#and neither of us are licensed mental health professionals
finncomet · 1 year
(Trigger warning) I mean you donee share anything right now bout these incidents cuz I messed up too and someone made me do this. *show their little arm little cuts* because I’m so scared and I was 16 and happy. And I- ooh sorry *started to cry a bit* but I’m already 19 still trying to figure it all….but I won’t be weak this time. I just need someone to talk to like you.
☄️ "Aw, hey... it's okay, I've got lots of scars too."
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"It's proof of how strong you are, and how much you're capable of surviving through."
He takes their hand in his and lifts it up gently to give it a small kiss. "Figuring things out is a lifetime endeavor, I think. Everything is always changing, and all we can do is follow our hearts in the moment. As long as you're trying your best and staying true to yourself, you'll find a path that suits you." 🦋
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theinfernalcollective · 3 months
This is a very long post so we apologize in advance.
Do we believe in RAMCOA? no. And no this is not saying we don't believe that the people saying they went through RAMCOA is lying. We simply do not believe in it because of how suddenly is had just shown up. The title satanic and ritual abuse has been around since the 80s. However it was also satanic panic. And while even SRA is very exaggerated. RAMCOA is the rebranded name for SRA.
RAMCOA stands for ritual abuse, mind control, and organized abuse. However the name RAMCOA doesn't get used in clinical settings. And after discussing this with both our therapist and psychiatrist neither have even heard of it, or RSA.
Cults and trafficking are most definitely real, and those affected by their actions are also real. We're not invalidating victims by saying this but none of the cults that SRA/RAMCOA were believed to come from in the 80s and 90s even existed. They were fears and conspiracy theories. Otherwise meaning not real. unfounded conspiracy theories of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) as a cause of mental illness – particularly dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder (MPD).
The problem
Satanic Panic — broadly, the fear that devil-worshiping Satanists engage in criminal, antisocial acts on a massive scale – exploded in the 1980s, primarily in the United States. During this time, a fear that Satanists were sexually abusing and sacrificing children in bizarre rituals gripped the nation. For many, skepticism regarding these invisible crimes was tantamount to complicity, fostering a situation in which even the most improbable of claims went unquestioned by jurors and the public at large. Individuals were imprisoned for crimes stemming from unsubstantiated SRA allegations – often the product of recovered memory therapy techniques. Families were torn apart by gruesome and impossible accusations. Some were repaired after supposed victims learned they were suffering from false memories; others remain destroyed to this day. This moral panic over nonexistent Satanic cults arose out of an unholy alliance between well-meaning but misguided mental health professionals, law enforcement, prominent feminists, and Christian leaders. And it was catapulted into living rooms across the country by credulous television hosts – such as Geraldo Rivera and Oprah – who platformed self-proclaimed survivors, opportunistic “ex-Satanists” who asserted past involvement in Satanic crime, and reckless therapists who demanded the public believe these strange accounts.
Although Satanic Panic began to dwindle by the mid-1990s, the mental health field has not entirely rid itself of this plague. In fact, many of the same licensed therapists who contributed to Satanic Panic during that time continue to do so today, including as members of respected professional societies – such as the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD). These professional organizations sponsor conferences – eligible for continuing education credit – featuring presentations that promote pseudoscientific recovered memory therapy and SRA. We refer to licensed mental health professionals who practice recovered memory therapy and/or promote Satanic Panic conspiracy theories as “conspiracy therapists.”
The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) is a mental health organization for professionals and students. The organization focuses on psychological trauma and the dissociative disorders, including dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder (MPD). The ISSTD has held annual international and regional conferences since its founding in 1984, with most presentations rewarding attendees with continuing education credits required to maintain clinical licensure. The organization promotes pseudoscientific recovered memory therapy, other dangerous treatment techniques, and fictitious conspiracy theories including ritual sacrifice, cannibalism, and widespread, abusive, Satanic cults. ISSTD members, speakers, researchers, staff, and board members continue to promote the long-disproven notion that these Satanic conspiracies have caused mental illness in thousands or even millions of people. As such, the ISSTD is the primary structure around which conspiracy therapists organize. But contrary to their assertions that they are healing the abused and traumatized, many prominent ISSTD members – including its founders and presidents – have been the subject of disturbing misconduct allegations and lawsuits from former patients.
Two issues after the publication of the Goodwin and Hill article, Dissociation printed a scathing letter to the editor from Richard Noll, a psychologist and historian of science. Noll charged that the Goodwin and Hill article relied on weak sources, ignored important context, and evaded the fact that their examples were almost invariably hoaxes, rumors, and forgeries. ”The truth of the matter is this: distinguished historians of witchcraft and of ritual magic… do not find evidence that satanic cults practicing the Black Mass, with cannibalism, ritual murder, worship of Satan, etc., have ever existed.”
bipolar disorder. Objectives of the presentation include being able to identify “at least five presentation clues that indicate a possible diagnosis of ritual abuse, mind control, or organized abuse” and “describe some hallmark features of Monarch mind control.” Danylchuk’s lecture covered how to recognize patient “patterns” that indicate ritual abuse victimization and how to identify “the most common role reenactments that emerge during therapy.” Salter’s lecture explained how “dissociative symptoms and traumatic attachments can be manipulated by perpetrators to coerce vulnerable people into organised abuse.” Though Salter’s presentation denounces “simple dichotomies of ‘real’ and ‘imagined’ abuse,” his constant references to perpetrators and survivors lay bare his allegiance to believing alleged victims no matter how self-falsifying the narrative.
- Vayu
Source and half of the post is directly from greyfaction.org
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oftlunarialmoon · 8 months
What is Age Regression? Is It Healthy? (UPDATED AS OF 2/25/19) - Age Regression Series
Originally posted to www.onlyfunthings.org on May 14, 2018
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Ciao lovelies! Today’s post is a follow up to THIS post about how there is no expiration date on fun! Today’s post is going to be about how expressing your “childish” side and indulging “childish” wants or hobbies can be super healthy to your mental state! In other words, we’re going to be talking about the unconventional “age regression” coping mechanism. (TRIGGER WARNING- Mentions of sexual abuse, self harm, eating disorders.)
(Please note that in this post we are not discussing the hypnosis level of this coping skill! We are simply talking about tapping into your inner child for the sake of stress relief and coping with traumas. Also DISCLAIMER- I am not a medical professional or a licensed therapist. I am simply recommending this from personal experience, not from a place of expertise.)
Even though this practice is increasing in its popularity, many have misconceptions about what this is or what it’s good for. The most simple and truthful definition is this “Age regression is when somebody reverts to a child-like state of mind, often as a coping mechanism for things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.” And this meaning is what we are talking about today.
Unfortunately for the sake of this post, there aren’t a lot of reputable sources for age regression, many of these sources get it wrong, and most places that even mention it mistakenly assume it is a sexual thing, when it is absolutely not. And that is why I wanted to write this article, to create a article that regressors can link back to and use to explain this to others, to end stigmas against regression and to stop the spread of misinformation.
“Age Play and Age Regression are the same”- This is incorrect. Age Play is when someone pretends to be a younger age for a sexual reason. Age Regression is when someone feels like or goes into a younger head space for therapy/coping/stress relief reasons. The two are distinctly different but unfortunately get grouped together by ignorance. 
“Age Regression requires you to have a ‘Caregiver’”- This is also incorrect! You don’t need someone to be taking care of you in order to regress, because regression is based off you, your mental state and your coping mechanisms/therapeutic methods.
“You must have had a bad childhood in order to age regress”- Actually, you can have had a perfectly normal childhood and still regress! For one, sometimes the traumas people are coping with happened later in life, so they’re regressing to cope with it now, other times for two, people regress for stress relief not necessarily to relive childhood! 
“You can only age regress if you’re mentally ill/Age regression is a mental illness”- Neither of these are true, as you can regress even if you’re neurotypical. Age regression is not a type of mental illness but is instead a coping strategy/therapy method/stress reliever.
Now, I will share with you some people’s personal experiences with age regression to help them. Every story shared was shared willingly with us and we have kept certain people anonymous. The only thing changed in these stories is grammar/spelling. Everything else is left untouched.
“I regress because I was sexually abused as a child and teen. When I regress, it’s like I get a new childhood where nothing bad happens to me. It’s nice to be able to play with toys and color and relax and have the flashbacks and painful memories stop for once. I have told my therapist about my regression and she said it sounds like a very healthy coping mechanism. I used to cut to cope with my PTSD from the abuse, but now I can just regress and be happy.” – Anonymous
“I started regressing at the end of high school without knowing what I was doing because I just thought I was childish. I noticed that when I was regressed I could finally get myself to eat which I had difficulty with because of my anorexia. The hardest part of it all for me is knowing I can’t explain myself to the ones I care about because they might judge me or not understand it.”- Anonymous
"When I was very young I went through a lot of mental and physical trauma, and this continued into my young adult life. I ended up developing a bunch of different disorders causing me to have intense mood swings, flashbacks, night terrors, and panic attacks. I'm in a constant state of extreme anxiety without a cause. But when I age regress I am able to express my emotions and deal with past traumas. It gave me a much needed outlet in what I saw as a world of darkness. It helped pull me out of my depression, and helps me cope in a positive way. I've been regressing for about 3 years, and I have never improved as much as I have in these past years. My regressed state is the only time I'm not constantly anxious and paranoid. My mood swings happen less often and I'm more positive in general. Age regression has changed my life for the better, and become a part of who I am as a person." - (Please note that our source for this quote has left Tumblr and we have no other accounts to source them to- 1/13/19 update)
What do you think of Age Regression as a coping mechanism? Would you ever try it? Have you? Let us know what you think in the comments!
One last note! Please do be cautious when using this coping skill. I have been informed that it is possible for this coping skill to cause dissociation. Please exercise caution and only do what you feel is comfortable and healthy for you.
