#and they’re just like ??? r u nuts??
inf3ct3dd · 1 year
ellie headcanons pt.3,,,!!
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warnings: mentions of boobs, ass (lmao) , mild sexual content, use of the d-slur (jokingly)
content: loser!ellie x reader :3 my pookieeee
authors note: these r actually my favorite things to write ever like im so glad yall like them :333
pt. 2. taglist!!! masterlist!!!!
☆ REALLY likes beef jerky. she’ll just sit there and chew…
- her hands r just constantly freezing. like DEAD PERSON COLD ITS SCARYYYY!!! she definitely uses ur boobs as handwarmers and its JARRING because her hands are actually so cold 😞😞!!!
- HER FEET TOO!!! she has some sort of circulation issues bc you’ll be in bed together and she’ll put her feet on you and you’ll just turn into a cartoon ice cube 😕😕
- the SECOND u have some sort of drama she is seated. like she is so MESSY she will talk shit abt someone she knows absolutely nothing abt just bc u don’t like them. anyone you hate she hates 💪🏽💪🏽
- speaking of she is literally so sassy 😞😞 like she will literally full body turn away from you and look at the window while you drive if she’s mad at you.
- every time you say something even remotely sexual she’s looking at you like 🤨 and trying not to laugh. if you texted her “im coming” she’d burst out laughing and write back like “geez we’re just going to the zoo…didn’t know u were THAT excited”
- has the humor of a middle school boy. she has an actual problem w deez nuts jokes 😞😞 she thinks its SOOOO FUNNY to give u fake backshots whenever you bend over around her. fake moans and everything 💔💔
- a pharb AND a barb. she definitely knows all of super bass by heart, and she knows how to play savior complex on the guitar. duality of women!!!
- every time you say something nice to her she’s like “ew thats gay” and then she gets upset when u get upset for it 😞 so RUDE actually!!!
- really likes doing facemasks with you because you always put them on for her, and because you look really stupid with them on.
- this video. js this whole video like!!! she definitely has that dinosaur hand sanitizer AND that backpack!!
- likes rings cuz she thinks they make her look cool, but she literally cannot keep them for more than a month. they get lost SO EASILY!!!
- knows a concerning amount of things about the roman empire.
- definitely saw the barbie movie with you, and got so embarrassed at the ken guitar scene ☹️ “do i do that??” and you had to hold back laughter and tell her no
- if you have little siblings, they LOVE HER. she is so good with kids its insane. she would definitely do the griddy w ur little brother and you would NEVER let her live it down
- if you take her to a family gathering, she’s either talking with your uncles or hanging out with your younger cousins. she’s scared of your cousins your age bc they’re “cool like you”
- definitely bought you lego flowers at one point and sat on the floor and built them with you
- has those glow-in-the-dark stars on her bedroom ceiling
- would absolutely lick your salt lamp “for science”
- one time you put her hair in pigtails and she wore it the whole day, and refused to let her friends make fun of it cuz her “wife” did them
- talks about you like a 40 year old man talks about his wife. “gotta get home to the wife” definitely has “happy wife happy life!” on a tshirt
- built the two of you a house on minecraft and put your beds next to each otherrrr :((
- carved your name on her skateboard and guitar
- had an AWFUL emo phase in middle school. terrible. was absolutely an avid tumblr user
- such a nerd about vinyls. would take u on dates to her favorite vinyl store, and buy you a new vinyl player because “yours damages your vinyls, and the audio quality is shit” (you randomly bought it on amazon)
- just knows so many facts…about things…. like she’s always talking to you like “oh my god babe did you know that-“
- would get “jealous” of your pets whenever you’d pet them or hold them in front of her. just going up to your cat like “she likes me more than you”
- made herself one of those “i love my girlfriend” tshirts with your face on it
- your dad definitely loves her because they have so much in common. grilling, fishing,camping, she’s like the ultimate dad-dyke
- can fall asleep ANYWHERE. like the second she’s tired she’s just 😴😴 and she’s definitely using you as a pillow
- one time the two of you went to a family party and you found her asleep on two folded chairs
- you’re her wallpaper on all her devices.
- every time you ask her what she’s doing and she’s playing guitar shes like “just fingering my guitar”. she thinks its SOOOO HILARIOUS
- definitely says white ppl shit all the time on accident . one time she said “lets rock and roll” when you two were going somewhere and she literally didn’t talk for 5 minutes cuz you could not stop laughing
- LOVES burts bees !!! her lips always taste like their strawberry chapstick and its wonderful
- has a pair of lightning mcqueen crocs
- LOVESSSS when you paint her nails and do her makeup (she just likes you sitting on her lap)
- definitely one of those girls thats like. obsessed w doctor pepper. its a serious problem 😞😞!!!
- has a little shoe box full of receipts, polaroids of you, and little souvenirs from your dates. :((
- literally melts when you scratch her back
- very into horror games/analog horror. definitely binge watched markipliers “faith” gameplay and talked about it nonstop
- miles morales is def her fave superhero. has so many of his comics and LOVES the spiderverse movies. calls you her gwen 😞😞
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taglist!!! if ur name is crossed i cant tag u :((
@syrenada @dinaissoprettyoml @kingofmylastkiss @as2rid @greencacty @melissabarrerass @bratydoll @lov3lylotus @forelliesposts @echostinn @f3r4lfr0gg3r @r3wbeef @leatheredhearts @mousymaven @mina-281 @princessguardian444 @calystas-morning-tea @horror-whoree @slutshies @bearieio @mag-mfm @bubs-world @paran0id0blivi0n @sawaagyapong @bbygrlshelbs @gayh0rr0r @pl9ys @ellieslilslvvt @dollietes @elliesmellsbadd @ibloom4u @ddreabea @beestar120 @brunettedolls-blog @girlwonderchloe @elliesgflol @maris-koffin @emonopolyman @iloveeyousblog @fr3sh-tragedies @ilovaffles @certifedcrybunny @elleatethat @baldph0bic @clouded-whispers @4rt3m1ss @saggykneecaps @swtsuna @ell1esslutt @minixmel @yuyans-stuff @owmoiralover @thecowardwrites @lunascerebro @elliestrwbrry @iwantsoda @teeveegirl @dinasmoon @urnewghostfriend
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tac-the-unseen · 2 months
hiiii how r u? ❤️
can you do alphabet SFW for hannigramx reader? 💕
Hannigram x Reader SFW alphabet 
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Hannibal is an acts of service kind of guy. He cooks, he cleans, he helps with work, But that's just surface level stuff he does for everyone he's around. When it comes to relationships Hannibal is more of words of affirmation and physical touch. 
Will has one setting, Quality time. Sitting down to watch a show, Fishing, Long walks, Puzzles and games. All stuff he enjoys and likes sharing with his partners!
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Hannibal and Will are tough nuts to crack. To have to prove yourself as trustful and reliable before they start a relationship with you. (Hannibal may or may not have had his sights set on you before he even spoke to you.)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Hannibal enjoys occasional cuddles and hugs. He definitely needs them from time to time, but can go for a long while before he's desperate for affection.
Will simply doesn't like being touched. Tough
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Both men want a quite simple lives…. eventually…but they still have a little bit more murder in them 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Hannibal might kill you and eat you OR let you go on with your life (he will always be there, you just won't know it)
Will is a respectful gentleman and understands not all relationships work out. He'll have a long chat with you before parting ways.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
They Both want to get married. Simple as that! (Hannibal is totally a groomzilla)
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Yes and No. 
