#and they have to fight to maintain that mortality (their humanity)
la-pheacienne · 2 days
After the avalanche of bad takes inspired by got and hotd I would just like to say that the point of asoiaf is not "feudal power corrupts" and it is not "no one can save Westeros because feudalism bad". I would like to remind you what the function of feudalism in the story actually is, as stated by GRRM:
The medieval setting has been the traditional background for epic Fantasy, even before Tolkien, and there are good reasons for that tradition. The sword has a romance to it that pistols and cannon lack, a powerful symbolic value that touches us on some primal level. Also, the contrasts so apparent in the Middle Ages are very striking -- the ideal of chivalry existed cheek by jowl with the awful brutality of war, great castles loomed over miserable hovels, serfs and princes rode the same roads, and the colorful pageantry of tournaments rose out of a brown and grey world of dung, dirt, and plague. The dramatic possibilities are so rich. ( Source)
Now his notorious statement about Aragorn's tax policy (as much as I vehemently dislike that statement concerning Tolkien, it is still very insightful for GRRM's work) :
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles? (Source)
Moral relativism right? Nihilism, pessimism, every symbol is doomed to fail, every effort for a better future is doomed to fail because the feudalist structure is inherently rotten. Should we even try then? What is the point in showing a ruler genuinely try? If every leader is doomed to fall victim to external opposing forces and/or corruption or other moral flaw, what is the point in trying? Let's see another statement by GRRM where he explains what asoiaf is actually about:
"In a very basic level winter is coming for all of us. I think that’s one of the things that art is concerned with: the awareness of our own mortality. “Valar morghulis” – “All men must die”. That shadow lies over our world and will until medical science gives us all immortality… but I don’t think it makes it necessarily a pessimistic world (...) the important thing is that love, compassion and empathy with other human beings is still possible. Laughter is still possible! Even laughter in the face of death… The struggle to make the world a better place… We have things like war, murder and rape… horrible things that still exist, but we don’t have to accept them, we can fight the good fight. The fight to eliminate those things.There is darkness in the world, but I don’t think we necessarily need to give way to despair". (Source)
The combination of these statements speaks for itself to someone who has read GRRM's work: the sword has a romance that pistols lack, the dramatic possibilities of the medieval setting are rich, ruling is hard, we can fight the good fight, we should not give way to despair. From that to "No one can save Westeros" the distance is huge and the endpoint is extremely deceptive and also deeply reactionary. If no one can save Westeros, then there is no point in trying to save Westeros. Characters that try to save Westeros, or Essos, or the Wildlings, or anything bigger than their own ass, are not morally superior to others that just benefit from the current status quo or passively tolerate/enable it, since no one can actually do shit and every effort is doomed to fail. Yet this goes directly against the point of asoiaf that can be summed up in the phrase: "ruling is hard". It is hard alright, but the thing is, someone has to do it. Whether that someone has been chosen by the people, or by the gods, or by destiny, or by circumstances, and regardless of the political system that allowed them to yield that power, the point is that someone has power ad hoc at any given time, and power equals responsibility. What do you do with it? How do you govern? How do you choose between two equally grievous alternatives? Who do you listen to? Who do you trust? How can you learn? What if everything you've been told was a lie? How do you move on from there? What if the promises you made contradict each other? What if you fail? How do you live with the guilt, how do you go on? How do you instigate a structural change? What if you try to do that and people die? What if you try to do that and it kills you? Was it worth it? How do you use the power you have? How do you fight the good fight? What makes a fight good?
"Feudalism bad" and "no one can save Westeros" are not just incredibly uninspired catchphrases, they are something much worse: a very nice way of avoiding to answer the real, hard, uncomfortable questions that are the driving force of asoiaf, and a very neat way to justify those who tolerate, enable or reinforce the status quo. Coincidentally, these questions remain the same in every single political system. They are universal. That's why this is a good, relevant, applicable story, that's why we give a fuck even if the context is foreign to us. So spare us the moralizing bullshit please, and thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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ofswordsandpens · 7 months
thinking about how the (greek) big three swore to never sire any more demigod children because those children are just too powerful (dangerous) and also thinking about how the characters that, arguably, seem to have the greatest proclivity for cruelty in the name of justice or vengeance are also the (greek) big three children... there's something there, a connection to be made I'm sure of it
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o-lanterns · 8 months
Simon Petrikov the Episode... I know Simon's the star but I can't stop thinking about Finn.
Seeing firsthand just how badly his grief over Jake has messed him up. All of his progress in emotionally connecting with himself and with others essentially went down the drain. He can't process anything outside of the lens of epic questing. His idea to help Simon is to put the man in mortal danger for the purpose of rescuing him and never once considered that Simon could be seriously injured or killed, because of course Finn the Human is too strong! This is nothing to him, his job is to fight and protect. And when Simon does actually get hurt Finn shrugs it off. Ahh, that's just another battle wound, nothing fatal! It'll be a cool scar!
He is literally not coping but he thinks he's doing great. And it breaks my heart that it's all so... Martin-like of him. He cannot have back what he lost and he responds by bottling it and pushing through jovially as if unaffected, and in turn does not register anything as a true threat anymore because in his eyes nothing could be worse than what has already happened. He is all jokes and rowdy hubris and "Hey now, talkin' about sad stuff gets ya nowhere! Forget about it!"
Finn is just living thrill to thrill and clinging to distractions in between (and trying to find someone to fill the hole where Jake was- we saw him taking on Bronwyn as an adventure partner in Obsidian and now TV. but they don't stick. it's never going to be the same.) and we already know from Together Again that he will maintain this behavior until his last breath.
It's fantastic character writing but I am so distraught at the state of my boy.
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shadowandlightt · 4 months
Of Nightmares and Memories /two/ Azriel X Reader
Series Warnings: Kidnapping. Mistreatment. Cursing. Pining. Violence. Depression. Talks of suicide. Eventual smut
Part one Part Three
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You dream of the blue of his siphons. The hazel of his eyes. You see him every night, whether you’d like to or not. He seems to invade everyone of your senses, always. Even from miles away. Even if he was dead. But you swore you’d know if he perished when Amerantha took over. You felt as if you would’ve felt his loss deep within your gut. 
But there had been no word of Velaris, or the people inside it. Had your brother truly been able to hide it all of these years? He’d been stripped of so much of his power, but did he have enough to keep your beloved city safe? 
“He wants you in the dining room for dinner.”
“And if I say no?” You question the red haired fox. 
His eyes, one golden and mechanical, narrowed on you, “He’ll drag you down by your hair.”
“I’d like to see him try,” You bark out a laugh, knowing you could shred him in a moment if only you had use of your power. 
The faebane they kept you full of made sure you were just a sliver of who you once were. Your skin was dull and lifeless, gone was the wondrous glow of immortality. Because you might as well have been mortal, plain and easy to kill. But you still had the self defense that your brothers taught you. You still had the ability to fight back. You were weak now, yes, but you could still just as easily use one of the butter knives on Tamlin. 
“Please,” Lucien begged, “Don’t be difficult. It’s been a hard day.”
“He lost another, then?” I question, head cocking to the side. 
“Don’t bring it up or he’s likely to skin you alive,” Lucien warned you. 
“Again, I’d like to see him try.”
Lucien’s eyes seem tired as he looks at you. Your fight seemed to dissipate as you looked at him. You knew time was running out, far too fast. Soon enough Amarantha would take control over every Fae, no matter where they lived. Tamlin was the only one keeping her at bay, and his power was almost hers for the taking. Then what would become of you? When her goons came for Tamlin and ransacked the house, surely they’d find you and drag you before her. Then you’d just be a tool to further your brother’s pain. 
“Ah, I can see it now,” He sighed, “You’ve realized your fate, if this doesn’t work.”
“He’ll never convince a human to love him,” You shake your head, “No matter how charming  he can be.”
“For your sake, you best hope he does.”
You follow him from your room, or your cell, whatever seems to fit one day to the next. The manor house is quiet as you make your way through it, servants not sparing you a second glance. They all knew you were being held prisoner, yet they could do little to change it, without incurring the High Lord’s wrath. 
For once in your life, you were helpless, and had been since that day in the clearing.
“It would’ve been so much easier for him,” You mutter, “Had he just let them kill me that day. Instead he had them spare me and now I stay a constant headache.”
“More like a constant thorn in his side,” Lucien smiled slightly.
The thought brought a sly smile to my face. You prepared your stone mask as you grew closer to the dining room. Lucien was the only one you allowed to see a sliver of who you were. You allowed him to see more of yourself than you should, because he saw someone who was a little more delicate, a little more capable of love and sadness. Not the stone exterior of the Night Court that we worked so hard to maintain.
“Play nice with him tonight,” Was Lucien’s last warning before we reached the golden doors. 
You schooled your face into a bored mask, as if all of this was beneath you. For centuries you’d been playing this part. Without so much as a break from it. Only when you were sure you were alone in my rooms did you let the mask fall. Only then did you cry out for my family, for my home. 
“Glad you decided to join us,” Tamlin’s voice carried from the end of the table. 
Your eyes roll, “As if I had a choice.”
A snarl escapes from Tamlin, claws slowly growing. You smile sweetly at him for a moment, before throwing out what little power you had left to reach into his head. Just enough to let him know you were there, just enough to be a pest when you wanted. But it wasn’t without difficulty. Sweat beaded on your forehead as you strained against the confines of your power. 
“Enough,” He yelled, slamming his hands down against the table. 
You flinch back, seeing the beast start to emerge. For a moment you allowed yourself to feel the slight fear that crept in. You were weak now, unable to protect yourself as you used to. He’d taken your power, your freedom, and your strength away from you. Stripped it away as if it were nothing. He should have just killed you in the forest that day. 
“Where is the little human?” You question, sniffing the air, “Her…stench is hard to miss.” 
“She’s getting cleaned up,” Lucien spoke up, “Might be best if you eat before Alis is finished with her.”
I turn slowly to glare at him, before turning back to Tamlin, “Still keeping me as your dirty little secret then?”
“She doesn’t need to know about you.”
“You know, I hope you can charm this one,” You snarl, “Because time is running out. Soon enough we’ll all be-”
“Enough!” He roars, “I know how much time we have left. I should have killed you when I had the chance.”
“Oh, you still have the chance, but the second he finds out I’m still alive,” You can’t help but laugh as you shake your head, “Well… then you’ll really wish you allowed them to kill me.”
“If she finds out you're alive…” Lucien trailed off with a look from Tamlin. 
I flop down into a chair and scoop up a glass of wine, “Well, this is going to be a fun couple of months, then, won’t it?”
“Behave,” Lucien snaps. 
“I am behaving,” I reply sweetly. 
“Eat, before I lock you up and forget about you.”
“Now now,” I sigh, “It’s been centuries, surely we can be a little more civil than that,”
“You’re too much like your brother,” Tamlin sighs, leaning back into his chair. 
“You almost sound sad about that,” You note, “Regretting crossing him?”
You hum and drink your wine before tucking into the food before you. Despite knowing there was faebane in it, you couldn’t stop eating. You hardly ate anymore. Just enough to keep you alive, but today you were starving. 
“Slow down before you make yourself sick,” Lucien said slowly. 
You growl at him before slowly down slightly. If only your brother could see you now. See what you’d become. If only Az and Cas could see you, what would they think? Or Mor or Amren. You weren’t sure what they would say if they could see you now. How different you’d become. 
Time passed slowly. The weeks dragged on, as you were only allowed out of your room when Feyre, the human, wasn’t around. Tamlin was doing well with dancing around your existence. Firenight was quickly approaching, and you felt the excitement deep in your bones. If there was one night that you would beg to be released it was Calanmai. 
“You know you can’t.”
“Please Lucien,” You all but beg, “He’ll be there, I know it.”
“Which is why you can’t leave the manor,” He explains.”
“I just want to see him for myself,” You whine, “I need to see him, just once before the fifty years is up. Just once.”
“He’ll know.”
“Tamlin will be too caught up in the rite to notice,” I remind him, “And you can manage a convincing glamor.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Just this once,” You say softly, “I wouldn’t ask if time wasn’t running out.”
“I know.”
“Just, please.”
“You stay next to me the whole time,” He explains, “Running off could get you killed.”
“I know.”
“Thirty minutes, that’s all you’ll get.”
“It’s more than I thought I’d get.”
Your heart hammered in your chest with the prospect of seeing your brother again after centuries of being apart from him. You knew you wouldn’t be able to tell him who you were, you wouldn’t be able to leave with him. Or speak with him. But you’d be able to lay eyes on him, and know that in whatever capacity, he was okay. He was alive, even if he was a slave to the bitch under the mountain. He’s still alive. And that’s all you could ask. Even if the rest of your family was dead, at least he lived on.
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Hi there, can you please do Yandere Thor, Poseidon, Loki and possibly Hercules to Female Yoriichi Reader? The creator of the Sun Breathing and the other Breathing Forms, who always has a solemn expression and is known as the Strongest Demon Slayer to ever exist (She has access to the Transparent World and can use the Selfless State) but despite this she’s incredibly humble seeing herself as just another human and not even special, despite her extraordinary skills
Yoriichi gave Muzan such severe PTSD from 400 YEARS ago that his Upper Moons will go through his trauma just from seeing TANJIRO (And it’s STILL severely traumatic to him 😂)
Yandere Shiva, Loki, Buddha and Hercules with Female Tengen Uzui Reader from KNY? How do you think they would react to Reader calling herself ‘Goddess of Festivals/Flashiness’ and calling others (Even GODS) ‘Trash’ and having 3 HUSBANDS 💀
Sorry if this is a lot! I just think Demon Slayer Characters are super cool, especially the Hashiras (The Swordsmith Village Arc is going to be released sometime in April! 🥹🤩)
Thor, Poseidon, and Loki + Fem! Yoriichi Tsugikuni! Reader:
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One of these three gods stands on one side of the arena, their grand entrance causing a ruckus of enthusiastic roars and cheers from the side of the gods while the humans side shook with terror. They look at the other side, confident and ready to see the pitiful mortal that Brunhilde had served to them on a silver platter. It was a woman.
