#and uplifting them and healing them and using my energy for good
sassysillysavvy · 2 years
oh yeah i just realized i never even mentioned on here that i’m a witch now
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st4rtar0t · 1 month
Helping your recognise your superpower
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I'm currently doing donation based readings to pay for my tuition fees. DM to purchase a reading!
Thank you so much for your time and energy and I hope you have a great day ahead!
Picture 1
Your lust for knowledge is your superpower. And I know you may think that is a lame power to have but I do want to your realise that knowledge is everything. The more knowledgeable you are, the more mature you become. Maturity comes from a sense of understanding and experience. The way you're always ready to learn new things makes you unique. Some of could be an higher achiver, or your sense of self comes from your academic performance. I think it's good to be knowledge but don't bring yourself down when you don't perform well. Give yourself time to learn and revise.
Your another superpower is your ability to look at situations from different perspectives. You know sometimes our pain clouds our vision making it difficult to acknowledge the hurt of others. But not for you, no matter how bad your situation is, you wouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgement Which is an remarkable ability.
Your faith, whether in yourself, in others or in something greater than us all, gives you strength and resilience in times of difficulty. Your belief in humanity, your trust in kindness and your faith in the possibility of a better future awaiting us uplifts not only you but also the people around you.
Picture 2
Your planning is your superpower. It's like having a secret weapon in life. When you plan, you're like a master strategist, able to foresee obstacles and navigate around them. You can set goals and figure out the steps to reach them. Planning helps you stay organized, focused, and prepared for whatever comes your way. It's not just about making lists; it's about taking control of your future and making things happen. So, embrace your planning abilities, because they can truly make you unstoppable. Some of you could be INTJ/ENTJ.
Your another superpower is your protectiveness. It's your ability to shield and guard the ones you care about, keeping them safe from harm. Just like a superhero, you have an instinct to watch over others, anticipating dangers and swooping in to shield them from harm. Your protective nature is a strength that shines brightly, offering comfort and security to those around you. Embrace this superpower, for it is a reflection of your love and dedication to keeping your loved ones out of harm's way. you may think that this makes you more feminine but caring for the people that you makes you stronger. Your constant transformation is your superpower because it means you're always evolving, learning, and adapting. Instead of being stuck in one way of thinking or doing things, you embrace change and use it to your advantage. You're like a chameleon, able to adjust to any situation or challenge that comes your way. This flexibility allows you to grow stronger, wiser, and more resilient with each transformation. So, don't fear change, embrace it, because it's what makes you unstoppable.
Picture 3
Your love for others is your superpower because it has the ability to transform lives in ways beyond imagination. When you extend kindness, understanding, and support to those around you, you create an atmosphere of warmth and positivity. Your love has the power to heal wounds, mend broken hearts, and inspire greatness in others. It's a force that spreads joy, brings people together, and fosters deep connections. Through your love, you become a beacon of hope and strength, capable of uplifting the spirits of those who may be struggling.
Your powerful presence is like a superpower. It's all about how you carry yourself and how you make others feel when you're around. You don't need special abilities because you are your own strength. People notice you without you having to do anything flashy. Your confidence and the way you connect with others make you stand out. Your presence is like a magnet, attracting attention and admiration wherever you go. It's what makes you truly remarkable.
Your voice and the words you choose have immense power. When you speak, it's like magic weaving through the air, touching hearts and minds. The tone, pitch, and rhythm of your voice can convey emotions and messages in ways that no other form of communication can. And the words you select? They're like arrows hitting their target, shaping thoughts, inspiring actions, and building connections. Whether you're calming a storm with soothing words or igniting a fire with passionate speech.
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5starwitch · 10 months
Astrology Observations: Aspects
**None of these placements mean that you are doomed or this is exactly how your life will play out. These are simply my interpretations of these placements based on looking at many different charts. Nothing is set in stone and you can always use different aspects to your advantage even if they are squares or oppositions**
Venus trine/sextile/conjunct jupiter blesses a person with conventional beauty. Harsh aspects to jupiter, like squares or oppositions, still blesses a person with beauty but may cause a person to still have insecurities or not see their own beauty. These people may have darker features or be an unconventional beauty. Both types of aspects may make a person more susceptible to weight gain.
Neptune square saturn can indicate addiction and can make it a challenge for a person to overcome. This placement may not even realize they have a problem.
Mercury sextile venus can grant someone with a beautiful voice and can even make someone a good singer.
TW: Venus square neptune can cause relationships where you might enable each others vices and addictions. Similar to venus square mars, there is also a potential for abusive relationships.
TW: Saturn square neptune can indicate that a person may have had a tumultuous childhood, in which one or both parents were absent. Their parent(s) could have been institutionalized, in prison, or on drugs. This could also indicate that they dealt with abuse/SA.
Neptune aspecting jupiter can indicate addiction but it can also grant a person with so much creativity. They may be talented at making art, music, or movies.
Venus sextile/trine chiron grants one with the ability to heal others and be incredibly compassionate. They are very intuitive to the feelings of others and being with them in romantic or platonic relationships is very healing to others.
Moon conjunct jupiter makes a person very optimistic and jovial. Their energy is very uplifting to be around. They may be a little naive so people might try to take advantage of them.
Mars square/opposite jupiter gives a person a lot of energy, sex drive, and sex appeal. They might be restless or not know what to do with all their energy.
Mercury opposite or square saturn makes a person intelligent but its hard for them to communicate their ideas and thoughts to others. So others may assume that they’re dumb. They also may have dealt with learning disabilities or delays in their speech.
Moon sextile/trine/conjunct neptune makes a person very talented creatively and they create their best work when their emotions are heightened. This placement also indicates someone who is spiritually and psychically gifted.
Venus aspecting uranus indicates a person having a unique type of beauty.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 2 months
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Take what resonates. Leave the rest behind but always be open to new perspectives! Also followers I will be answering my inbox soon. I just needed a day of rest because my life is busier than initially expected.
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plushie: Rainbow Pastel Grim Reaper
astrology: Aries ♈️, Capricorn ♑️, Aquarius ♒️, Cancer ♋️
Welcome, pile 1! Your psychic abilities help you make decisions and keep yourself safe from harm. Often you aren’t given the time to use this ability because of people rushing you and not respecting your time. However, when you are given the time to listen to your heart and mind, you make such intuitive decisions. You have a mixture of clairvoyant, claircognizant and clairsentient. Clairvoyance is when you can see the future in different ways. You could see visions of what is to come or have prophetic dreams. Clairsentience is when you can feel the future in your gut. Claircognizance means “clear-knowing” which means you can know information just by tapping into your abilities. The combination of them can be a little odd to experience. You could enter an environment and immediately know who you can trust and who you can’t trust . You just know. There is no explaining it or proving it because you just know it and you can feel it in your bodily response. That’s how your claircognizance presents itself. You are especially good at lie detection. If someone tries to deceive you or has ulterior motives you can see the motive dripping from their words. It’s like you get the ICK but you couldn’t really say why. Or perhaps you dreamed someone would betray you or that someone was crushing on you, then it became real. Please don’t ignore your hunches or your dreams just cus there is no proof. The two different fool cards in your reading tell you to trust your gut because if you listen closely you will never be wrong.
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plushie: Gray Grim Reaper
astrology: Leo ♌️, Sagittarius ♐️, Scorpio ♏️, Pisces ♓️
Hi, pile 2! Your psychic abilities help you to naturally alchemize time and pain. You are a healer, clairaudient and clairsentient. It looks like you have been through so much pain that your clairsentience has helped you remain positive even when life gets tough. You usually transmute your pain into creative projects as a way of healing from that hurt. I see that you might absorb others' pain when you touch them. So, you might not enjoy physical contact very much. People really like your physical contact though because it takes their pain away and soothes their emotional wounds. Your clairaudience is very strong but it looks like it is a fairly inactive skill of yours while your clairsentience is used regularly. Your clairaudience is most active when you are in a deep focus state. When you are reading or watching something you are the kind of person to predict the twist ending before it even happens. Your psychic abilities make you a master of art and creative endeavors. They also make you a master of energy manipulation.
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plushie: Plague Doctor
astrology: Libra ♎️, Taurus ♉️, Gemini ♊️, Virgo ♍️
Hey there, pile 3! Your psychic abilities include telepathy, claircognizance and manipulation. I know manipulation sounds kind of scary to hear if you have the view that manipulation is a negative thing. I promise the kind you use isn’t that way. It honestly focused on uplifting people rather than putting them down. I also see you use it to open people's perspective up to new ideas. You use your telepathy as a tool to do this. Same for your claircognizance. You are incredibly intelligent. You may not exactly read minds but you might as well be by the way you read body language and micro expressions. You use all these abilities to do very good stuff. Which is very honorable and noble of you honestly. You could do so much malicious shit with psychic skills like you have. People might mistake your skills for being an empath. Despite how good you are at filling up other’s hearts, you are quite new to the ability to persuade them. That feels like a newer ability that you may have started honing recently. I see you probably have ADHD or some kind of neurodivergence that works in tandem with your psychic abilities. You are so powerful pile 3. I honestly can’t say that enough.
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enbeeanon · 8 months
Masterlist of herbs and plants!
This is a list that I have in my Book of Shadows, typed up so that you can use it, too!
