
Because Tony would never let him go once he did.
The alpha's cock was dripping for the boy. Big, fat, cloudy beads formed at the tip and dribbled down the thick hot length. He squeezed the tip and more slid down, leaving trails of glistening wetness to cover his cock.
Tony was producing so much precum, his body getting ready to fuck. To breed. He had never felt like this until Peter came into his life, into his territory, that brilliant spark of sharp intelligence glazing over with the savage hunger of heat.
"Mmph–" Peter made a soft protest, muffled around the gag. He could hear the distinctive sound of flesh on flesh, Tony jerking off as he watched the omega writhe against the bonds.
That sound, amongst all others, made something inside the alpha snap.
Tony got up and his cock was heavy enough that it didn't stand straight up. Instead, it swayed between his thighs, thick and undeniable, as he walked over to the bound boy.
Peter's fuck me pheromones assaulted him the closer he got and a lesser alpha would've just mounted the boy right then and there. Pressed the boy's face to the cool tiles of Tony's lab with the alpha himself rutting into him, hard and fast.
Tony didn't doubt for a minute that that wasn't what Peter wanted. The boy would be drooling around the gag, mindless and straight up drunk off getting his first alpha cock.
With a grunt, Tony grabbed those precious curls and urged the boy to his knees. Peter whimpered but he was so pliant, so willing to obey to get what he wanted.
Then, as though to make up for his rough behavior, Tony gently removed the tie.
There was a glassy sheen to Peter's eyes as he blinked in the dim light. Then those eyes of his focused, the black expanding hungrily as he was met with the alpha's cock right in front of his face. He strained forward, against Tony's grip, as though he wasn't currently gagged and could take the alpha's cock into his mouth.
"Ahh… mmm…" He still couldn't talk but he didn't need to. Tony knew what he wanted to say.
"Look at you…" Tony murmured, completely transfixed on his heat addled protege. "Smartest omega in the world… Could probably break these bonds like matchsticks and here you are… Drooling for my cock. Letting yourself be bound and tied up like this… Just so you can taste my cum, huh?"
Peter whimpered but he didn't deny it. Didn't shake his head. He slowly leaned forward and this time, Tony loosened his grip and let the boy nuzzle against his dripping cock.
The way Peter's eyes drooped to half-mast and the soft, desperate little moan… He was getting a good dose of Tony's scent, getting wetter and wetter just by breathing him in.
"Slutty little omega," Tony cooed, petting the boy's hair back to get a better look at his face. "Slutty little cumdump. You'd let me fuck you… Let me knot this pretty mouth of yours… You'd let me do all that without a mating bite, won't you?"
A sharp inhale was his answer, the boy's eyes widening with the proposition. They both wanted more than that but with Peter as he was, he wouldn't turn down Tony's offer. 
The answer was clear. 
He'd let Tony do it. Let the older man defile his body, his hole, his mouth…
Tony's mouth curled up into a pleased smile, his own gaze lowering to the boy's lips.
Peter didn't have those big pouty lips that were often featured on magazines whenever people praised soft omega features. They were thin and often chapped, something Tony noticed early on. It still didn't stop the alpha from wanting to see them bruised from his teeth or wrapped sweetly around his cock.
He caressed the boy's cheek, thumb brushing over the strap that held the gag in place. Peter turned towards his hand and nuzzled against his palm, beseeching for more.
"Oh, sweetheart… What a mess you've found yourself in," Tony sighed, his subconsciously swaying towards the boy. "But you're gonna have to be a good omega for me. Are you a good omega, baby?"
Peter nodded eagerly, doe eyes pleading for Tony's praise but the alpha just continued talking.
"We'll see, won't we? First, I'm gonna wreck this pretty mouth of yours," Tony told him softly, "and you're gonna let me. You're just gonna be a nice wet hole for my cock, okay, baby? Maybe once I clear my head, I'll fuck that needy hole of yours. Maybe even give you that knot you're crying about."
Tony knew Peter wanted to protest. He could see it in the way the boy trembled, that desperate need to get fucked overriding logical sense. Instead, he heeded Tony's words and melted into his touch, lashes drifting closed as he accepted his fate.
That was all Tony needed to start.
He didn't even need to activate his armor to haul the boy into the air. His muscles strained to do it but Peter was on the lighter build for omegas. He fit perfectly in Tony's arms.
It only took a moment for Tony to reach his destination. The setup had been created while Tony worked and Peter was made to wait.
He set Peter down in the middle of the lab and commanded his nanotech to work. It was often hard for people to grasp the concept of his nanotechnology but what was known only scratched the surface of their capabilities. Whenever they thought about it, they imagined the hard, unforgiving metal that made up his suits. They didn't think about how it was flexible or how it could change and bend to Tony's will.
Tony didn't need rope to haul the boy up into the air. The nanotech simply melded with the supple bands binding the boy and designed like this… It was everything he needed. It attached to a secure ring hanging from the ceiling, slowly shortening in length until Peter hung suspended in the air at just the right height. And because Tony didn't want to break his new omega, he added even more support to lessen the strain on the boy's body, more bands crossing over pale, flushed skin and joining to the ring.
He would need that support for what Tony was planning to do.
"Comfy?" Tony murmured as he petted Peter's hair.
The expression on Peter's face was one of awe and unrestrained eagerness. He knew what was coming.
Slowly but gently, Tony undid the gag and let it fall to the floor with a thunk. Like a good boy, Peter kept his mouth open, his pink little tongue just waiting for Tony's cock. His eyes fluttered closed as he gave himself to his alpha.
A pleased purr rumbled in Tony's chest as he moved closer, angling his aching cockhead to the boy's lips.
"That's it…" Tony hissed as he finally got to press his cock inside a nice warm hole. The thick mushroom shaped tip of his cock was already enough to stuff Peter's mouth full. "That's it, baby… Suck on alpha's cock…"
The boy couldn't help moaning as he tried. His lips stretched over Tony's tip and he sucked, sloppy and unrefined, just desperate to please his alpha. Regardless of technique or finesse, it still felt like heaven to the older man.
Tony's hips stuttered forward, intent on burying his cock down to the root. He wanted every inch in Peter's mouth, wanted the boy to take everything in until that cute little nose of his was buried in the short curls of Tony's groin.
