#and then after that day i slowly got better. and it was annoying bc it meant now i had to walk a whole hour back to my house
eggmeralda · 5 months
I may have lost all hope
#it's a weird feeling?#like since late 2022 it's been kind of like. bad vibes consistently#and i tried to stay somewhat positive throughout it#but idk there's this very distinct feeling now of like. i can't describe it but it's completely gone#like I've actually got nothing to live for#nothing I've done or wanted to do since i was 14 has ever really like amounted to anything#all the friends i made i never feel like i can talk to#once again in that state of 'only alive so my family don't get sad'#like even when i wanted to just stop existing when i was 21 there was this tiny bit of hope still there a little bit#like i remember for that whole summer i kept getting quick thoughts about suicide but I'd always push them out of my mind instantly#but there was one day where i let the thought stay in my mind for a little bit and like properly considered how i would do it#and then after a bit i was like FUCK and then went and walked like an hour away from my house to try and forget it#and then after that day i slowly got better. and it was annoying bc it meant now i had to walk a whole hour back to my house#but even if those 2 months there was still this feeling of this isn't gonna last#bc i knew i was back at uni in a few months and at least i had music to listen to#and all the other times I've been in that state there was still this sort of feeling that it'll get better bc I've got things to get me#through it#but it doesn't feel like that now. like no job no friends no hyperfixation and now i can't even enjoy any music#anything i create is pointless bc only i care about it#all my friends are busy doing other stuff I'm like not even second best I'm the most forgettable person anyone might know#the only thing that would fix me is getting a random train to like some place I've never been#just to see a new thing i guess#but anyway#ramble#suicide mention
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gazelessmenagerie · 2 years
wait does your broly have a little sister? asking in ref to the art
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( Not by blood, but she can be considered akin to a little (annoying) sister if the big bastard wasn’t so damn stubborn about it (to himself especially.) Think of it as like a bit of an AU where Broly crashed near another village and surprisingly found another half saiyan hybrid. She tagged along him despite the numerous punts and Broly being Broly(tm). Showed him the magic of hot springs for aching or overly tense joints, gave him a bounty of fruit and food when he was struggling harshly for his first season or two on Earth and pretty much just latched on him like he was some sort of (asshole) older brother figure............. )
( ..............at least till he got overly jealous one day and hurt her severely in a fit of rage and now she won’t come near him at all. )
#|| Tag: OOC#|| Tag: Answered#|| Character Study: {Broly}#( lmfao cant believe it took him like 6 months to feel one (1) iota of guilt and an actual microscopic speck of remorse. )#( but is he going to do anything about it? LMFSOG hell no. he just can't bear the sight of apples now bc they were Mirin's fav fruit. )#( she'd always have one with her and now the scent is associated with her as well. )#( good luck trying to ask him anything about that. he wont say shit other than she was a worm like the rest of them (humans) )#( dude just lies to himself the most and i love/hate it. )#( he did like not being alone for once.. even if its small. cute and annoying. even a hybrid was better than nothing. )#( as the last remnant of his extinct people. )#( theres just a lot that goes on within him but he is one hardass shell to crack and anger is naturally the first sea of flames to overcome.#( so for now. he's just stuck in place when it comes to that little runt he actually grew to somewhat care for. )#( but only after 6 months went by and he saw a tree of apples one day during his scrounging spark up those memories. )#( and slowly began to notice a certain ache that was both familiar and unfamiliar.. and he cast it aside bc emotions are /weak/ )#( hasn't returned to that place since. can't even enjoy his own brand of demonic apples as much till he takes the first bite. )#( and gets krunk / high off his ass bc demon apples do that to any creature not of demonic origin. )#( APOLOGIES U GOT LIKE A WHOLE ASS BACKSTORY FOR ONE QUESTION BUT YEAH. )#( ;; i want them to have one good thing but -points to broly-  this is why we can't have nice things. )
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imliterallyellie · 2 months
hiiii, love! how about a lil kitchen-domestic moment between ellie and reader where they���re trying out a new recipe. the catch is that they’re failing miserably at actually making the dish because they keep getting distracted by each other (dancing, laughing, making jokes, teasing each other, anything). mkay bye thank you sm MWAH 😙♥️
is this thing on? 🎤
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ellie is a pest in the kitchen
a/n changed this up a little bc i feel like ellie being annoying in the kitchen while u cook or bake is canon
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“no els, it was 1 cup of sugar!” you quickly swatted your girlfriend’s hand away, making sure she didn’t ruin all the hard work from the afternoon.
when maria told you about her plans to throw tommy a little surprise party for his birthday, you immediately took it upon yourself to take care of some baked goods. thursdays meant free afternoons for you, free of any chores, which gave you some time to get to work on one of your favorite desserts of all time; red velvet cake.
either there was a catch; thursdays didn’t only mean free afternoons for you, but also for your girlfriend, and the two of you rarely spent any of that precious, free time not together. so when you told ellie that you were gonna spend your afternoon in the kitchen, baking a cheesecake for tommy’s birthday, there was no way she wasn’t going to be right on your tail.
you thought it could be fun, baking with her. although you had tried many times to get her to help you in the kitchen with anything, it wasn’t really her cup of tea. but the idea of you working away on a delicious, sweet red velvet cake, and her missing the chance to steal some every now and then, must’ve convinced her to be your right hand that day.
“hmm- ‘m sorry, baby. i thought it was 2 cups.” she gave you a sheepish smile, before putting down the cup and cleaning up the sugar that spilled on the counter when you swatted her hand away earlier. you got back to work on the cake, looking back at the recipe every now and then to make sure you got the right ingredients and measurements, you really didn’t want to mess this one up.
you thought, after her little moment with the sugar, she would retreat herself back in the living room, but none of that. a couple moments went by before you felt a pair of slender arms circling your waist, swaying the both of you to the background music that was playing in the kitchen. “can’t you take a break, baby? you’ve been working so hard this afternoon. need’ya to get some rest too, hmm?” you leaned your head back against her chest, rethinking her words. it had been a couple hours, and ellie was probably right, but you couldn’t really take a break right now. not when tommy’s birthday party was in less than 24 hours, and you wouldn’t have much time to finish it tomorrow.
“i can’t, baby. just give me another hour or so, okay? i promise i’ll be all yours then.” ellie didn’t reply, but she nuzzled her face in the crook of your neck, definitely not planning on leaving anytime soon. her current position meant that whenever you tried to move around the kitchen, you’d have her body to carry around with you. it was normal for ellie to get this clingy on your day off. throughout the other days of the week you both got quite busy, whether it was patrol or any other tasks in jackson, you were both very often first in line, always eager to help out the community. that meant you often went a whole day without seeing each other, ellie out the door before you got up and your girlfriend already sleeping after a long day from patrol, before you come back from cleaning the stables.
before you could swat her hand away, she dipped her index finger in the sugary batter that was slowly but surely coming together, and swiped it off on the tip of your nose. “ellieee, c’mon baby. gosh you’re so annoying.” you wiped the batter of your nose, before she repeated her action, over and over again all over your face.
“williams, you better stop, before there’s not any batter left for the cake.”
“oh, are we on last name level now?”
“if you keep being such a pain in the ass we will be, yes!”
she tried her luck one more time, flicking some of the sugary delicacy onto your neck. before you could scold her for wasting more of it, she shut you up by lowering her head to your neck and licking it off. you whimpered lowly, slightly taken aback by your girlfriend’s actions.
“not so annoyed anymore now, are we?” ellie pulled her head out of your neck and looked at you with a smug smile, clearly proud of what she just did. you tried to turn around in her embrace but failed, her strong arms picking you up and putting you on the counter, hungrily kissing you.
“it’s only 4pm, we’ve got some time to finish this cake tonight. i bet you taste more sweet anyway.”
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charmedreincarnation · 6 months
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Hey guysss! A lot of people have been asking for me to make a challenge for a while now. I honestly didn’t want to, not because I’m against them or anything but because the law will be different for everyone. Sometimes, it feels like tumblr needs a reminder - you are the only person who knows what you need to do to succeed. I wish I could imprint this realization on everyone's minds. I’ve also gotten so manyyyy asks about things that genuinely just feel like your doubts repeating in your mind constantly so I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs bc y’all are spiraling really hard. I get it you want your desires for Christmas and new years. It’s okay take a breath, you're alive and will be okay.
Firstly: at the beginning I used to spend countless time spiraling into depression, constantly changing my methods every time I saw a new success story, and every time I found a new foolproof' tumblr method. Methods that were supposed to guarantee results in a day so when they didn’t I felt rlly useless. It was annoying, to say the least, and I don’t want to help others do the same thing, but really all I can do is reiterate what I always say and hope you apply it to everything!!
A lot of you guys wanted something that didn’t involve the void state, so that’s what this will revolve around! But feel free to make this void orientated if you desire, and I’ll also add a void section so all my babies can eat!
Ok so you’ve over consumed, you have dropped the void, and now have switched to just assuming and knowing that you would wake up with your dream life - embracing states. Great! At first, it will seem like you're doing nothing but you aren’t! For example, I knew I was dwelling in the state of wish fulfilled when I went to work without shedding tears, when I looked in the mirror and didn't think I was ugly because, well, I'm beautiful! I didn't care abt not performing well on a test because I could revise my past etc. this isn’t to say ignore the 3D: don’t do that, please try and make sure you’re safe and okay. But know life is malleable. Slowly, things that used to bother me—my parents, grades, anxiety, self-deprivation—started to fade away. Even though my dream life hadn't reflected in my 3D yet, I felt the switch. That's when I decided, I know what to do.
I also remember finding this cute website a long time ago that I want to share that summarizes it in such a great and simple way.
So Before I knew or understood what LOA was, I found this gem of an article on I am Love'- "How To Shift Into A State & Stay There". I think I have a post abt it somewhere on my blog but I’m too lazy to find it so here it is again.
Basically it explains that the essence of shifting into a desired state and staying there. What resonated with me was her choice to dwell in the state of knowing that her desires are hers, no matter what.
The way she used colloquial language made the content relatable and easy to understand. It's like having a conversation with a friend who's guiding you through hard concepts with “dumbed down” language because at the beginning states made 0 sense to me.
Posts like this really helped me particularly because when I discovered Neville, it required three attempts on my part to not only intellectually grasp his teachings, but also to truly comprehend him as a whole, given his non-contemporary speaking tbh.
I recommend it if you find yourself stuck or not really grasping the law yet (which is more than okay) but, if you're looking to understand the loa better or just learn more give this article a read.
There’s also a particular quote from Neville that really got me to dive into his work after finding this article and it was- “The being that you really are, descended to the weakness of the flesh, causing you to experience the state you are now in. Contemplate another state, and the same being who brought your present form into being will restore and make alive the other state, the state desired. This he will continue to do until his purpose is fulfilled. That purpose is to follow a certain pattern back into the unity of being. You see, in the beginning we were drafted. We did not volunteer to fall into these states. We were made subject into futility, not willingly but by the will of him who sent us. But when we return we will discover that we are the very being who subjected us. We are now the sons, destined to return as God the Father!”
Now that you understand and are ready to apply state, Here’s a routine I’ve created to hopefully help you guys! It is very simple and not time consuming at all.
Scripting and writing: I love writing and feeling like the author of my own story, literally bringing my creation to life. I would write when I felt like it. Whenever I wanted to dwell in my state, I would simply write, "I have my dream life." It's so simple, yet it embodies everything I need. If you’re more of a picture girl, use Pinterest instead. Or both if you prefer it doesn’t matter.
