#and shoes were my combat boots
witchothewest · 1 year
When I was in elementary school I used to intentionally wear my glitter combat boots on gym days (instead of the required athletic shoes) so that they would punish me by making me sit out from gym and I’d be like “oh noo Im not allowed to do the physical exercise I have to sit on the stage in my cool shoes and daydream now. anything but that” lol suckers
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lucysarah-c · 2 months
Levi's horrible flirting skills part 5.
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Will I start using my own art as banners? Yeah, 'cause I can lmao.
Masterlist link to all the previous parts.
Footsteps against the muddy ground, the little snow that had fallen in the south melted easily and only served as nourishment to the mud. Levi’s combat boots made it easier for him to take one sturdy step after another, hands inside the pockets of the scout’s green trench coat. Eyes fixed on the ground, dark rebel locks fell to the sides of his face as only his nose peeked through the scarf, creating a fog rhythmically in front of his face. 
He took the muddiest side of the country road out of respect, it felt natural to him. Quickly, his eyes spotted that certain parts of the road were already frozen, “Careful-” 
But before he could actually voice it, instinctively he stopped to catch her as her shoes slipped. Her little squeezed scream paired with her movements as she gripped his arms for support. 
Levi, who was unfazed by her grip or the tricky winter ground, clicked his tongue, “I told you to be careful,” he said, but despite his words, his voice was calm and protective. 
“Ah, yes. My uniform isn’t really designed for a trip to the forest, is it?” she commented between chuckles, but they seemed mostly out of nerves because there wasn’t anything funny going on. 
Unfazed on the outside, Levi’s attention was fixed on his extended arms surrounding her frame but without touching her. She could easily grip any of his forearms for support, but he, who wasn’t a fan of physical contact, tried not to touch her. Not because he didn’t want to, but because he didn’t want to overstep. The only thought crossing his mind as she tried to get both of her feet on steady land was looking at her hands, imagining them around his. 
This could easily be a routine of theirs, him making sure she reached the ferry station safely as she came over to visit him. Walking side by side, fingers intertwined. But that was a daydream still far away, and Levi quickly realized this as she placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Well... not actually, it was more like a cheek against cheek as she pressed the side of her face against his and made a kissing sound without her lips actually touching his skin. 
He frowned and slightly pushed back, mostly out of surprise. 
“Oops, sorry-” she said cheekily, recalling both of them how they first met, “I forgot that tough-up soldiers don’t give kisses.” It was mockery. 
“Thank you, Captain.” 
Levi raised his right hand, taking it out of his pocket and imitated her wave back but with far less enthusiasm. Greeting with kisses, something that he had only seen between women but it seemed that in the capital it was also exchanged between men and women. He found it a bit too personal for his taste, but that was because he didn’t even shake hands usually. 
‘I’m a tough-up soldier... I’ll gladly receive a kiss from you.’ 
His hand lowered slowly as he observed her aboard, as an eagle his attention was inflexible. Levi didn’t realize he was holding his hand up until that moment, ‘what an idiot.’ 
But as his bare right hand began to feel the winter weather compared to how warm it was inside his pockets, the freezing air against his skin was a cold wash of reality; they didn’t walk holding hands, it was just a dream. ‘Four-eyes was right... I’m not even trying.’ 
For dreams to come true, you must wake up and work on real life. He was determined. Her welcoming smile from the ferry that began, and a new waving hand to him that was still waiting at the bottom, looking at her. 
“Cap!” She screamed. 
And he couldn’t help but smile very softly at the picture of her face from the top of the boat. 
“Enjoy the cake!” 
Levi’s smile dropped slowly, ‘Eventually I’ll have to fucking tell her that I don’t like sweet shit...’ 
‘Oh well... problems of future’s Levi.’ 
Since then, he was a man with a mission. ‘She asked me for a friend, so at least she doesn’t think I’m a fucking creep.’ 
Seeing the glass half full? That’s exactly what Levi was going to start to do. Baby steps. It’s not that he crossed paths with her continuously, especially when they were not going outside on expeditions. He began to do a mental list; Sweet stuff, flowers, cats, and allergic to nuts. He certainly could come up with something. 
‘Maybe I could write a letter... thank her for the cake.’ 
‘Let’s not carry on the idea that you like that, I don’t like to fucking lie to her.’ 
‘Wouldn’t it be weird that you wrote a letter out of nowhere? Plus, what the hell are you going to write there? ‘Thanks for the cake, I don’t like it, but Hange did.’ No, no, let’s leave the letters to poets and their smooth shit.’ 
And so on, he wished he was as decisive as he was in battle in his romantic life. But as soon as he saw his chance, Levi was confident about taking it. Military event, the weather had gotten better, they were about to leave for an expedition in a couple of days. Had he protected the piece of cake that he was given at the end of the dinner with his life from Hange? Yes, an easier task was retaking Wall Maria. 
“Come on! You’re not going to eat it!” 
“I’ve seen Titans less persistent than you.” 
Levi felt particularly judged walking down the hallways as he switched buildings of the military and went to the main hospital. MPs recognized him in the streets, citizens whispered his name, and he felt a ginormous power to turn around and forget it all. 
‘This is stupid.’ 
‘Well, sometimes you gotta do some stupid shit to get what you want ... I just wished I did this sort of stupid shit when I was young enough to be too hormonal or drunk to care.’ 
“Y/N?” he asked at the front desk, “Is she on service?” 
The other two girls exchanged a look, one took a sip of her tea to hide her raising smirk and the other replied, “Give me a minute, Captain.” 
She rushed behind to the staff-only section and Levi felt particularly impatient. ‘What the hell am I going to tell her? I got a piece of cake and thought of you? No, that’s ridiculous. Then why the fuck am I doing here?! I don’t know!’ 
“Captain?” her voice, her almost closed eyes as she tried to force them open, her hair messy. 
‘I want to see her... I want to see her before I leave to that hell out there.’ 
“Captain, is everything alright?” She asked worriedly, as she moved between the furniture of the hospital’s archive. Her hands hastily tried to ease out her clothes. 
‘Fucking shit...’ he imagined her waking up by his side, drowsy, bed hair and tossed clothes. But as she grew closer, he grew speechless. 
“Is everything alright? Is it an emergency?” Her worried tone made him snap. 
“Yes,” “No,” he replied monosyllabically. 
“Then... what are you-” 
“For you,” Levi acted almost instinctively, pushing the gift in her direction. “No nuts so I don’t fucking kill you.” 
Her lips remained parted while processing the situation, once sense came back into her, she slowly accepted the gift. “Why thank you...” she said in a trance, “Did something happen, Captain-” 
“My name is Levi.” 
He dodged the question. And while he felt it was only him and her there as her eyes shined in surprise, the truth is that people walked past by them in a hurry to fulfil their tasks. 
“You... you’re leaving, right?” she broke the awkward silence, “To an expedition, I mean.” 
Levi nodded. 
“I hope you return safe. I’ll volunteer to the medical brigade for the return.” 
The mere idea of her waiting at the improvised medical camp they always had to check the soldiers and help the wounded once they returned from outside the walls was enough to make him excited and hopeful. Both necessary emotions when you’re going to face death. 
‘That’ll be a hell of a blessing.’ 
“You’ll be useful there,” Levi replied. 
He knew it was almost disrespectful to be waiting for it; his comrades died, mothers lost their sons, kids lost their mothers. Everyone had their expectations of him, but he was only human. A man who wanted to just catch at least a glimpse of his girl’s face to make it seem like returning from hell had some sort of value. 
Once most of the soldiers had been cared for, Levi searched through the crowd, peeking through the people, getting on his tiptoes to get some height to spot her. 
‘There you are.’ He felt second-hand embarrassment for how excited he got, but as he took steady steps closer, the emotions withdrew slowly. 
Her eyes were reddish and transparent, long face and trembling lips. 
‘No... why are you crying? Who do I have to kill? Give me a name.’ 
Knuckles of a bigger hand began to caress her cheek. She looked up as his knuckle turned into his thumb, softly loving her face. He was dressed in a white overall that clearly indicated he was a doctor. 
‘Who the hell is he?’ Levi quickly felt the anger boiling. He knew he was being irrational, but he had just come back from risking his life; his mind was not seeing reason. 
“Is this a museum?” the doctor, who seemed younger than Levi anticipated, asked cheekily. 
Y/N looked up at him confused. ‘Why the fuck is he so hella tall?’ 
“Then what are two art pieces doing here, you,” as he said that, Y/N gasped, blushed, and smiled shyly, “And that smile.” 
‘He made her smile... he made her smile and blush.’ 
Levi’s steady pace up to them lost its confidence. She noticed him and smiled softly, welcoming, but that didn’t make the Captain feel better. The doctor realized his presence and probably decided to carry on with the rest of his tasks, not without moving past her by dragging his hand across the bottom of her back and giving her waist a little squeeze as he smiled. 
“Levi, I’m so happy you made it back.” 
But those words and her friendly squeeze of his forearms went unnoticed as Levi’s surgical observation caught all that, and he couldn’t hide his unfriendly stare at the man. 
‘Cut your fucking hand off and feed it to pigs before touching her like that without her permission.’ 
“I don’t like the asshole.” 
“You don’t like him, or you’re just jealous he’s charming?” Hange asked as they spun around in their desk chair. “Or that he’s almost as tall as Erwin.” 
“Tch, I don’t like the asshole. Nothing to do with that frivolous shit.” 
‘Perhaps a little bit.’ 
Hange chuckled and rolled their eyes. “Your reasons?” 
Levi rose from his seat, exasperated, walking around the brunette’s office like a caged lion. “Do I have reasons? Yeah. Good reasons? Yeah. How many reasons do I need? None. My intuition has never failed me to spot out jerks.” 
Suddenly, now that he was back to work and had excuses to visit her more frequently, he was always there. The way he always found a way to rest his hand on the bottom of her back right above her ass, squeeze her waist friendly, run a hand through her hair, smile at her. 
“Doesn’t he have better shit to do?” Levi muttered annoyed, observing from a distance at how he said something that made her laugh. 
“Well, he’s at his job,” Erwin replied, mocking him as the captain’s attitude seemed childish. 
“I love how your hair looks in that,” the doctor casually commented. 
It ate Levi from the inside how she began to make it her usual look. ‘That’s the kind of shit you should’ve been saying, but you’re stupid!’ 
Levi hated it. It made him grit his teeth in uncontrolled fury how she always smiled with blushed cheeks and hopeful eyes as she looked at him. ‘She’s just too naive and doesn’t fucking notice that he’s obviously trying to take advantage.’ 
“You’re just jealous; it won’t hurt you to admit it.” 
Levi clicked his tongue, muttering against the hand that held his head, “He fucking stinks, he just wants to get between her legs.” 
“Like you?” Hange joked around as they raised their eyebrows and smirked at their friend. 
“Tch,” he straightened up, offended. “Don’t fucking compare me to him.” 
‘I mean, yes... but no!... I’ll do it respectfully.’ 
One thing was Capital people being too frivolous about their personal space, and another was that Levi always caught him playfully around another girl. 
‘The dude has more hands than an octopus, and none of them are ever over his own fucking body.’ 
The mere idea of him taking advantage of her, of her kindness, made Levi clench his fist. It was very early; Levi had just come out of an extraordinary meeting with the military board that lasted all night long. 
Perhaps he should have given it a thought when he had slept better, not that he slept plenty, but at least he knew how to normally function with three hours of sleep. It was too early to get any transport back to the scout's facility, so he was just doing time as Erwin talked to investors. On the other hand, she was a fresh early bird working at her position quietly as it was a calm morning. 
She seemed radiant, rosy cheeks and smooth hair... hair in the same style he had praised. ‘For fuck's sake,’ it rubbed him the wrong way. 
“Oi,” Levi decided to interrupt her monologue; he was slacked against a wall, bent slightly over with arms crossed. ‘Show her that you care,’ Hange's words echoed in his mind. 
“Yes?” She was archiving paperwork and organizing reports. 
“That asshole... one of the doctors in your division.” 
“Matty?” She quickly filled in the information, “What about him? Do you need him?” Her attention briefly moved to the clock on the wall, “He won’t be here until later on; he had the night shift today.” 
Levi clicked his tongue, looking in another direction, ‘she doesn’t even suspect him.’ 
“No,” he spat out, “Look, keep your guard up around him. Don’t be stupid.” 
Y/N turned around confused, her eyebrows drawn together in mixed emotions. 
‘I’m just trying to protect you.’ 
Levi felt her attention. His steps echoed around the whitish walls of the empty hospital, keeping his head down as he approached. “I’m just saying that stupid little spoiled brats from the Capital like you sometimes don’t realize it, but morons like him aren’t playing friendly.” 
“Excuse me? What did you say?” 
That was the moment Levi should have noticed the change in her tone and the frown switching from confused to angry. 
The click of his tongue was mostly because he didn’t know how to phrase it better, “I’m just saying, dummy,” he swore his tone was caring as his calloused hand from continuous hours of training reached out to caress her forearm tenderly, “that you may be too stupid for your own good and be all nice and friendly, but don't be stupid and do what I tell you." 
‘I care about you and I know firsthand how those assholes abuse their power around girls. I’ll beat the living shit out of him if he ever makes you feel uncomfortable.’ 
Levi swore he had been tender. He wished to run his thumb over her cheek and show her how she could rely on him, how much he was there for her, for her safety. 
“Captain,” Y/N’s tone made Levi snap up as he had his attention focused on his hand that was trying to connect with her, “Who the hell gave you the authority to tell me who I should get involved with?” 
Levi took a step back, confused, as she looked back at him with anything but friendliness. 
“I’ve lived alone my entire life, I have a career, and the last thing I need is a man telling me that I’m too stupid for my own good,” she said, arms resting on her hips as her angry eyes burned into his. 
The cold water’s shock made any quick reply he had to fix the misunderstanding completely vanish, “No—” 
“I respect you for your work and because you’re a close friend of Erwin. But you’re not my father, nor my boss, to tell me what to do and, much less, that I don’t know how to take care of myself,” Y/N snapped a couple of folders on the desk, “If you’re looking to control someone’s life, I recommend adopting a dog. I have work to do. Have a nice day.” 
Levi stood there frozen in his place, perplexed. ‘Wait... is it wrong that I found it hot that she knows how to tell people to fuck off?’ 
