#and the rule is i can only write down a species if it's got a wikipedia article with a picture in it
astyrra · 2 years
the feeling of being autistic and making a list of cool things and then looking at your list :)
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doberbutts · 6 months
weird question, but is there a reason why humans with rabies don't become as mindlessly aggressive as animals with rabies? like, how come people with rabies aren't running around biting everyone?
If I'd hazard a guess, it probably cooks us before we progress that far. Additionally, it also likely has something to do with natural instinct- humans with rabies while they are still able to talk report feeling intense fear and pain while experiencing hallucinations.
Most humans actively don't want to hurt other people- I have a schizophrenic aunt and even in her worst delusions and hallucinations where she may be screaming threats, she's never actually followed through on any of them because she genuinely doesn't want to hurt anyone when she's capable of processing situations logically. Similarly, I have a friend-of-a-friend who is also severely mentally ill, and the only times he's ever hurt someone are when he gets grabbed while he's hallucinating that someone is trying to hurt him. Those he's lashed out at in this state get shoved or kicked or punched before he continues to try to get away from them (they also forgive him immediately because they are his caretakers and understand his mental state very well).
When we started using tools as a species, we also stopped reaching for "biting you" as a defensive response unless there is truly no other choice. Even in the grips of intense fear and panic and pain and delusion and hallucination and paranoia, humans are more likely to choose literally any other option than teeth unless that's their last line of defense. We probably did bite each other back when we were no different than our great ape cousins.
More or less, I'm not entirely convinced that rabies sends signals for "bite" specifically, and is more sending signals for "attack", and humans don't really reach for "bite" when attacking as a general rule unlike other animals. Humans who are restrained in their hospital beds are significantly more likely to bite their caregivers- shoving, kicking, and punching are out of the question when you're tied down. That is true regardless of if they have rabies or not.
Additionally, the virus seems to only progress so far before it stagnates at a specific stage in certain animals. Bats are significantly more likely to have "dumb rabies" than "furious rabies". This could be due to a number of things ranging from "dumb rabies makes them incapable of flight and fucks up their sonar [true!] and so they starve to death before symptoms can progress past that [theory!] since they have fast metabolisms and missing even a single night's meal is devastating to their health [true!]" to "bats show some resistance to rabies as a whole [true!] and thus it may take much longer for symptoms to progress in the usual manner and so the bat generally dies before it can go any further [theory!]" Bats CAN progress to the furious stage, but we don't tend to see it as often.
There has never been a recorded instance of rabies passing from human to human so my money's on a combo of the two theories. It's very possible that Grug The Caveman got rabies from the wolves he was trying to tame and then wiped out his entire society by zombie-biting the fuck out of everyone who tried to help him. But we weren't writing things down at that point, so we have no way of knowing.
Rabies' first documentation is 4000 years ago- but it's very possible it existed before that, since the writing just states that the owner of a rabid dog needs to take provisions against it biting anyone, meaning we knew by then what rabies was and that the bite was dangerous. It's very possible this disease has followed us around since before humans harnessed fire and invented the wheel. That's a decent amount of un-accounted-for time for humans to have hulked out and started zombie-biting.
We have so many folkstory monsters in nearly every culture on the planet that boil down to "had contact with an animal that was acting strangly, turned me into a savage monster that tries to kill everything I see less than a month later, btw my monster disease is super contagious and I spread it by biting the fuck out of you" that predate any modern science knowledge of how the virus works, which makes me think that it probably did happen back in the caveman days and it's ancestrial memory that has us clinging to these concepts to this day.
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sir-fluffbutts · 6 months
do ya really dont want to be associated with chams? was the fuck up really that bad?
short: yes
long: i think i have the thing where i organized everything that went down, but
imagine theres a community you've been part of since it's very early times. you watched it gorw into a wonderful place, sure it got bit pricy as the time passes, but you charished the time spent and people you met there
sure, there were ups and downs, some even only being subjected to me cause i'm a "big artist" which was....wierd, but you were ok to let it go for the sake of the community
you spend +5 years there
then, i was suddenly being treated like trash because a specific mod "misunderstood" my question (although i confirmed they didn't by doing a double take)
they talked behind my back, they made me look like a horrible person who don't respect other artists, they even changed a whole species TOS without the species owner knowing
then when it turns out they were wrong after 6 months, they didn't even want to apologize face to face cause "they can have a emotional breakdown"
the last slap in the face was while the mod in question was writing me a apology (i agreed to get it handed through a third person at the time), a another mod was going around in my instagram post comments saying "oh narr we all solved it out with fluff! 💖 everything is good!!" NO ITS NOT?????
the apology itself was...not good as well, they were keep repeating that "it was a midunderstanding" and tried to drag in something that happened 3 years ago saying "aah but you did this at the time so i assumed-" like ??
then they blocked me so 🧍‍♂️
it was a huge shitshow and honestly i was going to ask the species owner to de-mod the mod in question or gonna blow it all up, but the species owner was going through something at the time and i felt bad so i didn't 😔
so yes i really do not wish to get my ocs associated with chams
i'd love to void them from the species if i can, but theres a rule that "you cannot void official adopts/chams you didn't designed cause it can be someones elses dreamy" , so pretending it don't exist is my next best option
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livelaughlovesubs · 2 months
Do you write about michael from whb? If its fine with you, can you write a hc what his going to be as a yandere? Reader could be anything but i prefer if they our normal mc ^^
Oh, alright, so yandere Michael with ra-on as reader? Sure then, I’ll gladly oblige! Sorry that you had to wait so long, but now that the new event came out, I have a pretty good idea how I want to portray him.
Yandere Michael
Warning: dark content, disturbing topics, blood, gore, obsessive behaviour
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I headcanon him, like many other angels, to be a total psycho when in love. That’s pretty much canon. The question is just, how crazy would he be?
- he’d never blame you for all your deeds, it’s always the fault of another
- in other words he is doing everything he can to delude himself into thinking this is alright, it’s not against the rules he set for himself
- god wanted him to love you, it was destined to happen
- “you were just so bright, and there was no way to explain it, it must be gods will”
- that’s what he’d say to himself among other things
- if it wasn’t clear enough, he’d kill for you, even his own brothers, except lucifer
- he’d go down to hell and declare war on your favourite king/ noble, his excuse? They were taking you away from him
- you could stop that though, by finally putting him on a leash
- no matter what you did to him, he’d still love you unconditionally, his love would never falter like his faith
- you could do the most unspeakable things to him, treat him as if he was a mere toy, as if he was nothing more than a pretty face
- and he’d thank you for your attention, greeting you with a smile brighter than his halo
- ruin him, mind and body, bruise him or break his leg, he doesn’t care, as long as you keep touching him and give him your full attention
- honestly, you could make him into a devil and he wouldn’t care, rip his wings off and make the blessing of god leave him
- it would make him have an internal crisis, since he isn’t supposed to be like this, but he’d put the blame on someone else
- this man is so prideful a no narcissistic, he only cares about his own feelings, god, lucifer, and now you too
- which is why he doesn’t care about anything else, as long as he gets to feel good and ‘loved’ (even though you are brutalising him) he’s content
- the worst type of of yandere, would totally kidnap you, even if the punishment is amputation
- he is one hell of a nuisance, there is literally no other way to deal with him than locking him up
- otherwise he’ll just keep attacking hell, or kidnap you, or kill other species, no matter how you reprimand him. He got away with it for eons, what makes you think you can change him?