She makes no flashy entrance, her clothes are rather average, and her face does not seem scared but nor does it seem too cocky. Her (e/c) eyes are serene and her (h/c) hair was rather average looking. She was a regular looking human, nothing special. Aside from the strange looking birthmark on her left eye.
"Please." The (h/c) haired woman interrupts, Heimdall goes silent and so does everyone else, unsheathing her sword, she looks at Heimdall with a composed look on her face, it was not unkind, "I do not need such an introduction. I am a human like the rest of my kind."
She then gets into her defensive stance and narrows her eyes at her divine opponent.
"And I shall do whatever it takes to save them."
The god you're against either glares at you, smiles at you, or raises an eyebrow at you. Either way, Heimdall recovers his voice:
"So that's who you are," the God thinks to himself as you maintain unbreakable eye contact, "that hardly matters."
Yandere! Thor:
- Thor doesn't think much of you when you step into the arena, not because you're a human, but because he has yet to see you fight. You seem unfazed by him but he doesn't truly know that for sure. You are not unattractive but you're nothing special in his eyes.
- What a fool he was, because the moment the battle begins, he sees that you aren't just beautiful, you're absolutely heavenly. When you take your first breath, you take away his as large solar fires soon appear around you and you make your attack.
"What is this?" He asks himself in his head, using his Mjölnir to block another close sneak attack blow from your sword. The clashing of your weapon and his own makes his heart do flips in his chest, "Why...why do I feel like this?"
You then decided to be bold and you quickly, nearly teleported with the speed you were going, appear in front of him and your eyes glint, reflecting off your blade as you try to slash him. His eyes soften when they see you and his blood thirsty smile softens as your eyes lock onto his. There was fire in your eyes...no...the sun itself glowed in them. Powerful, burning, yet composed.
"What has she done to me?" He thinks, and you're not sure if it's from the intensity of the battle but his cheeks appear to be dusted the lightest color of pink.
- Your fight ends in a draw, the both of are so tired that you neither of you can move a muscle. Both God's and Humans are shocked at the results but Thor couldn't be happier.
- He just found his soulmate, he thinks to himself as you try to use your sword to get up and fight him again. His smile turns into a loving one as you struggle to get close to him, not that he can judge since he can also barely move, and he loves it! In fact, he now knows that he loves you.
- You will be his! You have to be, surely you were created to match him in power and strength because you were meant to be with him. After being fixed up and bandaged, he must seek you out, he must find you!
- Since then, the God of Thunder has been keeping his eye on you, his beautiful Sun. How you appear unreadable at first but if someone truly read you, truly attempted to understand what a complex and beautiful person you are like Thor has; they can see that you're more than a human...You're humble, you're kind, and you're dutiful. Honorable like him and share the same values, this only seals your fate to him even more.
- Odin notices how during other God's battles that his son scans the human's side, his eyes desperately searching for someone in the crowd. Thor knows for a fact that you always come to watch your fellow Human's matches in person and when his eyes land on you, that adrenaline kicks in and Loki and Odin stare at him as a smile grows on his face.
- He does this every match, but even then, the time between matches is too long for him to see you again. He searches for you, Brunhilde having to confront him as she reminds him that the HUMAN champions reside here but he ignores her the moment he sees you walk down the hallway. He follows you quickly like how the moon chases the sun.
- You turn and see him and you politely bow your head to him. He frowns a bit in dissaproval, how could you bow your head to him as if he were a stranger, surely you had to feel the same feelings he was after your battle. How you two danced a brutal yet beautiful dance of life and death. You stare at each other for a bit before you muster a kind yet small smile, "I look forward to our rematch." and as a result, he nods with his usual stoic demeanor and you turn and walk to your room. Yes, he can't wait for your rematch either.
- Because one the day it takes place, Heimdall shocks everyone with his newest announcement.
- You don't like the way the red-haired God smiles at you, it feels smug and ominous, and you paitently wait to hear this last minute change.
- You look at Brunhilde, who looks away shamefully and can not meet your gaze, and then you look at Thor. Who looks a lot more motivated to beat you this time.
Yandere! Poseidon:
- He wanted to roll his eyes when you interrupted him. What right did you have to act so humble? You're a human, what could you possibly have to be humble about? Being a mere ant he steps on on a daily basis?
- Fine, if you want a wake up call, he'll give you one. He waits for you to strike, it wouldn't hurt to give you an advantage since there's no way something as insignificant as you can beat him. Until you grip your nichirin blade and take a deep breath, suddenly the water arena evaporates into steam as intense flames surround you...no, not mere flames. It felt like the sun itself.
- You use the steam to sneak and attack the God, whose now even more annoyed than ever. Smoke and mirrors, that's all it was. Poseidon REFUSES to allow you to think you have an advantage and tries to kill you with his strongest attacks but even then, its not enough.
A draw, your battle ended in a draw. He can't believe it, as he kneels down on one leg bleeding and holding onto his trident for support as you pant heavily on the other side, your throat burning but you still have the bright gaze in your eyes, the eyes of someone who just humbled a God. He was in denial at first, then he was angry. Destroying everything in sight at the humiliation he faced at your hand. He knew you two were set for a rematch BUT HE NEEDED VENGANCE FOR HIS SCORNED PRIDE NOW. Looking for you all around heaven, he threatened and interrogated many of your human allies and located you inside the greenhouse. It was bright and beautiful day as always, but it did little to improve his mood. The only thing that could is your dead body at his feet, evidence that you were just as every bit of a failure as the rest of humanity.
However he stops when he sees you. The artful way you practice your sword. The calm rise and fall of your chest all perfectly timed to enhance your fighting style and your moves, the same ones you used to tie with him, slowed down and filled with grace and strength. His heart makes his brain forget that you are human, the thing he detested the most in this life, and his anger is replaced with something else. Respect? Admiration?
No, it was none of those things.
In fact, it was something more passionate. More shameful in the eyes of gods. Something that you will soon find is worth than his anger.
- He observes you a lot more from then on. You aren't sure why since last you checked, he had looked down on you like you were the dirt beneath his feet, but you come here at the exact same time on the exact same day, and so does he.
- You don't speak to him, he wants you too. Haven't you humiliated him enough already? apparently not since you didn't even glance at him as you trained and he knows damn well you see him.
- "What are you?" He finally asks as he pushes down his broken pride. You stare at him, your solemn face broken when he asked you that question. "You are not a human," He explains, "You can't be. Humans are not meant to be...to be so..." he pauses and looks down, to any normal person, he looks pissed and like he's gonna attack but you only raise an eyebrow. W-was he being shy?
- "Beautiful." He finally answers, and for a brief moment that stoicism breaks in shock at his words. "You can not be a human. You are too beautiful. Humans can not be beautiful." It takes you a while to find your voice but when you do, you merely keep your composure: "Humans are many things, Lord Poseidon. We are strong, we are compassionate, and, yes, we can be beautiful."
- No, he thinks to himself, humans are not beautiful. This is a fact he's known for a long, long time. Yet, you were a human and here he was, admiring you every day and watching you in utter awe. Only you, he decides. Humans are not beautiful, only you are.
- He hates how humble you are, he absolutely despises it. Do you not have any respect for yourself? How can you allow yourself to think that you're anything like those worthless worms who snivel and beg pathetically at the feet of the gods. He believes there has been a mistake in the universe, he believes you're insulting yourself when you downplay your status and feats. Can't you see? They're beneath you! Humanity is beneath you! He has to fix this. He has to fix you.
- The day of your rematch with Poseidon, neither of you are seen. The gods search for him and the Valkyries try to rummage through your room and found only one shocking clue. A letter left on your bed written by Poseidon, who believes that deciding the fate of Humanity was beneath him and how he had more important matters involving you. He sits next to your unconscious sleeping form on his bed, his fingers in your hair as you sleep so beautifully. You needed to learn to take more pride in yourself, to be taken away from the shackles of humility humanity put on you, and Poseidon was more than happy to teach you how.
Yandere! Loki:
- He was rather unimpressed with your entrance and appearance, honestly. A smirk on his face as he looks you up and down, you certainly weren't wrong when you said you were a human, for that's what was before him. A measly average human.
- Honestly, he feels rather insulted and that this fight isn't gonna be as exciting as he had hoped. That wasn't fair! Every other God got fun humans but him! Oh well, at least he has an excuse to torture a human and humiliate them in front of everyone~
- Summoning his own weapons, he just tilts his head: "You know, interrupting Heimdall was a little dramatic don't you think? If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you secretly put yourself on a pedastal."/ "I do not, I just merely am stating a fact. I am a human who bleeds just like the rest of humanity."/ Loki then smiles: "I'm so happy you think that! Because you're gonna die like the rest of them!"
- His attack is planned in his head, first a chain wraps around you and his other blade will slit your throat and soon, you'll suffer as- "I never said we bled easily." Your voice is right behind him. He looks over his shoulder and reacts in time but when you breathe, he can't act fast enough before of the display of a divine light that surrounds you now. You slice his shoulder and it burns, he holds it and glares at you. You drew first blood, but he'll make sure you don't get lucky again.
- Until you both are exaughsted from the battle and it ends in a tie. Loki feels himself growing weak and his last sight before losing consciousness is you. Surprisingly, when he wakes up, the first thing he sees is you as well. Sitting next to him, bandages on your wounds and a book in your hands. You notice from the corner of your eyes that he is awake.
- You apologize instantly for his wounds, despite the fact it is a literal fight to the death. In fact, your exact words to him are: "I aimed all of my attacks to kill swiftly, it was not my intention to make you suffer like the demons who have met my blade. In our next battle, I will make sure to be strong enough to kill you properly and respectfully."
- He isn't sure what to think of this, what to think of you. But it makes him smile for some reason, maybe he smiles at your foolishness for thinking you could kill HIM (you were close but he blames it on fortune), or maybe he smiles because it's very rare that someone honors him, a God of mischief and trickery, the same way they'd honor more noble gods like his uncle and cousin. Or maybe it was the smile you gave him...yes, that was it. It was your smile that sealed your fate.
- Loki can now be found wherever you are, like an annoying stray who keeps coming back to the hand that fed him once. Maybe he wants to annoy you, maybe he wants to flirt. Anything just to see you change that serious boring look on your face...maybe smile for him, yeah? He just hasn't been able to get it out of his mind.
- But, nah, you're too boring. That's his little pet name for you "His Boring Little Mortal", he'll complain about you but if anyone else was to speak ill, God or Human, he becomes indignant and reminds them of your good traits like your nobility and how you held yourself in battle.
- He's honestly the same when he's a yandere, as I said before, but the key major difference is that all it takes is one miniscule thing and suddenly, he comes more possessive. More protective and more suffocating. Like, he's watching you during a Ragngarok match and you smile at someone. To others, it might not be a big deal but to him, it very much is. Because it wasn't fair, YOUR SMILE BELONGED TO HIM. NOT TO ANYONE ELSE. TO HIM. YOU SMILED AT HIM FIRST SO IT'S HIS! YOU ARE HIS.
You lost the battle.
Your nobility, your humbleness, and your kindness wasn't enough to match the God of Deciet's wit and cunning. Your on both your knees, coughing up blood and unable to move your body as you hear the loud chain rattling of his weapons. You can hear the humans behind you begging you to get up, urging you to fight but you can't, your heart's strength was there but your body's was not. You feel ashamed but at least you can die knowing you did your best. Loki looks down at you, his hands at his sides, and his face stoic in a very unsettling manner. All he has to do is kill you, all he has to do is-"
"...I don't want too." He frowns, crossing his arms and looking the other way. You look at him in shock as the God's outrage as well as the humans. "LOKI, WHAT TREACHERY IS THIS!?" One of Odin's crows, well, crowed loudly.
Loki stuck out his tounge before shrugging, "I don't know, I mean, what am I winning? A step closer to humanity's destruction? We're gods! I want a something else! A prize~" He says slyly. The gods outrage once more before Zeus sighs, knowing nothing can be simple with the green haired god and tiredly asked him, "Fine, what prize must we give you if you kill (Y/n) (L/n)?" Zeus asked, making Loki grin wolfishly.
The arena becomes quiet and Loki kneels in front of you, cupping your face in his hands and tilting your head. What a cute face you're making, so confused and ready to die. He wonders what face you would make if he just...
Kissed you passionately, pressing his lips to your blood covered ones and shocking you and both audiences of mortals and immortals. You don't kiss him back, you don't even have time to think before he pulls away from you and looks at you with half lidded eyes.
Yes, that face is so much cuter on you. He wonders what other faces you could make.
But first, he has to answer the question Zeus asked him, "Why, the only prize that matters to me of course!~"
"(Y/n) (L/n), the Sun Hashira herself!"
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mx-your-name · 1 month
His Goddess - 2
Possessive!Adam x Goddess!Reader
Warning: Yandere theme, Possessive Adam, minimum Obsessed Adam, mention of willing to kill angels and sinners, Adam trying to fight a literal GOD, slight mention of sized and mommy kink, a weird ass dead Angel willing to do anything for you that goes by the name of fucking ADAM!
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-Like any normal day you were awake doing business whether it was watching over the mortal world, heaven, or hell
-Just then you had to get called into a meeting making you even more annoyed while you were trying to maintain all three places which were all chaotic.. Lute was a mess after Adam’s death with Sera and Emily trying to cheer her up or something, hell was hell, and Earth was just a mix of heaven and hell that was 10x worse than both
-And to your no amusement only to find out that the meeting had lasted for three hours!
-Not only did you miss out on normal day activities you do but Adam was also panicked on where you were at
-He had woken up and went to the normal spot to find you NOT there so he thought you were in your library or something? Nope! Garden? Not there either! He had looked everywhere only to find no one, not his goddess in sight
-Adam knew he shouldn’t worry since you were not only a HOT GODDESS but one that is more powerful than the other four
-Including your hot and sexiness
- *s i g h s in d i s a p p o i n t m e n t*
-Image him calling you tall milf or Mommy cause how you always towered over him.. yeah weird motherfucker but we still love him
-You see how cocky he is about himself just wait until he tells you all the cool stuff that he had done for you to fall more in love with him but fails miserably, you already saw everything he had done from the start of time itself
-Size kink, you can’t tell me otherwise! Whether it’s you or him that’s taller! He’ll still have a size kink no matter what!
