#and there's nothing i can say to make her understand 😀
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spidybaby · 1 year
Summary: Who would have thought some flowers can make that much drama.
Warnings: none, kinda angsty but fluffy.
A/N: I've been so busy with college that I feel bad for not posting. So here's this piece. Hope you like it 😀💛
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Everything started with your friend giving you the idea of pranking Kylian, posting a story of some flowers with the caption "thank you baby ❤️"
At first, you didn't want to because Kylian was the kind of boyfriend to always give you flowers, taking you to dinner, doing little things for you.
But when the vacation started, he went to Miami with Achraf and Melissa. You declined his invite to go with him. Due to your work, you needed to be available for your coworkers since you were just promoted as a higher up.
Melissa was sad. It was her first vacation away from the kids and now away from you. You both became really close since you began dating Kylian.
Kylian is someone who girls always try to get with. Something you weren't to moved to, it didn't worry you. You trusted him, and he trusted you. It's teamwork.
Something that began to worry you was him not answering his phone, your texts, nothing. It was like he went ghost mode.
You thought it was because his data was not active or something, but then you saw the ig post. He has data to post, then he can at least dm you to let you know he was fine.
You didn't need him to be glue to the phone for you, but at least let you know he was fine. Only that.
So, you texted Melissa, asking her if she was enjoying the vacation, if she was tanning. But, she left you on read.
That's when the words of your friend made sound in your head. Was that a good thing to do?
"Of course it is. It's a harmless story, and you can even text him saying "thank you for my flowers while you're away." Your friend says, looking at the flower catalog. "So this peonies, please"
You open your phone just to see the seen texts. You didn't understand why he was acting like that. If he wanted a space free vacation, he could have said it.
"Okay, all done. Let's go." Your friend says, grabbing your arm to drag you outside of the store.
"Wait, did you pay?"
"Yes, you'll get them tomorrow."
You both ended up at some cafe, talking about the updates of your lives.
"Don't worry, if you're not comfortable with this, you don't have to do it." She says as she leaves you on the door of your house.
"I'll think about it."
You wave her goodbye as she drives off.
You went off with your night, didn't want to bother Kylian. Maybe he's busy and needs a breath from everything. Maybe he wanted to be alone for a while.
"Maybe you're too much for him," a voice in your head says.
Okay, no, you're not. If you were, he would not be with you.
You push all those thoughts out of your head and decide to sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
You saw the pictures he posted, the outfit you helped him put together. Yet he still hasn't answered your texts.
You take a look at your bouquet of peonies, you think a little bit before taking the picture. You add a white heart, uploading it to your story.
You send a pic to him over text, thanking him for sending them while he was on vacation.
You decide to turn off your phone as soon as you start receiving the notifications of instagram. You turn on your TV and start your favorite show, taking a caring only on the TV.
Kylian was calmly talking with Achraf. They were going to dinner with some friends of him.
"Kylian, you're such a lover boy for your girlfriend." Melissa says, looking at your story. Kylian didn't understand, but he just nodded.
He got that type of comment from Achraf, too. He was kind of confused about why the sudden interest on him being a "good boyfriend."
It was not clear until Neymar texted him, asking him where he found the peonies, wanting to get some for his baby gender reveal and not being able due to the shortage of them.
He frowned, reading the text, Neymar attached a picture of your story.
You tag him in a story of a big bouquet of peonies thanking him. He never sent you that bouquet. He told Neymar that he will text him the info, but he didn't have any info to share.
He quickly noticed the text you sent him. "Thank you, mon amour. You're the best ❤️ I love peonies, and you know it 🥰" He tried to call several times. You didn't answer. It went straight to voice mail.
After that, Melissa asked him what was wrong, and when he explained, she tried to call you, nothing. Even Achraf gave his phone to Kylian, nothing.
He was worried. Who sent you flowers? Why would someone send you flowers? Were you aware he was not the one sending you flowers?
He stayed in, but for nothing, you weren't answering your phone.
You turn your phone back on the next day. You needed to make some calls and send some emails so you will do it from your phone.
The first thing you saw was that you have 5 missed calls from Melissa, 8 from Kylian and even two from Achraf.
You also got a lot of texts. Even one from Bruna, Neymar's girlfriend, she was asking me to ask Kylian where he found the peonies. She wanted some for her gender reveal.
You answer her, giving her the info from the florist. And also assuring her that you will be at her gender reveal.
Another text was from Ethan, asking you to go out but using that insta story to deliver the message. You say yes.
And then a text message from your boyfriend. He was asking if you're available to call you. You wanted to say yes, call him and talk, but your toxic side says no. Let him overthink. So you ignored his, Melissa's, and Achraf texts. Instead, you call Ethan and tell him you'll pick him up to go to brunch.
"You have to calm down." Achraf says, watching Kylian passing around the room, phone in hand. "Maybe you did send them, and you're forgetting it." He shakes his head no, he didn't. He would remember.
"I didn't."
"Ethan and her are going out." Melissa says, reading the text Fayza sent her. "They're going out for brunch."
"Why is she not answering my texts or calls then?" Kylian sat down, angry.
"Maybe because you haven't answered hers." Achraf points out.
Melissa agreed with him.
"But she told me she was going to be busy." He almost screamed. "I didn't want to distract her."
"Okay, but you even told Melissa not to answer her. Maybe she's mad at you."
And I was true, Kylian told Melissa not to bother you. Since you got your new work, you were busy, so he didn't want you to feel like you were pressured to do a lot of things at the same time.
"But nothing," Achraf interrupts. "Let's not worry, even if the flowers are from another dude, she thanked you. She's not thinking about anyone else."
They both shut his insecurities, and Melissa took his phone. She sent you a text saying sorry for not answering and sending you some pictures.
The rest of his vacation was weird, he keeps sending you texts, and you kept ignoring him but updating your social media.
Melissa and you talked, you told her about the plan you and your friend had. She laughed and told you it was all between you and her.
Kylian, on the other side, was overthinking. He wanted to go back to Paris and be with you. In the last few, he sent you different things. He sent you flowers, he sent you chocolate, he sent you your favorite food, and he sent you your favorite coffee to your work.
You find all that cute and funny. He was so jealous. Your friend and you enjoyed the moment. He was getting his own medicine.
The day of his return, you text him as if nothing happened. Asking if he wanted to be picked up by you.
He immediately say yes, asking you how you were, if you received his things, you just answered with a "see you at the airport, amour"
Making him worried sick. Are you mad at him? Are you breaking up with him? Are you mad about something else? Achraf made him stop, telling him he was overthinking.
The whole flight he was thinking about you, he even texted Ethan for help, asking him to reserve for a super fancy restaurant, to run to the jewelry for something special for you and even asked his mother to go with his brother to pick you a special dress for the night.
When he arrived, it was 10 am. Perfect time for him to rest and to be with you all day and have that special date at night.
You waited at the parking of the airport, his driver was there with you, since he sent him to get you. Due to the flight being private, you could wait there.
You see the plane landing, and your stomach is full of butterflies. You missed him, too much for you to admit outloud.
When Achraf and Melissa got out of the plane, you and Lana got out of the car. Lana ran to her mother, and you said hi to Hakimi. After lana and Melissa greet each other you hugged her.
When Kylian was down, he waited for you and Melissa to talk a little bit, hugging his niece. Melissa pointed with the head to Kylian, who has his eyes fixed on you.
"Hi," you say softly, hugging him tight. "I missed you." You kiss his cheek. He was happy to see you, his face buried in your neck, enjoying the perfume he loved so much.
"I miss you more," he kissed your neck, making shivers run down your spine. He can feel them. Loving how your body reacts to him. Only him.
"Let's go, lovebirds," Melissa says, laughing as she enters the car. "You can talk at home." You both laugh, Kylian kisses your lips and walks hand in hand with you to the car.
The whole trip to his home was them telling you about the trip, and Lana asked some questions to her mom.
"Text me when you're home." You say to Melissa, she was going to her house, leaving Kylian and you alone at his own house. "Bye, Lana." You both waved them goodbye and enter his house.
"Come here." You say closing the door. You open your arms to him, kissing his lips. "I missed you so much, you have to tell me everything."
"I had so much fun, we have to go together, again, it's such a vibe."
You both walked upstairs, he needed to rest and you were helping him with the suitcase. "Thank you," he says, looking at you organizing his stuff. "I have something for you."
"More?" You laugh. "All you did was send me things. You already gave me enough, Ky."
"There's never enough with me." The cocky tone of voice he's using is funny to you. Sometimes you forget your boyfriend is The Kylian Mbappé. "I even have a whole plan for us tonight."
"Kylian, you have to rest." You put the suitcase down, leaving it for later. You needed to cuddle him. "I love you, but you're probably tired. I want you to feel good for this new season."
"I'll do that, but I have to spoil my baby. If I don't do that, who will?"
You spend the day with him in bed, both resting and loving the time you have together. This tight schedule doesn't allow this kind of moment very often, so you both learned to work around it.
Spending every minute you can together, after practice, after every match, free days, holidays. Every second was important for you. Even if it was only a hug and good luck or if it was a whole night, you appreciated everything.
You went home to get ready, his driver telling you he was collecting you at six o'clock. You thank him and run inside your house to get ready.
