#and makes plants angry when you are in the hospital for too many days
Did you know that if you were away for a couple weekends one month, even though your trash isn’t as full as it would normally be, it will still get as stinky? Apparently I forgot about that fact. Trash still gets old even though your brain registers the days away from your place as different time. Object permanence exists and it is stinky
#emma posts#this is an adhd post#I took out every trash bag. the main and the side ones. and added an air freshener#it smells so much better#I just wish I had better circulation in this o#place because the corner with the couch never seems to get enough airflow#and it’s still stinky here#even though that time passed in a different location it still passed#woagh#object permanence is also very dusty#and makes plants angry when you are in the hospital for too many days#it also dries up paint pallets even if you cover them!#my cactus was acting like it had never seen the sun in months#you went a few days without the grow lights you little bitch! You didn’t have to stay in the hospital for a week! stop reaching for the#window that dramatically like a fucking 90 degree angle#it’s back to normal now but still#my orchid just fucking died though#I give my cat all the attention and my plants don’t like it#sorry I care more about him and that one African violet that has gone through everything with me and been fine#now I’m getting distracted by my plants#anyway. time exists everywhere at the same time and it’s very inconvenient :/#moment I cleaned up the litter box my cat had to pee in it so I guess he’s happy#he was using it before but he had to make sure everyone knew after the litter change#I was cleaning it but hadn’t changed up the litter yet because I had to buy some at the fucking grocery store#same with the trash bags#now i need to clean some of the less stinky things that i just find more tedious and I’m doing them tomorrow#ugh. why do things get dirty when you use them? it’s very inconvenient#and the FUCKING water in this place is like cave water and it makes me so mad#sure. the last place I lived had arsenic in the non-drinking water including the cleaning water#it leaves a layer of mineral behind like it’s trying to make a stalactite
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diazsdimples · 2 months
Hi!!!! This is the equivalent of however many Grant-Nash Ranch sentences you can make, my love
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Turns out that equated into 18 ranch sentences.
After Bobby got out of the hospital, they moved into a motel room. It wasn’t ideal, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it served as somewhere for them to sleep between Athena’s shifts and Bobby’s war-like campaign he launched against Vincent Gerrard. The apartment hunting had begun when Bobby had tried to squeeze a very angry group of firefighters into the motel room, which ended with Hen and Chimney trying to squeeze onto the double bed beside Bobby, Buck and Eddie sitting so close to one another on the singular armchair that they were practically in one another’s laps, and Ravi face down on the ground, apparently midst-existential crisis. Athena and Bobby had moved into their 2-bedroom apartment a week later. While he knew it was by no means a permanent state of affairs, Bobby hated that apartment. It was small and dingey and, worst of all, there was no backyard. Only a tiny balcony with a couple of dying plants, and perfectly situated to never get any sun, no matter the time of day. Considering he has nothing else to do with his days, besides help instigate a mutiny within the 118, Bobby began to religiously check real estate websites. He and Athena had spoken about what they might look for in a new home, and Bobby tried to keep all this in mind as he searched. He pulled up listing after listing, showing his wife with enthusiasm whenever there was a spare moment. He attended open homes, contacted realtors, even went as far as calling Michael for his opinion on possibly building their own place. But nothing felt right. They were all too close to their neighbours, or too modern, or only had a tiny patch of land for Bobby to garden in, and he just – well he itched for something more. Gradually, Bobby’s searches branched away from metropolitan Los Angeles, getting more and more into the outer suburbs until he’d well and truly worked his way into the rural real estate websites. It felt so much better, looking at old ranch-style homes with a few acres of land, perfect for Bobby to work on the garden he’s always wanted, enough space for Athena to get a couple of animals if she wanted, plus ample space to turn into entertainment areas for the inevitable 118 barbeques they would be hosting. He never mentioned the change in search area to Athena, still keeping an eye out for inner city properties just in case, but Bobby’s mind was made up. They were going to buy a ranch.
Tagging some friends who might be interested in a new wip lol
@theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @spotsandsocks @bidisasterevankinard
@watchyourbuck @actuallyitsellie @perfectlysunny02 @bidisasterevankinard @cal-daisies-and-briars
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bellysoupset · 5 months
Part 2 of Leo's birthday - Jonah's turn.
This was a request from🧋anon!
Leo was cute when he slept and Jonah was sure this was an objective opinion and not just because he was head over heels in love with the guy. 
He was sprawled on the bed, occupying most of it and snoring softly, shirtless and having already kicked away most of the blankets. Despite the terrible ending of their night, Jon was still counting that as a good birthday. Sure, Leo had puked on Wendy’s shoes and then again on the kitchen sink as soon as they got home, but afterwards he had climbed into bed with Jonah, complaining about a bellyache, and had melted like a golden retriever pup on his lap, dozing off within minutes of getting the belly rub.
That should still count as a good birthday, right?
“Baby,” Jonah crawled on the bed, freshly showered and ready to head in for work, “Leo. Wake up, you’re going to be late for work,” he shook his fiance’s shoulder, “Leo.”
He’d probably end up being late himself at this rate. Leo groaned and swatted his hand away, making Jonah scoff.
“I’m heading to work,” he whispered, brushing Leo’s hair away from his face, “and I’m gonna set your phone’s alarm. Thirty more minutes, then you have to get up.”
“Uhhrgh,” was Leo’s response and Jonah rolled his eyes, doing as he had promised and leaving the bedroom. He had spent too much time in the shower and there wouldn’t be any time to make himself food, but the cupcakes Leo had brought over from work were still in the fridge.
Figuring his boyfriend certainly wouldn’t want them after puking due to too much food last night, Jonah quickly polished off the two cupcakes on his way down to the garage.
As his day progressed, Jonah’s good humor started to tank. Everything felt like too much, his clothes clinging to him, the hospital noise that normally he could drown out without thinking, sounding much louder than usual. 
Around 10 AM, he got a kid wailing down the ER and a distraught mom absolutely chewing the hell out of the paramedic who had just brought him in. Jonah cringed as he realized he’d have to be the one handling this. There were many reasons why he wanted to be a surgeon and one of them was no angry moms hovering about while he tried to do his job. 
He’d take a heart attack any day over a broken leg. 
Mom’s name was Louise and she was not impressed by Jonah’s bedside manner. Her son was named Charlie and he was struggling to keep up, the poor kid’s chin wobbling as he tried valiantly not to cry. 
“Charlie, we’re going to-”
The dam broke and more tears came up. Jonah sighed, resisting the urge to fan himself. It was so warm. He planted a sympathetic hand on the kid’s shoulder, wiping away the tears. It was painful to watch, knowing the boy was only hurting himself more by sobbing like that. 
“You’re okay,” Jonah cooed softly, as the nurse started up an IV, communicating silently with him. There was no way they could wait for oral painkillers to take effect before wheeling the kid to x-ray and that was considering he didn’t make himself sick with all the crying, “it’s just a little poke.”
“Hu-hurttssss,” the little boy continued to cry and Jonah rubbed his back, checking his watch. Five minutes for the morphine to kick in. Louise was patting her foot nervously on the ground, whole body shaking with anxiety. 
“Ma’am, he’s in good hands,” Jonah explained, just to say something. His stomach was starting to slosh uncomfortably, “we’re waiting for the painkillers to kick in and then we’ll go to x-ray, you’re welcome to accompany-”
“Of course I’m going with him, are you crazy?” She scoffed at him, stepping closer and cooing over her son. Jonah resisted the urge to move away, as the kid wiped at his nose grossly on the back of his sleeve and slightly cuddled up to his side. He was getting heavy. 
“There we go,” Jon lowered him against the pillow, “hurting less?”
The boy nodded, his face still all pink and wet with tears, “still hurts.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” he grimaced, signing the kid’s record and jolting down his next instructions, “we can’t give you too much medicine, in case we need to do another procedure. As soon as the X-rays are done we’ll give you better meds,” Jonah smoothed the boy’s hair back gently, “we’re going to move your bed now, okay Charlie? Are you feeling alright?”
The kid sucked in a sob, but nodded and Jonah smiled at him, “nurse Marjorie is going to stay with you the whole time,” he gestured to the much older nurse, who was one of his favorite people in the hospital. She had more than 30 years of experience, was trained for surgeries and tough as nails. “Then as soon as you’re released from X-Ray I’m going to see you again, okay?”
“O-Okay…” The kid’s voice broke and Jonah squeezed his hand in a sympathetic manner, before allowing the technicians to wheel him away, his mother not sparing the doctor a second glance. 
As soon as they were out of sight, Jonah allowed his smile to fade. 
While the interaction had been brief — and Louise hadn’t actually shaped up to be a momzilla, just a regular worried mother — it had been long enough for his stomach to go from “a little off” to “full blown nausea”. 
He felt a weird pressure travel up and Jonah quickly excused himself, power walking to the bathrooms, stripping his white coat as he rushed there so he wouldn’t be so recognizable as a doctor. 
The bathroom, given it was near the ER, wasn’t empty. There were five stalls on each side, the middle of the room had a large slab of stone with a mirror and five sinks on each side of the mirror. No urinals, for which Jonah was very glad.
He rushed inside of a stall and brought his coat to his mouth, muffling a loud, thick burp. Even with the fabric in the way, it was still pretty loud and he was sure others had heard it. Whatever, this was a hospital, he tried to reassure himself, as yet another sickening burp rolled up.
Jonah let out a little moan and lowered the coat, head hanging in shame and nausea. He folded the coat over one arm, slightly palming his stomach under his button up shirt. It was warm to the touch and bloated and the small pressure of his hand on it caused another belch to rush up, this one too expected for him to muffle it. 
It hurt his throat, the acidic sludge of his tummy rushing up with the burp, but he swallowed it down last second. Jonah pressed his forehead to the hard white plastic of the stall’s wall and breathed out slowly, he had to get his body in check. At least finish his ER hours. 
Defeated and knowing he wouldn’t puke right at this moment, Jonah walked out of the stall to wash his face.
The next two hours went like a blur. He tried his best to focus on his patients, but was forcefully reminded by his stomach that it was still very upset every other minute. He had grabbed a plastic cup of water and was sipping on it in between patients, pushing down the thick sweet saliva that kept flooding his mouth. 
Finally Claire came to relieve him, so he could go for lunch, and Jonah could’ve cried. Instead of heading down to the cafeteria or to the many restaurants that were around the hospital’s complex, he went to the doctor’s staff to lie down.
There was coming and going in the place, it was a change of shifts after all, and Jonah reached for his phone inside his locker. He grabbed it, then went to the back room where there were two bunker beds in case they needed to sleep.
One of the top ones was already occupied and Jonah put his phone on silent mode, then crawled on a bottom bed, curling up on his side and muffling another sick burp against the thin pillow. 
He wrapped an arm around his stomach, bringing up his knees and squeezing his eyes as the pressure made his belly feel like it was full with boiling liquid. 
There were texts from Leo and Jonah squinted at the screen, lowering the brightness and struggling to understand what his boyfriend was saying. 
Leo: Gonna call in sick at work, still feeling pretty shitty. Don’t think I overdid it yesterday, just ate something off. 
Leo: Good news! You’ll be happy to know the restaurant we went to didn't make me sick. I got food poisoning at the office :) When I get my hands on Sandy she’s done for.
Leo: Apparently they canceled everyone’s schedule, because everyone called in sick. Isn't that lovely? You bet your ass we’re gonna have a lecture on food handling and what not, can’t wait.
Leo: When are you coming home, my tummy hurts and I want cuddles 🥺🥺 JD is sick of me 
Leo: Jon, did you eat the cupcakes in the fridge? Baby, pls text me back.
The string of texts started at 8 AM and ended just around 10 AM, with one missed call accompanying it. Jonah gagged as he realized he had eaten the poisoned stuff as well and he dropped his phone on the mattress, half sitting up on the bed and trying to figure if he was about to spew or not.
He was sweating. Jon undid his tie and opened the top buttons of his shirt, sitting fully up and cradling his stomach. The whole organ was snarling like crazy and he gulped down when the flipping of its contents made him gag, almost bringing up liquid. 
“Fuck,” Jonah whispered, grabbing his phone, coat and tie and slipping out of the bedroom. He needed a bathroom, not a bedroom- His intestines cramped and Jon froze, shuddering at the sensation. He really needed a bathroom.
At least the doctor’s one was much more private. It still had stalls, but only two and the place was empty. Jonah dropped all his items to the ground, suddenly too restless and panicked to mind how gross that was. He wasn’t sure if he was going to shit his pants or puke. 
His stomach let out an upset whine and then a rush of bubbles went south, making up his mind for him. His hands were shaking as they fumbled with his belt and fly and he could feel his tummy rumbling ominously against his touch. 
He sat on the toilet, then wrapped his arms around his middle, gulping down nervously. The lights over his head felt like too much and he was sweating like hell. 
The runs left him so dizzy he was forced to plant a hand on the stall’s wall in order not to fall off the toilet. Jonah didn’t even bother muffling the sick burping fit that followed, his head swimming. 
Once he finally managed to get out of the bathroom, Jonah stared at his reflection angrily. He looked like hell. Sweat had glued down his tight curls to his temples and was beading over his forehead and mustache area, he looked gray, his lips pale… 
He washed his face and hands vigorously, then took a gulp of tap water and breathed through the sensation of it settling in his stomach like a brick. Jonah checked his watch, then groaned out loud, there was no way he’d be able to last the remaining five hours he still had to go. 
Wendy picked up on the third ring, sounding sleepy. She had the night shift today and Jonah felt bad about waking her up, but not so bad he considered not calling. He wanted to go home, his whole body was shaking. 
“Yeah?” she yawned, “Jon?”
“Dee, can you cover for me? I don’t feel well,” he said, straight to the point. Another yawn. 
“Please tell me Leo didn’t have a stomach bug. I can't get the flu again, I’m gonna cry,” Wendy groaned and he heard her moving around.
“No, food poisoning and I-” he turned his head, muffling a sick burp and gagging over the sink when it brought up some thick, extra sweet spit. Jonah took a steady breath, “I think I got it as well.”
“Fantastic,” Wendy deadpanned, “I can go in one hour, can you handle that long?”
He knew she only lived 10 minutes away from the hospital and that the 50 other minutes were probably to tell Vince goodbye, since he’d be driving back to Doverport. Jonah felt mildly annoyed at the fact she’d be making out with her boyfriend while he was dying, but he also knew she was already doing a gigantic favor by coming in five hours before she needed to. 
“Yeah, I can handle one hour,” he sighed, clutching his stomach. 
“Alright, I’ll be there,” she hung up without further ado and Jonah let out a sigh.
The thing was, he could clock out and then stay in the bathroom until Wendy arrived, but then it would mean his chart would show he had left five hours earlier and Jonah needed all the hours he could get. Whenever Wendy covered for him or he covered for her, they never clocked out. 
So instead of being smart and staying in the bathroom, he forced himself to go sit in his office. 
Normally he liked clinic office hours, but not today. Today he didn’t like anything. 
Jonah was sitting there, with his head in his hands and considering the stupidity of his actions given how badly his stomach was churning and how he kept burping — thank god his door was shut —, when there was a knock.
He glanced at his watch. 30 more minutes, couldn’t be Wendy. 
“Come-” just speaking increased his nausea tenfold and Jonah interrupted himself as he gagged, sliding the trashcan that was under his desk closer and–
The door opened, the person on the other side clearly not realizing he hadn’t finished his words. The little boy from before, now in crutches and with his leg on a cast, still looking like he was in pain and ready to cry, his mother right behind him…
“Fuck,” Jonah groaned, when his stomach gave up on him and he had no choice but to dive for the trashcan as a thick wave of vomit came up. He brought it up to his mouth, to shield his face from view, but still he heard over the rushing in his ears as the woman let out a shriek.
Humiliation only heightened his stomach ache and he coughed, bringing up another wave of overly sweet vomit. It tasted just like the chocolate cupcakes, except rotten. Jonah burped mid retch, feeling more than a little woozy and he fell from his chair, grabbing on the desk to keep from going down entirely.
A lot more noise now and then a hand was in the middle of his back, a female voice ushering his distraught patients out. He prayed the next wave of puke would drown him.
No such luck, his tummy squeezed again and Jonah let out a whimper as he was forced to burp and it brought up some more chunks of his poisoned breakfast. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime but was probably just a couple minutes, he stopped feeling like he was about to hurl and was left panting over the trashcan. 
He was shaking like hell and his stomach was cramping, intestines as well. Everything felt sort of fuzzy around the edges.
“Jon?” Wendy’s voice was like a balm to his nerves and he nearly cried. Instead he let out a groan and pulled back from the trashcan, falling vaguely against her. He heard her let out a little huff as he weight rested on her, but her hand was cold and gentle as it came to cup his forehead.
“Killme, Wen,” he groaned, his words sticking together and she let out a sigh, rubbing his arm.
“Are you done?”
“For now,” Jonah nodded. He knew he was far from done, not only because of the food, but because he felt a new type of nausea mix into his belly. Anxiety, panic, “my patients-”
“It’s okay,” Wendy squeezed his arm, “don’t think about that. Claire took them out.”
“Fuck,” he turned his head and blinked, finally getting a hold of his bearings. They were sitting on the ground, practically under his desk. Wendy had her white coat on and she looked incredibly concerned, “you’re not gonna call me an idiot for not sitting in the doctor’s lounge until you arrived?”
Wendy shook her head, “you’re feeling too bad for me to tease you,” she stroked his cheek lightly and Jonah felt a knot in his throat. He nodded in agreement and leaned forward, planting his forehead to her shoulder, a weird position given Wendy was much shorter than he was.
“I wanna die,” he groaned and she rubbed his back.
“You’re okay, sweetheart,” she ushered him up, “I’ll get their details and you can send the mom an apology card and some fancy wine. It’s not the end of the world, I promise you.”
“Stewarts-” Jonah started to say, meaning his supervisor, who’d absolutely chew him out for this and Wendy glared at him, pushing him along the hallway.
“You couldn’t have known, it came out of nowhere,” she lied through her teeth, “right? You were feeling fine before.”
Jonah cringed, but nodded, buying in the lie, “yeah, I certainly didn’t feel gross for hours beforehand.”
“Exactly,” Wendy pushed him down the hallway, “I’m gonna drive you home, okay? And you’re gonna be a decent patient and drink loads of water and get your boy to do the same, because I don’t want to see any of you in my hospital later.”“Don’t call Leo my boy, that’s weird,” Jonah groaned, but he was feeling overwhelmingly fond of his best friend. He loved this woman so much.
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thalialunacy · 4 months
[for the @calaisreno May Prompts Squad; in which there are many Holmeses and parenting is a contact sport]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) 20: do-over (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
It's a new week, and John declares on Monday he's certain it's going to be easier than the last one.
What an idiot.
By the time they reach Wednesday, they've not been back from hospital twenty-four hours when Sherlock's dear mama orders them onto a train. 
'Mother,' Sherlock hisses into his mobile, glancing across the room to where John is firmly planted on the sofa with his daughter tight in his arms, watching Peppa Pig. 'Rosamund just got out of A&E. We don't want to go down the street, let alone out to a place so far from an adequate hospital that--' 
'Oh, poppycock' 
'I'm sorry?' 
'Now, don't be angry at me, darling. I know you must be frightened to bits for your little girl--' 
Sherlock turns away from the sofa again, chest clenching for the approximately thousandth time in the past two days. 'She's not my little girl,' he says between his teeth, trying to keep his voice steady and quiet.
'--but I'm only trying to help.'
Sherlock knows it's one of those times John would be a much better fit for the task at hand. Unfortunately, she's stuck with her son instead. 'Mummy. Clearly, that would not help.'
'You're not planning on feeding her peanuts again, are you?'
Sherlock closes his eyes. 'I won't dignify that with an answer.'
'Then pack an epipen and come see your mother. I want to kiss that baby.'
John is doing his best, Sherlock observes once they're gathered round his parents' kitchen table, but he's clearly still feeling scads of parental guilt. He refuses to let Rosamund out of his sight, and his jaw keeps doing that jumpy bit that means he's repressing something. Several somethings, obviously, because he is John Watson.
And Sherlock almost abhors how much he cares for John Watson.
His mother, naturally, can't hold back for long. 
'Oh, John, I do hate to see you like this.'
John freezes like the proverbial deer in headlights, then carefully puts down his fork, stiff upper lip firmly in place. 'Thanks, Mrs Holmes, but I'm all right.' 
Sherlock, who knows better, shares a Look with Rosamund, who blurps his name(ish) then happily stuffs more pickle into her mouth. John's face softens momentarily, and she notices. 'Want some, Daddy?'
It's not a question; John is immediately handed a chubby fistful of globby green.
'She not a fan of spoons, then?' Sherlock's father says with a chuckle.
'Only as a weapon,' Sherlock replies without thinking, but luckily it's the correct audience, because beyond an eye roll, the reaction is mostly laughter.
Except for John, Sherlock notices immediately. Oh, dear.
His mother notices, too, and her lips purse. 'John, I know we're all very English, but I'm old enough that I can speak plainly.'
'As if you hadn't already,' Sherlock mutters.
She ignores him, instead reaching out to touch John's right hand where it rests on the table. 'You mustn't punish yourself. You've done nothing wrong.'
John's extreme discomfort would be crystal clear to anyone in a ten mile radius. 'Mrs Holmes…'
'I mean it.'
He puts down his fork, and Sherlock sees him inhale purposefully. 'All due respect, ma'am, but my daughter nearly died. She nearly died because I insisted she eat something she clearly and repeatedly did not want to eat.'
John's mouth opens, then shuts, before he speaks again. 'Are you joking?'
'Everyone makes mistakes with their children, dear.'
'Not that sort of mistake.'
She makes a noise close to a ladylike snort, if such a thing existed. 'We almost drowned Sherlock when he was her age.'
Sherlock's front chair legs drop back to the floor with a thunk. 'Beg pardon?'
'Yes, you came frightfully close to dying, it was very unpleasant.'
John's facade breaks enough to give Sherlock a slight smirk. 'And you didn't recognise my facetiousness on that train?'
'Yes, yes, thank you, now what is this about me drowning, Mother?'
'We left you with another child, a girl of maybe twelve.' She shakes her head. 'That poor girl. She's never forgiven herself.'
'But I didn't die!'
'Sherlock,' his mother chides. 'Don't be unkind.'
'Wait. Why didn't I die?'
A curious silence falls over the group. 
Sherlock's chin drops, and he sighs. 'Mycroft.'
His mother nods. 'He was in the deeper end, and you were in the shallow end. Where you were meant to stay.'
John huffs a laugh. 'Right, good luck with that.'
She tuts. 'He's lucky his brother was watching.'
'You don't remember any of it?' John asks, clearly curious.
Sherlock thinks. 'I remember a pool, several pools, from childhood. Various ponds. I remember-- Yes, I think the first time I ventured into the deep end, I blinked and I was at the ladder.'
'Indeed,' his mother says.
'Right,' John says, bemused. 'So you've always hated pools, even before we nearly got blown up in one.'
His mother blinks. 'Beg pardon?'
'Oh don't fret, Mummy.' Sherlock waves a hand. 'It was ages ago.'
And worse things have happened since then, no one needs say.
Except his mother says it, sort of. 'She's going to have such unusual stories to tell,' she says, turning to Rosamund and touching her tiny nose briefly. 'Aren't you, darling?'
'Any hope of a normal childhood was gone long ago, I'm afraid,' John says, his voice only a little strained.
Sherlock's father, unexpectedly, speaks up. 'Perhaps, but what she's got is better.'
'I agree,' his mother says. 'John's normal enough for the three of you, anyway.'
Sherlock smirks privately. Yes, absolutely normal, building-jumping, gun-toting, life-saving John Watson.
As if he'd ever fall in love with "normal."
That's the end of the discussion, apparently, because his mother turns back to Rosamund with a smile. 'Now, precious girl, let's see if you can say "grandmama" yet.' 
John, still feeling slightly sour, pulls out his phone once he's put Rosie down. 'Mycroft.' His tone borders on Captainy, but he's too bloody tired to be polite. 'What are you playing at?'
'Couldn't possibly have any idea what you mean, Dr Watson.'
'First my daughter is calling you her uncle, and now your mum is teaching her "grandmama"?'
'I fail to see the problem. She's very intelligent.'
John pinches the bridge of his nose. He can't shout, because Rosie is asleep in her cot next to him, and though Sherlock is outside smoking, Sherlock's parents are somewhere on the other side of the guest room door.
'Your brother,' he finally says lowly, 'cares for Rosie a great deal, but has most definitely not voiced an interest in being her father, nor should he feel obligated to.'
'With all due respect, John, I must disagree.'
'How.' It's not a question.
Mycroft's voice isn't hard, but he enunciates every word very, very clearly. 'She is my niece. If you can't see it, then God help you... Although I am aware my brother has inherited more than his fair share of the Holmes reticence. But,' he concludes, implacable, 'lest you forget: He said it himself. You are family. And therein lies the obligation.' 
John's heart does a little twitch in his chest. 'Yeah, but--'
'Not to sound too much like my dear brother, but John?'
John exhales. 'Can't wait to hear this.'
'Don't be an idiot.'
But the call is already over. Of course it is. Because Mycroft Holmes is a bastard.
He might also, maybe, just this once… be right.