- it’s not like he loves you anyway, he only loves you because you are a replacement for god and his dear brother, only because you are as kind and as forgiving as they used to be
- oh you naive child
- if you don’t lock him up and keep him away, he’ll eventually annihilate the devils, unless luci steps in that is
- but he’ll definitely kidnap you, hats so obvious! He’ll want to keep you all to himself, he’d even make alternations to your body to keep you from leaving
- he has trust issues, remember? All because of god and his lovely older brother
- words alone aren’t enough, he needs to know you can’t leave him, like you mentally and physically can’t
- if you don’t want that, there are two other ways, and that is using what he’d do to you against him
- like if you do restrain him.. keeping him chained like what he did to you, making him be alone for months without knowing when you’ll come back (that’s still the nice way to threat him, trust me)
- then he will finally stop causing harm! Though the second you get him out of the restains, he’ll clench onto you, hold you, tell you how much he loves and missed you, looking up at you with those obsessive eyes of him and a furious blush covering his cheeks, and kill anyone that dares to get close to you two
- which is why I recommend the more inhuman way to treating him if he does become your yandere, unless you love him enough to spend all your time with him, tending to his every need and sacrificing yourself in the process
- rip his other eyes out, watch him scream in agony, call ronove to amputate his arms and legs
- he can shoot lasers out of his hand, I repeat, he can shoot those out of his fingertips
- make him disabled, enough that he become a weak and helpless animal that can’t do anything to threaten anyone
- oh, I forgot to mention but rip his wings too, he shouldn’t be able to fly
- once you did all of this, maybe cut off his tongue while you are at it, he tends to have a foul mouth
- who knows, maybe he can shoot lasers from there too?
- honestly, it will be hard to keep him alive at this point, but if you still desire to do so, Welp, congratulations, he is totally harmless now!
- and as soon as he hears you enter his room, his cheeks will turn red and sounds of joy would escape his throat
- what a joke he is, he still ‘loves’ you so dearly after all you did huh?
- God, do you see this? This is the result of your action, unyielding love and affection from those beings that called themselves pure, how amazing
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dipshit-pig · 2 months
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Opening up limited commissions for WoW Dragon/Dracthyr OCs ONLY. Got a weird one? Twilight drake, netherdrake, storm drake? Perfect. I WANT TO DRAW THEM. Types: $50 for a polished up headshot. $100 for a full body cleaned up sketch. How to request commissions: Please email me at [email protected] with the following information: 1) Please provide name/species/pronouns 2) Include at least 4 visual references of your OC. These can be screenshots, drawings, or inspiration pictures that are in line with how you imagine your OC looks 3) Provide a general theme/aesthetic 4) Write a short, concise description as to the general mood/physical appearance of your OC and any other information you feel is required to accurately portray them. RULES: 0) WORLD OF WARCRAFT DRAGON OCS ONLY. 1) No NSFW references or images at this time 2) These are for private use only 3) I will send you a sketch to approve -once-. Make sure you include everything you want to be tweaked first go around. I will not be making excessive alterations OR complex poses. The second draft you will be sent is when flat colors are laid down. Normally I like to be more hands on, but these are meant to be quick for me. 4) All payment due upfront via paypal If you have any further questions, feel free to DM me here or ask via my email. THANKS BYE!
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seven-oomen · 9 months
Since I've had quite a bad day today I decided to pauze the writing for Caught somewhere in time for the day and instead work on some Clone / Clone wars headcanons of my own that I'm going to include in the fic. Link now under cut!!
A few things that will be a plot point:
Parentage of Cal Kestis (Like one of them is Obi-Wan, but the other...??? I know, you don't.)
Romance of Cody and Obi-Wan
Sibling relationship between Anakin, Cal, and Ahsoka
Corruption in the senate (Sith Lord and after)
Way to free the clones and end order 66 (chip storyline)
The Jedi can tell all the clones apart by their presences in the force. It's like a second nature to them. They never mix them up.
Cody likes to knit.
Obi-Wan finds that an absolute delight and happily provides him with the materials and anything else he needs.
Although all the clones can technically count as 'twins' only the ones that shared a gestational pod are considered official twins among the clones. Fives and Echo are among these twins. The prevalence of 'twin births' is about 3%.
Triplets also occur but they are much rarer, there have been three documented cases in the history of the clone troopers. I kinda wanna headcanon that Cody, Fox, and Wolffe are one of these triplets. Out of the three Cody was the smallest at birth. (He caught up later just fine).
Echo has a photographic memory, Fives has a natural gift to spot patterns and connections.
Wolffe seems like a stuck up hardass, but he's an actual softie on the inside and has a knack for sensing when his brothers or others need him the most. His pack is his life.
Fox honors his name by having a very mischievous streak with his brothers. Even if he seems to be a bitch for the rules in every day life, his brothers know him better than that.
Wolffe is excellent at poker.
Fox and Echo battle for the title of Holo-tactic champion.
Waxer is actually fantastic with kids, this stems from his time in training, when he would often visit his little cadet brothers and spend time with them.
Kix is an excellent cook.
Cody can't cook to save his life. Neither can Obi-Wan. Fortunately Obi-Wan knows the right people who can cook.
All the clones are caf drinkers, black, no additives.
Rex carves jewelry like bracelets for everyone, Cody puts trackers in everything Rex carves, or he knits. He'll find a way.
All the clones have unique sleeping positions. It's one of the ways to tell them apart.
Cal and Anakin have a brotherly rivalry, to the point where Cal has actively tried to electrocute Anakin, and Anakin has attempted to force push Cal down a flight of stairs. But if anyone else tries to harm one of them, the other unleashes hellfire upon the assailant.
Cal and Ahsoka quickly become best friends and team up against Anakin whenever the situation allows for it. Obi-Wan actively encourages this, it's hilarious to him.
Among Anakin, Ahsoka, and Cal; Obi-Wan is known as mom. Cody is dubbed 'dad' at some point. The other clones find this hilarious.
While Ahsoka starts as a relatively short teenager, her species tends to grow larger than the average human. So by the time she's an adult, she stands at a respective 200 cm (6'6.7). Anakin hates this in particular, because he was used to being the tallest in the group.
And that's what I got so far. Will probably add more at some point.
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evolutionsvoid · 4 months
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I already know that this entry is going to drive Eucella crazy, what with my...limited knowledge on this species. To be fair though, the information we have on this species as a whole is rather meager, but I feel like it would be a missed opportunity if I didn't write at least something about it! It is important that my readers know of every species, even those we have yet to fully understand! Indeed, I know Eucella is going to be furious at the idea of adding in an entry that is mainly scraps and shoddy guesswork, but when has her temper ever stopped me before? Onwards, I say!
This entry is on the Hundun, a species I feel that a lot of folk aren't even aware of. It would certainly make sense, as not a lot has ever been said or spread about this creature. One of the big factors for this is because the Hundun has (currently) only ever been found in one cave network in one specific region of the world. And even then, one needs to go in real deep to find them, so much so that discovering this species was pretty much an accident, done when an explorer got lost in the labyrinth of tunnels. Thankfully, a rescue team was able to find them and get them out so that their story could be told, resulting in a group of better equipped researchers going in to confirm their existence. At the time, most people thought the poor sap had gone crazy, losing their mind in the absolute darkness and silence only a cave can create. When researchers found the chamber deep within the network, the fantasy was found to be real.  
So what is a Hundun? A good question, because we are currently still trying to find a way to properly answer that. They got no bones, so we can strike a whole branch of life out the equation there. No real exoskeleton means another chunk of the tree taken out, but once we rule those pieces out, we have very little else to narrow it down with. There are a staggering amount of creatures out there that have no bones and aren't bugs, and we still struggle to even sort those properly! Now, we find a species in the depths of some remote cave network, whose anatomy makes even less sense. Back to the question of: what is a Hundun? The answer is that it is a blob of juice, jelly and odd organs that is wrapped in a thick membrane and given six "legs" and four "wings." I stress those words because we don't really have the confidence to truly say that those are what they are. The "wings" have had some folk liken them to gills, yet the Hundun has been seen flapping these appendages and gliding with them from time to time. But no real flight has been observed, and their use of them as a glider is quite sparse. As for their legs, they do aid in travel and climbing, as these are what they use to cling to cavern walls. However, despite their claws, there are no other rigid structures to them, and openings on the bottoms of these "feet" makes these limbs feel more like protruded orifices. And those aren't even the weirdest parts! If one ever got a good look at a real live Hundun, they would have the same question as every researcher: Where's its face?!