The first thing you see when you walk inside is the big designer bags. You gasped, not expecting all that.
You open your phone to thank Kylian for the things, assuring him that I was too much for a date night and you'll make it up to him.
After a long shower, you did your makeup and style your hair, using the fragrance you know he loves and wearing the dress he gave you. It was a beautiful black dress, he also went out of the way and got you this diamond necklace that's the perfect match for one he owns.
The driver picked you up at the exact time. He was alone. On the seat was this other gift, you sigh. He's killing you with all the gifts.
The little note attached to the black box reads "Open me" next to a heart he obviously drew. Inside was this lock bracelet from Tiffany.
"You're just the best 😍" you text him with a picture of the bracelet on you.
He was so excited for you to arrive. His foot is moving with impatience. He wants you to know he's all you need.
He knows that he's going out his way, giving you a little more than necessary, but he has all the money in the world when it comes to you. Never checking the price tag. It was for you so he didn't care how much.
"Hey handsome, care if I sit?" You whisper in his ear, making he shiver. He gets up to pull your chair out for you. "Thank you, such a gentleman." You kiss his cheek before taking a seat.
"I just want you to know how much I love you." He says, sitting back on the chair. "I'll do anything for you."
"Even if that meant going bankrupt for me." You joke. He laughs loud, not caring about people or nothing. You love seeing him like that, so free, so happy.
"I'll give you everything you want."
"I know, you know I'll do that too, just not that crazy with diamonds. But I'm all yours if that make it up."
You both talk about everything and nothing at the same time, Kylian rambles about life, sports, and his family. And you do the same.
"You know what's funny?" You ask him, ready to confess the whole bouquet thing. Knowing all his doing is his normal self but also is a little him being jealous.
"Tell me, amour." He grabs your hands. Bringing them to his mouth.
"You did all of this for some flowers."
You don't miss the way his body pauses for a second. He's not making eye contact like before. "What?- What are you talking about?" He laughs nervously.
"You got jealous because someone sent me that bouquet, so you started to send me more flowers, some chocolate, food, coffee, you did all of this." You drink your wine, enjoying how his mind is working trying to make an excuse.
"I don't recall, maybe you're confused." He says, eating more of his food.
"So you don't recall calling me eight times because you didn't send me that beautiful peonies bouquet?" You ask again. He's just shaking his head and eating. "Well, I do, and I got to thank my friend for sending it."
He choke on a piece of stake, coughing dramatically. "You have to what now?" He asks after a big sip of wine.
You explain to him everything. He's embarrassed for believing you meant you weren't coming because you were so busy that you couldn't even answer his texts.
After reassuring him, it was okay, but agreeing on talking more openly when this kind of doubt ran his head. He apologized, and you did too.
With him, everything is easy. Talking, laughing, and loving. He's yours, and you're his. No matter the gifts , the trips, the busy schedule. He's yours and only yours yo admire, to love and to share a life with.
"Let's pay and go home, champ," you say, making a signal to the waiter to bring you the check. "I promise you I was making it up to you for all the gifts." You caress his hand with your nails. Thing that he loves.
"You know you don't have to."
"Oh, I want to." You intertwine your hands. "Hope you still have that Miami energy. You'll need it for the night."
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you could do a fic with Yelena, Natasha and Y/N. But Y/N is struggling with their family y/n only trusts Yelena and Natasha with how they are feeling with their parents in the end Natasha and Yelena decides to take y/n into their care. 😀
Safety Net
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: After a rather rough argument with your parents, Natasha suggests an idea to Yelena that she couldn’t refuse.
Angst | Comfort | Reader is 16 | Mentions of Child Abuse, nothing extreme | Mentions of Homophobia | Mentions of Parents being Alcoholics | 1K | 
AC: I hope this was something you were after, enjoy x
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"Calm down love, I can't understand you, what's happened?" Natasha frowned with concern as you cried your heart out to her over the phone. You'd just gotten into a rather nasty and heated argument with your parents once again. Ever since you took the chance to come out to your parents about your sexuality, things haven't been the same. Not that you'd ever say you had a normal family life. 
There were times where your parents were so drunk during the day, they didn't bother to cook dinner or even give you some money to order take out. Due to their need to drink every day, it was almost rather they went grocery shopping for food which is how you ended up eating meals at either the Avengers compound or at Yelena's shared apartment with Kate. 
"They're kicking me out!" you finally managed to say through your tears. Natasha looked at Yelena who was enjoying her bowl of mac n cheese before your destressed call. "I'm coming to get you, where are you?" Natasha replied without a second thought. 
After letting you explain everything through your sobs, Nat ran you a warm shower and lent you some of Yelena's clothes for sleepwear before holding you closely until you were asleep before she went to speak to Yelena. 
"Are they okay?" Yelena asked, Natasha was always better at handling the super emotional things which is why she kept a step back tonight and waited for Nat to give her an update. 
"They're 16 and just been kicked out of home because of their sexuality, they're as good as can be right now but I think we should have a serious chat" the red head sat down in the armchair across from the sofa that Yelena was sitting on. 
Yelena nodded, seeing just how serious Natasha was. "I think we should foster them, they're basically already in our care and I can't let them fall through the cracks of the system" Natasha explains, "it would mean you and I would have to get a house and prove that we can provide a suitable home for them. We'll get help from the others but if you don't want to do this, I truly unders-"
"I'll do. They're like a younger sibling Natasha. I want them out of harm's way and you and I both know they're better off with us" Yelena interrupts her sister. Natasha could help but smile softly and give the blond a lit nod. It would be a tough journey, but they were both more than willing to make it happen. 
Yelena and Natasha came with you to pick up your belongings from your once family home, you felt a lot safer knowing they were there and for once there wasn't an argument between you and your parents, maybe it was because they were too drunk to even care that you'd come home, or they simply were just too angry to talk. It hurt you deeply and the two assassins saw that but knowing you had the by your side, it helped ease the pain. 
In the coming months, the foster care agency was aware of your situation and had long, deep conversations with both Natasha and Yelena about your welfare and how best to help. The women had brought a house just outside the city, close enough to your new high school and to help make the older women look good in the eyes of the agency, you found yourself an after-school job and even kept your studies up. 
It was more than clear that you were doing extremely well in the care of Natasha and Yelena but of course in situations like these, the agency always likes to try and reunite the child with their family. Your parents were ordered by the courts to go to AA meetings and remain sober in order to have you back in their custody. It wasn't easy although you felt that your father was really trying his best to recover but at the end of the day, their love for drinking wasn't the only thing that drove you away from them and it was more than clear to you that they would never accept your sexuality. 
"Hey, how was your visit today?" Yelena asked as you slumped down on the sofa, grabbing the TV remote. Once a week you would have supervised visits with your parents, you hated it but until the court hearing, you had to do it. 
"It was fine" you sighed, wanting to ignore the conversation but Yelena wasn't giving up that easily. 
"Just fine?" She questioned. 
"I don't know what you want me to say Lena!" You snapped, "I go have coffee with my parents once a week and listen to how 'great' their doing with their AA meetings and how much they only now miss me! They don't ask me how I am, what I've been doing or if I even want to go back to them. I hate it, they don't care about me and only see me because they have too, and I just want to tell the judge I don't want to do this anymore!" You added in a burst of anger. 
Yelena wandered over to you and sat beside you, "I'll talk to Natasha. Maybe in time your parents might come around and even if they don't. You will always be family to Natasha, myself and everybody around you. We'll never let anybody hurt you again, trust me, I don't think I'm ready for you to start dating either" Yelena's comment made you chuckle, lighting your mood just a bit. 
