#and that one came together so so so perfectly i'm very proud of it and i am already impatient posting it
redux-iterum · 3 days
Oh yay! Apprentice asks!!! Can we get a small look at all the Kindling apprentices relationships with their mentors?
I'm going to just be doing the ThunderClan apprentices, because I have no idea on any of the other Clans, since they weren't relevant enough to design:
Tigerclaw and Sandpaw: Easily the most emotionally distant pair of mentor and apprentice out of the five. They didn't think too high or too low of each other - the pairing was decided by Bluestar with the specific intention of managing Sandpaw's temper and guiding her into a more sensible, calmer warrior. Tigerclaw was the cat everyone respected, to the point that even the cat with the worst attitude in the Clan (Darkstripe) submitted to him and enjoyed his company (not that Tigerclaw was super close to anyone at this point in time). That said, Tigerclaw hadn't really wanted another apprentice, but he knew he was the cat for the job, so he agreed to it. Sandpaw needed his discipline and stoic sternness to grow as a person and actually get some learning done. It worked out pretty well, I'd say.
Redtail and Dustpaw: Now these two, on the other hand, very much enjoyed being paired together. Dustpaw deeply admired the deputy of ThunderClan for his cool head and excellent work ethic, and Redtail was fond of his overly-rules-oriented little student who could use someone more casual and friendly to study from. Dustpaw was eager to learn and Redtail was eager to teach, and he saw great potential in Dustpaw that he hoped to channel into a leadership position one day. The only pair in this list more perfectly matched than them is the one below this paragraph!
Whitecloud and Ravenpaw: Whitecloud was not remotely surprised when Bluestar approached him and asked if he would mentor the scrawny, shaky little puffball of anxiety who took a full month more than the other kits to be coaxed out of the nursery. In fact, he'd been observing Ravenkit and felt a pang of sympathy every time the little guy flinched or ran away from someone who raised their voice just a bit too loud. Ravenpaw was still terrified when he had his ceremony, but he quickly found that Whitecloud was the first cat he could really relax around and feel...well, maybe not confident, but certainly less panicked and doubtful about his self-worth. Whitecloud never once raised his voice above a near-murmur around his apprentice or used anything but a gentle vocabulary, and it did wonders for helping Ravenpaw utilize his intelligence and learn more easily and quicker than everyone else. But Ravenpaw still needed a push to be able to speak to his fellow apprentices... luckily, a young kittypet with a soul as soft as down-feathers came along and helped Whitecloud out quite a bit with that. Safe to say that Whitecloud is incredibly proud of Ravenwing for having grown as much as he has since becoming a warrior, and Ravenwing is immeasurably grateful that Whitecloud was there to help him every step of the way.
Lionface and Greypaw: Discussed this here!
Bluestar and Firepaw: Well... we did see how that went from a first-person perspective. What Fireheart wasn't in the right head to see was that Bluestar had quite a bit of anxiety about him - she was very worried that she'd made a mistake and couldn't put her money where her mouth was to raise this very un-ThunderClan cat into a proper ThunderClan warrior. It took her a bit, as it took everyone else, to realize that Firepaw was going to be a perfectly fine warrior, but there was no way she could force him to be anywhere near as aggressive and distant as ThunderClan is famous for. In fact, more than anything, he seemed to be encouraging the younger cats to be as soft as he is! Bluestar had no idea where that was going, but despite her nervousness about it, she couldn't help but be interested in seeing where this little guy was going to go next.
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tethered-heartstrings · 8 months
total word count goal: 12360 current word count: 14577 😎
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sanguineterrain · 1 month
in the buff | jason todd
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Summary: The one where you learn firsthand that Jason Todd sleeps in the nude.
Pairing: Jason Todd x gn!reader 
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings/tags: best friend jason, awkwardness, nudity, reader hardcore thirsting over jaytodd, love confessions, humor (attempts at it, anyway), silliness. inspired by this post!
the divider
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There's been a huge (blessed) development in the drug ring case that you and Jason are working on. You can hardly sleep now.
Normally, you'd call or text Jason, even though he's usually already in the know. It's possible that you just like having an excuse to call him, but who can confirm such a thing?
But it's late, probably too late to call, considering Jason doesn't answer his phone unless it's pinged directly to his helmet after a certain time, courtesy of his family being "a buncha jackasses" (his words, obviously).
But maybe it's not too late for a visit. After all, Jason patrols late, and has insane insomnia. He very well could be awake at this late hour. And he's never minded you dropping by before.
In truth, you haven't seen Jason in a few days and you feel restless now when you go longer than a day without seeing each other. You're not quite sure why that is.
So here you are, disabling the window alarm on Jason's apartment. Partly for a case, partly for your own benefit.
It takes a few minutes but you manage to open the window without anyone calling the police or whacking you with a broom. You slide open the window mostly soundlessly. Then you wait. The room remains dark and quiet.
You're pretty proud of yourself actually. It's not that you're green when it comes to spycraft, but you're certainly no Batman.
Still, you've managed to sneak into Jason's apartment without waking him. The Red Hood. You peek in to check if he's really asleep.
And he is, dark hair stark against the white pillow. It sticks out in messy tufts. You can't see past Jason's neck and his freckled arms, illuminated by the orange streetlight outside. You put your laptop bag on the floor.
He's sleeping on his stomach, facing away from you, but you're very endeared by how he's curled up under his sheet, hands tucked under his pillow. If you went really close to his face, you could count his eyelashes. Jason has such pretty eyelashes.
That's a perfectly normal thought to have about your best friend, right? Boys have pretty eyelashes. You're just making an observation.
You're bewildered by how cold the room is, surprised that Jason can withstand such a temperature. Maybe it's a Pit thing.
You watch him for a moment longer. Guilt pools in your gut. Are you really going to wake him when he's probably just gone to bed in the last hour? It takes Jason so long to fall asleep, you know that.
No, you should let him sleep. You can work on the case in the morning.
You bend down to get your laptop bag. In that time, the light flicks on.
You flinch, turn around, and find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun.
Said gun is held by an extremely naked Jason Todd.
"Oh my God!" you say at the same time Jason realizes his mistake.
"What the fuck!" he shouts, grabbing a pillow to cover himself.
But not before you get an eyeful of your best friend's, er, weaponry.
"Why are you naked?" you shout, gaze darting everywhere. Good Lord, it's seared into your retinas. You're never getting the image of Jason's dick out of your brain.
"Why are you in my apartment?" Jason snaps back.
"No, my question is way more urgent," you say.
"No the hell it's not! You broke in! I'm allowed to be naked in my apartment!"
"Okay. Alright. I came because there's been a development in our case. I thought we could work on it together but when I realized you were asleep for real, I decided to leave."
Jason rolls his eyes. "You know I'm a light sleeper. I just went to bed. I was up late.”
Realization strikes you. Could it be...?
"Oh my God. Do you have someone here?" you ask, voice sinking to a whisper.
"I have you here," Jason says irritably.
"No, like—" You make a hole with one hand and stick a finger into it. "Y'know..."
"Jesus, no!" Jason's face twists in disgust. "C'mon!"
"Okay, chill out, Jay-Jay. It'd be fine if you did. I can keep a secret," you say, shrugging. People have sex. You know that. You've never thought about Jason having sex, but you suppose it's possible. Why not? Just because you've never had sex and you always hoped that Jason would be your first doesn't mean that he would. If he's moved on in his life, then you should too.
Jason scoffs. "Yeah, okay. You think anybody would get into bed with a headcase like me?"
Hope rekindles. You're not behind. Jason's right there with you, virginity firmly intact.
He puts the safety back on the gun, squishing the pillow against himself with his elbow. You watch in fascination at his multitasking. Jason starts to turn around to put the gun behind the headboard before clearly thinking twice about mooning you.
"So... why are you naked?" you ask, respectfully keeping your eyes north of the equator.
"If you must know, I sleep in the nude. Now turn around."
You don't turn around. "In the nude?"
Jason's eye twitches. "Yes, nude. It's better for your body and it's more comfortable and I don't—"
You pull a face. "Who says in the nude? How old are you, a hundred?"
"That's what you're harping on?" Jason asks. "You broke into my apartment!"
You hold up a finger. "I didn't break in, I disarmed the alarm like you taught me."
"Yeah, which was only for emergencies. This isn't an emergency. Now turn around!"
So you turn around. You hear the pillow fall and the image returns. You recite the alphabet backwards. When that doesn't work, you think about the time you helped Jason on a mission in the sewers and couldn't get the smell out of your suit for a week.
Yeah, that'll do it. You shudder.
"Can't believe you just broke in," he mumbles. "Raised in a fuckin' barn, swear to God."
"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm truly, honestly sorry, Jaybee. From the bottom of my heart. Can I look now?"
"If you dare."
"Are you decent?" you ask.
"Too easy of a joke," he says. "Yeah, the jewels are covered."
You turn slowly. Jason's got red (ha) boxers on, so you turn all the way.
Huh. Well.
You've never really thought much about what Jason's got going on underneath his armor. Certainly, you've assumed that he's got a good physique and a lot of stamina, considering what he does. You've always assumed that. But Jason's Jason. Your best friend, Jason. Your best friend, Jason, who came back really tall, yeah, and with a deep voice and a super pretty face...
Well, anyway. He's Jason. That's all.
But now? Now you get to look in depth, and... whoa.
Jason's broad, stocky, heavily muscled with a soft layer of fat on top. His arms are huge, hands proportionally big. His pecs are full with pink nipples the same shade as his lips. That's a fact you're never forgetting. Your belly flutters.
Okay, what the fuck! No. This is peak creepy behavior, leering at your best friend like this, even if he does have shoulders you could sink your teeth into and thighs you'd happily get crushed between. No! Bad.
...You look some more. He's covered in scars. This is the first time you've seen his autopsy scar in person. It's white, noticeable but healed, like most of his scars. There's a dusting of dark hair from his chest to his belly button. It thickens as it dips beneath his—
Mm, nope. Not thinking about that again.
Your eyes dart back to his face.
"Are you listening to me?" he asks, forehead crinkled.
"What? Yes. Sorry. Yes." Your cheeks burn.
Something crosses Jason's face, too quick for you to read. But then his expression stones over. He glances at the dresser across from the bed.
"If you gimme a sec, I'll put a shirt on so y'won't have to look at all this," he says, gesturing roughly to his body.
You blink, lost in Jasonland. "Huh?"
"I know the scars are pretty gnarly. Lemme find a shirt."
Jason goes to the dresser and digs through the top drawer. His wide back is strung tight with tension, you can tell. You hurry to him, blocking the drawer with your arm. Jason looks at you, brows rising.
"Can I help you?" he asks.
Words. You remember words, don't you?
You haven't been physically close to Jason in a long time. He smells like soap and detergent and is all-encompassing. Your brain feels like slush. Don't stare at his pecs.
"I didn't—I'm not grossed out by your scars, Jason," you finally manage to say.
Jason raises an eyebrow. "Sure. You're just grossed out by everything else about me." He sighs wearily, like he's practiced this speech every night in the mirror. "Look, it's fine. I know I'm really—"
"No, it's not fine! I can't bear having you think I'm repulsed by your body, Jason. That's just not true," you say.
"Well, you were starin' pretty hard, so—"
"But it wasn't—I wasn't staring in disgust, I was—I..."
Jason crosses his arms. His pecs are pushed up as he does so. His stomach looks so soft. But you know he's strong. Way stronger than you. Strong enough to wield his strength against you, if you wanted him to. Strong enough to be gentle with you, too.
You wonder if he's still ticklish.
"You're doin' it again!" Jason says, and this time he really does look hurt. Fuck. Fuck! You're a shitty best friend.
"No!" You lock eyes with him. "No, no! I mean, yes, I was looking at you. But I wasn't looking in a bad, judgy way. I was, uh, taking in your physique. Because you have a... a very nice body. I've never seen you without clothes so I was looking at you. Sorry."
Yeah, you'll just go die in a hole after this.
Jason squints at you for a long moment. You start to shift in place. Sweat beads on your forehead. You lick your lips, hoping Jason can hear your honesty.
"Are you messin' with me?"
"Huh?" You shake your head. "No, why would I—"
"You're really telling me that you find this," Jason gestures to his body, "Good looking?"
This is worse than any physical torture. You'd prefer Batman beating you up on a roof to being here.
You rub your temple, cheeks aflame. "Oh my God. Yes, Jason, you're a good looking guy. Can we move on?"
"No, 'cause I think you're lyin', and I don't like it. You're always honest with me."
"I am being honest," you say, suddenly more annoyed than anything. Because what the fuck? "Are you kidding me? There's a whole forum dedicated to the Red Hood and how much people want you to step on them. And that's without seeing your face! I have eyes, Jason, of course I find you attractive."
And that should be the end of it. Jason's already slack-jawed like a dead fish. But no, you keep going.
"You make me nervous and I thought I had a lid on it because we knew each other as kids but it's becoming clear that I very much don't, and that probably has to do with the fact that you're the only guy I've been close to, and I never got over you. And now I'm gonna go drown myself in the Hudson. Good night."
You go to slip out the window. Maybe it'll shut on your head and knock you out. That would be a divine gift.
It doesn't, though. The universe isn't so kind. Instead, Jason catches your arm and keeps you rooted to your spot. His hand is cold. You wonder if the rest of him is warm.
"Wait, wait. Just hang on."
You groan. "Dude, I'm fucking mortified over the last five minutes. Please let me keep some of my dignity," you say without looking at him.
"Now when have I ever done that?" You can hear the smile in his voice.
And suddenly, the miserable reality of never being more than friends with Jason Todd comes crashing down. It's too late. You've always been too late.
You sag in his grip.
"We can just forget this ever happened," you say quietly. "Chalk it up to idiocy."
"Mm, yeah, we could. 'Cept I don't think you're an idiot. And I want you to hear what I have t'say first. Will ya look at me?"
Mopily, you look at him. His hand drops.
"You've never slept naked," you say before he can get a word out. "That's new. Otherwise, I would've known, and then I would've used the door."
Jason rolls his eyes. "Can I speak?"
You cross your arms. "Yeah, okay."
"First of all, I don't think it's necessary for me to disclose that I sleep in the nude." You open your mouth to argue. "But I know it was a mistake. I'm not mad about that. Okay?"
You nod. "Okay."
"I won't lie and say I'm not surprised at your... reaction. I don't really... I've never... I'm not Dick or Bruce, y'know? I wasn't told my whole life what a handsome boy I am. And dying and returning didn't really help with that stuff either."
"I think you're handsome, Jason," you say quietly. "Honest."
He coughs and looks away, a tiny blush on his cheeks. "Yeah, uh, think you've made that pretty clear. For the record, I think you're really beautiful. Always thought so."
Your eyes widen. "Really?"
"Well, yeah. I mean... yeah."
"You're just saying that 'cause I saw your vein cane," you say, grinning.
"Don't call it that."
"How about—"
You're both quiet.
"How 'bout pork swor—"
You smile, eyes squinty. Jason glares.
"Don't nickname my thing," he says.
You nod solemnly. "You're right. It's your thing. You should choose its name."
He shakes his head. "Sucha weirdo."
"Hey, I've never been with a guy. I don't know the rules of thing-naming."
Jason tilts his head. "Never?"
You shrug. "Never found anyone I liked enough, I guess. I've pretty much had my heart set on you, Jason."
His face softens. "Oh."
"Well, uh, me too," he says. "You're it for me, honey. I just never... I mean, really, I never thought it would actually happen with you. Not then, not now."
