#and then had a kofi they were getting money for it
goddessofroyalty · 2 years
I know the Zaun family au is a collective thing but can we write stuff about it? Cause, I've had this fluff fic idea for a while and I'm in a bit of a stuck wondering if it was ok or not.
I absolutely work by the two cakes policy in fandom so anything I have prompted to me or generally write or ramble about feel free to write.
(just if it's like directly based on something I've written/rambled about I would appreciate a shout-out if it's more just general vibe or whatever don't worry about it)
Also please tag/send to me so I can read it as well.
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hannieehaee · 16 days
ENDLESSLY (teaser)
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18+ / mdi
summary: despite not having a large audience, jungkook's camboy career prevailed with the hopes that someday he'd make enough money to finally leave his dead-end job. what happens when one of his admirers offers to make that dream come true?
content: camboy!jungkook x trustfundbaby!reader, jungkook is shy, jungkook is a faceless camboy with a very small audience, reader is younger than jk, kind of pathetic!jungkook, reader is rich and very confident, slowburn (kind of), afab reader, smut, camming, masturbation (m receiving), oral (f receiving), dry humping, penetrative sex, etc.
(^ no actual content warnings in the teaser)
wc: 2126 (teaser); 12.7k (full fic)
RELEASE DATE: june 28th
or you can check it out on my ko-fi or patreon today by subscribing to either one!
a/n: this took me forever to finish lol i hope its any good at all</3
masterlist | kofi/patreon
"Well, that's it for today guys, thanks for watching."
With an awkward chuckle, Jungkook reached out to his computer screen and shut the laptop closed, groaning just as he stopped being out of earshot.
233 viewers.
It wasn't much, but it was enough to give Jungkook the hope that maybe someday he'd be able to find pride in the number. Maybe his streams would blow up in views overnight one of these days – the hope prevailed. It had been a month since he hit the 200's, now garnering an average of 250 viewers per stream.
It was quite embarrassing to him sometimes. There were instances in which he'd finish a stream and regain full consciousness of his actions, becoming embarrassed at the knowledge of strangers watching him cum — of them hearing his voice and his whimpers as he played it up for their entertainment — and of him not even being able to make a living out of it.
He had to stay creative, sometimes finding scripts online that he'd read out to his viewers while he jerked off, playing the role of a subby coworker or a dominant childhood friend in order to keep his audience engaged (and maybe incite one or two to send money his way). Other times, he'd simply ramble about his life (but never get too specific) whilst he let himself lose control on camera.
Jungkook never once showed his face, only ever giving people glimpses at the tattoos decorating his arm and of his cock as it stood against his abs. The most he'd ever shown had been a small view of his lips before the camera's frame cut off.
He liked it this way.
In reality, he was too shy to ever be outspoken about doing such a thing, which was why no one in his life knew about it. He didn't judge anyone who enjoyed camming, but he was simply too self-conscious to do such a thing. Despite being aware of how handsome people thought him to be, he had never been too forward when it came to sex, much less this.
This had all started a little over a year ago, when he'd come across a few cammers on Twitter late into the night. Going on their accounts out of sheer curiosity, he realized that they each had a large following, not only on Twitter, but also on camming websites. Some of them even had their Patreons and PayPal accounts linked to their accounts, amassing even more revenue from these third party websites on top of their income from the camming sites. This was what mainly caught his attention.
Part of him felt bad about being on it solely for the money, but he was beyond desperate. And so he held the false hope that he'd somehow have the same luck as them and create an income out of this.
As someone who had only recently graduated university, having found no luck in his field, Jungkook had to resort to applying to jobs he felt were below his level of expertise. Having no connections in his field and no call-backs from employers, he found himself working a part time at a gas station accompanied by a part time at a grocery store. Both jobs were miserable to him.
The jobs themselves were not horrible, but attempting to manage both schedules and both sets of responsibilities was slowly weighing down on him. His coworkers were also not the best to be around. And did he mention the commute to each establishment? That part ate up at his days drastically, leaving him with almost no time for rest.
Jungkook knew that he should've given up on camming a long time ago. Hell, he'd made a grand total of $876 dollars in the past year he'd been at it. That would be a laughable amount to all the cammers that had inspired him into taking such a profession. But he didn't have any other prospects. Even as he worked his two jobs and cammed, he continued to search for more fulfilling (and better paying) employment, but was unable to ever even get any callbacks.
And so now he found himself doing about three streams per week, getting more and more discouraged each time he'd end a stream with the same low number of viewers.
With yet another sigh, Jungkook got up to go clean himself up, lethargic in his movements due to both the physical and mental exhaustion of having worked all day, only to come back home for a lowly appreciated stream.
Coming back from a much needed hot shower, he did his usual skin care before heading back to bed, where he had been recording just now. For a moment he pondered whether he should go to sleep now in order to get ready for work early next morning or to indulge in watching some anime as a reward for the tiring day.
Going for the latter, he opened his computer back up, sighing again when he remembered he hadn't closed the tab in which he'd been camming.
But before he could actually tap out of it, something caught his attention, making his eyes widen more than he thought possible.
burner98 donated $1,000
This must've been some sort of mistake. Right? Maybe they mistyped? No one in their right mind would donate such an amount to a faceless cammer ranking up to less than a thousand weekly views.
All his prior donations had been in the lower numbers, usually only ever amounting up to $20. Never had he ever gotten someone to donate anything in the triple digits, much less going into the quadruples.
The name of the donor also caught his attention. Babystarcandy. It was a frequent watcher who had been in attendance to every single stream of his starting a few months back — which was when they'd first made an appearance in his audience.
He had never noticed this viewer in particular, though they were one of the only people to ever grant him donations. They'd usually donate whilst he was off stream, which he found slightly strange but never questioned. Checking through his donation history, he saw this name listed three times prior, with donations of $5, $15 and $20 respectively. They'd happened throughout the months, with no pattern in particular. It made no sense for them to donate such a high amount to Jungkook out of nowhere, especially not while he wasn't actively on stream.
With a heavy heart and half a mind to simply keep the money, he decided to message the donor to inform them of their mistake and follow through with a refund.
So much for his anime binge before bed.
babystarcandy - Hey, burner98. Thank you so much for the kind donation, but I think you made a mistake. I'll refund you.
He decided to go with something kind of formal. After all, he'd never spoken to this person before.
Surprisingly, the response came within minutes. Being three in the morning, he assumed you'd wait til the following day to reply, but maybe you were in a different time zone.
burner98 - omg hiii !! did i make a mistake ?? im sorry !! i meant to send 1k. did it not go through correctly ?
Had that not been an accident? One thousand dollars?
This made no sense. Why would you send him such a large amount out of nowhere? That was more than he'd made in the entire past year. Hell, that was half his rent.
Jungkook had no idea how to respond to you.
As much as he wanted to accept it, it felt like robbing you of a fortune.
babystarcandy - Gosh, hi! No, the thousand came through, it's just ... Are you sure this is correct? This is a lot of money ... I'd feel terrible taking so much from you
Once again, you responded almost immediately.
burner98 - haha ur so cute
burner98 donated $2,000
burner98 - is that better ? ;)
Holy fucking shit.
Jungkook's hands were shaking at this point. His eyes couldn't believe what was right in front of him.
Quickly, he took out his phone to check his baking app, checking to see if the deposits were legitimate. Upon opening it, he found that his balance had in fact gone up $3,000. This was far more money than he'd ever had in his bank account.
He stared blankly at it for a few moments without so much as breathing. A reminder to snap out of his trance arrived in the form of another chime coming from his computer — a new message from you.
burner98 - did i scare u off :((
burner98 - just wanna help u out :(((
Immediately, he rushed to respond, not even thinking before typing anymore.
babystarcandy - no! not at all! this is just so much money. i dont want you getting yourself into financial trouble for me
Within seconds, you responded.
burner98 - haha it's okay i can afford it dont worry <3
He furrowed his brows worriedly, typing up yet another message.
babystarcandy - i really dont mean to sound ungrateful, but why ? it's so much money ... this is life-altering type of money for me (as made up as that may sound) my content isn't even that good. why are you giving me this?
He knew he was shooting himself in the foot by questioning it so much and not simply accepting it, but he'd learned through his life that good things don't just come out of nowhere. He needed more details. At least for his peace of mind.
burner98 - i adoooore ur content. u've helped me so much u have noooo idea !!! u deserve it !! u mentioned in ur live a week ago u were struggling with money, so ofc id wanna help u out pretty <3
Fuck. You actually liked his content? His content was worth $3,000 to you?
Jungkook was almost sure he had accidentally fallen asleep before he even opened his computer. Pinching himself a few times proved for this to be actually real.
babystarcandy - thank you so much. you have no idea how much this means to me.
babystarcandy - there has to be some way i can repay you.
Was he propositioning himself to you?
Not even Jungkook was sure. He had no idea what he was offering to you, but it was the middle of the night and he was extremely grateful. He couldn't help himself as he typed up that message and sent it.
burner98 - oh ? what would u suggest ?
Oh, fuck. You were agreeing. Okay ... Now what? Jungkook had nothing to offer. He was an amateur cammer with nothing to his name. What could some random person on the internet with tons of disposable income possibly want from him?
babystarcandy - maybe i could give you a call to thank you ? you know, one on one ?
He mentally kicked himself as soon as he sent that message.
What the hell was he thinking, offering up a personal call to some random person online? This could be a friendless creep for all he knew. He had no identifying information about you, other than knowing you apparently had a vast disposable income. I mean, hell, your account name was burner98, you clearly did not want to leave any traceable information about you.
Before he could backtrack (not that he would actually have the balls to), the three dots on your side of the conversation popped up, followed by another message from you.
burner98 - really ??? :00 that'd be amazing omg ... are you free tomorrow ? i'll make it worth your while <3
Staring at the $3,000 sitting cozy on his bank account, he didn't even let himself think before agreeing, sending a quick message in confirmation. He had work tomorrow, but maybe calling off would be worth it considering you were hinting at even more money.
Jungkook felt dirty for some reason, despite knowing what camming truly entailed. However, he also knew that there was nothing morally wrong with what he was doing, so he pushed that shyness to the back of his mind and began drafting up some sort of goodbye message that encapsulated your plans to call tomorrow and a few more thank you's for your donations.
burner98 donated $5,000
burner98 - just a little thank u for ur kindness ;) see u tomorrow baby ~
Jungkook had to swallow the gasp that was about to leave his body. Five thousand dollars??
You'd managed to drop eight thousand dollars on him within an hour's time. This was four months of his rent. Jungkook had never had this much money lying in his bank account. Its mere presence was making him nervous.
Not only that, but the thought of talking to someone who had this much money to give without a second thought scared him shitless.
There was no way he'd sleep tonight.
you can check it out today on my ko-fi or patreon by subscribing to either one!
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 15, 2023
🧲 - Magnetic Marvels: Researchers Flip the Switch on Depression
1. New Zealand Government announces prescriptions charges will be free.
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The $5 prescription fee at pharmacies will be scrapped in July. This is set to save about 3 million people a year money, and in particular 770,000 people aged over 65. It will make most prescriptions in New Zealand free.
Free access to medicines is also hoped to ease pressure on the over-burdened health system by helping people get medicines sooner.
2. Platypuses return to Sydney's Royal National Park after disappearing for decades
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Platypuses have been relocated to the Royal National Park in Sydney, after they disappeared from the park's waterways about 50 years ago. A joint project by the University of New South Wales, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the World Wildlife Fund has reintroduced five females to the Hacking River, with a group of males to follow next week.
3. 74-year-old musician Otis Taylor gets Denver high school diploma decades after being expelled for hair
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A musician who was expelled from a Denver high school over 50 years ago received his diploma. Otis Taylor was kicked out of Manual High School in 1966 because of his hair. This was decades before laws ending racial hair discrimination. Denver Public Schools wanted to right a wrong.
4. Researchers treat depression by reversing brain signals traveling the wrong way (with magnets)
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A new study led by Stanford Medicine researchers is the first to reveal how magnetic stimulation treats severe depression: by correcting the abnormal flow of brain signals. Powerful magnetic pulses applied to the scalp to stimulate the brain can bring fast relief to many severely depressed patients for whom standard treatments have failed.
The FDA-cleared treatment, known as Stanford neuromodulation therapy, incorporates advanced imaging technologies to guide stimulation with high-dose patterns of magnetic pulses that can modify brain activity related to major depression. Compared with traditional TMS, which requires daily sessions over several weeks or months, SNT works on an accelerated timeline of 10 sessions each day for just five days.
5. Electricity generation through solar, wind and water exceeded total demand in mainland Spain on Tuesday, a pattern that will be repeated more and more in the future
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The Spanish power grid on Tuesday tasted an appetizer of the renewable energy banquet that is expected to flourish in the coming years. For nine hours, between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., the generation of green electricity was more than enough to cover 100% of Spanish peninsular demand, a milestone that had already been reached on previous occasions, but not for such a prolonged period.
6. RI Senate passes bill making lunch free at all public schools
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Free lunch for all public school students in Rhode Island is one step closer to becoming a reality.
Tuesday night the Rhode Island Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill by a vote of 31-4 that would do just that. If the companion bill in the House were to pass, that takes effect July 1. The bill would make breakfast and lunch free for all public school students in the state, regardless of their household income.
7. Critically endangered red wolf pups born at North Carolina Zoo
The North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro celebrated the arrival of “not one but TWO litters” of the world’s most endangered wolf – the red wolf – in late April and early May.
A total of nine pups were born – three to parents Marsh and Roan, and six to Denali and May – the zoo announced on May 9.
That's it for this week :)
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finniestoncrane · 1 month
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Pornstar!Cooper Howard x Fem!Reader, multi-part au fic cooper howard is a former actor, novice pornstar, and current wasteland escort. reader mistakes him for a bounty hunter and ends up getting far more entwined in his lifestyle than they intended in a bid to get what they need from the first 'kind' person they've met in a long time🤎
☢️ Chapter 1: A Bombshell, word count: 3.5k exposition time!! cooper's recent divorce has hit hard, personally and professionally. vault tec have made it impossible for him to find work in any movies so he's turned his talents to porn to make some money. as horrible as he thinks his day is though, his future is only going to get worse (reader shows up next chapter) request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: age gap reference, angst, oral sex, pornography
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From the corner of the small, hideously decorated set, Cooper watched the skeleton crew work to clean things up after the last movie wrapped just an hour before. His skin began to crawl, a shudder rolling through his body, as he considered the fact that he hadn’t seen anyone take away dirty sheets or bring in clean ones since he arrived. 
And he was expected to fuck in these conditions. It was a living nightmare.
Trying to lighten his mood, he murmured what was supposed to be a positive sentiment.
“At least it’s not snuff. Way my luck’s going, wouldn’t that just be the cream on top of the pie.”
Cooper looked up to the ceiling, shielding his eyes from the bright studio lights which provided a familiar, albeit less high-end warmth than he was used to. He was working though, so he couldn’t complain too much. A paycheck meant he wasn’t out on the streets, the hot sun beating down on his face instead. And he had to face facts; the snap of some powerful fingers and he could be out on his ass at a moment’s notice, fired even from a gig like this. 
No prospects. Vault Tec had made sure of that not long after he’d confronted Barb. She’d gone straight to her bosses, that panel of cruelty he’d listened in on, and their retaliation, preventative measures to ensure they could continue on their journey of annihilation, had been swift and immeasurably evil. His reputation was ruined, the earth in which he’d grown and nurtured a career scorched, much like they intended to do with the rest of the world. Any upcoming opportunities, any interest that anyone held in him, gone. 
They’d been thorough, efficient. News reports, gossip between housewives, notes passed across the desk during auditions. They’d made sure he’d never work again, not in anything worth while, of course, holding his earnings hostage. And when he thought that was all they could take from him. His life, his money, his house, his wife. They had come for more. Armed Barb with the best lawyers money could hire and then offered him the worst deal. 
His silence in exchange for some brief, supervised moments with his daughter. Something about alcohol abuse, a half-truth at most, but enough to convince the judge. 
It felt cruel to him, that he was put in a position where he had to choose between Janey and the rest of humanity. A shitty thing to do to a man, that’s what he thought of it. And a shitty choice to make. And a shitty decision when he threw altruism to the side and secured the rest of humanity’s fate. He was just as complicit as they were, really, if he thought about it too hard. Which of course, he did. Each night as he struggled to sleep in his apartment. But whatever time was left, he reasoned that he might as well spend it being as happy as he could, even if that was only for one day a month when he was allowed to see Janey.
What was it? Two days ago he'd taken her to the zoo? So almost another month until he saw her again. A month of work. Blood, sweat, and tears. So much sweat.
He let his gaze fall down, taking in his body. Wrapped in a robe, nude underneath it, primed quickly by the makeup artists who seemed to only be making sure that his body hair was tidy and he wasn’t going to sweat too much during his part. Neatly trimmed pubic hair and strategically shaved nipples wouldn’t save him from that though. This was his third film, and each time his nerves, his guilt, his unrelenting shame as he drove his cock into the expert, very formal, professional cunt of whoever his co-star was, it was certain that he’d be sweating copiously only ten minutes in. 
“Coop? Hey, Coop! Howard! Keep your head in the game. Both of ‘em, heh.”
Now he was being bossed around by the lighting guy, someone whose name Cooper had forgotten already. The snorting laughter echoed in Cooper’s mind, bringing him firmly back to reality from his daydreaming. It was more mindless worrying than daydreaming, really, but it was the only reprieve he got these days, and now it seemed he couldn’t even find a moment of peace for that. 
Daydreaming suggested something positive, thoughts filled with desires or nostalgia for days gone by. But there wasn’t a single remaining vestige of his former life that he was happy to cling to, all of it tainted with soured memories and terrifying future prospects. And knowing what he knew, he still had to keep going. He had to pretend like nothing was wrong. A fake smile plastered on his face despite the mess that he was in. 
“Howard? Come on, man. Pull it together.”
The lighting guy was calling on him again, and this time he had the gall to look at Cooper with an impatient, furrowed brow. 
“You know they used to call me Mister Howard.”
“And they used to say I looked young and fresh faced, shit changes, man. You coming or what?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming. Keep your pants on… at least you get to.”
He knew he shouldn’t be so flippant, but his patience had worn thin over the past few months. Now that there was nothing to be charming for it was no longer second nature to him. He was rude, cold, and found he was losing himself. Deep down, there was a voice scolding him. Telling him to be thankful that when there were no more studios with their doors open to him, that he was at least able to find some places willing to hire. And while it was a lot less glamorous, he should still be grateful. 
But it was hard to feel that way when his new profession was clouded by his own insecurities.
Cooper was well aware that he wasn’t by any means experienced when it came to the world of sex. His first foray into anything of that nature was with his highschool sweetheart on prom night. An unfortunate experience that taught him nothing and ended up igniting the spark that ended that first love. Then there was Barb. He’d met her in college and they’d been together until their bitter divorce. A single one night stand between then and his current career, and that was his sexual history summed up neatly.
It always struck people as funny when they learned about his very short list of sexual conquests. He was Cooper Howard. Charming, charismatic, handsome, famous. A verified heart throb. But he was woefully unsure of what to do with that reputation, and always had been. While other stars would flirt with fans or interviewers or even directors to get a little bit more attention, Cooper was never able to offer anyone anything but a genuine and pleasant smile and maybe at a push, a mischievous wink to accompany his signature smile. He wondered how much of it had to do with the fact that he only had eyes for Barb, but even when she had pushed him to ‘play the game’ he’d still found himself unable to. 
Now, all of a sudden and based on a perception of him that was built upon years of good PR, he was thought of as some kind of casanova, and expected to act as such. He had to act like the kind of guy who charm the pants off a woman, with very little plot to back that up, and who could fuck for thirty minutes solid in front of a crew and without cumming too soon,
Interestingly, at least to Cooper, they had told him that would be the hardest part. Stamina. The suspension of orgasms. But he found it all too easy, mostly because there was never a point where he felt any kind of deeply sexual attraction to his co-stars. Much the same as his previous acting roles, he’d always viewed it as a job. It would be inappropriate to have any other feelings. The women he worked with now were beautiful, skilled, talented. But Cooper wasn’t in love with them, and he found that made it hard to coax an orgasm out of him. Luckily, that seemed to suit his new bosses pretty well. He was handsome, a known commodity, and could last a while before they worked him up to his big finale, even if they had to cut the cameras while they waited for him to get to it.
“Alright, Howard. Robe off, let’s see that cock.”
Sighing, his eyelids closing as he tried to separate himself from his actions, Cooper shrugged off the robe that covered his body, letting it slink to the floor and pool at his feet. Despite the heat, his skin still prickled as it was exposed. Nipples hardening, hairs standing on end. 
“Can we get a little enthusiasm, Coop? Like your other movies?”
Cooper muttered under his breath.
“You can get the same enthusiasm when I’m getting the same paycheck.”
“What was that, buddy?”
“I said, where do you want me?”
“Yeah… that’s what I thought. Ok, Phoebe’s gonna be on her back, that ok, doll?”
“Of course!” 
“Perfect… so, you’re gonna be here. We’re doing missionary first, then maybe we cut to some doggy style. Remember, eyes away from the camera, and make sure that whatever you’re doing we can see those genitals. They’re the real stars!”