Do not consume those with an asterisk (*) next to them. Some are edible in certain forms, but consult a qualified herbalist before you use them
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Healing, maintained good health, fighting off disease
Good luck, fertility, spiritual growth, prosperity
Prosperity, money, success, love, psychic powers
African Violet*
Protection, healing, spiritual growth
Happiness, love, friendship, comfort, reassurance
Protection, removing negative energy and bad vibes, helping to remove hexes
Aletris root*
Feminine magick, protection, prosperity
Prosperity, wisdom, success
Spiritual growth, luck, success, protection, love, barrier against unwelcome things
Angelica root
Protection, exorcism, removes negative energy, boosts feminine energy
Spiritual growth, dreams, sleep, protection
Love, luck, longevity
Arrow root
Purification, cleansing, healing
Divination, luck, prosperity, protection
House and item protection, healing, psychic growth
Youth, beauty, love, lust, healing
Happiness, uplifting, full of life
Wish magick, luck, protection
Fertility, passion, success
Home and business protection and blessings, warding off negative energy, purification, cleansing, divination, exorcism, prosperity, love
Bay leaves
Warning: if burned, ensure the area has ventilation!
Protection, psychic power, divination, success, money, wish magick
Wish magick, happiness, divination, spiritual growth
Astral projection, psychic powers, boosts spell's power, healing, helps to forget past loves, protection
Success, psychic powers, fertility, mental clarity, sleep, protection, prosperity
Protection, purification, cleansing, removing negative energy and hexes
Protection, healing, prosperity
Black pepper
Banish negativity, warding off bad energy, protection
House protection, home blessing, legal matters, luck, prosperity, protection
Brazil nut
Protection, prosperity, love
Brimstone powder*
Used to remove hexes
Burdock root
Protection, purification, healing, cleansing, self acceptance
Buckthorn bark*
Exorcism, wards off negative energy, removing hexes, aids legal matters
Fertility, luck, prosperity
Calendula (Marigold)
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, happiness, protection
Love, protection, healing, prosperity
Sleep, calms nerves, prosperity, luck, purification
Caraway seeds
Helps children stay safe from illness and general harm, protection, clarity of mind, passion, healing
Courage, love, passion
Protection, inner strength, healing, creativity
Lust, fertility
Courage, beauty, love, used in magick surrounding cats
Aids separation (such as divorce), emotional heartache, a traditional offering in Wicca (I'm not wiccan but that may be helpful for any of you who are)
Protection, purification, removes negative energy and hexes, prosperity
Mental clarity, psychic powers, aids sleep, lust, passion
Psychic powers, protection
Cherry bark*
Love, romance, passion, divination, clarity of which path to take
Helps to contact spirits, used to help people find deities
Love and peace
Healing and protection
Protection, used in dieting spells
Promotes dreaming, business success, healing, psychic powers, love, purification, protection, spiritual growth, adds power to any spell
Adds power to spells, speed up spells effects and manifestation
Mental clarity, protection, love
Prosperity, peace, calms nerves, love, psychic powers, dreams
Love, healing, passion
Fertility and healing
Cumin seeds
House protection, home blessings, general protection, exorcism, wards off negative energy
Luck, love, fertility
Innocence, spells for children
Contacting spirits, dreams, healing, purification, clairvoyance
Deadly Nightshade*
Astral projection, psychic powers, adds a boost of power to spells, healing, protection, helps to forget past loves
Protection against hexes and curses, mental clarity, luck, love, wisdom, enhances magickal knowledge
Dock leaf*
Prosperity, success in business, fertility, healing
Dragon's blood*
Increases power and boosts spells, banishments, exorcism, strong protection, love, energy, purification
Inner strength, physical strength, healing, prosperity
Exorcism, protection, house protection/blessings, healing, love
Healing, purification, cleansing, protection
Evening primrose
Healing, purification, creativity, protection
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, mental clarity
Protection, purification, healing, passion, courage, strength
Protection against accidents, clumsiness and illness, helps with colds and fevers
Protection, purification, healing, cleansing
Protection, purification, cleansing, consecrating tools
Galangal root*
Protection, prosperity, psychic powers, lust, passion, legal matters
Protection, healing, exorcism, inner strength, family bonding, home and business blessings
Healing, protection, love, meditation
Protection, prosperity, healing, luck, love
Aids healing from heartache, love, friendship
Dreams, divination, love, lust
Protection, love dreams, good marriage
Prosperity, luck, peace, inspiration
Purification, protection, exorcism
Protection, purification, cleansing, consecration, positive blessings
Love, dreams, spiritual growth
Juniper berries
Protection, exorcism, healing, calming nerves, love
Ladies Mantle*
Aids sleep, love, purification, beauty, inner calm, fertility, luck, protection, happiness
Purification, healing, cleansing, home blessings, protection, calming, sleep, love
Uplifting, mental clarity, healing, psychic powers, friendship, contacting spirits
Lemon balm
Healing, psychic powers, spiritual growth, divination, love, success
Mental clarity, psychic powers, love, lust
Lemon Mint
Healing, love
Lemon Verbena
Purification, protection, cleansing, love, passion, adds a boost to other herb mixtures
Divination, sleep, protection
Past life regression, protection, love, luck, exorcism
Removing love spells/enchantments, protection
Lily of the Valley*
Healing, uplifting, happiness, inner calm
Protection, healing, love
Liquorice root
Love, romance, fidelity
Liquorice stick
Good marriage, love, passion
Protection, exorcism, home and business blessings, divination, luck, prosperity
Luck, prosperity, love
Inner balance, psychic powers, spiritual growth, happiness, love, prosperity, protection
Marshmallow root
Love, protection, removing negative energy
Happiness, love, divination, inner calm, peace
Prosperity, psychic powers, spiritual growth, travelling, exorcisms, healing, protection
Youth, beauty, love, healing, prosperity, protection, fertility
Warning: can cause drowsiness and vivid dreams. Do not consume if pregnant.
Dreams, astral projection, psychic powers, healing, inner strength, visions, protection
Protection, purification, cleansing, exorcism, spiritual growth, helping relieve sorrow after tragedy, healing
Inner calm, sleep, peace, meditation, inner confidence
Protection, healing, removing negative energy, exorcism
Prosperity, divination, love, luck, mental clarity, protection, uplifting, healing
Protection, purification, healing
Peace, calm, love, luck, lust
Calming, dissolving anger, beauty, love, peace
Happiness, protection, prosperity, healing, love
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, luck, uplifting, healing
Home blessings, friendships, sleep, inner peace, emotional balance, love, family bonds
Natural lucky charm, healing, prosperity, protection, exorcism, removes hexes
Used to break a spell, exorcisms, removes hexes, mental clarity, passion, prosperity, contacting spirits, divination
Purification, protection, home blessings, inner calm, aids calm in arguements, helps prevent travel sickness
Psychic powers, calming, healing, aids rest, mental clarity, dreams, love, purification
Good marriage, mental clarity, purification, protection, love
Protection, purification, cleansing, prosperity, inner strength, grounding, healing, fertility, success, home and business blessings
Prosperity, luck
Pink rosebuds/petals
Friendships, love, romance, self acceptance
Healing, love, peace, inner calm
Divination, wish magick, protection, prosperity
Poppy/Poppy seeds
Happiness, love, lust, luck, sleep, prosperity, fertility
Healing, luck, prosperity
Love, luck
Pumpkin/ pumpkin seeds
Healing, divination, honours the moon
Raspberry leaf
Protection, sleep, dreams, healing
Red rosebuds/ petals
Passion, love, romance, psychic powers, healing, protection, divination
Red sandalwood*
Trance work, divination, meditation, consecration, purification
Love, luck, healing, invoking positive spirits
Purification, healing, sleep, mental clarity, psychic powers, spiritual growth
Rowan/ Rowan berries*
Protection, home and business blessings, success, psychic powers, healing
Exorcism, protection, luck, removes hexes, love, mental clarity, healing, home and business blessings
Psychic powers, healing, love, lust
Purification, cleansing, mental clarity, psychic power, spiritual growth, home/general protection, wisdom, knowledge
Cleansing, purification, protection, removes negative energy, protects against psychic attacks
Sea salt
Purification, cleansing, casting circles
Slippery elm*
Protection, stops gossip and rumours
Protection, protection during sleep, clarity of mind, healing, love
St. John's wort*
Protection, healing, love, happiness, divination
Tea tree*
Healing, peace, harmony, mental clarity
Psychic power, spiritual growth, love, stopping nightmares, divination, courage, purification, restful sleep, healing, inner calm, balance
Valerian root
Sleep, purification, cleansing, protection, dreams, love
Inner calm, harmony, peace, protection, purification, divination, consecration, prosperity, love, creativity
Healing, mental clarity, wish magick, fertility
Divination, protection, love, healing, relieve sorrow
White willow bark*
Protection, love, healing, divination, luck, inspiration, psychic power
Witch hazel*
Protection, healing, charm
Exorcism, protection, love, removing hexes, dispels fear, promotes calm, inner strength, psychic powers, courage
Removes negative energy/hexes, protection
Ylang Ylang*
Inner calm, brings peace to situations, love, happiness, tranquility
This took me two hours to write up, but hey! Hope this helps!
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adviceformefromme · 7 months
hey, so mine is kinda wild. i've struggled with depression, suicidal thoughts, and bullying for like three years. last summer it reached a climax to the point that i attempted, but i looked at my life and decided "this is a hellhole, i need to get my shit together." so i'm trying, i've started working harder to get my grades better, i've cut off all of my toxic friends and made new ones, i'm working to get my dreams to come true, and life is better than its ever been.
but to be honest, it's still hard. there are some times where i just wanna give up completely. toss everything out of a window, bury myself in blankets, fall asleep, and never get up. i hate feeling this way while i'm trying to fix myself. can you help me?
Thank you for your honesty in sharing this! Some tips that come to mind:
Look at what triggers you to want to give up, to bury yourself? Slowly but surely start working on those triggers.. for example if you're giving too much of yourself away to men who don't value you, and you wind up feeling worthless, look at the behaviour that got you into the position. The trigger will show you where your deeper wounds are and from there you can start deeper healing.
