#and the people who dress them as regular human babies!!
getting jump scared every time i open instagram and see more werepups
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Platonic Yandere DIO and daughter reader (who was abandoned at his house as a baby)
Hi thank you for the request, this is my first platonic request so I hope it's alright.
Familial Yandere Dio
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At first Dio simply wanted to leave the child where they were but something compelled him to take the child. Maybe a small part of him thinks back on his childhood and takes pity. However he has no need for the weak so he uses a fragment of the stand arrow on the baby to prove their worthiness. The child doesn't die so he decides to keep them. They'd serve him well as a stand user in due time.
He has his servants raise her, luckily she had her name embroidered on the blanket she was wrapped in, (Y/n). However she still finds a way to get his attention. At first he simply passes her back off to the servants, agitated that this child will disrupt him. However over time he softened to her, she became less of a tool to him.
Soon he would allow (Y/n) into his bedroom and read to her whatever he was absorbed in at the time. He begrudgingly accepts the child calling him "dada". As soon as she develops proper talking skills he insists on being called father instead.
Around the age of 4 to 5 (Y/n) already quite independent. Already learning stuff more advanced then what her age range would. A model child by all accounts, however despite showing an ability to see stands hers hasn't quite manifested yet. She has been put through strenuous training yet still no results. She's also spoilt, she eats extravagantly, dresses in the nicest clothes a child could wear and is given almost anything she asks for.
As she grew up, she became aware of her lack of a stand. Trying to make up for her failure but Dio assures her it will come in due time and that she does not need to make up for such a thing.
But she also becomes aware of life outside the mansion. Asking at first to accompany servants during errands which he allows but when she asks to play with other children he tells her that she shouldn't bother with such a thing, those children are beneath her. Those children would bow before them when the time came.
Eventually her stand manifests. The moment it's know, a victim is choosen for her to test her stand on. When the victim isn't harmed Dio is let down, but his initial plans of using her as another servant are far gone.
That's when she goes to the piano, something she was still a novice in but now could play it like a professional.
She is able to figure out she has the power to absorb information and skills from others. Not a powerful stand but a useful one nevertheless. A stand dubbed Gates of Babylon, a physical manifestation of her desire of knowledge.
So it becomes a regular occurrence that Dio will let her use her stand on his victims before he drinks them dry. An odd form of father daughter bonding (of course away from (Y/n)).
Still (Y/n) never quite lost interest in the outside world. One day she manages to sneak out by herself. Of course when he discovers this he's mortified, but hides it the best he can from his servants as he tells them to find her.
Of course she's found and brought back. If she has injury, even just a scrape he'll use it as justification. She's only mortal compared to him. All manner of things could happen to her. The moment that it is just the two of them he scolds her. Even goes on about how vulnerable she is and what compelled her to leave with everything she has.
Everything is a lot more tightly run. Constantly monitored, constantly given more and more things to entertain her. He's also taking more time to spend with her directly.
Telling them always that he's the only one that she should trust 100%, that people will try to harm or take advantage of her. God forbid he brings up his childhood as an example, that he actually acknowledge his prior humanity to another soul.
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munsonfamilyband · 2 years
This was supposed to be a little headcanon thing, and it turned into a drabble that is also mildly NSFW so tw mild sexual content, it’s mostly just implied but still
Eddie is very possessive. He knows he’s possessive, and when pressed for a reason why, he would guess that it has to do with growing up poor. When you don’t have a lot of items to call your own, you get possessive of the things you have.
He didn’t expect it to extend to relationships though. He had never had a real relationship before, the closest thing was a regular fuck buddy that lasted a couple months. But now he has Steve and sometimes his possessiveness scares him.
When he looks at Steve sometimes he gets this dark, heavy feeling in his chest that he needs to keep Steve all to himself. Lock him away in their bedroom and never let him leave, never let the rest of the world see him. He knows it’s irrational and probably not all that healthy, and the fact that he knows this keeps him from acting on in most of the time. Unfortunately, he is only human after all, and sometimes he can’t help but let that need to have Steve all to himself take control.
The most common times it happens are at shitty little bars (getting less shitty each month though) where he and the band are performing. The adrenaline from the stage always gets his blood boiling, and Steve always dresses up in his own little ways. Usually it means tighter jeans and a crop top under Eddie’s vest, but sometimes he wears one of his own sweaters and people stare. Of course they stare, it’s a metal concert and there’s Steve in his blue jeans, sinfully tight, and a soft sweater in baby blue or yellow or purple, he stands out like a sore thumb. Those days, Eddie gets off the stage and usually finds Steve being cornered in a subtle way, sometimes it’s just assholes trying to start a fight with the normie. That pisses Eddie off, but what gets that dark thing in his chest screaming are the men and women, in their leather and denim, who corner his baby with hunger in their eyes. They see him in his soft clothes and see an easy meal, and it gets Eddie to throw caution to the wind and slide up behind Steve, wrapping his arms around him from behind and sliding a hand under the bottom of his sweater. He knows it’s dangerous, being that overt, but he’s not in control of his actions, all that he can think about is how someone else is looking at his baby and they need to be stopped.
Those nights always end happily for both of them, because Steve loves Eddie’s possessive side. Steve who has had so little love in his life, who has felt like a second choice for so long. Steve who feels like is only purpose is to help others. Steve savors all the love Eddie gives him, and those moments where Eddie’s fingers dig into his skin a little harder, where he pulls him back into him with a little more force set Steve’s skin alight with fire and love. He’s not stupid, he can see when people are interested, and he never plays into their interest, but he’s never had to. When Steve has someone in front of him with lust written across their face, he knows that within a few minutes Eddie will be pressed against his back, hands on his skin and insistent pressure against his back. He can never stop his reaction to Eddie in those moments, leaning into the contact with a dopey smile on his face, and the people in front of him always leave soon after. They never stay for very long after that either, Eddie rushing through packing up their equipment so that he and Steve can go home.
These nights always end the same, Steve and Eddie curled together in their bed, with sweat and come cooling on their skin. Steve is clinging to Eddie like he’s a teddy bear, unwilling to let go for even a moment. Sometimes his wrists are rubbed raw, other times his ass is nearly bruised, but he always ends the night covered in bite marks and bruises where everyone can see.
But secretly, Steve is possessive too, he’s just quieter about it. Steve always had items of his own, too many things that belonged to him but no one to share them with. So now that he has Eddie, someone who loves him with every part of his being and who lets Steve love him back with his everything, Steve refuses to let him go. So on those nights, when he’s nearly suctioned himself to Eddie’s front, his hands trace along the marks he left along Eddie’s skin, the bite marks on his shoulders and the scratches along his back.
They both know it may not be healthy to want each other this badly, but they figure that they can get away with it. After all, they almost lost the chance at this all together.
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mushroomnoodles · 3 months
I love that Baby Morri looks like a little loser I just love my boy sm. I feel like it's a pretty... old fashioned way, to dress a child, in the current timeline with the humans.
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yeah kinda. simon's aware their outfits could be more modern, but it's his baby globdammit. plus morri prefers clothes they can comfortably move around in. when they grew out of their onesies it was a sad day indeed..
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generally, morri doesn't garner too much attention on the extremely rare occasion they're out in public by humans. simon never took them out until after PB made them some shade goggles to hide their, uh, four eye issue. honestly i don't think people would've ever even THOUGHT that morri was golbspawn (do they even know who that guy is?) but simon wants to be extra sure. (morri gets a sippy cup in public so they don't blep with their forked purple tongue)
maybe a few curious looks, at most a comment or two (usually compliments), but usually they're treated preeetty much like a regular toddler in a stroller, even with the old fashioned/now conceptually strange clothing. (animals don't like them at all though, so simon tries to steer morri away from any pets, much to their dismay)
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Hey Raven, i wanted to ask: Do you think if Silver was born as a girl that Lilia would have raised him differently? Basically, i wonder how Lilia would raise a girl.
What do you think..?
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I really don't think Lilia would have raised a daughter any differently than a son. Starting out as a parent, Lilia had a hard time grasping the needs of a human child and how they differ from that of a fae child. For example, he wouldn't worry when infant Silver slipped out of his cradle (expecting Silver to come back on his own) and presently still tends to babies by feeding them milk not in a nippled bottle but from a regular cup. His primary concern, then, would mainly be on learning these nuances between human and fae rather than being concerned with male or female (the former being a far greater distinction than the latter).
Lilia and Silver's lifestyle would be the same, regardless of what Silver's sex is. He (or she) would still be in a position where they have to deal with a father that is messy and cannot cook well, which puts Silver in a situation where they have to grow up quickly to take care of Lilia and himself (when Lilia is away on his travels). This would probably result in a very similar personality forming for fem!Silver--someone who is diligent, reserved, and devoted to Lilia. I'm certain that Lilia would also still train Silver as a knight. I don't see him as the type of person who would perceive women as weak or helpless, nor do I see him discouraging a woman from being able to fight. After all, he knows and is close with two extremely powerful women (Meleanor and Maleficia) who could easily strike HIM down if they wanted to. Lilia laughs at the suggestion that his princess is a damsel in distress and is quick to correct others by informing them that maybe their princesses are like that, but his is not. Sure, that comes down to the Draconia blood making Meleanor powerful beyond the average mage--but what reason would Lilia have to deny Silver the same opportunity to gain the strength to protect others, just as Meleanor and Maleficia have for their own family and people? The fear of potentially losing Silver? But isn't it more dangerous to not let Silver have a fighting chance at all? That’s what I think, at least.
Finally, when it comes to things like "looking feminine" or "looking masculine", Lilia himself has always toed that line. In fact, he usually has the most feminine or flamboyant looks of Diasomnia. The most immediate example I can think of is his dorm uniform in which he proudly wears an oversized coat to give the appearance of being small and cute, and having tons of ruffles and a skirt-like flare to his pants. Lilia also often confidently brags about how "cute" he is and takes great pride in that cuteness. I'd imagine that he encourages Silver to dress how he likes, sex or gender be damned, so long as Silver feels his best. And Silver, being Silver, would probably just dress as usual Silver does, in something serious and practical rather than something "stylish".
I feel like the only thing that would really change is Silver not being able to attend NRC. (Well... unless it's a situation where fem!Silver attends anyway but is passing as a guy because of how androgenous she is.)
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enjoythesilentworld · 3 months
wilmon + paint me 👀
hello my dear! oh, you wanted a drabble? too bad. instead you get nearly 2k of unnecessary world building and musings about Simon's beauty.
(and surprisingly little spice, but i'll give this an M rating for nudity)
send me a prompt and i'll write a 'drabble'! (it will not be a drabble)
Wilhelm, looking to separate himself from his peers and secure a place in Florence’s Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, decides to find a new muse in the commonfolk. He finds Simon, a lowly leatherworker, in a bar in the slums.
Wilhelm surely looked out of place. Though he tried to dress down and muss up his hair a bit, there was something more that set apart the rich from the poor. Something about his paler skin, his lighter hair and smooth hands. The evidence he spent most days inside, well fed. Not working in the fields or a stuffy forge. They may call it high times, a renaissance for art and culture, but the divide was clear in this bar.
It was dark and drab and the wine tasted like shit, but Wilhelm was not there for that. He was there for the type of regulars that frequented this establishment.