This was his life now. His body getting first billing above his soul under whatever lewd title this was going to be given. 
“Mr Howard? I just wanted to say, I’m a huge fan. I watched your movies as a kid, you’re like, my dad’s favourite star.”
His co-star, Phoebe, if he remembered correctly, was laying on her back on the bed, waiting for him. Her big, green eyes were wide with excitement. She’d been a fan. And when she was a kid. Looking at her now, he wondered how he hadn’t noticed how young she was. Barely pushing her early twenties, fresh-faced, keen, full of hope. 
How would her dad feel about him now? Would she mention this? Talk about meeting Cooper Howard, but skirt around the exact details? Or would she brag? Maybe it was just him who had a disdain for this line of work. He certainly didn’t judge anyone else on the set. Only himself. 
“Uh… thank you, darlin’. Always nice to meet a fan.”
Phoebe giggled, a sweet sound that made his heart sink. She spread her legs wider, eyes flitting down to his cock which he was stroking slowly in a bid to get it stiff. 
“You ready to go?”
“I’m ready! Mr Howard?”
Cooper looked down in dismay, his flaccid member refusing to play along. A stubborn diva, it turned out. 
“Is… is there something wrong, Mr Howard? Is it me? I’m so sorry, you must be used to much bett-”
Cooper’s natural empathy, at least the last reserves of it, were pulled out of hibernation as Phoebe began to blush, embarrassed at what she perceived as her inability to turn him on.
“Oh, no, darlin’. This is a ‘me’ problem. You don’t worry about it at all, ok?”
He placed a hand on her bare shoulder, all lust evaporating as he comforted her, smiling back as she beamed appreciatively to him. 
“God damn it, ok, let’s get Harv in, he can do his scene with Phoebe, that ok, doll?”
“Oh for sure! I’m good to go.”
“Perfect, you’re an angel. You, Howard. We can shoot the exposition scene just now. Go to wardrobe and get your outfit.”
Oddly thankful, even though he was embarrassed at his inability to perform, Cooper headed to the small room where they held the small wardrobe for cast members. The exposition scenes were his favourite to shoot. Of course, they were poorly written, and his co-stars weren’t exactly professionally trained actors. But it at least felt like old times. Lines to memorise, a character to portray. And limited sexual encounters for him to fuck up.
Besides, it was porn, and he was the star. Which meant there was a lot more wooing. A lot more women, various actresses playing a myriad of characters, all of whom were seemingly desperate for Cooper’s cock, whatever role he happened to be playing. Once the exposition was out of the way, he had to fuck. But these scenes? He got to be enticed, which always made it a little easier on him. He might have even been looking forward to it today. A stroke to the ego, among other things. A boost to his confidence, and a little physical comfort to stave off the looming spectre of complete loneliness.
When he sifted through the rack and found his name on a plastic covered bundle, however, his brief glimpse of joy was stolen away. 
It wasn’t exactly the same, but it was close enough. The deep blue shirt, bright, golden yellow detailing. And the hat. Not identical, but anyone watching would know that he was supposed to be portraying his old self. A cowboy, the Cooper Howard people knew and loved.
On the table behind him, he rifled through the ‘scripts’ until he found the one with his name scribbled on the top. Ten lines, some room for ad-libbing. All of it cowboy themed. Pulled directly from his movies, albeit changed a little for the sake of copyright infringement. 
He couldn’t do it. 
But then he remembered Janey. How badly he’d wanted to treat her, to spoil her. And how little money he had left after alimony. And how expensive the rent was at his new apartment, which was overpriced, disgustingly decorated, and didn’t even allow pets. 
Maybe everything would be ok in the world. Maybe he’d go on living, get to see retirement, see the world flourish, the wars end. Maybe, Vault Tec and Barb would see the light, change their ways. Maybe it was all for nothing. 
So maybe he better get his shit together and start making some money, so that what was left of his future wasn’t so abysmal.
“Put on a smile and go get your cock sucked, Cooper. Not the worst day in the world, really.”
WIth a sigh of resignation, he chose to listen to his conscience, the little voice that steered him in the right direction, and put on the suit. The material was a poor quality, some cheap polyester deal, ill fitting, too baggy for his frame. And the hat was clearly something from a cheap party supply store. But as he looked in the mirror at himself, he could push away the feeling of seeing a ghost and focus on the positives. He looked almost like himself again.
“Mr Howard? They’re ready for you.”
The polite knock and the soft voice of the only runner on set came through the door, and Cooper exited, surprising the young man in the corridor.
“Oh wow.”
“What’s wrong, kid?”
“Nothing, nothing. You just… you look like you did in your movies. I’m a little bit starstruck.”
“You gave me my coffee this morning.”
The runner looked to his feet, shuffling awkwardly as he tried to explain himself.
“Yeah, but that was… now you look… y’know?”
Trying not to be impolite, Cooper pushed past him, muttering under his breath.
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.”
Back in what the director insisted on calling “the studio” despite it being a hastily fabricated sound stage in the middle of some tacky, shared ownership mansion in the hills, Cooper was met by a new woman who introduced herself as Veronica, before quickly telling him that everyone called her Ronnie. He smiled, clutching her hand between both of his in that confident way he used to greet fans, smiling at her as she bit her lip and smirked. It was a flirtatious look, one that gave him a bit of a boost as he subtly eyed her up and down and judged her silently.
“She definitely likes you… and she’s not too bad to look at herself. Look at you, seeing the positive side of things! Well done, Cooper. Well done.”
He made his way through the first few lines, trying his hardest to maintain a look of arousal as his co-star clumsily worked through hers, emphasis and inflections all over the place, the puns not quite hitting right the way she was delivering them. But he could forgive it all as she dropped to her knees in front of him.
“Well, I have to give you something for saving me from those bandits, kind sir… maybe this will be enough to repay you.”
She was adept at unbuckling his belt, repetition and muscle memory aiding her, and he could feel his erection stirring as she pulled his flaccid cock free from his pants and began to stroke it. 
“Now, ma’am… that won’t be necessary…”
Cooper’s voice trembled over his words as he took his semi-erect cock from her and began stroking it slowly himself to keep the erection building. 
“... I did what any good man would.”
“Then let me do what any good woman should.”
He cringed hard at the line, but luckily, the grimace was covered by his mouth dropping open as Ronnie took his cock in her mouth, sliding her lips over the tip with a gentle ease that made him forget momentarily how terrible his life was at that point. 
Her tongue slid over the tip, teasing over the slit and collecting his pre-cum with a satisfying moan that vibrated through him, tingling over the sensitive nerve endings. Cooper was able to sink into it, some of the muscles in his back loosening as he let himself go. Something so satisfying about the way she held him, one hand on his testicles, the other stroking his shaft as he lips puckered around his head. 
Cooper wanted to show her. Not that she was doing anything wrong, she was doing a better job than anyone else had. Ever. But he wanted to guide her, to ease her throat over his length, to breathe through her nose as he filled her mouth, to show her how he liked it. He kept himself to himself, however, putting his fingers in the belt loops of his pants so they couldn’t reach for anything before he could stop them, like the back of Ronnie’s head to down to her round, firm breasts, or even letting his fingers trail over her-
“Cut! For fuck’s sake.”
“Just as things are looking up…”
Cooper’s attention was focused on the director who sat lazily in his folding camping chair. All of him reacted to the interruption, the disruption of his genuine pleasure, finally, for the first time in who knew how long. Tense, irate. And not in the mood.
“Alright, alright… I thought this was gonna be a one take situation, but geez, Howard. If it’s not one thing, it’s the other with you! You got lines to be getting through, imbecile! How you got hired before, I’ll never know. If it wasn’t for that wife of yours, you’d-”
“Now wait just a damn minute!”
Cooper pulled away from Ronnie, his cock bouncing around as he stomped in a way that might have seemed comical to the crew if he hadn’t looked so intense, filled with complete rage as he shook a pointing finger at the director.
“I am sick of taking this from-”
Everyone was jolted into a panic as a rumble spread through the ground. One burst.
“Can’t be an earthquake…”
The runner had only just come into the room when everything in Cooper’s vision was blocked out by a bright, white light. A quick flare, like a firework, or a flashlight being turned on in a dark room. He could see it still, but smaller, and somewhere on the horizon, down in the city. 
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Get down.”
It was perhaps the last truly selfless thing Cooper did. The glass landed on them, some people got splintered by the small shards as they fell to the ground. But they’d avoided the worst of it. And he didn’t need to help them. These were not people he cared for. They were people who were cruel, difficult, practical strangers. People who didn’t deserve what Cooper knew was coming.
He thought of that day a lot. Of how he’d had it somewhere in him, a long, long time ago, to offer himself or his wisdom in exchange for nothing, to people who these days he’d sooner shoot in the head before spitting in their cup. 
Bitterly, he indulged himself, hoping that at least some of them were suffering a fate worse than his, if such a thing actually existed. 
“Maybe the mutants.”
There was hardly any time this evening for him to satisfy his desire for revenge with fitful fantasies, however, because he was rudely interrupted by who he expected was yet another customer tapping on his shoulder. A new client who didn’t know the rules.
No touching before payment.
So he turned to politely inform them, and make sure they didn’t forget it next time.
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mousedetective · 7 months
VENMO: @penaltywaltz | CASHAPP: $afteriwake23 | ZELLE: DM me for email address
12/13/23 - New Post
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I got a hotel room until Thursday morning. It's a better room than we had before with a microwave and fridge/an HDMI port so the kidlet can play her Xbox/two beds. I'd like to keep it a while if I can. I have a reservation for keeping the room until the 17th, but there's been a problem
We were on our way to pick up a loan to pay for our motel for the next three days when we had a one car accident on the freeway (our left tire just blew on the freeway and my mom hit a curb and the right tire went flat, so both our front tires are blown, as pictured above). We had the car towed back to our motel, but it's our last free tow. I have $58 to put towards an Uber to pick up the loan tomorrow morning, but that's it.
The loan office doesn't open until 10 and I don't know if I can have them wait while my mom gets the money (we have to check out tomorrow by 11:30 in the morning). We need $239 for the motel until the 17th and then probably $300 for the tires and $100 for the tow to Discount Tires, plus something over to cover two Uber trips if i can't get a round trip. If I can come up with $700 by the morning of December 14th, we should be okay.
We put $47 of the money we had towards pizza for dinner, as I got mildly injured and my mom was still shaken, which has left us currently with $58. Please help or reblog if you can. Even $5 is a huge help right now. I just...without a car and the motel, we are profoundly fucked at the moment.
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atticrissfinch · 8 months
Series: The Rogue Who Coaxed You | (joel miller x fem!reader) (18+)
Part 2: The Business Trip
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pairing: boss!joel miller x fem!secretary!reader summary: joel makes you arrange his business trip where he will be accompanied by his wife. you’re pouty about it, and joel reminds you of your place. warnings/tags:  [18+ MINORS DNI] mean!joel, very brief joel x ofc action, joel STILL respects you approximately 0% (maybe even less than that in this one jfc), age gap (no specifics), infidelity, hella power imbalance/dynamics, daddy!kink, also hella degradation and humiliation kink, semi-public sex, joel and reader suck at being quiet, unprotected PIV, creampie, use of slut, whore, etc extra disclaimer: we are going to be HEAVY on the infidelity in this series, folks. it’s basically its own character. it’s frequently referenced by the characters, very in-your-face, and will be used as a kink in this series. So if that bothers you, you may want to skip this one ❤️ word count: ~3K | ao3 a/n: there is humiliation kink in this one like WOAH so uhhh just be aware of that lmao joel is so fucking mean. But if you like that kind of thing……here u go lmao. Was too lazy for a moodboard on this one so maybe later lol Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Kofi
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The first email in your inbox when you come in this morning is from Joel. 
Subject: Business Trip 
We discussed this earlier, but I’m outlining my expectations below just so we are clear on them. 
First class. Not business class. Straight through flight if at all possible. 
Four or five-star accommodations only. Please ensure the room has a large jacuzzi and a balcony with a nice view on a higher floor. 
Book a couples massage and a couples spa treatment at the hotel for one of the evenings. Can split between evenings if absolutely necessary. 
Reservations for two for dinner each night—sophisticated places, please. I do not want to be stuck at Applebee’s on a Friday night. 
One of the nights should be Bertelli’s. If they give you any grief about times, drop my name. Marco has me on the VIP list. 
Don’t disappoint me, please. 
It is a little insulting. Because you had gone over all of this. Yesterday, in fact. Where he watched you handwrite notes about everything he said. 
You shake it off and double-check your notes just to humor him. All perfect, as you’d expected. Even if your pen bled through the paper from pressing down too hard in a few particular spots. 
You do your level best to not let it get to you, him deciding to bring his little wife along with him to Los Angeles. Emphasizing the “couples” amenities. The jacuzzi. The balcony on a “higher floor”, knowing exactly what he planned on doing on it. It made your skin itch. 
He’d taken you with him once, right at the beginning of your affair, on a short two-day trip to Denver. He’d left you in the hotel for most of it. Made you order room service to the suite for all three meals and then fucked you before passing out for the night. 
There were no couples spa treatments. No dinners at Michelin-star restaurants. Just hotel burgers, an orgasm or two, and then a scolding at the end of it for over-ordering on room service. 
Joel, the very picture of extravagance, berating you for spending his “hard-earned cash” on “too much food” when you would otherwise starve. He’d fucked your throat until you cried in the back of his Escalade on the way home from the airport as punishment. He then kicked you out at the doors of the high rise where Miller Enterprises comprises two sprawling floors and told you to get an Uber home on your own dime. Said he’d spent enough money on you, and he wasn’t going to have Douglas waste more gas. 
All while you knew a Tiffany’s box was shoved into his carry-on. For her. 
But maybe things would be different now. Maybe you’ve earned enough of his trust, his favor, that he might treat you more luxuriously if you went away together. 
Around eleven, you gather your courage and knock on his door. He invites you in, and you shut the door behind you, locking the door and shutting the blinds for good measure. 
“Did something confuse you already?” His glasses are perched on his nose as he looks up at you from whatever document he’s examining. 
Your eyes drift to the floor and you scratch the back of your calf with the toe of your shoe. “No…” You mutter, leaning against the wall to the right of his desk. 
“Then why are you in here wasting my time?” He drawls, returning his focus to the page in front of him. 
You swallow your nerves, drawing yourself taller and steeling yourself before propositioning, “Take me instead.”
That reels his attention back in. He sets the paper down on his desk and drops his glasses unceremoniously on top of it with an amused expression. “Take you instead of who, sweetheart?”
“Instead of her.”
Joel leans back in his chair and folds his hands onto his stomach. “Instead of Claire, you mean? You’re asking me to take you on this business trip instead of my wife?”
Joel barks out a laugh. “You’re a secretary. And a forgettable one at that. What could you possibly do to benefit me on a business trip? I don’t recall you being particularly helpful on the last one.”
A shred of embarrassment trickles through you as you assess his expression, mocking and unapologetic. Your fingers twiddle absentmindedly as you offer, “I could be naked in bed for you all day. Wet and waiting for you after every meeting.”
Joel sighs and beckons you toward him. You rush to his side and he takes your hand in his, patting the back of it placatingly. He looks up at you with what seems like pity in his eyes. “Baby, you aren’t worth even a fraction of the thread count of the sheets in the places I stay. You’re a…” Joel thinks for a moment, then continues, “You’re a motel hooker. If you set foot in a five-star hotel, they’d have to follow you around with a fuckin’ mop to clean the marble floors from the cocktail of sperm dripping outta you everywhere you go.”
Your bottom lip quivers, while your pussy sends a gentle, rolling pulse between your legs at his callous insult. 
“I mean, we didn’t even stay somewhere that nice last time and I still slipped the maids a couple hundred dollars extra just to refresh the room after we left. Who knows how many dicks you took in there while I was gone.”
You sniffle as you feel the threat of tears burning in your nose. “I didn’t…”
Joel’s brows draw together as he gives a gentle nod. “Ok, baby. I’m sure you didn’t,” He placates, clearly not convinced. “You wanna come sit on daddy’s cock? That make you stop whinin’?”
You scrunch your eyebrows and snatch your hand back from him, crossing your arms across your chest petulantly. You know you’re acting like a snot, but Joel is in rare form today, and it wouldn’t be fun if you didn’t push back. If you always immediately bit what he dangled in front of you. “No, I don’t.”
Joel just shrugs and settles back in his chair. “Okay then,” he says, raising his hands slightly and making a show of shooing you toward the door. “Get out and go do what I asked you to do.”
You stay put stubbornly, meeting his eyes with a glare. It takes approximately five seconds for you to second-guess yourself. “Ok, wait…”
Joel rolls his eyes, scooting his chair out a little further from his desk. “Make up your goddamn mind. You’re gonna go out there and do what I say regardless. So you can either do it with or without my come leaking into your panties. Take your pick. I don't got all day.” 
You grumble a little, and then mumble more audibly, “You know I’m gonna say yes.”
Joel gives you a slow nod. “Yes I do. And I gotta admit, it’s a little goddamn annoyin’ when you act all Sophie’s Choice about it, when we both know there’s barely a single thought behind those eyes that doesn’t revolve around my cock at any given moment.”
You feel your pussy throb again at his words and you inch closer toward him. “What the hell is Sophie’s Choice?”
Joel smirks up at you and holds a hand out for you to take. “Case in point. Now come remind me why I keep you around.”
You whimper and take his hand, allowing him to pull you up onto his chair until you’re straddling him with your skirt rucked up your hips, thankful that you decided to forego tights today. He works his cock out of his slacks, such a familiar and welcome sight to you at this point, and both your mouth and pussy flood at the same time. 
You slide your panties to the side as you hover over his cock, already hard from the way you’ve been taking the disparaging words he’s been dishing out. 
Joel snaps the crotch of your panties. “Don’t know why you fuckin’ bother with these anymore. You know you’re gonna take my cock more often than not,” Joel remarks, gliding a warm hand around the back of your thigh and gripping around it, using it to position you where you already have it ingrained in your brain to go.
You smirk to yourself as you stare up at the ceiling, feeling the tip of his cock teasing your entrance. “Didn’t think you would want me soiling your precious office chairs with the evidence of you cheating on that precious wife of—” Your words are cut off with a sharp gasp as Joel slams you down onto his cock in one thrust, burying himself all the way inside you until you are seated flush to his lap with your head thrown back and your mouth agape in alarmed pleasure. 
When you try to rise, his unyielding grip on your shoulder prevents your movement. Your head flops back down to meet his gaze, his lips parted slightly and his eyes looking down at you with an up-tilted head. You wiggle in his lap, but he continues to hold you steady. 
“Daddy–” You protest, but he cuts you off again. 
“You got a big fuckin’ mouth for a worthless cunt who can’t even suck or fuck her way to California with me.”
“Daddy, I—”
Joel’s face goes gravely serious, teetering on pissed off. He shoves two fingers into your mouth, pressing down on your tongue to shut you up. 
“Let me make somethin’ real clear to you. Cause I know you, and I know what rattles around in that goldfish fuckin’ brain ‘a yours.” Joel wets his lips and holds your jaw just this side painful, ignoring your wince as he continues, “If I find that you’ve sabotaged even a single element of this trip, I’ll have you scrubbin’ every toilet in this building and takin’ your piss breaks in the alley behind the dumpster. Understood?” He punctuates his words with a rough jolt of your head in his bruising grip, then slides his fingers from your mouth to allow you to answer. 
“Yes, daddy,” You whimper. 
“Good,” Joel states, dropping his hold on your face and placing both hands on your hips. “Now shut up and take this cock.”
You sigh in relief as he finally grants you the freedom to move, and you lift yourself up until the tip of his cock is stretching you open before dropping yourself down again and setting a brisk, deep pace. 
The two of you have never been super great at keeping quiet. You certainly try, but noises always escape you before you can catch them. You’re reasonably sure the entire office knows about the two of you, but no one is stupid enough to say anything about the CEO fucking his secretary under his wife’s nose. 
You breathe out a “Fuck daddy,” as his cock hits deep inside of you so fucking perfectly, like it always does. 
Joel growls as he bucks his hips into you as you drive down onto him. “Braindead fuckin’ whore. All you know is eat, sleep, and dick, ain’t it?”
You whine as your head falls onto his shoulder, your pussy clenching around him as the degradation fuels your desire. 
Joel grabs you by the hair when you don’t verbally respond. “Huh? Ain’t it?”
“Yes, daddy,” You squeak out.  
He tightens his grasp on your hair as he pushes in further, fucking up into you with what almost feels like disgust. “Ain’t that all you fuckin’ know? Ain’t it all you’re good for?”
“Yes, daddy!” You sob, always mortified by how hard his mistreatment gets you off as your cunt squeezes him and you feel your orgasm spiraling inside you. 
“Lucky your pussy’s so goddamn tight or you’d’ve been out on your ass a long fuckin’ time ago, huh?”
“Yes, daddy,” You moan again, your breath going shallower as the fatigue of riding him chases after you. You begin rolling your hips back and forth, using his cock to massage your g spot as he keeps rutting up into you. 