"You can do better, kid…" Tony panted as he curled his fingers into Peter's hair, pulling him closer. "Gotta show me what a good omega you are… Gotta show alpha you can take all of it…"
Peter tried so hard, Tony could see how hard the boy tried. His brows were pinched together in concentration and his tears were gleaming in the corner of his eyes. His tongue writhed beneath the heavy weight of Tony's erection even as his cheeks hollowed in an attempt to suck him in.
He took the steady push of cock as best as he could and Tony did his best not to choke him with it. They'd play with that another time. Slow and steady, Tony fucked the boy's mouth, edging more and more of his length inside that lovely warmth.
With Peter suspended in the air, Tony was able to use it to rock the boy back and forth on his cock. Tony established a rhythm, fucking Peter's mouth and moaning over how fucking good it felt.
"That's it, Pete…" Tony groaned when the omega dutifully swallowed him down. The boy peered at him through his lashes, so beautiful with Tony's cock in his mouth. "So good, baby… Took every inch like a good omega…"
Tony licked his lips and felt that undeniable hunger to do more. To really fuck the boy's mouth.
"Now… Now, alpha's show you the next step…" Tony grunted as he started to really push and pull the boy into his cock. "Alpha's gonna need to fuck this mouth every day. Gotta make sure you can take it whenever I want it. Ugh, that's it, baby… Relax that throat… Let alpha fuck it just like this…"
Peter whimpered around his mouthful. His eyes were squeezed shut as Tony made good use of his mouth. In between the gasps of air and dirty moans, Tony heard that oh so distinctive sound of someone struggling to take it, grunts mixed with soft choking sounds.
The omega looked up at him, cock stupid and still begging for a taste of Tony's cum.
He gave it to him.
The alpha held the boy's face tight as he bottomed out. He grunted, his cock thickening and growing even more, encased as it was in the boy's throat. Peter's lips brushed against the knot and he whined, wanting that, too.
"Good omega…" Tony groaned. Peter didn't struggle, didn't fight against his alpha. He let Tony do whatever he wanted to him and even now, mouth full of cock, he only wanted to please the older man.
With a snarl, Tony pulled out and let loose on the boy's astonished face. Load after load, he spilled all that creamy essence across Peter's face, marking the omega as his.
Peter moaned in rapture, tongue hanging out and spit dripping down his chin and the corner of his lips. He was a mess, a beautiful mess, and Tony only made it worse.
The alpha's cum spilled all over his face. There was a shot of cum across the bridge of his nose. More dripped from his eyebrow and spilled down on his cheek. And of course, there was a good helping in his mouth.
Like a good boy, Peter held his alpha's cum, waiting with a fervent gaze as Tony took in his handwork. His omega was still hard, his cocklet leaking between his legs. Good.
Tony swiped his cum along the boy's mouth with his cum wet tip, adding more glaze to that pretty mouth.
"Lick every drop," Tony said, shivering when the boy's tongue slid out and swiped at the tip with hungry kittenish licks. "Good… Swallow it all down, baby. Get every single drop."
And like a good omega, Peter did. 
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
Episode 4. If You're A Masochist
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Putting your phone away after posting your latest update, you look around one more time for either of your cousins. The oldest, Ren, had left you with his brother Shin, strictly telling him not to leave you alone before he met back up with you both. But then you convinced Shin to call the car and drop off the bags you'd overloaded him with, agreeing to meet back here this cute café. It had been pretty easy to convince him, seeing as how you could barely make him out over the bags and boxes of items you'd bought for your friends and family back home. It was fair play, after all, you'd brought just as many gifts with you for your cousins here when you'd arrived.
Smiling as you tip the cup of coffee up to your lips, you consider if you've harassed him enough for the day or if you should top it off by ordering him something he'll hate just to see that distressed look on his face. He deserves it for the prank he pulled on you a few days ago, when they picked you up from the station, literally scaring you half silly when he snuck up from behind you, grabbed you, and started to run. You were pretty worried because not a single person in the busy terminal had tried to stop him even though you were clearly (momentarily) terrified and not aware of who had 'kidnapped' you until he'd finally put you down. You guess you should have expected this with him though, given you both have always messed around with each other, pulling fun pranks and stupid stunts, since the two of you were kids, but you'd gotten completely complacent since you'd last seen these oh so lovely cousins of yours.
If there was any doubt on whether you had any payback planned for Ren, well, he was the one who'd grabbed not only your bags but also several pictures of your embarrassing slip in composure, i.e. your briefly terrified face, and shared it with the world. So yeah, you were sure he was sleeping with an eye open for the time being, which is why you would call on your considerable patience before hitting him subtly and satisfyingly when he least expected it.
With that in mind, you head back to the counter to place another order and then ask if there are any specialty dessert shops in the area. Happy to hear of one pretty close, you're sure you'll be able to quickly head over and back before Shin returns.
The shop is as incredible as promised because it only takes them about ten minutes to prepare your custom order of mochi with a spicy twist. Trying one out, you can't help but enjoy the sweet flavour and texture even if you're disappointed that it doesn't seem to have the effect you were hoping for, until you feel the heat slowly build the more you chew. Oh. Oh my. Oh my g- Mouth burning, you quickly gulp at the coffee still in your hand to try and relieve the pain. Okay so.. it's perfect! Cue evil laugh.
You thank the brilliant artisans, because that's what they are, and promise to leave a review on your way out. It's not until you're walking by an alley (how typical, right?) between shops on your way back to the cat café, that you're pulled from your thoughts of not-so-sweet revenge.
"Give it up, kid." It's nothing alarming at first. Not until you hear the next cry.
"Don't touch me! Leave me alone!"
Um. What?
You've stopped even before you turn your head to look in at a couple older guys surrounding a little kid. Seriously, what's with the cliché? You honestly thought this only happened in anime but you guess dummies always prove people wrong.
Debating who you should call, because you're not going to assume adding yourself to the equation alone is going to be any help, you quickly look around only to realize that the only people passing by near or across the street either don't seem to care, or aren't the kind of people you'd feel comfortable asking for any assistance from. People can call you out on stereotyping but really, where's the kind but strong elderly gentleman or tough, no nonsense, do-gooder woman when you need one??
"Hey!" The tears in the kid's voice draw you back, with your head whipping around to witness one of the bullies reach out to grab his collar. Quick kid, he manages to dodge even if barely but he's about to be blindsided by one of the other guys.
You don't even have time to sigh at your stupidity as you run up between them as fast as you can, slapping the second guy's hand away from where it was reaching for the kid's arm.
With that loud sound and dramatic entrance, all eyes are now on you, but the element of surprise does provide enough time for you to pull the boy behind you and back the two of you up a bit so you're both not completely surrounded.
