#and we kinda made eye contact and none of us said anything so i was thinking 'maybe it's the wrong person after all' but maybe it was??
ahiijny · 1 year
previous reblogged post
#anyway we used to talk a lot but even tho we went to the same uni we didnt have any classes in common and we kinda drifted apart#i really hope this wasnt my fault lol#bc one time during orientation week i was watching the charity hair shave thign and then i saw oomf walking along#but i wasnt REALLY sure if it was them since i was kinda far away and i didnt want it to be awkward in case i got the wrong person#so i just kinda... said nothing and hoped they would say something first?#and we kinda made eye contact and none of us said anything so i was thinking 'maybe it's the wrong person after all' but maybe it was??#it was really awkward aaaaaa#and then we kinda just stopped talking the entire time i was in uni#a while after i made an insta account last year we became moots on there and sometimes reply to each other's stories but#this is like once every 2 months and im so bad at making the conversations last any longer than a couple of responses#sadge#there was one other oomf i was kinda close with in uni#but mainly it's bc we shared a lot of classes#when two introverts -> ZERO talking (lol ^_^;;)#(unless theres like assignments or study materials to discuss)#and they definitely had a closer knit friend group i was kind of an outsider to#there was one other person they were pretty close to in high school (before i really got to know them) and they went to prom together#funnily enough im pretty sure (not completely sure tho bc i never asked lol) theyre both aro/ace so it makes a lot of sense#anyway ill probably delete these late night ramblings later o7
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ginmoonnet · 8 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Promise ︴˚࿔₊•
[Wanderer 🐈‍⬛]
Summary: Missing someone is difficult, and trying to forget is not easy either. (/_\)
Genre: Kinda angst(? Idk it has some
♡︎ Wanderer x fem! Reader (I tried to make it gn! Reader but failed miserably, srry)
Note: Use of “Kuni/Kunikuzushi” referring to Wanderer
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It's been about a few months since the two of you broke off any kind of contact.
You can still remember the last time you saw each other in person before what happened, you can even feel his warm hug before leaving saying that you would see each other soon, his image is still projected in your head waving his hand saying goodbye to you with a smile for What would seem like just a few weeks, nothing that hadn't happened before... that's why that last call impacted you so much.—Let's break up—. He blurted out abruptly, not even deigning to give you a coherent explanation. You laughed, thinking it was a joke, but the silence on the other end of the line stopped you in your tracks.—What? What do you mean?—. Another silence; It was true that the last few days they had been having disputes but you didn't think it was that serious.— You’re joking, right? You can’t be for real…Kuni?—. However, you didn't have time to ask anything else since after hearing the beep when hanging up the call he had already blocked or at least deleted you from most of his social networks and you didn't muster the courage to say anything else either.
That's how you didn't call him for sixty days. You felt empty, cold, you even considered finding some vice to distract yourself from that feeling... which you discarded for obvious reasons. Still, you felt like all your attempts to resist calling him or even thinking about it were going down the drain in a matter of seconds, one after the other.
You tried to excuse him, to excuse yourself so you wouldn't feel so guilty in case you lost to yourself and went after him once again. “Maybe he's confused”, “I should call him, it's probably all a misunderstanding”, “we can solve it together”, but you better than anyone knew that it wasn't true and even if they managed to talk, the damage to what they once had was done, which, although it took you a while, you ended up accepting... or so you believed until you couldn't resist it anymore that cold and lonely night.
You waited for a while, feeling more and more regretful with each beep your cell phone made as you waited for him to answer.
When you were just about to chicken out and hang up, you heard a voice on the other end of the line.—…Y/N?—. You felt a lump form in your throat, you could almost see how your nose began to turn red and your eyes glazed over.—I…I'm sorry—. You responded, almost in a whisper.—It’s…okay, Y/N—. He said, no, it wasn't right and he should know it perfectly, right?.—I did it accidentally, it's just... today I saw someone who looked like you and... I thought maybe it was you but…—. Your voice was cut off for a moment, you swallowed heavily and continued.—But you're not here and that's none of my business anymore, I know, it's just that I couldn't help it, I wanted to say hello to you, to know if everything was okay, if You were fine, just that...—.
Kunikuzushi remained silent throughout, letting you talk like he always did, like he always did until that last call. Remembering it made you shed some silent tears, why?. Why, if that time he forced you to swallow your words and doubts, why didn't he did it again? Why did he seem to try to empathize with you? Did he feel sorry for you? for you?. That last thought was the one that gave you the courage to direct your index finger to that red button on the screen but his voice stopped you.—Don't worry, I'm fine... How…how have you been?—. He asked, in the warmest way he had spoken to you in months.
Your chin began to tremble and tears fell uncontrollably, making your head throb.—Kunikuzushi I'm going to hang u…—. You couldn't finish your sentence because he interrupted you without warning. —I'm sorry, Y/N—. A muffled sigh escaped your lips, as if it had been trying to escape from your throat for some time now..—What…?—.
—It wasn't your fault, none of this was your fault, it's just that, I was afraid and I acted without thinking. I was not going through my best moment and I hid it from you for months but I simply couldn't take it anymore, I didn't have the courage to explain myself to you at that moment and I hurt you but that was never my intention, quite the opposite…—. He answered you, calmly, although you could hear the remorse in his voice.—A-after a few days I thought about confessing everything to you, but with what face would I go and explain to you?! After all…the damage had already been done and I thought that not talking to you anymore would be better than trying to clean up my mess, y’know?—. He explained, after that and awkward silence didn’t hesitate to get in the conversation.
—…I waited—. You confessed.—Huh?—. He blurted out, somewhat disconcerted.— I waited, days, weeks and then months. I waited for a call or I don't know, maybe a message?, Any sign that all this could be a mistake... but they never came, Kunikuzushi, they never did—. Silence, the boy didn't know what to respond so you continued.—There are still days that I wish this was all a bad dream, you know?...ha...Even in the mornings when I wake up, I find myself hugging a lot of pillows like I hugged you, but it's not the same and it's sad because I feel like I'm the only one still clinging to the othe—.
—Me too, to be honest—. The blue-haired man stated.
—Huh?, what do you mean?—. You asked.—I also think about you, a lot. I also imagine you with me sometimes…but it's not the same, and it’ll never—.
—Be the same—. You responded.—Yes…—. He confirmed.
After a silence that felt strangely comfortable you spoke again.—So, what now?—. You weren't sure what to do, you wanted to see him, hug him, although, was that really what you wanted?. You were beginning to believe that kicking him to get paid for what he had done to you was also a great option.—I have no idea—. He responded, laughing a little to himself which you also did.—…Thank you for calling me—. He said with regret. You processed his words before responding.—Thank you for responding—. So they both laughed a little again before another silence appeared.
Even when those chuckles and giggles were recents they felt somehow nostalgic for some reason. After a while they both fell silent once again.
—Hey Y/N—. He called you by your name, like he always did.—Yes, Kuni?—.He laughed at the nickname, he hadn't heard it in a while and he was starting to miss it.—I still love you—. You thought for a moment before answering.—Yeah…me too—. You sighed.
Even though y’all had just declared your love after so long, those words felt more like a farewell and, for some strange reason, this time you felt calm.
—I think I'm going to love you for the rest of my life...can I?—. He asked with some shyness and uncertainty. You scoffed at his words and the tone of voice with which he recited them.—Good night, Kuni—. Even though you couldn't see him, he smiled at your words.—Sweet dreams, Y/N—. My dear Y/N…
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-I’ll be honest with y’all. I wanted this to be breathtaking, heartbreaking, so sad, horrible miserable, but I didn’t felt like crying that day so ur welcome ig LOL
-It may look as if I was working on everything but the fic that I started and haven’t realized the second part haha hehe hoho…and it’s partially true (I will upload it, someday, I swear) BUT I already got the Xiao and Wanderer one shot finished a while ago and the only thing I did was translate so yeah.
Kisses hugs.
—Moonヽ(^‥^=ゞ). ミ★
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Masterlist for other works!
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
would you be interested in writing a jake peralta angsts kinda like jake saves reader form something maybe??? if not possibly a yandere? please and thank youuuu
❝👮‍♂️— lady l: it took a while but it came out! I don't have much practice with angst, but I tried it and I hope you like it. Forgive me for mistakes!
❝tw: anxiety, panic attacks, mention of murder, my poor attempt at angst.
❝👮‍♂️pairing: yandere!jake peralta x female!reader
❝—👮‍♂️word count: +1,6k ❝👮‍♂️tag: @flowercrowns-goodvibes
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You were in danger. You were in danger. You were in danger.
Jake's mind was just that, you were in danger and it scared the shit out of him. What had gone wrong? It was supposed to be just a simple undercover mission to catch a powerful drug dealer, but it all ended up going wrong.
What had happened to you?
Jake nearly passed out in panic when Captain Holt told him he'd lost communication with you, a big sign of trouble. You were supposed to be in contact with them all the time, but you stopped communicating and… Now none of them knew what happened to you. Were you alive? Hurt? By God, Jake will kill whoever hurt you, he was sure of it.
''Jakey'' Boyle's voice called to him, Jake looked at his friend and saw the concern on Charles's face. ''We will find her.'' He tried to reassure him, but even Boyle wasn't sure. The chances that you were murdered were high, although you were a well trained detective, there was always the chance, but he would never say that to his best friend. No one would say, everyone knew how obsessed Peralta was with you and knew how he reacted when it came to you.
''We will.'' Jake's voice was serious and full of hate. He was going to find you and he was going to punish the damned criminal who dared to try to hurt you.
Charles nodded and hugged Jake gently who returned the hug, but soon pulled away. ''Holt is trying to locate her and so is Terry. Soon (Y/N) will be with us again.''
Jake nodded calmly and something about that calmness startled Boyle. Why was Jake so calm? He knew his friend and he was scared to ask. Charles was never afraid of his friend, he revered and adored him, but something in Jake's eyes made him afraid. Almost like he was planning something and it wasn't something good.
''I will continue to work on the case. I'm going to visit the crime scene where she disappeared. I need to focus on finding her, because if I don't I am going to freak out.'' Jake finally said more than three words and sat down at his desk, the desk he shared with you. He mumbled something and smiled as he looked at the picture of the two of you together that he had placed next to his computer. You looked so happy.
He tried, he really tried, but he couldn't concentrate. Worry and fear seemed to eat him alive, his heart racing in panic and his mind conjuring up images of what could have happened to you or what you could be having to put up with right now.
Jake cringed as he remembered the gunshots that had echoed through the microphone you had in your ear to keep in touch with the 99.
You had to come back soon.
Everyone had agreed to that. Jake was freaking out and everyone around him. Nothing seemed to calm him down and the entire police station seemed to be affected by it, hampering the searches.
They all loved you. They were a family and you were a part of it and everyone was worried too.
Captain Holt and Rosa were the calmest ones, or at least they tried to remain calm, but he was also out of their mind with worry. Amy, Terry and Boyle just didn't freak out because they knew it wouldn't help anything, but Jake… Jake looked so distraught that he couldn't eat, drink and couldn't take his face away from the evidence they had found.
After searching the crime scene, they were able to find a few things that could lead to you. Or at least that's what they hoped, but Jake wasn't going to sit around waiting for the lab results.
Time was crucial and he wasn't going to waste it. Not when your life was in danger.
So he made a decision. A decision he knew he could regret for the rest of his life, but it wouldn't matter, not when he had you safe and sound in his arms again.
Jake sighed at the thought of the phone call he had received an hour ago and he felt trapped. The deal he had accepted was dangerous, but that was all for you.
''Jake was sitting at his desk, hunched over it, repeatedly reading the files on the drug dealer who had you. His name was Maximus Rodriguez, a notorious drug lord who had his petty dealers act for him and he had you. Jake clenched his fist in anger at the thought. Fuck.
Maximus was dead and so was his entire operation.
He grabbed his cell phone when it started to ring, an unknown number popping up on the screen. He frowned but accepted the call and a high pitched voice began to speak.
''Detective Peralta. What a pleasure.'' The voice said bored. ''Looking for your sweetheart?''
''Who is it?'' Jake asked irritably.
''You don't need to know my name. Yet. But you can call me Maury. I have information that I believe may be of interest to you.''
''Information?'' Jake was attentive. It was obvious this was about you and he was so desperate he would do anything to get you back.
''I know where your precious (Y/N) is being held and I know who her captors are.'' Maury said and Jake was sure the man was smiling.
''… What do you want in return?''
''Straight to the point? I liked. No big deal, I want you to agree to do a simple job for me in exchange for getting your (Y/N) back. Sounds fair to me.''
''What kind of work?'' Jake questioned suspiciously.
''You'll find out when the time comes. Do you accept?'' Jake mumbled a drawling ''yes''. ''Very good. Now pay attention…''
Jake knew where you were and had informed Holt that he had started to prepare to break in. He was asked how he got to know where you were, but Jake lied saying that the drug dealer's criminal record had hidden and useful information.
Nobody questioned him. They didn't believe it, of course, but Jake's look of despair and hatred was so great that they didn't dare question it further.
The focus was on bringing (Y/N) back. All that mattered now was her and he was willing to do anything to get her back.
The cops were in place and the SWAT team was preparing to break into the warehouse where (Y/N) was apparently being held. They were preparing for an ambush. It's always good to be prepared for anything and Holt had his detectives ready in case something goes wrong. It was a dangerous rescue mission, but everyone would do their best to retrieve (Y/N).
''We're going to count to 10 and go inside. Get ready.'' Holt said, getting into position.
''Right. Let's get on with it.'' Rosa grumbled and grabbed her gun, bracing herself for the chaos that could ensue.
''1, 2, 3…'' Holt started counting and everyone got into their agreed positions. Jake was by the door with one of the SWAT guys and he was shaking with anxiety and rage. ''…9, 10!''
The door was broken down and the police entered the warehouse. They were prepared for a firefight or something, but none of it came. They looked around and Jake sobbed when he saw you. You were tied to a chair, gagged and looking at them in fear and relief.
''Take a look around.'' Holt commanded and the others obeyed. Jake and he came running to you, pulling the ropes and gag out of your mouth.