"You're sounding like an overprotective older sister; you know that, right?" You looked at her with a raised brow. "I've always seen you as a little sister" Yelena admits. You didn't tell her in the moment, but those words meant more to you than she'd ever understand. Even if your parents never came around, you knew you had a real family right here. A family that loved you, accepted you, cared for you and would do anything to make sure you were happy and okay.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @shibugs | 
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itzynabi · 5 days
nasan making us look like idiots
warnings: none that i can think of
an: to that one anon who asked about this... this is for you! feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
nabi’s masterlist
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clip one: 210306 music core interview
nabi and lee know were introducing ateez and talking to some of the members
throughout this san was staring at eve with heart eyes
nabi: san-ssi, please can you demonstrate some of the choreo for us
the way everyone was standing staring at the camera like 🧍‍♂️😀 waiting for san
nabi turned around to find san staring at her fondly
the eyes were very much so hearts
this man wasn’t paying attention and yeosang had to nudge him 😭😭
clip two: mama 2023
this clip was taken during ateez’s performance when san took off his shirt
nabi immediately averted her gaze and took a sudden interest in the architecture of the venue, looking at the roof
sakura was laughing at her and nabi was even pointing at the ceiling, marvelling at the detail
the clip was posted by a nabi fansite after nasan was made public and the caption was “this explains her reaction”
clip three: eternal sunshine vs deja vu
they were both so giggly it was actually cute
and wooyoung was just there like 🧍🏻
we all know that nabi doesn’t care all that much for sexy concepts, so when san told her that eternal sunshine was a refreshing concept, she immediately chose it
but san had to remind her to listen to both songs
the entire time, he was staring at her with heart eyes
during hongjoong’s “okay cheese” line, she held up a peace sign
and san giggled
by the last chorus she was dancing along to the choreography
and she voted eternal sunshine obvi but wooyoung forced her to watch deja vu
she stayed loyal to eternal sunshine bcs it was right up her alley
then san suddenly said he also really liked eternal sunshine
and wooyoung was just there like “that’s not what you were saying yesterday 🤨🤨 what made you change your mind? 😏😏🤭”
and san just blushed and mumbled cutely
then he told atinys to check out itzy’s comeback
but the entire video he was just staring at nabi and whenever they made eye contact, he’d smile a little
clip four: 1n2d itzy in namyangju part 2
it was during the random play dance and bouncy started playing
chaeryeong: nabi unnie knows this dance 🤭
yuna: she knows it really well 😏
and they all stepped back to let nabi dance to it by herself 😭😭😭
whole time she was just blushing
when the video got posted, fans didn’t really understand why the members were teasing her but they found out eventually
clip five: that’s so evie episode 13
this was peak nasan content tbh
for their episode they made scented candles (which has nothing to do with the comeback but name one person who cares🤨🤨🤨)
arguably the best moment was when san was picking his svent perfume for his candle and he said “this one smells like you” and then used that scent
yunho quickly jumped in to make it casual and said he would also choose one that smelled like the amazing host
and then san started sulking
san: you should do a different scent
yunho, trying to make sure no scandals occur: we. will. both. choose. scents. that. smell. like. her. 😁
and then at some point in the background of the video you could hear san say “biyah”
it’s honestly a bit surprising that nabi did a good job at pretending that her and san were nothing more than close friends
she even controlled her facial expressions for the first time in her life
give her a round if applause everyone
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr // @cosmicwintr // @girlzwfun // @txt-yaomi // @vhsdolly [send as ask of dm to be added to or removed from the taglist]
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©️ kim nabi
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cocogum · 6 months
Let’s TALK about episodes 9 and 10 people… (part 1)
If you thought episodes 7 and 8 had so much to talk about (cuz I sure did), then episodes 9 and 10 destroyed my mind.
I am so tired.
We begin with a small recap of what happened last episode and it’s honestly very nice and heartwarming of Ankama to remind us that Yugo will get his ass handed to him in a few minutes.
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The level of disrespect these thirsty hoes have for him is immeasurable. Even if Yugo’s not a kid, the fact that the necromes didn’t hesitate to tie him up like that and sacrifice him like a lamb is jaw-dropping. It really makes you understand that they don’t give a shit if you’re an actual kid, they will hang you up like a roast beef for dinner.
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Bro’s asking as if he just got here.
Also, how do you think that fall must’ve felt like? Cuz when Toross yeets him, Yugo takes a massive fall only to get his body slammed into the pavement when he gets tied up.
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He gets to fall even faster because of the stasis ropes pulling him down too.
You can even hear the loud slam when he hits it. That must’ve hurt like a bitch.
Btw I love how even after all that, Adamaï and Amalia still don’t trust Qilby even when he saved them from the necrome world.
Adamaï thinks he was an idiot for not using the eliatrope Dofus and…he’s right? Cuz my guy…ur scared of ruining things if you use the dofus but what are you gonna ruin in a place WHERE THERE’S NO WAKFU????
Sometimes I can’t tell whether or not that guy’s okay in his head. Like is he blind or something? You can clearly tell that the necrome world is completely deserted and has no actual life, Amalia even CONFIRMS IT for you, Toross is literally using his dofus in his world of nothing, AND it’s also literally known as the gods’ garbage bin.
No wonder you get slapped around so much, you’re stupider than Yugo!!
I never in my life thought that I’d eventually get to see Qilby booping Amalia’s nose.
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And I don’t know if I should like it or if I should fear it.
Man literally booped her as if she was a kid. But then again, he IS a millennial years old so it would explain why he’d treat her like a fetus.
In a way, he really CAN see her as a kid who doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.
But like-
I never imagined this happening???? Not even in a trillion chances 😀😀
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I get that Amalia annoyed him when she said he STILL couldn’t be trusted but what do you mean by “artificial”??? I’m still confused about that.
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You can’t tell me this scene ain’t gay 😭😭
The way she grabbed her was so sudden, it made my heart jump!! And Amalia just goes with it like a damsel in distress being protected by her knight 🥰🥰 My noramalia senses detected that shit from a mile away, you ain’t getting away!!!
That torture scene tho should’ve taken longer ngl. But Okoo being the kid that they are decided “hell nah”. It’s still a shame really but at least we got what we needed.
Also, lemme just say something about this torture scene real quick.
Not only does Yugo get sucked the living out of him, but he just got BODY SLAMMED FROM AT LEAST 290 FEET on LITERAL PAVEMENT so now his back is completely obliterated, he keeps CONVULSING, TWITCHING, and GETS HIS BONES BREAKING TO GROW LONGER ONES-
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He’s feeling all that WHILE getting sucked to death. My god. I wanted to see more of that.
The only reason why he didn’t turn out ballistic was cuz Oropo was keeping him busy in his head. He literally told him that he’ll make him fight just to not think about it.
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And even though Oropo does hate him (but calmed down a bit once he reunited with Yugo), he told him that even he doesn’t deserve all of this. Can you imagine the one who caused so many calamities and was ready to kill the gods because he hates you telling you that even you don’t deserve this?? It just shows how kinky this Toross guy is.
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aberooski · 2 months
when you said “most egregious death cut goes to 5ds” are you talking about Pearson? Or one of the Dark Signer censorships? Like there a couple of options
#mistys kid sibling #or boomers hanging getting cut/village genocide
Oh yeah when I say that I'm talking about Pearson 100%
It has been a little while but from what I remember, up through the Dark Signer arc they do a pretty decent job of leaving a lot of the deaths as heavily implied as possible so that you can still understand and put together that that's what's happening if you're actually paying attention. Like for example, they edit Carly falling into like the shadow realm mist and all,
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but they still pretty strongly imply through her conversation with Misty after that whole situation that she died and even that Misty has died as well. They say it without specifically saying it, kinda thing.
And obviously they can't show Greiger being hanged on a saturday morning show the kids watch in America, but they literally show everything except the Spider shooting the web and it wrapping around his neck. Like you see him fall, you see the spider on the ceiling, and you see the little figure of him like bob up and down in the wide shot, like they show almost everything there. And them saying that Misty's brother "went missing" instead of that he died is nothing new, clearly because they did it with Aster's dad and even backpeddled on actually saying Seto and Mokuba's parents died in season 1 to saying they disappeared in season 3.
But the thing with Pearson that makes it the most egregious death censor to me is just how bad the quality of the censoring attempt is. Literally all they did was recolor the garage fire purple and have them claim that he "disappeared in a purple glow" like what the fuck is that? Like y'all ain't fooling anybody for a second with that. 🤦‍♀️
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Like it's horrendously bad.
Also shoutout to when the dad falls into the like abyss and dies in the minecart section in Crash Town and when Jack and Crow show up with the authorities at the end they just throw in Jack being like "oh btw kids, they found your dad, he's gonna be a-okay! 😀👍" like no he ain't he died 😭
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misslovasstuff · 2 years
Dazai x reader
Prove it
“Her? Mhm, well….”- Dazai itches his head, shifting his gaze to the floor. - She is nice. Yeah, nice.”
Atsushi and Kunikida raise their eyebrows as the bandaged brunette seemed to avoid a simple question:
Do you like Y/n?
“I mean, we don’t doubt her niceness, what we’re asking is if you fancy her by any chance?”- Oh, Kunikida was enjoying too much what seemed to have turned into a silly interrogation. He fixes his glasses with a smirk, leaning over Dazai’s shoulder:
“She’s totally your type, isn’t she?”
Dazai sighs, shaking his head with a vague smile.
“Just because Kunikida-kun doesn’t have an interesting love life it doesn’t mean you have to start investigating mine.”- he claims with a silly voice, once again provoking his colleagues’ nerves as Atsushi could have sworn he heard Kunikida’s glasses break as he grabs Dazai by the collar of his shirt, whispering all sort of funny insults, to which Dazai is completely immune by now.
“Kunikida-san, perhaps Dazai-san is not comfortable talking about his relationship with Y/n. Perhaps it is better to leave him be haha.”- Atsushi claims with a weak smile, trying to calm the chaotic situation.
Dazai sighs, rubbing his temple then explains:
“Look, to extinguish your curiosity, there is absolutely nothing going on between me and her. Are you blind to fail to see that she has no interest whatsoever in me? Plus, I’ve heard from Yosano she’s seeing someone already so…”
Kunikida widens his eyes to a rare sight; Dazai sighing and looking out the window as if the most beautiful tragedy had happened to him. The kind of misfortune that makes people write poems, listen to music and take long walks by themselves. The tragedy of loving someone you can’t ever have that makes you fragile but yet unbreakable, strong but weak in the heart and it gives you a slap back to a reality that you don’t want to accept. It hadn’t occurred to Dazai before, thus he wonders what this feeling is about and if he can do anything about it.
“Have you ever been rejected by a woman before?”- Atsushi asks, after which he hits himself mentally for asking such a question.
“No. - Dazai answers frankly, to which Kunikida scoffs.
“Well, at least Y/n will ground you a bit.”- he claims, putting his hands in his pockets. - How does it feel to love someone you can’t have?”
