#and it's like of course they've used it it's very good and what you'd naturally think to call it
ashestoashesjc · 2 years
one of the funniest parts of writing calamity is coming up with an idea for a character, thinking up a name that rules, and googling it with heavily squinted eyes because you just know marvel or dc or someone used that exact concept/name combo in the 80s, and yep
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goddessofmischief · 11 months
Hey, thanks for tagging :) I am 34, so the "old men" are not so old to me and quite frankly, watching Shanks, Buggy and Mihawk in OPLA is feeling like coming home to old friends back from 20 years ago. (I was crushing on Shanks and Buggy so much...😅) So I thought, maybe you could write something where fem!reader already knows them and has a soft spot for each of them, since back when they were flirting and making fun when they were young. Now as adults they meet again and the chemistry is still there.
I remember one of my stories from back then. I was jealous of mermaids, because all the pirates got stupid once they're around, and a drunk Shanks said: "nah, you wouldn't like to be one; You'd be missing slamming doors and Buggy would drown on daily basis just to say hi-." Both Buggy and Reader: "shut up! So not true!". Just like young stupids are... :)
Anyways, thanks for your writing and I can't wait to read more about the "get-shit-done"-squad Mihawk, Shanks and Buggy
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A/N: Hope this is alright: since your formal request was so in line with what the theme of the series will be anyway, I used the excerpt of your line as basis for this particular fic. All credit of course goes to you for coming up with the lines and the idea. On a personal note, I just want to say how much I respect that you were an OG fic writer and still have interest in and love for these characters. Welcome home.
You would have believed that you had been at sea for years, until Buggy reminded you that it had only been weeks.
Granted, this is how he reminded you:
"It's been wee-eks," Buggy whined, stretching out on his hammock. Shanks was collapsed against the wall, fingers knotted together, eyes not really focused on any particular place.
And you? You were lying on the floor, gazing up at the wooden ceiling, wondering if it would be a good idea to leave the cabin and see the stars.
Being on the ship for weeks was highly irregular for your crew. Great captain he was, Roger knew he could only keep this ragtag group sane if they stepped onto shore and ate an orange every once in awhile. This concern was triply inflated by the fact that he had three young adults onboard who became very antsy if they had to stay in one place for too long. Your patience certainly rivaled Buggy's or even Shanks', but even you had your limit, and you had met it long ago.
The ship would have planned to make port nearly a week before, but the World Government was closer to finding you than ever. It was simply too dangerous.
You soon learned how your friends reacted to a situation such as this. Shanks had retreated mostly into silence, with exception of the odd joke or attempt at conversation, and Buggy had decided he blamed you both somehow for this situation and that any words exchanged with either of you would only be of the complaining nature.
"I know, Bugs," said Shanks, and you were surprised to hear him answer Buggy's complaint. You exchanged glances with him, then turned back to Buggy.
"Let's go outside, yeah?" you suggested. "Do something fun."
"Everyone's outside," Buggy complained. "They've been yelling over something for hours."
"And you didn't think that was important to mention, Bugs?" Shanks asked, irritably. Buggy shrugged.
The thing that had sparked such interest in the crew was simply that, as your ship had sailed very far into the deepest waters, much farther than usual, you had sailed into a home of mermaids. Extremely dangerous, and the crew knew it.
It did not negate their interest whatsoever, though.
Pirates get stupid when mermaids are around. It is a core trait of pirates and no less than a sacred tenet of piracy itself. More than a few decent men have been seduced to the sea by the very concept of mermaids, and to that end, the idea of finding one.
Shanks and Buggy were no exception.
You had never really taken the care to notice how they behaved with girls. Their flirting was of no interest to you, and so you didn't bother to surveil it. But it came to your attention now that they had terribly different styles: namely, that Buggy was mostly content to sit and watch from the edge of the deck, and Shanks was more interested in yelling, waving, and nearly falling off the boat.
Granted, by this time, alcohol had become involved, and all bets were off.
Despite all the excitement, the first in weeks, Shanks had begun to notice how quiet you'd become. He approached you, somewhat cautiously, hoping you wouldn't react with a retort or a threat.
"You okay?"
You nodded, staring at the drink you held.
"You sure?"
You shrugged, whispering something under your breath that Shanks struggled to hear.
"What's that?"
You spoke again, slightly more than a whisper, but Shanks heard it all the same.
"...I wish I was a mermaid."
"You wish you were a mermaid?" He repeated loudly, almost outraged. You shushed him, and he just laughed.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just... nah, you wouldn't like to be one. You'd be missing... slamming doors, and Buggy would drown himself on a daily basis just to say hi-"
"Shut up!" you giggled. "So not true!"
"And then, of course, there'd be all the pirates. I wouldn't like sharing you with them."
"I'm a pirate. You're a pirate."
"I'm a different sort of pirate. And you're barely a pirate at all."
You shrank back, inexplicably hurt by Shanks' drunken offhand insult.
"I'm as much of a pirate as you."
"Of course you are. I didn't mean that. Not like that. I mean, you're just... you're very careful, you're much too good for us. You're not messy or mean like the rest of us are."
"What do you think I am, then?"
"A princess," he blurted out, and you tried not to laugh. "I've always thought so."
"Mhm. The whole time."
You studied Shanks' face, seeing him in a new light that you'd never glimpsed anyone in before. Had he always been this cute, or charming, or kind?
Well, it didn't matter if he always had been, because he was now, and before you had given much thought to it at all you were pushing his straw hat back and he was meeting your lips in a kiss, your first, his first.
"You're a terribly nice pirate," you mumbled.
"You're a terribly beautiful princess," he replied.
You both parted awkwardly, staring at each other with confused half-smiles and resigning to focusing your attentions back on the ocean. For now, it was merely a strange evening, a shooting star, but later on, you would remember that night as the precise moment you began to love Red-Haired Shanks.
And Buggy, watching from across the ship, would remember that night as the second time a deep knot of resentment grew in his chest, one that would only become larger with time. The first time had been as a child, when Shanks had done something exceptionally well where Buggy had failed, and Roger placed his famous straw hat onto his head.
The second time was tonight, because of you.
taglist: @sawendel @twinklesnake
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genshin-scenarios · 11 months
Anemo androids with a reader whos slowly dying? Could be a good chance for both fluff and angst
Or alternatively, I raise you...
anemo androids who lost their previous user
Ever since, they've wandered around alone as independents, before running into you.
Content warnings: angst. death by natural causes (Heizou), death by illness (Venti, Wanderer), hospitals + grief + accidents (Kazuha).
Not specified or gone into detail, but thought I'd give a heads up! The guys are… very traumatized.
Characters: Xiao, Wanderer, Venti, Kazuha, Heizou
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Xiao, whose user was working a risky job. Everyone knew that shorter lifespans were common in their line of work, considering how many enemies they could make - but that never stopped them from greeting each day as if it was the most beautiful morning they've seen.
Xiao expected them to appoint him to work, doing tasks that regular humans would avoid if they could. While they did ask him to help, they'd always put themselves on the front line instead. He never understood it - still doesn't. And it's arguable that Xiao also doesn't get why their last command to him was to live like a human.
He tries, truly. But he's quite sure he's lost his purpose after his user was gone; that is, until he ran into you.
You're a person with a pretty domestic life (domestic by his standards at least, which wasn't saying much). He's not sure if one can describe it as a crush, but Xiao finds himself visiting the places where he first ran into you in hopes he'd see you again. And then... maybe start a conversation. Or if you were in trouble or had too many bags to carry, he might offer his assistance.
He thinks it's just a passing interest until you thank him with a smile that has him blurt out a question, asking if you'd need more help in the future.
You exchanged phone numbers and promised to contact him soon. Xiao thinks that's the most he's spoken in a long time - and there's an odd feeling in his chest that might be the equivalent of grief and butterflies, finally fluttering out of the sea of autumn leaves that have dried against the forest floor.
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Wanderer who unfortunately, has went through 3 users before you, if that's what you could call them. The first was a guardian who needed an assistant for her work, before she eventually tried to set him free. Little did she know this felt like abandonment more than liberation to the android.
Next was a well-meaning person whom he considered a friend, but wasn't aware of his nature as a droid and eventually moved away from the city. And the third...
...forget it. It was brief: a child who couldn't see him anymore once their parents realized Wanderer was an independent android. He's sure the kid's doing fine though, getting the medical care he needs.
Wanderer expected himself to learn his lesson: don't get attached to anyone, as they'll never stay or need him for long. That is, until he sees you; too kind for your own good despite his sharp personality, offering him a role at the cafe you owned. 'If you truly have nothing to do, perhaps you could join us here?'
A cafe. How ludicrous. He's worked in high-profile science labs, and now he's a cashier and waiter in an unsuspecting part of the city. You say he has a talent for beautiful plating and latte art. He holds back from telling you that as an android, of course he'd reach perfection more easily than humans.
...But, you seem like you need the help. And you're not as annoying as other people - so maybe he'll stick around. Just until you try to get rid of him (you never did.)
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Venti was a companion droid for a boy with an illness. He was a friend and caretaker who'd make sure the child's vitals were alright, and would be able to call for emergency aid or apply it himself if something were to happen.
Venti was surrounded by a family full of love, and just as equally the despair of knowing that their time together was limited.
The boy passed after he graduated highschool. His parents had since given Venti his independence, saying he had the freedom to decide what he wanted to do next.
He knew that they saw parts of their son in him. So as an android who was always a little too kind, Venti left soon after he paid his respects to the boy. He pursues a dream that was both his user's and his own - shared hopes that were supposed to be debuted by a pair, rather than one.
He becomes quite a successful singer. Venti's no celebrity (maybe an internet idol at best, though he doesn't post his appearance without a mask or wig), but he's popular enough to live on his own and donate his profits towards causes related to his past user.
Eventually, you come into his life as a housemate - he'd accepted the idea on a whim, seeing as you just needed a quiet place to live in the city for your new job. It was only then when Venti realized how much he missed having someone to return to at the end of the day.
Was it possible for an android to have more than one dream? He must be greedier than he gave himself credit for.
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Kazuha is still at a point of recovery, after his previous user's passing.
It'd all happened too fast; an accident right when Kazuha wasn't with them, realizing it was too late by the time he rushed to the hospital. He was a complete mess, panicking and standing there numbly as he processed the announcement made by the doctors. No tears could shed, for androids couldn't cry.
