#and then “what the people want” for the silly chapter. i refuse to call it what it is its just silly to me sjfbsb
styxpenz · 28 days
wait i dont think i ever shared the full titles of my fics on here huh.
comfort of yesterday - the comfort of yesterday (and the uncertainty of tomorrow)
and the poor get laid off - the rich get rich, and the poor get laid off [lyrics]
fog will subside/this purpose is a fog - please tell me when the fog will subside/this purpose is a fog (along a dark horizon) [lyrics]
burning secrets, burning wishes [same thing; lyrics]
nobody asked but its fine . i like naming shit after music can u tell /j
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kkami-writes · 8 months
waiting for us — chapter thirty seven. laser tag cw. derogatory language/slurs. wc 701 + 4 ss a/n. I do want to be clear that I am part of the lgbt+ community and have been called these things which of course isn't like? an excuse to say that like I can say it? though I think people should be able to reclaim their slurs but. ANYWAY the point is, I have censored it but if it makes people uncomfy, I can fully censor!!
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After Felix had stopped pouting he had showered you in compliments, genuinely impressed at how you were able to get the plushy in two tries. He pretends to bow down to you.
“All hail the claw queen!!!!” You snort at his silliness before trying to pull him up, hoping no one was watching the two of you.
“Oh my god, stop it!! Lix!”
“What?? I’m just giving my respects to my new queen,” Your eyes roll playfully, nudging him softly.
“So, what should we name our son?” You question as you point to the duckling plushy he was holding. Honestly? It reminded you of the pretty boy.
Felix on the other hand was absolutely melting on the inside. The fact that you had called the plush “our” son. Why were you so adorable? He could feel himself falling more in love with you, every second he spent with you.
He clears his throat. “What about bbokari?”
“As in…yongbokkie?” A sly grin tugs at your lips.
Felix groans. “Who told you??!”
A giggle falls from your lips. “Minho let it slip,”
“Minho??? I expected Jisung or Hyunjin at least. They have big mouths. In more ways than one” Pink dusts your cheeks as you push the boy who only laughs at your shyness.
“Bbokari is cute though. I love it,” Felix just gives you that breathtaking smile.
“Oh!” Felix exclaims, pointing over towards the back of the arcade. “Look, they have laser tag. You down for a round?”
“It’s been forever since I’ve played. I’m down,” You nod, the two of you starting to make your way over there.
“Shall we make a wager?” You squint at Felix.
“What kind of wager?”
“Loser buys ice cream?”
“Oh you are SO on,”
And that’s how you find yourself in the dark arena, neon lights lining the floor as your only source of light. You were slightly directionally challenged so the maze like turns has made you very lost but you were still on guard, making sure to stay far away from Felix. It was just the two of you, trying to hunt each other down, taking your bet very seriously.
You’re hidden behind a wall, peaking your head out to see if you can catch a glimpse of his now raven hair. When the coast is clear you take a step to move to a new location, but a hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you back, pushing you up against the wall. Even though you were only a few inches shorter than the boy, you had felt so small under his gaze. Felilx has his hand slightly above your head, effectively caging you in.
He smirks down at you and you hate how attractive he looks under the neon lights.
“Well, well, well. Seems I’ve caught myself a pretty girl,” He hums, hand coming down to twirl a strand of your hair around his fingers. Felix’s grin becomes more cocky, canines peaking past his lips. “Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t shoot you right now,”
“Because I’m cute?”
“Hmm, that is a good answer…but is it good enough?” He pretends to think about it, but you take the chance while he’s momentarily distracted. You lean up to press your lips to his and Felix completely freezes, eyes comically wide. Before he can even consider kissing you back you’re tilting your gun, that’s been in your other hand, up so you can shoot him. His vest vibrates to signal that he’s been hit.
“Bye, bye~” You singsong before ducking under his arm and running away. This finally seems to pull him out of his stupor as he yells out after you.
“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait!! At least let me kiss you back!” Felix wails, chasing after you.
In the end Felix still wins but refuses to let you pay for ice cream and doesn’t give you a chance to argue.
The poor boy has been pouting the whole time about not being able to kiss you until you had let him actually kiss you. And perhaps that lead to the two of you making out in the backseat of his car.
But, you’d never kiss and tell. (But Felix certainly did).
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foreverisntenough · 2 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestions, smut love bombing, occasionally sad, and kind of angst- not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 20 - ‘You’re Mine’
“C’mere yeah? Don’t be silly.” Trent pulled you towards him in a direction away from the bar and other people.
“I’m not, it’s just still weird sometimes for me that’s all. I don’t think you understand.” You said in much more of a serious tone than he was expecting, shaking your head refusing to look him in the eyes.
“You actually upset right now?” He probed as his brows furrowed confused that you’d be jealous over him taking a picture with a fan especially after he just told you all the things he had planned to do with you once you got to the bedroom. It didn’t usually phase you. You’d oblige and happily take the photos for fans knowing you’d be the one sleeping next to him but seeing women touch him in front of you so blatantly stirred something inside you a lot more recently.
“No, but if random men just stopped me for pictures while I was out with you and had their hands all over me… would you be happy with that?” You snapped back spelling out the reality of why this did bother you a little. Imagining the roles reversed sent Trent’s brain spinning.
“They’re not all over me...” He paused looking into your eyes trying to assess if a fight was unfolding. “Men aren’t fucking touching you. That’s not happening is it? These girls… nothing. Don’t worry about it. It’s me and you.” He said, pressing a kiss to your hair trying to calm this conversation down. You didn’t want to fight back, explain to him that ultimately it was starting to bother you how anonymous you were. A fight wasn’t a good idea in the middle of his tournament, out with other people, away from home, drinks involved it just wouldn’t end well so you bit your tongue.
England was hosting a party for the families before the knockout stages began that night and the boys were granted a few days off. You weren’t nervous per say but it definitely stressed you out thinking about potential conversations about your relationship. How vocal was Trent about you to his teammates? You were uneasy at the thought and uncertainty. For some reason the anonymity of you to the public was starting not to sit right. It was some comfort that Jobe was also with you, it kind of diluted the fact you were walking into an event with two players that had curated quite a cult following online, knowing the team followed them religiously with cameras. Unfortunately, it wasn’t that helpful to come with Jobe because he was falling into their wake, he just was too young for people’s focus to land appropriately yet but it was coming in slowly. Despite your apprehension, your worries were pushed aside as you eased through conversations, Trent kept you close. He did talk about you to everyone. Everyone on the team knew of you. You knew he was proud to call you his, you knew he was just saving you from a media onslaught. It was later into the evening when you really let your angst earlier go and just relaxed. Everyone there had the same worries about The Sun or Mail running wild with stories about them, you weren’t something special. Sure, maybe you and Trent teed up perfectly for a sleazy article but it was fine, you were overthinking things and you were there to support T no matter what it meant it created for you.
Bukaya Saka had picked up a big following on TikTok the second he created an account… as expected. He was filming asking the team questions throughout the tournament. One big topic he was posting a lot of was asking what players were listening to. He was running about the party tonight filming another video only now including friends and family. His iPhone flash on, asking if you could name one song for the tournament, what it would be. Harmless.
“Saks!” You said with a big smile his phone’s flash illuminating every pore on your face as you stood next to Jude stopping your conversation about something mundane momentarily.
“What we saying? Song of the tourney?” Bukaya asked with the light still absolutely blinding you in the dark night. You gave an answer but he wasn’t happy with it.
“Nah, not having that. You two need time apart, you can’t pick the same song as him, give me another one.” He pushed implying that you had seemingly chosen the same song Trent had.
“Just in general? An all time song or a new one right now?” You peppered him with questions trying to stall to think of a good answer.
“Why’d you need so much information, cuz, answer it.” He sighed in frustration, throwing his head back dramatically.
“I feel like you’ll be disappointed regardless!” You over exaggeratedly complained.
“You've been catching up though you know… little Dave, you love Professor X” Jude squeezed your shoulder butting into the video laughing. “You've been doing good learning the UK classics.” He was teasing you but it was also true. So many boys in your life; Jude, Marcel, George, Curtis… they all enlisted and pressed so hard to ‘teach’ you the staples you had to know.
“Just give me something, America.” Bukaya teased still pushing for you to give a better answer.
“Fine, fine. I’ll give an artist I listen to a lot. Even been approved in my house.” You giggled at how silly this all was. “I’ll give you a New Yorker too, any Dusty Locane. I think you’ll like it.” You answered knowing you had introduced Trent as well and he was down.
“Okay, okay, okay. I’ll take it.” He was finally satisfied.
“Now get that light of my face, please! I’m blind now.” You pushed your hand to cover his camera but the video still caught your voice. The video cut to someone else’s answers. He posted an edited version of the conversation to make it shorter but the TikTok definitely included you and people were certainly interested in your cameo.
‘Tell me right now who that American girl is with?’
‘Bro Alexander-Arnold’s girl being American threw me’
‘The way my head spun when she opened her mouth’
‘American is leng, who’s is that?’
‘Dusty Locane was a wild shout. What a gyal’
Comments came piling in about your accent, nationality, leading to people pulling videos of times they’d met Trent trying to see if they’d be able to make out your voice in the background when you had been there. It wasn’t a secret but it shook people up trying to work out how the two of you connected and make a story out of it. In turn and in usual fashion, articles began to bloom across the internet…
‘Transatlantic Trent, The England star is apparently dating an American!’
‘Everything we know about the secret relationship the Liverpool and England player has with a mystery American’
‘She’s American! More about the England international player’s girlfriend revealed’
‘Who is the American at the at The Euro’s cozied up with Trent Alexander-Arnold?’
You sat with Dianne watching the semifinal. The whole tournament seemed to buzz by and you lost track of the days hiding in a hotel, barely able to see Trent, hounded by media, stories continually published making up BS about you. They didn’t even have your name yet they wrote like you’d personally given them an autobiography.
“Going to be alright.” Dianne confirmed her hand coming to pat your thigh. “There’s always a flare up and then it’ll die out.”
“I’m sorry.” You softly said watching the opposition goalie make an easy save.
“For what? Being you? You didn’t do anything hun. People love to fuss over little things. We’ll be alright.” She tried to console you.
“I don’t want to make things more difficult for him.” You shyly said worrying about the implications. The way the internet obsession may be weighing on Trent.
“You’re not. The only thing he cares about is if you’re okay. Yeah, hun?” Still trying to reassure you.
“Yeah.” You repeated her words but not with the same conviction or belief. You winced as Trent made a tackle, the balling going out of play. You sat on your hands to try to stop the nerves. You could feel the rise of your rings under your body. Your legs were shaking when the whistle finally blew for half time. People milled about but you and Dianne stayed put. The media had really ramped up the attention on you but true to the plan, you, Trent, his family, and his PR team gave nada.
You sat quiet as the last seconds of the match ran out and England advanced. The Euro’s Final arrived and you felt absolutely sick. It ended with an England defeat. You felt like your heart had shattered seeing the boy you loved more than anything in the world lay on the pitch in front of you crushed. His jersey pulled over his head. The look on his face had you trying to hold back tears. You were distraught for your T.
It was not a fun night. Trent’s sadness progressed into him just being pissed. You had never really seen him as angry as he was right now. You sat quietly holding onto his hand in the car. Not a word exchanged when his head fell on your shoulder with a sigh. You could see his skin pinch together as he shut his eyes tight.
“I know…” you whispered, pressing your lips to his temple, brushing your hand over his head.
“I…I c-can’t…” he couldn’t get words out. It was so silent back at the hotel. He had to go on the flight with the team, stand in unity despite the loss so you couldn’t even travel home together. You were set to reunite back at your house. You just felt lost anxiously awaiting until he arrived. You didn’t want to ask any specifics about times, you had a general idea from his updates but his texting was sparse. When he did come into the house it was like the sun disappeared. It felt dark, it felt cold, it didn’t feel like your happy home when he was like this. You let him mope about waiting for him to come to you… and he eventually did. You sat on the couch on your phone, a silly romcom on tv in the background.
“What’d you watching…” he asked but it was so meek it barely sounded like him.
“Nothing, you want to watch something?” You asked your heart beating out of your chest, almost jumping at the chance to talk to him. You started to get up when he moved towards you and slumped onto the cushions and you.
“Nah, can you stay here please.” His arms wrapped around your waist, his head coming lay in your lap, his body curled to fit on the couch. You only hummed. He just shut his eyes and layed there quiet while you scratched his back. Your nails gliding up his spine and back down again, tracing little shapes and figures under his t-shirt.
“I missed you.” He mumbled into the material of your sweats nuzzling his face in further, his arms wrapping tighter around you.
“Yeah? I missed you too, baby.” You cooed, trying to suppress the smile. You knew it wasn’t good he was this upset but knowing he needed you felt good.
“So much” he said so quietly you barely could hear it.
Ever since Trent got back from the tournament he was so clingy. He followed you around like a puppy dog. Asking to cuddle with you constantly and you let him. You were headed on your holiday soon and you wondered if he was going to be like this the whole trip. If the loss would really shake the group. You all agreed to go regardless but the thought of Jude and Trent sitting in silence refusing to go to the beach because they’d be in a bad mood burned in your brain. Your best friend was flying in tomorrow and you were happy but you were simultaneously plagued with worry about T.
You found yourself on the couch, another film, your fingers rubbing his back gently again, scratching his skin softly. He’d shiver every once in a while sensitive to the touch, groan or mumble something incoherent about the plot, and then dig deeper in your lap. You just smiled, placing kisses on him. As it got later in the afternoon though you’d had enough, it was time to move your bodies, you had to pack, you needed to eat a vegetable and not just lay in this feeling of defeat. He couldn’t do this to himself.
“Baby… Pretty boy, come on.” You cooed, taking your hand off his back and dragging it up to brush over his raised cheekbone.
“No.” It sounded a little harsh and you felt his body tense but he relaxed a millisecond later. “Wanna lay on you.” He whined trying to nestle further into you which at this point was physically impossible.
“Come on, yeah? Let’s go eat some lunch out in the garden, get some air. Hmm?” You sang to him pressing soft kisses all over his face.
“Baby..” he grabbed at you with little strength.
“So needy T.” You giggled teasing him. He only hummed at your hands running back over his shoulders, your nails dragging down his back. “Gonna get up for me?”
“Mmmhmm.” He hummed pulling himself up but leaned his whole body weight onto you immediately again. His head resting on your shoulder. His hands caressed over your body before coming to play with the little clovers of your Van Cleef necklace.
“You remember when I gave you this?” He whispered. His eyes looked so sad it hurt your heart.
