#and we’d do four corners for all of them
steviescrystals · 4 months
being one of two liberals in a government class full of raging conservatives my senior year of high school was character development
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Imagine telling Luffy about why you don’t like Shanks…
“Why are you always so upset with Shanks?” Luffy wondered.
You brushed the young boys damp curls and twirled a finger around each strand to define the shape.
“He and I used to travel the seas, you know? We fought sea beasts and all kinds of pirates together.”
Luffy leaned forward. “Really? Was it cool?”
“Very cool and dangerous.” You reminded him with a small hair ruffle to set him back on the chair properly. “We were caught in an ambush and I was injured. Shanks brought me home, promising that we’d set off again after I was healed.”
Luffy grew excited. Maybe if Shanks came for you, he could also be taken along for the journey.
“Are you healed? Do you know when he’ll take you?” He asked.
You frowned and replied rather bitterly. “I was healed up over four years ago.”
Shanks had the audacity to pay a visit these last few months and spend time with Luffy while pretending like nothing had happened. It infuriated you and Luffy clearly caught wind of it.
There was a knock at the door. Your eyes darted up to see Makino standing there with a smile for Luffy.
“The ship has made port.” She told the boy.
Luffy jumped off the seat and ran for the exit. “Sorry Y/n, I have to go!”
You sighed at his speed hoping that he’d be careful on his way to the docks.
Makino looked at you while you put the chair away. “Are you coming as well?” She asked and when you didn’t reply she continued. “He’s been asking for you.”
You glanced over your shoulder. “Tell him I-”
“I’m not telling him you drowned again. You’ll have to face him one way or another.” Makino said and then left to resume her duties at the bar.
Honestly, you’d rather not seek out the pirate who abandoned you. Let him have his fun. Yes, you couldn’t avoid him forever but you could reduce the hours in his presence.
And so that’s what you set out to do, you walked wherever the straw hat wasn’t. If he was at Party’s Bar, you were at home. If he was at the docks, you were by the furthest windmill.
You last saw the red-haired pirate downing a bottle of booze at the bar with his little curly haired shadow on the chair beside him. While they were busy, you decided to rearrange the furniture in your home finally able to tend to things that had been long neglected thanks to Luffy always running in and out of trouble.
Fixated on stacking books by the corner of the front room, you missed the soft padding of footsteps coming to a halt by the open door.
“I heard you ‘drowned’.” A voice said, sending chills down your spine. “Imagine my surprise when Luffy told me that you did his hair this morning.”
Shanks mused at you as he stood by the threshold of your door.
Damn, when did he leave the bar? You rolled your eyes and then turned around to place a blanket into a wooden drawer near to where he stood.
“Odd.” You hummed. “I thought you would have welcomed a lie? Aren’t you filled with them or is that only when they’re directed at me?”
Shanks stepped into the room and took your hand to stop you from walking to the next task. He knew exactly what you were referring to. For months you both had avoided the topic by the way you dodged him but this was finally the opening he needed to clear the air.
“I never lied. I fully intended to come back here in three months. But each danger I faced, every terror that sailed into our path and all I could see was the risk of losing you.”
You scoffed at him. Captain Shanks of the Red-haired Pirates was scared? You were surprised his nose hadn’t grown.
Not wanting to talk further, you attempted to leave the house entirely when the man who stole your heart caught you once more.
“Hey,” Shanks took the reins and guided you to the wall, gently bracing you against it. He was tired of the anger of the anger in your eyes, only wanting you to see him like you once did. His hands settled in their rightful place on your waist.
“There are very few things that I am afraid of - but from that list, the fear of losing you is at the very top.”
As you stared in his warm eyes, you were reminded of a saying he often said aboard calmer seas and private moments.
Shanks gazed back at your face, the one he was deprived of seeing each day. He brought one hand to rest against your chest and raised your own to sit above his own. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours in a delicate kiss before pulling away gently.
“I’m not a selfish man by nature.” He whispered. “But for your life and your love, I can be.”
~ More imagines here ~
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kiingofeverything · 1 month
SWEETHEART - tangerine x f!reader
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SUMMARY: tangerine cares for you after you injure yourself on a mission
NOTE: my tangerine obsession is getting bad he’s literally all i can think about
the mission was simple. get in, get the briefcase and get out.
“where are you guys?” lemon asks, his voice travelling through the walkie talkie. you grab your walkie from the centre console and bring it to your lips while holding the button.
“we’re out front, like we discussed. once they arrive, we’ll head in shortly after.” you say, letting go of the button.
“okay,” lemon says and the line goes silent.
“did he think we’d move in the last two minutes since he checked on us last?” you ask rhetorically, chuckling and turning to look at tangerine who was in the drivers seat of the car.
“no fuckin’ idea,” he scoffs. “weird lad.” you nod in agreement, turning your head to look out the front windshield.
you see two black SUVS pull up on the gravel driveway, and 5 men get out of each car. one of the men is holding a black briefcase, which was what you needed for this mission to succeed.
“you ready?” tangerine asks, looking at you as you watch them walk into the warehouse.
“always.” you smile, getting out of the car and grabbing your gun.
with ease, the two of you make your way into the warehouse. it was open, a big open room. there were huge garage doors on the back wall that were open, that’s where lemon was.
there was a dark corner that you hid in, tangerine hiding in the one opposite you. in the middle of the warehouse, there was a table with a chair in front of it. there was a man in a suit sitting in the chair with a bunch of guards around him.
before you put on your game face, tangerine let this spot and quietly walked around to the back where lemon was.
the men from the SUVs stand in front of the table and one of the places the briefcase on the table. the man in the suit leans forward, opening it up and nodding.
you tuck your gun into your waistband and pull your jacket over it before taking a deep breath and wandering into the middle of the room mindlessly.
“uhm, excuse me?” you call out. the men turn to you, grabbing their guns and aiming them at you. “oh, god!” you fake scream and cover your head.
“who are you?!” the man in the suit yells, standing up from the seat and walking around it.
“my name is jocelyn!” you say, giving a fake name and pretending to be too scared to move. “i was just wondering if somebody could take me home! i’ve been walking around for hours and i don’t know where i am.”
slowly, you uncover your head and look at the men who were lowering their guns. in the shadows, you see lemon and tangerine coming up behind them. swiftly, they shoot four of the men in the head and the rest charge for them.
you pull out your gun, shooting the man in the suit and two of his guards.
you begin to run towards the table to grab the briefcase while the other guards were distracted with tangerine and lemon, but you trip, rolling your ankle and landing in your wrist.
you let out a quiet scream, laying on the floor for a moment before dragging yourself over to the table. with a sharp pain in your wrist and ankle, you reach up to the table and grab the case.
usually when you hurt yourself on a mission, you push through. it’s never that bad. but this was so painful that you needed to stay put and wait for help. you decide to lean against the table and do what you can from there.
you errr able to shoot a few of the guys, but you left the rest for the boys since they were doing pretty well for themselves.
a few minutes went by and everybody was down.
“you alright, sweetheart?” you hear tangerine ask as he walks up beside you. once he notices the tears in your eyes, he realises that you are in fact not alright. “what happened?” he asks as he bends down next to you.
“i fucking tripped and sprained my ankle or some shit,” you groan. “and my wrist, too.”
“do you think you need to go to the hospital?” lemon asks. “can you put pressure on it?”
“let me see. can you help me up, please?” you ask him. he nodded, taking the briefcase and handing it to lemon. he gives you hand and gently pulls you up.
“aw, fuck!” you cry in pain, leaning into tangerines side.
“you sure you don’t need the hospital?” tangerine asks as you put your arm over his shoulders for support.
“no, i just need to rest it, i think.” you say. “can we go home, please?” you whine in pain, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“of course we can, sweetheart. take the briefcase, lem.” tangerine tells his brother before carefully walking you to the car. he helps you in then closes the door behind you.
the drive on the way home was relatively quiet, you just rested your head on the window as tangerine drove.
when you got home, he parked the car in the garage and closed the garage door before exiting the car and jogging around the front of it.
he opens your door and takes your hand. “you ‘right?” he asks as he gently pulls you out the car.
“yeah,” you nod, holding your breath as a wave of pain shoots through your foot from the sudden pressure of standing up.
you limp through your house, groaning when you get to the staircase. without having to say anything, tangerine scoops you up and carries you towards your bedroom.
“thank you, baby.” you smile, kissing his cheek as he carries you effortlessly.
he places you on your bed where he begins taking off your shoes, trying his best not to hurt you. “little bit swollen.” he states, pointing at your ankle which was also turning a big purple from bruising. “how’s it feelin’, sweetheart?”
“fuckin’ painful,” you chuckle.
“how’s your wrist?” he asks, lifting your shirt over your head and replacing it with one of his.
“also, fuckin’ painful,” you say, making him laugh a bit. he continues changing your clothes before helping you get into bed. he places a pillow under your ankle to keep it elevated and he grabs an ice pack for your wrist.
the two of you snuggle up into your shared bed and watch a movie. it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep in tangerine’s arms. at least that eased the pain a little.
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surielstea · 6 months
Devotion | Drabble
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Rhysand x Fem!Reader
Summary: Rhys can’t help but admire his mate.
Warnings: none, just fluff!
1.2k words
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"You've got it on your nose," I wipe the frosting from my son's face as he stares blankly up at me.
I was in the middle of icing the cake for Asteria's birthday party, the four-year-old girl seated atop the counter as she watched me and her brother decorate the vanilla cake a lavender color.
"Mama, I want some on my nose too." The youngest whines and I smile at her. "This is for the cake my sweet, perhaps if there are leftovers we can." I hum, brushing her hair from her cheek. She nods, black hair bobbing with the movement.
I look down at the six-year-old boy who is about to dig his hands right into the bowl full of frosting. "Orion." I reprimand as I look down at him, his gaze snaps up to me with his brows at his hairline and a wide cheeky grin that was inherently his father's, knowing he's been caught in the act. "What'd I just say?" I look pointedly at him and he quickly clasps his hands behind his back, looking up at me innocently with all too good of posture.
I smile, grabbing the boy by his middle and hoisting him up onto the counter next to his sister.
“Mama, I want this one.” My youngest child held up a star-shaped piping tip, the metal held up to her eye as she squinted through it. I shake my head with a breathless laugh, taking the object and placing it into a long triangular bag.
"Okay, this is called a piping bag," I hand my son the item. "Can you hold it open while Asteria and I scoop the frosting in?" I ask and he nods dutifully, making it his mission to hold the bag as still as possible.
Asteria grabs a miniature spatula to match mine, helping me shovel the frosting down into the bag. I'd get most of the substance into the bag but she'd push it down, Orion straining as the bag grew heavier. "Good, you did perfect, both of you." I smile at them and they both look up at me with bright grins. I hand Orion the bag we just made after snipping off the corner, telling him how to hold it.
I give Asteria her own bag too, hers filled with a baby blue frosting. "Okay," I set the white cake in the middle of them with a delicate touch. "So it’ll go like this," I pick up my bag and begin to pipe a design around the bottom of the cake. "Don't squeeze too hard, and don't stay in one spot for too long, it’s simple." I pull away, showing both of the kids. They nod excitedly, tightly holding onto their bags. "Alright, go ahead," I say and their smiles widen.
Asteria takes her time, twisting her lips to the side as she does precisely what I showed her with a focus I admire, the four-year-old is already doing better than some of my culinary students on her first try. Orion, however, was just having fun, making big draping curtains down his side of the cake as well as stripes and polka dots everywhere.
I feel a familiar pair of eyes on me and my spine locks, head whipping over to the archway where my mate leans, staring at me.
The kids didn't notice him, I barely noticed him as he stood there and just admired me from a distance. A smile curled his lips as he watched our children be so excited to learn one of my passions, with utter devotion in his violet eyes while looking at me.
I smile and walk towards him, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"I love you," He hums, his hand coming to my waist as he looks down at me. I tilt my head at him, confused as to what prompted such words. He didn't offer an explanation, didn't have one. Just continued analyzing my every feature. I got nervous under his stare, even though we’d been together for decades now he still had butterflies soaring in my stomach, so I avoided his gaze and looked back to the kids.
“They’re getting so old.” I sigh, leaning my head on his chest. He presses a kiss to the crown of my head, both of us watching in silence as our children sneakily pipe a dollop of frosting onto their fingers before licking it clean off as if we weren’t watching. This cake definitely wouldn’t be served at Asteria’s party, now that I’ve seen just how unsanitary they were being— though I didn’t care about that, I’d happily make another cake if it meant they were enjoying themselves.
I look back to Rhys, his eyes coming down onto me with the utmost focus. Without saying a word, he leans down and presses a kiss to my lips, his other hand coming to my face as he pulls me closer. I rise onto my toes to lean into it, my chest pressing against his as he conveys every inch of his love into that kiss.
A smile spreads over my lips as I fall flat onto my feet and disconnect our lips, he backs away with one last peck. "You taste like sugar, sugar." He hums and I scrunch my nose at the cheesiness of his words. "Eww!" Orion boos at us and we both look at our children who have disgusted expressions. "I know, that pun wasn't my best work." Rhys sighs and I roll my eyes.
"I'm done," Our daughter holds out her messy piping bag, frosting running down the sides of her hands. I smile and rush towards her, grabbing the bag before it can drip onto the ground.
"Does mom really taste like sugar?” Orion asks his father, catching my attention. “I don’t know, I suppose I’ll have to find out.” My husband hums, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, barring me as he presses a kiss to my shoulder.
“What if I told you I’m made of sugar.” I let on, Asteria staring up at me like I just turned her world upside down. “Then I’d say you need to run because I’m the sugar monster.” Rhys’ hands tickle up my sides and I squeal as he tosses me over his shoulder with an ease I marveled at, running me into the living room as I hit my fists against his back. “Rhys!” I shout, the kids chasing after us.
“We have to save Mama!” Asteria rushed up to me, grabbing my hand as Orion took his father on, jumping onto him like a spider monkey, attempting to tackle him to the floor.
“Put me down!” I shout at my mate, he carries me over to the couch before flipping me down onto the sofa’s cushions. The children come to my side, asking if I’m okay, guarding me from Rhys.
The High Lord easily sweeps both the children up into his arms, their bodies hanging halfway down his shoulders, causing them to yell and kick their feet in protest. Rhys leans down and pecks me on the lips with a wide smile. “I love you too, by the way,” I confess as he pulls back, the children still on his shoulders attempting to take down their father but to no avail. “I know.” He winks.
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ofstoriesandstardust · 2 months
can't take the home out of oklahoma - ii. (k.c.)
a/n: we're soooo back! this is filled with banter and found family and all the sweet angst! also, it's come to my attention through a third rewatch that i've actually been wrong the whole time and kate's last name is in fact carter. if you catch any of my slip-ups, whoopsies! thank you to @cottagecori for letting me ramble about this one the phone for hours and to @sometimesanalice for listening to all the personal lore. i actually ended up having part iii written before i start part ii but now i think it needs a rewrite so that should be up in a few days. comments and reblog are always appreciated!
part i.
summary: You and Kate build a friendship until you stand on the precipice of something more.
warnings: swearing, alcohol, tornadoes, concussions, angst, kissing, scott is actually the villain
word count: 10.7k
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Kate pushes the barn door open, a piece of toast in her other hand. 
You’ve got another cup of coffee in hand as you follow Kate inside. She stops as you take the place in. 
“This is where the magic happens?” You ask, taking it all in. The model town, the polymer tucked up at the top, extra equipment for the truck strewn about through the place. 
“Just about.” She answers. 
She hangs by the door, as you walk around, taking it all in. 
Towards the back, where some of Kate’s papers sit, are photos. There’s some of the Wranglers, some of her Mom. Others of her and Tyler, some with her and Javi. 
You nudge one of them aside, looking at one of the pictures tucked in the very corner. 
It’s a picture of an obviously much younger Kate and Javi with three others you don’t recognize. 
You think you should maybe be surprised that it’s clear Javi and Kate go back so far but in thinking about what you’ve seen from them, it feels like the signs were always there. 
There’s a comfortable ease they have with each other that can only come with so much time of knowing someone, the same one Boone has with Tyler. 
“You know, I owe Javi a lot.” Kate comments, coming to stand next to you.
She nods. “Without him, there wouldn’t be all of this. He brought Tyler and I together in a way. If he’d never convinced me to come back to Oklahoma-“ She breaks off, shrugging. 
“I get what you mean.” You say softly. 
“He’s my best friend. We’d do anything for each other I think. No matter how far apart we go, he’ll always be there. He’ll always be in my orbit.” 
“You guys complement each other in a lot of ways.” You say softly and she nods. 
It’s quiet again as you think of the conversation you’d caught on the stairs last night. 
Javi, telling Kate she should give you another chance. 
Kate, saying she doesn’t want to get hurt again.
You want to ask about these three people you don’t recognize but you know well enough that Kate probably wouldn’t tell you, would probably get annoyed at you for not having the wherewithal to not ask. 
A knock against the wooden door of the barn pulls both your attention. It’s Javi, standing tentatively at the doors. 
“Owens says we’re gonna leave in about an hour, so to be ready by then.” You nod, going to step away and Kate gestures her head, beckoning Javi in. 
You wait as Javi walks over. “Just showing her all the grant stuff.” Kate says, gesturing to the messy table next to you. There’s a white board hung on the wall, grant and sponsor deadlines in a sprawling handwriting that screams Boone. 
“That’s right, we’ve got the deadline for the proposal to talk to the governor and the senators this Friday.” Javi says, picking up a binder. “Good thing California’s got the experience writing proposals.”
“Really?” Kate asks. 
You shrug. “Nothing too impressive, just research proposals. I haven’t written many as I’ve read them — comes with the territory of working in a Writing Center for four years.” 
“The hell’s a Writing Center?” Javi asks, flipping through the binders, presumably to figure out what they should take on the road with them. 
“Place to help students with their writing on college campuses. I spent two years one in my undergrad and then both years of my Masters.”
“You’ve got a Masters?” Kate asks. 
“Yeah but not in anything useful.” You say with a shrug. 
Kate clicks her tongue. “That’s okay. I don’t even think Javi knows how to spell the word conference, so we could use all the help we can get.” 
“Hey now!” Javi defends, snapping the binder shut. “I was in the same PhD program as you!” 
“Agh!” Kate shouts. 
You shut the door, hand flying up to cover your eyes. 
“Sorry!” You shout. “I thought you were still in the bathroom!”
You cringe, thinking of the scar running down’s Kate thigh you gotten sight of. You think of the picture tucked into the corner of the barn, the one with three people not around. 
Kate opens the door and you spin around. She rubs her cheeks, a dusty pink covering them. “Sorry.” She says. “You just scared me.” 
You shrug. “No, it was my fault.” 
You two both stand there like in the doorway, awkwardly looking at each other until you hear heavy footsteps. You both look down to see Tyler standing at the bottom of the staircase, hands on his hips. “We’re waiting on the both of you.” He says matter-of-factly. “Hurry up. I’ll leave you here.”
He turns on his heel and you can hear the front door shut behind him. 
“He will.” Kate says. “Leave us here. So we should probably-“ 
You nod, ducking into Kate’s room to grab your bag. She waits for you and then you both walk down the stairs, Kate shouting goodbye to her Mom as she does. Cathy meets her daughter at the door and you slip out, trying to not let your heart twinge at the sight of the obvious love and care Cathy has for Kate. 
Tyler tells you you’ll be riding with Lilly and you nod, climbing into the passenger seat of her van as Lilly whoops, shouting something to Javi about finally not having hot cheeto dust all over her radio and dashboard. 
Kate leaves the house a few minutes later and your eyes meet through the windshield. She gives you a tight smile and a small wave before climbing into the passenger seat of Tyler’s truck. 
“You okay?” Lilly asks and you startle, not having realized she had opened the door. 
“Fine.” You respond. She studies you for a minute before turning the key. 
“Let’s go chase some twisters then baby!”
You shoot up with a gasp, feeling the sweat drip down your back as your breath comes out in short pants. Tears sting at your eyes as you take in the darkened space. 
The Oklahoma rose nightlight sits in the corner, the grey cotton sheets beneath you familiar. 
Okay. Okay. You were in Kate’s room. You were okay. You were safe here. 
You press your palms into your eyes, trying to push back the tears as someone shifts next to you on the bed. 
“Are you okay?” She asks softly and you have to bite back a whimper at the humiliating knowledge that you’d gone and woken her up. 
“Fine.” You say, pulling your hands away from your eyes. She reaches over to her side of the bed, flicking her lamp on. “You don’t have to do that.” You say quietly. “I’m sorry for waking you. You can go back to sleep.” 
Kate shakes her head but doesn’t say anything as she moves to have her back be supported by her headboard. Finally, you sigh, moving to match her position as she waits. 
“You know, I used to get them all the time too.” She says, her twang a bit more prominent at this point of night. “The nightmares.”
“How do you deal with them?” You ask quietly, chancing a glance at her. 
She sighs, shaking her head. “I don’t know that I used to deal with them per se. When I first moved to New York after it happened, I used to stay up for days at a time until I was so tired I wouldn’t dream. Some nights I’d have to spend hours reminding myself what was and wasn’t real. They’ve only gotten better since I’ve started to deal with what happened head on.”
You want to ask her what it is exactly that happened, an incident everyone but you seems to know, but you can’t bring yourself to dare to ask. She must know the questions you have though because she keeps talking. 
“I see you look at that picture of them.” She says quietly. “The one in the barn. I’ve been waiting for you to ask.” 
“I didn’t think I should.” You say quietly. 
“Well, I don’t think I’ve ever made it clear you could.” She responds. “They were friends of Javi and I’s. That photo in there, it’s the last photo we ever took together. We were storm chasing that day; they were helping me with my dream.” She lets out a shaky breath. “The storm we ended up in was an EF-5, not the EF-1 we had been hoping for. We tried to hide under an overpass. Praveen was taken first, he never made it. Addy and I were trying to climb up when I got cut.” You think of the scar down Kate’s thigh, the one you’d only seen that one time on accident. “Addy got hit by debris right after. My boyfriend at the time, Jeb, he helped me get up, to cling to the metal piping. He was holding on to me until he wasn’t.” She swallows. “For years, I’d see them in my dreams. I’d wake up think Jeb was telling me we were going to be okay, that Addy was chasing one more storm with me, that Praveen was still there with his cautious concern. For years, I thought it was my fault.” 
“Kate, I’m so sorry.” You whisper. “I couldn’t- I couldn’t even imagine.” 
You think of Texas, of the horrors you’d seen there. And yet it almost can’t compare to the loss Kate’s lived through. 
“It’s why I’m glad you’re joining Javi and I in DC next month.” 
“How do you mean?”
She wraps her arms around herself, a tear trickling down her cheek. You resist the urge to reach out and wipe it off her face. 
“Praveen’s parents told me after the funeral that they could never be angry with me for what happened; that they knew their son had died doing what he loved. Praveen had gotten struck by lightening a few weeks before and I don’t know, I think they knew that those were the risks he was taking after he decided to keep going back out. Addy’s parents blamed me though. Said that I encouraged her recklessness, that Addy would’ve been safe if it hadn’t been for me.” She swallows. “But Jeb’s parents- they’ve got money, the degrees in science. They’re pretty prominent in the meteorology community but they’re not storm chasers in any form of the term. They didn’t just blame me for Jeb’s death, they blamed Javi.” Another tear drips down her face. “Javi never even got close to the storm. Jeb was dating me; he’s the one followed me into the storm. He never would’ve been there if it hadn’t been for me. But they put that stain on Javi’s name too, it’s why Javi had to fight so hard to get StormPar together, it’s why he had to bring Scott on. I’m terrified it’s gonna affect what we’re trying to do here too.” 
