#and that's another reason why it sucks that Home is Where the Heart Is was cut
blimpintime · 14 hours
a jar of wind
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Wynnie Lara is a fairy that was saved from a jar from Amarantha's reign of terror, but is soon figuring out that her time of peace is coming to a end.
warnings: angst, azriel sucks :p and unedited
word count: 1.4k
eventual Eris x OC
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“Rhys! You will never believe what I managed to do with my-” I bursted into the kitchen with a warm glow, my green dress flowing around me and headed towards where he was sitting with a cup of tea.
“Wynn, I have been up with Nyx for the past three nights and days with him teething. I would love some silence. Please.” He said with a low voice and eyes closed in annoyance. 
“Oh! Right, yes. Sorry.” I wince, I twirl my finger and use the wind to brush through the mellow sounding wind chimes I have placed around the River House. 
The tension seemed to leave his body, and I placed a sisterly kiss on the top of his head, my ginger bobbed hair layering over his black hair. In doing so I managed to remove the growing headache from him and take it on for myself.
“I didn’t ask you to do that, Wynn.” He said softly.
“I know, but that’s what family is for Rhys.” I respond with a light touch on his shoulder and whisper words of encouragement as I leave. 
As I walked out of the River House where the sun is setting, I ran into Azriel and Cassian. I smile and my subtle pink glow brightens.
“Hello you two!” I say with a wave and notice the grimm look on their body language and my face falls and my glow dims. “What happened, who's hurt?” 
Cassian winces and Azriel gives me a sharp look, “Stay out of it Wynn. You do enough damage as is.” 
I flinch back and the wind around me goes cold, “What is that supposed to mean?” 
He walks closer to me and leans over to get in my face, “It means that whatever magical experiment you tried this time back fired and hurt Elain.”
“What are you talking about?” I whisper back. My mind reels trying to remember if I left a magic trial unattended in the open, but I draw a blank. Unless… 
“She snuck into my cottage?” I question brows furrowing. There was only one trial I left at my house and that was my attempt of getting my wind to play instruments on its own, but wind is finicky and if interrupted incorrectly can cause a spiral of sharp and messy wind.
“Snuck? Wynn, you let everyone into your home all the time, there was no reason to lock your doors.” Cassian responded. I go hot with anger. 
“So just because I host all the time means my house is fair game? There are wards around it for a reason when I am not home. If that is your logic here then allow me to go into your guys home whenever I feel and do what I please.” I snap back.
“You’re being unreasonable Wynn.” Azriel says while rolling his eyes. “It was just Elain. She is harmless.” 
“I do not care who it was Azriel, it is my home. What did she need from me anyway? I just saw her this morning.” I ask him and he storms by me to go inside the house. Cassian and I follow him.
“Rhysand!” Azriel yells. Rhys walks out of the kitchen looking a little better than he did before. 
“Why are we yelling?” He asks.
“Wynn has caused more damage to this court.” Azriel says and I wince back. Rhys turns to look at me with an eyebrow raised. 
I raise my hands in defense.
“Wynn, was it another silly experiment?” Rhys asks. My heart tugs and I nod, and I feel as though I should defend myself. They’re not silly, they are fun.
“Did I do something to personally offend you Azriel?” I ask softly. 
“Yes! Since you’ve shown up to this court all you have done have been attached to the hip with Feyre, surprised she hasn’t told you that you are suffocating. You’re nothing more than an annoying weed.” He spat, “You buzz in and out loudly all the time, you cannot read a room to save your life, your experiments are juvenile and lack actual use, and whenever you shrink down to your pixie form is the only time you're tolerable because we can barely hear you.” He said like a weight has been lifted off his chest. 
I can only stare at him, shock and hurt cover my face. The glow of pink on my body fades down to a low humming blue, and suddenly I am back in that damn jar. 
The jar I am in is hot and stuffy. I do not remember how I got here but I do understand that this is cursed glass and I won’t be able to be let out unless the lid is opened by the one who placed the curse or is killed. 
The jar sits in the middle of a long dinner table as decor, with being alive I always have a glow to me. When I am neutral and healthy it's normally pinkish orange, right now it’s bluish purple relating to my mood and terror. It hasn’t changed in the past decade of being here.
Being small and trapped in a jar and treated as entertainment by those who are desperate to feel power again is something I would never wish upon anybody. They like to cover the oxygen holes on the top and force me to dance or create wind art. Which is borderline impossible with the lack of airflow in here anyway.
“Tell me pretty, what other colors can you turn?”
“Az-” Cassian whispered.
“Fuck you Azriel. You know why I don’t go into that size very often and you of all people should understand why.” I spit at him, and he for just a moment looks guilty. 
“What? You all say this behind her back anyway. Now that I tell her to her face it’s a problem?” He looks at his two brothers. And they both won’t look me in the eye.
“Is that true?” I choke out with silent tears running down my face. Rhys looks at me and takes a breath, “There could have been more tact to how we said this but to put it bluntly yes.”
My wispy iridescent wings pop out of my back. And I start walking backwards towards the door, “I will see myself out then.” 
“Wynn, wait please let's discuss this more maturely.” Rhys says. Azriel scoffs in the background. 
“If it wasn’t for her, Elain wouldn’t be hurt again.” I flinch again feeling sick to my stomach. 
“I am sorry.” I choke out. Cassian reaches for me and I step back curling into myself feeling betrayed by those I called family. 
“No, that was completely uncalled for.” A new voice responds. I turn around to say Nesta and Elain. I look over Elain and all I notice is a few wind burns on her arms. She gives me a soft smile and I look down with a frown.
“Azriel, what is the actual problem here? Because I am fine. I went into her cottage because I forgot my tea recipe book there and completely forgot she was running an experiment.” Elain comes up to me softly and puts her hand on my shoulder. I lean into her warmth. Nesta stares at him with a cold hard glare. 
“He’s jealous.” She observes. Azriel looks shocked for just a moment before he stalks closer into Nesta’s face. To which signals me and Elain to step back and Cassian to intervene. 
“Enough.” Rhys says rubbing his temples again. “Azriel you were out of line with the way you approached this situation and Wynn maybe just be a little less, you.” 
All three girls flinch with the wording. 
“Have you lost your fucking mind Rhysand?” Nesta barks. “Wait until I tell Feyre.” 
By the time the two of them are arguing I shrink down to my pixie size and fly home to my cottage. I arrive at the front stoop back to normal size, and burst into tears against my front door barely making it inside before I collapse into a pile on the floor. 
In a panic I start shoving some of my emergency belongings in a satchel; clothes, my hygiene products, and my magic trials notebook. 
Frantically rushing around my small cottage I see a teacup Elain painted for me, with little orange and pink flowers all over it. I wrap it in one of my shirts and stuff it into my satchel.
By now the sun has completely set, and I take off my porch, my holographic wings sparkling in the moonlight and head towards some place I know will bring me some comfort. 
The Autumn Court. 
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a/n: please enjoy! I have been thinking about this idea for a while! Leave comments, like, and share. if you have any questions plz let me know!
I do not own any of the characters that Sarah J Mass has created. but I do own miss Wynnie Lara :p
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roosterforme · 2 months
Mr. Right Now Part 7 | Hangman x Reader
Summary: There's a difference between sex and intimacy, and Jake is feeling the latter for the first time in a long time. When he tells you that it's important to make sure your partner knows what you want and need, your reaction feels like the nail in his coffin.
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut, adult language, oral sex, p in v intercourse, 18+
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Why is Jake on my masterlist!? Mr. Right Now masterlist
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You weren't exactly sure what to think of the fact that Jake took the time to get out a washcloth and soak it in warm water before setting you down on the bathroom vanity and cleaning you up. He kissed you softly, nudging your knees so you'd spread your legs apart, and he gently ran the washcloth along your most intimate parts. Both of you were still naked, and even the sight of him soft while he took care of you made your heart pound.
He just took your virginity, and now he was whispering, "Take your time to get cleaned up and get dressed, Darlin'. I'm going to get you some more ice water, and then we can finish the pizza."
"Okay," you replied, unsure what else you should say. He walked out of the bathroom leaving you alone with skin that felt too hot and a nervous energy that you couldn't identify. You wished he was still touching you, so you quickly used the bathroom and dug around in his dresser drawer for a clean shirt before rushing out to the kitchen.
You felt a little sore, but it was a delicious ache that left you on the verge of smiling as soon as you saw him filling a wine glass with water in his underwear. "I'm ready for cold pizza," you announced, and he turned to take in the sight of you wearing his Texas Longhorns shirt with wide, green eyes.
Jake grunted in response as he headed your way with the wine glass in one big hand. When he dropped down onto the dining room chair he vacated earlier, he lured you over with his smirk and the sentence, "Nothing else is going to taste as good as you." Your steps faltered as you sucked in a deep breath, but he wrapped his free hand around your bare thigh. When he patted his lap, you met his eyes. "Have a seat."
You settled down as gingerly as you could on his thigh as he slid your glass of water next to the open pizza box, but your lips were already so close to his, you ended up kissing him. His thumb skimmed along your hip as he parted your lips with his own, tasting your tongue. He groaned softly, and your fingers threaded through his hair like that's where they belonged. Jake smiled against your lips.
"Alright, feed me some horrible pizza, or else I'll just keep wanting to taste you all night," he murmured.
You pulled away from him slowly and reached for one of the slices in the box. It was cold, and the cheese looked honestly not so great now, but you bit the end of the slice before holding it out for him.
"I don't know what you're complaining about," you said, licking your lips. "This is delicious."
Jake hummed as you fed him another bite from your hand. "I would eat this with you all the time." Your blood felt warmer as it pumped through your veins, and Jake leaned in to kiss your ear. "Do you want to stay over again?" 
His place was comfortable to you already, but you were in so deep. You could hardly understand how you got yourself here, having the best weekend you could remember with this man who you barely knew but for some reason were certain you could trust. 
But you took too long to answer, and as you stared at him with the half eaten slice of pizza in your hand, Jake muttered, "I can drive you home after you're done eating."
"No," you whispered. His gaze dipped down to your mouth as he frowned slightly, but you kissed him before you said, "I want to stay."
Jake was enjoying the nasty, cold pizza and the way you made him feel warm while you sat sideways across his lap. He was enjoying all of it too much. Just like he'd enjoyed you in bed. It was all too much, and he still wanted more.
You said you would stay over again, but what did he expect to happen tomorrow night? Especially when he could already tell he'd want even more. When he finally got you all snuggled against him in the bath earlier, you told him you had classes every morning at eight. He was going to have to drive you home at some point tomorrow, and he didn't know how to ask you if that was it. Or if there could be more.
He took another bite of the pizza from your hand and watched you nibble on the crust. You seemed contemplative, but that eager look was always there. "What's on your mind?" he asked, and you leaned against his shoulder, burying your face against his neck.
"Just reviewing the lessons in my mind," you whispered. "Making sure I don't forget anything."
Great. You were thinking about his lessons now when he just wanted to go off script. Showing you so much of himself the first time he had sex with you was probably his worst decision of all. He should have kept lesson eight simple, but instead he put himself out there, insisting he could show you more. Show you that there was a difference between fucking and intimacy. And now there was a pain in his chest. That's what he got for needing to be the best and somehow falling for you in the process.
Jake could feel your eyelashes flutter against his neck as your hand trailed down his chest to rest on his abs. You had no idea what you were doing to him, otherwise you'd definitely stop touching him like that. Or else you'd agree to never leave. 
"Is there a ninth lesson?" you asked softly.
All Jake needed was for you to always be safe and get exactly what you wanted. He tucked his fingers beneath your chin and tilted your face up so you were looking at him. "There's always another lesson," he said, kissing you softly before running his thumb along your lips. "Lesson nine: make sure you tell your wants and needs to your partner. Then everyone will be clear about the expectations."
"That makes a lot of sense," you replied, chin still resting in his palm as your fingers skimmed the top of his underwear. Your eyes were wide with innocence and something more. "So, what do you want?" you asked boldly. "What do you need?"
Jake's cock throbbed against your leg, and your lips curved into a little smirk. "Come on, Darlin'. That's not fair."
You dipped your fingers into his underwear and shifted your leg as you whispered, "What's unfair about it?"
He swallowed hard, wrapping his hand around your wrist before you could touch his erection. "This is supposed to be about you. Not me."
You moaned his name, sending his mind into a frenzy as your other hand tangled in his hair again. "I got exactly what I wanted, and somehow you also gave me something I didn't know I needed."
He closed his eyes as your lips met his neck. "This is about you first and foremost, Darlin'. Remember? It's never about the guy."
You kissed along his skin as you asked, "Even when he's as sweet as you are?" His hand left your wrist so he could cup your face, and before he knew it, you were wrapping your warm fingers around his cock. "I want to give you head if you'll let me. Or I want to at least try."
Jake's head tipped back, eyes squeezed shut as he throbbed shamelessly in your hand. There was no way he could make up an excuse or lie to you, not after the day the two of you had together. "I both want and need your mouth on my cock," he groaned, already wondering if he could last long enough to enjoy it.
He stood up and hauled you over to the couch where he'd made a mess all over you earlier, prepared to do the same again now. He kissed you hard on the mouth, hand rough at the back of your neck. You whimpered in response and rubbed yourself against him. He wanted you every which way he could imagine. He wanted you to experience everything with you. But right now, you were the one pushing him down so he was sitting with his hard cock hanging out of the front of his underwear.
You looked too good in his Texas Longhorns shirt as you leaned down with your hands on his knees. "I've never done this before. Just so you're clear about your expectations."
"Jesus Christ," Jake grunted, and you sank to your knees between his spread legs as your hand slid up to wrap around his cock. He shimmied his underwear down lower on his thighs, and you looked up at him before pulling them completely off.
"But I have watched porn," you promised, letting your lips brush along his tip.
"Fuck," he growled. "Every time you say that, I lose my mind a little bit more."
You gave him a little nudge with your nose, clearly comfortable around him. "Will you tell me if it's bad? I don't want to be bad at this."
Jake held eye contact with you and slowly shook his head as you wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock and gave him a little swipe with your tongue like you were enjoying a lollipop. His balls tightened up knowing you'd never had another man like this. Another slow swipe of your tongue and he had to reach for your cheek and stroke your soft skin to keep himself grounded.
"It won't be bad. It couldn't be," he promised, swallowing hard. "You're smart, and frankly guys are easy to please when it comes to some pretty lips and an eager tongue."
Your lips were a little puffy from all of the kissing between the two of you, and when you pulled him free, you gave him a little pout. "But I want to be good for you." He felt dizzy again. "I want to know what you like, the same way you told me to be vocal about what I like. You've had blowjobs from probably dozens or maybe hundreds of women."
You were probably overestimating those numbers, but Jake could barely think as you grazed him with your nose again. "Darlin'," he grunted without another single thought in his head.
"Should I... take this shirt off or something?" you asked, gaze innocent even as your lips brushed along him. "You know, to turn you on more?"
Jake laughed as his head tipped back against the couch, dizzy all over again. "If I were any more turned on right now, you'd have my cum everywhere."
"Oh," you gasped, voice sounding delighted, drawing his gaze back to your pretty face. That's when you let go of him to tug his shirt over your head, discarding it on the couch next to his leg, and all he could do was stare with his mouth hanging open at how damn bold you were.
He was hard as a rock as your tits swayed while you repositioned yourself, and then your took a few inches of him. It didn't feel like you didn't know what you were doing, and he couldn't decide if that's because you were a natural or because he'd find anything you did to be a turn on. Your eyes were trained on his face as you took another inch of his cock, clearly looking for some feedback, but all he could say was, "Please, don't stop."
You made a soft sound as you took more of him, and as soon as your lips brushed his trimmed pubic hair, you gagged. Stars clouded his vision as his fingers wrapped around the discarded shirt. You gagged again and started to withdraw him, and when he was able to look at you clearly, he was panting slightly.
"Does that feel good?" you asked, mindlessly pumping his wet cock with your hand while you waited for an answer.
He nodded and said, "I'm going to finish distressingly fast. Especially given how long I was able to last in your perfect pussy."
You looked so proud of yourself as you whispered, "Tell me what you like."
As soon as your lips wrapped around him again, he placed one gentle hand at the back of your head and muttered, "I'll show you."
Jake's breathing grew more ragged each time you took him deep enough to make yourself gag. And you loved the sound of his grunts and groans as much as you loved the pressure of his hand on your head and neck.
"That's it," he crooned when you sucked on him just like he had instructed. "That's it, Darlin'." His hips were rolling slightly now as you licked and sucked, absorbing everything he said and did. While he only gave you subtle instructions, it seemed like it was all designed to make you more curious. And now you desperately wanted to make him come. You wanted to taste him and feel him in your mouth at the same time.
When you needed to catch your breath, you licked around his balls, and the sound he made was one of the hottest things you'd ever heard. "You like that?"
"Uh huh," he grunted, eyes wild as you did it again. "Fuck. Fuck. I'm getting real close. Jesus Christ, your tits look good. You're fucking killing me."
