#and vector trips over him
Headcanon that Espio can occasionally turn invisible in his sleep, either due to a bad dream or just at random
Unrelated headcanon: Espio is a bit of a sleepwalker
Completely unrelated headcanon: Vector and Charmy are convinced the detective agency is haunted because they've both seen things get bumped over in the middle of the night or a doorknob turn and open by itself or heard the floors creak when no one was walking on them. Espio thinks they're being ridiculous because he's never seen anything, and any night they make him stay awake to prove it nothing happens.
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amarauder · 5 months
peter johnson and the flying wine bottles ♆ percy jackson x reader
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PAIRING; Percy Jackson x Neighbor! Reader
DATE; May 1st, 2024
WARNING; Illegal activities, aka buying alcohol illegally
A/N: IM BACK MOTHERFUCKERS. tehehe I know its been years oops. Not my best work but its here and thats all that matters to me at this point.
TRAILER; In which Percy Jackson meets his neighbor by accidentally almost killing himself and her multiple times.
Percy locks up his flat, double then triple checks everything is secure. He knows it’s a little over the top to be this careful with his security system, especially since his apartment complex is in the heart of New Rome. But after everything he has been through it gives him a little peace of mind knowing he is coming back to a hopefully monster-free apartment.
Things have been weird for Percy since Annabeth left. He hasn’t exactly hit the devastated stage that everyone, including him thought would be his reaction. Instead, it’s been like he has been going through the motions. Nothing has been that bad or great, just kind of there.
Piper has concluded that he is in shock. He suspects that she’s right. It’s almost like he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like Annabeth’s on a quest and he hasn’t heard from her for a few weeks and he’s a bit concerned for her well-being. But it’s been a little over two months now and Percy hasn’t felt any different.
 The only difference that Percy has felt is annoyance towards Piper. She won’t stop badgering him about meeting this girl. It’s constant, nonstop talking about how they would be perfect for each other and how Percy just needs to get back out there.
The only thing Percy needs is a break. A break from all the sympathetic stares, the hopeful girls, and gods forbid Piper. He knows that she has his best interest at heart. He appreciates it, he really does. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside whenever his friends want to do something nice for him, but this just isn’t what Percy needs or wants right now.
What Percy needs is some time with his friends and maybe some free food which is exactly why he is heading over to Leo’s for a BBQ with the gang.
Stuffing his keys into his pocket, he heads over to the elevator then promptly almost dies tripping over air. It’s then that Percy realizes that he actually hadn’t fallen over air, he tripped over what looked like either a really long root or a vine? What the Hades? How did that get there?
He goes to pick it up when he realizes there’s a girl standing there waiting for the elevator. She’s holding a wine bottle, and what looks like the biggest plant Percy has ever seen. It would explain where the weird vine-root thing came from.
“Hey,” he starts, only to be interrupted by a scream and a face full of soil.
“Oh my God!” Screeches the plant. It takes Percy a second to realize that it is in fact the girl screaming and not the plant. To be fair, Percy has seen too many outer-worldly oddities in his life, he wouldn’t be surprised if it was the plant talking. “I am so sorry!”
Percy laughs and rubs dirt off his face, “Don’t be. I shouldn’t have scared you.” When he finally gets all the dirt off, Percy realizes she put the plant down. She’s pretty. Like really pretty actually. It takes Percy’s brain a second to catch up to all this new information.
She waves his apology away, “I scare way too easily. You should see me during October.”
“Halloween can get pretty spooky around here.” She tilts her head to the side in a way that remind him of a cute puppy. “Cause all the ghosts, ya know?”
Her eyes widen, “There are ghosts here?”
“Yeah, you haven’t seen them?” She shakes her head, “There’s one named Vector. He’s my favorite.”
“Why am I even surprised? My Mom is a Greek god. Of course there would be ghosts! What’s next? Flying monkeys?”
Percy’s lips quirked, “Don’t give them that idea.”
She laughed and Percy’s chest tightened. “What’s your name?”
“Percy. Yours?”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before. Did you move in recently?” Percy knows he would have noticed or remembered her.
She puts her finger next to her lips. Percy is momentarily entranced. “I think around a month ago. I just started at New Rome University.” As she was chattering on about college Percy noticed the wine bottle slowly starting to slip out of her grip. Thanks to his demigod reflexes, Percy caught the bottle just in time.
“Oh!” She said in surprise. “Thanks! I didn’t even know it was falling.”
“No worries. I got it.” The elevator dings and they both head in. College? They were about a quarter into the fall semester. “What are you studying?”
Percy’s eyebrows rise. That was not what he was expecting.  “Cool, my best friend from home is really into plants and stuff.”
Y/N’s lips quirked, “Plants and stuff?”
Percy smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. Thankfully, he was saved from answering by the elevator. Even though he was glad he didn’t have to answer to his stupidity, Percy still felt a pang in his chest. He really didn’t want to part from her but didn’t know how to tell her that without sounding creepy. She gives him good vibes. Percy’s always loved people like that.
“Where are you headed off too?” He eventually asks after sneaking what he hopes is casual glances at her as they exit the building.
She bounces on her toes a bit, “This girl I just met invited me to their friend’s place. I’m a bit nervous to be honest. I don’t know anyone besides her.”
“I’m sure you’ll be fine. I’ve loved talking to you and we’ve only just met.” Percy’s face went beet red. That was not how it was supposed to come out. “I-I mean you’ve been fun to talk to.”
They both laugh for a second, falling quiet quickly enough to make Percy feel awkward. He wishes he had more to say, if only to keep Y/N around him a little longer.
Y/N beams, “Thanks, Percy. I’m glad that I finally met someone in this apartment complex. Everyone here seems like busy bodies and never wants to talk.”
Percy shrugs. He’s noticed that too but never felt too bothered by it. Though, he isn’t the one who moved away from friends. “You get used to it. Here’s your wine bottle.” He hands her the wine bottle and Percy swears he gets déjà vu from a few minutes ago. Just as the wine bottle leaves his fingertips its soaring to the floor and crashes all over both of them. Fortunately, Percy isn’t hurt but he’s more concerned about Y/N to care.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” Y/N puffs out she looks more shocked than anything. Percy feels like a giant idiot. First, he scares her, and Y/N’s plant almost goes flying everywhere. Then, he distracts her enough to almost drop the bottle. Now, after all of that mess he literally just fucks it all up. What are the odds?
It seems Y/N read his mind because she starts to giggle, “I think the Gods just don’t want me to bring wine today.”
As soon as they clean up the mess they head out. Percy had almost cut himself on the glass once or twice but he couldn’t complain much. He had been through worse things than a cut. Both of them had mumbled to each other the entire time about Why the Gods had decided the third time was the charm but decided against mentioning anything else as Y/N still had her plant to carry the rest of the way.
Percy only wishes that Mr. D was here to witness this. He could practically hear the “Peter Johnson!” from New Rome.
“Where are you headed too?” Y/N questions as they both come to a complete stop outside the building.
“To buy you a new wine bottle.” Percy says gesturing with his head towards town. He knows he’ll be late to Leo’s thing, but he can’t really bring himself to care. Percy also knows that Leo, out of all people, will be understanding especially if he mentions a girl.
“What?” Y/N says and grabs his arm, effectively stopping him. “No way. I am not allowing you to buy me a new wine bottle. I was the one who dropped it.”
Percy will admit that it was mostly her fault. It had been in her hands when the accident occurred. But Percy was first and foremost Sally Jackson’s son and if Sally taught him anything it was how to be polite to a pretty girl. “I was the one handing it to you.”
Y/N crosses her arms and shakes her head stubbornly. “No way, Percy! I am not allowing you to buy me one. I’ll buy my own and be on my way.”
“Fine but at least let me walk you to the wine store.” Y/N seems to consider this as her eyebrows scrunch a little less but she still doesn’t uncross her arms. She seems to agree nonverbally since she starts to walk with him.
“So, Do you know Mr.D?”
“Mr.D,” Percy confirms, “Dionysus? Camp Half-Blood’s camp director?”
“Oh,” Y/N murmurs, “I’ve heard of him from my friend, but I’ve never been to Camp Half-Blood.”
“Did you go to Camp Jupiter then?”
She shakes her head. Percy is officially confused. Where did she grow up then? How did she stay away from monsters? “I’m lost. Were you at home then?”
“For some reason, I never really got into trouble with monsters. Sure, weird stuff would happen to me throughout the years but my teachers would just put it off as overactive imagination. It wasn’t until my high school graduation that a monster came after me and my Dad finally brought me here. Next thing I know I’m enrolled at New Rome with my own apartment. What about you?” She questions innocently.
Percy huffs out a laugh. Oh, where to start. He settles on a simple, “I grew up at Camp Half-Blood.”
Y/N nods mutely. It gets a little awkward for a second and Percy wishes he paid a little more attention to his Mom’s rom-com movies. He’s never met a girl like this before. The only other girl he had ever been interested in was Annabeth and they had been friends forever before they even started dating. He was treading new waters.
Fortunately, they turned the corner and the wine store was a few steps away. “There it is,” Percy said and pointed. He was starting to feel nervous and he didn’t know why. Y/N went to open the door, but Percy beat her to it.
She turns around with a teasing smile on her face, “Thanks, Percy. So, want to tell me if your legal or not?”
It takes Percy a second to realize what she is talking about. Oh, buying alcohol. “Yeah, I’m 21. How old are you?”
Oh. Oh. Percy shrugs, he’s certainly not one to shy away from illegal adventures. (A/N: DO NOT DRINK ILLEGALLY KIDDOS. NOT COOL AT ALL.) That would just be hypocritical.
Y/N heads over to the wine section and Percy follows after her like a lame, lost puppy. He needs to start acting a little cooler.
“White or red?” Percy asks.
“Champagne.” She answers immediately, with no hesitation. Alright, champagne it is. That’s a little too fancy for Percy’s taste. He’s more of a red Josh man but to each their own. He likes his six-dollar wine, thank you very much. Judgement is not tolerated within this household.
“Perfect” she says and grabs the champagne before making a beeline to the counter. Percy races after her digging for his wallet. He was not about to let her pay. He finally fishes it out of his pocket and waits for the man to check her out.
While Percy is waiting, he can’t help but admire her. She chatters away to the man as he looks over what Percy is assuming her fake ID. Making small talk in a way Percy never could.
The man gives it back to her and rings her up, “19 dollars and 75 cents, ma’am.”
Percy is quick to give his card to the dude. The cash register guy sighs and Y/N looks appalled. “No way. I am paying for it, Percy!”
He gently nudges her out of the away and hands the card over to him. He rolls his eyes, “I don’t care which one of you is going to sugar-mama the other. But whoever pays I have to see some ID.”
Percy digs in his pocket for his identification and hands it over. The man’s eyes widen, he looks at the picture then back to Percy. “You’re Percy Jack-“
“Yup,” Percy interrupts. He isn’t self-centered enough to think that Y/N has heard of him before but just in case, Percy wants to keep that information to himself for now.