Indeed, the striking thing about the Hundun is that it doesn't appear to have a face, or head, or anything we could equate to a noggin. The front of them ends in a smooth membrane, as blank and curved as an egg shell. There are no eyes, no nose, no mouth, nothing. Now some may point out that just because it doesn't have the typical organs and holes that common animals have on their face doesn't necessarily mean they are faceless. Surely there is something there, we just aren't seeing it! And aren't their plenty of cave animals with no eyes? Correct you are! However, when I say they don't have these things, I literally mean they don't have them. On the surface of their front end, we cannot find anything that we could equate to the usual sensors or openings that other creatures have. Perhaps, these special organs are found within the body, but that is another mystery we have yet to figure out. We can't exactly cut a Hundun open and lay it out for all to see. This is because their bodies are practically bags of gelatin just waiting to pop and slosh to the floor in a sloppy mess. Their organs and insides are so sensitive and fluid-like, that they pretty much melt into a puddle of useless juice once their hide is ruptured. Attempts at dissecting dead specimens has resulted in incomprehensible slop and zero answers. Some have used magic to freeze samples solid before cutting, but this process inevitably causes damage to the organs and insides, so we cannot observe them as they normally would be. It's just....baffling. 
If it has no face, how does it breath? How does it eat? Plenty of these questions arise when faced with such an enigma. Breathing is one we feel we figured out, pointing to the wing gills and the soft damp nature of their membrane. We think they can pull in air through these gills and even straight through their skin. As for eating, we have wondered if the skin breathing can also result in skin eating, where it can absorb particles from the air or stuff that settle on their skin. The discovery of their foot orifices now makes us think they eat through those, sucking up food as they walk or cling to the walls. What do they eat? Not really sure. Don't have much of a stomach to open up and poke around through. Probably lichens and tiny creatures that live on these cavern walls, as we have never seen a Hundun chase after food or hunt anything of notable size. What we do know is that their diet is so niche, that keeping them alive outside of these cave systems is near impossible. Specimens removed for long periods of time will starve to death, or die from complications due to eating something that doesn't settle well in their system. All attempts to keep them alive outside of their cave system has been met with failure, so all research is done just outside of these caverns, temporarily capturing specimens for quick tests and observation, before immediately putting them back.
Thankfully, we do know that they lay eggs, but how they get the stuff to make and fertilize eggs, we don't know. No mating rituals have been observed, and no mated pairs have been spotted in the cavern. They simply lay eggs, that then hatch into more Hundun. So even there, are answer is laughably simple.
So if we are utterly clueless about the workings of the Hundun, then what does the world think of them? To be fair, most of the world doesn't really know they exist. Live specimens don't survive long, and preserving dead ones isn't easy either. Any preservatives eventually melt them into colorless goop, and taxidermy doesn't really work on a bag of juice. And with our sad amount of information, most folk would think it is all a lame researcher joke. Locals wound up having stories about this species, but this was all veiled in legends and myth. Tales of ghostly spirits in the depths of the caves, of lost souls in the pits of a dark hell. Obviously, most folk thought these were ghost stories, but now with a glowing orb of living flesh, it feels that these were encounters with the Hundun long ago. Even now, the people of the region speak of this species as a primordial creature, one that has been around since the forming of the world. Some even claim that these creatures are tiny unborn worlds themselves, walking eggs waiting for their day to hatch. It is times like these where I do not turn to my usual scoffing of superstition and dramatics, because I feel that they are onto something here. A primordial being, not a bad theory! Perhaps the Hundun are truly a prehistoric species, one that existed countless centuries before! Isolated in the depths of the earth, far from other creatures and the ravages of nature and time, there is no telling of when they split from the rest of life, or perhaps when the tree of life diverted from them! This could be an incredible case where we found a pocket in the world where time froze, where the ancients still survive to this day! It is an incredible thought, now if only we could figure them out in the slightest!
One last frustrating note: one of the times I was doing research down in the Underworld, my travels took me to a remote cavern town in my pursuit of strange new specimens. While I was visiting, I spotted Hundun on some of the cavern walls, and just as I was going in for a closer look, I saw a demon and their imp playing with one! I was quick to ask about what they were doing, and they straight up tell me that these Hundun are like pets to them! Adorable little squishy beans! I nearly burst out of my own bark hearing this, because here was a community of people who have interacted with these things for decades, perhaps centuries! Such close contact with this species that has never been documented before! I almost threw all my current notes into the nearest fire, because here was my new research! My new thesis! My masterpiece! I would be able to find out answers about the species that puzzled researchers for decades! So I didn't waste any time, barraging everyone with questions about the Hundun and what they know of them. You know what I got? "No idea, but they sure are cute!" THAT'S IT!? YOU PEOPLE HAVE BEEN LIVING WITH ONE OF THE GREATEST ENIGMAS IN NATURAL HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY FOR DECADES AND YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THEM?! I ask "what do you feed your pets?" and they say "oh we don't feed them, they somehow do it themselves." I say "isn't it weird you don't feed these things? Haven't you noticed what they do when they're hungry?" and to that they say "Yeah, it sure is weird, isn't it? Got no clue, but they seem to be doing fine!" I sadly admit that my research of this town and the Hundun had to be cut short for that trip, as my guides had to drag me out of there before I had a total mental breakdown. I will probably have to wait awhile before going back, because I think my crazed screaming rant in the middle of town left a rather poor impression.  
Chlora Myron
Dryad Natural Historian
Oh good! An entire entry of you just saying "I don't know!" Wonderful! Excellent! Just what your book needs, Chlora! You are doing this on purpose, I swear! - Eucella -
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
I was re-reading your rules, do you mind writing merformers?
Like merformers starscream had gotten a beating from megatron for whatever his latest takeover scheme was and the reader found Starscream injured on the strip of inlet her backyard is on. She nursed the merformer back to health and now he’s kind of spoiled because whenever he can’t get food or just doesn’t feel like hunting he knows he just has to show up and the readers house and she will have some sort of food for him. He won’t admit it but Starscream is developing a crush and puff up his fins and Gill frills to look bigger (he’s totally posturing) 😂
Omg, I freaking love this especially the whole posturing part you mentioned. I just hope I did it justice because I had a lot of thoughts about this but I don't know if I really got them to sound coherent
•Starscream had managed to get away from Megatron, but he had passed out from his injuries
•When he woke up, he found himself washed up on a small beach
•He didn’t realize it right away, but someone had wrapped his arms and tail fins in something white
•When he did  though, he tried to immediately get it off
•”Hey, don’t do that!” he heard someone yell
•Starscream can understand english but since his species doesn’t communicate the same way humans do, he can’t exactly talk it’s more like clicks, hisses and chirps if that makes sense
•Well he could learn to talk at least to some extent, but since he has a dislike for humans, he’s never bothered to
•He of course hissed at you and attempted to get back into the ocean, away from the beach and away from you
•But his tail was hurt and so were his arms so he couldn’t really back away from you
•You’d heard of merfolk, sure, but you never imagined you’d meet one
•So when this big mer washed up on the beach behind your house, you were a bit hesitant as to what to do
•But then you noticed he was bleeding and hurt so you decided to patch him up and hope he wouldn’t eat you in the process
•You got him patched up, and sat down on a rock a few meters away waiting for him to wake up
•You occasionally threw some water on him with a bucket, so he wouldn’t dry up
•But when he woke up you ended up in a bit of a standoff
•Starscream was just staring at you with a very aggressive expression, but you also detected some fear in his eyes
•So you sat back down on the rock and just told him: “Don’t take those off, they’re gonna help you heal” motioning towards the bandages
•Starscream retreated back into the water but he didn’t leave, he just sort of swam circles where he could still keep an eye on you
•You sat there on the rock and looked as the gray mer swam lazy circles in the water
•You figured some food might help him feel better so you went in to get the rest of the fish you’d cooked earlier that day
•You set it on the beach, on a plate of course and sat back down to wait 
•Starscream smelled the fish and hesitantly swam closer to the shore, grabbing the fish quickly and stuffing it into his mouth before diving back under
•This became almost a daily occurrence, Starscream would appear on the shallows behind your house and you would feed him whatever you happened to have at hand 
•He also let you take off his bandages after about a week of this whole trust building exercise
•Starscream started to bring you gifts in exchange for the food, things like sea shells and fish, but he mostly brought the fish so you would cook it and give it back to him because he was starting to get a bit spoiled
•Every time you come to bring him food, he tries to look as big as he can because he wants to impress you and seem strong
•One night you were going for a little swim and Starscream appeared and started swimming slow circles around you
•You were just floating there, looking up at the night sky and smiling
•Starscream found himself staring at you in awe and he started swimming closer and closer to you
•You weren’t scared, but you were a little nervous about the way he was looking at you
•You could only see his eyes and up from there and you sort of felt like you were being hunted
•Not like in a bad way though, more like he just wanted to catch you and not actually eat you
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neteyamsoare · 1 year
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Lo’ak Sully x Tsireya.