You smirked, knowing taking the shirt off had been a good idea. The only problem was that you wanted to taste him, but your pussy was also wet with desire now. He did tell you to let him know what you needed and wanted, so you went for it. "Jake, my pussy is soaked," you whispered before licking a steady line back to his tip. "Will you fuck me again later?"
"For the love of god," he groaned, rubbing his free hand over his face. "I'll do anything you want. I'll fuck you all night. Anything, Darlin'."
You felt strangely powerful as you took him all the way again, reveling in the way it felt to gag on his cock. When you bobbed your head, you could feel how tight his entire body became. Like a coil ready to snap.
"I'm so fucking close," he whined as you sucked. "You don't have to swallow." You frowned up at him with your mouth full. "You want to swallow?" he asked softly, and you nodded which made him groan again. "It'll be different than when I came on you, and some women don't like the taste."
You pulled him free and said, "I already tasted you earlier. I want to feel you to cum in my mouth," before taking him deep one more time. Jake moaned your first name as his fingers tightened around the back of your neck. 
"God damn, god damn," he chanted, cheeks ruddy. "So good."
And then he came, and you tasted him. It was shocking how suddenly your mouth felt full, but he tasted as good as he did before, and you tried to swallow him quickly. But you could feel some of his cum drip down your chin as you looked up at him. 
Jake dragged his thumb through it before coaxing your lips apart. You licked it clean before he scooped up a little more and fed it to you. His breathing was calmer now as his cock softened and rested on his thigh, and you couldn't stop looking at what you'd turned him into. He was somehow relaxed and also more keyed up than ever.
"I love the way it tastes," you whispered, already feeling your face heat up at the simple admission. "I already want more." You weren't sure if it was just Jake who tasted so good that you'd happily drop to your knees at the mere suggestion of it, or if it was every man. But his next sentence had you scrambling onto his lap.
"You already sound like a cum slut."
But you knew no shame whatsoever, completely naked in his arms. "Will you cum in my mouth again? Please?"
He kissed you, swiping his tongue along yours, and you could imagine just how that tasted. Then his fingers dug into the tops of your thighs, and he pulled you up so you were standing on his couch on shaky legs with your pussy right in font of his face. "I said I'd do anything you wanted, and I meant it. But right now this is what I want to do."
Jake was being bossy, and you loved it. He guided you where he wanted you, and then his mouth was all over your pussy. Lesson nine... lesson nine... make sure your partner is clear about what you want and need. "I want to come all over your face," you gasped, tangling your fingers in his hair to keep yourself upright as his tongue traced a devilish little circle around your clit.
"You will, Darlin'."
The floodgates had opened. You were just as insatiable as Jake was. It was so late now as you and he worked through the rest of that box of condoms you found in his bathroom, exploring each other in every way imaginable. Every time he even looked at you, it was with more intent than he was used to, and that was just fueling how badly he wanted you. And you welcomed his every suggestion, surprising him at every turn with some of your own.
There was a condom wrapper abandoned somewhere near the couch where you'd asked him to fuck you doggy style. The lack of eye contact didn't feel any less intimate when he had his lips pressed to your neck and ear, coaxing your orgasm from you one word at a time. 
There was another condom wrapper on the bathroom vanity where he was currently giving you a slow thrust from behind where both of you could watch each other in the mirror. His cheeks were flushed pink as you gasped his name, and his lips connected with the side of your neck. "Good girl," he whispered, praising you every time you thrust back against him. "Get what you want. Tell me what you want."
The front of his body was pressed to yours, and he was gently squeezing your breasts, enjoying the look and feel of them as his thrusts made them bounce. You grabbed his wrist, never breaking eye contact in the mirror as you dragged his hand lower and said, "Make me come."
Sex was never this simple or this complicated for him before. Being with you felt effortless. Both of you were making your expectations known, and he was enjoying every second of being in your presence. But he was already hesitant about dropping you off at your dorm. When he kissed your shoulder and dragged his fingers along your clit, he knew he needed to say something about the feeling in his chest, but he just couldn't do it. That's not why you were here.
"I think you made me good at sex," you whimpered, bracing both hands on the sink vanity as you tossed your head back and came on his cock. It was beautiful. All of it. He slowed his fingers as you rode out your orgasm, and his hand came to rest low on your belly. 
"There was never a single moment when you weren't," he promised, and then you were kissing him over your shoulder. It wasn't just sex either, because now he couldn't wait to get you cleaned up and take you to his bed for the rest of the night. And that thought was enough to make him come inside you for what felt like the hundredth time today.
He was exhausted. Wrung out. He had nothing left to give you physically at the moment, but as if by instinct, you turned around in his arms to face him as soon as he was done grunting your name, and you tossed your arms around his neck. He kept you caged in there between his body and the sink in his dimly lit bathroom while you gave him the sweetest kisses, bodies slick with sweat. Neither of you said a word for a long time, even as the kisses tapered off so your cheek was simply resting on his chest, and he traced soft shapes along your hip. He felt you yawn, and he had to fight the urge to as well as he finally forced himself to take a step away from you.
"It's late, Darlin'. Let me get you cleaned up," he whispered as he removed the condom, not bothering to find the wrapper to join it in the trash can. He reached for a clean washcloth, and you let him take care of you while you yawned again, and then the two of you brushed your teeth side by side before he took your hand.
The window was still cracked from last night when you had asked if he could hear the ocean in his room, and he pushed it open a little further as you climbed into his bed like you belonged there. He was going to be completely unable to separate his feelings from the physical acts between you and him this weekend, but he tucked himself in behind you anyway. Once again fell asleep to the sounds of your soft breathing and the waves crashing in the distance. 
I love them, but they are so oblivious about what the other one is feeling. Darlin', there's a reason you're so comfortable around Jake. Jake, there's a reason you can't get enough of her. Just a few more chapters left. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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subbmissivesuccubus · 2 months
Summary: The Hero is in heat thanks to his quirk and you, being a good wife, decide to help him through it. Unfortunately for you, you severely underestimated just how difficult ‘helping’ him would be.
A/N: Another Patreon request! I don't watch MHA but I always loved Hawks design so this was fun to write!
Disclaimer : Hawks X Fem reader. Overstimulation. Marathon sex. Rut.
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“Baby- baby wait- fuck- don’t come closer!”
You froze, your hand stilled on the doorknob, about to open said door before you heard your husband call out to you from behind it.
“Keigo, what’s wrong?” you asked, listening to his wishes for the moment, “Did something happen? Are you hurt?!”
You felt your heartbeat fasten a bit, your mind conjuring up a multitude of scenarios. Being a Hero was no joke and you couldn’t count the many nights where you sat glued to the TV, heart pounding as you wondered if your husband was coming home that night alive.
“I- I’m fine baby. I’m not hurt.” He called out, making you sigh with relief, “but really- I can’t explain it but- I- I need to be alone.”
“Keigo, I love you and I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable.” You said, “but I am not leaving until I see you and make sure you’re ok for myself. I’m opening the door!”
“No- wai-“
But before he could get the word out, you pulled the handle and pushed the door open, eyes widening as you walked into…uh…
A huge mess of a room. The sheets were all pulled out and thrown around, the pillows were ripped up with feathers all over the bed. Your closet doors were thrown open and your clothes were all taken out, including your undergarments. On the bed, in the middle of all of the mess, was your husband, seemingly buried under a giant pile of your clothes. His usually styled hair was all over the place, adding onto the crazed look in his eyes and the flushed face. He was sweating profusely, hair matted onto his forehead, his eyebrows furrowed with an expression on his face that looked like he was in pain. His wings were wrapped around himself, feather shivering underneath the clothes.
“Fuck…” he cursed as he saw you, tossing his head back against the pillow made of your clothes.
“…What’s going on?” you asked, truly confused. You husband groaned loudly from under his cocoon, burying his head farther down the pile until you couldn’t even see him anymore, just his wings.
“…I’m in a rut.” He finally said, his voice muffled.
“What was that?”
“A. Rut.” He repeated louder.
“You mean…like…” you said, having heard the phrase before, “Like mating season?”
Hawks growled even louder, “Yes- fuck- my body is on overdrive and my dick is constantly hard. It sucks! I tried to calm myself down by jerking off and nesting with your clothes but- fuck me- it isn’t working.”
“So that’s what this is…” you said, at least getting an answer about the mess, “I’ve never seen you like this before. Is this the first time it’s happening?”
“…No. It happens every year.”
“What?! How have I never noticed it?”
“Because…I send you away. I buy you vacations to g-get you out of the house. S-Speaking of which- why are you back so early?! Your trip should have ended n-next week!”
“My dad fell sick so we had to cut things short.” You explained, wondering why you never questioned Keigo’s generosity in sending you on trips during the same time every year, “I can’t believe you kept this from me!”
“I’m sorry baby but-“ he hissed as his body shivered for no reason, “The rut can be…a lot to handle. My body just wants to fuck and fuck and fuck until my bones give out! It’s not pretty…”
“Then why do you not want me here?” you asked, still keeping your distance as you didn’t want to overwhelm your man, “I could help!”
That finally got him to push his head out of his wings enough for him to give you a look that said ‘you can’t be serious’. “Baby- you pass out after three rounds. There’s no way you can handle me when I’m like this.”
You gasped, an offended hand on your chest, “That’s not true- I mean- yes maybe- but my husband is in pain! What kind of wife would I be if I didn’t even try?”
Before he could even say anything, you grabbed your coat and shrugged it off of you, making him gasp as the fabric fell to the ground. You were just about to pull your dress off when Keigo broke out of his cocoon and surged forward so fast you could barely process it. He gripped you by the collar and pulled you towards him, the man still kneeling on the bed but even so, his face was in line with yours.
“You really- really don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” He growled, looking more animalistic than you’ve ever seen him. You gulped as you felt his hot breath fan your face, the look in his eyes making you shiver. You sex life was perfectly fine and quite satisfying but even through your years long relationship, you’d never seen him have this look- this ferocity- this…desperation in his eyes.
You felt your pussy quiver already, Keigo hissing as he saw your pupils dilate.
“I’m serious!” he said, grunting as he could smell the heat off of you, trying his best to not jump you and rip your clothes off, “This won’t be normal. I’ll go round after round- constantly fucking you and cumming inside you- You can beg me to stop but once I start- there’s no stopping.”
You gulped, hands going back to your dress to start unravelling it.
“Baby- take this seriously!” Keigo snapped, frustrated, “I know you think it’s all fun and games but- but-“
His thought trailed off as you managed to push your dress off of your shoulders, the fabric falling in a heap on the floor, leaving you clad in your underwear.
“…Fuck it.”
You squealed as your husband grabbed you by the hips, picking you up enough to turn around and throw you onto the bed, making you crash into your pile of clothing. You licked your lips as he all but pounced on you, the man making work of his pants as he pressed his lips against your, stealing your breath away.
This was going to be a long night~
Slurp “Ah baby-“ Mwah schuck shuck “Just like that- fuck me- keep pumping that cock- mmmph~”
You gasped as Keigo latched onto your nipple mercilessly, suckling on you like a baby as he lied down on the bed, torso supported on your lap, wings and all. Your left hand pumped his hard member as he suckled on you, pre-cum dripping down it like a faucet, making his dick so slick- it was like you had lathered it with lube.
His cock was hot and needy, the tip so red you wondered if it hurt. He was panting against you like a dog in heat- but it was rather a bird in heat. Your nipple was slick with saliva, drool dripping down the curve of your tit. He was sucking on your sensitive bud so hard it took your breath away, you bare pussy gushing at his moans.
Both of you were stark naked, clothes tossed all over the place and in definite need of a wash once this was over. Your spine shivered as Keigo moaned against your nipple, biting down on it gently when your hand paid special attention to the tip of his cock.
“Babe- fuck- gonna cum!”
“Wh- already?” you asked, surprised. It wasn’t even five minutes since you got your hands on him. He groaned in frustration against you, giving your nipple another bite before he simply snuggled his face between your tits, sighing happily as he felt the weight of them against him.
“I’ll cum fast but- mmph- I’ll cum a lot- oh fuck- yes- yes- cumming- cumming!”
With a shout, Hawks arched his back as he climaxed, making you gasp as ropes and ropes of cum shot out of his tip. Your eyes widened at the amount, a seemingly never-ending stream of white ejaculated out of his cock and onto your hands, coating your fingers. Some of his cum spurt out with such force it stained his chest and a bit of his chin. He moaned loudly- shamelessly as he shivered from the pleasure, his balls throbbing from each pump of his cum.
Eventually, he relaxed a bit, taking in deep breaths as he snuggled his face harder against your breasts, a happy grin on his face. You blinked as you pulled you hand away from his cock, gulping at the sheer amount of cum on your fingers. Your whole hand was covered, webs of cum created as your spread your fingers apart. It looked like twice- maybe even thrice the amount of semen your husband would usually let out when he came.
“…The tissues are in the bedside drawer.” Keigo said, smirking at your shocked expression and getting off of you long enough for you to get the box of tissues and wipe your hand clean.
“Let’s go again.” He demanded, his hand groping at his still hard cock, looking at you like you were her prey, “I want to taste that pussy.”
“Ah- Ah- fuck- honey- right there!”
Hawks moaned against you, shaking his head from left to right, tongue dragging across every inch of your sopping cunt, “Here? Yeah?”
He gulped down your juices like he was a man dying of thirst, his hand in between his legs as he jerked off. Suckling on your nipples and getting a handjob was amazing- but he could never deny himself the pleasure of lapping at your cunt while he touched himself. It was one of his favourite hobbies.
“God- I love this pussy- love this pussssy so much~” he groaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he sealed his slick lips around your clit and gave it a toe-curling suck, your cries tuned out over the sound of him slobbering all over you. It was messy and sloppy but oh so good! You arched your back, your hands tangled in his hair and you wondered if you wanted to push him away or pull him in even more. The sloppy sound of him sucking you up and drinking your juices made your face turn so red, it reached your ears, the noises and moans leaving your mans mouth making your heart rate increase.
Was he in heat or was it you?
Keigo stuck his tongue out lewdly and started flicking at your clit, pumping his cock in time with every movement, your little bud at his mercy. His feathers shook with the force of his hand, the man moaning against your clit and making your ears ring from the sensation. He once again opened his mouth wide before he took your whole pussy in his mouth, making out with her like he does with you.
“Keigoooo- oh God- s-slow down!” you whined, trembling underneath his merciless actions. He shook his head no against you, once again dragging his tongue all over you. He sucked your pussy lips into his mouth for a second before he said:
“No stopping. No slowing down. Now- cum in my mouth.”
“Fuuuck!” Keigo gasped as he couldn’t control his hips as he started pumping into your mouth, “Take it- take it- take my fucking cock!”
You gagged around your husband’s member, his dick pumping in and out of your throat, fucking it like it was your cunt. Having you lying on your back with your head leaning over the edge, you felt his balls clap against your forehead as Keigo fucked into your face, blood rushing to your head. The position gave you no choice but to take it- saliva and spittle leaving your mouth and dripping upwards. Your pussy quivered from the ghost of your orgasm, the sensation of his tongue on your slit still lingering and the warmth of the semen he splashed over your cunt making you tingle. You were stained with copious amounts of his seed, his second orgasm just as explosive as the first one and your whole pussy was covered in white.
It was only a matter of time before it was pumped inside.
Gawk Gawk gawk- hah- slurp- slurp- gawk
“Fuck baby- I can see my cock- fuuuck- imprint on your throat! It’s so hot!”
You could only imagine the view. Your tits bouncing up and down with the force of his thrusting- your neck stretched to accommodate the position which made it more evident when the bulge of his member showed up. He hissed as his hands went to your chest, squeezing your jugs and using them as leverage to pump faster against you.
“Y-You ok baby?” he asked, mind dizzy from the pleasure, surprised that he was still able to string sentenced together, “You can take it- ah- right?”
You gurgled around his cock, the vibrations making his knees buckle as he picked up the pace. Drool coated his balls, his sack slapping against your face harder as he mercilessly pumped into you, chasing his pleasure. You squealed as he suddenly pushed himself as deep as he could go and stayed there, your nose pressing against his nuts as his hands left your tits to instead reach for your legs. Your back arched off the bed, eyes watering as his cock was pushed impossibly deep, your fingers gripping the sheets below you tightly as he spread your knees apart, baring him your cum stained pussy. You squealed, eyes rolling to the back of your head as his hand slipped between your legs, fingers gliding between your pussy lips as he sought out your dripping hole.
“Ah- fuck baby- let me- mmmph- stretch this cunt out for my cock~”
Plap plap plap plap plap
  Your fingers dug into the skin of Keigos back- well- as much as you could considering the wings sprouting from his back. Said wings were slightly flapping, almost helping him thrust into your cunt with as much force as possible. Legs wrapped around his waist, your moans were swallowed by his tongue down your throat, your husbands’ eyes open and drinking in your fucked out expression even as he pounded you.