This time, you finally reach out for Kate. You take her hand, squeezing it. “Kate, you’re testing the unprecedented out here and it’s working. You’ve got the support of all the Wranglers, all their supporters. You’ve got this. You and Javi and Tyler - you guys are going to change the game, I’m sure of it. It doesn’t matter what they say, I see it every time you guys go out into the field and cause a storm to collapse. You’re going to change the world, I just know it.” 
She gives you a watery smile as you bite back the you don’t need me for that. 
“I hope DC is going to be good.”
“It’s going to be great.” 
She sniffs, taking her free hand to wipe at the nose. “Anyways, I didn’t mean to make it about me.”
“No, you didn’t-“
She cuts you off. “Just that if you ever want to share that stuff that’s haunting you, the stuff that keeps you up at night, I’d listen.” 
“You guys, I thought we had a no work at the dinner table rule.” Dani says. 
She shrugs, crowding over your phone with Javi. “Technically foods not here, so it’s not dinner time.” 
You’re inside with her Mom and Tyler and Dexter, getting ready to bring out all the food for dinner. Javi chuckles as they scroll through the outline you’d drawn up earlier in the day.  
Suddenly, your phone starts ringing with a call and her and Javi shoot back like they’ve been burned. 
She doesn’t recognize the name on your phone, but she knows you haven’t spoken of the life you’d left behind nor talked to anyone from that past. 
“What do we do?” She hisses.
“Kate, just decline it.” Lilly says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
It probably is, but it doesn’t save her from pressing the wrong button and answering the call. 
Her hands fly up to her mouth, looking around the table as they all fall silent. 
Hello? Hello? Are you there? 
She can hear a man say and she glances at Javi, wide-eyed, unsure of what to do. 
Sweetheart, can you hear me? Are you there? 
Javi’s hand darts out and ends the call. 
It feels like the table lets out a collective sigh of relief when the phone starts ringing again. 
Lilly reaches around Dani this time and ends the call. Javi picks up your phone again, going back to reading the outline. 
“Kate man, you’ve got all those fancy degrees and you’re telling me you don’t know how to decline a phone call?” Boone crows from the end of the table. 
“The question should really be are we going to say anything to her.” Dani says with a smirk on her face. 
“Oh please don’t.” She groans, letting her head fall into her palm. 
“Oh fuck.” Javi mutters from next to her and she steals a glance at the phone. “Kate can’t decline a call but apparently I can’t swipe away a voicemail notification either.” 
Out of her peripheral vision, she thinks Dani’s eyes flicker up over her head. 
“Hey guys, this feels like a real invasion of her privacy.” Lilly says and she’s right. Her Mom would wring her neck if she knew what her and Javi were reading right now but it’s like a bad car wreck they can’t look away from as the voicemail transcribes itself. 
“Hey guys, she’s coming back, I’d put it away.” Boone says, shifting closer to take the phone. 
“Okay, yeah, like put it away right now.” Dani says, scooping the phone up but it doesn’t make her forget what she’s seen and she knows Javi won’t either as they share an uneasy glance. “Here.” Dani says, offering you your phone as you slide the platter down in front of her and Javi. 
She swallows, chancing a glance at you as your confusion about the obvious fuss over the phone turns into a hard look, sliding the phone into your back pocket. 
You’re quiet through most of dinner as her and Javi keep looking at each other, both unable to participate in the conversation either. 
Hey, sweetheart, it’s me. It sounded like you picked up there for a minute but maybe it’s a fluke, I don’t know. 
I miss you, darling. I miss you so much. The last six weeks have been so hard without you and I just hope that you’re safe wherever it is you’ve gone. Your sister still calls me sometimes to ask where you’ve gone and I still listen to your favorite music hoping it’ll make you be there. 
I know you’ve said we’re done, that you didn’t want to be with me anymore, but if you ever want to come home, please let me know. I still love you baby, I always will you. You can come home whenever you’re ready.
“Man, California, what’s all this? It’s like an art project.” 
You look up at Javi from where you’re cutting out paper. 
“I’m getting the questions for tomorrow’s video ready.” You smack Javi’s hand that’s reaching out for the pile that has Boone’s name on it. “Stop it - you don’t get an advantage.” 
Javi hisses, retracting his hand as he glances at the kitchen. “And the cookies?” 
“I got drunk and made cookies. Kate’s Mom said I could.” You pause, looking up at him. “Well, the getting drunk was all me. But Cathy did say I could make cookies.” 
Javi chuckles. “Okay California, so what I’m hearing is I’ve got to catch up to you?” He asks, pulling another beer from the fridge. 
You shrug. “Sure, but you’ve got to help me pull the cookies out to cool.” 
He nods, sitting across from you at the table as he takes a draw from his beer. “So California, I gotta ask-“ You groan. “That voicemail.”
You sigh before reaching out for your own drink (a strong dirty Shirley Temple, Boone had teased you as you’d made them for you and Dani) and taking a long sip. “My ex.” 
“Sounded like you broke his heart.” 
“I probably did.” 
You sigh again, looking over at your phone that had all the questions written down on it, the Sharpie squeaking against the cardstock you’d found shoved into one of the closets. 
“It just wasn’t working. The relationship wasn’t right anymore. It probably hadn’t been right for a while, maybe ever, but I wanted to make it work.” Javi waits for more information and you sigh, capping the pen. “He was in the Navy and-“
“C’mon California, don’t you know better than to date a military man? Coming from a former military man.”
You raise an eyebrow. “You? Actually, yeah, that tracks.” 
Javi chokes. “The fuck does that mean?” He says hotly but there’s no real malice behind his words, a wide grin on his face. 
You give an unimpressed look. “Do you really need me to explain it?” 
Javi laughs, shaking his head. “Nah, I get it.” 
You nod, uncapping the Sharpie again as you start on Kate’s questions. “Anyways, he was also eight years older than me.” 
Javi makes a noise through a laugh. “Hoohoo, so you mean to tell me you were the scandalously younger girlfriend?” 
“I wouldn’t say it was scandalous. I was 22 when we met.” 
“Making him 30. That’s pretty scandalous to me.” 
“We only went on two dates and then decided to be friends so by the time we did date I was almost 24 and he 32.”
“That’s still pretty scandalous.” 
You snort, setting Kate’s questions aside. “Yeah, well, my friends would agree with you there but honestly it never really phased me.” 
Javi takes another draw of his beer. “Yeah, cause you were being groomed.” 
The deathly look you give Javi sends him into a fit of laughter. 
“I was not!”
“What are you guys doing?” 
You look over at Kate and Tyler from where you’re laughing at the meme Javi’s showing you. You swallow the rest of your laughter, sliding off the kitchen counter like you’d been caught. 
“California and I got drunk. We’re bonding.” 
Tyler looks unimpressed as Kate steps into the kitchen, surveying the cookies. “Can I have one?” You nod. 
“Damn California.” Tyler whistles when he sees the amount of cookies sitting in Kate’s kitchen.
You give a nervous laugh, scrubbing your forehead with your wrist. “Yeah, I know. Its my Dad’s recipe — I always forget how much the recipe makes and I even halved it.” 
“So you disappeared from the barn to drunkenly make cookies?” Kate asks, not to you, but to Javi, and your face falls. 
Right, Javi had been in the barn with Dexter and Kate and Tyler to talk science stuff. You couldn’t find your place in the conversation with Boone and Lilly and Dani as they had s’mores, so you’d come inside to make cookies. 
Javi shrugs, a lopsided grin on his face as the alcohol paints his cheeks a rosy red. “Just trying to get to know our new team member, s’all.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to distract him.” 
Kate shrugs as she takes another bite. “Not like it’s hard.” She swallows. “He’s like a toddler — he gets distracted by food and shiny things.” 
“Hey now!” Javi says as you hear the front door open again. “Nah, California here was just telling me about her scandalous-“ Javi pauses as Boone and Lilly come through the kitchen, Dani behind them as they wait for him to finish his sentence. He must see something on your face cause he softens. “Nah California, that’ll just be between us.” 
You give him a tight smile before turning to Tyler as the newcomers realize there’s cookies. “Owens, what time are we leaving tomorrow?” 
“1. And we need to film that video for the YouTube channel, which is what I’m guessing this all is.” 
You nod as he gestures to the table with the stack of questions on it. 
“I hope Tyler loses again.” Lilly says and Tyler gives her a face in return. The group laughs at him, presumably thinking about after he had lost the game of Twisters last week, he’d had to feed Kate’s angry rooster Mr. Biscuits, who Tyler had, up until that point, thought was a dog.
“Hell no, I’m not doing that again.”
“Um,” You say as you pull the sleeves of your (Javi’s, though he doesn’t seem like he’s going to ask for it back at this point) pullover down your arms. “Can someone make sure the cookies get wrapped up? I think I’m gonna head to bed for the night.” 
“Wait, but we were gonna watch a movie!” Dani protests. 
You shrug. “Tired.” 
It’s a weak excuse as the energy shifts in the kitchen. 
Kate clears her throat. “I can. Make sure the cookies get put away.” 
You give Kate a small smile. “Thanks Kate.” 
“No problem.” 
You turn to leave the room, various calls of goodnight following you as you walk up towards the stairs. You sigh when you reach Kate’s room, shutting the door behind you. The sleeping bag you’d gotten had migrated its way inside as you always ended up falling asleep on Kate’s floor. 
She’d offered to share the bed again more times than you could count but ever since you’d awoken her from your nightmare, you’d elected to sleep on the floor in hopes to ride them out alone. 
You all but flop onto the floor, feeling your body protest as you do. As much as you dismissed the uncomfortable sleeping conditions to the group and especially to Kate, your body protested more than anything after sleeping on the wooden floors of Kate’s house. 
Your phone dings and your stomach drops as you look down at it.
Hope you’re safe wherever you are.
You swallow around a scream, seeing Jake’s name on your screen. Your fingers begin flying across your screen without your permission.
Jake gets blocked first, then Javy. Natasha and Bradley. Pete and Bob and Sophie, Elle and Sam following. Mickey and Julia and Reuben. 
Before you can even realize it, most of the people you knew who were wondering where you were now had been blocked. Maybe you should’ve done it before now, seeing as how desperate you were to leave those memories in Texas where they belonged. 
Angry tears sting at your eyes as you resist to throw your phone, deleting photos en masse. 
As you hear laughter from down the stairs, an ache settles in to your bones. 
Six weeks gone and it still sort of felt like you were always standing at the edge of this group, never quite able to find your place. They seemed to like you more now, Kate especially, but it still felt like the bonds they’ve woven together in the last year would always put you on the outs. 
A lot of the time it still felt like you’d never really run from the memories of Texas, your past life left behind. 
Kate says your name softly. “Are you awake?” 
You shift in the sleeping bag, turning to face her. “Kate?”
“I’m sorry.” She whispers. “Seeing that voicemail- that was wrong of us. We didn’t mean to.” 
You shrug, though you doubt she can see it. “Not your fault.” 
“I know you don’t want to talk about why you left but I- it sounded like he really cared about you.” 
“Caring about me doesn’t mean our relationship was right. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t unhappy for a while before I left.” 
Kate sighs. “I get what you mean. It just sounded like he really missed you.” 
You swallow, turning back over. “Yeah.” 
“I get that we can’t make you stay.” She whispers. “But I understand how someone could miss you that much. I think I’d miss you that much if you left.” 
Your tears are resurfacing but you can’t bring yourself to respond to Kate’s words. 
After a few minutes, when it becomes clear you’re not going to respond, Kate bids you a quiet goodnight and rolls back over. 
I think I’d miss you that much if you left. 
“Now, you might be wondering where our fearless leader Kate is today.” Boone says through the grainy feed of the live stream. 
“And her lovely sidekick Javi.” Lilly adds from her end. 
“Tyler, why don’t you tell the viewers at home where they are?” Boone prompts, facing the camera to Tyler. 
“Well folks, they’re in DC with our lovely social media manager to talk to the governor and Senators from a bunch of the states in Tornado Alley, particularly Oklahoma. They’ll be presenting the research we’ve been done out here in the last year in hopes of getting more state budgeting allocated to tornado research and relief.” Tyler informs the livestream and you grin as you type out a comment. 
Tyler wasn’t invited because he’s not smart enough. 
Boone lets out a bark of laughter, repeating the comment to Tyler. Tyler makes Boone gesture the camera over to him, getting real close as he drives. “I know where you sleep at night.”
Hello FBI, there’s been a threat made against my life. 
The group sets off into laughter as Boone struggles to relay the message to Tyler through his laughter. 
“What are you doing?” Kate asks, sitting down next to you, Javi across from you. 
“Causing chaos in the livestream chat.” You exit it, turning your phone off. “How come you guys aren’t eating?” 
“I think I’d throw up right about now.” Kate says, looking over to Javi, who does look much paler than normal. 
“You guys can’t seriously be nervous?” You ask around a mouthful of Cheerios. 
“You’re not?” Kate asks in disbelief.
You shrug. “I’m used to public speaking. Besides, I’ve been told I’m a pretty good presenter, if I do say so myself.” 
“Great, want to present all the data?” 
You blanch. “I wouldn’t be able to make heads or tails of that. All I gotta do is talk about Tyler and well, he makes that part pretty easy.”
“So, it’s like I was saying, when I backed out of StormPar, a lot of these guys came over because of Kate.” Javi says as he makes introductions of his team, the ones who’ve been out in the field, using the radars to collect the data from the tornados Kate and Tyler have collapsed. 
“Javi.” Someone says and the group turns. Javi’s face sours noticeably. 
“Scott.” Javi says with a grim face before turning to you. “This is Scott, my ex business partner.” 
His eyes gloss over you as they land on Kate. “See you’re still wasting your time with Carter here.” 
Javi’s eyebrows scrunch up but you put your hand out, stopping him. “Sorry, Simon, was it?” Javi snorts. 
“Right, Sonny. Sorry. I mean- do you like take pleasure in being an asshole? That’s not a very attractive personality trait.” 
“It worked for Owens, does it not?”
“Oh, Stephen, sweetie. The internet would never make thirst traps of you like they do him.” Javi has to cough in his fist to hide his laugh and Kate has a hint of a smile on her face. “Oh, I know! You must be jealous of Javi’s sauve charm or- no, it must be because you think Kate should be in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning right? Cause women can’t have degrees.” You snap your fingers. “That must be it.” 
Scott gives you a displeased smile, turning to Javi. “When did you two get a guard dog? Couldn’t face me on your own?” 
Javi introduces you. “She’s Tyler’s new social media manager, been out there giving us a hand.” 
Scott clicks his tongue. “Maybe she’d like to meet my new investors.” Scott turns, gesturing over a woman and man, and the sight of them must mean something to Javi and Kate as they both take a step back, their faces going pale. 
Scott introduces them to you with a smirk on his face. “She’s working for Javi and Kate, figured it might be good for you all to meet.” 
The woman, in particular, has strong displeasure written on her face. “So, you decide to follow these two into a tornado?” 
You give a half shrug. “Can’t seem to think of why the decisions of a stranger would matter all that much to you.” 
She raises an eyebrow, adjusting her purse. “I just think you should be careful.” 
“I think you should mind your own business.” You say sharply, catching sight of the aide opening the door for you guys down the hall. “If you’ll excuse us, we should be going.” You touch Javi and Kate’s arms, nudging them forward. 
“And when you die for them, will it be worth it?”
It’s the man this time. 
You turn. “Excuse me?” 
“When you die for Kate and Javi, for this- this- hypothetical they believe in, like the one our son died for, will it be worth it?” 
And suddenly it all makes sense. It all clicks into place.
Kate’s words come back to you, how Jeb’s parents who were meteorologists who had money, how Jeb’s parents blamed Javi and Kate for their son’s death. 
Javi says your name softly. “C’mon, they ain’t worth it.”
“Your son didn’t die for some hypothetical. He died for research that’s working.” You say sharply. Kate grabs your wrist, pulling you back. “Maybe you should watch the YouTube channel sometime. Sounds like you could stand to learn a thing or two.” 
The aide ushers you into the conference room after that. The presentation goes smoothly, no obvious signs of how much the encounter had rattled Javi or Kate, and it’s obvious that more than a few of them are impressed with what you had to tell them. 
Until Kate asks if anyone has any questions. 
“Ms. Carter, you’re from Salpulpa, Oklahoma, isn’t that correct?” The governor of South Dakota asks. 
Kate swallows. “Yeah. That’s right, I am.”
“And six years ago, you were caught in an EF-5, right? Working on this research with your business partner here?” 
She nods, hesitancy growing on both her and Javi. “That’s correct.”
“And this research, you were doing as part of your PhD? But there was a team of five, right? What happened to your three colleagues?” 
You frown as Kate glances at Javi. “They were killed, sir.” Javi answers for her. “In the EF-5.”
“Sorry, I just- Can I ask why that matters?” You interrupt.  
The governor shifts as the one of the senators from Oklahoma turns to him. “I’d like to know as well.” 
“Well, two of my constituents are directly connected to that incident, as their son Jeb was dating Ms. Carter at the time. And they’re raising a lot of concerns about this research you’re out here doing. I mean, how are you going to ask me to sacrifice more lives and money to your data that’s not even backed?” 
Kate seems stunned, Javi too. “Well, sir-“
“Sorry, what are you implying here?” You say, cutting Javi off. 
“I’m saying that this research is led by two people who have a known history of being responsible for the death of my constituents and I simply won’t put any more time forth on this.” The governor stands, snapping his folder shut. “We’re done here.”
“So you’re saying Kate and Javi are responsible and at fault for the deaths of three equally educated researchers who willingly chose, by no influence of Javi or Kate, to go in the storm that day six years ago? Because I think that is incredibly gross and inappropriate.” 
Javi reaches out for your arm. “Stop.” He whispers. “It’s fine, we can take it.” 
You shake your head. “No, no because you’re wrong. To insinuate that what we’re doing out there is anything less than helping the people these tornados target is wrong. We use the data from the radars Javi’s team sets up to understand how these tornados are collapsing and when we can’t get to a storm in time, we’re there, on the ground, giving out food and water and helping people dig through the rubble of their lives while you sit in your fancy office, removed from the everyday struggles of these people!” 
You finally breathe, taking a step back as you pray Javi and Kate can forgive you. 
“You’re new to this team, that’s right?” 
You nod. “Been here just under three months.” 
“And how did you find yourself here?” 
You shrug. “I’ve seen firsthand the destruction and death these tornadoes cause. I’ve seen what these people can do to help. All I’ve ever wanted is to make a difference. 
“And when you die, cutting your life short, for this research?” 
You glance at your friends. “Then I’ll die knowing I gave my life helping others to change the game. I’ll died knowing I did what I could to make a difference.”
Her and Javi sit in their hotel room, uneasy silence between them. 
They’d invited you to come with them but you’d seemed hesitant and had retreated to your room down the hall. 
“Can we talk about it?” Javi asks finally. 
“You ever think about that voicemail we saw?” 
Javi shrugs. “Not really, I guess.” He glances at her. “Do you?”
She shrugs, pulling her shorts down. “Sometimes. Just wonder what the hell she’s doing out here when she’s got people at home who seem to care about her that much.” 
Javi shrugs. “Whatever they did to force her to Oklahoma, that cut’s gotta run deep because oh boy, she seems to be loyal something fierce.” There’s a knock on the door and Javi slides off the bed. “That’ll be our room service!” He jogs to the door, getting the food and thanking the person. He shoves a fry in his mouth, moaning around it, before he talks again. “I mean, she had the balls to stand up to the governor of South Dakota for us.” She doesn’t say anything response, running her fingers over the starchy fabric beneath her. “Kate.” 
She glances up at him. “What?” 
“C’mon, talk to me. What’re you thinking?”
“I can’t ask someone else to sacrifice their life for this.” She says softly. 
Javi sighs, sitting back down on the bed. “That’s the thing I think you’re missing Kate. You’re not asking. She’s offering.”
“But why?” She croaks. “What is any of this worth to her?”
Javi shakes his head. “That’s the part I can’t quite figure out. I don’t know, Kate.” 
Your head meets the table as Cathy slides a plate down in front of you. “I need three naps and an IV full of Diet Coke.” You mumble and Dani laughs into her coffee from her seat next to you. 
“So, c’mon tell us about DC.” Boone says excitedly. “You said you’d say over breakfast.” 
You can hear Javi sigh from across the kitchen at the coffee pot. “It didn’t go well.” 
“What happened?” Lilly asks around a mouthful of food. “Javi stumble over his words or something?”
“Well, for starters, we saw Scott.” Javi says as you lift your head from the table. There’s various groans and boos from the group as Javi’s grins grows. “Yeah, but she was mean to him.” 
You snort. “Yeah, I said the internet would never make thirst traps of him and he must think women belong in the kitchen. Oh, and that he must be jealous of Javi’s charm.” 
“We also saw Jeb’s parents.” Kate softly, immediately sobering your friend’s laughter. Cathy frowns, reaching out for her daughter. 
“They’re Scott’s new investors.” Javi explains as Kate looks at you. 
“They asked her if dying for me like Jeb did would be worth it.” 
Tyler scoffs. “That’s bullshit. You told them that was bullshit right?” 
You sigh. “Them and the governor of South Dakota, whose pocket they’re in. Told him it’s was gross and inappropriate to ever say Kate and Javi were responsible for the deaths of their friends.” You sigh, standing up from the table. “Sides, I know my words won’t make any difference to men like him but they didn’t go into that storm for Kate. They did it with Kate. This was something they believed in and it’s something I believe in too.” You push your food towards Boone. “Here, you can have it, I need to go to bed.” 
She sighs and Javi tosses her an irritating look.  
“Alright Carter, cough it up. What’s bugging you?” 
She shrugs. “Nothing.” 
“Kate, do you really take me for an idiot?” She gives him a curious look. “Look, I see how you are with her. The looks you give her when you think none of us notice. The way you’re always trying to include her in conversation, the way you always want her to be around. What gives?” 
She scuffs her heel against the asphalt of the parking lot. “Do you think she’s got a thing for T?” 
Javi sighs, rubbing his hands together. “No, I don’t.” He nudges her. “I mean that genuinely. I ain’t just saying it cause I know it’s what you want to hear.”
They both look at where you’re sitting, crowded up into Tyler’s personal space. Tyler’s arm is resting on your head obnoxiously, a cross look on your face as you elbow Ty in the ribs. To an outsider’s perspective, she could see how someone would mistake you two for something more but she knew the truth. 
Tyler Owens saw you nothing more than the little sister he had never had and had always wanted. Tyler was protective of his team, it was a given, but with you he was different. There was an innate, inherent bond between the two of you different from everyone else. And if Kate had to guess, it stemmed from where your pasts intertwined, even if they didn’t know how. 
But maybe it would be better if you did have something with Tyler. 
“Better how?” 
She blinks, turning to look at Javi. “Didn’t realize I said that out loud.” 