Okay, this kid barely reaches over your hip, he can't be older than about 6 or 7 maybe, what's he doing here alone?
"Well, well. What do we have here?" The first guy that had tried to grab the kid's collar studies you. You want to say his voice is annoying or that he's an ugly creep but he's just an average guy of about a few years older than you. The only distinct feature are his glasses and that's probably because you don't typically think of wannabe thugs in glasses. Again, so sue you for you conventional stereotypes, but you're in a kind of delicate situation to be worried about thinking inside the box.
"Why don't you tell me," You shoot back, pretty upset about this pathetic tableau, "since it looks like three guys old enough to know better than to bully little kids."
The third guy hasn't done much until now but he laughs at your statement and, okay, at least his laugh is kind of annoying, like a dumb donkey's braying. You hope he's trying to fake an evil laugh or something and that's not his real one? Seriously, it sounds forced and fake so you hope for his sake it really is or no one will trust him once they hear it if that's all he has to work with for the rest of his life. You're tempted to say that to his face, but you've also been told by your friends that your reckless impulses tend to escalate the situation when you need the opposite so you hold back.
Because you're outnumbered. With only a crying kid at your back, quite too literally.
"Oh no, we're not bullying him. He's my kid brother, you know? We were just messing with him since he was being a brat and grabbed the new games we just bought."
You hesitate, thinking it over. Did you make assumptions and jump in too fast? He didn't call out for help or say anything specific to indicate he didn't know these guys. You don't want to turn away to look him over, but he had been holding something clutched against his side.
You feel a little hand clench into the back of your dress and a couple tugs follow, so without turning away, you cast your gaze down and meet teary hazel eyes that are peering up with a little hope among the fear, "He's lying, oneesan, I don't know them."
"Ahh, stop lying and dragging the nice, pretty girl into this." Second guy speaks up, trying to reach around you to grab the kid, but you quickly shift the both of you back a bit more. You realize the wall is just behind you, if the kid's gasping sob means anything. You're out of space to maneuver.
So...you're in a tough spot, you've got your hands literally full and you're up against three guys that are definitely living up to your first impression of them. You don't really have time to think it over as 'glasses' loses patience and reaches for you directly, grabbing your arm that's holding the trick mochi and trying to pull you forward. "What's this? Maybe we should take it for the trouble you've added by interfering in a family issue."
"How about this instead?" And before you can pity the loss, you've thumbed off the lid to your delicious hot coffee that you guess won't get to finish drinking, and toss it in his face.
"Arhggh!" Wow, high pitched for a tough guy, but you really can't think about that right now. Goodbye, coffee, your sacrifice is appreciated.
"What the hell, you crazy b-"
"Don't bother, dumbass, it's probably not hot enough to permanently scar him at this point." True story, you like your coffee cooled down more than most.
They're staring at you like you're crazy but it's really just the recklessness you're known for. Although you should have held on to that reminder of your friends' warnings that ran through your head earlier because the situation has definitely been escalated if the mean, hateful looks that are appearing from behind their fake polite masks are anything to go by. They clearly weren't even trying that hard to pretend. While the second guy is supporting his friend who's flailing, 'Fake laugh' reaches for you, this time angled for the collar of your dress or even your neck, "You stupid bitch."
Oh okay. Well, I'm so sorry for my impertinence, god. This is payback for the mochi prank, isn't it? You actually roll your eyes upwards for a split second with that thought.
Then you prepare to drop the maybe-unlucky box for the coming fight but just before his hand reaches you, another suddenly shoots out and grabs it. Hard.
"Don't you know how to treat women, buddy?" Wow, now that's a nice voice.
Shifting your eyes to your left without turning your head, you catch sight of a handsome bedheaded guy about your age. You would probably be all heart eyes in any other situation- who are you kidding? This is literally the perfect situation.
"I don't think he does, but that's probably because he has zero experience with them." Yay, your mouth can run freely with your attitude now that you have some back up. Not that it stopped you earlier, though..
This new guy shifts his gaze to meet yours and looks pretty surprised at your smirky smile (yes you're calling it that). Why so surprised though? You guess you should have been crying or even praising this god for stepping in. Whatever, he's just a boy. Even if he is drool worthy.
He studies you and pauses briefly on the redness marking your wrist from where one of the guys had grabbed you and then his golden eyes flick down to the boy hidden behind you before focusing a steady stare back on the bullies, "I think you should leave before I really get pissed off."
He must be a magician because they vanish pretty fast after his low declaration, supporting their friend who's managed to wipe most of your precious coffee off of his slightly reddened face. Looks like, he'll live to be a dumbass another day. Could've told them that and avoided the escalation. Oh wait, you pretty much did, right?
The guy is turning back to you after watching them leave the alley and you reach for the little kid with the hand that once held your coffee. Feeling his little hand slip into yours, you start to walk the two of you towards the street while keeping your body angled so you don't completely turn your back on this new guy. You swear the amount of times you've had a situation like this turn into something unexpected is a little unnatural. "Wow. Well... Thank you, stranger, for your help."
He narrows those stunning eyes on you but you don't think he's angry, just a little confused for a moment, before he realizes you're equally wary of him. He moves out of the alley after you both, but thankfully not too closely, because you have to turn your back on him so you don't trip or walk into anyone once you reach the main street.
"It's Kuroo. Kuroo Tetsuro."
You silently startle around at the sound of his voice coming from a lot closer to you than expected but compose yourself quickly so as not to offend him by whirling around in alarm.
"Oh, uh.. nice to meet you." Okay, you both should be safe now. You turn back to face him and the kid is now glued to your side, tiny hands gripping your dress with both hands, one at your back and one at the front. At least it's not silk because that would leave quite the wrinkles. "Anyways... we have to get going now to find whoever lost this little guy."
His arm moves up, rubbing his hand in his hair at the back of his sheepishly tilted head. Probably can't get his hair any messier at this point. "That would be me."
"What?" You raise a disbelieving eyebrow. Always the unlikeliest odds with you and really, what are they anyways here in this situation? But it turns out he's not kidding and you're not misunderstanding.
"I'm the one who lost him. That's my little cousin you're trying to walk away with."
"Hey!" You protest his teasing implication, before looking down at the boy. The other guys tried this too, though.
So you delicately crouch down (aware you're in a dress and heeled ankle boots that could spell impending disaster if you lose your balance) to make sure you're at eye level with the kid. He's not crying anymore, but not looking happy or relieved either. Just staring back at you steadily, a little like the calm gaze of this other guy, actually, but let's not go with confirmation bias. Maybe he's just not an overly excitable kid to begin with.