All day every day Wilhelm was surrounded by pompous assholes, dressed immaculately in imported silks and feathered hats. The art that followed was all the same. Soft, aristocratic women draped over chaise lounges and round, pale men posed with their swords. It was a depiction of 17th century Florence, sure, but it did not show the rest. The underbelly. The real people who lived and worked and sweat and bled and died in the city, slaving away for the profit of the rich. Babies in buckets and shit on the streets. Wilhelm was tired of the glimmering image. People needed to see the real thing. He would be the one to show them all, to show the damned Accademia in particular. They would all see. Commonfolk could be beautiful, too, he was sure of it.
As he scanned the bar, hiding his grimace at the wine, his point was quickly proven. Across the way, there was a man bent over a goblet, pinching the bridge of his nose. Ever the artist, Wilhelm noted the way the light from the nearby lantern lit his tan skin in a warm glow, how it highlighted the frizz around his deep brown curls. The shadow from the man’s face, cast across the wood of the bar, outlined his beautiful profile, the sloped nose and pursed lips. His shirt had nearly no sleeves and was ripped in some places, stained in others, though he wore a nice, simple leather vest over it. He looked distraught, if not a little pissed off, and when he lifted the goblet to drink, his throat bobbed with the motion, muscles shifting as he swallowed. He also was the most exquisite human Wilhelm had ever seen.
He found his feet carrying him over before the man could even lower his cup.
“Hello,” Wilhelm said calmly, placing his own cup on the bar and staring down at the man, who, looking startled that anyone was talking to him, glared right back.
“What do you want?” His voice was like summer rain, and an array of light purples and blues swirled through Wilhelm’s mind as he spoke, though the tone was fiery.
“I’d like to offer you a job.”
The man glanced around the bar, almost looking nervous.
“I can tell you're not from around here,” he murmured in a low voice, “but this is not that type of establishment.”
“Oh, I—” Wilhelm stuttered, swallowing his blush at the insinuation, “No. Not like— A real job. I am a painter. I would like you to pose for me.”
A rough chuckle bubbled from the man’s chest, and he lifted an eyebrow, tentative eyes roaming over Wilhelm. He scoffed, “You want to paint me?”
“Yes. I can pay.”
“How much?”
“Twenty per sitting.”
Wilhelm paused. Now closer, he admired the man’s slim fingers and calloused palms, the cut muscles off his arms and the tilt of his eyes. His lips were perfectly symmetrical though there was a scar on his cheek and a grit about his demeanor that said everything Wilhelm needed to know. All inspections necessary before truly employing someone as a model. He was like nothing and no one he'd ever seen before.
The man, Simon, as Wilhelm had learned, showed up to his apartment on the north side of the river one week later.
They had talked late into the night and agreed on a tentative business partnership. Simon would pose for Wilhelm for their agreed upon payment per sitting at least once a month, more often if needed for a larger painting. There would be sets and props and Simon assured Wilhelm he would have no issue holding one pose for many hours. Wilhelm was sure he would not either, based on the state of his arms and legs and the sliver of chest he had had seen.
At the door, he greeted Simon warmly, offering food and wine, both of which Simon declined, slipping past him. He smelled of leather and oil, his skin was just as smooth when it brushed against Wilhelm’s bare arm as it had the night before when, slightly deep in his cups, Wilhelm had forgotten himself and placed a hand on Simon’s arm. Simon had met his eye then glanced out towards the bar, a warning. Not a denial.
Wilhelm busied himself setting up while Simon roamed his home, which was really one large room. It was a warm morning for spring, so Wilhelm had tied back the curtains and opened the windows, flooding the room with light and the soft sounds of the city below. There were more painting supplies and easels than pieces of real furniture, but Wilhelm was quite content with it all. His lone mattress, piled with blankets and pillows, was plenty for him. All he longed to do was paint, the one thing that worked well enough to quiet his mind for some time.
He arranged his stool and easel just so, then checked his paints again. On the canvas, there was a loose sketch. This one was a commission for some noble lord, supposedly a friend of the Medici Family. Wilhelm had been sure to charge him extra for claiming that friendship, as he had never heard of the man before, nor had he seen him at any of the Medici’s dinner parties. Still, the man would surely faint if he knew Wilhelm was using a commoner as a model for this painting. That pleased him.
Wilhelm cleared his throat. “Shall we?”  
Simon turned from where he had been appraising a pile of Wilhelm’s works in the back corner and nodded once. With a careful hand, he accepted the clothing Wilhelm offered and began to undo the loops on his vest.
As more skin was revealed, he felt unable to turn away, and Simon’s eyes locked on him even as he slowly undressed. Wilhelm spoke quickly, “Would you be okay if we tried something different today?”
Fingers froze on leather and Wilhelm tore his eyes away from Simon’s chest, meeting his intense gaze.
“What’s that?”
Wilhelm glanced back at his easel, at the sketched-out commission. He had plenty of time to work on it, really. Simon could come back next week and sit for it then.
“I was thinking,” Wilhelm began slowly, knowing he was toeing a delicate line. “If this agreement is to my understanding, you may very well be posing for me for a good while.”
Simon nodded, hands still hesitating halfway through undoing his vest. Wilhelm swallowed dryly and prayed this was not a mistake.
“Perhaps,” he continued, “I should spend some time getting to know your body first. As I will need to get comfortable with all its forms and curves for future works.”
When something crossed Simon’s face, it became evident that Wilhelm was going to have to be state it out clearly. There was a challenge in that open, innocent look.
“Perhaps, you may like to pose nude for me, so I may… familiarize myself.”
“Familiarize yourself,” Simon said flatly, though the corner of his mouth quirked up. “Very well.”
Unable to believe it, and not wanting to break whatever spell had allowed this, Wilhelm spun away and began tearing down the background he had originally set for the comission. Thankfully, he had a new, blank canvas already prepared and set to the side.
Every day in the late morning, a beam of warm sunlight slipped through the windows to cast across his bed. Though it would be a pain to find the right timing each day, he knew that would be the place. He kept is back to Simon as he fiddled with the sheets and fluffed pillows, creating a small nest of luxurious fabrics.
When he turned, he found Simon standing in full nude, casually leaning against the wall, watching Wilhelm with careful eyes.
“How do you want me?” Simon asked, uncrossing his arms and pushing off the wall, then taking a step forward.
Wilhelm would not let himself look, not really, not yet.
He gestured to the bed, “Right here.”
Over the next bit of time, Wilhelm, in a great feat of personal strength and restraint, carefully arranged Simon on the sheets. At first he tried to explain with his words only, mimicking the gestures himself, but then Simon said, softly, “It’s okay, you can move me if you need,” and suddenly Wilhelm had hands on warm skin. A hand on his thigh to bend at the knee, on his wrist to prop up his head, on his waist to slightly tilt the hips.
By the time Wilhelm made it behind his easel, he felt as if he had lost his breath. Once he sat on his stool, he allowed himself to look.
In the back of his mind, he noted the colors he would need, which to mix to match the color of Simon’s skin where the sun hit it, compared to where it did not. The color of his lips, now redder than they were when he had first arrived. The flush on his chest was new, too. From this distance—too far for Wilhelm’s liking but just far enough to have the full body in frame — Wilhelm could not really see Simon’s eyes, though he knew the hundred colors that swirled there and would likely never forget them.
In the front of his mind, like seeing the sun for the first time after a long, long winter, he gazed at Simon’s body. His eyes tracked over the line of his neck, across his shoulder, the defined pectoral and ribs and toned stomach. The slight curve of his hip, muscled thigh, bony knee, all the way down to his ankle, then back up across every other piece of skin. Wilhelm could paint for three hundred years and never truly capture the dip of Simon’s collarbone and the jut of his jaw, how his core muscles twitched as he adjusted under Wilhelm’s stare.
“Do I look okay?”
Simon’s voice pulled him from his musings. Wilhelm smiled at the smirk on Simon’s face, the confidence to cover the insecurity, marked by the way his cheeks blushed lightly.
“Yes. You are perfect,” he said.
Perhaps he would never be able to truly capture Simon’s beauty with a brush and paint. But, he would be honored to spend his entire life trying.
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
Can you please do Cevans characters as Dads to a baby girl?
Yess this is so cute! 🥺
(For this HC, their daughters are 5-6 years old!)
Andy Barber
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Andy is a very ‘practical’ dad. He likes to take the role of teaching and passing on things, - like teaching his daughter how to tie her shoes and show how to cook and make lunch so she can pack for school herself. Breaking communication barriers and acknowledging his daughter's feelings is something he does well and early on to ensure he has a healthy relationship with his baby girl.
He believes independence is important to teach his daughter so she won't let society tell her what she should do when she grows up. But of course, he finds it also important to remind her how family matters too, and that he and you (the mother) will always be there to guide her when she needs help.
Ransom Drysdale
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Ransom spoils his sweet baby girl just like he spoils his wife; gifting his daughter pretty dresses and clothes, big playhouses and all the Barbies she can wish for. It’s hard to distinguish your daughter’s birthday and regular days.
He is very protective over his baby girl too. He knows boys can be ruthless, - he would know because he was a ruthless boy too, and if a boy dares make his daughter feel insecure at school, he will make sure they meet his wrath. Teaching in a parental way is something Ransom leaves to his wife, but sometimes he is able to use the right words to give his daughter the encouragement she needs.
Steve Rogers
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Steve wants to show his daughter the wonders of the world, despite how dark it can turn. He is like a guardian angel to his baby girl; Always keeping her safe and making sure she feels safe while having exploring the world. Their special way of bonding is him writing letters to her, - their 'top secret way' of communicating with each other.
While Steve usually hides his vulnerability often, he makes an exception with his daughter (and his wife of course) so she can see him beyond the hero facade, - someone who is first and foremost her dad and human.
Johnny Storm
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There's plenty of father daughter activities with Johnny. He practically takes his daughter with him all the time, - even at work. Johnny likes buying his daughter designer clothes so she can be the cool girl of her school, even if she's only 6. He was the cool kid of his time, and he wants his daughter's time to shine through.
Johnny will definitely show off his daughter by doing photo shoots with her, winning the hearts of the people. He claims his baby girl is the cutest thing in existence, and no one can be cuter than her. Giving his daughter self confidence is important to him so he can make her believe she can do anything as long as she has the passion for it.
Jake Jensen
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Jake loves being involved in his daughter’s playtime activities. Jake’s back is reserved for piggyback rides with his daughter, and he will gladly carry her all the time because it’s not a hassle at all. He does not mind if she wants to put make up on him and play dress up, or have him at her tea party together with her stuffed animals. To him it’s all worth being made fun of by his teammates if he gets his daughter’s face to light up.
It's all about being present in more ways than one that means something for Jake. Being grateful for the moments taking place and the memories they create will be Jake's legacy to his daughter.
Ari Levinson
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Ari adores his daughter, - always pouring attention into her during his free time because the least thing he wants to happen is for her to feel neglected or distance herself from him. His daughter can count on him actually listening when she has something new she wants to show or tell him.
He likes to point out similarities with his daughter, so they can have something special to bond over between them. Whether it being going to the beach to catch crabs or go pick blueberries in the forest, - it's an adventure to his daughter and therefore an adventure to him.
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N/A: Thank you for the suggestion, anon! <3 Hope you like it!