“Fuck —” 
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthor @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @galactict3a @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 @lemonsupernova @hyuckwon-my-husbands @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax @sugacor3 @r0ckst4rjk @vegetasgirl2799 @catiwinky @pinksaiyans @sparklykeylime @hagridshaircare Wanna join my tag list? Here! You don't appear on this list? Do not worry! there's a limit of tags and I'll add you in the comments <3
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seraphdreams · 1 year
robber!ino takuma — thirst.
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— smut, noncon, thievery. unedited
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it had been just another peaceful night for ino, strolling down some rich suburban neighborhood at the kick-off of midnight, searching for a pretty home with lots of valuable junk that he’d be able to make another wad of cash from. it was how he made his source of income, and he was quite enthusiastic about it.
time hadn’t passed much when he came to the sight of your home, the lights were off, and it felt as though no one was home — vacationing, maybe. he pulled his balaclava down over his face, picking out a pair of make-shift universal keys to pick at the lock of your front door. the knob jingled once, twice, and then thrice before it clicked, signally it’s openance.
“damn.” he whispered under his breath as he treaded carefully into your home — or as carefully as the combat boots he wore allowed for. he couldn’t exactly piece together the feeling he felt sneaking around your living room then to your kitchen. you were one expensive bitch, you lived in a thief’s wildest fantasies.
meticulously, he made his way up the stairs, searching for any other rooms to swipe from — he reached your bedroom quite hastily, swinging the door open only to be met with your body under a thin blanket, dreaming away. had his mind been in a stable state, he would’ve left quickly, took a few personal items and made his leave , yet the sight of you, so innocently sleeping as if there were no dangers around spurred him on. you were pretty, and he’s regret it for life if he didn’t make his move.
he kicked off his shoes, inching closer to your bed. he pulled up his balaclava so that it sat like a beanie atop his head, giving him a less obstructed view of you while he diligently removed your covers.
holy fuck.
you were sleeping in a simple satin nightgown that bunched up at your waist. takuma was gentle in pulling your panties down. your folds glistened beautifully under the moonlight, it was clear as day that you’d been dreaming of something special.
his cock ached in its confines. he knew that he needed you now. taking the bottom of his shirt between his teeth, he worked quickly to undo the zipper of his pants, setting his cock free. he was thick, leaked a heavy amount. wasting no time, he aligned his cock between your folds before slowly sinking in. he expected some sort of reaction from you, but was relieved when the rising and falling of your chest reminded him of your slumber. he starts up a slow pace before gradually speeding up.
you felt too good around him to keep himself contained. his brutal pace had your eyes flitting open, horror written on your seductively etched features. his hand was quick to cover your mouth, a friendly smile on his face contrasting to his actions.
“don’t be scared, pretty. just cum and i’ll be on my way.”
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porcalinecunt · 1 year
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𝐜𝐰 — tooth rotting fluff, but otherwise, none.
𝐚𝐧 ❥ finals finished today so i decided to write a little something to feed my hobie obsession. this was definitely self indulgent but im pretty unapologetic about it. i made this at 2am so it’s not much, but its something! enjoy. 🤍
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you’d meet your love during one of his shows, where amongst the bunch of murky colors and studs that shined in the lights, you stood out. a lot.
hobie’s eyes immediately fell onto you, the frills and bright colors had him drawn to you. your hair adorned in ribbons and bows that bounced with every move you made, it was adorably cartoonish.
after the show, to your shock, he’s approach you. confused, you thought he had the wrong person. until, he opened his mouth.
“no no, im sure im lookin’ at the right one..”
those words would spark a romance that even his peers would raise their eyebrows at. studded bracelets and cold, blood stained rings meeting lace bows and brightly painted nails. it was a bit of a shock.
then again, hobie doesn’t believe in consistency! especially when it comes to his romantic partners.
he adored you. like this man will internally melt at the sight of you.
sometimes, you’d let him tie your ribbons into your hair. in return, you decorate his wicks with cute hairclips! he acts like he hates it, but he fucking loves it.
mixing accessories became the norm for you two. a cute, bubbly outfit would be complete with heavy combat boots and a patched up denim vest.
meanwhile, hobie would wear your homemade bracelets with cute charms and messages on them! his wrist would be adorned with sweet little words like “ily! <3” and “kiss me! ~”
he’s call you loads of nicknames that he knows makes you weak in the knees. “doll”, “baby”, “love”, and “sweet thing” would always come out of his mouth when he talk to/about you. <3
steal his clothes! it doesn’t stop at accessories, he loves seeing you in his clothing. how much larger they are on you, and his shoes making you feel taller. your more cutesy demeanor clashing with his rougher style makes it all the fun.
pubs used to intimidate you, but not anymore! hobie’s arm would be wrapped around your waist, holding you close enough where your bodies practically were touching. you felt safe in his arms, knowing no one will even think to try you! not with hobie around. <3
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tiktowafel · 3 months
some 1b girl lineups so i can have all my little personal designs in one place :3 slightly inconsistent bc i drew them separately at first but fuck it we ball
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no clothes versions that i made for myself to use as templates (yknow so i can draw clothes on top of them without having to draw them over and over again) and showcase my general appearance headcanons
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how i think they like to wear their uniforms (looking at bakugo, UA seems pretty liberal about it so i get to have fun lol). obviously what they wear depends mostly on the weather but these are meant to be like,, their favorite combinations?
i really like the "long sleeve shirt with no blazer" look. kind of a shame no one in bnha seems to wear their uniform like this
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the most important part!! the costumes!! putting the notes under the cut bc they ended up kinda long
i like Reiko's canon costume a lot, i just decided to give her fingerless gloves and make her kimono long and tattered for the spooky vibes. i used to also draw it with a reversed (right over left) collar bc that's how they dress dead people and Reiko's meant to have this ghost aesthetic but decided against it this time because maybe it's more culturally inappropriate than i think?? idk its not that big of a visual change so i'd rather play it safe
Setsuna is wearing my own costume design that i explained fully in an older post. i still like it, i just gave her spike bands on her legs instead of the same thing she wears on her forearms bc i decided i dont vibe with the total limb symmetry anymore lol
i spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to think up a redesign for Kendo only to settle for her canon costume with extra bandages/cloth wraps (theyre cool) and ordinary combat boots instead of the ones she wears in canon (i just don't vibe with them). i guess sometimes less is more or whatever
Pony is wearing @doodlegraveyard's awesome redesign :) pastel cowgirl swag
Ibara's design is by m0chicakes, i still think its amazing
Yui's costume also takes a lot from doodlegraveyard's design, i just decided to try blue as her accessory color to distinguish her color palette from my Momo design
Kinoko's canon costume is just *chefs kiss* so the only thing i changed was the color of her shoes. her sleeves are short here bc i thought it could look cute for a summer version of her costume, the winter version keeps the long fluffy sleeves. her spray guns were pissing me off so i decided not to draw them but trust me they're here in spirit
i might post winter edits for some of these later :)
edit: posted in a reblog!!
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navillee · 2 months
Zayne's subtle sub behavior pt. IV
The voices in my head keep tempting me to address this specific headcanon.
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Zayne has some degree of foot fetish.
It's not his fault though, it all started innocently, back to the summer when you and him were just kids having fun outside. The whole thing started when one of the airplane toys that could glide (very popular among the kids back then) over the park that you, Zayne and Caleb were hanging out together, got tangled in a young tree's branches.
Since none of you were tall enough to reach out for the toy, Caleb gave the idea of you standing on top of Zayne's shoulder to catch back the toy. He didn't get it why he should get involved in the situation since the stuck airplane wasn't his, but Caleb's, however you convinced him to help with the "you're taller than Caleb" point, letting a frowned Caleb behind.
He remembers when you took your snickers of, explaining that keeping them on would ruin his shirt. You stepped on his shoulders as he did grab your legs to keep your equilibrium, when you stretched out on your tips to finally, after being afraid of you falling off, get to catch the toy again.
In the meantime, Caleb decided to be the usual provocative brat as he's always had been. He stole your pair of snickers, running away and teasing you for walking barefoot outise. A couple of minutes running after him, Zayne helped you out.
Before he could give your snickers back, he guided you to sit on the board of the park's fountain. You were confused until the moment he knelt and started brushing off the grass of your toes, grabbing your skin sofly as he putted back your shoes. And it was such a core moment in his life!
The droplets of water from the park's fountain behind you reflecting the light of a summer day and the soft, delicate skin of your feet brushing against his hands. How can it be that pretty and small and cute? Could feet actually catch his attention so much? It never happened before, so why now? He was flabbergasted and confused.
He just felt so right at that position, helping you to put back your shoes, tying up your snickers. He felt happiness seeing you happy with his help, but he brush it off at the time.
Weeks later, Zayne caught himself sketching what remembered from the day at the park. The models of your shoes, the arch beautifully curved of your toe, the airplane toys, and everything else.
He started to pay attention to see what models of shoes you would use. Crossing paths at school hallways or seeing you at weekends, he was always with his eyes lingering on you. Many people praise him at med school for being good with drawing anatomical representations, but the credits should be directed to you since he learned how to do it by his almost weekly sketches of your cute toes.
That memory slowly faded away as the nightmares with dawnbraker started. The distance between you and him grew larger, following different paths in life. However, if you paid enough attention to zayne's med school notes, you would notice some random out of context sketches of you or things related to you that he could remember.
When your paths crossed again, he was on cloud nine. Now he could see with other lenses the meaning behind his demeanor, the same way he felt good tying your snickers when both of you were kids he felt now by pulling you aside on the side walk, kneeling on front of you and fixing your combat boots shoelaces, putting your toes on his laps to tie it properly, brushing of the dust from the fabric of his pants after it, feeling utterly joy by being able to do it now, hoping you would see him as a man, not just only a friend this time.
However, it went on several months and casual dates after to see you in a high heel. Oh, he was going insane with how outwardly gorgeous you are as a woman now. You could step on him, and he would be thanking the gods for that.
You already noticed his eyes towards you. That's why you're went to a date with Zayne using blood red high heels, you wanted to get the truth out of him. You wanted him to say it, to ask for it. To do it.
He looked so pleased by just looking from afar, but you wanted to know what was going through his mind if you gave him the space and safety to do what he wanted to.
That's why you started to tease him. Brushing your heels on the lower part of his fibula. You watched him instantly tense up on the chair, ears going a shade of red just some tones lighter than the heels on your toes.
That day, he invited you to his house, and of course you would accept. You're a greedy woman. You wanted more than just him blushing on the other side of the table.
So you kinda of "oh no, those heels are killing me..." up all the way to his living room, waiting for him to do his part. And of course he did, you didn't even need to wait any second to hear a "does your feet hurt? Can I check it? I may be able to help."
He kneeled in front of you again, grabbed with one hand the back of your ankle, and removed one of the deep red heels off your feet. He wandered two fingers under your sole, from the heel to the toe, drawing the curve of your arch with a slight pressure, landing the base of his other hand on your instep. You hummed, placing the other toe, with the high heels on still on his opposite shoulder. It was natural and got him out of his trance, at least partially.
"May I ask you something, miss?" He asked, watching a smirk appear on your face. "What it is, Zayne?" You asked back, locking eye contact with his darkened hazel eyes. "May I give you a massage? To help you relax your discomfort. Please?" He plead, you could feel his body heat up, his temperature rise on his hands and face. "Is that what you want, Zayne?" You requested, seeking his confirmation. "Always wanted to." He replied almost in a whisper. "Let me be good for you. Please."
As you gave him permission, it was a matter of time until that man and you turned into a total mess. He brought of essential oil, the massage turned into kisses that in which turn, brought up praises and adoration.
At some point, you grabbed Zayne by the hair on his nape, making look at you. "Oh, I didn't know you were such a sucker for feet, Zayne." You teased, pressing your toe on his still covered bulge. "F-for you. Just for you. Please...let me keep adoring you, please miss? I promise I'll always be so so good to you." Zayne's breath was heavy, and his face was red. How could you deny such a request? Even more when his eyes were almost tearing up from pent-up desire.
That day on, Zayne lost his apprehension of sharing about this side of his. Of course, he always asked about your boundaries as you did the same.
Watch how this man went to buy a new dress shirt for him and came back home sending you pictures of a new shoe he bought for you. According to him, "it would look beautiful in you."
The best thing for Zayne on stressful days is just to get on his knees, really. Every time he lay his head on your thighs, receiving your scratches on his scalps and your praise, his brain will totally shut down. Nothing else matters, just his mistress's praise.
Don't need to mention that zayne loves footjob. He got so much pent-up energy and desire that he can get off just by humping you toes. Of course, he's a good boy. He would never get his pleasure before he gave you yours.
He's also likes to grab one of your feet to slightly massage while he's working on his laptop. If you don't wanna him reaching out to grab you, don't sit on the sofa.
Extra tip: Go to a romantic date with Zayne. Tease him under the table with your feet. Watch him guiding your toe to his half-hard cock. Rub it there, watching him trying not to break.
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f6bron · 4 months
delicate who?
pairing : badboy!iso x soft!gn!reader
notes : established relationship (this is after they started dating), bad boy x sunshine trope, fluff fluff fluff >.<
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Iso arrived at the front of your house, being extra mindful not to rev his bike too much. The last thing he needed was for your parents to come out and give him grief. Not that he minded particularly, but he had to be on his best behaviour in front of his future in-laws. 
After all, he wanted to make a good impression. 
He put up his helmet visor, still sitting on his bike, and texted you.
Yuyu 🐼 : I'm waiting outside, sweetheart.
Five minutes later...
Yuyu 🐼 : Babe?
Y/N: I'm still choosing which shoes to wear!!!
Iso chuckled to himself, shaking his head. What would you do without him, huh? 
Without a second thought, he removed his helmet, setting it down carefully on the seat. He then walked up to your front porch, the wooden steps creaking slightly under his heavy combat boots. Just as he was about to knock on the door, it swung open, revealing the ever-adorable you, perched in front of him with an excited grin.
“Yuyu!” you squealed, throwing your arms around him in a tight hug. The faint smell of cigarette smoke still clung to his leather jacket, mixing with the scent of your floral perfume. It was a comforting and familiar combination.
You stepped back, biting your lip as you gestured to your feet. “I don’t know what shoes to wear…”
“And that’s why I’m here to save the day, baby,” Iso said, giving your cheek a light pinch, causing you to let out a tiny squeak.