"Huh. You really should've flashed me earlier. We could've sped things up exponentially."
"Yeah, why didn't I think of that," Jason says dryly.
"Dunno! We all know you're more than a pretty face."
His face reddens. You grin.
"Are you shy?" you ask, dancing on your toes.
"No. Shut up."
"You're shy! I make Jason Todd shy! Oh, this is wonderful. I should break into your apartment regularly."
"It's just new for me!" he says. "Lea' me alone."
You cozy up to him, confidence renewed by the mutual confession. You wrap your arms around his neck. Jason looks at you, hands slowly coming to rest on your waist. The rest of him is warm.
"Just teasing you, Jaybee," you say.
"Hmm." He slowly nudges your cheek with his nose. "Like y'always do?"
"Like I always do," you say sweetly. "But for the record, if we ever share a bed in the future, you're gonna have to keep the soldier in his tent."
Jason lets go of you, exasperated. "Oh, for—y'know what? Your visitation privileges are revoked. Get outta my apartment."
You put on the saddest face you can muster. "You're kicking me out? Into the cold?"
"It's eighty degrees."
You sigh loudly. "Okay, fine. Date tomorrow?"
"Seriously?" Jason asks, sounding genuinely surprised.
"Seriously! Why wouldn't I be serious?"
"You really wanna date me?"
"Never been more sure of anything in my life."
Jason's relief is palpable and bittersweet. You'll spend the rest of your days letting him know just how spectacular he and his pectorals are.
"Okay," he says, shy again. You don't tease him this time.
"Great!" You close the distance between you and peck him on the cheek. His blinks in surprise.
"I'll give you a proper kiss on our date," you say, winking. "Bye, Jasey-Daisy."
"Bye, honey. Don't break into anyone else's apartment on your way home."
"Never," you say, climbing out the window. "You're the only one for me, Toddy!"
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 8 months
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Babydoll | Bucky x Reader | Mutually Beneficial AU
After suggesting that you embark on a dom/sub relationship, Bucky reads about collars and gets you a gift.
Warnings: 18+, d/s themes, collaring, pet names & honourifics, suggestion of sex.
Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Mutually Beneficial Masterlist
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Your relationship with Bucky was no secret to the rest of the team. If you were together you were touching, staying in each others spheres, gravitating to each other and that was before you had made it official two weeks ago.
There was, however, a side to your relationship the others didn't know so much about. Since the day you met it'd been clear Bucky liked to be in control and honestly you loved it. Being an Agent was hard work, stressful and wearing. Knowing that when your suit came off, and sometimes when it was still on, you didn't have to think of anything else gave you a deep sense of peace.
He was a commanding officer in the field so that felt perfectly natural, but he was very much a commander in the rest of your relationship too. It started small, making sure you ate and drank enough during the day, ensuring you were keeping up your good habits, making space for your hobbies. He was never angry when you didn't, but he'd offer incentives if you did. He'd say he was proud of you, call you his good girl and kiss your forehead, cheek, lips gently.
Then one day he joked he'd spank you for talking back in the field and you melted instantly, knees hitting the floor, forehead resting reverently on his leg and you apologised "I'm sorry, Sarge," you whispered. Not Bucky, not even James, "Sarge". And he was gone too, lost in the thought of you being his completely.
You had mentioned dom and sub dynamics to him before, playfully, and he'd jumped at the idea. It was very much early days, building up your likes and dislikes, but no relationship had ever felt so right as being Bucky's Babydoll.
In return Bucky liked being able to call the shots in his life, and that you trusted him completely gave him a renewed sense of himself. He was a decision maker, a care taker, a lover and it'd been such a long time since he'd been allowed to flex this side of himself that he had thrown himself into it engulfing you in his care and attention.
"You okay, Sarge?" You whispered in his ear, snuggled into his side on the sofa while the credits rolled on the Saturday morning kids film you'd both been dozing to.
He jolted a little, coming back to himself, the memory of your shining eyes looking up at him from the floor the night before distracting him.
"Of course, Doll, I'm with you" he kissed the top of your head, his hand warm on your back, holding you close against his firm side. The muscles of his chest jumping as you traced patterns through his shirt.
"Just looked like you were lost for a moment." You kissed his neck, one hand fiddling with the tags around his neck.
"I was, but I'm back now." He assured.
"What were you thinking about?" You traced the edges of his dog tags, running your hand over his chest agasin, down towards his stomach, but no lower, not without permission.
"Just you. How you make me feel. I like knowing you trust me, having you to look after. Makes me feel...whole again. Like I should." You felt your face heat from his words, the praise and love evident in every syllable.
"I like knowing I have you, that you've always got my back and my best interests at heart. That you look after me. You make me whole too," you rubbed your face into the side of his chest, burying yourself deeper in his warmth.
"Yeah? You like it when I take care of you, Babydoll?" He teased, kissing the top of your head and squeezing your sides.
"Of course I do. I need you, Sarge."
"Can I give you something. Something to show you're mine?" You shivered a little, Bucky calling you 'mine' was always in private and it made you feel hot all over to think he'd want to give you something permanent, demonstrable.
"Yes," you breathed back.
Bucky sat you both up pulling a box from his pocket and crossing his legs so you could sit face to face. "I got you a necklace," he handed the box over almost shyly, the blue velvet felt plush as you flipped it open.
Inside was a short gold chain with a little circular disk on. Inscribed on one side was 'Babydoll' with your birth stone underneath, your face lit up instantly at the thought of wearing it for him, of feeling his affection so close to you.
"Oh Bucky," you closed your eyes, bringing the box up to your heart.
"You don't have to wear it all the time if you don't want to. You don't have to wear it at all. But, I was reading about what you said, and then about collars. I'd really like if you wore it all the time. What do you think?"
"I love it," you grinned.
"You do?"
"Yes, Sir," you purred back, dropping your eyes demurely. He hitched his breath pulling you into his lap.
"And, if you like, maybe I could put one of my tags on it?"
He pulled his tags over his head, sliding the extra tag off and onto the thin gold chain.
"Turn around, Doll," you slid out of his lap onto the floor between his thighs so he could wrap the chain around your neck.
It sat snug against the base of your throat, the silver disk laying over the top of Bucky's tag. You let your hand drift over the cool metal and met Bucky's on your sternum.
"Let me see?" He tipped your chin up between his finger and thumb with one hand, his metal fingers tracing the chain with the other. "You look beautiful."
Bucky held your hips as you climbed back into his lap again, sighing with approval.
"Sarge, its perfect." You shut your eyes at the feel of the cold metal, reminding you of Bucky's hand, firm yet loving. He growled, pulling you close by tugging on the chain, holding you still while he kissed you.
"No, Babydoll, you're perfect"
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bambi-slxt · 5 months
✨a concept✨
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acts of service
he's a problem solver. “chris i can't get the dishwasher to work, can you-” and he's already ordered a new one, set up the installation, and made sure you'll be home for it. he hates the idea of you floundering alone, and is always quick to take on whatever tasks he can, even if it's as small as running a bath for you before you get home.
words of affirmation
chris is the type to look for things about you that other people don’t seem to notice and compliment you on them. “you’re so well-spoken, like the way you word shit, it's just incredible.” he also likes to hear about your goals and how you're achieving them, and enjoys affirming your choices in life.
quality time
he's SO BIG on quality time. chris loves to be near creativity and one of the ways that manifests is with music. lil skies drops a new album? chris is gonna call you first so you guys can listen to the whole thing together and yap about it.
gift giving
he has such a squirrel brain. chris will see something at the store that reminds him of you and put it in the cart, forget about it, do another lap around the store, see it again, and put it in the cart. he just wants to make you happy.
physical touch
chris doesn't feel the need to be possessive. he shows his physical touch kind of love through soft touches on your back when he's walking behind you (“i'm here, don't get startled”), tapping your thigh in the car to the beat of his music, and standing so close to you when y'all brush your teeth that your hips graze each other.
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acts of service
matt doesn’t like showing off the things he does for you, so often you’ll find that things get fixed or chores get done in the quiet background of your day. he fixes the leaking sink when you’re out shopping, and cleans up the kitchen before you get back so he can help you put groceries away, all without bringing it up once. he enjoys helping you out and taking some of the mental load off of you, but hates the idea of being appreciated for it - matt feels that it’s just his job as a partner.
words of affirmation
he’s big on writing notes. since he doesn’t have a typical 9-5, he’ll make your lunches and put a little post-it note on the inside. “i’m so proud of you, you’re gonna have an amazing day.” on your birthday or anniversary, he always has a hand-written letter for you along with any gifts or celebratory activities.
quality time
matt likes to body double, which means that the two of you don’t necessarily have to be doing the same thing to be engaging in quality time. he’s perfectly content to work on his personal brand or account while you read or play his games while you’re doing homework. he also loves teaching you Fortnite and other FPS’s, or trying new things together like cooking or making crafts.
gift giving
he enjoys giving practical gifts, things that will help make your life easier. it’s his way of saying he notices you’re struggling and he wants to help however he can. this also connects back to his words of affirmation - matt knows that words are powerful, and many of his gifts involve written sentiments of love, pride, vulnerability, or compassion towards you.
physical touch
matt was never big on physical touch. he’s always very aware of his body and someone else coming into contact with it only exacerbated the problem. but soon he came up with a solution for the two of you - ‘three taps means i love you’. soon he taps you all the time, even in his sleep.
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acts of service
nick is never afraid to confront your problems head on, and he feels no apprehension taking time out of his day to do things for you. one of his favorite ways to perform an act of service is to help you manage your days and be as productive as you can be - he wants nothing more than to see you succeed and achieve your dreams.
words of affirmation
he doesn’t always show love this way, but when he does, nick could talk about you for hours. he calls attention to all of your wonderful traits, cute quirks, and special interests, making sure to bring up how amazed he is by all of what makes you, you.
quality time
quality time with nick can look like a lot of different things depending on his mood. some days he wants to go get aćai bowls, thrift, go on a walk by the harbor, and visit the farmers market and some days he wants to stay in bed and talk or watch movies until 3pm.
gift giving
nick is incredibly good at getting gifts. he tries his best to pay attention to everything you like and all the hobbies and interests you have so he can go look them up later and find you presents based on that. he also really enjoys diamond paintings, crafting, or any other artsy, homemade gift he can give you, because to nick, those feel the most authentic.
physical touch
he’s always been a bit jumpy when other people touch him and he’s not expecting it, but once nick knows it’s you, he doesn’t mind at all. when he’s in the mood for it, he loves detangling your hair, hiding his hands in your hoodie pocket, or just brushing up on you as much as he can. 
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thanks for reading!
bambi <3
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cerise-on-top · 9 months
I really love your works and writing on cod! I really enjoy reading it! ❤
Can I request Konig, Nikolai, Rudy and Alejandro reacting to reader speaking to their native tongue?
Take all the time you need! ❤🐱
Hello, I'm glad I can write something people can enjoy! And of course you can, even if I'm not sure I understood this ask perfectly! I wrote it as reader speaking the native language of the lads with them, so I hope that's okay! If you wanted reader simply speaking their own native language, please let me know! Thank you for the request, this one was very fun to write for!
Alejandro, Rodolfo, Nikolai and König with an S/O who Speaks Their Language with Them
Alejandro: He’d definitely be surprised if it comes out of nowhere, but he’s anything but mad. He can speak English fluently, has no problems whatsoever with it, but if he can speak Spanish then he definitely won’t mind either. If you’re a beginner and it’s evident by how you stutter in Spanish, then he’ll be patient with you. He’ll speak slowly and clearly so you can follow while also getting a good feel for the intonations the language has. However, when he just wants to tease you a bit then he’ll speak the way he’d usually speak while also not shutting up either. Alejandro can be eloquent in Spanish if he tries, but he barely ever does, only when he wants to confuse you with words you’d likely only hear from people who are 100 years old. The more you look like you’re in despair, the more it cracks him up. He will apologize afterwards, though, and give you a kiss on the cheek. If your Spanish is already pretty good, however, and you just wanted to surprise him, then congratulations, he’s likely going to speak a whole lot more Spanish with you than before. Just because it’s a popular language doesn’t mean everyone speaks it, so when he wants to tell you something for your ears only while there are people around, he’ll say it in Spanish. It’s comfortable for him, getting to speak his mother tongue with you. He thinks in Spanish, so it’s a whole lot easier for him as well. Tells a lot more jokes in Spanish too, even though they’re some of the worst ones the language has to offer. While they may not be Ghost-level lame, they’re something else still. Come up with your own and he’ll be so proud of you, rewarding you with more awful puns he came up with. He’s just happy he gets to share his language with you.
Rodolfo: As soon as you come up to him somewhat timidly and strike up a conversation in Spanish he’ll be a bit surprised, but absolutely smitten. Since it’s obvious you’re still learning he’ll try to use “nicer” Spanish on you, so more words that aren’t just exclusive to his dialect, or Las Almas in general. Very supportive, he would never judge you for making grammar mistakes while speaking, taking a while to remember a word or mispronouncing something, it’s part of learning a language, after all. Might nudge you in the right direction or correct you gently, but he’d never mean it in a bad way, he just wants to help you. He’ll speak clearly to you, slowly as well, so you can learn from him. It’s not often he gets carried away, but sometimes hearing you speak Spanish is just so cute that he might chuckle a bit or be a bit more excited than usual. A very patient teacher, who can appreciate you trying to learn something new. Now, if your Spanish is already pretty good then he does like holding a conversation with you in Spanish every once in a while. It’s just nice to turn your brain off without having to translate every other word into another language since he, too, thinks in his native tongue. Soft petnames from time to time, or maybe just mixing English and Spanish together when he can’t think of the word immediately as well. Somehow, as soon as he knows you speak Spanish, he’ll believe you’ve taken an interest in the corresponding culture, so he’ll teach you more about Mexico if he can. Teaches you how to cook the food, the customs, what the people are like in general. While he may not be as connected to his culture as Alejandro, he does like talking about it from time to time.
Nikolai: The second you greet him with a cheerful privet he knows you’re in for something. You should have expected such from him as well, though. It’s a gamble with him, he’ll either speak more quickly than he usually does just to mess with you or he’ll hold a prim and proper conversation with you and it all depends on how playful he’s feeling that day. Overall, he’s pretty chill about it, though. You wanna know how to pronounce something? You wanna know what gender a noun has? What his neighbor was yelling about again? He’s got your back. You can ask him the most embarrassing questions a million times, he won’t mind. Besides, if you want to then you can come to Russia and experience everything there first hand. Nikolai knows all the good places in Russia that are suitable for someone who’s not usually there, so you won’t have to worry about anything either. If you want to hold a whole conversation about how tortoises have survived for millions of years, then you can. Besides, hearing you botch the pronunciation from time to time is just the most precious thing there is. Will smile a bit when you pronounce something incorrectly, but won’t ever outright mock you for it. As mentioned before, he just thinks it’s cute. And when you know Russian very well, then he still won’t speak it too often. Nikolai knows eight languages, he doesn’t always think in Russian, usually in English since that’s what most of his closest friends speak with him. If you really insist on speaking Russian with him, he will, but won’t think too much of it. Many people know the language, Russia is a big country, after all. If you want to, then you can spend some holidays there and he’ll show you around since there likely isn’t a better guide in the whole country than him. But he will not make a big fuss out of it.