His balls clapped against your ass as his fat, throbbing cock pumped in and out of you, the drag of his veiny member against the ribbed texture of your cunt making both of you groan from the pleasure. You gasped as you broke the kiss, turning you head away so you could get a second to catch your breath. You felt him licking your skin to occupy his mouth, grateful that he was giving you a moment to collect yourself even as his tongue dragged over your cheek and upto your ear. You shivered as he ran his tongue along your ear before sticking it inside, the sensation making your whole body shudder.
After swallowing his cum (to the best of your abilities) and cumming around his fingers, Keigo didn’t give you even a second before he changed positions, spreading your legs so he could slide his cock inside your poor, sensitive pussy. His hips moved like a machine, rutting into you like it was the last thing he’d do. You gasped as the curve of his cock constantly hit your special spot each time he thrust in, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the sensation.
…maybe you did bite off more than you could chew.
“Haa-aa-aawks!” you called out, voice jumping from the force of his thrusting. He simply grunted in response; his cock somehow still rock hard as he took you from behind. The cum he had dumped into your pussy was leaking out and staining the sheets, but he didn’t really care. He was going to pump another load into you afterall.
“B-Break- fuck- I need a b-break!” you pleaded, ass clapping back against his hips, his mouth watering at the ripple of your plush skin.
“No way.” He growled, raising a hand and smacking your ass cheek, loving your squeal as he left a handprint behind, “I warned you. We’re not fucking stopping!”
Your hands couldn’t hold you up anymore, elbows giving in as your torso fell to the mattress, leaving you face down, ass up. You panted against the pillow as the position somehow drove his cock deeper inside you, his cum staining your thighs and his balls. His cock was practically covered in white, Keigo churning up the semen inside of you and it was so filthy, it made your head spin.
“Fuck- gonna cum baby!” he cried out as he felt his balls tighten, the familiar sensation of an oncoming orgasm making his body tingle, “Pump this pussy with my seed- let’s get you pregnant, ok?”
You simply moaned against the pillow; your noises muffled by the fabric as tears left your eyes. Your eyes widened and you shrieked as Keigo leaned over you and slid his hand down to your cunt, his fingers easily finding your clit.
“Ah- ah- Kei- fuck!” you panted against the pillow, your body going into overdrive as he started swiping at your sensitive, swollen bud, “too much- too- ah- fuck!”
The two of you climaxed simultaneously, the familiar sensation of your husband pumping copious amounts of cum inside you pushed you to your orgasm, your pussy squirting and spraying liquid all over the mattress.
You collapsed flat on the bed, eyes rolled to the back of your head as your pussy throbbed, Keigos’ cum seeping out of you like a flood. You didn’t need to look back to know he was still hard and ready to go again.
“…Spread your legs. I need to eat out your asshole.”
“Wh- Keigo- eep!”
You squealed as the man gripped onto your ass cheeks before spreading them apart, exposing your puckered rim to him before he surged forward, planting his face right between your cheeks. You babbled at he started greedily lapping at your hole, shamelessly moaning as he tasted you. You shrieked, body once again getting overstimulated as his ran his tongue over your rim. The two of you dabbled in a bit of anal over the years but never in such a…desperate manner.
He smacked your ass before he shook his head between your cheeks, motorboating you butt as he played with you like a toy, his cock hard and leaking between his legs.
You tried to remember where you kept the lube.
The sun was up.
The sun was rising.
And you two were still having sex.
Well, Hawks was. You passed out during the middle of things and you had given him permission to use you even after you blacked out. Your body really couldn’t take any more orgasms and it shut down at some point.
You awoke with a start, several sensations hitting you all at once, making your head spin. You were lying on top of Keigo, your head nestled against his neck as he pumped his hips up and into you. You gasped as you felt the burn of his cock in your ass, his thick member stretching out your barely used hole. The glide was significantly easier than the first time he fucked your ass tonight thanks to all the cum lubing you up.
“L-Last one baby!” Keigo panted, somehow looking stunning even through the many hours of sex and orgasms, “Ready? Yeah? Want my cum?”
“H-Hurry up…” you groaned, your body still weak and tingly from when you passed out. You had lost count of the number of times you came as well as the number of times Keigo came. You stopped counting after six. Your body was fucked within an inch of its life and you had no more energy and so, you simply lied on top of him like a ragdoll, panting against his neck as he embraced you tightly. His hips bucked up into you, his thighs flexing deliciously as he chased his pleasure.
“Cumming- fuck- cumming!!”
With a final shout, his head tossing back and eyes rolling to the back of his head, Hawks came one more time. You mewled as his seed filled you up but you noted that it was significantly less that what you had endured all night. You felt his chest deflate, like a load was taken off of his shoulders (and his balls), the man finally relaxing.
“Fuuuck…” he said, gently pulling his cock out of you and thankfully, he was now soft, “That was…insane…”.
You nodded against him, grimacing as you finally got a second to note the condition of your body, i.e. covered in sweat and cum and stuffed full of semen that was continuously leaking out of you.
“Y-You ok baby?” Keigo asked and you couldn’t help but smile. He was clearly trying to fight sleep, his rut having left him and rendering him exhausted yet satisfied, no longer tormented by the heat.
“I’ll be ok.” You said, kissing his neck, “…But no sex for a month. I think I almost died.”
You felt his chuckle rumble in his chest, “I warned you, baby bird.”
“Mmmm. You did.”
“Speaking of baby, you’re probably knocked up, right?”
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st4rd0lly · 4 months
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cw: first time sex , gentle dom chuuya , AFAB reader (no gendered terms) , fingering , praise , MDNI 
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“How are you feelin sweetheart? Talk to me, come on..” Chuuya presses a kiss into the crook of your neck, having your legs spread wide open as his boner presses against your ass. Your jaw is slacked open, nothing but gasps and choked moans leaving your mouth desperately. “Let me hear your pretty voice.”
“O-Oh fuck Chuuya!” You whine loudly, squirming around in his hold. Maybe it wasn’t as bad of an idea as you thought to ask Chuuya to help you orgasm for the first time. “It f-feels so good, so so good..” You babble out, tears brimming your eyes with each rub of your clit against his palm, his fingers curling inside of you.
“You really haven’t played with yourself that much huh? You’re still so fucking tight, relax baby I’ve got you.” He whispers reassuringly into your ear, your hole was sucking him in so tightly but you were still so wet. A squelching sound came from every time he thrusted his fingers into you at a steady pace. “Sound so pretty f’me, think I might cum just from hearing you..”
At 15, you were well acquainted with the storm that was Chuuya Nakahara. Chuuya was your close friend, a fellow executive, a work partner. You grew up together from your teen years well into your early 20s. And despite your few years as an executive…
“I haven’t slept with anyone.” You admitted to Chuuya, resting your head on your hand, pouring yourself another glass of wine with the other. The topic of intimacy got brought up when Chuuya had an awkward run in with one of his one night stands at the bar you two were at. But now you were in the comfort of his home, still drinking but in a more relaxed setting.
“Really? I mean there’s nothin wrong with that, not like you need to sleep with someone. Do whatever you want.” Chuuya told you, looking at you with some curiosity as to why you seemed defeated. But he couldn’t deny that he found the cute pout on your lips to be adorable. You were clueless about how attracted he was to you. In the same way, he was clueless about how you were attracted to him too.
“This might be TMI but-“
“Nothin’s too much information, don’t worry.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to sleep with someone, I mean I do. I wanna… explore more sex stuff-“ God this was embarrassing. Maybe it was just the wine talking. “I want it to be with someone I trust which is pretty reasonable right? And I’ve tried- no this is embarrassing.”
“I won’t judge, I promise. But I also won’t force you to tell if you don’t want to.” Chuuya says with a voice so soft, your breath feels as if it got taken away. 
“Are you sure? Really sure?”
“I’m all ears doll.”
“I’ve never even had an orgasm which sounds silly but I’ve never had one. Every time I come close to having one when I play with myself, it’s like it’s too much.” You groaned out, burying your face into your arms that were resting on the table.
Chuuya was silent for a couple of seconds but those seconds felt like hours, and hours of just sheer embarrassment. That’s enough wine for tonight, you think to yourself. As you lift your head up to quickly say an apology, he says something that makes your heart beat even faster.
“Y’know, if you want help, I can- I wouldn’t mind at all.” Chuuya tells you, looking at you dead in the eyes with a flushed face. 
“‘M trying to relax Chuu, it just feels—” You cut yourself off with another high pitched moan, biting your lip. Your eyes dart down to where his hand was, the sight only turned you on more. Slick was practically drooling all over his hand, his pretty fucking hand. Two of his digits rubbed against your G-spot, causing you to yelp. “Faster please, please I need it!” You squealed, feeling your orgasm buildup.
“Shit I actually might cum too..” Chuuya groans lowly, his hand picking up the pace. He rubbed his palm against your clit harshly, fingers thrusting in and out of you. His cock rubbed against your ass, even the slight friction was enough to drive him insane. 
“H-Holy fucking shit! Chuuya! ‘S too much! ‘M gonna cum!” You cried out, back arching and hips bucking into his hand. 
“You can take it pretty, fucking cum all over my hand.” He growls into your ear, each plunge was relentless. Your walls spasmed around his fingers, voice going hoarse while you screamed his name, cum gushing all over his hand. Your eyes rolled back with your body shaking, going limp in his hold. Pants left your parted lips, chest heaving with every breath you take. His fingers slowed down, you could feel the string of cum connecting from his fingers to your pussy. 
Your vision cleared up more and you were able to see how he brought his fingers to his lips, licking them clean of your essence. He moaned at the taste, panting a little as well when he took them out of his mouth. “So fucking sweet…” He whispers, his fingers dipping back down to stroke your pussy again, you let out a small whimper. You could feel the wet fabric against your ass, you shift your head at Chuuya. 
“You came from that?” You asked with an amused tone, smiling a bit. He grins back down at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Don’t get so cheeky with me dolly. How could I not? With such a pretty person falling so nicely underneath me… can’t really blame me can you? Did so good for me.” He praises you, and your chest feels warm. “You think you can handle a couple more rounds? Or do you want a break first?” He asks with his voice low. 
“A couple of rounds won’t hurt right?” You say, shifting your body to face him, a sweet but seductive smile growing on your face to lean closer to his lips.
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astermath · 5 months
hiya! i’m a really big fan of your stranger things work and I was wondering, if youre comfortable of course, a steve x reader period imagine where reader tried to hide their period from Steve, but he finds out and is super fluffy and sweet about it? thank you!
HAHAH wow i have let this ask stew in my inbox since last year thats CRAZY im so sorry my dear,, i was going through old asks and i rlly like this prompt actually so here u go, i hope u enjoy!!!!
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
tags: established relationship, obv mentions of periods / menstruation, reader is referred to as female, steve being dense at first lol, regular sized font below!
wc: 1.4K
notes: while the reader in this fic is female, i am well aware not everyone who has a period is a girl, and not everyone who's a girl has a period!
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Steve is one attentive boyfriend.
It’s the early stages of your relationship, the golden era, the honeymoon phase. And while you’re a still a bit nervous about it all, you couldn’t be happier, because he does it all right.
He knows your favourite snacks, what music you like, what makes you laugh, what makes you cry. He’s starting to figure out your ins and outs, and it’s almost crazy how quickly he’s catching on. You have no reason to feel judged by him at any point, he truly is comfort poured into the shape of a person.
So then why are you staring at your phone right now, struggling to dial his number and just tell him why you can’t make it to your date?
It’s not usually this bad, at least it hadn’t been for a while, so why now, of all moments, must you be forsaken to be terrorised by your period?
You bite your lip, laying flat onto your bed, hand over your lower stomach. It's right where the pain is just gnawing at you, just like the guilt is. But you know you’d feel even guiltier if you just stood him up, he doesn’t deserve that. You sit up, a tad slowly to save yourself from another cramp, and swallow your nerves for now.
“I’ll just… Tell him I’m sick. Yeah… Yeah I can do that.” You think to yourself.
The combination of his number had started to feel natural to your fingers now, unlike how anxiously you pressed the buttons the first time, triple checking before finally pressing call. You're triple checking again now, more so because you're not sure you can handle hearing the defeat in his voice when you tell him you can't make it.
The phone barely gets a moment to ring before he picks it up, and his all too familiar sweet voice comes through the device.
"Hey babe, everything okay over there?"
You pause a moment before replying. "How did you know it was me calling?"
"Lover's intuition." He chuckles, and it makes your heart flutter. It's not fair how easy it is for him to do that to you, but you enjoy it nonetheless. "So, what's going on?"
"I, uh..." God, getting the words out is like pulling teeth. But you'd rather die than let him think you just got cold feet about your movie date. "I'm really not feeling too well right now, Steve... I'm-- I'm so sorry, I'm gonna have to cancel for tonight." Your eyes are welling up with tears before he even gets a chance to reply, just imagining his pretty face losing its bright expression when hearing your unfortunate news.
"Oh," damnit, he does sound sad, "that's okay, uhm... Is there anything I can do? What kinda sick is it?"
Shit, he's gonna make you say it, isn't he? You know Steve is a mature guy, he knows about periods, knows how they work, but you've been told to suck it up and get on with it before... A part of you is still disappointed that you just can't.
"U-Uhm... It's more like, a stomach thing, I guess?" It's the best way you can put it for now, hoping it'll put his worries to rest.
"Okay, I see..." You can nearly hear him thinking, the subtle noise of bags being moved and a fridge being opened coming through the phone. "Uh, how aboouuut... I come over to yours, and we just watch a movie at home? I still got a couple of tapes we haven't gotten to, and I can bring some light snacks that won't upset your stomach too much."
The thought of Steve caring for you while you're sick sends a warm feeling through your entire body. God, how does he just keep getting better? But you can't lie to him, right? It's not like you're really sick, unless you count the curse of menstruation as a symptom.
Before you get a chance to explain, he's talking again, and by the ruckus in the background you can only guess he's rushing to grab all his stuff. "I'll be heading out in a bit, I'll stop by the corner store too, stay put for me alright? See ya in a bit!"
You're sure he didn't realize he wasn't letting you talk, but frankly, you probably couldn't even come up with a response on time anyways. Right now, you just have to worry about looking somewhat presentable, and maybe figure out a way to tell him you're not actually sick.
By the time you've brushed your hair and brushed some mascara onto your lashes, you're already hearing the doorbell. You just manage to pull a fresh shirt over your head, before stumbling down the stairs and stopping in front of the door. With a deep, loaded, sigh you open it, to reveal your boyfriend.
Hair messed up, plastic bag in hand, jacket haphazardly thrown on. He clearly rushed to be here, still panting a little, but in your eyes, he's the image of your guardian angel, your saviour in need.
Before either of you know it, you're crying again, your freshly applied mascara now leaving thin black streaks over your cheeks. Your hands go up to cover your face, embarrassed, not even sure why you're sobbing all of a sudden. The feelings just hit you like a freight train, rocking you before you even have a time to rationalize.
Steve's expression falters, the bag he had in hand dropping to the floor in an instant, stepping in closer so he can carefully wrap his arms around you and pull you to his chest. Not too tight, he doesn't want to startle you. He's a bit distraught; he's really only seen you cry at a sad movie scene before, so he's a bit unsure as to what's caught you to be so upset right now.
"I-I'm sorry..." you manage to mutter through your incoherent sobs and sniffs, effectively ruining the front of his shirt in the process.
"Hey, hey..." His big hands go up to your face, gently cupping your wettened cheeks as he looks into your teary eyes. Hell, the image of you is almost enough to make him break too. "What're you sorry for? You can't help it that you're sick, right?"
The reminder of your lie makes you want to break eye contact in shame, but it's hard to force yourself to lose sight of that soft, caring gaze of his.
"I," sniff, "I lied, I'm so sorry Steve, I-- I'm not sick, I just... I have..."
He watches you expectedly, not upset, just curious. You'd surely have your reasons if whatever caused you to cancel is making you this upset.
"I'm... I'm just on my period and it-- it hurts really bad, it's not even usually this bad, and I felt like I was overreacting and I feel so bad and--" Your ramble gets cut short by his chuckle, the same one that nearly caused you to melt over the phone earlier.
"W-Wha... Why are you laughing?" You're not sure if you should be happy or worried, you're already experiencing so much at once, it's hard to pick one emotion to feel.
"Nothing, it's just, well," he picks up the bag he dropped, opening it slightly to show the bars of chocolate, candy and your favorite chips inside. "I had a feeling."
The sight of it makes you snap out of your state of distress, and you can’t help but crack a smile through your tears. “Seriously? How?”
He shrugs, a sheepish smile adorning his face. “I told you, lover’s intuition.” He pulls you back to him and kisses your head. “There’s another bag in the car with chicken soup in case I was wrong.”
You both laugh, just hugging on your doorstep for a moment. You have to let it sink in, that maybe Steve just is that sweet and considerate of a guy.
“D’you wanna go inside, or does standing outside help with cramps?” He pulls back a little, and you fight the urge to poke him in the ribs for his sarcasm. You love it either way.
“Yeah, let’s go inside. We can watch When Harry Met Sally and I can cry my eyes out again. Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect.”