“People in this office probably think you’re a gold-digging little homewrecker, don’t they? But what they don’t know is you give it up so easy, I don’t even slip a measly dollar into your little thong when I’m done. Barely have a penny to your fuckin’ name and you’re still creamin’ on this cock for free. Nothin’ to goddamn show for it. No business trip, no diamonds, no fancy house. Just wide open legs, gettin’ run through like a McDonald’s drive-thru.” 
You moan into his neck as his rhythmic thrusts force your insides apart, opening around him every time without a moment’s hesitation. The humiliation has you shaking on his cock, tears slipping free down your cheeks as you bury your face in his neck. 
“And you can whine and complain about bein’ the other woman all you want, but I know you like this shit. You like bein’ my little dick ornament, nothin’ more. Don’t you, baby?” 
You whimper into his neck, but nod helplessly, clamping your pussy around him. Your hand finds your clit to push yourself over the edge, rocking your hips harder on his thick length as you gasp and moan into his skin. 
At your increased intensity, Joel starts to groan out his own release, holding you down into his lap as he unloads inside your pussy, your walls twitching around him. “Fuck yeah, baby. Take all that come. ’S the only gift you’ll ever get from me. Better cherish it.” 
Those words have heat and pleasure bursting from your core at last, spilling out through your limbs and leaving you breathless and boneless in his lap as you piece your brain back together to some semblance of cohesive thought. 
Joel melts back into his cushy chair, petting down your spread thighs and squeezing them periodically as he catches his breath. You wince as you lift off of him and tug your panties back into place to prevent any of Joel’s come from dripping where you don’t want it—which is anywhere but your panties to remind you where he’s been today. 
You wrangle Joel back into his pants for him and settle into his lap, sliding your hands to clasp around the back of his neck. Your thumb caresses his jawline softly as his lethargic stare studies you in his post-orgasmic haze. 
You release an exaggerated sigh, attempting to garner as much sympathy as you can as you beg, “Please don’t make me do all this.”
Joel offers you a half-smile. “I’m sorry? Don’t make you do your job? I mean, we have plenty of spare banker boxes. Feel free to clean out your desk whenever.”
You run your fingers through his dampened curls. “Then who would service you at work like I do?”
A small laugh bubbles out of him, and he reaches up to cup your face. “Oh, baby. That’s so cute.” He gravitates toward you, nuzzling his nose against yours and pressing a featherlight kiss to your pout. He breathes the rest of his reply over your lips, imbuing his tone with all the affection that his actual words lack. “You are effortlessly replaceable. I have no shortage of willing participants who would get on their knees and shut the fuck up far better than you do. Please don’t kid yourself.”
He says it as if he’s doing you a favor. Like he’s giving you genuine advice. It simultaneously feels like a fist around your stomach and a warm mouth on your clit. Like punishment and reward. Your eyelashes ghost the apples of your cheeks as you nod in understanding. 
“Yes, daddy. I’m sorry.”
You ignore the side-eyes from your coworkers as you mill back to your desk, smoothing your skirt as you take your seat. Wetness pools in your panties as you get comfortable, just like you’d anticipated. Ten minutes later, you get another email ping from Joel. 
Subject: Re: Business Trip
Please arrange transport to and lodging in Santa Barbara on Friday evening through Sunday night, straight from Los Angeles after dinner. Somewhere luxurious. Vineyard tour, wine tasting, the works. The Mrs deserves my full attention for a little longer. I’ve been gone too much lately. 
You text him on the Thursday night of his trip, just a simple inquiry about how things are going. 
Your phone buzzes twenty minutes later with a text that just says, “Exquisite,” accompanied by a video attachment. 
A bubbly jacuzzi bathtub, Claire very evidently in between Joel’s legs and up to her shoulders in suds. Joel kisses wetly down her neck, his tongue visibly working in tandem with his lips as he heatedly stares down the camera he has extended in front of them. Claire hums in contentment, biting her lip with a moan until she spies the camera on her. She bursts into giggles, bringing a foamy hand up to shield her face.
“Baby! Turn it off!”
“What?! I’m just—”
The video cuts off in the middle of Joel’s laughter-infused response. 
And you know it’s fucked up. You know it’s so fucking wrong. But you bury your fingers inside yourself and hit play again. And again. And again. Until the humiliation burns its way through your abdomen and drips off your fingertips with your orgasm. 
You don’t text him again. 
When Joel walks into work the Monday after his trip, there’s a glow to his skin, to his face. He greets his staff with a broad smile and pats to shoulders and backs, looking very well-rested and energized in a way he normally wouldn’t. When he gets to you he taps twice on the side of your desk to get your attention and gestures with his head for you to follow him. You reach for your notepad, but he mutters, “Won’t need that,” with a telling look, and waltzes in the direction of his office without another word.
As you stand to scurry after him, you hear one of your coworkers quip to another under her breath, “Can’t leave daddy waiting, can she?”
Your cheeks burn at their quiet snickers. But they’re right. You don’t leave him waiting. That’s one thing you’re good for.
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beardedjoel · 8 months
pretty little wife | meet cute, part 1
joel miller x f!reader one shot collection
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series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3 | ✨kofi ✨ summary: 8.3k words; you didn't feel like going out for your friends birthday that night, but it turned out fate had very different plans for you. or a flashback to the night joel and pretty wife met. warnings: 18+ MDNI! no apocalypse au, relationship not established here like the other chapters, unprotected piv, public sex, rough sex, sub/dom relationship, dirty talk, pet names for reader, alcohol consumption a/n: this was getting super long and has been so much fun to write so i'm splitting it into two parts to also show their first date! i'm actually so obsessed with them its getting delusional and not even funny anymore but i digress
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You hadn’t particularly wanted to go out tonight, but it was your friend Hanna’s birthday and her soft, doe-like eyes when she’d begged you to come had you giving in quickly. Sure, you had what felt like a million things to study for, homework piling up, but the more you thought about it, the better a night out sounded. 
She’d picked a relatively nondescript dive bar as her venue of choice, saying that it had cheap drinks, and seeing as it was her 21st birthday, she wanted to get drunk for as little money as possible. 
You and about ten other girls file into the bar, immediately having what feels like every set of eyes in the room on you all. You’d bet it’s not every day that an overdressed, loud group of young twenty-something’s walks into this place ready to get plastered. 
You all crowd around a few tables, pushing them together, and Hanna spots a jukebox, excitedly gushing over the way she’s going to put on all of her favorite songs later and dance when she gets drunk enough. 
After your first cocktail, you’re already having so much fun  that you wonder why you even had any doubts about coming out tonight. You laugh hard at something one of your friends, Rachel, says and your face falls immediately as your attention catches on something across the room. Not something, but someone. 
A man, who you’d guess is somewhere in his forties or fifties from the looks of it, is sitting with his own group. Even in the darkened shadows of the room, you’re mesmerized - he has a grumpy smile on his face as he chats with the person next to him. He runs a hand through grown out, dark curls and you can see the top half of his body above the bar top, muscled and broad and so inviting. 
You force yourself to blink, about to look away, when you see his eyes catch on yours. You feel your heart sink, hoping he didn’t catch you staring so intently, but swear he gives you a little wink before turning back to his beer that he’s nursing in one hand. Your insides flutter at the gesture, hoping your delusional self didn’t just imagine him sending that wink your way. 
You feel your stomach twist, and realize that despite how attractive you think he is, you’re typically way too shy to make the first move, so it’s unlikely much will come of this newfound attraction. You couldn’t help but continue to glance at him while you chat with your friends for the next hour, drinking in his mannerisms and ruggedly good looks, wishing you could hear what he was saying across this crowded, noisy room. 
You’d never felt like this before upon simply seeing someone, and it made your brain buzz more than the alcohol was, a steady little humming in the back of your mind. In fact, you hadn’t had more than a cocktail at this point, and were actively trying to blame this crazy feeling you were having on anything other than the handsome stranger you just couldn’t seem to stop staring at. 
You decide maybe another drink would help, so you break off from your friends to go up to the bar and order something.
You’re looking over the list of cocktails on a concerningly sticky laminated menu, scrunching your face up in disgust. You knew this place was divey, but their list of cocktails is downright depressing. Your first one hadn’t been very good, either, so you decide to change directions and order a beer instead. 
You glance around the room as you wait to catch the busy bartender’s attention while they flit around, taking orders and making beverages. Your eyes widen a bit as they land on Handsome Stranger, who is now openly meeting your gaze without shame.
You try to avert your eyes out of pure embarrassment, but you keep yourself staring for a moment too long before nervously chewing your lip and gazing down at the bar, pretending to be overly interested in the menu again. 
When you gather the courage to glance back up at where he was sitting, Handsome Stranger is gone, and you survey the area in a tiny panic, swinging your head to the side only to see him curving around the edge of the bar and walking straight towards you. 
He’s coming over. Oh god. 
He settles himself against the bar right next to you and clears his throat a little, cocking his head.
“Hi, there,” he says, and your jaw nearly drops at the husky, rasping accented voice that drips off his tongue like one of the sweetest sounds your ears have ever heard. You actively fight a shudder that wants to wrack your body, thinking of what that deep rumble would sound like against your neck, your lips, your everywhere.
You give him a nervous chuckle and swallow hard, hoping he doesn’t notice. “Hey,” you reply, wishing you suddenly felt less shy under his dark, brooding gaze. You suddenly are overly aware of how loud the room is, a myriad of classic rock, pop, rap, and everything in between blaring through the speakers from the jukebox the entire night. The realization hits you that you two may have to get closer to hear each other coherently and your stomach twists a little in anticipation. 
“Listen, I don’t usually do-“ he starts, but you can’t catch what he’s saying over the noise, so you scrunch your brows together and cup your ear in his direction. 
“What’s that?” You feel like you practically yell the words to him, your cheeks heating as he starts to lean closer. His face is merely inches from yours now, his mouth angled towards your ear. You get a better look at his face now, his dark, wiry beard with a few graying patches, and some deeper set lines in his face surrounded by speckled, tan skin. He’s rugged and handsome and everything that turns you on personified. It’s actually insane, now that you think about it, to see someone so seemingly perfectly made for you looks-wise, let alone have them interested in talking to you. 
“I said…” the man says, clearing his throat again. “I don’t usually do this kinda thing, but…” he trails off, studying your face for a few moments. You watch on intently, already enraptured by his words, not even able to form a follow up to prompt him to continue speaking. 
“But you’re so damn beautiful I had to say somethin’ to ya before you snuck away,” he says. His voice hits deep in your core now that it’s closer, sending you belly swirling in a sickly addictive feeling, one that you already know will be hard to shake tonight. You blink hard, wondering if he’d managed to speak to the wrong girl, but he’s looking right into your eyes without an ounce of doubt hidden behind those dark irises. 
“I… don’t know about that…” you mumble, but he cocks his head further, brows knitted together. 
“Would never say somethin’ like that if I wasn’t telling the truth,” he replies a bit more seriously. You bite your lip and decide that maybe you do trust him - that this handsome, mystery man really does have eyes for you in a bar full of attractive women. 
“Well, thank you,” you say, puffing your chest up a bit with a smile. “You’re not too bad looking yourself,” you add on, finally feeling a bit of your icy shyness melting away. 
He chuckles lightly, rubbing a nervous hand behind his neck, leaving a red mark in its wake. “Would you have a drink with me?”
You lick your lips and then bite the bottom one, contemplating. You don’t fail to notice Joel’s eyes flick down to that exact spot, then to your throat where you swallow again.
“I’d like that.”
“Somewhere quieter?” he calls out towards your ear, and you nod enthusiastically. He orders you two drinks, shooting an eyebrow up when you request a beer as well, and leads you to a small, cozy booth off to the side where there at the least aren’t speakers directly over your heads. 
“Now,” he rumbles out, folding his hands on top of the table  “What’s a girl like you doin’ here?” he asks as you slide into the seat across from him and settle in. 
You breathe an amused laugh through your nose. “My friends,” you say, motioning with a thumb over your shoulder in their direction, where they’re seemingly still having a great time together, a fit of giggles as they all sip their drinks. “One friend wanted the divey experience tonight for her birthday, I guess. Cheap drinks.”
Handsome Stranger’s eyes flick past you to your friends, and you see a flash of recognition as he processes Hanna’s extremely gaudy 21st birthday sash. You can see the gears turning, see him putting the pieces together as his lips part from the tight line they’d been settled in. 
“Hmm,” he grumbles, eyes back on you and seeming to consider you for a moment, taking in your face and making you feel your body temperature suddenly rising. You want to tug on your collar, do something to alleviate it, but can’t give him the satisfaction. 
“Shit,” you mumble under your breath, breaking completely under his stare. “I- I’ll be twenty two soon, so… I’m not…” you trail off, losing all conviction in whatever message you were trying to convey. Handsome Stranger has been too quiet, too guarded regarding this new information, and you feel your stomach turn nervously. 
“Did I just mess this up?” you blurt out, your face betraying you completely and contorting into a worried expression. He gives you a tired sounding chuckle, running a hand through his beard then back around to his neck. 
“No, darlin’, sorry. I - I don’t have a problem with it. Jus’ needed a second. You look… a bit older, so I was surprised, I guess.”
Your shoulders sag in relief - you hadn’t expected to be so devastated at the prospect of losing your new acquaintance’s attention so quickly, and only because of your age. You’d always been interested in older men, and had even been on a few dates with some, but nobody that pulled you in immediately like the stunningly gorgeous man sitting in front of you now. 
You lower your eyes to your lap, wringing your hands together. “You don’t have to be nice, I understand if you’re not interested. I’ve ended up being too young for a lot of guys I’ve talked to.”
“You’re talkin’ to a lot of guys my age, are you?”
Your eyes shoot back up to him, finding a new confidence that he’s still flirting with you. You shrug casually, fluttering your lashes a bit as you smirk. “Maybe, maybe not.”
He crosses his arms over his chest, frowning. “I gotta say, I don’t think I like that.”
You lean forward on the table, folding your arms in front of you as you rest your forearms down to support yourself. You stare into his dark yet warm eyes and try your best to cock an intimidating eyebrow. 
“And why is that?” you ask, upping your voice an octave, trying to sound more innocent. 
Handsome Stranger takes a deep breath, sighing and mirroring you by leaning himself closer to you. You can inspect him even closer now, smell the beer on him and whatever that musky, manly scent is that he carries with him, something you can already tell will be addictive. 
“‘Cause I want you all to myself.”
You stun at his words a little, knowing that your face is giving it away - your confident, fierce facade fading in an instant. You lick your lips nervously, his dark, desirous tone digging deep inside of you, lodging itself in your core and starting another pooling of arousal between your legs. You finally turn your lips up a little, meeting his gaze with a hard stare again while you put your chin in your hands. 
“You’ve got me right here, don’t you?”
He seems to like that, breaking the intensity between you two with a small laugh, leaning back and taking a long sip of his beer. 
“I’m Joel,” he says, and your smile widens as you consider the name on him, finding it suits him perfectly. It dawns on you that you’d been so absorbed in the conversation you didn’t even realize that you had no clue what his name was, that you may have even been content to fall in love with the man right here tonight and not even know his name. 
You tell him your name in return and it gets a genuine grin out of him, like hearing it for the first time was an answer to a question he’d long been asking himself. 
“You know, I could ask you the same thing - what’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?”
“Don’t think I look like the kind of guy who spends his nights in a place like this?”
“I mean… sort of…” you say shyly, trying not to laugh nervously. “You come here a lot?”
Joel seems amused by the way he’s getting you to blush and stutter. “Sometimes, with some crew from work. But that‘s what I'd expect, not… someone like you, honey. Ain’t no place for someone like you.”
“Well,” you twist your lips to the side teasingly. “I’m here, whether you like it or not.”
“Or not?” Joel chuckles incredulously. “Think I made it clear I certainly like it.”
You just give him a smug smile and sip from your drink, trying not to make a sour face in front of Joel, who seems to actually be enjoying his beer quite a bit. You’ve never been a big fan of beer, but it’s at least better than those stomach churning cocktails. 
“So, here with people from work… what do you do?”
“Contracting. Jus’ started my own company, actually. With my brother.” Joel tells you, and you give him an impressed raise of your eyebrows. 
“That’s really cool. Very impressive that you’re the big boss.” You lean in again to show your interest and toss your hair over your shoulder.
Joel’s eyes flash a little darker. “Like hearin’ that name from you,” he chuckles, “Otherwise it’s been a lot of pressure to be the boss, I guess.”
“Is it going well, though?”
Joel nods with a little shrug. “S’okay. Pickin’ up now so we’re doin’ good.” 
You give him an encouraging smile, trying to think of what to say next, feeling like a nervous mess around him, wanting him to think you’re interesting and worth his time, not just some young girl with nothing to offer. 
“Now what about you? Assume you’re in school?” he asks.
You try not to roll your eyes at the sore subject and breathe out a sigh. “Yeah, I am. I just… I’m not really into it.” 
Joel looks on curiously. “Uh-huh. Boring classes?”
“Not even that. I just don’t… like it. I’m so tired of having no clue what I’m doing. I thought about teaching, doing something like that, but I don’t know…” You let out a small sigh. “Sounds entitled or stupid maybe, but I just can’t find my passion there.” You feel your frustration coming out unfairly onto Joel, dropping your hands onto the table with an irritated thud.
“Not at all, sweetheart,” Joel says, laying one of his hands on the table, offering it to you as he slides it over, resting it on top of yours. “Some people ain’t meant for school. I didn’t really have a choice to not go to college, but worked out alright for m’self, right?”
You nod with a thoughtful look, despite barely knowing much of anything about how things worked out for Joel, but you believe him. Or at the least, he sounded happy enough to be owning his own contracting company.
“Thanks,” you say simply, offering him a grateful smile. 
Joel leans forward again on the table, not moving his hand from yours, and you feel hot all over. “‘Course. Now how ‘bout I help you find what you’re passionate about, hm?”
An hour and several more drinks later, you’ve moved over to Joel’s side of the booth at his insistence, where he pulled you nearly onto his lap, your thighs crossed over his as your ass is planted in the booth right next to him. A steady arm of his is wrapped around your back and pulling you close to him, stroking relaxed circles as you two chat. You feel perfectly content, buzzed from the alcohol and comfortable in Joel’s embrace, despite this being the first night you’ve even met him Something about him has put you at ease yet excited you, a consistent skittering of electricity across your skin where it connects to his.
You’ve discovered that you have more in common with a man in his mid forties than you might have thought. But along the way you’ve noted enough differences that you two have to keep the conversation balanced, having different interests and perspectives to add into the mix. Your banter has some kind of alluring pull with Joel, never stopping the beautiful flow of chatter and laughter you’ve found together until he leans in on a quieter moment, kissing your cheek and then moving to your neck. You feel your breath hitch at the warmth of his lips, your body stiffening yet going soft for him, breathing out shakily. 
“Mm,” you whimper quietly, unsure if he can hear it over the noise of the room. 
“Like it when I kiss you here, hm?” he rumbles, moving his lips to your ear where he ghosts his lips over your sensitive earlobe then back down to your neck. 
“Uh-huh,” you manage to say, eyes fluttering as you lean further into him. He keeps kissing every sensitive little bit of skin on your neck, trailing down to your collarbone and inward. “Jesus…” you whimper as he suddenly sucks lightly on your neck, testing you. 
“I gotta mark you, let everyone know…” he murmurs, sucking another spot not even inches away. You squirm, grinding your ass into the seat as you rub your legs together, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by Joel. “You’re mine tonight.”
You feel your cunt clench around nothing, squeezing tightly and wishing some part of him was filling that void, letting you squeeze around it while he practically makes you come just by putting his lips to your neck. 
“Mhm… yours…” you mumble, lolling your head back in the throes of your pleasure. 
“Taste so good, sweetheart, bet you’re just as sweet everywhere else, too,” Joel says, his tongue flicking along where he’s just sucked harder, testing the waters.
You can only moan quietly, not even daring to think about the other people in the crowded bar who could be witness to your overly raunchy public display. In fact, you find that you barely care, not with the way Joel’s lips feel like heaven every time they touch you, the way he’s making little satisfied noises next to your ear as your body responds to him.
“Joel…” you moan wantonly, starting to go more limp in his hold as he continues teasing you. He slips a hand between your tightly squeezed together thighs, bringing his palm up to cup the outside of your jeans. You know he must feel how warm and damp you are, even through the few layers there - he’s thoroughly teased you to a point where you’re hurting, your cunt aching and pulsing for him, dripping and soaking your panties.
“Christ…” you hear Joel exhale, his breath catching for a moment in his throat. “Fuckin’ soaked for me. Someone needs to get taken care of, doesn’t she?”
You only nod as he palms you harder while he’s speaking, desperate and unable to even find the words. You’re completely undone, trying to come to terms with the fact that Joel is about to ruin any other man for you in just a few short moments together.
“C’mon, then, let’s go,” Joel announces, patting your thigh, urging you to move. You follow him, beckoning you out of your seat with him, grasping your hand as he leads you to the bathroom. Your skin tingles where he holds your hand, his fingers intertwined with yours, and your palms sweat as heat courses through you, settling and pooling deep between your legs. 
You two burst through the door, saying a silent thank you that it’s just a single person restroom at this bar - no stalls, no other people to shoo out of the way. Joel slams the door behind you with built up aggression and you hear the lock click.