He stepped into the hallway, his eyes scanning through the assortment of shoes lined up by the door. After a moment of consideration, he picked out a pair of white sneakers. “These suit your outfit best. Plus, we don’t want your feet to hurt tonight, do we?” He knelt in front of you, gently guiding your foot into the shoe.
You shook your head, watching as he tied the laces with practised ease. You giggled softly when he gently patted your thighs. “Alright, let’s get going.”
“Did you bring my helmet?” you asked, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“Of course, the one with cat ears on em’,” he replied with a smile, retrieving the helmet from his bike.
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Arrived at the club
Iso's palm, which was resting on the small of your back, moved to grip your waist instinctively as you both entered the crowded and noisy venue. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, perfume, and alcohol. The music pulsed through the room, a steady thump-thump-thump that you could feel in your bones. Iso led you further into the club, your eyes darting around as you tried to spot familiar faces. Knowing it was your first time at a club, he wanted to ensure you were comfortable and happy. But as he leaned in to take a closer look at your face, he realised he might not need to worry so much.
You looked up at him, eyes wide and doe-like. “What?”
“Nothing,” Iso said, trying to hold in his chuckle. “You look beautiful tonight. Beautiful as ever.”
You blushed, a rosy hue spreading across your cheeks, which earned a soft smile from him. Then, you heard a familiar voice.
“It’s about time!”
Iso perked up, recognizing the happy voice of Gekko, who was walking towards you both.
“Gekko!” you squealed, quickly moving to hug the taller guy. The embrace was warm and filled with the excitement of friends reuniting.
“Hey, sweets! Looking pretty as always,” Gekko said, dismissing Iso’s playful touch on your hair. “Everyone’s been waiting for y’all. Come on.”
Iso nodded, placing his hand back on the small of your back as Gekko led you to the rest of your friends. The crowd parted slightly, giving way to your group of friends huddled around a tall table.
“You hungry?” Iso asked, his voice barely audible over the din of the club.
You shook your head, fiddling with your purse. “I’m thirsty, though…”
Iso let out a tiny chuckle. “The party hasn’t even started, and you’re already thirsty?”
“I-It’s hot in here! You can’t blame me…” You stomped your foot lightly, pouting up at him. Your actions made Iso chuckle, his chest vibrating with the sound.
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Iso left you with his friends whilst he went to order your drinks. He navigated the crowded bar with ease, returning a few minutes later with drinks in both hands. He saw your eyes light up at the sight of your favourite drink in his hand. The strawberry milkshake was topped with whipped cream and a cherry, just the way you liked it. 
You settled comfortably on Iso’s lap, your soft hands playing with his hair, while he caught up with his group of friends around the table. They talked and laughed over beers, the camaraderie evident in their easy banter.
One of his friends voiced out, “You won big, Iso.” discreetly mentioning you.
“Yeah, didn’t expect you to soften up like this because you know… you’ve always been, rough.”
“Heh, wouldn’t be surprised if this dude ends up with flowers around him.”
Iso rolled his eyes, tightening his arms around you, seemingly annoyed with his friends’ remarks as they bursted into laughter. 
“Shut the fuck up…”
Suddenly, you started squirming on his lap, discomfort etched on your face. The loud noise and the overwhelming crowd were starting to get to you. Iso noticed immediately, his protective instincts kicking in.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Iso asked, his voice gentle and concerned, leaning in closer to hear you over the din of the club.
“S’ loud… hurting my ears…” you mumbled, leaning into him for solace.
Iso knew he couldn’t let you stay uncomfortable any longer. He leaned back, his hand coming up to fix the hair that had fallen over your face. Iso knew he shouldn’t have brought you here; you’ve always hated loud noises and big crowds. But, sighing, he realised you were too stubborn, and Iso just couldn’t say no when it came to you. 
Whatever his sweetheart wanted, he made sure to provide.
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“Can I go, pleaseeeeeee can I can I?” you had pleaded, 
“Y/N, for the last time—” Iso had started, frustration evident in his voice. But then you looked up at him with those wide, pleading doe eyes, and his resolve crumbled.
“Alright, alright. But, you gotta stay with me at all times, okay?” he had relented, his voice softening as you cupped his face, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
“Thanks, Yuyu ~!”
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“Wanna get out of here?” he asked, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your back.
You shook your head in response, tightening your arms around his waist. “I wanna be with you…”
“Hey, hey, shh… I’ll always be with you, okay? Whatever you want, baby,” he reassured you, his lips brushing against your temple.
You didn’t respond, instead tightening your embrace, your face buried in his chest.
“Alright, how about we leave this party and go home? We can cuddle, watch your favourite movies, or… whatever you want. I’ll stay over at your house tonight.” He murmured into your ear, his calloused hands rubbing your back for comfort.
Your face lit up. “Really? Don’t you have work tomorrow—”
“It’s no big deal, yeah? Don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” he assured you, his smile warm and genuine.
Iso knew he'd get an earful from his boss for coming in late tomorrow, but it is not as bad compared to the thought of leaving you at home with tearful eyes while hugging his leg, pleading him to stay,
Trust me, this is not the first time. He could handle it.
Iso nodded as an assurance, which earned small kisses all over his face from you. He chuckled, relieved that he could put a smile on your face. When both of you left, his friends couldn’t believe their eyes.
“Told you, man, he’s whipped as hell. That dude is far gone!” one of them remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.
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While waiting for Iso to put on your helmet outside, you asked, “Yuyu?”
“Yeah?” he responded, looking at you with those soft eyes that made your heart flutter.
“Can we get, um… ice cream on the way back?” you asked, your voice hopeful and sweet.
“Of course, I’ll take you to your favourite place. How about that?” he replied, a smile spreading across his face.
You nodded excitedly, your eyes sparkling as he securely fastened the helmet on your head.
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(A/N): badboy!iso is my muse and i will die on this hill...
delicate lilac. | masterlist.
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And all the pieces fall, right into place // Part Three
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Just had to write more imideately - these two just had to get closer. But it seems like Feyd in this story has a somewhat soft side to him. Lets see how long it will stay this way
All feedback is welcome <3
English is not my first language 
Part One // Part Two
Na Baron Feyd Rautha x Atreides!Reader
1.626 words
Na Baron Feyd Rautha awoke to an unusual, high-pitched sound in his room. It was like the clinking of glass, but lacked its acrid edge. All his senses went on high alert as he opened his eyes wide and, as inconspicuously as possible, reached for the blade at his right. His fingers curled around the hilt, ready to neutralise the source of the noise. It was only a moment later that he realised the sound was coming from a bird on the windowsill. The bird, completely unfazed by the weapon, continued to trill, looking back at the Baron undaunted and curious. Its feathers glistened in the first rays of the sun. When Feyd Rautha took a step towards him, the bird thought better of it and vanished with a flap of its wings, leaving only a long blue feather as proof that it had ever been there. The Baron looked out of the window, where a tranquil sea of grass stretches beyond the walls of Arteries castle. Everything on Kaladan seemed deeper: Colours were more vivid and blended. His guest rooms were lined with soft fabrics, the carpet beneath his feet plush. The abstract notion of the differences between Kaladan and Giedi Prime was evident in every aspect. With a soft knock, the door to his room was flung open. The servant was confronted with an unusual sight. The Baron was completely naked, his muscles covered by marble-coloured skin, his broad shoulders kissed by the sun, his blade in his hand. 
"Please forgive the intrusion, Venerable Na Baron," the servant bowed deeply. "Lady Atreides requests your presence. She expects you at the west gate in 15 minutes." 
"Lady Jessica?" 
"No, my apologies, Na Baron, I meant the Princess, of course. Do you have appropriate attire for a climb?“
The morning wind settled, carrying away the remnants of the clouds. Standing before the gate in your usual gear, you felt safer than the previous night. The sensation of his unexpectedly soft lips on yours, his desire for you, left you not indifferent. Yet many questions pressed on you, for much seemed to deviate from the original plan. For now, you shook off the worries. If your soon-to-be husband was on your home planet, then he should see something of it. His figure emerged from an exit and moved towards you. His body was clad in a uniform you recognized as for combat training, complete with a leather vest and knee pads, a belt from which you spotted two blades. His heavy The morning breeze died down, carrying away the remnants of the clouds. Standing in front of the gate in your usual clothes, you felt safer than the night before. The feeling of his unexpectedly soft lips on yours, his desire for you, did not leave you unaffected. Still, many questions plagued you, for much seemed to have changed from the original plan. For the moment, you shook off your worries. If your future husband was on your home planet, he should see something of it. His figure emerged from an exit and moved towards you. His body was clad in a uniform you recognised as combat training, complete with leather vest and knee pads, a belt from which you could see two blades. His heavy boots had been replaced by lighter shoes. Approvingly, you nod. 
"Good morning, Na Baron, I'm glad you could join me," you said, handing him a dark brown rucksack. 
"I could hardly resist an invitation," he said with unmistakable sarcasm. 
You contemplated replying, but decided against it. 
"Then we should get going, we have a long way to go," and with these words you set off. The walk began in silence, you noticed Feyd Rautha struggling between irritation and astonishment. A man like him wasn't used to being ordered around, and on Giedi Prime you couldn't afford such liberties. But you had the home field advantage, and you intended to use it. His voice, a little hoarse, broke the silence. "Is it always so... intense here?" 
"Intense? What do you mean, my lord?" The word rolled off your tongue, and you noticed he was eager to hear it again.
"The colours, the sounds..." 
"No, in winter it's much quieter, the snow lies like a blanket over everything and muffles all sounds. It's all white as far as the eye can see. Do you have snow on Giedi Prime?" 
"No, our planet is different. It's much less forgiving," he says, his eyes wandering between you and the surroundings. By now you had reached your destination: a rock face full of roots and small plants, with veins of chalk. 
"I think you'll find that Kaladan has its rough edges, too," you said, unable to resist teasing him. "I hope you're as well trained as you look." 
You hear only a snort of irritation behind you as you begin the climb. Your fingers find the usual notches in the stone and you pull yourself up quickly. Feyd Rautha's gaze burns into the back of your neck, and when you turn around, you meet his ice-blue eyes. He seems to take the challenge very seriously, and after his gaze sweeps over your body once more, he makes a surprising leap to the side, overtaking you in a matter of moves. His form seems to merge like water with each challenge of the mountain, each movement calculated and seemingly effortless. By the time you reach the top, he's already standing on the cliff, looking down at you with a hint of mockery in his eyes. 
"So you like to keep your guests waiting, Princess. It's not very polite of you."
With a frustrated sigh, you pull yourself over the edge and he makes no move to offer his hand. You walk a few metres ahead and gesture for him to sit next to you. From your rucksack you pull out a blanket and several tins of food. He reaches into his backpack and finds food and drink as well. Again you sit in silence, trying to take in the view. Soon the view would give way to a monochrome, desolate landscape under a black sun. Under the blue sky, waves of pale green grass were interspersed with purple and gold flowers. Small streams meandered here and there, reflecting the image of the sky. Their babbling mixed with the rustling of the treetops as they swayed in the wind. He followed your gaze, and you could almost hear the individual mental gears in his brain. Silently, you pour wine for both of you and toast him. 
"To new adventures, Na Baron." He returned the gesture and drained the glass in one gulp. 
"Why did you bring me here?" 
"This is my home. Think of it as a kind of revelation from me: When you see this, you see a part of my soul. Soon I will follow them to Giedi Prime and the sight of them there will tell me something about them".
He seems to savour the answer on his tongue.
"I see before me something barely tamed."
You try to answer, but get lost in his eyes. A ray of sunlight lands on his cheek and before you can think, you reach out. His skin is soft, warmed by the sun, and as your fingers slide over it, he catches your wrist and brings it to his lips. Your tongue moves over the skin, picking up a light film of salt that has formed from the previous exertion. Your arm relaxes and it's the moment of weakness he's been waiting for. With a movement, it is on top of you, pressing down on your back and the grass-covered ground beneath you, your hair loosening from its braid and spreading across the blanket. The same wild expression as last night flits across his face.
"A princess alone with a monster in a remote place, how foolish, how reckless," he breathes as he spreads kisses down your neck. You turn your head slightly to the side, giving him more surface to work with, your arms held above your head in his hand.
The kisses turn to a bite, so sharp it makes you cry out. He licks over the small wound and the red smears around his lips. His other hand slides over your chest, dressed in tight hiking clothes that offer much more than the flowing evening gown of last night.
You squirm and try to free your hands, but to no avail. However, he seems to enjoy your efforts as he undoes the fastening of your jacket. Your nipples immediately become hard and as he sucks on one breast, your body bends towards him. He finally lets go of your hands, but only to hold your neck as he turns his attention to the second breast. A wave of desire sweeps over you, your nails running down his neck and finding their way under your shirt. You claw at him and he lets out a hiss. He doesn't let go of your breasts, alternately biting and sucking them until you're wriggling your hips underneath him, unable to resist a climax. As if possessed, you call out a name and he looks up at you, greed and lust clearly written on his face.
"You wish to wait, Princess, your wish is my command. One word from you and this peak will be only one of many".
Your tongue disobeys, your thoughts refuse to form. You feel a few drops of moisture slide down your inner thigh under your clothes. The desire for him and the shame of your weakness mix.
When you don't answer, he gets off you and lies down on his back next to you, looking up at the sky. 
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
How do you think ASGZ and the Turks+ Rufus would dress if they were ordinary people living in the real world? (My personal guilty pleasure head cannon is Sephiroth loving leather jackets and V-necks… imagine him in all black, leather jacket, dog tag, some bracelets, black jeans and combat boots… ahem sorry it’s late at night and my thoughts are going weird places)
Sephiroth's go-to outfit: All-black and minimalist is his go-to style, so he does like leather jackets, long coats, and black pants. He wears v-necks sometimes, but prefers button-ups so he can alter how constrictive his shirt is (not the case when he's at home because this man lives for comfortable clothes).
Angeal: I told you this event required you to wear a shirt.
Sephiroth, wearing a button-up that's only fastened at the bottom last button, leaving his whole chest exposed: What's wrong with my shirt?
Genesis' go-to outfit: Red leather jacket (he has so many of them), a button up/turtle kneck, and knee-high boots. All designer. He accessorizes with jewelry (all gold) such as necklaces, bangles and tons of rings.
