#and then its going to chill in my queue for a couple of days
micewithknives · 4 months
Top 5 archaeological sites in Australia that you feel people should know more about? Or top 5 Australian artefacts?
I feel like I’ve talked a bit about artefacts in a few recent asks, and also I feel like a lot of Australian archaeology (and as such, sites) are very underrated, particularly on a global scale. Its often acknowledged in Australian archaeology that getting international academia to recognise the importance of our country’s archaeology is very very difficult.
While there’s a million and one sites I’d love to talk about, I’m going to TRY and give sites that relate to different aspects and locations
This is probably going to be long, so...
1. Nauwalabila, Madjedbebe (Malakunanja II), and the Deaf Adder Gorge region, Northern Territory (Aboriginal)
Rock shelters in this region, and specifically Madjedbebe, are currently the oldest location of human habitation in Australia. Dating evidence from 2017 excavations provided an estimate of earliest occupation of 50 000 years at certainty, possibly extending back as early as 65 000 (+/-6000). It also has provided a lot of evidence for research into the extensive grind stone technologies of the Pleistocene.
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2. Cloggs Cave and the Buchan region of the Victorian Gippsland (Aboriginal)
So much research has been done into this region in various ways. Josephine Flood focused her research on Bogong Moth usage (and festivals) within this region, providing some of the earliest accepted academic research in support of Aboriginal peoples’ claims of large scale Bogong Moth Festivals in Australia’s highlands (although the fac that no one really believed communities until then…………..). In 2021 grind analysis found Bogong Moth residue, making this the earliest stone artefact with evidence of insect food remains. And in addition to that recent 2017 research in the area investigated Holocene occupation with Aboriginal community members, with a focus on understanding the interaction of spirituality with the resources found in the caves.
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3. Mabuyag Island, Torres Strait Islands, Queensland (Torres Strait Islander)
Mabuyag Island (alternatively known as Mabuiag or Mabuyaagi) has archaeological evidence of human occupation since 7300 years ago. The island is both associated with recent religious practices associated with he heavy processing of dugong remains, and totemic associations with these, which played a role in early 2000s into community lead and directed archaeological research into ritual and religious traditions and practices. In addition to this, Mabuyag is the location of the first archaeological excavations in Australia to find pre-colonial pottery fragments. The fragments at the two sites on the island were associated with Melanesian and Papua New Guinean pottery trade. The excavations relating to pottery on the island played an important role in our understanding of domestic and international trade in pre-colonial Australia, and also formed an influence for the recent excavations at Lizard Island, 300km south, which identified the first datable domestically made pottery technology found in Australia.
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4. Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney, NSW
Hyde Park Barracks is part of a collection of colonial heritage structures in Australia, relating to Australia’s time as a penal settlement. Hyde Park Barracks in particular were the location of the housing of convict men from 1819 to 1830, with the 1830s to 1840s also involving the site being a location of additional convict punishment, and the base for the Board of Assignment of Servants. Following on from a reduction of convicts to NSW in the 1840s, the Barracks became the Female Immigration Depot, and the Orphan Institution, later becoming the Asylum for Infirm and Destitute Women.
This time period of women’s occupation provides some of the most interesting archaeological remains, as redevelopment and management of the site has found high rates of preservation within walls, and in areas below floorboards. This includes textiles and fabrics, papers, and other non-organic materials such as pipes (with their tobacco intact) stashed in what was once floor, wall, and ceiling cavities. Archaeological investigations in the area form one of the most detailed assemblages of artefacts relating to instituted women in the British Empire during the 19th century.
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5. Notch Point, Western Australia (Multicultural heritage)
Notch Point is a site of varied and mixed archaeology, ranging from pre- and post- colonial period Aboriginal heritage, to diverse 19th century occupation of the region by Chinese, European, Malay, and Aboriginal peoples in association with pearling industries off the coast. In addition to this, the point is located on Dirk Hartog Island (otherwise known as Wirruwana), the site of the earliest European arrival in Western Australia in 1616, and contains archaeological evidence of both various early Dutch interactions with the island in 1616 and 1697, as well as French arrival in 1772, 1801, and 1818. Notch Point in particular also contains evidence of conflict between the predominantly Chinese population of the pearling industry, with white-Australian and European pearling masters, and pastoral agents. Its not a site that is widely discussed, but provides a fascinating overlay of the amount of varied cultural groups that can be present within Australia’s archaeological sites.
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Honourable mentions to:
Lake Mungo and the Willandra Lakes which should 100% be on this list, but also I feel like I talk about it ALL the time and I wanted to mention sites that I actually don’t see discussed a lot. Theyre super important for cultural reasons, for archaeological reasons, and also for their role the development of archaeology, Aboriginal community consultation, and the role its played in developing repatriation practices in modern Australia. I have multiple posts about them HERE
Budj Bin Eel Traps in Victoria (same reasons, I’ve definitely talked about them before).
Juukan Gorge (and its destruction, im still horrified)
Harrietville Chinese Mining Village
Strangway Strings and The Peake Afghan Cameleer sites
Recherche Bay in Tasmania, and its 1792 French settlement sites
Homebush Mill & Mission Hall in QLD and Beowa National Park sites containing South Sea Islander heritage
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changingplumbob · 6 months
I tried For Rent out, sorry if I'm late to the info party
Results and occurances below
I launched my photography save successfully... Next step, completely new save on a rental unit in Tomarang. The heck is Onboarding and why does it apply to this scenario????
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Wait... there's only two rental units available in Tomarang? And the 2 bedroom has mold and spooky??? Yes I need a 2 bedroom because I'm also checking if the system can handle an infant on lot and if I can figure out water births because lat time I tried the midwife would not arrive.
Okay it handled me going in and out of cas, and switching to my internet browser a couple of times... I went into BB mode and changed the second bedroom. Game seems unfazed so far. I have played on fast speed here and there. Successfully traveled worlds.
New day new loading. A patch of mold showed up in this allegedly moldy residential rental. Time to investigate options! Can't call the landlord about it? Let's try calling and inviting the property owner to visit, see how they react to the mold.
Clicked invite in and... they're not coming inside. Mate you can't see the mold outside! Okay I found the ask to inspect menu... and the mold is not classified as an object, hmm. Alright let's walk past the mold to get to the couch, no reaction from landlord except to say its dust free?
Let's try complain about rental conditions, maybe he'll go deal with the mold? Oop, nope. He just dislikes us a little now. Time to have the pregnant sim clean the mold in front of him, will he react?
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Na it's fine mate, you just chill and do nothing. This must be great for the fetus. I'll go get the husband to stop jogging. Well I cancelled the action but he's still jogging away... Now he's stopped. Back home, has he picked a great angle for TV viewing or what?
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Second ob visit, we're expecting twin boys. Time to go visit the tiger sanctuary! Oh wait... no, you're kidding! The wife can't queue up a visit because the husband is inside? Are you serious right now? We can't visit as groups???
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Back to waiting for the outdoor lights. Seriously outdoor light not properly illuminating is a pet peeve of mine. If they could make these ones work, why not make all outdoor lights turn on at the proper dusky time? The York's patio would like a word!
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So we introduced ourselves to the neighbours and now they're crowding up our lounge... I didn't actually invite you in from the shared area! Now we're off to the ob for the final visit and they're still there!
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Middle of the night, after poor husband got attacked by Vlad as if he doesn't have two infants on the way, explosive malfunction! Will the property owner come at 2:30 am? He will!
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Oh dear, it's a crush because we ushered him inside wearing just our boxers isn't it? Uh, sir, the trash is not the problem! I asked you to go check the stove! Both sims have now asked him to check it. He decides he would rather do push ups in the rain. Y'all I closed for lunch and I'm back and FIRE TRAP! Do I dare press play?
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I thought the property owner was finally fixing but he's standing by the stove complaining that it's broken instead... Now he's washing his hands?
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WE LIVE IN THE SAME BUILDING but why not bless other sims with incoming infant shrieks?
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I eventually selected to replace the stove, there was no repair option. It cost 1050 simoleons and the property owner gave us... 143 simoleons to cover it... But at least I can watch the neighbours walk from their door to mine with suitcases. Still waiting on the dilation and the stayover guests have got into a brawl with each other... It was the father and son in law. Oh and now the girl is jumping in trash...
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Note to self, water birth involves midwife and not partner. Might use it for single sims but probably not my couples. Twins are born and I can cautiously say that For Rent doesn't appear to be glitching at the moment. Don't invite this family to stay over though, the unit now has four piles of trash from their antics.
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cherrykitkat · 2 years
5am time to think abt stealth at thorbe parg
n my relationship wit rollercoasters
gonna be going on the 26th & like. so at thorpe i now only have 2 rides left til I've done em all(stealth n colossus)
i think my last visit to towers which was. 3 days straight got me a bit more okay with lift hills(hate the anticipation, family had to peer pressure me onto oblivion...but i did smiler abt 3 times that weekend? that one especially helped get me used to vertical lifts, i remember my first time riding saw i absolutely HATED the lift)
and once again a thanks to towers for getting me more alright with launches. dug into the depths of my memory to realise my first ever coaster was xpress at walibi holland(a launch), but back then i. absolutely hated it. eyes closed actually crying the whole time(tho i did get a taste of adrenaline...the little junkie in me had not yet hatched however) but yeah rita was my most recent memory with a launch and i gotta say. i like it
with exodus happening i want to use this yr to get myself a lot more comfortable with heights, which leads me to my next obstacle. we all (don't) know my long, long, years long feud with nemesis inferno...
I used to be utterly terrified of rollercoasters, if this post wasn't clear evidence enough. slow lift hills, heights, the speed, the unknown...they were an utterly horrendous idea to me - I'll happily stay secure on the floor thanks, catch me on flying fish at most. But I really wanted to change that due to my love of the theming & just. how fun they looked from pov videos.
so my first proper time at thorpe, i almost went on nemesis inferno. accompanied a friend who had RAP, got to the station and chickened out.
second time i think i would've done it, but one of my friends chickened and i joined him
subsequent trips i remember happily wandering the park and chilling with flying fish. i was just happy with the atmosphere
nemesis inferno didn't cross my mind again for a while, i was getting more into parks but just didn't think to tackle it. met Spirit in person, rode SAW and Swarm for the first time, unfortunately Trailers and BML put me off of Stealth though.
Last year, went with Spirit yet again. Had to get there by train(alone for the first time) & then met up wit spirit & we had to get rail replacement for the remainder of the journey. It was understandably stressful, and for our first ride i believe we did Rush
the acrophobia kicked in, paired with the stress of the journey there...i couldn't bring myself to do much more. i don't know if i was overwhelmed or just..not feeling great in general, but alas. Spirit of course still did SAW, i wasn't gonna get in the way of her having a good day, but we spent most of that day doing TWD(solid ride, but spirit has a nasty habit of responding to the preshow and. it was adorable but i also just got a bit sick of doing the same ride all day + it closed half way through anyway. fright night things) & rumba.
Don't remember if it was before or after we did Survival Games(best maze of the 3 I've done btw. absolutely fucking brilliant), but eventually i said fuck it. I don't wanna leave this park having not done at least ONE big ride
Our eyes locked on nemesis inferno. my arch nemesis for the past couple years. i had sat in its seat before, but never left that station.
and we did it! i screamed so much spirit thought i wasn't enjoying myself but i was having the time of my life!
(it absolutely helped that she had RAP, absolutely wonderful system & i made sure to secure a pass for myself,, so many rides I've ridden that i wouldn't've before just due to the queues giving me far too long to overthink,,)
but alas, I've won that fight but not quite the war. I've done nemferno, saw, swarm, the entire big 7...but I've yet to conquer stealth or colossus
colossus? I'm sure it'll be a (potentially headachey) breeze. lift hills are down, and once we're done with it it's swirly sailing from there
stealth? has no lift hill. you're in the station. you sit, get safe and secure. focused entirely on not inhaling at the launch because oh you will regret the chest pain(i learned that with rita...).
soon you'll be hurtling towards the sky before you can say "oh god what the fuck did i do that set me on this path?? which deity did i anger?"
i would be a straight up liar to say I'm not scared. I used to hate lift hills, but I've come to appreciate the gentle enough ease into the drop. The time to chillax before the thrill.
But i know the hardest part will be getting me in that seat, and once I'm past the point of no return, all i can do is enjoy it, comforted by the fact that This Ride is Perfectly Safe(wrong ride hold on-)
Stealth is Spirit's favourite ride at Thorpe. Fun fact.
it's one of the only ones i haven't ridden
but by fuck, i WILL ride the last two on my list and i WILL conquer my acrophobia by the time exodus opens. even if we don't win the ballot, we'll still want to ride it and i will not wuss out again
late new year's resolution? sure
long ass post to kill time and stave off some of the off-season blues. i just have a lot on my mind rn n wanted to share my fun little relationship with. rollercoasters & anxiety =]
feel free to like. send me asks n stuff abt the topic btw!! i wanna interact with the funny little guys i see in my tumblr notifs hehehe
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kuixotic · 2 years
Absolutely cannot remember the last time I got hit with a tag game but @currentlycryingaboutlancelot coming and blindsiding me hsj
Sooo here we go, 5 songs I've been cycling through my head:
Idk but with the scene this is from burned into my memory and just how floaty it sounds, I absolutely love it and I honestly have probably played it at least once every day
Spotify handed this to me a bit back and I fell in love with it, I definitely started to listen to it a bit more once I found out what languages were being used because as I let it play and do my own thing, I was like 'hold on I know that word' (of which, the lyric translation site I usually use says English,Portuguese, Kriol (Guinea Bissau), Cape Verdean, and Forro Creole)
An absolute classic, I let this one skip to the front of my queue more often than not also due to the general chillness of it
This one reminds me of my marching band days from a couple of years ago with its sort of Hey Song vibe, when the album dropped this year I just about quit everything I was doing to listen hshdk
If I do not talk about Two Steps From Hell I will combust, I remember when this track premiered and I still love it to this day-a very nice lengthy track that has many times been my go to for worldbuild projects or drawing
AUUUHHH I don't know if any of my usual mutuals are online to see this post before it gets buried because I know we're all playing scarlet and violet for the foreseeable future, but if one of you see this post and want an excuse to talk about your jams this is your sign 👀
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mariolandavid · 2 years
Siem Reap
I want to preface this post by saying that I am typing it from a laundromat in Cebu, The Philippines. Probably over a month later, and 3 countries after the events... oops. We've been busy living, I guess!
The bus ride to Siem Riep was surprisingly pleasant, and it included two stops in the obligatory tourist spots with quirky wooden figures and a plethora of weird snacks. And a beautiful terrace looking out into rice fields, which after the bleakness of Phnom Penh feels lovely. Just to see some countryside again, something a bit more clean, makes us excited to get to Siem Riep.
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Most people, when visiting this part of the country, take a quick plane from Ho Chi Minh and spend a total of 36 hours in this historical place. They arrive, get picked up at 4am the next morning to go to the temples, then fly back to Vietnam straight away or early the next day. We wanted to do something different, so we scheduled a 5 day stay in Siem Riep. Thanks to my powers of persuasion, those 5 days were split as follows:
- 3 nights in Mad Monkey, a hostel chain we've grown to appreciate with helpful staff and clean facilities. The room was a definite upgrade from the one in the Big Easy, with two huge beds and a direct access to the pool.