The man’s demeanor instantly changes now that he knows who he is cashing out. “Have a good rest of your day!” He yells cheerily after him. When they head out, Percy can hear him whisper-yelling to his coworker about who he just checked out.
Y/N looks a little alarmed at the situation, especially probably the way Percy rushed her out. “What was that about?”
“Nothing” Percy waves her away. “That guy was just” He hesitates, “Weird.”
She makes a face, “Yeah, he really was. I can’t believe we did it though! I have never used my fake before.”
Percy takes a step back, “What? How did you get the wine from earlier then?”
“Oh, my Dad bought that for me.” Percy scoffs, Sally would be disappointed to find out that he was anywhere near alcohol. The thought fills him with a little guilt. She smiles and Percy’s chest hurts a little. This is where they say goodbye he realizes. “Well, it was really nice to meet you, Percy. I’m glad the Gods made our paths cross.”
He grins, “Me too, Y/N. I’ll see you around.”
“Bye, Percy.”
As Percy heads over to Leo’s place, he realizes how fast his heart is pounding and he can’t stop smiling. Somehow, he knows it’s not from their illegal adventure.
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mybutcheredtongue · 5 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
post azkaban sirius black x fem!reader
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE (see full series list here)
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The walls of the Hall have all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling. The House tables have vanished; instead, there are about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people. Enchanted snowflakes fall gently through the air, melting before they hit the ground.
The champions enter the room, lead by Minerva, with their partners, and your eyes immediately fall on Harry, who looks like he's very focused on not tripping over his own feet. On his arm, is his fellow Gryffindor, Parvati Patil. She seems to be in her element, beaming out at everyone as they make their way up the Hall towards the top table where the judges are seated.
Cedric Diggory walks with Cho Chang, Fleur Delacour with Roger Davies, and to your shock, Viktor Krum with Hermione. She's wearing a beautiful, flowy, periwinkle blue dress and she's slicked her hair back into an elegant bun at the back of her head. She smiles nervously at you and you even notice that something's different about her smile — her front teeth are far smaller than before.
They reach the top table and you spy Percy Weasley sitting in the fifth chair at the table, looking very well-to-do as Harry takes a seat beside him.
"Why is Percy Weasley here?" You say to Minerva as she sits down beside you at your less important staff table. You wish you were up at that top table and could get a few digs in at Karkaroff, keep an eye on him, but you're stuck here instead with the rest of the teachers. "And where's Crouch?"
"He's ill, apparently," she replies, glancing up at the table. "Weasley has come as his representative."
"I can't say I'm unhappy that he's absent," you say quietly, as you pluck your menu from the table and give it a once-over. "He'd put a damper on the mood."
Minerva nods. "He is quite sour, isn't he?"
You're not quite sure what to do with your menu — there's no waiters and the plates are empty. Then, to your rescue, Dumbledore looks pointedly at his plate and says very loud and clear, "Pork chops!"
And pork chops appear. Getting the idea, everyone else starts placing their orders with their plates and food appears.
Hagrid sits beside you, gazing up at the top table before giving a small wave. Following his eye line, you see Madame Maxime return it and you can't help but smile at the exchange. How cute.
When everyone has finished eating, Dumbledore stands up and motions for everyone to do the same. With a wave of his hand, all the tables are pushed up against the walls, then he conjures up a stage along the right wall, various instruments set on it.
The Weird Sisters troop onto stage, dressed in black robes that are artfully ripped and tattered and torn, and pick up their instruments. The champions and their partners stand up, and you catch Harry tripping over his dress robes as he stands up, before walking out onto the floor with Parvati.
The champions dance for about half a minute before Dumbledore steps out onto the floor, taking Madame Maxime with him. He's so dwarfed by her that the top of his pointy hat is just barely brushing the tip of her chin.
You extend your hand out to Minerva, bowing lowly with the other behind your back. "Care for a dance?"
She places he hand on yours, smiling, leading you gracefully out onto the floor. By now, nearly everyone has joined in and is dancing together on the floor. Even Moody is doing an extremely clumsy two-step with Professor Vector, who is nervously avoiding his wooden leg. You raise your eyebrows at her as you pass and she gives a look that suggests she'd rather jump off the Astronomy Tower than continue dancing with Moody.
You have quite an enjoyable night, swapping partners every dance and dancing with nearly every teacher in the school, except for Snape, Moody, and Karkaroff, who you warily avoid like the plague — but who also seem to be avoiding the dance floor entirely.
Out of breath, you make your way outside for some fresh air, loitering beside the freshly trimmed rose bushes that are glittering with fairy lights. You bend down slightly and bring one rose to your nose, inhaling its sweet flowery scent, when you hear a voice that positively grates your ears.
"...don't see what there is to fuss about, Igor."
"Severus, you cannot pretend this isn't happening!" Comes Karkaroff's anxious and hushed voice. "It's been getting clearer and clearer for months. I am becoming seriously concerned, I can't deny it — "
"Then flee," Snape says curtly. "Flee — I will make your excuses. I, however, am remaining at Hogwarts."
Snape and Karkaroff come around the corner, Snape blasting rose bushes apart with his wand. He blasts the one next to you, and two students sprint away from out behind it.
"Ten points from Ravenclaw, Fawcett!" He snarls as the girl runs past him. "And ten from Hufflepuff, too, Stebbins!" His eyes land on you and he fails to hide his grimace. "And what are you doing out here?"
"Getting some fresh air," you respond simply, crossing your arms. "And what are you doing out here, Severus?"
"Ah, well, excuse me," Karkaroff says nervously, brushing past you with a polite smile. "I should get back to the party..."
You raise your eyebrows, turning back to Snape's scowling face expectantly.
"I am doing my job," he says snippily. "Perhaps you ought to do the same and watch the students inside, rather than coming outside for a little personal excursion."
"Is your head on a little excursion up your own — "
Madame Maxime suddenly rushes past you, eyes on the ground and looking very put-out. She passes you and disappears into the Entrance Hall.
" — arse?"
Snape's nostrils flare and for a second he looks like he's about to jinx you, but instead he just bristles past you, purposefully knocking your shoulder as he passes.
Later, when the Weird Sisters play their final song at midnight, several students make their way out of the Great Hall and you too follow in their footsteps out into the Entrance Hall. However, just as you've left the Great Hall, you spot Karkaroff skulking up the stairs, glancing around him furtively like he's got something to hide.
Intrigued, you follow him up the stairs, keeping a small gap between the two of you and looking away when he glances back at you. Then he veers off to the left into another corridor, walking fast, and just as you're about to follow him you hear muffled crying coming from the next flight of stairs.
You look up and there, sitting on one of the steps with her head in her knees, is Hermione, her body shaking with sobs. You should go make sure she's alright.
But this might be your chance to see what Karkaroff's up to! You look down the corridor at Karkaroff, your opportunity to keep up with him quickly slipping the more time you dwell on your decision.
You look back at Hermione, and her sobs take over your judgement and you hurry up the stairs towards her. You sit down on the step beside her, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder.
She lifts her head, eyes widening madly when she sees you. "P-professor!"
"Relax, Hermione," you say gently. "What happened?"
She bites her lip and looks away from you, drawing in a shaky breath and shaking her head. "N-nothing, nothing at all. It's s-silly, really."
You rub your hand along her arm soothingly. "Was it a boy?"
Her eyebrows raise slightly. "I told you it was silly."
You give her a sympathetic smile. "Been there. Teenage boys are stupid, Hermione. They were stupid when I was young and they're stupid now."
She sighs. "Do they ever stop being stupid?"
You give a light chuckle. "Eventually. Eventually they grow up and mature and start to actually use their heads."
You sigh, pulling her closer to you so she can rest her head on your shoulder as you continue to rub her arm soothingly. "You look beautiful tonight, Hermione. I can't believe how grown up you look."
"It's tiring," she says softly. "My hair took so long to do and it didn't even last the night." She gestures to her hair, which has become more dishevelled than it was at the start of the night, wisps of hair slipping out of the elegant knot and brushing her shoulders.
"I know. I have a million pins in mine and I haven't even got a date tonight!"
Hermione chuckles and you sigh, shaking your head. She yawns loudly, her eyelids drooping sleepily.
You pat her shoulder. "Alright, off to bed with you. I'm surprised you haven't collapsed yet with the amount of times I seen you out on the dance floor."
A few days before the first day of term after Christmas, you sit at the staff table during breakfast, watching patiently as the post arrives. A barn owl swoops through the air towards you, dropping a copy of The Daily Prophet on the table in front of you. You grab it, pulling the twine off of it and unfolding it to read the front page.
Albus Dumbledore, eccentric Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has never been afraid to make controversial staff appointments, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. In September of this year, he hired Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, the notoriously jinx-happy ex-Auror, to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, a decision that caused many raised eyebrows at the Ministry of Magic, given Moody’s well-known habit of attacking anybody who makes a sudden movement in his presence. Mad-Eye Moody, however, looks responsible and kindly when set beside the part-human Dumbledore employs to teach Care of Magical Creatures.
Rubeus Hagrid, who admits to being expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, has enjoyed the position of gamekeeper at the school ever since, a job secured for him by Dumbledore. Last year, however, Hagrid used his mysterious influence over the headmaster to secure the additional post of Care of Magical Creatures teacher, over the heads of many better-qualified candidates.
An alarmingly large and ferocious-looking man, Hagrid has been using his newfound authority to terrify the students in his care with a succession of horrific creatures. While Dumbledore turns a blind eye, Hagrid has maimed several pupils during a series of lessons that many admit to being "very frightening."
"I was attacked by a hippogriff, and my friend Vincent Crabbe got a bad bite off a flobberworm," says Draco Malfoy, a fourth-year student. "We all hate Hagrid, but we’re just too scared to say anything."
Hagrid has no intention of ceasing his campaign of intimidation, however. In conversation with a Daily Prophet reporter last month, he admitted breeding creatures he has dubbed "Blast-Ended Skrewts," highly dangerous crosses between manticores and fire-crabs. The creation of new breeds of magical creature is, of course, an activity usually closely observed by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Hagrid, however, considers himself to be above such petty restrictions. "I was just having some fun," he says, before hastily changing the subject.
As if this were not enough, the Daily Prophet has now unearthed evidence that Hagrid is not — as he has always pretended — a pure-blood wizard. He is not, in fact, even pure human. His mother, we can exclusively reveal, is none other than the giantess Fridwulfa, whose whereabouts are currently unknown.
Bloodthirsty and brutal, the giants brought themselves to the point of extinction by warring amongst themselves during the last century. The handful that remained joined the ranks of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and were responsible for some of the worst mass Muggle killings of his reign of terror.
While many of the giants who served He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named were killed by Aurors working against the Dark Side, Fridwulfa was not among them. It is possible she escaped to one of the giant communities still existing in foreign mountain ranges. If his antics during Care of Magical Creatures lessons are any guide, however, Fridwulfa’s son appears to have inherited her brutal nature.