Angeal's go-to outfit: sleeveless tee, jeans, boots, and a flannel he either commits to wearing or ties around his waist. All thrifted. Bonus points if the top is DIY'd or tie dye. He's a compulsive tie dyer.
*Zack leaves one of his white shirts out and walks away*
Angeal: Hm.
*Zack comes back and his shirt is tie dye*
Zack, alarmed: MAGIC
Zack's go-to outfit: A fitted tee, baggy pants, fingerless gloves and combat boots. He wears his dog tag as an accessory and hates jackets unless he can roll the sleeves really high.
Zack: I'm ready to go!
Angeal: You cannot wear that shirt out. Go change.
Zack, wearing a shirt that reads "DYSLEXIC WITH TICE NITS": Man, why you gotta be so judgemental?
Sephiroth, still wearing his chest out: Genesis claims he is allergic to good taste.
Angeal: I'm leaving you two at home.
Rufus' go-to outfit: It's a designer suit or nothing; preferably white and pristine, preferably custom-made. He's also likes to wear a kimono and hakama sometimes.
Reno's go-to outfit: A leather jacket, gloves, a button up that's either red or white, gold chain, and jeans, and combat boots.
Rude's go-to outfit: A leather jacket (him and Reno are matching), gloves, wearing all black, usually a button up since he's not a fan of t-shirts, and dress shoes. He likes to accessorize with chains.
Tseng's go-to outfit: No one has ever seen Tseng wear anything other than a suit. Work? suit. Party? suit. Beach? suit. Reno nearly died on the spot the day he and Rude ran into Tseng at the local coffee shop and he was wearing a t-shirt beneath his blazer, no tie, and a silver chain.
Reno: WHO ARE YOU? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH TSENG? Tseng: Why are you and rude wearing matching couple's t-shirts?
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some-insomniac-writes · 24 hours
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♡ Puppy-lovin' ♡
A/N: Oh my goodness this took me FAR TOO LONG!!!! Commission of headcanons for my lovely sunshine anon, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE MY DARLING!!!
Even more headcanons of puppy hybrid and Leon shenanigans!!!
Warnings/content: 2nd person (you/yours), fem pup hybrid reader, grumpy ol' man Vendetta Leon, Leon is referred to as daddy! lots and lots and LOTS of fluff!!! Headcanons!!!
Word count: 3,250 approx.
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What is his biggest pet peeve that she does? (Ik he's obsessed with her HAHA but he  i s  still a grump at times, after all)
TEETHING. That sweet fluffy baby chews on ANYTHING she can get her little canines on. Food and water bowls, toys, chair legs, trashcans, clothes, towels, shoes. Leon has to sit you down and explain that yes you do have very pretty chompers and yes the hybrid vet said they were very healthy and you were a good girl for brushing them on your own but that doesn��t mean you have to PROVE A POINT WITH SAID TEETH!!!! SAVE IT FOR THE SQUEAKY TOYS!!!!! HIS COMBAT BOOTS DID NOT DESERVE THAT GNAWING!!!!!!
I also feel like her whimpering might sometimes get to him?? Depending on his mood. Like making dinner? Whimper. He’s in the bathroom? Whimper. Reading files? Whimper. Tv without her? Whimper. Broken record. His puppy just wants to be around him any time she can because that’s her daddy obviously, and he loves her to bits, but sometimes the man just wants to take a piss alone! We’re talking he gets a few fingers gently bapping at the gap between the floor and the door out of curiosity with mixed whines, or sometimes he has to keep it open a crack so you can hold his hand as he goes. You’re so damn lucky he loves you and that thumping tail of yours.
“Listen, listen, a man has the right to pee in peace. My puppy says otherwise, okay?” -Likely said by Leon as he’s laughing to one of his coworkers about your behaviour. 
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What's something that'll make him go "Who did this, hm?" And she's like- anxiously wags,,,, like when dogs know they're guilty n stuff 😭
ONCE MORE THE CHEWING!!!! I also feel like she can’t be trusted with porcelain or glass for obvious reasons (cough cough Picture Perfect fic cough) so if he does let her eat with him at a table or anything it’s gotta be plastic. One time she’s wanting to be helpful and get him a glass of water as they’re winding down for the night, he came home from a long tedious day of work, and on her way to the faucet she’s still so excited about him being back that she completely forgets she is in fact holding a glass. When it hits the floorboards it’s instant chaos, babygirl’s sitting there staring at the shards like ‘uh oh uh oh uhohuhoh-’ and not knowing what else to do she puts a pillow over it. Because yeah honey, he’s totally gonna think that's perfectly normal.
So obviously when Leon finds it, seeing the pieces collected in a neat little pile under a cushion, he’s giving a call. 
“Sunshine. C’mere a second, baby.”
And you toddle your way in with that tail slightly tucked, not making eye contact. Oh he already knows what’s going on, you’ve never been very good at lying.
“Y’know, it’s funny sweetheart. I come home from a long day of work, have an amazing dinner with my favourite girl in the world, take a nice hot shower and start getting ready for bed. But right as I’m turning the lights off, I find this.” He gestures rather pointedly to the cushion atop the glass shards. 
“And I’m thinkin’, hm, that’s odd. So I pick it up, and look at what’s hiding under it.” Picking it up by a corner of the casing, he makes sure to add an over dramatic gasp. “Broken glass! Isn’t that the strangest thing, puppy? I mean, what are the odds?” His broad shoulders shrug as if he himself can’t believe this ‘totally random’ sequence of events leading to a pile of glass ‘randomly’ appearing under a pillow. “You wouldn’t happen to know who did this, now would you honey?”
You’ve got your cute butt planted on the floor by now, looking up at him rather pitifully. Staring from beneath your lashes, tail slowly wagging back and forth across the hardwood, ears pressed back. 
When you do finally speak, it’s a mumble of “I was getting you water n’ I forgot…”
He cocks an eyebrow at you. “You.. forgot? You forgot what, sweetpea?”
“...Forgot I was holding the glass..”
Oh his heart just melts. You’re an angel, a bit of a dummy at times, but such an angel. Leon can only shake his head with a chuckle, placing a kiss to the crown of your head. “My sweet, silly girl. Let’s get this cleaned up then, alright?”
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Do you think Leon will have his days where he needs space from her from a difficult mission/assignment?
It’s a 50/50 depending on how hard the mission was. If we’re talking like freshly Vendetta Leon then definitely. He’s just so mentally drained, sometimes he just needs to have a minute to fall face first into bed, lay there for a couple of hours. He’ll leave to go to the bathroom and hear your paws padding after him but he just doesn’t have the energy to do anything more then pet you as he goes to grab another drink from the fridge. Sometimes alcohol, sometimes soda. It depends on how shitty he’s feeling, how much he wants to torture himself.
Sometimes you sit at the door with a meek whimper and swishing tail, at first confused as to why he’s so down. Pawing at the wood grain like the poor dumb girl you are, missing your favourite person and just wanting to be there with him. From time to time you crawl up into bed next to him, slipping under his arm to lay your face in the crook of his bicep, often to receive a gentle pet. “I just need a second, puppy. You’re my good girl, though.”
A few times you’ve asked him why he gets like that, why he seems to sink back into himself, and he just sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. “Y’know how you get upset after the vet, cause they prod at your teeth with the nasty tasting gloves and you have to get your shots?”
“Uh huh.”
“Well sometimes Daddy gets like that after a really really hard day at work.”
“..If I put a Hello Kitty bandaid on it and..” You scrunch your little nose in thought, “..buy you a stuffie for being brave will you feel better?”
And he just chuckles fondly, giving your hair a gentle ruffle. God, you’re too sweet. “Maybe baby, maybe.”
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Do you think he'll get better with the drinking with her around, or do you think he still drinks? I imagine that she's not a fan, if he still does!
He definitely tries his best to at least cut down on the drinking, but I doubt he’s entirely sober since - well, it’s Leon - but he really doesn’t feel the need to sometimes. Usually when something shitty goes down he instantly goes for the bottle, but now? Now it takes a lot more to drive him into that spiral. 
Most of the time when his depression hits it’s like you sense it, call it that puppy instinct, and you’re toddling your way over to lay your head on his knee and whimper. He tries not to get too drunk, he knows you hate it. How he sways and scruffs at your hair sometimes a little too hard. But he’s trying. Tries to substitute the shitty burning taste of whiskey with spicy foods as an alternative, or punish himself through tonic water only to look like an angry cat once the glass is finished. Anything other than alcohol if he can stomach it.
Because he doesn’t want you to remember him as someone who drank all the time, he wants you to remember how on the bad days he opened his arms to you and let you lay atop his chest as his own personal weighted blanket. How despite how he used to snap and draw away from everyone, how he’d shoot whiskey like it was water, you coming into his life made it all feel so much easier.
He wants you to remember that you made it easier. You made it better.
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When she gets in trouble, what is it for? And is there any form of "punishment" or "grounding"? 
Timeout is HUGE, I don’t think he’d have the heart to actually ground her. One bat of those big babydoll eyes and he has to remind himself NOT to cave. The only thing he can’t do is take her toys away, that would eat the big guy up inside AND out, he knows how much you adore your stuffies and squeakies. 
Usually it’s just lockup time in her pen to sit and think about what she did, doing his best to ignore the pitiful sound of your whines of guilt. He knows you hate timeout, but he doesn’t really know how else to punish you! That or taking away your weekly movie night until you behave, which means no 2 or so hours of uninterrupted cuddle time on daddy’s lap, which is worse than a jail sentence in your opinion. 
The cone of shame has yet to be used, same for muzzles. You’ve cut it pretty close a few times with any of the ladies who stick around and talk to him too long though! He had no clue his sweet sunshine baby had a knack for nipping at ankles.
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Does she beg for food, and if so, how does Leon go about dealing with it?
BIG puppy dog eyes at the table, sitting at his feet. Sometimes he caves, because duh, you’re his baby. But Chris keeps saying he needs to be more stern so he tries and tries and TRIES. But you have those HUGE glossy blinkers on blinky mode up at him, and your tail is swish swish swishing happily against the wooden grain and you just look so ready to get a little bite of whatever he’s got and who is he to deny you? You who wakes him up with kisses and cuddles, who trots along behind him everywhere he goes. You sit at the window and wait for him to get home from work for god’s sake, surely a little piece of food is nothing, right?
He’ll do it cause he loves you, other times cause he wants to see how you’ll react. One time you gave him the puppy stare for a lick of the hot sauce he got to go with his wings, which was a moment of instant regret on your end. Leon had to bite back the biggest smile with an “Is it good, baby?” Watching you smack your lips and tongue with a scrunched up face and furrowed eyebrows. Shaking your head around and yapping as if the taste was a personal attack on you.
Sometimes you even get fancy with it, padding from leg to leg at his feet, doing little spins out of excitement for whatever tasty morsel he’s about to drop into your mouth. I mean c’mon, how is he supposed to resist it?
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How does he interact with her in his depressive states, and how does she comfort him?
You 100% believe he needs a stuffie. So you’re dropping your toys in his lap with big wet eyes and a slow swaying tail. It has to make him feel better, right?
Leon has two main moods when he’s in his depressions. ‘I’ve ruined everything, no one come near me.’ And ‘I’ve ruined everything, please don’t leave me alone.’ Swinging between these moods like an unstable seesaw, but he just can’t bring himself to pull you down with it. Who is he to look you in the eye and tell you to go away, when all you want to do is help? You’re not a bad girl, not a bad dog, so why should he lecture you on behaviour that comes as natural to you as breathing? Your kindness and need to ensure he’s as happy as you are, it’s practically built into your little puppy brain. Because he’s your daddy, and you love him. 
So he tries his hardest. He lays on the couch for his usual hour of slumping but keeps an eye out for a swishing tail, an ear out for any little whimpers. You’re climbing into his lap, crawling all over him to put your weight on him, cuddling up like a plush toy. 
And he wraps his arms around you silently, letting you be his anchor.
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When she asks to come with him to work, how does he respond? (Bc obvi she can't come fight bioweapons with him,,)
Sometimes he’ll take her when he has desk duty and Hunnigan just MELTS she LOVES your sweet little tailed self. But other times either he has to call Becca and Claire over to babysit you, cause there’s no way that he can leave his poor sweet girl at home alone! And you whimper and whine the whole time but it’s either that or coax you to go to the DSO before Claire comes to pick you up after the work day is finished.
Like how is he supposed to look at you and go ‘no baby you can’t go with daddy to work because daddy shoots bugs and-’ 
“I know puppy, I know. But daddy’s going in a biiiiiiig metal bird, and I know you love to chase birds so I can’t take you with me. Cause what if you bite the bird too hard, huh? Then daddy can’t buy you new toys! Can’t have that happening, sunshine. So, how about this. You can sit at daddy’s desk next to miss Hunnigan and when I talk to her over the little ear phone she can pass it over to you and you can have a chat with me. Is that okay? Yeah?”
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How does he react when she catches things for him, like bugs or something? (he def didn't ask her to LOL) I feel like she'd be eyeing a moth or something and be like omg a present for daddy :33 (she has good intentions fs)
That man honestly gets a leaf bug or moth at his feet once a month. A little half chewed, he saw you spitting out tufts of wing a few minutes ago so he can guess that’s why. You’ve always been a jumper, pouncing and bouncing around the yard or when he takes you for walks. So it’s no wonder you started up this habit.
“Yes- yes baby, I know you got it just for me and- mhm. Mhm I do love it honey but I just think- And I’m so proud of you for hunting it all on your own but sweetpea how about instead you bring me.. I don’t know, fuck- wait don’t say that word. Hm. I don’t know leaves you find interesting.”
Stupid man. Dumb dumb idiot man. Next thing he knows there’s a small collection of leaves lined up at the back door. He’s gotta figure out an alternative and fast, boy. 
Has he ever had to bandage her up bc she did something dumb that he warned her not to do? 😭
That girl’s mortal enemy is anything that like, rears up at her. Praying Manti, spiders, grasshoppers, wasps and bees. If it moves, and it moves in a way that she perceives as a threat, it will be bapped with her hand.
“Hey- hey woah woah woah woah woah- easy there, tiger.” He’s scooping you up off the grass as you’re growling and yapping at whatever insect has made the mistake of buzzing too close to his sweet girl. “That’s a praying mantis, baby. If one of those big claws gets you, it’s gonna scare the sh- ahem, it’s probably gonna spook you.”