- 2 nights in a beautiful (almost empty) 4 star resort, called Navutu, with breakfast inclusive and 3 pools.
Our plan was mainly to soak in culture for 3 days, and then have a relax and a tan.
As we arrived in the hostel, after walking with our backpacks for 20 minutes due to our refusal to be ripped off by tuktuks, we knew it was going to be a chill afternoon. You need those sometimes, a time to lay down on the hostel sofas and scroll for a few hours. Or a couple hours of sorting and re-packing your backpack. That was our first night in Siem Riep: we did our laundry, met some couple from New Zealand who told us their favourite things were hiking and getting drunk, had some beers and shots (standard welcome drink fare) and went for dinner close to the Mad Monkey to a Khmer Restaurant.
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Keen to see as much as possible in the Angkor Wat complex, which actually contains 3000 temples (possibly more, but they cannot be excavated due to landmines - 30% of the country is covered in them-) and extends 1.62 square kilometres, we'd booked a 2 day tour that included the following temples:
Angkor Wat
Angkor Thom
Ta Prohm
Preah Khan
Neak Pean
Banteay Srei
Pre Rup
We learnt that at the time of its 'discovery' by a Chinese scholar, it was estimated that up to 1 million people had lived in the Angkor Wat complex. The Khmer empire, which extended to Thailand and Laos, was bigger than the Byzantine empire.
Our guide for these tours was called Sak, and he was glad to be back in a job now that tourism had returned. Originally from Siem Riep, he'd had to move to the countryside to work with his father on their farm during the pandemic, and despite being excited to be back in his hometown, he also remarked how different, how much more western, Siem Riep had become. And it was true, really, there were foreign bars and restaurants everywhere, non stop clubs, and foreigner focused markets all over. It was easier to get around than Phnom Penh, that was for sure...  
The next morning we were picked up bright and early, with our first stop being Banteay Sreay, or the pink temple due to the fact that it was built with a different stone from the rest of the temple complex. Not only that, but because of its location deep in the forest, it was extremely well preserved and the beautifully delicate stone carvings could still be observed to this day. It was a strong start, made even better by the realisation that compared to pre-Covid times, the temple complex was relatively empty. There were no huge queues, no large groups of tourists to navigate, no weaving around selfie sticks to get a good shot. David had visited the temples in 2005, and he was shocked by how few visitors there were on the day. We practically had this temple, and the subsequent ones, almost to ourselves, as groups of visitors spread out and enjoyed a slower tour pace.
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In the first day of tour, we shared a bus with a Polish man who lived in Bangkok and was visiting for the weekend, a Londoner who was actually volunteering in a school and would soon move to Vauxhall (neighbours!) , and a Brazilian/Spanish family who could speak 4 languages each. There was also an older Indian man, a farmer, who spoke fervently in favour of Rishi Sunak (despite not living in the UK), and a couple from Berlin.
That first day we also visited Pre Rup, a funeral temple that was also a mausoleum, and Preah Khan, an impressive large temple which was used for Buddhist teachings. We got to know more about the 'flipflops' from Hindu to Buddism in the Angkor culture, and the effect these changes had on how the temples were built and eventually used. There was also much climbing of stairs, which, coupled with the heat, means you do end up the day exhausted - but you better be ready to do it all again the next day!
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When we arrived in Mad Monkey, exhausted and dusty, folks were sinking shots, a DJ was spinning, and they were getting the crowd ready for a big pub crawl. With only one sentence, "Sorry we're doing the sunrise tour tomorrow", the crowds parted and let us slink back into our room, as we would be getting picked up at 4am. Funnily enough, when we were waiting for our pick up that next day (in the middle of a city wide blackout, cute), a number of hostel guests were rolling back in from the Siem Riep clubs, and wished us a great day.
We'd panic-bought all our tickets and passes the first day we arrived, so as to not delay the bus tour on the way to the Angkor Wat sunrise. Nevermind, most of the new people sharing our bus (a group of 4 spaniards, a guy from Malaysia, and a british couple), had not, so we still had to wait in the van whilst munching on our 7/11 breakfast. A few of the people from the day before were also on the van, so we could continue catching up and sharing travel stories.
I expected the sunrise at Angkor Wat, the biggest and most iconic of Khmer temples, to be absolutely mobbed. After all, the temple is on the Cambodian flag, currency, is photographed incessantly, and if I remember correctly, even used to celebrate the new year. It's an absolute marvel. As you explore it, it grows in size, and it's beauty becomes even more pronounced when you stop and consider how on earth they built it in the 12th Century. There were no lifts to construct these towers, there was no machinery to pull these rocks. No, this absolute unit of a temple (honouring death, apparently!), was built by sheer human labour in the space of 3 months. Reportedly 300,000+ people, and more than a few elephants were involved in its construction.
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Angkor Wat, we learned, is still the largest religious site in the world. The Khmers chose this location, surrounded by water, as the pressure of the underground rivers and lagoons would stabilise and hold up its incredible height.
For sunrise, all visitors line up just before a small lagoon, and we jostle for camera angles to catch the reflection on the water. Given we didn't choose the best time to visit Cambodia (we'd really centered the whole trip around Australia and New Zealand at first... the 3 months in South East Asia were a small extra that kept growing and growing...), the sunrise wasn't perfectly clear, but it was still an incredible sight. The red light that is so famous, that appears behind the three towering towers, is actually exceedingly rare to witness, so we were happy with our blue and purple view.
We then spent a couple hours in the temple, learning and following the stone carvings in the hallways that talk about the various battles, and depict the ruler King Suryvarman II , which they believe asked for this massive temple to be built as his mausoleum.
After Angkor Wat we visited Ta Prohm, the jungle temple (which appeared in Tomb Raider!), an old Hindu site which has almost been taken over by nature. The trees have sunk its deep roots on the stone, so deep that scientists have injected it with chemicals to stop it growing and destroying the structure of the building. You definitely have to step carefully to avoid tripping over a loose rock or a tree branch.
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Ta Prohm is a beautiful sight, and it's no surprise that it's become incredibly famous. It's a real, living reminder, that humans have been trying to fight back nature for centuries, and the realisation that most of the time, nature ends up winning.
We ended the tour with Angkor Thom, a huge flat building with endless hallways that was still in good shape and still had an active Buddhist 'shrine', and the Bayon temple, which had been David's favourite all those years ago. Bayon's magnificence are these hundreds (thousands?) of smiling buddha faces at the top of every tower and column. These stones, huge in size, are everywhere you look in this dizzying maze-like building, and their expressions aren't always very friendly... we got lost trying to recreate a photo David had taken 17 years ago, and actually had to call up our guide to help us get out. Photos don't capture how absolutely massive and labyrinthine these places are.
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This second day was absolutely exhausting. With the early wake up and the constant walking, listening, and exploring, it's no surprise we crashed at the hostel when we arrived. After a nap, we explored 'Pub street', Siem Reap's strip of bars, clubs, and restaurants that cater to all tourists (and not just English ones as the name would suggest!). Holding onto our desire to eat Cambodian food in Cambodia, we went to the Khmer Kitchen and had Prahok Ling and Lok Lake, and then I somehow convinced David to have a massage in one of the dozens of massage parlours that line the streets. It was glorious (And hilarious).
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The next couple of days in Siem Reap were pure relaxation bliss. We stayed in Navutu Dreams resort, in a huge room with our own terrace, double sinks, and massive shower. There were not a lot of people in the resort when we went, so most of the time we had an entire pool to ourselves, and spent quite a lot of time on the Balinese beds eating spring rolls and drinking delicious fresh fruit juices.
For activities, we attended a surprisingly difficult Yoga class, and booked to attend Kanell, a dinner with a traditional dance performance for our last night in Cambodia. The food was prepared by the Kimsan twins, who run the Embassy kitchen a famous restaurant with Michelin-grade food, and the stand out dish was a roasted chicken with red ant sauce. The dishes were served in between the different dances, and unless you wolfed down your food at a professional speed, at some point you had to choose between watching what you were eating, or watching the dancing. It was a fun experience, and would recommend attending if you're planning on visiting Siem Riep.
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As a whole, I'd say Siem Riep deserves more than the 1 day Angkor Wat flying visit that some people seem to do. There's a landmine museum, many more temples than you can take in, and even a well-rated circus! Its liveliness, markets, and easy walkability was a contrast to Phnom Penh's slight seediness, but it's also very obviously a 'tourist town', which isn't very authentic.
It's hard to advocate for yourself when you're between Vietnam and Thailand, but we left Cambodia wishing we'd spent some more time visiting its countryside and beaches, and giving it more of a chance instead of being a 'genocide and temples' place. Maybe next time. For now, Thailand awaits....
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crazyfreckledginger · 3 years
Jason Todd x Reader - “In The Pale Moonlight”
After a one night stand, Jason doesn’t seem to be able to get his mind off you. Desperate to get you out of his head, he hesitantly agrees to go to Wayne Enterprise with his brothers for work, as a response to scrutiny from the general public. What happens when the person he was trying to erase from his memory pops right back into his life?
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Requested by anon and on Wattpad: “Can I request one where reader and one of the boys are dating but they act like they still trying to get each other so they flirt a lot and stuff even if everyone knows they’re together”/ 
“And other one where the reader is feeling herself and singing “Meet me in the pale moonlight” by Lana Del Rey in front of one of batboys and they’re like wow she cute and kiss the readeeeeeer (they’re dating and they’re teenagers)THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU 💕” /
“haha well I have another which was that the reader is harley and Bruce's kid and she meets  batboys but jason since she knew before she left  for the first time since she was away for wayne industries business meetings”
A/N: I hope you guys don’t mind that I tweaked it a little since these requests don’t have alot of depth individually!
“I’m just here for a drink.” the girl smiled politely even though she was extremely uncomfortable. 
“I am too, can I have it with you?”
“Oh for crying out loud leave her alone, don’t be such a creep.” The man at the end of the counter groaned.
“Mind your business.” the creep gritted his teeth.
“Your disgusting aura is polluting my drink so it makes it my business.” (Y/N) watched as he stood up and walked towards the pair. Now that he was closer, the woman could see how attractive he was up close, stunning eyes, sharp jaw, tall and a streak of dyed white hair, “Fuck off will you?” 
“Who do you think you are?” 
“Sorry, I forgot a world, fuck off please.” The stranger shot the man a terrifying glare and without another word, the man studded away, like a dog with its tail between his legs. 
“Thank you mister, but if he laid a hand on me I would have sucker punched him.” 
“Mister huh?” he smirked, sitting beside her. 
“Well what’s your name then?” 
“Jason, pleasure to meet you.” 
“This is your place?” she hummed, fingers running through his soft hair as his lips trailed down her neck, pulling her legs around his hips.
“Mmh hmm,” 
“You rich or something?” the woman breathed out as he sucked on her skin. 
“Something like that,” he murmured, pulling away to tease her lips with his. Jason stared deeply into her eyes.
“What are you waiting for, lover boy? You brought me here.” (Y/N)’s arms hung loosely on his shoulders, occasionally touching the back of his head.
“Yes ma’am,” he smirked, hooking his hands under her legs and carrying her to his bedroom.
Glancing at her side to the soft breathing of the naked man beside her, she shuffled, stretching and yawning. What a night, she tried moving her legs but winced, what a night indeed. 
“Good morning princess,” his morning voice was incredibly attractive as his arm slid around her waist, pulling her flush against him.
“Mmh, good morning,” the woman squirmed in his grip as he nipped at her ear teasingly with his teeth, “what time is it?”
“You have someplace to be?” he murmured, hand caressing her naked hip.
“Yeah, I have work.”
“On a Saturday?” 
“Self employed.” 
A month or so later, Jason was frustratedly sitting in the meeting room, chewing on his lip in boredom as Bruce brought all of them to a meeting at Wayne Enterprise for less scrutiny from the public eye. 
“The person we will be working on for the new design is going to arrive soon so I need you all on your best behaviour.” He glared at all the boys. 
“Yeah yeah, can we just get on with it so I can leave?” The second oldest rolled his eyes. 
“Mr Wayne?” as if on queue, the person knocked on the one-way privacy film that covered every window of the room, the blurred figure waiting patiently on the other side. 
With a last scolding glance to everyone, Bruce strutted over, opening the door and smiling.
“Good morning Mr Wayne.” the woman greeted with a polite smile.
Jason’s eyes widened, and stayed that way even when he made eye contact with the girl. She responded with the same reaction, but quickly regained her composure and greeted the other boys. 
“Oh hey (Y/N),” Dick waved to his roommate, “you look great.” He flirted.
“...Um hey,” she greeted hesitantly, feeling a little uncomfortable with his usual ways in the professional setting.
“Shall we get down to business.” Bruce glared at his eldest son.
“You don’t have to act so grumpy.” Jason rolled his eyes as they finally arrived at their hotel in Europe after an excruciatingly long flight. 
“I’m tired, I need sleep.” Not wanting to address the elephant in the room, especially when she was this exhausted, she scurried to the bathroom to slip into comfortable pyjamas and landed right into bed, “I’m having this conversation tomorrow, good night.” 
The next day came quickly and (Y/N) opened her eyes reluctantly, wanting to melt in the comfortable double bed she was in. Discreetly, she peeked at the double bed facing her diagonally. 
The woman frowned, it was empty.
“I’m right here.” the man voiced from behind her as he exited the bathroom.
“Jason!” she screeched, “what the hell! Don’t creep up on people!” 
“Well don’t try to spy on people when they are sleeping!” he threw his damp towel to her.
“Ewwwww!” she grimaced.
“Chill, I was drying my hair with that.” he walked towards his bed, and she only now noticed that he was naked -- with a towel around his waist obviously. Steam was emitting from his skin as it glistened still.
With warm ears, she pulled the covers over her face, eyes peeking out discreetly.
“We’ve seen each other completely naked, I don’t see what the problem is, if you’re going to look, be shameless,” he moved his butt from left to right teasingly, “you can see this regularly if you want,” he chuckled.
With a sigh, she buried herself under the covers. 
“I haven’t changed my mind Jason, I’m sorry, I’m not interested in commitment at the moment.” 
She felt a weight on the bed and hesitantly took a peep out. Jason was laying on her bed, shirtless but with some underwear on.
“At least give me the benefit of the doubt for this trip.” he gave her the puppy eyes. Eying him suspiciously, she sighed.
“Alright, fine, don’t disappoint.”
A few months or so later into the relationship with Jason and gotten closer to his younger brothers, (Y/N) slipped on a comfortable T-shirt, watching herself in the mirror as she tidied her hair a bit and examined the hickey on her neck.
Swaying lightly from side to side to the song that was stuck in her head, she hummed softly to herself, setting out her clothes for the day.
“You don't have to give me anything
Just put your sweet kiss kiss on my lips now baby”
Walking back to the mirror, deciding on whether or not jewelry was necessary, the woman continued.
“Think about you almost all the time, all the time and-”
 “I love you so much baby,” he breathed out from the other side of the room. 
“Hmm?” she glanced in the mirror. 
“Keep singing~” 
“No,” she stuck her tongue out playfully, “are you ready?”
“Do we have to go?” Jason whined, marching up to her, slapping her ass and squeezing it before hugging her from behind, nuzzling her hair, his warm skin against her.
“Baby of course we do, we have to hide the fact that we’re together, plus they are fun, we’re all friends here.” she rubbed her butt against his hips and he bit her ear. 
