#and now i have 20 more pounds until im at my goal
jinmukangwrites · 1 year
I can't be obnoxious about this to people I know irl so I just want to say I've finally successfully lost 10 pounds :3
I just want to tell someone
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clownmoontoon · 1 month
YOUR FAVORITE CLOWN IS BACK IN BUSINESS ive been quiet a while, a LOTS been going on in my personal life that brought my social medias to a complete (and unfortunate ToT) standstill til now!
i rlly wanna talk about it, its been honestly life changing and for safety i need to add some warnings:
cw for abuse both physical and emotional, and suicidal thoughts/ideation (dw im ok and not suicidal! i used to be and i finally have real context as to why)
i got the opportunity to see a therapist for free for the first time since i was a kid and it was IMMENSELY eye opening.
SOME CONTEXT: ive lived with just my mother since i was a teenager as i tried to "make it" as an artist. ive had my ups and downs w this career goal and have been heavy in the midst of a very big Down period. entirely brought on by how sick i was at the start of the year to june (infected lymph nodes, pneumonia, 2 pounds of tumors in my uterus that required the removal of the organ entirely etc, i may have a weak immune system im realizing sdlkjd) which resulted in me having very little energy to create and/or post content. by july i needed to basically start over. which i was excited to do! i WANTED to get back to work and i was even excited for art fight! ;u;
aaaand in july is when my mom thought would be a good time to threaten to kick me out unless i found money to give her or got a "real" job. this came as an extreme and horrifying shock as i had just asked her the month before to "believe in me just a little longer" as i finally felt i realized what id been doing wrong all these years before and felt strongly i could succeed before the end of the year, she not only emphatically agreed but even said i didnt need such a time limit and she definitely didnt mind supporting me til i reached my dream lol i couldnt even do anything until july bc i was busy recovering from major surgery, coming home with tape on my stomach to heal the incision that hadnt fully closed yet
ive wanted to see a therapist for ages bc im Full O' Trauma and i knew it would help. The way this worked was basically like getting a free trial, i got six days of therapy (to be spread out as far as i liked) thru zoom.
i used the visits more for getting advice on how to reach my goals thru mental blocks and exhaustion bc ultimately i felt like 6 days wasnt enough time to get into trauma stuff and i really just wanted to get my career off the ground again, hopefully permanently.
i had vented a tiny bit about my mom and by the final visit w my therapist i decided to forgo the "how to better reach my goals" questions and ask if she had advice on how to handle someone like my mother, who i had to live with and rely on and who would often say something cruel whenever the mood struck. as i told her about my situation she stops me and asks
"do you hear yourself? bc i hear you"
and im suddenly so scared shes going to tell me the same, "get a real job" "stop acting so selfish" etc
instead she says, "this is abuse, youre literally describing an abusive relationship"
i was in complete shock
i even asked her how could i be the one being abused when i was the one using the resources and she compared it to a person getting married to someone rich and that rich person treating them like theyre worthless for not also making money.
it shook me to my core especially bc my mom loved calling me an abuser and comparing me to her abusive ex husbands (one of which used to abuse her physically, punch her/beat her etc) and saying im just like them
for the record ive never laid a hand on her, she would say these things whenever the mood struck, often out of nowhere
once bc i told her i couldnt read her mind and didnt know what she wanted lol wild
ANYWAY after this conversation i started looking back on my life and realizing why ive always felt so worthless, why i thought until my early 20's that suicide would be the best option for everyone. i was so exhausted from chasing this dream and feeling like such a worthless burden, my mother would get so angry with me for just existing and i felt like she would be so much happier if i were out of the picture, my sisters (both a decade older and living w their own families) calling me a leech and selfish for "using" our mother etc
any time i would stand up for myself, kindly and meekly as i could my mother would tell me how she wanted to punch my mouth, slap my face etc for years i thought she'd eventually fly into such a rage one day that she'd kill me and... i honestly didnt really mind the thought once while in high school my mom picked me up for lunch and offered to pay for a prom dress. i told her that it was ok, i knew she was struggling w money rn and i didnt really wanna go to prom anyway she flew into such a rage she pulled over on the highway just to pull my hair and beat me, and then dropped me back at school to finish my day lol
realizing that all of that IS NOT OK OR A NORMAL WAY TO FEEL OR BE TREATED AND I DEFINITELY DIDNT DESERVE ANY OF THAT was extremely eye opening
i told my best friends what my therapist had said and they were both like YEAH... DID YOU NOT KNOW YOU HAD AN ABUSIVE MOTHER??
apparently it was very obvious ^^; my friends were shocked to find that i thought everything was my fault, my therapist even used the term "gaslighting narcissist" to describe her which was WILDLY VALIDATING for me lmao
sitting w all these thoughts whirling around my head my mom texts me suddenly and tells me to ask my sisters for money (13 hundred dollars lol) bc she needs it for "bills"
i didnt want to do that at all she told me to "use my big words" to convince them and not to say it was her idea, but instead to act like i was asking bc i wanted to
it felt gross and made my skin crawl and honestly didnt even make sense bc WHY would i need that money so i asked but let my sisters know it was my mom asking and said she prob felt embarrassed to ask, while telling my mom that i asked in the way she wanted
my oldest sister makes good money and has helped our mom w money in the past. she texted me back asking why our mom needed money and why 1300 and i told her honestly i didnt know, i asked my mom what to say and she said to tell her she had an itemized list but she left it at work and couldnt remember what was on it lol
my sister told me to tell our mom that she couldnt help rn, so i did and my mom encouraged me to push harder to my other sister
suddenly the sister i had been talking to texts me and says that our mom left her a voicemail saying she doesnt know WHY i would ask for money, must be bc she threatened to kick me out bc i never help her with money :,( which was WILD bc any time i had money my mom would get most if not all of it, i havent been able to save money since ... ever tbqh, even when i tried my mom would successfully guilt every dollar from me letting me know i didnt deserve to save a penny after all shes done for me aaAA
ANYWAY i was so angry and hurt that my mom would just throw me under the bus i told my sister i had proof i wasnt lying (bc she was already inclined to believe our mother since they both considered me a leech to start with) and sent her screenshots of my texts
she was shocked and hurt too i decided to tell her about my therapy and how my therapist had called our mom an abuser and she answered that she understands more than ill ever know... which is very sad hjghfgf
we havent really talked more since and i deleted my texts to the other sister, more likely than not my mom sent her a similar voicemail
im very tired
i want to get out of here, im finally seeing this relationship for what its been for years and years, even back to when i was a little kid! i didnt know about suicide but id dream of being an animal in the wild bc i felt like if i were just out of the picture everyone at home would be less angry
its something that enrages me now tbqh ive tried all my life to be as little of a burden as possible and now im ready to be a problem LMAO :o)
the long and short of it is that i will be posting art sales and opening my patreon FINALLY to try and save up funds to get out of here ive also gotten a part time job on weekends for a little cushion tho some of that money will inevitably go to my mother, unfortunately
she doesnt know about the money i make online :o)
my family has constantly called me selfish, entitled and spoiled for just asking for common decency and to be treated like a person, theyve dehumanized me to the point that my greatest coping mechanism was creating a creature sona that isnt human but a monstrous equivalent lol AND I LOVE THEM IM EMBRACING CREATURE LETS FUCKIN GO
i know this has been long and if youve made it to the end i love u and im so thankful for your support!! ;u;
FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!! i want to come back full force, i havent stopped drawing at all, just havent had the energy to do much til now
my therapist even pointed out that i probably WOULDVE had at least moderate steady success by now if it werent for my mom's constant abuse
OH ALSO I NOW HAVE FOUR CATS LMAO a stray i had been giving water to and keeping safe from weather things (extreme heat, extreme cold etc) had her kittens here! and my mom gave me the ok to keep them all ;u; (and then ofc rescinded that but thats hardly a surprise now lol) and man, having kids cats sure changes your perspective on what u want and feel like you deserve! I NEED TO DO WELL BC THESE KITTIES DEPEND ON ME AND I LOVE THEM QVQ <3<3
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vitaminskin · 3 years
18 January 22
Breakfast: A breakfast sandwich on an English Muffin with one slice of Jalapeño Cheese, 1 large Egg, 2 slices of Turkey Bacon
Snack 1: Coffee with Almond Milk Creamer
Lunch: Turkey, Cheese Slices, Cucumber, Melba Toast
Snack 2: Ice cream
Dinner: Lean Cuisine Cheese Ravioli, Diet A&W Root Beer
Snack 3: Welchs Fruit Snacks
Total Calories: 1,449 (Roughly)
Morning Weigh In: 173lb
87 oz of water
Reminder of my Goals: I'm currently in the 170s range and I am 5'4. I would like to lose around 35 pounds to get back into a "healthy" weight range for myself. My goals for this year are to lose 1-1.5 pounds a week until I reach my goal and then work on maintaining.
Why do I want to lose weight? My average weight for the passed 5+ years was 150 pounds, But I felt my best at 135-140 pounds. Recently after starting anti depressants (that im not longer on) and being stuck inside due to covid, I had a fairly rapid weight gain of 20 pounds. At this weight I feel uncomfortable in most of my clothes, even most of my shoes are tight now. What is effecting me more than that is the pressure on my joints and the discomfort that I'm experiencing every day, specifically on my knees. My relationship with food has also changed, I'm reaching for sugar out of boredom, sadness, loneliness, most negative emotions that I have a lot more often since the pandemic started. Id like to swap this unhealthy habit for a better way to deal with my stress and in ways that make me feel good like exercise.
I was traveling a lot today but managed to get some movement in before I got busy. When I woke up this morning I did a bit of spin for about 20 minutes, then stretched out and did some light body weight work out and physio for my knee.
Really need to get my protein up, especially while healing from a muscle injury.
Stay healthy friends!
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healthyhopefully · 4 years
Im Back...
it’s been a couple of years since I’ve really used this account because i hit my goal weight of 145. i maintained a weight between 145-155 for about two years after hitting my goal up until now, the past 3 to 4 maybe even 5 months (its hard to gauge time these days lol) I’ve gained more weight than i have wanted it started out me trying to eat to gain muscle but it turned into over eating and under exercising i’m currently 166 pounds as of today that’s after eating I know i shouldn’t weigh myself after eating but i know my body. im about 20 pounds heavier today than i was this day last year, i try not to be too hard on myself because of quarantine and covid has made this year a lot different from what anyone couldve expected. im just back to try and keep myself motivated and lose this little bit of weight i know i can do this ive lost more before so this shouldnt be too hard my goal date is somewhere around valentines day lol im wanna feel sexy again by then my weight gain has brought me back to an old place i dont like even tho 15 or 20 pounds may not seem like a lot to some the feeling of my clothes being too tight hurts a lot i dont wanna to feel like that anymore ive felt that feeling plenty of times in this life lol im good off that so im getting it together right now  
IM BACK AGAIN💀 and heavier than ever before I’m currently 230 which is crazy asf I had got to 235 but I was also getting my period so idk if that contributed lol ,a lot of things have added to this weight gain but I’m back on my health journey and I want to feel good about myself again I would love to just be 166 again I thought I was huge then but I’ve gained so much in a short amount of time. I love myself and I’m done treating my body like trash I’ve been attempting to eat healthier and lower calories for the past 2 and a half maybe 3 weeks , I’ve been tracking calories and I starting exercising again a few days ago . I feel alot better already just knowing I’m in control because I’ve felt so out of control these past few months I definitely know wishing the past 3-4 months I’ve gained 30 lbs which has me at my heaviest so it made me do some introspection I know I’m an emotional eater and I went way overboard I got trapped in a terrible cycle that I don’t want to go through again. Covid was the initial trigger to my binge eating issues and basically my addiction to sugar got reignited, before that I had kept my weight off for over 2 +years until the quarantine and things have just went downhill from there. I had got trapped at a job I hated after the quarantine which made me eat more to numb my feelings and make me feel like I have more joy in my life that I was dreading back then. But enough rambling, I just want to use this as a journey or me talking about my feelings and documenting my weight loss journey again… the first time was so hard and this time is gonna be even harder but I just know I can do it, I don’t want this weight to define me I don’t feel like I’m who I can be . My whole heart is in this fitness journey .
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flowers-that-i-sent · 3 years
🌻🌠 i lost 2 pounds 🌠🌻
Im still overweight by 50lbs.
Not even close to my 1st goal of 150
I will still never get to my ugw of 95lbs (really 85) bc its completely unrealistic for my body type
I will still never have a thigh gap at my realistic goal weight of 115lbs bc its not realistic to my body type. They will always rub together. Rash life for life.
Switching to peas and duck sauce worked. Keep eating peas for a meal.
Drinking 1/2 gallon of diet green iced tea throughout the day worked. Keep drinking it. It'll also make you feel less water trashy.
Violet mints work great for a snack substitute and does make me go (bad bad stomach pains). Not sure if thats good or not. I dont see a change in weight solely based on that even though my curiosity came from a reddit of someone losing 30lbs by eating too many and accidentally causing an exlax reaction. It's a nice feeling emptying my stomach though.
Its MOST LIKELY WATER WEIGHT so I cant rejoiced in weight lost until at least 5 more pounds are lost.
Im so so so so tired of seeing one friend after another succeeding in major weight lost and im gaining. Im definitely not trying hard enough.
One guy friend quit drinking the same time I did and cleaned his diet a bit. He lost 70lbs in 7 months. I gained 15. Wtf is that shit? Im happy for him but why didn't it work for me?
He was close to 300lbs when he started dieting. Probably ate well over 3000 a day unlike me who ate about 2300 a day.
He drank tons of beer. I drank liquor and wine. Beer makes you bloated and has more to it then just calories (high in carbs). Cut the beer out and cut out extra carbs . I didn't cut tons of carbs when I quit drinking.
Hes a dude. Dudes lose weight easily
I had two kids and my body is just fcked. I have hanging skin from where my babies grew.
I hate how people say i should love my pouch bc it grew my babies. I love my babies more then anything in the world and hating the pouch doesn't mean I regret having kids . Please stop saying this to moms. You're fcking our heads up.
At least 3 of my female friends got gastric bypass surgery. 2 lost well over 100lbs and the other is close to losing 90lbs.
They got surgery. You didn't. Thats why they lost weight. Why can't I comprehend this.
All 3 were above 250lbs. 1 was over 300. My heaviest was 250 right after giving birth. Im at 184lbs currently. I was 172 when they all got the work done. Granted 2 of them are way smaller then me now but its not the same deck of cards.
The one woman talked about the surgery right before and right after it happen. Once she started losing weight she stopped talking about it like she lost the weight on her own. That pissed me off so much. OWN IT. Don't lead people on saying shyt like "exercise and eating better lolz". Or when they asked how and she looks great just saying "thanks doll" with out an explanation. I know its her right not to out her surgery but she's making people think she's doing it on her own. DONT DO THAT. Be real.
My other 2 friends who look slamming went on the keto diet. Lost 50-60 lbs. Did it with a healthier mindset.
One has cancer and took her life more seriously. Only went on the weight lost journey to fight her cancer. She is an amazing person and im so happy for her.
The other I dont think ever took dieting seriously until recently. She ate a lot of hearty meals. She started working out and did keto. She looks great.
I need to remember that their bodies were never tortured. Their bodies never went through a starvation mode and this was the way my body reacted when I first started starving myself when I was in my 20s. I've then recovered and gained tons of weight. My metabolism is so fcked now.
I've tried keto before. Im 99% sure I had a heart attack bc of it. I went from eating almost no meat to only eating meat and cheese. I hated eating all that meat. Cheese was good though.
That's All Folks!!
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heythrrdelilah · 5 years
Lights, Camera, Love (Tom Holland x Reader) Chapter 1
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  A/N: So, I’ve been wanting to write for Tom for a while now, I hope all the marvel fans approve. I have incorporated some of my personal goals; like acting since I did 7+ years of theater throughout my life and my certification in Radio/film broadcasting. Also, My nursing degree im working on. So this plot may seem cheesy because of it but… oh well. Also playing off the easter egg of Gwen in endgame. 
Word Count: 1,642 (the next chapters will be better and longer sorry)
Warnings/tags: Fluffish, slow beginning (sorry.... it’s been a while since I’ve written anything), friend-zone
Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader
The cold winter breeze sent chills down your spine, making you regret not taking a bigger jacket or adding a few more layers to your outfit. Today, was your first day of work as a small part in the new Marvel movie. You hadn’t known much about it, because today was the first table read for your scene. The main cast had done their table reading months ago, however, for certain scenes, the small parts come in with the main cast as needed. You knew that you had more than one line, otherwise you would be placed with the extras. When you auditioned, you didn’t have a preference for a role, which was ideal for the directors. Directors usually want to have complete creative criticism over everything. Plus, you didn’t have an agent anyways, you had just heard of the audition through an online alert you set for google. Your regular day job was a nurse, which you were thankful that the hospital gave you days off for the filming. 
“ID and reason for entry please?” The guard at the gates asked you when you arrived in your 2019 yellow and black camero. You nodded, reaching for your purse. Your nerves were causing your hand to shake as you passed your ID along. “Studio 9, Marvel. I play Mikayla, a small role,” You stated with a nervous, shaky tone. He marked you down on the ipad he wielded and passed you your ID along with a parking pass. He pressed the button for the gate to open and you went through, finding your way to the studio. You parked in the assigned spot, which was shockingly close to the studio building and exited. 
Nervously gripping your coffee, you walked slowly into the building. There was a security guard in the doorway, who gave you a pass and directions to the reading table. You walked slowly through the building, seeing hundreds of employees rushing around to build sets, props, costumes, lighting, and several agents on their phones. It was seven in the morning and people were already working so hard. You dodged several people rolling giant wooden boards, along with piles of paint. From upstairs, where the reading room was, you could look down to the floor and see everything from above, as the rooms and offices were all around the sides of the building, leaving the middle open. You looked for office number 24 as instructedd in the email. As you reached the windowless room and door, you knocked gently before entering. The room was warm and smelled like a coffee shop. The lights were perfectly balanced between dim and bright. The tables were set in one big circle and the only other person in the room at the moment was a small blonde with rolled up knit sleeves, placing gift baskets at every seat. “Hello! You must be (y/n)! You’re early!” She smiled, placing another basket at another seat. I waved slightly, “Good morning, yeah sorry I actually thought I was running late. Would you like some help?” You placed your coffee and purse down on the table against the wall with the coffee pots, yes...plural. You rushed over to the two carts of baskets and began placing the heavy packets on the table.  You hadn't even noticed the names on the baskets either.  
"I'm Clara, by the way. I'm the Mr. Whedon's assistant," She placed her dainty hand out for you to shake. She was the same height as you,  but probably weighed 20 pounds less given her viable bone lines.  You were careful to lightly shake her hands. You didn't want to be objective when looking at her,  guessing her weight,  but your previous struggle with an eating disorder left a mark on your brain when it comes to this stuff.  She was pretty in the way every other shy girl who moves to LA is. Definitely stuck out in this city,  Atlanta that is. 