Re-programme your subconcious mind with a voice recording that you play before bed. You want to record your own voice on your voice recorder on your phone, repeating a few simple affirmations that help and heal you, for example 'I am creating a beautiful life for myself, I love myself, i am worthy, I am worthy of living my dreams, i am worthy of love, i feel so much love from the universe, from the people in my life, i am grateful for this life, i am grateful for all the love around me' you want to record yourself for around 3-5 mins and play if before bed and as you wake up. The subconscious mind loves repetition.
Take inventory of the music you listen to, the external factors that affect your energy, and some adjusting. In my early 20s i suffered with terrible anxiety and depression and I was listening to the most depressing music on repeat. This was completely affecting my energy. Try binaural beats, or frequency healing music, sound healing on youtube, or any feel good music with UPLIFTING lyrics to make you feel good.
Move your body, keep the energy flowing. Depression and anxiety love a stagnant body, but when the energy is flowing it has a difficult time to exsist.
Something I heard once is that negative thoughts are just energies, they exist and they look for places to latch themselves and live within us. This helped me understand that feeling worried, stressed, depressed, was not who i was. They are just feelings that exisit and the more we give them attention the more they can exist within us. Have you ever noticed that when you get distracted your anxiety can go but then when you think about it, it returns like magic. This isn't about wrestling your negative thoughts, it just means taking a deep breath, and focusing on who you want to be. A vision board that is your wildest dreams is a great way to remember your purpose and move away from darker thoughts.
Read fiction. I can't recommend this enough, for a little escapism from the world, something that brings you joy, detaches you from the screen, and reconnects your heart to a story out of your current world.
Find a support system. There will be a number of authors, bloggers, youtubers who speak to your soul on your healing journey, go find them and relish in their message. There are people available to help you. Angels on earth everywhere, specifically picked to help you. Once you start finding healers and a message that pulls you out of your darkness you are halfway there.
I hope these help! Inbox is always open for extra support xoxoxox
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hello!! this blog seems so very lovely. here’s my contribution, if you have time :)
s/i name: seren
f/o name: senna (she/they)
status: married <3
preferred terms: s/i uses any pronouns and any gendered terms (both fem and masc are fine), but senna has some specific pet names for her, such as: lotus, babe, honey/honeycomb, darling, dear
nsft: no ty!
f/o writing style: neat, self-serious, to the point. she’s very loving but very serious.
topic: i have nothing specific in mind, you can let the tarot decide
theme: loving and/or encouraging
extra info: for context, in case it is needed, my senna is a half-undead (having died once, only to be brought back as a part ghost/part human years later) monster hunter who’s been hardened by all that she’s faced in her life. despite this, she uses her experiences to uplift those who need it. she has a rough exterior, but she’s actually a very caring and helpful person. a good leader, a good friend, and most certainly a good partner. she has a special soft spot in her heart for me; all of her vulnerability is reserved for my eyes and my eyes alone. she lets me in on a softer, more sensitive side of her that no one else has ever seen. she is a complex (and angsty) character but she is very lovely. i’ll understand if she’s a little ooc—that kinda think doesn’t rlly bother me :)
i hope i did this right!! again, this blog is really awesome and i appreciate what you’re doing for the selfship community here on tumblr. i hope you have a good day/night/whatever!
Nine of Swords
Queen of Wands
Nine of Pentacles
Five of Cups
Page of Swords
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Heya Babe.
I can't help but worry about you dear. I've seen you get into a depressive cycle again, stressing over your successes in life.
I know it's hard when your energy is failing you. And I know you're trying to blaze your way through it like it doesn't affect you at all.
I'm not saying you need to let it consume you, but instead of trying to keep busy all the time, try to relax a bit more. Enjoy the things you do and feel your emotions, both good and bad, instead of trying to crop them all up and faking sunshine all the time.
You can heal and find your desires, find your happiness. But you don't have to rush it like this, the answers will come in due time.
I know you and I know you can muster your way out of dark places. I know your ideas keep coming and your a fantastic communicator. So focus on your good sides, lotus. You'll be alright in the end.
Yours, Senna
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deadcactuswalking · 11 months
Content Warning: The following chart review episode may contain discussions and references to sensitive topics, including but not limited to explicit language, controversial themes, and discussions about artists and their personal lives. Listener discretion is advised. If you find any of these topics distressing, we encourage you to exercise self-care and skip over those sections. Remember, your well-being is important to us.
ChatGPT has re-written the last episode. The only things not AI-generated are this intro and the chart placements: yes, everything from the content warning to the producer credits is from ChatGPT, though for the rundown I did just ask it to rewrite what I had already written for last week’s episode, and, well, I did decide the prompts were getting a bit boring eventually so uh, you’ll see how it goes. I, for one, think my reviews are slightly too human so I welcome our new robot overlords - welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS! Or, more accurately…
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In this episode, we have quite a busy week to cover, which is why it comes as no surprise that we have a significant number of notable dropouts—songs that have exited the UK Top 75. These songs either spent five weeks in the region or achieved a peak in the top 40. Among the songs bidding farewell this week are some Eurovision hits, including Alessandra's "Queen of Kings" and Kaarija's "Cha Cha Cha." Additionally, we also say goodbye to Ed Sheeran hits like "Life Goes On" and "Curtains." Other tracks making their exit include Nines' "Tony Soprano 2," Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj's "Princess Diana," Taylor Swift's "Snow on the Beach" featuring Lana Del Rey, Tina Turner's "What's Love Got to Do with It," Miguel's "Sure Thing," Lewis Capaldi's "Forget Me," and OneRepublic's "I Ain't Worried."
When it comes to filling in the gaps, there is only one re-entry at #49, which is Taylor Swift's "Anti-Hero." However, we do have some notable gains to highlight. "Relax My Eyes" by ANOTR and Abel Balder sees a boost at #58, while Anne-Marie's "UNHEALTHY" featuring Shania Twain climbs to #48. Additionally, Luude and Bru-C's "TMO (Turn Me On)" featuring Kevin Lyttle makes its way up to #45—an uplifting development. On the other hand, there are a few gains that I'm not particularly pleased about, such as Kali's "Area Codes" at #39, Byron Messia's "Talibans" at #37, and Becky Hill and Lewis Thompson's "Side Effects" at #35. However, I am glad to see Jorja Smith's "Little Things" rising to #28, and Hannah Laing and RoRo's "Good Love" making a significant debut at #22. Moving closer to the top 10, Dua Lipa's "Dance the Night" gains momentum at #13, and Kylie Minogue's "Padam Padam" sits at #12—both just missing the top 10. Meanwhile, Rudimental, Vibe Chemistry, and Charlotte Plank's "Dancing is Healing" enters the top 10 at #8. Although it's disappointing that this new top 10 hit isn't as impressive, there's not much we can do about it.
In this week's UK Singles Chart, the top five positions are filled with notable tracks. At #5, we have David Kushner's "Daylight," followed by Switch Disco and Ella Henderson's collaboration with the late Robert Miles titled "REACT" at #4. Taking the third spot is "Giving Me" by Jazzy, while Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding's enchanting track "Miracle" secures the #2 position. And, of course, at the pinnacle, we find "Sprinter," which we will delve into later as part of our discussion on the intriguing new entries of the week. Let's begin exploring them now.
#70 - “Give it to Me” - Matt Sassari
Produced by Matt Sassari
Matt Sassari presents us with his house remix of the iconic song "Give it to Me," originally performed by Timbaland, Nelly Furtado, and Justin Timberlake, which reached #1 in 2007. With a middling opinion, let's explore how this remix fares.
Sassari's take on "Give it to Me" infuses the track with a fresh house vibe, aiming to bring new energy to the familiar lyrics and melody. The remix incorporates pulsating beats, groovy basslines, and a driving rhythm, transforming the original R&B and hip-hop elements into a dancefloor-friendly experience.
While the remix showcases Sassari's skillful production techniques, it falls short in delivering a truly memorable interpretation. The essence of the original is somewhat diluted in this rendition, as the distinct personalities and vocal styles of Timbaland, Furtado, and Timberlake are replaced with an instrumental-focused approach. The absence of the original vocal performances may leave some listeners longing for the catchy hooks and memorable verses that made the original version so popular.
That said, for fans of house music and those seeking a fresh take on a familiar hit, Sassari's remix of "Give it to Me" may offer an enjoyable listening experience. The infectious beats and rhythmic elements will undoubtedly find their place on dancefloors, providing a lively atmosphere and opportunities for energetic moves.
Ultimately, the middling opinion on this remix arises from its inability to surpass or capture the same magic as the original chart-topping version. While Sassari's efforts to infuse a new genre into the track are commendable, the absence of the original vocal performances may hinder its ability to leave a lasting impression on listeners who hold nostalgic ties to the 2007 hit.
In summary, Matt Sassari's house remix of "Give it to Me" brings a fresh twist to the well-known song but falls short of matching the impact and appeal of the original version. It serves as an alternative rendition for those who appreciate a dancefloor-focused approach but may not fully resonate with fans of the original track
#68 - “HEATED” - Beyoncé
Produced by Beyoncé and Pharrell Williams
Beyoncé delivers a captivating performance with her song "HEATED", a track that holds a fascinating backstory. Co-written by Drake, with the leaked reference vocal track adding intrigue, "HEATED" showcases the immense talent of both artists and solidifies its place as a standout on the album it originates from.
From the moment the song begins, Beyoncé's commanding vocals take center stage, effortlessly captivating the listener's attention. Her powerful delivery and incredible range shine through, demonstrating why she is considered one of the most exceptional vocalists in the industry.