“No teasing,” he whispered in her ear, turning her around and pushing her against the dresser, “or else.” 
“Or else?” the woman chuckled, “but seriously though,” her hands cupped his cheeks as he stared at her lips, “we can’t act like a couple, it’s unprofessional,” 
“Technically I don’t work at the company,” 
“And the person I’m working with is your dad.”
“Adoptive, you have nothing to worry about.”
“Just a coffee, maybe a lunch, and then we can come straight home.” 
“Mmh, okay,” he pouted, holding her tightly as she kissed his lips and pulled away. “You sing beautifully, please do it more for me.” he pouted. She chuckled, shaking her head slightly in embarrassment.
“Put a shirt on and let’s get ready, I don’t want to be late!” (Y/N) ushered, “and the sooner you’re out of here, the less anxious I’ll be that your brother unexpectedly enters his own home and sees you in it.”
When they were ready, at a somewhat reasonable time, they drove there as quickly and responsibly as possible.
“Why is your hand still on my thigh?!” (Y/N) jumped once she realised he had discreetly snaked his hand back on her thigh when he was parking the car on the side of the road, in a surprising proximity. Slapping his hand away and giving him a look, the woman slipped out of the car and walked up the stairs, ringing on the bell.
Jason scurried up beside her, slapping her butt playfully before pushing the door open. 
“Hey guys!” she grinned, not having the time to scold her boyfriend once again as she was greeted with welcoming smiles. 
“How have you been?” Dick teased, having seen her just yesterday.
After playful banter, and not-so-playful for the brothers, over a nice hot drink, a new topic came up.
“How was the party yesterday (Y/N)?” Jason inquired, knowing fully well about it but trying to seem inconspicuous, “I hope no one stole your heart, that’s for me!” … or not.
She paused, giving him an unimpressed look, reluctant to answer “It was great, and no.” 
“No what?” he smirked. Her cheeks burned, she did not like being put on the spot to lie, especially since this was incredibly unnecessary.
“No one did anything.” 
“To who-”
“This is embarrassing, we know you two are a couple,” Damian nearly gagged. 
“Huh?” (Y/N) turned to him, feeling her soul leave her body.
“How do you know?” Jason looked at him.
“It’s been a while.” Dick chuckled.
“We been knew 💅,” Tim rolled his eyes.
“Someone left someone’s underwear in an awkwardly obvious place when I came around… and you slapped her butt before you came in here, everyone saw it.” Dick explained, watching his brother.
“I didn’t- wait, how do you know that it’s her underwear???”
The eldest’s expression fell and he blushed. 
“I might have um-” 
“He accidentally came in when I was packing my bag to leave for the business meeting in France okay?” the woman spluttered. 
“You did WHAT?”
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zawasdarkcirclez · 4 years
How Bakusquad Asks You to Prom
Mina Ashido:
-Mina’s definitely got something really pretty planned
-She’s most likely a little dressed up with a cute little dress on
-This is all taking place in the common area
-Everybody besides you knew what was happening and were hiding in the corners of the room and against the wall
-Aizawa was even there claiming that he felt most comfortable if there was a teacher and adult present with all of these candles burning Mina, Denki, and Sero filled him in one day when he was trying to grade papers
-In reality though, he just wanted to be there to see how it would play out after hearing all the talk about it
-Y’all do be his kids after all
-You keep getting texts from Mina and everyone telling you Aizawa is calling everybody to the commons right now and that you’re late as hell
-You’re out of breath running to the room and realize you don’t see the lights on from where you stand
- Walking in however, you’re greeted with soft jazz music
-Mina standing in the middle of the room with a bouquet of flowers
-In front of her on the floor are candles spelling out “Prom?”
-Not gonna lie she’s a little nervous
-Fingers fiddling for sure
“HEY-uh Y/n.. PROM??“
-You said yes no doubt. Sorry I don’t make the rules
-You were literally stunned, she looked amazing, everything looked so cute, the effort was there. CONGRATULATIONS you won
-Everybody of course had to then hop out from the darkness of the room cheering and recording as you and Mina hug
-Queue Denki + Sero dapping each other up
-Midoriya tearing up
-Mineta full on crying because Mina is now taken
-Todoroki still standing by the wall 🧍‍♂️
-You and Mina definetly had some of the best prom fits
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Katsuki Bakugo:
-You were already dating Katsuki, leading him to believe you were well aware that you were going to prom with him
-So when he overheard Momo ask you about plans for prom and you responded saying
-”Oh, prom? ...I’m not really sure I’m doing all that.”
-He was STOMP.ING over and Momo was tiptoeing away not wanting to get caught in another one of his outbursts
-”What the hell do you mean you’re not doing that?!”
-”You don’t want to go with me or what?!”
-”Did I do something? If I made you upset, you should have said something, Dumbass!!”
-”Actually, you know what, I don’t care! You’re going.”
-”With me!”
-You rolled your eyes jokingly
-”Well that sure is one way to ask.” you chuckled and patted his side walking away to go back to your desk
-You were not complaining by any means, but with the intensity of Katsuki’s ability to read behind your words, he knew he was picking up on something else
-Thinking back, he did notice the little way your eyes would glow as your friends were getting asked left and right
-Even when Bakugo mumbles beside you about “Why the hell’s he doing all this like she’s not already his girlfriend.”
-You’ve seen posters, candies, gifts etc.
-But all you truly wanted was for Bakugo to possibly let down a wall of his and utter the same words to you
-But you would never ever push him to do it, in fear of overstepping a boundary
-This in mind though, and with Bakugo being as invested and in love with you as he is, and not willing to admit, he plans something little so you can have a little moment to blab to your friends about too or whatever 🙄
-He’ll be damned if its in public though
-For sure expect to be woken up late at night, leaving you surprised considering yk his bedtime and all
-He’s shaking your shoulder and grumbling to you to “Wake your ass up, or I’ll leave.”
-You turn seeing Bakugo with a candle he over burnt a little bit with his quirk, your favorite snack, a teddy bear, and a little jewelry box
-“Will you uhh..” his eyes dart away from you and he hears you giggle
-”Shut up!! ... ”
-”Will you go to prom with me, Y/n?” he asks shoving the snacks and bear a little in your direction
-”Of course Katsu.”
-He smirked, opening the jewelry box
-”And you make sure to wear this little beauty around that neck of yours at this damn dance, okay?”
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Denki Kaminari:
-I’m sorry but you completely spoiled Denki’s surprise
-Well it was a team effort
-He had already accidentally said too much one day without realizing so you knew he most definitely had “Something exciting to ask you”
-But bbbbruh
-The panic everyone screamed in when you randomly walked into Denki’s room while him and the rest of the Bakusquad decorated
-He jumped off the little ladder he was standing on in the corner and turned you around by your shoulders ushering you out
-”ahHa ha...”
-It’s silent for a couple second while you both plan what to say now
-“Denki I am SOOO sorry“
-”A little earlier than planned”
-Everyone has an ear pressed against the door at this point to listen
-”Well..surprise! I’ll tell you what though,”
-His hands reached for yours
-”I’m a liiittle busy right now.. You know what for, but let’s pretend you don’t.”
-He turns speed walking and dragging you with him
-”So you go relax for a little bit, do some studying or something. Put on one of your cute little outfits, and I’ll be by later to come get you because you’ve got a hot date in my room say around..8:30?”
-You nod, catching your breath and realized he has delivered you all the way back to your own dorm
-Before you could turn and ask any other questions, that boy is booking it around the corner to get back to his room
-Upon walking in he is greeted with bunches of “what happened?”s from his friends and a slap to the back of his head from Bakugo
-Yes they somehow got Bakugo to help
-”Guys! Guys! We’re good, why did nobody keep decorating? Come on people we have until 8:25 and then you all have got to go!”
-Fast forward to 8:30, he’s opening the door for you and guiding you inside with a hand on your back
-He’s cheesing like a fool I promise you
-Sure you already saw part of it but not nearly the end result
-”So, will you go to prom with me?”
-”Uhm, YES!”
-Y’all can hear Sero and Kiri hooting and cheering from Bakugo’s room across the hall followed by a
-”Shut up or get out you idiots!!”
-You and Denki definitely won the top spots in the Prom Court
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Eijiro Kirishima:
-Kiri definitely has a little cliche possibly cringe idea he saw online
-But it’s still cute as hell because I mean hello it’s Kirishima
-All his friends were struggling planning things while he was sitting there CHILLEN
-Denki turned like “Uhhh..Bro, you all set or something? You’re looking mighty not-busy over here.”
-”Yeah man. This was eeasyy. I found exactly what I wanted to do. They’ll love it.”
-By this point everyone had been listening, and then he was bombarded with several voices asking for ideas and inspiration from him
-All voices went silent though when he whipped out his phone to show them
-”You’re joking.”
-”Tch. Dumbass..”
-He’s not even a little worried about their reactions
-If there’s one thing he knows it’s YOU
-And YOU love anything Kirishima does 
-Let’s not lie we’re all whipped
-And y’all are just some chill ass individuals and cornballs with the same humor
-He spends the entire evening that day drawing out his sign and gathering things he needs and whatnot
-When you walk into class greeted with some yummy food and cheesy saying on your desk, you smirked knowing it was the one and only
-”Surprisee!” he would sing wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing your cheek
-”Pretty manly, huh?”
-When the rest of the class sees how it actually turned out in comparison to the picture he showed, they kinda regretted trying to get on him
-Especially since you were right in front of them enjoying it
-Shit was kinda sweet
-Ya know, seeing y’all be all perfect for each other and all
-”Ah, you’re so cute. It’s great!” your face was lighting up as you plopped down in your seat
-The rest of class everyone was still stressing between lessons about their own prom situations
-And cutting their eyes at you and Kiri
-The two of you are now sitting side by side, his arm around you shoulders and both of your mouths full of sushi
-Prom is literally a dream with this man
-I feel like he would dress with the most casually classy look
-Velcro shoes acquired  😎
-Y’all are so in love you don’t even realize how visible it is
-The whole night is you two soo lost in each other uhghh
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Hanta Sero:
-Sero is cool as fuck
-I just had to say that first sorreh
-He’d definitely do something real low-key and cute
-It’s not anything public or in front of everybody and their mother
-The two of you hang out by yourselves and have little ~dates~ and what not kind of often
-So him knocking at your dorm door telling you to get ready to go in 30 minutes was nothing suspicious
-After a light walk from campus y’all reached a point where he told you to close your eyes and let him guide you
-Considers covering your eyes with his tape but doesn't want to end up literally yanking off your eyebrows when he takes it off
-You settle for one hand over your eyes, and one hand in his
-Sero almost knocks you into stuff on purpose and you know it
-But eventually he’s telling you to open your eyes and 
- 🥲
-A literal gasp
-”Ohh my gosh! Sero!? What is this!?”
-You’re literally bouncin up and down
-A whole little picnic has been set up in the middle of some random park by the school just for the two of you
-He’s just smiling and rubbing at the back of his neck
-He’s cool, but he can’t lie, especially when it comes to you, he’s a liiittle bit of a uhh wreck?
-Just hides it like an expert
-”Have a seat”
-He’ll take your hand as you sit to help you wibudfverkfcj;e
-Y’all are snacking and chatting, snacking and chatting
-Everything is literally perfect with him, genuinely so nice to be around
-Around when the sun is almost getting ready to set and the two of you are thinking about heading back to the dorms he stops you for a second
-”Uhm, Y/n. I’m just gonna cut straight to it.”
-”You wanna go to prom with me?”
-He’s looking straight into your soul I swear
-You tell him you’d love too and boooy oh boy the weight off this man’s shoulders
-Everyone wonders what went down when the two of you walk back into the building hand in hand and giggling and smiling with each other
-Of course the two of you nonchalantly fill them in when they ask, but the best details stayed between the two of you
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293 notes · View notes
hi, may i ask you sick semi eita fic? he went amusement park with his team despite feeling a little bit unwell. Later he feels dizzy & nauseous, his team then take him to doctor/dorm. thank you 🥰
Oui oui, mon amie!!
TW: dizziness & nausea, vomiting, hospitals, brief mentions of IVs.
1.4k words, Gen.
ー ー ー
“Oh, the queue for that one isn’t too long!! Let’s go, guys!!”
Semi sighs. While Tendou’s volume doesn’t usually bother him, right now, stuck in the middle of Yagiyama Benyland, surrounded by screaming people and running children, he wishes his friend could turn it down a notch already.
The fabric around his neck feels constricting, suffocating. Semi tugs at the collar of his shirt lightly, clearing his throat silently as he trails behind the rest of the team.
He massages his stomach under the grey hoodie, feeling it gurgle under his touch. It was only two days ago when the pinch-server’s stomach first sent a painful, sudden jolt of white-hot pain throughout his body, making him shudder and gag, taken aback. But since his appendix has long been removed, Semi’s confident that it’s probably just a matter of too much coffee and too little water in his guts. It’s been a stressful week, after all. Nothing he can’t fix. It still hurts, though.
“Are you sure we’re tall enough for that ride?” Goshiki jokes, and everyone laughs, Tendou wrapping a lanky arm around the first-year and ruffling his head with the other hand. More laughter echoes among the group.
Semi shudders, chills running down his spine, stomach twisting. He struggles to even only force out a tiny smile.
The safety belts press against his stomach and shoulders uncomfortably, and Semi doesn’t think he will make it. Next to him, Ushijima sits quietly, waiting for the ride to start. He briefly glances over, humming.
“Are you scared, Semi?”
There’s no malice in his voice, no curiosity either. It’s something along the lines of… Concern? Annoyance? Both?
“M’fine.” Semi gulps, “Just excited.”
“It’s okay to be scared.”
“Alright. But if you were, it’d be okay.”
“Ushijiー!!” he gets cut off, abruptly, as the thing finally starts to move.
The higher it goes, the more Semi knows he’s not going to make it. There’s no doubt about it. He quickly tries to recall if there’s some sort of trashcan near the exit but he realises that he hasn’t seen any. 
His complexion bleaches rapidly. The thing is, Semi isn’t scared of roller coasters, he quite enjoys them, to be fair. Right now, the thing he fears the most is puking all over himself or worse, over the team’s captain.
And he knows it’s going to happen.
The people in the front row start screaming, Semi only a few rows back. It’s only a matter of seconds before he feels himself falling, and the world tunes out.
He doesn’t actually pass out, really. Instead, once the operators remove his safety belts and wish him and his friends a fun day, he lets his shaky legs guide him down the metal staircase, eyes glazed over, blind. He’s not quite sure he’s moving, either. And he looks green.
Semi doesn’t even register that Ushijima’s strong hand is wrapped around his right upper arm, the left in the care of Tendou himself, eerily quiet. They set him down on the first empty bench they find, the team quiet behind the three.
It’s Reon to crouch in front of the ill teen, a firm hand squeezing his knee encouragingly. “Semi? Dude, hey.”
“...up…” he murmurs, seemingly catatonic, staring somewhere behind the team that has gathered in front of him, eyes filled to the brim with apprehension.
The setter swallows, a thin trail of saliva making its way down the corner of his chapped lips and down his twitching chin. He opens his mouth to speak, to say something, but nothing comes out, and soon enough he ducks his head between his knees and retches onto the pavement without a second warning. 
