#and it very much has a ‘hey just wanted to make sure you’re okay’ vibe to it
mournings-stars · 7 months
Maybe the wrapping wings around heddies but the reader wraps their wings around the characters?
okay i rly like this but what about with characters that don’t have wings?? (lmk if yall want characters w wings cus this is kinda silly funny haha)
she loves when your wings wrap around her — every time she hugs you, she’s waiting for that extra warmth and when it comes she just hugs you even tighter
she wouldn’t ask you to do it, but if you put a wing around her in public she’s trying not to get too excited
cuddling is a must for wings. you’re sitting on the couch? she wants a nice feathery blanket. lying in bed? same thing. watching a scary movie? she’s using your wings as a shield to duck under anytime theres a jump scare
if you asked her if she’d like a wing, she’s the happiest you’ve ever seen her
“im starting to wonder if you’re just dating me for my wings,” you’d joke and she’d laugh and say, “they’re definitely a plus” while running her finger over the top of one (this girl likes to tease i know it)
she loves when you cuddle up to her and wrap your wings around her, like she just melts
she does not let anyone play with them. ever. if niffty tried to go scurrying around them, she’s taking her away faster than she can blink
your wings are hers as much as they are yours, but that’s a silent rule between you two that she doesn’t plan on voicing
she just gives “let me be your wings” from thumbelina vibes like you would have a duet like that
now if you ever need to gossip, he’s clearing his throat and you’re shielding your conversation with your wings while you two laugh and whisper
he does not want anyone touching him but if you put a wing around him he knows you guys have some important business to talk about
sometimes you throw up your wing, whisper, and he has to stop himself from laughing when you quickly put your wing down, alastor batting it with his microphone as you laughed
now if he’s ever hurt, that’s when your wings go around him, making sure no one sees so he can escape to saftey
you’d always come to his rescue even if he got mad at you for it, wings wrapping around him as you struck his attacker faster than he could summon his shadows (and he definitely gets pissed about it but hey what are … friends …. for!)
wings are for shit talking and the occasional life saver when it comes to al
angel dust
he loves the security of your wings
after a long day, you’d just lie in his room, wings wrapped around him as he held you close — he’d either fall asleep or want to sit in silence like that, but either way you were happy to help
sometimes you’d just sit at the bar, wing around him as you talked and laughed together
whenever you went out together, your wings were a strict barrier that no one dared to cross. you put a wing in front of angel when some guy approaches him? he and every other demon are backing off for the rest of the night. you’re walking down the street? wing around him and no one is approaching you
he definitely asks you to do it (in his own very special way) and he likes to tease you when you’re around other people
but you both know he treasures the safety your wings give him
my boy pentious 100% thinks you’ve turned against him the first time you drape your wings over him — you could’ve literally been sleeping and he’d accuse you of trying to smother him
“i was sleeping!” “your subconscious mind plans to kill me, too!”
he warms up to it though because the next time it happens you’re fast asleep and theres no attempt to block his airways, or whatever he thought you’d do, so he snuggles into the warmth
being a snake (i love snakes im gonna b a lil nerdy about this one) pen likes to burrow. especially at night. he’d start to curl up under the warmth of your wings and rest there until you eventually moved
some days you’d wake up and he’d be completely hidden beneath your wings. if you lift one, he’d very quickly tug it back (definitely how he found out about sensitive wings)
he felt very bad :(
wings are for parties!
they give you the best dance numbers — dramatic reveal, awesome poses, super dope flying routine…!
then they’re for comedowns because once you’re home from the club shit hits the fan and you’re wrapping your wings around her so she can even try to sleep
but then the morning comes and you brush it off cus it’s time to blow shit up!
definitely using your wings as a shield though — they’re probably dyed pink and red by now, with all the times you’ve had to cover the two of you from explosives
but she finds it super hot so…
she likes to fuck with you
1000% uses them as her personal armor — you’re basically a body guard
she’ll wrap them around herself while looking in the mirror, modeling your wings like a feather coat
“my wings are not going in your collection,” you’d have to tell her, still pulling her closer with them as you met her eyes in the mirror
“yeah, guess you’re right. can’t have anyone else getting a hold of these, can we?”
she loves being wrapped in them while she sleeps — she loves you sleeping next her, cause then she can lay them however she wants
it’s always best when you’re wings fold in and bring her closer though
definitely been used for a private moment in the office
she says they’re your best asset
now this man is, under no circumstances, letting you wrap your wings around him
in public? absolutely not…
in private? well…. no! totally not!
at least not until you’re asleep and he’s situating himself beneath them. it’s not his fault a feather blanket helps him fall asleep
you’ve definitely waited until he fell asleep, draped you wings over him, and watched him relax into them
he’s not slick
like at all
not even in public
he’ll touch them and the minute one even wraps around him, his screen is buffering
speaking of in public… just wait til you’re at a party. he’s drunk and all over you, touching your wings, handling them like their his own, you have to use them to shield the two of you when he gets too handsy, and he loves it; pushing your buttons until your wings are around him and being more than satisfied by that
girl is crazy
she cleans them, climbs on them, inspects them (almost rips the fuck out of your feathers)
there’s no way you can wrap that girl up, she’s too quick
but she would love petting them and thats why shes here
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thementalshawty · 7 months
PAC Meeting Your Next Partner/Lover
Hello! I’m back with another PAC this time I’m only giving a little information the rest will be on my patreon which I’m happy to share that I finally have a new member of my madhouse patreon and for them they shall get the most detail from this reading on there, I was so shocked, and surprised in the best way! I didn’t think that anyone would honestly, so thank you madhouse patient member! If you’d like to sign up for my patreon to get the full details of this reading and any new reading coming out the link is below this! Now this reading will be a little about the meeting between you and your next partner/lover/SO (Significant Other), on Patreon it’ll be a message from them as well so that’s for my patients only. Remember this is a general reading not a personal one take what resonates and like water let the rest roll off! Choose an emoji and let’s get into the Meeting!
P2: 🐝
When you first meet your partner I feel like they’re going to notice you way before you notice them and they’ll be following you around, stalking you lowkey, kind of keeping a safe distance to observe you before making their presence known to you. They most likely found you so fuccin attractive! You’ll be very playful with them during the meeting, you’ll be teasing and poking fun at them, lightly roasting but all in good fun, I think that some of you are aggressive with your flirting (I am) but I am hearing that they are going to love it thooooooo, absolutely go fucking ape shit over the fact that you’re funny and you roasting them. They’ll roast you back, I’m hearing this person will be able to keep up with you. Some of my P1’s I’m hearing the word MOST, so MOST of my P1’s have trouble making connection only cos you feel misunderstood? In communication? I’m not sure but it’s hard for you to make connections with others so you’re not going to believe and some of my p1 may try to light roast as a way to self sabotage, but it won’t work, this person loves and can handle that attitude of yours p1! This person you will automatically be atttacted tool sexually, some in this pile will be FWB with their person before a relationship even starts only cos the vibes are so intense and lustful and that’s okay first and foremost don’t feel bad or not go for it! Be their FWB! You’ll be getting to know each other, it won’t be just sex, it’ll just be sex fueled but again that’s just the beginning stages. Sometimes emotions take over first other times it’s physical urges, I’m feeling the need to justify it as if someone will be against it and hey it’s your life but you have NOTHING to feel ashamed of P1! GO 👏🏽 FOR 👏🏽 IT 👏🏽!!
*Extended reading is on my patreon the link is at the end of the reading.
When you first meet them they’ll have a bit of an attitude that day and more so kind of cold and standoffish not really saying much and it’s cos they’re having a shitty day before meeting you. They’re a business owner in some way and they’ll be bragging and showing off about how they own a company and how great it is. This person has a huge ego. Friends will introduce you two to each other, maybe your friends works for them, your friends could be friends with them? I am seeing friends setting you two up, some of you they know of you already, like in p1 they’re afraid to make a move towards you but I’m seeing this is more about them not knowing how to approach you which can lead to why your friends introduce you two. When you two will be having your conversation, they may get pulled away to talk to someone else about business or something but you’re not going to like that. You’re going to be jealous whenever they’re talking to anyone else but you, I’m seeing you feeling a little possessive over them you want their attention all on you! It’s actually kind of cute, I’m not sensing anything cringey or anything. They’ll be bragging so much about their successes and wins and how much money they have, they have a lot of money, p1 was rich but your person p2 is hella wealthy!!! My p2 you will be going through a rough time in your life when you meet this person. P1 it was their partner but with you guys it’s you who’ll be going through a rough patch in your life, dealing with drama I heard. You’ll drink, party, smoke, and get lit with them, I’m seeing some of you even dancing with them, close asfcc. It’ll be such a vibe. I’m seeing a couple meeting ina club and the lights are low and the music is playing and they’re dancing slow and close and it’s like everyone disappears. Because of their bragging and their image and wealth you’ll have some pre-judgements about them.
*Extended Reading on my patreon, Link is at the bottom of the reading!
I’m seeing that when they will be talking to others engaging in other conversations it’ll make you feel a little bit peeved and jealous. When you two are getting to know each other they’ll be stalking you, not in a aggressive way but I’m seeing them lurking on your page or randomly showing up wherever you are so you guys can “coincidentally” interact with each other, it’s actually sweet. Like p2 you and your partner will have a deep long conversation, I don’t see it being hella emotional or soul revealing but I do see it being a long impactful conversation you two are alone having. You are going to be shocked and awe over who this person is. You had an expectation of them and it can be because of you judging them due to past pain but they prove you wrong for judging them prematurely. “You’re not what I expected!” That’s the vibe of you meeting especially on your end. During the conversation you’ll say something triggering to them, not seeing them get mad more so shocked anyone said that too them. They’ll notice you first across room and played it cool waiting for the best moment to approach you. Uh oh 😕 soo this I’m not really liking, you two will trauma bond instantly, this gives me karmic soulmate vibes. You two may argue with them p3, this by far is the toughest pile which again makes me feel this is a karmic connection. You two definitely get off on the wrong foot in some way during your meeting it can be the triggering thing you said to them. Some of you may be traveling, vacationing, or some even overseas. Will be making them giggle, laugh and blush ☺️ . Unforgettable meeting.
*Extended Reading on Patreon Link at the end of this post
Thank you guys so much I hope that you guys enjoy it and if you’d like to see the extended reading for more details and exclusive messages from them the link is below ⬇️
Join the madhouse! Check yourself in! You won’t regret it 💋 !
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year
Can i pls request, Reader and JJ are arguing, Reader confesses her feelings in the heat of the moment, and JJ kisses her. (Jennifer Jareau x reader)
One shot | Criminal Minds Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff and bit of angst
Words: 4k+
Warnings: swearing and that’s about it
Summary: You and Emily flirt. It’s never amounted to anything and you’re more than happy about that because it’s all fun and games. Though everyone on the team seems to enjoy the laughs that come from all the interactions the two of you share, one person has never seemed that amused. JJ.
A/n: I’m not sure if this is the vibe you wanted but I hope you enjoy nevertheless! <3
It’s standard, expected even. Friends flirt, and it’s an unspoken agreement, but very much known, it’s all fun and games. The fact that Morgan and Garcia had subjected the whole department to a workplace seminar on appropriate work etiquette - chocolate thunder is not nearly heard as much these days - made you feel a hell of a lot better about the one-liners you and Emily throw at each other on a daily/hourly basis.
The work-wives dynamic you have going isn’t just fun. In truth, it makes workdays easier. The heavy loads brought on by cases take their toll on everyone, and, it’s fair to say, a laugh never hurts. No one on the team minds, well, almost everyone. Hotch, Morgan, Rossi and even Spencer all laugh along, encouraging nicknames, adopting them at times, but not JJ.
She’s never outwardly said anything. Then again, she never needs to. It doesn’t go unnoticed that she never laughs, smiles, or gets involved in the flirtatious banter you and Emily have. At first, it was easy to push aside and ignore, but after around four months of cheeky remarks from Emily and yourself and six months of working with the team, it’s hard not to pick up on the less-than-subtle eye rolls and disdain.