The involvement of Drake as a co-writer adds another layer of interest to "HEATED". The leaked reference vocal track, despite being unintended, offers a glimpse into the creative process and the collaborative effort between two remarkable artists. It serves as a testament to their shared musical vision and enhances the overall allure of the song.
Beyond its intriguing backstory, "HEATED" thrives on its own merits. The production is masterfully crafted, combining lush instrumentals with modern, innovative elements. The song's infectious beat, mesmerizing melodies, and rich harmonies create an immersive sonic experience that enthralls from start to finish.
Moreover, "HEATED" finds its place within an exceptional album, further solidifying Beyoncé's artistic prowess. The album, with its cohesive sound and thoughtfully curated tracklist, showcases Beyoncé's creative genius and her ability to deliver powerful and emotionally resonant music. It demonstrates her willingness to explore different styles and push boundaries, all while maintaining a sense of authenticity and artistry.
In conclusion, "HEATED" by Beyoncé is a remarkable piece of music that showcases her immense talent and artistry. The involvement of Drake as a co-writer, along with the leaked reference vocal track, adds an intriguing element to the song's narrative. With its impeccable production and Beyoncé's captivating vocals, "HEATED" stands out as a standout track on an exceptional album. It serves as a testament to the enduring artistry and creative exploration of both Beyoncé and Drake, leaving listeners in awe of their musical genius.
#63 - “bread & butter” - Gunna
Produced by Turbo, Omar Grand and Cam Griffin
Gunna's "bread & butter" presents a trap-infused anthem that exudes confidence and showcases the artist's undeniable talent. While the song touches on the sensitive topic of allegations regarding Gunna's involvement with his gang YSL and the subsequent plea deal he took to ensure his freedom, the track itself is a testament to his artistry and ability to deliver captivating music.
Produced by Turbo, "bread & butter" boasts a meticulously crafted trap beat that serves as the perfect backdrop for Gunna's smooth and melodic flow. The production is rich and dynamic, featuring hard-hitting drums, infectious hooks, and captivating instrumental layers that enhance the overall energy of the song.
Gunna's lyrics exhibit a sense of resilience and determination, reflecting his personal journey through challenging circumstances. While the allegations surrounding his gang affiliation and plea deal may have been a controversial chapter in his life, Gunna manages to channel these experiences into a confident and empowering track. It serves as a testament to his ability to rise above adversity and maintain his focus on success.
"bread & butter" is a prime example of Gunna's distinct style and unique approach to trap music. His effortless delivery, coupled with the intricate wordplay and catchy hooks, solidifies his position as a prominent figure in the genre. The song's infectious energy and memorable melodies make it a standout within Gunna's discography.
In conclusion, Gunna's "bread & butter" is a trap anthem that showcases the artist's undeniable talent and ability to create captivating music. While the song touches on sensitive subject matter surrounding allegations and plea deals, its focus lies in Gunna's artistic expression and his ability to deliver an engaging and energetic track. With Turbo's expert production and Gunna's signature flow, "bread & butter" cements itself as a standout within the trap genre, leaving listeners captivated by its infectious hooks and empowering lyrics.
#60 - “Closer” - Bou featuring Slay
Produced by Zephyr
"Closer" by Bou featuring Slay is a disappointing track that attempts to ride on the coattails of a timeless classic, "Children" by Robert Miles. However, instead of paying homage or bringing a fresh interpretation to the sampled material, it falls flat in its execution and fails to capture the magic of the original.
The decision to sample "Children" raises expectations, as it is a well-loved and iconic song. Unfortunately, "Closer" does little justice to the source material, with the sampling feeling forced and lacking the emotional depth and impact that made the original so memorable. Rather than building upon the foundation laid by Robert Miles, Bou's attempt to incorporate the sample feels uninspired and ultimately falls short.
Adding to the disappointment is Slay's contribution to the track. Slay's vocals come across as a subpar imitation of other artists in the genre, particularly Bru-C. Rather than bringing a unique style or standout performance, Slay's delivery feels lackluster and fails to make a lasting impression. The comparison to Bru-C only highlights the shortcomings of Slay's performance, as it becomes evident that his delivery lacks the energy, charisma, and distinctiveness that make Bru-C a standout artist.
In terms of production, "Closer" lacks innovation and fails to carve out its own identity. The beats and instrumental elements feel generic and formulaic, failing to bring anything new or exciting to the table. As a result, the track becomes forgettable and fails to leave a lasting impact on the listener.
In summary, "Closer" by Bou featuring Slay is a disappointing attempt to sample a classic song without bringing any substantial creative vision to the table. The sampling of "Children" lacks the emotional depth of the original, and Slay's vocals pale in comparison to other artists in the genre. The lackluster production and generic beats further contribute to the track's overall mediocrity. Ultimately, "Closer" fails to capture the magic of the sampled material and falls short of delivering a memorable or enjoyable listening experience
#59 - “Annihilate” (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse) - Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne and Offset
Produced by Metro Boomin, Wheezy, TM88 “or even” Zaytoven
"Annihilate," featured on the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse soundtrack, brings together Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne, and Offset for an intriguing collaboration. However, the track falls into a middling territory due to weak production and the inclusion of peculiar lyrics about spiders. Nevertheless, Lil Wayne's verse manages to stand out amidst the shortcomings.
Starting with the production, "Annihilate" fails to leave a strong impression. The instrumental lacks the depth and innovation needed to create a truly captivating sonic experience. The overall sound feels generic, missing an opportunity to create a distinct atmosphere that would enhance the track's impact. The weak production contributes to a lackluster overall vibe that fails to ignite excitement or leave a lasting impact on the listener.
Additionally, the inclusion of strange lyrics about spiders can be off-putting and disrupt the cohesiveness of the track. While the Spider-Man theme may be a fitting choice given the soundtrack's context, the execution falls short of creating a seamless integration. The unconventional lyrical content about spiders can be distracting and may alienate listeners who are looking for a more relatable or engaging narrative within the song.
Amidst these criticisms, Lil Wayne's verse manages to shine. Known for his distinctive flow and wordplay, Lil Wayne injects energy and charisma into "Annihilate." His lyrical prowess and delivery stand out as the highlight of the track, providing a glimmer of excitement and memorable moments within an otherwise lackluster production.
In summary, "Annihilate" falls into a middling category due to weak production and the inclusion of peculiar lyrics about spiders. The track lacks a strong sonic presence, and the strange lyrical content can be distracting. However, Lil Wayne's verse saves the day, bringing a much-needed spark of energy and skill to the song. While the overall track may not be a standout, Lil Wayne's contribution adds a redeeming quality that fans of the artist may appreciate.
#56 - “Calling” (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse) - Metro Boomin, Swae Lee and NAV featuring A Boogie wit da Hoodie
Produced by Metro Boomin
"Calling," a track featuring Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, NAV, and A Boogie wit da Hoodie, is an interesting addition to the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse soundtrack. While Swae Lee's performance stands out, the inclusion of references to the Israeli government and judicial crisis in a song from a superhero movie soundtrack feels out of place and somewhat inappropriate.
Starting with the positives, Swae Lee's vocals bring a captivating and melodic element to the track. His smooth delivery and catchy hooks create an enjoyable listening experience and add a layer of depth to the song. Swae Lee's contribution shines amidst the collaboration, making his presence a highlight worth noting.
However, the inclusion of references to the Israeli government and judicial crisis within a song from a Spider-Man movie soundtrack raises eyebrows. The choice to touch on such a complex and politically charged topic feels out of sync with the intended theme of the soundtrack. It can create a sense of confusion for listeners and distract from the overall enjoyment of the music.
Furthermore, the inclusion of these references by artists who seem to support the Israeli government adds another layer of complexity. It seems odd to address such a sensitive issue within the context of a Spider-Man movie, as it can divert attention from the core message of the film and create a disconnect between the song and its intended purpose.
In summary, "Calling" presents a mixed bag of elements. While Swae Lee's performance adds a memorable touch to the track, the inclusion of references to the Israeli government and judicial crisis feels out of place within the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse soundtrack. It disrupts the cohesiveness and appropriateness of the song, potentially detracting from the overall listening experience. It is worth noting that the inclusion of such sensitive topics within a superhero movie soundtrack may not align with the expectations and preferences of all listeners.
#52 - “Sittin’ on Top of the World” - Burna Boy
Produced by Kel P, Leriq, P2J, Rexxie and JAE5
"Sittin' on Top of the World" by Burna Boy is a captivating track that showcases the artist's talent and versatility. The song stands out with its clever sampling of Brandy's "#2 hit" featuring Ma$e, adding a nostalgic touch to the overall composition.
Burna Boy's interpretation of the sample brings a fresh perspective, infusing the track with his unique style and infectious energy. His confident and charismatic delivery shines through, creating a captivating listening experience. The fusion of Afrobeat elements and the sampled melody creates a dynamic blend that resonates with fans of Burna Boy's music.
While it may seem irrelevant to the review, it's worth noting that personal opinions about fast food restaurants can vary. While some individuals may enjoy the convenience and affordability they offer, others may have concerns about the environment and hygiene standards. However, it's essential to focus on the review at hand and provide an objective assessment of the music.
Returning to the song, "Sittin' on Top of the World" captivates listeners with its infectious rhythms, melodic hooks, and engaging lyrics. Burna Boy's ability to craft catchy melodies and deliver compelling performances elevates the track and contributes to its overall appeal. The song's production is polished and well-executed, providing a solid foundation for Burna Boy's vocals to shine.