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
My Toh self-insert lore masterpost
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His name is Verano Azul and he's black/white mixed dominican-Not the Demon Realm equivalent like Willow being korean but as in one of his parent's is from Earth and dominican.The parent in question is named Esta and is something of a dark parallel to Luz,a human who ended up on the Boiling Isles and is instead a magic hater who sides with Belos because she grew up catholic with 'fairy tales' about him.His other parent is named Invierno and he has an older brother named Otoño who goes by Oto
Esta and Invierno are abusive to him because of intergenerational trauma from their latino heritage and encourage Oto to bully him and uphold him as 'the sibling they raised right'.Verano had severe self-eestem issues because of this and it was only added on to by being bullied at Hexside for his shyness and obvious hybrid status(having non-pointed ears,which this amazing picrew sadly dosen't provide)
He's the same age as Luz and was a trio with Willow and Gus until she came along and made them a quartet.He met his first ever two friends the same day they met eachother when they saw him getting bullied by Boscha and Gus caused a distraction with his illusions so Willow could sneak him away to a hiding spot and Gus hid too to avoid Boscha's wrath.Once school let out,Verano nervously approached them to thank them and hung out with them the next day which turned into every day after that
He's in the healing track/coven and got shit from his family for it because they wanted him to 'take a more useful one' and his palisman is a pink strawberryonic dragon named Fresa
Los Padres Azules also never truly let him be feminine as a kid and called him an ungrateful brat for asking for things like children's makeup kits and dolls so as part of her redemption arc,Amity teaches him how to be femme and buys him the stuff they refused to and a particularly special item he's always wearing because it was the first one she bought him is his plain pink choker
His fashion sense is pastel and mostly girly but with some masc hints here and there since he's bigender and it makes him happy with himself.He's short and scrawny and has naturally 4b hair he was forced to relax by his racist mom growing up and he dyes a baby pink streak in it in season 3 as a bonding activity with Amity and Willow until the epilogue where we see he's switched to twists and several streaks and gone from regular pastel to pastel punk
He also invented video games in Demon Realm since Luz introduced him to them and he learned how to make them as he loved them enough for it to become a special interest.He started with an unused pink Tamagotchi gift from Luz and worked his way up to a whole technological revolution he used purely for good(I.e entertainment,education,comfort and so forth games only)
Has a genderfluid pride pin on his dress in Thanks To Them and in the time he spent on earth is when he discovered punk culture and got radicalized and learned he was actually a social butterfly who just hadn't found the right people-The 'right people' being the rest of the Hexside Squad,Vee and Masha.Him and Masha are pastel/goth besties and they get in on the Residencia Noceda secret thanks to it because in this verse we got the full season we deserved and Veesha gets to unfold onscreen like Lumity did and there's also extra Grimwalker lore bits and backstory on Luz's earth life and Camila is a major mc
Eda becomes a mother figure to him throught his frequent visits to The Owl House to see Luz and adopts him mid-season 1 after finding out he's being abused thanks to him accidentally revealing it during one of their conversation's.She went to the Azul residence and tricked his parents into giving her custody via adoption papers and easily beat them when they tried to fight her.Oto wasn't around to witness it but is still scared shitless of her and avoids Verano from then on(He does apologize in For The Future and Verano says he accepts but dosen't wanna be around him anymore and he respects that).Raine is also his parent due to their's and Eda's marriage and there's not a day without both chaos and wholesomeness with them
Considers Camila his official parent too(and she sees him as her son and daughter)and is eternally grateful to her for teaching him about blackness unlike Invierno.Perry,who was never told about Verano's abuse until after Eda came along,did teach him a few things but sadly couldn't get many because of him still living with his racist parents
And his final parent is Darius.This one has funny reasons because the context is that the two of them got so close thanks to Verano being best friends with Hunter that Darius kept dropping hints to Eda he wanted shared custody and she teased him into admitting outright and laughed at his embarrased anger before agreeing to it.Verano was overjoyed when they told him and told them into a group hug after them each a platonic cheek kiss,squealing about how much he loves them and what they were going to do as a family.He also ends up being All Tracks due to his mixed home life making him learn so many magic types
His Bad Girls coven shirt is all shades of pink and he adores King and Darius' abominations so much and technically lives with both Raeda and him due to how often he stays over at his.Verano got a taste of the fine life starting in 'Abnomination and Son and Daughter' when it started and he learned to employ a couple of his daily routines and mannerisms into his own.He calls Darius 'Daddy' instead of Dad and the man started sobbing on the spot the first it happened
His full name is technically Verano Azul Clawthorne Noceda Whispers Deamonne but for the sake of shortness he just uses his first name when introducing himself
When he started unmasking,he turned into a very bubbly and optimistic weirdgirl who slowly became a Team Mom as his friend circle grew.His favorite stims are chewy necklaces,flappy hands,running around and echolalia,he's good ar handling meltdowns,his special interests are dragons,cats,ghosts,video games,pink and anarchy/chaos,his safe foods are booding and Dairy Queen(post/during season 3)and he has a whole diy'd backpack of safe items he carries around
Like the rest of the Hexside Squad,he had an episode dedicated to his first meeting with Hunter and their's was called 'Little Pink Flying Hood and The Hunter'.It took place post Eclipse Lake but pre Hollow Mind and had them bumping forehead first into eachother due to his broom going out of control and getting lost in woods and trying to find their way back home.They became friends at the end as they bonded deeply,including Verano telling him he dosen't have to be perfect and Hunter responding that they don't need to feel like a freak either.They don't reveal his secret identity in ASIAS but there's a running gag that he thinks they will and at one point they snark that if he keeps at it they'll spill the beans
Verano,Willow,Gus and Hunter are called 'The Four Emeralds' and their group chat they created after Darius gave Hunter his phone is titled that and it's extremely chaotic but sweet
His Flapjack tatto is on his right palm
He's Gus and Mat's wingmanwoman and finds Mat's cringe to be super cool.They're something of a subtrio as they get their own episode with Steve too that's about brotherhood shenanigans(The Tholomule bros with Verano + Verano and Gus),gay anticts(Gustholomule)and trans femme swag(Verano)and it's called 'Oh brother,where art tholomule?'.This trinity's name is 'The Creation Counts'(yeah,like the vampire joke.They are dorks SUPREME)
His halloween costume was a pink and white dragoncat onesie with blue catdragon face paint and strawberry scented paws
He's a Penstagram influencer technically but the influence is just him being witch Megan Thee Stallion where he just posts positivity,humor,him having fun and activism related things.Also as an adult he posts 'thirst traps' that're just him having that drip but the Healer Girl Summer Nation go wild
He also appears in Chibi Tales and was redrawn as Tiana in her blue dress fit for Black History Month by an artist on the crew.His character is meant to be representation for black femmes like how Luz is for black baby butches
The second design is from a swap au created by @theautisticcentre where he's the grimwalker instead of Hunter so rather than Philip,Belos had a sickening obsession with a mulatta from his time period and Verano's name is instead 'Victoria Wittebane' as a result.Belos holds no attraction to 'her',an egg he forces not to crack out of being a puritan,but he's a very awful 'father' to Victoria and she's known as 'The Golden Maiden'.If you want more lore,go ahead and ask Mathew about,he is a fantastic content creator and takes requests for headcanons and fics as well♡
And the 3rd design is canon complaint,as Belos gets his hands on Verano to torment Hunter and Luz in Watching and Dreaming by 'dehumanizing' him to show Verano's 'true self' by making him half Dragon,dragons being on par with Titans in godhood status but considered lesser than them and having been at war as a result like they were with Collectors,but this backfired on him because Verano is dragonkin/a dragon therian and Titan Luz and 'Dragono' defeated him at last together in a show of sisterhood,holding hands when they finished and going back to their loved ones while leaning on eachother for support.Like i headcanon Titan!Luz,Dragono still lingers in Verano
And also like his hermana,he regularly travels between worlds and it turns out there's a place called Dragonland that's kept secret to avoid new conflict and he becomes an ambassador for them!!!
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faceless-creature · 2 years
Hello. Welcome to my first post I hope it isn't too shit for your tastes. I know that he's an asshole but as my tag says, I'm mentally unstable. I don't condone any actions the characters I write about have done, I'm just here for fan service. So here it is.
Judge Claude Frollo X Fem!Angel!reader
Claude was convinced that he knew what an angel looked like. He knew what you, his lover, looked like.
Claude was convinced that an angel looked like the most beautiful creature in the world, while demons looked hideous. He didn't know it was the other way around.
You looked very human, but only because you were always in human form, you never showed anyone in the land of the living your angel form.
You had a normal face, human body, and regular skin. But you had these large gorgeous white feathery wings, and two golden halos, crossed over one another. The wings often got in the way, they trailed on the floor behind you slightly and you have often smacked a few people with them, either by accident or because they stepped on them by mistake. The halo's would glow slightly in the dark.
Claude was so sure of his ideals on angles he had countless tapestries of gorgeous women in white dresses with beautiful wings. His ideologies only solidified once he met you.
The day that he met you was something neither of you had forgotten.
Frollo and some of his men were traveling to the outskirts of Paris to investigate a campsite that had suddenly popped up. Convinced it was a gypsy camp they set out to raid and purge it. They were very wrong.
Instead of being met with fearful gypsies, they were met with you. A woman with large angel wings and halos. A woman in a flowing baby blue dress with white crosses decorating the hem and a white and light grey corset. A woman with a soft, wistful, almost sounding lost voice.
The judge jumped off of his horse and approached you as you greeted the humans.
"Hello there humans. How may I help you?"
The men were flabbergasted when Frollo accidentally stood on one of your wings and, in surprise, it shot up and smacked him dead in the face, causing him to tumble back.
He stood up and stared at you as you folded your wings once again while apologizing.
"I'm so sorry dear human. My intention was not to cause you harm. Oh my are you alright, I swear sometimes these things have minds of their own."
The judge was flabbergasted at the sight of you. As soon as you set your wings back into place he got down onto one knee with his head bowed low. He then kneeled down on both knees, placed his hands down on the ground and laid his head on them and began praying to you. The soldiers did the same.
"Dear angel walking this earth please forgive me for stepping upon your holy wings and causing you harm. Please forgive me for my insolence of not bowing before you sooner. Please bless me with your forgiveness and light." He pleaded to you.
You thought he was weird. Very weird.
Over time the two of you became closer, before eventually falling in love with one another. You had managed to make him see the error of his ways towards the Romani people. He did as you said and made peace with them, after all, who was he to deny a messenger from heaven?
More time passed and Claude eventually proposed to you. That was when things around the two of you started to become odd.
Claude noticed that you had become far more possessive around this one woman. She wore a tight fitting black and red dress with far too much makeup for Claude to be comfortable with anymore.
She had long black hair and deep red eyes with flawless pale skin. He thought he knew what was going on with you. He thought you were jealous, after all the mystery woman did give him very flirtatious eyes and try to make him leave you for her.
Thinking that he knew the answer to your possessive behaviour as of late, he began showing you off more. He kissed your hands more, especially with the strange woman around. He bought you more gifts than usual and presented them to you in public. He thought that this would ease your mind about him possibly leaving you while simultaneously telling the woman he would never leave you for her.
But it didn't work. None of it.
The woman was more persistent than ever. And it was apparent to everyone that she was up to something. The more people focused on her, the more they would feel like she was dangerous.
One day, you had had enough of her. So you decided to expose her for what you knew she was. A demon. She had come to the land of the living to try and snatch Frollo's soul to drag both it and him to hell.