704 notes · View notes
Discreet Not Detached
Pairing: Harvey Specter x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1,397
Warnings: None, really.
Summary: Mike goes to Harvey's apartment to deliver some files only to be proved wrong about his boss being a lonely workaholic.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the show Suits, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: My first Harvey fic in a while, I had the idea based on an episode (I don't remember exactly which) and tried to elucidate to it here. Anyways, I hope it doesn’t suck and feedback is appreciated as usual!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
| masterlist |
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Another day in the office, another drama for Harvey Specter: this time it was his associate, Mike Ross, wanting to tell his girlfriend the whole truth about the terms of his employment and Harvey couldn’t let him do it, for obvious reasons. But, as you’d expect, namecallings happened and it all ended with Mike throwing in Harvey’s face his being an alleged workaholic in lack of a personal 一 and, in this case, love 一 life. Emphasis on alleged, cause what Mike didn’t know was that his boss actually did have someone to go home to…
It had been a long day but at least you got to go home to your excentric puddle of comfort of a boyfriend: New York City’s best closer, Harvey Specter. Once you got to your place, where the two of you lived together, you were welcomed with the smell and the view of a freshly cooked dinner that Harvey probably had someone making for the two of you.
As you started taking off your coat and shoes by the door, Harvey came out of your shared bedroom wearing nothing but sweatpants and looking like he’d just taken a shower. “Oh, hey, honey!” He greeted you with a smile on his face. “Sorry I didn’t wait for you to shower but I mingled too much with people of dubious hygiene today, so I kinda really needed to get clean.”
“Ah, that’s okay,” you said while pouting cutely at the same time. “At least dinner is ready, 'cause I am starving!”
“Ha! You say it like it’s cutting-edge news!” He tells you, as he puts on a shirt 一 much to your disappointment. 
“What is that supposed to mean?!” You ask feigning offense while putting away your bag, shoes, and coat.
“It means that you’re always starving, sweetheart,” Harvey answers nonchalantly like it’s nothing.
“That is not true! Or at least it’s not entirely true: I’m always starving if it’s past mealtime and I haven’t eaten!”
“Sure, whatever you say, baby!” He says it already knowing that your hunger and all the pet names will only soften you.
“You know what? After today I don’t even have the energy to bicker with you…”
“That bad, huh?”
“The ED was a complete chaos today, apparently all hospitals were swamped, which is why they called more surgeons downstairs to help out. I’ve been on my feet the entire day! I’m basically dead.”
“Dramatic… But I’m sorry you had a shitty day, baby.” He said coming to hug you from behind in your bathroom. Looking at your reflex in the mirror 一 both of you, together like that 一 filled your heart with love and your mind with peace. Harvey was definitely your happy place.
Some time later, after you’d had your dinner, gotten ready for bed, and watched a sappy rom-com you chose, you and Harvey were already cuddling, almost asleep when you heard insistent knocking on the door.
“Stay here, honey, I’ll go see what that’s all about.” You sorta heard Harvey say to you as you lost your personal space heater.
Out in the living, Harvey opened the door only to find his associate Mike Ross standing there looking all tired and disheveled. Before his boss could even say anything, he went ahead entering the apartment mumbling about the case they were currently addressing in the office.
“Harvey, you’re not gonna believe what I found about our not-so-innocent school teacher!” He said to the older man with such energy that sounded like he had had a few too many energetics.
“What the hell, Mike?! Why are you showing up on my doorstep this late at night?”
“Because I knew you’d wanna see this as soon as possible, besides, it’s not like you’d have anything important going here, would you?” Mike asked sorta mocking Harvey.
Ignoring his employee’s last comment, he took the papers Mike was offering and said: “This better be good, Ross, otherwise you’re gonna meet a whole different side of me.
As Harvey started reading all the documents, Mike started having a look around, cause when would he have another chance at taking a peek at his boss’s house like that again? And he couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing, he would definitely be making a few thousand jokes about it in the near future: there was a romance novel lying on the table, one of those with drawings on the cover that were becoming so popular then.
“Oh my God, Harvey, when were you gonna tell me about your love for reading?” He asked while pointing at the book with his head. 
As Harvey’s eyes emerged from the papers in his hands with a confused look to them, Mike continued: “You know you could have told me, in fact after seeing the kinda genre you like I might actually ask for some recommendations, you know, to get my grandmother a few as presents.” The younger man said already starting to laugh loudly.
“That’s not mine…” Harvey began to answer with his mind still on the documents at hand.
“Oh no? You know there’s no need to lie to me, I promise I’ll try not to judge!”
“Funny. But that’s actually-”
“Mine!” You said as you came out of the bedroom wearing nothing but one of Harvey’s expensive dress shirts. “I don’t think we’ve met yet!” You exclaimed, already extending your hand to shake Mike’s. “I’m (y/n), Harvey’s girlfriend.”
“Girl- g- girlfriend?” Mike looked so shocked he almost choked on his laughter.
“Yes, but it’s doctor (y/l/n) for you.” He answered instinctively moving to your side. “What are you doing out of bed, sweetheart?”
“Sweetheart?” Mike murmured to himself in disbelief of the version of Harvey he was seeing, especially after their argument in the office and the things he’d said to Harvey.
“Well, I assumed it was something work-related when I noticed how long it was taking you to come back and came to drag you back to bed!” You announced to your boyfriend entangling your bodies with certain disregard for the other man standing there in shock.
Only then did Mike notice a framed picture on the sideboard behind him and it displayed both you and Harvey looking at each other with love in your eyes as he carried you bridal style into the water on a beach. Which was another surprise to the young attorney since he didn’t even know that Harvey was a fan of beaches.
“So you’re the famous Mike Ross, then?” You asked, catching his attention again. “You know, it’s very rare for someone to impress Mr. Specter here like you did!”
“Oh, honey, don’t do that, or he’ll spend an entire month finding new ways to subtly bring up in every conversation-”
“Oh, there won’t be anything subtle about it, Mr. Specter,” Mike said mockingly, finally coming out of the shock he had been on. “But I’m curious now, how long have you two been together?”
“About three years, isn’t it, babe?” You answered quickly not paying any mind to the mockery on Mike’s voice.
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“Wow, I never would’ve guessed it. Harvey never talks about you. Like ever.” Mike impolitely announced. “I mean, I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend and it’s been months since we started working together.”
“Well, that sounds about right since we don’t like to display our personal lives at work.” You said nonchalantly.
“But do Jessica and Donna know?”
“Of course they do. Must I remind you that you’re not a Donna or a Jessica, Mike?”
“Ouch. But do Lewis and Rachel know?”
“No, and no. And as interesting as your findings were, it’s time for you to leave. We’ll talk more about it tomorrow at the office.”
“Mike. Now!”
“Oh, Harvey, don’t be like that.” 
“He needs to go now and we need to go back to bed, so bye, Mike!” Harvey said while shoving Mike out the door.
And after he was gone, just like in the picture, Harvey picked you up from the floor and started carrying you back to the bedroom.
“Harvey!” You squealed out. But he didn’t mind it as he tossed you on the bed, got on top of you, and started kissing you. Apparently, Mike’s visit had put him in a good mood. And, apparently, it was going to be a long night.                                                                 
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quizzicalwriter · 9 months
Hi! Idk if you do headcanons but if you do can you do boyfriend headcanons for Dallas? It can be up to you to make it general things or just smut related things.
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Dating Dallas HC’s
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Despite what you may think, I don’t see Dallas being an overly possessive boyfriend. You two go about your business and that’s that, but the moment he catches someone flirting with you he’s bounding over and making sure everyone knows you’re his. Beyond that? He’s alright with PDA, but he’s not about to make out in front of his friends, that’s private stuff.
He’d let you wear his jacket, necklace, rings, everything. He loves seeing you in his clothing, and he’d certainly notice the moment you aren’t wearing one item that you usually do - and it’s not even for the reason you think, he’s just worried you’ll lose his stuff and he’ll have to find another one.
He has no problem remembering birthdays, anniversaries, all that jazz. He loves surprising you by remembering important dates for you. But the moment you ask him if he remembers someone you met last week he’s pulling a blank. He’ll remember eventually, but he sucks at remembering faces.
You ever need something but don’t have the money for it? Dallas does! Don’t ask where he got it, most of the time he doesn’t remember or doesn’t want you worrying about him - he doesn’t know which is worse and he ain’t about to find out.
On the topic of money, if you tried to pay him back he’d act personally offended and never accept the money. I’m talking full-on mouth dropping open, loud scoff, all of it. You’re his girl, why the hell are you trying to pay him back? Just give him a kiss or something.
Loves driving you places, and lets you control the music in reasonable amounts - meaning, you cannot play the same song over, and over. He’d let you get away with three replays max before he’s groaning and turning the radio off and tossing the mix out the window. He’d apologize afterward and buy you a new cassette.
I do not see him being a kind driver, the man has road rage and you’ve seen it. There have been multiple instances where you’ve ducked into the passenger seat and whisper-yelled at him to shut up - he never does.
The man is like a corpse when he sleeps. You want him to move over? Good luck. You’d have a better chance rolling over onto him to get sleep, he wouldn’t wake up either way unless you pushed him from the bed.
Speaking of sleep, if you’re ever cold and plaster your morgue-like hands against his back, he will shriek. His back will arch, his legs will shoot out, and he’ll throw every curse known to man your way as he moves away from your hands - your hands still end up warm.
His friends are his family and he takes their opinions seriously, I can see him genuinely fretting over their view of you if he cares enough for you. Hell, he’s got feelings for you, of course, he’s going to want his family to like you. They will, it’ll take a while to get used to their form of joking, but you’ll be at home with them and it’ll make Dallas smile.
On the subject of family, Dallas doesn’t mention his much. He might if you’re close enough, but you’re likely to get bits and pieces as time goes by until he’s sure you won’t leave either. When he finally tells you about his upbringing it hurts your heart, you’re both mentally spent by the end of it and you promise him to never mention it unless he does first. He appreciates you for it.
If you stay over at his place often enough he’ll try to make the place look more presentable. Mainly rearranging stuff that he hasn’t touched in months, maybe buying another set of bedsheets. You notice every time something changes in his room and whenever you mention it he’s happy to talk about it, even if he tries to play it off cool.
He watches you sleep, not so much in a creepy way, but it’s something he loves to do. If you talk or snore in your sleep he will imitate it in the morning. In the moment he finds it cute, but he’ll never admit it.
His version of helping you cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner is standing behind you with his chin on your shoulder, or leaning against the kitchen counter with a cigarette between his lips. The man can’t cook, maybe he could, but he likes watching you cook too much to try - that and the one time he tried to help he burnt the shit out of his hand.
If you smoke he’ll light your cigarettes or share his own, if you don’t he’ll appreciate you standing beside him while he smokes, but he ain’t gonna force you to be near him when he does - just don’t nag the man, he’s been smoking since he was a kid, I don’t think he could stop even if he wanted to.
Whenever he smokes he’ll blow the smoke to the side, always ensuring it doesn’t blow in your face. But, if the smoke follows you he’ll murmur some cliche line like “Smoke follows beauty.”
Any music he’s into he will show you in a heartbeat. He thrives on showing you things you haven’t seen yet, whether it’s movies at the drive-in he’s sneaking you into, or a cassette he snagged from a nearby store - either way, his eyes watch you for any reaction.
Definitely considers going on a walk or eating food in Buck’s T-Bird a date. You’ll have to specify what you want if you want anything different, otherwise he’s content with the routine. If you ask for something different he won’t take offense to it, but he might chide you for it.
Words aren’t his forte, actions are. He’ll try his best to be kind, but he’ll occasionally slip and might say something rude. If you can shoot back your own sarcastic quips it’ll make him swoon, he loves nothing more than someone who can fire back at him.
Likely won’t tell you that he loves you for YEARS. You can say it first, he’ll nod and likely kiss your cheek or forehead in return. You know what he means, but he’s not the type to say it until he feels absolutely certain about you. Dallas knows how he feels about someone rather quickly, but he’s wary when it comes to love. He wants to mean it, mean it in a way that scares him.
The first time he tells you he loves you will be when you’re asleep. He’ll continue doing that until one day when he randomly springs it on you. It’ll likely be around a cigarette, but you’ll be able to tell from his eyes how deeply he means it. Don’t expect him to say it often, but know that he always feels it.
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A/N: This is so short, I’m so sorry. I’ve never done headcanons before, so I hope this was good! I think about Dallas’s character so much that I actually had a bit of fun with this! This is a late night post for me, but I finished it up and figured I’d post it for y’all anyways. Thank you all for the continued love and support you’ve shown me and my work!! I appreciate you all more than words could ever describe! <3
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wandaromanoffroses · 9 months
Taylor Swift x Reader
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Warnings: 18+ content, toxic relationships, cheating, implied stalking (I do not support any of this behaviour this is purely fictional), G!P, top!Taylor, bottom!reader, daddy kink, angry sex, rough sex, degrading, lots of profanity, masturbation, cock sucking, bondage, gagging, choking, orgasm denial, cock riding, overstimulation
"What the fuck are you doing here?" You had looked up into the bathroom mirror to collide with her churning, stormy eyes that had a ferocious intensity flickering across them. Taylor. "I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again." You had been broken up for nearly half a year now and not on good terms. Yet here she was with the audacity to practically undress you with her eyes. 
"And I thought I just overheard you tell your boyfriend you were going home," she said, tilting her head to the side, "yet here you are, waiting for him to leave. You've been in here for how long now? Just coming up to an hour?" You felt your heart stop. Was she stalking you? Where had she found the nerve?
"Just fuck off Taylor," you said, storming towards the bathroom door. She smirked.
"You'll be back." You certainly was not. As soon as you had left the bathroom, you searched the crowd to see if your boyfriend was still here. God knows why you even came here in the first place, he had practically dragged you. He was always doing that, forcing you to do what he wanted on his terms. If something didn't change soon, you were going to break up with him. That's why you had ended up in the bathroom waiting for him to leave so you could enjoy the rest of your evening alone.
Your jaw dropped. Surely, that couldn't be him? You felt your fists clench. Oh it was him. Kissing a girl in the middle of the dance floor while groping her ass. Fuck him. You went back into the bathroom, shooting Taylor daggers. She had known hadn't she? It only took one look at her face to confirm your suspicions. 
"Told you."
"Shut up," you said, "just tell me why you're here." She pushed off the counter, taking a step towards you.
"Don't talk to me like that," she muttered under her breath. She took another step forward and you found yourself backing away from her. 
"Or what?" Your back collided with the wall as she continued to walk towards you. She closed the space between you, your bodies practically touching, her breath tickling your cheek.
"Because I fucking told you to," Taylor said into your ear. Who did she think she was? She was your ex-girlfriend, no one else. You despised her more than anyone else. "Just admit it you miss me."
"No," you snapped. Yes. As embarrassing as it was to admit, you couldn't stop thinking about her. Her absence had been driving you crazy. But you had broken up for a good reason and you couldn't go back to revisit this grave. It would involve months of the same scorching pain, the tears and the loneliness that haunted you wherever you went. It would kill you. 
She was so close to you now, trapping you against the wall so you couldn't move. She was wearing tight shorts, a tank top and an unbuttoned flannel shirt, her eyes darkly outlined and her hair in a messy bun. It's almost as if she'd made sure she was going to see you tonight. But you weren't going to give into like she thought you would. 
"You need to sit the fuck down Taylor, you don't own me." You straightened your figure and looked her dead in the eye, trying to intimidate her. She tutted.
"Silly girl." She pushed her body against yours, your body slamming flat against the wall. Her mouth hovered over your earlobe and you decided to focus on a spot opposite you, trying to ignore the growing heat running over your skin. "Tell me to step back Y/n go on." There was silence. She was right. You should tell her to leave. This was stupidity. 
"Taylor, I fucking hate you," you said. She ran her hand down your sides, making you shiver. 
"Since when did you become such a brat?" she said, "someone should remind you of what manners are. Your mouth is filthy, darling." She had no right to treat you like this. Or call you by her pet names.
"I hate you," you repeated. She pulled away from your ear so her lips were lingering over yours. 
"I know you do sweetheart." She gripped the front of your shirt and your lips collided, drowning all your numbness in adrenaline, the blood of her lipstick bleeding into your mouth. There was no going back now, all the consequences to come were completely your fault. You had done this. You had let her kiss you.
Her kisses grew more desperate and she let her greed posses her, trying to fulfil her desire through your lips. Like a fool, you kissed her back, drowning in the sensations you had dreamt about every night since you had split up. But there was no love to be found here, just pure lust. And like a fire, the more it devoured, the hungrier it became. You gasped against her lips as you felt her growing bulge press against your lower stomach. 
"Come home with me," she said, "but break up with that dickhead first. I'll meet you at the front, you know my car." She winked at you before walking away. Right, your boyfriend. You had forgotten about him. You went back into the club and found him with a different girl, his tongue down her throat. Gross. You tapped his shoulder and he pulled away, shock flooding his expression as soon as his eyes fell onto you.
"I can explain..."