He still keeps their apartment tidy, seeing as his user's relatives were still in grieving as well. He goes on his usual chores, everything except the laundry and cooking. The pet cat feels grief too, finding comfort in Kazuha as it nuzzled into him. It grounds him a little.
Days, weeks, and months pass. After enough time, Kazuha's taught himself how to manage his grief, thought part of it still clings to him like a ghost. The first time you met Kazuha was when he'd pulled you out of the way of a speeding car that rushed the traffic lights. You're shaken by the near-accident encounter, but Kazuha even more so.
You see the worry in his eyes and the way he grips onto you so tightly, it was as if he'd be willing to use his body to shield yours to prevent another tragedy.
When you gently ask Kazuha if he was okay, he stiffly nods, before allowing you to pull him aside to a nearby bench to sit down.
...Ah, he was supposed to be a companion droid that comforted others. But you didn't seem to mind even if you noticed the slight scratches on his synthetic skin, left uncared for after a while of living through an isolated season.
It was safe to say that you brought the sunlight back to him again, little by little. Kazuha doesn't know how to thank you enough for that.
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Heizou was bought to accompany an elderly couple who had a bit too much saved for retirement. They brought him onto their holiday trips, thinking of him as a son of sorts that they doted on - not that he allowed them to do so without doing anything in return. He'd make sure the house was in good shape, that they were healthy, and operated the electronics needed for them to call their loved ones.
He can't exactly be mad about how old age took them in their sleep. Ridiculously enough, they'd tried to fit him into their wills during their reading, which he pushed back against until a small fortune was given to him in cash. He had to open a bank account after that. He wonders how different things would be if that elderly couple had actual children to spend their time on. He's sure they would've been very happy.
Heizou goes on to become a detective; he's good at it, and they'd always joke that one day, they could see him helping a lot of people. Passing off as a genius detective, Heizou presents himself as a human and works at an agency. His boss and closest co-workers know he's an android, after dangerous missions where he threw himself in front of them and survived an otherwise fatal wound to the chest. He finds a family of sorts there - people who'd have his back despite how he likes to tease them.
You're a client that walks into the agency one day with a sensitive case. Perhaps it's because two lonely souls found comfort in each-other, but Heizou immediately forms a connection with you as he tries to make you more comfortable around him. You're not opposed to his charming jokes either, even expressing your thanks for his help when the job was done, and asking if he'd like to get coffee together sometime.
Heizou simply wanted to cheer you up at first. But at this point, it was safe to say that he's grown a little more attached than he intended to. (He'd love to get coffee, but would need to get around the fact that he couldn't actually consume drinks.)
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starbunii · 7 months
Hey! Can I request Shuichi x Kokichi's!twin (or very close friends with him) Reader, that's the Ultimate Second In Command?
THIS REQUEST IS SO CUUUUTE AAA <3 shuichi x reader gender neutral, anyone can read!
kind of short cuz i didnt know what to do, but if you guys like it i'll make a part 2!
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– ♡ –
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Being The Ultimate Second In Command, you were naturally used to the incessant teasing and mockery of your older brother and counterpart, Kokichi Ouma. Given your talent, status, and age, you were very rarely taken seriously by his organization, often being cast aside in favor of your sibling. You were unseen, a puppet working from the sidelines in order to better your brother's institution, watching as he took all the credit.
While it didn't bug you in the moment, there were some nights were you wept over the lack of being seen. You felt so...overlooked. So lonely. Most people only looked to you for assistance.
Until that fateful day...
You and your brother had been locked in a Killing Game together, miraculously enough. Most of your classmates were mundane. Boring. Generally just exhausting to be around. All of them could easily be overlooked, just as you were.
All except for one - Shuichi Saihara, The Ultimate Detective.
You watched as he introduced himself to everyone, mumbling and tripping on his words like a fool. The way he fidgeted with his fingers and avoided your gaze with that hat of his. It was all so stupidly mesmerizing.
After a bit of time, you and the detective had formed a strong bond, albeit much to your twin brother's dismay. You had stopped listening to him as often, preferring to go and be by Shuichi's side.
"I don't understand why you like him so much to begin with!" Kokichi pouted, lazily hanging off his chair while pigging out in the dining hall. "What if he's one of the feds, huh? Huh?!"
"I don't really care about that..." You frowned, picking at your food. "He's nice to me...and..I dunno. It's nice to have someone look at me like a person, and not an asset for once..."
"Hey-! I am plenty nice to you!" He grunted, now sitting upside down. "Besides. He's probably only nice to you because he wants to use you. You're my sibling..so it's different."
You simply sighed, getting up and leaving the room. Of course, Kokichi followed you, teasing you relentlessly. "..I mean, you probably only defend him because youuuuu have a massive crush on him!"
You paused, trying to ignore the way the heat rushed to your ears. Was he right? Did you have a crush on the detective? No...you couldn't...you two were just friends, of course!
Kokichi noticed your hesitation. He was quiet, before he began to cackle. "You like him?! Seriously?! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard! No way! He's got zero chance!"
"Kokichi..." You grumbled, walking faster.
"I'm not letting him get with my little Y/n!" He laughed even louder. "I have to protect my wittle sibling from heartbreak!"
"Kokichi!" You finally shoved him off of you, storming off even faster.
You bumped into someone's chest, clenching your eyes shut with a soft thud. You looked up, only to see soft and shy grey eyes looking down at you.
"Ah...sorry..." Shuichi blushed, fiddling with his cap. "You okay?"
"Mmh..." The room got warmer as your knees buckled a bit. "Yeah...I'm...I'm fine.."
"Good.." Shuichi smiled softly. "Um...s-so..."
"Yeah uh..."
"Actually..." Shuichi cleared his throat, trying to ignore the way his voice cracked. "I um...was wondering...if..." "Yeah...?" You gazed up at him, eyes sparkling with excitement.
"I was wondering if y-you'd like to go o-"
"Wait just a minute!" Kokichi stormed into the hall, anger radiating from his tiny, 5'1 self. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but you better stay away from them, Shumai. They've got no time to be wasting with you, of all people." He glared at Shuichi, using only the most condescending of tones.
"I...I wasn't doing anything..." Shuichi blushed, backing up a bit. "I was gonna ask if.." His brain lagged as he tried to think of an excuse. "Exactly." Kokichi glared, taking your hand and leading you away from him. Shuichi quietly waved, looking a bit disappointed in himself. He had fallen in love with the second in command with an illegal vigilante. He knew it was wrong. Of course it was wrong. But there was just something about you that drew him in...too bad his confession had been interrupted.
Better luck next time...
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starbunii 2024 — all rights reserved. do not redistribute or translate to any other platforms
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crystallizsch · 7 months
Hi!!! Feel free to tell me if this is asking too much on the twst ask game but…
2, 8, and 10 for both? Or maybe just Yuusha?
Sorry, I couldn’t narrow down! 😩 I love learning about interpersonal relationships, but I also really wanted to know about which dorm your Yuus would go to if they weren’t in Rmashackle! I’m pretty sure I know where Yuusha would go though lmao 👀
AAH HI HI! this took a while i had a lot of fun writing about it haha thank you so much!! qwq
also this isn't too much at all, there's no limit! (it'll only take me a while longer to answer depending on how many >.< but i wouldn't be against it)
and i answered for both of them because they're all really fun questions! i'm a sucker for interpersonal relationships too, character dynamics are really fun to explore and play around with!
(for #2: technically for both of them, their closest platonic friends would be grim, ace, and deuce because they've been there with them since the beginning. malleus would also be a runner up canonically but that's somewhat boring so the they are immediately disqualified.) (for #8: both of them dislike crowley the most so also automatic disqualification. (i’m not a crowley hater, it’s just funny in-universe 😭) i’m going to stick with the main boys and ignore the staff and other characters.)
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━━━━✦ Yuusha
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2) Who is your OC’s closest platonic friend?
(they haven't seen each other in less than a day)
Yuusha's closest platonic friend would be Kalim.
They had an IMMEDIATE bond because of Kalim's friendliness and openness which is something Yuu had barely seen in the time she had been in NRC. It was a breath of fresh air. Of course, at first, she was skeptical (especially following that whole Scarabia fiasco), but they naturally gravitated toward one another and just heavily clicked in a purely platonic sense.
Food and gifts definitely seem to be their love language towards one another. And on top of that, they just love to hang out to have fun. Yuusha never gets tired of Kalim. And they seem to be very close with one another to the point you'd think they were dating.
(i need to draw their dynamic more oml)
It helped that Yuusha tends to be very affectionate towards her close friends. She can be very touchy and overall not afraid to show how she feels about people. However, she only sees all of her relationships as platonic (that is until the one(tm) cough Jamil cough can manage to click her heart a certain way) (if Yuusha and Jamil just decided to stay friends instead, Jamil would be her closest but I digress).
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8) Is there a character your OC doesn’t like, if so why?
The twins. Yuusha doesn't necessarily consider it as a hate/dislike of them because she still manages to tolerate them; it's more that she doesn't trust them fully.
She finds it hard to read them and predict their next move. And that sometimes scares her. If there's anything that she fears the most is the idea of being used and taken advantage of. It is humiliating and downright degrading. It tells her that she was wrong about people and that she was too trusting. And that's something she hates having to accept.
And Yuu knows the twins are fully capable of that without remorse, so she believes that she always has to watch herself around them, making sure she always stays on whatever their "good side" may be. At least Azul seems to be straightforward with what he wants from other people, but with the twins, it'll always feel like a wild guess.
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10) What dorm would your OC be sorted into besides their current one?
hndsjfdlk you're right, Yuusha would be in Scarabia
If Yuusha were asked this question, she would think that she would be sorted into Pomefiore because of its spirit of tenacity. She's always determined to work on bettering herself and doesn't like to settle with the bare minimum. It wouldn't be her first choice but that's what she would think.
But really Yuusha embodies more of Scarabia's spirit of mindfulness. Yuusha is mindful in an empathetic sense, and that trait of hers is more outwardly apparent.
She's pretty in tune with everyone's feelings which helps her to understand people better. And that also helps her to navigate her way around dealing with everyone.
If it benefits her, she would take advantage of people's feelings and emotions. It is usually not out of malice or selfishness, however. Yuusha will only do it if she thinks it will lead to the best outcome. Not that she would always be right.
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━━━━✦ Yuuna
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2) Who is your OC’s closest platonic friend?
Yuuna’s closest platonic friend would be Riddle.