If you are an age regressor, we have some more articles for you! Such as:
 - Age Regression Journaling
 -Age Regression Self Care
We also have a YouTube Channel with lots of agere Goodness, like this video:
Remember to Stay Awesome and Love Yourself!
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pb-dot · 1 year
The Sisypheanism of Self Care
I don't know if the title is strictly accurate or uses words that are actual words, and neither do I care. Today's been a rough one and I'm granting myself license to be a little extra.
In the last year or so I've become acutely aware that the various mental health care I've been receiving hasn't really been hitting the mark. The talk therapy fails to function as much more than a pressure valve, although it in fairness has been a great pressure valve when I could get it. The problem is that we, that is to say, I and my doctor, former therapist, and social services caseworker haven't really made any inroads into making my life any better or breaking me out of my depression, or this spiral of unemployment, taking a job that doesn't fit my strengths, working until I have burnout and quit - repeat that I have been caught in for most of my adult life.
I was hoping there was an end coming to this time of faffing about with common sense cures for depression, my doctor currently suggests I lose some weight (I know, you're shocked) and take cold showers. In fairness, treatment-resistant depression probably isn't her field of expertise being a GP and all. Anyway, the reason why I hoped this was because I've recently been referred to the public psychiatric center that I know takes a somewhat more clinical approach to treatment, so although I wasn't holding out hope of being "cured" anytime soon, I was kind of hoping this would land me with a treatment plan of some sort. Maybe some different meds? A supplementary diagnosis of some sort? Who's to say, but a fella can dream, can't he?
So far I've talked to two separate mental health professionals who both seem deeply unsure about what to do about me. Out-fucking-standing. Oh, there were also some blood tests as I expressed I was a bit uncertain whether my antidepressants were, in fact, doing anything. I suppose that is the first thing you do in that instance, but I'm just expecting to hear that my body is treating the meds right, and the question if it does do something remains kind of floating in the air. That is, if it doesn't turn out I'm secretly immune to these as well.
Anyway, it's impatience on my end, and I'm fully aware of it. Diagnosing mental health conditions and neurodivergence is tricky and the consequences for making the wrong call can be pretty bad. That said, I'm just tired of getting mh treatment that I can't actually tell if does anything at the same time as I'm getting help getting back to work that I can't tell if does anything, and every time I talk to anyone in my life about this I can't but shrug and go "it'll pay off eventually... I hope."
It's all just such a waste. I was such a bright child in school, and although I wasn't quite as much of a standout during university, I did ok considering I was heavily depressed at the time. Hell, I'm still smart, pretty darn smart in certain fields, I would suggest, and my last formal test of my mental capabilities would agree. And yet, here I sit. Unemployed, frustrated, depressed, a walking pile of anxiety and dark thoughts so robust they almost, but thankfully not quite, should count as a philosophy by now.
Where did I go wrong? There are probably a bunch of things I could have done differently, but frankly, I also feel like Society, that old villain, has failed me in some rather profound ways. It's not just how difficult it has been getting mental health help that actually does something, or how absolutely debilitating being unemployed can be, although these certainly do contribute. My problem isn't just that my life is being made measurably worse by our old foe Late Stage Capitalism, although most of these are just made worse by that cancerous corpse of an ideology. The world seemingly has no place for me it feels like. Loneliness pushes in around me from every conceivable angle, dating is a nightmare, every job requires multi-year experience or specialized education I hadn't even heard about before reading about them, there seems to be no thought put into how exactly anyone not fitting into this cripplingly overspecialized work market is supposed to live their godfuckingdamned life, and that's not even getting into the climate shit.
I honestly hate how easy it is for me to pivot from talking about depression to unemployment. I hate how employment has to be a factor in my mental health. I hate how approximately nobody I've talked to about it, on the professional side, seems to get that I wasn't less depressed back when I was working. I hate how I can't get a job because it feels fucking impossible to be enough of a "go-getter with can-do attitude" to even make it to the interview stage when nothing feels good or worth it. I hate the fucking catch-22 of it all, and I hate that neither psychiatrist nor doctor nor case worker can even begin to unravel this Gordian knot for me, or even tell me where in the good grace of fuck I might begin pulling.
It's like they're saying "Sorry, your depression is untreatable and although we won't say it to your face, the labor market's general indifference to you should tell you that you have no place in it which in the current order of things means you have no value. Shame about that, someone probably should've told you all this before you did your best in school and endured the social ostracization that followed with being a kinda weird kid that loved books, all fueled by the fucking lie that it'd get better once you were done with school."
So yeah. I'm not having a fantastic day today, but I think getting some bile out of my system might have helped me feel a little less terrible? Better days than this will come, I'm sure. I'll try doing nice things for myself the rest of the day, although I'm not quite sure what they were. If I shitpost or rb more saucy art than usual today, that's probably what I ended up with
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Hello! I made a post reaching out to the plural community for help, and somebody recommended me your blog so, here I am!
Lately I've been considering the possibility that I might be an OSDD system, but I'm not really sure given the fact that I have convinced myself in the past that I had some sort of disorder, when in reality I didn't.
I guess my question is... How can you tell? How do you come to the conclusion that you might be part of a system? How can I tell if I'm sabotaging myself? I'm so confused.
I'll link the post down bellow, you don't have to read it if you don't want to, that's completely okay! I just thought it might help given the fact that I list most of my symptoms in there.
Thank you, have a nice day!
Hey, there! I’m more than honored that I’m being recommended for advice, and I’m happy to help!
So, first and foremost: I can’t diagnose you. And neither can anyone else on Tumblr— or anyone that isn’t a licensed professional who specializes in complex dissociative disorders. That doesn’t mean that we can’t help! It just means that you should really take anything you read (anything that’s not professional advice from a specialist, I mean) with a grain or two of salt.
Also, even with a list of symptoms, there’s still so much more that goes into it. Presentation, when and why these things happen, little details that you may not even notice yourself. Things that you’d have to know someone in real life to truly see and know for sure.
Finally, my case is a little difficult to use as a comparison for situations like these; I was diagnosed when I was a mid-teenager, and had no idea what DID even was. It was a bomb dropped on me. I’ve told the story here a million times, but… It wasn’t a case of self-diagnosis. So… Be warned that my experience with self diagnosis of DID is very limited and mostly in relation to those around me.
With all of that out of the way, let’s get started. I can’t tell you whether or not you have DID/OSDD, but I can give you some helpful pointers that may help.
If you’re questioning these things, one of the best things that you can do is look for a therapist. I have a tag (#therapy advice tag) that is featured on my blog that may help you— if it’s not enough, feel free to message me, because I’m more than happy to offer some pointers depending on your situation. It is imperative that you find someone that actually knows how to treat DID and isn’t just a cocky EMDR therapist or a newbie trauma specialist that’s fresh out of their residency and thinks they know everything. This sounds daunting, and it is an involved process. But it is very possible in many cases!
A good thing to keep in mind is that whether or not you have OSDD/DID, you want help/treatment that works for *you*. Many people think that they just need to self diagnose or get a diagnosis and then… It’s healing time!! Well… That’s not really how it works. Diagnosis is a tool that will probably only matter to your insurance— and the great news is that if someone is qualified to treat you for your dissociative disorder, they’ll put that f44.81 right on your bill! Mental health diagnosis isn’t like it is with medical doctors. It… Honestly doesn’t matter that much as long as your treatment is working.
This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t care whether or not you have this disorder. It’s just that the more energy you spend worrying about it, the less energy you’ll have to actually cope with it and get help. And that’s not good!
All this to say that a good goal to set for yourself isn’t “figure out if I have DID/OSDD ASAP and get that hashtag systemlife going!” (Which, I know that isn’t your goal. But that was a fun little sentence, wasn’t it?) — A great goal, though, would be to listen to your mind and your body and begin to work on stabilizing yourself and finding your ability to ground. To extend some feelers and figure out what you need to heal from your traumas. Because while right now it may be scary and confusing, you’re never going to do yourself any harm by grounding and finding your center and learning how to stabilize. You could be experiencing a complex dissociative disorder, and this could be that hard and heavy denial spiral. We’ve all been there. It sucks. You could also be confused… But that’s not bad.
Please remember that whether you have DID/OSDD or not is really and truly of very little importance compared to figuring out how to heal and be present and navigate your life in a way that allows you to live and enjoy living in the present. One mistake that I see very frequently is people ascribing far too much value and importance to whether or not they’re systems rather than whether or not they’re okay.
I know that I’ve gone on tangent after tangent and you’ll have to forgive me— It has been a little bit of a long day. I guess that all of this is to say that worrying about whether you’re correct about your diagnosis isn’t ever going to be helpful for you. Getting help for it is, though. Reach out. Find resources, find a professional, read books on trauma and dissociation. If the help you find doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t. Then it’s time to move on and try a different method! Don’t be discouraged if this happens, as it likely will at some point. It happens to most of us! And it will be okay.
Let me know/know that my DMs/Askbox are always open if you need more specifics or help with the therapy search. ❤️ Please be safe, and have a wonderful night.
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free--therapy · 2 years
6 Healthy Ways to Deal with Jealousy
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Jealousy isn’t necessarily an unhealthy emotion, but there are ways to handle your jealousy more constructively.
If you tend to get jealous in romantic relationships, you’re not alone. Jealousy is a very natural emotion that many people experience at some point.
Jealous tendencies can pop up in other situations, too. For example, a 2019 study found that women are more prone than men to get jealous over their employers’ physical attractiveness.
Men, on the other hand, are more prone to feel jealous over their employers’ physical dominance. Both men and women experience jealousy when their employers appear more socially successful.
Research suggests that jealousy is not inherently a bad thing. A 2021 study found, for instance, that friendship jealousy (when a person is threatened by their friend’s new romantic relationship or friend) can help to protect and maintain friendships.
