#and shame is only a useful emotion when it prevents you from hurting other people. and these guys do NAWT gaf about tumblr dot com i PROMIS
moonshynecybin · 5 months
hi how do you get over the overwhelming feeling of cringe/being weird. like every time i accidentally get too meta and think about how im reading fictional stories about real motorcycle racers getting pregnant im like. what am i doing i gotta kill myself dawg. like what's wrong with me. how do you heal from that. or should i even. maybe shame is good and necessary and i should stop all this.
um ultimately that is a journey you have to reconcile within yourself my man it’s not something i can do for you. i have listed a few thought processes that i go through here when i think about it though:
1. it is literally normal to be weird in a horny and parasocial way with professional athletes. lots of people do it. like its fine. maybe the way we’re going about it is a lil weird and a lil cringe but who cares. we are minding our business. people start riots over sports losses, a few 30 note posts on a website that 98% of the people i meet irl haven’t thought about in ten years isn’t going to kill anyone. like truly no one cares, no one’s gonna see it unless they go looking for it, and if they do that’s kinda on them at that point. like what were YOU doing at the devils sacrament…
2. you don’t live in the panopticon. the rpf police do not exist. no one is watching you specifically and thinking you’re a freak and if they do WHO CARES we’re on tumblr it’s the weirdo website. AND (not saying this in a mean or specific way) you are not the main character in reality. like i guarantee that there are broader conversations to be had about fan culture that don’t involve me answering fun little asks and you enjoying them! idk like valentino rossi is vibing in his mansion he dgaf about me
3. the way we treat rpf like this on here isn’t like. a genuine sexuality conspiracy board or personal dating life examination/investigation. it’s looking at an athlete and their narrative (a construct of themselves that they/broader sports media present to me as a fan for public consumption that is some ways them and in other ways not) and going. wouldn’t it be theoretically crazy if they had gay sex. like it’s playing with the IDEA of these guys like barbie dolls.
4. at no point and under no circumstances must you care what millionaire tax evaders think of you. in some ways this is praxis.
5. the only people i EVER see genuinely stressing about sports rpf are the people doinf sports rpf. like lowkey a champagne problem
6. rpf is fine —albert einstein
like idk it can get uncomfy but if rpf is like. genuinely taking its toll on you then my brother you can go vibe! and i say that with such love like it is okay to feel a lil bad and also okay to simply decide it’s not for you
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cultpastorkevin · 6 months
Cult Tips for AFTG writers
notes from the resident ex-cult pastor
If you’re in the cult, there is nothing bizarre abt what’s happening and in fact the normal stuff that happens outside of it is what’s bizarre to you. Target? Weird. McDonald’s? Even weirder. I can like guarantee Jean and Kevin never had McDonald’s until they left the Nest.
When you leave, you’re gonna be paranoid as fuck. All the time. Ngl at least for weeks but sometimes for years. Nightmares and insomnia 24/7. Hallucinations too lmao Riko is in every corner of empty rooms and you can hear his voice echo in the confines of the lockers.
I see a lot of Jean wanting to go back to the Nest, but not a lot of Kevin wanting to go back. He definitely struggled, 100%. In fact when he was in the pits of agony from his broken hand, was when he probably wanted to go back the most. Cult is home, cult is safe. Four walls you’ve always known and while it’s a cage at least it’s dependable. They hurt you but by god it always works out and the reward of pushing through this tragic incident is greater than the terror it caused in the first place. It’s a gift, actually. A gift from Riko. He saved Kevin. Cults save you. Cults make you wanna return to them like damn homing pigeons bruh. Give me more shattered hand Kevin screaming at Wymack to let him go back home and having a breakdown when he’s denied fics thanks
Piggybacking off the last one: cults are saviors; you’re nothing without them and they make sure you truly believe that; that everything that is done to you is for you and you’re blessed for it to be happening. You’re lucky even, to be allowed in it. Everything is as it’s supposed to be and order must never be challenged, because it works, and you’re the Edgar Allan Ravens, and this is the most honorable place you could be. All the pain you go through is you earning the right to be saved and to prove your worth every day on court. Only the worthy are honored.
You justify everything that happened and you will start fights and get angry with people who try to correct you and tell you it was wrong what went on.
On the other hand, you blame yourself for everything ever that happened there whether you were at fault or not. Hurting others, hurting yourself, gaslighting the fuck out of yourself over things maybe you could’ve prevented and over things you never could’ve stopped. The guilt is crippling and it eats you alive and haunts you.
There’s a lot of shame too. I see more guilt written than shame but shame is a huge portion of emotions that cult survivors have. Shits embarassing dude like “god how did I end up thinking this wack ass shit was normal” 😐 Shame comes later in the healing process usually, it’s after you have come to terms with shit that’s happened and you understand it. Looking back, you go “Jesus fucking Christ that was a red flag what the hell. Should’ve left then, or then, or then, or then” and then you’re just plain fuckin embarrassed.
Please look up how hive minds and brainwashing are created and work; also Stockholm Syndrome; understanding these would be incredibly helpful tbfh.
Diets are big; everyone eats the same thing; food is used as a reward and a punishment.
Hype hype hype. They whip up a frenzy of one singular emotion and use that to push you into a blind hysteria because you’re more suspectible to their influence when you’re out of your mind.
Drugs. Depends on the cult. But yeah these little bitches can be a huge factor for shit and can help with the brainwashing and hysteria and stockholm. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re being drugged or poisoned until you leave.
OH I ALMOST FORGOT. Dehumanization and then being treated like a person again can be traumatic as fuck yall!! Holy shit! Sometimes it feels worse than being dehumanized!
EDIT AGAIN: you don’t know what mental illness is !! Cults don’t fucking tell you these things lmao. if you show symptoms it’s your fault. Kevin being depressed his mom died was gonna get blamed on him and he was never going to be told grief is normal and it’s okay to be insanely sad. Jean also never got told his anger was correct or his trauma responses to being raped were realistic! They just got blamed for any reactions ever that weren’t neurotypical !! that is all; do with that what you will.
Idk if I think of anything else I’ll write another one but that’s all for now; I haven’t slept much lmao 🫡
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blakeswritingimagines · 3 months
Dating Yandere Fire Lord Ozai Would Include:
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His most prominent trait would be a lack of impulse control, which can manifest in many different ways. For example, being possessive and jealous, wanting to monopolize his beloved's attention, and becoming confrontational when faced with potential rivals for your affection. He may also act impulsively towards his beloved, expressing his obsession more intensely than usual and being overly eager to please you, even if it means crossing moral or legal boundaries.
Extremely affectionate and loving (Lovebombing), at least at the beginning, but incredibly possessive and envious when anyone else attempts to claim your affection. He will do anything for you. He'd kill everyone around you and then himself for you to be his.
If you tried to leave, rejected his love, or even implied that you were interested in someone else, he would be overcome with jealous rage. This can sometimes escalate to violence, as he may become physical in his attempts to prevent you from leaving or to punish you for being unfaithful. And if anyone were to ever hurt or threaten you, he would become so furious and vindictive that he would stop at nothing to make them pay.
He likes to exhibit extreme emotion and passion in his love and affection towards you. He may become overly attached, possessive, jealous, obsessive, and clingy, as well as demonstrating intense feelings of jealousy and anger towards any perceived rival or threat. In extreme cases, this can lead to violent behavior, manipulative acts, and even harmful or even fatal attacks.
He does not feel any remorse. Even when/if he hurts you, he will feel no guilt. You will belong to him and him alone, and he does not believe in being gentle when you resist. He is relentless and he will make you obey.
He has been told his intensity can be quite suffocating at times. He will devote his whole being to his one true love. And I mean whole.
This means that when he is attracted to someone, he'll feel an irresistible sense of ownership over you, even to the point where this feeling could develop into an obsession. He will be manipulative and try to exert control over you by any means necessary, so you can never leave him.
He will be extremely possessive over you, to the point where he will try to control every aspect of your life in order to ensure that you can never leave him. This includes isolating you from your friends and family, as well as controlling what you do and where you go. He even resorts to violence if you try to defy him in any way.
He'll be jealous of anyone showing any interest in his "property", and feel a need to "mark" you, and even eliminate anyone who could potentially pose a threat to the person he is obsessed with. He will have a violent, temperamental personality that will only be amplified around you. He will be very possessive and dominant, and get jealous even by little things like someone talking to you. In his eyes, you will be his and no one else's even before you are together.
Once his obsession over you is fully formed, he becomes very possessive of you and will isolate you from any other people who may have an influence on you. He can even become more violent when he feels that he is losing you, showing that he has no problem harming the same person that he is supposed to care about.
He'd make you to be his everything. He'd demand that you spend every waking moment with him. He'd never want you to leave his side. He would be very jealous and possessive of you and would get angry at anyone who tried to take your attention away from him. In other words, he'd always want to be your number one priority.
If you somehow did manage to get away from him or you ended things, he would become violent and manipulative in order to get you back. He would resort to blackmail, bribery, and physical force if necessary.
He would also become emotionally manipulative, using guilt and shame to get you into doing what he wants. He would do anything to make you rely on him so that he could manipulate you into staying with him. He could turn your friends and family against you by spreading lies and rumors about you, or even threatening them if they ever tried to help you. Anything they love and anything they care about could be used against them in order to make you stay so that they will never have you for themselves.
He would also be prone to extreme mood swings from hot to cold, from lovey-dovey and affectionate, to violent and manipulative, depending on how much you have given in to his demands. He would constantly question you about your feelings towards him and be extremely jealous of any time spent with others. He would become obsessed with you and the image of you together, often becoming delusional and ignoring any warning signs that you may be planning to escape from his clutches.
He would reward you for compliance. Your well-being and safety would be an important factor in his decision making and if you behaved according to his wishes, you could expect gifts and praise.
He would punish you harshly if you acted out of line, he felt an intense rage that can only be satisfied through harsh punishment. The severity of the punishment depends on the severity of the offense. Some common forms of punishment he might inflict include spankings, binding and gagging, being made to endure humiliating acts, or being dressed up in embarrassing outfits.
If someone else were to try and take you away from him before you had fully fallen into his clutches, he would do his best to manipulate you and get you to return to his side. He would tell you that he is the only one who truly loves and understands you and that any other person would be a bad influence on you. He would do everything he could to make sure that you stayed with him and dealt with whoever was attempting to break you up.
Azula and Zuko, both reacted very differently to his behavior. Azula became very similar to him, and shared his cruel and manipulative personality over you, becoming his most trusted confidant and gets to watch over you for him. Zuko, however, was horrified by his behavior, and he could not understand why he would treat you in such a way. And tried to confront him on many occasions, but Ozai refused to listen to him.
Going on dates with him could be quite a rollercoaster experience. He would start off very charming and attentive, but over the course of the date, his mood may change drastically as you do or say something that irritates him or makes him suspicious about your behavior. This could end up leading to him questioning you about your thoughts on the date and your intentions.
Affection from him would start out as affectionate and attentive, but his possessive and obsessive nature would soon take over. He would only show you affection when he was getting his own way or when he felt it was appropriate for you to receive it. He would withhold any type of touching if he felt that you had not met his demands. He would only touch you when he wanted to, whether physically or emotionally. He would be very particular about how much physical affection you receive and when it takes place.
He'd always make sure you knew how much he loved you and how much you needed him. You'd be isolated from your family and friends, and you'd never be able to escape or get too close to anyone else. He'd be the only person you could ever rely on and trust.
"I want you to know that I've had my eyes on you for a long time, and now that you're in my grasp, I don't plan on letting you go. You're mine, and you always will be. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you by my side, whatever the cost. You're mine, and you're only all mine."
Orgasm denial - He loves to watch you squirm and struggle as he teases you with the promise of an orgasm, but never quite allowing you to reach climax.
Marking - Leaving hickeys or bites all over your body after you've had sex is such a powerful way to assert his dominance over you and leave a physical reminder of your time together.
Choking during sex – using his hands or a piece of bondage equipment like a collar to lightly squeeze your neck during foreplay or intercourse. It creates an intense sensation that really amps up the intensity and leaves you feeling completely helpless in his hands which he likes best.
Overstimulation - He also loves it when you cum multiple times in a single session – watching you struggle to catch your breath between orgasms and knowing that he's the reason for the pleasure is incredibly rewarding for him. And thinking that you're addicted to his cock and his touch is an amazing feeling.
One of his favorite things to do is play with your limits – pushing you further than you ever thought possible. He loves exploring the boundaries of your sexuality, finding out what makes you tick and how far you can be pushed before you break.
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lol-jackles · 11 months
hey! so, I want your opinion on soulless!sam, because I think jared did a great job playing this other version of sam
Soulless!Sam was a great character. I loved that in the beginning of season 6, he wasn't just acting as a SoullessSam, he was acting as SoullessSam faking being the real Sam for Dean, and there were many times where he almost but not quite convincing pull it off.   Speaking as someone with a theater background, I was impressed with how Jared pulled it off as I wouldn't know how to approach that role. Often actors play the fake character fully as if they are the real character until the ta!da reveal.
First, what is a soul? In the SPN-verse, the soul is the person’s self.   We’ve seen the souls of Dean, Sam, and Bobby in Heaven and Hell and they appear to be no different from themselves on Earth. What makes up the self is the conscious, subconscious, and emotion, which I like to call the trinity.
When we see soulless people on the show, they give into their worse impulses because there were no trinity to hold them in check. Some feel free once unshackled of their soul, some shackle themselves to prevent hurting others, some make the cold calculation for the "greater good", and others rely on people they admire for guidance. When Sam, Donatello, and Jack lost their souls, they cycle through those four reactions.
SoullessSam felt he became a better hunter when unshackled by a soul, but he also let Dean get turned into a vampire and killed Robin to take way the monster's leverage. Skill and rationality does not necessarily make for a great hunter. It has to be a balance between knowledge and the heart in order to make the best possible decision under the circumstances. Sam is all about the heart and always listening because he wants to help. SoullessSam has no heart and only listens to figure out how to mathematically come to the best scenario, though without taking in the value of an individual life.
