#and then they save some people and go for hot chocolate after
dmitriene · 6 months
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cw: mentions of groping and attempts at harassment, reader stays her ground, simon falls in love and kind of a horny mutt, smut is not the main curse.
simon keeps his distance from relationships, he has enough problems of his own, he rarely stays in one place because of deployments, and very often risks his life.
until simon observes a situation in a bar that turns his world upside down, making him feel a prickly warmth in his lower stomach and a whirlwind of thoughts consisting only of the same words
— “she's gonna be mine„
it was so easy, you only had to go to the bar for the first time in a long time to unwind, only to get caught by an annoying, nasty guy who didn't want to stop trying to touch you and whisper nasty compliments to you like — “your tits looks so good in this shirt„ “wanna get out of here with me?„ “don't play hard to get„
until it all turned into screams and pig squeals, as soon as you poured the drink from your hands on his gross self, ruining not only his clothes, leaving them sticky, but also his image, attracting the attention of almost all the customers and also the bartender, a clever one who immediately called for help to get the man out before he did anything worse, not to mention his squeals about — “fucking bitch! that how you react to some attention?!„
it's really easy, responding with rudeness to rudeness and not tolerating humiliation just for the sake of saving face, not even yours, in public, instead keeping your nerve and addressing rude people in their own language, before wiping your hands with a napkin and going back to relaxing by ordering another drink.
and simon is not at all ashamed to admit to himself that the whole performance, carefully followed by his thawed chocolate eyes, not only made him aroused, which caused him to fidget in the seat, spreading his legs wider and squeezing the prominent bulge in his pants, tenting against the fabric of the black jeans —
but also allowed him to imagine how it would have been in different circumstances, yelling at him about completely different things — while being on top of him, riding his fat cock with rough rolls of your round hips and loud slaps of your plush ass against his relaxed, muscular thighs, the warm, gummy walls of your cunny clench around his meaty cock so good, making him go delirious with just one imagination how hot you would sound with his name and orders slipping past your soft, bitten from his hungry mouth, lips — “h — haa, yesyesyes, simon! stay just like that, s' good!„
it's all enough to make simon break out of his habitual image in which he tries to keep a low profile, he calls the waiter to ask him to extend your drink at his expense, and it's really more than enough for simon, because you don't hesitate to find his gaze among the numerous tables when you're told that another cocktail you didn't ask for is a compliment from another customer, and simon doesn't hide his communion either.
he catches your gaze back, feeling a thrilling shiver in his body, and raises his glass of bourbon to the thin line of pale lips that spread into a smile of their own, accord when he sees your biased squint, but even though his slightly intimidating balaclava and broad physique, you nod, thankfully, your lips moving in silent gratitude — “thank's, sir„
that was his green flag, to sit in the bar until you were about to leave, leaving the room and his line of sight, slipping out if only for a moment, because simon couldn't let you go home alone after all that, coming out after you and as gently as possible touching your shoulder to make you turn, your gaze falling onto his warm eyes before processing the hoarse words he said
— “le' me wolk you home, hm? nothing more, jus' a safe wolk, lovie?„
and will you refuse? after all, no matter how hard you try to think otherwise, something in his whole form inspires of unexpected safety, so maybe he's the one who will be your normal company tonight.
✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴. 𝘢𝘰3.
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firelilyfox · 6 months
Back To You
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Wonka: Willy Wonka x female reader
Warnings: nsfw / fluff / se&ual actions / love confessions
Words: 1,5k
Summary: Willy just got almost drowned in chocolate & you take him home so he can get a nice and warm shower ... things get a little bit out of control
Willy almost got drowned in chocolate but it doesn’t seem to bother him that much. Because now he finally was free from being bullied and sabotaged by the three mean chocolatiers. 
All covered in chocolate he was standing on the marketplace, watching the people around him cheering and applauding. That’s when something catches his attention. 
The girl he had a crush on since he’d come to this town with that boat. You were the first person he met that night, but you didn’t know, because he just saw you from afar. 
Since then Willy was a little bit … obsessed with you as someone would might say. 
„Willy? What happened?!“, you shouted as you saw him standing there all covered in sugar sweet liquid. 
He smiled cheeky. „Oh nothing important. I just almost got killed by three evil chocolatiers, but eventually got saved by a little orange man with a flying machine.“ 
Your jaw dropped in disbelief. „Excuse me?“ 
„I said …“ 
„I know what you said, Willy!“, you interrupted him briefly. „Well I shouldn’t be that surprised, because you experience the wildest adventures, but this one seems kinda extreme even for you.“ 
Willy scratches the back of his head ashamed and realised that the chocolate already began to dry. 
You frowned. “You have to get that off of your body before you become a life size chocolate man.” 
“I guess you’re right, even if the idea of being made out of chocolate is kinda tempting”, Willy said. “I probably should take a bath in the harbour to get it off.” 
Your jaw dropped again. “Did you hit your head while being almost drowned? You can’t take a bath in the harbour while tasting like a treat. You will get eaten by a shark and after that he becomes diabetic!” 
Determined you take his hand and pull him after you. A big smile appeared on Willys face as he risked a look at your tangled hands. 
“You can take a shower at my place. The warm water will wash all of this sticky stuff off in no time!” 
Willy gladly obliged to your stubbornness and followed you back home. 
Back at your tiny apartment you gave Willy some towels and dry clothes, that you brother once left while he was visiting town. When you hear the water splashing you realized for the first time what’s happening right now. In you bathroom was a man. Naked. 
All of a sudden your cheeks began to burn and you heart just made the attempt to jump right out of your chest. You couldn’t bring your thoughts to focus on anything else than … him being … naked. 
„Thank you for the warm shower, y/n. Its truly a relief to…“ he keeps on talking, but your ears weren’t capable of listening anymore because he just stepped outside the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. 
The air got a little steamy because of the hot water and his dark curls were soaked and falling over his face. Willy looked like a dream that weren’t meant to be real. 
„Are you alright?“, he asked concerned and comes closer to you. His hand touched your face and you snapped out of admiring him. „Don’t tell me you are getting sick.“ 
„I-I’m not sick. I-I just …“, you stuttered. He was so close to you, that if you would just reach out your hand a bit, you could touch him. But you were way to shy for that. 
His gaze softened. „Good. Because you had me worried for a second.“ 
„You were worried about me being a little sick? Why?“
He moved his thumb gently over your cheek without even considering to let go of you. „Because … because I care about you, y/n.“ 
„Why?“, your mind was long gone, that’s why you couldn’t think of any response that would made sense. But Willy didn’t seem to bother. He chuckled softly. 
„Because I really like you.“ 
Your heart was pounding like it just ran a marathon by itself. Then it stopped, just to pound even faster. „I like you too, Willy.“ 
Slowly he leaned his forehead against yours, still touching your warm cheeks. His eyes closed like he was fighting with himself about what to do next. „My consciousness is telling me to put my clothes on and leaving for good. But my mind wants me to kiss you so bad. I don’t know what to do.“ 
A little smile showed on your face. Willy was not a man who talks in riddles. He only speaks the truth and doesn’t care about what the people would think. „I always liked the way your mind works.“ 
Willy didn’t need to hear more. He kissed you. So slow that it would almost be in slow motion. His lips felt soft on yours. Tiny water drops were falling down from his wet hair, but you didn’t bother. Your hands find their way up his chest and holding on to him while resting around his neck. Willy was quiet tall, so you had to go up on your tiptoes while he had his arms wrapped around your waist, pressing your bodies together. 
You could feel how much he liked to kiss you and couldn’t help but smile devilishly. Without even think about it, you paused kissing Willy and grabbed the fabric of your dress and pulled it over your head. He was just staring at you with mixed emotions showing in his eyes. 
„What are you doing?“, he asked slowly and out of breath. You could see in his eyes that he clearly enjoyed this, but he was too much of a gentleman to ever take advantage of you. 
„I thought it was a little unfair to let you be the only one being … not fully clothed.“ The only thing you were wearing right now was a thin underdress. He was looking at you with a deep desire in his eyes, that you couldn’t ever escape. 
Willy had to swallow hard. „You don’t have to … I mean I would never …“
„I want to“, you simply replied. 
And again, Willy didn’t need more confirmation. He made a step forward and his lips crashed against yours. A surprised noice came out of your throat but you leaned into the kiss in no time. His hands grabbed your waist, making clear what his intensions were. He wanted you. 
His touch leaves your skin burning in desire for more and before you could even catch a breath his hands grabbed your legs and you find yourself wrapped around his waist. His hair was soft between your fingers and if you gently pulled it, he let out a little groan. 
„You have no idea what you do to me“, his voice sounds dark and heavy. „Being with you feels like magic to me.“ 
Willy walked over to your bed and as he managet to let you down gently, the towel vanished from his body. He kissed you passionately while his hands find their way beneath your underdress, exploring your body. The useless fabric joined the towel on the floor and you could feel him skin to skin. A little moan escaped your lips as you feel his length inside you and Willy moved slowly to give you time to get used to the intense feeling. 
„How does it feel, my love?“, he whispered to make sure if you are alright. 
You smiled. „Like magic.“ 
He began to move, slowly at first to find a rhythm. With every kiss and every touch he gets faster and you couldn’t keep it quiet any longer. His kisses find your neck and his grip got so much tighter. You hold onto him with everything fiber while reaching the climax at the same time as he does. 
His muscles began to relax again and you could feel his weight on your body. Your legs were still wrapped around his waist and Willy buried his face at your neck, breathing in your scent. Time passes. You had no idea how long the two of you stayed in that position, but you wished it could last forever. 
„You called me my love.“ The words were spoken before you could even think about it. 
Willy raised his head to look at you with a satisfied smile on his swollen lips. He looked so angelic that it was almost not real. „That’s because you own it. You own my love. You own my heart. Since the day I stepped into this town … I am yours, y/n.“ 
You could see in his eyes, that he truly meant every word. „I love you too, Willy Wonka.“ You whispered and kiss him softly. 
„I’m very aware how bad the timing is … but I kinda have something that needs to be done. I arranged that Noodle can meet her mother for the first time in her life and … I don’t want to miss that.“ His eyes were full of sorrow. Willy was afraid that you might get mad at him for leaving again just after the two of you … found together. 
„You go and do what needs to be done. I will be here.“ You made clear that you understand his good intentions by touching his cheeks and followed the line of his lip with your thumb. „Will you come back to me after that?“ 
Willy smiled and leaned his forehead against yours. „I will always come back to you.“ 
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Cheating!Steve x reader, Bucky x reader
Oh look, more cheating Steve with sweetheart Bucky to save us
A/N: Last year someone asked me for some mad angsty fic and I posted and deleted it so quick because it was god awful. Just awful. However, I had kept a draft of it cause even though I hated it and everything about it, I didn't want it gone forever. Upon rereading it recently...I kinda like it. So I decided to change some stuff (like most of the entire plot), switch around characters (I'm a Bucky girl) and repost. If you want to see the OG fic, I can post it again or just edit this to add it under the new version
Steve couldn't stand seeing you like this. In the hospital room, the needles prodding you, it all reminds him of hydra and the things he had seen on numerous missions. When you almost die, he's thrown back into the spiral where he has no hope for a future. And nothing changes after you get better. You had almost died once. Missions were getting riskier and you weren't always in the clear. In his mind, everything good in his life leaves him or gets ripped away eventually. Peggy was a prime example of that. It's just a matter of time.
Even in your injured state, your attention was all on Steve. You knew how much he hated seeing you hurt. It sent him into a dark place few people had witnessed. As soon as your eyes fluttered open, your tired eyes met his red rimmed, puffy ones. For days, every time you try to bring him back to you, he has his walls built up again.
He won't let himself love you more.
He drinks.
He drinks enough to get drunk. It takes bottle after bottles but he doesn't care. He doesn't care about anything any more. So much so, he decides to seek the warmth of someone else.
Because you almost left him.
You could die so easily.
You almost did.
Nothing matters any more. His moans of pleasure are empty but he's wrapped around her none the less. He doesn't stop until his body can't move, too exhausted to even think about guilt.
You have it all planned out. You were finally released from the hospital and the first thing you wanted to do was spend time with Steve. The team had left the compound so you could set up a movie night for you and the captain, you don't want to let him slip from your grasp, not after all you'd been through together. You didn't go through hell and back to lose him like this. You fought for your life to pull through.
There are snacks laid out on the table, a movie pulled up, some hot chocolate made just for you and him. You shuffle nervously, your heart beating erratically. You didn't spend 4 years with him just for this to end because you nearly died. No. He was worth the fight. His cold demeanor was not towards you but towards the fear of losing you. And that fear was from love. Love you both shared deeply for each other.
You knew he got back from the bar late; if he was too drunk then you'd help him to his room and talk to him in the morning. It was a new habit of his but you understood.
Except he never came. He always made it home. Not tonight.
Steve stumbled in the next morning, rubbing his eyes, seeing a small sleeping form on the sofa, snacks and some drinks laid out in the living room. He swallowed thickly when he sees you get up from the couch wearing one of his hold hoodies, making your way towards him.
You have a soft smile on your face, but it drops when you get a closer look at him. Tears prickle at your eyes when you see the way his neck is littered in bruises, his skin still flushed. He can't look you in the eyes, not after what he'd just done.
You freeze before him, you don't want to ask. You don't want to know. The broken expression his face is enough for you. You wordlessly leave the living room, locking yourself in, giving FRIDAY instructions to make sure no one can enter.
"Did you talk to y/n" Bucky asks excitedly when he sees Steve sitting in the living room. He knows how excited you were about the movie night, spending days planning every last detail. His excitement drops when he sees the food untouched and you're nowhere to be seen. "Where is she?"
Steve remains silent, staring at his hands. The rest of the team enter the living room, hoping to find you both curled on the couch, but no. Nat's eyes narrow when she sees the hickeys on Steve's neck but something tells her they're not from you, you've never marked him like that before, you've always been so gentle with him.
"How could you?" She hissed, while the rest of the team look at her in confusion. It doesn't take long for them to piece things together. And it's a mess.
You come down to the living room, both Sam and Tony holding Bucky down on the couch while he glares at Steve, his hands still in fists. They all turn towards you with broken eyes, this is not what they ever wanted for you. The second he sees you, he breaks down. You're numb to his cries, his pleas.
He finds you leaving the compound at 1:00 AM from where he's still seated on the couch, something you'd never done before.
"Baby? Where are you going"
You ignore him, making your way to the garage. You were never able to sleep since and staying in bed only left you alone with your thoughts.
"I-I need some space. Don't worry about where I'm going"
"Y/n, please, just let me explain"
"I made a mistake, I-
"I don't care. I just want need some air"
"Promise me you'll come back?"
You shake your head, you can't even look at Steve. You scoff, shoving past him, not caring when he hisses in pain. His cheek is bruised, spots of dark purple and blue bloom around his eye and you'd seen Nat icing Bucky's hand earlier.
"Y/n, please angel, I-I just want to talk, just promise me you'll come back?"
"I promise" You reluctantly mumble, hopping on your motor bike and speeding off before Steve can call after you again.
You loved him so much.
You fought so hard to pull through for him, you heard every word he'd said to you when you were unconscious.
Tears clouded your vision.
It all happens too fast for you to comprehend.
The car doesn't see you.
The bend is sharp.
You bike is sent over the edge.
It's been a week.
You still haven't woken up.
It's all his fault. It doesn't matter that the driver was intoxicated. It didn't matter that it was dark out. You wouldn't have left the compound if he hadn't done what he did and it eats him alive.
He's not met with any sympathy.
No one bats an eye at his tears or sobs, too concerned about your well being to go and comfort him. Like clock work, every member of the team visits on rotation since they can't all be there at once. however Bucky is exempt from all hospital rules with one brooding, grumpy stare.
Bucky is by your side every single day. He doesn't say anything when Steve grips your hand, praying for you to wake up, silently praying himself while your heart monitor continues to beep. Steve refuses to move from your side but he's not given much of a choice when Fury summons him personally for someone mission related.
He's only gone for a few hours but that's when you finally stir. Bucky is on his feet instantly, paging for the doctor while stroking your hair.
"Hey pretty girl" Bucky whispers when your eyes finally focus, the knuckles of his metal hand gently caressing your cheek. The cool sensation helps you feel more alert. You smile seeing his baby blue eyes, feeling safe as he talks to you softly.
Everything hits Steve all at once. He didn't just betray you. He betrayed the team. His bestfriend. Himself. All the people who had faith in him to make the right choice, to do the right thing, to protect them. And he threw it away. Everyone waited a month for you to fully recover before throwing a welcome back party so you'd actually be able to enjoy it. Steve looked back longingly at the happy group gathered together in the living room, more emotions hitting him again.
He was happy you were alive. His sweet, sweet girl pulled through. H
He was envious of the love everyone was sharing, one he wasn't privy to anymore. He was invited, he was still apart of the team after all but he knew it wasn't his place.
He was jealous.
Jealous of the way you melted into Bucky's side. Longing to feel that warmth that he used to feel himself. Bucky had his arm around your waist, keeping you tucked right by him, taking care of you long after you were discharged. He wasn't going to stop any time soon.
There was something between you two, everyone could sense it. The soft gazes at each other and innocent kisses. Bucky wouldn't let a day go by without pressing his lips to your cheek, your nose, your forehead, the top of your head. He needed you to know you were loved and cared for. He stuck to his guns, claiming his actions were purely platonic but the pink blush on his cheeks proved that he was a bald faced liar.
Steve knows theres no one to blame but himself. He sighs and swallows the lump in his throat as you stand on your tiptoes to kiss the brunette, sealing you both together forever. He's always thought it would be the two of you standing together at the alter but how things had changed. The cheers of the crowd are a dull buzz to him. He watches Bucky swoop in for another kiss, this time dipping you and capturing your lips sweetly.
"I love you Mrs. Barnes"
"I love you more, Mr. Barnes"
Your happy, love struck giggles cause the first tear to fall.
He does his best to smile when you both walk by, flashes of what your wedding would have looked like. The white dress. The veil. The flowers.
if only he never-
But it was too late.
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outsideratheart · 9 months
Queen of what now? (Mary Earps x reader)
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A/N: I’m sorry this took so long. I hope you guys like it! Also, I’m going through a big Mary Earps phase right now so this was very fun to right.
Were you there to support friends, accompany a team mate or to see someone who has been on your mind for the last 104 days? You knew it was the latter but if someone one were to ask you would say a mixture of the first and second.  
“I can’t believe you came with me. You have to be back in Barcelona tomorrow” Jana asks as you leave the hotel. 
What she said was true. You picked up a calf injury during the El Classico which made you unavailable for the international break. It did mean that you could go to England but only for the night. 
“It’s Wembley and I’m here to support Keira and Lucy” was it a lie? No. Was it the whole truth? Absolutely not. 
“If that’s true why aren’t you wearing one of their shirts?” 
The shirt you chose to wear, the England one, wasn’t on show but Jana saw you put it on before leaving the hotel. Now she was digging but you didn’t bite. 
“Because I didn’t swap shirts with them” 
Your answer seems to please the young defender because she didn’t continue her interrogation. Instead the conversation steered towards the game and how it would end. Jana, here to support Jill, favourited the Dutch but you knew the difference a home crowd could make and when you put those fans in Wembley stadium, England become a different team. You also have the upmost faith in the woman between the sticks, the same one that would captain the team. 
You walk down Wembley way, taking in the atmosphere and stopping for as many fans as you can. 
“You quite popular for someone who beat England in the final” Jana remarks. 
“I’m still not used to it and I can’t say I’m a big fan of the attention” 
Your performance throughout the season with Barcelona and during the summer at the World Cup earned you the most coveted trophy in football: The Balón d’Or. Since then you had been exposed to a spotlight, one which wasn’t always welcome. 
It was cold in England, in fact to your Spanish blood it was freezing. The moment you entered the stadium you got a hot chocolate and went to your seat. When Mary joked about you coming to game she told you that she would put some tickets aside for the family section but when Leah saw that you were at Wembley she invited you to watch the game from one of the boxes with her and Millie. 
You didn’t really know the defender well but you appreciated the invite. The first half was less than great so not a lot was said. You could tell the two blondes were getting stressed but Jana was loving it. 
The moment the ball crossed the line for the second goal you knew Mary would punish herself for it. 
“Mantén la calma” you wish she could hear you. 
“Oh Mary, keep your head up” Leah says from beside you. 
“She will blame herself” you add. 
“She is. I know that because she’s my team mate. How exactly do you know what she’s thinking?”
“A guess” 
The look the Arsenal player gives you lets you know she doesn’t believe you but the whistle is blown for half time before she can question you further. 
The people is the room seem to split up for the half time break. You stick with Jana who is obviously having more fun than the rest of the box. 
“Dial down the celebrations J, we are in an England box” you whisper to her during half time. 
“Jill’s winning though” Jana says innocently. 
“Maybe save your celebrations until after the game when you are with her” you raise your eyebrows playfully. 
“Fine” she agrees to keep her cheering to a minimum not that it makes a difference because the second half is in England’s favour. 
You can’t believe what you are seeing. First Georgia Stanway scores then Lauren Hemp scores two minutes later. As a football fan you were taking it all in. 71,000 people were on their feet as they celebrate the possibly of a come back. 
When Ella Toone scores in the 91st minute you can feel the stadium shaking. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
The whistle blows and you see the blonde beside you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“That was quite the performance by your team Leah” it was a compliment but in a professional way. 
“It was. I take it you are here to see Lucy and Keira?” Leah asks.
“No, ella no es” Jana says from your side. 
“Cállate” you shake your head whilst being thankful that Leah didn’t speak Spanish. 
“The girls, as well as some of the Dutch team,” Leah looks at Jana as she says that part “are going to a bar called Three Lions. I’m not sure if you have plans but I will let the security know to expect you” 
“Gracias Leah. I have something I need to do but I’ll come” 
“Me too” Jana also accepts the invite before turning to you once Leah has gone “Jill already invited me. What do you have to do? Nobody knows you are in London” 
“Somebody does and I want to see her before anyone else. If anyone asks just tell them I had a call” 
And that is what is what Jana does. By the time everyone arrived to the Three Lions bar news has spread that you attended the game. You, as planned, texted a certain goalkeeper and asked her to meet you at a different part of the stadium. Her reply wasn’t words, it was a thumbs up to your message. 
The way she walked towards you told you everything you needed to know. Her gaze was on the floor with her shoulders hunched. 
Much to your surprise Mary is the first to talk. 
“I can’t believe you came” she stands less than a meter in front of you but doesn’t move closer. You may have been talking every day but you hadn’t seen her in person since the final and you desperately wanted to hug her.
“You asked me to” 
“I did but you weren’t sat in the seats I sent you tickets for and you’re injured so I thought that maybe you had to stay in Barcelona” 
“People saw me and it became a bit much so Leah invited me to watch the game with her in the box” 
“Does she know —“
“No. She assumed I was here to watch Lucy and Keira. I didn’t correct her” 
Here’s the thing. Nobody knew about you and Mary. The reason why things were so good between you was because there was no pressure to label it, no interference from your friends and no need to force anything. 
You saw the way her face dropped and you knew her well enough to know the reason why. 
“I’m wearing your shirt” you un tie your coat and pull your hoodie down revealing the green England shirt “they may think I’m here for my team mates but I’m here for you Mary” 
“You picked a bad game to come and watch” 
“Don’t. Don’t tell me it wasn’t my fault” 
“I wasn’t going to. I know better than to tell someone how to feel after a game” you grab her hand a pull her towards some seating where you pull her down next to you “What I was going to say is that moments like that are a tough pill to swallow but it was a mistake and the best players in the world make them” 
“I let the team and the fans down. I let my family and you down” 
You hated seeing Mary this distraught. She was normally so full of energy and confident. This wasn’t a side you were familiar with. 
“You didn’t. There are people in that room over there” you point the bar behind you “that are proud of you and as for me, well you could never let me down Mary. I swear to you” 
Mary couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face. In a moment when she was down, you managed to lift her up. When she feels you reassuringly rub her thigh she leans onto your shoulder. 
“You’re quite a big deal here Mary. I saw young girls wearing your shirt and many people wearing scarfs with your face on. I didn’t know you had a nickname” you took a pause as you try to remember what the green scarfs said. 
Mary sees you struggling to remember the fan given nickname so she helps you out. 
“Mary Queen of stops” her mumble is barely audible. 
“Queen of what?” You didn’t hear her. 
“Stops. The fans call me Mary Queen of stops” 
You only hum in response. Maybe you knew what the fans called her but she needed to hear it too. If for no other reason than to reinstate some confidence. 
When Mary stands she holds her hands out to help you up. You walk side by side but she stops before you get the door, far enough that you both are still out of side but close enough that her nerves are building.
“Will you take this off?” The keeper tugged at the drawstring on your hoodie.