In general, Yuuna had grown a particular fondness for the Heartslabyul gang, and this was also especially apparent to Riddle. Despite being the first overblot Yuuna had witnessed, Riddle had grown on Yuuna and vice versa.
The two looked to be an unlikely pair—the hot-headed, abides-by-the-rules, powerful housewarden and the soft-spoken yet chaotic, magicless prefect.
It started with Riddle helping Yuuna study as a favor (and a thanks) for being the ones who were there during his overblot. But the study sessions turned into "hangouts" in the library, and it eventually transitioned outside—invitations to unbirthday parties, croquet, showing them the hedgehogs, etc. They also found things in common with one another, one of them being liking sweets.
Yuuna seems to have become Riddle's first real friend outside of Trey and Che'nya, helping him out of his comfort zone and let his inner child out once in a while. (also a bit of one-sided, unrequited crush from Riddle???)
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8) Is there a character your OC doesn’t like, if so why?
There isn’t necessarily a character that Yuuna dislikes because they have grown somewhat attached to everyone.
However, if they were to consider someone who they liked the LEAST, it would be Sebek.
Sebek took the longest for Yuuna to get used to because, at first, they thought he was loud and condescending.
If there was anything Yuuna really hated, it would be being underestimated and treated as someone who is less than. And Sebek was the someone who would actually verbalize that, aggressively even.
But outside of Sebek's fanboyish tendencies, Yuu found his more genuine side once they managed to get to know him a bit better.
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10) What dorm would your OC be sorted into besides their current one?
Yuuna would be sorted into Savanaclaw because of the dorm's spirit of persistence.
At first when I looked at Yuuna I was like, "oh they'd definitely be in Heartslabyul because I'd love that for them" considering their main squad is the Heartslabyul boys. Yuuna would think the same for themself.
But when I thought about it more, they would not be sorted into Heartslabyul at all because having some sort of strict code of conduct is not a defining thing about them.
Yuuna's physique and disposition is against Savanaclaw's stereotype of having the jock-types. They're not even very athletic, but they make up for it somewhat by being a competitive sort.
It's clear though that the dorm's spirit of persistence shows in Yuuna being the type to be adamant to achieve whatever they have to and not letting obstacles hinder them. They also have that loyal spirit that is akin to being part of a pack.
Also a little bonus, if Yuuna was a beastman, they'd be a rabbit :3
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asks open!! (twst oc questionnaire)
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melonteee · 8 months
When I watched most of your one piece videos and before I ever saw your real face I thought you'd be someone around your 30s or 40s. 😁
One reason was your voice and accent. I'm not that familiar with Australian accents except for OzzyMan (I'm ESL).
Another reason was your One Piece Women video. The way you talked about fanservice and women's body types was, not gonna lie, not sth young people in these times say that often because they've been infested by radfems and their rhetoric and espouse them constantly.
I saw the beginning of a video essay recently where the YouTuber straight up said that female characters who have been "sexualized" whatever definition he used there, don't count as good female characters at all and in any sense.
In other words, a female character who in some way shape or form appeals to men in a sexual way doesn't have any worth as a female character. Popular radical feminism on the internet.
When you started talking about the OP women without going into that direction I breathed a sigh of relief. You said that sexy character design for the women wasn't a big deal but that the lack of variety wasn't good.
And that was, at least where I was, the mainstream talking point in the early 10's about anime/cartoon characters. So, yeah, I thought you'd be older. 💕
Haha no I'm afraid I'm in my youthful mid 20s! That radfem rabbit hole was one I remember being in when I was 13-18 on Tumblr, but I avoid that kinda stuff like the plague now because radfem beliefs tend to be a dog whistle for terfs. And I'm saying this because if anyone reading this falls prey to the whole "women are biologically superior to men" rhetoric, I really need you to be careful, as that can and will nosedive into terf territory.
As for the sexualisation stuff, the whole "characters who have been "'sexualized" don't count as good female characters at all and in any sense" is ridiculous, because no matter what kind of female character you make, they will be sexualised in some way shape or form by men who find them attractive.
BUT honestly the biggest thing for me is like, this demonisation of sexuality and sexyness? Because, as a gay woman, I am also sexualising characters like Nami. Just because I'm not a man doesn't mean it's automatically redundant that I also find Nami extremely sexy and stare at her tits waiting for them to bounce. There's literally nothing wrong with Oda enjoying women, or enjoying tits or ass, he is allowed to make a female character that embodies his desires. But, as you said here, and as I said in my video, the problem is he's doing that with EVERY woman. I personally don't have any grudges for how Oda draws Nami and Robin, I just truly wish it wasn't every damn woman in One Piece lmao.
Honestly I'm in such a weird place with it because, again, I like women. I like looking at tits and I like looking at women. My unpopular opinion is I also find Nami's design very sexy and very pleasing because...I like tits too LMAO and I always feel like us gay women are forgotten about in the conversation of One Piece girls and their bodies. I'm not going to pretend I HATE the girl designs in One Piece because I really don't, but of course there is a difference when a man does it compared to when a woman does it.
My view on it will always be...the issue isn't men looking at fictional women in any kind of sexual way, it's that WOMEN are demonised when they do the same thing back for fictional men. If women draw fictional men being sexy, being objectified (although you can't objectify a fictional character really but you get what I mean), they seem to be swarmed by men who find that gross and detestable. But when men do the same thing back to fictional women... it's fine and natural?? So pointing at the one piece girls, saying it's too sexual and demonising it, is counter productive in my opinion.
As an individual, you are allowed to be uncomfortable with it, you are allowed to wish they looked different, but I don't think anyone has any right to say they SHOULDN'T look like that. Because that creates this air of "Well we can't put our own desires in fictional characters full stop!" and then this weird guilt is felt amongst all parties.
Equality to me is not taking away the bikini armour from a female character, it's allowing both the male AND female characters to be able to wear that bikini armour. Everyone is allowed to have their sexual desires and sexual preferences in fictional characters.
I love Nami, I love her big boobies, I JUST wish Zoro's tits bounced as much as hers did. That is all!
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powderblueblood · 7 months
You know what's just burrowed into my head? given how often poor Camilla was forced to say the word daddy on that show it made me picture lacy saying it to Eddie but in that I'm clearly making fun of you, I'm not into that stuff kind of way but he's our beloved pervy loserboy so of course he short circuits over it anyway. I hope she finds out just how much of a perv he can be now that they've done the do. I mean the whole thing with her pen in the very first chapter? and the shower scene when she had to stay over? I would love to know how she'd react
18+ MINORS DNI i accidentally went crazy on this? god bless you anon happy valentines day
l i t erally she is shoving eddie out the door of the newspaper room after a heavy makeout session where she's got him all wound up and whining on purpose, sing-songing something like, "c'mon, hurry up! everyone in the drama room is gonna be looking around that dungeon, wondering where-oh-where is daddy?"
and eddie just shoves himself between the jamb and the closing door (painfully, for a multitude of reasons) (reasons pertaining to his cock) and hits lacy with the prey animal stare.
"huh? come again?" you'd like that wouldn't you badum tsss etc
but lacy like, knows and like, eats it right up, the way she draws out every syllable with a dirty little mockery of a snarl.
"better run along now, da-a-addy."
eddie manages to wrangle her in for one last kiss, stomach all butterflies and dick all cardiac arrest, "i'm gonna get you for that," and lacy's squealing into his ear, "and your little kitty too! shit! evil!"
"first and last time you'll ever hear it, i guarantee you!" liar!
but, evil actually comes in the form of lacy lifting a pair of her panties from the glovebox of the van later that night.
"hello? have you been doing my laundry or what?"
eddie gets a laceful in the face as she flings them at him. immediate snow white blush on his cheeks, this guy, because he's still toeing the line of being a little bit of a pervert with her. testing the waters. though, she had perched in his lap and watched him jerk off the other day, after specifically asking to which naturally made him cum neatly under the runtime of zeppelin's dazed and confused.
i wanna see how you do it. how do you touch yourself when you're thinking about me?
and she'd been all sweet, tits out and skirt on, running her hand up his chest as he pumped his cock in his fist (he hadn't been allowed to touch her), telling him how pretty he was, how much she liked watching him make himself feel good. eyes never leaving him. studying him like SAT prep. not putting as much as a fingertip on herself, but squirming against his thigh.
this is about me, he realized, heart warming, dick throbbing. she wants to make it about me.
eddie had cum, and had possibly narrowly avoided a hemorrhage of the brain due to how fucking hot that was, and was soon springing to back to life in lacy's palm. she had that effect on him; just when he thought he was spent, boom, he is risen.
he needed a solid fifteen minutes to process the aftershocks after she rode him til both their eyes were streaming, lacy stroking his hair and pretending like she wasn't trembling as much as he was.
if that girl isn't careful. he swears to god. wedding bells. big 'uns.
but. anyway. panties. panties he had been actively using as a gag when he jerked off on the rare occasions she couldn't come meet him. sure. whatever.
"you must've left 'em here!" eddie shrugs (wide-eyed, beautiful, you know the vibes), tossing them back at her, to which lacy rolled her fanned-out mascara'd eyes.
"and walked around commando? when have you ever known me to do that, smartass?"
true. she liked making him take off her panties with his teeth too much, and he liked watching the way she slid them back on. that little jump she did that made her ass shake.
which could be a part of the whole stuffing them in his mouth thing. listen, he didn't have time to ruminate on it.
guilty as all hell, he shrugs again, slapping his hands on the wheel. but eddie's heart is like, hammering. was that a step too far? nabbing her panties out of her room the last time he'd snuck in there?
there's this silence in the van for a couple beats that he hates, even though lacy resumes looking for a tape in the glovebox she's probably never gonna find.
"you know," she goes, eyes downcast, "if you wanted to borrow a pair, you could've just asked."
a stutter in the air. she knows just how to make his record scratch.
"whassat now?" eddie leans in, gripping the steering wheel for dear life.
"you heard me," and her mercurial eyes flash at him, gaze drawing down his body in that way that makes him sure he knows what it's like to do heroin without ever having tried it.
"just, tell me if you ever wanna try 'em on," lacy smiles, and eddie smiles, and eddie also dies somewhat, "i wanna see how cute you look when you're hard in them."
and look, we haven't even begun to think about lacy's reaction the first time he jokingly calls her mommy.