In a bizarre twist, Hagrid is reputed to have developed a close friendship with the boy who brought around You-Know-Who’s fall from power — thereby driving Hagrid’s own mother, like the rest of You-Know-Who’s supporters, into hiding. Perhaps Harry Potter is unaware of the unpleasant truth about his large friend — but Albus Dumbledore surely has a duty to ensure that Harry Potter, along with his fellow students, is warned about the dangers of associating with part-giants.
You mouth drops open and you hurriedly nudge Minerva beside you, shoving the paper in her face. You watch as her eyes travel down the page and her frown deepens as she reads on.
"What a horrid woman," she spits, folding the paper disapprovingly and handing it back to you. "That explains why Hagrid isn't at breakfast this morning."
You glance down the table, noticing the clear absence of the large man.
"How dare she?" you snap, feeling your anger flare. "Come into this school just to spread such a thing...why, the next time I see her — "
"You'll hold your tongue," Minerva cuts across warningly, giving you a wary look. "You'll hold your tongue and you won't get involved."
"Why shouldn't I? Someone needs to put her in her place and — "
"You know why." She glances down the table, sighing. "If you get on that woman's bad side, she will pull up everything she can on you. Absolutely everything. You know well you will not survive that."
You bite your lip, sighing dejectedly. "You're right...I just — she deserves to be humbled."
Minerva hums in agreement. "I know, I know."
→ all kinds of interaction appreciated ♡
→⁠→ read chapter twenty-two here!
hello loves!!! I'm so so sorry that this chapter took forever to upload, and it's not even very long!! 😔 Just hit a bit of a slump and wasn't feeling it. Anyways, should be a bit more consistent from now on! I love you all so much and thank you for being so patient 🫶🫶
a big thank you to all my taglist loves:
@wholelottalove05 @izuoyarmin @hyperspeedo @carpe000diem @jennifer0305 @idkman5335
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slexenskee · 7 months
Nest (Oneshot)
Someone, at some point, somewhere in one of my inboxes, asked me something about Hawks's more bird-like traits. I wish I could remember... literally anything else about it so I could track it down and answer it properly, but I can't so here's Gojo being sick and Hawks building a nest about it
[link] (or read below)
Getting sick is a normal and uncommon fact of life— unless your name is Gojo Satoru.
This is his reasoning for how he idiotically misses the signs of his own incoming misery until it’s too late to avoid it. He’d had a sickly early childhood, mainly due to a premature birth and a finicky eating schedule, but by the time his Six Eyes and his memories had awakened he’d gotten through the worst of it. There was still the usual gamut of runny noses pervasive in the public school system, but eventually he’d learned to filter out the worst of the pathogens. Some common viruses, like the cold or the flu, changed too quickly each year for him to do it reliably, but as he got older he just learned to keep a healthy(ish) diet and a decent(ish) sleep schedule and avoid them. 
In hindsight, that it took him this long into his parenting adventures to finally catch something from Eri was actually rather impressive. Kids were the penultimate vector of diseases; sticky hands, constantly touching everything and everyone, and spending notable amounts of time around other small human-shaped vectors of diseases made catching an illness an inevitable outcome for any parent. As it turns out, Gojo Satoru and his invincible barrier was no exception.
Anyway, so finally getting sick wasn’t that surprising, even if he wasn’t thrilled with the experience. 
But Hawks’s reaction to it… well… okay maybe that shouldn’t have been surprising either, but it sure was a bewildering thing to wake up to.
He wakes from a groggy, disorienting sleep with a head that feels stuffed full of cotton (or maybe just congestion) and only a vague recollection of how he ended up back in his bed. He thinks he actually fell asleep on the couch with Eri on his chest, but at some point he remembers being carried off somewhere. 
Eri had gotten some kind of bad head cold from her daycare. Nothing life threatening, or even warranting a trip to the pediatrician, but painful to deal with nonetheless. He hates to see her so obviously unwell and unhappy, and especially hates how little he can do for her when she’s like this. He’d stayed up with her through her miserable coughing fits, gave her steam baths when he could, and made sure to keep her on a steady clip of simple foods and fluids. In the process, he’d slept poorly himself, and spent most of his time stressing out about her and forgetting to eat or drink fluids himself. 
At first, he just assumed his poor constitution could be blamed on a criminal lack of sleep. Then he tries to take a breath through his nose and ends up in a coughing fit instead, and realizes not only is he still sleep deprived, but now also sick. 
Gojo collapses back onto the bed, sighing as he resigns himself to a pretty unfortunate next few days. 
He rolls over onto his side, hoping to clear out his lungs that way, and ends up with a nose full of Eri’s hair and a cat yowling in protest. 
This isn’t particularly unusual. Eri still sleeps with him on occasion, and when she does she sometimes forgets to close the door behind her and the cat prowls in at some point and makes a nuisance of himself by curling up right where Gojo wants to put his legs. 
But when Gojo opens his eyes to swat the cat off the bed, he’s met with a peculiar sight. 
He blinks bleary eyes out at the scene, a bit bewildered, and wondering if his head cold is making him hallucinate. 
The bed is… full of junk. 
Well, not junk exactly, but a strange and random collection of various household items that, at first, make no sense to Gojo. Every throw pillow in the house seems to have made its way into a vague circle around the perimeter of the bed, and draped across them are all the spare sheets, random pillowcases, a few sweaters, a pair of fuzzy socks he thinks might belong to Yui, the throw blanket that lives on the couch downstairs, and even a few throw blankets he doesn’t even recognize. 
He reaches for the nearest one, a plaid thing he’s very certain he’s never seen before in his life. It’s silky soft, and also still has a tag on it. He rubs his fingers across the smooth fabric, then moves to the sweater that’s bunched up next to it. It’s also quite soft. Everything on the bed is soft, he realizes. It’s not just an arbitrary assortment of all the fabric items in the house— it’s an assortment of all the softest fabrics in the house, laid out in a conspicuously circular arrangement around him. 
Gojo’s not entirely certain, but he thinks this is supposed to be some kind of nest. And he appears to be in the center of it. 
For a long moment, head still fuzzy with sleep, he just stares out into it incredulously. Then he shrugs and grabs one of the random blankets and throws it over him and Eri, snuggles back up to her, and falls back asleep. 
Hawks returns to the room when the light is low, so quiet Gojo almost doesn’t stir even as the other man moves about the bed. He reaches out blindly in the direction of the noise, catching the Hawks’s sleeve. 
“Oh,” Hawks says softly. “You’re awake? How are you feeling?”
Gojo gives an unintelligible grunt in response. Hawks just chuckles, moving closer to push the hair off Gojo’s forehead. “Yeah, I figured as much. I’ve got water and medicine, if you’re up for it.”
Gojo eventually summons up the energy to open his eyes. At some point, Eri and Meow have disappeared, leaving him rather lonely in this crowded bed. 
He blinks up at Hawks. “... You made me a nest.”
He made a nest, and then put Eri, all the softest things in the house, and even the cat in it with him. If he wasn’t so out of it right now, he’d be dying from the adorableness of it all. 
Hawks looks a bit abashed as he looks down at his arms. Gojo realizes he’s got a collection of sheets and pillowcases in his arms that had formerly been strewn around the edges of his the bed. “Ah… yeah. Sorry about that— I kind of made a mess! I’ll clean it up and put these in the wash.” 
Gojo frowns up at him, blaming his wretched sinuses for the way it takes him so long to realize Hawks doesn’t just look bashful, but perhaps even a bit self-conscious. He tugs a little harder on the man’s sleeve, wishing he felt a little more coherent so he could properly explain himself. 
“Don’t clean it up,” he says, voice rough with sleep. “I like it.”
“Oh,” Hawks looks surprised, and a little pleased. “... You don’t mind?”
Gojo shakes his head, which from the way his head starts swimming in dizziness after, was probably not the best idea. He has to close his eyes to stave off the nausea, and Hawks immediately starts fussing over him and urging him to sit up and take his medicine. As he does that the hero walks over to the blinds and slides them shut, dousing the room in blissful darkness. He gives a sigh of relief; he’d forgotten how sensitive he gets to light when he’s sick. 
“Better?” Hawks asks. 
Gojo makes a noise of acknowledgement, setting down the empty glass as he smiles up at him. “Yeah, thanks.”
“Of course,” Hawks replies easily, returning to his side. He settles at the edge of the bed, careful not to dislodge all his hard work, gaze worried. “Do you need anything else?”
He’s about to say no, before he thinks better of it. He makes a show of looking around the bed. “You know, it’s a pretty nice nest,” he starts, slowly. “But I think it’s missing something.”
It’s cute how Hawks sits up at attention, suddenly very alert, looking both eager to please but also a bit offended. “Missing what?” 
Gojo grins at him. “You.”
Hawks rolls his eyes. “That was embarrassing for both of us,” he mutters, but nonetheless slides in next to him without protest. 
Yeah, his game’s usually better than that, but whatever, he’s sick and he still got what he wanted. 
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tezzbot · 11 months
Vector headcanon time‼️‼️💥💥💥🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🎧🎧🎧 (bearing in mind I ofc don't know Everything there's a lot of sth content folks lol)
Vector has never passed up free anything in his life imo, they have a load of weird little trinkets scattered around the office because of this. Like,
"Why do you still have this little plastic thing sitting here? It's been here for like 5 years now." "4, and it was Free! What was I meant to do with it?! It's part of the background now. Leave it."
He has a story for every usless piece of bric-a-brac in the home that he has he remembers all of them and can trace them back LOL
I think he Never throws stuff away, kind of a hoarder hehe, he's forever like This could be useful or This could be fixed I just haven't gotten around to it yet! He always chooses fix over replace, this has backfired many times, BUT imagine the vindication when something actually comes in handy lmfao
He has boxes and boxes of CDs, tapes and records, and little run down machines to play them all on (As well as his DJ deck and stuff!!). Espio and Charmy know how to work them like in depth because Vector didn't want to risk them breaking anything. Gotta keep the youth educated :P
Idk why but I do hc him as like. Having left his home on bad terms or something that's why he's on his own but like I think he'd feel like that was the best decision he could've made because despite having to couch surf for a while, he made a lot of friends through it anyway since he is actually a charismatic guy n he gets along well with almost everyone and that's how he managed to get by until he could stand on his own two feet but he had a lot of fun and made a load of connections doing it ^_^ he always knows a guy who knows a guy yknow lol - It also helped him become fairly good at reading people and getting a sense of their intentions :]
He is 100% a city boy to me, he loves a hustle and bustle lol, like he'll make trips and stay in Green Hills and wherever for a time but his hearts in Seaside City and the like<3
He every so often will do something Just because he knows it'll embarrass Espio, he'll especially ham it up if Charmy kills himself laughing at whatever it is or joins in. He has to, the older sibling instincts are powerful in this one for the good And cringe of his boys >:] Charmy is not exempt from embarrassment at all Espio is simply the easier target hjdfgjfhg
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julie-sufan · 2 months
The In-Depth Look at Julie-Su Part 5: Knuckles #10, 11 & 13-15
Issue 10 starts with Julie being interrogated before heading off to a jail cell.