“Of course.” You smiled at the memory sitting in his then foreign room at the time in his mum's house. He looped his finger under the necklace and pulled a little causing your head and neck to move, your lips coming to now press against his.
“I want that back.” He murmured.
“What?” You asked unsure what he meant. What did he want back?
“The nativity that I could just keep you all to myself. Like the whole world wouldn’t become as infatuated with you as I am.” He babbled a little bit, his lips ghosting over yours.
“They’re not… but I understand the sentiment. I’m always just yours though, T….” You paused anxiously rethinking if it was true. “Right?”
“Mine, baby. Want everything with you. Hmm?” A smile formed on his face. You hadn’t seen it in awhile. It was hard to forget how beautiful it was but everytime it still amazed you just how pretty he was.
“Everything?” A smile pulled on your lips now seeing his.
“Yeah, everything.” He confirmed pulling you in for another kiss. Before you could get to the kitchen to even consider what you might have for lunch, Trent pulled you onto his lap. You straddled him, your legs on both sides of him, his face directly in front of yours.
“You know I want everything with you… the lot. Build a whole life with you.” He talked slowly as you watched his lips move. You draped your hands around his neck, your nails scratching gently on his skin again.
“I want that to. You know, T?” Placing a soft kiss to his perfect lips.
“I mean it.” His hands started to caress your back under your shirt drifting higher up.
“And so do I.” You clarified. You both were beating around the bush about the pregnancy comments you had yet to address. You could feel the tension rise in the air as well as his dick beneath you. You initiated a pretty messy makeout that progressed to pulling both of your shirts off. His hand gripped some of your hair, grabbing at the nape of your neck and pulling your head backwards. He followed your mouth, biting onto your lip then pulling away. His kisses returned and trailed down over you and then sank onto a particularly sensitive part of your neck, sucking the skin into his mouth hard. You moaned in response, you could feel his tongue massaging over the spot as he continued to suck. You hissed in pain but also pure delight when you felt his teeth bite against the spot. He worked his way down to your exposed chest. He squeezed your tits lost in the feeling, loving how they looked. Your tits under his huge hands was just his favorite thing but he couldn’t stop the intruding thought of if they’d change when you got pregnant.
“You’re perfect, do you know that?” He asked pulling away eyes focused on your tits only to hear you hum in response. His hands drifted off them and his hands gripped your waist harshly as you grinded your now wet core on him. His hands softened though as he moved them over your stomach. “You’ll look so perfect pregnant.” The words fell out of his mouth, you stopping immediately in shock.
“What did you say?” You did hear what he said, but you wanted to hear it again to make sure you did hear it right. Was he being serious? He hummed, pulling you into another kiss but you just as quickly pulled away. “T…”
“Yeah, you heard me. You’d look so sexy.” He cooed. His eyes were locked on yours. He was very serious. This is not how you thought this would come up again.
“Oh yeah?” You started to giggle, a little flattered but also out of pure shock. “Is that what you want? You want to get me pregnant?” You asked, still giggling looking at him.
“Baby” grabbing your face now. Your giggles stopped almost instantly. “I’m so fucking serious right now. I want that.”
“Are we really having this conversation?” Your eyes widened.
“Yeah…” he looked at you confused in why you were hesitating.
“Can I put my clothes on? I thought we were like messing about.” You said shyly.
“No, I like you like this.” He let go of your face, his hands back on your body caressing your skin.
“T… this is serious” you tried to explain.
“…and I’m serious. I’m serious about you, about us, I want a baby with you. Do you not want that?” He asked so blatantly, he looked hurt, offended, the look of defeat back on his face.
“No…” you mumbled. His hands dropped from your body immediately. “No, no, not like no. I meant ugh.” You sighed frustrated at how your words were coming out. “I meant no, yes, of course I want that. I didn’t know you did or if what we said in bed months ago was serious, I don’t know I was scared.” Your head fell onto his chest. You felt so vulnerable.
“I know, baby. I didn’t know either but I’m tired of pretending that’s something I’m not thinking about every time we have sex now. Yeah?”
“Yeah…” you muffled into his chest.
“C’mere. I really want a family. Do you want that?” He asked, pulling your chin up to look at him. His face looked so perfect, his lips in a little pout, his eyes glistening, his skin glowing.
“I want a family with you.” You confirmed. “After Greece, can we have a proper chat about this? I don’t want to rush this, baby. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Like embarrassingly a lot but we need a proper discussion. I didn’t know if you wanted this too.” Confessing you were also really wanting this.
“I told you I want everything with you. I mean everything. I want to have kids with you. I want to have a family with you. I want it all with you.” You got shy at his words again and hid your face in his neck. “What’d you being shy for? C’mere.” He started placing kisses all over your exposed skin. “Think you would make the most perfect mummy, yeah?” He started to giggle in between the kisses.
“T…” you whined your lips rolled into a pout at how cute he was. His eyes completely lighting up at the idea.
“Would you wanna be a mummy?” His hands came to rub over your stomach as he started to laugh a little again.
“To your babies?” You looked directly at him now. “Of course. Absolute dream.” You fell into giggles beaming with the idea. You couldn’t wipe the smiles off either of your faces if you tried. You felt like you were going to cry out of excitement and joy.
“After Greece then.” He told you placing a kiss on your lips.
“After Greece.” You confirmed returning the kiss. He hugged you tight to his chest. His hands held you so firmly, he always made you feel so safe. Your cheek squished against his, his facial hair slightly tickling you.
“I love you so so so so much,” you whispered in his ear pressing your lips back against his skin. He hummed squeezing you a little tighter.
“I love you” He whispered back. You wanted to hear him say that for the rest of your life. You cuddled into his warm embrace a little more before he stood up with you still in his arms, picking you up with him. Your legs instinctively wrapped around him tighter. You nuzzled your face into his neck pressing soft kisses against his skin.
“What’d you want to eat, my pretty girl?” He cooed, walking with you stuck to him towards the kitchen.
“Wait, T! Wait, I need my clothes!” You yelled halfway there realizing you were still topless pressed to him. You started to giggle and so did he.
“Nah, don’t need ‘em. You’re good just like this. I like you like this” he laughed, continuing on his way to the kitchen.
It was the night before you all left for your holiday in Greece. It was going to be a decent sized group traveling together out of Liverpool. Jude, Jobe and another friend were meeting you there because they were coming from elsewhere. Your bestie, Lauren, was coming and you were giddy with excitement to see her but also after your conversation with Trent you were just generally in an amazing mood and having some amazing sex in the last 24 hours. You hadn’t spent proper time with Lauren in ages let alone gone on a holiday with her. Yeah, this was going to be different than your previous trips you'd taken considering you were now living with your serious boyfriend discussing babies but she could still do as she pleased, she was single, and she loved being single. Lauren was way more outgoing than you and brought out a more… let’s say brave… side of you, for sure. You had met in university and bonded over similar lifestyles and interests. It involved a lot of partying, stupid decisions but built an incredibly trusting loyal relationship. You and Lauren were a match made in hell for men. You filled every vice. Aesthetically, you couldn’t be more different in appearance and in taste. Lauren had a body. She was caked with a face card that never declined. She constantly flirted, it was just her natural state. She was incredibly sweet and nice, she just didn’t have a great filter. You had more of an aura. A little mysterious just given your introverted nature but people were drawn to you. You radiated a glow that had men drooling. You were pretty like a doll, like a model or ballerina. You were clean cut and politely shy… until you were comfortable and you were comfortable with Lauren. She was flying from New York to your house and you couldn’t wait to be back together.
When she arrived you practically screamed running to the front door, even though you had offered to pick her up from the airport. She had visited before but hadn’t seen the house completely finished, lived in yet. You were a little nervous about the trip mixing different groups of people but overall excited. Trent was playing some video game so you and Lauren were upstairs alone packing your bags, re-trying on your outfits for her just to be sure they all hit.
“I literally cannot wait to go out! Like I love Mykonos.. I cannot!” She gushed holding up a practically see through mini dress imagining herself in it at a club.
“I’m honestly just excited to drink and sit in the sun like pleassse.” You whined, throwing a bikini in the Rimowa. “What’s going to be your first drink?” You questioned trying to think of your own answer.
“Can I be basic? I just want tequila, rocks, lime. On repeat.. put it on tap.” She giggled.
“Oooo yeah” you hummed “That sounds so good.” You said when Lauren stopped folding some of your clothes to stand up.
“Well what’s stopping us from starting now! Come on!” This was the problem with Lauren. Her ideas never came with a solid retaliation. You couldn’t find an argument. Why not? You had nothing to do tomorrow but sit your ass on a private plane to Greece. You two giggled downstairs headed to the kitchen when you told her you’d meet her there, you just wanted to tell Trent.
“Baby…” you cooed, stepping into the room walking over to his chair dragging your hands over his chest from behind him before trailing your nails back up. He cocked his head to look at you. He was met with a bare shoulder and was a little confused. So he grabbed at your arm pulling you to stand in front of him.
“Where are your clothes…hmm?” his hand outstretched caressing your body in front of him. It was a little early for you to be getting into anything for bed.
“I was tying on my outfits” you giggled at his touch squirming away but his hand grabbed your waist firmly “this is what I ended up in, I guess.” Shrugging. You were in a little cotton bralette and satin flounce shorts.
“Yeah…? That’s why..?” He was questioning your intention of waking in interrupting his game wearing such little clothing. “C’mere.”
“No, no, no! T!” You squealed when he pulled your body towards his. “I was on my way to the kitchen! Serious!” He didn’t appreciate your resistance so he met you halfway, scooting forward, his face coming to kiss your bare stomach.
“Yeah.. what for?” He spoke against your skin, still pressing wet kisses onto you.
“We’re making drinks… was coming to see if you wanted one, baby” You said, picking his head up off your body, looking for a genuine answer. He could tell you actually were telling the truth so he just slipped his hands around you squeezing your ass, keading it.
“Not now, I’ll come in a little, okay, beautiful girl?” He cooed looking up at you.
“Mmkay baby. Love you” you said, pulling away from him, slipping away from him leaving, before running back into the room to place the kiss on his cheek you forgot. He shook his head at your childish behavior but he was happy if you were happy.
“Sorry! Sorry!” You came rushing in with a silly smile from Trent’s kisses. Lauren was sitting at your kitchen island scrolling on her phone waiting.
“He’s got you down so bad” she said, shaking her head laughing.
“Nah” You tried to deny it poorly.
“Makes me happy Y/N.” She said genuinely leaning onto your shoulder. It was a tender moment placed neatly between your usual nonsense.
You connected your phone to a Bluetooth surround sound speaker, putting on a favorite of you twos. ‘Unforgettable’ French Montana pumped through the big room.
“Stop! Haven’t heard this in a minute.” She said laughing while getting off the stool. “Okay, where’s the liquor?” she said, opening random kitchen cupboards. You pulled on her arm with a big smile on your face for her to follow you into a little enclave down the hall that was a full bar. It was gorgeous marble with gold barware. It didn’t get used a lot but it was one of your favorite looking spaces in the house. “What the fuck!” She gasped with her jaw slacked.
“Honestly... sometimes when I go to make a drink I expect to be getting some cheap tequila. I forget I’m not drowning myself in alcohol at university and am an adult.” You laughed grabbing for a big brown tinted glass bottle of Don Julio 42.
“That never happens to me. I still drink that shit.” You both broke into a fit of giggles. “Not all of us are married to famous athletes.”
“Relax, I am not his wife!” You rolled your eyes at her overzealous comment. God, did that comment get cemented into your brain though… You’d love to be his wife and after the conversation last night you started to think that could possibly happen.
“Give me a plastic cup, a beer soaked floor, an investment banker, and a dollar slice and I’m happy.” She pulled the bottle from you to pour some into a glass you placed in front of her on the marble.
“That’s just not true…” you corrected her. Lauren and you loved a crap bar as much as the next person but you both grew up comfortably, you lived privileged lifestyles, you toyed with expensive shit as if it was nothing. Everything was available to you. It just wasn’t your entire personality. Trent knew everything about you but you kept your upbringing pretty hush since you moved to the UK.
You two had made your way back to the kitchen gossiping, sitting at the island after a few shots, pulling out ingredients to make cocktails after being too drunk for more shots but too sober to drink straight tequila on the rocks. Your plan to make a drink snowballed into you two dancing around the kitchen in scantily clad clothes, drunk off tequila, screaming dirty lyrics to your favorite songs.
It started with you leaned against a counter top trying to assemble the cocktail shaker when ‘Surround Sound’ by JID and 21Savage came on and it ended with you whining on Lauren, you two in fits of giggles. Your asses hanging out of your shorts, shaking. Your hands touching on your body, rapping the nastiest lines. You wouldn’t normally dance so slutty in front of other people, your close friends I.e Lauren, sure, maybe Trent as a joke but you two were just drunk messing about.
Marcel was bringing two of his friends to Greece and they had decided to stay over at yours to make things easy in the morning for the flight. He had a key to the house so he let them inside but was confused when he heard heavy bass vibrating from the kitchen. His friends looked at him for some sort of answer but he shrugged just as confused as them.
You were still throwing it back on Lauren joking when the three boys came into the kitchen. If they weren’t younger boys, baby-brother-like figures to you, you probably would’ve been mortified but instead in your drunk state you squealed excited to see Marcel specifically, running around the island to wrap your arms around his neck, hanging off him.
“What we saying drunk girl?” He joked looking down at you clinging to him.
“You’ll drink with me right? I know you will.” Your words were laced with tequila shots. You had texted Trent to come be with you but he didn’t respond. It made you a little sad but you pushed it out of your mind with more liquor. He saw your text and heard the music but just wanted you to spend some time with your friend before he was back all over you.
You unlatched from Marcel to say hi to the two friends who were a little shocked at the scene and Marcel’s calmness in it. To the boys, there were two older girls, in little clothing, drunk, grinding on each other. To Marcel, well… he was conflicted. This came up a lot with you. You were objectively attractive. He knew that. You were like his sister, he didn’t think of you like that but he couldn’t exactly get rid of the fact that you weren’t when you were like this or in situations like when he could hear you moaning getting fucked upstairs. It was all very confusing for him, it was like his body betrayed him. He loved you like a sister so in turn his confusion transferred and just pushed the narrative of him trying to get with your friends more. It was only natural for a little brother to try to pursue them.