"Do you know this guy?" You ask softly. He told the truth before, under the stress of a pretty scary situation, after all.
He looks over and up at the tall teen claiming to be his cousin before nodding. "Oh." You give the little boy a reassuring smile before leaning in to whisper in his ear, "Can I ask your name?"
And when you turn your ear to him so he can whisper a reply, you hear, "Itsuki."
Giving him another sweet smile, you stand back up and he's glommed right back onto your side. You meet the bedhead's eyes with your own slightly narrowed but steady too, and settle on a serious expression with an eyebrow raised. He hasn't looked away from you even once but that's fair considering you might actually be trying to take away his little cousin... whom he's lost already once today, if we're all being honest.
"What's his name?"
He raises an eyebrow to match yours, stance indicating he's in no rush but expression definitely amused, "You mean Itsuki?"
"Yeah.. okay, then." You look back down at the boy who's reluctantly releasing you as Kuroo moves closer to you both, your smile back on my face. "It was really nice to meet you, Itsuki. Thank you for being so brave and strong back there. I couldn't have sent those bullies away without you!"
"Or me?" Kuroo asks but it's not really a question more like an amused statement sliding into remind you that he did save you both in the end. Isn't he a little too close for politeness?
"I suppose." Now you have tilt your head back to look at him again. Argh, why is it like a compulsion to just stare your life away when you look into those eyes? "Thank you, then.. Kuroo."
"Not that you needed my help." Ohh, he's smirking at you and it. is. something. "You looked like you were mostly holding your own before I stepped in."
You laugh, because he's really just being nice and you don't know what expression your face might make after seeing his smirk if you don't pick amusement, "Pretty sure it was painfully obvious who brought the most advantage on our side if it came to a fight... and it wasn't me."
"Oya? Our side, huh? And what's your criteria for assessing that advantage?"
And before you can stop yourself, his question has you looking him up and down like.. like you're checking him out. Cue your blush. Ugh. You pass it off and try to push through, "What? I'm not supposed to notice that you have the physical advantage over me?"
Yeah, you worded that deliberately and wouldn't change it for anything because it's so worth it to see the red lightly tint his own cheeks. Yeah, I see your thoughts went there.
"Anyways," You start to step backwards, "Really, thank you."
You turn away to walk over to the coffee shop just another door down.
"Wait," You look over to see both Itsuki and Kuroo catch up to you quickly, the latter now holding on to the former gently but firmly, "I should be thanking you. You did step in to help my cousin when not many others would."
"Oya?" You copy his cute phrase with a look at him from the corner of your eyes and a teasing smile of your own, "How do you know he didn't step in to help me?"
"Somehow I doubt that." The three of you come to a stop in front of the coffee shop and Kuroo's distracted for a second, "Wait, this is your stop?"
"Yeah, why?"
He chuckles, "Ours too. We'd just stopped in here ourselves when Itsuki wandered away." We?
"Oh, I was here a little earlier too, but I needed to grab.." You lift the box, ".. this, for someone. I left my order here though."
"You lose your coffee often or just an addict?"
"Haha. Neither. It's... a thing. You'd think I'm horrible if I explain."
"I doubt I'd ever think that at this point. Can I pay for your new order and you can tell me about it over your next cup? You know, as a thank you for putting yourself in a dangerous situation for my cousin." Why does he make that sound both grateful and like a stern admonishment at the same time?
"I covered it already and it wasn't really for me. But I really appreciate the offe-"
You're cut off by the door opening and Shin bursting through with a very exasperated look on his face. Whoops, guess you took too long. He immediately starts complaining, "Where have you been?! Imagine my worry when I arrive here and you're gone! You promised you'd wait here."
Another guy has walked out behind him but you ignore that because you see that Shin's holding the drink you got him, but that has your name on it, and can't help but point out both literally and dryly, "Clearly so worried, you picked up my order in the meantime?"
"Hey, there are two drinks so I figured one was mine! But they're both awful!" Of course he tried them both. His face turns into a sad pout, "Why would you order such sour drinks when you know I hate them! And I know you do too! So... do you really hate me for that little thing? You've been so mean today."
You chuckle because this is literally the perfect opportunity. Well, actually, Kuroo is still standing by politely with Itsuki, watching you both with interest, but that other guy has walked up to them and is now also standing there. Is he gaming out here? Never mind.
You give Kuroo an apologetic smile with a finger held up to indicate you'll be a moment and then turn back to offer the box you've been holding onto this whole time to your dear cousin. "I can't imagine why you'd feel that way, but I did get you this, too. You can't have it all though, it's also for Ren."
He reaches for the box when you pop it open and happily exclaims, "Mochi? Aw, I take it back, you're the best!" before proceeding to pop two in his mouth. Oh. Uh-oh.
Okay then, closing the box, you walk back over to Kuroo as Shin happily munches away behind you. "Sorry, yes, I appreciate the offer but as you can see, I have my hands full with-"
"Ahhh! OMG, my mouth is burning!!! What is this?" Is he crying? He's definitely chugging that 'horrible' drink. "I take it back that I took it back. You do hate me. And for what?! I'm sorry I tried to kidnap you, okay?! Ahhh! Make it stop-"
He keeps rambling, even while alternating between choking down the sour drink and pausing for quick panting breaths every now and then, as tears actually run down his face. Even the gamer boy is momentarily distracted watching. You can't help the satisfied smile that stretches across your face as you watch Shin dissolve into tortured agony from the corner of your eyes and finish your sentence "-a pretty troublesome commitment already."
Kuroo looks a little worried but definitely way more amused, "I thought that box was something really special, the way you held onto it the whole time."
"Yeah, even in exchange for my precious coffee-" You wipe away a pretend tear and swear he mutters 'so you are an addict' under his breath before you finish, "but it was worth the revenge, wouldn't you say?"
"Well... He tried to kidnap you?"
"Ugh, don't ask. It was a stupid prank that I briefly fell for. But I think he won't try getting me back for a while. At least a week of peace."
"So.. don't mess with you, is what I'm hearing."
You laugh at his accurate interpretation, "Pretty much. Or do, if you're a masochist."
He looks slightly awed and a whole lot intrigued when he states, "At first I thought you were some incredible angel.. but you're pretty much more an incredible devil, aren't you?