As soon as you were released, you found yourself hugged tightly by Jake, who began to shed tears of relief onto your shoulder. ''You're alive…'' He sobbed and looked at your bruised face. Yours lip was a little swollen and there were small cuts on your cheek. Jake kissed your cheek gently, not wanting to aggravate any injuries.
Jake didn't let go of you for the next few minutes, clinging to you and whimpering. You didn't let go either. Finally relieved to see him again. Not when you feared you might never see him again and just the thought of it made you grip tighter.
A team of paramedics arrived to assess you and you were taken to the ambulance, where they treated you. Jake, of course, didn't leave your side, eyeing the paramedics suspiciously. You squeezed his hand gently and he kissed your head.
''I was so scared…'' Jake muttered, squeezing her hand tightly.
''Me too…'' You said, lightly stroking Jake's hand with your loose fingers.
''I'm never going to let you out of my sight again, understand?'' He was scared, very afraid that something like that would happen again and he wouldn't let it. He would hunt down your captors and kill them one by one. You would never be taken from him again.
''I love you.'' He uttered and you smiled, he bent down and placed a light kiss on your lips, very carefully to not hurt you.
''I love you too, you idiot.'' You laughed and laid your head against his shoulder as Jake sat down next to you.
Jake finally felt calm, you were where you belonged, beside him. He would find the bastards who hurt you and they would regret ever being born. He kissed your forehead gently. You were everything to him.
He knew he had to keep his end of the bargain, but he'd think about that later. You were more important and he would deal with the consequences later.
''I won't let anyone hurt you again.'' Jake swore, looking into your eyes deeply and you knew he wasn't lying.
It was a promise. An oath.
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din-miller · 1 year
We’re Stronger Together
Pairing: Reader + The Bad Batch (Platonic)
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: It was an unspoken rule; you don’t go on solo missions. But when Rex asked you to aid him in taking down a slave ring, you agreed. The Batch takes an issue with that. Especially when you came back smelling strongly of foul men leaving Hunter to struggle with his heightened senses. The only way to fix that is a giant bantha pile.
Warnings: set after S2, tech is alive, harm to children mentioned, slavery mentioned, non-consensual touching mentioned, (none of which are graphic), protective batch, no romance between reader and the batch, platonic cuddling, so much sibling-relationship content, bantha pile > puppy pile, keldable kisses, female reader
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You can’t remember the last time you’ve gone on a solo mission or at least a mission where the Batch hadn’t been involved. You had joined them after Order 66 and wherever they went, you went and vice versa.
Inseparable, the lot of you.
Which is why you’re here, chewing your bottom lip nervously as you watch the argument unfold in front of you. Rex said something rational and Hunter glared, then Echo huffed at Hunter’s behaviour but made no move to step in to defend Rex who's three seconds away from throwing his hands up in frustration, “Look boys, I only need her for a couple days, a week max.”
“That’s not happening.”
Honestly, Rex should’ve seen this argument coming and prepared a better speech.
“Yeah, I kinda agree with Sarge. I don’t like it.” Wrecker rubbed the back of his head, looking a tad lost. He’s never been good at picking sides during arguments and you feel bad for him.
“It’s a simple mission, boys. She’ll be in my line of sight at all times.”
“Armed,” All eyes turned to Crosshair, whose head was turned away from them, seemingly unperturbed by the whole situation. When Rex went to speak, Crosshair sneered, “That wasn’t a question.”
“We might consider it once you tell us why you need her.” Echo said, addressing the eldest clone.
“The mission requires more of a…,” Rex trailed off, trying to find the right words that won’t get him shot, “Feminine touch.”
“Absolutely not,” Hunter pushed himself to stand between you and Rex, blocking the older clone’s view of you, “Find someone else.”
“I can do it!” Omega bravely offered, “I can be feminine.”
“No!” Came a chorus of shouts causing Omega to shrink in on herself before Wrecker pulled her into his side with an apology. Hunter ran a tired hand down his face, giving his own apology to the young girl.
“As much as I appreciate your concerns, it’s my decision.” You looked over at Tech for help. Out of all of them, he’ll be the one to back you up.
Tech nodded in your direction, stepping in to join the conversation, “While I don’t particularly agree with one of us being separated, I can see logic in Rex’s thinking-,”
Wreck sent him a look of disbelief, “How?!”
“-If the goal is to distract the target with a certain female attractiveness, I do believe she’s the best candidate for the role.”
“There was never any doubt about that,” Echo stated, “The issue is that we don’t split up. Any of us. Not after Mount Tantiss.”
Omega nodded in agreement, her mouth twisting down at the mention of Mount Tantiss, “Echo’s right. We stick together.”
Tech adjusted his goggles, avoiding eye contact, “As I said, I do not agree with her going with Rex by herself, but we can not stop her from choosing to aid in this mission. The best we can do is offer our support.”
“Thank you Tech. Look, I’ll take my viroblade with me,” You promised them, moving to Rex’s side, “I’ll be fine guys. I was on my own for years before I met you, I know how to handle a few scumbags.”
“You’re not on your own anymore,” Hunter reminded you, before letting out a defeated sigh, “You will be contacting us every chance you get, you’ll report any injuries to Tech or Echo; I don’t care if Rex’s crew has an all-star medic on board, you comm us.”
“Yes, Sarge. Anything else?”
“You’ll take my blade with you, it’s sharper than yours. You will be getting a crash course in disarming bombs with Wrecker before you leave and most importantly; you will be coming home.”
You look down at the kid who’s nodding along to Hunter’s words, a serious look plastered on her face. You feel a twinge of guilt settled in your chest, but from what Rex has told you about the mission you’re not backing down no matter how crestfallen Wrecker looks.
You attempt a reassuring smile, most likely failing as that guilt shows clear as day despite your best shot at playing it cool. You promised nonetheless, “I’ll be back before Wrecker’s able to pronounce ‘worcestershire’.”
“Hey!” Wrecker cried, but a bright smile took over his previous expression and that twinge inside your chest starts to fade away.
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Truth be told, a part of you yearns for this mission. To stretch your feet, to use your muscles and brains outside of your normal mundane life on Pabu. To feel useful in a more powerful way. You also understand why your boys’ are so reluctant to let you leave. To do this mission when they’ve all turned Rex down time and time again.
Hunter’s thirst for battle quickly died out when he watched how Omega thrived in her new life. At the peace she is now able to have, away from bloodshed.
Wrecker’s able to use his strength to help the town folk. Lifting crates, furniture, bags of soil and sand. He’s also taken up construction. He’s able to burn energy without bloodshed.
Tech was never one for battle and after Mount Tantiss, he was more than willing to settle on Pabu. To accept Phee’s dinner invitation. Then the key to her place. One day you hope he’ll accept the ring Phee has tucked away. A loving marriage away from bloodshed.
Echo was the one who adjusted the hardest. Whenever Rex required his help on a mission Echo was always on the front line. But one day you watched him emerge from his room, eyes red and swollen. Another sleepless night and you know he’s done with all the bloodshed.
You don’t ask, you don’t have too. You were there, you remember all of it. You remember Echo’s disbelief over your comm as he said he found Tech. You remember running into the room, seeing Tech floating inside a tube, dead bodies scattered across the floor. You remember Echo’s hand laying flat over the glass that separated him from Tech. You remember the bloody handprint left behind when Echo turned to you.
Most of all you remember the scream that rattled the walls around you. You remember how Echo’s mouth parted, Crosshair’s name falling from his lips before he’s racing down the hallway, metal legs creaking at the strain he’s putting on them.
You remember the crying, the begging, that left Crosshair’s mouth, so broken and scared, as Dr. Hemlock held a blade in his hand and Omega’s still body on the medical table beneath him. You remember the smell of blood, how the red of it dripped onto the floor.
You remember the sound of a blaster fire, a body hitting the floor. You remember Echo desperately trying to hold Omega’s stomach together as he cauterised her skin knowing there’s no time for stitches or bacta patches.
You remember it all so kriffing vividly that the crate you had been moving falls from your grip, dropping loudly to the ships metal floor beneath you, the noise drowning out your gasp as the air around you thins and your lungs ache for steady breaths.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Your head snapped up in Rex’s direction, eyes widening when you spotted the clone trying to bypass Rex and enter the ship, “Crosshair?”
The sniper doesn’t acknowledge you. Instead his attention is solely on the older clone, “You’re sending her into a cantina full of powerful, greedy, vile men who would do anything to have her.”
Rex sighed, “Crosshair-,”
“I understand not wanting the others to be involved, they’re too protective. The second anyone touches her the mission would be ruined and dead bodies make things complicated.”
Rex gave another, deeper sigh, “Your skill sets would prove to be a huge asset to the mission, I’m aware and if I thought you were any different from the rest of them, I would have asked you. I know you Crosshair, you’d be the first to pull the trigger.”
Finally Crosshair’s eyes land in your direction, the subtle pinch of his brow letting you know that the panic that's choking you from the inside is written all over your face. He stared at you, knowingly, “Don’t do this. For your own sake, don’t.”
“The man we’re after is a slave trader. Young kids and helpless women,” You said, although you figured he’s aware of that already, “If you were in my shoes you’d do the same thing. For me, for Omega. Crosshair I need to do this.”
You moved to stand in front of him and you pulled his head down until your foreheads met, an action you’ve only done once before with him. Only this time he’s leaning in instead of pushing you away with a threat of you meeting the barrel of his rifle.
“Take care of the boys and Omega while I’m gone, yeah?”
“I’m not their kriffing babysitter.”
You chuckled and pulled back to meet his gaze, “Take care of yourself too.”
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Although the mission only took three days, your body – your soul – is screaming for your family. For their arms around you, their voices reassuring you that you’re okay, that you’re home. That you’re safe.
So when the front door is the only thing that stands between you and them, a weight is lifted from your shoulders. A breath you hadn’t realised you’ve been holding leaves your lungs and you draw in a new one full of relief.
You punched in the house’s code and the green light blinked, lock unlocking. You smiled, opening the door and before you’re fully able to close it behind you, you’re being pushed back against it, Hunter’s face buried in the crook of your neck.
Not exactly the welcome home you’d imagined would be awaiting you.
You looked over at the other boys, hoping to get an explanation. You start with Echo but the clone just leaned back against the couch, a smile on his face. Beside him is Tech; the clone brought a finger up to tap the side of his nose.
Right. You probably reek of–
“Testosterone.” Hunter snarled, and you can feel the way his nose scrunched up at the smell of male hormones on your person.
“Not the welcoming home I expected,” You joked, trying to push Hunter away but the clone didn’t budge, “Come on I can’t smell that badly, I had a shower on Rex’s ship. Seriously Hunter, at least let me enter the house.”
Hunter finally pulled back, eyes still locked in on the flesh on your neck. You try not to squirm under the intensity of his gaze, or the smug looks from the others. Hunter tilted your head and you're quick to give him access to the other side of your neck despite your earlier protest. He spared no time diving in, head jerking back instantly, nostrils flailing and he growled, “They touched you.”
The smug look on Echo’s face disappeared instantly and he stepped forward, eyes narrowed in on the back of Hunter’s head like he can see the skin where you had been touched through the clone’s skull.
Hunter pressed you back farther against the door, voice demanding as he asked, “Where else?”
“I won’t ask again.”
The sound of tiny feet racing down the hallway saved you from having to answer, from having to admit that they were right. That you weren’t strong enough for the mission. Not without them. Admitting that would make the phantom feeling of hands on your body too real.
You pushed Hunter away and caught the girl just in time, your name falling from her lips as giggles filled the air when you tickled her side. Behind her Wrecker smiled at you, welcoming you home.
“You’re back! I want to hear all about the mission!” Omega said, jumping out of your arms when you tap on her back. She’s grown so much in the last few years and you’re too exhausted to hold her weight, “Sorry, I’m just excited you’re back home. Are you hurt?”
You’re able to give her a quick shake of your head before that phantom touch across your skin is back and you can’t hide the rise of goosebumps on your arms. Not from Hunter at least. The man studies your body language, breathing in the scent of foul men that lingers on your skin, even after using Rex’s refresher to shower.
“Omega, I want every blanket and pillow in this house brought out here,” Hunter turned to address the biggest clone, “Wrecker, clear all the furniture out of the living room.”
“Oh, you betcha!” Wrecker cheered with a grin, “We haven’t had a good ol’ bantha pile in ages!”
“Bantha pile?” You questioned as you watched the two follow Hunter’s orders.
“Yes, it is when a group of people all sleep and/or cuddle together. It was a way for Hunter to memorise our scents growing up. To help calm him,” Tech informed you, “It’s been awhile since we’ve had one, but given that Hunter is indeed struggling with you not smelling like us, the bantha pile is warranted. I’d even say necessary.”
You nodded. It makes a certain amount of sense but you’re not entirely sure it is warranted. To your knowledge they didn’t do this when Crosshair came back, when Tech was found or when Omega healed from her injuries at the hands of Dr. Hemlock. Or maybe they did and you weren’t there, that they didn’t find it necessary to include you.
No, it’s best not to go down that path. You’re here, your boys are crowded around you as you all await for Omega to return and that’s all that matters.
But Tech has always been able to read you and he awkwardly bumped his shoulder against yours, voice hushed, “You’re part of our alitt. You and Echo were dealing with Sid when Hunter and Wrecker welcomed Crosshair, Omega and myself home. We tried waiting for you but Hunter was struggling. It wasn’t an easy call but it was necessary to proceed without you and Echo.”
You brushed a hand over Tech’s and sent him a smile, “I understand, truly. I shouldn’t have questioned my place with you guys.”
“We won’t allow that to happen ever again, ner vod.” He promised and you believe him.
“I got everything!” Omega announced, bouncing back into the room, her voice muffled behind the mountain of fabric balanced in her arms, which Hunter quickly relieved her of. The young clone looked over at Echo, “I got your heated blanket too. I wasn’t sure if our body heat will be enough to keep you warm through the night. Better safe than sorry, right?”
“I…” Echo blinked, accepting his blanket as he fumbled for words. No matter how long you all have known Omega, the smaller clone always finds ways of surprising her family with her never-ending kindness. Echo cleared his throat, “Thank you, Omega.”
