#and want to make sure i can give them the appropriate thought and consideration
komotionlessqueenmm · 19 days
Polar Opposites
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Short story # 21
Gif NOT mine.
Summary - You and Bruce have absolutely nothing in common, and yet he can't seem to get enough of your attention. He is completely desperate to make you his, and prove to you that he's more than the tabloids make him out to be.
Year posted - 2024
Rating - SFW (There is cussing & talk of violence.)
Reading time (roughly) - 25 minutes
Reader is fairly covered in tattoos, and is more on the metal head/tomboy style. Enjoy.
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(Y/n) has known Bruce for a year now, having met him by chance while at a gala. She was a waitress, serving glasses of champagne to the stuck up society of Gotham. She smiled charmingly to each and every last one of them, despite wanting to tell them to fuck off every time one would catch sight of her tattoos, scowling at her in disgust as if she were the scum of the earth. That is until she crossed paths with Bruce. She'd offered him a drink with a smile, a well practiced role to play while working jobs like this. He'd accepted a glass, and when she turned to move on to the next guest, he caught sight of the tattoos decorating her hands. She was technically supposed to wear these delicate white gloves, to look more appropriate, and to hide her ink. But she had a habit of loosing her grip on her drinks tray while wearing them. So against her bosses wishes, she went without them. Before she got even a step away, Bruce had taken ahold of her elbow, of the arm not carrying a tray full of expensive champagne, and tugged her back to his side.
"Can I help you?" She asked with a bit of a bite in her tone, despite the smile gracing her lips, her eyes betrayed her true feelings. Without a word Bruce pulled her hand up into his line of sight, closely observing the fine details of her tattoos. (Y/n) tried tugging her hand free, but he kept ahold of her arm, ignoring the curious looks of other party goers. "Back off man." (Y/n) hissed, dropping the tray of champagne, she yanked back with full force, effectively tearing herself free. People gawked and gasped in surprise at the sudden noise of the various glasses breaking. While (Y/n) glared daggers at Bruce, who still hadn't uttered a single word, her boss rushed over to see what had happened. His eyes widened considerably when he saw (Y/n) glowering at the Bruce Wayne. The man quickly made up his mind, and stormed to (Y/n)'s side. Without asking what had happened, or even considering the needs and feelings of his employee, he tightly gripped her bicep. "You're fired." He hissed in an hushed tone, not wanting to draw any more attention to the situation. Her attention snapped to him in an instant, her anger now palpable to anyone with eyes. "That's fine." She hissed pulling back her arm.
Unlike her now former employer, (Y/n) was content with making a scene. Without a second thought she ripped open her white button up top, the buttons flying in every direction, she aggressively yanked the material from her arms, and threw it onto the wet floor. The black tank top she wore underneath clung to her like a second skin. Bruce wanted to intervene, but the sight of tattoo sleeves she sported made his voice catch in his throat and die. She was unlike any woman he'd seen before, clearly covered in a vast array of ink, with a confidence that rivaled his own. Her former employer scoffed at her defiance. "You'll never get another job in this town." He threatened her. "We'll see about that." She shot back before turning her back to them, intent on leaving, and giving Bruce a glimpse at the tattoo that covered her back and shoulders. "I'll make sure of it!" The man shouted, clearly enraged by her attitude. "Get fucked!" (Y/n) shouted over her shoulder, practically shoving her way passed the Gotham elites. It wasn't until she was out of sight, and the man began apologizing to Bruce that he snapped out of his daze.
Without a second thought Bruce dropped the glass of champagne he held, and rushed to follow after the woman who'd stunned him into a stupor. By the time he rushed out into the chilly night of Gotham City, she was long gone, like a mystery of the night she'd vanished without a trace. Bruce's heart raced in his chest, looking up and down the empty street, he ran in the direction he hoped she'd gone. But she was long gone, and Bruce hadn't felt this lost in a long time. He'd called Alfred and had him look into the catering company for the gala, and asked him to find out who all of the employees were. By the time he arrived at the mansion, his loyal friend had all the information he'd asked for. A list of each employees name, paired with pictures, printed off and waiting on his desk. Bruce sifted through the papers for several minutes before finding (Y/n). He said her name in a soft whisper, repeating it a few times to really get a feel for it. With her paper in hand, and without saying a word to Alfred, he went down to the batcave. Punching her full legal name into his computer, he scoured for any information.
She had no criminal record, which he was a bit relieved by, but he did find her various social media accounts. Practically stalking them he learned all that he could in one night. She was new to Gotham, and she seemed to be struggling with adjusting to her new life there. From what he gathered, she'd been apartment and job hopping, seeming to get herself into one pinch after another. For several weeks he stalked her accounts, and tried pinpointing where she'd be working or living next, anywhere he could bump into her at, that wouldn't make it obvious he was desperately trying to find her. And ironically enough it had been purely accidental when he ran into her again. He was making his way up the stairs leading to the Gotham library, intent on picking up a few books to take his mind off of (Y/n) for a while. When the noise of a rumbling trash truck caught his attention, he wasn't sure why, he'd heard them plenty of times and never paid them any mind before. And then his eyes landed on (Y/n) as she heaved a couple trash bags into the back of the truck. His heart froze up for a moment, then he was jogging across the busy street to speak with her.
Cars honked at him, and he waved apologetically, the commotion catching the elusive woman's attention. When her eyes locked onto his familiar face she scowled, he tried to smile at her, but she didn't seem interested. "What the fuck do you want?" She grunted with annoyance. "Look I'm sorry about what happened at the gala that night." He said. Wincing a little when she rolled her eyes before turning back to her job. "Really I-" She cut him off when she swung another trash bag into the back of the truck, the sticky black bag just barely missing him. "How about you do me a favor." She huffed before tossing the last bag in. "Anything." Bruce said, totally ready to offer her anything she asked for. "Hop in the back of the truck where you belong." She said with a sweet smile, before pulling the lever that crushed and packed the trash into the back. Bruce rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle, finding himself at a loss for words again. "How... How about a job?" He tried hollering over the noise of the truck, sighing under his breath when (Y/n) looked at him confused, clearly unable to hear him over the noise.
"I said HOW ABOUT A JOB?!" He hollered louder, feeling a tad bit embarrassed when she cut off the noise halfway through his sentence. "I've got a job thank you." She mused as she stepped up onto the back of the truck, ready to signal for the driver to take off. "I could offer you something better." He tried, but she only laughed. "I ain't no pencil pusher Mr. Wayne." She shot back, and before she could signal the driver, Bruce grabbed her arm, not carrying in the slightest about the sticky feeling of her work shirt. "Please let me help." He begged with a soft look in his eyes, but the confusion in (Y/n)'s eyes turned to anger. "I don't need your fuckin' charity." She hissed before flagging the driver down, having yanked her arm away. The truck jerked then pulled away, and in his desperation Bruce chased after her. Only to loose sight of them after they'd gotten far enough away and they turned down another road. Leaving him there panting for air, his chest feeling tight for having been so close, and letting her slip between his fingers again.
He would go on for several more days trying to track her down, only to be surprised when she showed up on his doorstep one evening. She looked worse for ware, her lip busted and swollen, a nasty bruise blooming on her jaw, and her knuckles busted and swollen. "What happened?" He asked as he rushed her inside, having answered the door while Alfred was busy with dinner. "What's it look like." She huffed, leaning into his hold with a hiss, as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Got jumped." She added, walking on wobbly knees. "What, why?" He asked as he sat her down at the dining room table, kneeling at her feet to asses the damage. "Didn't think to ask 'em." She chuckled bitterly, groaning in pain she clutched her ribs. "You need to go to the hospital." Bruce said as he stood up, intent on calling for an ambulance. But he froze in his tracks when (Y/n) quickly took ahold of his arm. "No fucking way." She hissed, slouching back into the seat when he turned back to her. "Why not?" Bruce asked as he knelt to be level with her.
"Can't afford it for one." She chuckled softly, grunting again with her hand against her ribs. "I'll pay-" He tried but she cut him off with a glare. "You should see a doctor." Bruce tried to reason with her, frowning when she laughed a hardy type of laugh. "If you think I look bad, you should've seen the other guys." She said with a grin, and he couldn't help but believe her. "I think you have a broken rib." Bruce pointed to where (Y/n) clutched her side. "Oh yeah it's definitely broken." She said it so casually Bruce was at a loss for words. "You got a first aid kit layin' around in this estate of yours?" She asked him in the softest tone he'd heard from her so far. "Yeah of course, stay here I'll be right back." He said before rushing off. Another door opened into the room, an aroma of food wafting into the room, making (Y/n)'s stomach turn with hunger cramps. "Oh hello." A gentle voice entered the room, and when (Y/n) turned her head to greet the individual, the man gasped in shock at the sight of her. "Oh you poor woman." He said as he rushed to her side, leaving the trolley of food behind. "I'm alright darlin'." She drawled with a small grin, trying to reassure the older man.
Bruce came rushing back into the room, a first aid kit in hand. "Master Bruce shall I call for an ambulance?" The Butler asked as he turned his attention to his employer. "No Alfred that won't be necessary, set the table for two, and have a guest room ready." Bruce said before ushering (Y/n) to her feet. "Very well master Bruce." The Butler bowed his head slightly and set to work. "I've got a small room set up as an infirmary, it'll be easier to patch you up there." Bruce said as he led her down a hall. "Of course you do." She rolled her eyes, despite the amused grin on her lips. "Why didn't you just take me there in the first place?" She asked as they neared the end of the hall. "I honestly forgot all about it." He admitted with a chuckle, flushing in embarrassment when she shook her head in disbelief. "You're an idiot." (Y/n) muttered as they entered the "small" room. "Only when I'm around pretty girls." He said with a grin as he helped her sit down onto an examination chair. "That's nice dear." She retorted sarcastically with an equally sarcastic smile, making Bruce chuckle softly.
Methodically the billionaire cleaned up the scrapes and cuts. Having to dig out small chunks of asphalt from her banged up knees. She hardly reacted to any of it, simply watching him with curiosity. "I never would have guessed you could do something like this, let alone be willing to actually do it yourself." She stated as he pulled the last of the asphalt from her knee. He peered up at her, with an unreadable expression. "There is a lot people don't know about me." He stated before cleaning the cuts on her knees with warm water and a washcloth. "I guess so." She mused, glancing up when the Butler entered the room. "I took the liberty to bring some Tylenol extra strength, and a glass of water." The older man said as he placed a tray with the items onto a nearby table. "Thanks Alfred." Bruce said not looking away from his task at hand. Without a word the Butler left the room, closing the door behind him. "Can I ask you something?" Bruce asked as he moved onto her opposite knee. "You just did." (Y/n) said with a grin, chuckling when he gave her a pointed look. "Ask away." She hummed with amusement.