You completely forgot about a night out you had in London after Liverpool had won some championship last year when Lauren and Marcel had gotten handsy in some club with each other after meeting. You saw them look at each other when he walked into the kitchen. They didn’t hook up, you didn’t even think there was a kiss, just some inappropriate touches exchanged. That was kind of Lauren’s thing. She pushed men. She wanted to know she had them in the palm of her hand. Grinding on them, whispering, moaning, trailing her hands down them, dragging theirs up her, licking her lips… She called it women empowerment, you called it teasing. She had successfully gotten Marcel where she wanted him. If she wanted to fuck him, she knew she could, if she didn’t… she didn’t. It made you feel a little differently watching her do it to someone you cared about knowing the play. As she laid her mark again seeing him it reminded you that you hadn’t told Lauren yet, kind of as a joke but also so she didn’t freak out, that Jude was also coming on this trip. Obviously he wasn’t there tonight because he wasn’t coming from England. Jude was probably one of your favorite of Trent’s friends on his own but the wake he left everywhere he went could be a lot. It didn’t affect you but you watched it ensue tucked in Trent’s arms. He was beautiful, objectively incredibly hot but he was younger so you kind of drew the line there. You didn’t really want to think about the other things you knew about him…things you’d seen. Before you even met Trent you had shown Lauren a video of the two boys on TikTok. You lusted after them. The whole country of England did. It was a dangerous pair but so were you and Lauren and you thought you could handle it. It was bizarre now that it could happen in real life so you weren’t sure what to tell her and now Marcel was involved. You were drunk, the whole situation blurred in your brain.
“Picking something good, f’me” you felt your cheeks warm at the sound of his voice. You were leaning over the kitchen island scrolling through Spotify like it was a novel, reading each song carefully trying to build a good queue for everyone who were coerced into drinking heavily. Trent’s hands lacing around you, caressing your stomach, you just hummed, staring at his big hands moving over your skin. “Hmm?”
“Yeah, baby.” If he couldn’t smell it, he could hear it in your tone. You were drunk and he was only aiding and abetting the lustful thoughts about him you got when you were drunk. He pressed his lips to the back of your neck and kept them there. “You wanna have my baby?” He whispered laughing jokingly.
“That sounds perfect,” you confessed, pushing your ass back into him.
“Dangerous words to say right now, pretty girl,” he warned, smirking into your skin. He held you in his arms. You were practically stumbling around the house. The night had spiraled. Trent told you he had to go get ready for bed because someone had to wrangle everyone tomorrow to make the flight. So he kissed you squeezing your ass, you bitting at his neck.
“Come up soon. Okay, baby?” He whispered in your ear. You hummed and started to try to leave a hickey on his neck. “Okay, okay, okay. I love you, drunk girl. Make sure you make it back upstairs to your T, yeah?”
“Mmm yeah, baby.” You practically moaned moving back to his lips to get a kiss. Once Trent had left, you decided maybe it was time to wrap things up. No matter how drunk you were, you hated messes so you tried to clean the kitchen up… pretty poorly though.
There were plenty of bedrooms in the house for three boys but they all were slumped on the living room couch refusing to move, watching a rerun of some 90s footie game, they weren’t even alive for. It was weird so you just turned the lights off on them. Letting them fend for themselves until you clocked that Lauren was laying very comfortably in between Marcel’s legs. It didn’t bother you exactly, it wasn’t your place to say who could do what with who, you just didn’t want anything to mess with the holiday or let anyone’s feelings get hurt. So for tonight, you took matters into your hands because of a long travel day tomorrow and dragged Lauren to a guest room knowing she’d complain she didn’t sleep well on a couch hungover tomorrow. You both drunkenly giggled about how bad of an idea it was for her to go near your boyfriends younger brother but a part of you was sober enough to try to threaten her not to touch anyone night one
“Don’t ruin your other nights for something tonight.” You slurred laughing falling on the bed with her. You said it as if that was sound reasoning and would convince her. It wasn’t, it wouldn’t. You successfully got yourself upstairs moving slowly up the stairs carefully holding water and ibuprofen. You peeled the little clothing you had on off in your dimly lit room, trying not to wake Trent but when you saw his bare back exposed laying in your bed, you didn’t really want to put pajamas on… not at all really. You were needy. You washed your face, brushed your teeth, turned the lights off and crawled into your bed cuddling up to your sleepy boy. You started pressing pretty sensual kisses all over him; his back, his neck, his face, just anywhere you could really. He rolled over and hummed a little, waking up some.
“Baby?” He groaned quietly.
“You’re so sexy, T.” You whispered, crawling on top of him, continuing with your kisses. He went to wrap his arms around you instinctively and became very aware you were naked.
“Beautiful, what we doing? Let’s go to sleep, yeah?” He cooed, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. Your hand glided over his abs to the waistband of his boxers trying to get to him but he stopped you. “Baby, baby, baby, okay. Come on. Let’s sleep. Come just give me a cuddle.” He asked sweetly.
“T…” you moaned working kisses up his neck. Coming to his ear to whisper. “I want you to fuck me please. I need you.” You were essentially moaning.
“Nah, baby, not like this. You know I don’t like that. Not when you’re this drunk and I’m sober.” His reasoning was incredibly sound.
“Pleasssee, I want you.” You were desperate trying to beg him.
“You’re very sexy, baby and you’re making this really hard.” He sleepily said but you could feel him getting hard underneath you so you started to grind on him, your hips rolling on top of his.
“Yeah? I make you hard?” You drunkenly misunderstood what he said.
“Yes, you do but I’m saying you’re making this very difficult for me right now so please just gimme a cuddle and let’s sleep.” He laughed at your desperation.
“Baby…” you huffed, pressing your cheek onto his bare chest sad about the rejection.
“I’ll fuck you tomorrow, trust me okay? I’m sorry sweet girl. I love you, baby.” He kissed the top of your head.
“T…” you whined once more.
“Shhhh, sleep hmm?” He whispered.
“But T…” you tried once more.
“Okay, yeah, yeah, what is it?” He couldn’t help but smile, he was tired but you were cute.
“I want a family with you.” You whined quietly, your eyes fluttering closed as your head feel heavier on him.
“And I know that, baby. I’m gonna give that to you just not right this second.” He continued to laugh a little.
“What about getting married?” You whispered, starting to fade, lulled by his warmth and slow breathing. Trent’s eyes lit up though.
“You want that?” He asked sheepishly but excitedly. He figured you were being brutally honest right now so he thought he’d ask.
“Mmmm, want that so bad.” Your words slurred together a little so he stopped despite having a million questions for you.
“Okay, okay” he laughed. “I’ll give you whatever you want if you just sleep f’me now.” As he pressed a kiss to your head, smiling.
“Can I stay right here?” He could barely hear your question. It was so soft and muffled against his skin, you were layed completely on top of him.
“Course.” Pressing more kisses to your head.
When you woke up your head was pounding. It was terrible. You stirred still on top of Trent. He was awake stroking his hand up and down your back.
“Good morning, sweet girl.” He cooed. “Gotta get up.”
“I feel awful.” You moaned.
“Yeah, I bet.” He laughed “I’m sorry, how about I get everyone else up and let you sleep a little more than come get you. Yeah?” You could only hum in reply.
He went to wake everyone else up and was met with a very interesting surprise. There were only two boys on the couch asleep.
“Aye, get up” Trent yelled into the living room, the two boys stirring unhappy with the loud call. “Where’s Marce?” Trent asked but was met only with murmurs.
He walked to go wake up Lauren, it was then it occurred to him what had occurred to you. ‘Oh fuck’ he said under his breathe walking down the hall.
“Laur…” he called out. Knocking on the bedroom door before opening it a little. The dark room was lit by some sunlight seeping through curtains. There on the large bed, no blankets, a naked Lauren lying on top of an equally clothesless Marcel. “You’re a fucking idiot, Marce.” Trent said into the currently quiet room.
“Oh fuck…” Lauren hushly spoke. “Honestly, don’t. I know, I know…” Trent picked up a blanket and threw it at them.
“Don’t tell Y/N” Marcel told his brother.
“Don’t tell Y/N? Are you serious? Honestly…” Trent moaned, walking out of the room annoyed. He came back upstairs to you putting the situation he just walked into in the back of his mind.
“You know what you’re wearing, sweetheart? I’ll grab it.” He cooed trying to help you. You hummed telling him you had left a Jacquemus sweat set in the wardrobe to wear. Once you had pulled yourself together you sat on the edge of the bed trying to wake up. “Gonna take your bag downstairs, okay?”
“Kay. Thank you, T” you cooed rubbing your hands over your face trying to feel better somehow. Marcel and Lauren were now clothed in the kitchen and to be fair Trent was surprised that everyone was actually ready. The cars to take you to the airport arrived but you hadn’t come down yet so he went back up to grab you… only you hadn’t moved off the bed.
“Can you carry me?” You whined with a pout.
“Yeah, baby.” He laughed while picking you up under your arms. You wrapped your legs around him, kissing his neck. “Everyone ready?” Trent yelled carrying you down the stairs. There wasn’t really a response. The group all just shuffled into the cars. You felt how weird the energy in the car was when you looked at Lauren. Something was off, you knew she had been with Marcel you could feel it.
Last night, drunkenly, Lauren found herself absolutely freezing in the room she was staying in. She got out of bed and walked to look for the thermostat. With little luck, she went to the living room to see if anyone was awake and would know where it was.
“Marce” she whispered. “Are you awake?”
“Yeah sort of, sweetheart, what’s up?” Quietly as he was really half asleep still. He slowly pulled himself up and walked round the couch and met Lauren. Lauren was in a little silk camisole and shorts set.
“I’m so cold, do you know where the thermostat is for around here?” She whispered.
“You look pretty cold…” Marcel cheekily said as he glanced over her figure then focusing on her hard nipples under the thin silk.
“Stop!” She tried to quietly squeal, slapping at his bare chest, covering her own. They walked down the hall.
“I thought it was around here but I’m not seeing it…” he paused. “Erm.. you know what come on, you’re staying in here?” He asked, walking further down a corridor to the room. Marcel walked into her bedroom and went immediately into the wardrobe.
“Why do you have so much stuff in here?” Lauren asked as she sat on the bed watching him.
“Usually the room I stay in when I sleepover and I do quite a bit especially when Trent’s away so I don’t know I guess it’s ’my room’ ” he used air quotes before he continued to riffle through a few things before pulling out a jumper of his. “You wanna borrow this?”
“Oh, thanks so much Marce. I’m sorry I took your room though, I didn’t know.” She cooed, leaning further back on the bed.
“It’s no big deal.” He said starting to turn out.
“Marce… do you like to sleep alone?” She asked pretty suggestively.
“Nah, not particularly.” He quietly laughed.
“I really don’t and it’s your bed, would you want to sleep with me, like share?” The question was laced with hidden seduction.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind… I wouldn’t mind” he replied with a similar tone. From there it spiraled from separate sides of the bed, to a loose cuddle, to sexual movements, to kisses, to laying completely on top of one another, to a full a make out… and the rest from there would be graphic. Let’s just say they fucked until about an hour before Trent went to wake them up.
When you arrived at the tarmac to board the plane, Trent indulged you and carried you on board. The crew took all the luggage. You got aboard and were practically ready to fall asleep from the jump, once in the air, Trent saw you squirming trying to get comfortable.
“Baby…sleepy girl, C’mere.” He cooed, gesturing you over to where he was sitting. You slugged your way over and laid on top of his lap, his arms wrapping around you tight, rubbing his hands under your sweatshirt over your soft skin. He held you close to his chest. You nuzzled into him. You hummed in contentment till you dozed off. He placed kisses on you any time you stirred whispering to you. “I got you, your Ts right here.”
This was a little rushed so idk… ugh! Swear we have some angst coming though 😳
Thank you for continuing reading! Comment or message what you think of the chapter / series … 🤍
Next part - Chapter 21 xx
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zyonsay · 7 months
Wildfire, Chapter Two MV1
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: You almost scored a win, but Max wouldn't let that happen. The McLaren boys want to take your mind off of things!
Warnings: Swearing, Max is a bit of an asshole,Reader has anger issues, Slight Violence, Alcohol, Ki ki ki rah sweat sweat
Now playing: 'Monaco' by Bad Bunny
AN: This was a STRAIN! School is beating my ass recently and it's really difficult for me to get anything done BUT i really want to write this fic!
(Here is the previous chapter)
(Here is the next chapter)
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The race season was in full swing, and you’d been doing well. Max had, as per usual, always taken the victory, but most of the time you were on the podium next to him. You were a great new asset to Red bull, and many of the fans seemed to like you. You started discovering more and more memes about you on Instagram and Twitter that would make you chuckle. (Or X? Man idk)
People saw you as a two-sided coin, since your charismatic, silly moments were accompanied by boiling, blood red rage when something messes up the race. Numerous fans compared you to Max when he first entered F1, calling you a “Smaller version of Mad Max.”
You guys’ interactions felt like witnessing two proud stags smash their antlers against each other. No full-on fights have ensued yet, but the tense feeling between you two can be felt by everyone from miles away. It was like the calm before a storm, electric energy surging through the air, waiting to strike when things get any more heated.
Your sassy, provocative nature could bring his blood to a boil easily, often causing him to glare at you from far away or leave some snarky remarks while passing by. This dynamic wasn’t optimal for Redbull, having two drivers who clash off the grid might also clash on the grid. As long as the situation wouldn’t get worse, they’d let you two entertain the fans bit more, but Christian kept a close eye on both you and Max.
Usually your bickering was harmless,
But today you could’ve strangled him right then and there in the paddock after the race. Luckily Horner got a hold of you and dragged you away, you felt like an angry dog being put on a chain outside the house by its owner.
What happened a few minutes before angered you deeply. Max profoundly refused to let you pass him, even if you had to brake to not crash into the rear end of his car. You could’ve had the first place if it weren’t for him blocking your way. Saying you were enraged was a pathetic understatement. You were steaming with rage and wanted to smash his head against a wall.
You, Lando and Oscar were strolling towards an Ice cream truck that Oscar had found on google maps. The race weekend was over but many of the drivers decided to stay a bit longer in the beautiful city. Tough it was extremely hot, which was the reason why Oscar and Lando wanted to go for Ice cream, what they didn’t tell you tough is that they wanted to distract you from your conflict with Max.