-Still calls you a bitch but instead he says, “milf bitch,” or “tall bitch,” or “hot bitch,” or even “mommy bitch,” He’s still coming up with more nicknames for you till this day, yeah weird motherfucker am I right?
-I regret doing this but I love him sfm…
-Has told you multiple times that you belonged to him and him alone which is like 5 or 6 times PER DAY sadly..
-Of course he trusts that you’d never leave him for someone else like who would? He’s Adam! The first man! The dickmaster! He just doesn’t trust that goody tooshoo Cupid guy that talks nonstop about love this and love that
-Yeah.. he definitely had to tell himself that he was the only one made for you and you alone. He fucking CACKLED for the past 5 10 minutes about that
-Meanwhile you were super bored in the meeting which was talking about what to do with certain IMP’s in hell that were going back up to the human world messing with the people and killing them after getting more calls from clients and shit about that
-You were really wishing you brought Adam in here to make it entertaining and have some views from a person that knew sinners personally that just wanted to kill them
-Now when you were looking through the eyes you have everywhere and saw Adam laughing to himself then leaving to grab a drink and sip on it, maybe it was in fact the best idea to not have him come to this Gods meeting
“I say we just go down there and handle them ourselves! Sooner or later they are gonna need to learn to not FUCK with the human world and just stay in their damn place! Maybe we should even give Stolas a visit about him letting those IMP’s use his book that was passed on through his family from us!” Demeter shouted slamming her fist on the table now standing up from her chair knocking it over making it tumble onto the ground. The vines alongside the wall as decoration grew bigger fast from her anger that was swelling up inside of her.
“Not only that but they are messing with nature! The nature that I took my time growing! The nature that I took my time out of my schedule to plant in the place that was needed and thought out only from it all gets mostly destroyed by.. fucking IMP’s!” Her shouting was heard throughout the entire room and through the giant down for all of your 40 foot tall frames. The vines growing faster and faster the more her anger boiled, Eros shirking down a bit muttering how this didn’t feel like a lovely conversation anymore.
Themis sat there, her hands intertwined neatly on the table, staring at Demeter through her blindfold over her eyes with a straight face. Ares felt the anger that was all so familiar that he knew during the wars he went through time and time again for humans only that was never really appreciated or respected anymore nowadays. You knew every emotion that everyone was feeling, you sat at your seat in between both sides. Resting your face in the palm of your hand that stood up on the arm of your chair wanting this meeting to be over since you still had stuff that you needed to get down.
For example like making sure that Adam hadn’t gone mad when finding that you were missing and leaving your place without him. It was always important to him that when you left you had to take him with you since he was always feeling like you were just cheating on him with that Cupid guy which Adam refers to him as. Yeah you had to tell him just because you're leaving without him doesn’t mean you're doing any of that with Eros after all he wasn’t anything more. That but also because Eros already basically had two wives since he is Cupid.
You also had to remind Adam that you two weren’t dating, which Adam acted so dramatic about crying that you didn’t love him anymore. He had crocodile tears going down his face, sighing as you lifted him up in your hands telling him to stop crying. When he thought you weren’t looking he had a smirk on his face knowing that he won the conversation. He “always” did, instead you only let him since Eros told you over and over that he could feel Adam’s love for you raiding off of him, but told you privately that the love Adam had for you was more toxic and possessive but still said it was so cute to see the love between you two!
“Demeter, please calm down. We’ll get this whole situation sorted out in no time and you know revealing ourselves to anyone besides to the certain people that know about us would mess up everything and would cause chaos to arise. We’ll all come up with a plan on what to do, maybe we could speak to Stolas about the matter after all he knows of our existence because of his family.” You told Demeter, breaking through the tension between everyone once snapping out of your thoughts about the matter you're gonna have to deal with when getting back to your place.
“I sincerely apologize, [Name]. I’m just a bit mad for what those IMP’s are doing to my amazing plants down on the planet Earth.” She explained, her vines shrinking back down with a swipe of her hand. Her once chair that laid on the ground was now sat back up thanks to her plants that sprouted from the bottom of her feet. Demeter sat back down in her seat with a swift motion, Eros now sitting back up in his pink chair that had hearts on it that was designed that was to his liking.
-After that whole thing the meeting went completely normal figuring out ideas and coming up with a way to get what Demeter wanted without breaking any of the rules
-Never have you been so thankful in your life when the meeting finally ended letting all five of you go back to what you were doing before the three hour long God and Goddess gathering
-Snapping your fingers you were easily back at your place, Adam who was watching television with a slurpee in hand sipping on it
-Your once 40 foot tall height shrunk down to ten feet that was still taller than Adam since you didn’t feel comfortable being short cause it didn’t fit you, that’s what you’d always say
-Once you sat down beside him on the couch expect him to immediately cling onto you like you were a jungle gym or something
-For a warning he ain’t ever gonna let go until he feels that he can but will still cling to your side wherever your heart leads you to
-Threatening anyone that he deems competition that’ll try and fight for your love
-Yes he HAS in fact threatened the other gods even the goddesses about staying away from you his lover
-Oh my YOU! He almost died a second time thanks to Ares but it was stopped by you. Adam knew that you’d protect him but didn’t show it telling you that he could’ve handled it on his own
-no… just no-
-Adam so wished Lute was here so he could show you off to her and say he had hit the jackpot on finding the one that was always meant to be his lover from the start
-He does miss Lute most of the time feeling a bit lonely without his best friend by his side but at least you're here with him! Not like you're ever gonna leave. He wasn’t able to die again with him by your side and you wouldn’t be able to die since you are a LITERAL goddess
-Had tried to convince you to bring Lute up here multiple times but you told him that you weren’t able to do that for the sake of the rules that were written down for you, you did tell him that if she did die that she would come up here and could stay here with the two of you if he wanted. Adam agreed with little hesitation because he realized that he might get you all to himself but if Lute was her she could protect you like your bodyguard
-As if you were gonna need one! If anyone tried attacking you they’re flicked away and if they did manage to after trying to get to where your at
“Oh come on Sugar tits! You will live Lute and we both could get what we want! I can have my best pal with me and you could have another person to add to this house that could pretty you!” Adam tried convincing you, walking side by side in the garden of flowers that Demeter had set up for you since she said your house was a bit dull m, that was but it wasn’t anymore when Adam arrived here and moved in total with your permission.
“I had already told you Adam, I’m not aloud the only way she could come up here is if she dies WITHOUT it being caused by me or any of the others.” You told him for the second time in the past two minutes man. Wait sugar tits? Oh great another nickname for you, guess it was a bit better than bitch mommy, gross. “Oh don’t be like that babes, what’s the worst that can happen? It’s just one person!” Adam said, slurping on his slurpee in hand, his golden wings resting behind his back. He no longer had his weird looking mask since he had died without it on.
“You ask one more time and I’ll take you going on walks with me in the garden away no scratch that, I'll take you sleeping with me away for a whole damn week if it makes you be quiet.” That had gotten Adam to shut up rather quickly huh guess that’s one of the things he doesn’t wanna go a week without or even a single day. He had bugged you so much one time so you kicked him out of your room for a whole night, he slept outside the door and apologized for what he did later that morning. He couldn’t even stand the feeling of sleeping without you in your big giant bed together.
Nodding your head as you continue your way through the garden admiring the flowers that Demeter had made for you. It was rather normal for all the gods or in other cases goddesses to give the others housewarming gifts. Demeter gave all of you plants and flowers, Eros had gotten any pink and pastel colors to represent love. Ares had gotten all shades of red and some black ones that often had both colors mixed to represent the war for him which he loved gladly.
Themis had gotten just blue that were all shades since she only wanted blue and some were white as an exception since Demeter said it was too bluey for the whole garden. You had gotten all kinds of colors since you were creation and creation could make any color and another part of the garden had darker shades of colors including black, all shades of gray, brown, and etc to represent the destruction.
Ares gave every person some knight armory stands along side the outside or inside of the huge like places you all live at to represent the protection of knights that could come to live from his power to protect the place it guards if anything tried to ever attack which was very unlikely but better be safe than sorry. Eros gifted everyone scented candles with your favorite scents and always gave you all new ones every once or two weeks cause the old ones melt away but that’s okay!
Themis gifted everyone scale if anyone needed an option on anything if you don’t ever make up your mind or see where a person should go to be either reincarnated or whiling them from the face of the entire existence. Your gift to everyone was to make anything they wished for since you had creation letting you create anything with the power of your magic that didn’t break a single sweat from you.
“How does a nice dinner and a movie tonight sound to you?” Breaking the silence with ease as your hand held the flower between your fingertips, the beauty is always surprising on how pretty and amazing things can look if you just focus on the present instead of technology, staying inside all day, or just not giving a single care about the world at all. “That sounds awesome, sugar tits.” Adam quickly agreed, grinning ear to ear, and there that nickname was there again.
Not able to hold the smile back from appearing on your face, letting out a laugh as you cover your mouth with your hand. Your eyelids open up revealing [color] eyes that had a star in the middle of it as the pupils. What made you even more beautiful to Adam in the scenery was your smile that would be worth a thousand or even more words that he spent in a heartbeat. But also because of the way you looked at him with pure eyes that seemed to easily overpower anyone if they tried to fight you, yet again they held both the sunset and sunrise you would always want to see with your significant other every day at any given chance that was open for free.
The sun shining brightly behind you making your appearance glow brightly made Adam feel like he fell so much harder for you than he already was. If he thought he was already deeply in love with you, this one handed split second had sealed the deal on his love that he felt for only you. And the way you were looking at him with laughter and a smile he knew you must love him back. If it wasn’t his cockyness talking he would say that he was glad you were starting to love him but maybe not as much as he loves you but that’s okay cause he could love you with all the love he’d offer. Maybe even kill sinners and angels combined to see you give him that smile every day.
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silentmoths · 9 months
slides in like I havent not written anything for *squints* several fucking months.
the 'morax horny stick' decided to bonk me out of the blue today and so this was born, its quick, its dirty, take it or leave it, heathens.
Morax x Adeptus! Reader (fem anatomy)
Smut, Semi public, mentions of war, Morax is a lil on the rougher side, honestly this is just Porn without Plot.
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How long had you been in the field now? Two months? Three? You’d honestly lost count. 
There was real keeping of time during the archon war, at least not for you; you were an adeptus, here to fight for your archon, Morax.
And yet, you can't help but miss the times… before.
When you would wander the halls of his domain, only for a strong, darkened arm to reach out from his study or his chambers, catching your waist, your sleeve, the sash of your hafu, and dragging you in. 
You were…unsure what you were exactly to Morax, a lover maybe? Or perhaps simple stress relief? You did not know, and you did not dare to ask. In the end you were one of his Adepti, and you would fight, serve or fall into his embrace, as he commanded.
Rain pelts against your skin as you slowly trudge up the mountain path towards the nearest encampment, carrying an injured comrade with you. Somewhere in the distance, you see Alatus flit past and you wonder just how he manages to maintain such energy, you don't think you’d seen the general stop for a breather the entire time, at least not until he was somewhat gravely injured…and even then he would only rest as little as he had to.
You pass your comrade off to a more capable healer than yourself before going off in search of food. A bath probably should have been first on the agenda but you just…didn’t have the energy in you for it yet, food first, then bath…and maybe if you were lucky, some sleep.
Yeah things don’t go the way you planned. When do they ever?
As you shovel away a quick meal of rice and vegetables, you cant help but feel eyes on you, but between being too tired to look around, and knowing everyone else sitting around you were just as busy shovelling food into your faces, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. That same feeling lingers as you shamble towards a bathing spring, no time to soak, if you wanted a chance at getting some sleep before you were called to action again, you needed to scrub and go, which is exactly what you do. Violently scrubbed clean of dirt, debris and blood, as much as you want to remain, you force yourself from the warm waters, quickly drying off before making for a tent, you didn't care who was in there, you just wanted somewhere sheltered to rest your head.
A hand, warm, familiar and strong, rests upon your shoulder, but in your tired stupor, you swing, intending on hitting away whomever had approached so quietly until your wrist is grabbed.
You knew the glow of these hands anywhere, the geo resonating softly through his veins, and you look up to be met with smouldering amber.
“Morax…” you whisper.
He’s caught somewhere between dragon and man, he has the human visage you are used to, the one he used most often to interact with mortals, but his horns and tail were also visible; his horns glowing a faint golden in the low light of the chilly mountainside. 
You feel his grip tighten on you, his pupils restricting into slits for a mere moment before blowing wide and you can feel the anticipation beginning to run up your spine. Yeah you weren't sleeping tonight.
A beat passes between you both before he turns, tugging you along, out of sight of anyone, out of the encampment entirely, and all you can do is stumble along as his massive hand grips your wrist. He walks these mountains like a flat road, he knew them better than the back of his own hand, his strides are wide, and quick as he leads you further from camp, down a slippery cliff and before you know it, into a cave, only to be pressed against the cool stone wall as he practically hikes you up it, your legs coming to rest around his waist as he holds you there effortlessly.
“My lord-” 
“Shut up.” Morax all but growls back before his lips crash into yours, long, serpentine tongue invading your mouth in a very quickly lost battle of dominance. His hands claw at your robe, tugging the offending garment apart so he can get at your naked body with ease, your own arms moving to wrap around his neck.
gods, you hadn’t realised just how much you needed this.
The longer you spend pressed between your archon’s warm flesh, and the cold stone of the wall, the more the churning arousal in your gut becomes apparent. You’d been fighting for so long you’d absolutely disregarded your body and it’s signals, and judging by how rough Morax was being, one hand gripping your hip tight enough to leave bruises whilst the other shoves his own pants down to his knees, he must have been feeling the same.