"There's no need," you said, "we're over." You didn't even give him time to answer but it's not like he actually cared. This was probably the excuse both of you had been looking for. Taylor's car was easy to spot and as you approached it, she gestured for you to get in the back.
"I can't have you distracting me baby," she lied. More like she just didn't want anyone seeing you with her. Because you were just her play-thing now, nothing more. The drive to her house gave you time to think and it fully dawned on you what you were doing. This was insanity, you knew this. So why had you let her wrap you around her finger? As soon as you stepped inside her house, you knew what you were going to do next.
"This is what is going to happen," you said, "I'm going to shower and then you're taking me home. I'm not doing this with you Taylor." 
"Tsk tsk. I'm the one who gives commands here," she said, "you're going to shower and then you're going to come into my room with the pretty lingerie set that's waiting for you in the bathroom." So she had planned this out then. You were just the pawn in the game she had set up tonight. You had to make the next move.
You didn't know what she was going to do while you were in the shower but you convinced yourself not to care. She could do what she wanted, it didn't bother you. You slammed the bathroom door, yanking open the shower and letting the water spit down onto you with aggression. It was searing against your skin, the wrath in your chest spiraling out of control. There was no way this night could get anymore terrible. You had found your boyfriend cheating on you and now your ex-girlfriend was trying to get you into her bed. 
You leant against the wall, remembering the feeling of her lips against yours in that club bathroom. You felt a surge of butterflies in your stomach, recalling her hard cock against your abdomen. This was so messed up but it was turning you on. Of course it was turning you on, it was Taylor. And she knew it. She loved it. 
The water running over your skin made you think of her touch and you were met with a pool of warmth between your legs as your right hand reached down. You tried to imagine it was her circling your clit but after minutes of chasing your high, your body refused to reach it. You whined in frustration. You were just going to have to try and fix this at home. 
You stepped out of the shower and dried yourself off, cursing under your breath as you did. Your eye caught onto the pearl-white, lacey lingerie next to the sink. The area above the nipple was see-through, perfect for giving someone a show yet letting their imagination wander a little. You put it on, wrapping a towel around you so the lingerie was hidden. You thundered across the hallway, bursting into Taylor's bedroom.
"Why are you doing this?" you yelled, "you're going to hurt me and you know it..." you stopped, as soon as your eyes fell onto her. She had turned on the bedside tables so they emitted a vibrant, amber glow that made her abs and defined muscles glisten. She was only wearing a bra and boxers, her hair loose around her shoulders. She gave you a mocking pout.
"Awh, so angry baby. I know a perfect way to fix that. Knees." Your breath had been stolen away and your thoughts were blurred, your hesitation giving her time to push you onto the floor. Taylor gathered fistfuls of your hair in her hands, pulling you towards her. "I can't do anything without your permission Y/n." You bit your lip. This was humiliating for you, that's why she was doing it. She wanted to hear it from your mouth that she'd won. I nodded. She pulled on your hair harshly. "Manners you bitch."
"Yes Taylor," you said. She smirked, letting you pull her boxers down and her cock dripping with pre-cum slapped against your cheek as it sprung free. 
"You won't be calling me that tonight. What did you call that dickhead in bed? When you opened your legs to him like the slut you are, what was his name?" You could feel yourself get even wetter, still gripping onto the towel around your body for dear life. "It was daddy wasn't it?" Your silence was a good enough answer for her. "How pathetic yet so predictable. That's your new name for me. Say it." You blinked up at her. 
"Yes daddy." 
"Good," she husked, "you've been a naughty girl tonight so I'm going to use you for my pleasure first. If you suck my cock like a good whore, maybe I'll let you cum tonight." You were way too far into this now, there was no backing out. But you honestly couldn't tell if you were glad about it or not. You couldn't remember when the last time you had an orgasm was, you always had to fake it with your now ex-boyfriend and other one night stands. You didn't think Taylor realised that she'd ruined you completely, your body only wanting hers. She slapped her tip against your mouth. "Open." You did so without hesitation and she leant down to spit into your mouth before thrusting straight in without any warning. 
You chocked as her dick hit the back of your throat, her big size filling your mouth completely but she continued at a lethal pace. She groaned as she forced your head up and down her cock, matching it with the rhythm of her hips. 
"Oh fuck babe, your mouth feels so good wrapped around daddy's cock." Her words fueled your whimpers, the vibrations it sent against her dick making her moan. Your mascara started to run, her speed only increasing at the sight of your tears. "Awh, my bitch is crying? Well get used to it. You're just my toy now, only for daddy's pleasure." Her balls slapped against your cheeks and you reached up to caress them but she slapped your hands away. "Don't you dare. Stay on all fours where you belong slut."
Her movements were becoming sloppy and she was gasping, her head thrown back as her orgasm started to build. Taylor's grip on your hair loosened as she lost herself to oblivion, a few final thrusts sending her soaring over the edge. "Oh angel, I'm gonna cum... fuck!" You felt her warm liquid gush into your mouth and you tried to swallow it all but there was too much, some of it inevitably rushing down your chin. As soon as you went to wipe it when she had pulled out, she grabbed hold of your wrist, shooting you a challenging look. You should've known better than to disrupt the art she had created on your face: the smudged make up, the tear streaks and her cum smeared all around your mouth. 
She yanked you onto your feet before stepping back, letting her eyes soak in every part of your body. "Get rid of the towel." Even though she'd seen you naked many times before, you trembled as you dropped the towel to the ground, your vulnerable state making you uneasy. But the adrenaline pumping through your veins soon overshadowed your nerves, your head too dizzy with fury to think rationally. Taylor had seriously gone out of her way to ruin your evening just so she could fuck you instead of jacking herself of or finding someone else. Her behaviour was quite frankly disgusting. 
"Happy?" you said in a mocking tone, gesturing to the lingerie set she had picked out for you. Before you could even process what was happening, her nails were digging into your shoulders and you were pushed flat onto the bed, her body hovering over yours. 
"Shut up brat," she said, her hand sliding around your neck, "don't use that tone with daddy. Seems like fucking your throat didn't teach you a good enough lesson." Taylor straddled your lap, tightening her grip around your throat, smirking as you started chocking at the loss of air. You could feel her cock starting to harden against your stomach already, the sight of you being powerless being beneath her making it throb. But your reaction to being suffocated wasn't any better, you could practically feel the bed sheets beneath you getting soaked. 
As soon as you started coughing, she pulled her hand away and went over to her drawers. You knew exactly where she was going, the place where she kept all her sex toys. She came back to you with two silk ropes in her hand, watching you with amusement as you assumed the position you knew she wanted you in. "Such a good girl, doing exactly what daddy wants." You moved to the centre of the bed and placed your hands next to the bedposts and she wasted no time in tying you there. She scanned your body, tilting her head to the side in thought. "Should I tie your legs to the bedposts too?"
"Yes," you said, knowing there was no way you would be able to keep your legs open for her tonight. But the swiftness of your answer and the way she could read you like a book she'd written made her catch on immediately. You saw her eyes glint with malice.
"Hmm, I think not," she said. Oh, you were in for a long night. She straddled your lap again and started kissing your neck, her ravenous lips searching your skin for nothing but her own pleasure. You could feel her precum dribble onto your stomach after every whimper that escaped your mouth. As Taylor moved further down your body, she started to grind against you, both of your moans echoing through the room. 
"Please," you said. You knew she was just using you but the heat between your legs was unbearable. Even if she wouldn't let you cum, you needed her inside of you. 
"If you don't keep quiet, I'll fucking gag you. Got it?" You reluctantly gave a nod. You had to play your cards right if you were going to get something from her. What you wanted. But you could tell by her desperate thrusting and ragged breaths that she wanted exactly the same as you. She either had to choose between giving into you or holding back from her own desires. You gasped as she ran two fingers through your folds, the sound earning you a slap on your cunt. "What the fuck did I just tell you? God, you're so wet and desperate for daddy, you can't even keep quiet when I touch your pussy."
"Taylor, please..."
"I warned you," she snapped, her muscular hands ripping apart your panties before she forced them into your mouth, "that's what you get for being a whore." She continued to run her fingers through your folds as your moans were silenced by the panties in your mouth. Your eyes fell to the back of your head when she replaced her fingers with her cock, gathering up your wetness before teasing your entrance. 
You were so wet she slipped inside of you almost immediately, pain shooting through your body. You had forgotten just how big she was, her dick filling you up to the brim and stretching you out. "Oh fuck, you're so tight." More tears started to fall down your cheeks, your body not used to the stretch. Taylor's eyes glimmered. "Awh poor baby, you haven't had a big cock inside of you for so long, have you? It's ok, daddy's going to fuck you properly slut," she cooed. 
She started to move, her hips meeting with yours as she lowered herself onto your body, gasping into your ear. Taylor held up your thigh so she could sink into you better, the pain coursing through your body fading into pure pleasure as she increased her pace. Her other hand slipped around your throat, only loosening her grip when you were about to lose a dangerous amount of air. The rough thrusting of her hips increased and the only sounds that could be heard were the wetness of your cunt, her small moans and skin slapping against skin. 
Your legs began to tremble, her dick hitting every sweet spot inside of you and it became increasingly difficult to keep your legs open. As you moved to press your thighs together, Taylor noticed and pushed herself up, her hands finding your legs and pushing them back open, her nails undoubtedly leaving marks in your skin. She bit down on her lip as she watched your breasts bounce with every thrust, the tightness of your bra making your hard nipples ache.
Sweat was running down her forehead, her hair a tangled mess, her muscles flexing each time she moved inside you. She was the perfect manifestation of the devil: beautiful, seductive and reckless. You could feel the knot in your stomach tighten and you knew it wouldn't be long before you reached your high. As it built, your walls began to clench around Taylor's dick and her moans became porn worthy, her legs visibly shaking. "Don't even think about cumming slut, this is all for me," she said. 
You fists became balls as your walls tightened even more, trying to prepare you for an orgasm and Taylor's cock twitched inside you, driving you crazy. It only took one more thrust before you felt her spill herself inside you, some of her cum escaping your hole and running down your thighs. You tried to scream through your gag, your cunt aching for release as she stayed inside you to prolong her orgasm, your legs quivering in her strong grip. She finally pulled out of you, leaving you to clench around nothing, utterly used and sensitive. She pulled out the panties from your mouth and discarded it onto the floor, finally letting you speak.
"Daddy, please," you begged as she reached up to free you from the bedposts, her tits pressing into your face. She hooked her fingers under the straps of your bra and pulled her towards you, her lips hovering over yours.
"Hmm, I don't know. Have you been good enough for daddy?" You nodded your head. 
"Yes, I've been so good for daddy. Please let me cum." She pushed you away from her before lying down on the bed, starting to stroke her cock. 
"Fine slut, if you really want to cum you can do it yourself," Taylor said, "ride me." You didn't wait even a second, climbing on top of her before lining up your entrance with her dick. She groaned as you sank onto her, sliding yourself up and down her length.
"Fuck, like that," she said, throwing her back, "don't stop." As you rode Taylor, you unclasped her bra and threw your own onto the floor, rolling her nipples between your fingers. You were already sensitive and sore from your previous endeavors so it didn't take long for the knot in your stomach to tighten again. Once you let go, your orgasm came crushing down onto you. You screamed her name as you were whirled away to cloud nine, your senses fuzzy with bliss. The teasing had been torture but it had given more fuel for the fire ripping through your veins, your orgasm longer and better than any you had experienced in a while. 
As you came down from your high, you went to lift yourself off Taylor but she grabbed hold of your hips, slamming you straight back down onto her dick. "We're done when daddy says so," she snapped. She took control this time, ramming her hips into yours as you whimpered, your body on the verge of overstimulation. 
"Daddy, I can't..."
"Yes you can," she said, "take it." Knowing she wasn't going to give in to your pleads, you decided to cooperate and began to bounce up and down on her dick with the rhythm of her hips, making her gasp. "Fuck, you're a good girl. Daddy missed this pussy so much." To your shock, you felt another orgasm approaching in record time as she continued to pound into you. How was this even possible?
"Taylor I-I'm, gonna..."
"Wait," she said, too caught up in the moment to punish you for using her name. You were so overwhelmed with pleasure, your mind blank as you got closer and closer to overstimulation. Your walls clenched around her tightly and you practically let out a scream as her cock throbbed inside you, knowing you wouldn't be able to hold your orgasm back for much longer. She finally nodded. "Cum with me baby." Liquid squirted everywhere as you both let go, your thighs coated with cum and your skin soaked with sweat. 
Taylor slipped out of you and you collapsed onto the bed beside her, gasping for breath. Her fingers started tracing shapes on your shoulder, her chest heaving and you didn't dare look into her eyes, recognising the softness of her touch.
"Y/n..." Her tone was different now, serious and quiet. You shook your head. 
"Don't," you said, "don't you dare." She couldn't just treat you like an object and then immediately proceed to switch up the mood. You dragged your body off the bed, barely keeping yourself up, stepping away from her. "I'm going to clean up and leave."
"No, stay," she mumbled as you began to pick up your clothes, your lungs burning for air and your muscles aching. "Y/n, please." You looked up to see there were tears in her eyes. But instead of sympathy, all you felt was anger. Did she seriously plan to win you over by setting you up to end up in her bed, fuck you senseless and then beg for your forgiveness? 
You felt your heart shatter, your own tears pricking at your eyes. You had tried over and over again to see past her red flags, the way she'd manipulate you into giving her what she wanted, her refusal to acknowledge her faults. Yet time and time again, she did shit like this. Taylor was never going to change, she'd always be the same. No amount of love would alter the reality; she was a toxic girlfriend. And you needed to leave her for good, you had to move on.
"I told you I never wanted to see you again," you said. She stumbled out of bed, collapsing onto her knees and tightening her arms around your waist. 
"I'm sorry," I said, "fuck, I messed this up, didn't I?" You shoved her off you but as you tried to walk away, she grabbed a hold of your wrist. "Please don't go. I know I don't deserve it but give me another chance. I'll be better, I promise." You felt your heart pounding in your chest, your tears hot enough to leave scars on your cheeks. She'd said this before, feeding your delusions, fabricating a world that you had lost yourself in. It was a sickening cycle that opened the same wound over and over again and if it happened again, you would inevitably bleed out. "I love you Y/n."
"I love you too," I said. When you pulled out of her grip this time, she didn't resist, her body falling to the floor as her tears began to fall thick and fast. You could hear her sobs rip through the empty house as you walked down the path, each one stabbing into your chest and reminding you that it was all over. This was goodbye. 
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notjustjavierpena · 8 months
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: This has been on hiatus since July. I have finally decided to finish up another chapter. I have no idea where this is going but I am just going with it at this point. They’re fun! Enjoy part 4 of mean!joel ❤️💖
Summary: After Joel kisses you, something shifts. You find out a hard truth and take matters into your own hands.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader/you (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, a mishmash of feelings, dubcon-ish themes, a hint of sub!joel (?!!!!?!!??) but he is not happy about it, a hint of edging, handjobs, degradation, humiliation, riding, unprotected piv, slapping, dirty talk, empty threats
Word count: 3.6k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48179338/chapters/135617983
Something shifts after Joel kisses you and leaves. Especially because he did it in a way that made it seem like he was bolting out of a burning building, leaving you inside for the walls to come tumbling down around you. You hardly blame him for reacting like he did that night; he is the most emotionally unavailable man you have ever had the (dis)pleasure of meeting, and you doubt that he even has the vocabulary to put words to why he fled your bed like it was the scene of a crime. It isn’t like you’re going to ask him though, not even despite being curious about his reasoning and intentions. 
For you, it is not a mystery what the shift is. The arrangement between the two of you used to be anticipation, fury, and lust. Now it’s a gentle tug at your heartstrings when you catch a glimpse of him in the streets and he doesn’t look your way, knowing you should not want him in the way you do. 
How you want him is harder to pinpoint. It’s not wedding bells, it’s not children padding around on the wooden floor of your home, it’s not doing laundry for him and watching him do the dishes after sharing a meal. It’s something less complicated than love. You don’t want him to love you, but you wouldn’t mind being his only and his favorite. 
Though irony would have it that it turns out you are indeed not his only source of whatever fucked up thing the two of you exchange once in a while. 
During a short break from a late-night meeting of your patrol group (Joel had decided last week to switch to another), one of the newcomers to Jackson snickers girlishly as she tells the rest of you about how Joel Miller had made her come four times last weekend. It makes something uncomfortable swirl in your stomach, makes it drop as you feel foolish about thinking you were special. Additionally, it takes all the willpower in you to not blurt out that he had made you come seven times during one of the nights you’d spent together.
To your surprise, It isn’t that he has slept with someone else that hits you. It’s the little piece of information that your new patrol member lets slip with a giggle. 
“Such a gentleman,” she says, basking in the attention of the circle of women standing around her. Their collective sigh makes you wonder what they’d say if you let them know that Joel forced you to suck him off the first time you were together. A part of you suspect that she is lying as she continues, “They don’t make ‘em like that anymore, girls. He was just so attentive and sweet.” 