"Why did you come here?" He asked her, focusing his attention on cleaning her knee. She was quiet for a short while, and when she didn't answer his question, he looked up to find her with a lost look in her eyes. "I didn't..." She bit her raw lip, ignoring the sting she felt when she bit onto the cut. "Hey look at me." Bruce pulled her attention back to himself, effectively getting her to stop biting her lip. "What's wrong?" He asked in a gentle tone. "I didn't know where else to go." She admitted in a near whisper. "I don't... I don't have any friends in this fuckin' town... Everyone I've met hates me for one reason or another... Except for you... I think." She muttered the last part anxiously. "I don't hate you." Bruce assured her with a smile. "I was kind of an asshole before, so I wouldn't blame you for hating me." She admitted, making Bruce chuckle. "I kind of deserved it." He argued with a smile, making (Y/n) smile right back, then her smile washed away, and she looked lost again. "Those guys... They weren't just trying to jump me... They were trying to kill me." She said as she picked at a torn part of her pants. Bruce gripped her calf a little tighter, but she hardly noticed. "I've done things I'm not proud of, and I can look after myself okay..." She exhaled heavily through her nose.
"But I'm fucking scared, and I can't go home because they know where I live." She continued, jumping slightly when Bruce suddenly cupped her bruised cheek. "You don't have to worry about that right now okay, you're safe here. I promise." He was sincere in his words, his thumb lightly brushing her cheek. "Thank you." She whispered softly, a stray tear falling from her cheek. It was the first time she'd cried in years. After Bruce had finished patching her up, he passed her the pain killers and water. His eyes idly scanning over the tattoos decorating her arms, only just realizing her legs appeared to be just as covered as her arms, tattoos peaking through the various tears in her jeans. "Why do you have so many tattoos?" He asked suddenly, as (Y/n) sat down the now empty glass. "Why does it matter?" She shot back with a bit of bite, having grown sick of people judging her for her choice to get tattoos. "It doesn't, I'm just curious." Bruce explained. (Y/n) eyed him for a moment or two, before responding. "I never felt all that comfortable in my skin, but with these." She held her arms out to him, showing off the intricate work. "I feel more at ease, with it all... I feel more like me." She explained and Bruce found himself understanding her reasoning entirely.
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That night was a year ago on this very day, and Bruce couldn't have been more pleased with the outcome of their chance meeting. (Y/n) opened up more to Bruce during her stay at the mansion, telling him all about her past, and her passions. And while they had nothing in common, he felt that he connected better with her than he had anyone else in his life, especially the women. When (Y/n) was all healed up, Bruce had offered to teach her some hand to hand combat techniques, claiming she could benefit from knowing self defense. She had agreed with a grin, and by the end of it, she'd thoroughly kicked the billionaires ass in every sparring match. Even when he tried adding in some mixed martial arts, she excelled past his skill set as if she'd been doing this her whole life. If Bruce wasn't smitten before, he definitely was after that day. After a few months of getting to know eachother, Bruce made the bold choice to invite (Y/n) to move into the mansion. He half expected her to decline and say something snarky or sassy about it. But she surprised him yet again, and accepted his offer with a soft smile.
To say he was overjoyed would be an understatement of the highest degree. And after a few weeks of adjusting to her new life at the mansion, (Y/n) made it known how she had come to feel about the billionaire, and they began officially dating. In his excitement to show her off, Bruce asked her to attend a gala with him. And she swiftly declined, telling him she'd never attend one of those shitty parties again. But today he was adamant about convincing her to join him to a big Gotham ball being thrown for charity. "Please darling, these things are always so boring without you." He asked as he sat beside her in one of the many sitting rooms of the mansion, she sat reading a book, only glancing at him from the corner of her eye. "I've got a beautiful dress for you." He said, as he traced a line up the ink marking her thigh. "I don't really do dresses." She pointed out with a grin. And it was true, she mostly wore band shirts, jeans or shorts, with either combat boots, or converse. Something Bruce considered a breath of fresh air, compared to stiff models in tight dresses and high heels. "I think you'll like this one." He said with a grin, having had this dress made just for her weeks ago. "Please my love, go with me." He begged as he slid closer to her on the couch. The contrast in their outfits almost comical.
"And what do I get in return?" She asked with a grin. "Anything you want." Bruce promised, prepared to give her the world on a silver platter. "I want a ride on the batbike." She stated, having been privy to his secret identity since she moved in. "It doesn't exactly seat two." Bruce pointed out, a fact she already knew. "Hm what a shame." She mused before turning her attention back to her book, Bruce sighed in defeat, resting his forehead against her shoulder. He then muttered something, but (Y/n) hadn't caught it. "What'd you say?" She asked him. And he lifted his head, resting his jaw into her shoulder. "I'll let you drive the batmobile." He said in a whisper, grinning when her head whipped over to look into his eyes. "Liar." She accused as she squinted at him. "When have I ever lied to you?" He asked with a knowing smile. "Fine you've got a deal, Batman." She said with a cheeky grin, chuckling when he leaned forward to nip her jaw.
"Come on darling, you need to get ready." He encouraged pecking her cheek afterwards. (Y/n) sighed softly as she sat her book aside, taking Bruce's hand when he offered it to her, assisting her to her feet. He led her to their shared bedroom, and into the expansive walk in closet. Where a long silk black dress hung on display, another attempt to convince her no doubt. (Y/n) observed the gown with curiosity, an amused grin tugging at her lips. The bust was cut low, the back completely exposed, with fine chains keeping the back together. When she touched the dress she realized the skirt was slit on both sides, which would allow both her her legs to be exposed high on her thighs. "Bruce Wayne, are you trying to slut me out?" She asked when she turned to her boyfriend, a brow arched in question. Bruce's cheeks tinted pink, and he seemed a little embarrassed. "I just wanted to show off how incredible you look." He stated, knowing full well the dress would expose a vast majority of her tattoos. "Uh huh sure." She said with a grin, moving to shoo Bruce out of the closet. "It's not like I haven't seen you naked." He pointed out with a chuckle, (Y/n) scoffed despite her amusement.
"Yeah well I don't want you to see my struggle as I try getting this contraption on." She said as she pointed back to the dress. "I could help you know." Bruce offered. "Nope. Last time I let you assist me with getting dressed, you couldn't keep your dick in your pants." She sassed with a small laugh, and while she was right Bruce had intended on protesting to the statement, but stopped short when he remembered the heels she was going to need for the evening. "Oh I nearly forgot, you're going to be wearing these heels." Bruce said as he picked up a black pair of heels, which had small chain accents to match her dress. (Y/n) eyed the heels then Bruce skeptically. "I don't do heels babe." She pointed out. "Well you can't wear your combat boots." He argued with a small grin. "I don't see why not." (Y/n) giggled, but took the heels anyways. "Okay now out." She shooed him away, smiling when he held his hands up in surrender. "Okay okay I'm going." He said as he backed out of the room. After he closed the door behind him, (Y/n) turned her attention to the dress. Despite herself she found the gown beautiful, and she felt a little excited about going to the ball.
Once she was finally dressed, high heels and all, she exited the closest to find Bruce waiting patiently for her. His eyes widened momentarily, and his breath hitched. He stood up and approached her with slow steps, as if he were in a trance. "You... You look incredible darling." He finally breathed out, taking her hand in his, he had her turn slowly, showing everything off. "I might not be able to resist you." He said with a sly grin. "You better mister if I'm going to this thing, I'm gonna make it worth of it." She sassed before walking to the vanity. "I have something else for you." Bruce said as he walked across the room, coming to her side with a large box which clearly contained jewelry of some kind. "I don't like diamonds you know." She eyed him wearily. "I know you don't, but I do know you love amethyst." He opened the box, revealing a glamorous necklace. "Allow me." He said as he pulled the necklace from the box, placing the cold item around her neck. (Y/n) sighed almost dreamily at the feeling of its weight, it sat high on her collarbones, with a large center piece which lay against her sternum. She did find the necklace stunning, but she felt odd wearing it.
"It's not really my style, but it is very pretty." She admitted to him, looking at him through the mirror as he placed his hands gently on her shoulders. "I know it isn't your style." Bruce said before tracing her jaw with his thumb. "But I hope you'll indulge me tonight, and continue to wear it when we "retire" for the evening." He said with a suggestive smirk, his words making (Y/n) chuckle softly. "If you ask nicely enough, I'll wear nothing but this necklace anytime you like." She said with a cheeky grin, leaning into her boyfriends touch. "You're really making this hard." He said as he closed his eyes, trying to keep his composer. "What am I making hard?" She asked with a small laugh. "You're making it hard not to ravage you and ditch this ball." He said as he opened his eyes, unsurprised to find her smirking at him. "Yes well I plan on making good on my part of the deal, I'm driving the batmobile if it's the last damn thing I do." (Y/n) said with determination, making Bruce smile at her. "Well then let's get this over with, so we can leave early, and I can have my way with you when we get back." He hummed as he took her hand in his, hooking their arms together once she was standing. "You're insatiable." She mused before pecking his cheek. "I'll never get enough of you darling." Bruce said before pulling her in for a proper kiss.
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moonhoures · 1 year
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pairing: mark (nct) + reader (fem.)
genre: non-idol!au, college!au, fluff
warnings: none, just mark being super nervous/anxious i guess
word count: ~1.8K
synopsis: mark is head over heels for you, but you have absolutely no idea. he’s running out of time to make a move. will the last day of school finally be the day?
a/n: i’ve lowkey been wanting to write a fic based off of “fool” by nct 127 for so long but never did it until now. i suggest listening to the song while you read to enhance the vibes 🤭 enjoy! 🫶🏻
posted: july 16, 2023
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“I’ve never seen him like this.”
Four boys sat at the back of their homeroom class, waiting for the bell that signaled everyone to move on to their next class. The students were given the last ten minutes of homeroom to use freely and talk amongst themselves or study. A majority of them were buzzing with excitement and spieling to each other about their plans for summer break. But amongst the large group there was one student whose mind was far from thinking about their summer plans. Mark Lee’s mind was only preoccupied with thoughts of the girl sitting in the seat two rows ahead and one seat over from him.
The girl that had taken free real estate in his mind for the past semester. From the moment he saw you walking in on the first day of school, he had known he liked you.
Now, usually Mark’s friends would describe him as many things—extroverted, driven, caring, helpful, confident. But when it came to you, the girl of his dreams, he was merely a fool. A bumbling, cowardly fool.
Despite his friends’ countless efforts to get him to talk to you, he always either refused or fumbled on the chances he got. It irked him, but he couldn’t help it. You made him too nervous.
“Do you think he’ll finally get the courage to do it?” Renjun asked, glancing over at Donghyuck.
His friend sighed, “I sure hope so. If I have to hear him groan and whine all summer about her I might kill him.”
Beside him, Jeno chuckled, “I just don’t understand what is taking him so long.”
“And why did he wait until the last day of school to decide to ask her out?” questioned Jaemin.