“My lord-” you try again, your own hands shifting up to his horns, grabbing hold to at least try and pull him away for a moment so you can breathe.”Take a moment-” “No.” He growls, one hand gripping your hips as a pair of fingers push inside your already embarrassingly wet cunt. “The moment I saw you walk into camp, I couldn’t withhold anymore.” he rumbles, smirking dangerously as he watches your face twist with a mix of pleasure and pain as he splays those long, devilish fingers, after so long, you’re glad he at least had the forwithall to stretch you and take some of the inevitable sting off.
“Your body has toned up some more.” He muses as he continues the rough thrust of his fingers, his own body weight keeping you pressed against the wall as his free hand roams the expanse of your body revealed beneath the robe “and yet, despite all the fighting, your skin still feels like silk.” You can feel your cheeks heating at his surprisingly tender words; there was no small amount of pent up lust edging his tone, and yet he still found time to leave a compliment as his lips descend upon your neck, biting and suckling, leaving a small trail of blooming bruises from your jaw to your collarbone, all while he revels in the breathy gasps and muffled moans he draws from your lips.
That same tenderness doesn’t last long though; the moment he begins to feel you clench around his fingers, hear the way your voice pitches higher, he knew you were close, and instead of simply letting you come, he pulls his fingers out and you whine at him, looking to his face desperately, only to be met with a dark smirk before he quickly, harshly shoves his cock into you, burying all the way to the hilt in one single, harsh thrust that has you screaming, the sudden intrusion enough to send you over that edge as you orgasm around him.
“That's it.” he rumbles at you, his voice caught somewhere between a growl and a purr as his draconic tail lashes behind him, he doesn't give you a chance to catch your breath, his hips setting a brutal pace that has any breath you manage to catch leaving your body just as quickly as you moan into his shoulder. You feel it, every ridge of his inhuman cock, rutting inside of you, a dull aching pain mixed with pure, overwhelming pleasure as Morax growls into your throat, his teeth pressing against your skin, but not quite biting down.
His hands grab your waist, shifting your legs until they’re locked around his hips, just so he can get a better grip on you and take a step back, pulling you from the wall so he can all but bounce you on his cock like you were nothing more than a toy for him. He watches as your eyes roll back, and feels your hands, clinging desperately around his shoulders, one of your fingers finally catching in his hair tie and yanking, you did so love seeing his silky hair free and cascading down his back and shoulders.
Usually, before the war, when he’d pull you in for a night of intimacy, it was a slow affair; he liked to take his time, methodical in every one of his actions. 
That was not the case today.
This was a man pent up, stressed, pulled to the very limits and in desperate need of release, and he knew that just as well as you did. His pace was brutal, ruthless, and you cry for it because you needed this just as much as him, something to take your mind off of all the fighting, all the death and destruction, a moment to feel… mortal.
You only vaguely remember the moment he cums inside you, it’s hot, searingly so and it shoves you right off the edge into your second orgasm as your world turns white, a stark contrast to the drizzly grey day.
You wake, the next morning in a tent, re-clothed, rugged up amongst blankets and pillows, your muscles ached, but when had they not lately? Just some…new kinds of ache that made you realise last night had definitely not been a dream.
As if the impressive amount of hickeys you now had to find a way to hide weren't proof enough of your quick foray with the geo archon himself.
You just hoped the de-stressing had helped clear his head a little, after all, you were there to serve him.
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e @moraxsthrone @mysnowmanandmebaby @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @pvbbyb0y Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
yandere!poseidon with shinobu!reader headcanons
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warning: manga spoilers, obsessive behavior, violence, strong language, sexual references, established relationship.
The intention of this story is for entertainment purposes only, it is not my personal belief(s). The behavior exhibited here is inappropriate and unhealthy, hence it should not be encouraged. There are also triggers, so please take caution.
You are responsible for your internet consumption!
This is a collab work with @praisethesuuun, guys go check out her RoR content, it's amazing! With that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the chaos that is about to unfold :)
Revenge is quite an odd feeling to possess. It’s a white-hot hunger that gnaws at the bones and twists the delicate muscles of the heart. It hurts, and there is nothing in the entire world that can stop it unless the target of this dark emotion has been dealt with. 
When you had been alive, the target of your anger had been directed at Douma, the demon who had devoured your older sister Kanae like the ravenous lecher he was noted for being as Muzan’s Upper Moon Two. After rising to the rank of Hashira, you devoted yourself exclusively to pharmacology and applying it to your Breathing Style.
Medicine and poison went hand-in-hand. The only difference between them is the dosage. 
You had died fighting against Douma, absorbed into his body as nourishment to strengthen him. He never knew your flesh had been contaminated with wisteria poison until the very last moment. The look on his face was ...satisfying as you cradled his decapitated head in your palms, smiling cruelly down at him. Although you were dissatisfied that the poison would not have been completed without assistance from Lady Tamayo, a demon doctor of all possible candidates, the results showed otherwise. 
Your work was done. You’d leave the rest to Kanao and the others to destroy Muzan once and for all. You knew they could do it. 
Eventually, your soul ascended to Valhalla, where you had hoped to spend it in peace alongside Kanae and your parents. Alas, nothing in this heavenly area is as it appeared or told by the elders. There were gods up here. Gods who could have helped humans as they were hunted by demons, but chose to ignore the prayers of their worshippers in favor of indulging themselves like beasts.They were no different than a mortal warlord who valued his own safety above the people’s.
And now, they wanted to destroy Midgard because it had become ugly in their eyes? No. That is not happening. For as long as you carry your sword and poisons, humanity will not be discarded like a child’s toy. The Demon Slayer Corps were expected to protect the people…so it was not against the rules to participate in Ragnarok as a member of the medical team. 
Not at all. Especially since Lord Hades, for all the power he possessed, still needed the Demon Slayer Corps to ensure that nothing got past the broken barriers of the Bifrost and to maintain order without causing a panic in Valhalla. 
Hah…how annoying. You doubted your dear lover would be happy to hear about this. Despite his shortcomings, he was still a good man and an incredible fighter. Brunhilde would have been a fool to not select him as a representative of humanity. 
You were never one to convey false humility. If you believed that someone is an excellent combatant, you meant it. 
He could spend hours in the forest honing his abilities, pushing himself to where he would end up in your clinic within the Butterfly Mansion…and yet he still had the energy to spend time with a twisted person such as yourself. 
For all of the imperfections you possessed, the anger that still burned in your heart, he still found charming qualities that made him unable to resist you. To swear an oath of love and devotion beneath a wisteria tree, even when he would be fighting against the gods. 
A few days before Rangarok began, however, Brunhilde flew to the Demon Slayer Corps with startling news that would forever change the game between the humans and gods, incredibly agitated. But to you, it was another opportunity. You assured her everything would be all right. 
Be calm, and let the gods think that simply switching out their opponent’s fighters until the very last moment. After all, humans are able to endure quite a lot more than divine creators…with a far better temperament. 
Brunhilde’s sharp green eyes narrowed at your words, analyzing them with a cold frown before she slowly nodded and promptly left without saying anything else. Once she left, you left the breath you had been holding and ushered the terrified Nao to come out from under your desk, asking if she could bring some strong tea and rice balls.
You had much more to do now than simply packing up your medical equipment~. 
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You could still hear the screaming from the arena even when behind the sliding paper doors of your designated room. Two bouts have passed, and the favor is still with the gods. But it was nothing to fret about. Your nichirin sword was sheathed at your side, the blade dosed with the poison you’ve been preparing leading up to Rangarok. Two weeks were spent on finding the perfect balance of toxins, followed by trial and error on its effectiveness. 
Who knew a Valkyrie like Brunhilde would have access to vials of divine blood, let alone the idea of a god actually going through medical checkups? It was certainly a game-changer, and now you were confident that the Einherjar poison would do its job perfectly. 
It was a shame you couldn’t test it on Apollo again; the bastard is still lurking around in Valhalla, but you were quite certain he’d never try to touch Kanae without her permission ever again. The poison you used on him was specifically designed to create impotence, and he certainly loved to fool around with anyone. It took weeks for it to be out of his system, and you were placed on trial for an assassination attempt on a god. 
If it hadn't been for Hades’ interference, you would be Nifhelim instead of being sentenced to ten years of home arrest and unable to take on missions unless it was an emergency. As if sensing your distress, the sword at your side thrummed. 
Blinking, you looked down and smiled softly, giving the scabbard a few soft pats. “Thank you, I’m all right. Now…shall we go kill a god and bring a victory for mankind?”
The sword rattled in its scabbard, as if answering with you in delight at the prospect of a fight. Your smile transformed into a feral grin, excitement pumping in your veins as you walked out of the foyer and towards the entrance, carefully sliding on your zori sandals and brushing off dust from your butterfly-winged patterned haori. 
Inhaling a deep breath with your eyes closed, you pulled the sliding door to the left, just as a shriek went right through your ears. Wincing slightly, you opened them to see Brunhilde and her younger sister Goll standing in front of your quarters. 
You smiled at them. “It’s my turn, isn’t it?” Goll just stared at you with pink cheeks and wide green eyes, the one physical trait she shared with her silent older sister as the latter nodded. Your smile widened, stepping out into the marble corridor and taking an immediate right. The Valkyries were close behind. 
“May the Einherjar prevail.” Brunhilde said
“We will.” You said. “And should anything happen to me-”
“Kanao will be in good hands.” The Valkyrie said. “Your lover…that man will -”
“He will carry on and look after my sisters. That’s how it has always been, even after he found out I was a Hashira for the Demon Slayer Corps.” You replied. The sounds of the arena were growing closer, humanity’s entrance into the colossal stadium growing brighter. Followed by the sound of…water? You tilted your head to the side, walking towards it and saw…a boat tied to the mast of a deck? 
You sighed, stepping across the wooden planks and unraveling the rope before pushing it out to wherever it led you. As Goll shouted ‘good luck’ and Brunhilde gave a nod, one thought slipped into your mind. Why did the gods have a flair for the dramatics?
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Heimdall flew over the arena in a hot air balloon that was just the right size for him, circling around a circular-shaped platform that was surrounded by dark blue water and gigantic lotuses. Raising his horn up, the god screamed through it so his audience could hear him loud and clear. 
"While Zeus is the god of the cosmos, he who controls the seas is the tyrant of the oceans! The ruler of the seas! Even the gods fear the wrath of the most fearsome of deities! The second of the three Olympian brothers..."
The spectators began to warm up, anxious about what they were about to witness, a feeling of superiority common among all. No one dared to invoke his name, waiting for Heimdall to do so.
A roar arose among the divine spectators, the coliseum from the excitement shaking all but it was instantly silenced with a single, icy glance from the God of Gods. Even the human’s side was stunned at how the gods feared their representative so much that they could not utter a single word. Heimdall could only be thankful that he was in the air and not down there with them. He then cleared his throat, turning towards humanity’s corner. 
"On the other side!"
Attention shifted to the opposite side of the arena, where a single wooden boat plowed through the gentle waves as it carried a single passenger towards the dias. The air became heavy again. To destroy a god like Poseidon, his opponent needed to be someone who was just as powerful and terrifying. 
"Silent as a butterfly, yet deadly as a wasp, a fighter worthy of serving the gods! She is one of the few mortal souls brave enough to put her life on the line once more, to protect the Bifrost from destruction and slay those demons who would dare to cross the barrier into Valhalla!”
The crowd was going wild, the anticipation palpable. Never had they heard about a human of this caliber participating in Ragnarok, let alone someone who was intricately tied to the privacy of certain high-ranking individuals. Some had even scoff that such a the existence of such a human soul was nothing more than a fairy tale. 
The boat bumped roughly against the dias, causing the passenger to stumble slightly as she stepped off the boat. She slowly climbed up the steps with a hand raised over her eyes in an attempt to shield them from the blinding sun and a hand around the scabbard of her sword. 
“She is the one who had sacrificed her life to destroy the gluttonous demon known as Douma, and has a hatred for the gods that would even be dared to match the Father of All Humanity, Adam! Please welcome….the Demon Slayer Corps’ very own Insect Hashira, [First Name] Kocho!” 
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Poseidon could not believe he allowed himself to be a participant in Ragnarok at Zeus’ behest when that little shit knew he did not wish to fight against insects. A perfect being should never extend even a quarter of their true power unless the opponent is worthy. There is no living being in the entire universe worth his attention, let alone a second of his time.
 Yet the Fates had other plans; not only humanity’s representative is a member of Hades’ precious Demon Slayer Corps’ brigade, it is the very same swordswoman who had poisoned his nephew simply because he had gotten too handsy with her sister. Honestly, did mortals have nothing else to do with their time in Valhalla? But since he is already here and there is no turning back at this point, he might as well try to give a small show to these simpletons. 
He watched with disinterest as the [Hair Color] Hashira twirled her blade between delicate fingers with a serene smile, then quickly adjusting her grip on the hilt before crouching down. She then bolted, dashing towards him at an astounding speed and thrusting out her sword.
If Poseidon were any less than a divine god, he surely would have been nicked by the blade’s tip in the collarbone or the arm. 
But he is not - he simply maneuvered his body to the right, thrusting his trident forward, expecting a clean hit straight in the center of the human’s pathetic body and ending this match. It did not happen; instead, her feet landed on the outer prongs of his trident and pushed herself upwards, using the momentum to make an elegant backflip, putting space between them. 
[Eye Color] orbs blinked owlishly at him before they closed into tiny crescents, and her gentle smile widened ever so slightly. 
“My goodness, you are quite fast. Perhaps I’ll need to -”
Enough. Raising his trident, Poseidon unleashed a barrage of incessant thrusts in all directions, rotating in a circular pattern. Amphitrite would be more than enough to finish off his opponent. It would even be considered a great honor to bestow upon a pathetic mortal woman who called herself a warrior. Yet to his annoyance, she dodged each thrust, and only one made its mark on the left shoulder. Her smile faded, replaced with an annoyed frown as she leapt backwards again. He sneered. Same tactic as before. Putting distance between them before attacking. Can she only do that? How did she even survive this long?
Clutching her injured limb, she clicked her tongue in disappointment. “Hm. Not only is your agility and mastery of the trident impressive, you do not even allow a lady to finish what she is going to say? Goodness, there is no limit to a god’s arrogance, is there?”