Javi studies her for a minute before standing. “C’mon, I need to get a jacket, come with me.” She follows as Javi shouts that they’ll be right back to the group and she catches your curious look from across the fire. 
Only once the motel door of Javi and Boone’s bedroom is shut, Javi looks at her.  “Kate, what’s up?” 
She looks at her friend before sinking to sit down on the bed. “I didn’t- I didn’t think I could ever love someone again after Jeb.” Javi’s eyebrows raise. “Ty showed me it could be possible.” She swallows, feeling tears sting at her eyes. “But I can’t ask her to love me back and to die for it in return.” 
“Wait, Kate, hang on.” Javi says, raising his hand. “You’re- Are you saying you’re in love with her?” She nods slowly. “Kate, that’s- that’s amazing.” He breathes. 
“No, it’s not Javi!” She nearly shouts and he flinches back. “Tyler nearly died for it and I saved him from that fate. But Jeb died because I loved him and so will she!” 
Javi sighs, running a hand down his face before moving to sit next to her on the bed. He’s quiet for a minute as their knees knock together. 
“Kate, look at me.” She does only to meet with a flurry of emotions. Concern like she might be spooked by his next words, love and care woven into the proudness that’s written there. “Kate, just because- just because they died doesn’t mean that we don’t deserve to love afterwards. Just because Jeb died doesn’t mean you have to suffer and pay the price for that.”
“Their deaths are my sins, their blood is on my hands.” 
Javi shakes his head, taking her hands in his own. “No it ain’t. Would you say their blood is on my hands?” 
“Then you need to understand that it isn’t on yours either. What happened was a terrible stroke of luck, maybe fate. I’d give anything to have them back with us, to have stopped it from ever happening. But we can’t go back, we can’t make our homes in the past. We’ll miss what’s right in front of us. And Kate, you deserve a love as soft as hers.”
She lets out a shaky breath, feeling her shoulders let some of the tension bleed out from them. For the first time, she doesn’t have the heart to argue with Javi, to tell him that he was wrong. She wasn’t sure she could when he looked so sure and absolute in his words. 
You watch as Kate and Javi walk up the steps when Boone reaches over and nudges you. 
“California, when are you gonna admit you got a thing for Kate?” 
Your eyes slide over to him, giving a cool look. “Whenever you admit to the thing you’ve got going with Javi.” 
The group lets out a bunch ohs and Tyler cackles. “She’s got you there Booney baby.” 
“It’s just stress relief!” 
You look back at Boone. “You know no one believes that right?” 
“Man, stop deflecting, I was asking about you and Kate first!” 
You roll your eyes as Dani breaks into silent laughter from across the fire, Lilly’s shoulders shaking as she works on the drone in her lap. 
Tyler climbs off the truck, moving to stand behind you. You glance up at him as he does. “C’mon though. Seriously, what is going on with you and Sapulpa?” 
Tyler sighs. “C’mon California, you really expect me to believe that little lie?” 
You shrug. “It’s not a lie. I’m not denying anything I feel for her but I’m pretty sure Kate doesn’t like me in that way. Most days, I don’t even think she likes me period.”
“She likes you.” Lilly protests. 
“Kate’s just a harder read because of…” Boone trails off, looking to Tyler. 
“Because of what happened to Jeb, I know.” You say softly. “She told me.” 
“I just wasn’t- We weren’t sure.” Dani says gently. 
“But you guys always said she was a certain way with T right?” 
Dani hums. “Yeah, but they aren’t exactly who I’d take as example from considering-“ She glances at Tyler. “Well, considering their fling lasted all of three weeks before they nearly killed each other.” 
“Tyler, anything to contribute here?” Lilly says after a minute and you look back up at him. He’s got his hands on his hips, an unreadable look on his face. 
“I don’t know that I should be encouraging any inter-company dating here. Team dynamics and all of that.” 
Your eyes grow wide as you almost rocket out of your chair before gesturing to Lilly and Dani, who only laugh. You then turn to Boone, gesturing a hand at him. “Really?!”  You nearly yell. “You’re so full of shit Owens!” 
Tyler sighs. “California, I just don’t want to see anyone get hurt. I mean, if I tell you something wrong and it turns out to be a misstep, and shit goes wrong and one of you leaves, it’d be a huge blow.” 
Dexter shakes his head, finally speaking up. “Kate’s not leaving.” 
You can see the silent I know on the edge of Tyler’s lips, the It would be you leaving written in his eyes. 
“Hey guys,” Dani calls. “We’re all still here.  Wanna include us in whatever silent conversation’s happening over there?”
“I don’t want to get involved.” Tyler says with a wave of his hand. “Y’all are both too important to me for me to get this wrong.” 
You sigh, settling back in your chair as you see Javi’s door re-open, Kate and Javi emerging. Boone sighs, patting the spot next to him and you move, falling into the space next to him. 
“Boone, anyone ever tell you you need to shower more?” You mutter as Tyler meets Javi and Kate halfway, probably to bid them goodnight. 
“I’ll take the shot if you do.” He whispers back. You glance at him as Javi and Kate return to their original seats across the campfire. Javi’s got a strange look on his face at the sight of you and Boone and Kate’s eyes are watery as Dexter hands her a few Oreos. 
“You first.” You mutter. 
Boone gives you a wolfish grin before sliding a marshmallow into his mouth. “I’ll think about it.”  
“Guys, look.” Dani calls, and you and Tyler turn, seeing her hold a small puppy. 
You coo, walking over to her as she holds the dog out to you. 
“Where’d you find this little cutie?” You say, holding the little baby up, scratching underneath his chin. 
“Heard him whining under a bunch of wreckage a few blocks over. One of the firefighters helped me pull him out. EMTs said the elderly couple who lived there didn’t make it. Probably couldn’t get to safety fast enough.” 
You feel Tyler’s body deflate next to you as he kicks at a piece of wood at the ground. 
“Ty?” You ask softly as the puppy nuzzles into your collarbone. You can’t read his face but it doesn’t seem like Dani can either as he scrubs at his forehead with his wrist. 
“Could we keep him?” You ask softly. “You heard Dani.”
“We’ll find a shelter for him.”
Dani shakes her head. “Shelter here got destroyed; there’d be nowhere for him to go.” 
You turn a pleading look onto Tyler, who has a storm brewing behind his eyes. 
“We can’t have a dog on the road you guys. A dog, chasing after tornadoes? Really? Let’s use our brains here. Besides, I think Boone’s allergic.” Tyler snaps, hands falling to his hips. 
Your pout grows as you hold the puppy up to your face. “But Tyler, little Enid wants to come with us. Don’t you Enid?”
“Enid?” Tyler asks with a raised eyebrow. 
“Well, we found him in Enid so we should name him Enid.”
“First of all, that dog is not an Enid.” Dani chokes down a laugh at Tyler’s snark as he shoots her a look. “And we are not adopting a dog.” 
“I think we should do a group vote.” You say, turning on your heel in search of the team. 
“You can’t override me!” Tyler calls after you.
“Watch me!”
You find Lilly and Dexter first, handing food out. “Group poll - should we keep this little puppy? His owners passed away. Dani and I vote for yes. Tyler votes no.” You can hear Tyler walking behind you so you drop your voice to an over-exaggerated whisper. “For the record, Tyler’s vote is wrong. Vote yes.”
“This is not a democracy!” Tyler shouts. 
“Man, just let the girl have her fucking dog!” Lilly shouts back. 
“What dog?” Kate says, appearing from the back of the van. Her face softens. “This is such a cute little puppy.” She coos, bending down to scratch at his ears. 
“I think we should keep him and name him Enid. Tyler disagrees.” You explain as Kate fawns over the puppy. 
“He seems like such a sweet little guy, and you’d have so much fun on the road with us, wouldn’t you little Enid?” She coos, taking the dog from you. 
“So that’s an enthusiastic yes from Ms. Kate Cooper.” You say, hands falling to your hips.
“Once again, this is not a democracy.” Tyler says sharply. 
“It’s an Owens-acracy.” Javi calls from down the street. “Meaning Tyler does whatever the hell he wants.” 
“Javi - Yes or no on keeping the puppy?” You shout back. 
“Aw hell yeah! Our little storm chasing dog! Our little data dog!” 
“We are not keeping the dog.” Tyler says firmly, impatience growing. 
“Is Boone allergic?” You ask Lilly, who snorts and nods. 
“Yeah but that man would die so happy covered in dogs. He loves ‘em. Had bloodhounds growing up.” 
“A dog can’t stay in most motels.” Tyler reminds the group. 
“As if he couldn’t be snuck in.” You counter. “Besides, you’re telling me that after a long day of storm chasing, you wouldn’t want to cuddle up with this little puppy here?” 
The look Tyler gives you is answer enough. 
“Somebody go find Boone and ask him if he wants to keep this dog.” 
“Aw hell yeah, we’re getting a dog?” Boone crows, walking up behind you. 
“Boone, you’re allergic.” Tyler deadpans.
“Man, I grew up hunting with bloodhounds, I’ve got like a natural resistance by this point!” 
Kate holds up the dog, smile wide. “Boone, this is little Enid.” 
Tyler sighs, turning on his heel. “We are not taking that dog and we are certainly not naming him Enid!”
“Famous last words.” Lilly mutters.
Tyler flips you all off as you break into laughter. 
“Man would you stop pouting, you’re ruining my vibe!” Javi exclaims, which only causes you to sink further down in your chair. 
“This is fucking stupid.” You mutter, kicking at the dirt as you do. 
“I’m not happy about this either.” Tyler says from across the fire pit, begrudgingly looking down at the dog on his chest. 
“I’m the whole reason Enid came with us and who does he want to spend time with? Oh, Tyler of course!  Smoke practically came out of his ears when he saw Enid in the truck! But nooooo, that’s who the dog wants to be with!” 
Boone’s chair creaks as he leans over. “You kinda sound a little crazy, talking to yourself like that.” 
You shoot him a glare that has him withering back in his chair. 
“I’d want a cat, I think.” Kate says thoughtfully from her seat next to you. 
“I hate cats.” You mutter, crossing your arms. “I want a dog.” 
Javi lets out a long sigh from next to you. “This is gonna get real old.”
You’ve been with the team for four and a half months when it happens. 
You’re in some small town, just past the border of Oklahoma into Kansas, when the second storm cell you had all been tracking touches down. 
“Hey guys.” You call, panic starting to creep into your voice. “That saying with lightning, how it never strikes the same place twice? Does that apply to tornadoes too?” 
Moments after you finish your sentence, the winds kicks up, the sirens blaring. 
It’s almost like you’re rooted to the spot, staring at the beast coming towards you as Lilly shouts from down the street to follow her to the shelter. 
“California!” Tyler shouts. “What are you doing?!” 
You sweep your gaze to him, spotting the truck as you. The unmoored truck. 
He catches what you’re looking at and he shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it, come on!” 
“I got it, I’m right behind you!” You shout, already darting towards the truck. 
You think Tyler curses but then he’s off down the street after the group. “Damn it, Boone.” You mutter, brushing the cookie crumbs off the console that are preventing you from getting to the switch. “The snacks have got to stop.”
Once the button has been pressed and you can hear the gears start, you throw the truck door open, sliding down to follow  Tyler. 
Except one minute you’re standing and the next, you’re on the ground, groaning. 
You blink your eyes open to see debris scattering down the street and realize it must’ve taken your feet out from under you. You push yourself up and realize you don’t know where Tyler went. Your head hurts from its collision with the ground and through the pain, you can feel yourself start to panic. You roll over catching sight of the truck locked into the ground. 
The truck. 
The truck probably wouldn’t fly. The truck had harnesses. The truck had protected Kate once. 
You crawl to the truck in hopes to avoid catching any wind, pulling yourself up and slamming the door as quickly as you can. You tug the harness on, debris hitting the car as the wind speeds pick up.
From the bed of the truck, you can hear Enid let out a bark, climbing over the arm console to curl up in your lap. He lets out a whimper, nuzzling closer to your stomach. 
“It’ll be okay, Enid.” You whisper, letting your eyes shut as your hands curl in the dog’s shaggy fur. You guys really needed to take him to a groomer. “We’ll be okay.”
She watches her friends filter into the shelter, panic clawing at her as everyone from the town passed through the doors with no sight of you. 
Javi’s pushes his way through the doors and he collides with her, her fingers clutching in his jacket. “Javi!” 
“She isn’t with me Kate.” He breathes out, backing her up from the doors. 
Her breaths coming in stuttering gasps as she clings to him. “Can’t be.” 
“Kate, she’s probably with T, they were together. They’re coming, don’t worry.” Boone tries to soothe and Javi confirms his words, rubbing his hands up and down her shoulders. 
Until Tyler appears through the doors, the last of the crowd. 
“Where is she?!” She’s frantic now, a sob growing as she sees Tyler round the corner. “Tyler, where is she, I thought she was with you!”
Tyler glances over his shoulder, where they’re shutting the doors. “She- She was just supposed to nail the truck down.” 
Kate’s moving towards the doors before she realizes it but she doesn’t get very far before someone’s arms are pulling on her jacket. 
“Kate!” Javi shouts. “Kate, we can’t help her now!” She looks at him, feeling her eyes sting as she looks at his defeated face.
“It’s just like last time.” She chokes out into a whisper. 
“I know.” He says softly. “I know, but there’s nothing you can do for her right now. We just need to wait.” 
The mere minutes it takes for the storm to pass drag on, the tears unabashedly slipping down her face. 
How could this happen again? 
It’s maybe only 15 minutes later she’s standing outside in the clearing Oklahoma sky but it’s felt like a lifetime has passed and when the street is empty, save for their truck at the very far end of the street, it feels like it’ll all drag on for a lifetime more. 
Her team is beside her but all she can do is wipe at her face, unable to stop the salty tears against her tongue. 
“Kate…” Tyler says gently and she whips around, near snarling at him. 
“This is your fault! You should’ve taken care of the truck, it never should’ve been her! She should’ve come with us, you never should’ve let her out of your sight!” 
Tyler swallows, eyes growing glassy. “You don’t mean that.” He chokes out. 
She doesn’t and she knows she doesn’t. 
But this loss stings. 
Lilly reaches out a cautious hand, and when Kate doesn’t push her away, Lilly pulls her into a hug. Dani joins, Boone not far behind. She thinks she can even feel Dexter join at the edge as the tears slips down her cheeks. She clings to Lilly, the girl running a hand up and down her back. 
And then Javi shouts out. 
You finally breathe, blinking your eyes open as you do. 
You wince, your head throbbing as you begin to take the harness off and-
You pull on the door handle, tripping out of the truck as you start throwing up onto the gravel road. 
Tears sting at your eyes, the small rocks digging into your palms as you empty your breakfast onto the ground. 
“Yo!” Someone shouts from a ways away, but all you can focus on is the throbbing in your temple. 
A hand is on your shoulder, gently pulling you up. You blink, wincing as Javi comes into focus. 
“Javi?” You breathe out, leaning into him as the sound of footsteps running towards you gets closer. “Think I- head. My head hurts. Concussion.” 
Javi doesn’t respond as another body collides with you. It feels like the wind has been knocked out of your lungs as the person trembles against you. “Thought you were gone. Thought I lost you.” Kate whispers. 
“Kate, you’re gonna get vomit all over you.” 
“Don’t care.” She whispers, still holding you. “I know you probably have a concussion, I’ll take you to the EMT’s please just- just let me hold you for a little longer.” 
You nod. Despite how tight she’s holding you and the throbbing behind your eyes, it feels like you can finally catch your breath as she does. 
“How’d you even think to hide out in there?” Lilly asks and you blink your eyes open, seeing the team standing before you. You don’t let Kate go.
“I truly was right behind you T.” You say, locking eyes with Tyler. He looks devastated, the relief of seeing you unable to loosen the tension in his shoulders. “But one minute I was standing and the next I was on the ground and you were gone. I think some debris knocked my feet out from under me and I sort of panicked. I remembered how it had kept Kate safe and it was the only place I could think of in time.” 
“You gave us all quite the scare.” Dexter says. “Glad to see you safe.” 
“Me too.” You whisper, squeezing Kate. 
“Holy shit Enid! You been in there the whole time?” Boone shouts after a minute.
“My brain hurts. Paramedics now?” You ask. “Please?” 
Kate nods, stepping back. “Yeah. Right now.” 
“Stop looking at me like that.” 
Tyler scoffs. “You can’t even see me.” 
You’re laying on the RV bed, eyes closed. The lights are dim, the quiet conversation from outside barely audible. 
Tyler had shooed Kate out to get dinner and told her she actually had to sit outside and eat it or he’d remove her concussion watch entirely. 
“Yeah but I can feel it.” You reach a foot out, knocking Tyler’s knee. “T.” 
He takes your foot, but must think better of whatever jerk move he’s going to pull because he lets your feet fall on his thigh softly, hand resting over them. His thumb finds your ankle bones and he rubs over it softly. 
“That feel okay?” He asks quietly and you nod. The show of intimacy, however platonic, is nice as you sit there. 
“I’m real sorry for putting you in harm’s way kid.” 
You let out a breath through your nose, resisting the urge to open your eyes. You know Tyler will just get mad if you do. 
“You didn’t. It was an accident.” 
“Kate blames me. Hell, I blame myself. It would be okay if you blamed me too.” 
“Tyler.” You say firmly. “It was an accident. You never meant any harm to come to me. I am fine, nothing more than a wittle baby concussion. The paramedics checked me out and Dani’s been keeping an eye on me the whole drive. I am fine.”
“You’re not fine!” Tyler snaps and you wince at the loudness in his voice. “Sorry, sorry. I just- You have a concussion, not to mention the bruises and cuts you’ve saddled yourself with. That’s not fine in my book.” 
“Tyler, I got hit by a car in college. What’s a little debris?” 
A smile tugs at your lips as you remember the way Dani and Javi’s eyes had gone wide as they’d sat with you as the EMTs check out you when you’d told the paramedics that story. 
They’d told you it was incredible that this was the situation you’d ended up with a low grade concussion and the other only a sprained wrist. 
“A tornado and a car are hardly the same.” 
“Technically, the tornado never hit me. Just debris.” 
“The semantics are keeping Kate’s sanity in tact so please don’t make the difference in front of her.” You say quietly and Tyler sighs again. 
“She really cares about you, you know?” 
“Thought you weren’t getting involved?” 
“I’m not.” 
“Then stop talking.” 
Tyler pushes your feet away, scooting closer to you. “Your loss would’ve devastated her.” He says softly. 
“So I’ll be more careful next time.” 
He sighs. “You’re not listening to what I’m saying.” 
You crack an eye open. “Tyler, my brain hurts too much for this conversation. Can you please get to the point?” 
Tyler’s point never gets made as the RV door opens, Javi telling him that Dani had pulled him off concussion watch too. 
You suspected Javi just wanted to be around you but you’d take his presence over Tyler’s interrogation. Javi sits next to you on the bed as you close your eyes again. 
“Can I get you anything?” 
“No, though I wish I could call my freshman year room mate and annoy her like she did me.” 
Javi chuckles. “How do you mean?”
“She got a concussion in a skiing accident and made me talk to her for hours because she was bored and couldn’t do anything. I need payback.” 
Kate wrings her hands, eyes flickering around the room nervously. 
“Kate?” You say cautiously. “Are you okay?” 
“I just- I mean, are you sure you’re gonna be okay here? By yourself, you know, I could stay with you?” Her eyes roam over your body. “No, I think I should stay. I’m going to- I’ll go tell Tyler right now. I-“
You grab Kate’s wrist, cutting her off. “Kate.” You say softly. “It’s fine. It’s a baby concussion. I’m going to sit here for a few days and force Enid to snuggle me. It’ll be fine.” 
She sighs. “I don’t know, I still think I should stay.” 
“Kate, you are no use to anyone here. Anything I need, your Mom can get for me. I’ll be fine.” 
Your heart clenches at the concern swimming in your friend’s eyes and it’s going to take every minute of each one of those day to remind yourself that that concerns is only because of the losses in Kate’s past. 
She’s lost three friends before, she doesn’t want to lose a fourth.
She sighs, taking a step back. “You’re right. But- you call me if anything changes, okay?” You nod and so she takes another step back. 
You can hear Tyler shout up the stairs for the third time in fifteen minutes. “Tyler’s gonna get mad, you should just go.” You say, already taking a step back towards her bed though your eyes never leave hers. 
“Yeah, I should-“ With one last look, she slips back out the bedroom door. You sigh, pressing your hands to your eyes, willing yourself to get it together. 
“It doesn’t mean anything.” You mutter to yourself. The door creaks open and you glance up, seeing Kate stride through the door. “Kate?” 
Kate crosses the room in three steps, pulling you into a kiss. Before you can even process what she’s doing, she’s pulled back. 
Her hands fly to her mouth, a shocked expression on her face. “I can’t believe I just did that! Oh, I’m so sorry- Mmph.” 
You cut her off, crowding her space before pulling her lips back to yours.
Your hands slide down to her hips as she cradles your head in your hands. Only does she break away when Tyler shouts up the stairs, heavy footsteps on the wood. 
“I really should go this time.” She breathes. 
“You’ll come back right?” You ask, nudging your nose with hers. “I want to talk about this, I want to make this work with you.” 
She nods. “I’ll always come back for you.”
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angstywaifu · 27 days
Black Dahlia - 11. Glimpse of the Past
Time for Dahlia and her squad to make the dreaded walk to meet the dragons waiting to bond them. Anything could happen.
Set Pre Fourth Wing/Books
Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos)
Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist
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We’d done it. Every single one of us had made it up the Gauntlet. One of the few squads in our year to do so. And most importantly I had beaten Dain. Something I knew he was not pleased about when he had asked my time when he had reached the top. Sadly I had not gotten the fastest time, but I’d beaten him and that was all that mattered to me.
”This scares me more than climbing that Gauntlet.” Liz says ahead of me as she eyes the dragons ahead lining the edge of clearing were moments away from walking.
”If it makes you feel any better you’re not the only one.” I say back as I eye them as well.
So far I can only see some Red’s and Green’s. Not a single Blue in sight just yet. Which honestly didn’t surprise me. But I was secretly hoping I would see at least one. Just one Blue dragon. Just one to give me hope of finding one in four days time.
Austin turns and stares at me confused. She had clearly fallen into the category of assuming I would be fine walking into a canyon full of Dragons. “Why are you scared? Didn’t you grow up around Dragons?”
I tear my eyes from the Dragons lining the walls and meet her eyes. ���Only a fool wouldn’t be terrified of walking in there. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt about growing up around Dragon’s is always keep your guard up and be prepared for anything.”
She clearly senses a double meaning to my words, maybe even hearing the slight hint of pain in my voice as she purses her lips and nods. I can tell she wants to know more, but she’s smart enough to note this is not the place for it.
”Alright Third Squad, into formation,” Our section leader Kai calls out as he waves us forward.
We all step forward, forming a single line just like the squads before us had. Clearly it was a formation that gave us the best chance of survival. Our group ends up at the back of the line, with Bodhi bringing up the rear.
”I’m sure Xaden has gone over this. But it is a straight walk down the meadow, where you will keep at least seven feet apart should a dragon decide one of you are not worthy.” He adds as he walks down our line.
In front of me I watch Liz’s back go rigid at his words. Yes Xaden had told us, but he’d definitely had more tact behind his words than Kai did.
”You’ll be fine,” I whisper in her ear, watching as her shoulders relax again at my words.