Edward arts' "I am creator meditation": Again, do this whenever you like it. It's one of the few meditations that didn't bore me to death and seemed to work with my ADHD. I also love reading, so I would read his pdf whenever I felt like it and take mental notes. Reading his work was a reminder I was doing everything right, it resonated with me very well.
During doubt and overstimulation: When things get overwhelming, close your eyes and let the emotions pass. They’re just thoughts! repeat the words "I am" until your heart returns to its normal rhythm. It's a simple yet powerful way to ground yourself amidst the whirlwind of emotions. And guess what? You can use this technique for doubt too! So the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, remember the power of "I am". It's a gentle reminder of your existence, your resilience, and your capability to be whatever you want despairs any emotional turmoil.
Thank god: (yourself!!) When reminded of your desires. Thank you god. When you see your desires, (eg:Pinterest, online or you’re just reminded) thank you god! When you see an image of your desires, thank you god! When you dream or think about your desires. Thank god! Always thank the person fulfilling it aka you ;)! If you’re religious just thank the god you actually follow.
Nightly reflections: At night, ask yourself , "What would I do if I woke up in my dream life right now?" repeat this question throughout the night. Then, imagine whatever scene you want. What would you do if you could not fail? What would you do if you had all the money in the world right now. What if you looked in the mirror and saw the most ethereal being and it’s just you? What about if you woke up in your dream house with your dream family and pets? This is inspired by one of the first shifting methods I created that helped me fulfill my imagination before I knew what that meant. When you’re ready to sleep just remind yourself it is done, and drift off into your desires.
As I've always said, I've been a great daydreamer. I knew exactly what I wanted my life to look and feel like. I envisioned my walk-in closet filled with luxurious outfits, waking up in my dream room on a soft mattress with my pets purring nearby. I saw the decor reflecting my personality in every corner of my large, and pretty room. I imagined walking into my bathroom, seeing all my cool Sephora products lined up for my skincare and shower routine. I love taking care of myself because I know I deserve it. I saw myself looking in the mirror, knowing I'm "that girl" who turns heads wherever she goes.I visualized going downstairs in my boujee dream house,and seeing my family stress-free, smiling, and eating well. I saw plans being made on my phone, my friends were excited to see and talk to me. I went to my kitchen, filled with expensive ingredients ready for me to cook meals for my loved ones - because I love cooking. I saw myself checking my bank account and seeing multiple seven figures in my savings, checking, and investment accounts and opportunities easily presenting myself to make more if I wanted. I saw myself running errands in my car, shopping, getting Starbucks, having expensive lunch with friends, and making a trip to Target. Despite the simplicity of the day, I would come home and be like, "Ugh, what a long day!"like that one khloe kardashian meme. What if all this happened today? Visualize and feel the scenes so clearly that it felt like it's already happening.. not just in your imagination.
Most importantly: Define the law for you! Stop parroting bloggers and intertwine your own beliefs with the law. The only principle of the law is that through persistence assumption will harden into a fact. Other than that anything goes except for facts that are wrong.
Here’s old notes I found in my phone lol just so you know what I mean by define the law for you: ignore the writing I was kinda dumb and new to the law 😭😭
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Now this is for my void babies if you made it this far.
Read this post.
This is it copied bc the links are wonky sometimes
“My previous method is based on the persistent assumption, which a lot of people don’t know how to do right and it might take some time even for those who have the right self-concept and the mindset, so today I was in the process of manifesting this method.
And I was successful!
This method is for everyone. It’s the easiest Void method.
Do you know that you get into the Void state at night automatically? At that time the whole perceived world disappears for you. Every single perception and assumption you have disappears while your consciousness in the calm and natural Void state.
Use it to your advantage. Now that you know about the Void that you enter when you sleep, the perfect state to manifest anything that you wish to perceive, with no “resistance”, no illusions of annoying solid things around, you only need to remember your scripted starting point in your DR and practice watching it all coming out of the Void.
Practice that scene with your eyes closed, say to yourself:”That is what I perceive. Next time I’m in the Void, I’ll experience this”. You won’t even need to be fully aware of yourself that way when you get into the Void while you are asleep. Your subconscious would do all the work as it now would have the instruction and a clear image of you expecting it.
Personal experience: as I was receiving information on this method, I almost stepped into my DR! I wasn’t even in the absolute void state, I was only creating the scene for this method and I felt it materialise with my senses!
I have great feeling that it’s going to give fast results for others! Try it, teach your subconscious what it needs to bring forth while in the Void, let it do your work for you!”
Lastly, I’m gonna talk abt my beliefs real quick bc the fear of shifting vs manifesting makes me sad for y’all. I understand you don’t wanna leave behind the people you love and that’s not fear to feel ashamed of having! I personally hate the npc mindset a lot of have people have adopted. The only thing we know for sure is that assumptions create realities, and consciousness is the real reality. Everything else boils down to assumptions, except for principles. For example, shifting is not lucid dreaming, even if you assume it to be. That is the principle. I’m just going to copy what I told my mutal bc I’m lazy and need to finish Christmas stuff 😭😭 but Our imagination and the 4D realm are products of our consciousness, which is indeed real. Our view of reality is shaped by our consciousness, since we can't experience everything all at once.
Unless, of course, you shift into a super omnipotent god. Even then, you’d probably still struggle with the concept of infinity because, well, infinity is infinite. And it’s constantly a never exnding expansion. As humans, we're finite beings, and our understanding of the infinite is naturally limited. Because you can’t and won’t ever experience everything at once, infinity is always expanding. Our awareness can be thought of as fragments of consciousness; it's like being a drop of water in a massive ocean. Even though our perception is limited, the infinite is always there, always existing. We simply adjust our awareness to perceive this infinite reality.
And through our consciousness, we are able to tap into other realities or 'multiverses', which give us a broader understanding of existence. This exploration of consciousness and the multiverse is a significant part of my journey into the world of manifestation.
The law of consciousness explains why, when you "shift" or change your perspective, you don't physically move. It's all about altering your state of awareness. This is also why time doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. You can become aware of any time or day you want, as long as you choose to be aware of it. It's like having a mental time machine. This law is why infinite universes exist. As long as you can be aware of it, you can assume and embody the state of that person. Whether that's someone with a billion dollars on Earth, or a person who lives in the Attack on Titan world, it's all about your awareness.Our awareness is just a fragment of the larger consciousness – hence the idea of the multiverse. Each universe is a different fragment, a different state of awareness. And we have the power to “shift” into any of these states, therefore shifting into any of these universes.
I’m telling you this bc there’s no need to be afraid of manifesting or being in a reality with robotic versions of the people you love. Ariana grande and Marilyn Monroe for example talk about loa without acknowledging it and we see their success. Neville Goddard and his followers saw each other’s manifestions and I manifest for my friends and they mnaifest for me.
Take a deep breath and let go of the tik tok clone mindsets y’all have they don’t exist. You can manifest and assume anything you want in your imagination. Y’all literally want to manifest things like millions of dollars, revising deaths, living in new countries, having immorality in your waiting rooms, and never aging which is all possible of course. So be for real, why assume and know that you can achieve all that, but it won't manifest exactly how you want? I've also wondered about what happens to the "old version" of people when they manifest their dream life. As far as I'm concerned, they dont exist because you choose not to be aware of them.
I really want to talk about this too, as I've received similar questions and, oh my god, I thought I was alone. I've always been a bit delusional and lived in my head, but when I became conscious of the law, did anyone else feel a sense of self-embarrassment? I don't know what that was, but I'd genuinely feel my soul wanting to throw up envisioning my desires that aren't mine, even though I've always been a daydreamer. It's kind of like when you feel you can't have them or it's strange to envision yourself with something you can't have, so you just purge yourself. 😭
I was thinking back to why that happened and laughing at myself because we need to be serious right now. Why are you getting sick by your own mind? Imagine if Van Gogh, anytime he pulled out a canvas and held a brush, was jump-scared by the brush. Picture him holding out the brush and just staring at the canvas crying because "well, the painting is going to suck 😐," "I don't know what to paint☹️☹️," "I already know it won't be like what I envision in my head 😡😡." Like, bro, the canvas is blank, just fucking paint. That’s why I really like his quote that's like...
“If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” So If you’re scared of failing, if you’re scared of your desires, or scared of how it will come to fruition, for that reason alone is more so to and manifest it anyways.
But happy holidays guys! make some tea, scroll through Pinterest, read a good book and watch some Christmas films and remember if you can imagine/think your desires you can embody them bc where are you getting it from??
Here are some helpful documents I have read plus a cute vid I saw on insta reels : (let me know if the links are being weird)
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
On my lady days soooo
Bakubaby period comfort?
Comforting You On Your Period
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details: reader has a period, umm just talks avout cramps and stuff
Word Count: 469
IM SO FUCKING PISSED BC I LITERALLY JUST WROTE A WHOLE THING FOR THIS AND THEN IT FUCKING DELETED i dont even wanna write it anymore but im still going to especially bc my sweet dear asked for it 😼 and im also on my period #bloodsisters
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you groaned as you lied in a fetal position on your bed, clutching your stomach. cramps were your worst enemy right now, especially since they were making it hard to even move, but that's why you had katsuki.
you heard him walk into the room and place something on the nightstand next to your bed. he sat down next to you on the bed and rubbed your shoulder, "i brought you some ibuprofen and water. sit up so you can take it."
you groaned more, "but it hurts..."
"but if you take it then it won't hurt."
well, he had a good point there.
you cursed him internally and sighed, forcing yourself to sit upright. he handed you a few pills and a glass of water to drink them with.
after you did so, you placed the glass back on your nightstand and went back to lay down but you were stopped by your boyfriend.
"hey if you're gonna lay down you can't fall asleep. you need to eat something with the medication, so i'm gonna go get you something. what do you want?" he asked.
you wanted to be upset at him for not letting you rot away in bed, but he was going to bring you food so it was okay. you told him what you wanted to eat and he nodded, leaning down to give you a kiss on your head which made you smile.
"you're such a sap."
"shut up."
a moment later he came back with the food you requested and you sat up slowly, accepting it from him happily. you pat the spot in bed next to you, "come sit with me, kats. we can watch tv together."
he did as you said and sat next to you, putting on the movie you requested to watch. you'd been watching this movie on repeat for the past week which would annoy him if it was anyone else, but it was you, so it was okay.
while you munched on your food you began to feel better and finally felt some relief from your pain. you leaned against katsuki, "thank you for taking care of me."
"'s no problem." he said, leaning into you too. the two of you embraced each other for a while until you felt your food-coma begin to hit and you slowly laid back down, bringing him with you.
"let's just-" you yawned, "take a nap..." you said, already half asleep. katsuki laughed softly and pulled you into his chest, rubbing your back as you slept.
sometimes he wondered if he was doing an okay job at attending to your needs, especially because he knew he was more of a 'tough love' kind of person. but moments like these helped reassure himself that he was doing a pretty decent job.