Donghyuck shrugged, “I guess he figures if she rejects him, enough time will pass over summer break that it won’t be as awkward next semester?”
The boys nodded in understanding, then Jeno added, “You know he said he bought that outfit just to ask her out? Said it would ‘give him extra confidence’.”
“Yeah, and we can see how well that’s working,” Jaemin snorted, making the three other boys laugh.
They continued to watch their friend who sat a few rows ahead of them. Mark’s seat was shaking from how quickly his foot was bouncing on the bar underneath it. His nervous thoughts were translating to his motor skills by now, making his body visibly anxious. He could feel a bead of sweat formulating under his brow. Why was he like this?
His brows furrowed as he stared down at the desk top under his arms. Think, Mark, he thought to himself. All you have to do is talk to her. Just ask her what she’s doing this summer. Ask her if she might want to hang out. But what if she says no? What if she laughs in your face? What if everyone overhears and laughs at you too? What if-
He shook his head, growing more and more frustrated as time passed. The clock on his phone was ticking. He only had seven more minutes left until class let out, and he wouldn’t see you again until August. He needed to move. Quickly.
His eyes carefully looked back up at you. You were writing down something in your notebook while the girl in front of you spoke to you. Every few seconds you would glance up at her to show you were listening. You nodded along to what she said and laughed when it was appropriate. You were so kind and considerate; Mark knew that much. Admittedly, he knew lots about you.
You were semi-popular. You weren’t on any of the athletic teams or in the big clubs, but you were friends with the people who were. You attended almost all of the after school festivities. Your grades were a big priority for you, and you didn’t seem to slack in any of your classes. You excelled in Biology. You had one of the most melodic laughs he had ever heard. You had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen. You usually volunteered to help the homeroom teacher clean up any materials between classes. You were kind enough to help Mark pick up his belongings when his crappy backpack zipper had broke and spilled everything onto the floor. If one day you showed up with a halo suspended above your head, he wouldn’t be in disbelief for even a moment. To him, you might as well have been an angel. A goddess even.
His chest rose and fell a couple times with his deep breaths. He flexed his fingers on the edge of his desk before pushing himself back in his seat and standing up. The students nearby glanced up at him before returning to their conversations. A sudden rush of adrenaline pushed him forward, moving his feet closer to your desk before stopping next to it. Your friend stopped mid-sentence to look up at him, and you followed suit. Those tantalizing eyes of yours peered into his soul, it felt like. Still, he cleared his throat and spoke.
“Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to take a second to ask you something, _______.”
He waited for a response, but it never came. You stared at him, face completely blank. He stuttered trying to come up with his next words, but he shook his head and realized you didn’t answer because he never said anything. He never walked up to you. He never even got up out of his seat. He was so nervous that he was daydreaming. He checked the time on his phone again. Three minutes. Crap.
Come on, Lee. Stop being an idiot. Just do it.
Okay. No more stalling. No more being a coward.
One last, deep breath huffed out between his lips before he gently pushed his chair back and stood up. He willed his feet to bring him to the desk adjacent to yours. Luckily it was empty, so he sat himself in it, facing you. Your friend’s eyes gazed over at him, but she continued to speak as if he wasn’t there. You noticed him, doing a double take on him. His heart was pumping so fast he worried it might malfunction, but he told himself he wasn’t going to run this time. He wasn’t going to mess this up. He just needed to wait until you were free.
As soon as your friend finished talking, you looked back at him, “Did you need something, Mark?”
She knows my name. Well, of course she did. He had this class with you five days a week, every week, for the past eight months. But still, you knew his name.
“I- uh-“
No. No stuttering. Think, then talk.
“I was just wondering if you were going to be in town during the summer? I wanted to ask if you would like to maybe hang out during the break?”
The entire room went quiet. At least, it felt like it did. Maybe it was just the fact that he was holding his breath without realizing it. Either way, he felt dizzy.
“Yeah, I’ll be in town. I actually got a job at my parents’s convenience store down the street, so I’ll be there pretty much all summer,” you spoke with such a cadence that left him dazed. You were so entrancing.
He nodded, “That’s good! Maybe when you’re off, we could get some ice cream or something?”
“I’d like that,” you smiled, “I’m free tomorrow around three actually, if that works for you.”
Mark was half expecting to wake up from this daydream again and start the torturous cycle over. But this wasn’t a daydream. You were actually planning a date with him.
“Yeah, that’s perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon, then.”
Oh my God. Oh my God.
As he finished speaking the bell rang, jolting him. You stood up, grabbing your notebook and backpack. Your friend followed you as you filed out of the room with everyone else, and he watched you leave him there in awe. A hand clapping down on his shoulder startled him for a second time.
“So?” Donghyuck questioned him, the other boys surrounding him. Surprisingly, with all the eyes on him, he was finally able to relax for the first time in the last forty-five minutes.
“We’re getting ice cream tomorrow.”
“Finally,” Hyuck groaned at the same time that Renjun congratulated him.
“Was that so hard?” Jaemin mocked him.
“Did your new fit help, then?” Jeno added, earning an annoyed look from his older friend.
Just as the room was clearing out, there was the soft sound of footsteps re-entering. The boys glanced up to see you walking back into the room. Your eyes widened a little bit from all the attention on you. You spotted Mark still in the spot you left him, and you approached him with your notebook and pen still in hand.
“We never traded numbers,” you reminded him shyly. He had never seen you look so bashful before. You were usually so nonchalant.
“Oh! Yeah, uh, can I get a paper?” he pointed at the notebook in your grasp.
You nodded, ripping a page out of it. You tore the paper in half, handing him one side while you kept the other. You jotted your number down and then handed him the pen you used so he could do the same. When he was done, you both swapped papers. You were both very aware of the four boys watching the whole exchange. They were seemingly oblivious to the awkwardness they added to the situation.
“See you, Mark,” you nodded to him and his friends before heading back out of the room.
“They grow up so fast,” Jaemin fawned sarcastically, a hand on his chest. Renjun snorted as Mark nudged the boy’s arm, earning a yelp of pain from him.
“I can’t believe she actually agreed to go on a date with you,” Hyuck said.
“I can’t believe he didn’t stutter halfway through and come up with an excuse to bail,” Jaemin crossed his arms and laughed. Mark rolled his eyes at his friends as he picked up his backpack. The tardy bell was set to ring any second now. His friends followed closely behind him as they left the classroom.
“Hey, I’m proud of you, man. Just wish you would’ve done it sooner,” Renjun spoke earnestly, “I mean, if you think about it, you could’ve been dating her this entire semester.”
Mark sighed, “Yeah, I know.”
Internally, he was thankful that this happened the way it did. Donghyuck, Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno were the closest friends he had, but they also were relentless with the way they teased him. At least during the summer, they were all usually too busy to get caught up in each other’s business. This way, he could go out with you without being picked on all the time for it. Besides, he was nervous that if they got too involved, they might run you off. He liked the idea of just having you to himself, and letting you get to know him. The real him. Not the Mark Lee that was quiet and timid and too scared to talk to you all semester.
The tardy bell rang, making the boys erupt in a chorus of gasps and groans.
“Dude, Dr. Park’s going to kill me for being late again!”
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ thank you for reading! if you enjoyed this fic, please feel free to leave a like, reblog, and/or a message in my inbox! i would love to hear your feedback! ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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💌 taglist: @bruh-changbin @bluesoobinnie
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frozenmoonshine · 7 months
How would TR boys react to you opening up to them about your abusive family
Characters: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Mitsuya, Sanzu
Mentions of traumatic experiences and abuse (nothing too explicit, but if the topic is upsetting for you, please skip this one!)
Insinuated hetero relationship in Baji's case. In other ones, no reader gender is mentioned.
He doesn't understand and can't quite relate, but he's supportive. He hears you out, listening actively, he's soft and loving, and offers moral and emotional support to the best of his ability. He keeps that confident, protective front, assuring you that he's not gonna let anything bad happen to you ever again, and that no one will ever hurt you in any way, as long as he's alive, but deep down he's now petrified with fear of him hurting you himself accidentally, or when he goes into the 'dark impulse' mode. He might get a bit distant for a while afterwards, or treat you like fine porcelain, until Kenchin and Takemicchi set his mind straight.
It's really hard for him to relate, as he never had any family to begin with, but having heard your story makes him think that he was actually way better off that way, and should have never felt jealous of the kids who had parents! He'll try his best to understand what it must have been like for you, and he'll of course be considerate and empathetic.
"Sorry if my reactions are not appropriate or I don't know what to say, I just can't even imagine what that must be like! I don't want you to carry that burden alone, so please tell me what I can do for you!"
Ohhh, he's having a rage fest on your behalf! Your own mother said that to you?! Did that to you?! Naaahh, he's not having any of that! Ryōko has always been strict and stern with him growing up, but no matter how bad he screwed up, she would never ever hit him, or call him names, or threaten to disown him, or anything of that kind. He'd be sooo pissed at your parents for treating you like that, you'd have to physically stop him from calling them from your phone and giving them a piece of his mind! When he's calmed down a bit he takes out his own phone and rings his mom.
"Hey mom, listen! You always wanted a daughter as well, right? How about I bring you one right away?"
"Uhm... Kei, are you aware of the implications of your words just now...?!"
"What. *shrugs* I would've proposed to you anyway."
He would just stare in shock, wide-eyed and completely perplexed. Is punching someone's parents ok, even if you've never met them before?! He's devastated and heartbroken by the thought of you going through such horrible experiences, and he's enraged that your own family did that to you. He's also afraid because he doesn't know how to react and how to comfort you in the best way, so in order not to risk hurting your feelings accidentally or triggering you, he just stays silent and pulls you into a loving, comforting embrace. He doesn't know how at this moment, but he will figure it out and make sure that no one ever gives you shit in any way ever again!
KAZUTORA (why is there no yellow highlight option?!)
Fully understands and empathizes 100%! Emotional, verbal, physical, financial... you name the type, he's seen and experienced them all! He'd be like your own personal therapist and support system, all in one! He'd listen carefully to you telling him what you went through and how you feel, and never push you to talk about stuff you are not ready to tell him yet. But he'd always make sure you know he'll always be there to offer comfort and support whenever you need it!
"You never deserved any of that, it was never your fault! You are worthy, you are good enough, there is nothing, and I mean, NOTHING wrong with you, you hear me?! You deserve every bit of love this world has to offer you, and I'll do my part as best as I can!"
*gives the warmest, softest, most protective hugs*
He'd be a bit of a devil's advocate, telling you that you shouldn't harbor hate for your family, that you should try to look at things from a neutral perspective, to realize that they most likely didn't know any better, and that they had unresolved mental issues of their own, and that's why things happened. But his slightly unorthodox reaction actually helps you heal. He'd also be supportive of your decision to cut the contact with your blood family, as he'd more than gladly welcome you into his! Mana & Luna already count you as family anyway!