His teammates gasp, horrified and worried, but Reon is quick to avoid the onslaught and immediately usher the others away, leaving Tendou and Ushijima behind. The taller guy rubs at his back firmly, while the other puts a palm flat on Semi’s forehead, preventing him from giving himself a whiplash. 
His skin feels cold and clammy, ashen. Tendou hisses. 
Not long passes before Semi throws up again, more and more bile splashing between his feet, little droplets staining his shoes and jeans. He retches and gags, helpless, eyes stinging painfully, about to pop out of his skull.
Reon jogs back a minute later, stopping a couple of meters away to give Semi some breathing room. “Should we call an ambulance? He looks like death warmed over...”
Ushijima shakes his head. “We should try and make him drink something, first.”
“I don’t think he’s up to it, Toshi.” Tendou reasons, “Semi-Semi, hey, you need to take a breath, my man.” he adds, patting the boy’s shoulder while Ushijima keeps massaging circles on his back.
But Semi doesn’t. He can’t. His stomach twists and knots painfully, and he doubles over, arms wrapped protectively around his abdomen as he hiccup and dry-heaves weakly. 
“Does your stomach hurt?” Reon asks, careful, calm as ever, “Do you need an ambulance?”
“Yeah, we should call ‘em.” Tendou says, “It’s not normal to feel this sick after riding a roller coaster as bland as that one, andー”
“He was feeling ill before the ride, too. I didn’t think it was this bad, though. I apologize, Semi.” Ushijima interjects. “I think the ride was simply the last straw.”
The three stay quiet for a moment, Semi’s desperate struggles and pants and hiccups drowning out every other noise. And finally, blissfully, about ten minutes after sitting down, his jagged breaths come to a halt, and he slumps to the side, crashing into Tendou.
“Semi-Semi...? Oh shit. Is he dead? Semi-Semi?” Tendou gasps, “Guys, a little help?”
The ill teen is quick to blink his eyes open, glassy and dull, spent. “H’rts.”
“What hurts?” 
“S-stomach. Head.” 
Reon nods, serious. He then takes his phone out and quickly types something, before glancing at Ushijima and Tendou, who are both massaging Semi’s trembling back, subconsciously. 
“Okay, the closest bus stop is about five minutes away on foot from here, and then it takes about ten minutes to get to Sendai Red Cross Hospital by bus, and another minute on foot after that. What do you guys say?” Reon asks.
Tendou is fast to nod, “Let’s go, we might catch the first bus available if we hurry.”
“I’ll carry him.” Ushijima adds.
Semi then struggles, shaking his headー aggravating his nausea and gagging silently. “Th-the others, and y-you, th-the pa-park and- and the tickets andー”
“Woh, woh, slow down, Semi-Semi!! It’s fine, we’ve been here for hours already anyway, and the entrance fees aren’t that expensive. No worries, okay? Let us worry about the rest.” Tendou says, cheerful, “We’ll text the others to let them know we’re leaving. We can always reschedule for another time, alright?”
“Done.” Reon smiles, waving his phone, ‘Shiratorizawa Volleyball Club’ chat open and rapidly flooding with texts from everyone. “Let’s go.” 
Luckily, and unsurprisingly, the bus is perfectly on time, and Semi doesn’t even have the time to register that he’s an eighteen year-old being offered a piggy-back ride from another eighteen year-old. He couldn’t care less. Instead, once he’s on the bus, he drifts, drained.
“Anyone here for Semi Eita?”
Tendou, Reon and Ushijima are quick to reach the doctor, wide-eyed. “How is he!?”
She smiles, “Your friend will be okay, nothing to worry about. He was terribly dehydrated and overall exhausted, courtesy of the raging viral gastroenteritis he has. The nurses gave him an IV to pump some fluids into his system, and once it’s done, I’m going to prescribe him some probiotics to help with the infection and he’ll be free to leave.”
“Can we see him?” Tendou frets, “Is there anything else we should do? Are you sure he’s okay?”
The doctor nods, her expression firm and reassuring. “Viral infections are extremely common, we treat thousands of similar cases each day. I promise you, Semi-san will be okay. And yes, you may see him, of course. Come with me, please.” 
The three follow the kind doctor quietly as she leads them to Semi’s bed, in the ER, the thin curtains between his and other patients’ beds being his only source of privacy. 
Upon seeing them, Semi sits up, grinning sheepishly, cheeks tinted in red. “Hey there.” he grins.
His friends chuckle, rapidly making their way toward his bed, ruffling his hair and pushing him around with calculated motions.
He’ll be fine. 
ー ー ー
I got carried away and started researching how to get to the closest hospital from Yagiyama Benyland, a real amusement park in Miyagi. And yeah, the Red Cross Hospital’s real, too, and the bus as well. I had so much fun researching this stuff. So yeah, I hope you liked it, let me know!!
Also, anon, if you have an AO3 tell me so that I can gift this fic to you when I post it there in a few days.
September 2, 2021
41 notes · View notes
calpops · 3 years
masquerade | m.c.
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A masquerade ball offers Michael one last night to be with the person he loves.
1.2k words
my masterlist | feedback and reblogs mean the world
Copyright © 2021 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
♔ ♔ ♔
The ballroom was aglow. Chandeliers hung from high vaulted ceilings, flames blazed above and left a lurid haze of warmth in their wake. Michael swept into the room as a crashing crescendo hit its queue. The music was loud, overwhelming when mixed with the crowd of strangers. He knew no one, if not for the masks on their faces, then for the fact his home was filled with dignitaries and lords and ladies of lands he had never been to. His eyes scanned the room, from the glistening display of ice sculptures to the exuberant amount of food lining tables against the walls.
None of it mattered. All Michael wanted to see was shy smiles and fidgeting hands. He scoped out the room once more, falling into disappointment when he couldn’t find her. But a gentle tap on his shoulder had him turning on his heel, letting out a breath of awe and taking her in. Instead of uniform—a gray dress and apron—light blue lace and pearls donned her body. Her hair was done up and a mask made to match her dress hid her face. But she was unmistakable to Michael. He’d know her anywhere.
“Care to dance?” Michael asked and extended his hand to her in offering.
She nodded and behind the mask that claimed her face Michael knew her cheeks were warming.
“As if I could refuse a prince,” she whispered airily as they drifted to the middle of the dance floor.
For the first time since Michael met her there was no fear that lingered between them. Secrets danced in the open. The prince took a beautiful lady to the middle of the ballroom and no one spared them a glance except in awe. Whispers would not carry words of disapproval, sneers would not meet their gazes. Michael felt like he was on the clouds as they twirled around, his hands lightly on her waist. He was trained in dance but she knew no steps other than to sway rhythmically to the music.
“Can you believe a kitchen maid is at a royal ball?” she asked in another whisper, the question so timid and filled with such disbelief it nearly broke Michael’s heart.
If he had it his way he would escort her to every event the castle threw. She would be awe inspiring in silks and jewels. She would be his princess and arranged marriages would cease to exist.
Instead of voicing all of those thoughts and wants he simply sighed with content. “You’re stunning.”
Her touch glided from his shoulders, up his neck and to his face where she gently lifted his white mask. She smiled shyly as she took him in before placing it back down. “As are you, my prince,” she responded and twirled with the music. Her dress sashayed in a grand sweep and she giggled. “I’ve never worn a dress so fine. You’ll have to thank her for me.”
Michael went rigid, the mere mention of his betrothed enough to make him falter. He wanted to despise her, he certainly hated their situation and the fact he could not marry the one he loved. But he couldn’t find resentment for her in him. Not when she was kind enough to grant his lady a night made from her dreams and dress made of lace and pearls.
“I will,” he promised. The ballroom was beautiful, her dress and mask were intricate and complimented her in a wondrous way, but Michael was still missing something. “Come out to the balcony with me?” he asked, knowing the shadows of the night would give them privacy.
She nodded as he took her hand and led the way out the doors to the desolate space. The moon was out, full and glowing just like her smile. Stars dotted the sky in tales of heroes and tragedies. Michael found her gaze, innocent and sweet. He acted on impulse once he was sure they were completely alone.
Just as she had, with gentle fingers and a loving touch, he lifted the lace mask from her face, finding much more beauty beneath the material. She smiled again, not as shy as before. When they were alone, she wasn’t afraid to be intimate, to show sides of herself the rest of the kingdom would never know. She beamed under the moon and looked up at the sky.
“It’s a beautiful night,” she said and turned to reach a hand out to the balcony railing, gripping it softly with a gloved hand. “It’s too bad it will be over so soon.”
Michael breathed out, breath colliding with the chilled air in a sorrowful plume. The party would die down in only a couple of short hours. Her dress would be replaced with the uniform Michael was prone to seeing her in though her glamor and beauty would not disappear. The castle would go back to being dark and feeling hollow. The morning would come and his wedding day would approach, no matter how much he willed it not to. His one true love would not be the one to walk down the aisle to him, no matter how much he wished for it.
“We could slip away,” Michael suggested and while she was used to the phrase--slipping away from the kitchens or royal responsibilities and finding alone time in the dark of Michael’s chambers--this time she sighed and shook her head slowly.
“We can’t do that anymore,” she said softly but the words were enough to pierce against Michael’s heart. “This is our last night. You’re meant to be wed in a fortnight,” she continued and turned back to him, reaching out for his hands and giving them a gentle squeeze. “She’s a good woman. And you’ll be a good husband.”
“We could run away,” Michael then suggested even though he knew it was farfetched, he could never run from the crown he was born to wear, he could never escape the fate that followed him.
She laughed but it was not filled with joy as it usually was. “I couldn’t rob a king of his crown.”
“I’m not king yet,” he mumbled.
“No, but you’ll be the best one this kingdom has ever seen. If you let yourself be,” she encouraged and closed the small distance between them, her lips brushing his softly. “I love you too much to let you run away from everything you’ve ever wanted.”
“You’re everything I want,” Michael spoke the truth but he knew it wasn’t enough. He knew the night was their last. “Stay with me tonight?” and in the morning they would go back to being a prince and a kitchen maid. Only crossing paths when the castle halls brought them together. Only exchanging familiar glances and pretending their hearts weren’t breaking with each day.
“One last night,” she agreed and slipped her mask back on, all of their games and disguises coming back to life as they left the party.
Their guards only came down when they were tucked safely away from everyone else. One last night filled with bliss and promises they knew they could not keep. The moon faded away and with the sunrise came an empty side of the bed and a lace dress left behind on the floor. Michael’s heart in pieces.
Part 2??
If you’d like to be added to my tag list just let me know!
Tagged: @rosecolouredash​ @who-do-you-love-5sos​ @caswinchester2000​ @wildflowergrae​ @malumsmermaid​ @babylon-corgis​ @gosh-im-short​ @feliznavidaddycal​ @loveroflrh​ @findingliam-o​ @flowerthug​ @g-l-pierce​ @talkfastromance4​ @cashtonasfuck​ @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer​ @notinthesameguey​ @lukesfuckingbeard​ @myloverboyash​ @treatallwithkindness​ @haikucal​ @wiildflower-xxx​ @egyptiangoldhood​ @drarryetcetera​ @another-lonely-heart​ @megz1985​ @idk-harry​ @wildflower-cth​ @idontneedanyone​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @myfavfanficsever​ @stormrider505​ @karajaynetoday​ @333-xx​ @calumshpod​ @calumsphile​ @calumrose​ @justhereforcalum @grreatgooglymoogly​ @calumance​ @ahoodgirl​ @chicken-ona-stick​ @wish-you-were-here-hood​ @hoodhoran​ @wiiildflowerrr​ @saywhatnow07​ @lonelyheart5​ @fallingforyou123​ @hemmingslftv​ @youngblood199456​ @kingxnichole​
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okmcintyre · 3 years
I was tagged by @togetherkru , thanks so much for thinking of me! I loved reading your answers & these are always a lot of fun to fill out! 😊☀️
1. why did you choose your url?
I actually just updated my URL after nine long years, mostly because I was uber jealous of y’all with t100 specific usernames. 😅 The majority of my content is catered to that fandom, so it made sense to freshen it up. After ruling out my first choice (@madigriffin, I mean how cool would that be!) I decided that since I relate most to Harper’s energy I’d go with her last name.... and added a variation of my own first name that I thought looked cute. 
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2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
Yes! Goodness I have private sideblogs for writing drafts/inspiration, and to organize gif-making tutorials that I like to keep on hand... then there’s my Bellarke Fanfiction sideblog (@twosuns-ofbellarke)... and I help out with a couple The 100 appreciation/edits pages. I have my old URL too, just in case I ever want to start using it again.
... And I do actually have @augustkomtrikru active too, which I’d intended to use as my main URL once the prequel started up that is, before Season 7B broke my damn heart and I vowed off anything Rothenberg related unless he goes back and fixes that mess that ended our beloved show. 🤷‍♀️
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I joined on January 4, 2012.
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4. do you have a queue tag?
No, but I do tag original posts! 
#t100kt, #friendskt, #luciferkt, #tumblrkt, #liveblogkt, #ask away!
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I came to tumblr because I was struggling to find my groove on LiveJournal and Blogger (wow just aged myself there, didn’t I?👵). I liked that I could post different kinds of content here... and I was obsessed with Fringe, which was still on air. This quickly became the place I came for spoilers and spaz at all the beautiful gifs from the show.
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6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because our fearless leaders marching away from the rover together, looking like badass supermodels, is a big mood! 💥
7. why did you choose your header?
It matched the icon & I found it in my old cell phone edits ready to go
8. what post of yours has the most notes?
This Clarke & Bellamy post from Season 6, with 1700+ notes.
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9. how many mutuals do you have?
Is there a way to see that? I have a bunch and they are all lovely people! ☺️
10. how many followers do you have?
Last I checked I was around 1.7k, I’m super grateful for everyone who sticks around for my hodgepodge of posting!
11. how many people do you follow?
4935, we have a lot of great fandom here and I lack chill...
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
1. (noun) any content on the internet whose humor derives from its surreal nature and/or its lack of clear context... a shitpost is funny simply because it isn't a predictable repetition of an existing form. Shitposts can become memes, but memes cannot become shitposts.
So now that Urban Dictionary explained what that means (I told you, I’m not a spring chicken anymore! 😂) I don’t believe so? Unless you include my old liveblogs, they were absolutely without context.
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13. how often do you use tumblr?
I’m always popping in throughout my day. I like to keep up to my notifs & new posts in the tags, and then when I have more time on my hands I’ll look into my mutuals and feed a little more properly.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog? who won?
I can remember a couple years ago butting heads with a couple folks when I first got into fandom: the posting etiquette here was quite different from the message boards I was used to interacting on... and I had a mishap or two as a result. I genuinely believe that no one wins when that happens though, so I really make an effort to keep this a positive space. Learn from the mistakes. 💛
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to compare this’ posts?
Thanks gosh @togetherkru that you didn’t know these either! Like, what is that? Google doesn’t even seem to know. 
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16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
Also love them! The posts are always wildly unpopular but they are a lot of fun
18. which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Every one! There’s so much talent here and so many folks have established their blogs as a cornerstone of their respective fandoms. And again, I have no idea where to find a list of all my mutuals to compare... but I always feel like I’m the new kid on the block, I’m pretty sure most of my mutuals have been here years longer than I have.