When the two of you are alone, it’s okay. It’s nice. You’ll joke, and now and then, she’ll throw around a particular comment that’ll make you blush, and it’s something you do in return. It remains a rarity, though. And you’re glad for it. Not because you don’t like JJ in that way. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. When JJ compliments you, you feel it all over your body, and you’re sure she sees it. It’s not nothing, and that’s dangerous in a place where workplace relationships are more of a no-no than a yes-yes.
In the office, no matter how hard you try to avoid her, you always bump into her, sometimes quite literally. The coffee you spilt on her white shirt you can still smell. It’s a fond memory, which is unexpected, but that’s only because the moment JJ looked at you, her lips curled up at the sides, and you’d both burst into fits of laughter before she asked to borrow a top from your go bag, a top you’d yet to get back, you never ask though.
JJ mainly keeps to her office, buried in mountains of paperwork. The few times she ventures out to talk to Hotch or visit Garcia, and you happen to run into her, it usually results in you stammering and sounding like a complete idiot, your words running away from you. It’s astonishing how easy it comes to you with Emily and with JJ, nothing. How it is you have blossoming feelings for JJ and can barely function and would sooner hit Emily over the head with a frying pan than kiss her - though you know she certainly wouldn’t disappoint - and can charm her to your wit's end, you don’t know. You know for sure that it’s inconceivably and utterly torturous.
“Hey, short stack,” Emily calls out when you're in her eye line. She’s carrying what is probably, her third coffee of the morning, if not her fourth or fifth, judging by the pep in her step at 9 am. She drifts towards your desk, wafting memories of laughter through rising steam.
“Where’s mine?” You nod to the mug in her hand and try to avoid yawning.
It’s a joke, and maybe it’s the early morning, or the caffeine has fried her brain, but Emily doesn't register that. She looks down at her coffee, back at you, repeats the process another two times, and then unceremoniously shoves the piping hot brown beverage at you. It spills over the rim, she hisses, and you chuckle. Compassion doesn’t come easy when you’re uncaffeinated and sleep deprived.
“Nuh-uh. That has enough sweetener in it to kill a small child.”
“Good thing you only act like a child then,” she playfully jabs, still holding out the coffee. It’s a generous offer, spur of the moment offer, but generous nonetheless.
Alas, you decline. Dropping your bags and shaking your head from side to side, you let out an amused sigh, “I’ll make my own love.”
The coffee machine isn’t far, and it’s non-negligible that you’re in dire need of caffeine, so you start walking over, assuming Emily is following close behind as usual. “Do we have a case?” you don’t bother turning, knowing she’ll be craning over your shoulder any second.
“Yup.” It’s not Emily, though, “I’ll be coming with you guys on this one.”
Turning slowly, you smile at JJ. With her sudden presence still registering, you don’t even want to think about how forced your smile may appear, even if it is genuine, “It’ll be good to have you around.”
She steps closer to grab a stirrer, and you ignore the tension working its way down your spine.
“It'll be nice to be around.” she smiles, and your knees go weak. There's something about her smile. Big, small, soft, forced, it’s never mattered. Every time your legs become jelly, and your heart beats faster.
It's a mystery how she has this much effect on you after six months. It's like the whole world goes hazy. All that matters is JJ, then before you know it, words aren't wording, and you're not, well, you-ing.
You’re saved by Hotch catching your eye as he darts from his office to the briefing room. He waves a file, and the team makes their way over. You try not to stare at JJ walking in front of you. Her hair’s swaying, and if you don't avert your gaze, she's sure to turn around and catch you. There's a little voice inside you. It's telling you not to look away because if she does turn around, you'll see those eyes again, and your tummy will do that weird flippy thing that you'd only ever admit to yourself you've grown to love.
Pull yourself together! You scream to the insipid voice in your head.
You manage to look away. Appreciate the clarity of not being lovesick for two seconds before Emily swoops in, loops her arm through yours and forcibly skips you both into the room. It gets a chuckle from the team, and you glance at JJ to see she’s already got her head down, looking through the case file. She shuffles in her chair, you can only assume sensing your leering eyes, and without raising her head, she looks at you through her lashes.
There's nothing remarkable about how she looks at you; it’s rather ordinary, which motivates you to sigh and slump down on the nearest seat available. Everyone grabs a case file, and you spend that time contemplating who’s feeling more deflated, you or the indented cushion beneath you that is teetering on the brink of death.
It takes a particular type of subtly and poise to mask your rising self-pity, the likes of which you can only hope you possess. Around the table, everyone is listening to JJ, and you ought to do the same. It’s choosing the lesser of two evils, you either focus on what JJ is saying and risk looking like you’ve just been gut punched, or stare blankly into the space between JJ and the projector and come off as a well-rounded put together human.
The latter worms its way on top, the main victory point being that it’ll result in fewer questions asked. Through the garbling, a few words make sense, it’s enough to piece together, and you’re sure time on the jet will equip you with all you need to know.
“Wheels up in twenty.” That, you register.
You’re standing, then you’re walking, then you’re in an SUV, and someone’s talking next to you or, rather, at you. It’s hard to mind, though. Emily makes good background noise, and she seems to drown out the looming thoughts, leaving you to the blur of people and buildings passing by.
Footsteps soon reach your ears. Rossi’s perfectly polished shoes smack against concrete, then metal, as he ascends the stairs to the jet. You know you should get out; your legs, however, ignore this. Emily pulls the keys out and opens her door. Any second, she’ll pick up on your hesitance, and it’s game over. For the duration of the next two days, knowing her, she’ll be on the lookout for any suspicious activity regarding your behaviour if you don’t start moving.
So you move.
Following Emily, the hairs on your neck tingle, and a shiver runs down your spine, despite the warm spring breeze. The signs point to someone looking at you. Turning, you see JJ and Reid walking behind you, neither looking anywhere in your vicinity. JJ seems suspiciously interested in the jet's exterior. Nothing to call home about, though. In her defence, whenever anyone speaks to Reid, they find it hard not to let their mind wander, no matter how hard they are listening.
Nothing outside of the usual occurs when you get on the jet. You sit across from Emily as she slumps down on the first seat available by the front of the plane. It's not that you don't contemplate sitting anywhere else. Who are you kidding? It's not like you don't consider sitting next to JJ, but with all the awkwardness - self-perceived or very much real - you can't stomach the thought of infringing on her and precipitating another chance for you to make an idiot of yourself.
Chancing a look back at JJ, there's the faintest slither of disappointment that comes with watching her haphazardly throw her bag on the chair next to her. It’s unlike JJ to be so indirectly direct in deterring physical closeness.
It’s twenty minutes into the flight, and you and Emily are at it again. In both of your defences’, it wasn’t unsolicited. On the stand, you’d confidently plead you were rabbit holed into discussing how many times you’d had to pretend to act like a couple to deter leering men away, and on top of that, describe, in detail, how you’d mastered the fine art of always getting away with it. Apparently, small talk isn't a thing anymore.
It's been ten minutes of this, and you need to relieve yourself before the next onslaught of laughter results in a change of trousers. You nudge Emily, let her know you'll be right back and turn to head to the back of the jet.
It seems the new norm; whenever an opportunity to glance at JJ’s appears, you take it. Maybe it’s that you’re only just picking up on the habit, something to think about for the duration of the flight, perhaps.
JJ has scarcely moved, one knee up, head turned, eyes out the window. The bag remains unscathed, sitting idly and just as lonesome as the blonde. It's out of respect, for the booming thoughts going through JJ’s head and the physical presence of an ‘I don’t want company’ sign, you stay on your path. However, when you return, her bag is gone, her knee is down, and her attention draws to the direction of the toilet door closing.
The empty seat is beckoning you, calling to you, and though you have enough willpower to return to your own and pretend you haven’t seen anything, laugh about stupid late drunken nights, you choose to save the willpower for a rainy day and sit next to JJ instead.
“Hey,” it’s light, friendly and casual. Smashed it.
Blonde hair, partially bathed in unfiltered sunlight, glides over toned shoulders, and your stomach lurches. “Hey there,” she says. There’s a smile present that’s timid and, for some reason, making you feel a little uneasy because usually, JJ’s smile reaches her eyes, and this one doesn't. The blue orbs are illuminated only by the balmy glow slithering in through the window, and though they’re still as breathtaking as ever, there’s a sadness in acknowledging what’s not there that you can’t seem to shake. “You okay?”
A few seconds, a full minute? You don’t know how long you’ve been staring.
“Uhhh… ya, sorry,” you stammer over your words. There’s a curious look in her eyes, and her eyebrows knit together, “Tired, that’s all. I must have zoned out a little.”
The fingers lying over her knee twitch, and she inches forwards. There’s a split-second thought that maybe she’ll let them run their wanted course, seeking to provide some comfort by brushing over your arm or leg. They remain in her lap.
She’s touring your face, and it's hard to stay impassive when you’re starting to feel more self-conscious than a preschooler entering the lunch hall for the first time. There may as well be turbulence because your body is acting accordingly. You fidget. The paws of your fingers rub over the lines of your palms.
“Are you sleeping?” She’s settled on staring into the dark expanse of your under-eye circles that are half-hidden under shitty concealer.
The worry in her eyes that continuously search your face for an answer to her question is starting to drive you mad. You shrug and turn, relieved that the sinking in your stomach is less vomit-inducing, “Not really, but I manage,” you mutter, eyes wandering over the coffee pot and idle mug.
Whether she believes you is up for debate. A cold chill runs down your arms, and you can tell she’s still staring. A weight suddenly falls on your thigh. With enough speed to snap your neck, you turn.
It’s on fire. You’re sure that your thigh is about to burst into flames, along with your scorching cheeks. No. Your whole body is on fire because JJ’s smiling at you again, and her eyes have stopped searching for evidence of lack of sleep, and they are brighter, gentler and more compassionate.
“This is prime napping time,” she says suggestively.
“Tempting.” you chuckle, or more accurately choke out, shaking your head and paying attention to her hand now moving in circles. Yes. You’re sure. You are on fire. Scorching burning molten lava is slowly replacing the blood coursing through your veins, and you’re going to die on this plane.
Your eyes aren’t the only pair on JJ’s hand placement. As you lift your gaze, JJ’s flickers up too a moment later. Her smile hasn’t faltered. In fact, it may have even grown wider. But you aren’t sure because, at this point, you’re convinced this is all a hallucination.
Finally, she removes her hand to tap her shoulder, “I’m pretty comfy, you know.”
It’s baiting a child with candy, and it’s working. “Well…” you lower your head to the side, and you rest it on JJ’s shoulder, smiling at how easily and perfectly you fit together, “I’ll test that theory out and get back to you.” The end of the sentence is partially yawned out, sleep already weighing heavy on your eyelids.
Sleep hasn't come easy to you over the last week, and it’s a curious thing to ponder upon that JJ is the answer, yet, also part of the problem. Plaguing your mind with her incomparable beauty and so forth. For now, you were too delirious from waking up from the best nap you’d had in… forever…
It isn't hard to admit that JJ was right, she’s inexplicably comfy, more comfortable than your bed, but the brain fog that accompanies your light sensitivity, forcing your eyes closed again, has rendered you incapable of communicating that intelligently.
“I wish I could sleep on you every night.” you sleepily slur, nodding right back off to sleep.
It’s two seconds for you and twenty-three minutes for everyone else. You wake up, jolting your body upright. The words you’d said are still fresh on your lips.
“I-” turning to JJ, dread starts to set in. She’s got the most shit-eating grin on her face that she’s trying to cover with the palm of her hand, and if you weren’t morbidly embarrassed, you might have considered punching her.
She’s snickering now, her hands thrown up in mock surrender. “Theory proven.”
If looks could kill, she’d be stone-cold by now. The worst part is none of this is necessarily her fault, and you know it. She only tugged at a loose string you easily guided her to. Yes, it was pointed out to her in a state of delirium, but that is on your head.
“Bedhead,” JJ coughs, the sun hitting the side of her face angelically.
Pursing your lips and keeping your accusatory gaze fixated on her, you comb your finger through your hair. “Now you're just trying to get a rise out of me,” you grumble.
“Pfff,” she rolls her eyes, smirks, then looks at the papers scattered across the table, “You’re cute when you’re sleeping. Drool and all.”