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Which of the ro's would win in a karaoke contest. No scratch that which one would win in a belly dance battle, no wait which one would win at uno...no wait chess..no wait which one would win at sudoku. Which one knows divisions which one knows the phytagorean theory. Which one is good at counting on their fingers....which one would win at the telephone game, which one knows charades, which one would win in a no blink battle, which one knocks on wood three times to not jinx it, which one hides important documents under the sofa, which one would win in arm wrestling with santa clause, which one can do tricks with a yoyo, which one would win if they participated in corgi races, which one-
Short answer below! 💕
Best singer to worst would probably be Ciocana > Luciel > Salvatore > Alessi!
SALVATORE is not particularly good, but they can carry a tune and probably loves to sing if given the opportunity! Again, a hard work over natural talent case for them. Humans turned something they use for communication into an art, an instrument in themselves--that's amazing!
LUCIEL can hum and sing softly, which they do rarely if they want to soothe someone or lull them into sleep. Their voice is naturally calming, so it's already suited to that! Of course, they're no trained singer.
CIOCANA would probably be the best at singing, which they usually do when no one is looking. They love to sing to themselves, and they have a rich and lovely voice already. You'd be hard-pressed to hear it, though.
ALESSI definitely sings for fun, so they aren't aiming for "good," they're aiming for "loud." It'll grate on your ears, but if you're singing along, you'll hardly hear it! The best to sing with, fun-wise, and they also probably have some upbeat tunes up their sleeve that'll get stuck in your head for days.
For a belly dance battle, I would say Alessi > Ciocana > Salvatore > Luciel!
SALVATORE... needs practice, like usual. Or else they will sway side to side very, very awkwardly. They will be into it, I promise, but it will be more comical to look at than anywhere near good.
LUCIEL is even worse, but you won't find them even participating. It's less for themselves and more for people watching; they don't need to witness the mess that would be them trying to dance like that.
CIOCANA is already quite a good dancer, but they've never tried anything like that. Again, they'd probably be extremely embarrassed to do it, so unless they can convince themselves to do it as a joke or a prank, then they will never do it in public!
ALESSI is also a great dancer! Unlike Ciocana, they have no shame, and they will be happy to do it in front of other people, and to take pride in what they do. In fact, they'd have a blast belly dancing!
At Uno, it's a bit of a toss-up, so I wouldn't say any of them particularly wins! As far as how they play, though...
SALVATORE would be sweating and trying hard. They will win a round of this mortal card game even if it kills them, or they will eat their non-existent hat. They're too obvious when they play, though, and probably have rotten luck of being the one who runs out of a +2 or +4 in a stacking game.
LUCIEL would be pretty good at it, actually! They have a calm demeanor, a natural poker face, but they will let Salvatore win if they're playing together, or anyone else for that matter if it looks like they're dying where they're sat just to be able to win. They probably have a tell, though!
CIOCANA would be the most annoying to play. They might not even play to win, they'll just play to annoy the person next to them, or anyone else for that matter. This is probably Salvatore. If they did try, though, they could win if they wanted.
ALESSI would just play for fun, but their idea of fun is winning. They will go hard in this card game, and no one will stop them from winning THIS round of Uno, and they will die before they let anyone else win. Unlike Salvatore, though, they're not struggling as much.
... why is this Uno game a perfect reflection on how the ROs would react to the main conflict of the story 😭
For a game of chess, it'll be Ciocana > Luciel > Salvatore > Alessi initially; if they picked it up, it'll become Ciocana > Alessi > Luciel > Salvatore.
SALVATORE loves these human games, but they are so strange and have so many rules. They really like this horsey, and why does this guy runs so slow when he's the most important piece? They throw every part of themselves in playing, but they would be destroyed since they're so obvious.
LUCIEL plays defensively, so it would just be hard to win against them. Less in danger of actually losing, though. They're the most calming to play with, though, like an old man you play at your local park.
CIOCANA is the most calculating of all the ROs, and chess is a great example of showing this. They act confident and certain, and try to distract the other opponent by teasing or charming them. The only thing they're not good at hiding is their surprise, if you do something unpredictable.
ALESSI has never played chess, and would rather just plow through the king than go through all this. They'd play terribly at first, but as the need to think more carefully dawns on them, they quickly pick up on the rules and movements, and starts playing quite aggressively.
Sudoku might be Salvatore > Ciocana > Luciel > Alessi.
SALVATORE loves these casual, fun puzzle games, and if it existed, I actually imagine they'd play it a lot! So weird and interesting! They'd get good at it through practice and experience, and also an overcompetitive zeal.
LUCIEL would rather take their time looking over everything than compete with other people. If it's who gets to do it all first, they wouldn't play very hard to win.
CIOCANA would be very good at this, but they would find it a little tedious and just aim to distract whoever's trying very hard--namely, Salvatore.
ALESSI would just find it all confusing and weird. Who actually enjoys this? Also, they're not very good at looking at either letters or numbers, so they have that barrier to overcome. If they learned their letters or numbers, though, I imagine they'd be on the same level as Luciel.
As far as maths, Salvatore and Luciel are best educated, Ciocana and Alessi would employ unorthodox methods but get to the answer eventually. Namely because Salvatore has gotten some education, and Luciel has read and studied a lot! Ciocana would get the answer, but not through any traditional method--they'd figure it out themselves. Alessi's methods are not quite as pretty, but with a lot of thinking and tears and working their way through it, they'll get the answer. That is, if they know their numbers and letters already.
Salvatore, Luciel and Ciocana do calculations in their head, so... Alessi is the best finger counter? :)
Who wins a telephone game?? If you mean the best at listening and hearing things exactly, then it would definitely be Luciel. They're good at picking up on quiet noises! Runner-up would be Alessi.
As far as charades...
SALVATORE would be the most animated in acting out something, so it would be easy for anyone to pick up on what they're doing! Guessing would not go as well, though.
LUCIEL would be reserved in acting out, but they always figure out how to do things with grace and with the least movement. Perhaps easier than Salvatore to guess, then, considering there's less flailing and confusing movement going on! They'd also be very good at watching and picking up on cues from others.
CIOCANA would get too impatient with the other person for not guessing their very obvious movements. They probably act with dramatics, too, which might complicate things, actually. They'd do much better at guessing.
ALESSI acting out is less hurried than Salvatore, but they're always looking to win in everything they do, so it is done with quite a bit of urgency. When they guess, they probably shout out answers and audibly cheer when they get it. They'd also boo loudly when someone else wins.
LUCIEL would win a no blinking contest, followed by Alessi, Salvatore and Ciocana. Alessi is cool and composed while not blinking; Salvatore will try very hard. Ciocana would have the hardest time.
CIOCANA knocks on wood three times not to jinx it. They can be pretty superstitious; they would know a thing or two about jinxing.
ALESSI might shove important things underneath the sofa. An easy place to look, somewhat hidden, but their documents will always be crumply. They exist, but they're all folded with crinkles.
ALESSI would win in an arm wrestling match with Santa Clause. The others might feel shame in beating him, but they will destroy Santa Clause. The only time they wouldn't is if this evil man somehow threatens to not give presents this year.
ALESSI can do tricks with a yo-yo. Salvatore would try very hard, and Luciel would at least have the patience to learn a trick or two eventually. Ciocana would find it pretty hard, and they can get impatient at things they're not immediately good at.
What is a corgi race??? My guess, Salvatore?
Thanks for the ask 💕🫶!!
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bts-hyperfixation · 1 year
Outside of the fox
Chapter 16
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
If you'd thought the table had been a tight squeeze yesterday, this was almost unbearable. The addition of Jin's broad shoulders around the circular table made it feel like the equivalent of the underground at rush hour. Jin had initially offered to sit at the breakfast bar but Namjoon would hear none of it, insisting on everyone crowding around.
A lot of mumbled apologies flew around the table as everyone reached around to pile their plates high with food. It's a little easier when everyone settles down. Everyone has more than enough food on their plates with the serving dishes still being half full. It seemed like you all might be eating leftovers for a few days.
You accidentally elbow Tae as you lift your fork to your lips. He sighs dramatically as some sauce escapes his spoon dropping onto his slacks.
"Remind me to buy you guys a new table as a courting gift." He grumbles, dabbing at his new stain
"I think it's cosy." Jimin shrugs, cuddling against Taehyung from the other side to you.
The panda snuggled back abandoning his attempt to salvage his trousers.
"You're courting the pack? That's lovely. I don't think I ever asked. How long have you all been together." Jin asks.
"We aren't all together." You answer a little too fast.
Jin looks down at his food awkwardly, clearly thinking he said the wrong thing.
"What she means is we have found ourselves in a very interesting situation." Namjoon supplies. "While our official pack is myself, Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook - we have been courting Y/N over the course of the last couple of months. And Hoseok has been dating Yoongi for a few weeks now. And Taehyung..."
"And Taehyung is a completely mad stranger that we are apparently indulging." Yoongi fills in.
"I see you are warming up to me." Taehyung flashes his best smile at the predator.
"What he means to say is Tae is a colleague of Y/N's that we invited to join us for the holidays." Jimin corrects.
"Well, that's great. It must be nice to be so connected to so many people." If Jin finds the situation odd he does a good job of hiding it.
The dinner continues with idle small talk. You all learn a little more about Jin and his background. He is a quokka hybrid, common in the medical field because of their jovial attitude. It explains why his smile so easily puts Jungkook at ease. He moved to the area a few years ago, but work keeps him that busy he hasn't had time to create a social circle outside a couple of other doctors at the hospital.
Far too full for dessert, everyone abandons the table as soon as the main course is finished. Seokjin and Taehyung insist on washing up while Hobi wraps up leftovers leaving you and the others to adjourn to the garden.
The boys had cleaned off the garden furniture especially for tonight, laying blankets out across them for when it got bitingly cold later on.
"I never want to eat again." Jimin groans dramatically, flopping into your lap.
You push his fringe away from his forehead, the exertion of eating too much making his hair stick down in a funny way. He leans up into your touch and you let your hand stay there, playing absently with the copper strands.
"When they've finished tidying up perhaps we should go for a walk?" Namjoon suggests. " We still have a long time before the sun sets low enough to start the bonfire."
There are mumbles of agreement before a comfortable silence overcomes the group, too full to continue making conversation.
You don't really notice as the others join you, slotting silently into spots that had clearly been waiting for them.
Yoongi's arm falls naturally around Hobi's waist as he leans into him. You feed Taehyung some of the blanket that was wrapped around your shoulders as he settles in next to you. Jungkook sits up a little straighter and offers Jin a pillow from the collection he had built himself.