After paying for your Ice cream, you three made your way to a bench, sitting down and enjoying your refreshments. You chose pistachio ice cream, savoring the sweet, nutty taste. “Have y’all heard about the party tonight?” Lando glanced at the buildings nearby, enjoying the fancy exterior, thinking about snapping a pic for his .jpg account. “I mean, we all know that there will be one, but I didn’t catch any specifics.” Lando now looked at you and Oscar. “Danny told me about it, it’s in the grand Casino at eleven O’ Clock. I really want to go, but I wanted to drag you both with me. Are y’all coming?” He mustered up his best puppy eyes and began pouting. A hearty laugh escaped you, almost causing you to drop your ice cream. “Sure dude! I can’t wait to have some fun.” Oscar grinned, agreeing with what you said. You guys spent some more time shopping and checking out some must-see sights of the city. Lando bought Oscar a little Koala plushie with sunglasses calling it "Oscahs Doppelgänger.” You really liked hanging out with the two McLaren boys, spending time with them meant lots of joking and messing around.
“Hurry the fuck up Y/N, its almost eleven!” Landos voice rang over his obnoxious banging on the door. You rolled your eyes and checked your outfit one more time in the mirror before heading out. You were greeted with a friendly smile from Oscar and Lando who looks like he’ll bounce around the walls like a gummy ball. He could’ve well exploded on the spot with excitement. He and Piastri were both a tiny bit older than you, but Lando was still a kid at heart.
Lando, Oscar and you walked through the city, heading straight for the big, fancy Casino. Even from far away you spotted a familiar, smiley face. “Oi! Danny!” You waved at him, gaining his attention. He was smiling broadly as usual, walking up to your little group. “Hey guys! Looks like Lando managed to drag you along, eh?” He was obviously wearing one of his flash banging party shirts, it wouldn’t be Daniel Ricciardo if he wasn’t wearing something obnoxious, right?
The four of you chitchatted for a while, when Oscar asked: “Were you waiting for someone?” Daniel looked down at his wristwatch; it was already five past eleven. “I was actually. Me and Max wanted to meet up at eleven. Don’t know where he is, maybe he already went inside.” He shrugged, glancing you way as he noticed you tensing up at the sound of the Dutchman’s name. You definitely haven’t forgotten the race earlier that day. The guys stayed quiet for a few moments as the chilly night air blew around your legs, contrasting with the warm weather during the day. Lando was the first to break the silence. “Can we finally go in?”
Once you entered the gigantic building, colorful lights and the smell of overly expensive alcohol flooded your senses. A few familiar faces were dancing, drinking, and laughing, but there were also many you didn’t know. Daniel led the group towards the bar, buying you all a round of shots. “Gotta start the night the right way!”, he laughed before downing the burning liquid. The vodka fueled the sparks in your guts and turned them into a fire. You were going to have fun tonight.
Suddenly a loud voice appeared behind you. “Hey Danny!” You froze for a second before turning around and facing the man you’ve been wanting to murder since this morning. “Oi, Max! Thought I’d never see you!” Daniel abandoned the bar stool to pat Max on the back. Oscar, who was sitting next to you, turned in your direction and whispered. “We don’t have to hang around with him. Let’s just leave- “, you interrupted him, “No. Its ok.” You were too busy glaring at Max to notice Oscars worried expression, not that he thought you’d attack Verstappen out of nowhere, but he was concerned that a teasing comment from Max was enough for you to snap. As he later would find out, it was.
Max didn’t pay any attention to you, obviously not feeling as irritated as you were. The casino was warm from the sheer number of people inside, the loud music mixed with laughing and chatting. Daniel was going on about some experience he had the day before while exploring the city. You were halfheartedly listening to your friends rambling while you were observing your friends’ mimics. Your eyes landed on your fellow Redbull driver. He was listening carefully, asking a question every now and then. He then glanced at you quickly, catching you looking at him. Max then quickly looked away again.
After a while, Lando pulled you away from the bar and towards the dance floor. He was definitely drunk by now and was all giggly and happy. “C’monnnn, dance with me!”, Lando slurred.
It must’ve already been a few hours since you arrived at the Casino, but time flew by so fast. Oscar stated that he was getting tired and wanted to go home in the next hour or so, while Lando was as lively as ever and could go the whole night. You agreed with Oscar though, since you were tired and had an appointed Press conference for tomorrow. Daniel and Max wanted to stay a little longer but agreed to accompany you outside to say goodbye. Once outside, a cold shiver ran down your spine. The city was illuminated by bright lights and a howling wind was brushing through its streets. Daniel stopped, facing the rest of the group.
“We definitely gotta go out together more often!” Lando nodded enthusiastically, glancing your way as if inviting you to go out with him more often.
“Yeah, once Y/N doesn’t hold a grudge against me, I saw those glares.” Max laughed, but you couldn’t help but judgingly glance at him. His face was red and his posture a bit wobbly.
“You’re the one complaining about me during Interviews.” The venom in your voice was very apparent, you made no effort to hide your disdain. Max looked hesitant for a second before his expression hardened. Daniel seemed to feel awkward, not exactly knowing how to deal with you two firecrackers. Max focused his eyes on your face, not wincing under your glare. “And you were the one crying around about me winning this morning?”, he laughed again, seeking eye contact with the others as if to justify his words. The McLarens Aussie next to you looked deeply worried, as If he already suspected what happened next.
The blood in your veins began boiling, you could literally feel it. A heavy push from your side caused Max to stumble back. “Don’t fucking go there you dick. You just couldn’t handle me winning, right?” Your fellow Redbull driver was now shaken awake, glaring at you with a bitter look on his face. “Don’t get mad at me because you lost, fucking Dickhead.”
You were SO ready to ruin his stupid face with a good punch.
…but before you could actually get violent a certain Honey badger stepped in. “Lads, calm your tits! I think it’s best if we all go to our hotel rooms now.” Oscar was holding you back, worrying what would happen if he’d let go of the raging man in his arms. The other McLaren boy was standing next to you guys, unsure what to do. Daniel gave Max a heavy pat on the shoulder and gave him a serious look. “Let’s go get some sleep, buddy.” Max’s eyes never left yours, like a hunter stalking its prey.
But you won’t budge under him.
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feathers-little-nest · 5 months
Btw I was making a list of my favorite moments while reading Thousand Autumns. So. Here it is (under the cut bc spoilers)
- Yu Shengyan as a silly poet
- Yan Wushi threatening Shen Qiao with lip cup (ch 24) AND THEN SHEN QIAO FEEDING HIM THAY WAY IN CH 57
- Bian Yanmei vs Huo Xijing in a tea shop (ch 27)
- Yan Wushi introduces unconscious Shen Qiao to Bian Yanmei (ch 29)
- Yan Wushi: this is my husband, Shen Qiao, Shen Qiao: sect leader Yan, you need to stop call that lowly one your husband. we met yesterday
- chapter 34. just. chapter 34 (Zhan Ziqian is my second fav now)
- chapter 35, Yan Wushi pulling "was your name on it???" as an argument for stealing
- chapter 44, Yan Wushi asking Shen Qiao if they could be friemds
- chapter 46, abbot saying that Shen Qiao finally lost his mind
- chapter 49, Ruan Hailou suicide speech (+thinking about their next incarnations ok)
- chapter 50, Shen Qiao's epic entrance
- chapter 55, Dou Yanshan laughing his ass off bc Shen Qiao put “Yan Wushi” and “greater good” in one sentence
- chapter 55, Guang Lingsan pulling “u manwhore we're not gay, we won't do anything for u” on Shen Qiao
- chapter 55, Guang Lingsan has a sword hidden in his cither!! he tossed a cither and took the sword from inside of it!!! how cool is that!!!!
- chapter 55, Dou Yanshan's “Sayonara weeboos!”. yes chapter 55 IS a work of art
- chapter 58, Yu Ai finally understanding that he lost Shen Qiao forever and there's no going back, saying “Good, good, good...”
- chapter 67, Yan Wushi asked about his traveling goal responds “I'm following you [Shen Qiao]" CUTE
- chapter 70, Yan Wushi in drag refusing to leave the restaurant without Shen Qiao
- chapter 75, Yan Wushi making dinner for Shen Qiao, this is so cute, I fucking can't, the whole chapter is so wholesome, I love it
- chapters 79-80, Shen Qiao crying because Yan Wushi decided to save him and trying to run after him,
- chapter 84, Murong Qin saying “If your dao had any use whatsoever, why hasn’t that wonderful man you love so much shown himself yet?” to Shen Qiao and Shen Qiao not denying anything,
- and generally the fight with Murong Qin, it's so beautifully described...
- chapter 84, describing Yan Ying as “he was an expert at risking his life on the battlefield” (and generally Yan Ying I love that man gender neutral, he wants to die for someone SO BADLY)
- chapter 85, Yan Shou scared as fuck
- chapter 85, Shen Qiao vs Chen Gong & Baoyun would look AMAZING in animation
- chapter 86, Shen Qiao saying he's Shan Qiaozi... giving Finrod vibes. Sweetheart, you're not best in disguises are you,
- chapter 90, Yan Wushi's internal monologue about Shen Qiao
- chapter 94, Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao's spoon fight,
- chapter 94, Shen Qiao finally loosing it,
- chapter 97, “This venerable one's weakness now is you!”... what a way to confess...
- chapter 101, Gu Hengbo has major lesbian vibes oh my god
- chapter 103, Yuan Xiuxiu standing on a flag, this is kinda cool and girlboss
- chapter 103, Yuan Xiuxiu dominated by ocean-like power of Shen Qiao
- chapter 106, Yan Wushi literally saying that Shen Qiao isn't like the other girls
- chapter 107, Yan Wushi confessing his love, saying that his heart is Shen Qiao's, talking about marriage and right after that being like "taki żarcik kosmonaucik" yeah sure thing bro
- chapter 110, “grandmasters were not cabbage” yeah can't argue with that
- chapter 110, Bian Yanmei genderfuckery and absolutely loving to dress and act like a woman, what a legend
- chapter 115, Yuan Ying... poor baby... how did they not notice that you were gone for a week...
- chapter 117, Yan Wushi fighting basically all the most powerful people in the world for Shen Qiao dkddskkd
- chapter 118, Shen Qiao waiting for the most dramatic moment to enter the elders' meeting lol + Bian Yanmei living for the applause
- chapter 120, Yu Ai's death, that was so damn sad how am I supposed to not cry??
- chapter 121, Shen Qiao and Bian Yanmei as besties so cute, exactly what I needed after that Yu Ai trauma
- aaand we're back with trama, this time it's Tan Yuanchun. Poor Shen Qiao, took him long enough to understand that he lives in an imperfect world, convoluted in thousands small matters that pile up to hatreage and cruelty
- chapter 122, Shen Qiao's “I know, but if I can’t see him, how can I be at peace?” T^T
- it might be one of my fav chapters, so causally wholesome
- chapter 123, how differently Shen Qiao treats Yan Wushi and Bai Rong. Yan Wushi is in the end the only person who can make Shen Qiao so explicitly emotional
- chapter 124, A SMALL DEAR A-QIAO THIS IS
- Yan Wushi saying "Thank you for returning my badness with kindness", my heart is melting
- chapter 126, Shen Qiao gambling. and unknowingly cheating. it is just. too percect. I love this novel
- this is just autism x ADHD and I'm living for this
- god their declaration of love being “thank you for returning my evilness with kindness” and “I would cry only if you died, not anyone else”
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Divorcing My Tyrant Husband - By Josara (8/10)
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I'm aware that this webtoon has a bad reputation, but I'm giving it a high rating anyway. I love the slow burn. The creeping horror of being trapped. The struggle and the hate too, even if all of those things have a comedic tone. This story does get pretty dark, and then the author throws in a yandere. Then, they make the guy you hate obsessive too. Darn. Guess I have to see what happens next.
Sadly, we all hate the love interest. He sucks super hard in the beginning, and it takes FOREVER for him to get...ok. don't crucify me. The guy is not a nice guy, but he's not boring. The worst thing a romance novel protagonist can be is boring.
He's not. Alexandros Castilla is NOT a boring sexy Emperor character. He is a ruler who only cares about keeping his nation prosperous. His wife, Robellia, loves him but he only married her to ally with her father. He takes in a concubine, who is the legendary holy White Lotus. He eventually replaces Robellia with that concubine. Even though Aisha is lazy compared to Robellia her image is better so he chooses her.
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Wait. Sorry I forgot some stuff. Aisha is lying about being the White Lotus. Alexandros is aware of this. HE is the White Lotus. He lets Aisha lie and pretend to be that holy figure, because her bullshit makes politics easier for him. Being the White Lotus involves alot of pomp and circumstance. If he's the White Lotus he has to deal with constant bargaining. If his WIFE is the White Lotus he can just say he's possessive and hide her, and avoid the annoying church in the process.
Are you starting to understand what kind of guy this is?
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Don't start thinking he's cool. He kills Robellia to do this. He locks her in a room. She doesn't receive any care and she basically dies of depression after being abandoned. This is after taking on alot of duties and bringing glory to the Imperial House, by the way. She wasn't a bad wife. She just wasn't the most convenient choice.
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We're in a romance novel by the way. One of the really toxic ones where cheating on your wife is always a good thing. New Robellia knows she will be killed, so she says fuck it. She demands a divorce day one, and she starts causing havoc. She bullies Aisha, and fuck it she enjoys it. Aisha is a bitch who does no work, and her whole cute persona is a lie. Robellia treats her like mud to force the Emperor to divorce her. Like...he didn't have to kill her off. He could have just accepted the mild inconvenience that is divorcing her. Robellia refuses to stand down. She even calls the Emperor out for his fake flirting. She says everything he says is fake, and she also slaps him.
It's very silly but fun at first.
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Aisha is a problem for many, many reasons. She's annoying and good at manipulating people. She also seems to think she's the main character. She is also a reincarnated Korean woman. She doesn't understand why the Emperor doesn't love her yet. She can also see that his sweet words are entirely fake.
Here's...the twist.
The romance novel was never romantic. Sure, it was sold as a romance but in the actual story is just a lie. Lies on lies. Aisha thinks she will be loved above all else, but the Emperor is just using her, the same way he used Robellia. She goes completely crazy because she can't accept that but yeah...nice plot twist. Too bad the lead of your romance novel was only "performing romance" this whole time.
Nobody actually acts like that lol and obviously a cheater can never be a romantic.
It's kinda sorta a good lesson.
Robellia thinks he's shit and she wants out.
Aisha will never give up, because she wants her ideal romance and unlimited power at the same time.
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Alexandros starts to observe Robellia, and it becomes stalking. I didn't notice for a couple chapters, because in the beginning it's just spying. Soon he realizes that a competent Empress is better than a puppet. Robellia also has a secret sweet side, that she never shows him. It makes him want to earn her trust back...but he is not good at romance. His super fake stuff is hollow as wood, and apparently the way he shows affection is stalking...and expensive gifts. Robellia throws away his gifts, and eventually they duke it out politically. Which just...makes him acknowledge her skill even more...uh oh...