König: German isn’t a very popular language due to its grammar, so you can imagine his surprise when you walked up to him with the most adorable Grüß Gott he’s ever heard. He could just squish you then and there, but he refrains from doing so and instead focuses on trying to have a meaningful conversation with you. Doesn’t matter if it’s good, doesn’t matter if you’re just asking him how he’s doing, a conversation is a conversation and you’re learning. Besides, you learning German, especially if it’s just because of him, does move him just a bit. Might not always initiate a conversation in German with you because what if you’re not in the mood? But you can always just talk to him in German, he doesn’t mind it at all. Though, he might not be the best person to learn German from since he uses regional words that people his age use. While he does try to speak high German with you, he does not really care much for it, so his dialect slips in every once in a while. But hey, at the very least you get to learn his dialect. As soon as he hears you call someone Hawara he becomes oddly proud of himself, thinking he’s doing well as a teacher even if he barely does anything. He loves Austria, so if you really want to see it, he’s more than happy to take you home, show you Vienna, Styria and Lower Austria and make you try some good old Brettljause. If you already know German, then chances are you’ll only know high German, which is alright too, but please know that from time to time, König will speak his dialect with you, which you might not always understand. He barks quite a bit when he speaks too, making it a bit harder to understand him as well. However, he’s always more than happy to play translator for you and teach you words no one uses anymore, such as hal. Austrian words are a must know for you, therefore you’ll learn fairly early on what a Seidl or an Erdapfl is.
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paddockletters · 2 years
I'm sick of it | jude bellingham
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request: yes / can you write one about bellingham where they argue all the time and she’s so exhausted about that so she cries and he confort her please? summary: You and Jude are tired of arguing all the time, but he realises he's been a jerk so he tries to sort things out with you. pairing: jude bellingham x reader warnings: angst, fluff words count: 1.4 k author's note: kinda short but i hope you like it! just to let you know again, english is not my first language so pardon me if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me—
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The last few weeks have been rough for you, Jude, and indeed for your relationship.
It hasn't been the best because of some small or silly reasons—for you, it’s not that silly, but for Jude, it is—you end up fighting, even over things that aren't worth arguing about.
One of those many arguments was over the fact that he had been hanging out with his friends lately. It wasn’t that it annoyed you at first because, of course, he has every right to do so, but you barely saw him at night when he came home just for dinner or to sleep.
You were upset because he wasn’t able to spend time with you; he was always out.
"Jude, you're never here; you never spend time with me. I don't even know when you're going out," you told him in annoyance. You were tired of the same old thing.
"Damn, you are so needy. I just want some time off..."
"I can't believe it, Jude. I'm not asking you to be with me all the time; I'm just asking us to spend time together like we used to. Watch movies, go out to dinner, but clearly, I don't see that you're interested. That's it. Honestly, I'm sick of it."
“Yeah, and so am I, and I think I want to stay away from you.”
“Oh, so now you don't want me around anymore?”
"Come on, I didn't say that."
"Jude, you just said that. You know I love you. I left my family, I left my friends, I left college to come here with you. You don't know how lonely I feel sometimes. I try to distract myself with online classes, even going out with the girls, but I also want to be with you. I want us to go back to the way we used to be," you said with tears.
"I didn't force you to come here." You couldn't believe what he had said; it hurt you to hear him say that.
"You know what? Forget it. I don't want to argue anymore and say something I didn't mean and might regret," you said as you walked out of your room and into the living room.
This fight led to the silent treatment, which has been the worst thing and a nightmare for both of you because you are both so proud. But certainly, you had reason to be angry after everything Jude said to you. You know that you can't escape conflict and that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. However, you and Jude were an imperfect couple that fit together perfectly; he treats you great, and you know that from time to time, you might disagree on some things, but it never escalated to a major level. You always fixed it very quickly.
You used to wait a few days to calm down and talk about the problem so that you could try to figure out what the matter was and how you could fix it. Despite the fight, Jude still tucks you in bed when you sleep, and you cook breakfast in the morning for both of you. Maybe you don't show your love with words but with actions.
From Jude's point of view, it had been hard for him to understand that somehow you were right and he was acting selfishly. While he hadn't spoken to you, it was to give you time because he knew you needed it after that big fight. He was also tired of fighting with you, so this time he wanted to fix things, fix what he said, and knew he shouldn't have acted that way. He was sorry because, yes, you had left many things in your country to follow him because he had asked you to. He was sure that he wanted, and in fact, he wants to continue enjoying achievements and defeats with you by his side.
Days after the fight, Jude arrived at your shared flat after training, ready to fix the situation because he didn’t want to lose you. As he walked in, the first thing he did was head to the living room to see if you were there, like you usually are watching a TV show or even a movie. However, you weren't there, which made him frown.
He headed to the small office, thinking maybe you were in an online class, but no, you weren’t there either. He quickly went to the door of your room and heard you sobbing, so he entered the room to find you under the blanket, your body moving because of your crying.
When you heard that he had entered the room, you tried to stop crying, but you were still sobbing a little.
"Baby..." you heard Jude coming closer.
"Hey, are you okay? Please don't cry; I don't like seeing or hearing you cry." Those words, instead of calming you down, made you cry even more.
"Go away," you said between cries, hiding more under the blanket.
"Baby, please, let's talk. I want us to work out whatever it is that's going on with us." You felt the mattress sink next to you.
Jude, seeing that you weren't responding, decided to start talking.
"Well, I apologize for how I have been acting and everything I said because I really understand that I acted like a dick to you when you didn't deserve it after everything you have done for me. I want you to know that I am very grateful to you. I think sometimes a discussion is necessary to understand each other and to make sure that we are communicating well, that we are expressing how we feel, and I didn’t take that into account in our last discussion, and I'm sorry for that.
"I want us to understand each other because that's what it's all about. We are in a relationship where we have to grow and learn. And I know that relationships are not easy, but they need some work on both sides, so I assure you that I will do my best."
By that time, you had stopped crying.
"Jude... I'm sorry too because I know we've been arguing about silly things that I sometimes start, but I'm really hurt by what you said. I want to fix this too. We should have the confidence to say what bothers us or what we disagree with without fighting. Like you said, that's what a relationship is all about: teamwork.
We have to do everything we can so that this argument doesn't happen again, and of course, fix and talk about what's wrong. Just like you, I will also do my part to avoid having fights. I love you, and I missed you, baby," you told him while hugging him and hiding your face in his neck. You immediately smelled his perfume, which calmed you down and gave you peace.
"I love you too," he kissed you on the head, and you felt him smile. "What do you say we go out to dinner tonight at that restaurant you love so much?"
"When we get home, we can watch a movie," you murmured into his neck.
"Or maybe something else to make up, you know," he told you as he smiled cheekily.
"Judeeee." You gave him a little punch in the abdomen.
"Babe, we have to recover lost time because you don't know how much I missed you— not kissing you, not hugging you, not touching you. I think there's no better way to recover lost time than making love," he said to you as he turned you around so he was on top of you and started kissing your neck.
"Jude..." you said as you moaned softly.
"I love you, baby. You really are the best thing that ever happened to me," he said as he looked into your eyes.
"You made me go from emotional to horny. I hate you," you told him as you pouted.
"You know you love me. But well, you better take a shower; we have dinner." With that, you got up to head to the bathroom and felt a playful slap.
"Bellingham, stop or I'll get mad again."
"Don't act like you don't like it. I know you missed it just as much as I missed you and your ass," he said as he laughed, and you closed your bathroom door.
He was impossible, but you loved him like that, and you were happy you could fix things.
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skzhua · 1 year
Episode nine.
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pairing: XO, Kitty's Min Ho x Female Reader
genre: Fluff, angst, enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, coming-of-age.
word count: 5.7k
warnings: Swearing, suggestive, jealous Min Ho, sad for some parts.
summary: Transferring to KISS was the last thing you had asked for and, yet, a certain tall boy made it seem both worse and better than you expected.
note: Bold - Korean, Italic - Over the phone
a/n: So much is happening in this one... and it's so long...
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"A reason, a season, or a lifetime."
Q paused his workout for a moment. Frowning at Min Ho in confusion, he asked him to explain furthermore. As he stopped massaging his face with the face roller, he sighed.
"Every relationship fits into one of those categories. I read it in a magazine."
Q, not caring much, resumed to working out. Meanwhile, you came out of your room and sat next to Min Ho.
"The point is," he continued. "Y/N and I are starting a relationship. And looking at how things were before between us, I believe we got together for a reason."
"You needed to get laid with a chick?"
You slapped Q's arm aggressively. "What a way to talk about me when I am right here!"
"Not for that, no." Min Ho chuckled. "She showed me that there was more than just casual dating, that it could be worth it."
You laughed and he looked at you weirdly. "What?"
"I'm talking about real feelings and you are laughing?"
"No, I believe you are being sincere and it's real sweet. But it does not fit you at all." you still laughed.
His jaw clenched. "It might not have been that worth it asking you to be my girlfriend, after all."
That shut you up real quick. After a small apology, he invited you in his arms to cuddle before placing a soft peck on the top of your head. You squirmed in comfort.
"Do I have to third-wheel?" Q whined.
"Don't be like this, you have Florian." you assured but it didn't seem to do the trick.
Min Ho immediately noticed the shift in his voice. "How are things with him?"
"He's going through some stuff, but I'm here for him."
"That's good. I'm sure he's glad to have you around." you smiled warmly at him.
Having complained about third-wheeling barely two minutes ago, to Q's luck, Dae and Kitty came to join in the living room, skipping before he took her in his arms. Telling each other sweet 'good morning's, the remaining three of you grunted in annoyance.
"And now I am fifth-wheeling." Q muttered to himself.
Min Ho gave the couple the side eye. "It's too early to be this cheery."
"I am this cheery." Kitty affirmed as she and Dae went to the kitchen counter to prepare coffee for everyone. "Not only because I have the most perfect boyfriend in the world-"
"Lucky you." you said as you sat down with Min Ho behind you, rubbing your arms.
"Thank you?" he gasped, offended.
Kitty chuckled before continuing. "But it has also come to my attention that I am failing most of my classes. That means that if I don't do amazing on the finals, I will flunk out of school."
"How is this making you cheery?" you asked.
"Well, if I dwell the fact that I was considered super smart at home and here I can barely keep up, I will start sobbing."
You, on the other hand, had never been doing any better. Your aunt was proud of you for integrating the school perfectly, your uncle praised your grades in his class, you had friends, a boyfriend... This was all too good to be true. You started to doubt that it was going to last, especially with finals coming up so soon.
"We still have a week." Dae spoke. "We're going to make study plans and everyone will help you."
Min Ho shook his head. "I'm very busy and Y/N-"
"Everyone." Dae said in a stern tone. "Guys, Kitty and I are finally together. I'm not going to let her fail out of this school now."
"Well, I'm in. I'll help with chem." Q said.
You raised your hand. "I could ask my uncle for extra exercises in history." you suggested to which Kitty thanked you.
"She definitely needs to work on her Korean." Min Ho mumbled.
"What did you just call me?" Kitty asked angrily, immediately taking offense.
"Exactly." he deadpanned at her.
Dae assured her he'll be helping her with the rest. Being top student, he was the perfect tutor for her. Clinging your mugs of coffee together, you started to get ready afterwards. However, Min Ho did not let you go back to your room and grabbed you by the arm to kiss you.
"I'd love doing that, but I need to change."
He pouted but let go of you. "We can't have a moment to us in this dorm."
You could only laugh at him. You simply adored how much of a softy he was to you.
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Tutoring Kitty was either easy or hard. It depended on how motivated she was and, most of the time, she was only discouraged.
"You've got 53%" you said sadly as you gave her back the sheet of paper.
Your uncle happily gave you exam practices for Kitty to study, but with this one being the fourth she did already, you were starting to feel like she was a lost cause. Plus, the library was fully packed since everyone was studying.
"Great." she grunted before dropping her head into her arms.
"It's four percent better than last time."
"And that's what's going to help me pass, yes."
She made a good point. You sprawled on your chair and sighed heavily with her. It looked as if it was the two of you who were failing. And Min Ho just had to confirm that when he sat with you with his Korean lesson books to take over Kitty's tutoring.
"Aren't you two adorable." he teased you and you stuck out your tongue at him. "I'm serious, you are cute."
"Ew." Kitty said in disgust.
"Not you. Y/N." he specified. "I believe it's time to work on your Korean now."
Kitty shook her head. "I am on the verge of dropping out myself. Give me five minutes."
He frowned before glancing at you. "I'm assuming history didn't go well."
"Nope." you chuckled. "I'm sure she'll get the hang of it... We just need to study more."
She let out a whine. "Study, study, study... this is all I've been doing today."
"Stop complaining, you asked us to help you." Min Ho said, frustrated.
He convinced her to get into studying Korean and you stayed with them, having nothing else to do. She started to get the hang of the the basics but it was still very bad. By the end of it, she was able to tell what were some verbs and such.
"Are you coming back to the dorm with me?" she asked while taking her bag to head out.
Min Ho held you by the waist as you walked. "Not today. I have prepared something very special for my girlfriend."
You looked away from him in an attempt to hide your blush. "Another surprise?"
"You can't have enough of them. Don't worry, I think you will like it a lot."
"I'll love it for sure if I'm with you."
Kitty groaned. "I think I preferred it when you were cussing each other out."
"Says the one who is too cheery when she's with Dae."
That shut her up and she parted ways with you, leaving Min Ho laughing with pride. You shook your head in disapproval.
"What? It wasn't even mean."
"Nothing. So, what's the surprise?"
He smirked. "You'll see."
You took a stroll around campus, hand in hand, and he eventually left the grounds to lead you somewhere. Just there, his chauffeur was waiting for you. You skeptically hopped in and he drove off. Being driven away when you didn't know the destination was usually a sign to run away. But you trusted Min Ho, maybe more than you should.
It wasn't even twenty minutes after that he pulled over in front of Han River. A typical date in Seoul. Getting off the car, Min Ho took your hand to help you out and you followed the trail while admiring the view.
"This is so cheesy." you laughed.
"Stop that, it's cute."
You snorted. "I'm sure you brought other girls here."
He smiled in shame. "Fair. But I didn't like any of them as much as you."
Your face became red. A couple of steps later, something popped in your mind. You grew tense and he felt it. As he halted his movements, he rubbed your shoulders while asking you what was wrong.
"What happened with Lulu?"
He gulped. "Should it matter?"
"Kind of."
He sighed and resumed to walking with you. "I went out with her the night after you literally saved my ass. We made out, sure, but I haven't talked to her since."
You nodded. "Okay, and was there anyone else?"
He shook his head violently. "I couldn't get you off my mind after I..." he paused and coughed. "Well, it doesn't matter."
You began to connect the dots. "You had a sex dream about me."
He coughed again. "No."
"So Q was right." you giggled. "How was it?"
"I did not have a sex dream about you."
"Awe, Min, don't be shy."
He looked away and you kept on laughing at him. He fastened his pace in silence. You called out for him and tried to catch up to his pace. He refused to look back at you. But once you did reach him, you were left speechless. On a picnic table, he had delicately placed candles and lights as well as some pillows for comfort. The best wasn't even that. It was the food. You spotted kimbap, japchae, tteokboki, kimchi... The amount was overwhelming.
"I'm... wow." you breathed out.
He walked up to you and hugged you from behind. "I thought we could use a night to ourselves."
You smiled widely. "This is perfect, no one has done something like this for me before."
"Expect to get more of this. Shall we?"
You sat down face to face and he helped you with serving yourself, asking what you wanted to taste first. Every single dish was delicious, you couldn't get enough of it. Min Ho watched you eat, satisfied with how the surprise turned out.
"When did you even cook this?" you asked, still having a bite of kimbap in your mouth.
"I used my chauffeur's kitchen and I missed my classes today."