Wherever your jealousy stems from or whom you feel it toward, healing is possible. How do you control jealousy? There are several ways, and some are listed below.
6 tips for dealing with jealousy
Whether you have jealous tendencies in romantic relationships, friendships, or other situations, here are some tips on how to handle your jealousy in a healthy way.
1. Identify your insecurities
“Be real with ourselves about what our insecurities are, where they come from, what we do to keep them alive, and what we could potentially start doing to transform them into secure bases of existence,” recommends clinical psychologist Dr. Dena DiNardo, a licensed marriage and family therapist.
To do this, you can journal, meditate, or speak with a therapist. A mental health professional can help you identify the root of your jealousy and how to overcome it.
2. Communicate openly with your partner
Consider speaking with your partner about your experience. Opening up about your feelings of jealousy can give them the opportunity to understand where you’re coming from and adjust their behaviors to help you feel more secure within your relationship.
3. Talk about it with other people
To realize that you’re not alone, DiNardo recommends asking other people about what jealousy is like for them and how they cope with it. “This offsets the shame associated with feeling like ‘there’s something wrong with us for feeling this way,’” she says.
4. Let go of judgment
Jealousy has a bad reputation, but it’s not always a negative feeling. DiNardo says to try to stop judging jealousy as a “bad” or “wrong” way to feel because it’s neither.
Jealousy sends us a message about the unhealed parts of ourselves, she adds. “The defensive behaviors we exhibit to protect us from feeling jealous are usually what feel bad or wrong. But the feeling itself is actually a useful tool for us to get to know ourselves better.
“Allow yourself the space to be a human, which often means feeling things we don’t want to feel and having thoughts we don’t want to have,” she says. “While it’s a universal experience, the context and nuance is unique for each of us. Get to know your jealousy roots and stories. Try to do it with compassionate curiosity instead of judgment.”
5. Try self-therapy exercises
Especially if your jealousy comes from toxic past relationships or traumatic situations, coping exercises might help you manage the negative feelings associated with jealousy.
You might find some of these practices helpful whenever you start to feel jealous:
emotional freedom techniques (EFT), or tapping
repeating positive affirmations
exposure therapy (e.g., entering settings that provoke jealousy to promote desensitization versus trying to control or avoid situations)
grounding exercises
trust building exercises
A therapist who specializes in relationship issues can offer more personalized tools for you to use as well.
6. Learn more about jealousy
Jealousy almost always has a deeper-rooted emotion behind it. “It can be a manifestation of fear: that we’re not enough, attractive, or interesting, that we won’t be chosen, that other people or things are more important to someone than we are,” says DiNardo.
She lists some other potential sources of jealousy:
a partner’s ongoing relationships with their exes
not trusting that your partner is committed to your relationship
wishing you had what someone else has (e.g., career, friends, relationships)
a learned emotional pattern from observing or being raised in an environment heavy with jealousy
conscious or unconscious attachments to competition
a projection of how we genuinely feel or think about ourselves
a lack of security in the relationship we have with ourselves
losing one or both parents (from divorce, death, or physical, psychological, or emotional abandonment)
While jealousy is often something internal that we need to work on, that’s not always the case. “Sometimes people want us to be jealous of them or something they have or do because it gives them a false sense of elevation about their own lives. This is something others may or may not be conscious of,” DiNardo adds.
Either way, learning more about yourself can help you better understand where your feelings of jealousy come from and how, based on your personal needs, you can cope with them.
To start, consider these resources:
Signs of Jealousy
How Insecurity Leads to Envy, Jealousy, and Shame
Next steps
If you’re wondering how to minimize feelings of jealousy in a relationship, friendship, or a colleague, there are many ways to find relief and overcome it, such as:
identify your insecurities
talk with your partner about your feelings
ask others how they experience and cope with jealousy
let go of judgement
practice grounding, tapping, and other self-led exercises
learn more about jealousy, its triggers, and how to heal
If your jealous tendencies adversely impact your relationships, career, or life, consider speaking with a therapist. Learning how to manage jealousy in a healthy way may take time and effort, but it’s possible and it’s never too late.
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hauntedmentalitysalad · 5 months
Assisted Interventions inc
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AssistedInterventions, NationwideCoverage, 24/7Availability, SafetyFirst, CompassionateCare
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Join us in making a difference. Reach out today for compassionate and reliable intervention services.
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digitaltrailshop · 8 months
Cerebral US: Revolutionizing Mental Health Care with Innovation and Compassion
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In the rapidly advancing landscape of mental health care, Cerebral US stands as a beacon of innovation, reshaping the way individuals approach and receive mental health support. This article delves into the core principles of Cerebral US, shedding light on its commitment to accessibility, personalized care, and a holistic approach that collectively marks a paradigm shift in mental health care.
1. Cerebral US Unleashed: A Vision for Comprehensive Mental Health Well-Being
Cerebral US transcends the conventional boundaries of mental health care; it's a vision for comprehensive well-being. Acknowledging the multidimensional nature of mental health, the platform offers a diverse range of services that extend beyond traditional therapy.
2. Personalized Care Plans: Tailoring Support to Individual Needs
At the heart of Cerebral US is a commitment to personalized care plans. Understanding that every individual's mental health journey is unique, the platform tailors its services to address specific needs and aspirations. This personalized approach ensures that individuals receive targeted and effective support.
3. Telemedicine Excellence: Breaking Down Geographical Barriers
Cerebral US harnesses the power of telemedicine to make mental health care accessible to a broader audience. Through secure online channels, individuals can connect with licensed clinicians, therapists, and psychiatrists from the comfort of their homes, breaking down geographical barriers and making mental health support more immediate and convenient.
4. Beyond Traditional Therapy: A Comprehensive Approach to Mental Wellness
Cerebral US distinguishes itself by offering a comprehensive suite of services that goes beyond traditional therapy. From medication management to counseling and ongoing support, the platform adapts to the evolving needs of individuals, providing a continuum of care that is flexible and responsive.
sign up now
5. Expert Clinicians: Compassionate Guides on the Journey to Mental Well-Being
The strength of Cerebral US lies in its team of expert clinicians. Licensed mental health professionals, characterized by both expertise and compassion, serve as guides on individuals' mental health journeys. This team-based approach ensures a well-rounded and empathetic perspective on mental health care.
6. Mental Health Education: Empowering Through Knowledge
Cerebral US believes in the transformative power of education to destigmatize mental health challenges. The platform provides a wealth of resources, articles, and information to empower users with knowledge about mental health. This emphasis on education aims to create a supportive community that prioritizes mental well-being.
7. Continuous Support: Guiding Through Life's Challenges
Life's challenges don't adhere to a schedule, and neither does Cerebral US. The platform offers continuous support through real-time messaging, ensuring that individuals have access to guidance and encouragement whenever they need it. This real-time support enhances the effectiveness of care plans and promotes a sense of connectedness.
8. Data-Driven Insights: Shaping the Future of Mental Health Care
Cerebral US leverages data-driven insights to enhance the quality of mental health care. By analyzing trends and outcomes, the platform continually refines its approach, ensuring that its services remain at the forefront of innovation in the mental health care space.
Cerebral US is not just a mental health platform; it's a visionary force, steering the course of mental health care towards a brighter and more accessible future. Through innovation, personalized care, and a commitment to continuous support, Cerebral US is not only changing the narrative around mental health but also empowering individuals to thrive. Embrace a new era of mental well-being with Cerebral US and experience the transformative power of personalized support and innovation.
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Do You Need an Anger Management Class?
Despite the obvious over saturation of anger control recognition there nonetheless seems to be a lack of clarity about what anger management is and when it's miles appropriate. I get many inquires by smartphone or thru our internet site each day. Some of those inquires are legitimate and suitable for anger control and others aren't. Funny enough, every body whose anger is intense isn't always appropriate for anger management. Those who've chronic mental health problems, are drug addicted, have a records of domestic violence might not be appropriate for anger control or may advantage from anger management best if the anger management magnificence is likewise combined with treatment by using a certified intellectual fitness career. Anyone whose anger is severe, common, intense and long lasting need to are seeking for the propose of an anger control expert.
What truely is an anger management magnificence?
Contrary to public notion anger management is a category. It is neither counseling nor psychotherapy. Anger control interventions are structured classes which can be constructed on the idea that the way anger is expressed is learned therefore can be unlearned. To improve the credibility of the information received in an anger control elegance it is critical that the instructor be licensed. There are three-4 fundamental certifying businesses in the us of a however only one has set the standard and has acquired worldwide attractiveness. That enterprise is Anderson and Anderson, a Los Angeles based totally agency that has licensed lots across the globe in anger management. This version purports that genuine anger Online Counselling ought to contain a focal point on anger management in addition to communication capabilities, emotional intelligence and pressure control. Therefore, it is my opinion that any anger control class this is well worth its salt ought to include these four components.
Are there different sorts of anger management training?
Generally, anger control training are given in group format however there are instances when high degree executives, physician, legal professionals, nurses, pilots and business proprietors request personal sessions. These sessions are referred to as government coaching. These sessions are established to take a coaching format. The customer receives good sized testing in anger control and emotional intelligence as well as character anger control periods that focus on enhancing productivity, lowering stress, improving communique and decision making competencies. All those components come together to improve anger management. Often these excessive profile character need to address stressors that make it tough for them to make selections correctly. This degree of pressure can result in anger outbursts that alienate them and might have prison effects that are threatening to their careers with disastrous monetary consequences. Therefore, taking some time to have education on effective ways to manage anger is a smart preference to recollect earlier than anger negatively influences their profession.