Another one who would totally understand, and maybe even get lowkey triggered for your sake! If you still haven't gone no contact with your abuser(s), he'll push you to do it.
"Found family is way more important that the blood relations anyway, you cannot choose those. But you have me as family now! And Taichou, he's your family too! (in the good timeline, he instead says Senju is your family, too) And even Mikey and the rest of the gang, they all see you as family. You don't need those scraps back at your childhood home, stop letting them control you, they don't deserve a place in your life!"
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ambermotta · 9 months
Draconic Offerings – A Personal Insight
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Offerings are a way of showing goodwill and honoring spiritual beings. Even more than that, taking some time to give an offering also means you are dedicating a moment of your day to thinking about them, which makes attuning to their energy easier and keeps the relationship you have with them alive.
Offerings are versatile and personal. Today I thought to share my own POV on giving offerings to dragons.
So remember: this is just my experience (or "UPG"). Other folks may have different insights!
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In my own experience dragons seem to like a variety of things, from simple to shiny, which to me reflects both their humble wisdom and love for beauty.
Natural beauties seem to captivate them most: pearls, crystals, metals, colorful patterns. Anything that gleams and projects lively colors.
They also seem to enjoy humbler natural offerings, such as stones (bonus points if they are an interesting shape or from an important place) and wood from powerful trees, such as willow or oak.
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Offering Elements (like fire, water) feels pretty powerful especially when doing magical work. If the dragon in question is associated with a particular element, offerings of that element feel best but they seem to accept all elements still.
Food can be a great offering, but I feel like they don't make it such a big deal. To me, offering elements feels the best.
I'd try to figure out what they like before offering anything specific. If you can't, go for something more generalist until you get to know the dragon better. To me, it feels like food is a bit less essential to them when compared to other spiritual beings.
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If you decide to work with them long term, it may be good to dedicate a space for them and do weekly or monthly offerings.
So here's my list of offerings I associate with dragons:
Incense — which one varies, I like offering them according to the dragon. Though I know Dragon's Blood is a popular one and I like it
Shinies — pearls, shells, jewelry
Stones and wood — especially if it has strong magical properties
Potent herbs
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Food offerings:
I think of rich flavors and warm food. You could share a meal with them
Sweet fruits
I don't feel particularly strong for bread, milk and cookies, but they are under the "generally acceptable offerings" for most cultures. So I think you can give them if you're short on supplies or unsure, but I'd ask the dragon what they prefer
Alcohol — I have never offered any alcoholic drinks to dragons, but they might be appropriate. I would ask
Overall, as I have mentioned in another post, the dragons I work with don't really make a fuss about offerings. I give them because I want to share with them.
I do however use offerings in our magical work together, usually to power up the ritual, and on that note, offering corresponding elements feel the best.
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Important Sidenote:
Be mindful that whenever you want to take anything from nature you must ask the local spirits for permission and make sure it's legal in your region.
You don't want to be taking anything too important for the survival of the ecosystem (even a fallen branch can be crucial for some organisms), and you also don't want to leave behind anything that could harm it.
I mentioned shells as offerings — unfortunately, taking them does have an impact in the ecosystem so I disencourage it. Their calcium is important for the ocean's chemical cycles and the shells themselves are used by other organisms, so be mindful of that.
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Final Considerations
There is not really too much to say about this, really. That is because offerings are very personal things.
One man's junk can be another man's treasure.
One dragon may like simple offerings, another one may like something fancier. You can offer an old necklace which has a deep meaning to you, or a simple food offering.
What matters is that you make your offering special for you and the dragon, and if you're unsure about what they like, by all means ask!
Or adopt the good old trial and error method.
And lastly, do take the opportunity to connect with your dragon. Don't just say "here you go" and call it a day. Make it special! Spend some time with them!
They'll enjoy it more if you put more time, effort and meaning into it.
Thank you for reading!
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sophiacloud28 · 2 months
Bayverse WIP excerpt
For context, this was written with an OC in mind. This is incredibly self-indulgent and also served as an exploration as to what type of lovers the Bayverse Turtles would turn into. As such, feel free to gloss over the parts that might distract your imagination from placing yourself into the OC's shoes.
ANYWAY without further ado
Excerpt, fluff, Bayverse Donatello
Away, that is, until Raph catches her and all but shoves her at the tallest turtle in a gesture that makes it clear that, if they don't talk, the former will hound her.
Not the most comfortable considering the owlish blink Donatello gives as she flinches while Raph slams the doors of the train car closed but understandable, she supposes. However, the fact that the tallest turtle fidgets a little before giving a sigh as he settles to unbolt the seats is not reassuring.
"Yeah. Do you… need a hand?" She tries as half the seat drops on one side.
"I'm good. Besides, you took a shower this morning and are due for meditation with Leo. Wouldn't be appropriate."
"Fair. I doubt Leo will enjoy it if I smear grease on his shell." She tries to smile as he grabs the seat as the last bolt clatters to the ground, moving it around like it weighs nothing. Brain and brawn. Donatello isn't small potatoes.
"I doubt he would," he says as he puts the loose seat with the others before looking to her and hesitating. This is not the conversation he wants to have. He's still dancing around the subject. And nothing makes that clearer than the tightening of his hand into a fist before it goes to his side and he dips his toes in, "I'm… sorry for yesterday."
With a tone so paper thin, she can't believe it's coming from such a strong person, "It's alright. I don't think either of us could have guessed Leo was around the corner."
And neither can he from the blinks, "I meant the hug itself, not… I should have asked if you were alright with it before acting."
… Oh. He thought…
She straightens as she looks at Donatello, really looks at him. He's uncomfortable, fidgeting just enough for her to catch it. His hand is holding onto his upper arm in a way reminiscent of yesterday's approach. He's not just hesitant, he's holding himself back.
There's a quick offended stare that disappears before he speaks, "You wanted permission to use my nickname, meaning that you were trying to respect my boundaries. I didn't."
"Your brothers –"
"I'm not them."
She swallows and tries to placate her racing heart. This feels like admission. Some things are being left unsaid, for sure, but it feels like a confession.
I want you around. I want to have a relationship with you. I want to protect you. Let me.
The hand on her shoulder after her old apartment had been raided. She'd doubted it to be intentional, but this was all but confirmation. Donatello cared… and he wanted to be allowed to show it just like she wanted to be allowed in.
Tit for tat.
She fidgets. Grabs her hands and massages her right wrist before bringing both to her mouth. She then takes a step towards him as she lowers them, just trying to breathe as she whispers and turns her gaze to him, "You can."
And it takes her everything she has not to jolt at the touch, the delicate brush along her fingers that immediately follows her permission, unable to keep up with his stare as it turns soft, almost pliant as his gentle hand coax hers to separate so that he can take one of them. It takes a few breaths for her not to tremble as his thumb takes to caressing her knuckles. And it takes a lot more when he takes her closer to a seat he still has to take down, sitting on it so she doesn't have to crane her neck to look at him.
Considerate. He's so freaking considerate, it almost hurts. And his smile feels so damn genuine, it makes her heart squeeze in her chest.
He hesitates before his other hand reaches for her face, a little above her forehead into her hair. He takes it back as it almost touches skin, returning it to his lap while his gaze remains on her hair, or more likely…
The roots. She tries not to chuckle as the tension breaks, "Yeah. A bit much, as I'm sure you've seen."
"Not by choice."
And her smile comes easy, "Oh yeah. I'm sure Leo twisted your arm real hard."
While he chuckles at her comment, "I'll admit that I got curious when we found another name associated with your address," before his face goes back to neutral as he meets her gaze, "Speaking of which, I got past the EPF. At the end of today, you'll officially be Stella Belrose, a New York citizen. April and Casey are coming to pick you up after movie night tomorrow with your new documentation."
And she freezes a little. He… He actually managed it. He was, indeed, the craziest person she'd ever met.
"You insane man," she giggles breathlessly only to laugh more when he smiles, even chuckles a little before he tugs on her hand. A light, gentle pull that both reminds her that he still hasn't let go and that his hand feels secure. Just like his careful grasp of her nape so that she leans over a little and he can rub his beak against her nose.
The breath of her name is drowned in the sound of a door opening. She's reminded of how fast Donatello can be when, on the next blink, he's standing and looking at the intruder, his hand having let go of hers to protectively settle against her shoulder. And she's reminded of meditation when she sees Leo and her face grows warm, making her bring her hands to it.
Oh fuck.
"I'm guessing you two are done?"
"Yeah. Sorry for encroaching on your time."
"It's alright. Meet me upstairs, Stella?"
She nods and steps out, glaring at Raph who looks all too happy.
That turtle is going to get what's coming to him.
Taglist: @silverwatergalaxy, @thelaundrybitch (If I'm allowed)
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toushindai · 5 months
Hello it's me again~ I was thinking of one of your stories, in which Ganondorf tempted Rauru with the imagery of having him imprisoned and thus being able to do whatever he wanted with him. Ganondorf found his way out of his cell the first time he was imprisoned and put himself at Rauru's mercy in hopes of snatching the Secret Stone, which Rauru used as his justification for having his way with him, but what about if he had been able to contain Ganondorf and actually keep him imprisoned until he could have him put on trial? Would he take advantage of someone who is a prisoner without doubt, in the way Ganondorf painted that image for him? Does Rauru draw the red line between "I am keeping you here as a guest in this castle but I'm not letting you leave" and "you are my actual prisoner in an actual cell who very obviously does not have the free will to reject me as the king" when it comes to his justification of being involved with Ganondorf ? Does he just think that the laws he set for Hyrule don't apply to Ganondorf, prisoner or not, because he is evil and a warmonger and thus sees himself as free to do with him as he sees fit? Basically my question is that would he/did he ever entertain that fantasy once he actually put Ganondorf in a cell and how would he justify himself if he did.
Gonna stick this entire answer under the cut because wow this is going to be All About Noncon. If anyone who needs to Not See That hasn't done so already, it really might be best to just block the "and we were both kings 😳" tag, though I'll continue to tag for noncon when particularly appropriate.
So, I'm going to answer this in a few different permutations but I think--we'll see if this holds out as I keep typing--that all of them boil down to variations on no, that's not something Rauru would have acted on.
Especially not between the final sex scene of UAWTATR and its final scene/Ganondorf's escape; at that point, there are several glaring reasons why Rauru's not inclined that way. The fact that Ganondorf's just tried to kill him; the post-nut clarity horrible realization that what he's just done is past what he can justify to himself; the political considerations he is absorbed in. These are significant factors but also part of it is just that... the game is over. They're no longer pretending that it's anything other than pure animosity between them. (I mean, it is something other than pure animosity between them, by this point--at the very least there's a whole lot of desire there--but, for Ganondorf to have acted on his true intention puts an end to the need to relieve the tension between hating each other's guts and performing civility in public.) I think that at the end of the fic, something's cooled off significantly for Rauru because he's got this inarguable physical and legal control over Ganondorf. And because he's got a lot on his mind. Look, he's got a puppet chieftain to install and she doesn't even want to be his friend anymore. Bummer.