"Incredible, either way? I'll take it." You smirk, thinking of the irony he'll probably never understand.
"How about my request for a name?"
"Isn't it Kuroo Tetsuro?"
"I'm asking for your name, Kitten." He's a little exasperated and just a smidge embarrassed that you made him spell it out. I mean, you like that he's all witty and smooth but... you really like a guy's direct side, too.
You do still smile and tease a little more, "Kitten could work, given the irony..." He gives you an unamused look, but you were continuing anyway, "But since you asked so nicely.. I'm Y/-"
"Oi!" Ren is standing across the street with the car, door open, "I've been looking for you. It's time to go."
"Oh," You look back at Kuroo who's still looking at Ren a split second longer before focusing back on you, "I'm sorry, I have to go!" You smile at him apologetically then face Itsuki, slightly crouched, to give him a bright smile, "Bye Itsuki! Take care and don't wander off again!"
You don't have time to say anymore than those goodbyes to the pair of cousins before your own is dragging you away, cursing you out and swearing he'll get you back. He's listing a lot of pretty creative ideas, silly boy, you'll just use them before he can.
You check both sides of the road as he's pulling you across since it doesn't look like he's going to but you both make it safely to Ren who just gives the two of you a droll look. "You guys definitely didn't listen to me."
He didn't even pose it as a question. You just shrug and give him a kiss on the cheek before sliding into the back of the sleek car, followed by Shin and then Ren, who calls out to let the driver know to take you all home. Maybe you glance out the tinted windows to steal one last look at Kuroo before the car starts to move away. Maybe you see that he's looking too, he's staring at the car but his mouth is moving and when it stops, the gamer boy says something back.
The last thing you see before the car pulls away completely and you can't see anymore is Itsuki pulling Kuroo back towards the café and he takes one last look your way before heading inside with his friend following.
You turn back around, not realizing you'd shifted your whole body. Ren is looking at you oddly so you just raise an eyebrow at him, but smile when Shin happily exclaims, "Hey Ren, we got you some treats too!"
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Behind The Scenes!
-Kuroo not only didn't get Y/n's name, but was pretty curious as to her close relationship with the two guys that we know as Shin and Ren
-If she had to measure, Y/n felt about the same level of attraction and connection with Kuroo as she did with Oikawa when she first bumped into him at the boba shop; he was interesting but still just a casual, fun encounter in the end
-Gamer boy was obviously Kenma, yeah?
-Is it funny for anyone else that Bokuto is liking or retweeting the posts about Y/n? Or is it just me because I clearly know too much?
-Itsuki is non-canon, if you weren't sure :(
A/N: I really like how this one turned out, I don't know why. It could have something to do with the fact that I've been a Kuroo simp the longest but I dunno, it just... flowed. And I barely even chewed over the edits.
Btw, if you guys ever see first-person POV (my, me, I, us, we) or 'Faye', it's probably a good time to restate that this started out as a purely self-indulgent imagining, which is why I write most seamlessly as myself in the scenarios. I then change it over to 'Y/n' and reader perspective during multiple levels of edits so you all can hopefully enjoy the story/scenarios too, but it can (and likely will) still slip through sometimes. Just let me know, and I'll fix it, thank you :) <3
Taglist: @delusivist
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chuchiotaku · 3 years
I'M BAACK!! Sorry if I didn't sent you an ask yesterday, but... ehm... let's say collage pretended my company the whole day...
First off, Awwww! Harry really wants to have his best friend at his side for everything, doesn't he? Feels like he's reaching levels of obsessities of sixth year's Draco great debacle (that, back then, Ron didn't believed in too! I love this callback) and I agree with Neville, Ron does REALLY need to boost his self worth and how others sees him. It shouldn't have gave him the Deluminator, but a good therapist.
"Harry will eventualy realize that he was far from reliable or irreplaceable. Just like Harry had in his first life. Just like how everyone else will" ....wow you really wanted to punch me that hard in my guts didn't you? (But suuuuuuure, you're totally replaceble, just wait until next vision to see it.)
HUI SCENES ARE AMAZINGGGG!!!! A distinction between Caliburn and Excalibur!? GÀE BOLG?? VIJAYA??? ACTUAL INTERNATIONAL MYTHS AND FOLKLORE WELL PUT IN THE STORY??? I LOVE YOU I- Ok better if I calm myself down now but Hui who are you!?? You have surrounded this goblin with so much mistery that I wish an entire book about him. He looks so calm and lovable, but I fear what he'll be able to do of you take his bad side.
Yggdrasil's scene was... I never felt so much magic in a HP fanfic before, with literally the same wonder and beauty Harry felt the first time he saw magic. The intimacy of the chosing was great, and even the woods!! The differents ways each wood called Ron was... wow... Fleur's lullabye (the sweet call of his far away home), the bells (how his actions will forever change this world) and the chorus (The souls of the lost ones entrusting him with overwritting destiny). I think the wand will be a mixture of the three wands, or the last two. Also what kind of wood is that last one?? I searched all kinda of honeysuckles and I couldn't find anything! (Except that now I know lots more about the Lonicera's genre thank to you) but... it's elder, isn't it? I know it's gonna be elder! I'm so excited to see Ron's reaction to it! And who is that misteryous client? Hui, you'll never stop to amaze me.
Ron's birthday??? Like, FINALLY?!? We saw only one time his birthday in the original timeline and that was only because he got poisoned. (Wow JK, you really know how to write good friendships...😒) It was so good to see how the brother's organized a surprise party, really feeling that familiar love we really needed! I can't wait to see his gifts too! (If you'll write about them, of course😅)
About Hagrid's dragon problem... I don't think they could have handled better! Poor Hagrid, but don't worry this is for the greater good. And poor Neville too!
Also THAT DRAGON' AFFINITY HOLY FUUU- That came out of nowhere! It's so... increadible!! The dragons riders??? Who are them!?? What story!!?? What happened during the war? What was Neville refering to!?? Essence of family??? I- I... wow. You're amazing. I wonder how it'll come back in the story.. I wonder if... *wink* it'll end with... *wink* ... a dragon's garrison? *wink wink* I love this many questions you make me think of, how much I want to know MORE about the world, never change.
I'm surprised that the rescue team didn't had Charlie in it, but I'm sure there's a good reason why he couldn't come. Always good seeing more people added to the story! More nationalities! Yes! (I wonder if one day an italian wizard will pop up, i can count on one hand the number of them that I've seen them in HP's fanfics). And Draco getting scolded is always good.