[ <3 ]
[pool story lifted from my childhood: I literally remember nothing bad about nearly drowning; my five-years-elder brother saved me and I have loved swimming ever since]
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astra-galaxie · 2 months
🧸👽💝💔🎭🖕😭 for fili savage please, i'll remember to send reese's as a thank you(just keep it away from fili, trust me, we don't want our favorite giant going down)
I know I’ve said this before (at least I think I have), but I always find it funny how a last-minute OC becomes one of my most beloved ones! And I love Fili, too, so I’ll always expect him to be a request when I do one of these prompts!😊
(Don’t worry, Fili will be safe from the chocolate since those Reese’s will go straight into my stomach!😉)
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood
As a child, Fili didn’t have many friends, at least not many friends who weren't also his cousins. Due to being larger than the other kids in his classes, his obsession with plants, and being hospitalized on and off, no one tried being his friend. He did have one really good friend, a best friend, as he loved calling them. Sadly, they didn’t live in Ireland, but the two met when Fili’s friend was visiting Ireland with their family, and they became pen pals. Fili always looked forward to getting their letters and replying to them. The two are still friends to this day, and after Fili moved to the US, they were able to meet again.
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of there
He loves singing Irish folk songs. Sometimes, it's just humming, but if he really gets into it, he’ll start singing softly. Fili usually does it when he gets lost in his work, but also to fill the silence around him. Occasionally, he’ll forget the full lyrics, so he’ll just repeat the same line over and over. But it makes him happy so others don’t mind listening to repeats.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
Fili’s love language is acts of affection. He loves doing little things that make people happy and vice versa, even if it's simply cleaning the dish. However, his other way of showing love is through gift-giving, specifically flowers. He loves growing people’s favourite flower(s) and watching people’s happiness when they receive them. He always gives his Starlight new flowers for the special vase in their kitchen, and it's never without a beautiful bouquet.
💔 An angsty headcanon
Fili never thought he would find love. One of his biggest dreams was to find someone to spend the rest of his life with and to start a family with them. And while he did have some good relationships during his early twenties, none ever lasted. Something always brought the relationships to an end, and Fili began to believe he was destined to be alone… But then he met his Starlight, and it was as if the (pun intended) stars had finally aligned, and fate decided it was time for him to meet his soulmate. Eventually, his family would grow, and Fili couldn't be happier. He wishes he could tell his past self not to worry and that everything would work out when the time was right.
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
Fili is a very honest man and doesn’t lie much (except about being a Mage, but that’s for obvious reasons). However, one secret he will NEVER admit is that he lied to his parents in high school to attend a party. While they were out of town for the weekend, Fili lied and said he stayed home and studied for exams when they asked him what he did while they were gone. Fili vowed never to tell them that he went to the party since they didn’t like the classmate who hosted it, and besides, he didn’t have fun and left early anyway. Hopefully, they never find out the truth…
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
While very much a “gentle giant,” Fili can get angry when the situation warrants it or if someone pushes him to anger. His anger is often represented as cold and intimidating as he tries not to yell or get violent. He knows his size is already threatening to others, and even if he’s angry, he doesn’t want to traumatize anyone. But that doesn't mean he won't use it to his advantage when he wants to. If you anger him enough and try to threaten him, Fili WILL put you in your place and make sure you know never to mess with him, his family, or his friends again.
(And he doesn't even need to use magic to do that, but it does help get his point across easier!)
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them.
When he was captured by SOMBRA and put under the control of the inhibitor chip, Fili was almost always aware of what was happening around him and what his body was being forced to do. Watching SOMBRA experiment on him, force him to fight their recruits, and being in constant pain caused Fili to start dissociating as a way to try and cope with everything. Even after being rescued, he still dissociates due to his trauma, but thankfully, not as often or for as long.
And that’s a wrap on this batch of Fili headcanons! I know many of my readers are excited for his return in The Conspiracy, so hopefully, this will help with the waiting!
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boatem-probler · 3 months
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / You Are Here! / 9
Yes, that's right, with this batch of episodes, we are officially past the halfway point of this show! Well, I'm actually a little further than that, because I've been watching ahead, I've just been lazy about actually making these posts because I don't like updating the navigation on all of them.
We got a twofer this time, as Taurtis is once again not here. In these episodes, the boys finally go to the hospital, Sam is allowed to commit war crimes, and Sam and Grian return to the superstore.
This report contains mentions of: violence, guns, injury, brief transphobia, police/military brutality.
Previously on Tokyo Soul:
This Time...
Episode 28 – THEY ARE BACK!
Grian wakes Sam up to ask him if he heard Taurtis leave the house last night. Grian had heard Taurtis moving around and speaking “some weird language”, and assumed he was “having one of his clone episodes”, implying that this is something he does regularly, and had seen him walk out of the house. Apparently he usually comes back when this happens, but he didn’t this time, and Grian is concerned.
Grian: “He’s kind of like a little puppy, he’ll find his way home, right?” Sam: “Yeah, just like last time when he got deported or whatever and we found him outside the house.” Grian: “No, last time he died, remember?”
Jerry and Dom have replaced the TV with a potted plant.
There’s a Trump caricature named Tronald Drump at school. He’s campaigning for King of Japan. This is when I remember that this series is from late 2015/early 2016 and not from like, 2011.
The cop from before shows up at school, and says that someone named Okami told him to go get Sam and Grian and bring them to the police station.
The police station is lousy with SWAT team members. Okami, Silly, and Pufferfish Pete are waiting in an office.
They want to talk about the alien invasion. Grian is ecstatic that he’s being backed up on this. Pufferfish Pete also claims that Sam and Grian are “sleeper agents” and will be “leading the charge” against the aliens. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t actually know what a “sleeper agent” is.
Grian: “I’m sorry, what, I thought we were children.”
Grian does not like this one bit, so now it’s Sam’s turn to be ecstatic.
Episode 29 – KILL THE ALIENS!
They change into SWAT gear, and Sam attempts to shoot Grian “to test if the armor works”.
Sam keeps repeating that he is “leading the charge”.
Sam: “You gotta follow my command, okay, Grian?” Grian: “No, the last thing I’m gonna do, in a situation where guns are involved, is listen to you.”
They’re driven to a hospital, where Crab Man Carl gives them the rundown. There are “three or four” aliens hiding in the hospital, they may have “taken over the minds of civilians”. Sam correctly deduces that this means he’s allowed to kill whoever he wants.
He proceeds to stand in Carl’s breakfast and make a rambling movie speech.
Sam is dedicated to roleplaying Independence Day all over this hospital. Grian’s strategy is to just walk up to people and ask if they’re aliens.
Dr. Nurse MD works at this hospital in some capacity, and is getting very irritated at all these guys coming in and harassing the elderly patients.
An old lady starts floating randomly and someone shoots her. Everyone seems confused as to whether she was actually an alien or not. They also kill Tronald Drump for taking too long to answer the question “how many legs do humans have”. It is also unclear whether he was an alien or not. I’m pretty sure neither of them were. Nurse MD is now very angry.
Nurse MD: “I can give you an F.” Grian, pointing a gun at his face: “Do I look like I care?”
Sam: “Someone detain him! Can I get someone to detain that guy?” Grian: “And preferably stab him!”
Sam shoots an old man in the leg. Remarkably, this one is an alien, and pulls out a Giant Anime Sword. They retreat to the next floor and wait for the alien to come up the stairs.
Sam is having the time of his fucking life in this hospital, he’s like a badly trained herding dog just biting everyone’s ankles.
They kill the alien, but lose a SWAT guy.
They continue asking people “questions only humans would know the answer to”. Sam kills a guy for saying humans have two genders, although he seems to think “transgender” is a gender, so I’m not sure I can back him up on this one. Grian is just horrified that Sam killed another human.
They continue through the hospital, killing one more normal elderly woman and finding one more alien.
Sam demands a report from Silly, who seems pretty rattled.
They kill that alien, and chase a third up to the hospital roof. They shoot her off, but she survives and gets away.
Sam does a headcount and figures they must have lost about four SWAT guys.
Also you can see the edge of the city where there’s just two big mountains and I don’t know why but it creeps me out a little. It’s the liminal space thing. They’re probably never gonna actually go to or do anything with those mountains, but they’re there on the map still. I dunno.
They bribe Dr. Nurse to stay silent with the credit cards they got from killing Drump.
Then they all go to Sushi Wushi to get coffee. They catch up and reminisce about the past, and all the murder that happened in it.
Sam: “You guys have problems, you know? I just wanna point that out. Everyone here, except for myself, clearly, has very serious mental problems.”
Episode 31 – ROBBERY!
We open on Sam and Grian pretending to watch the TV in Grian’s room. They’re pretending because the TV is broken.
Taurtis is still missing, so they go outside to start looking for him, but they don’t get very far because there’s a mobster outside their house.
The mobster informs them that if they want to see “their friend”, “the blue one”, again, they’ll need to deliver the money that Jin owes the mob. Jin apparently owes them 2 million yen, somehow.
Sam and Grian decide that in order to get this money, they’re going to rob the superstore they worked at for one day, just to really stick it to Jason.
They make it all the way to the store before they’re confronted by their utter lack of plan.
Luckily, there’s some random guy outside the store who happens to be selling alien heads! The perfect disguise!
The boys lead him into an alleyway and hold him at gunpoint, because they don’t actually have any money with which to buy the alien heads. They also take his money.
The actual robbery is kind of a shambles, given that Sam is still wearing his school uniform and both of them keep slipping up and calling each other by their actual names, but they are getting a lot of money, so it’s actually going pretty well… until the cops show up. This is now a hostage situation.
Grian keeps the cops outside by threatening to shoot one of the hostages, while Sam gets all the money out of the bank vault that the store just has.
Just as he’s coming out of the vault though, the cops start heading towards the entrance. Sam and Grian both actually do shoot the hostage, but it doesn’t help them any.
They are now officially in yet another shootout.
Episode 32 – SAVING TAURTIS!
Sam and Grian run up to the second floor, and Sam kills one of the cops. He’s also starting to get confused about whether this is real life or a video game, so Grian shoots him in the foot as a reminder.
Grian builds a dummy with one of the alien heads to distract the cops while they run into the boss’s office. They jump out the window and run out the front entrance. Sam kills another cop on the way out.
They stash their alien heads and some of their guns in a random house, but they get arrested anyway.
Crab Man Carl is disappointed in them.
The police once again have a deal for them: they will help the boys with their mafia problem, if the boys help them with their mafia problem. Or in other words, Grian will go meet up with the mafia while wearing a wire, while Sam and the cops hide out and “protect” him. Like, the cop explaining this put quotes around “protect”, those aren’t mine.
The wire, by the way, is extremely huge and conspicuous and looks a hell of a lot like a bomb. Grian’s mainly worried about how he’s going to explain it when the mafia inevitably notice it. His plan is to tell them he had a head transplant and/or he’s transitioning.
At the warehouse, Grian awkwardly tries to fish for incriminating information while Sam and the cops wander around the catwalks.
The mobsters are getting suspicious of Grian’s questions, so he tries to intimidate them and gets stabbed for his trouble.
Grian switches tactics and demands to see that Taurtis is alive, while Sam and the cops start taking out mobsters. Most of the mobsters get away once they reveal themselves though.
Once all the mobsters are gone, Sam and Grian hurry to the closet thing they saw Taurtis in, only to find… Jerry.
Then they actually try to go to the hospital for Grian’s stab wound, for once, but unfortunately the only person there is a cop who doesn’t actually work there. Needless to say, Grian does not get any help with his stab wound.
Grian Trauma Count!
Deaths Witnessed:
4 SWAT team members
2 old people
2 aliens
2 cops
A non-zero number of mobsters, sorry, I didn't keep count
1 hostage
1 transphobe
1 Tronald Drump
For a total of over 13 deaths!
Injuries Sustained:
Gunshot wounds
Stab wound
Traumatic Events:
Once again the military/police are making high schoolers do their jobs for them.
Friend who already died once goes missing for multiple days.
In more shootouts.
Coerced by the police to help them kill a bunch of mobsters.
Next Time... The Word "Splarging" Is Actually Said Out Loud
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ris-multi-fandom · 2 years
Here’s day 25 of Housevember22!
Fandoms: House MD
Pairings: Gregory House x James Wilson
Characters: Gregory House, James Wilson.
November 25th: Wedding day.
Wilson stood there looking into the mirror, fiddling with his bow tie, when he felt arms wrap around his waist and saw a head in the reflection that planted itself on Wilson’s shoulder.
”You look fine,” House told him as he planted kisses on his neck.
”Well I don’t want to just look fine, it’s our wedding day, I need to look great at least,” Wilson replied.
”Well there are other words I could think of,” the taller man said, “handsome, gorgeous, stunning,” he placed a kiss with each word, “sexy,” he growled, nibbling lightly at the younger man’s ear lobe. Wilson felt the heat filling his body as House spoke and he subconsciously moved his head to give the other man more access to his neck.
House was disrupted as his phone went off and Wilson groaned. He checked the device, still keeping one arm around Wilson’s waist. When his grip loosened Wilson huffed and faced him.
”You’re going to the hospital?” He asked.
”It’s a really good case,” House replied.
”It’s our wedding day!” Wilson countered.
”And I’ll be back before then,” House said, “look at these symptoms,” he showed Wilson the phone screen.
”Oh wow,” he replied as he read, he looked back to House’s open face, “if you’re not back in time then I’ll marry someone else in your place and you’ll just have to die alone,” Wilson told him, House smirked and gave him a quick kiss before rushing off.
”I love you!” He called out behind him and Wilson smiled.
House looked through the window at his patient on the operating table below. It had been a hectic day, their patient had been in intense pain when she came in, it quickly escalated to her urinating blood then she began to show neurological symptoms, chest tightness, jaundice and many other seemingly unrelated symptoms. They luckily managed to find some moisturiser that she had bought online which contained an odd mixture of chemicals which had made her sick. Sadly they were too late to save one of her kidneys, which is the surgery that House was watching when Wilson found him. The oncologist stood next to him and House glanced over at him before checking his watch.
”Shit!” He said, looking back to Wilson.
”You missed the wedding,” he told him, “it was beautiful, the food was wonderful, everyone seemed happy, you should have been there I’m sure you’d have loved it.”
”I’m sorry, things got really busy here, I’ll make it up to you,” House replied but he raised an eyebrow when he noticed that Wilson didn’t look angry, “why aren’t you seething? I’d expect at least a bit of shouting in this situation.”
”Because I’m not an idiot,” Wilson answered, “I knew you’d never be back in time so I already changed our plans,” House looked at him, not sure what to say, “c’mon, let’s go,” Wilson led House out to the corridor and they made their way onto the elevator.
”Do I still get the post wedding sex tonight or is that out of the question?” House asked.
”Shut up,” the younger man said as the elevator dinged and the doors opened out to the hospitals entrance which was decked out with flowers and fairy lights and was full of people.
”What’s going on?” House asked.
”Well you couldn’t make it to the wedding so the wedding made it to you,” Wilson replied and House smiled at him.
”You’re such a dweeb,” he said and Wilson chuckled.
”Well how about we turn me into a dweeb who is also your husband,” he chuckled holding his hand out to House. The older man took it and they took their first steps to their new life together.
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justoneacatperson · 3 years
Two babies broccoli
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Alpha! GN! Reader x Pregnant! Omega! Midoriya Izuku (Headcanon)
This is reupload from my old blog!
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I would say that his pregnancy was accidental, not planned. You are two heroes who are trying to climb the charts, and your mate is struggling to be the number 1 hero, there are no children in your plans.
But apparently a month ago, when you both entered your cycles at the same time, blurred by lust and instincts, you forgot protection. So now the green-haired omega walks back and forth in the bathroom, muttering hundreds of questions under his breath as he waits for the time for the pregnancy tests to over.
His phone rang, announcing that the time had over. He stopped the alarm, looked in the mirror, taking a deep breath. Now is the time, he thought. He took one of the three tests, looking at how many traits had. Two large clear red lines appeared. Midoriya couldn’t believe it, looked at the other tests, seeing the same results. Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to erupt like waterfalls.
Now what? He has to tell you. You’ve both commented that you want children at some point in your life, but not is the time. Deku is already in the top 10 best heroes, and you are in 17th place. It took a lot of time and effort for both of you to get to where you are now. Are you ready for that? You put a lot of time and work into reaching this position. Will you be happy or angry? He never saw you angry at him, you were the most wonderful mate in the world in many ways, but now the situation is very different from all you have been in.
It was late when you came home from a patrol and imprisoned several villains while Izuku had been home for several days due to illness.
-“Izu?” you called, taking off your shoes in the hallway. You immediately heard footsteps on the floor coming towards you. You looked up smiled when you saw your omega. -“How are you?” you asked, giving him a hug.
-“I should ask you this question.” he replied, running his finger over the cut on your shoulder.
-“A villain managed to hurt me, but it’s nothing serious, just a scratch.” you answered quickly so as not to bother your mate. -“So you?”
-“Well… I have something to tell you.” he replied, arousing your curiosity. You released him from your embrace, placing your hands on his shoulders.
-“Whatever it is, I’m listening.”
Midoriya tried to say something, but no sound came out of his mouth, so he took the test out of his pocket, showing it to your eyes. It took you a second to realize what he showed you, and immediately your eyes widened.
-”Omega, you…”
-“Yes, I’m pregnant.” he did not know what to expect before you wrapped your arms around him, lifting him off the ground and turning him a few times in a circle. -“(Y/n) !?” exclaimed Izuku, stopping you. You smiled, kissing his nose.
-“I’m very happy, Izu.” you said, touching your forehead with his. The omega chirped merrily, and tears streamed from his eyes. -“It would be amazing to have puppies together.”
First Trimester:
Midoriya wanted to keep working while he could. He takes only tasks related to patrolling and paperwork, and starting to show his pregnancy, he will go on leave maternity and will only do paperwork.
You have become very protective of your omega. You will always scent him from head to toe to mark it as your own.
You had to tell your mate’s mother. Inko was in complete ecstasy, crying and hugging her son in a bear hug, shouting how proud she was of you two and that she couldn’t wait to become a grandmother.
He had a slight morning sickness that he only had in the morning and late at night.
His sense of smell and hunger sharpened. From morning to night he eats his favorite food - katsudon, but of course you can`t leave your pregnant mate to eat only that. Midoriya has no food he hates or can’t eat, but sometimes there are many weird combinations of foods he likes to eat.
On your appointment to a doctor, you both learned that you were expecting twins. You were both in shock and joy at the same time. You didn’t expect to have more than one puppy, so you need to rearrange your plans a bit. Because he had twins, he started showing up early, and your protective alpha instinct didn’t want to put him on missions anymore, so he was left to do only paperwork.
Second Trimester:
In fact, Deku is a very nesting omega. The nest has always been the most comfortable and safe place for omega, their confidential place. The green-haired omega needed his nest more during his years of growth, due to the traumatic news that he was quirkless, the constant harassment by Katsuki had made him spend more time in his nest, seeking solace. He now has a new occupation to remodel his nest for hours until he thinks it’s okay. He was so focused that you asked if he needed anything, if you could get more things for his nest.
He had made several nests in your house. The main nest was in your bedroom, next to your bed - big, fluffy, soft, made mainly of All Might merch, of course. There are two smaller ones in the living room and in the nursery where your puppies will be.
Izuku had pain in his ankles and back from the weight of the twins. You will often smear him with oils, giving him a light massage. He always tried to tell you that he was fine and didn’t need to, but you’ve seen enough of him since his school years to be with Recovery Girl or in the hospital often, because he doesn’t take care of himself and makes life-threatening decisions, you don`t want him to get worse, you have no rejection, and your omega has no choice but to agree.
Stretch marks appeared on his abdomen and thighs, which you bless! You will not allow insecurity to crawl up to Deku, you will always show that you love him and he attracts you, no matter how he looks like.
You started making the children`s room. Your close friends like Uraraka, Iida, Shoto, Tsu, even Bakugou helped you a lot with painting the walls, assembling the furniture. (Katsuki even made very spicy ramen for the green-haired omega, as you told him that he’s been craving spicy lately).
You were above the moon when you felt the puppies kicking under your palms.
At your next checkup, you found out that your twins are girls.
Third Trimester:
In the last months of his pregnancy, Izuku did not want you to leave him alone home. His inner omega needed you more than usual and will whine when he doesn’t get enough attention or closeness from you.
Spend most of his time lying in his nest and sleeping, to your happiness and surprise. It is rare to see Izuku Midoriya do nothing You like to lie next to him and brush up his curly hair with your fingers.
Babies became very active in his womb. They move and kick. You were both in cloud nine when they began to move in his belly, and you will both enjoy those moments. But in recent months, the puppies are too strong and kick their mother in the kidneys and ribs, which does not affect him well. It is difficult to calm them, your omega manages to sleep no more than 3 to 4 hours a night, because at night they are very active. This is slightly offset by his constant bed rest.
7 hours of labour - sweat, tears, fatigue, but they were worth it when your little ones came into the world. You held one of your daughters while Midoriya held the other. They both looked the same - curly (h/c) hair, emerald green eyes, freckles all over their faces, and their skin something between yours and his color.
-“They’re beautiful.” you said, sitting on the hospital bed next to your omega. He let out a little tired purr, leaning against your chest.
-“That’s right.” you planted a kiss on his head.
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pondwatr04 · 3 years
Who Obeys Who?
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
~F!Mc~ Word Count: 4,494
Summary: After Mc’s latest brush with death, Lucifer has placed various rules to ensure her safety. However, the independent human will soon discover that the brothers have become increasingly possessive/protective over her, to the point where she begins to feel suffocated. In the heat of the moment during a particularly bad fight, Mc uses the power of her pacts and accidentally harms the brothers in the process. Anguished over this and the brothers’ behavior, she runs away and seeks a way to break the pacts, for their sake and her own!
Warnings: Mention of death, brief violence, aggressive scenarios.
It was no secret to anyone that the 7 Lords of Devildom were fiercely protective of their little human, however this was something that Mc was still adjusting to. Back in the human world, Mc was never really the center of attention or had particularly protective family/friends, and was quite content with the sense of freedom that came with such a life.
However, as the brothers began to grow closer and closer with her, their desire to guard the new member of their family also swelled. At first, she found this behavior somewhat endearing; it warmed her heart to know that such powerful and feared demons cared so deeply for her, a mere mortal human. With this new sensation of the brothers at her side, Mc felt safe in Devildom, despite the multiple times she had almost lost her life.
That was until she had a particularly bad run in with several lower demons at RAD once a day. Mc had left her classes mid-session to use the restroom, the hallways were silent and empty as everyone was seated in their classrooms. However, when she was making her way back to class, three lower demons jumped out and began attacking her, beating her nearly unconscious.
In between the grunts and deafening blows the demons dealt her, she could hear them shouting something about how she was making the Demon Lords soft, that her presence was ruining their reputation as fearsome, cruel creatures.
However, it was over as soon as it started; the demons left her gasping alone on the cool, tiled floor. Soon after Mammon (who had been in the process of skipping class) discovered her battered body and called his brothers for help. Although Mc hadn’t sustained any serious injuries, she was quickly raced to the nearest hospital and made a swift recovery with the help of Solomon and Simeon’s healing abilities.
In the days after the incident, Mc was feeling suprisingly unscatched, both physically and mentally. Despite how worried sick the brothers were, she was simply happy that the whole ordeal was over and done with, the perpetrators promptly beaten and jailed. However, Lucifer had decided this was not good enough for Mc, or rather, him.
Mc sat nervously at the dining table in the House of Lamentation, all the chairs filled with their respective brothers. Lucifer had called a “family meeting” earlier that day during RAD classes and had stressed that everyone must be there.
At first Mc hadn’t been too worried about the sudden order, but simply watching Mammon anxiously bounce his leg from next to her with his chin resting gravely on his palm, had her suddenly reconsidering. Everyone instantly perked up as Lucifer cleared his throat from the end of the long table.
“In light of… recent events...,” he begins his gaze sweeping from brother to brother, eventually landing firmly on Mc, making her jump slightly. He pauses for a moment, huffing slightly.
“...I have decided that there is an urgent need for new rules regarding Mc, more specifically on how to ensure she remains safe in her time at Devildom,” he announces.
“What do you mean ‘new rules’,” Mc questions, eyebrows furrowed slightly.
Lucifer shoots her a quick glare after being interrupted before continuing.
“I mean that as of today, you cannot be without an escort when leaving the House of Lamentation under any circumstances-,” he says as Mc rises quickly from her chair.
“What?! I need an escort?-'' she exclaims, hands placed definitely on the table before her.
“-That includes walking to and from RAD, walking between class periods, and anywhere else outside of the House of Lamentation,” he continues, ignoring Mc’s sudden outburst.
“That ridiculous, I can handle walking myself perfectly fine-,” Mc shouts.
“You will be required to have your D.D.D on you at all times, and you are not permitted to leave the house after 8pm,” he states coldly, staring down Mc. “All of which are effective for an indefinite amount of time.”
“This isn’t necessary, Lucifer! I know what happened last week, but that doesn’t mean you can just start making me follow all these crazy restrictions!” Mc pleads, desperately looking around the table at the brothers for any semblance of support.
However, they all avoid her gaze, a few of them taking sudden interest in the intricate carvings that adorn the side of the wooden table.