She’s so fucking smug that part of you dies as a wicked, treacherous girly smile forces the sides of your lips to twitch. “I'm leaving now.”
You drop down across from Emily. She looks at you with an eyebrow raised, then at Reid and Morgan, thinking they might have some insight.
“I need a new mattress,” you huff before looking out the window for the rest of the fight, leaving Emily more confused than when you’d first sat down.
“Emily, you already know who you’re with,” Hotch smirks, “You both head to the crime scene.”
“God forbid they’re separated,” Rossi lightheartedly quips.
“Oh god,” Morgan sighs, a second too late to warn you.
Emily’s behind you. Her fingers come to your shoulder and dig in almost painfully, “My precious,” she says with her best Gollum impression, then hisses because you’ve delivered a swift elbow to her rips.
She relaxes her grip on you, and while everyone laughs at the idiocy displayed, you mockingly pout at her, “Want me to kiss it better?”
She smirks, “Save it for later,” she slaps your arm and starts walking towards the car, “Come on, let’s get going.”
From the passenger seat window, you see the team, and it’s the same old. Everyone’s dispersing, still smiling and relishing in the small break they got from the morbidity of the job, even if it was only for a minute, except, of course, one person. She’s looking off distantly again, fingers thrumming against her thigh, bottom lip between her teeth, and mindlessly nodding at something Hotch says.
Emily hits the gas, JJ becomes a moving blur, and then she’s gone.
About an hour later, you and Emily are walking into the precinct. Everyone’s heads turn as you both walk in, bickering.
“What's happened now?” Reid asks.
You shove your finger in Emily's direction, “She wouldn't let me drive.”
“Because you're a maniac behind the wheel,” Emily tries to reason.
“And you’re a spoilsport,” you grumble, sitting on a free seat between JJ and Morgan.
“I swear, sometimes you're like an old married couple, the two of you,” Garcia remarks over the phone and nods scatter around the room.
“Excuse me,” JJ stands up and leaves abruptly.
There’s a split-second choice to make, compliantly sit back, as you’ve been doing for weeks, or get up and find out what’s going on with JJ.
It takes looking at the team's faces to realise that if you don’t go, someone else will. Maybe it’s selfish. You know you’re probably not the person she wants to see, and deep down, you know she’s angry, and she’ll lash out. But maybe she’ll reveal the truth despite her rage, and that’s motivation enough to get up and chase after her.
“JJ! Wait up!” You call after her, picking up a light jog, your laden footsteps echoing in the small corridor.
She turns a corner and slips out a side door, likely under the assumption you don’t see her. When you open the door, a small side alley comes into view, and then you notice JJ with her back resting against a wall. She looks utterly defeated, but there’s a resting fire there that you see when she looks up at you.
“Hey, what’s going on?” You walk towards her.
Wearing that distant look again, she says, “It’s the case,” it’s so painfully obvious it’s a lie you can’t stop your brow from rising. She notices and rolls her eyes, “What?”
“Oh, come on, JJ. We both know it’s not the case,” you lean against the wall, turning to the side to look at her. She peers out into the alleyway, “You’ve been acting off all week.”
“We don’t have time for this,” she huffs, pushing herself off the wall. She’s probably right, but there’s no point in either of you going back inside when there’s a big chance your minds will dwell on this interaction.
You reach out and wrap your hand around her wrist, “JJ, talk to me.”
“Will you just drop it!” She yells, yanking her arm away.
“What's your problem?!” you’re sure people can hear you from inside, but the heat is rising within you, and JJ’s bringing it out more and more with her pointed glare.
“What the hell is your problem?!” She sneers.
“Really, JJ?”
“Yes.” she crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows expectantly, enough to push you over the tipping point.
“You know what,” you start, stepping forward, “You are! You’re my problem, JJ.”
“Oh.” She drops her arms down, and there’s a flash of hurt flickering over her features that’s not quite settling but not entirely leaving either.
You let out a heavy breath, “That’s not-”
“Forget it.” she steps away, and it’s infuriating because you’re being stripped of the opportunity to explain, and even if you don’t know what you’re going to say, she’s not giving a chance to think.
And now It’s late to stop yourself, the words are coming out without your consent, and there’s nothing left for you to do, “I like you!” you blurt out.
JJ turns on her heels. Her mouth is hanging open, “What?”
“I like you,” you say, this time a little quieter.
It’s a shock that she’s surprised, given that you have been under the impression you’ve been indisputably evident with your affections towards her.
“Honestly, I thought it was obvious.” You channel your inner voice, it’s small and meek, and you’re not pleased with the fragility of your voice, so you lower your gaze to your feet. A small rock takes your interest whilst you wait for the inevitable sound of JJ’s footsteps fading away.
Instead, they grow louder until the small rock is joined by a pair of black boots and a finger presses to your chin, forcing your head up. Then she kisses you.
It’s light, her lips brushing languishingly against yours, willing you to match their slow rhythm. It takes a few seconds, and you’re back in your body. You part your lips, letting the warmth of JJ engulf you. The kiss is slow and passionate. JJ moves her hands to your waist, pulling you closer against her and a sudden hunger grows low in your stomach, promoting you to nibble at her lower lip.
Your hands are on her shoulders, and she’s moving forward where there’s nowhere to go. You’re only aware you’re moving when you feel the cold surface of brick hitting your back.
A groan tumbles from your mouth, and JJ takes the opportunity to plunge her tongue in. It’s all teeth and tongues from there. You’re both panting and taking in gulps of air where you can, yet still refusing to unfurl yourselves from one another.
Eventually, the need for oxygen mounts to an all-time high, and you pull back, resting your head against the wall as JJ peppers kisses along your jawline.
“How did you not see?” you say between soft moans.
“I’m not a profiler,” JJ mumbles into your neck. She lifts her head, and you see her eyes are shimmering with humour.
“You’re also not blind.” you smugly point out.
“Neither are you.” She smirks.
A few seconds are spent simply smiling sweetly and dotingly at one another, eyes darting to and from eyes to lips. Then you’re kissing again, and the alleyway and the world seem to fade away, leaving only you and JJ.
Tags: @aws-l @babygirlscout @red1culous @7thavenger @sapphicprentiss @five-bi-five-mind @auggiewrites @12fluffybunny12 @asensitivecookie @summoned-lust-demon @maxinehufflepuffprincess | click here to be added to my taglist
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hiii can u write julien x reader where julien has a crush on reader? like maybe reader is maybe a singer at the grammys and catches juliens eye
pls pls and thank u
jj chats: hiii!! i love this idea so so much and i am so happy i got to write it!!! i decided to do some headcannons and a bit of a blurb! but its mostly tailored to this specific scenario so if anyone wants a more general julien with a crush headcannons i can totally write that! just lmk!! also tysm for the request dear ilysm <333
warnings: RPF, no use of y/n, julien is very awkward!!!
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
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So lets say that Julien is aware of who you are, she knows your music, but never knew your face. She was crazy excited about you performing at the grammys.
She’s at the table when your name gets announced along with the 2 tracks you are playing and she immediately recognizes them.
She gets all giddy because she’s never seen you before and is excited for your set.
You play a mash up of two ballads where your vocals are incredible, your standing center stage. (I’m kind of picturing it to look like Olivia Rodgrigo’s set at the grammys)
Whatever outfit you’re wearing is a beautiful mix of emerald green and gold. Your dress/suit/whatever you are wearing has a very flowy vibe to it.
Anyway Julien sees you as the spotlight shines on you and her heart stops. You were more beautiful than she had ever thought. 
Then you open your mouth to sing and it's like a kaleidoscope of butterflies was released in her stomach.
Phoebe notices her awestruck state and whispers to Lucy.
Yk they made a plan to make sure you met that night.
When your performance ends you smile towards the crowd of brilliant musicians, lyricists and producers. The room erupts in cheers and applause, your head gets a little light as you take everything in. Everything that you’ve worked for has come to this, and you’ve finally made it, singing in a room full of all your biggest idols.
When the stage darkens, a crew member meets you and takes you back to a dressing room, helping you get back into your original grammy outfit. As you walk back to your seat you spot a woman with platinum blond hair in a white suit standing near your table, seemingly waiting for someone.
As you approach her you get a better look at who she was. Exclaiming “Phoebe!! I’m so glad to see you!” You pull her into a hug.
Pulling away, Phoebe replies “Hey dude! It’s been so long!”
“Way too long! Oh congrats on you and the boys wins tonight! I’m so happy for y’all!” You smile, then noticing the other two that make up Boygenius approach, Lucy Dacus and Julien Baker. Lucy introduces herself and Julien, Julien stands squashed between Lucy and Phoebe. She smiles at you shyly, a light pink flushes her face. 
“Your performance was out of this world, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sing like that! Isn’t that right Julien?” Phoebe asks, nudging her bandmate with her elbow.
Julien sputters a little bit before replying “Your voice is so pretty.” Once the words leave her mouth her eyes widen a bit, as if she can’t believe she just said that. Phoebe and Lucy share a look before Phoebe moves to squeeze your upper arm.
“Me and Luce are gonna go mingle, have fun kids,” She turns away from you but you can almost swear you saw her wink at Julien before walking away. 
“I don’t think I’ve never formally introduced myself, I’m-”
“I know you,” Julien cuts you off, horror fills her face at her ill choice of words, “I mean I don’t know-know you, but I know of you! I like you! Fuck I mean I like your music, its really good! And your voice is amazing. It's so pretty! I’m rambling aren’t I?” The tattooed woman sighs, her face flushing again, this time a much brighter red.
“Yes, yes you are. But it's okay Julien, it's cute.” You giggle, reaching towards your purse to pull out your phone, pulling up messages. “Can I have your number, I’d love to talk to you longer but I gotta go visit someone before we have to be back in out seats. Maybe we could get coffee sometime and talk?” You hand the phone to Julien, gently placing it in her open palms.
“Really?” she waits for you to nod before putting her number in, hands shaking as she types.  “Thank you! And best of luck to you tonight! Hopefully I’ll see you around.” Julien says. You smile and grab Julien’s hand, squeezing it lightly. Once you let go she's off towards her table again. 
I could totally see Julien being so nervous around you that she types in her number wrong. So wehn you get home and call her and some random 39 year old guy from Alabama replies you are taken a little off guard.
But it's all fixed when you text Phoebe explaining the situation. 
Phoebe def made fun of Julien for that all the time now.
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Hey, can I please request hc’s of how 141 would be like in relationship with a very clingy s/o,thank you!
Sure can!