...and yeah the team got caught too. Ops. Oh well you can't always win. I can't wait for the next chapter, I'm really, really really hyped!
Hey there! It's been a while! :D
I'm sorry for the very late reply. RL has kept me busy, among other things. I haven't been online in a long time for something not work related. Also, I needed some time off.
Anyway, I did drop a lot of good bits during Hatch and Flight, yes? I laid some groundwork for several plot elements that will come back later rather than sooner (like the wand, the Prewett legacy). I loved how you interpreted the wand wood scene! You even added things I haven't considered, which really made my day when I read this post! I'm so floored with all the thought you put in TBA!
So there will be other nationalities popping up in TBA, but not so much (hoping to have at least one from each continent except Antarctica because you know, no one lives there). I don't want to add international characters for the sake of it, but because they have something to do with the plot moving forward. Imhothep, for example, has Egyptian roots. Sue (a canon character) is half-Chinese. Wonder who else will show up?
The Prewett family legacy I came up with came from several sources of inspiration, one of which was a fanfic with a werewolf!Ron that I can't remember the title of right now. But again, it will be a while before that comes up. I'm excited to write it down though.
And Charlie wasn't part of the rescue team because he also wasn't in canon and I didn't feel the need to change it. I had the half-mind to, but since they already saw each other during the Holidays, it felt unnecessary.
Thank you again for your kind words and your love for TBA. I'm working on the next chapter so I hope you'll stay tuned for it. It's kinda long overdue, but I hope you'll like it anyway.
Cheers and stay safe! 😁🥰😁
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sonjaohno · 3 years
Democracy in America
Hello dear friends and family,
October is off to a crisp start and I've been busy squirreling away at the library. It's already been one month since I arrived, which makes it high time for some reflection. I've been working hard to come up with clever answers to the question of "what my impressions are" mainly because (and a list of so-called impressions follows):
I thought Finns were insecure, with their country branding workshops and whatnot, perennially worried about what other people (read: the Swedes) think of us, but I can tell you, Americans are worse. In all the years I've lived in Berlin, not once has a German person (nor a Berliner—these are two completely distinct groups of people) asked me to tell them what I "think" about their country, or what my "impressions" are. Maybe they know better than to ask. Maybe they really don't care. Americans, on the other hand (including New Yorkers, though a similar non-equivalence exists here), cannot get enough of foreigners' interpretations of their country. I think it's because they genuinely don't know what to think about their country themselves and are waiting for somebody to tell them what the hell is going on here. So, what are my impressions so far?
America is home to some really great things. So far, my top three list is i) cinnamon-flavored chewing gum ii) hazelnut-flavored filter coffee (a mystery but a delightful one) iii) pecan-pumpkin-spice-flavored filter coffee (again, I don't know who came up with this or what they do to make coffee taste like a Hallmark card but I fuckin love it) iv) ditto, snickerdoodles (both the word and the pastry). Oops, that's four.
There is, however, clearly something wrong with a country that has to keep toothpaste under lock and key at the drugstore. I mean, toothpaste is expensive here—$5.99 for a tube, are you kidding me?—but it's still not exactly a luxury item. I literally have to ring a bell at Duane Reed to get an employee to open the toothpaste safe for a tube of Colgate. I wondered about this out loud to a New Yorker, who told me it's because the Duane Reed I went to is located at a "minor transportation hub," in the corner of W 110th and Broadway, which presumably means that this ludicrously wealthy Upper West Side drugstore frequented mostly by Columbia students and faculty is some kind of a crime hotspot. I should probably start carrying a gun.
Americans are loud. I feel like shushing people all the time, which makes me feel like a bad person. If anyone asked me to, I'd be more than happy to provide instructions for adjusting the volume of one's speech to different situations. It'd go something like follows: i) When outdoors, use what you would consider an "indoors voice." ii) When indoors, use what you would consider a "library voice." iii) When in the library, shut the fuck up. Pretty simple, huh?
The American economy would collapse if people stopped living on takeaway meals and coffees. I have never seen people so comfortable dishing out $20-50 per day for food they don't like and coffee they don't need. I mean, I'm not even able to get out of bed without several cups of coffee in the morning but I'd find it really hard to justify a $10 daily budget for iced-mocha-swirly lattes and another $10 for dumplings, when you can just pack a sandwich. The number of students able to afford this kind of lifestyle is just astounding. (This is Columbia, I am aware that the people without trust funds constitute a minority.) I feel positively frugal with my leftover lunches and thermos bottle of coffee (this week it's Donut Shop Roast, which disappointingly does not taste like donuts).
Americans like to think of themselves as libertarians and are famously opposed to state-imposed regulation—but I've never felt as regulated and rule-bound as I have here. It's just that the rules aren't handed down by government officials but by the various enterprises, including private businesses and universities (the latter is included in the former but deserves a honorary mention of its own), who would rather impose elaborate codes of conduct than leave people to their common senses and be sued when something inevitably happens. As one particularly pointless example, I have to complete an online covid-symptom checklist every morning before I'm allowed to enter campus—a "Daily Attestation," it's called—where I solemnly swear that I did not have a cough or a sore throat that morning, either. The only conceivable purpose of this useless exercise is to ensure that if somebody does show up on campus sneezing and wheezing their viral particles around, Columbia can't sued for not having done everything in its power to prevent the virus from spreading. Airing out rooms, though, is strictly out of the question—presumably because it's against some other rule designed to stop students from committing suicide by jumping out a third-floor window. As a person who is physiologically unable to follow pointless rules, I find this kind of self-serving, counter-logical box ticking absolutely infuriating.
It's not all bad, though. Yesterday I went to a Japanese jazz speakeasy around Midtown. We had to stand in line for about an hour, between a group of 17-year-old musical theater majors and 27-year-old jazz enthusiasts. The former were bursting out in spontaneous, perfectly synchronized song every few minutes, the latter were debating scales or keys or some such—I'm telling you, it was like walking into a badly-written scene of Glee. It was worth it though. At one point, during a several-minute-long drum solo, I experienced what can only be described as a moment of pure transcendence. People were all around me were yelling over the music and gesticulating wildly and, for a few seconds, time compressed to something graspable; a thing crackling with energy. An oceanic feeling is, in the words of turn-of-the-century mystic Romain Rolland, “a spontaneous … feeling of the ‘eternal’ (which can very well not be eternal, but simply without perceptible limits, and like oceanic, as it were).” If eternity can be found in a midtown basement, Manhattan can’t be all bad. (Below a video clip I took discreetly when entering.)