“But it’s cold, no?” 
Mary felt ridiculous for suggesting it yet she didn’t want to give you her reason. As embarrassment flushed her cheeks, Mary’s gaze found every part of the room that wasn’t your face.
“It’s stupid, forget I said anything” 
She doesn’t wait for you to respond and instead walks towards the bar. She assumes that you are right behind her but it is only when she opens the door for you does she realise that you haven’t moved.
“Mary” with you stood rooted in place it leaves mary with no option other than to return to where she was mere seconds ago “Are you cold? Is that why you want me to take it off. Here, you can have it” without further question you give Mary the hoodie.
“I’m not cold. I want them to see you in my shirt. I want them to know that you came here to support me and that you still do”
“They will have questions”
“Let them ask, It doesn’t mean we have to answer them” Once again Mary leads you to the door put again she stops “Can I wear this?” She holds up your hoodie that she is still carrying.
You nod your head and the smile that appears on her face must be infectious because you are soon grinning ear to ear.
When you enter the bar you try your hardest not to attract any attention but Mary’s absence seems to have worried her team mates and her family because she is pulled away from you. 
You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t want to stand by yourself so you search for the three women who you actually know. Lucky for you the three of them are together with the addition of Jill, Beth and Viv.
“Nice shirt” Lucy nudges you.
“Was it a gift from our keeper or—“
“We swapped” you saw no harm and you hoped that telling the little truths might get you out of revealing the big ones.
You wasn’t really involved in the conversation taking place between the English and the Dutch. Something that Jana was quick to pick up on. You watched Mary from a distance as her parents pulled her into their arms, something you desperately wanted to do earlier. 
“Go see her. It’s why you’re here” Jana detaches herself from Jill’s hip to talk to you. 
“She’s with her family” you say just loud enough for the young defender to hear you. Whilst doing so you turn around so it isn’t obvious that the goalkeeper is the only person you are interested in. 
“She is but she is looking at you, oh she want your attention” 
Jana was telling the truth because when you turn back around Mary is calling you over. You shake your head, now wasn’t the time for her to introduce you to her parents. Mary on the other hand thought differently because before you can run away she is walking towards you, grabbing your hand and leaving you with no choice other than to follow her. 
“Mary, no”
“Y/N, yes” 
You suddenly felt nervous. Not necessarily for meeting her mum and dad but to find out how she would introduce you. It wasn’t a conversation you have had yet and you weren’t ready to hear that she didn’t feel the same way as you or even worse she felt nothing at all. 
“Mum, dad. This is Y/N, she is—“ 
“The woman that you won’t shut up about” 
Mary cheeks flushed red but she didn’t deny it, in fact she confirmed it. 
“It is, she is. She is also the reason why I was late” 
Her parent give you both a look, one which isn’t warranted. It does let you both know that they think something else happened and that is the reason for you both arriving later than everyone else. 
“We were talking” you were quick to correct their thoughts. 
“She calmed me down” Mary slightly squeezes your hand as a thank you. 
“Well Y/N, we know how hard on herself Mary is so thank you being there. As her parents it makes us very happy to know that she does let someone in and listens to them”
The woman in question simply listens to what her parents were telling you. Is that really what she had done? Had she let you in without realising? 
“She is a good person and she needs to learn that she cannot blame herself for what happens on the pitch” at this point you turn to Mary “We play a team sport. Win or lose, we do it as a team. She isn’t alone” 
You mean ever word you said. You spoke as a player who knew what Mary was feeling but the last part you said sincerely. As long as Mary wanted you around then she wouldn’t be alone, ever.
“Can I buy you a drink?” Mary asks.
You say goodbye to her parents and go to the emptiest spot at the bar. 
“I just met your parents” you cannot help but laugh a little.
“Was that ok? They wanted to meet you after I told them about you”
“What did you tell them?” You take a look around. You were surrounded by people, maybe a more private setting was best for the ‘what are we’ talk.
“That I met a girl in Australia. When I was at my lowest she showed up and got me to smile through my tears. Every day I look forward to talking to her, I wait for her texts and our FaceTimes are the best part of my day” 
You looked at Mary with a foreign feeling in your gut. You could compare it to butterflies but that didn’t seem like justice. When she moves forward to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear you don’t flinch. In fact you welcome to closeness.
“Carino, what are you doing?”
“I’m going to kiss you now” Mary’s tone is confident but the look on her face didn’t convey the same confidence.
“I won’t stop you but look around. People are —” The woman standing opposite knew exactly what you were going to say but she didn’t care. Her focus was on one thing; you. 
Everything with Mary has been new but the way she kissed you felt familiar, as if this wasn’t your first kiss. Your body was screaming for you to deepen the kiss, to strengthen the connection but you knew you would have to wait. Mary obviously faces the same conflict only she has given in to her desires. You have to push her away when you felt her tongue on your lips.
“Mary, we can’t do this here” 
“But I want to” 
She leans back in for more but only gets a peck on the lips.
Mary felt frustrated but she really couldn’t complain. She had been dreaming of kissing you for months now and every scenario she came up failed in comparison to the real thing.
“Will you come back to the hotel tonight? We don’t have to share a room. You can stay with Keira or Lucy” 
“I have a very early flight in the morning Mary” you wished you could stay but you needed to go home and you could not miss your flight.
“I know but please, I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet”
“I don’t want to either but I can’t” Mary’s head dipped in disappointment and it wasn’t a sight that you liked “Maybe I could spend a few hours there and then go back to my hotel”
“You have yourself a deal” Mary was happy to compromise.
Later on you went back to the hotel where the England team was staying. As imagined you were subject to a lengthy interrogation by her team mates. You answered most questions and then played the ‘I don’t understand the English’ card when you didn’t want to answer certain ones. You barely left Mary’s side the entire night which only made your departure worse. She was adamant on walking you to your car and you didn’t fight her on it.
“Thank you for coming tonight” Mary says as she opens your door for you.
“I had fun” you absentmindedly run your finger of your lips as you mind wanders to the multiple kisses you and Mary had throughout the night “I have come to London, now it’s your turn to come Barcelona”
It wasn’t a bad deal. The sun was shining in Barcelona, whereas it hasn’t been seen for days in London. 
“I’ll be there as soon as my schedule allows it” Mary hated that she couldn’t just hop on a plane and come see you.
This was the hard part. You and Mary could find time to text, call and FaceTime but in person visits were difficult due to your schedule and the year the two of you had. You were only able to visit because of your injury and as much as you knew you would miss Mary, you didn’t want her schedule to become clear for the same reason.
“Until then we will make it work. We have done so far and look where it has lead us”
“I certainly didn’t think my night would end with me kissing you”
“It hasn’t”
Mary leaned forward and quickly stole a kiss.
“It has now”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her antics. 
“I need to go now”
“I know. Call me when you get back to your hotel” 
Once in the car, Mary watches you drive away. There is a pain in her chest as she already misses your company. You do end up FaceTiming her that night although it is different now. Seeing her face on the screen was nice but it didn’t compare to being with her in person. Still, you enjoyed your night with her and on the other end of the line Mary was already planning her trip to Barcelona. If the two of you have learnt one thing that night it was that you both wanted each other and you were willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.
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skzstannie · 10 months
“We’d never want you to struggle alone”
SKZ-> ot8 x 9th member! reader
genre: angst wc: ~2100 cw: mentions of depression and death of family members, hatred for the holidays
Hi guys! Here’s my attempt at some Christmas/holiday angst. The fluffy Part 2 is posted and linked at the bottom of this post!
Feedback and likes/reblogs are greatly appreciated! I haven't got the chance to interact with too many people on here yet, so reach out if you'd like!
Happy scrolling!
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"Hey guys, I'm pretty tired. I think I'm gonna head to bed. Chan Oppa, I'm gonna go lay down in your room until everyone's ready to go back to our dorm," you wave off their comments asking you to stay with them and make your way to the leader's bedroom.
It's December 20th, and the guys are all gathered around the television in the 3Racha/Hyunjin dorm, binge watching Christmas movies. During a normal year, you'd all be at your own homes with your families, cozying up to the fireplaces and drinking hot chocolate with your siblings. However, this was no normal year, and your comeback ran too close to the holidays, not allowing you nor the boys to go home for Christmas. Not that you particularly minded; you hated the holidays.
You imagine what you'd be doing at home right now, no doubt curled up in your bed with an exciting romance novel, listening to some dark academia playlist you'd found on YouTube.
But you're not home, you're stuck here with a bunch of Christmas-crazed dorks who have spent the last few weeks decorating your dorms full of all things Santa Claus. You've been managing to sneak away whenever any holiday-esque activities are taking place. You've not told them of your hatred towards the holidays, and you're not really planning to, either, not wanting to be the reason their fun-filled nights are ruined; they're already sad enough about not being able to head home for the holidays, the last thing you want to do is be a scrooge. So, you’ve resorted to humbly excusing yourself, busying yourself with your own activities when the occasion arises.
As you walk into Chan's room, you take notice of all the little trees he has decorating his room. Cute. You pick up the picture of his family he has resting on his nightstand beside his bed. You stare at his mom, dad, siblings, and grandparents smiling faces, feeling the familiarly unavoidable pit in your stomach form.
Your parents and one set of your grandparents passed away in a car wreck about five years ago, before you debuted with the guys. Your other grandparents, your mother's parents, passed away before you were born, never getting the opportunity to meet them. So, that left just you and your brother. Your brother, being a few years older than you, started his own family the summer after your parents passed. He has a beautiful wife and two children now, one boy and one girl. They got right to baby-making after they got married, so excited to start a family of their own. Unfortunately, that family never included you. You only know of their children because you’re mutuals with your sister-in-law on social media.
Your brother essentially ghosted you after his first child was born. You two were never the closest sibling duo, but you never expected him to completely drop you and ignore your existence. But he did, and that's just something you have learned to live with.
You were not in a healthy place after all this happened. You had no one to go to when your heart was breaking, grieving the loss of both your dead and alive family members. You put all your focus into the trainee program, all your sadness and anger towards the world into your dance and song. Chan eventually found you on that one fateful day that you deemed saved your life. You were at the lowest of your low, and you thought you had finally reached your breaking point, but then walked in Christopher Bang Chan, all smiles and laughter. He recruited you to be in his group as one of the first, right after Han. From then on, you had another reason to keep going, to keep fighting.
You've never told the guys this. You have always been a more reserved member, keeping all of your personal life out of the spotlight. While the boys never heard you talk much about your family, really only knowing you have a brother, they always thought that, when you went home for the holidays, you went home to a nice big house filled with love. They thought when you walked in the doors to your childhood home, you were welcomed in by your parents with opened arms, beckoning you in. They thought you spent your Christmas mornings opening nicely wrapped presents, followed by a home-cooked breakfast that'd be shared amongst your family.
They didn't know of the single bedroom apartment you called yours. They didn't know of the bareness that captured your living room, baren of all things Christmas and the lack of Christmas cookies and presents on Christmas Day. They didn't know you've always spent your holidays alone.
Honestly, you were completely fine with their assumptions. You didn't need nor want their pity. Your family was still an incredibly sensitive topic to you. Before their passing, you were so very close. You'd spent every holiday together, enjoying your time as a family, doing all the cliche things. You'd even gone caroling a few times, walking around your childhood neighborhood singing the classic Christmas songs off-key to your friendly neighbors.
Afraid you'd spiral, leading you right back to how you'd been before Chan found you, you never brought it up, and the boys never pushed you to talk about your family. They figured you were normal with a mom, dad, and a loving brother-so what's to talk about?
The holidays have never felt the same; you knew they wouldn't. So why try? Why go through the effort of making yourself a nice Christmas dinner, attending church on Christmas eve and waking up early Christmas morning, when you knew your parents wouldn't be there to greet you. When you knew your grandmother wouldn't be there to give you the biggest hug she could muster in her old age. When your grandfather wouldn't be there to give you a hearty pat on the back, his only true form of physical affection you'd ever experienced in all your years with him.
A quiet knock pulls you out of your thoughts, and in walks Felix with a glass of milk in hand. You quickly set down the picture frame you didn't realize you were still holding and give him a warm smile.
"Hey, what's up?" you ask him, taking the glass from him and sipping on the cold beverage.
"I just wanted to make sure you were feeling alright. You've been pretty distant for a couple weeks now. Is everything ok?"
You're a little caught off guard, this being the first time anyone's noticed your pulling back since the beginning of December. You honesty didn't even realize anyone was paying attention to you, all of them too caught up in the festive activities and excitement of the season.
"Yea, I mean, I'm fine. Just a bit of seasonal depression," you write off his concerns.
"I didn't know you had that," Felix ponders his thoughts for a minute, giving you a loving look. "Is there anything I can do to help? Have you always had seasonal depression?"
While looking into Felix's warm, brown eyes, you decide that keeping all these things from them all these years has been unfair. They're never afraid of sharing their personal struggles with you. You think back to all the times Han's came to you with anxiety, and how you've wanted nothing more than to take away all his worry and pain. How Seungmin's came to you with his insecurities, and you always hyping him up, calling him the most beautiful boy. If any of them had kept their struggling to themselves, it'd crush you. How dare they feel like they couldn't come to you? Why would they want to struggle alone?
You realize that these feelings are most definitely reciprocated by the guys. Now, feeling vulnerable after being left alone with your thoughts for so long, you have the dire urge to come clean about your family.
"Actually Felix, I've been struggling with this for quite some time now. Can you, maybe just, listen? I've never talked to anyone about this, but I want to now. I want you guys to know," you fiddle with your hands, sliding one of your rings on and off your finger.
"Of course! You can always talk to me. Go ahead, I'm listening." He grabs your hand, halting your fidgeting. You look up at him, take a deep breath, and let it all out. Everything you've been holding onto these last few years. It probably sounds like word vomit, all your feelings and hardships falling out of your mouth at lightning speed. You finish your rambling, and you finally have the courage to look up at his face again.
He's crying. Equipped with all the theatrics, the wobbly lip and rosy cheeks. You made Felix cry with all your problems. You reach up to his cheek, wiping a few of his falling tears.
"Ok, I think I'm done," you freeze as Felix also brings his index finger up to your cheek. You flinch when he pulls away, seeing the dampness of it.
You're crying, too. You didn't even realize. I mean, it makes sense. You just trauma dumped all of your troubles onto Felix, the world's most renowned empath, of course you'd be crying.
You guys sit in silence for a minute, before Felix's whimpers become audible. He's so visibly distraught, and your heart breaks even more just at the mere sight of him.
He launches himself at you, clinging to you so tightly you think your ribs may crack. He tackles you back onto the bed, resting on top of you.
"Why did you never tell us this?" his sobs wreck through his body, his arms trembling around you, "We could've helped you."
"I was scared," you wriggle one of your arms free of his embrace, using it to affectionately run your hand through his hair. Your sobs join together as one, both of you a mess. "I was scared you guys would pity me, or look at me less. I was scared that I'd spiral again if I talked about it."
"Well, we're here now, Jagiya." He sits up after a few minutes. His cries have quieted, and so have yours. "We aren't going to let you continue going through this alone, ya know. We are one, and if one of us is hurting, we're all hurting. Please don't keep things like this from us anymore." He begs, standing from the bed. He grabs your hand and pulls you up, making his way towards the door.
"Where are we going?" your voice shakes and you pull away from Felix, standing in the middle of Chan's room. You wrap your arms around your middle, feeling more exposed than you ever have before.
"You know we have to tell the rest of them. They deserve to know, too."
"Felix, I don't think I can tell the story again. Once was enough for a lifetime."
"OK, do you feel comfortable with me telling them? I'll tell them exactly what you told me, no more, no less, ok?"
You frantically nod your head, grateful for Felix's suggestion.
He blows you a playful kiss, no doubt trying to make you feel better, and he leaves to go to the living room. You take your seat back down on the side of the bed and wait patiently for Felix to finish.
You don't hear much for the next few minutes, but you're startled by the swinging open of the door, the handle cracking against Chan's poor wall. Han stands there, a dazed look on his face. His glassy eyes meet yours, and you shriek when he takes off, leaping onto the bed onto your small frame. He wraps you up in a big hug, squeezing the life out of you.
"We love you, and we'd never want you to struggle alone. We're in this life together."
One by one, the rest of the guys make their way into the room onto the bed. We're haphazardly thrown into a cuddle pile of sorts. A cuddle pile filled with the love and adoration you've been missing during the holidays.
You all lay in each other's arms, and you feel incredibly comfortable and safe. Chan's the first to break the silence, "We have five days left until Christmas. What do you say we make some new Christmas traditions? We don't want to replace what you used to have, and you’re entitled to spend your Christmas season as you'd like. But, if you'll let us, we’ll give you something to look forward to about the holidays again. Please?" The guys are all looking at you now, each of them displaying a face that could rival a sad puppy.
You realize now that there's nothing to be scared of. These are your best friends you're talking about, who want nothing but to shower you in love and happiness.
"I'd love that."
Part 2
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poundstonaira · 2 months
Mascara - Albert Wesker x F!Reader
A/N - There is one scene thats a bit ... uncomfortable (?) but for the sake of my trauma and others, I was NOT going to write a non-con scene. Absolutely not. There's is barely any smut in this because I believe storytelling can be good without smut. It's not everyday sex ngl.
CW: Obsessed Wesker, Stalking, minor dubcon intercourse scene, Cat and Mouse vibes, Dry Humping, Gun Violence, Age Gap, Kidnapping, Wesker being an Asshole, Captain and Lieutenant, Wesker is bad at feelings, bad story with HEA.
Song Inspiration: Mascara - Deftones
Word Count: 10,639
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Summary: Captain Albert Wesker of STARS is obsessed with his Lieutenant. He feels as if soon, he'll sink into her. What does she think of that?
“Lieutenant, have you seen how weird the Captain has been acting?” Your fellow teammate, Jill told you while you guys were hanging out at the front office of the police station, drinking your hot chocolate after a quick mission. It was early December, which means it was snowing heavily, and everyone needed a quick hot refreshment after saving the citizens of Racoon City.
“What do you mean?” You raised an eyebrow, not knowing what Jill meant as you stared into her light blue eyes in confusion. 
“I don’t know… but something is off about him…” She said, twirling her cup of hot chocolate in her hand, her look stern.
Recently, Captain Albert Wesker has been more tired-looking than usual. It must’ve been either the endless hours of paperwork, the amount of calls to the police department for them to summon the members of STARS to handle some of the toughest crimes in the city, or the reports of countless women going missing after leaving a club late at night. Or, could it have been something else? 
It was dark outside, and the snow from the sky was falling down relentlessly. It was brutal out there, which is why barely anyone came in to work today. From STARS, it was only Captain Wesker, Jill, Chris, Rebecca, and you.
“Like what?” You asked the short-haired brunette, taking a sip of your sweet hot chocolate, savoring the delightful taste. 
“I think…” Jill paused, appearing that she was thinking hard about her answer into the realms of daze before she spoke again. “It has something to do with you. ” 
Your heart moved down a bit, but it didn’t drop to your stomach… yet. You were good at your job, you were flexible when it came to hand-to-hand combat, intelligent when it came to planning solutions in tight situations, strong when it came to holding your own, wise when it came to everything else, and overall so stunning. 
“ Me ?” You pointed at yourself, looking around to see if JIll got you confused with anybody else, ignoring the distant footsteps coming closer from the stairs. “I literally have been doing all of his commands without question and I’ve been doing them flawlessly. Why the hell would he have a problem with me?” You scoffed, a little scared but irritated. 
“Lieutenant, the Captain wants to see you in his office.” Chris spoke in a worried tone, coming down from the stairs. 
Now your heart really dropped to your stomach. That’s not good. 
“Did he state why?” You questioned Chris, taking another sip of your drink.
Captain Wesker is not the one to call people to his office for anything, really; only if they have been slacking on the job or actual imperative reasons. This must be serious. 
You might just be in for one hell a night. 
“No… He just said that you should come and that it’s urgent. ” 
In unison, you and Jill both flashed each other a look that included wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Urgent? 
“Oh…” You muttered, your heart dropping once more. 
“Should we wait for you?” Chris asked, standing next to Jill. You nervously sipped down the rest of your hot chocolate before you shook your head and threw the cup at the nearby bin, already walking up the stairs towards what could be your doom. 
“No… you guys should get going before the blizzard gets worse.” You implied, waving at them while still walking up the stairs. 
“Are you sure?”  Chris insisted. 
“Yes. Don’t worry. I doubt it's anything serious. The Captain is probably just in one of his moods. I’ll be fine.” You let out a heavy sigh, hoping this little meeting with the Captain isn’t anything too serious. 
“Come in.” You didn’t even have to knock before you heard Wesker’s voice from the other side of the door. You opened the door to see your Captain automatically staring at you. In the dimly lit room, you feel his presence before you see him. As you enter, he occupies the chair with a predatory ease, his frame sprawling, arms confidently resting on each side. The lamplight casts shadows on his angular features, accentuating the intensity in his cold-blue eyes fixed on you.
“Hello, Captain.” You greeted him quietly, your usual, calm persona already leaving you as soon as you felt his aura. It was chilling for some reason. Very strange. 
You closed the door behind you for more privacy as you stood by it, not wanting to move away from said door because of how nervous you were at this moment. 
That was your first mistake: closing the door. 
“Hello there, Lieutenant.” He greeted you back. “Why don’t you take a seat?” Wesker asked you with a grin, eyeing the chair opposite his desk. 
He seems so eager to talk to me, this is a little strange. You thought, needing some space from Wesker. 
“I don’t want to-” You attempted to protest, waving your hand but his voice caught you off-guard.
“It was a command, Lieutenant.” Wesker’s grunt voice and his intense, chilling blue-eye stare filled your body with chills and the small hairs on your arms and the back of your neck rose. Did you really do something wrong?
Your gentle persistence faltered as you slowly took the seat in front of your Captain, both pairs of eyes still focused on one another as his pair of cool blue eyes made you a little queasy. You had to look away or else you would’ve started to physically shake. Your gentle, feminine eyes started to wander around his office. It was quite dim– very dim, actually. The only things that were giving it light were the two lamps by either side of his desk. There was the S.T.A.R.S insignia embedded into the wall behind him, and the walls painted, stained with an ugly shade of blue, to you.
You started to speak up after the moment of silence. “Chris told me that it was urgent for me to talk to you…” You spoke, fingers from your left hand playing with the chrysanthemum tattoo on your right hand.  “Is there something wrong?” You asked, still not giving your captain eye contact, instead, giving your visual attention to the tattoo of your favorite flower on your hand.
“You’re really good at your job, Lieutenant.”  You look up at him, raising an eyebrow at his statement. It wasn’t that you were insecure or anything, matter of fact, you knew you were good at your job. You were the Lieutenant of S.T.A.R.S Alpha team for crying out loud. Why is he telling you such an obvious fact? 
“I know I am. Thank you.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. 
“No need to get cocky, dearheart .” Wesker smirked, his voice low and grunt. 
Oh. That’s different. Dearheart? You wanted to mentally ignore that last word, but it stuck with you.
“Is that why you called me here today? To compliment me?” You ask him, tilting your head to the side, giving Wesker a tired look. If he really wanted to praise you for your work, Albert Wesker should be on his hands and knees before your feet, thanking you for your existence, cherishing you with a raise and all the gifts you’ve wanted in life. Instead, he’s just front sitting you, staring at you in the most creepy, gnarly, and uncomfortable way ever. 
“You're a very useful asset to the team. I was looking through your data and reports and I couldn’t help but be impressed by you.” He praised you. 
“So… what else? That’s it?” You ask him, rolling your eyes at his words. 
“What’s the rush, my dear ?” He questioned you, pale, wintry cold, blue eyes boring into your siren ones which were laced with mascara on the eyelashes. He leaned in over the desk, making you slowly move back.
“You’re doing nothing but complimenting me, I thought you called me to your office for something actually important-” You tried to get a point but he cut you off. 
“ You are important, Lieutenant. Which is why I wanted to see you, and only you .” 
At this point, you’re convinced this is an imposter, not your Captain. Your brain cannot wrap around this new behavior at all. All you know is that your guard needs to be up.
“Where are you going with this, Captain? Are you drunk?” You ask him, annoyance and small fear tinted across your voice. 
That was your second mistake; asking that question.  
“Tch. How bold of you to ask me that blunt question.” He scoffed, shaking his head. 
“Well excuse me for my rudeness but I am very tired and I want to go home, and you’re wasting my time.” You stood up from the seat, walking towards the door, you heard Wesker sigh but thought nothing much of it. You were irritated because you actually thought you did something wrong, but no, your Captain is in a peculiar mood today and that’s pretty much it. (It seems like.)
Before your hand could even touch the doorknob, you felt a strong arm wrapped around your waist. Your heart wasted no time dropping to the pits of your stomach. Slowly, you slightly turn your head around to see Wesker’s eyes staring right into your soul, again. This time, you feel a sense of fear arising on your body as he looks a little tense. 