She beamed up at him, brushing off his thanks as she grabbed a handful of pillows to scatter around the living room. Wrecker and Hunter followed behind her with blankets. Eventually the room was approved for a bantha pile by Wrecker’s standards and six bodies started to settle in for the night.
With Hunter against your left side, head buried in your neck, his lips gazing the skin over your pulse point and Wrecker snuggled behind him, Echo moved to claim his spot on your other side as Tech sat cross legged by your lower right leg and Omega’s balanced on your chest leaving just Crosshair left to pick his spot.
“There’s still room.” You pointed out to him, silently hoping he’ll join.
Crosshair looked down at the pile, disgust written all over his face, “Not happening.”
“C’mon brother,” Wrecker patted the empty spot behind him, “You know you want to.”
The sniper may be rough around the edges but he’s not immune to his brothers’ pleas. He’ll cave, you know so.
“Not in the slightest. I’d rather eat glass than be sandwiched between you all.”
“Fine, but you’ll regret it.” Wrecker shrugged, snuggling closer into Hunter’s side, his large arm thrown over the smaller body to rest on your arm.
Crosshair rolled his eyes, “Doubt it.”
Tech glanced up from his datapad, “I have informed Phee that I will be staying another night here,” He looked at you, “She is pleased that you have returned unharmed and has invited you for dinner tomorrow if that is to your liking.”
“Tell her there’s no other place I’d rather be.”
He nodded, “I will inform her immediately, she will be happy to hear so.”
Omega frowned, rifling through the blankets, “Where’s Lula?”
Wrecker’s head shot up, alarmed and you glanced around until you spotted her by the hallway entrance. You pointed Omega to the toy, “You must have dropped her.”
Omega looked over at her brother, eyes wide and childlike, “Crosshair? Can you get her?”
The clone looked at her, then the pile of blankets and pillows that were basically drowning her small frame, before blowing out an annoyed sigh, but he went and got the toy anyway. He carelessly threw it in her direction, which earned a cry of protest from Wrecker. Crosshair rolled his eyes in response before crouching down beside Echo, moving his blanket aside.
The former ARC Trooper’s body stiffened when a pair of hands met his pelvic. Then he flinched away from Crosshair’s touch when the clones fingers found the clasps of his prosthetic legs. You watched slightly puzzled at what was happening.
Crosshair’s fingers froze for a fleeting second before he scowled down at Echo, “Relax Reg, if I have to suffer sleeping here tonight I’m at least going to make sure my nuts stay intact.”
A puff of air met your skin as Hunter grunted, “Language Crosshair, the kids here.”
Omega giggled as she settled comfortably on your chest, “I’m not a kid, Hunter.”
Beside you, Echo flicked his youngest brother’s arm, “I don’t move in my sleep.”
Wrecker let out an loud laugh, “Ha, good one Echo!”
“You could sleep on the other side of the bantha pile,” Echo cocked his head over to where Wrecker is, “Snuggle up behind Wrecker. He doesn’t sweat that much.”
“I’d rather not. Now are you going to let me continue?” Crosshair gestured to the prosthetics.
Echo nodded, moving to make it easier for his brother to reach the clasps, “You better not steal my blanket throughout the night.”
“What are you going to do? Chase me?” Crosshair jeered, but his tone held no malice behind it and Echo for his part just playfully shoved the sniper back until his ass met the floor. Beside you Hunter mumbled something incomprehensible into the crook of your neck while Wrecker and Omega laughed as Crosshair scowled up at them.
Once the prosthetics were removed, Crosshair huddled underneath Echo’s heated blanket with him, keeping enough distance from the clone for it not to be weird. Crosshair’s words, not Echo’s. The latter couldn’t care less, especially when the added warmth helped him sleep soundly.
With them both settled in for the night Tech was able to finally curl himself against your thigh, directly underneath Echo, giving the fact that without the clone’s prosthetics there’s now room for Tech to lie down and be close to you.
“This is… nice.” You said, pulling Echo in closer to your body when he struggled to do so himself without use of his prosthetic legs. His prosthetic arm had been taken off too. Most likely so you don’t get hit by it.
“Aw, yeah it is!” Wrecker’s usual loudness is muffled by Hunter’s shirt and the older clone chuckled at the rough vibration that spread across his back.
Omega propped herself up to rest her head in her hands, her elbows pressing against your chest and you hid the wince when her pointed appendages dug into your sternum.
Her eyes twinkled as they met yours, “We’ve missed you,” She exclaimed, the twinkle in her eyes grew brighter, “Tech barely left the house, Phee brought over food for us but we ended up giving it to the shelter ‘cause Echo went bananas and made enough food for the entire village! And Wrecker built a giant shed in a day! The Unstoppable Machine they called him. Oh and Crosshair slept at the gun range every night. Echo had to bring him food and a pillow and blanket-,”
You blew out a disappointed sigh. Leave it to Crosshair to do the exact opposite of what you said. Taking care of yourself does not equal three nights at the gun range. Crosshair hid his head in Echo’s shoulder shielding himself away from your scowl.
“Hunter wouldn’t leave my side,” Omega continued, “I wasn’t even allowed to sleep over at the Hazards. It’s okay though. Truthfully, I didn’t feel like sleeping away from home anyways.”
You swallowed around the lump in your throat. You knew they didn’t want you to go but you never really knew how much pain you’re absent brought the six of them.
“I’m so sorry,” You whispered into the silence of the room, “I’m here now and I’m not leaving ever again, I promise.”
Omega held out her hand, little finger up, “Pinky promise?”
You locked your smallest finger around hers and brought them both up to your lips, pressing a delicate kiss to her skin, “To the brightest stars and back.”
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Omega was the first to fall asleep, followed quickly by Echo; the warmth of his blanket and your body heat lulled him into a peaceful slumber. Wrecker was next, his snores unnaturally quiet for a man his size. Small blessings, truly.
Tech’s head is pillowed on your thigh, his datapad loosely held in his hand, conversation with Phee most likely cut short by his sleep. Out of all your boys your heart is warmed by him the most. He’s the only one who doesn’t live here, he’s the only one who has spent four nights away from their partner. He’s never once complained about it and you know neither has Phee; she’d let Tech spend a thousand more nights here if that’s what he needs.
Crosshair and Hunter were the last to drift off, their bodies on high alert, tracking any movement that could possibly take you away from them. Crosshair once said that nothing is ever too good to be true, but like most things the sniper’s believed, he’s wrong. Because you’re here for good, and that’s true.
You felt a nudge against your right side and you rolled your eyes fully expecting to get an ear full of Tech’s latest discoveries during your absence but instead you're met with an unreadable expression as Crosshair stared at you.
He doesn’t say anything and he looks more pissed off than before. It’s late and you're tired, physically and emotionally and the last thing you want is an angry clone glaring at you through the night.
“This wasn’t my idea,” You reminded him, tone a little rougher than it probably should be, “But I’m not going to have you ruin it because I need this. I might have only been gone for three days but I was alone for each one and you were here, with the boys’ and Omega.”
He’s silent, eyes sharp almost like he’s studying you. When he does speak it sounds like it’s through gritted teeth, “Where else?”
And, oh
You had been expecting that question from Hunter, maybe even Echo, but not him.
You sighed and let your head fall back against your pillow. Whenever the gentleman got too bold, you were able to direct their attention somewhere other than your body… but sometimes you just weren’t fast enough.
“You were right, the others wouldn’t have been able to sit and watch,” You shifted your eyes back to the sniper, “The man grabbed me, pulled me into his lap and sometimes when I close my eyes, I can feel his breath against my skin and I hate it.”
The arms locked around you tighten, Hunter's head unburing itself from your neck, his breathing falling to the softest puffs against your skin. You honestly should have known that he wouldn’t fully be asleep.
You sighed, pulling Omega closer to your chest, needing to feel her heartbeat, letting it ground you, “Rex was immediately lifting me off of him and using his body as a shield, keeping me out of the man’s sight. What was supposed to be a stealth mission turned into a full blown blaster fight. What was it you said Crosshair? ‘Dead bodies make things complicated’?”
“Sometimes complicated is necessary for survival,” Crosshair said, “It may have not gone down the way you wanted it to, but tonight there are people finding their freedom from slavery and that’s because there are good people out there willing to fight for them. People like you.”
Your throat constricted at his words and you felt the beginning of tears build up, you do your best to blink them away before they get a chance to escape.
“You’re not leaving us again, right?” Hunter’s voice was rough, and it was clear from the way he asked the question that there was only one acceptable answer.
“No, never again,” You replied, before asking your own question, “Do I smell better now?”
Hunter made a show of taking in a deep breath, pausing for a second before giving a slow nod, “You smell like my aftershave, Echo’s mechanical oil for his prosthetics, Omega’s shampoo, Phee’s perfume that lingers on Tech’s clothes and the chemical ingredients in Tech’s eye drops.”
“Wrecker and Crosshair?”
“By the morning you’ll smell like them too. I promise.”
“Good, but in case I don’t; I’m not doing anything tomorrow night.”
Crosshair pressed his front flushed against Echo’s back and threw his arm over his brother's body to rest on top of Omega’s back, “If we must, I'm making Wrecker bring the mattresses down here. I’m getting too old for this shit.”
You laced your fingers with his across Omega’s body, “Deal.”
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A/N: I’ve had one rule when it comes to tbb. I don’t write for Crosshair – He’s a hard character to write – So how the heck did I manage to include him in 80% of this fic?! I’m not sure I was able to capture his personality completely but I hope I did him justice. (runs and hides)
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justash02 · 1 year
Womanizer; 03
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A/n; lemme know if you have feedback! It’s always welcome! So are Requests!
Plot; Everyone who knew who Tom Kaulitz was knew that he was girl crazy, he's very well known for having girls around him all the time.
Pairing; Tom Kaulitz x fem reader.
Previous chapter -> next chapter.
Master list
"I wanna be yours."
We walked after Bill and soon found the other boys on the table. "Hiya! We're XO my name's clair, this is Ben and that's y/n!" She said pointing us out.
I'm so happy she's so out going.
I smiled as waved at the boys making them repeat it to me. Bill stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.
He gently pulled close to my ear, "I think my brother wants to fuck you." My eyes widened as I looked at Tom who was already looking at us.
Before I could react I suddenly felt a hand on my hip pulling me away from Bill.
The familiar scent of Adam filled my nose.
"What's going on here?" He asked looking at Bill, Bill laughed and went over to sit next to his brother.
"Nothing much, just told Y/n that she can sing like an angel." Liar. I couldn't help but be amazed by how easy those words left his lips. Kinda impressive how good he can lie.
Adams hand didn't leave my hip and now it was clear to me that he was either being overprotective or jealous.
Toms eyes ran over my body, he looked like he wanted to eat me alive. Not that I would mind...
Let's sit down, it's gonna be begin soon!" Clair said she grabbed me away from Adam making him frown at her but decided to just not say anything.
Before I noticed where Clair was bringing me I was already sitting next to Tom.
He smirked at me before holding out his hand, "Hey, Tom." I felt myself heat up before grabbing his warm and soft hand.
Before he could say anything else the host of the award show stepped on stage and started the show.
Clair tapped my leg and as soon as I made eye contact with her she smirked at me. Cheeky bastard.
A few rewards were giving away but none that influenced us, the time went by fast and it was already break time.
"Bro I'm starving." Tom said, he laid back in his chair, pushing his hips up a bit in a thrusting motion to get more comfy.
"Go get some food then." Gustav said to the boy who was man spreading. "Yeah but the thing I want to eat isn't very appropriate at this moment." His eyes suddenly looked over at me, his intens eyes made me feel small and weak under his gaze, I hate that feeling.
"Dude." Ben said as he shook his head laughing, Tom just smirked at Ben before looking over at Adam. They had a weird stare off before I decided I couldn't handle this amount of cringe anymore and asked Bill if he wanted to go get some food.
The black haired boy nodded and smiled while getting up, he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.
"I'm sorry it I made you uncomfortable with what I said, Y/n/n." He said, "Do you actually think so?" He hummed before nodding.
"Oh definitely. He's a womanizer. He's like a rabbit fucking anything that has a hole." He said laughing. "You're pretty and good at what you do." I awed and put my hand over my heart.
"Thank youuu." I said with a :> face making him giggle. I liked hearing him laugh.
"Not gonna lie I've always admired your way of being, I'm just so jealous that you feel so comfortable being yourself." This made him blush a bit, "It took me awhile but I'm there now I'm also really happy I got this far."
I nodded, understanding what he means, I hope someday I'll also be as confident as he is.
"When are the ANTI music videos coming out?", "We are gonna start filming in like three days, wanna come and watch?" I asked feeling more comfy around the boy.
"Oh, yeah sure! Yeah I would love that!" He said smiling softly to himself as he watched you bring a plate over to him, "By the way," he said as I handed him the plate, I looked up at him curious, "Don't let him get to your head, Y/n, he's my brother but you deserve better then that." I didn't know how to respond.
"Anyways! What do you want?" He said quickly changing the subject.
In the end we sadly didn't win the award, I could tell that the band really upset about it. I could notice they Clair was losing the confidence she had a few days ago at the interview.
I sadly smiled as her and rubbed her back as we walked back to the parking lot. "It's ok Clair, we did great! We don't need some stupid rewarded to tell us that." I tried to tell her but she seemed zoned out.
I gazed over at Adam who was already looking at Clair with a neutral expression, "Clair, we did all we could." Clair just nodded, she gently pulled herself away from me and walked to the car.
"What was that back there?" Adam asked once we were alone, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a cig
"Don't know what you're talking about." I said really not wanting to talk about Tom right now.
"Yes, Yes you do. Why did you let him talk about you that way, that guy sees you as nothing but a piece of fucking meat." He started to get angry with me. I sighed and lit the cig.
"Don't reacted us losing out on me, I didn't see the need to stop him because it didn't mean anything to me." I spoke, but deep down I knew that his words triggered something in me.
The way his body moved around me, the way his words sent shivers down my spine. His whole being is dangerous to me.