Poseidon felt his eye twitch. He reacted. Him, a god of perfection who had no need for emotions. Why is he acting like this? He must be composed, unaffected by the malicious words of a human. His reputation as a God feared by All the Gods is on the line here. 
She readjusted her grip on the sword again, zigzagging across the dias. He deflected ten parries with his trident, yet five shallow cuts appeared on his body. He fucking bled. Him. 
Fed up with this charade, he knelt down, catapulting into the sky and bringing his trident down upon the vermin. Chione Tyro Demeter. With his enhanced speed, which created countless afterimages of the attack, it was virtually impossible to dodge all of them. The little human tried, but she got injured…she still is not dead, much to his chagrin.  
However…the sheer force of Chione Tyro Demeter had been enough to shatter her sword. Surely, she would dare to challenge a god to a fight with a broken blade. No. She will surrender, and this will be all over…so why is she still smiling? How dare she turn her back on him?!
“An impressive attack. If I hadn’t continued my training after ascending to Valhalla, I surely would have already been dead. Although, I must confess,” The Insect Hashira leaned down, picking up the other half of her sword, “You’ve saved me a lot of trouble just now. I really should thank you…even when the idea of showing gratitude to a god really makes me nauseous.” She tightened her grip on it, blood beginning to spill from her clenched palm. “If you believe I am going to cry and beg for mercy when I’ve put everything on the line to protect humanity….you’re mistaken. We begged for help through prayers, yet none of you listened. Tell me…is taking a human life that exciting? Do you find joy in destroying your creations like a child? Or are you just bored that there is nothing going on, just humans existing, and you want another war to get the blood pumping?”
The tension in the coliseum fell into an uneasy silence, soft murmurs carried out by the wind. Not even the commentator could say nothing…not that it mattered to Poseidon. Such things were of no concern to a god. He raised his trident, ready to launch another attack when a bright green light enveloped the mortal…no. It was emitting from her shattered sword. Hovering by the Hashira’s side were two women - splitting images of each other, one was calm while the twin was angry. 
She glanced up at either of them. “I’m so sorry it took this long to summon you like this, my friend. I ask, will you lend me your strength for ten, no fifteen minutes? Timing is critical at this stage.”
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Hrist’s aggressive persona smirked, delicate-needlepoint canines gleaming under the sun. 
“Do you even have to ask? Let’s take that fucking god down immediately. For our sisters, Reginleif and Randgriz!” 
Her dominant personality, the one who trembled before the gods, glanced over at you with calm emerald eyes before nodding softly. You smiled at the Valkyrie. “Thank you…both of you.” You crouched down for a split second, knees bent and eyes focused on the tyrant of the oceans, before you bolted. Poseidon used Amphitrite again, but thanks to Hrist’s abilities, your speed increased tenfold. And with two swords in your hand, you were able to easily deflect more of his attacks. But you needed to make it last as long as possible. 
Fifteen minutes….ten….five…seven…three…two…one. 
Poseidon suddenly fell forward, though he quickly steadied himself from collapsing head first by planting his trident into the stones. The coliseum had gone quiet, speechless at the sight of seeing the feared God of All Gods on his knees. He glared up at you, hatred swimming in those orbs. 
“What have you done?” He hissed. 
You smiled. “Oh, nothing much. Given your title as the ruler of the oceans, you are a master of hydrokinesis. Compared to what I used on Apollo, it’d be pointless to inject a water-based poison into your bloodstream to have any effect on your body. So I decided to use something a little more…effective. Corrosive.” You said. “Right now, the poison is starting to slowly feast on your body, starting with the bones. The muscle tissues will be next, followed by your organs.” 
“You dare…to do this to a god?” 
You raised an eyebrow. “Was there ever any doubt that I’d actually try to kill you? Come now, you’re smarter than this…at least I’d hoped so.”
 Shaking your head softly, you glanced upwards at a hovering hot air balloon, addressing a certain deity. Heimdall. 
“Mister Announcer? Would you say that this is a victory for humanity? Poseidon won’t be able to do anything in his current predicament, and…I might need some medical attention myself.” You added, suddenly feeling woozy and black dots appearing in your line of sight. 
The dull throb in your bones indicated the Volundr’s dissipation, followed by a bright green light and a curvaceous body pressed against your uninjured side. You turned and saw Hrist scowling, golden orbs narrowed in annoyance. “Moron. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if ya can’t even walk!”
“Now, now, just give me a moment to use Total Concentration Breathing to clot the blood -”
“Fuck no! I’m gettin’ your ass to the infirmary, now!”
“Goodness, such foul language!”
“Like you’re one to talk!”
The crowd was going absolutely wild; the gods were stunned at the mere thought that a mortal had bested them or screamed that this bout had been rigged or that you had cheated, demanding a rematch. The humans’ side was the one with the joyous cries and praises, no doubt Brunhilde was beside herself with elation that humanity had finally beaten a god. 
Amidst the cheering and Hrist’s grumbling as the both of you walked through humanity’s entryway in the coliseum, your mouth curled into a grin. You had done your part to protect mankind…now, the rest would be left to the other contenders. 
Before you could take another step, your knees buckled and the pain in your body increased tenfold. If it hadn’t been for a pair of arms coiling themselves around your hips, you would have fallen onto the floor immediately. Blinking, you turned your gaze upwards and saw dark brown eyes staring down at you in utter adoration as if you’d hung the stars in the sky moments ago rather than defeating a god. 
“You’ve made history today, my love.” Sasaki Kojiro murmured, pressing a kiss against the side of your head. “For a moment, I confess that you did have me a little worried.” 
You sighed, leaning forward to press your head against his chest, just for a moment. “It wasn’t intentional….although I wished I had decapitated that bed-hopping relic where he stood instead of letting him suffer from the poison. But that would be considered an act of kindness from someone such as myself. Better luck next time.”
Kojiro tutted. “Not while you’re in this condition, dearest.” He said, grabbing your other arm and draping it across his shoulders. “Now, let’s get you looked at before it's my turn to fight the gods. And don’t even think about using the Total Concentration Breathing method. You know I have very good hearing~.” 
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Poseidon was frozen on the dias. The sun burned his skin, and worse still were the looks of the sheep in the stands. Defeat, compassion, pain, and it fucking pissed him off. In that moment all he wanted to do was scream and eradicate any trace of life that bore witness to his defeat against a mortal woman. But he couldn’t even feel his fingers. The poison was so strong, pumping rapidly through his bloodstream, that it had been decided that he would be carried out of the arena by only his most trusted servants. 
Proteus did his best to keep everyone calm and not react as they headed towards the palace, yet even he was still shaken up by this chain of unforeseeable events. When the tyrant of the seas had been brought to his chambers, the staff immediately departed without another word, fearing for their own life should they do anything to anger their lord any further. 
But the truth is much more frightening and bizarre than anyone could have conceived as he laid in his bed, dark blue orbs staring blankly at the pearl-inlaid ceiling above him.  
In the smallest corner of Poseidon’s mind, that battle had awakened something in him. A dark, primal desire that should not be directed towards a mortal. However, if it is her poison, then she is the one who added this…whatever he is feeling, to curse him. 
That had to be the reason why his heart was pounding against his ribcage, his mouth to go dry at the thought of the Insect Hashira, naked and writhing underneath him in ecstasy. 
He gritted his teeth. “Shit.”
Slowly, very slowly, he began to move his fingers. Then his toes. Several hours later, Poseidon concluded his entire body was functional again except for his mind. The desire to conquer the Insect Hashira, [First Name] Kocho. 
She was a graceful, silver-tongued creature who compensated for the physical strength she did not possess with agility and extensive knowledge on pharmacology. In his eyes, she would make a perfect queen. And if she resisted him, well…
"You asked for it, witch."
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thesunloveschips · 5 months
Eye of the Storm - Chapter 2: Mortals and Immortals
Summary: Nyra is one of the older Archeron sisters. Twin to Nesta. Plagued by a mysterious illness that her mortal body cannot endure for too long. And yet, it seems her curse is to see her family suffer. When the youngest of her sisters is whisked away into the land of fae, immortality soon follows for the rest of them. And as an immortal, there is more to her that she has yet to know. 
Chapter Summary: Feyre returns to her sisters from the Spring Court with too many feelings. Rhys fights a losing battle with his family after returning. Feyre and Rhys navigate their emotions when the Archeron sisters become the topic of conversation.
Click here to access the Masterlist of the Eye of the Storm
Feyre felt like she was dying as she reached the new residence of the Archerons. A bit of her life leaving her body with every foggy breath. Tamlin had kept his word and provided for her family. A bit too lavishly, perhaps. The residence was a sprawling estate with lush lawns and well-maintained flowers Elain had undoubtedly involved herself in. Feyre had no sense of anything except for the flowers which reminded her of the Spring Court. Of Tamlin.
With Feyre now back, Nesta wanted answers. She had clearly seen the beast take her youngest sister away, citing some Treaty and something else that made no sense to her. Nyra would want answers too. Whatever stunt that the fae had pulled, whatever magic they had cast which resulted in Elain and their father having new memories of a non-existant aunt, Nesta needed answers about all of it.
Feyre was quick to flow away with her thoughts ever since she had returned. Elain was simply happy that her sister was back, safe and sound and was listening to her about her plans for the new flowers she had recently planted. Nesta was suspicious but she did not push much after Nyra's insistence.
The only time Feyre gave anyone her attention to the maximum was when the physician came for Nyra and recorded a very slow but thankfully steady improvement in her health. One thing wrong and the heavily-bellied man claimed it would threaten Nyra's life.
"Let her tell us herself." Nyra had said when Nesta's curiosity grew. "What if it is something she wishes not to recall?"
"Whatever it is, it has affected her. She hardly pays any attention during conversations and mindlessly agrees with everything asked of her. That ghastly shade of yellow does not suit her and yet, she agreed to it before the seamstress without so much as a glance at the fabric." Nesta did not like it when someone wore the wrong shade. It was something their mother had insisted and something she cared for since it was one of the few useful things the deceased woman had actually bothered to teach her.
"How long do we wait before we ask?" Nesta once asked Nyra and when her twin did not have an answer, the interrogative mood of the former awakened. She found Feyre and confronted her and that led to a long story.
Nesta and Nyra looked at Feyre when the youngest had concluded her story and then looked at each other. To be in love with a fae much less a High Lord was unthinkable. Even then, they knew that this sister was a reckless girl.
"And now what? You are here and not there. What is your fate?" Nyra asked. Feyre took her time comprehending the question but had no answer for it even after understanding it. It seemed to her that there were multiple gaps in her understanding. So many things had been hidden from her in Prythian. They had called Amarantha's curse a bloody blight.
The twins knew that Feyre probably did not belong in this world of mortals and maybe, she did belong in Prythian. Every word spoken about this fae named Tamlin was laced with a sort of affection they had never witnessed for any human.
A part of them hoped that Feyre would live with them in the safety and comfort of this estate. That she would lead a normal, mortal life. Another part of them knew that the connection between Feyre and Prythian had yet to be severed. And in pursuance of that connection which she believed was her love for Tamlin, a few days later, Feyre Archeron departed from the mortal lands with a final goodbye.
Amarantha was dead. Rhysand was back. A few days had passed and Azriel had noticed that something was still not right. Something other than the trauma from those forty nine years had been inflicted on his brother. Something that was probably his mate, the newborn fae. He wasn’t exactly discreet about it when he told Mor right after he returned. For the first few seconds, Azriel had hoped to all the spirits that Rhysand was not referring to Amarantha as his mate. But then, Mor had managed to somehow calm her cousin. And then, Rhys told them his story.
Azriel took it upon himself to study humans and fae and trace back records of any transitions as had been the case with the Cursebreaker. He had enlisted the help of the priestesses from the libraries of the House of Wind. Everything was hectic these days. Hunting down the traitors who had joined forces to rebel in the High Lord’s absence. Reviving his network of spies after decades of inactivity. Resuming trade and commerce and travel between courts and with the rest of the world. All of this was just the beginning. He was tired. Everyone was tired. And yet, everyone continued.
The Cursebreaker, he’d learned, was a female by the name of Feyre Archeron. A human who received a kernel of every High Lord’s power to be brought back to life. That itself brought the possibility of her inheriting powers. If she had indeed been successfully revived, then she could probably have a fragment at least.
“She rarely leaves the manor.” Azriel spoke. Cassian looked at him in confusion while Rhys barely looked up from the disturbing amount of paperwork. “Unhealthy and haunted by nightmares.”
Rhysand slammed the pen on the table. That was meant to be a warning but Azriel could care less. Rhys glared at him as though he was ready to rip him apart. “Call in your bargain. Tamlin is making things worse for her.”
To Azriel, this female, his brother’s mate had already become someone to be cared for. On the verge of becoming family. In his eyes, Rhys had to take her from her misery. And he had to push his brother to do that. What would life be worth if not for a mate? He was already waiting for the Bone Carver’s words to come true.
Cassian did not want to say much. He quietly watched as his brothers glare at each other. He knew why this conversation was taking place. He knew why Azriel was pushing Rhys to be there for Feyre. Because they would have done the same thing in case of Azriel and his mate. The mate who was Rhysand’s deceased sister. The mate who would be reborn.
“I will bring her when I deem fit.” Anyone could see how heartbroken Rhys was when he said those words. The beast within him raged at him to stake his claim over his mate. The more rational side of him preached respect. Something his mother had taught him.
“By the time you deem fit, what if it’s too late?” Azriel was quick to ask. The High Lord’s power rumbled before them and they weathered it like any other rainstorm.
“She’s surrounded by the rogue Vanserra and that mannerless priestess who once requested a visit.” The mention of the priestess was made with his own power rumbling. A shadowsinger was a truly mysterious creature. Cassian looked at Azriel in disgust at having even mentioned that female.
“And a High Lord who has no interest helping her settle into this new life.” Cassian spoke. Rhys met the General’s gaze. “This is not just any female, Rhys.”
“She’s the saviour of Prythian. I know.”
“She’s your mate.” Cassian emphasized on that word. “Anyone could have been the saviour of these damned lands. Only she can be your mate. She is family, you stupid piece of shit.”