Your face fell. "Min Ho..."
"It was my pleasure, darling."
You grabbed his hand and stroke it with your thumb. "I love it but I don't want you to fall behind in school because of me."
He gave you a reassuring smile. "I'm doing great in all of my classes, don't worry."
After eating, you went on with your evening stroll. Talking about everything and nothing, it eventually got to the point where he discussed about his parents with you. He understood the lifestyle of his mother but it was starting to get to him more nowadays. If there was one person he loved more than anything, it was her. So being apart from her for so long, he suffered. The relationship with his father wasn't as pleasant. He had pretty much cut off ties with him, not approving of his new way of living life after the divorce.
"Do you miss him?"
He thought for an instant. "Sometimes. But I miss the old him, not what he has become."
"I'm sorry."
He huffed. "Don't be. I'm better off without him."
A silence took over and he stopped you to observe the river. He wrapped his arms around you while you did the same around his torso.
"How did you do when they passed?"
The question took you by surprise, although it shouldn't have since you were already on topic. "I was empty inside. I lost a lot of friends who were sticking to me only for the wealth. I fought a lot with my aunt who didn't even plan on having children and she suddenly had this kid coming to live with her. It was..."
He saw you choke up on your words and brought his hands to your face to stop you from talking any more. "Hey. You don't have to tell me."
"You asked."
He chuckled. "Yeah, but it doesn't mean I wanted to make you think about it all over again and break in front of me."
You got up on your tiptoes – him being the giant he is – and you kissed him. While it was sweet and delicate at first, Min Ho took the lead quickly. Holding you tighter, he deepened the kiss, almost leaving you breathless.
"Shouldn't we get back to the dorm? Curfew is soon."
He didn't want to but you were right. You went back to the car and the driver drove you back to campus.
You didn't know whether it was you or him who started it, but both of you were needy. Walking in the dorm, you couldn't keep your hands off each other as you kept on stealing kisses every two seconds.
"Guys, we're busy here." Q deadpanned at the two of you as he pointed to Kitty with her school books.
Getting his coat off, Min Ho proceeded to help you with yours. "So are we."
Kitty groaned. "Well, don't do that here."
He gave her a look. "But you are all over Dae all the time here, yes."
You dragged him into his room before he would say another stupid thing. As soon ad the door closed, his lips were back on yours. He lost no time in helping get your vest off, both of you still in your school uniforms.
"You're so impatient." you said in-between the kisses.
You found him shirtless seconds later and you stepped back to his bed. Laying you down, he topped you and started to work on your neck, sucking on your skin. He brushed your thigh gently before giving it a squeeze. You let out a gasp. You felt him smile against your skin. You brought up to your lips again and started to feel him up and you touched his abdomen. His efforts in looking his best truly paid off, you couldn't find him any hotter.
"You're so pretty." he rasped out.
"You're the pretty one."
"You're right."
You slapped him slightly and he laughed. "I think I love you."
You immediately froze. He pulled back slightly before stuttering incoherent words. You only blinked, which made Min Ho sweat. Why weren't you saying anything?
You pushed him off and placed yourself so you were laying facing one another. Putting your hand on his jaw, you stroke his cheek softly.
"I love you, too."
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The first thing you saw was Min Ho's bare back. You could hear him breathe calmly as the rays of sunshine hit his skin perfectly. So... You slept in his room... Nothing too odd. You were his girlfriend, after all. You tried to get out of bed carefully to not waking him up. But it didn't work as he turned around and brought into his arms, stopping your from getting out of bed.
"Good morning." he mumbled.
"I didn't want to wake you."
"Too late." he said, stretching his arm out.
"Get ready, I'll go make you a cup of coffee."
He grinned and gave you a small kiss. "You're just too perfect, aren't you?"
You walked out of his room to let him change and freshen up and were startled when you saw Yuri sit with Kitty and Dae. You slowly went to make coffee, confused.
"Hi, Y/N." Yuri smiled at you.
"What is happening?"
"I came out to my mom, moved out of the penthouse, and here I am! Living with you!"
You perked an eyebrow at her. "You came out?"
"Yeah, it was hard, but I feel so much better."
"Oh my God, that's great! I'm so happy for you."
She smiled even more. "Thank you."
"Yuri started to help me with history. Want to join?" Kitty asked.
In the meantime of your hot beverage being ready, you sat with them and asked questions to Kitty. You were happy to see she was able to answer most of them easily.
"Timeline of the later Three Kingdoms." Yuri read out loud the memo card, laying on her back while her legs were slumped on the couch, in-between Dae and Kitty.
"890 to 936." she answered automatically.
"The first political state?" you asked in your turn.
"Gojoseon." she said in a broken Korean.
"Gojoseon." Dae corrected her and she repeated properly.
"What is happening?"
You hadn't even notice Min Ho coming out of the room and was now leaning on your seat, rubbing your shoulder softly. You put your hand on top of his and he gave you a quick smile before focusing on Yuri again.
"I moved in!" she answered happily, proceeding to sit up properly.
"What? Why?" he looked to all three of them. "Are you a throuple now?"
"No." they all answered.
"I'm gay." Yuri said and Min Ho seemed to be even more lost so she continued. "I came out to my mom, moved out of the penthouse. Scared, excited..."
"Wait." he stopped her. "You've been gay this whole time?"
"It's not a choice."
"I know, I mean..." he began to say but stopped mid-way. "So you and Dae... you were in a fake relationship?" They nodded. "So Kitty was right?"
Kitty smiled proudly. "I told you I know matchmaking."
His body tensed. "You're not mad at Dae? He lied, and lied, and lied..."
You tensed in your turn. Because you lied as well.
"I was mad." Kitty affirmed. "But then I forgave him, and Yuri, and Y/N-"
"Wow." he scoffed.
He retracted his hand from you and took a step back. You felt your heart pound as anxiety crept in, and not the kind you would feel when something good was about to happen. The kind you'd feel when something bad was coming.
"You're as trusting as my dad's third wife."
"Hey." Dae got defensive. "Kitty and I are good. Leave it alone."
"I'm not good."
The tone of his voice sent a shiver down your spine. At that point, he was ignoring your presence.
"You lied to me, too." he continued. "A lot. I wouldn't do that to a friend."
He slowly dared to glance at you and you gulped. You stood up next to him. "Min Ho..."
"Or someone I care about." he said more softly, though you could hear the pain. "I just wouldn't."
He left abruptly, shutting the door of his room harshly. Meanwhile, you felt the tears prick in your eyes. Things were just starting to be good for you, and you had to mess it all up.
"Finals." Yuri exhaled. "Makes everyone crazy."
You gave her a look but she shrugged and went back to asking Kitty questions. Feeling the need to get away from all of this, you went to get changed and left the dorm. A walk seemed to be exactly what you needed.
So why wasn't it doing anything? You felt nothing but emptiness as you walked by other students. You plugged in your earbuds to block out the outside world and spaced out, heading to nowhere precisely. You checked your phone after a while but you got nothing from Min Ho. You couldn't blame him for being mad at you, you were supposed to trust him the most. You trusted him the most. You were submerged with guilt and, as your mind came back to reality, you were standing in front of the administration of the school. You didn't even need to knock as your aunt had already opened the door of her office only from the sight of you in her window.
"Hey, I didn't know you'd stop by." she cheerfully greeted you but her smile dropped once she took in what state you were in. "Oh, dear. Come on in."
She offered you tea and even if you didn't feel like eating or drinking, you let her make a cup for you. She cleaned up her desk a little to make space and sat in front of you, waiting for you to speak.
"Can I stay over tonight?"
Her eyes softened. "Of course, anytime. Now, tell me what happened."
You took a deep breath. "I don't know. Things got complicated, I guess."
She nodded her head slowly. "I see. I won't tell you what to do but know that I'm always here for you if anything. Time will fix everything, I promise."
You huffed with a smile. "That's what they all say."
"Because it's true." she chuckled and then glanced at the clock in her office. "Your classes start soon. I'll make you a good meal for tonight."
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Min Ho: I'm getting coffee with Dae. Do you want me to get you something?
You scoffed at the text. Although you were surprised he was the one to reach out first, this was not the text you thought he'd send.
Min Ho: You saw my message, I know it.
Y/N: I won't be at the dorm tonight, so no thanks.
Min Ho: Where are you?
Y/N: I'm fine.
Min Ho: I didn't ask how you were doing, idiot. I asked where you are.
Y/N: Are you still mad at me?
Min Ho: Yes..?
Y/N: Okay, then I'm not at the dorm to leave you space.
Min Ho: It's not because I'm mad that I don't worry about you. Where are you? I'm picking you up.
Y/N: Don't.
Min Ho: Please.
Y/N: It's only going to worsen things. You'll stay mad, it'll be awkward, and then we both won't be able to sleep.
Min Ho: We'll talk, I promise.
Y/N: Fine. I'm at my aunt's.
You got up from bed and went to the front door. Your uncle, still awake, watched you leave in silence.
"Be careful out there." he said before going back to reading his book.
"I will. Thank you for tonight, it was nice."
He gave you a smile and you left. You waited by the porch of your front door and saw a fancy car coming only a couple of minutes later. You went inside where Dae and Min Ho were seated, coffees in hands. Min Ho passed you an ice americano and you hummed as to thank him. The ride was, as you predicted, awkward as hell. Dae was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt in uneasiness and Min Ho was sipping on his drink every five seconds, visibly nervous.
And the walk to the dorm wasn't any better. As soon as you walked in, you announced you were going to bed. Min Ho immediately stopped you and asked Dae for some time alone with you. Finally just the two of you, you sat on the couch and he copied you.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he finally broke the silence.
You exhaled loudly. "That morning when Kitty ran away, Dae came to our room to talk with her and said it was fake. But then you opened the door, I was there, he didn't know because he left before he saw me. Then I asked Yuri about it and she begged me to keep it to myself."
He hummed. "Okay. I get it for back then because we both didn't like each other. But what about after?"
You shrugged. "It wasn't for me to tell you. I swear I just wanted to have nothing to do with all of it."
He took your hand in his. That's a good start.
"From now on, don't lie to me like this again."
You nodded and that's all it took for him to bring you into his embrace. You melted at the touch and engulfed your head in his shoulder.
"I'm sorry."
He hushed you. "It's okay. I might have overreacted."
You laughed in agreement. The rest of the evening went on smoothly. He invited you to stay with him for the night and he pulled his laptop to his bed so you could watch something together. Dae complained a few times about the volume and the giggles you would slip out every now and then. Other than that, you felt at peace. You were just content that things were back to normal, and you fell asleep soon after.
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You groaned loudly as Yuri kept on blabbering about the talent show. To help Kitty get ten percent bonus on her exam, she gathered as many people as she could to do a traditional dance. That was the condition Lee put in place to boost the notes. And you were not left out of it.
"We have to help her, Y/N."
You played around with the food in your plate as another sigh left your mouth. "I don't know, Yuri."
"You'll get ten percent more, too."
You shook your head. "I already have excellent grades, I don't need bonuses."
"She's your friend."
"So is she yours, and you're already doing it. She doesn't need both of us."
She rolled her eyes at you. "The more, the better."
You then saw a guy from your English class walk to your table. Byungwon, if you remembered well. He used to go to school with you and Yuri during middle school. Apart from brief 'hi's and nods of acknowledgement, you hadn't talked to him in years.
"Can I sit here?" he smiled at you.
Yuri frowned. "Why?"
"My friends are at practice for the swimming team."
"I thought you were in the team as well." you said.
"Injured. I'm left alone."
Forming your mouth in a 'o' shape, you gestured for him to sit with you. "How have you been?"
"Great, apart from the injury. I haven't talked to you two in so long. I figured we could catch up." he beamed at you.
Yuri chuckled. "Yeah, we did draw apart with time. I figured you were living your new life well, you know? Part of the swimming team, girls all over you, good grades..."
He blushed. "You're making it seem bigger than it is. I could say the same for you two. You have quite grown well." He looked at you. "And you look great."
You felt the heat rush to your face, so you focused on your food instead, clearing your throat in the process. "You too." you mumbled.
Yuri's eyes flickered between him and you, a smirk slowly creeping on her face. She knew you used to like him, and so the opposite. Visibly, old feelings easily came back. Though she would have usually teased you about it, she rooted for your relationship with Min Ho. If anything, you were simply taken aback from Byungwon's sudden reappearance.
"You still like her." she teased the guy who instantly gulped.
You wanted to punch her just there and then. "Yuri."
She shook her head. "Or maybe not. But just so you know, she's taken now."
"I know." he said. "I simply want to catch up, that's all."
A couple of tables further from yours, Q was poorly trying to calm Min Ho down. The latter was fuming. All he could see was the sweet smile Byungwon was shooting at you and the giggles you let out with pink appearing on your cheeks. He knew you wouldn't do anything close to cheating on him, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to be worried about you leaving him for someone else. Adding the fact the two of you began your whole dynamic with hate, he was slightly worried you still had that kind of feeling towards him.
"Min Ho, they're just talking." Dae said, growing discouraged.
"I'm not jealous, I'm just saying that he doesn't need to be so close to her."
"He's only sitting next to her."
He pointed at you. "Did you see that? He offered her his drink!"
"Yeah..." Q sighed. "Not jealous."
Back to you and Yuri, she abruptly got up announcing practice for the talent show was about to start. She gave you an intense look and you knew what she was doing. It most likely was not time for practice but this was your opportunity to get away from this awkward situation.
"Right, we have to go." you coughed out.
"And I'll help you get ready for your date after." she added and your eyes grew bigger at her.
"Ah." Byungwon said, slightly disappointed. "You and Min Ho are real serious."
"They are." Yuri nodded. "Let's go. See you around!"
She crossed her arm with yours before you went out of the cafeteria. You could do nothing more but follow her lead.
"I swear I thought you were going to make him make a move on me."
She laughed. "I might not think Min Ho is the best guy to date, but I know you love him. Plus, it's not the first time I've seen Byungwon look at you like that."
"Yeah. But now, that means you have no choice but to participate in the fan dance with us."
You groaned in defeat. As much as you loved her for saving your ass, you also hated her.
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"Hi, baby."
You were cut short as Min Ho eagerly kissed you, long enough for people around to either giggle at you or make noises of disgust. It wasn't an innocent kiss either, he was going for it.
"I missed you." he said after pulling back but still holding your hand to walk with you to the auditorium.
"You saw me this morning."
"Not in front of swimmer guy."
Your eyes shut closed. "You saw that, the other day."
"Yeah." Min Ho said as a matter-of-factly. "And I did not appreciate him eyeing my girlfriend like she is some meat."
You patted his shoulder. "Awe, is my little pup possessive?"
He glared at you. "I thought we agreed on stopping with this nickname. Makes us sound like we are furries or something."
You shrugged. "I still like it. But thank Yuri, she's the one who saved me from him that day."
He kissed the top of your head. "Glad to know she's on our side. Now, how are you feeling?"
"Ashamed, depressed, and on the verge of crying."
He frowned. "I'm not sure if you are referring to your feelings towards the wait for your grades or the talent show."
"Can't it be both?"
He laughed and rubbed your hand softly with his thumb. "You'll do great, for both of them."
While he was not allowed to, Min Ho insisted profoundly in coming with you backstage. Saying he didn't want to watch the whole thing and only your performance so you could leave together in advance, he was only disappointed when you sent him back to his seat with Dae.
You walked up to Madison who was crouched next to a machine. "Hey, what are you doing?"
She squealed. "Fireworks, for my next performance."
"You perform twice?"
"Yeah, K-pop."