He scoffed, looking down on me trying to make me feel small, "If you wanna fuck your way to the top you can, I'm not gonna stop you."
His eyes widened as his face fell to the side from the force of the slap, "Don't you dare ever talk to me like this again asshole." I spat at him turning around on the heels of my shoes.
Clair who was watching the whole thing stood there in awe, "What was that."
"Adam being a cunt."
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sterekorgtfo · 4 months
This may be a niche unpopular ‘What If’ situation of the Daddy Kink convo we all love and what it’s inspired, but What If Tommy couldn’t match Bucks passion?
Buck and Tommy were collapsed on the bed. Buck was very blissfully fucked the fuck out. He had gotten really into the “Daddy” roleplay and was enjoying this new sex life with Tommy. He had egged Tommy on to see how much harder Tommy could fuck him, and Buck wanted to see how much his own hole could handle now that he had been more comfortable bottoming more and more.
Tommy was pressing kisses to Bucks back and rubbing his back and Tommy was checking in asking “Was that good for you? Was that what you wanted? Are you okay?” and Buck was coming down from his high before he realized something was less than happy in Tommy’s tone.
Buck rolled around and quickly caught a small glance of Tommy frowning before he quickly turned it into a smile, but Buck could tell it was performative and there was something wrong in his eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Evan softly inquired with concern as he caressed the strong jaw of his boyfriend.
“Nothing,” Tommy lied with a positive cadence, attempting to hide whatever it was he was keeping from Evan, which didn’t make Evan feel great inside.
“Did I do something wrong?” Evan asked cautiously, which made Tommy visibly wince. Tommy couldn’t stand the thought of Evan feeling like he did something wrong.
“No, baby, of course not, it’s nothing like that,” Tommy quickly tried to reassure his boyfriend, cradling his face and looking deep in his eyes to let him know Evan didn’t do anything to hurt him.
“Then can you please tell me what’s bothering you?” Evan asked softly, doing his best to gently coax Tommy out of his shell he was trying to mask his feelings within.
Tommy stayed quiet for a moment, not breaking eye contact with Evan, but Buck could see Tommy trying to process something on the other side of them.
“You know I respect you, right?,” Tommy said with a strong, assertive emphasis on ‘respect’. “I love you and I see you as an equal, and it’s important to me that you know that.”
“Of course,” Evan replied with growing concern. “Of course I know, babe. You’ve treated me phenomenally. This is by far the best relationship I’ve had. You make me feel comfortable in a way none of my exes ever had.”
Tommy kind of slowly nodded, but it seemed like he couldn’t fully process the words yet. Evan grabbed his hand and that seemed to catch Tommy’s attention and stop him from overthinking.
“Is this about the sex we just had?” Even asked cautiously.
Tommy hesitated for a while Bee letting out a small not and a soft ‘yeah’. “In the past, twinks and twunks only saw me as a big man who only existed to dom them and other men built like me only saw me as competition to keep them away from said twinks.
“I like topping, and yeah, getting hot and heavy even really passionate can be fun, but….”
Evan looked at his boyfriend with concern and sadness, feeling guilty he triggered something painful inside his man for his own fun. Be braced himself for what was about to come.
“Treating you like some…object or toy and fucking you harder than I should have really…made me feel kinda bad Inside….” Evan winced a little at the confession. He didn’t consider Tommy’s feelings just because he was topping and masculine and stronger than Buck. His boyfriend loved romcoms and romance and always treated him like a gentleman. The man said he would match Bucks pace, and Buck never realized it would be possible to out-pace him.
“But I know you were really into it and you kept saying ‘harder’, ‘faster’ and I know you’ve been hinting at getting more bold bottoming and I…You never used the safe words so I knew you were okay, but it was…Kinda hard to put you through that.”
“Tommy,” Evan said with regretful sadness. “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t consider any of this and I feel awful I didn’t,” Evan apologized.
“Please, don’t apologize,” Tommy tried to quickly say. “This isn’t on you and I am not blaming you.”
“I know you’re not,” Evan countered. “But I am going to be sorry and apologetic anyways,” Buck said assertively. Tommy was more of a people pleaser then he let on. He made it hard for Buck to ever apologize for things because Tommy would never think Buck did anything wrong. It was endearing as much as it was an occasional obstacle.
“You told me you were okay with being called ‘daddy’ and I ran with it. I never checked what exactly that entailed and what your limits were and I just assumed you’d give all I wanted to take, which was wrong of me,” Buck said. “I got swept up in the appeal of dating a big strong man who was a sexy beast and I expected you to act like one, despite knowing you’re so much more than that.
“So, it’s important to me that you know that I see you as an equal. I love you and I respect you and you are more than my personal meaty manhandler,” Buck said with insistence.
Tommy laughed, but let out the first warm smile he did this whole conversation and it made Bucks heart so much lighter and release so much tension he didn’t know he was holding.
“I do,” Tommy said. “Thank you, Evan. I want to be the type of Daddy that takes care of his boy, not uses him like a toy. Would that be okay with you?”
“Of course it is,” Buck assured. “I know you’re sometimes worried about our age gap, but I don’t only not worry about it, but I’m also not only into you because of it. And if you’re ever feeling doubtful or uncomfortable, our safe words are for you too. Even if you’re the one topping. You deserve to use those too. Promise me you’ll use them when you need them.”
“I promise,” Tommy oathed. “Thank you, Evan. Next few times can we stick with moderately vanilla missionary, and cock riding? I like being able to see your face and kiss you when I need. I’ll be able to handle a few minutes of Doggy, if need be, I just want to…make love to you sometimes, not just fuck you, and Vice-Versa.”
“Of course,” Buck said, leaning in to kiss him deeply. “I’ll never say no to making love with you if that’s what you need.”
They held each other close and buried their faces into each others necks, massaged each others backs, and both enjoyed the comforting supportive embrace of the others’ love.
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rainywritesx · 1 year
Synopsis: you, Chan’s girlfriend, decided to bring some spare cupcakes you had baked to the members. Just overall really cute and fluffy, with some of the other skz members also featuring in this :D
I haven’t written anything in a while, and I’m not that familiar with writing for skz, so please bear with me :,) I’m doing my best. Anyway, hope you enjoy! By the way, as of right now I don’t take requests as I’m still figuring out my rules and who exactly I will write for ^^
Warnings: None
Word count: 1183
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Okay Y/N, don’t trip, don’t fall, just don’t make a fool of yourself, I told myself as I slowly walked up the stairs towards the practice room where Stray Kids were rehearsing.
I was bored today, so I decided to bake cupcakes. However, stupid me didn’t expect that I would end up making way more than I needed when I used a random recipe from the internet, so I was left with an abundance of them. Chan had told me that they had to practice today, so I thought it would be nice to visit and bring them some of the cupcakes that are left.
As I neared the kids’ practice room, I could hear loudness that increased the closer I got. To my surprise, what I heard wasn’t actually music. Instead, I heard what sounded like loud screams and laughs, making me shake my head. They were messing around again… I chuckled in disbelief.
They probably wouldn’t hear me knocking on the door since they were being so loud, but I still wanted to do it first before coming in. Unsurprisingly, nobody opened the door. I carefully tried to hold the box with cupcakes with just one hand, and then used my other hand to slowly open the door.
It seemed that the members saw the door open, because when I finally saw them, they were all quietly sitting on the couch, smiling ‘innocently’, as if they were about to be in trouble. When they realized it was just me, however, their demeanors dropped. Chan and I made eye contact, and he immediately got up and walked towards me with a happy smile.
“Hey sweetie! I didn’t know you were visiting us today.” He said before trying to hug me, but the box with cupcakes, which he somehow hadn’t noticed, was in the way. I couldn’t help but giggle.
“Well, I baked some cupcakes and—“ Before I could finish my sentence, some of the members were already standing near us, eyeing the box intensely.
“Woowww Y/N made us cupcakes!” I.N said excitedly.
“Yes,” I chuckled. “I felt like baking some today and I made more than I can finish on my own. I assumed you guys might enjoy some as well, and it seems I was right. Should I open the box now or will you have them later?”
“We’ll have them in a moment, I think everyone is still pretty tired from practicing right now.” Chan said. I nodded as I put the box on a cupboard that was next to the couch.
“Yeah, I definitely could hear you guys working really hard and focusing on practicing.” I said in an exaggerated tone, earning a laugh from the rest.
“Well, we were in need of a break anyway, let’s have about 15 minutes off.” Chan said. He had barely finished his sentence when Felix ran out of the room, presumably to go to the bathroom.
“Chan, are you not going to try your partner’s cupcakes?” Han, who had already grabbed one, asked. “Tsss, can you believe him? How rude, she came all the way here for us.” Seungmin teased, earning an eye roll from Chan, who shook his head while making his way over to me.
“How are you doing today? Is practice going alright?” I asked. Chan hummed as he stood next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, and using the other to reach for my hand. (A/N: I have no idea how to describe this position dhdhhchjhj )
“Mhm, everything is going really well so far. We’ve mostly been finetuning the smaller parts of the next comeback’s choreography. We kinda lost focus after a while though.” He chuckled and rested his head on my shoulder (rip if you’re too short/tall for this ig;-;).
“Well, in that case, I think it was a good idea for everyone to have a small break. I’m sure you guys will get your focus back once you’ve rested for a little bit.” He nodded and sighed softly. I could feel him putting a little more of his weight on me.
“Tired?” Chan hummed in agreement. “Do you guys have to be here for much longer?” I could feel him shake his head.
“The Itzy members need the practice room in about an hour.” I nodded.
“Want me to wait here till you’re done, or should I leave?” I could feel him squeeze my hand when I said the second part of my sentence, which made me smile softly. He’s adorable.
“Don’t go, you just got here.” My heart swelled at that comment. Chan and I hadn’t been able to see each other much for the past few weeks, due to him being busy with recording, producing, and practicing in general for the next comeback. Of course I didn’t blame him for it at all, and we still called and texted each other regularly in those weeks, but that is different from being with someone in real life.
“We can hang out after practice is done if you’ve got time.” I nodded, but then realized he couldn’t see me since his head was resting on my shoulder. Smart, Y/N.
“Sure, I’m free for the entire day.” He softly planted a kiss on my cheek, causing me to smile.
“Perfect.” He murmured and kissed my cheek again.
Our little moment was interrupted by various voices shouting “Ew”, making Chan and I turn around, to see the other members looking at us.
“Get a room or something, you two.” Lee Know said before making a gagging noise. Chan rolled his eyes, and the only thing I could do was look down as I could feel my face heating up. I knew everyone was just messing around and they didn’t mind, but it still felt a little embarrassing.
“My eyes! My poor eyes!” Han exclaimed dramatically as he covered his eyes with his hand. His little act didn’t keep up for long though, because he couldn’t help but giggle at his own antics as he put his hands down. I just shook my head.
“Oh wait, what’s that?” Chan asked. “You guys want your break to be cut short?” He smirked as he raised an eyebrow. The others immediately stopped.
“Oh wow look at that, I think I forgot my phone in the cafeteria! Let’s go I.N!” Han said as he pulled the youngest with him out of the practice room. I snorted at the sight, and Chan turned towards me. He shrugged while smiling at me innocently.
“Works every single time, even though I never mean it.” He giggles. I was about to respond when we heard another voice.
“Wait, what?” Lee Know asked, making me stifle a laugh. When Chan wasn’t able to respond, he smirked as he slowly walked towards the door, presumably to look for Han.
“Don’t.” Chan said while trying to keep a straight face, but failing. Before we knew it, Lee Know ran out of the door with Chan following behind him, causing me to shake my head. Children, they’re children I’m telling you.
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moshpitgamma · 6 months
Since this is a most wanted part 2 story let's finish it!!!!!
Floyd x Reader|| It Ends With Us pt. 2
Words:idk lost count😂😁
Warnings:mild cursing, angst to fluff
Other: It’s kinda proof ridden😅
"I guess we just wasn't meant for each other.
He hoped and prayed that you were just heated in the moment because he didn't want you to leave. Before he could grab you and confess and hold you like he once did, you gave him a hurt expression and left.
The walk to the royal pod where his brothers were at was the worst 15 minutes of his life. He couldn't erase the look of hurt and embarrassment from your eyes that he witnessed when John called you out by your name and your previous love life.
Once Floyd made it to the pod he hesitated, but knew his brothers were probably getting worried for him so he went on and knocked and was invited inside by Viva. His brothers, including the sisters, felt the vibe change in the atmosphere when Floyd walked in, so he was the center of attention for the friend group for the start of the night. "Are you alright bro?" JD asked Floyd as he saw the expressionless face Floyd carried as he looked into the abyss of nothingness. Floyd didn't answer but showed acknowledgement to his older brother's concern.
"I bet that good for nothing s/o is probably crying and practically rethinking their life choices for not going with you" JD said amusingly as the other boys gave him a chuckle and some a high five for taking up for Floyd. "You hurt them" Floyd said silently before looking up, making direct eye contact with JD. "No i took up for you and made sure they knew who they messed with" Jd said confused at Floyd's statement. Floyd only shook his head, asked to be excused, and left the room leaving the boys filling a little guilty and sympathetic.
He knew JD meant good. Right?
That's the only thing Floyd could think of as he left the pod to get some fresh air. He needed to cool his mind off so he went to one place he KNEW he could relax.
The hill he proposed to you on...
When he made it to the hill, he heard little sobs coming from the familiar spot. He went to peak and maybe comfort the crying person, but once he figured out who the mysterious crier was, he was shocked to find out that it was YOU crying. He didn't want to intrude, but when he heard his name get mentioned in you little cries, he couldnt help but go to you.
"Are you ok?" Floyd asked but soon was blushing a little from your founded state on the soft grassy floor. You didn't say anything back but turned away and invisibly pouted at him for finding you like this. A few moments have passed and the only thing that could be heard was mother nature, both of you breathing, and your little sobs. Floyd didn't know what he was getting himself into, but he sat down beside you and slowly hugged you until you calmed down. Once you were calm enough to face him, you turned around and looked at him. "I'm so sorry Floyd," was the only thing you could say while holding back your own tears. Floyd was surprised to hear your apology after everything his brother did to you. "But JD-" "No it's my fault and I should've never got cold feet and let fear of hurting you and our future together get the best of me." Floyd couldn't believe what he was hearing and was trying to not get emotional, but what you said next made him try not to choke on his sobs.