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issue #11 is when she officially joins the Chaotix.
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This scene just raises too many questions. If Remington didn't recommend her, who did? A judge? Jury? Parole Board? And why does Remington even have a say over who gets to be part of the Chaotix? They became a team way back in the Knuckles Chaotix One Shot special before Remington was even created. And as far as I know they answer to Knuckles.
Issue #13 is the start of the Chaotix Caper. It's my favorite arc in the whole series. It shoves Knuckles to the background thereby cutting out any overly complicated echidna lore that's been so prevalent. By doing so it allows the Chaotix to actually be showcased instead of being a afterthought. Not only that but it actually gives Julie-Su a leading role. Unfortunately, after this Julie-Su's role and prominence in the series declines quite a bit until the dating arc in Issue #26.
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Charmy is being questioned due to his friend Mello getting sick after eating food at a amusement park.
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Julie-Su uses the term copacetic which I've never seen in a comic book since. Here's the definition:
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Turns out the food is laced with Lemon Sundrop Dandelion. I didn't know it when I first read it but it's abbreviated form is LSD. Charmy is on drugs and on a wild acid trip. This is how Issue #13 ends.
I still can't believe this actually got to the printed stage and didn't get rejected or changed by the editor at the last minute.
Issue #14 starts off with a beautifully drawn cover by Spaz of Julie-Su reloading her gun.
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The Chaotix are in the hospital recovering from food poisoning. This means that Julie-Su has to team up with Remington for the rest of the issue. I'm not going to lie, I've always found Remington to be a super boring character. I think a better choice would have been if instead of eating the food along with everyone else Vector had been chided by Julie-Su into not eating it. Then he could have teamed up with her bringing their rivalry into the forefront of the issue.
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Saffron the Bee appears for the first time in Charmy's flashback. Her design here is simply Charmy with blue hair and a dress. It won't be until later on that she gets a vastly improved new design.
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After some more sleuthing the two notice that Renfield appears to be in cahoots with a suspicious rabbit character. Julie-Su is set up to be the bait in order to gather new information that may help their investigation of Happyland.
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Issue #14 ends and Issue #15 begins with Julie-Su being tossed off the roof of a building.
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I love that as soon as she's thrown off the roof she's already working on a way to save herself.
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She's definitely not the stealthy type.
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They sneak back into the Rabbit's headquarters to stop him once and for all. For the life of me I can't remember the rabbit's name.
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Here we see how terrible Remington is at his job. He doesn't even fine Renfield. Way to go Remy! Now that the rat barely got any kind of competence he's free to poison people again if he so chooses. Remington really should of threaten to bring in a health inspector on a daily basis.
Meanwhile Charmy Bee gets a send off as he is written out of the series. His next appearance is only a wordless cameo during the upcoming dating arc. He won't really appear again until somewhere around Sonic #100.
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Boy, I really miss pre Sonic Heroes Charmy. His character was never the same after that.
Coming up a whole slew of Knuckles issues (16-25) as Julie-Su is regulated to being a mere side character once again.
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 10 months
P&C | Ch. 10: Scavenger Hunt
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Checking that everything is unplugged for what feels like the 10th time, I lock the door and meet Jungkook at the elevator. From the way he was buried under my bags you might think that I was moving out, but I swear I plan to wear all of my outfits and you can bet that they will cause commotion. While I offered to take the suitcase, he doesn’t mind the load, finds it cute that I planned so much. He on the other hand, managed to somehow fit all of his belongings into one pathetic backpack, making me look absolutely insane. I mean with a body like that you don’t really need a lot of clothes to make a statement. Worst comes to worst he could just walk around half naked and no one would mind. Except for me of course, because … boundaries, or whatever. 
After successfully stuffing everything into the trunk, we were left waiting for Tae to wake up from his slumber. 
“You did call him right?” Jungkook asks softly, leaning his forearms on the passenger door, gaze focused on my sleepy face. It's about 6:30 am, so I’m not too worried about looking like a live-action Ratatouille, but it does suck that he has to see me like this. I reply with a little nod before bringing my knees to my chest, hiding everything under my hoodie. I might have overslept and missed all 10 of my alarms, needless to say, there was no time to pick out an outfit so some shorts and a hoodie had to suffice for the road trip. No complaints though, except for the layer of goosebumps emerging all over my body from the cold morning breeze. 
Noticing my shivers, Jungkook opens the trunk and pulls out a blanket, covering the exposed parts of my figure. Letting out a little grin as he pats the top of my head, he dials Tae’s number before the said man of the hour rolls his suitcase down the entrance. He looks just like me, hair unbrushed, glasses on to cover up the undereye bags. Sporting another one of his Vector-looking tracksuits, Tae waves us hello before melting into the backseat. 
“Guys, did we really have to rival the sunrise to make it there on time?” he mumbles in annoyance. Earning a little chuckle from the both of us, he puts on his headphones before dozing off to sleep. It's about a six-hour drive, but Jiah wanted to get there earlier to beat the morning rush. 
“Let me know if you want to change shifts,” I tell Jungkook as he lets out a chuckle. 
“HA, Peaches, with all due respect but you drive at a turtle's pace. We would be lucky to get there while the sun is still out,” he grins, his bunny teeth peeking through the teasing smile. I roll my eyes and slap his forearm. I mean he is not wrong but it was the thought that was supposed to count. 
Getting comfortable in my seat, my eyelids begin to feel heavy and within a few minutes, I’m out like a light. That is until I feel the car stop, hearing chatter in the background as the backdoor slams shut. 
Rubbing my eyes I focus on the sticky note posted on a bag of food sitting on my lap. 
Tae threatened to piss himself if we didn’t stop by a gas station, we’ll be back in 5. Eat.
My mouth drops upon seeing a box of shrimp dumplings. No way, he remembered. Teary-eyed, I’m reminded of my family who is across an ocean, spending our first holiday without me. And just like that homesickness kicks in at full speed and tears begin rolling down my face, as I stuff a dumpling down my throat to silence the sobs. Startled by the sound of the car door opening, Jungkook meets my sad eyes, wiping the tears off my face.
“YAH, Jungkook what did you do to her?” Tae exclaims, pushing his shoulders to get a closer look at me. He checks my forehead for any signs of a fever before focusing on the sticky note. 
“First of all, I did not piss myself,” he glares at Jungkook who is still dumbfounded by my state. Muting Tae’s tangent, he turns my body towards him, moving some strands of hair behind my ear. 
“Miraya, are you okay? Is it the dumplings, are they bad?” he asks, eyes analyzing my every reaction. Taking a deep breath, I try to gain my composure, feeling the embarrassment kick in as I bury my face into my palms. 
“I miss my family,” I softly cry out, wiping teardrops off of my lenses. 
“Aww come here Flip-flops,” Tae leans in closer and pulls us both into a group hug. A cute little bonding moment in the middle of a gas station. Who would have thought? I can’t help but let out a soft giggle as Jungkook caresses my free hand with his thumb. Pouting his lips, he hates to see me cry but understands that sometimes you just have to let it out. 
“You know what, we will have so much fun on this trip you won’t even remember why you cried,” Tae chuckles, his boxy smile on full display. I nod, reciprocating a soft smile as Jungkook buckles me up and wipes the remaining tears off of my cheek. 
Turning the engine back on, we resume our journey. Passing the rest of the food to Tae I feed Jungkook some dumplings as he manages the map directions on his phone. 
“The dumplings are delicious, thank you,” I whisper, leaning my head back, eyes focused on Jungkook’s lip rings. Sensing my action a soft grin forms on his face as he replies with a quick wink. 
Your destination will be on your left 
Turning off the engine, Jungkook parks the car near the gates. Jimin waves us hello as he rolls the two suitcases to the main doors, letting Jiah know of our arrival. 
“Miraya!” she screams, hands in the air as we run towards each other. Both melting into the embrace, we debrief the drive here, as Jungkook and Tae join Jimin in the unloading process. 
“Oh, by the way, I decided to invite one of my childhood friends as well, hopefully, you guys don’t mind. She lives just an hour from here and is super nice,” Jiah explains, analyzing our reactions. Of course, no one had any objections. 
“Sounds good to me as long as I get a room with the biggest bed,” Tae chuckles, pulling two backpacks over his shoulder. 
“Right, about that …” Jiah giggles, as four pairs of eyes turn to her devious smile while she presses the keypad that opens the gates. The cottage is huge, to say the least, covered in real wood with beautiful green roofs. It’s split into two sections one of which has a walkout to the lakehouse and an outdoor jacuzzi, while the other faces the forest in the backyard. 
“The guys dib the bigger house,” Tae exclaims, pulling Jungkook and Jimin into a little huddle. As the three of them look back at us with a teasing grin, Jiah folds her arms and scoffs at her boyfriend. 
“Ha, I knew this would happen, so I asked my aunt to create a little scavenger hunt for us. The winner gets the bigger house. Girls vs. boys,” she exclaims back with additional sass in her voice. 
“Aren’t you guys at a disadvantage, there’s only two of you,” Jungkook says, gaze focused on my face. 
“And anyways, I don’t mean to be sexist but come on now, do you really think you can beat three men?” Tae grins, leaning in closer. 
“You’re right, we should probably ask the men when they arrive,” I scoff back twirling my hair, looking him up and down, winking at his Vector tracksuit. He smacks his lips and rolls his eyes, as Jungkook and Jimin try to maintain their composure. 
“Whatever you say, princess,” Tae grins back, patting the top of my head. 
“While we wait for Sohee, we should probably just unpack our stuff into the main hall,” Jiah says, as the guys carry in the last of the bags up the stairs. “Miraya, can you and Jungkook get some groceries? There’s a little supermarket just down the road,” she asks softly, handing me her credit card. 
“Jiah, I can cover this don’t worry, you’ve already done so much,” I let out a soft smile, giving the card back to her which she declines and puts back into the pocket of my hoodie. We exchange teasing looks and chuckle. Jiah is an older sister so she possesses a natural sense of responsibility and strictness. It’s hard to overrule her decisions, especially when trying to help her. 
Waving bye to the rest of the group, Jungkook reverses out of the driveway as we head to the market. My phone vibrates on my lap, as I glance at the notification on the top, ‘Your period is late by two days’. Phenomenal, I sigh. 
“What's wrong?” Jungkook asks, lowering the radio. 
“Nothing, my period is just late and I didn't pack anything with me,” I answer looking at the beautiful scenery out the window. 
“Too young to be a mom don't you think,” he grins, scrunching his nose as I slap his forearm. 