The 141 with a clingy s/o
He understands why you’re clingy and it normally doesn’t bother him that much when he’s home
Usually when he’s home he’s not going anywhere and when he is going places it’s usually with you
So having you around him and wanting to be around him doesn’t bother him
It’s when he has to leave that it become an issue
He knows how much it hurts you to have him be away from you all the time and it makes him feel bad when he sees you get upset
He tries his hardest to make sure you’re okay before he leaves but he knows you’ll never be 100% okay when he’s gone
Unfortunately, he rarely has time to message you while he’s away and honestly that’s a good thing because it would just make things worse
He more than makes up for it when he comes home however
He’s honestly not sure why you’re that clingy to him but it only bothers him when he has to leave or when he might need some space
When he’s home he likes having you around and he doesn’t strike me as someone who leaves the house unless it’s necessary
Sometimes he needs space though and he makes sure to tell you it’s not because he doesn’t like it it’s just that he likes to be alone
When it’s time for him to go he struggles a lot
He hates to leave you alone and upset because he knows he’s not going to have the time to send any messages to you
He tries his hardest to make sure you’ll at least be okay while he’s gone
When he gets back he makes up for his absence in more ways than one
He gives me similar vibes as someone who’s clingy too but maybe not to your extent
Always wants to be around you and loves that you like to have him around too
You guys go everywhere together and he has no problem with how clingy you are
The only time he has an issue with it is when he has to go, then he wishes that neither of you were as clingy as you both are
He tries hard to make it better for you both but both of you know it’s going to be rough without the other
He sends more messages than he should but not enough for either of you
In the end when he comes back it’s a time to remember
He’s a good middle I think
He’s not extremely clingy but he’s not not clingy
He doesn’t mind how clingy you are, he likes being around you as much as he can since he’s not home very often
Honestly when you two do go out it’s usually for something that you both were going to do together like a date or shopping
He hates to leave you though, especially when he realizes that your going to be upset and that he is going to be upset too
It’s rough not being around you and he sends some messages but sometimes he wonders if maybe he makes the wrong choice by doing so
He’s happy to be home and see you
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prettyrealm · 7 months
itzy yuna as a bestfriend
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first of all, yuna wants her bestfriend to be super pretty and attractive, she does her very best to provide emotional support to others so she wants someone who can handle her trauma dumping and provide heavy emotional support in return, she tends to hold herself accountable in her friendships and takes them very seriously, she won’t neglect you, she’s not the type to leave you on read for long periods of time and she’ll make sure you two don’t spend too much time apart even if she’s extremely busy. she wants to be there through everything and hold onto you through ups and downs, she wants the friendship to feel meant to be, but at the same time, she’s very guarded and holds herself back as she’s been betrayed by a friend before and fears it happening again. she’s the type to continue listening to your troubles, even if they’re “annoying.” Like, if you keep going back to your shitty ex knowing you shouldn’t, but still keep needing to vent, she will listen to you genuinely. she’d pretty much be happy to help you through any emotional mess. she also has a problem with lying to keep her friends happy though, like she won’t tell you to straight up dump your trashy ex if she thinks it’s hopeless anyway.
she will be the #1 most comforting person to talk to. “everything is gonna be okay” and many compliments. she’s very good at saying what you want to hear. she won’t say anything to hurt you. she’s the type to not give advice at all actually and will let you do what you want and support you through your good and bad decisions. she won’t push her opinions onto you. she’s a big spender. let’s say there’s a super expensive and fancy restaurant that she wants to go to, if she knows you can’t afford it, she’ll pay because she wants to share that experience with you. she may even have sort of a motherly vibe, she wants to take care of her friends for a long time. she wants to be in almost constant communication and won’t ever make you feel unheard. if she’s on tour or working a lot she’ll be sure to text you whenever she can. extremely willing to do things she doesn’t like as long as her friend does, “if you like it, I love it.” If you’re yuna’s bestfriend you will genuinely feel loved by her.
she’s not much of a girl’s girl - at all, she’ll listen to your problems, but she’s secretly judging you hard and may even vent to other friends about you even if she isn’t telling you directly what she thinks, romance >> friendship - as much as she’s there for her friends, her love life will always come first, she definitely makes herself come across a lot nicer than she actually is to your face, she tends to build up resentment and won’t ever communicate - she gossips instead, (considering her love life comes first, if she’s dating, she would 100% be complaining about her besties to her partner), she’s a very big liar, she really wont ever tell you what she’s really thinking. she’s shallow - she wants her friends to be young and pretty like her, she’s okay with earning more money than you, but you have to be on the same level of her socially and appearance wise.
what type of friendship does yuna want?
she wants a bestfriend that has the same beliefs as her (if she’s religious, she could prefer friends to be of the same religion), she likes being the one people feel they need to go to, she wants to be able to ask anything of you and for you to just do it. like, if she says “hey, l need you to make a fake account and stalk my ex on instagram” or if she needs you to lie to someone for her she needs to know she will be able to ask you to do that, she needs a lot of reassurance that you’ll stay by her side and not leave or betray her, compliments and saying nice things to each other is super important to her. I think to her, friendship is more about feeling emotionally happy in the moment, so her actual opinion of you and your actions doesn’t matter, therefore honesty and being up front isn’t that important. it’s about making each other feel good when you’re together, and feeling supported when you communicate and need each other. to yuna, that takes precedence over everything else.
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bluewasthecolor · 2 years
OOOO FROM THE PROMPT LIST, NUMBER 1, "Come here and make me" mutual pining, completely done teammates, 'just hurry up and date already' vibes. With.. uhh.. I haven't thought this far, Lotte Wubben-Moy. Maybe they meet at UNC
Prompt 1 x Lotte Wubben-Moy
Word Count: 1378
Warnings: None!
A/N: Ugh, I love Lotte so very much. I hope this lives up to what you wanted! Also, oops this isn't really a ficlet anymore because I got a little carried away but whatever.
“Ugh! This day has been so long, tell me something to make me feel better Y/N.” Lotte flops down next to you in the training room, making puppy dog eyes as she sits. You roll your eyes at her silliness, but oblige.
“Let’s see…” You pretend to think, although you already know exactly what to say. “How about that we have tomorrow off and we’re going out with the girls tonight?”
As you expected, this brightens Lotte’s mood. She was right, it had been a long day, and everyone was ready for some much needed downtime with the team. 
“I forgot about that! Come to my place before so we can pregame?”
“If by ‘your place’ you mean walk out of my room and into yours, then yes, sounds good.” You poke her, teasing your roommate for her choice of words. 
“Y/N! Lotte! Stop your flirting and get over here, we’re planning for tonight.” Katie’s voice interrupts the two of you, and you both immediately blush at her comment. Leah, standing next to Katie, shoves her and whispers something you can’t quite make out. As you make your way to join your friends, Lotte hangs back a minute. You give her a strange look, but can’t quite tell what’s wrong. She looks upset, confused, and maybe a little embarrassed. Oh well, you think, if it’s something major she’ll tell you. You’ve been best friends (and roommates and teammates) since your UNC days, after all. She knows she can come to you with anything. At least, you think she does. Truth be told, you’re not too sure these days. She’s been pulling away a little, acting a little more distant. You’ve tried not to read into it but you can’t help wondering if she’s started seeing someone. Not that it would matter if she was–she’s your friend not your girlfriend. You don’t get to feel jealous.
That Night
“Okay, you know the deal. We do two shots each, drink one glass of wine, and then wait until right before we leave to do one more shot.” You instruct, passing a shot glass to your best friend. She nods, clinking her glass with yours before taking a lick of the salt on her hand and tossing the tequila back. You both grimace at the burning sensation, bringing your lime slices to your mouths to quell the remaining taste. You pour two more shots and repeat the process together, dancing to the music blasting throughout your apartment as you do so. Lotte then goes to the fridge, opening a bottle of wine and pouring two glasses. She passes one to you and laughs when you down it quickly.
“We’re not leaving for at least an hour, now you’re just gonna have to wait!” She scolds. “No I won’t. Not when my sweet best friend is so willing to share!” You grab her wine glass out of her hand and twirl away.
“Hey! Give that back!” “Come over here and make me!” You sing-song, leaning against the doorframe to her room. 
Lotte lunges after you and you squeal, dashing back into the kitchen and around the island. She eventually catches you, her arms bracketing you, your back pressed against the counter. You look up bashfully. You were used to being in close proximity with her, but that doesn't mean your heart doesn’t still skip a beat when she’s that close. Especially recently. Especially when you’ve been drinking. Her eyes meet yours and that’s when you see it: she wants you. Her eyes are dark, pupils blown, and she’s been staring at your lips. You think she’s about to kiss you, could swear that’s what’s about to happen, but then: “I need to finish getting ready.” Her voice is flat as she turns away from you, leaving you more confused than ever before. You decide to put it out of your mind, for now, instead focusing on pouring yourself more wine.
By the time Lotte is ready, you’ve had another two glasses of wine and are feeling pleasantly drunk. She, on the other hand, is tipsy at best. 
“Let me have your shot for you. You don’t need it.” She still isn’t meeting your eyes, but her voice is full of concern.
“No, no, no. I want it. Mine.” You insist, waving her hand away from your glass. She gives up easily, not wanting to pick a fight over something so small–besides, she can just make sure you don’t drink much more when you’re out.
Once out, both of you had put the kitchen incident out of your minds (or that’s what you were pretending at least–in reality it was all the two of you could think about). While Lotte was attempting to curb your drinking, you kept finding ways to get more alcohol. You would ‘share’ a drink with Viv (this really meant you were drinking them all) or get Katie and Leah to do shots with you (they never took much convincing). You got dancey when you were drunk, pulling your friends with you onto the dance floor. Lotte hung back, feeling like at least one of you should be somewhat coherent. She watches as you dance, your body moving fluidly with the beat of the music. It was graceful and, well, as much as she didn’t want to admit it to herself, it was unbelievably sexy. You were so in tune with your body when you danced, just like when you played football. Fuck. She’s falling for you. If she’s honest, she fell for you way back at UNC she just hadn’t realized it yet.
By the time the night is over, you’re swaying sideways as you walk and slurring your words. Lotte holds your waist as she helps you up the stairs to your shared apartment, helping you stumble to the bathroom. She holds your hair back as you lean over the toilet, washes your face gently when you’re done, and tucks you into bed, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead. Before she can leave your room, however, your voice floats through the darkness.
“Lotte? Will–please stay. Don’t wanna sleep alone.” You mumble, your voice thick with sleep. Lotte is unsure of what to do. On one hand, she doesn’t want to overstep and doesn't want you to be uncomfortable when you wake up. On the other hand, she knows it’ll likely be fine. It’s not as if you’ve never shared a bed before. She makes up her mind, sliding into your bed next to you. You roll over, burying your face in her chest, and fall asleep in a matter of minutes, but before you do Lotte swears she hears a whisper.
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
The Next Morning
You stumble groggily into the kitchen to see Lotte at the stove, cooking up a storm. She glances over her shoulder as you enter, a smile ghosting over her lips.
“Morning, Y/N”
You don’t respond, just groan, and she chuckles.
“Rough night?”
You groan again, leaning against the counter with your head in your hands. Lotte slides a plate in front of you, chock full of eggs, bacon, and toast. The smell wafts into your nose, breaking up the nausea you’re feeling. You dig in, slowly beginning to feel better with each bite. When you’re done, Lotte gestures to you from the couch, silently asking for you to come sit.
“What’s up?” You ask, sitting gingerly next to her.
“So…I might be off base here, but you said something last night I think we should talk about.” She begins, eyes searching yours to see if you remember (you don’t). “You told me you were falling in love with me. Is that true?” Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. This is why you don’t normally drink like that. You can’t trust yourself not to embarrass yourself like that. Taking a deep breath, you decide it’s time to face the music. You’ve been in love with Lotte for years and you figure now is as good a time as any to confess.
“Um, yeah, it is.” You look down at your hands, afraid of what you’ll see if you look at her. “I think I’ve been falling in love with you for years.”
“I'm in love with you too, Y/N.”
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chiquititaosita · 2 years
if you can, could you write op monster trio with a sick reader? (pre-chopper joining the team)
ive been sick for the past week and one piece has turned into my comfort anime, and i still have a lonv way to go haha
thank you in advance, hope you're having a nice day!
i got you my darling! im just recovering from being sick three weeks ago. (Sinus and chest congestion) please get some rest and remember to try and rest as much as possible. good luck (I’m still getting there with you :) )
Fluff, cute shit. And just vibing
Monster trio with a sick reader (pre- chopper joining)
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- don’t get me started 😭
- he’s going to want you to rest. Even if you’re feeling fine. He’s going to make sure you’re being taken care for by sanji (since luffy says his soups can help a cold)
-“ NO y/n.. rest.” he’ll say it in a stern like tone
- Out of the times he was serious outside OF FIGHTING
- he’s only harsh on you when you’re sick because he loves you that’s why.
-“I want you to rest! So you can get stronger!”
-“so when you’re strong enough ! I’ll be able to protect you.” He grins as he’s nuzzling your face.
- “hey y/n! how are you feeling?” He’ll walk in with a happiest grin on his face.
- if he doesn’t sleep in your quarters that night or during those nights. When he wakes up you’re the very first person on top of his brain.
-he’ll sometimes surprise you with drawings (I think he draws stick figures sometimes lol) “look what I made you!”-
-“see it’s you me and the treasure we found!”
-“what’ are those other people right there?” You pointed at that pft of the drawing.
-“oh that’s zoro with his swords and sanji smoking a cigarette, nami is there stealing the money. That’s ussopp shooting a cannon. Oh look that’s robin not giving a-“ you love how creative he is.
- when you get better he lets you do more tasks just to stimulate your brain.
- recovery is just him being excited because he knows you’re being loved and cared for
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-“woah you okay?”