“Terrible.”- Dazai says, seemingly not sad, nor happy, he had a rather empty expression on his face, not letting out much emotion to understand what was really going on inside his head. - I see her, and I am struck by her beauty. God, when her eyes meet mine, each and every motioning becomes more intense for my heart. When she greets me and smiles at me so genuinely and gently like she knows how much that smile affects me, making even the sun jealous of her radiance and cheerfulness. Don’t let me get into how talented she is, and her cooking skills, oh and also did you know that she reads poetry? She gave me her favourite book and underlined all verses she found beautiful and meaningful. On page 63, poem two, she had underlined two verses which were:
“I may not know your heart, but it knows me quite well. Am I resident or a foreigner to it?”
And she had written a smiley face on the corner of it, with a little note that said: “Mhm, Dazai?”
Not only that, but she is such a great-
Dazai kept blabbering about how fascinated he was by you while both Kunikida and Atsushi listened and came to a very unbelievable conclusion.
Dazai is so oblivious when he truly falls in love. Either that, or he’s trying to avoid that but still digs the idea of being in love and being loved so beautifully.
“I’m afraid to tell you this buddy but, - Kunikida touches Dazai’s shoulder. - You’re an idiot.”
Atsushi scoffs as he turns around to contain his laughter. Dazai’s face freezes with a smile like 😀
“Homegirl knows you like her, she literally wrote it down, what’s wrong with you?”- Kunikida snaps at Dazai, who now seems to be confused.
Little did they know that you were listening to all this go down, hardly containing your laughter.
The truth is, you and Dazai had been together for a while and no one is the agency knows. You told Yosano you were seeing someone, but funnily enough, even though they’re detectives, they don’t have a clue about your relationship, and you’re thinking is because your lover messes with their heads.
“Kunikida-kun, stop tormenting me! I’m telling you, she doesn’t like me. End of discussion.”- Dazai claims, getting up from his seat and stretching a bit.
“Where do you think you’re going?”- Kunikida asks as he watches Dazai’s tender figure walk away.
“To think about this unbearable pain of my weak heart, since my friends and colleagues don’t care.”
Atsushi holds back Kunikida from going after Dazai:
“He’ll never admit it that he likes her.”- Atsushi claims which gives Kunikida a rather sinister idea.
“Oh he will, I have a plan.”
There is a sudden change of atmosphere which leaves Atsushi a bit scared.
“Kunikida-san, w-what exactly are you planning to do?”- he asks, noticing a smirk from his mentor.
A little bit later/ Coffee shop
You are taking a sip of your hot coffee as rain hits the window by your seat. Although it is raining, you were feeling rather warm, and even though you were by yourself, you were fully enjoying your own company until the door of the cafe opens.
“I’ll take a black coffee, please.”- a unfamiliar voice says, which gets your attention. You turn your head and notice a tall man, build figure and blonde hair. He turns and faces you while waiting for his coffee.
“You don’t mind if I sit next to you while I wait for my coffee, yes?”- he asks with a beautiful smile, blue eyes shining right through.
“Mhm, sure it’s okay.”- you reply, mirroring a smile and scanning the man upfront.
The probability of a very handsome person, coming to this coffee shop while I’m the only one here and all the seats are empty, asking to sit next to me, and furthermore-
“So, what is such a beautiful lady doing here all by herself?”- he asks, looking at your hands holding the coffee cup, then looking directly at your eyes which made you gulp hardly.
“Drinking coffee.”- you reply rather coldly, not warning to give this guy the wrong impression.
“By yourself? Have you no one to accompany you? Maybe a boyfriend of yours?”- he continues to bring up weird questions. What was even weirder, was the fact that he was reaching for your hand, now holding it.
“Since you’re not answering, I’m assuming you do not have a man in your life. Such a catastrophe indeed. - he brings your hand close to his lips, caressing it. - I can offer myself as a candidate.”
“She’s not running any elections. - a sudden voice from behind makes your heart drop. - if that were the case, I would have known.”
You glance over your shoulder and see Dazai. He reached for your hand, shooing away the other guy’s who immediately flinches to the touch.
“Is it a habit of yours to approach lonely women in coffee shops? That’s kinda desperate and disrespectful.”- he continues, glaring at the guy who had widened his eyes.
“I’m just waiting for my coffee.”
“Wait for your coffee somewhere else. - Dazai claims with a cold tone of voice, making you shiver in what you would describe fear, but with a hint of pleasure.
He was so hot right now, for real.
“She didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend.”- the guy claims as he gets up from his seat.
“She doesn’t need to inform you about anything, really. Plus, I’m never too far away. - Dazai winks at you, getting your cheeks all heated up.
Now, - Dazai smiles, - get out of my sight.”
The guy gets out of the coffee shop, forgetting about his order which was now being served in your table.
“I’ll take that, thank you.”- Dazai claims, sitting down in front of you, not noticing the looks you were giving him.
That is, until he takes a sip and his eyes meet yours.
“Mhm? - he hums. - what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong is the fantasy im having to have you right here, right now.”
“Woah woah, belladonna~, - Dazai almost spits his coffee. - What has gotten into you? I mean, I’m not complaining but-
“Dazai, do me right now, I swear I’m barely hanging on.” - you explain as Dazai notices your flushed cheeks and heavy breathing.
Damn, what happened? - he wonders.
He smirks and leans in, whispering: “But the coffee will go cold, love. Are you sure?”
“Don’t start teasing me. - you claim. - or would you rather have me do you at the agency while everyone watches so they can finally know that you are mine?”
“That’s … interesting. You’re so hasty, belladonna. Did I do something to turn you on this much?”- Dazai asks, biting his lip as he looks at you up and down with those gorgeous eyes of his that consumed your entire soul with one single glance.
“The moment right now, you being possessive and all, gosh. That was so hot of you.”- you lean in, exposing a bit of your chest to your boyfriend, on purpose obviously, to which Dazai responds by raising his eyebrows and staring at it for a bit.
“Oh really? You know what else I can heat up?”
“No I don’t know, enlighten me.”- you two lean even closer to one another, as Dazai is ready to whisper in your ear:
“That little -
“ALRIGHT THAT IS ENOUGH, point proven Atsushi let’s go!”- you hear Kunikida shouting from behind. They were not only seeing all this go down, but also orchestrated the whole thing.
“So you guys are together, awwww.”- Atsushi says, giving a weirdly firm handshake to you and Dazai. - Congrats, omg. Dazai-san that was so manly of you, Kunikida-san didn’t predict you’d actually go wild like that-
“Kunikida planned this?”- you ask, giving a disappointing nod.
“A perfect executed plan, and Dazai fell right into it. Now, you’ll stop lying and admit that you love this woman.” - Kunikida claims with a smirk, thinking that his partner would still pretend to be in denial.
“I love Y/n.”- he claims, still sipping his tea and acting unaffected by this whole scene, although in truth he was a bit conflicted on how to feel about it.
Upon his declaration of love, you melt, of course.
You caress his hand, to which Dazai smiles, starting to gesture you weirdly.
He means to get out of here. Now you had heated him up.
You nod, looking at Atsushi and Kunikida who are still looking at you both.
“Oookaaayy, - you get up, Dazai following you. - Since you put us into so much trouble, I guess you can pay for our coffee, no?”
As you walk towards the exit, holding hands, Kunikida’s shoutings accompany you:
“If anything I helped you! You owe me one, Dazai!”
You close the door behind you, giving a small sigh.
“You’re so troublesome you know that?”- you poke his nose, so which he responds by pulling you closer by your waist.
“I put you into so much trouble, huh? You’re the one making me go crazy over and over again.”- Dazai answers as you pull him by the belt of his pants.
Remind me, where were we?”- you ask and he smirks grabbing your hand, leading him to somewhere.
“I’ll remind you shortly.”
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Hedwig asks #1
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Next one Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: a little suggestive, yandere, manipulation, blackmail
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How would Hedwig react if s/o left on vacation without telling her?
...what has she done to you? Hedwig will 100% freak out. She'll be so anxious and scared that she faints and won't be able to go to school. She stays shaking under her sheets with tears running down her cheeks. She'll call you hundreds of times and leave a dozens of messages where she BEGS you to answer. She's nothing without you, so why can't you just answer?! When she gets to know what you've done and why you have left her alone, she'll be so mad at you that you regret everything. She'll book her own flight and go to you because you can not escape her. Wherever you go, she goes.
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How would Hedwig deal with an escape artist s/o who doesn't leave, lets say her s/o rejects her she kidnaps them and ties them up only for her to turn around and their sitting down like it's a regular Monday morning and is just like "It's pretty nice here I think I'm gonna stay😀"
"W-What did you say?" she stutters.
She can't believe how you got out of the ropes so quickly or why you aren't screaming. She'll be white as a ghost trying to understand that you're staying voluntarily. Suddenly, she'll feel ashamed of kidnapping you.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I-I thought that ... you know ... that you didn't want to be with me. You rejected me ... remember? But I'm not mad! Not anymore! Not when you accepted to stay. I will make up for the bruises you got. I apologize for that. Should I get the first aid kit?"
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would like to see a scenario where readers parents are protective and wary of rich people bc they think rich people look down on people and hedwig tries to get them to like her
You try to convince your parents that Hedwig is different, but they're not buying it. 'Every rich person is the same, only caring about themselves', they say.