In that moment, Rhys remembered what he felt back when Feyre had defeated the Wyrm. How he felt Cassian’s spirit manifesting nearby and shouting at him to marry this girl or he would do that himself. He let out a wry laugh. Azriel and Cassian looked at each other, wondering whether their brother had gone mad.
Rhysand stood up and started pacing behind his chair. He stopped and resumed pacing every now and then. “We knew about Azriel and my sister.” He knew he had to tread very very carefully with this. He might be the High Lord but the shadowsinger was not to be trifled with in any manner. He saw how Azriel had stoned his features at the mention of his mate. “So I assumed that we would witness your mating bond first when she was reborn.”
“It could be another century or even a millennia before we meet her again.” Cassian remarked, remembering the Bone Carver’s words.
“You should focus on your own mating bond right now.” Azriel added, not wanting to remember his mixed feelings for his mate.
“I know she’s upset and she has nightmares and she vomits all the food and that ignorant asshole does nothing to help her.” Rhysand took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure and failing miserably. The opening of the door had the three males looking in that direction. Morrigan walked in, ever the picture of power and beauty.
“What are we talking about?” Mor casually sat on the sofa, her legs on the seat with the silk of her dress dropping to the ground like a wisp of magic.
“The Cursebreaker.” Rhys answered. He would call her anything but his mate.
“Your mate.” Mor corrected. Cassian grinned at her and even Azriel breathed in relief at the growing support. “You made a bargain with her. Why haven’t you called it in?”
“None of your business.”
“She is family.” Mor spoke sharply and and her rage began quickly. She had recognised how her cousin was beginning to be somewhat of a stubborn child but this was not a matter which could be addressed with such immaturity. “And her health is our business.”
“You may identify her as family but I have no intention of claiming her.” Rhysand looked like he would vomit at his own words soon enough.
But the High Lord knew what his family felt for Feyre Archeron. They were undoubtedly grateful to her for reuniting them after forty nine years. They were grateful to her for saving Prythian because Cauldron knew how long they could have kept the Night Court afloat in his absence. And they did not even want to delve too long about other courts.
The mortal who was now fae.
The female who was his mate.
The female Rhysand was now in love with.
“You love her.” And that was the truth. Simple and clear. Azriel and Cassian looked at her in mild surprise. They hadn’t known that. And now that they did know that, Feyre Archeron was indeed a person of great concern. “We know you won’t claim her like she is property. She is not family not just because she is your mate. She is family because you love her.”
“Mating bonds are not fairytales. Couples don’t end well. You knew my parents.” Rhysand was not strong enough for this. He could not win this. Not when this was about Feyre. Sweet, beautiful Feyre with her human heart and powerful feelings.
“Your parents had a miserable union. The difference is that you love this girl. And we also have Azriel who waits for her.” Azriel closed his eyes, knowing that Mor would now continue this battle. That she would wield more powerful words for attack. The mention of his own mate was one of those weapons. Mor had just looked at the Spymaster once before he confirmed with a nod that it was okay to speak of his mate. “Your mating bond does not have to reflect what your parents had.”
“That’s it!” Cassian slammed his hands on the table. “You!” He looked at Rhys, eyes focused into a glare before continuing, “are a fool.” Rhys opened his mouth to speak. “Everything you’ve spouted so far has been an excuse.”
“She’s marrying him.” Rhys sounded pained as opposed to the indifference he tried to put forward.
“Just because she’s marrying him doesn’t mean he’s worthy of her.” Azriel was grumbling at this point. None of them cared about Rhysand’s self loathing opinions. They cared about the girl who had no one to help her when she needed it. The girl who was his mate. The girl who was almost family. She was not a cruel person. She was the reason Rhysand was back after so long. And they had a feeling that she’d be good for him and that he’d be good for her. Azriel had suspected as much after his spies from the Spring Court had been planted and resumed activity.
Two days later, Rhys had scheduled a trip to Rita’s with Cassian only to winnow away without prior notice right before they had entered. The same night, Feyre Archeron had been brought to Velaris.
It took time before the Cursebreaker had started to warm up to the Inner Circle of the Night Court. One fine night as they lounge around after dinner for a night to drink, Feyre took a few sips.
In her curiosity, Morrigan asked. “How was life as a mortal?”
Feyre looked at Mor for a few seconds, trying to process the question. When she did, she opened her mouth and paused. She began by talking about her early childhood, the days of poverty and how her family was now rich. She had kept her story short, giving nothing more than a summary of her mortal life which couldn't have been more than a paragraph.
“So, you have sisters?” Cassian asked, curious about the people she shared her mortal life with.
“Three older sisters.” Feyre affirmed as she stared at her wineglass. The faint imprint of her lipgloss was there at the edge and she kept staring at it. She took a moment to remember each sister and smiled with such gentleness that made Rhysand a little jealous.
A little.
Just a little.
Not even noteworthy.
Very negligibly so.
An inconsequential bit of jealousy for a smile that was not directed at him.
Mor took extreme delight in seeing her cousin's face. She quietly motioned to Cassian. Azriel and Amren had already noted the change in Rhys's expression.
“And what were they doing when you went out to hunt?” Mor's question brought everyone back to the harsh reality that Feyre went out to hunt for her starving family as a child.
Feyre did not answer. She did not look at anyone. She kept her gaze at the rim of her wine glass where the stain of her lipgloss was from when she’d taken sips of the drink.
“Nesta was angry at a lot of things. Mostly at our father. And then, at me. We were always at each other’s throats. Elain is more of a gardener than a huntress. Nyra has been sick since we were children.” Everything was begining to sound like a poor defence for her sisters.
Mor had sobered up. Cassian and Azriel were quiet. Mostly because they knew that any wrong move or word from any of them and Rhys would rage. His mate had led a life of poverty and had thrown herself into the forest to hunt and free her family from starvation. Her family, incapable in different ways to help her. The youngest who had risked her life over and over again for them.
Rhysand was close to breaking his wine glass. One of those sisters was a gardener more than a huntress. A gardener than a huntress. What about Feyre? She was an artist more than a huntress. And had anger not consumed the other sister enough to do something about their situation? And a sick sister who could do nothing. A burden. All of them were burdens on Feyre. Why save a family like that?
Family was not always blood bound. He knew that. Rhys looked at Azriel, the prime example of someone who had family because he had chosen them and not because he was related to them. Azriel met his gaze, silently questioning him. Rhys shook his head despite the suddenly growing brotherly affection for the shadowsinger.
“Why save a family like that?” Amren finally asked, having spoken for the first time since dinner. Rhys turned to her in mild surprise for having voiced his thoughts.
“Because they are my family. My father who had lost all hope. Elain, who sees good in this world no matter how many ugly sides of it has been presented to her. Nesta, who kept me angry and made me want to fight against circumstances. Nyra, who guarded my heart against all odds.”
A traitorous tear traveled down her cheek. Feyre closed her eyes as another tear made its appearance. At the end of the day, she missed her family. And the Inner Circle could relate to that. They had missed each other for so long and they had just reunited only to be faced with the prospect of war which could ensure permanent separation in the form of death.
“Do you wish to visit your family?” Rhys finally asked. Everyone looked at him in mild surprise for various reasons. At the sight of her tears, the High Lord had softened. The cold fury within him had thawed and nothing but affection and the will to do something to make her happy remained. He took in each of their expressions before explaining himself. “You’re an immortal now, Feyre darling. Time moves slowly for us especially when compared to mortals. They are still human. Surely you must know what that means.”
It only meant that Feyre would live with this young and strong body while her family grew older and weaker and finally died. And Nyra. Mother knew if she would ever live a normal life. Whether her health would improve.
What if something did go wrong?
What if she could never see her again?
What if Nyra...
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galesdevoteewife · 5 months
Let’s talk about Mystra
Hello everyone, I wanted to talk about Mystra👋🔮
As much of a crazy lover as I am for my fictional wizard, the more lore research I do, the more I feel like Mystra deserves some love too. This goddess lives a cursed life. I know I know she asked Gale to kill himself, but bear with me; here are my arguments:
A bit history of Mystra
There’re 3 Mystra: Mystryl -> Mystra (Elminster’s Mystra) -> Mystra (Midnight)
In short, Mystryl is the fourth deity in the universe, composed of Shar & Selûne’s essence. She is one of the primal existences while the universe is still new and trying to settle down, a significant component of the universe itself. While Mystryl’s spirit was born naturally, Mystra and Midnight were both once mortal and raised by AO to inherit Mystryl’s power.
Is Mystra bad?
Midnight, “Mystra 3rd ” is who we met in BG3. She was a human magic user born in 1332 DR. Midnight was aiding Mystra 2nd at the time of troubles. She’s a kind-hearted and humble woman who ascended in 1358 DR. She didn’t want godhood at all; she only did it to counter Cyric, the bad guy.
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From comic book Avatar (1991)
For decades, she even tried to allow only the good use of magic, later learning her duty and place as the guardian of balance and impartial arbiter of the Weave; no matter how Midnight feels or hopes things could have been. She was only 26 when she had to wave goodbye to everyone she knew, shouldering the 24/7 goddess duty. It’s true that she will inherit other Mystra’s memory, but personality-wise she is only 160 years old; even Halsin is older than her. (Not to mention she spent 94 years in dormant)
Note[1]: Later on all the Mystra mentioned I will be talking about Midnight
Note[2]: Dec17/2023 I will come back and edit this section; it's misleading according to Ed Greenwood's tweet. The current Mystra is likely a blend of all three Mystras with an unspecified proportion. I will provide details on the stories and deeds of the other Mystras.
Being Mystra sucks. Truly.
Imagine your body is just a thing lying on the street; anyone can command you to dance for them so long as they know the right spell. While you CAN reject it, you are NOT ALLOWED to.
What’s worse is that too many mortals and too many gods want the Weave, but it’s not something that she can “give”. Like no one can give away their body to someone else. She IS the Weave; I think of it as the Weave being the cells that compose her. Whoever wants to take it away will have to separate her mind and “body” by:
killing her and inherit the Weave, where all the attempters failed step 2, then only resulted in a broken/Weaveless crisis
or completely manipulating her mind, which is the option no one ever considers; they all go straight to killing her
Whenever DnD wants to change the rules, they kill Mystra.
Shar wants the Weave, Bane wants it, countless mortals want it too. According to the conversation between Gale and Lorroakan, it’s almost a common conversation trying to dethrone the goddess and take the power for themselves.
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And no one is there to protect Mystra; she fights alone. Although she has a good relationship with gods like Selûne or Azuth, nobody lent a hand when she was murdered. She relies on her chosens and her own power.
On top of defending herself, aka protecting the Weave, another important duty is to maintain the Weave. Whenever a spell is cast, it damages the Weave, and she is the one to patch the holes. The more powerful the spell is, the bigger damage it will cause. That’s why her dogma includes “Use the Art deftly and efficiently, not carelessly and recklessly.” She also needs to keep an eye out for possible upcoming threats. A tough and tedious job, and no holidays for the goddess.
It might sound a bit twisted, but she is taking care of the world by taking care of herself. Anything happening to her means catastrophe for the world. (e.g., Spellplague, where magic caused mutations to the users, see wiki here)
But she asked Gale to explode himself!
Yes, and she also promised Elysium once he’s dead. There is actually a thorough afterlife setting in the Forgotten Realms DnD setting. In short, a spirit doesn’t perish when a mortal dies; it would be drawn to the Fugue Plane and wait for the god they prayed to in life to send a servant to take them to their heaven.
It’s a terrible fate for the faithless or false spirits, those who either defy their gods or never choose one. They are forever punished in this grim plane and even become part of the Wall of the Faithless.
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Fugue Plane and Wall of the Faithless: those are spirits piling up into a wall
In Mystra’s case, her heaven is Elysium, judging by the name, you can already tell it’s likely a heavenly place. Significantly better than the Fugue Plane, that’s for sure.
It’s a fixed truth that all will die someday, and Gale’s afterlife options are:
Defy Mystra: When he dies, he will be forever punished as a false in the Fugue Plane. Not to mention Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead, is also Midnight Mystra’s former(?) lover, and he detests cowardice.
Defy Mystra and try to gain favor from another god: I think this will mean changing class and profession for him, as a wizard he is tied to Mystra after all.
Serve Mystra and be taken to Elysium: And who knows, since he is chosen of Mystra, she might even revive him someday. Mystra 2nd did that for her other chosen before. Note: Interesting reading about how her chosen become weaveghost after death, see wiki here.
Obtain godhood: When the god Gale dies, he will go through a completely different process.
An interesting thought here is whether Gale knows about all these. It will largely define what his true colors are. It wouldn’t make sense if he is completely ignorant of afterlife logic, though. His background is an experienced wizard (probably studied some necromancy), goddess ex, and apparently visited heavens before.
Is Mystra power-thirsty?
I wouldn’t say so. She is already OP, and AO asked her to nerf herself by sharing and storing power in her chosens. Even if she were to gain more power, she is not allowed to keep it.
She wants the Shadow Weave
She sees Shar’s secret creation, the Shadow Weave, as a threat and aims to eventually subsume it into her portfolio, even if that means sacrificing her last remaining goodness and humanity.
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From the DnD book “Faith & Pantheons”
We see how Shar is using her Shadow Weave in the cursed land, and it's safe to say it's not an ideal living environment for most beings. Shar has been very keen to kill Mystra and take over her power; I don’t think the world would be a better place in her hands than in Mystra’s.
She wants the Karsite Weave
The same logic could apply to the Karsite Weave. While we can argue whether Gale has a good heart and can be trusted with godlike power, he did show some concerning traits, did he not? Maybe in the future, when he is wiser and calmer, that's how I read Mystra’s line when she tells him to be patient.
Why doesn’t she just cure him since she can?
This is 100% headcanon. I think Mystra as a goddess is able to foresee some future. In Elminster’s story series, Mystra 2nd often asked him to do things that seemed irrelevant but were actually needed in the future. In Gale’s case, could it be that’s what Midnight meant to do? To mentor and humble him? Even prepare him to go through this journey? (Hardly imagine the prime archmage Gale joining our little merry band, and Elminster did say, “Mystra was anything but idle- she chose you as her champion.” What could that means?)