"Hello there judge~ How are you tod-" the woman started before being pushed away by your wings.
You stood between the demon in disguise and your soon to be husband, wings stretched out and puffed. The people around you stared in shock. You had never had such an angry look before.
Frollo was able to see over your shoulder as he stepped up to you.
"My dear, let us leave she is not worth your time." He muttered, trying to keep you from doing something that may end with you losing your halos.
"You must learn to stay in hell, where you came from you wretched beast." You spat at the woman.
"CRISTO!" You yelled. Immediately after that her eyes turned black.
She shifted back to her natural state. A woman with large horns and pitch black eyes with goop dripping from them. She lunged as people screamed in fear.
You too revealed your natural form. A large all white figure with four arms. Two more sets of wings grew from your back. Eyes open along your body, all with different beautiful colours.
The demon woman took one look at your angel form and froze with pure fear, before screaming in terror and erupted into flames as she escaped back to hell.
You turned to face Claude, he too looked terrified.
Everyone learnt a lesson that day. The images of angels were changed to look like the reality of their appearance. The teachings of the lord above became very different after you burnt all of their Bibles and replaced them with your Bible. The true Bible, the one that god himself had written.
"This is what a true angel looks like my love. We look like a terrifying creature, with many eyes, wings arms and other terrifying features to scare off demons. They look like what you think angels look like, in order to steal your soul" You spoke, your voice still wistful and lost sounding, but it was also distorted slightly.
When that happened people who loved those of the same gender were no longer shunned. Women's anatomy was taught properly. By you. A woman.
Heya all. I hope that this wasn't too shitty. Let me know what other characters you want me to write about, and how you want the Y/N to be, and what you would like the story line to briefly be about.
Buh bye!
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thiswasinevitableid · 11 months
Late Shift (Danbrey)
The winner of the "creatures and people" prompt poll was: A vampire who works the night shift at a gas station
Anywhere else, Dani would get in serious trouble for adding fresh herbs to the donut case offerings at four-thirty am. 
Amnesty Lodge, with its attached gas station, does things a little differently.  For starters, the head cook at the Lodge restaurant refuses to let them sell the standard gas station snacks without adding a few of his own into the mix. Hence the fairly fresh batch of doughnuts that he dropped off fifteen minutes ago. Dani’s basil plant has been growing even wilder this year, and she worked out that a sprinkle of basil makes the lemon filled donuts–even the ones Barclay doesn’t make–taste a million times better. 
At least, that’s what customers tell them. Dani hasn’t eaten a donut since 1964. 
Even when Stokers Famous Tonic became mainstream, allowing vampires to eat human food without getting violently ill, it’s not always cheap to get your hands on. And Dani likes to save hers for the fresh fruit from the garden, or when Barclay wants a recipe tester or Mama invites her for an early-morning cup of tea. 
Or, if she plays her cards right, dinner with her favorite regular.
The door opens and the object of her dinner plans walks in, with far more energy than most humans have in the darkness of the morning. 
“Hi Dani!” Aubrey waves. She’s brightened the flame-orange streak in her hair since Friday, making the black curls around it shine like a raven in the sun. 
“Hi” Dani is relieved, not for the first time, that she can no longer blush, as Aubrey bends over to grab a Double Shot Oatmilk Monster Energy Coffee. She’s in her stage outfit, black dress jacket with studs sewn on the shoulders, and shorts and white dress shirt that look like someone ripped the arms and legs from a tuxedo. 
Aubrey looks over her shoulder with a smile and Dani pretends to find a spot on the counter to clean with her nail. 
“Just the usual please, if you’ve got it” The magician sets the drink on the counter. Dani grabs a waffle sandwich from the warming station; eggs, cheese, and hot sauce on a slightly sweet waffle, the kind Barclay makes in huge batches and then freezes. 
“We do. Did you just get back from a show?”
“Nope” Aubrey leans on the counter, allowing Dani to see the bra peeking through the dress shirt, “heading to one. They booked me for a big brunch show at some country club in Huntington but they want me there, like, super duper early. Oh, wait, do you have baby carrots today?” 
“Ummm” Dani glances at the chilled food display, “nope. Shipments are still kind of weird. Sorry.”
“Dr. Harris Bonkers will live without them. I’ve got other stuff to bribe him with to stay calm in the car.” She takes her change, but doesn’t move her hand right away. Instead she adds, “But you’re gonna owe him nose pets the next time he comes in.”
“I can handle that. Break a leg at the show.”
“Always do.” Aubrey gives her a wink and heads out into the parking lot, leaving her to rest her chin in her hands and sigh at the candy display.
Aubrey’s totally going to do it. She’s going to ask Dani out when she stops for gas today. She’s made this promise to herself every day for the last two weeks, but gosh-darnit today she means it. 
Dr. Harris Bonkers, PhD, runs circles around her feet as she swipes on black lipstick and stamps on her eyeliner. 
“Just a sec buddy, I’m almost done.”
A honk in reply. 
“Look, if I had my way I’d spend all day petting you, but I need to get groceries and you’re not allowed in Leo’s after the banana incident.” She crouches down pets the rabbit’s nose, “but you’re coming with me tonight even though we don’t have a show. I’m gonna need emotional support for this. You gonna be my wingman?”
She moves her hand back a half-inch, and he immediately bumps it with his nose.
“Thanks doctor, knew I could count on you.”
Dani is dumping blood orange syrup into the slushee machine when Aubrey walks in. The magician makes a bee-line for drinks, Dr. Harris Bonkers hopping behind her. The white rabbit is close to the size of a Corgi, sporting his black harness with flames on the sides as his claws click on the tile. 
Technically he’s not supposed to be in here, but Mama has never booted him when she’s spotted him inside the Lodge or the restaurant, and Dani figures people who are stopping for gas at eleven at night have more on their minds than complaining about a fluffy bunny. 
She heads over to the counter and Aubrey follows her, setting her Cherry Coke next to the sign for the Kepler Trunk or Treat. 
“That all for tonight?”
“Yep” Aubrey says a bit too cheerfully. She’s worrying the chain of her necklace, something Dani wishes she would do less or do much more, depending on how in control of herself she’s feeling that night. 
She has such a gorgeous neck. 
Oh no that’s too creepy. 
“Anything for the doctor?”
“Nah, he got an apple slice earlier–Dr. Harris Bonkers you put that down.” She disappears from view, reappearing with a pack of Double Bubble in hand. There are two, square teeth marks in it. 
“This too. Sorry, he really likes the smell of bubblegum.” 
“Silly bunny, that’s not for you. And don’t worry about paying for it, it’s like a buck and also Indrid will eat the stuff that didn’t get chomped.”
Aubrey laughs, “Thanks. Um, so, I’m doing shows at the Kepler Fall Festival this weekend. One at eleven and one at three. I know your schedule is probably weird because you work so late here but, um, I realized I’d never actually invited you to one of my shows. This one is going to be super freaking cool, I made up some Halloween tricks and everything. Do you know it’s weirdly hard to make a pumpkin disappear? Uh, anyway, just thought I’d ask.”
If Dani goes, there’s a very high chance she’ll get a serious sunburn. 
Aubrey smiles hopefully, the expression crinkling her nose and making Dani want to lean over and kiss it. 
“I’ll be there.”
Dani wasn’t at the first so, and with five minutes to go before the second one starts, Aubrey’s worried she won’t show. She so rarely sees the other woman around the Lodge during the day, like she sleeps through it, and it was silly of her to think she’d see her now.
She straightens Dr. Harris Bonker’s skull and crossbones tie, looks at the crowd and doesn’t see her.  So she straightens out her cuffs and looks again, 
Dani is there, in a seat in the back row. Her blonde hair falls over her shoulders, and she’s wearing a long, mint-green dress, brown boots up to her knee, lacy green gloves to her elbow, and is carrying a green and white striped parasol. She looks so cool and hot, how the hell is Aubrey supposed to focus on anything else?
Then again, Dani clearly made time to come see her perform. 
The festival emcee announces her name. So she strides out to give the best performance of her life.
Dani is pruning her night-blooming jasmine when she hears it; the unmistakable sound of something munching her collards. 
“Hey Dani, have you seen-”
She holds up a hand to shush Barclay, “Can you see what’s making that noise at all?”
“Uhhhhh” the cook scans the beds, then raises his eyebrows, “unless my eyes are going, it’s Dr. Harris Bonkers.”
“What the hell?” Dani slips into the next row and finds Barclay is right; the massive rabbit is happily munching a big, green leaf without a care in the world.
“He must have hopped out the Lodge door.”
Barclay shakes his head, “Aubrey hasn’t been here since this morning, and I saw her leave with him in her arms. And her car isn’t in the lot now. He must have run away from home.”
Dani frowns, “Her apartment is three blocks from here. That’s a long ways for you to have gone, doctor.”
“C’mon little guy, let’s get you into the Lodge and give Aubrey a call. She’s probably worried sick.” Barclay bends down but the rabbit swiftly hops away, leaf still in its mouth. 
“He’s right, we–whoops” Dani makes a grab for him, but he darts between her legs. 
After ten minutes of failing to catch him, Dani is even more impressed with the fact Aubrey trained him for her act. Because if he doesn’t want to do something, there seems to be no way to make him do it. 
“Hang on, I have an idea. Stay here and make sure he doesn’t run into the woods.”
Dani looks around, then turns into a bat and zips across to the gas station, grabs a pack of gum, and runs back to the Lodge garden. She kneels and calls, “Doctor, look what I’ve got.”
The rabbit, done with it’s collard, sniffs the air and turns towards her. 
“It’s your favorite” She holds out the pack and the rabbit hops forward, bobbing now and then like he suspects a trap. Only when he gets his teeth on the wrapper is Dani able to scoop him into her arms. 
He snorts, annoyed, as Dani passes Barclay the gum, “can you toss that or give it to Indrid? I’n gonna go call Aubrey.”
Dr Harris Bonkers explores her room as Dani picks up the landline and dials. Three tries over fifteen minutes leads to nothing. Kepler is in the NRQZ; if Aubrey’s not at home, Dani’s going to have a hell of a time getting a hold of her. 
She keeps trying until it’s time to go to work, at which point she sticks the rabbit in a small laundry basket and carries him over to the gas station with her. After several attempts to get out, he calms when she gives him a few baby carrots and turns on the audiobook of Bunnicula on her phone (it helps her fall asleep).
Around midnight, the door dings and Aubrey walks in, looking more haggard than Dani’s ever seen her. 
“I” she sniffs, wiping her eye, “I was wondering if you’d maybe seen Dr. Harris Bonkers? He, he got out while I was asleep earlier and I, I looked all over the neighborhood and I can’t, can’t”
“Hey, fireblossom, it’s okay.” Dani hurries around the counter a tad faster than a human should, “we found him in the garden. He’s behind the counter.”
“Ohthankfuckinggod.” Aubrey collapses against her, hugging her, “I was so worried, thank you so much, I owe you, like, big time.”
Dani hugs her back, takes a deep breath, and says, “How about dinner tomorrow?”
Aubrey looks up at her and grins, “I was hoping you’d say that” she kisses her nose, “and it’s cute that you already have a pet name for me.”
“Look, I have a lot of free time during work and it’s more fun to think about you than rearrange the candy bars again.” Dani kisses her cheek, “here, the doctor is waiting for you.”