You rolled your eyes and gave her the fans. Of course she had to do a K-pop dance. You finished up to get ready by fixing parts of your hanbok.
You weren't sure what Principal Lim was doing backstage to run to her daughter, especially since they hadn't talked since Yuri moved in with you.
"I want you to come back home." she continued but Yuri only gave her the eyeroll. "I'll talk to Alex. I'll make sure you can get to know him."
"Alex?" she said in confusion. "Alex, who?"
Principle Lim froze. "Oh, I just assumed that Kitty-"
"Wait, Alex is my brother?"
And here was another drama happening right in front of you. You learned your lesson to not get involved, so you went to the other girls to ignore what was happening. It wasn't even a minute later that you were up to go on stage. You wanted to bury yourself alive from how embarrassed you were. Not because you were ashamed of your culture, but you weren't a dancer. This was, in no way, one of your strengths.
"How could you not tell me?" Yuri spoke as the performance began.
You tried your best to block them out but they weren't so quiet.
"I thought Alex was my brother and that my mom was the one who was pregnant." Kitty explained. "It wasn't until we snuck out of detention that day and went to Lee's house-"
"Wait, you've known since detention?"
You subtly shushed them and went on to your next move. They seemed to get the message and you were happily back to focusing on your dance.
"How could you hide this from me?"
You mentally cursed them out.
"It wasn't my place to-"
"To be honest?
Madison groaned. "Guys, I'm trying to focus."
This might have been one of the few times you were thankful to her. But your friends being themselves, they continued to bicker.
"I wasn't not honest, I just-"
"Lied by omission?" Yuri interrupted her again.
"You lied all semester about being with Dae on purpose, and I got past it, and now we're friends."
"We were friends." Yuri corrected her.
And with Kitty being Kitty, she clumsily stepped on her robes and tripped, knocking off the firework machine. Fire came out and the whole auditorium stood up in panic, Kitty first as the fabric of her hanbok caught on fire. She stepped back, panic across her face as she stared at the flame. You looked from afar, worried about her and unsure if you should put yourself in danger as well to help her.
You got your answer quickly when you saw your boyfriend running to her. He took his jacket off as he help her sit down on the ground, and crouched down while putting the fire out. She squirmed for a bit until there was no more flame. You observed them as he helped her relax and something seemed off to you. You weren't exactly sure what, but you knew it made you feel sick. It wasn't until Dae arrived that Min Ho went to you, hugging you tightly.
"Are you okay? You're not hurt?"
You didn't hug him back and only nodded. "I'm fine."
He placed his hands on your cheeks. "This girl is so clumsy, she could have put all of you in grave danger."
You cleared your throat. "Yeah, luckily, you saved her."
You pushed his hands away and walked further from the stage. He caught up with your pace and took your hand.
"Hey, are you sure you're good?"
You didn't know what to say. You only stared at him in silence, feeling the lump in your throat growing bigger and bigger.
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
703 notes · View notes
sports-on-sundays · 6 months
our tree / CL16
Summary: Charles x childhood friend!reader - Another little idea.
Warnings: four time skips, little kiss scene, kind of melancholy at the end
Requested?: Take a wild guess.
Author's Note: I hope you read and enjoy, because I'm super proud of this one! 🥹🥹🥹. I actually think I was reading a fantasy book when this one came on me strangely enough.
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"Alright, well, make sure to stay together! And stay in the orchard!" your mother called as you and your friend rushed out the door, running to get out the moment your mother said it was okay.
"Okay, Mama!" you called back, slamming the screen door behind you. You and your friend, a light haired boy with bright eyes and the name of Charles, ran together, racing each other automatically, without even establishing it, both of you just being very competitive kids.
Yes, Charles was a competitive kid, alright. Everyone knew that much. Definitely probably more competitive than you, but that wasn't very hard. Charles was more competitive than most people.
The young boy was running so fast, trying to beat you, that he tripped, falling right on his little chubby face. "Charlie!" you gasped, bending down next to your friend. But then you scolded, "Charlie, you gotta be more careful. Remember what Mama told us?"
Charles looked up slowly. He had a little scratch on his cheek and a mark of dirt across his forehead. His bottom lip curved forward for a moment, before he sucked it back, sniffing, refusing to cry. "I'm okay," he assured, pushing himself back up to stand.
"Are you sure?" you asked nervously.
"Of course," the little boy said, brushing himself off, still pouting a little. But he raised his hand to wipe his eyes and continued on.
You frowned. "Your knees are all scraped up. Maybe we should go back to the house..."
"No!" Charles frowned right back. "Come on. I'm okay." He showed his little toothy grin, which wasn't full, as he had a few gaps in his mouth where adult teeth would soon grow in. He held his hand out to you.
You took his little hand in your little hand and said with a little pout, "As long as we just walk now."
"You sound like my mama now!" he groaned, but agreed to it.
The two little kids walked along, until they reached the bottom of the hill that your house stood on and got to the little dirt path that led through the apple trees.
"Can I show my favorite tree, Charlie?"
His tiny little cute nose crinkled up as he asked, "How could you have a- a fav- favorite tree?" At that point, you were much more fluent in your speech than Charles, so some of the bigger words you could say just fine, he struggled with.
You grinned. "Come with me, and I'll show you." You tugged him by his hand, leading him through the orchard, until finally, you reached your tree.
It was tall with spindly dark branches and the biggest, reddest, juiciest apples you'd ever seen. There was a little crevice under it where you fit perfectly, and it's old frame provided a large area of shade.
It felt like a magical tree, and as Charles's big hazel eyes looked up at it, you could tell he saw it, too.
"Can I have an apple off it?" the young boy asked boldly.
You nodded and went to the truck, being, at that time, the taller of the two of you. You slipped your foot in the perfect slot in the tree and hoisted yourself up. You climbed a bit as Charles watched you, picked a big, red, ripe apple out of the tree, and tossed it down to Charles. He caught it and was about to take a big bite out of it, before you said, "Wait a second, Charlie!"
He looked up. "Huh?"
You climbed back down and hopped on the ground, grinning. "Do you know how to clean an apple? Make it super shiny?"
Charles frowned, perplexed. "Without water? No."
You grinned proudly and rubbed your apple on your shirt all around, saying, "It works."
He stared a few seconds, before trying it. "I don't know..." he began, studying the apple.
"Either way, it makes it taste better. That's what my papa told me."
"Alright... can I eat it now?"
You giggled and nodded. "Yeah."
You watched as he took a bite out of it, and his eyes lit up. Apple juice ran down his chin as he exclaimed, "You're right! This is the best apple ever."
You grinned. "See? It's my favorite tree."
He beamed back. "It's mine, too," he responded, avoiding having to say 'favorite' again.
About ten years later
"Y/n!" your mother had called one day from the downstairs floor. "Charles is here!"
You hopped out of your bed as soon as you heard that, slipping on your vest, boots, and backwards cap, before heading down the stairs and went to the door.
There was Charles. You couldn't help but smile when you saw the handsome teenage boy, with his dimples and sparkling eyes. "Hey, Charles. It's been a while."
He shrugged a bit. "I've been really busy with racing and stuff..."
He awkwardly glanced away, so you asked, "Well, do you want to go for a walk in the orchard? I mean, if you have time, of course."
He smiled brightly at that. "Yeah. I'd like that."
You exited the house together, letting the screen door slam behind you. You walked down the hill in silence, but once your feet reached the dirt path through the apple trees, Charles muttered, "I've kind of missed you, a lot. And this orchard. I mean, I don't know. As kids, we used to always play in this orchard. We spent hours here. You know?"
You nod slowly. "Yeah, I get what you mean. Totally... Sometimes, I'm sad I'm growing up. Like, I remember when we were little, and nothing was weird and it all felt normal. We were just happy to have fun."
Charles nodded, seeming slightly relieved that you seemed to think the same way as him. "Yeah. I feel the same way."
As you walked, suddenly your hands brushed each other, and both of you felt your faces heat up as you avoided each other's eyes and were more aware to keep your hands to yourselves.
"So... Is your favorite tree still standing?" Charles asked softly.
You grinned. "Of course it is. Charles, that tree will never fall."
He grinned back at this response and said, "So I'm assuming the apples are still good as ever?"
"For sure. Want one? We can go down to it."
Charles grinned even wider at this and said, "Yeah, let's go."
When you reached the tree, you stood on your tip toes, trying to reach an apple to pick for Charles, but suddenly he laughed, saying teasingly, "Here, I'll get it." He grinned and reached up, easily picking the apple. He looked down at you with a smirk. "Now I'm taller than you, huh? You used to be the taller one."
You rolled your eyes. "Charles, boys always get taller than girls in the end."
He shrugged and commented teasingly, "Should I rub it on my shirt? Does that clean it off?"
You blushed, glancing away, feeling embarrassed butterflies in your stomach at his little teasing. "No, no. That's just a stupid little thing."
He chuckled more and took a bite, shutting his eyes, savoring the sweet taste. "Just as good as I remember it," he commented with a grin.
You smiled, kind of nervous to ask this, but said softly, "Uh... Can you pick one for me?"
He grinned. He loved to be able to help you, and immediately picked one for you. You stood by the big tree, eating your apples, before Charles finally said, sounding more tense than before, "Hey, uh... Y/n? Can I say something kind of weird to you? Like, I mean, serious stuff, now..."
You blinked, looking up at him with a concerned look in your eyes. "What is it?"
He sighed and gestured for you to sit down under the tree together. So you sat side by side in the shade, and he murmured, "So... I just wanted to say sorry."
"For what?" you asked in surprise.
"I don't know. With all my racing, we never get to see each other anymore. But I think about you a lot..." He trailed off, avoiding your eyes as his cheeks flushed. "Like, you're on my mind a lot, I mean."
You nod slowly. "I think about you a lot, too..."
He swallowed and muttered, "I know this probably won't mean much in the end, but... I think I kind of like you."
Your head shot up, your eyes wide. "You... Like, like like?"
"Yeah. Like, really like. A lot. More than..."
"More than friends?"
"More than friends," he confirmed, nervously fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie.
You glanced up at each other at the same time. And Charles, without another thought, leaned in and gave you an awkward kiss on your cheek.
Your whole faces flushed as Charles blurted, "Sor- Sorry."
"It's... It's okay," you murmured in embarrassment. "I feel the same way, too, I think..."
About ten years later; current time
Your mother slams open the screen door with a big smile on her face, saying, "What a surprise this is! Look at this- my daughter and son-in-law!"
Charles chuckles a bit, letting go of your hand as you go to hug your mother as he says, "Not son-in-law yet."
"Yes, yes, Charles," your mother says quickly, as if it's clearly obvious the two of you are going to marry each other anyway, so he's basically already her son-in-law. "So," she turns to you with a big smile. "What made you decide to just show up all of the sudden?"
You shrug with a smile, looking back to Charles. After hugging your mother, you connect your hand right away back with Charles's. "The other night we were just kind of thinking about, you know. The old days. Playing in the orchard. And my favorite tree, and everything. And we figured, why not make the trip here to go for a walk through it again?"
"Oh, and not even to see your mother!" she scoffs with a playful smile, saying, "Come here, Charles. I haven't seen you in quite a while." Charles laughs and gives your mother a little hug as well.
"Mama," you say with a little smile. "Do you mind if me and Charles just go for a walk in the orchard? Then we'll be right back to the house to visit?"
She smiles understandingly, and nods. "Yeah, you two go on. And take your time," she says with a wink, "because maybe once you get back, the apple pie I'm making will be ready."
You grin and say, "Let's go! Your pie is the best!"
Charles laughs, entwining his fingers in yours, saying, "Thank you, Mrs. Y/l/n. We'll see you in a bit." He waves as we begin walking down the hill together, swinging our connected hands a little as we walk.
It has rained recently, though, so the ground down the hill is a little slick. So suddenly, your foot slides forward, and you squeal, bracing yourself to feel your bottom hit the ground hard-
But Charles's hands are there, on your back and the bottoms of your thighs. He says with a chuckle, "I've got you." He pulls you up and links his arm with you to steady you more as you finish walking down the hill.
When you make it to the path, neither of you guide the other toward your tree, because now, after all these years, you both know exactly how to get there.
You're not sure when 'Y/n's tree' became 'Y/n and Charles's tree', but either way, you like that it's kind of like both of yours now.
When you reach it, Charles immediately reaches up to pick out two of the best apples on the tree. You sit down together under the shade, not caring if your bums get a little wet, and Charles eyes you teasingly as he begins rubbing it on his shirt.
You chuckle. "It does make it more shiny."
"Rubs the dirt off," he comments, taking a bite out of it.
You sit together, eating your apples. Charles has his arm around your back, and you lean against his shoulder. Once you're both finished, Charles comments, "Taste of my childhood."
You grin. "It's just an apple."
"No, but the apples from our magical tree don't just taste like any ordinary apples, and you've always known that."
You chuckle a little. "Good point." You love that little childish side of him.
After a few moment of silence, Charles says softly, "Do you think we have a few minutes to spare before we start walking back up to the house for some of that apple pie?"
You shrug. "Probably. Why?"
He leans in closer and says softly, "Because I wouldn't mind licking some of that apple juice off your sweet lips."
You giggle a little, rolling your eyes, but shift closer to him.
With one hand caressing your cheek and the other gripping the nape of your neck, pulling you in closer, he presses his lips against yours in a heated French kiss. His tongue explores every inch of your mouth. When he finally pulls away, there's a hungry look in his eyes, and he doesn't even seem to realize the string of saliva connecting your mouths.
You let out a little breathy gasp, murmuring (and admittedly probably ruining the moment a bit), "Ew..." as you wipe your mouth to break the trail of saliva between the two of you.
He chuckles a bit and murmurs, "You're adorable. You know that? I just want to have you all to myself. Do what I want to do to y-"
"Hey, hey..." you giggle, patting his thigh a little. "Can't get too carried away, can we? We've got pie to get to eating inside."
"Right," he smiles, taking your hand and standing up with you.
"But maybe when we get home. How does that sound?"
He nods, bringing you closer to himself. "That sounds good. I look forward to it."
About ten years later (warning: just chose a random name for the girl)
You slam open the screen door, holding your little toddler in your arms, saying, "Say bye bye to Grandmama."
Your mother laughs as your daughter waves her chubby little fist and says, "Bye, bye, G'andmama..."
You walk outside onto the porch, where Charles is already standing, arms crossed in front of his chest, looking out at the orchard.
You smile, putting a hand on his back. "Want to take Viola out for a walk in the orchard? Would you like that, sweetie?" you add, looking to the little girl.
"Yes!" squeals the baby, squirming to be put down.
You set her down on the porch, and Charles takes her little hand with a smile. You take her other hand, and the three of you begin walking down the hill together.
Halfway down, Viola slips, but both your hands holding hers keeps her from falling. Charles chuckles and says, "Be careful, sweetheart."
She just giggles, tugging her parents toward the little dirt path at the bottom of the hill. When you reach the bottom, Charles says gently, "Want to see me and Mama's favorite tree, Viola? It grows the best apples in the world."
You laugh as your daughter looks up at her father with big, wide hazel eyes- same as her father's. "The best?"
"Oh, yeah. You won't want to eat any other apples, ever again, after you try these."
You smile. "I grabbed a knife before we left to cut it up for her."
Charles smiles, giving you a little kiss on your cheek as you hand him the knife. "Good idea. You're so thoughtful. And considerable. I wouldn't ever had thought to do that."
"Mama! Papa! C'mon!" your baby whines, and you both laugh, following the toddling little girl down the little dirt path of both your childhoods.