Gale has a curve where he goes from being “irked by untalented apprentices” to “enjoying teaching a lot” if not using the crown. He could have been relying on magic too much, and his ego or pursuit of power had led him astray from his good nature. If you look from this perspective, offering to use the orb before the final battle could be him still having doubts about the team's ability and having more faith in magic aka his own power (mixed with his deep love for everyone that he'd rather die than see their lives wasted, of course).
She is a terrible lover, and she doesn't care about Gale at all
According to patch 5, how time feels in the outer plane is very different from the material plane. God Gale came back in 6 months, and he seems not aware that it has been months. With this logic and putting myself in Mystra's shoes, she got mad because Gale recklessly activated a magical nuclear bomb and ignored him for a couple of weeks.(~1 year in the mortal world) When they meet again, this grumpy jumpy bean is thinking of the possibility of killing her for her powers already. Excuse me???
I will say there could be more considerate ways to handle this subject other than asking him to bomb himself. This long-distance cross-race romance was very problematic, but I will reserve my opinion on how much love she holds for Gale. Probably not seeing him as an equal partner, of course, but drawing the conclusion that she doesn't care a tad about his well-being might be too hasty, in my opinion.
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A screenshot of Mystra telling Gale that she wasn't the one who took his gifts away from him. That's not an expression of 0 sympathy to me. I've never seen her make this face except for this line.
*UPDATE on Dec 11/2023* Add a tweet from Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms. Ref: X
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*UPDATE on Jan 11/2024* • Add a screenshots during Gale's meeting with her • Add a note on DnD weaveghost setting *UPDATE on Apr 15/2024* • An great analysis of Gale & Mystra's relationship and Mystra's behavior logic
-DISCLAIMER- I am very new to the DnD world, but these are what I dug up and puzzled together. I could be very, very wrong, but please be kind; I did all this out of love for my wizard 💜💜💜
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uroboros-if · 2 years
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DEMO ✧ WEBSITE 🌿 Last updated June '23
✧UROBOROS is a 17+ fantasy interactive fiction novel written in Twine. Play as the deity of eternity, powerless and deemed useless among gods, for nothing lasts forever. A struggle between mortals and gods sparks a conflict that may bring an end to the age of the divine rule.
This game will be completely free to play in its entirety; no necessary in-game content will ever be monetized.
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You are the deity of All That Lasts Forever, a being born of the Chaotic Universe and moulded in divinity. One that exists among gods of lore, with the power to change seasons, conjure great storms, and raise life from dust.
Yet, you wield no power. Nothing lasts forever.
Relegated to an errand god, you assist the god of death with the afterlife, guiding lost spirits and hearing the dead's grievances.
Life was simple; the gods weaved the starry night that mortals slept beneath, raised the sun that humans rose to and drew the tides that guided vessels along. All was peaceful.
Until someone dared to defy death.
Your investigations into a strange occurrence will lead you to know far more than you ever intended to, unravelling what may be the precursor to the collapse of the reign of gods…
An outcast among gods and mortals, you are the grey area that bridges the two, and you will decide the fate of the world. Will you side with divinity, preserving power and maintaining order? Or will you support the struggle against them, ending a long era of oppressive rule?
✧CONTENT WARNING: depictions of war, violence, and death; mentions of cannibalism (not heavily depicted). Potentially sexually suggestive themes. 🌿
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✧ Play as the deity of eternity. 🌿
Though do not expect to be powerful or beloved, with nothing within your domain. Choose your own name, personality, "gender" and "sexuality".
✧ Four characters to develop deeper relationships with. 🌿
The deity of the sun, the deity of death, the deity of misfortune, and the champion of the rebellion. All with their own themes and stories. Gender selectable. Relationships can be developed platonically or romantically.
✧ A shift away from traditional numerical stats. 🌿
Focused on immersive storytelling, make decisions true to your character, and develop complex relationships with characters that are not easily quantifiable. Your choices will seal your fate, rather than your skill at stat-raising.
✧ Decide the fate of the world. 🌿
Overthrow the current order of divinity, or fight to maintain the status quo.
✧ Explore a world of mystique and wonder, of pain and misery. 🌿
A sense of loss pervades.
NOTE: Gods canonically do not have a gender; merely their mortal forms will take on a certain gender presentation, which will be selectable. 🌿
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Humans have united under one rule, one civilization—Galaio (“one place”). A prosperous and thriving civilization where no one shall go hungry, forgotten or abused — free from the misery and pain of the war that tore the world in the past.
Galaio is beautiful, with cities of gold and flowers, and villages of forests and hearth. Vines hug marble pillars, and trees line the streets. The earth has humans in her loving embrace, and the humans love the gods in return.
Deities rule the humans closely, the space that once seemed vast between them now closed. They've grown wary of humans' ability to govern themselves—they must save them from themselves.
Although many are comfortable with the idyllic lives they lead, they've become oblivious to the corruption and dissidence that grows within them — sentiments that cry for change. 🌿
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This list will only cover characters you can form deeper relationships with, platonic or romantic. All characters are available for everyone and are gender selectable. They are, by no means, the only important characters in the story.
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✧ Salvatore, Deity of the Sun // Sal-va-to-reh
Deity of the sun, child of the ruler of the gods and the goddess of mountains. They have a smile that lights up all their features, and radiates onto others like blessed sunlight.
Vivid and cheerful, they possess a deep sense of duty to humanity, one they uphold with steadfast fervor. Always earnest in their efforts, their optimism blinds others from the burdens they bear. 🌻
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✧ Luciel, Deity of Death // Loo-see-el
One of the original Twelve gods. Their serene smile is like the caress of a breeze, with the slight chill of a bitter memory.
Their kindness belies their distance, preferring to keep others at arm’s length. They seem to be absent from all matters that concern both divine and mortal beings. Yet, their mere presence brings immutable peace, one that transports you somewhere eternally beautiful and free. 🪷
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✧ Ciocana, Deity of Misfortune // Show-sah-na
Deity of misfortune and suffering, child of the deity of natural disasters and the goddess of the moon and stars. Their smile is charming and practiced, yet the corners of their mouth twist with mischief.
Plagued by the role of their own existence, they manage to maintain their confidence and quick-witted charms, masking their deeply embittered spirit. Though other gods take care to keep their distance from them, this appears to bother them little. 🥀
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✧ Alessi, The Champion // Al-ess-ee
The champion to free humanity from the reign of gods, child to human parents. Their easygoing smile is magnetic, inviting others to take a closer look like moth to fire.
A natural leader, they are deeply attuned to the suffering of others and passionate about their cause. However, hidden beneath their friendliness is a righteous fury that consumes them from the inside and threatens to swallow their heart whole. 🌼
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MASSIVE THANKS TO LenokaArt for the cover art!
THANK YOU to my amazing partner for the headers :DDD 🌿
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jinkiezzsstuff · 2 months
Written & Writing :)
Because I’ve got a couple things drafted, n i’ve written a few things before in the past, i figured i’d make a list, a collection, wouldn’t necessarily call it a master list, but y’know. Easier to navigate everything that i have written or am in the middle of writing teehee
so far there is only three fandoms i’ve written for: Hazbin, Helluva & FNAF. but im a fan of other things like codmw, harry potter, certain slashers, batman, creepypastas, the labyrinth (my fav <3) n others
*: The stars indicate explicit content 18+, all GN pronouns and anatomically; otherwise will be specified.
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Hazbin Hotel:
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒽𝑜𝓁𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝑒𝓌:
Transported (Male reader): 【1】 【2】
Reader gets thrown into the Hazbin Hotel after falling down a well, now he’s having a blast interacting with all his favs while also experiencing the fun first hand.
Wing Grooming: 【1】 【2*】
You help Lucifer maintain his healthy wings, and in the first part he suggest stopping before things go south, in the second part, things go south straight to smut town.
Met the Devil* Human!reader || PT2
You’re a plain and simple human until you meet a strange man in the night who gives you a card, mysteriously that same strange man shows up at the cottage your house sitting.
Request: Cockwarming Lucifer at Mammon performance
Zip Zap (male reader)
Charlie gets followed by Valentinos boys, readers there to save the day.
Request: Charlie x male reader *
Knight (male reader) PT2
In the first part male reader saves Emily after she falls and gets nabbed up by Valentino, and in the second part you comfort her when she has nightmares about it.
The Dog and The Deer
Reader is a dog demon, Alastor loathes the reader simply because it reminds him of his untimely death, and weak mortality. You however are incessant and want him to like you, you end up finding out why he hates you and possibly start a new friendship.
In Season (Fem Reader)*
Reader is pretty well acquainted with heat, but wasn’t typically affected, thats until she visits the hotel and a scent like no other hit her throwing all her reasoning out the window, Alastor felt the same when he sensed you come into the hotel. SMUT
At first sight*. || PT2 PT3*
Doe reader with white ears and tail has been Charlie’s bestie since childhood, and when they comes to the hotel is hesitant about the radio demon until they meet in the flesh and an instant attraction is there. Reader ends up dealing her soul to him in the form of marriage during a moment of intimacy.
Movie night. || PT2 PT3
Reader and the gang it sit down in the first part to watch Bambi, and it brings back some memories from his past. In the second part, Reader is excited to show Alastor princess and the frog due to the similarities, and in the third part Alastor treats reader to a date after the kindness of the nights prior.
Bully: [1]
Reader is an Imp who’d befriended Charlie and came to the hotel, Alastor makes sure to make readers life a living hell poking at all their soft spots reminding them they’re just a weak little imp. There will eventually be a second part with smut.
Back to Life: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
One day when waltzing through the woods a peculiar looking buck led you deeper into them, while following, you fell hitting your head and woke to a stranger standing over you. You don’t know where you are, how you got here, or who this guy is, but he’s all you’ve got and he’s utterly insane.
Request, cockwarming Alastor*
Request, Songfic: Noel’s Lament
Request Insecure Plus sized reader with Alastor
Request, Reader and Alastor fight and make up teehee, angst fluff smut
Hate That I Love You
Father Adam (incomplete)
Request - Hosptialized adam teehee
Big Fan (incomplete)
Request; singer reader who vox becomes obsessed with FEM
Showers* (Fem reader Incomplete)
Obsessed with me (Fem reader incomplete)
Rivalry To Romance (Female Reader)
You always found yourself in competition with Velvette and you found her to be an insufferable brat, turns out it’s just a wee crush.
Request Val bratty reader FEM
Request: bunny reader and spanking
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Helluva Boss: Nothing yet!
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Five Nights at Freddy’s:
Mike Schmidt:
Paranormal Investigator
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sepublic · 11 months
Aside from what the book says about the mortar between the bricks falling out over time, creating gaps between layers that give Jonathan convenient footholds to grab onto…
I think his relative ease of climbing comes from the fact that he’s basically stopped giving any fucks after last night; Because at this point, he no longer fears dying, just damnation from being turned into a vampire. There's a reason why in the previous entry, Jonathan decides he doesn't pity the mother's death, because at least it's all over for her now.
Last night was the most brutal display of Dracula's power yet, and so Jonathan has been pushed to his limit; He's had enough of this damn castle, the solace of the mother's death reminds him that not only is that preferable, but that playing along won't save him either. The stakes have sunken in, Jonathan's going to end up just like the mother regardless, or worse; So he may as well die trying to get out, trying to fight back, than just playing his meek role.
Like yeah, Jonathan will continue to go along with Dracula, but only to keep himself alive long enough to commit his next escape attempt and/or effort to defy the Count. He's essentially made peace with his situation and mortality, because death suddenly doesn't seem so bad when your soul is at risk from vampirism; Jonathan still has a shot at heaven as he reminds himself, so no good wasting that. And that kind of relaxation makes a castle climb surprisingly easy. He’d prefer to maintain his humanity by escaping and not dying, but if not that then…!
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Hi 💞I just discovered your account and I read all of Ror yandere's posts and I think your writing is the best I've ever read for Ror ✨✨. So I decided to place an order. This is the first time I order on any account 😅 So what about yandere poseidon, Thor, Buda, hades (if you don't read the manga, put Loki instead of him please) with a reader like Hinata Hyuga, shy, sweet, and heir to a powerful clan, but people think she's Weak and they prefer her sister, and she loves someone other than the yandere, and that other person is not aware of her feelings, and he loves another girl. You can choose if the reader is a god or a human. English is not my first language, so sorry if it is not understood 💀💀
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chsjgjejc, she's so pretty I'm gonna cry
Yandere! Buddha x Hinata Hyuga! Reader:
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- He loves you from right off the bat okay, your beliefs align so well with his and while people seemed to be ignorant about your strength, though he supposes thats what he liked most about you. You weren't just a demure and anxious woman, you had so many more layers to you.
- You were loving, absolutely passionate about those whom you loved and cared about. From your first fight, you showed your true strength and it really impressed Buddha.
- I'm gonna be honest, his feelings for you were genuinely wholesome and sweet from the start. He liked you and he was nice to you, yet when he tried to approach you romantically; you didn't shy away but confidently told him there was someone else. He was dissapointed...ah...so you already had a s/o? He shouldn't be surprised, you're amazing-
- Oh...they weren't your s/o? That's...interesting. He starts to look into this mortal that you seem to be so infatuated with and, well, he doesn't like what he finds. This person has the most desirable person in the world at their feet and they just act like she isn't there???
- How!? Buddha's world light's up once you enter the room. Everything around him seems brighter and more full of life, much so to the point that he notices when you're not around him, everything feels more lonely and sad. It doesn't make sense how they have you in the palm of their hands and yet, still want to have someone else.
- Buddha's obsession LITERALLY starts because of this, he is so close to winning your heart, he knows it! Every shy smile you give him when you compliment him, the way you blush but thank him when he hands you a snack, and how you confide in him. He nearly has you, his heart at his fingertips. But then that person just smiles at you once and you're cruelly pulled back to them. Maintaining a one-sided loyalty.