༉‧₊˚. Anonymous Request. oh ok!! i read over the request rules and am ready to send one now! could u write some fluffy hurt/comfort with tsireya and lo’ak, but where tsireya is the one who is upset and lo’ak is the comforting one? i just think this would be so sweet because tsireya is so pure and sweet and it breaks my heart when she cries in the movie. i also think lo’ak would be good in this situation cause even if he’s awkward he has sisters haha. a specific scene that comes to mind is when lo’ak looks at her and she’s crying while the rest of the clan wants to go to war for the tulkun and it just makes me think about how all this violence is super new for her and how someone who has such a big heart like her must’ve been so sad over the death of the tulkun :( but it doesn’t have to be for this scenario of course, i was just saying where my idea for the request came from!!
༉‧₊˚. Summary. Lo’ak comforts Tsireya as she suffers the loss of her mother’s spirit sister.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Angst and hurt with comfort.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Lo'ak & Tsireya, mentions of war, mention of dead Tulkun and her baby, crying, and a fluff ending.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 620.
༉‧₊˚. Index. Tulkun — [is a large, intelligent marine species native to the oceans of Pandora].
༉‧₊˚. Notes. Anon, I’m sorry I took long with your request but I hope you’re still here to read it, I hope I did justice on this and I hope you liked it.
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
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Nothing hurt Lo'ak more than to see Tsireya crying while everyone else talked about whether to go to war or not. His gaze lingered on her, wanting to go over to her but as soon as he moved his feet in her direction, the meeting was over and people started leaving. Tsireya took that as her moment to run away from the crowd and he followed after her. 
 “Tsireya wait-,” he calls out for her but she doesn’t stop, he doesn’t give up and continues to follow her. They ran for a couple of minutes not caring about the wandering looks as they passed by. Tsireya slowed down after she reached the secluded part of the beach no one but she knew and it soon became their spot to sneak off to. 
“Tsireya…,” he softly spoke as she slowly sat and let out a sob she held in and Lo’ak heart broke at the sound, at the way she looked so defeated, so scared of what was to come. Lo’ak moves toward her and sits down next to her immediately pulling her into his embrace not saying anything just holding her tight. 
He knew what to do when it came to comfort, he had done it before with his sisters whenever they were sad so he knew what to do but he added a few things to it, he drew shapes softly at the lower of her back as he let her cry it out, waiting patiently for she to talk. “Th… They killed my mother’s spirit sister… and her baby…” she forced out between sobs and Lo’ak brows furrowed together at the cruelty sky people had, he hated how they had no respect for the planet and the beautiful creatures that were a part of it. 
“How can someone be so cruel to kill not only the mom… but her baby who just was born? They didn’t ask for this,” Tsireya sobbed more as Lo’ak contemplated what to say. “What if they come here?” Tsireya lifts her head off of his chest to look up at him, he breaks more at the sight of her puffy eyes and the tears that left a trail on her beautiful face, he cursed to himself never wanting to see such a beautiful girl like her cry, wanting to take away the pain as long as she stays happy. 
“What if they don’t stop there? What if they come here? What if they hurt my family, what if they hurt me…” Tears left her eye as she asked these questions that sounded jumbled as she got emotional even more, Lo’ak raises to wipe away the tears, she brings her hand to his removing it from her face and wrapping her entire hand onto his pinky as she looked into his eyes. “What if they hurt you?” As more tears glistened in her eyes, Lo’ak wrapped his other hand over hers, rubbing it softly.
“Hey, I won’t allow anything or anyone to hurt you, they would have to go through me first,” he smiles a bit trying to get a smile on her face but no luck. “Everything’s going to be okay,” he coos softly as he goes back to drawing shapes on her back. “How’d you know?” She questions softly and he just smiles, “Because you got me protecting you and I’ll do anything to make sure you’re safe, and if they do come, I promise you they won’t win, I mean look at me, I’m strong enough to take them down,” he flexes his muscles with a smirk on his face and all Tsireya can do is laugh but deep down she couldn’t be happier that she found someone amazing like him.
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🔖 @livelaughloak, @jakesully-sbabygirl, @kenzi-woycehoski, @fanboyluvr, @onlytays, @amart-e, @vxncxntt, @blep24, @blackheart-stuff, @almondmilk8, @love-chx, @uniltsatirey, @23victoria, @saeayanaa, @aash3, @neteyamsbaby, @0littlelucy0, @itszmedawn, @strawberryclouds22, @doulcha, @lixiesbrowniess, @liluvtojineteyam, @tinkerbelle05, @olivikiya, @neteyamyawne, @ratchetprime211, @cloudyl9, @mooniequeen, @kentfisherswifee6, @pandoragalora, @ami-s-k, @murderbirbdany, @anonymousailurophile.
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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humbletumblecrudi · 2 years
Hi could you possibly do Rook Hunt with a male reader who's sassy and they have a friendly rivarly together that may or may not turn into something more once feelings are caught 👀👀
Oh Anon, this was so fun! I made Reader mutually enjoy hunting Rook, because it's very attractive to have a mutual activity of physically hunting your crush! ◉‿◉ 💛 (PSA: Please don't hunt your crush IRL...)
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Writing Notes: Reader is Male, Reader doesn't have to be human (I made a Beastman, Merfolk, Fae, and Human section each), and Reader is also a hunter in some way here!
Warnings: Fem DNI with this work as I will block (only one exception has been made; if you have a Male OC please contact me for an exception), and Reader agreed to being hunted (and Rook agreed too).
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> Rook Hunt 🏹
This rivalry started most likely because you were a target in his eyes, just like most of the Beastman, Merfolk, Fae, and others at school. 
This is not some cute, friendly rivalry where two men prank or compete honestly with grades: this is Rook Hunt doing what his name suggests… Hunt!
It's a friendly hunting rivalry. Prey versus predator, and such! 
No matter if you're actually a different species then him, or you're just a prominent hunter yourself: you two end up circling each other after you both get too much information on each other and mutually express your curiosities. 
He does not hate you or want you dead, non monsieur! Anything but! (You're far too interesting for him to even consider such!) Do not get him mixed in with poachers or criminal game catchers: he just loves the thrill of a mutual hunt! He never goes for normal people who you could find in modern civilization, but he does try and goed the powerful into a game or two!
Of course, before you: nobody took up his offer or his baiting (has he told you about the time Malleus singed his hair with a fastball to threaten him)! But now… oh, now? He's going to have fun, especially since you answered his teasing by sending a school manufactured arrow into the tree behind him. 
Beastman Reader ― He knows Beastman come in all shapes and sizes of mammals, birds, and reptiles. He's got whistles to annoy Canine Beastman, he has catnip for Feline Beastman, he's got dud light bulbs to annoy Naga, and so on. It's mostly stuff to get you to migrate or move around, nothing that could hurt you. But he's also not taking any chances, and you'll see him often from a distance coming in. 