- “y-yeah I’m fi-fine.” you replied in between coughs.
-ngl zoro will drop everything to protect you.
-“you have to rest.. dummy.” he’ll flick in your forehead because you’re a stubborn pendeja
-“noooo i Can get up..” you fell as he picked you up for almost fainting. It had been a few hours since you passed out, and zoro periodically checked up on you everyday. but today felt different.
-zoro went to go and see you. That was until he noticed a blonde male with curly eyebrows humming and holding a dish going into the same direction he’s going to.
-“what’s that for?” Zoro referred to the dish
-“oh this is for Y/n Chan! I heard she was sick, so I made her some soup to cheer her up” he mentioned, and asked why zoro was going to see you
-“I’m checking on her… that’s all.” He blushed lightly, looking away.
-“ you know ever since she came on the sunny. You’ve gotten soft.” Sanji snickered as he was keeping his laughter down.
“Why I outta—-“ he’s just going to argue with him usually but today he had no energy for that.
-“forget it. I guess you’re right I just really care about her you know .” The moss head huffed as he was given the dish.
- “shit I gotta finish dinner!- give this to y/n chwan will you?!” Sanji literally ran off to the kitchen just as zoro made it to your door.
“Oi, y/n Can I come in?” zoro poked his head out of the door.
-“ it’s open.” you mumbled as you were bundled into the blankets. You smelled the soup and poked your head out.
-“hey.. how are you feeling?” he placed the dish of soup down on the little table near you, and gazed upon you. Zoro had missed your face. He hated seeing you feeling unwell, and miserable.
-“I’m okay. Just bored…sick and out of my mind….what’s that for.?” You pointed at the soup
-“curly made you dinner and wanted you to eat first. He said he hopes you feel better.” He rolled his eyes over the words about a certain cook. You couldn’t help but chuckle
-“awe that’s sweet of him. But what about you?” You gestured him to come lay with you, and he plopped himself onto your warm body, clinging onto you like a little koala.
-“ why did you come back? I thought you were training.” you hugged him as he laid on top of you, he hadn’t thought about it like that. Zoro just missed hearing your voice motivating him to keep going, seeing your smile, hearing your voice, especially seeing you looking adorable when mad or yelling. Annoying him while training.
- Literally you were like his personal chihuahua. It just didn’t feel the same without your presence near him. Especially when y’all took naps together after training or if y’all just felt lazy.
-“i- well- um. I finished early. it was just..that I like- training with you more. It was annoying to not hear you yell my name ‘zoro this zoro that zoro can we take a break my boobs hurt?’ ‘Zoro carry me. Zo-Chan hold my hand. ‘“ he mocked your voice and it made you laugh as you nuzzled into it.
-“Awee so you did miss me..” you nuzzled him, as he pulled himself up to hug you in the bed.
-“don’t push it..” he rolled his eyes as he kissed the top of your head.
-“I love you.”
-“ I love you too you big goof.” You sighed happily as you knew you were the luckiest woman on earth.
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- now him HEHEHEHE OMG
- the minute he noticed you were sick, you missed breakfast and you never EVER MISS BREAKFAST! You get up around the same time as sanji.
- “y/n- my loveee! It’s time to get up!!” He sang as he tried to wake you up from you quarters.
-“ really? It’s too early .” you coughed into your fist. You sounded very congested, and your eyes looked so puffy. Your natural bed head with your textured mane, all over the place. he was in awe of how beautiful you sounded in the morning!!
-Sanji immediately gasped as he heard your voice. “Oh no! My Angel! You’re sick!! please lay down to rest! Your prince is going to take care of you!!” he kissed the top of your head, placing your tea near the night stand.
“S-sanji i’m f-fine!!” You tried to push him off your shoulders that was until you ran to the bathroom. acid reflux! or even food poisoning DUN DUN DUN. You must’ve felt like your guts were being rearranged and not the good kind. Luckily it was not sanjis cooking. Because he would’ve been crushed. It was someone else’s leftovers from the previous island you brought in.
-he immediately ran after you, patting your back. “It’s okay, darling. Let it out. you’ll be okay.” He’ll gently pull away your hair out of your face. when you finished throwing up you began to wash up. You went to the kitchen to see if you could put up your cup of tea and wash it.
-that was originally the plan until your blonde man put his hand over your hand, disposing his cigarette immediately after seeing you in sweatpants and a big baggy tshirt. His eyes go into heart shapes.
- “You look adorable as ever.” He coos and pinches your cheeks. you rolled your eyes at him.
-“oh hush your face babe. ..” you mumbled as he embraced you.
-“let me wash that cup for you. Go sit down I’ll make you a plate ” he kissed your cheeks, and booped your nose then forcing your stubborn ass to sit down, after taking your empty cup of tea away from you. you just loved how he shook his hips and sang a little song about you making your plate. it’s one of the reasons you fell in love with him.
-“are you singing [song name]??” You giggled
“Yup!!! Because it’s your fault! You got it stuck.in . My. Head.” He poked you jokingly and lovingly at the end of each syllable. Serving you a cup of fruits and sweets.
-“oh shut up you!! how was breakfast?” You asked him as you were tracing the table cloth, sitting in your seat. You’re not even used to the princess treatment that he’s been giving you.
-“ it was good, I already told everyone you weren’t feeling well, they went off the ship already to gather resources and meds to make sure you feel better” you smiled at him already as he made you some avocado toast, taking a bite of the dishes your face lit up, as you did a little happy dance.
- you know when the food is delicious when you do a happy dance when you eat.
- “Oh my how this is amazing.I’m so happy I can taste your food!” you smiled at him with a little sniffle
-“oh y/n merolineee! the way you compliments me takes me a few steps from ascending into heaven.”
- yes overall Sanji best boy to take care of you during pre chopper era.
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estrellami-1 · 9 months
Okay my love I’m sending you a sad and pathetic prompt and then a cutesy fluff prompt (I thought about just sending you the cute one, I feel like all I’m doing these last few days is feeling awful and not being very productive or fun to be around and I think I was just wallowing when I wrote that comment so absolutely feel free disregard this one if you want) this is the sad one, I was thinking more hurt/comfort vibes:
This is just basically self insert except it’s not me I’m inserting it’s my situation lol, one of their relatives passes away (not Wayne) and on top of that they have to find homes for their loved ones pets that they loved the most of anything in the world when everyone is just telling them to euthanize or that everywhere is full and they’re four states and 16 hours away from the pets so it’s not like they can go pick them up easily if at all, which causes them to get sick/throw up a ton from the sadness and anxiety about the situation - enter the other who takes care of them to make sure they don’t worry themselves to death (if anyone wants to come take care of me and maybe just give me about 3000 hugs a day we could make this a live action roleplay situation lol🥺)
(Sorry this is just me complaining pretty much, the other prompt will be cuter)
Oh my love, you’re allowed to feel bad and wallow. I’m so sorry this happened/is happening!! I can’t give you any real hugs but I’ll give you ALL the virtual hugs I can ❤️
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When the World Ends - Part 1
Steve’s voice is trembling when he finally makes the call to Eddie. “Hey,” he manages, letting out a pathetic, airy laugh at how badly his voice shakes on that one word. “Um. Can. Can you come over?”
Eddie’s amazing, so he says, “I’ll be there in ten,” and he is. As soon as Steve opens the door, he murmurs, “What’s wrong?”
Steve bites his lip, invites Eddie in. “Y’know how I never mention my parents?” Eddie hums. “But I always leave in the spring for a couple weeks?”
Eddie nods. “Your grandparents, right?”
Steve nods. Bites his lip again, looks up at the ceiling, trying not to cry. “Um.” He sniffs. “My grandpa passed today.”
“Oh, Stevie,” Eddie murmurs, reaching for him until Steve shakes his head sharply. “What can I do?”
Steve huffs. “What can anyone do?” He wipes his face and begins to pace. “My grandma’s too old to stay on her own now, let alone with all the animals they’ve got, and of course it’s not like her own son would help, not when he could be in Cabo instead, finding new ways to cheat on my mom with his secretary or assistant or her secretary or who the fuck knows. And I want to help but I can’t leave Hawkins, not when everyone else is still here, and there’s still a chance, but it feels so selfish not to go when she needs me-”
“Steve,” Eddie interrupts softly, hands up between them. “Take a breath, man, it’ll be okay. I know you love your grandparents but this isn’t all on you, okay?”
Steve slumps back into the couch like a puppet whose strings have been cut. Says, barely above a whisper, “I’ve got animals out there.”
Eddie hums softly. “What did you say?”
“Animals. Pets. I can’t have them here so my grandparents have ‘em. I’ve got a dog and chickens and a horse and what ‘m I gonna do with them?”
“We’ll figure it out,” Eddie promises him.
Steve groans and stands up again, beginning to pace again. “They’re four states away, Eddie! I don’t have a horse trailer, I dunno anyone in Hawkins who has chickens so I dunno if that’s even allowed, and I can’t bring my dog here!” He runs a hand through his hair, grimacing. “I guess the horse could go back to the neighbor, but they gave her to me for a reason, and I dunno what’s gonna happen to the chickens, and imma have to give the dog away, too, and get my grandma somewhere she can be taken care of, and fuck, there’s still the house-” he chokes on an inhale and a sob, standing still for a moment before he dashes through the house.
Eddie watches, wide-eyed, and follows when the sound of retching reaches his ears. “Oh, Stevie,” he murmurs, dropping to his knees beside him, hand hovering over his back. “Can I touch you? Rub your back?” Between gasping breaths, Steve nods, so Eddie puts a gentle hand on his back, rubbing up and down. “You’re gonna be okay,” he murmurs. “I know how scary this all seems right now, but you’re the strongest person I know, ‘sides Wayne, and you’ve got people who care about you and who’re gonna be here for you very step of the way, okay?”
The puppeteer cuts the strings once again, and Steve sags sideways into Eddie, trying to regulate his breathing, still quietly choking on his sobs. “Want me to call Birdie?” Eddie asks quietly, moving his hand to wrap his arm around Steve’s shoulders.
Steve shakes his head. Says, between breaths, “She’d panic.”
Eddie hums. “And you wanna be okay for her when she panics.” Steve nods. “Okay, I get that. I’m glad you called me.”
Steve sniffles. Eddie hands him some toilet paper. Says, after he’s blown his nose, “Feels like the world’s ending.”
Eddie thrown back into a memory from months ago. “If the world ends again, you know where I am,” he’d said. He hadn’t been sure, at the time, if Steve would call him. But they stayed friends, to the point where Steve calling him wasn’t quite the rarity it used to be, and Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever felt so honored.
“And you called me,” he murmurs, back in the present day, knees sore from the bathroom tile. He knows they’re going to pop like an old man’s when he stands. He decides not to worry about that right now.
Steve nods. “Knew you’d come.”
“And I did,” Eddie nods. Rubs his hand up and down Steve’s arm. “How’re you feeling?”
Steve sniffs again. “Like shit.”
Eddie lets out a soft chuckle. “I probably should’ve guessed. Ready to get up? Or wanna stay here for a minute?”
“Wanna stay here forever,” he says, but shifts to get up.
He stumbles a little when he stands, hissing. Eddie steadies him. “Legs’re asleep.”
“That’s okay, Stevie, I’ve gotcha. Come rinse your mouth out, m’kay? We’re going back to bed. I’m gonna make a few calls, okay?”
Steve won’t look at him in the mirror. “Gonna leave?”
“Not unless you want me to,” Eddie swears. Steve meets his eyes for a brief second. Shakes his head. “Then I’ll stay until you get sick of me.”
Steve manages a shaky smile. “Not possible.”
Eddie sighs contentedly. “Rinse your mouth out,” he gently reminds him. “Let’s get you up to bed.”
When Steve’s in bed, Eddie turns to leave, then turns back just as quickly when Steve grabs his hand. “You’re not leaving?”
Eddie squeezes his hand. “Not leaving. Just gonna make a quick call.”
“Okay,” Steve whispers, but his breathing picks up again, and Eddie changes his mind.
He bullies his way under the covers next to Steve, pulling him in until his face is tucked into Eddie’s neck and Eddie can rub his back. The call can wait until Steve’s asleep, so he can get back before Steve wakes up.