- Buddha is definetly one of the more smarter yanderes, he could actually manage to manipulate you into giving up your crush. Yeah, he might stalk and spy on you in secret but he'll project his yandere tendencies onto you. Saying how he's concerned with YOUR obsessive behavior (all while keeping his own a secret) and manipulating you saying it was selfish of you to hold onto them when they want someone else. He asks: "Do you truly love them? Because if you were, you'd let them find their happiness...even if it doesn't include you..."
- If he manages to get through to you, perfect! He just needs to capture your interest which isn't hard (look at that man and tell me you wouldn't fall in love, I dare you) since he'd help you recover from your broken heart and put all the broken pieces together. He is now the one you look at during fights, he is now the one you devote your endless love too, and it gives him such an ego boost.
- Yeah, maybe he didn't take his own device but in his defense; you were already the perfect and ideal match for him and he knew you'd love him back...he just had to get rid of the little nuisance that was keeping you from realizing your true feelings.
- If there is the slight chance you do realize he's trying to manipulate you or that your feelings are too strong for your crush, he will just straight up tell you that they DO NOT LOVE YOU. THEY WILL NEVER LOVE YOU. NOT THE WAY HE DOES. Why...why can't you see that???
Yandere! Poseidon x Hinata Hyuga! Reader:
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- He admired you so much and loved you so dearly, in his mind, he hated all humans but maybe...maybe YOU were the one destined for him, you did not digust him at all, and while everyone in your clan had exceptional talent, YOU were the best, even being deemed as "The Bykaugan Princess".
- When you enter Ragnarok, you do it to protect humanity but also for love...Sadly, not for Poseidon's love but for the love of a human who didn't even notice you! One who you gave your heart and soul too and yet, they didn't even spare a second glance in your direction.
- While Poseidon loved you, he hated the person you fell in love with because they reminded him of every aspect he hated about humanity. Their arrogance for taking your love for granted, their ignorance as they never noticed the longing looks that you gave them, and their obnoxiousness as they casually brushed you off. YOU WERE FIGHTING IN RAGNAROK BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO PROTECT HUMANITY, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY: THEM.
- It IRKED Poseidon because he was jealous of a human. He doesn't blame you for having a crush on them, he sees how gentle your heart is and how your kindness is simply too much for your heart to hold for itself so you share it with others.
- No, he was upset at everyone around you. Those who talked down to you, looked down at you for how you acted (even though you couldn't help but be a living symbol of elegance and perfection) but if they had watched you like Poseidon had, that you were far from what they thought about you. You were mighty and you were strong, especially for those who you loved.
- He wanted to romance you, he truly did. He showed his softer self to you when he was able to be around you and tried his best to not look so intimidating but it just wasn't enough. For some reason, that disgusting person you adored was taking Poseidon's place in your heart. It was their fault he couldn't court you like how he wanted because they somehow made you obsessed with him!
- He had to resort to such nasty methods. Maybe he kidnapped your sister like how Toneri did and made you marry him to garuntee her safety. Maybe he threatened to use his position as a God to make sure your little crush suffers, hell, you did kill one of his fellow Gods so he's sure he could get some other God's in targeting your crush as revenge.
- He hated seeing that fearful look on your face but when you finally submitted to him, he couldn't deny it made his heart beat faster. He knows you only went because you care too much about people but he isn't too upset because he knows, after a while, you will realize that HE is the one you should be obsessed with and loyally devoted to because unlike that pathetic human, he will return it ten fold♡
Yandere! Loki x Hinata Hyuga! Reader:
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- Aw, you're a pathetic little mouse, aren't you?~ You started out as an obsession right off the bat to him, honestly. Your eyes are what caught his attention but you were so timid and neglected, poor thing♡ He approached you long before the fights started but saw you during the preparations of the whole thing and ah, you were simply too adorable to resist.
- But then when he sees you fight with the Gentle Fist technique for the first time then he is obsessed with you, so the little mouse does have some fight in her, huh? And yet, as soon as the battle is over and he pins you to the wall after your victory. You start to get nervous and stutter and he chuckles and murmurs a: "How precious~" before he lets you scamper off like the cute mouse you are.
- He borders on the line of being all lovey dovey with you and being absolutely mean to you. Like, you're upset because you realized Brunhilde meant to pick your sister instead and asked if you were willing to trade but you just tried to argue that you can handle it...well, tried. You ended up nearly in tears so Brunhilde left to "give you sometime to think it over." which really meant she just couldn't deal with you.
- "Aw, poor little mouse, once more; only the second choice to their big sister." Loki teased. You tried to wipe your tears, not wanting him to he mean to you like he usually is but you couldn't stop them. He just feigns another sound of sympathy as he reaches over and brushes your tears away with his thumb and squishes your face cutely as he smiles, "If it helps, I think that you're much better than your big sister. She's so mean and boring, but you're simply adorable."
- His bullying can also stem from the fact that you love someone other than him, which pisses him off. Usually, he'd be angry at you but he's even angrier when he sees that the person you've given your heart too DOESN'T EVEN WANT IT. AND YET YOU NEVER GIVE UP TRYING TO PROVE YOURSELF WHEN LOKI IS RIGHT THERE. Okay maybe he's a little mad at you but only because despite your all-seeing eye, HE IS BETTER FOR YOU. Yes he's a little mean but that's just because he loves you♡
- He'll bully your crush out of you too. Mocking you for wanting someone who doesn't want you, how you should just give up on them because they're never going to notice you, not the way that Loki does. They will never love you.
- And as your once more crying from his hurtful words, he once more pulls you into a gentle and loving hug and nuzzles his face into your neck: "Aw, they're never gonna want you. Not when that girl is a much better match for them. So you should just give up and be with me instead! I can be so much more for you♡"
- He truly does envy your crush, though. When you're not being sad, you truly are beautiful. The shy yet dreamy smiles you have, the way your eyes flare with admiration and pure love, your face becoming so beautiful that no painting or photo could truly capture your beauty. Loki gets upset when he gets reminded that its not for him.
- He will shape-shift into your crush sometimes as a cruel joke but you never fall for it because of your eyes, but he'll taunt you with it and be all: "Would you give me a kiss now, (Y/n)? Hmm? If I looked like them? If I acted like them?" and you just look him dead in the eyes, your confidence coming out as you glare and say: "No, because my heart belongs to them. And you will never be them."
- You're so pathetic in his eyes. He could destroy you for talking to him like that and you both knew it, yet you risked it all because you loved this person with such passion from the depths of your heart. You fought for humanity not just because it was right but because they'd be destroyed along with it and you'd never let any harm come to them. You will unfailingly run to them again and again just to get your heartbroken but you're willing to endure it because you love them. And as Loki feels what could only be described as heartbreak from your words, he realizes that you've made him just as pathetic as you are...
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captainjacklyn · 1 year
Malleus Draconia x Dragon!Yuu Part 1
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A past well remembered :
Summary : In this world, Yuu is secretly a dragon who was accidentally sent to twisted wonderland and they now have to hide their true identity because of the atrocities humans once did to them. Afraid of being discovered, Yuu remains in the form of a human. Throughout their stay in NRC, they experience many misadventures and meet new friends everyday. However, things change when they later on meet the future king of briar valley who is a dragon fae.
Warning(s) : there isn't exactly any warning besides the fact that yuu lived a war between dragons and humans, they don't have any parents left (cause death), soooo yeah. Enjoy.
Generally defined as a violent conflict between species, states or nations. A time of death, a time of bloodshed...
The purely truthful significance of destruction, sorrow, hostility, panic and tragedy. Times like these are meant to be forgotten and buried under the depths of the world all whilst remembering the fallen. The sacrifices of those who marched on forward to serve their kind despite being aware of the dangers that inhabited in those very choices.
Human beings were naturally afraid of the idea of anything 'new' and 'different', it was no surprise to how badly they reacted at the sight of a dragon.
To the mortals' eyes, these scaled giants were the monsters.
But in order to understand others, in order to maintain peace, we must show signs of empathy and look at the world from different perspectives.
Of course, it was of human nature to aggressively ambush those who rightfully came before. Only because they frightened them.
Yuu had unfortunately witnessed the carnage happening right before their eyes. They had seen the bodies of the wounded and dead, the despair of those who mourned their lost ones...It wasn't long before it was their turn to grieve, as both of their parents succumbed to the enemy's attack.
Many fought back, but others grew tired of the fighting. While others chose to take the human's side as symbols of peace but their intentions were seen as an act of betrayal. They were traitors.
By then, the race divided into three factions :
The chaos faction
Those who yearned for chaos and destruction.
The spectating faction
They don't work with either group or with each other, most despise the idea of fighting.
The harmony faction
Which values law and order, their goal is to bring peace between humans & dragons.
Yuu was a member of the harmony faction, they didn't want this unnecessary savagery in their world. They just wanted a tranquil life ! Yuu held a fondness for humans and they hated their need to fight amongst themselves. In one case, It was as them who was pacifying the populace of the city that they first encountered.
Alongside another dragon who, unbeknownst to them, belonged to the opposing faction. Formed a truce of sorts to observe the human world together; however, they fell out after their partner learned the humans under Yuu began to worship them as a god and wage war on non-believers. Following them destroying the palace built for Yuu, they briefly fought and went their separate ways.
Ever since that incident, Yuu roamed around the world. Refusing to participate in any activity as they slowly deteriorated to a spectator. Until...
The only thing they last remembered...Was the sight of a carriage running towards them, and a blinding flash of light before waking up in their human form.
[Where...Am I ?] suddenly, a foreign voice spoke. It was honestly quite annoying to listen to.
"Hey you ! Give me your uniform !"
[A...Racoon ?]
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End of part 1, part 2 coming soon.
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My Analysis of Madoka Kaname's Magical Girl Outfit.
This post will contain spoilers for Puella Magi Madoka Magica as well as Madoka Magica: Rebellion!
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This is Madoka Kaname's magical girl design she maintains throughout all timelines of Madoka Magica. In this analysis, I will be explaining why this design is mote important than aesthetics, and how it plays into PMMM's storytelling.
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The Red vs. Yellow Ribbon
The red ribbon Madoka wears all throughout the series is introduced in episode 1, where her mother, Junko, instructs her to pick it over a yellow ribbon. This scene has a major significance in Madoka's character, showing her as a timid and generally maliable person, but also has the importance of introducing Madoka's first moment of autonomy. Madoka chooses to wear this ribbon, even if it is under the instruction of her mother, and picks it over the yellow ribbon, which she can later be seen wearing in Rebellion and sharing the eye colour of in her goddess form. This is important as Madoka's other forms, whether altered by a wish or a corrupted soul gem, all contain something she did not choose: the colour yellow. In Madoka's final moments as a conscious human being, she hands off her last bit of autonomy over to Homura, both metaphorically and literally with the passing of the red ribbon. When she reaches godhood. Madoka can be seen wearing white ribbons, which, in a traditional fashion, represent the purity a holy being would possess. However, this could also be seen as the nullification of both the red and yellow ribbon. Madoka has made the ultimate choice and therefore has rid herself of mortal woes, including that of need for autonomy and personal choice. She becomes merely a concept, which is everything and nothing. Madoka has made the ultimate movement of autonomy by choosing to sacrifice it, and the white ribbons show how neither the red nor yellow ribbons have an impact on her anymore, and how neither what she wants to be vs. who she is matters in her new state.
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Madoka's Self Design
Unlike all the other main magical girls presented in the show, Madoka willingly chooses her outfit to wear while fighting witches. While not the most practical, it represents her first step towards being her own person, separate from friends and family. Madoka has found a way to prove her worth as a singular individual through the form of being a magical girl, and while she does not become one until much later in the series, this significance shows in her designing what will ultimately become the beginning of her end and the end of the witches. When wearing this outfit in the last episode, Madoka has fully embraced her self-worth, capability, and ability to make her own decisions. She has taken her first rudimentary step towards self-confidence and embraced it, defining herself as both the Madoka who chose to sacrifice everything for the world as well as the Madoka who was scared she would never make an impact on the world.
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Feminity and Girlhood
PMMM, under all the scary scenes and flipped expectations, is still a magical girl series. A series directed at young girls and women to generally find self-worth in their feminine qualities. Madoka is the epitome of this, being the almost idealistic girl. Mild-mannered, timid, quiet, and kind. Madoka is the "perfect" girl in manner senses. However, instead of turning this trope on its head to present feminity as a negative, it instead shows it as a strength. Madoka's feminine design, both as a magical girl and as a goddess, represents her feminine qualities without shying away from the weaknesses of patriarchal societies and negative self-worth projected onto young women (I will touch on this more in my Sayaka outfit analysis). Madoka, as well as embracing feminity, is embracing girlhood as a whole. This feminine design is a representation of being a girl, or at least what society expects from girls. Madoka, in embracing what it is like to be a teenage girl, is made to represent the power behind women in any society, magical or not.
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Godhood and Acceptance
In Madoka's final appearance in the main series, she appears as a god who is watching over the world, eradicating witches and saving magical girls. In this design, we can see her as a large figure dressed in white. This, of course, is similar to how many holy figures are presented, white generally being the colour of purity. Another thing to notice is Madoka's eye colour, which had changed from pink to yellow. I believe this shows Madoka has not only done what was mentioned prior but accepted all parts of herself, including the girl who was afraid of looking too flashy.
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Rebellion and The Yellow Ribbon
Madoka, existing within Homura's new world that was created from her corrupted soul gem, is seen wearing the yellow ribbon from the first episode. I believe that this version of Madoka, being Homura's (in her mental state in Rebellion) ideal version of Madoka, is less confident than the already meek Madoka we see in the first episode of the main series. With no friends like Sayaka or Hitomi to support her due to her being a transfer student in Homura's new reality, it is natural she would be less bold. This coincides with the yellow ribbon once again, representing Madoka's lack of autonomy in the situation, being a fabricated version of herself to represent Homura's idealistic view of her. This concludes with Homura being unable to handle this version of Madoka she has created and returning her red ribbons, but even this can not return Madoka's basic autonomy to choose her own destiny. Madoka's choice, as timid and frail as it was, was to wear the yellow ribbon, only to have that replaced by Homura with the red ribbon. No matter what, her self-control is taken away from her, whether it is by death, witches, corruption, or obsession.
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