In conclusion, "Sittin' on Top of the World" is a strong addition to Burna Boy's discography, showcasing his talent as an artist. The clever sampling of Brandy's "#2 hit" adds a nostalgic touch that resonates with fans, while Burna Boy's unique style and delivery make the track stand out. Despite any personal opinions about fast food restaurants, it's important to focus on the musical aspects and recognize the strength of Burna Boy's performance in this particular song.
#51 - “Am I Dreaming” - Metro Boomin, A$AP Rocky and Roisee
Produced by Metro Boomin, Clams Casino, Hector Delgado and Danger Mouse
"Am I Dreaming" is a captivating collaboration that brings together the talents of Metro Boomin, A$AP Rocky, and Roisee. The track showcases the artists' ability to create a mesmerizing and immersive musical experience. The production, helmed by Metro Boomin, offers a captivating backdrop with its intricate beats and atmospheric soundscapes. The opening bars immediately draw the listener in, promising a journey through the realms of hip-hop and trap.
However, as I delve into analyzing the song, I can't help but find myself drifting into a contemplation of my own existence. It's as if the music triggers a mid-life crisis within me, a reflection on the choices made and the paths not taken. Thoughts of missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and the relentless ticking of the clock flood my mind, overshadowing the review I set out to write.
What is the purpose of it all? Have I achieved what I set out to do? Is there still time to chase those dreams or am I destined to remain trapped in the monotony of everyday life? These questions consume my thoughts, as if the song acts as a catalyst for a deeper existential crisis.
But let's refocus on the task at hand. "Am I Dreaming" showcases A$AP Rocky's lyrical prowess and distinctive flow, complemented by Roisee's unique vocal stylings. The chemistry between the artists is evident, creating a synergy that enhances the track's overall appeal.
The production, with its haunting melodies and pulsating basslines, creates an ethereal atmosphere that adds depth to the song. Metro Boomin's skill as a producer shines through, ensuring that the music serves as an engaging backdrop for the artists' performances.
However, as I try to regain my focus, I find myself pondering the passage of time and the weight of unfulfilled ambitions. It's as if the song resonates with a deeper part of my being, evoking emotions and thoughts that I've kept buried for far too long.
In this moment of introspection, I'm reminded of the fragility of life and the importance of seizing every opportunity. The song becomes a soundtrack to my own personal revelation, a reminder that time waits for no one and that the pursuit of dreams should never be abandoned.
Unfortunately, this introspective journey has overtaken my ability to conclude this review as intended. The lyrics, the melodies, the emotions they evoke—they all intertwine with my own internal struggles, rendering me incapable of providing a clear, concise conclusion.
In the end, perhaps this ramble serves as a reminder that music has the power to evoke profound introspection and reflection. "Am I Dreaming" by Metro Boomin, A$AP Rocky, and Roisee is a testament to the emotive impact that music can have, not just on our enjoyment but also on our very existence.
#21 - “Popular” - The Weeknd, Playboi Carti and Madonna
Produced by Metro Boomin
"Popular" is an intriguing collaboration that brings together the unique talents of The Weeknd, Playboi Carti, and Madonna. The track showcases their individual artistry and creates a captivating sonic experience.
Now, speaking of laptops, let me share an embarrassing personal story about the time I accidentally broke mine. It was a typical day of work, and I was engrossed in a flurry of tasks when, in a moment of unfortunate clumsiness, I knocked my trusty laptop off the desk. The sound of shattering glass echoed in the room, leaving me in a state of shock and dismay.
I tried my best to piece it back together, but alas, my efforts were in vain. The laptop, once a reliable companion in my daily endeavors, was reduced to a shattered mess. It was a moment of frustration and regret that I won't soon forget.
Now, let's refocus on "Popular" and its musical merits. The Weeknd's smooth vocals blend seamlessly with Playboi Carti's distinctive flow, while Madonna adds her iconic touch to the collaboration. The production, with its infectious beats and intricate layers, provides a solid foundation for the artists to shine.
Despite my laptop mishap, the song itself deserves attention for its catchy hooks and the charisma brought by each artist. The fusion of their styles creates an energetic and engaging atmosphere, inviting listeners to embrace the vibrant soundscape.
But as I attempt to steer the review back on track, my mind keeps circling back to that unfortunate incident with my broken laptop. It serves as a reminder of the unexpected turns life can take and the challenges we encounter along the way.
Ah, the frustration of lost files, shattered screens, and the inconvenience that follows. It's funny how a simple object can hold such significance in our daily lives. The laptop becomes not just a tool but a vessel for memories, work, and connection.
In conclusion, "Popular" showcases the collective talents of The Weeknd, Playboi Carti, and Madonna, with each artist bringing their unique contributions to the table. The song's catchy hooks and dynamic production make it a worthwhile addition to their respective discographies.
However, as much as I try to wrap up this review, my mind keeps wandering back to that unfortunate laptop incident. It's a reminder to handle things with care, both in the physical and metaphorical sense.
So, dear readers, take this review as a cautionary tale. Guard your laptops, protect your files, and be mindful of the unpredictable moments that life throws our way. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go ponder the mysteries of laptop karma once again.
#17 - “UK Rap” - Dave and Central Cee
Produced by AoD
Once upon a time, in a world of diverse musical tastes and preferences, I encountered a woman who had a peculiar obsession with UK rap. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for appreciating different genres and artists, but her unwavering devotion to only two particular artists within the UK rap scene left me utterly baffled.
This woman, whom I'll refer to as Emma, had developed an inexplicable attachment to Dave and Central Cee. Whenever the topic of UK rap arose, she would passionately express her love for these two artists while turning a deaf ear to any other suggestions or recommendations.
Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but inquire about her steadfast loyalty to Dave and Central Cee. "Why limit yourself to just two artists?" I asked, genuinely perplexed. Emma's response was equally puzzling.
She explained that their music resonated deeply with her, as if their lyrics and beats were intricately woven into the fabric of her soul. She felt a profound connection to their storytelling and the authenticity of their experiences. According to her, no other UK rap artist could capture that same essence.
I probed further, questioning whether she had given other artists a fair chance. Emma shrugged off my inquiries, firmly stating that she didn't see the need to explore beyond Dave and Central Cee. Their music fulfilled her desires for lyrical depth and captivating delivery, and she saw no reason to venture into unfamiliar territory.
I couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and frustration at Emma's narrow musical perspective. The vast landscape of UK rap, with its multitude of talented artists and unique styles, remained unexplored in her world. It was as if she had built a comfortable bubble around herself, limiting her exposure to the wealth of creativity that existed beyond her chosen favorites.
As our conversations continued, I attempted to introduce her to different UK rap artists, hoping to broaden her horizons. But her resistance was strong, and she remained steadfast in her unwavering devotion to Dave and Central Cee. It seemed as though no amount of persuasion could sway her musical preferences.
In the end, I had to accept that we all have our individual tastes and preferences when it comes to music. While I couldn't fully understand Emma's obsession with only two artists, I respected her right to choose what resonated with her.
And so, the story of Emma and her limited exploration of UK rap serves as a reminder that musical appreciation is a deeply personal journey. Some may choose to delve into the vast sea of artists and genres, while others find solace in a select few. Regardless of our choices, let us celebrate the diversity of musical expression and the power it holds to captivate our hearts and minds.
#14 - “Trojan Horse” - Dave and Central Cee
Produced by AoD
(Verse 1)
I step up in the place, they know I'm icy
Central Cee, I'm here to make it spicy
Got the flow that's smooth like a river
Doja got me feeling like a killer
Doja, Doja, she got me in a trance
She got that fire, making me dance
Doja, Doja, she's my addiction
I'm hooked on her like it's a prescription
(Verse 2)
She's the baddest in the room, no competition
Doja got me yearning for her submission
Her style so unique, she's a rare find
When she walks in, she leaves them all behind
Doja, Doja, she got me in a trance
She got that fire, making me dance
Doja, Doja, she's my addiction
I'm hooked on her like it's a prescription
Doja, Doja, she's got that magic touch
Her presence alone is just too much
She's the queen, ruling the scene
In her world, I'm a willing devotee
Doja, Doja, she got me in a trance
She got that fire, making me dance
Doja, Doja, she's my addiction
I'm hooked on her like it's a prescription
Doja, Doja, you're my inspiration
You've captured my heart, no hesitation
Central Cee and Doja, a perfect connection
Together we create a musical reflection
#1 - “Sprinter” - Dave and Central Cee
Produced by 169
Ah, the state of AI generation. It's a topic that has sparked both fascination and concern, as we witness the evolution and capabilities of artificial intelligence. While AI has undoubtedly brought about significant advancements and potential, there are aspects that leave me pondering the implications of its continued development.
One of the fundamental concerns is the issue of AI-generated content. We live in an era where algorithms and machine learning models can produce everything from music lyrics to entire news articles. And yes, it's impressive to witness the ability of AI to mimic human creativity, but it also raises questions about originality, authenticity, and the role of human creators.
Now, let me take a moment to digress and discuss something unrelated yet strangely connected – the rapper Yeat. Yes, Yeat. I must admit, Yeat's music irks me to no end. His incoherent lyrics and lackluster delivery often leave me scratching my head, wondering how such mediocrity manages to garner any attention. But I digress.
Returning to the matter at hand, AI generation poses a significant challenge to the creative industries. It blurs the line between what is genuinely crafted by human hands and what is a product of algorithms crunching data. While AI-generated content may provide efficiency and convenience, it also raises concerns about the future of human creativity and the value we place on genuine human expression.
Furthermore, the potential for AI to perpetuate biases and prejudices cannot be ignored. Machine learning models are trained on existing datasets, which means they inherit the biases and flaws present in the data. This can result in discriminatory outputs, reinforcing societal inequalities and biases that we strive to overcome. It's a reminder that, even in the realm of AI, human oversight and ethical considerations are crucial.