After the meeting, you feel like you’re about to suffocate if you don’t leave the building quickly. The tightening in your chest makes your heart feel caged, desperate to come out into the open and bleed all over the place from making its way past your ribs. Desperately, you push past anyone who does not jump out of your way immediately. 
Once outside, you find a quiet spot behind the community center where people only come to be alone. You rest your forehead against the side of the building, breathing deeply in through your nose and exhaling shakily as you suppress the tears that threaten to roll down your face. 
“Fuck,” you say bitterly as a droplet still manages to escape from the corner of your eye. You wipe it away with a quick swipe of your hand as if to hide the evidence from the world and yourself, “Fuckfuckfuck. What the fuck are you crying over him about?”
However, the single tear seems to have opened the floodgates because you find yourself properly crying a few seconds later. It is ridiculous, you know this, but you cannot help the shaky breaths that leave your mouth as your cheeks stain with tears. 
Joel is not anything special. Joel is rude and arrogant, bordering on narcissistic and psychotic. You’re not even sure if he can smile, if he’s funny, or if he’s capable of not ruining things when touching them. He sure has ruined you, ruined both your nights and days because they’re spent wondering about him. 
Then again, surely he must know this because he looks at you from across the room the way he does. He must know what he is doing to you, and it makes you fucking furious because how did he ever think that he had the right to pursue you? Make you want him? And, to top all of it off, how does he think he has the right to not appreciate you? 
Rage slowly builds in your chest. Your heartbeat is threatening to make you pass out with how fast it is going, but you ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths that eventually stop your tears as well. 
I’ll fucking show him, you think, and it’s the white-hot fury in you that is talking.
You stalk across the streets of Jackson, earning a few concerned glances but no warning words. It’s a relief that you look angry enough for people not to bother you, because you wouldn’t be able to articulate your reasons for wanting to implode with how furious you are. 
Your legs take you all the way to Joel’s house. You stomp angrily up the porch’s stairs, but it’s only when you burst Joel’s front door open that you realize that you actually haven’t been in his home before. It’s also only then that you realize that you have no idea what you’re going to do now that you are here, too angry and out of your damn mind to explore the many pictures on the walls, the wooden carved figures on the shelves and… is that a guitar? 
You mentally shake yourself.
“Focus on the task at hand,” you say quietly with exasperation, and then the search for your betrayer begins.
You walk through the house with determination, but you soon realize that he is nowhere to be found downstairs. It doesn’t surprise you that he hasn’t locked his door (nobody in Jackson does), but you still feel disappointed that you can’t make a big dramatic scene of throwing a plate in the kitchen or a cushion in the living room. You feel slightly like a rage-filled balloon that’s slowly losing air. 
So you decide to go upstairs whilst still clinging to your rage, planning on waiting in his bedroom for his return but realizing that Joel is already in and sleeping in his bed. It’s late enough, you suppose, and you know he has a series of hard labor tasks on certain days.
You try your hardest not to feel too intoxicated by the smell of him on the sheets, need your head clear as you slowly start to undress right in front of his sleeping form. He looks so peaceful and so unlike his usual stoic self, and so vulnerable that the opportunity is too great to miss. 
You freeze the times he stirs slightly but he never wakes up, and soon, you are down to your underpants and nothing more and you are so wet with the anticipation of both sex and power in the room, even more with Joel being so unaware of it.
The bed creaks as you crawl onto it. You manage to straddle Joel before he wakes up fully, immediately lifting his arms to grab you and defend himself but when he realizes it’s your body on top of his, he falters.
“What’re ya doin’ here?” His voice is filled with sleep but he is nowhere near panic as you had hoped. 
You lean down over him and grab at his chin with the hand that’s not holding you up. You smile down at him but Joel is already staring down at your chest as you hover above him. You shake his head slightly, “Eyes up here, you bastard.”
“Shouldn’t look so pretty then,” he retorts. 
“Heard you were screwing around with that new bimbo. I thought you liked a challenge,” you tighten the grip on Joel’s jaw, push him back into the mattress, and catch the way he is connecting the dots in his head but the time it takes him makes you realize that there has been more than her. You growl, still hovering over him, and leaning down to ghost your lips over his whilst your eyes roam over his face, “It’s a damn fucking privilege to be breathing the same air as me.” 
“Cute,” he says quietly and brattishly. 
You push down briefly before letting go. Your eyes look down at his lips but you don’t kiss him like you want to, don’t want to give in when it would seem so vulnerable to give in to that temptation. 
Instead, you reach up to hold your palm in front of his mouth. You smile innocently, “Lick it.”
“What?” He chuckles in disbelief.
“Go on. Do as I say.”
Joel lets out his tongue and wets his lips. He gives in faster than you have anticipated, licks a long stripe from the start of your wrist to the middle of your palm, and coats your hand in disgusting, hot, and dirty saliva. 
“Did she do that?” You ask. You feel behind yourself to slide a hand down into Joel’s jeans and then past the waistband of his underwear, “Put you in your place because she knows how disgusting you are?” 
Joel is already half-hard as you take him in your slicked palm, and his cock comes alive fully not a moment later. He gasps into the bedroom but still looks cocky as ever, “Which of ‘em?”
“Fuck you,” you stroke him slowly and his breaths come out in small puffs that hardly make him seem calm and composed. You realize how much you’ve needed, craved, to put your hands on him. 
“That can be arranged,” he says, trying to catch a glimpse of what you are doing to him. He starts to move, makes an effort to flip you around but you catch him before he can follow through. You tighten your grip around his cock, squeezing him around the base until he gasps softly. 
“No one but me,” you say, “Okay?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, sweetheart, what is this?” He rolls his eyes and moans when you stroke him once and then twice. 
“Are you going to behave?” You ask with a harsh grip again. You let your lips touch briefly now. 
“What?” Joel looks slightly disgusted. 
“I asked,” you begin and now you start to stroke him properly, mimicking what you have seen him do to himself when he has wanted to come on your face, “Are you going to behave, Joel?”
“No,” he teases. 
“Don’t make me ask once more, baby,” you move your hand up and down quickly, almost forcing him to near orgasm before you squeeze around the base to edge him. He hisses, neck blushing with how his heartbeat must be on overdrive. 
“Fuck,” he groans, throbbing in your hand, and with his snark, you almost just want to spend hours tracing the vein along his length with your fingertip, “Whaddaya want? You want me to be your little boyfriend or somethin’? Don’t be dumb, it don’t suit ya.”
“Listen,” you say, scooting back slightly and leaving a stain of your slick on the bottom of his t-shirt, “I’ll stick your big cock in me right now and let you come in me if you say I’m your only girl. You’ll never need another pussy than this.” 
He says your name as you straighten on top of him again but you let him know it doesn’t mean anything to you. Your free hand reaches to pull your panties to the side, and then you hold his cock in place as you slide down onto it and let it stretch you by bottoming out inside of you. You try your best to look motionless but he has a girth that stings.
“Say it,” you demand, slightly out of breath at the feeling of sitting on his thighs now. 
Joel is silent. He stares up at you, looking as if he has won because he is already inside of you but when you don’t hear an answer, you start lifting yourself off of him again. Joel grabs your hips in protest, holds you down, “No.”
“Then say it,” you reply, “Now.”
“You’re my girl,” he moans helplessly as you reward him with a roll of your hips. You make a noise as well, something closer to a tiny cry for him but you aren’t going to give in just like that.
“The only?” You inquire when you regain your composure. 
“My only girl, even if she’s a fuckin’ pain in the ass,” he groans. You flex your thighs to grip him around the middle and then you squeeze his length, letting your walls clamp down and it sends his eyes rolling backward. He bucks up his hips and you moan. 
However, you still have more to say and do. You don’t move yet, “I don’t believe you.”
Joel rolls his eyes, his grip on your hips tightening but he still doesn’t force you to ride him, “Jesus Christ, what the fuck now?”
“I think you’re a liar,” you inform him, trying to ignore how much every instinct in your body is telling you to use his dick for yourself. You squeeze around him again, “I think you’ll say anything to get pussy.”
“No one’s got a pussy like yours, sweetheart. You think I don’t know that?” He bares his teeth like an aggressive, cornered dog and he groans at the feeling of your soft, wet walls, “You’re like fuckin’ cocaine. Need more each time or I’ll never recover.”
“Don’t go finishing in me, Joel,” you scold. 
“I ain’t gonna,” he bites back, “I do have some self-control.”
“With the way you’ve been whoring around?” You tut, experimentally rocking your hips forward to feel him slip almost all the way out of your cunt. You move back to let him bury himself deep once more and whine, “Riiight.”
“Watch it, we’re only doin’ this because I allow it. I could break ya spine like a fuckin’ toothpick,” he breathes, hands going up along your thighs until he lets them glide up your back as if he is going to make truth of his threat, “Don’t forget who has the upper hand here.”
You relish in his rough hands on your lower back and finally start up a pace to ride him properly, not caring about how your thighs start to burn as you seek out pleasure. It’s a fun contrast to what Joel has just told you because his eyes glaze over in a way that shows you that he wouldn’t even know how to snap you in half if he wanted to. 
His breath has quickened, each intake and exhale becoming airy, whilst he holds your soft sides in his calloused grip. You rest your palms on top of his forearms, undulating your hips until his eyes roll back. He seems like he might lose his mind this time around, so submissive in his own way now that what you are doing to him has hit him by surprise. 
He shamelessly groans your name. Its roughness spurs you on, making you lean forward a little further to give him more. You ride him as if your life depends on it until something burns delicious in your belly and his pelvic bone grinds into your clit. 
Your first proper moan leaves you, high and squeaky. The angle has you baring your teeth, your breathing shaking, from how his cockhead stabs at your front wall repeatedly. You start spitting filth to not sound pathetic even further, “Fuck, Joel, your big cock is enough to make a girl lose her sanity. Makes my eyes wanna roll back.”
But Joel says nothing as he seems pissed off by what you have made of him. Instead, he breathes hard through his nose and occasionally lets a moan fall from his mouth. It pisses you off too. He had such a smart mouth just moments ago, and now he has resorted to being spiteful. 
You make a rash decision then. You move steadily on his cock, rhythm not faltering once, whilst reaching down to his face with your dominant hand. You smack his cheek hard enough to make a point and a noise, eyes narrowed, “Snap out of your ego tripping.”
Joel responds not with words but by curling his hand around your wrist and yanking it away, and then he takes hold of your smaller body once again and starts snapping his hips upwards, crashing them into yours until you nearly topple off of him after crying out. He tightens his hands on your body whilst you hold his forearm with one hand and have the other firmly planted on his chest, and suddenly you are working together towards a crescendo. 
“Give it to me!” You yell with your eyes screwed shut from the pressure against your clit and g-spot. Joel is swearing and his chest is glistening with sweat but he gives in to your command, making you bounce in his lap until he throws his head back and yells with you. 
“Fuck, honey,” he grits out, “Gonna make me come inside ya tight pussy.”
“Oh, it talks?” You quip, trying to hold back a pathetic string of cries but to no avail. Joel smooths his hands up to cup your body just below your breasts, digging his thumbs into your rib cage. 
“Shut the fuck up,” he retorts. 
“I’m gonna come,” you say instead and furrow your brow. 
“Yeah?” He mocks but then his face goes slack and you feel him twitch inside of you, impossibly close to the edge too, “Fuuuck, I can feel ya. Choke my cock real good, Doll.”
You come hard, unable to catch your breath as you keep moving back and forth on his length. Your whole pussy pulses, tight walls gripping him even further. The fingers holding onto his forearm make little indents and your nails on the other hand scratch into his chest until red lines form. And you cry. Oh, you cry and cry for him whilst singing his name.
The clenching of your cunt around his dick makes him reach his own point of no return a moment after. He does a sharp intake of breath and when he exhales even sharper, a groan follows, and his cock releases come inside of you. 
You use your last bit of energy to ride him through it. Your delirious mind, hazy with pleasure, makes your mouth run as you slowly drag your hips to match each twitch of his length, “See? She can’t love you like I do. Is that really what you want, Joel?” 
Joel pants underneath you. He tenses up when he hears those words but instead of pulling away, he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you down, “What the fuck did you just say?”
Your eyes widen slightly at the realization. In your chest, your pulse beats rapidly, “Just ‘cause I said it, doesn’t mean that I meant it.”
Joel tightens his grip briefly but then lets go. He sighs, then reaches up to rub his forehead in frustration, “I don’t have the strength.” 
“What’s so bad about it?” You ask, figuring that you might as well jump into the conversation now that you’ve been stupid enough to start it. 
“Don’t,” he warns, letting out a noise as he moves to pull out of you. Your panties move back into place, causing you to shiver.
“Please,” you know it is weak of you.
Joel says your name, mimicking the tone of a parent who is tired of hearing their child pestering them about something. He finds your eyes but doesn’t say anything else. 
“Just let me try something,” you continue and earn a raised brow. He stops trying to move. You swallow thickly but decide to be brave. 
Carefully, you curl your fingers into Joel’s chest hair and reach for his cheek with your other hand. You close the distance between the two of you, finding his mouth with your own and kissing him with a lot less vigor compared to what you have just done.
Underneath your palm on Joel’s chest, you can feel him exhale in something resembling relief. He doesn’t fight the kiss, no, instead he moves his arms and holds your waist. He kisses you back with closed eyes and soft hands, and you try not to ruin it by becoming eager. 
A few moments pass. When you finally pull away, he looks like a deer in the headlights of a car but you talk before he can, “Go to sleep. It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything; I can see you’re exhausted.”
You move off of him to lie down at his side instead. Besides you, Joel closes his eyes without hesitation as if he needs to escape any conversation but when his breathing slows down further and you realize that he is drifting off, he looks mostly like a tamed beast. 
Ever so gently, you run a hand over his hair. He shifts only a little bit, so you do it again and suddenly you’re stroking the salt and pepper curls repeatedly.
To think that he had been ready to fight if someone touched him just half an hour ago. You continue for a few minutes before leaving the bed, heading for his bathroom to get cleaned up, and when you return again, he doesn’t react this time either.
The next day, you’re back in the same patrol group. 
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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fireflysymphony · 8 months
Oh my god your Aventurine x Bodyguard!Reader so good I have to give you so many praises for that! But I have to ask… if you can may I please hear your thoughts on Aventurine with a Reader that he adores to take with him to the casinos as like a lucky charm but in reality he just absolutely loves to show off that they are partners, if that’s alright please and thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day today!
Aventurine showing off reader
A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I really enjoyed writing it, and seeing someone else appreciate it makes me really happy. Here are some of my thoughts! I just love this man an unhealthy amount. I hope you enjoy this <3
Word count: 1.6k
Content Warning: GN! Reader, suggestive but mostly a crazy blond and some fluff, mentions of alcohol, not proofread, hope you enjoy <3
Long before the two of you began to date, he’d take you to his casinos with the intention of scamming you out of your money and possibly getting you drunk and taking you home with him later that night.
He got it in his head that it would end up like one of those sexy pornos where once he gambled you out of all your money, he’d seductively lean down and whisper in your ear “All your money’s gone, a shame angel, but let’s have one more round, yeah? If I win again, you’ll have to pay me back with something more… intimate.” And then he’d win and take you home with him to get his “payment.”
It never ended like that though. You were either too smart to gamble with him, or your teary eyed, defeated face once he won for the third time in a row would break his heart in a way he didn’t like or fully understand, so he’d stop himself from sucking you dry of anymore cash. And the next day you would find the money you lost plus some extra back in your bank account. He hoped you never found out that your tears were the only thing to melt his heart in a long time.
If you so much as mentioned not going with him one day, you’re in store for another one of Aventurine’s famous tantrums. This is when the phrase “good luck charm” started getting thrown around. You jokingly told him to get another person who throws themselves at his feet to be his lucky charm, and he lost it.
“No, no, no! It’s you that I want with me, nobody else! You're my good charm, singular! Please, come with me, angel, please!”
You didn't know why because you thought that’s what he was doing anyway since he often canceled your casino dates. In reality though, when you weren’t with him at night, it was because of dangerous work he didn’t need you getting involved in.
Most people who visited the casinos regularly already thought you and Aventurine were dating for multiple reasons. He always had some part of him touching yours whether it be a hand on the small of your back or him leaning on you whenever he was a little tipsy or bored of a game. He never let you pay for anything while you were with him, and despite being a rich man who could definitely afford two cocktails, he’d much rather hold his up to your lips and watch you drink from his glass. Aventurine wouldn’t let anyone approach you, especially if it was someone he had to confront for work that night, and if anyone tried flirting with you, they’d be out of luck, out of money, and out of a life depending on Aventurine’s mood. He didn’t like things that belonged to him being touched or stolen.
Safe to say, most people had pretty good evidence to conclude that you and him were together.
As you can imagine, this only got worse when you became official partners since Aventurine didn’t have to hold anything back. Your seat wasn’t the one next to him anymore, it was in his lap. He didn’t need to hold himself back from kissing you, and conveniently he mostly did it when other people were watching him. Before each round of poker, he’d ask you for a good luck kiss to bless his hand which lasted a little too long for everyone’s— but his— comfort.