Hedwig has invited them over for dinner to show how well mannered and down to earth she is. Or that's at least what she hopes she is. You're trying to calm her down, but winning your parents over means everything to her. She wants to be the perfect daughter in law.
When they come over, Hedwig is on her best behavior. You think she's acting silly, being too friendly, too well behaved. It's unnatural. Your parents are reserved and quiet. You can see their eyes light up slightly when Hedwig tells them that the chef has prepared their favorite meal. She adds on that you've helped her make this special.
During the dinner, Hedwig asks your parents questions and tries to hold back her usual talk about things she does. She doesn't want to seem unrelatable. She engages in conversations, just like she does when talking to you, and gives appropriate comments. It almost feels rehearsed.
Hedwig even gives them a gift. Nothing flashy, nothing expensive. Just a box of chocolate as a 'thanks for coming'. She gives you a hopeful look. Maybe your parents will start to change their attitudes about her.
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Can you do Hedwig and her s/o who doesn’t know what to do with their life? Like any career doesn’t really interest them
You sigh, rolling over on your stomach to let the sun grace your back.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Hedwig asks from the towel beside you.
"Nothing, I've just had time to think now that we're free from school and ... I realized that I don't know anything. I don't know what I want to be, i don't know myself and I don't know how the world works. I don't think school prepared me for anything."
Hedwig sighs and sits up to look at you. Her white bikini glows against her sunkissed skin. Hedwig thought that you and her could spend the first week of summer break at her house by the pool.
"You don't have to stress", she says. "It's not like you will become homeless. You have all the time in the world to figure out what you'd like to do ... but you could just be a stay at home partner. I wouldn't mind. I can always pay for the both of us. You could dive deeper into your hobbies instead of working!"
Hedwig won't admit out loud that she'd rather have you be a stay at home partner than go out into the big, scary world every day to work a heartless job. She doesn't want to share you with the world.
"Do you know what you want to be?" you ask her.
"I don't have to be something", Hedwig smiles back. "I have enough money to last a lifetime. But ... you're right. It's boring being able to do everything you want anytime you want it. Getting a job would make me a bit more occupied. Model, maybe?"
"You seem to have an idea at least."
"Darling ... you don't have to stress it. I have a wonderful future planned for us. We're going to go on a lot of vacations and just enjoy life. Doesn't that sound nice? Don't stress about it. Just stay with me and you won't have to worry."
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Hedwig trying to explain to reader why they would make an amazing couple and family
If the laws of physics doesn't bend to her will, she'll force them to bend :)
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If I may what is Hedwig's finger size??? Asking for research purposes obviously ☺️ (HEDWIG PLEASE MARRY ME IM SO GAY FOR YOUUUWUVVVWWBINFRRFCE💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖)
Hm yeah, research purposes oBVIOUSLY. hedwig will marry you in a heartbeat.
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How would Hedwig react to a teasing reader marking her neck. And then when things start to get even more passionate, they just completely stop and walk away like nothing happened
Her entire body will go weak with your touch. She'll start to use grabby hands to get you closer and whine. She's pudding in your hands. You pull her closer, making sure to put pressure points where you know she likes them only to let her go and walk away. She blinks in confusion.
"Y-Y/N, no, don't leave! You can't leave me like this! Y/N, come back! Please!"
Hey ! I love your fic about hedwig and the f-boy, and after reading it I wondered what would happen if he actually leaves her because she broke his trust ??Ps: your blog is so pretty &lt;3
[thank you so much!!]
oneshot this is based off of
She won't let him. Hedwig's a fantastic manipulator, but if he can see through that ... she'll take drastic measures and keep him with her. She'll blackmail, kidnap and convince him.
"I'm sorry for everything, Y/N. You know I love you. A lot. That's why I'm doing this. You have to understand that what I'm doing is the right thing. Now, please open your mouth so I can feed you."
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How do you think hedwig would react if her darling wasn't into women
Hedwig would be so sad. In her perfect world, you love her and she loves you, but if you're not into women, she'll try to act platonic with you. if she can't have you romantically, she'll at least have you as her friend. She can't imagine a life without you in it and will do her best to be the person you want her to be.
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GOSHHH, I LOVE HEDWIG SO MUCH..I just wanna spend a day just purely spoiling her with attention. You write so well!! It made me developed a hunger for this type of writing. 😖
Oh my god thank you so much! i'm so glad you like both Hedwig and the writing <333
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catindabag · 9 months
TBOSAS on CRACK short take (58)
Io: Besties, listen up!
Coryo: We’re all ears, Jasper.
Io: Let’s join Ravinstill’s Annual Three-legged Race Competition this upcoming Saturday!😀
Felix: Why would you want us to join my granduncle’s competition, Io? Are we that desperate for pocket change?
Io: It will be fun!
Felix: No.
Io: Pretty please?🥺
Coryo: Felix, is the prize money even worth it?
Felix: Honestly, not really. I mean, at least you get 10 bucks and a gallon of beer for participating.
Coryo: And if you win?
Felix: 100 bucks and a box of expensive chips.
Coryo: Sign me up.
Hilarius: Me too!
Dennis: I do love money-
Clemensia: But seriously, Jasper, what’s the real reason why you want us to join Ravinstill’s Annual Three-legged Race Competition?
Io: Because our class fund is dead.
Urban: When you say dead, you mean-
Io: We have zero class fund money.
Urban: Like zero-
Io: Zero.
Felix: Zero?! How could our class fund be f*ckin’ zero?!
Coryo: Felix, who’s our Class Treasurer again?
Felix: Iphigenia Moss.
Coryo: Well, that explains it.😑
Festus: I don’t get it. What’s wrong with Nia being the Class Treasurer?
Urban: Everything.
Festus: I’m still too dumb to understand.
Clemensia: *sighs* Creed, I thought you knew?
Coryo: And I thought everyone knew.
Festus: Knew what?
Clemensia: That Nia is simply bad at handling money.
Androcles: True. She was even banned from managing her own weekly allowance by her parents last year.
Festus: So who the heck voted her to be the Class Treasurer?!
Sejanus: Palmyra, Andie, Urban, Florus, and Hilarius.
Urban: Plinth, I told you not to snitch on me!
Sejanus: That’s what you get for locking me inside Dean Highbottom’s broom closet without my Coryo, Canville!
Urban: I already said that I was sorry!
Sejanus: I specifically told you to make sure that my Coryo was there with me!
Urban: Fine! I’ll make sure to lock both of you inside the broom closet next time!
Coryo: Next time? What next time?!
Sejanus: Nothing, my love.😘
Felix: Hilari, you disappoint me.
Hilarius: It was supposed to be a funny joke, Class Pres!
Felix: Really?😒
Hilarius: Anderson and Florus peer pressured me to do it!😭
Androcles: To be fair, we never expected her to actually win the election-
Florus: But here we are.
Palmyra: And I just voted for Nia because I can.🥰
Domitia: Ugh. Typical and crazy as ever, Monty.
Palmyra: Thank you, Bestie!
Domitia: That wasn’t a compliment-
Livia: Where’s Nia anyway?
Florus: She’s currently hiding from the Dean and his Peacekeepers.
Coryo: What did Moss do now?
Florus: She stole Highbottom’s beloved goldfish again.
Coryo: For experiment?
Florus: For charity.
Dennis: Nice!
Io: So about that three-legged race competition. Does anyone else want to join?
Felix: *sighs* Sign me up too, Jasper.😞
Hilarius: Yo, we should totally invite our Tributes to join us!
Festus: Great idea, Hilari! Coral and I will totally win that sweet sweet prize money now!
Coryo: Heck, no! Lucy Gray and I will win that money!
Felix: You’re all wrong! Dill and I will be the perfect team to win that race!
Hilarius: Too bad, Ravinstill. I’ll just princess carry Wovey to victory!
Clemensia: Suck it, losers! Reaper and I will-
Florus: How should we even convince our Tributes to sign up with us for Ravinstill’s stupid competition?!
Sejanus: That’s so easy, Flory. My Ma’s cooking will be enough to convince them-
Florus: Even Marcus?😒
Sejanus:. . .
Florus: That’s what I thought, Plinth.
Sejanus: Coryo, my love, I’m sad!😭
Coryo: *sighs* Come here, Sej.
Sejanus: Hug?🥺
Coryo: Sure.
Sejanus: Yey! *tackles Coryo*
Arachne: Yo, I’m going out.
Vipsania: Me too.
Florus: Same.
Felix: Why? We’re not even finish-
Florus: Idiot Plinth and Snowy are starting to shamelessly kiss and make out in front of us again.
Hilarius: *takes out his very own “Snowjanus” camera* Don’t mind if I do-
Felix: Hilari, give me that camera.
Hilarius: *hisses like a cat and runs away*
Felix: Give me that f*ckin’ camera, Heavensbee! *chases Hilarius*
Hilarius: Never!! *runs in circles*
Clemensia: Ugh. My mother was right. I should’ve just chosen that homeschooling option instead.
Urban: But you didn’t.