I was not letting him get to us. We we’re going to get through this.
”Once you get to the end, wait for the rest of your squad before turning and walking back down in a single line again. If I see one of you approach a dragon… Well lets just say I won’t be seeing you again. Any questions?”
Kai scans the line, waiting to see if any of us have a question. When he’s satisfied none of us are going to ask anything he waves us forward to the next rider, as we round the corner the familiar face of Damon comes into view.
”I’m sure Kai gave you a rundown of what to do. Just do exactly what he says and you’ll be fine.” He tells us as the group before us returns from their walk. I can’t help but notice they are down a few members of their squad, their faces grim as they pass us.
”Oh and make sure you talk to each other. It helps the dragons get a feel for what you’re like, and it helps take away the nerves.” He says as he holds out his arm for us to walk forward.
As we walk up the dirt path, I scan the dragons around us, careful to not make any eye contact with them. A lot of the dragon colours didn’t like it, and I wasn’t becoming victim to their fire because I’d stupidly looked them in the eye. If it wasn’t for the fact I knew they were real, I’d almost think they were statues. As we step into the clearing I’m immediately hit with the smell of sulphur, and as I cast my gaze to my right there is a very fresh pile of ash that’s the cause of the strong odour. Most likely one of the cadets from the group before us.
”I know they said there were fewer dragons this year, but theres still so many.” Liz says in awe as her eyes scan the canyon.
”Wait till we bond a dragon and you see the entire quadrant in formation.” I tell her, her head whipping around to meet mine with an excited look on her face.
Two months ago if I’d said that she would have been terrified, now she wanted to jump head on into anything, Austin included. Seems I was rubbing off on them.
”They’re all just watching us. Can’t they fucking do something?” A cadet called Eddie yelled from the front of the group.
He was one of the more rebelious ones in our squad. Always pushing the limit. And he was clearly here for the glory of being called a Dragon Rider. I never wished death upon anyone, but part of me wanted him to get what was coming to him. He had no respect for the role or for the dragons we we’re going to hopefully bond in the coming days.
”Be careful what you say. No dragon is going to want to bond someone with an attitude like that?” Bodhi calls out from behind me, a few muffled laughs coming from the line.
Eddie stops, whirling around to make eye contact with Bodhi. “And no ones going to bond a marked one like you. So shut your mouth.”
Bodhi opens his mouth to respond, but I’m quicker to bite back as I cut him off. “At the rate you’re going you aren’t making it out of this clearing alive. So change your attitude or keep your mouth shut.”
Eddie turns his attention to me, his eyes hardening as they meet mine. I was the only one in our squad he hadn’t made a comment about to tried to come at. And it was clear why. I’d seen him sucking up to Dain a few times. In his eyes, if he was in our good books, it would bode well for him in terms of moving up the ranks. Sadly being in my good books wasn’t going to do him any good. I watch as he lets out a huff of air before turning and continuing his walk up the clearing.
”Part of me hopes you’re right.” Bodhi mutters behind me as the line starts to move again.
We pass group after group, each of them eyeing us off, getting a sense for who we are. As we pass a group of Green’s, I catch one of them immediately pivoting their attention to Bodhi. I hear him gasp, his shadow moving quickly as he averts his gaze from its eyes. The dragon’s head pivots to follow him as we pass.
”Looks like you might get your Green after all.” I call back to him, secretly hoping the interest it had shown was good.
”I hope so. They did seem interested in me.” He says in agreeance.
”It did!” Liz says excitedely.
”Yeah, it barely looked at any of us once it saw you.” Austin adds.
I knew if I turned my head I would see a shit eating grin on his face, and the thought brought my own smile to my face.
We make it to the end, turning to face the clearing we’d just walked up. All the dragons eyeing us again. It reminded me of a creepy book I’d read once where the eyes and heads of statues would follow you when you weren’t looking. I’d barely turned thirteen at the time and had kept a keen eye on any statues I was around for a few weeks after.
”I vote you go first Aetos, seeing as you seem to know how to act around dragon’s and know what they want. Why don’t you show us how its done?” Eddie challenges as steps forward from the group.
Everyone’s eyes jump between us, eager to see if I would rise to Eddie’s challenge. But something told me he was up to something. There was a glint in his eyes. And the last time I’d been challenged to do something around a dragon it had not gone well.
I roll my eyes at him but step forward. “Fine, I’ll lead if you’re too scared to do it now.”
I barely catch the grimace on his face before I turn and start walking back down the path. A few seconds later I feel him take his place behind me. And somehow I know he’s not keeping the allotted seven feet advised by the senior riders. He was definitely up to something, and with the situation we we’re in my heart rate was picking up. My palms becoming sweaty as I scan the path ahead. No this was not going to be a repeat of that day. I was going to walk out of here fine.
”Hey, keep your distance Eddie.” Bodhi calls out from the back of the group as we pass the halfway mark.
”Just staying close so I can learn from the expert in our squad. I mean her dad is a dragon rider after all, she grew up around them. And from the comment she made before she clearly knows how to act around them. I need to learn from the best.” He mocks from behind me causing my back to go rigid as his breath fans across my neck. He was way too close.
”Back up Eddie.” I warn.
”Or what? You going to fight me in front of a dragon? You going to break that precious codex we all follow and piss of your dad? I don’t think so.” His voiced laced with anger. I’d clearly pissed him off earlier.
I continue my walk down the middle, increasing my pace to try get some distance from him. I barely get a few steps between us before his hand grasps my upper arm as he spins me around to face him. I’m quick to react, my hands rising up to meet his chest as I go to push myself away. As my hands meet the centre of his chest and push myself away, the ground shakes beneath me, the rest of our squad gasping in shock before walking away from Eddie.
I watch as his eyes turn cold with fear. His face draining of any colour as he looks above me. I catch a glimpse of orange igniting in his eyes before the heat rushes over my head. A heat I am all to familiar with. A heat that haunts me years later in my sleep. A heat that consumes Eddie in a ball of fire, leaving nothing but a pile of ash and the smell of sulphur lingering in the air. I look up and meet the terrified eyes of my squad who are all looking up at something behind me.
All I can hear is my heart thundering loudly in my chest as I turn on my heel to see what stand’s behind me. I keep my head down, not daring to meet the eye of what’s behind me. As I turn the first thing I see are the massive talons that could easily be the size of me. As my eyes move up, my breath catches in my throat.
Sapphire. Sapphire scales.
I can’t stop myself as my head whips up to take in what’s behind me. This was easily the biggest dragon in the clearing, and probably one of the biggest I had ever seen. And easily one of the more ruthless dragons I had seen. His horns far larger and bigger than the others, his head decorated with vicious looking spikes. And a pair of orange eyes that almost looked like they were glowing and we’re looking right at me. A pair of orange eyes I had seen before.
I couldn’t help but be drawn to a blue one down the back. Blue dragons had always been my favourite.
The dragon nods, freaking nods at me before bending its legs and launching into the air. An eerie silence falls over the clearing in the wake of the Blue Dragon leaving, all of us staring where it once stood.
“Did she make eye contact with it?”
”If she did she’d be dead.”
”She definitely did.”
”And did it nod at her?”
The whispers of my squad meet my ears as I come back to reality after what’s just happened. I had looked that dragon in the eye and it had indeed nodded at me. Despite still being a decent way into the clearing, surrounded by dragons, I do the thing I really shouldn’t do. I run. My feet pushing me to get out of that clearing as fast as I can as Bodhi calls my name behind me.
@imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch @wolfbc97 @leptitlu @fullmoon-94
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luckydragon10 · 5 months
A Very Hum Bar Songkran
This is for @kpquickndirty, remix welcome.
This is ALSO for @songkranfest.
I've written this super-duper quickly, so it's probably a mess, but that's all part of the quickndirty fun. Inspiration from all over but mostly from here and here.
Porsche is up to something. Yok can always tell when Porsche is up to something. 
“Only hand-sized water pistols are allowed inside the bar!” Ball shouts out as a small group enters. “You can leave your soakers in the bin by the door and collect them on the way out! Your first drink tonight comes with a free water pistol.” 
Hum Bar is always a festive place, but it’s especially festive during Songkran. Yok has taken care to strew the place with fresh flowers, and she’s placed mats on the floor to prevent slipping, as patrons playfully squirt each other with small, brightly colored plastic water guns. 
Everyone is smiling, and laughing, as it should always be in Hum Bar. 
But Porsche… Porsche is far too quiet. He’s been whispering to the other bartenders whenever he thinks Yok isn’t watching, and his eyes shift nervously left and right. 
He’s doing it again right now. He’s watching the door and muttering something to Jet behind his hand. 
Then Tem comes in, carrying a bouquet of flowers. 
“Now!” Porsche shouts. “Jom, get jae now!” 
Yok’s first instinct is to brace herself to be soaked with water, but instead Jom, Porsche’s most precious and loyal friend, takes both of Yok’s wrists in his hands. 
“Come with me, over here!” Jom says, and he guides her to the corner booth, where Tem has cleared space and is placing the flowers on the table.
Yok has an inkling of what’s going on now, and she wants no part of it. “Stop, stop at once!” 
Porsche comes out from behind the bar, carrying a large silver bowl in his hands, full of water and flower petals.
“Hello, attention please!” Porsche calls out, and the din dies down as everyone turns heads to look at him. “Thank you, all of you, for joining us and celebrating Songkran with us! We’d now like to invite everyone to greet our senior, the wonderful, beautiful, talented, wise owner of this bar, Yok! She’s a little shy, but don’t let that stop you.” 
Everyone laughs. 
“I told you a million times, I am not an elder!” Yok objects. Porsche has tried to pull similar stunts before, one-on-one, in the back of Hum Bar or before a shift, but never in the middle of the night. Never before has he done it on this sort of scale, inviting all the guests to participate.
Sneaky, clever boy. It’s much harder for Yok to refuse, especially as the guests shout and encourage her to play along. 
“Please, Yok?” Porsche asks. He approaches the table and sets the silver bowl in front of her, and Jet places the smaller one next to it. Then Porsche turns on the puppy eyes. 
Yok feels her heart swell. 
She’s objected for years, not feeling like it was her place, and also not wanting to feel old. But…
How can she say no?
“Oh, all right,” she relents, which causes everyone to cheer. “But let’s make this quick, so you all can get back to buying my booze, huh?” That earns her another laugh. 
So, one by one, the patrons bow their heads to her, and they use the smaller bowl to respectfully run water over her hands until her fingers feel soft and tender. She gives each of them a word or two of advice while they listen with folded hands. Her words are pleasant little phrases that lift their hearts and make them smile. 
The bartenders take their turns after the patrons. And of them, Porsche approaches her last. He holds her hands gently and looks up at her with something eager and desperate in his eyes, and Yok’s heart goes out to him. 
After he washes her hands, she puts her soggy fingers on one of his cheeks. 
“So naughty and stubborn,” she says, patting his cheek, and he has the grace to lower his eyes, even though he still smirks. “You finally found a way to make me cooperate, huh? After, what, four years?” 
“Five,” he corrects. 
“Cheeky,” Yok says. 
“Do you have any words of wisdom for me, jae?” 
What advice can she possibly give him? This boy has already been through things that Yok can hardly imagine. He’s practically a father to his brother, and he carries his family on his shoulders.
But still…
“You’re twenty-three now, aren’t you, Porsche?” she asks, and he nods, smiling. “Do this elder a favor and find someone who will fill your heart with joy and maybe look after you for a chance.” 
At first, Porsche looks stunned. HIs face goes slack, like the possibility never even occurred to him. Then he grins and shakes his head. 
“Aww, but flying solo is best way to—” 
“Did I stutter?” Yok glares. 
Porsche looks suitably terrified. 
“No, ma’am.”
“Good.” Yok pulls out one of the water pistols she has tucked into the waistband of her skirt and aims it at Porsche. “Back to work with you.”
She pulls the trigger three times in rapid succession, and Porsche yelps.
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skyward-floored · 11 months
Whumptober Day 17: Collar, Touch aversion
I’m not late, I merely ran out of time to upload this last night. I finished it yesterday it’s all good. We’re good. Perfectly fine. (<- girl who hasn’t even started on today’s yet)
Anyway I thought too hard about my theory of Dink getting empowered from Twilight’s injury and uhhhh. Yeah. Here’s this. It’s on the heavier side again.
Read on ao3
Warnings: captivity, implied torture, blood and injury, and discussion of death
Eight heroes stood outside of a large, dark structure, surrounded by trees that blocked out the sunlight.
The limited light cast the area into what felt like perpetual twilight, grim and dark, and Time looked up at the ruins with a tight feeling in his gut.
“I’ll bet you anything our missing hero is in there,” Legend murmured, and Time nodded, trying not to fidget with discomfort.
Something cold and dark was in the very air around them, something that made Hyrule pale, and Sky hold a little more tightly to his sword. It was dark magic, Time knew, but that only helped solidify to him that something was very wrong here.
They’d landed in the unfamiliar Hyrule a few days ago, all surprised when nobody could identify it. It had been months since they’d last gained another hero, and Time had thought for sure that eight was as large as their group was going to get.
But as they’d traveled around and spoken to people, it became clear there was another hero they hadn’t yet seen.
One who’d apparently been missing for as long as they’d been traveling together.
They had begun to search for him, and followed a sparse trail of clues to a place off the map they’d been given, and as Tine looked up at the dark ruins, he felt a heavy sense of dread settle upon him.
Are you in there, Link?
“You really think he’s here?” Hyrule asked quietly, and Time nodded.
“I do. Making it this far was extremely difficult... I would be shocked if he weren’t.”
“But remember what Rusl said?” Wild spoke up quietly. “The Hero here has been missing for months. What are the odds that we’d find him in the space of barely a week? Just like that?”
“What are the odds that any of us would ever meet in the first place?” Four countered with, and before Warriors could say whatever it was he’d opened his mouth to voice, Four plowed on. “There must be a reason. Just like everything else.”
“And I can feel a pull,” Sky said in a quiet voice. “One I’ve only felt with all of you.”
“Enough chatter, let’s go already,” Wind said impatiently, and they went inside the falling-apart structure, steps echoing off dirty floors.
They paused at the first split path and argued for a moment about whether sticking together or splitting up was best, but before Warriors and Legend could start shouting and alert whatever was here to their presence, Time decided splitting in half was the best way to search quickly. There seemed to be two main sections of the ruins anyway, and the two reluctantly agreed.
“Stay on guard,” Warriors murmured before they split, and they all nodded. You don’t have to tell me twice.
Time ended up with Sky, Wild, and Four in his group, and they trooped quietly through the vine-filled hallways, and down stairwells full of cobwebs and dirt.
The feeling of unease grew more and more heavy the deeper they went, and Time caught Sky clenching at his sword more than once. It was oddly oppressive in here, despite the plants that crept through cracks, and spiders in the corners, like a shadow was cast all over the entire structure.
It just felt... wrong.
“Wait, shh,” Wild said suddenly as they entered a particularly long hallway.
Time stopped walking, and Wild crept forward, his ears pricked. He turned towards a small grate in the floor, and crouched beside it, his face creasing as he listened. Wild motioned them over after a moment, and they all kneeled beside the tiny grate, listening intently.
The faint sound of someone talking echoed up through the floor, and Time strained his ears, trying to make out the words. He couldn’t hear anything though, but with the way Wild’s face was paling, he was fairly certain he could.
“It’s the Shadow,” Wild said after a moment, voice grim as he pressed his ear to the grate. “Something about... power, I think? Power and... enemies. Wait—”
He went quiet again, and as the minutes dragged on, his eyes widened.
“Time... I think he’s talking to the hero.”
Wild suddenly jerked back from the grate, and they all heard the agonized scream that came from below, no less horrible because of how far away it was.
Sky paled, and Time scrambled to his feet, the others right beside him.
“Look for stairs,” Time said in a short voice, and they all ran down the hallway, searching for doors.
It took them a long time to find one that led downwards, and by the time they did, the screams had stopped, along with the talking. There was no sound at all, and Time hoped desperately they weren’t too late.
They cautiously stole down the flight of stairs, moving quickly, but wary of going too fast and alerting the enemy to their presence. They were a long, spiraling set, and some stairs had crumbled, leaving gaping holes they had to sidle around.
The time it took them to go down seemed much too long, and Time guessed they were deep underground now, having gone down several floors. It was almost completely silent, and the dread tightened in his chest.
Let us not be too late, please.
The stairs spat them into a pitch black hall, the sound of water dripping somewhere nearby. They listened for any movement, but none was heard, and Four cautiously pulled out a lantern.
An old dungeon met their eyes, light glinting off of metal bars, largely rusted and bent. Nobody spoke as they stepped quietly down the hallway, and the oppressive stench of dark magic was even heavier. Time spared a thought towards Hyrule as they walked, glad he had gone with the other group.
If I’m feeling this awful, I can only imagine how bad it would be for him.
They reached a partially collapsed wall then, making it difficult to squeeze by, but they all managed, though Time had to pop off a few pieces of armor. The cell at the end of the hallway was only a bit further along, but Time froze, holding a hand out to stop the others.
Eyes were glinting at them from behind the thick bars.
“Hello?” Sky asked in a cautious voice, and Time carefully approached the cell when they received no answer, squinting through the low light. He reached the bars and peered through, and felt equal relief and horror rise in his chest.
A thin man, boy really, barely into his twenties at Time’s guess, stared at them, his face pale with dark lines etched onto his forehead. It was difficult to tell with the limited light, but Time could make out chains around both his neck and wrists, and blood, both dried and not, all over him.
“...Link?” he breathed, but the boy only closed his eyes.
“Here,” Four said quietly, him and the others having come up to Time’s side. He knelt at the lock on the door, holding some small metal rods, and a few moments later, had the door swinging open.
Time quickly took a step inside, but the boy bared his teeth in a snarl as he moved, something fierce and desperate in his eyes.
Time quickly stilled.
“Link?” he asked again, and the boy merely turned away, as much as he could with the way he was chained up.
“...Tricks are getting old,” he rasped, the same twang they’d encountered in Ordon coming through. “Could at least try somethin’ new.”
Time glanced at the others, and Sky made a helpless gesture.
“I’m not sure what you mean, Link,” Time said carefully, and the chained hero coughed out a laugh.
“That’s what they said last time. Always fake,” he rasped, and glared at Time, half-dried blood shining in the lantern light. “Not tricking me again.”
“We’re not a trick, we’re real,” Wild said sharply, moving to stand next to Time.
“You’re gettin’ way less creative,” Link rasped, eyes staring them dully. “Points for new characters... but that’s it.”
“But we’re really real, we’re here to get you out!” Sky said in disbelief.
The new Link only closed his eyes again. “Sure.”
They all looked at each other again, Time feeling helpless. He didn’t want to approach Link before he knew they were truly here to help him, but he thought they were just a trick. How could they convinced the broken hero they weren’t here to hurt him?
How many times has he extended trust to someone, and had it all been fake to react like this?
“Link, we’re here to help you,” Time tried again, extending a hand towards him. Link only bared his teeth again, and Time could see the slightly longer canines this time.
“Get away Shade,” he snapped, and Time stopped as he let out a wracking cough. “I’m not falling for it. Not again.”
“Link, is there anything we can do to convince you we’re real?” Four spoke up, and the hero stared at him.
He didn’t say anything for a long time, and Time almost wondered if he was purposely ignoring them.
“Kill me.”
Four took a step back. “What?”
“Kill me,” Link repeated, a thread of desperation leaking in to his abused voice. “The Shadow won’t, if you do then... I’ll know you’re not him.”
“But then you’ll be dead!” Sky said in horror, and Link let out a croaking laugh, that finished with a sound like a sob.
“I’m already not living.”
Four didn’t say anything, and Link looked away, his eyes closed against the lantern light.
“Old man? What now?” Wild asked in an unusually subdued voice, and Time took a deep breath, trying to ignore the metallic smell of blood that permeated the cell.
What now indeed?
“We spoke with Rusl before coming here,” Time said quietly, and the boy’s ears twitched in his direction. “And Ilia, and the mayor, and a boy named Talo and all sorts of people. Your whole village misses you, Link, they’ve been looking nonstop. The Queen has sent out countless missions, and the Resistance is working tirelessly to figure out what happened to you.”
“How... do you know all that?” Link whispered.
“Because we’re real,” Wild said as he stepped forward. “We spoke to all those people, not more than a week ago.”
“We’re other heroes like you,” Four continued, and Sky took his glove off, showing Link the triangles marked into his hand. He stared in shock. “This isn’t even all of us. We’re fighting to stop the Shadow who imprisoned you, who’s been ripping holes through time and empowering the monsters. We’re on your side.”
“We’re here to get you out,” Time finished, voice firm.
Link looked around at them all, something almost like hope in his eyes, and he swallowed, looking directly at Time.
“Tell me what Talo said.”
His voice trembled when he spoke.
“He said that if we find you, we should tell you that he expects make up days for all the sword lessons he’s missed,” Time said, and Link breathed out, closing his eyes again.
“Yeah. That’s him,” he whispered.
A weak laugh came from his throat, and Time stepped forward again, Link not stopping him. His eyes stayed closed as Time kneeled next to him, but his ears twitched as he listened to his steps.
“We’re here to get you out,” Time said softly, and placed a hand on Link’s shoulder.
Link jerked at the touch, and Time immediately removed his hand, but then Link looked up at him with tears in his eyes.
“Sorry, s-sorry it’s... it’s been...” he choked out, and Time carefully put his hand back on his shoulder, Link stiffening at the touch, but not pulling away.
Time carefully rubbed it as the others drew near, and Link swallowed, trembling slightly as they crouched beside him.
“You’re really heroes?” he whispered, and Sky nodded, a grieved look on his face.
“Every one of us.”
Four leaned closer then and studied the collar around his neck with a frown, carefully lifting the chain and studying it.
“Where’s the lock on these?” he asked in confusion.
“It’s magic,” Link rasped, seeming twice as exhausted now that he’d been convinced of their intentions. “Won’t come off.”
Sky stepped forward, a firm look on his face as he kneeled beside Link with the Master Sword in his hands.
“May I?” he asked, and Link’s eyes widened at the sword. He hesitated, then gave him a weak nod, and Sky moved into position.
Sky held the sword close to Link’s neck, Four carefully holding the chain steady, and he pulled, the Master Sword glowing and making the blood Link was coated in appear blue.
The collar suddenly lit up with runes, glowing an ugly red, and Link cried out, jerking like he’d been shocked.
“Hold him!” Sky shouted, and Time and Wild moved to hold Link’s head still while the Master Sword slowly cut through the chains. Link jerked at their touch, and let out a raspy scream as Sky cut halfway, blue sparks flying into the air.
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” Wild repeated as he held Link’s head, almost like he was trying to reassure himself, and Link wailed, his voice giving out partway through from the strain.
Time held him still, ignoring the blood and dirt he was doubtlessly getting all over him, and ran a hand through his hair when he let out yet another cry.
Hold on Link, you’re almost out.
The Master Sword let out a brighter glow, and the chain fell with a clank, Link falling limp and trembling in Time’s lap. The runes faded, and Sky quickly moved to his wrists and cut through those as well, though the thinner chains didn’t take nearly as long to fall to the ground.
“It’s done,” Sky panted finally, and Link let out a whimper.