“No you smooth brain, I was just stressed about my exams. It happens,” I exclaim, letting out a little chuckle at his teasing. 
After about 10 minutes we arrived at the market. Structurally it was old but you can tell the owners took good care of it, becoming a neighborhood favorite. 
As we walk in I check the grocery list Jiah sent me while Jungkook rolls in the cart. We spend a few minutes trying to figure out the layout of the store before heading to the dairy section. 
“Milk? Check. Whipping cream? Check. Ok what's next,” I whisper to myself, crossing off items from the list. 
“Jungkook did you get the …” my sentence is abrupted by his absence. Literally, where could he have gone, I turned for 1 minute. I let out a big sigh as I start my first circle around the market before finding Jungkook in the female hygiene aisle. Oh my god. 
“How do pussy sizes work,” he looks up with genuine confusion on his face. “You look like a small but it goes all the way up to XL, so I’m not sure” he continues talking, completely disregarding my distraught state. 
“Pardon??” I choke, checking that no one else heard what just came out of his mouth. 
“What? I don’t have a reference,” he exclaims, holding two boxes of pads. 
“Jungkook what the actual fuck? Put that down,” I whisper, slapping the items out of his hands. He chuckles at my flustered state before leaning his head on the shelf, gaze lowered on my face which was now flushed. I quickly grab the cheapest option and pull him to self-checkout. 
“You guys finally made it,” Tae screams as Jungkook locks the car and brings in the last of the groceries. Sitting on the couch my eyes meet a girl with beautiful red hair waving at our arrival. 
“Mira, Jungkook, this is Sohee,” Jiah introduces us as we exchange little bows, before finally joining everyone on the couch. I decide to sit beside Tae, leaving just one possible spot for Jungkook, next to Sohee. She scoots over to make more space, before he politely stops her, letting out a soft smile. Trying not to pay much attention to it, I busy myself with the zipper on my hoodie before Jimin begins explaining the rules of the scavenger hunt. 
“The teams have already been decided, boys vs. girls. The winning team must collect all three items and have at least one member remaining to get the prize. Elimination of a player will occur once their tag is ripped off by the opposite team. Tackles are fair game, so ladies get ready,” he chuckles, grinning at Jiah’s annoyance. 
“Additionally, if you stumble upon a red envelope, you must complete a challenge and post it on the group chat for verification,” he continues, checking to see if anyone had any questions. Confirming the rules, I ask Tae to pass me the tag which I try to tuck deep into my shorts to make it more difficult to pull. Heading out I can feel Jungkook’s hand on my back as he whispers something into my ear. 
“Be careful Peaches,” 
3 … 2 … 1 … 
Jimin lets out a big whistle to initiate the start of the game, turning on the speakers that are now blasting ‘Let's Get It Started’ by the Black Eyed Peas. Jiah, Sohee and I exchange nods and run towards the forest, where we are met with our first red envelope. The boys decide to stay back in the house and search for any clues inside before taking on the ground level. 
“Already?” Sohee and I exclaim in annoyance. 
“It better be something easy,” I say, out of breath from all the running (max 15 steps). Jiah opens the envelope and lets out a soft gasp, leaving our imaginations run wild. 
“What is it?” we both shout, as she turns the envelope over. 
“Pose for a picture that would make your significant other excited” I read out loud, trying to hide my flushed cheeks. You’re kidding. Looking at each other, the three of us shake off the jitters and set the timer on the phone camera, leaving no time for objections. 
“Okay, one of you just push up your bra and the other pull up your shirt or something. I’ll give ass,” Jiah exclaims with all seriousness disregarding the way it all sounds. Letting out a big chuckle, we do as she says before being captured on camera. 
“Well, it will definitely get someone excited,” Sohee whispers, as any remaining drop of dignity leaves my body. I mean we do look hot, that isn’t up for debate, but at what cost? 
“We better get the bigger house,” I chuckle, sending both the forbidden photo and a screenshot of the challenge to the group chat.
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mattypattypinky · 10 months
🎀Vector Childhood Headcanons🎀
He should have been diagnosed with Autism as a child 😔
He'd be the type of kid to wake up at 7 AM to watch his favorite cartoons. He'd know the time of each cartoon he liked and he'd prepare for episode airings.
He'd creep downstairs so he doesn't wake his dad. 😭😭😭
He liked Bubble Guppies, Spongebob, Fish-Hooks - Any sea life cartoon. He still likes them as an adult. (Secretly) - As an adult he probably complains about newer seasons of Spongebob but he watches them anyways.
His vision is really bad, he can't see at all without his glasses. When he was a kid he used to trip constantly over stuff constantly until he got his bifocals. He tried to wear contacts when he was a kid but he was scared and grossed out to the point he swore to never use them, all because someone told him once that it would get lost in his eye at school.
He definitely had braces as a kid (we were robbed of him with braces so let me wish 😔) He'd be the type of kid to lick and suck at the braces to get the spit out 😭 He would have had a lisp, people probably laughed at him.
He had a shark toy (as shown in the picture on his dads office table) when he was younger, so I feel like he'd take it everywhere. He probably brought the shark toy with him to school, and held it at recess and stuff.
When he was a kid, and he went to the beach with his dad, he'd usually collect shells and cool stuff he'd find out on the beach sand and shore. His dad would complain about him getting sand all over their vehicle and the house when he wanted to take them home but he'd refuse not to take them. He probably collected shells, shark teeth and little Coquinas and stuff.
He collects a bunch of shells and accidentally kills a bunch of sand fleas and stuff and then he CRIED so hard that he threw up😔.
I feel like his dad would make him a seafood dinner, and he eats it, and then when he found out it was sea food, he CRIED so hard that he threw up. 😭 When he was little he liked calamari but when his dad told him he got so sick. 😔
He would get into Nuh Uh - Yuh Huh arguements at school (He still does this to this day as an adult) - He'd correct people on grammar, facts, everything😭
"Actually,, it's saturn that's known for its rings, not Jupiter." then he gets into a nuh uh yuh huh argument.
The teacher would have to break up the argument because Vector as a kid would have been stubborn (He is still stubborn but it was way worse as a kid😭)
He would beg and cry for his dad to take him to the aquarium every birthday. The same exact Birthday gift. His dad would be like "We've been there for the past five years in a row" and Vectors on his knees like "PLEASSsEEEE!!! WE NEED TO GO!!" His dad won't say no bc it's his birthday gift.
As a kid his staple color was still Orange, but he often wore blue as well, as well as sea life shirts and clothes. He probably had shark PJs as a little kid. But as he got older he realized that Orange was a good branding color (and his favorite color😒) so he went all out with it.
I feel like late at night on a weekend he was watching a movie with his dad,and when he woke it auto played a deep sea documentary, he was about to turn it off but he was mesmerized by it and so slowly his interest in sea life just sky rocketed from there. Like he had a small interest in it already but it was a total accidental exposure and it became an entire personality trait. He probably had a pet gold fish as a kid. When his fish died his dad lied about it and got another fish until he couldn't keep lying anymore because Vector eventually found one dead😭
It was a traumatic experience for him.
I feel like as a kid his dad carried him a lot on his shoulders based on the picture in his office. Imagining his dad picking him up and carrying him around when Vectors too tired of walking his little feet🥺🥺🥺 Like at an amusement park or beach.
I feel like his dad tried to convince him that a fish wouldn't love him back and that he couldn't take it for walks or teach it tricks or anything but Vector was stubborn and only wanted marine pets.
When he was little, and he found out how hostile Dolphins can be, he felt as though his cartoons and movies lied to him. Ever since he's been an avid Dolphin actions spokesman, talking about how awful Dolphins can be.
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zeldahime · 8 months
Highway to Pail Day 4
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February 4: I don't trust trees. They're shady.
Pestilence was making her way through the countryside again, and it rather dampened Crowley's mood. The bloody blasted plague was sweeping through England, making it difficult and depressing to travel even for a demon who wasn't able to contract human diseases, since nobody but him knew that and revealing otherwise was likely to get him discorporated. There was also the matter of the damned (literally) horse, a great hulking black stallion that despised Crowley and was despised in return. Blackie had tried to throw Crowley twice in the last hour, and had only failed because Crowley had miracled himself to the saddle.
He had to go tempt someone in Hull, of all the godforsaken places. Surely just living in Hull was punishment enough; no need to bring eternity into it.
Since he was heading north anyway, he figured he might try to make it over to see how Manchester was coming along this decade, and since that made an extended trip, he checked to see if Aziraphale needed him to pick up anything while he was out.
"Ah, a new set of orders just arrived for me this morning!" Aziraphale had said, bustling over to his desk. "Well, let's see. I've a spot of divine ecstasy to deliver in Hull from the last set; I've been putting it off but you know the poor lady must deserve it: living in Hull is trial enough for the soul. Hmm, Plymouth--ah, American Plymouth rather--, Swansea, Geneva... oh, here, there's one in Lincolnshire as well, you'll like this one, dear. 'Divine inspiration to more accurate human understanding of the underlying laws of the universe," that's much more your area than mine I should think, natural sciences and all that."
It was indeed much more Crowley's area; he liked hanging out with scientists and philosophers, the kind of humans who asked clever questions about how the universe worked and why. Aziraphale always gave him the good divine inspirations, cloaking it in ignorance of the physical laws that had always been second-nature to Crowley, though Crowley knew Aziraphale had enough understanding to carry them out himself. It was one of the reasons the Arrangement worked so well, he thought; they did each other little favors like this, gave each other jobs that were a bit fun.
And so here Crowley was, fighting with a horrible horse in the middle of nowhere during a plague year looking for a sheep farm. This part was not fun. This part, to be very clear, totally sucked.
Thankfully, Aziraphale had already interpreted Heaven's shaky-at-best approximations at where things on Earth were actually located, and given Crowley an address and a decent map of the area, so he located the sheep farm -- Woolsthorpe Manor, the map said -- with little difficulty aside from Blackie's enmity and a general sense of unease and malaise in the air.
He dismounted, setting Blackie to graze and to behave himself under threat of being sold for meat and glue, and took a moment to case the place. Sheep and pastures; biggish house and a bunch of sheds; orchard with some fruit trees. Aziraphale's orders hadn't been very specific about how the intervention should be achieved, but there'd been some balderdash about natural beauty and the circular nature of God's Plan For Life On Earth, and Crowley noticed an apple tree on the edge of the orchard, near to a window; he bookmarked that thought.
The target was called "Yitzhak the Lizard" in Aziraphale's orders, so he and Crowley supposed he was most likely called Isaac, but the family living at Woolsthorpe Manor was called Ayscough. Crowley suspected it would take a bit of detective work to figure out which servant Isaac was, and was still deciding how to approach when a young man in his mid-twenties jumpscared him.
Introduced himself as Isaac Newton, too, so that solved that.