They find the rabbit lounging, legs out, as the story drifts from the nearby phone.
“You are in big trouble young man” Aubrey scoops him up and holds him tight, “you jerk, never ever scare me like that again. You’re lucky Dani found you and not a coyote. Or the Johnson’s cat.” She pauses, listening, “awww, Dani figured out your favorite book.” She smiles like a thousand stars as she says, “I loved that one as a kid. I’ve always been a big fan of vampires.”
Dani licks a fang and kisses Aubrey on the cheek again, making her laugh, “Then I have another really good piece of news for you.”
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mykingdomforasong · 2 years
For your mash-up challenge: DinLuke, Bookshop AU and Mutual Pining?
I love a good book shop au.
Rated G, alternating third person pov. Human Grogu (~2 y.o).
[prompt list]
The bookstore had become Luke's entire life. It was either take over Old Ben's bookshop or spend his days working on the farm. While Uncle Owen had high hopes Luke would turn into a farmer, it was just never in the cards for him.
Granted, Luke never thought that still living in his hometown at twenty-eight and running a small bookstore would be in his cards either. But his uncle's health and an unexpected line in Old Ben's will brought him back a few years ago.
It wasn't all bad. The town certainly had its charms. And the shop came with a Roomba and an orange cat. Those two were now, maybe, Luke's best friends.
On Tuesday nights, Luke ran a children's story time, where he'd read picture books to a semi-circle of local kids, serve fruit punch, and watch parents sit in comically small chairs.
Aunt Beru told him not to play favorites, but Grogu was a consistent face at story time, and with those big brown eyes, Luke couldn't help himself. He had a favorite.
And his perfectly regular looking dad who Luke had no feelings for at all did not contribute to Grogu's "favorite" status in the least.
Or at least that's what he said to Aunt Beru one night as they tossed paper cups into a Hefty bag.
He didn't tell her that Grogu's father, a kind man with an arm of tattoos and a two-year old made, Luke so out-of-his mind he thought he could run a marathon with no training or swim a mile in the Arctic ocean. That when he saw him every Tuesday at eight p.m, Luke had fantasies about the two of them laying in a sun-lit meadow while the Twilight soundtrack played. That he wanted to tear out his own hair, scream, or throw furniture at the sheer idea of Grogu outgrowing story time without warning.
"If you say so," she said. Luke knew she'd seen right through him.
Din was very careful not to flirt with people while they were at their place of work, but after months of Tuesday picture book readings, he wondered if he might be able to start being his own rules. (He's have to learn to flirt first, Fennec had told him. He always managed to be too subtle or come on too strong.)
The man was classically handsome, boyish and strong at the same time, just a whisper shorter than Din, but a little younger. During the Halloween story time, He'd come dressed as Captain America, and he'd been a hit with the kids and the parents. Although Din did his best to be polite, when he started proving his super strength by doing push ups, Din hid, suddenly deeply interested Pride and Prejudice.
Fennec spotted Luke once, and had promptly reported back to their friends that Din's crush was was out of Din's league.
"Or would be, if you didn't have the cute single dad thing going on."
"Grogu isn't an accessory I use to pick up guys."
"Maybe not, but he does that work anyway." She had a point.
Grogu was a great help when it came to breaking the ice, but the ice between him and Luke melted a long time ago.
"What's this week's pick?" Luke asked Grogu, reaching for the book Grogu had gripped tightly in his little baby fist.
"Dragons Don't Eat Tacos," Din said. Luke leaned over the counter with the scanner, barely getting it over the bar code. The register beeped.
Din had started coming to the bookstore out of necessity. Every week he and Grogu would come home from the library with stacks of books. But Grogu liked to put his favorites in his mouth and bite. Din worried the kid would give himself smallpox or bubonic plague. The librarians were worried that more of their books would come back with visible bite marks. So Din and Grogu made a deal. Which ever book was Grogu's favorite that week, they'd buy at the store, and that one Grogu could chew on all the way home.
Dragon's Don't Eat Tacos was in Grogu's mouth before Din could get the cash out of his wallet.
"Is it tasty?" Luke asked.
"It's his favorite snack," Din said.
Luke smiled and laughed, even though Din's joke hadn't been very funny. He felt the back of his neck get hot, and then his ears. He glanced behind him as Luke grabbed his receipt. No one was behind him. He could take a little more time.
"The reading tonight was great," he said.
"I've been practicing my phonics," Luke said, "I should be a level two reader any day."
Din didn't know how to get from this part to the usual exchange of phone numbers or making of plans. With sweat beading on his forehead, he blurted: "Your funny voices are getting better."
Luke smiled, a real smile, his eyes bright and the corners crinkled. "Thanks! Those I actually have been practicing."
Din didn't have to think of something to say next, because Grogu, a child who hardly spoke at all, picked that moment to announce to the both of them "I pooped!"
Luke showed Din to the bathroom before heading back to the children's corner to help his aunt with the clean up.
"I locked the front. You'll have to let Din out."
Luke checked his watch. They still had three minutes until their official 9p.m closing time.
"We can't lose a good customer to my ..." he drifted off, drowning his sentence in a cup of fruit punch.
"Your what, Luke?" She asked, playing dumb.
Luke just shrugged.
"I don't think giving that nice man your number would risk any business," she said, "but that's just my opinion."
Din apologized when Luke had to let him out of the store.
"Please, don't worry about it," Luke insisted. The air outside was cold, and Grogu was snuggling his head against Din's shoulder, his book between his teeth.
"Can you say goodnight to Mr. Skywalker?" Din said. Grogu waved, but seemed to have used the last of his words for the day on his announcement.
"By Grogu," Luke said. Luke didn't move, so neither did Din.
"Next week then?" Din asked.
"Next week." Luke gave him a thumbs up. Din did one back.
"Um ..."
"Well! Goodnight!" Luke said, stepping back inside and shutting the door behind him. Grogu waved at him through the glass. Luke waved back. Din gave another thumbs up. Luke did it back.
Din turned to go, but Grogu was still waving. When Din turned without Grogu's permission, Grogu shrieked, and the taco book fell from his mouth. Luke opened the door fast, picking it up off the pavement as it closed behind him.
"Do you want a new one?" He offered.
Din took the book back, his hand brushing Luke's in the exchange. "His bite marks are already all over it," Din said. "And I have wipes." He jostled the diaper bag on his shoulder.
"Right," Luke said. "Well, goodnight again."
"Goodnight again." Grogu was finally done waving, so Din thought was safe to turn around.
"Din!" Luke called. "Do you like coffee?"
"Yeah," he said. His heart raced as his mind started thinking up every possible follow up question that wasn't would you go out with me?
"The spot down the road is really good, if you'd want to go with me? Maybe this weekend?" Luke had his hands behind his back and was rocking on his heals as he spoke.
Din smiled in the wide and goofy way that was almost always reserved for Grogu. "Yeah, that'd be great!" Luke's smile matched Din's in that moment.
They exchanged numbers quickly, or tried to. Din noticed Luke's hands were trembling. He'd stepped outside without a jacket, and the weather was starting to get cold.
"There," Luke said, sending Din a text with his name.
"I'll call you," Din promised.
"Great, I look forward to it." They kept smiling at each other.
Luke turned away first, only to find a locked storefront. "Oh no," he said.
"Oh no," Din echoed when he realized.
"My aunt is in there, I'll just need to ... bang on all the windows until she notices." He rubbed his face before he started knocking.
"Want me to stick around until she lets you in?" Din offered.
"Please spare me the humiliation," Luke said, a chuckle in his voice. "No, please, don't feel like you need to stick around. She'll notice soon enough."
"Well, if she doesn't, you know ... call me," Din said.
"I will," he promised.
Din smiled and Grogu chewed all the way home.
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scribble-dee-vee · 6 months
Happy STS! Which of your characters do you think would be most popular among cosplayers? If you had to pick one of your OCs to cosplay, who would it be?
Oh heck yea! Thanks for the ask; I lowkey forgot that STS was a thing
So, I loooove cosplay as an art form/means of having fun! I used to do it more when I was younger, and I still dress up for cons/fan themed events. I also follow a lot of cosplay content online. I must admit that I think about the cosplay-ability of my characters a LOT. Like, every author wants a screen adaptation/a fully VA'd audiobook/whatever, but I specifically want silly creative ppl on the internet to dress up as my lads!!
That being said, I have many opinions on this front.
Taking a broad look at the Heart of Lead universe, I think it would offer a lot of different options to cosplayers. I could see the extended cast catering to people of all skill levels and interests, at least in terms of character design. You got regular-ass humans with one or two defining physical traits (although someone could always go in for more detail, because of the Victorian-fantasy clothes)! You also got characters with A.) complicated armor/uniforms/gowns, B.) wings/fangs/assorted fantastical traits, and C.) like,,, props?? Like there is a very large, somewhat evil sentient sword in this universe, and I would die happy if someone made their own for cosplay purposes. I would DIE.
All that in mind, here are the characters I think would be the most popular to cosplay, based on my observations of present-day cosplay communities online. I've given all them "most ___" awards, for funsies.
Dale Porter – most popular. No contest whatsoever. Sarcastic, evil, conventionally attractive white man. People love to cosplay characters with this profile; it's inescapable, and somewhat obnoxious. He's also fairly easy to cosplay, I would argue, as long as u got a white wig. (I would not personally cosplay him. He is my pookie but he can go ROT.)
Rosalind Lake – most sexy. If you want to wear an ostentatious dress and look hot in a femme way, here ya go. She's not the most important character, but her look is distinctive and fun. (I would definitely cosplay Rosalind.)
Wren Dorian – most steampunk. Listen, if you love steampunk/gaslamp fantasy/cabaret rock aesthetics, she is your GIRL. Big curly hair, big boots, massive belt full of tools, potentially goggles if you're feeling really fancy. Wren also gets some interesting design variations throughout the series that make her even cooler. (I would cosplay Wren. I have closet-cosplayed her before.)
Nicolas – most edgy. At least, that's how I think people would cosplay him. He wears a black trench coat and fingerless gloves for like half of the series; he has emo boy hair; he lowkey looks like Dream of the Endless. I'm not going to spoil his magical abilities, which make him EVEN EDGIER, but those exist, and they also impact his physical appearance. He's a sweetie boy baby who cries a whole lot, but he LOOKS very cool to one's inner 13-year-old. (I would cosplay Nicolas, and I have closet-cosplayed him before!)
Vesper – most fantasy. They're a faerie. He has wings. Their magic turns their eyes and fingers black. He wears sickass gender-nonconforming outfits, including such articles as capes and tiaras. If I was actually going to pour tens of hours into creating a cosplay from the HoL universe, I would 100% cosplay Vesper. They look cool as hell. (Also, fun personality – he's very outgoing and sweet!)
I'll leave it there for now, but I genuinely have SO many more opinions about HoL cosplay potentiality. There are options for the ppl who only cosplay evil dilfs,,,, for ppl who like to play princess dress-up,,,,, for ppl who incorporate gore and horror elements into their cosplays,,,,, we've got it all!!
(Now to get about FINISHING and PUBLISHING these books, so ppl can feasibly do this. Lmao.)