Merfolk Reader ― Oh, he's not hunted many merfolk in his young years! He's mostly successful on land and not knowing of the sea life: and is willing to try his best, for you! He has nets that can't be cut with teeth and nails for Eels and Crabs, he has plastic rings that cause tangled annoyances for Jellyfish, he has sodium powder to fuck with Octopus and Slugs, and so on. He's more worrying with his teasing of sea creatures, but he's also wearing more protective gear for himself. He really is unaware of sea life other than random things that are poisonous… 
Fae Reader ― He is not on your level and this is more likely to be you teasing him. He can try and sneak up on you, but you're able to smell the cologne he tries masking with nature and musk. He's found himself flipped into the dirt after you've broken the tree he's hiding in or you've sent a gust of wind to clear bushes from sight. My, my… his Fae record for successful hunts is still at 0 with you. 
Human Hunter Reader ― He's going to challenge you and challenge you harder than the others in a way. It's much more sniper versus sniper with paintball rules applied, and he's not going to hold back. You can expect paint pellets to the uniform if you're too sloppy, and he can expect you to shoot his hat off him if he's stagnant. Of course, you've both been scolded by Crowley a few times… but Crewel finds this funny to watch, and Vargas cheers you on often (bad influences, all around).
… Either way, whoever you are, you enjoy this a bit too much. You want to take him down in your mutual game and you pounce him while behind the bleachers of the Spelldrive Savanaclaw. He had dropped his guard just slightly as you used wind magic to throw sand around beneath you, and down you dropped on him…
― You had landed quite harshly upon him and as the dust settled, you pulled yourself up to look down at him. Your hunter's instincts took over as you saw the man below you start to twist and push from the sandy ground. You try to go for his throat, to push him away at a vital area of his body, but he's faster than you and grabs you by your shoulders to bring you down again.
The pulling has you both chest-to-chest and your shaking legs doesn't help your leverage as Rook took your lips on his. The dirt on yours and the slight copper taste on his mixes strangely, but your instincts come alive like a sparking wire…
If you both didn't need oxygen, you'd have devoured his tongue and bitten his lips raw. You two separate and something else is left between you two, and you're almost certain that this feeling was far from friendship. Having Rook below you while interwoven so intimately was far different then shooting potshots at each other across yards of space. It felt…
"Oh… monsieur… mon ange," Rook's eyes slant and he almost grins devilishly before winking. "I could get used to being below you like this. I'm free on Tuesday!"
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reputationdamiano · 2 years
pairing: damiano david x reader
warning(s): one mention of blood in person's veins
word count: 631
summary: when you and damiano find a field of dandelions, your vacation in french countryside can’t get any better.
a/n: over a year ago, a certain person made a playlist for me, this song was in it. i still find it very beautiful and it inspired me to write a short fic. as you may see, i’m trying to improve my writing. i also want to thank @bidet-and-legolas for proofreading 🤍
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there were hundreds of thousands of them. sitting on the ground, surrounded by them, you felt like a plant from a different ecosystem which has been gradually putting down its roots. 
a light breeze seemed to be moving feather-like clouds high above the planet. the temperature was the optimum in which you felt most at peace with reality: high, but not a suffocating heat. 
while slowly approaching you, damiano took all of his steps like a spy. in his eyes, you were a masterpiece and he was admiring you.
your hair was falling down in cascades over a flaxen dress the color of freshly harvested peaches. you were holding one of the flowers in your hand with great caution, like it was the last one in the world and you could save the species from going extinct. 
“what are you thinking about, bella?” your boyfriend asked, and sat down on the grass. he began tracing the tattoo on your arm with his fingers, just like he did a week after you got it and finally took the protective film off it. damiano loved every inch of your skin and always let you know about it. 
“i’m wishing on those little things” 
this was true. when you encountered this field about ten minutes ago, during your bike excursion in the countryside, it instantly reminded you of an old superstition. 
“and what are you wishing for?” damiano enquired, resting his head on your shoulder and intertwining his fingers with yours. 
“don’t you know saying it out loud is against the rules of wishing?” you replied half-jokingly. 
“come on, won’t you tell me?” damiano tried to convince you, looking at you with puppy eyes. 
“alright” you blew the seeds of the dandelion and watched them make their way through the lukewarm air. you looked into his hazel eyes and cupped his cheeks delicately.
“i wished that you’ll be mine forever”
then you closed your eyes and pulled him even closer. that’s when your lips met his in a soft kiss that was becoming more and more passionate every second.
when it came to an end, damiano’s eyes light up like sparklers. 
“your wish is going to come true, i promise” he beamed and looked at you fondly. 
“but i need you to close your eyes right now” damiano added. 
“um.. okay?” you didn’t have the slightest idea what he was plotting this time but you followed his instructions. 
he must’ve gotten up from the ground because your shoulders brushed and the space next to you seemed empty. 
you could feel the blood in your veins flowing faster and faster.
“dami, where are you going?” you couldn’t help but ask. 
“please be patient” his voice could be heard a few meters away from your sitting spot.  although you were hyped up, you kept sitting still, seeing nothing but darkness in front of you.
“well, you can open your eyes now” 
you finally lifted your eyelids to a sight of damiano kneeling before you. he was holding a little blue box with a shiny ring in it. the loving look on his face already expressed what he was about to say.
“i finally gathered the courage to do this. will you marry me, y/n?” 
the last five words were the confirmation that your boyfriend and you shared the same wish. you were convinced that no one could tear two of you apart, ever. 
your eyes glazed over as you reached for his hand. 
“yes” you exclaimed. the next thing you knew, you had a diamond ring on your finger. damiano pulled you in and your lips started moving in perfect sync. in that moment, it was like you were the only people on earth. 
“sei l’amore della mia vita” damiano confessed.
“i’ll be yours forever” 
taglist: @ethanesimp @bidet-and-legolas @mywritingonlyfans@kirstansworld @gretavanfleetlove @otaculo @bieberhoodforever @kyliesalvatore @dont-let-me-drown-in-you  @hopelessromantic727 @ilwiwbysmv  @lovelymaneskindays @grzybowysyn  @butkutee
if you like my works, please reblog, comment or send me asks. ¡gracias!
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vampstel · 8 days
You make very cute personas, but umm what exactly is a persona, is it some made-up character or a character that's made to represent yourself? Because I wanna make a persona, but I don't actually know what it is or how to make one😭
I understand your confusion so much 😭
I used to not know what a persona is or how to even make one since it’s such a fluid(?) word. The meaning of it just differs from person to person so there’s no strict rules set in place for creating them. But the basic gist of it is it’s meant to represent you.
How it represents you is entirely up to you. If you want to create a character that’s an identical copy to your real life self, that’s a persona. If you want to create a character that doesn’t look like you at all but you feel strongly connected to them/identify as them, that’s a persona. If you want to create a character that resembles you in a way, but is an idealized version of yourself, that can also be a persona.
There are endless choices when it comes to how you represent yourself in a character. That’s where most of the struggle comes from when creating personas and it’s such a hard topic to tackle and give advice for since, again, it all depends on you.
Really, the only thing I can say that helps me with making personas is trying to visualize who I am and what parts of me I want to show online. Like I ask myself questions such as:
Do I have any traits that stand out?
Do I see myself as a different species? Whether literally or just for fun?
Are there any interests that I want to show in my character design? Any clothes that I like?
Should I keep most of my real life physical traits or should I go completely fantasy?
Do I show my flaws or should I just create an ideal version of who I am?
It all sounds very overwhelming but when you start writing down the things you like and the traits you think are most memorable about yourself, creating a persona can be easy. But if you struggle with your sense of self and, in my case, correlate your identity to your interests and your interests change a lot, it can be extremely difficult and it’ll take many retries to create a persona that sticks.
Don’t be afraid to experiment. I feel like that’s the best advice I can give you. Don’t stress on making a perfect persona because your identity will always be fluid in some kind of way. You’ll change as you grow and learn and that’s the best part of having a persona because you can see that change whenever you create a new one.