“It is necessary, Mc,” Lucifer says matter-of-factly, crossing his arms. “I know that you’re a very independent person, but these rules are for your own safety.”.
“I’m sorry Lucifer, but I won’t allow myself to submit to this-,” Mc begins defiantly.
“-You will follow these rules. This is not something that is up for discussion, Mc!” he bellows, causing everyone at the table to flinch at the sudden aggression.
“And that goes for all of you,” he commands, pointing accusingly at his brothers. “You all are to make sure that she adheres to these rules, you understand?”
They all exchange quick glaces between a fuming Mc and Lucifer’s stern expression. They all nod slowly, reluctantly submitting to Lucifer’s will. Mc flops angrily into her chair, teeth clenched as she festers silently in her own wrath.
As much as she wants to, she simply can’t win against Lucifer, especially not on this one. Seeing that none of the other brothers came to her aid, she decides she has no choice but to swallow her pride. Biting her tongue, she nods slightly along with the brothers.
“Then… that is all that I need to say,” Lucifer says, his composure restored as he rises from his seat. “This meeting is adjourned.”
In the days after Lucifer's declaration, Mc begrudgingly followed each rule. Although she was still fuming, she offered no further protest on the matter, electing to just wait until Lucifer decided these restrictions were no longer necessary.
After a while, Mc began to not be particularly bothered by these rules. Although she valued her occasional moments of solitude, having the brothers escort her from place to place proved to be somewhat enjoyable. Additionally, having her D.D.D on her at all times wasn’t too much of a hassle, and it wasn’t like she had many places to be in Devildom after 8pm.
However, Mc began to feel more concerned with the brothers’ behavior as more and more questionable moments occurred between them. She first took notice of this somewhat alarming shift in behavior when Mc was conversing with a new friend from her Curses and Hexes class; another demon, obviously.
Mc was always eager to make new friends, especially since she rarely had the chance to talk to any demons outside of the seven brothers. Her and this new demon had randomly sparked up a conversation when he had asked her for a spare pencil. He had noticed it had a design on it that originated from a popular movie franchise that he was also interested in, so the duo became engrossed in discussing the topic long into the class period. Even after the bell rang, they continued absentmindedly laughing and chatting with one another.
This caused Beel, who had recently begun waiting for Mc outside of each of her classes to walk her from period to period, to peek his head in the room worriedly. The redhead immediately noticed the lower demon and how he was leaning against Mc’s desk, deep in conversation with his human. Anger quickly sparked in the pit of his abdomen, prompting him to stalk swiftly towards the duo.
He planted a solid hand on Mc’s shoulder. “The bell rang, Mc. Let’s go to your next class,” he grunts, refusing to acknowledge the surprised demon beside him.
“Oh, it's okay Beel. You can go without me, I’ll be leaving after I finish up here in a second,” Mc says cheerfully, waving Beel on without much thought.
In response, his grip tightens every-so slightly on Mc’s shoulder, digging into the fabric of her uniform. “No. I have to go with you Mc,” he says firmly.
“Beel, seriously, it’s okay,” Mc responds in a quizzical tone, eyes flickering between his face and his hand on her shoulder. “I’ll just have my friend here walk me instead. Your class is on the other side of campus anyway, so you’ll be late if you wait for me.”
“I don’t care if I’m late. I’m not going to let you be alone with some other demon, Mc,” he growls.
Both Mc and the lower demon gape at Beel, taken aback by his sudden aggression.
“Beel! Don’t be rude! You don’t need to worry about him, he’s oka-,” Mc exclaims.
“Mc. I’m not leaving you with him,” Beel repeats, this time finally eyeing the fidgeting lower demon sitting across from him. He wilts slightly from Beel’s piercing gaze, feeling as if he’s somehow made a grave mistake by simply talking to Mc. Mc shakes Beel’s hand from her shoulder, rising from her desk to confront him head on.
“Beelzebub. I’m telling you-,” Mc begins before she’s abruptly interrupted by Beel grabbing her wrist and tugging her towards the classroom’s exit. Despite her protests, he managed to make it halfway to her next period before Mc finally wrenched herself from his grip. The other demons in the hallway disperse, fleeing to their classrooms after sensing the dangerous arua the Avatar of Gluttony was emitting.
“What the hell Beel?” she pants, rubbing the angry red skin on her wrist. She eyes him, feeling increasingly uneasy; what happened back in the classroom...it was completely out of character for him. He never spoke to her, or anyone in that way, let alone put his hands on her like that.
“Lucifer said you can’t go anywhere by yourself,” he explains, placing a hand on his neck while shame begins to replace the wrath within him.
“Yeah, I wasn’t going by myself. I said that my friend was going to walk me instead,” Mc shoots back.
Beel frowns, “You can’t trust any demon you meet, Mc. You don’t know if you really would be safe with him.”
In the back of her mind, Mc knows he’s half right; she simply didn’t know that demon well enough to confidently say he wouldn’t try something the moment she was alone and vulnerable. However, she wasn’t upset that Beel questioned his integrity anymore, she was upset that he didn’t even take a moment to consider her feelings on the matter. He simply ran off with her without a second thought, completely disregarding her ability to judge a person’s character on her own without him or one of his brothers weighing in with their own cynical opinions.
They stood silently for a moment as Mc stewed in her thoughts, the hallway empty, its air turning stale around them. Before she could give a proper retort, the sound of the school’s bell rang around them, indicating that they were now both late for class. Mc clenched her firsts angrily.
She then turned sharply and stalked to her next period, allowing an uneasy Beel to accompany her from a distance. Once she entered her classroom and slammed the door behind her, Beel began the trek on his own class. When the next period ended, Mc found Belphie waiting outside to escort her in place of Beel.
Despite this concerning event, there was a brief lull in the brothers’ display of possessive behavior; whether that be because they finally realized that they were suffocating Mc with their antics, or because Mc had been more careful about complying to Lucifer’s rules.  However, this moment of peace was soon to be interrupted.
After Asmo accidentally spilled wine on Mc during a visit to Ristorante Six, he had vowed to take her shopping for a whole new outfit, even though it only really stained her blouse. When Levi caught wind of the excursion, he decided to tag along to go window shopping for some newly released Ruri-chan merchandise.
That weekend, the trio made their way to the bustling shopping center at the heart of Devildom; the majority of the day was very lighthearted and served as a much needed break from school and the crushing protectiveness of the brothers. They all spent hours browsing and trying on clothes in Majolish, laughing as Asmo forced Levi to briefly explore his fashion sense with them. After they finally left, Mc and Asmo struggled to carry the various bags filled to the brim with clothes and accessories while Levi happily snapped pictures of the exasperated pair, offering no help as he uploaded the photos to Devilgram.
After some more teasing, Levi finally slid his phone away before reaching to take one of the heavier bags from Mc’s hand. Mc gladly accepts the aid, shifting her weight forward to lean towards his extended hand. However, her shoe briefly caught the raised surface of a slightly out-of-place tile in the pavement, causing her to trip mid-step. Before she could sprawl across the floor below, she collides into a passing demon, falling face first into their chest.
“Hey! Watch it-,” the demon shouts, falling backwards from the force of the impact.
Mc instantly removes herself from the demon. “Ah-, I’m sorry! Are you okay?,” flustered from the embarrassing spectacle she’s caused. She offers a hand to the fallen demon, smiling politely as they glare at her from the floor.
“My apologies, I accidentally tripped, and you just happened to be in front of me...,” she says quickly as they begrudgingly reach to take her hand.
Before their palms can overlap, Levi moves in between the two, slapping the demon’s hand away from Mc’s. Shocked, the demon sharply pulls back his hand, hissing from the insult.
“Levi? What the fuck was that for?” Mc gasped, Levi’s expression startlingly contradicting the joyful demon he was moments ago.
“Don’t fucking talk to her like that,” Levi snarls at the demon, shoving Mc behind him despite her protests. “Stay the fuck away from us.”
At a loss for words, Mc desperately looks to Asmo for help. Rather than stepping forward to mitigate the situation as he so often does, Asmo simply moves to pick up the fallen bag and plants himself next to Levi, ignoring Mc’s aghast face.
“Guys, calm down! It was my fault, I was the one who bumped into them!” Mc exclaims, moving in front of the pair with raised hands.
“Yeah, what the hell? It was just an accident-,” the demon begins, moving to return to a standing position. Before they can get themselves completely upright, Levi shoves him to the ground.
“Levi-,” Mc yelped at the sudden display of violence. This time, she places a hand on the two advancing brothers’ chest, glaring at them both.
“If you two don’t knock this shit off right now, I’ll use our pacts to command you to stop,” she warns, hoping the anger in her tone masked the fear she felt creeping its way into the corners of her mind.
Levi clicks his tongue in frustration, reluctantly taking a step away from the terrified demon. Asmo slowly follows, never taking his eyes off them.
“Fine,” Asmo mutters. “But it would be in your best interest to leave, and never show your face around us ever again,” Asmo spat at the demon, his usually pristine face twisted into an irritated grimace.
The demon immediately takes off in the other direction, leaving the trio alone in the street. Before Mc could scold them, they both link their arms around her’s and stomp away.
“That was out-of-fucking line, guys!” Mc exclaims after a moment of stunned silence. The pair flinch a little but continue tugging her back to the House of Lamentation wordlessly.
“That was… that was absolutely ridiculous! It was just a simple mistake, and it was my fault! There was no reason for you guys to blow up on them like that!” she says, whipping her head from side to side in an attempt to read the faces of the two demons.
“Why’re you acting like that demon running into me was some kind of assasinaton attempt?! You guys didn’t used to be this… unreasonable…” she trails off, desperately trying to get Levi or Asmo to meet her eyes. “...What the fuck happened?” she asks the pair.
“I’ll tell you what the fuck happened, Mc,” Levi finally retorts, clenching his teeth as he lifts his head to look at her from behind his violet hair. “You… you were almost killed... not even a month ago. And if you think we’re just going to let something like that happen again then-”.
“But they weren’t trying to kill me!” Mc thundered, shaking with anger. “You both totally overreacted!”
“We can’t be too careful, Mc. I’m sorry we upset you, but I’d rather that than risk you being murdered!” Asmo admits, gripping her arm desperately.
“There was no danger, Asmo!” Mc yells. “Why can’t you two understand that?”
Levi and Asmo exchanged troubled glances.
“Mc, we’re just trying to do what’s best for you…” Levi pleads, Asmo nodding.
“This is what you think is best for me?! Just tearing off with me the moment I interact with any demon aside from you guys?” Mc scoffs, struggling to wrap her mind around the ridiculousness of the whole situation.
The two demons are silent, festering in shame and frustration. They avoid her eyes, struggling to produce a proper retort.
“I decide what is best for me, got it?! Because clearly, you guys have lost all touch with reality!” she continues, beyond caring about softening her insults.
Although the brothers wanted to argue back, they both elected to bite their tongues for the rest of the walk home, hoping that Mc would eventually calm down and come around to their point of view.
However, when they finally arrived home Mc ripped her arms from their grip, storming to her room while Asmo and Levi frantically tried to apologize from behind her wake. She slammed the door in their faces; they knocked the wooden surface as they pleaded for her to let them so they could make it up to her.
After a while of fruitlessly calling to her, they finally gave up, leaving Mc alone to quietly sob in her room. She refused to speak to the pair for a couple days afterward, but eventually gave up on attempting to hold a grudge on the demons she loved so deeply. She tried to drop her guard around them once again, but still couldn’t shake that uneasy feeling that had been clouding her mind ever since that day.
Although Mc found these instances incredibly peculiar (alarmingly so), she still gave the demon brothers the benefit of the doubt. She understood that they cared for her fiercely, and that this could lead them to act aggressively; but she could not wrap her head around why they were starting to disregard how Mc felt. They had begun to handle her like a delicate piece of artwork; something to be admired from within a protective container, never to be touched by outside hands.
Despite this, she decided that for the time being she would simply grin a bear it all while she gave them a chance to calm themselves, hoping they would all eventually return to their normal selves. However, this was not the case as Mc would soon realize after she had forgotten to walk home with Mammon after classes at RAD.
As per Lucifer’s rules, Mc was to be accompanied by one of the brothers to and from school. After much pestering from Mammon, she agreed to make walking back with him a daily occurrence. The two would meet in the garden at the center of RAD’s campus and make the journey home together, chatting about their day. However, Mc had completely forgotten about this agreement one day.
Mc has a bad habit of becoming lost in thought, forgetting the world around her as she silently listens to music through a pair of tangled earbuds. Mc was often accompanied by at least 1-2 demon brothers at once, so she doesn't often get much time to simply explore her own thoughts without interruption. This, coupled with her bad habit of becoming detached from the present, caused her to simply walk straight to the House of Lamentation without the thought of meeting Mammon even crossing her mind.
She had gotten home before any of the others, and absentmindedly slumped into bed after changing out of her RAD uniform. Lazily rolling over, she reached out to pick up her previously discarded D.D.D and earbuds, music still faintly playing. She clicked on the screen to turn off the music and noticed she had 9 new notifications while her phone was on silent. There were 6 text messages from Mammon, and 4 new missed calls. Mc sat up in bed to read the texts:
“Oi! Where the hell are ya at Mc?” - 19 minutes ago
“Are you coming or not? Did ya forget about me?” - 16 minutes ago
1 missed call.
“Did ya walk home with Asmo instead of me? That hurts my feelings, ya know.” - 15 minutes ago
1 missed call.
“Hey! Respond to my calls… you’re startin’ to worry me”. - 12 minutes ago
"If you’re worried that I’m mad, I’m not! Just text me when ya get home safely, OK?” - 11 minutes ago
2 missed calls.
“That's it! You better call me back right now, or I’m gonna start freakin’ out!” - 6 minutes ago
Mc drags a hand over her face, annoyed by his gross overreaction. Mammon has always been the clingy type, something she had gotten used to and eventually found somewhat endearing. However, this was just too much…
Before she could even begin to return his calls, the door to her room burst open, swinging on its hinges and slamming into the wall with a loud bang. There in the doorway stood Mammon, sweaty, panting, and obviously very distressed. Alongside him stood Satan, Asmo, and Belphie, all looking slightly less disheveled but with equally concerned expressions. As soon as they laid their eyes on her, relief immediately flushed all other emotion from their faces.
“Wha-”, she began, but was swiftly cut off when Mammon leapt towards her to clutch her shoulders.
“What the hell happened Mc?!” he exclaims, shaking her before embracing her firmly. After a tense moment, he quickly peels himself from her form, his flushed face mere inches from her own as he continues his volley of questions.
“I really thought something bad happened to you!” he cries out, silvery eyebrows furrowed. Mc opened her mouth to explain but was interrupted once again.
“-and why didn’t ya answer my calls? I got so worried that I even called Asmo, and when he said that you weren’t with him, I totally freaked!” he says, his eyes wandering to inspect her body; still expecting her to be harmed in some way.
Mc pushes the babbling demon off of her as she explains, “I’m sorry, I had my D.D.D on silent, so I didn’t see any of your texts.”
As Mammon tumbles to the foot of her bed, Asmo quickly takes his place next to her.
“Mc! You can’t do that to us again! We really thought some other demon got to you!” he sobs, wrapping his arms around her , dramatically burying his face in the crook of her neck. Satan turns his back to them to make a call on his D.D.D, presumably to let the others know that Mc is safe and sound at home.
Overwhelmed by the sudden attention, Mc struggles to pry the weeping demon off of her. She looks to Belphie to help as he’s usually the brother that grants her the most freedom in situations like these. Meeting her gaze, Belphie moves forward, his facade of indifference faintly cracking.
“That doesn’t explain why you didn't wait for one of us to walk with you. You know you’re not supposed to go anywhere by yourself, Mc,” he says with a sigh, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to feign exasperation.
Mc glares at him; she half-expected him to be on her side, to scold Mammon and Asmo for their dramatic antics as he so often does.
“I’m sorry guys, I totally forgot to wait. I guess I just got so lost in thought that I didn’t realize I forgot about Mammon,” she admits, chuckling awkwardly at her rather anticlimactic explanation. Satan turns to face them as he places his D.D.D back into his pant pocket, frowning at her words.
“Well, it's a good thing that you at least went straight back to the House of Lamentation, because if we didn’t find you in your room, Lucifer would have asked Diavolo to form a royal search party for you,” he says, his hand cupping his chin thoughtfully.
“What?! A search party?” Mc exclaims, becoming more exasperated by the second. “Isn’t that a bit much? I mean… I was only unaccounted for for less than half an hour, right? Doesn’t that seem like overkill to you?” she questions, attempting to face Satan as Asmo and Mammon fuss over her.
Satan and Belpie, who normally jump at any chance to criticize Lucifer’s decisions, simply shook their heads.
“No, it’s understandable. We can’t afford to give you the benefit of the doubt anymore,” Satan sighs.
“Huh?” Mc says, completely vexed by his explanation.
Satan moves to place a hand on her head, his palm lovingly stroking her hair despite the troubled expression that lingers on his features.
“You better start working on your apology, because Lucifer and the others are on their way back now,” he says, only half-joking. “And from what he told me, Levi and Beel had been tearing up every inch of RAD’s campus looking for any trace of you.”
Before she can argue about the matter any further, the sound of 3 pairs of footsteps thunder against the hallway’s stairs and towards her room. The other brothers burst into her room, followed by another flurry of questions and quick embraces. After a while of explaining and apologizing, Mc finally managed to quell the fears of the brothers.
Later that afternoon, they all sat down to have dinner together, the brothers continuing to fuss over an annoyed Mc. Although this ridiculous incident hadn’t ended in complete disaster (aside from the scolding of a life-time from Lucifer), it still worried Mc. She could understand, to an extent, their protectiveness over her, especially after the most recent attempt on her life. However, she was only unresponsive for less than 30 minutes, and all of them had flown into a panic; it was completely out of character for most of the brothers.
She poked at her food, still sore about the lecturing she had received. Hopefully, this was the last incident for a long while. Little did she know, it would get much worse.
Thank you for reading part 1! Can you tell this is my first time ever writing fanfic? lmaoo
Let me know if you guys wanna see more, because regardless I plan on making 2-3 more chapters! Comments, suggestions, and reblogs are much appreciated!
Tags: @obey-mes-treasure
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postalenha · 3 years
mess that you wanted % doyoung
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pairing: idolbf!doyoung x reader genre: angst, fluff word count: 1.5k words requested: yes synopsis: both tired from your work; doyoung busy being an idol and you busy preparing for your company’s big presentation the two of you started arguing over the smallest things. warnings: one or two curse words idk, mentions of passing out due to starving, mentions of being hospitalized.
"you don't understand how i feel!" you shout as the argument between you and your boyfriend escalates. it all started when he asked you to eat before him and his members go for a schedule.
he tried to calm himself down before speaking, "y/n, how am i supposed to know what you feel if you won't tell me what the problem is?"
you glared at him, knowing damn well that you aren't able to tell him what the problem is because he was barely by your side. it's not like you're expecting much from doyoung, you know that he's busy being an artist.
but all you ever ask is for him to be there to listen to you like the way you listen to him whenever he tells you about the rude encounters he had backstage and how his day simply went.
"tell me what's up?" he asked as he cupped your cheeks, you were about to speak when you saw a head peeking at the door, "doyoung hyung." haechan called.
you both looked at him, "sorry, noona. but we have to go now." he smiled a little before heading out.
"tell me." doyoung continued to ask, "doyoung, you guys need to go." you told him, knowing that this isn't the right time to talk about the imperfections of your relationship.
"please-" he wasn't even done pleading but you cut him off, "doyoung!"
you started to feel bad as you see the shock in his eyes, "you should go." you said, trying not to speak with a shaking voice. he even hesitated to go until some of the members shout his name.
"can we talk about this later?" he asked, you harshly closed his eyes trying not to shout at him again, "doyoung, i'm kinda tired. i don't think i can keep waiting."
"please?" he plead with his eyes, the shouts from outside the door began to get louder, "just go." you insisted before removing his hands that had been holding yours for a long time now.
left with nothing, doyoung began to walk out of the room. still with care in his eyes as he closes the door.
once you heard the engine of their van start, you started to pack your things as fast as you could. because staying in here wouldn't help you unwind and calm down. you might even end up breaking some things that you don't want to break if you'll stay here.
you walked your way to the bus stop trying your best not to get caught by anyone while you walk out of their dorm. you don't even have enough energy to hide, but you tried to understand that once the media sees that there is a girl leaving NCT 127's dorm, they would make a big fucking fuss out of nothing.
as you sat on the bench, you started rummaging through your bag, trying to get your wallet. but once you put your hand inside, you knew that you left your laptop in their dorms. even though you wouldn't want to go back, there are important files there. you didn't work your ass off the whole week for your presentation just for it to be left there in the dorms.
with bottled emotions all you wanted to do was scream and curse the hell out of the world, but instead of doing that you just quietly walked your way back to the dorm. and your day couldn't go any worse, as it started pouring heavy rain and you don't even have an umbrella with you.
the instant that you opened the door to open the dorms, you felt an unexplainable ache in your head. the ceiling started getting shaky, but you ignored it and focused on getting your laptop. but even before reaching the table, the shaky living room began to turn black. and you fell on the floor, cold and alone.
on the other hand, doyoung and the other members started getting ready for a radio show but there is this feeling that can't keep doyoung calm. so taeyong tried to help him, "it's okay you guys will be okay."
"i know." he sighed, "we have to be."
"it will get better. i mean, both of you fought a lot but look, you're still together after all these years." taeyong tapped his shoulder.
he just kep quietly nodding while taeyong tries to cheer him up, "taeyong?" he called out, johnny stopped talking and just looked at him, "can i ask you a favor?"
"anything i can do." taeyong offers.
doyoung grabbed his phone and wallet, "can you make up an excuse for me? i have to go back to the dorms." he asked, "just say that my stomach felt a little upset or something."
taeyong nodded, "anything for you." he gave doyoung his car keys and the man rushed out the building, trying to get as little attention that he can get. he started driving fast back to the dorm that even flash himself is humiliated.
as soon as he arrived, he rushed inside. and there, he saw you there laying on the floor soulless. "y/n!" he shout at an instant, he tried to wake you up but you wont. so when he sees you breathing, he carried you into the car and hurried to the hospital.
a minute to an hour passed, but as every second go doyoung grows more worried and impatient. he thought to himself; if only he wasn't so busy and had time to be there for you, none of this would have happened.
"guardian for patient lee y/n?" the nurse called, so  doyoung immediately stood up. "she's currently in room 301, her doctor will tell you the details about her condition." she said before going, so doyoung ran as fast as he could to see you.
but since it is considered that today isn't your luckiest day, the elevators are taking too much time to reach his floor and he doesn't have enough time to wait for that. so he just climbed through the stairs.
and when he reached your room, he was barely breathing and hardly sweating. "sir, are you okay?" the doctor worriedly asked. doyoung nodded, "i'm fine, i just climbed using the stairs." he said.
"how is she?" the doctor answered, "she's fine. we just saw that she lacks some nutrients and was heavily dehydrated. but she will be okay, we put her on iv and prescribed her some vitamins that she can take."
with that said, doyoung was able to breathe properly. "she was also cold due to the weather, but again, she will be fine." he said. "no need to worry that much, just make sure that she wouldn't skip any meal and that she takes enough fluid." after asking some questions, the doctor goes out of the room.
doyoung kissed your  hand that he has been holding this whole time while he waits for you to wake up, "doyoung?" when he heard you call him with your weak voice, his eyes started to water.
"y/n." you're confusedly looking around, "why are we here?" you asked, while he patiently answers your question you started to feel bad.
"i'm sorry." he apologized, "this wouldn't have happened if i was a better boyfriend."
you shook your head no, "i disagree. i should be the one who should apologize, if only i listened to you. if only i ate more, this would never happen. but i was stubborn."
"no-" he was about to say something when taeyong barged inside, "okay stop with all the apologizing." he said followed by the rest of the members. "you guys should apologize to me! my new car is all wet now." he jokingly said.
"you lent it to me, and now you're angry?" doyoung argued in a joking manner. they continued to bicker the whole night you were there.
when you told doyoung that you're ready for a relationship, you have never pictured hanging out with his famous celebrity friends. not even the thought of them being there while you're resting on a hospital bed.
"okay! all of you can go now. y/n needs to rest." doyoung shoo his friends out the room. "goodbye y/n!" they said, so i waved my hand at them, "take care! eat the fruits we bought!" you hear johnny shout before doyoung shuts the door.
"sorry. i texted them earlier because i was so nervous." he said, "it's fine, they're fun to be with after all."
"yeah yeah, but no one compares to me, right?" he sked as the two of you sandwiched in the tine hospital bed. you smiled at him, "of course." then plant a quick kiss on his lips. "now, leave me alone." you said and rest your head on his chest.
"sleep tight, love." he said while he plays with your hair.
being a busy man's girlfirend it isn't the best. but you could say that having doyoung as your boyfriend isn't the worst. as he is more than just the doyoung who sings, but he's also the doyoung who thought you many things and helped you throughout anything. you were a mess but he still made you feel wanted.
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welldonekhushi · 3 years
Corrupted Blood, A CoD:MW AU
Hey guys! Today I'm going to introduce you all to an CoD alternative universe, namely "Corrupted Blood". In this story, we'll have our fave Modern Warfare characters play their roles in this AU!