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This is the yandere. His name is Caleb and he's a young slave. He has a lame leg. Robellia buys him with a bunch of other slaves. She is desperately trying to look bad. That's the whole reason why she buys the slaves, but then she gives them jobs in the castle. Which gives her more power, and also Caleb has magic.
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Caleb was supposed to have a crush on Aisha, but Robellia finds him when he's a kid. That completely ruins Aisha's chances of winning. Robellia is happy about that, and she decides to make Caleb her knight. He honestly tells her about his magic, and she does need his support.
Alexandros is actually powerful. Robellia is trapped in the castle unless he lets her go.
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Caleb swears to be her slave forever. He kisses her foot. Robellia knows he was a dark character in the books, but she thinks that future will change. She intends to give him a better life. She tells him to stop the foot kissing and make some friends. Caleb immediately lies and says he doesn't want to go to magic school. He says he's been bullied too much, and he's scared of kids his age.
A total lie.
He just wants to be with Robellia all the time.
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Fortunately for Robellia Caleb is already a killing machine, who was using his weak-disabled-slave boy act to stay unnoticed. He's very useful, but he hides that from her to get closer to her.
Alexandros immediately becomes jealous of Caleb, even though he's a literal child. He wants to be with Robellia all the time, like a Knight. He sends even more spies and from that point on Robellia is wrapped in obsession. Her every move is watched. Caleb is a classic yandere, but I think Alexandros has appeal...for some people. Alexandros isn't an emotionally repressed sad boy. He's a smart and ruthless person who doesn't compromise. His obsession with Robellia disturbs even him, and he has already admitted that he will drag her back if she leaves.
Is he charming?
No, but the layers of lies are great.
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
Just one shot [Military photographer!Reader x CoD characters] part two
You successfully escaped the hell of the art school — in debt, with nothing but your(shitty) camera, a diploma and disappointed parents who never understood your life choices. Being a part if the military wasn’t your first option, but what else can you do? And at least, people here are fun to work with…
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Content: female!Reader, lots of bad jokes, young!Reader, nationality is not stated but has a strong accent, a little bit of angst, I have really vague understanding of the army, Reader is short&not really strong, slow burn, Reader is shy and not very social
Character focus in this chapter: Soap, Gaz
Being one of the few women on base, who were not constantly engaging in combat or military trainings, had more downsides than benefits. You are not just weaker than your fellow soldiers, since your profession let you escape the gym as long as you wanted, but also more desirable to pick on. Short, shy, forced to talk to everyone so you make photos for the yearbook of each unit, while working exclusively alone — by all means, you are the perfect victim to evil pranks and not very clever romance attempts.
Right now, for example, you were clinging to your camera, while desperately trying to look for the way to escape a soldier’s grasp without making too much noise or attack him directly. You are good with riffles, and the camera is heavy enough to be considered a weapon — but still, you are not a close combat fighter.
Of course, this guy was trying to ask you out — a typical behavior for boys who haven’t been in touch with reality for a whole months straight, and were seeing you as an easy target. You hated this and you hates the feeling of helplessness that came with such situations — but there was mostly nothing you could do.
— Aye, mate. I would advise yer stop bothering our fine lassie out here and shut yer puss.
There he is, your prince with mohawk and accent that you still can’t quite process.
You never knew that seeing his weirdly serious expression would make you cheeks blush, but you decided to blame it on the general anxiety of this situation. A recruit who was harassing you quickly disappeared after a friendly hand of Soap resting on his shoulder. You didn’t exactly knew what he was saying to him, but it was clear, that not something all fun and cheerful.
And still, Johny — even if would never dare to call him that — saved you. Now you were standing in the hallway, with your camera held close to your chest, and shaky, still unstable legs.
— Thank you, sergeant. I was…well, I wasn’t expecting him to being so stubborn about wanting to know me.
— Yer were standing here like a deer in headlights. He was quite a munter, but why didn’t you said anything, lassie?
— Thought we were alone and it would be useless. Plus, I was really worried that he could broke my camera if I would refuse him too harshly, so…yeah.
You tried to smile, to make some silly joke out of this situation, but Soap clearly wasn’t convinced. If anything, he looked even more worried — and placed one hand on your shoulder, gently squeezing soft skin under your jacket. He tilted his head, now looking a little bit like a bird — cute, curious one. You tried not to think about how pretty his concerned eyes were, but failed.
— Next time, you gonna bring yer arse to me second some hackit would try to bother you again. Got it?
Ah yes, because you really want to bother your very attractive superior about some idiots trying to get to you. On the other hand, however…he looked really worried. And it’s not like you would be constantly clinging by his side — even though you would still need a few photos for the 141 album.
It wouldn’t hurt, to hang out with him and the other members a little bit more, right? For purely professional purposes, of course, you don’t want to seem like a silly little recruit who is hanging out with people way out of her league. Even if this is true, and they are way too cool for someone like you.
— I’m just not sure whether he likes me or just tolerates me. I get mixed signals and I’m terrible at reading them.
— Mate, if Soap would hates you, he’ll be very vocal about it. You can’t just shut him up most of the time, so I doubt he hates you. Seems like the opposite, really.
Gaz was the easiest person to get along with — and the most friendly as well. Your photoshoots quickly became a way for you to share latest gossips and just chat in each other’s company for a little bit. You liked having a friend like him — while not particularly close one, he was also very acceptable of your way of (over)thinking and shy personality.
And he looked great in sunglasses.
It’s funny, because you actually hated making photos of people in sunglasses, darker lenses would always direct light right into the lense and would mirror everyone in front of it, but Gaz somehow make it less terrible — while looking like a freaking superhero movie character.
— You sure? He always uses his dialects on me and, um, I know English, but he somehow makes me feel like I don’t.
— What kind of words does he using? And you can always ask him to just speak normal English, you know.
— This would be insensitive! I appreciate his culture and don’t want to seem like an ignorant jerk. And, erm, he is calling me bonnie all the time, which is weird, because I am clearly not a rabbit.
Gaz froze in place for a second — a perfect pose for you to make another photo. Then he bursted out in pure laughter and, quite frankly, you have no idea what so funny about Soap basically calling you a bunny without any reason.
— And I thought I am bad at clues. He likes you, for real, if he calls you this.
— Wait, then what…what does this mean?
Gaz laughed again — a pure sound that is forcing you to also start giggling a little bit, only saving a little bit more stability in the camera because of your professionally trained and experienced hands. You smiled, trying not to look at him too much — but really, Gaz is very pretty when he is smiling.
So making a lot more photos feels a little bit obligatory.
— It means that he called you pretty. Like really, really pretty. Scottish dialect and everything.
Soap…called you pretty? Oh no. Oh no, no, no, you can’t have that! You both needs to be professional and…well, you really should stop thinking about these two guys. Way out of your league. You just a photographer, and they are legends.
Gaz patted your shoulder, bringing you to a little but awkward, but still warm hug. And to be quite honest, you never wanted to break this hug. Ever. Especially when he was holding you gently, in a way that didn’t feel threatening. Making you smile every second of it.
Do you have a multiple attraction problem?
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petra-creat0r · 16 days
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 2 Secret Boss
Numero dos of my Fool's Fate secret bosses! I've talked about Poly a bit now thanks to the secret boss reactions but never actually posted what he looks like since I've struggled pinning down his design until now. I knew he was gonna have triangles, just didn't quite know how to execute the design until I was in call with some friends.
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Poly's name comes from his inspiration, the urban myth arcade game Polybius, as well as low-poly or polygonal. I imagine that in his original game, the "User" was replaced with whatever username/highscore name the person playing the cabinet had put in. So if Chicago was playing the game it'd be Poly B. CHI. (Guess his name should technically be Poly B. USR then, huh?)
Poly's text quirk is replacing letters with numbers and basically talking in text speak. You can see it a bit in the actual picture, but basically it's like
"W3LC0M3 N3W US3R!" "R34DY PL4Y3R 1! PR3SS ST4RT 2 B3G1N." "U W4NT 2 PL4Y 1T. U W1LL PL4Y 1T. U W1LL PL4Y 1T!" or something like that.
The soul mode he uses is the blue soul since he's a platformer game.
Pretty much immediately after I determined that Fool's Fate Chapter 2 was gonna be set in an arcade, I knew I had to base the secret boss off of Polybius. I find it funny that @grimmdeltarune and I had the same idea for a secret boss concept independently.
Backstory under the cut
Poly used to be the most beloved and played game in all of the Arcade World. A simple 3D platformer, yet Lightners would come from far and wide to play his game. Everyone loved Poly, everyone wanted to be him, his game play was near addicting. Even if other cabinets in the arcade would come and eventually get replaced by newer one's, Poly's stood tall, never being dethroned since the day it was brought in.
That was until one day, a new player, or rather players, entered the game.
Electric Rhythm Empire, a new rhythm game with three primary characters. The Empress, the Emperor, and their daughter Ritsu. They quickly dethroned Poly in popularity both among Darkners and Lightners, and eventually Poly was completely forgotten about in favor of the more popular game.
That was until Poly met a man. A strange someone who revealed secrets to Poly that no Darkner should know, and promised to help Poly regain his popularity and crown. All Poly had to do was let the man modify some of his code and soon he would be irresistible to Lightner and Darkner alike. Poly agreed.
Just as the man promised, Poly's cabinet started to get played again. Anyone who came near became too addicted to stop, quite literally hypnotized into playing Poly's game. Thanks to the strange someone's help, Poly was popular again.
As soon as the man left though, those in power figured out about the harmful effects of Poly's game. In the Light World, Lightner kids would fight violently over who would play next and it was making people ill. In the Dark World, Poly was hypnotizing Darkners into liking him. Not to mention the corruption of his code.
And so, Poly's game was shut down and he was shunned from the rest of the Arcade world. Forced to live in the deepest, darkest corner of the world and be forgotten once again. Poly though, refused to stand for this. He was determined to make his game even better, and so then no one could stop playing again. He'd force any Darkner that came near to play what was essentially a death trap, and when they'd fail, he'd just make it "better". Trying to make it perfect so maybe one day another Lightner would look his way.
Eventually, a group of Lightner kids did stumble upon him after falling into the Arcade World.
Ah I love Poly's backstory. It might be semi similar to Spamton's, but I pulled more from King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph now that I've put it to text.
He's just a silly little guy driven to insanity by the need to be perfect! If you don't play his game, he will hypnotize you into playing!
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werewolves-are-real · 6 months
Go fuck yourself anon
This morning I received an extremely condescending ask, where an anonymous person said they were heartbroken by my recent 'pro-Israel' posts and could not in good conscience engage with my works until I learned to have 'empathy.'
I immediately deleted it, because it was idiotic. But here's the thing: I don't usually post about the war. So then I started thinking about what I posted recently that might be viewed as pro-Israel. And now I'm mad.
Here is a list of posts that might be CONSTRUED as pro-Israel (by this person) starting from most recent back to Oct. 7th:
-A post joking about a misspelled 'happy Hanukkah' greeting
-A post about different types of menorahs
-A post talking about a Philedelphia-based Jewish man who was targeted by violent rioters for the crime of.... donating to a civilian-led non-profit that provides free medical services to Israel.
-A post about misconceptions over the names of places in Israel, and how the Hebrew words are fucking old and basically have nothing to do with colonialism regardless of what you think about the war.
-A post condemning the denial of Hamas rape victims, because Hamas are terrorists, regardless of anything else you might believe about the war,
-A post talking about what zionism actually means, historically, since it's kinda a relevant issue and some people use it improperly.
-A post also talking about the definition of genocide.
-A silly posts about Jewish prayer emojis
-A post which I will quote here, actually:
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-A post about biased media coverage.
-A post about a Jewish journalist who feels unsafe.
-A post calling out people for only caring NOW, and only getting angry at Israel, rather than – for example – neighboring Egypt refusing to open the border. Because people love hating Israel without figuring out why.
-Another post by Jewish people alarmed by how VIOLENT people are getting toward them.
-A post again pointing out that you can think both Israel and Hamas are doing bad things, actually.
-A post where I lament that I can't post the next chapter of Without Reason because it included a scene with a synagogue and there's no way I can post it without people assuming it's some sort of commentary on the war.
-A post I can't rapidly summarize but that basically criticizes people being callous and, again, anti-semitic while pretending anti-semitism doesn't exist.
That's it, that's all I can find in a quick search since Oct. 7th. You might notice that none of these are really explicitly pro-Israel. In fact, most of them aren't about Israel at all, and they certainly don't demonize Palestine. So what I'm gathering is that this anon is deeply hurt by my posts about *checks notes* – Jewish holidays, Jewish terminology, and rising anti-semitism.
And a desire for people to calm down and use nuance in their discussions, which I guess is scary to some folks.
My most recent posts are about the holidays. If you cannot read a 'happy hanukkah' message without conflating your political anger – about a war on the other side of the world - with anger toward all Jewish people, I am asking you to examine YOUR lack of empathy, and particularly why it does not extend toward Jews.
And if you don't want to 'engage with my work,' great! I don't write to entertain anti-semites :) So get the fuck away from me.
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pottedplant53 · 1 year
Silly Little Theory About Heartslabyul (Contains Mild Spoilers!)
Hello again :3
So I had this thought the other day after writing my theory about Cater (which you can read here if you're interested) about who the Heartslabyul characters are based on.
So all of the Heartslabyul kids (with the exception of Riddle) at first glance seem to be the card soldiers and nothing else – but I think most (if not all of them) have secondary inspirations on top of that, which is what I’ll be speculating on. It seems kind of unlikely that they would base an entire dorm, the largest and first one in the story no less, around what was essentially one ‘villain’. Because let’s be real, no one can name their favourite card soldier.
So in summary, this post is just Heartslabyul brainrot and some observations I've made - Note that I'm pretty far from a Disney expert, and this is all just speculation. Take it with a pinch of salt and enjoy :)
Trey Clover - King of Hearts
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The reason that the King of Hearts comes to mind is because of the sort of mediator role both he and Trey play. In Alice in Wonderland, the King is very timid against the Queen and tries his best to calm her down without ever fully standing up to her. It’s clear he cares about her a lot, but is unwilling to call her out on her behaviour, only ever managing to barely fan the flames and clean up her messes (i.e. convincing her to hold a trial for Alice instead of outright beheading her).