Five minutes later when he sets you back down he hears a startled yelp followed by you scampering around the backyard waving your face back and forth. Yeah he should’ve expected that. Watching as you finally flick the bug away with a huff of disapproval, which is followed by a very overdramatic whimper in Leon’s direction. Obviously need of love and affection after such a traumatic experience. Nothing a bit of antiseptic and plenty of well placed kisses won’t fix.
SO many scrapes. Bee stings, ant bites, mosquito bites, scratches and bruises from bouncing around the yard and house. He had to buy the Sanrio bandaids to patch you up or you refused to sit still. Thankfully your new favourite thing is barking at the other hybrids on the tv, an activity that WON’T result in several bruises. Maybe an earache or two, perhaps a sore throat, but hey, that’s better than box up on box of bandaids. 
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When he wants her inside, and she does that one excited play pose (you know the one HAHA), does he entertain it, or does he know better to just go inside because she'll follow? LMAO
You’re padding your way around through the grass of the backyard, tail high and wagging proudly. You’d been very successful in your burying of a bone, planting your own little territory outside the house, and because of that success a buzz ran through your body. Being the jitterbug you were with a case of the zoomies coming on, you gave your ears a shake out when Leon’s whistle was heard.
“Puppy? C’mon, babygirl. It’s getting dark.”
But you were just getting started! Maybe you could convince him, after all if puppies had to listen to their daddies, surely daddies had to listen to their puppies right? That’s, like, the law. And you still have so much energy!
So, ever the bouncy pup you are, you crouch down into ‘the pose’. Everyone knows which one. The one you pull when you’re telling another hybrid you wanna play, the half bow with you eyes locked on him and a fast wagging tail.
“Baby- no. Oh, don’t give me that face..” Leon runs a hand over his face with a long sigh, biting back a smile with all the teeth he can manage.  
But you’re giggling with that big grin on your face, hands braced like paws against the grass and ears perked up expectantly.
“Honey..no. Now-
As soon as he takes a step towards you, no matter how small it is, you’re jumping in a little circle with happy yaps. Next thing he knows you’ve got the zoomies, and you’re bounding your way through the freshly-clipped lawn. All he can really do is lean against the outside wall and wait for you to run out of energy, arms crossed with a grin on his face. IIt doesn’t last too long thankfully, a few bounces, a couple of spins and you’re trotting over to him panting. He watched the whole thing, your tail wagging a gazillion miles an hour each time you hopped, skipped, and jumped. You always found endless ways to entertain yourself outside, Leon really didn’t know how you did it. 
 And yeah, it was getting dark out, but it was only a few minutes more of watching his sweet girl bound around happily, he’d only really try to rouse on you if it was for your safety. But right now? As your big eyes watch fireflies fill the backyard’s air, pawing weakly up at them between giggles, he knows it’s worth it. 
₊˚⊹ 𐂯
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vampiretendencies · 2 years
went out searching for an angel, then you came to me my darling ✩
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request; hi love!! i had an idea of what jj would be like on a first date with his crush of all time!! maybe he’s been chasing her for ages and now the day is finally here where he gets to take her out! maybe he picked up extra shifts in preparation so he can pay for dinner and he’s all shy and nervous because he doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and even bought a new shirt so he looks all pretty for her? i love your fics so much, i hope you like this idea, can’t wait to see what you do with it pairing; jj maybank x fem!reader (reader is kind of a badass) warnings; fluff, i decided to set this while they are in high school still cause it just seemed right, BUT they are seniors here, making them 18. my characters are always aged up, keep that in mind. mentions of jj’s dad, luke, bullying, suggestive. proofread, but may find mistakes authors note; i knew the second i got this request i had to do it immediately. this is so cute, thank you for requesting.
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JJ has devoted his time to leaving love letters in your locker.
Sliding the thin colored paper into the slit with definition. No, they weren't your typical secret admirer notes, JJ made it clearly evident that it was him. Always adamant in writing 'from JJ' in big capital letters, maybe even a small heart by it. Though, he just recently begun to add the heart, debating as to whether or not it was too much. Doesn't matter if it's lunch or a five-minute locker break, he's leaving a damn note in your locker, usually at the end of the day papers are flying to the mucky tiled school floors after opening the pliable metal door to the locker. And still you collect them all from the hopelessly swooning boy.
Some were insanely dumb, catching glance of one that said something along this lines of, 'my lips wanna' touch yours so bad, let's make it happen?'.
One may say that this is quite desperate of JJ.
But, this is the sight he's been fervent for, for years.
He’s sure his fascination started mid freshmen year. He remembers it like yesterday, vividly. There was a group of much older bullies encircling him in the school courtyard. Taunting him for his appearance, as if he were a freak show. His dad had gotten fired from yet another job, failing drug tests, never sober. JJ was sure Luke didn’t even know that the school year had begun. His shoes that year were so busted up, holes in the heal with the soles nearly falling apart; the same shoes he'd worn the past few years. Today, that is why he wears the irreplaceable combat boot, takes a lot to damage a thick black combat boot. His clothes that year, he'd outgrown them in more ways than one making them not up to par with the apparent bullies' standards. Scarring him to the point of no return, especially since you were there. You happened to be the reason he was fleeing that situation, not that JJ couldn't fight his own battles or that he was frightened. But it was that you noticed him. And, that you noticed him enough to not just walk by and act like you didn't see it happening. Oh, and it was that you ran the ignorant bullies away with a pocketknife you had tucked into your ankle length socks. Now that was what truly had JJ alarmed that day, a dainty, captivating girl waving a sharp knife around and looking mighty seductive doing so. What's not to like? You yanked him by the arm that day, and he's felt that pull since.
"Never tell anyone you saw that shit," you'd been referring to the knife and all JJ did was keep his mouth agape, astounded by the clutch your power had on him. He didn't, no one knows about that day except you, him, and the threatened classmates that did the bullying. Not even the Pogues knew.
He's been hooked since then, fastidious at best— enthralled that you existed at the same time as him. And he wasn't going to just not do anything about it.
Being a pest is what you'd known him best for. Proving your point as he'd leaned strikingly so on the lockers next to yours, blue irises tracing the outline of your figure. He can't fathom that you'd get more enchanting with every glance he steals.
The school day is ending, and rewiring of brains are beginning for the weekend. Hundreds of worn out bodies flood through the school doors, and you are trying to be one of them but someone’s mouth keeps moving.
JJ clears his throat before he speaks, about to aim toward the question he’s asked multiple times over the span of three years and each time it’s just as nerve wracking.
“Hi, pretty girl,” his voice chirped, cheery in a way. You became fond of the plentiful pet name, and it drew your attention as it always did.
You haven’t made it obvious to JJ as why you’ve been turning him down repeatedly, constantly sending him off with his head hanging low in defeat. It was ego shattering, he’d admit, it wasn’t something detrimental though. He was committed to persuading you into giving him a chance. Just one, and even if you absolutely despised him after, at least he’d be able to say he got to go on a date with an everlasting presence such as yours.
Your permanent ‘no’s’ have been due to you desiring to keep your independence. Especially with this being senior year, and it coming to a close soon. It’s a known fact that typically everyone goes their separate ways after high school, so where would going on a date fit in that picture? A relationship to you had always been viewed as a parasite interaction, was it actually real? Leading the poor boy on just wasn’t something you could fathom doing— sure, he was more than easy on the eyes, with his sun kissed blonde tresses and his fully plastered tempting smirk … and, that’s not the point … the point is you couldn’t give pieces of yourself away for it to be of no meaning in a month when this is all over.
It would’ve been demeaning.
Astronomically stupid.
His jawline.
Each time he tried the more you fought it, though the way he appears today is just of sheer attraction.
Christ, he's fucking hot.
Thank fuck he's not an inch closer or you swore you might've jumped his bones. You couldn't have given him the satisfaction of knowing that.
"Hi JJ."
The way his name leaves off of your tongue he wishes it were possible to frame a voice, engrave it, keep it forever. Yesterday he was almost on the verge of stealing your strawberry flavored chapstick, thinking that if he would've put it on his lips that you would've 'kissed' him. Yeah, he's got it real bad.
"I like those pants, really accentuates what you've got goin' on back there," JJ didn't intend on saying that. He's letting his mouth overload his ass, earning a sheepish gaze from you whilst you dump this week's JJ themed notes into the front compartment of your book bag. Holding contact with your eyes, still makes him feel like today might be the day.
"You like my ass Maybank, should've just said that."
Your voice is monotone, slamming the locker and throwing the bag over your shoulder. You lean mirroring him, engaging in the conversation as of now. Knowing what he's going to ask, as this is an everyday thing. Perhaps, going as friends would be something of consideration, just try it out.
What’s the worst?
Having a extremely stunning boy as a friend?
Just say yes, don’t think twice. Hate yourself for it later— your thoughts consumed you.
He blows air into his cheeks, anxiousness has overcome him tenfold. Hand raking over the tufts of hair at the back his neck, displaying it in obviousness. “Yes I do like your ass, and I have liked that same ass for three years.”
You urge a slight giggle, and he thinks he’s going to melt into nothing on the spot.
“Do something about it then.”
You taunt, aware he’s done everything about it. It’s just quite funny to see the stressed out stare turn into furrowed eyebrows with a slack mouth. Stunned at the sudden aggression, maybe things would be on his side this time. He refuses to question it, thinking he was playing coy alike with you.
“Depends, are you gonna’ break my little heart this time?”
He fakes fainting, whilst grasping at the cotton material of his shirt that covered his heart. Causing a scene as per usual, despite most of the school population gone by now. His brain has turned to mush, the way you’re on your tippy toes for a better look.
“Ask me,” you tilt your head a bit, encouraging him to do so. A smooth movement of your thumb and it’s grazing the skin of his lips, outlining them in perfect harmony. You’d never been this straightforward before, and he can’t fucking get enough of it.
“Let me take you out for dinner tonight, pretty girl. Y’know I’m not givin’ up … so me, you, a Kooky restaurant tonight at seven, yeah? How’s that sound?”
You heart flutters insatiably— you had to hand it to him though, his effort was impeccable and a night with JJ Maybank sounds a bit promising in its own meticulous way.
Let him have it, just this once.
It probably won’t lead to anything, so then looking back on it when the school year is over it will be just another memory, right? You thought, sticking to original reason that nothing out of high school becomes something worthy and then some.
“You’re gonna spend your life savings on one Kook meal?”
“For you, anything.”
Just say yes.
“One date okay?” you shove at his chest playfully, making an b-line toward the large steel doors. Watching you walk away, was sensational he might add. “One date Maybank!”
You reminded again, and still he wants to collapse on the middle of this dirty, shoe printed school floor. He was so giddy, jumping in elation.
“M’goin’ on a date!”
He relishes loudly, echoing through the halls of the school and you shake you head in disbelief as it rings in your ears the second your palm meets with the handle of the exit. JJ’s history teacher is peering around the corner, Mr. Sunn is somewhat proud of the boy he’s taught over his course of high school. Overhearing conversations between him in class, John B, and Pope in class, all they were ever about was you.
“You need to get going JJ,” Mr. Sunn pronounced, as JJ is standing in a now completely empty school. Twirling around on his feet, resembling a child that just got the toy they been begging for.
“She’s goin’ on a date with me Mr. Sunn!”
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There’s a jar in JJ’s room at the chateau that’s labeled ‘when she says yes.’ It’s a mason jar, with money stuffed to the brim. Landing his job back at the country club as a waiter months ago, he took twenty dollars out of every check and put it in that sacred jar. And, then he mentally noted that he’d need more than just that if he wanted the night to really be worth while. He needed elegant clothes, and to get the biggest bouquet of roses he could possibly find.
He had plans for the roses— intending on wrapping every last layer in a love confessing sticky note. Because he’d like to think that that’s how this fresh romance is coming to be. He yearned ardently for you to know each and every reason as to why you were the only girl that walked planet earth in his eyes.
He wanted to discover your sweet spots, he craved to know how his lips molded with yours, he desired to know how your small hand would fit in his, and he was ravenously hoping to see your exemplary, pure body pressed against his.
JJ’s fingertips are colliding with an iron and an ironing board. Stood in the middle of John B’s living room, steadily removing every crease from his new, costly shirt— it was simple but effective; an angelic white short sleeve corduroy button up. Not too out of his comfort zone, but different enough for you to be able to tell he tried. Along with black pants that hugged his thighs and let loose around his ankles, and his combat boots— something he couldn’t switch up on.
It’s not JJ if he isn’t wearing those damn boots.
Kie and Pope are grimmacing on the dusty couch, surrounded by opened snacks and different assortments. They tended to pick fun at JJ, for chasing after something that’s wasn’t. But tonight it was.
For, he’s going to have his heavenly vision— that is you, before him and that’s making his body malfunction. To him, it was a privilege, to be breathing the same air as you. You could probably punch him in the gut, and he’d say thank you.
"Do you think she'll like this?" JJ shyly questions, so out of character holding up the freshly ironed shirt that is wrinkle free and now on a hanger. It caught Sarahs eye, who is cuddled into John B's side by the kitchen island. JJ knew it would've been much easier to just take it the dry cleaners, but it simply wasn't in his price range. And he relished in the fact that he earned such clothing, taking every great length to show his everchanging infatuation with you
"I definitely think she will," Sarah sends a reassuring smile his way, and he lowers the shirt to his side, counting down the last few remnants until he has to get ready, following through to pick you up.
"He's so fuckin' pussy-whipped over her, she's ruined him man," John B's sarcastic tone is not going to interrupt JJ's overwhelming exhilaration for tonight.
"Pussy-whipped and proud, she's gonna' be my girl, you'll see."
"You've been saying that for the past three years," Pope chuckles somewhat nudging Kie to laugh at the joke, but it wasn't of humor to her.
"M'taking the twinkie tonight."
With that JJ turns the iron off, shooting all of the Pogues his long middle finger, stepping slyly off into his bedroom, closing the door swiftly behind him. He had previously showered, smelling of saccharine musk but despite that he's having doubts peering into the full-length mirror; unsure of the reflection.
He's pulled away upon hearing the buzzing of his phone; it was you. Even seeing your name in the grey notification bubble sent slight relief to his chest.
Was his hair parted right?
Did he miss a spot shaving?
Was he even worthy of going on a date with you?
Jesus Christ.
He merely hopes to be as presentable as could be, and have you find him simply the slightest bit inviting.