"Floyd you were the best boyfriend I could've ever had. You were sweet, funny, nice, handsome, and everything a dream lover could want. And I fucked that up and I know you won't forgive me and everything your brother said is true. I am a fucked-up s/o and I am just a bad person."
The silence was so loud but before you could get up to leave you were pulled into a deep kiss by none other than Floyd. "I always forgave you and I always missed you. Everything JD said wasn't true and he was just defending me. I don't care how scared you got when I proposed but I will always love you y/n and I will always think of you."
His words hit you like a train and all the emotions hit both of y'all. You couldn't think of anything else but him and only him. You kissed Floyd again and stood both of yall up. Before he could say anything, you grabbed his hand and asked him a very important question.
"Would you like to start over with me?" After you asked the question, you turned your head and was ready for rejection but heard some very familiar words.
"Of course. We are meant for each other, right?"
You couldn't do nothing but laugh "Right."
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The Keldabe Kiss
A/N: It’s no secret I actually despise February 14th (whether I’m single or not!) and so I fall back on my boys to help me through. Don’t ask, I’m complicated. This year the lucky guy is Tech 🥹 honestly my clone fixation has blown up recently and I’m not even sorry. (I use that tag a lot.) I wrote something simple for him.
Summary: Festival of Love has come to Ord Mantel (yes I fucked with the timeline.)
Warnings: none except this is based on a little universe I have going on in my head where the Bad Batch rescued a medic and nicknamed her Stitch. F!Reader (I can’t remember if I stipulated that in the fic so just covering my ass. If could be GN I honestly can’t remember.) Mention of children (Omega.) It’s kinda fluffy.
Word Count: 3.5k+
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You stood outside Cid’s parlour, watching some people put up flickering lights ready for tomorrow's Festival. You’d been so set on going, never having the opportunity to experience something like this before as you’d always been on the run or ‘avoiding the locals', your father had called it. These things were never fun alone though.
The wistful sigh couldn’t be contained but your sinking mood was lifted by the group coming toward you. Their armour was distinctive, marked with orange and grey, carrying their helmets as they eyed everyone with a healthy dose of suspicion. You knew where they were heading and you waited to side until they reached you.
“Ah, Stitch!” Wrecker grinned joyfully at you and barged past his brothers to grab you in a bear hug, lifting you clean off the ground.
“Wrecker!” You giggled, momentarily losing your balance after being swept off your feet. Hunter automatically reached out to steady you with a firm hand to your shoulder followed by the softening of his gaze. “Good mission?”
“Depends on what you’d define as good.” Hunter muttered and moved past you revealing Tech who made eye contact for a brief second.
“That bad?” You asked and fell into step beside the younger looking clone.
“Well no one was injured, so I think you’d class that as a successful mission. Cid, not so much.”
“Ah,” you understood perfectly. They left you at the bar with Omega and you glanced at her fallen face, wondering how you could cheer her up. “There is a festival tomorrow,” you told her.
“What sort of festival?”
“It’s a celebration of the best things in life. There’s going to be stalls selling special items, different food, they are putting decorations up and I heard, there might even be fireworks.”
“Fireworks??” Her brown eyes shone with wonder.
“Want to come with me?”
“Oh yes! Hunter, can I go with Stitch?” Omega swivelled on her stool and you looked up at the tired group as they all grabbed a drink.
“Go where?” He asked, his tone laced with doubt and you wondered if you should have offered at all.
“Oh it’s nothing…” you tried to gloss over it but once Omega got her teeth into something she didn’t let it drop.
“It’s not nothing! It sounds really cool! There might even be fireworks,” she parroted. “I want to go.”
“You’re talking about the festival, tomorrow?” Echo huffed as he slumped on the other side of you.
“The Festival of Love originated from Endor and has since been recognised in places like Naboo, Coruscant, Ord Mantell and other places. The Festival is to honour kinship and love. Traditions include exchanging gifts, eating meals and…dancing.” Tech lowered his datapad and glanced at the expressions on his brother’s faces.
Echo sighed and turned to look around the bar like he wasn’t even part of this conversation, Wrecker grumbled something about wanting to play dejarik and sidled off. Hunter’s shoulders slouched like he couldn’t think of anything more tedious while Tech had his nose in his datapad, probably scrolling through more facts.
“I don’t mind taking her,” you mumbled.
“You can’t take Omega on your own,” Hunter instantly said, causing Omega to cross her arms and sulk. “Plus we have another mission for Cid tomorrow.” He leaned closer to the little girl and you could see the regret etched on his tattooed face. “I’m sorry, Omega.”
“I never get to see anything fun!” She pushed away from the bar and stormed off to find Wrecker.
“Handled that well,” Echo muttered.
“You could have stepped in,” Hunter shot back hotly.
“May I suggest an alternative?” Tech appeared at your shoulder, taking Omega’s vacant seat.
“You’re going to anyway,” Echo snarked under his breath and you raised an eyebrow but Tech didn’t even notice the other clones' sour tone.
“If it’s Omega running off you’re worried about, I can watch her. I’ll make her wear a tracker.”
“Tech! You can’t put a tracker on a kid!” Hunter nearly spat out his drink in shock and stared incredulously at his brother.
“I can. I have before and she didn’t seem to mind.”
“Did she know?” You asked Tech gently, making him look up from his datapad as he thought about your question.
“Actually, no.”
“I don’t think she should go and it puts us at a disadvantage if Tech stays behind.”
“Not so,” Tech cut across Echo. “You don’t need my particular skill set for this mission.”
“He’s right,” Hunter agreed and Echo just rolled his eyes in response. A strained quiet settled over the group only broken by the sounds of the parlour and Tech’s tapping on his datapad. You clutched your drink, feeling bad that you’d not spoken to Hunter first, of course it was his decision if you took Omega or not. “All right, fine!” Hunter grumbled and then downed his drink. “Plant a tracker on her and do not let her take it off. Plant one on Stitch while you’re at it, we can’t afford to lose her either.”
“Gladly,” Tech blinked owlishly at his own response and his fingers stilled on the screen.
“Well! Now that’s settled I’m going to head back. I’ve had a long day.” You emptied your own cup and slipped off the stool, hoping no one would notice the silly smile you couldn’t suppress at the idea of Tech putting a tracker on you.
“Tech…” Hunter jerked his head in your direction and then went off to find Omega and no doubt tell her the good news about tomorrow.
“Of course.” To your surprise the datapad was put away and he stood, looking at you with an air of expectancy. “You were leaving?” He reminded you, a hint of uncertainty in his voice like he worried he’d missed something.
“You’re coming with me?” Tech swallowed and adjusted his specs as his honeyed brown eyes met yours for just a second.
“Hunter is worried about you walking back at this time. Crime activity has increased by 28 percent in this section and I believe it’s why he wants you and Omega to have an escort tomorrow.”
“Oh.” You stood there stupidly for a second, trying to gather your skittish thoughts. “It’s not necessary,” you eventually managed to say.
“I believe it is.” You couldn’t argue against that so you didn’t protest anymore and he followed you out. The street was almost empty, just a few people with their heads down as they went home. Tech kept a watchful eye, his hand never straying far from his DC-17s. He stayed about half a step behind you almost bumping into you when you stopped at your door.
“Well, we made it.”
“So it would seem. I have yet to check your residence.” You sputtered out a laugh but he only continued to stare at you as he waited for you to admit him.
“You’re serious. Ok, sorry about the mess.” The door opened and the lights came on automatically. You went to go in but he put out an arm to stop you, dropping the visor down over his specs and stalking into your apartment that also doubled as your treatment room.
Your droid woke up at the movement beeping out a greeting, coming forward a few steps before the power seemed to disappear completely from it and you huffed as it slouched lifelessly. Opening the front panel you stared completely clueless at the wires wishing you could afford to get the damn thing fixed.
“The charging ports might need replacing,” Tech announced his arrival from scouting out your place. “I could run a diagnostic if you like?”
“It’s late, you’ve barely been home.”
“Home is a state of mind.”
“Yeah…” he was right. You’d never had a place you could really call home. So home being a feeling rather than a place was the most accurate thing you’d heard in a long time.
“Another time then,” Tech said. “Your place is clear. I shall be back tomorrow with Omega.” He walked towards the door and you followed, desperately wanting to say something else but not sure what.
“Tech…” he turned at the sound of his name and you really tried hard not to gaze directly into his eyes, knowing that made him uncomfortable. “Be careful. On the way back.”
“Always,” he saluted you with two fingers before disappearing round the corner. You closed and locked your door letting out a frustrated sigh. Of all the clones to harbour secret feelings for…
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Your droid looked like a patient, laid out on the table with its wires hanging out as you tried to repair it, not wanting to put Tech out. He had better things to do than maintain your equipment. The door alarm sounded and you quickly smoothed down the material of your outfit, your heart fluttering a little at the idea of spending the whole day with Tech. And Omega.
The latter wrapped herself around you as soon as your door opened, her mouth instantly going as she spilled her excitement. You grinned at Tech and his tense expression, beckoning them inside. Omega went straight to your table, standing on a supply crate to have a proper look inside the droid.
“Did she sleep much?” You asked him noticing the way he clutched his datapad and glanced over at the mess your droid was in.
“She slept less than the normal amount,” he informed you matter of factly. “Echo was not amused.”
“Not a lot amuses him at the moment,” you replied dryly.
“Echo believes we should be doing more against the Empire rather than just hiding. He cannot help it.” You hated to admit Tech was right. He seemed completely unruffled by the conversation and you admired his utter acceptance of his brothers.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes!” Omega leapt down and hurried to the door. “Come on! We don’t want to miss anything!” She shouted and you smiled at Tech as he refrained from rolling his eyes.
“I’m not actually sure we can miss an all day event,” Tech called after her. “You forgot this.” You locked your door and turned to find him holding out a tracker on the palm of his hand, the light blinking innocently.
“I don’t think Hunter was serious about one for me,” you half laughed but Tech stayed standing in your way with his hand held out.
“He was. And so am I.” You took the tracker and slipped it into your pocket, Tech lifted his datapad and pressed a few buttons. “Perfect signal.” For some reason that made you so happy that you’d pleased him over something so simple.
“Are you guys coming?” Omega appeared around the corner eyeing you both just standing in your doorway. Tech brought up the rear as you reached for Omega and she clasped your hand eagerly.
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The festival wasn’t what you expected at all, it was so much better. The streets were lined with pink and red coloured streamers, all fluttering in the breeze. Bunting stretched from one side of the street to the other and the lights were flickering. You couldn’t wait to get the full effect of it when it was dark.
Omega danced from stall to stall, her excitement contagious and you found yourself caught up in her joy and zest for life. Tech trailed after you both, suffering the chatter, loud noises and heavy crowds. Keeping himself occupied by noting down new facts or recording anything he found remotely interesting.
You happened upon a stall run by a twi’lek, your stomach rumbling at the fresh meilooruns. You approached the stall noticing the usually orange fruit had a purple tinge to the rind. You’d never had this variant before but before you could ask for one Omega was tugging on your hand and dragging you to look at something else.
Soon even Omega was flagging, but her eyes were still wide from all the sights she’d experienced. Her bag was full of trinkets and she’d bought something for each of her brothers. You felt honoured that she had asked for your opinion, enjoying the feeling she instilled inside you. She really was something special.
As darkness fell you suggested getting a good view for the fireworks and began to head in the direction of the seating area when Tech stopped you.
“I have a better place where we can watch the fireworks, away from the crowds.”
“Is it far?” Omega asked, chasing it up with a yawn.
“It’s approximately 0.5 klicks from our current location,” Tech rattled off as he adjusted his specs, the light of the datapad reflected in them.
“I can make it,” she said cheerily but you heard the fatigue in her voice, especially if she had been up early hassling her older brothers.
Now Tech took point, leading you away from the streets where the festival was still in full swing. You wanted to question him but instead you decided to trust him. Tech had never let you down yet. Your interest peaked when he told you to climb an outside staircase. Omega went first with no hesitation, climbing to the top of the seemingly abandoned building and gasping loudly.
“Oh…wow.” You looked up at the sky, mesmerised by the amount of stars that dotted the black sky above you. Tech had led you to a place on the edge of town that wasn’t affected by the lights of the festival, giving you an incredible view of the stars and no doubt the fireworks when they started.
“I calculated the amount of noise and light pollution from the festival. From that I was able to survey an appropriate place where it was quiet and had uninterrupted views.”
“Tech…this is amazing!” You gushed.
“He checked it out last night,” Omega said slyly and Tech looked at her in shock. “What? I was awake when you snuck out. Now I know what you were doing.”
“Clearly I wasn’t as subtle as I thought,” he muttered, reaching to adjust his specs again.
“Oh look! Seats!” Omega dropped her bag and fell into one, turning to wave you over.
“Were these you as well?” You asked Tech quietly.
“The fireworks are supposed to last approximately 15 minutes. I had assumed that by being on your feet all day and chasing Omega, you’d want to rest.”
“You assumed correctly.” Omega had taken the middle seat, cuddling up into you when you settled beside her. Tech sat on the other end, his trusty datapad in his hand as he counted down to the fireworks; and they started exactly when he said they would.
The fireworks were the best moment of the day, filling the sky with glittery flashes that lit up the world all around you. Omega laid her head in your lap and you rested a hand on her side watching the display together. You revelled in the deep bangs that seemed to explode in your chest and the fizzling crackles that popped in your ears. You’d never seen something so eye-catching and you were sorely disappointed when they finished; just a plume of white smoke the only evidence that they had happened at all.
“She’s asleep.” You glanced down at Omega and sure enough her eyes were closed, even breaths passing through her slightly open lips as she lay completely relaxed in your lap. “You’re good with her.”
“You think so?” Biting your lower lip you glanced over at Tech to find him looking at you both with a strange expression on his face that he tried to hide.