He’s on you before you can even register that it’s happening, pressing himself close and wrapping one of his large palms around the back of your head, fingers threading through your hair. He pulls your head towards his eagerly, crashing his lips into you, not giving you an inch of space with the way he’s tugging your head closer. 
You both ravenously clash teeth and tongues and lips until you’re practically breathless. One hand bunches on his shirt, clutching him to you, the other wrapped around his neck, burying itself in the dark hair that curls down. Your bodies draw together over and over, starting a steady grind on each other, barely even registering where one body begins and ends as you both chase pleasure using the other's body. 
You moan quietly when you start to feel him against your steadily aching cunt, his erection warm and pressing against his jeans. Your hands shake a little with excitement as you reach in between your bodies to grab him outside the denim, and he groans into your mouth.
“Fuck,” he breathes out, finally pulling his lips away from yours. He looks down at your swollen, puffy lips, chin red underneath from his scratchy facial hair. He can’t take his eyes off of yours though, so bright and eager for him as your pupils blow out with desire.
“Don’t usually do this either, get random girls into the bathroom with me, swear,” he adds, and you laugh a little against his lips. 
“I’m hearing a lot of that from you tonight,” you tease. 
“Jus’ the effect a girl like you has on me,” he quips back, and you find your cheeks warming and flushing at his words. Despite having just met him not even a few hours ago, you find that you believe him, that you are someone special to him. This strange connection, this pull you feel towards him has you questioning many things, and especially the fact that you’re fully about to fuck someone in a public restroom - something you’d never have imagined yourself doing. 
Until Joel. 
He seems more in control now, leaning forward to pepper your face with kisses, catching the corners of your mouth and pulling away just before you can meet his lips again. You pout as he does it for the third time, moving his lips right underneath to your chin, soothing the irritated skin there from his beard hairs. He finally gives in, kissing you with an open mouth, lapping his tongue sensually against yours, while his hands slip down your back and to your ass. You nearly melt, the intense softness of the way his mouth is moving on yours is starting to make you dizzy. You lean closer for support and Joel catches your chin between his thumb and forefinger as soon as he pulls away from the kiss.
“Get on your knees f’me, hm?” he says, studying your expression to read your reaction to his request.
You only consider it for a moment, the hardness of the floor on your knees, the dirtiness of it all, but your body and mind both tug at you, your knees feeling a buzzing, like they need to go down and touch this cold, unrelenting floor for him. You’d never considered yourself a very dominant person in your past relationships, but you’d also never had anyone trying to dominate you.
Not like this, at least. Not with the tone he’s using, the way he’s looking at you like he knows you’ll do it for him, like he knows you want to listen to him. To be good for him. 
Your knees bend, settling in front of him as you place your hands on his hips. You lick your lips absentmindedly, thinking about them settling around the cock you can see pressing against his pants. You feel a new flood of arousal at the thought, the way you’d never have considered doing something like this in the bathroom of a bar, but you like this side of you that Joel is bringing out. 
“Fuck. Good girl,” he rasps, and you stop, your lips popping open at his words, like something in your brain suddenly clicked into place at what you heard. 
“Can you s-say it again,” you ask quietly, reaching up slowly to his belt.
“What? Like being called a good girl, do you?” Joel’s smile curls into something sinister, and he tucks his fingers under your chin, making sure you’re looking up at him from where you kneel. “Jus’ happens I like to fuck good girls, so you’re in luck.”
You can only remind yourself to breathe as his words flood you, douse you in complete and utter arousal on every inch of your body, leaving you speechless. Your skin practically tingles as you wait for his next move, hands frozen on his belt.
“I’ll be good for you,” you whimper when he releases your chin, your head falling down a bit with the sudden loss of his support. Your hands get back to work, and Joel watches with satisfaction, a hand coming down to stroke the back of your head. You nearly find yourself purring like a cat, feeling a rumble of satisfaction deep inside of yourself at the gesture.
“Mm,” Joel says, his eyes narrowing down at you. “Much as I want your mouth on me, we’ve got our whole lives for you to suck my cock, pretty girl, and tonight… I need to fuck you. Like nothin’ I’ve ever needed before in my life.” 
Before you can even reply his hands tug you up from the floor and you stumble into his arms, caught by the sheer size and strength of his entire body against you. He swings you as you crash into him, pressing you back against the sink counter. His hands expertly unbutton your black, skintight jeans, unzipping them and starting to shimmy them down over your ass, his lips still attached to yours.
“God damn it, makin’ it hard, ain’t you, with these tight little pants…” he murmurs, moving his full attention to pulling down your jeans, finally getting them to your ankles.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t like my jeans?” you ask innocently as you step out of them, and Joel takes in your black lace panties, wetting his lips at the sight. Joel just growls in response, a resounding yes, bumping you so that your ass hits the counter again.
“Up” A simple command, but you’re too lost in the moment, feeling every inch of his body burning into yours, so you hesitate. “Don’t make me ask again,” he snips, and you feel your insides twist, your cunt clench around nothing inside of your soaked panties at his commandeering tone. You stand on your tip toes and let him help hoist you onto the counter. He steps forward between your legs, his face now level with yours and his hips coming flush with you. 
“Look at that… perfect fit,” he comments with a smirk, looking over the way your bodies are coming together, the way his cock will shortly have the perfect angle to slide into your tight hole. 
You give him a little giggle. “Perfect…” you echo, smiling as you look between your legs and then back up to his face. 
Joel’s thumbs dig under the waistband of your panties, starting to pull them down with the help of you lifting your hips. He holds them up, inspecting the slick, shiny stain you’d left, taking up most of the underwear. He simply shakes his head, fingering the wetness and smirking before balling it up and stuffing it into the back pocket of his jeans. 
Amused, you smile dazedly at him and reach out to grab at his arms, pulling him closer. Your fingers dig into his muscled biceps and you bite your lip at how absolutely fucking hot it feels. 
“Look at that little pussy, doll, so pretty, ain’t it. Gonna be all mine,” Joel says, peering in between your legs as he works on his belt and zipper. When his cock springs free from his jeans you try to hold back your stunned gasp, but Joel notices it, the way your eyes widen as you breathe in sharply. He’s not just big, he’s thick, and while you have some experience, this is certainly new and uncharted territory for you. 
“Hey,” Joel says, pulling you back to reality as he puts both hands on the sides of your face. “I know, but we can go slow if you need. Won’t be upset.”
You’re reeling with so many different thoughts - the rational part of your brain wanting to take Joel up on that offer, but the absolutely batshit crazy for him part of your brain doesn’t care one bit, only wanting him to take you, make you his. 
You slowly shake your head, meeting his stare from under your brows. “Don’t…” You wet your lips, pouting them out for him. “Go slow. Fuck me like you mean it, like I know you want to.”
Joel completely breaks, shaking his head and his expression twists into something completely feral, part of him gone to that other side of him, the one you know that needs you just as badly as you need him. 
“So fuckin’ obedient. Such a good girl.” You clench at his words, finding your body practically has an involuntary response to hearing his praise, drunk on it and desperate for more. He smirks, pressing himself close, both hands snaking around to the globes of your ass as they sit on the counter and squeezing. He delivers a swift slap to one of them before tugging hard, bringing you flush with his cock now resting at your entrance. You moan and gasp with the pain and pleasure of his palm smacking your flesh but give him a needy look as encouragement. 
“Gonna take me like the dirty little slut you are, lettin’ me fuck you in this bathroom,” Joel growls out as he presses forward, the head of his cock bursting into your entrance with one swift push of his hips. You whimper and nod to answer him, completely distracted now. 
You can feel yourself clench all over, just the thickness of his head is overwhelming, but he doesn’t stop, just slides into you inch by inch and you swallow hard and try not to tremble too much. You feel his head kissing deep inside of you, and your mind is swimming, wondering how you’re even taking so much of him right now. 
“Good girl, that’s right, take it so good…” Joel mumbles, his eyes hazy and dreamy as he feels you tighten and contract around him. He gently kneads where he’s holding onto your ass to try to soothe you. 
Your hold on his shoulders reaches a death grip as he starts to move inside of you, slowly at first. You find yourself appreciating that despite telling him to fuck you hard, he’s still being careful at first just in case. You buck your hips forward, pressing him just the tiniest bit deeper. Joel hums a little and chuckles at your insistence. 
“That eager, are you?”
“I told you to fuck me like you want to,” you snip back, rolling your hips into his again.
Joel leans forward to bury his face against your neck, sighing. “Gotta stop sayin’ that, darlin’, makin’ me crazy.” 
His lips flit down to your chest, where your low cut tank top is askew now, tits half falling out. He palms one of them before pulling your shirt down so that they’re both spilling out. 
“Don’t keep these pretty things from me, wanna watch ‘em when I fuck you,” he says, and you smirk, seeing how worked up Joel already is over you. It makes you feel so good, so desired, so unlike any other man you’ve been with before. 
He slides his cock into you a little faster, picking up speed with each thrust until you’re sure you can’t take it anymore. You know your face is contorted into a mixture of pleasure and pain, unsure how your body is even accommodating his girth right now, feeling like you’re being split open, your insides completely full of him. 
“My god, oh my god,” you mumble breathily, your brows knit in a concentrated look, trying to focus on the pleasure rather than the pain. 
“Thas’ it, babydoll, you got this, focus on me,” Joel encourages you, and you try to relax your body, feeling yourself finally adjusting more to his size. “Good girl, take it so good, yeah.”
He looks down to where your bodies meet with a satisfied smile, seeing you stretch over and over as you take his cock repeatedly. He’s starting to hit a heavenly pace now that your body is molding to his, taking him like you were made for it as he starts to jackhammer into you. You moan his name quietly under your breath, holding back as you hear the drone of the muffled music outside the bathroom, reminding you that you’re in a public space.
“Feels good, don’t it?” Joel grunts out as he, “Be a good girl and be loud f’me. I can see you holdin’ back.”
“Feels so good… so big, Joel,” you moan out a little louder,
“Thas’ right, baby, my big cock fits perfectly in this tight little cunt, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, yes,” you nod eagerly, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck, anchoring yourself to him while he pounds into you. You’re deliriously accepting all of it through the pain, the kind that’s nearly addicting because your body knows it’s good. You respond heartily to him, squelching, pornographic sounds reverberating in the bathroom as he pumps his length in and out of you.
“Christ, you’re so fuckin’ eager, so fuckin’ wet… c’mere,” Joel says suddenly, pulling out of you and yanking you by the hips off the counter where you land on shaky feet. He spins you and thrusts you against the counter, fumbling slightly as he grabs at your ass cheeks and spreads them apart. One hand slams onto your back as his cock slides between your legs and splits you open again, the sting of the stretch coming right back to you for a moment as you gasp. He pushes down, laying you flat onto the cold countertop, your bare tits pressed against it. 
“Up a little, let me see those perfect tits, honey,” Joel says, a hand going to your hair to yank on it, making you arch your back enough to get your chest off of the linoleum. “That’s right, there we go, so fuckin’ pretty,” Joel says, keeping his hand buried in your scalp, your locks gripped tightly in his palm to continue keeping you right where he wants you. You feel your tits bouncing like he wanted, your nipples grazing against the countertop each time he thrusts you forward. The sensitive buds send wave after wave of arousal through you each time they contact the cool surface, and as he lifts your hips slightly you nearly choke as he hits something deep and pleasurable inside of you.
“Oh… oh… n-no it’s too much…” you mumble, feeling like your eyes could start to cross every time you feel him pressing near this part of you, so you flutter them shut.
“Uh-uh. Eyes open, wanna see you lookin’ in this mirror at how pretty y’look right now.” Joel yanks tenderly on your hair, not as hard this time, keeping your attention. You pop your eyes open, and look at yourself, heavy lidded, cloudy, hardly recognizing yourself or anything around you. Only able to feel the way Joel is impaling you with the strangest, most intense, pleasurable feeling you’ve ever had inside of yourself.
“Wh- wh- it feels so - o-oh my god, I c-can’t,” you cry out at the tail end of your sentence as Joel jolts his hips harder, flesh slapping against flesh repeatedly.
“S’okay, you’re takin’ it so good, doll, that’s jus’ your g-spot, baby, don’t worry,” Joel says soothingly, switching over to a protective mode for a moment when he can see the worry flash in your eyes.
Your mouth falls open and you let out a languid, fraught moan as he tilts your hips a little more, catching the spot on a new angle. If you were being honest, you’d never stimulated your g-spot before - not by yourself, and certainly not with any other men, and now you were wondering how you’d lived without doing it for so long. It felt like the sweetest build up of pleasure, filling a hole deep inside of yourself with warmth, starting to tingle all the way through your body to the tips of your limbs.
“Fuck… don’t stop, don’t stop, please,” you cry out, feeling your knees shake, supported by Joel as he presses against you and keeps a tight hold on your hips. “I’m - shit - I’m coming, Joel. Harder, please.”
“So,” Joel spits out with a thrust. “Fuckin.” Thrust. “Polite.” Thrust. “Pretty girl.” He ups his pace even more, something you weren’t sure was possible and you’re bouncing forward, the edge of the counter digging into your torso and head nearing the mirror as he gives you his all. 
You explode, a scream of his name clawing out of your throat when the pressure snaps suddenly, sending you practically convulsing, limbs taut and shaking as you clench in spasms around him.
“Babygirl, she feels so tight, squeezin’ me like that,” Joel murmurs in a wavering voice, continuing his unrelenting pace. He wraps his hands underneath where you lean against the counter, cupping your tits and pulling you up as he leans down to meet your body - flesh against flesh, the sweat forming on your back soaking into his soft flannel shirt. You can feel the damp warmth of the fabric, like he’s been sweating through it this entire time, and it smells earthy and like sex already. You feel your orgasm reach a peak at the thought of leaving your scent on him tonight.
“J-joel, come inside me, fuck,” you cry out, meeting his gaze in the mirror with a heady look. For once, Joel follows a command instead of giving one, grunting with a final push of his hips, shooting his spend deep inside of you. 
“D-dirty little cumslut, wantin’ me to fill you up, make you mine, mmm” Joel says with a groan, his hips bouncing a few more times while he rides down his high. 
You can only nod, feeling fully fucked out and limp while he finishes using your spent cunt. You know it’s risky, that you should have thought more before tossing the idea of a condom aside in your mind, before asking a virtual stranger to pump his seed into you, but you truly don’t care. You only care about Joel, about giving to him what you knew he wanted. He didn’t even have to say it, but the way he fucked you, so rough and unrelenting, he wanted this, wanted to mark you in some way that would stick with you long after he pulls out. He wanted you to go home, find his cum leaking out of you onto your legs for the rest of the evening, be reminded of what he gave to you, how he ruined you.
You both stand in place, breathing heavily until Joel makes the first move, pulling himself out and tucking his cock back into his jeans. You feel raw, achy in the best way, and Joel notices your hesitation to move and wraps an arm around the front of you, bringing his lips to your ear.
“Good girl,” he whispers, biting the lobe and you shudder. “Good fuckin’ girl, y’know that? God…”
“I like being a good girl for you, Joel,” you say lazily, shutting your eyes as you lean back into him.
“Music to my ears, sweetheart. Now let's get you outta here, it’s late and you need some rest.”
Joel leads you out of the bathroom after you both adjust yourselves back to some semblance of normal, a hand on the small of your back as you enter the loud bar, seemingly much less crowded now than when you’d entered the bathroom. 
You see your friends, still grouped together but with a few more young, attractive men in the mix, crowded around a tiny table. Your friend Georgia spots you, waving you over with a slightly tired, exasperated look on her face. She’s the assigned designated driver for the night, and you can see that she’s more than ready to start heading out. You peek at the time on your phone and it’s after one in the morning.
“Come on,” she mouths, beckoning you dramatically and you can see your friends gathering up their things, saying their goodbyes to their new male counterparts.
You turn to Joel with an anxious look, and he grasps one of your hands, squeezing tightly.
“Go on, then,” he says softly, “Don’t keep them waitin’.”
You nod with a disappointed smile, wondering if you should have offered to go home with him instead. But the fact that he didn’t ask has already gotten in your head, so you lean forward to kiss him goodbye instead. He gives you a hungry kiss, one you could easily fall right back into, drag him to the bathroom again and let him do everything he just did all over again. 
He lets you go, nearly pushing you away with a small growl. You hurry over to your friends, who are shoving your purse and jacket back into your arms and ushering you away. You sneak one last glance back at Joel, standing with his hands in his pockets, wondering how your life could ever be the same after tonight.
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You’re in a complete panic, only minutes from your house, tears brimming in your eyes.
“Please, Georgia, we have to go back, we have to - I don’t,” you feel around your bag for something that isn’t there, that you know isn’t there. A scrap of paper, a note, anything.
“Babe, you need to calm down and tell me what’s going on,” she replies, cool and collected as usual.
“Th- the guy. The one I was with. I didn’t get his phone number. Fuck, I don’t even know his last name. I -” A small sob escapes you, and you don’t know where all this emotion is coming from all of a sudden. It’s like when you’d been with Joel, you felt so calm, so even, and you hadn’t even had a chance to think about your emotional investment in what happened tonight. 
“Shit. And you think he would have wanted you to have it?” Georgia asks.
You blink, looking over at her, stunned that you hadn’t even thought of whether he wanted to see you again or not. You two hadn’t had a chance to discuss it before you’d been dragged out of the bar, but you’d gotten the sense he was intoxicated by you just as you were him. 
“I - think so? It seemed like maybe he would have. But now I’ll probably -” your voice cracks and shakes a little bit. “Never see him again.”
Georgia squeezes your shoulder softly, rubbing circles on it. “I’m sorry, honey. It’s going to be okay though, alright? You never know, the world has weird ways of working things out sometimes.”
You sigh, knowing the chances of that are slim, seeing as nothing that spectacular has ever happened to you before, and you don’t see why the universe would start now. “What if he’s still there, though? We could go back, please…”
“The bar closed twenty minutes ago, you know he’s not there anymore. I’m sorry,” she replies, giving your shoulder a final squeeze before putting both hands on the steering wheel and pulling up in front of your apartment. The last thing you want is to go up to your cramped space, shared with two roommates, nothing feeling truly yours. You want to scour the streets, walk around Austin until you find Joel again, until you can throw yourself in his arms and know you’re going to see him again and again and again. You can’t believe it took you losing him to realize just how much of a hold he has on you after those few short hours spent together.
You hug Georgia a teary goodbye and trudge up to your apartment, each step feeling heavy and painful, until you reach your bed and lay down, crying until you finally find it in you to get up and get ready for sleep.
You’ll be okay, just like Georgia said. You’re still drunk, and that’s it, that’s why you’re so emotional right now. Tomorrow you’ll just be happy you had incredible sex and can move on with your life. Surely, that’s exactly how it will go.
In the morning, you find the pit in your stomach hasn’t dissipated in the least, flashes of memories from last night torturing you as you try to function the next morning. You could barely sleep last night, the few drinks you had not even able to lull you into any kind of rest. You pace your room, thinking hard with a hot mug of coffee clutched between your hands.
You know now that you have to see him again, talk to him again, even if just to confirm whether or not it’s what he wants to do. Then you could have something definitive - closure, or a new, budding relationship with the man who absolutely fucking ruined you.
You stop dead in your tracks as an idea hits you, one that could potentially lead you back to Joel. Your heart pounds anxiously as you pray that the idea works, that there’s something there, not just delusional, hopeless hoping. You rush over to your phone and quickly dial Georgia’s number.
“Georgia!” you call out a bit too loudly, barely able to hear yourself over the rushing in your ears. “Hey,” you say more timidly.
She groans sleepily on the other end of the line, and it’s not until then that realize you’re up way too early for how late all of you stayed out last night. 
“Shit, s-sorry, I know it’s early, but…”
“What, babe? What could possibly be this important?” she groans into the phone teasingly, and you feel your cheeks heating up in embarrassment and shame that you woke her for something as silly as this, but you’re a woman possessed, on a mission to find Joel.
“I know, I know. I just couldn’t sleep. I feel like… he’s the one, or something. The guy from the bar. The connection was so crazy, and the sex, and I’m rambling now, god, sorry.” You take a breath, steadying your nerves. “My point is, you were sober last night. Joel said he was there with his work crew, so did you see anything? Any shirts or trucks or anything with a logo or a name for a construction type crew? Please,” you say, murmuring the last, begging word more to yourself or whatever higher power is in control of your current predicament.
You can hear the rustling of Georgia’s sheets on the other end and another sleepy sigh. “Let me think on it, okay? When I can wake up some more. I promise I’ll text you about it later.”
You two end the call and you start pacing again, your heart thundering in your chest, knowing every minute is going to be agony waiting to see what Georgia ends up texting you. The day drags on, hour by hour a wasted mess of a day, with your nerves too frayed to concentrate on much of anything - homework, studying, TV - none of it helps to distract you enough.
When your phone pings that afternoon you pounce on it, flopping down onto your bed with shaky hands, opening the notification from Georgia.
Miller Contracting.
Two words and you’re off to google after shooting her a thank you text with as many exclamation marks as you could slam out in the few seconds you wanted to spare before moving on in your search.
You find his business immediately, their shoddy little website that’s clearly was not made by any professional. It kind of makes you chuckle to think of Joel trying to make a website. The page features an uncomfortable looking photo of Joel and another man, who you can only assume is the brother he said he owns the business with. You immediately smile looking into his eyes, his hair looking a little more cropped and coiffed in this photo than it had last night. Underneath it, their phone number is listed, and your eyes widen, mouth going desert dry as you punch it into your phone. 