When you reach the tree, this time, Charles reaches up and picks three apples. "It's kind of a magical tree, isn't it, Viola?" he asks with a little smile as he hands you an apple.
But she doesn't respond, and instead stares at Charles in slightly disturbed confusion.
You chuckle, looking to see Charles rubbing the apple on his shirt. He laughs and explains, "It makes the apple shiny, Viola."
"Really?" she asks with wide eyes.
"For sure," Charles respond, exchanging a little look with you. Then you and Charles sit down together under the tree, and your daughter comes over and climbs on Charles's lap, watching as he cuts some thin slices off Viola's apple. "Here," he says, handing one to the little girl.
Her eyes widen even further when she tastes the sweet fruit, and she giggles, "The best!"
"I know!" Charles grins excited, ruffling her hair a bit, which is the color of your hair.
You smile, leaning against his shoulder, watching as your daughter in his lap raves and giggles about the apple.
And, then, Charles starts talking.
He talks about how he used to play with you all the time when you were little.
He tells his daughter how when he was a younger teenager, he began to fall in love with you, but with all his racing, he couldn't see you much and come to the orchard.
He tells her how when he was an older teenager, he confessed how he felt to you.
And how after that, you and him got closer and closer.
Until years later, you had your wedding.
And now here she is, your little girl.
You swallow, suddenly feeling emotional about the story. The story of your lives together.
"Papa...?" Viola says, concerned. "How come Mama...?" she trails off.
Charles looks at you and smiles. "Are you crying, baby?" he teases softly, wiping a tear from your cheek.
You chuckle. "I guess I just like to hear you telling the story."
He chuckles and kisses your cheek, murmuring, "I love you."
You lean into him further with a little smile and shut your eyes, listening as Charles and your daughter continue babbling softly with each other.
Here, in the shade of your tree.
Our tree.
Someday, your daughter will show her friends your tree. And that screen door will never stopped being slammed shut.
But someday after that, you and Charles will grow older, together. Your tree won't always be there. Someday, you'll eat the last of it's apples, and it will say farewell to this world, just like everything else does.
But by then, your love won't need something to symbolize it in order to stay alive.
Because love is the one thing that will never end.
It goes on forever.
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mrsdesade · 10 months
strange creatures with soft fur (headcanons of Loki playing with your cat)
Timeline: unknown
TW: no one / just fluff
Pairing: Loki x female!y/n
Note: since I'm in my room, blocked with an unknown kitten on my lap (we found her on the street this morning) let's see If I can write something themed for our favourite God of Mischief; enjoy ~
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"what's that...black ball of fur?" is the first thing he said to you when he found that you have a female cat on your home on Midgard
you introduced your adult cat to him and you make both of them promise that they will be kind to each other
"little one, this is Loki. Be gentle with him."
"she's hissing at me? how dare you."
he pointed a finger to the cat and she slapped it with her paw
they have the same energy but they don't seem matching
it's just the first impression, it will get better with time
your cat loves waiting for Loki around corners and attach to his long robe to play and bite his coat
that's why he doesn't want you to bring your cat to Asgard
at the very beginning Loki wasn't used to the animals of Earth and everything is strange for him
"Loki, you have a wolf and a giant snake as a pet, and you find strange dealing with mine?"
"My pets are perfectly fine, is your cat that is unpredictable."
all of the clothes that he leaves around ended up covered in fur and full of little bites holes
Loki's body is cold because of his Frost Giant nature, so your cat doesn't like to go to sleep on him
but sometimes when he's studying beside the fire, she might decide to make the loaf on Loki's desk
of course, on his document and the books he was reading (after throwing to the ground everything she can just because)
he cannot stop himself to try little magic tricks on your cat when you're not in the room
one time he transformed her into a panther
"she's more fierce like this, and she's going to protect you better, that little ball of fur can't to nothing except hissing and biting my clothes."
"...alright I'll transform her back."
Loki's hand's are constantly covered of scratches and little red marks
after some times, one day you'll find them playing together with a strip of green fabric
you didn't interrupt the moment, you just look at them from the slightly open door
he was smiling so kindly and with a sincere tone on his voice, you perfectly know that Loki loves animals
he's even making her play creating small fireworks from his hand, and the cat is trying to chase them like soap bubbles
one day you'll hear Loki's voice calling from the other room because he needs to show you something
he was so proud to show you that your cat decided to fall asleep on his lap
"what can I say, everyone loves me...after a long period of disapproval."
from that day, she was purring everytime he saw him and the officially became friends
also Frigga find herself in love with that "exotic animal" you brought on Asgard
surprisingly after a couple of months he came back home with a little white kitten
"Loki, what's that?" you asked tenderly
"I thought she needed a little sister..."
so, at the end of the story, he has two little ball of fur and his girlfriend sleeping on him while he's trying to read
at least you will keep him warm
We're done for now~ It was so much fun writing this you've no idea! Hope you enjoyed as much I did. Kisses 💚
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
Warning: hurt/fluff, stutter, insecurity, bullying
Pairing: Chan x reader
Summary: You have a stutter and you’re getting better.
Enjoy! 😆
"I-I w-would like to-to say thank y-you to the s-stay that stuck w-with us t-through all t-the ups and downs when...when t-things we're hard. T-this is for all of us-of you," I manage to say into the mic. I was clearly nervous, this was the first time speaking in public and an award show was honestly very intimidating.
Everyone cheers and Chan gives his last speech before we all go backstage to prepare for our performance.
"You did so well out there Y/nie!" Changbin boasts. He wraps his hands around me in a hug while everyone else is talking or getting their makeup fixed.
"Y-you really think s-so?" I smile and look up at him. Happy that I was able to make him proud. They had been trying to get me to talk a lot more and be involved in interviews, radio stations or shoes in general and this was the first big step.
"Yes I do! I'm so proud of you!" He exclaims and carries me in a spin. I laugh and yelp trying to fidget out of his grip knowing he wouldn’t let go unless I wrestled him.
Chan walks over to the both of us. A big smile caused by me and Changbin. Once Changbin releases me and gets distracted by Han throwing a ball at him. Chan gives me a kiss before spinning me around like in the movies. I let out a small squeal and giggle at this.
"I'm happy with what you did out there and I’m so proud baby."
"W-well when you asked s-so nicely I had too. Did-did I s-stutter a lot?" I ask him tilting my head. Slightly nervous that no one understood what I was saying. He shakes his head no.
"Nope, you did amazing and do you know what you get?" I look at him confused. Wondering.
"A treat later tonight," he whispers in my ear causing me to turn red and flustered. Butterflies flattering in my stomach.
"O-oh I-I...umph...C-Chan!" I exclaim and smack him. He was towering over me and smirking. He lets out a small chuckle, amused Ofcourse.
“What? You know you-“
"We are on in 10!" A producer yells. I feel myself jump a little due to the loud voice. A normal thing that happens whenever loud sounds came out of no where.
"Hey…are the hiccups still really bad?" He frowns at me but I shake my head no.
“Stop calling them hiccups Chan?” I playfully shove him. "O-only when it's really loud and there's a lot of people b-but now it's n-not as bad." I explain to him while playing with the hand that was in mine.
"Okay my love, just remember whenever you feel overwhelmed tell me okay?" He slightly relaxes.
"Yes I-I will Channie," I smile and give him another kiss.
The venue was really packed and they were a lot of people around us but we seemed to always be in our own little world, drowning all the sounds.
His face smooth and shiny. His hair neatly put together, his ear peace dangling around his neck and eyeshadow put perfectly round his eyes. Looking at him and admiring his beauty.
I let out a gasp suddenly when I remember something that I had to tell him. I was excited and very much filled with so much joy, I had to tell him right there and then.
"C-Chan I-I got us t-tickets t-to a-a s-show a-at- ugh..." I sigh frustrated failing to speak a normal thing when I was extremely happy.
He frowns then rubs my knuckles,
"Hey it's okay take your time and breathe no rush, just breathe." His face turns into a worried look. Making me feel guilty but I nod and take a breath.
"I-I got us t-tickets for a s-how I-in new y-York when we-we got there!" He smile widens.
"You see there you go. Now this show you speak of…. Am I allowed to know what it is? Or is it a suprise? Hm pretty girl?"
"S-suprise! But y-you'll know soon." I smile and he kisses my forehead for the 100th time that day.
"I'm excited I can't wait!" He beams.
"Alright people! Let's go! Let's go!" The producer yells at all of us and we walk towards the stage.
"Good luck everyone!" Chan says,
"G-good luck Chan!" I say back before we make our way on stage hearing thousands of people screaming.
When we go on stage we perform a few songs. Ofcourse I didn't stutter because whenever I did sing it didn't come but it only happened when I was really upset or just talking in general.
The permformace was 15 minutes long until we could get offstage.
Ofcourse everyone said thank you to the dancers and crew then we made it backstage when we changed into more comfy clothes so we could go home.
"I think that today we should celebrate Y/n! For getting on stage and giving her speech!" Han yells excitedly in the car.
"O-oh n-no no n-no, we-we shouldn't!" I cover my face shyly and Chan chuckles.
"We should babe, come on! I'm so proud of you!"
"O-okay but n-no drinking," I wave at all of them and they laugh.
"Okay no drinking!" Seungmin says,
We go to a restaurant near by and the waiter comes over. The place was empty, thanks to Changbin, he was able to find a quiet place.
We all hated loud places after concerts or shows because our bodies are very much drained.
She was blonde and really pretty. Her eyes lit up when she saw everyone.
"Oh my God!" She squeals, "you guys are straykids!" She screams. Quite literally. I see Chan move uncomfortably. The boys too.
"Yeah we are, um can you do us a favor. Don't tell anyone we're here." He asks politely.
"Ofcourse! Ofcourse! Can I please have an autograph?"
"Maybe after we're done with dinner yeah?" Leeknow steps in.
"Thank you so much! And oh my God Y/n! I saw you on tv today! This is the first time we've seen you talking in public! We didn't know you stutter! That’s new…" She says almost in a mocky way.
I look up at her and give her a nervous smile. Trying to forget her tone.
"Y-yeah I-i have a stutter-"
"How come you sing so well tho? Aren't you like damaged good in the entertainment industry?"
"Excuse me?" Chan steps in obviously offended on my behalf.
"Can you do your job instead of making fun of her?" I.N also steps in looking pissed as well.
"I-it's o-okay g-guys. A-and n-no i-I'm...." I trail away frustrated and huffing at the fact that my body and brain can’t even defend myself without going all out of control.
"Can I speak to your manger?" Chan says harshly causing the girl to take a step back.
"O-oh um yes sure!" She leaves looking terrified while everyone looks at me.
"I-it's o-okay g-guys I-its n-normal!" I smile half heartedly and they give me a worried look. Chan’s hand wrapping around me, pulling me closer to his side.
"Ignore her please. She's a bitch for that." Felix says trying to comfort me.
I just nod my head and look down at my hands that were playing with Chan's.
"I love you," he whispers. "We'll talk about it later yeah?" I just nod. Refusing to Speak now.
The manager comes over and they all complain about the lady and Ofcourse since we were idols they fired her straightaway and gave us a new waiter plus our meal was free.
She took our orders one my one and when she came to me she was so nice.
"Hey ma'am, what would you like to eat?" She smiles.
I look over at Chan who just tells her my order and she walks away.
The night consisted everyone having fun and laughing but I couldn't help but feel insecure. So I kept quiet. Letting out a giggle here and there but refusing to speak more than 4 lines.
"Should we head home?" Chan asks everyone and we all agree and get into the cars that were parked outside.
When we get to the dorms we all say our good nights and I head to our room. I try and avoid Chan because I just knew he would want to talk about the restaurant incident.
I quickly get into the shower and when I’m out he’s laying on the bed scrolling through his phone. His black sweatpants on and no shirt.
I make my way to my vanity and sit down.
"Hey baby, you good?" Chan asks sitting up our bed.
I just nod and continue removing my makeup. I hear a sigh and instantly feel guilty again.
"Talk to me please, I know you're upset." His voice is low and slow.
"I-I...n-no," I quickly shut down when I see the stuttering getting worse.
"Baby, come here." He says softly. I walk over to him and sit by his side refusing to fight the fact that I need him. I need his touch.
His hands wrap around my waist and I sit between his legs.
"Remember what I told you? That if anyone mentions anything about your stuttering..?"
"T-that I s-should tell them I-it’s cause I-I'm s-special in m-my own way." I softly say looking up at him.
"They are many people looking up at you, many kids that have the same stutter that love you and look at you as a role model. Show them that you are. Show them that if you can do it they can do."
His touch is soft as he carreses my cheek.
"B-but I-I c-Chan I-it's...ugh!" I exclaim frustrated again.
"Take your time my love, breathe and concentrate,"
"I hate it," I softly say and he frowns wiping the tears that fell.
"You shouldn't because at the end of the day it's the way you react to the situation that matters right?"
"Yeah," I sigh,
"So if you decided not to go for that audition because you had a stutter or if you gave up halfway through because of it, would you be here right now?"
"Then a bunch of nobodies shouldn’t affect you okay?"
He was right, I shouldn’t allow a few people to bring me down. I was already learning to be confident.
"Y-yeah, t-thank you Channie. For l-loving me the way I am,"
"You don't need to thank me baby and remember whenever you struggle saying things,"
"Just breathe and concentrate,"
I smile when he kisses my cheek.
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Playing Pretend (Part 3)
Dinner, dessert, and realizing someone might get hurt.
Roy Kent x Reader
2.8k words
Warnings: Language, plenty of pining, "only one bed" trope I guess
A/N: Came out a bit longer than I intended, but I'm not complaining!
Series Masterlist
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Roy’s arm was still wrapped around your shoulder, fingers tracing circles on your bare skin as he laughed at something your brother-in-law said. Another reason you’d picked Roy to be your fake boyfriend: he got along perfectly with your family and didn’t need to create some fake personality to make them like him. They adored Roy. It was probably your dad’s deepest dream to have the two of you get together.
You had caught the look on your dad’s face as he watched you across the room. His smile was that soft, gentle smile, the one he’d worn when you were a kid receiving an award, or when you learned to ride a bicycle, or when he helped you move into your first place all on your own. It was his proud, I love you so much smile. And it broke your heart a little, knowing that he’d be so sad when you and Roy “broke up” after the wedding. Almost as sad as you would be when the weekend ended, and Roy went back to just being your friend’s big brother who you pined after in silence.
But for now, you laid your head on his shoulder as your older sister shared some silly story about your nephew, enjoying the rumbling you felt when he chuckled, that gruff sound that made your heart skip a beat.
He leaned close and whispered in your ear, “How’m I doing?”
Ignoring the shiver his breath sent down your spine, you nodded. “Perfect,” you answered quietly. Just as your gaze flickered down to his mouth, wondering how many kisses you could get away with by excusing them as part of the “act”, a housekeeper came in and announced dinner, asking everyone to follow her to the dining room.
Roy was on his feet immediately, holding his hand out to help you up. “Feel like I’m on an episode of fucking Downton Abbey,” he hissed, smirking.
“What do you know about Downton Abbey?” you teased with a laugh.
“I know you’ve got a fucking thing for Matthew Crawley,” he shot back, raising his eyebrows at you.
Feeling like you were being watched, you gripped Roy’s arm affectionately. “Is someone jealous?” you cooed.
“Maybe,” was the small growl before Roy’s lips connected with yours again for a brief, heated moment that made your heart skip a beat. “Is this alright?” he whispered, nose brushing affectionately against yours as everyone else walked past the two of you. “The kissing?” His eyes were full of concern, a look he often gave you when he got protective. As any guy would of his baby sister’s best friend- right?