“Where do you think you’re going, Lieutenant ?” His voice this time low, laced with dangerous venom from the bottom of his throat. This time, your body felt on edge, feeling weak everywhere and even light-headed.
“H-Home...” You stuttered, this time looking down at where his hand held you on your waist, where your other chrysanthemum tattoo was. You lay your right hand on his to see how hard he was gripping you and oh , his grip was secure and tight. 
“I don’t remember saying that I dismissed you. Why are you so eager to leave?” He whispered into your ear, that transatlantic accent sending shivers down your spine and his cold breath blew onto your neck.
You bit your lip, trying to hold your breath because of how scared you were. There is nothing worse than feeling the looming doom of something bad happening to you, and you don’t have much control over it. “...” You need to talk, you need to speak up. “Because… I want to go home.” You blurted out. It wasn’t a lie. 
A chuckle with malicious intent just left Wesker’s mouth as his grip on you tightened, even from behind, you flinched as he rubbed himself against your behind, letting out a deep groan. 
“You can’t go just yet, my dear. I haven't finished enjoying my time with you.” He then said, his other hand slithering under your long-sleeve uniform shirt and onto one of your breasts. 
“Let me go, Captain...” Your voice cracked and tears were on the verge of spilling onto your eyes, you were shaking, terrified with no one to help you but yourself. It was only Chris, Jill, Wesker and you in the office when you were downstairs but because you told your two colleagues to leave, you only have yourself to use to defend yourself.
“No…” Wesker whispered again, letting out a little laugh as he could hear the fear in your voice. He squeezed your breast, making you gasp. “I don’t think I will.” The blond male responded slyly, pushing himself roughly against your backside again. He was hard. 
“H-Huh?” You muttered. You were sweating, shaking, crying, trying to wiggle out of this tightly, evil grasp but it didn’t work. Wesker was too strong, too evil, too good.  
“Kiss me, Lieutenant.” He spoke, leaning into the side of your neck and giving it one long lick. You visibly gagged as you felt the cold saliva on your neck. It wasn’t a suggestion, it was a command. 
“Fuck no!” You screamed, finally growing the courage to turn around, elbow him and slap him in the face. He let out an angry groan as he held his face with his hand, he wasn’t bleeding, but he was bruised. 
That was your third mistake; slapping him.
“I don’t think you have a choice in the matter, Lieutenant .” He laughed at you from where he was standing, looking at you again. This time he stared at you, licking his lips as he eyed that voluptuous body of yours. You cursed to yourself, looking back at the door, and then back to Wesker.
This was your chance. You had to run out of here. And so you did, not turning back once as you ran full throttle to your office, grabbing your stuff and out of the station. 
Damn, it was cold outside. 
Luckily, you parked right at the parking lot since there weren’t many people in today due to the heavy snow. Panting with fear, you turned on your car, got inside, turned on the engine and quickly moved out of the station.
It was the next day and you were not sure what was real and what was false. All you know is that you did not want to go into work today. That was for sure. 
But, you can’t have it your way. Missing work without a prior notice is very dangerous at the Racoon City Police office. 
You were currently sitting in front of your vanity. Your hair was a mess, lips bruised from you biting them, your eyes were tinted with red , and you had dark circles under your eyes from staying up all night, trying to listen for signs of intruders… or your captain waiting to kidnap you. You did not like this, at all, whatsoever. 
Your tired eyes move toward the handgun that lays in front of you. It was a Colt 1851 Navy Revolver that was given to you from your father as a gift for making into S.T.A.R.S . From all your years of working at the station, you never would have thought that you might have to use it on your colleagues, let alone Captain Wesker for crying out loud. Who knew he was such a scum of a man?
Yesterday night was something you still couldn’t wrap your head around; Captain Albert Wesker assaulted you. 
Those words don’t even make any sense. Your captain, who is always wearing those dark sunglasses even when the scene is more dark than midnight with no lights in the street, who is always serious and time for absolutely nobody’s bullshit, who is always picking on Chris for even the slightest of mistakes, who is always serious about his job and the safety of the citizens… sexually assaulted you. It doesn’t matter how many times you rapidly blink, or how much water you drink, or how many hours you stay up, because that is exactly what happened. 
And there is no way to justify that. Your superior took advantage of you.
At the same time you could try telling Jill and Chris what happened but, what can they even do? That’ll just cause more chaos and you’ll still have to face Wesker in the end. 
Do you even have a way to confront the son of a bitch? Probably not. But, you’ll never let him get away with this scott-free, that’s for sure. 
“I need to do something about this…” a mutter came out of your mouth as you eye the wooden handled six shooter on your vanity.  “ before I don’t even belong to myself anymore. ” 
Or, do you just ignore him like he doesn’t exist? That can probably work but it is still you too who close the station down when the day ends… and the stow refuses to stop falling.
“No…” You look at the revolver again. I won’t do anything just yet, not until he strikes first. I’ll just ignore him for now. 
You slowly make your way to the STARS Station once again, the snow still falling down.
Can I really do this? Can I ignore him?
You find the snow is starting to fall harder, and the wind begins to pick up.
It seems like the weather does not want to help me either.
You see yourself approaching the doors of the STARS station, and then walking inside.
I have to do this.
You see Wesker standing just at the top of the staircase, even with his stupid shades on, you can still feel his predatory gaze targeting you. Your heart automatically drops to your stomach without failure. 
"Hey, Lieutenant." He waves with a smile on his face. 
You feel like a million thoughts are going through your mind, your mind racing.
I have to ignore him. Be normal. Don't show him anything is wrong.
You take off your Ushanka and shake your head so your hair isn’t flat, so your hair can look free and full of life. Luckily, Chris blocks Wesker out of your vision by standing right in front of you. "Snowy day, isn't it, Lieutenant?" Chris says to you.
You shake your head as you see Chris greet you, and say the same thing to him.
Be normal.
You try to just do your work, as if nothing ever happened.
As the morning progresses, you see Wesker a few times, but you ignore him. You're glad to see that he hasn't approached you or said a word to you yet.
Is he going to let it all slide? Forget about it?
Seeing him has made my heart drop to my stomach multiple times... and it looks like I'm gonna have to stay here overtime again. You think to yourself, and you look at your surroundings carefully, biting your lip. 
You see Wesker a few more times throughout the day, and you feel your heart sink a little with each and every time you see him.
That bastard. Is he going to do anything to me today? Am I just going to have to try to avoid him today as well?
As afternoon sets in, you see Wesker a few more times. Yet, he has yet to approach you or say anything.
Am I safe…? Did he just let this whole thing slide already? Why? Was he just having fun with me?
I don't think I'm safe but I just need to keep ignoring him... I'm only gonna be here until 8:30PM today.
You continue to see Wesker throughout your shift. He's clearly aware that you're also there and seeing him. Yet for some reason, he does not approach you. Nor does he say anything.
Why? Is he just playing with me? Is he just planning something more sinister and twisted when I leave?
You keep doing your work, trying to ignore his very visible presence in the same room as you.
Don't look at him, don't say anything to him, don't even smell him.
As the work day continues, you continue to ignore Wesker. You do all of this, thinking the whole time that...
Maybe he just plans to try and force himself onto me again sometime later after work?
That's it. That's what he's doing. He'll just try it again, only this time he will be better prepared to hide it from the other members of the STARS Alpha team.
Tssk... Shit. What should I do?
That's when you finally see Wesker approaching you now, his eyes still on you.
This is it...
He's going to do something right now.
You feel a rush of anxiety now rush through you, and your heart begins to pound in your chest. He's going to do it again.
I'm screwed... fuck.
Wesker is now standing in front of you, his eyes still locked onto you.
He's going to force himself onto me again. I just know it.
How the hell do I get out of this?!
You turn your head to look at him in fear. Your body is already shaking. You don’t even have your gun on you. You left it in your office. What should I do? No. What CAN I do?
Wesker sees your reaction, and a small smile begins to creep across his face.
He knew this would work. He's not even trying to hide it.
He reaches his hand out, and before you can even say or do anything. Wesker is holding you in a tight grip.
Oh no... oh no... oh no…
Wesker begins to slowly move you off from the desks you both were working at and away from the team.
No one is seeing what's happening... They just think we're working together.
They think nothing is happening right now...
Wesker begins to slowly move you towards one of the closed meeting rooms. He's going to force himself onto you right now and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Someone… please… help me. 
No one is seeing this happening and Wesker continues to hold your small frame in his tight grip. As he pushes you towards the closed meeting room, he begins to force the door open.
He pushes the door open and forces you inside now, his grip still not loosening.
As you begin to hear the noise of the snow outside again, you see Wesker close the door and lock it.
Oh god... oh god... oh god...
Wesker looks at you now, his face getting closer to you.
Now what...? What's he going to do?
You’re still breathing heavily, shaking, feeling all so uneasy. 
“...” You don’t say anything, but you just stare at him. Wesker leans in now, his lips getting closer to your ear.
"Hello, Lieutenant."
“...” You still can’t talk. 
Wesker's voice now whispers into your ear.
"Did you miss me...Lieutenant?"
He's talking to me as if nothing even happened. He's acting as if what he did was no big deal, as if nothing even happened. My god... is this what it's going to be like?... Just acting like nothing happened?
“W-what?” You manage to stutter in silent anger and confusion. Wesker slowly leans even closer now, his hands now still gripping you.
"Did you miss me..." He whispers into your ear again.
My god... I don't know what to say... I don't know what to do…
"I missed hearing your little voice..." Wesker whispers again, his hand now slowly going up your back.
"Captain... s-stop this..." You attempt to try and speak up again, but of course he isn’t going to listen to you. 
Wesker's grip on you remains firm.
"I’m not going to stop." He taunted you. Wesker's hand now continues to slowly move up your back, his fingers moving to the nape of your neck.
“That’s a good girl…” He chuckled near your ear.
It is then that a loud smack is heard as you slap him across the face with your right hand. Wesker, caught off guard by the hit, lets go of you. Without looking back, you quickly run to the door and unlock it. 
“Agh! You bitch!” He groaned loudly. 
The door opens now, and you rush out. You see Wesker is looking at you with a look of both shock and rage.
I need to run to my office and hide there, locking my office is a must!
You ran, evidently, you sprinted, not caring how loud your footsteps were as you basically flew down the hallway. With your Captain being more fit, more stronger, and faster than you, of course he was right on your tail . You rush into your office, feeling a sense of relief once its door is shut and locked. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest now.
Oh no... oh no... oh no...
You see Wesker try the doorknob, but the door does not open. He pounds on it, and asks you to open it. You didn’t plan this through, so you’re trapped. Wesker continues to bang on the door.
"Open the goddamn door, Lieutenant."
His voice now sounds furious.
He's been caught off guard by a single hit, and so now he's going to be more cruel.
"..." You don't answer him... You’re frantically looking around your office to see if there is anything you can use to further defend yourself.
Wesker's banging on the door is loud and terrifying.
Do not let him in... you must not let him in. Just don't make any noise. You look around your office, not seeing anything you could use to defend yourself. The door to your office can only keep him out so long… He will eventually break this door open.
Wait... My revolver…
You see your revolver, which you normally keep hidden, sitting in your desk. Could that actually help you ? It's the only thing that could possibly help you. If you could surprise attack him with it, maybe that would work. Wesker is still banging on the door now, his voice still furious.
"Lieutenant! Open the goddamn door now!" Wesker bellowed, banging on with what seemed like most of his strength. You can see the door caving in and out with every bang. 
You grab the revolver out of the drawer, and you open the ammo... there is only one bullet that remains but it is not next to be shot. 
Maybe if I can catch him off guard...
Your hand is shaking, your mind racing...
One single bullet. Do I just try shooting him with this?
You keep listening at the door as Wesker continues banging on it.
There's no way he will let this slide.
Wesker then begins to say something to you.
"Lieutenant... I already told you, I’m not going to stop."
My god... he's still acting as if nothing happened. He's not going to let this go.
You slide down on the wall that the door is on. You’re shaking, you’re crying, you’re even sweating while the weather is freezing cold outside. It’s getting too much for you now. Why can’t you have just one single moment of peace? Why is it that you have to be the victim of power abuse and male obsession?
"..." You start sobbing so loud even Wesker can probably hear it. You hear Wesker laughing on the other side of the door. Your tears are flowing down your face now.
Of course he would enjoy this...
You are trapped in this office. You can't get out. The doors remain locked.
Wesker continues to bang on the door, his voice sounding as if it's taunting you now.
"Look at you, Lieutenant. Crying like a little girl." He continues laughing from the bottom of his throat, as if he just won a game or something. It jabs your heart, it makes you feel so restless and your heart just can’t stop dropping to your stomach. It’s so unfair , it’s so asinine , and it is just so fucking jarring . 
What is with him...?!
His words hurt because they just don't make sense. Am I not allowed to cry? I am not allowed to be upset and angry?
 You’re still sobbing loudly, your left hand trying to wipe all of your tears and your right hand is holding the revolver on the ground.
Wesker continues banging on the door, and you hear him say something again.
"You know, you sounded really pretty when I forced myself onto you before. But now that I know how scared you can be..." He sounds sadistic now. He sounds as if he takes pleasure in knowing you're afraid of him.
"You know... I might just try and do that again after I get in here." Wesker says that last part in a dark, malicious tone, then letting out a low chuckle. 
You scream. And you scream loudly, before going silent and taking a moment of silence to look at the revolver that you now held with both hands. 
Wait... what if I shoot...
You feel your mind racing and racing, your heart beating with fear.
What if I shoot... what if I shoot? Will he be gone?
Your hand is shaking badly now, the revolver firmly in both of your hands.
Is this the only way? There has to be another way!
Wesker is still banging and laughing.
"Hey... Lieutenant?"
“...” You’re panting, trying to catch your breath.
Wesker is still banging, trying to get the door open. 
“Lieutenant? Lieutenant!? I know you’re still in there.” 
"So... you know what?... I'll make you a deal, Lieutenant."
His voice sounds both cruel and sadistic.
What kind of a deal... What kind of a deal will he make?
“...” You stay silent. What deal?
"How about..." Wesker's voice now takes on a more casual tone.
"If you open that door for me right now... I'll just pretend like nothing even happened. We'll just pretend like nothing ever happened between us, and forget your little slap."
That's ridiculous. No way. No way is he willing to just forget.
"Open that door, Lieutenant..." He asks with a cruel, yet casual tone.
What should I do? Is this just him lying to me?
"..." You refuse to listen to him, You will not answer him. You will shoot him.
"You know... your silence only makes it worse for you..." Wesker starts laughing again as he hears your silence. He's still banging on the door. "Lieutenant... you're not making this any easier for yourself." Your hand is still shaking, you keep the revolver firmly in your hands.
It's so heavy, your hand is shaking so much.
"I'll give you... let's say... five more seconds before I really do something bad to you ."
Five seconds? What an evil prick he is. Now, you need to hide. Wesker continues to bang on the door and laugh.
"Lieutenant. Four..... three...... and two."
You run over and try to hide as best as you can in your office, keeping the revolver firmly in both of your hands.
He won't be able to find me that easily... I'll still have time to surprise attack him with this revolver when he comes running in. Yeah.. that's it. That's my plan. I don’t want to kill him though. 
Wesker keeps banging on the door. 
"One..." He says, his voice still casual and as if nothing happened.
Is he actually going to break that door down now? Why is he making this so difficult for me... why isn't he just going to leave me?
You have the revolver in both of your hands now, feeling it become even heavier somehow than it was before. There's only one bullet... don't miss. You mustn't miss it.
What does he even want from me? 
Wesker laughs again, still banging on the door as a smile takes over his face.
"Oh, Lieutenant... you're making this so tough for yourself. All you had to do was not slap me and everything would have been fine." You feel frozen in place, the door banging and his words getting to you.
My god... I have one chance... and one chance alone. After he breaks that door in, there's nothing more I can do. But I wasn't gonna let him have his way with me... no way in hell.
Wesker's words keep banging against your psyche as his banging on the door continues.
"Fine. I’ll be nice. One minute... one minute is all I'm giving you now, dearhear t."
You can feel your hand sweating now as the revolver feels as though it's a hundred pounds.
I have one minute before he comes in here to force himself onto me again. One minute to get the aim of my revolver perfect… If I don’t aim this right then I’m fucked.
Wesker continues to laugh outside and bang on the door.
"Thirty seconds, Lieutenant."He sounds so smug.
 God... why isn't he just going away? Is he really not going to give up until he gets me again? I have to keep calm.
You listen closely now, hearing that even Wesker's breathing is getting louder now and more rapid.
"Open that door, Lieutenant. Open the goddamn door!" Wesker yells now at the top of his lungs.
He's now waiting for you to comply. He's not going to wait for long.
I’m not opening the door. I refuse.
Wesker stops yelling. You think for a few seconds, he might try and break the door down.
"Fine..." Wesker's voice sounds quiet now, and you feel yourself getting more hopeful.
He's going to give up.
"If you won't open that door for me... then I guess I'll just have to open it myself."
He can't be serious... not the actual door.
Your hope and relief fade within a few seconds.
Oh no... he's going to do it... he's going to break it down.
Wesker's voice gets louder again as you hear him walk right up to the door.
"Three... two... one."
You hear your heart immediately racing at a quick pace.
This is it. Now or never. There's no more time left.
"Fine, I'm coming in." Wesker laughs, and you hear him begin to use his shoulder to bang on the door a couple times. This is it. Your chance.
Wesker starts using his foot now to break the door down. He's putting his body weight into breaking that door down.
I have to do it.
Your hand is shaking uncontrollably now, the gun feeling like it is going to slip out of your hands.
Come on... any second now. You’re still shaking, but you're managing to keep your breath under control. Wesker is still kicking the door... your breath is getting shallow...
I can't miss... I can't miss.
Wesker continues to kick the door.
I have to remember my training... I have to keep my aim steady and fire at him...
Wesker kicks the door one last time, and it sounds like it is about to snap.
This is it.
Your hand is shaking like it's going crazy, your breath almost not coming now. You see the door begin to shake and get close to falling. You point the revolver at the door, trying to steady your hand as best as you can. Wesker's entire focus is on the door, trying to break that door down.
God, I can't miss. Do not miss.
And with one final, ruthless kick to your door, it was down. Wesker was now staring down at you, already moving towards your direction.
Captain Wesker’s body fell backwards and fell to the ground of your office floor with a loud thump. Immediately, you screamed loud enough to the point where the whole city could hear you. That didn’t really make a difference, though. Same as yesterday, there was no one in the office, just Wesker and you. This time, only one of you is standing.
And the other may be dead.
“Oh my God… Oh my God! I shot him…” To say that you were panicking was an understatement. Your gun dropped to the ground, your hands in your head, eyes wide open with tears spilling out, your mouth was dry and your heart felt like it was trying to leave your body again .
Is he dead!? Shit! I can’t just leave him like this… But at the same time… You didn’t really know what to do,  you can call the ER but you would probably get arrested since it’s so obvious that you’re the one that shot him down, just look at the little spots of blood on your face and shirt. Or, you can just run away and go home like this never happened. 
Which one will benefit you the most in this predicament? 
I have to go…  
You didn’t have much time to think before one of your colleagues went to check what scream of yours was all about. The thing is, they already left, and there are no cameras in this area of the hall. How cliche. You decided to put on your coat and your Ushanka and run to your car, deciding to never look back. 
Self-preservation is the most important thing to worry about right now. You did what you had to do to defend yourself. Or else…
You kept looking behind you to see if Albert was already on his way to hunt you down, again. He wasn’t there, so you took the advantage and drove out of the station, again . This time it was life or death. 
You still cannot process what has just happened to you in the last 24 hours. 
It was the next day,  Friday. Exactly 24 hours since you left the station. You were in your bed all day. Not even a shower and consuming a single meal helped the fear that you were feeling. It was creepy like the devil hanging out on your shoulder. You felt so uneasy you wanted to scream, but you were too scared to do so. Too scared that someone might hear your… or know what you did yesterday night. Staying in your bed and under the covers was way better than leaving your apartment complex.  
Although it is your personal sanctuary, there was just something enticing about how comfortable your room was. 
Suddenly, your phone rings on your night stand, you reach out your arm to grab it and see the contact who was calling you. It was Jill. Hesitantly, you answer it and put the phone next to your ear. 
“Hello?”  You mumbled, eyes closed as you held the phone next to your ear. 
“Hey, _/_…”  Jill said, she sounded more quiet than usual, saying your first name with a little more caution.
She called me by actual name this time…
“Is everything okay at the office?” You asked, considering how you were out of the office because of yesterday night's events. At the same time, your stomach felt like it was twisted around your ribcage, you were so scared that she would mention him after yesterday night’s events.
“Yes. Everything is absolutely fine. I was just checking in because you weren’t today.” Jill spoke casually.
Oh thank God. 
“Sorry I wasn’t in today, I got sick from the blizzard last night, and plus, I am just really tired.” You groaned, your stomach untwisting from your ribcage in the process. 
“I see. When do you plan on coming back? I can write down your sick days if it makes it easier for you.” She said,  
“Probably next Wednesday. When the snow is calming down.” You responded.
“Okay. That seems fine…” she responded back. There was then a long pause. It was unsettling, it made your heart drop to your stomach a little bit. What is she thinking about?
“Is there something wrong, Jill?” You asked out of anxiety. 
“There’s nothing wrong. I just wanted to warn you to stay safe.” 
“…” This time, you were the one to give a long silence back. Now you were on edge. You were in your house, your sanctuary. What did she mean by “stay safe”?
“We got a new case today, regarding  a woman getting assaulted and attacked. I know you’re my Lieutenant and you know how to defend yourself, but I still want to make sure you’re okay in your current condition.” Jill then explained, sighing shortly after.
“Thank you, Jill. Make sure you watch your back as well. In case you get in some danger, don’t forget the training we did together and the skills I showed you.” You mumbled, not feeling relaxed at all.
“Pffft. I won’t. Anyways, take care of yourself, Lieutenant _/_.”  
“You too, Jill.” 
You ended the call, then got up to look outside your window. The street and pavement was still blanketed in thick white snow. You loved this weather because for some reason it made you feel so safe today, and relaxed, like there wasn’t danger running rampant in this strange world, as if you didn’t shoot your captain yesterday, as if you don’t know if he is currently lurking in the shadows.
Of course he’s lurking. Why didn’t Jill mention the bloody scene at your office, or the absence of Captain Wesker?  Jill goes into your office usually to collect some snacks and other documents that you keep around and she didn’t mention the blood stained floor.  Not only that, what gives it away was that a new case was given to S.T.A.R.S Alpha team and only the Captain can command the team to investigate the cases, and your team received a new case today regarding people going missing.
Oh, he’s definitely lurking, and after this shift is done? He’s all about your shade tonight.
It makes you laugh. For some odd reason, you weren’t that scared anymore. Sure, your Captain attempted to violate you in his office, which causes you to shoot him the next day is very terrifying, but what is more terrifying (from what you’re gathering)  is that he’s still alive, and he’s walking around as if nothing happened. 
What a dedicated stalker. That man is so funny but so persistent. 
“Wesker doesn’t know when to give up, doesn’t he?” You let out a chuckle, smiling to yourself about the realisation of how scary your current predicament really is. You weren’t smiling and laughing to yourself because you were happy, that wasn’t the case at all. It was because you were absolutely petrified. “I’ll let him have his way tonight but, after that, I need to end him quickly. ” You finished talking to yourself, still staring out at the window, awaiting the horrors that will eventually come to life tonight.
And, those horrors wasted no time showing up at your front doorstep. Your blood went cold as you saw your Captain open the front with a makeshift key. You were standing in the middle of the hallway with your gun in your right hand. Wesker was dressed up in his uniform, sans the black vest that he wears while he’s on duty. The blue-eyed monster then bellowed a loud laugh once he laid his cold, unforgiving, crystal blue eyes on your smaller frame, it made you shiver in fear.  
“You’re so cruel, my dear…” He sighed, automatically walked over to you, encasing you in his arms. You couldn’t back away because you were still perplexed as he was still walking around as if you didn’t shoot him right in the stomach. 
“What…” You mumbled quietly, trying to wriggle out of his tight grip. It was uncomfortable, intruding and claustrophobic. It wasn't comforting at all, it felt as if someone was trapping you in a jail cell. 
“How dare you…” Albert started, now slowly snaking  his arms to your backside. Your breath hitched. “How dare you shoot me in your own office and then run away? I had to clean up after your mess.” He questioned you with a pout. Evidently he was mocking you. 
“How are you not dead… I shot you clean in the stomach.” It’s either you said something wrong or it was the look on your face; your pupils were dilated, the colour drained from your face, and your breathing was heavier than before. You were panicking, the reality of the whole situation was dawning on you but you can’t be scared now. You need to face it head strong. 