They do have Gentle moments with each other, but they do get covered in blood quite often. But surprisingly the Gore can be very soft and gentle from time to time. Even down right romantic if you catch them on the right occasion. 
But you're dating two cannibals, so you already knew that.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Sometimes, they like to keep the PDA to a minimum. 
Also hugs isn't always their kind of affection, They will absolutely give hugs if you ask, but they like words of affirmation a bit more.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
YEARS. These men use verbal word play to convey affection. If they outright say ‘I Love you’, you can expect them or you to be dying.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Absolutely. They do undoubtedly have confidence in you and the relationship, but they just can't help a guy testing their smooth moves on you. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses are pretty rare When it comes to Hannibal and Will. Kisses are saved for special occasions and bedroom activities. BUT, if it is to occur, they're pretty soft and sensual.
Hannibal Targets the lips, knuckles, shoulders, and chest.
Will Targets the lips, neck, face, and stomach.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
……Oh…..good?......RIP Abby….
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Hannibal is up bright and early at 4:00 am. He has a whole morning routine that takes him an hour to complete. At 5:00 he makes breakfast and goes through all the appointments he has that day. At 6:00 he's out the door and off to work.
Will wakes up, lays in bed for a few minutes, uses the bathroom, and goes downstairs to eat breakfast. He heads out for work around 6:30 ish.
If they have both managed to score a day off at the same time, breakfast is pushed back and hour. Not because Hannibal spends more time in bed, but because he gets to spend more time in his grooming routine. Hannibal spends an additional hour in the bathroom cleaning himself up. 
Will on the other hand does stay in bed. He waits until Hannibal is done, uses the bathroom, and goes back to bed until breakfast is ready. He's a very simple guy. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Hannibal has a Bedtime routine that also takes quite some time. (Yes, he will occasionally skip all of that to just hop into bed, but that's not often.) If you're all close enough (and there's room) He'll let you and Will get in the shower with him. At the end he slides into the far right side of the bed and lets you and will cuddle with him.
Will takes a shower, brushes his teeth, and get into the far left side of the bed. On occasion Hannibal will force him into his own routine (which involves a lot of oils and creams) that Will is not all that pleased to be doing. 
If you're a very cuddly person, cling to Hannibal. He loves feeling needed and in control. 
If you're not a cuddly person, turn and face Will. Will isn't the biggest fan of physical touch so you'll be (relatively) left alone.
O = Open  (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say  everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Hannibal HAS to be in your head first before he even considers opening up in the slightest. 
Will is closed off until Hannibal reassures him that you're trustworthy. 
This could takes years.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Do they get angry easily, yes. But they are in it for the long con. 
They have taken years playing with their prey before they kill them. Their patients is through the roof. 
Hannibal is the more patient one of course, but Will is also slow moving evil in a vest. 
Q = Quizzes  (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little  detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Hannibal remembers everything you tell him. He soaks up that information like a sponge. 
Will might forget a few things but over all remembers most of what you tell him.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Hannibal texts you later in the day to tell you he'll be home late. He feels bad and tries to get through the night as quickly as possible. 
When he eventually comes home he could smell a savory scent coming from the kitchen. He creeps up softly to the kitchen and peaks inside. 
There you are, doing your damn best to make dinner. He found it really sweet and let you work it out alone. 
Was it the best meal he ever had? No. Was it the one He loved the most? Yes!
During one of the lowest points of his life He genuinely couldn't be alone. He felt like he could rely on anyone but desperately needed help, so he ended up calling you. 
You were there within an hour with an overnight bag. 
You stayed with him all night and the next day. You made sure he slept, ate, and showered. He's never forgotten that, and thinks of that act of kindness daily.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Both of them have killed for you, and will do it again.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Hannibal will put in maximum effort in all dates. He puts in the works, food, wine, place, timing, all of it 
Will will do his best, plan something nice, Wear something presentable. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
…. Despite the obvious…Hannibal can't stop staring into your soul. His gaze can pass through anyone. It's bone chilling at the best of times.
Will…. Will has one of the most infamous killers of all time in the palm of his hand. He absolutely uses that to his advantage.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Hannibal 90% sometimes He couldn't be bothered, most the time he is. 
Will 50%, He's been out and about missing some clothing. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Hannibal loves hard. Obsessively. He stalks, he creeps, he prowls, he peeps. There are no secrets, he already knows. He loves knowing, That's how he shows it.
Will needs support, well he could survive a while without you, after a few hours you will be bombarded with texts and calls. He'll be all pretty over the phone telling you he just needs to hear your voice. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Headcannons here 😘
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
•bad punctuality 
•tied down 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Hannibal doesn't need any fancy stuff to sleep, But he loves to pretend he does. Face masks, thick pillows, soft heavy blankets, lotions, candles, sound machines, etc. It makes me feel high and mighty 
Will will fall asleep in his work clothes, Jeans and all.
They will of course cuddle you if you ask. 
Thanks for reading <3
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 10 months
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My friend @rainbowcat-writing hit me with the absolute best au idea the other day. The concept? Sun and Moon as Big Magical Lion(-Shapeshifting-Centaur) Creatures that r in love with Y/N, a conservation manager, and absolutely will not stop being big lovey dovey baby meow meows abt it
To copy and paste a good summary from the discord convos last night:
reader works on a conservation team set up in the field, finds Moon wounded, patches him up, keeps coming back to check on him, meets Sun, sun n moon get attached, guess what th two really big scarily smart lions are actually lion,, centaur. creatures and theyve understood everything youve said also they keep calling you their mate and ur pretty sure theyre flirting with u but its “””hard to tell”””
sun and moon: our mate :3 tiny human mate. we will make such a good pride with u, who is our mate.
reader: hmmmmm. i think maybe, just maybe,,,,,, they might be exhibiting some courtship behaviors. but i cant be sure if they are or for what reason,, its a mystery
(Vanessa is the security team lead and connects the dots after watching the Strangely Intelligent And Very Big Lions that have been lurking around camp for several weeks leaving ‘gifts’ (pretty flowers, dead animals, one time a twisty-shaped tree branch only bc it looked like something a human would find interesting) one day straight up just grab reader by the back of their shirt and drag them off all while Reader is shouting that they’re fine and it’s not a big deal you’ll be back in like two hours tops and she’s just like “alright yknow what? fuck it. whatever. I don’t even care anymore. so long as they don’t eat the moron they can just go nuts about it” as she pours liquor into her fifth coffee of the day)
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fadingdaggerr · 1 year
Hey my lovely wondering if I could request a Melissa x teacher reader fic where maybe the reader is at dinner with Melissa’s mum. And the reader and Mel have been together for a long ish time and mels mum asks if they have Any plans for marriage and before the reader can say anything Mel says “probably not ,I’ve done it before” and then that night maybe the reader brings up the fact she’s never been married unlike Melissa and maybe it resorts in a fight and the reader calling Mel selfish anf she storms out and then the next day Mel and reader go to work and Mel pulls the reader outside and appologises and maybe they say they will do a small wedding. Tysm ❤️
picking petals
pairing: melissa schemmenti x gn!reader
summary: based on the request above! i made very slight changes mostly in wording but i tried by best to stay true to the prompt :)
warnings: insecurity/self-doubt (both mel and r), verbal fighting
translations: mio bambino (my child), qual è il suo nome (what is her name), è una sorpresa (it’s a surprise), tesoro (treasure/darling)
note: this was my first ever request which was super cool <3 very honored to be trusted with y’all’s brainrot. i hope i did this justice and thank u so much for asking
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giorgia schemmenti was a tough nut to crack. the first two years you were with melissa, you were close to panic before every family dinner, sure your girlfriend’s mother hated you. melissa had probably spent a collective hundred hours convincing you her mother didn’t hate you, she’s just italian baby. it wasn’t until giorgia schemmenti herself gave you first pick at the famous homemade cannolis over cousin vinny did you know you were part of the schemmenti family. five years and countless family dinners later, and she was still hovering the tray in front of you first. the greatest change? that was when she started greeting you at the door with a mio bambino! and kisses to each cheek, the same way she did for melissa and kristin marie.