What is Corrupted Blood? 
Corrupted Blood is a vampire AU which is inspired from me watching many vampires anime series and finally decided to create one along it, too. The story will consist of the SAS and TF141 being a group of vampire hunters who are fighting against the deadly vampires in the modern era, who wish to infect the entire human population with their essence, and they work together to stop it from happening.
Who do we have in this AU?
In this AU, we have our main characters, namely John Price, captain of the SAS, John “Soap” MacTavish, Simon “Ghost” Riley and Gary “Roach” Sanderson. Many other characters will also come but, right now the story will be fixed on these four.
What happens in the story?
This story basically starts with the events of CoD4: Modern Warfare where Imran Zakhaev still exists, but a vampire who formed the Ultranationalists who want to bring back the Soviet Union with the mode of vampirism in the idea to create it “immortal”. Captain Price meets with the newly selected Soap, a Seargant and then debrief together on a mission to a cargo ship where the vampires were working to plant a nuclear missile which consisted of vampire blood samples, probably some contained of Zakahev’s itself, and if once it’s exploded around the chosen area, it will create a infestation. After gathering the intel safely, and escaped the enemy forces, everything was normal, but not for Zakahev. It grew him angry realising the SAS were being a barrier for his job. 
The man was growing weaker and weaker because the silver bullet which grazed him during the days in Pripyat by Price, it slowly poisoned him, the reason why he couldn’t regenerate his arm back again. He sought for revenge, by sending his vampire army to attack the SAS base. Price was away for an inportant schedule, before the incident could happen. When he returned back, it horrified him realising that everyone in the base was brutally murdered and killed. By the vampires. He couldn’t find the rest of his crewmates, but only locate down Soap, lying there on the ground, passed out. Price picked up the Seargant and before he could call out for help, he was attacked by someone strong, and pinned him to the ground, trying to bite him.
It was none other than, Soap himself. Who got turned into a vampire. Price tried to bring him back to his senses, but because of the immense thirst, he failed to notice it. But, sooner or later, the Seargant started to cry, realising he just lost his humanity, when Price actually thought he still retained human feelings. Since Soap was distracted, he quickly tranquilized him and made him pass out again. Help arrived, but Price was shocked that one of his soldiers survived, but made it out alive as a vampire; and Soap was the one.
From there, Soap was discharged from the army hospital after two-three weeks of being in a coma, maybe signifying his body must have been going through the process of converting in into a vampire, but a partial, since he was bitten on the one side of the neck, and survived.
MacMillan got to know about this, and wasn’t sure if the authorities were going to accept the fact of Soap being in the army because, they originally won’t let a vampire be in their team, so they thought to keep it civil among the members. So, to prevent his identity being revealed, they hid it by putting a mask over his mouth, to make sure his protruded fangs don’t get shown to anybody.
Surprisingly, while being turned into a vampire, Soap also incurred some special abilities that the soldiers noticed these days. He had super strength, speed and could bear out claws. Also.. he can shrink himself into a small child *cough*, an ability which he was always made fun of by others. But, unlike the rest, Price found his powers unique, wondering he achieved such interesting quirks.
Price then made sure Soap was on the right path, even if he had the essence of the vampire within him which works to kill humans. Would Soap be able to control his instincts and desires? How woulld the SAS be able to stop the Ultranationalists from infecting the humanity? This AU explains it all.
This is how he looks in the AU, though this is a rough sketch but you can get an idea:
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Soap is mostly a quiet being in this story, because of having a mask, so he’ll either mumble or give an expression in response. Though, he only shrinks himself whenever he’s nervous, sad or wants to have fun around, but he will look super cute anyway, aw! <3
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Groups in the Corrupted Blood AU:
SAS/Special Air Services: The group Soap and Price belong to. In the AU, the SAS is an special forces organization which work to eliminate the Ultranationalists who are on the goal to threaten the human population. The army has special weapons which can be used to attack the vampires by putting silver bullets, holy water and other compelling items in their pistols, guns and rifles. They are also trained in a way on how to fight them while they try to use their attacks and powers over you. This could ever be the first time that they have a vampire in the crew, under the guidance of Captain Price.
The members of the SAS: Captain John Price, Soap, Ghost, Roach, Gaz, Wallcroft, MacMillan
Ultranationalists/Silnaya Krov: Translated as “strong blood”, it is the group created by Imran Zakahev, one of the most dangerous and targeted vampires. They say the source of infection begins with Zakahev only, with his idea to turn entire Russia into the population of vampires, and bring back the USSR in this case and restore the power back that was lost before. Silnaya Krov consists of the world's dangerous and powerful vampires.
The members of the Silnaya Krov (The Four Horsemen): Imran Zakahev, Viktor Zakahev, Khaled Al-Asad, Vladimir Makarov
Powers of the Silnaya Krov:
Imran Zakhaev: Has every kind of ability that a rare vampire can only possess. Being gifted by the unique blood which gave him immense strength, capability to infect anything around him by turning a human into a vampire, most of the disastrous powers lie within him. It’s also said that whoever consumes his blood, they achieve unique and strong abilities according the the level of blood they’ve drank.
Viktor Zakahev: Being born as a vampire, but need for more power. Has those same abilities what his father inherits but craves for more of his blood to be stronger. He emits the power "Niti Krovi" (Blood Strings) that can slice off a thousand or more soldiers in the battlefield with a single finger. If he uses all five fingers, it's more threatening and dangerous.
Khaled Al-Asad: Once a human, then becoming a part of the Silnaya Krov by consuming Zakahev's blood. Gathers super speed and strength, great vision for aim, manipulate anyone around his path and use his mind to plan his attacks, thus making it easier to eliminate his enemies faster.
Vladimir Makarov: Gaining all the blood from Imran Zakhaev, it now technically makes him the strongest vampire alive. He has the ability to manipulate and control somebody's mind, including having the mode of teleportation. Makarov looks calm on the outside but has a terrible beast in the inside. It's way monsterous and bloodthirsty than his quiet nature. Though, he likely only requires a glass of blood to survive, but he can go on a rampage which makes him one of the most dangerous vampires.
Sooo, this is the about the entire AU, that I have just discussed about! I hope you enjoyed it, and I’ll surely be doing more content over it, since I’m so engrossed to engage in it now :’)
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tommymykink · 3 years
Thank you, Professor. (One shot)
Summary : Professor Shelby saves you (kinda) from a potential assault. Things get heated when he meets you in your room to support you.
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Words : 2289
Warnings : mature content, smut
Pairing : Tommy X Reader (M/F)
(Note : this is my first smut ever! I hope you like it. Please let me know your thoughts)
You sat on the edge of the bed with your head hung, feeling heavy with all the emotions you had to go through that day. Sitting beside you, Professor Shelby, gave you occasional pat on your back, rubbing circles, to let you know he is there for you.
“Thank you Professor. If it wasn’t for you I would have lost it today. The day started off so bad already, and now this. I would have been so broken”, you trembled and burst into tears.
Professor Shelby embraced you in a hug. He stroked your hair and whispered, “It’s okay, I’m here”.
Your day started off with an argument with your favourite Professor, Mr. Thomas Shelby. You were so disturbed by it already, and then you suddenly heard the news of your friend’s accident. You had to rush to the hospital to see him, leaving Professor alone in the café where you two met to discuss over the recent event your college was organising. He could have been your company at that hard hour, but you decided not to tell him what was going on and simply left without a word. It made him furious so he didn’t try to stop you. But later when he came to know the news about your friend from one of your classmates, he grew worried and felt immensely guilty for behaving that way. At night, around 9:00 AM, he decided to pay you a visit in your dorm and apologize. It was then that the whole disaster took place.
Professor Shelby found a man in your dorm room, wearing ragged clothes, and he was so drunk that he could barely stand. He was holding your picture frame with one hand and jacking off with the other, moaning and cussing at you for not being present. It made Professor Shelby’s blood boil. With an angry howl he stormed towards the man. Grabbing him by his shirt Professor Shelby was almost on the verge of beating him senseless, when the other inhabitants of the building came running to stop him, when they heard the commotion. The man was arrested and the watchman fired but Mr. Shelby did not care about any of those. He paced up and down the corridor, fiddling with his fingers nervously. His only concern was to see you safe.
You were in the car, returning to your dorm, light hearted. You were relieved to see your friend was fine. You weren’t allowed to meet him yet, but the doctor said his condition was stable and that he was resting. You smiled at the thought of getting to see your friend the next day. You closed your eyes, taking in the cold breeze from the open car window, the slow music that the cab driver had put on soothed your ear and made you more relaxed. You took your phone out to check and immediately started panicking seeing so many missed calls from Professor Shelby. You wanted to call him back but your throat felt dry and you were scared out of your wits. So instead you told the driver there’s an emergency and asked him to drive faster.
When you finally reached, you were walking through the corridor towards your room, your mouth dry with fear while your nervousness manifested in the form of cold sweats in the back of your neck. When Professor saw you, his eyes widened and he ran towards you. He pulled you in a tight hug. You were shocked and caught off guard by this gesture but before you could react he pulled you by your wrist, almost dragging you to your room. He pushed you on the bed to make you sit there. Then slamming the door shut he turned towards you.
“Where were you?”, asked he, rather irritated.
“Why do you care?!”, you replied coldly, furrowing your brows.
“Drop that attitude Ms. (Y/N) you don’t talk to your Professor like that”, he said, raising his voice with authority.
Fearing this would turn into another argument, you lowered your voice and requested him to calm down and sit beside you.
“What’s going on? Why did you call me so many times?”, you asked softly.
He looked up at you with tender eyes and then let out a deep sigh. It was then that he told you everything and your heart broke into a million pieces.
“Why Professor?”, you asked with a shaky voice, still holding him tight.
“Why what?”, he asked, confused.
“Why do you care so much?”
“Because… . “, he let out a deep sigh.
“Because you’re special”
A shiver ran down your spine, both because of his words as well as his breath on your neck. You closed your eyes, thinking thoughts. How you have always admired him, how your hands explored your body and you exploded with pleasure every time you stimulated yourself, thinking about him. You bit your lips, feeling guilty, trying to push aside those thoughts. Because of course, he is your Professor after all. You were about to speak when a range of sensations ran through your body when you felt his lips on your neck. Your eyes widened and you looked at him, surprised.
“Ahem…..sorry”, he said nervously, feeling guilty.
Without second thoughts you crashed your lips onto his, pulling him by the back of his neck to bring him closer. Tommy slid his tongue inside your mouth and began a sensual dance with yours. You lost yourself to the intoxicating taste of his lips. Just as you were about to unbutton his shirt he stopped short.
“We cant do this, this is wrong”, said he breathing heavy, his forehead pressed against yours. You kissed him again not wanting to stop what you started. He did return your kiss but after a while pulled back.
“Fuck why can’t I stop?!” He crashed his lips onto yours again, sensually nibbling your lower lip.
“Who’s asking you to stop?”, you whispered in between kisses.
That’s all he needed to hear. With his strong arms he picked you up and threw you onto the bed, rather aggressively. He hovered over you separating your legs, guiding them around his waist. He kissed you with such animalistic zeal that you forgot he was that same soft, gentleman Professor of yours.
“Professor!”, you moaned, as he slowly kissed your neck down to your collar bone. In this compromising situation, you calling him Professor turned him on even more.
“You naughty, naughty girl”, he chuckled against your neck which made you shudder.
Everywhere he touched goose bumps appeared and your core was dripping wet already. You wanted more of him. All of him. You slowly slid down your hand to reach the hard bulge you felt against your thigh. It made him moan in your mouth.
Suddenly, Professor broke the kiss, panting heavy.
“I’m asking this to you one last time. Is this what you really want?”, he whispered.
“Ye……yes Professor. I want all of you”, you managed to whisper between pants.
“Good girl”, he kissed you, smiling against your neck. “I’ll go get the protection, you wait for me alright?”
You whined. You didn’t want to wait for so long. It made him chuckle. “Don’t worry, it won’t take long. I kept it hidden in the bathroom in case I ever needed it.”
So he has always wanted to fuck you? Your desire increased ten fold at the very thought of it.
He planted one last kiss on your lips and left to get the condom. Meanwhile, you decided to put on your best lingerie.
He came back rather quickly. As soon as he entered the room, his jaw dropped seeing you in that red lingerie tight against your skin.
“Holy shi…..”, even before he could finish, you pushed him onto bed. Slamming the door shut and locking it, you turned around and almost jumped on him. You straddled him and sat on his lap, kissing him wildly. You fumbled with his shirt buttons, but with his help you managed to open it and threw it across the room.
“You have no patience do you?”, he chuckled in between kisses.
“Your fault, you left my pussy aching”.
“Is that what you say to your Professor eh?”, you felt him smile against your chest.
“Sorry Professor but it was you who started misbehaving first”, you whispered in his ear which made him groan with pleasure.
“You dirty little girl”. With a quick snap he unhooked your bra and flung it across the room.
“Wow you Goddess!”, he exclaimed. He rubbed your nipples in circular motion which made you whimper uncontrollably.
“Your breasts are very sensitive aren’t they?”, he said with a smirk, fondling them gently.
“Ye….yes Professor”, you managed to say, panting heavy.
“Alright then let me take you to heaven”. With a quick motion he put your hands behind you and held them tightly in place. You shuddered in anticipation when you felt his breath on your left breast. He gave you one quick smirk and licked your nipple in one clean stroke. You let out a loud moan, your body shuddering at the sensation. He licked a second time, a third time and then took your nipple inside his mouth, encircling your areola with his tongue. He softly kissed, sucked and nibbled on it, before moving on to the other nipple.
You tried to free your hands so that you could grab and pull him even closer than he already was, but his grip was way too firm.
Your loud moans echoed inside the room, anybody passing by would understand what sinful pleasures are being committed inside. But you didn’t care. There you were, a captive in your Professor’s arms, letting him savour every inch of your skin. The pleasure that he was giving you took you to some other dimension, making you lose yourself. You enjoyed every bit of it and wanted the moment to last forever.
He slowly put you down in bed and hovered over you. He kissed you deeply and slowly slid his hand down to your aching core. Removing your panties quickly, he lightly touched your clit, drawing circles on it. You let out a loud moan in his mouth, feeling his warm touch.
“Mmmm Tommy”, you gasped biting your lips.
“You call your Professor by his first name now eh?”, he lightly slaps your dripping cunt. You whimpered uncontrollably, loud enough to wake up the entire neighbourhood.
“Oh you liked that, don't you, you dirty girl”, Tommy smirked, slapping your pussy one more time. He slapped your cunt a third time, a fourth time, a fifth time, until you felt light headed and lost count.
Tommy then rubbed circles on your clit and lightly nibbled your ear. He slid two fingers inside your vagina, curling his fingers, thrusting in and out.
“Your little noises are music to my ears babygirl”, he whispered.
You were aching with pleasure so much, you could feel you’re close.
“Professor……I’m……close…..”, you whispered.
Tommy quickly opened his pants and his underwear along with it. You slowly slid your hand down to his stomach and then further down and grabbed his hard member. A groan of pleasure escaped his chest as you gave it quick strokes. But before you could put his cock inside you, he got up on his knees and with a quick motion flipped you over. He pulled your hips up and locked both your arms behind you tightly. Then he teased your wet entrance with his cock a few times and your whole body trembled at the sensation.
“TOMMY STOP FUCKING TEASI…..”, before you could finish he thrust into you with full force. You gasped loudly, feeling him deep inside you. He started thrusting painfully slow at first, but then increased his pace slowly, hitting you in the right places. You let out loud moans and uncontrollable whimpers.
With his thrusts getting more and more violent, your pleasure got higher and higher and you could feel your walls clench around his cock. He groaned with pleasure and you felt his hard member throbbing inside you. Just as you were about to reach your high, Tommy pulled out of you. Before you could protest, he flipped you over. Hovering over you he whispered, “I want to see your face when you come for me babygirl”.
You bit his lower lip and he slid him inside you again and began his animalistic thrusts. You were so close, so so close. You held onto your Professor’s broad shoulders, digging your nails into his soft skin. You bit his shoulder and immediately licked it to soothe the sensitive skin. His hand traced all over you, as if he was memorising by heart every nook and corner of your body. He left open mouth kisses on your neck, shoulder and bosom. His loud moans vibrated through your skin making your body tremble uncontrollably.
You felt his hard cock twitch inside you as he reached his high.
“Come for me babygirl, come for me. Yesss, yesss!”, he groaned. He kept thrusting in and out of you with vigour, until he felt you reach your climax and come all over his cock.
He collapsed onto you, the rhythm of your heavy breathing synching with him in perfect harmony.
“Good girl”, he left a trail of kisses on your neck, before getting up and lying beside you. You nestled against his chest, smiling.
“What next Professor?”, you asked, blushing.
“Maybe dinner tomorrow? I should ask you out on a proper date”, said he planting a kiss on your forehead. You smiled, closing your eyes. Resting your head on his chest, you let out a deep breath. You were so ready to explore this new chapter of your life.
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supremeinlilac · 3 years
Loving Blind
Pairing: Blind!Cordelia Goode x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2605
Warnings: nsfw, a lil bit of smut idk
A/n: I just thought this was a cute idea, so I ran with it. Lol sorry if it's ooc at all :))
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Cordelia was the strongest person you’d ever met.
She was the tree that bowed to the wind when it raged, but refused to fall. Trembled in the face of an earthquake, but stood fast. She was the light that had guided you through so many dark days.
Now it was you that lead her, an arm around her waist as you showed her the way. Someone had stolen her sight, but not her soul. You thought that she was unbreakable.
The attack had left her scattered, and she couldn’t see to pick up the fragments, although she tried. On hands and knees she searched for the pieces that would allow her to carry on as normal, to lead as she once led.
Getting the second sight meant everyone wanted to know what she was seeing, wanting to steal the only images she was allowed to see anymore for themselves. You never asked what she saw when you’d touched at the hospital. It wasn’t important.
Back in the academy, you found yourself wordlessly returning items back to their places that had been moved by the other witches, so that Delia wouldn’t have trouble. Chastising them when she was in the greenhouse, unable to hear how you would remind them of the need to keep things orderly. Thankfully, it hadn’t been something she’d picked up on, you knew how she’d hate it.
You’d yet to be intimate on any level since she’d returned from the hospital, both to scared to initiate. Cordelia’s doubt nipped at her heels, sneering at her that you wouldn’t want to lie with her now she was damaged. Now she couldn’t love you the way you deserved.
You were just wary about hurting her, or treating her like she needed help, because you knew she hated to feel helpless. Like a burden. You wanted to help her, and a few days later you had an idea that you thought might just help you to get close to one another again.
The girls had an evening workshop with Misty in the greenhouse, something about having lots of new plants arrive that needed tending to. You knew it was Misty’s way of helping you and Cordelia connect again, feeling her own guilt about the headmistress not being able to work in the greenhouse the same way she used to.
“Delia?” You called out, peeking round the corner of her office and finding it empty. She often resided there when she wasn’t teaching or when the greenhouse was busy and she could find no solace.
You found her in the kitchen, bent over and trying to scoop shards of a shattered glass into shaking hands. You ran to still her movements, afraid she’d be cut by the glass. She protested when you cooed at her to stop or she’d hurt herself, angry that she could to it be herself, and that she didn’t need you.
“I know you don’t, but I can help, can’t I? I do wantto help” you asked softly, tone unprovoking, and you breathed through your nose in relief as she nodded and allowed herself to be sat at the table.
Quickly filling another glass, you pressed it into trembling hands and set to work sweeping the mess. Neither of you spoke, silence only broken by the tinkle of glass and the slurp of water between her lips.
When it was done she thanked you and apologised for snapping, which you ensured her was fine. You understood how trying it could be to feel helpless and that others were belittling you.
“I have a surprise for you. The girls are doing a lesson with Misty for a while now.”
You hinted, smirking although she couldn’t see the action. Cordelia picked up on your suggestiveness immediately, a blush climbing steadily up her neck and settling in her cheeks. You leaned to kiss the tips of her ears that were also enflamed, hot beneath your lips.
As you ascended the stairs together, Cordelia’s unease was heavy in the air. Her hands gripped yours tightly and her breathing was laboured.
Once in your room, you sat against the bed and watched her taking her rings off at the desk. She didn’t turn around when she was done, and you saw her bit her lip anxiously in the mirror, hands wringing each other.
“We don’t have to if you’re not ready yet.” You spoke, cautious to watch your lover’s reflection for any signs of discomfort.
She turned, nails pulling at the hem of her trousers as she walked to you. “No, I want to, I just- What if I can’t make you, you know?” Her confession made your heart dip, why hadn’t you thought of that? To know that’s what she’d been worried about all this time.
“Baby, I don’t care about that. I just want to be close to you. To feel you again.”
You hooked your fingers around her waist, bringing her to stand between your legs before pressing a chaste kiss to her covered ribs. “I just want you.” Your voice soothed her, nervousness shattering like the glass and this time she made no attempt to collect them again, hands falling to the back of your head to keep your head there.
The buttons on her blouse we small and delicate, fiddly even for your deft fingers as you fought to open them. Not to mention the distraction that was Cordelia placing affectionate kisses to the top of your head and around your hairline, muttering pet names and ‘I love you’s’, voice thick with arousal now she’d shed the worry.
Your clothes were taken off slower, more delicately than they ever had been before, and the gentleness of her touch had you arching into it, eager to be rid of the clothes. Having been denied the touch of her skin to yours for so long, the proximity of Cordelia was making you impatient.
When she was standing in front of you, bare except for the rouge of her lace underwear, you let your eyes rake over her form, savouring it. She was a sculpture, perfectly crafted by the patient hand of a craftsman, every dip and curve deliberate. It was an honour to be able to hold her as you did.
One last fleeting glance at her, and you were pulling away, searching through one of your draws for the satin. Pinching it between fingers, the material pooled beautifully in your hands, a flowing waterfall into the basin below.
“Here, put this on me?”
“What is it?” she enquired, hands searching for the object in question. You ran the satin through her fingertips, letting her feel the slippery material before snapping it quickly rigid with a pop.
“A blindfold.”
“Why?” She asked, voice low and curious, her hands faltering on taking it from you. She couldn’t help but be defensive, you wanted to be blindfolded?
Were you trying to mock her? After all, you could take the blindfold back off at anytime and be granted your vision back. She didn’t have that choice. It had been cruelly ripped from her. She wasn’t in control anymore.
“I just want to feel you, all of you.” You explained, back of your fingers brushing her cheek and hooking some stray hairs behind her ears that had escaped from her bobble. “And I want to be close to you, to understand.”
She pushed her doubts out of her head. You loved her, for everything she was, even blind. You weren’t mocking her, of course.
She hummed, and you pushed the blindfold into her hands, wanting to be blinded by your lover and thrown into the darkness that you could share. Could lighten.
“Wait.” She stopped you from turning, tucking the emerald satin into the corner of your panties, patting it into place.
“What?” you asked, but Cordelia interrupted you with a shush.
“Before you do, let me just-” she trailed off, hands coming to cup your face as you watched, hands falling to her waist to keep her close.
She closed her eyes, tongue poking out in concentration as she ran the pads of her fingers over your face. Her fingers traced the curve of your jaw, down the ridge of your nose, over the contour of your chin and back. Committing it to memory.
The way she held you, so delicately, like one would an infant made your lips curl in adoration. She smiled too, feeling the movement and mirroring it. Cupping your cheeks again, her thumbs ghosted over the dip of your eyes, eyelashes fluttering against her skin. Tickling.
It was as if your face were braille, her favourite book, one she couldn’t help but return to, to read again and again. The sweetest addiction.
She pulled you into a kiss, lips lingering together before they parted and you let your tongue swipe inquisitively across her teeth. Her palms danced across the skin of your ribs, thumbing just under the swell of your breasts.
Pulling away, you pressed fond kisses to the mottled salmon skin of her eyes, demurely whispered affection against her cheeks.
She pulled the satin from where you’d tucked it at your waist and turned you around. Feeling for your eyes again, she pulled the material taut over the skin and let you hold it in place as she tugged and tied it secure.
“How’s that?” she breathed, smoothing down the wrinkles that had appeared over your eyes on the material. The cool material was soft against your skin and moved slightly with every shake of your head, but held it’s place and refused to fall.
In answer, you felt for the edge of the bed, hands finding hers and pulling her behind you. Clambering on, you settled against the pillows unsteadily, feeling her warmth beside you. She hovered above you, hair tickling your face and making your nose scrunch up.
The elimination of your sight had heightened your other senses, the sweet tang of her perfume stinging the back of your throat in a beautifully overwhelming way.
“You are so beautiful,” she breathed, breath hot against your neck.
“You can’t see me,” you giggled, pulling her lips back to the expanse of skin as you tilted your head, moaning at the suckling noise she produced when latching back on.
“I can feel you.” You felt her lips curve into a smile below your jaw, teeth grazing.
“That’s cute.” You cooed, and you could feel your skin heating up at both her lips against your skin and at her sweet words.
“Shut up and let me concentrate,” she scolded playfully, swatting the hand away that you’d started to tickle her neck with.
Neither of you could see the bruises she was staining the skin under her mouth with, but Cordelia could tell that they would mark by the way your breath would hitch with her bite, exhaling at the soothing cool of her tongue.