You hesitate, your finger hovering over the send button, needing to be sure of what you’re even going to say. What if he doesn’t answer, or it’s his brother, or they even have a secretary or something? Your mind spins but you force yourself to dial the call, anyways, driven forward by an unseen force that you’re quietly grateful for as the line trills in your ear.
Ring. Steady breath. Ring. Another. Ring.
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taglist: @aphterthoughtt@bbyanarchist@amy172@hazzaismyreligion @ohheypedrito@msmorningstaarr@kamcrazy123@madhere@huffle-punk@jupiter-soups
613 notes · View notes
charmandabear · 2 months
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Office Hours - Chapter Ten
It's bowling time! You and the gang get a little closer over this highly unsexy game. Definitely no sexy things will happen in this chapter. No, don't look at the tags. Stop, what are you doing.
Pairing: Astarion/f!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4.3k
Tags/Warnings: thigh riding, dry humping, rough kisses, fantasies of bondage, cumming in pants, vampire bites/blood drinking, conversations about academic research, semi-public semi-sex
So I didn't actually mean to wait a week and a half between posting chapter 10 on AO3 and posting it here, but as a result, I can tell you that the un-beta'd chapter 11 is now up on my Kofi! You can read it for free, or you can wait until it's fully edited on AO3. Up to you, guy.
As always, @zipzoomzaria is responsible for the devastatingly handsome professor in the banner.
Read on AO3 ~ Masterlist
Admittedly, you kind of delight in the look on Astarion’s face as you cross the threshold into the bowling alley. His nose wrinkles while his eyes dart around the space, cataloging everything from the stained black and neon rainbow carpet, to the bored employee sitting in front of rows and rows of dirty rental shoes, to the group of noisy teengers eating nachos covered with a thick liquid cheese.
He lets out a low growl and you giggle, almost giddy at the evening ahead of you. There is absolutely no chance in hell you’ll be able to do anything even remotely sexual in this environment. You grab his hand and drag him over to the shoe rental.
“Hi, can I get a 7 ½?” you ask the employee, and they languidly pull their chin off their hand and turn around to grab the shoes.  Astarion hovers behind you, still uncomfortably taking everything in. You take the shoes from the employee and drop them in front of you, stepping out of your flats and into the bowling shoes.
“Ugh, gods, I don't know why you insist on taking part in this,” he says with a sneer, well within earshot of the employee, whose eyes have already started to glaze back over. “It’s not enough to put your fingers into a grease-coated ball, you choose to play dress up with a hundred other people’s feet?”
“I mean I wouldn’t choose to, I just have to if I want to actually do the bowling part of it,” you tell him as you wiggle your ankle to get the shoe to settle.
“Sorry, what?”
You had been waiting for this moment and you try to hide your glee as you say, “Yeah, you have to rent special shoes so you don’t fuck up the floor.”
His face remains frozen for a moment in a look of utter disgust as he processes what you said. “So you’re telling me,” he drawls, waving his finger like a disgruntled valley girl, “that in order to play this asinine game that you’re making me play, I must pay money to let my feet bask in the foot sweat residue of several hundred strangers?”
“You also have to leave your shoes with them while they’re rented,” you add, handing your flats over to the employee, who slips them in the cubby whence they retrieved your rental shoes. Astarion splutters incoherently.
“That’s it, you’ve lost me, this was a very cute idea but I am absolut–” You grab his hand as he starts storming away and pull him back towards the rental counter.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun, I promise!” You grasp his hand in both of yours, an exaggerated gesture of a pleading child. “Just do it for me, please?”
He scowls at your beaming face for a moment before rolling his eyes and approaching the counter again.
“I’ll take a 9 ½,” he grumbles through gritted teeth. The employee continues to display an almost impressive amount of apathy as they grab the requested size. Astarion makes a show of his disgust as he takes off his patent leather oxfords and puts on the grubby shoes that were presumably red and blue at one point. 
“I’m going to fucking kill you,” he mutters out of the side of his mouth and your grin widens.
“You absolutely will not,” you tease. He stands suddenly, closer than you had realized, and looms over you.
“Would you like to test that theory?” he hums in a low voice, and your breath catches in your throat. He turns away from your reddening face with a smug sense of satisfaction as he hands his shoes to the employee. He starts to walk away when their voice interrupts him.
“Sir, you need to pay for those,” they call out halfheartedly. He turns around to you, just staring back innocently.
“Oh, I’m paying,” he confirms blankly, and you shrug.
“You’re the one with tenure, you make more than me,” you state matter-of-factly. He scowls again but doesn’t protest, and instead just taps his phone on the pin pad.
You scan the lanes to see if you can spot any of your friends. Gale sees you and waves you over to where he and Wyll are sitting together stiffly. Shadowheart and Karlach aren’t here yet. 
“Hello, there,” he calls, grateful to see faces he recognizes. A paper boat of fries sits on the table between them, along with two plastic cups of water.
“Any word from Karlach?” you ask Wyll, leaning over the hard plastic bench to grab a fry.
“She apologized, she said they’d be here soon,” he replies, glancing at the text from her.
“Took them longer to get ready than they expected,” you say with a grin, and Wyll clears his throat, cheeks darkening slightly.
“Oh Tav, have you caught up with If Books?” Gale asks you, taking off his glasses to clean them with his knit sweater vest.
“Yes, I couldn’t stop listening to it,” you reply enthusiastically, “some episodes have been very illuminating.” You cast a quick glance at Astarion and he petulantly shoves his hands into his pockets and shuffles his feet. “But it’s so hard waiting for each new one,” you add, and Gale nods.
“Yes, and they’ve switched from a bimonthly schedule to a monthly schedule, so the wait is even longer,” he agrees.
“What’s up, fuckers?” Karlach’s voice booms across the lanes and Astarion mutters, “Oh thank the gods,” under his breath. Shadowheart and Karlach saunter over, Karlach double fisting pitchers of a pale amber beer. She puts them down onto the table, only one of them sloshing beer over the edge. Shadowheart narrows her eyes at Astarion, sizing him up.
“Shade, this is Astarion, Astarion, this is my best friend Shadowheart,” you awkwardly introduce them to try to cut the tension as early as possible.
“Yes, I’m aware,” Shadowheart says with disdain, looking down her nose at Astarion. “I’ve heard plenty about you.”
“Only the best, I’m sure,” he lobs back. “Funny, I don’t think she’s mentioned you.” You shoot Astarion a dirty look as Shadowheart’s eyebrows disappear into her bangs. You can tell that she’s unaccustomed to sparring with someone who has as much snark as her, but the verdict is still out on whether or not it’s a good thing.
Oblivious to the heated standoff behind her, Karlach types away at the console, putting in slightly wrong initials for everyone and giggling maniacally as she does. In order, the names say ASS, TAV, CAR, SAD, GIL, and WIL.
“Soldier over here’s lucky, her name is already three letters,” she laughs and winks at you. Astarion fiddles with the roll of his sleeve and looks at the ball return with apprehension.
“I suppose my ‘ass’ is first?” He hits Karlach with the look over the glasses and she throws her head back, cackling like a hyena. 
“Good on ya, Cardigan, there’s a sense of humor under that mop after all.” She kicks the toe of her red and white shoe at him from where she’s sitting, but he dodges out of the way. He walks up to the ball return and shudders before he decides on one, visibly gagging as he picks it up.
“Okay you drama queen, we get it, it’s gross,” you laugh at him, “now just knock as many pins down as you can, okay?”
“That much would seem obvious,” he smirks, and walks up to the edge of the lane. He glances back at you one last time, almost as if he’s assessing if you’re really worth the humiliation, before throwing the ball down the lane. It glides towards the pins in a smooth straight line before crashing into their pyramid, knocking over all but one. He stares at the lone pin in shock as you and Karlach whoop at him.
“Hey, you might actually be good at this game after all!” you shout as he walks back to the bench, looking just a little more pleased with himself. He’s about to sit down when you stop him, saying, “No, you get two frames.” He looks back down at the end of the lane just in time to see the mechanical arm sweep away the fallen pins and leave the remaining one standing. He makes a dramatic show of sighing heavily and picks up the ball again. He approaches the lane, calculates the pathing, and throws the ball. It knocks down the last pin.
“Okay Ancunín, comin’ in hot with the spare!” Karlach laughs and he puffs his chest slightly at the compliment. “I think you might need a better nickname than Cardigan.”
“Gods please, I’ll take anything,” he begs, and you stand up to grab a ball.
“Perhaps Dr. Bowling?” Wyll pipes up, and Gale adds, “A doctorate in Bowling Studies with a concentration in spares and strikes?” Astarion’s scowl is icy, but even you can tell he’s having fun.
“I’ve spoken too quickly,” he says, gritting his teeth.
You find that the six of you get along quite well. The conversation is easy and light as you cycle through your turns, laughs flowing between you as freely as the terrible watery beer.  
You take a gulp from your plastic cup, your legs draped over Astarion’s lap as Gale takes his turn. Astarion scoffs at the smell.
“Nine hells, how can you possibly drink that piss?” He turns his face away from the yellowish liquid. 
“I don’t know, I have low standards for myself?” you answer with a shrug. 
Shadowheart lets out a high pitch giggle. “Clearly, considering you’re dating him,” she snickers, and Astarion fixes her with a playfully snide look.
“Big talk coming from someone who needs aloe vera after a romantic evening,” he retorts with pursed lips. Shadowheart tries to suppress a smile – talking shit is her love language.
“At least she and I agree to it prior,” she says coolly, and Astarion goes even paler than usual. He shoots you a nervous glance, a sort of are we allowed to joke about that? But you laugh and take another sip of your beer, surreptitiously rubbing the back of his hand resting on your knee in assurance.
You’re enjoying watching Shadowheart and Karlach navigate the awkward early stages of the relationship. Shadowheart has her hands clasped around her knee, bent in front of her as her foot rests on the plastic bench. Karlach’s arm is draped across the back of the bench, leaving enough plausible deniability as to whether or not her arm is actually around Shadowheart. You suspect by the end of the evening, it’ll be less ambiguous.
“So tell me, Gale,” Wyll asks as Gale waits by the ball return. “I’ve never met a wizard with a PhD, what was your research in?”
“I’m so glad you asked, because I think you in particular would find use of it,” he responds enthusiastically. “It was in ethical uses of high powered spells. There’s a stigma around mortals chasing too much power, but I feel very strongly that some spells simply have no downside.”
Astarion quirks an eyebrow, his hand absentmindedly playing with the ends of your hair.
“I wouldn’t have pegged you for someone who’s power hungry, Dekarios,” he says with a smirk, and Gale emphatically shakes his head.
“No, the power isn’t for me, it’s for– well, hold on.” He quickly grabs his ball from the return and throws it down the lane. It hits the gutter within seconds.
“Too bad!” Karlach calls, her arm slipping ever so slightly around Shadowheart’s shoulders a bit more.
“It’s fine. Anyway.” Gale is quick to return to the benches, excited to talk about his research. “I strongly feel that Globe of Invulnerability, Heal, and Heroes’ Feast simply have no downside. We should implement systems in which they can be used for the greater good.” 
“Fascinating. Do doctors not already use Heal in hospitals?” Wyll muses, then turns to Shadowheart as he stands to take his turn. “Shadowheart, you’re a cleric of Selûne, you must use Heal all the time.”
Shadowheart shakes her head. “We’re not permitted to use anything more powerful than Mass Cure Wounds, and even then it’s only in the most dire situations, like war zones. I don’t even know how to perform it.”
“See, this is precisely what I’m saying! Imagine all the good that we could do if there were more medical professionals who knew Mass Cure Wounds and Heal.” Gale gesticulates wildly with his almost empty cup of beer. 
“Heroes’ Feast could end world hunger in a matter of minutes!” Wyll nearly shouts from the lane right before he bowls his second frame, almost as excited as Gale.
“Yes!” Gale returns the excitement and then downs the last sip of his beer. “In fact, I think many of these high level spells are outlawed in some countries without even considering how they might impact our society.”
“Hey Ass, you’re up,” Wyll calls, heading back to the bench. 
“Darling, could you move your legs?” he asks you, his tone saccharine. You make a show of deliberating, holding your finger to your chin.
“Hmmm, I’m not sure. Wyll, who’s winning right now?” you call out to him and he speaks through the fry in his mouth.
“Ashtarion,” he mumbles.
“Yeah, I don’t think I will move,” you smirk obstinately, pushing your calves down into his lap. He raises his eyebrows at your challenge, peering at you over his glasses. He grabs your ankles and sharply turns you in your seat, his rough handling sending a subtle jolt through your core.
“Don’t pick a fight you can’t win, love,” he hums, his lips barely brushing against yours. He stands and turns towards the lane, leaving you slightly breathless. Karlach and Shadowheart titter at your dazed expression, the distance between them having all but disappeared.
Astarion gets yet another strike, and you briefly wonder how this English academic got so dexterous before remembering the feel of his long smooth fingers working inside you. You blink several times to banish the needlessly dirty thought as he turns around with an insufferably pompous look on his face, his newly discovered talent feeding his already overinflated ego. You try to play it cool as you stand and walk toward the ball return, but he blocks your body with his. You look up at him and he runs his knuckle up the front of your throat, stopping it right under your chin.
“Don’t choke,” he purrs and you press your lips together tightly to prevent an embarrassing noise from escaping. You shake your hair over your ears to cover how red they’ve become, but you’re certain your cheeks still give you away. You grab a ball and throw it down the lane, hardly aware of how many pins it knocks down. You stare into the ball return with glazed eyes as you watch your pink ball slide out of its mouth. You grab it, barely registering the shouts of encouragement from the others, and throw it down the lane as quickly as you can. You turn around before seeing the outcome of the frame, your mind occupied by one solitary thought.
“Excuse me, I’m going to run to the restroom,” you mumble, wrapping around behind the plastic benches as Karlach stands to take her turn. As discreetly as possible, you run your fingers across Astarion’s shoulders as you pass behind him. If you’re lucky, he’ll get the hint. If not… well, you need to take a breather anyway.
You duck into the hallway branching off the main lanes and settle yourself behind an ancient payphone. You have no idea if it’s meant to be kitschy and retro or simply a relic of a bygone era. You take a deep breath as you try to clear your head.
It didn't take long for Astarion to swing around the corner, grabbing your face in his hands and pushing you up against the wood-paneled wall. His lips are hard on yours and his fingers tangle in your hair – a roughness you’re all too happy to accept. You grasp at his lower waist, pulling his body further into yours. Your lips pop open as a small moan escapes when his knee slides up between your legs, pressing against your already aching mound.
“I thought this was meant to dampen our appetites,” he murmurs through breathless kisses. You clutch the back of his head as you grind down wantonly on his thigh.
“It’s not my fault you get fucking hot when you’re competitive, ah–” you swallow the moan as he slides his chilled hands up the back of your shirt, pressing into the dip just above your ass.
“I take it you like seeing me win?” You can feel his lips smiling against your earlobe, and you let out a small squeak when he gives it a gentle nip.
“I like seeing you cocky,” you groan, desperately chasing the friction that his thigh provides. He chuckles and pushes his leg up further into you, causing you to grunt through your teeth and pull on his hair as you try to keep the obscene noises that he’s tearing from you under control.
“Tell me how else you like me,” he rasps, and you can feel his erection pressing against your thigh. 
“I like it when you’re domineering,” your voice cracks as you continue to roll your hips against him. “I like when you tell me what to do. I like it when you’re just a little mean but even more when you tell me I’m a good girl.”
His hips buck against you and you shift on top of his leg, trying to relieve your own throbbing cunt while rubbing your leg against the bulge in his pants. His lips are still on your ear and he lets out a hissing breath when you lightly brush against his cock.
“You are my good girl, don’t stop.” His breath is cool against your skin and he runs the tip of his tongue along the shell of your ear, pulling a deep shudder from you. You can already feel how wet he’s made you, and if he keeps this up you might just come undone.
“I want you to put your hand around my throat when you fuck me,” you whine, your slick folds sliding against each other as he grinds his thigh into you. “I want you to put me in a collar and hold the leash tight and tell me I’m yours.” The fantasy is pouring out of you at this point. You’re hardly aware of your surroundings, all that matters is you and Astarion.
You can tell your words are affecting him, too. The rutting of his hips grow frantic and you tighten your hand in his hair and you can feel that familiar spiraling heat blooming out from your core.
“Gods, Astarion, I’m–” you mewl, fully riding his leg at this point. “Please bite me, I want you to bite me, I’m begging–” The moment his fangs sink into your flesh you come, your hand pressed tight over your mouth to muffle the sound, your hips stuttering with each rippling wave of pleasure. As he takes long dragging sips of your blood he makes barely audible whimpers into your neck, his hips still thrusting into your thigh. You bring your hands to his ear, gently pinching his velvety lobe between your fingers.
“Fuck, come for me Astarion,” you whisper into his hair, and it’s enough. He inhales sharply through his nose, teeth still latched onto your neck, and the rest of him stills, save a few subtle jerks of his hips as he spills inside his pants. You let out a breathy chuckle as you card your fingers through his hair affectionately. He pulls away from your neck and you’re blessed with one of your favorite sights – his lips slightly bloody, his eyes wild and frenzied, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. You kiss him, lapping up the metallic droplets from his lips, and he lets out a shuddering breath.
“I do so love it when you do that, you know,” he sighs, and you stifle a giggle.
“Make you come in your pants?” you tease.
“No– well, yes, I mean– I mean no!” he stammers, uncharacteristically flustered, and you hum with approval. “No, when you kiss me just after I’ve fed on you. It makes me feel… closer to you, I suppose.”
“Plus I bet it’s, like, really sexy,” you joke, skating over his sincerity, afraid of what you might accidentally say in response. You’re so not ready to write a check that you can’t cash.
“Yes, it is,” he murmurs and kisses you again, unphased by your deflection.
As though an impenetrable barrier had been lifted, someone rounds the corner to head to the bathroom and the two of you straighten up like you didn’t just dry hump like a couple of horny teenagers. You try to tidy your appearances, but there’s no accounting for the noticeable stain on the front of Astarion’s pants. He pinches the bridge of his nose, his glasses sliding up onto his forehead.
“I can’t believe you… ugh. I can’t be seen by the others like this.” He sighs deeply, the consequences of both of your actions finally catching up to him. You bite your lip guiltily, then suddenly gasp, recalling the machine you’ve seen in hundreds of restrooms throughout your life but never had any use for.
“Do you have a quarter?” you ask him frantically, and he stares at you, completely flummoxed.
“No, who carries cash anymore? What, why do–” You’re gone before he can finish his sentence, dashing around the corner to find Shadowheart. Karlach sees you first, and her face lights up as she waves her whole arm at you.
“Hey, we were just about to send out a search party,” she laughs as you round the corner of the benches.
“Itoldthemnotto,” Gale adds quickly, and you appreciate that he learned his lesson from last time. Shadowheart strides up to you and grabs your chin, pulling it to the side to expose your neck.
“Ugh, Tav, you shouldn’t drive when you’re like this,” she groans. “Te absolvo.” She flicks your forehead as she casts the spell and you flinch before a sheepish grin slides onto your face. 
“Hey, where’s Astarion?” Karlach asks, making like she’s going to head towards the bathrooms to look for him. You grab her arm before she can get too far.
“No no, don’t worry about that,” you speak frenetically, “Does anyone have a quarter?”
“Who even carries cash anymore?” Karlach asks with a bemused face, but Shadowheart glowers at you.
“Why, what do you need it for?” she asks through gritted teeth.
“Don’t worry about it,” you mumble, and she rolls her eyes. She grabs her purse and pulls out a sleek black leather wallet embossed with a crescent moon. “I only have ones,” she says, and you yank the bill out of her hand.
“That’s fine thanks love you be right back.” You take off with her dollar and make a beeline for the change machine near the arcade. After several attempts to flatten the bill enough for the machine to accept it, you hear four clangs as the quarters drop into the metal tray. You quickly scoop them out and run back to the hallway outside the bathrooms where poor Astarion is pretending to talk on the payphone.
“Where in the sweet hells did you go?” he hisses, and you finally get a good look at his appearance. His hair is still slightly disheveled, and he’s untucked his shirt to let it hang over the wet spot on the front of his trousers. You don’t answer him, but rather grab his wrist and duck into the women’s restroom that is, thankfully, empty.
You turn to the metal machine hanging off the wall that dispenses three invaluable items for a bowling alley bathroom: tampons, condoms, and scrolls of prestidigitation. You drop a quarter into the slot above the third item, crank the knob, and out falls a tightly rolled scroll.
“They’re usually for mothers to clean up after they’re done changing their baby’s diaper,” you say, nodding your head towards the plastic baby changing station. “But clearly they have other uses. Infame.” You recite the spell’s incantation and the scroll vanishes along with the stain on Astarion’s pants. He lets out a sigh of relief.
“Thank the Gods.” He unbuckles his belt and begins to tuck his shirt back into his pants. “You owe me,” he adds wryly.
“Um excuse me, who just traipsed all over just to hunt down a goddamn quarter so you could clean up after yourself?” you pout and he slides his hands around your waist.