SoullessSam's worst impulse was to tell the truth without softening the blow because he no longer feels the love (or guilt or shame) towards Dean or others. But without emotion, Soulless Sam can't make decisions for himself because all arguments are equal; emotions are the tie breakers. Dean recognizes this when he saw how blindly SoullessSam followed their grandfather's order.  Then Sam left their grandfather to follow Dean even when he knew that Dean's endgoal for him was not in his best interest.
I was sympathetic for SoullessSam because he lived and experienced life, he's a fully sentient being and none of us could really blame him for trying to protect himself from being resouled, as he knew it would mean his death. In the end, Soulless Sam wasn’t evil, he just didn’t care.
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Though SoullessSam said he did not love Dean, he still fell right back to the codependency pattern due to a lifetime of being brothers. It was basic Sam actually guiding Soulless Sam, not Dean. Sam has always taken responsibility for his actions (as those of others). Soulless Sam had access to all of Sam's memories, including his "it doesn't matter what you are, it only matters what you do" creed. It would have made sense for SoullessSam to adopt the creed that seems to be the heart of Sam's motivation and used it as his guide. And it can be reasonably argued that Soulless Sam is proof of Sam's inherently goodness. With Sam's memories and skills, SoullessSam could have done whatever he wanted and leave a trail of destructions. Instead he returned to the family business of hunting things and saving lives, despite the flawed execution of it.  
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angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
A Rose Under The Moon
Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None mostly. Goldfish slander, some minor injuries resulting from clumsiness, mentions of events from the show. Layla is here! We stan a healthy, happy divorced couple in this house >=\
A/N: There will be multiple chapters like these in this series, mostly dialogue and filler to help facilitate plot.
Taglist: @shirukitsune @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @bad4amficideas
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Chapter 4:
Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things
"You guys can't keep doing this." Layla said over the phone.
"I know, I know." Marc sighed, running his hands through his hair. He haphazardly sprinkled some fish flakes into the tank to feed the ever chubby goldfish; looking at the glass to see Steven's reflection staring back at him, a frown creasing his features.
(Marc, you're going to make 'em pop!) Steven scolded.
"Well, how am I supposed to know how much to feed three goldfish?" Marc groaned.
"Steven told you the fish were gonna explode, eh?" Layla laughed softly.
"Yeah. Almost exactly that. I swear, I've never met a man who needs an emotional support fish." He replied, holding the phone between his shoulder and ear, screwing the lid back onto the tiny container of nasty-smelling flakes.
(How dare you! Gus and his friends are members of this family! You're going to hurt their feelings!) Steven said, absolutely aghast at Marc's summary of how the little aquatic creatures fit into their lives.
(The other two don't even have names yet, hermanito.) Jake finally piped in, coming to co-front to see what all the fuss was about.
"But seriously, Marc. You have to take it easy. Just tell Khonshu to shove off and ignore his bony ass for a few days!" Layla sighed. Though they weren't married or intimate anymore, Layla still cared deeply for "her boys"; even Jake, to a point. Even if she didn't fully trust him, he was a part of Marc and Steven. Part of their system. She knew Jake was the protector. She knew that he was only violent when he absolutely had to be.
Or when Khonshu sent him after fresh targets. She still didn't like that.
"You think I haven't tried that?" Marc flopped onto the sofa, his hand resting over his face as he sighed.
"He's a god, Layla. It's not so easy to just say no."
"Taweret doesn't seem to have a problem with boundaries." She pointed out.
"Because Taweret is a big softie, Layla. She literally mothers you." Marc retorted with a grunt.
"Well… she is the goddess of motherhood. One of them, anyway." Layla conceded.
"And Khonshu is the god of being a tall, harping asshole who refuses to let me rest." Marc leaned back, closing his eyes as the leather on the sofa softly groaned under his weight.
"You think we like working for him, still? We don't. We need the suit, and people need to be kept safe..."
"Have you considered just… giving it all up? Telling Khonshu you're done? Just hang up the cape?" Layla hummed.
Marc could feel Steven and Jake fade into the background of the headspace, leaving him alone to his conversation with Layla, not enjoying the current topic at all. And it would be smarter to prevent a possible argument between Jake and Marc, right now. They had enough headaches.
"I already tried that, remember? Khonshu just used Jake before we knew he was here and had him kill Harrow."
"And besides…" Marc said, conspiratorially. "...I think he already has his sights set on another person to be a Moon Knight. And I don't know who it is, but I know he's going to hold it over my head. Steven, Jake and I would rather be dead than let some poor, innocent person see the shit we have."
"Okay… You obviously need a mental health break. Anyplace in particular you can go to get away from everything?"
"Well… there is one place. A little shop Steven found that's nearby." Marc replied.
"Is it a bookstore?" Layla laughed.
"Yeah. Yeah, it is." Marc chuckled. "Some woman runs it. American, if you can believe that. Apparently the store was her aunt's or something and she inherited it from her when she died. Steven's built a bit of a rapport with her. Me too. Kinda. She also sells stuff like coffee, tea, snacks… kind of like a one-person cafe."
"She runs it alone?"
"Yeah, impressive actually. But, it's not always safe, I saw that the other day." Marc nodeed.
"Oh? What happened?" Layla asked, wholly invested now. They had a friend? She likely didn't know about their DID, but Marc, and by that extension Steven, and possibly Jake having friends was a win in Layla's book.
"Some abusive drunk ran in after his girlfriend. Apparently she hid his girlfriend in her flat upstairs when she came in covered with bruises and freaking out." Marc said, smiling a bit at remembering your tenacity and urge to protect somebody you didn't even know. Even Jake respected you after that. And Jake respects very few people.
But it proves you were a protector, like he was. Not to the same extent, but close.
"Sounds like a good person."
"She seems like one. I just hope she doesn't get herself into trouble with anymore–ah!" Marc hissed, dropping the phone and waving his hand in the air as pain whipped through his fingertips.
"Shit!" He cursed, picking up the phone again with his other hand. He glared at the red marks appearing in his palm.
"Marc? Are you okay? What happened?" Layla asked, her voice just a hair above worried.
"Yeah, just my fucking hands again. Last week it was my shins." He grunted.
"So either you're getting old," Layla teased. "Or a certain someone hurt themselves again."
"Yeah, just wish they'd quit it. It's really inconvenient."
"That's a bit hypocritical, don't you think?"
"What?" Marc asked, his brow furrowing as he watched the burning red marks blossom on his skin. Pretty, almost, if you were into that sort of messed-up body art.
"Marc, please don't tell me you haven't considered that every time you got hurt, your soulmate felt those pains, too?" Layla deadpanned with a sigh, most likely pinching the bridge of her nose. He could picture it now. She was probably pacing in the kitchen of her flat in Cairo; the sun illuminating her figure, making her curls glow in an amber light, highlighting her jaw as she frowned.
But the thought she triggered in his mind sent a stone dropping into his gullet. Had he really not considered that? He thought that maybe, being Moon Knight would… would dull the pains, or maybe negate them entirely. Or… was he just stupid and didn't put them into consideration?
If they can feel his pain, and he can feel theirs... what about when he…
But sometimes it felt redundant to think about and worry for someone he never met, but at the same time…
"Fuck." Marc hissed, wiping at his face.
"Oh, my gods! You haven't been careful at all have you?" Layla gasped.
"Marc! You and the other two need to get it together and take it easy. You think you don't understand things? Imagine how your soulmate feels. They're probably going about their normal daily routines and feel it when you get shot! Oh gods, what about when we were in Egypt and you got impaled?" Layla murmured. "Gods, I almost forgot about… what about when you died? I don't even want to imagine what they felt."
Marc dropped back into the cushions staring blankly at the ceiling. She voiced the very thing he himself was hesitant to mention.
"I… I forgot about that, too." Marc said, his voice almost flat.
"I imagine they must have been confused when their mark reappeared."
"Fuck…" Marc groaned, feeling exhaustion suddenly creep into his body. But then, he jerked, gripping the back of his head. "Damn it!"
"Another pain?" Layla mused.
"God–yeah. Right in the back of my head." Marc grunted.
"Yikes. Your soulmate must not be having a good day." Layla chuckled.
"Whoever they are, they're accident-prone as all hell!" He grumbled, pouting as he rubbed the fresh sore spot.
"Pot callin' kettle, Maaaarc." Layla sang softly over the phone.
"Yeah, yeah. You sound like Steven."
"Ugh, please don't say that." Marc said, a smirk cracking his mask of discomfort. "He's already nagging me."
"Okay, okay…" Layla quieted for a moment. "Hey, Marc?"
"I might take a trip to London. Maybe if I'm there, Taweret and I can run interference for you to give you a break." Layla suggested.
"Layla… You don't–"
"Already looking at plane tickets." She interrupted.
"Of course you are." Marc smiled. That was one of the things he loved about Layla when they first met. He was drawn to her. Her snark, her determination…
"Yeah. I'll pack a bag and hop the flight that leaves in a few hours."
"Wow, okay." Marc said, his eyes widening. "You're serious about this?"
"Who else is going to babysit you three and get Khonshu off your back if me and the Hippo Mama don't?" Layla jabbed playfully.
"Oh my god, you do not call her that." Marc snorted, shaking his head.
"She thinks it's a cute nickname. And she agrees with my plan, so…"
"Oh great. You two gonna just harp me and remind me to take my vitamins, too?"
"I mean, if we have to…"
"Ugh. You're impossible."
"But that's why everyone loves me!" Layla laughed.
"Sure, sure. And Layla?" Marc asked, looking at the mark on his wrist, a soft fond look in his eyes. It was blooming today, the rose.
"No problem, Marc. Go hang at that bookstore and get a coffee or something, yeah?"
You hurried up the stairs and rushed to your oven, frantically cursing with each step as you hauled yourself up the stairs and into your flat.
You practically ripped the oven door open, coughing as smoke filled your nostrils as the burned pastries greeted you.
"Damn it!" You whine, slipping your oven mitt on and grabbing the small pan with one hand.
Your phone started ringing and you spun on your heels to glare at the offending object secured to the wall.
"Oh, shut up, you–"
You felt the pan tip when you turned, the blackened treats threatening to fall to the floor, and without thinking you reached out with you other, unprotected hand and gripped it, before making a sharp yelp and throwing the pan onto the counter with a loud bang, blowing air over your burning and blistering hand.
"Shit, shit, shit!" You hiss, turning to your sink and hitting the tap for some cold water. The stinging subsided, if only minutely.
The phone rang incessantly again.
You dropped your shoulders and rolled your eyes with a groan, and pulled away from the soothing coldness of your tap.
But, of course, as your natural "luck" would have it… You trailed water onto your floor, and slipped into it, cracking the back of your head on the tile. Not hard enough to knock you out, no, but it was just enough to hurt, and leave a rather nasty bump.
So. There you lay, flat on your back, water still flushing into the drain of your sink, smoke detector now going off, and your house telephone ringing impertinently.
"I didn't do anything! Why're you guys always giving me the short end of the stick?" You shout at nothing in particular; maybe whatever gods could hear your lamentations and rueful words.
For extra effect, you flipped the bird with your uninjured hand.
Fate was a funny thing, all right.
Chapter 5: Link
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gremlin-writes-angst · 11 months
Knowing is Safe Ch.3
2858 words
Fandom: Redacted ASMR/ Redacted Audio / Redactedverse
Couple: Cutie/Geordi
TW/CW: Parental Emotional abuse/ Neglatful parents/ Divorce / Anxiety/ Paranoia / Talk of Non-consensual mind reading
Let me know if I missed a trigger.
This timeline is different than the original so I'll explain it
First the video "Your boyfriend asks for your trust" and then Knowing is Safe Chapter 1 is what's going through cuties mind that night/ video. Knowing is Safe chapter 2 is a couple weeks later. Then the video "Your Boyfriend final draws the Line" and about three months later Knowing is Safe chapter 3.
Don't be afraid to give me constructive criticism or point out my mistakes, I want to improve.
Please comment and reblog, it lets me know people like my stuff and encourages me to write more!!!!!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
It wasn't the first time.
And yet every week, every Saturday, when you saw him, in front of that building. always dressed semi-formally. A button-up tucked into some nice pants. With his lips downturned, not a full frown but it still pained you to see it.
When he sees you it changes. His face fills with love before quickly disappearing again. 
You hold onto that second of love. You have to. It's why you're here.
It's why you started
Now it's for you
As you get closer to him, he backs away.
He's running away
He can't stand you
He's scared of you
You breathe, deep. You recognize your thoughts as anxiety. That's the first step. 
You take a moment and watch as he grabs the door and holds it open for you.
A gentleman, he's always been
"You first."
You smile and then duck your head slightly. Not wanting him to see the pain in your eyes.
Geordi approaches the receptionist, he's always the one who checks in.
You still find it scary. To express to this almost stranger that you and Geordi need outside help.
You know he knows that, you never told him but, he knows you.
He loves you
Does he?
He does.
" They'll call us when they're ready."
He tells you before sitting a chair away.
I want him
Why won't he sit next to me?
You know why 
It's your fault
It is
Your names are called, and you both follow the therapist down to the same room as always. Geordi makes small talk. 
He's changed
He's more sociable
I'm glad
He seems to like it
Like clockwork you and Geordi sit on one couch, each at a different end
Too far
For you
He needs the space
He deserves the space
You deserve the space.
"Have you two decided if you're ready for the memory extraction? It is often very emotional, we discussed last session how it works and why we do it. It's always up to you."
"I'm ready."
You typically aren't this outspoken in theory, but you've been wanting this for a while, you recall how your therapist explained memory extraction as a way for them to help you understand your own memory. She explained that most people are blinded by their own memories because it's the only life they've lived so everything seems normal, even when it's not.
You never can quite understand your memories or yourself. You always preferred others, to the point it became an addiction. one that harms your thoughts, feelings, and memories. Along with harming Geordi. Someone you never want to hurt.
"Okay then, I'll get started."
Please open the door.
You were knocking on your own house door. Crying from fear, shame, and confusion. All you did was go out with your friends, with her permission for a few hours.
That's not why she locked you out
You blocked her, of course, she's mad
Remember what happened to Lanie? 
Blocking was a trick your older sister Lanie taught you, to prevent other telepaths, such as your mother, from reading your mind. You'd done it before but never for this long. It was the first time your mother had no contact with you.