Steve’s world is ending. That’s every bit as important as the world itself ending. So Eddie resigns himself to stand guard over Steve’s dreams, keeping them happy as best he can.
I hope y’all liked this! The fic tag is the name (“#whentheworldends”) and my writing tag is “#starambles”. Remember I’m NOT doing a taglist for these, so subscribe to either to see where this goes next! Send me an ask with the next thing you want to happen in this fic!
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alright antony and cleopatra let’s get it
part ONE! (which is just until wherever the intermission break is)
-choreographed prologue??? 👀
-TECHNO PROLOGUE!!! low key this is such a vibe
-“my boss is a manwhore”
-just let them have bed wrestling fights!
-i love them both already
-seriously they are such an amazing vibe
-the way he covers his face with a pillow when she teases him for blushing omg
-they are just so utterly besotted and it’s making me so happy
-ooh boy we have another soothsayer
-this has the same energy as the carmen card trio
-wait i feel like this actor playing one of the ladies in waiting was in troilus and cressida (edit: yes! it’s amber james! aka cressida and now charmian!)
-cleopatra fully just said “i’m out i’m not talking to him right now” lol
-well that just happened (fulvia is dead!)
-somebody give antony a hug pls
-enobarbus what are you doing
-she is just so. utterly. brilliant. and. so. MUCH. and i love it
-“eternity was in our lips and eyes”
-oh wait this is the scene from this play they did at [area shakespeare company’s] founder’s retirement party
-their energy is so much and i love it
-“Sir, you and I must part, but that’s not it/Sir, you and I have loved, but there’s not it…”
-soundtrack continues to pop off
-octavius: insecure about masculinity
-octavius wants to cancel antony and lepidus isn’t so sure
-YAAAAAAAY PIRATES OF PLOT CONVENIENCE! (okay maybe just plot spice but whatever)
-okay we fully just skipped a scene i guess (from the few lines i skimmed it looks like “cleopatra and her girls do edibles”)
-okay so pompey is collaborating with Pirates Of Plot Spice TM?
-“okay so how do we get the boys to start fightingggggg”
-okay we’re jumping back to cleopatra and her girls doing edibles
-love the music and love the mardian dude
-“where’s my serpent of old Nile?…now i feed myself with most delicious poison” so uh. about that.
-‘you’re not mark antony’ lolol
-not sad or merry but a secret third thing
-‘charmian that was LAST play’
-the boys are fightingggggggg
-‘i didn’t say i wouldn’t, i just didn’t do it’ mood
-“That truth should be silent I had almost forgot.” OOOOOOOOH
-oh this is definitely a great idea /s
-oh hey it’s the barge speech!
-he’s just a boy who cain’t say no!
-“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale/Her infinite variety.”
-sleepover at agrippa’s!
-LUCY PHELPS OCTAVIA??? (so the duke and isabella did get married in an alternate universe then)
-“i will definitely, 100%, not cheat on you” yeah it’s act two i’m not putting it past you
-no one ever listens to the soothsayer
-“Give me some music—music, moody food/Of us that trade in love.” 🤝 “if music be the food of love, play on”
-y’know, iras is so Not Even In This Play
-she is a QUEEN
-“But sirrah, mark, we use/To say the dead are well.” ross over in scotland, about to tell macduff his family is dead: *shuffles uncomfortably*
-i love their banter
-“you did NOT just say octavia was better at banging than me”
-oh she’s straight up beating him up
-she is Going Through It
-pompey: *gives very emotional speech*
octavius: …take your time
-so enobarbus and menas are besties anyway? i thought they were on opposite sides (which obvs does not prevent bestie relationships but yeah)
-enobarbus knows what’s up
-yeah lepidus words are hard
-menas has a Plan
-octavius: buddy i am Not Getting Drunk Tonight
-Many Complicated Emotions Between These Two,
-antony, fully intending to ditch octavia at first opportunity: well this is awkward
-messenger: i can’t fucking believe i still have to work this customer service job even after getting beat up
-scoping out the competition
-uh oh. there are Political Problems
-GO OFF OCTAVIA (also this is just like blanche in king john)
-“The Jove of power make me, most weak, most weak, your reconciler. Wars ’twixt you twain would be As if the world should cleave, and that slain men should solder up the rift.”
-oh octavius is Big Mad
-ooh did octavia just take her ring off 👀
and that’s intermission! this is GREAT and i would continue watching but it is also late and i am tired so…rest tomorrow!
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
Chapter 11 cheffff
i’ll try to keep the quotes a bit shorter this time to not kill people’s feed
“Respect him, Chef.” - it’s so over
“He’s bein’ a fuckin’ creep.” - RICHIE I LOVE YOU SO
“N’ what the fuck are you?” - . . . this fully broke me. this is just so- poor richie omg🥺😭
“Cause I’ll fuckin’ tell you” - I beg you don’t. this has actually hurt me more than anything
I bet since she forgets the note it’s actually going to be something kinda nice (like him being hppy with the dish cause duh why wouldn’t he), well sweeps was bothered but maybe he didn’t read it. idk i’m holding out hope!! or it’s super important and now they’re fucked … either way we trot along!
there will also be some things i won’t comment on cause i’m sure people will react to them. i’m trying to not make you repeat too many things aye?
“You’re excused.” - oh this would have me swinging. well not really cause i’m a wuss but
“Say what you wanna say, Carmen.” - she’s so much stronger than me fr i would be crying
“you failed Mikey” - oh. yeah idk if they can come back from this tbh. it was nice while it lasted. we gave it a good run.
His middle name is Anthony. Tony. - okay this is actually hilarious tho. and the contrast to what else is happening disjjs. only you author, i swear
Gone. Devoid. - 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
i mean yeah he’s sorry but looking in his eyes and seeing that won’t make anything go away. like idk sometimes there’s a limit to how mean someone can be even if they don’t mean what they say yk?? like control your emotions a bit and that
“How could you fuckin’ say that shit to Chippy—” - richie i love you i love you i love you
“To Richie.” - she’s so- the nicest ever wow
yeah i figured the invoice thing when she said it was complicated. but dang that’s still-
At least get him a star, if he has to hate you. - i’ll cry
“I’d still love you, even if you weren’t helpful. By the by.” - this man is everything
“Man… You were here.” - they’re crying, i’m crying, we’re all crying
“You wanna see a Taylor Swift concert wit’ me?” - SHUT UP HE IS SO CUTE. i’d do anything with him (friend stuff)
He kisses the crown of your head. Richie must be a good dad. - most definitely. i love these two so much rah. my fave duo
“We can only hope.” - LMAO SJFJJD i needed that to help ease the angst
Never know when you’re going to need a fire. - ayo?? i’ve actually considered multiple times to carry one just in case someone needs it
Entirely forgot, about the wedding gig - ME TOO SHEHDJEJ oh my we’re not away from the drama yet i see
so you don’t get second hand smoke. - he’s so cute and this is everything to me because second hand smoke is like the worst thing i know and last week i was trapped between so many smokers and it was the worst
“You gotta get your star, Squid.” - so cute. squid getting her star(fish)
“Bitch—” “Heard.” - LMAO best call and response
“Heard, Chip.” “Heard, Ink.” - CUTEST
“I know you said I’d be a perfect match for your little brother.” - OH SHITTTTTT. shut down the mikeychip allegations, as you should 😌😌 also mikey knewwww. really doing it all from beyond
Listen listen, I do the apologizing for both of us for destroying feeds YOU do it all you want, ALWAYS!!
IT'S SO OVERKDFG-- I don't remember exactly when I wrote 'Respect Him Chef' but I do remember going YEAAGGGHHH I COOKED I'M COOKIN WITH THIS ONEEE
I knew if we were gonna get into the Freezer Fight, I had to be brutal, what the fuck are you? was like, KEY hurtfulness. It immediately throws off what was a jovial vibe into something very cruel and painful--- Bah, Fuck you Carmen Bro
HEY BRIGHT SIDE-- BRIGHT SIDE HE LIKED THE DISH? SO. SO WE HAVE THAT. Sweeps wrote the note ALA the Ever's server method of passing Vibe check notes, which is why he needed that fucking smoke break. Having to play messenger for that skeeve,,,, yeuch.
no one says things the same way someone else says things !! you can always spam, love ya thoughts, always will. Anyways anyways, YOU'RE EXCUSEDBRRROOOOOO I'd get . violent.
Again, there was such a universe where Tony got violent. Like. Listen. She is a Chicago born and bred babe, she was an EMT, she's been a bartender-- Bro can prove she's a fuckin' problem alright? She can fucking swing. The 'Say what you wanna say' was very much like, the lead of line given before someone gets there shit rocked. Alas , she like,,, likes him or whatever,,,, so we couldn't,,,, sad
No one's ever commented on Carmen's Middle Name being Tony and I had to note it before someone else made fun of me for it. But I have also always loved ,,, fuck my Directing Prof is gonna be mad at me. It's somewhere in my notes, but essentially, there's this idea of Dramatic Contrast (not the actual term) but It's like, the ear scene in Reservoir Dogs, or that trumpet over the boxing match in I think,,, Raging Bull? Where basically, a very jaunty or pop like tune plays over something genuinely horrifying, basically.
I really enjoy that concept, in my own short films and writing, so Carmen going from saying like, the worst thing he's ever said, to like, oh I need to transfer outside my body-- You go funny immediately, and I think it makes everything both so much funnier and so much more painful? Just turns up the volume, on both sides. Or at least to me it does.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Bro will need to grovel. Bro will also need to get socked. Chippy why did you have to stop Rich c'mon man
Apologize to Richie really gets me, because it's 100% her being nice and having her boy's back, but it's also like.... She doesn't feel she deserves an apology-- And that. Man. I'm gonna. I'm gonna just take a 45 minute nap to process that fuck. At least get him a star, if he has to hate you. FUCK BRO. WHAT THE FUCK!!! I did that, who am I yelling at.
Rich and Chips whole convo was very cathartic to write-- It had been another scene that i'd imagined for a while and morphed bit by bit as i got a better and better idea of their history. And I think as more and more is uncovered in future chapters, coming back to reread this chapter will like,,, mean a lot more, in a lot of ways. I also enjoy the way it repeats that 'I was Here' from Richie in Zero Pulse. I just like,,, rah. They're so... They're just very good. And they're going to have to see Taylor Swift.
IT'S IMPORTANT TO KEEP A LIGHTER YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YA NEED A FIRE!!! And fuckin being with a crowd of smokers is awful. I am lucky all my friends that are on that fuckin NIC blow that shit far from me. They're very sweet.
Fun fact: One Black Plate was the original original original chapter title, back when I started cooking it up in my brain, around chapter 3. But once I got to Other Shoe and realized the devious period thing I could do, I had to go with Just Dropped. HAD TO. But One Black Plate was really good. I'll miss her.
THE ALLEGATIONSD LMAOSJOFJ I do really respect the Mikey/Chip ship, because reasonably, I could see them working. And listen. Maybe they did. WHOS TO SAY. Mikey's ghost is to say. BUT WHOS TO SAYYY
Anyways, for this lovely wonderful wrap sheet from you, and whoever braved the storm of reading this, let's see if i can find anythin worth showing you from the draft that isnt getting cut, that also isn't too spoilery
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sunshine-on-my-mind · 2 years
Slice of Life
pairing: Frank Adler x reader
words: 722
warnings: fluff, angsty vibes, Frank being a sweetheart, mentions of taking a shower (implied nudity), mentions of exhaustion and wanting to cry. mention of having dinner.
a/n: hi!! so I know I have not been writing much these days and I’m trying to get back to it but i mostly just feel so tired these days. this fic right here is very self-indulgent and I so wish I could be in Frank’s arms right now. I really hope you all like this. Comments, Reblogs, and Feedback are really appreciated.
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As you enter your home, after an exhausting day, both physically and mentally, a deep but silent sigh leaves your mouth. Your eyes quickly scan for the little blonde. Always making sure to not look sad in front of the kid. You knew if she sees you upset, she will be upset too, and you don’t want that.