“I feel like that might be visible tomorrow,” you joked, fingers coming up to press lightly on the mark, the twinge confirming your suspicions. Delia giggled against your skin, the vibrations sending goosebumps over exposed flesh.
She leaned back, pulling her hair roughly into a bobble, as it was only serving as an unnecessary distraction. You’d followed her, propped up on your elbows. Unaware of your new position, Cordelia returned to where she’d left you, heads butting firmly. You both let out squeaks of surprise, that dissipated into laughter, and light apologies.
It was good to hear her laugh again. The sound having been foreign after her attack, this providing a welcomed homecoming for it, even if it was for something as simple as a clumsy headbutt.
“Right come here you, slowly, this time” you teased, fingers finding her jaw and pulling her into you again.
The faint melody of Fleetwood Mac drifted up through the floorboards and you felt Cordelia smile against the kiss again. As you tasted the mango of her chapstick, sweet and wet on your tongue, she pulled away breathlessly, forehead resting on your collarbone.
“I love this song.”
Wanting to savour this moment, the headmistress sat aside, legs crossed on the bed, poking at you to come to her. You did, brushing the inside of her thigh in the process and making her jolt. “Ticklish,” she explained, and you laughed. She’d probably had been embarrassed before, but your clumsiness had made everything seem funnier, especially seen as neither of you could see what you both looked like. Flailing around, carelessly, so she laughed with you.
When the laughs had bubbled out, Cordelia guided your hands to her face with hers. Placing your palms flat against her cheeks.
“Here. Go on.”
You mirrored her previous actions, tracing the plane of her face with curious fingers. The fullness of her lips, curve of her cheekbones, the bump of the mole to the left of her mouth. Learning her, feelingher.
A kiss to her nose, the space between her eyebrows, thumbs swiping away tears that didn’t exist. You could hear her shallow breath as if it were your own, perhaps it was. You felt closer to her now than you ever had.
When you were finished, you noticed that the faint murmur of Stevie Nicks had gone, replaced with sweet silence you’d grown so used to. But Delia was beside you now, your Delia.
“You okay?”
You sat up against the pillows, pulling Delia to straddle your lap and draw her lips to your own. Reaching behind you, Delia fiddled with the clasp of your bra, frustrated laugh between chaste kisses as she fought it.
You removed hers with slightly more ease, your patience proving beneficial. Discarding it, you heard the thud as it landed, near the window, was it? You couldn’t be sure.
The faint taste of salt lingered on your tongue as you swirled her nipple around it until it hardened to a rosy peak beneath your lips. Her gasps and whines spurred you on, her hands on your neck pulling you closer.
The bumps of her spine under fingers seemed more prominent when you had to rely on touch instead of your sight. You always used to trail kisses up her back over the bones, but they felt different. It was as if you were learning her body all over again.
Cordelia unlatched herself from you, messily kissing at the corner of your mouth, tongue snaking across your lip. She was somehow being both rushed and purposeful with her touches, the right ones lingering where she wanted, while others were lustful and passionate.
She trailed deft fingers across the band of your bra, over your ribs, leaving a prickle of goosebumps in her wake. She located a blemish on your skin that she’d first noticed when she still had sight, only now noticing that the texture differed minutely from the rest of your skin.
The braille of the blemish showing her that you were still there, all she knew of you with sight was still there without. She hadn’t lost any of you when she’d lost a part of herself.
Cordelia had worried that you would think less of her when she’d been attacked, but the truth was that you thought more. You awed at how she’d coped with the sudden disability, taking it in her stride and not allowing any of her girls see how much it really had affected her.
She kissed you that night with more security than she’d felt since the incident, in the knowledge that you’d be a guiding hand when she needed it. The light in the vast darkness and her lighthouse in the sea.
taglist: @pearplate @billiedeansbottom @pluied-ete @notokpaulson @extraordinarilycelestrial @nothingbut-a-beautiful-monster @mssallymckenna @magnificent-paulsonn @shineestark @commanderspeach @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @darling-dontforgetme @amethyst-bitch @its-soph-xx @germansarechill @bluesxrgnt @d14n4ol @ninaahs @sarahp-stan @natasha-danvers @imgayandmymomdoesntknow @lovelypeasantjellyfish @rainbow-hedgehog @paulawand @saucy-sapphic @lilypadscoven @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @serawalkerwrites ,, if you want to be added, just shoot me a message or an ask :))
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perspectivestarters · 3 years
Perspective's Sentence Starters; Punisher (Part I)
"Someday, I'm gonna live in your house up on the hill."
"I'll plant a garden in the yard."
"You should see it."
"I mean thousands."
"I grew up here, 'til it all went up in flames."
"I don't know when you got taller."
"I hopped the fence when I was seventeen."
"I knew what I wanted."
"I'm gonna look up from my phone and see my life."
"It's gonna be just like my recurring dream."
"I'm at the movies, I don't remember what I'm seeing."
"I wake up before we do it."
"I don't know how, but I'm taller."
"It must be something in the water."
"Everything's growing in our garden."
"You don't have to know that it's haunted."
"She told me my resentment's getting smaller."
"I'm not afraid of hard work."
"I get everything I want."
"I have everything I wanted."
"Got bored at the temple."
"Looked around at the 7-Eleven."
"The band took the speed train."
"I wanted to go, but I didn't."
"They still got payphones."
"You're getting sober?"
"You wrote me a letter."
"I don't have to read it."
"I'm gonna kill you, if you don't beat me to it."
"I wanted to see the world."
"I changed my mind."
"Sunset's been a freak show."
"I've been driving out to the suburbs."
"Stare at the chemtrails with my little brother."
"He said you called on his birthday."
"You were off by like ten days."
"You get a few points for tryin'."
"Remember getting the truck fixed when you let us drive it?"
"Twenty-five felt like flying."
"I don't forgive you, but please don't hold me to it."
"I wanted to see the world through your eyes until it happened."
"Guess I lied."
"I'm a liar."
"When the speed kicks in, I go to the store for nothing."
"Walk right by the house where you lived with Snow White."
"I wonder if she ever thought the storybook tiles on the roof were too much."
"But from the window, it's not a bad show."
"The drugstores are open all night."
"The only real reason I moved to the east side."
"I love a good place to hide in plain sight."
"What if I told you I feel like I know you?"
"We never met."
"Everyone knows you're the way to my heart."
"Hear so many stories of you at the bar."
"Most times, alone, and some, looking your worst."
"I wish that I could say the same."
"I swear I'm not angry, that's just my face."
"It's for the best."
"I can't open my mouth and forget how to talk."
"Wouldn't know where to start."
"Wouldn't know when to stop."
"I hate living by the hospital."
"Somebody better be dying."
"They make you live in the past."
"I can count on you to tell me the truth."
"Baby, it's Halloween."
"We can be anything."
"Always surprised by what I do for love."
"Some things I never expect."
"They killed a fan down by the stadium."
"They beat him to death."
"There's a last time for everything."
"Whatever you want."
"I'll be whatever you want."
"I've been running around in circles, pretending to be myself."
"Why would somebody do this on purpose?"
"I wish I wrote it."
"Hum along 'til the feeling's gone forever."
"They weren't out tonight."
"I want to believe."
"I look at the sky and I feel nothing."
"You know I hate to be alone."
"I want to be wrong."
"They were screamin' right back from what I remember."
"I will never be your vegetable."
"I think when you're gone, it's forever."
"It's just a matter of time before I'm hearing things."
"That's impossible."
"If I go outside I'll see a tractor beam."
"I want to go home."
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
A Soft Confession Draped in Ivory and Silk (Pro-Hero!Bakugou x Pro-Hero!Reader)
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Warnings: cursing, sort of domestic fluff in the snippet of the future Bakugou sees with you, mentions of alcohol, Aged-Up!AU, suggestive themes, implied smut, mutual pining, there's a lot of fluff in this one.
Synopsis: It’s been a few years since you’ve graduated UA. This was supposed to be a trouble-free reunion, except your reservations got screwed up and now you have to room with someone else while you're staying for the entirety of the trip. The weird thing is, everyone seems to have some kind of excuse as to why they can't let you sleepover in their room for the night. So, you decide on Bakugou's, the only person who can't say no because he hasn't arrived yet. But your actions have consequences and now you need to deal with all the feelings that you've been frantically suppressing as they resurface.
Words: 19.2k
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"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" Bakugou seethed hotly, vastly annoyed with the sight that greeted him.
He had kicked open the door to his allocated hotel room, exhausted from the long drive and wanted nothing more than to flop on the comfy bed and just fall asleep but that couldn't happen if you were here.
Of course it had to be you. Of all the shitty extras, it had to be you.
Rolling your eyes at his angry exasperation, you continued stirring the pot on the stove without paying him any attention, which you knew irritated him greatly. Free hand planted idly on your hips, your brow scrunched up as you caught a whiff of burning potatoes and quickly turned off the fire.
Alright, so you weren't the best at cooking, but that wasn't going to stop you. A girl's gotta eat.
In hindsight, you could've just picked up some food on the way or been smart and packed a lunch before you left but in your defense, you were running late. You blamed being completely unprepared on Mina, who failed to inform you in time so you would have enough time to appropriately pack and not panic about seeing all your old classmates from your UA days.
By the time she told you of this little trip, you had exactly seven hours to get everything in order and head up north to the high-end hotel Iida and Yaoyorozu, the old class representative and executive officer, reserved for the group of 22.
They had decided to hold a reunion of some sorts since it had been a number of years since you guys all graduated. Really, you suspected it just to be an excuse for all of you to get drunk but you weren't complaining.
Hero work was taxing.
Even Aizawa, Present Mic, All Might and Midnight had come along for the weekend getaway. Though they were stuck in traffic and wouldn't make it until the next morning.
"The reservations got mixed up when Midoriya called in." You said over your shoulder to the grumpy man pouting in the corner, scooping out the soup in the pot into bowls and you ignored how Bakugou growled when the name of his rival passed through your lips. "It was either share a room with you or Mineta, so..."
Bakugou glowered at you from the other side of the room but he didn't argue. That little pervert might've grown up a bit since he actually transformed into a decent hero who was a feminist and advocated for women all the time instead of trying to touch them constantly without consent, but that didn't mean he wanted you to sleep in the same bed as the fucking grape head.
Weirdly enough, everyone you asked seemed to have an excuse as to why they couldn't let you sleep over with them for a night until the mistake was sorted out. The guys you could understand but the girls?
Something was kind of off there.
So then it was just down to Mineta, who was an absolute no in your book, and Bakugou, who was the only one who hadn't arrived yet.
Knowing that you'd be completely screwed over if he said no too, you made a choice, figuring he could kick you out if it really was too much of a bother.
At least the accommodations were nice.
The room was a luxurious suite, more than big enough to hold you both without getting in each other's way.
Rich, velvet curtains hung from the valances and a small crystal chandelier hung above the mahogany table. The kitchen was fully equipped with the latest line of appliances in Japan and stocked with utensils and stainless steel cookware. The room even came with French doors that separated the bedroom from the cozy living area and kitchen parts of the suite, giving it a secluded but romantic feel.
You ignored the latter portion of that vibe.
The two of you were friends at best and you were still wondering if you could even call him a close friend when most of your interactions happened on the job in joint operations that required both of your quirks.
It was hard to ever find to get out and see your friends, let alone even consider dating. You had given up that dream after some sleazebag tried to get into your pants after one date. When your team figured out he was after your fame, that put the nail in the coffin and you hadn't tried to see anyone else since then.
For a time there, you had thought you had some potential for a relationship with Shindou since the two of you held mutual attraction for each other but that was over when he started seeing one of his old classmates.
You were happy for the both of them but it didn't dull the ache in your heart for someone who understood the life that you lived.
And not in a platonic way.
Shindou being in a relationship honestly didn't come as a surprise to you, he had feelings for her since the provisional licensing exam and besides, your heart was set on someone else.
Someone you could never hope that they would return your feelings.
Breezing out of the kitchen with two portions in hand, you passed one to the grumpy ash-blond's way.
Bakugou scoffed haughtily as he left his luggage by the door and threw himself down into the sofa positioned behind the TV, completely ignoring your peace offering. "What the fuck makes you think I want to eat your shitty cooking?"
"Suit yourself."
You shrugged your shoulders and set it down on the coffee table, undeterred by his crude yet muffled language. Something things never changed, you could still read him like a book. His temper was all a front.
Had been since high school. Now you both were pros, constantly out on the streets and saving the day. It was rewarding work but it was also exhausting.
You couldn't put into words how much you were looking forward to this getaway trip, where you didn't have to worry about appearances or the media catching you off guard.
You don't know exactly how, but somehow Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Iida managed to pay them off or something to get them to leave you alone for the blessed three days this reunion was going to span.
And you have to say, you had never been more grateful to have rich people as friends.
Leaving to go change so that you were ready for the dinner tonight with all of your old classmates while simultaneously chowing down on your delicious (somewhat burnt) food, the corner of your mouth quirked up in a smile as you heard the bowl scrap against the table as the grumpy hero begrudgingly pulled it toward him.
Unable to resist, you tossed a lighthearted jab over your shoulder without looking at him. "Aw, you do have a heart~"
"Fuck off, dumbass." Bakugou spat from around a mouthful of potato, yet making no move to set down the food you had spent so much time making before he arrived.
Even though it was a little overcooked, it tasted better than any of the shit he had been forcing himself to eat recently.
Being a pro was no fucking joke, not that he ever treated it like one before, but it sure as shit seemed a lot easier when they were students and had fucking adults to rely on.
It was still fucking weird to him to think of his old homeroom teacher as a colleague.
Bakugou lazed around for a couple hours after he finished eating your food. He wasn't ever going to admit it, but your home cooking hit the spot. His own cooking was still better but yours wasn't shit. At least, not compared to that fucking Dunce Face's.
He still remembered when you and Sato would make dinner back when they all lived in Heights Alliance. Of course, Emergency Exit had a fire extinguisher handy anytime you were in the kitchen because you had a habit of lighting things on fire.
A lot.
Flipping through the channels on the TV boredly, Bakugou blankly stared at the screen with moving pictures that he couldn't care less about as his mind wandered back to you.
When Kirishima first told him about the trip, he flat out declined coming with.
There was no fucking way he was going. Why the hell would he want to see all their annoying faces and shit?
At least, that was all that was running through his mind until the idiot slyly mentioned how you were going to be coming along.
Bakugou honestly didn't think you would be one for all this shit. According to his agent, you had been so swamped with work in your district that you hadn't been taking proper care of yourself. Not that he cared or anything.
But it was going to be a fucking inconvenience for him if you suddenly fainted on the job and was rushed to the hospital, leaving him to pick up all your damn slack.
Because your agencies were sort of near each other, he thought he couldn't take the time off if you were going, but his PR team had insisted, practically shoving him out the door so he could pack seven days early.
He had a sinking suspicion that his absence would allow them to curb the damage done after that stunt he pulled last month at the middle school they made him talk at.
It wasn't his fault!! Those damn kids had too many fucking questions!!
Alright, so that wasn't really it. He had overheard one of the teachers spewing shit about heroes and how useless they were so of course he was fucking angry. To have the fucking nerve to not even lower their voice in front of him was a trip but the last straw was when they carelessly brought up your name in the conversation, haughtily claiming that you didn't know how to do your job properly.
And he fucking lost it.
The entire security team had to pry him off of the wailing teacher when they arrived and once the facts were cleared up, no one could say that they really blamed him for reacting the way that he did but still, the press was going to have a field day when this got out.
Bakugou had clicked his tongue angrily and stormed the other way while the police got the situation sorted out.
He would own up to what he had done, he wasn't fucking afraid. He would kill them any day of the week.
But he halted in his tracks down the dreary and empty hallway when he saw a little boy sitting alone outside the classroom. He recognized him. He was inside during the meet-and-greet but the teacher that he had just got into a verbal battle with had sent him outside for some reason.
The child whimpered and curled into a tighter ball when he came closer and Bakugou cursed himself for not having the same calming effects on kids like Deku had.
"Oi, brat. What the hell are you doing sitting out here?" He asked abrasively, crouching down a little ways away to give him some space.
The kid sniffled loudly and raised his head, his eyes swollen and bloodshot from how hard he had been crying and Bakugou's heart twisted painfully.
"M-Mister?" He stammered out in a small voice. "Wha...?"
"You're crying."
Since no one else was around, Bakugou's guard dropped a fraction and his eyes softened slightly.
"Want to tell me what's wrong?"
After six minutes of the kid stuttering to find his voice in front of his idol, he managed to tell him a little bit.
And if Bakugou was mad before, he sure as hell was livid now.
Because this kid was being punished by his teacher and his peers for something he had no control over. His quirk.
His teacher hated him and would often send him outside because it would go off at random times and distract his classmates. And while everyone pointed fingers at him and laughed, he was left all alone to deal with a power that was too big for him to control.
Labeled a villain, he was cast out and even though the pro-hero could clearly see how kind his heart was just in the few minutes he'd interacted with him, no one else seemed to care enough to give him the time of day.
Bakugou offered out his hand and demanded that he get up. Timidly, the little kid did so, exclaiming out in surprise when he dragged him towards the direction of the classroom.
The hero could sense his rising fear and anxiety so he stopped just outside of the door where the police had been filing out of a minute ago and turned to him, squatting down to his level.
"Listen, brat." Bakugou barked out, but not unkindly. "Those extras don't mean a damn thing. You're fucking strong and you're going to be a great hero when you grow up."
He rapidly blinked his eyes and they sparkled. "Really?!"
Bakugou snorted. "Yup. Now, come on. It's storytime."
When he entered, he was disgusted to see how the teacher and the kids recoiled back from the boy hiding behind his legs. And while he couldn't necessarily fault the kids as much as their teacher because they were being taught that this little guy was a monster, to see a grown-adult grooming them to judge people like this was fucking wrong.
He would know.
Sitting down, he patted his thigh once to invite the little boy to take a seat on his lap. When the boy finally scrambled on and got comfortable, even though he was still clearly nervous about being in front of his class like this, Bakugou started his tale.
The few security officers who were standing by the teacher for safety should he launch at them again and his own agent were wary of his intentions, but all that diminished when he opened his mouth.
The calm hero told the wide-eyed kids how he was a bully to someone who had the true heart of what it took to be a hero and how he was able to grow by recognizing his mistakes and taking action. He told them that it was hard to change but that it was a good thing even though it felt weird and felt like the world was against him at times.
He told them that it didn't matter whether they had a strong quirk, a weak quirk or no quirk at all, at the end of the day, they were all the same: imperfect humans just trying to live and find happiness. And that everyone was deserving of respect.
Even the little boy they had casted out from their social circle.
Bakugou could see some things start to click in their minds and while he knew that most of this would fly over their heads for now since they weren't at an age where they had to think about all these things on the daily, he hoped that it would stick with them and come back to them when they needed it most.
The teacher's jaw had gone slack in shock and Bakugou glared at them, sending them one last pointed remark about how it was important to ensure the future generation had the tools they needed to thrive in this world and they gulped, averting their eyes as they were thoroughly intimidated by the way his burning eyes scorched into them.
Throwing his head back with a heavy sigh, Bakugou closed his eyes.
He needed this weekend to get the fuck away with everything that was wrong in this world and accept that he could only change the things he could control one at a time.
But patience was never his strong suit.
Growling, he pushed himself off of the too-comfortable couch and stormed his way to the front door to grab his luggage he had discarded to the side earlier before heading to the bedroom. He paused at the closed door for a second, briefly debating if he should knock or not but shook his head.
Fuck it. It's my fucking room.
He kicked open the door despite it being made of glass and he froze in place as his eyes landed on your form standing in front of the full-length mirror with your bare back to him.
Your eyes shining in the reflection of the polished mirror snapped to where his figure was still frozen in the doorway and you rolled your eyes, not even bothering to cover yourself up or anything.
It honestly wasn't anything he hadn't seen before, your hero costume had your back exposed all the time but you were damn annoyed that he had burst in when he did because he startled you and dropped the thing you had been playing with for a good half an hour now.
You were halfway to getting that tricky zipper to cooperate with you when he interrupted you. His timing literally could not be worse.
Sighing, you motioned him in, a bit confused why he cleared his throat and looked away from you as he set down his suitcase and strutted over without a fight.
"Make yourself useful and help me." You demanded with a slight pout. It was his fault the stupid thing was now all the way down again. Who made these things?!
You didn't have enough hands for this task.
In order to zip up the complicated dress, you needed to simultaneously hold together all the lace that crisscrossed near the neck while your other hand tried to wiggle up the zipper.
All while defying gravity and attempting not to twist your arms off.
Bakugou came to stand behind you and he exhaled frustratingly at the mess you made. The whole thing was tangled in the back, there were too many pieces for him to know what was supposed to go where.
"What the fuck did you even do, dumbass?" He muttered, more to himself than to you as he crossed over and pulled through the complicated design to get it to lay flat, his eyes narrowed in concentration.
You giggled, gathering your hair in one hand and sweeping it to one side so that it was off the nape of your neck and wouldn't get in the way.
You swallowed when his fingers brushed over your skin as he undid the damage you dealt to this fancy article of clothing and tried to ignore how your heart skipped a beat.
Honestly, you hated parties and fancy gatherings like the one tonight was going to be, but Mina and Ochako had begged you to wear something nice for at least one of the days, hence why you were now in this predicament.
Because you had absolutely no idea how to put on a dress this fancy.
Yaoyorozu had bought it for you last year when all of the girls from the former Class A and B went on a shopping spree, claiming it brought out your eyes and was such a perfect fit for you that you had to have it, regardless of how many zeros there were on the tag at the time of purchase.
You thought your eyes were going to fall out of your head the second she swiped her platinum credit card without so much as batting an eye.
You haven't gotten a chance to wear it yet. It really was a special occasions gown since it was floor-length and wouldn't be appropriate for any modern day clubs or work parties. So when the girls told you the dress code for this weekend, you were secretly a little excited, the inner child in you skipping around in circles at the notion of getting to play dress up.
According to Mina and Tsuyu, the ballroom that dinner was going to be served in tonight was supposed to be extravagant and you couldn't wait to see what it looked like.
The Solaria Hotel was one of Japan's finest and most exclusive establishments and had a five star rating from over hundreds of thousands of pro-heroes.
And you could certainly see why.
Just the size of the bedroom itself was already twice as big than your apartment that you rented out.
The king-sized bed was ridiculously huge and you were pretty sure the comforter was lined with genuine velvet. Silk sheets for the mattress and the pillow had your heart jumping for joy at how soft and silky it felt against your skin.
Aside from the bed, which also had a sheer white canopy draping down, the ceiling was ten feet high and rose petals were scattered around the huge room.
If you didn't know any better, you would think that this was a love hotel instead of one that they geared towards a resting spot for heroes. But you supposed you could understand why they had set it up the way they did.
Even heroes needed that kind of relief.
But luckily, the hotel business was slow this time of month and you didn't see many other guests when you came in, so the lack of bustle was a nice change of pace from your everyday hectic schedule.
Twisting around to see what was taking Bakugou so long to figure out the lace back, you yelped when he harshly pushed you back so that you were facing forwards.
"Hey!!" You protested indignantly and you swayed on your feet. It was a good thing you weren't wearing your heels yet.
He scoffed, deft fingers continuing to work at the knots as he repeated his earlier words. "What the fuck did you even do?"
"I didn't do anything!!"
This time, he snorted in disbelief. "Yeah right. This shit looks worse than Deku's hair."
"What the heck is that supposed to mean?!" You shrieked.
After arguing back and forth for a few minutes, you began to grow anxious as the time started to tick by. You had to be down there for dinner in less than an hour and you even though you had already done your hair and makeup, mostly, you still weren't really prepared for this.
Crowds weren't your thing, which made being a pro hard sometimes, but the work you did was worth that particular downside.
Your eyes widened and you hopped in place when Bakugou finally zipped you up. Spinning around and being careful not to trip, you beamed at him as you threw your arms around his neck.
"Thank you!!!" You squealed gratefully.
He clicked his tongue and huffed. "Yeah, yeah. Get off me now, dumbass."
You clambered off of him albeit ungracefully since this gown was pretty heavy thanks to the many layers of fabric and you flailed your arms like a baby bird as you lost your balance.
Bakugou's hand shot out to catch you before you fell but before you could thank him, he was already turning away and going to his side of the room.
But tried as he might, he couldn't stop staring at you even as you turned away.
As soon as he collected his luggage once more and dragged it over to his side of the bed that wasn't claimed by you, his thoughts drifted back to you once again as you twirled in the mirror, giggling to yourself as you remained completely oblivious to the vermilion gaze burning into your back.
He swore in his head. It was much harder to stop them from going rampant with that intoxicating scent of banana and citrus that came from a specific kind of lotion he knew you always put on ever since he got it for you.
It was a gift for the last Christmas your class shared in your third year in high school. And the only reason he bought you that was because fucking Raccoon-Eyes thought it would be a good idea to put a limit on the gift giving since Iida had gone all out last year and nearly flooded Heights Alliance with an obscene amount of presents.
Shinsou might've had a hand in helping deliver them.
But of fucking course you would be wearing it right now. He could smell it so clearly, it was so fragrant it was making his head go foggy.