Pretty much everyone knew that you weren’t just a good luck charm but a prize for him to show off, and he wasn’t letting you go anytime soon. Anyone who knew what was good for them backed off from trying to pursue you, and those brave souls who didn’t were in for a treat because Aventurine LIKED having them stare…. When he was in a good mood anyway. Bad mood, jealous Aventurine was a different story, but he’s for another day.
“I like it when they look at you, dove.” “But they look at me like you do.” “Exactly. But I’m the only one who gets to have you, pretty thing.”
Right after kisses, his eyes go straight to find the men he knew were into you, wanting to see their disappointed faces. He’ll even let them chat you up before pulling you onto his lap and kissing you. To him, crushing them emotionally was far more entertaining than outright killing them. This only goes for when you’re dating though. As stated before, Aventurine hated the thought of someone taking what he owned, and since you didn’t know you were his yet, he had to dispose of anyone who thought they had a chance.
It hurt him that the only place he could show you off was at the casinos. He owned them, so nobody was going to try to harm you unless they were prepared for the weeks long torture he had in store, not even the IPC spies he knew were around were safe from his wrath. To the IPC, you were nothing more than one of Aventurine’s ordinary flings, and he wouldn’t let anyone see past that facade, even if he wanted to rub his relationship in Topaz or Ratio’s face.
“You always win, so I don’t understand why you need me here every night, wouldn’t you rather bring someone who’s unfamiliar with your tricks to scam?” You asked him one night before the two of you were officially a couple. He took you up to one of the VIP rooms, a few people mingling and chatting over cards around you. The two of you got a couch to yourself, yet Aventurine had an arm around your waist, not allowing an inch of personal space despite the size of the sofa. Aventurine was bored of the easy fish at the casino tonight. The card shark didn’t like his prey to fall too easily unless it was you, but you weren’t interested in losing any more money to him tonight..
“No, I’ve told you before! You’ve never seen me lose before, doll. Isn’t it obvious why? Because you’re lucky!” He answered, taking a sip of his third glass of champagne. He acted a lot more honestly when he was tipsy, his conniving grin never left his lips though, so nobody could tell how serious he was. That was if he let himself get tipsy in front of anyone but you— which he didn’t. You were the sole one who got to hear his slightly slurred speech and, on particularly rough nights, his lack of inhibitions.
“If I’m so “lucky,” why haven’t I beat you yet?” You hummed, shivering at the amount of money he’s coerced you into betting, yet somehow you’re more well off now since you met him than ever before.
“Because you’re my good luck charm, you have to find your own; I’ve sucked you dry of all your lucky, so nobody else can have you.” He waved his hand in the air like it was the most obvious explanation in the world before leaning his head on your shoulder, his glasses sliding down his nose and letting you see his pretty shining eyes. “You’re only mine to have, do you understand that?”
All you could do was sigh and fix his glasses. He was prone to say stuff like this when he was drunk and when he was sober too but it was worse when you had a little alcohol in his veins. Aventurine’s normal flirting was so teasing that you could chalk it up to him being just that, a teasing flirt who did this with everyone, but when he was tipsy or drunk, a serious edge pierced his words, a large contrast from his usual over-the-top teasing. You couldn’t trust that either. “You’re drunk, Aventurine.”
“Maybe so, but you still don’t understand, doll.” He took off his glasses, tossing them next to his empty glass on the table. He laid himself down on your thighs, his head turned away from you to face the rest of the room. When he was normal sober Aventurine, you didn’t take his advances seriously, and when he was drunk, you still didn’t take him seriously. It was annoying! Did he just give up? Was this a bet lost?
Sensing an incoming tantrum you set your hand on his hair, playing with his blond locks. You bit your lip, already regretting the ego boost you were about to give him. “…Now that I think about it: maybe I do have a good luck charm.”
The way he jolted up gave you an idea of where this was going, so you braced yourself for the storm about to hit. Shit, pouting might have been easier to sit through.
“D’awwww! Lovemuffin, do you mean it?! Really?! Say it again! Come on, say it to me again!” He somehow wormed his way onto your lap, poking at your cheek in eagerness. His legs straddled your waist, and everyone in the small quiet space turned their heads to look at you.
“What are you doing? Stop, get off of me! no-no it isn't you!” You shrieked, batting his hands away from your face as you shook your head. Now you really regretted saying anything. “You’re making a scene!”
“Sure it isn’t! Aren’t you just the most adorable thing, such a sweetheart to little ol’ me!~” He threw his arms around you, resting his head in the crook of your neck. He took back everything he previously thought. No matter what you were going to be his! “But if I am your lucky charm, I don’t think I’m working. You always lose!”
“Shut up, Aventurine!” You grumbled, hugging him back with a tenderness your words didn’t hold. Was it possible his words weren’t all faked?
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this more fluffy Aventurine post! Whether it be the sexy or scrunkly menace, I hope you enjoy him! <3 thank you to the requester for this idea
Requests are open!
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literaila · 2 months
honestly- with peace and love- RESPECTFULLY- shut the fuck up (but actually, don’t). Why does the way you write Satoru have a chokehold on me? It’s not fair.
“because,” he says, making a careful path down your jaw. “i’m irresistible.”
his eyes are poison and his lips are cruel, vicious things, so soft and knowing as they follow the trail he’s laid out many times before.
as satoru does what satoru does best.
distracts you.
“says who?”
“you. right now.”
“i’m only allowing this because you were gone for eight days.”
you say it as if you’re scolding him for leaving, for being away and leaving you to deal with the kids.
but your voice is kind of… off. the stern, stone-like tone you’ve learned to take with satoru is softer than usual. maybe a bit broken.
it’s not your fault, though. satoru knows exactly what he’s doing—he knows the places where you’re malleable.
his hands and his lips and his entire being. they’re only there for him to use—against you, in particular.
“you missed me,” he murmurs, like it’s obvious.
and he’s kissing every inch of skin, probably leaving marks like some idiotic teenager, but your thoughts echo his words.
yeah, you did kind of miss him.
“i didn’t,” you say instead, tugging on his hair to pull him away from your skin. just for a moment to breathe. “i like having the bed all to myself.”
satoru is smiling. he’s always smiling. “do you?”
“yes. there was no one there to hog all of the blankets.”
he nuzzles his nose into your cheek—because he knows that it’ll make you giggle. “i don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“my mistress. you don’t know him.”
satoru leans back, a pout on his stupid pretty face. “that’s mean.”
you grin. your form of torture is different, but just as effective. you’ve always been better at words than satoru.
“take it back.”
“take what back?” you ask innocently, skin tingling.
instead of answering, satoru resumes his ministrations. but this time he starts at your forehead, the very beginning.
the kiss he leaves there is a homecoming.
but the next is an attack.
he’d just barely walked in the door when this started, dropping his suitcase on the floor without a care in the world.
you weren’t waiting for him, exactly. still, its a welcome coincidence that he was waiting there, crawling his way back to you.
some kind of synchronicity only fate can explain.
and he’s starting over now, pretending that he can re-do this moment, just so you’ll forget everything you’re supposed to remember.
which you probably will.
“satoru,” you breath out. you want your heart to be used to him by now, after this long. you want to feel calm and collected. to be stoic and easy like you usually are. “i have to go.”
your thoughts are mere wishes—suggestions—and you know they won’t come true.
“go where?” he asks, uncaring, indifferent. “you don’t need to go anywhere.”
“the kids get out of school soon.”
“they can walk.”
you laugh, leaning your head back to give him a better angle. you’ve always been terrible at pushing him away—it’s the entire reason you live here, the only reason your heart has survived this long.
“they can’t,” you whisper back, but it’s no arguement.
satoru hums and the vibration goes down your spine. it follows a different path, another one the very man pinning you against the wall created. “ten minutes.”
“five,” he argues, voice wet, hands climbing. there’s no argument there.
your fingers lace through his hair as he sucks another mark into your neck, ever so gentle. it’s always like this when he gets home—there’s no desperation, never some heated make-out with torn clothes and broken gasps.
it’s slow. a calling from the both of you, a song to simply ease the yearning.
some sort of triumph over being together again. some stupid, unreasonable harmony. the only kind you’ve ever wanted to know.
one of his hand is around your waist, under your shirt, running up and down the length of skin there—like he can’t stop. the other is holding your head in place, keeping you where he wants.
it’s stupid, this entire thing.
but for whatever reason, you have no banter to offer him. no reality, no sense.
not that satoru really minds, of course. not that you really mind either.
“you’re so pretty,” he tells you, voice honey-like, smile completely lost. “i missed you.”
“i need—“ he interrupts you with a kiss. his happiness leaks into you like a toxin. “i need to go, satoru.”
“you need to stay.”
“megumi will know it’s your fault.”
“he thinks everything is my fault.”
satoru’s head is tilted down, your eyes on his face, reviewing the places you could draw from memory all over again. “because it is.”
he’s been smiling this whole time but somehow he smiles even more. the way only he can. some scientific fallacy.
isn’t strange that sharing his air is so much easier than breathing on your own?
“of course,” he tells you, lips puffy and pink, pulling you even closer. “i take full responsibility.”
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erwinsvow · 4 months
i was thinking… what if they’re in topper’s jeep with the top off at a gas station and they’re parked over in the corner with a tree over the car so it’s darker (very descriptive but i have a vision🙏) and rafe and shy!reader are in the back seat waiting for them and she’s totally horny bc rafe is looking too good so she’s hanging on him practically in his lap and he’s like well you wanna be all over me you can suck it while you’re at it WOOF sorry😞
oh my god why r u saying sorry this is so YUM i gobbled it up just like shy reader gobbles up his dick
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you don't know where kelce and top went—don't really care either. on the way from the party to another party, they'd opted to pull over in a dark parking lot to pee and go grab more beer from the liquor store across the street.
they had mentioned something about getting back in the car and driving, but rafe had told them to walk, and you think they'd listened. tingly from the spiked seltzer you'd had at the first party, you feel just tipsy enough to clobber over rafe the second the two boys walk away from topper's jeep.
crawling into rafe's lap, you hurry to press your mouth to his, the tiny dress you had worn (though a little out of character for you, rafe hadn't been able to keep his eyes or hands away from you all night, so it had been worth it) getting pushed up. rafe kneads the fat of your ass, and you grip his shoulders, pressing your already too-wet pussy onto his dick.
you're sure to leave a mark on his pants, for some reason you can't stay away from your boyfriend right now and you feel every part of you throb with anticipation.
"c'mon kid, wait 'til we get home, huh?" rafe pulls away to breathe the words, but you don't give him an answer, leaning back in for another kiss.
"don't wanna wait-" you mumble when he pulls away again.
"they're gonna be back any minute."
"it's okay, we'll be quick," you insist, pressing hot, wet kisses to the column of rafe's neck, hands traveling down to his belt and unbuckling for him. his hands move quickly to yours, halting your motions. with his grip as tight as it is, you couldn't move if you wanted to.
"hey, c'mon. not like this, behave." you pout, still on rafe's lap and still making yourself comfortable—refusing to get off until he makes you, though you know he won't.
"do i have to?" you ask quietly. looking at rafe with your big, wide eyes, you think you can sense his resolve crumbling. "maybe i can make you feel good. it'll be fast, won't it?" your eyes travel down to his belt, the bulge right underneath.
"shit, kid. fine, if you're so needy. jesus-"
getting as comfortable as you can, you lower your mouth down, knees pressed against the seat and ass in the air while you take out rafe's dick, spitting on it first and putting on an obscene show—you hollow your cheeks and suck in as much of rafe's dick as you can, two hands stroking whatever you can't fit.
you keep going, sucking harder and flicking your tongue over the head until rafe bunches up your hair in his fist, guiding your mouth up and down while you look up at him with glassy eyes and wet cheeks. when he finally pulls you off after a few minutes, you cough and try to catch your breath.
"you okay, baby?" he asks, but you don't answer, going right back for more. you were right—it doesn't take long at all. as soon as rafe stares at your heart-shaped ass in the air and the pretty eyes looking up at him, paired with the noises you make while choking on his dick, he cums into your mouth. like always, like a good girl—you swallow, catching your breath and moving to wipe away the tears on your face.
rafe beats you to it, cleaning you up with his thumb while you smile up at him. he's leaning in for a kiss when you hear it—talking, and then.
"are you guys done yet?"
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rad-batson · 1 year
Multiverse AU where different variants of Damian Wayne Al Ghul are accidentally hailed to one universe and Damian is in the middle, trying to get all of them back home, but it only gets worse and NOT for the reasons you would think.
So picture this: there’s a sea of Damian variants crowded into the Batcave. One’s a leader of the LOA. Another became the next Harley Quinn? One is a mute assassin. Another is Red Hood’s apprentice. One’s Batman. One’s a meta for some reason. Another is the leader of a revolution. One’s a monk. And another is a clone. They’re all somehow involved in vigilantism or the LOA.
And then there’s a completely normal one. He goes by Dami. He’s in college :) He works at an art studio. He’s got a heart condition. He has a boyfriend, and he has never been Robin before. In fact, he doesn’t even know his dad is Batman. So in a room full of wildly different versions, this Damian sticks out like a sore thumb. He’s like an NPC just standing in the middle of a final battle.
What he does know is that his mother, Talia, left the LOA with him when he was two because she fell in love with Bruce. Since then, the three have lived a Perfectly Normal Life as Perfectly Normal People in a moderately nice house in the suburbs of Gotham.
And you know what? No one questions it. Out of all the problems the Damians are having right now, Normal Damian is the least of them. So he just sits to the side, completely chill, and doesn’t interfere.
But then some chaos happens, the Damians are all sucked into a battle at some secondary location, Normal Dami is kidnapped, gets killed, and everyone’s super depressed about it. (Gosh, he was so nice. Why did it have to be him? Boo hoo. We didn’t even have time to recover the body.)
Until they head back to the cave…and there he is. Respawned. Alive. Confused.
He was literally dead on the floor two hours ago. They checked for a pulse! He bled out. Normal NPC Dami is supposed to be dead. But nope. He’s right there. “Hey, what happened? The last thing I remember is being tied up. Did I faint again?”
Everyone else, the whole batfamily and the mini Damian army, is like “wtf how’d you get here, buddy?” While he’s just like :) so Bruce, who put a bug on the security cameras or whatever, checks the footage and what he finds is absolutely horrifying.
Just after he died, Normal Dami’s eyes snapped open. Glowing a deep Lazarus Green. He stood up, walked out, and immediately fucking decimated the remaining group of kidnappers like a rabid animal. Literally anyone who got near him were goners, and Thank Sweet Jesus he didn’t run into anyone on the walk back because he didn’t care to clean off all that blood. Nope, he just walked right through the front doors of the manor, found a clean set of clothes, completely on autopilot, then all of the adrenaline wore off, and he collapsed from exhaustion.
So everyone watches the footage. NPC Damian is horrified. He insists that’s not him because he doesn’t kill people! How could they ever accuse him of killing people?! He has never done something like that. He can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded for Christ’s sake!
Nonetheless, he agrees to sit in their itty bitty holding cell as they do some fun little tests, and lo and behold: he is so genetically fucked up. Why? Because his DNA isn’t like the other Damians. It’s completely mutated by this green glowing substance that they know all too well.
The verdict? Normal Dami has been permanently mutated by the Lazarus Pit. The Lazarus Pit is inside of him. It IS him. Or maybe Normal NPC Damian is the Lazarus Pit.
When Normal Dami was two and he and Talia still lived with the LOA, there was an incident involving Damian drowning in the Lazarus Pit (à la Ra’s Al Ghul's Stellar Grand-Parenting Skills.) However, since he wasn’t dead, the Lazarus Pit devoured him, consumed him with violent pit madness, spat him back out, and Damian became this completely, unstoppably rage-filled toddler that can throw you over his shoulder and snap your neck. So Talia, terrified of what Ra’s would do with him, escaped to Gotham, found Bruce, begged for help, and they devised a plan.
Step 1: Raise Lazarus Damian as a completely normal kid.
Step 2: Take him to therapy. Maybe give him anger management classes. (Monitor his sugar intake. That couldn’t hurt.)
That was literally their whole plan. They had no other ideas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Occasionally, he’d snap and kill someone in cold blood (whoopsie daisy) but his parents were an assassin and the world's greatest detective. No one’s gonna know.
Through some trial and error, they found out that abrupt adrenaline spikes were what triggered the madness. So they worked around it. They gave him calm, relaxing hobbies. They spoiled him with emotional support animals. They Never Raised Their Voices. He was homeschooled for a bit then introduced to university, but only AFTER they made sure Jon (the Indestructable Superboy) was his roommmate. (Yes, they told him. Yes, he is now part of the convoluted Keep Deadly Damian Relaxed Task Force. They’re also dating.) They got Damian a FitBit that tracked his heart rate so they could predict when his adrenaline spiked. They Life360’d his ass so fucking hard. Meanwhile, Damian just thought he had some kind of medical thing, none the wiser the entire time.
Long story short? “Chill Normal NPC Damian” Cannot Die. But he can Kill.