and this dinner was just the same, except for the extra kiss on the cheek for bringing the ‘good chianti.’ carmine, tony, and vinny left early to catch the end of a soccer game. kristin marie left promptly dessert, as she always did. it was always down to you and melissa, always staying to clean the dishes and kitchen together. giorgia would discuss the latest gossip about people at the church melissa went to as a child.
“oh! melissa you won’t believe this, that girl… qual è il suo nome… the one who used to have that awful nose ring?” giorgia blurts out, then glares at the both of you for giggling at her nose ring comment.
“elena mancini?” melissa answers through a laugh.
“yes, yes, elena. she just got married last week, isn’t that wonderful?” melissa just nods and hums in agreement, letting her mother continue, “they’re leaving for their honeymoon and he apparently won’t tell her where they’re going, è una sorpresa!”
“that’s sweet,” you say as you wipe down the counter.
melissa weighs in, “sounds a little serial killer-y to me. mystery vacation? hell no.” you laugh at her comment, giorgia on the other hand, does not. instead, she turns in her chair to directly face melissa, staring at her intently.
“you don’t get to make fun of other people’s honeymoons until you finally marry this one,” giorgia points a well manicured finger at you, “and go on your own.”
“ma!” melissa rolls her eyes and mutters, “like i’d ever do that again. worked out real well the first time.”
you can hear your heart shatter inside your rib cage at her words. melissa didn’t want to marry you. she’d said so many things over the last five years that made you so sure she wanted forever with you, the same you wanted with her. but apparently, you were wrong. fine.
you decide to not react as much as you can. you place the last of the dishes in the cupboard while melissa and her mother bicker, but you’re hardly listening. it all sounded like white noise, buzzing behind the high pitch heart break you felt.
for the first time, you were glad to be leaving giorgia’s home. you numbly pressed a kiss to her cheek with a ciao, before walking out the door to the car, not waiting for melissa. when melissa had gotten in the car, she grabbed your hand as she always does. she frowns when you don’t immediately bring it to your lips and kiss her knuckles a few times. the car ride home is silent. the only noise is the low volume of the radio and wind passing the car.
you slip your shoes off at the door and hang your jacket before wordlessly walking upstairs. you head to the bathroom to wash your face, hoping the cold water would soothe your pain. walking into the bedroom, you see melissa sitting on the bed with an indifferent look on her face. you just walk to the closet and pull out sleep shorts and a long sleeve, changing facing away from her still.
“tesoro?” melissa breaks the silence. you only hum in response. “are you okay? you’re being very quiet.”
“i’m fine, melissa,” you answer.
she stands up, “bull. you never call me melissa, unless we’re at work. what’s going through your head right now?”
you feel her arms wrap around your middle, her chin sitting on your shoulder. it’s so gentle, so loving. she’s so soft with you, it’s a side of no one else gets or sees. it’s so loving in fact, it makes you realize she didn’t know her words hurt you, that they were dissecting your heart while hers beat steadily against your back.
pulling out from her touch, you turn and look at her now frowning face, “do you even want this?” you gesture between the two of you.
her eyebrows turned upwards, “what do you mean baby?”
“what you said at your mothers,” she looks a little lost, “like you’d ever do that again? cause it worked so well the first time? that’s what you have to say about the very thought of marrying me?”
melissa’s face drops from a concerned frown, to a defensive, stern look. she crosses her arms as she starts, “i didn’t say it was about marrying you.”
your brow tenses, “who else would you marry, melissa? if you’ve had an expiration date of our relationship in mind, you coulda fucking shared it!”
she steps closer to you, “there is no expiration date! all i said was i didn’t want to get god damn married, that’s all!”
you pinch the bridge of your nose, “i’m not demanding marriage! but is the idea of us being married so off putting?”
“you know i love you, you know that,” she needs you to know.
“that’s not an answer, melissa,” your eyes were welling with tears, and it was taking all your strength to not let them fall.
“it wasn’t about marrying you,” she repeats, you can tell she wants to say more, but she doesn’t.
“melissa, your mother was specifically talking about you marrying me,” you’re exasperated at this point. melissa’s face dropped. she ran the conversation with her mother over in her head. giorgia had said until you finally marry this one and pointed straight at your perfect face. and melissa said that.
she watches you walk past her, the second she registers you’ve left the room, she immediately follows. a oversized grey zip up is already covering you, your shorts just barely peaking out the bottom. you’re angrily shoving your feet into your sneakers, not taking the time to tie them. the jingling of your keys masks her heart beating rapidly.
“i love you, melissa. with every cell in my body, down to the last atom. i don’t need a legal document or a big wedding to prove that,” you can nearly look at her, not with the big tears welling in her eyes, “take some time to think about how i might also have thoughts about our relationship, not just you. i’m going to gregory’s, i’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
with that, you’re out the front door and walking to your car. she watches your pull out of your driveway. melissa stands there for a while before moving to on the couch. she stares at the black screen of the tv in hopes she’ll eventually falls asleep.
you arrive at gregory’s apartment building, and sit in the parking lot before texting him that you’re about to come up and you’ll explain later. grabbing your bag of spare work clothes from the trunk, you head in. when the elevator opens, gregory is already there, ready and waiting to give you a tight hug.
barbara howard is a very smart woman. so when she sees your car in the parking lot, and not just melissa’s, she knows something this wrong. in the break room, barbara is greeted by gregory while you stay quiet next to him, stirring your coffee with a blank look on your face. gregory only gives her a small shake of the head, deterring her from asking you about your mood.
your eyes move to the clock above the door, melissa would be here soon. you usually drove and walked in together, hand in hand. with a deep breath, you get up and walk to your classroom to prep in solitude. barbara noticed the time and your actions, and may the good lord have mercy on melissa when she finally gets her hands on her.
except when melissa arrived, she was in a similar state to you, withdrawn and quiet. everyone keeps an extra few inches of distance between them and the red head, nearly sighing in relief when she leaves to her own classroom with fast steps and no goodbye.
when melissa’s kids are off at gym, she stops outside your classroom. she watches you interact with the kids, helping them with the science project posters. you had pieces of tape hanging from your fingers and a frog sticker on your cheek, it made melissa’s heart ache. you’d been so excited to teach the fourth graders about adaptions in animals, practically skipping to the art store for poster board and glitter glue. now your smile wasn’t even reaching your eyes. melissa knew she was to blame.
melissa turns to leave and is immediately greeted with the gregory staring her down in the hall. he mouths talk before backing into janine’s classroom. she was at least glad that gregory wouldn’t spread this information like beads on linoleum, it would already be on the news if were janine.
at lunch, she’s dragged by the elbow by none other than barbara howard. “what did you do?” barbara asks as she shuts the door to her classroom.