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How to do laundry when you're depressed | KC Davis | TEDxMileHigh
When you're burned out, taking care of yourself (or your family) can feel nearly impossible. Therapist KC Davis gets it, and she's got a message for anyone struggling with daily tasks: you're not lazy. Care tasks, she says, are neither good nor bad — they're morally neutral. Davis offers creative shortcuts and workarounds for everything from using wet wipes when you can't manage a shower to sealing dirty dishes in a giant zip-loc until you feel up to washing them. Because regardless of your mental health struggles, you are a person worthy of a functional space.
KC Davis is a licensed professional therapist, author, speaker, and founder of Struggle Care. KC Davis began her therapy journey at 16 when she entered treatment for drug addiction. Today, she teaches a compassionate and practical approach to self & home care for those dealing with mental health, physical illness, and hard seasons of life.
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tonkiyu · 2 years
Inform consulting
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The regulatory boards can be reached at 1560 Broadway, Suite 1350, Denver, Colorado 80202, (303) 894-7800. The practice of licensed or registered persons in the field of psychotherapy is regulated by the Mental Health Licensing Section of the Division of Registrations. NO RECORDING - In order to preserve the vulnerability and openness necessary for effective therapy to occur, neither client nor therapist will record therapy sessions at any time for any reason unless otherwise discussed and approved by both parties in writing However, if you acknowledge me first, I will be more than happy to speak briefly with you, but feel it appropriate not to engage in any lengthy discussions in public or outside of the therapy office. Your right to privacy and confidentiality is of the utmost importance to me, and I do not wish to jeopardize your privacy. If we see each other accidentally outside of the therapy office, I will not acknowledge you first. Information about you may be shared in this context without using your name. Occasionally, I may need to consult with other professionals in their areas of expertise in order to provide the best treatment for you. If a client is in therapy or being treated by order of a court of law, or if information is obtained for the purpose of rendering an expert’s report to an attorney. If a court of law issues a legitimate subpoena for information stated on the subpoena. Suspected neglect of the parties named in items #3 and # 4. Suspicions as stated above in the case of an elderly person(over the age of 65 years old) who may be subjected to these abuses. For more information regarding mandatory reporting, please visit. I am mandated to report suspected child abuse. This includes illegal sexual contact between two minors, or abuse of children outside your family. PLEASE NOTE: Child abuse refers to any child abuse you discuss in therapy or that is observed. If the therapist has a reasonable suspicion that a client or other named victim is the perpetrator, observer of, or actual victim of physical, emotional or sexual abuse of children under the age of 18 years old. If a client threatens grave bodily harm or death to another person. If a client threatens or attempts to die by suicide or otherwise conducts him/her/them self in a manner in which there is a substantial risk of incurring serious bodily harm. Limitations of such client held privilege of confidentiality exist and are itemized below: The session content and all relevant materials to the client’s treatment will be held confidential unless the client requests in writing to have all or portions of such content released to a specifically named person/persons. Please read and indicate that you have reviewed this information and agree to it by filling in the checkbox at the end of this document.
Feel free to discuss any of this with me. This consent will provide a clear framework for our work together. I can promise to support you and do my very best to understand you and repeating patterns, as well as to help you clarify what it is that you want for yourself. I cannot promise that your behavior or circumstance will change. Remembering unpleasant events and becoming aware of feelings attached to those events can bring on strong feelings of anger, depression, anxiety, etc. The outcome of your treatment depends largely on your willingness to engage in this process, which may, at times, result in considerable discomfort. You have taken a very positive step by deciding to seek therapy. Josephine is also pursuing a marriage and family therapy certificate (MFTC) from Denver Family Institute and will be finishing training in June 2022. Josephine Ampaw earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Feminist Studies with a minor in History from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2017 and completed her Master of Social Work and Master of Arts in Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Denver in 2020-2021. Josephine Ampaw is available for therapy via telehealth and in person at 8751 E Hampden Avenue STE B-9 Denver, CO 80230. The approach may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis. Mandatory Disclosure/Informed Consent for PsychotherapyĪmpaw Psychotherapy and Consulting LLC is an individually owned private practice and consulting firm focused on working with individuals, couples, families, and professionals from a strength-based, systemic or relational focus generally.
Most recent update made January 11, 2022. PHONE NUMBER: 71, EMAIL: DATE OF THIS NOTICE This notice went into effect on October 21, 2021.
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lovelettersfromjia · 3 years
𝐣𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐭!
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jia % she/her % minor % spreading love, not germs!
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seeking meaningful interactions
recovery, positivity, body positivity :o)
everything here is entirely sfw!
trigger warnings will be tagged accordingly
responses to letters about heavy triggers (e.g. TW/CW: su*cide, TW/CW: blood) will be written under the cut.
** i am not a licensed mental health professional, and neither am i equipped to give medical advice. please seek further professional help and please do not be afraid to reach out!
p.s. i use 'lovelies', 'dear', 'dearie', 'darling', a lot. please let me know if you're uncomfortable!
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important notes:
hello lovelies, welcome to my little corner of the internet. this is where i talk about positive stuff! there won't be as much politics /drama/discourse here – i intend for this space to be safe, comfortable, and peaceful. however, you are welcome to share your opinions on anything; as long as you keep it respectful! :o) this is also an LGBTQ+ safe space.
this is a space for everyone. i'll add more when i see fit, but for now, everyone is welcome to interact.
no nsfw interactions, please. i am very much a minor.
you're more than welcome to be on anon :o)
you can find my rules here!
my genshinblr is @ohmykazuha :o)
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tags i use:
love letters from jia : answering asks, sending comfort letters, etc
jia talks : jia's interactions in general
jia's musings : my monologues, soliloquies, etc.
jia's rules : self explanatory XD
more will be added as this blog grows.
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agentark88 · 3 years
Think: Chapter Fifty-Six: A History Between Hawks and Hearts
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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88
Disclaimer: The following is a work of fan fiction using characters and settings from My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia created by Kohei Horikoshi. I do not claim any ownership of characters present in this piece that are owned and created by Kohei Horikoshi. I do not own My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia.
Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Please be aware this piece is in second person perspective, following my original character, Think, Anna Kokoro, who is a transfer student from America. I will be posting in chapters/sections. I hope you have as much fun reading these pieces, as I did writing them.
Chapter Fifty-Six: A History Between Hawks and Hearts
You’d been searching for Shoto that entire morning. He was being as elusive as ever. True to her word, Heart of Hearts fully intended on having you sign up with Endeavor’s Agency for your new work-study as soon as possible. You were supposed to formally have the papers marked today, but it didn’t feel right at least mentioning what you were doing to Shoto first. Originally, you’d been enamored with the idea of being part of Fat Gum’s Agency, so Shoto’s feelings weren’t something you had to consider in your final decision. It’s not that his feelings should be involved in this either, but for some reason, you felt like you needed to talk it out with Shoto before the final paperwork was completed.
Mr. Aizawa hadn’t mentioned Shoto’s friendship with you at all, when he signed over the transfer paperwork. He actually didn’t even mention the incident you had while under Fat Gum’s guidance, which surprised you. Aizawa may have been tired of your antics at this point, or maybe Hearts spoke to him beforehand. Either way, you were grateful you weren’t scolded. In fact, Aizawa made sure to check up on your overall health, mentally and physically by asking some mundane questions. He seemed almost relieved when he heard that you were transferring agencies, making you think that he trusted Heart of Hearts even more than he let on.
The time you were supposed to meet Heart of Hearts at the gate was approaching rapidly. Shoto wasn’t in his room, nor was he hanging out with Midoriya, so you had to assume he was training or catching up on some studying. You wrung your hands nervously. You wanted desperately to shake your anxieties off. Joining the Endeavor Agency would strictly be a professional matter. Aside from that, you wouldn’t be working with the Pro Hero Endeavor. You’d just be working with Heart of Hearts, so you shouldn’t be so freaked out about it.
You caught sight of Bakugo and Kirishima, before you’d made it to the entrance gates. Bakugo had spotted you first, his intense gaze already keeping track of you from afar. Since you parted from your passionate kiss with him, he hadn’t really mentioned it again. It made you think that maybe you’d just dreamt the exchange. He wasn’t acting particularly cold toward you, he just seemed busy, most likely because of his Provisional License Exam make-up courses.
You raised your hand in a small wave, smiling softly at him. He shook his head, rolling his eyes, but you couldn’t help but notice he actually returned the gesture. Kirishima whipped his head around. He enthusiastically waved in your direction once he’d spotted you. Your smile brightened. They must have been heading somewhere to train because neither of them stopped. Both of them were dressed in workout clothes. Kirishima even had a gym bag. You didn’t intend on stopping them either. At this rate, you’d be late to meet your mentor just because you were looking for Todoroki.
You checked your phone. Still nothing from Shoto. You groaned, eyeing the time. At least you tried. You picked up the pace, rushing to the front gate. Heart of Hearts was patiently waiting at the gate in her full hero costume. In the daylight, her attire was far more striking. Pinks, red, whites, all combined to collectively make up the feminine short dress. Her costume and heart-covered stocking’s more muted colors were nothing compared to the make-up surrounding her enchanting pink eyes, which sparkled as she shifted. Her face was framed perfectly by her short pink hair. If she weren’t already tall, it would still be hard to miss her. She seemed like the life of the party in any setting, the personification of love itself.
She smiled widely upon seeing you. Heart of Hearts’ eyes glowed with a certain excitement that gave your confidence a much needed pat on the back.
“There’s my mentee!”
“Good morning, Heart of Hearts, ma’am,” you said, politely bowing.
Heart of Hearts frowned, pulling you into a smothering hug. “You can just call me Hearts. No need to be so formal.” She released you, and you could have sworn some pink sparkles came off with you. “You like being called Think, right? Your hero name?”
You affirmed her question by nodding. “Think is fine,” you said.