This reflects most of Trey’s interactions with Riddle in chapter 1; He cares about him a lot (whether that be platonically or romantically, whatever floats your boat), but is too afraid to confront him about his actions. He tries his best to keep the dorm running smoothly under the oppression, always baking Riddle tarts and trying to talk him out of unnecessarily punishing students who break absurd rules. Don’t quote me on this because I can’t really remember, but I think he also tried to convince Riddle not to behead Ace at one point too???
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Ace Trappola - Alice
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A lot of people seem to agree that Ace draws some inspiration from Alice. From their names sounding similar, to their shared disregard for things and people they find annoying or unfair, it isn’t difficult to see why so many have come to this conclusion.
What’s more is that they both stood up to their rulers (The Queen and Riddle) and both have a penchant for sneaking off and getting into trouble. I’m referring to Ace’s ceremonial vignette, in which he grabs Epel and sneaks out of orientation in case that wasn’t clear. It’s also mentioned repeatedly that Ace has an older brother who teaches him a lot of things, much like Alice’s older sister does. They both do whatever they can to get out of things they don’t want to do – Alice snuck away from her lesson and Ace refused to clean windows. There’s probably a lot more, but that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.
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Cater Diamond - Cinderella
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Most people have already heard of this one before, so I’ll keep it brief. Cater shares some major parallels with Cinderella that aren't too hard to spot. Like I mentioned before, I wrote a small theory about Caterella which I linked earlier for anyone who wants to read it :D
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Deuce Spade - I honestly have no idea
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I’ve thought about it for ages and aside from his card soldier counterpart, I can’t think of anything that makes sense (T⌓T). If you have any theories or even any nonsensical, unorganized thoughts about who Deuce might be based on, please let me know :3
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. I've finally found a medium to share my brainrot (tumblr) on and I'm never stopping so prepare yourself for an onslaught of shitty TWST theories with minimal organisation-
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chunkypossum · 9 months
So I start to Say Goodbye on Ao3
To finish out @erisweek2023 I wanted to post a second chapter of this fic that was just a silly little one shot. There are plans for a full fic, eventually, but it's painful so we're just going to enjoy this for now and not worry about what the future might hold for them. Copious amounts of copium!
The mating bond snapped but it doesn't erase the issues their secret relationship was facing. In fact, it might make things more complicated. None of it matters though when they have an entire night to bask in the glow of a newly forged mating bond, sinking into each other's arms and whispering promises into the shadows that neither of them is sure they can keep.
16 heartbeats. That’s how long he stayed frozen. 16 very rapid heartbeats. He knew because he had been counting, unable to do anything else. Seeing and not seeing. Looking at Azriel and not looking at him at all. Absolutely not breathing. He needed to leave. 
Turning on his heel, Eris retreated, making for the hallway where he could winnow away safely. Assuming he could calm his mind enough to find his way there. His gate was surprisingly steady for how shaky his limbs felt. All of the surrounding noise burned away and all that was left was the fallout. Vaguely, Eris sensed eyes on him and he could almost make out someone calling to him, but he didn’t dare stop to see who it was. The molten thread flowing from his heart stretched out behind him, warning him to stay put, but there was nothing that was going to keep him in that spot for a second longer, not even his mate. His mate. Mate. 
This was wrong, impossibly wrong. It was one thing to sneak off  with one another, stealing moments where they could … dreaming under the sheets. For the Mother to tie them together in this way though, it was too dangerous. Too dangerous, for them both. 
No. He couldn’t - 
Someone grabbed Eris by the arm and as he turned to snarl at them, two bright points of hazel froze him to the spot and the world fell into shadow around him. As he melted into them, Eris turned away so he wouldn’t be staring straight into Azriel’s eyes when they reformed wherever he was taking them. There was no winning. As the shadows fell away the first thing Eris laid his eyes on were rumpled sheets laughing at him from across the room. He had taken them back to Eris’ guest rooms in the Moonstone Palace. 
Two strong arms wrapped themselves around him, pulling his back against the broad planes of the only chest he felt safe against. The only one he would ever feel safe against again. The only one he would ever want again. His mate.
Eris couldn’t figure out why Azriel was holding him so tightly, or why he was shushing him. The sound gentle against his ear like cottonwood leaves whispering in a heavy breeze. 
Oh. It was because he was panicking, gasping for breath.
“Who -.” He stopped, swallowed and tried again. “I- I -” Eris squeezed his eyes shut tight, trying to calm himself down. There were too many things playing out in his head, too many ways they could be hurt if the wrong people knew. One image kept replaying over and over again. It was of Azriel, strung up and bleeding in Beron’s dungeons. His wings were bent and broken, Beron was laughing and Eris was screaming. 
“Shhhh. It's Ok. You’re ok.” Azriel rocked them softly while he spoke.  
“Who… saw.” The words finally managed to crawl out of his throat. If they were found out…
“No one. No one saw. It’s ok. We’re ok.” Azriel held tighter as if it would keep Eris from catching his sad little lie.
Who the fuck is he kidding? 
Eris held his breath and counted to three before slowly releasing it. 
Inhale. Fuck .
Exhale. Gods. 
Inhale. This couldn’t be real . 
Exhale. “You forget that I can taste your lies now.”  
Azriel blew out a defeated breath, but still refused to loosen his grip on Eris’ waist. He finally gave in and wrapped his own arms across Azriel’s forearms where they crossed in front of him. A mockery of the moment it was mere hours ago. 
“Maybe…” He started before hesitating again. Eris could tell that he was going to hate whatever came out of his mouth next. “Maybe Rhys saw.” 
Eris groaned loudly. “Cauldron Azriel. What have we done?” 
The little whining fool buried his face into Eris’ neck, inhaling deeply before whispering. “We didn’t do anything, Er. It was meant t-” 
“If you finish that sentence I am going to bite you.” 
... Finish reading on Ao3
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blackroseguzzi · 1 year
Summery: With Mare of the case, someone has to help her get some information to help her out- and that someone has to be you. 
Ps I wrote this in the wrong POV because it’s been a while since I wrote for this series but I will fix it next chapter!!
@lili-tate 💙
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You pushed around the peas on your plate, trying your very hardest to drown out the sound of your family arguing over something so ridiculous as what brand makes the best crackers for a cheese board. 
“Y/n, are you going to converse with us this evening or stare at your plate and not take a bite!,” your mothers shrill voice bounced you back into reality. 
“I’m sorry, just thinking about work.” It wasn’t a lie, Erin’s case was fresh on your mind. It felt so silly to be sharing dinner with your family knowing that someone that had killed a teenage mother was out there. 
Then there was also the fact that you had ran into Colin. Colin, as in your ex fiancé who you now had to work with for the next week. 
Your mother scoffs, not realizing the severity of the case you’re covering. She had always assumed you write sex columns like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex in the City. “You and your job, are you ever going to find more?”
“I like to refer to my work as a career mom, but yes I plan…” you bit the inside of your cheek, holding back anger for brief moment “ to find more.” 
“Good and Gather!” Janice’s husband suddenly called out from the other end of the table “they have those amazing cheddar and red pepper crisps that are to die for.” 
You let out a small laugh, your eyes reverted back to your plate and you found yourself about to fork a load of mash potatoes into your mouth when a knock rang out through the home. 
“My goodness, I hope it’s not Liz from next door needing help finding her damn mutt again,” Your mother rose from the table and slammed her napkin down on the chair before sprinting to the door. Your father sat silently across the table and everything inside of you wanted so bad to have him say anything, but he just sat there watching the kids and quietly eat his food. Your mother appeared in the dining room again a few moments later. 
“Someone is here to see you, Y/n. She says it’s urgent..” 
You looked around the table, all eyes on you. Excusing yourself, you exited the cold room to seek out whoever had showed up at your family’s door- it’s not like many people knew that you were here. 
As you rounded the corner, you couldn’t help but be taken a back by Detective Sheehan’s figure in the doorway. 
“How did you?” 
“I’m a cop, I looked up your parents address. Now put on your coat I need to speak with you.” Mare clearly wasn’t in the mood to waste time. She was tapping her foot on the pavement as she watched you grab your coat and sling it over your body. You exited the home and Mare took a deep breath. 
“I mean I’m genuinely surprised to see you here Detective, is everything okay is someone in custody?” You dug your hands into your coat pocket to protect them from the harsh air around you. Mare looked like she hadn’t slept much, and she shook her head angrily like everything you spoke hit her in the nerves. 
“I need you to do me a favor,” her voice was low and she refused to look anywhere but her feet. 
Narrowing your eyes at her request you pondered a moment, wondering what on earth this woman would need from you. 
“It depends, what’s in it for me?” You decided to play your cards in favor of your story for work, knowing Mare was going to do the same thing if given the chance. 
“I was forced to take a leave. I can’t get access to anything pertaining to Erin’s case….and I..” 
“Wait why, what happened?”
“Let me finish!” Mare’s eyes suddenly shot up to look at you. she was anxious, and scared and you could tell that something had happened in the last 24 hours since you had seen her that had changed something important in her life. 
“I got kicked off the case. I need you to help me get confidential information so I can do my own investigating in the time being.” 
You let out a laugh, making Mare’s anger rise.
“You’re nuts. That’s extremely illegal.” 
“You realize I’m basically giving you access to every bit of info you want for your stupid article, right?” Mare watched you as your mind started to wonder. Was she seriously asking you to investigate for her? 
“So how exactly am I going to get information for you?” Questioning her, you were surprised when she actually gave you a slight smile. 
“Zabel. I need you to work alongside Zabel to get every piece of evidence he knows back to me.” 
Shaking your head you squeezed your eyes shut, because the thought of being around Colin gave your stomach a jump, but now the thought of being alone with him made your insides feel like you were on a roller coaster.
“You know, Zabel told me about you. I know that you still care about him or you wouldn’t be still be interested in taking on this work just for your article.” 
As the heat rose to your cheeks, you knew that Mare had a lot of truth to her words. 
“Well if you know who I am, why the hell do you think Colin would even want to give me any information or talk to me at all?” “Because I think he still cares about you too.”
The next day you decided to pick up two coffee’s at the spot that you and Colin used to frequent when visiting your parents. You wondered if he took his coffee the same or if he would refuse to drink it out of spite.
You parked your car at the station, slowly walking to the bench outside as you waited for Colin. Around 5 minutes of pure anxiety coursing through your veins you reached into your pocket- A message from Mare scrolled onto the screen. 
‘Don’t fuck this up.’ 
You rolled your eyes and shoved your phone back into your coat pocket. Beside you the door swung open to the station and Colin strode out, dressed in the sexiest long coat that had you basically drooling. His eyes landed on you and his expression twisted in surprise. 
“I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to you popping up at my work,” He sighed and looked between your smile to the coffee in your hands.
“I got you a coffee, same as you always take it. It’s from Joe’s near my parents house. That one where we..”
“Yeah I know the place,” He forced a smile as you held out the warm cup of piping hot liquid. “Thank you, I uh I appreciate it.” 
You couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear as you two stood awkwardly outside the station. You knew he had work to do, but Mare had specific instructions you knew you had to follow through with.
“Look, I know you hate me being here-” Colin put up one of his hands to stop you, shaking his head slowly.
“I don’t hate you being here, I’m just surprised okay? Can you blame me?” Colin’s voice was soft and his brown eyes were like looking into a time capsule of your youth spent with him. You missed his familiar face, his warmth, his everything. 
“I just want to maybe make things less awkward, maybe we could grab dinner tomorrow and catch up or something?” You sucked in a breath, waiting for him to think over your proposal. 
“You’re asking me to dinner?” Colin’s eyebrows raised at your words, and taking another sip of coffee he just watched you nod quickly, eager for him to answer. 
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, y/n.” Colin watched your face fall. You stared at your coffee, realizing you were going to have to pull out your plan B.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you around Detective Zabel.” You gave him a small smile before turning back to your vehicle. 
“You know who I ran into the other day?” Judy Zabel called out from the kitchen. “Sharen Foster. We hadn’t seen each other in a few months. She said she read the article about you!” Judy brought Colin and herself a plate of food and sat down at the dinner table. 
“Oh yeah?” Colin replied as he put a glass of water down next to his mothers plate for her. He knew where this conversation was going. 
“Her oldest daughter lives over in Easttown now. I told her that you had just been sent in to work on that case with the poor girl. She’s a beautiful woman, Colin. Sharon said she’s been looking for Mr. Right and I bet you two would-” 
“Y/n, is back in town Ma,” Colin didn’t dare look at his mothers face as he spoke those words. 
“Colin its the holidays, you need to stop letting it bother you. It’s been nearly two years.” Judy sighed, looking into her sons eyes as she spoke.
“No, no. She’s working on an article about the case I’m working on.” Colin took a sip of beer, “I saw her, I mean I have to see her until she gets all the information she needs.” Colin felt relief to tell someone who understood how much that shook his world seeing her. 
“Oh Colin, I’m sure that’s very hard for you.” Judy was sympathetic. She was the one to help her poor son pick up all the broken pieces after you left. She knew there were still some open cracks, and now you had come back to make sure those wounds never healed.
“Yeah, but I can get through it. It’s fine.” He felt his words hit his heart, but he knew they were just comforting words for his mother and not for himself.
Judy only smiled politely at her son, gathering her hands together and bowing her head before praying, Colin swung off his beer before joining her. 
The pray was cut short when a knock sounded at the front door. Colin decided he would retrieve the door while his mother waited to see who had come this late at night to their home.
Colin swung open the door, and speak of the devil herself, y/n was standing in front of him bundled in warm winter gear. “uh, hi,” Zabel blinked a few times to see if he might have been imagining her, but when she responded with a hi back he knew the imagery was real.
“What are you doing here?” He asked politely, but with a hint of confusion mixed in.
“I saw the news and I have some information you might want.” You watched as Colin opened up the door to invite you in. Taking a deep breath you made it over the threshold into the familiar space of his mothers cozy home that they had shared so many wonderful moments in. Judy was nothing short of amazing, and you had always felt comfort in her presence, much more than you ever had with your own mother. 
“Judy, it’s nice to see you,” You spoke quietly, trying to avoid her harsh gaze that you were expecting the second you walked up the steps of the Zabel household. She just nodded, looking between Colin and you.
“Colin was just telling me he ran into you.” 
“Yeah, it was a pleasant surprise,” You responded, sending a small smile to Colin, who surprisingly smiled back at you. Judy was not as kind, she huffed lightly at your words.
“Pleasant for one of you at least,” She mumbled.
Colin cleared his throat, embarrassed at his mothers sudden hostility. You knew she was just protecting Colin, and you decided to just hang your head and nod, ending the interaction between the two of you. Colin cleared his throat, mentioning that he would run to the kitchen to grab the two of you beer before getting to work. Judy and you stood there awkwardly as Colin left the room.