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eggcompany · 5 months
Jaskier and his Snuggly Wuggly Killing Machines Part 15
Spin-off of our story- Jaskier and the snuggly wuggly killing machines!!!! Valdo is throwing Jaskier a "Back to stage" Party. Geralt and Eskel wish to attend. Jaskier didn't expect them to be so... easy about it. He really didn't expect them to find friends so quickly. Geralt gets fed by a drunk guitarist and Eskel gets dougheyed for a pretty lady next to him.
“Oh! Valdo is throwing me a “Back to Stage'' party! I told him I was going to release a new song when I was ready to get back to work. What do you think, boys? It’s in a week at the Rosy Apple. That’s a pretty lowkey bar so there probably won't be that many people. Maybe Aunty can come over and babysit, puppysit rather. Would you boys mind that? If I went out for the night?” Jaskier said as he went through his emails on his laptop in the living room. 
The spring rain had been keeping the boys inside lately. Vesemir hadn’t been over in a few days since the weather change caused his joints to creek and ache far too much to get around. Aiden had become a regular face around the Pankratz residence. He often spent Monday through Saturday at the large home and only went home on Sundays to check in with his owner. Today however it was just Jaskier and his babies. Aiden was at his own home doing chores, and Vesemir had a vet over to look at his joints. 
Geralt and Eskel were just watching a show about the Amazon rainforest while playing with some sensory clay and Lambert was coloring in his favorite coloring book (Animal Alphabet, it was called) while sitting on the floor next to Jaskier. 
“Valdo is the man who came to the house and Geralt tried to eat him.” Eskel said absentmindedly while still watching his show. 
“I didn’t try to eat him. I was ‘tecting daddy. Eating people is bad, icky probably.” Geralt said to his brother, who hummed and nodded in response. Lambert perked up and looked at Jaskier. 
“I think you should go! Only Aunty has come over. We got to have Aiden and Papa, you haven’t got to see none of your friends. Do your… Do your friends not like… witchers?” Lambert asked and said the last word as if it was a bad word. Jaskier felt touched by the kitty. Jaskier leaned down to be closer to Lambert’s ear. 
“I think my friends would love you guys, they’re just so nervous cause you’re so cute.” Jaskier whispered and Lambert looked down, blushing, his ears relaxed back a little bit. The other two boys turned so they were facing the human. 
“If they like us, why can’t we come? We’re good when you take us to the store and the park and the eating house.” Eskel says and Geralt nudges him. 
“Waffle house, Esk, Waffle house.” Geralt corrected him and Eskel nodded and looked at Jaskier. 
“We can just sit next to you. If we, if we meet your friends not in our space, maybe they can come in the house. Promise we’ll be good! Right, Bear?” Eskel said and pulled his pinky up to show Jaskier. Geralt was busy looking at his clay again. Eskel pulled the white haired cub’s hand up and Geralt caught on. 
“Yep! Promise. We can wear our pretty new shirts! The… the button ones. Um the button…” Geralt agreed and tried to think of what Jaskier had called the shirts. Then it clicked in his head. “Our new button ups!” Geralt smiled and Eskel nodded in agreement. 
Jaskier thought for a moment. He could do that. Let the boys get all dressed up in their new shirts and jeans and their nice shoes. They would have to wear their special bracelets though… Jaskier had recently bought them thick paracord bracelets with shiny brass tags that said their names, address, and Jaskier’s number. He also just bought them lovely flannel button ups. 
Jaskier was shaken by his thoughts by Lambert crudely poking his knee. Jaksier looked down at his pouting face. 
“I don’t wanna go meet people. I wanna stay home.” Lambert said plainly. Jaskier smiled and nodded, that’s understandable. 
“Okay how about this, Bear and Esk , you can come with me to the party. Lambert you can stay here with Aunty and we’ll ask if she can look after Aiden as well. Does that sound alright?” Jaskier asks and watches Eskel and Geralt smile and start wagging. Lambert nodded and went back to his coloring book. 
“Okay then! I’ll let everyone know and I’ll make sure to have everything we’ll need for a ‘Just-In-Case’ situation. Remember you can always change your mind if you want to.” Jaskier explained and the boys agreed and went back to their activities. 
“Valdo! You’re the only one who hasn't gotten back to me through email. Or text. Or call. I will march my fat ass up to your prissy little house and raise hell. Call me back.” Jaskier said into his phone. Again. The other singer hadn’t gotten back to him about bringing the babies. Well the big babies since they told him they didn’t want to be “pupped out” around anyone else yet. 
Jaskier pushed the cell phone back into the pocket of his shorts and leaned against the porch rail. The boys were whooping and hollering as they rolled and played in the mud. They were head to toe covered and Jaskier couldn’t help but laugh. They rastled and tackled each other in the thick substance. All the while Jaskier walked around the porch to check on his plants and talk with the elder witcher who was admiring the terrarium of lithops. 
“I might just hose them off out here. Would that be harsh? I mean I guess I could get gallons of warm water from the sinks to just rinse them off a bit before they come in the house. Little piggies.” Jaskier said as he neared Vesemir. Vesemir laughed from the wheelchair he had donned when the doctors had decided his knees needed a break sometimes. 
“They love the mud. I remember Geralt stripping down on the way to the springs. He would sit in the hot mud for hours. Said it felt nice on his neck! Silly pup, he was. Eskel rather preferred laying on warm rocks, he’d find a nice dry rock and lay out his boots and socks and under clothes. Naked as nature just laying out on the rocks. Lammy was too modest to strip and be with the other boys so he’d sneak an extra pair of under clothes and sit in the farthest and smallest pool. Now look at him! He’s gonna have mud packs in his tail!” Vesemir said and laughed as he watched the boys. Geralt and Eskel had tossed their own boxers off before diving into the rich dark mud but Lambert had kept on his briefs, which was much less than what Jaskier had thought he’d be wearing. Jaskier laughed too and leaned his hip against the rail. 
“Disasters. Absolute disasters. I’ll have to spend hours scrubbing them clean! Oh gods… Geralt’s hair! He is not going to be happy when I have to brush it out. He already is so… particular about his hair.” Jaskier said and groaned. Vesemir reached up and patted his back, laughing. 
“I’ll brush it. It’s the least I can do. I think we just ought to rinse them in the hose and then right into a hot bath. I’ll hose ‘em off and you go run a bath.” Vesemir said with a kind and tender voice. Jaskier relaxed and smiled as he hopped down to get the hose and toss it to Vesemir. The faucet was on the porch so the elder could get to it easily. Jaskier walked into the house with the sound of Vesemir whistling up the boys. 
“Alfredddddd~ you called me? Oh I’m so honored !” Came sarcastically through the cell phone speaker. Jaskier was elbow deep in mucky water attempting to unclog the bath drain. Jaskier sighed and rolled his eyes. The boys all tried to be quiet with their cackling because Daddy was getting even more soggy. 
“Valdo I am elbow deep in mud, you are on speaker. Keep it savory or I swear to...” Jaskier said as he yanked harder on the metal bit. If he could just pull the whole thing up he could rinse it. 
“Oh? Taking an afternoon swing in the mud? You dirty dog. I didn’t take you as an outdoor whor-” The other man said and Jaskier jumped to turn the speaker off. Successfully getting mud on his screen. Eskel handed him a towel but the other two just laughed harder. 
“I said keep it savory. I didn’t take a slog in the mud, the babies did. They’ve clogged the bath.” Jaskier said as he held the phone between his naked shoulder and ear. He stopped though to talk to the pups. “Did anyone have a rock? Did we get a rock stuck maybe? No? Alright, alright.” Jaskier said when everyone shook their heads. 
“Oh. Well whatever. Do they talk? I don’t think anyone would like it if they just chattered and grumbled the whole time. They’re big yeah, make sure to leash and muzzle them and make sure they have at least mits on. Clawing couture is like a felony ya know.” The snide man said. Jaskier had to take a breath before standing up and walking out the bathroom door. 
“I will beat you into a puddle if you ever say something like that again. It’s my party. If my babies want to eat the fucking tables, they very well can. Everyone else already agreed that it would be okay if they came. Without leashes, muzzles, mittens, or otherwise. I’ll have you know that you are the only one they’ve been aggressive with. Maybe they have six senses for bastards who can’t sing. Eat shit, they’re coming and they’ll be seated in chairs at my sides. Goodbye Valdo.” Jaskier growled into the phone before hanging up and coming back to the bathroom.  
“He was going to say whore.” Lambert said the second Jaskier stepped inside. It caused the other boys to laugh and Jaskier snickered. 
“Yes he was. Now who’s big and strong enough to pull that blasted drain out?” Jaskier asked and they scrambled to pull the bit up. 
‘Lords, I hope this party is okay…’ Jaskier told himself. 
“So Aiden is probably going to um… ‘entertain’ Lambert tonight so just ignore them and leave them alone till morning once they wash up. They’ll probably get up late or shower again in the morning. There’s plenty of puddings and candy and just doordash them a pizza or burgers or whatever they want. Um… yeah they kinda seclude themselves away in Lambert’s room. Okay I love you so much for this, Lammy, be good, Aiden don’t bite Aunty again.” Jaskier said and he kissed Yennefer, Lambert, and Aiden’s cheeks. Aiden and Lambert were both blushing and looking down, they of course were hand in hand. 
“Of course! And oh~ Handsome boys, handsome handsome. Make sure to have fun and eat as much as you want. Stay close to daddy, watch out for people who drink too much, watch out for daddy when he drinks too much. Jaskier when you absolutely get closet pissing drunk I’m sure one of your strapping young boys would happily carry you to the car. Geralt sweety, there's a sweater in the blue duffel bag. I think we’ll get you a bigger size next time, that button is just gonna pop!” Yennefer said and scratched at Eskel’s ears. Geralt was wearing his pretty new blue flannel shirt and a pair of nice black jeans that he had recently grown very fond of. The shirt however was probably a size too small because the third button down was straining to keep the pale flesh covered. 
“I wanna match Esky! Can… Can bubba also wear a sweater? Cause I’m not too comfy.” Geralt said and looked over at Eskel who was wearing a matched outfit only his flannel was a dark shade of blue, and it was a size bigger and it actually fit him. Eskel was crosseyed from having his ears scratched, but he nodded anyway. 
“Okay then, hurry though. We need to head out in seven minutes. I’ll go get your sweaters. Black and red, yes? Yenn please help them with buttons. Lammy, Aiden, Fantastic Beasts is pulled up in the playroom.” Jaskier said and made his way up the stairs as the two youngests made their way to the basement. 
Soon the boys were seated in the third row of the suburban that Valdo had sent to pick Jaskier up and send him home. They were wiggling around and giggling. Jaskier chatted lightly with the driver as they made their way to the small upscale bar. 
Jaskier had Geralt’s hand in his right and Eskel’s in his left as he walked into the darkened double doors. Cheers and hooraas rang out as he smiled and walked to the seat at the front. A little more than a baker's dozen of his friends and companions sat around at the few wooden tables. Jaskier happily hopped up to the table on the stage. There were three seats pulled up. Eskel and Geralt waited until Jaskier sat down to take their own seats. There was a smaller woman with blue streaked hair next to Geralt and a strong looking woman next to Eskel. 
“Yes, yes, I’m back from the dead. For anyone who hadn’t heard, I took time off to situate my home with my new pets. Three witchers! Two accompany me tonight, you can wave if you want Geralt. This is my sweet honey pie Geralt, and this is the eldest Eskel! I’m sure most of you know that witchers have a bad reputation. Don’t be afraid of them, they’re not mean or viscous or anything else. If anything Eskel might cuddle you to death and Geralt licks. Be friendly with them, show kindness and compassion to those more fortunate than you! They get to see this sexy face 24/7!” Jaskier announced and sat back down into his chair laughing. The room erupted in applause and laughter. People around the table started speaking. 