She grinned at you again. “No need to look so nervous. We’ll just be getting the boring stuff out of the way. I buttered Endeavor up before I left. He’s as cranky as always, but he agrees that you will be a great asset to the team. I can fill you in more on our way to Fat Gum’s Agency first.” Hearts slung her arm around your shoulders, ushering you onward.
“Fat Gum Agency?” you squeaked. “I-I thought that things were all tied up there?”
Hearts tilted her head, looking a bit worried. “Ah, well. You see…because you had a temporary contract, they want to make sure everything is squared away at their office in person. This also helps you to be able to collect your uniform, what’s left of it that is, and some dismissal paperwork. Normally, we run everything digitally, but there’s been some security concerns recently, so we’re doing it this way.”
You could feel your face grow green just thinking about facing Elle again, especially after declaring that you would prove yourself. You didn’t have very long to worry though because after getting on the train, you were practically there. Heart of Hearts moved through the Fat Gum Agency like she’d been there multiple times before, to the point that she even located a snack machine you hadn’t been privy to. She waited for you to collect your costume from the locker rooms, then she moved for the elevator. Your suspicions grew when she stepped around a crack in the ground that she didn’t even have to look at.
“Do you come here often?” you asked her.
Hearts tripped over her own feet, almost like she had been lost in her own head until you spoke. She grinned bashfully, steadying herself before she actually fell. She brushed her well-manicured fingers through her hair. “You could say that,” she said cryptically.
Your eyebrows furrowed.
She let out a heavy sigh, when she glanced at you and your attention hadn’t left her. “Alright, yes. I come here often.” She pressed the button to call the elevator, adjusting her makeup in the reflection of a plate of metal beside her. “I know someone here,” she said.
“You know someone here?” you asked.
Hearts ruffled her bangs, so they sat just right on her forehead. “It’s nothing serious. At least it’s not serious to her,” she said under her breath.
Hearts turned her attention fully on you, frowning. “I can see why Shinso trusts you so much. You don’t exactly hide your curiosities, nor do you like it when others do. It’s probably why you ask so many questions. But, you should be careful about how many questions you ask.”
You paused, not wanting to offend her. “So…who is it?” you asked.
The elevator doors slid open, and the two of you stepped inside. Hearts waved her hand dismissively. “Like I said, she doesn’t take our relationship seriously, which honestly is better for me as a Pro Hero, who likes to keep things a little more discreet. I wouldn’t out her like that. It’s best I don’t tell you who it is.”
The doors slid open again on Fat Gum’s office floor. Elle was sitting at her desk, tapping away at her keyboard. She didn’t even look up, even when you’d stepped out of the elevator. Her expression was drawn and stoic as ever. Elle’s platinum eyes didn’t move until you’d both made it halfway across the room. To your surprise, Elle’s expression morphed to genuine surprise, but she wasn’t looking at you, she was looking at Hearts.
“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it, Elle?” Hearts said, her voice came out less confident than you’d expected.
“Y-you didn’t set up an appointment,” Elle said, stuttering a bit.
That had you raising an eyebrow in concern.
“Fat Gum must have forgotten to tell you that we were stopping by,” Hearts said. “You know how he can be forgetful about professional matters at times. Not like you of course,” Hearts’ voice dropped, sultry in nature. She adjusted a few items on the desk, before flicking her big pink eyes back up at Elle.
Elle’s blue-tinted skin turned a kind of purple. Her hands had paused above her keyboard. “Well, someone certainly has to keep him organized,” she said in a softer tone.
“Mr. Aizawa gave me this form so the transfer could go smoothly,” you added, stretching up on your tiptoes to hand over the form.
Elle suddenly glanced at you and straightened. Her expression tensed, her vulnerability being shielded by her tectonic skin again. Her gray eyes became hooded. Elle plucked the paperwork from your hands.
“Unfortunate that I couldn’t see you properly prove yourself in this agency, but I’m sure it couldn’t be helped.” She slid the document into a filing cabinet.
You visibly deflated, hanging your head.
“I still expect great things from you, whether in this agency or another,” Elle finished.
Your eyes widened. You turned your face back up, but Elle was not looking at you. She had busied herself with collecting the proper documents to terminate your contract. Once she’d completed collecting what she needed, she handed them over the counter to you. Her platinum eyes lingered on you for a moment, before she let the papers free from her hands.
“I will keep an eye out for articles about you, Think,” she said your hero name with emphasis.
A newfound energy rose up inside you. It felt great to be acknowledged in such a way, especially since you felt as if you’d failed by needing to transfer.
“You may go now,” Elle said, waving the two of you away, her composure seemingly in place again.
Hearts cleared her throat. Elle raised an eyebrow without looking at her. “We never did set a date for that raincheck I promised,” Hearts stated. She flipped a playing card from her pocket, one side was the queen of hearts, and the other appeared to be a time, a place, and a date written around a business card.
“In this office, we discuss professional matters.” Elle sighed, taking the card out of Hearts’ hand. “Please refrain from bringing up something like this at my place of business again.” Based on her words and tone, Elle didn’t seem the least bit interested in what the card had to say; however, she slid it in her breast pocket, despite her cold tone.
Hearts smiled brightly, triumphantly eyeing the card that Elle had so clearly not destroyed. In her giddiness, she appeared to have forgotten she was with you because she nearly approached the desk again.
Elle smirked at her. “Don’t you have somewhere to be, Heart of Hearts?”
Hearts shook her head, clearing it of whatever she was thinking about. She glanced back at you and gave an apologetic smile. She dusted the front of her dress off, nodding shortly and coughing into her hand. “Ah, yes. Endeavor despises tardiness. We best be off.”
Elle shook her head, getting back to tapping away at her keyboard. You and Hearts climbed into the elevator, and it was hard for you not to ask a million questions. Elle, who seemed seemingly devoid of feelings, just showed interest in your mentor, at least that’s what it looked like. The exchange was so casual, you couldn’t believe that Hearts had asked Elle on a date at all. If you would have done something like that, you would have been tumbling over every other syllable.
You clutched your paperwork to your chest, opening and closing your mouth to see how to go about bringing up what had just happened. What did it matter? Maybe it didn’t matter at all. It was just impressive. Did Hearts have a way with words, or had her actions been enough? You supposed that Elle and she could have had more of a history where something like that was second nature.
“Would you just ask me what’s on your mind? You look ready to explode,” Hearts said, pulling out a hand mirror to check her make-up.
“H-how did you do that?” you asked.
“Hmm?” Hearts raised an eyebrow, clicking her mirror shut. “How did I do what?”
“How did you ask Elle out so seamlessly? Y-you even flustered her,” you said.
Hearts choked on a laugh, shushing you promptly. “I didn’t mean to get you involved in my personal affairs, Kiddo. I just had that feeling that you get when it’s now or never, you know? Both Elle and I are busy people, and I wasn’t about to squander a second chance with her. Don’t be so loud about it. She’ll literally kill me.”
“But, you didn’t answer my question. How did you ask her out like that? Like, just straight up ask her out?” You shook your hands out in front of you for emphasis.
Hearts furrowed her eyebrows, but realization didn’t take long to dawn on her. “Oh, I get it. My little mentee is asking for some advice in the love department. I pinned you as a shy one, but I didn’t think you’d be so bold as to ask out someone yourself.”
Your face flushed. Is that what you were asking her help for? This whole year was completely new territory when it came to relationships. You shook your head frantically to suggest otherwise. “I-I just couldn’t imagine doing something like that. It was rather impressive what you did.” You rubbed your arm. “I…I just went on my first date this year. I barely had friends in my old school, so the whole romance thing is foreign to me. I guess I was just surprised something like that had gone so smoothly.”
The elevator doors opened, and the two of you seemed frozen in place. You gulped, worried you’d expressed too much of your personal life to your new mentor. You were going to try to backtrack, until Hearts made an unearthly squeal of excitement.
You jumped back. The elevator doors shut again, leaving the two of you staring at each other.
“Ooh, was the date with Shinso? Tell me it was Shinso. You two are so cute together,” Hearts said.
“Umm…” That wasn’t the reaction that you were expecting. It left you speechless actually. You suddenly didn’t want to disappoint her by saying that it wasn’t.
Hearts straightened. “Sorry, sorry.” She drew her hand in front of her face to compose herself. “I can get carried away sometimes. I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, really ironic considering the whole Pro Hero aesthetic, but I can’t really help it. You don’t have to answer me. Totally unprofessional, I know.”
“You don’t need to apologize. You just surprised me.” You cleared your throat, relaxing a bit after being startled.
Hearts clicked the elevator button again, so you could both get back to the lobby. “So…was it him?” she pressed, wiggling her eyebrows.
You blushed furiously, attempting to hide behind your paperwork. “N-no,” you admitted.
Hearts’ smile dropped. She crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s a shame. I thought you two were dating based on the way Shinso talks about you.”
“Sorry,” you said.
“What are you apologizing for? I was the one that asked the prying question.” She paused, mulling over her thoughts again. The elevator doors opened, and she stepped out. “Still, it doesn’t mean you could not eventually be together.” She threw a devilish smile in your direction, and you practically wanted to disappear. Hearts pulled you from the elevator before the doors could close again. “Can’t be late to see the boss man. Don’t mind my teasing. I can’t help it when your reactions are so honest.”
You breathed out, letting Hearts lead you from the building. Hearts didn’t bring up her Shinso-and-Think Ship again, probably realizing it had put your mind into a sputtering mess. Instead, she tried distracting you by telling you about the basics of what would be expected of you while at your work-study. It wasn’t much different from Fat Gum’s policies, but you were thankful you could focus on anything that didn’t have to do with the boys at school.
When you were coming up on Endeavor’s Agency, a large crowd of reporters had swarmed in front of the building, being held back by what seemed to be security guards, who weren’t doing much but standing there. It didn’t appear that the reporters were putting much force into trying to break through and instead were trying to convince the guards to let them in.