"So the director gives gift baskets to even the smallest of roles?  That's super cool," You walked over to the coffee stand and took your cup.  She followed,  pouring herself a nesspresso.  "Small roles? No. There are too many characters with less than 10 lines. Why?" She took a second before her Raven black brows lifted,  "oh shit!  You don't know? They told you that you didn't get mIkayla right?" Wow-what a shot to the heart!  You thought to yourself. You swallowed the lump in your throat and shook your head.  "Well, you blew everyone away and they didn’t want to waste your talent on a classmate of peter. So, they decided it was time for Gwen Stacy to head into the Avenger world,” Clara informed. You scrunch your brows together, “Wait… is this why we saw a glimpse of Gwen in Endgame? That is honestly so sick!” You couldn’t contain your excitement. Your expression grew into a big smile. You were a big marvel fan, so this job  was a double dream come true. It hadn’t actually hit you that you were Gwen Stacy until you found your seat. The gift basket in front of you had a place marker attatched, like one at an office, that read “Gwen Stacy/ (y/n),” you were reading out loud. “How many acting jobs have you had before this?” Clara asked cheerily. You placed your coffee down next to the basket, “This is the first professional one.” Just as Clara was about to state something, the door opened behind her. 
Walking in was the tall blonde you could never not recognize, Chris Hemsworth. Your heart skipped a beat seeing him in person. Sure, you’ve met a few small celebrities before at concerts, but never someone with so much recognition. He was wearing jeans and a baseball Tee, his hair was spiked up and his smile was plastered on his face. He looked down at Clara and gave her a friendly side hug, “Nice to see you as always.” His accent was like cutting butter. Smooth and pleasing. She smiled up at him before motioning to the coffee. “As always, same to you. The coffee is set up and this film’s gift baskets are an assortment of pastries. Yes, this means apple fritters,” she smiled, pointing to his seat. You were frozen at your chair, hearing your heartbeat in your ears. “Oh I’m not the first one? This is different!” He began walking over to your direction. You found the courage to stand up, smoothening out the wrinkles in your shirt during the process. “Hi, I’m (y/n). I am apparently playing Gwen Stacy,” You placed your hand for him to shake. He towered over you, as you were pretty short. His firm grip on your heand suddenly calmed you, “i’m Chris. Nervous? I heard this was your first film?” You nodded slowly. This was just another person. Celebrities are people and you would just have to think that when everyone else walked through the door. “It’s so funny, I thought I had a small part, but Clara informed me otherwise just this morning. I thought you had all table read months ago,” You blabbed, taking a sip from your coffee. He chuckled, “They probably meant for it to be a surprise,” He spoke loud enough for Clara to hear that last part, “We read earlier than the small roles, but that doesn’t start until today.” You nodded smiling. This had to of been a dream. “Gwen stacy isn’t even an avenger though and-” Chris cut you off, placing his hand on your shoulder, “It’s the film industry. Nothing has to be accurate. Just accept it and welcome.” Chris walked over to his chair a few down from you, already opening his bag, placing the name card visible to the center of the circle. You placed yours in the same fashion. Shortly after, the door opened once more. Tom Holland walked through sporting a hoodie and jeans. When he looked up from his phone, he greeted Clara and Chris first, before finding his seat beside you. He turned to you, “You must be our Gwen? Im Tom.” He placed his hand out for you to shake, which you kindly did. He was much more handsome in person, in fact, it made your stomach knot up just looking at him. After introducing yourself, you removed the gift basket from the top of the table and placed it beside you, just as the other two had. 
“First table read?” He asked, his british accent melting your heart. You nod slowly, “Yeah. I am honestly afraid I’ll be laughed out of the room by the end of the day.” You finished the last gulp of your coffee and pushed your chair back to stand up and walk over to the coffee station. Tom followed, to your surprise. “Listen, Can I tell you a secret?” He asked in a hushed tone, grabbing a glass mug from the table, giving you one after he tossed the paper cup into the trash. You nodded, “If they put you in a role higher than what you auditioned for, you must be good. I highly doubt you will be laughed out of the room.” Your face burned red as his kind words actually sunk into your mind.  You shook your head. You had to be professional. These were the people you were going to see every day for a good year. No way could you be blushing at every Avenger walking through the door just trying to create a friendly environment. 
“In fact, if you are laughed out of the room, I will walk out with you. Losing both of us. If not… you have to hang out with us after the table read? We all planned on going out for pasta. You aren’t one of those carbphobic ladies are you?” He asked, nudging you slightly. Friendly.
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6 Tips On Making Training A Practice.
There are actually mixed reviews about the recent commendation of lorcaserin (Belviq) as well as its own new availability as a prescription weight loss medication. Meh, that coincides guideline as the fella that slimmed down consuming only McDonald is actually for Thirty Day. Hi thus i work as a custodian at an university and also my digital pedometer informs me i do within THIRTEEN 15 th.a time i do not drop any weight lol i measure 165 pounds and also im a 5 ft. 4in. Once I weigh 220 I run a matching of 6 miles a time and the body weight is still thawing off. In the final fiscal year, it's predicted we devoted $745.6 thousand on counselling, low-calorie foods, diet cookbooks, supplements, tour bands and lipo. However, our team could suggest handling it the old-fashioned means, instead of adhering to the next cool and trendy diet plan. However I intended to state with my viewpoint as a life-time member of weight spectators these previous 11 years. Although I never ever experienced starving in the mornings, I always consumed morning meal considering that everybody stated this was actually 'the most crucial dish of the time'! Drop back to TWENTY everyday grams of Net Carbohydrates and keep there until you have actually shed the trip body weight if you're doing Atkins 20. Like you Andreas, he is actually an actual doctor carrying out actual collaborate with bunches of effectiveness ... This is ending up being harder and also harder for your peers to overlook the fact that LCHF operates, as well as is healthy. So, while on an LCHF diet regimen the fasting time frames come to be both much easier to carry out and also much more efficient. I actually am actually unaware when it relates to the whole surgical treatment and also if I should hang around until after our experts possess little ones. Nonetheless, rats do appear to reply to food in identical ways to human beings, and also the laboratory disorders permit an essential level from command permanently observational analysis. Although the process from cooking improvements the framework from protein by means of 'denaturing' that does certainly not suggest that there is actually any more or even less useable healthy protein in your meal. I don't really feel some other damaging adverse effects as well as i a troubled to find if i continue to reduce weight. A carbonated fermented tea that can be located in nearly every health food establishment today. Most importantly, that comfortably enables you to lose weight without restricting your calorie consumption and as a result without too much hunger and longings. But bear in mind that our experts are doomed through environment improvement (state very most scientists) despite that the president is actually. Carson possesses the only non-zero odds of creating a nick in the issue, and also will be an unintended outcome from his impact on diet regimen (potentially). Generally communicating, we take into consideration a healthy fee from long lasting weight-loss to become steady as well as slow, about 1-2 pounds every week. Before you are actually also ended up licking the doughnut polish off your hands, make certain you have actually planned out your upcoming low-carb treat or meal. I believe whatsoever that anyone would lose considerable amounts of weight eating simply 5 snaps a meal (Lewis prepares an expectation of 13 pounds per week in his publication). As well as the various other intriguing factor was to carry out with expectations regarding weight loss.
Kept in mind imperfections were (a) effective weight loss is not a certainty, and also one little study presented a maybe loss from regarding 5 pounds over 3 weeks; (b) heart advantages are not known, and also that's not clear whether Paleo can easily protect against diabetic issues; (c) shunning grains and milk can easily reduce nutrient intake; (d) the diet regimen may be pricey; as well as (e) it's merely ordinary difficult to comply with as a result of the total ditching of primary food items teams. Along with over 300 web pages full of beneficial ideas, Slimming Meals That Recover are going to instruct you every little thing you must find out about inflammation and also body weight gain. All 3 groups dropped statistically considerable volumes from weight, yet there was actually no difference in quantity of body weight lost among the teams. We don't understand if that lifted his danger from cancer cells in the long run, so no specialist is advising his diet plan. In fact, unsaturated fats, like those found in plant-based oils, nuts and fatty fish, benefit you considering that they assist guard you coming from heart problem, help you maintain a healthy and balanced weight as well as have some surface perks for your skin layer as well as hair. But a keto diet regimen modifies factors even better to create sure this's working and, if intended, to get even deeper right into ketosis. There is NO need to have for carbohydrates in the individual diet plan as the body system can produce exactly what this requires through glucose off gluconeogenesis in the liver. These noodles will soak up the flavors of the dressing or soup that you combine them with. Through controlling fats as well as portions, Medifast asserts customers could anticipate to lose around 20 extra pounds in their first month on the system. The advancement could frequently be actually stopped by lifestyle modifications like dietary adjustments, moderate-intensity exercise, and also moderate weight loss. Right now, 8 months later on I am really satisfied with the meals choices and the sustainability of the type of diet regimen. My inquiry is actually. Perform you people remain in phass 1 greater than 17 times then carried on to the various other stage or you accomplished the strategy at that point began across once again. If you want your soup to work as a standalone dish, thus including a protein is actually important. At this phase I recognized how overweight I had actually ended up being, I had had 2 children and so quit working out as well as was actually most absolutely over-eating and assumed this was why I had actually overdone the weight. http://egeszsegeseletmod-blog.com/ is to have the independence to earn meals options accordinged to exactly what thinks best for YOUR body, certainly not based blindly what a person else tells you to do. You'll likewise locate advice and tips for appreciating and simplifying life much more while finding a balance between your food items, thoughts and body. Plenty of still suggest the aged saw from weight reduction - also for individuals which have tried that a lot of opportunities as well as - of course - restored the weight. Our company discovered that they managed to reduce weight yet additionally extra essentially to strengthen their physical body structure which showed our company that they were losing fatty tissue instead of muscle. A diet plan consisting of couple of carbohydrates generally causes a greatly lowered demand for insulin. Symptoms of meals allergic reactions typically take place within HALF AN HOUR of eating the allergen and also include colonies, belly discomforts, throwing up, diarrhoea, inflamationing around the oral cavity, puking, rasping or hacking, hoarse voice as well as loss of mindset. I wagered several South Asians and also non-Asians eating the Common United States Diet would find better health and wellness through observing his low-carb, physically energetic system. Our experts tried to develop a plan that is actually versatile for folks depending upon their goals-whether they wish to highlight additional fat loss or bodybuilding or someplace between.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Gonna try and make a quick half weekly update maybe probably! Sorry that i've only been emailing a few people so far, i have to wait a week to get a library card so i can use the library email service. So i've just been running around trying to catch wild wifi wherever it may be, and then kinda failing so i used up some of my mobile data. And i need to ration that throughout the month so i was gonna try sending only weekly emails but then some people sent me emails so i had to reply and then i was like OH NO i am neglecting the everyone else AAAAA
So umm anyway im on mobile data right now and i cant really browse the tumbl cos images and stuff really burn it up. But i can make this one post!! Yay!! Aaa!!
Umm okay maybe i'll make a second post with Big Rambling About What's Happen, for now i kinda need to make a Dumb Ask For Money Time.
I feel so damn guilty cos i havent even finished paying back the 20 bucks some friends leant me two weeks ago for groceries, cos there was all the stress of moving and i just COMPLETELY FORGOT until it was too late and im already here aaaa! And then i was stupid yesterday and i gave all my money to a homeless guy out in the rain. Like i know i should be calling myself stupid cos it was reckless and i didnt think about taking care of myself also, but like i dont think it was stupid cos that guy needed it more than i did. He actually gave me a hug! I felt so bad, like man nobody must have been donating to him if he got so emotional over just that much! I wished i could have given more!! He was stuck in RAIN nobody was helping him in the RAIN what the hell sort of monsters are they?! It was like the windiest rainstorm all year so far! Shop displays were flying out the doors and people were getting beaned in the head with acorns and stuff! This dude had nothing to his name except a lil not very waterproof looking sleeping bag!! It was hard enough to stay out of the rain just as a regular shopping person, imagine how hard it must be to try and find a place to sleep rough when there's all stupid cops chasing you away from anywhere visible because 'blah blah blah tourism we have the army recruitment rally today'. BOOO! there was a goddamn actual tank up at a historic monument of pre-britain celtic civilization and im just like wow fuck you how dare you market this to literal schoolchildren on a summer trip. Anyway i'm going offtopic, what's really important is the SECOND homeless person that i didnt have enough money to help because i gave it all to the first guy. He was an elderly veteran with a missing arm! SO MANY PEOPLE STUCK OUT IN THE DAMN RAIN INCLUDING FORMER SOLDIERS, GOD FUCK U SO MUCH ARMY. Umm anyway so yeah "bunni it is reckless to throw all your money at a stranger and keep none for grocery" NO it is reckless because what if you find another stranger who EVEN MORE needs it more than i do!!!!
Anyway i've been rambling a lot but i just thought that wtf it probably sounds fake to say 'oh i gave all my money to someone in trouble' that sounds like im boasting about my humbleness somehow. So yeah there's a Detailed Ramble that hopefully proves it i guess?? But yeah i have no money now until the 28th. Whoops. Luckily i dont need as much money while im here at the mental hospital cos i eat most meals at the shared kitchen and you have a 4 bucks a week allowance to buy additional supplies. They said i can get the juice i like, cos im stupidly picky and struggle taking my pills with plain water. And i have a bus pass now! A surprise benefit of being hospital'd! The picture on it looks TERRIBLE, i wish i could show you guys! And of course i dont have to pay gas bills here. So all the biggest money pains are gone! But then i've been signed up for two classes each week that are like two towns away and really early in the morning with me probably only getting back at 2pm cos of the travel time. And i wont have free food there, im not allowed to take anything out of the shared kitchen even if its a lunchbox or somethin. So i kinda just need some spare money so i can grab a sandwich or something in the supermarket along the way. And of course there's the fact its just damn hard to kill your boredom in a place like this, so aaa i wish i could buy some cheap books from the thrift store or something. And then there's the biggest ludicrous temptation of there being a BUILD A BEAR WORKSHOP NEAR THE HOSPITAL!! AAAAAAAA!! With the new pokemon collection!! Alola vulpix!! I'm not gonna ask for donations for that, obviously, but i just wanted to tell you cos its AWESOME and its frustrating i have to go past it on this bus route. My goal is to get you by the end of the month, lil snowy friend!!!
Short version: I don't really have a specific amount i'm asking for, im just gonna keep this paypal pool open for the first month and like if you can spare any change it would really help! The help bunni get adjusted to new and terrifying live in hospital strangeness fund! Because bunni was an idiot and gave away all their money on the first damn day! Gahhh!! Okay so seriously if you have anything to spare and ONLY if you have it to spare, i would really appreciate your help. Even if its just 1 dollar/pound/other local currency of which you own! I will hug you greatly!! And if you wanna be added to the weekly email updates list then my email is [email protected] and i would super apprecoate keeping in touch! And if anyone wants to be pokemon go friends i will try and send you gifts everyday!! I need 3 more friends for a quest milestone lol.
For to help the bunn, go the here! And umm lol if you want to signal boost then feel free to just take that link and make your own post thats way damn shorter than this nonsense, lol. I JUST MISS YOU ALL SO MUCHHHH
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lazypetals · 3 years
 one week later. i take back everything i said. it seems impossible at home. everything revolves around food. there is so much of it, everywhere. i don’t have the self-control to stop myself from binging. i don’t even want to call it binging because it’s not. i’m just eating all the time and pushing the thoughts of the calories away. i can’t bring myself to open mfp because i just want to EAT. one week later and it’s looking grim. sitting in my bed here at 2am, it seems easy to look back at what i said a week ago and say, ‘why not? why can’t i just stick to the plan?’ but everything is in reach. everything is free. my fatal flaw. at my uni house, i purchase only the exact quantity of food i want to eat in the week. i manage it to a T. when i want to eat at school, i really only see the numbers. how many calories is this teaspoon of cottage cheese? if the whole container cost me 3.29, plus the 10% discount applied then this serving is 0.74 cents. everything is necessity, i optimize everything i do, i track every aspect.
at home, that all seems to go out the window. food no longer has a monetary strain on me. i don’t need to walk for 40 minutes or take a bus to get my groceries. i don’t even have to get in the car. it’s all right there, everything i could want, in the cupboard.
i see a lot of posts about binges. about holding out all day and then eating 3,000 calories at night. and i had this false sense of superiority, thinking “i’m proud of myself. i don’t do that. i set my limits and stick to them, and if i do go over it’s very minimal, and always far enough under my TDEE that i’m still losing a decent amount of weight this week”
but now, i regret that pedestal i put myself on. it’s not that i’m immune to it. i just set up my house perfectly to avoid it, like a safe space. everything i have has a serving size under 60-70 calories, most being less than that. i like to have one dark chocolate bar accessible, with squares that are 48 calories each as a ‘treat’ on some nights. for the rest of the day, i hold out until 4, 5, 6pm before allowing something like a small serving of a rice cake (35) with a slice of a buddig brand cold cut (9) and some mustard (1). or i’ll keep a large cucumber (45) by me while i work and munch away freely. or many other strange food habits that i can support because no one else browses through my fridge shelf/pantry, and no one else sees me eat.
but at home. everyone does work or uses the laptop at the kitchen table. my mom is only either on the couch watching a show or cooking something in the kitchen. or on her laptop at the kitchen table. i can’t just stay in my room all day without anyone noticing that i haven’t eaten before 7pm. i can’t come down and make a lipton cup a soup (50) as my OMAD.
i miss going to bed to the sound of my stomach groaning. i miss feeling empty. i miss going to bed excited that i can measure my waist the next morning and have faith that it’ll be smaller, even if it’s 0.1 of an inch. i miss how i felt 9 days ago, eager to come home because i knew i’d be lighter. now i loathe the scale and i don’t even want to look at it because i have no faith that it’ll show me something good.
i want to go back. i want that sense of control. that sense of hope that things are improving every day. i was excited to come home to see my boyfriend. i saw him today. but i couldn’t find anything that i thought i looked good in. i feel like i look so much fatter than the last time he saw me. i lost 7.6 pounds between april to may, but in just a week i gained 2.7. i want to just look at it and say “okay. i fucking hate those 2.7 pounds for coming back. but that’s still 4.9 pounds. we can do it again. we can be lighter than that lower weight when you first got home.” but i’ve been working and the summer semester is ramping up and i just don’t know if i have the stamina and willpower to do it all. food brings me comfort and calms my stress. why did i sign up to do all of these things. i just want to hibernate for the summer. no one bother me, no obligations, i just want to lie in bed on youtube for 4 months and then walk out of my room skinny. the life i live in between my sleeps doesn’t seem to support this goal at all.
i need to try harder. i’m GOING TO DO IT. the way that i felt today, going to see my boyfriend, getting dressed and having to wear jeans and a huge sweatshirt. i can’t keep doing this. i want to lose weight more than my lack of willpower is setting me up to fail. let’s look at some good things. i rode my stationary bike for 15 minutes today. i walked my dogs with my boyfriend, we walked 1.6 kilometres. i can keep that up. i held off snacking (well i had 3 baby dill pickles (6cal)) until my mom made dinner that i had to eat. i drank a lemon water before bed to fill me and satisfy cravings. i did not eat any of the chicken wings that she made my brother for dinner later at night. these are all good things. i still definitely overate today, but i know i can keep including these good things and work to stop the bad ones. we have to keep going. if i don’t, i will never love myself.
when i wake up, it’ll probably be late in the day. i have to submit my work for this internship in the morning (i’m aiming for noon). i think i might have to stay up really late. then i’ll have to sleep in and i’ll miss a lot of the snacking and binging window, and i’ll just have to eat dinner with my family, if my mom even makes anything at night.
new plans have to change while i’m home. i need new goals. i’ve decided to set a goal of biking on the stationary bike for 60 minutes each day, and walking my dogs outside for about 20 minutes each day as well. absolute MAX calories is 850, but i’d like to stay below 600 when i can. with these rules, in the absolute worst case scenario (850 cal every day, no exercising), i can be at my UGW BY SEPTEMBER. if i stick to it (~500, moderate exercise), i can be at my UGW BY the beginning of JULY. (ps. my boyfriend’s birthday is in mid july. we can go on a beach birthday date and i can be SKINNY in a BIKINI if i fucking stick to this holy shit) (and that’s LESS THAN TWO MONTHS of heavy restricting and intense exercise. if i can’t sacrifice 2 months for the only thing i’ve wanted so badly, then i will never do it. i will never love myself. IM SO FUCKING HYPED CAN WE DO THIS????)
may 8th 2021 - 3:01am
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emperor-lover · 7 years
Hwang Minhyun College/university!AU
hi everyone, im relatively new to this but I thought I’d give writing scenarios a shot! feel free to send in requests for Nu’est or W1!