As for experimentation… You can have multiple personas to show multiple sides of you or your interests. You can have one persona that’s extremely versatile so they’re easily changeable or fit all your traits. You can have one persona that just fits the biggest part of you you think is memorable. Just go crazy lol
Me personally? I decided to go down the “I’ll just fit all my interests in one character” route and it’s how I made Niko. I got my biggest interests such as dolls, bunnies, and fantasy and put them all into one messy conglomeration and so far it’s been working really well for me. But that may not work for you.
Creating a persona is honestly a journey of finding yourself, in a way. Especially if you’re a creative. Don’t rush it and just go with the flow :]
BTW: There’s another definition of persona which is essentially the “mask” you show in public. But that’s a completely different conversation and isn’t really needed unless you wanna become a professional in your line of work :P
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kosmicdream · 1 year
How did 3 become Galore? Did celadon eat her? I dont know if this was explained already or is yet to be revealed, but I always wondered !
If unable to answer, what inspired you to make hekatons in the first place? :]
Yup, Celadon ate Galore. While it was never shown on screen (although I do plan to show more of the “crimson past” timeline in the future) - #2 reveals this fact in this scene in chapter 14.
The hekatons were inspired because I wanted to have a species that "were created on the spot" like a bolt of lightning from god. i wanted to understand how something like that might feel, and what problems would happen because of it, because that is a very unnatural way for life to happen. 
As the idea developed for hekatons, i wanted it to be about a close family - originally there was only going to be 3 hekatons - Knife, Fork, Spoon - where Knife was actually the youngest sibling, Spoon was the oldest brother and Fork was the middle child. Fork was a lot more crude & cruel (which is why his personality is that more in the early chapters) and Spoon’s personality was ONLY that of the deadpan one in the start of the comic. Knife was a curious, goofy, but also deeply cynical and the strongest of the three. Then, I started to feel conflicted about Fork/Knife’s position in the ages, and wanted Fork to be the youngest. As I thought about their dynamic, it felt a lot more natural to me that Knife adopted fork, and fork was very young at the time. That made me think, if they were father and adopted son, that must mean there might be a lot more hekatons than just 3. That kind of blew my mind, so I started to consider the idea that hekatons had already BEEN around - and for a long time! That changed a lot haha. OH! And, originally, the king worm that made the hekatons was actually Dollop’s King, and Dollop was going to be sort of their “cousins” (not actually cousins, but just both species would be made by the same worm.) I also always imagined the hekatons as being eggs, like answering the "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" where it actually had an answer. the egg, of course! which creates a consequence, since a choice was made. Just as "the chicken" would also have consequence, just a different one. (if this makes sense lmao) I got into more of the idea that the three of them were just a family, but all of them had experienced a type of.. Deep loss. Or some kind of pain in their hearts that they were dealing with. Which informed me on how I wanted them to look. Spoon’s design was the first one that came to me, as I wanted to write a man that was half a man, and so I kind of built the “rules” of a hekaton body based on the premise of like.. A species that works in a way where you can survive being cut down the middle. Much about spoon and his story, and what i wanted to achieve with his story, informed the “powers” and physiology of the hekaton’s body. Fork’s story, where he has no eyes, informed the sex/gender themes for hekatons, how they breed and sight/hearing aspects of a Hekaton.. And knife carries more of the like, history and thematic struggles of the species, which is the foundational aspect. Ahha, i feel like i kind of got off track with this answer, but that’s sort of the beginning block stages for how the hekaton species were invented, and what pushed them to look and be written as they do now.
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
also asked by @heartshapedvows and @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy
Thank you beloveds, I adore all of you! Sending each of you kisses and hugs 💖
In no particular order, my favorite five that I've written are:
today i live for a single drop of you
Eddie has such a pretty cock.
That’s the only thing Buck can think of as he kneels at Eddie's feet. It’s flushed, almost purple in color, straining, and dripping. And it’s all for Buck.
Buck licks his lips and looks up at Eddie, who is leaning against the kitchen counter, hands braced behind him, his head thrown back and his chest heaving.
Jesus, Buck hasn’t even touched him yet and he’s already panting and desperate.
Five times Buck dreams about sucking Eddie's cock and the one time he actually gets to do it.
(writing six different blowjobs was one hell of a change but I honestly had the best fucking time doing it and I think this is some of the best smut I've written)
red life might stream again
The continent of Edrus is split into five countries, one for each species. Kyran belongs to the fae, Midrahi belongs to the humans, Vahlan belongs to the shapeshifters, Raelia belongs to the sari, and Dwerva belongs to the daemons. For centuries the five species have lived separately and somewhat peacefully. No one is allowed into a country that is not their home country, with the exception of members of the Order and traders chosen by each ruling government.
One tragic event brings together unlikely allies Eddie, fae soldier from Kyran, and Buck, human prince and future king of Midrahi. Together, along with their friends, they must uncover a dark secret about their world that has been hidden for too long, fight to keep one another alive, and work against an evil empire that has been hiding in the shadows ready to enslave any who don't bend to its will.
In the midst of crumbling kingdoms and dark masters, Eddie and Buck find something extraordinary together, but will they survive long enough to build something that lasts or will it all come crashing down around them?
(My beloved fantasy au! This my baby and holds my heart and is so precious to me. It's got the lowest kudos of all my fics but it's the one I adore the most)
we live and breathe words
Buck blinks and reads over it again. And again. And again. And again. Hot, fizzy starlight bursts inside his chest, shining across every crack and crevice as he reads it over and over. The poem is–it’s beautiful. The words plunge into his heart, engulfing it in soft blooming vines that reach into every broken part and pull them together.
Eddie wrote this.
Eddie wrote this.
Buck finds Eddie's poetry, discovers Eddie is in love with him, and decides to do something about it.
(This was such fun to write! I have always had the hc that Eddie did really well in English and loved to write stories and poetry as a kid and well this happened. I really enjoyed trying to get into Eddie's head and imagine what kind of words he would write about Buck)
slowly getting sober from the taste of your skin
“I–yeah. Yes. I want everything.” He’s not exactly sure what Buck is alluding to, but Eddie will take whatever Buck is willing to give. More of Buck can only be everything good and pleasurable and right in the world.
Buck pulls away from Eddie’s neck and turns his head. “Did you hear that? Sounds like he wants both of us.”
Confusion swirls through Eddie, dampening the tiny starbursts popping through his blood. He turns to follow Buck’s gaze and his breath catches in his throat.
Leaning against the doorframe, eyes wide and cheeks flushed, is–Buck.
Eddie has a threesome with regular Buck and evil!Buck
(This was the hardest fic I have written because writing a clear threesome is hard (hehe) enough but when two of the people are actually the same person, yeah it was challenging but verrry rewarding. I enjoy rereading this one often)
when the violence causes silence
Watching Buck get hit by pure crackling energy, watching him fall and dangle above the ground–motionless, lifeless–it makes everything go silent. Eddie thinks he screams, but he doesn’t hear it; he feels Buck’s name rip out of his throat, splintering across his tongue, the shards of each syllable cutting cutting cutting until all he can taste is the echo of Buck’s name alongside his own blood.
Buck gets struck by lightning and Eddie mourns. When Buck wakes up, Eddie takes him home and tells him what Buck means to him.
(This stared as a sort of 6x10 coda when the promo came out and then quickly became this massive thing after actually watching 6x10. I really really love what I did with this one, exploring Eddie's grief and then slapping these two with a happy ending was a delight)
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simonambroise · 10 months
I've been tagged by @palebdot. I intend to talk about my work.
QnA under the cut or whatever.
1)What motivates you to write?
I love reading my writing when its good, because I can write the story I want to read with gay people in it. There is also my dearest friend Sahara Wheatbrick, a tumblrless follower whomst knoweth where I live, so... Fear and joy in equal measure.
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
Oh there's the scene I wrote from Lara's perspective (Lara is an alien called a Ruquati which is bipedal humanoid, typically red, orange or yellow with four arms) when she is first interacting with Taylor, a human child. Lara's internal processes are so fun to write, because she manages to be a space alien and yet so human. I will admit I took some inspiration from the whole humans are weird thing, but I feel the world building and characterization is the best I've ever done. I want to shove the entire chapter in here... But it isn't really a short snippet, yk? Tho its my post and I can do what I want..... Ill spare you the chapter but you'll get the whole scene.