P.s. A friend of mine said that I should write an Alexis de Tocqueville -type report about my time in America, which explains the title of this post. For the literary agents and non-fiction editors reading this blog (jk, apparently it's my mum and three of her friends who read these entries—hi!!!), you can email me at sonjaohno at gmail dot com for a book deal.
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senjuushi · 4 years
Hey, can you give me a introduction on the characters personalities? I really want to ask some stuff, but don't know the characters enouth. It doens't need to be long, just a small introduction! (:
OwO Absolutely!!! I’ve explained the characters in my writing Discord before, so I’ll just copypaste what I wrote there. The explanations are pretty long, but they’re detailed, so I like ‘em~
Long post below!
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This is F. He's a flamboyant, eccentric sadomasochist, and deviant with a princess-type personality, who kind of never quits saying horrible, horrible things. He's very girly and over-the-top, and expresses a distinct crush on one of the other guns, who he refers to as "Onii-sama". 
He has MAJOR masochistic tendencies, like licking the barrel of his gun while it's still hot, but he shows sadistic tendencies too, such as treating his lowest-ranking soldiers horribly. It's very likely that these behaviors have been learned from others, though. One thing that I think is of note is that, despite his extremely sexual behavior and tendencies, he's not showing any more skin than his upper neck and a little bit of his wrists. 
He's an attention-seeker who struggles to stand out in the shadow of a remarkable older brother, and it's implied that he's pretty desperate to be loved. He values his appearance a lot, going out of his way to look good and be presentable, such as through doing his nails and wearing perfume. 
I think he's a very needy person who just wants people to look at him and care about him in any way, so he goes out of his way to stand out. There are a lot of implications that he's been through some pretty awful stuff, considering that his sadism and masochism are most likely learned.
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This is Belga. He's a loudmouthed idiot with a violent streak and a love of shooting everything in sight. Based on his face and calculated height, he's probably only like 13-15 physically, 16 at max. 
He's very childish and immature, is either ridiculously ignorant or pretty darn stupid, and has a horrifically foul mouth on him. He was described to me as a "laughing maniac". That said, he's got a major soft side, and cries easily at things like sad stories and his pet fish dying. The fish themselves are most likely a measure to control him by, with letting him gain an attachment just to threaten him with them. 
He's very manipulable and gullible, and gets called "birdbrain" by 89, a gun who shares the same superior as him. Overall, he's a childish moron who can probably only barely take care of himself.
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This is Mikhael. He's... kind of a mess. Outwardly, he seems like a calm, collected character who lives only for his music and his passions. When looked at closer, however, there are some very bad signs. 
First of all, he's blind. His eyes are bandaged over, which... does not imply good things. He also has what's almost definitely a brace on his leg, suggesting that he's kind of broken. Also worth noting is that in the art above, his gun is pointing at his head. 
Mikhael has a fixation on "beauty in destruction" which to me implies that he's trying very hard to cover for how broken he is. He does nothing but play his piano when taken to battle, basically leaving himself open to getting shot. I see him as an older, broken-down gun who's acutely aware of how horrible his situation is, as well as being passively suicidal. He won't do anything to kill himself, but if something happened, he certainly wouldn't complain. 
I think he's very sad, finding joy only in his music, and taking every chance to drown himself in it. Because of his physical flaws, I doubt the WE treats him very well. He's broken enough that he could be gotten rid of at any time, so he's struggling to make himself seem useful and good through his obsession with beauty in ruined things.
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This is Ninety. He's the "holy shit this is fucked up" one. Ninety is literally referred to as the WE's dog... and he acts like it. 
He's the youngest of the guns in terms of summoning order and has a mindset somewhere between a child and an animal. He can't speak, most likely trauma mute and connected to something like conversion disorder, is only barely literate, and communicates with a signboard. Do note that this boy is not wearing pants. 
He's sort of feral, going so far as to bite the soldiers under him when he doesn't get fed enough (they're probably starving him). He's known to be a "panic shooter", implying a nervous personality. Also worrying is that he has another mask under his gas mask. A lot of fans theorize that he has a slit mouth. 
All of that said, though, Ninety is surprisingly mature and probably a lot more intelligent than he acts. He comforts Belga when his fish die, and honestly, I think he's just acting the part of a stupid dog because it's been drilled into him enough. There's intelligence in there, he's just not allowed to show it. Also, he's tiny. My height calculations put him at somewhere in the 4' range.
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This is Ghost. His gun is an experimental weapon that was never actually released, and he's got issues because of that. He's a person with no presence who always goes ignored by those around him. His bullets are ridiculously expensive to produce, and thus, the only person who's ever given him a chance is Ashley, to whom he's ridiculous levels of grateful and loyal. 
He's got major abandonment issues and considers himself to be a difficult to deal with reject. He's very passive, cynical, and pessimistic. He has a very childish side, "cursing" people who upset or ignore him, and "blessing" the rare few who give him the time of day. He latches onto anyone who treats him kindly with an unrivaled sense of desperation. It's implied that he might be rather sickly, and he seems to have a poor physical presence. 
He feels like he's a failure who no one should waste their time on, and struggles a lot with believing that anyone could ever find him worth the effort to use or keep. He's always teetering on the fear of being abandoned and forgotten.
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This is 89. He's a dead-inside gamer otaku who's catchphrase is "Are you serious?" He's something of the straight man (in the sense of the comedy term) of the lot of them and is definitely the most "normal". 
On that subject, he wants to be normal very, very badly but doesn’t have a shadow of a chance thanks to his status as nothing but a gun and a weapon of the WE, so he forces himself to look down on everyone who does get a normal life. He’s so depressed and done with life that all he does is lock himself up in his room and play whatever violent fighting games he’s allowed as an escape from the misery that is his life. He's got a ridiculously obvious crush on Mikhael, and also very obviously just wants someone to love him. Belga calls him "virgin", and in return gets referred to as "birdbrain". 
89 is just tired and done and exhausted with life, and honestly, he probably doesn't get much attention. He slacks off from missions when he can (which he definitely gets in trouble for), and even his favorite foods are cheap things that sound like they've been shoved onto him out of sheer neglect. He's a little bit tsundere and a total softie inside. He's also my favorite of all of them.
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This is Eins. He's the powerhouse of the modern guns, and definitely the strongest person there. He's the highest-ranking of all of them, and his battle style/gun type is a sniper. 