“who said i did anything?” melissa says too quickly.
“your face! the fact that your little admirer can’t even look at you! what happened, melissa ann? i want the truth,” business barbara was in session.
melissa sighs and admits defeat, “i fucked up so bad, barb. ma was talking about this chick’s surprise honeymoon, i said it sounded like a death wish and ma told i can’t make fun until the two of us got married and went on our own.”
barbara can already feel what’s coming, “and what did you say, melissa?”
“might’ve said ‘like i’d ever do that again, didn’t work the last time.’ somethin’ like that,” melissa looks at her hands the entire time she speaks, not able to meet barbara’s eyes.
good thing too, because barbara howard was in what can only be known as utter disappointment. she knew melissa wanted nothing more than a life with you, but she also knew why she had restraints. but in the decades she’d known her best friend, barbara had never seen her happier than when she was with you. melissa’s words shocked barbara to the core.
“i know you’re scared and hurt from your marriage with joe, melissa. but do you honestly think that little sweetheart down the hall doesn’t know that either?”
melissa keeps playing with her hands, “no…”
“or that maybe, just maybe, you want that future just as much and that’s what’s scaring you?” barbara asks, despite knowing that’s exactly what’s going on, even if melissa didn’t know it yet.
melissa blinks rapidly as she takes in barbara’s words. marrying you didn’t sound all that bad. the idea of being introduced as your wife made butterflies dance in her stomach. to have matching rings and to see one on your hand, knowing she placed it there with a promise to love you until the last star burned out. she wanted that, she knew that now.
“fuck…” melissa sighs, her hands covering her face with shame. barbara says nothing else, just wraps melissa in a comforting hug.
by the end of the school day, your ability to keep a pleasant facade was deteriorating. you were stone faced while sweeping your classroom in silence, a ridiculous amount of glitter and strips of paper littered the floor. if you’d been wearing your earbuds like you usually do, you wouldn’t have heard footsteps approaching your classroom. but you did, and you knew who it was. your classroom door shut and you turned to melissa.
“can we talk?” she says, unsure.
leaning the broom then yourself again one of the tables, you nod and gesture for her to continue.
“i’m so sorry, tesoro. i shouldn’t have said what i did, i wasn’t thinking of your feelings about it, only my own,” she started, hoping you’d let her in.
you purse your lips, “and your feelings are…?”
she steps towards you, placing shaking hands on your shoulders, “i’m terrified. last time it was so incredibly painful and i’m scared of that happening again,” her hands cup your face, “but i’m not scared that it would happen with you. god, forever with you sounds like heaven.”
your hands come up to her wrists, resting them there, “i don’t want to rush you, melissa. and i don’t need a crazy ass wedding. hell, i’d go to city hall in sweatpants and a grateful dead shirt if that’s what you wanted.”
“what if… what if down the road you realize this was a mistake? that you want someone else?” melissa’s voice is so small it almost hurts.
you grip on her arm tightens slightly, “there’s never been anyone else i’ve wanted as much as you, and there will never be anyone else. you’re it for me schemmenti, capiche?”
your eyes looking into hers, your voice, the grip on her arms, it’s all too much for melissa to handle. she pulls you forward, kissing you with all the love she has in her. your hands drop from her arms to her hips, holding onto her for dear life. when her tongue moves to trace your bottom lip, you reluctantly pull away, realizing you’re still in the school.
“i love you,” melissa says quietly, “and i want nothing more than to marry you.”
melissa watches your face turn into a big, goofy smile. her heart jumps, having barely seen as a raised brow from you all day. your grip on her hips tightens as you pull her a little closer, “yeah?”
she smiles, “yeah. but no sweats in city hall though, and no big, fat wedding that’ll blow our eardrums with the combined power of my family and yours.”
it’s your turn to press a kiss to her lips, quick and sweet. “as long as you’re the one saying ‘i do,’ i couldn’t care less where we are or who’s there,” another kiss to her lips, a bit longer this time.
her thumbs stroke the apples of your cheeks gently. god, she loved you. and by some miracle, you loved her just as much. even when she was bullheaded and stuck in her own head, you loved her so much you wanted to marry her. it had taken this whole ordeal to realize the two of you were married in every way except literally. anniversaries, flowers on random days, split bills, kisses good morning, kisses good night, ‘our house,’ ‘my mel.’ she should’ve seen it earlier, but she saw it now.
as if you can sense her thoughts, you press a kiss to her temple, “let’s go home.”
the night ended with an empty bottle of wine and melissa asleep on top of you on the couch. one of your rings on her left hand and one of her on yours, acting as make shift engagement rings, promising your heart to hers and hers to yours.
as always, feedback is appreciated and i hope y’all liked this. love ya
title comes from the ‘they love me, they love me not’ thing where you pick off flower petals, in case anyone was curious
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vxmpyr-clxb · 8 months
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A is for — “And here I thought Jake would’ve been the first to lose a limb.” Playing COD and other shooting games with the boys.
B is for — "Bitches love me bitches love me-" Jake on live and going to ask Sage if she wanted to join. Only to open the door and hear her screaming the lyrics to a song. Jake immediately slamming the door shut after hearing her.
C is for — “¿Cómo te va? Ten cuidado. No te caigas.” Teagan randomly switching languages when speaking to the boys in a en-o’clock ep and not even realizing it for a good 20 minutes.
D is for — "DEEZ NUTS!...I'm sorry." Her on a live, and letting the intrusive thoughts win, pt. 1.
E is for — “EVERYTIME WE TOUCH I GET THIS FEELING!" Karaoke with Heesung, Jay, and Sage is chaotic to say the least.
F is for — "FUC-FLIPPING FONGTASTIC PENGUINS!" Teagan stubbing her toe on the counter in I-land.
G is for — "Get me out of here.." Sage looking towards the cam during a live, with Niki and Jake, like she's in the office.
H is for — "HEKVSFKJASK-" Her literally getting choked out by Niki when they were roughousing and him dragging her off the side.
I is for — "I’ve accidentally indulged in too much ‘me time’ and must now suffer the consequences." Sage leaving her room after 24 straight hours of gaming and just hanging out and almost falling due to lack of iron.
J is for — “Just take me out! I wanna go back to bed." The group playing paintball while on a variety show episode and Teagan standing in the middle of the arena with her arms open.
K is for — "Kill me and I'll haunt you for the rest of your days, Kim Sunoo." Enhypen playing Mafia together.
L is for — "Likeee- You can’t sit with us.” Enhypen playing a game on one of her vlogs where you have to guess the person they’re pretending to be.
M is for — “MONSTER ENERGY!” Playing that one guessing game with headphones and Teagan being absolutely wrong in her guess.
O is for — “One more week of being stuck here with this *bleeep* cabeza de mierda and you will find a dead body.” Sage whilst on i-land and the boys keep eating all her favorite snacks when she started her period.
P is for — “Please, for the love of Christ, stop throwing monopoly money like we’re in a strip club!” A clip from one of her vlogs on Enhypen's group game nights.
Q is for — "QUACK QUACK HOE!" There's compilation of Teagan accidently cursing in public on YouTube somewhere, I just know it.
R is for — "RAAHHHH!!” Sage randomly using British slang out of nowhere and the boys getting confused.