The kitchen smells good, Frank has become much better at cooking after the lessons you have given him, you smile at the thought. And as you let your thoughts indulge in the happy and cozy moments you spend with your boyfriend, you miss to notice him appearing from your shared bedroom.
“Hey there.” Frank’s beautiful voice breaks you out of your thoughts. He comes closer and takes you in his arms. In that moment, you feel all the weight of the world being released from your body and feel the urgent need to cry. Although before you could shed any tears, the chirpy voice of the young genius gets your attention.
“You’re back! Frank made dinner and it surprisingly smells good” Mary says while pulling your hand and taking you to the kitchen. You chuckle softly while Frank makes a comment about how it always smells good when he cooks.
You decide to freshen up before dinner, only after making sure Mary isn’t hungry because you don’t want her to wait.
“No I wanna have dinner with you both and I’m not hungry, plus it’s Saturday tomorrow so I don’t have school.”
The moment the warm water hits your skin, you let out another sigh. It has been a tough week, but you tried your best to keep a happy face at home. Frank and Mary have been through a lot, and you made it your purpose to only make them smile from the moment you stepped in their lives.
You hear a knock on the door and then your boyfriend appears.
“You alright baby? Wanna talk?” Frank knows you won’t say anything even if you are sad or just not feeling good. You hardly share or speak up when it comes to your own well being, always the caring person. Frank can’t believe how lucky he is to have found such a caring and loving girlfriend but he wants to be there for you too, wants to take care of you.
When the only response he gets from you is a shake of the head, he decides to strip and join you in the shower. You smile, feeling him close to you. You probably will never admit to him how much you love having him close.
“It’s okay if you don’t wanna share, love. But I hope you know I’m always here for you. You do so much for me, so much for Mary. I- I don’t want you to feel burdened”
“Frank, don’t ever think that. Mary and you, you both make me the happiest. I know after a tiring day when I come home and just be in the presence of you two, it instantly lifts up my mood.”
“Uh huh so you do need to be cheered up”
“Hey- that’s not what I said!”
Frank chuckles and so do you. He smiles and kisses your forehead. A drop of tear leaves your eye, a happy tear. You feel content.
He wraps his arms around you, and in his warm embrace, and under the warm water, you feel refreshed.
You both get out of the shower and quickly get changed into some comfy clothes a.k.a. the t-shirt and sweat pants you “borrowed” from your boyfriend.
Mary and you chat over dinner and appreciate Frank for his efforts.
“You’ve learned well Adler, this is so delicious.”
Mary nods her head in agreement.
“Well thank you ladies.”
Settling in bed with Frank, you snuggle close to him.
“No matter what, I’m here for you, always gonna hold you close and listen to you. I appreciate you so much baby, I love you.” Frank pulls you into a loving kiss.
“Thank you Frank, thank you for loving me and accepting me. You mean the world to me. Mary and you make me the happiest. I love you too.” You smile and kiss him again.
With Frank’s hand wrapped around you, keeping you close to him, you soon drift off to the land of dreams.
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kkbardd · 7 months
hello! i haven’t sent an ask in a while because schoolwork has been piling up infinitely :[ , but your recent posts have been really interesting to me! i really liked the room sketch one, I can’t exactly explain why but there’s something so indescribably human about it. i love spaces that looked lived in, that have personality, and I think that your room (current one? made up? old one?) has done a great job of showing that. and I’m not very good at giving advice— I can hardly follow it myself, but if you don’t know something, don’t know what you want to do, try things. it’s okay if you don’t like them. i recently found out I’m more competent in languages than I thought! i can already read and understand simple sentences in german.
there’s always more to yourself than you’ll know, I think, but the world is kinder than people think. If anything, everyone is still very new at this. we’ve never lived before. do the things you like, branch out, don’t become less of yourself for other people. everything has a place, and my best advice is to treat life as you would a vacation. do all the things you can while you’re here. build a life that makes it worth it. (sorry for the long ask and my rambling, or if this is overstepping in any way. i just read what you wrote and kind of related to it in a way. thank you for continuing to create art, it brings me a lot of joy! :] )
hey isopod!!! thanks for the ask & I wish u good luck with ur school work!
Thank u so much for the compliments, im really glad the vibe of my room was conveyed in those doodles. i absolutely looove drawing my room! It’s extremely small (a renovated utility closet) and just barely fits a bed + my desk but its packed full of the things i love. It’s very lived in and I feel like it reflects my character well.
when i drew that page I was in my senior year of high school and pressures to decide my future were overwhelming. I never thought much about it until then and I didn’t have any idea of what I was going to do. The only thing I felt I had going for me was art but I didn’t want to turn my only hobby into a job I hated. I remember going through a master list of majors on random college websites and one-by-one asking myself if I’d be okay doing it. In the end I had nothing. I was really crushed about it and felt stuck. This was right after the covid quarantine too so focusing in school was difficult & I couldn’t bring myself to apply for scholarships. I started skipping classes, smoking weed, and pushing off my assignments. All of this only made me feel more miserable, of course, so everything seemed pretty bleak at the time.
But luckily I had the support of my family and especially my mother. She would always remind me that “we have option”, “we always have options”. Because I did! This was a fresh start to try my hand at a totally different experience than what I’ve done so far. I ended up choosing my major on a complete whim after hearing my aunt had a job in an adjacent field. I was pretty sure I’d drop out after a semester, yet here I am about to graduate soon & I’m having a ton of fun!! (Hell, I’m 10 hours out in the middle of nowhere right now for my Field Methods class!) It’s not that I had a knack for Geology that I just never tapped into, or that i secretly had a passion for rocks this entire time; I just found something that seemed like an okay fit and grew interest from there. I think that a small level of commitment like that is more than enough to get you going. I had a ton of ideas in my head about how I needed to have a perfect fit major that would connect every dot I’ve laid out in my life thus far, but that’s not true at all. Life is much more messy and unpredictable than that.
But enough of my rambling!! That time of my life may have been stressful but I’m very grateful that I went through it! It changed how I viewed problems and it taught me to always look for other options when everything seems helpless.
Thank u so much for ur encouragement, I really appreciate it <33 I completely agree with everything u said!! Life is an ever changing experience & often leads u in unpredictable directions!
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oh-look-another · 7 months
whoops my hand slipped so now instead of starting on my lit project due tomorrow i have to analyse the circe saga <3
okay side note: this might go from a full-on analysis to incoherent rambling so heads up. uh also not in any order, especially not chronological. anyway let’s get this party started!! 
okay first one. wasn’t too sold on this one at first (not like the other ones *cough* wouldn’t you like *cough*) but like?? wow
circe’s voice!!
‘a woman’ ‘what’ 
ody just. brushing eurylochus away he sounds so donelike not done just. tired of life. if yk what i mean. like he doesn’t have beef with eurylochus specifically but like he’s just irritated with the world
the soldiers!! like if i were one of them i would have willingly get turned into a pig by circe (but like, i’m not a guy so idk)
the sounds of waves im not sure if it was actually there or just my imagination but still.
the start of the song echoes the melody of the first part of full speed ahead?? like i was singing it in my head before the words of puppeteer actually sunk in
it sounds so party-ish like i can imagine the vibes no wait i can feel the vibes it’s party vibes. i can imagine the soldiers getting drunk on the wine and lust. i can smell the wine. i can hear the music blasting from the shitty speakers hidden in the corners of the too-crowded room. i’ve never been to a party before. you can probably tell.
what was the thing that eurylochus wanted to say tho?? i’m curious. ppl who read the odyssey, was this interaction mentioned or made-up, and if it did happen, is it relevant to the plot? do we find out what he wanted to tell ody?
why is ody’s voice so deep
very gentle waves-esque music at the start. lulls us into a false sense of security. makes us think the island is safe. it isn’t. we’ve all been fooled by circe’s tricks.
‘there’s only so much more we can endure’ my poor boy this isn’t half of it
alternative take: they are traumatised babies we must protect them with our lives
alternative alternative take: and whose fault was that, ody? hmm? was it perhaps, the fault of a reckless captain who decided to fucking reveal his name-
oh my gods the way he just starts straight-up rapping-
‘we have to go save them’ ‘no we don’t’ well damn eurylochus who hurt you like this that was real quick
ody’s ‘damn’ like sir i know you’re contemplating running to said woman in question he sounds seduced already and he hasn’t even met the witch yet
eurylochus’ ‘okay’ sounds really dejected this probably doesn’t mean anything but that’s the point of an analysis so- 
hey hey hey don’t greet the mysterious voice why are you doing that i thought you guys learnt your mistake(s)!!
oh oh oh her voice is so pretty it’s so good!!
she’s so bold and confident she’s amazing ahhhhh
her revealing her name! this says something like yk ‘names have power’ i can’t remember if it was pjo universe or actual facts but the fact that circe’s so sure of her ability to defend herself and her nymphs she gives away her name to ppl freely
oh so that’s how you pronounce circe (i just assumed it had a silent e)
you’re the only one who stayed outside?? hmm? eurylochus? well at least you learnt something
haha the soldiers sound so happy to be there
i don’t blame them tho they’re super tired they just want and need a safe place to rest 
yeah that’s right don’t fucking underestimate women
uhm circe i don’t thing getting turned into pigs is gonna be the best part of these soldiers lives i think the best part passed before troy
no no no do not trust ppl who offer food did you not learn from the lotus eaters are you complacent who has the brain cell eurylochus give it back to the soldiers they need it more
awww thanks for the support circe <3
i would gladly let circe puppeteer me esp mythological!circe she’s so 
‘and it wasn’t quick’ oh. 
uh is this an inappropriate time to make a joke about furries bc pigs don’t have fur and the soldiers are dying-
‘the world does not tend to forgive’ ok lesson imparted from all-powerful being check
eurylochus hi yes you should have learnt not to abandon your friends uh but i don’t blame him tho poor guy just wants to get home (he never will)
‘but i can hardly sleep now knowing what we have done’ haha ody you’re not gonna like what comes next :3
‘i can still hear her still’ ooooh he’s Traumatised he has ptsd :))
‘i can only hope you’ll do the same’ ody go easy on him
oh circe is really protective of her nymphs
as she rightfully should
oh i’m done
wouldn’t you like
whoo my favourite 
like no offense to the others but hermes!!
his voice is so gravelly wow
his laugh sounds so mischievous fit for a trickster god
‘i must say what a brilliant speech u gave’ this implies that hermes was watching them, or more specifically, odysseus, for at least long enough to hear the conversation. which means that there’s a solid chance that hermes was in it for the gossip and stayed for the drama
there’s a betting pool up on olympus. probably. definitely.
‘you’ll need the blessing of a certain god’ when this gets an adaptation, hermes will probably do like a hair flip or something. it’s in character for him to do that, right? right?
he has an accent but what accent does he have
oh my gods hermes that was such an awful pun i had to laugh
‘hermes?’ okay hear me out ody sounds like a mystified child who can’t believe his eyes (or in this case ears)
the laugh 
he sounds more amused than anything else (he doesn’t really care, not right now, it’ll just be another fun tale to tell at parties)
was that a roar i heard?? a roar?? like the chimera?? 
oh oh oh when he’s describing circe he sounds so fascinated by her (probably me to my irl friends) like he doesn’t care? about the fate of the ppl he’s describing? he’s just? like ‘wow circe can do that isn’t that cool anyway-‘
like idk how to describe it
the emphasis he places on certain words it’s so cool to listen to (i’m running out of synonyms for amazing help)
oooooh the electric/techy feel to the song like ik it was explained in one of the videos that the gods have more electronic feel to their songs but it’s so!! cool!!
‘you can be hurt or you can beat her’ the play on words!! wow!! it’s just-
‘all you need’s imagination’ wow uh. this seems important. but uh.