Sorry for rambling tho haha
Lara had been working on a blanket when the larva stumbled in- a simple repetitive task. A useful task. Not the task she had been born for, but a task. Dip into the last row, grab the yarn, pull through. Dip into the last row, grab the yarn, pull through. Dip, grab, pull. She barely registered the door swinging open, but she did notice when little hands with one too many fingers tugged at her transparent sleeve. Lara looked down at the Terran, and blinked slowly. Such a small larva would not have the instincts that said eye contact was a threat, but it was more for her sake. To her surprise, the little Terran blinked back before clambering up to tuck themselves between her lower shoulders and the couch. Their skin was warm, surprisingly so- every reminder that the species could maintain a perfect temperature so well was like a bucket of cold water. A shocking reminder that Terrans were alien in every sense of the word. Another glance at the Terran larva, wide eyes completely unfamiliar on such a tiny face. Ruquatin larva didn’t have eyes, or legs, or much of anything. They only really began looking like adults as pupa, but even when Terran larva first hatched- or rather, ripped their way out of the adult’s stomach like some sort of parasite- they still resembled Terrans. Even inside the adult’s stomach, which Lara assumed was fairly similar to the egg stage, they had arms and legs and… eyes. Well, most of the time. Mistakes happen when you decide to build your descendants inside of your body. It was just poor decision making. A complete lack of planning. How were you supposed to get them out of there if something went wrong? If there were mites or worms or parasites? It was a miracle they even made it to space, Lara thought as the larva tucked close to her. They were warm, as all Terrans were. Radiating heat like the sun. Why they felt the need to head off into the great dark was a mystery. Terrans were a new species by most standards, never mind ancient Ruquatin standards. Their entrance to the galaxy was the catalyst to the fall of the Empire, and Lara could not bring herself to give a single damn. The Empress got what was coming for her. The colony Lara had been born into was gone, and she had been accepted into another. Greta was the Nurse, the healer who stopped what would have been death in it’s tracks. Gabriel was a Architect, a Peacemaker. A planner and mediator, calm and collected. And Piper was the Builder, the Greenie, the Grub, the Cleaner, and the Queen. The one who grew food, the protector, a Queen that ruled over her little colony the same as she cleaned the kitchen sink. She Built their hive with her own hands and Lara could never understand the complete disregard Terrans had for a caste system. Her hive was everything, and Lara was a Diplomat. The one who went outside and made deals, the one who was shunned so the others may remain safe. The larva at her side had begun making little rhythmic growling noises that Piper had referred to as ‘snoring’. It was a behavior, she explained, that some Terrans did while sleeping. Lara was the Diplomat of her colony, the only one. And by Ragaitor she would do her job. For the Queen. For the colony. For the hive.
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I don't believe I've mentioned my all time favorite OC on this, but -surprise- its a character I project onto heavily! He's a blond trans guy who's a little goblin and loves embroidery. He's an absolute piece of shit and the most loveable goofball.
Now, for Captain of the Blue Opal, it has got to be Clive. In theory, he's a bad guy. In practice, he's just some guy. Cherry is bullied relentlessly by his crew members for his name, which I believe is entirely unfair to Clay. I mean, Clyde is trying his best. (Sorry to all the Clowns out there. Your name ie valid)
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
First draft, every time. Once I get into the swing of things, words flow and its easy. Its made easier if I plot things out but I find that duller than getting right to it!
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Oh no I need to talk about myself. Uhhhhhh... I'm really bad at that lmao. I think I'm good at dialogue. I've never had the issue where I had to figure out what a character was going to say in a given situation, because they just said that. I suppose that goes hand in hand with characterization but I've exceeded my one self-compliment yearly limit.
6) What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Its an excuse to talk about my book to people who might actually listen. What's not to love?
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Reedsy, Reedsy, Reedsy. Its a double edged sword, but its the sort of website that works super well with my nurodivergent brain. It lets you set goals and reminds you of said goals- both short term and long term. It's divided up into chapters and lets you put fancy scene breakers in. On the other hand, exporting your book in reedsy format is hell. You just can't do it easily. You want o take your book out so you can send it off to a publisher? Haha, if you're not going through Reedsy they're going to make it difficult.
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
My Ruquati space alien culture. Their social structure is similar to hive insects, they have a strict caste system. Typically they are warm colors-- red and orange, though there are two exceptions. Greenies, who are in charge of tending to the plants. Their skin color is green because of a chemical they secrete- sort of a pesticide/sun lotion in one yk. Then of course we have blue Ruquati, which are typically seen as bad luck. Blue Ruquati aren't confined to a specific caste like Greenies. Any level could be born blue, at which point they'd be set at the bottom of their particular caste. Unfortunately for Lara, she got the quadruple middle finger (which is weird since Ruquati don't have a middle finger) from genetics, so she's a diplomat (lowest caste) AND blue.
Im trying to keep this short but then I realized if people got bored they'd have left by now... So here's a brief overview of the Ruquati social structure!!!
At the top is The Empress, the chief of hive minds and supreme ruler of the Ruquatin Empire. Hive minds, you might ask, simon, where did the hive minds come from?
Well, my dear friend, the hive mind is made up entirely by Queens, all controlled remotely by the Empress. They are capable of individual actions, just so the Empress doesn't have to waste thought on day to day matters of the colonies.
Architects are a bit harder to explain. In canon there isn't a lot of information on their behavior, seeing as if you get close enough to catch them, you've killed the hive. Architects die with their hive. Because I am the author, I can tell you they are the strategists, the military commanders. They plan battles and the size of the Ruquati Empire was entirely dependent on them. They are often referred to as the Peacemakers, not in the sense they will solve their problems diplomatically but in the sense they'll order the deaths of anyone who may "disturb the peace".
Beneath the Architects are the Builders, a job that is fairly self-explanatory. These Ruquati expand and repair the colony under orders from their Queen. In a warlike species who's only goals is expansion (gross oversimplification but i won't subject you to politics) the architects of that expansion are valued highly.
Then, of course, the Nurses. Unlike human nurses, who fix injuries, these Ruquati watch over the eggs, larva, and pupa of of the colony. Young Ruquati are entirely dependent upon the Nurses for their survival. Medics aren't so much a thing as it's very difficult to injure a Ruquati. Once an injury occurs, however, they are, for lack of a better term, absolutely screwed.
Next up, we've got Grubs, the soldiers. They can be sorted into three categories.
Queen's Guard
This is the one position a Ruquati is not born into. The strongest of all Grubs (common and others) are pulled aside for extra training to become the Guards for the Queen. The Queen's Guard. The guards that protect the Queen. Highest ranked of all Grubs, though still below everyone above. They eat a special specialized diet that makes them more aggressive, more territorial, and larger than the average Grub.
2. Grubs
These are the soldiers who fight foreign wars, sometimes halfway across the galaxy. They leave the hive so that the hive may remain strong, sacrificing so much for the colony. Least territorial, but incredibly aggressive.
3. Common Grubs
Common Grubs are the soldiers who stay behind to defend the colony. They are less aggressive then their mobile counterparts but much more territorial, bordering on Queen's Guard levels of territorial.
Then we've got "The Green Ones" or Greenies. They are distinguished from their fellow workers by the green tint to their skin. They are farmers growing a bioluminescent mushroom. Once harvested, it is the main food source for the Ruquati people. Before harvesting, however, they release deadly spores that can and will grow in Ruquati lung equivalents. The Greenies are immune to the spores because their bodies secrete a mucus the ensures spores do not enter the lungs. This mucus has a habit of dying Ruquati skin green, hence Greenies.
General Workers, another fairly self explanatory title. These people do the stuff higher ups can't be bothered with.
Cleaners, the ones who do the dirty work. They do the small, annoying tasks that nobody else will. They are respected, but are definitely considered lesser.