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authors note
im still mad that the first version got deleted smh but WHATEVER i just need to go to sleep. if theres any mistakes or stuff that doesnt make sense pls lmk because im literally half asleep right now lolol kay goodnight!
taglist for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @b134ch-m4h-ey3z
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fairyofjaeyun · 1 year
Imagine fucking subby frat boy jake in front of his co-fratboys at a party bcs he'd been pissing the shit out of you all day and you snapped when you saw him flirting w/ a girl in a party so you resulted to that situation. I'm DIZZY
OMGOMGOMG WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME GO INSANE LIKE THIS??!?! I hope this is good cause this came out much longer than I expected 😭😭
no cause he’d be so confident at first, trying to get your attention in any way possible. it was no secret that the two of you were close, and jake’s friends helped egg him on to get him closer. however, he did it in the most annoying way possible. he’d be annoyingly clingy (especially if you were talking to another guy) then disappear, leaving you dumbfounded and desperate looking for your other friends. this went on a few times, and you decide to just ignore jake for the rest of the night for the sake of your sanity. that is until you spot him in a corner with his body practically pressed on top of another girl, his hands feeling at her waist while he whispers in her ear.
you were fucking furious. how dare he play with your emotions—loving you up and making you feel warm inside then leaving you stranded so he could do the same to the next girl? you stormed over to him, too angry to even care that you were pushing people, and shouted, “jake!” he almost jumps from your voice, snapping his head towards you and taking his hands off the random girl as if it wasn’t his plan to get caught. “come here,” you tell him, roughly pulling him by the arm and dragging him to the room exclusively for the fratboy members.
jay, heeseung, and sunghoon were in there getting ready to set up one of their drinking games when you barged in. “oh, there you are. we were waiting for you…” jay trails off as he sees you shoving jake onto the couch then aggressively grab his face and kiss him. jake freezes up due to his audience, which is very unusual for him, but fuck it’s you and you never fail to make his brain all fuzzy. he does eventually kiss back, moaning into your mouth when you grab his neck.
the three boys froze as they watch you strip jake down to his underwear and growl into his ear, “you think you can fucking play games with me? treat my emotions like shit just so I can chase you? well, you got what you wished for.” jake, very self-conscious as he frantically scanned the room and caught 2 of his 3 friends palming themselves, let out a shaky response, “please, n-not here.”
“oh now you’re shy, as if you didn’t practically hump that girl in front of the whole party?” you were now stripping yourself completely naked, and jake whines because this was the first time seeing you naked and it wasn’t all for himself.
“you better shut up and make it up to her,” heeseung suddenly speaks up, almost startling the two of you. you smirk after seeing heeseung playing with himself, his long fingers running over the print in his sweatpants. “yeah, be a good boy,” you tell jake, “or you’ll make things worse for yourself.” and then you slowly peel back his boxers and sink onto his dick.
jake moans from the sudden stimulation, completely overwhelmed as you start riding him that he freezes. his three friends now gathering around the both of you with their dicks in their hands.
“come on, fucking kiss her,” heeseung groans as he strokes his cock, bucking into his hand.
“be a good boy,” sunghoon follows, gripping jake’s hair then pushing his lips towards your neck. you moan as he sloppily kisses and sucks your neck, causing all the boys to moan and curse afterwards. jake’s hands, that were previously limp at his sides, finally fly up to touch your lower waist. his face flaring up because he was acting like a total virgin. “no, you can’t touch me,” you pull his hands away, but he puts them right back and whimpers into your neck, “please, I need to touch you.”
“no,” you repeat, and heeseung and jay come next to you and pin jake’s hands down to couch, their knees propped up and wet dicks still twitching in their hands. “no, please,” jake whines again, trying to break free, tears welling up in his eyes. “we said shut up,” sunghoon speaks, and shoves his head again, this time into your bouncing tits.
jake starts to sob as he mouth latches onto your nipple. he’s so fucking humiliated as his friends were pinning him down, but you were riding him so good he could barely think and his back arched against the couch. “you like this don’t you?” you whisper in his ear, your hand going back to his neck, “you like your friends getting off and helping me punish you for being a whore?” jake sobs against you again, almost wanting to shake his head, but then his hips jerk and whole body flushes, the feeling of your warm pussy around his cock and the touch of friends becoming heightened before he cums inside of you with a loud whimper against your tit, then feeling the release of his friends on his chest.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
ahhhh i just spent the last three days reading every post on the emtts tag and im in love with your whole little universe. i kept meaning to make a list of all of the little things but i kept getting distracted and forgetting so i only started at april 18th bc i NEED (subject to your willingness to expand/care act this particular part of your universe) to hear more about all of the little stories of steve getting arrested (particularly hopper arresting steve?? and them breaking into steves parents house?)
thanks for this amazing space!! you’ve made a universe that ive been thinking about constantly and that expands on the characters in such a beautiful mundane way, its very cool!!
ps i just read one of the follow ups in the death threat part where steve admits he doesn’t want to stop teaching bc dustin asks eddie about it and i think im about to cry holy shit
pps on the death threat part with diane oh god. like just steve having to figure it out in front of her and her explaining to him and him admitting to just not being ok i just
First, thank you so much! This is all so very nice of you to say and props for getting through everything in three days. It is quite a bit! It’s honestly amazing how much has been written in such a short amount of time. I’m only going to cover Steve getting ‘arrested’ and I’ll touch on Steve and Eddie’s breaking and entering at a later date.
Steve started having seizures a little after they closed the gate on the Upside Down for good or, well. They started noticing that he was having seizures after they closed the gate. It was heavily implied in the undertone of his doctor’s voice that these seizures were likely going on for a while and that they likely not going to stop anytime soon.
Steve took this news as well as anybody could.
Everybody was kinda waiting for him to have a breakdown over it, but it never happened because Steve was – well, he wasn’t fine. Obviously. But it is what it is, right? If the worst thing to come out of all this Upside Down stuff is that he’s a little dumber than he was before than how could he complain?
Max was learning how to walk again.
What Steve didn’t take well was his doctor telling him that he wasn’t allowed to drive anymore. In fact, he did not take that news at all. He completely ignored it, and he ignored the looks that Robin when give him when he drove himself to work, and he would say, “It’s not like I’m driving the kids around or anything. It’s just me.”
“And that’s supposed to make me worry less?”
“I pull over if I feel weird.”
He wasn’t actually driving all that much anyways. Robin got her permit and Eddie got the all-clear to drive again, so no one needed to rope Nancy into lecturing him about ‘the dangers.’ He didn’t need Dustin’s complaining or Eddie’s ‘hey, maybe you should listen to them’ or Joyce stopping him on his way out the door. And he didn’t need Hopper.
Steve was learning to accept that sometimes he needed help. He was doing better, but Steve practically lived alone despite the jokes people were making about him being at Eddie’s all the time, and he wasn’t going to bother someone just because he needed toilet paper.
Steve was sitting in his car outside of the Fair Mart, trying to remember why he needed to go there in the first place, when there was a knock on his window. He startled and blinked hard twice before looking over at the drivers’ side window. He frowned.
Hopper was standing there and he looked annoyed. He gestured for him to get out of the car and Steve frowned more, fumbling with his seatbelt before pushing the door open. For lack of anything else to do once he was out of the car, Steve said, “Hey, what’s up?”
Hopper frowned more like he was annoyed with Steve which was, in itself, was really annoying because Steve didn’t do anything. He was just here to buy… He was here to get… Wait. “Huh?”
Hopper sighed loudly and repeated himself. Slowly. “Give me. Your keys.”
Maybe it was Hopper’s tone or maybe there was some stock in what his doctor said mood swings, or maybe Steve was just tired of everybody treating him like a baby that needed taken care of and watched. Just when Hopper reached to take the keys out of his hand, Steve shoved him away.
Everything kinda blurred at the edges and the headache that’s been wedged in the corner of Steve’s jaw pulsed. He didn’t really take a breath until Hopper shoved him against the hood of his car.
Hopper cuffed metal around his wrists and said, “Good going, Harrington.”
Steve yanked on his arm and snapped back, “You’re not even a cop anymore. You can’t arrest me.”
“Call it a citizen’s arrest.”
Eddie laughed for four minutes of Steve’s five minute phone call at the police station. He laughed so hard that Steve knew that he was holding his side where the bites were the deepest because they were still tender, and Steve just rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up. Are you gonna get me?”
“Hm, yeah,” Eddie grinned through the phone. “Yeah. It’s a little ironic that the Prom K-“
Steve hung up the phone.
The ‘charges’ that Hopper (not a cop) threatened to ‘throw the book at him’ for were driving without a valid driver’s license. There was a part of Steve that knew that this was all just for show to teach him a lesson, but still argued that he had a valid license because no one took it away from him, and actually, “This is false imprisonment, right? Maybe I should call my family lawyer.”
It was even more annoying that Eddie – rolling into the building smelling like weed an hour later – agreed with Hopper. 
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mono-dot-jpeg · 9 months
safe - express crew
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summary; what would happen if you got injured during an expedition?
genre/extra tags; scenario, hurt/comfort but not well executed, reader has path of destruction, reader's combat type isn't mentioned, caelus is trailblazer with path of preservation (bc that's the one i use), yes im using the same banner at the top for caelus
[platonic] [teen reader] [gender neutral reader]
warnings; leg injuries described, getting scolded, feeling helpless
[buy me a kofi]
a/n; wrote this as scenarios... hope you enjoy it! only did the trio and welt bc 4 characters is my limit per scenario post. march's part is shorter than the rest im sorry
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caelus is not well versed in situations like these.
he knew of your reckless nature. how you just loved thrills, how you want to destroy every enemy in your way, how you enabled his weird tendencies and fighting instincts just to watch a good show.
but this was too much.
in the heat of battle as you charge in, you take a big hit (even if with the help of caelus's shield) and the enemy smashes their weapon against your leg. you collapse to the ground, the pain rushing through all your nerves as you yell out.
caelus does his best to keep the enemy busy with his taunts and trying to build his shields. when he finally manages to finish the enemy off, he's running to you and picking you up as carefully but urgently as he can. he's talking to you to distract you from the pain and hoping that the adrenaline you're feeling with do until he gets to you to proper help.
when he finally gets you to medical help, he's conflicted. his usual expressive witty self is quiet with frustration. within the small time of you joining the express a little after he did, he's gotten attached to you, seeing you as a younger sibling. he can't help but think it's his fault for not being on guard to keep you safe. he can't find it in his heart to scold you despite how he's aware that if you just thought before you did anything, you would've at least been less injured.
it takes a day for you to get properly patched up and resting. and it's awkward when caelus walks in, no longer wearing his usually amused smile, but wearing a stone faced look. you avoid looking at him, it's not subtle at all with how you don't want to talk about the accident at all.
but he speaks about it anyways, "i really hate being angry, you know?"
"i know."
"i think it's safe to say that we're both in the wrong for this?" he suggests, sitting on the edge of your bed. "i could've stopped you and you could've waited for me." you're both silent as you recall the pain of it all.
"yeah. i'm sorry." he moves to sit by your side, patting your head.
"i'm sorry too, just get some rest alright?" he mutters, tugging the blanket to cover you better. "i'm just glad you're okay."