“Jaskier, Jaskier, coming back already? I heard you were out for good! Valdo spreads rumors like butter!” Said a man across from Geralt. Jaskier turned and started chatting to them. 
“Hello Geralt. Want some wine? We have a few bottles for the table.” Said a woman with blue streaks in her hair that was sitting next to Geralt. The cub lowered his ears and shook his head. 
“No thank you. Alcohol is icky. Jask said that we can have it but I think it’s gross.” Geralt said politely. He then leaned closer and whispered to the tipsy lady who was lipping at her wine glass. “I really want some potatoes but they’re over there and I don’t wanna be rude interrupting.” Geralt said and eyed the fancy crystal bowl full of mashed potatoes. Many bowls and trays floated around the room. Jaskier had said there would be so much food. There were hams and chickens and vegetables and cut fruit and all the food you could ever ask for. 
The lady laughed and waved her hand. She asked loudly for the bowl which was passed over to her. Geralt smiled and wagged his tail where it was slid through a gap in the chair back. His ears stood up tall. He reached for the bowl but the lady shook her head. 
“Allow me, dear. I’m Gwen by the way. Guitarist and lyrical queen. Let’s plate you up plenty , Big boys need to eat.” She said and scooped out at least two and half cups of the pale mush onto Geralt’s plate. Geralt sat still with his eyebrows high on his forehead. When the lady, Gwen, pulled back and set the bowl back onto the table Geralt smiled widely at her. He took up a spoon to eat but he halted when he heard her gasp. With wide yellow eyes, he looked up at her in confusion. 
“Oh wow, your teeth! How can you fit those inside your mouth? Can I touch them? My my they’re huge! Ferocious lookin’” Gwen exclaimed and moved her hands toward Geralt’s face. The cub looked up at Jaskier for a moment, just to make sure he was still safe, before leaning over and opening his mouth. The nearly inch and a half inch top fangs caught light. Gwen leaned in and looked at them in drunken wonder. 
“Wow… You look like you suck your thumb… Your top teeth are kinda worn. Do you chew on things you shouldn’t?” Gwen said and took a closer look at Geralt’s teeth. The cub sat back and closed his mouth and looked down embarrassed. Gwen laughed and leaned forward to rest on her head on her wrist, her wine glass close to her forehead. 
“You do. You’re a silly puppy, aren’t you. Witcher though…” Gwen says and looks skeptical. Geralt feels nervous and scoots away so he’s touching thighs with Jaskier under the table. 
Jaskier turns and absentmindedly rubs at the bottom of Geralt’s ear. He’s happily talking to the people across the table about music and house renovations.  Gwen leaned back and waved him to calm. 
“No, no, sweety. Not like that. I heard Witcher’s grow new teeth if they lose them. Is that true? Or will those get loose when you wear them down more?” Gwen said and forked a piece of steak, popping it into her mouth while watching the witcher. 
“They come back. I got my big teeth busted all the time when I was a kid, they just come back. I guess I could pull them out. They come back in like… a week? Five days?” Geralt explained and ran his tongue over his front teeth. They did feel a little worn down. Probably from always sucking on popsicles all summer, chewing on the wooden blocks even though daddy told him not too, and biting sticks in the yard. Gwen smiled and stuck another piece of steak onto her fork. 
“Hmm… I’m sure you could. Although they are quite cute, all small. Here, eat.” Gwen said and waved her fork over to Geralt who happily took the meat and chewed it up. He was having a very nice time. 
Gwen fed him more and more. Steak, salad, fruit, lots of fruit, etc. Geralt was smiley and happy and Gwen had scooted them so she could curl and play with his long white hair. Geralt purred quietly a few times, causing Gwen to squeal and clap happily. 
While Geralt had his time with Gwen Eskel was also having a time. 
Eskel sat down and looked down for a little while but a deep gentle voice forced him to look up. 
“Darling, why aren’t you eating? Do you want something different? I’ll go get you something different if you’d like.” Said a lady Eskel didn’t really notice until now. 
Eskel raised his eyes up to meet the person sitting next to him. Eskel was going to brush them off but Eskel just became pie-eyed when he looked up. The lady, dressed in a fine wine colored floor length dress, was so… pretty. She had beautiful brown eyes, warm russet colored hair that floated around her head like a halo that was perfectly picked, and a warm chocolate toned lipstick. Eskel stared at her for probably a rude amount of time. He took in her features, her strong jawline, wide nose, her delicate pink painted nails, her hands that looked rough and strong yet so… gentle. Eskel just sat staring with his mouth slightly open with his amber eyes flashing around the woman. The way the warm toned dress complimented her own warm toned skin so well she looked like art. It took more than a minute for the lady to let out a laugh. 
“Do you want wine? Or a cookie, baby?” The woman says, pulling Eskel from his lovey glazed daze. He indeed quickly and shook his head, his face heating up into a tomato shade. 
“N-no thank you, ma’am.” Eskel said which caused another deep giggle. 
“Ma’am is only used for old people, dear. I’m Rose. Now, why aren’t you eating?” Rose said and Eskel couldn’t help but nod along. His heart was swirling in his chest. This lady… was so… perfect. The energy around her seemed to shine and sparkle. 
“I don’t wanna accidentally drop something or embarrass daddy. You all look so fancy. Especially you. You look very fancy and very pretty.” Eskel says in a light quiet voice. The woman smiled and reached out to touch his forearm. Heat and sparks and magic it felt like floated up from that hand up to wrap and squeeze at his heart. 
“That’s so nice! You look very nice too. That sweater looks so comfy, it feels very nice. How about this, you can scoot over here a little and I can cut up some of this turkey (I’ve already way too much of it!) and I’ll feed it to you. Do you want some help, little puppy?” Rose says and Eskel nods. She can tell by the pup's eyes and relaxed stature that he trusts her. Eskel turns and hooks his feet in the bottom rungs of the woman’s seat and drags her closer. Causing the women to jump and smile, laughing. 
“Okay Miss Rose. But… But I’m not a little puppy! I’m a big boy. Witchers aren’t just one thing you know.” Eskel says and watches happily as the woman cuts up a large slab of hot turkey breast. Rose hummed and smiled over at him. 
“Really? What do you mean, not just one thing? I see one thing, a cutie wootie fella.” Rose said and that makes Eskel grin dumbly and smile. His ears flip back and he blushes shyly. 
“I’m mostly wolf but they mix up our genetics. Bear, wolf, cat, badger, all sorts of stuff. Geralt’s lot’s of stuff. Lammy’s mostly cat. He’s our younger brother, he stayed home.” Eskel chatted lightly until Rose lifted a cut piece of meat up to Eskel’s mouth. Eskel wiggled in his seat and smiled. ‘ This is so nice. Pretty lady feeding me!’ Eskel thinks as he eats bite after bite. 
“Hmm… Eskel, darling, do you think it’s about time to have something sweeter. It’s getting late. I think they’ll be bringing out desserts soon. Oh silly boy, come here.” Rose says and Eskel wags and leans forward, eyes closed. The lady gently wipes at his mouth. She cradles his face for a moment before lifting him back up. 
“I like dessert. I like cream things like cold whip and condensed milk. We get it out of cans!” Eskel said excitedly. Rose laughed loudly at the way the pup phrased it. Her laugh was deep and rich and it shook Eskel’s bones in the best way. 
“Well I’ll make sure to get you an extra piece of cheesecake. I’m sure you’ll like it. You ate everything else so gently. You have such manners, I’m sure Jask appreciates it.” Rose said and brushed Eskel’s hair out of his face and rubbed at his ears. His eyes crossed and slumped towards her, smiling. His tail was thumping against a table leg and his ears moved around slightly when she scratched a sensitive spot. 
Jaskier had a wonderful time. He talked with his table for a while before deciding he could walk around once he saw that Eskel was all mushy with Rosemary, his manager, and Geralt was getting fed by a quite drunk Gwen. He made his way table to table, taking pictures, joking around, talking, taking congratulations and welcome backs. He ate and tried not to drink too much but by the time he rounded back to his table for dessert he was wobble on his feet. He sat down and laughed bubbly at the sight. Geralt was talking to Gwen and her partner Alfie. Gwen was busying herself looking at Geralt’s large padded palms. Eskel, holding his head up by his palms while his elbows rested on the table,  was purring and speaking to people around the table while Rosemary stroked his ears and head. Jaskier rubbed his hands over each boy’s back reassuringly. 
Soon each boy was getting fed desserts. Gwen had become too drunk so Alfie had laughed and offered Geralt pieces of candy and chocolates. The white haired pet moaned and groaned happily at the sweet rich flavor. He purred loudly and wagged strong, his ears were laid back in relaxation. Eskel was just about sitting in Rose’s lap by the time she brought a bit of the second slice of cheesecake up to him. He was smiling and talking to others between bites. His leg was squished against the lady’s and he felt so happy. His ears were up in an alert, happy way as he spoke. Everyone could hear his purr rumbling below his voice. Rose smiled and with one hand she rubbed at the base of one of his soft ears and brought spoonfuls of dessert up to Eskel’s mouth. 
This was one of the best nights. Ever probably. Lambert should come to the next one.
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octoberobserver · 2 years
A Regular Fuckin' Frank Sinatra
(Read on ao3)
“Some day, when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you, and the way you look tonight…”
“Holy shit.”
Eddie Kaspbrak whirled around, skillet in hand, fried onions spilling out over the side and landing on the floor with a splat. 
“Fuck, Richie, don’t sneak up behind me, man! The last time that happened, an alien made me a human fucking shishkebob.”
Richie blinked, gaping at him as if he was somehow a charitable intruder that had taken it upon himself to cook them dinner in his kitchen.
“Sorry,” he mumbled eventually, his cheeks flushed as he cleared his throat, “you uh...you can sing.”
Eddie, who was busy wiping up the mess off the floor, straightened up, brow furrowed. 
Richie moved so fast he practically teleported across the room, gesturing wildly. 
“You—you can fucking sing, Eddie! How—how do I not know that about you? I know fucking everything about you.” 
“You do not.”
Eddie flushed as he thought of that one big thing in particular Richie absolutely did not, could never, know.
“I did,” Richie insisted with pointed finger, stepping even closer. 
Eddie held his ground, tilting his chin up.
“Back when we were kids,” Richie continued, something indecipherable in his gaze, “I knew you inside and out, dude. How the fuck did you hide the fact that you’re a regular fuckin' Frank Sinatra?”
Eddie turned back to what remained of his onions. 
He shrugged. 
“I can...hold a note, Richie. That doesn’t mean I can—”
“The fuck it doesn’t! Have you heard yourself? Fuck Kelly Clarkson - you’re the American Idol, man. Shit, I gotta tell the oth—”
Richie stopped dead in his tracks as Eddie grabbed his shoulder, his fingers digging hard into his skin, through his shirt. 
“Why?” He asked, his back still turned. 
Eddie slowly let his hand drop. 
Richie’s stomach flipped at the loss. 
“It’s...embarrassing,” Eddie spoke to his shoes, “I don’t...I don’t sing for other people. Just, for me. It’s...mine.”