I should overdress right, since this is a Kook thing
At least you, weren't backing out at the last second.
Wear as little as possible :)
Don't make me change my mind about this, Maybank.
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A miniature film camera is stuffed in JJ's tinted black pants. It's digging into his skin deliciously, taking the pain as he knows the payoff will be wondrous. If he'd be lucky enough to get a picture of you or with you tonight.
Parked in the driveway of your home, from the Cut along with the rest of them. Your home is small and cozy and still JJ admires the way your mother hugs you goodbye, something he hadn't gotten to experience growing up.
However, he gets to experience this tonight.
The Twinkie's cracked windshield wasn't exactly the perfect view, but he is still enamored by the hypnotizing way your lacy dress flows from direct wind. It revealed parts of you he had yet to see, as this wasn't your typical wardrobe; more like a disguise to seem Kook like and fit in at the eatery. He pondered on the idea of you going out and buying it, only to go on a date with him.
Just for him.
The feeling had him scatterbrained.
He really can't comprehend your heaven-sent beauty.
Hair pinned back delicately, still as cutthroat as a double-edged sword. And when the door goes flying open, so does his soul from his body. Hell, he might not even be able to drive to the restaurant he's so fucking weak in the knees.
You must've mistaken JJ for some else, the person before you in the driver's seat is so clean cut. Locks brushed to the side, aligning his part. Chest poking through his button up just a breathtaking view in itself. His bright cheeks are painted an astonishing cherry red, as the pastel shaded sky is just about to set it enhances it even more. His achievement of wanting to look pretty for you has more than worked.
It's cynical to the pair that this agonizingly moderate occasion is here.
Long awaited, and worth every minute,
Just to be here, in this captured moment, together.
Fuck.Fuck.Fuck. This is happening. JJ thought, though similar thoughts are rummaging through your mind right now.
You shrugged him off for three years, witnessing this burning lovelorn grin on his face makes you regret wasting so much time. All that time, this beautiful creature could've been yours. Perhaps the odds in that percentage of people that go there seperate ways after high school won't be you and JJ. And maybe, your own independence was overrated.
You were wrong.
Oh so, mistakenly wrong.
"Bab- shit ... can I call you baby ... if that's okay?"
This differentiating pet name was of utter importance to JJ because it's so needy, and it encompasses all of his likened emotions for you in one little word.
"Course, baby."
JJ's shitting himself internally, he didn't know he needed to hear that leave your mouth until now, and he really wishes for you to say it an infinite amount more. All he can do is bore into your gloss lips, wishing to taste them desperately.
Aching for the sensation.
"You look really pretty tonight ... not just tonight though you look pretty all the time. Which explains why m'fuckin' obsessed with you and you're always on my mind. Swear, you're like ... tattooed in my brain and it's-"
You capture his lips with yours, a notion of telling him to shut the hell up, and just be. He was right, they mold together like they were created to enact a sweltering kiss such as this. It's magical to JJ, that he's lingering against your skin, touching your hair, kissing you long enough that he counted it perfectly in his head. A timely kiss, a tradional one, to leave him wanting more.
And he wants more. He wants so much more.
It's all true, if he's doing something as simple as listening to music, he thought about your opinion. If you disliked it, he'd find a way to. Paying attention to details over the years, he's practiced your hobbies, telling himself that he 'felt closer to you'.
He worshiped the fucking ground you walked on.
"You gonna' take me to dinner or what, Maybank?"
"Dinner's cancelled, I need you now, pretty girl."
Guess the food can wait.
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reyislikesotired · 5 months
yk considering bruce is such a paranoid bat, i'm surprised he didn't have a whole high-heel wearing fighting routine like he's fought catwoman and other female characters who wear heels and fight, heels would make the training 10x harder and help for everyone to have a better center of balance, as well as good for learning to muffle your footsteps with shoes that are typically noisy with every step; not to mention that if undercover work required heels for some reason or other, the person going won't be hindered by heels
also heels can be a deadly weapon, make the heel part of a high stiletto be an actual blade and ik damian and jason are all for it
which brings me to my conclusion that dick, while being a bit wobbly at first, actually takes to it like a duck to water; cass only needed a few minutes to get used to it, she's a ballerina, heels are nothing to her; surprisingly jason doesn't struggle as much as a man of his size typically would but it still takes him a good while before he's as good on heels as not; duke and steph struggle greatly as they keep forgetting they have heels on; tim surprisingly does pretty well in comparison but complains over how much it hurts and still struggles being able to stay standing when pushed too hard; damian learns in like a week simply because he's too stubborn to admit defeat and spent almost every waking hour wearing them, getting used to them, and training with them (i wouldn't put it past him to go to school wearing some black, easily non noticeable smaller heels just to continue his training)
bonus: bruce, while training them for heel combat, wears heels and makes it look v easy but then one night catwoman comes over or smth and she cackles when she tells the batfam stories of when bruce had asked her for help on that and the many trials and errors he struggled through; no one noticed but during that time, batman added heels to his usual get up for extra training (he got rid of them after he was much more proficient in heel combat but tim and barbara were able to find some old footage of batman swinging thru gotham; there they were able to confirm that batman was sporting some high thigh length platform heel boots because ofc if the bat is going to do anything, it must fit his aesthetic and be dramatic too)
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anna-hawk · 7 months
Fingers 2.0
Frank Castle x implied F!Reader
Summary: You just really like Frank's fingers.
Explicit 🔞 // WC: 1,8k
Tags and Warnings: PWP, breath play, fingering, hand/finger kink, cumshot
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A/N: After the result of today's poll, I felt like quickly writing this down, using the three first favorite options. One comment in particular from @puddle--wonderful inspired something for the end, so please enjoy my third little fic revolving around Frank's fingers. No, I'm not obsessed, shh.
Gif by @darlingshane 🧡
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At 10pm, Frank was relaxing on the couch in his apartment, reading one of his favorite books. He’d come home a couple of hours ago, but he hadn’t bothered to dress down, still wearing his dark Henley over a pair of denims and his eternal combat boots. He held himself up with an elbow on the arm rest, the fist under his jaw, as the other hand held the book. One of his feet sat propped up on the coffee table, while his other foot was on the floor and made his leg bounce sporadically as he lost himself in the story. 
He was getting to a good part, when there was the sound of keys opening the apartment door, followed by you appearing in the door frame. Frank’s eyebrows rose, and his head tilted curiously to one side as he studied you. You threw the keys into the dish sitting on a shelf next to the door and pulled off your coat and shoes with jerky movements. Not that it really mattered if you did, but you hadn’t told him that you were coming, which you usually did. 
“Hey.” Frank sat up as he greeted you, placing the book with the page lying open onto the coffee table so he wouldn’t lose the page. 
“Hey,” you replied quickly, as you strode towards him with hurried steps. 
You didn’t stop in your motion until you were on top of him, straddling his thighs and kissing him swiftly. Frank’s hands automatically went to your waist as he caught you, making a soft sound of surprise at your actions. You then cupped his jaw to tilt his head up to kiss him more comfortably. 
“Touch me, Frank,” you breathed against his mouth before you sucked at his bottom lip until you caught it between your teeth. 
Frank grunted as you pulled on his flesh, and tightened his hands on you. You gasped, making you release his lip, as his fingers dug into your waist, and you pressed your crotch down into his. Never one to back down from such a request, Frank leaned you back as he kissed you again and moved his hips until he was sitting on the edge of the couch with you. He pulled at your top, your lips separating as Frank tugged it over your head and threw it to the side. This time, his mouth went to your neck, sucking a mark into your skin just underneath your collarbone. He hissed as your fingernails drew sharp lines against his back in your hurry to get the Henley off as well. You only shot him an unapologetic shrug, not hiding your grin for even a second. As soon as his shirt was off, Frank retaliated by drawing one of your nipples into his mouth and using his teeth to tug at it sharply. He let go with a satisfied chuckle as you cried out halfway between pleasure and pain. Now that was much better. He returned his attention to your neck, where he’d initially started, but frowned as you pulled back and grabbed one of his hands by a wrist. 
“Like this,” you said in a hushed voice, staring him straight in the eyes as you placed his palm over your throat. “Please.”
Frank stared at you as understanding dawned on him as he remembered your earlier request for touch. Watching you keenly, he slowly curled his fingers around your neck until your mouth opened, and your eyes closed halfway into a blissful expression. 
“Yes,” you hissed, gyrating your hips over his and rubbing against his confined erection. 
As his lips lifted into a smirk, Frank suddenly threw you bodily onto the couch, making you land on the spot right next to where he had been sitting. You gasped out loudly in shock, but relaxed instantly as his hand returned to your neck and pressed you down into the cushions with it. While he loomed over you from between your parted legs, Frank knew that he was starting to cut off a little of your air. Judging by your reaction and your silent request just before, however, that was exactly what you wanted from him. He definitely could work with that. 
“That what you came for, Sweetheart?” he rasped, as he used his free hand to open your pants and rip them off your legs as you lifted your hips helpfully. “Just so you could have my fingers ‘round that pretty neck?” 
You nodded quickly and moaned, one of your hands gripping at the arm he was using on your throat while the other squeezed the couch pillows. What a sight you made, laid out for him like that, completely at his mercy and desperate for his touch. With a one-sided smile, he let his eyes travel down your body, while the hand not currently on your neck followed the same path. 
“What about those fingers, huh?” he wondered almost absently, circling his fingers all over your skin as he went from the mark he’d sucked into your collarbone, to the nipple he’d played with. 
His eyes met yours as he pulled at said nipple again, wanting to see your expression, and grinned as you gasped sharply. He eased up once more and let his hand wander lower and lower, over your belly button and finally between your legs. Quick, panting breaths came through your lips as you watched him watch you, until he tightened his grip on your throat some more at the same time he reached between your legs. He groaned deep in his throat as he felt your arousal coating his fingers as soon as he slid them over your flesh. 
“Yeah, think that’s where you need them too,” he said emphatically to your long moan of pleasure. “Shit, look at you, spreadin’ your legs even more for me.” He slid one finger inside you, teasing you as he rubbed the pad just along your entrance. 
A second finger quickly followed the first, and Frank hummed at the way your back arched up and your hips pressed down onto his fingers as you keened high in your throat. His cock jerked in his pants as he watched you writhe on his fingers, and licked his lips when you moaned as loud as you could with his fingers around your throat as he began stroking your walls with intent. 
“Think you can take another finger, baby?”
Frank knew you could, since his dick was a good deal bigger than three of his fingers, but he loved seeing the abandon on your face as he gave you the option for more. Sure enough, you nodded frantically, rotating your hips unconsciously over the fingers already playing inside you. 
“Please, Frank”, you managed through the fingers squeezing again harder. 
Frank almost lost it at the sight of your glassy eyes and erratic breathing, your whole body surrendering to his touch and begging for more of it. Frank leaned in quickly to share a filthy kiss with you, more tongue than anything else as he plunged that third finger inside you and ripped a cry of pure ecstasy from you as he did so. Leaning back up, he started to fuck you hard and fast, his index and middle finger curling up to rub against that special spot inside you that had your body going wild. 
“Yeah, look at ya. A fuckin’ masterpiece is what you are,” he rumbled with a rough voice, as he felt his dick pulsing painfully with the need for release as he watched you tremble under his touch. 
Through your exhilarated cries of pleasure, Frank could make out the faint beginnings of his name on your lips. He knew what you needed as soon as he looked into your eyes. Licking his lips as he breathed deeply, Frank squeezed the fingers around your throat until he knew that you couldn’t breathe at all anymore. He watched you raptly as your eyes rolled back into your head and your whole body bowed off the couch as you came in complete silence, only your mouth moving but no sound coming out. With his fingers still twisting in and out of you, Frank’s eyes never left your face as he waited and waited. His grip on your neck suddenly loosened entirely as the highest peak of your orgasm dissipated, living you choking and gasping for air, the action mixed with loud sounds of pleasure. He also stopped his hand and gently pulled his fingers out, but kept his hand loosely on your throat anyway as he reached for his pants. He unbuckled the belt and drew it out of its loops in a second before tossing it to the ground, before popping open the button and unzipping the jeans. Placing a knee on the couch next to your thigh, Frank pulled himself out and used your essence to coat his cock and jack himself off. 
“The things you do to me, Sweetheart.” He slowly ran his thumb along the already visible mark around your throat. “The way you fuckin’ trust me.” While keeping the fingers on your neck, Frank slid the thumb up your chin until he could pull your lower lip down with it. “Fuck,” he hissed, as you opened your mouth and invited the thumb inside, his cock spilling a few drops of pre-come at the view and the feeling. 
Frank didn’t hesitate and pushed his thumb inside, groaning as you closed your mouth again and sucked on it while locking eyes with him. You were the one to moan as he pressed down on your tongue, but Frank picked up the pace on his length as you only sucked harder, your eyes conveying that you did, in fact, trust him completely. He came a moment later with a sharp gasp, his come painting your chest and stomach in thick streaks. 
As he panted and stared at you through half lidded eyes, he saw you watching him attentively while gently swirling your tongue around his thumb. You grinned at him as you saw him watching, and playfully nipped at the digit before he withdrew it with a small snort. 
He let himself fall next to you with a long breath and turned his face towards you with one raised eyebrow as he put himself away again. 
“So… Somethin’ on your mind?” he inquired, as he watched you absently run a finger along the reddening marks on your neck. 
You would have to wear a scarf or a turtleneck for the upcoming days. While Frank would have felt bad about it any other day, he didn’t right then, considering that you’d come exactly for that if your satisfied smile was anything to go by. If nothing else, it was turning him on to see you this relaxed, fingering the marks and completely ignoring the splatters of come on your skin. 
“Mm, no, not really,” you grinned. “Just really missed your hands.”
Frank huffed out a laugh and rolled his eyes as you winked at him before he lifted an arm to pull you closer.
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 6 months
(cw: age gap 25/41; nsfw, mdni 18+, playing catch, smut, buttstuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
the part before: lazy evenings - also check out the "spending time with mh!k" parts which kind of happen in between <3
Going for a walk
...has become one of our usual weekend activities. At least to get ourselves out of the house for a little while, get some fresh air and not coop up inside the whole time. The little patches of forest right outside his house are perfect for that.
I put on my fluffy socks, which are pink in contrast to the all black clothes I’m wearing. König looks at them and bites back a laugh.