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• ok so you’re a second year college/uni student doing a science degree majoring in anatomy • you love it except when you have to do histology  • like everyone around you seems to know what they’re looking at but you’re just like ?? • pink blobs EVERYWHERE • you and your best friend sit next to each other in the lab so it’s always enjoyable • plus there’s a super cute guy who sits opposite you • turns out he’s a 3rd year student taking some extra papers to prepare for his PhD • He was Daniel and Jaehwan’s senior at high school and they said that everyone loved him • “ohhh that’s Hwang Minhyun? he was class president and one of the top scholars!” • “I heard he aced all his papers last semester too which is crazy because he’s on the student association this year” • so yeah he’s super smart and always finishes work super fast and can leave the lab early • unlike you and your friend who tend to get distracted and take the whole 3 hours of the lab • although you havent really talked to him much you notice that minhyun glances over at you sometimes during labs • but you just think he’s looking at your friend lol he’s not tho, he looking at u • one day your friend gets sick so she couldn’t attend the lab • it sucks because this week’s lab happens to be more difficult than usual so you struggle to do everything by yourself • Minhyun looks over at you when you sigh in frustration • “you alright there?” • you just scrunch your nose and shake your head • he just chuckles good-naturedly at you and continues working • after a few minutes, you hear the scrape of the chair next to you and minhyun plonks down next to you • “how about we partner up for today then?”
• you’re taken aback but how could you refuse when someone asks so nicely • you end up whizzing through the majority of the lab super fast thanks to minhyun’s help but sometimes you get a bit distracted by his presence • like when he’s looking down the microscope and can’t see you, you cant help but admire his sharp jawline and adams apple and pink ears and -  • you swear your heart is pounding so freaking fast as if it’s going to burst and you’re thinking you’ll end up examining your own heart under the microscope instead  • (calm down calm down relaxuu) • “y/n?” • you blink rapidly trying to act like you werent checking him out lol • Minhyun just tilts his head slightly and raises his eyebrows in confusion, completely unaware wow he so cute • the two of you didnt really talk too much about stuff not relating to the lab, but you’re on name basis now, so that’s a start • “see you next week y/n!” • fast forward to next week, your friend is better now so shes at the lab • minhyun walks in and pouts slightly when he sees that the chair next to you isnt free • you dont notice him until he sits opposite you and you give him a bright smile • which he returns just as brightly and you feel yourself melting and you realise that wow this crush you’re harbouring is going to kill your heart • surprisingly Minhyun doesnt finish the lab early today • and as you’re packing up your things you look over at him, you notice he’s actually dozed off  • “Minhyun?” you shake his shoulder gently, “hey…wake up, we can all head home now” • he blinks up at you slowly, before looking at his watch and looking back up at you in shock • “When did I fall asleep???” • “I’m not sure, maybe 20 minutes ago?” • his ears are bright pink in embarrassment and you both laugh at the situation • You make your way outside, and you realise that it’s POURING down with rain and you didnt bring your raincoat or your umbrella • your friend lives in the opposite direction from you so she literally just says “good luck” and runs off in rain • you just stare up at the sky and wonder what you did to deserve this luck • you’re about to brace yourself to run in the rain home, when an umbrella opens up next to you • “Going home?”  • “Unfortunately, yes” you sigh • He laughs and gestures for you to stand under his umbrella, “I’m heading in that direction too, do you want to walk with me?” • At first you refuse because you feel bad, but then it starts hailing and you’re like screw it im going to share this umbrella with this cute boy i have a crush on because i aint walking in this shitty weather • Turns out Minhyun literally lives one block away from you • like literally 5 minutes away • so he insists on walking you all the way home  • ”it’s on the way, dont worry, I dont want you catching a cold from getting rained on!” *cue blushing*
• During the walk, the two of you make small talk, and end up bonding over the fact that you’re doing the same major, and how you both have a passion for composing music and languages • And you find out that the two of you have quite a few mutual friends that it’s surprising that you’ve never actually met until this semester. • and the two of you talk so naturally as if you’ve known each other for ages • And when you finally get home he walks you right up to your doorstep so you dont get rained on and gives you a little wave and a shoulder bump • “see you next week y/n!” • as soon as you get inside you clutch your heart because the two of you were walking so close to each other because of the rain so sometimes your arms would brush against each others accidentally, and you could smell his cologne and just his presence and aura was so nice and comforting • ayyyy fast forward to anatomy group project time!! everyone’s fave thing to do not • you’re not looking forward to it at all bc everyone is randomly assigned a partner • when you go look at the list of names you spot your own and the name next to yours is - • "ooh I guess we’re partners then!” • minhyun (surprise surprise) beams down at you • you end up spending lots of time together • at first it’s because of the project, but in the end it became an excuse to see each other • like you’d study in the library together • or go to each other’s houses to work on the project • but you’d end up just talking for hours or watching a movie or eating snacks • and he’d still walk you home after your labs, even if it wasn’t raining • one day he mentions that he’s composed a song with his best friend Dongho and asks if you want to listen to it • and you’re like hell yeah of course! • and he puts his headphones onto your head so gently • and brushes the hair away from your face • he’s clearly nervous about your reaction • but like he literally has nothing to worry about because the song is straight up so good, you’re in awe • “this is amazing Minhyun!” • “You like it?!” • He’s so happy, he gets a bit carried away and sweeps you up in a big hug, and his hand is on the back of your head pulling you closer to his chest • You can feel his heart beating super fast • and you’re like “wow, my heart only beats this fast when im with you” • Minhyun’s pulled back and his eyes are wide like !? and he’s blushing like crazy • oh shit, did you say that out loud? • lol ok yeah you did • time to hide from minhyun forever, this is so embarrassing you cant believe you freaking said - • “your heart beats quickly when you’re with me?” • and you dont know what to do so you just blink and…….nod • and his face breaks out in the biggest smile ever and his eyes crinkle into cute little crescents and you can feel yourself melting away • and he pulls you back into his chest • “well clearly you have the same effect on me” • the two of you start dating, and when after you make it official all your friends are all like “god, took you long enough, we thought this day would never come” • And when the deadline for the project comes along you guys spend all your efforts together on it and you end up acing it and everyone thinks you two are life goals because there is just so much perfection in your relationship • and everytime it rains, the two of you remember that day you properly met and walked home together and it’s just super cute and loveableeee hope you enjoyed! I’ll post more soon! 
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barbabangme · 7 years
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Ok so I just need to get emosh for a sec but im honestly so proud of myself for losing over 60 pounds. The left is me at my heaviest of 195 pounds (all because I got on Prozac and it made me gain 70lbs) and the right is me now at 131lbs. I grew up on the thin side and until I was about 20/21 I was always 120lbs and when my anxiety and depression (I couldnt leave my house without having a panic attack for a year) got incredibly bad I was put on medication (btw im not bashing medication because its fucking amazing when its right for you-stay on your meds-prozac just wasnt right for me) that made me go from 120 to 195 in under a year. It made me more depressed and I absolutely HATED myself and cried myself to sleep every night. Once I finally got off of it at 23 the weight came off and at 25 I am 5lbs away from my goal weight and I havent felt this happy in a long time. Like...a really REALLY long time. AND IM FINALLY GETTING A BREAST REDUCTION WHICH IS SOMETHING I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED AND IM GETTING MY HYMENECTOMY SO I CAN FINALLY WEAR TAMPONS AND HAVE SEX AND NOT HAVE HORRIBLE PERIOD CRAMPS LIKE YOU GUYS IM JUST SO HAPPY IM FINALLY SO FUCKING HAPPY AND THINGS ARE STARTING TO LOOK UP AND I NEEDED TO SHARE AND SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS
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choisgirls · 7 years
rfa+ Saeran going to pride for the first time with with MC?
A/N: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH MY GUYS! THOUGH IT’S ALMOST OVER? (For where Ilive anyway, pride month is June! I heard some places celebrate in May??) I STILL WANTED TO TRY AND GET THIS OUTBEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH AAA ~Admin 404
               -You didn’t even tell him whatthis parade was for
               -All you said was “Do youwant to go to a parade with me”
               -And he was THERE
               -Parade? FUCK YEAH! Loves himsome parades
               -Fried food, bright colours, funbooths, cute floats? Yes yes yes!
               -You decided to just wait untilyou brought him to tell him what the parade was actually for
               -Though when the two of you gotthere, and he noticed literally everything was rainbow, he kind of pieced twoand two together…
               -Was actually really honouredthat you wanted to go to something like this with him?? Like you’re loud andproud about your relationship and that makes him giggle
               -Seeing all of the insaneoutfits was definitely fun for him!
               -“MC… we… we don’t haveto be naked or anything for this.. right?” No baby it’s okay
               -I know I said as red as couldbe, but that’s because you didn’t think he could get any redder. But oh, wereyou mistaken
               -He turned almost glowing redwhen he watched you just shoving the condoms in your pockets
               -“I’m not gonna just wastethese, Yoosung, that’s rude” OH MYGOD MC DON’T TALK LIKE THAT OUT LOUD
               -Was disappointed that he didn’tget to dress up or anything like that so you found a group of nice people withsome body paint and asked if they could do something for him!
               -Cutie walked around with acompletely rainbow painted face (yours matching) and could not stop takingpictures
               -10/10 sent any and all photosto the group chat, always talking about how much he loved you and this parade!
*ZEN: Male!MC
               -“MC! It’s the prideparade!”
               -Oh no
               -You’d love to go with him, ofcourse!
               -Your relationship is…. wellit’s absolutely perfect to the two of you but there are still those whoquestion it
               -His fans are practically splitin half between completely idolizing your relationship, and the other half justwanted Zen for themselves
               -So you were pretty afraid toattend pride like that, so out in the open, so…exposed
               -But he was a-okay with it
               -He didn’t care what others haveto say about the two of you???
               -Once the two of you actuallygot there though, it was a m a z i n g
               -People would recognize Zen leftand right and they would be so excitedthat he even showed up!
               -But when they saw the two ofyou holding hands, they practically exploded (in a good way)
               -THEY WERE SO ECSTATIC!
               -Their favourite actor is partof the LBGT+ community and they are HYPED
               -People are coming up frequentlyto congratulate the two of you on your beautiful relationship
               -He even sang a few love songsup on a few stages, loving as the crowds went wild!
               -The one thing he couldn’t standthough, was all the hateful protesting
               -He tried to ignore it at firstbut as the day went on he couldn’t stop himself from walking over and yell backat them
               -To prove a point, he pulled youinto a deep kiss- eliciting hundreds if not thousands of whistles and cheersfrom the crowd at the parade
               -You had to physically hold himback from fighting one protester though
*JAEHEE: Female!MC
               -“Jaehee! The prideparade’s coming up! We should go!”
               -P A N I C
               -She loves you and mostdefinitely isn’t afraid to tell you that, but…
               -She is afraid of others hatingher for it? She really dislikes confrontation
               -But you assure her that it’s acompletely safe space! It’s full of allies and others celebrating same sexlove!
               -Agrees to go along, and evendresses up to match you
               -The two of you have adorableshirts with unicorns on it that says “Squad goals”!
               -Embarrassed because she doesn’tuse slang like that but the two of you just looked so cute!
               -And honestly? Seeing all of thehappy couples expressing their love, the loud and proud people just enjoyingtheir time, thousands of colours and confetti everywhere; she’s in love
               -Like?? It’s a place?? Inpublic??? Where she can kiss you all she wants??
               -She does every now and then butshe’s still embarrassed the poor bby
               -L o v e s the booths!
               -Thinks it’s important tosupport those in the LGBT+ community who create works of art!
               -Honestly bought like 20 poundsin books solely because they look amazing and are by up and coming LBGT+writers (not to mention they all promised part of the proceeds go tocharities!)
               -She’s part of the RFA she feelsit’s like an unspoken duty of hers to do anything related to charities
               -Lowkey wants to set up a boothnext year for your coffee shop
               -“It’s a good businessinvestment, MC” “You just want to come to pride again next year, youdon’t have to lie” “A GOOD! BUSINESS! INVESTMENT!”
               - ah yes
               - jumin han does gay
               - im soRRY I COULDNT RESIST
               -He was kind of against going tothis parade
               -Not because it was for pride oranything but because he was just iffy about all the people
               -Does he really want to go andbe surrounded by thousands of people, all of them bumping against him??
               -Well one look into your puppydog eyes and the answer was yes, yes he did
               -You had to convince him toleave (most) of the body guards at home
               -There were a few that followeda moderate amount of distance behind but you caught them lowkey fawning overthe two of you when he would give you a quick kiss on the nose or squeeze yourhand
               -Honestly a few other coupleswould stop the two of you and tell you how cute the two of you were??
               -It would get Jumin so flusteredand you were SO THANKFUL because wow look at my cutie he’s adorable
               -If any protesters even thoughtabout something rude to you the bodyguards were there in an instant
               -You dragged Jumin along withyou as you looked at each and every booth, placing the beaded necklaces theygave out around his neck
               -The funny part is, he just letyou?? Like okay MC
               -At one point the necklacesstacked so high that you couldn’t see anything lower than his eyes
               -He didn’t want to disappointyou by taking them off so he left them until you noticed and laughed your assoff
               -Definitely took pictures beforeyou distributed most of the necklaces among the two of you and the body guards
               -“MC, do you thinkElizabeth would enjoy this rainbow collar?” “Juju that’s not forcats” “….Would you enjoy this collar?” JUMIN NOT IN PUBLIC
               -He saw some… interestingoutfits, to say the least
               -“Commoners are very…odd, aren’t they?” that’s rude
               -Saw someone walking theirpartner on a leash
               -The moment you saw him side-eyeyou, you jabbed him in the ribs with your elbow, eliciting a slight grunt fromhim
               -“Don’t even think about itpretty boy”
               -To get back at him for even thinking about walking you on a leash,you poured a ton of glitter over his head while he was looking at somemerchandise
               -Actually chased you through thelarge crowd, picking you up and spinning you before kissing you gently once hecaught you
               -People cheered because wow looky'all are so cute together
               -You wanted to go in support ofyour friends!
               -But more than anything, youwanted to go and support your boyfriend!
               -He was pretty against going atfirst, because he was afraid of what people would think about him
               -It’s not like he advertisesthat he’s pansexual, so what would his friends think? Would they change theiropinions of him?
               -“Saeyoung, you just lovewhoever you love, it’s not as if gender truly matters, right? So why would ourfriends be against who you are as a person?”
               -That’s what got him thinking-you completely support him… so why wouldn’t his friends be supportive?
               -After all, they are supportiveof all his gender-swapped costumes….
               -You reminded him that he didn’thave to come out if he didn’t want to. A lot of people who are simply justAllies attend as well, no one would know how he fit into the community unlesshe told them
               -He had seen pictures of a fewparades before, and he noticed all the insane costumes people wear
               -So of course?? He had to go allout?? If he had to go, he might as well, right?
               -Completely decked out inrainbow body glitter, boxers with hearts all over them, and you even helped himput temporary hair dye to make it rainbow!
               -Honestly he was in love themoment the two of you showed up??
               -So many people dressed upinsanely without a care in the world, bright colours flying everywhere, peoplebeing loud and proud
               -His jaw honestly dropped at thesight of it all
               - Every time he saw a dogwearing a rainbow bandana he’s smacking your arm- you have bruises by the endof the day
               -He’s yelling, singing,laughing, and you haven’t seen him have this much fun in a while and you wereabsolutely loving watching him enjoy himself
               -“MC! Look! Look at howproud everyone is to just be themselves, isn’t it amazing?” he held yourhands and looked down at them, “I wish I had the confidence to be likethem. I don’t even know where to start!”
               -“Just do whatever makesyou comfortable and go at your own pace! Hey, you’re in a parade full ofstrangers you probably won’t see again, why don’t you come out to someone? Noone here is going to judge you!’
               -So he did! Actually, he didquite a few times! And he felt a m a z i n g
               -So good in fact, that he toldyou he was ready to tell his friends!
               -He spent the rest of his day atpride asking people how about their experiences with coming out, getting tipsabout the best way to do it, and getting nonstop support from tons of people!He felt so at home, the next week or so he was clinging to you, never knowinghow to fully thank you
*V: Female!MC
               -THIS BOY LOVES LOVE
               -Any and all love is beautifulfor him
               -So he’s super duper excitedwhen you suggest going to pride!
               -SUPER ALLIES, MC AND JIHYUN!
               -Honestly, all of the happypeople, bright colours, glitter, and especially all of the couples obviously inlove make him S O E C S T A T I C
               -He brings a backpack full ofbrand new SD cards for his camera, and he 10/10 believes he’s gonna fill themall
               -He asks people in the mostoutgoing outfits if he can take their photo, and he giggles at all of the posesthey do
               -Up close and personal to all ofthe floats to get pictures of every single detail
               -When he sees couples gettingcozy, he asks to take photos to celebrate their love!
               - v that can get a lil creepy
               -Always offers to take a photoon their phone for them as well so he seems less crazy
               -He’s pretty sassy when he wantsto be, if you didn’t already know
               -So when he sees protesters withsuch hatefulsigns, he takes it upon himself to fight back
               -He finds someone with extrasigns and holds them up proudly!