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19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I have a crush on my mutuals’ beautiful gif-making and writing and artsy abilities, if that counts? 😃
20. tags (if you guys want to)
I’m going to tag some folks from my notifications, feel free though to participate anyone reading this! Or if it isn’t your cuppa tea, don’t feel obligated those I tagged... have a great day everybody! 🙂☕
@bt06, @padfootx, @isweartobreathe, @bravestartingwithyou, @kizo2703, @pendragaryen, @whatabeautifullife13, @immortalpramheda, @1jemmagirl22, @frecklesandfanfics, @little-oxford-st, @infp-with-all-the-feelings, @kris-lulu, @womanwithaplan, @bellamyschin, @peaceloveandbabyducks, @geekyogicheese, @al3xia17 & anybody else who wants to play!.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
#1 Ornament Spree (Sungchan x you)
First day of Christmas 
Ornament Spree (Sungchan x you)
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I do not own the pictures, but I own the stories :) hope you enjoy this
It’s the day after Christmas, the merriest night has passed and you’re more than delighted to meet your family and had a nice feast. Yesterday was great with all of you buying presents and playing white elephant. You won a speaker and that is something you did not expect you’d get on a white elephant game. Your big family decided to gather in your parents’ house, where the grand Christmas tree stood up in its glorious form. You’re proud to say that the ornaments you hung with your brother look super pretty on the tree and that everyone is praising the Christmas tree in the hall. It was all good until your uncle got pretty drunk from chugging eggnog too fast and he bumped the Christmas tree. Though you think it is sturdy enough, turns out some of the decoration fell and break. Even worse, the main focus which is the star also toppled down and shattered into pieces.
Since everyone was in their Christmas mood, no one was making a fuss out of it. The maid cleaned up the shattered pieces and party continues like nothing happens.
But when the guest left the house and you were just chilling by the fireplace with your brother, Jaehyun, your mother came in and asked you a favour.
“(Y/n), I am sorry to disturb you and Jae, but can you please go to the store tomorrow and  buy us some decorations, we have some more guests tomorrow and we do not want to greet them with a plain tree right?” Your mother walked gently into the room and brushed a hand over your hair.
You sighed, “Why me? What about Jae?”
Your brother laughed, “Apparently, I am invited to attend a lunch Christmas celebration tomorrow in my girlfriend’s house. Sorry honey I cannot come with you.”
You rolled your eyes, “When does the store open?”
Your mom shook her head, “Not sure, you can search it up in the internet and find the one open for Christmas. Usually they’re close, but I know you can find it!” she planted a kiss on your head and then without listening to you, she left the room.
You punched your brother’s thigh and he yelled in pain, “What was that for? It’s Christmas we shouldn’t be mean to one another!”
“Oh I’ve gotten my present already, I can be naughty now.” You taunted at him and he laughed too when he realized that was a great answer.
“Look, I’m sure you will find a store. Worst case will be going to the mall but try the stores we usually go to.” Jaehyun patted your back, “I’m sure that will be a nice activity while you wait for our guests. I’ll be back before noon.” He stood up.
You turned your head to follow his step, oh he’s leaving too.
“Good night (y/n)! Merry Christmas!” he sent you a heart and you just shooed him away.
Knowing there was nothing left to do and everyone seemed to be in their room already, you made your way to your bedroom and drove to dreamland. At least mother did not ask you to wake up early and go to the stores.
You woke up late the next day. Jaehyun was gone already and your mother and father were also away, maybe visiting the orphanage they always visit on Christmas. Lunch was prepared nicely for you and as you enjoy the snow falling outside your window, you scrolled through your phone looking for shops that are open on the 26th of December.
You almost lose hope when the nearby stores are closed and that you have to go to the mall which is an hour drive from home. Quickly you glance to the big grandfather clock in the house and noted it’s almost one already. The quickest you can be on the mall is at two, and then look for Christmas decorations. Well luckily mom said to just grab a set and the star, but still an hour drive in the cold winter day by yourself is not pleasurable.
But a chore is a chore and so after making sure you’re dressed up nicely in a toasty attire, you step into your car and drive all the way to the big mall. Christmas song blasts on your speakers and you’re no longer sour about going to the mall. You put your car for valet and inhale the holiday vibes around you. Stores are holding sale and people are laughing from one store to another.
You look for the directory and found the store you are looking on the second floor. Without hurrying, you take your time to see the stores and even stop to smell candles and try candies. This was a wrong move, because when you arrive at the decoration store. There’s many people queueing in the cashier and you can see most of the decorations cleared out from the aisles.
“Oh no, I hope there’s some more left!” you rush into the store and hope to still get something.
The aisle with colors that do not match your other decoration are full but you’re struggling to find gold and blue! Those two were the majority of the colors hanging. You luckily found the star and take the last one remaining. Thanking all the gods you know that you still get the last one.
Your small steps bring you to the last aisle where there are some gold and blue ornaments left, with a big smile you stand in front of the aisle, reach out your hand, only to frown when you’re a couple of inch short.
You look around for a stool but find nothing, but your eye caught something. More like someone.
There you see on your left, a few steps away is a tall young man wrapped in a nice black coat.
He’s super tall, way taller than you but like Jaehyun’s. hastily you look around, but no crew is here too, should you ask for his help?
“Um excuse me,” you tap his shoulder and gosh he’s way taller than you!
He turns to look at you and you see a pair of warm eyes meeting yours. You bite your lips suddenly shy about asking his help.
“Yes? What is it?” he asks when he finds you quiet and his brain finishes processing that he doesn’t know you.
You gulp, “I couldn’t reach the christmas decoration on the top shelf and you look really tall.” You point to the aisle you mean and he follows your finger.
“Can you please help me?” you put on your pleading gaze Jaehyun hates so much, but look at him blushing over your cat eyes.
“Oh sure, I can help you.” He follows you to the rack and you point out the decoration you want.
He takes one easily and hands it to you, you examine the details and frown when you see a damage on the ball, you want to see the other options but how do you ask him. Luckily he notices your face of dissatisfaction and takes a glance on your box.
“Oh you want the other one?” he offers you as he reaches out for two more box.
You’re speechless, he is super considering and fast in reading face! Whoah his brain is sexy.
“I think this one can go back up there, it’s damaged.” You return to him the first box and he patiently returns it and even helps you examine the remaining two.
“You good with that two?? Want me to take out another one?”
“No need, thank you! I think I’ll get this one.” You keep the one you like and when you just want to return the second box on the other shelf, he gently picks it up and returns the box.
“I once worked in a market and when people return things randomly, it annoys me. So, let me it’s okay.” He smiles when his hand accidentally brushes yours.
“Thank you so much,” your sentence lingers, and he laughs, “Sungchan.”
“Thank you so much Sungchan!” you bow, and he calmly asks your name.
You introduce yourself and the tall man blurts out “What a pretty name!”
You invite him for coffee since you’re thankful for his help and he accepts it with great respect. After the two of you paid your ornaments, you bring him to one of your favorite coffee shop.
He settles for a hot chocolate and so did you. As you wait for the drinks, he begins talking and getting to know you. You learn that he is just a year younger than you and he is sent to the mall to buy some decorations because their lights burnt, and he needed to get a new one.
“Did you know earlier when you pull that puppy eyes, everyone will sure fall for it and help you.” He laughs between the hot chocolate cups you two hold to warm your hands.
You blush, “Well that is the first time someone told me that! My brother always hates me for pulling that face.”
He clicks his tongue, “That is because you look so cute! He can’t reject or deny you if you pull that face.”
Your mouth gape and you admire his smart brain. “You’re super smart. I haven’t thought about that.”
He giggles, “I heard that a lot.”
“Woah smart and confidence eh! You yourself are charming.” You admit it shyly and successfully makes the younger boy across you run a hand on his neck.
The talk continues and come to a pause when your phone rings and Jaehyun was telling you he is on his way home. You note the clock and it’s almost three already! You’ll be home  by four and need to prepare before the guest comes!
“Can we keep in touch?” you boldly ask after knowing you have to go home.
Sungchan nods, “Of course,” you hand him your phone and he types in his number.
“I’ll send a text and reply me when you get it.” You say and before you can ask him, he has sent you a reply.
The two of you smile although a bit sad that the short meeting has to come to an end.
“So I guess I’ll see you one day!” He reaches out his hand for you to shake, you shake his hand and smile back, “Yes, see you! Have a great Christmas and thank you for helping me.”
“I’m treating you lunch next time we meet!” he waves his hand and the two of you walk opposite ways.
Your drive back to the house is full of love song blasted out loud and once home you’re all smile when Jaehyun greets you for taking the decorations.
“Looking overly joyful eh?” he questions you as the two of you start putting the ornaments on.
You hide a mysterious smile, “Maybe it’s the Christmas vibes.”
He snickers, “Yeah maybe, or maybe it’s you falling in love with a stranger.”
You keep your story to yourself, Sungchan is no longer a stranger right?
  Merry Christmas 
 see you tomorrow! 
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whosemorales · 3 years
Security Threat
A chill had set in the air over Queens making Peter pull his jacket closer as he made his way through the cities streets. Happy was out for a few days because of a nasty cold so Peter had to make it to the tower on his own accord.
Normally Peter would change into his suit and swing to the tower, but he wanted to see the city up close. He wanted to see the streets he had sworn to protect, the people he would fight for until his last breath.
The streets were chaotic, people rushing to and from destinations, bumping into one another on their way. To the outside eye, it looked messy and disorganised, but to Peter, it was home.
"Sorry," Peter mumbled for the 50th time as he bumped into another person.
He had passed Delmars on his way to the tower and decided to pick up a bite to eat, pulling his bag to the side he unzipped it and grabbed out the sandwich. Pulling back the wrapper he was about to take a bite when a scream from a few blocks away caught his attention.
Letting out a breath he stuffed the sandwich back into his bag and quickly ducked into a nearby ally. Pulling out his suit he quickly got dressed before leaping onto the apartment roof and towards the scream.
Peering down into the ally he spotted 3 men cornering a woman.
"Hey, sweetheart I believe you have something that belongs to us," A guy with blonde hair and a scar across his cheek smirked.
The woman in question pulled a rather expensive looking bag closer to her.
"No. I believe this bag belongs to me, maybe if you went out and got a decent job instead of hiding down alleyways and selling drugs like some delusional wanker, you'd be able to buy one of these for yourself."
The man growled and quickly started to advance on her. Peter quickly shot a web at the guy's arm and knocked him into the wall. Jumping off the roof he did a flip mid-air, landing in his famous pose. OK maybe the flip was a bit much, but just because you're fighting bad guys doesn't mean you can't look awesome while doing it.
The other two turned their attention to Peter and ran at him. Peter dodged the first guy's punch and quickly webbed him to the wall.
"Jesus guys, I mean the lady does have a point. Maybe you should take up boxing, that way you'd know not to leave yourself so open." Peter laughed, kneeing the second guy in the stomach and webbing him to the ground.
Peter kneeled next to him and smirked. "This is usually where I drop my famous Spiderman line, do you have a pen?"
A pickling sensation at the base of his neck made him whip around, only to see the third guy get completely knocked out with a punch to the face.
His eyes went wide and he let out a shocked laugh. "Holy cow!" He turned to the woman who had just knocked the guy out cold.
"That was awesome!"
The woman smiled and held out her hand. "Anna."
Peter shook her hand. "Spiderman."
"Yeah, I figured. Not many people run around Queens wearing a red and blue skin-tight suit."
"Actually you'd be surprised, I passed someone like that the other day, it was like looking in a mirror." He smirked.
"Uh-huh, and how old were they? Six?" Anna raised an eyebrow.
"Mid 20s actually, but nice try, you were only 19 years off."
She laughed. "Well I best be on my way, thank you for saving me."
"Oh I don't know, I think you had it handled."
Giving him one last smile she hurried out of the alleyway.                                                                Probably on her way home.
"Karen can you notify the police," Peter asked turning around and webbing the third guy to the ground in case he woke up, which given the punch he just took, Peter doubted it very much.
"Already done," Karen answered.
Peter's head snapped up as he heard the police sirens.
"Well that's my queue, have fun in jail. Say hello to everyone for me."
With that Peter quickly webbed himself out of the ally grabbing his backpack off the roof as he went. Swinging through the city he stopped about a block from the tower and dropped down into another alleyway. Seriously the number of alleyways in the city is ridiculous.
Changing into his normal clothes Peter stuffed his suit back into a secret pocket hidden in his bag, squishing it in beside his books and his long-forgotten sandwich.
When he made it to the tower he couldn't help but stare in awe at the magnificent building. He loved the way the sun shone across it, its rays reflecting off the windows making it hard to look at. Inside was just as awesome, people coming to and from elevators up and downstairs, all of them focused on their next project or the files they had to send or sort or sign. Each person had a specific role and different things going through their heads and it always fascinated Peter.
He could watch these people all day and not know a fraction of what's going on in their life or through their head or what they're feeling, except for what they show on their face.
Walking over to the front desk he smiled at the receptionist. "Hi Susan, how's your day been going?" He leaned on the counter resting his hands on top as he waited for her answer.
"It's the same as every day, tiring, people coming to and from and needing things straight away, no manners. But it's always nice to see your friendly face stop in, it's the highlight of my day."
Peter smiled and blushed slightly. "Are there any files that need to be taken to Miss Potts?"
Susan looked to her left and Peter followed her gaze to see 3 files for Pepper. "Yes, these three just arrived, I was planning on taking them up after a finish sending this email." She gestured to her computer screen.
"Well how about I take them up, I'm going up there anyway and it would take some of the work off your back." Peter offered.
She smiled softly. "You really are an angel Pete, Mr Stark's lucky to have you." She squeezed his hand and placed the files in front of him.
Taking off his bag he put the files in between his books so they wouldn't get squashed and zipped it back up, slinging it over his shoulder.
"Well I best be off, don't want to keep Mr Stark waiting,"
"Bye Pete."
He turned and started walking over to Mr Starks private elevator, he was about a meter away from it when someone stepped in front of him.
Lifting his head slightly Peter saw a man probably in his mid-30s, he had combed brown hair and was wearing a suit with a badged pinned to the pocket that read SECURITY.
"Where do you think you're going?" The man questioned crossing his arms.
"Who are you?" Peter frowned, not recognising him.
"I'm Jack, second in command when the boss is away. Now I'll ask again, where are you going?" He took a step forward, clearly trying to intimate Peter.
"Oh," Peter held out his hand. "I'm Peter, Tony Starks personal intern."
Jack let out a laugh ignoring Peter's hand. "Yeah nice try kid, get out."
Peter moved his hand back to his side. "I'm being serious."
"Oh yeah? Then where's your badge."
Peter froze. He didn't have a badge. Not that he'd need one anyway. Mr Stark had added him to the system, so like himself and Pepper, Peter didn't need a badge, he was free to go anywhere in the tower.
"I-I don't have one," He stuttered out.
"Oh how convenient, you're Tony Starks personal intern yet you don't have a badge."
"I don't have one because I don't need one," Peter said more confidently.
"Kid, the only two people who don't need a badge are Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. There is no way that they would give a 12-year-old access to the entire building."
Peter rolled his eyes. "I'm 15."
"I don't care, get out before I drag you out."
"Look if you don't believe me I'll show you." Peter started to walk around the man to the elevator before he was forcefully pushed back.
Peter was only just able to catch himself from face-planting into the ground, unfortunately, he dropped his bag in the process and it was now laying at Jack's feet. Bending down said man picked it up.