“Please, don’t hurt him again. I’m begging you,” Judy whispered, as she looked into your eyes. You saw the pain and sadness that she harbored for her son’s heartbreak. 
“I’m not looking to do that, I promise Mrs. Zabel,” You spoke quietly. You were telling the truth, you wanted nothing more than to heal whatever would you had given to Colin in the first place.
Judy walked closer to you, letting her hostility subside momentarily and looked you up and down. 
“You look good, honey. Take care of yourself,” She patted your shoulder before walking towards the living room, leaving you and Colin to get to work. 
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eveninglottie · 3 months
state of the charlie 2024
hello babes I know I've been quiet on here for a while, so I figured I would update y'all on some things I'm doing soon because while normally it would be bad if I were quiet, it's actually quite good! I've been having like, a weirdly great start to my year, and while I have been hibernating for the past two months I am gearing up to overextend myself soon getting back to work and I am gonna do the excruciating thing and tell you what I'm doing in the hope that you might support me (this is just the update. the begging will come later.) so, what am I doing?
first, I am going to be posting my book, wilderblood, here on tumblr! I realize that's kind of weird and silly but I feel very connected to tumblr and I am scared of trying to self-publish it right away. I also don't have the money to commission a good cover (that's part of the later begging) and I refuse to put a naked man and a moon on a generic night sky background on my cover. no shade to the people making bank with those covers but I just can't.
I will be posting it on a separate blog dedicated to the book (reblogging here, of course), so if you're interested in keeping up to date with it, you can follow me over there at wilderwolves. obviously there's nothing on there yet, but I'm going to be posting the first chapter in the next few days. I will also be restarting my patreon to hopefully make some money which would allow me to commission a gorgeous cover. also, for like. money in general. because capitalism has forced me to monetize my hobbies. patreon will get early access and bonus stuff, but the book will be free to read.
speaking of, I am also going to start making candles! super random, I know, but it's something I've always wanted to do and writing this book made me want to find something else that isn't writing that could allow me to do something fun with my hands that isn't playing final fantasy fourteen. it's called Wilder Candle and I'm gonna be putting it up on etsy so if anyone wants some candles for sad girls (gender neutral) that are darker and less cheerful than other candles, that's something I am also doing. yes the candle company has the same name as the book series. yes I will eventually be making self-indulgent candles of the characters of my book. no I will not be taking any criticisms at this time.
in other, non-money things, I have recently gotten back into dming and am currently running an End of Camelot king arthur campaign that has so far been WILD and everything I could have hoped for. my players are level 20+ and the game is broken and it's great. my friends are such freaks, I love them. I am also currently ill with what is probably the flu (but not covid, thank christ) and feel like my head is going to explode, but I managed to get out of my bed today so everything's coming up charlie over here. my cats are flourishing and they're beginning to tolerate me trying to pick them up, so really 2024 is starting pretty swell.
I hope your new years are not too stressful, and I'm really excited to show you what I've been working on. <3
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deltaruinedcoco37 · 3 months
SplatoonMG4 CHAPTER 5: GAYER Off The Hook
(Third person)
SMG3 had a lot of questions now that there was a way for him to communicate with Four. He still wasn't great at Sign Script, but it was the best he could do for now. He had a lot of questions about Inkopolis and the surface, because even if he had heard of it from some Octolings it wasn't much, to be honest.
"Um..." There was a bit of an awkward silence before SMG3 continued to speak. "I only know what the, uh... Splatland Octolings say... I've heard of 'Deep Cut' and some things, like Turf War... but not much else... what are those three all about?"
SMG3 didn't speak as fast or as well as Four, but the latter was just glad to hear that the Octoling wasn't completely clueless, as he explained Deep Cut. "Deep Cut? They're like our news anchors. They have some pretty cool music and a podcast- the Anarchy Splatcast- so they have a lot of fans. Inkopolis is different though... we have some other people do the map announcements." He smiled at the thought of the Square's comedic duo, Off the Hook...
"Who are they, then?" SMG3 asked once he processed what Four said. "The, uh, news people?"
SMG4 just took a second to glance at the time before looking back at SMG3 with a grin.
"Well... how about I just show you?" He clicked the TV on. "Thanks to the power of Plot Convenience Magic, which probably shouldn't exist in this AU, but whatever..."
(Cue the news intro)
Swag: you sexy bitches know what time it is
Chris: It's Off the Hook, coming live from Inkopolis square... Swag... (Are you even allowed to say that?)
Swag: (of course i can. if you have enough fans you can do anything you want)
Chris: (First off, I was asking if that was part of the script... which I'm sure it's not... second off, that's what everyone thinks until they get canceled, you moron.)
Swag: anygays, moving on to the noob- i mean the normal battle stages. turf war.
(Moray Towers)(Starfish Mainstage)
Swag: my strategy here is to rush to the middle as fast as i can and look sexy ✨
Chris: (I need new friends...)
Swag: and now the stages for REAL battles. ranked battles. i meant to say "ranked battles"
Swag: oh wow, look. my favorite: "50/50 chance to win or lose in the first minute like an idiot"
Chris: Finally, something we can both agree on...
Swag: well it's time for league battles... who even plays these anymore???
Chris: Swag, this is our job... can you please take it seriously today...
(And back to the gays in the apartment instead of the ones on the news)
"They seem, um..." SMG3 was trying to think of the word in Sign Script.
"Hilarious?" Four chuckled.
"...Dysfunctional." And... like maybe he'd seen one of them somewhere before? "But also familiar?"
Four thought for a second. "Hmm, maybe you heard of them from those Splatlandians? They are also popular in Splatsville, but they go by a different band name. That could be why you didn't recognize their name... But that's just a theory. An ink theory!"
SMG3 gave him a strange look. Oh, right.
"Uh... just forget I said anything. Haha..."
(Back to the news)
Swag: boss salmonids think i'm so sexy they don't even try attacking me 😎
Chris: (Or they're so appalled that they refuse to come within 10 feet of you...)
(Inkopolis News transition effect)
Swag: day 6969696969-
Chris: -That number's not even real-
Swag: -of saying we should've been called something fresher than "off the hook-"
Chris: Swag... we're almost out of time.
Swag: ugh fine. whatever. "don't get cooked..."
Chris: "...Stay off the hook-"
Swag: and don't forget to help me with my petition to change the name-
(Utter chaos then unfolded on screen for two seconds until the ads began to play.)
"Well, that was an... experience." SMG3 honestly didn't know what emotion he was supposed to feel after watching that news broadcast. "They're a comedian duo?"
Four was happy to share the silly duo with SMG3, and he was still snickering at the broadcast (because his sense of humor is broken). "Yeah, I guess so, but- wait! You wouldn't have heard any of their music before, right?"
"Well, uh... no... of course not, I haven't heard anything aside from the Octarian music, or this weird Salmonid band, so-"
Well, that's what it sounded like to Three. Agent 4 was so excited he forgot to speak in Sign Script as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his playlist, before clicking on one of his favorite songs: Shark Bytes by Off The Hook.
(Time for the author to make horrible inaccurate lyrics!)
Three was 90% sure that even though Chris was singing it, Swag had written the lyrics. But that wasn't what caught his attention.
"Four, this... this isn't in Square," he said. "I think it's in Runic..."
Agent 4 looked genuinely surprised. "Really? Actually? I thought it was something really obscure, and that's why I didn't know it."
SMG3 listened for a little longer before nodding. "Yeah, it's... Runic."
There was now an awkward silence, because they didn't really know what to say next. (And definitely not because the author can't write)
"So..." Four said, turning off his phone. "You wanna see the city now, or wait first?"
"Hell yeah I wanna see this place!"
Previous (Ch. 4)
Next (Ch. 6) [UPCOMING]
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foxydivaxx · 6 months
Zosan: Look What You Made Me Do Chapter 4
Tumblr media
Was listening to Dr Feel Good by Rania hen I wrote this xD.
“LUFFY HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! NO STEALING FOOD FROM THE KITCHEN!!” Sanji shouts at their captain whom he had just finished beating up and was struggling to speak. Moments like this tend to happen but what makes this worse is that Sanji seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.
“Whoa!! Sanji-Kun chill out!! No need to go off on him like that!!” says Nami. It was then that something within the cook changed. Usually when Nami calls out to him, he would enter simp mode and be all happy and lovey dovey.
No. Instead, his eyes change. Instead of the usual sweet warmth, there was a dark aura surrounding the cook. Zoro has seen that look before and knows how scary Sanji can be in that state.
“And you are one to talk Nami-swan? You that always take snacks from me. Keep taking but never give anything back in return. You and Robin LIKE I FUCKING HEARD THE FUCKING SHIT YOU BITCHES WERE SAYING ABOUT ME BACK THERE!!.” Sanji says in a cold tone.
Both girls cower in fear. This is the first time they would see Sanji in this state. Zoro decides to take charge and wraps an arm around the cook’s waist. That action helps to diffuse the tension in the air.
“Curly this way.” he says as he leads him away from the others. As they walk off to the back of the ship, Sanji whips out a cigarette and lits it. It had been a while he had had a smoke to be honest. Luffy and Usopp glare at the girls.
“What did you say to him?” Luffy asks, arms folded. Usually, Luffy would be silly but not in scenarios like this. Nami looks down. “We were talking about how Sanji was a simp and made fun of that fact and called him a pathetic man who would never find love or happiness.”
”Why would you say that?!” Brook exclaims. “Sure Sanji simps and whatnot but do you guys even know why he does that?!” says Chopper. The girls shook their heads. “Perhaps if you eavesdrop on their conversation, you would know but we know because Sanji told us.” says Luffy. “He even said one time during dinner. I remember.” says Jinbe. The girls scurried off to find Sanji and Zoro.
Zoro did not ask Sanji anything. Usually, Sanji is the one that does the talking himself. Basically, Zoro is serving as his therapist of sorts.
“I admit, I kind of went overboard there with her. But truth is, I have been holding on to too much emotional baggage.”
“So you think she took advantage of your kindness at various points? She and the archaeologist?”
Sanji nods. “Not just them. Several people.” Now that was a bombshell. “Several people?” Sanji sighs as he puffs some air and sits on the floor. “All those women that rejected me back then? Most were after something, usually my cooking or cheap sex or both. Others did not see me as their type. Normal stuff. Still, it is my fault. I kept having delusional thoughts about myself or any of them or thinking all women desire me when only 1% do.”
“I refused to take a hint. All because I wanted someone to love me. I thought that I am only great only when others value me. I never valued myself as a person because, well….”
“Because your dad treated you like shit? Because he and your brothers never saw you as someone worth much?” 
Sanji looks down and nods. “I never told anyone about this but years ago when I was little, there was this boy around the same age as me that I had a crush on. His name was Charlie. He was the cook’s son. Charlie and I were playing together one day and then next thing I knew….I….I kissed him.” 
Sanji then starts crying. “Dad saw it and before I knew it, he killed that poor boy and his father in my presence and my brothers kept on making fun of me for that.” 
Zoro pulls him into a hug. Nami and Robin overhear the conversation and began to feel bad about themselves. They took him for granted and have both said horrible stuff about him behind his back. Sanji must have overheard their conversations, just like what happened with that Pudding girl and had to pretend for years that he was alright when in reality he was not. And that revelation about that Charlie is even worse. Now they remember, Sanji did say that during dinner one time and they both made fun of him, making Zoro to snap at them.
“I….I guess chasing after women was me trying to come to terms with Charlie’s death. I am not a man. I am just a weak pussy not worthy of anything. I realize that which was why I gave up on the simping. I am just tired of everyone and everything. I also envied you for years because you easily won the attention of people and got respect. I had to work twice as hard and rarely succeed.”
“Who said strong men do not have their own struggles, cook?” Sanji glares at him.” You? Struggles? Pfft!! Yeah right!!”
“Well for one, I often drown my sorrows with sake. The more I drank, the more I didn’t have to think about shit.”
“Ah. Note to self: hide the sake.” Zoro smirks. “You can hide the sake but you cannot hide the cake.” he says as he groped the cook’s ass. Sanji flares up and playfully hits Zoro. “Hands off me, shitty mosshead!!”
“Says the perv cook!!” Sanji growls and pounces and tackles Zoro who smirks and hoists Sanji on his shoulder and drags him off to the room.
A couple minutes later, the room is filled with sounds of intense lovemaking.  “Will those two keep it down?!” Jinbe yells as he was trying to nap. The girls giggles. “Aww come on!! Leave them be. Besides, that is the best way to tame Sanji.” says Brook. “So long as they are both happy and helps Sanji calm down, then we are fine.” says Luffy with a smile.
“F-Fuck!!” Sanji moans as Zoro continues to fuck the living daylights out of him. Already, they have entered Lord knows what round this was. Regardless, it is great to see Zoro have such stamina and put it to good use. The fact that the cook could keep up is a miracle in and out of itself.
“See? Told ya my medicine will work.” Zoro says in a teasing. “God I fuc- AH!!” Zoro smirks evily. “What’s that my dear patient? Cat got ya tongue or something?” Boy does he enjoy riling up the blonde. If he had known that it would come down to this, then maybe he should have done this way earlier. That way, Sanji would not bother himself with women and instead awaken his inner sex kitten. 
“You pervy swordsman!!” Zoro laughs and pulls Sanji into a kiss. “You unleashed that side of me Kitty.” Sanji pouts and begins to whine even though he secretly likes that nickname. Zoro smirks and keeps on thrusting into his hole. A couple seconds later, Sanji cums yet another time with Zoro following suit.
“Damn you made me sore Marimo.” Sanji mutters and pouts. Zoro laughs and pulls Sanji closer to him, kissing his forehead. “That was the point. And of course, giving you the release you need.” Sanji smiles. “I owe you a lot Dr Roronoa.” he jokes.
“Yes, you do Mr Sanji. Hmm….that name of yours sounds so sexy in my mouth for some reason.” Sanji giggles. Truth be told, he always hated his name due to the sad history behind him. But the more he and Zoro talk, the more he is learning to reclaim a lot of the energy he lost years ago. That all starts with his name, redefining the meaning behind it.
“Say do you still have that sexy outfit I saw in your wardrobe the other day? Not the leather one but that crop top and pants?” Zoro asked. “Yeah. What about it?” Zoro then whispers in his ear, “Wear it for me tonight.”
Sanji then blushes. “You mean in front of the others?” Zoro nods. “There is no more point in you running away anymore Sanji. You have to finally accept yourself for who you truly are. Be yourself. Be Sanji because no one else can do half the shit you do. Come on!! Be your good old unapologetic sexy self. That is who you always wanted to be but you keep running away because you allowed others to influence you.”