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he hated when you got reckless, he was not as nice about it as the new trailblazer. well, he wasn't openly rude about it but he gets the most abrasive when you decide to be reckless. he would never say it openly but he cares for you. he cares for you a lot. you're younger than the other express members so of course it was natural that he felt the need to care for you. totally not because he's basically the established parent friend out of the four of the youngsters of the express, you included.
so the moment you get such an injury, he's killing the rest the enemies and taking you to welt and himeko. he's muttering about how frustrated he is with this turn of events. he's annoyed because he doesn't have the path that march and caelus have, so he can't protect you as easily.
you can't understand a word of what he's saying since your mind is fuddled with pain and slowly running down from its adrenaline. you pass out before you hear his pleas to stay awake.
when you're finally okay and stable, it's dead silent in your room. you and dan heng sit nearby each other, you on your bed and him in a desk chair. you're concerned by his silence but you don't want to say anything, knowing that he would start scolding you. unlike caelus, he's not afraid to be honest and sound rude while he's at it. he doesn't like sounding like the bad guy, but someone has to put the foot down when welt and himeko weren't around.
as you lay there on your bed, you feel small, like you were just a weak kid who couldn't do anything. you struggle to look at dan heng, the room is thick with tension and worry. you hate how stupid you feel. it's hard to describe it, when you want to cry but it's not out of sadness or anger. you feel bad. and it makes you want to cry. and you do. you don't say anything, he doesn't say anything.
he looks at you while you're a silent mess. his hand presses on your forehead and moves down to rub away your tears gently. "please don't do that again. not when i can't do as much to keep you safe." he mutters, moving his chair to sit closer to the bed.
you spill out your apologies and worries as you hug him weakly. "i'm- i'm sorry dan heng!" he pats your head, providing his silent comfort.
"it's okay. i'll always forgive you." he sounds tired as he jokes deadpanned, "maybe this is a sign from the aeons to stop being stupid."
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despite march's cheerful aura and bright words, she was skilled in battle. and very good support. even when she was smiling in support during a battle, she was ever so alert for everyone's safety.
unfortunately she let her guard down for just a small moment and you ended up running in with no shield support, causing you to take a bigger hit than normal.
after that she had immediately shielded you, the cold of her ice felt nice against the heat of the pain.
"y/n! please be more careful next time!" she says immediately after she takes care of the last enemy. she's probably the only one to actually scold you in the battle even if it was close to ending. "just because i can shield you doesn't mean you're safe all the time." she insists on carrying you via piggyback as she scolds you all the way through the trip back.
"you know you're gonna have the rest of the express worried sick when you do things like that!" if this was anyone else, you would much worse but march has such a sweet tone to her voice that you can't help but feel fine. on the way back, she cares for the injury the best she can with her ice. and it helps when you finally get the proper help.
you recovered quicker than usual with her assistance.
"now what do you have to say to me?"
"you make me want to not say it now."
"i just saved your life and this is the thanks i get?!"
"i'm never gonna give you a shield again."
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welt dislikes taking you on expeditions. he's been clear about that from the start. but he's not gonna restrain you from experiences, good and bad. but he'd much rather you have good experiences. and not ones like these.
the ones where he has to pick you up from the ground and worry that you're gravely injured. just like the rest of the crew, he hates seeing you hurt. maybe it even hurts even more being a sort of father figure to you and feeling the obligation to care for you.
instead of the cold silence from dan heng or the worried silence from caelus, you feel the disappointed silence from welt. and that hurts more than your injury.
it's suffocating when you're being carried the way back and you know you're about to get a mouthful of scolding. it's not even gonna be an angry scolding, which is even worse.
when he takes you down the hall of passenger rooms of the express, you struggle to find the words that would at least lessen the looming feeling of disappointment. "i- um.. uh.." you stammer. he continues to walk and find your room, but you feel his hold tighten. you know he's listening.
"i don't.." when you both enter your room, he places you right on your bed and sits in a nearby chair. he looks at you, which almost makes you break in a cold sweat. "i'm really..." he doesn't rush you to speak, he doesn't cut you off or anything. he waits patiently by your side.
"i'm sorry." you look down at your lap, "i was really excited when you finally let me go on one of these trips with you. and i ruined it. sorry."
his lips pressed in a line before he speaks, "please be more careful next time. i can't guarantee you'll go on your own though, not until you learn to control yourself."
next time? "does this mean i can still go next time?"
"not anytime soon." he sighs, "did you not catch any other word?"
"that's not a no."
"i'm not saying a yes."
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madangel19 · 4 months
For the writing requests. Maybe ssoommeee SwissDew annoying each other bc they don’t wanna admit they’re attracted to each other
NSFW or not up to u whatever inspiration strikes
~ @atmosghoul
Oh boy this was a fun one to do >;3 I love me some SwissDew. It didn't quite turn out the way you asked for it, but it's still something @atmosghoul :D Anyway, enjoy!
Warnings: Oral (Swiss licking a dirty Dewdrop clean), quintessence use, hypnosis kink
Word Count: 1383
It was a seemingly peaceful evening down in the ghoul den. Swiss was enjoying some sweet liquor while watching a movie with the ghoulettes. It was nice to relax after such a long day of band practice and chores.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Dewdrop walking into the room. The fire ghoul’s gaze first fell on him and there was a playful glint in his fiery eyes as he smirked.
“Hey there, Dewy! You wanna join us?” Sunshine asked, her smile beaming.
“Sure,” the fire ghoul replied, still keeping his focus on Swiss.
The fire ghoul had been acting off around Swiss recently. He was always a bit standoffish whenever he encountered him in the halls and Swiss always caught him staring during some rehearsals. The multi ghoul tried his best to charm him in his usual ways, but Dewdrop always ignored him despite the noticeable glow to his cheeks. It was only a manner of time before he made the fire ghoul crack. He would just have to try harder.
Swiss looked down at his half empty cup and got an idea as Dewdrop walked over to sit on the couch. The fire ghoul spread his legs out, taking up as much space as possible with a loud sigh.
“You wanna drink?” Cumulus chimed, offering an open beer can to Dewdrop.
“You don’t want that,” Swiss said, slapping the can out of Dewdrop’s hand and spilling it on his pants. The fire ghoul let out a surprised yelp and was on his feet in an instant. The ghoulettes chittered worriedly amongst themselves
“What the fuck, Swiss?! Those were my favorite pants!” Dewdrop hissed.
“Aw, it’s okay, hon. I’ll get a towel,” Cumulus said.
“I can help him. Just come with me, Spitfire,” Swiss crowed, getting up and taking Dewdrop by the hand. Dewdrop grumbled something under his breath, but he didn’t resist as Swiss guided him to a bathroom. Swiss gave a thumbs up to Cirrus who nodded at him before turning her attention back to the movie.
“I liked these pants. You better do a good job cleaning me up,” Dewdrop growled once they were in the bathroom. 
Swiss looked around the bathroom and noticed that there were no towels to be used. It was cleaning day. They would be returned later.
“Well, it looks like we don’t have any towels in here, but I’ll still clean you up, Spitfire. Sit,” Swiss ordered.
“Why? How are you gonna clean me with no towels?” Dewdrop questioned, crossing his arms, his tail lashing around angrily. Despite him being pissed off, the fire ghoul looked absolutely adorable. 
“I’m gonna lick you clean. Now sit or else you’ll be all sticky and I’ll have to take longer,” Swiss said, looming over the smaller ghoul. 
The blush had returned to his cheeks and there was a hint of a smile on his lips as he looked up at him. Swiss noticed a bulge forming in the fire ghoul’s pants and he chuckled as he placed both hands on his hips and pushed him onto the toilet seat with ease. Dewdrop didn’t resist. Swiss took a deep breath as he sniffed the air, catching the mixed smell of his arousal mixed with the sweet beer. It was a delicious scent. 
“Make sure you do a good job of cleaning me. I don’t want to miss the movie,” Dewdrop said.
“We can always watch it later. We’re not leaving until you’re spotless,” Swiss purred, kneeling between Dewdrop’s legs.
“Aether will be looking for me,” Dewdrop murmured.
“Cirrus will tell him that you’re busy. Don’t you worry, Spitfire. I’ll take good care of you,” Swiss purred before slowly licking up the beer from Dewdrop’s pants. 
The fire ghoul was tense at first, not daring to move his hands. Swiss noticed and smirked as he licked around his tight pants. He knew just the thing to relax the smaller ghoul.
“You okay there, Dew?”
“I…I’m fine.”
“You sure? I can help you out some.”
Swiss’s smile grew as he pulled away from his pants. He wagged his tail excitedly as he thought of all the things he wanted to do with the smaller ghoul.
“Open your mouth,” he ordered.
Dewdrop cocked an eyebrow, crossing his arms again.
“I know what you’re gonna do. Aether does the same thing with me. You’re not as strong as he is,” he said smugly. 
“Is that so? Wanna bet on it?” Swiss suggested.
“Absolutely. If you can turn my whole brain off, then you can do whatever the fuck you want with me and if you can’t, then I’m leaving,” Dewdrop said.
“Deal. Open your mouth, Dewy,” Swiss purred. 
Dewdrop rolled his eyes and did as he was told. Swiss placed both of his hands on either side of Dewdrop’s head as he pulled him into a deep kiss. Dewdrop’s mouth was hot as he kissed him hungrily, pushing his tongue against his. Swiss exhaled, filling Dewdrop’s lungs and his head with his magic. Dewdrop gasped softly and moaned into the kiss as he grabbed a hold of Swiss’s strong arms. They were trembling as if trying to fight his magic before becoming limp. It was working. All those evenings of practicing with Aether really did help him.
Swiss reached down with his right hand and palmed at Dewdrop’s tight sticky pants, getting another moan out from him as he thrusted desperately against his hand. 
After a few seconds, Swiss pulled away from the kiss, licking his lips. Dewdrop looked completely different now. He swayed from side to side, eyes half-lidded as if high out of his mind. He hiccupped, breathing a small cloud of smoke with a giggle.
“Well, what do you think, Dewy?” Swiss asked, lightly patting the smaller ghoul’s cheek.
“I…I like that. Just…like…Aether…,” Dewdrop murmured.
“Mm, I like the sound of that. Looks like I won,” Swiss purred as he moved to unbutton Dewdrop’s pants. He was stopped when the fire ghoul grabbed his hand.
“I’m….still conscious, dickhead,” Dewdrop growled despite looking like he was about to fall over.
“You sure, Dew? Looks like you’re gonna fall over any moment now,” Swiss replied, curious to see what was going to happen next. 
“I’m…one-hundred…percent….sure. You lose…and now…I’m going to…bed,” Dewdrop slurred as he pushed Swiss to the side and got up in slow motion. He immediately fell forward and Swiss stopped his fall, wrapping his arms and his tail around him.
“Aw shit. Looks like I gave you too much, little guy. Let’s get you to bed,” Swiss said, picking him up and tossing him over his shoulder with ease.
“I…can walk. Let…me…go…,” Dewdrop grumbled while weakly pounding his fists against his back. Swiss chuckled as he walked out of the bathroom and made his way to his room.
This wasn’t exactly how Swiss had imagined his evening to go, but it was an amusing end to a long day. Hopefully the effects of his quintessence would ease off of Dew and he could give him a proper apology and make things up to him. 
“Why are you…taking me to…your room? I wanna go to…my room,” Dewdrop complained.
“Relax, Dew. I’m not gonna do anything funny unless you want me to. You can have one of  my pajama pants,” Swiss said once he was in his room.
“You got…a fat ass…They’ll be…too big,” Dewdrop said.
“It’s either that or your sticky pants or nothing at all. You pick,” Swiss said while putting Dewdrop on his nest of a bed. The fire ghoul was silent before unbuttoning his pants and tossing them to the side. 
“You…did a shit job of…cleaning them,” he grumbled while curling up amongst the blankets and pillows. 
“I tried my best. How you feeling?” Swiss asked, sitting next to him on the bed. 
“Like I….ate an edible and…smoked a whole bong…,” Dewdrop replied.
“You still hard?”
Swiss was silent as he thought of what to say next. He scooched closer to the smaller ghoul and hummed when the familiar smell came to him.
“You want me to help you out?”