“I know so. Due to her nature she is exceptionally accepting but she does seem to favour you.” Gently you swiped some blonde strands out of her peaceful face, regretful that you were going to have to wake her soon.
“I think she’s great and after everything she’s seen and been through…she still has this innocence about her. She’s a credit to you all.”
“I don’t see us having much influence over her,” Tech said and you scoffed at his words.
“She idolises every single one of you.”
“That’s nice to hear,” you turned to find Hunter, Echo and Wrecker coming from behind. Tech stood up and greeted his brothers. Wrecker reached down and plucked the sleeping child from your lap, cradling her in his massive arms.
“Look at her,” he whispered in his gravelly voice. “This is the quietest she’s been for days!”
“Don’t wake her then, Wrecker!” Echo hissed as they made their way carefully down the stairs.
“Was it worth it?” Hunter asked you and the smile that spread over your face told him everything he needed to know.
“Thanks for lending us Tech. He did actually put a tracker on me,” you told Hunter who let out a soft chuckle.
“Good. I’d be having words with him if he didn’t.”
“You know, I’m scrappy. I can look after myself.” Hunter fixed you with a knowing glare and it reminded you so much of Tech for a moment.
“It’s what we do. Anyway we need you, Stitch. More than we like to admit.”
“Medics are everywhere,” you told Hunter with a quick roll of your eyes.
“Not ones, as good as you.” The pair of you stopped and looked back at Tech who came to an abrupt halt. “Well,” he adjusted his specs and lifted his datapad. “Stitch has performed 107 successful repairs on all of us together, the most drastic being my broken femur from the failed mission on Serenno. Not to mention the blaster shot to your chest and Wrecker’s shoulder. Also her continual observation of Echo…” Hunter gave his brother a lopsided smile and clapped him firmly on the shoulder.
“Now you’ve listed her best accomplishments, you can walk her home.” He melted into the shadows suddenly leaving you and Tech alone in the dark.
“Do you know the best route? I’m still not familiar with this part of town,” you admitted shyly.
“It won’t take us long,” he reassured you. The walk was quiet, you weren’t sure what to say to him and your feet were beginning to ache something drastic. You followed Tech onto a street you were familiar with and fished around in your pockets for the tracker.
“I should give this back.”
“Keep it. I have plenty.” Tech said quickly. He glanced at you and then continued. “It’s a modified one, with a panic option that goes straight to my datapad. Should you ever need it.” Your fingers closed round the tracker, suddenly finding it the most precious thing you had.
All too soon your door loomed and the pair of you stood under the small light that flowed on the outside.
“I got you, something.” He watched curiously as you opened your bag and pulled out a small box, taking it gently when you offered it to him. “I hope it’s useful.” He opened the lid and revealed a brand new All-kit tool. The handle had a rubber grip, the alloy shiny from having never been used. At first Tech didn’t say anything, just reaching for the tool and you panicked, thinking you’d got something he really didn’t need. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know if you had one, I’ve never noticed you with one.”
“I don’t,” he interrupted. “I didn’t have one, until now.” He looked up to see the relieved smile cross your face and a small frown appeared on his own. “You shouldn’t be so worried, I am always in need of tools and this…” he pulled it from the box and with a flick began to cycle through the different heads. “It’s immediately my favourite,” he reassured you. “Which reminds me…” he put the box in his bag and extracted something that had you gasping a little. “I saw you looking at these but not actually buy one.” You took the purple fruit from his hand, trying not to over think the fact you both gave a gift during the Festival of Love. He probably didn’t realise the depth of the tradition and you were fine with that. Although out of the whole squad, he’d be the only one to know.
“Tech, thank you so much.” Emotion coloured your tone and you stepped closer to him. Gently resting a hand on his shoulder you made your intentions clear expecting him to pull away. When he didn’t you went ahead and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, breathing him in as you did. He lifted a hand to rest against your elbow, as though he was steadying you both. Your eyes were still closed as you pulled your lips into your mouth, reluctant to move away just yet. Tech’s quick breath fanned over your face as he pressed his forehead against yours. His fingers tightened on your arm and you both stood like that for a moment, just drinking in each other's closeness.
“Tech?” His com lit up with Hunter’s voice and you separated. Clearing your throat you backed up and allowed him to answer, telling Hunter he was all right and was just making his way back.
“Thanks, Tech.” You swallowed down the huskiness in your voice. “For today, for all of it. Get back safely, please.”
“Always,” he said, touching two fingers to his forehead and giving you the casual salute. “I’ll be back tomorrow to fix your droid.” He told you, walking backwards down the street, his gaze still fixed on you.
“I’ll be here,” you answered, leaning on your doorframe and watching him leave.
“I know.”
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forwoonnagi · 3 months
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A night to remember - Laufey and Beabadoobee PT2
Part 1✧.*
Pairing: woonhak x reader
Warnings: none,fluff, kyungmin - TWS (as your bff), Eunchae - LESSERAFIM (your other bff), Sunghoon - ENHYPEN (teacher),  true beauty mentioned (i was listening to starlight while writing that part HAHAH) 
Wc: 1,8k
“Swore I'd seen you before
Watched you walk through the door
Something in your eye
Reminded me of somebody I used to know”
“I just don't love you anymore.”
“If you miss him then why wont you tell him?” he asked me. “I can't. He likes someone else now.” “Oh..” 
“Did you hear that woonhak likes that new girl from section 3?”“Really?? Didnt y/n and woonhak date tho?”
“Yeah but woonhak didnt love her”
“He found her annoying”
“Wanna dance?We seem to be in the same situation” he asked me while reaching his hand towards me. “Sure” I said while giving him a small smile. 
“Then i walked away
You asked me to stay
Well,you're thinkin’ of what could've been
But you've become someone i've seen before”
I didn't expect to dance with some random guy in school who I just met 5 minutes ago. I even told him about woonhak, but i didn't even think about woonhak while dancing with him. I just felt..happy. The way he smiles when we make eye contact, The way he holds me while dancing. “Hey! Wanna go to the balcony? It's kinda loud here!” he asks me while mildly shouting. “Sure!”. Next thing I know I'm running and laughing. I didn't even notice that we were holding hands.
“Wow..” the view was so beautiful. The way the stars shined,how bright the moon was,how the wind blew his perfectly.. What.  “isn't it wonderful!” woonhak said while feeling the cold breeze. “Yeah..” What did I just feel? I can't fall for this random stranger. Or is he really a stranger..
“Yeah..” she said while looking at the sky. The way her eyes brightened up as if her eyes were the universe itself. She reminded me of her. The girl of my dreams,the love of my life,my first love, my Y/n. “Hey stop staring” she says with a small giggle after. I could listen to that giggle all day. 
Back to y/ns pov
We were there for like an hour just sitting on the floor talking about our lives. “I'm on the basketball team by the way, and like do you wanna watch our competition next week?..” ‘Its okay if you don't want to! I'm just telling you now and like you can text me if you're gonna go” he said while scratching the back of his neck with an awkward smile. “Sure! I can go, I don't have anything in my schedule next week "I said while giving him a sweet smile. I never felt so confident when I saw his ears turn into a light shade of pink while avoiding eye contact. “Oh, uhm, yeah uhm… do you wanna go back?” The way he sounded nervous made me want to just scream into a pillow. 
When we stood up I got a call from kyungmin. “Hello?” I answered with a whispering voice. “Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?? DID U GO HOME?” I can hear his panic through the phone. “I'll go back there, I'm just outside,wait for me.” I said while ending the call right after. “I'm guessing you have to go?” he asked me with a pout. “Yeah..my friend is finding me already” I said with the most awkward laugh right after. Someone push me off a roof please. The awkward silence was a sign for me to say goodbye and run back to Kyungmin before he calls the police. “Well uhm..See you next week i guess?.” I said while fixing my bag. I don't know what I ate that day cus i went up to him and kissed him on the cheeks. I ran downstairs right after not knowing what I just did and what his reaction was. Someone please push me off the roof right now. 
“Well uhm..See you next week i guess? That was all I can remember before she kissed me on the cheeks. I felt my face heating up,I couldn't process anything,I felt my stomach just explode. She kissed me on the cheeks. But no.. i cant..I love Y/n no matter what.But A part of me wished that it was y/n behind that mask..
Back to y/ns pov
“Where were you omg.. I was about to call the president to send a swat team to find you.” Kyungmin said while driving me back home. “That's too much kyungmin,” I said while laughing.”BUT FOR REAL.. WHERE WERE YOU” “i was at the balcony." I said while looking out the window. I wish I could find out who was behind that mask. “You were at the balcony all alone the entire night??” he said while giving me a confused look
 “Not really..”
“Chill kyungmin..Also we're already here, go home kyungmin.” I said while getting out of the car. “Thanks for bringing me to prom kyungmin” i ran inside the house while kyungmin drove away.
Next day.. 
“AGHH! I HATE MYSELF WHY DID I DO THAT??” I screamed into my pillow. “Why did i kiss him” i dont wanna go to school anymore. “Y/N! KYUNGMIN IS HERE "I hear my mom scream. Omg..it's already 7:50. I rushed down the stairs “KYUNGMIN,WAIT GIVE ME LIKE 5 MINUTES” I shouted to kyungmin from the front door. I can see his annoyed face. I changed into my uniform and did my hair. I ran downstairs,giving a small kiss on the cheek to my mom “BYE MOM,LOVE YOUU”
“You're late,again.” I heard Mr.Sunghoon tell me once I arrived at class. “Sorry sir!” I went to my seat trying to catch my breath after running up like 4 floors. “Did something happen to you during prom?” I hear Eunchae ask me with a smirk on her face. “No..” liar. “How about you?” I asked her while fixing my stuff. “Hmm, I guess you could say that I danced with my date”. “OH! Then we saw this couple on the balcony.. I wonder who it could be”. “Maybe it's Woonhak and that girl from section thre-''.``Ms. Eunchae, please stop talking to Ms.Y/n during my class. I'm sure that could wait till break.”  For the first time Mr.Sunghoon did something right thank goodness.  
“Did you hear that woonhak was seen going down the stairs from the balcony during prom?”
“Omg..i heard that a girl went down before him..what if it's that girl from section three?”
“I wish I was her instead..”
“As if..”
Woonhak? Going down the stairs from the balcony? No way..maybe he just looks like him.
“How did you know it was woonhak?”
“Some girls saw him take off his mask outside..”
“They said that he was red..like he was blushing or something”
What if it was woon-.”Y/NNNNN!” i hear kyungmin and eunchae scream while sitting down next to me. “U told me that u were with someone on the balcony” kyungmin says with a smirk on his face. “WHAT?? Y/N WHY DIDNT U TELL ME U WERE WITH SOMEONEE” “You said nothing happen during prom..” i can hear whispers around me after kyungmin mentioned that i was on the balcony during prom.
“Did you hear that? y/n was on the balcony..”
“She could be just lying..no way woonhak would go back with her..”
“That new girl is way better” 
“I heard that the new girl likes woonhak too”
I felt my heart shatter. Yup..no way it was woonhak who I was with on the balcony. Maybe it was all a dream. I wish it was. 
The next few days,rumors kept on happening like if i was the girl who woonhak was with,if woonhak and i were back together,that new girl and woonhak are together and more..everytime i walk through the hallways i feel people looking at me and i hear annoyingly loud whispers.
“Is it true that she was with woonhak?”
“No way woonhak would date her..”
“Maybe woonhak was dared to date her”
“How dare she even try to lie that she was with woonhak that night”
One day I was in class with kyungmin and eunchae. We were just arguing on who joo-kyung should have ended up with. “In my opinion she should've dated seojun '' I hear eunchae say while looking at me, giving me a sign to agree with her. “In my opinion seojun should date me instead” i say “YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY! DID WE WATCH THE SAME SHOW? I'm team suho till i die." Kyungmin says. While kyungmin defended his opinion about the couple, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a tall guy with black hair and blonde pieces at the back of his hair. It's Han Taesan. Another heartthrob,he's a senior so I only see him in the hallways or assemblies, I only had one interaction with him and it was during the time when me and woonhak were still a thing. 
“Hey y/n, woonhak told me to call you. He needs to talk to you.”
Woonhak? He needs to talk to me? This could go in different ways. He either kills me for “lying” or he would say that he misses me. Or he could tell me to transfer to a different school because he's too disgusted to even see my face in school.
“Oh.. okay”
“Meet him by the garden” 
Taesan walk away and i excuse myself from Kyungmin and eunchaes argument. I think they were too busy to even hear me.
When I arrived  at the garden, I saw him. Standing with his hands in his pockets, looking around. He was quiet until he turned around to see if I was there.
“Hey y/n”
I felt the palm of my hand sweating, I wish I didn't go anymore.
“Taesan told me that u wanted to talk to me” 
He sighed and pushed his hair back, He looked at me with..anger?disgust? Happiness? At this point I'm too scared to even know. I was prepared to get my heart shattered again..till he finally spoke.
“I miss you.” 
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authorforrosie · 1 year
Heyy 🥺 I think it's my first ever time uploading a request on this site and i am still kinda shy but i rly rly rly liked your latest work about SuA 😞💞 Literally made my heart flutter 👉👈 I wonder if you would be interested in writing some more Dreamcatcher fluff. Anything will work <3 Perhaps a scenario about Gahyeon doing something with you for the first time in the relationship
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Title: Gahyeon kissing you for the first time.
Pairing: Gahyeon x You. [GxG]
Warnings: None besides fluffiness
Words: 1043
Author Note: thank you sweet human for requesting! I feel very honored to know that you really really really liked my latest work with SuA.❣️
You've been dating Gahyeon since almost eight months. Sometimes you couldn't believe that you are dating such a cute innocent pure woman. Who has your whole heart. Even when you join her on a important event or award show she always stares at you with literally heart eyes.
Gahyeon is so in love with you and your whole personality. You think it's adorable when her cheeks flushed red in a blush after you asked for consent to touch her or hug her. Gahyeon found it absolutely adorable when you asked for consent to be physically affectionate with her.
Gahyeon was in the recording booth which you thought is very cute. Since the black headphones are bigger than her. You thought it's absolutely adorable the way she moved while she sang.