Sanji then thinks about it. When he was younger and he told Zoro about this, he always loved dressing up. He enjoyed wearing his sister’s clothes and often wore makeup but he got made fun of by his brothers and his father saw him as a disgrace. Zeff and the other cooks also made fun of him at one point for that. He has so many outfits, some of which are very revealing and audacious but he never got the chance to wear them because he was embarrassed.
Zoro was right. Maybe now was the time to accept all those parts the world forced him to reject because fuck them all. “Alright. But you will have to help me get ready though.”
Later that night after dinner was done and set and everyone else was seated down, Sanji decides to make his grand entrance. Everyone’s jaw dropped once they saw him. Zoro smirks.
Sanji was dressed in a black crop top and black jeans and boots with a leather jacket. Also he was wearing gothic makeup. He smirks and dramatically flips his hair. “Apologies for being late. I just had to dress up appropriately.”
“Whoa Sanji!! You look awesome.” says Luffy as Sanji takes his seat next to Zoro who kisses his cheek. “Wait a minute….Sanji how did this happen?!” Usopp exclaims. “That is a long story.” he says.
He then narrates everything that he had been telling Zoro, earning gasps across the room. “I am glad that he has finally decided to be who he wants to be.” says Jinbe.
“I always suspected that Sanji liked both genders but leaned towards one.” says Brook. “That you are right. Now enough of depressing talk.” says Sanji as he pours some sake into their cups.
“Here is to new beginnings!!” The crew toasts to that and soon there is a lot of laughter. “Sanji.” He turns around to see Nami and Robin. “Hi ladies.” he says with a smile.
“We are deeply sorry for what we did to you. We shouldn’t have treated you that way.” says Robin. “Hey it’s fine. No worries about it.” Nami then hugs him. “I heard what you said about Charlie and….I hope you and Zoro begin this new chapter together.”
Zoro grins. “Don’t worry about him. I will take good care of him.” Nami smiles and gives Sanji a gentle headpat and walks away.
“All that starts well ends well.” Says Sanji as he and Zoro share a kiss.
“Go get married you two!!” says Franky. Everyone starts laughing.
Isn't it cute that Zoro now freely calls Sanji by his name?
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luvdalkxdlk · 7 months
Makoto Kagutsuchi Ideas
AAARGH. I finished watching Rain Code like a few days ago, and I'm still not over Makoto Kagutsuchi. He was like this absolute silly boy and then chapter 5 was like OMG. And then he became my top 1. Then, I went to fanfics, and then started writing a bit of my own although it's just ideas stage. I absolutely do not want to go deeper by publishing the stuff but I need an outlet and hope that you find the stuff so you can comment or whatever. If you want me to expand on some ideas, I will be happy to and hope you tell me your own thoughts because brainrot ain't going away and I want someone to talk to about this absolute madman. Peace Is An Illusion: Title comes from ideas when Makoto kept getting visited by the Peacekeepers. Honestly, I want to explore that especially with Yomi because the power balance and dynamic is just too interesting. I'm also curious about how Makoto got the Peacekeepers to turn on Yomi at Chapter 4 and while I have an idea, I haven't written far enough yet. Here's the first snippet for fun.
Makoto valued privacy but he really couldn't do anything when a certain group of people loved to break it. The only consolation he felt was that Yomi Hellsmile walked in on Makoto Katsuguchi exploding the kitchen.
"What the fuck?!" Makoto had heard Yomi shouted when he turned around from the smoking oven and holding out a blackened tray to see unexpected visitors in the form of the Director and backup.
"Oh hello Yomi," Makoto took in stride of such an unexpected and frankly unwelcome drop in, "I was just trying to bake cookies for myself. Since you are here, would you like to try some?"
He could see Yomi looking at the disaster of a kitchen and then the surprisingly normal looking cookies that resulted from it. Makoto could sense the apprehension and the hard refusal on his lips that would come up if Makoto had not continued, almost shoving the tray their way.
"Please don't be shy. What kind of host would I be if I at least didn't offer something to my guests. Before we start something, why not indulge on this hospitality?" Makoto asked.
It was easy to see Yomi warring between just upending the tray while calling it bullshit and just taking the damn cookie because this hospitality could also equate to slight servitude to Yomi, with Makoto serving him something. Petty, Makoto knew, but Yomi always liked being superior and if it meant indulging pettiness, why not?
In the end, just as Makoto hoped and expected, Yomi aggressively took a cookie, bit into it and then with an odd look on his face while looking around, he went to the kitchen sink and puked his guts out.
That would be disgusting to clean up but in Makoto's own childish pettiness that he wanted to indulge when he was born without experiencing it ever, it was totally worth it. -Totally funny too, not gonna lie but that's all I have for now. I want him to meet Seth, Martina, Guillaume and other Peacekeepers just barging in and explore everything with Yomi, about fear, survival and power balances, you know?
My Other Half and How I'm Never Made Whole: This one is more on the nose. I LOVE the dynamic between Yuma and Makoto. Original and clone dynamics send me and I just want to explore what could be love (platonically of course), hate, friendship, family, loneliness. EVERYTHING. I'm not sure how I want to go with this one but I have a nice snippet.
Thanks to the Peacekeepers, Makoto could never really trust his own subordinates despite his love for the city. Technology was far more reliable and less likely to betray, that even at the top of the tower he would have a far better worldview of this city than the Peacekeepers ever would. 
It was how he was able to keep tabs on the Nocturnal Detective Agency and their skirmishes against the Peacekeepers. It was thanks to gut feeling and deductions after the latest defeat against the Peacekeepers wrought from the Director's beloved right hand that he had found himself idling around the submarine they call agency.
He was unsurprised when the submarine blew up, unable to stop the destruction even when he was able to. He would not ruin the delicate balance that he had with the Peacekeepers, not yet considering Yomi's unpredictability and volatileness. He had only managed to minimize damage, that will undoubtedly infuriate Yomi against Martina considering it was far out of his scope of ruthlessness. 
Whatever happens with the Peacekeepers will stay with the Peacekeepers for now, when he had bigger fish to fry... pun not intended considering the blown up submarine on the river. As a homunculus to Number One of the WDO, he had more faith that Master Detectives with amazing Fortes would undoubtedly come out of this unscathed considering the training they undergone.
He was far more concerned with Yuma, his original. Wiped off all memories, making a pact with a death god that he can be sure of considering his own, albeit outdated, memories and knowledge about the WDO and the mysterious death of the culprits so far with the one main factor being Yuma himself.
The original had lost way more memories than the clone had thought, regressing from WDO training and cases that had built him up to this day. Possessing more naivete and less survival skills than the day Makoto was born, the chances of his survival was at a lower rate that Makoto couldn't have. No matter how he felt about the original, every detective was useful to him in this current state of affairs. No matter what Number One had planned against his clone, he needed to ensure his survival.
The Book of Death was interesting, and only outsiders could topple the structure that Yomi was hellbent on keeping. Number One on the scene would surely ensure success, despite the utter lack of memories when considering Makoto's own success.
-I also have another snippet really separate, mostly to explain why we met Makoto taking a bath of all things: While waiting for Number One, or him going by Yuma Kokohead these days, to wake up, Makoto ended up going to the bath, cleaning himself up from the impromptu dive so that his original didn't end up swimming with the fishes.
My Love For This City and How They Love Me: I love Makoto, don't get me wrong. But do I seriously believe that Kanai Ward simply accepted the fact they were homunculus and just straight up voted Makoto as their leader. Nah, there definitely had to be some dispute because Dohya District and their hate on Amaterasu although it was more on the Peacekeepers, and even at the epilogue, I think there is some dissent but I also believe that Makoto had done enough to earn the belief that made him their leader too. I love him, but I want explanations, you know? So it's completely plausible a lot has happened in the month-ish between chapter 5 and that epilogue. I have a snippet right here, about the time that Makoto was voted in as the leader, and he invited Kurumi up there, as an informant and citizen just to have an understanding why.
"Why would the people put me back in the CEO position? Why would you want me as your leader?" Makoto asked Kurumi, immediately after the results came out. He had invited her in his pent house, having tea and simply checking up on her after the incident in the restricted area.
Despite Makoto's high position as Amaterasu Cooperation, the company was never really a government to this city in the first place, having ushered a tyrannical era upon them thanks to the Peacekeeper's hands in the beginning. Only workers and a fair few people had an inkling of an idea who the CEO is and the rest had only been shocked, such as Yakou Furio and Kurumi Wendy, when the CEO of the big bad company had turned out to be a masked weirdo.
[I kinda want to put a lot of dialogue here but don't know how so it's a bit of a skip after a heavy conversation, yeah?]
Kurumi smiled, as if everything made sense but Makoto found it damning, somehow shouldering the fact that he had to continue this position, always in authority and decision until the rest of his kin could take him no more, was the atonement expected of his crime. A more lucrative one in comparison to simply giving himself over the UG.
Makoto might say he love Kanai ward and the homunculi might say they put their belief on him, but the words were superficial, with deeper meaning all too twisted underneath it.
After all, Makoto's love was not unconditional, considering how he would protect only the innocent but had no problem slaughtering criminals and getting rid of useful pawns for the greater good in extremely black and white thinking to preserve the city. 
And Kanai Ward's belief in Makoto was not for the person he was but for the experience and resources he had garnered as the perfect homunculus and CEO. For the blackmail against the UG for the better life that they had all desired the moment their lives turned upside down with isolation that he thought was for their own good and got turned around now with the newfound knowledge and the idealism that they could only improve from here. For his wits and genius that could be taken advantage for a better livelihood. 
It didn't hurt that unlike Yomi, Makoto was more affable of a person despite his workers having a taste of his eccentricities.
Makoto was far from stupid, knowing that his position was never out of love and belief, something that can easily be taken away if he ever turn the wrong path or was no longer useful to them. It was his atonement, to make himself useful in lieu of his crimes that had garnered some sympathy because they all knew he did this for the survival of his own kind but were still unforgivable for the utter lack of humanity even if it was to accommodate for the differences their kind simply had.
The city wanted to live instead of survive. It wanted to flourish instead of stagnate. Now that they know, they believed that they could turn things around. They had rallied and used Makoto as their banner. This time around, even in his position, he was not the only one holding the reins, with people who knew of their plight trying to use their own resources and knowledge that Makoto did not possess on top of Makoto's own.
'Let's see where this idealism takes us,' Makoto thought, unsure that it would even lead to a perfect solution because they still had the UG themselves to contend against but with the city in the know and on his side...
Maybe the original actually made sense with this proposal despite Makoto's own doubts. 
Little did he know, he was being observed by Kurumi who had a soft smile on her face when she saw Makoto deep in thought, his eyes always to the state of the city and that softening in his posture and eyes just at the sight of the city.
Makoto was by all means not perfect but considering their entire situation, the burdens he had carried for their survival was endearing and touching. Even through their shock, they had an inkling about how much Makoto had cared about them, about their kind.
Makoto would not know about this now, but although it was not smooth sailing, everyone came to an unanimous decision of Makoto's leadership, for one reason alone.
The obvious love for their city, and despite everything, that had been enough for everyone to give this a go. He might not believe that yet, but at least for now, the citizens do.
-I get it might be more complicated than that, but as Makoto said, homunculus had a right to live despite their defectiveness and even if they had commit monstrosities that they still have to wrap their head around, they never asked to be made. And yet, they still want to survive. Survival has always been a base instinct until it's not, no matter the cost. I think that's why Makoto had lived as the perfect homunculus and why Kanai Ward is still standing by the epilogue. There might be times where we want to end things, but more often than not, we still continue out of opportunities, possibilities, dreams etc. At least that's my take and I might be wrong, but simple idealism, I guess.
Can Never Be Seen, Can Never Take Off The Mask: I don't have snippets but I kinda want to explore how Makoto lived with the UG, how he realized he was a homunculus and that he was simply a doppelganger out of an original. How he started wearing masks because he didn't want to be anything like his original, down to the appearance etc. Something like that. What do you think?
Can Never Save All, And Thus Opposition Is Born: I think that the Resistance should be known more, and how they would feel about the CEO, who in their eyes, might be incompetent for letting the Peacekeepers have their way. How his sudden rise was suspicious. Or something. Makoto might love the city, but even with the power imbalances and the rise of Peacekeepers that Makoto had simply been too late to stop or could have never in the first place, that love did not reach deep enough to help the slums become a better place. I get that nothing is perfect, and Makoto might have his hands full as one person, only sticking to basic survival and preservation but it does make the love a little shallow. I don't discount what Makoto has done but I don't want to ignore stuff like this either. It's something that could be explored.
I See A Reflection But It Is Not Me: I AM SICK FOR MAKOTO AND YUMA DYNAMIC. I am utterly attempted to make a Gab version or Danganronpa Friendship reports, whatever, just to have those two interact more. Even if it would be borderline AU. Just let me do it T_T
No titles yet, and in the maybe but a part of me wanted to explore Fink the Artist, Yakou Furio, Makoto and Yomi. That whole debacle, because what do you mean Makoto introduced a hitman to Yakou??? OK, I know that Yomi had instigated, and Yakou went through with it despite the obvious trap? But Makoto fanning the flames??? I love Makoto, but I won't justify him I promise. He had done a lot of evil shit and he's still my favorite. Ugh... it feels like Kokichi Ouma all over again, but Yakou Furio was still not innocent in all of this. Even instigated or the flames are fanned, he could have turned back and find a better way than killing Dr. Huesca out of his wife's memory. Well, the whole thing was a total mess and it hurts. Chapter 4 still kills us all, and everyone is equally innocent and guilty in all this except for Yomi who can go to hell for this. Point is, I kinda want to imagine a scene with Yakou, Makoto and the hitman. Everyone's thoughts on the matter and despite everything, Makoto loves the innocent of the city the most and at that point, Yakou was. Even when he wanted to fan the flames, a part of me wondered whether there was a crack of doubt to make Yakou turn back from all this, an 'Are you sure?' and Yakou still doing it anyway. I mean, that man is insane because I could not believe going through mental trauma of getting poisoned, electrocuted (even if not in that timeline) and then just stabbed all in order for vengeance, in memory of his wife. That's just dedication. My take in all of it but Chapter 4 and the feels, yeah? If only one person had just stopped to think, except for Yomi coz he would 100% go through with it the bastard.
Well, that's it and I hope you leave comments coz I need someone to scream about Makoto with me. PLEASE. I'm still not over him.
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