More silence. Dewdrop grunted as he turned to face him with a pleading look in his eyes. Swiss already knew the answer that he was going to get.
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yeenybeanies · 10 months
Okay but I need you to imagine either one of our Naga! Boys aggressively cuddling with Gaz because out of everyone on the team, he naturally runs the hottest. Like he's constantly in shorts and T's just to avoid overheating.
Meanwhile, either Soap or Ghost, the team's resident Naga is just constantly gravitating towards our sweet boy for cuddles because warmth.
Even after SoapGhost get together, the Naga can still be found curled around a very annoyed Gaz. Annoyed, but willing to sacrifice his warmth for his friend. But he gets a bit more verbal about his annoyance when the human half of Soapghost decides to join the cuddle piles.
I feel like it'd be especially best if it's Naga!Ghost. Now I know most people would assume Soap would be the better one, but think about it. Gaz can handle Naga!Ghost, he's a bit more familiar with the cold-blooded lieutenant and Ghost is quiet, good company when Gaz has a lot of paperwork to do. And Ghost is comfy.
But then when he and Soap get together? And now Gaz has to deal with a very human, very much not required to be present in the situation because he doesn't need cuddle piles to survive, very talkative energetic HUMAN Soap??? Yeah, Gaz is definitely complaining
brother (gender neutral) i think about these damn snakes cuddling their humans ALL the time.
of course, you're right, soap is the obvious candidate here. naga!soap will cuddle ALL of his friends. ofc ghost gets it the most bc he's In Love with him, but gaz & price get plenty of snuddles (snake cuddles) too. & if gaz is a living heat rock? babes, that's Prime cuddling material for a mesothermic creature like a naga.
gaz chillin' in the common room, trying to relax, when suddenly there's a big ol' snake head flopping down on his chest. he's a lil exasperated, but after a lil bit of adjustment, they just lie there & watch funny videos together until they're needed elsewhere. or until soap falls asleep, & gaz needs to be rescued.
if ghost is the naga, though, i do think that'd be sweet too!! but (at least with the story i've built) ghost actually meets gaz last out of the 141. he briefly met price first, years & years ago, then he met soap when the two of them broke out of a russian compound in alaska, & met gaz when he & price came to rescue the two of them.
so, all of that being said, it would take a bit of time before ghost is willing to cuddle up to our man gaz. hell, ghost was reluctant to cuddle with soap when it really was a matter of survival.
i imagine it would happen honestly with soap the first time. soap is pretty tactile even as a human, & has no issues cuddling up to his buddy gaz. so picture them both returning to base after, like, a hard day of training out in the field or smth. they were slumped together in the van, passed out on each other's shoulder, &, when they got back, soap wasn't ready to let go of gaz yet, so he just dragged his fellow sergeant to where he knew ghost would be waiting & pulled him down into the naga's coils. gaz & ghost were both equally alarmed by this, but, after a long & kinda awkward moment of staring, ghost slowly shifted himself around the both of them & settled. (soap was already asleep again, half draped over gaz, so it wasn't like they could be easily separated anyway.)
the second time is without soap. soap's probably off busy doing whatever it is he was sent away to do, & ghost... well, he's not cold, but he's not particularly warm either. & he knows gaz is around. learned from that first cuddle that gaz is stupid warm. so see him track down the sergeant, scare him half to death by sneaking up on him, & awkwardly ask if... he can sit here while gaz works. gaz is caught off-guard, of course, but he agrees. doesn't expect ghost to coil around him again, but, hey, it's cozy as hell. plus, ghost doesn't talk much, so it isn't like he's disturbing him.
& after that, it's still not entirely common for ghost to cuddle up to gaz, but it does occasionally happen. & they get comfortable enough too that gaz can seek ghost out too.
honestly tho!! i can't see gaz much complaining about soap being there! bc they're buddies. honestly, it would probably be ghost that complains about gaz & soap not shutting the hell up, to the point where ghost gets annoyed & buries them both under his coils. noisy sergeants get put in naga jail.
& it's up to price to come rescue them. (but then price ends up yanked into the cuddle pile too RIP).
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ma3mae · 1 year
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In sickness and health
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Summary: Stress has gotten the better of you, locking you inside your own home so how can your loving boyfriend nurse and help you get back up?
Genre: a bit of angst?, romance and fluff at the end
Warnings: none (ok maybe one mom joke from chuuya...) might be a bit ooc bc mommy chuuya is taking care of us 😤
A/N: I decided to crop out a bit of anon's request due to privacy and the relapse is bc of health issues! really hope that this is still somehow a nice read for anon and everyone else 🥲😭
Also this can be seen as a continuation of "Exams are a hassle!"
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Nakahara Chuuya
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A gentle breeze made it's way into your living room. The curtain fluttering and letting a bit of dusk's glow illuminate your surroundings.
Even the softest glow, inviting you to enjoy it's warmth would make your eyes squint yet seemingly undisturbed, you continued to stare blankly at the wall.
Trying to recount the events of how it had come to this would only make the world feel heavier on your shoulders.
Your headache wouldn't leave you alone no matter how many times you'd try to nap it away, body feeling like it's been hit with a sledgehammer multiple times and eyes drier than the exam paper lying idly on your desk.
Ah yes.
Of course, you had to get sick after having finally finished your dreaded exam.
The stress, anxiety, the countless sleepless nights hitting all at once like a brick as soon as you tried to spend a well deserved stressfree day.
These days, everything would exhaust you to no end.
Even eating just seemed like a whole work out, your barely existing appetite not helping at all as your stomach felt nothing but hollow.
You had been spending your days mostly alone as your boyfriend had quite the busy occupation. Him still not wanting to tell you what it was after a year yet you had a hunch why so.
A part of you missed him as always but you were also not in the mood to interact with anyone, not even him...
Sighing as you took a glance at the phone lying limply in your hand, you pressed the unlock button.
"Oh shit."
The pounding in your head seemingly increased as you stared at the date displayed on your screen.
You had comepletely forgotten about the fact that he'd be coming back from his trip.
You couldn't feel happy about it even if you tried. He would always leave during the best times and come back when the entire world would nearly burn down.
In your case, your entire being.
It didn't even help that even after a year, seeing picture of your ex pop up on your feed equaled the stings of a mosquito, a small itch growing into something unbearably annoying in mere seconds.
Gathering the strength to stand up, you made your way towards your shared bedroom, immediately letting your body hit the bed, not even caring if the door wasn't closed behind you at all.
You knew you couldn't hide yourself from him yet you didn't want him to see you like this and even if he did, you'd be too exhausted to even explain everything to him.
"Oi, sleepyhead. It's nearly 3pm? How long do you plan on sleeping???"
Slowly cracking an eye open at the confused voice, you could make out a tuff of orange in your blurry vision. Forcing a voice out of your dry throat, you asked:
"Chuuya... Is that you?"
A scoff could be heard above you.
"Who else would it be? Your mom?"
Did he just crack a your mom joke at you? You weren't sure but what you were sure about is that his joke didn't quite match the expression on his face as you blinked the sleep away from your eyes.
"The hair length wouldn't be too far off." You joked yet the furrow between his eyebrows would only deepen. A frown was settling itself onto his face as he reached his hand out to put it against your forehead.
"Shit, doll... The hell happened to you? You look like someone that got interrogated a bit too hard."
"That's oddly specific." You stated as you raised an eyebrow at him yet it only worsened his frown....
Especially after he had noticed you flinch away from his touch.
"Forget what I asked. If you don't wanna tell me then fine but atleast let me help you. You can't expect me to ignore you like that. We've already talked about thi-"
"I know! I know, we've talked about this, okay?! I'm finally done with everything, with the exam, with my ex, I could breathe but I somehow can't?? Trying to enjoy life but noo, now I'm suddenly sick, great! Lovely! Couldn't be better! It just fucking sucks that everytimd you come back, it doesn't get better! And makes me feel like... "
You felt him gently lay his hand on top of yours, grasping it and beginning to let his thumb glide over the back of your hand back and forth.
"You better damn say that you feel like the best person on earth, okay?"
"Chuuya..." A whine accompanied your words at his, not even being in the slightest of moods to enjoy any encouraging words and yet it never failed to make your heart flutter.
You felt his hand tighten around yours.
"Just let me help you. You're sick, right? So I'll do everything I can to nurse you back to health. Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. I'll make you forget about all of your worries, even that damned ex of yours! Honestly, forget about him already or... "
He averted his eyes from your face, seemingly contemplating about something before suddenly getting up, the warmth of his hand leaving immediately as he turned his back towards you and began to walk away.
"Chuuya?? What's wrong?"
Waving his hand at your question, he continued to walk.
"Nothing. Just sit on the bed and relax. I'll get you some tea and make you something to eat. Not gonna waste my thoughts on him, I'm better anyway."
His last words disappeared into a grumble under his breath as he went to the kitchen to whip up a nice soup.
Normally he would have ordered something, wanting to serve you only the best cooking in the world.
The only reason he had gotten into cooking more than normally at all, was only becauye of seeing your excited face whenever he'd make even the simplest dishes for you.
Your ex can't compete with that, can he?
we all know that he'll try to pamper you in any way he can
Food? Gobble up 😋 Drinks? I mean if u insist...jk nah he aint letting us drink, hes not THAT irresponsible 😤
if you dont want to be touched bc you dont want him to get sick as well, you feel disgusting etc. Then dont worry about it, although he will def be sad about it, he'll respect your wishes bc you ars his nr. 1 priority and it would tske a LOT to change that for him
Also dont worry about ur ex anymore bc youve got a criminal as ur bf😊😊😊
Jk he wont hurt him or anything but you wont find anything about him on ur phone anymore 😀
And also wont find him anywhere near u bc ur bf made sure hes nowhere near u 😤
Not in heaven/hell but like another country or smth 🏃‍♀️
Maybe even yeeted ur ex there, who knows 💀💀💀💀
Im getting sidetracked as ALWAYS
Anyway when you are feeling a bit better and are okay with being touched then he'll be really gentle about it
Might even ask more than usual for permission bc he knows how sensitive someone can be when they're not feeling well and he doesnt want to overwhelm his partner!!
You were sitting at the dinner table, sipping your freshly made tea as you continued to stare at your boyfriend, cooking lunch for the both of you.
It had been a week since he had come back home and he had made sure to stay at home, not wanting to let you stay at home alone any longer until he has successfully nursed you back to health.
You had asked him about work, but he would always brush it off with "Talked to my boss and said he's fine with it. Not like I would've let him give me a different answer anyway."
Now you were nearly completely comfortable with him taking care of you. Any other protest you'd make would be silenced by him anyway.
Either with words or actions.
Though the thought of actions would make you blush a bit....
He couldn't lie that feeling your gaze on his back, made it difficult for him to focus. Fingers twitching and cooking utensils sometimes about to slip out of his hand, catching him off guard everytime.
He knew you loved him and had made sure to tell him so. You'd always mention how pretty he is on the eyes and well, he'd rather be called handsome but if his love says so then who is he to refuse...
It did boost his ego up but he wouldn't say that outloud now, would he?
Taking a spoon from the drawer, he tasted the beef goulash.
He hummed at the savoury taste lingery on his tounge, satisfied with his creation.
"Is it good?" He heard you ask from the table, not being able to stop a grin from spreading on his lips.
"You'll be damn surprised on how good it is when you get a taste of this baby!"
Chuckling at his excitement, you stood up and made your way towards him.
His breath hitched as he felt you press yourself against him from behind, wrapping your arms around him.