Peters blood ran cold. His suit. Shit, this wasn't good. "Uh, thanks." Peter reached forward to grab his bag but it was quickly pulled away from his grasp.
Jack eyed Peter suspiciously. "Why so nervous? It's just a bag?"
"Uh my uh my-my phones in there, just want to make sure it not uh broken or anything." Peter cursed himself for stuttering.
Jack narrowed his eyes at Peter, pulling the bag closer he brought his hand to the side and started to unzip it.
Peter's eyes widened. "There's really nothing in there! Just some school books and a sandwich!" He said frantically, but Jack didn't look convinced.
Peter held his breath as he unzipped the bag the full way. Reaching his hand in Jack rummaged through Peters things.
"What the hell is this!?" Peter's heart dropped, he found the suit. But to Peter's surprise Jack didn't pull out a red and blue suit, instead, he pulled out three files. Peppers files.
"Where did you get these?" Jack asked angrily.
Peter was so relieved and surprised that he couldn't even form an answer.
"Did you steal them?" Jack questioned, advancing on Peter quickly, making the boy step back until he hit the side of the reception desk.
"N-no I-" By now everyone's attention was on them.
"What were you planning to do with them?!"
"Nothing!" Peter said quickly, holding up his arms in an innocent gesture.
"Don't lie to me!!" Jack spat, quickly grabbing hold of Peter's hands he spun him around and slammed his head onto the desk.
Peter's head throbbed as his vision blurred and he faintly heard someone scream. He felt his hands being pulled behind him and restrained with something, probably handcuffs.
"What on earth do you think you're doing!?" Peter lifted his head up slightly to see Susan standing from her chair and staring wide-eyed at Peter with a mixture of shock and fear in her eyes.
"Miss this is none of your concern," Jack answered lifting Peter's head of the desk and wrapping his hand around the back of his neck.
Peter blinked a couple of times, he could feel something wet running down the side of his head. 'There must be a cut'
"Like hell, it isn't, let him go right now!"
"You have no authority here!" Jack yelled. "So I suggest you mind your own business before I drag you out of this building too." With that Jack started to push Peter towards the door, his fingers digging into the back of Peter's neck causing him to wince. As Jack reached out to open the doors they suddenly locked.
"What the hell?" Peter heard Jack mutter. "Friday open these doors!" He demanded.
"I'm afraid you don't have that authority," A voice said behind them. Turning around Peter's eyes met Mr Starks.
"You ok kid?" He asked worry clear in his voice.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." Peter nodded.
Mr Starks gaze then turned to Jack and if looks could kill he would be nothing but a pile of ash.
"What do you think you are doing with my kid?"
"I- Mr Stark, what are you doing here?" Jack stuttered.
"Coming to get my kid, now I'll ask again, what do you think you're doing?"
"H-he stole these files," Jack answered lifting up the files in his hand.
"Did you see him steal them?"
"Then why do you think he stole them."
"I- well because he's just a kid, so he shouldn't have access to such things."
"And yet you decide to arrest him, injuring him in the process. Peter has full access to everything in this tower, and I know for a fact that he would have said so. So in my understanding you completely ignored him because you thought yourself above him and refused to believe otherwise and then you decide to arrest him with no proof, harming him in doing so. You're fired."
"What!? You can't do that!"
"Actually believe it or not I can, because I own this building. I have the paperwork if you want to double-check." Tony raised an eyebrow.
Jack glared at the man. "You know what Stark, you can keep your useless intern, this job was shit anyway." Taking off his badge he threw it on the ground before turning towards the door, reaching out his hand he went to leave but forgetting it was locked smashed his face into the glass instead.
Peter stifled a laugh, but he heard a few erupt behind him, including Mr Starks.
Jack's cheeks reddened as he pulled away, bring his hand up to hold his nose as tears welled in his eyes from the impact.
"Friday, unlock the doors." Mr Stark called out. A click was heard as the doors unlocked.
Quickly Jack pushed on the door again, only to smash his face harder in the door. Mr Stark burst out laughing along with many other people, resting his hands on his knees he tried to catch his breath. "You have to pull it." He wheezed out.
Jack growled before pulling open the door and running out. Mr Stark stood up straight and wiped the tears from his eyes, walking over to Peter his eyes quickly landed on his cut.
"Jesus kid, come on let's get you cleaned up."
"Uh do you have a key for these?" Peter asked turning to show Mr Stark the handcuffs.
"I do," They both turned to see Susan standing there with a key, coming closer she quickly unlocked the handcuffs.
Peter brought his hands in front of him and rubbed his wrists slightly. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, Pete." She smiled.
"What's your name?" Mr Stark asked.
"Well Susan, you're getting a promotion."
"W-what?" She stuttered.
"I saw what you did, I had Friday play the footage on the way down. I'll get Miss Potts to email you the details." He smiled.
"I- thank you, thank you so much." She gave them both a wide smile before making her way back over to her desk.
Turning to Mr Stark Peter smiled at him. "Where are you gonna put her."
"I was thinking about making her Peppers personal assistant, do you think she'd be up for it?" Mr Stark smirked.
"Definitely," Peter nodded.
Mr Stark grinned before wrapping his arm around Peter's shoulders and leading him towards the elevator.
"Now mister, let's go get you cleaned up."
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Like A Dream
October 4, 2021
Prompt - Walks in the Forest
Characters - Mack, Brady, Royce, and Bentley
Notes - This takes place in the same "camping with the Birch's AU" as the one I did a couple days ago.
October 4th,
So Mick’s world is weird. They have phones that aren’t connected to the wall, some of their cars don’t have doors, and their music is… interesting. We’ve been here since, I think, Friday. Their world and ours are days apart - give or take seventy years - and it’s still screwing me up a bit. It’s nice to be here, though. I actually like the cabin life so far. Aunt Mack and Uncle Brady are so much nicer than I thought they’d be. It’s like they treat Benny and me like their own kids sometimes, even though they already have Mick. They’re always making breakfast for everyone and spending time with us all. It feels like I’m in one of those TV shows back home where it’s all about family and they treat their kids really well and, even when something bad happens, in the end, they’re all happy. I’m so happy we did this. It’s kind of like a dream.
With a contented sigh, Royce closed his journal and set it under his pillow. Bentley had been up for about five minutes, the smell of cooking bacon being the thing that woke him. Royce, on the other hand, had been awake for the better part of an hour, lounging in bed for the most part before deciding to write a bit. Bentley rose from his bed, finally, stretching until he hit the top bar of Royce’s bunk. The fourteen-year-old pulled himself up, peering over the side of the metal bars so he could see Royce’s face.
“Why are you in bed still?” he asked.
“I should be asking you why you aren’t,” Royce teased, pushing his brother back with a hand to the face. “Mr. I-sleep-until-noon-on-Saturdays.”
Bentley let out a muffled, “Hey!” before dropping himself to the floor again. “I think Auntie Mack is making breakfast again. That’s the only reason I’m awake.”
Royce slid to the end of the bed and climbed down, following Bentley downstairs. “Place your bets, is she making pancakes or waffles? I’m saying waffles.”
“I think pancakes,” Bentley said after thinking for a moment. “We had waffles yesterday.”
“Yeah, but Uncle Brady loves waffles,” Royce stated as they made their way down the stairs to the main floor.
“Good morning, boys!” Brady called from his seat on one of the island barstools. “Are you ready for an adventure today?”
“Are we going swimming in the lake again?” Bentley asked as he perched himself on Brady’s left. A plate of food was placed before him and his brother as Mack turned to see them.
“No,” Mack stated firmly, sending her husband a look as he opened his mouth to speak. “It’s only going to be in the mid-fifties today, so the water will be far too cold for you boys to swim in. I don’t want either of you to end up sick, especially on vacation.”
Brady shut his mouth and nodded, knowing better than to argue with his wife. “Yes, ma’am,” he sighed. “Maybe Wednesday. It’s supposed to be in the seventies.”
“So,” Royce began from his spot on Brady’s other side, “what adventure were you talking about?”
Brady lit up once again, reaching up and placing a hand on each of the boys’ backs. “I figured we could go on a walk in the woods today. There’s a trail just east of the lake that we can take. It leads up to a lookout lodge so we can see the entire area. The view is amazing from up there.”
Mack sighed, leaning against the counter with a small frown. “Brady, as much as I love the idea of walking in the woods for who knows how long, Royce has asthma. I don’t think he should-”
“I can manage!” Royce insisted, cutting the older woman off hurriedly. After realizing his mistake, he paused. “Sorry, Aunt Mack. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”
With a smile, Mack reached over and ran a hand over Royce’s hair before leaving it on his cheek a moment. “It’s okay, buddy. You’re excited and I understand that; I just want you to stay safe. I don’t want anything to happen to any of you. Did you bring your inhaler?”
“Miles keeps it for me,” Royce stated matter-of-factly. “If we ask, I’m sure he’ll let me bring it.”
“Bring what?” Miles asked sleepily as he made his way into the kitchen. His hair was a disaster and he was still in his pajamas, making it known to everyone that he was barely awake.
“Royce needs his inhaler so we can go on a walk in the forest with Uncle Brady and Auntie Mack,” Bentley said around a mouthful of eggs.
Miles nodded slowly as Mack handed him a cup of coffee. “It’s in my backpack. I’ll dig it out before you go.”
“You’re not going?” Brady asked.
“Nah,” Miles said with a shake of his head. “Lela wanted to go take pictures of birds so I’m going with her to Curly Creek while Mick and Butch go shopping.”
“Oh, Lela will love that,” Mack claimed with a bright smile. “We’ll miss you guys on the walk.”
“You’ll have fun,” Miles brushed off, waving his hand briefly before picking up his coffee and heading for the lounge to watch TV. Along the way, he ruffled both his brothers’ hair, smiling at them before leaving the room. “Take pictures for me.”
After eating their breakfast, the boys headed for their bedroom, grabbing whatever they deemed necessary for their walk. Backpacks were filled with snacks and water, and the boys were dressed in their usual clothes with an additional, borrowed flannel from Brady. They made their way downstairs not long after they’d laced up their boots, meeting Mack and Brady on the outside porch after grabbing Royce’s inhaler from Miles just in case. Mack was dressed in a long-sleeved, purple shirt with a light, plaid vest over it while Brady donned a light jacket. Brady had a backpack secured over his shoulders and clasped in the front while Mack only had her phone in her pocket and a water bottle in her hand.
A few minutes of walking later, and they reached the beginning of the trail. It was well lit and maintained, with fallen trees and thin logs gracing the sides of the path so it wouldn’t be strayed from. The trees seemed to fill the skies as they began their trek. Large pines, sugar maples, firs, and the occasional birch trees lined the area, sprawling onward as far as their eyes could see. The walk was filled with chatter as they conversed with one another and stopped for the occasional picture. It was truly beautiful. Some leaves had fallen as others were turning colors and, with the sun illuminating them from above, they cast a glow of fiery colors around the area.
While the air had a certain chill to it, the amount of walking they were doing made up for it. The trail, thankfully, wasn’t too much of an incline, just the occasional hill as they walked up the mountain. Now and then, they’d stop to drink, perhaps taking a bit longer to see the streams when they got close enough to see them. All in all, it took almost an hour before they could see the lodge in the distance.
“Look, Royce,” Bentley called from the front of their line, “we’re almost there!”
“Yeah,” Royce huffed before coughing. He hated this. Well, he didn’t hate the nature around them or the journey with his brother, Mack, and Brady, just how his lungs reacted to the walking. There weren’t very many bugs around to bother them or any other people on the trail so there was nothing to complain about apart from his crappy lung capacity.
Brady, who had taken up the rear so he could make sure everyone was safe, placed a hand on Royce’s back. “You need to stop, bud?” Royce shook his head, making Brady knit his eyebrows together. “You sure? It’s fine if you do.”
“I can make it,” the sixteen-year-old exhaled sharply, sucking in another breath. “It’s not-” he paused to cough a few times, “it’s not far.”
“Royce,” Mack began, stopping in her place. Although she sounded firm, Royce could make out the gentleness in her tone, “you’re not sounding good. If you want to stop and use your inhaler, we can. It’s not a problem.”
“I’m fi-” and queue more coughing, “Ugh.”
Bentley peeked around Mack’s shoulder before moving around her and stepping toward his brother. “You’re sweating and you sound all wheezy.”
“It h-hurts.” Royce sucked in a sharp breath, a cough forcing its way out of him as he reached a hand to his chest. Brady began rubbing circles on Royce’s back, the only thing he could think of that would help. After a minute, Royce stopped coughing, allowing Brady to guide him to sit on one of the tree branches that lined the pathway.
Bentley pulled off his backpack and pulled a bottle of water out of it. He handed it to Royce as he crouched in front of him, watching Mack as she sat next to Royce and took one of his hands. “Bentley, honey, where’s Royce’s inhaler?”
“The front pocket,” the youngest answered softly. He turned to his brother and sighed, “I told you when we stopped last time that you should’ve taken it.”
Royce nodded slowly, not wanting to argue as Mack pulled his inhaler from his bag. “Can you take it now or do you need a minute?” she asked him, placing a hand on his arm.
Royce shook his head, fidgeting with the water bottle in his grasp. He gripped the cover and opened it, taking in a choppy, deep breath to steady his hands as he lifted it to take a drink. Afterward, he took his inhaler from Mack and, while it took him two tries to get in any medicine, he’d still been able to get it into him. They sat in relative silence for a few minutes as Bentley knelt on the ground, gripping Royce’s knees, Mack held one of his hands, and Brady rubbed circles over his back. As calming as it was, Royce couldn’t help the embarrassment he felt. He’d been so eager to have fun and get to the lodge that he’d neglected his health and now, apart from Bentley, some people he barely knew, had to take care of him.
“I’m-” he gave a short cough. At least he sounded less wheezy when he breathed. “I-I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, baby,” Mack spoke to him. “It’s not something you can control.”
“It is,” he mumbled insistently.
Brady sighed, taking Royce’s water bottle and setting it down before taking hold of the teenager’s hand. “You were excited and weren’t focused on it, that’s all. I would’ve done the same thing. Nobody is going to blame you for being an excited kid.”
Royce spared a glance to either side, seeing nothing but concern and love from Mack and Brady. It was weird. He’d messed up and refused to take his inhaler even though he knew he needed it, why were they being so nice? “Why-Why aren’t you mad?”
Mack and Brady shared a look over Royce’s shoulder “Mad?” Brady wondered aloud. “Of course not. Why would we be?”
Bentley huffed from the ground, picking blades of grass from the path. “Dad was always mad.”
Mack sighed, brushing Bentley’s hair from his face and threading her fingers through Royce’s curls. “We could never be mad at either of you, especially for something like this. We love you both far too much for that.”
“We know you love us,” Bentley said with a smile. “We love you guys.”
“Yeah,” Royce confirmed, clearing his throat before continuing. “What do we do now?”
“Well,” Brady began slowly, “we’ll sit for a few until the albuterol kicks in, and then we’ll make it the rest of the way.”
“We can go now,” Royce stated. “I’m feeling better.”
Mack scoffed lightly, “We do that and Brady will probably carry you to the lodge.”
“I absolutely will,” Brady confirmed. “How about you boys tell us about that book you were reading last night on the couch? The Time Machine, right? By H.G. Wells?”
“Yeah!” Bentley exclaimed, quickly going into a rant on the book, allowing Royce to chime in from time to time as he rattled on.