But let's say that Ganondorf doesn't hack out of his cell and into Rauru's chamber and instead stays docilely in his cell until he's ready to break out for good and cause havoc. (Well tbh that's what he thought he was doing in chapter three, but let's say he waited a few days for some reason.) Does Rauru arrange any trysts in this situation, in the meantime? Even then, I'm not sure does. Ganondorf's impression of Rauru's desire is a little off from accurate; the fantasy he describes in "Sheath" is
“Would you come to me in my cell or have me brought up to you like a concubine? [...]The cell, probably,” Ganondorf continues, spinning the image out for Rauru in spite of the way it makes his own skin crawl. “You’d want me chained to the wall, wouldn’t you, so you could use your magic on my shackles to put my limbs wherever you want them…”
and while that's close enough to accurate to give Rauru a +2 Horny/-2 Intelligent debuff, it's not the exact shape of what Rauru would prefer. It's got a little too much of Ganondorf's preferences in it, truthfully: too much physical force (magic counts) used to make it impossible to fight back. If anything, the concubine image is actually the more appealing to Rauru I'd say. But still not quite. Rauru is much more into the coercion. He's into putting Ganondorf into situations where he has to submit to Rauru because the fiction is that he's here to submit to Rauru--and because Rauru has caused him to behave in such a way, the fiction is temporarily made reality. So once this fiction is ended--once the public story is that Ganondorf has done something worth imprisoning him for--it's not quite scratching the same itch. Yes, Rauru has often thought of Ganondorf in chains, as he admits in that fic, but I don't think that's actually a sexual image for Rauru. That's a god my life would be so much easier if image. He has a lot of those.
Whether Ganondorf does not fall under standards for just treatment because of how evil he is is something I write Rauru struggling with a lot. His instinct is that Ganondorf is not protected by such standards. His instinct is that to subscribe to such standards in Ganondorf's case is to put himself and Hyrule at a disadvantage and probably in danger. But I think he's uncomfortable with that instinct as well, disturbed that he feels that way. He doesn't want to be that sort of king. It's never, for him, quite as simple as "he's evil therefore I can assault him with impunity"--I think not even in that moment in chapter three when Ganondorf is pushing really hard for him to admit just that. Even then, it's if I really do have this ugliness in me, I should vent it here instead of anywhere less deserving. And then he feels a deep horror at himself after (in the few seconds he gets for it before Ganondorf tries to strangle him). But it's still true that he did it. It's still true that he has this deeply potent fantasy of having the soft power to force Ganondorf into (sexual) compliance, and that he carried out that fantasy.
This answer is really jumbled, I'm sorry. tl;dr: for Rauru, it's all about "I'm not going to give you any choice to make but this one, but you still have to perform the act of choosing." And once he actually has Ganondorf literally captive, I think that flavor changes significantly enough that he wouldn't pursue it.
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black-quadrant · 1 year
Grovel / kirikagi
mind the tags || also on AO3
Hazuki knew by the smarminess of Joshua’s smile that his apology would not be nearly enough. Despite the fact that everything worked out in the end, and their districts were already on the way to full restoration, the tension that still existed alluded to unfinished business.
Hazuki knew that it’s only a matter of time until Shibuya’s Composer would be demanding his pound of flesh. And that time would come sooner than later, when he’s summoned to the heart of the city in the Room of Reckoning. 
He approaches the throne, occupied by his superior Composer, who looked every bit the part. Equal parts confident and casual, he’s got one leg slung over the other and his chin resting on his upturned palm. His imposing aura nearly puts Hazuki off his stride, but he manages to maintain his grace long enough to make it to the throne proper.
Their eyes meet, and Joshua gives him a once over, head tilting in consideration.
Shinjuku’s Composer freezes for a split second, startled by the command, but he deems this an appropriate gesture, so he genuflects on one knee. The right knee, the one typically reserved for the divine, Joshua notes. He had to wonder if it’s intentional. Hazuki seems the calculating type to do everything with meaning.
The vindictive side of him wants to bring him to both knees in complete subjugation. The mere thought sends a delightful pulse through his groin.
“You didn’t think I’d just let you get off scot-free, did you, friend?”
Joshua makes no attempt to dim the predatory glow in his eyes, and when Hazuki lifts his head to again meet them, a chill runs down his spine. 
“Yes, you extinguished the problem, but I am not so sure that action alone can make up for all the messes you made along the way.”
Despite the obvious threat, Haz is utterly captivated by Joshua, struck silent with awe in the face of such decidedly dangerous beauty. "You said you thought you were following in my footsteps... If you mean what you say... If you actually look up to me... If you truly respect me," Joshua flexes his elevated foot, nudging it under Haz’s chin to further lift it, "you’ll worship the ground I walk on."
At that, Haz looks confused, but Joshua’s happy to clarify by rolling his ankle and tapping the Composer’s cheek with his shoe.
Haz is nearly caught grimacing, but he’s quick to pave it over with a smile to save face. He tilts his head to place his lips to the pristine white canvas, and Joshua hums approval, prompting him to continue. All the while, they hold one another’s gaze (not that Joshua would allow Hazuki to look away), as Shinjuku’s Composer cautiously plants a line of kisses up his shoe. 
It’s a lovely sight, to be sure, but it’s not quite satisfying. Joshua adjusts his posture while twiddling his hair in thought.
“I don’t think your heart is in this. You know, I think you’re better suited to…”
He gives Hazuki’s face a sharp tap with his shoe before pushing it firmly against his lips. “Grovel.” Hazuki’s eyes narrow, betraying the first hint of opposition— disobedience— but Joshua’s not fazed. He simply waits, fixed gaze drilling ever deeper into his compeer, challenging his will.
“Do I need to spell it out for you?”
“No, Senpai.” Hazuki’s tone has a bite to it that’s only further incriminating as he finally acquiesces to the demand. He takes that sneaker into his hands to cradle, and while maintaining the electrifying eye contact, he slowly unfurls his tongue and swipes it across the coarse cloth. It’s downright revolting being demeaned like this, but if it pleases his senior and settles the score, it’s worth the bruised ego. 
With that conviction holding him together, Hazuki continues to lick, nuzzle, and kiss, making sure he’s thorough (because he knows Joshua will accept nothing less) in covering every square inch of surface. Before Haz can face the grim possibility of having to provide the same treatment to the bottom, Joshua uncrosses his leg and drops it to the ground.
“All fours, Shinjuku.” 
Hazuki’s jaw clenches, and Joshua can tell it’s taking everything in him not to get up and leave, or perhaps something more retaliatory in nature. He obliges, quickly dropping to hands and knees and bowing his head to put his lips on the toe of his sneaker. Under Joshua’s penetrating stare, he can feel that ever-present tension intensify, and a sinister energy creeps in as Haz holds his breath, waiting for the next instruction.
“Well done. You’ve almost got me convinced,” Joshua all but purrs, spreading his legs, and sliding his feet outward, away from Hazuki’s pliant lips. “Look at me.” 
Hazuki draws his eyes up and his impassive mask slips off his gawking face at the sight of Joshua’s bare cock jutting from his opened pants. His face blanches for all of a few seconds before his body’s lustful instinct overrides his mortified mind. 
Joshua smirks at Haz’s priceless expression.
“If you’re going to suck up to me, you’re going to do it my way..” Haz’s eyes intently follow Joshua’s fist as it slides slowly up and down his shaft, coaxing it to swell and stiffen.
“If you make me cum, we’ll call it even.” At full mast, it forms a devilish curve that’s so tantalizing Hazuki’s own cock twitches in its confines. Dumbly, he nods, knowing he should be scandalized by this lewd transaction, but… but…
Joshua removes his hand, letting his now fully erect cock bob free, and winds that hand into his peer’s hair to pull him in. The abrupt grip forces Haz to reposition, kneeling properly now and wedged between Joshua’s thighs. He only has a split second to catch Joshua’s leering before his view’s obstructed by the imposing member on display, ready to be attended to. Haz’s breath rolls over his balls, making them twitch with anticipation. Awkwardly, he grips Joshua’s thigh for support, wraps the other hand around the base and peppers kisses up the length, tracing the prominent vein on the underside until soft lips tentatively brush the rounded ridges of the crown. Apparently he’s not moving fast enough for Joshua, who simultaneously shifts his hips up and drags him down by his hair to pop the head into his mouth, relishing the small gasp and flushed cheeks of his startled junior.
The combination of heady scent and taste on Haz’s tongue is almost immediately overwhelming, especially with Joshua’s fingers latched like claws onto his scalp, but he quickly finds that once he surrenders his pride to pleasure, it unlocks an alarmingly wanton side of him. It wasn’t as if he hasn’t seen this act performed before, and although he’s never done it himself… well, suffice to say he’s admittedly fantasized about what it would be like (featuring Joshua).. He’d never imagined he would actually be performing, much less under such circumstances. But with his pride gone, it makes it easy to fall into that fantasy. He reaches up to brace his other hand on the Composer’s leg, now fully stable. His eyes drift closed in concentration as he wills his jaw to go slack and his throat to relax, breath a noisy inhale-exhale through his nose. It’s a final act of submission as he drops his head down until he can feel the thick crown of Joshua’s cock bump the back of his throat. The guttural moan from his superior Composer goes straight to his groin. He gags only once, angelic determination forcing his vessel to behave how he wants it to. Joshua seems to take that as permission to amp things up to meet his desired pace. Haz is now keenly aware he’s being used as both hands grip his hair, pushing his head down further before yanking it up. This isn’t a seductive, intimate act, after all; this is power and dominion . Despite anticipating such treatment, he couldn’t be prepared for how intense it is, and honey eyes fly open, tearing up from the effort to control his reflexes and the quickening breaths flaring his nostrils. He’s pleased to see that Joshua isn’t even looking at him anymore, eyes shut and lips parted. The sounds he makes as he fucks Hazuki’s now willing throat make his neglected cock ache, undoubtedly smearing pre-cum across the inside of his pants. He desperately wants to relieve the pressure and stroke himself to his own completion, but he knows that will most definitely earn a harsher punishment than this. It’s not about him ; it’s about assuaging Shibuya’s Composer.
Hazuki can tell he’s close by the way the rhythm of his bucking hips loses its fluidity and goes sporadic. His scalp is stinging from the relentless grip and his jaw aches for release, yet in spite of the physical discomfort, the thrill overrides it. Like it or not, he’s absolutely enthralled by the Composer, giddy with the pleasure he’s providing him. “D-don’t you dare pull away. Head down.” It’s all the warning he’s given before the deeply imbedded shaft twitches and the prominent vein pulses one last time to signal release. Thankfully, he can’t taste much, but that doesn’t mean he can’t feel every pump  spilling down his gullet. He can hear Joshua groan through the ringing in his ears, followed by his voice, laced with threat.