S is for — “Shit..Oh fuck!…Who said that??” Her in the background of one of the other’s lives and dropping something and cursing.
T is for — "This is our village idiot—" Sage showing off her family pet, Rex, in a vlog.
U is for — "Ur joking.. Ur joe-king." The girl mimicking that one tiktok trend and dying of laughter on live.
W is for — "WAKE UP IN DAY ONE!" Shouting the lyrics to their song during a karaoke challenge.
X is for— "XYNDNDK” The girl falling out of her chair while laughing in an en-o’clock episode.
Y is for — “Yang Jungwon, I know you are not killing people without me!!!” Sage messing/joking with Jungwon when they all played Among Us together.
Z is for — "Zesty? Girl what.." Sage reading comments on live and laughing at goofy ones.
should really be named sage can't stop cursing pt.1
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s-4pphics · 1 year
scumbag!abby hcs I’m begging 🙏🏾
omg ur so right why didn’t i do this ealier LOL. thank u nonnieee ily
wc;cw: like 500 idk tbh, mentions of sex so MDNI, scumbag!abby, she sucks but she’s so so fine <3
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she's so smart like omg
chemistry major!!! 
such a star student
top of the class, all her professors love her (except her biochem one, she hopes he dies <3)
she’s so perfect in everyone’s eyes!! 
but she keeps people at a distance for a reason
she makes them think she’s this bright bubbly awkward nerd
but deep down
waaaaay deep in her core
she's the raunchiest filthiest femcel anyone has ever met
everyone she forms a relationship with is for her benefit
professors, students, ppl she wants 2 fuck
she's so selfish n everyone in her life exists in her little bubble! nothing else outside of that matters 
uses all her manipulative tactics to get what she wants!!! 
she loves to flirt
loves to make ppl feel special 
makes them fall in love w her when she’s bored and needs entertainment
only to fuck the shit outta them and never call them back!!! her slay
when ppl she plowed send her desperate messages asking why she hasn’t called she laughs at them in secret 
not like a quiet chuckle
like a joker laugh 
she's fucking crazy 
before texting them sorry baby. been busy, u still tryna fuck? :p
unhealthy obsession with virgins and taking away their impurity especially when they’re unassuming of her and her intentions
also loves milfs they get so wet 4 her <3
but loves them innocent
regardless of their sexual history they always say yes to her proposals like they beeeeg for her dick 
speaking of her dick ohhhmmyyygoooddd
the best lay on campus
she's so grimy when she fucks
whoever she’s fucking have no choice but to take what she gives them!!! doesn’t care if they don’t like it 
every choke, every slap, every drop of spit and cum!!!!
she’s here to get off and that’s it
love when they scream about how big she is
how she’s stretching them open, how much it hurts and how they can’t take it
it strokes her ego so good 
loves when they fight back. it makes her cum especially hard
has a habit of filming them when she hits it from the back
how can she not!! they’re so oblivious!!! they’ll never know!! 
her snap memories r filled with unknowing asses jiggling on her fat cock!! >:)
she justifies it by saying that only she’s gonna see them! 
except when she sends them to her close friends so they can nut to them duh sharing is caring!!!
loves talking ab her sexcapades w her friends
it’s basically tradition for them to listen to her retell the story of how she fucked 3 girls @ once everytime they link!!! she’s aiming 4 a fatass orgy next!!
but yeah she’s a nympho! loves 2 fuck
her phones always on DND she don’t want her hoes blowing her line when she’s lifting🙄
speaking of lifting
a gym fiend
like she’s psycho
can bench press 230 like somebody stop her
also helps the new gym gworls out with their… form😜
guides their hips
adjusts their legs
offers them massages afterwards for working so hard
presses up against their ass and saying she’s just monitoring their squats!!
she’s really thinking ab stretching their hole out like the dirty anal slut she is!!
and she be staring at cake all day like she needa stop playing LMAOOOOO
might even rail them in the shower who knows 
don't let her pretty face and GPA fool you
she’ll ruin your fucking life!!! and she enjoys doing it 
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hunterwritesstuff · 4 months
Anyways, here's the thing without Rubberhose. Doing it out of the kindness of my heart even though it wasn't specified. Under cut, yada yada, minors don't fucking read.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): He checks up on his partner after, making sure he didn't go too rough, stuff like that! Definitely makes tea for them after!
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): His favorite part of his body is his hands! He loves that he's lucky enough to be able to hold his lover's hand and that he's able to make his lover feel good with them :) His favorite part of his partner is his horns, he KNOWS how sensitive they are and he just. LOVES to tease him by rubbing them :3
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): Seeing his partner's face an absolute mess after sucking him off always gets him going.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): He's willing to let his partner top him :D
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?): He's pretty experienced, I like to think.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): Missionary, basic it may be, but it works just fine for him :) Also uhhh Mating pres-
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): He tries to be serious, but sometimes, a giggle slips out.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): Fairly well groomed
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): He's constantly making sure his partner is enjoying themselves as much as he is :)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): One of his guilty pleasures is using one of his partner's pillows as an aid for jacking off
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): He loves seeing how his warden voice causes his partner to fold like a lawn chair, he definitely has a size difference kink, and voice kink :)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): Bedroom, but he isn't above fucking his partner into his desk.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): Getting his horns touched, getting his wings touched(I hc that he got them from his momma), getting his ass grabbed, his chest being touched.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): Anything bodily fluid related, knifeplay, stuff along those lines.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): He LOVES seeing his partner going down on him, shit drives him nuts.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): He starts off slow and sensual, but the more riled up he gets, the faster and rougher he gets.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): He's fine with them, he'll invite his partner over for them every so often.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): He's definitely willing to experiment.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): He can go for quite a while, yeah.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): He has this one toy he uses to get his partner riled up :)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): He loves teasing his partner until it begs him to rail them :)
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): He's pretty quiet, mostly making soft grunts and groans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): He has a dick piercing due to a dare.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): I like to think he's big down there-
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): Pretty high sex drive.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): His favorite activity afterwards is to just. snuggle up with his partner, curl up around them, and just. sleep together...
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antxnous · 1 month
i need to hear your sallowgraham headcanons you are aware of this, correct?
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well,, if u insist… ☝️😋
I have a feeing htis will be long winded and annoying so it’s all under here…
Pre-Legion stuff:
- Josh is a recent orphan and in Ed’s head his mom is practically dead (I hc she is lowkey a lil nuts) and they bond over this initially😙
-they’re both fucking losers. ppl in New Canaan think Joshua is weird and while Ed can make friends he’s like that one bully-friend we all had at some point where u eventually are like wait this guy sucks and u part ways. Joshua doesn’t bend to his bullying and that interests him, and Edward’s interest is exciting to Joshua.
-In my hc, Joshua’s dad was a trader and it’s why Joshua is so proficient in dialects and languages. His dad gave him a copy of Caesar’s Commentarii to practice Latin. When he’s trying to make friends with Edward at first, he offers to let him read it and this is how Ed gets the book hehe
-Bc they’re young men and young men are Like That, I think they fought a lot, verbally and physically. It was Bill’s hand that extended the offer to have Joshua translate and Joshua saw it as a sign from God to be useful and accepted without thinking about how fucking annoying Edward can be.
(Bill headcanon interjection moment, but he was 100% the only thing keeping them from both feeding off each other’s violence and ideas. When he’s gone is when the legion rly explodes, but also they get along MUCH better. Mask drop time??)