“But who’s responsible for getting me into this mess in the first place?” he hums in a low voice, brushing his lips against yours. You’re about to melt into his kiss when suddenly the door to the restroom opens and a bewildered looking halfling walks in. You and Astarion spring apart and he quickly redoes his belt buckle. You embarrassedly shuffle out the door without a word.
The two of you reemerge to see all of your friends waiting impatiently by the shoe rental. Your and Astarion’s shoes have already been removed from their cubbies and the employee is just waiting for you to return the bowling shoes. The two of you jog over, and Shadowheart rolls her eyes as you approach.
“Fucking degenerates,” she mutters under her breath, grabbing Karlach’s hand and storming out the door.
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Imagine helping Benn get away to see a 'friend'
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Benn: *trying to slip off the ship during dinner for the third night in a row*
Shanks: *notices he's gone almost immediately* Where's Beck?
Lucky Roux: *counting the money Benn bribed him with to keep quiet* I dunno
Shanks: *Runs out on deck to find Benn trying to sneak over the side of the bot* Where we going?
Benn: we aren't going anywhere, I'm going to port by myself.
Shanks: You're leaving the crew! *Starts to tear up*
The crew: *piles out when they hear Shanks' caterwauling* You're leaving! Without even saying goodbye!
Benn: I'm just leaving for the night, not forever...*realizes no one is listening to him* oh my gods, FINE! Fine, I'm not going anywhere.
Crew: *cheers as they herd Benn back into the mess hall*
An hour later
Benn: *finally manages to claw his way out of the impromptu game night to take a breather out on deck*
You: *watches him lean on the railing, trying to light night cigarette* Need a light?
Benn: *jumps in surprise and drops his lighter into the bay* You scared the shit outta me!
You: *hands him your lighter and leans against the railing*, so why were you trying to sneak off?
Benn: what's it to you?
You: maybe I could help if you have a good reason.
Benn: I wanted to go see a friend I always hook up with when we make port here. She knows I'm a pirate, but not what crew I'm apart of.
You: and you don't want us to meet her? Are you shamed of us?
Benn: *no hesitation* very...Nah, nah, it's just she's a sweet gal and rather timid.
You: and you think she'll be scared off when she finds out you're the emotional support idiot to one of the four emperors?
Benn: yes...Wait, I'm no one's emotional support idiot.
You: In order to stop Shanks from pouting you had to let him curl up in your lap.
Benn: so?
You: You looked like you were burping him, like a baby, when he's a whole ass grown man.
Benn: *purses his lips because he knows you're right, so he elects not to respond*
You: Anyway, you want help sneaking out?
Benn: No offense rookie, but I don't think you can help me. They're a group of seasoned pirates, and you.... You've only been in this life for what? Three years?
You: You're forgetting that they're also just a bunch of dudes who are children at heart.
Benn: what are you getting at?
You: What I'm saying is sneaking out will cost you.
Benn: how much?
You: Take me shopping tomorrow and we'll find out.
The next night
Benn: There's no way this is gonna work.
You: Boys! Benn bought you some stuff! *Presents them with a 10,000 + piece Lego set of the Red Force (I'm making Legos cannon for a plot device), a dial set of Uta's newest album, and twenty barrels of booze*
The Crew: *move like a wave, taking up the gifts*
Shanks: What brought this on?
Benn: Just thought we could use a new activity for tonight, you've all been working so hard lately and all.
Thirty minutes later
The crew: *absorbed in sorting Lego pieces and reading the instruction manual*
Benn: *also absorbed*
You: *elbows him* aren't you trying to get laid?
Benn: but Legos.
You: You really gonna pick Legos over pussy?
Benn: but what if they finish it without me?
You: I'll make it have an accident, so they have to start all over. Now get out of here.
Benn: I can't believe that your plan worked.
You: yeah yeah, get outta here before they notice you're gone
Benn: You're the best *kisses your forehead and flings himself off the side of the ship*
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nkogneatho · 2 years
Pasi pasi psst. I am thirsty, and you're writing is god tier so if you want, tell me how jjk characters react when you suck their dick out of nowhere. Thank you.🛐
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—cw: gn!reader (although I wrote it with a fem!reader in mind), public s3x, gagging, hair tugging, sw@llowing.
A/n: I AM SORRY. I word vomited. I was so horny. I felt satisfied and I kept writing and writing Didn't have time to proofread hehe😭
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#m.list #taglist #kofi #milfhub.
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We all know Satoru is a whore. It's easy to get this man horny. That being said, he loves risks. But what you hadn't seen yet was how he were to react if he were caught off guard. And you were the only person Satoru never put his wall up for.
Nanami had called you two for an urgent meeting to give you intel on Yuuji. He had been training and watching over him for quite a while now. It was nice having a helping hand. Plus you and Gojo got to spend more time because of it.
When you entered the room, it was empty with Nanami in no sight. He was running late which was odd since he's always on time. But you figured out, this was the perfect chance to carry out your plan. Satoru started fooling around, making jokes as he sat on Nanami's chair, shuffling his things around. He loved making him mad. He started drawing silly figures of him on a paper with stupid texts. He was having his fun until he felt something—someone between his legs.
"Wh-" You shushed him, unzipping his pants and taking his dick out. You spat on it, giving it a few strokes with your hand before taking it in your mouth. As I said, he gets turned on very easily. He got hard so fast. Your eyes never left his face as you were bobbing your head on his dick. He lifted his eye mask, making a few seconds of eye contact, but it broke as he rolled his head back for the tip was pushing against your throat. He looked so messed up, biting his lips as he came.
Motherfucker later thanked Nanami for setting up this meeting since he got the best blowjob ever.
Toji loved money. So did you. It was one of the reasons you started working and living together when you realised your skills together are unmatched. It meant getting the job done quicker and more money.
You both had a platonic work buddy relationship. But living together in closed spaces without having dirty thoughts about each other was hard. So you both eventually gave up to your desires and fucked. It was supposed to be a one time thing. But then it was even harder now that you had known what your skins felt against each others. And so, it happened again. Twice, thrice until you eventually lost count.
"The Hanemiyas said to meet here. Make sure to demand more money and not give in easily like last time," he said leaning back on the cushion of the seat. You were in this shady restaurant with like three people around. It had a booth seating system so people barely had an idea about their surroundings.
"Tsk." You saw him frowning at his phone.
"What's the matter?" You asked.
"He sent me a text said he's going to be 20 minutes late. That motherfucker."
"Why don't we use this time to ourselves then?" You smirked.
"You mean order a meal? That's a good idea. I want meat." For a man that big, his brain is surely pea-sized. But then again, blowjob wouldn't be the first thing on someone's mind in a restaurant.
He felt you brushing your hand on his cock. And then he realized. It's not about a meal. It's about his meat. You bent down, untying the lace of his bottoms, shifting them a little so you had a nice view of his big cock. You didn't even stroke it. It had always been too big for your mouth but you take it like a champ. Toji was struggling keeping up with his composure as you were sucking him. He's the kind of man that always loses it and fucks the shit out of you if you tease him. But it wasn't the right place, neither the right time.
He was about to cum. He saw the waiter coming but you didn't care. You gulped down his cum shamelessly.
"Good afternoon. What would you like to order, sir?"
"Uhm." He cleared his throat, leaning forward so the table would hide his loosened bottoms. "We're expecting company. But two glasses of fresh lemonade sounds nice." You saw him as he struggled to be his usual self, acting so polite. It was fun.
Suguru falls more on the "if life gives you lemon, juice the shit out of it" side. He always sucks you off so good. And he never stops until you've atleast came three times.
Lazy days with Suguru were the best. You had to nothing but just lie around, taking rest. It helped that you lived near the beach. It was so relaxing to have a picnic on the beach. The calming sounds of waves, the sun hitting your skin. Your boyfriend's skin and his bare tits. You noticed he had unbuttoned his Hawaiian shirt.
You started tracing figures on them. His eyes averted to you. You looked so pretty under the sun, getting tanned.
You looked around to see if there are people near you. Luckily, most of them were at a far distance and some of them went to hit the water. It was a perfect time to give him his lemons, to repay last night.
He was enjoying the view until he felt something slowly crawling up his leg. You had moved your legs up his thighs, rubbing them against it. He was confused but his eyes widened when you got up and crawled between his legs.
"Y/n—fuck." You removed his semi-hard cock, grabbed it, stroking it up and down. "We're in public."
"So? That wasn't a problem for you when you were fucking me in the park the other day." You grinned. Suguru always fucked you whenever he wanted, regardless of the location. So it was only fair.
You bobbed your head, taking him in your mouth. He hissed, biting his lower lip, looking at your pretty face, swollen lips wrapped around his cock. Fuck. It was so risky. That's what made it even better. I told you. Geto stands by that moto, "when life gives you lemon, juice the shit out of it." So that's what he did. He grabbed your hair, guiding you. You felt so horny. He increased the pace, being harsh on you. When he came, his flicks fell down, body covered in sweat as he rolled his head back. You both furrowed your brows feeling more horny. He yanked you to the back of the palm tree. You knew you were going to have trouble walking back home. Glad you lived nearby.
The day was a fucking mess. It was so exhausting and busy. Sukuna was clumsy at work and it caused a big problem. He was refusing to come back home, but you were worried and went to pick him up.
"It's gonna be okay, baby. It happens to me too," you tried consoling him.
"You don't understand. This was supposed to be my big shot and messed up. I am so fucking frustrated." He sighed, hitting the steering wheel.
Sukuna has a habit of lashing his anger out on things. Not to people, never to you, but things. When you eneteredhis office, it was a goddamn mess. Files lying around, paper torn and a vase broken down. There was only person that could calm him down. It was you. You appeared in his life like a savior. He loved you so much.
You tried everything, every sentence that could help him calm down but nothing worked. But then you remembered one thing that always helps. You tried third time.
"What you doing?" You had unzipped his pants, snekaing your hand inside, making sure no one catches you in the parking spot. He was still frustrated but that turned into pleasure when the warmth of your mouth wrapped around his lengthy dick.
But Sukuna never feared someone catching you guys. That was the best thing about him. He embraced the risks, aware of the pleasure and profit it will cause him. Which is why it made him a perfect businessman.
You swiped your tongue on the tip of his length a few time, before taking it all in. Fuck, it felt so good to fuck your throat in the middle of the afternoon at a parking spot.
Sukuna came so hard, all his frustration washing away with his orgasm as his head rolled back and hands tighten around the steering wheel, ans your hair.
Nanami often had to work overtime. So the only day you could spend time together was on the weekends. You were so understanding, which is why Kento knew you were the right person for him. So he decided to make the weekend special for you.
He took you grocery shopping. It was odd. Don't get me wrong. He loved coming to the supermarket with you. Although it was rare that he suggested it this time.
You couldn't figure it out at first but as soon as time passed, you saw all the ingredients to your favorite dish in the cart. You smiled at him while he was picking up some sauce for the dish.
He asked you to wait a minute while he used the washroom. A very interesting thought strucked your mind. A dirty one too. You went after him, parking the cart in a corner where it wasn't so visible.
"Y/n. What you doing here? Who's watching the cart?" You locked the door behind you.
"Shh." You grabbed his collar, dragging him to the stall. You were lucky there was no one else in the washroom. Atleast yet. "Oh, Ken. You always work so hard for me. For us. It's only fair if I give you a little surprise."
"I don't understand—" he stopped when he found you on your knees. And then he got a hold of the situation. He smiled at you. Although you couldn't tell if it was innocent or flirty.
Nanami did the extra work for you, unbuckling his belt, taking his dick out for you. He slapped it against your cheeks for a few times before shoving it inside. You wetted it with you saliva and started sucking him off. Nanami was a moaning mess. When he came, he painted your lips that had been swollen from the actions white. He looked at you with those affectionate eyes as you licked your lips.
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Taglist: @hyenalite @vixan-ix @katsukichu @smoothy-ve @lillina @jjstsksen @tetsunormous @dukina @koifish69 @deartoru @bbytamaki @half-baked-biscuit @kyanyakya @httptamaki @certified-dilfhunter @beware-of-the-rogue @aasouthteranoswife @alfi-ry @xxrwzy @xo-lynx @crtlove-com @mutsu422 @hollowpurpl @megumischubbycheeks @sleepy3 @sugarbooger513 @valhallawhispers @amaya-writes @solar-starlight @bakugosgorl @stygianoir @dazaiskorspe @ramens-posts @noticemeakusenpai @somerandompipzsxh @satorusbunny @nekomamiiz @yokaisleep @jeansbabycake @narmisseite @rii-bows @sunasbitchhhh @dassmyname @lovesick-cryptid @aztecbrujeria @coolkat122 @weebaboobs @cl3v-j
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bamsara · 2 years
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Sorry I hope this isn't too sappy but I wanted to write a big thank you to everyone that came to stream last night and just abosultely obliterated me with kindness and support
For folks who weren't in stream: I had planned on setting up a commission thing on kofi to start tomarrow (today, now, but a day after this chaos event) to raise money to buy myself a christmas gift of a Switch, planned on clearing out a whole few days to try and earn money, but after figuring out to make a goal post thing on the KoFi page and on stream I decided to save from posting commission listings until I had a full day to sit down and stream it all since I had something else planned in the middle of the day
I did an art stream later in the day and let me tell you I was *floored* by kindness and people were just being so nice and im aughsdglhsdsdgsds. Not only did we meet the Kofi Goal, BUT THEY KEPT GOING. I'm scared to look at the total amount and I plan on refunding some folks when they're not looking because I feel so bad because tbh I haven't deserved or rightfully earned the amount of generosity given to me but I just wanted to say like, holy shit. Thank you? Thank you oh my goodness
I HAVE A SWITCH NOW. AND SOME GAMES. Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter: Rise to start. I've played Monster Hunter before so it's a love of mine but Animal Crossing is something Ive only gotten to play the free pocket camp phone version of, and watch videos of, so I'll have to learn the woes and wins of that game and I'm super excited!! And I'll be able to play online with people too holy shit
If you were in stream then you already know but if you werent or maybe tapped out early then I tried to caluclate and make a list of people who wanted doodles for what they donated, and the amount to my old commission list (sorry I haven't updated my examples in 2 years) and I plan on drawing doodles for the large donators and the folks who really just slammed me with love. I have some drawings to post already! If you see me drawing something on stream and finish it and not post it pls remind me because Im REALLY bad at that
Also I promised chat that I wouldn't open the Switch box until I did it with them so we can do that later tonight when I get fully home, but YEAH!
Anyway THANK YOU. I'm not the best with words but oh my god THANK YOU
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thetreefairy · 10 months
Platonic!yandere!Aang using the prompt Hydrangea please? Remember to drink water❤️🌼🕯️
Warning: Aang convinces the gaang that Reader needs him, airbender Reader, the gaang is also kinda starting to become yandere
Since pronounced were not specified: they/them reader
Hydrangea - "Perhaps we adore you too much to be just friends, family might be a better word." also can I just say I am terrified to start school again, this isn't my best but I hope you like it!
Kofi - 700 rules - 700 masterlist
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Aang couldn't believe it, he had heard from Zuko that there was an another airbender.
So the gaang couldn't help but agree that they needed to rescue the unknown airbender. They were kept at a remote island, surrounded by fire benders, they had to investigate the routine in place.
Reader hated their abilities, they hated that they could bend air. The firebenders around them often ridiculing their abilities, yet the fire princess treated them kindly.
Azula had just visited and had given them a book about airbending traditions, as she knew how desperate Reader was to reconnect to their roots. The reason for this gift? Reader had been a good pet.
Aang couldn't help but feel a pit grow in his gut, how dare they harm his sibling. How dare they ridicule our culture. But most of all, the audacity Azula has to treat you like a pet.
The gaang had to formulate a plan, and it didn't take long for Aang to start visiting them sneakily.
their first meeting went as expected. Strange.
Reader was reading the book on the air nation, scoffing at some parts that were obviously altered to suit the fire lord's point of view. "The book isn't trustworthy." A boy said, you looked up in shock, ready to scream until you saw what he was wearing. 'He has to be the avatar, or is there perhaps another airbender?' Reader thought, they couldn't speak, they didn't trust their voice.
"I'll get you out of here." He promised. "I'll teach you about our culture."
He was rambling. "Are you the avatar?" Reader interrupts, causing his eyes to widen with joy. "Yes, I am, my name is Aang." He introduced himself. "Zuko told me about you, you are Reader right?"
Reader nodded. "The fire prince?" They asked softly. "Did Zuko finally find himself?"
Aang chuckled at Reader's wording. "I'll tell you all about it when we get you out of here."
After that it didn't take long for Reader to be rescued, it went quietly and Reader sighed in relief when they were at a cave with the gaang. Shaking as they hugged Aang.
"I am Katara, this is my brother Sokka." Katara introduced herself and her brother. "I am Toph." The earthbender introduced himself.
"Hi Reader, it has been a while." Zuko started as he bowed slightly. "I apologize for my sister's behavior and my past insolence."
Reader then hugged Zuko and introduced themself to the gaang. "Thank you for rescuing me, I'll make sure to be out of your hair quickly." Reader added to their introduction, causing Aang's eyes to harden.
"You can stay with us for a while." Katara told Reader, Toph hummed in agreement and said; "Yeah, twinkle toes was so excited to find another twinkle toes, you can't just leave right away."
Alarm bells rang in their head, but they chose to ignore it.
How wrong that was of them.
During one of their stops at a village, Reader had made a lot of money with their story telling. Toph was always with them when they told their stories, and quite frankly she enjoyed them.
Aang wasn't allowed to stay with Reader during story telling because he would scare everyone off with a glare.
'At least he thought them about their culture' Reader thought whenever they saw unusual behavior from Aang.
When Reader saw that they had enough money to make it on their own for a while, they announced it to the gaang causing an uproar. "No." Aang said right away. "You can't.
"Twinkle junior, you need Aang." Toph would say. "You aren't as tough as me yet."
Reader had looked at Zuko for back up as the gaang gave them the reasons to stay and why they are too weak to live on their own, but he shook his head as well. So Reader decided to confront them.
"Why are you guys acting like this, this isn't how friends are supposed to act."
"Perhaps we adore you too much." Aang started. "To simply just be friends."
A nervous chuckle left Reader's mouth
"Family might be a better word."
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amoristt · 11 months
since you write for dbd now, can you write a drabble about frank (legion) finding reader in the trials, he used to know her and had feelings for her? can be dubcon/nsfw/sfw whatever you want!
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yes yes yes ye sye sye sys yes
- gn! reader . NSFW . noncon referenced but if there's a continuation it'll be dubcon! - as always comments/reblogs are appreciated! - want to support me? heres my kofi!
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Run, Rabbit | Frank Morrison/Reader
You don't know how it happened.
One moment, you're at work, mindlessly sweeping the floors of the supermarket you worked at like all the other drones employees around you. Time was ticking by astronomically slow and a part of you just wanted to throw your broom down and waltz out. Money be damned.
The last memory you could recall was heading towards the supply room to retrieve cleaning supplies and then… Nothing.
Nothing, and then, it was cold. It was damp, with harsh winds ruffling the fabric of your work uniform. You were outside standing in the middle of what looked like a road that had definitely seen some better days. The streetlight over head flickered in spasms and offered little light. From what you could make out, with narrowed eyes and dilating pupils, you seem to have found yourself planted in the middle of an abandoned town.
Kidnaping had crossed your mind, along with a million other horrific thoughts.
Would anyone even know where to look for you?
With little exploring along the looming walls of the 'town' you found what seemed to be a massive, electric gate. No power, and no way to climb out, so you took to exploring the town further. A certain… Dread filled you.
You couldn't put your finger on it but you swore you were being watched.
Feeling more prey than human you sauntered about, and used what little technician knowledge you'd learned over the years to tinker with generators in the hopes of powering your escape. It had been going well- until it wasn't. One wrong wire and boom. You were off like a bat out of hell.
The way your blood turned to ice when you heard a second set of footsteps behind you was criminal.
Heart in your throat, your fight or flight pumping shockwaves of adrenaline through your veins, your lungs heaving as you ran without even daring to lookback. You didn't have to. Awful, evil energy chased you- practically nipped at your heels. Mind screaming, eyes searching in desperation for somewhere to hide, you could have cried when you found yourself trapped in a corner of those tall, tall walls. Only then did you whip around to face your attacker.
A white, dirty mask adorned by a tall skinny figure has your breath hitching in your throat.
Frank could have jumped for joy when he heard the delightful sound of an explosion merely yards away. It was like Christmas day- like a gift from god. His blade was hungry in his hand, his eyes searching through the familiar darkness for the survivor.
Excitement vibrated on his skin when he saw the faintest form of a figure in the mist.
His pace picked up, and he gained on you faster than you'd thought possible. In mere moments he was less than a foot away, practically able to reach out, grab your hair and rip you to his feet. But, Frank's always found he loves the chase. He lets you get a couple feet on him, he lets you think you have a chance.
He lets you run yourself into a corner like a frightened rabbit.
And god, when you turn to look at him, with those big doe-like eyes and a trembling lower lip, he knows why the Entity had brought him here. He takes a pause of appreciation for a few seconds while you stumble backwards. When your feet hit the wall behind you, he drinks in your appearance, clicks his tongue tauntingly, and twirls his blade in his hands. Your fear ridden voice reaches him like a song.