All too uncomfortable to move, you wait until some space reopens in your stomachs' before moving on to your next planned activity.
It's early evening before Yoongi finally groans back to life bringing you all with him. The sun is still peaking out over the horizon but it won't be long until you can get to the main event. For now though, it seems everyone is still rather looking forward to their walk.
You partner up somewhat accidentally but it makes sense. Namjoon insists on picking Jin's brain, the two have a lot in common it would seem. Taehyung attaches himself to Yoongi, determined to win over the stubborn jackal. Hoseok falls into step with Jungkook, the younger having relented to an uneasy alliance with the man after figuring out he gave the best ear scratches.
That left you with Jimin. You trailed behind the rest of the group, watching as they all talked excitedly about a variety of topics you couldn't quite make out. Occasionally your fingers would graze against Jimin's as you walked together but neither of you acknowledged it.
"Are you having a good time?" He asked, staring at the ground.
"I really am." You answer. "It's nice to see all of the little traditions you guys have built together."
"I hope we can make more traditions with you." He says.
This time as his pinky grazes against yours he takes your hand, and you let him.
He holds on tightly, like a kid with a balloon threatening to fly away.
In the meantime it seems you have fallen behind, the others a spot in the distance. Still close enough to catch up to if you tried but you aren't sure you want to.
"What are you going to wish for tonight?" You ask.
"I'm not sure, I've got almost everything I could ever want. How about you?"
"If I tell you it won't come true will it?" You tease.
"That's not fair! You can't ask me and then not give me an answer when I turn it back on you." He pouts.
"But you didn't answer me properly anyway!" You point out.
"Fine, there is one thing I might wish for..."
"I'm listening."
"A kiss." He states.
"A kiss? You've got three men who will happily kiss you whenever you ask, plus Taehyung if you wanted I'm sure."
"I want a kiss from you.
"I know... and I'm happy to keep waiting a little longer. So tell me what's your wish?" He says changing the topic.
"What if my wish is that everyone else's wishes come true?"
"Then you might be kissing more than just me tonight." he laughs as if it's a joke but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"I'm not sure what I'm ready for Jimin, but I think I can manage a kiss."
His eyebrows crease together as if his brain is trying to catch up with his ears. You imagine if he thought any harder smoke might have started escaping from his nose. You watch as he processes his way through it's evident when the lightbulb appears above his head, eyes going wide with excitement.
"You mean it?" He asks trying to tamper his excitement.
"I do." You confirm.
He stops dead in his tracks, your entwined hands bringing you back to him. He glances over your shoulder to make sure the others haven't noticed.
"Can I kiss you now? I want to kiss you for the first time when we are alone and I'm not sure we are going to get another chance in the next few days"
"But you haven't made the wish yet."
"Then I'll wish for a second kiss, or a third, or a fourth... Or maybe for Taehyung..."
You slap his arm playfully but he just slips his free arm around you and pulls you into him. Your entwined hands fall apart and he encircles you fully.
"Is that a no?" He asks eyes lidded, lips a mere inch from your own.
"It's not a no."
He presses his lips against yours gently to begin with, testing the waters until you respond, applying more pressure to the kiss. He tilts his head to the side and his lips part slightly, you mirror his actions. It doesn't go much further than that. A shout from ahead brings you too away from one another.
"Are you guys coming?" Hobi yells.
"Yeah, one second!" Jimin screams back, stepping away from you.
His hand finds yours again and he pulls you to catch up with the others. You try to focus on the rest of the walk, but you find your eyes keep wandering back to Jimin's lips and the pillowy feel of them against your own.
The other bottle inscriptions on the perfume if anyone wanted to know are:
MC: to my favourite fox
Yoongi: to the fierce protector I wish to put at ease.
Jungkook: to the bunny I want to show the world
Jimin: To the panda I already might love
Hoseok: To the human I want to ruin in the best ways
Namjoon: to the leader I wish to spoil
Sorry I was MIA again, I went to Disneyland 🤷🏼♀️.
Also this chapter was not at all planned, but here you have it 🙃 I promise next time will be the bonfire that was supposed to happen three chapters ago and then we will move on from solstice. Next time should be next week but ive been working myself up about this chapter so much now that it's going to be very convoluted so it might be the week after.
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bittybeanie · 2 years
Hi there. Do you have any HCs about what it would be like to be in a poly relationship with Serizawa and Reigen? I heavily ship them together but also personally want to be in there myself lol. I feel like they’d be the best boyfriends.
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I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!! those are pretty much my exact thoughts like serirei is so perfect and they're so good together but also... I wanna be included lmao- this builds on some of my other headcanons for each of them but i think i elaborated enough that you don't need the other posts for context.
i know you didn't specifically ask, but uh... nsfw in the second half because i maybe got carried away
y'all go out for ramen so often it's not even funny. the staff places bets on which of you are mob's parents (jokes on that guy, it's all of you, you mean none of you, you mean, well, technically-)
so so much teasing from all of you. you're all very awkward and nervous and just sorta counting on each other to make the first moves, especially in the beginning, so y'all deflect by teasing the ever loving hell out of each other constantly. even serizawa gets in on it (if he knows you'll back him up)
lots of casual touching too. i feel like serizawa has to play catchup to you and reigen a little bit but you both make sure to include him frequently so he can get used to it. he does it ALL the time once he settles in- so much that you have to be like "hey seri i absolutely love that you're excited to touch me and i know you mean well. but you can maybe see how your hand on my thigh and your arm around reigen on the back of the couch might not look like the most professional thing in front of clients." this is probably how his "tap before touching or kissing" quirk begins.)
it's easy for any of you to feel like a third wheel to the other two because the chemistry between y'all is just so natural, but that's also what keeps the feeling from lasting. it's just as natural for you to sneak glances over at serizawa while reigen's talking as it is for you to hold reigen's hand under the table as it is for reigen to lean over serizawa's shoulder while he does homework as it is for serizawa to have a hand around reigen's waist and it's just very… balanced.
reigen is most likely to get jealous/insecure. you and serizawa are both VERY obvious about being totally head over heels for him but he just makes shit up in his head when he sees you and serizawa together being happy that "clearly he's not needed" and "you'd be happier without him in the way." he thinks he hides it well but you and seri know him well enough that it's pretty obvious that there's something wrong and you both proceed to shower him with affection. as much as it takes. as many times as it takes. of course, he denies that he was ever jealous in the first place, but he always does a little something extra for you and seri after.
you and serizawa have to force reigen to communicate most of the time. it's not like serizawa thinks it's easy and he alternates between way too blunt and super indirect but it's super important to him so he manages. but something in reigen's brain makes it so impossibly difficult for him to be vulnerable for literally one second so it's, y'know, a lil bit harder for him. he's working on it.
sometimes you swear reigen and serizawa have a whole separate telepathic channel they're so in sync. usually when it comes to trying to surprise you, which they do often. you wouldn't be surprised if reigen came up with hand signals. or maybe they've just worked together for long enough.
overall it's just a very domestic relationship like- yes y'all go out and do stuff often enough and y'all have to be pretty social at the office but once you get home and don't have to… perform you just sit and do your own things in comfortable quiet. sometimes you watch serizawa play games, you and reigen leaning on his sides and trying not to fall asleep. sometimes you make coffee to the quiet sizzling sounds of reigen making breakfast while you let serizawa get some sleep for once. and sometimes you all stay up late, laying on your backs, staring up at your ceiling, talking about everything and nothing.
(reigen and serizawa have both always wanted to experience a Family Dinner, and it really hits when you're all sitting around a table of reigen's cooking, talking and laughing about your day at the office together, that they're both so grateful this is how they get to experience it.)
definitely some Office Shenanigans going on. there are times when a client walks in and you have to shove or pull each other away to compose yourselves in time. none of you are quite stupid enough to fuck in the office but it's not exactly… not a compromising situation either.
(one time you literally had to pull serizawa off of reigen's neck by the back of his shirt. you admit the way he froze up like a cat WAS hilarious but it also wasn't great for his image, so you yanked him down behind the desk and both of you had to contain your giggles while reigen unflustered himself enough to lead the client into the other room. not your proudest moment, but you remember it fondly anyway. apparently reigen fixed his collar in time, because the client never seemed to notice the very obvious bruise you and serizawa discovered later.)
omg your first time with all of you together is such a disaster. reigen has no idea what he's doing. and serizawa sure as fuck doesn't know what he's doing. so regardless of your experience level you're the one that ends up wrangling them into a less catatonic state. there's a lot of giggles and "well, i don't know!" and serizawa apologizes a lot and reigen does NOT know what to do with his hands but nobody really does so it's fine. you're fine. you get through it.
serizawa is incredibly receptive to praise. you and reigen go back and forth saying positive things about him like he's not sitting right there waiting for either of you to do anything - which is separately flustering to him - until stuff ends up floating. (the same tactic works on reigen, minus the floating, but it takes you and serizawa a while to figure that out.)
okay i've been over the whole "tying reigen's hands doesn't work because he moves too much and hurts himself" thing but what if…. serizawa…. h eld them in place?? while you overstimmed reigen? especially if, instead of holding reigen's hands specifically, seri just kinda wrapped his arms around reigen to pin his arms to his sides and kept his hands on reigen's stomach to keep him from squirming too much
speaking of previous headcanons, on the "serizawa is really loud when he comes" note, it's super helpful to have another person to quiet him down so you can keep all your focus on helping him ride it out. katsuya probably has just as big of a thing for reigen's hands as you do because, let's be honest, enough time getting to see him give massages will just do that to a person, so having reigen's hand slapped over his mouth really does a lil Extra Something. plus, if your mouth is busy, it means reigen is still there to keep praising him and playing with his hair, and serizawa might actually combust dealing with all of those things at once.
honestly though, i remain an Aspec Reigen Truther so he probably ends up an observer rather than a participant most of the time, at least for the main event. toward the beginning, you and serizawa felt a little guilty leaving him out so often, but after a thorough explanation and a lot of communication, you've all come to an understanding that getting to watch the two hottest people he knows is more than enough for reigen and he won't be offended if you totally exclude him either. you always invite him to join anyway, just in case. sometimes he takes you up on the offer and other times he doesn't, just waving a hand at you with an "i'm good, have fun!" as he barely looks up. sometimes he wanders in after hearing you, and, well, sometimes he puts headphones in. he almost always wants to be a part of the cuddle pile after, though, and you've had to awkwardly limp out to the living room in serizawa's shirt to drag reigen to the bed… far more times than you'd like to count.
of course, after having plenty of time to get riled up by watching and far enough into the relationship that he feels comfortable asking, both you and serizawa are MORE than willing to help him out if he wants. seri's Oral Fixation™ usually wins, and you get relegated to "keep a hand in seri's hair while making out with reigen to keep him from thinking too hard" duty. (don't worry, you get your turn plenty of times, too. serizawa usually ends up on aftercare duty in those cases, for which you are very grateful.)