Using just a touch of a glamour to make his presence seem a bit more natural and less like a potential vector of disease, Crowley chatted with the young man for a good while. Isaac was the grandson of the widow Ayscough, a student at Trinity College, sent home due to the plague, interested in optics and the laws of motion and, more than anything else in the world, mathematics. He showed Crowley his notebook full of notations, letters with little dots over them equaling other letters, which Crowley couldn't follow, and explained the logic of it, which Crowley could. Heaven, he thought, had wanted Aziraphale to arrange a divine intervention into Isaac's mathematics, but Isaac had that well in hand already: it was well beyond what anyone else on Earth had thought up, and he was still a student.
As evening drew in, young Isaac invited Crowley to supper and shelter for the night, which he accepted politely, and to board Blackie in the stables, which he accepted with vicious glee. Making Blackie someone else's problem for a bit always put a little varnish on their souls while also relieving him of needing to lift a finger or deal with the damn horse.
As they passed through the orchard, Isaac ran his hand through the leaves of low-lying branches. A gardener yelled across the field not to disturb the apples, to which the young man just smiled.
Well. Crowley knew a thing or two about apples and Plans, and the kid had wondered why things move the way they do.
As they passed under a lovely straight Flower of Kent, Isaac Newton disturbed the leaves and a large, green, perfectly round apple miraculously imbued with insight into the observation that "things fall down" fell out of the tree and smacked into his skull.
As he stopped to rub his head while Crowley tried not to laugh at him, the young man asked: "I wonder how far an apple could fall? Not just from the tree, that is, but why not from as high as the moon?"
Crowley just smiled enigmatically, which Isaac took as encouragement, and mentally began drafting a memo for Aziraphale to send back up to Home Office.
Author's note:
Everything's as close to accurate to real life Isaac Newton and Woolsthorpe Manor as I could get it, except his personality (which I understand was curmudgeonly in his old age, but I have no idea about him as a youth) and the fact that he didn't *actually* have an apple fall on his head, probably. 1666 was indeed the year he first started developing both calculus and the law of gravitation.
I'm sorry for picking on Hull! I'm sure it's a lovely city. I chose it as the place Crowley was going for a temptation (and a divine ecstasy) because that's the place specifically called out as an example of the arrangement in the book, and so is Crowley getting free reign over Manchester (page 50 in my paperback). And hey, if he's already going north....
The actual pun didn't quite make it in, but hey! Trees!
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
any random espilver thoughts you could offer to someone struck with empty brain? could be angst or fluff, i'm not picky /lh 🫣
I can think some up! Let's see here ^-^
I wonder if Silver would be surprised by how noisy it is in the Chaotix's household. After all, if he's been mostly on his own before, I figure he'll be quite surprised by the liveliness of the Agency! But what especially intrigues him is the fact that Espio very much prefers his own peace and quiet amidst the chaos, and has trained himself very well to embrace it despite Vector and Charmy being around. I figure Silver might just go sit with him and meditate/relax for some time if things become too annoying around him.
Espio strikes me as the kind of person who knows a lot about foraging: he apparently likes camping and he also seems to like educational things, so I figure he might have read up on what plants are edible and such in the wild. I can imagine him and Silver leaving one early morning to go to the forest and find berries and such <3 And if Silver learns some cooking from Amy, they can make them into tasty jams and jellies.
I don't believe this is really possible with Silver's powers in the games, because we've never seen anything like it and the closest we've gotten is his Psychic Knife that isn't so much a knife at all, but it'd be very impressive if he could form shuriken and kunai with his powers. It'd be a concentrated little energy attack that doesn't cover as much ground as his Psychic Knife, but I figure it'll be able to pierce deeper! And Espio is very flattered Silver is trying to incorporate his ninja fighting style into his psychokinesis. Similarly, I think it'd be funny if Silver just.... hurled Espio at an enemy on occasion, haha. They're in perfect sync!
I also wrote a bit of a fic today at uni when I was actually supposed to be transcribing interviews, but you know, fuck that and all, so you can find that under the cut. I hope you like it! ^-^
“You can see the stars so well here,” Silver muses, contently sprawled out over the blanket. “Did you know they look a bit different in the future?”
“Not by a lot. But whenever I study them, they aren’t exactly in the same place anymore. Just barely!”
“Which sky do you prefer?” Espio smiles back.
“This one, of course. Because you’re here to watch it with me, Espio.”
Laughing softly the chameleon shakes his head; an answer as expected from his dear beloved. “Then we had best make the most of this night,” he agrees. Tomorrow their trip will be over and they’ll go back home, to their city where the light pollution unfortunately makes it difficult to see the sky in all its glory. But here, in this field of rustling greenery and no civilisation for miles and miles, they are perfectly miniscule and at one with the beauty above them.
“I’m going to find all the constellations,” Silver notes back, one finger tracing the air as if he can draw lines on the dark blue scenery amidst the pinpricks of light. Perhaps in his mind he is, his lips forming words Espio knows even though he says nothing out loud, and the sight is…
Utterly, completely captivating.
Which isn’t so strange, because to Espio everything Silver is and does is captivating, yet he finds it impossible to tear his eyes away from the other this night. Silver’s fur glows like the two moons above them, the cyan circles on his gloves the only source of light around except for the stars. And every single movement gets drunken up by Espio’s eyes, how he gestures his one hand ever so tenderly as if his finger is the paintbrush and the heavens his canvas, how he lays so unguarded and open on their shared blanket, other arm tucked behind his head and honey-golden eyes merely blinking up to the stars before his lips twitch and form into a smile.
“You’re staring, Es.”
“…Ah.” Jolting awake from his musings the chameleon flicks his tail. “Mayhaps, love.”
“Don’t ‘mayhaps’ me, I can feel it.”
With an amused laugh of his own Espio reaches over, his fingers brushing over the hedgehog’s twitching little nose. “Your powers and their perceptive nature.”
“Hmhm,” his beloved huffs back, a pink tongue peevedly battering at Espio’s finger tormenting his poor snoot. “Why are you? Isn’t the sky much too lovely to not look at it?”
“I just so happen to be around a being that makes it far too easy to get distracted with marvelling at him,” Espio notes, scooting himself a bit closer and smiling as Silver curls into him as by instinct.
“Flatterer.” But Silver’s face tucks itself underneath Espio’s chin so perfectly, a content little sigh breathed out against his chest.
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lorei-writes · 10 months
Expedition Bluff
Sariel x OC (Oliver; @olivermorningstar 's OC) Fluff Word Count: ~1k
My half for the trade with @olivermorningstar ... and my first go at writing Sariel >:)
Oliver nearly falls over, although his glasses are lost just as they would be if he found himself on the ground. He freezes, unsure of what unnatural force prevents his collapse, to then realise he can attach not only a name, but also a face to its vectors. Sariel holds Oliver firmly until his balance is regained.
Snow. Abroad it somehow falls differently.
Oliver turns his eyes towards the skies clad in angry clouds, dark and wiry like a yet untreated wool. He breathes in deeply, to slowly release his frustrations in a crystallised mist. The unspoken words cling onto him, however, frozen drops holding onto his scarf as if begging him to reconsider letting them go. Oliver pinches the bridge of his nose.
“You don’t know when to stop working, do you?” he sighs.
At the very least Sariel is not as indifferent as to ignore the remark. “It was necessary.”
Necessary. It is always necessary. But Oliver cannot agree with that, not based on what he has seen thus far.
“And no diplomats could have been sent to Achroite instead? Or are you going to tell me that they have time off to, you know… celebrate? Back in Rhodolite?”
“If I do recall correctly, a certain royal scientist has submitted the request to study Achroite’s fauna in winter at an incredibly convenient notice. Of his own volition.” Sariel crosses his arms.
“You know it is not about that.”
Crunch. It truly is different abroad.
Achroitian winters are harsh, much harsher than anything Oliver has ever witnessed before. Ever since their arrival, the snow has hardly ceased to fall – a phenomena probably made worse by how far north they’ve wandered. It doesn’t take long for him to imagine them both being stuck there until at the very least early spring. And for what? That, that Oliver is yet to see, provided that he is to see it at all. The problem is the if at all, or perhaps the fact that in a completely white, yet perfectly drenched in darkness, world, there is little there for him to distract him from the matter.
Oliver buries his nose deeper into his scarf. It hurts. His face seems to have frozen over, his muscles refusing to obey by his commands. It is a miracle that Sariel appears unaffected; that, he should study that. His official reason for the expedition was, after all, a bluff. Not that he can think about it for long – his very own breath fogs his glasses up. Nevertheless, he continues to walk, to walk, to walk… What could be there in this plain nowhere for him to trip over and fall? He just needs to move forward and he will be fine.
Provided that Sariel does not stop.
Which he does.
Oliver nearly falls over, although his glasses are lost just as they would be if he found himself on the ground. He freezes, unsure of what unnatural force prevents his collapse, to then realise he can attach not only a name, but also a face to its vectors. Sariel holds Oliver firmly until his balance is regained.
“You have my glasses?” Comes a murmur.
“I do.”
“Give them back. You may not need yours, but I’m rather blind now. Not that there’s much to see here,” Oliver snickers.
“Why should I? You have just said there is not much to see here. Keep your face in the scarf, we’re almost at our destination.”
“But —”
“But?” Sariel echoes, his voice the sole present sound. He entwines his fingers with Oliver’s, begins to walk. “You have also said that I don’t need mine. Who am I to argue with science?”
“You,” Oliver laughs, or much rather, attempts to suppress a laugh. His shoulders shake below layers of sweaters, a coat, and scarves.
“Nothing.” There would be no point in revealing things that have nowhere to hide in this here and now.
As much as his vision may be a blurry ghost of itself, Oliver’s other senses sharpen, mould themselves into shapes previously unachieved to compensate for the key element that’s been lost. He hears every insulated crunch produced by crushed snow, every breath, every hum and chocked down groan; he hears the struggle disguised in languid motion, feels the tension straining Sariel’s hand. Not even the most minute of twitches goes unnoticed – and that, precisely that, is why Oliver cannot comprehend why they are in Achroite and not in Rhodolite.
It is only the instinct of a researcher to seek that which remains unknown. “Sariel… Why?”
“Yes, love. Have you not done enough?”
“I have a reason to work.”
“And is it that important? Really? To work even now?”
Sariel’s grip tightens, just shy of causing pain. He stays quiet for a breath longer than he’d usually allow himself, clearly weighing his words with upmost care, considering whether now he could slither out of the conversation, and yet… “Yes. Now more than ever,” he admits, albeit with an unusual dose of timid reluctance. “And you should know why better than anybody else.”
Oliver does not argue, phantom warmth caressing his cheek as the conclusion becomes obvious to him.
“I will still worry.”
“Do. I will not always fight this much. You’ve harnessed the devil, after all.”
Oliver snorts, “Fine, fine! Fine! Let’s just hurry up and eat dinner before my toes fall off!”
Snow… It indeed feels different in Achroite.