A song that he finds himself… Recognizing.
From behind his mask, he narrows his eyes. He knows you- he's sure of it. Somehow…
It clicks somewhere in his brain when he really looks at you- past the fear, past the shaking fingers and the sheen of sweat over your skin. A wiry smile forms on his lips and he can't help but laugh to himself deep in his chest. The sound brings waves of terror that he can see course through you.
Years it's been since he's last seen you, he thinks. He'd been in this place for so long he isn't even sure. Maybe it was years, maybe it was decades, even. All he knew was that no matter how long it had been, you were here now, standing before him and completely at his non-existent mercy. He'd always been fond of you since he'd met you in Ormond. You were a free thinker, treading on the darker side of the moon just like him. You saw the cracks in humanity, saw the world through his very same lenses.
He loved your fiery spirit, your impenetrable will.
And, most of all, he loved how he just knew he could tear it all down.
But he'd never got the chance. Your parents had damn near grabbed you by the scruff of your neck and dragged you to a different, safer city once they'd learned the types of people their child had been hanging out with. The types of influences you'd been around. He'd always felt a strange, out of place sadness at never even getting to figure out where you'd been taken.
Or maybe it wasn't so much sadness, as it was disappointment he hadn't really gotten the chance to corrupt you.
You were the one that got away.
Until now, that was. Because now you were here practically fucking gift wrapped for him, like the Entity was rewarding him for his devious behavior.
You're watching every movement he makes, pupils searching frantically for his line of sight, hands clasped at your heaving chest. It make's him giddy.
Frank can't hold back the snarky laugh that escapes him when he takes in your outfit, noting the corporate companies logo. If only your past self could see you now, they'd be sorely disappointed. But, surely that didn't matter. Not now.
Smoothly, he dangles his knife out to his side, before he lets it go. It thuds to the ground, abandoned. It offers little comfort to you, he notices, seeing your worried expression eye the knife before trailing back up to his mask. If he had a little more decency, he'd feel almost a bit bad for you. But, he doesn't, so… He doesn't.
After all, why deny himself of something he'd always wanted?
His figure looms over yours, a light behind him casting a deep shadow over your shrinking form. The outline of you vibrates as you shake fiercely before him. His fingers twitch to touch you, and something below his belt does too. His blood is hot under his skin as he imagines all of the things he wants to do you.
A part of Frank wants to rush in- tear away the layers of clothing keeping you covered and collapsing your shaking knees to the dirt, rip at your hair and force you to choke him down. Or, perhaps, use his trusty knife to drag weeping lines down your exposed flesh, have you cry out and squirm underneath him. The thought makes him shiver in need.
Or, he could take his time. A bit unlike him, sure, but this was a special occasion.
He could play it slow, drag the pads of his fingers up your arms, to the dips of your collar bones. Witness every last goosebumps in it's wake.
He could flatten the palms of his hands and slide it up your shirt until you're the one trying to take it off. Trace the outline of your arousal through your thin underwear until those terrified shakes turn into ones of want. And he knows he could do it, too.
Oh, he could work you until you're practically begging for him to take you.
Mind racing, eager arousal bubbling within him, he brings a hand up to your face and pats your cheek before he flattens his palm against your flesh. It's dewy, hot.
Gently, he caresses you, thump rubbing saccharine circles into your skin. You barely flinch away, eyes fixated on him with a panting breath ghosting past your lips.
Frank grins to himself.
Talk about fun.
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finniestoncrane · 21 days
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Old Times Pornstar!Cooper Howard x Fem!Reader, multi-part au fic cooper howard is a former actor, novice pornstar, and current wasteland escort. reader mistakes him for a bounty hunter and ends up getting far more entwined in his lifestyle than they intended in a bid to get what they need from the first 'kind' person they've met in a long time🤎
☢️ Chapter 3: Show Time, word count: 4.5k cooper has a little idea that really seems like a win-win-win-win!! reader gets enough money to hire a bounty hunter, cooper gets paid his due, they both get to spend more time together, and hundreds of people will benefit from that!! unless you hate cowboy themed puns, in which case you WILL NOT benefit... Chapter 1 Chapter 2 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: penetrative sex, blowjobs, cumshot, facial, sex on tape, pornography/sex work, rough sex, exhibitionism, puns and bad acting abound, missionary/doggy style/cowgirl, fingering
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The bar was open when you woke up, surprisingly selling alcohol as well as some food. No one else appeared to be eating, only sipping out of bottles or chipped mugs in complete silence. So you thought it would be best to join them. 
Once you were comfortable on your stool, you rifled through your bag, finding a few caps in the inside pocket. You asked the bartender for a beer and took a swig, scowling at the taste, but taking another one immediately after anyway. The bitter flavour was waking you up, heightening your senses, clearing your mind with enough of a shock that you could hear your thoughts. About Cooper, about the night before, about how or when you were going to either continue on your mission, or return home empty handed, worse off than when you left. 
It would be a difficult choice. But not one you had to make immediately. You could allow yourself a day, maybe another night here or in the next settlement. A break from reality. From the pain of home. You rifled through your bag once more, making sure you had enough of what you needed, except for caps, which you were now lacking in completely, and finished the last of your beer. You had intended to go for a walk around the town, see what else a big settlement like this had to offer, but as you stood up and turned, you walked straight into the person standing behind you. 
“You leaving without a goodbye then, darlin’? When you owe me money?”
“Cooper! I, uh… I wasn’t actually-”
“You think I wouldn’t notice?” 
He tossed your caps onto the bar, all of them jangling together in their container. 
“I seem to be missing a few.”
“Well, I had to pay for the other room, so I thought-”
“No excuses.”
He tapped the tin with one gloved finger, looking at you intently, never blinking, not once.
“You didn’t even leave me a tip. Was it that bad? ‘Cause it sure didn’t seem like it was.”
“No! Cooper, it was… it was really good.”
You had lowered your voice, aware that there were people close enough to hear your discussion, and not wanting to embarrass Cooper in front of them, or have yourself outed to the entire town as the new girl who was only there to fuck their resident trick pony. In response, Cooper leaned in, whispering, his voice rumbling through his chest as he grinned.
“Well, I suppose I can let you in on my plan. A way for you to keep that pittance for your bounty hunter and to give me my dues, plus interest. Whaddaya say?”
It took all of your focus not to jump immediately at the opportunity. Most of that enthusiasm was down to the idea that you might get to spend even more time with Cooper, something you’d been pining for since you’d left the room the night before. And it killed two birds with one stone, because the longer you were here, under the guise of actually working on the plans you set out with, the longer you could avoid the seemingly inevitable conclusion of having to return home with nothing. 
Maybe Cooper would offer you something new. An opportunity. Maybe, if you prayed hard enough, you could spend the rest of your life doing nasty things with Cooper, having fun, with someone more exciting that anything you had ever encountered before, and then you’d never have to face home or the failure that came with it. That felt like a pretty good deal. 
For Cooper, it was a chance to feel like himself again. He’d spent so long in this new body, this new way of thinking, that he had almost forgotten what values he held close. Before this, before the bombs, before Barb and Vault Tec and the divorce. Until you had spoken simple words of kindness to him, he’d never thought about how much he’d given up. But he realised that with you, he had a chance to help someone, and help himself, his old self, at the same time. 
And it wasn’t as if he was giving up on being a reprehensible bastard cold turkey. Even though he was doing some good, he was lining himself up for a damn good time in the process. He just couldn’t send you away yet though, not when he was feeling a proper connection for the first time in a long time. Not when there was someone he felt something with. 
Both of you were also worried about the same thing, though neither of you would admit it. It felt far too soon, almost cliched, to be so tied to one another already, but there was a tether there between you. Cooper couldn’t face the idea of going back to anonymous, meaningless sex where his body was the focus and his mind and soul were locked in a box until he was finished doing the task he was paid for. He couldn’t bear the thought of feeling the inside of someone else’s body, when he’d known yours so intimately, although briefly. And on very much the same train of thought as Cooper, it pained you to think about him going off and being with other people, forgetting about you maybe, after one or two or three more clients. There was more to your encounter than that, more than could, or should, be forgotten. Fate, kismet, destiny. 
But those felt like very sappy words to throw out so soon after meeting each other, if at all. So you both kept looking at one another until you broke first under his intense gaze.
“Ok then, Cooper. What did you have in mind?”
“Follow me.”
He stood up from the bar and walked towards a table in the corner of the room, shaded and dark, as though he required the atmosphere to drill home the nature of the deal which you imagined was going to be shady, given Cooper’s mischievous grin. Once you were both seated, he leaned in across the table and spoke in a hushed tone.
“Now, I told you I have a way for me to get paid, and for you to make enough money to find a better bounty hunter than you were gonna for that shit budget you had before, but you’re gonna have to hear me out, darlin’, because I don’t think you’ll take kindly to this to begin with.”
You nodded slowly, brows furrowing in a look of concern as you wondered what Cooper was about to say to you. But instead of opening with his plan, he opted to ease you into it, sort of uncomfortably, by reflecting on the night before. 
“Listen… I don’t want to give you any undue credit for what was all my work, but last night… Well, that was really something.”
Swallowing your nerves, you nodded once more, trying to downplay the excitement burning in your throat. It might never happen again, despite how much you wanted it, but at least Cooper had felt the same way. It had been different. Special, if you wanted to use a word that made you almost cringe. 
“I gotta tell you, I haven’t had that kind of chemistry with someone since… well, in a long time. Usually, this work, it’s a means to an end that doesn’t seem to be coming. But I think I know how to get out of it. If you’ll… indulge me.”
Another nod. Still no words. You didn’t think you could speak even if you had anything to say except a shrill, giddy scream. 
“Now, before all of this, and I mean before all of this, I was something of a star. Up on the big screen, and the small screen. Just about any screen they had. And while I’m not particularly proud of some of my work, having had to let my body do the lead role, I can’t deny that it was lucrative. There’s always money in sex, y’know?”
You imagined there was. Already you’d sunk your remaining life savings into it, and you’d only been propositioned once. It was clearly an industry worth something, even though Cooper hardly sold it by proclaiming he wasn’t proud of it. Still, you were keen to know where he was going with this, still unsure, or perhaps not allowing yourself to read too far ahead in fear of making an assumption that would be incredibly embarrassing. 
“See, the kind of chemistry we had - have - is one you don’t come across too often, and it works so well on screen. We’d be foolish not to take advantage of that, don’t you think?”
“I agree.”
Your voice cracked on the last syllable, but you felt you had managed to play it cool as best as you could be expected to when Cooper was smiling at you the way he was, leaning over the table, close enough to you that you could feel his warm breath on your cheeks.
“So I propose that we use it to our advantage. A contact of mine, scavenger, he found some pretty good equipment, and one of his friends figured out how to work it. I bought it from them, nostalgia’s sake. We could make ourselves a little movie, sell some bootleg holotapes at the bar to my vast and varied clientele. Profits for me, profits for you. What do you think?”
“You want us… to…?”
“Make some pornography. You’re familiar with it, aren’t you?”
And of course you were. Who wasn’t? Explicit material was hoarded, traded, treated like high class art because of its desirability but rarity. Hand-drawn, audio recordings, some magazines. But you’d never watched any before.
“And that’s… that’s something people would want?”
Cooper scoffed, settling back in his chair, shrugging his shoulders so nonchalantly at your query. 
“They might not know it, but it is. Any TV out there, provided it’s not blasted to shit, you can connect it to power. It won’t show anything new of course, but they’ll play a holotape. I know we’ve got a market for this. I know it. But you’ll just have to trust me, I suppose.”
You mulled it over. There were so many things to take into consideration, and so few of them were actually permeating past the excitement of getting to fuck Cooper once more. Besides, you needed the money. It wasn’t as if you were in a position to turn down whatever it was he was going to offer in the way of a grand scheme. You still felt like there should be at least an attempt at pretending to think it over, so you asked him the only question you could think of. 
“How will I know what to… do? Or say? Is there going to be a story?”
Cooper grinned wide, his yellowed teeth bared at you in a mischievous expression as he leaned in once more. 
“Oh don’t you worry about that. I had a bit of a hobby, writing scripts. No one ever wanted them, but I always fancied myself moving into writing or directing in my later years. And how much later can we get, I’m already two hundred years after considering that.”
Despite giggling at his comment, you could feel the sudden stress rising up in your chest, and you took a deep breath before asking him the follow up question that was playing on your mind.
“Do I need to like… remember what to say?”
“You know what, darlin’?”
Cooper took your hand in his, patting it condescendingly, but you took the comfort eagerly.
“You don’t have to say a thing except for what comes naturally. You let me carry the scene. I am the actor, after all.”
He winked to you, lifting his glass and downing his drink in one. 
“Shall I show you my script then? You in?”
With an enthusiastic nod you got up when he did, following him back through to the room you had paid for the previous day and sitting down on the bed with him, clutching the frayed, torn papers he had tossed to you from his pocket. Reading over it, you could feel both a desire to giggle and blush, as well as a heat crossing your lower back. It was so corny, so obvious, but nevertheless it was arousing. 
“So, what do you think then, darlin’? Am I good, or am I good?”
“Oh… you’re good, Cooper.”
“You in then?”
Again, you didn’t want to seem too eager, so you pretended to mull it over, looking at the paper so you could avoid Cooper’s gaze, before you set them down next to you and nodded to him.
“I’m in.”
He clapped his hands in excitement, stomping heavily towards the pack in the corner of the room, his own possessions stowed away neatly, a lifetime condensed, dust picking up around him, becoming unsettled in his frenzy. 
“What are you… Oh… Oh, Cooper… really?”
In his hands he held two items of clothing. A skirt that was barely anything, moth-bitten and stained slightly, but still surprisingly white in colour. And a shirt, similarly discoloured, fringe detailing on the collar with frayed embroidery detail the shoulders.
“You gotta look the part, darlin’. Now, you go put that on and I’ll get us set up.”
In the bathroom, you put on the outfit Cooper somehow just had, clearly waiting for an opportunity like this to come up, waiting for someone to fill the role. It made you feel special, like you were the chosen one. And that boost of confidence made you feel all the more attractive in the skimpy skirt and shirt that felt a little too tight across your chest. Upon exiting the bathroom, you found Cooper waiting for you by the side of the bed, the big heavy lump of equipment sitting on the wonky dresser and aimed at the bed. 
“Shouldn’t it look more like… a Western in here?”
“You got the budget for set dressing, missy?”
You raised your hands up, a silent apology for even questioning it, realising that Cooper had quickly been distracted by your outfit and was already forgetting your insolence as he took in how much of your legs were on display. 
Snapping himself out of the fugue state brought on by your body, he swallowed the collecting drool in his mouth and hit the button on the camera, walking over to you and winking. You did your best to recollect the bare bones of the script, enough that it might see you through this. But you were confident that in your excitement, you could play the part well enough.
“You’re safe now, ma’am. Those raiders won’t be comin’ round here no more.”
Standing before Cooper, you hesitated for a moment. But when he caught your eye, he offered you an encouraging nod and a smile that washed away most of your nerves, enough that you managed to get out your first line. And once that was out of the way, everything after it came easily.
“Why, kind sir. How can I ever repay you?”
“Well, little lady, I can think of plenty of ways you could thank me for my valiant efforts.”
“And what might those be, sir?”
Cooper hooked his arm around your back, pulling you into a quick embrace, tipping up the brim of his hat so he could lean into you.
“Oh! Well, sir… is that a pistol in your pocket? Or are you just that happy to do a good deed?”
“It’s my six shooter, darlin’. And if you’re a good girl, I’ll let you unload it.”
“Wow, you truly are a real cowboy, ain’t you?”
Pushing past the urge to cringe at the slight accent you were putting on, you managed to keep up the flirtatious act as you leaned into Cooper, hands behind your back to push your chest out further as you swayed a little. 
“Indeed I am, little miss. Now, let me show you how a cowboy gets his thanks.”
Cooper grabbed your hips, pushing you backwards until you landed on the rusting bed with a thud and a squeak. He was quick to hike up your skirt, pushing the fabric up until you were exposed to him, no underwear on. He pulled at your waist, angling you so you could be seen by the camera, and as you nervously pressed your thighs together he pushed his hand between your legs and spread them back apart.
Two of his fingers began gently stroking at your already wet and aching cunt, diving into it slowly, testing the waters, teasing you, like a glimpse of what was to come as his fingertips tapped right against the perfect spot. 
“You sure are somethin’, sweetheart. A mare to tame, huh? Lucky for you, I’ve done my fair share of ranch work.”
He worked quickly at his belt and pants, letting them slide down to his thighs, freeing his thick, hard cock. No sooner than you had begun to admire it, mouth watering, stomach clenching, he had lined it up with your entrance. He slid the tip against your folds, the head tapping your clit and sliding back down before he shifted his hips and pushed forward, entering you in one smooth motion. 
Your body reacted with a wave of heat, electricity flooding your nervous system, waves of static rushing over you as he began to pump his hips into you. He pushed his arms behind your back and lifted you slightly, bringing you to an angle, bucking up to fuck you deeper. You hooked a leg around his waist, holding him as close as possible, not wanting him to ever slide his cock back out of your cunt. You felt complete with it in there, throbbing against your walls. 
With your body close to his, he pressed his forehead to yours, unblinking as he focused on your eyes. There was an insatiable hunger in them, a ravenous desire for you that wasn’t just a bit for the camera. Cooper was really that hungry for you, greedy in his ruinous pounding as he let his cheek rest beside yours, tugging on your earlobes with his teeth as he grunted with exertion. Your heart thrummed as he teased your skin, working down your neck, biting the skin and sucking it into his mouth with a soft groan. 
But he let up quickly, softening the blow of his sudden stopping by cupping your cheeks in his hands.
“Bend over, darlin’. I wanna ride you like the wild pony I know you are.”
You were up and repositioning yourself almost immediately, his cock slipping free of your cunt with a deliciously wet sound, your thighs coated in your arousal, spreading apart once you were on your knees before him on the bed, waiting to be filled again. 
Cooper watched as you opened yourself up to him, holding his breath as he lined his head up once again with your cunt, pushing in slowly, inch by inch, until he was completely swallowed by your warmth. Setting himself at a brutal pace, he snapped his hips back and forwards against you, biting back his moans, breath hitching as he pulled your hips down onto him hard and fast. His fingers dug into your waist, nails pressing sharp crescents into your skin as he recklessly fucked you.
With a silent scream you arched your back as he rutted into you, deep and penetrating, only becoming more erratic as you writhed under him, squirming with pleasure as the head of his cock pounded against your g spot. Each knock felt like a jolt surging through you, each buck of his hips, the way he rolled into you, a sweet impact of pain and pleasure. You could feel him through you, full of him, happy to take him like this, his co-star, a place for him to bury his cock and make his money.
His legs began trembling, and he slowed his pace with a deep exhale.
“Wanna see if you can make me scream ‘yeehaw’, sweet thing? Why don’t you hop up on my lap. You can ride me so hard they might need to take me out back and shoot me.”
Cooper settled himself onto the bed beside you, patting against his thighs and waiting as you adjusted yourself once more, your legs straddling his hips. He held the base of his cock still as you sank down onto it, your cunt spreading, stretching to fit him once more, taking the entire length immediately, feeling completely stuffed.
He hissed, biting his lip as his cock disappeared into you once more, the pressure around him as you clenched, gripping him, had him whispering out in heated moans, until he was finally accustomed to the feeling. 
“I hope you’ve got good balance there, darlin’, cos I want you riding me bareback like you were a pro.”
His voice rasped on the words, a low, guttural sound that fell over his lips, a threat more than flirtatious joking, and you were happy to see it through. 
Working your thighs, you began rolling your own hips against him, feeling him twitch as you slid up and down his cock. Cooper’s breathy moans only spurred you on, moving faster, harder against him. His eyes were focused on your body, the way your breasts bounced as you rode him.
In a frenzied move that almost had you falling from him, he pulled your neck, bringing your body down to him, your hips moving up and down to keep sliding over his cock, bringing it inside of you, still buried deep within your cunt, but now he could nuzzle against your chest. 
His breath was warm against your skin, his neck stretching so he could catch your nipples in his mouth, worrying the buds with his teeth and tongue, sucking at them with satisfied sounds of ecstacy. Cooper’s own hips had begun bucking to, a syncopated rhythm between you both that led to a wild, frenetic pumping of his cock inside of your aching, fluttering walls. 
“Fuck… fuck… fuck.”
He’d lost all control of himself, and could feel the climax approaching, faster than he had hoped, but he couldn’t have expected it to feel this good. With a smile, he pushed your shoulders back, watching you as you sat on his lap, cock deep within you, pulsing, close to cumming with every little movement you made. 
“Now I know you ain’t a one trick pony, why don’t you show me what else you got up your sleeve.”
Cooper lifted your hips, guiding you off of his cock, your slick coating it in strands that pulled and dripped against your thighs. Following his strong arms, you sank to your knees on the floor in front of him, noting that you were directly in the line of the camera lens, ready for your big finale. 
He began stroking his cock, his palm becoming sticky with your arousal, the smacking sound of the well-lubricated motions so lewd, almost sultry. The perfect addition to the film.