“You shot me, but you didn’t kill me, my love.” Wesker explained. 
But it doesn’t make any sense… I shot him in the stomach, he should still be in pain, not only that but he shouldn’t even be walking… What the hell? Is he even human? The next time I have the chance, I need this man dead. Expeditiously. 
“With that being said,” You were suddenly lifted off of your feet, and your body was on Wesker’s shoulder, and the both of you were on the way out of the door and to his car. “I’m finally going to have my way with you, dearheart.” Wesker chuckled, using his right hand to slap your ass.
“Let hell you will!” You gasped, trying your best wriggling off of his arm, but to no avail. No matter how much you kicked your legs up and down or tried to use your arms to release yourself off his grip, his strong, muscular arm kept you right in place on his shoulder. You were just wasting your energy at this point. “I won’t let you ruin my life. I’ve worked too hard for you to do this to me!” You screamed.
“So persistent,” Wesker groaned, you heard the sound of a car door opening and in no time you were thrown in the backseat of Wesker’s car, he pulled you closer to the door and pulls out a rope, then he ties the rope around your body, making sure you cannot use any of your limbs. “You need to be patient my dear, the fun hasn’t begun just yet. You’re lucky I’m not taping that sexy mouth of yours, I love hearing how scared you are.” 
“...” You sighed out of exhaustion and you threw yourself down to the seat below you, having no further energy to fight back. 
“Now you’re not talking? Don’t do that, sweetheart. You’ll be screaming my name very soon. I’m afraid I’ll fuck you so hard that your whole entire neighborhood will hear you, which is why were going somewhere private.” The blond older male opened the driver’s door and sat down, turning on the car.
“In your wildest dreams , you sick bastard.” You chided. 
Now, while he drives you to wherever the hell is he taking you, this is the time to figure out how you’re actually going to kill this man. 
And this time, he won’t return. 
After calculating every twist and turn the car has made, and counting the minutes of how far Wesker has taken you away from your home, you finally feel the car stop. You feel the car power off and hear Wesker leave his seat and go to the back to get you out. You yelped, his strong, lean arms wasted no time pulling your smaller body out of the backseat with no trouble through the ropes. 
‘We must be at his house then…’ 
He’s carrying you bridal style, knowing you can’t properly move with the ropes tied around your body. Wesker doesn’t have his signature, dark, goofy sunglasses on, so even in the somber night, those cold, sky blue eyes are still so visible you could’ve sworn that they were glowing. It was terrifying. And what is even more terrifying is that his eyes were focused on you, more specifically your own pair of eyes as if he was trying to read directly into your soul.
Although your stalker– captain was purely a wicked man from what you’ve seen yesterday night and tonight, you couldn’t deny that he wasn’t handsome or fine to say the least. There was just something about how sharp his jaw was, or how nicely straight his nose was, or how the tips of his ivory-colored skin would turn cherry at the slightest of any rough action, or how perfect his teeth were, or how crowning his golden blond his slick back hair was.
Albert Wesker without a doubt was impeccable. How beautifully diabolical.
There was silence between the two of you. The type of silence that would lead to a later suggestive scene that would happen in a dark romance movie. But why would that happen? That wouldn’t even make sense, not after what Wesker did to you yesterday and the day before that. Your own captain assaulted you and now you feel some sort of sexual attraction to him? That doesn’t make sense.
He was still carrying you in his arms as he opened his front door and closed it behind him, locking it. You were tired and all of the lights were off so your vision was blurry. With every step that Wesker took to his bedroom you felt your stomach twist and turn in the most uncomfortable way ever. It was not a fun feeling. At the same time, it was a little exciting. Oh?
Being trapped in ropes while being taken to someone’s bedroom isn’t the best situation to be in.
Wesker gently places you onto his bed and immediately starts gently removing the rope off of your body. It is finally all undone when he starts eyeing with a more hungry look than before. 
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this…”  Again, his voice was low before he  let out a heavy sigh. Wesker’s eyes are squinted in seriousness and his pale, ivory cheeks are now tinted with a rose flush. Your captain starts to unbutton his shirt slowly while his eyes are still maintained on you. And for some odd reason, butterflies start to grow in your stomach.
“What the hell are you talking about…” You slowed down your words as your eyes wandered down to his crotch. It was obvious he was hard. You could see a huge bulge sticking out from his black pants. It was like it was itching to be released from the cloth it was being restricted by. Damn.
Wesker lets out a chuckle. “Don’t act stupid, my dear. I was planning to go easy on you until you shot me,” There was only the last button of his shirt left. You could see how defined his chest was, even though you could only see the middle of it. You always knew that your captain was lean and he worked out basically everyday but, you didn’t know you could see it even through just a sneak peak. “Which means I have to capture you now before you attempt to try and get rid of me again. I can’t let that happen when I didn’t even get the chance to kiss you…” He finished, the last button finally undone. Through the undone blue shirt, his gunshot wound that was done, courtesy of you, was still there. You didn’t get to see it fully before Wesker leaned into you, straddling your legs wide open, you could feel yourself getting wet just at the sight of him. 
‘Why am I getting so… aroused by this? This doesn’t make any sense. ’ Your inner thoughts are fuzzy and are getting mixed with the feeling of your body shivering from a peculiar cold. It was snowing outside but, you’re inside, so why are you suddenly cold? And shivering? That’s strange.  
You’re then snapped back to reality by your legs being snapped open. You winced at the sudden action and pain. 
“Stay still.” Wesker basically drooled over you, eyeing your erect nipples and innocently confused face by his actions.  His hands held down your plush thighs with such natural strength that you couldn’t even move under his grasp. “You look absolutely idiosyncratic.” He muttered. 
The innocent face that he was eyeing was gone as you sneered at him and his pervertness. “Fucking pervert.” You groaned, still mad that he’s made you horny by his forceful will. 
“Do you finally surrender?” Albert gloated, his blue eyes narrowed at you like a predator finally about to feast on its prey. You weren’t going to that to yourself and say that you were not intimidated. He was stronger than you, faster than you, even smarter than you. The chances of you winning this unfair game was even less than another  planet other than Earth successfully managing to survive the natural causes of the universe throwing everything at it. You weren’t going to win this, at this point you were only hoping that he wasn’t going to kill you. 
“Well I don’t really have a choice, do I?” You said with pure stoicness in your voice, blinking at him twice. At your words, you’re blue-eyed monster of a Captain chuckled lowly, flashing a blinding white smile at your hint at defeat. 
“You could always fight back. Or, shoot me… again.”
Oh… He is terrible.  He pulls the right side of his shirt to reveal his body. It was like he was a Greek god sculpted by an Italian artist. His abs were a sculpted masterpiece, chiseled and defined beneath the taut surface of his skin. The lines of his abdomen led the eye on a journey of admiration, from the prominent V-shaped cut of his lower abs to the symmetrical rows of his upper abs. Your eyes were gazed on them, stuck to them like a magnet. It was like your pupils were getting bigger just to praise how wonderfully built this man was.  
Not to mention the very noticeable and fresh gunshot wound, courtesy of you, that made it obvious that it existed and that you put that there. It made Albert’s image even worse, even more… hot. 
How were you going to fight back? Did you even want to fight him back at this point? You weren’t going to answer the question yourself, instead, Albert Wesker was going to answer it for you.
You were lost. 
You weren’t sure how long it had been, all you knew was that your Captain was on top of you, inside of you. His hands on your arms, sans of all your clothing. Repeatedly slamming his cock inside of you. 
And you just had your head laid on the plush pillow and took it. You don’t know why, but you just did, It felt… too familiar, too good, too amazing, it's like you had sex with this man before, but you just don’t know where. The way he fucked you had you screaming, moaning, whimpering in so much pleasure that you no longer shame about your current situation no more about fighting him back. It made no sense at all, but you no longer cared since you were under the curse of such ecstasy.  
It was disrespectful the way he used his tongue on you earlier. The way he used his long, wet, tongue to have you try and scream aloud. In the end, you did end up screaming his name. It was so unnatural and unfitting in the moment but then again, you did not care. 
It was strange. You still hadn’t reached your orgasm yet. He hadn’t either.
  It was like an infinite loop. 
You were back to your senses and you realized that you need to get out of here.  Now. 
You were scrambling to find your shorts and long sleeve shirt, to put them back on and to try and find help. The clock was ticking. 
‘Come on come on… where did he throw my clothes?! ’ You were frantically crawling on his bedroom floor absolutely naked as he slept peacefully, you looked crazy but nobody was watching. You were also surprised that he didn’t wake up at the sound of you trying to find the clothes he took so gently off your body. It felt like ten minutes but in ten seconds you felt the familiar clothing you were wearing earlier. ‘Found them!’
Trying to make the least noise possible, you put on the clothes while you were still on the cold, wooden floor. Then, you heard the bed creak. Shit.   
“Now where do you think you’re going?” You heard his voice. Your heart drops. There isn’t enough time to think of an escape plan at this point. Your only hope of getting out of here was to gun him down or break a window. “Did I say you could get away from me?” 
“...” While you were still on the ground, you stayed silent out of fear, your body feeling weak. You were even too scared to move. But you had to get up, or else it would’ve been game over for you.
‘Shit… I can’t walk properly.’ 
‘Where is this fucker’s gun!?’ You thought to yourself as you quickly rose to your feet, eyes scanning the room rapidly as your messy hair was in your face.
“Not saying anything? Don’t tell me you’re still scared…” Wesker sighed, getting up from the bed as he was completely naked. Trying to ignore him from getting up, you look behind you to see his samurai edge on his desk.
‘His gun! It’s on the desk…’ You run to grab it and then turn back around to face him, staring at him dead in the eye, ignoring his sexually distracting body. 
“Stay… away… from me… you have done enough damage.” You panted as your body shook violently, holding the gun up at Wesker. All he did was smirk at you in amusement, you wouldn’t even dare to bat your eyes down to see his appendage rising the sound of your fear. 
Wesker took another step towards you. “I don’t think I’ve done enough damage…” 
As your eyes snapped wide open, your body was automatically in a cold sweat. The bedroom was freezing cold, which made sense because it was still snowing outside. Huh. 
‘What the fuck?’ You mentally thought to yourself, your eyes traveled around the room rapidly, still trying to get a sense of what you just went through. It was dark outside, the only thing that was light was the snow that was falling down violently, with the occasional gusts of wind accompanying it. Your head felt so light, you thought your head was going to fall back on the pillow below you. 
The surroundings are different and nothing about the bedroom is the same, neither from yours nor his. Could this be reality?
You look to your left to see someone sleeping next to you. It was so dark that you couldn’t make out who it was at first, and you weren’t going to turn on the lamp on your nightstand just so you could see who it was. It would be an eyesore for the man next to you.  
The man who was sleeping so peacefully next to you had blond hair, sharp cheekbones, and thin lips that if they were to touch yours, his mouth could drive you crazy with them. 
‘Oh.’ Your heart froze while your stomach twisted with both of your intestines. It then sunk into you on what was actually happening. 
In an instant, you slowly took the covers off of you and quietly but quickly walked to the bathroom that was inside your shared bedroom. You opened the door and closed it behind you, flicking the light on. You then proceed to carefully study yourself, touching each one of your features, ,from your eyes, your eyebrows, your nose, your lips, the shape of your face, to your neck, your chest, your torso– your tattoos– but you couldn’t find any tattoos, not even the one you saw on your hand. You had no tattoos. None, whatsoever.
That caused you to let out a sigh of relief. 
None of that was real. Nothing of all of that at all was real. 
‘So that was all a dream… Albert– my husband trying to sexually assault me and hunting me down was all a dream… All of that was never real… ’
It makes no sense on how realistically weird it was. Yes, you and your husband did work at the S.T.A.R.S in the RPD and he was the Captain while you were the Lieutenant but… that wasn’t even how you two fell in love.
It was instant love for Wesker. He hired you when he saw you practicing some karate moves at your old martial arts school while he was patrolling the streets of Racoon. He was impressed by your skill. And at the age of 24, you were hired to work at STARS in the Alpha team. Albert was 32 at the time. It’s been two years since then, and now, you two are married. Strange how fast time flies. 
But knowing Albert, even though the man is strict and serious ninety-nine percent of the time, he would never chase you down and defile you against your will. That is something inane and asinine. 
This was all making your mouth dry. You stared at yourself for a few more moments before adjusting your dark blue button-up pajama shirt, turning off the bathroom light, and leaving the room all together, still making sure Albert was sleeping. For such a hard working man, he was surprisingly a heavy sleeper, barely waking up to loud-ass thunderstorms. 
You went to the kitchen and poured yourself a nice glass of cold water. Gulping down that ice-cold water made you relax more, calming down your brain that was still a little perplexed at the weird-ass dream you just had. You didn’t even dream that often, and when you did, your dreams were never that weird. Could you even call that a dream? Was it scary enough to call it a nightmare? Actually–yes, it was. Having a dream of your husband stalking you down and violating you is terrifying. 
Downright frightening. 
Now it was time to try and sleep again, hoping, praying that you don’t have any weird nightmares like that again. 
You went back to your shared room, closing the door and locking it. You crawled back into bed, put the covers over you, and took a deep breath. Suddenly, you felt a hand wrapped around your waist, bringing you closer. You flinched at the sudden movement. 
“Dearheart?” You heard your husband’s deep, throaty, and tired voice from behind you as you turned around to face him, his eyes were open and you could see the familiar arctic blue eyes that you loved so much.
“My love, you’re awake.” You pointed out and smiled at him. 
“Only because I didn’t feel you by my side.” Albert leaned in to kiss you on your lips, to which you kissed him back. 
‘There he goes again with his words.’
“Come on, I only left for five minutes, it wasn’t like I left the house or anything.” You told him, sighing at his clinginess. 
“You left me all alone while I was sleeping for five minutes, it felt uncomfortable.” 
“Well, I’m here now. Jeez, you’re such a child.” You quietly laughed at him. 
“Is everything okay, my dear?” Albert asked you. You paused for a split moment, trying to think of an answer. Here’s the thing, you could tell him the truth about the nightmare you had but that would cause chaos, and all you wanted to do was sleep, so you avoided that trouble.
“Yes… I just felt a little thirsty.” You lied, feeling a bit guilty about not telling your husband about that nightmare you had. It’s just that you did not want him to worry about you, and he gets all protective, even at the tiniest things. He raised an eyebrow at your answer and looked at the window behind you. 
“Thirsty? It’s freezing cold outside and you’re thirsty?” He’s skeptical. 
“Albert, you’re shirtless.” You retorted, using your hand to trace his stomach and chest. You felt how nice his body looked, it was exactly the same, but sans the gunshot wounds that you gave to him. He was all lean muscle, no signs of any painful, inflicted injuries on him anywhere. He felt nice and warm against your cold body. Very comforting.  
“And your hands are cold.” Albert shivered, against your touch, learning a small laugh from you. Slowly, you placed yourself on top of him, laying your head against his neck and your legs wrapped around his torso. This felt fine, absolutely fine. He wasn’t chasing you down the hallway, or forcing you to open your office door so he could do terrible things to you. He wrapped his arms around you, and embraced you. This was okay, this was absolutely okay. 
“Well, maybe you can warm me up.” You said against his skin, nuzzling into him.
“Of course I will, my dear wife.” He responded and you felt his smile on your skin. 
You laid on him for a few moments, enjoying your husbands warmth, feeling so safe.
“Hey, Albert?” 
“Yes, dearheart?” 
“Would you ever hurt me?” 
But, Albert Wesker wouldn’t actually do that to you. Would he?
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AITA for not inviting my transfem friend to my all girls skinny dipping/camping weekend with my cisfem friends? TW for talking about rape
Okay, so the title leaves out a lot of info, so please read through this before making a judgement. There are four friends in total including me and said tranfem friend who I will call Lilly. I will refer to the other two friends as Nicole and June. This all took place not too long ago.
Also, if you are going to judge me in the comments please call me Nick because I keep getting OP confused with the mod whenever I read through other AITA posts and it hurts my brain [e.g. "Nick you're an AH/NTA/etc" vs "OP you're and AH/NTA/etc"]
Now, onto the story.
The thing about this skinny dipping/camping weekend is that it isn't really a vacation trip but an exercise that Nicole, June, and I have planned as a way to help us get over the hatred and toxic self sexualization of our own bodies that we all develop as a result of rape.
The skinny dipping part is meant to give us a safe space to see other ciswomen with similar bodies in a nonsexualized space, and and to simply have fun while embrace our bodies as something to used to have fun with, not just a disgusting useless object for sex to be acted upon on. The camping part would be for us to regoup, share how we are feeling, if this exercise is working, etc, and to cry together if need be over some smores and hot chocolate.
Lilly, who we didn't know at the time if she is or isn't also a survivor [she isn't], did not know that this is an exercise rather then a get-away. Since telling her was an exercise would out all of us as survivors to her, we elected to just not tell her about the trip all together since we didn't want to hurt her feelings and think she was being excluded from one our girl weekends. However, the day before we left for the trip she found out from Lilly's brother gossiping with her. She texted me asking to be invited, which left me in an very awkward spot.
Not only did I not budget food for a fourth person, but well, even though we could make it work, I know if I invited her we'd have to cancel the exercise aspect and turn an outing that was ment to be healing into just another weekend because while she is a women, she does have penis, which is a body part that is extremely triggering for myself and likely Nicole and June to see. I know that I alone, even in an innocent, fun, platonic environment, seeing a penis no matter who's it on would just cause me flashbacks and a panic attack. Who knows what kind of reactions it would cause Nicole and June.
I felt bad, but not wanting to cancel the exercise and not wanting to tell her it was an exercise because I don't want her to know that I'm, or to out Nicole and June without their permission, as survivors, I just gave her the excuse that I didn't have the money to feed four people and that I will save up a lot this month so next month all four of us can go camping together. She was understandablely hurt since she just thought she was being excluded, and I tried to reassure her, but it didn't really work. I contemplated a way to vaguely tell her it wasn't a typical girl's night, but it all sounded like toxic backtracking and so I just left it as it was.
I told Nicole and June about this and though they felt bad too, none of us saw how else to handle this because none of us want Lilly to know we're survivors. We agreed to take Lilly out to dinner and a spa when got back, and told her these plans, then went on our trip.
It was a very healing exercise for me and Nicole and June, and though all of us felt guilty for lying and excluding her, we all agreed afterwards we needed the trip.
However when I found the time to meet up with Lilly alone for lunch a day after we got back, she understandablely called me out for what see saw as being unreasonablely excluded. She yelled at me, called me toxic, a bad friend, etc, which I don't blame her for because if i was in her shoes, I would have felt just as betrayed and hurt.
I tried to calm her down though and use the budgeting excuse, but she just wouldn't stop yelling which is huge trigger for me. After two hours; being kicked out of the restaurant, driving her home, and brought inside her home, all of which I continually being yelled at, I just couldn't cope any more and broke down into tears while in a half panic and told her that it was a trip for me to heal as a rape victim and Nicole and June we're just there as support to help me since they were the only ones who knew [I didn't want to out them] even though I didn't want her to know because I was so desperate just to not be yelled at and berated anymore.
Lilly calmed down after that then told be she understands but that I'm the asshole for not telling her sooner because while she isn't a survivor herself she would have loved to be there to support me. I tried to tell her I wasn't ready for her to know but she said that was just an excuse to go behind her back and excluded her, and that sometimes I need to suck it up and let people know what's going on. I tried to being up that I really, really wasn't ready, but she just kept calling it an excuse and told me to leave once I apologized a few times. I went home, cried for a while and once I was through having panic attacks I called Nicole and June and told them what had happen.
We talked for a while, and Nicole agreed with Lilly that I should have sucked it up and gave her the story that the trip was for me and they were there for support from the start, and June agrued that Lilly shouldn't have yelled and pushed and accepted that budgeting excuse because sometimes it is that way in real life, where a friend gets excluded in one thing, and that we already told her before we went on the trip that we'd make it up to her.
I feel like an asshole though even now, but with Lilly not responding to any texts or calls for a few days now, and Nicole and June still arguing about who was in the right, and me still feeling extremely emotional and raw from being screamed at, I don't know who to trust to be the judge of if I'm in the wrong or not.
Also while Lilly's yelling does sound kind of bad after writing it down, she does have abandonment issues and us seemingly excluding her likely triggered them. Please don't judge her on that, it wouldn't be fair since I broke down crying and made a baby of myself due to my own triggers and I have learned a lot more coping skills then she has. I promise she is a very sweet and kind person, she just hasn't learn ways to cope with her triggers yet.
I'm not asking if she was the asshole because I know I earn that yellling for triggering her even if it ended up trigginger me, I'm just asking if I'm the asshole for not telling her the trip was for me to heal rather then making an excuse about budgeting being why she couldn't come. Please only judge me, my friends are all great and it's only me who possibly messed up since I'm the one who lied!
What are these acronyms?
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silverzoomies · 2 months
silverzoomiezzz hi hi i was eating my cloudberry ice cream and i dont know why i start to think about peter and then i think about you. and i have a question for you. what do you think peter’s fav snacks that he would save it for you because he wanted you to enjoy and love it as much as he does? this is so silly lol but anyway have a great summer <3
💗oh my gosh, hello anon sweetie !! i'm sorry for answering so late !! i hope your summer has been nice !! it's been pretty decent here, aside from the lame ass humidity.🔥🫠🔥
i'm so honored you would think of me, after thinking of our beloved speedy boy. 💗honestly, i take that as such a huge compliment !!
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⚡snacks i think peter maximoff would like (he hoards them, cuz he's the snack hoarding type. ty dofp 💗):
⚡in canon, he hoards hostess snack cakes. specifically the chocolatey, cream-filled kind ⚡and twinkies. dude's got twinkies for two movies in a row ⚡like it's no wonder people assume he's a twinkie fiend ⚡we also see him with so much pepsi and mtn dew ⚡and i know it's just product placement obvi. but he does seem like a mtn dew guy, right? i bet he'd love baja blast. code red too ⚡dk if this counts as a snack, but he'd probably love taco bell. i mean, it's fast. it's cheap. it's addictive. it's easy to indulge in. mans would quote those old taco bell commercials with the chihuahua ⚡sour candy. all of it. gummy worms, airhead x-tremes, sour twists, sour patch kids. tell me i'm wrong. i'm not ⚡he'd make a mess with some fun dip, lemme tell ya ⚡any candy they used to give out on halloween? he'd be addicted to all that shit. he'd love sugary junk. he constantly needs his fix. laffy taffy, nerds, now and laters, skittles, pop rocks, m&m's - you name it, he's into it ⚡imagine the dorito fingers, anon. the cheeto fingers. the takis fingers. do y'all think he'd be more into regular cheetos, or hot cheetos? he reads as a hot cheetos guy to me ⚡he'd slam some icees. slurpees. any kinda syrupy, frozen drink. he mixes all the flavors, sucks it down, and feels no brain freeze ⚡if you took him to carnivals, boardwalks, or amusement parks; he'd put the funnel cake stands out of business ⚡sweets are his kryptonite, really ⚡i personally like to imagine he knows his fair share of international snacks too. since he can zip around the world in a blink. taiyaki. baklava. conchas. tres leches. pirozhki. european chocolate. any and all kinds of street food. he knows all the best 7-eleven instant ramen - and the best toppings for 'em too ⚡i think he'd also go hog wild over a really good steak, y'know? or some barbecue. some ribs. some brisket. all the shmeats !!
⚡snacks i think peter maximoff would save, just so he could share them with you💗:
⚡he wouldn't ⚡correction: he couldn't ⚡c'mon, do you honestly think he'd have the self control? ⚡you're asking him to do the impossible ⚡see, anon, he'd think about saving a yummy treat for you ⚡keyword being think ⚡like, just as he starts to realize he's crushing on you big time ⚡he's guzzling something tasty, when he has the thought: hey...wait a sec! you'd probably really like this!! ⚡but a second later, the treat's already gone. devoured in an instant. whoops! oh well!! ⚡he's just way too impulsive to save anything ⚡like it would have to be out of sight, out of mind ⚡or you'd have to pick from his own, secret stash ⚡because otherwise, he can't hold himself back. he'll gorge any snacks in the nearest vicinity ⚡he'd legit have to wait 'til you were both together. in that moment. if you had a few minutes. he'd be like, "hey. babe. babe. babe. babe. i got somethin' i wanna show you." ⚡he speeds you away for some mind-blowingly good street food, in some country you've never been to, nor heard of ⚡even on valentine's day. he has to snag you one of those heart-shaped boxes of chocolates last minute ⚡that, or he has to hide it from himself. if he doesn't, he'll be lookin' down at an empty box - chocolate all over the corners of his mouth - like "ah, shit."