-Toward the end of the expedition, before getting to the Blackfoot, Joshua totally begged Edward to at least walk back with him to New Canaan before he went back to California and Edward was like “ok (ew)”
-… so when they created the legion and Josh saw that they’d continue doing this to other tribes as they pushed into Utah, he begged Edward to leave New Canaan alone and Edward was like “ew, but ok”
-Joshua’s clothes r fucked up, sewn together and patched like nothing else. Edward gives him his clothes to wear so he doesn’t look like such a rag doll.
Legion stuff:
-The crosses and crucifixions were Edward’s idea, the razing and heads-on-spikes-warnings were Josh’s ideas.
-Cringe aside joshua totally sees their relationship as a union, Ed’s been his only partner and they share a tent wayyy late into the Legion, even when they don’t have to. I dunno if Ed sees it the same way, but I think he’s just comfortable with what he has, and is probably aware Joshua sees it that way and feels it gives him an angle over him.
-In the earlier days, they would scavenge books for each other and spend nights reading them together 💔 their dates would include bookclub, hunting, hiking, and watching arena fights💔
-While Joshy-poo is a survivalist in my head, Edward is v educated and has (had?) a good background in anatomy from his studies and a few medical stuff Bill taught him when they left California. Joshua can make tea and healing powder, but Ed’s gonna throw pills at his head either way.
-I love an albino vulpes hc. Joshua wanted that thing DESTROYED, but Edward was like 💔 it’s a thing. and nearly tried to convince Joshua he could be their diversity hire son. But that was too gay.
-Every region they went thru, Joshua reimagined a homestead there instead of camps. He’ll always want his tradwife ranch.
-THEY BOTH WORE VESTS 💔 until Ed got too big for his
Post-Legion/Hoover Dam
-Ed shaved his head before Joshua was supposed to head for the Dam. Joshua usually cut his hair so he thought it was odd.
-A week before, Ed pestered Joshua about making sure he was going to take the Dam and Joshua was ofc very sure he was, he’s never lost before. He made up his mind already that if Josh lost he’d have to kill him, and even suggested he wait and strategise further, but Joshua insisted it was fine. Ed was already drafting letters to Lanius in case.
-After the Dam loss, Ed didn’t kill Josh immediately. He acted like nothing was wrong because he was struggling to go thru with it. Ed was just going to throw him down the Grand Canyon, but wanted him GONE, and ordered the pitch last minute. and they totally slept together beforehand
-Josh tried to climb back up the canyon at first hehe half confused, half angry.
-Ed’s decision to decimate New Canaan was 100% because of the promise he made Joshua before.
-Joshua leaves taunting messages on the bodies of the Frumentarii sent to kill him <3 love letters
-Edward couldn’t stand to be around cooked meat and open flame for a few weeks after Josh’s burn. #vegetarian
-Joshua and Edward both have recurring nightmares about that night for separate reasons.
nsfw hc?? I fear I’m too shy to share those. josh was a total submissive the first few years and then eventually they both got used to the power and control of their roles and sex became a dominating hate thing between them that they enjoyed but eventually it devolved into giving each other the laziest hj and bj youve ever seen
Hiiiii byeeeee love u
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juicywritinghoard · 2 years
Setting Prompts
A. Something about this place screams “probably not haunted but don’t stick around to find out”. 
B. Thank you for taking me to the aquarium for my birthday. I am gonna be a freak in the gift shop about it.
C. Nothing at this carnival is going to cheer me up so don’t even try. Except…
D. You cannot keep making secret agent music with your mouth if you don’t want to get us arrested. I can fill golf course holes with cement without you.
E. Admittedly this was a bad place for a picnic, but on the other hand, I’m having a great time and no regrets. 
F. Oh god, oh Jesus, what is that?? Oh, just a bunny. OH NO OH HELP WHAT IS THAT-
G. This real estate is giving mad Hansel and Gretel vibes rn and I will lick the walls if no one stops me?
H. Okay, while they do actual serious errands, our goal is to find a collection of objects under fifty dollars that will definitely, absolutely implicate us in a premeditated murder. And…break!
I. Nothing says “let’s get ice cream” like baseball sized hail. 
J. If you don’t want to get in trouble for playing hide and seek in the fancy department store, you gotta hide better, duh.
K. I’m sorry I spilled nacho cheese in the jewelry store. It might happen again.
L. I’m having a crisis in the craft store. Again.
M. No, I’m not going to sell you this fish. Please leave the store.
N. So it was just supposed to be a little funny ha-ha joke but we put [counts on fingers] like quadruple the appropriate amount of bubble bath in the fountain…
O. I refuse to have some kind of epiphany about this divine experience. I did not ask to be awake at dawn and I would not be awake at dawn if I had a choice about it.
P. So you know how you were like, no way is it possible to fill a pool with Jello? Well,
Q. No, sorry, I’ve been banned from the candy store. Yep. And the bookstore. Uhuh. I’m really sorry, I have also been banned from-
R. Call back later, I’m spending my life savings in the arcade. No, I promise I’m being so normal about it. This has nothing to do with my child enemy. No, no, I promise!
S. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little dumpster diving. Just be less stupid about it maybe?
T. I’m afraid of heights, is the problem? Which I was not aware of until I got up here. 
U. Oh man, I want to join their backyard barbeque so bad. Do you think I can pass for a cousin? Surely they don’t know all their cousins. Look at all the fun they’re having, oh man… 
V. I didn’t expect the world to end in the coffee shop, but here I am…
W. You keep asking why I’m wet and not how was the sea? Was the sea fun? Did you meet a mermaid and join a mermaid party and almost drown? No, I don’t want to talk about it now.
X. Admittedly my coworkers don’t suck, it’s just the job that’s cuckoo banana-nut-muffins bonkers insane. 
Y. Why do I feel like this place is so fancy, they’re gonna hand me a receipt for the air I breathed while I was here? 
Z. Hurry up and figure things out, before I get fired from a second morgue. Please?
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minheelovelee · 1 year
Could you write something nsfw about Baekseung? 😵‍💫 I don't have anything specific in mind, anything you'd like!
i’ll probably continue my a-z nsfw series. lmk if you wanna see other members!
warnings: nsfw lol.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
- giggly. laughs at everything. he gets that post-nut happiness. feels like a dolphin jumping through a golden hoop surrounded by bubbles and sparkles. whatever that means.
- hugs you and kisses you everywhere on ur face.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
- likes his waist. he’s always wearing those slutty ass crop tops like come on ur just asking to be praised.
- he likes boobs lol. he’s so tall so he can see them really good from his angle. speaking from experience.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
- always uses a condom. has one on him at all times. just incase. he doesn’t like it messy bc he hates cleaning it up. if u asked him to cum anywhere else, he would, bc your his princess and he does whatever you ask <3
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
- likes being choked. he did it on accident when getting off and after he came he was like. why did i do that. he did it again. and again.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
- virgin. he watches pr*n so he thinks he knows what’s happening. he doesn’t. he’s a quick learner though.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
- he fucking loves taking u from behind. especially when ur bent over a surface so he can actually reach you. likes grabbing at ur hair.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
- he’s so smiley bc he luvs u. but he keeps it p serious. doesn’t really laugh until after sex. he’s like wow can’t believe i just had s*x.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
- i really don’t know???? i would guess he keeps it clean but not bald.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
- he’s really good at the whole boyfriend thing. even if he’s not ur boyfriend he can sure act like it. just wants to make you feel loved and fuck you like a slut.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
- doesn’t do it often. it’s a biweekly thing. he would die if he got caught. does what needs to be done though.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
- choking. really likes grabbing ur neck from behind and yanking you up to his chest. if u like it he’d be so happy. also likes getting choked bc he’s kind of crazy. put your hand on his neck when ur riding him and he’ll smile so big.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
- bedroom. likes to keep things private. likes fucking in hotel rooms too.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
- if u hint that you want it, he’s giving it to you. doesn’t play around. just tell him what you want.