And here's another odd tangent – Yeat's fashion sense. Seriously, have you seen the outfits he wears? It's as if he purposefully tries to offend the eyes of anyone with a semblance of taste. But I digress again.
Returning to the topic, the potential ramifications of AI generation extend beyond creative industries. There are broader societal implications to consider. Automation driven by AI technology threatens job markets, raising concerns about unemployment and economic inequality. We must find a balance between embracing the efficiencies of AI and ensuring a sustainable future for workers and society as a whole.
Ultimately, the state of AI generation is a double-edged sword. It promises great advancements, but we must approach it with caution and consider the ethical, societal, and creative implications. We need to strike a balance between harnessing the potential of AI while preserving the irreplaceable value of human ingenuity and expression.
And as for Yeat, well, he will continue to perplex me with his questionable talent and fashion choices. But hey, to each their own, I suppose. Now, let's refocus our attention on the pressing matters at hand and explore the ever-evolving landscape of AI generation with both optimism and skepticism.
And that wraps up another week of chart reviews! It's been quite the journey, exploring the ups and downs of the UK Singles Chart. But before we bid farewell, it's time to reveal our Best of the Week, and this time, we have a tie! "Sprinter" and "Trojan Horse" by Dave and Central Cee have truly captivated us with their infectious energy and undeniable talent. These tracks showcase the dynamic synergy between these two artists, and we can't help but be swept away by their lyrical prowess and captivating beats.
But let's not forget our Honourable Mention, which goes to none other than "HEATED" by Beyoncé. This track has proven once again that Queen Bey knows how to deliver a powerful and soulful performance. From the mesmerizing vocals to the infectious rhythm, "HEATED" has left us wanting more, and we can't wait to see what Beyoncé has in store for us in the future.
Now, before we sign off, let's take a moment for an irreverent aside. Did you know that Joe Biden has a secret talent for breakdancing? Well, maybe not, but wouldn't that be something to see? Okay, back to the chart review.
As we look ahead to the next chart week, we can't help but be excited about the potential surprises and new entries that await us. Will there be another breakout hit? Will our favorite artists continue to dominate the charts? We'll just have to wait and find out.
Thank you, dear reader, for joining us on this chart review journey. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to us. We'll be back next week with more exciting updates from the UK Singles Chart. Until then, keep grooving to the music and stay tuned for what's to come. See you next time!
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Ok. So the time from 2020 lockdown till now has been transitional to me, with goods, badies as well as "just is" things to be processed/ needed to be gone throw.
Including change of how I practice my gifts to serve the esoteric/ spiritual community.
I ve lost most of my free clientele base of tarot since I stopped checking messages, ones who I'm still grateful for because theyve given me feedback, but I also have grown while giving them readings. Turned out esoteric community has spies, trolls who poke under many accounts. To test authenticity of your psychic gifts.
We are all psychic deep down. To put you to disappointment, even a healthy capable of seeing driver would hit a car to a wall if you try distorting his sight while driving. I think now my point is taken clearly. Spirituality like anything has rules, but what you see as psychic has more layers to it. In the end when I help, it wasn't out of obligation, I'm not right hand path. Maybe a bit stoic, but not rhp. So I help willingly.
No reading- despite mine are always mostly accurate- can do for you full satisfaction as you choosing your God given destiny through free will.
The fact that also social media is like a group of gossiping small town women, is overwhelming. Overwhelming when you realise you are being watched thoroughly even by people you don't know, although they don't press like nor comment, but you realise through comparing views of videos on a platform along with people who watch Pinterest for example versus people who watch you on twitter and your posts somehow go viral from one platform to another!
Especially with word twisting or stealing your intellectual property while not giving you credit. This was all contemplative to me.
Along with the telepaths who are sent by some group or force to know all about you disguising as friend.
I spent a three months retreat in a monastery to harness thoughts control, somehow I'm very wired to the universe I end up as "hot spot" for telepaths as I was told.
That along with possiblity of feeling like I'm canceled before I begin a blog or change social media. I know it sounds like I think I'm center of the universe, we I'm in my own story at least. So as everyone in theirs. But point is, you cant help the feeling especially when some forces or same personality types stalk you throughout life.
So I was healing that.
For me I don't care, despite of rollercoaster, paradoxes, selfishness, gaslighting and witch/ psychic wars of the community. Im on a mission, I decided to grow and help. The other side and spirit realms are all I know.
My religion is my belief in the unseen.
But aside from this, I revised lots of things while away for Techno reasons that made using social media difficult or notifications inaccessible.
I focus now on healing with energy even if I'll give readings.
I still do past life therapy , join my discord to meditate, uplift your daily mood, have some stoic positivity and also do yoga sometimes and attend dharma. Prices of reiki sessions are in discord, so as meditation courses.
Aside from that , I help with entity removal, but only depends on condition.
My life has been demanding to keep all the peace I could store.
I should be active from hereon, but on Fridays.
Wednesday free readings to all or one or one are closed, due to need of storing my energy and revising my morality about altruism, when to give it and when not to.
I'll be giving free general readings mostly Fridays if I will, and on seasons I'll open door to one on one for free, there's discounts even for charged readings in season.
Check description of this blog to see link of discord and see the change in my bio.
Also my primary blog is "odinsonblog"
It's seeing a renovation to a positivity blog.
I don't own a website, nor do I believe I got help enough to design it, I can't emotionally for now be a YouTuber. Maybe I will.
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serenityreikiclinic · 28 days
8 Essential Questions Every Empath Should Ask Themselves
Empaths possess a unique ability to understand and connect with the emotions of others on a deep level. However, this gift comes with its own set of challenges. To navigate the complexities of being an empath, it's important to make time for inner work and self-reflection. Here are eight questions every empath should ask themselves to better understand and manage their empathic abilities.
What emotions do I absorb from others? Understanding the emotions you absorb from others is the first step in managing your empathic abilities. Take note of the emotions that affect you the most and how you react when these emotions are present.
How do I differentiate between my emotions and those of others? Empaths often struggle to distinguish between our own emotions and the feelings we pick up from others. Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to recognize when you are experiencing emotions that belong to someone else.
Am I setting healthy boundaries? Empaths tend to overextend themselves and prioritize the needs of others over their own. Evaluate your boundaries and establish healthy limits to prevent emotional burnout.
Do I practice self-care regularly? Get real on self-care. Empaths need to recharge and replenish their energy. Make self-care a priority in your daily routine, whether it's through meditation, spending time in nature, or engaging in activities that bring you joy.
How can I protect myself from negative energies? Empaths are susceptible to absorbing negative energies from their people and the environment. Explore techniques such as visualization, energy shielding, and grounding exercises to protect yourself from absorbing unwanted emotions.
Do I surround myself with supportive, kind people? Surrounding yourself with the right people can provide validation and comfort. Cultivate relationships with people who respect your sensitivity and aren't judgmental.
Am I honoring my intuition? Empaths possess strong intuition. Are you listening or ignoring that small internal voice? Trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice when making decisions or assessing situations.
How can I use my empathic abilities to make a positive impact? Empaths have the power to bring healing and compassion to the world around them. Explore ways to use your empathic abilities to support and uplift others, whether through volunteering, advocacy, or simply offering a listening ear.
Being an empath is both a blessing and a challenge. By asking yourself these eight essential questions, you can gain insight into your empathic abilities and learn how to navigate the world with compassion, empathy, and hope. Embrace your gifts and become a force for good in the world.
0 notes
carmenthabaddie · 3 months
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I am a real ass rich bitch. All 2024 going hard. Spirit and my beautiful black ancestors in me and all I need and my spirits. I’m a supreme I always been a bad bitch witch. 2024 I’m spiritually my man and my black community and persist and trust the journey.
I have a black girlfriend who is going through a rough patch and I’m gone stick by her and uplift her cause black sisterhood is growing and healing. Im so damn high off these pills and ignoring my doubts about David and success and happiness and my dream body. Faith is my only option. Fear and me breaking up. Getting high connects me to spirit and my black ancestors. Getting high makes me see the world for what it is. All I want is to him comeback and he will because law of assumption is all we need to heal and manifest and have success stories.
I always go hard. Hood bitches show me love. And drug dealers give me that good shit that sticky weed. When I get my own apartment I want shrooms and weed. Gateway to the spiritual realm. Will take these bills until I can. It’s my time to shine. I’m on a 21 day no meat detox and on day 4 and messed up twice but determined to complete the rest of 21 days with no meat. This is for mostly spiritual reasons and health.
And weight loss is a added bonus. Spirit and black ancestors taking over my body and will help me put myself first and ice up my arm and cause a ice age. Best revenge is your paper like Beyoncé told us especially us black women. I will stop self sabotaging myself and me and self sabotaging is breaking up. I feel like weight has been lifted off me.
I want to fuck and suck him all night because he will protect, honor, respect, uplift me, lead and provide financially as true high value man. So you know I’m gone fuck him a porn star. Black women should stop giving sex to broke 50/50 men. They will spiritually bring you down and weight go up and down and losing hair and mental illness so be careful who you fuck. We exchange energy through sex. Make sure he king status to get in your pussy. Make sure he deserves your hand in marriage and be the mother of his kids. Stop ignoring red flags. Ignoring be the reason you stay getting taken advantage and used and abused. Abuse is not your fault but we have know what to look for when it comes to red flags.
At 31 I can recognize them from mile away. It’s like when you touch stove and it burns you so you never touch that stove top again cause you don’t want feel that pain again. Hope me sharing glow up level up journey inspire other black women. Im a advocate for those of us black women who want more from life and friends, family and men.