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v1ct0la · 8 months
sorting tlou2 characters into hogwarts houses because i’m bored and cbf to finish the fics i have stared 😀
i'm getting back into my harry potter era becuase i've been bingeing all the movies before they leave aus netflix tomorrow 🥲
pls ignore any grammatical mistakes i truly just could not be bothered to properly edit this
TWs: mentions of killing but just within tlou2 plot, nothing heavy
ellie williams - slytherin
ellie is 100% a slytherin IMO and i’m tired of everyone saying she's a gryffindor. she’s incredibly ambitious, driven, cunning (uses her own intelligence and skills for personal gain, i.e. tracking abby and killing all her friends), ruthless (in the aforementioned killing), self-reliant (rejects help, oftentimes from joel, i.e. at the dance), and brash, all of which are big traits of slytherins. we see her cunning, ambition, and drive particularly in her drive to kill abby, and ellie's disregard for the people that get in her way (i.e. owen, mel, nora).
abby anderson - gryffindor
in my eyes, abby is definitely a gryffindor. she's brave, stubborn, can oftentimes be blunt, and is not one to back down. i know some people argue that she'd be a slytherin because they have an idea that abby = evil and evil = slytherin, but i disagree. abby has drive, but it isn't pushed to the extreme like we see with ellie. abby also has a pretty solid moral compass, with the exception of killing joel, but i would argue she was haunted by grief from her father's death. i think, in general, she understands what's right and just, and tends to act accordingly, rather than choose pretty self-centred actions like we see ellie do.
dina woodward - ravenclaw
i was tossing up between ravenclaw and hufflepuff for dina, but i settled with ravenclaw because i think it just makes more sense. dina is rational, logical, is an observer rather than someone who acts, and she doesn't jump into things on a whim - we see this when tommy visits ellie and dina at the farmhouse to try and get ellie back on abby's trail - dina is rational in understanding that continuing ellie's revenge quest will get them nowhere and leave them with more blood on their hands.
joel miller - gryffindor
joel was a really hard character for me to sort, because i think he has traits from both gryffindor and slytherin. ultimately, i ended up in gryffindor, because i think, especially in the first game, joel shows his bravery and stubbornness to leave ellie with the fireflies. while joel's killings might be more slytherin, as they are quite self-serving, they weren't intentionally so, unlike ellie's.
jesse - hufflepuff
jesse's a hufflepuff to me. he's hardworking, honest, compassionate, practical, and dependable. jesse is loyal, and determined to protect the greater good. i see this especially when he tries to get ellie to go with him when they suspect the sniper in seattle is tommy, and make sure he's safe (where ellie stays to track down owen and mel, jesse finds tommy).
tommy miller - gryffindor
i put tommy in gryffindor because not only is he loyal, especially to maria and joel, but he's also very brave and definitely stubborn. i do think he's a little brash, like ellie.
lev - hufflepuff
lev was definitely a bit harder, but i landed on hufflepuff because of his drive to do good. i can see this in him especially when he calls off abby from killing dina. he's loyal, especially to his mother (despite everything), yara, and also abby once he begins to trust her.
yara - ravenclaw
yara is very rational, analytical, and intelligent, hence sorting her into ravenclaw. she's also very emotionally intelligent, especially when it comes to lev, and i noticed this in how she talks to abby.
owen moore - hufflepuff
i put owen in hufflepuff because he's got a very strong moral compass, diffuses confrontation, is generally good-hearted, and very practical. he doesn't jump into things irrationally and is loyal to his close circle.
mel - slytherin
mel is realistic, determined, and quite assertive in what she wants, hence slytherin.
i hope all this makes sense! pls don't hate on me if you disagree 😅, but my comments are open and i'd love to hear what you guys think!
also i used this image for sorting info...
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blackfairy312 · 4 months
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Snuppeteer Post 🐍🎭
INFODUMP BELOW just talking about these characters and their dynamic with themselves and the other characters in this AU
🍷 posting right now heehh
okay, so. Vincent Pietro Allard and Komi Tchaikovsky. this Five Nights at Candy's AU. let's talk about it.
so the Puppeteer's name in this AU is Vincent Pietro Allard. he met a guy in college and the two of them decided to start a theater together. they confounded the Rat & Cat Theater and hired some actors. Vincent wanted to use the theater to get a start on his acting career, to put his name out there so he'd be discovered by some actung scouts and whatever. his partner was more invested in the business opportunities of the place. Vincent's partner and fellow co-founder is currently unnamed, so Founder 2 (F2) is what we'll call him. he's involved in the franchise after the Puppeteer quits to star in Psychopath. F2 eventually makes the Candy and Cindy stuff... F2 is involved with Robotics Corp in this AU.
anyway, Vincent is obsessed with being successful as an actor. so much so that he basically always has to act. Vinnie, his puppet, is a bad-mouthed rude character that plays off of Vincent ("Puppeteer" as his character) who teaches Vinnie to be nice. cause Vinnie is 😠🙁 and the Puppeteer is 😀🙂. like the drama 🎭 masks. or something. i'm a little high typing all of this so i really hope my thoughts are coming across properly. basically, Vincent thinks too deeply about things. he put so much effort into his and Vinnie's characters, and he feels like he deserves praise and appreciation. he doesn't know WHY the kids are so scared of Vinnie, and he doesn't know why they don't like his thought provoking shows. he doesn't understand why the kids like the campy and comical Rat & Cat Show. why doesn't anyone like the Puppeteer & Vinnie Show?
a little inside joke with my circle is that the Puppeteer is a pervert. do you guys know that scene in Helluva Boss where Moxxie points at the mascot and says "i KNOW you're a pervert under there!" and the mascot goes "...yeah." that's it. you guys know Robbie and Rex from Victorious? yeah. so Vincent likes to approach single parents and will use Vinnie to flirt with them. he plays it off like the puppet is doing it and Vincent will go, "Oh, I'm sorry. Vinnie, be respectful!!" and it's just weird and uncomfortable. he's just playing it off like he needs to project through the puppet, there are so many layers as to WHY he's committed to playing a character all the time. do you guys know that image of the tindr conversation where the guys sends three dog emojis and texts "come here boy! leave that beautiful lady alone!" yeah that's Vincent. that's the kind of pervert he is.
with that out of the way, we can smoothly transition into Komi's section. i am now talking about myself in the third person. Komi picked her last name out for a reference. after her last two ventures (Marvel and DC back to back), and the previous four before those, Komi has finally decided that she needs a break from all this 'end of the world' nonsense. she goes back to the FNAFverse at a different point in time, to purposefully avoid being there during the Afton storyline. she settles into her 'human' life and picks up a job flier for a pianist, or just someone who knows how to play piano. Komi hasn't even allowed herself to do one of her hobbies is so long, and she immediately takes the flier home and dials the number.
then she meets Vincent, and she can immediately tell that he's weird. but it's kind of endearing to her, in a way. this woman has been in relationships with so many overly cartoony villains that nothing really phases her too much at this point. i mean, she dated Albert Wesker and almost married him until some asshole named Chris Redfield decided he HATES love and blew the guy up in a volcano 😒 the only thing about Vincent that unnerves Komi is Vinnie. just the way that the puppet looks unsettles her, like some uncanny valley. Komi was a doll in one of her previous lives (and a snake in the other one, it's a long story), so of course she's feeling uncanny valley from Vinnie. he has a puppet face with HUMAN EYES. you'll never see any of us draw in-game Vinnie unless it's Monster Vinnie or for comedic effect. the Vinnie design we draw is specifically for our AU.
at work, Komi likes to spend time with the children. some kids may be scared of the Rat and Cat costumes, so Komi provides activities for them to do. in this AU, Komi sets up an area for the kids to color and draw in books and with paper. an Arts & Crafts area. Vincent almost opposed to this because he has a huge ego and is a control freak and cannot stand the thought of someone making a decision without his permission or knowledge... but because it has good outcomes (parents happy, kids happy, actors get fanart), he allows it. the kids call Komi "Snake Lady" because of her eyes.
during shows, Komi has a small piano set up on the stage so she can play music, of course. i forget the specific theater terms for the stage setup, but backstage but not BACKstage. Komi also likes to help the Rat and Cat actors (Antonio and Richard in this AU) with practicing for the shows. they write scripts for every show and rehearse them all. a LOT of work goes into this place now that i think about it. i was in theater once. what a nightmare.
i have actually lost my entite train of thought. i'm going to put random Snuppeteer scenarios for the rest of the post.
Vincent thinks Komi is really pretty. But instead of telling her that, he says something about how she looks like she just crawled out of bed and didn't even bother looking in the mirror. this is somewhat true. Komi is depressed and she doesn't really have the energy to play a role.
Komi has a stoic expression most of the time and only ever really shows emotion when's she under the influence of something. she's affectionate and attentive when she's high. sometimes when she's stressed out, she'll get high and hang out with Vincent at his apartment, and he'll put on a movie and talk over the entire thing while she listens to him. Vincent is a cinema geek, he gets so passionate about movies (especially horror ones) and has so much to say, and Komi finds that so endearing. she loves his voice and she enjoys listening to how passionate he is about something he cares about. oh that's so sappy! and this is when they're dating! they were so awkward before that, you know? Vincent being weird towards her and Komi being a little curt back towards him. you'd think that she HATED him! but unfortunately Komi likes him BECAUSE he is a freak. did i mention she dated Jonathan Crane? very specifically our DC AU version who is similar to Danny Johnson Ghostface where he SEEKS fear and purposefully carries incriminating evidence on him to satiate his fear of getting caught. Komi dated THAT KIND OF GUY. she's a freak too. don't let that face fool you.
they're like James Sunderland and Maria. Vincent can't take responsibility for his crime and Komi thinks he's lame and pathetic. that means Vinnie is like Pyramid Head. because that fucking puppet probably HAUNTS him now after the incident. why do you think they never reused that character in the Candy's Burgers and Fries joints?