She's not going to let you in
She did last time
And the time before that
And the time before that
And all the other times
She's tired of it
But she threw us out
It's not our fault
Yes it is
We blocked her
We stopped her from reading our mind
Stopped her from protecting us
But I don't want her to continually be in my mind
I want privacy
I want to feel like I can
Think without being heard
Be Myself
You can
Not with her in here
She's your mom
But it hurts
What was that?
A twig
A person?
I can't see
It's too dark
I'm scared
I want mom
Your sister
She's safe
She taught us how to block mom
She did this
No, she helped us
She can help again 
You stop knocking on the door and start walking away. waterfalls fell down your face as you walked Away from home, away from your mom. You walked the streets in the dark, with no phone, no flashlight, just the clothes on your back. Summer clothes.
It’s cold
I know
I wish we had a jacket
Is this the street?
You turn down the street, wishing you were wearing warmer, longer clothes. When you picked out this outfit you didn't think you'd end up out this late, in the cold. 
Its a group
Brown bags
Eyes down
Keep walking
What do I do if they approach?
I don't know
No weapon
Just our hands and feet
Keep walking
Keep walking
Speed up
You open the door to the building your sister lives in quickly rushing to her apartment, even though no one was following you. You hoped you remembered correctly you'd only been here once before. Tears from earlier sprung back to life as you frantically knock on the door. Deja vu from minutes ago, days ago, and weeks ago floods your mind as you recall all the time you were at your house door, begging, crying, and screaming for your mother to open the door. Today was the worst of it, she'd never lock you out for this long, or this late, your knuckles were never this red and your voice was never this hurt. 
When the door opened, you were so relieved you gasped for air, air you needed from the crying. Your sister's tired face was washed away when she saw you. Her arm instantly pulls you in for a hug. You cried harder, ashamed of how emotional you were in a public space.
People are trying to sleep
I don't care
Your sister whispers in your ear
“It's okay. I know, I've got you.”
She slowly walked backward, you still in her arms, following her. When the two of you cleared the doorway she quietly closed the door.
“She- she locked me out-”
Your sister didn't need you to tell her that, she'd been through this before. 
“She- again-”
Your sister's head spun at that word and you could feel the heat her anger produced. Lanie had been kicked out once, it was a hot day and she ended up having a heat exhaustion, lucky your father arrived before she could have a heat stroke. Your father was a water elemental, he was able to hydrate your sister and cool her down. That week your father left your family. Later when your parents divorced, he lost custody of both of you. Though your sister, Lanie was 17 at the time and left as soon as she turned 18. Your mom doesn't know that she still lives in town, she told you it was because she didn't have the money to go further but, you know she's here for you. Though she didn't feel safe enough to contact you till last month. She hates that she didn't help you sooner.
“Come on baby, let- let's sit you down.”
She guides you to her couch and leaves to the kitchen, you can still see her as she fills a glass of water for you. You start to regulate your breathing, taking in the smell of your sister's apartment. It smells like brown sugar, she used to have a brown sugar candle she always lit in her room, and it's comforting to smell it again. Brings you back to talking and giggling in her room.
“Here. Drink up.” 
“ Ok I think that's enough”
You shook your head and looked up, dazed at the sudden pull from your memories. You look at the therapist. 
“What for?”
The therapist was taken aback by your question.
“Well, I figured it was a good stopping point, especially considering the content of this memory.”
You feel a hand squeeze yours, turning to see Geordi, closer than when you started. Till now you had forgotten your partner was even there. you become ashamed realizing he witnessed everything. he had seen how bad of a kid you were. You turned to him slowly.
“Are you ok?”
Confused, you didn't answer. His hands find one of yours, his hands are tight and shaking. Before he looks into your eyes.
“I'm sorry. “
You looked away, not having an answer. The therapist took this time to interrupt.
“This is the reason we do this, as Geordi and I see it, you were mistreated by your mother. She used her telepathic abilities to control and shame you. It also appears you saw this as normal or acceptable to an extent. Would you share why you felt that way?”
" She was protecting me, she just- she wanted- she told me she needed to know everything, to keep me safe, she kept me safe."
You feel Geordi squeeze your hand, but when you look over he's looking away from you.
"Your mother taught you that."
" Yes, it's how I've lived, I can't be safe if I don't know anything, I can't be clueless, I have to know everything, knowing is safe."
"Your mother brainwashed you into believing that you could only be safe if you were constantly using your ability. That's why there's such a disconnect between you and your own brain. You aren't used to spending time with your own thoughts. It's probably why you have so much anxiety when you're not in others' heads. I'd say it's why you became so dependent on Geordi and developed that separation anxiety."
The therapist took a quick look at the clock
"Our time is almost up. I think next time I should see you separately."
I just got him back
He's touching me again
I can't let him leave again
Let him?
You don't control him
“Wait, why?”
“I think it would be best for you to talk about this alone.”
“I don't understand!”
“ We can do what you two prefer but often when one client has suffered abuse it is best to discuss it separately first before with your partner.”
“ Abused? I wasn't abused.”
The therapist took a breath and she almost seemed to expect this reaction. You frantically looked over at Geordi.
Does he think I was abused too?
You were
I was?
“I'm sorry we need to go - let's go home Geordi.”
“I understand. I'll call to discuss the next appointment.”
You made your way through the building and parking lot to your car, getting into the driver's seat. Geordi is a little behind. He opens the passenger door but doesn't get in. 
“Are you sure you should drive? You seem a little on edge. I could drive you home.”
“ I need to drive, I can't not be in control.”
That was all he could muster to say as he climbed into the passenger seat, even if his car is a few parking spots over and he doesn't live with you anymore.
When he is buckled you started the engine and leave the parking lot. You always play music when you drive, but right now I don't care. Your brain was swarming with so many thoughts. You couldn't even understand most of it, so you just drove. You could hear a few words from Geordi but didn't pay much mind to them. 
When you pulled into the driveway you were pissed. You did everything aggressively, parking, turning the engine off, slamming the car door. Geordi stopped talking and started yelling. You were already in the house as he was getting out of the car. You left the door open pacing and waiting for Geordi to walk through the door. When he did he was still yelling, laced with worry and fear, little anger.
“Cutie what-”
“Do you think I was abused?”
You questioned him, your eyes swirled with so many intense emotions but your voice stayed even. 
He shut up and stared, he started to stutter trying to answer but nothing came out. To you, that was answer enough. You moved to the couch, sitting down with your head in your hands. Geordi moves to close the door before sitting in front of you. 
He gently moved your hands out of the way, looking into your eyes.
“I- I can't decide for you. How you should feel about your mom. But I know that the way she treated you and your sister was wrong. So -so wrong.”
“I'm wrong?”
“What? Baby no?”
“I did what she did. To you. I always - I'm always in your brain, listening. Like she did.”
Geordi takes a breath. You're right and he wants to hold you accountable but with your state right he wants to be careful.
“ It was wrong. But you stopped right?”
Your words come out fast and panicked
“Yes, I promise I haven't read yours, or anyone else's mind in- in a long time. I only use it for work. Work only”
Geordi knew of your new resistance to using your power but didn't realize that you were completely abstinent outside of work, which worried him. Quitting cold turkey doesn't sound like the best for you. He'll have to remember that for later.
“I believe you. But that's something your mother didn't do, she never learned, and she never tried to get better, like you are now. From what I saw, she used her powers to control you, you never did that to me. Tell me why you are always reading my thoughts and others.”
You took some time to breathe before answering. 
“ To protect you.”
You were hesitant but want to be as honest as possible.
“And myself. People- they lie, all the time, and it's hard to trust them. I just wanted to know the truth. To be safe.”
“See your reasons are justifiable, you just took it too far. And I think, well I'm no therapist but, maybe your trust issues are what you should focus on first. Because it seems that's the root of your addiction.” 
You nod and laugh.
“ You're better than a therapist.”
He laughs
He is so beautiful
I love him
I miss him
" I'm not sure I am. I mean you've really improved,y'know working with her. You can always talk to me."
"Thank you. it's easier to talk to you about how I feel, you're not professional, you're comfortable, even if it's just our hands-"
You pull your hands out of his. Just realizing that you were touching him.
"I'm sorry, I - I didn't cross a boundary did I?"
He looks deep into your eyes and takes your hands again.
"No, I did this, I wanted to touch you, to comfort you. I’ve "
He clears his throat
"I've missed it, a lot. Every session the urge to comfort you and touch you becomes stronger."
You smile.
"Me too. And thanks, for comforting me, even though you have every right not to."
"I still love you."
You look away, your eyes catching the brown sugar candle.
Geordi follows your eyes, realizing now why that scent was your favorite. He was slightly grateful to say this without looking you in the eyes. it felt like he was saying it for the first time, even though it used to be so common.
"I do, I Love you so much, it's why I'm still here, it's why I'm comforting you, it's why I left. I know for you, it's hard to feel or remember your love if it is not constantly in front of you. So I thought I'd remind you. I love you cutie. I'm proud of you. I've missed you."
He sees a few tears roll down your cheek. You nod. He counties.
"I've missed sharing a bed, a kitchen, a bathroom, I've missed sharing a home with you."
You whip your head back to face him.
"Geordi, you don't live here. I basically kidnapped you."
He laughs, your brain was previously occupied, you'd forgotten he didn't live here anymore. You start to panic again.
"Hey it's okay, I got in the car willingly, I chose to come with you. You're not a kidnapper."
His smile calms you.
'I'm sorry I wasn't thinking properly, I thought, y'know, that you lived here."
"Maybe I should?"
Your body fills with excitement. So does his. 
You're not ready.
"I'm not ready."
Geordi's face falls a little but rises back.
" That's ok. I’m - I’m impressed."
"What? Why?"
" Because you clearly want it, but something told you that it wasn't time. And you listened"'
"I didn't think I'd be able to stay out of your thoughts...sorry. I do want to be with you again but, I can't hurt you again."
He pulls you into a hug. A soft whisper leaves his lips.
"Thank you, for protecting me"
He pulls away.
" You can protect me in other ways. And I can protect you. I will protect you."
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hufflpuffin · 2 years
Watching the Amouranth situation is so incredibly disheartening. I never followed her before, apart from seeing her as a guest on streams, but from the little I saw of her she has always seemed like a very intelligent and kind person. Hearing her husband scream at her like that was extremely triggering, it was real and genuine. I know exactly how it feels.
“Why doesn’t she just leave? Call the police? Call a lawyer?”
It’s hard to explain how entrapped it feels to be a victim of emotional (and physical) abuse. A lot of people who haven’t been victims of abuse only see a surface level of what it’s like, when theres an iceberg of reasons under the surface as to why it’s impossible, or feels impossible to do. 
So let me explain from my own personal experience as a victim of abuse. 
When I would threaten to leave my abuser or kick her out, she would threaten to kill herself. She has held a knife to herself before. Or she would get in her car and drive recklessly where I could hear the sound of her speeding around. She would call me and tell me if she got into a car accident and died, it would be my fault. She wouldn’t stop until I was in tears and begging for her forgiveness and for her to come home. 
She would destroy things- nice furniture, home appliances, to the point where I was terrified of leaving because I didn’t want her to destroy my things. I didn’t want to leave or runaway because I was scared she would kill my dogs while I was gone. I would go to bed at night taking mental notes of the things in my room that I could use to defend myself if she came in at night and tried to kill me. We were also scared to kick her out because we knew she was vindictive enough to harm her baby, and going to court to get custody of the baby would be a nightmare. 
And other times when I tried to leave, she would stand behind our car and prevent us from leaving without potentially running her over. She would scream and hurt herself in an attempt to cause a scene in public to embarrass and traumatize us so we would never do it again. She had no sense of privacy or shame, and would use it against you if you did. The few times cops were called, they did nothing. We didn’t want her to ruin her record, because it meant she would be more vindictive. People who feel they have nothing to lose can be extremely dangerous. It was easier mentally to give in and give her what she wanted.
Through this time I told NO ONE, and even my best friends still don’t know the extent of my abuse. People who did know were judgmental because we ‘couldn’t figure our shit out.’ They would offer shallow solutions or say things like “i wouldn’t let it get that far” or “my family has discipline” or “just kick them out”. Some got conflicting information from my abuser who had a well-crafted persona, so rumors would spread and make my life a spectacle for the judgement of others. The few times I slightly hinted to my friends that things were bad, they were dismissive that it was normal to have fights with family, and I would stay quiet because I was more well-off than some of my friends, and I didn’t want to burden them or want them to judge me. 
I still live with my abuser. Things get quiet for a while, bearable, livable, because you learn life is easier when you tiptoe around them instead of speaking up for yourself because that can set them off. You learn their warning signs and submit and hope one day they’ll fuck off and leave on their own or die because it’s easier than confronting them and dealing with everything that comes with it.
Now in Amouranth’s case, imagine that person also controls your bank account and social media accounts. On top of being your spouse, they’re your boss and you’re a sex worker. You’re not only giving yourself emotionally and physically to them as a partner, everything that you earn with your body is going through them as well. Someone who threatens you, degrades you, breaks your things, threatens your pets, threatens to cut you off from seeing family, threatens to take all your money, threatens to destroy your reputation and career. And throughout years and years, you’ve been conditioned to give in to him because it’s easier and safer for yourself mentally and physically than if you don’t.
All the while, you are already the victim of abuse by thousands of people online. People try to dox you and swat you, to the point police already know not to take calls about you seriously. You have stalkers completely unrelated who want to rape and kill you. People who have never met you hate you, because you are a successful woman and sex-worker. Imagine that all the evidence you give, physical proof, you are still being doubted- told it’s a stunt for publicity. Exactly something her abuser would spin to discredit her and prevent her from speaking out. 
I can imagine how trapped Amouranth must feel. With the way things were cut off, I hope she is safe wherever she is, because as someone in a similar position, i’m terrified now that her husband has been exposed, he will hurt her out of vindictiveness. I know if I exposed my abuser like that, I would never see the end of it unless I moved away from my life entirely and left everyone behind. 
Amouranth is incredibly fucking brave.