Bakugou tried to concentrate on something, anything really that would get his mind off of you but to no avail.
Everywhere he looked, there was evidence of you and your light.
Your clothes folded neatly in the walnut dresser on the top drawer, your books on the nightstand, even all those bottles on the vanity in the joined bathroom that was connected to the bedroom that he didn't really think was necessary unless you were trying to scrape off your skin.
In the small walk-in closet, if it could even be classified as such, was filled only with your empty luggage and the hanger in which probably hung up the dress to prevent it from wrinkling before you put it on.
And now that he wasn't fucking fighting a battle with your stubborn zipper, Bakugou really got a chance to take you in.
The layers of pale green chiffon flowed around your ankles when you moved. Paired with billowy sleeves made from that same sheer material, it made you look ethereal. The bodice flattered your figure and the sweetheart neckline skimmed just below your collar bones, making you appear soft and pure, like a fairy who could bend nature to her will with just a kiss.
The lace back was beautifully intricate and the golden zipper was barely noticeable when you let go of your hair.
It cascaded down, the soft curls brushing against your shoulders and a glass butterfly clip was nestled in your hair to keep most of it away from your face, save for a few curled strands that framed your face.
You were breathtaking.
You raised an eyebrow curiously when Bakugou suddenly started to cough violently and worried that he had somehow managed to choke on his own spit, you gathered up your skirts and rushed over to him.
You weren't insulted when he brushed you off, shouting at you that he was fucking fine, but you didn't push the issue.
He grabbed his things from his suitcase and stomped off into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him and you were left wondering what all of that was about.
Shrugging to yourself, you figured that he would either deal with it himself or go to Kirishima if and when he needed help.
Now, you were faced with a completely different dilemma.
There was about fifteen minutes before the scheduled time to report downstairs and you still needed to put on your shoes. But it was nearly impossible to see over the poofy skirts of this dress.
Groaning in frustration, you threw your hands down exasperatedly from trying to get it on for the fourth time. This was getting old.
Then, your whole face lit up when you got an idea.
Practically throwing yourself face-down on the bed, you squirmed and wiggled around on the king-sized bed until your back was flat against the cushiony mattress and you huffed, blowing the hair out of your face as you stuck your legs up in the air, grabbing for the shoes to put on as you bent your knees.
It was an awkward position as your skirt obeyed gravity but it worked.
Two minutes later you had both of the heels on the right way and did up the laces properly.
Inwardly, you were wondering why you were even bothering to teeter on these stilts for the entirety of the party but they completely the look. Besides, you were almost sure that you guys were going to take pictures later, even if Bakugou would only join you guys for one.
You hummed to yourself, standing up and smoothing out your skirt. You were in the middle of fixing your hair when the lock to the bathroom clicked and out stepped Bakugou.
Your eyebrows shot up to your forehead. Damn that man can clean up nice when he wasn't busy murdering villains.
A pressed suit adorned his broad frame and you had to swallow to stop yourself from drooling at how good he looked.
The suit was a classic black, with a crisp white shirt on the inside and his pants were clearly ironed before coming here. A red handkerchief peeked out from where it was tucked into his breast pocket and you swooned.
He had gotten everything right, right down to the shiny black dress shoes. You didn't know how it was possible to not have any wrinkles or a hair out of place as he slid up his embroidered tie with an irritated scowl, making the lapels lay flat with an aggressive swipe at the offending material.
You barely noticed his rising aggravation as they kept popping back up and he adjusted the cufflinks before jerking at the collar again.
"Here," You giggled. "Let me help."
Bakugou grumbled but lowered his hands and let you do as you pleased as you tucked it in further to get it to straighten out without popping back out.
"Thanks." He said gruffly and you flashed him a bright smile.
Bakugou groaned quietly as you flounced out of the room. "You're too fucking cheerful."
You threw a charismatic smile his way as you skipped to the front door, making sure to grab your clutch on the way out. You didn't necessarily need your wallet tonight as you weren't planning on getting drunk but you weren't exactly comfortable leaving it in the hotel room.
Years of training had taught you that there were flaws in even the most advanced security systems.
"I didn't think you were going to dress up tonight." You commented casually as you waited for Bakugou to finish grabbing his wallet and phone before locking the door behind you two.
You were leaning against the glass barrier that surrounded the halls.
The Solaria Hotel was more than 100 floors, reminding you of the tower at I-Island that time you guys had to beat those villains to save the professor and restore order to the island. Bakugou's room was on the 80th floor, so you could see everything.
The layout of the circular building had basically ensured that it was hollowed out, rooms circled each floor and had an elevator on the north and south points of the building. In the empty space that you could see below as far as the eye could see, they had crystals suspended in the air that changed color periodically.
He scowled, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he fell in step beside you and you tore away from your admiration of the ingenuity of the architecture.
"Shitty Hair made me fucking wear this shit." Bakugou said through clenched teeth as he recalled Kirishima begging him to wear it so they could match tonight. He wasn't going to cave but then fucking Raccoon-Eyes threatened not to feed him.
That wouldn't bother him except for the fact that he wouldn't be able to see you and all the shitty extras would be free to hit on you.
Not on his fucking watch.
Of course, this was decided before he knew you were going to be crashing in his room. He could cook for himself just fine, he didn't need to eat that overpriced shit that Ponytail Girl and Emergency Exit fucking paid for but now he was going anyways because there was no way in hell you were attending alone.
Covering your smile behind your hand, you teased that no matter what he said, he would do anything for Kirishima if he asked and Bakugou exploded at you, right there, in the middle of the hallway.
You shrieked as he launched himself at you and you ran for your life, panting hard as you reached the vacant elevators in the nick of time, frantically pushing the button to get it to close before Bakugou caught up.
Hope swelled in your chest when the doors started to close but it plummeted when a hand stopped it just before it shut completely.
Bakugou licked his lips as he pushed them back open and you backed into the corner to get as far away from him as possible as he advanced.
You gasped when his hands slammed on either side of your head, the soft ding of the elevator doors closing lost on both of you as his eyes bore into yours.
"Time to fucking pay, dumbass." He smirked, leaning in close.
You glanced over his shoulder, quickly concluding that you wouldn't reach the first floor for a good minute and decided you needed to come up with a distraction to ensure you would live to eat at least a morsel of the heavenly food that awaited you.
Bakugou's eyes flew open as you boldly took a step forward, pressing yourself against him and he swallowed hard when your finger teasingly trailed down from his shoulder to his chest. He swore that even though he was wearing two layers, he could feel your touch as though there were no clothes between you two.
The glass of the elevator was transparent and if anyone were looking closely enough, they would be able to see how he was pinning you to the wall with no space between the two of you.
"Aw~" You cooed, batting your lashes at him prettily. "That's such a shame... I was really looking forward to tonight."
He fucking knew you were toying with him, making it sound like a implication that you wanted him to take you back to his room but he fucking knew that you loved food more than any other shit so you had to be messing with him.
But it was pretty hard to believe when you looked up at him so innocently.
Bakugou's mouth pulled back in a heated snarl and it took everything in him not to close the distance and crash his lips onto yours, claiming you for himself tonight, tomorrow, and every other night that was to come.
Your expression cleared as the elevator came to a halt and Bakugou, who had been bracing himself over you, was thrown off balance.
"We're here!!" You announced excitedly, skipping past him for the second time that night.
He slapped a hand to his forehead and rushed out of the elevator into the lobby to catch up with you.
Fuck, what was wrong with him tonight?
The layout of the first five floors were a bit different than the residence area since those were designated for recreational activities and an extensive training gym.
The lobby was beautiful, even though you had skimmed by it earlier just to figure out where you were going to stay since the reservations had been messed up but now you got a good look at it.
A huge crystal chandelier sparkled from the ceiling and your heels clicked as you walked across the polished marble tile.
Everything was gold and white, clean and shining so bright that you could see your reflection in all the surfaces that you looked in. The golden edging along the wainscot and the Victorian details in the carvings along the panels of the ceiling were incredibly well done.
It branched off into several sections, the ambiguity of the lobby enabling them to have several private rooms covered with a heavy velvet curtain to maintain complete privacy.
The only thing that distinguished this floor from looking like a private establishment altogether was the very noticeable front desk in which the staff were stationed.
You were told that there was minimal staff to ensure the utmost respect and privacy but you were glad to see human faces as opposed to all the high-tech the hotel had ingrained into it to make the stay as pleasant as possible.
You didn't know why but it was nice to have a human touch in a world advancing so fast that artificial intelligence and robots were becoming more and more prevalent.
At least you could soak in that hot tub later to forget about anything and everything, relaxing in a blissful state until they kicked you out.
You could sort of recall Mina telling you about it over the phone but you were busy packing so you couldn't pay too much attention to her. But you were pretty sure she said something about a state-of-the-art pool and made another mental note to check it out later once you got out of this ridiculous getup.
Your confidence and schoolgirl excitement that came from dressing up dwindled bit by bit until you were left standing outside of the ballroom in a nervous wreck.
Judging by the music you could hear inside and all the lively chatter, most if not all were already there, and now you were having second thoughts as you anxiously played with your sleeves.
It wasn't that you didn't think you looked good, you really loved how you looked, it was just... you were feeling a bit self-conscious now that you were about to go in.
It was the same feeling that you had right before you had to try out for the hero agency of your dreams right after graduation. You were a bundle of nerves that day but at least then you could prove yourself by using your quirk to fight and take out bad guys.
You highly doubted that Yaoyorozu or Mina would be amused if you took on that same attitude and ripped the dress to shreds.
Regardless of the fact that it was expensive, you really wanted to follow through with this despite the anxiety you were feeling right now.
Bakugou hung back once he caught up to you, chest heaving slightly. You were faster than he remembered. But as he noticed that you were fighting with something internally, he arched an eyebrow and argued with himself about whether or not it was a good idea to ask what shit was stopping you from going in.
By the time he told himself to fuck off and just do it, you had straightened your shoulders and opened the doors yourself.
A wide grin split across his face and he shook his head, in a mixture of begrudging admiration and a hell of a lot of disbelief.
You were fucking strong. No doubt about that.
He knew how much shit you had been through in high school. Your social anxiety was no fucking joke, you had real reactions to situations that stressed you out, but you were dealing with it time and time again just to push through and do what you loved.
That wasn't to say that you didn't fail at times but he was so fucking proud of you for asking the shitheads for help when you needed it.
Because you deserved it.
None of them judged you for it. Hell, Shoji had anxiety just like you, Ponytail Girl still had issues with her self-esteem frequently when her ability as a hero was being called into question by the press who often brought up her revealing hero costume as though that was the only thing that defined her, Icyhot was still dealing with the aftermath of his own trauma when something triggered him and Deku wasn't perfect either.
Your class had been through everything together. You guys were each other's family and were there for each other. Always.
You guys trusted each other with your lives and it was safe to say that you would go to bat for any of the others should they ever be in danger.
Bakugou was broken out of his thoughts as an all-too-cheerful voice shattered his trance.
"Bakugou, lookin' sharp!!" Kirishima called out, cupping his hands over his mouth so that his voice carried further.
Unfortunately, it caused a lot of other people to look his way and Bakugou's face twisted into a scowl.
"Fuck off, Shitty Hair."
Kirishma laughed, the bright sound relaying just how much his language never bothered him and he skipped over to loop his arm through the grumpy ash-blond's.
"Aw, what's got you so angry?" Kirishima teased with a grin, coming around on his other side to sling his arm around his shoulders when Bakugou threw him off.
Bakugou scowled, refusing to reply and his best friend's grin grew.
"So..." He drew out smugly. "I see you arrived with Y/N. Does that mean you finally manned up and told her how you feel?"
You whipped your head around in shock, breaking off your conversation with Jirou when you heard the explosion, and fell into a fit of giggles as the smoke from Bakugou's quirk cleared. Iida and Midoriya were doing damage control to a pent-up Bakugou and Todoroki was standing off to the side for moral support.
As for Kirishima and Kaminari, who had happened to be on his way to greet the pomeranian when the explosion occurred, were slapping their thighs and howling obnoxiously, tears leaking out of their eyes from laughing so hard.
Yaoyorozu shook her head. It was too early in the night to deal with all of this.
She sighed, gracefully putting a hand over her heart. "It seems like Bakugou-san's temper has not changed."
You snickered along with Jirou, who was covering her mouth with her hand in an attempt to stop the fit of uncontrollable laughter that had taken over her body when she saw Kaminari's hair sticking straight up due to the fire.
"Oh no, that definitely hasn't changed." You giggled, biting your lip to curb your smile when Bakugou glared at you as if he had heard you even though you were too far away to be within his earshot.
His vermilion eyes narrowed accusingly and you held up your hands in surrender, an innocent expression painted on your features.
Your giggle came out muffled when your teeth clamped down on your bottom lip and you ducked to hide behind Yaoyorozu when Bakugou started stomping over in your direction.
"Hide me!!" You yelped and Jirou rolled her eyes.
"He's already seen you." She pointed out, forgetting her earlier uncomfortability when you first sought her out upon your arrival.
The two of you tended to stick together for these kinds of things, since you both were equally out of your element when it came to formal wear and all things classified as girly.
And the dress code for tonight was a strict one. Girls had to wear dresses and guys a suit. The only exception was Shoji and that was only because no company could ever tailor a suit right to accommodate his dupi-arms.
You hunched down further, trying to make yourself smaller but it didn't do any good as a firm grip encircled your wrist and yanked you out from your terrible hiding place.
"I can still fucking see you." Bakugou seethed, sparks popping in the palms of his hands and you smiled nervously.
"Uh... Ah!! Wait—" Your objections were cut short when he dragged you away from the others. "Where are we going?!"
Yaoyorozu and Jirou exchanged a sympathetic look with each other.
"Do you think they'll be alright?" Yaoyorozu asked softly, her eyes worried.
Todoroki appeared beside her and sighed, closing his eyes momentarily. "They will be fine but perhaps we should give them a minute so Bakugou can collect himself."
"Iida-kun, is dinner ready?" Midoriya asked to take the attention off the two of you as the prospect of food was brought up and the former class rep vigorously nodded.
"Affirmative!!" He shouted, thrusting his hand high in the air to gather everyone as his old classmates started to drift towards him. "Let us sit in groups of four to make it easy for the staff to clean up, Class A!!"
Kaminari elbowed Shinsou in the ribs, interrupting his conversation with Tsuyu. "Do we still have to do what he says even though he's not the boss of us anymore?"
Shinsou sighed, running his hands through his hair and Tsuyu had a suspicion that it wasn't the first time he had asked this. "Yes, Kaminari. Because if you don't, you probably won't get to eat."
Kaminari's jaw dropped all the way to the floor but he recovered in a second, racing to his seat.
Tsuyu tapped a finger to her chin thoughtfully as she and Shinsou began to follow the overzealous blond to the tables that Iida was seating everyone at. "Do you really think Iida-chan would stop him?"
Shinsou chuckled, giving her one of his rare smiles as he pulled out the seat for her before sitting down himself at the table that held a fidgeting Kaminari and nervous-looking Kirishima.
Crooking a finger, he motioned her to come closer so he could whisper it without him hearing. "Nah, but it's fun to mess with him."
Tsuyu giggled, waving at Ochako and Mina from the other table since the six round tables were set up relatively close to each other in the huge ballroom, forming a circle.
They were currently towards the front where all the appetizers on tables lined with white cloth were served before the main course. Then, there was some kind of game set up on the adjacent side that looked like beer pong and the empty space at the back took up the majority of the ballroom was left alone as a dance floor for the upbeat music that would resume later on.
With a flick of her earphone jack, Jirou changed the playlist to classical and lowered the volume just as the food was coming out.
Mineta complained that the music was too slow and boring for his taste but he didn't argue anymore when Jirou silently threatened to electrocute him. Shoji coughed into his hand and grinned at the girl's spunk while Yaoyorozu just smiled.
Koda was signing to Aoyama. Even though he had gotten more comfortable talking with all of them, everyone's chatter was making it hard to hear, so as he relayed details about his latest mission, Ojiro was engaged in a discussion with Sato about whether or not food coloring was necessary in modern day society when more and more ingredients were being revealed to be unhealthy in nature.
Sero was trying to teach Hagakure how to fold a napkin into a swam while Todoroki and Tokoyami talked about the latest hero news after exchanging pleasantries.
And Midoriya, Ochako, Mina and Iida filled up table five. Which left just the one for the two who had yet to sit in their seats.
Iida shook with restraint before abruptly standing up to shout for you and Bakugou who were still talking in the far corner about something he couldn't hear but Midoriya caught his arm and eased him back down.
The food had just come out and it was hot. He had helped Iida order food for tonight so he knew it was going to be good.
Each table got five different kinds of entrées to share, hence why they could only fit four people at each table instead of five like Iida had initially planned since the piping hot food coming out from the kitchen was monstrous and would take up a ton of space.
Wagyu beef, fugu, kujira, basashi, otoro, fresh-steamed vegetables and even yubari melon for a refreshing taste was set down on gold-rimmed platters and left to be ravished by the hungry people eyeing it like some sort of animal.
Everyone was hungry, and Midoriya knew you wouldn't mind if you guys started ahead so he opened it up to his fellow heroes, and even though he knew Kacchan might say something about it later, he still clapped his hands together and dug in.
Some of them, like Kaminari, Aoyama and surprisingly Tsuyu followed his lead and tore in right away, while others like Tokoyami, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were too busy with their own conversations to be bothered with the food at the moment.
Kaminari stopped stuffing his mouth long enough to glance at Kirishima out of the corner of his eye.
"What's the matter?" He asked and with his cheeks stuffed full it was a little hard to hear him but Kirishima got his point.
His brow drew together worriedly. "They kind of look like they're arguing."
It was true. You did look like you were engaged in a heated spat with Bakugou, but Kirishima was way off.
Ten feet away, you planted your hands firmly on your hips and glared at him as your voice rose an octave. "Excuse me?!"
Bakugou barely stopped in time from snapping his teeth at you. At this point, he was going to rip out his hair if you didn't concede and admit that he was right. "You fucking heard me."
Your mouth pressed in a hard line. "I can't believe you would say that."
A beat of tense silence passed and then you exploded.
You threw up your hands in frustration. "Aizawa's would clearly beat All Might in a battle, he can erase his quirk for crying out loud!!"
"All Might was the Number 1 Hero." Bakugou ground out angrily through gritted teeth. "And he's as strong as shit even without his quirk."
"Not everything is about strength!!" You fired back but he wasn't done.
He continued to go on a rant just to prove to you that All Might would be the one to fucking beat your old homeroom teacher if they ever versed each other in a one on one battle.
How you got here, you had no idea.
It started with him dragging you away and before he spun you around and backed you into a corner, demanding to know just what was being said about him.
After dangling tease after tease at him, the stiffness in his shoulders wasn't lost on you and you told him flat out that you three had just been commenting on his temper when he looked your way, making the timing seem like he had heard you and you found it hilarious.
Bakugou's expression crumpled as he realized he had gotten it wrong and let insecurity get the best of him, to which his eyes shot open when he realized he had said that last part out loud.
You were faster than him though, as you reassured that it was okay to be feeling that way and apologized for teasing him before he could even say a word to amend his mistake.
It had then transitioned to him quietly asking why you stopped outside of the door before you went inside and you paused before hesitantly revealing that it was because you had a fleeting thought that you didn't actually look as good as you thought you did and he frowned.
Your eyes rounded as wide as saucers as he went off on you, fucking you over for thinking that and telling you straight up that you were fucking stunning.
It was doing bad things to your heart as it flopped pathetically in your rib cage and your hands automatically went up to cover your cheeks which you were sure were bright red.
Bakugou didn't touch you but his eyes scorched into you with such conviction that you eventually lowered them yourself and thanked him softly for saying that to you.
To which he scoffed and said it was obvious and that he'd have to be fucking blind not to see you.
Cue more blood rushing to your face.
From there, the conversation went from insecurities to a short story you brought up when Aizawa had helped you boost your self-confidence and Bakugou retorted with his own story of All Might when he stopped him from annihilating Deku in Ground Beta in your first year of high school.
Things only got more competitive as you shot back that Aizawa had helped him too on countless occasions, the hothead countering by bringing up the time All Might saved you single-handedly when you had gotten captured in a fight.
Knowing your hands were tied for that particular instance, you shifted it back to Aizawa's strengths and Bakugou retorted with All Might's own.
And that's where you ended up. Having a staring contest while the rest of your old classmates watched raptly from the sidelines and wondered just what had got you both so worked up.
"Admit your defeat, dumbass." Bakugou grinned cockily, sticking his face in yours. "And then you can fucking get your shit."
Your eyes flickered up to his since even though you were wearing heels, you were still shorter than him. A hint of mischief glimmered in your eyes as a smile played upon your lips.
"Actually, I think you lost this round, Boom Boy."
Before he got a chance to open his mouth and object to that ridiculous nickname you had given him from your youth, you ducked under his arm and made a break for it towards the tables.
"Fucking— GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!" He yelled after you, breaking into a sprint but you were too far ahead of him.
You ducked behind Iida for protection and he stood up tall, unwavering as Bakugou skidded to a halt.
"Bakugou!! That's enough!!" Iida shouted, holding his hand out for him to stop as he tried to get around him.
The whole class watched and waited to see what he would do, slurping on food obnoxiously while they all waited.
"Tch." Bakugou smirked, grounding his fist into the palm of his hand as it lit up. "Is that a fucking challenge?!"
"NO!!!" Iida thundered, clearing his throat and repositioning his glasses as he collected himself. "Now, the two of you need to sit down and eat. We are behind schedule."
"There's a schedule?" You whispered to Bakugou as you crept out from behind the safety of Iida's back. "Did you know about this?"
He snorted, putting out his explosion with a huff. "Damn right."
You tilted your head but followed him obediently to the only available table piled high with food that had luckily not gone cold.
Bakugou hid a smile as he saw you wiggle in your seat out of the corner of his eye, clicking his tongue in annoyance when you happened to look his way.
Of fucking course you would still look so damn cute when you were excited.
Since he was fucking starving, he ate with gusto, but only after he made sure you were actually going to eat.
Due to the side effects of using your quirk, it sometimes made you nauseous and you have had trouble keeping food down ever since you threw up on the first day of school.
He knew that most heavily seasoned dishes you had more of a difficulty keeping down so he wasn't surprised when he saw you go for the soup out of all the things you could've picked from.
Lively conversation filled the air, gossip and talk about the latest modifications to your hero costumes all the rage as topics blended into everyone's tables since they were all in close proximity to one another.
At least, most of them.
Since you had come late to dinner, you had a gut feeling that your classmates all ganged up on you and Bakugou, shoving the two of you here together.
The girls knew of your crush on him. It came out one night when you guys were playing truth or dare, like everyone did back in the day, and Hagakure and Mina hadn't let you forget it since then.
But what you didn't know was that the same could be said for Bakugou.
Fucking Shitty Hair did this on purpose. Bakugou raged inwardly while you remained blissfully unaware of the rampage going on beneath the surface. I fucking knew it was a bad idea to tell him about it.
He had asked his best friend for advice on what to get you for your birthday when you were in your second year and to say the very least, it wasn't hard for Kirishima to piece it together.
Fucking hell. The shit he gave him for it made him instantly regret it and he stormed out with pink cheeks, determined to find you the perfect gift on his own, thinking that this year would finally be the year that you noticed him and saw him in the same light that he saw you in.
You had gotten sick on your birthday and by the time you healed, your birthday had come and gone and nobody said anything about it so he never gave it to you, throwing it away after another week passed and it was clear he didn't have the courage to give it to you.
You looked up at him, mouth resembling a chipmunk's as you chewed on the food you had been looking forward to all day. "Whasthematferwifyu?"
Bakugou choked. "What the fuck?!"
When you opened your mouth to speak again, he snapped at you, "Fucking finish chewing or you'll choke, dumbass!!"
"You mean like you just did?" You asked cheekily as you swallowed and he glared at you.
"Shut the fuck up."
"M'kay~" You sang.
Banter between you two was few and far in between since you two had bickered already for a good portion of the evening. The fight was called a draw for the time being as it was put on pause to fill your bellies with good food and you had to say, you were glad you came.
Dinner wrapped up after another hour and one by one, everyone started to trickle onto the dance floor.
Everyone except for Bakugou, who was at the drinks table and glaring at each bottle of alcohol that he picked through, and you and Kirishima, who had halted you when you moved to join Ochako and Tsuyu, was breaking it down to Jirou's EDM music she put together for tonight.
Kaminari was already drunk. You didn't know how that was possible but based off of the way he was playing with Ojiro's tail, refusing to detach from it even after he politely asked him to let go, you could conclude as such pretty confidently.
You followed Kirishima curiously as he led you away from everyone else, interest piqued when he brought you to where the appetizers that were previously were being replaced with desserts and your confusion grew when he inched as far to the wall as he possibly could.
"Kiri?" You questioned. "Why are we—"
"Shh!!!" He shushed quickly, waving his hands frantically, his eyes darting everywhere as though he was about to tell you something that could land him in jail.
Or worse.
He motioned you to come closer so that nobody else would hear and you scooted towards him, until his mouth was right by your ear.
And then, your jaw dropped in shock.
"WHATTTTT?!?!" You shrieked and Kirishima hushed you hurriedly, smiling apologetically at a skeptical Bakugou who looked your way due to your volume.