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if you managed to read this entire thing, i'm sorry. i live in absolute delusion. cringe is not a concept to me. i have overwhelming confidence, and crippling insecurity. let me live in my palace of dreams.
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ticklishfiend · 5 months
um long irl tickle story because i’m tweaking out rn 😀
so i’ve got this friend who is also not Just A Friend and it’s complicated LMFAO anyways, we’ve done kink play stuff before so we know everything each other is into. obviously this means they know i’m real big into tickling fjskjf (which no, is not purely sexual for me lol. neither of us are very sexual people, kink isn’t always abt sex and i think more people in this community need that to register in their brains LOL)
ANYWAYYS so i dont think they know Just how into it i am, like they dont even know abt this blog but im slowly working up the courage to tell them abt it bc i know they wouldnt be weirded out (im just shy LOL). so bc they dont rlly know how big of a thing this is for me, they’ve never Really tickled me before.
now, i’ve tickled them. plenty actually lol. it’s super fun and i love tickling them sosososo much bc they’re reactions are so cute and they’re really good at holding still lol. but anytime they’ve tickled me, it’s mainly just like a poke here or a squeeze there, nothing for real yknow.
which is like. it’s fine. but every time they do it i get skyrocketed into the biggest lee mood for like days on end and usually i get too embarrassed to tell them dhsjndjsg
but the other day i actually decided to tell them how much it affected me. we had both spent the night at a friends house, and at every sleepover when its time for bed, our other friend goes to her room and then its just the two of us alone in the living room. we were high the other night and cuddling, and they kept teasing me by making claw hands and wiggling their fingers at me (i’ve told them before it flusters me So Bad when they do it and now they’re just relentless with it 😭😭), they poked me a few times like usual but also kept quickly skittering their fingers on my foot which they’ve never done before and dhsjjdjdf i was too high i was losing my mind
so that was it, but the next day when i got home i texted them telling them they were so evil for that bc now im feeling crazy. they found that hilarious and teased me abt it for a minute 😭 so i thought that was the end of it bc they rarely tease me too much (im mainly the dom in our relationship so i can understand why lol)
but then. but then.
my friend group went hiking all day today, so when we got back to my friends house we were pretty beat. me and my friend were cuddling on the couch watching tv, but they just kept. poking. me. i felt crazy LMFAO
so ofc bc im me, i was tickling back! i’m more deliberate with my tickles, so i kept squeezing their side and poking places i know they’re ticklish at. they ofc kept making wiggly hands at me, but atp im like so lee and it’s not enough 😭
so. i called them a coward! (teasingly, ofc). i didn’t get specific cause our other friends were right there and id rather they not know abt it LMAO but this main friend knew what i was talking about. they were playing all offended, trying to defend themselves, but they kept not actually tickling me so ofc i kept calling them a coward hehehe
so later tonight once we were at our own houses, we text each other almost immediately. ofc because i was feeling super lee after all that i told them i was (playfully) mad at them for teasing me earlier
they started defending themself again saying they aren’t a coward, so i texted back with “always threatening but never actually does anything about it 🥱 coward behavior to me”
they texted back with “when i come over tmrrw its over. im gonna get you”
i was. freaking out LMFAOOO
they kept teasing me back and forth about it and i am STILL losing my mind and that was hours ago 😭😭
we’re hanging out tmrrw night and yall. yall idk if i can HANDLE ITFNFKD we’re spending the night like we always do so once we’re alone and ALSO HIGH AGAIN………bitch i can’t my stomach just turned a flip thinking about it omfg
anyways yeah sorry i know this was long but this little back and forth on “will they ever actually tickle me” has been going on for almost a YEAR now so im justifiably freaking out abt it LMFAOO
i’m also taking my driving test for my license tmrrw before we hang out so let’s hope i don’t start thinking abt tickles and crash the car 👍
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sirhyst · 1 year
Fukuzawa dad headcanons 1/? (Ft. Ranpo and Kyoka a little)
Reader is whatever you identify as 👍 I won’t be using specific pronouns
Warning this is really long.
Note: I’m writing these cause I want him to adopt me; these are also in no specific order, I just got to excited about writing dad headcanons about him. Also as mentioned in an older post I often call Ranpo Purin.
Let’s get into it
- Purin probably would not like you at first let’s be honest. I don’t know what would win him over but let’s just say at first you were probably seen as a threat but I think eventually he would like you.
- The fear in Fukuzawa-san’s eyes though when you an Ranpo decide to gang up on him and speed run trying to give him a stroke by acting like little gremlins
- In my culture, and I know it’s the same for a lot of cultures, you typically call someone that is a lot older than you auntie/aunt or uncle so if you ever call him uncle he’ll be like “🥹”
- That being said, even though Fukuzawa-san has a stoic personality, I think the first time you call him Dad, he’ll collapse
- That scene in BSD Wan where he switched bodies with the cat and he’s crying is definitely his reaction
You: my fucking dad is here 🥳
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- That being said if you never call him dad, he might be a little sad but understands that it’s entirely your decision if you’re comfortable enough to
- I have 3c/4a hair, so if you have those hair types or and type 3/4 hair type, he would definitely take the time to learn how to take care of your hair (likewise if you don’t have those hair types he’ll still help you look after your hair)
- If you have a very rough day or just really going through it, he’ll probably let you sit in his office and brush your hair to calm you down
- If you need to just cry he’s good at just sitting there and letting you let your feelings out
- I don’t see him as the “hey hungry I’m dad/dad jokes” type of dad but there are probably days where he’s a bit more playful
You: Can you pass me the flour?
Him: *passes an actual flower*
You, probably: 😀🔪
- If you jokingly refer to him as old man, he won’t get mad but he’s definitely gonna give you the “😠” look
- He’s not a big hugger but if you really need it he’ll give one. But, if you don’t like hugs or being touched he’ll do whatever you’re comfortable with
- If you are in school and get a bad grade, he’s not going to yell at you or be disappointed. You tried (or maybe you didn’t but there will be other tests/assignments, maybe that day just wasn’t your day)
- Will probably let you steal his hoari
- I 100% picture Purin kicking down his door and just start talking about whatever interests him so if you ever want to rant about your current obsession, go for it—he’s just glad you’re comfortable enough to make such bold moves around him
- I know everyone jokes about all of Fukuzawa-sans kids being queer but I genuinely think if you were to come out to him he’d be like “👴👍”
- It may seem like I’m just writing the safe option but considering how chill his I don’t think he’d have a problem
- Will 100% have little family lunch dates with you, purin, yosano and Kyoka
- Definitely has one on one lunch dates
- This is more about Kyoka but one day she randomly call you her brother/sister/sibling/etc and it’s like 🥹✊
Back to Fukuzawa-san
- If you need something to fidget with, he lets you fiddle with his haori or his hand
- If you’re both terrible cooks than you guys will try the food while trying to trick yourselves into thinking it tastes good
- Personally, I think Fukuzawa-san is a good cook (I have no proof but read it and weep) so again, if you’re feeling sad he will put something together for you
- If you’re dating someone from an opposing company he’s probably like “why 😀 out of all the options”
- Reaction to you saying the most out-of-pocket shit: maybe a blank stare of the slow head turn. but remember he’s been dealing with the ADA members for awhile so there is probably nothing you can say that will truly earn you the shocked look.
- same thing if you just randomly say things. I don’t know if anyone else does this but just speaking into the wind and maybe getting an answer but it’s so random that people look at you like “😃”
You: this acnh character is definitely a government spy
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- Overall, he may seem intimidating at first, but i don’t know he just naturally gives of good dad energy so 👍
I’m going to write more specific ones these are just random ones that I came up with because please adopt me sir.
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lazyrookiequeen · 2 years
How did you find chenford getting together? Did you enjoy 5.08? Are you enjoying their relationship?
I like 5*08 a lot.
At the first sight it looks like there was something missing, some steps in their communication. But then I have changed my mind after several times of rewatching.
We have come to this moment with Tim being single and aware of his strong feelings for Lucy and with Lucy being 'engaged' with Chris.
And I think she is exhausted with the thoughts that Tim has rejected her romantically, that she is guilty for what's happened to Chris and is obliged to stay with him cause he is good person and loves her, and her mother presses her with her fertility clock ticking and eggs freezing, and she needs to talk about her problems to figure out what to do and to make some serious decisions, and there's no one she can talk to. Tamara is too young, Lucy's mother is toxic, Angela and Nyla are perfect, but she can't discuss Tim with them, and loving and caring Jackson has died. And above of all these Chris is making her to look at all these stupid houses when she's not ready even to think about living together.