You shrugged coyly. “Getting to spend my weekend snogging a handsome footballer kind of helps take the sting out of the whole ‘my sister is marrying my ex’ bullshit.”
The smile he wore was a surprised one. “You think I’m handsome?”
“Oh, shut up, you know you are,” you tutted, giving him a playful shove as you moved past him into the dining room. With your back to him you missed the fierce blush that covered his face as he shook his head and watched you, that big smile remaining despite no one being around to see it.
Once everyone had settled in their seats, Jim’s dad raised a glass. “Thank you all for joining us to celebrate our only son and his lovely bride-to-be,” he started, nodding to Jim and Lauren, who sat directly across from Roy and yourself. “It’s going to be a very busy weekend, so it’s nice to have the opportunity to have our first official meal as a family before the festivities.” His eyes lingered on you for a moment, wistfulness flickering across his face for a brief moment.
When you and Roy had arrived at the house and were searching for your room, you’d bumped into Jim’s parents in the hall; there was a lot of clearing of throats and avoiding eye contact from all three of you as you re-introduced them to Roy, informing them that the two of you were now dating. Jim’s mother looked almost disappointed at the news, the corners of her mouth tugging downward, before recovering and offering her congratulations.
Jim’s dad continued his little toast. “I hope this weekend is full of wonderful memories for our new family and that this is the first of many celebrations we share.”
As everyone raised their glasses in agreement, Roy reached under the table for your hand, despite the fact that no one could see it. While you marveled at how determined he was to convince the whole table of your farce, Roy knew the truth: he wanted to hold your hand, plain and simple. And after all this time, this weekend finally gave him excuse to hold it as much as he wanted. There was no way he was going to waste that.
He did reluctantly have to let go once dinner was served, but not without bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to your hand first. Across the table, Jim’s eyes narrowed slightly, before he turned to Lauren, acting like the picture of the attentive fiancé. You couldn’t help but notice the more Roy leaned over to whisper jokes in your ear, or found an excuse to touch your hand, or acted generally boyfriend-y, the more Jim mirrored that affection with Lauren. You did your best not to dwell on the observation, instead focusing on how nice it was to have Roy Kent by your side.
When dessert was served, Jim’s mum suggested taking it outside to enjoy the lovely night. Roy grabbed your bowl before you could and planted a kiss on the top of your head.
“Just grab the spoons, yeah, love?”
Love. Roy Kent just called you love. You’d seen him with other women he’d dated- really dated- and you’d never heard him call any of them love. The word stopped the breath in your chest as you reminded yourself that he was playing a role, acting as the perfect doting boyfriend.
But goodness, you liked the way it sounded.
You led Roy to the garden, where Roy nodded to a bench nestled under a low tree, a bit away from where everyone else was sitting.
“Mind if we sit over here?”
Your chest purred with pleasure at the idea of being alone with him in the secluded little corner, even if just for show. “Sounds good,” you managed.
Roy watched you carefully as you sat down before joining you on the bench, sitting closer than he had to, pressing his thigh against yours. He knew, deep down, that he was kind of taking advantage of the situation, that he was just a friend doing you a favor, but fuck, when was he going to get another chance like this? To dote on you, to touch you, to kiss you, to show you how mad about you he was. He would worry about getting his heart broken later.
“How you feelin’?” he asked, trading your dessert for one of the spoons you held out.
You shrugged as you took the bowl that he handed you. “Alright.” Your gaze flickered to Jim and Lauren, who were chatting with Jim’s parents. Jim’s eyes locked with yours for a brief moment before you turned back to Roy, who watched you with a frown. “How are you? You’re doing a great job with this whole boyfriend thing. You’re a natural.”
Roy turned his focus to his dessert, ignoring how tight his chest felt. “I’m fuckin’ fine. More concerned with you, actually. I’m sure all this… is hard.” He lifted his head to look at you. “It fucking sucks. Watching the love of your life be in love with someone else. Really fucking sucks.”
Something in the fiery way he looked at you sent a shiver down your spine. “Yeah. This is pretty damn difficult.” After a moment, you shook your head. “But… I don’t think Jim was the love of my life.” Roy’s raised eyebrows urged you on. “I mean, I loved him. Really, I did. And I would’ve married him. And it hurts like hell watching him marry someone else, never mind who it is.” You shrugged. “But he wasn’t the love of my life,” you repeated firmly.
“How d’you know?” Roy leaned towards you intently, both of you completely forgetting about the sweets in your hands.
“I don’t,” you admitted with a soft chuckle. “But I have to keep telling myself that, don’t I? Have to keep hope that the real love of my life is still out there, looking for me as much as I’m looking for him.”
Roy’s heart was on fire listening to you. He wanted so badly to tell you that he was right fucking there, that he’d been there for years. He wanted to give you a real kiss and whisk you away to the swanky bedroom you were sharing. Fuck, he wanted to offer to take Jim and Lauren’s place in front of the officiant on Saturday if you were keen.
Instead, he gave you a small, understanding nod. “Should write that down, it’s fucking beautiful.” And you knew he meant it. “Right. Well. I am… going to find a fucking bathroom.” He stood, putting down his bowl and forcing a playful smirk. “Don’t eat my fucking dessert, and if I’m not back in an hour, send a search party, see if I fell into a moat or got caught in a dungeon or some shit.” He bent down and kissed the top of your head before walking briskly into the house, hands stuffed in his pockets.
“You two were having a pretty serious conversation from the looks of it,” your father’s voice mused.
You looked up at your father, who was observing you carefully. “Just about how weird this weekend is,” you half-lied. “He just wanted to make sure I was okay.”
He nodded. “Well, I’m sure it’s strange for him too. Watching you watch your ex get married.” He bobbled his head. “Be easy on him.”
You shook your head. “Roy knows there’s no feelings there. Just awkwardness, really. He completely understands.”
“He’s a good guy. You know I’ve always thought so.” He laughed. “We’re all just glad you two finally figured it out.”
“Right. Right.” You thought for a moment about the way your family wasn’t completely surprised by your new “relationship”. “You know, I’m still not sure what I was missing all those years. What did everyone see that I didn’t?”
A smile crossed his face. “Really, love? You never noticed the way that fella looked at you? All wide-eyed and flushed? Or the way he’d run himself ragged during matches when he knew you were there, just to impress you? There was one Christmas he came home, and I swear he took one look at you and looked ready to quit football just so he could stay with ya.” He chuckled. “Just glad he finally made his move.”
“Oh. Yeah.” You giggled weakly, pretending you’d noticed those things. “And was I just as obvious?”
“God, maybe worse,” your dad chortled, slapping his hands together with glee. “Where to start? Always finding a reason to talk to him, screaming like a banshee whenever you watch him play, and your mother and I overheard more than one late-night call to Sunderland when he was away. I’m just surprised it took him so long to realize how in love you’ve always been.”
Roy chose that moment, with your face starting to warm, to return. He nodded to your dad as he resumed his seat beside you. “Alright there?” He scrunched his eyebrows together. “Your face is all red.” He leaned close and planted a kiss on your cheek, relishing the heat against his lips. “Fucking cute when you blush,” he hummed. His own cheeks reddened when your dad cleared his throat, reminding Roy that he had an audience. “Fuck. Sorry,” he hissed.
Your dad held his hands up in defeat. “Can’t blame you two for wanting to make up for lost time.” He clapped your shoulder lovingly and returned to your mother, who was watching you with a soft smile.
Deciding to let yourself lean into things as much as Roy, you leaned your chin on his shoulder, gazing up at him adoringly. “Feeling kind of tired,” you murmured. “Thinking I’ll head to bed.”
Sure enough, he pecked your forehead. “I’ll join you.”
Rather quickly, you noticed, Roy grabbed your forgotten desserts and carried them to the table Jim and Lauren sat at. You followed him, offering a small wave to everyone.
“Goodnight,” you called.
Lauren raised an eyebrow. “More alone time?”
You wrapped your arms around Roy’s middle and squeezed tight. “Just a bit knackered. And I know tomorrow’s a busy day, want to be well-rested.”
Jim offered a tight smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Goodnight then.”
Conversely, Roy’s smile was wide. “Have a great night, Jim.” He nodded to everyone else before taking your hand and leading you inside.
As the two of you walked down the hall to your room, you couldn’t help but realize that Roy was still holding your hand; you told yourself it must be in case someone happened to see you. That had to be it; Roy committing to this whole fake-relationship thing.
Once you were in the room, you each silently went about getting ready for bed, with Roy letting you use the restroom to change. You quickly removed your makeup, brushed your teeth (longer than usual), and changed into your pyjamas, feeling suddenly a bit shy in your sleeping shorts and oversized shirt. But Roy’d seen you in pyjamas plenty of times; how was this really any different?
For Roy, it was completely different. His breath caught in his throat when you walked out of the bathroom and his grip on the t-shirt he was about to put on tightened. It wasn’t necessarily the view- which admittedly drove him mad- but the knowledge that, in just a few minutes, you’d be in bed. With him.
Likewise, your heart hammered as you once again saw his bare chest- or “bear chest”, as Paul once joked at a pool party. You couldn’t tell if you were relieved or disappointed when he tugged on his black shirt, covering the hair and the light blush that covered his skin.
“D’you care which side?” he grumbled, pulling back the covers. He knew he should offer to sleep on the floor or something, but he knew you didn’t mind; how many times had you fallen asleep leaning against him on the couch? Or that time your families had gone camping and you had begged him to cuddle with you because it was so fucking cold?
Sure enough, you shrugged and helped him pull back the blankets. “Up to you.”
With a grunt, Roy threw himself on the bed, grinning when you did the same. “Only took, what, thirty years. But look at us, our first slumber party.”
You rolled your eyes and brought the blankets over yourselves; Roy couldn’t help but notice the tender way you made sure he was covered. “Roy, I spent the night at your house so many times growing up. We absolutely had slumber parties.”
He shook his head with a small breathy laugh. “Come on. You weren’t there for me.”
Not knowing what came over you, you turned onto your side and propped yourself up on your elbow, your eyes tracing Roy’s profile. “Who said I wasn’t?” you teased.
It was Roy’s turn to roll his eyes. “Oh, fuck off,” he grumbled, smile playing on his lips. “Go the fuck to sleep.”
With that, he turned and clicked off the lamp that sat on the nightstand, leaving you in darkness, wondering how you were going to sleep with the knowledge that Roy Kent was right next to you. Miraculously, you did finally fall asleep, listening to Roy’s soft snores that you knew you’d have to tease him about.
The next morning, you woke up with your head on Roy’s chest, his arm wrapped around you tenderly as he continued to snooze.
Your breath became shallow as you tried to figure out what to do. Gently pull out of his grasp? Stay this way and hope he woke up and removed his arm? Part of you- fine, all of you- wished you could wake up this way every morning.
Carefully, you removed Roy’s arm, the spot where his hand had been quickly becoming cold, and rolled over as slowly as you could, not stopping until you were flat on your back, a safe distance from Roy. Holding in a sigh, you stared at the ceiling, wondering if you’d be able to get through this weekend with your heart in one piece.
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ravenelyx · 1 year
Cobwebs - Sebastian Sallow
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader
Words: 2k
Chapter Warnings: jealousy, light angst/angst if you squint, fluff, Sebastian's comfort food is corn apparently idk, suggestive (barely)
Summary: When a festival in your hometown causes you to dress up with medieval clothes, dance and act, Sebastian couldn't be happier and more proud - until he realises you will have a partner through all of it. And the partner is not him.
A/N: for the Sallow Sunday challenge !! I'm late in my country but it's still Sunday somewhere - inspired by a festival I went to today (literally came back at 1 am and wrote this: it's currently 5 am)
You can find the whole fanfiction also here on ao3
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Sebastian had woken up with the biggest grin on his face. A rare occurrence, really, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wipe it off his mouth.
Because today, apparently, was special.
He had been waiting for two weeks since his girlfriend had told him the news: at first Sebastian didn't really understand her ardour, but the delighted expression on her face was enough to propel the boy to match the enthusiasm completely.
There was a festival in her hometown: a celebration that, for one reason or another, had been impossible to arrange for about ten years. It was her favourite, she had said, because of its theme — a living re-enactment of old times, with dances and traditional clothing from her home — even more so now that she was chosen to be one of the people who was supposed to parade as an extra.
She was to wear a beautiful medieval tunic, and had to attend rehearsals everyday. As much as Sebastian wished to follow her there to see her hard work, she insisted that she wanted to keep it a surprise for when he finally saw her at the fest.
He had sulked a bit at that moment, but had been since then looking forward to seeing his beautiful girlfriend in an amazing dress.
He stood in the front row, having arrived early just to earn a perfect spot to bask in her splendid beauty ringside as soon as she came, and patiently waited for her to appear, nodding his head to the folklore music in the meantime. When the parade started, his body shook all over in anticipation, standing on his toes, eyes darting everywhere to catch a glimpse of his beloved.
And she was perfect.
Hair cascading in little twirls locked in a beautiful braid on her shoulder, adorned with a headband on the crown of her head, she smiled brightly, her lips shining with clear gloss. Her face was still natural-looking, with makeup that matched her features and made her look even more ethereal, and her green bliaut hugged her figure in ways that left little to Sebastian's imagination as his jaw fell open. It was tight at the waist, her corset even harsher around her flank under the kirtle, and adorned with a brown cincture knotted around her abdomen. Her only exposed parts were her cleavage, from which Sebastian could see a peak of her chemise, and her wrists, where the gown widened slightly. She moved with elegance and poise, careful to mind each graceful motion of her arm as she walked, and Sebastian felt his cheeks hurt with how wide his smile was,  almost tearing at the corners of his mouth.
A smile that fell as soon as his eyes darted away from her gorgeous figure.
The parade consisted of couples dressed in different ways, only interrupted here and there by close groups of musicians who accompanied them, and as such, she was on another's arm as she moved.
And, Sebastian noticed, he was very handsome — much more handsome than he was, with his chiseled jawline and elegant walk. He held her arm carefully as they walked together, chin up and perfectly in line, straight posture and measured walk. It was clear he had rehearsed for a long time.
And he had rehearsed with her.
Sebastian felt something sour and ghastly bubble in his stomach when they finally stopped. She turned to the man next to her, and he bowed gallantly at the waist before taking her hand in his.
The dance started. The musicians moved to the side, while the couples took their place in the midst of the plaza, moving from side to side at the fast paced rhythm of folklore music. When she went forward, he did the same, arms bending to meet. And then they stepped away together, extending their arms all the same, hands never separating. The steps of their frolic echoing in Sebastian's ears, thundering in his brain at the ease and preparation with which the couple moved together. She twirled in the man's arms, taking a step back and then twirled again on the opposite side, and Sebastian’s hands began to shake. Their manoeuvres were so measured, so controlled they must have rehearsed a lot. They must have spent a lot of time together to perfect it. Hours and hours, days of days of his beloved dancing with another man.
Panic seeped its way into his core: What if those days of rehearsal had awoken something in her? Something that made her realise that the man dancing with her was better than Sebastian in every way?
He didn't dare go further with his thoughts… but what if…
The crowd cheered, pulling Sebastian from his reverie, and he looked at her. And she was looking at him, too, wearing a bright smile, eyes shining as she silently asked him what he thought. Her forehead glistened a bit with sweat, a sign of her hard work, and Sebastian forced a smile on his face, nodding at her. She nodded back and turned to the man again.
A new dance began.