“If you even consider spitting, you’ll be dealt a far worse hand than this.” Not that Hazuki can imagine doing such a thing, even with the uncomfortable sensation of sticky fluid glazing his throat. He closes his eyes, a sigh that sounds suspiciously like a whine escaping past the softening shaft in his mouth. Joshua’s surprisingly gentle as he pulls Hazuki up, his length slipping out of those swollen lips, and pets the disheveled golden hair down. He gasps, finally surfacing to breathe freely, and shakily wipes his chin clean of residual saliva. It’s the last little show of humanity before he’s all unnerving smiles and cool demeanor once again. Only the heat in his eyes exposes both the incredulity of what he’s just been forced to do and the annoying state of arousal it’s put him in. Joshua’s eyes meet his own yet again, his expression smug. “You make a pretty good fleshlight, friend. Perhaps I should have done this sooner. Besides,” he purrs, leaning in so he’s inches from Hazuki’s face, “you wear humiliation so well.” Shinjuku merely smiles and offers the slightest chuckle, raspy from the rough play. “I hope this clears the air between us. I would hate to lose your friendship because I didn’t convince you well enough of my remorse.” He thought that perhaps this might ease the tension between them, but as their gazes bore into one another, it’s clear that it hasn’t. But said tension seems to have taken on a different tone, one that’s, daresay, amiably competitive and sexually charged. “I see no reason not to accept your apology.” The triumphant Composer gives the pendant around his junior’s neck a light tug and smiles cheerily. “But if you threaten my city again, you’ll be doing much more than kissing ass.”
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 2 years
🎄 Friends!! My Christmas fic is posted. 🎄
Merry Stitchamas by happyaspie
No Archive Warnings Apply || Rated G || Word Count 6666 (😂) || Peter Parker, Tony Stark, May Parker, Bruce Banner, Minor Injury
Summary: All Peter wanted to was to cook May a really nice dinner for when she got home from her Christmas Eve shift. He'd thought it out and was excited to put it all together-- until the knife slipped and he accidentally cut his thumb. The good news is, he knows exactly who to call.
“Hey, Mr. Stark!” Peter greeted with as much enthusiasm as he could pull together given the circumstances. “I, uh, I know it’s Christmas Eve and all, but can I ask you a really quick question?”
[Exceprt Under the Cut]
Festive music was playing quietly in the background as Peter twirled around the kitchen. It was Christmas Eve and May was at work but that didn’t stop him from feeling overly cheerful. He’d decided days prior that the best way to start the Christmas holiday would be by surprising his aunt with a late dinner. He’d scoured the internet for recipes and spent the morning shopping for all the ingredients. It was going really well. There was a pie ready to go in the oven, a loaf of crusty bread on the table and a pot of warm broth just waiting to be turned into a hearty winter vegetable stew. All he had to do was cut up the vegetables, give them a quick saute and add them into the mix.
He started with the onion, taking his time to cut the pieces nice and even. When those had been set aside, he started working on the carrots and potatoes. The parsnips were next. He hummed along to ‘Santa Baby’ as he carefully chopped that up as well. It was all pretty easy until he got to the rutabaga. He was struggling to obtain an appropriate hold on the hard round waxy vegetable. When he was convinced he finally had it, he drew his fingers back and placed the knife against the root but it was firmer than he’d expected. He increased his strength, and he once again tried to press through the rutabaga’s tough exterior. That was enough to make a dent in it but he didn’t want to over do it. So, he decided that the best course of action would be to saw through it. He rocked the knife back and forth, each time with a bit more vigor but was getting nowhere. Eventually, he decided that perhaps it was time to employ his enhanced strength.
He pulled the blade out of the narrow groove he’d managed to carve and readjusted his fingertips to make sure they were out of the way. Then, with a grunt of frustration, he pressed down on the knife with considerably more muscle. However, despite his sticky fingers, the downward force caused the rounded vegetable to slip and the blade to hit the cutting board with an audible ‘clunk.’
Immediately, Peter knew something was amiss. The top of his thumb was burning, his heart was racing and his spider-sense was alight beneath his skin. He had to blink himself out of a daze before glancing downward to investigate. It took longer than it should have for him to process that he’d cut himself. Once he had, he shook his head to clear it further and began to think.
He’d not had a notable amount of first-aid training. But he’d had enough experience as Spider-Man to know that he needed to clean the wound and staunch the bleeding. He turned swiftly towards the sink, leaving little droplets across the floor as he went.
The warm water stung as it rushed past the affected area. Peter hissed and gritted his teeth as he forced himself to apply hand soap as well. Then once he was confident he’d rinsed it thoroughly, he reached for a wad of paper towels.
For a while Peter stood in the kitchen, applying and reapplying paper towels as the cut continued to bleed. Belatedly he looked at the clock, telling himself that if it didn’t stop in the next few minutes he’d call for assistance. Although he was fairly sure he wouldn’t need to. He had a healing factor and could see no reason why a small cut from a measly kitchen knife wouldn’t mend itself in an extremely short amount of time. Then again, he’d never tested theory.
Five more minutes passed, and Peter was still continuously swapping out makeshift bandages. He tried adding varying levels of pressure but nothing seemed to significantly stem the flow. Reluctantly, he collected his phone from the kitchen counter and allowed his good thumb to hover over his aunt’s contact information. It was still relatively early, and he didn’t want to disturb her at her job. That being the case, he sighed deeply and dialed Tony’s number instead.
“Hey, Mr. Stark!” he greeted with as much enthusiasm as he could pull together given the circumstances. “I, uh, I know it’s Christmas Eve and all, but can I ask you a really quick question?”
“Sure, kid. Go for it,” Tony said, followed by a deep chuckle that made Peter hesitate. He wasn’t sure of what sort of inquiry Tony was expecting. But he suddenly felt bad for not having anything more pleasant to discuss. However, no amount of remorse was going to alter the fact that he had to ask.
“Well,” he began, pausing briefly to nervously run his tongue across his lips. “With my enhanced healing, how would I know if something needed stitches or not?”
“Uh, by consulting a doctor, obviously,” Tony replied without missing a beat.
The comment was obviously meant to be light. But even so, Peter felt himself growing a little defensive. He was injured and as far as he was concerned he’d done the right thing. He’d performed what he felt like he could do on his own, then called an adult for help. “I am consulting a doctor! I’m consulting with you,” he pressed. “You have, like, three doctorates, Doctor Stark!”
Tony hummed in a non-committal manner. “I have four actually. But none of them are of the medical variety.”
Peter opened his mouth to retaliate, then paused while his brain automatically began to calculate the number of doctorates he was aware Tony had acquired. Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Physics, and Robotics came to mind first. It took him a second or two longer to recall what the fourth one could conceivably be. He was convinced he’d known at one point and figured it made sense for it to be something math related; Applied Mathematics probably. Then a particularly intense pain shot through his thumb yanking his train of thought back on track.
“But you have field experience, right?” he belatedly inquired.
[Continue Reading on A03]
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septembersghost · 2 years
currently working on a playlist that has most of the modern songs u mentioned e covering, and i was thinking about what i would want him to cover so for ur consideration:
i found - amber run (and i'll use you as a warning sign that if you talk enough sense, then you'll lose your mind— oh, and i found love where it wasn't supposed to be right in front of me, talk some sense to me— and i'll use you as a makeshift gauge of how much to give and how much to take)
tattooed tears (lord, i should know; i have felt lost for so long) and lonely eyes - the front bottoms (they tell me that you're lonely it's no surprise, when you walk around all day wearing those lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely eyes— "it's okay if you're unhappy" i would say before i leave her just take a look around there's no one here that's happy either i can literally hear him speaking this lyric lol (i think he would sing these like softer and melodic))
golden hour - kacey musgraves (keep me in your glow cause i'm having such a good time— you make the world look beautiful, ooh i thought i'd seen it all before but looking through your eyes it looks like paradise him singing this would sound like kacey singing cant help falling in love to me)
cecily smith - will connolly (this sounds slightly insane ik but idk i just think it fits)
big bad wolf - naethan apollo (this song is very poppy and slightly rap so in general this sounds crazy but in my head i can hear him singing it like he sang long tall sally or mean woman blues)
therese - maya hawke (i can hear him singing this with more of a ballad vibe idk, this song is just also really soft and one of my favorites so)
bigger than the whole sky and soon you'll get better - ts (i think about e everytime i listen to bttws so (you were bigger than the whole sky, you were more than just a short time— i'm never gonna meet, what could've been, would've been what should've been you) but i can hear him singing like a gospely version of both of these)
ghost of you - caro emerald (this song is appropriately sad so i can hear him singing a soft ballad version)
runaway - aurora (i saw a piece of heaven waitin' in patience for me— but no, take me home, take me home where I belong)
- same anon that asked u the question originally btw
anon darling, this is extremely cool!!!! i know a few of these, but not all of them, so i'm excited to give the rest a listen! BTTWS *AND* SYGB YOU WANT MY HEART TO BREAK?! 😭 no actually those are such beautiful choices, i would never have even thought of bttws and now i won't be able to think of anything else. sygb takes on a whole new significance for him as well (the holy orange bottles lyric...). i can absolutely hear him making those more gospel inspired. the front bottoms songs and golden hour are so perfect. i'm happy you mentioned softer melodic songs, there were some artists i didn't include because i wasn't sure if their music would make sense on the list, but you get it. plus imagining him doing more fun and bluesy ones, he had such a great time with those types of song. ("this sounds slightly insane," not in my world, not in the world i'm living in. we're insane together <3) i love these lyrics you chose too.
the very last song: "I kept runnin' for a soft place to fall /and I was runnin' far away/Would I run off the world someday?/But no, take me home/Take me home where I belong" makes me think of that line in the movie, he was runnin' from the day he was born...i'll be comin' home, wait for me...💙💙💙
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constantvigilante · 2 years
15 questions, however many people
Tagged by @scarvenartist, thank you very much! :)
1. are you named after anyone? I am not! Most of my brothers have a middle name after one of my uncles, and my sister shares one with my mom, but my given names come from nowhere as far as I can tell. Very appropriate for a middle child who needed desperately to be unique.
2. when was the last time you cried? I’m pretty sure I cried last week over taking Bun to the vet to be neutered, as I found out late in the game that it was a risky surgery for a rabbit and was really stressed and upset.
3. do you have kids? I do not! I went from assuming I’d have them to worrying I’d have them to kinda wanting them to being satisfied with my lot, which is always the healthiest way to end up. I like kids a lot, though, and always look forward to seeing my niblings.
4. do you use sarcasm? Sometimes, for sure, but I’ve found that I can’t indulge too much - like a lot of things, I can get really carried away with it (major personality flaw). I do enjoy it when it’s well-timed and clever and people aren’t just using it to be jerks, though.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? I wouldn’t say there’s just one thing. I’m good with faces, and I pay attention to general appearance, and whatever’s unique or interesting about someone. When I do write, I like appearance to show something about a character, so I guess I’m looking for people’s personality in/through their appearance. It’s not everything, but it is there.