Tim sees that she's miserable, and he knows that she needs talking to feel better. That is what he could do. Actually, there's nothing that he would not do for Lucy, and he's ready even to step back if she is happy with Chris. So, he starts asking and encourages her to speak out loud what is bothering her. And Lucy speaks, and the wheels are turning in her head, and the pieces are falling into place one by one. And after the whole day of thinking and speaking she is ready to make a conclusion - why she is staying with Chris even if it makes her feel unhappy. And she says it not to Tim, but mostly to herself - she is scared to loose Tim at all if she tried to express her feelings.
I like that this is not a dramatic 'something horrible has happened, I can't let you leave me without knowing how I feel about you!!! ' but this has come to the surface as soon as Lucy let herself to look into her feelings closely. And Tim is not ready to find out that Lucy thinks he is the most important person in her life, but when he understands that she is on the same page, he is so happy!
And yes, I'm really glad for them, I like that they are having their heart-eyes hand-holding period now, cause with their dangerous profession there's definitely something is coming, and I'm glad they will withstand everything together, they are not alone anymore.
Thank you for asking 😀
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the-missann · 1 year
Honestly, I was talking to my brother and got another idea for a game. Especially after Princess Peach Showtime.
I'll preface this by saying PPS is the perfect game for girls and women imo. Female main character, outfit changes, aesthetic color scheme--everything about the game gave me nostalgia and it isn't even out! I'll be looking forward to playing it (if I have the money 😷) because it makes me actually feel like a female without the color pink as the only color or horrible gameplay attached to it.
But it's sad as hell that it takes so long for something like this to come out. I got Super Princess Peach a few years after it came out and as a little girl, that was the most enjoyment I got out of a game that didn't have hot male characters keeping my attention.
Obviously, the main issue is men game developers. I'm not gonna be all "video games are men's fantasies and bla bla" I don't care because all I want is for some games to be a woman's fantasy ☺
If I knew a female game developer, I would help her in a heartbeat to make a game that actually caters to what women look for in games. Men can keep Cammy being literally butt naked if I also can get Lee Chalon in more swimwear 😌.
I understand the sentiment of girl gamers and that if games didn't have "heterosexual man juice" sprayed all over it, things would be better for us; but it's not gonna change and I wouldn't want it to because I grew up with games that had big breasted women and useless damsels I had to save, and I love some of those games *cough*DMC*cough*. I just want there to be more on both ends of the spectrum.
So, honestly, that's my TED talk, but I at least wanted to show the kinds of ideas we could be getting alongside our usual games.
~Read on if your interested~
Speaking of usual, where is the Huniepop with male characters 😤
Like, do people not realize that a game full of hot dudes with the main point being to engage sexually with them would be the first thing I'll throw $20 at?
Anyways 😀
My first real idea is a collectathon for house items, clothes/outfits, and other accesories.
Imagine Mario Oddessy, but just with the clothes. Instead of collecting the moons, you'd collect various items of clothing you could dress your character up in. A sofa for the house you live in or an accessory to style an outfit with.
I think, just maybe, there's a correlation with Animal Crossing and The Sims being popular with a female audience.
Personally, I don't like the current climate of ignoring a woman's natural interest in fashion and things that look good. I get that it's a stereotype, but all stereotypes are based in reality.
It's bad that girls are being shunned away from wearing a pretty outfit just because that's seen as "girly", but guys are "cool" when they have a good fit and even get praised if they "break gender roles" [insert sigh here]. I even think about how much this would help trans girls to discovery themselves more.
And it doesn't have to be something stereotypically female either. I'd never wear a skirt or dress, but you best believe if a flowy jacket or cute sweater came my way, I'm wearing that shit and I'd love to play games that allowed it, if they weren't unplayable and unbearable.
I usually hate platformers, but I'd love one if my objective was to get clothes and other designing items for a house or my character.
Next Idea
Obviously, VNs are usually the games associated with women, but I'd enjoy one that had gameplay on the side. You know, scratch the itch that Obey me! just doesn't.
Obey Me! Is perfect having guys who are likable without forcing random female hate as "conflicts". However, there's nothing to the gameplay so I'm usually pretty bored after a while.
And even if there is some kind of gameplay, you usually are forced to be romantic and there's no platonic options. Like, I was reading a post by Hamilton Hour and a review said exactly how I feel, they said this:
A lot of the time, I feel like romance games often push you into pursuing a relationship with someone, and when you don’t, the character will get sad and then you feel awful about it.
Original Post here
And no truer words have been spoken!
Seriously, what is with games doing that? Why not give us more content in the game and make all three if you want. Like Stardew Valley, there's options to be an asshole, to be platonic and options to be weird/overtly romantic. It makes it interesting to replay the game and see different choices.
I got off track though, back to the VNs with no gameplay. I really mean for there to be more romance oriented VNs with male characters that have gameplay. Like, Phoenix Wright, Danganropa, or Professor Layton but with romance lol.
I say this because there's tons of dating sims where the primary objective is to date women and they're always super good. Again, if anyone needs help I'd be willing to work on creating a story. Just ask.
Next idea
This isn't really an idea, but just something I wanted to say.
I super want more fighting games with male options that don't look like they were made for no one to love. I just think it's so convenient that female characters who are made to be "unattractive" are still the prettiest things on the planet.
Also, has anyone ever noticed that male characters in fighting games that are attractive are always married or devoted to another? However, most women aren't. Like Mortal Kombat for example. Now, I don't play this franchise so I could be wrong, but I have seen it and try and keep with the latest releases.
And I just happened to notice that the human characters who are male are usually married or dating someone.
On the opposite end, females in Mortal Kombat are either widowed, single with someone who has just a crush on them, or so butch they don't care for romantic relationships.
You can't be more blatant than that.
Street Fighter takes the design approach to turn away women. Seriously, name one male character from SF who's traditionally attractive then name a female, I guarantee you, you'll run out of men.
Then there's Tekken, my favorite.
Tekken is my fav for that very reason. There's a wide range of characters who have no romantic involvement, but they look human and *gasp* they're attractive?? What kind of sorcery...
Lee Chaolan
Leo (ik they're essentially non-binary, but all that means is both get a victory)
Hell even Paula and Law fit this imo.
And my personal fav, ❤ Dragunov ❤
I know he doesn't (sometimes) fit the traditionally attractive group, but bro have you seen some of his renders?
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Idk I just find him pretty
Bite me any day sir *rawr xD*
Yeah he's 27, and looks about 40, but someone likes that irl (aka me) and I ain't special. So I know others would probably appreciate the older looking gentlemen type and not just the baby faced hottie (dilf come on).
Next Idea
The last thing is more related to writing than an actual game idea.
You know how in Zelda you're saving... Zelda?
Well, why the hell isn't there a game where I'm saving Link (and no, the CDi games DO NOT count).
I mean in general, I'd love a game where you play as a heroine and you're saving a male character. Don't even get me started on the many ways that could work.
A god is wounded and it's up to her to save him
A prince is captured while on enemy lines, no one else is capable of infiltrating but her.
Needing a vessel, your childhood friend's body is snatched
Afflicted by a curse, she knows where to find the remedy
Like come on, is it that hard to make a male in need? No it's not, dudes are human too and sometimes they need help. Enough with this solo shit, if men could be alone than why the hell do they all want girlfriends or need wives make it make sense
All this is to say, female coders, developers, writers, we need ya'll 🗣🔊
And as I've said throughout this, I would not be opposed to helping someone create the story of a game they're developing.
Thanks for reading, if you got to this point, be sure to take care of your self, drink some water if you haven't or get some sleep if it's late 🍂
~Buh-bye now~
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retribution-if · 2 years
Hey L👋 I'm here to pester you on this blog as well😀
I guess I'm late to the party, but better late then never they say😅. So this is what those teasers in cheers to the elites were all about.
The first thing I'm gonna say for the game is that I'm of the same mindset as the "MC is cute" anon. I mean, the story is supposed to have a heavy and serious tone, but the way MC acts just makes me laugh😂. No wonder Malkiel was amused when MC greet them. Even when they presented themselves, they were trying to act like a grown up only to fail miserably.
of my Mama and Papa, Gaia and Horatio,” you say with a clarity you didn’t know you had, trying to emulate the authoritative voice of your parents and grandparents,
On a more serious note, Abel chasing after MC and Despoina (thanks to you I'll have nightmares tonight😢) and Emmera (sounds like the female name version of Emery) doing what she did to Despoina, were the most important moments in the story for me. While I can understand Abel's reasoning behind his actions, for the life of me,I can't understand the rationale behind her decision neither the justification. Wouldn't a powerful goddess like Despoina be needed if Abel decides to come after the rest of them (though they might have been considered weaklings by him and that's why they were left alive)? Why not Abel but Despoina?
About the naming, I thought about a better name then Cain: Adam. Adam slapping Abel (to death) like Will Smith did in the Oscars with Chris Rock
And I have a bug to report with the pronoun not showing
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Lmao I was waiting for you 😂😂
And yeah, I can see why you have the "cute MC" mindset. They're 4 years old in the trailer, so you can expect 4 year old things to happen. Plus, MC's 4 year old-ness also serves as a breather between the intense scenes of Abel's and Emmera's.
And for your questions, well, if only you knew what Abel is really capable of, then… h m m.
Despoina didn't appear in Zion almost near collapsing because of nothing.
Thank you for reporting the bug though. Can't believe I overlooked that. 💀💀
And I'm glad you enjoyed the trailer! Also please don't slap Abel. It might make things worse 😭😭
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