Now and then, Royce looked to Mack and Brady out of the corner of his eyes, seeing them smiling warmly at Bentley and himself. He could still feel his ears burning with embarrassment but, if he was going to be honest with himself, it felt nice to be taken care of by them. Mack and Brady were so kind and cared for him and Bentley so much more than he could’ve ever expected them to. It was weird, but certainly not unwelcome.
It was times like these that he really did feel like he was in one of those shows back home and he was right; it was like a dream.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
HEY BAE OK CAN I GET AN AESTHETIC MATCHUP??? FOR MHA??? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE MY VIBES BUT IDK I THINK YOU KNOW ME P WELL AND YOU’VE SEEN ME BUT I’LL TELL YOU SOME STUFF: love love love piercings and tattoos! My closet (aside from work clothes) consists of mostly black, brown, gray, white, orange, and red and i like being scary goth sexy awooga😏😏 for music I LOVEEE midwest emo and pop punk but i’m also a total sucker for like indie folk and just vibey flowey music? idk how to describe it but it’s! so! good! my favorite animals are cows and i’m suPer into windmills. i think peak relationship/friendship is bullying the fuck out of each other like straight up cruelty but loving the absolute shit out of each other <3 i like to tease my friends and in person i’m pretty quiet and sarcastic (i’ve heard i’m rude and intimidating if u don’t know me :|) but i am also sweet asf. ok i know this isn’t a vibe matchup but i feel the need to clarify i can be super loud and energetic w my friends but i’m a big mf introvert and people always tell me i have a scowl on my face😐😐 i get asked what’s wrong so often for no reason pls i’m just trying to exist — i’m trying to think of more aesthetics uhhh. i’ll just list specific niche things.“under eye bags and dark circles, calling someone a dumbass with adoration, cigarettes in the dark, cold pavement on your feet early morning, walking in a forest at night, dim lighting and smoky rooms, a laugh filled kiss in secret, music playing in headphones way too loud, impulsive piercings, pushing your s/o around in a shopping cart, laughing too loud, playing with lighters, hair in bubble pigtails or double braids, hiding from the cops” ‼️‼️‼️
RAMSEY MY BELOVED!! When I tell you I was so incredibly excited to write your matchup I hope you take that at its full value because oh my gosh my brain exploded with all the possibilities here. There’s a couple options I think that could have suited you (because your vibe is incredibly chill and fun so it meshes well with a lot of characters), but in the end I without a doubt had to match you up with...
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I swear that this shit is not even pandering because I know you’ve got a soft spot for this man — he is the ideal person for you. And in the slim,, almost nonexistent chance that you don’t want this reliable, lovable, dorky dumbass by your side, I will personally step in to take your place because good heavens is he just incredible.
Denki is loud and energetic most of the time, although he does have his share of mellow and sometimes more serious moments. He absolutely adores being around other people, and that sociable attitude is only emphasized when he’s around his closest friends. If you have a bit of trouble meshing with a group or a specific conversation, Denki will notice pretty damn quick and do whatever he can to make you feel comfortable and/or involved.
And if it’s lovable insults you want, he can and will provide. My man is friends with Bakugo Katsuki and the iconic Kyouka Jiro, so he knows how to take a roast and then jab right back if he so pleases. He’ll call you a dumbass in so many subtle ways that it would almost be hurtful if you both didn’t love each other to pieces (which you do), and the fact that you retort with an even sharper tongue makes him incredibly happy. Oh, and if he ever thinks he’s overstepped a line regarding your comfort zone, he won’t hesitate to apologize sincerely.
Denki is canonically a HUGE music fan. That space in his head that was supposed to be for academic knowledge instead harbors extensive information on pop culture and entertainment, and he loves sharing new things with you. Punk? Rock? Indie? He’ll have a taste of it all in his multiple playlists on Spotify Premium. Man turns up his headphone volume so loud that you’re confused as to how he isn’t deaf yet. If you’re having a rough day, he puts those big chunky (noise blocking!) ones over your ears and kisses the top of your head, tossing you his phone and letting you pick any song of preference.
Y’all have mandatory vibe parties in his dorm room every week. They can last as long as five hours without breaks. FIVE FUCKING HOURS. There’s snacks, you help pick out the songs in the queue, and someone nearly breaks an ankle during a transition from Mom Jeans’ “Edward 40hands” into The Oh Hellos’ “Bitter Water” but it’s all good in the end. He’s definitely a hype man too, so expect to dissolve into fits of laughter at his energized attempts to cheer you on.
Oh, he can also play electric guitar, so do with that information what you will. Just kidding, I’ll help boost your imagination a little bit: him teaching you the chords to a song you love while sitting in between his legs on the common room couch. With his fingers just barely grazing over your own as he guides you through. Send tweet.
I just know he doesn’t have a stable sleep schedule, so prep your night owl ass for some late night dorm sneak-in shenanigans and a few deep conversations to follow it. Do you both sometimes fall asleep on the floor of each other’s rooms at 3 am? Yeah...sometimes y’all share three brain cells combined, but it simply adds to your charm.
You make runs off campus together all the time, too! It’s a known fact around the Class 1-A dorm that you both love volunteering for monthly grocery shopping, but everyone finds it hard to trust the sound decision-making of you dorks after the incident — otherwise known as you and Denki spending a good fraction of the school-provided food funds on multiple random snack brands. ‘It was a one time thing,’ you insist, and since no one else wants to go on the grocery store trek they’re inclined to believe it. Some classmates were more excited about that particular event than others (although Kaminari swears on his vintage record collection that he saw Iida indulge himself on a pack of Pretz), so it’s become a regular thing for students to include a couple snack requests on their shopping list.
To sum it up, Denki makes sure that every day is never completely boring, and his primary payment comes in the occasional glimpse of your smile — and maybe a little kissy if that’s okay (yes, he literally says kissy 😘, istg punch him in the stomach or something he’s so fucking dumb). He’s charming in a stupid, dorky way, but so sincere where it counts that you can’t help but love him at all times. He’d love your ass so much and I just know it in my bones that he’d take care of you, throughout all of the stupid shit you experience together.
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nevernotwriting · 4 years
You, Me, and Yancy | Chapter 9: Escape
Read me on AO3!
Previous chapter
You woke up with the very firm knowledge that today was your last day in prison. This was the day Yancy was going to help you escape. You felt nervous with excitement and anticipation, but a small part of your heart wrenched when you met with Yancy and his gang after lunch.
Yancy was hunched over staring at the table when you joined him, lost in thought. It took Hank nudging him to bring his attention to your arrival. He blinked and sat up, barely shooting you a smile before launching into the plan.
The plan was simple. When you were getting dinner, Tiny was going to push you into Yancy. Yancy would take a swing at you, and the rest of the gang would declare a fight to alert The Warden.
“And what happens after that?” You asked.
“Ah don’t worry, I got a few tricks up my sleeve,” Yancy replied. He smiled at you with a wink, but his smile still didn’t reach his eyes.
You wanted to spend some more time with Yancy before your departure, but he whisked himself away from the table shortly after, claiming he had some business to take care of before your escape could commence. You sighed as the rest of the gang departed, leaving you alone.
 The evening rolled round all too quickly, and you were back in the canteen once more. You joined the queue for food, Tiny slipping in front of you. She nodded to you, and you nodded back. Yancy was stood behind you, the first time you had seen him in many hours. His hands were clasped in front of him, a tight smile on his face before he cast his eyes back down to the floor once again. You looked around at the other prisoners, all of whom were eating their food and shooting occasional glances your way. The guards milled around the edges of the room, utterly clueless to what was brewing in front of them.
A couple of minutes passed as you shuffled forward in the queue. You were about to turn to Yancy and ask him when this would be happening when Tiny stopped in her tracks. You bumped into her with a huff. She didn’t miss a beat, whipping round and shoving you backwards into Yancy.
“Hey!” Yancy snapped, pushing you away from him. A look of venom was plastered onto his face, but you saw it crack for a split second before chaos ensued.
Despite her nickname, Tiny had one hell of a pair of lungs on her.
Every prisoner scrambled to their feet and surrounded you, holding back the guards like a human barricade as Yancy raised his fists. He took a purposefully slow swing in your direction and you ducked, keeping your eyes trained on him as shouts and screams rang in your ears. You were anxious at the prospect of having to hit him again when the lights turned red and alarms blared once more, indicating that The Warden was on his way. You gulped and glanced at Yancy, who gave you a reassuring wink. You didn’t miss his hands clenching into fists as he curled in on himself.
The circle parted to reveal The Warden, who marched forward and grabbed Yancy’s arm. You winced, scowling as he pointed a finger at Yancy’s face.
“Yancy!” He barked, flecks of spit flying out of his mouth in every direction. “What did I tell you about startin’ fights?”
Yancy gulped, shaking his head from side to side. “B-b-but-”
“You have given me no other choice!”
A guard stepped forward and The Warden tossed Yancy towards him.
“Put him in solitary!”
Your heart started pounding in your chest. Either the plan hadn’t worked, or it was one hell of a strange plan. By the time the lights returned to normal and the alarm died out, you were a quivering mess. The Warden rounded in on you.
“And you,” he spat. “Get back to your cell.”
A harsh grip landed on your shoulder and escorted you out of the canteen. You were pushed down the hallway and into your cell, the guard closing the bars behind you with a loud clang.
You sighed and scratched the back of your neck, unsure of what to do next. You looked towards your bed; maybe this plan of Yancy’s wouldn’t occur for a few more hours, so getting some rest didn’t seem like such a bad idea. Not like you had anything else to do.
You climbed under your covers, looking up at the bottom of the bed above you. What you saw made you shoot out from under the sheets faster than a bullet from a gun.
“Hey buddy. How ya doin’?”
“Yancy!” You hissed, trying not to yell. “What are you doing here? How did you get out of solitary?”
“Told ya, I got a few tricks up my sleeve,” he replied with a smirk, pulling a piece of black material from his pocket. “Looks like, uh… looks like it might be time to break outta here, but before we do, I need ya to put this on.”
Yancy held the material out to you. You frowned at him in confusion.
“Awh listen, it ain’t nothin’ personal. I just don’t want word gettin’ out about my escape routes, ya hear? Cause if you know, then yous gonna tell others, and then theys gonna tell others, and then suddenly, everyone’s breakin’ out, when no one-”
You put a finger to his lips, shocking him out of his irritated spiel. He went cross-eyed looking at your finger, but he didn’t seem to mind. You smiled and rolled your eyes at him, taking the material and tying it around your eyes.
“Yeah. I get it.”
“Good move. Now let’s get goin’. But, uh, watch ya head.”
With your makeshift blindfold securely in place, Yancy took your hand and led you to your escape.
 A few hop, skips, and jumps later, you were on solid ground once more, and a light breeze indicated that you were outside. Yancy’s hand let go of yours, and you took off your blindfold.
“And there you have it!” He declared.
You looked around, taking in your surroundings. You relished in the sky above you, having only seen a concrete ceiling for most of the last few days. The grass you were standing on was slightly overgrown, and it tickled your ankles. You didn’t want to take these small details for granted ever again.
“Oh and, uh…” Yancy caught your attention again, producing two items.
“I think these are youses?” He asked, holding them out to you. It was your cell phone – unmistakably yours by its unique casing – and the artefact.
You gasped, taking the objects from him. “Yancy, thank you! How did you-”
Yancy shrugged his shoulders and scratched the back of his neck, looking down at the ground. “It’s no big deal. I just… I slipped by the Warden’s office to have a little chat on the way over here. I saw that thing,” he pointed to the box, “that yous walked in with, so uh… I dunno. I thought you’d want it.”
A smile broke out onto your face, your heart melting. It soon froze again as Yancy casually grasped two of the bars on the gate.
He was still on the other side.
“Yancy…” You cleared your throat. “Do you… why don’t you…”
You couldn’t get the words out, too afraid of rejection. You gestured instead, beckoning him to come with you.
Yancy blinked in surprise. “Me? Out there? With you?”
He smiled, but you could see the torment in his eyes. He glanced at the ground again, shuffling his hands on the bars.
“Nah, I uh… I done a lot of bad things, and uh… this is home! For now, anyway.” He gestured to the prison behind him.
The breeze seemed to pick up and chill you to your very core as his words sunk in. You took a step closer.
“Yancy, you told me yourself that you didn’t kill your parents. Why do time for something you didn’t do?”
Yancy shuffled his hands again and hung his head with a sigh.
“Look, Zero… I appreciate what yous sayin’, but I still done a few bad things. I ain’t perfect.” He attempted a smile, but it fell flat when he looked at your sombre expression.
“Neither am I, but you still helped me. Is what you did really bad enough to stay in here for… for what, forever?”
Your voice was growing hoarse with emotion, not wanting to let go of his kindness and charm so soon. You had only known each other for a few days, but the pounding of your heart told you more than your brain could ever rationalise. You placed a hand over his. His gaze fixed on your hand, and he flexed his fingers. You hoped he would intertwine his hand with yours, but he merely drew his hand back and returned it to rub the side of his neck. He let out another deep sigh, meeting your eyes once more.
“Maybe next time parole comes up, I’ll… give it a shot.” The last four words were barely above a whisper, and you felt your heart clench yet again. You wanted to pull him towards you, hug him tight and never let go, but you couldn’t.
“Anyway,” Yancy snapped himself out of his guilt-ridden expression. “I better get back to it. You take care now, ya hear?”
You swallowed, barely managing a smile. “You too.”
Yancy returned his hand to yours, giving it one final squeeze before he began to pace away from the gate.
“Visitation, every third Sunday!” He shouted.
The two of you kept your eyes locked for as long as possible. When you finally did look away to turn on your phone, Yancy was gone.
A lump formed in your throat. You paced away from the gate, turning around to see only the side of the prison building and a desolate road.
You were alone again.
You leaned against a nearby tree, taking a deep breath in and out. You were out of prison, you were liberated, yet somehow you felt emptier than you had in the past couple of days you’d spent behind bars.
Your phone vibrated, startling you out of your worried mind. It was fully operational, with half the battery still left. A stream of missed calls and messages from friends and family trickled in, many of them asking where the hell you were and why you weren’t replying. Guilt flooded your body, and you made a mental note to reply to them as soon as you were safe and apologise for leaving them hanging. You tapped through your contacts, looking for a getaway, though in the back of your mind you already knew the best person to call.
Mark’s face and number appeared on your screen. He had a big cheesy grin on his face, hair splaying around. It must have been windy when he took that picture. Your stomach lurched as your thumb hovered over the call button, taking one final look around you for any passing cars you could hitch a ride from, but the road was empty.
“Son of a bitch,” you cursed to yourself, locking your phone. Seeing his face again sent your blood boiling after what you’d witnessed the night before on the security cameras, but your stomach still fluttered with all the fond memories you’d had with him. You curled up at the base of the tree, tears springing to your eyes as you hugged your knees.
Just when you were about to give in, you thought of one other solution.
You looked at the artefact, still clutched in your other hand. Shark said it contained something, right?
“Please, please be something good,” you prayed, prying off the lid and tipping the contents into your lap.
Whatever fell out wasn’t heavy. You picked it up. It was a key, and around it was a small piece of rolled-up paper. You unravelled it, revealing a message.
 This universal skeleton key can unlock ANY lock ever made.