- always wants to fuck when you cook for him. likes when u wine and dine him. dinner and a good time.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
- won’t keep going if someone walks in unexpectedly. he’s like gtfo i hate living here. then he gets soft and goes down on you. poor baek.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
- laurves both. isn’t offended if you don’t want to give him head bc he’s p big. if he’s too big for you he’ll help you take it slow. dies when you take it all btw.
- thinks giving head is so fun. ur sitting on his face for sure. also likes it from behind. holds you in place reallll tight.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
- both. he’s lanky, but he has nice control over his hips. likes it rough overall though.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
- so down. especially if ur just exchanging head and calling it a day. will do anything to please you and would go down on you before you left for the day. he’s fine waiting. <3
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
- not that risky. would try anything you wanted simply bc you asked.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
- can go up to 3. then he starts complaining like “damn bitch you still going?”
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
- doesn’t own any. would let you vibe tf out of him though.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
- he wants to give you the entire world and more. doesn’t tease unless you give him a reason too.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
- makes nice sounds. <3 like sooooo so pretty. long drawn-out moans + grunting right in ur ear. likes whispering to you too. keeps it pretty quiet overall but likes to remind you he’s there making you feel this nice.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
- cockwarm him. while he’s playing video games or writing lyrics in his room. just appreciates the warmth and closeness a lot. <3
- also can we talk about the fact that everyone thinks he’s some kind of sex god daddy dom. like yeah I agree. BUT. he might cry the first time you have sex bc it’s so overwhelming.
X = X-ray
- there’s absolutely no way he isn’t packing heat. like his hands are huge. his body is huge. he acts like he has the biggest cock in the world. im thinking like 7 on a bad day? somewhere between 7 and 8 on his best days.
Y = Yearning
- would fuck you everyday if you wanted. don’t ask to fuck every night though bc he’ll do that instead of sleeping.
Z = Zzz
- stares at you for as long as possible. he’s just trying to figure out how he ended up here. likes watching you sleep too. he’s good to do stuff after sex or nap. whatever u want. <3
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mebiselfandi · 4 months
Sorry to ask about neymessi in the big 2024 but your fic where they’re having a car sex when neymar wearing a skirt oh my fuckign god i reread that at least 3 times a week i wish u could give multiple kudos on ao3, also the little details about the garter having the letter L on it im sobfucking gone r u insnane… you write them so well it’s literally rewired my brain chemistry
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Figured I'd just answer both your asks at once and omg you're nuts??? Like what😭😭 you're an OG cause I anoned and disconnected these fics from any of my accs so you've really been there. This insane to me, I had convinced myself those fics were so not cool and all the small details are killing me cause omg how deep in my brainrot was I😭 this is crazy to me(in a good way). And if I am not insane about those two anymore in any way at all however knowing someone out there is insane about them might give me the incentive to write a part two if I ever get bored enough. However, I have promised probably 5 part 2s to various fics(and ships I'm insane about) atp and it looks like it'll never be done so I wouldn't get your hopes up. But I'm glad you like the fic and I'm even more glad you let me know🥹🥹❤️
Thank you so much, I'm losing my mind❤️🥰🥰
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gavisuntiedboot · 10 months
I read your take on one state solution. The reason for the creation of Israel is for a Jewish state and where jews are the majority. It makes no sense to allow Palestinians that left during the nakba. Although I don't support israel I think a one state solution is delusional cuz you can see that they r gonna elect a fundamentalist Islamic government. They slogan "from river to sea" is literally a call for genocide eventhough u r gonna deny it. You have to look at the context. This was used by both Palestinian and Israeli government in the past. I believe that west Bank should be free and other Palestinians in Israel should be given equal rights. We all wanna think that we wanna do something about this. But if there was really a solution we would've done it a long time ago. Also I'm sympathetic to the jews from middle east . They were ethnically cleansed from their countries. The Jewish presence in Mena has been very low. They have been migrating there since the ottoman empire. There were already jewish settlements in west Bank. The only problems here is the control of Jerusalem. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason the other countries care about these people. Everybody wants Jerusalem and that's the only reason ,there is no humanitarian reasons if you observe. This was the only reason from the beginning. Hope the israeli government stops killing people. They don't even have a stable government. They have these elections once in every 3 months. Whatever bibi is doing is the epitome of evil. He has a cult following. Both the leadership are the worst. We instead of calling for deaths for revenge must think rationally about the one state solution. Ik u r Palestinian but I don't think that what u r thinking is not what majority people think. I don't want the problem to end up in a genocide for both the sides. These r people that don't trust each other. Asking them to live together is calling for genocide. U r having wishful thinking that both of these people r not gonna elect right wing nut jobs. How many of these countries are secular in the middle east. What if Israel lost any of its wars. I'm sure it would've been a genocide either way. I just hope for a 2 state solution with Jerusalem bring independent which will never happen. One thing I would like to say is I don't put my energy on these things because the war will only stop if the leaderships decide to. Nothing will stop by rising awareness. It just takes away your energy. Most of the world doesn't give a shit about anything other than their problems. We think we have power to change things. It's just an illusion. Sorry for ranting . It's not organized at all.
I read through this twice and have come to the same conclusion both times: your reason for disagreeing that Palestinians should be in control of the land that is theirs is because you think they’re going to elect a right wing gov based on… just vibes. Because you believe white peoples when they interpret a slogan that was made by Palestinians, who have said thousands of times it’s not a call for genocide. Because you believe middle eastern people to be incapable of making “good decisions”. You’re literally so intrenched in racism there is no point discussing anything with you. “Palestinians are also bad because they’re Muslim!!” That’s your whole point. I am not wasting energy by fighting for my land and my people. By the way, I do exist as a real sentient person outside of this website. This is only one facet of my activism. What would be a waste of energy is spending any time arguing with you when the internet is free, and you can read about what PALESTINIANS IN PALESTINE say they would propose for a solution. Not two states. One Palestine. Free from occupation. From the river to the sea. You Islamophobic fuck.