Fire buzzes within the hearth, little different from a healthy bee hive. Oliver turns his eyes towards the window, a hot tea mug cradled in his hands. He lifts his gaze, however, a shadow obscuring his view to drape a blanket over his shoulder and to join him over the couch. Sariel has discarded his gloves. A rare sight.
“Now more than ever,” he sighs to then cup Oliver’s face, a thousand promises, questions, declarations and threats running through his violet eyes.
“I understand.” Oliver sets the cup down. He returns the gesture, although his lids shut. There is no need to read into his mind – he has made his intentions clear long ago and intends to continue doing just that. “Likewise.”
Their foreheads touch. Any further words would be superfluous; there is no need to feed the winter with sound. Oliver understands, at last.
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(Super out of date) Masterpost of My Sonic fics.
(Updated as of 06/October 2022) currently outdated and in need of an update
Chaos Uncontrolled A crossover between the movie universe and Sonic X. Featuring the Sonic X crew being befuddled by the movie boys being siblings and their powers.
When your children come from the stars Sonic, Knuckles and Tails get adopted early and Tom and Maddie learn to look after alien kids.
Wachowski one shots a one shot collection for the Wachowski family. Mostly wholesome shenanigans but sprinkles of angst are planned.
7 times someone ‘kidnapped’ Knuckles in the name of friendship, and 1 time he did it back. a 5+1 style fic where Knuckles friends want to spend time with him. First chapter has Rouge and Shadow.
Vector the crocodile is everybody’s dad a collection of moments set during forces where Vector looks out for the younger members of the Sonic cast.
Friendship persists A frontiers inspired fic where sonic, tails, knuckles and Amy are all stranded on the starfall islands together with amnesia.
No child should have to inherit a war.   set in the movie universe this begins with sonic and Knuckles meeting up as kids and choosing to search for the master emerald together. They are joined by tails and travel across the galaxy. It’s kinda an adventure/ road trip style fic. Has a lot of cameos.
The ghostly guardian An au where knuckles is a ghost/spirt bound to the master emerald but because he has no one to compare himself to has never realized what’s unusual. There are similar story beats to canon with some deviation.
What’s a ship without it’s crew Set during season 3 of sonic x this is a group of one shots of random things happening on the blue typhoon. Some are chill shenanigans but some are character bonding with a nice sprinkling of angst
Aliens? in my town? it’s more likely than you’d think. Set in the movie universe and details the story of a family being completely oblivious to all the alien shenanigans going on. (Think Linda from phineas and Ferb)
How to deal with an alternate dimensional version of yourself (a guide by Team Sonic)
smaller but mightier
scrambled and over easy
My three sonic boom and sonic movie crossovers fics. Mostly chill tone but has some angst. The boom team also get their emotional awareness boosted up so they can deal with the movie counterparts better.
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fionajames · 10 months
Helloooooooo :)
I honestly forgot if I sent you an ask or not but whatever I got an idea.
May i pleeeease request an angsty story? Between like Rex and Cody or Dhole and Fox (or Wolffe?) or something? Please?
Thank you so much, Jamie. Love ur work and I hope you post regularly again soon. It’s so nice to wake up to a new story 🥰
-Sha 🫡
slipping - my ocs
Fox shuddered as he rested his forehead on the cold metal of the door of the barracks, listening carefully to the sobs spilling through. “Dhole?” He whispered softly.
“Go away!” Dhole shouted back and Fox flinched, stepping away from the door. Vector - who was stood beside the Commander - gave him a short, sympathetic smile before sinking to the floor and leaning against the door.
There was a soft yap from the inside and Fox let his fingers fall to the door control panel, opening it. Ashling - still a puppy but getting bigger - rushed to find him, tail between his legs and whining sadly. Fox reached down to gently pat the puppy who then dashed to Dhole’s side.
Dhole was collapsed against the wall beside his bunk, head in his arms as Ashling comfortingly licked his shoulder. Fox’s brow furrowed.
“Dhole?” He called quietly as the door closed behind him, shuffling down to a crouch to sit beside his brother. “What’s wrong?”
Dhole shook his head furiously, which gave Fox a glimpse at his tear-stained face. His curls were wild and messy, covering his face. “I let go.”
Fox raised an eyebrow as he draped an arm over his brother’s shoulders comfortingly. “What do you mean?”
“I-I couldn’t hold on,” Dhole sobbed, spluttering as he did. “I let go! Oh, Fox, I let go.” He bent over with sobs as Fox held him closer.
“A shiny, oh a mere shiny, Fox,” Dhole whispered, looking up at him through his bloodshot eyes. “His name was Soft. He got pushed by a criminal and tripped. I tried to catch him and I did! But I couldn’t get a good grip and he just,” Dhole paused. “Slipped”.
Fox’s eyes widened before he pulled the boy closer, resting his chin on top of Dhole’s head.
“It’s alright, Dhole, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Not my fault?”
“Not your fault.”
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montydrawsstuff · 1 year
if you're still doing one shots perhaps a silly little 'first family grocery shop' with vector and the kids?
I'll try a little one!
On mobile so sorry if formatting sucks
"Ahh crud... We really are outa' food!"
Vector let the fridge door slap closed as he turned to his audience
"You'd think opening it for the third time would get us somewhere but... waddya gonna do eh?"
The crowd had little to add to the conversation, minus a few buzzy babbles from a squirming Charmy and some mutterings of "outa food outa food" from Espio.
".. I agree, boys! Looks like we're goin to.. the Grocery Store!" He announced in a sort of dramatic tone. And the crowd went mild.
"Ugh, let's just go"
He wasn't entirely sure how successful this trip would be- while Charmy was easy enough to carry in his old leather jacket (permitting he didn't worm out of it like when he left sugar from his coffee spilt on the desk) Espio was another beast entirely.
"Okay. Listen real good kid. I need you to TRY to understand." He spoke to the little lizard as clearly as his new York accent could manage as he wrapped a squirmy Charmy in a bathtowel "Please do NOT run off, hide or look for the high ground. It's a STORE. Its gonna be BRIGHT and LOUD, but I'll be there the WHOLE time, okay?"
It took a few seconds of wide eyed staring back with big confused eyes for the lizard child to simply respond with a "Hai".
Vector begged to himself that he got through to him somehow.
The walk to their destination was somewhat painless. Tho wrangling a 10 year old was easier when Vector wasn't keeping a grip on a gooey larve, who was determined to glob his way to a sudden meeting with pavement. There was a foreboding dread that came upon him entering the store, however.
"Remember boys, we're upstanding gentlemen, out for our eggs and frozen pizza. Like we agreed on."
"Pip pio!" Charmy gurgled.
"Hahaha yea, pizza! That's right!" Vector smiled back, before his eyes met others. On top of the shelf.
"WH- Espio!! How'd ya even get up there?!?"
A store employee approached to assess the situation, but wisely bailed at the sight of a croc yelling at the canned fish.
"Cmon bro, we talked about this! We're upstanding gentlemen! Get down!"
Espio merely gestured his head to straight ahead, where a somewhat rugged looking man paced the aisle beside them. He drew his kunai ready before Vector finally reached enough to snatch him off.
Espio hissed through the tins of herrings, feeling he made his point to the threat clear.
"Ugh. Enough. Now where do ya find the 50 ring mac'n'cheese round here?" Vector continued along the aisle, but the lizard did not follow. Vector was starting to wear thin at this point.
"C'mon, bud. Stick by my side."
Espio stayed put.
"C'mon kiddo. That's enough messing around."
Espio crawled under the aisle.
Vector was on the edge of his temper.
"C'mon, Espio. Don't be a little bastard."
Espio glared over his shoulder and went in further.
"... you know what? FINE! ENJOY YA NEW HOME I GUESS! I'M LEAVIN YA HERE THEN. BYE!" He shouted and stormed off to the freezer section
Vector was caught between two pizzas before realizing.. He was holding two pizzas.
He barreled up the store, almost knocking over a stack of soup cans and narrowly avoiding several employees. They knew better than to get in the way of a rampaging crocodile.
"Charmy right here"
Vector froze in his tracks.
"Under fish"
Vector cast his line of sight down to see Espio holding a very dusty looking grub, who was clinging on to him rather firmly.
"You... you were just getting Charmy?" Vector felt guilt settle in his stomach "I'm sorry bud. You're a good kid.."
Espio merely cocked his head to the side and raised the sleeping bug to him.
Vector chuckled. "He wants you, bud. Got yourself a little bro of your own there, huh? Yknow what, you get pick of pizza this time!"
Espio stared at Charmy a moment.
"Hehehe, your English is getting better..."
Maybe next time... they could just get delivery...
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steven1123x · 3 months
Behind The Scenes - Chapter 13: Welcome To The Golden State
🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬
July 15, 2008
“Steven…” Rose poked him. Steven opened his eyes, sat up, and stretched.
“Are we going on the trip?” he asked. Rose smiled and nodded.
Steven got up and went to his closet and pulled out a red star shirt and a pair of shorts. Rose walked out of his room so she can get dressed, she walked back into her and Greg’s room, Greg was already dressed and he was looking at himself in the mirror with a hairbrush in his hand.
“Steven is getting dressed,” she told her husband. Greg looked at the reflection of the full-length mirror in their bedroom and saw Rose.
Greg walked to her, smiled, and hugged her. “What’s up?” Rose asked.
“Nothing…” Rose smiled and giggled.
“Finish getting dressed, ya goof.” Greg nodded and finished brushing his hair, he grabbed his Vans and a pair of socks and then slipped them on.
“Should I wear my Vans too?”
“I’m not in control. It’s your decision.” Rose nods and puts her pink and white checkered Vans on.
She looked at her phone and saw a text from Pearl saying that she had the spare bedroom set up. Rose sighed to herself, she had to remind her that they were staying with Garnet.
Rose texted her that, Greg put on his Vector The Crocodile beanie on his head and put some of his hair on his shoulders. “How do I look?”
“You look good,” Rose said, putting her Amy Rose beanie on, Greg smiled and kissed his wife on the cheek. Then, she walked out of the room to see how Steven was doing.
“Oh, Steven, you all dressed.” he nodded and kept playing on his Nintendo DS. He wore one of his red star t-shirts, shorts, his flip flops and his Sonic The Hedgehog beanie was atop his head.
Steven only nodded and continued playing his DS. Rose sat next to him and went on her phone to play Angry Birds while she waited for Greg.
Greg walked out carrying a backpack that contained his laptop and charger.
“Alright, everyone ready?” Greg asked, looking at his wife and son.
“Yeah!” Steven cheered in excitement.
Rose giggles a little bit, they grab their suitcases and go out the door, Greg locks the door to the beach house and goes to the van to put the suitcases in the back.
Rose got in the passenger seat and Steven sat in the back. Steven looked at his bracelet and smiled:
I’m coming, Lucas…
Greg started his van, the they went to Washington Airport.
Rose is playing Angry Birds on her phone and Steven is looking out the window.