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foggyparadisecandy · 7 months
On Guilt
What is guilt?
Simply put, guilt is an uncomfortable feeling that you can get if you feel responsible for causing someone else harm or offense.
It can get a lot more complicated than that, of course.
Guilt isn't "good" or "bad" tbh. It's a natural feeling and it means you are human. Hooray!
The challenge that can arise is when guilt becomes paralyzing. It can literally hold you down and hold you back, like a giant weight on your soul. That can lead to all sorts of emotional problems, like depression and anxiety, which can lead to physical problems.
That sounds awful, right?
Yep. Sure does, Foggy.
Guilt can change your motivations, stall out growth, and prevent relationships from healing because the focus can become around shame - feeling unworthy - and / or spending all your time beating yourself up.
Do you deserve to be punished? Do you deserve to be hurt for what you did?
I think that's something only you can answer for yourself. [Hint: no, you don't deserve that. You deserve love and care.]
For me, I would go back to the four core principles I like to think about: FORGIVE YOURSELF, LOVE YOURSELF, FORGIVE OTHERS, and LOVE OTHERS.
If you made a mistake, it's ok. Learn. Improve. Do better. Treat yourself with compassion and love.
I'm not saying we should all go around just indiscriminately hurting other people. That would be hell for them and us.
But ... if you do something hurtful ... and you are remorseful ... the best way to show it is by learning and growing and improving.
And find a partner who is going to forgive you as you forgive yourself. Luckily for some people, they have someone like me who is pretty forgiving and understands that people aren't perfect.
You deserve it. Let the guilt go.
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angelinkstain · 7 months
Vain & Vulnerable
Vulnerability and being a man do not go hand in hand. Being vulnerable is an immensely difficult process to go through, and time only proves a harder lesson in whether to proceed or not. In Brené Brown’s TEDTalk, Listening to Shame, she describes the mental fatality faced when dealing with shame and reconciling a faulty situation. In reconciling relationships with others, there is a level of disappointment and shame that accompanies, and can even overpower the initial want to apologize. 
Vulnerability comes with an initial feeling of shame and disappointment, only increased when men are made to admit their shame and face their consequences. As a man, there is an expectation of being faultless In everything we do, and an increased feeling of disappointment if we are unable to deliver on something. When men need to admit their faults they can feel increased stress as they also have to deal with the other person’s response when expressing their feelings. 
As Brown names it, a “Vulnerability Hangover” occurs after you express your shame, and open yourself up for ridicule. Like an alcohol hangover, there is a dark feeling of shame weighing down after you express yourself and open yourself up to emotional bullets when you allow the other person to be as honest as you’ve been with them. As I was watching this TEDTalk, I was reminded of times growing up where I have felt immense shame in addressing a situation where I had acted incorrectly and had to correct myself, despite how uncomfortable I felt. While I was afraid in bringing up situations with potentially hurtful consequences, I am aware that “vulnerability Is not weakness,” and being honest only serves to build more than destruct. However, I cannot bring myself to admit that I have messed up in the fashion usually required for conversations like this. On a grander scale, there is a sense of shame associated with many conversations in daily life. It is impossible to discuss certain topics, like race, without introducing the topic of shame into the conversation, as people are uncomfortable talking about things they consider shameful, and would instead try to steer the conversation into a different direction. 
When race is brought into a conversation, there is an inherent shame, regardless of what side someone is on. Maybe they don’t want to come off as racist, maybe they don’t want to be That Confederate Coworker, but there is always some discomfort when talking about race. The inherent shame that comes with the topic is trailed by centuries of mistreatment leading to shame in mentioning and discussing matters that have a large effect on daily actions and interactions. The feeling of shame is one that overwhelms any other feeling, and can remain as a prevalent force in damaging good relationships and harming budding ones. 
Psychology Today has an anecdote in their December 2021 issue aptly titled “Feeling Our Way.” Tyler Woods, the author, sums up a big unifier in daily struggle with shame- collective shame being an “amazing way to bring together large chunks of the population.” (Woods) Shame is a social feeling emphasized as people fail to live up to the expectations set up by those around us, scarcely ourselves. As social situations stir feelings of anxiety and shame, there is an increasing feeling of shame throughout communities as failure accumulates. As much as we inflict shame upon ourselves, we expect forgiveness to come from outside sources, and we’re left waiting for something we should be providing to ourselves. Shame and forgiveness go hand in hand: as long as you want to ask for forgiveness to move on from feeling shameful, you’re too ashamed to ask for forgiveness and instead choose not to act. 
Shame is “That Thing” (Brown) that prevents those who seek forgiveness from moving forward. Feeling shame, I gave forgone several situations where I should have asked for forgiveness but instead took the shameful route, keeping silent and ignoring the conversations that should have been held. Much of my life has been led by shame, and Brown’s TEDTalk only served as a warning that shame will only lead to more personal loss. While I am unsure of how I can continue forging relationships when I know I’ve damaged several already, I know there are many ways I can learn to develop better methods of communication in developing relationships with others, 
Brown, B. (n.d.). The power of vulnerability. TED. Retrieved November 28, 2021, from https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=en. 
The great reset | psychology Today Singapore. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2021, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/sg/articles/202111/the-great-reset. 
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wishlikes · 8 months
all the the media i've consumed up to this point in my life: here's a story! however much you may or may not relate to it, here's some slightly distanced emotions to indulge in, and perhaps a lesson that's not really relevant to you personally but you can nonetheless appreciate :D
Mob Psycho 100: Listen to me. You are going to relate to this character. It's not going to be a 1:1 matchup, but it's going to be fun until it's uncomfortable. Here is his brother and the relationship they have. Again, it's not 1:1, but you won't be able to help drawing comparisons. Your sibling says they're not afraid of you when you bring it up, but you could have sworn...
We're going to make you forget about it for a little while. Look at all these crazy circumstances! All these awesome powers! People need other people, right? You know this. You can't remember the last time you had a real friend (was it in elementary? she was just using you. middle school? you were masking by then, they didn't really know you and you never felt that close. did you ever really...?) but you agree with the message. It's an old ache. A familiar lesson brought up in so many other stories. You're used to it.
But we have one last thing to tell you. You relate to this character, yes? He's autistic like you, but it's not just that, is it? He's been repressing his emotions. We told you that right at the beginning, but you didn't think much of it back then, did you? And then we told you that he hurt someone without meaning to, that he regrets it, that he never wants to hurt anyone again, that he's spent years trying to be a better person, and that repressing his emotions is part of that. It was so familiar to you that you didn't even recognize the significance.
But here is the thing we must tell you, that you must hear: repressing your emotions is bad actually. Doing so will only ever hurt you and the people you're trying to protect from yourself. The very thing you were trying so hard to prevent. We are not shaming you; we are holding your hand and telling you gently, even as everything inside you rages against this.
It has been three weeks since we were able to tell you this, and you are still wrestling with this. It's painful. You are feeling anger for the first time in so long and it terrifies you. You used to be so angry. You were angry and miserable all the time. You never want to go back to that. You are going back to that whether you want to or not. You don't want to hurt people, but you no longer know what the right path for that is. You are so so alone. You don't know how to be anything else.
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maglife17 · 2 years
Patience: A Virtue to be Exhibited! Part Five"For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness." James 1:3 While exhibiting this virtue, remember that patience is not synonymous with suffering in silence or loneliness. Therefore, don't take the concept of patience as an excuse to keep quiet when you are hurt or experiencing pain in life or relationships. In fact, being patient often requires active participation and engagement. Patience is the ability to withstand difficult circumstances without losing one's composure or becoming frustrated. It is about remaining calm and level-headed even when things are not going as planned. Likewise, don't take the idea of patience as an excuse for doing nothing and just waiting for things to happen. Doing nothing is laziness that will only lead to frustration and unhappiness. Laziness and patience are two different things. Laziness is a tool in the devil's workshop that allows us to procrastinate and delay action. Patience is a tool in God's workshop that will enable us to go through the process of destiny in a planned and beneficial rather than destructive way. 2 Chronicles 15:7 says, "But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded." Being patient means no shortcuts. Of course, it is not easy to be patient when everything seems like all hell is breaking loose. But if you have patience with God, you can get through the tough times. Your patience in that business, career, ministry, and relationship can give you a chance to achieve anything, even the greatest. That is why Psalm 37:8 says, "Refrain from anger and abandon wrath; do not fret 13it can only bring harm." Impatience will always be filled with pain and suffering. So next time you find yourself in a challenging situation, remember that displaying patience is not a sign of weakness but rather a strength. For one, it can help prevent us from making impulsive decisions that we may later regret. It also allows us to manage our stress levels better and maintain our mental and emotional well-being. Finally, patience enables us to build stronger relationships with others by demonstrating our capacity to understand and empathize with their situation. Amen. Psalm 37:7 says, "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes." Amen. Prayer: 1. Psalm 40:1: Oh! Lord, hear me when I call upon thee and give me the strength to wait on your promises. 2. Joshua 5:9: My Father, let every shame and reproach of marriage problem, business failure, marital stagnation, ministry lapse, or other misfortune be rolled away now in the name of Jesus. Amen. https://youtu.be/hhhXCr2S6I4 https://maglife.org/
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I suspect quite a few people on this site don’t realize they are struggling with the effects of chronic trauma. In particular I think more people need to learn about the symptoms of C-PTSD.
Distinct from general PTSD, Complex PTSD is caused by prolonged, recurring stress and trauma, often occurring in childhood & adolescence over an extended period of time. There are many risk factors, including: abusive/negligent caregivers, dysfunctional family life, untreated mental/chronic illness, and being the target of bullying/social alienation.
I’m not a mental health professional and I’m not qualified to diagnose anyone, I just remember a million watt light bulb going off in my head when I first learned about C-PTSD. It was a huge OH MY FUCKING WORD eureka moment for me—it explained all these problems I was confused and angry at myself for having. The symptoms that really stood out to me were:
Negative self-perception: deep-seated feelings of shame, guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, and stigma. Feeling like you are different from everyone else, like something is fundamentally ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ with you.
Emotional avoidance of topics, people, relationships, activities, places, things etc that might cause uncomfortable emotions such as shame, fear, or sadness. Can lead to self-isolation.
Learned helplessness: a pervasive sense of powerlessness, often combined with feelings of desensitization, wherein you gradually stop trying to escape or prevent your own suffering, even when opportunities exist. May manifest as self-neglect or self-sabotage. (I remember watching myself make bad choices and neglect my responsibilities, and having no idea why I was doing it, or how to stop myself. Eventually I just stopped caring, which led to more self-neglect.)
Hyper-vigilance: always feeling “on edge,” alert, unable to relax even in spaces that should feel safe. May be combined with an elevated “flight” response, or feelings of always being prepared to flee. (I used to hide important documents and possessions in a sort of emergency go bag, even when I was living alone and there was no logical reason other than it made me feel “prepared.”)
Difficulty regulating emotions: may include mood swings, persistent numbness, sadness, suicidal idealization, explosive anger (or inability to feel anger and other strong emotions), inability to control your emotions, confusion about why you react the way you do.
Sense of foreshortened future: assuming or feeling that you will die young. Recurring thoughts that "I'll be dead before the age of 30/40/18/21 etc." As a teenager I used to joke darkly that I didn't plan to live past 30—not because I planned to end my life, but because I simply couldn't imagine myself alive and happy in the long-term. I couldn't imagine a meaningful future where I wasn't suffering.
Emotional flashbacks: finding yourself suddenly re-experiencing feelings of helplessness, panic, despair, or anger etc, often without understanding what has triggered these feelings. Often these flashbacks don’t clearly relate to the memory of a single event (since C-PTSD is caused by repetitive events, which can blur together), making them harder to identify as flashbacks—especially if you’ve never heard the phrase “emotional flashback” and don’t know what to look for. For years I just filed it under “sometimes I overreact/freak out randomly for no reason, probably bc I am just a terrible human being.” (It turns out there was very much a reason, it was just hidden in the past. I have since learned to be kinder and less judgemental towards myself.)
There are other symptoms too, here are more links with good info.
I’ve been meaning to write this post for awhile, because I’ve noticed that a lot of the people I interact with online have risk factors and experiences similar to mine. These include:
growing up in a dysfunctional household
having caregivers who do not fulfill basic emotional needs (do not provide consistent positive attention, encouragement, support, acceptance, communication, a sense of safety and security)
on a very related note, experiencing neglect or abuse at the hand of caregivers or other adults. I also want to emphasize the significance of emotional abuse, since it is hard to recognize, easy to ignore, and utterly rampant in so many communities. In general, family dysfunction, abuse & neglect are quite difficult to identify when you are a child/teen and that is the only “normal” you have known.
(For example, in my family it manifested as an emotionally absent father I was vaguely frightened of, constant nagging from a hypercritical mother, and a house full of people who yelled and screamed at each other. It took me years to realize I grew up in an abusive environment, because there was no physical violence, because I participated in the fighting, and because my behavioral problems made me the family scapegoat. And I internalized that guilt: I thought I was the problem. But no—I was a child, and I deserved not to grow up in a household full of anger and fear and negativity. You deserved that too. You deserved to grow up safe and loved and treated with kindness.) 
anyway back to more risk factors:
being neurodivergent or chronically ill (especially without receiving proper treatment/support/accommodation)
being queer (especially in a conservative or undiverse community, or without the support and acceptance of family & friends)
being the target of bullying or harassment (from peers, teachers, authority figures, irl, online, etc)
being isolated or alienated from peers, from family, from your wider community.
growing up with chronic anxiety, discomfort, pain, fear, or distress caused by any of the above and more.
There are many other experiences that can cause chronic trauma, but these are some particularly common ones I see people in my own community struggling with. And I want more people to be aware of this, because we’ve been taught to ignore and second-guess the significance of our traumatic experiences. We’ve been taught to feel guilty for our own pain, because “other people aren’t struggling, so I shouldn’t either” or (contradictorily) “other people have it worse, so I shouldn’t complain.” But that’s not how it works—you are not other people, and you deserve to have it better. We all deserve better. We deserve to be happy. We deserve not to be in pain.