You took a hint but your outrage didn't fade. "What the fuck, Kiri?! Why didn't you tell me this sooner?!"
Red Riot had just oh so kindly informed you that it was in fact, Bakugou's birthday.
If what he told you was the truth, which at this point you really didn't know, Mina, Sero and Kaminari were the only other ones who knew. You wouldn't put it past Midoriya to also be included in that group, seeing as how they were childhood friends who moved past their intense rivalry stage and developed a decent amount of healthy competition as pros.
But that still didn't explain why he was telling you this now.
Oh wait.
If that was true, then you had barged into his room uninvited because you didn't want to sleep in the same room as Mineta, on his birthday.
You cursed yourself under your breath and without another word, you tore past Kirishima with a hurried apology and a half-assed excuse to pardon your abrupt exit and sprinted towards the elevators, your heart pounding. You didn't stop running until you reached the room, grabbing all your things and throwing them in your suitcase, thoughts running wild at how stupid you could be.
You hadn't even bothered to take off your dress before gathering your things hastily, you were that distracted.
As you stuffed the last of your things in your bag, you circled the room, realizing you now didn't know the next step to this plan of yours.
You really should've thought this through before you came upstairs and talked to one of the receptionists downstairs to see if another arrangement can be made. Or maybe you could persuade one of the girls to let you crash for one night until you could figure things out for the next day.
You were sure Yaoyorozu would concede if you begged hard enough.
But you didn't want to take a chance of Bakugou seeing you so you didn't linger in the lobby, which was in clear view of where the party was being held.
This was bad, you didn't have anywhere to go. You would need to go talk to someone for another room which means you have to go back downstairs.
Well, maybe not. Maybe you could call downstairs and have them—
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
You froze at the temperamental voice seething with fury and dropped the hotel phone you had grabbed in the heat of the moment, squeaking when you saw how livid Bakugou looked and tripped over your feet, falling backwards onto the bed.
Your body bounced as it hit the mattress and you covered your face as he strode toward you, and you bolted back up to your feet, mumbling through your fingers.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea it was your birthday today!!!" You squeaked, mortified you had been acting so casually on such an important day. You didn't even have a present for him and you gave him overcooked food after trampling on his privacy!!
Leaning against the doorway, Bakugou raised an eyebrow and scoffed irritably as he put the pieces together for himself. "Shitty Hair should've fucking kept his mouth shut."
"I didn't know!!" You cried out, mistaking his rage geared towards his best friend for barging in on his personal space even after he so clearly told you off when he first saw you. Like an idiot, you had thought that he really didn't mind.
Maybe you couldn't read him as well as you thought you could.
"I don't care." Bakugou snarled, annoyed that you didn't seem to get it after all this time as he stomped forward, closing the door behind him and clicking the lock with finality as you tried to scramble past him. "Where do you think you're going, shithead? I didn't say you could fucking leave."
You did a double take and blinked slowly, unsure you really heard him right. It was true you hadn't considered that a possibility, this was Bakugou you were talking about. He hated everybody.
Well, not really, but close enough to make it so that you were sure that he wanted his privacy.
Especially on his birthday.
Bakugou rolled his eyes irritably. You didn't get it. Fucking fine.
Your eyes shot open as he smashed his lips onto yours but before you even had a chance to do anything about it, shove him off or pull him closer, though it was more likely the latter, he was gone.
Standing with an indifferent expression on his face, he loomed over you and your heart leapt in your throat.
"Holy— Is this real?" You asked breathlessly, fingers tentatively reaching out to run over his tie and make sure you weren't dreaming.
Bakugou smirked at the awe in your voice and it only grew bigger when he noticed how glassy your eyes looked. So he did have the same fucking effect on you that you did on him.
"Tell me to stop and I will." He declared, crowding you closer as he stepped forward, hot breath puffing out against your lips and you shivered.
You blinked slowly, looking up at him from under your lashes. "... And if I don't want you to?"
"Fuck—" Was all Bakugou got out before he was surging forward, grabbing your shoulders so you couldn't escape.
A muffled squeak tumbled from your lips before it was smothered and you gasped into his mouth as your knees hit the edge of the bed.
As you fell, Bakugou climbed onto the bed and pinned you to the mattress, never once breaking the kiss as he cushioned your fall. His hands fell to your waist as the other entwined in your hair and he let out a groan as you playfully nipped his bottom lip.
"Shit," He breathed when you broke away first, lungs burning with the need for oxygen but you had barely taken a breath when he tilted your jaw back towards him and connected your lips again, harder this time.
It was hot, too hot and he moved languidly in a way that contrasted so starkly with his short-tempered personality that it made your head spin.
"W-What?!" You exclaimed in shock as soon as he drew back to let you breathe, your hands covering your flushed cheeks despite the fact that he could still see you due to the proximity. "Where did that even come from?!"
You were all flustered now and your dress had slipped down a bit further, giving him a peek of what was to come if he didn't stop soon.
Bakugou rolled his eyes. If you didn't get it now, you were even more of an idiot than he thought.
"You can stay." He mumbled gruffly, dropping his gaze from yours.
It took a minute to understand what he was saying.
Coming to your senses, you grinned as you processed his words. He didn't say no outright to what you asked directly so you would take it. The hesitance had all been reduced to a trickle as it caused a hiccup in your thoughts but you tried to see it in a different light.
Maybe he really didn't mind, he wasn't one to lie, especially for no reason. Maybe he was feeling lonely and wanted company for tonight.
Maybe... he liked you too? Was that too far-fetched to believe?
"Really?" You smirked as you waggled your eyebrows at him. "You want someone to keep you warm tonight?
Bakugou flipped you off and you burst out laughing. Wiping tears from your eyes as you calmed down after a few moments, you grinned.
"I had no idea you could be so soft, Bakugou." You teased lightly.
He scowled angrily and sat up, folding his arms over his chest as he stared down at you. "Shut up, you don't make it fucking easy."
You were being such a fucking nuisance. He regretted saying anything in the first place. Who had so many questions after somebody kissed them?
Your eyes glinted mischievous. "Oh yeah?"
He did something you didn't expect.
"Yeah..." Bakugou trailed off quietly, something resembling fondness flickering in the depths of his vermilion eyes.
Your heart started to beat faster and you swallowed. His face was a millimeter away from yours and it was getting harder to breath. His body temperature was so high that you could feel the heat emitting from his form and engulfing you like a warm hug.
"When did it start?" You asked softly, curiosity winning out against the flutter of embarrassment you felt in your chest.
He didn't say it out loud but he didn't have to. You could see it in his eyes that same love that you held for him. How you went all this time without seeing it, you didn't know.
Bakugou's throat bobbed as he dodged your inquisitive gaze, his eyes only darting back to you when you sat upright and smoothed your dress as best as you possibly could to prevent it from wrinkling.
"I dunno." He mumbled quietly. "Since high school or some shit."
"High school?!" You shrieked in disbelief, nearly falling over as you realized it had started around the same time your feelings for him developed. You expected him to say within the last few months when you’ve been working together more frequently, not that he started liking you back at UA!!
He groaned at your grating volume against his ears. Too loud.
"Well hell if I know, shitty woman." He growled loudly. "I can't fucking remember everything."
You grin widened. "That sounds like denial~"
His mouth twisted back in an irritated frown. You were crazy. But somehow, that didn't put him off as much as he claimed to believe.
"It was after the training camp."
You bolted upright at that. You were not expecting him to say that.
After you two were stolen by the League right out from underneath your classmates' noses, you two were put in separate rooms until it was clear you refused to listen to what you had to say until you saw that Bakugou was okay.
He knew, the second they brought you in all chained to the chair and shit just like he was, that he was going to raise hell and murder every single last one of them.
He couldn't go ballistic yet, because as your tired but alert eyes met his from across the room, he knew that this setup increased your chances.
All you needed was an opening.
Shigaraki and Dabi had turned their attention on your first, trying to recruit you and you had tricked them, pretending to sympathize with their cause and got them to trust you by feeding Shigaraki's dark nature and Dabi's sadistic side.
You took their attention off of him and damn it, if it wasn't the bravest and baddest fucking move he'd ever seen.
The both of you had your own nightmares from that terrifying experience.
You couldn't stand to be restrained after that, even if it was only for a second, and Bakugou hated having anything touch his neck.
After he finished telling you all of that, you tackled him in a hug.
Bakugou's hand shot out to catch himself as the two of you toppled over before you crashed to the ground and he muttered a curse into your hair when you nuzzled into his chest.
"Dumbass." He remarked under his breath, hoping you couldn't hear how fast his heart was pounding. "What about you?"
"Hmmm?" You hummed, momentarily forgetting what it was that you were talking about since all you could think about now was how his eyes shone with unshed tears as he relieved that terrible memory. But the fact that you were able to give him some small sense of comfort even though you were truthfully freaking out on the inside at the time, was the best thing he could've ever told you.
Well, right next to the depth of his feelings for you.
Bakugou scoffed and scooted forward so that the two of you were teetering on the edge of the mattress. A concussion was not how he wanted tonight to end.
"Tell me when all of your shitty feelings started." He demanded with a blush present on his cheeks and you bit your lip to contain a giggle.
Laying your head on his chest, you idly traced patterns on his shirt since he had shed it outer jacket. "I don't know exactly when it turned from a crush into actual love, but when you got hospitalized, I supposed I realized it then."
Bakugou jerked, stiffening as you mentioned the incident no one ever brought up.
Taking note of his reaction, you affirmed quietly. "We don't have to talk about it, but that's when it started. When I saw how close I could've been to losing you."
Bakugou's heavy breath eased up bit by bit as those words fell from your lips and he closed his eyes. He wasn't ready to talk about it now, but he thought that he would like to one day. If you were still by his side.
The next twenty minutes were spent entangled in each other's embrace as you two made up for lost time, talking about anything and everything came to mind.
Your old infatuation with Shindou that was short-lived because of your feelings for him and Bakugou couldn't help gloating that you were his even then.
How much he longed that he had confessed sooner. Maybe then you would've had those years together.
But he didn't dwell on it, he knew that it would become one of his demons if he lived in the past instead of the present and instead focused on combing his fingers through your hair, reveling in your closeness.
He hummed lowly as he caught a whiff of your fragrance. "Banana and citrus, huh?"
You beamed up at him, twisting around to look at him properly. "You gave it to me!!"
Bakugou smirked, hooking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Damn right I did."
After realizing that the two of you couldn't cuddle forever in your formal wear, you reluctantly untangled from him and started to take off your dress, only to find out that you couldn't do that without his help.
Your breath caught in your throat when he came to stand right behind you, just like before, only this time he was much closer to you, fingertips ghosting over your bare skin in the zipper's wake as he trailed light kisses down your back until he reached the curve of the small of your back.
You whined when he stopped and a smirk curved against the juncture where your shoulder met your neck and you swatted at him playfully.
Bakugou made you sit down so he could take your shoes off before you fell and broke something.
You pouted but did as you were told, quite liking how his calloused hands skimmed over your shins and ankles, and you gasped when he pressed a chaste kiss to your knee.
"Stop teasing me." You whined and he flashed you a grin, tossing your shoes somewhere else.
Bakugou relished in your flustered state, loving how he could make you like this with barely any effort. "It's your fucking turn now, shithead."
It was only until after Bakugou had gotten dressed in comfy clothes of his choice, a pair of sweatpants and a tight-fitted long sleeve that left absolutely nothing to the imagination, did you realize it was getting colder and colder by the minute.
The heater was broken and after multiple attempts of tinkering with the settings to get it to start, Bakugou was about to set the thing on fire, but you stopped him just in time.
"Shitty heater." He muttered frustratingly, his palms still popping with sparks. "Fucking five stars my ass."
He threw a tantrum for another minute before giving up, not even bothering to call downstairs to get them to fix it because he didn't want anyone in his 'personal space'. Oddly enough, you felt kind of happy that he was letting you in his personal space without any a fight.
You giggled and he raised an eyebrow at you after throwing you his hoodie, begrudgingly, but he still did it so you weren't complaining about the temperature. "It's just, I never imagined you'd be the one to confess."
He turned to you, a mix of irritation and poorly suppressed puzzlement on his face. "Hah?"
You bit back a smile at his tamed reaction. How cute.
"It's just in all the scenarios in my head," You drew your knees up to your chest and rested your chin on top. "I was always the one confessing to you and then getting rejected."
Bakugou scoffed, stomping over to you with a slight pout that would've been unnoticeable if the light was any dimmer. The curtains had been drawn, basking the room in a warm glow that came from the fairy lights strung around the room that had you failed to notice earlier.
"Yeah, well, now fucking look what happened." He grumbled, flicking a piece of lint off your head. "You invaded my room like a cockroach or some shit."
You were sitting upright against the headboard on top of the velvet comforter without a care in the world as your sweater paws flapped playfully. In such a high-end hotel room, the two of you in casual attire looked sorely out of place but it didn't matter.
You were happier than ever before.
"Uh, excuse me, I take offense to that analogy." You teased back with a cheeky grin, shoving his shoulder when he crawled on the bed with you, abandoning his quest to fix the heater. "And I do recall mentioning how it was either this or Mineta's room, so it's not my fault."
Bakugou's mouth twisted into a scowl as you said the pervert's name and he huffed before looping his arms around your waist and laying flat on your legs. His head buried into your stomach, your eyes softened and you brushed the hair back from his eyes, his eyelids closing at the soothing sensation of you carding your fingers through his hair.
You hummed to yourself as he started drifting off. "Soft..."
"Fuck off." He mumbled into your waist but there was none of the usual venom to it.
Your chest shook with laughter at his unusual response but when you moved to stop just like he had ordered, he caught your wrist. You raised an eyebrow as he looked away from you, the red tint adorning his cheeks giving away what he wanted you to do and without a word, you obliged without so much as a hidden smile.
Bakugou sank into you, his broad shoulders going lax as all the tension melted from his body and he sighed peacefully. He hated socializing. The only good part of that reunion Raccoon-Eyes had coordinated was seeing you all dressed up.
He didn't tell you at the time, he honestly couldn't say it. He was fucking speechless the second you stepped out of the room.
But you looked like a vision underneath those flashy lights that hurt his eyes in the ballroom. You were absolutely stunning and put all of those other extras to shame. He didn't even spew an insult he was going to when he overheard Raccoon-Eyes squeal and proclaim how gorgeous you looked because she wasn't wrong.
You were beautiful. And way out of his league.
It was all he could think about all the way down the elevator and into the party, even after you broke off from him. At least, it was all he could think about until Dunce Face decided to make a move on you, being all suave and slick.
At the time, he was ready to storm over there and break it up until you laughed at something Kaminari said and he was painfully reminded of how you weren't his.
He then proceeded to drown all of his sorrows at the bar but cursed his inability to get shit-faced due to his high tolerance.
Exploding in a fit of rage over the culmination of how dazzling you were, how some guy was probably going to get lucky tonight and it wasn't going to be him, and how fucked up the situation was that you were going to be staying with him while he had a raging boner for you 24/7, he stalked upstairs to go pout in the corner only to find you stammering out apologies and packing your suitcase.
He vaguely remembered something about you saying something about his birthday and that's when he snapped.
To put it bluntly, he had never been a fan of celebrating useless holidays. People ate food and used it as an excuse to all gather in one place and socialize with all their fake friends, he hated scenes like that.
Which is why he was against this reunion at first but something in the back of his mind convinced him to come. Something that said that if he showed up, there was a good chance that you would be here too and it would make all of this worth it.
And that was only confirmed when Kirishima slipped that little tidbit of information in his invitation via text.
Bakugou couldn't believe his luck when he walked into his hotel room and you were standing right there. There was something so soft, so domestic about it that had him dropping his bag instantaneously and he fought to rein in his instincts to stride over to you and hug you from behind. He would rest his chin on your shoulder and ask what you were cooking, his fingers toying with the hem of your shirt as he hinted at what he wanted to do before the kids came home.
That was the type of future he had always envisioned with you. The one he always thought would be unobtainable. The one that he constantly dreamed about anytime he got a break from the nightmares and darkness that plagued his thoughts constantly.
And now you were all his. All of that was suddenly possible. He had a chance with the best thing that ever walked into his life and he wasn't going to screw it up.
Realistically, and he was a very realistic person despite being short-tempered, he knew he was getting ahead of himself. Take it slow, he had to tell himself to take it slow.
You hummed, bringing him back down to reality. "Where's that head of yours at?"
"Fuck off and die."
But his threat came out muffled as his face was currently nuzzled into your stomach and you couldn't stop the fit of laughter that burst out as you giggled uncontrollably, laughing even harder when he looked up to glare at you, only for his eyes to be so glazed over from how relaxed he was that you would've mistaken it for subspace if not for his mouth twitching irritably.
"Aw, is baby maybe a little comfy?"
He hissed and untangled himself from you, pouting like a little kid as he created some distance between you two. "I'm not a fucking baby."
You cooed and pinched his cheeks, pulling them apart slightly and giggled at how squishy he looked in that moment. "Dummy."
Bakugou snorted arrogantly but didn't shove you off despite his hard glare. "The only dumbass here is you."
"I didn't say dumbass, I said dummy." You corrected matter-of-factly. "And besides, it's a term of endearment, Katsuki."
He rolled his eyes but his heart trembled dangerously as he heard his given name fall from your lips so sweetly for the first time. He would never get tired of hearing that.
Bakugou cleared his throat and removed your hands from his face, your forlorn pout not passing by unnoticed.
"Fucking idiot." He mumbled under his breath, bringing a hand up to rest it on your head briefly as he leaned his forehead against yours for a second.
You grinned, a full-blown smile that caused his heart to skip a beat at how radiant you were. And then, he got an idea.
But you were surprised when he suddenly got up and tilted your head curiously when he exited the room.
Unlike before when you were so quick to jump to a conclusion, you assumed he had a reason for leaving so abruptly without explanation.
The gears turned in your head as you followed him out, bringing the blanket with for good measure because you were freezing. Until the maintenance could get here, you would have to deal with the chill. Apparently this was an issue that didn't just pertain to you.
Todoroki had texted you and said he was having issues with his too, along with some others who had filed out from the ballroom to crash in their own rooms for the night.
But waiting wasn't too hard. Perhaps you could persuade your new boyfriend to cuddle you.
You poked your head around the corner, growing even more puzzled as Bakugou stomped around, grabbing his keys first before hunting for something else.
"What are you doing?" You asked, unable to quell your curiosity and bewilderment.
He threw an embellished pillow back down on the couch as soon as he checked under it. "I don't know where I put my fucking wallet."
You laughed at his grumble and patted his chest with a wink. "Wait here."
Bakugou eyed you suspiciously as burrito-you darted off back towards the bedroom but his expression cleared up when you came racing back with the slim wallet in your hand, thankfully leaving behind the blanket as you caught onto what he was doing. He took it silently, frustrated with himself for not checking his coat pocket first to save him of this embarrassment.
"Thank you." He mumbled as he turned away. He felt like he was ten again, that's how damn shy he was when it came to you.
A broad grin spread from ear to ear on your face.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" You asked cheekily and he scowled.
"I didn't fucking say anything!!" He exploded, grabbing your wrist and stomping towards the door. "Hurry up, we're leaving."
"Eh?!" You protested but didn't fight him. "Where are we going?"
You were only wearing shorts and his hoodie over your thickest thermal. Since it was warm outside, you hadn't bothered to pack any extra layer and you shivered as a chill ran down your spine. Yup, definitely couldn't wait to go back outside.
"None of your damn business." Bakugou spat as he dragged you out of the room and locked the door.
You continued to pepper him with questions, increasing your pitch when you saw how his nose twitched every single time you annoyed him.
By the time you got back down to the first floor, you were clinging to his arm, teeth chattering from the air conditioning, and he was facing away from you in a manner that clearly stated he regretted bringing you along.
"You love me~" You teased.
"Shut the fuck up. Like hell anyone would like a dumbass like you." He seethed but still didn't pry you off despite him claiming all those things.
You giggled, skipping on ahead. Once you got outside, you spun around on your heel, jutting out your hip. The warmth of the night air was refreshing and you took in a deep breath, smiling widely.
"Where are we going?!" You asked excitedly, trailing behind him as he started walking away, catching up and almost tripping in the process.
Bakugou caught your arm in a flash as you tipped forward, an angry frown etched on his face but you merely beamed at him and thanked him for catching you.
He turned away with a scoff but grabbed your hand to make sure it didn't happen again. "You're fucking clumsy."
Your smile widened as you detected the tiniest bit of worry underlying his sharp tone and you squeezed his hand, heart skipping a beat when he tucked you underneath his arm.
For safety purposes, you assumed.
You snuggled into his side with a blissful sigh. He was so much warmer than you were, it felt so good.
Bakugou spared you a glance out of the corner of his eye and his chest swelled with pride at the eyes that turned, undoubtedly seeing how unashamed you were to be with him. Holy All Might, you were perfect.
The Solaria Hotel was only a five minute walk away from Lunchrush's Grocery Store, a rather huge chain store that had establishments all over Japan, owned by the hero himself. The same hero whose delicious cooking you guys had lived off of for a blessed three years.
"What are we doing here?" You quipped as your eyes widened the moment you strolled in and took in the vibrant colors of all the produce and many packages that lined the shelves.
"I'm not paying shit for that overpriced room service." Bakugou stated flatly as he tossed you a bundle of carrots he just selected.
Your eyes widened as you quickly caught on. "We're going to be cooking?!"
He snorted, sifting through the produce section to find what he was looking for, weeding out the ones that were no good. "No shit, dumbass."
"Hey!!" You protested but carried on without complaint.
The kitchen in your room was fully equipped with all the amenities. Top of the grade appliances and sterling silverware made you feel like you were going to break something initially but that faded pretty fast as your excitement won over. The only thing it was missing was the food.
You had bought ingredients to make a simple stew on the way to the hotel and stored the leftovers in the large fridge.
The Solaria Hotel did offer pre-organized food boxes that came with various delicious ingredients to make it easy on whoever bought it but they were outrageously priced. Hence why you were now browsing the aisles with a disgruntled Bakugou instead of just purchasing one of those.
But you were definitely not going to complain. One of those boxes could drain your entire month's rent in one go and you were told that the portion sizes weren't very big either.
Definitely not worth it.
You would think that since he was the one to bring you here, he would be more enthusiastic, but no. He was more interested in having a staring contest with the brat at the end of the aisle who was making faces at him as soon as he grabbed the last of the things he needed.
You tugged on his arms, trying and failing to get him to break eye contact with the little boy he was glaring to death.
"Katsuki, c'mon," You begged, losing a battle against that ridiculously fit physique of his. You guys were attracting all kinds of unwanted attention from other shoppers and the mom of the little boy was getting a little curious as to the silent competition going on. "Let's just go."
"No way." He gritted out, never once looking away. "This damn brat needs to learn his f—"
He didn't get to finish the rest of his sentence as you forcibly dragged him away to the cash registers. You shook your head as he scowled and crossed his arms stubbornly. He was such a child sometimes.
Bakugou was so busy pouting that you had dragged him away and made him lose by default that he didn't notice you were already paying for the groceries.
"Oi." He barked at you as you hustled outside with the sky painted dark as night. Only the street lamps and lights hitched up outside the strip mall illuminated the area. "Oi!!"
You flashed him a grin. "Yes, Katsuki?"
He rolled his eyes at the innocent lilt in your voice, acting as if you didn't know exactly what you did. You weren't supposed to pay for anything, he was supposed to be treating you.
"But it's your birthday~" You sang. "And I wanted to!!"
"Tch." He whipped his head around, dodging you as you followed him around playfully.
You were like a dog and he was the bone. He wasn't sure he liked that analogy as much as what it implied.
As soon as you pushed through the grand doors of the lavish hotel, you bumped into someone and sent them crashing to the ground.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry— Wait," You gawked in astonishment at the wasted man before you. "Kirishima?!"
He groaned and rubbed his head. He was sent sprawling after you bumped into him, catching the attention of Mina who was strolling by with a half-conscious Sero on her arm.
"Kirishima, what are you doing?!" Mina exclaimed as she bounded over just as you were helping him up after setting Sero down and making sure that he wasn't going to move. She looked the most awake out of all of them. "Don't run off ahead like that!!"
Bakugou didn't do a thing, choosing to only tap his foot impatiently while he waited for you to be done attending to his shitty best friend.
"L/N!!" He slurred and it was then that you realized he was more than a bit tipsy. "I'm soooooo sorry for not telling you about Bakugou's birthday earlier, it was totally my bad."
You raised an eyebrow at hearing him speak in such an unusual way. Alcohol certainly did things to the brain.
Kirishima clapped his hand on your shoulder, ignoring Sero's whining for him to come back as he peeled Mina away from you three, telling her that he was fine.
Lowering his voice, Kirishima wiggled his eyebrows at you comically and caused you to giggle.
"So... how did Bakugou react when ya told him?" He asked in a whisper that was a lot louder than his drunken mind probably intended.
You flushed as Bakugou's inquisitive gaze fixated on you.
"I'm right here, Shitty Hair." He droned, completely uninterested in the way that this conversation was going.
Kirishima's head snapped up at hearing his voice for the first time and though his dilated pupils had a hard time focusing, he eventually managed to do it and a wide, toothy grin spread from ear to ear.