When they made it to the airport, they stepped out, Greg and Rose grabbed everything and then went inside, Greg took their passports and pre-ordered tickets out of his backpack. he checked them in, Rose and Steven stood to the side, Steven stood on the metal poll at the bottom of the baggage claim.
Greg set the suitcases down so they could be weighed. Steven went on his phone to play Angry Birds.
A few minutes pass and they were now walking to TSA, Greg, Rose, and Steven had some problems in the past with them, and poking around at Steven and Rose’s gems — to say the least, was uncomfortable for both of them. Especially for Rose because well - she’s made of light, so…
Steven won’t be a big problem because he’s half gem and half human, the worst thing that their going to do is ask him to lift his shirt.
Rose took off her shoes and her ring and put them in the tray. Steven took off his beanie Greg and Rose did the same as well.
They went through the metal doctors, stopped both Steven and Rose, and took them to the side.
“Could you lift your shirt for me?” the woman asked. Steven looked at his mother, full of discomfort, Rose nodded to him, signaling that it would be over quickly.
Steven sighed and lifted his shirt, The woman saw the massive pink gemstone in replace of his navel. “Uhhh, could you please remove the piercing?”
“It’s real, If I remove this I can… Pass on.” Steven said, getting more uncomfortable with this conversation. The woman looked at her co-worker who was attending to Rose who shrugged his shoulders.
“Okay, you two can go right on through,” he said, Steven and Rose went on through. Rose grabs her stuff and puts them on her.
She slipped on her wedding and engagement rings, Greg grabbed his wedding ring and put it on his finger.
“Ugh, that was so awkward…” Steven said, shuddering. Rose agrees with her son on that one. Greg, Rose, and Steven all went to their gate and sat down. The sun was not up yet, Rose went on her phone and the time read 5:56 AM. Rose looked outside and saw the runway lights.
Rose went on her phone and played Angry Birds once again. Greg sat by her, he saw his son leaning on his arm.
“You alright?” Greg asked, putting an arm around his shoulders. Steven nodded and yawned.
“I’m a little bit tired…”
“You can sleep on the plane, Steven.”
“I know, Mom…” he said, closing his eyes. He was out. Rose looked at her phone again and it was almost six, she looked at her ticket, and boarding time was scheduled for six ten.
Fourteen minutes passed and they were now boarding the plane. Rose sat in her seat, Greg sat next to her and Steven sat on the aisle seat.
Steven lifted the middle armrest and leaned on his father.
The plane was boarded and they started the engines. Then, the pilot got on the intercom.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 4A7 with service from Washington, Delaware to Los Angeles, California We are ready for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately four minutes. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays be in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Delta Airlines. Enjoy your flight.”
Then, the plane took off into the air, Rose looked out the window and looked at the clouds, She put her earbuds in and listened to some music on her phone.
Please don't stop the music, music, music
Please don't stop the music, music, music
Please don't stop the music, music, music
Please don't stop the music, music, music
The plane flew towards LA. Rose was excited to go back there to see everyone, Greg was uncomfortable seeing Pearl again since the last time she visited.
Hopefully, it will be better this time.
But, he did have family up in LA and Rose, so they could see their families when they were there. Rose looked at Greg, Greg had his earbuds in listening to his choice of music – probably rock or something, which she didn’t have a problem with.
It's getting late, I'm making my way over to my favorite place
I gotta get my body moving, shake the stress away
I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way
Possible candidate, yeah
Who knew, that you'd be up in here looking like you do
You're makin' staying over here impossible
Baby, I'm a say your aura is incredible
If you don't have to go, don't
Rose went on her camera roll and decided to look at images from last year when they all visited Los Angeles. Rose saw herself and her friends having some sodas at a restaurant on Hollywood Boulevard. Rose swiped to another and it was her and Garnet taking a selfie with the legendary Bugs Bunny, and one with Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu sitting on his shoulder. Even some from Nickelodeon too such as SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star. Rose shut off her phone and drifted off into space.
Do you know what you started? I just came here to party
But now we're rockin' on the dance floor, actin' naughty
Your hands around my waist just let the music play
We're hand in hand, chest to chest, and now we're face to face
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ, let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ, let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
Baby, are you ready 'cause it's gettin' cold
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode?
What goes on between us no one has to know
This is a private show
Do you know what you started? I just came here to party
But now we're rockin' on the dance floor, actin' naughty
Your hands around my waist just let the music play
We're hand in hand, chest to chest, and now we're face to face
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ, let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ, let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music, music, music
Please don't stop the music, music, music
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ, let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ, let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music, music, music
Please don't stop the music, music, music, music, music, music, music
Three hours passed and the plane landed. Greg poked Steven lightly on the arm. “Steven?” Greg said in a gentle voice. Steven opened his eyes stretched and yawned.
“Are we here?”
The boy asked. Greg smiled and ruffled his hair.
“Where here, buddy.”
“What time is it?” He asked, still groggy.
“It is three in the morning.” Steven heard that correctly, he wasn’t dreaming. Nor the plane’s engines were affecting his hearing, he did hear that correctly.
“Did we time travel back three hours?” Rose went into settings and put her phone off Airplane Mode. She got a text from Garnet and texted her back if she was here yet.
A few minutes passed and they were out of the airport after getting their bags. Steven walked out and felt that it was cold, but not the same temptation as Deleware.
Then, a car pulled up, it was a luxurious black SUV with a sleek and polished exterior. The front grille stands out with prominent chrome highlights, adding to its stylish look. In the middle of the grille was the white and blue California license plate, The vehicle is equipped with tinted windows, large and fashionable alloy wheels, and a roof rack visible on the top. The overall design suggests a modern and upscale vehicle, perfect for someone looking for both elegance and functionality. Although specific branding or logos are not visible in this image, the overall appearance hints at a high-end, luxury.
Ja Rule was blasting through the speakers of her car. The door opened, and they saw a pair of High-top Jordans hit the pavement.
Rose couldn’t contain her excitement. Once she saw her. She wrapped her arms around her and picked her up.
“Hey, Rose,” Garnet said, setting her down. Rose smiled and punched her lightly in the arm.
“Hey, Garnet.” Greg waves.
“What’s up?”
“Steven!” She picked up the boy and held him up. Steven smiled and laughed. Garnet smiled and set him down.
“Okay, Let’s put your bags in the back and go to my house,” she said, Rose and Greg nodded and put their bags in the trunk, Rose sat in the front as they drove back to her house which was an hour's drive from here.
🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬
Another hour passed, and Greg and Rose saw a spacious two-story house designed in a Mediterranean style. It features a beige exterior complemented by a striking red-tiled roof. The front yard is impeccably manicured, boasting lush green grass, various shrubs, and an assortment of colorful flowering plants. A large, beautifully pruned tree and multiple smaller plants contribute to the picturesque landscaping.
The house is accented by a wide driveway that gently slopes upwards towards a three-car garage with white doors. Situated within a serene residential neighborhood, the scene exudes tranquility and harmony. Palm trees line the perimeter of the property, enhancing its tropical appeal.
Garnet parks her car, kills the engine, and steps out. Greg saw a basketball hoop sitting at the end of the driveway as well as a bike.
“I didn’t know you ride a bike,” Rose said, taking Steven who fell asleep in the backseat.
“I do, but that is Ameythest’s bike.”
“Ameythest is here?” Greg asked.
“No, she left her bike here.”They both nod, Garnet sticks the key inside the lock and unlocks the door, she opens the lights sets her keys down, and takes off her jacket.
“It’s cold out.” Greg shivered.
“Greg, the temperature does drop here at night. We lived here our whole lives. Good thing Steven’s wearing a jacket when we went to the airport.” Rose said.
“Good thing too, because he would not get used to the temperature here, if we moved here and lived here for let’s say… Three years he will get used to it.” Rose said.
“Where are our rooms?” Greg asked her.
“Oh, come on,” she said, they carried their bags to their rooms, and Rose carried Steven to his room. Rose set Steven on the bed, took off his flip-flops, and covered him up. She kissed him on the cheek and walked out of the room.
“He’s out like a light,” Rose said, Greg went into bed too. They all got some sleep.
🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬🎥 🎬
A\N: They're in LA! I can’t wait to see what happens next, I…. Ughhhhh, my stars! this is getting so good so far I love it! Don’t forget to review! The full song was Don’t Stop The Music by Rihanna.
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Who Became Dion Vector?
Dear Vector Vagabond,
Ah yes, the wandering philosopher Dion Vector. The diminutive Guardian of Wayward Sparks has shepherded many non-aligned Transformers from the various conflicts that have plagued Cybertron over the millennia. But perhaps it is time to finally elucidate who this bot truly is.
Born during the reign of Taraxus Prime the Insatiable, Blue Maximus was an Ultra-class interstellar freighter tasked with transporting goods between the various Cybertronian colonies. On a routine trip to Apollonia to deliver solartarium converters, Maximus was walking through the bustling Halcyon Plaza when the very first Arcturan attack happened.
As the war between the Cybertronian Empire and the Arcturan Resistance escalated, Maximus and his family continually found themselves caught up in a conflict they wanted no part of. It wasn’t until Maximus’ eldest son, Gindion, was conscripted and taken against his will that the family decided to flee Cybertron and take refuge elsewhere. In his travels, Maximus heard rumors to the location of the last known spacebridge, supposedly constructed by Mercurian Prime themselves to transport any and all Cybertronians to a secret haven during the days of the Chromatic Wars (a slight misconception, but that’s a tale for another time).
Maximus and his family trekked across the stars for many stellar cycles, meeting colorful characters and avoiding the Cybertron Secret Police along the way. However, when they arrived at the coordinates, they learned their efforts were all for naught. The spacebridge had been damaged by Noirgo the Destructor’s Hand eons ago, and now it was little more than an imposing art installation. Here they were, at the edge of the galaxy, supplies dwindled to their last reserves, and with nowhere to go. That’s when the family was beset by Terrorcons.
Ultimately, Blue Maximus was left alone. Badly injured and mode-locked, he crash landed on the alien world Antilla, a lush paradise world teeming with all sorts of organic life… and Energon. Maximus used a small drone component to scour the area, make minor repairs to his main body, and refine the wild Energon into something his body could use. It was during this period, forced to remain still and do little more than watch the stars and the battles above him, Maximus made a promise: no matter what, no one else would ever feel this pain.
Returning to Cybertron and using his drone to masquerade as a Cyberdroid, Maximus took on the new identity of Dion Vector (the name taken from his lost son and one of those colorful characters he encountered on his first voyage). He began to secretly shuttle any Cybertronians looking for refuge off-planet to Antilla. With the help of a young engineer named Skywarp, Vector outfitted his larger body with a personal transwarp engine, allowing him to shorten the trip immensely for his passengers. Vector would continue to carry passengers to Antilla over the next century, and the growing population of settlers led the planet to become a permanent settlement. After the end of the Cybertronian/Arcturan conflict, Vector would retire to spend his days in peace in the rapidly developing city of New Tyrest.
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