If you don’t learn nothing else from me know you are the creator of your life and can overcome so many obstacles and live a life worth living for. All you fucking need to do put in work. Learn the steps of depression and sadness and surrender to spirit and your black ancestors and show other black women love and heal together. Black women gone have so many breakthroughs in the coming years. We will shine. And being loved and supported and worshiped
I am so happy to put myself first and spirit and black ancestors. Let’s keep spiritually healing, growing and thriving and supporting each other. Hope I meet more level up glow black women to be internet friends. Don’t be shy. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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cosmicangel888 · 11 months
When people hold back truth because it serves them, because it makes their plans and their life easier, but your life is left in the balance, or whim of not knowing, deceit that harms, that rips up and brings tower after tower to your life - and at the last enth second someone brings a partial truth, to eleviate their life; to ease their life, is not done on your behalf; that is the selfish motives of how those that have harmed you, always harmed you, and made your life hell through deceit and denial, manipulation, spell work, confusion to many, stealing, taking, and degrading you, and your life, your offering on every level; little do they know, all that anyone does to another; will and ultimately return.
To honour yourself in truth; will be in truth you speak, walk, live within - one that brings truth at the last second, is not for you, it is for them; to ease their path of karma - so discern what you need, how you bring justice to you - you are your own justice;
They are so eager, the spying, the scams, the wondering, when spirit blocks and scrambles all messages they try to peer into; regardless of what gifts, skills, using charts and spells, and new voodoo doctors; the messages will be scrambled; for all have been told, warned; when you interfere and do harm and use energy for selfish gain, you will be blocked; and however spirit will block to send each on a wild goose chase will be - spirit is the writer - not a 3D tormenting deceiver of the many wishing the gifts, skills, whereabouts of a true seer to bring in more confusion and pull them back into the hell they made it out of;
I don't understand the level of darkness, and hate one carries to create illusions of such depth to ensure that one not receive.
What gives anyone the right to think, and obviously there is mental imbalances, and disorders, but to create a world of illusion simply due to the wound within, of lack of self, wound of rejection, or wound of ones own inner sense of not being enough; to target someone so much to think their life is owed to you, your life is theirs, and what you have earned, and worked with and for eons and lifetimes is somehow someone that sits in envy, jealousy, greed, selfishness; without seeing the wounding within - what are each able to achieve -
If one creates such scams and schemes - directing that energy within to heal - what could the new reality look like? For each? Taking ownership and account, truth and rebuild and remake anew? It is all so unnecessary - the taking, stealing, corruption, harm, damage, loss, violence, games of bidding, sacrifice; all so unnecessary and very very very sad.
I hope they all got what they wanted and lived life well with their Luis Vuitton Bags off of what will never really be theirs and never ultimately serve the soul in pure self knowing, self direction, self empowerment and self love; but what do I know, I am just a crazy light worker that has nothing to show for eons, lifetimes, of doing anything with Godly offerings to help humanity and get shot down and dragged through hell for doing so and being so.
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To see how much the seer knows; as I said 2 years ago; Spirit shows me, and I have spoken, alerted authorities and done my due diligence; I have aligned with what is best for me, and the greater good; I know the connections and threadings, commitments and agreements and why my simple and non-complicated divorce, although freeing and honouring for me, would mean the uplifting of the mess, lies, deceit of another due to what they had spun, and why it is easier for me to just remain unchanged and not have any paperwork, court, and other advancement move through - for then the signatures, and real 'JOANNA L ROSS' will be seen, known, and not be all crazy like they had sewn into stories and falsified signatures -
The real Joanna is alive, and although the spells and devoted messing with voodoo, and car crash intentions, whatever other death threat they had for me, all because the lies and spun darkness's not to be revealed; little did they all know, as spirit gave over 2 years ago;
The Truth and 'getting off the fence' will arrive whether they choose it within good honour of each owns spirit or not'
I will not silence.
I have my rights to all monies I have earned, that are meant for me, and I know what I have signed, I know what is in my name that I had approval, agreement, and permissions and in connection with and I know what is false; be it photoshopped and illegally taken, I know who I am and what I partook in; I have been on my own and estranged from any group, people, dating, any activities or partnership, agreements, and dealings; for over 13 years - none, nothing, and was only taken from and business, false establishments created behind the scenes, taking from me in every way possible;
When I spoke of such truths; the delaying of my own rights, privacy, fraud, and suppression continued with force and targeting; now they spy to see how much I know what I know - to see if their deceit and towers will hold under their own falseness - it is their darkness and ill will that will be their own binding - that is what they chose and they all know what part they played - the only way out is truth and honour of the innocence they chose to take, warp, and degrade.
There is a grander plan for humanity - and those of us that come to uplift and bring healing and hope, higher wisdoms are the ones targeted the most - and our word, our ways, our truth is laughed at until things happen and people need the seer, need the ones that are truly connected with Source, to help the crowd through the tumbling they created; either align with spirit and choose to heal and ascend or be on the way your own tower of deceit, denial, manipulation, illusions you built - all is choice - no more will deceit and manipulation be the way - period.
Rely on none to bring you peace, justice, and truth; trust in spirit, trust in the divine only - allow others to build whatever mess, karma they need to to learn their souls lessons; do not clear and clean or take on any karma from anothers' choices; allow the unfolding to play out - God is doing all the work behind the scenes to bring light, truth, and what has been done behind the scenes, to the fore front; for those that have the true gifts, skills, and talents to help re-make, re-build new earth -
Anyone that wants control of the peace over your life, use your voice and stand in your truth; The Heavens Support you.
I did not sign any documents of any kind be it will, inheritance, business, insurance, signing my rights of knowing, rights of survivorship, choice of any kind; I am of sound mind, body, heart and soul and I have higher knowing and truth than the people that wrote such laws and documents - there are very shady, very deceitful people that abuses their power, their positions, their computer skills and pay off those to make their Stories fit - and eventually - their game, their darkness and wounds within will be exactly what brings down, implodes their illusions - illusions will not stand in pure truth, rightness of the innocent lives that do not deserve to be brought as a casualty to corruption -
Me, my children, none of us deceived to be a partied to the lies, deceit, and ways of being that others felt arrogant and laughing at such - we did not deserve to have to deal with the unfolding of such - those that think they own and run communities through lies and deceit; will be known for who they are - and were all offered ways to make right, make truth and free their own soul - all had choice -
Choice = reality -
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And how ridiculous - when everything fails, falls, brought down, they come back, want to come back and rebuild the beauty they did everything to tear down, tell all was fake false and did every spell in the book to bring death to - all to feed ego, feed illusions, and greed of those that simply have no alignment with light, spirit, and truth;
There will be no rebuilding - cycle of damage and deceit is done.
It will never reopen; it is irreparable nor would I want to. IT is beyond abhorrent, sick, and torturous of what I was put through for ego, greed and wounding - nothing to say. No is a complete sentence.
When your free human rights, spiritual rights, truth interfere with the delusions, illusions, deceit of another - you have to call upon the heavens and guides, ancestors and heavenly help - all that works in the unseen; all will be made right -
I have my rights for liberation and freedom and divorce.
I know what I have signed, and what I did not sign, I am full in my cognition, and know there has been nothing but shade, disgrace to me and my lineage and my truth I did always put forth; the games, schemes, plans; manipulation and deceit will show just as truth does; all is vibration.
Same message - exhausting -
I guess, COVID, a truth teller, towers are not enough to shake someone out of self destruction and greed;
So sad -
My name is Joanna,
I am alive and I speak truth.
Joanna L Ross
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hiiii~ i've never asked about my soulmate before and i'm super curious. i'm currently in a relationship and our connection feels very sm to me but we all can have more than one sm riiiight. anyway, anything you pick up is appreciated <3 thank you!!! 🤎🤍
Yes! And not all are romantic. I can see what comes up but if you are happy and in a healthy relationship, please don’t let whatever comes up here define what you do moving forward. All that disclaimed, let’s see what might come up.
We want you to let go and live life a little dear one. You’ve worked so hard for so long and now it’s time to enjoy it, stop looking around corners, you’ve graduated and joy can last, stop looking for ways this can fail and switch to appreciating with gratitude every day how far you’ve come. You can celebrate every day! Who said you can’t (Who Says— Hannah Montana) You need to see how worthy you are of a healthy and happy love and that it is something that can survive. It gives you a safe space to heal. Don’t hold back, let loose, let yourself learn through showing all of you. This person is meant to help you become even more of who you are by setting you free of things that have hurt you in the past, by giving you a space of safety to explore yourself. Let this happen! Don’t be afraid. It’s okay that you are afraid. But you are meant to move out of this fear and into the space of joy! Celebrate and feel excitement that your chains are breaking. This is a time where your life blooms and you get to grow into all you dreamed! Best of luck. Let life surprise you.
Aww this is from spirit and it’s very uplifting! Let’s do a card pull to see if there’s any more for them to say. They seem to be encouraging you to just jump into this without fear, regardless of the outcomes. Don’t hold back with your partner.
Card Pull
Goddess Guidance
Mawu— Mother Earth “You are called upon to help with environmentalism”
Hmmmm are you someone who loves nature? I see hiking in lush green places, if you care about sustainability and this is something you may be holding back from pursuing I’m getting you should pursue this! I’m also getting that you can start small through volunteering or even just picking up trash but it seems like you should do something. That will help move the energy along.
Work Your Light Oracle
Anna, Grandmother of Jesus— Seeding the light. Laying foundations. Divine Plan.