"Bakubro!!" He drunkenly cheered, throwing his arms out and running towards him.
Bakugou scowled, shoving him away as he went to hug him. "Don't fucking call me that."
Kirishima pouted and whined sadly.
"Awwww but you call me Weird Hair all the time." He complained.
Bakugou grinned. "That's because your hair is a shitty color."
"Hey!!" Kirishima's eyes watered and his lower lip trembled. He burst into tears, clinging to you as you drifted back to Bakugou's side.
Mina's golden irises glinted. "Sooooo, does this mean you guys are together?"
You blushed at the brazen implication and sheepishly nodded, unsure of what else to do.
Bakugou stepped in. He slung his arm around your shoulder, uncaring that he now had a much larger audience now that Midoriya, Iida, Ochako, Tsuyu, Shinsou and Shoji decided to venture outside, others coming out in a steady trickle as the night wrapped up.
You huddled closer to his side, hiding your face in his shoulder, growing nervous at all your friends gathering for reasons you'd rather not voice. You weren't sure how Bakugou would take this, if he would deny you in front of all of them.
He didn't seem like the type but a previous ex had been ashamed of you before so now you were wary. Rightfully so, the guy was a complete prick.
You hadn't dated for very long but it was impactful. The guy hadn't gotten close to your heart but the fact that he wasn't big on physical affection and never wanted to hold your hand in public sent the message that he didn't want to be seen with you.
That had never really sat well with you.
You didn't mind at first. After all, you understood that people had different love languages but he put in absolutely no effort to understand yours. But after a while, it was tiring contributing to a relationship that wasn't reciprocated.
You glanced up at Bakugou as he pulled you in tighter to his side.
"Listen up." He stated roughly, making sure everyone was paying attention. "She's my girl now, so don't you extras try any shit."
Bakugou practically smirked proudly as he stared pointedly at a sheepish-looking Kaminari hiding behind an indifferent Jirou. He was rubbing it in his face for the balls he had to flirt with you earlier.
But that didn't make his declaration any less true or genuine. He was proud to have you by his side, even now more than ever as the two of you explored this new part of your life together.
Hagakure and Ochako squealed at his declaration of love and if it was possible, you reddened even further. But you couldn't kid anyone. You felt like you were flying.
Hiding your face in your hands, your embarrassment came out muffled. "Katsuki..."
He snorted at your shyness, then steered you towards the elevators with you tucked under his arm without so much as a wave of farewell to your friends. He saw your knees knocking together, he knew you were fucking cold, so time to go.
You wiggled, shooting the girls an apologetic smile and laughed loudly as Sero and Kaminari obnoxiously whooped and hollered after you two.
Bakugou flipped them the bird, hiding a proud smile when their drunken cheers only grew louder as Kirishima and Shinsou joined in.
"Oi." He poked you cheek as you didn't lift your face away from your new hiding spot to spare you of any more mortification. "Wake the fuck up, shithead."
A cheeky mumble emerged from where your cheek was ordered up against his shirt. "Is that any way to treat your girlfriend?"
"It is when you're being a dumbass." He retorted flatly.
"Hey!!" You cried out indignantly.
You rode the elevator up, squabbling incessantly the entire way there, drawing odd looks from a few of the other guests that you passed but that paled in comparison to your wide smiles and the satisfied smirk permanently plastered on Bakugou's face.
You were having way too much fun to care about anything else.
Once you made it back to your room successfully, you got to work right away.
Giddy over the fact that he had shown you off and high on the endorphins him claiming you in front of all your friends and fellow colleagues brought you had made you extremely hungry. Keeping up with all of Bakugou's newfound love that he was expressing had zapped your energy far more than you were willing to admit.
"Oi, you're shit at cooking." Bakugou said after a minute of watching you wreck everything in the kitchen.
"Don't yell at me!! I already know I suck at it!!" You whined childishly, throwing up the spatula in frustration.
Bakugou chuckled, plucking the wretched thing from your fingers and took over. You had managed to make soup earlier and not burn down the place in the process so he wasn't sure why stirring the pot was now such a big deal.
But he shook his head as he caught the glint of mischief in your eye. He knew that look. You knew exactly what you were doing to him.
Fuck, he was screwed. He never should've told you how long he had pined after you. But it was no use, he was too weak for you.
You balked at the soft expression on his face. He had never looked at you like that before.
Before you knew what you were doing, you were blurting out how him declaring that in front of all of your friends had made you so happy and at the downward curve of displeasure on Bakugou's face, you elaborated that you had someone who didn't make you feel very loved in the past.
You weren't sure why you were telling him this. It wasn't like it was exactly easy to say all of this out loud but after years of knowing him, you knew he was the last person who would judge you for feeling the way you were feeling.
So you spilled it all.
You squeaked in surprise as he caught you off guard once you finished, crushing you to his chest. Your hands lifted up and automatically looped around his neck, stumbling a bit as he backed you up against the counter.
"Katsuki?!" You exclaimed in astonishment at the sudden display of affection from the normally so standoffish guy.
"I will never be ashamed of you. You're stuck with me for fucking forever and I'll kill you if you say any other shit." Bakugou muttered into the crook of your neck.
You were moved at his expression of the feelings he had for you and clutched onto the back of his shirt, hugging him tight.
He stayed there, in the same position, pinning you to the counter of the kitchen in the hotel room you had come to share and embraced you until you peeled away.
Bakugou's eyes softened when you looked away from him and sniffled. It could be classified as very unladylike, the way you wiped your nose with the back of your hand, but he didn't give a damn.
You were his.
After all these years of pining after you, thinking that he would never be enough to have you, thinking that he would never amount to someone who deserved you, you were finally his.
His heart was going to explode but if he let that happen, he would have to deal with Shitty Hair, Dunce Face, Raccoon-Eyes and Flat Face for the rest of his fucking life and like hell he would put up with those irritating extras.
Even if they did kind of manage to bring you two together.
The table for two at dinner, your messed up reservation that left you without a place to crash and that dress Ponytail Girl had bought for you, it all added up. They had been planning this for years since they knew of the feelings you both held for each other.
All you needed was a push.
Whatever. There was no way he was going to give them credit for this. They would probably use it as blackmail at some point and he was not going to tolerate that.
He quickly finished up the home cooked meal, flipping open the cap to the soy sauce you bought and drizzled it on top, adding a few drops of sesame oil to complete it and shoved a plate in your direction to bring into the bedroom while he quickly did the dishes.
The midnight moon's light spilled into the room as you danced around Bakugou, carrying two plates full of warm food to the bed after you were done goofing around and pretending to drop them. Sheer silk curtains hanging from the canopy of the bed swished in your wake as you breezed by to open the french doors, setting the plates down on his nightstand before gliding across the balcony that you had missed upon your initial exploration of the room.
This place was so big, you wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of secret passageway in the closet that led to the other rooms.
The night air was pleasant and a welcome change of temperature as it soothed your chilly skin.
You smiled to yourself as Bakugou came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face into the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply. His heat encompassed you as he hugged you from behind and lightly kissed the spot just below your ear.
You giggled at the ticklish sensation and gasped when he pinched your side in retaliation.
His given name still felt foreign on your tongue but you'd be damned if you didn't get used to it with the flustered reaction he never failed to give you.
"Don't fucking start with me, dumbass." He smirked, growling lowly. "I don't have a fucking problem with putting you in your place."
You cocked your head to the side, playing dumb, pretending you didn't know what that insinuation meant. "Oh?"
Bakugou groaned as the mood suddenly vanished. "Piss off."
Bakugou cracked a smile though when your easy laughter rang out. Yeah, it wasn't fair that he was left in a now uncomfortable situation but it was worth it to endure if he could hear that sound again.
Fuck, you were so precious.
The late night room service dished out by yours truly was served on the bed while you giggled underneath the covers, hiding from him and shrieking when he found you.
It was warm and fuzzy, the atmosphere easy and relaxed as you cuddled up to him and ate the food he made for you specifically so that it wouldn't make your stomach hurt.
Initially, he had declared that eating on the bed was going to be fucking dirty and messy if you spilled anything, which he was almost 100% sure you would, but gave into you when you transfixed your wide eyes on him, pleading for this one thing.
The two of you didn't look at each other while you ate, you didn't need to. The stolen glances between bites of food were enough as you shared idly and informal conversation to get to know each other better now that your feelings had been aired and returned by the other.
The quiet confession that rang out from you both was almost tear-jerking as he confessed he never thought he would get a chance to be with someone like you and you pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek, telling him that he deserved the world and more, and if one day you could give it to him, you would.
The heater had yet to be fixed but that didn't bother him anymore as he used the opportunity to gather you in his arms and hug you tight.
Yeah, you two needed to make up for lost time but for now, he was more than content to just let it be. Tangled with you, under the moon and the stars as he kissed you, he swore that he would never stop fighting for you, to protect you always and cherish you with all that he fucking had.
Because Bakugou Katsuki, the man who didn't need anything or anyone to go up against the toughest villains to date, fell to pieces when it came to you.
"I still can't believe you told me that so late. I could've gotten him a gift!!" You complained to Kirishima on the second day when he was hungover and groaning, throwing pillows at you to get you out of his room.
You managed to dodge every last one.
"I mean, I don't get it." You tapped a finger to your chin coyly as you smoothly sidestepped and twirled around two more he launched in your direction. He was going to run out of ammo at this point. "Why tell me so late? And if you guys already knew, then I'm surprised you didn't get anything for him or throw a party or something."
Sero groaned painfully in the corner, his head felt like it was going to split in two and he was quite certain it would if you didn't stop talking soon. "Y/N, it's so early."
"It's noon." You deadpanned, only for Sero to slap a pillow over his face and promptly fall back asleep.
"Y/N!!" Mina called out as she bustled back into the bedroom with a tray of tea. "Where did that boyfriend of yours run off to?"
You blushed as she said it so bluntly and coughed to hide it. "He's trying to get the heater thing sorted out."
Last night, you had been shivering so much that he had taken to warming you up other ways just to get your teeth to stop chattering. And let's just say it was a little harder to walk today because of it.
This morning when you woke up, he had been yelling into the phone that they needed to bring more blankets up right fucking now or else he would explode off their arms since they couldn't do the most fucking simple of tasks and you swiped the phone from him, rapidly and profusely apologizing for his brash language on behalf of the angry pomeranian simmering beside you.
You threw in that you would be grateful if they could spare more but if others needed it more than you told them you two would be fine and could make do before thanking them for their time and hanging up.
And since Bakugou insisted that the heater needed to be fixed today or else you were going to get sick, he allocated you to Kirishima's room, one of the only ones not having any problems while he demanded some answers from the hotel staff and got someone to fucking fix the shitty thing.
So now, here you were. And you had a score to settle with Kirishima anyways, so you weren't bothered.
Mina had already told you everything. Everyone had been in on it.
You weren't shocked by Kaminari and Shinsou and most of the others' involvement in this little scheme but you were surprised to hear it had been Iida's idea to make both of you sit at the same table with no other company.
You'd have to thank them all later.
An hour and several more pillows thrown later, you and Mina had managed to drag down the two sleepy boys just in time to greet your old teachers alongside the rest of your peers as they stepped through the door.
"Aizawa-sensei!!" You cheered, launching yourself forward so that he'd have to catch you.
He did so without much difficulty, his tired eyes brightening up a little bit as you hugged him tight. Out of all his students, he had the closest bond with you.
"Hey, kid." He greeted tiredly, tugging along his sleeping bag and you lifted an eyebrow when you realized that while Midnight and Mic rolled in their luggage, he only brought his trademark yellow sleeping bag. All Might was parking the car and would be come inside within the next few minutes.
"Where's the rest of your things?" You asked just as Yaoyorozu and Iida greeted Midnight and Mic was tackled in a hug by Jirou.
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck before yawning. "You really think I'm going to do anything else besides sleep this weekend, kid? Nah."
You frowned at him. "You can't just sleep the whole day away."
"Uh uh," He tutted, wagging a finger in your face for a second before yawning again. "Not day. Days."
You pouted at the correction and he rolled his eyes, resting a hand on top of your head to let you know that he was just kidding and you smiled brightly.
"Here, at least let me help bring it upstairs." You bargained, taking it off his hands.
A smug voice stopped you dead in your tracks.
"Hey, Y/N, why you walking funny?" Kaminari said with a shit-eating grin and it took every fiber of self-control not to freak out.
"Uh, I'm not?"
But your high pitch due to your embarrassment and mortification at being called out won over and Shinsou sniggered in the background.
"Classy." He teased, crossing his arms over his chest. "Didn't peg you for the type to do it on the first date."
"Oh hush, show some respect!!" Yaoyorozu chastised but your dignity was long gone.
Your face broke out in relief though when the elevator in the lobby dinged and a disgruntled Bakugou stepped out, his vermilion eyes widening a fraction when you sped over to him.
"Whoa— What the, why the hell are your eyes red?!" He rushed out, gripping your shoulders and pulling your close to make sure he saw that right. His eyes narrowed angrily when you sniffled. "Tell me who the fuck made you cry."
"Oh shit." Kaminari and Shinsou swore under their breath as your enraged, extremely protective boyfriend stormed over to them with a deadly aura rolling off him in tsunami sized waves.
Midnight held up her hand, stopping him dead in his tracks at the authority his former teacher held. "Hold on please, just a second."
Everyone waited with bated breath to see what she would do. Would she defend you? Tell off Kaminari who had embarrassed you? Or would she let the hothead hell bent on vengeance regain your honor?
She didn't do any of those things.
Instead, Midnight smirked and held out her hand with the palm upturned to Aizawa with a sly smile. "Pay up. I called it."
Your mouth dropped, along with everyone else's as Aizawa forked over 10,000 yen. Even Koda, Sato and Tokoyami looked shocked, which was so rare, it scared you.
Todoroki was the only one who looked confused but Midoriya was right there to explain what was happening and why the sum of money so significant as you shrieked, shrill and high, thoroughly put off.
"What?!" Your embarrassment long forgotten, thankfully, by everyone else as this new revelation hit them like a truck. "You bet on us?!"
"Just you." Aizawa yawned nonchalantly, blinking his eyes wearily. "C'mon L/N, I thought you would turn him down."
"What?!" You screeched as Bakugou narrowed his eyes at his former homeroom teacher, taking that as a challenge.
Aizawa rolled his eyes as Bakugou got all up in his face, demanding to know just what he meant as Mic threw his head back and announced for all to hear.
Clapping your hands over your ears as every single glass thing within the vicinity shattered, you grinned as the tremors passed by within a few seconds. One perk of having time as a teacher who used his quirk so often on accident, all of you learned how to mitigate the most damage he dealt to your surroundings and deflect it.
Jirou shook her head at you in amusement as Bakugou, who was the closest to Mic aside from Kaminari who had taken up refuge from behind Midnight, flatly stated that he could no longer hear.
To which, Mic screamed even louder.
"That's enough, Mic." Aizawa said, rubbing his temples to ease the headache that had just come on and offered up a slightly reassuring smile to Tsuyu who hopped over to check on him.
Mic pouted dramatically. "But Shouta—"
"Stop it, you're embarrassing them." He sighed, reining in the energetic blond. "And you embarrassing them is embarrassing me."
Midnight cooed. "Awww, he's happy for them."
"Shut up, Nemuri."
You giggled as the three of them began to bicker amongst themselves, who called it first, who saw the chemistry you two had, who was the first one to realize that it was more than just a school crush, all of it.
After beating up Kaminari and Shinsou behind their backs, Bakugou made his way over to you, wiping his hands on his pants and he smiled at you cockily.
"Heater's fixed."
You raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
He hummed. "Mmhm, so wanna get out of here?"
You laughed lightly, being careful not to draw too much attention to yourselves as you slipped away when Mic let out a particularly piercing shriek that he should've gotten the money because he paired the two of you for a project when you were in his English class.
Classic Mic.
"What about breakfast?" You asked as you two took the emergency stairs, at least, just for the first couple of floors until you were clear. You weren't sure your legs would survive the 80 flights just to reach your room.
Bakugou smirked and his mouth ghosted the shell of your ear. "Don't need that shit, I got something better."
Something told you that you weren't going to be leaving the bed for the rest of this trip.
Oh well.
You supposed this was one way to exercise.
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nordicpoppie · 3 years
BTS reaction to their S/O being obsessed with something
Oh man this took a while to do, i started it Tuesday but i kept getting stopped by stuff happening around me ughh.
I also got bitten by my cat last Sunday so had to visit the hospital and now I’m on 2 antibiotics the next 5 days sobs.
Only good thing about this is the many ideas i have gotten for reactions C:
Anyways, if you have criticism or ideas for reactions / imagines feel free to let me know!
Entering the kitchen you saw Jin standing surrounded by dirty pots and pans. Gasping you quickly tried to stand in front of them to shield them from his eyes, but it was too late. Jin gave you a small glare while he sighed, the amount of washing up you’d have to do. 
Jin didn’t necessarily hate what you were doing, he just hated the work that came after. Watching you cook and serve good food for him was a big joy. At the start of you living together, he had been the one cooking the most, so when he had to work longer hours he had gotten worried.
Maybe you couldn’t make your own food, so he had to make extra the night before so you’d have lunch and breakfast at the very least. However you surprised him when you whipped out your collection of cooking books and your apron. 
Stepping into the kitchen like you’d always been there to use it, he could only stare as he watched you whip out pans and pots like a professional. At the start you cooked relatively simple meals. But as you got more and more confident in the kitchen you started experimenting more and more.
Experimenting also meant using more utensils which meant more cleaning. Jin sighed lowly as he was washing the pans and pots while you stood next to him drying them. You knew he was a bit tired from work and you having forgotten to clean the pans and pots didn’t exactly help.
Making up your mind you grabbed his hand, dragged him away from the sink and towards the couch. You made him sit down and told him to wait while you made him some cocoa. While Jin rested on the couch you finished cleaning the kitchen.
Crawling up on the couch you snuggled up to him while you watched a movie and enjoyed the food you’d made earlier.
Exiting the car Namjoon looked to your side of the car to see you excitedly jumping up and down. You’d gone to the water park and swimming hall where you’d meet up with some of the other guys and their significant others. 
You had been trying to plan it out for weeks and after that was even more waiting time until the date arrived. You had been beyond excited as it had been ages since you’d last gone swimming. Namjoon knew you loved swimming and water parks as you hadn’t spoken of anything else the last few weeks.
Namjoon was very happy to see you so excited, but he was also a bit worried if you’d get hurt on some of the slides or sharp corners in the pools. You however entered the swimming hall with confidence, finally feeling in your right element. 
As the others in your group got tired and hungry, you were left alone with Namjoon, who insisted he’d keep an eye on you despite you telling him it was fine. He watched as you splashed around in the water, moving like a fish. 
Deciding it was a bit boring with Namjoon just watching you dove, swam towards him and jumped up splashing water all over him. At first Namjoon was surprised and didn't know how to react, but once he got his bearings he grinned and started running after you. 
You spent the rest of the time chasing each other and splashing water. When you got home you were both dead tired, and nearly fell asleep on the couch after having eaten dinner.
Walking into the apartment Yoongi was surprised to see dirt stains on the floor and hearing grunts coming from the living room. Thinking something bad had happened he dropped the groceries and rushed into the living room, only to see you balancing a heavy pot and a giant umbrella plant in each hand.
Yoongi continued to stare at you while you continued your grunting and finally placed the pot and the plant down on the floor. Finally making his presence known by clearing his throat you jumped a bit in surprise. Turning around you grinned sheepishly at him, you knew he’d be unhappy with the soil and dirt stains around the house even if you promised to clean them up.
Contrary to the complaints you thought you’d receive you heard another sigh, followed by Yoongi walking over and grabbing the pot and plant. Following after him as he started walking you watched curiously as he took them outside on the balcony and placed them down there.
He then turned to walk back inside, probably to start putting the groceries he’d dropped in his haste away. Before walking inside he stopped, and turned halfway, telling you to call him or wait for him so you didn’t have to carry the big pots and plants yourself.
After Yoongi disappeared inside, you continued replanting the plant, while giggling at his antics. He acted irritated only to offer you his help, typical of him. Later that day when you’d finished replanting and sorting out your plants, Yoongi returned to help you put them back.
What he didn’t notice was that you stopped helping halfway and started recording videos and taking pictures. Now you had proof that Yoongi was really a big softie and not an ice prince.
Hearing a ping going off from his phone he reached over to check the new message. He and the other guys were in the middle of a dance practice and his phone had been going off for the last hour with ping after ping.
Finally having a break from the dancing he could check who was sending him so many mentions and messages. As he unlocked his phone he saw your name pop up, followed by another ping.
Opening the messages he saw they were full of memes, including one of his favourite memes. Chuckling under his breath he scrolled through the memes and messages you’d sent him. Yoongi looked over when he accidentally let out a small laugh at one meme in particular.
Quickly shooting a small apology to Yoongi he got back to the messages. He looked through the memes he had saved himself, the ones he’d kept hidden for an occasion like this. He knew you’d asked for a meme war with the messages, and he was going to give you what you asked for.
At home you were waiting for Hoseok to answer your many messages back. Suddenly hearing a ping - ping - ping going off from your phone you rushed to grab it finding that Hoseok had accepted your meme war. You knew he had dance practice so you knew it’d be a short meme war, but it was better than sitting in silence waiting for him to come back.
A few hours later you heard the door open while you were sitting in front of the tv. You rushed out to welcome him and to tell him you thought you’d won the meme war. Hoseok obviously disapproved  thinking he’d won so you ended up having a tickle fight until you surrendered.
Jimin entered the library as silently as he could. He was carrying a giant bag of books that he had to return after reading them. He glanced around the library searching for your eyes as you’d promised to look for new books with him.
When he didn’t see you he decided to just turn in the books and text you afterwards, you could be running late or you’d gotten stuck in your favourite corner of the library. While Jimin turned his books in, he didn’t notice the door opening again as you entered.
You sneaked over grabbing his shoulders, making him shout in surprise. You giggled while Jimin blushed as a librarian looked angrily at the both of you. Jimin in turn to your giggling also turned to stare at you trying to look angry despite his blushing.
As he finished turning his books in he grabbed your hand and dragged you off to a more secluded area to find new books. While you were browsing he turned around suddenly, making you stare surprised at him. In his hands he had a book that had been reserved for the last 4 months.
Whispering a woah you reached for the book however jimmin quickly pulled his hand back smiling victoriously at you. Grumbling lightly you knew you'd have to wait till he finished the book before you'd get to read it. 
Luckily for you both, you spent a lot of time reading, so he'd finish the book in a week tops. 
Taehyung entered the apartment and was surprised at how quiet it was. Usually you’d come running from whichever room you were in to greet him when he came home.
It wasn’t even late in the evening, so he suspected you’d either gone out without telling him, or fallen asleep on the couch. You had after all been very busy with assignments and had finally gotten a hard earned break from school.
As Taehyung ventured further into the apartment, stopping by the kitchen to grab a cup of cocoa, he heard low humming from his studio.
He’d thought you’d gone out as he didn’t see you on the couch or in the bedroom, but he didn’t think you’d be in his studio.
Lightly pushing the door open, he sneaked a peek at you. You were standing in front of a big canvas, filling it out with light colours. While Taehyung couldn’t see your face, he knew you’d be in deep concentration, especially considering you didn’t even notice him coming home.
He decided to leave you to yourself while he went to make some sandwiches for the both of you. He returned shortly after and lightly knocked the door, hearing a small gasp coming from inside. Moments later the door opened and you jumped out into his arms, thinking he’d only just gotten home.
So when he grabbed your hand and led you to the dining table you were surprised to see sandwiches ready for you. As you sat down Taehyung finally got a proper look at you. He saw you had paint on your hands and you’d somehow managed to get paint on your cheek. Reaching over he wiped it off with a wet towel piece while grinning at you.
He thought he was the only one who could be so captivated by painting to end up covered in it, but you’d proved him wrong. 
You entered Jungkook's room and immediately noticed how dark it was. The only light in there came from his huge monitor where he’d usually be sitting. His chair was however empty, which was very unusual.
Grabbing your chance you rushed to sit in the chair, grabbed the mouse and opened your favourite game. You knew Jungkook would be back soon, he’d only just gone out to take a call from Jin who was nagging him (according to Jungkook at least, everyone else knew it was for the best) to stop playing so many games. 
Hearing a small sound from the headphones that had been lying on the table your eyes focused back on the screen. The game was starting so you had to focus. You quickly grabbed the headphones, turned the sound down a notch and started playing.
What felt like 5 minutes later the door was thrown open and a seemingly angry Jungkook entered. He grabbed the headphones off your head, and started telling you how you were ruining his streak. Finally glancing at the screen Jungkook was surprised to see you had won almost all the rounds you’d played so far.
Turning to look at you with mixed emotions he grabbed you off the chair and pulled you to your feet. He then dragged you off to Taehyung's room, barging in like it was nothing. Taehyung looked surprised when Jungkook asked where his old computer was. 
Quickly grabbing the computer Jungkook dragged you back into his room, shutting the door and moving you to sit in a different chair. While he opened the computer and prepared the game for you, you could only stare in surprise. You’d thought he was angry, but he just wanted to play with you.
Many hours later you were still playing with him, much to Jins disappointment.
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