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hey omg yes 🎻 anon is good i love it
it makes sooo much sense that u played viola LOL snare drum & singing sounds sooooo cool... it makes sm sense that u do music LOL after reading taedros (ya i noticed the choir detail) and the hao chapter. and idgaf if its bad for me... if its hao, ill let him do anything ❤
and omg the matthew chap is so amazing but god am i mad i feel like im being edged literally. Like since the 1st chap ive been waiting for some dick in pussy action & i finally got it just for it to be ripped away from me so quickly 💔💔💔 the way every chapter gets dirtier is so perfect though. im glad that its just dubcon coz noncon is a little much for me too. but i love dubcon. also i love that the bully levels r complete opposite to what i expected (like. taerae & hanbin being the meanest is basically unheard of LMFAO) and taerae being at the end is making me giggle im sooo excited. but take ur time i can wait 😁
also!! idk if u mentioned it alr but whos ur bias? like id guess taerae... if it werent for ur username 😭 im guessing hanbin & taerae r ur 2 favs tho??
lmk if this is a lot to read i tend to ramble & talk a lot but i can cut back if its too much 😋. hope the rest of ur day goes well!!
xoxo, 🎻
yesss i tend to add in music/theater details when it comes to fics that take place in an academic setting since that was my experience
aaaagh i’m glad you liked it!! no, i know… the cutting off right when things are gonna get super good was actually my goal for these single member parts. it’s so the last part can be as good/satisfying as i would like it to be!!
hanbin’s and tae’s parts are going to be the most emotionally complex/have the most duality. i’m pretty excited for those different personalities/scenarios (though they’re gonna be really mean/intense) :)
gunwookie was actually my one pick. he’s just my precious little angel and i honestly see my younger self in him so i have the softest spot for him.
in terms of like a real bias in the fullest sense of the word, i’d actually probably say matt. i unfortunately have a long history with matthews and it looks like it’s not stopping any time soon 💀
but i like to write smut for hanbin/taerae the most i think, hao being a close second. and i like to write fluff on my main for ricky/gyubinnie cause they’re both nuts
i clearly also like to write a lot so you came to the write ask box 😎 also who is your bias, i’m v curious
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macccc hi. hi hi <3 ik u don’t watch qsmp but i wanna cry in ur inbox for a second. we got. fucked up sibling dynamics. it happened. cellbit had a twin sister named bagi and he went missing and was thrown into a war and she searched for him endlessly. his first memory is standing over a dead body and having to eat it to survive. bagi is slowly recovering her own memories and is desperate for him to remember her. he keeps pushing her away bc he can’t fathom that he had a LIFE and a FAMILY and people who CARED about him. he thought he came from war but he came from love and didn’t even know it. bagi became a cop just so she could try to break him out of prison but she never got the chance bc he broke out first and she lost him again. she spent fifteen years looking for him and he spent fifteen years trying to survive. they’re both devastated over this in different ways. this always happens with media i get into it always comes back around to messed up siblings i’m going to start eating the floorboards. the strider bros the plant twins ccrimeboys. this is my brother and i need a shovel to love him. you can get a new son or a father but who can grow me a new brother. yk. just gonna lay here and cry for a minute brb
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anyway how r u doing!!! how’s it going!!!! how r ur blorbos!! i never got into adventure time as a kid what’s it like what’s the recent series like how’s it going :3 how r ur little guys i wanna know!!!! i’m still watchin hannibal btw makin my way thru s2e2 AS WE SPEAK!!!
OH GOD OH FUCK I LOVE HORRIBLE TRAGIC SIBLINGS !!!!!!!!!!!! i keep saying this but im so glad im not directly into qsmp because i KNOW i would be imprinting on cellbit like a baby duckling. it was A JOKE AT FIRST because i saw he had a white streak but every new thing i learn about him im like. of fuck thats my type of character like. to a t. unbelievable.
I AM DOING GOOD its sooooo cold today and i cannot wait 2 be done with work so i can get all cozy (<< guy who is dumb and chose a career path that is Almost Always Outdoor Manual Labor) . adventure time is soooooooooooooo so so so good. i actually have not seen ANY of the post-canon series which is why im currently rewatching the main one!! i want 2 watch them so bad. ive heard such good things about fionna and cake. ouuguguhg. its a very good show its the perfect balance of really silly and lighthearted and also.... emotions. <3 formative piece of media. u are speaking to the worlds biggest flame princess kinnie. also i have been thinking abt my ocs a lot lately bc i havent drawn them since artfight. this is a DISGRACE.
IM SOOOO GLAD UR STILL ENJOYING HANNIBAL. oh season 2 goes nuts. season 1 is probably my favorite as a whole but my favorite Individual Episode is the season 2 finale. ohhh the season 2 finale makes me so insane. ouguha. also lmk when u meet a character named mason verger i have a funny story about him <3
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stewykablooey · 1 year
5, 6, & 15 for the kenstewy questions :)
5. what were they like in college?
attached at the hip in undergrad, less so when they were doing their mba, especially towards the end when kendall was gearing to finally go out in the real world and become Kendall Roy.
im sure it was their best and worst times, it wasn’t just time and freedom away from logan but from the whole family and away from home, but also the further they got into college, the further ken got into his path to becoming heir and the farther he got from stewy. i think a lot of their time in college was holding onto the time they had now and each other, knowing that everything was gonna change as soon as it was over
but ultimately yeah, i think it was a very close time for them, it was them at their most domestic, crashing at each others’ dorms, hanging out, taking care of each other, looking out for each other, seeing the worst of each other (id guess kens addiction issues starting flourishing here), but also seeing the best of each other (despite it all, i do think they’re both very smart and im sure kicked ass academically), and having some really good fucking times
6. sexuality n gender headcanons. r they bi4bi. t4t. gay4bi. etc etc. u get it
bi4bi babyyyy
15. nsfw headcanon! go nuts
answaered here!
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s-4pphics · 1 year
[ @yuckyfucky ] haiii ^-^ oooouuuweeeee, gone need a lil mo “good hairy pussy” dina (x ellie) plz🥹💀 . jus finished listening 2 janelle monae album n’ water slide?? the thots r thoting , lIKEKEKEJDHDJSJ maybe a lil get 2gether @ y/n’s house?? lil “pool party” 🧁 *that fkn reaction pic of how teachers talk when they’re eating💀*
hai baby :p i still gotta listen to the album omg 😞😞but mmm omg cont to this not really tho
i imagine the party being suppperrrr chill and small like maybe 10 ppl there and the backyard is all decked out with LED lights and shit
pool parties when it’s dark>>>> 😜😜😜
but omg like every1s faded and dancing and shaking ass and but u see dina n ellie just making out in the hot tub and every wire in ur brain short circuits
and u just stand there n watch like a freak😳🧍🏽 but the kiss is sooooo sensual and their smiling and giggling and whispering n their tongues r flicking together n u can only imagine the shit they’re saying 😳😳
u don’t even notice dina staring back @ u as ellie kisses n licks up her neck. she waves u over w a little grin u nearly slipped on the wet ass concrete with how quick you rush over to them
u climb in the tub n u see dina whisper something in ellie’s ear when she pulls away from her and ellie nods n moves over 2 u. she just starts tonguing u down she’s such a good fucking kisser what the fuck what the fuuuuck likehehejsndbdmxn
she’s grabbing at ur ass n titties n kissing ur neck as dina watches thank god every1 is fucked up n far away bc damn😨😨 ur getting so fucking wet n u can’t breathe ur fr ab to drown calm tf down!!!!
u don’t even notice dina ease next 2 u. she’s so gross n just grabs ur hand n sticks ur fingers in her mouth and sucks on them like they’re gonna nut in her mouth or sum like golly😧😧😧
n then she shoves them in her bikini bottom and u almost nut in the water like a loser omg 😳 her pussys so soft n slippery n she doesn’t shave thank u god like MMMMMMMMMM FUUUUUCKKKK u noticed the little peaks of hair when she took her shorts off earlier n u almost started drooling like a dog 🙄
u just start rubbing on her clit as ellie sucks on ur tongue ol freaky ass like never fuck in chlorine but those jets r beating between u n ellie’s bodies n u can hear dina moaning with every quick flick u give her clit 😳😳 likeeee what r we gon do now uh ohhh😳😳😳
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