6. what’s your eye color? Blue.
7. scary movies or happy endings? Happy, I’m not into the scary. 
8. any special talents? Apart from getting completely overwhelmed? ...maybe singing. Maybe baking. I haven’t been doing a lot of either lately. I think I’m a fairly good editor, too.
9. where were you born? California, for my sins. (I love it. I miss it. I struggle to leave, and yet!)
10. what are your hobbies? I read, I play D&D and video games (especially farming sims, but I also love a good story). I used to write a lot, but that was through roleplaying and it’s dried up considerably.
11. do you have any pets? So many, and though I don’t claim them all, they’re all underfoot occasionally. Currently living with two dogs, seven cats and a rabbit. Only one dog is truly mine, but a cat and the rabbit have adopted me. None of the animals were my idea. None of this is my fault.
I do like them all, but one cat in particular has turned bully to the cat that likes me most, so he’s on thin ice with me lately.
12. what sports do you play/have played? I’m not really sporty. I joined a softball team in elementary school once, but only went to one practice because I thought the other girls didn’t like me. They probably didn’t do anything in particular, I was just painfully self-conscious. 
13. how tall are you? 5′8/5′9
14. favorite subject in school? Anything literature related was my jam, and in college I took Shakespeare twice, from two different professors. And a Romanticism class, and a speculative fiction class. I took so many English classes I wound up making it my minor, to make them useful.
15. dream job? Part-time employee at a bookstore with a cafe next door that has great sandwiches and non-caffeinated drinks, and buys pastries from a local bakery. All I want is a little work to help give my week structure.
Tagging @magnetocerebro, @melliabee and @frenetically, whenever she has time to come on here. :)
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wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
so far who would you say is your favorite charcter 9 be it major supporting side background ect )
Tumblr media
Oof. Both of these are pretty tricky questions to answer, and it's not exactly getting any easier as I progress through the show, but I'll do my best!
(Incidentally, I answered both questions some time ago, and my original answers can be found in this post. That said, my thoughts are bound to change over time, so it seems only appropriate for me to give new answers for questions like these every now and then!)
1. Obviously it's gotta be Steve.
Okay, for a more serious answer... it's hard to say? There are a few different factors that make it tricky to pinpoint a single character who’s my absolute favourite, and I feel as though my thoughts change practically every episode. 
And I feel it’s important to clarify that this is actually really unusual for me! With most media I get into, it’s pretty easy for me to point at one specific character and go “yeah, that one’s my fave”. It could be that I’m getting an in-depth look at all of the characters that I wouldn’t normally have, or maybe that the characters and the character dynamics in this show just happen to appeal to me specifically. Probably both! Either way, it makes a question like this a bit more difficult to answer than it might otherwise be. 
So, let’s see. Just taking into consideration which characters I’m most excited to see again, I’d say my favourite character at the moment is probably Lilith? I can’t exactly explain why, though - I guess I just think she’s an interesting character and I want to know more about her?? (And of course, her dynamic with Eda is wonderful in every way.) 
Naturally, Amity remains another favourite character of mine, and I doubt that’s likely to change anytime soon. She’s just so much fun!
Beyond this, it kind of depends on the episode. When it comes to major characters, I often find myself getting particularly invested in whoever’s the focus of the episode. This tends to happen especially with Eda and King, because I love characters who are bad at emotions and they have that in spades, but overall, it can apply to pretty much anyone! For example, right now I’m feeling a lot of love for King, but who knows what’ll happen when I watch the next episode..?
And then, I always enjoy it when Principal Bump makes an appearance, so there’s that too.
...so yeah, I’m not sure if this answered your question at all, but that’s what I’ve got right now! 
2. Hmmmmm. This one’s tricky. I’m not even sure I can really give it a proper answer? There are so many good episodes, and it’s really hard to compare them. I guess, instead of trying to figure out which episodes I like the most, I’ll go with which episodes I felt I enjoyed liveblogging the whole way through the most? And I think that would be episodes 5, 9, and 11. 
But the thing is, there are a lot of episodes that I enjoyed nearly as much as these three anyway! They’re “favourites” by a very narrow margin. This is why I prefer not to do episode rankings, because it’s nearly impossible to settle on a single answer that I can’t second-guess myself on. Even choosing favourites is hard! 
Plus, this is a completely different question from, say, asking me which scenes I’ve enjoyed most in the show. If I had to answer that one, one of them would definitely be Luz figuring out the ice spell in Episode 12, and another’s got to be her talk with Amity in Episode 5, and then there’s the ending scene from Episode 2.........
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bluedragonfairy2000 · 2 months
Hey everyone!
It’s been awhile since I gave any updates on where I am at when it comes to my fanfics. So I thought I would give an update to explain what has been going on and what I plan to do going forward. This is going to be a long post so I will crop it here and that way if you don’t feel like reading it you can just scroll past, but if your willing to bear with it then please click below
So as most of you know I started about 7 fanfics on my ao3 back in 2021 and worked on them for about a year before stopping in September of 2022
These fanfics are:
Sweet Dreams~
Windows into the Soul
Guys… That’s a Raccoon
The Boys Who Tamed the Enderdragon
Puppy Dog Eyes and Crocodile Tears
One that I made with @dragonpro809 and then deleted because we weren’t satisfied with how it had turned out.
And last but most important, Brother in a Bottle.
Now all of these fanfics have one thing in common. They were all created back when I was really into the Dream SMP. Now since then many things have happened that I am sure your all aware of. From Technoblade tragically passing away to the scandals with Dream and Wilbur Soot I kept putting off writing because it never felt appropriate. That coupled with college made writing during this period of time extremely difficult.
However, now that significant time has passed and I have graduated from college with my bachelors degree I think it finally time that I take a serious look at what I will be doing from now on. After giving this considerable consideration I have finally made my decision.
First, as of now all of the six fanfics that are still currently on my ao3 page will be put on possible indefinite hiatus. This was a hard decision to make, especially because I went into fanfic writing with the goal of never leaving any of my writing projects unfinished. Mostly due to my own frustration with coming across really good fanfics that I enjoyed, that ended up never being finished. But given that I don’t want to support people who have used their positions as content creators to get away with committing awful acts to both their fans and fellow content creators. I have decided to not update any of the stories that relate to the Dream SMP/SBI, which is unfortunately all of them. I may one day feel comfortable enough to continue them but as of right now my unease surrounding the creators contained in these fics will keep these fics on indefinite hiatus at least for now.
Now I going to be clear. I have no plans to delete any of the six fanfics that remain on my ao3 page. As while I no longer support the creators that the stories were based on I am proud of my writing. These fanfics were some of the first writing projects I ever worked on, and all of the love and support that you have given me on those fics, especially on Brother in a Bottle, have kept me inspired to keep creating despite everything that happened. Without these fics and some other help from friends such as @dragonpro809 I don’t think I would have ever felt comfortable enough to pursue my dream of writing. So in order to keep a catalog of my progress and to allow you guys to continue having access to my old work I will keep the fanfics posted.
So as for what happens now. I feel that I am finally in a position where I may be able to start creating fanfics again. I am not at liberty to say what I will be working on next as I believe I had a really problem in the past of over promising what I intended to create and thus ending up biting off more than I could chew. Thus, I kinda ended up burning myself out of trying to keep six simultaneously fanfictions going, while dealing with both college and life in general. This lead to me not only to not finishing any of the fanfics but also made me feel that I wasn’t giving my all to any of my fics. Thus I ended up spreading myself out to thin trying to keep up with all of the ideas in my head. This was mostly due to the fact that I had a lot of ideas when it came to the Dream SMP but I felt like I was arriving late to the fandom and so I worried that I would miss out if I failed to get my ideas out there before the server ended.
In a attempt to keep this from happening in the future I am going to scale back my production by focusing on one fic at a time and not setting deadlines for myself as I found that they only end up stressing me out and causing me to avoid the projects all together. The fics will come out when the inspiration hits and that way they will hopefully come out far more developed compared to my earlier work. Hopefully you will enjoy whatever I end up making in the future. Regardless thank you all for all the kind words and kudos. I will never be able to explain how much I appreciate it. Thank you all and have a wonderful day!
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justlittleocdthings · 2 months
hi! I hope you’re doing well. I’m not entirely sure if this is the right venue for this question, but I’m honestly just lost for where to go. If you don’t feel comfortable answering this I’ll totally understand
but I was recently told that I might have ocd - apparently I scored moderately on a written screening test, only I don’t think they’re right… I’ve suffered from a disorder called misophonia for almost half of my life, and it’s gotten to the point recently where I needed help. Long story short, I found an audiologist who referred me to an OCD/Anxiety treatment center in my area, I submitted an application, and they called back, said they could probably help and that I also scored high/moderate on their anxiety and ocd tests. I think the way I deal with the intrusive thoughts and extreme rage/panic from my misophonia (wearing headphones, avoiding trigger situations, coping mechanisms like scratching my ears or hitting things to stop myself from acting on those thoughts and as self soothing) could have altered the test result so they are saying I have ocd but I don’t really.
I know you don’t know me irl, but I was just wondering if as someone with ocd you could give me any insight? I’ve been trying to research the disorder, and I don’t really recognize any compulsions outside of my misophonia. I think I do have what could be classified as intrusive thoughts outside of misophonia, and they can be very disturbing - usually related to like sexual themes…. But idk if they’re to the degree that someone with ocd would experience them, and I don’t have any compulsions that I can think of to find relief from them….
So… idk. I guess, do you have any insight? Is there something I’m missing? Or do you think my misophonia skewed the results for the test?
again, you don’t have to respond to this if this makes you uncomfortable, I just didn’t know where else to go… thank you, I hope you have a really good day <3
hi there! i hope you're well. my short answer to this question is that i don't have enough insight into your situation to weigh in definitively, but i'll offer up a few thoughts:
- when you go to the center, could you express your concerns/thoughts to the doctor there? it sounds like based on the screening test they are saying you could potentially have OCD, but it doesn't sound like they handed you a diagnosis right then and there. when you get there, the doctor will probably want to know more and ask you more questions to determine if a diagnosis is appropriate.
- it sounds like misophonia has caused significant distress, and that alone warrants treatment, so i'm glad you're going to the anxiety center. i do know misophonia is highly comorbid with OCD, ie many people with misophonia also have OCD. but that doesn't mean it's for sure the case.
- how much are the sexual intrusive thoughts causing you distress? everyone has occasional intrusive thoughts, but it's a hallmark of OCD to have intrusive thoughts that really disturb you and keep coming back. also, are there any mental compulsions you might not be seeing? examples of these are checking your body to make sure you don't feel anything when you have a sexual intrusive thought, mentally reviewing your other past thoughts to try to reassure yourself that you don't have xyz sexual deviancy, etc. you may not have any of these, but just wanted to put it out there for consideration.