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amarachno · 3 months
There is something… Wrong… With Drake. Its decidedly unsettling. There is something unnatural about the boy and Damian is unsure why they all ignore it. The Drake boy was always weird but this was different. It had started after they had all returned home from patrol one day. Something about Drake was making the hair on Damian’s arms stand at its end. He did not appreciate the way Drake was looking at him. It felt as though he was being looked at the same way a cat looks at an injured bird.
Damian had tried to talk to Pennyworth about it soon after Father’s return from the timestream but all he had managed from the butler had been, “Master Damian, calling Master Timothy an ‘Uncanny Horror from the pits’ is quite rude and I hope you never mention such a sentiment again.”
So obviously the… Thing… could manipulate minds. No matter! Damian would handle it. The first step? Kill it.
Its a good thing Damian has trained from birth in the League of Assassins. Although, his past attempts had unfortunate results —meaning none— but Damian would persevere. Perhaps keeping a closer eye on It would provide some insight.
Whatever had replaced Drake was terrifying. It. Never. Slept. And it always knew when Damian was watching it. The worst part? It was trying to spend TIME with him. Damian could barely stand to be within five feet of it. Its skin pale, hair pitch black, and its eyes- horrifying. When Damian first arrived at the manor, Drake had clear blue eyes. Now, they appeared dull and glassy. The color seeming as though it leaked out into the Thing’s hideous purple eyebags. Its skin seemed too loose and Its joints bent and stretched grotesquely.
The Thing turned its chair around, taking a break from staring at the computer in the cave. It stretched its spindly arms above its head, arms bending too far in the other direction. It turned to where Damian was hidden in a ledge in the roof of the Batcave.
“Heyyy Damian.” The Thing slurred, its speech slow and unclear. “If you want’d ta watch m’ do casework ya could’ve joined me”
Damian recoiled further into what should have been a flawless hiding space. He wanted to snap back that he didnt need Its company but his tongue seemed glued to the too of his mouth.
The Thing looked right at where Damian had hidden away. “Aww B’by Bat!” It cooed softly, “Come on down. Lets go g’t some hot chocolate from Alfie!”
Damian pressed tighter to the wall, attempting to force out a sentence. “That is quite alright, Drake. I am fine here.” He said attempting to sound steady.
“Well, suit yourself! Gonna go up now.” The Thing stumbled toward the stairs, its footsteps silent even as it walked unsteadily.
Damian didn’t leave his spot until Richard arrived in the cave two hours later.
Poison may actually work, Damian decided. Theoretically. The Thing was only inhabiting Drake’s body. Perhaps if the body died then so would the… Whatever it was. Damian is so prepared, father should be impressed- or he would be when that cursed being was out of the house. But what if someone else drank from the cup meant for Drake? Father would not tolerate a mission gone wrong, especially if Grayson or Pennyworth were harmed.
Then Damian remembered Drake’s travel cup, the one it took to work. That was simple enough. Sneak out to Its car, put the poison in the straw, get out. Yes finally a decent plan. Or at least Damian thought so.
Damian’s plan went off without a hitch. He had gained access to the security cameras within Wayne Enterprises and watched Drake drink the entire cup of poisoned coffee. The issue? The poison had no effect. Not even a stomach ache. Clearly the Thing was immune to poisons.
Perhaps silver would deal some damage.
Damian decided to purchase a silver knife. He had tested it and everything! It was real silver. Much of his savings from his allowance had been spent on the thing but this would be worth it.
People were getting suspicious though. Of Damian. Not of The Thing, to be clear.
How idiotic were these people! And they called themselves ‘Detectives’. No matter, Damian could handle this!
In the books that Damian had found, They mentioned fire as a potential weakness to supernatural creatures. If the silver knife did nothing, Damian would fall back and begin plan C. C for Cocktail. Molotov cocktail, to be exact.
Unfortunately, neither plans B nor C would come to fruition. Damian had been caught before he could even attempt either plan.
“Hey Dami, are you feeling okay?” Richard asked from behind Damian.
Damian didn’t scream. He didn’t! He also didn’t drop his book in surprise.
Richard surged forward to grab Damian before he fell from his spot on top of the T-Rex. “Hey bud, its okay. Its just me.” He soothed, wrapping his arms around Damian and carrying him off the T-Rex. “Why don’t you tell me whats going on?”
Damian gasped wriggling out of Dick’s arms to grab his sketchbook/impromptu demon hunting memoir off the ground where it fell. He clutched the book in his arms. “Nothing is wrong, I was simply lost in thought. You may go.” Damian snapped out, legs shaking and breath uneven.
Dick furrowed his brow, “Ive never seen you this shaken up before, Bitty Bat. Come here, we can talk about this upstairs over some cocoa.”
Damian’s eyes widened, if he could convince Richard then surely the Thing could be taken care of. “Very well, if we must.”
Dick smiled gently, though it seemed a little shaky. ”Up we go then!” Dick exclaimed, grabbing Damian and hoisting him onto his shoulders.
“Richard! this is unbecoming!” Damian squawked, holding onto Dick’s head so he wouldnt fall off.
Instead of replying, Dick just began making airplane noises, running toward the entrance to the manor.
It would have been a sweet moment, had The Thing not been standing right behind the grandfather clock. His sudden appearance had startled Damian so badly he fell backwards off Dick’s shoulders.
Damian braced for impact, expecting to head his head and then tumble down the concrete stairs- only, that didnt happen. The Thing threw itself backwards into the ground, his upper half on the stairs and his lower half on the floor. Damian fell heavily onto the Creature, knocking the wind out of It.
“OH MY GOD! ARE YOU TWO OKAY??!” Dick screeched at the top of his lungs. He picked Damian up off of The Thing and resting him on his hip, offering his other hand to ‘Drake’. Unfortunately, Damian’s adrenaline kicked in.
“PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!” Damian bellowed, squirming out of Dick’s grip. “ITS GOING TO KILL US! WE ANGERED IT AND WE NEED TO GO!” Damian began pulling Dick toward the door of the study.
Alarmed, Dick turned to look closer at Damian. His face was pale, eyes wide and glancing frantically around the room and then back at Tim. Damian was sweating, looking as if he were seconds from bursting into tears. “What are yo-“
“It knows i know” Damian gasped out, pulling desperately at Dick’s arm. “ITS GOING TO KILL ME! WE NEED TO GET SOMEWHERE SAFE!”
Damian was working himself into a panic. Dick threw an apologetic glance at Tim who was brushing himself off and looking bewildered at Damian. Dick turned toward the door, allowing Damian to drag him where he wanted to go.
As soon as Damian was out the door, he took off running, forcing Dick to run with him. They got inside Damian’s room and Dami immediately began barricading the door.
“Damian, what’s going on?” Dick questioned softly.
Instead of answering, Damian started rushing around his room. He pulled the silver knife out from between his mattress and the boxspring, grabbed a lighter and what looked like a molotov cocktail from the top of his closet.
Dick was becoming more alarmed by the second. Why in tarnation did Damian have a molotov cocktail just sitting around??? Dick quickly snatched both objects away from Damian, setting them on top if the highest shelf in the room. It wouldn’t stop Damian for long but it would give Dick some time.
When both objects where taken from Damian, he stopped in his tracks, looking fearfully at Dick. “Did it- Are you…” Damian began sobbing. “I don’t want to die. Please don’t kill me, please! I’ll be an asset to you! I swear it! I’ll be good!” Damian’s pleading and sobbing was met with Dick gently hugging Damian to his chest. And like a puppet with its wires cut, Damian passed out into Dick’s arms.
“Oh shit!” Dick exclaimed. He felt at Damian’s forehead, flinching back at how hot he felt. Dick grabbed his phone and called Bruce. “Hey Bruce, I’m gonna need you to come home. Somethings wrong with Damian.” Dick set Damian on the bed and got to work un barricading the door.
“What happened?” Bruce questioned, sounding more like Batman than Bruce. “Is everyone okay?”
“Dick relayed the events that happened that afternoon while getting Damian down to the cave. He was tucked in to a bed in the med bay, a cold rag set on his forehead.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” Bruce murmured into the phone. “Im on my way now. I’ll be there in 15.”
“Bruce, that’s a 30 minute drive.” Dick said incredulously.
“Hnn” Bruce grunted, hanging up.
Dick pinched two fingers to the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. he turned to see Tim waiting in the doorway.
“Is he okay?” Tim questioned softly.
“I’m not sure. I don’t know what happened.” Dick replied tiredly.
Tim sighed, “I noticed he was acting a little weird, but I kind of just thought I had pissed him off?” Tim said. “He’s been following me around recently. And I think he poisoned my coffee? I mean, maybe it wasn’t him. But, the other day, my coffee tasted weird, I drank it anyway of course, but I felt really sick that night. It probably didn’t work because I built my poison resistance up while I was looking for Bruce but-“ Tim cut off his rambling, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
Dick sighed, putting his face in his hands. “I don’t know what to do, Tim. We were making a lot of progress, before. But now I might need to set the ‘Days Since Last Familicide’ dry erase board back to zero.” Dick said tiredly. “I thought I had finally made him feel safe here.”
Tim looked off to the side, “What if its not either of your faults?” He offered, tilting his head. “Maybe he got injured and never told anyone. here why don’t I draw his blood and I’ll run it through. we’ll be able to tell if he’s been injured or injected with something.”
Dick agreed and Tim ran Damian’s blood. While they waited, sat by Damian’s side and ran his hands through the kid’s hair. Soon enough, the test results were done and Bruce got back.
“Good timing, Bruce.” Tim called, “I was just about to go through the results” he added.
Bruce stalked forward, standing next to Damian and feeling his forehead and cheeks. “When did this fever start?” Bruce questioned softly.
“I dont know, B. I only realized when he passed out earlier.” Dick replied.
Bruce turned and walked towards the computer where the results were, looking through the blood test to figure out what was wrong.
“Bruce, it looks like he got hit with fear toxin.” Tim pointed out. “ Maybe a new strain, a slow-acting one. That would explain why he’s been acting so weird recently. Did you fight Crane on patrol last week?”
Bruce slapped his hand over his face, slowly dragging it down. “We found one of his abandoned labs. We split off for about 10 minutes to check out different rooms. He said he didn’t find anything though.” Bruce said guilty.
Dick cried out, “Bruce that was so stupid! And you didn’t even check him for anything afterwards?”
Bruce shook his head. “I owe him an apology.” He said sadly. He walked over and administered an antidote.
“Well, theres no use dwelling on it now.” Tim pointed out. “Dick and Bruce, you can stay here and wait for the kid to wake up. He seemed the most freaked out by me so I think I’ll go upstairs. I don’t think I’ve slept this week anyway.” Tim muttered that last part, but Bruce and Dick heard it anyway.
“Timmy, what have I told you about staying up that long?” Dick admonished.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I’ll sleep now I guess. If im not awake in 20 hours, wake me up. I have presentations to put together for next week.” Tim said exasperated.
Bruce waved him off, “I’ll take care of it, Chum.”
Tim shot a thumbs up over shoulder and then walked out of the cave.
with the antidote administer, the only thing left to do was wait. When Damian woke up. He began trying to explain that Tim had been taken over by some creature, though, all his evidence was debunked.
“Drake looks like a corpse!” Damian exclaimed.
“Yeah I’ve been telling him to go out in the sun more often. He also just told us he hasn’t slept yet this week and its Friday.” Dick explained calmly.
“Okay, then what about the weird way he moves? I’ve seen him stretch his limbs bend the wrong way” Damian pleaded.
“Tim is hyper mobile, Dami. His joints just do that. It’s honestly a little freaky so I get it. I mean, mine are bendy and all, but not that way.” Dick replied patiently.
Damian looked down, ashamed. “How did he survive the poison? That was League specific.”
Dick thought about his answer for a moment, “Apparently, while he was looking for Bruce, Tim trained up his poison tolerance. I don’t know why he did that or how he got his hands on league poison.”
Damian shoved his face into his hands. “I was going to stab him with a silver knife… and then said him on fire.” Damian said, embarrassed.
“I know. I’m sorry,” Bruce finally spoke up. “All of that is on me. I should’ve had you decontaminated and tested after patrol last week. If I had, then you wouldn’t of had to spend this week scared.”
“I wasn’t scared!” Damian claimed, his face burning.
“Sure bud, but it’s okay if you were.” Dick said gently. “But anyway. We can talk about this later. For now, why don’t I get Alfred to bring you something to eat.”
“That would be acceptable, I suppose.”
(later over comms)
Tim: Yo Jason I gotta tell you how I wouldve been murdered this time
Jason: How?
Tim: Demon Brat made me my very own molotov cocktail!
Jason: *dies of laughter* HOLY SHIT!
Damian: Cease this senseless mockery!
Jason: No, kid, its badass *laughs more* priceless.
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akawrites000 · 10 months
when two people meet and they belong together on some level - a prompt list
again, this can be used for anyone - close friends, s/o, crushes. please feel free to change pronouns as you see fit :)
A and B are benchmates, and by the end of the lecture, they've managed to become more than strangers, and people with common interests. They exchange numbers - "can I have your full name?" "sure, but why?" "I just like to store the full names of people's contacts that I'm going to save."
A has never eaten out with their new friend before, so they're pretty nervous because they eat differently? compared to the locals. "i'm sorry, but can I eat with my hands? I just feel more comfortable doing it." B just smiles kindly at A, and A immediately feels at home, despite being miles away from it. "of course you can, please be comfortable!"
A introduces their cuisine to B and B absolutely loves it. "I can't believe I've never had this before!" "do you like it?" " of course! this is easily one of the best meals I've had in my life". Then they both grin at each other and continue to spend the upcoming hours in the restaurant, smiling, chatting away and having a jolly time. (the restaurant people are nice because they don't get kicked out xD)
A teaches B how to eat food from their cuisine and B follows obediently. A is so impressed by B's efforts, just looks at B with a fond smile while B is busy trying to eat the food correctly. "am I doing this right? can I eat this with both hands?"
B invites A over to their place for Halloween and A is so pleasantly surprised, that they can't believe it. "You're inviting me over? really?" "of course! I'd love to have you over if you'd like to come!" A later gets to know that B themselves was a transfer student who went to another country to study, so they can understand the feelings of an international student. A was just so touched and couldn't stop smiling.
It's A's first Halloween and B watches them smile and get excited about everything with a fond look on their face. A turns to them, almost shy, "um, i- I didn't really bring any Halloween clothes," and B has to try really hard to hold in their laugh because A was just being really cute right now. "I can help with that," - B finds a pair of cute purple socks and a headband for A to wear and A's excitement lights up B's entire evening.
"so, do you invite people often?" you seem to be a really good host." B, surprised, "ah, thank you for saying that, but actually, no, I don't." A smiles at the answer and they continue watching the movie playing on the tv, a comfortable distance between them, feeling warm despite the cold winds outside.
B watches A order their usual and smiles at them, "hot chocolate as usual?". A nods, happy with their favourite drink in hand. "What are you getting?" B points to their plate, "oh, just a plate of strawberry cheesecake, I really like these." A makes a mental note of it.
At the cafe again, weeks later, after class, "one hot chocolate and one strawberry cheesecake please!" B just stares at A, dumbfounded, "you remember!" "of course I do!"
"do you want to talk? I don't want to go home just yet." A and B walk over to a bench on their campus and proceed to talk into the evening until A had to catch a bus back home.
A spots a duck upside down in a pond and immediately texts B (who's absent that day) - "uhh, a duck is upside down and I'm worried about it." A doesn't know but B was wheezing while texting back, " that's normal don't worry, it's just feeding." A lets out a breath of relief, "thank goodness! I haven't seen a lot of ducks in my hometown." "I can tell."
A and B compare their hand sizes, after which B holds A's (much smaller) hand. "your hands are so small, no wonder you get cold easily!" A just smiles happily and holds B's hand tighter.
A and B spend the whole day together and then can't stop thinking about it after. "is it weird that I'm grinning, still thinking about how fun today was?" "no, because I'm still thinking about it too."
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saskiahaggens · 1 year
Can you write something about Jimmy x Reader? 👉🏼👈🏼
Of course I can, but I have to tell you that I dislike it… I'll most likely edit it later.
Most of you have probably noticed that I haven't uploaded anything in a long time. So, as a quick update, I by now am legally allowed to drive and I started my last year of school. I'm not sure how much I can upload, because our school year is quite short, but I will do my best to respond to all of the requests as soon as possible. Please accept my apologies for the long speech. I love you all for the appreciation. I wish you luck for school an work.
I Survived 50 Hours In America
Pairing: Jimmy x fem!Reader
Warnings: none I guess
Word count: 1586
Tumblr media
You weren't thrilled when Jimmy suggested going to Antarctica. It was frosty, very bright owing to the sun, and you wouldn't have a decent bed to sleep in. Obviously, you had to fly there, which you were not delighted about. But Jimmy asked you to come along, and who were you to refuse?
"You okay?" Chandler asked above the rumblings of the plain.
"Could be better. We should've brought hot chocolate."
After you mentioned that, Chandler pulled a sorrowful expression. You should have thought about it sooner.
Jimmy was on the other side of the plain, working with the others to prepare some great scenes for the video. You weren't assisting since you had your head buried under your jacket, so you couldn't look outside. Normally, you weren't terrified of heights, except when you sat in a plain that didn't appear or seem safe. They wanted to you wait on the plain after Jimmy left so you could get an amazing shot of you and the rest of the group approaching him.
It seemed simple until the guy in front of you stumbled. You weren't able to react quickly enough and fell face first as you stumbled over his foot.
"Gosh, Y/n." Chandler laughed when you landed in front of his feet.
While everyone else was laughing, he was kind enough to pull you up.
"Well, it's safe to say that the snow tastes nothing like vanilla ice cream."
"Is this something people believe?" Jimmy questioned as he tried to remove some snow off of you.
Chris shrugged, "I've never heard of anything like this."
"Whatever. You thought the moon was made of cheese until we were around thirteen," you rolled your eyes, while the others chuckled.
"As amusing as it is, guys." We should get started. Unless you want to be stuck in a blizzard," Jimmy reminded us, and we all groaned.
"I can't wait to freeze to death.", Chandler smiled.
Jimmy gave the pilot a wink and he took off. We started walking shortly after that. Everyone was hauling their sleighs behind them. George happened to be right next to you, chatting about who knows what. The blizzard made him incomprehensible. You attempted to explain it to him, but he didn't understand you either, so you just let him go on. When you arrived at the location for the camp, everyone began to set up their tents.
Some of you almost immediately realized that it was nearly impossible for them to set up a tent in this wind, so some of you began to build a wall to protect the camp from the wind. While it made things a little easier for you, George, Jimmy, and Karl kept assembling the tents.
Regardless of who went where, all of you instantly huddled in them when the blizzard intensified to wait it out, when you were finally done.
Finally, save from the cold wind and the snow flakes which felt like little needles picking your skin, you could take of your googles.
"This was disgusting," you said, referring to your soaked jacket and pants.
"Hopefully this will be over soon. It's rather crowded in here. Get your feet out of my face, Chris." Tareq muttered.
You hadn't realized how close you were to Jimmy, who was also in this tent. Blood shot to your cheeks, but you could at least blame it on the cold.
The tent's walls suddenly began to collapse and landed on you immediately. The air was filled with cursing and the never-ending shifting of the tent's fabric.
You attempted to pull the fabric aside so you would be able to see someone, but it was like trying to get to the short end of a blanked at night, since the wind pushed the fabric back in your face every few seconds. You began to panic, concerned about how hard it was being pressed in your face from time to time.
"Y/n? "Are you okay?"
You spotted Jimmy when the crimson fabric lifted off your head. He must have noticed your fear since he moved closer to you to raise the piece of fabric higher.
"Yeah. This was terrifying. Like a crimson avalanche."
"You told me about your Claustrophobia once. Sorry to bring you into this."
"Don't worry. I-"
"Y/n is scared by Santa Claus?"
"Chris really? They had a moment."
"What are you even talking about, Tareq?", you asked.
"Oh come on. Everybody knows you two are in love."
"Tareq really? Stop it."
"No way, Chris. This frustrates me. It's so clear, I mean. Jimmy spent hours last week reassembling some Oreo's for you since you had a horrible day and he knows you like the with stuff."
"Any friend would have done something like this." Jimmy denied.
"Okay, and how about yesterday? Y/n-"
"Okay! Tareq we get it.",you interfered.
"No, I'd like to know what happened yesterday. It had to be a very significant event for Tareq to snap. This didn't seem possible to me."
"Chris, I swear to god.", you threatened.
You were frightened since Jimmy wasn't speaking, but you were saved by the others just as you were going to glance at him.
"Is everything all right in there?" Karl asked as the entire tent rose up, revealing a beaming Chris, a still unhappy Tareq, and Karl who peered inside.
You grabbed your googles and exited the tent, unable to bear the humiliating experience. Karl worriedly yelled after you, but you quickly made your way around the wall and came to a halt after about three minutes. Maybe you should just go back home and swim. You'd definitely die within the first two or three hours, but this would be truly amazing right now.
You watched the guys from the distance, rebuild the tent, raise the wall, and put the sleighs' belongings in the tents, when Jimmy started walking in your direction.
You were out and about to just walk away further, but you would have to talk to him. For the sake of the others, otherwise this trip would be really difficult for everyone, and you have at least a little privacy right now.
Jimmy sat down next to you and said, "We need to talk."
"I know."
You then remained silent. How can you even begin such a discussion? Just tell him the truth? No, this isn't one of those stereotypical romance novels where one character rants about their feelings only to be interrupted by the other's kiss. This is the real deal.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way.", Jimmy mumbled finally interrupting the silence.
"I somehow knew. Or at least I wished it was."
"So Tareq was right? You like me too?"
"How could I not."
Shortly the silence took over again, but now you were sure, if you won't finally speak up, you could end up ruining more than a potential relationship. "I've liked you for years, but even after finally admitting it to you and myself, I still don't feel relived."
"Probably because how it happened. Tareq deeply apologized . You should speak with him later. It will lift your mood."
"I still can't believe he snapped."
"I'm with you. I had no idea his voice could get this loud."
You laughed, and then there it was. The long-awaited sense of relief.
"Thank you."
Jimmy stared at you, perplexed, but you simply rested your head on his shoulder.
"For being here, for making me laugh or have I ever thanked you for giving me this job?"
"Like, a thousand times." He burst out laughing. "Hey, would you tell me what happened yesterday?"
"Promise you won't find it weird."
"I promise."
"I picked up Tareq. Well, when he got into my car, I had forgotten to change the playlist, and he found my worst secret."
"You love One Direction?"
"That's not what this is about... I think. Well, I have a playlist full of songs you might like or told me about."
"Okay. I don't see a problem."
"I labeled it 'Jimmy <3'"
"To be honest I think's cute. You need to show me when we get back." he laughed.
A bit embarrassed you took a hand full of snow and pushed at in his face.
"Oh, you will regret this."
He tossed some snow in your face and pushed you over. Naturally, you started defending yourself, but after a few minutes of rolling around in the snow, you gave up.
"All right, you've won. Please stop. I have so much snow in my jacked that I'm afraid I'll get frost bite."
Jimmy stopped, looking down at you, before he suddenly leaned down on his forearms, coming closer to your face.
"Oh yeah? Well there is nothing like giving up where I'm from."
You moved in close to kiss him, taking advantage of his proximity. Jimmy kissed you back, and you swapped places without his noticing. Using this new position, you threw some snow in his face and rushed back to your tent, shivering but glad that you finally got to kiss Jimmy, and by looking over your shoulder and seeing him still laying there, you knew this wasn't the last kiss you'd have.
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animelovelover123 · 7 months
Hey there! You don't have to answer, but what do you think (insert DMC charas of your choice) would do for Valentines Day? Love your work btw. Always makes my day when you post 🥰 Have a great evening
Devil May Cry Boys Valentine
Parings: Dante, Reboot Dante, Vergil, Reboot Vergil, Nero, V x Reader
Author Note: Thanks for the suggestion! I woke up late today (was up and down all night because of period pain) and when I saw this and started imagining scenarios it made me feel better. Hope you like it, happy Valentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Day!
This mans straight up forgot, like always. He is always forgetting dates and holidays, especially if he is out on a mission in some remote place so doesn’t have the typical festive decorations that litter stores to tip him off that some event is approaching. Even when he is at home though, sometimes he holes up in his house just eating delivery food and relaxing so the world outside and the passage of time goes on without him.
He scrambles to prepare something, anything.
What can he set up in less than a day? What do people do for Valentine’s Day? He is not used to having a partner.
Fancy restaurants? Can he get into any of those? No, they have all been booked months in advance.
Okay, candlelit dinner at home. Should he order something? No, that’s not special enough. So he should cook. He can cook, right? It can’t be that hard.
It was… it was hard.
Well while that disaster is on the way, what else can he do?