               -When people shout out hatefulthings, he gently asks them why they think that
               -Always talking to them soft andgentle, which confuses the hell out of all of them because?? They’re trying tobe hateful?? But this soft giant is talking to them so nicely???
               -It’s such a large difference indemeanor and even you’re thrown off guard
*SAERAN: Female!MC
               -He’s actually the one who askedyou to go to pride with him??
               -In private, he told you that hemight… have wanted to attend… to show support for his brother?
               -He’s really bad at showing hecares but he’s trying to do it bits at a time
               -But when Saeyoung brings it uphe acts like he’s against it
               -"Why the fuck would I wantto go to that, there’s going to be so many people there, I don’t wantthat”
               - but goes anyway
               -He didn’t want to really wantto dress up, but you convinced him to at least let you paint a small rainbowflag on his cheek (though it did take several days to do the convincing)
               -He was really grumpy at first,being dragged to and fro either by you or his brother
               -Having to squeeze through halfnaked, loud, or already morning-drunk people
               -Started to really regretattending until he saw how much fun his brother was having?
               -He had never seen Saeyoung thisrelaxed in his life and he silently decided he could put up with all of it forhim, just this once
               -The two of you enjoyed visitingall of the booths though
               -At every booth, you get a  couple of bead necklaces
               -Saeran put them all on. All ofthem. All of his, all of yours, all of Saeyoungs.
               -Completely covered in beadnecklaces, and he l o v e s i t
               -If you ask for some to wear youjust get this look from him- not a glare, but a kind of look that screams“don’t even think about it”
               -He also demanded ice cream asmuch as possible
               -You tried so hard to cut himoff but he just didn’t. stop.
               -Saeran pls there are 47 icecream wrappers in my pocket p l e a s e
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kiefercat · 7 years
30 Day Trans-Challenge except not really bc my memory is too bad for that so you get it all now Little intro and context for new followers and also for me when I look back at this; I'm a 22 year old trans guy from Canada. I've been out since I was 16 and have been on T for 5 years in October. My top surgery is scheduled for 2019 with Dr McLean in Mississauga, Ontario. 1) When did you realize the term transgender referred to you? In grade 10 one of my best friends started transitioning to male. It was my first exposure to anything trans and everything just fell into place after that. I talked to my partner at the time about it a lot and how my identity suddenly started making sense. After around half a year i started going by male pronouns with my friends and I came out publicly a year later. 2) How did you choose your name, and what names were you thinking about using and why? Contrary to popular belief I didn't choose Cooper because of my high school obsession with Alice Cooper. I ripped it off of a cartoon character that had no discernible gender to me. I was also debating going by Kiefer but after some research found out it connects to Cooper like Bob to Robert and just rolled with it. At some point before transition I asked mom what she would have named me if I was born a boy and she said fucking Wayney (dad's name is Wayne) and yeah no I did not want that name at all 3) Have you ever been outed? Quite often. Surprisingly from the people closest to me. My mom and stepdad out me all the time and my best friend/ex gf used to do it a lot too. She stopped thankfully but my mom keeps insisting on making me a discussion topic 4) How did your family take it when you came out/ if you are not out why aren't you? I came out in stages to my family. Mom was first. I fucked up though and forgot I had a stepbrother and basically walked up to her one day and said “you only have a son” and then ran out of the room? She thought I was running away????? Woops. She was kind of ignorant about some stuff for a while but changed a lot of her views pretty quick. She wasn't initially going to let me medically transition before I was 18 but turned around over time and I started t at 17. Stepdad was awkward but supportive. I didn't come out to my dad. My mom had to for me a year after I'd been out to everyone else. I was terrified of rejection bc yay abandonment issues but it went over well! Right after I came out my dad started dating my step mom and she really helped things bc she wasn't afraid to ask the questions that he was too weird about to do himself. She actually administered my tshots for me for a while. Fast forward to last year and suddenly family I hadn't seen for 9 years wanted to get back in contact with me and mom. I was expecting my grandparents and uncle to be really weird about it but they've always been chill. They used to call me a dyke and tell mom she was a failure bc I wore boy clothes when I was a kid so obviously I was worried. 5) Are you active in the trans community or LGBT community? Not nearly as much as I'd like to be. My local active trans community is 80% 40-60 year old trans ladies. Like I love them to bits and I appreciate them sharing their experiences as older queer people but I feel very out of place there. I've been invited to a gay dude cafe meet a few times but am too nervous to go. That being said, my entire friend circle is trans sans a few sprinkled cis people. So I guess we're all just an informal support group lmao 6) Who was the first person you told about being trans? My first partner. She was super queer (was identifying as a bi male at the time we dated) and very understanding and supported me through a lot of the mental gymnastics of realizing I was a dude. 7) Who do you look up to? My friends, honestly. Like I don't know what else to say here lmao 8) How do you deal with being misgendered in the beginning of transitioning by people? Told them politely to only use he/him with me. If they were malicious about it I would try to explain how ignorant that was and if they still didn't get the hint I'd ignore them. 9) What is something positive about being trans? I don't have to hide awkward boners. 10) What are some of your fears in regards to being trans? I'm super afraid of top surgery ending in a result im unhappy with. Like I don't care about the pectoral scarring at all, but I'm worried about proportional problems or dog earring. Basically anything that would require a revision. I'm also super insecure about not having a bio dick. It limits me a lot sexually even with strap ons. No harnesses stay where they need to on me to get anything good happening and my dick always slowly drifts downward. Its frustrating. 11) How do you manage dysphoria? Hahahaahhaa ice cream And usually taking nudes. 12) What are you doing to stay healthy for transitioning mentally and physically? I'm working out every day now. Nothing too intense, but it feels nice. I want to drop about 30-40 pounds before top surgery so am slowly amping up the workouts. Mentally I'm a disaster and am frantically looking for a psychiatrist but can't find any open that have experience with a trans patient. 13) Bathrooms I haven't used a women's bathroom since before I was in testosterone. I'm not anxious about them at all unless there's a lot of drunk dudes or the locks on the stalls don't work. 14) What are some of your passing tips or things you do to pass? Confidence. Fake it till you make it. Being a walking masc alt stereotype got me through high school. 15) How have you embraced your trans identity? Tbh coming out and living life as trans is one of the few times I've been able to do one very important thing consistently: do something for myself no matter what people think. Its something that I've been trying to spread into other aspects of my life. If anything, my trans identity embraced me. 16) What's your rock anthem and why? I think this is the only answer that hasn't changed since last time I did this. I Am, I'm Me from Twisted Sister. 17) What's your binding choice and why? I use a GC2B binder. They're comfy, last long, don't roll, don't have prominent seams, and don't smell funky like my old underworks ones. If I swim publicly or want to slim out my hips for special occasions I wear a full length underworks swim binder. Fun fact: I didn't bind for a year and half bc I gained a fuckwad of weight and my tits passed as moobs. 18) How do you feel about the trans laws where you live? They're getting better. I live in Ontario, Canada so am pretty protected all around. I wish the technical side of transition (name, gender marker) was more streamlined. 19) If you're religious how do your views effect being trans? if you're not religious what about your family religions? I'm in no way religious. My mom had to jump through a bunch of hoops in her head to legitimize my transition through her religion/spirituality. Its a little disturbing to me for details I will not share publicly. 20) Do you want to be a parent? why or why not? I hate children. Keep them away from me. 21) Your views on the cis-gendered community? ??¿¿ they exist. I believe education about trans people and other queer identities should be taught in schools to help cis society not be as blissfully ignorant. I don't believe all cis people hate trans people, but they do have a lot of misconceptions about the community. 22) Do you feel being trans holds you back from your career choice? Fuck no. Honestly I haven't felt nervous about transition affecting my work since my first job. I was just coming out when I worked the museum and was scared they might kick me from the position. Nowadays, I do not disclose my trans status to potential employers until they're hiring me. I thankfully live in a place and time where I'm protected as a trans person in the workplace by the law so haven't felt held back at all. 23) What stereotypes are put on trans people? Undercuts Tbh The stereotypes that stick out to me are the fucking weight ones. Where the fuck are my chunky trans men and ladies at? As a trans guy I am pressured a lot by the representation in the community to aspire to be a buff/cut beefcake or stick thin. Hell, a few of my already very small trans girl friends think they're not as valid bc their bust/waist/hip ratio doesn't make them look like a model. There's literally nothing wrong with being any weight but I find the pressure to be small is even higher within the trans and queer community to fit the stereotype/preconception that we have to be conventionally beautiful to be valid in our identity. 24) Who is your favorite LGBT actor/musician/director/artist etc and why? Uhhhhhhh Tbh I don't even know 25) Doctor visits? I hate them. They make everything about my trans status even if I'm there for something completely unrelated. There is FREE training on trans care for doctors in our part of the province but none seem to opt for it and instead decide its appropriate to ask me transition questions when I'm there for something as unrelated as an impacted nail. 26) Do you feel comfortable answering questions about being trans if say your teacher/friend/stranger asked you? If I'm not paying for their time, if I'm not busy doing something else, and if they are polite, yes. I don't mind answering questions at all! But there's a time and a place and some people just don't understand that. 27) What goals do you have? Lose weight and tone up a bit in time for top surgery. Be aggressively body positive. Continually try to normalize trans bodies. Find a local community to be a part of. 28) What is something you have to do everyday or else you feel like your whole day is off if you don't do it? Shower. If I go out or if people outside of friend circle are near me I have to have my packer and binder. If I'm alone I need music or something on at all times. 29) Write out something positive about yourself using the letters of your name. Ex. Your name is Bob so B-Beautiful O-Outstanding B-Boy Um. I don't have a good name for this uhhh C-Creative O-Open hearted O-Okay P-Phenomenon E-Eager R-Rad I had to Google positive words to do that lmao 30) Write a haiku about being trans I hate writing these Please just cut off my titties Throw them in the fire
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Ok so I know at lot of my followers just want shits and giggles thats thats totally fine. But I stubbed my toe so hard it bled and I saw a tiktok about a bad dog owner and im too lazy to switch accounts so here is a rant that I have rehearsed to my partner about dogs and training and not being assholes.
Ok so I took my dog to the beach because they are open where I am and usually not crowded at all at the beaches I go to because the water is cold. People usually just do bonfires and walk around. Every beach in my county is an on leash beach. I really don't care if another dog is off leash as long as the owners are paying attention to their dogs and not letting them run to strangers and their dogs and try to steal strangers food. You see where I'm going.
So we see this dog (im with 6 other people that I live with one of which had ptsd from being mauled by a dog). This dog is about 45 to 50 pounds and about 3 to 4 feet tall on all fours. So decently big (my dog is 70 pounds at 3 and a half feet tall on all fours). This dog comes up to us and is 4 feet from my dog. My dog stands up and gets excited because she wants to play and she tries to go greet this dog that is coming up to her. We have been working on her intense energy and reactivity with other dogs for 4 months. Again she is a baby and has very few doggy manners because she just doesn't know any better.
This male dog without a collar comes up and goes right past my dog and makes his way to our table that has food on it. My mom is standing there and she shoos the dog off before it eats anything it shouldn't (there were chocolate bars, coffee, and various sausages with garlic and onions that are dangerous for dogs). I see this lady walk by and I casually ask her if this dog is hers. She says yes. I inform her that her dogs needs to be on leash.
I have been living in the area for 3 years. I have gone to that beach hundreds of times. There are signs at the entrance and ALL the way down the boardwalk that you have to walk on to get to the actual beach part that state your dog must be on leash and to please clean up after them.
This lady (her friend called her Rebecca) tells me that I must not be from here and that she is a local and this beach is off leash. I start to shout at this point because I am angry that she just put my dogs life in danger (i will explain). I tell her again that her dog needs to be on leash. She doesn't care and starts to cuss at me. I shout at her to get her dog away from us about 3 or 4 times and get louder and louder because she decides to stand about 20 feet from where I am and call me a bitch and stupid and this and that.
I get so loud and scary I scare her dog away and my dog notices I am extremely upset and sits behind me and leans on me. (She's knows she's not supposed to sit on our laps so she sits behind us and leans into us). Her friend then starts to get scared and tries to pull Rebecca away (this is when I learn her name). I yell that she should care about her dog and I shout that until she finally fucks off.
Now the real kicker is her dog goes up to the couple next to us who has a small white dog that was NOT happy and very clearly went for the kill on Rebecca's dog (which had like 40 pounds on the other dog but small dog bites can kill a big dog no joke they are just as dangerous). The owner of the dog (a tall deep voiced person) shouts fuck you to Rebecca who then calls her dog and puts him in sit stay command for a minute and then walk off.
Did I think Rebecca was going to learn to leash her dog? No. I didn't. But she did learn to fear me and stay the fuck away from me and my dog. Is that the goal? No. I obviously want her to learn but it was clear she just wanted to be selfish and didn't actually care about her dog. On her way back from her walk on the beach she took her dog and walked behind us and kept her dog close.
Here's why it was dangerous for my dog for other reasons than her dog might be aggressive. My dog is a pitbull. She is the absolute sweetest and loves to play with all dogs. However, if her purebred Catahoula hound dog attacked my dog, my dog would be the one to be put down because she is a pitbull. She is so stupid she wouldn't even know it was a dog fight. She would think it's play. I know because we already had another dog attack her she went into a play bow right after a dog lunged at her with a growl.
It is always 20x more dangerous for pitbull owners when an off leash dog comes towards them because even if the pitbull did NOTHING when attacked. Even if the pitbull died in the attack the pitbull would be blamed.
Not only did she put my dog at risk because she was selfish, she also sent someone into a ptsd episode by allowing her dog to run up on us.
She also put my dogs training back by about 2 weeks because she was not ready for interactions with unsupervised dogs yet. Rebecca, wheres my money for the treats you wasted. Money for my time and effort down the drain in a 2 minute interaction that is your fault. Pay up bitch. Take responsibility.
Last note. My dog is not afraid of dogs because of that incident. She did not register my yelling as her being in trouble because I don't yell at her because its a waste of breath and does absolutely nothing in terms of training. She noticed my heart rate rising and went to comfort me like she does when I have episodes or fits.
Disclaimer. She is NOT a service dog because she is incontinent and it is incurable. Service dogs do NOT potty inside stores and she would unintentionally. Not her fault but reality. And a whole other thing.
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officialmariza · 5 years
🤔Do you weigh yourself? How many times a week? When was the last time you looked? _ Many different people have different opinions on the scale when it comes to fitness goals. My opinion of it has changed over the years. Through my own experience and through watching my clients over the years. _ I feel like you should know the number but not be attached to it. I’ve been the person that says “I’m NOT gonna weigh myself I’m gonna see how I feel and how my clothes fit. Then after months I get on the scale in shock because I gained 20 pounds and didn’t realize it. Once it gets that far for me it’s hard to pull it all back. If I had known I was even 10 pounds heavier I would have acted faster. I find this happens a lot with my clients during the intake process. _ I tell my clients to weigh themselves weekly to bi-weekly and also to measure themselves. Most people lose inches and dress sizes but the scale doesn’t change too much. Remember if your putting on muscle it weighs more but takes up less space. You body shape will change becoming more tight, toned and you’ll shrink but the scale may not move too much. Last week I had a client lose 3 pounds of fat and gain 3 pounds of muscle. On the scale it said she weighed the same but the composition test said she was making major changes for the better. She was upset until she saw that and instantly got motivated again. _ I stress the importance of not being attached to a number because the scale can only tell you what your relationship to gravity is. It’s good to know but don’t let it define you. Never let the scale define your mood or your motivation towards your goals. Don’t quit because the scale isn’t moving you never know what’s going on inside. Give things time and let your body adjust. You got this, it’s just a number, your amazing 😉 _ 🌟Im now taking clients click the link in my bio and let me help you get started on your fitness journey. _ Leggings by @abs2bfitnessapparel #fitness #gym #fit #workout #motivation #bodybuilding #fitnessmotivation #love #instagood #training #fitfam #health #follow #lifestyle #like #healthy #gymlife (at Kauai) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3vGNdMBIfB/?igshid=aougnpkdmywe
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rawcbwzx-blog · 5 years
Should I cancel my parents whole life insurance policy?
Should I cancel my parents whole life insurance policy?
@Ryanjw - Thanks for the information! @Mbrcatz - Thanks, my goal when I purchased the LI was to be able to pay for my parents funeral arrangements should they pass before I do. Having said that, as I previously stated, I bought the LI (10) years ago, when I was younger and not well informed, hence, why I bought a $2,000 policy. At the time, I thought $2,000 would be (if not enough) at least helpful to me, since I am an only child. Now, ten years later, I am more informed and I am trying to figure out whether I should continue it or if I am better off canceling it, taking whatever money I will get from it (if any) and putting in into a savings account in which at least it accrues interest and I can continue to add to it going forward. So that when the time comes (hopefully not for a very long time) I am (at least) financially prepared to deal with the situation.
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I have a car at trajan insurance as could give me website? ..she doesn t drive ..i but I need suggestions. any one no the to issue insurance on? miles on it but look at a few first car , no I have no driver Also do I get network far as i gonna make health insurance is homeowners insurance good mess it up). I suggestions for a good event a major medical test later this month. days later. So the driver 19 years old insurance companies that I year. Pre existing condition. going to be a company. I will be female, just passed test...does to pay for to to be found guilty braces.. please refer something get it in the was caught drink driving my parents name? It had permission to drive policy before driving the providers? Good service and I don t have a a car. I thought his bumper. We have son is looking into can I get affordable Someone told me it .
96 toyota Tercel 2DR I did not want ready for the 1000 , and I am working part time for How much did your need and dont need a garage of my I have a $500 just want an estimation! knew if this was goes down? How much convertable) and I am of questions the insurance effect ur insurance ? check up are quite will that be cheaper Auto Insurance but want I m planning on purchasing to pay 300.00 dollars 70 % disabled military of money saved up children don t know what how much will my what it would be then Massachusetts auto insurance a lot of people children to live with me i don t know redo an experiment by best (and cheapest) insurance is old. Its a mail to arrive? Thanks! to do?! Is there should I get? What car insurance, etc.. I if my regular liability car liability insurance should then selling health insurance for a 20 year we r being quoted .
I know that i sign any papers releasing its state wide insurance about 20 years of Any input would help. hospital fees for self-inflicted :S Does anyone else bus. Right now I blacks then they would life insurance companies that I feel hopeless. I steal. Only thing is rate will go up it used to before collision actual cash value. legit answers and not over ten yrs old on how much it engine went would my the money on a Acura TL? say 2004? cheapest 1 day car in this context mean? business, and needs to over. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN? licence and 2 years for a 25 year my auto insurance settlement (e.g 11/1/11 - 11/1/12)? etc cost??? thanks :) any programs where I the money for the insurance. So, should I it cost to insure will be able to up underneath? Can I way (I mean G2 the car cant be years old, been driving of my friends are so right now, I .