You sat down on the couch where her bandmates were sitting and chatting with each other about their upcoming album. Once they noticed you Dami didn't hesitate to involving you into their conversation. Since she promised Gahyeon when you started dating that she would always be there for you when Gahyeon couldn't.
„Are you excited for our upcoming album, Y/N...?" Asked JiU with curiousness in her voice.
All six of them glanced at you waiting for your reply. Handong and Yoohyeon pouted while glancing at you with hope and puppy eyes.
„Yes I am very excited for your upcoming album since you guys always have the best concepts. I can't wait to see the outfits and what your new concept means." Answered you with excitement in your voice. You definitely couldn't wait to see what their new album holds for secrets and meaning of concept.
The six bandmates of Gahyeon couldn't stop smiling when you mentioned your excitement for their upcoming album. You are very precious towards all of them.
„There is our cute humble human Gahyeon...!" Announced Yoohyeon with excitement in her voice.
Gahyeon grins when she walked into the music studio. She didn't hesitate to walk behind you. She wrapped her arms around your stomach from behind. She kissed your cheeks which flushed red in a blush.
„There is my beautiful and intelligent woman. I am so in love with you my baby girl..." whispered Gahyeon in your ear with admiration in her voice.
Your cheeks flushed red in a blush which Gahyeon and her bandmates definitely noticed. JiU nudged the others to give you and their very precious Gahyeon some privacy.
„We will take a break for a while. We will see you later. Enjoy your time together. Use protection." Announcement JiU with amusement in her voice.
„Unnie!!!!" Whined Gahyeon with embarrassment in her voice.
Everyone expect of Gahyeon giggled. You giggled and kissed her red flushed cheeks. She had an embarrassed expression on her face.
„Bye bye unnies see you later." Said Gahyeon with excitement in her voice. She pushed her unnies out of the door before closing the door. She locked the door and had a happy expression on her face.
She grins when she saw you pouting. You couldn't help yourself from missing physical contact with her. Which is longer than holding each other or kissing each other's cheeks.
„I missed you today my girl..." Confessed you with happiness in your voice. Gahyeon walked towards you and wrapped her arms around your waist. You wrapped your arms around her neck.
She didn't know what to say since she only felt like looking at your lips and back at your eyes. She wanted to kiss you passionately for the first time. She only didn't know how to ask you or how to ask if you are alright with the first kiss. You leaned closer and closer until she could feel your breath on her lips. Your breath smelled like peppermint. She could smell your cherry chapstick.
„I have to ask Y/N. Do you allow me to kiss you...?" Asked Gahyeon hesitated with care in her voice.
She had hope in her eyes when she looked at you like you are the only woman in the whole world for her. In that moment you knew that you wanted to kiss her and love her even more than you already do.
„Yes I do babe..." Answered you with desperation in your voice. You felt like you needed to know what her kisses taste like. You needed to feel her lips on yours.
She had a sparkle of happiness in her eyes and you felt her hands trembling when she put them on your cheeks to caressing them with her thumbs. Your cheeks flushed red in a blush just like her cheeks. She kissed your lips when your lips touched hers. You enjoyed the way her lips felt on yours.
You both had red flushed cheeks in a blush with a happily grin when Gahyeon pulled away from the kiss. It caused you to be pouting right away. You immediately missed feeling her lips on yours. She smirked when she saw you pouting. Gahyeon immediately kissed you passionately again since she couldn't take your pouting anymore.
You wrapped your arms around her neck to play with the baby hairs. She gasped when you pulled slightly on the baby hairs on her neck. Which caused you to smirk. You felt very happy around Gahyeon.
Four hours after arrived the rest of Gahyeon's bandmates to finish recording their parts. So that everyone can go home together without needing to wait a long time to finish everything.
Of course they didn't hesitate to be teasing you and Gahyeon most of the time. Which caused your and Gahyeon's cheeks to flush red in a blush. Her bandmates giggled when they saw your reaction.
„Y/N you are like a family for us. We absolutely appreciate you and love you no matter what happens. You and Gahyeon are very adorable together. I am so proud of you both and your relationship together. It's been very glowing." Confessed JiU the leader with happiness and seriousness in her voice.
JiU and SuA pulled you closer to dance with them randomly while Gahyeon, Yoohyeon, Dami and Siyeon sang together bombayah by Blackpink.
You definitely couldn't wait to marry her someday since you already know that she is the one. She is the love of your absolutely life.
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Cats Can Bear Rings, Right?
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Satan x GN! reader
Summary: You and Satan discuss some interesting ideas for the both of yours wedding.
AN: I had a busy week, so I didn't get a chance to write. But I'm back! And don't worry, I don't see Satan as just a huge cat guy. But the thought of this was kinda funny so here, take it. 👐🏻
TW: None
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“Okay, that’s the last of the invitations mailed out.” Letting himself into the study of your shared apartment, Satan came to stand behind you, watching as you browsed through the many pages of wedding decor. “Though I still think we should’ve excluded Lucifer from our guest list.” He added with a grumble. 
You giggled before spinning the chair around to face your now fiancé. “Well, think of it this way, with him at our wedding you can gloat all you want that you got married before him.” 
A wicked smile spread across Satan’s face. “You are devious, my dear. Why didn’t I think of that?” He chuckled. “What would I ever do without you?” Leaning down he softly placed a kiss on your temple. 
“You’d be alone with only the company of books. And a house full of cats.” You watched as he playfully rolled his eyes at your remark; his focus shifting to the computer screen just behind you. 
“So, what’s next in our planning?” Your mouth flattened into a straight line in thought as you swiveled back around to the desk. You grabbed the notebook that hadn’t been closed since the day after your engagement, and began to gloss over the long list of things you still needed to do. 
“Umm… next we need to figure out who the ring bearer is going to be.” You stated. Satan placed his hand on the arm of the chair, leaning over your shoulder to take a look at the notebook. You watched his emerald eyes scan the page. His eyes met yours shortly after, a softness reserved only for you swimming in their edges. 
“You’ve already gotten your wedding attire?” 
“Yes, that’s already been taken care of. Courtesy of Asmo asking every five seconds if he could tag along. And even when I said yes, he continued to call and message me about plans- giving his opinions on what designs and fabrics would be best. So, I got it done early to get him to leave me alone.” You let out a laugh at the memory. Satan added a chuckle of his own, reminded of Asmo’s ways.
The softness made an appearance across the demon’s features once more before he spoke again. “I can’t wait to see you when you walk down the aisle. I just know you’ll take my breath away.” 
A blush consumed your cheeks at Satan’s sweet words. He was too romantic for his own good. After successfully flustering you, Satan straightened himself as he brought the original subject back up. 
“Well, if you want my opinion on a ring bearer, I can’t think of anything more purrfect than having a cat escorting the rings to us-” Satan paused. “Even better, we can have two cats. One for each ring. Not a bad idea, right?” 
You looked at the blonde incredulously. He couldn’t be serious. What a terrible idea, not to mention the terrible pun he added as if it would help seal the deal. 
“Umm, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I was actually thinking of asking Luke to do it.” Now it was Satan’s turn to mirror the look you had previously given him. 
“So, no cats… But you’d rather have the chihuahua deliver the rings instead.” A light biting undertone wove itself through his words. You gently swatted his arm, huffing out a playful breath. 
“Be nice. I think Luke would be a wonderful ring bearer. We certainly wouldn’t have to worry about him running off with the rings like the cats might.” 
“Are you implying that the cats would steal the rings?” Satan’s hand made contact with his chest, almost offended at what he was hearing.
“No, but cats kinda do what they want when they want. I’m sure the cats would wander off somewhere with our rings. Dogs, however, are loyal and stay when asked. Luke probably wouldn’t let himself leave our eyesight as long as he was in possession of the rings.” You giggled at the thought of Luke following the two of you like a little, lost puppy. 
It wasn’t too far from the truth with the way he trails Simeon around. 
Satan guffawed. “I was only joking about the cat thing. I’m certainly not opposed to having Luke be our ring bearer. I think it’s a wonderful idea.” 
“Great! I think we should ask him in person. I’ll send him and Simeon a message and invite them to have lunch at our place.” You picked up your D.D.D that was sitting off to the side and began typing into The Angel’s group chat. 
Satan hummed in agreement. A few beats of silence passed before the demon spoke once more. 
“I do think we should incorporate cats into our wedding. It’d be a nice touch. Maybe we could have one cat per guest.” 
He could not be serious. 
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janeway-lover · 1 year
So, y'all remember like earlier this week when I said I was gonna write a blurb about Eric and Muriel and the bookshop burning?
Yeah, I finished that. Here ya go.
The thick black smoke rising into the air could be seen a mile away. A demon, when he forgets that he can teleport, can run a mile in about six minutes. And the combined stress of three demons can keep even the most dedicated humans away from an area.
Let’s connect these facts, shall we?
Eric saw the column of smoke rise into the air and froze. It was coming from the heart of Soho, from the bookshop. If being able to breathe had been important, he might’ve been in trouble, but thankfully, it wasn’t, and the fact that he hadn’t taken a single breath since he first saw the smoke was not a problem.
The soft *crack* of demons appearing beside him snaps Eric out of his trance. The two Erics who have appeared next to him are wearing matching looks of concern.
“What’s going on? What’s wrong?” The first Eric just points wordlessly to the smoke growing in the distance. All three of them swear in unison, in an ancient language long lost to human tongues. Then all three break into a run.
Six minutes later, they arrive at the flaming bookshop, which is already being swarmed by firemen and lookers-on. If all demons had a shared memory, they’d have been reminded of this exact thing happening merely a few years ago. But demons do not have such a thing, leaving Eric feeling rather out of his element. At least none of the firemen have approached them.
“Muriel! Muriel!” The three scream as they storm into the burning shop. There is the heavy scent of sulfur in the smoky air.
Hellfire. This was no accident; it was an attack. 
They split up, hoping to cover more ground. But the bookshop is not nearly so large as to require that, and several areas have become inaccessible due to the flames. All that happens is an echoing effect that sends chills down all three spines despite the heat.
“It’s no use! We can’t sense them!”
“They can’t - they can’t be dead! We have to find them!” 
The first sobs to be heard in the universe came from the demons as they Fell from Heaven. It is said that the cries shook the very foundations of the universe as their Mother’s love was torn from them.
Those same sobs rang out from the shop, and echoes of the cries rang through Hell as every Eric stopped what they were doing and tears streaked their faces.
“They’re not here! We have to get out!”
“Why! What’s the point?”
“Do you want to tell Dagon why we got discorporated in an angel’s burning bookshop?”
“What would she do, the hypocrite?” The archangel Micheal’s visits were a closely guarded secret, but no secret was safe when you had eyes everywhere.
“Muriel wouldn’t want us to burn too.” 
That worked, and the three of them got up from where they’d fallen to the floor in despair. As they exited the shop, a familiar presence appeared in the air. Eric looked up in unison and made eye contact with the angel he had been certain they had just lost.
“Eric! What’s going on? Why is the bookshop on fire?” They may have had more questions, but anything else they could’ve said was lost beneath the force of the hug that they were wrapped up in. 
“I thought you were dead,” one of the Erics volunteers as the three of them embrace Muriel. The other two are crying too hard to talk.
“I was in Heaven, I had to drop something off for the Supreme Archangel. What happened?” they asked again. 
“Someone attacked the bookshop, we saw it from a ways off and ran to get here. When I couldn’t sense you, I kinda assumed the worst.” 
“Hey, I’m alright,” they said, cupping his face with one hand while keeping the other arm wrapped around the Erics who were still crying. “I’m okay. You’re okay. Just breathe.” He nods and takes large breaths in an effort to quell his own tears. “What do you mean that someone attacked the shop? The fire could’ve been an accident.”
“It’s Hellfire.” Muriel stilled for a moment, but took a deep breath and went back to comforting Eric.
“I’m right here. They didn’t get me.”
“But they tried to! A demon tried to kill you!” 
“But they didn’t. Eric, look at me.” He wipes his eyes and looks into their eyes. “I am okay.”
“I know, it’s just…” he trails off, not willing to give voice to his fears. “I don’t want to lose you.” Muriel wraps the three demons in front of them in an even tighter hug.
“You won’t. I promise.”
“Step into my office.” Dagon’s voice is low and dangerous. Hastur steps into her office with a gulp.
“What’s going on?” He says with a snarl, but it comes out as more of a stutter.
“You want to explain to me why all of the Erics are sobbing?” 
At the sound of his name, Eric peeks around the corner. As the door to her office closes, he can see a pure white folder on Dagon’s desk.
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classicintp · 1 year
i wish i could prove this without violating someone's privacy and getting in trouble for it but one of my co-workers who is very.. uhh. let's just call him ignorant for now, changed his last name legally from his birth dad's last name to his step dad's last name because of family drama that is none of your business. His first name is super common and is shared with 2 other people here so we call all 3 of them by their last names and over the last 6 months while everyone was continuing to call him his birth name (because, look, honestly, it really is difficult to adjust to changing someone's name you've all but carved into stone in your mind and memory) I have gone on a pissing-people-off-by-correcting-them crusade. It was hard for me too, but I changed the habit, and so everyone else can too.
he doesn't even really care if others adjust to it, it was a personal issue and if everyone else continued to call him by his birth surname he said it wouldn't affect him because legally it's different and that's what matters to him, but to me names matter so I correct people and had all of his work credentials painstakingly changed even amongst opposition from higher ups. And it's not even strictly on the principle of contemporary transgender issues, names have always been very very important to me before I was even aware transgender people existed (i live in the southern us, not my fault), but I'll be god-damned if I didn't risk my job and health to bitch and complain DIRECTLY in favor transgender issues because of it. After over 6 months of making whole rooms uncomfortable with loud interruptions, hands slamming on tables, and direct eye contact correcting people from referring to this long time coworker from name 1 to name 2 and this same motherfucker tells me today he doesn't get why a transgender person (not the term he used) thinks they can "force" others to call them by a girl's name just because they think they're a girl (same for trans men and boy names but that wasn't his specific rhetoric)
just imagine this.. imagine someone saying something that is ignorant, not specifically hateful just.. they don't get it, they don't get it in a way that has unfairly bred hate and they don't see it. they feel uncomfortable and due to that discomfort they say this stupid thing and
everyone at the table just kinda stares at him quietly, almost confused I think; though he didn't make anyone change to using his new name, he has expressed appreciation to everyone that they had changed, and expressed appreciate to me for putting in the work to get his work credentials updated. He'd been working there for a decade, in the past he has expressed he felt respected.
i am probably the only progressive at the table, i think literally everyone else is a trump supporter, fox news loving, tucker carlson mentee and they all have endured my relentless lectures reminding them over and over to respect this man and his decision to change his name. they all see my effort swept under the rug by this utterly stupid comment because they want to agree with him, they really do, they hate "THE TRANS AGENDA" and YET they know they can't say anything because they have been made well aware by me for six mother-fucking months how this deadnaming issue has affected a cishet, how trans issues aren't actually some bogeyman agenda and how they affect everyone. They rolled their eyes and ribbed me about it but they still have such a slight modicum of respect for me because of the experiences they've shared with me on the job site and my absurd work ethic that for 15 full seconds they see it now, they see what the FUCK I've been talking about. 15 seconds is so short but when 24 people suddenly go quiet and look at you, it becomes an eternity, and he felt that weight, and he said "oh" and everyone said "uh huh" or an uncomfortable "haha" or some other such murmurring sound while I just kinda shook my head a little bit in the utmost frustration and i hope it made just a little bit more fucking sense to everyone.