Flowers? Flowers sound nice. Again though, most florists are sold out of the traditional roses, but at least he can make his own with his demon abilities (see Lucifer from DMC4). How many does he make though? One? Six? A dozen? Well now Dante has enough roses to fill a hot tub but that’s fine, he can just sprinkle the petals around. What does he do with the stems? Uh… just throw them in the closet for now.
What else?
He should dress up! He still has a suit, right? Does it fit him still? He hasn’t worn it in years.
In the end, you have dinner with Dante who tries to act cool, despite the fact that he is in a suit that is two sizes too small, his food is a mushy mess (a good-tasting mush might I add but still), he nearly set the place on fire with the old candles he used, and you both have little nicks all over your hands from cleaning up the rose stems that came cascading out of the closet when you tried to hang up your coat.
He swears up and down that he will do better next year. Yes, it was a disaster, but by god he tried.
Reboot Dante
Dante is not into Valentine’s Day and how commercialized it is. Every ad, shop, and website proclaims that if you don’t buy your partner <insert product name here> then your relationship will fail. What bullshit.
But you know what is kind of fun? The day after.
Pounds and pounds of chocolate and sweets on sale for cheap.
Popular hangout spots mostly barren as everyone just went.
Bars and restaurants with half-used bottles of wine and champagne that are usually multiple tens of dollars a glass now being sold at a fraction of the price because it was quickly going stale.
Valentine-themed lingerie and sex toys practically being given away at stores.
So hold off on the celebration baby. Save that cash you would have spent.
The next day you and Dante will go on a shopping spree, buying more chocolate than you two could eat.
And as you two indulge in said chocolate, you can bounce from one place to the next, enjoying bougie alcohol at empty restaurants and practically having places like amusement parks, arcades, and waterparks all to yourselves.
And when you two get home, well you now have a drawer full of new lingerie and sex paraphernalia that Dante is dying to try. Which one does he want to try today? Oh no baby, you don’t get it. Dante wants to try them all.
Vergil is the kind of man who did not see a point in doing anything special for Valentine’s Day. He gave you love and affection all year round, why would doing something specifically on this one day mean more than any other?
But if you show even the slightest sliver of disappointment at this, he will do something. Nothing basic though. If he was going to go out of his way for this then he was going to be extra about it.
So on the day he picks you up from work, school, or just your home, in a limo.
He takes you to a dress and suit rental shop filled with gowns and suits of all styles and colours. He also made sure to find a rental place that also offered accessories so jewellery, headdresses, and shoes were also available.
He will not exert his will over your choice, but he does want to be present for you trying things on and he will suggest some things. He claims that he simply wants to make sure you are presentable, but he secretly is having a lot of fun seeing you in different styles, patterns, and colours. He takes mental notes of what kind of things you look good in so he can get them for you later.
Once you pick out whatever you like he takes you to a dance hall where a ball is being held. Men, women, and everyone in between are dressed to the nines and dance around the room to live music. The way the lights shine, the glitter of jewels sparkle, and the fabric of all the dresses swish around creating a dream-like atmosphere.
Vergil will lead you in multiple dances. If you seem nervous or mess up the steps, he does not criticize you. He brushes it off as there is no need to worry. Yes, this was an elegant ball, but that should not restrict you. He did not bring you here to try to force you to act fancy.
He brought you here to make you happy, and that’s all he cares about. Not just today, but every day.
Reboot Vergil
This man is always working and unfortunately does not spend a lot of one-on-one time with you. He makes exceptions for special events though, such as your birthday, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day.
He will spend time with you for these events. Note, though, that the likelihood of Vergil actually spending the specific day with you is low. His social life must work around his work, he warned you of this before you started dating. So your Valintine’s Day celebration will happen in about a month's vicinity of February 14th.
When the time comes though, Vergil spares no expense. Literally, this man is loaded and he will use this opportunity to shower you with luxury and attention to make up for all the time he spends working.
We are talking about a multi-day vacation to anywhere in the world you want to go to do whatever you want. And you know exactly where you are going because you are the one that planned it all. Again, Vergil is a very busy man.
This isn't to say he will not have a few surprises in store for you.
Despite what it may seem, when you are talking at him while he is typing away on his computer he is listening. He has a specific file on his computer that lists all of the things you are interested in and said you wanted and will secretly add to it while you talk.
The surprises he gets you for Valentine’s Day will be extravagant, not a simple book or game you have been interested in. He just buys those for you whenever they come up, if you don’t take the initiative and get it yourself with his card. So be ready for things like private concerts from your favourite singer and/or group, getting to play the beta version of an unreleased game you have been waiting years for, or getting to play a minor role in an episode or two of your favourite TV show.
The time you two had together would be relatively brief, as only a few days were scheduled and he reminded you that he would have to return to work as soon as possible.
It was almost two weeks later when he could finally pull himself away from you.
A traditional lover from a traditional city and religion.
Even if Nero was not really into the rules and restrictions of The Order of the Sword, some of his beliefs did line up with theirs.
For example, Nero wasn’t interested in getting you something sexy for Valentine’s Day as he felt it was a bit sleazy and he worried that it would give off the impression that he was only interested in sex. However, if you are the one to gift him with a special something something in the bedroom then he will be all for it.
No, Nero wanted to keep things clean and simple.
Flowers, chocolates, and a card filled with some personal and deep feelings that you better not tell anyone about because he would die of embarrassment if it got out.
He’ll take you out on a date, but not to a restaurant or anything. Instead, he planned a picnic for you two. He made all the food himself, with minimal help from Kyrie. Mainly she just acted as a recipe book and made sure everything he made was safe to eat. Nero was a decent cook, but he did not want to risk making you sick. It may not look immaculate (he doesn’t have a normal right arm, give him a break) but it tasted great.
On the day he will take you out of town, somewhere nice and natural. A peaceful place with a beautiful view and no one around for miles that can get in the way of you two being together.
This will be the first Valentine’s Day V ever celebrates, period. He knows of the day, of course, and many of the traditions that accompany it. But he has never gotten to experience them.
It was also a bit troublesome as many of the typical Valentine’s Day activities, such as fancy dinners, either at home or going out, giving flowers and reciting poetry were things V did for you regularly.
So if days with him are already filled with elegance and refined shows of affection, how would he make this day special? Well, he will do the opposite.
V invites you to make homemade chocolates with him. With his lack of experience, it is a messy task and the finished product is far from immaculate, but that did not matter to him.
He could clean later and his familiars could eat any mistakes created. (They were demons, they could eat chocolate despite their animal forms.)
What mattered was experiencing something new with you. To spend the day working together, laughing at the mess-ups and sharing the prideful joy of success.
And he also quickly discovered the appeal of licking chocolate off each other.
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greywritesthings · 6 months
Honeycomb hot chocolate
Spencer Reid x Autistic!Reader
warnings: description of overwhelm / sensory overload, mention of shutdown? police being sexist dicks
a/n - Thank you sm to @spinningspencer for the ideas for some more dynamic / general autism quirks <3 more autistic!reader will be coming so if anyone else has any ideas send em to my ask box! (Also honeycomb hot chocolate is top teir i absolutely adore it) reblogs, likes and comments appreciated!
Part 1 Part 3
Read on AO3
“Wheels up in thirty, Penelope, you're coming with us.” Hotch says as he leaves the meeting room, the others following behind him. The idea of getting on a plane to Anchorage, Alaska for nearly eight hours practically made your teeth hurt. Spencer looks over at you with concern and when you nod at him he gets the message that you just need a second to prepare for the trip.
 After a few minutes you gather the mental strength to leave the room and head over to the coffee machine where Spencer now stood with both your go bags and a new packet of gum. Once you get to him he hands you your usual honeycomb hot chocolate, the honeycomb syrup being a gift from rossi for christmas three years ago that you had fallen in love with, once you had run out he had wordlessly replaced it and had done the same since, you tried leaving him the money for it on his desk at first but it just ended up back on you own with a sticky note saying “stop it :) '' So you gave up, saving the sticky note in the box within your desk, knowing ordinarily he wouldn't put a smiley face on it but he didnt want you to misconstrue his tone. “C'mon you two love birds, we gotta get to the jet” Derek announces as he walks across the room encouraging Spencer and you two follow. 
Once you had settled on the jet you settled into your usual spot in the four seater next to the window with Spencer on your right. You pull his hand onto your lap and just start to mindlessly fidget with his fingers while you wait for the others to join you. He carried fidget toys in his bag for you but generally you used his hands or if you were alone he would hand you his tie, it brought you more comfort and less attention in public they had quickly become your most common and favoured stims.
The flight had been incredibly overstimulating, as they normally were but this was an eight hour flight of pure hell. Spencer tried his best to help once you had discussed the case, you had gone off to the jet's sofa bed where Spencer had promptly laid on top of you to act as a makeshift weighted blanket, a normal sight to the team at this point. 
You were sent to the station with Spencer and Emily to start from there while the others went to the crime scenes. You had no real idea whether the local police were going to welcome you or if you were going to walk into a blue wall of resistance. “Do you two want to stop by a coffee shop before we go in?” Emily suggests to which you both eagerly agree given the jet coffees are intolerable to you and barely drinkable to the rest. You did go in but there were so many people including some crying children, a massive trigger for your misophonia, that you nearly cried standing in line, spencer had gently put his arm around you and guided you out giving emily a small nod when she asked if you would have hot chocolate knowing spencer carried a mini bottle of the honeycomb syrup in his bag, while you covered your ears and closed your eyes fully trusting spencer to get you out before you shut down.  
Once you arrived at the station it was the worst of the options, none of the officers wanted to cooperate with the FBI, let alone any women. You were given flack all day, no one wanted to do anything that was asked of them unless it was by the men. You were able to stand up for yourself and argue with them as much as was needed but it was exhausting and coupled with everything else it meant by the late evening when the officers had mostly gone home you were non verbal and entirely reliant on Spencer to help. 
You stood intentionally opposite sides of the room so Spencer could see where your eyes went and how you tapped, you had pretty much come up with your own morse code over the years. He told the team what you had come up with, what you agreed with and what you didn't but also he knew what you needed, he handed you hot chocolates and coffees when he knew you wanted one just from a glance at your mug or the machine, he handed you over the papers you needed as you looked across the table. Anything you needed or wanted he gave you pretty much immediately, normally it would be the same on your end, you two worked in sync on any given day but on days like today he was your rock that stopped you from hitting an absolute crash and burn. 
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sanaexus · 3 months
please please please- "i don't know i'm panicking but i'm too hot to worry"
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as you give yourself a small pep talk looking in the mirror. "you can do it (name) gaslight gatekeep girlboss he's just a man." walking out the door, trying to feel confident. you realise he isn't there. you could do a happy dance but to save some face you didn't.
running over to the arcade to meet with hiori, looking around searching for him, two palms cover your eyes "guess who"
without skipping a heartbeat you say "the new murder case that'll be all over the news." pulling away from him, you glare at the taller man, "you fucking ass i go to piss and you ditch me, talk about friendship."
"hey! no fair i needed to shit, a man gotta do what he gotta do."
"anyways we should play something oh my god! how about that game?" you say pointing at the game that has a claw machine to pick up chocolates.
"ew, you dork i'm gonna go play something else we'll meet here after we get the tickets i mean i get the tickets and you hopefully the chocolates that's alright?"
"yeahhh sounds good, wait what do you mean 'hopefully', do you not have faith in me?"
"i don't nor do i want to trust bye" he curtly before turning around and in your opinion walking away in a goofy ahh way.
"asshat" you quietly muttered before skipping to the game.
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"motherfucker. i'm gonna fucking cry, this game is a fucking shit show" you curse before kicking the machine lightly and going to some other game that gave tickets which you figured you'd later just trade it for chocolate. surprisingly you were pretty good at the game and won a fair amount of tickets. as you wandered back where you supposed to you realise hiori isn't there, looking around to see where he was, you realise he wasn't there instead he was surrounded by a bunch of people at some game. you sigh realising it'd be better to just let him be.
happily walking to the ticket trading counter, you see there's a bit of a line but it's not like you had anything better to do. waiting in line you open your phone to take a quick snap but when you look at the screen you realise just who is standing behind you.
"motherfucker this better be a fucking joke"
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name likes potatoes so much, for her 12th birthday she had asked people to get her a potato, sadly she didn't get any
name loves hamster, sadly for her all of her hamsters died in a questionable way, the one that survived for more than 3 weeks was sold by her then bestfriend, they no longer talk.
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please please please ¡! - an isagi yoichi social media fic
synopsis modeling was fun, especially when you go to make friends and what happens when that exact friend goes to the same high school? the friendship of course continues into college. where you get your heart broken and the internet gets to know but then you meet a certain someone that makes you fall for them. so what happens then? chaos.
taglist is open¡! : @fairlyfuji , @semisutopia, @someprettyname , @csbnova , @ashlovelys , @chateaaa , @yeurisstuff , @starchivves , @m3gitsune ,@muffin-0 , @gojosexpiredcum , @bbmsxlene , @profesionalglazer
divider by @/xxbimbobunnyxx. all credits to her!
can you guys guess who the ex is 😝👀
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naughtyneganjdm · 11 months
Naughty or Nice - Chapter 1
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Summary: It's Christmas time with Negan working at a big advertising agency where his big promotion is shut down after the new, sexy, co-worker of his winds up being handed the job he's been hoping for. Being forced to work through the office Christmas party, Negan gets a glimpse of his new boss that ignites the spark to something between them that with a little luck could prove to be truly naughty or very, very nice between them.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), Simon, etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51464518/chapters/130059037
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, angst, smut, etc.
Notes: This is going to be the spicier of the two Christmas stories that I will be working on this year for Negan. I hope you enjoy it!
It was Christmas time and Negan was sitting in front of the computer in his office finishing up something from his most recent project at work. While everyone else in the office was out at the Christmas party, he was still stuck in his office all alone. The music was blaring, the laughs and sound of fun that the other people were having was heard outside of the closed door that he had. This was killing him. Negan was always the life of the party, so being tied up in work was driving him crazy. More than anything he wanted to go out and mingle with everyone else, but he knew that his new boss would have his head if she saw him interacting with everyone if he didn’t have done what she wanted.
A knock on his door drew him to pull his attention away from the computer screen and he was thankful for it. He needed a break. He was hoping someone would come and save him from his work. Waving his fingers for the welcomed interruption, Negan leaned back in his chair and sighed when he saw Simon standing at the door with a tray of drinks in his hands, “Are you naughty or nice?”
“What?” Negan snickered, pushing his chair back and away from the desk as Simon made his way around it. Placed on the tray were two different drinks labeled naughty on one set of the drinks and nice on the others. “What are they?”
“Naughty is a cranberry orange whiskey sour and nice is a spiked hot chocolate,” Simon lowered down the tray to offer Negan a drink. After gazing them both over, Negan cleared his throat and reached up to loosen the knot in his tie. “What will it be boss?”
“Can I be both naughty and nice?” Negan snickered making Simon crack a smile before nodding his head. Reaching for one of each, he set them on his desk and shrugged his shoulders. “Thank you.”
“What are you even doing in here in the first place?” Simon wondered, heading back toward the door of Negan’s office. “People keep asking where you are.”
“Well you know that I’m taking a vacation with the kids to the girlfriend’s hometown for Christmas and New Years, so Y/N is having me finish what I can here. I guess me still having my laptop and working from there is not good enough for her,” Negan noted with a loud, audible sigh. Leaning back in his seat, he shrugged his shoulders and threw his hands up in the air. “I get to leave when she decides it’s okay to leave.”
“I don’t know why the big boss put her in charge. Her job should have gone to you,” Simon suggested causing Negan’s nose to wrinkle at the comment. Negan was a top advertising executive at an advertising agency and he was damn good at his job. After all his hard work and doing better than everyone else, he expected to be getting a raise and a higher title, but instead they decided to hire on Y/N who they had managed to steal out from another advertising agency that was a competitor. Even though Negan was upset, he swallowed his pride and did his best to work with her, but for some reason they seemed to have so much tension between them. Y/N didn’t seem to be much of a fan of him and she made it clear. No matter how nice he was to her. “These parties used to be so fun before she was here.”
“Everyone is out there having fun,” Negan noted staring out at the others that were dancing and seemed to be enjoying their time together. “The only people not out there are me and Y/N.”
Lowering his head, Negan stared out through the glass walls of his office to see that Y/N was still in her office working as well while the party was going on, “That’s what I mean. You’re fun as hell. Everyone else? Not as much.”
“Well I appreciate that,” Negan reached for the whiskey sour to take a long swig of the alcoholic beverage. Once he got a taste of the alcohol, his eyes bounced up and he let out an amused sound. Pulling the glass away, he looked it over and tipped his head back to look out at Simon. “Did you make these?”
“No, you think I’m capable of making shit this nice? They hired someone to make drinks, food, the whole thing,” Simon responded with a snort pointing toward the drinks that were put together rather well. “Why don’t you just quit what you are doing and come out here? Play a game or two with people. They would appreciate your energy.”
“I’m not going to get my ass handed to me,” Negan snickered finishing off the drink in a surprisingly fast manner. Standing up, he moved over toward Simon to give him the empty glass before heading back to his desk to sit down. “Thank you for the break though. I needed it. And the alcohol.”
“You work too hard Smith,” Simon alerted him with a shake of his head before closing the door behind him. Adjusting the hot chocolate that he was given, Negan made sure that it was in a safe spot with a coaster underneath it before getting back to work.
A few minutes after Simon left, he heard the ding of his messenger alerting him that someone had written him. Pulling it up made him let out a huff when he saw what was there waiting for him.
Y/N: I hope those drinks don’t keep you from finishing that project.
Lifting his head, Negan stared out at Y/N’s office to see that she was staring out at him from where she was seated behind her computer. Reaching for the drink that he had on his table, he held it out in her direction giving a firm nod of his head. Bringing the drink to his lips, he took a few big swallows before setting the drink down. Thinking out a response he typed it out and then hit send.
Negan: Don’t worry boss. You’ll get your project in the next twenty. Who knows, there might even be time for you to get to enjoy the party.
Shaking his head, he dropped down the conversation and went back to what he was doing. It offended him that she acted like he wouldn’t be able to finish what he was working on. Negan was the best at what he did and he always got everything done on time. He had a good reputation and to have her act like he was known for not getting the job done got him heated.
Getting back to work, he finished things up and sent Y/N a link to the files. Getting up from his desk, he stretched out his back with a wince and reached for the rest of his drink to finish it off. Heading out of his office, he didn’t even wait for a response from her before moving through the office. Their company had the whole floor in one of the large buildings in the city and the whole party seemed to be taking up most of the space that they did have.
Looking between Y/N’s office and the rest of the group of people that were having fun, Negan sighed heavily and headed toward Y/N’s office. Her door was open, unlike his was while he was working so it made it easy for him to knock on the door frame when he stood at the entrance. Her eyes slowly lifted to him when he cleared his throat and shrugged his shoulders.
“I sent you everything, Boss,” Negan informed her folding his arms out in front of his chest. “How about we take some time to enjoy the party for a little while? It is Christmas time after all.”
“There are some things I wanted to work over with you before we leave tonight,” she explained to him, standing up from her desk to move over toward the display boards that she had set up. A loud, disappointed exhale fell from Negan’s lungs and she let out a laugh. “We’re the two in charge of this project and neither one of us are going to be here for a few weeks Negan. We need to have everything prepared for the team to take this on.”
“We’re going to have our laptops with us and still be working from our vacations Y/N,” Negan reminded her with a frown, straightening his posture. Slipping his hands into his pockets, he sighed and shook his head. It was obvious that she wanted to finish working on things, but his heart was set on enjoying things for at least a little while. “It’s Christmas, Boss. How about you take an hour for us to enjoy the party and then when things start winding down, we can come back in here and finish whatever you want.”
“I don’t know Negan,” she began which made his face scrunch up and she could tell that he was displeased with her answer. “An hour. You can have an hour, but then we have to finish this before we leave.”
“Fine,” Negan went to leave seeing her go to sit down. Shaking his head, Negan moved further into her office and grabbed a hold of her wrist to bring her out with him in the main area of the office. “No, you’re not going to go back to work. You’re going to come out here and enjoy yourself like the rest of us human beings for a little while.”
“Negan, I have things to finish,” she bickered with him, trying to get him to release her wrist, but he nodded toward the dance area where the music was loud and people were having fun. With a loud sigh, she nodded her head and felt him releasing her. “Fine.”
“It doesn’t hurt to let your hair down for a while,” Negan suggested having her follow him toward the group of people. Giving her a weak smile, he nodded his head toward his friends and went off in his own direction. Watching her for a while, he could see that she didn’t know what to do. People liked Y/N and thought she was nice. For the most part she was, she was just very serious about her job and seemed to have a problem with him. Which meant the people that were on his team weren’t her biggest fans, but they managed since Negan was never outwardly hateful about her. “She looks like a lost puppy.”
“What?” Simon choked, leaning in closer to Negan who nodded toward Y/N who had someone come up to talk to her. “I think her panties are too far up her ass for her to have a good time.”
“Nah, I think she’s got it in her to have a good time, she’s just worried what people will think,” Negan claimed, tipping his head to the side noticing the drinks that Simon were holding onto. “What do you think she would pick? Naughty or nice?”
“Nice. She doesn’t want anyone to think she’s naughty. Then again, she might not even want a drink at all. It may make her look bad to actually drink alcohol,” Simon waved Negan forward toward the group of people while holding onto the tray of drinks. Once he stepped before Y/N he could see her eyes get big when he pushed them up toward her. “Naughty or nice?”
“I’m sorry?” she breathed out, her eyebrow arching in curiosity trying to pull herself back enough to look at what he was throwing in her face.
“Are you naughty or are you nice?” Simon questioned nodding toward the drinks so she could look them over. “You have to pick one.”
“I don’t have to do anything,” she put emphasis on her words and it made Simon roll his eyes. “I still have a lot of work to do, so I shouldn’t be drinking before it gets done.”
“Called that one,” Simon muttered under his breath, lowering the tray of drinks and looking to Negan who smirked. “Can’t even have a little fun.”
“I’ll just pick this one,” she seemed to be bothered by what Simon said as she grabbed one of the hot chocolates from the tray. Negan reached for one of the same drinks hearing the amusement come from Simon. Y/N took a big sip of the drink and let out a wince when she realized how much alcohol was actually in it. “Did you make these? They are strong.”
“The fact that both of you think I’m capable of making something tasty enough that looks like this is very honoring. You should know I’m not really this creative,” Simon pointed out going out toward someone that was calling for him with the drinks. Negan shifted on his feet watching her trying to drink what she had grabbed.
“You don’t have to drink that, you know that, right?” Negan inquired taking slow sips of the hot chocolate drink, his eyebrow arching in curiosity. After his comment, she finished off the drink and a smirk tugged at his lips drawing attention to his dimples. “You don’t have anything to prove to these people.”
“Why are you being nice to me?” she wondered, her eyes narrowing and it made Negan’s deep, raspy laugh follow. It felt like she had to yell at him in order for him to hear her over the loud music and that made her kind of uncomfortable. “Seriously?”
“I’m always nice to you,” Negan countered with a roll of his eyes, turning on his heel so that he was standing beside her and not staring out at her. “You just hate me for some fucking reason no matter how nice I am to you.”
“Listen,” she went to respond to Negan, but someone approached him in excitement to try to talk to him about something. The person was clearly drunk and they were pulling him over toward another part of the party. Once he was gone, other people started coming up to talk to her about things and it seemed like they were now comfortable being more open with her after seeing her out with everyone and drinking. There were exceedingly large amounts of laughter and she looked in the distance to see that people were surrounding Negan who seemed to be entertaining others like he always did. It seemed like no matter where Negan was there were always people laughing and smiling.
Once an hour passed, Y/N headed back toward her office and knew that she had work she had to get done. Instead of bothering Negan, she just went back to do things on her own. People seemed to enjoy having him out there so she gave him his space.
After some time working alone, she heard her door pushing open and it made her jump seeing a slightly sweaty Negan standing in her doorway. Watching closely, she saw him undo the cuffs of his dress shirt so he could push the arms of his shirt up before joining her in the office, kicking the door shut with the heel of his foot, “I’m ready, Boss.”
“I didn’t want to bother you,” she acknowledged looking up from her computer to see that Negan was pulling one of the chairs in beside her so they could sit with one another to look at whatever she wanted.
They worked together for a while and she started to notice that the party was dying down. At one point, Negan stood up from where he was seated and went to close the blinds in her office and when she gave him a confused expression, he shrugged his shoulders, “The lights are distracting me and I want to focus.”
“Fair enough,” she replied before going back to work with him. When they finally got toward the end of things, they had two versions of their final design for something and were trying to determine what they liked better. “Which one?”