"How did I get blessed with such a good housewife?" You joked as you pressed your lips onto his neck.
He realised how much he had missed your touch as his legs were about to give up underneath him, him gripping the counter to hold himself back.
He wasn't about to jump onto you like an animal, he didn't want to cause a rift between the happiness he was feeling that you finally felt comfortable enough with touching him.
"I-If that makes you happy, I guess... W-Wait no! Go set the table or something and let's just eat already!"
Holding in a giggle at seeing his red ears as he turned away from you, gently prying your hands off of him as he took out the plates and more.
"Alright, alright, wifey!" You told him as you helped him set the table.
Noticing your not yet empty cup on it, you dove for it, not wanting to hear his scolding you've had to endure for the past week...
Yet it always an endearing sight, his frown resembling a pout as he let your cup hover out of your reach and letting it land onto his hand.
"For real, Y/N? How many times do I have to tell you to finish your goddamn tea! Got you the best of the best! Great for your health and getting rid of any tiredness! And don't come at me complaining about the taste."
Stfiling a laugh at him standing there, furrowing his eyebrows at you, hand on his hip while the other held the cup.
And not forgetting the blue apron with printed on hearts adorning his front.
"But you know I don't like chamomile te-"
"Okay, nope. Not arguing with you. Finish the table and your tea, then we'll eat."
"But the food will get cold!"
Throwing a glare at you, you stifled a laugh as he tried to threaten you.
"Yeah, so? I can heat that up anyways but your tea will definitely be cold and I won't be heating that up for you! So drink it or no food for your cute ass."
Sighing, you dismissingly waved a hand at him yet sat down onto the table as the cup came floating back towards you.
Grimacing at the nearly cold tea, you took a glance at him, only to avert your eyes as he continued to watch you like a hawk.
You loved him like this but sometimes it would send a tiny shiver down your spine since it would often feel like your mom would be infront of you instead of him.
He watched you take the last gulp before his the corner of his lips turned up, watching you grimace at that last bit of tea settling down onto your tounge as he made his way towards you, a smirk plastered on his face.
"See, wasn't so bad now, doll?"
He put the pot onto the table before sitting himself down across from you, the apron still tied to him.
"Are you gonna eat with it too?" you asked as you pointed a finger at it, a bit of red adorning his face at your question while clearing his throat.
"You wear it to cook so you won't get dirty. So why shouldn't I wear it while we're eating too?! It was your gift to me anyway, so you can be happy that I'm using it."
You only flashed him a smile, making him grumble under his breath as he prepared a plate for you, the smell of the food making you nearly drool.
Damn, how you've missed finally having an appetite again.
Having given you your plate, he had made himself one as well.
About to eat, he noticed you staring at your food, a frown etched on your face.
"Is there something wrong with it? Smells and tastes good for me...." He drifted off as he heard you sniff, your eyesight a bit blurry as you felt a small lump in your throat.
"No, there's nothing wrong. It's... It's perfect."
Taking a look at his concerned face, yet staying silent for you as you continued to talk.
"I just can't thank you enough for this. For staying with me and doing your best to nurse me back from health. No apology could remedy the fact that I had been thinking of my ex while the literal light of my life was here and give me the love I don't deserve. I won't waste any thought for him, only think of you from now on and I won't let anything change that. I just-"
You hadn't noticed him getting up and walking towards you, only realising it when you caught whift of his scent next to you.
Slowly taking your hands into his and giving them a bit of a squeeze as he asked.
"Wanna hug you really bad right now. 's that okay?"
It only took a nod from you as you felt his arms around you and his lips on the crown of your head.
Breathing his scent in, you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his shirt.
He wasn't sure if his heart was squeezing from finally having you in his arms again or that you continued to doubt yourself even after everything he'd done for you.
But he was sure to make you see that his love for you was something more deserved than anything else.
"I know it's difficult but don't say that you don't deserve it and I sure as hell won't stop telling you that even if you'd stop one day. So don't worry your pretty head about anything and hell yeah about your ex! About time you get that bastard out of your life. You've got me, alright? And I'll show you that I'm enough."
"But you don't need to... You've already shown me enough by loving me."
You felt him tighten his grip around you, as he shifted a bit away from you, only to press his lips onto your forehead, a smile adorning his beautiful face.
"Then I'll show you even more of it until you can't get enough of me."
You felt him gently cup your face, tilting it so you'd gaze into his lovestruck eyes.
"So don't cry and enjoy your food because we've got a nice day ahead of us."
Were his final words before he pressed his lips onto yours, smiling into it even more as you felt the slight sweet tinge of his cherry chapstick on your lips.
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Maybe I got a bit carried away bc I'd love a mommy chuuya take care of me 😭😭 give me a pic of him in an apron and i'll be sobbing for hours 🥲🥲🥲 not entirely proofread since i rly wanted to post smth bc its been days 💀💀
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 years
Damian Wayne wasn’t a big fan of holidays. Whether is Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s etc
Even Halloween.
Until he meet you.
You loved Halloween. The free candy, the amazing costumes everyone wore, and the cute little kids having their first Halloween with their parents—you just loved it all. For Damian—technically it was his first Halloween overall and his first Halloween with you. So imagine your surprise when found out that Damian—during the amazing day at the end of October—spends the day in his room locked in his room doing god knows what.
“What do you mean you don’t do anything?!?
Damian rolls his eyes at you “I just don’t see anything special about dressing up and knocking on peoples houses to get free candy”
“that’s the Whole point Dames! There’s more to it than just the silly costumes and free candy!”
You were disappointed. After all that your main goal was to get Damian to like Halloween. Yet no matter how hard you tried he just would budge. He didn’t even like the idea of dressing up together for Halloween—which kinda hurt your feelings a little. He was acting like he was a little too old to do those things. And mind you you and Damian are both 16-17 years old—you two are old but you aren’t that old.
“It’ll be fun!” You say “trust me!”
“Beloved I’m not going to wast my time going out doing childish things”
“But we won’t promise” you whined “I got invited to a Halloween party. So we unfortunately won’t be going trick-or-treating this year”
Damian Wayne isn’t a fan of parties either, but he’s learning to adjust to them. Just very slowly at the moment. No matter how hard you tried to convince him his answer was a stern no. You tried everything—begging, trying to exchange something so he could go, you even said you’ll walk Titus for an entire year if he goes but he denied. But you had one more trick up your sleeve. Damian had a gut feeling you’ll use it at some point. You pretend to give up and give out a long sigh. Like a really loud and heavy one which makes Damian's ear twitch a little.
“Alright fine, I get it. You don’t wanna hang out with your amazing girlfriend on this amazing scary holiday” you get up and get ready to dramatically leave his bedroom. Damian can feel his body twitch slightly and he watches you leave his room—closing the bedroom door shut. He knows you’re waiting behind that door.
He knows you're counting down until he gets up and opens the door for you. Damian hates how you have such an impact in his decision at this point because he’s annoyed at the fact that he actually gets up and opens the door with a scowl.
“Fine” he sighs out “I’ll go to the stupid Halloween party with you
You squeal as it makes Damian’s heart skip a few beats. “Goodie I already have the perfect Halloween costume for us”
“Of course you do”
Safe to say you and Damian had the best costume that night—you wanted it to be within your budget. Not his yours, because you knew Damian would juts buy some expensive costume that really isn’t worth it.
It’s a bonus too because everyone on the Gotham Instagram page and the news went wild. Much to his dismay.
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Liked by:Gotham_NEWS, Dicck_GrAy, jay_Hay, Timmy_Drake, +1,000
Y/n_L/N: i love this version of Grim better 😘😍
(P.s Dames artistic skill really pop off for this party swear😃)
View 7381 comments
Random_user13738: I hope y’all break up
└ y/n_L/N: Me too so I can get with this man instead 😍
└ y/n_L/N: a magician never reveals their secrets🤗
Random_user86382: I wish I had a bf like this 💀
└ y/n_L/N: i heard boys like him are hard to come by☹️
I hope everyone had an amazing Halloween.
I didn’t even get to go trick or treating with friends bc I got sick 😭
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hey I love you’re writing and I wanted to ask you to write an bad batch and captain Rex/commander wolffe x reader about how they would comfort me if they were here
Yesterday was my birthday and my cousin who is my best friend and honestly sister and I had an argument 3 months ago and don’t really talk anymore She’s cold towards me and passive aggressive I think that I was right in our argument because she knows how this passivity topic triggers me and as I tried to calm my self she kept pushing on THAT particular topic and about my worst trauma and phase in my life my grandparents were there too and said that I should have said that she was right (bc she’s older) my parents think so too as well as my other cousin everyone tries too guilt trip me and I feel horrible She was my favourite person in the world and the only person I trusted I feel like shit and I am crying since hours She is always right and so perfect in everyone’s eyes I am not jealous bc I love her but I think that I deserve an apology but indeed she’s furious at me I really need some comfort and I would be really greatfull if you could write about this
Let me see what I can do for you 😊 And a very happy belated birthday! I'm sorry your special day was overshadowed with this.
Bad Batch/Rex Wolffe x Reader HCs - Comforting You
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Strong Language (Crosshair 🤷🏻‍♀️)
He's gentle, he's patient and a strong shoulder to lean on. Of course, he is on your side, always having your back. Softly talking to you, caressing your cheek with his knuckles.
"It's okay sweetheart, I got you"
Pulling you close and holding you softly, waiting for you to slowly calm down in his warm embrace, Hunter has all the time in the world for you, especially when you feel down like this.
"Things will be alright, somehow. We'll find a way to solve this problem for the better"
He has a talent to make you believe everything, to make you feel better.
He's softly cleaning your tear-stained face with a tissue.
"Oh I see", he says softly, "There is more where that came from", and dabs away a few more new tears, rolling over your face.
Echo takes his time to be soft with you, cuddle and hug you, reassure you that things will be okay.
"Take a deep breath, my love"
He calms you down with soft words in his deep voice and holds you tight. Echo has probably cooked you a hearty soup. He's a damn good cook, and enjoying his divine cooking is a pick-me-up in itself.
Softly stroking soothing circles on your back, he is holding you in his strong arms.
"My sweet love", he coos, "You're gonna be fine. I'm right here for ya"
Wrecker is such a big, strong guy, but his sweet and loving heart is super soft for you. He will hold you for hours, talk to you, listen to every worry of yours.
He will never lose patience, never be annoyed. Wrecker is there for you, taking you seriously, trying his absolute best to tend to all your concerns and needs.
He will probably try to cheer you up with little jokes after a while or tickling you.
Of course, he's trying to analyze the situation, to find a logical approach. But, before that, he tends to your comfort. Tech is empathetic, not just logical.
Softly holding you, he systematically massages certain pressure points to ease your overall tension. And damn he is good at that! You'll soon be wax in his hands. Tech's long, dexterous fingers are downright magical.
Hanging in his arms, softly sighing, hoping his massages will never end, you hear him say, "Now love, let's think this through and find a way to approach your problem and fix this"
He's looking at you critically. Well, when is he not looking somber or critically? That look is not about you, but about the situation you're in. Crosshair hates to see you like this, it makes him feel down, too.
"Fuck them", he growls.
Your brows furrowed critically, you shoot him a look and say, "It's not that simple"
Crosshair sighs and rolls his eyes but pulls you close into a hug.
"Okay. Tell me what you need"
Be open about it, tell him what he can do to make you feel better, he will provide everything he can, hugs, cuddles, kisses, sweet words, you name it.
He's running you a bath. Hot water, some nice scent and a massage to lose the tension and help you take a breather.