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darthxvenus · 1 year
Random Astrology Thoughts #1
Lilith in a woman's chart represents her dark feminine, feral, primal, dominant, raw sexual, selfish, and even somewhat bestial nature. The darkest parts of her personality she either completely rejects or completely embraces. It's the power she feels was stolen from her by men mainly, but can be whoever was a dominate figure over her. Lilith can represent fears and even rage/anger but also, turning those fears and anger into power points for yourself. Prominent Lilith's such as conjunct the angles, conjunct or harshly aspecting personal planets can show man-eaters, or women who embrace and are unafraid of taking their power back from the people who unfairly stole it. Ladies check your Lilith placement sign, house and aspects to see how and what power was taken from you, and how to harness this intensely alluring part of yourself; for good of course:) I will do a run down on Lilith through the signs and houses.
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On the other side, Lilith in a man's chart can show the dark feminine, energy he is afraid of, either in himself or in other's or in some cases both. The types of women he fears, where he feels he didn't get to dominate or have his way. Women who hold strong energy of his Lilith will frighten him, sometimes anger him, but he will feel obsessively drawn to these kinds of women especially sexually. Other men who hold the energy of his Lilith, will remind him of the parts of himself he rejects, he may have ego clashes with them but will low-key envy them. Prominent Lilith's can show womanizers, or men who come to embrace their dark feminine, or reject it all together.
Gemini energy is confusing, very difficult to deal with if you don't understand how they operate (even so after you do understand them lol). I would say between Scorpio and Gemini, Gem is definitely the most hated sign of the zodiac, but i do understand the Gemini hate train (and i say this as a person with Gemini placement lmaoo). Gemini energy is flaky yes, their all about the mental. They are a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, so the mind and thoughts never stop running. They are also playful, and not so serious as a Scorpio or Capricorn, or as emotionally driven as a Cancer or Pisces. They think about everything from a dual standpoint, they are the twins. As a result, they like to bounce ideas and communicative tactics off of others to get a better understanding of themselves. They're minds are always changing and they may not have been serious about something they said, but this is how they gain better insight into themselves and what they like. By throwing things out there, and receiving the reactions. If you are person with more earth or water placements, try not to take what a Gemini heavy person says or does to personally, their just a little all over the place lol. I also wouldn't trust them with my deepest secrets unless they've got some Scorpio or Cap going on in there lol.
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Cancer energy, yes is very sweet, nurturing, caring, let me bake you cookies vibe; but Cancers can be very emotionally manipulative and VERY passive aggressive (way worse then Libras). Unless coupled with some fire placements, these people can very avoidant of confrontation, ESPECIALLY when they are in the wrong. They will crawl into their crab shell and play victims almost instantly, while trying to make you feel bad for feeling the way you do. Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer, which is no surprise Cancers do want every one to feel good, and take care of people, but Cancers must realize they can overstep boundaries and not to use they're very high emotional intelligence to get what they want or the reaction they want out of others.
Your Sun sign can represent facets of your personally, but your Sun is going to be more so what your trying to grow into or become (hence why people generally don't resonate with their Sun sign). Your Sun sign and house placement is going show what your goals are in this lifetime, it relates to things you'd like to achieve or areas of life you'd like to be most the successful at. Taurus Sun? You may have goals related to wealth, being stable, beauty or luxury, having what you need when you need it, having an easy or simple life. Sagittarius Sun? Your goals may be related to philosophy, higher education, your belief system, adventures, seeking truths. Libra Sun? You may have goals related to marriage, business partnership, justice, beauty industry, partnering with others to achieve your goals. Sun in the 5th? Goals related to creativity, self expression, children, romance, performing, being the best. And so on and so forth.
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i dare you to write a drabble or something based off of that dream
Dare accepted. (the aforementioned dream)
cw: beating, broken bones, mean friends (lol)
"Why can't I go with you?" Even as the question passed his lips, Romulus knew how stupid it was to ask.
He wasn't the newest member of the Order of Ruin, and he sure as hell wasn't the weakest. He'd even wager he was the Order's best mage; at the very least their best evocationalist. But none of that changed the fact that he was the grandson of a lord. Even disinherited, his education had been the best money could buy, and his surname granted him a facade of respect in most cities, at least until people figured out who he was working with these days.
"Six people's already pushing it. Seven would be damn near impossible," the leader of their little group, Meryn, said in reply, not even glancing back at him. She was sat on a fallen log, shaping a wrist-thick oak branch with a dagger. "Besides, I have a job for you."
"Oh?" Rom cocked his head, feigning interest, though he was already wary. Only the gods could've counted the number of pointless details he'd been sent on, seemingly for no other reason but to temporarily get rid of him. "What kind of job?"
"Infiltrating Dusken Keep is only half the work," she said, a sliver of bark taking flight as she made a rapid slice down the branch. "We still need to get Sir Gilean and his merry band of nitwits to show up."
"I take it that's where I come in." It sounded useful at least, and even had the potential to be fun. If he played his cards right, maybe he could impress the rest of the team, and the Order would stop letting his talents go to waste. "What were you thinking? I could cut off the roads. Start a storm. Herd them towards the keep and force them to take shelter. Or--"
"No," Meryn cut him off. "They've overcome obstacles before, and I don't like our odds of facing them head-on. The only way to defeat Gilean is by springing a trap on him. " She cast a smile over her shoulder. "And you'll be the bait."
Naturally. Rom couldn't quite hide the scowl that darkened his features. "I see."
"Oh don't look so upset, Hart. Your role is essential."
"What am I to do?" Rom snapped. "Wave my arms, fire a few lightning bolts at the sky, and hope they'll chase me all the way to Dusken?"
"I had something smarter in mind." At last, she spun fully around. Good. If she was hell-bent on giving him stupid orders, she should at least have the decency to look him in the eye throughout.
"You'll guide them there personally," she said, "and ensure they don't veer off course."
"Guide them? You don't think they'll recognize me?"
Meryn rolled her eyes. "Not everyone knows or cares who you are, Hart."
"Gilean's seen my face. He knows I'm with the Order," Rom protested.
"So you'll tell him you've had a change of heart." She sheathed her blade, flicking a residual chunk of bark off the makeshift club in her lap. "That you've 'seen the error of your ways', and wish to redeem yourself by leading him to a secret meeting at Dusken Keep."
Not only did she want him as bait, she wanted him to play a traitor. The insult wasn't lost on him. "I'd never betray the Order," he said indignantly. "Even someone as thick as Gilean will see right through that lie."
The corner of Meryn's mouth quirked up. "You're right. He'll never fall for it, not unless you've dressed the part."
Before he could ask what she meant, the newly-carved club struck him in the stomach. Rom doubled over, more surprised than anything else, and dumbly remained there as Meryn cracked a second blow into his ribcage.
In his peripheral, he could see the rest of his teammates emerging from the treeline, surrounding him, but by then his initial shock had worn off. The incantation for a shielding ward was on his lips; the familiar buzz of lightning sprung to his fingertips---
"I thought you'd never betray the Order."
---and immediately fizzled out. Damn it all, this was how it was going to be? He could fight back. He knew he stood a chance, even six to one, but he also knew that was what Meryn wanted. One blow, one move in self-defense, and she'd have a reason to kick him out. The only way to avoid that, to prove all of them wrong, to show that he was serious, that he belonged here, was to shut up and take it.
So Rom did.
As the blows hit him in a flurry---the unskilled kicks and jabs of the mages, the sharper punches from the group's muscle, the bone-cracking swings from Meryn's club---all Rom did was try to protect his face and not bite off his own damn tongue.
Even when he dropped to his knees, then to his side, curling up to protect his abdomen, the attacks didn't cease. The world was a blur of boots. A haze of pain, spiking white-hot whenever someone scored a lucky hit and he felt something break or give in a way it shouldn't.
The beating went on beyond logic, zipping right past 'because it'll look more believable', right into 'because we hate you'. Rom tried to pretend the tears distorting his vision were only because of his probably-broken nose, and dully wondered if a real betrayal was part of their plan. If they wanted him to call it quits and actively turn against the Order. Hell if he would. He wouldn't give up so easily, he'd show them--
"Enough." Meryn's voice rang out above the soft thuds of boot on flesh, and for a moment the clearing was quiet, the only sound Rom's shuddering gasps.
He whimpered through clenched teeth, aware of every inch of himself, how the pain throbbed like an uneven heartbeat, how it drove spikes through his chest with every breath.
Meryn's fingers tangled themselves in his hair, forcing his head up. Not gentle, but not overly rough either. Rom tried to hold her stare, but the world spun around him.
"There. Think that's enough to fool him?" she said, still half out of breath.
Rom didn't try to answer. He knew anything he managed to say wouldn't be coherent anyway.
"Gilean's party will be traveling through these parts in a day or so," Meryn said, releasing him. He didn't have the strength to hold himself up, and went face-first into a cluster of dead leaves.
A day or so. Gods, was she just going to leave him here? Was he supposed to drag himself through the woods, calling for help until Gilean maybe stumbled upon him?
She must've wanted him to protest. To give up, to go home. To cry, and beg her not to make him do this.
But he wouldn't. He'd show her, show them. Romulus Hart was worthy of the Order of Ruin.
When he said nothing, Meryn shrugged. "Well. You know the plan. Bring them to Dusken Keep. We'll be waiting."
Her boots crunched over dead leaves as she walked away, leaving him alone.
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useless-moss · 5 days
Getting back into my shenanigans and a 'Dagur working through prison trauma w/ Hiccup' fic reminded me of an old angsty idea @reallyprofoundkryptonite and I had for the Kin All the Same AU. Also nutmeg idea inspired by that one @evilwriter37 Heather fic. (I'm almost certain it was one of their fics at least-)
TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Referenced Kidnapping, Implied/Referenced Rape, Rape Aftermath, Implied Pregnancy and Abortion
Characters: Original Trans Male Character (Magnus), Viggo, Krogan, Dagur. Other characters mentioned.