“We should tell the others,” Four said quietly. “And hopefully get out of here before the Shadow comes back.”
Wild nodded and pulled out his slate, and Time and Sky began easing Link up, his face drawn with pain. Time tried not to nudge any of the vast amount of injuries covering him, but it was nearly impossible with how many there were.
Not to mention the countless scars visible through the blood, and the dark marks marring his forehead...
Time breathed out, and then picked him up, his gauntlets giving him enough strength to easily lift Link. Though, he wasn’t entirely convinced he needed them, seeing how thin Link looked.
How long has he been here?
“Let’s get you home,” Sky said quietly, and they left the cell, Wild talking quietly to Wind on his slate.
“Thank you,” Link croaked, in a voice so faint Time barely heard it. Time guided his head to his shoulder in response, feeling a sharp pang as Link flinched, and he sped his steps.
We’re getting you out, Link.
You’re safe now.
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
Could you possibly do Five x Reader where Five and the reader have a fight and the reader storms off. The next time Five sees them, they're in the infirmity, comatose, and no one is sure when, or even IF, the reader will wake up. Five has to sit with his regrets that the last thing he said was something he didn't mean and that he wasn't there to protect them when they needed it. When the Reader wakes up, Five breaks down in happiness, giving the reader all the love he can. Heavy Angst with a bit of fluff cause I like happy endings. Lol. Thank you!
This gave me serious flashbacks to the end of No Hard Feelings. Hope you enjoy this. Nothing like a bit of angst. Here ya go!
Dickhead Sugar Daddy | Five Hargreeves / GN Reader Words: 2.8k, rated T
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It was such a stupid fight. He didn’t even believe what he said the moment he said it.
He insisted that you take that money. He wasn’t the type of guy to beg, but he came damn close. He watched you struggling to pay medical debt for an entire year before you let him pay it off for you. Until then, you were too proud to accept his help. He told you again and again that it wasn’t a big deal. It was only in four figures and his father left behind more money than he could ever use, even when divided among all his siblings. 
“I’d give it to a friend,” he said, “even if you and I don’t work out, it doesn’t matter. Gotta be honest, I wouldn’t even notice if that amount disappeared from one of my accounts. You owe me nothing, okay?”
He could tell it made you uncomfortable and, truth be told, he didn’t much like the feeling of being a sexagenarian trust fund brat so out of touch with ordinary life that this amount of money wasn’t even a blip on his radar. After you finally accepted his offer, he hoped you could both just forget about it.
So why had he been such a colossal asshole?
The argument was about housework on top and booze underneath. Neither of you wanted to state the obvious fact that Five’s binge-drinking was becoming a problem so, instead, you fought about the consequences.
“God, turn that thing off, will you?” he shouted, irritably over the roar of the vacuum.
“Don’t talk to me like that.”
“Well, I’m sorry, darling,” he said, testily, “I just feel like shit, alright? I don’t need the goddamn vacuum in my ear.”
“Well, sorry Five, but the world doesn’t stop because you’ve got a hangover. My friend’s coming tomorrow and you promised we’d clean up today.”
“Here’s the thing: this is your friend, not mine.”
“But this is our home,” you snapped back, “we both live here and this is half your mess. You’ve been shitty about this all week.”
“Oh, so I can’t be busy?” he replied, smiling sarcastically.
“Oh yeah. So ‘busy’,” you said, doing the air quotes that would have made him punt you through a wall were you absolutely anybody else, “- busy farting around with math and looking for non-existent paradoxes around every corner.”
“It’s theoretical physics, moron. Maybe your tiny brain can’t comprehend what I’m doing, but I can assure you it’s more important than the shitty job you do all day.”
“Oh wow.” you said, laughing disbelievingly, “Well fuck you, dickhead.”
“Yeah?” he said, fire behind his eyes, “well don’t come crying to this dickhead the next time you need a sugar daddy.”
Your mouth dropped open. You stood there, frozen, looking into his face. Later, Five thought it could have gone either way in that moment: if only he’d apologized, perhaps he could still have stopped it. 
But he would never know, because he didn’t apologize: he just let his shittiest, most insolent smile spread across his face.
You threw down the vacuum, grabbed your jacket and left without looking back.
At the time, Five considered it a job well done, only glad for the opportunity to rest his banging head. Over the following days, however, he would play your departure over and over in his head, scouring his memory for everything that proved his guilt.
You were agitated; probably too agitated to pay attention: his fault.
You were hurt; perhaps hurt enough to do something impulsive: his fault. 
You were enraged; maybe your final thoughts as you stepped off the sidewalk were of how much you hated him. And it was all his fault.
He didn’t even know he was your emergency contact.
By the time the phone rang, he’d hauled himself off his ass and cleaned in preparation for your friend’s visit. He also guiltily made a reservation at your favorite restaurant, hoping to apologise over dinner.
So when he answered the phone, he expected your voice:
“Hi. Can I speak to Mr Hargreeves?”
It wasn’t your voice. It was a stranger. 
“There are a few of us,” he replied, “you’re gonna have to be more specific there.”
“Mr Five Hargreeves?”
“Right. Hello. Uh- I’m a paramedic. I found this number in a patient’s phone’s I.C.E.”
 He could barely register the rest of her explanation. As soon as he heard those four words: ‘hit by a bus’, his entire body went cold. His stalled brain could only repeat it again and again as horror encroached slowly into every fiber of his body.
Hit by a bus. A bus?...Hit by a bus?
He was only brought back to a sense of the here and now by the repeated summons of the voice on the other end of the line.
“Hit by a bus?” he asked, weakly, trying to keep a firm handle on his swimming head.
“Sir, I think you should sit down.”
He took the advice and collapsed into the straight-backed chair beside the phone, eyes fixed straight ahead of himself.
“I��m sitting down. I sat down.”
“Good. Now listen to me: you should try to get here as soon as possible. Give me your address and I’ll call you a cab, okay?”
“I don’t need a-”
“Sir,” the voice said, sternly, “give me your address. You don’t sound like you’re in a fit state to drive.”
Drive? He could as easily drive as he could fly right now. His legs trembled beneath him, his brain sending confusing, bewildered signals. He never folded in stressful situations, yet here he was shaking like a leaf.
“My brothers,” he blurted, “I’ll get a ride from one of them.”
The paramedic was satisfied with this and gave him the hospital name again very slowly and deliberately. After accepting her good wishes and slamming the phone back in its cradle, he willed his body back into action, stumbling down the stairs and screaming for anyone who might be around.
Lila answered his call, and one look at his shocked, white face told her that this was serious. 
As soon as he could have expected, he was entering your hospital room. Lila offered to accompany him, but he dismissed her with muted thanks. This was something he had to face alone. 
Your face: bruised purple and cuts newly stitched. Your left leg: in a cast that went all the way up. But the doctors weren’t worried about the broken bones, they were worried by the head injury.
You were comatose because of him.
Standing there in the doorway, he was hit by his own bus. His guts constricted, breath catching in his chest. 
“Don’t come crying to this dickhead next time you need a sugar daddy.”
As his own words echoed back to him, he squeezed his eyes closed, shutting out the sight and trying to gather himself. But it was too late. He whooped in a breath and felt the hot sting of suppressed tears behind his eyes.
All he could do was wait, they told him. The brain had a remarkable capacity to repair itself, they said. You might wake up and be just fine...but you also might not wake up at all. 
He swiped at his face with his forearm. 
Seconds were useless now: you needed seconds as soon as you stepped out into the road. If only he’d followed and apologized like he should have done immediately, he would have been there. He might have stopped it happening before it did, or he could have wound back time and undone it. 
But now, hours since you were hit? His puny time-travel powers couldn’t help, not without decades of planning and tinkering and paradox-proofing. Perhaps more years than he had left to live.
If only he hadn’t been such a cunt in the first place. None of it would have happened.
“I’m sorry.” he whispered, from behind his own forearm held across his face, “Fuck. I’m so sorry.”
He sat at your bedside, teeth gritted against the tears he wouldn’t give himself the luxury of crying. He held your hand tight, as if torrential water might sweep you away were it not for him anchoring you.
He held your hand as if his grip might tether you to life.
And his mind preyed upon itself.
Yet again, his own selfishness had hurt someone he loved. And this time it was the person he loved more than anything. First, he abandoned his siblings for the sake of his own ego and now he’d probably killed you because he was a cruel, spiteful asshole.
“Don’t come crying to this dickhead next time you need a sugar daddy.”
He sat in silence for the rest of the daylight hours, listening to your heart monitor. Every new beep was a relief, the spaces between were looming and fear-filled. The silence held the possibility that the next beep might never come. 
When darkness fell and the hospital’s bustle fell to a low ebb, he leaned forward and laid his head beside yours on the pillow.
“Please don’t die.”
And hearing himself say it was all it took for the dam to break. He couldn’t keep the tears in anymore. He cried like he hadn’t cried since those first years in the apocalypse, when he’d still been young enough to sob ‘I wanna go home!’ and ‘I want my mom!’ into the unhearing wasteland. 
“Please.” he said, burying his red, tear-streaked face in your hair, “Please don’t leave me. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it. I promise I didn’t.” 
He tore in two or three gasping breaths.
“Please, angel. Don’t leave me. I can’t- I can’t-”
But he was crying too hard to speak. He raised his fist to his mouth and bit down on it to contain the wails clawing their way up his throat and threatening to burst bounds.
Cutting white teeth marks into his knuckles, he cried it out until he could control himself; until his voice could stay steady.
“You gotta wake up,” he whispered, “I can’t do this on my own anymore. I need you, okay? I’ll be better. I’ll be whatever you need me to be. Just don’t leave me.”
Another shaky breath.
“-you’re the fucking love of my life. I love you so much and without you I can’t even- I can’t.”
He screwed up his eyes again, trying to keep himself from re-dissolving.
“I can’t imagine getting up without you any more. I can’t imagine going to sleep without you. There wouldn’t be any point, y’know? I may as well just…”
He never finished the sentence. He felt like muscles and tendons in his chest were being pulled apart by strong hands.
Day time. He hadn’t slept, hadn’t washed, hadn’t eaten. He spent most of his time in the chair beside the bed, holding your hand in his, but he occasionally perched beside you on the bed, stroking your hair and talking almost nonstop.
“You’re gonna have to wake up soon, darling.” he said, “They say they’ll have to give you a feeding tube if you’re asleep for much longer. You won’t like that. So how about this: you always hate it when I don’t eat. You loom over me while I’m working and make me eat. So- how do you like this: I’m not gonna eat until you do.”
He made a satisfied noise as if you’d responded.
“Exactly- you don’t want that, do you. So you gotta wake up- it's the only way you can make sure I eat. I've got you there, haven't I?”
He looked down at his own hand over yours. 
“And, to sweeten the deal, if you wake up before they have to put the feeding tube in, you get breakfast in bed every day for two months after we get home. And I’ll massage your feet on demand. Shit, I’ll let the world end rather than miss a single minute with you. I’m going to be better. I’ll do better with the booze. I swear, I’m going to be the perfect man. You deserve that. You deserve better. Please. Just wake up.”
What started off as light humor had devolved again into the desperate bargaining of the night.
He looked down at his shoes and felt exhaustion wash over him. He rubbed at his eyes with the palm of one hand and wished he had the faith requisite to pray. 
A groan.
His head snapped back up so abruptly that it twinged his neck. His eyes scanned your face for any sign of life and found none. Just as he thought he’d imagined the sound, your hand twitched in his.
“Oh my God,” he whispered.
Eyebrows knitted, he sprang to his feet and called your name urgently, leaning towards you and resisting the urge to take you by the shoulders and shake you.
“Come on,” he urged, “say something. Open your eyes. Please, just let me know you’re in there.”
Slowly, and seemingly with as much effort as if your eyelids were weighted with iron, your eyes drifted open. They were vague and bloodshot, but they held his gaze.
“That’s it!” he said.
Tears, of joy this time, fell thick and fast again.
“Oh, thank fuck. I can’t believe it. Oh, fuck.”
Your mouth opened and a rusty voice spoke.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He bent towards you and held you to him as tightly as he could in your delicate state. His heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. Relief and euphoria rushed through his every atom. He kissed your forehead, each cheek and peppered several more across your nose and chin. He was too uncontrolled, too carried away by his own gladness to have finesse. Each kiss made a gentle smack against your skin.
“Who are you?” came your voice. 
And it was like the sun going in. He straightened up, cautiously. 
“It’s Five, angel,” he said, gently, “You remember me, right?”
“I’ve never seen you before in my life.”
His breath caught in his throat. 
You had a brain injury. For some reason he hadn’t prepared himself for the fact that some things might be permanently broken. 
But then your face broke into a hazy smile, and a halting creak issued from your chest. If he wasn’t mistaken, that sounded like-
“Ah wait, you’re that dickhead sugar daddy I know, aren’t you?”
You were laughing. You were fucking with him.
Another wave of relief coursed through him. He bent again and kissed you with a pumping heart and tightening lungs. His lips parted yours, desperate, tender and giddy.
“I love you,” he said, between kisses,”I love you, I love you. I c-can’t believe you’re okay!”
And again he was sobbing. He laid his forehead on yours and cried unashamedly into your face. One of your hands drifted slowly upwards and came to rest heavily on his shoulder. He cried that way for a few minutes while you looked up at him dreamily. 
Eventually, when his crying began to lessen, you began to giggle slightly madly. He withdrew, looking down at you in a moment of confusion. 
And then it hit him: the dosage of medication.
You laughed harder, your hand coming to thump him on the shoulder as something hilarious occurred to you.
“Guess what. Guess what, Five: now I’m gonna have…even more…medical…debt!”
You dissolved into a peal of helpless laughter, which he couldn’t help but join in with despite all his tears.
“Don’t think about that now. Dickhead sugar daddy’s got your back.”
He continued more seriously when his laughter subsided. 
“I fucked up bad. I’m so sorry. I was sorry less than ten minutes after you left. I didn’t mean it.”
With the attitude of one who’s won a bet, you pointed at him weakly, 
“Now you have to make me breakfast in bed every day for two months.”
“I will,” he grinned, “if you say you forgive me?”
You smiled but didn’t answer, letting out another little burble of laughter.
He decided that now might be a bad time to talk about what happened in too much detail. There would be time for heart-to-hearts when you weren’t dosed up on enough pain meds to knock out a bull elephant. 
Instead, he kicked off his shoes and brought his legs up so that he lay on the very edge of the bed while taking up as little space as possible. He laid his head gently on your shoulder and heard you sigh with contentment.
Here it was: his longed-for second chance. 
He felt his eyelids growing heavy. All was right with the world now.
“I don’t want the perfect man,” you mumbled.
“Huh?” he said, rousing himself.
“I don’t want the perfect man,” you repeated, “I want you.”
Request masterlist >> HERE
Feel free to contact me with more Five requests, that was super fun and I want more! I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for more.
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outerbankies · 2 years
hi bestie! congrats! could i request — “hey, i think it’s time to go to bed.” ?? thank you❤️
thank you!!! and thanks for sending this prompt! the first one of the 2k celly 🎉🎉🎉
new light: give up — rafe cameron
new light masterlist
summary: a weekend away with all of rafe’s friends gets off to a sleepy start.
warnings: alcohol
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It was a weekend you’d been looking forward to for a while.
Yours and Rafe’s schedules had finally lined up with the rest of his friends from college, and everyone went in on a rental in Nashville for a long weekend. Margot came in from the Outer Banks, and Kelce was just over in Texas so he made the trip over, too. Topper couldn’t get out of his school commitments, and you were already ready to drag Rafe into a million different stores until you could source a good souvenir for him.
The rental house was cute—the owner had really leaned into the Music City theme, and you were charmed by the decor. 
Sawyer and Cody had been first in this morning, and you and Rafe arrived to them already tipsy while they fought over one of several empty bedrooms in the house. Everyone else had trickled in later, Margot and then Kelce, with Graham and Nora rounding out the group soon after. 
Catching up and settling in over drinking games had rolled straight into a pregame, and the general consensus permeating the room was that everyone was ready to get the night started and make plenty of bad decisions.
“We’re out the door by 10, alright?” Cody says sternly. 
Everyone standing around the kitchen island nods dutifully, knowing he’ll make good on his promise of leaving people behind. 
“Yes sir,” Kelce jokes. You smile tiredly at their antics, loving seeing all of the friends you love together in one room, fitting together seamlessly.
Rafe taps your hip from where you’d been leaning over the island, that last shot of ’42 going straight to your head. “C’mon. Let’s go get ready.”
“Lead the way.”
You follow Rafe down to the lower level, to the room you’d both decided was furthest away from the chaos while still having a private bathroom. 
He beelines for his suitcase, where it sits unfolded in the corner, while you make your way to the bed with your makeup bag, hiding a barely stifled yawn once his back is turned. But once you sit down on the bed, you lean back into the headboard, shutting your eyes momentarily.
You crack one eye open, your cheeks heating up when you realize you’ve been caught. “M’sorry. Do you think I can power nap and still get ready in an hour? I have an outfit visualized in my head.” 
“Not a chance in hell. You’re gonna change it four times,” Rafe laughs, pulling his shirt up over his head where he’s kneeling in front of his bag. He turns to you, his eyes softening. “You’re tired, sweetheart, aren’t you?”
“Thought we’d have more downtime today,” you admit. “Not sure why, knowing your friends.” 
Rafe drops the shirt he’d been holding, standing and making his way over to you. 
“Bad move on your part,” he says, crawling up the bed and over your body, kissing you on the forehead before he sits to your side, grabbing your hand in both of his.
You smile, bringing his hand up to your lips, batting your eyelashes with great effort due to your heavy eyelids. “Could you go back upstairs for a RedBull?”
“Baby,” Rafe coos. “I think it’s time to go to bed.”
You blink, perking up in your surprise at his suggestion. “What? It’s the first night, we have to go out.”
“Says who?” Rafe shrugs. 
“Says everyone upstairs who’ll drag me out of here kicking and screaming,” you deadpan. 
“I’ll fight ‘em,” he says seriously.
“Rafe,” you laugh, pushing him with a hand to his chest. “I just have to rally.”
You make no move to do such, and time continues ticking down. You aren’t testing him, because you know you’d get him off your back with a minuscule pout. You didn’t even have to do that, and he was already suggesting you stay back. An outcome for the night you hadn’t even realized you wanted until you sealed yourselves off in your room, the first quiet moment to yourselves all day. 
“Okay,” Rafe says, moving your makeup bag from your lap to the side table next to the bed. “Or, hear me out, you could change out of your jeans and go brush your teeth.”
It’s a sudden thought so enticing, but you know you can’t fold yet. 
“It’s the first night,” you reemphasize, moving the bag back into your lap. “I just have to get going—I’ll order an espresso martini at the first place.”
“No one’s gonna give you shit,” Rafe says, moving the bag out of your reach again. “They’ll understand.”
“Okay, but Margot doesn’t know Nora that well, and I’ll feel bad if—”
“Kelce can handle Margot,” Rafe reminds you stubbornly.
You sigh, engaging in a quick staring contest. You both can’t help but start smiling the minute you lock eyes, and you have the urge to push him again, but you fight it.
“If I didn’t go,” you finally suggest, immediately regretting it when Rafe smiles again like he’s victorious, pink lips pulled up in smug satisfaction as his hand strokes over your knee. “If. Would you make sure they don’t do anything they’ll regret? That goes for all of them, honestly.”
The smug look fades as his eyebrows furrow. “Babe, I’m not going either.”
“Rafe,” you protest. 
“Y/n,” he counters. “I don’t wanna go.”
“You don’t wanna go? Or you don’t wanna leave me?”
He cocks his head to the side. “Not mutually exclusive.”
“I’m not that girlfriend,” you remind him. “You should go.”
“I’m that boyfriend,” he says. “I’m not going.”
“But you haven’t seen your boys in forever,” you protest, your last defense.
Rafe smiles, squeezing your knee. “Trust me, I’ve had enough of them in the last 12 hours.” 
You look at his face a little more, noticing his under eyes are a bit darker than you’d taken notice of, that his voice was dipping into that lower timbre he only got before dawn and after dusk. He hadn’t even had that much to drink today from what you remember, so you know it wasn’t that. It hits you then that he’d probably been pushing himself to go out just for you—what you thought you’d been doing for your friends. The surge of fondness is quickly overtaken by the need to make it right—to make sure he’s really sure.
But Rafe zeroes in on it and kisses your next argument off of your lips, pulling himself back over you and off of the bed. He forgoes the button up he’d been fiddling with earlier, pulling out a pair of sweatpants instead and slipping them up to his hips, tossing a worn t-shirt in your general direction. “Are we done here? I’m gonna go up and break the news.”
You finally feel yourself fully relax into the bed, knowing you’re done half-heartedly arguing and he’s done graciously entertaining it. “They’re gonna call us lame.”
“Oh, we are. I’ll bring us some snacks, too.”
You laugh, beckoning him closer with a finger as you stand again. You lean up to wrap your arms around him, feeling your tired body lose even more steam as he squeezes you tight, your eyes finding his. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he says, surprised like he even needs to say it to you, like there’s ever a stray second where you don’t know that as truth. He presses a kiss into the side of your head, only letting you go after a while. “Get in bed.”
You give him a mock salute, turning to grab your cosmetics bag off of the table again to take into the bathroom with you. Rafe raises his eyebrows. “My skincare is in here. Promise.” 
He points at you accusingly as he swings the door open. “I’m holding you to that.”
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silverflqmes · 5 days
your writing is my everything omg...you say you're quite new to the ff7 fandom, but you're so insane at writing the characters, its amazing. AHEM ANYWAYS <3 I was wondering if you could write some sephiroth x reader (who's love language is physical touch, and is quite energetic, and loud. However, more soft-spoken and gentle with him.) Knocking on his door at 3am only to find him awake, and it turns in to a cuddling session 💗
notes. anskwjsdj anon, that’s so sweet to hear🥺 i swear i’m new, really!😭 i got into it back in february so it hasn’t been very long.. but i appreciate your words, they’re very reassuring since i doubt my portrayals a lot :’) i hope this post is to your liking!<3
genre. fluff + comfort
sephiroth x gn!reader.