“What? My feet get cold easily.”, I tell him, defensively.
“Oh, I know.”, he says. “I’ve had the pleasure of warming those Eiszapfen before.” (icicles)
We put our shoes on, also getting some jackets, because there is a gentle breeze blowing today, and head out the patio door. My DocMartens right beside his combat boots, and the contrast between them makes me grin inwardly. I push my hand into his, tugging on his arm, so we start walking.
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The sun is fighting its way through the clouds, the sky overcast and gloomy. It had been raining the whole night, so the path into the little patches of forest is muddy, fresh rainwater puddles sitting on the forest ground. I accidentally step into one of them, mud splashing in all directions.
“Careful, you'll get those nice shoes dirty.”, he quips, looking down at them.
“They're here to get dirty, silly.”, I clap back.
He pulls up his eyebrows. “I wasn’t sure you knew that.”
I shoot him a look. “Shut up, they’re just new.”, I explain, looking down at his worn-out dirty boots that surely have seen better days. “At least mine have been made in this century.”, I jab at him, trying to hide my grin.
“Yeah, yeah.”, he grumbles, but he also pulls me closer, lifting my hand up to his lips and pressing a kiss onto the knuckles.
The last time we went for a walk out here, I tried to climb him like a tree because my intrusive thoughts won. I mean, who wouldn’t wanna be high up? I still remember how it felt to sit on his shoulders when we were at the concert, so I just couldn't resist.
“Hold still.”
“What are you doing?”
“I said, hold still.”
“Wos wird des, wonn’s fertig is?“
“I don’t speak your language, funny big man. Just stay still, so I can climb you like a tree.”
“Like a- a tree?”
“I mean, you can climb me any day, Kleine.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Are you actually trying to climb me like a tree?”
“Yes, now hold still.”
He sighed, a laughter shaking his chest as I lifted my weight up by his shoulders, stepping on his thigh to move further up.
“That tickles.”, he grumbled when my fingers buried into his back muscles.
He finally just lifted me up, so I could sit on his shoulders which was as fun as I remembered it from the concert, but turned out to be a safety hazard because of all the tree branches higher up.
This time I’m not trying anything like that, also it would be quite daring to put my muddy shoes onto him. I mean, I’m more than sure that he can handle a little dirt, but still.
I’m taking two steps for his one, the pace making me pant. I pick up speed, taking bigger steps to keep up, but in turn he does the same until we’re both doing lunges across the forest ground, laughing like stupid.
I shake my head and slip out of his hold, darting away from him before turning around to look back at him, grinning in his direction.
“Whatcha doing now?”, he asks, a little edge in his voice.
“Can't catch me!”, I tell him, sticking out my tongue before I run towards a tree, hiding behind it.
I see his face light up in a grin, taking a few steps into my direction, and I can't suppress the little giggle that rises up my throat as I see him stalking towards me, calm and collected, no rush in his strides.
A little flurry of excitement rushes up my spine when he comes closer and I stumble a few steps back, my eyes not leaving his. He's looking at me, from under his eyebrows, the grin on his face turning into smirk, his strides getting bigger, the sounds of leaves and breaking branches under the soles of his boots, the squelching of mud accompanying every one of our steps.
I run a little bit further into the woods and I can hear him following me. Like Red Riding Hood running from the Big Bad Wolf...
Fuck, this was just meant to be a little fun game of catch, but the implications the situation has… it's getting me worked up, just thinking about it, how it would be like if I actually ran from him, tried to escape from him, until he catches me, certainly not a challenge for the big guy, and has his way with me.
I can feel the pang of need between my legs, a gush of wind making me shiver – or was it my dirty thoughts?
My panting drowns out the rest of the sounds and when I go to hide behind the next tree, a wide one, I don't hear him come round the other side and I almost collide with his chest. A little yelp escapes me before I giggle again, turning around and running the other way, but his arms are too long and he just grabs me, his hands closing around my waist.
“Gotchu, Kleine.”, he whispers into my ear as he pulls me against his chest, engulfing me with his arms and his warm scent. I still giggle while I wiggle in his hold, playfully trying to escape again, but I'm not going anywhere.
“Okay you win.”, I say then, jokingly pouting a little bit.
He turns me around, laughs while he lifts me up, up over his head, way too high up, until we're almost imitating that famous scene from Dirty Dancing which has me yelp and laugh. "König!"
He lowers me down again until I rest against his chest, my hands holding onto his shoulders, my legs closing around his hips, and he leans in to give me kiss. “Now... What's my reward for catching you?”, he asks, a spark of mischief in his eyes, not being serious at all.
But I'm also very willing to take our playful spat in that direction. And there is something that has been in the back of my mind, the last few times we had sex, something that I wanted to try, even though I'm not entirely sure he'll fit.
“You know what we talked about? Doing something different?”, I start, a little smirk stalking onto my lips.
He perks up. “You mean...” He lifts his eyebrows.
I nod. “Yeah.”
“I remember, yes. You want to try today?”, he wants to know.
I nod again. “Yes.”
A slight shiver shakes him, pulling me closer to him. “Are you sure?”, he asks again.
“Yes, König, I'm totally sure.”, I say, trying not to roll my eyes while a big grin forms on my face. It's endearing honestly how he always makes double sure of everything. I just told him that I want to try anal with him – which is a challenge considering his... size – and he is nothing but sweet about it.
“No need to get sassy.”, he chuckles against my lips, but he doesn’t get a move on. He kisses me again and I can feel the frenzy and hunger in it, even before he deepens it.
I’m trying not to squirm in his hold and failing miserably at it, grinding my hips into him which pulls a soft grunt from his lips.
“Then what are we waiting for?”, I whisper, looking up into his eyes.
A hint of surprise lights up his face, but it gives way to a simmering heat. “Your wish is my command, Prinzesserl.”, he drawls, repositioning me in his arms, taking long strides back to his house. Not hurry, but calm determination making his steps even bigger than they normally would be. He’s not even breathing harder as he almost runs, carrying me, which… I knew he was in good shape, but this is just ridiculous.
When we reach the patio, I slip out of his hold and enter the house. I quickly kick off my shoes, just letting them fall onto the floor which makes him shake his head and tut as he closes the back door behind him.
“We can get them later.”, I say, shrugging off my jacket as well, impatiently getting rid of the clothing.
He’s mumbling something under his breath, picking my boots up and quickly putting them and his own away while I run up the stairs. He can’t leave anything dirty, not even for a moment, and I sigh with a bashful smile. I should have known better, the big man and his love for keeping everything cleanly.
He catches up to me a few seconds later, his arm closing around me as he spanks my butt. “You’re lucky you’re this cute.”, he grumbles, hoisting me up. The shoes are quickly forgotten about, my legs closing around his waist again as he carries me to the bed, where he lies me down on the mattress.
He takes his sweet time to prep me, undressing me first before getting rid of his own clothes. Kissing every part of me that is unveiled, his breath coasting over my skin which makes me shiver.
His tongue licking a trail down from my sensitive neck to my nipples, turning to stiff peaks as he softly bites them, sucking, nibbling.
His hands wander further down, brushing over the soft skin of my tummy and hips until his fingertips reach between my legs, finding me shamelessly wet already.
Pushing his thick fingers into my pussy first, getting me even wetter with his languid strokes, before getting up again to fetch the buttplug and lube, two staples that hardly are missing anymore when we have sex, but today they're all the more important.
He's taking some of the slippery liquid, lubing me up and pushing the buttplug in slowly when it fully slips into me and I sigh, getting used to the feeling. He's still playing with my pussy, his thumb doesn't stop drawing circles over my clit until his mouth takes over.
Fuck, I don't think I can ever get enough of that, his lips on the sensitive skin, his hot breath coasting over my wetness, his tongue dipping into me. He knows what gets me going, his touches deliberate, getting me to the edge, softly pushing me over it with his mouth on me. My moans intermingling with the sound of his licks when I come against his mouth.
He's pulling the buttplug out again, pushing his fingers in instead. Just one at first, sliding in easily with how the plug already worked me open, then a second one. He takes more lube, sinking his fingers deeper. His eyes are intently looking at them disappear into my hole, his brows furrowed, but his jaw slack, sucking in small breaths.
He's watching me, my reactions, my small movements, the roll of my hips into his hands. When I breathe out and try to relax again, he slowly adds a third finger, and the stretch is making me gasp, the intensity is making me shake.
With a small shout from my lips, the orgasm hits me unexpectedly. "Coming from just my fingers in your ass? Oh Liebes.", he coos, not stopping to finger-fuck me as I pulse around them.
I pry my eyes open, taking in the soft expression on his face, my chest heaving with deep breaths.
"Fuck, it's so intense.", I say, my fingers brushing over my cheek and lips. "I don't know how you'll fit."
"It will fit, don't worry.", he softly drawls.
When I pull my hands away, he sees the moment of worry and hesitation on my face, the smirk dropping and his hand slipping out.
"We don't have to.", he interjects quickly, crawling over me. "We can stop anytime.
My hand shoots out, cupping his cheek, and he takes it and presses an kiss to the palm. "I want to do it.", I say, looking up at him, feeling the blush creep onto my cheeks. "At least try."
His eyes search mine. "Okay.", he says, pulling me into him.
He turns me around, positioning me on all fours while he kneels behind me. "Like this, you have control over it.", he explains, putting his hands on my hips.
"Okay.", I echo him, taking a deep breath.
He’s getting more lube, spreading it on his length and guiding me back until his tip nudges against my hole.
I gently sink down on his dick, really slow, taking inch by inch. Stopping every so often when it gets too intense. Leaning forward again, easing up, reminding myself to just relax. Relishing the feeling as I’m trying to take all of him.
He brushes my hair to the side, his mouth coasting over my neck, the tickling touches sending shivers over me. "Doing so well, Liebes.", he whispers. "Almost there." His arm closes around me, his hand dropping between my thighs, stroking over my pussy, circling my clit.
I sigh, slumping into his chest, holding onto his thigh, sliding further down until he is fully seated in my ass.
"Good girl.", he drawls, the praise washing over me, when he captures my lips in a searing kiss, and my hand tangles in his hair.
I start moving back and forth, grinding myself against him, his length sliding out and in again. Just a little bit at a time. He groans, softly rolling his hips to meet mine.
"Fuck.", I whine. My movements are getting sloppy quickly, filled to the brim over and over again. I can feel the tension in my lower belly, breaking the kiss while I try to ride him like this, the swell of my ass pressing up against his groin.
All of a sudden, he pulls himself out of me and I whimper at the loss of fullness.  "Fuck, I'm sorry. Need to see your face when you come around my dick.", he breathes.
I turn to the side, so I'm facing him as he places me right on front of him on my back. My knees drop to the side in an instant, and he hums, placing his hands on my thighs, pushing them back to expose me even more.
His eyes drop down and he spits. A dollop of saliva drips onto my pussy, running down to my ass, adding to the wetness and lube.
He's gently pushing in again, and the stretch is making me whine. Fuck, this still is intense. He leans down, his long dark hair falling around us like a curtain. Kissing me, softly nipping the sensitive skin.
"Where's this dick, hm? Tell me.", he whispers while he thrusts languidly, pushing even deeper.
"It's in my ass.", I sigh, the soft sound turning into a moan when his hips meet mine again.
I can feel the smile on his lips against mine. "That's right, and you're taking me so well.", he says.
I whimper, his praise tightening up the intense feeling inside me, and that's before he's picking up tempo, still not fucking me like he usually would. More slow and deep than hard and fast, but with the steady rhythm and how he stretches me out... This is driving me crazy.
Especially when he slips two fingers into my slick pussy, his thumb pressing against my clit as he fills me up to the brim like this.
"Oh fuck.", I curse, my eyes rolling back.
He played with both my holes at the same time before, but this is almost too much this way. His thick digits pump into my wetness, the same time his dick pushes into my ass.
"How does that feel, Liebes?", he wants to know.
"Feels good.", I breathe. And it does, even if I can barely handle the feeling of fullness.
"Yeah? You like that, hm?", he asks.
"Yes.", I moan, my eyes turning up, I can feel the tension pooling in my lower belly again and my thighs are starting to shake. "Fuck, please..." My words turn into moans, unable to finish my plea. Just a little more, I think, desperately needing to come.
And he doesn't stop to fuck me while his other hand is slowly caressing up my body until it gently closes around my throat. A little move that makes me pant even harder, tingles erupting all over my body.
His thumb pushes into my mouth that has fallen open, brushing over my tongue. I hum as I close my lips around his digit, sucking on it which makes him smirk down at me.
He's not moving much, just softly rolling his hips, pushing his dick in and out of my ass. His gaze is on me, and I'm desperately trying to keep my focus on his face, but I feel like I have already lost my mind. All my holes stuffed by him, his dick and his fingers, my mewls getting muffled by his thick thumb.
"You gonna cum for me like a good girl?", he whispers, and I hum again, nodding hastily.
"Yes, yes!", I mumble around his digit, losing myself in his eyes staring up at him.
His hushed words, their soft drawl, being at his mercy like this, catapults me over the edge. I can feel the tension snap, the orgasm is wrecking through me, my back arching, my hands flying out to desperately hold onto him, onto his arm that is strewn over my body.
His thumb slips out of my mouth, his hand capturing my face, I can feel the wetness of my own spit on my cheek as he makes me look at him while I pulse on his dick and fingers. The sounds dropping from my lips are almost obscene.
"Look at me, yes fuck.", he curses, taking everything in, his gaze fixed on mine.
His eyebrows furrow, his eyes pressing together, just for a moment. And he comes inside me while my orgasm is subsiding, the waves of arousal still shaking me. Pressing his lips to mine as choked moans escape his throat.
He pulls out of me, and all I can do is slump into the sheets, totally fucked out. Having your holes stuffed like that really does a number on you. My mind is hazy, and I feel like I'm floating, the tension leaving my taught body with every deep breath I take.
"You okay, Liebes?", he asks, posing the same question he always posed when you first started fucking, and he still comes back to it.
"Oh yeah.", I sigh, pulling him closer again, not willing to let him get up, let alone get up myself. I'm not even sure my legs would carry me. "That was quite... something.", I remark, looking up at him, the slightest blush staining his cheeks, like always after he just came.
He laughs a little, deep and soft, as his body slumps onto mine again and we just lie here for a moment.
"Quite something, huh?", he teases me, his nose nuzzling into the crook of my neck. I push some of his long dark hair back, my fingers brushing through them.