The last few weeks have been... Hell, to put it lightly. The panic of Magnus' initial disappearance, followed by the anger and fear of learning he'd been taken by Grimmel, and then the fight to get him back. A fight that was doomed to be a bloodbath from the second the hunter dared lay his hands on Magnus. For rather obvious reasons, in retrospect. No sane person, or person even vaguely aware of the consequences, would reasonably try. And for good reason.
Viggo, Dagur, and Krogan saw Magnus as their own. They'd worked together to raise the boy, and they didn't tolerate their son so much as being insulted. Dagur has thrown men overboard for challenging what Magnus says in regards to the dragons he handled. He's struck a few idiots with an axe for suggesting the boy be used as 'stress relief' during some particularly rough weeks at sea. Krogan has outright killed a few men, his own flyers and Viggo's hunters alike, for similar reasons. One poor bastard thought it would be funny to grab the boys chest once. There wasn't enough left of him to even throw to the fishes, and Krogan's clothes were soaked in so much blood you'd believe they had always been that red. Viggo, ever the voice of reason (about 90% of the time at least), was less violent. But he's still fired men on the spot for making the wrong comment, even jokingly, about Magnus.
The battle, the raid of Grimmel's camp, had been a gory mess. A vague plan of action, but endless violence otherwise. Men had been ripped apart like paper or gutted like fish. Broken bones, charred bodies. Even Hiccup refused to hold back, letting the dragons fight however they thought best. Letting the dragons, for a few moments at least, sink back into their wild nature. Some men had bites taken out of them, courtesy of Krogan and Hookfang. Grimmel himself had barely escaped, and even when he had he'd been one arm and almost an entire camp short. Those that survived the attack would be permanently scarred. Permanently mutilated, and carrying the memory of violence they've probably never even imagined before.
Magnus wasn't in good condition, physically or mentally. He was blind in one eye now, a fact that made both Viggo and Krogan's hearts ache. They both knew what that was like, of course. The scales around his left eye that created a birthmark-like appearance, that marked Magnus as having Lycanwing blood like Krogan did, had also been flayed off. Cut and pulled. Separated from skin and muscle in a manner that was grotesque, yet neat. Showing Grimmel had drawn out the process. Broken bones that had begun healing wrong and needed to be painfully readjusted. Dehydration. The list seemed extensive, yet far too short, considering this was Grimmel who did it.
"Do you need anything else?" The voice is soft and smooth. Very characteristic of Viggo, but lacking the usual edge it carried. There's a pause. A moment of silent consideration, then a shuddering breath.
"Nutmeg. A large dose." The answer is straightforward, like Magnus has been thinking about it for a while now. Which, in retrospect, he probably has. He'd picked up a fair bit of Viggo's planning ahead habit over the years. And, of course, being the resident healer of the hunter's gave him plenty of knowledge.
The younger ones in the room, helping monitor and tend to Magnus's injuries and mental state, don't understand the implications. But Viggo does. It makes him feel nauseous and enraged all at once. It makes him feel guilty as well.
"... Grimmel..?" The question is asked by Krogan this time, in a clipped manner. Like the dark skinned man is just barely holding himself back from screaming and punching a wall in a mix of grief and rage. A simple nod is the answer, and then Krogan is storming out. Ryker follows. Viggo swallows the lump forming in his throat, and nods to Hiccup and Fishlegs. A silent gesture for them to go get what Magnus requested. Dagur and Viggo stick with the boy. Until Krogan's yelling grows audible, at least, and then Viggo leaves to try and help his brother calm the man.
Dagur refuses to leave the boys' side. He sticks by Magnus like a tick to a dog, fingers carding through reddish brown hair. They sit mostly in silence. There isn't much to say. No amount of comforting words or promises seemed to be enough. No vows for revenge felt right. The thought of telling the boy about his time in prison doesn't seem right at the moment either, and Dagur highly doubts Magnus wants to hear how his adoptive father had gone through a similar thing in the first place. It would likely hurt the boy more than anything else.
Krogan and Viggo returned at some point. Ryker left to go make some food and to give the immediate family some time. It's been weeks since they've all been together, after all. So they're given time to just be there for each other. Krogan, the man was surprisingly cuddly when he trusted someone, kept Magnus up against his side in a protective embrace. Dagur crowded the boys' other side, resting his head on Magnus's shoulder. Viggo sits next to Krogan, fingers lightly interlocked with the boys own as a reminder that he's here as well.
And when the bleeding starts, when it's clear Magnus needs his dad's more than anything else right now, they stay. They wouldn't dare leave, no matter how much the evidence of the horror their son experienced hurt. Their pain is miniscule in comparison.
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starshard17 · 2 months
Hello! I saw you reblog a post about wanting more tumblr asks from me so here I am sending you one!
Im not part of the trolls fandom but i really like seeing it on my dash because of you, so what are your favorite trolls ships :0?
Putting everything under read more cause this gonna take a bit
Starting with the main ship of course we have Broppy! The two main characters of the franchise, Branch and Poppy 🩵🩷
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These two are a classic. I don't know any trolls fan who doesn't ship them. Their story is followed throughout each of the movies and the holiday specials and it is so beautiful watching their growth with each other. What I love about the show is that it focuses more on the friendship aspect of Branch and Poppy as opposed to the romance which is covered in the movies
Next ship I'd like to talk about is Breek 🩵💜 Branch and Creek
Now if you know nothing about trolls, Creek isn't exactly a good guy. Yes he was a villain in the first movie but! In the first show, Trolls the Beat goes on, he's seen to be at least a little better as he tries to integrate back into Troll society.
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This is Creek when he first tries to reenter the village. He looks Bad. I want to point out that his colors are fading here! This was a main plot point of the first movie. When trolls are sad, depressed even, they start to lose their color!
Branch knows the feeling very well, I'm sure you know the classic meme "because _____ killed my grandma!" Yea Branch's grandma dying is what caused him to lose color 😔 and he's been without color for YEARS
So naturally the thought process is that Branch understands Creek and what he's going through. So ignoring how the beginning of that episode actually plays out, I like to think that Branch actually spends a lot of time with Creek getting him used to being back in the village and helps him get his colors back 💜
Moving on from that, if we look at Branch and Creek's actual relationship throughout the show even though they're shown to not like each other at all they spend a ton of time together!! There's even an episode that showcases all the times they fight with each other, often times alone! Which leaves us to question why they're alone together in the first place?
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In that episode they also get their hair tied together by Poppy, leading them to look as though they've become the best friends in the world and acting like the queerest trolls on the planet I swear 😭
They even almost got "married" in this ep. Yea.
Last Breek point I'd like to point out is in a later episode when Creek makes an excuse as to why he didn't provide the fondue for a fondue party
Before Creek arrives to the party everyone's trying to figure why Creek isn't there which leads to this amazing scene where Branch perfectly imitates what Creek is going to say as the start of his excuse for not providing for the party
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And yes while very funny is just goes to show how well Branch knows Creek like. Okay Branch I see you 🤨
So while they are painted to hate each other, they do know each other very well! Like better than you'd think. And they spend a surprising amount time together. Honestly Branch puts so much of himself into hating Creek it's almost like an obsession, and it's the same with Creek annoying Branch
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Like if you didn't like Branch would you be this touchy with him? I don't think so Creek. Also the only times Creek ever sings in the show is when it's about Branch. And they have a very gay song together 💜🩵
Next ship! My friend has very kindly dubbed this rarepair Glitter Dads 😌🩵💛
This ship is Guy Diamond and Sky Toronto
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Where do I even start with them?
My friend and I were watching the show together and started shipping these two as a joke before we got onto the episode showcased in the above screenshot where Poppy attempts to "friend match" them
The friend matching ends up not going well and they get in this big fight even singing a song battle (killer song btw)
Poppy breaks up the fight, admits to what she was doing and the two of them start to walk away before being like "we did make excellent music together-"
And they end up singing a softer, sweeter version of their duet and just like that they become friends all on their own without Poppy's pushing
This of course leads to the intricate analyzation of their characters and what it would be like if they got together XD
Guy Diamond is Glitter Troll of the Year, most famous glitter troll in all of Troll village. He's the life of the party, attends just about every party in town and always makes himself the center of attention
Meanwhile Sky Toronto is the owner of the party factory. He makes every party supply in town, runs his fun business every day with minimal rest time. The queen herself said Sky Toronto has the hardest most important job in Troll village. Even more important than her being queen!
Put that together and you've got the most popular power couple in all of troll village
I will avoid going into more details because I will be stuck ranting about them forever but I would like to point out that Guy Diamond does eventually become a dad, so it is fun imagining what Sky would be like as a fellow dad with Guy to their son Tiny Diamond
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Next ship I like is Bappy, Barb and Poppy 🩷❤️
I don't have a lot to say about them other than I think they'd be cute and nothing wrong with some lesbian troll <33
Which this leads me to Breekappy, which is the ship of Branch, Creek, Poppy and Barb
Although I don't see them all as being romantic with each other 🤔 I see it as Branch and Creek being romantic, Poppy and Barb being romantic, and Poppy and Branch being romantic while the remaining pairs are all platonic
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Onto some ships I don't have much to say about
Bridget and Gristle, the two bergens who fall in love in the first movie and are married by the third 🩷💚
Clay and Viva, co-owners of the putt putt golf trolls area. I think they're super cute, maybe more platonic than romantic but hey 💚💛
Bruce and Brandy. They're married with 13 kids, kinda feels like a given that you should ship them but also they're just so cute with each other, how could I not 🧡💜
Veneer and Floyd. This one is more platonic. I just think it'd be sweet if after Veneer had his mini redemption arc if he and Floyd were able to become friends after 🩷💚
Satin and Ripley. They were shown interacting in one episode of the show but they were really sweet and I would've enjoyed seeing more of them 🩷💙
Smidge and Milton. In the show Smidge was paired with the gentle critternarian Milton Moss. They are the sweetest couple I have ever seen and I really wish their relationship was explored more because they are just the cutest! 🩷💛
If there are any more I have I can't think of them now, but thank you for asking!