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shinra was ever quiet into the late evening as you tiptoed down the corridor of suites, careful not to stumble or make a ruckus. after all, normal people were asleep around this hour, even if you weren’t one of them.
but.. neither was your boyfriend, apparently, and you were about to make that his problem.
reaching the end of the hall, a soft breath spilled from your lips as you raised your fist to gently knock, grinning brightly. “sephirothhh.. it’s meeeee, your beloved y/n!” you sang as quiet as can be, suppressing a giggle before adding in a whispered yell, “open up before i freeze my ass off!”
it was a known fact that he, like his other peers, was graced with enhanced senses. which included hearing — among many other qualities to detect your presence, of course.
that being said, sephiroth had to be aware of your arrival, and by the pattern of footfalls echoing behind the door, it seemed he was!
liquid mercury framing a pale, ethereal face emerged through the crack of the doorframe, lips pulled into the tiniest of smiles. “apologies, i wasn’t aware i would be receiving company at this hour.” he finally spoke, sidestepping as an unvoiced invitation. “to what do i owe the pleasure of your lovely presence?”
with a quick kiss to his cheek, you threw your arms around him after twisting the lock, humming softly. “well, i must confess that i was suffering of boredom, lingering caffeine and a horrid lack of sephitonin.. so i decided to do something about that!”
a soft peck was placed on the flat of your temple in return, a noise of amusement following. “sephitonin, you say? and a lack of it? my, that sounds terrible, it simply won’t do.” sephiroth murmured back, cradling your body close to his by the hips. “what is your solution, if i might inquire?” there were several things that came to mind, but somehow you always had a way of going beyond his assumptions.
this was no exception. “a kiss for every minute that we have been apart sounds promising.. or a cuddle session until dawn, that sounds very appealing too.. then again, a goodnight’s rest on your thighs sounds lovely as well.. is ‘all the above’ an option here?”
a chuckle tumbled from his rosewood appendages, eyes crinkling at the corners. “hm.. just for you,” he paused, bringing a hand to cup your cheek. “i’d be willing to allow all of your suggestions. however, dawn is not far off.” the general warned, tracing his thumb over your warm skin. “we’d better get started.”
leaning into his cold, yet soothing hand, you allowed yourself to enjoy his touch for only a moment before letting out a tiny gasp. “you are so right. i should have infiltrated your apartment much sooner.” you concluded, pulling away to slip your fingers through the crevices of his pale ones. “it seems we have four hours at best and many, many kisses in dire need of compensation.. think you can handle this job, SOLDIER?”
though he knew the answer already, sephiroth fed into the silly act and made a contemplative sound, tapping a finger on his chin. “it will be a great feat, but i would not be a SOLDIER first if i could not accomplish this for my beloved.” he answered finally, smiling at the way you beamed up at him. did you always have to be so adorable?
“great! then it’s settled,” you giggled, tugging him forward. “to the bedroom we go!”
and to the bedroom you both went, laughter echoing all the way to the threshold where you fell back onto the collection of pillows with a bright grin.
the feline eyed male was quick to fill the spot beside you, pulling your body into the shape of his own as his nose buried into the crook of your neck.
kisses were peppered in his wake, snickers eliciting from your lips at the moonlight colored strands brushing over the curve of your cheek. it was utter bliss, being in his arms as you were, the signature rose and vanilla clinging to the air surrounding you both. somehow it was more prominent than normal; perhaps he had washed his hair after arriving home. either way, the scent put you at complete ease, as always.
“comfortable?” velvet cut through the silence, a gentle murmur against your ear.
you couldn’t help your giddiness at his affections, smiling like a teenager in love as you nuzzled against him. “incredibly, i’m about to have the best sleep ever.”
bemused, sephiroth shifted to tuck your head underneath his chin, allowing his eyes to flutter shut. “truly? well, i’m happy that i can provide you with such. i’ll certainly be sleeping nicely tonight as well.” a slumber devoid of the usual nightmares? with his beloved? he’d take it any day, no matter the timeframe in which you ask.
“good,” you muttered back, pressing your lips to his collarbone as your legs tangled with his own. “i want you to rest well too, i know it’s been harder as of late.. so i, y’know, wanna accommodate as best as i can.”
for a moment he fell quiet, though his arms- they spoke volumes of gratitude when they tightened just slightly around your form.
eventually, he found his voice again. “thank you, my love.”
notes. kinda short but i offer you a dose of sephitonin🤲 i’ve been adjusting to uni life so i haven’t been able to get to requests but i will do my best to gradually put out! just bear with me until then pls!🥺🫶
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fanfoolishness · 3 months
The Bad Batch's first ever night out on the town, early on in their careers. Fluff, silliness, alcohol, general shenanigans and boys being boys. ~4200 words, somehow!
“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” said Hunter, casting a wary eye at the entrance of 79’s.  Booming music spilled out onto the platform, waves of synth-funk and pounding bass already half-deafening.  The neon lights made his tongue prickle with the taste of ozone.
“Hey, how often do we get to shore up on Coruscant?” Wrecker asked, shoulder-checking him on his way out of the cab.  “C’mon.  The regs are always goin’ on about this place.  I wanna see what the big deal is!”
”The big deal is alcohol, of course,” said Tech.  He folded his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow at the garish neon and the clusters of clones in off-duty blues and standard issue armor milling about.  “And the chance to imbibe it aggressively.  I’ve heard some of the tales that come out of this place, too, and things don’t always end well.  I suggest we take a more moderate approach, given none of us has ever had the chance to drink before.”
“We’ll be fine, Tech,” Crosshair said, adjusting his toothpick.  “We’re defective, remember?  I’m sure we could drink these regs under the table.”
”Don’t get cocky,” said Hunter, though he had to admit he was curious.  “It’s not a contest.”  
They’d just come off their fifth ever mission, riding high on how they’d managed to pit two tactical droids and their armies against each other with epic results, and he thought of the medals they’d been awarded for it.  He’d stowed his safely in his bunk on the Marauder until he could figure out what to do with it, but every time he glanced at it, he couldn’t help but feel a fierce pride.  They did deserve to blow off some steam after that.
Wrecker led the way into the bar, more than a few clones turning and staring at him — then at the rest of them as they filed through.  Too tall, too short, too broad, too skinny.  Though they were wearing their blues, there was still no hope of blending in.  A few stared at Tech’s goggles and Crosshair’s silver hair in particular; most were smart enough to avert their gaze at Wrecker’s bulk, given Wrecker would happily give them a shove if they mouthed off.  
Hunter watched the other clones’ faces carefully, ready in case anything started, but they made it to the bartender without incident.  Under the pounding music, he thought he heard a few whispers, but nothing major.
The clone behind the bar tilted his head, giving them an appraising look.  “Ninety-nines?” he ventured, his face impassive.
”What gave it away?” Wrecker laughed.  
“Problem?” Crosshair drawled, leaning over Wrecker’s shoulder.
”No problem.  Money’s money,” the bartender said with a shrug.  “What’ll it be?”
The four of them looked at each other.  They hadn’t gotten that far.
”Four harvest brews,” Tech said.  The bartender nodded and turned away.  Tech leaned in close to them to be heard.  “It’s a reasonable first drink.  Lower proof, known to be easy to drink.  I suggest we see how that goes and proceed from there.”
 “Did you research the menu ahead of time?” Hunter asked, already knowing the answer.
”What do you think I was doing in the cab?”
”Lower proof,” Wrecker said.  “Does that mean it’s for lightweights?  ‘Cause I’m no lightweight.”
“We’d noticed,” said Crosshair.
”Careful, Wrecker.  Don’t let it go to your head.”
The bartender returned with four large glasses of foamy amber ale and Hunter reached for his credits.  The Republic didn’t pay much, but they had nothing else to spend it on.  Why not this? 
The bartender held up a hand.  “Want to start a tab?”
”Yeah!” Wrecker said before Hunter could stop.  
“All right, sure,” Hunter said, feeling only slightly uneasy.
They took their drinks to a far corner of the bar, where a bunch of regs clustered around a table lined with two sets of glasses.  Hunter watched curiously as one tossed a small light ball into the air, bouncing it off the table until it clattered against the opposite side’s glasses harmlessly.  He groaned, the clones beside him shoving him and telling him to get it together.
”I propose a toast.  It’s traditional.”
”All right, what do you think?” Hunter asked Tech.
”To Clone Force Ninety-Nine,” Tech said, raising his glass high.  
“To the Bad Batch!” Wrecker crowed, clinking his glass enthusiastically.
”To the Bad Batch,” they echoed, raising their glasses.  They each took a drink.
”Phawww,” Hunter groaned, his nose wrinkling, sticking his tongue out.  The ale was bitter and malty, with an odd sour note.  It clung to the inside of his mouth, and he wished they had some ration bars on hand to cut the taste.  “This is beer?  It’s horrible.”
”I dunno, I kind of like it,” said Wrecker, taking a huge drink.  He coughed and sputtered.  “Maybe I don’t like it that much.”
”Perhaps it’s an acquired taste,” said Tech, looking less than pleased with his drink.  He took another sip, grimacing slightly.  “Or perhaps the intoxicating effects make up for the musty flavor.”
”I think it’s fine,” said Crosshair, drinking a quarter of his glass in one go.  He stifled a cough by chewing frantically on his toothpick, and Hunter rolled his eyes.
”So we just… sit here?  Drinking?” Wrecker asked, doing just that.  He looked puzzled.  “That’s really what people do here?”
”I suppose,” Hunter said.  “You put it like that, it really doesn’t sound like much.”  He tried his beer again, bracing himself, but it wasn’t as bad the second time around now that he knew what to expect.  
“Well, we could always play a game,” Crosshair said slyly, glancing at the regs clustered around their table.  “You know we could destroy them.”
”You don’t even know what they’re playing,” Tech admonished.  He adjusted his goggles.  “Then again, the rules do appear to be exceedingly simple.  Throw the ball into the other team’s cup, they take a drink.  The more intoxicated they become, the less able they are to throw accurately at the other team’s cups. It’s basic enough for even the wildly intoxicated to grasp.  I suspect the wild intoxication is the point.”
”That sounds like a recipe for a fight to break out,” Hunter said, a dozen different incidents of fights they’d had with regs sober coming to mind.  “C’mon lads, forget them.  We’re celebrating kicking ass together, who needs the regs?” He raised his glass again.  “Wrecker!  You nailed Plan Forty-two.  That was one helluva bomb!”
Wrecker laughed, taking another swig.  “Yes it was!  I almost thought I wasn’t gonna have enough chargers ‘til Tech helped me rig those downed droids to blow.  That was awesome!”
”The ensuing explosion was nothing short of tremendous,” Tech agreed.  “Truly inspired!  I was happy to assist.”
”Well, what about Cross’s ricochet taking out half of ‘em before they even got going?” Wrecker said, clapping Crosshair hard between the shoulders.  Crosshair nearly choked on his toothpick and took another drink, his cheeks flushing faintly reddish.
”It was easy,” he said, but Hunter knew he was pleased.  
“Easy nothing.  It was one for the books,” Hunter said, and Crosshair gave him a faint, surprised grin.
”Don’t forget Hunter’s planning,” Tech mentioned.  “We’d never have gotten that trap laid without his enhanced senses.”
“All part of the job,” Hunter said warmly.  Huh.  He felt a little warm all over, come to think of it.  
Wrecker drained the last of his glass, and not to be outdone, Crosshair did the same with his.  “I don’t feel anything,” Wrecker said, disappointed.
”Me neither,” said Crosshair, though Hunter thought his voice sounded a little different, even accounting for the loud music.  His face looked more flushed, his cheeks uncharacteristically ruddy.  Tech was giving him an appraising look.
”It is not instantaneous,” Tech said.  “Perhaps you should give it a moment before —“
”Another round!” Wrecker said, getting up to his feet.  “C’mon, Cross, let’s try something different.”
”You’re on,” said Crosshair, following as Wrecker parted a way through the crowd with his massive shoulders.  
Hunter turned back to Tech.  “I have a bad feeling about this….”
Bad feeling?  What bad feeling? 
Hunter snaked an arm over Tech’s shoulders, gripping his arm hard.  “Ahhh, glad we came out tonight,” he said.  He felt pleasantly warm and more than a little giddy, and everything was just funny.  “Just a couple bad batchers out on the town!”
”You could hardly call Coruscant a town,” Tech corrected, his cheeks pink and his goggles slightly askew.  Instead of leaning away from Hunter’s hug, he completed it, his arm draped loosely around Hunter’s waist.  With his other hand he gesticulated dramatically.  “It is an ecumenopolis with the city structure covering all natural features entirely except for a sliver of the planet’s tallest peak, which has been preserved as a —“
”Tech, Tech, Tech,” Wrecker said, draining his second drink and then patting him on the shoulder.  “Drink more.  Smart less.”
”Shots?” Crosshair asked, elbowing a reg out of the way as he came back to the table.  He had four tiny glasses balanced in his hands, each filled with blazing layers of red and pink and yellow liquid.  “They call it a Kamino Sunrise.  79’s special.”  
“We are already exhibiting sufficient signs of intoxication,” Tech pointed out, letting go of Hunter.  He’d drawn the word sufficient out far longer than he needed to, enunciating each syllable.  He held out his hand, tapping his palm as he counted.  “Slurred speech, jovial attitudes, and an expansive broadening of our normal personalities.  Trying these shots may put us over the line from tipsy to — what do the regs call it — wasted.”
”Live a little, Tech,” said Crosshair.  He slammed the shots down on the table save one, a bit of liquid spilling over the rims.  “Come on.  We live or die like men.”
”What does that even mean?” Wrecker roared, laughing and swiping one of the glasses.  “Hurry up!”
“I am living!  But I am also not eager to completely obliterate my exceptional critical thinking skills,” Tech said defensively.  “However, in the interest of brotherly camaraderie, I will try this shot against my better judgment.”
Tech and Hunter picked up their shot glasses, and Hunter gave Tech a look of Well, here goes nothing.  They clinked their glasses together.
”To… to…what are we toasting this time?” Wrecker asked. 
“Uh….”  They stared around at each other, Crosshair nibbling his toothpick, Tech staring off into the distance, Hunter’s mind a complete blank.  He stifled a giggle.
”To Lula!” Wrecker announced.  
Hunter met his brothers’ eyes, and they nodded, roaring, “To Lula!’
They slugged back their drinks, and Hunter had time only to perceive burning sugar spicy sweet before he’d gulped the thing down.  A wobble passed through his legs almost instantly, traveling like a wave from his head down, making everything glow.
“Uh, Cross?  What was in these?”
“I dunno.  I’m not a barkeep,” Crosshair said, weaving slightly where he stood.  He caught sight of the regs at their table and grinned.  “C’mon.  Let’s get ‘em.”
The battle was fierce.
The regs had been less than welcoming.  But with Wrecker looming and cracking his knuckles, Crosshair glowering, and Hunter’s relaxed shrug to say you may as well make it easy on yourselves, the regs had relented and given them a go.  (Tech, for his part, had simply shaken his head and rolled his eyes at the whole idea.)
Hunter figured they were sorely regretting it now.  They’d added this round to their tab (hope we brought enough credits!), which had gone a long way towards the regs playing with them.  And like Tech had said, the game was easy.  But it turned out bouncing the ball before it landed in a cup meant the other team had to drink double.  So did calling which cup the ball was going to land in before tossing it.  Absurdly, the effects stacked if both things were accomplished.
Which made Crosshair even more deadly than usual.  
He sidled up to the table, toothpick jutting from his mouth, looming over the playing field like a vengeful Venator.  Hunter could swear one of the regs, a shiny by the looks of him, was actually shaking.  He nursed an ale, keeping watch on the situation.  Funny how the beer seemed to taste a lot better now than it had in the beginning.  He took another drink, grinning.
Crosshair was merciless, especially with Wrecker egging him on.  It was hard not to.  Hunter couldn’t help but whoop with both of them as Crosshair scored hit after hit.  Even Tech whistled once or twice, one of those shrieking whistles with two fingers hooked into his mouth.  
It was a massacre.  Occasionally the other team managed to land a shot, but they were pretty damn gone and they missed far more often than they succeeded.  The few times they did land a shot, Crosshair gamely took a drink each time.  He started slurring his calls, but his aim was as good as ever.
“Cup six, two bounces.”
“One bounce, spin off the rim of cup two, it’ll land in four.  Trust me.”
“Two bounces off the wall, back onto the table, it’ll hop into three --”
“Cup nine from ten feet back, come on, give me some room--”
The regs on the other end of the table groaned.  “Come on!  Someone else has gotta take a turn!  He’s cheating!”
Crosshair drew himself up to his full height, instantly incandescent with rage, his eyes snapping.  He spat his toothpick to the floor, raising his fists.  Oh kriff -- Hunter had time to think before he jumped out in front of his brother, pushing him back with a hand on his chest.  Crosshair staggered into Tech, who managed to catch him before he fell.
“No he’s not,” Hunter bellowed, whirling to face the regs.  He glared at them, showing his teeth.  He’d learned pretty early on with the skull tattoo it was a good way to scare people off, and two of the regs took a step back, sweating.  “But if you’re a bunch of cowards who can’t handle it when someone’s better than you --” He puffed out his chest, crossing his arms.
“Hey!” Wrecker cried, leaning heavily on Hunter’s shoulder.  “Hey Hunter.  Why can’t we all just -- just get along?”  He hiccuped, grabbing one of the cups off the table and taking a drink.  “These guys ain’t so bad.  They’re tiny.  And they suck at ale pong.  But maybe we should all be friends.”
Hunter snorted, looking up at his brother.  “Now I know you’re drunk.”
“Not drunk!  Just…” Wrecker searched for the word.
“Just drunk?” Tech supplied helpfully.
“Yeah!  That’s it, drunk!”
Hunter buried his face in his hands.
Crosshair shoved past him, jerking a finger at the regs.  “This isn’t over,” he snarled.  He went to lean a hand on the table but missed, and promptly crashed to the ground in a pile of long flailing legs.  The regs erupted in laughter.
Tech was bending down, helping Crosshair back up to his feet.  Wrecker let go of Hunter and leaned down, elbowing Tech out of the way and hauling Crosshair up so fast he nearly fell over again.  “Hey, little brother!” Wrecker said loudly.  “You all right?”
“I’m fine, I just -- I must’ve --” Crosshair slurred.  His face suddenly looked pale, and he gripped Wrecker’s arm hard.  “Ooh.  Dizzy.”
“Let’s get you to sit down,” Tech said.  “I tried to warn you.”
“Shut up, Tech --”
“Listen to him, Crosshair,” said Hunter.  “Don’t make me pull rank.”  Crosshair glared, but the fight was going out of him.
They shambled their way back to a free table.  Crosshair was very definitely wobbling.  Wrecker was steady, but he was loudly singing something ridiculous.  Some pop song from the bar?  Hunter focused, or tried to.  Everything was coming through muzzy and muted.  His senses had never been so dull in his life, and he wondered vaguely if this was what normal clones felt like all the time.  
Hunter pulled up a seat at the table, peering at Crosshair.  Wrecker was still humming off-key under his breath.  Tech had disappeared.  Where had he gone to?  Hunter pulled his gaze away from Crosshair, glassy-eyed and pale, and saw Tech over at the bar.  
“Oh he’d better not be getting another round,” Hunter muttered, thinking of Crosshair.  Although he felt fine, if a little wavy around the edges.  Maybe he’d get one more beer before they headed out, ride this feeling a little further…  Nah, that probably wasn’t the best move right now.
“See ya,” Wrecker said suddenly, getting to his feet and taking Crosshair with him.
“What?  Where are you going?” Hunter called after them.
“He’s gonna upchuck!” said Wrecker cheerfully, bustling a tilting Crosshair off into the crowd. “Wanna come?”
Hunter groaned, torn between following them and waiting for Tech.  He got to his feet, wending his way through the crowd until he found Tech at the bar, having an argument with the bartender.
“I’ve calculated our tab, and you have been wildly undercharging us!” Tech accused.  “It’s highly suspicious --”
“It’s half-price night!” the bartender protested.  “Don’t you remember me telling you when you came in?”
“No,” Hunter said.  He leaned in.  “Tech, what gives?  If they want to charge us less, who cares?”
Tech opened his mouth to argue, then closed it again.  He pursed his lips.  “Well.  I suppose it’s his prerogative.”  
“Look, we’d better settle up.  Whatever it is we owe you,” Hunter said heavily.  The bartender gave him a price and he paid it, wondering what was going on with the pricing, but not caring enough to find out.
“Have a good night guys, all right?” the bartender said.  “And here’s some water for the way home.  You’ll need it.”  He slid several bottles of water over to them and Tech and Hunter gathered them up.
“You just had to bring up math, didn’t you?” 
“It doesn’t make any sense.  There is no special, Hunter.  I saw others close their tabs at the normal rate.”
“Maybe he charges less for defective clones.  Credit error in our favor, right?”  
“It’s ridiculous, but -- Ah.  Where did Wrecker and Crosshair go?”
“I think Crosshair overdid it,” said Hunter.  “They’re off to the ‘fresher.  Let’s go find ‘em.”
They found Wrecker guarding the far stall in the busy restroom.  Crosshair was slumped against the wall of the stall, cradling the toilet with one arm.  
“Yikes,” said Hunter.
“I did warn you,” said Tech.
“He’s taking it like a champ,” said Wrecker proudly, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.  “Hey!  You guys brought another round?  I could go for somethin’ else!”
“It’s just water.  And you’re in the bathroom,” said Tech in disgust.
“Aww, man!”
Hunter crept into the stall, crouching beside Crosshair, who had leaned his head against the wall with his eyes closed.  The stall smelled of sick and sweat, nearly enough to turn his own stomach.  “Cross.  You all right?”
Crosshair cracked open one eye and glared blearily at him.  “At least no one had to hold my hair back,” he muttered. 
Hunter bristled.  “Oh, you are such a little --”  Then he grinned.  “Yeah, I think you’ll be all right.  Come on.  Ready to get out of here?”
Crosshair closed his eyes, wincing, then swallowed.  “Eurgh… another minute.”  
Hunter hurried out of the stall, slamming the door shut behind him.
They finally made it out twenty minutes later, after Crosshair swore he was done puking.  He was still wobbly on his feet but the glassy look in his eyes had faded.  Wrecker was steering him through the crowd, clearing a path with his vast arms.  Tech followed them, chattering to himself about inefficient business practices, while Hunter brought up the rear.  The crowd had started to thin out by now and it was noticeably less jam-packed and quieter.  Time to get a move on.
There was a lull in the music, and his ears pricked at a conversation carried through an empty pocket in the center of the room.  It was the bartender, talking to someone.  Hunter paused, listening, keeping his gaze averted so as not to alert the bartender he was being listened to.  
“Damn, I’m glad I followed my instinct with those ninety-nines.”
”What do you mean?”
”Well, they may have been defective, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know a shiny when I see one.  Gave ‘em the shiny special.”
“Isn’t that where you only serve ‘em half strength of what they ordered?”
“Yeah.  The brainy one almost figured it out, but the leader called him off.  Can you imagine how messed up those clones would have got if I’d let ‘em have the full-strength stuff?  Bunch of lightweights.”
”Yeah.  Poor bastards.  Shinies always overdo it.”
Hunter swallowed. They’d been drinking half of what they thought they had?  Crap.  That was embarrassing.  Shiny special, indeed.
He caught up to the others as they squeezed out through the front door and into the stale night air, finally free of the music that had been dully pounding in the background for hours.  Tech turned back to him.  “I’ve called a taxi.  Should be here in twenty.  I suggest we find a spot to sit down -- far from the edge of this platform, judging by the way our reflexes have been affected.”
“My reflexes are fine,” said Hunter, reaching for his knife to show off.  His hand hit fabric and he remembered he’d left his vibroblade with his armor back on the ship.  He gave Tech a flustered grin.  “Okay, fair point.”
They found a spot to sit against the wall, well away from the plummeting empty space at the edge of the platform.  For a moment, they were quiet, leaning back against the wall and sipping the water the bartender had sent them off with.  Hunter shook his head.  That clone had had their number, all right, as embarrassing it was to admit.  He wondered if he should tell the others, but he kept quiet, his senses slowly coming back to him.
Speeders whizzed by in the dark, flashes of multicolored lights zigging against the blue-black void and the neon across the shaft.  Their engines were bright little hums pressing against his eardrums.  He could feel their wind against his hair, the closest thing to real wind one could find this far down.  He watched them go, on and on, entranced.