"Take a deep breath, sit back and try to relax for a moment. Clear your head", he says softly, washing you with a soft sponge.
Rex is taking his time to comfort and spoil you, hoping to give your mind some ease.
"We'll find a solution, you'll see, my love"
Let yourself fall, it's okay, he's got you in every way you need him to. May it be reassuring words, a soft touch, snuggling up with him or get things off your chest, Rex is there to help. He wants nothing more than to make you feel better.
He is listening to you, holding you softly, leaned back on your bed. Wolffe listens closely, while leaving a soft kiss on your skin now and then, caressing you to sooth you.
"I understand why that's bothering you", he says gently, "Would bother me too"
Snuggled to his side, held in his strong arms, you slowly calm down.
"We'll find a way to solve this problem. Maybe you should try and get some sleep and tomorrow we'll talk through some ideas of how to fix this", he proposes.
"I don't know if I can sleep"
Kissing your temple, he says, "Would it help if we stayed snuggled up?"
"It might"
With a soft smile, he pulls you a little closer, pulling the blanket over both of you.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Hello this is the same person who asked for part 2 of the story “heart patch”. I couldn’t finish my request since I ran out of space so I’m continuing here.
They started speaking and slowly raised their voice almost to the point they started screaming. They told on how disappointed and ashamed they are to have them as students and that they didn’t deserve to be sorcerers. Everyone was scared at them and did not dare to say anything, except for the girl who harassed y/n. She quickly got up and yelled back at them and say stuff like “Why are you both defending her, she’s nothing but a useless human being, she’s so annoying and weak, she’s not even pretty and yet you both fell in love with her!? That’s wrong, both of you are special grade sorcerers, you guys deserve better than a person who is lower then grade 5. You guys should be dating me, I’m far way better than her, and I’m not a useless, annoying and weak person like her. And also I’m way more prettier than her, I’ve tried so hard to make you both fall in love with me and yet you both would always reject me and now your dating her. That’s cannot be allowed. Just break up with her and be with me damn it!!!” She kept screaming until she got punched in the face. Both of them didn’t say anything but gave her death glares and she realized it and shut up. They immediately went to y/n, calmed her down and decided to leave. But before they left, they said “if anyone gets near her and tries to hurt her, we won’t hesitate to fight you back”. They left and went back home feeling satisfied. The grudge they had towards them we’re finally gone out of their system. They got home, got cleaned and made a promise to y/n that they’ll make sure that those people will never harass her ever again. She thanked them and felt really happy of what they said to her old classmates, she felt much better after spending the night cuddling, watching movies and play video games and went to sleep feeling happy to have them as her boyfriends and feel asleep smiling. Sorry if it’s long I wanted some drama into the story and I really wanted to see those old classmates get revenge after what they did.
Heart patch 2
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Paring: Gojo & Geto x reader
Words: 3,4k
Warnings: teacher/student relationship (ex-teachers, bcs they are 28 and yn is 20), bully, slight yandere, violence
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You were in a hurry as you walked down the aisle.
You've been running around the city since morning. Mainly looking for products to buy that you can use to welcome your boys home.
It's been a while since you've been with them. And therefore, for the fact that they are with you, you want to give them everything you can. Surprises and gifts. You don't earn as much as they do because you gave up being a sorcerer for your sanity. And you don't regret it. You don't want to do what you can't do, and you're not going to do it, for your sake and for theirs.
Satoru and Suguru wouldn't want you to do something you don't want to do.
For how they support you and show you affection, you want something more for them.
That's why you've been running around the city since morning looking for products to make their favorite dishes for them.
And everything had to be perfect.
They are coming home tonight from a few days overseas mission. You must greet them with dignity. To just give them everything that will keep the same smile on their faces as always.
You already had all the products that you only had on your list.
And even though Suguru doesn't like sweets that much (not like Satoru) you wanted to make a little dessert for them. Or rather, a dessert plate. In the morning you baked a cake to make a small cake. And today you went to the store to get decorations and accessories. The last thing you needed for this was cream mochi.
You don't have time to go to Sendai and buy those that Satoru praises so much. That's why you wanted to go to Tokyo's handmade mochi stall that Satoru buys.
You couldn't fight your way through crowds of people on the sidewalks and streets all the time. That's why you wanted to take the subway there. It would be faster.
But the queue at the store was a little longer, and now you're practically running to the subway station to catch your train. The sooner you get home, the sooner you can get ready.
You've got to clean up a bit, you've got to cook what you need.
You have a lot of things to do.
You looked at your watch to check the time.
And you hit someone's shoulder.
You almost lost your balance but managed to stay on your feet.
You gripped your shopping bag tighter, checking to make sure nothing had fallen out.
You automatically turned to the man and started apologizing.
"(y/n) (l/n)?"
You looked at the person's face.
You go to school with her Jujutsu...
"Long time no see." She said.
"Yes... I'm sorry but I'm really in a hurry." You said frantically looking at your watch. You have 10 minutes to get to the subway.
"Oh, okay." She said with a small smile. But as you were about to leave, she suddenly stopped you. "(y/n)! I was thinking, why don't you come to the class reunion? It's in three days at the restaurant around the corner."
Why is she telling you this?
"None of us have contact with you, so some have already given up the idea of ​​inviting you... But I managed to meet you, so I invite you now!" She gave you a nice smile.
After all, she was one of the nicest in your class.
"Sorry, I already have plans..." you said. You didn't want to go there because you remember times when others weren't nice to you.
You can always go out with Satoru and Suguru. And no one can prove it to you.
"I see... Maybe you'll change your mind? The invitation will always be up to date. However, if you want to come, just come to this address at 6pm." She handed you an embellished invitation card with everything written on it.
Saying goodbye to her, you quickly walked the other way, hoping to catch the train on time.
Because the subway was a few minutes late, you made it in time, and managed to buy mochi flavors that suit them.
Satoru will eat anything. And Suguru will eat anything that isn't overly sweet. That's why you thought you hit the right flavors.
You prepared two big cupcakes for them. For each individually. One had purple cream and the other blue. Just so you don't get confused.
The blue one had sprinkles, tiny marshmallows on custard, filled to the brim with chocolate inside.
The purple one was more fruity because you didn't want to make a different cake for two cupcakes. Both were chocolate, however, Suguru's one had plum jam inside. On the cream some sprinkles and fragments of dried strawberries.
You thought they'd like it.
But every time you did anything, all you thought about was the invitation you got.
Are you going to that class reunion or not?
After all these years, you're supposed to look people in the eye who never liked you?
Why did you leave that life to start over? Better. No more sorrows.
If you go there, it will be really uncomfortable, won't it?
You stood there stirring the soup while you also waited for them to come back. They should be here soon.
You have to hide your discomfort in your thoughts for them. So that they don't have to worry about you.
Due to the fact that you are not focused on your surroundings, but on your thoughts and stirring the food in the pot, you did not hear the door to your apartment open.
Strong hands appeared around your waist, and before you could react, you were lifted up.
"Got you!" Satoru screamed, cuddling up to your back as he held you up.
You laughed at his childishness (even though he was older than you).
Geto's face appeared in front of you and he greeted you kindly and kissed your lips softly, because when Gojo picked you up, you were higher than ever.
When the white-haired man released you, putting you on the floor, he suddenly disappeared as he ran to the living room.
You grabbed a spoon and stirred the food in the pot so it wouldn't burn.
Suguru hugged you from behind, resting his head on your right shoulder. Keeping your hands wrapped around your belly.
"It smells delicious." He said with a small smile. He watched you slowly you stir with a spoon steaming food
"This is the second course, especially for you." You replied to him, turning down the heat on the burner under the pot.
"You are so good and perfect..." he said.
You didn't feel that way now. Because without them, you'd still be nothing as a sorcerer...
You found your place with your former teachers at school.
And your meeting with your classmate today made those moments come back to you like a boomerang.
Pulling out the necessary plates and bowls to eat, you started preparing a table for three.
Just then you saw Satoru enter the house again, several boxes in his hands, a small paper bag in his teeth.
They always had gifts for you.
But after you ate, your mood took a turn for the worse. Previously, you might have had a bit of a distraction while reading the exact recipes to cook it all perfectly. And now all you could do was look at their happy faces and the food.
You hate hiding something from them so much...
You feel so guilty then. But you don't want them to care.
"You're quiet, are you okay?"
You looked at the white-haired man sitting on your left.
"Yeah." You nodded putting on a fake happy smile. "You better tell me how it was on your trip."
After your hair was well dried after your shared shower, you started making the bed for you while your boyfriends finished brushing their teeth.
"Have you noticed the way she's acting?" Gojo asked as he stood in front of the mirror looking at his chin, wondering if he had shaved properly this morning.
"Nah. I noticed. Something happened. Besides, she never asked how the missions were because she knows it's shit." The dark haired man replied, combing his dark strands and making a low sleeping ponytail.
"She's worried about something." The white-haired man looked down at the floor, his eyes wandering to the bathroom exit.
Then they both left the room to go to bed.
But also to know from you the truth about what happened.
They both entered your bedroom and asked you seriously what happened.
Of course, as they expected, you avoided answering their question at all costs.
"Do you think the color of the pillows is ok? I changed the sheets but forgot to ask if that's okay with you." You took the pillow in your hands and showed it to them.
Suddenly a soft thing was ripped from your fingers.
"Pillows are okay. But you're not." Geto said, watching carefully.
"What happened, (y/n)?" Gojo added seriously.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired. Let's go to sleep now, okay? Tomorrow we can go out together. If you want."
"Stop avoiding this topic." The dark haired growled.
Your chest tightened at the tone of their voice. They know full well that you're not okay. And they want to get the truth out of you. Only for your own good. So that they can comfort you.
"... I met one person today who I went to class with in Jujutsu High..." You said with a lump in your throat. And tears started to slowly build up in your eyes. "I've been invited to a class reunion. And I don't want to go. I don't want to be the laughing stock again. I don't want to be hated by the rest of the people again... I don't want them to remember me... I don't want to meet them only to cry when I get home later..."
For the next hour they lay in one position with you, squeezing you soothingly in their body hug and so. Hugging you and comforting you like never before.
Every time in school they saw someone bully you somehow. How sorry you are for others.
They were sorry that they had to have students like them.
It was just a shame that they had known them all for several years.
They promised you that they would go with you.
They wanted to make you feel good there, because neither will they make you feel like a princess there.
They will walk with you, they will be with you all the time. You will be together everywhere. To make you feel your great value.
No one has the right to hurt you after so many years. Because they will also do everything to make you there with a smile on your face. Everything for you.
They got out of bed in the morning and took you shopping.
You could pick anything you liked and they would buy it for you. Shoes, dresses, jewelry. Even though you may have felt bad about them buying it all for this one occasion, they told you that you could always wear it for them on a date. And they also love to pamper you.
At home, the final choice of outfit for you has been made. So that both of them wouldn't be jealous, they decided that the most sexy dress for them would stay on your body only as a sight for them.
And the dress they chose for you to wear to your class reunion was just as beautiful.
They did it on purpose. To overshadow with your beauty those who have always hated your closeness with them.
You held their hands as you entered the room as you walked between them.
And your entrance made many look your way.
They had the right to come here. As your former teachers.
And they looked so handsome in their black button-down shirts, along with black pants and shiny leather boots.
Many people looked at you with admiration.
A few with envy of your outfit and the fact that you are with the handsomest teachers they couldn't get at school.