If he does “die” (the Lazarus Pit cannot die) then he goes into a murderous rage, kills everyone in sight, it wears off with the adrenaline, and he can’t remember what happened. This Damian is the Most Dangerous of the variants, and he doesn’t even know it because his parents decided that would be best.
And now the other Damians are scared of him, and he’s scared of himself, and no one knows why he's made of the Lazarus Pit, and they don’t know what to do with him, and they still don’t know how to get back, and some of them want to kill him, and some don't, but no one trusts him, including himself, and it becomes an all-out war over the fate of Damian.
Anyway, Normal Damian who's actually a Murderous Lazarus Spirit without even knowing it. Thank you :)
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dried-mushroom · 4 months
Omg can you please write about Lee Russell being mean to you in front of Gamby as like a power display or something but then when y'all get home (y'all are like Secretly dating since you're just a teacher) he's all nice and romantic to apologize?
YIPPEE I found another lee Russell lover! don't judge please I'm Australian so I have little concept of American education. I hope you like it.
Warnings: Lil angsty and implied sex
Be mean to me
Lee Russell x reader (well Christine sucks so she's not in this story)
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Life was pretty peachy as a history teacher in North Jackson high school, you were stuck teaching from a range of boring topics to your either half asleep, barely listening or teacher pet students, except you were sleeping with the vice principal, Lee Russell. You couldn't resist that southern charm radiating off his tongue when he spoke those words on your first day as a teacher, in the parking lot.
"Mornin' Sweetheart, are you lost? The names Lee Russell, Vice principal of this very high school and you're way too fuckin' pretty to be a high school teacher."
After taking a good look at the lanky man who called himself the vice principal, you couldn't help yourself, and after promptly introducing you to your fellow teachers, he briskly walked you to the janitors closet where you both spent all morning. Obviously, you both knew this had to be kept a secret, boss and employee dating is a no-go, although that did not stop you both from being affectionate when no was watching, sharing a peck when you went to visit him at his office or the grasp of his hand on your thigh under the table at meetings or after work, where it was safe to be yourselves and you could lay together watching borderline cheesy romcom movies whilst Lee critiques his heart out.
You sighed contently as the bell for seventh period rang, the mingled voices of your 6th period ancient history class rushed out the door to their next useless class and you could finally relax and start lesson planning for the next 45 minutes. You let your hands run down your thighs, smoothing out your new dress (this but more teacher appropriate). You brought this specifically for Lee, you knew of his love for colours, hence his usually eccentric clothing choices, you knew he'd love the pattern on you. You couldn't help but smile giddily and walk out of the classroom, you knew you could easily finish the planning later and you'd rather spend the last of the school day with Lee.
You swiftly walked down the hall to administration, smiled sweetly at Swift, because you knew how rude Gamby was to her for no reason, and she didn't deserve that, like Gamby seriously needs a reality check in your opinion.
"Afternoon Miss Swift, I hope you're doing alright and Gamby isn't giving you a hard time, I was hoping to see Mr. Russell, I had to discuss long service leave with him."
"Oh, thank you miss l/n, vice principal Gamby is albeit rude, but I think he's getting better, and of course let me get the door for you."
You knew she wasn't stupid, and you assumed she knew about you and Lee secretly dating, but it was better to come up with an excuse and be safe rather than sorry. Smith quickly opened to door and shut it behind you.
"Well, hello there honey, I was expecting you- and what's this? isn't this a pretty thing?"
He shot up from his desk chair and sauntered over to where you stood, he placed his hands on your waist and whispered in your ear.
"I can't wait to rip that off you gir-"
Suddenly the door swung open, and Lee jumped away from you, 'of course Neal Gamby, you had to come fuck everything up." you thought to yourself, now awkwardly fiddling with the hem of your dress.
"Russell. We need to talk. Why the hell are you here Miss. l/n? I thought Wednesday 7th period was your planning lesson."
Before you could reply to Gamby, Lee interjected,
"Exactly, Scram Miss l/n, I don't need nor want you here, I have better shit to do, plus what the fuck are you wearing? you look like a fuckin mess, pick a goddamn colour."
Your heart sank, an uncomfortable tightness sat in your chest as your face flushed in embarrassment. You knew Lee being a dick to you was only a ruse to throw off other teachers and admin but, fuck it hurt, it hurt so much to have him speak to you in that way. You nodded your head and headed to the door,
"Open or closed Mr. Russell?"
Gamby responded for him, responding in a curt 'Closed.' leaving you to silently shut the door behind you. You walked out of the administration office before your eyes welled with tears, but you waited until you reached your classroom until you broke, sobbing quietly at your desk. You just wished you and Lee could act like a couple instead of the cold shoulder act he'd be giving you. With the mixed signals and nausea swirling through your brain, you grabbed your left-over paperwork and bag before leaving. Usually, you and Lee would leave at the same time, but you couldn't bear to see him at the moment, all your hard work, making yourself pretty for him and resulting in him publicly humiliating you was just too much.
The short drive home eased you a little but when you had to walk up those steps of your shared home, it just brought back that sickly tension. You unlocked the door and set your handbag down (another reminder of Lee since it was an anniversary gift). You kicked off your heels and headed upstairs to your shared bedroom. You didn't bother to change and slumped into bed, fresh tears coming to your eyes, you didn't care whether you were quiet or not, sobbing yourself till you couldn't keep your eyes open.
Lee's POV:
He regretted the words as soon as they came from his mouth. He saw the hurt on your face, and he felt his stomach twist into a tight knot. He hated being a dick to you, hated it so much he hated himself for doing it. He realised he went way too far this time with you, and he really didn't want to lose you and couldn't help but fidget with his hands whilst blatantly ignoring whatever bullshit Gamby was bitching about.
"Sorry Gamby but I gotta run, not like you'd know what that is though. We'll talk about Brown tomorrow, now get the fuck outta my office."
Neal sighed, muttered some regurgitated insult but ultimately left. Lee rushed to grab his belongings and ran out the door, Smith tried to ask where he was off to in a rush,
"Sir, you can't just leave! where are you even going???"
When he pulled into the driveway, 'Thank God' he thought as he saw your car parked there. He got out, left all his belongings in the car, not a care. You were more important; you were the most important thing in his life. He opened the door and called;
"Shut the fuck up Smith, I can leave whenever the fuck I want and its none of your business where I am going."
Smith squeaked a reply, but Lee was already down the hall, he went to your classroom and groaned when he noticed a lack of you and your belongings. He ran to the parking lot, got into his car as soon as he didn't saw your car, without a doubt it was always parked next to his. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, knuckles turning white, he shakily exhaled, he knew he had fucked up and was hoping you were at home.
"Y/n baby, where are you? I'm so sorry about what I said."
The silence was nerve-racking, so after checking all the other rooms for you, he headed to the bedroom to check. There you were, peaceful and asleep, he couldn't have been happier. He walked across the room to the side to the bed you were facing, and sat gently on the bed, softly stroking your hair.
Your POV:
You slowly awoke out of a dreamless slumber to someone touching you. You flinched when you realised it was Lee, and you remembered everything that happened today. He felt your reaction and immediately pulled his hand away. He saw the tear streaks on your face and sighed,
"Y/n I am so fuckin' sorry; I should have never had said those hurtful things to you, you didn't deserve that, God, I don't deserve you. I didn't even mean them, I need you so much, and you do so much for me, and I take that shit for granted, please forgive me y/n, I love you."
You saw the raw emotion across his face and sat up, you could see the tears in his eyes, and you couldn't help but wipe the one away falling down his cheek with your thumb. You smiled softly and leaned into him,
"I forgive you Lee, and I love you so much. I don't think you meant it but what you said really fucking hurt, and this hiding our relationship is really hurting us, so please can we finally go public and not have to worry and hide anymore?"
"Thank you so much and fuck it! who gives a shit if you and I are together? whoever doesn't like it can suck my dick, I can't lose you honey."
You smiled, finally knowing you'd and Lee would finally be able to be yourselves without having hide and sneak around.
"You aren't losing me Lee; I wouldn't do that to you. Now kiss me, you idiot."
He didn't hesitate a second before crashing his lips into yours, your hands finding his neck before climbing into his lap. His hands sneaked around your waist bringing you even closer, you could feel his erection under you, and you couldn't help moaning into his mouth. He broke the kiss to whisper,
"Well now how about I make do of my promise from earlier?"
The End
I hope this was good! please leave comments or asks if you enjoyed :)
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toruro · 10 months
chasing that feeling
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pairing: beomgyu x f reader
tags: smut (18+), toxic relationship hehe 😿, semi public sex, pet names (baby, angel)
w/c: 770+
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all of your friends hate your trashy boyfriend beomgyu.
you can't really blame them though ... he kinda sucks. canceled on you last minute two weeks ago; soobin was the unfortunate soul who had to console you over the phone, watching you as your eyes watered up in your pretty pink dress, fat tears rolled down your blush painted cheeks.
beomgyu tried to make it up with you with flowers the next day, 'cept he forgot that your favorites are daisies and got you roses instead. you keep telling yourself that it's the thought that counts.
taehyun's always asking you why you keep goin' back ... you don't have the heart to tell him the real reason.
you don't have the goddamn dignity to admit that it's because after everything—all the tears, all the shut doors, all the "gyu, i'm done's"—you always manage to end up in the same position—
"oh fuck, angel," beomgyu grunts from behind you, pelvis slamming into the softness of your ass. "this cunt's s'tight—shit, angel you're suckin' me in," he murmurs, sinking his fat cock in so deep you gasp loudly, lurching over the bathroom sink.
you don't even wanna think about how you got here; you were standing in front of the pub for almost half an hour, waiting for beomgyu who promised he'd be there fifteen minutes earlier, and right when you made the decision to take the high road and head home in defeat, he was running down the street with sweat beading down his forehead.
maybe you shouted at him a little. cried a little. tried to walk away. told him to go home aline. told him you don't deserve this.
beomgyu thought different, of course, and a hand on your wrist soon turned into a tug and suddenly you find yourself pressed against the counter in the tiny bathroom of the pub, skirt pushed over your ass and panties shoved to the side.
"love this pussy so fuckin' much," he groans, pulling his hips back so his cock slips out halfway before sloppily shoving it back in. one of his hands holds a steady grip on your hip, the other trailing up your back and finding purchase on your neck, just below jaw so that his index and middle fingers can hook upwards and into your mouth.
unconsciously, your lips wrap around them, tongue swiping over the pads of his fingers as you try not to lose yourself in the feeling of all the pretty veins and curves of his cock pressing up against your hot, tight walls.
"beo-beomgyu we can't—oh," you moan quietly, closing your lips around the rough pads of his fingers once more in hopes to keep your noise level down when he jams his cock further inside of you, grinding into you so that his balls rub against your clit. "can't be loud," you manage to gasp out when he gives you a second of peace, stilling inside of you once he's bottomed out.
"'nd why's that baby?" beomgyu mutters, fingers around your hips digging in further when he gifts you another powerful thrust. "seems like we're both havin' fun ... aren't we?" his voice is low and raspy, and you're trying—you're trying so fucking hard not to get lost but it only takes you a few seconds to give in and relent.
beomgyu's ramming into you now; fingers slipped out of your mouth a few moments ago so he could situate both hands on your waist and pull your warm, dripping back into him so the tip of his dick kisses your cervix with every messy thrust.
there's a mix of both your arousal every where now, but as your eyes begin to roll to the back of your head and beomgyu begins moaning your name in small huffs—telling you that you're the "best fuckin' angel alive ..,,, prettiest thing in the world when you're being fucked with his cock ...,," that he "can't get enough of you" ....
you don't even know why you bother trying to fight it anymore. no matter how many tears, no matter how many long nights of arguments where you tell yourself it'll be the last, no matter how many hours you waste waiting for him ... you'll always chase the feeling of his hot breath fanning down on your neck when he finally leans over, murmuring 'bout how he's "gonna cum baby, cum w'me please ..."
and of course you do, because beomgyu might be a trashy boyfriend, but he's your boyfriend, and you have no plans on letting him go.
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Fire Is The Devils Only Friend
Chapter Six
There was no such thing as making it on your own with a high profile boyfriend. That was why she kept her relationship a secret. But then after a PR fuck up, her boyfriend is forced into PR relationship and she's left on the side lines, missing him
Series Masterlist
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When Carlos came home, the house was quiet. He called out his girlfriend's name, but she didn't respond. "Piñón!" He shouted, but the dog didn't come running up to him.
It was fine, no reason to panic. She was probably just asleep, stayed up to watch the Grand Prix and was now curled up in bed with Piñón. Carlos left his bags in the hallway and set off towards the bedroom.
But the bedroom was empty and her things were gone. "Cariño!" Carlos shouted, panic in his voice. "Piñón! Baby! Where are you!" He ran from room to room, desperately searching for the two of them.
He must have ran past the fridge three times before he spotted the note. Stuck to the fridge with a magnet from their Bali vacation. Carlos pulled off the note and put the magnet back.
I love you. I will always love you, but I can't do this. Maybe it's because I love you that watching you, kissing and proclaiming your love to another, is so hard.
I took Piñón to my mothers house. You can come pick him up.
She didn't sign it, didn't leave her name at the bottom of the letter, just the address. Carlos couldn't help the strained sob that left his lips, the paper crumpling in his hands.
But he had no time for this. He wanted her back, and he was going to get her back. Grabbing the ring box from his underwear drawer and ran out to his car, driving off before the door was shut.
Carlos broke several speed limits on his way to her mothers house. Several times he nearly crashed; it was a miracle that he rang the door bell in one piece.
As soon as it rang, he heard Piñón barking from inside. He waited, hand holding the ring box in his pocket as he waited for the door to be pulled open.
"Oh," said her mother as soon as she laid eyes on Carlos. "I'd say it's nice to meet you, but I don’t think it is, is it?" She said, lips pulled tight.
Carlos had dreamed of this moment, the moment he'd get to meet her parents. He thought he'd either be asking for permission to marry her, or showing off the ring he had slipped onto her finger. The ring that was currently in a little black box in his pocket.
"Please, I need to speak to her," he said, squeezing the box.
She rolled her eyes, called for her daughter, and stepped away, leaving Carlos alone.
It was Piñón he saw first. The dog pulled on his lead, trying to get to his master. But she held his lead between her delicate fingers. "His bed is inside," was all she said as she passed the lead to him.
But Carlos didn't take the lead. "Cariño," he said, but she shook her head.
"Don't, Carlos," she whispered. "Didn't you get my notes?"
He swallowed thickly. "My love, I..." He sucked in a breath, pulled out the ring box and got down onto his knee.
"Oh, Carlos. Don't do this," she whispered, her breath shaking. "Please don't do this."
"Marry me," he said as soon as she had finished speaking. "Marry me. I'll leave Ferrari, I'll stop driving if I have to. I just need you in my life."
Suddenly the door was open fully and she was walking Piñón past him. She opened the door of his Golf and placed Piñón inside. She stroked and kissed his head. "Be a good boy," she whispered against his fur. "Be the good boy I know you can be."
She closed the door and walked back inside, grabbed his bed from the living room and shoved it into Carlos's arms. "You can never begin to understand what you mean to me, Carlos. But I can't do this. I tried. I really tried because I couldn't imagine living without you. But even that is too much of a burden on my heart.”
Carlos didn't stand up, not until she had shut the door in his face. But, even then, it took him a minute to stand up. It was only when Piñón began barking from the car that he stood.
His legs were shaking as he stood up and climbed into the car. He shut the door and immediately took off, unable to even stand being on her driveway.
For the last year, all either of them had known was each other. Carlos still had the ring, but he couldn't imagine giving it to anybody but her. When Carlos got back to the house, their house, he put tge ring box back into his underwear drawer. No, that wasn't right. It wasn't their house. It was just his.
Carlos pr have a lot he needed to rebuild from. Just a broken heart. She had nothing. Nothing but her book. She had nowhere but her mothers to live and nobody she could to about this with.
For over a month, Carlos didn't sleep peacefully. How could he when his bed was so cold?
He remembered the first time he invited Rebecca back to his room. Carlos hated himself. As he laid beside her naked body, he hated himself. Because she wasn't her. She would never be her.
Eventually she moved on. It took just over a year, twelve and a half months until she went on her first date. Even then, she couldn't help but think of Carlos, think of the man she had almost married.
Another best seller came out a year after their breakup. Carlos read it. Again and again he read it. In the garage he read it. Laying beside Rebecca, he read it.
There was one time where the cameras caught Carlos crying, tears falling onto the pages of her book. The picture circulated everywhere, but she never saw it.
And, at the end of the year, Lewis Hamilton contacted Ferrari, expressing a desire to drive for the Italy based team. Carlos didn't know this, not until he got the call that his seat was filled.
She was his soulmate. Everything he had put her through in an attempt to keep his seat, and it had all been for nothing.
He had lost her over a seat he didn't have.
Now, he had nothing.
a/n: oh my god its done. I can't believe it's done. Once again I'd like to thank @darleneslane for letting me bring this series to life
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