She had been on that man's arm most of the night, entertaining kids and adults all the same, dancing with him once a new folklore song started, and even re-enacting some play scenes along with the other extras.
Sebastian was left watching, embittered by the sight so much that, at some point, he had to completely avoid said sight.
Whenever he saw a glimpse of her beautiful figure, he would turn around and go into another alley, hoping to find some solace in the street food he had been shamelessly indulging in since the fest started.
"Sickle for your thoughts?" The man in front of him asked Sebastian at some point, after the brunet had visited his corn stand at least three times. "I can't give you another cob."
Sebastian scowled, but he had to admit the man was right. His stomach couldn't take it anymore.
"My girlfriend… she…" Sebastian began, kicking the dirt while the man stirred a huge cauldron of maize porridge. "She looks absolutely gorgeous today…"
"I hardly see how that's something to be concerned about," the man lifted an eyebrow. "Has the corn gone to your head? Why isn't your mesmerising girlfriend on your arm?"
"Because she's on another's arm," Sebastian blurted out, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "And I can't do anything about it!"
A beat of silence followed. Sebastian bit his lip harshly, while the man seemed to understand the situation. He handed the brunet another cob. "Maybe you do need another."
Sebastian's shoulders slumped and he took up the offer, defeated, biting on the warm kernels. "It's just…" he spoke, voice muffled by his full mouth as he moved the cob around frustratingly. "Today was supposed to be a celebration, and instead I'm here with you and those damn cobs!"
He took another bite and the man sighed. "Just go find her is my advice. You're a handsome lad, and the dress up time has been over for a while I reckon, so she can be yours for the rest of the night."
"What if she doesn't want to be?" The words left Sebastian's lips without hesitation. "He's much more handsome than I am! Maybe she's even… they're even…"
He didn't want to think about it, the idea making the back of his eyes sting a little.
"If she was, why would she invite you?" The man shrugged. "And don't finish that corn, you hear me? Give it to her before your stomach gives up on your body more than you've given up on your dignity."
Sebastian grimaced at the man's harsh words, but he could feel his stomach grumble in protest and he knew he was right. He reluctantly let his now-comfort food lay at his side in his hand, and he made his way through the decorated alleys, dragging his feet like some chained torture was pulling at him.
Maybe it was good if he found her — just to give her his corn, that was. It would have been a shame to waste it.
"Seb! Where were you?" She asked in concern once his legs came to a stop in the plaza. "You weren't at the plays. I just… did you not like them?" She asked, voice feeble and unsure, and Sebastian felt his stomach twist as he realised he'd failed her once again.
"I… got you corn," he retorted weakly, handing her the half-eaten cob.
She took it with a frown, and then she met his eyes with disbelief. "You ate corn all this time?"
Sebastian blushed deeply, before his chest turned cold again at the sight of the man standing behind her.
"You were with him all this time?" He asked caustically, shifting his weight on his leg and crossing his arms defensively.
She was at a loss for words. "What— are you serious right now?"
"Very much."
"He's my partner!" She claimed, raising her voice, the cob in her hands swinging dangerously.
"No!" He snapped, unwinding his arms and taking a step closer. "I am your partner!"
She gasped a few times, unable to retort as she saw the look on his face. He wasn't angry, despite his deep frown and lips pressed together. He was hurt.
"Sebastian," she sighed, stepping closer. "It's just a festival…"
"You danced with him," he responded, the heat radiating from her body making his resolve crumble. "You must have rehearsed a lot."
"Yes, for the festival." The hand that wasn't holding the cob of corn came to lay on his cheek, and he melted in her touch.
"Still, I didn't like the way he looked at you!" He hissed, gesticulating sharply, trying to restrain himself from pacing back and forth as he usually did. "You look gorgeous and…"
"Sebastian… he's married," she sighed, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on his cheekbone, "and he's like… five years older than me."
Sebastian was quiet at that, a small blush coming to rest on his ears when he realised. "So… well married men can… I mean…"
"Not him… trust me," she chuckled, now so close she could bump her nose to his. "Besides," she smiled, amused. "It's a small town, and he's my cousin."
Sebastian gasped, mouth falling open at the revelation. How stupid could he be? He had been sulking the entire evening, missing her plays and hard work just because… because…
"Were you jealous?" She asked, nuzzling his cheek.
Because he was jealous.
"I… I…" he stuttered. "I might have been… eating more corn than necessary."
She laughed against his skin, and he smiled fondly at the sound.
"Yes, I imagined that," she said, handing the cob to her cousin and taking Sebastian's hand in hers, guiding him through the alleys. "But no more corn now."
Sebastian frowned, confusion evident on his features, and she smiled at his face as she got a bundle of keys from the aumoniere hanging from her belt.
"It's my family home," she explained, "and it's empty."
She pulled him inside once she opened the door, immediately wrapping her arms around his neck once he was close enough.
"I'm just…" he began, feeling like it wouldn't be right to do anything without apologising for his behaviour. "I'm sorry I missed your plays," he whispered, feeling guiltier than ever as her lips pressed on his skin tenderly. "I should have valued you more…"
"You've seen the first two ones," she smiled and pressed another kiss on his jaw. "Last two were boring anyway."
"Still, I should have enjoyed them," he protested, returning her kisses. "And your dress, too… you look so beautiful… so…"
"Well… dress up time is over," she whispered, mouth hovering his. "Care to help me with that?"
Sebastian let out a low chuckle at that, smirking against her lips. "Oh, I'm so going to enjoy that."
He pushed his arm back and pressed his palm on the door, closing it loudly behind him.
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imagobin · 5 months
Head canons for illumi with a younger sister(A bit above the same age as Killua) that looks up in a way and likes being by his side since they were close before Killua came along please 😄
Awww cute idea! I'm always up for writing some good ol' Illumi being a good older brother lol he's so much fun to write! Thank you for requesting this, hope you enjoy! Sorry for taking so long aaa
📍Being Illumi's younger sister HCs📍
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Growing up Together
Looking out for you:
You were born three years before Killua, so Illumi would've been 9 years old back then.
Kikyo was ecstatic about finally having a girl, and that happiness really rubbed off on Illumi too, who immediately felt like you were special for making mother so happy.
After that day he promised to himself he'd always protect you and look out for you, even when you thought you were alone, Illumi was most definitely keeping an eye on you to make sure you didn't get yourself into trouble. It wasn't in a creepy way or anything, you were a toddler, watching over you was pretty normal.
Since he was also still a kid and not totally swamped with work, he had a lot more time to play with you as well. Hide and seek was always his favorite, and he'd always praise you lots whenever you managed to find him or stay hidden for longer than usual.
Honestly he praised you a lot in general, especially for doing well during training once you'd turned 3, he's always been so proud of his little sister!
He would also give you little snacks or other gifts whenever you did good, though it wouldn't be anything too fancy, because once again, he was also still a kid, and didn't really have a lot of money to spend. But it's the thought that counts! And the reason why you have a shelf full of bugs preserved in resin that you never want to throw away (regardless if you do like bugs or not).
He'd also be the one to style your hair, for no particular reason aside from him enjoying that.
The first mission:
Even after Killua was born, Illumi's behavior towards you didn't change, you were still his precious sister, so of course he'd want to be the one assisting you in your first mission once you turned 5!
It was fairly straightforward, find the target, kill them and leave the scene without anyone noticing you were even there in the first place.
You'd been preparing for this, but still felt nervous, as it'd be the first time you'd be taking a life. Illumi felt for you, he'd been there as well, fear of failure was normal. "Just do it the way mom and I have shown you, if anything goes wrong, I'll intervene, okay?"
His calm tone and slight smile put you at ease, and you ended up carrying out the mission perfectly! You one-shotted your target with your favored method and nobody spotted you.
When you got back to him he looked so proud of you, glad that the family had another very skilled assassin in its ranks.
If you accidentally spilled any of your target's blood on yourself, he'll do his best to clean it up, and then, since you did so well, he decided to take you to a toy store so you could pick something for yourself.
You still treasure the toy he bought you that day dearly.
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Still Close
Over the years, Illumi ended up having less and less time to dedicate to you: he'd been appointed to train Killua along with your father, and he'd also started taking on more solo missions.
Despite how busy he is, he still finds time to check up on you. He always wants to know how your missions and training are going, what sort of progress you've been making etc.
He also offers you advice on how to increase your strength and speed, and if you can already use Nen he'll be even more serious about it, pushing you to create the perfect Hatsu for yourself. He's always happy to see how much you value his advice.
The only downside to being Illumi's sister is that he's become an 'all business' man. He hardly has time to just spend a day with you and have fun hanging out like you used to in the past, it always, ALWAYS has to do with the family's business, and you don't like that.
Illumi can see he's been growing distant from you, and even if he doesn't outwardly show it, it pains him, especially since he's aware that you look up to him.
He doesn't know how to approach things though, his assassin training didn't prepare him for this, and he's always taken his siblings' affection for granted, because you're family, but you don't seem as happy as you used to be anymore.
The opportunity to fix things suddenly gets thrown his way after you two end up working together on a mission, after years of not getting the chance to.
This reminds him of your first mission, and suggests that he should buy you something this time around as well if you do everything perfectly.
You finally tell him that you don't need toys and prizes anymore, you just want to spend some quality time with him, without having to think about jobs or training or any of those things, you just want to spend time with your brother...
Illumi was not expecting this sudden honesty, not at all, but it was a good thing it happened, because he had no idea how he would've brought the truth out of you otherwise. "It's true that we haven't had that in a while..."
He promises you that if this mission goes flawlessly, you're going to have one of those days every two weeks, and through the whole assassination you can see that his senses are even sharper than usual, and so are yours, you both just really want to be close again.
Ever since that mission, Illumi has kept his promise religiously, although sometimes he slips up and starts talking about work, which he quickly backpedals from once you point it out.
Spending more time with him also means you two get to share your hobbies with each other as well, and that more often than not, you also get to listen to him talk about a certain weird magician he goes on missions with... though he refuses to tell you his name for some reason.
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m00nt4r0t · 1 year
✮ what do they secretly want to tell you? ✮
pile one, two, or three?
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think of a person and then pick your pile to see what they secretly want to tell you!
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile one!
song on shuffle: "YKWIM?" by yot club
the person you have on your mind, pile one, secretly wants to tell you that they worry a lot. they overthink when it comes to you and the situation between you two, and they secretly want to tell you that they want to you make things easier for them. they want to tell you that they're currently in the process of forgiving themselves for something they've done (possibly to you) and they're following a spiritual path rather than an egotistical path. they were in a situation where everything was going perfectly, everyone was happy and getting along (i'm sensing a group of people or a family) but then something happened that caused a major tower moment. this person secretly wants to tell you that they're extremely shocked and even burdened by something, pile one. they could've been cheated on by a partner, or they could've been the one that cheated in a connection (possibly in a connection with you.) some sort of fulfillment they had came to an abrupt ending because there was some competition with a third party and they have a fear of this happening again. for some of you, this person cheated and/or lied to you and they secretly want to tell you that they're undergoing the inner and spiritual work needed in order to prevent this from happening in the future and they truly want your forgiveness. if this is a situation where you were the one that had a third party, then they secretly want to tell you that they forgive you and they are accepting the situation as is and choosing to move on. they are doing the work and they have seen the rewards that come with it, and they are proud of themselves. they also secretly want to tell you that they find you to be attractive, even if you have already moved on and found yourself a significant other. they find you to be incredibly talented, as well.
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile two!
song on shuffle: "she" by tyler the creator
the person on your mind, pile two, secretly wants to tell you that you've inspired a deeper spiritual belief within them and you've given some sense of spiritual wisdom. you've balanced out their inner knowing with their outer knowing; they want to tell you that you have completed them, in some way. you brought them the missing piece of the puzzle that they didn't know was missing in the first place. there's also a truth that they want to secretly reveal to you, but they may not be able to do at the current moment due to someone else in their life. this person may be at a distance from you because their life is unbalanced and they're trying to get it together before they approach you again. they secretly want to tell you that they want to work with you to bring balance back into the connection, as well. but, before this can happen, a truth needs to be revealed. this person is secretly very ambitious and determined to reconcile with you, and they want to do so as quickly as they can. they secretly want to tell you that they've been working on their emotional maturity and once they've reached a certain point of wisdom and inner balance, they're going to gain the confidence to come toward you and make a serious offer. they're currently working to earn a position in your life and they have no intentions of treating you as an option. they feel as though you two were divinely orchestrated to meet and that you may even be their "twin flame" and/or "other half." they love your eyes and are keeping their own eyes on you while they are away/working on themselves, pile two. this could even be someone of the same gender as you, but of course take what resonates. they do get jealous whenever you give attention to other people, even if it is just friendly attention.
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pile three!
song on shuffle: "spin bout you" by drake & 21 savage
the person on your mind, pile three, secretly wants to tell you that they're currently doing a lot of inner shadow work - but instead of understanding their demons, they're trying to fight them. they feel as though they have to do everything for everyone else and ignore their own needs and wants at the moment. they're currently calling out the selfish people in their life, which has taken a toll on their happiness. there's people they live with/in their community that are very greedy and tend to rely on them to fulfill their needs and desires. this is the reason that they may be very passive with you, or very confused about the situation between the two of you. their home situation has left them feeling very burned out, and they may not have the time nor energy to approach you like they once did. they're weighing out their options and trying to make the best decision for themselves. they're contemplating starting a brand new journey and leaving everything behind. they do have hopes for their future, but sometimes they tend to overthink and worry a lot. they're avoiding conflict at the moment, but i feel as though they're planning something in secret and they may tell you this eventually. considering the shuffled song has a lot to do with romance, i'm going to say that this is someone who is romantically interested in you and that you're also interested in them. you may not have heard from them in a while, though. they want to explain everything to you, but they simply can't right now. this could be someone who you think has a nice car, they may dress nicely, purple may be a significant color for them and they may live with their grandparents (these are just confirmations for a few people.)
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thank you for reading & interacting! <3
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graveyardcuddles · 5 months
Sorry but I LOVE the teifling/vampire purring headcanons so much like I HAVE to gush about it !!!
I feel like Astarion would definitely already know that teiflings could purr when they're very happy/content/in love. So the first time he gets Tanit (my teifling Tav) to truly purr deeply, with her whole chest, he is SO proud of himself it's almost insufferable. Those warm, bubbly feelings in his own chest are a LIL more intense than expected, but it's only because his nice simple plan is going so perfectly. Of course he's happy.
BUT I'm willing to bet NEITHER of them knew about the fact that vampires can purr because it's simply not very common for vampires. They only ever do it when they feel exceptionally content and safe, usually among another member of their kind that they form a rare bond with. Such happy circumstances are rare for vampires and Astarion has had a shitty life even by vampires spawn standards so of course neither he or any of his siblings ever got to experience such a thing.
And so one night they're cuddling, maybe after Cazador is dead and Astarion finally has that threat no longer looming over him. He feels amazing. He feels more loved and safe and happy than he can ever remember feeling. Tanit starts raking her fingers through hair. He instinctively lets out a sigh of contentment, but instead what comes out is a...low rumbling??
They're both lying chest-to-chest so for a moment he thinks maybe it came from her, but no. This purring is much deeper. The vibrations very clearly came from his chest this time. They both look at each other and Astarion is maybe a little confused and embarrassed and possibly wondering if he's somehow involuntarily picked up her mannerisms. Until they both learn it's perfectly natural for vampires to purr as well. Just another thing they share in common.
And then they proceeded to spend every cuddle session thereafter purring together like two very happy big cats.
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