“I don’t know Boss, whatever you think,” Negan leaned back in his chair, caressing his hands in over his thighs letting out a long exhale. His hazel eyes hooked with hers and his chiseled jawline flexed when he threw his hands up in the air. “You’re the one in charge.”
“I’m asking your opinion,” she stated in a firm tone and it made an arrogant smile tug at his lips. “What?”
“I just think your opinion is the one that matters most to the bosses. They wanted something new and whatever you think is probably going to be what they would prefer,” Negan explained with a tired breath, reaching up to brush his fingers through his dark hair. “So go with whatever you want. For me, I’m just eager to get home. I have to leave early in the morning with my girlfriend to drive for a while to her family’s house so I’m just eager to get done.”
“See, you say I hate you but this is where the problem is between us,” she pushed away from the desk, turning in her chair to stare out at him. It made his dark eyes get big. Biting at his bottom lip, Negan’s face scrunched up and he didn’t immediately respond which annoyed her. “It’s obvious you are so upset that they hired me on in this position. Your team visibly fucking hates me and they don’t hide that either.”
“So what if they don’t like you?” Negan waved his hand about in the air, his voice rasp and he reached for a bottle of water that she had grabbed for him. “You’re the boss. You shouldn’t care if people like you or not. All that matters is what the people in charge think. You aren’t here to be liked or make friends. You’re here to do your job and do it well.”
“But everyone likes you,” she countered drawing his dimples to sink in further and a thick rumble of laughter followed. It infuriated her how charming his smile actually was because half the time she wanted to smack him, but he was undoubtedly a good looking man.
“No they don’t,” Negan shook his head, his Adam’s apple bouncing in this throat when he looked back to her. “You don’t like me. My jokes don’t work on you. My charm doesn’t work on you. I work my ass off and it’s never good enough for you. So obviously it doesn’t always work.”
“And you care what I think about you. So why are you here telling me not to care?” she disputed with a huff, folding her arms out in front of her chest. Hearing her say that made him release an amused exhale.
“Touché,” Negan tipped his head from side to side. “I guess I’m just better at handing out advice than I am following it. I just don’t get why you hate me to begin with. I don’t give you shit. I follow your direction. I work hard. I’ve never tried to undermine you. I could have tried to give you shit from the start to prove you weren’t capable of your job, but I instead kept my ego in check and accepted that they gave you the job that I worked my ass off to get. Of fucking course I’m upset that the job I wanted was given to someone who didn’t put in the years here at the company, but I’m not going to try to foil your work here and get you fired. I like you. I think you’re a good worker. I can see why they snatched you out from the other company’s nose. We’re a team and I’m doing my best to work with you, but you won’t give me a fucking chance. Instead you act like I’m a terrible worker when I’m actually one of the best that they have here. So how about you do what I have been doing for you and you show some respect for me because it’s getting fucking tiring having you being a pain in the ass toward me when I’ve welcomed you here with open arms and have kept my team in check to make sure things work out smoothly here.”
The sound of someone clearing their throat was heard and they obviously were bickering so much that they didn’t hear someone opening the door. They both turned their heads slowly to look to see that Simon was standing at the door, “I just entered at a very tense moment, didn’t I?”
“Simon?” Negan snapped, his jaw flexing showing that he was frustrated in the moment. “What do you want?”
“I’m just the last one to leave. I thought you would want to know that,” Simon informed them, pointing back over his shoulder and giving them both a stare. “I should get going though. You two should finish this. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and all that shit. I’ll see you both when you get back.”
“Wonderful,” Y/N waved him off and Simon’s eyes connected with Negan’s. Grimacing, Simon made an over dramatic face that led Negan to shake his head. Once Simon closed the door, it left the two of them alone in silence.
Getting up from the desk, she moved around Negan and heard him huff. Grabbing something from one of her cabinets, she pulled out an expensive bottle of cognac to set it before Negan. Grabbing two glasses, she placed them on the desk and sighed loudly, “Here…”
“What is this?” Negan’s nose wrinkled, his hazel eyes watching her pour some alcohol out for them.
“A peace offering,” she slid one of the glasses toward him and it was clear that he didn’t trust her. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I have been giving you shit, but I thought you wanted my job.”
“I do want your job,” Negan announced, his throat getting tense when she stated that. “The difference is that you have that job. And I can’t take it. So I’ve learned to deal with it.”
“Fair enough,” she responded, taking a long swig of the alcohol after she poured herself some and sat down. “You have to understand how hard it is to be a woman in a position of power. People automatically look down on you because this is supposed to be a predominantly male career and a lot of men have a problem when their boss is a woman.”
“I can see that,” Negan took another small sip of the alcohol, letting out a wince when the taste of it hit his tongue. It was fucking good and he wondered why she was sharing it with him. “Personally, I have no problems taking orders from a woman. I’ve always admired when a woman takes charge.”
“Wow,” she chuckled lowering her glass from her lips, her eyebrows bouncing up in curiosity. “Was that you flirting?”
“That was just me being honest,” Negan answered her, going to put the glass down and she stopped him from doing so. “What?”
“You don’t have to savor it. You can drink it. If we don’t drink it, it’s just going to sit there. View it as a peace offering,” she pushed for him to drink the alcohol. Thinking about it for a long moment, Negan pulled the glass back up and tossed the drink back swallowing it down. Refilling the glass for him, she let out a surprised sound when he stood up from the chair and moved over toward the side of her office to look out the giant window panels out at the city. “I would like you to be honest with me about your opinions Negan. I want to work with you. I want us to be a good team. Not have you just go with whatever I say.”
“It’s snowing,” Negan ignored what she said and pointed out toward the window after shooting her a glance over his shoulder. After a minute of staring out at the city, he sighed and turned to face her. “So where are you going for vacation?”
“Home,” she stood up from where she was seated and leaned against the side of her desk while keeping a tight hold of her glass. “It’s been a long time since I was home. My family is a bit old fashioned. So I really haven’t been eager to be back.”
“Why is that?” Negan was curious and he noticed the tension she had in thinking whether she should tell him or not.
“I’m not the favorite child. I’m the problem child,” she informed Negan with a simple shrug of her shoulders. “I got out as fast as I could. My father was hard on me. I didn’t do anything right. He thought I was poisoning my other siblings with my big ideas. I was the middle child. My oldest sister was the apple of his eye. I wanted to be in the city, do what I do now…he wanted me to remain a farmhand. It’s funny because my father is very old fashioned, but all three of his daughters have a different mother. And my mother is the only one he wasn’t married to when I was born. Is that much of a shock? I think I’m the mistake that he regrets and took the anger he had for himself out on.”  
“Sounds like your father is a bit of a hypocrite,” Negan reasoned with her taking another sip of the drink that was in his hand.
“Understatement of the year. My father has wanted nothing to do with me for years after our last fight. But my younger sister called me and begged me to come back. And then her mother also did too. She was the woman who raised me, so I only thought it would be right to come back for them,” she looked down toward the ground thinking about her family and she sighed. “No, that’s not true. I’m only going back to prove to my father that I’m good enough. I have money, a good job…a fiancé that loves me.”
“Ah, you’re saying fuck you dad,” Negan winked and she let out a hesitant laugh.
“Kind of,” she sighed, pointing back toward her computer. “Getting to work while I’m there will help take my mind off the stress my family will undoubtedly give me.”
“Wait…did you say your fiancé?” Negan repeated what she said moments earlier watching her hold her hand up to show the ring that was over her finger. His eyebrows bounced up in amusement and he finished what was left in his glass that she had given him. “He must be miserable.”
“Fuck you,” she chuckled when he gave her a wicked smirk and she knew that he was just screwing with her. Negan moved back to place his glass down on her desk. “And what about you? You’re going with your girlfriend I think I heard you say?”
“You listen to me,” Negan placed his hand over the center of his chest to act surprised. A deep rumble of a laugh fell from his throat as he moved over to the large glass windows to brace his back against them. “Here I was thinking you ignore everything I say.”
“I thought we were trying to bond here,” she waved her hand back and forth between them. Setting her glass down on the desk, she reached for the bottle of cognac and took a long swig from the bottle. Moving out toward him, she handed him the bottle and he accepted it to do the same. “Give me a chance.”
“I hope you aren’t driving home tonight,” Negan whispered after a hiss fell from his throat. His hazel eyes narrowing out at her as she smirked.
“I’m not much of a city driver. I grew up in a very rural area. Open roads, this city driving isn’t for me,” she explained stepping in beside him to stare out at the city. “I’m in the city because it’s so different from where I grew up. What about you? Why aren’t you going home to your family?”
“I have no interest,” Negan answered her, his eyebrows bouncing up when he turned to look out at the city with her. “Like you, I didn’t have a great father. He pretended he was, but his actions spoke louder than his words. I always wanted to go to New York City when I was a kid. Especially after my dad came back from a work trip once with one of those lady liberty bobble heads. He told me how big the world was and promised to bring me here. But he never did. Something always came up. With everything really. We never did anything as a family. It was always just me and my mom.”
“And your mother?” she wondered seeing Negan shake his head and bite down on his bottom lip. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” Negan whispered sucking in a sharp breath of air. Pulling the bottle up to his lips again, he took another long swig of the alcohol and then handed it back to her. “I moved to the city with my wife. We were two kids that grew up in the suburbs and we so badly wanted to escape it. I originally wanted to be a ball player, but I hurt myself. So I went with what I was good at and it was art. Who knew that just drawing random things would get me…here. I just thought it was a bunch of bullshit that I did when I was bored. I never realized I could make this much doing a silly hobby.”
“Wife?” she repeated what he said, her expression confused when she looked to him. Negan tipped his head to the side and reached for something that was around his neck to pull out a necklace that was there. It drew attention to the three rings that were there and she let out a loud exhale realizing where this was going. “You’re…”
“A widower? Yeah,” Negan responded with a huff, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat when he shifted on his feet.
“How long?” she felt bad for even bringing it up noticing the change in Negan’s demeanor when he dropped the rings back at the center of his chest.
“She passed away two years ago. It’s why I’m trying this whole trip away with the girlfriend and the kids,” Negan informed her and he could see her eyes getting bigger when she clearly had no idea that he had children. “Yeah, I have a boy and a girl. My son is thirteen and my daughter is seven. Maybe if you actually make it to the other side of my desk one day you can see photos of them.”
“I’m so sorry,” she swallowed down hard looking out across the city feeling like an asshole that she didn’t even know about his family. “I don’t really know anything about you.”
“It’s not your job to know who I am,” Negan replied to her, outstretching his hand for the bottle of alcohol again obviously needing this sip after everything that he was talking to her about. His eyes were damp and there was guilt that ate away at her watching him drink. “What about your fiancé?”
“I met him when I was working in another city. He was a pizza delivery guy,” she informed Negan seeing him smirk and gaze over at her. “He’s really nice and sweet.”
“You don’t seem like the type that likes really nice and sweet,” Negan commented and she turned to give him a once over.
“I like pizza,” she said in a rebuttal making the both of them chuckle. Stealing back the bottle from him, she sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “I panicked.”
“Come again?” Negan’s eyebrow arched when she looked down at the ring that was on her finger.
“I panicked. He asked me to marry him out in front of a bunch of people and he’s so nice that I didn’t want to embarrass him,” she looked to her hand where the ring was and she shook her head. “I enjoy his company, but marrying him? I don’t know. I thought relationships were supposed to fuel you. Excite you. Make you feel endless amounts of passion…”
“Sounds like you shouldn’t be engaged,” Negan noted letting out a tense breath when he noticed how hard it was starting to snow.
“What about your girlfriend?” she questioned hearing Negan scoff and he pushed his hands back into his pockets. “What?”
“I was lonely,” Negan informed her tipping forward onto his toes and then back onto his heels while they just got to know one another. “The first time I met her she was ready to rip my head off over the last drink at one of the street vendors. I guess I like em’ feisty.”
“I see,” she shook her head, moving back for her desk to set the bottle of alcohol down and reach for her laptop. “I guess we should pick which one we want so that way we can get home to the two people that neither one of us should really be with.”
“Well that’s bold of you to suggest,” Negan’s nose wrinkled when she moved over toward the couch that was in her office. Heading over to the couch to sit down in beside her, Negan leaned forward and rest his elbows on his knees. “I guess since you want me to be honest with you, I hate both the colors of the final two designs. For a New Years campaign, I find the colors to be mundane and depressing. New Years is supposed to be bright, happy, exciting for the possibility of a new year…it’s meant to draw people in and they are supposed to be feel good about the holiday. The colors that you chose feel like they were picked by someone that is…sad.”
“Really?” she looked to the two designs that they had up, surveying over them. “I think they look sharp.”
“Sure, they look sharp, but the colors promote a sense of sadness. Trust me, I would know,” Negan explained circling his finger at her screen where the two designs were up. “That’s why I told you to pick because I don’t like either color. The design, I like. The colors, I don’t.”
“Why?” she turned her head to stare out at him and he huffed in response.
“Because color theory says certain colors draw people to feeling a certain way and…” he began to answer, but she shook her head to interrupt him from going on. “What?”
“Why are you sad?” she inquired having his hazel eyes hooked with hers and he let out a nervous laugh. “You’re sad. Why?”
“You know why,” Negan slurred, looking down toward his feet shifting beside her knowing that he was becoming uncomfortable. “Why are you sad?”
“Why would you think I’m sad?” she countered seeing the smirk that tugged at his chiseled features. “I just got a great job, I’m engaged, I have everything I’ve ever wanted in life…”
“Do you?” Negan wondered, tipping his head to the side when he looked to her again. “Your design choices read someone who is depressed and with certain projects it hits a certain crowd, but with things like this…it’s just not going to work. So why are you sad?”
“You’re infuriating,” she scoffed, leaning back on the couch while they spoke about the designs. “One conversation and you think you know everything about me.”
“Yeah, I know it’s shocking, but I fucking listen to people when they talk to me,” Negan snorted, turning to face her with his jaw clenching. “Contrary to popular belief, I do occasionally know how to shut up and listen. I also know what it was like to be sad because some of my best work I cranked out when I was fucking sad because I buried myself in it. I still bury myself in it. Other than my kids, work is my only escape from the things that I’m feeling.”
“That’s you Negan, not me,” she pushed further, her chest tightening when his eyes narrowed out at her. “I know what I said earlier about my fiancé, but I was drinking and…”
“Being honest?” Negan inquired, his eyebrows bouncing up as he surveyed her over. “Sometimes drunk words are the truest words. Sad recognizes sad because you are just like me. Maybe not for the same reason, but I can spot one when I see one.”
Staring out at Negan, she felt her breathing heavy, her heart racing while he shook his head and nodded back toward the art, “Maybe if we just send them both of these, they can pick the one they are most interested in and…”
A surprised sound fell from Negan’s throat when she reached out to grab a hold of his chiseled jawline to tug him towards her. Their lips crashed together and at first Negan was stiff against her. This was never a position that he ever thought they would find themselves in. Especially with how negative she was toward him throughout her time at the company so far.
Being this close to him allowed the scent of his cologne to intensify and that was something she always found so appealing about him whenever she was near him. His scent was unique to him. Whether it was his musky cologne, his cigarette that he may have snuck in during a break or his mint gum that he used to cover it up with. From his deep raspy voice to his scent…she always knew when Negan was around. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. Maybe it was the alcohol or the conversation, but she had a desperation to kiss him. Even if it was wrong considering her position at the company.
Letting the kiss linger, she knew it was an awkward first kiss, but it was an opportunity she couldn’t resist. Pulling back slightly had Negan’s long eyelashes fluttering, his eyelids heavy and narrowed. Waiting, she didn’t know how to react until she felt Negan’s index finger curling in underneath her chin to bring her closer to him. The rough pad of his thumb swept over her jawline and the warmth from his breath lingered over her lips causing a chill to flood her body. There was something in the way that Negan looked at her that took her breath away. Surprisingly enough, she was immune to it for most of the time, but in this moment, she was hooked. She was pretty sure that he knew that.
“You are so beautiful,” Negan slurred, his thumb causing her to shudder when it brushed against her skin. Getting close enough to just barely drag his bottom lip over hers caused her eyes to come to a close. Just having the warmth of his breath over hers had chills flooding her veins. Her face grew hot when his lips finally claimed hers. It started off slow at first, testing the waters between them. This was a much better kiss than the first one. The one she had done originally was a quick thing that came out of nowhere. This was thought out and with every sweep of his lips over hers, it had her falling in closer to him. Kissing Negan made everything feel like it stopped. The worries of getting this project done were no longer a problem in her mind. They didn’t exist. Each caress of Negan’s lips were almost perfect, his fingers sliding up the lengths of her jawline, down over the side of her neck and then around the back of her neck to curl around it. Goosebumps developed over her body from the chills he was drawing out of her. A tender flick of his tongue pressed at her lips, testing if she was okay with the idea. Parting her lips, she gave him permission allowing his head to tip to the side to brush the warmth of his tongue against hers. Returning the gesture had him moaning against her lips. Tremoring in his grasps, she knew that she was hooked.
Pulling back, her breathing was labored and her lips parted. There was something in Negan’s eyes that she couldn’t quite read with his stare locked on hers. His pupils were dilated with lust, his eyes falling back to her lips again when he slid in closer to her on the couch. Closing the distance between them, Negan’s hand pressed in over her bare shoulder, his rough fingertips caressing over her skin in a tender moment before his nose nudged hers.
Stealing another kiss from her lips, Negan dropped his other arm to hook it around her waist, pulling her in closer to him. Their kisses grew more intense making the both of them breathless. Every touch grew stronger, more desperate with their tongues fighting for some kind of dominance.
“Stop,” Negan tore himself away from her, standing up from the couch and holding his hands up in the air when he backstepped. His chest was rising and falling heavily, his lips parted and his breathing labored. “This is wrong. You’re engaged, we’re both drunk and…”
“I thought you were the naughty type, Negan,” she stood up from the couch, moving forward to place her fingers over the center of his chest. Leading him back toward the large glass window panels of the building, she heard a breath catch in his throat when his back hit the coolness of them. His eyes followed the movements of her fingers and he wasn’t eager to push her away. “Now why don’t you let me play nice and do what we both want here.”
Brazenly, she reached between them to caress over the center of his pants in confident touches. Groaning out, Negan’s eyes grew heavy with lust and he inhaled sharply. Leaning his head back, he couldn’t find the strength to tell her no. She was right. They both wanted this. Confidently, she stepped forward to tip up on her toes to kiss over his chiseled jawline causing him to tip his head to give her more access to him. Wet kisses were peppered across his thick neck and it had faint moans falling from his throat. Sliding his hands down over her sides, Negan pulled her close to him wanting to feel the heat of her body next to his. It contrasted well with the coolness of the window against his back.
“You work so hard Negan,” she whispered, nibbling at his earlobe when her free hand lifted to grab a tight hold of his neck. It made him wince, his head turning to lock eyes with hers. Continuing her caress over him had his cock growing harder with each touch beneath his black slacks that he was wearing. The vein at the side of his neck was bulging and everything about him right now was incredibly sexy. He was both dominant and submissive, giving into the desires of what she seemed to want from him. And the fact he gave her that? That made him so much sexier to her. “Maybe it’s time I rewarded you for all of that.”
A wolfish smile tugged at his lips when she pulled her hand away from his pants to reach up. Plucking the top button open on his dress shirt had him exhaling loudly, his eyes watching her every movement. In this light it was easy to see how long Negan’s eyelashes were and it drew her to the beautiful hazel coloring of them. Even the scene felt perfect in this moment for her. Having Negan pressed against the glass paneling with the night lights of the sky behind him. It was snowing and it gave everything a dreamy feel.
Tipping in, she peppered wet kisses over his revealed flesh with every button she would undo on his shirt. What was nice about Negan was that he was very verbal about the things he liked. He’d praise her with the sweep of his thumb over the side of her face while she kissed over his body. Negan’s body was slender, but gorgeous in every meaning of the word. Once the material of his shirt was separated, she tugged at it to get it out from his pants and pushed at the sides. Kissing over the soft patch of flesh that was under his navel had him breathing louder, his fingers sinking into her hair. Nipping at the skin, she found a rush of courage in the way Negan was looking down at her.
Standing up, she tugged at the material of Negan’s shirt to get it down his arms to reveal the tattoos over his body. It locked his wrists together making it hard for him to move while she took all of him in. At first it was his tattoo over his pectoral muscle that drew her attention. Tracing over it with her fingertips had Negan’s breathing growing louder. Extending her fingers out, she caressed up over his shoulder to gaze over the tattoos that were there and it made her throat go dry.
“Look at you,” she breathed out, dragging her fingers across his flesh to trace down over the center of his chest. Twisting her fingers through the dark curls of hair that covered his flesh, she stepped forward and saw his Adam’s apple bounce in his throat. Flattening her hands out over his abdomen, she slid them up toward his chest and out over his shoulders to trace them over the tattoos that were there. “Not only are you an artist, but your body is art too.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan slurred enjoying the way that she was touching him. It had been a while since someone had looked at him like she was. It was driving him crazy having her lips so near to his without her kissing him. Tipping forward, he nudged her nose with his alerting her to the fact that he wanted to kiss her again.
Bringing their mouths together, Negan flicked his tongue at the inside of her bottom lip having her purr against his mouth. Tugging at her bottom lip with his teeth, Negan growled and kissed over the side of her face toward her jawline. Dropping her hands, she worked open the belt in Negan’s pants and eagerly pulled them open. Once she had the zipper down, she unhurriedly pushed the material of his pants and boxer briefs down to the bottom of his waist. Cooing out, she enjoyed the way Negan’s short beard teased at her flesh while he pampered her neck with hot, wet kisses.
“Jesus,” she breathed out, stealing a look down between them to get a look at his solid erection. A chill flooded his body at her response. Carefully, she extended her fingers out to curl them around his girthy arousal. At first, she tested him in her palm learning his body and she found herself in awe of him.  
“Thanks,” Negan wiggled his arms just enough to get his shirt back up over his shoulders so his wrists weren’t locked in place. Lifting his hand, he curled his long fingers around the back of her neck to urge her back to him to kiss him. Their kisses were strong, each of them fighting for some kind of control in things like they often would in their work. Each caress of her hand over his distended flesh grew harder and it kick started his heartrate.
Grunting out, Negan felt her pushing into the center of his throat with her free hand to get him to drop his head back against the glass window. Inhaling sharply, he watched her smirk and then lower down slowly to her knees after kissing down over his abdomen. Dropping his stare, he knew he didn’t want to miss this. She continued to jerk him off, getting him completely solid in all of his glory with her touch. Arching his hips forward toward her, Negan knew that she was playing with him in the way that she was kissing over his hips.
“I thought you were going to reward me?” Negan frowned knowing that she seemed pretty eager to be doting on his body, but he wanted more. His comment got her to lift her eyes up, a smirk pressing in over her lips when her kisses grew closer to his masculinity. Sucking at his bottom lip, Negan huffed when her lips teasingly kissed at the shaft of his cock. Licking his lips, Negan knew she liked to be in control of things so he allowed her to be. With her wet lips kissing over the length of his body, it had his muscles tightening, his hips pressing forward in closer to her and a rumble fell from his throat. “Y/N…”
“Patience Negan,” she hushed him having his fingers sinking into her hair. It felt good to be in this position. Having someone desperate for her, holding onto her like Negan was. Purring out against his flesh had him dropping his head down, a moan falling from his throat that turned her on sending a chill to her very core. “There is a lot of you to cherish.”
“There is,” Negan snickered, his fingers caressing at her scalp when her lips finally found their way to the tip of his cock. Dragging her tongue out over the ridges had him bucking forward toward her again enjoying the way that it felt. A deep, raspy moan escaped him when her tongue flattened out and dragged over the tip. “Fuck.”
Fighting to keep his eyes open, Negan knew this wasn’t something he wanted to soon forget when her lips finally wrapped around his body to take the tip between her wet lips. Lapping her tongue at him had her collecting the taste from him at the tip. Swallowing down hard, Negan bit down on his bottom lip and was glad the party ended. They weren’t being quiet and if someone was here, they would hear them. Moaning out, Negan felt his heart skip a beat when she took him further back down her throat before unhurriedly pulling her head back, dragging her tongue along the underside of his shaft. It was slow, focused and done in a teasing fashion. And she repeated the movement several times leaving him wanting more. Her hand caressed over the lower half while she pampered the upper half with the welcomed warmth of her talented mouth. Every bob of her head over his erection was cherished knowing that while this was a gift for him, she also seemed to be enjoying herself just as much. Knowing that she found pleasure in giving him a blowjob made this so much more appealing for him.
Watching her was a reward in itself. Tipping his head to the side, he felt one of her hands sliding up over his hip to caress over it. It slid over his side toward his small, tight bottom to give it a firm squeeze drawing him forward and further down her throat.