Your body went cold, seeing the crowd. Your tongue became dry. You stopped in your tracks, earning Hearts’ attention on you.
“Something wrong?” Hearts asked.
You hesitated to answer, fear strangling the voice trying to come out of your throat. The last time you’d dealt with a reporter, you had your friends to help you through it. You weren’t exactly confident that you’d overcome your fear of getting your picture taken.
Hearts glanced between you and the crowd. She was intelligent. It didn’t take her long to put two and two together. “Just stick close to me. I know reporters can seem a bit scary at times, but you get used to them. It’s part of the job.” Hearts shrugged, scanning you over again. “If you become too uncomfortable, you can—” Her words were cut off by an enthusiastic reporter catching sight of the two of you.
“Hearts! A picture?!” he called.
The crowd shifted, and your knees went weak. Within seconds, the two of you were surrounded by people, chatter, and camera flashes. Once you were surrounded, you felt as if you couldn’t breathe, and to make matters worse, you’d frozen in place. The reporters didn’t hesitate to separate you from Hearts to get a better picture.
“Please move,” you said in a small voice. Your hands were already moving to your temples. Despite how horrified you were, you’d learned if you kept yourself focused on the fact you weren’t in danger that your quirk wouldn’t explode.
Because of Hearts’ height, you could still see the top of her well-maintained pink hair. Her voice could barely be heard over the onslaught of questions. The reporters continued to keep you from each other. It wasn’t until a reporter’s investigative stare landed on you that you realized you too could be recognized. The reporter adjusted his glasses, before a smile spread over his face.
“That’s a UA uniform! Oh…wait! I know you. You were one of the students who were kidnapped alongside Katsuki Bakugo! Can I get a word on how things are going with you currently at UA? Do you feel safe and protected by the UA staff?” The reporter shoved a microphone into your face, and you stumbled back, only for a camera to be pushed into your space too.
“N-no,” you stuttered out. “No, you can’t.”
One reporter’s keen eye had the rest of the crowd turning heads. Soon you were the center of attention and not Hearts. Your extremely diligent focus had completely been crushed by an onslaught of new questions. Camera flashes had you quivering from fright.
“Anna Kokoro? Were you not with the Fat Gum Agency? What does it mean that you’re here?”
“Were you scared while you were held hostage by The League of Villains?”
“What do your parents think about you continuing to attend classes at UA?”
Your body shuddered. You clamped your hands around your skull, losing sight of your mentor as soon as all faces turned toward you. Hot tears burned at your bottom eyelids. All you could do was hold in your quirk, not make things worse than they were. Maybe if they saw you weren’t answering, they would leave. You gasped in a shaky breath, feeling as if you were about to collapse, but unable to move, aside from your endless trembling. Your hair lifted, and you felt the familiar weightlessness of your glasses. You bit hard into your lip, refocusing your mind, choking down any energy that surfaced.
A gust of wind rushed around you. The reporters staggered back. A flurry of red blurred around your vision, followed by a dark shadow that surrounded you.
“Please give my classmate some space. Don’t you see you’re making her uncomfortable?” Tokoyami said, huddling closer to you, while Dark Shadow warded off any reporters that were attempting to crowd you further. Tokoyami held up his face courageously, his bright yellow beak was easily seen on his face in contrast to his black feathers. He’d supported you with one arm around your back, ensuring you were steady on your feet.
“Do you all have nothing better to do than disturb two young ladies going about their day?” Hawks’ familiar voice shifted over the crowd. He carefully landed, feathers collecting behind him on his way down.
“Pro Hero Hawks? What business do you have at Endeavor’s Agency?”
“Funny you should ask…” Hawks tilted his head, smiling cockily. “I was actually looking for some of you. It’s been a while since anyone’s printed a story about me, and I find it a shame for my fans. I was hoping to catch a few reporters lurking around here. First three at my agency would certainly be able to write the story.” He looked off thoughtfully. “Of course, that would mean you’d have to get on the train in five minutes. There won’t be another one for at least a half an hour.”
The reporters all paused, blinking at each other.
He raised a bushy eyebrow. “Did I mention that there will be exclusive details given about my favorite fried chicken place?”
It only took one reporter to take off sprinting before the others followed. The crowd disappeared in seconds. Pro Hero Hawks was one of the top ten heroes. You’d done a little research about him after you’d bumped into him at UA. He was young, only twenty-two or twenty-three, which made him a very interesting hero to write about. It was curious that the reporters trusted that he would be able to determine who made it to his agency first, when he himself wasn’t there. But, from what little you did know about him, you knew he was fast.
Tokoyami slowly released you, when the reporters had disappeared over the horizon. Thankfully, you’d managed to calm your breathing and your quirk. Heart of Hearts rushed up to you immediately, her worried eyes scanning over you.
“You doing okay, Think? I didn’t mean to get separated from you,” Hearts said.
You nodded slowly, gulping. Hawks’ attention appeared to shift from gazing at Hearts to staring at you. He grinned, meeting your eyes.
“Ah, I remember you, Kid!”
Your eyes widened at Hawks’ announcement. You very distinctly remembered Mr. Aizawa telling you to forget you’d ever bumped into Hawks on campus. He also told Hawks not to mention he ever met you. Hawks realized his mistake quickly, rubbing the back of his neck with a gloved hand.
“Haven’t you mentioned her before, Tokoyami?” he corrected.
Tokoyami glanced between you and Hawks, nodding slowly. “I might have mentioned her before. She’s the transfer student from America. She’s certainly a welcome asset to our class.”
Heart of Hearts straightened after checking to see if you were okay. Her intense gaze shifted to Hawks, whose red feather’s ruffled with her eyes on him.
“What are you doing here, Hawks?” Hearts’ tone became cold.
Hawks’ smile appeared to brighten. “I couldn’t leave two damsels so clearly in distress, now could I? Some Pro Hero I would be if I ignored an old friend in need of some help.”
“We’re not friends,” Hearts said. “And, we had it handled.”
Hawks put his hands dramatically over his heart. “You always slay me with your harsh words, Ayame.” He pouted, his red wings retracting. “Where did we go wrong?”
Hearts crossed her arms over her chest, letting out a huff of air that sent her bangs flying upward. “We went wrong when I couldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you while we were working together. I don’t trust shady people, and I certainly don’t trust you.”
Tokoyami’s eyes widened and so did your own. What was Heart of Hearts insinuating? Hawks wasn’t to be trusted? What history did they have with each other?
“And, why can’t you trust me, Ayame?” Hawks’ voice became sultry, his eyes went half-lidded and a dangerous smirk followed the line of his lips.
Heart of Hearts returned his smile with her own, getting closer to him. The two of them together, almost seemed as bright as the sun. It was clear they both had very extroverted personalities, and they were both very beautiful people. Hearts lifted Hawks’ chin with her index finger, and he narrowed his eyes at her.
“Let me use my quirk on you then, Pretty Bird. Or, are you still keeping secrets?”
Hawks chuckled. His hand went up to hers, removing it from his face. He shook his head and closed his eyes, shrugging. “You got me there,” he said. “Got to keep my private life, private. You understand, don’t you?”
Hearts rolled her eyes. “You should understand that I don’t trust anyone who won’t give me their permission to see their desires. Besides, if you really wanted to keep your ‘private’ life a secret, you wouldn’t have invited all of those reporters over to your agency.”
Hawks leisurely stretched, his bird-like golden eyes set on you again, and you felt uncomfortable under his invasive gaze. “I see you’ve been busy sniping other work-study students for yourself,” he said, changing the subject.
Hearts let out a bitter laugh at that. “Me, sniping students for Endeavor’s agency? You do know how ridiculous that sounds, right?” When Hawks didn’t answer her question, Hearts clicked her tongue. “If you must know, Bird Brain, she has a mind quirk, one that would easily grow under my tutelage.”
“Again with the harsh nicknames? I thought we were over that since we’d worked together, Ayame.”
“The harsh nicknames started after we worked together, and I hoped to forget those times altogether. If you don’t mind, we have a prior engagement that we are certainly late for.”
“Sorry to have been a nuisance then.” Hawks bowed mockingly.
Hearts scoffed, turning briskly from him to head in your direction. You were surprised by how rude she was being to Hawks. It may have been nothing to her, but you were thankful for their assistance. You didn’t know what the two of them had gone through together though, so you couldn’t quite blame Heart of Hearts for acting so cold, if Hawks had indeed been less than upfront with her before. Hearts seemed like the kind of person who could easily judge a person’s character. If she thought Hawks was a sketchy person, maybe he was. You’d gotten bad vibes from him too. Still, you couldn’t help but think how he and Tokoyami had gotten you out of that situation that could have ended up in disaster. You quickly turned to Tokoyami, fidgeting with your hands.
“Thank you for helping with the reporters. I have to admit I was overwhelmed.”
Tokoyami looked surprised. He cleared his throat. “It was nothing really. I’m happy to assist.”
“Let’s go,” Hearts said. She stopped next to Tokoyami. “I appreciate your assistance, regardless of who your work-study mentor is.”
You couldn’t help but cringe. Had Hawks done something so bad to receive such treatment? You weren’t one to hold back how you were feeling either, but maybe there was a better way of going about it. As Hearts was ushering you away, you looked back to see that Hawks’ expression had completely drawn, his carefree smile was replaced by something much more lifeless. His eyes were narrowed on the back of Hearts’ head. An uncomfortable feeling settled in the pit of your stomach. Your instincts were telling you Hawks was definitely more than he let on, which only affirmed that Heart of Hearts’ interaction with him was warranted.