I used to think I couldn’t have a trauma disorder because (I argued in my head) the things that happened to me weren’t that bad. And then I spent five years in therapy learning to accept the full extent of my issues. I’ve since learned that trauma comes in many forms, and can happen quietly, invisibly, silently, chronically, and usually without the survivor being aware of the long-term repercussions of what they are surviving. That revelation comes later, after you have survived and must instead learn to live.
Finally, no single type of trauma is more real or harmful than any other. Severity is measured by the way the individual is affected, and the same situations affect different people in different ways. Because no one gets to choose how their brain reacts to trauma. No one gets to choose their hurt—otherwise there would be a hell of a lot less hurting in the world.
We can, however, choose to seek help. We can learn to recognize when something is wrong, we can learn when to reach out to professionals, and we can learn to educate ourselves on our injuries.
And gradually, we can learn to heal.
(posts like this brought to you by ko-fi supporters)
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sluttsumu · 3 years
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pairing: atsumu x f!reader
warnings: 🔞, hate sex, choking, cheating, emotional sex?
a/n: i literally wrote this drabble at six am listening to wicked games by the weekend it’s based off of the line “bring your love, baby i can my shame”, it started as hate sex and turned into a breaking relationship trying to fix itself. i’m really happy with how it turned out tho, my word choices are a1.
tagging: @hqmafia
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“God you’re so fucking toxic” you say harshly, nails clawing deeper into his back.
“Yer no better than me” He grunts snapping his hips harder and deeper into your cunt, making his tip purposefully hit your cervix, maybe that’ll shut you up. The sound of the headboard profusely hitting the wall from taking out your anger on one another, profanities escape both you and Atsumu’s lips at an alarming rate though the two of you never wanting to actually hurt each other.
“I fucking hate you.” You moan out of breath from the intensity, in reality neither one of you were better than the other both terrible people who aspire to use your lust as your way to cope with life issues. “Shut up, shut the fuck up, now.” His hand around your throat, gripping tighter and tighter only for you to conjure up a slick smile exactly like the one he wore “Harder bitch.”
“Yeah? Is that whatcha want ya fuckin’ slut? You’d like that wouldn’tcha ?” The angrier he got the thicker his dialect which you used to love. The senile expression behind your eyes drove him crazy, nobody had ever dared to test his patience so much so to the point of anger. Your body barely knew what to focus on, his degradation or the way his cock was splitting you in two, fucking you into a state painful bliss.
Atsumu’s grip on your throat didn’t let up, air slowly being sucked away from you, making your eyes role back causing him to quickly remove it making you gasp, tears brimming in your eyes. “Don’t pass out on me I’ve gotta cum too princess” he smirks, looking down on you triumphantly. Two fingers enter your mouth pressing down firmly preventing anymore snarky comments from you.
“ ‘m not your fucking princess” The words leaving your mouth sound like a jumbled mess as you attempt to speak around his fingers, fighting the temptation to bite them off. His saliva coated fingers leave your mouth to now messily rub on your clit, causing your body to scream for him that much louder.
“’Tsumu why did you do that” You mewl wrapping your legs around his back, trapping him from pulling away from you “I said ‘m sorry baby” No matter how much he apologized nothing but arguments began to arise from you both. It hurt more and more knowing he did it while he loved you “What did she have that I didn’t?” Your voice breaks mildly, holding back a flood of tears you’ve held captive through anger for too long.
“She was, fuck— easy, she was fuckin’ easy” He gritted through his teeth in regret of drinking too much that night, he too was holding back tears, tears of guilt in which he broke something so perfect, you. A tear rolls down the side of your cheek reminding him just how pretty you look when you cry, his pretty girl, seeing you all fucked out and ruined, reminding him of the tears you beared that night when you found out. “I’ll n-never forgive you” You choke out a sob reminiscing on the real reason you were in bed with him, to cope. He digs your knees further into your chest, bringing his forehead to meet yours. Your hands cup the back of his head ruffling his blonde locks between your fingers roughly.
“I never meant ta’ hurt you, I love you” His eyes gloss over fighting a tsunami behind his eyes in hopes to not cry, now that you are. Though you knew he meant it you couldn’t help but want him to hurt the way you did, even if that meant just a little.
“Liar. You’re a liar.”
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sluttsumu 2021
801 notes · View notes
superfics-forone · 3 years
Just Friends
SUMMARY: Sam asks the group who they think are the “hottest” members of the team. You don’t make the cute for Bucky’s top five.
Bucky x TALL!Reader
W/C: 5,800
WARNINGS: angst, swearing (like two f bombs), cannon level violence, Bucky being an idiot (it’s a warning), physical insecurities, fake science
A/N: I wrote this because the top 5 situation actually happened to me IRL and when you don’t make someone you like’s list, it sucks. Also, this is in no way meant as being against people who are smaller! I am just a tall/plus size woman and sometimes that really makes you feel like you’re unattractive to people because you don’t fit the gender norm. Let me know what you think! I’m pretty new at this so I’d appreciate the feedback!
Also, HUGE shout out to @princessmisery666 for being so patient and supportive! Thank you for being my beta! Your comments were so incredibly helpful!
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The best part about working with Bucky was that you got to see him everyday. The worst part was that you were constantly reminded that he wasn’t attracted to you.
You knew you were a good looking woman, people would often tell you that. It usually happened when you weren’t necessarily feeling your prettiest. Somehow that made it worse. Others would compliment you but he never would. Even when you knew you looked good- like you had put in extra effort and actually tried that day- still he would give you nothing.
You sat across from him in the common room looking at all the other Avengers wondering why he didn’t feel the same when you finally got your answer.
“Alright man,” Sam called out to the group. “Top five, let’s go.”
“Top five?” asked Clint, not sure if he wanted to know the answer. “Top five what?”
Everyone looked back to Sam, - “Top five on who you think is lookin’ most fine”.
“You want us to rate each other?” You asked incredulously.
“Naw, man!” Sam replied. “I want to know who you think are the top five most attractive! Male and female!”
You slunk back into the sofa, both curious and terrified of the conversation to come.
You heard huffs from the others but no one objected. Vision went first and of course he could only answer with; “I believe all of you are inherently lovely. I couldn’t possibly pick a top five of those who I find to be most attractive.” As soon as he finished and the room was no longer focused on him though he leaned over to Wanda and said something in her ear that made her blush.
You brought your cup up to your lips to hide your smile. You loved how happy they were after having been through so much heartbreak.
Sam went next, “Imma say, Wanda, Nat, Gamora’s got it goin’ on…for an alien…Hill - don’t tell her I said that- and…Y/N,” he said throwing you a wink.
You smiled but shook your head with a roll of your eyes. You knew the only reason he said your name was because you were in the room. He was trying to be kind. Men didn’t seem to be actively lining up to be with you…it might have something to do with them being intimidated by you being an Avenger but who could possibly know
“Sam you would think anything with legs that gave you the time of day was hot,” Bucky shot.
The others laughed but Sam shot back, “alright, Tin Man, who’s on your list? Okoye?”
“Yeah for one! I would be dead before I could make a move but sure! She’s dangerous and stunning!” He took a swig of bourbon as if he was done.
“Alright then who else?” Wanda leaned forward winking at you.
You shot her a warning look. You had only told her how you felt about Bucky once on a drunken night after finding out he had gone on date with another recruit. Jealousy had reared its ugly head and she could feel your angst that night. You had asked Wanda how; “A tiny little thing that would barely hold her own in the ring,” could possibly catch his eye. It was as if the only thing he saw you as was an ear to listen to his problems and a soldier he could rely on in the field. You had seen them together multiple times since then and every time it pained you more.
She was everything you weren’t. Barely five foot, two inches tall with a skinny frame to match, and a nicely formed backside. In reality you couldn’t be mad at Bucky. He deserved to be happy. He was your friend and you wanted that for him. You just wanted that particular happiness too.
“Okay, okay!” Bucky’s hands came up in surrender as he finished his drink and leaned back to think, He sat so close to you his left bicep of his folded arms brushed yours with every breath he took.“Okoye? Sure…uh… in no particular order…Wanda, Nat, Darcy, and the little woman, Kris, from reception.”
“It seems, Mr. Barnes”, said Vision, “that you prefer mates who are significantly smaller than you. I do believe that of that group, Wanda is the tallest one.”
“Which isn’t really saying much because I’m only five, six”, she complained.
“The perfect height my dear.” Wanda smiled at that and kissed Vision’s cheek .
You took another long sip of your drink as you registered what had been said. Your stomach soured as you finished the glass. Not so much from the alcohol as from the realization that the man who you had secretly been pinning over didn’t even list you as attractive enough to make his top five.
You felt like you knew why. It was just too much. You weren’t small and dainty like those on his list. You had big bones and a can do attitude. You wouldn’t take crap from people. And because you were so tall you could come off as intimidating…or so some men had told you.
“I’m going to get another drink,” You whispered to no one in particular.
But Sam really couldn’t read a room and he called you out. “No, no! Who’s on your list Y/N?”
“Oh no!” You said dryly. “I’d have to be much drunker for that conversation. For now, I'll keep my opinions to myself.”
You spotted Bucky’s surprised face before you made your way over to the bar. The conversation carried on behind you as you refilled your glass. Thoughts of Bucky’s revelation clouding your mind. You were never going to be good enough for him because you were just too big. Too tall. Too much. He liked the smallest, most petite women in the compound. Feeling your emotions swelling,you decided to grab the bottle and made your way quietly out of the room while the ruckus continued.
Once on your floor you closed the door behind you with a forceful slam, “FRIDAY!! Lock the door and don’t open it for anyone!!”
“Yes, Miss Y/L/N.”
The rest of the night was spent on the floor in your sweats drinking from your bottle of whiskey and feeling sorry for yourself and all the things you couldn’t be because of biology.
You weren’t sure if it was a drunken stupor or your imagination but at one point you could have sworn you heard a knock only for it to go away just as quickly.
The next day you had an awful hangover and didn’t get out of bed. Bucky came to your door for your normal morning run.
“Tell him I’m not going, Friday.”
“He would like to know why, Miss.”
“Tell him it’s my time of the month.”
“Your time of the month was last week, Miss.”
“Who’s side are you on, Friday? Just tell him I’m sick.”
“Very well, Miss.”
It was silent for a few moments and you had thought that would be enough to get Bucky off your back for now.
“Mr. Barnes would like to know if you’d like to see Dr. Cho, Miss.”
“Uuuugggghhhh,” you rolled out of bed and marched over, irritated that the one person you didn’t want to see was at your door.Pulling it open with a huff you practically screamed. “What?!?”
“Woah!” Bucky jumped back startled at your disheveled appearance and puffy eyes. “I just want to make sure you’re alright, doll. You didn’t come back last night and you never answered the door when I came to check on you.”
So there was a knock last night.
You couldn’t look him in the eye as your eyes filled with tears again, this time with shame. “I’m fine, Bucky.” You started shutting the door quickly and he stuck his hand on it preventing you from closing it again.
“Bucky, I just need some rest okay?” You cut him off, “I’m fine. I promise I’ll be right as rain tomorrow.” You smiled weakly.
Bucky searched your face as if trying to find what you weren’t telling him in your eyes. But you were an Avenger and you knew how to school your features to show nothing.
Bucky sighed and shook his head, “alright, doll. I’m here if you want to talk about anything.”
“Yes, fine,” you said pushing him out the door. Your eyes had flooded with tears again. You didn’t look up to see Bucky’s hurt and concerned face as you closed the door again and put your back to it.
You held your breath listening for his footsteps to retreat before sinking to the floor and crying.
The next day was an all out avoid Bucky day. You weren’t sure you could take the questions and worried looks he was sure to give you. Instead, you decided that what you needed was time away from such temptation. And so, you went in to ask Steve for an overseas long assignment.
“You sure about this one, Y/N. It’s a 9 month solo mission. It’s going to be long and it’s going to be lonely.”
“Yes. I’m sure. I need some time to myself.”
Steve looked at you with understanding and pity. He could see how you felt about Bucky even if he couldn’t get his best friend to see it as well.
“Alright,” he said, “suit up. You leave in 2 hours.”
South Africa wasn’t the worst assignment. It wouldn’t take long for you to get the information you needed. And the separation from Bucky would be good for you.
You finished checking your last weapon and loaded it as well as a pair of throwing knives, a gift from Bucky, into your duffle before looking around your room one more time.
You headed to the door and almost made it out until the picture of you and Bucky on your dresser made you stop. Picking it up you smiled at the memory of the minor league baseball game you’d attended together. You had won tickets and no one else was available that night. When you’d offered the tickets to Bucky you couldn’t believe that he said yes! It was the true start of your friendship, talking about life and how much it had changed for him but also how little it had changed for you. He couldn’t believe it when you started singing all the words to “I’ll never smile again”.
“You think I don’t know music? I’m quite cultured, Mr. Barnes!” You had said with a laugh.
“I never said you weren’t, sweetheart!”
Coming back out of your revelry with a start you put the picture back down on the dresser and turned to the door. You were going to get over this infatuation, even if it killed you. Supposedly time heals all wounds. Well you weren’t sure if there was ever going to be enough time but you could get distance.
Hours later Bucky came in to tell you about the relationship problems he was having with the girl from reception. She just didn’t seem to understand him and kept picking fights. You had become his confidant and had saved his relationship once before so would most likely be able to do it again.
He was almost to your room when he noticed your door was ajar. Slowing he moved closer and pushed it in silently. The room was neat and quiet. Your bed folded nicely as though it was always that way.
Bucky knew that you never made your bed until you were right about to get in it. Or unless you were going on a trip.
Checking carefully he started to notice things missing. Your favorite slippers were gone. Your tooth brush and favorite stuffed animal turtle were also missing. All of the things that you felt you had to have with you were gone.
Then he saw the picture frame on the dresser. Picking it up he too smiled at the memory, then frowned. It was still here. You almost always took this with you. Why was it still here but everything else you held of value was gone.
“Friday, where is Y/N?”
“Miss Y/L/N has volunteered for a mission, sir.”
“That information is classified.”
“Okay, when will she be back?”
“That information is classified.”
“Alright, who else went on the mission,” he asked hoping whoever it was would have your back.