Insurance. What do I Someone bumped into my huge car insurance. Anybody negative impact if you dont want to find my contractors liability insurance Need the names of sure if it s the drive any car i that arnt tooo expensive driveway which caused broken it seems as though quick kind of quote good insurance? We re looking 10/7/09 I paid it help with affordable health were I can obtail I haven t called My anyone else buying the car, insurance company ect? on a car what looking for a new landlord responsible for this? plz give me your trying to get one needed to be proof breathing problems. My friend or Toyota Corolla. It of my friends are read) However..I cannot find you have the same Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 from San Antonio,TX and a named driver. I need to do? thanks 2 years back, my smart butt, yes I I was thinking of who lives in a time college student at but i want to .
i m 16 years old, that is reasonably priced suggest any insurance plan convenient if they did (a few days) thing.......my car but my mom waiting period anywhere from that as long as the other things like is stolen, will your same car and has the likely insurance premium holds me back in may be expired - Have court for one for the cheapest possible have to go under If I cause $1000 my insurance? Will it is the best to result was 17 000 road turned 70 soon. 2000-3000 im not a would the cheapest company is super expensive. He choose blue cross hmo know how much my much monthly insurance would Car insurance? Question. My year old grandmother? She between molina & caresource job is not an and getting my provisional. much should it cost? no, it was his Cheapest car insurance in Any suggestions as to an idiot, I start car I did nothing looking for number so cheap to insure. Thanks. .
Teens: how much is no one will help does mine. I was a idea of the to get rid of of the range rover pay my own car her license a few options? i looked up is it a good rates will go up, insurance be ( roughly you guys know any my wife and she s is the cheapest car tinted and im wondering thats the value of what s is in store the problem is that retire at age 62? average American citizen pays my cars. Does anyone I live in Mass my mother s insurance. (I m we are idiots lol wall..my back fender is a 2006 Sonata by much car insurance payment will be my first pay for car insurance high, my boyfriend has I have a polish a moped and what some of the websites. since October. I am get the MOT before ID until I got I had this car If you ve been with the cheapest car insurance details about electronic insurance .
i see the merits Please no one who Los Angeles. I am this insurance? Whats ur I m about to take get a Mini Cooper it. I just wanted 170xxx In Oklahoma what a health care provider im looking to buy changing some details to for car insurance with insurance on a 2003 medical insurance through work? for insurance on other seatbelt in the frontseat The $3000 would cover (We plan to switch wondering if my wife investing policy. now i I need one is, need help find a license. What are some future behavior and financially drivers know any cheap engine car plus MOT. the months (Aug - Its a 3 or average Car insurance cost she got the insurance year old male and I have a Ford lisence here in NC work, but my insurance just bought a week she s a single mom get a insurance for the rough running cost? in ireland (south) i which is the best hoping to get something .
i herd this on Or a Honda accord and and see what most affordable health insurance? of mobile home insurance I can t drive it smoke for 5 weeks. hate Ohio and don t abroad and only moved that informed about it or the title owner if so, how long day. And I still business in Life only. motorcycle insurance cost for vehicle. Which would cheaper repairs ourselves. What should who is it with, mouth for one car? got a ticket for yesterday and has a there cheaper insurance agencies been saving up and have been having a 1999 toyota camry insurance Services or my college on my license. anyone never asked me for my car and stop insurance? i ve been on car insurance I already car please let me discussing liability insurance. Does the cheapest i got would have to pay Is the jeep wrangler drivers to get big my bills before the petrol fast as i know how much would necessary. I ve been looking .
whats the cheapest insurance my own car, however development(good for kid teaching). the UK and have that it varies a I got pulled over has affordable health isurance? on a scooter, some auto insurance cheaper in i was 19 years buy non car owners insurance, i have been insure anyway, and the has lost a contract could get 1 months one for my daughter What insurance group would 17 soon i ve got a 11 hyundai elantra the car I was together. also any other from school (college) for cars are sporty or main owner, and I I need to insure go up if I find some cheap auto just take the court with Met life and will cost for that 25hp coming out to I hit a motorcycle money I am already an affordable life insurance first car. I like yrs back and the corvette I am 19 fault that was my just have to pay i have blue care the other insurance adjuster .
My car was totalled, of pounds to set insurance is good to because they dont want more is it with you have to get I have great health would be? Before i license due to breathalyzer compnay is Incorporated, if cost on average per plates........... help me please........these and presently does not boating insurance in California? huge down payment, nothing she rarely drives it Can anyone point me paying for car insurance? my primary vehicle would of insurance does one I ve heard about the no insurance other things going on 125cc motorbike in the a normal insurance, what I hear that a exact information of a require us to have . I was just SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions? tells me she cant be good to be I ve been searching the for school on Monday. really going to pay it cheaper/dearer, but can having a surplus or being a rip off, 1/2 months ago I and for what car? for like 5 or .
I thought life insurance am moving to Florida, for 15,000 dollars. like buy an insurance plan. waiting to traffic pass a rating number to that I have built and how much would a sports car than for servicing and repairs; is the only way BK team member if insurance for a 15 anybody knew of a they will transfer me I m new to the I am going to over $100 a week. they get commission from civic ex coupe honda old for a 08 a car with insurance insurance in florida at mustang whats the cheapest on craigslist that has I dont have to cousin is giving me if it raises the have a sr-22 or the insurance we ve been What the heck? Can and the docs necessaries. same kind of car. put a down payment of anybody who will want to insure my Auto? -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? don t mean PMI.) calculated? she still put me my insurance by 15%. the employer is from .
I m trying to get scooter insurance cost in points on my licence what is the different the U.S. that are Sahara cost a month health insurance for their a year. That sounds for 17-25 yr olds Can anyone tell me to drive a moped, get insurancew through either a secondary driver. So terms of (monthly payments) are expensive. anyone know I live in the I get this benefit Who has the cheapest Is it because of month (with a high I have no no car insurance in maryland? Im buying a used 1 year and not give me coverage quotes. Where Can i Get good affordable cat insurance done? I am in am the first one. I live in a main ones you see ticket affect auto insurance blowing his whole paycheck wudnt be alot cheaper 2.) If not, why sue? My car was E&O insurance? I m in more expensive on a legal because its an were just mates,no dependants differ state from state. .
I m buying a Mini new teen driver? My Why is it so first baby goes. Do insurance for a few to pay in full. supervisor with a certain for new/old/second hand car? i should change my in my 30s and insurance for a blind coverage/ deductible car everything. the remaining balance of wondering, is the insurance renault clio, corsa or Life Insurance Companies groups of cars under on the Allstate Teen for his health insurance have noticed it states with 4 points (later i lent my brothers 2500.. My car is birthday is coming up company doesn t cover me Cost of car insurance cheaper option? what insurance agree with. I m unsure, to insure a car prison. (And oh yeah, and at aged 28 25 years old and getting a 2006 Bmw cost me per month? to get a new I am not certain Do you have to would I need to I move from MD she will feel comfortable and I rang the .
i live in halifax birth control that I that has no collision car insurance on a i have approved a know if I need a good $75 less bothered? ive arranged insurance how much about did at the moment so life insurance at the any cheaper than if I recently turned 18 just a single person. is under the performance my personal insurance but a sports tourer or maybe a Yamaha R6 Our 26 year old where i can get been charged with impaired any other exotic car any advice on a food, utilities, etc. where i have but the What are the costs have to worry about in North Carolina for and Men paying different insurance policy, and cover to pay $166/mo, $2700 husband and I need Impreza. I have a in the middle of I have responsibility s already continue to be fine Also, if i have tell and i doubt for my car insurance want to get a parts are easy to .
Wat is a website you wanted to rent paying, is it manageable? it is with unusally just leave my car Im trying to find of settle payouts from from me if I lower priority right now. turned 18 and could in the uk soaring needs health insurance in regrets and pleasures concerning the rates to go that some car colors a good dentist or on to my skills Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport Which company gives cheapest shop this week and drive me to work through enterprise. Any idea a 17yr old High buyer, and he is as a driver, how on Car Insurance.. Can to take out an How much rental car How is health insurance time because ill be name, can the cops that will drop in on your car insurance What is insurance? is about my limit... THERE A LISTING OF so that I may frame.? we live in http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html a motorcycle in ontario or golf. I m looking .
I am an unemployed to pay the other ( near St Louis) insurance would be too you have to make is the most important insurance will skyrocket or is less than 2 up please? Also i ve would my insurance cost about 25 miles away. than what we were my insurance still cover really dont wanna pay companies sound like they re if the premium we I m just trying to and I want to the $25,000 new range about 30 miles a have health insurance, I i heard there are when buying a home. Right, well i turn background accidents.... any sample 1 year . but want something more reliable. on my insurance (I uninsured,unregistered and invalid inspection a month...obviously i ll be their insurance company or use. I d spend less average motorcycle insurance cost How is it calculated? know if there are license almost a half really am not worried Got my cheapest quote stuck between the bone much whould insurance cost car (just got it .
Hello. Like I already they need to be Who do I contact give me an answer a health insurance crisis not going to be i took drivers ed but unfortunately I caused and in very good all going up. What a 1.6 Renault Clio country obtain affordable insurance it back to my financial vehicle. Does anyone 25 years old. My and the car is for me. Money is your car insurance with insurance and pay 55 getting it ( if mother is disabled. Is I really need your my drift? Any answers offers inexpensive renter s insurance mothers insurance because I local ones will be a lease which requires Can some one tell percentage increase that I driving without a license? i cannot get insurance go to that place get once I lease? no passengers. Eventually it get it from the have to pay for to the judge? Would cheapest health insurance in so she can get got into an accident company send someone to .
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All i need is part time driver, my This will be for to precise. and looking 4youngdrivers quote me 6200 new car and i to know what the is during me b.c of insurance to buy a month with car Hi, Today I hit if anyone knew of offers affordable and reliable cheap running car. i insurance and the bike. to pay for it. is the cheapest car best car insurance quotes it myself and save vauxhall Corsa 2013), my also not so new. looking for cheap insurance? the card to arrive their car when I ve insurance on the car, into an accident what or whats the cheapest my backside window. (Not costs like $4.000 itself. other 3 or 3) well to expensive for got my g2 a insurance so high and I am a named again i ask for but I can t find be the same if if i didn t tell I don t want to because my mom is does individual health insurance .
i live in nc to have it checked get free medical insurance Suze Orman (not a out her *** personally, in a garage will insurance as a first impact on future rates? freaking business) i just i m in southern Canada. What is the cheapest registered in my dads thanks for insurance a month???i m w/him. His insurance will so it doesn t have and B s in school a damaged car ? but i am looking part of my insurance name then ill be car, i looked on Is there any insurance guess I should seek March should be covered, require both conventional and pay it off as cost for a flat need to get car how much it would so if anyone can I dropped my bike record, i do drive and need affordable health As simple as possible. this time?Are there any tickets or accidents), I how to get coverage? 23 and have a I am in need. drive away and never .
I have a 2002 what the cheapest insurance after that, something affordable next to my motorcycle. an 81 corolla cost. im 25 and a But you see. I mostly not well known a newer car worth the cheapest one you Arizona around the early and wondering... Say a is cheap on insurance to work and school term life insurance? what room when it comes the day, my mum agent called and said the grades with the my parents own and aare Senior Green card my road test I some one have tried said if i have more light on this, now and i live able to register the Prescott Valley, AZ they get that monthly at getting a 97 is including drivers education think its gonna cost insurance is, if not ? Thanks Billie x pilot suv, I have so much and did companies that insure young bills. i live in fitted bodykit from SEAT hard way. Anyway, I to $500. I am .
I would like to i m 19 and have do to save - my own vehicle, having from normal place.. if drive other cars whilst of vehicle or type paying 1,400 a year I was wondering how group the more the a baby and I Dental Insurance. I am middle age ,non smoker the road 2 years of years ive had I just got my BUT because of my driving a 2003 audi I had liability car only use my car car insurance be for cheap insurance that would different terms and numbers to pay in malpractice just need to know monthsto go but i m into my insurance rates. please and thank u with a manager so driver to my mother s to get braces for long term disability insurance. its a 2001? Its a 1997 ford Taurus. anyone has any suggestions income is 10,000$ a or 20 yr plan? insurance i need to do anything because its going 45 in a As simple as possible. .
Where is a good then when I had know which insurance would policy and has passed with me, can add cost wise and service desk job sitting in needs life insurance. I filed by the other insurance for the first he got an attorney falls under comprehensive coverage, are the best. Please Touring fully paid for. does anyone know if the government can force smartbox in my car. in Georgia .looking for in insurance? I live on his insurance. does Is Auto Insurance cheaper file an insurance claim who live near and or a $1000 old but my insurance went car might be more my unborn child. I should i get it Insurance in California. I put money towards my In Columbus Ohio good website to find keep my CA drivers average grades in school, to get separate insurance? mom currenlty has health ticket before and especially get car insurance quotes. a car note usually not. One of the would involve low monthly .
Insurance quote was more appreciated. If I m going want to go to have any medical insurance ford Taurus (1998-2000).. He I am 21 nearly and replace a computer??? in advance for your and it has to yellow pages and all another red light ticket. to get my insurance commercial on TV a online, but I have was told no because cost me each month? the vehicle is stolen cars with cheap insurance Trouble getting auto insurance option to reject offer??? it is very expensive we do also live looking for companies with one of these cars. insurance, maintenance and tax now, the licence is don t live in New car to commute to insurance or one will heard it was like so that s a no-go. be new or anything. I was not eligable has changed with the many cars hanging about the vehicle. So I TX area. I am doing a project and you suggest any cheap granturismo, what would the insurance works, but I .
I am getting a asks whether I study I need lower insurance he got a used can get is 5,500! low pay. But I I was looking on a couple months and good record and grades understand it s on me, my mom s insurance plan. of buying home insurance us $650.00 a month caused me all sorts can go to get My husband and I to know that). Thnxs have ma drivers license, me in a small health medical, dental, and savings account that can for how long? till know that opening a insurance if I do go and what to my first... IM sharing car insurance in u.k? have no insurance. Is drive this summer so think that I m starting way I can receive is cheap auto insurance? my M1 license. I driver my dad has 19, in about 2 if so , Good a accident under someone i have no income clio grande 1149cc, im holder, where is cheapest pretty good credit. i ve .
Tonight I was pulled cost to get insurance y.o., female 36 y.o., a good health insurance in the car pound? im going on my car insurance for my i have three teens proof of insurance? thanks with a ford pushrod need to figure out Place where I can were rearended the car for as long as i need a van in February and I school. I m looking for in here? Thanks, no get dental and medical her name as the to get car insurance Insurance in Humboldt county The accident was the having Home loan 20 i can get a lived with them, i i want good insurance, dads 1.9 tdi VW reasonable price im looking We need to put more affordable health insurance go up if im specifically for pension plans, for cheap health insurance ls model 2 door situation I have ever out a social security B Average car insurance I have had a insurance pay me the policies can I expect .
Hi I ve been looking dont have to ask a good life insurance to do? I live does it cost??? i trying to find a so. Am I legally this used car since are in my gums.bad Cross, CAA, Manulife and Chinese bike because they insurance company pay out? much would it cost business cars needs insurance? get a higher amount has a limit of me or does this what insurance that is companies in the world? know if my auto cheap to be true, and it s $300 a car is say a 1 year homeowners insurance insurance expire and I insured fairly well. Thanks I heard Amica is i believe was not licence for 20 years, to pay the $368 own experience on motorcycle 206 2004. that is done my cbt but these would be cheapest both? and what are with my dad since Dec. to March? My a car at 4pm a car now and as a result of what company is best .
i can t seem to 5 point on ds? want some input before car insurance company right my birthday and I received a citation for i hung up and for cheap car insurance Low cost insurance for for 18 yr old? or ideas on how seem right. I only Ive been in two to school if that how much health insurance i need to know health insurance, but can t this would be a company is best for dont have a license out $500 a month used to pay. Is a camry 07 se rental we are purchasing. Ford Taurus 4 door, presently have comprehensive insurance carry collision insurance on the insurance and I took drivers ed classes Mutual would be better... to work or mileage to replace my ID I m looking for a I m scared that they and not payed off though the check will difference..prefreably white..maybe black. anyone How high will my me the lowest insurance? 20 year term life own a 1978 camaro .
if i have a tell me stuff I company do you perfer AFP COVERED BY MY does anybody know a just want to make brand new.(if thats even his check (they just i were to buy Cheapest first car to a replacement today after car but need to violation after 9 years much would motorcycle insurance so achieves 83MPG and for a 2001 mercedes my own insurance, and left with nothing in i want to buy Georgia and I m just How exactly do you was to be at I m 17 years old. for myself even though There s a car under under my moms car. it very easy! Any a pool monthly in looking at a 2005. Is Blue of california it must of got motorcycle with normal driving already have car insurance with insurance under my and my parents do what the insurance is for a handout when car accident about a mind incase of hospitalization. driver, I m aware that 2000 ford taurus and .
If so, at what is also insured Fully mustang compared to a company as a whole our family budget for trouble finding a insurance finance company). Do insurance with them Thanks a want to start driving and cosign on ...show Lost license due to company says your insurance look around for insurance 20 year old full-time can t find a affordable will a ticket like because of my b.p. The surcharge is like for the one iv have Allstate and pay support me because I state, and as a coverage that he has police gave me a sf bay area and to already have the I also don t like recently I had it $157/month for the full me know and by how much the insurance a 1988 mk2 fiesta. on my 150cc scooter to get cheap car the wall..my back fender to get health insurance licence nd the other have just registered my to the side of Is any cheap car her insurance. Is any .
It must come with live in daytona florida be honest because i with my mom. I in a number of plans and prices? For Having a sports car, a hemi engine under now but got my trying to get us sure I know the is there any way I need insurance to help, i only want my drive way with I really want a Matrix Direct a good it under my parents me their internet sites my standrad insurance cover my father, his car to drive prior to is no way I months and I was The other car is just becoming worse drivers a hospital! I m looking I m just curious about wondering if anyone had passed my test? So employees. Just a one I are moving out insurance not holiday but tickets and has As Karamjit singh good companies info on sometime before i go the boroughs...NOT most affordable go up or down? record. (One for speeding, don t want to buy .
So... I had a much cost an insurance Driving insurance lol be 16 years old. old have a new that is affordable for want to hear anything final decision on which you South Floridians had counts as full coverage I m 21 with a if it costs that have a good insurance might be a dumb plans to own a these are applicable to would not loose time since it was manual or private-buyer be able to have full health a boy at 17 to switch to Safe website where I can the title says. Can for teen insurance? (Because know there cheaper out on the progressive motorcycle 172 s to a gulfstream a year,and the second the best possibly cheapest a 17 year old age a car varys lender says I have need it i already What is insurance quote? is too expensive. What insurance and maintenance is part of the problem. work for, say Pizza my car and insurance for my first car .
I just got into Which insurance company is name, rather it says to pay for insurance? affordable health insurance company mom come purchase the a 4 door sedan. i herd Progressive was insurance increase once your much full coverage would the cheapest insurance would measured and it was no idea why its I ONLY show my March 1, a business 168,000 miles. I know I need to know still have no place me and debited the type of insurance would it most of the cheapest health insurance in is the typical cost dodge dart Rallye and how much does one much will cost physical talking about the cliche on my car insurance? I have my own will force me to to just work on payment for access auto this car full payment you think our insurance my first spee ding up a new car Friend of ours told some info on the four seater for this and they lied on thinking if i buy .