Hunter looked over at his brothers.  They all looked drowsy, eyes heavy, faint smiles on their faces.  Tech yawned, leaning against him, head drifting to Hunter’s shoulder.  Hunter adjusted, making it easier for Tech to lean on him.  Beside Tech was Crosshair, his face slack and unfocused, his cheeks flushed, arm slung around Wrecker’s shoulders.  Wrecker was still humming, a cheery little nonsense tune.
“Not a bad night, lads, all in all,” said Hunter.
“It was certainly experimental.  We shall be better prepared next time.”
“You were over prepared!  I coulda kept going.”
“And we all might have blacked out if we’d tried to keep up with you.”
“Don’t fight,” Crosshair mumbled.  “Fun night.”
“Even if you puked your guts out!  Ha, good thing I got you in there in time.”  Wrecker looked way too pleased with himself.  Hunter would have gently smacked him if Tech wasn’t in the way, burrowing further into Hunter to get comfortable, his goggles digging into Hunter’s shoulder.
Crosshair shifted, giving Wrecker something like a hug.  “Wrecker, you’re the best,” he mumbled.  “Had to tell you.”
“Me?  Thanks, Crosshair!” Wrecker said, clearly delighted.
“Best… brother.  ‘Cept when you hog Lula.  Miss her,” Crosshair continued, closing his eyes, sounding half-asleep already.  “Best brother.  ‘Cept Tech.  Or Hunter.  Way better than those regs,” he rambled.
“I am clearly the best brother,” Tech announced, his face still jammed in Hunter’s sleeve.
“Nuh-uh!  He said I was the best first!”
“He said I was the best last,” Hunter countered.  “Beat that!”
“You are all… absurd.  Yes.  That is the word.”
“You’re just jealous!”
“All you… best.  Best brothers…”
“Aww, I think I like cuddly Cross!”
”I suggest we do not tell him of this in the morning.  He appears to have avoided alcohol poisoning, but not by much.  He may blackout and not remember.”
”Not tell him?  Are you kidding? I’m gonna tell him every day!”
Hunter chuckled to himself, taking a drink of his water and trying to get comfortable against the wall until their taxi came.  He watched the speeders zipping back and forth, his brothers arguing at his side, and he thought there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
Morning on the Havoc Marauder.
”Am I dead?”
”You are not dead.  You are merely hungover.”
”I think I’m dead.”
”Have some water.  Again, I must assure you, you are not dead.”
”Hunter, am I dead?”
”No.  Listen to Tech.  Drink some water.”
”But —“ 
“That’s an order.”
”Fine.  Also, I hate you both.”
”I find that unlikely.”
”Wrecker.  Am I dead?”
”You better not be.  I’d be pissed.”
“Aw.  You’d miss me.”
”Yeah, I mean, probably.”
”I hate you too.”
”Love you, Crossie.”
”Don’t call me that — uggh.  My head…”
“Just take it easy, Crosshair.  It’s a while back to Kamino.  Sleep up, take your pain pills, and drink some water.  …lightweight.”
”I am not!”
The ship filled with laughter, and Crosshair took his pain pills, scowling fiercely enough to kill.
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hbyrde36 · 3 months
No Vacancy
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Chapter 11: Private Party
WC: 6366 | R: Explicit | CH: 11/12 | AO3 | Now Complete!
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10
“Huh,” Eddie huffed, flopping down onto Chrissy’s neatly made bed. It jostled the carefully arranged mountain of pillows that were stacked up against the headboard, sending several of them tumbling to the floor. Why did girls always have so many goddamn pillows?
“So that’s why you never let me come in here before. You do live in a two bedroom!”
Chrissy bent to retrieve her fallen children and put them back in their proper place, except for the last, a bright pink fuzzy number with a cross-stitched peace sign on its front that she wacked him in the back of the head with. “I thought we’d moved past this. Haven't I apologized enough for the whole setup thing?”
He stuck out his bottom lip, arms crossed over his chest. “Will the lies never cease, Christine? I feel robbed! You and Robin were never sharing a bed?!”
“We are now and that’s what matters, right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie waved a hand through the air. “But where’s the pining for the person lying right next to you night after night?! Where’s the lovesick staring at the other person’s face while they sleep and wishing you could just tell them how you feel?! Where’s the drama?!”
“I think we've had more than enough of that around here—for life. Maybe now it’s time for us all to just be happy.”
“Happy…” Eddie repeated with a sigh. 
He hadn’t meant for it to come off so melancholy. He was happy—really and truly.
It’d been a month of pure bliss since he and Steve returned from Hawkins together hand-in-hand. Since all four of them had come back together with apologies, and made up. 
The weeks had been full of passionate nights, and sometimes mornings when he and Steve were both too tired to do much more than cuddle once he came home from the bar—punctuated by lazy afternoons by the motel pool, and double dinner dates with the girls whenever Eddie’s work schedule would allow for it.
But just there, in the background, in the dark corner of Eddie’s mind was this great big looming thing.
“Uh oh. Is the honeymoon phase over already? Did Steve finally realize all your flaws are actually annoying, and not cute quirks?”
“No! Of course not. And I resent the implication that my many eccentricities are anything less than adorable.”
Chrissy rolled her eyes. “Something’s bothering you. What’s wrong?”
Eddie hesitated. He was pretty sure it wasn’t a secret or anything, but it didn’t escape his notice that Steve hadn’t brought up the subject of his impending new job placement even once since their little talk.
“Nothing is wrong, exactly. It’s just… did you know Steve is staying here—or like, moving here—permanently, when the summer is over?”
“Robin mentioned he was thinking about taking a job at the elementary school, but I didn't know he’d decided.”
“Well, he has, and he wants me to think about staying too.”
Chrissy, who had turned away to rifle through the cosmetics bag sitting open on her dresser, froze, the tip of her mascara wand hovering just above her lashes. 
“And are you?” She asked after a beat, resuming her makeup routine. “Uh… thinking about it, I mean?” 
“Am I—” Eddie grunted, slapping his hand down on the bed. “It's literally the only thing I've been able to think about for weeks!”
“Weeks!” She screeched. “Wait, when did this happen?”
“The day we drove back.”
She gaped at him through the small mirror of her blush compact. “And you’re just telling me this now?!”
He shrugged. “I’ve been a little busy.”
“Eddie,” She sighed, snapping the compact shut and spinning on her heel to face him. 
“So, what are your thoughts?”
While he knew she asked out of curiosity and concern for him and Steve and the implications for their future together, she was asking for herself too. 
She’d often made comments over the years, during their all too brief phone calls and in letters, about them living near each other again one day, either in the same town like they did as kids growing up in Hawkins, or better yet, in side-by-side homes or at the end of the same cul-de-sac. 
But those kinds of picket fence dreams were never Eddie’s style, or so he’d always told himself.
“I think…” Eddie stared down at his own hands now resting in his lap, nervously spinning his chunky rings around and around. 
“Me and Steve, I think we’ve done this whole thing out of order. We’ve been living together essentially, since before we were a couple—before we were even friends really. Then we both said I love you within the first few weeks, and now considering permanent for-real moving? Moving towns, moving in together—on purpose this time? That’s huge! I mean, all that’s left after that is to get married, and grow old together, and die, and—” 
Suddenly Eddie felt like he couldn’t get a full breath, what little air he did manage to take into his lungs doing nothing to ease the burning in his chest. His heart raced wildly, and he swallowed hard, tilting wide terrified eyes up to look at Chrissy. 
“Oh god, do you think he wants to get married someday? I don’t know if I’m built for—“
“Ooookay, babe. Let’s just calm down for a second here.” Chrissy sank down onto the bed beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him into her side—resting her cheek on the top of his head. 
“For one—honey, gay marriage isn’t even legal.”
Oh right. 
Her words should have filled him with relief, and they did, but to his surprise, just as equal was the feeling of disappointment brought on by the reminder. 
“And for two—” Chrissy went on. “It doesn’t have to be all that. You can always have your own rooms, if say, you decide you want to stay here but you need to slow things down with Steve, or just want some space.”
“No—” He was shaking his head before she’d even finished. “No, I don't want to go backwards. I–I love having him right there. I love his face being the last thing I see before I go to sleep, and the first I see in the morning even though that means waking up at an ungodly hour. It’s totally worth it for his goodbye kiss. I love his sweetness, his gentleness, and the sound of his voice. The soft little smile he gives me when he’s half asleep and I crawl into bed at the end of the night, like I'm his favorite thing in the whole fucking world.”
Eddie took a big breath, he could wax poetic on everything he loved about Steve for hours if she’d let him, but what it really boiled down to was one simple fact. 
“I just love him, Chris.”
Chrissy sniffled, leaning away from him to wipe carefully at her eyes with the edge of her sleeve. “Sorry. I just never thought I'd hear you talk about someone that way.”
Eddie sat up too, shaking his head at himself. “Yeah, me either.”
“So, what's holding you back?”
“Honestly? I wanted to say yes right then and there, the second he told me. The second I recovered from the shock, anyway. But he looked so nervous about it, and scared, and we’d just put things back together again, and—and so I’ve been doing what he asked.”
Eddie leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. 
“I really don’t want to mess this up, and I know I don’t have a lot of experience with this stuff, but I can't help feeling like it’s too soon, like we’re going too fast. What if it fizzles out, and a year from now we can’t stand the sight of each other?” 
She snorted. “Highly unlikely.”
“How do you figure?”
“I think at this point you can admit that you’ve had a crush on Steve since high school, maybe even middle school. That’s a long time to carry a torch for someone. If it’s lasted this long, I’d say those feelings are here to stay.” 
Eddie pushed himself to his feet, resisting the urge to stomp like a petulant child. “Jesus H. Christ. First Uncle Wayne, and now you?! I’m never gonna live that down.”
“Who’s had a crush on who since high school?” Robin's voice filtered in from the other room, just before she appeared in Chrissy's doorway.
“You didn’t tell me she was here.” Eddie scowled at Chrissy before swinging his gaze back around to settle on Robin. 
They may have made nice since he fixed things with Steve, and Eddie did love the shit out of her, but he and Robin’s relationship was akin to that of a slightly antagonistic brother and sister, and he lived for the bit. “Don’t you have a job you should be doing, Buckley?”
Robin cocked her hip, leaning it against the door frame as she crossed her arms, giving him very pointed eye contact. “Don’t you, Munson?” 
Frowning, Eddie glanced at his watch. He had a decent amount of time left before he had to be at the bar to start setting up for Chrissy’s surprise party later, but he still needed to go back upstairs to change, and to get a different little surprise ready for the other love of his life.
“So, you’ve had it bad for Steve since high school too?” Robin said when he didn't hit her with a comeback. “Jeez you two really are perfect for each other.”
Eddie began to roll his eyes but stopped mid-motion as he processed all of what she’d just said. “Wait… too?”
“Oh,” Robin’s eyebrows flew up. “He didn’t tell you?”
“No.” Eddie took a slow step towards her with narrowed eyes.
“Right!” Robin straightened abruptly, hooking a thumb over her shoulder as she started slowly backing away. “So, I’d better get back to the desk. I was just stopping in to say hi and, uh, grab my lunch… I left it on the counter.”
“Robin,” Eddie growled after her, “get back here and explain yourself!” 
“I'll see you tonight!” She shouted back, followed immediately by the slamming of a door.
Eddie sighed, looking back to see Chrissy with both hands covering her mouth, practically in tears with silent laughter. 
“I guess I'd better go too, don’t want to be late for work.” Eddie grumbled.
“Sure, Eds,” Chrissy said, eyes still sparkling. “I’ll see you later.”
As far as she knew it was going to be a night like any other. Steve was off the next day, so once the motel office closed for the night, he, Robin, and Chrissy would come to Tide’s to hang out where Eddie could join in from behind the bar whenever he wasn’t busy with customers. 
It being a week out from her actual birthday, she didn't suspect a thing.
Eddie had talked to his boss, and Dan agreed to close the bar to the public from ten p.m. on for a private event so they could celebrate his best friend with the fanfare she deserved. The older man also offered to handle the guest list, aware that Eddie and his friends didn’t know many of the locals yet, and promised to keep it to those he knew to be allies or members of the queer community themselves, so everyone could feel comfortable being themselves for the night without fear of judgment.
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As the clock ticked down to party time, Eddie couldn’t stop watching the door, his eyes searching for Chrissy’s blonde ponytail, or Steve’s familiar swoop of chestnut hair, any sign that his three best friends had arrived. They’d put up the private party sign an hour ago, and slowly began to clear the bar of any straggling tourists while the weekend bouncer, Manny, sat out front on a stool, ensuring no one uninvited got inside.
At ten o’clock on the dot they finally arrived, and for a moment all Eddie could do was stare.
Weather due to the heat, which had hit another level as July turned to August, or as a personal assault on Eddie’s sanity, Steve had forgone his usual polo shirts and button ups in favor of an old Madonna tour t-shirt that he’d cut into a crop top, showing off even more tanned skin to its best advantage against the crisp white of the fabric. 
It was an effort, but Eddie forced himself to look away and jump into action, ducking under the bar to rush over and greet his people.
He pressed a quick kiss hello to Steve’s cheek but didn’t let himself linger, going right for his best girl straight after, scooping her up into a tight hug and spinning her around. 
Chrissy threw her head back, squealing with delight as her feet lifted off the ground. 
“Happy Birthday, Chris,” Eddie said as he finally set her down, pressing lips to the top of her head. 
Her eyes darted all around the bar, taking in the small crowd, the rotating lights, the decorations, balloons, and finally the big hand painted banner strung up above the bar. 
“This is all for me?” She asked.
Eddie grinned, throwing an arm over her shoulder as he turned to address their fellow revelers.
“Excuse me everyone!” He shouted, waiting for the music to be turned down before continuing. “I want to thank you all for being here, and Dan especially for helping put this all together. I’d like to introduce you all to the birthday girl!” 
Hearty applause broke out across the room, as well as shouts of, “Happy Birthday!” And even a few good natured wolf whistles when Chrissy leaned away from Eddie to steal a kiss from her girlfriend.
“Were you in on this too?” Chrissy shouted to Robin over the cacophony.
Robin nodded, “I take no credit though. I might have known about it, but Eddie did all the work.”
Before Eddie could correct the record and explain again that he really owed it all to Dan, the man himself was striding up to them.
“Evening, girls, Steve.” Dan greeted them warmly. 
Steve, and the girls to a lesser extent, had been spending more and more time at the bar lately, and had all quickly become friendly with Eddie’s boss.
“And a very happy birthday to you,” the older man continued, inclining his head at Chrissy. “If you’d like, I thought I could take you and Robin around and introduce you to some of your guests?” 
The girls agreed, promising to meet back up with Steve and Eddie a little later, before rushing off to mingle.
With a palm pressed to his lower back, Eddie led Steve over to the bar. Not that he actually needed the guiding hand, but Eddie was gonna go nuts if he didn’t get to touch Steve soon, and it was one of the few ways he could do that while still maintaining some semblance of decorum.
Steve slid into his usual barstool down the end by the corner, furthest from the speakers so they could actually carry on a conversation, pouting when Eddie let him go to sneak back behind the bar.
“I thought you’d be on this side of the bar tonight.”
“Trust me, sweetheart, with you dressed like that?” Eddie drummed his fingers along the bartop. “Keeping this wood between us is the only way I'll be able to keep my hands to myself.”
“Who said you had to keep your hands to yourself?”
“Steven,” Eddie warned.
“I thought this was a safe space tonight.”
“Yes love, but I don’t think Dan would appreciate it if I dropped to my knees for you in the middle of the dance floor.”
Steve sagged in his seat, letting out an over dramatic sigh. “Okay, fine.”
Eddie chuckled. Sometimes he wasn’t sure who was rubbing off on who more.
They chatted a little about Steve’s day on the beach while Eddie put together their drinks. The usual for Steve, Jack and Coke with lime, no ice, and a tequila on the rocks for himself. Apparently, the jellyfish were out in full force and it sounded like Steve had spent half his day treating burns with vinegar.
“So, Robin said something interesting earlier today,” Eddie said after a while, when Steve was finished with his stories, and he was pouring out their second round of drinks for the night.
“Oh yeah?” 
Eddie opened his mouth to elaborate but quickly snapped it shut as his boss appeared at Steve’s side—alone.
“Abandoning our girls already, Dan?” Steve asked.
The older man huffed a laugh. “I was just getting in the way anyhow. Introduced them to Tracey and her partner Pat, and the four of them seem to be hitting it off. Figured I’d leave them to make friends. Tracey’s the manager over at Ocean First bank y’know.”
Eddie smiled widely as he met Steve’s eyes, and he knew they had to be thinking the same thing. Not to get ahead of themselves, but if Chrissy and Robin got in good with someone from the bank, it could make all the difference in the motel’s future. 
“That’s, uh, a good friend to have,” Steve commented.
“You aint kiddin’!” Dan clapped Steve on the shoulder, his eyes scanning the room. 
Suddenly he perked up, saying to himself “Oh, there he is,” and began to wave someone over.
Eddie followed his line of sight to the door and nearly choked on his own spit.
He felt all the blood drain from his face as another man approached, a younger man who looked to be about their age—a very attractive man who looked eerily similar to the one Eddie had seen from his hiding spot, kissing Steve goodbye on the fateful night that had changed the course of his life forever. 
Eddie reached over, curling a possessive hand over Steve's where it rested on the bar. He held his breath, waiting for Steve’s reaction, but he was oblivious, looking down and taking a sip of his drink.
“Boys, this is my son, Danny.”
Steve's head snapped up at the name, looking horrified as his eyes landed directly on the newcomer.
“This is Eddie,” Dan continued his introductions, completely unaware of the sudden tension in the air. “My best bartender—though if you let slip to Brenda I said that I’ll deny everything. And this is—
Danny smiled, flashing a set of perfectly straight white teeth. “Lifeguard Steve.” 
Eddie hated him.
“Oh! I see you two already know each other.” Dan chuckled, giving a little shake of his head. “Well, that’s a small town for ya! Anyway, I gotta go check on a few things so I'll leave you three to chat.” 
Eddie watched the man walk away, wondering if it would be weird to ask him to stay, and when he turned back found that Steve wasn’t looking at Danny anymore, his wide worried eyes were now trained squarely on Eddie's face, hand tensing under his hold.
And whatever feelings of jealousy Eddie might have felt were gone in an instant, replaced with the need to prove to Steve, as well as himself, that he could handle this without doing any number of stupid things to ruin what they had.
He squeezed Steve's hand once firmly before letting go, leaning out to offer it to Danny, who took it with a raised eyebrow. 
“Good to meet you, your dad tells me nothing but good things,” Eddie said, keeping his voice calm and even as they shook.
Danny tilted his head. “Ditto.” 
Eddie cleared his throat, resisting the urge to wipe his hand on his pants when they separated. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Sure. Just a coke though, I’m driving tonight.” 
As he poured the soda Eddie could feel the man’s heavy gaze lingering on his face, scrutinizing him. He set the full cup down but Danny didn’t take it, instead resting his chin in his hand as he looked thoughtfully between the two of them.
Eddie topped off his tequila, and braced himself.
“So, Steve,” Danny said, addressing Steve directly for the first time. “Is this the guy?”
Steve's face, which had already been flushed and radiating discomfort, burned a bright cherry red at the question, but he didn’t shy away. He shot off a soft shy smile at Eddie as he answered. “Yeah.”
Eddie’s mouth fell open, and he nearly dropped the glass he was holding. “You told him about me?!”
“Good,” Danny said, ignoring Eddie’s outburst, holding back a laugh as he finally took a sip of his coke. “I’m really happy for you, Steve.” 
It sounded sincere enough that Eddie might have relaxed, but then the man’s gaze was swinging his way. 
“And you—I hope you know how lucky you are.”
Eddie swallowed hard, nodding absently, too stunned and confused to form any kind of verbal response.
“Well,” Danny stood abruptly, leaving his barely touched soda to sweat on the lacquered wood top. “It was nice to finally meet you, Eddie, but I think I'll get out of your hair. I should probably go see if my dad needs help with anything anyway. And it was good to see you again, Steve. I’m glad things worked out.” 
There was a beat of tense silence between them as Danny left, but as soon as he was out of earshot, Steve was falling all over himself to apologize.
“Oh my god, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I had no idea he was–” 
Eddie couldn’t help cutting him off, saying again, “You told him about me? On your date?”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you! I… Eddie, you have to know. You have to know the only reason I even agreed to the date with him was to get over you, and he could tell I was distracted.”
“I know we never really talked about that night, um–”
Eddie reached out, once again covering Steve’s hand with his own. “Listen, baby, I'm not upset at you, okay? I’m not gonna freak out, or run away again, or any of that, I promise you. But I don’t think I need to hear the details.”
“No, Eddie. It’s not—” Steve shook his head. “That's what I'm trying to tell you. Nothing happened. Well, um, very little happened.” 
“It’s fine, Steve. I was being an idiot then, and we weren’t—us. Whatever you did before we were together is none of my business.”
“But I couldn’t do it!” Steve blurted out.
“We were—” Steve dropped his voice down so low that Eddie had to lean in close. “We were about to, and—”
“No, stop. I don't need to hear–” Eddie pulled back suddenly, waving his hands, only to immediately lean right back in, his chin practically resting on the bar, eyes level with Steve’s. “Okay, no. I mean, yes—no. Fine! Just tell me. It can’t be worse than whatever I'm imagining.”
“Oh my god, '' Steve groaned, burying his head in his hands for a second before looking up again, peeking at Eddie between the gaps of his fingers. “Not to put too fine a point on it, but he was two fingers deep in my ass and all I could think about was how much I wanted it to be you. So I told him I needed to stop.”
“Baby,” Eddie breathed. So many emotions coloring the single word.
It was so—sweet. And yes, admittedly, relieving in a way, though he’d had no claim to Steve at the time. 
Okay, so Eddie was a fucking caveman, a jealous animal—so sue him! 
But somehow, above all the rest, it was so incredibly fucking hot to learn that his baby, his needy boy had wanted him—and only him—so badly that he’d stopped practically mid-fuck with someone else.
Eddie’s breath picked up, and he knew his eyes had gone dark and heavy lidded, his hands balled into fists so tight his knuckles were turning white.
“Fuck,” Steve cursed, drawn out and breathy, his tongue darting out to lick across his bottom lip, leaving it wet and shining in the party lights. “Eddie, you can’t look at me like that, not when there’s hours till we’ll be home where we can do something about it.” 
Eddie’s eyes remained fixed on Steve as he shouted from the corner of his mouth to his coworker. “Hey Dawn, I’m gonna step out for a smoke, you good?”
He wasn’t even technically on the clock right now, they could manage without him for a while. 
“Yep!” The girl replied without even turning around.
Eddie untied his apron, only breaking eye contact to duck under the bar. He took Steve’s hand, lacing their fingers together as he pulled him along towards the kitchen.  
“Where are we going?” Steve whisper-shouted from behind, barely audible over the music.
Eddie stopped just short of the swinging double doors, pulling Steve in by a belt loop to speak in his ear. “Somewhere we can do something about it.”
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This late into the evening the kitchen was closed and empty of staff. The big overhead fluorescents had been shut off and every surface scrubbed to within an inch of its life, clean and gleaming in the soft glow of the emergency lights and the red exit sign on the back door.