"No thoughts, head empty.", I mumble, snuggling into him. "No energy for big words."
He laughs again, his hand roaming down my body, squeezing my hip ever so slightly as he relaxes into me. And a soft calmness falls over us as we bask in the afterglow, his warmth engulfing me.
After a while of just laying here, he lifts me up with him, carrying me to the bathroom. He's drawing me a bath in the tub we rarely use, letting me soak in the warm water that helps relax my taught muscles, washing away the remnants of the hot and heavy fuck. He even puts on some music before sinking into the water himself, almost flooding the bathroom, and I laugh when "Fairies wear Boots" by Black Sabbath starts playing from the Bluetooth speaker, but he just grins down at me.
Somebody else might have put on something sultry and chill, but not him. Pulling me into his arms, chuckling a bit and then singing along "Fairies wear boots, yeah you gotta believe me…", the words in his deep soothing voice making me smile to myself.
I'm feeling very pampered and I can't complain – I would never complain – sitting on the couch afterwards, a snuggly blanket around my shoulders and a bowl in my hands with some pasta dish he quickly whipped up.
He drops onto the cushion beside me and turns on the TV. We started watching Bojack Horseman, a show I’ve watched before and he hadn't seen yet. Because he almost never watches shows, even though he pays for all the streaming services. I mean, he also has Spotify and listens to CDs and vinyls much more often. Did I mention that he's old?
I turn to look at him, sitting there with double my portion on his plate. He looks back at me with a quizzical stare, munching on some noodles, a sight that makes me giddy, and I can't even really pinpoint why. The big guy so casual always makes my heart sing.
"You think you'd might wanna chase me through the woods some time?", I ask him straight forward while shoving some pasta in my face.
He halts, pulling his eyebrows up. "You'd like me to?", he asks back, dropping the fork into his noodles.
I nod. "Yeah." I can't help a little blush creep into my cheeks. "When we played catch today... I couldn't help but imagine it...", I confess.
He doesn't say anything for a moment, his eyes searching my face to look for answers, his expression unmoving and serious while he pans down my body, the bowl of pasta on my lap.
"With those short legs?", he quips then, looking at them for a moment, a grin breaking through.
I gasp. "Rude!"
He laughs a little before pulling me closer, pressing a kiss to my forehead and dropping the banter. "We can try that... Just need to talk about the, uh, logistics some more." He pulls back to look at me. "I want you to feel save.", he says, his thumb caressing over my cheek.
"I always do with you.", I simply answer, giving him a small peck on the lips.
When I break away, I catch something in the corner of his eyes, an emotion I can't quite grasp, but it's gone the next second when he picks up his fork again.
"What?", I ask, unable to let it be.
His mouth forms into a lop-sided smile while he shakes his head. He doesn't say anything, but quickly takes my hand in his, squeezing my fingers, meeting my gaze for a moment. And the little gesture puts me at ease. I relax back into the cushions and turn my attention to the flatscreen again, returning to eat my pasta.
I can feel his eyes on me for another moment longer, my shoulder nudging his, and we continue watching the show.
the next part: comforting him or more in the Masterlist ~
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world0fmadness · 2 months
george russell x death metal vocalist! fisher! reader
♡ general dating headcanons for george with a death metal vocalist partner!
୨୧ basically, you’re the first child of george fisher from cannibal corpse and have your own death metal band in which you’re the vocalist! i need to do more for my fellow metalhead fans <3
♡ view my formula 1 masterlist here
reading music recommendations: fucked with a knife by cannibal corpse - make them suffer by cannibal corpse - evisceration plague by cannibal corpse
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♡ to say he was terrified to meet your father would be a huge understatement…
୨୧ since you’re his first child, your father is extremely protective of you and soft on you
♡ his hands were shaking on the drive over despite him cracking jokes and trying his best to appear totally calm and confident
୨୧ you try to assure him that your father is literally the sweetest person you know ( aside from george ) and is actually a huge teddy bear ( no but really, he is, look it up )
♡ george just has some trouble believing it because how is a man with the stage name “ corpsegrinder ” and in a band like cannibal corpse supposed to be a teddy bear?
୨୧ the dinner went… well, it went as good as it could! george cracking jokes every now and again to help relieve the tension
♡ as you and george are leaving, your father asks to have a quick word in private with george…
୨୧ he simply tells him to look after you and treat you well <3
♡ if he didn’t… well, let’s just say he told george a list of things he’d do to him and walked him out of the room, george whiter than a sheet of paper
୨୧ it took him spending a christmas with you guys to fully realise that yeah, actually your father is just a teddy bear underneath all of the brutal shit
“ did he like the lego set i got him? i couldn’t tell, love… ” ( your father loved it, obviously… )
♡ when word got out that you two were dating… oh boy, twitter went insane
୨୧ two completely different communities colliding to ask the same question “ what the fuck? ” whilst people who were in both communities were having the time of their lives
♡ your father and your boyfriend having the same name is something you all poke fun at very often <3
୨୧ george is almost always at your concerts!
♡ usually with headphones on because he still isn’t completely used to how loud they are but he’s getting there :,)
୨୧ when you come off stage, you usually have a sore throat and a head rush from head banging, both of which george helps to relive in any way he can whilst praising your performance
♡ when you were 15, your father brought you on stage at one of his concerts to do the vocals for one of the songs, it’s one of your favourite memories from your childhood and luckily there’s a lot of video evidence of it happening
୨୧ when you showed george the videos, he was in shock… you were such a cool teenager… you would’ve absolutely been able to beat his teenage self up so bad…
“ bloody hell, look at you go! you had a deeper voice than me… ” ( you did, you still kind of do and you both find it so funny )
♡ maybe death metal isn’t something in his day to day playlist but he’s so supportive! whenever you’re practicing vocals in the house, he’ll pop into your soundproofed room to check if you need a drink or any ice to soothe your throat
୨୧ or even just coming to admire your for a bit…
♡ you get approval on how brutal a lyric is by showing it to george!
୨୧ if he makes a face whilst reading it then it’s decided to be brutal enough for your song <3 he’s just happy to help, even if it means reading things that make him feel a little sick
♡ you guys very quickly become a fan favourite couple just due to how different you are… a lot of jokes are made but people seriously just love you
୨୧ because you basically ONLY wear combat boots, more often than not, your feet hurt like hell after a day at the paddock with george…
♡ he tries to convince you to wear a different pair of shoes but you don’t budge <3
୨୧ so usually, when you’re home or in his drivers room, he’ll give you the best foot massage known to man
♡ i can see you getting along best with lewis! both of you are musical souls, even if you’re in very different genres…
୨୧ he definitely has major respect for the metal scene and he just thinks you’re such a talented person and always likes listening to you talk about a new project
♡ something you like to do for george is make him custom CDs! you’ll burn songs that you think he’ll like onto it
୨୧ he’s never gotten over it, he thinks it’s literally the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for him and always has at least two of them in his car and drivers room
♡ you probably did some voice work for metalocalypse alongside your father and every year for your birthday, deathklok sends you one of their infamous birthday cakes and a card!
୨୧ george thinks it’s the funniest thing ever and always demands to be the one to take a picture of you holding it up next to the card
“ oh! what card is it this time, love? is that hello kitty? bloody hell… right, let me take a picture ” ( it was my little pony the year before, that one was his favourite )
♡ literally no one can get over how george ended up with someone like you… he dresses so proper and you dress so boyish… his hair is always perfect and your hair is always messy… he’s so polite and you don’t hold back
୨୧ but it just works and you’re so happy with each other
♡ and you know you’ll be happy with each other for a long, long time…
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cstads-blog · 9 months
10 ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ɪ ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ | ʟᴇᴡɪꜱ ʜᴀᴍɪʟᴛᴏɴ 44
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summary: in which you and lewis broke up, and things that you once loved are now things you hate
a/n: this is my first fic so be nice plz, but leave some thoughts. ummm and i also have rewatched 10 things i hate about you like 285903925 this week so thats where i got this idea from the poem. and i love lewis, but i lowkey felt he was perfect for this sort of thing
i hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair
lewis always had a soft voice. he never once yelled at you, always calm and cordial. even when you would fight, he would never raise his voice. it angered you. it was strange. you wanted him to yell at you. just to experience it. no one ever wanted their partner to yell at them, and they were jealous of you and lewis in this aspect of your relationship.
when you asked lewis why he never yelled at you, his answer was simple. he loved you. you don’t yell at people you love he would say. and then he would kiss you. the soft kiss he always placed on your lips when it was just the two of you. it was calming, comforting and it made you forget the battle you were having inside of yourself.
lewis had had his fair share of different hairstyles over the time you had known him and been together. some you favored more then others. he’d had a buzz, natural, braids. you loved when he left it natural, playing with the curls in between your fingers. which is why when he came home one day with braids you were a bit upset. its not that you didn’t like the braids, he looked amazing as usual, but you much preferred his natural curls.
as you laid in your bed beside him you started rubbing your hand up and down his neck, feeling the braids hit your hand whenever you moved up his neck. they were soft. you played with the ends of them, twirling them around your finger. lewis loved it. he loved when you touched his hair, it comforted him. he never wanted to lose moments like these.
i hate the way you drive my car, i hate it when you stare
lewis’s job was to drive cars, and to drive them fast. he’d been doing it practically his whole life. so naturally he was a bit reckless driving a normal car, on a normal road, surrounded by normal people. one night when you took your car out to dinner he was pushing the limits. trying to see how far he could go without breaking the law. it scared you. not for your safety or his, but for your car. your car was the first purchase you made of your own, with your own money. it was yours, you rarely let others drive it, but lewis was an exception.
“lewis you’re going to hurt the car” he would often hear you say when he was driving.
“don’t worry darling, its going to be fine. trust me” and you trusted him. you did. you knew he would never hurt your car. or you.
lewis had a habit of watching your every move. it wasn’t strange or weird to you, you loved it. lewis had that affect on you. every small action was one that you loved. everyone around always saw it too. when you would come to races and were in the garage talking to friends and family, he would watch you. how you interacted with people you were close with and even those you weren’t. that was another thing he loved about you. how you could get on with anyone. it didn’t matter if you knew them for fifteen years or fifteen minutes.
as he watched you, the smile on his face grew, only snapping out of his daze when someone came up behind him, touching his shoulder and pulling him away for a meeting.
i hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind
lewis had impeccable fashion taste. his outfits never failed to impress you and everyone else. except once, when he came out of the closet with a pair of of combat boots. you couldn’t help but laugh at his choice of footwear, expecting him to chose something more expensive and high end. but no, lewis was wearing combat boots.
seeing your reaction to his shoes made him smile as well and even though he was feeling content with his outfit, he went and changed into something different. he never got rid of the combat boots though. they sat in his closet and you never let him forget about it.
lewis had an incredible talent of reading your mind. he always knew what you wanted or needed without even having to say it. you often wondered how he did it. it took you at least five tries to even remember what his order was at the restaurant but he knew what you wanted before you did. part of you was angry with his little trick, but the other part loved that he knew so much about you and he could remember even the little things.
i hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme
you didn’t deal with anger or stress well. you often got sick when you were feeling either emotion. while lewis was practically the definition of a perfect boyfriend, he could still bring these two emotions out of you. when you would feel stressed with lewis’ actions he would often forget the petty argument or trivial thing he did and run immediately to you, to help you, to calm you down. it showed you just how willing he was to help you when you needed him the most.
i hate the way you’re always right, i hate it when you lie
lewis was never wrong. ever. no matter how many times you tried to prove him wrong, you couldn’t. he knew so many things about so many people and places, it was often hard to find a topic he wasn’t fluent in. when you would play trivia games out of boredom in your living room he would always get every question right, while you struggled to even come up with an answer.
lewis rarely ever lied to you, but when he did you couldn’t stand it. you’d been in unfaithful relationships in the past. lewis knew this, which was why he rarely lied. his only lies ever came after drunken nights out with his friends and he’d forgotten certain details, but small things like that made you nervous, not wanting to escalate to anything else.
i hate it when you make me laugh, even more when you make me cry
lewis was a very funny person. he made you laugh even without trying. that was what initially attracted you to him. he could make you laugh when you were happy, upset, scared, angry. he made you laugh about simple things he did. he often wasn’t trying to make you laugh, but seeing the smile grow on your face was enough to make him keep trying.
all he wanted was time see you smile, to see you happy.
you never cried tears of sadness around lewis, only happiness. they usually came when he did something great in racing or when you graduated university. you often cried when you saw lewis up on the podium, seeing the smile on his face, making you think about all of the hard work he had put into getting there. you would always admire him for that. his hard work, his dedication.
i hate it when you’re not around, and the fact you didn’t call
lewis was often away for work so you spent quite a bit of time alone. yes, you had his dog roscoe to keep you company but it wasn’t quite the same. the house was loud with silence, every small action making a seemingly larger noise then usual. it annoyed you. you missed lewis and you just wanted to be in his arms, with him, in whatever country he was in this weekend. but it wasn’t that easy. you had to work as well, you couldn’t just drop everything to go travel the world with him, even if you would like to.
lewis couldn’t always call you when he was away. with his busy schedule and a time difference, usually a quick text every few hours would have to suffice. you hated not hearing his voice for days. you just wanted to hear his soft voice, like a melody in your ears. he left you voice mails when he did call, but you couldn’t answer. you listened to them on repeat, trying to soak up his voice, capture it in your head until you could see him again. it would be sweeter to hear in person then over the phone so you had to wait.
and that’s what you kept telling yourself. it would be sweeter in person. thats how you dealt with the distance. you just waited for the time he was back in your arms.
but mostly i hate the way i don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all
and that is how you end up here. standing in the corner of the crowded party you had gotten invited to by one of the other drivers you still kept in contact with after the split from lewis. you weren’t trying to be a downer, but seeing lewis again after so long had all of the memories flooding back, all of the thoughts and hopes and dreams you had together. he looked so happy. having fun and drinking with his friends. you remembered the times when you were right next to him at an event just like this. wrapped in his arms, the comfort they brought you. but then the bad came back, the end. you hated lewis, at least that’s what you told people. but you knew it wasn’t true. you had known it all along, just in denial you never admitted that fact.
but here, standing in the corner of this crowded room, is when you could finally admit it. you didn’t hate lewis hamilton, not even close. not even a little bit, not even at all.
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