He's a serious person who takes his job equally seriously and always produces exceptional results. He acts rather normal, and could probably pass for human if he tried. That said, he's also got major empathy issues, showing very little remorse for hurting people. He takes orders way too far to make sure he's gone far enough, in the sense that he'd kill 100 people if ordered to kill 1. He has his soft side, though, down to gardening, impressive cooking skills when it comes to the others, and considering many of the other moderns to be his "family". F has a crush on him, which he's totally oblivious to. 
Fal is his loyal right-hand man, and Ghost is ridiculously fond of him. He's merciless when it comes down to it, but probably just sees what he does as doing his job and not getting hurt. He definitely sees himself as nothing but a weapon and a tool.
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This is Fal. He's F's older brother, and most likely the reason why F is Like That. Fal is an insanely capable, efficient, skilled person– one who comes off as perfect in every way. His gun, the FN FAL, is known as "the right arm of the free world" and has been one of the most used firearms in history. 
Fal himself is a calm, collected sort who always seems poised. He's Eins's assistant and has a lot of responsibility, which he handles extremely well. He's polite, subservient, and soft-spoken, despite being very close to Eins in power and skill. He's well-spoken, eloquent, loyal, and basically embodies the perfect assistant. He's also very intelligent, and expresses a particular fondness for torture. He has a unique power in that he's able to manifest prehensile, thorned vines, which sets him apart from the others in strength and skill. 
He's basically the ideal modern gun, which gives F and everyone else a LOT to live up to. He does seem like a very stressed, worn-down person, though, and likely is almost crushed under the pressure of the expectations placed on him.
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This is Kirsch. He's a sadistic spoiled brat who's almost definitely been sexually abused. He's downright desperate for attention from Ashley, resenting Mauser (Ashley's personal weapon) viciously for taking that attention away. Creepily enough, he refers to Ashley as "Papa". 
He's sort of obsessed with being cute and attractive, emphasizing his charm and trying to play up how lovable he is. That said, he behaves like a spoiled child, down to throwing tantrums when he's angry. Kirsch is also a major sadist (a behavior which is definitely learned), and loves torturing people for the sheer fun of it. He's described as "sick in the head" by one of his superiors. Even so, he tries to paint himself as a harmless victim who can do no wrong, kissing up to and demanding attention from anyone he looks fondly upon. 
He's ridiculously immature, insanely clingy, and probably also has major abandonment issues. He acts like a love-starved child who acts out in order to get attention. There are also a few implications that he's been sexually abused, including his aggressively "touchy" behavior, personal-space invading sadism, attitude towards his superiors, and revealing outfit (short shorts and garter on his leg).
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This is Hokusai. He's an animated, wild-natured person with a major childish streak. He uses the pronoun "Boku-chan", which sounds straight out of the mouth of a kindergartener. 
He's something of a mad scientist who's associated with the science sector of the WE, and has honestly probably been the brunt of more than a few experiments. He has a massive fixation on the color blue that goes all the way to an obsession, and he's so dedicated to this that he keeps trying to dye his human self blue... which also keeps killing him. He's killed himself like this a bunch of times, but fortunately, Ashley can keep bringing him back somehow. He has a massive aversion to the color red too, straight to the point where he loses it if he sees his own blood. 
He has a number of visible scars (rare for anime art), including one across his throat and one on his wrist, implying that he's been through some shit. His behavior also says to me that he might have some form of brain damage, probably of the nature that impacts his decision making and sense of consequences. He's very reckless and has little regard for his own life. Despite this, he's also a cheerful, sunny person who never really seems to be down.
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This is Love1. He's... a mess. His gun is majorly defective, and known irl as one of the worst and most useless firearms in history. Reflecting this, L1's body is kind of a mess. His gun jams constantly, which gives him nosebleeds, he's implied to be physically fucked up in general, and in the game, his bigger attacks did damage to him too. 
Personality-wise, he acts like an utter idiot. He's loud and goofy, with a lot of presence and seemingly no dignity. He's cheerful, explosive, and trigger-happy, acting like he doesn't have a care in the world. However, his real personality is very different. L1 is a massively intelligent and strategic individual. While Fal specializes in physical torture, L1 is the psychological torture master. He knows how to absolutely break people. He has a little brother, Like2, and the two of them are both in the "defective" boat. L1 loves L2 dearly, no matter how rude the other is to him, and gushes over his "cute baby brother" constantly. 
On the dark note, L1's life is kind of hanging by a thread. He's worthless enough that he could be gotten rid of at any time, and with the whole world seeing him as a failure, he's definitely got some major issues. He could be replaced at any time, and he's definitely living in fear of when that day will come. Since his physical body is shot, it's also likely that he's constantly in a lot of pain. No one is really very nice to him either.
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This is Like2. He's an effeminate, bratty tsundere who wants to be spoiled and loved. He's in the same boat as L1 in that his gun is sort of useless, but he's still quite a bit better off. He definitely shares the same worries about being replaced, but instead of covering it up with a smile, he fixates on making himself pretty and strong. 
He's a bodybuilder who focuses a lot on strength training, and is surprisingly tough for his looks. He loves fine things and getting attention and spoiling, and is pretty much desperate for people to like him. Because of his status as a rejected, mocked weapon, he's frantic to make himself useful and avoid being disposed of. He values his personal security massively, can't stand any form of discomfort, and is willing to turn traitor as soon as his safety is on the line. He's an aggressive, abrasive tsundere who constantly berates his brother, calling him "worthless" and "soon to be replaced". 
That said, he loves L1 dearly underneath it all, and winds up as something of his brother's caretaker. He's a fragile person who's desperate to be cared for an accepted, no matter what he has to do to get it.
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Last is Mauser. He's Ashley's personal assistant and weapon, and is honestly a thousand levels of worrying. Mauser is the first gun Ashley summoned, and despite his size and young appearance, his gun is the oldest model as well, being made in 1896. He teeters right on the verge of modern and antique. 
He's an obedient doll to Ashley who seems to lack any form of personality or will of his own. He's empty and emotionless, only capable of expressing his loyalty to his Master. This lack of personality could be attributed to being a faulty summon, but more likely, Ashley has broken him of anything that made him a person. He's blindly devoted, endlessly loyal, and doesn't really have anything to live for beyond Ashley. His character is worrying because something must have left him so broken, and the implications with what Ashley could have done to mess him up so badly aren't pretty. 
His personality is rather flat, but his interesting side comes in what made him the way he is. He'd have nothing to live for without Ashley.
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