Drones are here to fuck and then they die. I can't elaborate beyond that because that's what they are. They are all about instant gratification (since they're going to die soon anyways) so they often make stupid impulsive decisions that endanger or even destroy the hive. Its happened too many times for Drones to be put into positions of power.
Now, for Diplomats. Yet another self-explanatory title Simon, love the creativity. They are considered the lowest of the low, because they are sent in when winning a war is not possible. For the most part, that doesn't happen. As a result, Diplomats have a tendency to be seen as useless cowards in Ruquati society. Ah, culture traumatizing those it deems unnecessary. How original! Diplomats are an evolutionary holdover from Before the Empress' Hivemind. Back then, warring queens often fought dirty, and fought dirty often. This all changed when the Empress created her hive mind, but this is veering dangerously close to political territory and I'd need several hours to properly explain the politics of Pre-Empress Ruquati Empire, Empress' Ruquati Empire, and Post-Empress Ruquati Empire. Which isn't actually relevant to my story haha. It be boring for everyone involved.
-Blue Ruquati are considered cursed and get sent to rock bottom of the caste they're already in. If a Queen is blue, she will be considered lesser than the other queens, though still above Builders. As a diplomat AND a blue Ruquati, Lara got the short end of all the sticks.
-Drones are technically lower than diplomats but Ruquati society at least recognizes them as having a use. Still, they are regarded with much suspicion. They attempt to seduce whatever Queen is nearby, have sex and then die. What a life.
-Castes were ranked in order of importance to Ruquati society. They value expansion, war and consider themselves superior to other species. (once again, gross oversimplification but c'est la vie or whatever)
-Most Ruquati stay in the hive their entire lives, except for diplomats, Queens, Queen's Guards and Grubs.
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
For me, my blocks are mental. I have the time to write. Theoretically I have the ability to focus on the writing. If I just started, I'd be fine.
Sit down with the computer. Just open it up to your word processor of choice and sit in front of it. Listen to music, sit there, and stare at that document. Eventually you'll get bored enough to start writing.
Another tip that helped me: for your first draft, set word count goals. I'm not talking 1,000, 2,000 words every day, because even people with writing as their full time job can't do that. I'm talking sit down with the intent to write one sentence. One word, on bad days.
10) Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest
ohhhhhhh uh most of the people who inspire me are irl, but i'll mention them anyways. Pseudonyms obviously.
So, to my dearest Dad-Husband-Son-Family-Dog-And-Unlicensed-Nurse-Practitioner (one person), Sahara Wheatbrick, Luigi, Indigo, Duffin Dagels and of course, @coatlsaviator, thanks for the inspiration and support, as well as putting up with my insane rants.
Now for the Tumblr people, of which there are two (three if you count Mike' N' Ike, which I do.) haha. I'm not rlly integrated into the Tumblr ecosystem yet, but part of that is my unwillingness to talk to anyone and Good Old Fashioned Social Anxiety™
I would @ palebdot again but I think that's bad form on Tumblr and i don't want to sent them two notifs for the same post so... Thrilled to see where they're going.
And the Other Writers I Follow Who Seem Cool And Unapproachable to my Social Anxiety Whomst I Wish To Include In The QnA but Do Not Demand A Response From:
@caxycreations @sithbelle
You are mysterious and unknowable friends, Keep Up The Good Work
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oddygaul · 19 days
Rise of the Dawn of the War for the Planet of the Apes
Yeah okay the marketing got me and I watched all these movies.
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Rise of the Planet of the Apes
You know, honestly, with this first one… there’s a hundred things about it I could pick apart*, but the emotional core works so I’m here for it. Like, fuck, who am I kidding, of course I want to see a story about apes gaining human-level intelligence and banding together for a heist scene to escape humanity, hell yeah, brother, that rules. I’m here for any movie with the wherewithal to give a sci-fi-ass concept like that a serious, modern take and lean into its strengths. And then, on top of that, they actually managed to create a character as compelling as Caesar? It’s hard to complain too much.
*The company going to human trials literally 5 minutes after the success of one single trial monkey, James Franco’s girlfriend somehow never questioning Caesar for years, the humans randomly making the drug into a gas canister right when it’s convenient for the plot, the absolute lack of response to the giant band of apes rolling through the city, the apes’ incredible immunity to glass cuts from the dozens of windows they smash through…
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I will take a moment to say, though, James Franco’s whole character is goofy as fuck and I could not take him seriously. He honestly feels like he stepped straight outta Spider-Man 3, like Franco was really gunning for that Norman Osborne callback. I was, at any given moment, expecting him to bug out his eyes and go punch out some board members.
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The biggest missed opportunity in this movie imo is Jacob not reaching out with his palm facing upwards in this scene, to echo the supplication gesture
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Right from the jump this one gets pretty dumb. Look, I get that the point is that humans are just as tribalistic, violent, and stupid as any species, but the human group's reaction of “Wow, we came into contact with sapient apes, and they even speak our language and fully understand us, making communication easily possible! Welp, guess our only option for conflict resolution here is immediate violence” is so cartoonish it was hard for me to take anything seriously afterwards.
They even double down on this exaggerated conflict by turning Koba into an antagonist. In Rise, I loved that this scary-looking, scarred-up ape was a good guy. Typically, a viewer would assume such a character design is cleary indicating a villain. With Koba, though, the scars are all visual reminders of the pain inflicted on him by his human tormentors - he looks scary because of what was done to him, not because of what he’s done. The beginning of Dawn seems to continue this trope reversal - Caesar and Koba seem to have a mature understanding of each other, with Caesar respecting the valid experiences underlying Koba’s feelings towards humans, and Koba trusting Caesar to do what’s best despite his misgivings. This is then thrown away seemingly just so we can get a big ape showdown on a skyscraper for the finale.
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In general, Dawn feels much more like it’s trying to be a big blockbuster at the expense of its writing. Rise felt like a solid exploration of its concept; a lot of dumb things happened, yeah, but ultimately in service of the story, with the action sequence at the end feeling like an afterthought. Dawn, on the other hand, almost feels like it’s coming up with excuses to throw in dumb, big-budget action scenes. And they’re fine and all - it’s hard to argue with the cinematic power of a bonobo dual-wielding assault rifles on horseback - but I would’ve preferred a slower, more thoughtful sci-fi story about the apes’ developing culture.
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I did dig the sorta cheesy old-school scoring of this one - lots of random timpani hits and weird flutes and stuff. And this is as good a point as any to acknowledge that god damn, is the CGI in these movies great. Aside from a few rare moments, where the lighting just barely gives away that the apes aren’t really present, the effects work is totally believable and does a lot of heavy lifting to keep the series engrossing.
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The very end was a good moment, too, with Caesar’s acknowledgement that peace with humans is no longer an option. It’s a depressing but accurate read of the situation - it doesn’t matter what anyone’s intentions were beforehand, and it doesn’t matter that individuals within the two groups understand each other, each in-group as a whole is irreparably distrustful of the other going forward. Once that history has been written, it’s damn hard to let go of it.
War for the Planet of the Apes
The start of this one is pure schlock lol. The monkeys riding around on horseback like desperados, Woody Harrelson’s silly-ass performance, the little girl that joins them for your token inspirational human-ape bonding moments… goofy.
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where we droppin boys
Despite that start, though, I thought this one ended up being kind of a bummer. It seems like the apes being trapped in the military camp was an attempt to recapture the magic of Rise’s escape arc, but it isn’t quite as fun for a number of reasons. The stakes have been raised so high that the mood is tense and grim, rather than exhilarating; the human opponents are too deadly for all that many antics to happen; and the snowy environment feels oppressive, and doesn’t offer anything as visually exciting as the dense forests we were watching the apes swing through one movie ago. The whole thing just ends up feeling a bit drab and bleak.
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It’s pretty wild how much Caesar looks like Andy Serkis, honestly. I wouldn’t think you could get such a likeness on a chimpanzee without killing the believability, but here we are.
So, the trilogy overall… I dunno, kinda trash, but good trash. Monkey brain like watching monkey, but it’s nothing that’s really gonna stick with me too much.
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