 You read the message again, huffing a breath of disbelief. The key looked old but mostly unimposing. To think it held such power took your breath away.
You glanced at the prison gate. Your heart started racing again, thinking of Yancy on the other side, alone in his cell. You glanced to the road. You thought of Mark getting an earful from Shark for failing the heist. Maybe he even missed you.
“Why can’t everything be easy?” You questioned, looking down at the phone and the key in your hands. One of them led to a life you wanted, but figuring out exactly which was which was a whole other puzzle. Your heart was being pulled in two directions, one by a man you barely knew, and the other by a man you weren’t sure you could trust anymore.
Finally, your brain kicked into action.
What was that Yancy said earlier?
You heard his words in your mind, clear as day in his accent.
“Visitation, every third Sunday.”
Everything clicked into place as you hatched a plan. You stood up with a new sense of purpose, key tightly in your grasp.
You unlocked your phone and called Mark.
Next chapter
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soft-dyke-omo · 4 years
Omovember in August - Day 1: Desperate In A Vehicle
Pairing: Supercorp
If you’ve somehow stumbled upon this fic not knowing what omorashi is despite me not tagging the pairing - it’s about Lena pissing herself. Twice. Don’t look.
As she sat there, stewing in her own misery and the awkward silence that permeated the car, feeling another sharp pulse from her bladder that decided that actually, it hadn’t had enough the first time it emptied into her pants about ten minutes ago, Lena felt it was safe to assume this was one of the worst days of her life.
Certainly the day hadn’t begun as awful as it ended – it had begun rather serenely, with Kara sprawled halfway across her chest, snoring gently. Her girlfriend had always been a starfish sleeper. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to wake her for a good thirty minutes – not after all she’d been through the day before. Non-stop emergencies, rogue aliens, blowing out her powers...when Alex had told her to make sure Kara gets a nice, stress-free day to recuperate or die trying, she hadn’t hesitated a second to swear to do so.
And so Kara and her had compiled a list – things they’d always wanted to do, but hadn’t yet been able to because of superpowers or a strict Luthor upbringing. Truth be told, it was mostly Kara supplying the ideas, and Lena trusting her, completely, because even if the experience of laser tag sounded a lot like “sweaty people playing with toy guns in the dark” and she failed to see the appeal of it, she’d always say yes to spending more time with her girlfriend.
So they took Alex’ car for the day (“not a dent, Alex, I promise!”) and they were off to the races.
And Lena was ready to admit that maybe she’d judged Kara’s ideas too harshly. There was something about just letting go for a day and letting Kara win her stuffed animals at a fun fair, consuming copious amounts of slushies (maybe too many, but what was a lesbian to do when Kara insisted on kissing it better every time she got brain freeze) and giving into her competitive streak to absolutely eviscerate an unpowered Kara at laser tag.
Maybe she should have known better. Because “best of three” quickly turned into “best of five”, and then “please just one more round Lena”, even though the slushies in her bladder definitely started making themselves known by now.
“One more round”, she agreed, shifting her balance from foot to foot. “But then we need to go.”
Then I need to go.
The one more round turned out far harder than it had seemed at face value, because now Lena had to deal with getting distracted by the insistent signals her bladder kept sending. Normally it was easier to anticipate Kara’s next move, her being the type to charge in heroically and ask questions later, but now she had to factor in regular breaks to cross her legs and compose herself. Why on earth did she let it get so bad in the first place? Okay. She had to concentrate. The laser tag arena was littered with brightly coloured obstacles to crouch under or take cover behind, broken up only by one main lane straight down the middle and two smaller lanes circling around the area in its entirety. Usually these smaller lanes were where Kara liked to attack from the most, but during their most recent plays she’d started to branch out a bit more. Lena had to be on guard.
There! A flash of blonde hair, about 15 metres away. Her girlfriend was keeping lookout with great concentration, even from so far away Lena could see the furrow in her brow. She was also slowly stalking her way over to were Lena was ducked behind cover. Immediately she threw herself into the shadow of a larger object that would give her a better chance at ambushing Kara – she regretted her decision at once as the impact jostled her bladder and she felt herself leak for just a fraction of a second.
She blanched, drawing her knees to her chest and holding herself with one hand as her bladder continued to pulse painfully. Shit, please not again. She wasn’t keen on reliving the incident of her first date with Kara, where she’d wet herself at the dinner table. She cringed in humiliation at the memory, even though Kara had assured her time and time again that it was okay, and she didn’t think any less of her for having an accident. Well, Kara might not, but Lena definitely did. And the prospect of a second accident so soon after the first chilled her to the bone – God, Kara would think her incontinent.
Lena grit her teeth and rocked against her hand as subtly as she could until the urge subsided enough for her to trust herself to take her hand away. At least she couldn’t yet feel a wet spot on her pants. Now she just had to get her head back in the game-
Lena jumped in surprise when she saw Kara towering over her, triumphant, pretending to blow smoke off of the toy gun, Lena’s vest beeping to signal she’d lost this round.
“I told you I could do it! You should have seen your face!”, she cheered, and, as Lena still hadn’t gotten up yet, added: “Are you okay, baby?”
Lena swallowed dryly, thanking whatever gods were looking out for her for not having lost complete control because of the shock.
“I’m fine, darling, I just fell on my ankle awkwardly.”
Liar! She didn’t know why she kept doing this to herself. Why was it so hard to just ask Kara to take a break so she could go to the bathroom?
“Are you okay? Do you want me to have a look at your ankle?” Kara asked, before remembering that she didn’t have X-Ray vision. “Or, well, have someone else have a look at your ankle.”
“I’m fine, darling”, Lena assuaged, despite her continuously mounting panic. “Help me up?”
The worry didn’t leave Kara’s face as she extended a hand to pull her girlfriend to her feet, especially not at the hiss that escaped Lena’s clenched teeth – not from pain, as Kara misconstrued it without a doubt, but from the effort of stopping the second leak she lost the moment Kara hoisted her upright.
“Do you need me to help you walk?”, Kara asked.
Lena gave her her best approximation of a smile while clenching her thighs against the pulsing ache of her bladder.
“I’m sure I’ll make it to the car on my own”, she said, but in truth she was unsure whether she’d make it to the car at all. Kara nodded, and hand in hand they made their way out of the arena. Every couple of steps Lena could feel another leak, and she was grateful for the black jeans she was wearing because she was sure that by now she must have saturated her underwear. Her heart was beating in a wild panic that for once in her life Kara’s dampened powers caused her to be unaware of her girlfriend’s plight. This couldn’t happen again, not so soon after the first time she’d disgraced herself. Kara dragged her more through the lobby than she walked, and the spurts she was losing kept growing larger and larger and this couldn’t be happening…
“Actually...I need to use the bathroom before we go.”
She couldn’t stomach looking Kara in the eyes. She could only imagine how Kara must be seconds away from praising her for voicing her needs in time or something equally embarrassing. Her voice already echoed in her head: See, we’re making progress already!
She turned without a further word and made her way to the bathrooms as quickly as possible without outright running, but when she arrived her heart sank once more: The queue was dishearteningly long and moving at a snails pace, while the painful pulses of desperation kept building and building. At least being able to stand still and cross her legs gave Lena some reprieve. She snuck a hand between her legs to check the wetness on her pants and froze when she felt the damp patch expanding to the size of a fist over her right thigh. Lena caught her self chewing on her lower lip, an anxious habit she’d long since thought she’d kicked. She surreptitiously tried to check the stain, she’d thought it fairly invisible until now, but in the harsh, flickering neon light she suddenly wasn’t so sure. God, what if someone saw – what if someone recognized her?
The thought alone made her nauseous with anxiety. She could already see the headlines in front of her mind’s eye:
Luthor’s Little Accident: Luthor Heiress Wets Herself In Dingy Laser Tag Arena Bathroom.
Her breath is coming in short, panicked bursts now, the queue still hasn’t moved an inch and to make everything worse she can feel a new burst of wetness creep down her inner thigh.
It’s too much. She feels like there are dozens of eyes on her, she can feel hot tears welling up and she can’t breathe, she has to leave, now.
She turns on her heels and pushes past the women that have already queued up behind her, keeping her eyes to the ground.
“Good to go?”, Kara asked her, cheerily, as Lena rejoined her in the lobby. The joy quickly drained from her girlfriend’s face when she saw Lena’s expression, and the CEO didn’t miss the fact Kara’s eyes flitted down to her pants to catch any signs of an accident.
“Queue was too long, let’s just go home.”, Lena hissed.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I’m sure!”, Lena snapped, and immediately regretted it.
“I’m sorry, darling, but can we please hurry?” She hated how desperate she sounded, hated the open pity Kara regarded her with.
“Of course”, Kara murmured, taking her hand again and leading her out onto the parking lot. Lena followed behind, every single muscle in her body tense, and yet she kept losing the fight. She could feel dampness all the way down to her mid-thigh now, cooling rapidly in the late summer air outside, and even more pathetically, tears were leaking down her face from the effort, the pain, the humiliation of it all…
“Hey, hey Lena.” Lena sniffed, trying to put on a brave face. She couldn’t pretend anymore: There was no way she’d make it. She couldn’t even see anymore, tears blurring her vision. The sudden warmth of being enveloped in a firm embrace by her girlfriend. “Kara”, she cried out, an exclamation somewhere between let me go and I can’t hold it and help me.
“Lena, it’s okay. It’s okay.”, Kara murmured into the crown of her head, and Lena wanted to argue, to fight, to tell her that it was anything but okay, but her body seemed to take Kara’s permission and run with it. With one final sob her muscles gave out, her saturated underwear not doing anything to stop the steady stream soaking her pants and filling her shoes, puddling at her feet. And still, despite the horrid situation she’d found herself in, she couldn’t fight the effect that Kara’s voice still crooning soothing words into her ear had on her, she felt herself close her eyes and relax into the relief almost against her will, sagging heavily against Kara’s frame. Distantly she was aware of Kara gently manoeuvring them, shielding Lena from view with her body on one side and Alex’ van from the other. The gratitude that washed over Lena was almost, almost enough to eclipse the burning shame at pissing herself on a date with Kara again. Eventually, it was all over, and Lena disentangled herself, blushing furiously as she was faced with the evidence of her accident she’d left on Kara’s pants. God, she’d pissed all over her girlfriend!
“Kara, I’m so, so sorry -” she told the ground. The mere act of looking at Kara seemed an impossible task to her. Kara, of course, knew her all to well. Gently, she took Lena’s chin in a butterfly-soft hold.
“I told you it’s okay, baby, You couldn’t help it, it’s not your fault the line was so long.” She mercifully emitted the fact that Lena could have requested a break hours ago before waiting a few minutes in line would even have been a problem.
“Hold tight, I’ll see if Alex has any plastic bags for us to sit on.” Kara gave her one last kiss to her forehead before scurrying to the back of the van to rifle through the trunk. Lena leant against the side of the car, so exhausted by her struggle her knees didn’t support her weight anymore.
“Fuck”, she breathed out, burying her head in her hands. “Fuck.”
Kara procured two plastic bags only moments later, and Lena tried to ignore both the squelching of her shoes with every step she took towards the passenger seat, as well as the crinkle of the plastic bag protecting the seat, and the sour smell of urine that clung to her. She let her head loll back against the seat. At least it was over.
Ten minutes later, and it was far from over. Just her luck. The ache came back, suddenly and with force, as if she hadn’t gone at all. And the urgency grew fast, faster than Lena thought possible. She must have really overtaxed her muscles this time. She forced herself to breathe deeply, calmly, slowly fanning her legs.
Kara took her eyes off the road for a second to shoot her a sympathetic smile.
“We’ll be at your apartment soon, and then you’ll get out of these clothes. Don’t even worry about it.”
Lena had no fight left in her to even lash out. She’d wet her pants twice in Kara’s company, there wasn’t much dignity to be saved.
“It’s not that”, she said in a small voice. “I – I have to go again.”
“Again?”, Kara blurted out. Embarrassment displayed itself hot and bright red on Lena’s face.
“Sorry”, Kara mumbled sheepishly. “I don’t think I can pull over anywhere, we’re in the middle of the city, but I promise it’ll only take ten more minutes until we’re there.”
Twenty, with this traffic, Lena thought bitterly.
“Hey”, Kara said, reaching over to place a comforting hand on Lena’s thigh, not even flinching at the sodden state of the fabric. “You can make it.”
Lena didn’t answer. She threw dignity to the wind and buried both of her hands in her clammy crotch, grinding against them to somehow persuade her body to just hold out until they’ve reached the privacy of her apartment. She couldn’t help the desperate sounds escaping her lips, hunched over in her seat because every wave of desperation brought a stabbing pain and -
“Baby, don’t hurt yourself.”
Lena couldn’t answer, couldn’t take an ounce of focus away from keeping Alex’ seat dry.
There was a sigh that carried a hint of exasperation with it, then Kara’s hand returned, her touch moving from a gentle reassurance on her thigh to soft, but insisting pressure on her abdomen. Immediate panic gripped Lena with an icy grasp. She frantically tried to push Kara’s arm away, but the second she moved her hand from between her legs an uncontrollable stream escapes her, warmth blossoming through the cold and wet material. With a whine, she shoves her hands back again, managing to stop the impending disaster just so.
But the gentle pressure on her abdomen returned, increasing.
“Kara, don’t, I’ll wet myself!”, she cried, but Kara shushed her.
“Better than hurting yourself.”
Lena knew she was fighting a losing battle, infrequent leaks turning very, very frequent, having long since completely re-saturated the seat of her pants, but that didn’t mean she was done fighting. She couldn’t ruin Kara’s sister’s seat, how would Alex ever look her in the eye again without seeing the same woman who wet herself twice in one day?
Kara started pushing harder against her bladder, and to Lena’s horror no amount of clenching and grinding could prevent the inevitable from happening.
“Kara – Kara I can’t-” she choked out, urine now steadily spilling over the seat and pattering onto the mat below.
“I know baby, I know. Just let it out”, Kara hummed, and it was over.
“’M sorry”, was all she could say before finally, her body relaxed, hot liquid streaming through her fingers she hadn’t had the presence of mind to remove. All in all, she had barely more than 5 seconds of urine left in her, and somehow, this made her humiliation even worse. This was it? And still she couldn’t hold it for ten more minutes?
“Lena, you’re doing it again.”, Kara chided softly. “Don’t beat yourself up over an accident.”
Lena nodded, not trusting her voice to respond, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of her shirt and cringing when she noticed how she’d wet them from the wrist to mid-forearm in her desperate attempts to hold herself.
“Tell Alex I’ll pay for cleaning.” There was no way to hide it from even her girlfriend’s sister anymore.
“Alex?” Kara asked, as if only now remembering whom the car they were sitting in, that Lena just soiled, belonged to.
“Oh, don’t worry about Alex. I’ll just tell her that I misjudged my human holding abilities and it got so bad you had to drive me or I would have crashed into the next wall. Still didn’t end up making it.”
Lena balked.
“Kara, you don’t have to do that.”
“It’s no problem! Alex would be far more likely to believe I’d had an accident because of having burned out my powers anyway – it’s not the first time it’s happened.”
Lena turned to regard her girlfriend who was now fully focusing on the road again. There was not a hint of embarrassment on her face, almost as if what she’d been saying again and again was true:
That it wasn’t that big a deal.
For once in her life Lena could almost believe it.
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