“Fucking hell,” Negan panted when her other hand worked over the base of his erection to caress over it in tempo with the movements her mouth was making over him. What he should have been doing was stopping this, but he didn’t want to. They were both intoxicated. They drank a lot. But he didn’t want to stop this. Not one bit. Stroking his fingers through her hair, Negan found himself enchanted with her while she pleasured him. Every movement, every stroke of her tongue was meticulous and perfect just like her work at her job. Tugging on her hair, Negan pulled her head back with a wet sound when his cock pulled from her mouth. With her wet lips glistening and her eyes staring up at him with a desire that he hadn’t seen in so long, Negan lowered down, his fingers grasping tightly to her jawline. “You certainly don’t half ass anything, do you?”
“Never,” she breathed out with a tiny smirk, gasping when his lips hammered down over hers kissing her with all the power that he could muster up. Tugging at the strap of the black dress that she was wearing, Negan managed to pull the dress down over her breast to reveal it to him. Kissing over her shoulder had her cooing out until his lips pressed down to cover her breast. Circling his tongue over the flesh had her fingers sinking into his hair while he pampered her flesh with the talented caress of his tongue. Urging him back, she dragged her thumb across his wet lips and felt him kissing at the pad of her thumb. “If you like having a woman in charge so much, show me what you can do with that mouth since you are so talented at winning people over with it.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan growled, scrambling forward to pick her up in his arms. Heading over toward her desk, he laid her out across the top of it hearing her gasp with how swiftly he was moving. Palming down over the side of her face, Negan’s eyelids were heavy with want while he gazed over her. “You are so fucking beautiful…”
“Negan,” she stammered his name before he hushed her, leaning his head toward her palm to press a kiss over the center of it. Hearing him saying how beautiful she was had her swooning more than she cared to admit. Hooking his arms under her thighs, Negan pulled her toward the edge of the desk and caressed over her hips. Pushing the dress up over her body, he stopped when he got it to her navel. Sinking his fingers into the hem of her panties, he pulled them down her body, his eyes locked with hers when he saw the nervous breath that fell from her lips.
“Everything is going to be okay, Boss,” Negan dragged his tongue out over his bottom lip, a wicked smirk tugging at his handsome lips. It drew attention to those ridiculously charming dimples of his and it made her heart flutter.
Raising her head up, she watched Negan kiss over the inside of her thigh. His eyes were hooked with hers watching her reactions to what he was doing. Dragging his lips over her flesh, he stopped when he reached her core seeing her eyes coming to a tight close with her head tipping back. The warmth of his breath over her drew her to let out a whimper and it made him smile. Finally leaning forward, he pressed faint kisses over her flesh knowing that it was teasing her, but he felt like she kind of deserved that after all the shit she put him through. Gradually, he allowed his kisses to grow in strength, having her hips rise up toward him with every touch. Hooking his arms around her thighs, he pulled her close to him and grasped firmly to her hips with his hands. Wetting his lips, Negan growled before extending his tongue out to drag a line up over the length of her sex and then back down. Teasing his tongue around her clitoris in slow circular motions, Negan took his time to slurp at her sensitive bundle of nerves before peppering her body with wet kisses.
Dropping her hand down, she sank her fingers into his hair having an amused rumble follow from his throat that vibrated against her flesh having her arch up toward him. Purring out, she couldn’t help but enjoy the grasp he had on her hips wondering if it would leave a mark with how hard he was holding onto her. Pulling his right hand away, he tipped his head back to draw a line over her sensitive folds with his long, slender fingers. Circling her entrance with his fingertips had her whining out, before he unhurriedly pushed his middle finger inside of her drawing her hips up toward him. Humming out, Negan wolfishly smiled when he started to thrust his finger inside of her finding the areas she seemed to like the most before adding another finger. Allowing her to get used to the motions, he set a sturdy tempo with his fingers once he found her g-spot. It had her bouncing up toward him, her breathless whimpers growing louder while he had his way with her. Wetting his lips once more, he went back to pleasuring her, his tongue circling her clitoris before slowly shaking his head from side to side.
“Almost,” she cried out feeling a fire burning deep within her veins that had her clutching to both his hair and the side of the desk. Wet sounds filtered through the air while the strength of Negan’s tongue grew stronger. Slamming her eyes shut, she moaned out and heard the satisfied sound that came from Negan when her body shook against him. Instead of stopping, he continued to pleasure her until she yanked back on his hair with her heart hammering in her chest. As his fingers dragged from out of her, she couldn’t help but whimper from the sensation it left her with. “Fuck, Negan.”
“Do you want me?” Negan wondered, his eyebrows furrowing before he turned to press a wet kiss over the inside of her thigh. Biting at her flesh had her purring out when she gave him a firm nod. Standing up from where he was knelt before her, Negan swallowed down hard and looked down at his rigid length seeing her eyes falling upon it. Standing up, Negan wrapped his long, slender digits around his cock to caress over it slowly. Pressing forward, Negan made sure that she was right at the edge of the desk before grabbing a hold of his erection to drag the swollen tip through her wet folds. “You know, you let people think you’re the nice type, but I’m fairly fucking certain you’re the naughtiest of girls. Aren’t you?”
“I can be,” she mewled out when the tip of his heavy cock dragged across her already sensitive clitoris. An arrogant expression flooded Negan’s features when he tapped his cock against her body having her arch up toward him. Smirking, Negan used his free hand to reach for the bottle of alcohol to steal another swig of it before setting it down somewhere other than the desk for it to be safe along with the glass that she had placed on her desk previously. “I’ll be as naughty or nice as you want me to be.”
“I like that,” Negan slurred, his eyes lowering to watch while he traced himself over her body. With every touch it had her tremoring just that much more and it made him smile. Adjusting his body, he reached between them and led the tip of his cock to her entrance. Pushing slightly forward had her body tensing up and he lowered his upper half over her, bracing with one of his hands on the table while the other curled under her hips to bring her up toward him. “I won’t hurt you.”
“Strangely enough, I trust you,” she breathed out, her hand reaching up to caress over the side of his face while his lips lingered over hers. Locking eyes with him, she felt him reaching between them again when he led himself toward her once more. When he was lined up, his lips pressed in over hers trying to keep her focused on him and his kisses when he managed to sink the tip into her drawing her to whimper against his lips. Filling her with just a small amount, he allowed her to get used to him when he hovered his lips over hers.
“I’m your first big dick, aren’t I?” Negan inquired, finally taking the time to push forward just a bit more hearing her whine. It caused her to lift her head up to look between them to see how much he had inside of her. “If you can’t take it, we can stop.”
“I don’t want to stop,” she assured him with a pant, clinging tightly to his shoulders while she tried to roll her hips up closer to him urging him further inside of her. “It’s just new for me. I can take anything. Just go slow. Please.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan growled, kissing her once more allowing her to pull him in closer to her. Their kisses grew in strength more determined to be closer in this moment to get her used to the whole thing. Slowly her hips rocked over his length, allowing her body to get accustomed to what was inside of her already. Faint moans were falling from his throat while she took her time with him. It was strange how intimate this actually felt with them at first with their kissing, touching and the careful movements she made under him. For so long he saw her as a badass that was unbreakable, but with her under him he realized how fragile she actually was. Just like him. Tough on the exterior but broken on the inside. And it drew him to her. Peppering kisses over her lips, Negan felt her right hand caressing down over his back toward his bottom to urge him to start moving. Rolling his hips forward had them both moaning out in unison. Hovering his lips over hers, Negan pulled back before pushing forward again loving the way he felt inside of her. It felt like she was made for him. The warmth of her body drawing him to her again and again when he brought their lips together.
“Harder,” she ordered, nibbling at his bottom lip and he pulled back just enough to stare down at her.
“You sure?” Negan confirmed with her watching the smile tug at the corners of her lips.
“You won’t break me,” she promised making him smile when he gave her one single nod. Obeying her orders, Negan started to quicken his thrusts adding some power behind every thrust forward and pull back he made. It had some of the things on her desk falling over, but neither one of them seemed to care. They were just lost in the moment. Her nails bit into his back through the material of his long-sleeved dress shirt that he was still wearing. With Negan giving her a taste of everything that he had, it left her with a full, stretching feeling that she rocked her hips up toward. The sounds that Negan made had chills flooding her body. Negan’s deep, raspy voice was sexy already, but to hear it paired with his moans was driving her wild with desire. “Fuck Negan.”
“You feel so good. So fucking tight,” Negan hissed, grasping onto the table tightly to help give him strength in bringing his hips forward to smack up against her. Tossing his head back, his throat tensed, the vein at the side of his neck bulging more than normal while he pounded away inside of her. “How many orgasms do you want?”
“It doesn’t work like that?” she mused, her whines growing louder with the way that Negan moved inside of her. There was determination in the movements while she clung tightly to him, the tip of his cock hitting all the right spots inside of her with their fluid movements. “I need to be able to make it home.”
“How many?” Negan growled, his lips hovering over hers and she didn’t have an answer for him. Pushing forward, Negan used his strength to plunge himself into her in reckless abandon until he heard her squeal out and pull her hips away from him leaving him a breathless mess laying over her. Her hips shook, her eyes slammed shut when he got her to an orgasm that seemed to absolutely rock her world. An amused growl followed with him kissing down over her jawline and over her neck to place a bite there. “You’re a squirter. Good. I like that.”
“Give me a second,” she begged, her hand placing over Negan’s abdomen to keep a distance between them while she panted beneath him. Her thighs were still quivering and she couldn’t believe what just happened. Lifting her head, she whimpered and shook her head. “I am so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Negan snickered, his lips covering hers with hot, wet kisses that drew her to him all over again. “Something tells me I’m the first to do that to you. Which kinda makes me proud to be honest with you and I want to keep doing it.”
“I have to make it home Negan,” she whined feeling one of his hands reach between them to caress over her incredibly sensitive body.
“We’ll share a car and I’ll make sure you get home,” Negan whispered, nibbling at her bottom lip while caressing over her body in tender sweeps. With her pressing into his shoulder just enough to get him to back up, he let out a hesitant sound and frowned. “Everything okay?”
“Come…” she pulled herself up from the table on wobbly legs, reaching for his hand. Accepting her hand in his, he followed her over toward the large glass windows. Smirking, Negan got the hint of what she wanted and it excited him. Giving her a quick kiss, Negan chuckled when he pulled back and urged her to face the window. Placing her hands up against the glass panel, Negan moved in behind her and caressed over the lengths of her body. Purring out, she felt Negan’s lips over the side of her neck with his body close behind her. Staring out into the night, she felt Negan’s fingers curling around her neck in a possessive grasp. “It’s beautiful outside tonight.”
“It is,” he slurred against her flesh, placing tiny bites over her skin before rubbing his cheek in against hers. Palming in over her abdomen and up toward her breast, Negan squeezed tenderly at her body and smirked. “You’re fucking kinky. You know that?”
“You like it,” she looked back over her shoulder to have him deposit a wet kiss over her lips where she faintly sucked at his tongue when it brushed between her wet lips.
“I love it,” he replied back with a mischievous sound, kicking apart her legs enough to get her how he needed her. Positioning her hips where he needed them, his fingers dug into her flesh and he adjusted his hips behind her. “Enjoy the sights…”
Wincing, the sensation of him leading his cock to her opening was felt and she bit down on her bottom lip. Sinking into her with ease had Negan smacking his groin up against her bottom. It had her falling in against the window, whimpering out with how sensitive she already was. Negan followed her movements, pulling his hips back slightly before thrusting forward again. Dropping her head back left her neck open for him to pamper her flesh with hot kisses again. One more firm thrust got her up on her tiptoes and he suddenly became stagnant inside of her.
“Damn it Negan,” she whined, her hips bouncing back toward his length getting his body deeper inside of her warmth. What followed was his raspy moan with him nuzzling his nose in against the side of her neck. Negan’s fingers dug harder into her flesh leaving her wondering if it would leave marks. “Please…”
“Take a minute,” he instructed, one of his hands reaching around to bring his rough fingertips to her sensitive bundle of nerves. Stroking them in a circular motion over her body had her crying out. “I don’t know whether this is my Christmas gift to you or yours to me. Because now that I’ve been inside of you, it’s all I’m going to think about.”
“It’s both,” she responded knowing that with how big Negan was, she would be feeling him for a while. Rocking her hips toward his caress both felt good and hurt because she wanted him so badly to move inside of her, but he was just keeping still for a moment. It was probably a good thing they were in one of the taller buildings in the city. Sure it was during the middle of a snowstorm, but what they were doing was downright crude. “You feel perfect inside of me.”
Snickering against her flesh, Negan finally gave her what she wanted by unhurriedly thrusting behind her. Their skin smacking was loud enough to hear with the power of his thrusts that gradually got quicker. His fingers continued to stroke over her body, in tempo with the thrusts he made behind her. Trying to brace herself against the window, she knew that by the way the fire was growing at the pit of her belly that Negan was leading her up to another orgasm.
“You’re a surprise, you know that?” Negan growled, nipping at her earlobe while she eagerly bounced her hips back into him. “Here you are, so many floors up in the middle of the city during a snowstorm wanting me to fuck you. You’re wild and you need someone just as wild as you to tame you.”
“Then tame me Negan,” she hissed out allowing him to take her words as encouragement. His hand that was over her hip lifted and he curled his fingers around her jaw. Every thrust was hard, his hips angling just right to fill her in the best ways. Wet sounds surrounded them and she knew that this was going to be a mess that they would have to clean up after. Moaning out his name, she was surprised what her body was actually capable with him when she pulled up and away from Negan when he got her to another orgasm. “Fuck…”
“Good girl,” Negan praised her, his fingers slowing down over her clitoris while she panted and rest her head against the glass. Lifting his hands up, he hooked his fingers with hers and adjusted behind her. Once his cock filled her again, she was whimpering with every movement he made. Tightly her fingers clung to his while he smacked up against her repeatedly. “I think this is the best work we’ve ever done together, don’t you?”
“Undoubtedly,” she licked her lips, agreeing with him wondering what they must have looked like from down below pressed up against the glass fucking. Every plunge he made inside of her had her cries surrounding them and what she loved was the sound of Negan’s moans against the side of her neck. They had a steady pace between them that they both seemed to enjoy and she met his thrusts with the greatest amounts of enthusiasm. She liked the way he felt inside of her. Hitting all the places she rarely felt with others. Negan knew what he was doing and he did it well. “Ah…goddamn it…”
“Feel good?” Negan wondered and she huffed. Obviously, it felt good. He knew that.
“So good,” she whimpered, giving him the answer that she knew he wanted. Winces were escaping her with every forward thrust he made and at this point her legs were tremoring. She didn’t know how much more they could take in this position since she was heading for another orgasm again. “Don’t stop, please…”  
Obeying, Negan kept up with what he was doing and heard her cries getting louder while he pounded into her from behind. It had her falling in closer against the window. He followed her movements working to bring her to another orgasm that had her shuddering against him. With his chest pressed against her back, he felt her body contracting around him and it had him nuzzling his nose in against the back of her neck.
“Jesus Negan,” she shuddered, her eyes coming to a slow open. It felt like everything was spinning around her, her whole body numb and shaking with delight from the next orgasm that she was able to achieve with him. “I don’t think I’ve properly been able to appreciate this sight quite like I have right now.”
“Tell me about it,” Negan snickered, pulling back and away from her hearing her whine when his cock pulled from her body. Looking over her shoulder, she saw him sitting down on the couch with his long legs stretched out. Laying back against her couch, Negan allowed one of his arms to wrap around the back of his neck while his erection laid against his lower abdomen.
“My legs feel like Jell-O,” she informed him with a huff, shakily moving across the office to crawl in over Negan. An arrogant smiled tugged at his lips and he tipped his head when she braced her hands over his chest.
“Take your time,” Negan slurred, his hands dropping down over her hips when she reached between them to lead his rigid manhood back inside of her sensitive body. His head tipped back, a rumble of a moan falling from his throat while she took all of him, rocking her hips in a circular motion over him at first. Pushing his hands up, he cupped her breasts and sighed.
Starting to move her body carefully over him, she took her time building up the speed of her hips over his and Negan hummed in approval. Lifting up from the couch, his mouth pressed kisses over her neck and toward her chest where he pampered her breasts with more heated kisses. Clinging to his shoulders, she knew that she only had so much in her left, but it was obvious Negan was the same way. His moans grew louder, his lips finding hers when she quickened the bouncing of her hips over his length.
“I’m going to come,” he informed her, tipping his head back to stare up at her looking between the two of them watching his cock disappearing into her time and time again. Wincing, Negan bit down on his bottom lip and felt her tugging at his thick hair. “Fuck…”
Negan’s moan vibrated against her lips with the warmth of his release inside of her starting to fill her. It felt good. Really good. With him deep inside of her, she could feel his cock throbbing and pulsating with every movement she made. Soon the sounds their bodies made together sounded naughtier while he kissed her with everything he had.
“Fucking hell,” Negan’s head dropped down when her movements slowed down and he rest his head against her chest. Her fingers stroked through his wet hair and it was like the room was spinning around him. For a while they just sat there holding one another. Strangely, the thing he felt the most right now was confusion. Confusion for how he was feeling after all of this. Tipping his head back, Negan found himself in awe when her hand stroked over the side of his face. “Are we okay?”
“Do you mean with the sex?” she inquired, trying to gain her breath back while Negan was going soft inside of her. “I’ve really only been with my fiancé for a very long time and we’re always usually safe. I’m on the pill. Why? Do you have a lot of partners?”
“No, that’s not what I meant. But not really. It was my wife and after she passed, my girlfriend on occasion, but we use protection which I realize we should have done here, but…” Negan rambled off finding himself at a loss in this discussion and he shook his head. “I mean…this…us…”
Pushing into his chest, Y/N got Negan to lay back against the couch and she laid in over him, her head resting over the center of his chest listening to his heart pounding beneath her. The steady rhythm of it was beautiful to her and she sighed. Stroking his fingers over her shoulders, he found himself actually really liking this.
“Y/N, I like you,” Negan informed her feeling her lips pressing faint kisses at the center of his chest. “Like, a lot.”
“I like you too,” she responded, her fingers circling throughout the wet hair covering his chest. Lifting her head she could see there was a seriousness in his eyes and she pushed up on her hands. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, what we just did…I’ve never connected with my girlfriend like I did tonight with you,” Negan reasoned with her, brushing his rough fingertips over the curve of her jawline. “I know this was just supposed to be a fuck and it was great, but…”
“It’s because you got me to squirt,” she chuckled and Negan rolled his eyes before shaking his head. “You have a girlfriend, I have a fiancé…”
“That neither one of us like,” Negan reminded her and her face twisted with an emotion that he couldn’t read. “Scratch that, we like them, but we don’t belong with them. We both proved that tonight with us doing this. Let’s not make this a onetime thing.”
“Work wouldn’t let us do that,” she pulled up and away from Negan, reaching for her dress that was bunched at her abdomen working to pull it back over her breasts. “You know that it’s against the rules.”
“Oh, that’s bullshit and you know that. They just don’t want people fighting at work. That’s it,” Negan snorted, throwing his hand up in the air. “Dwight and Sherry are married. They met here. The boss and his wife work here. If we’re able to work together and try something…”
“Not gonna lie Negan, this is a bit fast,” she sat up straighter on the couch after she pushed her dress back down her hips. “Yeah, I like you…”
“Then let’s do something about it,” Negan suggested, his throat tensing up. “I’ll tell my girlfriend that I’m sorry, but things aren’t working out…you told me yourself that the only reason you are engaged to your fiancé is because you felt forced to be. I haven’t felt this way since I was with my wife. I haven’t connected with someone like this.”
“It was sex,” she breathed out letting out a surprised sound when Negan pushed forward to pull her to him to kiss her. It took her breath away and when he pulled back to press his forehead to hers, she couldn’t believe how much it actually affected her. “It would be wrong.”
“What would be wrong is not going forward with what we had here,” Negan waved his fingers back and forth between them. “I’m okay with you being my Boss. I don’t care if you have a better paying job than me. I fucking like you. And us? We’re so much alike. So much.”
“I can’t break up with him over Christmas,” she hummed against his lips when he kissed her again. “It’s the worst time to break up with someone. My fiancé, your girlfriend…let’s just go on this vacation and then see how we feel when we get back. You might just be on a high from the sex.”
“Tell me you don’t feel something between us,” Negan reasoned with her which led her to tip her head to the side and she looked down toward the ground. Standing up, Negan pulled his pants up and over his legs to buckle them together. “And it’s not just the orgasms. We…us…this shit might work.”
“I’ll think about it, I promise,” she answered with a nod of her head, standing up and moving across the space to cup his face in her hands. “Let’s just go on our vacation. Keep in contact since we have to anyways and if we still feel the same way once this whole thing is over. Then yeah, we’ll give it a shot.”
“All right,” Negan agreed to her stipulations, working to button his shirt up while she stood before him. “We’ll do that then.”
Tags: @slutlanna976 @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @de-gabyconamor​ @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan @redmercysugar @caprithebunny​ @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted @akumune​ @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx​  @insertneganhere​ @haleygreen23​ @xhannahbananax03 @sanctuaryforthelost​ @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight  @ayumi-wolf @hollyismentallyillhelp @promiscuousbarnes​ @tone-stark @lanadelnegan
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splitster · 1 year
answering more POM WRAITH au/Pingo asks!!
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featuring: biology questions, creatures, dingo (unfortunately), and more!! check it out ↓↓
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she does need sleep! she doesn't need to sleep as often as people, but she's a little wraith and she needs to snooze every like... i dunno. three days? sure, let's go with that.
although in the first few days of her being on PNF404, i could see her getting bored one night and poking around her crewmate's rooms to see what they're doing (spoilers: they're all just sleeping). in the morning after, dingo talks about a very bizarre dream he had with a specter watching him sleep! everyone dismisses it as the ranger having some weird sleep paralysis, but pom's sweating at the table thinking about how she should be way more careful if she does that again.
this ask did inspire me though, i'll probably make more art explaining how she works sometime later hehe...
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that'd be scary... although, if there's anyone incentivized to wraithify olimar, it'd probably be the plasm wraith! that golden goo is really fond of him, and they'd love to make olimar just like them
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WAHH THANK YOU!!! if they ever dated and got married they'd be able to save on a dress! hehe
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she might look kinda scary but she's a sweetheart!! pom would genuinely struggle to make herself hurt humans. if there's a beast threatening her crew though -- that thing is mince meat!!
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WAAAHHH THANK YOU!! it's definitely a challenge to make it fit with the other wraiths but still be unique... it was fun to design though!!
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IM SORRY i didn't get to your ask before i actually posted the full wraith design... there she is though!! HILAHERHLIAEERH
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yes!! he's the first one to discover her secret. it'd probably happen on accident out on the field pretty early on when pom is forced to defend herself with no pikmin, but it's no difference to Oatchi -- pom is pom! he'd bark and give her helmet a lick, and when pom realizes her rescue pup isn't scared of her it's quite the relief...
i have art of oatchi and wraith pom i'll be posting later!!
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WAHHH... this is cute i like this hehe!! dingo sees those striking X eyes and still falls in love!! GRRRR i must draw more pingo now...
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AUGH.... OK!! more pingo on the way then boss 🫡 (i do appreciate it though lmao)
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she doesn't need to eat human food, but she does need to consume living creatures for biomass! human food is definitely delicious and she very much enjoys things like chocolate or hot coco, but to sustain her form and keep up energy she has to go for creatures
i'll probably make art for this later to explain better, but it is kinda like an amoeba -- after killing something, she can cover it and dissolve it with her goo. easy peasy!
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Louie: You're a wraith? I thought you were just weird like me Pom: ... Louie: ... Can you go get creatures for me
pom is trying her best to understand human social cues and etiquette but it's a struggle sometimes!
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i took psychic damage from this ask thank you for penis ringo💖
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YES!!!!!!!!! there are so, so many ways that could happen and each one is hilarious... i've written out a few different scenarios, i should pick one to draw out... it'd be funny if dingo learns her secret but decides to trust her and keep it safe. but he's, you know. dingo. he's not good at lying, especially to his crewmates (and especially to his actual childhood friend of a doctor who was already very suspicious of the new blood!)
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of COURSE i'm very abnormal about those two.... actually if y'all have scenarios you wanna see with those two, send more asks and i'll probably end up drawing them lol
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that's actually a really good question! i haven't thought too much about how her full wraith would visually change, but if she ate enough and got stronger i imagine she'd finally be as big as the other two. she'd probably gain more wraithy abilities and attacks! trying to take down a powered up full wraith pom would be a very difficult fight, even for those with the best dandori skills and a full squad of pikmin
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Pom: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Shepherd: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Collin: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Dingo: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Yonny: this is gonna be fun Bernard: (doesn't care if people find out) Russ: (doesn't care if people find out) Oatchi: bark
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