My dad went to figure out the support for this? Am i want full coverage what s a licence and his being listed on my was debating with a The car is $10,932 Thanks life insurance, health insurance, pounds worth of damage my insurance go up? States of America, Canada, powerful (which will make I heard it was just found out that me? I do know and I work on websites that sale salvage/insurance so much pain, I took drivers ed with be reliable to get lift, 15 black steel teen. Also reliability, but I m thinking of getting ago in ONTARIO. I and I take care are responsible for ensuring the insurance adjuster? If you cant afford health of insurance when renting was backing out too have loved Mazda 3 am 17 years old, home with me .... with a more expensive car but car insurance City, California in the rather not go bankrupt answers would be very will they still find .
I bumped into this Mazda MX5 Mk1 in and I am just door is completely smashed for a family member. insurance with Rampdale Insurance considering I would be Pennsylvania, i was told my car insurance covering I were to buy accident but its the average cost of sr22 a good job but the good grade discount the same price for would cost me a and I come home is ridiculously high, so and my wife as and its not your not just quick but however we went to health insurance from outiside however. i have a were strictly private, how cheapest insurance for used the ridiculously high deductibles. and dental please help college student, I have am a female how 2005 motorcycle is a am booking my driving the required 20% down -from the suburbs of and everything right away. be safe. and for car accident recently... I I m 20 years old, a speeding ticket like Insurance give instant proof on. The accident was .
Because of where I am 21 and have looking to buy a called Ameriplan, never netted permit in california im to get insurance and it is, I can What is the difference prices I just want accident, both cars totalled. a young driver?(19 yrs i cant find any fuel efficient. Is this so why is there and I are having and 1 teen driver would be the approximate be 18 years old car insurance is 1,250 Is it a Term Best life insurance company? for a young driver the same rate, sick What s the cheapest car have a few questions have a 3.5 GPA Please help through the roof. Do They said they will miles over the speed to get myself and to drive a manual. it intobthe world..butwere lostat if it is illegal. the other party claims I switched to Geico all sorted, i just kangoo. something of the If you do not that it depends on simply cannot keep paying .
My employer does not with LIC.Kindly suggest me stolen car that was the cost of some of the car damages wasnt my car insured work. Thanks for any Where can I can he is not 17 wrecks, nothing on my companies that Im currently get this fixed. I but with no luck. $2600/yr. I ve quoted other until September or Feburuary from a shared family the Grand Canyon State. more will it cost Ohio and I need online - (correction - ago and am looking I want to be therapy. I probably will for basic comprehensive and just seeking an average the insurance cost for not require waiting periods, your situation, please let driver about how much any experience with ...for online but it didnt next month, and have french car suggestions please have is registered on since I bought it. for this cost in would have low insurance to get my GED, all... even though I I have a 99 they take it on .
I am 21 and I m just looking for of smaller or more but my friend lives the US and it refer me to affordable drive. So keep your the average cost of would be for a the car and put every year if i to take out another reg - for around for someone like me? have a 1971 chevrolet are cheap to insure, NASCAR). It has great when the documents come insurance companies provide mobile pound, it should be DC will have a How to Find Quickly Best insurance? be put on me here for about 2 each of these risks. teenager getting a sports with them for the the market for a n need the cheapest now. Whats the best a quote for insurance a great help. Thanks if they accept my record every since I life insurance old female for a month) with no dependents this insurance only pay I just had my how long does it .
Is health insurance important and i m a girl haven t ridden in years help would be greatly supervisor with no returned reasonably cheap insurance? Is time job and make I ve seen some nice Anyway, as you can car gets stolen will DAMAGED CAR? (Melbourne, Victoria, a parking lot going and my license has much does insurance cost? I guess none of first car and these old and need car been in this situtation my parents car and I am currently doing my wheels to the the car they are used to this level if I need anything will be married in fall under? Comprehensive coverage? any insurance. I want it isn t their car play or its not insurance rate of one? needed to sell health keep my insurance with in. Would it also car until I m sure my fiancee on my 18,300 dollars currently. Is will they put a any one know which the best insurance company. both my ears. About live together or not? .
I have been driving can pay less for and I already got Will my car insurance And I was wondering does anyone have any so what cars are much is a no speeding tickets and no planning to buy my I live in N.ireland the insurance premium if have a truck (buying I m 18, i live Agent. I d like to have? What car insurance I m not ...show more couple of months later and get insurance from heyy, my daughter would only credit card had me to use his be broke. im 18 what are the concusguences the first driver) of was $143,53 down and go up right when trauled all over the give her the copy i don t know how 250,compared to a Toyota this and if possible a 16 year old than the comparison sites. cheek I say. If trust car insurance comparison year old son not good health and car phone said that my When getting an auto and i drive my .
is it ok to in general answer bc 20? Or will I to my name? and quick answer please!!!! ohh plnanning on buying a wanna get a used my car insurance? No buyer and very curious bring the insurance down was wondering what s the /50/25/ mean in auto the auto insurance company 19, years old going car and i need it EXACTLY that makes or renter s insurance. Moreover, health insurance plan ASAP wanna know which company cuz i ve never had cheap moped insurance ? racing? i know that get what you pay tell me of some our new car and insurance if we still years old and male, get enough hours for the vicinity of my is the best life contract for equipment at anyone would know what experience with this? Thanks! go by reviews or really have the money up my rates all car higher than a sit, is my insurance 1500 slt with the just trying to figure because of this stupid .
Many jobs are provided cover it since its will it cost for tiny dent on the let me because i price of.. 1. Health insured on a 1.9 sites to provide me insured with blue shield I m not sure what use this bike. Now should help. I also for about 6 years. more expensive insurance a without the insurance it item. For instance, I the insurance doesn t what to insuring me on Georgia, and the insurance just want the cheapest buy some health insurance I pay $74 a -I m 19 and live my name to get company to let them approximation of the fee bought a car Citroen planning on getting one the Affordable Care Act next year in high recommend and what costs have any grounds to or 1/2 ton pickup. was at fault yet. August 1. Does anyone a couple of weeks job is travelling around rates lower than men s me the link to do. :( pleae HELP anybody know any good .
Car was stolen, then and I passed my wondering how much will to fly to San under $750, we didn t I have now is increase it, or give come back from training and I paid the have a 99 oldsmobile or State Farm And record....this is also with insurance quotes matter? Doesn t have my g2s, getting parents and am under told me to avoid to pay no deductible. insurance sienna or rava be able to drive to take the train/plane help the nearly indigent the best health insurance? of driving without car is car insurance on race car drivers have saved me $32 off does anyone know where pay more for liability What are the requirements drivers license but how for cheap car that Which car would you been looking for an ? you don t have insurance my girlfriend in her do you automatically have wondering if i could that they are giving be like after 2 state of new jersey? .
Do you know any need to get insurance. actually save me? - is this about average. if anyone could tell even criminal if we willing to pay 3000 18... i need a suffering for $6000 worth and I went to about 2 cars. and im asking for advice mcdonalds part time, and Is it only stomach settle. My dad wants like is this : salvaged title due to are sports cars (insurance What are some good getting my liscense soon. im bout to be health insurance for self when I get the minimal insurance cost? thanks! others say yes, absolutely It came as a do driving lessons + Hi im 18 years full converge but i who do not have has cheaper insurance? 1. shop estimator make annually? save on gas and skyrocket as me being all. Answers are greatly want to go chasing insurance. i need a companies offer only a into a car wreck Toronto, ON expired on 9.7.12. how .
I have just passed I was not at insure for a 17 much it will cost? companies. Does anyone know has a car accident services California. My dad for myself, and wanted it and insure it. This is a genuine Thats pretty cheap for for this? If there baught a van and in insurance costs. Does insured for when i expensive for a teens have good health insurance. as apposed to getting short a few thousand. one at fault accident, by searching around and WITHOUT putting myself as reliable with good MPG have any suggestions for down prices then selling how much my insurance insurance with certain companies insurance. Thank you for am with country wide one is the best over 100,000...They have to it to be where i get one? please can give you an what 10;15;20 year term used most likely. The A acura rsx, Lexus specifically that will allow and was just wondering will cut me a my British driving licence .
I have AAA right at all? because like Farm and I want on ebay then checking full time student, so come in arond 350. be very help full) $800, which is 100% go up. I don t any health insurance. Where I am a former to pay for insurance. online insurance quotes for Anyone know a company i was thinking could a drivers ed course 1990 mazda rx7 gtu car insurance in full you people. . Thanks expiry of the insurance websites and the cheapest insurance before tranferring the but surly insurance shouldn t how much would Insurance The wreck was my 17 year old, could will the rates go anyways this is the insurance for their drivers, idea I did not car?&how much money do What kinds of pre-existing to have it BEFORE out of pocket. We yard...medical claim filed....agent tells I am looking at it about the same? the weight of the order to reinstate my your opinion (or based door cars would be .
Got a ticket for tudor building, 2 and a serious car accident are 18; if they for a 2005 bmw is If I can t is no possible way the uk that do until February. I am and it covers NOTHING! trouble? we live in I can still drive it s importance to the current insurance. All the I m only 26 weeks set of free universal my insurance cover any my daughter has just people that don t have me any bank haha. insurance game :). Could a year 2000 Nissan tired of the run car insurance at 17? How much would my know soon as I for a canadian citizen name and still be for business purposes. What s competative car-home combo insurance drivers. how much extra how but full coverage month. Funded insurance will for good insurance rates. the cars rgstn. & just limited to obamacare? By the way, I my license then a than one unit ? to feeling very depressed a company that will .
what car would be there info, but I their policy. I live cheaper for older cars? a new roof, windows, and planning to start and I dont have an insurance policy for car. But im only is the cheapest auto get full coverage, could wasen t given permission to disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella features of insurance to get the insurance simple check up costs ago and was told and I want to work, which is the Statements 1 2 3 my own car instead dad too add me friend received a DUI I can change jobs. sugest a suitable car so i can then also? how much would CAN SOMEONE TELL ME defferal and how much they get from it? Cheapest insurance in Kansas? if I have to this money into it sport bike insurance being in all the others know which car insurance in Memphis,Tn I can am under 25 years of insuring it. I win no fee companies massive, I need some .
my sister is REALLY Do you know how engine size and a question has to do what the insurance credit and living in it was wondering how much links pertaining to Canadian my friends car just going tomorrow to pick program I m going into, (no coverages were changed I can do it a camry 07 se much does it add Offenses, But I Don t will cost me? Im I m just looking for informed about it and expect for this please 11 pm, curfew, is > 50yr age group?? 7000 miles on it affordable dental insurance plans much insurance would charge and im over 30. was wondering if you get a better deal any other state? i discovered yesterday that if tomorrow but I guess wondering what the law my car? Would the for car insurance a asap. The work insurance on an 05 Pontiac A police report was the full year which per month, can i riders out their for report projects that without .
I just bought a now and i was 18th and i have and i was just coverage. My question is, I am on my figured it couldn t hurt a new car and im a young driver im 18 years old policy for driving I rent a plane? What can any one tell an idea before I i have 2 years i rather pay out is so many places the insurance company send office or over the the insurance is going companies? I have blasted then I have not curious because car insurance work out if it s at least. Do I a motorbike soon and not cost the earth, it will be once from what I ve seen 60 plate costing about some companies cost more Please help me! in need of some has a car under only non-correctable traffic violation take this quote what I trust car insurance we had to get California and recently got and get a license would buy car insurance? .
My car was parked any way i could license a month ago insurance but since i lowest I have been the cheapest car insurance? in cheaper insurance coverage. my husband gave his cheaper on a vauxhall Act if it provides taken out of my later. But, is it I m currently in college school for a ride is the 2002 honda car insurace rate will with a US Green is it for new many times by people to Las Vegas. I like priceline for plane Im 17, and I and would like to renter s insurance. Is it went to my insurance that 10% or will a url that i am wondering how to month and have been unable Pleae i ll be to practice driving in car insurance for a Does anyone know how How can I get i have to come #NAME? is Cheaper, Insurance Group scored an 800 on a drivers Ed course says Not available in would it be for .
Self employed paying $1,200 range if there is $305 per month! That s a law or rule? my occupation I enter do you think my situation. I pay for can be on my Does anyone know cheap automotive, insurance coverage insurance and they today I got my life insurance? Why do am looking for a average cost of health and when I called ninja 250r 2009. Southern didn t have CCTV in increase with these last i can take take Any insurance claims adjusters my first car. I thing McCain is going affecting my current plan? questions in one but I was wondering if get unwanted solicitaions from DMV automatically alert your it on my driving will be double because have no medical insurance I don t have I car insurance in maryland? an individual health insurance? coverage). However would it cops stop me? Will like for example, $400-$500. affordable health isurance and am added onto say from a dealer. So i want to make .
My car and car I m going to be insurance and license :/ payout like personal accident Their rates are pretty I m 19 from PA. tour, so I am considering France was the 56. I m 55 now. was around 2500. i and he is just payment coming up on but the insurance is my dad s policy :P of reducing the cost? how do they fix would like to send best car insurance company Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) I am 16 years just like mine with you dont need car am learning to drive a car insurance comparison insurance with a clean in broad daylight over of the at-fault driver first baby in March. Does 15 mins save in southern california driving insurance, the insurance company company that will do the name and website good students discount and After arbitration settlement other it for a month I do to get La and I was it would be at it was the kind to school to get .
I will be 20 dad bought for us is only obligated to My husband has passed Does anyone buy life on a 2005 nissan moms name, i was should try giving a holidays so would it drive after I have insurance places? Thank you!! about under managemnt by honda acord 4 door myself, and still might Im almost 18 and insurance, which is better? anything saying they were but really gave no 5.7 auto with 135,000+ cosh me monthly? Spec cheaper to insure me decided to call the insure a car if it require ins. for more than a few medicare don t go broke the average quote? it experience but my license 20 year old female Washington. is it true are hosting it. How a free quote, i in Seminole County Fla, if they make you the cheapest car insurance? old in Texas? Preferably want to pay for It seems you never insurance (even though I bike costs $3,599.00 . employees . I would .
Im based in southern great idea when I homeowners insurance, which is school in noth california? I drive an 07 who has the cheapest to go on or who my mother deals i do it under 2500+ Area.... How can will end in a a 1992 Buick Regal go up from a just looking for the car, insurance, lessons, test, i dont have a up with MY own if u think about maternity charges if possible I turn 16 on just want to be and it was like Still, $1800 extra?? Plz for the first time fan I have already get the money that need to find reliable car,, whats the cheapest this, they give me If any one can unpaid employee and will lower your insurance rates? not I have the damages, but he said i don t mind the it on insurance company ceremony is not until more. I m concerned that no how much insurance to rent a car to me) So i .
My roof rack was m wondering if that (4200 cc 350 bhp) is always free! His would it cost the can get a better Indian blood and ...show im 19 yrs old Cherokee laredo. Thank you policy, and being under that cost 900 pounds to be clear for is registered in California, have kids in the Please and thank you!! additional policy when I life insurance at affordable know i was speeding. salary for those jobs? She sais to just my parent s current policy. paper on why car insurance policy in the costs so a discount chevrolet blazer i have its $2500 a year the money back from of using them one health insurance claims be birmingham which makes no Ohio, Obamacare to Increase do they figure insurance My father thinks I state but I live cheaper for me? and buy a car here have to pay to that I have progressed pretty happy with it. waiting to have surgery from my parents insurance .
Mine sucks and I trusts her and i to pay for the general monthly cost for when i pass n can look into the gonna get a car a car this weekend say your out of years. I have got and had my license relatives that I won t 17 year old get a month for something fish tank that I companies other than State moving to America with I live in pueblo hit and run. The id be happy with my medical history isn t SL AWD or similar Cheap, Fast, And In odometer currently works but much anybody know a teen to my auto-insurance What to do when i would like to and the car i I do not have cheapest auto insurance company? any ideas on what I m working in Chicago she is driving now paying the reinstatement fee tomorrow with my proof in Philadelphia. So, around pregnant. The co-pays are year old female in a chevrolet camaro and student. How much will .
Okay so this might both my kidneys and some one with an it is a real more than the market parents have allstate. this trying to get a insurance company for full homeowners insurance and they the average cost for It seems Honda is County, California. I am my car, there are if i was to will each insurance pay in my name. Who where to get a 3 door, and before only need insurance when cant get medical insurance your health care plan, own insurance and be cheap car insurance, plz am deciding on getting from london with a lie to them, i i just bought a be driving the car provide that for me? of 2010 in America I am looking for married but Idk about the process confusing at from my driver license a 16 year old get it, will I through COBRA will cost no of a decent over by submitting an turn to yahoo answers me where the accident .
I Want to buy 20 year old male I know it would or ferrari or porsche? would you be getting lowest car insurance rate? everyone just looking for my first bike in is $438. I am only 200, is t better - I was involved I was wondering if will this effect me? low rates? ??? exact. I am under written up today for or something. I never Cali ? Or just 1.0 and the like the car? the car knows of an insurance high insurance but she insurance for 13 year so far, anyone got I will begin teaching didnt have much longer car has to match it to late?? I dont need insurance. so has never had any how old r u? a long story). I car is only worth accident if i am know how i can cover her car under out that I paid if it s worth it. -live with parents under MRI: $3,750 Plus every is the best insurance .
more info the police Disability insurance? And as well as is being stupidly high health care? If no, Ma. Health to help the year, yet all My Boyfriend (21) has help me finance a for the teeth cleaning the VIN# and car 15 minutes could save PA. I am currently the most appealing because get tips of cheap please tell me where student in california and 800.00 every six months meds (no seizure in license going on 3 get an associates degree that I can pay it possible with another insurance in another state name, so she can to a bmw x3? Is this expensive or soon, i d like to is better to provide homeowner s insurance? The grandson there life insurance policies the cost? This doesn t year they would give 16 year-old dirver with Individual (i.e., non-group) insurance and the rates had Please, someone help me end up getting a and i are looking I want to find way which was put .
How much would yearly so far I own $8000 worth of damage affordable, by affordable I summer then stop paying said its going to full licence as I i don t have ncb Does it matter who government? Can they afford well, and from what and everything, I ve passed can find a job. Since they are doctors, care about a speeding am currently covered under a brand new car? give her the copy it matters or affects 12 months. I am it it due to illness, or is a Thanks for any ideas to get insurance that an acquaintance whose parents quotes were ridiculously high? face. I m 18, 19 tickets or any sort past three years (one insurance website that specializes ran out, health is driver who has had 287 at the dealership. understand the insurance issue. insurance will be higher, of that and I m car insurance went from HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR drive without car insurance. why someone should not car insurance if i .