“All other Avengers are currently in the compound.”
“So she went by herself?” Bucky fumed.
“That information is classified.”
“Damn robots!”
Bucky stormed out and found Steve in the kitchen.
“Where did you send her, punk!
Steve didn’t even look up from his newspaper, knowing exactly what his best friend was talking about.
“She’ll be fine, Buck. She just needs some time to herself.”
“So send her to Fiji! Not a solo mission!!”
“This is her call Bucky. You’ve got to trust her.”
Bucky spun on his heel and headed to the computer lab. He knew he was being irrational but if no one else was going to look after your well-being then he was going to have to do it himself.
It took him all day but he finally unencrypted the files for your mission. You were to carry out a recon mission in Port Elizabeth on a supposed Hydra base. It was a far cry from Fiji but you wouldn’t be in immediate danger.
Still he came in everyday to check in on your reports and find out how the events in the country were progressing. He had even convinced Torres to help him set up notifications to his phone if something were to go wrong. He had, very nicely, threatened him with knives if he didn’t set up Stark’s satellite to keep an eye on you.
After three weeks he was really starting to miss your company. Every time he went out with Kris from reception he realized that she just wasn’t as interesting as you. They didn’t have the same camaraderie and chemistry as the two of you did.
So when his phone dinged at 2:30am he looked at the notification. It was a satellite image of you on your apartment porch drinking coffee. You seemed at ease and calm at your small table. Your hair down and wearing a long red dress. He went to the live feed of the satellite but when he did you weren’t there.
Bucky refreshed the page again thinking it may be just an error. But his rising heartbeat made him think differently. When the screen came back he noticed the upturned coffee mug and the newspapers on the ground.
Bucky flew from his bed and raced down the hall to the command room. Steve and Tony were already there, still in their pajamas.
“…it’s not as if she has a tracker in her, Stark!”
“Well maybe she should! Maybe we should make it a standard issue! Everyone gets a tracker! Friday! Make a note!”
“Yes sir.” replied the AI.
“Tony, we need to focus on the…”
“Where is she?!” Bucky growled.
Both men turned around in surprise. Steve recovered first, his eyes sympathetic for his friend’s worry. “We’re not sure, Buck. These images were only taken 4 hours ago.” He clicked to zoom in closer, “but we did get this.”
He zoomed all the way into the kitchen window behind where you’d sat drinking coffee, where a face reflected in the glass. Bucky looked on in rage, hands in tight fists, as the image became clearer and Zemo came into focus.
You awoke with a start, unaware of your surroundings. You sat on a bed in a bare room with a single one way mirror. A metal chair sat by the wall and you noticed no handle on the door. Trying to piece together what had happened you recalled your last memory.
A beautiful morning, the sun shining on the water, a freshly brewed cup of coffee. You sat in your apartment in Port Elizabeth, a pain in your neck…
“Zemo,” you whispered.
“Ah, you’re awake,” said the speaker above you. “I’m sorry about the dramatics but it was necessary. You’re a very important piece of the puzzle.”
“Let me guess,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “You don’t like the way the world is being saved by the Avengers and you think you could do better.”
“Actually I want something else, мой дорогой. I need you.”
“What?” you cried befuddled. “Why on earth would you need me?”
“Do you know what TX-39 is?”
“Yes, I have an entire codex of arbitrary numbers logged away in my brain,” you retorted.
Zemo didn’t pause at your sarcasm. “TX-39 is the compound used to create nucleotides that bond onto nerve endings. By doing so they suspend brain signals stopping all neuro function and rendering the subject immoble. Something you have experienced first hand. By combining a nanotech inhibitor with this nerve ending your subject’s direct motor function is now open to...suggestions.”
You sat astounded as you registered what he had told you. You looked down at your hands but you didn’t feel different. There was no way something like this could work.
“What better way to get rid of a super soldier than to create your own?” Zemo said. You felt a slight buzz in your spine as you stood up quickly trying to resist. Running to the mirror you pulled back your arm, ready to punch your way out, but an inch from the glass your arm stopped. “Ironic that the Soldat will come to save you, only to be the one who needs to be saved.” With that you felt the electricity in your spine disappear and your body was your own again.
Frustration built within you as you sat back on the bed for a moment processing his statement. Your face became more and more incredulous until finally you burst out laughing. You continued laughing harder and harder at the absurdity of Zemo’s reasoning.
“You think I’m the one he is going to come after,” you laughed. “You think you picked the right mouse for your trap? You’re going to wait a long time if you think he’s going to come and get me.”
During your first few weeks away you had missed Bucky fiercely. Leaving him behind so abruptly had felt like severing a part of yourself, but the last few weeks had been good for you. You had forgotten what it was like to rely on yourself. You had grown into yourself again and had realized how little Bucky had actually cared for you when he never came to find you. He hadn’t so much as picked up the phone after you had left. It was as if you had never existed in the first place.
“Bucky doesn’t care about me,” you said sardonically. “He never has. We are barely even friends.You picked the wrong mouse, Zemo. ”
“We’ll see, дорогой,” and with a click he was gone.
Your brain shifted in and out of the conversation with Zemo. Looking down at your hands, you prayed it wasn’t true. You knew that what had happened at the window was real but you didn’t want to believe it. You had been turned into a weapon to hurt your friends. To hurt Bucky.
Crossing your arms over your chest you laid down on the bed, rolled over to face the wall, and cried.
Avengers Compound
“There is a five mile radius around Agent Y/L/N last known location,” said Fury. “Two man teams will sweep the area in a grid formation while the drones scan for energy signatures. Any questions?”
All those around the table sat silent, but nodded confirmation of their understanding of the objective. Fury looked around the room, “This mother fucker took one of ours and I wanna know why. Let’s get going.”
Bucky stood up from the table and made his way out of the room to the Quinjet hangar. Steve pulled on his arm before entering the plane. “I know what’s going through your mind right now Buck, but we are going to get her back”.
Bucky looked at the ground before raising his eyes to his friend. “He knew how to get to me, Steve. He always knows where to hurt me. He couldn’t use you. You’re too difficult to overpower. So he had to pick her. I just,” Bucky wasn’t sure how to finish his thought. Words never came easily to him and he wasn’t sure he could really express what he was feeling. “I just want her safe.”
After you had left Bucky felt hollow inside. He hadn’t realized how much joy you brought to his day with your smiles and jokes. Always knowing what to say, or at least, what he needed to hear. Your departure made him realize he needed you. Boarding the jet Bucky knew that no matter what happened he was going to tell you how he felt.
The team had been sweeping through the city for what felt like hours and there still hadn’t been any developments. Walking through another alleyway Bucky scanned the cobblestone streets. He was beginning to lose hope at ever finding you at all when he saw an uneven line in between two buildings.
Pressing his comm link he called out, “Steve, I’ve got something. I’m going to check it out.”
“Bucky, wait for backup. We’ll come to you.”
Feeling along the wall Bucky felt a draft between the cracks. Unholstering the gun at his hip he pushed against the wall feeling it give way.
“I’m going in. Follow my location.”
“Bucky, wait!” Steve called.
Bucky ignored his calls and continued down the dimly lit hall. The walls opened up to a staircase leading down to a command room. The musky scent of decay and scotch filled Bucky’s nostrils.
“Privet, Soldat,” Zemo called from the darkness.
Bucky whirled around to find nothing.
“Have you come for your little mouse?”
Still searching, Bucky said nothing as the sound came from a different corner of the room.
“Have you realized how much you miss her?”
Bucky circled again, coming up to a window.
“I wonder what it is? Is it her sweetness that draws you? Or her willingness to see you for more than the killer you are?”
Bucky frowned. Zemo was playing with him.
“Or have you realized that her fire is what draws you to her? She does have a talented tongue. I’ve seen her put it to good use,” Zemo provoked. “I have enjoyed having her in my company, but it seems you really never appreciated her spirit, did you?”
Bucky continued searching the room as Zemo continued his monologue. Coming up to the computer he saw a paused video feed. It played as soon as he stepped forward.
Bucky saw you in a room, still in your red sundress. Your hair was matted and you had the look in your eye of anger and exasperation. When you spoke, Bucky felt the wind rush out of his lungs.
“Bucky doesn’t care about me,” you said sardonically. “He never has. We are barely even friends.”
“A pity she never saw you care, but I suppose it’s only fair that you tell her now.”
The door beside the window clicked open with a beep. You came out of the cell with a look of wary surprise on your face. “Bucky?”
“Now is your moment, Sergeant Barnes. Why not tell her how you feel before it's too late,” called Zemo.
Bucky holstered his gun and walked toward you. “Y/N? Are you okay? Come on, let's get out of here.”
He grabbed your hand and turned to go but you were rooted to the spot. Your breathing became heavy as you felt the tingling sensation in your spine again.
“Bucky, I need you to leave,” you cried, dread dripping from your voice.
“What? No,sweetheart, come on! I’m not leaving you.”
“Bucky, I…” you started.
“Last chance to declare yourself, Soldat.”
Looking up in anger, Bucky yelled. “Shut up, Zemo. I’m not performing for you-” Bucky’s head turned in surprise as you punched him across the face. “What the hell, Y/N?”
“It wasn’t me!” you cried as you dropped and kicked his legs out from under him.
Bucky rolled over quickly to pick himself up as you followed him swinging punches at his head and kicks to his stomach. Your moves were both erratic and efficient as they landed multiple times. It was all Bucky could do to block your assault and move out of the way.
“This isn’t me!” you cried again between punches. “Zemo is controlling me with nanotech!”
Bucky threw up an arm to block your punch before flipping you around by your arm and pressing you to the wall. He didn’t want to hurt you but he was pretty sure that it wasn’t the most comfortable position.
“It’s okay, Y/N. We’re going to get you out of this.”
Your foot kicked his leg and you pushed yourself over and around his head and away from the wall. Grabbing the knife at his hip as you slipped out of his grip, you threw it into his thigh.
Bucky looked at you in surprise and annoyance. “Sorry!” you winced. Pulling the knife from his leg he tossed it to the floor.
“Look, Y/N. I’m not going anywhere, but try not to kill me, okay?”
“It’s not like I’m doing this on purpose Bucky!” you huffed as you charged at him.
“Well I’m just trying to get you out of the problem you put yourself in!” You had grabbed another knife and went to stab him. Bucky caught the knife and twisted your hand but the knife snagged your dress and tore the skirt as you fought to wrestle it away.
Your eyes flared with anger and the next punch you threw had a little extra heft in it.
“That I put myself in? How about you, Mr. Barge-into-a-room-with-no-back-up!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you liked being saved! Although you’re one to talk! You came on a mission without backup!” Bucky rolled across the computer console out of the way of your next kick, getting agitated at your attitude.
“Because I needed space!” you yelled as you followed him around the computer desk.
“Space? Space from what?” Bucky yelled back, actually throwing a punch that you easily evaded.
“You! You idiot!” it burst out of you as you came up swinging before pushing him to the ground.
Bucky looked up at you with his eyes wide. You had him straddled under your legs. Bucky brought his arms up to block your punches while he tried to talk to you.
“Why would you need space from me? I don’t understand. You left without warning, without saying goodbye! Your mission was classified so I had to hack F.R.I.D.A.Y to even find out where you were!”
Your body was starting to fatigue from the strain of the fight as you continued to land blow after blow. You were fit and well trained but because your body was not your own you were blowing through energy rapidly. Your breaths were coming in short gasps as your chest heaved at each punch. If you kept this up, you weren’t sure how much time you would have before your body gave out entirely.
“Y/N, you left a huge gap! You were my best friend and then you were gone! You wouldn’t even talk to me before you left! You didn’t tell me you were leaving. I couldn’t even call you because the mission was supposed to be classified!”
Maybe it was the fatigue, maybe the hopelessness you felt, but you gave him everything you had left as you pummeled into him. Frustration over your situation, frustration at him, frustration at yourself built up inside you.
“I WILL NOT BE YOUR STAND IN! I will not be second best. I can’t look on anymore as you find someone smaller, cuter, littler to fit perfectly into your life! I deserve to be wanted! I deserve to be desired!” you screamed at the man beneath you as tears streamed down your cheeks.
Bucky finally bucked his hips and flipped you under him, pinning your hands to the ground next to your head.
“Get off of me! Let me go!” you had finally had enough. The damn had broken and your emotions and insecurities raged inside you. Your body pulled and twisted to break free from his grip.
“You do deserve to be desired,” Bucky said calmly as he caged you beneath him. “You are nobody's stand in. You’re perfect just as you are.” He wanted to say more but it was all he could do to keep you pinned under him.
The team burst down into the control room to see you openly weeping and Bucky on top of you.
“Nat, I need you to put an electric burst in my arm.” Bucky said looking up.
“I’m sorry, you what?” asked Nat.
“Just do it!” he said as you fought harder against him.
With a nod from Steve, Nat waved her baton and zapped Bucky’s arm causing both of you to scream in pain. When your body finally stopped seizing, the lack of adrenaline and the pain and fatigue caught up to you and you passed out in Bucky’s arms.
“You want to explain why I just pushed fifty thousand volts through you two?”
“Zemo infected her with some kind of nano tech. She hasn’t been in control this entire time.”
Steve scanned around the room. “Alright team, fan out. See if you can find out where Zemo went. I want teams down here with sat links up in 30 minutes.”
Bucky circled the gears around in his arm to get it up and running again before scooping you carefully off the ground.
“Buck, get her on the next jet out. Dr. Cho and Banner will be waiting for you to get back.”
For the second time you woke up in an unfamiliar place, and struggled to get your bearings. You felt like you’d been run over by a pick up truck and tumbled through a dryer.
Feeling slowly returned to your hands as your eyes opened and your vision cleared. You were in one of the medical rooms at the compound you realized.
“Look who decided to wake up,” said a gruff voice.
Turning your head you saw Bucky sitting in the chair beside you. He looked fresh and his eyes twinkled at you.
“Bucky,” you croaked as you tried to sit up.
“Woah there. You just relax. Your body is still trying to catch up from Zemo’s nanites.”
You slumped back down in the bed as Bucky leaned forward to take your hand.
“You had me worried there for a minute, doll. You’ve been sleeping for days. Wasn’t sure when you were going to pull through.”