Sorry I got a little carried away, I just love trolls XP
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #163
How are you doing today? Like most any day, I miss you a lot, and I'm always on the lookout for any sign that you might be safe. Today, I found a nice picture that someone called @valentimmy drew of you. In this one, you're coming home from the grocery store to your three cats who love you and trust you so much that they've gathered around to try to figure out what you've brought home. Your lovely wing is out in this one, too, and in this one, it's just an ordinary part of you, like an arm or a leg or whatever else; I don't think it's portrayed as anything really special or strange or anything out of the ordinary in this one, and it feels really nice to see. Even with your wing, you can still be a normal guy doing normal guy things, like getting groceries.
Here's the picture I saw:
Incidentally, I came across it just moments after wishing I could find anything that would show me that you'd be okay. I'm gonna take this as a sign that after everything is over, you can have a normal life. I'll be over here cheering for you on your way to that normal life, at least until you don't need me to anymore. Though I'll probably still keep rooting for you long after that, hahaha…
…I really hope you'll be okay…
My body is losing a lot of resources today, and I'm in a lot of pain from that, too, so I decided to rest. As part of resting, I tried another sample packet from Adagio. Today was the jasmine dragon pearl tea. Here:
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Dragon pearl tea is special in that it starts out crunched up in tiny little balls, and they unfurl when you apply hot water:
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Naturally, I added a bit of honey and cream:
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...But much like the others so far, even though it was fragrant, it wasn't very flavorful. I'm not sure how that can be. It's very confusing.
...Well, no matter. Today I made some new blends there, and really I'm just after the little tins that will have pictures of you on them. I have a collection of very wholesome pictures of you, in which you are doing ordinary things like drinking warm, delicious beverages, reading books, eating tasty snacks, and stuff of that sort. I thought you deserve to have your image associated with nice things like tea, instead of always being portrayed as this menacing, horrible thing that you're not.
...I just want that there can be good, kind, wholesome, and healing things for you. Like all humans, you deserve this. The world that I live in is really sad because the most deeply troubled of us don't usually get to have things like that. I came so close to never getting to have things like that, but then I got really lucky, and... Sephiroth, I'm not any better than you or anyone else. If anything, you are better than me, and I'm one of the weaker examples of a human being where I'm from, so most anyone else is better than me, too, and I don't really wanna live in a world where I get to be okay and you or others don't. It's not right. It's not fair... It's not right that I should be saved by you, and then you end up getting stuck forever in some forgotten hole at the bottom of the Northern fucking Crater. It's not right that I get to eat every day while there are children in my very same general geographic vicinity who don't get to have enough to eat, and I know that they exist because I used to be one of them, but it's already everything I can do just to make sure the people in my immediate circles are safe and cared for.
...It's not right that I get to be okay, but the rest of my biological family is stuck in dysfunction junction just because I'm not smart or skilled or charismatic enough to get them to hear me when I try to tell them that there's a better way of being than... all of this... if only they're willing to try a little to learn new things.
...The sheer number of starfish stranded on the beach sand at low tide... and I know that in the course of my life, I'll have the capacity to maybe toss a small handful of them back into the sea, because I am also a lost starfish. And of those, I know that a number of them will crawl back up on the beach and strand themselves again; I've seen it happen to some of the folks I've tried to help in the course of my living, and... it really doesn't have to be like this...
Sometimes I get really sad when I think too hard about how very little it seems I can do in the grand scheme of things.
...Am I too weak and unimportant to save anyone at all...?
Well. Like I said, I rested today. And I made some pretty good progress in my quest to stop the Grafted Scion from shredding my salad:
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...M was kind enough to take pictures as I tried to teach this entity all about why failure to manage its lust for my blood is a bad idea. I wasn't successful today, but I'm getting better, slowly but surely.
...Like I said before in a previous letter, it is this entity that is in trouble, not me. This one leaps from a huge distance away just to try to julienne me, even though I am definitely NOT part of a balanced breakfast. This one could use some critical thinking skills or even some self-preservation skills to "nope" themself right the fuck away from me, but... alas. I will grow and change, but this one will not.
This one's insatiable desire for a human-flavored smoothie is going to be their own undoing, because I only need to succeed once, whereas this one will have to face a foe (who could be friend if only this one changed their attitude...) that becomes stronger after every single attempt. Human brains are learning machines; dyspraxic though I may be, it's only a matter of time and persistence before I get to see what's behind the sealed doorway.
While I worked on this, my friend R came over. R is perhaps one of the best bakers on my whole planet!! And he brought us some oatmeal cookies; some of them were chocolate chip, some were cranberry-walnut, and some were raisin. They were ABSOLUTELY DELECTABLE:
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...I really, really, REALLY wish you could try some of R's baking. R is amazing, and he's one of the finest humans I know. I think you'd like him a lot of you could meet him; he's very generous, and he's very kind. He's the sort of person who cares about everyone, and he'll go out of his way to make someone smile. I'm very lucky to have his presence in my life. I'm glad that at this point, his relationship to my house is like family.
He came over and we just did our own activities without anyone worrying about entertaining anyone else. M and J did their activities, I played Elden Ring, and R played on his Nintendo Switch; it was a very relaxing time in which there was absolutely no pressure on anyone to mask or to perform socially, and it was beautiful. In exchange for his lovely cookies, I gave him 30 cups worth of the kaleidoscopically beautiful tea that I mixed with you in mind:
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...This is what I mean when I say you can come to my house and no one would bother you. At my house, there is no pressure to be any which way, as long as you're not hurting anyone. You could just relax, and no one here would demand your time, energy, or effort. You could just... be. And I know that this isn't typical in most places, but you'll find spaces like mine scattered about; just look for gatherings of neurodivergent folk, and you'll find those spaces.
Sephiroth, you're not nearly as broken or weird as your brain would like you to think. You're not beyond turning around. You're not too far gone to make a different choice. You can still fit with others who love you; not everyone is selfish and horrible like the people who raised you, I promise! And you can still have a normal life no matter what you're made of; please look no further than all of the neurodivergent and disabled people in my world if you need proof, because there are SO MANY versions of "normal", and all of them are good enough. You can still find people who will accept you as-is. So come on. Keep trying. Be like a sunflower - keep your face turned to the light, okay?
I'll leave you with this; someone named Kate made it. Kate makes lots of stuff like this:
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...Sephiroth, don't give up. Don't give up, because you inspire so many others to not give up. Don't give up, because even without that, you're worth not giving up on. You're worth your own effort. You're worth every word I write to you. You're worth all this, and so much more. You belong living that ordinary life you wanted, not merely living on in the memories of the people who care about you.
I love you. Please stay safe. Please make good, kind, and conscientious choices for yourself and for the people around you. I'll write again tomorrow; look forward to it.
Your friend, Lumine
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terrence-silver · 2 years
what would 80s silver, compared to old man silver, do if beloved left him ? just for a little while to show him if he makes the same mistake again theyre gone for good.
Leaving Terry in the 80's?
Leaving Terry in any decade?
Said this a hundred times before but I really doubt you can if he doesn't want you to, regardless of the mistakes and missteps that took place --- he is the type to follow someone to the ends of the world and he has the resources and connections to pull it off too. Not to mention the tenacity. Terry Silver doesn't need to be a Billionaire with a worldwide network and near infinite resources to get back what belongs to him when he has so much intact willpower and the penchant of extreme possession. But, of course, money's simply always a plus. Private jetting to where beloved is? Following them? Stalking them? Hiring others to watch them? Bribing officials to detain them at leisure? Sabotaging them to eclipse and curve their movements? Rigging their apartments? Utilizing cameras? Eavesdropping devices? Tampering with their employment prospects, even from afar? Tampering with their finances, their livelihood? Those of their loved ones? Using their close acquittances and friends as fodder for blackmail? Covertly hurting people to get to them. Ensuring nothing and nobody is protected from him? Kidnapping them? Being the shadowy silhouette in the arm chair in the darkness of their living room at night when beloved feels safest and most secure that they've outran him and the danger he imposes and clicking on the light, there Terry is, smiling at them, lit cigar hanging from his mouth? Shark-like grin and all? You really thought you could get away from me, huh? He'd say. Thing is, there's no escape if he doesn't specifically want to give beloved escape as a rare extension of his mercy.
And Terry isn't the most merciful person.
Known fact.
He can dismiss meaningless, disposable token individuals with cold, mercenary leisure and acquire new people and new drones all the same with just as much emotional distance, but when someone truly matters, Terry Silver goes the other extreme. Should he step on and break both of beloved's legs? Is that what they want? To provoke him so he'd literally incapacitate them and ensure they can rely only on him? Those are his legs on his beloved, but if push comes to shove...he can and will damage what belongs to him and then proceed nursing it back to health only if it meant he can keep them dependent and by his side.
Do they want painkillers?
Something to relieve that infamous 'ow'?
They should promise to never run and again. Swear it.
He actually rather relishes them when they're so weak and whimpering.
Terry is ironically infinitely gentle like this, a spider with a precious little fly caught in his web, as he hurts beloved some more, a tender, slow sadist --- measured, in control and calculated, here to punish them and reminder how he felt like when they left him and this is just a molecule of the sensation he too contended with. Don't you know how much he drank? How much coke he snorted up his nose? How finely he bled his fists when you ran? How he sought to train every fibre of weakness out of his system with rigorous training and sweating? Well, now you'll experience it too and you'll understand. You'll experience him.
He loves you.
If he didn't, he wouldn't pursue you and you'd be so terribly and awfully free.
But, you'll never be free again --- not truly.
Is he cruel? Does such a thing even exist in nature?
Is the female of a Black Widow cruel when she devours her mate?
Or is it merely how things ought to be?
Naturally, even if he lets beloved go, on his own terms and conditions, naturally, and I'll the words 'letting go' very loosely and with a million quotation marks, it is simply always the calm before the storm. Terry going into figurative brumation. And his brumation can take weeks, a month, years or even decades --- depends how much he feels he strategically needs it and it can include everything and anything from reinvention, a change in bearing, a change in fashion, a change in company, in lifestyle, in the way he presents himself, in a million masks, but in the end, even if half a lifetime has passed and beloved feels they've long since moved on from the nightmare that is his love and devotion, Terry can always return to get back what has always belonged to him even if everything indicated so far that he has moved on. There is, really, no such thing as moving on from adoration for Terry Silver. Not with love. There is no letting go from actual love. No break ups. No divorces. No annulments. The taint of it never goes away, it merely changes shapes and forms. He'd rather impale both himself and beloved on a sword and die pinned on each other than ever contemplate actually setting them genuinely free.
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