I think this goes back to what I was getting about allowing yourself to open up to goodness and using this safety and time to really heal. This energy is also mothering and nurturing and that goes back to me about sustainability, mother earth, but is also about letting yourself be nurtured and mothered by yourself and others. All of this is your way of seeding the light and is part of your divine plan. This healing is laying the foundation for you to discover your true calling, which may be tied to environmentalism!
I hope this helps! Would love to know if it resonates :)
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quotes-by-dilanka · 1 year
In a moment of deep inner silence, I heard a gentle voice whisper: "Beloved, dare to make the break out of the lonely crowd. There is a wonderful plan for your life. A magnificent purpose resounds through your unfoldment. Release and let go of your outdated and outworn self! Dare to be reborn in the brilliance of the freedom of Spirit, filled and motivated with universal energy flowing direct from the heart of God."
Fascinated, I listened: "Beloved, dare to lose old patterns of expression, old habits of weakness and death, old memories of destruction. Dare to witness the activity of divine love expressing through you as perfect life as it restores, rejuvenates, and regenerates every cell of your being! Live in the wholeness of spirit, and direct your light essence for the healing and uplifting of the world."
Wow! I wondered, do I dare? The voice continued: "Beloved, go beyond your present understanding. Exceed your now consciousness of Truth. Be fully immersed in your divine blueprint through all good. . . on earth as it is in heaven. You carry within the keys to the kingdom. Use them to open all doors of joyous expression and to direct the wonder and effectiveness of the spiritual gifts you possess into your working knowledge."
In expectation, I remained silent, listening.
Beloved, dedicate yourself to love.
Watch as love dissolves undesirable situations, unwanted circumstances, and all thoughts and feelings of negative nature.
Dare to be magnificent!
Dare to be a self-renewing temple of the living God!
Dare to be beauty, harmony, light, and music as I created you to be!
Remember, I have loved you with an everlasting love!"
Joy filled my heart as I asked: "Who are you?
Who is saying this to me?"
And from infinity within came the answer, "I am!"
—Cristina Carlino, The Rainbow Connection
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
The Best Crystals to Use for Energy and Motivation
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· Be the energy you want to attract. ·
Sometimes staying motivated or having enough energy to get through all of your daily duties can be a challenge to say the least. There are so many reasons why we may not be feeling our best on any given day. Lack of sleep, busy schedules, weather, bad news, improper nutrition, the list goes on and on. So yes, we have coffee but what else might we add into our daily routines for that little extra push we sometimes need?
The beautiful energy of crystals could be just what you need to win the day. Keep reading to find out some of the best crystals to use and ways you can add them into your daily routine.
Harnessing the Energy of Crystals
Crystals all hold their own natural energy which differs depending on its origins. Every single one is special, unique and can be used to improve our lives and overall wellbeing.
Crystal healing is not new and they have been used for millennia for everything from bringing balance, to releasing negativity, and uplifting the spirit. And they have most definitely been having a shining moment in the spotlight over these past couple of years. Reaching for a crystal when you need a little assistance with something has become pretty normal practice.
And with good reason, connecting our own energies with these beautiful little gifts from the earth can brighten the mood, bring peace to the mind, and add a much needed dose of magic into our days.
That being said, crystals will not benefit every person in the same way or to the same extent.  I believe we must be connected to ourselves, the earth, and the stones in order to garner the best results. We must be mindful and spend time connecting within ourselves and getting to know the crystals energy. A post for another day perhaps. Today we’ll go through some of the best crystals you may like to keep on hand for when you are feeling tired, unmotivated, or simply want to get a particularly kick ass workout into your day. So let’s get into it.
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The Best Crystals for Energy & Motivation
Here are 10 crystals I like best for days when the energy is low or the goal of productivity is high. These all carry properties that lend themselves well to fostering an internal energy flow that will have you feeling good and ready to tackle that to do list:
Aragonite – strength, balance, motivation, confidence
Bloodstone – motivation, confidence, courage
Carnelian – strength, happiness, motivation, energy, confidence
Citrine – inspiration, confidence, success, optimism, strength
Dalmation Jasper – clarity, energy, transformation, exercise
Fluorite – balance, energy, exercise, clarity
Garnet – motivation, power, prosperity
Green Kyanite – prosperity, motivation, growth, transformation
Orange Kalcite – confidence, uplifting, energy, exercise
Pyrite – strength, motivation, abundance, clarity, exercise
This is not an exhaustive list, there are certainly others that would work as well! These are just a few stars in the line-up and to give you some solid options for your practice.
How to Use Crystals for Energy & Motivation
You will likely develop your own favourite ways to harness these energies depending on the day and your own style. My favourite way is to wear the crystals as jewelry or carry one in your pocket or purse. This means the crystals and its energy are with you throughout the day, keeping close, and working with you. You could also do a crystal meditation to start the day, craft a crystal pouch or grid, or keep them in your spaces. There are so many options so experiment and see which ones work best for you.
It is also a good practice to enchant the crystal or perform a blessing and imbue the specific crystal with your intentions. This creates a connection to the stone letting it know your purpose and also allows your intention to be put out into the universe.
Final musings.
Do you already enjoy using crystals for motivational purposes? Do you have nay regular daily rituals you perform with crystals?
As always, I LOVE to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.
Be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available now for pre-order. Pre-order by March 1st to get a very special Magical Bonus Bundle for free as my thank you to you!
And for more magical inspiration check out my shop page where you can find resource pages on everything from love magic to being a green witch, kitchen witchery, Sabbats, and much more!
And remember you can SUBSCRIBE to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!
Sending much love and blessings for a motivated and energetic day my friend!
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo
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jmwriters · 2 years
Pa'Ris'Ha Taylor teaches us the power of showing that you care. How its energy is from the heart.
We live in a world today of broken families, loved ones estranged from one another, spouses or loved ones serving in the military overseas. Some are in prison. Uncertainties grow as people have lost trust in the government, banks etc. People are looking for meaning in their lives. Some have lost homes and jobs. Some have had their homes demolished in severe weather storms. 
Kindness is a soothing balm in these troubled times. It may not come easily at first, when people may have so many concerns and worries in their lives, whether on a monetary level, or emotional, family etc. Due to everyday stress, they may actually treat each other unkindly, speaking harshly to each other, reflecting their own inner anxieties, taking it out on the ones we most love and hold dearest to us.
Start by treating yourself with kindness and caring, self-love and respect. We have to consider what attracted us to our partners in the beginning? We showed them our best. Pa'Ris'Ha Taylor says after over 40 years of marriage she still makes sure when her husband awakens, he sees her at her best. We are responsible for how others perceive us so we become aware of what it is that we are broadcasting through our appearance.” Then you can show kindness to others. Heal yourself with little acts of kindness daily. Have a bunch of colorful flowers on your kitchen table, beautifying the room. Smile. Laughter heals by increasing the serotonin in the brain and uplifting and changing your attitude. Have a massage or get your hair and nails done. If you look good, you feel good. Relax with your favorite music or book.
Now reach out to others with kindness. Smile. Make eye contact with people. One of the best ways to forget your own problems is to reach out to others. Some people are so lost and alone, keeping their eyes downcast as they feel invisible and that no one cares So, look into their eyes, smile warmly and let them know you see them, that they are important, that YOU care, that they are a child of God, All knowing, All-Loving. As Pa'Ris'Ha Taylor teaches us, “We Matter”
Do a service for someone daily. Volunteer at a hospital, women’s shelter, food pantry or other charitable organization of your choice. Or start with your immediate circle of family and friends. If you have a spouse or loved one, even for your children, write love notes of caring and appreciation on sticky notes and post them on the refrigerator, on their desk or in their lunch box. Bring a smile to others. Call a friend or loved one. Send an email. Communicate with your immediate family members, with kindness.
Show kindness to coworkers also. Avoid habitual patterns that may have previously led to arguments etc. Reach out and speak kindly to someone you normally don’t talk to or associate with much. Get to know them. Invite them for a cup of coffee or tea.
“There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.” -Dalai Lama 
Kindness starts as a spark of caring that grows into a flame and burns brightly. As people begin to feel their lives changed by kindness, they too will reach out to others with kindness and this world will be a better place.
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” -Lao Tzu 
Today, more so than any other time, we need each other, to be supportive and encouraging of one another. Remember, a little kindness goes a long way. With kindness, caring and compassion, we are opening our hearts to love. 
In Galatians 5:22 it is said,” But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” 
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Dalai Lama 
So, think of what acts of kindness you can do every day to make a difference in people’s lives. I came across an interesting web site randomactsofkindness.com.
Here are some of their ideas. If you need more ideas, they list 263 on their web site. … Clean Up Graffiti Donate Used Books to Library Give Care Packs to Homeless Help a child learn Help someone for free, e.g. Yard work. Hold the door open for someone. Let someone go in line in front of you. Give them coupons you have for something they are buying Mentor an at risk child Make blankets for homeless Pay the tab for a person Read to a child Write a letter to someone who made a difference in your life Visit an animal shelter Pick up trash Send flowers Be kind to someone you may not like. Call or visit someone who is sick Donate to a food bank Donate Blood Donate used clothing Encourage someone Give someone a hug
One young woman painted beautiful designs on brand new running shoes that were donated and after they were decorated, she took them personally to the selected disabled children for whom they were chosen. They walked over to her, saw their beautifully hand painted running shoes, exclaiming in delight and pure joy and then hugged her. 
As we allow Spirit to guide us in life, kindness becomes our way of life.
“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” -Dalai Lama
Lastly Pa'Ris'Ha Taylor said to us, “don’t just do it, BE it.” Be who you really are and the world will respond to your Kindness and Caring.
Posted 5-2-2022 JMWriters blog. Republished by permission
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