One person in particular who hated you for it. And she wanted to destroy what you have because of them. Your self-esteem as well as your happiness. Only because you managed to make them fall in love with you. And she failed to do so after years of trying.
You stood more aloof sipping drinks with your boyfriends. Sometimes others from your former class asked you about various things, eager to talk.
There were moments when the questions did not please Geto and Gojo, and they cast scowl at their former students.
The person who had always been so nice even to you was now staring at you with daggers in her eyes. Just because you had her two dream men with you. Handsome, rich, so what if they were a little older. They were her ideals, even if sometimes there was something she didn't like about them. She's been trying to get them for years. That's why now when she sees that you, someone weaker than her, has such men next to her, she can't be nice to you anymore.
You were the reason why she could never win their hearts.
After you left, she tried everything to make them notice her. Nothing worked out for her. Because? Because they were clearly showing that they were busy and in love with someone else.
They have always loved you... And it wasn't fair...
When glasses of wine and small desserts were served, your boys disappeared.
But for an hour it felt like someone was lurking to come to you. They left for a while just to get something you like and also your favorite kind of wine. Well, even Gojo who doesn't drink alcohol will be tempted by some sweet wine.
As soon as they disappeared behind a small wall, a girl with a glass of wine appeared next to you.
"(y/n), Hey, I'm glad you came," she said with a fake smile. "I came over to tell you something. Because, you know, this dress is beautiful. But..."
Suddenly, she lifted her glass of wine lightly and threw it at you.
"But you don't deserve a dress like that. You're too useless."
You wiped the red wine from your face and looked down at your dress. All destroyed. Red wine stains are not easy to remove.
She cut you off before you could say anything. She hit you on the cheek.
She followed you and suddenly shoved you, causing you to fall into a small red puddle next to the shattered glass.
"You could never be a sorcerer, and you never will be. You're just a disgrace calling yourself someone with cursed energy.
As you tried to get up, she kicked your arm, causing you to fall a second time, surely hurting your knee on a piece of glass on the floor.
"I don't know how you did it, but how did you manage to get Gojo-sensei and Geto-sensei to be your boyfriends? You are pathetic. You are nobody!"
Tears welled up in your eyes as you heard those terrible words. And the giggles of people around. It's literally like you're sitting in the spotlight and the whole world is watching your tears.
Someone appeared in front of you, stopping the girl for a moment from further action, but someone then quickly disappeared after a few equally harsh words were received.
Another glass of wine was slowly poured over your head. Making alcohol run down your hair, down your face, down to your dress.
"A hopeless bitch who thinks she can be somebody. You never deserved them –."
She heard a call and then they saw two tall men with murderous auras.
Gojo took two glasses of wine from his best friend and walked over to her.
"Shall we drink some wine?" He asked without any expression on his face.
She looked at him with sparks of happiness in her eyes.
But just as she was about to reach for the glass from him, she saw him tilt the glass, spilling the red drink over her. Wetting her hair and dress. Making her make-up slowly run down.
"Gojo-sensei..." She murmured in surprise.
"What? That's what drinking wine is like for bitches like you."
Suguru walked over to you and gently lifted you off the slippery floor.
You pulled your hands away from him and pushed him away, still crying.
He hugged you without hesitation, reassuring you a little.
And with a silent saying "I love you" he left you against the wall and with rage boiling up in him he approached the girl.
"Geto-sensei." she muttered, hoping he wouldn't be like Gojo.
She was wrong.
At the same time, the back of his hand hit her cheek, causing her to fall to the ground.
A sign that you can't mess with someone who could even kill her with one hand in a second.
She looked at you as you stood against the wall with your back to what was going on.
Your skin was wet. Just like the hair. Your shoulders were shaking, which could have been a sign that you were sobbing.
Another glass of wine was sent to her head. The glass was thrown to the ground.
"You don't know what a shame it is for us that we had to have students like you... You don't know what a disappointment you are to us. Anyone who thinks they're better than her. I've never regretted teaching someone so much before!" Gojo said slowly changing his tone of voice from serious to screaming.
"Probably none of you ever deserved to be sorcerers." Geto added, adding even more darkness to the situation.
The girl snorted in rage and got up, not wanting to sit there and listen to it.
"Why are you both defending her, she's just a useless bitch, she's so annoying and weak, she's not even pretty, and yet you both fell in love with her?! That's too bad, you're both special grade sorcerers, you deserve better than someone who may be lower than 5th grade. You should date me I'm way better than her and I'm not a useless, annoying and weak person like her. And besides, I'm so much prettier than her, I tried so hard to make you both fall in love with me, and yet you both always rejected me, and now you're dating her. This cannot be allowed. Just break up with her and be with me!!!" She yelled at them.
And she stopped when a hand appeared in front of her face and slapped her hard across the face. The sound of the impact echoed in their ears, and without a word they came over to you, massaging your shoulders and gently hugging you. They started walking out with you, guiding you protectively outside.
"If anyone gets close to her and tries to hurt her, we won't hesitate to fight back." Geto said, giving them a death glare that everyone feared.. When Gojo opened the door for you, he did the same. Making their former students' hearts almost stop.
You were lying on the bed hugging a pillow to your chest.
Straight after a soothing hot bath, they took you to bed wearing one of Suguru's very loose shirts.
You sat up when they sat on either side of the bed and placed one hand on each of your knees. They both drew invisible lines on your skin.
"(y/n)-chan, never worry about what other people think of you when they are jealous. You are beautiful and wonderful. Ideal. And we will always be with you." Satoru said, giving you his smile.
"We promise that only you will be the most important for us and we will only love you. And we will never let that happen to you again." Suguru said.
You nodded slightly, pressing your nose into the pillow in your arms.
"Thank you for doing this for me..." you murmured, feeling as if small tears were still on your face.
"For you always everything." They said almost simultaneously.
There were snacks and various other things on the bed.
They specifically moved the TV from the living room to the bedroom and hooked up the console, giving you a game pad, letting you choose what you want to play. Same with movies.
Only they can make you go to bed with a smile every day. Snuggled up in them.
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midnightmah07 · 5 months
Isabelle had always been the odd one out from her family, her father being the only one who truly understood her because he also was ahead of his time while her two sisters made fun of Isa for having her head in the clouds and thinking too much about her books and the betterment of her country. So, because her and her father had this strong bond Isabelle was willing to do what it takes to make him proud and make their countries prosper, which was exactly why she didn't say no to the marriage proposal that was made for her.
Leona honestly didn't like the idea of an arranged marriage just as much as Isa didn't, but different from her who decided to use this situation for the greater good Leona kinda just... Went with it. He didn't like it but like- his brother had already decided anyway so what use was arguing? Plus, look at the bright side, maybe he could move out of his home after he got married. — I have to say I am still searching for a stronger reason as to why Leona just let this happen to him, right now I am using the excuse of his brother thinking this could be so good for Leona and for their country and Leona knew there was no use fighting because his fate had already been decided the moment the letter accepting the offer arrived
Leona and Isa definitely didn't hit it off when they met. They were 17 and 15 respectfully and because of Leona's rudeness and unwillingness to get to know Isa and give her a chance Isabelle didn't like him at all. I wanna say though they do have a sort of enemies to lovers thing going on, a lot of the time it's really one sided, with Leona just being slightly annoyed at Isabelle if anything; as years went on Leona learns of how Isabelle is seen, she's an outcast, different from everyone else and treated like a monster for her Unique Magic, just like he was. He felt a sense of empathy for her but in his own way, never really letting it show a lot.
It was around this time Isabelle's crush on Neige was cut short, and through their conversation both of them learned something: Isabelle was extremely loyal to Leona and their engagement regardless of how she felt, and Leona was able to be kind in his own weird way, offering support when she least expected it.
On Isabelle's end she figured out just how much Leona hated his family life, she figured out that his unwillingness to try and do anything wasn't because he was simply lazy but because of a bigger issue and she started seeing him in a new light. She noticed how incredible he was on his Spelldrive matches, how he seemed like a completely new person, and I assume this was when something started growing inside her hehe
They started being more cooperative with each other, Leona often teasing her just to get a reaction out of her because he thought she was cute as a mouse (heh), and their chess matches started here as well. Still, Leona was a bit closed off, and it all went downhill with his overblot that just caused Isabelle to be worried sick and dump all of her emotions on him, telling him she was so angry at him because he never seemed to want to try anything with her, never seemed slightly interested in her and never made an effort to change. She was scared he could've died and she was never able to sort all of this with him.
I assume after that Leona opens up to her more little by little, and he tries to get his pride down and his walls down. It doesn't happen from night to day but slowly Leona starts showing more and more that he cares about her and make small gestures to tell her he's trying, and that makes her really happy.
A while passes and one day they get caught up with their emotions and kiss, but they pretend it never happened bc Leona? Talking about his feelings? Pfft-- and Isabelle didn't know what to do. They were both unsure. But after a few days both are forced with the reality of their own feelings, and while I'm unsure how they start dating I'm assuming it's probably Leona who tells Isa he loves her, and it happens a while before book 6, just so I can make Isa suffer hehe
Bonus: when Isa reaches 21, the age they're supposed to get married, they travel around the world bc that has always been Isa's dream + Leona wants to stay away from home🤸🏻‍♀️
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ Post Covid! team stan with a daughter who fights another kid [headcannons]✧.*
✧.* tags: post!covid, parents au ✧.* Characters: kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, stan marsh, eric cartman, butters stotch a/n: my dad always told me if i have to punch someone just aim for the nose and I feel like they'd all have a similar philosophy (except for butters but sometimes you gotta punch a little bitch)
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All he’s hearing is law suit ngl
Is he mad? No not at all, little fucker probably deserved it
He probably wishes he did that to cartman when they were younger
But also as the son of a lawyer he knows how annoying of a case this could be if they decide to press charges
“I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at the system for ”
Proceeds to scream at the system for the rest of the day, after getting ice cream ofc 
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I feel like this would happen a lot
Idk i just feel like his kid with have a lot of rage against the world
Definitely not the first kid they sent to the hospital
He just sighs and asks the parents for their address to send an assorted fruit basket or smth
Secretly gives his kid a high five after hearing about the situation
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He probably told his kid to beat the shit out of them ngl
“Always try to use your words. Unless it’s fucking Brianna. Then use your fist.”
Showed his kid to not tuck their thumb when they throw a punch
Lets out an audible “oh shit you fucked them up.” when they visit the kid
He trusts that his kid is able to assess situations and make good decisions
But is still a little like “okay you use your fist but like half the fist. I didn’t realize you were the fucking hulk”
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Dude is PROUD
The other parents better not DARE to try and reprimand him or his kid
The other kid’s parent bumps into him or something and he falls to the ground, sobbing and clutching his shoulder and claiming the other parent dislocated it or something
Threatens to sue THEM 
Now it’s a whole scene
Cartman’s in a wheelchair, acting as though gravity is slowly crushing him bc of the other parents
And they agree not to sue just to get him off their backs
He gets fucking lobster or something with his kid to celebrate
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He is TERRIFIED to see the other parents
Definitely pays for any hospital bills though and apologizes that the situation got to that point
But when they start insulting his kid, he probably squares up because his kid wasn’t the one being a big stinking bully 
“Maybe if johnny wasn’t such a gosh darn dickhead to the others, he wouldn’t have gotten any bad karma?” 
After he leaves the hospital though he’s shaking like a fucking leaf dude
All his assertive energy for the week is SPENT
Takes his kid for a spa day so they can both relax or something lmao
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