‘and i call this root: holy moly’ hermes. i hate your puns. i hate them so much.
i am now compelled to explain the pun. damnit.
so basically only the gods can acquire the root. was it blessed by the gods? if it was, add a second layer to the meaning of this and ignore the question :)) and it rhymes!! holy and moly rhyme!! whoo
ody’s ‘ah’ he sounds so done
wait but hermes when he says ‘and i call this root: holy moly’ he sounds so proud of himself oh my gods like no that is not something to be proud of that is so awful ugh
‘hermes. thank you.’ oh? he appreciates his help? like he sounds so grateful wow
‘dont thank me friend you may very well die :))’ this further proves my theory that hermes is only in this for the drama?? okay yeah drama
‘good luck’ see it’s an afterthought. but he thought of ody. huh.
two more to go!!
done for
also was very very excited for this
did not disappoint
the intro is basically *epic fight music*
okay ody sounds like he’s smiling but not like a forced smile it might be genuine? like why would it be genuine? okay yeah it might be because he is confident he’s gonna win the fight. he has a god on his sight. it’s failproof. he has the flower. he doesn’t have to be scared. is this hubris?
‘through the years we seldom get a warm welcome’ okay ody. you were fighting a war. then you intruded into a cyclops’ cave. then you angered poseidon. of course you don’t get a warm welcome what were you expecting?
‘who me? all i did was reveal their true form :))’ u turned them into pigs :/‘ ‘huh.’ their banter wow.
*more epic fight music*
see the nymphs again!! she’s very very protective of them!!
‘i don’t mean to tip your scale’ ody stop lying. you did mean to tip her scale.
‘hermes gave it to you didn’t he’ ‘okay well yes fine but regardless-‘ i love love love the friendly banter between them idk but i think that in another lifetime under better circumstances they would have been really good friends
also implied that hermes has done this before so haha
‘friends i can’t neglect’ see i think this whole verse is the similarities between them see they could have been friends i know it i can feel it in my bones
*even more fight music*
the sword sound skjskjskjskjs
‘you’ve lost’ okay uh i think that was albeit too fast don;t you think so, ody? ody?
‘my nymphs are like my daughters i protect them at all costs’ yes see this is what i’ve been trying to say thanks circe
but the rhythm for this verse is so good it’s so ethereal wow
‘but everyone’s true colours are revealed in acts of lust’ circe. circe no. bad circe. stay away from ody he’s a married man
‘i’m not sure i follow’ oh ody. you poor, innocent child.
okay but his voice was so gravelly tho-
idk i don’t think circe was doing this to feed her own lust. like i don’t think she has feelings for ody or anything like i feel that she was doing exactly what she said and trying to find out what his true colours were so she could decide if she wanted to help him
last one!! not gonna like it a lot ‘cause seduction but hey greet the world with open arms am i right?
there are other ways
oh. this one.
i’m not really comfortable with this because there isn’t any point in seduction why does it exist ew
‘there are other ways of persuasion’ oh really? then show me your chimera i bet it’s cooler than whatever you’re gonna do to ody
‘there are other means of deceit’ this shows that circe is gonna convince ody to cheat on his wife but [spoiler alert] he doesn’t (for now) (i think) like deceit as in he’s deceiting his wife
okay i love the repetition here like ‘there are other…’ blah blah blah like wow. i like it. i don’t get it, but i like it.
‘want to save your men from the fire? show that you’re willing to burn’ woah. vfd core. so like this implies that she and her nymphs were planning on cooking the men-turned-into-pigs?? and also it’s a metaphor!! whoo my lit teacher would be proud of me (but less proud for not doing the project which is actual school work)
‘but there’s no puppet here’ okay so this shows that circe views ody as more powerful and resistant to her (and also her magic bc of the holy moly thingy) and less likely to fall prey to her charms (i would) 
ody doesn’t know if he can manipulate his way out of this problem hah
okay dont kill me for this but i think that the ‘just a man’ references in the song feel a bit forced bc they’re like,,, they don’t fit 
but. i think that like it’s ody trying to break out of the spell? that circe put on him to seduce him or smth like before that he was in sync then he tried to fight off the thingy by like going against the rhythm if yk what i mean
the transition from ‘forgive meeeee’ to ‘i can’t’ is so good aghhh
‘and she’s all my power’ ah this here is a clear piece of evidence that ody is the bottom in the relationship 
‘and let us puppets leave’ oh? he’s like sympathizing with her and like trying to see from her perspective so he can leave more easily
‘poseidon, eh?’ haha mood
oh they’re kinda friends whoo :)
‘i know of a brilliant prophet, problem is this prophet is dead’ *music stops momentarily, transitions to very underworld-y music* 
haha wait that was so funny
who was the prophet tho?
‘wait you’re helping us?’ he sounds so shocked
‘maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more’ this could imply that circe is suicidal?? whoops am i projecting
no but the genius lyrics said that the last few lyrics were sung by the soldiers they sound like theyre under a spell oh my gods imagine pigs singing this haha i think this is just like circe undoing the spell on them tho
whoo done!!
hi remember i’m just a random teen on the internet! no obligation to listen to me and my 10.37 pm rants! 
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Azusa Heaven [03]
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ー The scene starts on the stairway at school
Yui: ( Azusa-kun offered to walk home together, but where has he run off to now...? )
Hm...? Over there, is that...?
ー Yui runs up to him
Yui: Azusa-kun!
Azusa: Ah...Yui-san...
Yui: You weren’t there when I went to pick you up from your classroom, so I was looking around for you. So this is where you’ve been.
Azusa: Ah...It’s that time already...? I’m sorry...
Yui: No, it’s fine.
Azusa: The corner of this mirror is broken, so I was playing around watching my reflection...
See? ...When you angle your face like this, it appears split, don’t you think? ...Fufu...
Yui: B-Be careful not to make contact with the shards, okay...?
( I mean, as long as he’s having fun... )
Azusa: Hey, you should stand next to me as well...Let’s have some fun before we head home...?
Yui: I don’t mind but...How will we turn a game out of this?
Azusa: I’ll...come up with something now...
Yui: ( Ah...Now that we’re lined up like this, it really shows how much taller Azusa-kun is than me. )
( I mean, it only makes sense but it really gives off those masculine vibes, I’m getting a little nervous... )
( His shoulders are much broader than mine as well...As are his chest and hands... )
Azusa: ...Hm? Why are you staring to intently into the mirror...? 
Yui: Ah...W-Well, I was just thinking how much taller you are than me...
Azusa: ...You don’t like that?
Yui: T-That’s not it...I-I suppose I’ll try straightening my back a little!
( Uu...I can’t look him straight in the eyes... )
Yui: H-Hm...I guess I still can’t match his height just by stretching a little...
Azusa: ...You would have loved to be a little taller, huh? ...I can relate to that feeling a lot...
Yui: Eh?
Azusa: I’m on the shorter side for a guy as well...So I am envious of Yuma and such...
ー He steps closer and embraces her
Yui: ...!
Azusa: But you’re so very cute, even smaller than me...So I can hold you in my arms like this...
So please don’t beat yourself up over it...
Yui: Azusa-kun...
Azusa: Ah...But even if you had been tall, I’m pretty sure I would have just gotten a chair and embraced you like this nevertheless...
Yui: ...Thanks. But it’s not like I wanted to be taller or anything...
Azusa: Eh...? Then why didn’t you look me in the eyes while you were talking to me...?
Yui: ( He noticed. I-I might as well just spill the beans at this point...! )
Y-You appeared to very manly to me...So I was too nervous to make eye contact with you.
Azusa: ...Oh.
Is that true...? That you got nervous from my manliness...?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Azusa: I see...Fufu, I get it now...I’m so very happy...Hey, show me your face...
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: A-Azusa-kun...?
Azusa: Huh? I wonder what happened...? Your cheeks are flushed...
Yui-san...You cutie...
Yui: ( He’s slowly leaning in... )
( I usually wouldn’t want him to kiss me in public but...For some reason, I can’t resist him today. )
Azusa: Ah...Wait...Could you face away from the mirror...?
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: ...? W-Why...?
Azusa: I want to be the only one who can see the faces you’ll be making...
I don’t even want to share it with my own reflection...
Yui: ( ...! A-Azusa-kun... )
Azusa: Nn...
Yui: Nn...
Azusa: Hah...Show me all sorts of expressions, only to me...Nn...Nkuh...
Yui: Ah...Azusa-kun...Uu.
Azusa: Don’t...Nn...
Yui: Nn...
Azusa: I’m sorry...I can’t stop...Nn...Nkuh, nnh...
Yui: ...Pwah...
Azusa: You’re so adorable, Yui-san...
Yui: ( I’m already a flustered mess from how different he seems than usual... )
( But when he sucks my blood so intensely, it makes me weak in my knees... )
Azusa: Show me...lots of other faces. I love you...Eve.
ーー THE END ーー
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lovelyinspiration1463 · 11 months
Loki S2 E3 Spoilers Ahead!
My thoughts while watching the episode for the first time:
Is that him as a kid?
I considered for a hot second that Loki might be that horse.
There is never a moment too dire for Mobius to grab a snack, and I relate to that on a deep and personal level.
Boy, Marvel will do anything to plaster their name on screen as much as possible.
*science mumbo jumbo*
I think this variant has gotten himself electrocuted one too many times. 
I wouldn’t be standing right in front of that, my dude.
Well, yeah, now he’s giving off more ‘take over the world’ vibes. Proper Frankenstein over here.
Prototype? Yeah, no kidding. That thing let off a few bright sparks and then just died.
Mustache guy looked so scandalized, I can’t  😭😭😭
“Hornswoggler”? That is my new favorite word.
Is that an offer or a threat? Sounds more like a threat.
Where can I get myself a guy who will pass out money at the snap of my fingers???
I know it’s loud in there, but is no one else hearing the talking purse?
Nice cover, Mobius.
Oop. Old hornswoggler is back and wants a refund. I’m shocked. The machine looked so impressive just… fizzling the way that it did.
This has very quickly become a Charlie Chaplin sketch.
Okay, first of all, Mullet Hair, can you chill??? Killing the same dude over and over and over again is not gonna secure free will for people! Can we discuss? For even just a millisecond?! Are we able to think through our actions?
He ruined your life? Listen here, Sylvie; while you’ve been living it up at McDonalds, the universe has been falling apart! Think outside yourself for two seconds!
His face! 💀💀💀
Are these two seriously having a moment? Cease and desist immediately.
“A long time ago-“ in a galaxy far, far away. No, wait; wrong franchise.
That’s your biggest takeaway? Seriously?
“Rat bags”? Mustache Man is just full of zingers!
Did Loki literally just run in a circle??
Ooh, Miss Minutes is a bit snappy. She really wants everyone to know how clever she is.
Oh my gosh, they are not cramming another slapdash love story into the show 😫 I do not care about this! I came here to see Loki! Every second he’s not on screen, a little part of me dies…
Miss Minutes in the background: 😞
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I have a feeling Renslayer is suddenly gonna be much more amenable to joining Loki and Mobius now.
All those mannequins are so creepy. 
A Rolodex? That’s his life’s work?
Okay… this just got weird on so many levels. 
🎶 People always told me, be careful of what you do, don't go around breaking young girls' hearts. And mother always told me, be careful of who you love.  And be careful of what you do, ‘cause the lie becomes the truth - hey hey!🎶
Dude, how did she even get here?
*dramatic entrance at the perfect time*
Mobius, look at her! I don’t think Ravonna is in the best headspace rn.
How many people are gonna barge in here??? Does he have any security at all? Even a single lock?
Also, are we really doing this again? This episode is bloated with will they/won’t they moments. It’s a “won’t” from me. I’ve decided.
The hair! 😍💯
So is Loki just gonna lie there and watch, or…?
So everyone gets free will but him? How do you know he won’t make better choices? He can’t be the one singular person in all of existence that is fated to be something specific!
Okay now I’m starting to feel a little bad for him.
“I can make my own choices.” That’s what I’m saying!
Who put Sylvie in charge? I’m sorry, but last time I checked, Loki doesn’t answer to you!
Seriously? You’re just abandoning her there??? Murder was a bad thing two seconds ago and now you’re both chill about it?
Aww, poor Sylvie. She really is the greatest victim in all this. How dare she be forced to decide to obsess over something 🙄
Yeah, I’m not sure sticking the two of them together is a good idea. I mean technically he’s dead, but what has that ever meant in the MCU?
Oooh, never mind - he’s dead dead. …Well, even so. Loki’s come back from worse.
Can any of these characters just pick a side?! Stop betraying each other so often; I can’t keep up! Who’s working with who???
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