“How familiar are you with ropes? Because I got a few for you here.”
His face was growing warmer, nerves on fire, cheeks burning, as he felt himself reaching his climax. With a racing heart, Cooper began to lose his composure, hitched breaths leading into a loud cry, a choked sob and moan as he came, white, thick ropes of his seed spilling onto your cheeks, against your lips, your neck and chest covered in droplets too.
Standing unsteadily, Cooper began to dissolve into the pleasure of a satisfactory conclusion, but not before he finished up the scene. His hand moved to the side of your neck, stroking around, fingers trailing over the front of your throat before his touch left you. 
“I’ll be on my way now, ma’am. But you ever run into trouble again… I sure would like to be the one that saves you.”
You managed to suppress the giggles until he was standing in front of the old camera, hitting the button again. He started dressing himself, presentable enough that he could leave the room.
“Cooper… that was…”
The words wouldn’t come to you, or rather, too many words came to you. Silly. Fun. Surprisingly hot. But as you watched his face contort into one of anticipation, almost nervous, you knew which one he wanted to hear.
“... amazing.”
His charming, cheeky smile rose back up on his lips as he nodded towards.
“Well, thank you, darlin’. You never know… this sells well enough and I might be looking to find a permanent position for you in this little business venture.”
You hoped he would. Beyond anything else, that’s what you wanted. Somewhere, at some point during all of the fun you were having with him, your subconscious had come to the conclusion that spending more time with Cooper, potentially all of your time with him, was what you wanted now. You could send money back to your settlement. You could hire a bounty hunter to do the work for you on their behalf. You could free yourself from a quiet life. You could find excitement, pleasure and, potentially, love. All of it was possible now. And you suspected that Cooper was certain it was too. Otherwise, would he even have mentioned the possibility of continuing to work together? He didn’t seem like the kind of man who would tease about something like that.
The thoughts remained in your head, too afraid to say them out loud in case you scared Cooper off with your quick attachment and your eagerness to be fucked by him on a long-term basis. You tried to think of something to say. Sharp, witty. Something that would set you on the same level as him, or at least close to it. Something that told him how much you wanted him, how much you wanted to stay here, without actually saying those words out right. But as you pondered over it, you realised you had another burning question, one that actually might work on all the levels you needed it to.
“Wait, don’t I get to finish?”
Cooper turned to you from the doorway, smiling wide, a smirk that made your stomach muscles tighten.
“When this little movie gets us our money and you can afford to pay me, I’ll make sure you do.”
He turned away, walking out of the door with the camera and the pile of holotapes in hand. Once you were dressed, and you had cleaned him off of your face, you followed after him, quick and dutifully, as you expected to, or at least hoped to, for as long as he’d let you.
Just as you finished dressing yourself, Cooper appeared in the door frame, tipping his hat to you as he winked.
“You comin’ then, partner?”
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ransprang · 7 months
Vi x reader (Piss kink part 2)
Thank you anon for requesting on our KoFi
Read the Vi Piss kink part 1 here!
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The rolling green hills of Malaysia were making you horny again as you drove through the lush countryside. You were still replaying the events from only a few hours ago, where you had had your pink haired goddess moaning and writhing in ecstasy above you.
You tried to stay fixated on the road but your eyes were glazing over with lust. Your mind filled with thoughts of your lover, guzzling water, getting hydrated, wet and ready for the next session. What a horny slut. Your slut. 
As your eyes scanned the road ahead, you noticed Vi fall asleep, she was clearly tired from being fucked, you smiled at how beautiful she looked. You could hear her snoring softly as you drove, and that was enough background noise to keep you from turning on the radio. 
As you drove, you noticed that a small rest stop was nearing. You opened your mouth to let Vi know, but then paused. She looked so peaceful resting next to you, without the usual worries and cares which usually lined her features. Suddenly you didn’t have the heart to wake her. Instead you kept driving, and if that resulted in a little reward for you later, you weren’t going to complain.
After an hour’s drive with Vi deep in slumber, you reached the pit stop to get some snacks for the 4 hour road ahead of you. The trees were getting darker against the twilight sky, the street lights were now switched on, and as you got off the car at the petrol pump, there was a dingy air about it.
 A massive Shell sign marked its entrance, there were several empty pumps in front of you, and a small shop with supplies behind. You parked the car at one of the pumps and as you hooked the pump in, carefully as to not wake Vi up, you took the time to jog to buy snacks. 
Opening the door, you were greeted by a very old man, with long white hair in a pony. He was smoking a cigarette and did not bother looking up as you searched the shelves for some pringles, and soft drinks. Eventually picking up all your items you reach the cashier placing them down to get scanned, when you noticed something behind the eccentric man. Long, cylindrical, dark shapes were hanging at the back. Some were in innocuous white packages, others out in the open with delicate adornments like ridges and indents. This man had the biggest and most diverse collection of strap-ons you had ever seen.
With your mouth open you were stunned for a second, the old man instantly took note and casually remarked “Oh this? Ha, you wouldn’t believe what kind of people we get.” Snapping out of your trance, you kept looking at the different types before you, big, small, purple, black, ribbed and smooth. The variety was enormous, further fueling your curiosity.
 As the cashier scanned your final item, he turned around and asked “So which one is it for you?” Looking at the collection, your eyes widened as you stuttered out, “Uh, uhm, the pink ribbed one please.” The old man nonchalantly picked it up and added it your bag.
“That’ll be 150 ringgit”, the old man’s eyes bore into yours intensely. Perhaps he had seen a lot in this little shop. Handing him the money you ran out with the bag, excited to show Vi your interesting find. 
You went back to your car and closed the door softly, careful not to wake your sleeping beauty up. You placed the little bag on the dashboard and restarted the car. Anticipation thrummed under your skin, but you held yourself back. Chewing on your lip you tried to keep your thoughts from straying off the road.
After a while, looking in the mirror you saw Vi stirring around. Her eyes blinked, fluttering open. She groaned as she propped herself up. Your eyes met and you gave her a smile, “Hey beautiful, seems like you’re finally awake. Slept well after our little adventure?” you asked.
She laughed, “Yea cupcake. Slept well alright. How long have y’been driving for?” She ruffled her hair a bit, looking around the nighttime landscape. “A while,” you replied.
Vi quirked an eyebrow, “Geez doll, we still ain’t at the villa yet?” You tried to contain your laughter, “Yeah. The highlands are pretty vast I guess. How was your nap?”
“Good. Had some interesting dreams.”
“Oh do tell,” you replied, your heartrate picking up. “What did you dream about?”
“Let’s just say I was rather looking forward to reaching the hotel,” Vi smirked.
“And what did you have in mind babe?” You said, arousal running down your spine. Vi’s lips quirked into a devious grin which quickly spread across her face, “You’ll see.”
Your grip tightened on the steering wheel, “Why wait?”
Vi gave you a sideways glance. 
“I got you a present,” you told her, indicating the plastic bag on the dashboard. “Open it.”
You could see the gleam in Vi’s eyes as she peeked inside, her face colouring immediately. You parked the car at the side of the road as Vi looked up at you, her expression lustful. 
“Let’s move to the backseat, shall we?” You suggested slyly.
Vi all but ran and clambered into the backseat of the car with you following quickly behind.
As you loomed over her in the backseat you gently took the packet she had clenched in her hands. Her hands free, she cupped your cheek and closed her eyes, leaning in to kiss you. 
As Vi kissed you, her tongue explored your mouth, she wanted you. Her aggression got stronger, she began pawing at your clothes as she pushed you back. As you fell back onto the seat she pulled her top off and began unbuttoning her shorts, pulling them down. You scampered to get your own clothes off quickly, Vi was breathing heavily in an attempt to control herself. 
She sat there naked rubbing her thighs together clamping her pussy folds together. You noticed the motion and bit your lower lip. You could feel the fire within you burn. You whispered, “Vi? Baby lie back, let me see you.” Vi was so hot, heavy beads of sweat began sliding down her breasts falling onto her toned abs. She laid back down and parted her legs, you could see her vagina, wet and dripping. 
Vi used her hand and began rubbing her clit, rolling her eyes back as she let out a moan, she added on, “I need you.” Eager to please, you put on the 8 inch strap on and rubbed at the tip, preparing it to enter Vi’s entrance. It felt cool under your touch but you knew it would heat up quickly enough. You pulled out a packet of lube and emptied it onto the plastic pink dildo, giving it a few solid strokes to spread it out. 
You grabbed the strap-on and rubbed it on her clit, you could see it red and swollen from stimulation. She felt a jolt, you could see her stomach contract, as she released her breath. Vi was beginning to shake from pleasure. You entered slowly, making sure she was comfortable. The ridges and girth of the dildo stretched her sweet pussy out. Vi moaned with her eyes rolling back, “Fuck, yes.”
Once your whole length was within her, Vi used her hands to hold your waist to guide your hips and control your pace. She loved being in charge after all. You went faster and faster, Vi tightened her legs around your waist, “Cupcake..fuck I…I think I have to pee again. It feels really good baby, don’t stop.” You pick up your speed, “You’re taking me in so well,” you laugh breathlessly, looking at the feast before your eyes. 
Vi rubs her clit faster, as her G spot gets fucked and her bladder throbs. She arches her back, in absolute ecstasy, she was on cloud nine. You could see how her supple breasts bounced with each thrust, sweat rolling down her body. You ached to make her cum. Vi moaned and stuttered out, “I don't think I can hold it in,” biting her lip. 
You knew what you had to do next, as you slid your strap on out of her and pulled away you set her straight, essentially increasing the pressure on her bladder, making her even more sensitive. You took the car seat belt and strapped Vi in securely, completely naked with legs parted. You lowered yourself, kissing all the way down to her cunt. You lightly sucked on it as you used your tongue to play with her folds. 
Vi’s urge to pee only got stronger as she contracted her vagina tightly in order to hold it. She could feel jolts of electricity rise up from her clit, as her urethra got stimulated. You used your fingers to part open her pussy as you flicked her clit with your tongue, you could taste her sweetness. You began kissing her vulva as she used the tip of her finger to rub her clit. 
She could not contain herself any longer as she let herself release some of her fluids onto you. Instantly pulling away you exclaimed authoritatively “Won't let you be relieved just yet.” As you went back in with your strap on, humping her faster with Vi’s legs resting on your shoulders.
You lean closer to her body, both your tits rubbing together, you could feel her hard nipples against yours. You smashed your lips against Vi’s as your hips picked up pace pumping the woman beneath you. Vi, moaned loudly as she flipped you around. She let the seat belt loose and got on top of you, riding you, rubbing her cunt. She leaned back in a cowboy position as she released her juices. They spilled out around you. Vi moaned louder as she squirted, little spurts of urine spattering onto the car and your naked body. Vi was breathing heavily as she relieved herself, her face twisted in ecstasy.. You held her tightly, shoving your cock deeper into her as she orgasmed all over you. 
As she came, you slowed down your pace and let her body stop quivering. You watched as the seat beneath you was drenched with her sweat, piss and cum. She moaned as she lifted her pussy up from the cock. 
She sat on your lap and smacked your tit, “Good girl, pleasuring me, now…should I help you?” You needed her “Yes…” you said with an air of desperation. Vi smirked, “Oh please, you have to do better than that. Beg me.” You cupped her face “Vi, I want you to fuck me so hard, relieve the ache in my pussy.” Vi pushed you back almost harshly taking the strap-on off you and wearing it herself. “Cant believe I will fuck you with the same dick you put in me.” 
As the tip of the cock entered you, still warm from its previous activity, you rubbed your clit with one hand and played with your nipples with the other. You wanted to cum so bad, especially with the stimulation from the strap on rubbing against your clit, you were already so close. You arched your back and asked Vi to slow down,”Vi, I want to feel you please,” you begged. Vi had an evil smirk “Feel me? Huh”, she stopped and pulled out. She took off the strap on and positioned herself to scissor you. 
Lining her clit against yours, she slowly moved her hips for her pussy lips to rub against yours. You both looked down at your pussies rubbing against each other, watching the various juices get mixed together. Feeling satisfied from stimulating your vulva, as she easily moved you to sit up on her lap, with her thigh between your legs. 
“Ride”, she commanded, looking into your eyes. You rubbed and rode her thigh desperately, leaving your juices on her. You rode her till you felt the heat rise up from your clit, it spread through your folds and went back to your pussy. You watched as her eyes wandered from the friction between your pussy and her thigh, up to the way your breasts moved frantically. Your face heated up from the intense attention. You threw your head back and moaned “Vi…”. She used her hand to gently rearrange your hair out of your face, leaning forward to kiss your neck, leaving hickeys. Vi’s hands moved to your hips helping you increase your speed, “Come on baby. Cum for me.” 
Knowing you were just about to go over the edge, you tweaked your nipples, and with one final hip thrust you felt yourself burst as you came. You breathed heavily as Vi kept rocking your hips gently, making you ride out your orgasm. Once you came down from your high, you looked at Vi as you both looked at each other with eyes filled with love and ecstasy as she pulled you into a tight hug. 
Once you had both caught your breath you looked around and saw the car was filthy, the seats soaked and the entire place smelt of sex and piss. Vi smiled at you sheepishly, “We got a little too carried away, huh cupcake?” 
You whispered in her ear “Thank you for being in my life”, Vi smiled as she stroked your hair, “And thank you for being in mine.” You both smiled as she looked at the strap on kept beside, Vi laughed “You're crazy. How the hell did we end up doing this on a road trip?” You laughed loudly with your head resting on her shoulder “Well, I am in fact crazy, for you.” Vi poked your belly tickling and teasing you. “Not more than me.” She pulled you in for a deep kiss. Finally she reached out for her top, not bothering with her bra or panty she wore her grey top and pulled on her shorts. She hopped onto the passenger seat from the back. You took the time to clean the strap on and the seats with tissues. You wore your clothes and went back to the driver's seat. You looked at your passenger princess, “Next stop is the tandas I'm guessing.” 
Vi laughed, “You know it.”
You giggled, “C’mon, it’s my fault for not waking you at the rest stop. We are only 20 minutes away from the next one.”
You got back into the driver’s seat and headed towards the next destination, eager to see what else awaited the two of you on the rest of your holiday.
Your peepee,
Admin Sav, San, Sar
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jebewonmorelike · 1 year
Pay You Back
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wc: 1.3k (failed my own 1.1k challenge but close enough) pronouns: none used; n/a warnings: fluff, some themes of social anxiety/embarrassment in public but nothing descriptive, asking about financial troubles, hao being both your mom and boyfriend, he's in zb1 in this summary: idolboyfriend!hao has to come rescue reader when their card declines at the grocery store and he is not prepared to find out the reason it's maxed out. ~masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ so i wrote this to see if i could force myself to limit to under 1.1k words... i have a tendency to get carried away and not as many people like longer fics so. i failed bc i went 200 words over but it was a pretty close. anyway if i write shorter works, i can write more so i want to get back in the habit of it. better for my stress levels too lmao. just finished my second "semester" back at school i'm so happy!! third semester stars 7/3 tho so that's annoying but. i have one whole week to do nothing (except work but). ANYWAY hope you enjoy :)
“(Y/N)?” You hear your boyfriend’s voice as he enters the grocery shop. Even though Zhang Hao is quite reserved, he’s more than willing to make a small scene if you’re in trouble. “(Y/N)!?”
The store owner, who is also manning the checkout counter, lifts his arm high enough for Hao to see it over the aisles, pointing at you exaggeratedly— more than unamused.
Hao rushes over to where you stand in the checkout lane; your groceries half-bagged, half sitting askew on the conveyor belt. A couple people are beginning to line up behind you. He frowns, trying to decipher what about this scene could’ve possibly made you text him: 
“Honey, what’s wrong?” He asks, brows furrowed in confusion. “You said there was an emergency!”
“Is not being able to pay for your large grocery order after someone has already gone through the trouble to scan and bag most of it an emergency?” The owner asks, resentful eyes still locked on your embarrassed ones. 
Hao starts to open his mouth to respond, but the owner cuts him off. “I’ll answer for you. It is an emergency... if the owner forgot to pay his utilities bill and the electricity went out while his wife was curling her hair for work this morning.”
Your boyfriend glances at you then back at the store owner. “Right…”
“I tried to just leave, but he kept this exact same rant going for ten minutes,” you whisper to him as the owner continues to moan and groan about how his wife chased him around the house with a slipper. “I’m really sorry to bother you. I know how busy you are.”
Hao shakes his head definitively. “It doesn’t matter how busy I am— I’ll always have time to help you out,” he says with an affectionate smile, raising his hand to squeeze your right shoulder comfortingly. “As long as you continue to conveniently call when I’m already on lunch break.”
You sigh, looking back down at your shoes in embarrassment.
“Did you forget your credit card? Is that the issue?” Hao asks, taking his wallet out of his back pocket before you even answer.
The store owner laughs. “Worse. It declined.”
Hao looks at you concernedly. Maxing out your credit card was not like you at all. Despite the occasional shopping splurge, you were usually quite practical with money. The look of worry on Hao’s face is valid. 
Still, he hands his own credit card to the store owner and begins throwing some of your grocery items into bags himself. As the owner hands Hao his receipt and credit card back, you pick up a few of the bags and head toward the sliding doors. Hao grabs the last bag and follows quickly behind you.
When you’re outside, you breathe a deep sigh of relief; even a couple of people’s annoyed stares had caused your heart to speed up and your body temperature to rise. Hao falls into step beside you, but it takes you a few moments to relax enough to remember he’s there.
When you finally look over at him, he smiles reassuringly. The token introvert had set aside his nature (and sacrificed his coveted lunch break) to rescue you. And he’d also paid for your groceries.
“I’ll pay you back,” you promise softly, cheeks turning rosy once more.
Hao purposely bumps into your side as you walk, trying to get you to smile and break your tension. It works. You scrunch your nose up at him in a smile and he glues himself to your side, hooking a finger in your back pocket to keep you as close as possible as you make your way down the quiet street.
After another few moments of comfortable silence, Hao clears his throat. “So,” he starts, trying his best to sound nonchalant. “Are you behind on credit card payments? There’s no shame in it; it happens.”
“No,” you answer simply, shaking your head as you steal a glance at your boyfriend. You watch as his brow furrows in confusion.
“Oh,” he replies, lips forming a small pout. “Well, you know you could tell me if you were, right? I'd do my best to help you if that’s what you needed.”
“I know,” you say with a smile, watching again as he blinks curiously-- trying to figure out what the problem could be. “I’d tell you if I was having financial problems. I'd refuse your help, but I would tell you.”
“Right,” he affirms, nodding as if to convince himself that he could end his interrogation there. He fails, of course, and an unstoppable flurry of questions begins to fall from his lips. “So... So what happened? Did the card expire or something? Why didn’t you use your debit card? There’s money on your debit card, right? And I know you despise cash, but--.”
You stop walking and Hao’s finger still hooked in the pocket of your jeans pulls him back to face you. “There is an incredibly simple explanation for this,” you explain, placing your grocery bags on the ground for a moment as you pull your credit card out of your phone case. “This card isn’t my usual credit card. It’s a very limited credit account that I opened for a specific purchase. It looks almost identical to my actual credit card I use on a normal basis so I grabbed this one by accident before I left this afternoon. I was in a rush and couldn’t find my debit card, so I took what I thought was my credit card thinking I’d be fine, but... I was obviously not fine.”
“Ohhh,” Hao sighs, nodding in both comprehension and relief. “Well that makes a lot more sense. I was worried about you! I didn’t think you’d suddenly developed some sort of debilitating shopping addiction, but...”
“Rest assured,” you soothe, picking your bags back up and continuing with your boyfriend down the street to the bus stop. “I have plenty of money. I wish I had more, of course. But it’s enough to survive for now.”
“Are you sure you want to take the bus?” Hao asks, running his hand down your back comfortingly. “I can drive you.”
“No, you can’t,” you reply, taking the last grocery bag from his hands and draping it on your arm. You rummage through it for a moment before pulling out a fresh deli sandwich. “Your lunch break is almost over and I've used up all of it already. So, eat this on the way back to Wakeone or I will find you and I will shove it down your throat myself.”
“I can see you’re back to normal,” Hao says with a grin, taking the boxed sandwich in his hand as you reach the bus stop. “I love you.”
“Love you more,” you say, checking to make sure no one is around before kissing his cheek. His eyes closed, he sighs blissfully.
Your bus makes its way around the corner, pulling to a stop in front of you. 
“Oh, I forgot to ask,” Hao says quickly as you walk up the steps. “What was the purchase that you opened that new credit card for?”
You turn around, biting your lip in a smile. “I bought 40 copies of your debut album!”
You’re not sure if you’ve ever seen Zhang Hao more shocked than he is right now. You’re lucky the sandwich box didn’t fly out of his hand and onto the sidewalk. 
“It’s okay: I’m pretty sure I made a good investment!” You call back with a wink to your boyfriend, whose jaw is still dropped as the bus door begins to close. “Didn’t I?”
All Hao can do is nod-- a slow, exaggerated nod as he processes what you’ve said.
You wave at him, grinning-- any embarrassment you had felt ten minutes ago entirely washed away. Zhang Hao may have had to buy your groceries for you, but you think you might’ve already paid him back.
As the doors close, you call to a now smiling but awestruck Hao:
“You’re welcome!”
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