Richie nodded, understanding passing between them as he moved to lean against the fridge, his arms crossing over his chest as he watched Eddie get back to his dish.
“I still can’t believe I never knew you had the pipes of an angel.”
Eddie winced, adding a pinch of salt, “How do you make everything sound like a sex joke?” 
“Natural talent,” Richie shrugged, “but seriously, man. You...you’re talented.”
If Eddie’s face felt a little hot, he could blame the oven rising the temperature in the kitchen. 
Richie gave a heavy sigh, letting his head bang back against the fridge door as he lamented to the ceiling, “I just wish 13-year-old me could have heard baby Spagheds belt one out.”
“Sounds like another sex joke,” Eddie rolled his eyes as he stirred the sauce, “and besides, I could have been singing karaoke every damn day, but you were too busy belting out Eddie My Love to hear anything over your own crowing.”
Richie gave him a gentle punch to his shoulder. 
“Fuck you! I’ve the voice of—”
“Cameron Diaz from My Best Friend’s Wedding, only sadder and drunker.”
A beat passed where they listened to the pan sizzle.
They laughed, Richie opening the fridge to take out a beer. 
“Bill wants his gross craft shit. I don’t get it, man. It tastes like fucking piss and gasoline had a one-night-stand and produced a disgusting love-child.”
Eddie hummed at his friend’s theatrics, beginning to dish up the food, letting his eyes rake up and down Richie as he turned his back to grab another beer that, despite his protests, Eddie had zero doubt was for him.
Richie had dressed up for dinner. One of their biannual Losers reunions that they, as roommates of four months, were hosting this time around. 
The navy shirt and black slacks fit him like a glove. 
Eddie shoved an extra roast potato onto Beverly’s plate. It was the least he could do for her invaluable fashion choices.
“Never, ever change...keep that breathless charm,” he sang softly under his breath as he began to turn everything off, hyper aware that the only sound now was his voice, “won’t you please arrange it? 'Cause...I love you, just the way you look tonight…”
He could feel Richie watching him out of the corner of his eye, but he kept his own gaze forward, his heart hammering against his ribcage. 
“I...I thought it was just for you?”
Eddie shrugged, still unable to look at him and instead focussed on arranging the seven plates to his standard.
“Yeah, well. You’ve always been the exception, Rich.”
(Can be read as a one-shot, OR PART TWO)
(More Reddie fics)
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amarantine-amirite · 1 year
Costume Day
I was always a weird kid.
When I was small, I rarely responded to people talking to me. I resisted physical affection. I had trouble expressing how I felt. I'd cry without any explanation. I would stubbornly resist when the adults tried to tell me to do things.
you probably knew someone who acted the way I did. They probably had it way worse than I did. On top of the problems I have, they'd also be too rigid or too floppy or unable to speak, sometimes both. Those familiar with mythical creatures would say I just described a changeling. I actually described autism.
Don't feel stupid. The reason changelings and autistic people are so similar are that people had a very poor understanding of autism at the time myths about the fae were commonplace. People used to believe that autistic children were fake babies to replace the real ones that the fae had kidnapped. somehow, fairies stealing babies and replacing them with a mythical being made more sense than the baby's brain functioning on a different operating system.
I never believed changelings were real, thus, I never believed that I was a changeling.
That is until this happened.
This came up on the eve of my second-grade class's costume parade. There was a contest with two big prizes: one for Coolest Costume, and another for "Independent Work". Winning the prize for "Independent Work" means you had no help from your parents. I planned to win both awards.
I had my work cut out for me. The contest had a lot of restrictions on the costumes you could wear. you couldn't dress as a superhero because it was considered ableist. you couldn't dress as a princess because it was considered objectifying. Anything with a weapon was too violent, and nonhuman primates were considered racist.
Changelings have some pretty awesome powers, namely shifting between forms. I discovered shapeshifting by accident. It started when I was watching TV and saw a commercial with a baby with human legs, a monkey torso, and a pug head. someone
broke into the house. He would have hurt me for being a witness to his ill deeds, but he ran away once he saw me.
Once I looked in the mirror, I saw why he ran off. I had shapeshifted to the MonkeyPugBaby thing I had seen on TV. I can't remember how I transfigured, but I have been able to shapeshift ever since.
Not long after this, I quickly formulated my plan to win this costume contest. instead of making a costume, I would shape-shift into MonkeyPugBaby during the contest. I'd be a lock to win. shapeshifting beats any disguise, and I did it all myself. not even my choice of form broke the rules. the rules say no primates, but MonkeyPugBaby isn't a whole primate, just the torso.
On the day of the costume contest, I came to school in my regular clothes. Before the contest, I shapeshifted into the form of MonkeyPugBaby. I came back just in time to hear Ms. Atkins say, "Everybody come with me to the gym, we'll walk down the centre line and show off our costumes."
I lined up with the rest of the class, and we went to the gym. I saw the other second-grade classes, Mx. Kola, and Mrs. Primeau.
We went down the centre line in the following order: Kola's class went first, then us, and finally Primeau's class. I felt special walking down the middle of the gym with my classmates. Most of the other kids dressed up as the same thing: a Dalmatian. Usually, the girls would dress as princesses and the boys would dress as superheroes, but because those costumes were off-limits, everyone had to settle for the next best thing. Somehow, everybody decided that the next best thing was a Dalmatian.
There were a handful of kids beside me that broke this mould. Gilles Hsu dressed up as a fish for some reason. Mary Lemon dressed up as "Idaho", and her costume was literally notebook paper with the word "Idaho" written on it taped to her chest. Sally Smith came dressed as what she insisted was Florida but looked more like something abstract with oranges and palm fronds. Mary and Sally didn't have any help from their parents.
Nobody had the same costume I had. Nobody else dressed like MonkeyPugBaby. I took home the first prize in both the Coolest Costume and Independent Work categories.
None of them knew I shapeshifted. Mary Lemon thought I cheated. She was probably jealous because her costume was a pathetic piece of notebook paper.
"That's not fair!" Mary screamed, "Her parents helped her!"
"No, trust me, they didn't," I replied. I'm not kidding, neither Mom nor Dad was on board with the MonkeyPugBaby.
Mary wasn't having it. "you're lying! Ruth's lying to the class! Ruth is lying to the class!" she shouted repeatedly, almost like she was a broken record.
"Can somebody hit Mary? She's stuck" I joked. Everybody laughed. Even the teachers found it funny.
Mary then ran out of the gym like a centipede missing 98 of its legs. Mx. Kola stayed with us while Mrs. Primeau and Ms. Atkins chased her down.
I discovered being a changeling was pretty awesome.
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mamamittens · 2 months
Been having funny thoughts about ToTK and BoTW. Every so often I consider making Nikia in each race just for funzies but I'm really bad at non human characters so I end up trashing the idea.
That and I honestly can't recall a single female goron besides the really old goron lady from Majora's Mask (at least... I think that was a woman??? Deeply titties out with big lips I think?? Hold on... Googling now. Well, if there is, no one knows who they are! So that... Was not a woman?!? It's been a long time so maybe I just don't remember them well enough...)
Anyway! Just for fun, here's some little headcanons about what race random OP characters would be!
Marco, I think, would be a Kokiri! Specifically an unusually tall one! Seemingly ageless with magic abilities, perhaps even a sage for a strange land!
Ace would be a Gerudo who pretends very hard not to be on account of male Gerudo historically being Just Ganon Yet Again. He's not and would never be, but the suspicion he'd revolt and throw the world into darkness would persist anyway. Obvs, his mom was a Gerudo warrior and Roger a Hylian Pirate, or perhaps just a man from another country besides Hyrule.
Izou is clearly a Sheikah with little care for the ninja stuff or gender binary dress code. He can still pull it off just fine, but prefers long range weapons to get it over with.
Luffy? Ngl, I really want him to be a little tree Korok just waddling around like he's swallowed bells. He fits the vibe so well! Maybe he has a 'Hylian' disguise but it usually ends up bursting in a cloud of smoke when he gets jazzed up.
Zoro is a Hylian and probably the only person in history to get so lost in the Lost Woods he perfectly navigated to and from the Great Deku Trees every time. A sort of 'so wrong you looped back to being right again' sort of fella. Hopefully he's not this incarnation of Link or Zelda will have to wait a very long time for him to find the castle, regardless of the size Ganon is circling it.
As tempting as it is for her to be a Gerudo, I think Nami is just a Hylian who lives in a coastal village. She does bullshit Gerudo heritage to scam people though and who knows, she just might have a Gerudo ancestor, but she'll never get that height and cheese shredder abs. Sorry bby.
Robin? Oh, Sheikah. So very Sheikah even though she does more history than ninja work. Undoubtedly the one that knows every legend and scrap of lore by heart and thrives in it all.
Ussop is also from a coastal village but definitely has some mixed heritage from... Somewhere. Unclear where, but he's got too many weird skills for just some fisherman's son. Yossop being Sheikah himself is of course, where all that bullshit magic invention shit comes from, not that Ussop didn't make it his own in due time. Though I wouldn't be against him being Rito! It would be an interesting change and excellent addition to his preference for long range weapons! I don't recall them having magic tho so idk... only downside I suppose.
Brooks? Well... I think he'd make an interesting Twili who found just enough magic spells to live in the daylight but... Looks like a skeleton. Whoops. Can't have everything I suppose! He makes it work, though!
Chopper would make a cute little Goron, honestly! If he wasn't just a reindeer with magic sentience. Wouldn't be out of the question given the shit we see elsewhere! Why not a Korok? Actually... Korok would be super cute! No disguise, just baby! I'll workshop it, there's a few good options!
Sanji would clearly be a Yiga who abandoned the Yiga clan and now pretends to just be a regular Hylian who loves cooking. Certainly wouldn't be the strangest thing out there!
Jinbe's so easy it's almost boring, clearly he'd be a Zora. An unusual whale shark Zora, but a Zora nonetheless! Most Zora seem to be shark based anyhow.
Sabo is a Hylian noble, obviously, and very done with aristocracy, preferring to rough it out in the wild.
Thatch is also a Hylian, one of many who love cooking but is also not dumb enough to poison himself in the name of experimentation... Looking at u, master chef weirdos. Seriously, what the shit?!
Whitebeard is absolutely a Goron though! Massive mountain man who breaks mountains with his fists! Old as shit! It's a great fit!
If I had to choose a race for my OC, Nikia... Imma be a fucking cheat and say Fairy. Great Fairy? Somewhere between the bottle fairies and Great Fairies at least. Their design changes each game honestly and the recent version has them be sisters implying there's a family structure somewhere? Idk, she's still getting the hang of her magic and doesn't want to sit in a pocket dimension via flower portal, so she's not as strong as the Great Fairies yet. Prefers to hang around isolated ponds and tends to attract smaller fairies to her side. I imagine their size/immobility from an area indicates strength, usually, baring Wind Waker where the Great Fairy is literally child sized and implied that the other Fairies you see are puppets... Weird reveal ngl. So she's capable of some interesting stuff in her own right. Almost wanted to say Rito cause I like their designs (even if the idea of an open house like that wigs me out lmao, what a fucking drafty ass house to have!) but no, Fairy works for me. Maybe she gets small when traveling outside of a sacred area to conserve power and safeguard herself.
She would not be naked though, absolutely not lmao, very modest for her race. Another oddity I guess you could say.
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