Once the two of you reached the entryway, you noticed that the two bodyguards that had been keeping the reporters at bay were standing just outside the door. They didn’t even make eye-contact with you as you crossed the threshold. The doors shut. Heart of Hearts turned to you, her normally composed state seemed disheveled. She quickly fixed out of place strands of her hair.
“I must apologize to you for my behavior out there.” She let out a heavy sigh. “Hawks has always ruffled my feathers.” Heart of Hearts proceeded to put your uniform and messy hair back into place. “Are you really okay? I feel terrible for not helping you out of that situation myself. I could see that you were uncomfortable, but I feel like after the ordeal settled down, maybe you were a bit more than uncomfortable.”
“I…I’m a bit camera shy. I had some issues with photographs and villains, so I’m apprehensive when it comes to camera flashes,” you admitted. You shrank into yourself a bit. “I’m trying to get over it, but I get flashbacks some times. I know Pro Heroes are surrounded by the press, so I’m trying to not make a big deal out of it.” Your voice continued to get softer the more you spoke.
Guilt flashed across Hearts’ face. “You should have told me. I need to know these things, so I can help. You’re not going to just get over something like that, and I don’t expect you to. As your new mentor, I’ll try to read those situations better and ease you into them. Again, I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you, especially with how triggering that must have been.”
“I’m okay,” you said, straightening. You felt obligated to push what had happened between Hawks and Hearts further. You had your suspicions about Hawks to begin with, so your instincts were almost validated by the interaction that the two Pro Heroes had with each other. “Did you and Hawks work together?” you asked.
Hearts’ mood soured again. “Unfortunately, we did.” She frowned. She shook out whatever anger she appeared to be holding on to. “However, I shouldn’t let him get to me like he does. I don’t trust him. He did shady things when we worked together, and he does shadier things now. I work undercover often, but he takes it too far. There’s a difference between being a puppet for The Commission and being a Pro Hero that helps The Commission.” She had barely whispered the last sentence out, most likely not wanting others to eavesdrop. “Still, we shouldn’t bother talking about Hawks anymore. We’re here for you, aren’t we? Plus, we’re late, and Endeavor isn’t exactly the forgiving type.”
Oh, you remembered how intimidating and not friendly Endeavor was, especially when you met him at Parents’ Day. It wasn’t hard to believe that he wasn’t one to be patient. Hearts was quick to usher you through the building and right into a cramped elevator. Several hero-clad Pros stood around you, many of which greeted Hearts with a warm smile. It was clear that Heart of Hearts’ coworkers adored her. No one appeared facetious when they conversed and everyone around Hearts appeared to brighten, making what happened between her and Hawks almost unbelievable. You were certainly glad that Heart of Hearts was going to become your new mentor. She definitely seemed like someone who could help you break out of your shell, and as she was well respected by the associates at the Endeavor Agency, you would be able to make many more connections.
You and Heart of Hearts were the only ones that stepped off on Endeavor’s floor. The atmosphere of this floor was much more suffocating and unwelcoming then the lobby was. The temperature was uncomfortable, and you felt beads of sweat pooling on your forehead. The floor itself was traditional Japanese in nature with red accents. Despite how hot it was, the overall emotion given off by the décor was cold, detached.
“I won’t be able to go in with you,” Heart of Hearts stated, starting down the hallway for you to follow. “Endeavor was clear in his instructions that he would conduct all new work-study student interviews himself. Of course, this would just be a formality. He’s already agreed that you would be a part of my team along with Shinso. He trusts me to mentor those that have mental quirks. Shinso had to enter the room alone as well. He came out fairly quickly.”
Learning that you would have to face Endeavor alone, made you queasy. If Shinso had to do it, then you had no right to say you couldn’t. Besides, if you were working under his agency, then you would need to be able to talk to him directly, alone or not.
You knew which office was Endeavor’s before Heart of Hearts even stopped in her tracks. The hand-carved wooden doors were designed with staggeringly detailed carvings of fighting dragons in red and gold. The windows themselves weren’t see through. And, the area was eerily quiet, almost as if the office itself was lined with sound-proofed panels.
“This is where I let you start your adventure,” Heart of Hearts said, motioning toward the door. “I’ll be right here when you come out. Just get Endeavor’s stamp of approval, and we can go on all kinds of missions together. Trust me, he may be a total grouch sometimes, but I know he’s just as excited to have you as a part of the agency as I am.” She gave you a reassuring smile, but you could already feel the anxiety creeping up your spine.
You gulped, nearing the door and clutching the papers to your chest. You hoped you’d be able to make a better impression the second time you met Endeavor. He wasn’t exactly a man you wanted to get close to. From the little you understood about his relationship with Shoto, you didn’t believe that he was the type of Pro Hero you wanted to become, but Heart of Hearts could teach you far more than anyone you’d come in to contact with. Her knowledge was invaluable to you. It was just a matter of getting the final stamp on your paperwork, and you wouldn’t need to interact with Endeavor any further. At least, you hoped that was the case.
You knocked meekly on the door without a response from the other side. You turned back to Heart of Hearts who motioned you to go in any way. You steeled yourself, grabbing the door, barely able to make it budge with how heavy it was. Once you’d opened the door that was almost crushing you, you braced your back on the inside. Your eyes widened. Endeavor was sitting at his desk with a displeased look on his face, arms folded over his chest. His piercing blue eyes cut across the room, striking you with their intensity. Your gaze was drawn to the person standing opposite to him though. Shoto staggered upon whipping his head around and seeing you.
You suddenly felt weak. The door pushed you all the way in, sliding your feet across the floor with a sickening shriek. Both you and Shoto seemed to cringe from the noise.
“You’re late,” Endeavor said.
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william-williams · 3 years
Black Americans experiencing collective trauma, grief
Carlil Pittman knows trauma firsthand.
As the co-founder of the Chicago-based youth organization GoodKidsMadCity-Englewood, he grieved the loss of Delmonte Johnson, a young community activist, more than two years ago to the very thing the teen fought fiercely against: gun violence.
He’s also been angered and frustrated by the onslaught of stories of Black Americans killed at the hands of police across the nation throughout the past year.
First, there was Breonna Taylor, a Black woman who was fatally shot in her Louisville, Kentucky, home last March. Then there was George Floyd, whose Memorial Day killing by a Minneapolis officer sparked global protests. Just this week, Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man, was fatally shot by a police officer during a traffic stop in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota — just minutes from where Floyd died. And on Friday, Pittman spent much of the day planning a demonstration with other Chicago organizers to protest the police killing of 13-year-old Adam Toledo, who was Latino.
“We’re constantly turning on the TV, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and seeing people that look like us who are getting murdered with no repercussions,” said Pittman, an organizer for A New Deal for Youth. “It’s not normal to see someone get murdered by the click of a video on your phone, yet it has become the norm for our people, our Black and brown communities.”
Many Black Americans are facing a collective sense of grief and trauma that has grown more profound with the loss of each life at the hands of police in America. Some see themselves and their children reflected in the victims of police violence, heightening the grief they feel. That collective mourning is a great concern to experts and medical professionals who consider the intersectionality of racism and various forms of trauma impacting communities of color a serious public health crisis facing America.
The racial trauma impacting Black Americans isn’t new. It’s built upon centuries of oppressive systems and racist practices that are deeply embedded within the fabric of the nation. Racial trauma is a unique form of identity-related trauma that people of color experience due to racism and discrimination, according to Dr. Steven Kniffley, a licensed psychologist and coordinator for Spalding University’s Collective Care Center in Louisville, Kentucky.
“A lot of cities across the country are realizing that racial trauma is a public health issue,” Kniffley said, citing health concerns such as increased rates of suicide among Black men, a life expectancy gap and post-traumatic stress disorder. ”There’s no other way that we can explain that except for the unique experiences Black and brown folks have based on their identity, and more specifically, when they encounter racism and discrimination.”
Kniffley said each generation of Black Americans since slavery has faced its own unique iteration of racism and discrimination, which has manifested into a form of intergenerational trauma.
“We’ve essentially handed down 10 or 15 generations worth of boxes of trauma that have yet to be unpacked, and that’s what’s contributing to a lot of those biological and mental health related issues that we’re having,” Kniffley said, noting the trauma extends beyond police violence.
In a 2018 study examining the mental health impact of police killings on Black Americans, researchers found exposure to police killings of unarmed Black Americans had adverse effects on mental health among Black people. Nearly half of Black Americans who responded said they were exposed to one or more police killings of unarmed Black Americans in their state of residence — either through word of mouth or the media.
“That effect was found only in Black (Americans),” said Dr. Atheendar S. Venkataramani, one of the authors of the study and a physician at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center in Philadelphia.
Rashad Robinson, the president of Color of Change, said the trauma has also created generations of Black Americans who have valid mistrust of law enforcement agencies. And many are experiencing further mental anguish while watching the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck.
“We have a whole set of folks with badges and guns who are supposed to protect and serve and they do neither,” Robinson said. "In order to survive, we have to integrate into a system in a structure which is brutal — brutal to our lives, our dignity, our health. It has collective and long-term impact.”
While much of the media spotlight on police killings impacting Black Americans is focused on Black men, experts say it’s important to also highlight misogynoir — misogyny directed toward Black women. Black women experience misogynoir in various aspects of their lives but also in connection with police violence. The #SayHerName campaign was launched in 2014 to bring awareness to the lesser-known stories of Black women and girls who have been victimized by police. The hashtag flourished again after Taylor's death, prompting accusations of delayed justice in her case.
“As a mom, I’m constantly in fear for my son and my heart is broken by this country over and over again,” said Aimee Allison, who leads She the People. “It really calls into question how Black women in particular, who’ve sacrificed so much to serve this country in terms of democracy and bringing voters to the polls, upholding a vision of peace and justice for everyone else, how much more can we take?”
