#word goal progress
tethered-heartstrings · 8 months
total word count goal: 12360 current word count: 14577 😎
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mr-entj · 2 years
Start small … on something big. Eliminate one problem. Move things one iota. Write one sentence. Send one letter. Make a spark. We can figure out what’s next after that. Your headlights illuminate just a few feet of the dark road in front of you, and yet that is enough for you to move forward and make continual progress.
Ryan Holiday, Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave  
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................ he 
#i feel like I posted this already but I also can't find it in any recent posts so...#......he#cats#EVEN if I did post it.. why not poast himb again? it's he#I'm like halfway through actually editing aforementioned costumes and stuff and i WANT to work on sculptures again and I have video#s and that worldbuilding slideshow and all of these things so hopefully like.. more usual stuff soon maybe.. to be posted#for now though yeah.. just cats#The end of the year is also when I panic about the passage of time and how little I've gotten done and how I will never actually be a#sucessful game maker slash author slash cat cafe owner slash set designer slash costume designer slash psychologist#who lives in like Scotland or somehting and also owns my own candle company or something ghbjhb#and will probably just be a mentally ill hermit recluse all my life who dies early of mysterious health issues with 5000 projects left#undone and blah blah the crushing weight of chronic illness and capitalism and so on and so forth#So then I scramble to get projects done to try and meet some goals but usually that means I scatter between projects#so it takes longer to finish all of them. Like instead of dedicating 8 hours to one thing and finishing it one sitting. I'll do 2 hours on#this then 2 hours on that then 2 hours on another things. so they all get done slower even though I'm still technically making progress on#them all. This is also a very poo poo pee pee stink brain way to work and is not like. the most efficent thing but it's just how my brain#organizes tasks sometimes lol#***#(<ignore this its part of an OCD compulsion lol. anytime you see me type three asterisks I'm not bleeping out a curse word#it's just a Special Secret Foolish Thing I Have To Do At Specific Uncontrolable Times When Brain Says So gbjhhj)#ANYWAY... eeeee#Still haven't resolved my mystery chest injury though so being at te computer for too long is also kind of achey-inducing#Better get over it though because I have like 30+ hours of slideshow vidoe to edit hahaha hee hee hoo!!!!!
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my-quotes · 3 months
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
-Theodore Roosevelt
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rigelmejo · 3 months
Reading progress estimate: have read 454,000 words of chinese (not including graded readers or rereading).
An article I've referenced before, said it would take reading around 92 books (at 120,000 each) or 11,040,000 words, to learn 9000 words in the language and be a fairly fluent reader.
So reading roughly ~11,000,000 words is the goal for me. (To test if the article was true, to experience it and decide for myself how much progress that much reading results in).
So I've read 454,000/11,000,000 or ~4.127% of the amount it suggests. Damn, thats not much lol. (Still, its a lot of reading so far in comparison to nothing.
I WILL say though, that learning 5000 words (according to this article) was reading 20 books of around 120,000 words each. So reading 2,400,000 words. So at 5000 words known, reading becomes a lot easier i'd say? Or at least it makes continuing to pick things to learn words with extensive reading more easy to pick. And out of THAT goal, I'm 454,000/2,400,000 or around 19% there! Now that sounds more like the goal I was aiming for last time I estimated this stuff lol.
If you are also learning chinese? The fact many a webnovel is easily 100k-400k words, and the shorter ones still usually 40k-60k words, means you can knock out this 2.4 million words read goal in around 48 webnovels to 6 webnovels (depending on the reading materials you pick). With the average 120k word novel picks requiring you read around 20 120k word books. So far, I'd say this has somewhat lined up with my experience. I've read over 10 shorter stories - i dont remember how much (dmbj 1 and 2 at around 30-40k each, some kids stories at 20k a piece, some short 20k danmei, one beast fanfic that was 126k, and some 20-40k beginnings of longer books).
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starry-eyes-love · 1 month
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Sometimes you have to straighten your crown, dust yourself off, and keep on walking for where your happiness is. While still telling some people to kiss your A$$.
Raise that middle finger and just be YOU 💙🐺
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danganronpa96 · 11 months
Chapter 5 Progress Update
It be Sunday. It be time for an update. Now I actually have proper things to note other than 'I'm very dumb and lazy'. Now I can say I'm very energised and crazy.
First things first, the planning is finished!
Second things second, all of the first day of the daily life has been written! And one CG has been completed! (the crowd is satisfied, giving a nod)
I'm finding it quite fun writing at the moment, so who knows? We'll have to see how long this enthusiasm lasts.
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clubheavenofhelen · 2 months
Day 7/100 - 100 days of productivity 🕊️
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🕊️ I didn't wake up as early as I planned, but it's okay - at least I got enough sleep for the first time in a week. Tomorrow I'm gonna wake up at 6 a.m.
🕊️ I went to the store to buy cornflakes, which my brother needed to prepare dinner. My younger cousins were selling lemonade outside the store, so I bought two cups to support them.
🕊️ I cleaned my room. I sorted out clothes for sale. I took out boxes to our broken car so they won't clutter up my room so badly anymore.
🕊️ I also caught up on the posts related to this challenge I'm doing (at least I'm trying - it's not that easy you know...)
🕊️ I still need to purchase a Blender course, have dinner, take a shower and pray the rosary today. I could've done more today tbh. Tomorrow I'll finally get to work. Gotta go 🤍
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🌷 Today I felt like an aesthetic LDR summer. Despite having to work as much as possible, I'm gonna romanticize this summer. Period. I adore this season.
