#and that both are binary
theuncannybookdragon · 10 months
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The Wheel of Time be like-
Also from now on I am only referring to saidin as cock and balls sorcery
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nipuni · 6 months
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THE DOCTOR We had a pact, him and me. Every star in the universe, we were going to see them all.
My version of The Master and The Doctor in their Academy days 😊
A speedpaint video of this will be available at my Patreon on april 1st!
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achillean-yearning · 9 months
the undying want to nuzzle into the crook of the neck of a guy, press my nose against them, be enveloped in their comforting smell, have them play with my hair or maybe just play some game while we talk, or don’t talk but definitely just enjoy each others presence and that we’re finally able to hold each other…
this post/account is from a gay guy about another guy.
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three-realms-archive · 2 months
Love Me, or Not?
Satan sat alone, in a forest far, far away from the House of Lamentation. He sat slouching, his back against an oak tree for support, surrounded by ripped and torn roses. Hissed, aggressive, angry mutters left his lips.
“Love… Not… Love… Not…”
A small crowd of cats also sat on and around Satan’s lap. They peered up at what the Avatar of Wrath was doing; at his fingers, bloodied and cut from the roses’ thorns. With their feline stare immoveable, their eyes judged.
“They love me… Love me not. Love me… then love me not.” Satan continued to mutter, with increasing desperation. “Loves me… Not?! Not?!?!” He roared as the penultimate petal was plucked off, shifting into his demon form and clawing at the de-petaled rose until it was nothing but tatters of stem and leaves hidden amongst the blades of grass under him. The cats continued to stare, and judge, and stare.
“Are there really no other words in this stupid ritual?!” He growled, violently whipping his head around to find the book he had brought with him. ‘A Woman’s Guide to Romance’, written by a human in the 1800s. He frantically flicked to the relevant page, scanning the walls and fences of text to find something - anything - he had missed about how to do the ritual. Maybe a loophole to add on a petal? Maybe this book was too old? But in Satan’s mind, two-hundred years wasn’t all that long - so the writing inside must still hold up.
Or, at least, that’s what he had thought before he had gotten ‘loves me not’ on two-hundred of these stupid roses.
He hadn’t even heard of this game before you, even with all his reading up on the three realms. He had walked in on you gently picking off the petals of a daisy in the RAD courtyard and had approached you, inquiring as to what you were doing. His eyesight still got slightly blurry at the sight of you and his pact mark on foreign skin, the power of the pact still very fresh. It had only been a few weeks, after all. If anything, it was better for you to stay far away from him with such power - such wrath - under your control and yet… You had stayed. Calmly, as if teaching a child, you had explained the premise of the ritual, with Satan doing what he did best: learning. He had learned about how to do the ritual; that some do it for closure, and others for self-assurance; that you did it every time you had a crush.
He also had learned what your favourite flower was, and had briefly imagined him presenting you a bouquet. He had learned that your laughter reminded him of bell chimes, that your scent reminded him of his favourite tea and that your giggles reminded him of a cat’s purr.
And, after what seemed like hours of you talking and him listening, he hadlearned that he loved the way it felt to hear you talk with your head on his shoulder. He had learned he loved to look at your face when you talked. He had learned that he loved to look at your lips talking, pursed and pretty and so soft-looking -
… He had learned a lot that day.
He had learned you had a crush and had relished in your smile when, on your first try, your final petal had been ‘he loves me.’ Then he texted you later that day; and learned that your crush had five letters in his name.
Quickly, he had researched forests with an abundance of flowers and went to the one that would be the furthest away from the prying eyes of his brothers. If he could replicate your result, he’d have definite proof. Proof that it was okay to act on these feelings that have been eating away at him for so long.
But now, two-hundred destroyed flowers later, things were looking bleak.
As he looked down at the mess around him, Satan thought of you. As pretty and as delicate as a rose; as kind, strong and persevering as the flowers too beautiful to deserve a life in the Devildom, but continued to thrive regardless. You: the flower too beautiful to deserve the fate of being torn to shreds by the Avatar of Wrath, like the roses around him.
… Suddenly, a buzzing in his pocket.
He took a deep breath, seeing the message on his D.D.D was from you.
> heyyyyyyyyy, Satan <3
> hehe this cat looks like you hehe
A picture popped up of you snuggling up to a demon cat, not minding the its tiny horns pressing into your cheek. Instinctively, he reached up to lightly touch his own horns. His breath hitched. If you were alright with horns - with the monstrous side of him - then maybe…
Resolute, Satan stood up and dusted himself free of flower bits with one hand; using the other to type out a response.
> It looks adorable. Where are you? I’ll come see it in person.
He paused, before adding:
> I have something I need to tell you.
Why should he let the flowers decide whether you loved him not?
He could get the answer from you himself.
(another attempt at romance, and sappy romantic satan is always fun. there’s a brief reference to that chat where he asks who you would date and i was chortling because man that was bold asf, actual props to him. he strikes me as someone who would research and prep for all scenarios beforehand, then kick his feet like a teenager under the covers of his bed when mc responded.)
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junotter · 1 year
All the jokes about Ken and horses are good but I just wanna say it's such a good parallel to how actual young men get swept into misogyny and the patriarchy.
Like they're told to believe it means men get to be cool and manly and have this power but with that comes extremely rigid commands of what they can be as a man and a cycle of self hatred for never matching those gender roles perfectly. Patriarchy tells men that if they just do exactly what is expected of them, then they get all the "cool stuff" that comes with. That doesn't work though when there's only a small group that actually gets that power, but men will keep trying to fit into those roles in hopes that they can.
In the end there are no horses or the myth men are told, it's just endless cycles of self hatred and ingroup fighting.
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lilowoof · 1 year
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splatoon 3 and those they/them octo pussies, eh?
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thebroadwaybi · 1 year
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rooolt · 2 months
who gets Miguel in the binary boyfriends divorce
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
Aros who reject the idea of love altogehter & aros who redefine what love means to them are both fucking stellar.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
"This is the gender fuckery and cis+ website"You guys can't even handle trans people who don't want to physically transition
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n30n-ang3l · 1 year
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I finished Gen V Episode 1-3 and I just wanna say that both Emma and Jordan need to survive the superhero corporate world of The Boys. They deserve a happy fucking ending okay!!!
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embryoed · 1 month
Me when the writers wrote the line “I know you think that that mohawk defined who you are, but it didn’t. Not to me.” and then expected people to NOT interpret it as gay
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theworkerofkeay · 6 months
The Archivist
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[Monster Jon save me,,, monster Jon,, save me monster Jon,, ]
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911-on-abc · 6 months
“You can ship both buddie and bucktommy” WEAK you can ship all three of them together
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potentially hot take but there is literally no such thing as an “opposite gender/sex” and literally no one has a gender that is the ~opposite~ of theirs.
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eddith · 9 days
I feel like the bigender identity fits Sanji a lot and I've seen a lot of trans women, trans fem and other headcanons, but there's something about Sanji embracing both genders and preforming them - sometimes separately, sometimes together - that just resonates with me a lot.
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