TL;DR i think talking with the specialists at the OCD and anxiety center will really help clarify this, and if the doc is good they will listen to your concerns and help you figure out the correct diagnoses together!
good luck anon, and i hope you find some relief from your symptoms 💜
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Final Reflection - ACM Capstone
Thinking back on my research topic in the first semester, I definitely underestimated the amount of work that would have been done for my project, but in the same breath it helped me become a harder worker. In the beginning of the semester I knew what I wanted to do, but it was all about trying to figure out how I was going to tell the story through the interviews and the academic information from my paper which I should’ve started doing even before the start of the semester. My thoughts now about my research topic and project now is that I should have started the pre-production phase much earlier so that my documentary episodes would have been more professional, not to say they aren’t professional now, but it could have been done better if I put more elbow grease into the start of the semester. As a creative, I learned a lot about myself and the process of being a filmmaker because it taught me to open up to being critiqued professionally by our professor and taught me that in order to get a documentary project done I need to talk to people and collaborate with them in order to create something that is insightful for the viewer, but not create anything controversial or make the subjects uncomfortable when being interviewed and these are all elements that I had to take into consideration in the creative process especially when coming up with questions to ask. About the creative and production processes, it was more of trying to assemble the footage into cohesive individual episodes on particular subjects on the workplace relations of a company that viewers could easily follow and understand in three different perspectives what it is like working with others and building healthy relationships with your coworkers. I am very happy that I was able to get experience in what it was like to film a documentary type of project because I do want to be a filmmaker in the future and this was valuable learning for me to gain because I had to work with the times my interviewees gave me for availability and then have to film the interviews with the equipment I hade on hand, but again it was valuable in helping me gain experience with filmmaking. For the new capstone students coming in for next semester, my biggest thing would be to start as soon as you can even before the start of the semester so that you can get a head start and so that you are not struggling and brushing things off later in the semester. This is how I was this semester going through the motions of the entire thing and I do not want anyone else to go through the pain of juggling manny assignments at once and not having a lot of their time focused on making sure their senior projects are what they should be. Where to now? I don’t know to be exact and hopefully I pass this senior project so that I can finally move on and start audulting and go into the world in my own way. I want to get my feet wet in the filmmaking industry so I guess that is the more appropriate answer as to where no, and hopefully I can work for one of the local production studios we have on the island and maybe even get one of my film scripts produced and made as that is the end goal for me as a creative. For the creative media students that are coming into the final semester of their own college careers: do not procrastinate (I mean it), do not be afraid to voice what you want to do for your final project, and do not give up because you will have classmates and professors that are willing to see you ideas and help you get the best out of it. To my fellow capstone seniors, thank you for the wonderful class and hope you all achieve you dreams after graduation. It’s truly been a ride this semester and good luck again to our incoming capstone seniors, you all will do great things as well. Peace out!!!
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angrykingdomenemy · 11 months
The Most Common replica bags online Debate Isn't as Black and White as You Might Think
Ah, reproduction baggage, the by no means-ending splurge! I just can’t appear to get ample of them.​ I had been at a celebration one other working day and there was a lady close to me and she or he experienced essentially the most beautiful, saturated Prada bag.​ I was intrigued by its one of a kind layout and I expressed my curiosity in obtaining it, only to find out that it absolutely was among the quite a few Replica’s on the market.​ I used to be shocked at first, and to be truthful, I was a little bit upset as well! But, just after I read about the benefits these replicas present, I adjusted my brain.​
To start with, replicas are way more affordable as you receive a similar style as the original in a Considerably lower cost.​ You will discover wonderful replicas of lavish bags from Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and many a lot more.​ It really is a great way to get a thing affordable but nonetheless search classy and trendy.​
Secondly, the standard of the replicas currently is admittedly good.​ Numerous businesses use a similar products and craftsmanship as the initial manufacturer and this assures you are getting the very same experience as the original.​ Some corporations even give a a refund assure if you do not such as merchandise.​ This can make it a lot more Secure to purchase replicas.​
Thirdly, many of the replicas have comparable capabilities and facts as the first brand.​ Which means the item appears to be like just like the authentic and it can even fool Lots of people.​ So if you wish to get persons's notice and come up with a fashion statement, a replica bag may be an ideal preference.​
Fourthly, you can also get unique, limited version styles from some of the businesses that sell these duplicate bags.​ Which means you may get anything fresh new, new and exclusive that not numerous other people should have.​ This will certainly change some heads and obtain individuals talking.​
Last but not least, duplicate luggage are a great selection if you want to be fashionable with no draining your wallet.​ They appear wonderful, are economical and several of these present you with a a refund warranty.​ So, in case you’ve been desirous to own considered one of the luxurious makes, but have not been able to afford it, then why not go with a replica rather?
It's happened to me, and I'm absolutely sure It can be took place to you also.​ You're inside a hurry to obtain a Specific current, you know what You are looking for , after which you can the next matter you understand you're going for walks out with the store using a knock-off! That is proper, I am discussing faux luggage.​
Now don't get me wrong - I'm sure plenty of phony baggage that appear definitely good.​ They are often seriously convincing along with the craftsmanship driving them is often fairly outstanding.​ But the fact stays that they're phony, and they're going to never ever previous given that originals, or possess the exact same quality.​
I had an expertise using a bogus bag a while back again.​ I was at the market, and I discovered a wonderful searching handbag.​ I could not feel how practical it looked, and the vendor reported it had been a brand new design that experienced just come out.​ So I went ahead and bought it, without having giving it a 2nd thought.​
The instant I acquired dwelling, I realized that a little something wasn't fairly appropriate.​ I went on the internet and did a certain amount of investigation, and it seems it was a counterfeit.​ I was so irritated and let down which i were taken in by a phony.​
What is actually additional, I was not the one one particular.​ I spoke to a few of my mates, and it turns out which they had bought comparable items with out realizing they had been knock-offs.​ At that time, it was much too late to do something about this.​ We just had to accept that we were fooled.​
It had been a beneficial lesson in finding the replica bags designer time To make certain of Everything you're purchasing.​ Immediately after that have, I vowed to perform my study appropriately and hardly ever buy a fake bag again.​ Now, I only at any time acquire from trustworthy sources and i am a great deal happier for it!
But it surely's not just handbags that have fake versions.​ Sneakers, dresses, watches, sunglasses - you title it, there's likely a counterfeit Edition of it someplace.​ It is a authentic challenge, and it might be not easy to convey to the difference between originals and knock-offs.​
That is why authorities propose buying only from trustworthy sources.​ Purchasing from suppliers who have a fantastic track record is The obvious way to be sure to're obtaining the authentic deal.​ And if you are unsure, it's best to go on to the resource and purchase from the brand by itself.​ Like that you are aware of you are obtaining the genuine point.​
For me, acquiring a top quality, authentic item is worth the additional Price.​ Pretend items are only a false economy - they could look the identical, but it really's only a make any difference of your time ahead of they start to crumble.​ That is why I generally make the effort to ensure that what I am acquiring is a real post.​
Given that I've shared the many benefits of Replica luggage, let us learn what the downsides are.​ Just one important difficulty that Many of us have is that they're fearful they are going to obtain a counterfeit product.​ While this is real, if you purchase from the dependable corporation that provides a a refund guarantee, Then you can certainly be certain you might be obtaining a significant-quality products.​
A different challenge is the fact that it could be tough to tell apart amongst a true along with a reproduction.​ That is why it's important to acquire from a dependable source because they usually tend to market quality merchandise.​ In some instances, the businesses that promote replicas can be found abroad, that may be a certain amount of an inconvenience.​
Regardless of these drawbacks, Replica luggage are still a beautiful option for Lots of people.​ Not simply are they more cost-effective, but They appear just as fantastic and have a similar features as an primary style and design.​ But, before buying a Duplicate bag, You should definitely do your research and buy from a corporation which you can have faith in.​ That way, you could make sure that you are obtaining the authentic deal!
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estelofrivendell · 1 year
Hey I just read the reply to the ask I sent out, and I just wanted to apologise!
I assumed you blocked me because of the fact you that you thought I was a bot and nothing else, which is why I created the new account to use. This was naive of me, so again I apologise.
Anyways I wanted to say sorry genuinely, because I guess im knew to tumblr so im not really sure how requesting works/ proper requesting/ blog interacting etiquette is handled, I definitely should have done more educating before jumping into making requests so I’m sorry for that.
In no way shape or form did I intend on disrespecting you or any other writes work, or kindness to fulfil a request! I certainly didn't intend to show a lack of appreciation by requesting a similar ask again, I just wondered how you or another blog might write a story with the a similar character dynamic but with your own unique plot line which would see the characters being put in different circumstances! This was truly my only intention, regardless I see how it is insensitive and not an appropriate thing to pester on about!
I honestly had no intention in trying to make it seem like I was dissatisfied with a previous Fic or that it would come across as an entitled action, and I definitely understand how it might, I should’ve considered this before and for that I’m truly sorry! Up until now I didn't realise that requesting a similar ask when it had already been so kindly written for would be disrespectful or hurtful, but I now understand it is and will absolutely not do it again!
I also definitely did not feel that you had to reply to each of my three requests I just sent out a bunch and thought that you might feel connected more to one of them or just genuinely more interested to write for one of the three asks. I kinda saw it as giving out a variety of options to pick Incase you liked any of them, but I realise now that it can seem quite pushy or greedy and have the opposite effect than I intended, and im so sorry for making you feel like I was trying to be exploitative!
Regardless of everything, In no way shape or form do I expect to you to accept this apology, I just thought deserved the apology either way, and I just wanted you to know that I’m genuinely sorry and will be more sensitive and considerate from now on, and will no longer interact with this blog which I should’ve respected before. I’m sorry again and I hope you do know that I appreciate your work nonetheless, you are an amazing writer and I’m sorry that I caused you stress and negativity. Wish you the best!
I accept your apology and I respect you for understanding why it’s wrong. We all start out somewhere. Unfortunately many Tumblr users are very aggressive, I’m not using that as an excuse for how harsh I was but I’ve been on this site for many years now and people don’t like to apologise here. You handled it maturely.
I personally wouldn’t be bothered if you sent me those three requests once you asked me if it was okay or you directly stated I can choose which one, which you didn’t but you did address that in your apology. Slip ups happen. However some writers don’t like it at all and only want you to send one ask regardless. In that case you should read their rules carefully if it mentions that. If not, just send the request you want written out the most.
I already talked about in your last ask why sending it out to multiple authors is really distasteful so I won’t go much over that and you did understand why it’s something every fanfic writer looks down on. Your first request was detailed so it limits to a specific plot. If you had just sent out a simple prompt or a general request (which I think your most recent request was) then that’s where you would see the different takes writers have.
Have a good day/night Anon :)
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