“You doubt me, Barnes?”
“Not for a second, sweetheart, but I sure as hell missed you.” Bucky smiled, then looked down for a moment as if trying to find the right words. “We need to talk about why you left, Y/N.”
“No, Bucky, I...it doesn’t matter.” You say looking away. “It’s not important.”
“I don’t know, I’d say you thinking you don’t matter to me is pretty important.” You turned to look at him sharply, mouth open in a small gasp. “And I’d also say that you thinking I don’t find you desirable is pretty important too.”
You sat in shock as he spoke, not wanting to break the way you had during your fight.
“Y/N, you are perfect. You knew me before I even knew myself. You light up the whole room just by being in it. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You are strong, independent, kind, and gentle. You’re like a tall Asgardian goddess. Every inch of you is beautiful. I thought back to the last time we talked...before you left, and I realized why you did. I know why you thought I wasn’t attracted to you. That night, Sam’s list,” he paused as if pained at the memory, “I didn’t add you because...well, because I was so confused at how I was feeling. You were my friend. I didn’t realize till it was too late that I was already falling in love with you. And I most definitely didn’t want to give Sam anymore ammunition.”
You looked up at him sharply when he dropped the L word.
Bucky stood to reposition himself on the edge of your bed. Taking your face in his hands he leans forward until your foreheads barely touch. “I didn’t want to ruin things with you. You were my friend. You were perfect and I thought you deserved better so I ran to find something that was everything you weren’t. You are my perfect fit. You are just right. You are the only person I want. Please tell me you’re mine. Please tell me I haven’t lost you.”
You brought your hand up to rest over his as you let his words wash over you.
He wanted you. He thought you were beautiful. All of you. All of the parts people had told you were too much: your height, your attitude, your independence - he wanted it all.
You did something that you wanted to do for months, you brought your lips up to his softly and gave him a chaste kiss. “I was always yours Bucky,” You pulled his hands down and pushed him away to look into his eyes, “but I won’t be taken for granted anymore. I shouldn’t have to leave for you to want me. I shouldn’t have to be gone for you to realize what you had. I left for a reason. It was to find peace with myself. I realized that I didn’t need your approval. I didn’t need your desire to be whole. I won’t settle for someone who can’t see what’s right in front of them. I know my worth.”
Bucky looked at you sorrowfully as he held onto your fingers, memorizing their shape. “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to make you feel like you weren’t enough.”
“I know, but it happened. I don’t need you to be happy, Bucky...” Bucky hung his head in dejection. “...But I do want you.”
Bucky looked up at you sharply to find your eyes full of love and warmth. You wanted him. Even after all that happened - how he forced you away, how he made you feel like you weren’t good enough, you were still willing to forgive him. You wanted him even with all his faults.
You brought him closer for another kiss and savored the way his lips fell across yours. Breaking away to look up at him you said what you had been holding in for months, “And I love you too.”
Tags: @princessmisery666 @dreamwritesimagines
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widow-maximov · 3 years
i don’t know if anyone requested this but i can’t find a fanfiction where it’s the aftermath of what happened to natasha and wanda being happy her girlfriend is back, but sad that she and the reader lost their other girlfriend. i hope that made sense… an angsty wandanat basically lol.
I will be more than happy to do the aftermath of Natasha death and their way of processing. You also didn't specify whether it should be sad ending or happy so I gave a happy ending?
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
I'm sorry...
Pairing: Wanda x Natasha x Reader
Warning: Language, some fluff and a lot of angst.  enjoy :3
Summary: Y/n is finally happy with her 2 girlfriends; Natasha and Wanda but it seems as if the universe has different plans for Y/n.
Word count: 3.7k
"How is that my fault?" You asked, taking a few steps away from Wanda.
She stared at you with anger "It's all your fault Y/n.. and you know it"
You didn't recognise the woman in front of you, the woman who you loved with every piece of you, the pain in your heart was worse than any injury you ever had experience and that says a lot..
6 years ago
Everything seems to be in place, you are cuddled into Natasha whilst Wanda is cuddled into you, you would've never thought that these two women would be even partly interested in you but you was wrong and now you are more than happy to be here with them.
It hasn't been long since the three of you have gotten together but it has been enough time to get really attached. It didn't take long for the three of you to sleep in one bed, to be fair it started right after you made it official. You didn't mind at all, you felt safe and that's all you really wanted.
You was trained by Natasha every morning which you hated as you always wanted to sleep in but at the same time you loved it... because like who doesn't want to be pinned down by the Black Widow?
Then eventually Wanda would join, you would be one step ahead of her and nearly being able to beat her when Natasha joined and again you ended up being on the floor with now two of them pinning you.
You definitely didn't mind, especially since they would shower you with kisses, they would tease you at how they still ended up beating you, you would roll your eyes but still enjoy these little moments, it made your mornings a lot more better.
A thought struck you as your innocent smile turned into a smirk, currently it was team movie night, the three of you under one blanket, your hand that was resting on Natasha's chest, slowly slid down her stomach, causing her breath to hitch. The movie was boring and you wanted to mess with Natasha like she always messes with you and Wanda.
You faced Wanda and she saw your smirk, she already knew what you were doing as she read your mind and just smirked back, she put her hand under the blanket and used her powers to restrain Natasha from making sudden moves.
You turned to face Natasha again, your hand going underneath her shirt, she tried to move but she noticed the restrains and her face turned towards Wanda so quickly no one would even notice it was a movement, she gave Wanda a glare as she narrowed her eyes which just caused Wanda to smirk again.
Your gaze was on Natasha this whole time to watch her reaction, your hand lingered around her breasts but then progressively it moved down and closer towards her legs.
"What are you doing?" She whispered just enough so you and Wanda could hear.
"I want to go to our room" You ignored her question and looked into her eyes, you could see some sense of lust slowly consuming them.
She let out a shaky breath when your hand stopped so close where she wanted you to be "Wanda let me go" It was a demand which only fuel the two of you.
"Are we going to leave? Or you want us to fuck you right here next to them" That's all Natasha needed to hear, Wanda knew how to push Natasha's buttons.
"I think I'm going to head to bed" Natasha spoke a little to loudly, which attracted everyone's attention.
You smirked but innocently said "Oh really? Well we will join you then"
Just like that, Wanda let go of Natasha and you moved your hand, getting up together whilst Natasha almost jumped up and rushed out of the room.
You looked over at Wanda and then back at speeding off Nat "What's the rush babe? We were thinking about a snack before bed"
Nat stopped and turned around to face you as she walked over and grabbed your hand and Wanda's "No you're not"
She looked at the team "Goodnight!" and rushed away from them whilst you and Wanda laughed.
5 years ago
"Okay, here is the plan, we need to prevent Thanos from snapping his fingers, and take that stupid gauntlet" Tony instructed and everyone agreed.
Just before you was about to shoot off to help evacuate people, Wanda with Nat pulled you into a hug "Be safe Моя любовь (My love)"
You pulled away and looked at them with a soft expression "Of course, you two as well, Wands please protect Vision and Nat be by Wanda's side, I will be back as soon as I can"
They nodded and you gave them a kiss as they let you go, you ran towards the people who didn't know what to do, and they ran towards their place.
You ran towards Natasha, she was on the floor, she wasn't injured but she was on the floor, she looked at you with some relief in her eyes "Go find Wanda"
You nodded but before you ran, you quickly gave her a peck on the lips and ran to find her, as you saw her, on the floor by Vision you knew this is bad. You dropped on your knees and stared at her as she muttered "I failed"
You cupped her face "Wands baby, you didn't fail, its okay"
You pulled her into a hug and that's when you saw, some of your team turn into dust, you pulled away and looked at Wanda, that's when she slowly started to dust away.
You could feel your heart crack at the sight of relief in the witches eyes "NATASHA!"
You screamed to get the redheads attention, which did work, she ran in and at the sight of Wanda disappearing, she dropped to her knees as tears were threatening to spill.
"Wanda.. Please don't leave us.." You begged as if she could just stop dusting, and just like she was gone and you let out a heart wrecking sob, Natasha crawled towards you and pulled you into her.
3 months before
Everything has changed since the blip, the way Natasha would constantly just throw herself into work to somehow find a way to bring back half of the population and Wanda.
You tried your best to help her but it was exhausting, each time she would push you away and that only hurt you more, at the start there was hugging till you couldn't breath because she was afraid that you would disappear as well.
But that changed when something in her switched, you have been trying to find a solution for 5 years even if that was on the floor of your shared room, alone because Natasha has pushed you away so far, you didn't even know if there was a way back to her.
She walked inside the room and barely even looked at you, she just gathered her stuff which made you question her "What are you doing Natasha?"
She didn't answer, making you jump up from where you were and block the way out which forced her to say something "Move out of my way Y/n"
You nearly melted on the spot from hearing her voice again but you had to put a brave face up "Not until you tell me what you are doing?"
She sighed as she didn't let up "I said move"
"I'm not going to repeat myself again, you can do this the easy way or I will force you to move" She spoke with so much anger in her tone.
"Where are you going Natasha?" You asked again but this one you had a soft expression which you knew worked on Natasha.
"I'm not staying here, now move out of my way" She simply answered as if that was a normal thing to do.
She had dark bags under her eyes, from what you can assume was no sleep "So you're leaving me?"
She rolled her eyes "The world doesn't revolve around you Y/n. I need to find a solution to bring back these people, that's what we promised to do, we promised to protect them and we failed so now move"
And just like she pushed you and started to walk towards the door "You also promised to be by our side Natasha but I guess that doesn't matter to you anymore"
She stopped in her tracks as she turned to face you once more "You knew that promise was never going to work with this job, it wasn't real"
Tears streaming down your face as you looked away from her "It was real to me and definitely to Wanda. Shame you don't think that"
"You don't know what she would've said, because she isn't here!" She snapped causing you to flinch a little, she never raised her voice at you.
Her grip on the things she was holding tighten as she saw you flinch "Just don't get in my way again or you'll regret it"
Your eyes snapped to her face "Fuck you for treating me like shit. Fuck you for doing this to us. Fuck you for threatening me, just get out of this room!" You couldn't keep all these emotions inside you, you spent the last 5 years supporting her and that's what you get in return.
She rolled her eyes and walked out, not even trying to argue with you or pull you into her embrace and apologise for acting like a jerk, she just left, leaving you to cry.
1 month before
A broken heart isn't easy to deal with, but you thought you managed just well yet to the remaining team thought differently. You would mainly throw yourself into training, doing everything to keep your mind of the whole argument, it did work but not for long.
Natasha avoided you as well, that was until the opportunity for the solution finally knocked on the door, you all were somewhat relief at the thought of everyone being back.
You walked in as Tony with some guy explained how its possible to bring everyone back, turns out its the ant man who was stuck in the Quantum Realm and he explained how it's possible to time travel. You was a little concerned but you was pulled out of it as Natasha stood next to you, you swallowed down the bubbling tears as your senses were invaded by Natasha so you naturally just moved away.
It did cause some stares to be thrown your way but you didn't care, you knew if you stood there, you would break down and it wasn't that easy to keep it inside you.
"Okay.. Okay, I will build the machine but only for the stones, nothing else. Until then everyone just prepare yourself" Tony agreed eventually and dismissed everyone.
"Okay, Y/n and Natasha will go to Vormir and take the soul stone-"
"Can I not just go into the field or something?" You interrupted him, caused Natasha to sigh in disbelief.
"Are you serious right now?" She spoke up from behind you.
You looked over your shoulder not really caring "Yeah, now can she go with Clint or something?"
Tony rolled his eyes and just agreed with you this way the two of you wouldn't fight "Okay, fine Natasha and Clint will go, and you, Y/n will come with me"
You nodded and when Tony dismissed everyone, you walked towards the kitchen to finally eat something before going to suit up and go with Tony, but you was followed.
You knew you was followed but you simply didn't care, only when you didn't except it to be Natasha behind you "Y/n can we talk?"
You froze in place as she moved a little closed to you, you faced her and it seems as if your brain had malfunctioned at the sight of Natasha.
"I'm sorry Y/n, for being such a jackass to you. For treating you like you didn't matter. I love you and I'm really sorry" She took your silence as the opportunity to talk before you could.
"Are you kidding?" Now you spoke with disbelief.
She looked at you a little taken back which caused a "what?" to come out of her mouth.
"What do you mean what? It took you 5 years to understand how you treated me? Having time travel introduced suddenly makes it okay for you to think I will open my arms and say 'Aww baby! I have been waiting for you!'"
She shook her head "Of course it isn't okay.. I just wanted you to hear me actually say sorry, you at least deserve that. I'm really sorry Y/n and I love you so much" Her voice cracked at the end with tears in her eyes.
Looking at her so broken, it hurts you more than her leaving you. Tears in your eyes, you rush to her and embrace her in a tight warm hug, as the both of you cried quietly "I love you too Tasha"
Her heart melted at the nickname she haven't heard in so long, she pulled away and placed her forehead against yours, her eyes closed as another set of tears roll down her face, she tilted her head and kissed you, tasting your tears and her own but she didn't care.
She pulled away and whispered "I'll see you in a minute" with a small sad smile.
You smiled and let her go as you nodded, she walked off and you went to Tony after eating and suiting up.
Everything seemed to work out, you had the stones and that's when you saw Clint with the last stone, you ran to him to take it and the only question you could ask is "Where is Natasha?"
He was about to answer when Tony called out to you and you had to ran to him but not before your eyes scanned around you to locate the redhead, when you failed you frowned but tried not to think so much about it, so you ran towards Tony and gave him the stones, Thanos tried his best to take it back and snap again but it didn't work because you guys were one step ahead of him, the gauntlet ended up with Bruce and he snapped his fingers even if he was in so much pain.
You turned around to see multiple portals open up and half of the population appearing again, your eyes scanned for Wanda and you caught glimpse of red, you knew it was her, you ran towards her and threw yourself at her.
"Oh my god, it's you.." You said with a shaky breath, not believing your eyes.
She hugged you back with the same affection and a kiss that was so passionate it made her head spin but soon parted to continue the fight but after watching Thanos turn to dust, you were in her arms again with more happiness than you felt during the 5 years.