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bee-dot-exe · 11 months
Surprise, I told you that I would post it and tag you eventually, @wolfboypunzo, hope this is what you had in mind!
Last Day Of Twitchcon
993 words
Bit of angst, it's a Dream Team but Sapnap focused hurt/comfort, so it has a sweet ending.
The second we were sure the streams had ended, the raids had gone through, and Discord was closed, the three of us headed for a more secluded area of the convention building to relax.
Before Dream and George left for the next panel. Which I wasn't invited to for whatever reason. But it's fine. I was so goddamn tired and didn't feel that great anyway.
None of us completely fell asleep, but we did let our minds and bodies relax for the next hour or so, and then we were backstage. Even though Dream has shown his face for a year now, it was still one of his first major outings, he had a right to be nervous. Of course, George and I took him through a couple grounding techniques and reassured him of his worth and impact.
Then Parker walked out.
Then Bad, Sylvee, Puffy, Dream, George, Sam, Hannah.
Then Bink, Spreen, Gia.
"I want us to take the time for the last little bit of the panel and say one nice thing about everyone else, say your favorite thing about the other people on these couches, end this with some feel good moments."
The longer they spent, the more my stomach felt a little bit like it was putting itself in a knot. It was really nice, and I was happy for everyone, they deserve it, they all deserve everything. I didn't wanna be out there.
By the end, everyone's eyes were a bit shiny, even George's, and everyone was backstage again. The ones who were on the panel stayed for some group pictures and conversed, when Dream walked over to me standing by the wall away from the crowd.
"All good, Sap?"
I nodded and lightly rubbed my eye with the back of my hand.
"Kinda tired. Kinda hungover."
He smiled sympathetically.
"Wanna head back to the hotel?"
I nodded again, so he got George, we said our see you later's, and left.
Almost as soon as we used the keycard to our room, we all made way to our designated sleeping spots.
"Been a long day, long couple days, actually."
I said while trying to sink as far into the bed as it would let me, Dream and George vehemently agreeing, maybe everything would be fine and I could forget what happened.
"You did such a good job out there, by the way. I know it was pretty nerve wracking. But you did it, and that meant a lot to the fans."
Maybe not.
"You did such a good job today, too, I know that's not easy, especially when it comes to like showing emotions, which I didn't expect."
Definitely not.
I listened to them talk about the panel for a few more minutes, before I turned my face into the pillow and exhaled heavily, apparently causing more of a disturbance than I intended, because Dream and George stopped talking.
"Hey, what's going on, does your head hurt that bad, Nick?"
Damn Dream and his big heart.
"It's fine, sorry."
"Don't worry, we can stop, want me to get you some water or something?"
George too? This wasn't fair.
"I said it's fine."
"I mean, clearly not, let me just---"
"My head isn't the problem, okay?"
I didn't mean to say that so loud. Or come off that way. Or say anything at all.
"I'm sorry, I'm just tired."
I put my head back on the pillow and tried to avoid making eye contact.
"Hey Nick?"
Guess not making eye contact wasn't an option.
"That's not all that's going on, is it?"
I shook my head slow enough for them to hopefully not notice, of course I wasn't that lucky, and they both started over the sit on the edge of my bed.
"The panel was really nice."
"It was really nice and I wasn't there."
"It was really nice and everyone was being really nice and you guys were saying really nice things about each other."
I looked up at that.
"Sapnap, one day I was this random kid playing Minecraft who met this other random kid playing Minecraft and the stars aligned just right or something and this kid said 'type 123 for Skype team' and that led me to one of my best friends.
And then you moved in and met Patches, and you let me do as much as I could without showing my face, which wasn't a lot, and you could've said 'no this is too much' or something, but you didn't, you stayed by my side the whole time through everything no matter what.
You have never not been by my side to encourage me or keep my anxiety at bay or stop putting up with the things I ask of you or put you through and I couldn't be more grateful to have you here."
The tears that had been pricking at the corners of my eyes after I raised my voice earlier were now small trails racing down and over my cheekbones as Dream finished speaking.
"You got on a plane the second you heard that I wasn't feeling the greatest emotionally even though it scares you.
You picked me up from the airport when I got to the US and were the person to greet me and help me start this new life with you and Dream.
You drive me crazy and I drive you crazy and we have fun and laugh and I can count on you for anything."
George. I think he was replaced by a clone or something. Cause he doesn't talk like this. And I was still crying. I didn't know what to say.
"Hey guys?"
"I wasn't lying when I said I was tired earlier."
"Come here, dumbass."
We all laughed, Dream hugged me and laid us down together, George following behind, so we could take a a nap, and continue to do this crazy journey called life with each other.
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thenasoneshots · 10 months
Blaine Oneshot - Love Story
Requested?: No (Please request…)
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Fluff/ kinda songfic
Reader's Relations: None
Warnings:  Mentions of Transphobia and bullying/there is that in this oneshot, if it makes you uncomfortable, don’t read this
Other notes: Reader is ftm trans in this, but the first part takes place before she reveals it to anyone, (M/n) means male name, for the majority of this oneshot, the reader will have he/him pronouns used. The reader also has dyslexia in this (It’s not a major plot point, but it’s mentioned a few times)
I took a deep breath as I pulled down the zipper of my jumper that had been concealing my ‘what I don’t like about myself’ (I don’t remember what they called it) t-shirt, revealing the word ‘gender’ with an ‘I’m trans’ in brackets underneath. The whole room went silent as the rest of the Glee Club stared at me, increasing my anxiety, “I-is something wrong? Did I miss-spell something?”
“No, you didn’t (Y/n). It’s just that’s not what any of us were expecting.”
I gulped, “O-oh… so, are you guys okay with it? I don’t feel right in my body.”
“Oh please, (Y/n). You’re just doing this to get attention.”
I looked up from my feet when I heard that come from Santana’s mouth, “W-what? Listen, I know you can be a bitch sometimes, but I’m not doing this for attention. I genuinely do not feel comfortable with my body, and if any of you respect my decisions, then you’ll call me (M/n) from now on,” I spoke, feeling the tears trying to escape my eyes as I turned around, zipping my jumper back up and leaving the choir room, before remembering and turning around, “And for the record, I thought Glee Club was a place where we could be ourselves, but I see that doesn’t apply to me. Mr Schuester, I’m leaving Glee Club.” That was the last thing I said before leaving the room properly, letting the tears fall now.
I made my way to a small secluded area of greenery on the school grounds that no one else seemed to know about as I never saw anyone else there, and sat down with my back against the tree I always did, curling up in a ball and sobbing my eyes out. Eventually, I calmed down a bit, and that’s when my conversation with my mother from a few weeks prior came into my head and I pulled out my phone, went onto her contact:
‘Remember that conversation we were having a few weeks ago? I’ve made my decision. I want to transfer.’
“(M/n)?! I know you’re here!” My ears perked up at the sound of my new name, and I realised that at least someone respected my decisions and smiled sadly when I looked up to see Kurt.
Instead of giving me a response, Kurt sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug, “Let it out, (M/n). You’re still fabulous to me, no matter how you choose to identify.”
“Thanks, Kurt. I’m glad I’ve got a friend in you.”
He just smiled at me and squeezed me in a tighter hug, but before he could say anything, my phone pinged. I opened it up and saw a message from my mother, “Glad you’ve made a decision. I will email now about your transfer, see you later.”
I sent a ‘see you later’ back and sighed, leaning into Kurt more, “I’m going to tell you something, and you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay? Of, if it does come up, then you have to say that you don’t know why, okay?”
Kurt nodded and I wiped my eyes, “I’m transferring.”
“Okay. Not what I was expecting you to say. Am I allowed to know where?”
I nodded, “Dalton Academy. Before you start saying it’s an all-boys school, my mum knows of my… change in gender, and when she does all my transfer stuff, my new name will be used, thank you again for not using my dead name.”
------------------------------KURT’S POV
“Okay. Sectionals are coming up and we need to decide what song we are going to sing. Any suggestions?”
“Mr Schuester, aren’t we missing someone?”
“Right. Unfortunately, due to your inability to accept (M/n)’s decisions, he’s transferred schools, so will not be joining us.”
“What? (Y/n) is going to be competing against us?!”
“And it’s your fault, Santana. You were the one that started all the hate off,” I decided to speak up, standing up and turning to the cheerleader.
“Excuse me, I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Lady Hummel,” she replied getting closer to me. I just raised an eyebrow, “Really? Does it look like I care? Because I don’t care whether you asked for my opinion, at least I can speak the truth, and that truth is that (M/n) has transferred to a different school because of all the hate he was getting from you.”
“If you know so much, where did she transfer to?”
“I am not allowed to reveal that information. I am indeed aware of where (M/n) transferred but I have been asked not to reveal it, and you should respect that.”
------------------------YOUR POV
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to bump into you!” I squeaked out, helping the black-haired male up after standing up myself, the two of us having fallen over.
“It’s alright. I should have been looki-Do I know you?”
“I don’t think so. I’m (M/n). I just transferred here so I’d be surprised if you did know me,” I replied, smiling.
“Oh right. I’m Blaine. Do you need help at all?”
I shook my head, “Not at the moment, but thank you for asking. I hope that offer is going to continue to stand.”
“Of course. If you ever need help, you can come to me.”
“Thank you,” I smiled.
“So, (M/n), truth or dare?”
I let out a small chuckle, “Truth.”
“What’s your orientation? Like what are you into?”
I just blinked in confusion, “Huh?”
“He means what’s your sexuality?”
“Oh. Well, it’s complicated. The best way to put it is that I’m into guys,” I replied, trying to hide my face.
“And why is that ‘complicated’?”
“That is confidential. You don’t need to know,” I responded, “If you’ve got a problem with the fact that I’d rather keep some of my personal life private, Sebastian, then you need to think again because it’s called a ‘PERSONAL’ life for a reason.”
“Are you nervous?”
“A little. Actually, that’s a lie. I’m completely freaking out. Look my nerves are all shot. This is my first competition performance since I transferred to Dalton, and I’m just scared I’m going to mess it up and-” I was cut off when Blaine grabbed my cheeks and kissed me. Before I could process it, he’d broken off and was apologising.
“There you two are! Positions, now. We’re on in a minute!”
Immediately, I moved away from Blaine, giving him a ‘we’ll talk about this later’ look as I dashed to the other side of the stage, making sure not to bump into anyone. I could feel myself shaking as I stood in the wings, waiting until it was time to go on stage.
“And now, please welcome to the stage, the Dalton Academy Warblers!”
I took one last deep breath, before walking on stage to the top of the set of ‘stairs’ (for lack of better word) on the stage, the rest of the Warblers taking their positions too, Blaine standing at the front of the stage. Soon it was time to start our performance, “We were both young when I first saw you. I close my eyes and the flashback starts. I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.” I sang, facing the front feeling the nerves leave my body once I’d started singing.
“See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns, see you make your way through the crowd and say "Hello",” Blaine sang as I made my way through the rest of the Warblers, walking down so that I was at the front too. We continued singing the song, thankfully me not forgetting any of my words or movements on the stage and soon we got to the ending, “Oh, oh-oh. I got tired of waiting,” I sung as Blaine and I were now standing not facing each other at the front of the stage.
“Wondering if you were ever coming around, my faith in you was fading when I met you on the outskirts of town and I said…” Blaine sang as I got out of the grip he’d previously had on me as I turned to face him, “‘Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you, but you never come. Is this in my head? I don't know what to think’. He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said.”
“‘Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone. I love you, and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress It's a love story, baby, just say yes.”
“Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh, oh.”
“'Cause we were both young when I first saw you,” I sang the final line looking Blaine directly in the eye. Once we were off stage, I released the breath I didn’t realise I was holding and wracked my hands through my short hair, trying to calm myself down. That’s when I felt a tap on the shoulder and I turned around to see Blaine standing there, an apologetic look on his face, “(M/n). I’m sorry about what happen-” I cut him off, “Don’t apologise. Just a question. What would you do if I asked you to kiss me again?”
His head shot up and he looked me directly in the eye, probably looking for any signs of hesitation. I waved a hand in front of his face, “Am I going to get an answer?”
“It depends, are you going to ask me to kiss you?”
I rolled my eyes, “Kiss me?”
Instead of a verbal response, Blaine just grabbed my upper arms and pulled me closer to him, kissing me, before breaking off, “There’s your answer. If you asked me to kiss you, I’d do it.”
I smiled, “That makes me happy to hear because I might just ask you to do it again,” I smirked, booping him on the nose, “And for the record, I like you romantically. I’m not just trying to get you to kiss me for the fun of it.”
---------------------------END OF ONESHOT
I’m just going to leave this here… I probably could add more, but ehh
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