Chicago resident Erendira Martinez said the Little Village community, a Chicago neighborhood with a majority Latino population, is also hurting, not just from Toledo’s killing but also from the trauma of losing other children to gun violence.
On Thursday night, just hours after the video of Toledo’s death was released, a 17-year-old girl was shot and killed in the same neighborhood. Martinez’s own teenage daughter was shot and killed in Little Village in December.
“We had just buried my daughter, and a month later, we’re burying this kid that grew up with my daughter," she said. "No mother should bury their child.”
Some community organizations are working to address the trauma, said Aswad Thomas, chief of organizing for Alliance for Safety and Justice, who runs Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice, a network of more than 46,000 crime survivors from mostly Black and Latino communities. The group is releasing its first-ever National Crime Victims Agenda next week to address collective trauma.
“The tragic truth is that police violence is the most horrific, visible symptom of a larger systemic problem of how our public safety system is designed and we need to address that head-on,” Thomas said. “But while also investing in the mom and pops who are on the front lines to violence, hosting the community vigils and interventions groups.”
Uzodinma Iweala, CEO of The Africa Center, based in New York, said sometimes the thought of what he and so many other Black Americans have experienced is rage-inducing. He thinks of the times he and his brothers have been stopped by police. Or the time his uncle was called a racial slur by an officer. And how in each instance they prayed they would make it out alive — experiences he thinks some white Americans willfully ignore.
“We’re going to need a real fundamental examination of the roots of what America is,” Iweala said. “America refuses to acknowledge that America is not a country without the labor of and the blood, sweat and tears of Black people. Until America values those contributions, it will never value Blackness as a life form.”
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cruelfeline · 4 years
while I'm personally not (that I know of) on the spectrum (is that the term? I feel like that isn't the term), but I have been both in therapy and on medication for bipolar and depression and anxiety for seven or so years. I mean mind you i have bad moments where I have depressive episodes and never bother to pick up my refills or go back to therapy for six months but that's neither here nor there. but uh, all of your other anons and whatnot seemed to conflate a psychologist and a psychiatrist; therapy with medication management? but either way, uhm. (they each have their own separate pros and cons, of course. and then you have counselors and licensed social workers and psychologists all "within" the therapist category but yknow) psychiatrists Can do both but more often than not they do only medication management, and therapists usually Only do therapy. but when you're "shopping around" for either/or, you can definitely specify what you want them to specialize in? like not "has experience with" but "specializes in", that distinction is very important. and there are lots of different therapy models too tbh (DBT is the one that works best for me so now when I look for a new therapist, I make sure that that's the model they use), and when you're looking around for/at different providers, Always Always read reviews. I dont trust doctors that have bad/no reviews. my first psychiatrist was a pill pusher. she'd push brand name heavy anti-psychotics that were $$$ bc Of Course, but I was 17 lmao what did I know. and I was assigned to her basically so it wasn't like I had any say. but looking back and at her reviews, they ALL say that. and when you call or email their office, you can usually ask if they're open to like. a short 15 or so minute trial run phone call or something just to see if you guys "click" where you can ask them questions before you have an intake/consultation appointment, since those are often long (and relatively expensive) and you don't want to be paying $$ only to realize within the first 5 minutes that you hate this person. yknow? the vet analogy was good i guess?? but youre not shopping around for a doctor for your pet - youre shopping around for a doctor for You. and one that is going to, in large part, be responsible with helping you with your mental health. sorry if this info dump came out of left field and was rude af lol, I was just kinda. feeling as tho people might be spooking you.
Hi anon! I think that’s the term? Maybe? At least, I’ve heard it before.
I know that there are different forms of professionals in the mental health field, and I know the differences more or less. If I end up trying to get in with someone, I’m fairly confident that I’ll be able to figure things out in terms of specialization c: 
It’s more a matter of whether or not I put forth the effort. Which is always kind of dubious for me. At this point, I’m not sure what I’ll decide. I still don’t really believe I’m ND, despite the helpful observations everyone has made. I just think I’m aberrant and highly solitary. And I’m not sure seeing someone to confirm that would be terribly helpful. Maybe? I don’t know.
Either way: thank you for the info!
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So You're Feeling a Little Bicurious. We're Here to Help!
8 expert tips for exploring your sexuality.
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After years of wondering if I could ever be intimate with another man, I decided to hook up with a dude my freshman year of college. I figured this "bicurious" thing clearly isn't a phase, since I'd been thinking about it for a few years. The only way I could know for sure if I was actually gay or bi was if tested the waters.
So I did. Alas, I got so drunk in order to have the courage to hook up with another man that I ended up puking midway through our encounter. After the experience, I could not tell you if I was gay or bi. Overall, the experience was "meh," like any really sloppy, drunken hookup regardless of gender.
The thing is, I went about hooking up with a guy all wrong. I had expectations about what I should feel, still struggled with internalized homophobia, and didn't realize that sexuality is a spectrum. I think that's why I felt even more confused after hooking up with a guy.
Still, I'm glad I did explore, and it did eventually lead me to embracing my sexuality, though it took another five years. Nevertheless, there were definitely things I could have done to better prepare myself for exploring sexually with other men. Things I learned years after the fact. Now, with the help of two sexuality experts, I'm going to impart what I wish I knew and had done before (and after) hooking up with my first guy.
1. Start with porn.
You don’t need to jump headfirst into penetrative sex with a man. Porn is a great way to explore your desires in a manner that’s accessible and private.
“As a starting point for acting out sexual fantasies, many people turn to pornography because it offers a ‘safe’ way to explore, especially if you’re a little afraid of acting it out or don’t know how to go about it,” says Dr. Justin Lehmiller, research fellow at the Kinsey Institute and author Tell Me What You Want.
For bicurious men specifically, Lehmiller notes there are plenty of pornos out there which feature bicurious themes. “So that’s probably the easiest starting point for getting a sense of what you do and don’t like,” he says.
2. Move to apps and chat rooms.
"Apps and chat rooms using sexting and video chats are great ways to explore how you feel about engaging sexually with men before jumping into the deep end and scheduling your first hook-up," says Jor-El Caraballo, a licensed mental health professional who works largely with LGBTQ+ clients. It allows you the opportunity to engage with other men sexually without doing anything IRL. (Grindr and Scruff are two good apps to use.)
3. Have a bisexual MMF threesome.
If after watching some bi/gay porn and talking to some dudes on apps/chat rooms, you’re thinking to yourself, alright, I think I could potentially be into this, it might be time to consider having a threesome with a woman and another man. In Lehmiller’s research on sexual fantasies, he’s found that a lot of bicurious guys report fantasies about mixed-gender threesomes. “I think the appeal of this scenario is that it seems less intimidating than hooking up with just another guy,” he says. “A lot of bicurious guys worry about what it means for their sexuality if they experiment with another guy, so being able to explore that with a woman present might make it less intimidating.”
4. Work on reducing internalized shame.
Exploring bi-curiosity isn't just getting out there and doing it with another guy. “It's important for men to understand that we live in sex-phobic and homophobic culture that helps shape what we see as possible for ourselves and our desires,” says Jor-El. This means that we first have to explore how much of our reluctance might be attributed to cultural attitudes and how much of it is solely our responsibility. “Naming that societal homo- and bi-phobia first is an important step,” he says.
5. Educate yourself.
One of the biggest ways to reduce internalized shame and to better understand how your sexuality might not be binary or stagnant (meaning, specifically, that you're not always exclusively gay or straight) is to educate yourself about sexuality. Alas, sex education leaves quite a few things to be desired here in the United States (and abroad, too). Instead of discussing how we come to form our sexual identity, some sex-ed classes never get beyond condoms on cucumbers—or teach abstinence-only curriculum.
"Because we live in a culture that has [negative] perspectives on bisexuality and same-sex attraction, it's important to gain exposure to alternative perspectives," Jor-El says. There are two books in particular Jor-El tends to recommend to his clients. The first is Brene Brown's Daring Greatly, which tackles shame resilience. The second is sexologist Dr. Chris Donaghue's book Sex Outside the Lines: Authentic Sexuality in a Sexually Dysfunctional Culture.
6. Recognize you might not have a big “aha” moment.
When I got to college, I decided I was going to finally explore my same-sex attractions that had been gnawing at me for the past few years. Without going into too many details (you can read about my full experience here), I left that first encounter feeling even more unsure of my sexual identity. I thought I was going to have this big “aha” moment. I’d kiss his lips and immediately realize, “Woah… I’m gay. I’ve never felt like this when I've been with women.” Or it would become crystal clear I definitely wasn’t into men. Neither happened. In fact, I came to the conclusion after the experience that I was straight, and it took me another five years of hooking up with men to embrace the fact that I am bisexual.
7. Talk to a therapist.
As always, it can be helpful to explore this in the safe space of therapy. "With a LGBTQ+ affirming therapist, you can talk through aspects of your sexuality that seem daunting or frightening to deal with on your own," Joe-El says. "This space will give you the security of a confidential and non-judgmental space where you can make your own decisions about what works best for you without outside pressure."
Personally, seeing a therapist was the most helpful thing when it came to exploring and eventually embracing my same-sex attractions. By the end of my third session, I began calling myself bisexual.
8. You can try it, not like it, and you're still straight.
There's this notion that if you so much as kiss a man once, you must be gay or bisexual. This makes it particularly scary and seemingly "binding" when you explore. You fear that if you experiment, and don't like it, people will wrongfully assume you're closeted. You fear that rumors surrounding your sexuality will haunt you for the rest of your life, but here's the truth about experimenting: If you come to the conclusion after hooking up with a guy that you're straight, then you are just as straight as a dude who's never experimented. One sexual act does not define your entire identity. Period.
Now if you're someone like me, who comes to realize, oh yeah, I really can get down hooking up with other men, then welcome to the club, my dude. Your world is about to get a hell of a lot more fun.
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