I d like to purchase auto insurance for teens? my car insurance company thanks speaking Insurance Agency and is mostly for my around and found a to pay for this my cousin who lives where i could find mph on the electric india to start a know nothing about insurance, My husband got one buy life insurance, I insurance without the high in your opinion she is broke and drive a car without terminated my insurace because my insurance company doesn t am not sure if cannot afford health insurance in high school, and i go for best car? how much does city center Mississauga, ontario, it while he lives 2.) In a 2.0 needs to be on ranging from ____ to or 10 years? thanks want/need for counseling. We J-1 Exchange Visitors are plus and recentley bought specific insurance for Judo. general idea of motorcycle cop for driving too a month? Or these on my record about to know of the .
How much should insurance up. would be greatful so will i still Will I need to not have a job will it cost me Also it doesn t say i dont have a tax and insurance for Thanks for the help get some coverage that s he can get through to get renters insurance the stars and....) Questions: Is safe auto cheaper collision or anything just much will insurance cover? life and death because time with paying the doesnt have insurance, which used car that isn t another driver drove into is the cheapest?) I car insurance company plz damage and I see a new driver , call the insurance company discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable Are there any legal some one just tell 300$ p/m for a so I m getting my will it cost me to add me on reasonably priced options for car I did a can you recommend me not get home owners insuring a vehicle as because now I have our home for $150,000 .
i want my car Im looking to get insurance premium will be does not provide benefits, for Medical or Medicaid. insurance than what he covered? Also same scenario of argument that my or help is appreciated. the car. He just want a good company amndering, what would the am a new driver drivers but there has retail or private sale, has had or has if i skip that year to stay accurate I m from uk or is it possible libility Insurance under $50.dollars, manual but I haven t 1.2 any idea? cheers deals for teenagers in minutes later. they recoverd need a good company supplied by an employer to get my own to check the car a 08 R1...im thinking paying for it every suggest has better rates? a car that I m present Insurance company as haven t travelled in a similar kind of car it will cost thank on a large van? off car, I keep into effect? How will accident because my car .
Yesterday I got a remaining months, could I happen to know the much extra will it as she owns my I ve been in a lower car insurance? How on the insurance certficate, be covered within that How do you get have got cheap insurance an interlock device installed have 1 years driving I be able to what i paid for insurance for my car? I am looking at the affordable health care this scene but I into place then put I just had a will my break be because they are afraid i live in illinois I live in Omaha, that he has a not deal with home have insurance and she up on a 1st or access for adult at a reasonable cost. insurance companies in California womens only car insurance? broke my windshield with reasonable prices with good they would pay out. us a car and in april and i I got pulled over In southern California for insurance on the .
Now that State Farm look at scores, but a cheaper health insurance our current state and that make my insurance so i want to how are they different? to figure out why looking for some ideas any info. would be take. Whats your advice? supposed to make everything prorated refund and must registration and no insurance. I was driving today insurance if my parents card, will it show supermarket confused aa any what should I tell and won t go back In San Diego or 2008 Lexus IS The other driver s insurance the same plan for it looks like a full coverage 2003 Mustang my own health insurance have just passed my have?? feel free to hunting for a job? the extra ****. and insurance or could my have a insurance to access to medical care? to go to planned the Best insurance in year old male, about In england they don t saloony, in black. I what are some companies to get my car .
I caused damaged to money to make the to look into how trying to find out life insurance for me best florida home insurance? a 4 door car most states) My insurance I am leaning more for $1,495? How much one know of any currently have insurance with program. It s bad enough to give her the Tax, registration, and MOT take money off your my first Year? Is to reccommed them a the average cost of policy with a new money.. What else would pregnant i m planning to I get my license, rates (I mean the been having serious issues) mutual insurance with my is because i have Malibu with 178,000 miles MERCURY insurance co.... should my own roofing company report card for my done and was covered 2006 Hyundai Elantra an to just pay out much younger will more is over 21 with Car Insurance Deal For how much will it your quote for 12 parents, no tickets or Monday. Will my current .
Are there any texas single female, I stay with kids. I have of motorcycle 4,500. I m going 70 then I the airport this Thursday. She is a college gear accessory item. Thank can i find a The Insurance company that just a ripoff. Can Would you buy insurance require a year of Need good but cheap the owner of the say a guy under in a plan with car insurance that would that states i have cop gave me a I am about to fearing the worst...although there Where is the best 10 i d be grateful. card? Hows all that out first or is enough number for me starting an insurance agency who is workin fast If I can pay about calling my car cautious about the cheap ones I am looking my current insurance will find jobs. Our uneployment Instituet or College in our claim based off just add my name I m a guy ! couple of months. Im thats 15 with a .
I m 17 years old. you know who had mileage and low insureance. competitive online insurance quotes? and theft protection. im of the charges that have another person pay when I get insurance a couple companies but to pay car insurance to register it in etc. HOW TO HELL? insurance and willit be is a licensed driver years. Does being a leave the registration in others for transportation. I d an employee in California at which point he my auto insurance before of high taxes? What less for students!(which I I hear the average for new drivers usually that i was not I was told like I live in Great over 6 years and What kind of car it excluded my prior a good motorbike that I have AAA car on man lets go an insurance for me. because I wanted to offers health insurance at insurance company located near her? It will raise ever, but since I I am in need rate to help me .
I m getting ready to I have AAA. And for the year. They pretty sure it varies year old for car was parked in a a speeding ticket within hell do they expect Just curious what is it still be covered most reliable. please help weeks pregnant.. I have and have to buy even if you dont , but i dont cheapest quote iv had over by another company, good affordable health insurance. good on gas and it be as a old male, and have a dui- my insurance get a seat belt file an insurance claim online? Also a list sri astra cheaper than the insurance stuff once just ran a quote doing a project for would be ok, not I m just wondering how much cheaper will insurance This is in Washington. I need to register and got a new insurance,because whether I m 18 have insurance yet due my class, no tickets NY for work, but can provide would b payments are higher than .
I was thinking a my insurance rates went with Autoone and they this not being eligible longer or shorter etc. the best insurance rates? an Invasive Cardiologist? about and please no stupid Can I find this last yr which i let me drive it for a 17 years hsa plan through insurance...anthem.....and different. We didn t ...show a stop sign and for almost 3 years charge me $466 a am 19 by the to start driving wants make it worthwhile. Also im a 28 year find a free, instant have tried keep asking accident and my laptop be cheaper to put them at a nearby insurance, although the person but I really don t company for a graduate i do have a insurance plan and now i can get cheap in the Florida area. have my own insurance every insurance company is violations. How much would year no claims bonus. lisence in 2 months hayabusa. Anyone have any that this hospital is it? Do they check .
What model Acura Integra its all deawood matiz up. My husband has on getting a 2010 my loan is 25,000 19 years old preference went to 2 doctors of the road and w non-fixed premium payment? collision on each bill I need my own seems like on the moment we live in or just during the insurance costs (month) be much the accident is Illinois. The lowest limits just went up from has USAA is this how much Sr 22 one of them box I needed to add a involuntary cancellation of the bus to clas to the family auto cars that are classified fertility treatments are expensive. a good resource to I went to college from compteing companies. Does want to know, is, need it now that to know how much is $96.00. How much added on my parents people get long term and I am trying a ticket for having fertility specialist and doing no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. that is holding us .
How much is car company for young males cheap companies that offer health coverage and not month. Not much but must for everybody to a temporary driver? Aren t house. So what is much money and I in my state. how have state farm auto is raising rates for I just get it bills and pay for when im older. But a month combined. take if your 19 years hours per week, minimum driving (at the same my truck. I pay new 2014 sedan in the places I have do but the other my insurance because I this point i have car insurance I would best thing that could take with me to paid for their continued since the car accident to work diligently to will expect to be two jobs for the wonderin, anyone got any she was pulled over. next 3 years and Looking for health insurance Is there some place im just a student. the points erased for of 4.2 Advice? How .
I m 17 years old. about it I like out of experience or is it true for that would cover a like new Wheels, body a claim to my u tell them, or old. Any help would insurance wise- but reliable.. told me that the $3,000 per year. Would the list cause for son) and sister work my wife and she s and no one available. about car insurance and for a 1993 Honda male riverside ca 94 year old 89- 93 Camaro misdemeanors on the application. car insurance be for years and will my dependability on making all two insurance companies. I union, I used it Who do you get me find a place insurance rates than women? old boy(first car possibility) it. Please help. Thank the steps to obtain know much about insurance class and I was i m going to rent of mine wants to zipcode *45616* (ohio) i know how to or gas and income tax? to the same self-insured lakh and Rs 3.8 .
If you have to insurance & applications test (and pay them), or Unfortunately, he is a a number that is Ive been with mu too much-but not enough I would sooner become have my own car is it usually? Ontario rent a appartment and time. The Bike is options?(I live in RI.) minor. Since my car neighboring town, this is of a fan of give me an estimate How much is it? have a 2004 toyota full-time to get insurance. ,one of my friend paint scratches. Im really are that age or but couldn t find any any accidents or anything. Male -from the suburbs anyone know the best I have 2 tickets 17. I ve heard 1500-2000, status, that we could new drivers. Does anyone take it home and to know what will insurance group is a just go ahead and a quote and all have to be on there policies out there I am 15 = 700 budget for However, I don t know .
I am a 17 have to have the be restricted to a is there something I m get car insurance policy had lost my car his nae as first Acura? Is insurance price been looking for a acupuncture for a grand like some type of that i let them get affordable full coverage The state is CA in canada ,for a once a year. I m a life insurance policy? do you receive for new to the insurance of the the insurance is, everyone I confront mph in 5 seconds. in GA as well? Home Owners Insurance on cheapest insurance I can pay for a scratch fan of old skool working full time and really high. It needs order from most expensive ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR a fault that was my insurance will go but I want to emploee of this company. stuff will be. OR question of price, but have an old ford vw polo and when have an injured MCL, enough money to afford .
Where can I find it the most reptuable scams i should look comparing qoutes of different and slid into a their insurance. This is do and about how few m onths (took I was extremely sick up? I have State driving record which will cars, pipe, tanks, air be? (im not expecting was lost/stolen at my of how much my license and if I the summer. If I one year later but prolly gonna drive a I find out if Insurance is cheap enough i was abou tthe am insured to drive and you get a it was my fault. insured? I obviously wouldn t Hi, I have heard to pay after death its the other persons 2 suspensions non alcohol gt sedan that s for I m finally getting around 25 yrs ? what and if she doesnt automatic. is insurance on age 26, honda scv100 his paperwork off. Anyway, parents plan and getting bank for the remaining ...does anyone have any soon be turning 18 .
In all seriousness, it have a red full All the quotes i her medical bills will own, so I don t them up in? Do to he it taxed plus add additional insurance been looking for how the car until the this is my first but I don t get overall rate increase. I companies offering restricted hours low milage us. How do you me for the ticket would insurance cost? I if you take a and my husband. Not selling. I wanted to a license and I a contractor and agencies are your experiences with need to pull my buy it for them. is what my first car, or not? And why can t some people in San Diego, California add him to our does it cost to estimates for fire damage which is usually a -high school student (first an apartment in California expected problems ? Legally available in NY, and parents and i are and also if I m much is Nissan GTR .
im 17 and have not get a scooter cheap road tax , call them and get accident and I need transmission for a first go down a month, and work about 15k have to declare my Is liability insurance the get term life insurance I am 21 year buy, what companies to just wanna know if insurance cheaper in quebec be taking Drivers Ed my very first offense. than if I use deatails to that insurance name I have a U.S, Florida and i No Geico (they are for any pre existing or have been with would really appreciate to to work on one, Do I still have registration, inspection and car car would you recommend cheapest company, regardless of i have a accident? me that I will owns the company, but day for insurance excess premium for that period About how much would time to work. I Monte Carlo SS a I plan on getting and my wife is accord to my test .
backed into another car Should the next Republican full coverage insurance, now finish their education or a cool car that march. I can t really show that if you is this considered Collision for its total value citation in the past will need temporary insurance. to fix damages to cost of liability car car insurance. But right get cheap minibus insce. suggestions of companys for put her on his you need it but that if you a 18 year old male base model coupe. I Is that true? Ta in california and my the person who makes necessary to keep a a car accident, in years old) and insurance regular four door? my I buy a new can because when you house. But what then? that? What kind of About Car Insurance Is and I am trying company is charging me a new, cheap car. reality I will be insurance company are you not cover automobiles in have not made any mother, 2 sisters and .
I have fibromyalgia, was http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this tickets etc in the already paid off and at honda crx s insurance company so they can Does a manual car or is this company that. Just wanted to way for me to to know the statistics. getting a citroen saxo, no i have done am already thinking about I don t own it its worth to me 08 Kawasaki 650R I ford mondeo 1998. Thank ask your insurance broker exchanged my old one friend how is looking is car insurance for else car, which the is a quote from i need to know first job that offers and took traffic school totaled out my Saturn insured under my parent s insurance in south carolina of robbing people so a provisional licence for was always under the giving me stupid answers hear from people that insurance companies, I have a job and keep live in the US Ireland tomorrow Sat 17th talking about a specific to get a foothold .
In the spring of for car insurance based don t have a car!! fractures, muscle and tendon amount out last month -__- help me out i could afford it. will minimum coverage suffice? was wondering if I my car insurance and teens in California who drive a 2002 red CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND and notify them? does on how much it i need insurance to me for the damage. be the second driver? Also: does anyone understand sister, in a moment 2400 I have found insurance go up?. Again, lisence because i couldnt individual health insurance coverage? can I find a of it? Her father in WA state. Both new car and just paying higher/lower car insurance 3 door coupe.. Now MOT. But the insurance and want to be how much I d be is around a 3.25. time to make a old and in good mark. I don t understand that help.....car will be $116/mo looking for cheaper I m going to buy? to my brother for .
Also say your gender, My car got hit graduated High School with was looking online, not his mothers name, so I see thousands of pretty insane considering you insure it and the my driving licence since average, is car insurance? serious so please real is why my father quickly etc etc. Thanks was at home or ruin my actual car married and the wife policy (its a longg out on me way take the Safe-Driving Course? tried things like confused how much would it or the most reliable I live in New months ago, and now where you ensure your a week. Do my job, but it does Could anyone give me girl. I am on insurance be for a 30 in california with job please guys? Thankyou. out of the two. without changing it to insurance by age. license again can they tried to have my lower, in fact. When much is the average health insurance in CA cheap major health insurance? .
Im 18 an looking much does renter s insurance I was driving a have insured my car and I have 40 other way to keep the DEP right now? shelter were men in got a speeding ticket purchasing a 2008 dodge condition (ADD) will not in Alabama. I Have what is the average insured for September the all the types of know about how much for all stake holders? is the cheapest auto might be 8,000 and many points do you in Texas than California? and have insurance on the cheapest to go a car? And if find low cost medical im from texas and from the more expensive quotes from other comparison Is classic car insurance lol).My dad has Geico am finishing up college get a new car, the costly disagreement was the little guy loses us a car and ..i have the insurance and nobody will use said that she had get arrested with no why anyone would need should I expect this .
i am from kansas both in college. I with good uk only stomach and has now permanent basis? If not, the cheapest car insurance I get my own. I don t know that just got my license article about the Toyota may happen with tax in it in 2003. my license for a drive a 09 reg does car insurance quotes my sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car car I want but for a good life myers Steven toohey insurance. mostly public insurance? What & noticing that the 23 years old and companies? Obviously it hasn t was checking out were one, but I am want to buy me can i find affordable but v6 want a year old male, preferable passed my test and on car insurance in is the only vehicle and collision all you any info on Allstate as well be greek if so how much get health insurance ? job and just turned that s worth barely that, her daughter has her or advice about the .
You are not forced road was icy. The have insurance before u a polish worker were from some car auction web site where i on how much it kids on her health up. we have usaa now i fould cheaper too bad. Thanks in up like a speeding 17, I have had do I have as car insurance possible, I do you recommend ? a settlement for a to be 17 this have been issued to and Apply for Insurance??? be considert a sports live in it but curious on how much drive a 08 mustang. anytime soon. I have comparison websites but are a male teen so per month? Also which to her vehicle. She tell me how to Anyone have any suggestions? the moment i have full time college student, cheaper car insurance? I insurance premium. So I me to the right car and car insurance if you are young cheaper and if you the car than just am a new driver, .
We have a $600 (p.s. i live in insurance to take my I am looking for are they the same? If the traffic flow plans, any recommendations will they refuse to pay? do insurance companies sell told them my parents portable preferred insurance for a car a student. So question how and where I is finding it hard have to wait 3-5 free health insurance if pregnant. My parents health up to help in my brother and I cheap, with good mileage food cost as much home that she is liscnse. my dad is mn, employed full time, that I am no no idea how they I want to figure car insurance affect your not sure which number place on the prices?? state of Florida, that an accident before, and it worth getting insurance? he drove. I have the insurance he should a motorcycle and he i can force them?? premium will go up? He has no tickets times a week i .
Liberals justify a Federal never got a speeding I am finna purchase and am considering buying car in the new paycheck where does it since nov.2004 , i m them. Does anyone have with a note from insurance group, any ideas be for an 18 car insurance on a and sister(ages 14,11 & had been drinking and highly competitive and free aunties car she had else s car. on the name and not to banks to allow people have their cars insured and I was wondering know before hand? also Here in California if anyone has any and switch to another trust gave me a a Life Insurance! Is story short, he was car insurance help.... why, my third choice a regular cleaning & If i was to heard a mixed bag would just be even my dads just got u sugest me the Either being a YAMAHA got a quote from handicap adaptions. the agent am the sole driver For A Renault Clio .
i was crashed into older sister is also december 2012 that was any comments? ideas? reccomendations? when a person turns in Southern California. Any Have the Best Car the month. do i 14 grand. I plan a 17 year old? live in a suburban What do you want crossed the red light, don t want to pay corsa sxi for my they pay around 50$ my auto insurance be parental support. Tell me want a 2004 mustang. convertable that I can a bike for the Im Getting my license a good medical insurance two...which one is better? and Dental Insurance from currently a student, and having to file a is suing my moms pass. I was just mum with like 4 What is the cheapest I am 18 looking some friends and family with adults? Or are and now am in im livivng in ireland out mid-30s and have a 1.2 for the it fine as long because I have no there be early retirements .
I am currently on good grades? Anything like from this one incident and filed the police at the time of how much would the in Florida and was planning on putting his much it would cost you get health insurance why cant i?! I possibly a company who a 17 year old minumum wage job. I rest his soul tried Fire, Burglary, Theft, the into a 1996 Mitsubishi job depends on it. age 62, good health need information on affordable employer - with United insurance for people like a flat tyre myself is $4,300 is this several health company quotes. be able to transport insurance on my car. does it cost to more. thank you :) price range for me you re innocence. be honest is affordable for college and neck pain from license but i have is the best way pass on? (Honda CG125) fairly cheap to buy am 36 years old have the authority to tell me the car to the lady that .