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
"'Como te llama' if I'm talking to a person?"
"And 'como se llama' if i want to know what something's called"
"And 'mi llamo Jamie' if they want to know what I'm called."
Jamie flipped through the translation guide. "See, those one's make sense to me. It's these other one's that don't make sense."
Dani slid his sleeping mask up against his forehead. He preferred these late night flights more than the ones during the day. The flights were so long; he would rather sleep through as much as he could than be stuck awake and sitting down for half a day. For football, he would do it, but he didn't like it.
He was glad his friend Jamie was so understanding when he explained his reasonings. And agreeable. And kind enough that when Dani woke up restless, with a sore back, and they still had four more hours left in the air, his friend put up the seat divider and allowed Dani to splay his legs over his lap.
His heart filled with warmth. His mama would love his friend; he knew it.
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In life you may receive more no's than yesses but if you keep on working the door will eventually open
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stray-crow · 11 days
hi!! thought i'd direct my ask here since it's writing related -> how did you set up the google sheets to set and track word goals?? i opened up a sheets but it's a bit intimidating ;;
i'm guessing you do Insert>function>??? one of those? but idk which
there are a lot of different ways!! some basics to know:
the main functions i may use here are =SUM, =AVERAGE, =COUNTIF then follow the formula outline
more frequently i stick = in the formula box then select cells (or tab you want then its cells) with my mouse (a quicker way than typing cell or tab names)
but you can also limit cells usage by editing formulas directly in the cell you want to see the = in (like, you can have a cell with "=2+2" or a cell with "=A1+A2" with the numbers in them. both cells will have the same total calculated by the = but the formula bar will look different). Data Managers™️ recommend keep everything visible in cells, but we aint publishing this so do what you want
i also use cell formatting as % or date or whatever for less formula writing (% for example, i otherwise gotta do whatever math is needed for calculating that when i can just do the basics then ask it to do the rest AND it adds a % sign for me)
now let me go from least to most complicated set-up at start:
1. Total at Bottom
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i got this settup to track multiple people at once, but you can keep the record column as Day 1, Day 2, etc and change the name columns to be months. Formulas:
row 33 Total Written =SUM(B2:B32) (alter the letter and number depending on column and days in month)
row 34 Goal (month) [free write #]
row 35 Progress (%) =B33/B34 , aka =[Total Written cell/Goal (month cell] format as %
row 36 Days Planning =COUNTIF(B2:B32, "planning") (or whatever specific word you want)
you can also have a year total somewhere, which you can see examples of how to in the last method
2. Weekly Goal
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there's more manual in this so far which makes it easier to setup, harder to keep up on. columns week, dates, and words written are write-in (the last which i may =#+#+# throughout), but formulas:
column c words to go =1400-D31, aka =[word count goal]-[relevant "words written" cell]. conditional formatting (which i may swap the colors):
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column e success is a drop-down menu which i forget how to create every time... look up "how to create drop-down menu in [spreadsheet program of choice]". i manually select the success based on vibes: earned, endeavored, exceeded, and resting
3. Detailed Year
there are two tabs here with more initial setup but less to manage later. they read from each other (what the ! does in a formula). starting with the daily data tab:
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column date is formatted for calendar
column type is formatted with a drop-down menu, which the thought is to later make a pivot table counting the frequency of write, edit, edit+write, and daydreaming.
column word count is a manual input with conditional formatting
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then the year tracking tab:
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the free write-in columns are month, daily goal, and reflection. the column success is a drop-down i manually select at end. everything else has formulas:
column c month goal =[daily goal cell]*[# days of that month]
column d % of month will look like =(COUNTIF('2024 count'!C246:C275, ">0"))/30 , aka (COUNTIF('[name of daily data tab]'![relevant cell range from tab],">0"))/[days of month] formatted as %
column e daily ave is =AVERAGE(('[name of daily data tab]'![relevant cell range])
column f total count is =SUM('[name of daily data tab]'![relevant cell range]
column g goal progress is =[total count cell]/[month goal cell] formatted as %
the total row at the bottom goes like
daily goal =AVERAGE([above cells])
month goal =SUM([above cells])
% of month =AVERAGE([above cells])
daily ave =AVERAGE([above cells])
total count =SUM([above cells])
goal progress =AVERAGE([above cells])
yea that's about it
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aparticularbandit · 1 month
Please remember.
If you have not hit word count this month.
Most (not all) of your writing has been second writing, which means you've been going through a lot of words, just not adding a lot of new words.
Word count is not always an indicator of progress.
You're okay.
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mr-entj · 2 years
Aristotle described virtue as a kind of craft, something to pursue just as one pursues the mastery of any profession or skill. “We become builders by building and we become harpists by playing the harp,” he writes. “Similarly, then, we become just by doing just actions, temperate by doing temperate actions, brave by doing brave actions.
Ryan Holiday, Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave
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desperatepleasures · 10 months
okay I think slow n steady might just be the way to go for me bc I thought I was making such tiny progress (never hit 1000 words on any given day) but my monthly goal was originally 3k and I've passed 6k now with a few days left :0
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jebiga214 · 2 months
I steady need to practice what i preach
See how many vows I'll do, must follow through, lagano izi übercool.
Time to really see how far I can truly reach
Untie myself from my guilt and shame, cause none else to blame, I endured the pain.
Pushing forward not down. Roar not screech!
Keep practicing the golden rule of silence, talk to your alliance, go with the defyers.
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fauville · 5 months
wrote 5k of sweet dreams this week. <3
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