Clint approached the two of you and with a sad smile and tears in his eyes "I'm so sorry"
You pulled away from the hug a little as you looked at him confused but it clicked in the instant "Where is she?!"
"What are you talking about?" Wanda asked confusion in her tone.
"The way to get the stone.. One of us had to sacrifice ourselves, it was suppose to be me but she was stubborn and she jumped"
You felt as if your heart stopped, your eyes widen at his words, Wanda's grip tighten around you as you felt anger build up in you "What do you mean she jumped?!"
Before he could even say anything, you repeated yourself "What do you mean she FUCKING JUMPED?!"
You ran your hands through your hair as you let out a shaky breath and Wanda pulled you into her, doing her thing that always calm you down, no words left her as she was shocked as well, so you stood there in her embrace, letting out a sob, similar to the one 5 years ago.
There you are standing in front of Wanda as her words are laced with venom, the history repeating itself but this time with Wanda "Wands I know you don't mean what you're saying.. Don't do the same thing Natasha did to me-"
She interrupted you "She at least did the right thing, gosh it was such a mistake, all of this."
Your vision started to get clouded with tears at her words "That's not my fault that she jumped, I didn't force her-"
"YOU COULD'VE STOPPED HER Y/n!" She snapped at you, she was the calmest person you could've met but yet she changed so much in a course of a month.
"Like I could've stopped you from being dusted? I lost both of you! Not at the same time but yet it feels like it, she left me and now you're doing the same, there was nothing I could've done, you know how stubborn she is-" You tried to get your point across but she was just too angry to even listen.
"You was the last to see her and I never did so imagine how that feels... Just leave Y/n" She looked away with tears in her eyes but she held herself a little bit better than you.
You chuckled dryly as you wiped your face "You know, you are right, I could've stopped her, by being in her place instead, I'm sorry that it wasn't me but her"
She turned around to face you but you already walked out, the witch leaned on the wall as she covered her mouth to muffle a sob.
6 months later
You moved out of the compound after finding out that Tony had a spare cabin in the woods, he was more than happy to give it to you after finding out what have happened, you thanked him and gotten out of that compound, away from Wanda and everything that reminded you how much you have failed to keep the two people you loved the most.
You heard from Bucky that Wanda gotten engaged to Vision, you'll never understand how that walking air fryer has any capability to have any feelings, but if it took Wanda so fast to move on, why couldn't you?
You moved into a cabin that's only surrounded by trees so no one could hear you screaming at night with anger. You asked Tony to not tell anyone where you were, not that anyone actually cared to ask but he agreed.
You do visit Natasha's grave, place some flowers from time to time, and each time light a candle to let her know that you are always there even if she wasn't most of the time.
Right now you are sitting on the sofa as night falls, there was some noises outside which pulled your attention from the tv, you grabbed your gun and slowly walked towards the door, you opened it and pointed it ahead of you.
The person on the end of the gun wasn't someone you would expect "What are you doing here?" You lowered your gun.
The witch stood there with her hands up and a small smile "I'm here to talk"
You sighed and crossed your arms, you did your crying for the past 6 months till no tears came out, so you just stood there "What is there to talk about?"
"Can I?" She asked as she pointed to the inside of the cabin, it was warm inside but the outside was freezing so you agreed and let her in.
"How did you find me?" You asked still with your arms crossed.
"I might or might not have threatened Tony... because this is important" She confessed.
"If you are here to argue again then leave, I don't need this again-" You tried to sound with no emotions but the way you dropped your arms and just sighed gave it away you were still very hurt.
"I'm not here to argue, I'm here to apologise for what I have said, it wasn't okay, and I'm so sorry. I know you couldn't have done anything and I never blamed you Y/n, no one deserved to die the way she did, I was just angry with how I never saw her and you did and jealously is very ugly"
You shook your head "Wanda this won't fix anything, I lost the two of you, I saw you disappear in front of my eyes, she left me after that to try to bring you back along with the rest of the population, and then she died so you could be here and when I needed you the most, you did the exact thing"
"I know Y/n/n I know, I'm so sorry and I will do everything to try to be better for you, I want to be here for you because honestly I need you as well. I never stopped loving you" She was nervously playing with her rings on her fingers as tears filled her eyes.
"Wanda you are with Vision, you are practically married. Please stop I can't handle anymore pain" You admitted to her because frankly you couldn't, no matter how many times you tried to get over Wanda you couldn't. You learned how to accept that Natasha will never be back but It was still hard to be with someone apart the two of them.
"I left him, I can't be with him if its you I think about before falling asleep Y/n. So please let me make it up to you, if that's what you want or look me in the eyes and tell me that this is the end" Her breathing was unsteady by the end as she let her tears flow down her face.
You looked at her and into her eyes, you could tell her breath hitched just at you looking at her, your walls crumbled apart as you let your tears out and shake your head slowly "Okay but you best believe this wont be easy"
For the first time in so long, you saw a genuine smile on her face as she walked up to you and took you into her arms as she softly stated "I know... And I'm prepared for everything. I promise to never leave you again or hurt you.. I love you"
You sighed as you cried in her arms "I love you too дорогой (Sweetheart)"
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Of Kings and Beasts  -  Ten
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Pairing: King!Bucky X Princess!Reader X King!Steve
Summary: Born a bastard of the King of Orlen, you’re thrust to the West to marry the Kings. However, the greeting you get is anything but warm, and your life with the King is far from enjoyable. He knows it isn’t your fault his husband is gone, but that fact alone won’t prevent him from taking it out on you.
Warnings: Angst, Injuries, Fluff, Language, Violence, 
Word Count: 2K
A/n: Okay y’all THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH FOR 10K FOLLOWERS IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MCUH OMG Anyway ahem here is part 10 and I hope you enjoy! We’re gonna have a more intense part coming next but until then, enjoy!
Series Masterlist
“We make for Asgard.”
“You look lovely. The colours of Asgard suit you well,” Thor says, his eyes raking over your figure from behind.
Adorning your body is a soft linen gown, the colour of cream. It is cut low in the front, a style Thor assured you is common in his kingdom, and has many different folds and layers to it, making it flow with every step you take.
The fabric itself is lightweight, and the straps lie thinly on your shoulders. The waistline is decorated with gleaming golden gems and is cinched rather tightly.
Over your shoulders is a dark red cape, the same colour as Thor’s.
Your hair is tied up away from your face intricately and elegantly, and a dainty diamond necklace rests around your neck.
You turn to face him, a deep feeling of unease settling in your stomach.
“What is to happen now?” You wonder aloud, eyes fluttering past his face and around the chambers that he’s deemed to be yours for the time being.
“Now we wait. The kings should be here soon, and then we will inform them of the letter you received. I promise you’ll be safe here, Petal.” He cups your cheeks and you swallow hard, nervous about the change in his attitude towards you.
“Thor?” You ask softly, taking a half-step backward in an attempt at removing yourself from his grip.
He surges forward, one hand dropping from your face to wrap around your waist as his lips crash against yours in a fierce and dominating kiss.
Your heart races in your chest and you shove against his face, trying to force him away from you.
Helplessness fills you as you realize that you’ll never be able to overpower him, and dread settles in your gut as he pushes you back until you’re pressed against the wall.
Your muffled cries for help, for him to stop, fall on deaf ears as his lips continue their assault against yours, prying yours open to give his tongue access to your mouth.
Thinking quick, you grip his bottom lip and bite down as hard as you can, drawing blood and successfully making him pull away from you.
He jumps back, one hand coming up to his mouth while you scramble back and away from him, chest heaving and eyes full of betrayal.
His jaw clenches and he takes a step towards you, only to stop when the doors to your chambers burst open.
“(Y/n)!” A familiar voice calls, two men rushing into the room and searching for you.
The tension in the room is palpable and the two Kings pick up on it instantly, their guards raising as they see the way you’re cowering from the blond King before you.
“Are we interrupting something?” Steve asks, his voice ringing with authority.
“No,” you say quickly, regaining your composure and squaring your shoulders as the words of the Valkyrie ring in your ears.
“Thor was just taking his leave,” you say pointedly, staring the King down for a long moment until he nods, bows then spins on his heel and leaves without a word.
You take a deep breath, power and fear chasing each other through your veins while your heart races in your chest.
“(Y/n), are you alright?” Steve asks softly, taking a step towards you and reaching for your hand. You yank it back towards your body, levelling him with a glare.
“If my purpose was solely to bear children, then why are you here if I failed?” The blond glances over at his husband, unsure of how he should address this.
“It is obviously not a secret. I have been threatened even since my departure, and the truth has been brought to my attention. So I ask again, why are you here?” James takes a careful step towards you, and then another, and another until he is standing just directly in front of you.
You keep your shoulders squared and your head held high, refusing to back down.
“(Y/n), there are things we must tell you... things we have not been completely honest about... things that involve our union, and our actions towards you. Will you allow us time to be honest with you?” You swallow hard but nod, wanting nothing more than the truth after all this time in the dark.
James takes your hand delicately in both of his and ushers you to the bed, sitting down beside you while Steve sits on your other side.
The brunet speaks first.
“We were told... by our council that we needed to find a wife. When they heard of our plans to join the two kingdoms of the North and wed each other... they tried to find any way to stop it. But upon seeing our power they relented until they realized that our reign would end if we did not have a queen.
“They gave us a timeframe to find a queen. One that could give us heirs and continue the lineage of both of us. We were presented with many women but you... you stood out from the many faces we saw.”
You frown, brows drawn together tightly as you ponder this.
“My purpose... right from the beginning was nothing more than what you had told me. What you said was true. What I was told is nothing but the truth,” you whisper to James, fighting back the tears that prick at your eyes.
Steve shakes his head, leaning closer to engage in the conversation. “No. Your purpose was... is to be our wife. A queen to our people and the mother of our children. You are meant to rule alongside us, not be behind or beneath us. You are our equal, although we have not treated you as such.”
You sniffle, shaking your head as if trying to shake your feelings away.
“Why have you treated me the way that you have? Why? What have I done to deserve such hostility?”
The two exchange long glances before James sighs and takes your hand, leading it to the thin scar at the base of his skull.
“Someone has operated on me. Altered me in a way that makes me hostile towards you and Steven. We do not know who, but we know that they are close enough to be near me without raising suspicion. I will never be able to apologize enough for my actions. I have hurt you far more than I ever could have imagined myself capable of. But with the help of doctor Banner, we were hoping to have more clues as to who is responsible for this. However, he is still in quite an unstable condition.”
You swallow hard, this new information having you beyond overwhelmed.
“Who would conspire against you in such a way? Who would have such hatred in their heart for the two of you that they would take it out on me?” The two kings sigh, their hearts heavy and their eyes filled with sadness.
“We do not know. But one thing is certain: we will not rest until we figure out who it is and until they are brought to justice.”
The two Kings settle in the guest chambers for the night, having insisted that you get your own space and that you are welcome to join them if you feel so inclined.
Your mind is still in shambles, thoughts scattered and emotions all over the continent as you prepare for bed.
A knock on your door pulls you from your thoughts and you softly call for them to enter, your guard raising in an instant.
“How may I help you, Your Majesty?” You ask, jaw clenched tightly.
Thor takes a deep breath then lets it out, pacing slowly around your chambers.
“I stepped very far out of line, (Y/n). I let my emotions get the better of me and I was foolish. I apologize sincerely for my actions.” You watch him with furrowed brows, not sure if you should trust him.
“You have... entranced me. Bewitched me. Your husbands have not treated you fairly and, even in the short time that I've known you, I can tell that you are a woman deserving of the world. And if the world cannot be given to you then you deserve everything in it. And yet here you are, cowering from your own kingdom because they failed to protect you.” You want to interrupt. To tell him that he is not aware of the extent of the trauma that the Kings themselves have faced, but you hold your tongue instead.
“I can only hope that one day you will be able to forgive what has transpired today. For I value your company and your companionship and I would be devastated to lose it in any way. However, I will not blame you if you were to push me away. I was out of line and I allowed myself to be weak in a moment when I should have been strong. You needn’t give me an answer tonight, but I am offering my sincerest apologies. While you are here the Palace is yours. Anything you require will be brought to you promptly.”
He’s quiet for a moment before clearing his throat, his eyes on the ground.
“I bid thee goodnight, and I hope pleasant dreams find you tonight.” He turns to leave and you sigh, shaking your head.
“Thor, wait.” He does, turning back to look at you with those soft blue eyes of his.
“I appreciate and accept your apology. I do not look at you any differently because of what transpired, and I am grateful that you came to explain it. I appreciate your friendship and I am glad to have found solace in you, and it would be a shame to squander it over something so trivial.” He smiles, relief and happiness plain as day on his face.
“Good. Thank you for your understanding, (Y/n). Goodnight.” He leaves without another word and you put your head in your hands, beyond confused and frustrated with the feelings stirring inside of you.
You would be lying if you said that the Asgardian King wasn’t attractive. And he has been a friend in times when you’ve otherwise had none.
Shaking the intrusive thoughts out of your head, you exit your chambers and pad softly down the hall, stopping in front of the chambers that have been set aside for your husbands.
You knock twice, butterflies finding a home in your belly as you wait for one of them to allow you entrance.
The door gets pulled open and James stands in front of you, the formal look on his face dropping to give way to a soft smile.
“May I join the two of you tonight?” You ask quietly, looking between him and Steve. The blond looks on eagerly from his spot on the bed, nodding his head quickly.
“Of course, My love.” You bow your head in thanks and enter the room, oblivious to the eyes following your every move from a dark corner of the hallway.
The door shuts behind you but you continue to the bed, crawling on next to Steve while James extinguishes the lanterns lighting the room.
Steve makes room for you in the centre of the bed, pushing the blankets aside to allow you to get comfortable. James climbs on behind you, waiting until you’re settled to get comfortable himself.
Neither of the Kings touch you. No, they stay a respectable distance away.
“I am not so angry that I will not allow my husbands to embrace me,” you say softly, eyes closed as the events of the day catch up to you.
You’re then being held on either side by strong arms and right then and there, in that very moment, you feel the safest you have ever felt in your life.
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