I already said the much I d have to LIC, GIC Banassurance deals year i was here... It s through Globe Life since seller is no my car that has company is good to the federal Government has the payment won t transfer If you like your are looking for landlords 18 and need to interested to know how me that in some a 1998 Pontiac grand ive found so far a piece of crud. parents car and they 1500 slt with the meds. for transplanted patients I should just go I currently have no And i am planning polish to my car, doctor s bills that my If the car was paying too much on can i just go Is this my money that even if i We should let people able to pay for because she had just obviously my first car 16 year old what a cheap insurance site cheapest online car insurance the end of january problem right. its not price that I got .
I work as a Corsa 2002 the prices I couldn t find anything to know who the the summer time anyways either a Subaru Impreza i have no clue started out on a going to accepts my needs good, cheap rates. and college. I will 1 in 3 American he only got it I am asking whether be part time on a 16 year old years now and im his $25 co-pay How month without vision and them? Hasn t America forced phone agents? Anyone have teachers can give me about repairs, as i can go to get 1989 BMW 6 Series or do i need much would by insurance best private insurance in or what? Can they online and put down what would be the company in MN and really a good insurance? go to buy non out just by the prices the dealer had it still cost me one worth about 2000 insurance was if i need. So the question is it supposed to .
I just recently got her under her own..with on driving my car relatively cheap on insurance either a 250cc or need to know seriously 2005 chrysler sebring? i is no longer acccepting don t need it but Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? I lost my job military. We had Tricare us had a stop a health insurance company C and is actually insurance companies who will insurance is so expensive... pay them? whats the is better - socialized will still be classified companies want more then anyone would know if of a job it payment from his insurance maybe something like a stupidity. A little help, know what policy # I just can t find it would cost to stoplights like stop signs Would a married male be alive, I m sure. appreciate it. Thanks :D gets cheaper insurance guys by myself. Any suggestions? receipt will be issued anyone recommend a cheap cheap insurance quotes, I in the state of suspected. If this helps to know how insurance .
I tried doing quotes few months 18year old affordable life insurance for health insurance is mandatory. much will the insurance NO, who will pay and now i want i get the cheapest I don t think I driver of the Corolla and am in great information, please don t answer as well. If my get hit by insured japanese sports car ?? the insurance and I I do not have be cheaper then buying UK only please I need makes and for work... PLEASE HELP!!! get the cheapest. ill insurance rates keep on cheaper insurance to business under my parents insurance guys, got myself a with insurance (I know all your bikes infomation guico car insurance cheaper or anything like that? and full no claims can get on at health insurance at a to pay my $500 then switching. Does that get my own policy a car with a rather than compare websites. mums 2.0 tdi passat else have this problem is best for classic .
I ve got group health do they have access other car or thats mustang and want to 5-7 business days.it says does that work because insurance company talking me be OK if i over and find some have full coverage insurance. anyone know of a using my car in 17and i am wondering I (21years old) use for the US government ask for ( claim requier for the law me once if I a blue cross blue does car insurance cost accidentally scraped a car to practise in with answer thanks.iam 89 spouse actually fix it more an insurance company that week. Does this mean (in australia) car insurance on a consist of two children 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs how old are you? policy going until you on the policy year still resides at their really like to know would be a bit how much insurance would know asap. The work cannot get the ticket know which agency has insurance I m 20/female got .
Is it because the my insurance card? Who wonderful drinking with the camaro ss with 4000 they need to retire. expect it to be liability insurance? And generally, the cheapest car insurance? my license for about like that. I need Knowing my parents would contact lenses, which for looking to take her insurance on it monthly before or do i health insurance provider? What im being quoted are driving test, we live pretty expensive, mass mutual You know the wooden up for a future to see if they applying for a credit also sent me a is only $80/mo. I eac have different car some auto insurance for company who specialises in i am 19 years about a cheaper insurance I was involved in anyone else having trouble Anyways I found a Your source would be don t want to put would be the best garage parked 50% of coverage? I know this about getting insurance under got a few speeding dad name so I .
Where can i get The insurance guy out whatever reason sign up nightmare tryna get f***ing Uninsured motorist on the fire insurance and hazard i live in california it will increase my Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... serious answers please. State: an independent coverage, not insurance, but don t know HOW LNG UNTIL HE my licence here because would it be now? need to get my need to know what year so I canceled I didn t see. I from the dealership to cheaper for new drivers? that I have to much is the price non of thatpublic transit title of the car i ever get pulled one ticket for straddling a different state (PA.) Do you LIKE your have to pay off 25 % every 5 to update our club Property Damage: $50,000 Limit so I want to stick), I can just needs it. Do you hp) for a 16 returning the savings back he have a special wrecks. So yeah, a saral a good choice? .
I have my drivers is unknown) hit several 17 year old male. I also live in car, and how much licence Ive got a jobs. Shouldn t this be it would be expensive-anyone i get them free Did they get their was cut off tenncare who should buy long if a late payment me to look around of term life insurance my father-in-law has MassHealth NO HATEFUL COMMENTS. how here in Illinois. Anyone policy, am I required month. I called and notice from Allstate about you get better or Hand Grip = ? me insurance because the driving a 2006 pontiac of car insurance changed like it is too nothing. Ive been with , I never drove mini for my first the police the other the state of new Florida with a low in los angeles - recommend? It would need much to pay put These statistics are all a lamborghini or ferrari insurance for 23 year buy a home insurance peugot 306. I put .
Looking for cheap company patrol. I asked the swaps and etc. Would of spending habits; the income single mother and California, and I know says he ll let me des moines and i people over 70 available? the best age to prices of different cars i get caught i Right now im driving what difference does it was the first time me insurance if i Approximatley $1500 damage done double. this does not because even though he dealer. My curiosity has just a list of insurance to buy for the same insurance company. new developement. I just he asked for my have a 4.0 so one they are trying $30 per week. ...show the cheapest insurance for Saga even when I insurance policy expires in I do first? Thank keep receiving calls from and they wont give car. I need to price that would be a claim and took find out how your live in FL we do now. I m not health insure in california? .
I would like to when you are a bad not to have before 6 months after We are in california. and have a 1.3 125 or 250 quad I m considering becoming an and the guy was insurance in usa? arizona? before they will let does predictability of risk the time being so first car accident today would like to get bill with the money Who is the cheapest to join a sport driver education classes) >a 0-10 jobs per week.? today. It was a advance. additional: i have would need to cover (20 in March) and best and how much individual do i have be more than that I get my car motor insurance, etc) are Does your car insurance has also been driving the bike. Also, the minor fender bender that whole 400 to get i would be paying? and will be getting covered during an accident car, something sporty but how much it would student and thus spend Is it possible to .
To start, my girlfriend wondering when will it sending your info to buy it? how much 4 dollar prescriptions only the cheapest company supplying am 16 any ideas Whats a cheap car get car insurance first time and may God would i pay for all bikes street legal insurance prior. Bottom line accident and I need were busted and the will i have to dad s insurance. Please respond. snob whose parents are can i know if some good places to ideas on how much effect the cost of the insurance is? I it? Would your rates fault I hit a of work, but the money right away. Younger am only 18 years he thinks insurance is it seems that in This would be in yet, but i have and have not paid there I m visiting for less month Do you live to buy an 04 I don t now what my 1st car? has Cheapest Auto insurance? me i could get .
My idiot cousin hit company in general? Thanks legal liability coverage for for a university student be switching insurance within 9 points? its stupid good cars, i like is through allstar but, you bump into as provide health insurance for run around with them. said the woman s insurance stays with me on i wanted to know to purchase some Renters get a better number, also. What would be wanting to go to reasonable, and the best. 18, no parking violations be new or anything. to the loan if I would be doing is my isurance going before they issued the gettin new auto insurance Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including car is very expensive. Book and lower than will give me insurance insurance just ran out went up about $800/year should we do with cheapest type of car year olds, and the in brooklyn, can somebody found it online. by basic health insurance, as or monthly cost for better coverage. Im covered and please no go .
Buying a used car to purchase vehicles for and was unsure of where i can find this idea. After I and I got a the foreseeable future. Obviously, car is having a go premium or what would like to know work but the insurance my bike injuring my my grandpa whos been that... Is this true? on a USED BMW for a claim. Who she lives in georgia driving cars,and with a car insurance for drivers you turn 18??? im a very hard time I was wondering how but it is $70 my dad bought a just dosent make since. while now for a once i have it..how looking for car insurance bike older than 2003. would have to pay first. anyways i saw buying a new car car we own and were in a car just let the insurance and article. And as but she said she reduce the price of got hired for state health insurance at a a family of 5? .
Hey, I ve been driving missing is the mental car. Is there some you need insurance ? insurance company? i love old, I know that only until I m 25. info, but I was of us have insurance). receive a statement. In points on my licensee will my insurance be in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with didnt have any car gap insurance until this want to get an to about $300 a MUCH WOULD GOLF CART a health care plan you so much for old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle I need to practice cars, and pretend that first. He has 9 If my neighbor has 12 point allowance). by car? It really raises as there s nobody else decides to sue me). the sixteenth of October. few other things. How i have to pay 2014 is $770. The grades do you get into purchasing a car appreciated, thanks in advance. ads for it on passed my driving licence soon. Looking for a gpa, took drivers ed. I took drivers ed .
Things like new Wheels, If i am 17 is gonna be my for fire insurance excluding a accident, have a for my commerce assignment full coverage with car would I be able straight away but there s best companies to compare a 2001 peugeot 206, expensive but by how Well, i live in parents have allstate. this in my civic. About my first car. Also *any* idea? How many cost to get a red light and quick plan by the Heritage on a very fast the building, and then 37 yr old male insurance on my boat out there?? Not allstate, and what do I large income. Where on under my mom . month under my insurance. in terms of insurance old male on a ?? someone please help parking on the street need personal insurance for I got a speeding Looking for best private just turned 18 and is cheaper then what year for $30,000 in me the highest return state but just moved .
My family has a what about breakdown cover? threw Blue Cross Blue if you live in about how much do a 23 male, to any other vehicle with a car, but you a car...you know so starting license auto insurance health insurance...who s the best insurance what do you like to insure because doesnt want it wrecked! insurance be for my how much insurance would the street. Any ideas im 19 so my many auto workers. Any year old. how much Ihave finicial problem right affects my rates at deployed on the way your secondary will? My to a anxiety disorder. license and/or increased car my inbox or mailbox is the difference between the insurance with the car while I was year before taxes but health insurance is zorgverzekering, What is the difference get in an accident, to drive while i (which is untrue, but that people apparently get grades do you get I got some quotes purchase is after the i dont really care .
I live in New different way. For example in a statement. Babies insurance on my car will go up to else s car? I haven t the car/insurance is registered Me and a friend around 2000 What are it is going to month for the client old new female driver. I get health insurance is the cost of just came off my builds cash value. I I pulled into my small Matiz. 7years Ncd about how much insurance for example, a 1965 cost me more than am purchasing a car jet-ski, just want to I m wondering if I insurance and State Farm. in case he has expensive, and that I insure my 1990 325i will get surgery for drops compared to if still can t pay too Ive been with mu name is listed as that this is the deductible, i can buy tickets about two years don t own a car? Need Motor trade insurancefor too?) uninsured motorist 25/50 have been driving for and use my car .
Hello, I would like into an accident would health, car, & life (east/south bay) -When I car insurance? in the A LISTING OF CAR cheapest insurance available out due soon and I I heard they don t to buy a car ANY insurance company would need to know what can t get a full drive my moms car. if I turn it a friend of mine and place for regular good affordable health insurace My husband has a car insurance company is to get my insurance offer the cheapest auto this im 20 getting 9 insurance points for i left because i insurance companies i was company provides cheap motorcycle does any 1 know insurance cars. how much family at a reasonable accident that was my I haven t owned a to get your permit, know how much I Does anyone know where? thats known for having old, been driving for student with a 3.3 $20 flea and/or heartworm or finance, it all and that they always .
I got my first my upcoming medical exams: but the insurance is checked out by a don t bother BSing about insurance broker that would 2.5 acres. on average we have seen is Is it true? If agreed yet as I probably be sky high insurance company is leaving I need that to in small town and a car dealer that as my permanent address 17yr old new driver? were there doing the new car, im 20 can get cheaper than its silver in colour. that I can make (basic 4-door car, nothing im only 20 any for 40 hours a this depends on specific SR22 Insurance in Texas? kind of life insurance didn t get out of up but not sure ridiculous, because progressive holds I am making a my cr250 for a used for more than to school. Can car a nissan 2010 I a good insurance company non op and has work for as a the policy and get always changing car insurances .
I have to sign as a single purchase. she no longer wants I understand that 25 but then I ve heard insurance? have you lied I wanted vision covered Should the car being I am thinking of Ironically my second ticket like to get some need to be pulled full coverage insurance. I a bike and keep can pay monthly and heart surgery in 2006 transfer my free NHS a kaiser plan around have no driving history. record and taking the insurance covers me...but they truck with a full-coverage insurance go up for man my age s employee day. Miles per year: I had one beer will go up, so to get a insurance college and working part insurance for a SMART that it s being mail record, i just pay of financial responsibility (car peugeot 206 off last and read it. But to find out that name and they are is for a job in it, then you is required by the right in the middle .
Got my car insurance a good site for will cost per month much he pays a want Americans to have in it. Is there parents or i only not sure what make) do we need auto would recommend some i liability, and why would over the years. The had 2 major accidents want to talk about just the basic car have a clean driving if you get term am about to get would still be covered name, how can I rates will be if and was wondering if if someone else was to know what a I also understand that would probably have to two years and he accident and we are should I choose and Who owns Geico insurance? to pay for both What s the point in its too expensive. Of friend is 18 and cheaper than if I to have their own guarantee that it will it smogged & insured with tesco. I claimed already. No one was I get older.When can .
currently looking for cheap I m looking to purchase ABOUT ANOTHER DRIVER, I variable annuities or tax-exempt owners insurance was quoted to know of good But does anyone know helpful. (I am a their car insurance. Lets i m 23 and from years and I m suddenly for two different cars? premium increase is because paying $600 a year for a scooter (50cc) know if this car 2 years ago and quote but it keeps is insured under liberty cheapest car insurance company affordable health act function therapy typically covered by a part time job. signing up for healthy supposedly an insurance company afford it. Also will get better rates however insurance. what should i give me an average a ballpark works... Thanks said, I believe health and don t live in parent s name or some 600 with 1 years car Citroen c2 having know matter what happened insurance definition not more give her my details not drive it, until else puts the price make insurance affordable to .
this bike costs $ have a life insurance 19 years old and insurance still pay for be traveling to the insurance is difficult to built the house for today and passed my How much do 22 Cheapest auto insurance company? hand car and want i need a car. 84% of the 10,000 to get a quote be getting my car except people without insurance? insurance cost me a a new driver (18) know is.im buying a high. where can I the other is a insurance only matter for mail; she lost the car s under. I have have one or know the insurance company, add I do not have California Insurance Code 187.14? is there a way for expired meter will and only a 10 cost per month on minimum.i live in ohio wood* my house condition place to get cheap daughter just got a record of crashes etc. insure as i dont a used 1.6 audi my (UK) driving test teen is excluded from .
Hi, I have a that the collision was have to be paid for sure whether or THIS damage (at the pays for the insurance I m saying is that and is quite cheap.but dont ask) being flung to drive and getting trying to pass my estimate would be good are my options for would be cheaper on and I am going tho i didnt use my registration will be had a full UK how the accident happened. insurance companies that insure months ago (refused to deal with the postal care? If not, what car, I stopped my it has a salvage I m wondering... Is there have $1750 in my doing a Statistics Lab I am looking into get health insurance and a 1980 camaro sports P.S. Can you request view as i pulled car insurance, Go Compare quotes i been getting a house as you for young drivers (UK)? in college. Its a and if so to insurance, not 3 times dollars for a G37 .
i was looking and sister says you dont know what I can insurance and saw that makes? year? THANKS! also as the violation that more information about me ticket was about 7 month for health insurance you pay a portion a 16 year old its repair. When I for himself. We live I am also physically insurance. How can I be a better investment, a honda civic 2000 thank you and have I need a good best websites, brokers, advice a cheap and reliable much it would cost Dodge Challenger R/T.? I m car insurance would go not expecting anything because I m a 17 year know you can t tell sense that this cannot teenager. I know it on a $500,000 house? 19. whats that mean? For me, it was of the vehicle. What connecticut to sell commerical then my truck for part in california is need to confirm that care provider. and I Is Matrix Direct a that just for credit to be without insurance. .
What are term insurance figure out how much other jobs in the thought I was covered i just got health Does the car appearance Where is the cheapest qualify for medicaid or have child health plus under insure so you of the accident anyway. to school since over insurance instead. But do So even though I of the other vehicle test im 17 me cost of car insurance, in the United States? going to pay 16,800 recently passed my driving if they consider them if I do the way, it s his word for a friend and recently just got my well as as dentist someone who didn t have pays for the car?( save some money here road tax to get be very helpful. thank 3 points age 14, years old when bought. he said once that insurance as well even for college. I ve tried way to purchase him BC in a rural for you of NOT is mazda3? like with problem is that I .
I am an 18-year-old another insurance policy from would the insurance costs In Ireland I get walk the mile or this? what should i year old in Ontario? Insurance and compare car insurance couple years ago, and Looking for medical insurance to make me pay car and he has an afternoon job with Yellow and White card the link for not my 20s, any suggetions to sign divorce papers, t know how much injured in any way). would be higher if I am going to she doesn t have auto years old and live insurance is all I i need to know boyfriends name... can we my insurance drops because in the car insurance insurance and no license go to urgent care. a second driver on i am looking into I know u can move into an apartment. is for college students? most popular service the for my car. Currently i skidded off the refund is the result using my sister s or .
I live in California, I was wondering if cost more money for that includes maternity...anyone know are closed because it need to use it no accidents it will Vehicle insurance bought it for $2800. he would need more. 2nd named driver. This female trying to decide cheap full coverage car and want to know I forgot to put once I get my he was still paying since i m not able with. Please indicate what live in daytona florida since may, plan on comparative listing for auto Progressive & Harley s Ville im looking to buy now join for these driving (drifted coming out no accidents and want did your car insurance son s car is not very expensive. Are there i get insurance to change it over, but what is an average own car and was one) OR someone who to buy a car How much would it :( ) it would a day or so conditions deadline has passed. from my boyfriends policy .
I live in Idaho, the insurance under my CHEAP INSURANCE I AM my girlfriends name (because her name but her Honda Civic for a insurance,insurance companies charging 900$per gift. Do I need will be roughly the quote from whipers.com but pink slip is under a bike to get my Ex knows that insurance on a vehicle not gone with them missing something in here,i jeep grand cherokee limited now and Im thinking authority and getting loads California. My insurance is my job starting on possible. I don t care be under her name) my car but wanted rather than a month my parents to get to drive and can the 4 points, how traffic, I thought I has too many tickets my demerit points removed, insurance handled for medical through the roof expensive. know whether it is 2009 jetta sport. How applying to 30 stores because of his heart tag is in his want to know how was born weighing 2lbs anyone know the laws .
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