Eddie continued to lead the way, past the prep tables and behind the line, all the way to the very back and through a heavy insulated door. 
He tried to feel bad about how unhygienic it was to do what he hoped they were about to do in here, but in his defense the food was all wrapped up or in air-tight secure containers. Also bleach existed, and Eddie was more than happy to clean up after himself.
Besides, It wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen in a restaurant walk-in.
It was a frenzy from the moment the door banged shut behind them. Eddie twisted his hand into the front of Steve’s shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. Their mouths connected, all tongues and teeth and hot steamy breath mingling in the frigid air. Steve’s fingers pushed into Eddie's curls, scratching at his scalp, tugging at the root, while Eddie's hands found their way to that slutty little bare strip of tummy that his boyfriend had insisted on teasing him with tonight, gripping hard on either side of Steve’s waist as he moved them further in towards the rear of the walk-in.
Steve hissed as his back hit the chilled metal of the wall, his skin breaking out in goosebumps under palms hands.
“Sorry, baby,” Eddie cooed in sympathy, grinding his own hardness against Steve’s as he nipped at his lower lip. “It was this or the bathroom, and I didn’t particularly want an audience.”
Steve pushed off the wall, grinning as he grabbed Eddie hard by the shoulders to spin them around, switching their positions and pressing him into the wall instead. 
Eddie went willingly, delighted as Steve unknowingly played right into the dynamic he was hoping for tonight, and waited for Steve’s lips to find his again, even reached out to pull the other man in again, but Steve slipped from his grip to drop straight to the floor, a desperate and hungry look in his eyes.
With well practiced fingers Steve quickly undid Eddie's jeans, yanking them down to his thighs so roughly he might have stumbled without the wall to lean against. He had a second to feel the cold air hit his most sensitive bits of bare skin before Steve swallowed him down, taking him right to the back of his throat. 
Eddie could do nothing but moan, letting his head fall back against the wall for a breath, waiting for his brain to catch up with the rest of him, so lost in the sensation of Steve's mouth, scorching where it engulfed him, that he almost forgot his surprise. 
Winding one hand through Steve's hair in encouragement, Eddie used the other to take Steve’s hand from where it rested on his thigh to guide it around to his ass. Steve only hesitated for a moment before kneading at the soft plump flesh, still bobbing his head up and down the length of Eddie’s cock, but faltered and froze as his fingers bumped up against the base of the silicone plug that had been nestled in Eddie’s hole for the last several hours.
Steve pulled off with a soft gasp, letting the tip of Eddie's cock rest on his tongue as he looked up, watching Eddie’s face with something like awe as he pushed on the plug. 
From the tips of his toes to the top of his head Eddie felt his entire body flush with a new heat, it prickled along his neck and chest, and he had to fight to keep his eyes on Steve and not let them fall shut at the sudden intensity of his need.
“Where did you get this?” Steve asked, sounding wrecked in a way that Eddie suspected had less to do with the brief blowjob, and more to do with his little stunt.
Eddie whined as Steve tugged on the toy, pulling it out about an inch before pushing it back in again, punching the air from his lungs. 
“Would you believe there’s a little mom and pop sex shop not far from here?” Eddie forced out between panted breaths.
Steve hummed, grazing his lips over the skin of Eddie’s inner thigh as he released the plug, leaving it in place for now. “I guess this town really does have it all.”
Eddie chuckled softly and reached down to pull Steve to his feet, cupping his cheek as he pressed a soft kiss to his mouth. 
“Fuck me?” He asked, fluttering his eyelashes.
Steve made a pained noise, tucking his face into Eddie’s neck, peppering kisses along the underside of his jaw. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes, fuck—want it.” Eddie tilted his head back to give Steve better access to his throat. “Been thinking about you bending me over—dreaming about it.”
The words were barely out of Eddie’s mouth before Steve was growling, gripping him up again and moving him—manhandling him in a way he never had before as he gave Eddie exactly what he wanted—bending him over a low, blessedly empty shelving unit.
Steve pushed at Eddie’s shirt, dragging it roughly up and over his head before tossing it to the floor somewhere behind them. He leaned over Eddie’s back, pressing kiss after kiss down the entire length of his spine, pausing at the base of it, resting those big hands on Eddie’s ass again, spreading him wide and taking hold of the plug to gently pull it out, placing it on another nearby shelf.
Eddie swallowed back a whimper, his body clenching around nothing, suddenly empty after so many hours of being filled, but he knew what was coming would be even better, and the sound of Steve’s zipper coming undone only made him clench harder. 
Eddie flushed again, another rush of warmth as beads of sweat beginning to form on his brow in anticipation. There was a brush of rough denim against the back of his thigh, and then velvet heat as Steve pressed in close, rubbing his hard length between Eddie’s cheeks, teasing over his hole.
“Condom?” Steve asked, sounding like it was a struggle just to get the word out.
They hadn’t been using them at all since both their test results had come back clear. And Eddie could appreciate Steve wanting to make the cleanup easier on him since they were out in public for the night, but it couldn’t have been further from what he wanted.
“No,” Eddie pressed himself back, his body shuddering as the tip of Steve's cock caught on his rim. “No, wanna feel it when you come inside me for the first time.”
“Fuck, okay.” Steve sucked air in harshly through his teeth. “Lube?” 
“In my back right pocket.” 
Eddie glanced back over his shoulder just in time to see Steve raise the packet to his mouth, tearing it with his teeth before pouring it over himself. Some of the cool wetness dripped down onto Eddie as well, and Steve spread it around with two fingers, pushing just the tip of one inside at first. When he was met with no resistance Steve plunged them both in at once, reaching and curling until he found that sweet spot inside Eddie that sent his eyes rolling back, and had him writhing and bucking his hips against the hard metal of the shelf. 
“Please, Steve, I’m ready,” Eddie begged. 
Mercifully, Steve didn’t make him ask twice, easing his fingers free before lining himself up, and inch by gentle inch began to push his way inside.
It felt like an eternity before Steve finally bottomed out, and Eddie wanted to cry with how good it felt to be full, really full, for the first time in he didn’t even know how long. It wasn’t something he let himself have very often. He really did prefer to top as a rule, but sometimes—sometimes he just needed it, wanted it, and tonight he also wanted to give Steve the last part of himself that he’d been holding back. 
With shallow careful thrusts Steve began to move, draping himself over Eddie’s back, pressing lips to whatever swaths of skin he could reach. 
Tears streamed from the corners of Eddie’s eyes, overcome with the feeling of being had in this new way by someone he loved, who loved him back. It felt incredible but he soon needed more. Eddie tried to rock back on instinct, but found Steve hands already on his hips, stilling him before he could move an inch.
“Steve,” Eddie whined.
Steve shushed him, rubbing small soothing circles into Eddie’s lower back with his thumbs. “You always make me feel so good, just let me return the favor.”
“I thought you were cold?” Eddie grunted, trying again to fuck himself back on Steve’s length, but the other man’s grip was like a vice.
“Not anymore,” Steve said, and Eddie could practically hear the smirk in his voice, though he did sink a little deeper, still keeping his pace frustratingly slow and even, like he was trying to drive Eddie insane. “Seeing you fall apart like this? We could be standing in the middle of a snowstorm right now and I'd still be sweating.”
And oh he’d definitely be paying Steve back for this later.  
“Baby, please,” Eddie whined again, a high-pitched, desperate sound he could hardly believe had come from his own mouth.
“How soundproof do you think this thing is?” Steve asked.
“How should I fucking know?!” Eddie growled in frustration. “Why?!”
Without warning Steve snapped his hips, slamming into him so hard that for a second Eddie couldn’t even make a sound. He threw his head back, mouth wide open in a silent scream of pleasure—followed by an actual scream. Steve surged forward, slapping a hand over Eddie’s mouth, pulling his head back to hiss into his ear, hot breath ghosting over Eddie’s skin as he rammed into him again and again, hard enough to shake the shelving unit that was bolted to the floor. 
“No reason.” 
There was nothing slow or gentle about Steve after that.
For a while Eddie lost himself to the pounding rhythm and the loud slapping of flesh as Steve fucked into him impossibly harder and faster. 
He’d never last at this rate, it was just too fucking good, and he wasn’t alone. Before long Steve was reaching for him, stroking Eddie’s cock as his own breaths became ragged and he began to lose his rhythm.
With one last powerful thrust Steve came, cock pulsing violently as he buried himself deep inside, and Eddie’s last coherent thought as he followed him over that edge, losing control as he felt himself being filled up with Steve’s release, was that they really ought to switch things up more often.
Steve laid across Eddie’s back for a long minute as they both came down and caught their breath, neither really wanting to move at all, but inevitably Steve grew soft and slipped out, leaving a trickle of cum slowly leaking from Eddie’s hole in his wake.
“Eds, honey, do you have your bandana or anything on you?” Steve asked softly.
Eddie looked back, biting his lip, suddenly shy about what he wanted as the afterglow began to fade. “No, uh, but I was hoping you would plug me back up instead?”
“Jesus, Eddie. Yeah—yeah, okay,” Steve stuttered, his dick giving a valiant twitch against Eddie’s leg. 
Eddie was loose enough, and slick enough with the combined mess of cooling fluids that the plug sank home easily, and he was grateful he’d worn black jeans tonight to help mask any residual mess. 
When their pants were back in place and he’d retrieved Eddie’s shirt from the floor, Steve took him in his arms and lowered them both to the floor, cradling Eddie in his lap as he kissed his forehead.
Eddie knew the rest of the summer would go by in a flash. 
Before long the season would be over, tourism would slow as vacationers traveled home for the year, and the beaches would start to empty. 
The new school year would begin.
Though they hadn’t talked about it, Eddie had seen the note on their dresser. He knew Steve’s final interview was in two short days, and he’d be expecting an answer soon. 
And for once, the idea of it didn’t fill Eddie with panic.
He'd done his thinking. 
He’d weighed the risks and pondered the worries, done the calculations in his head and realized there had only ever been one answer to this equation. 
For now he let himself bask in the moment, so safe and comfortable in the circle of Steve’s arms, the brush of soft lips pressed to his brow.
He knew what he wanted—had known it all along.
Now he just had to find the perfect way to tell Steve.
Chapter 12
All my thanks and love to @penny00dreadful for being the best beta, friend, and cheerleader.
Reblogs are always appreciated and if you want to be tagged, just let me know! I'd be more than happy to do so 💜
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adorethedistance · 2 years
TKE House - Frat!Trevor Zegras x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, PDA, drinking
Words: 2095
Summary: Trevor refuses to leave you alone until you attend a party at his frat, and the night takes an unexpected turn.
A/n: I wrote this months ago and never typed it up until now but I’m excited to see what y’all think of this. I’m debating doing a prt two or just doing a bunch of random parts in the same universe. I’m leaning towards option two so we’ll see how it goes ig.
“You know, you’re allowed to have fun once in a while?”
“You know you’re allowed to leave me alone?” I retort voice laced with venom and eyes full of irritation. Trevor just smiles brighter than before and keeps towering over me in arrogance.
I will never be outgoing again. On the first day of class, I decided there would be no more anti-social Y/n. As a result. I decided I would give my number to someone to ensure I had a study buddy and a friend in each of my classes. And it worked, for the most part, I’m three for four. The problem is one of them was not who I thought he would be. I was under the impression that Trevor was studious. Why else would he have sat next to me in the second row of the lecture hall? I was not under the impression that he would be a spoiled little trust fund fuckboy from TKE whose only objective, apparently, is to bother me every opportunity he got. His current campaign is to get me to go to the TKE party tonight at his frat. Why exactly I don’t know.
“The theme is whiteout so come dressed in all white.”
“Isn’t every frat party a ‘white’ out party?” I ask, facetiously.
“Ha. Ha. Just come, please?”
“Why do you want me there so bad?”
“I’ll make it worth your while.”
“That wasn’t an answer.”
“Please? Y/n?” I let out a deep sigh and then glance up to meet his inquisitive eyes.
“I guess I could stop by for a drink.”
“YES,” Trevor howls, clenching his hands in celebration.
“I don’t even own anything white.”
“You don’t have to! I do.” He’s… gloating. He then breaks the eye contact we’d been holding for too long. Before I can process what’s happening, he slips off the white TKE hoodie he was wearing and hands it to me.
“Take it.”
“Take the jacket.”
“You said you didn’t own anything white.”
“I’m not wearing that,” I defensively cross my arms over my chest, wanting to cover up and hide from Trevor’s field of vision entirely.
“Well, you have three options. You can find time in your ‘busy’ day drive to Target, change into something else I have when you get to the party, OR you can take the hoodie from me now,” Trevor quirks a brow and bites back a smile. He’s got me cornered and he knows it. Annoyed, I take the hoodie and turn it right side out, and oh my god of course his name is on the back. I let out a snort of displeasure at the fact that I’ll basically be branded at this party.
“I’m wearing it inside out,” I deadpan. He laughs and shakes his head, his loose, golden curls fluttering in the sunlight. I can feel my expression soften at the sight in front of me.
“Huh? What?”
“I asked if you wanted any specific drinks tonight?”
I hesitate a moment. I usually drink mixed drinks but that’s a bad idea and also way too pretentious for a frat party. Besides, I don’t need Trevor handling my drink. What do frat houses usually have anyway? Beer and white claws? No thank you.
“Uhh. I don’t know- something flavored? And without bubbles.”
“Flavored and without bubbles…” he repeats, thinking hard. “Flavored and without- Okay, got it.” His enthusiasm makes me jump as if he’s just popped a balloon in my face. “Teek house at eight. I’ll see you there!”
“Mhm,” I barely affirm.
Approaching the TKE house has my gut screaming at me to go home and don’t look back, but the logical part of me points out that Trevor would undoubtedly badger me for it for the rest of my life. Whatever. I only have to stay an hour and then I can go back home and lose his number.
In the entryway, there are two guys hassling a third guy because he isn’t wearing a red wristband. The taller of the two asks a pair of girls who they know in TKE and she replies cooly, “Trevor.” and they let her in. I cautiously go to enter but the boys stop me first.
“Who do you know in Teek?”
“Trevor…” I don’t know if it was my tone of voice or the fact that I was within earshot of the other girl, but the two of them look at each other and then skeptically back at me.
“What’s his last name?”
“What? I don’t know.”
“Yeah, sorry but you don’t have a wristband.” I’m at a loss for what to do. Right as I’m about to give up hope, Trevor appears in the doorway. He looks out onto the lawn that’s littered with drunk girls and their frustrated boyfriends, scanning the scene and looking directly over my head. I never thought I’d be relieved to see him.
“Sonny, can you-”
“Trevor!” I yell and he looks around confused, trying to locate the source before his eyes meet mine. His face lights up when he sees me.
“Hey!” I sigh and smile. A small smile, but a smile. “She’s with me, dude.” Sonny nods and gestures me inside before blocking the doorway again to keep out uninvited couples.
“You, m’lady, are fashionably late. It is nine already!”
“Did you just say ‘m’lady’?”
“So what if I did?” Trevor’s question goes unanswered as I take in the scenery. Sorority girls and frat brothers of little variety are packed into the space as 24K Magic by Bruno Mars blasts through the two five-foot speakers posted in the corners of the room.
“Ayo, Z!” Someone shouts over the music at which Trevor turns to the voice before his face lights up again. Trevor dabs up his friend before loudly discussing how they ‘haven’t partied together in a while’ and how ‘“Z” needs to visit “K Sig” sometime’. I stand awkwardly behind Trevor as he chats, oblivious to what’s happening until he says my name.
“This is Y/n. Y/n, this is Jack.” I smile politely, debating if I should shake his hand but quickly discard the idea.
“She the one you were telling me about the other day?” Jack asks as if I’m not standing right here. Trevor nods and Jack smiles mischievously.
“I’ll come find you later but right now I gotta get this little lady a drink.”
“Alright. Nice meeting you, Y/n!”
“You too!” I shout though I don’t actually mean it.
“Who was that?”
“Jack and I are friends from high school. He pledged K Sig though so now we just see each other a few times a week,” Trevor explains over the music as he leads me to a boarded-off area. The board looks like it’s a thin slat of wood chips spray painted with the TKE lettering. The surface is littered with sharpie graffiti of mostly poorly drawn penises or hearts with initials inside of them. On the center edge, there’s a combination lock hanging on a poorly-assembled latch hinge. The crack between the board and the threshold reveals a kitchen that would most definitely not pass a health inspection.
“Z!” A raven-haired boy cheers as we enter the space. He’s fixed between the legs of a lanky brunette who is seated on the countertop. She smiles excitedly when she sees me and pushes the dark-haired boy out of her way to come over and greet me. Trevor slips around me making his way over to the fridge.
“Thank god, someone who does not use a 3-in-1 shampoo! I’m Val but everyone just calls me Venus.” She offers me her hand to shake and I accept.
“You didn’t shake my hand when we met!” Trevor playfully complains as he approaches me again.
“Cry about it,” she bites back with no hesitation, “Ignore them.”
“I’m Y/n.”
“Y/n, cute. Is this your first time partying at Teek?” I nod heavily, exhaling a sigh,
“That obvious?”
“A little, but no big deal.” Trevor holds up a bottle that reads ‘Smirnoff ice pink lemonade and I can’t help but smile.
“Flavored and without bubbles,” he recites before handing it over. I nod gratefully and proceed to embarrass myself in front of everyone as I can’t uncap the bottle. “You need some help there?” I give it one last go before dropping my arm defeatedly and handing him back the bottle. He uncaps it with impressive ease and I reply with a quiet,
“Thank you.” As I begin to sip the drink, Val, who had just watched the entire interaction, speaks.
“So, how long have you been dating?” I nearly choke on the sip I’d just taken. Val’s eyes widen and she looks at me with concern. “Oh my god, are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, I just- we’re just friends- classmates.”
“Oh.” Val’s brow furrows. She looks as if my presence suddenly doesn’t make sense. And maybe she’s right. Maybe it doesn’t make sense why I’m here. “My bad, I had just assumed that you- because he…”
“Y/n’s an art major,” Trevor interjects to get me out from under the spotlight a little.
“Oh cool! I’m in film studies and Jamie- that’s Jamie by the way,” she gestures to the dark-haired boy who was standing between her knees earlier. “Jamie is environmental studies. And I assume you’re aware Trevor is in business administration.”
“Painfully aware,” I mutter.
“Hey!” Everyone, including Trevor, laughs.
“You’re basically the business major stereotype to a T. The only thing you’re missing is the trust fun.” I eye Trevor as I continue to deviously sip my drink. He freezes for a moment. Busted. Val laughs and I groan.
“At least my parents aren’t faculty!” He jeers at Val.
“Oh, you wanna go after me, huh?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“You really wanna play this game?”
“Yeah!” At the height of their bickering, Val turns to me and points at Trevor.
“Can I expose this motherfucker?”
“Expose time!” Jamie drunkenly shouts, mimicking the airhorn sound at Trevor.
“This dude is the BIGGEST simp on the planet.”
“Oh really? That’s it? I had faith in you, Venus.”
“Oh, I’m not done,” she turns to me, “did he tell you he went to three different stores to find those?” She gestures to the drink in my hand.
“The other stores didn’t have them. So what?” He plays it cool. Val gives him a look that shows she’s not backing down.
“When he got back from class today he was so giggly and excited that you took his sweatshirt.”
“No, I was not!”
“Yes, you were!”
“I wasn’t!”
“Jamie?” Jamie pauses for a second, debating which stance to take.
“...He was blushing.” The room erupts in chaos.
“HAH!” Val yells.
“Fuck you, Jimmy. You’re a little snake.”
“I’m sorry, dude but you were.” Val and Trevor continue to playfully bicker but I begin to zone out. Trevor had been excited to do those things for me? Don’t fall for it. I refuse to be another notch on his belt. For all I know, he does this with every girl he brings back here. God, I feel weird just thinking about it.
“Has he taken you onto the balcony yet?” I shake my head no, confused as to what the balcony refers to.
“What is she talking about?” I ask Trevor, quietly.
“Trevor, why don’t you take your lovely guest up to the balcony so she can see the view?”
“The view of campus?”
“Not exactly. You’ll see.” Trevor offers me his hand and I hesitantly accepted. He leads me out of an exterior-facing kitchen door that has the decorative window covered by a “no entrance” paper sign. Without dropping my hand, he leads me around the corner to a wood lattice that looks ready to collapse.
“No fucking way,” I exclaim looking at the fixture in anxiety.
“Come on, you’ll be fine.”
“Trevor I- what am I supposed to do with my drink?” I ask, thinking I had found a good point that would delay the possibility of climbing.
“I’ll help you.” Before I can protest, he grabs the drink from my hand and monkeys his way up the structure. At the top, he swings over a railing and lands with a smile. Showing off, he then squats down to look at me through the broken bars of the railing, taking a cocky swig of my drink as the finishing touch.
“You’re crazy.”
“Come on, I’ve got you.”
“...Okay,” I begin cautiously climbing the lattice. “If I fall, I’m using your trust fund for my copay.” He laughs delightfully and I’m relaxed enough to laugh at my own joke. When I reach the top, Trevor extends his hand to help guide me over the railing. I grab his forearm as he moves to hoist me over the banister. I falter a bit once standing and Trevor reaches a hand around my back to steady me. The feeling of his hands on my back lights my nerves on fire and my breathing slows. “Thanks.” I squirm out of his touch, feeling uncomfortable from my own enjoyment. I miss the warmth of his hand on my back the instant I do.
“Is this where you take all your hoes when you invite them to parties?”
“You think I have hoes?”
“Well, don’t you?” I ask, thinking back to the two girls using his name for entrance to the party.
“Next question.” I snort an arrogant laugh before looking away from Trevor. The view of the neighborhood is actually really pretty up here. I walk to the perimeter to rest my hips against the balcony railing.
“Thanks for going to three different stores for me,” I speak up to try and ease the nervous tension I feel.
“How’d I do?” Trevor asks, moving closer to join me against the railing. He’s leaned against it, strong arms crossed comfortably over his chest, facing away from the view but turning his head to look at me.
“Very flavored and very bubble-less.”
‘Yeah, Ices are always a safe choice.”
“Maybe before you contaminated it.”
“You put your mouth on it and now every time I want a drink I have to remember that.”
“That’s okay. I’d rather put my mouth somewhere else.” He mumbles the last part. Surprised at his candor I tear my gaze away from the pretty view and meet his stare. His blue eyes are sparkling in the moonlight and I feel myself subconsciously gravitate towards him just to get a better look. Trevor searches my face for any uncertainty and when he doesn’t find it, he dips his head toward me and kisses me gently, but only for a moment. When he pulls away, his eyes flick open to search my face once more, and rather than saying whatever was on my mind, I kiss him hard and fast, tangling my hands in his wind-swept hair. He grabs my hips to pull me closer, our bodies molding into one right where we stand. Trevor deepens the kiss and I drop my hands from his hair to drape my arms over his shoulders.
“WOOOO YEAH!” Trevor and I instantly break the kiss to see Jamie and Val peering around the corner of the house. Jamie’s too drunk to listen to Val’s shushing him. I don’t drop my arms from Trevor’s shoulders and instead, pull him closer so I can hide my face in his chest.
“Come on, dude!” Trevor yells back frustratedly.
“Sorry, we were just curious if y’all were actually gonna do it!” Val calls up to us.
“You got your answer, didn’t you?” Trevor replies before turning his attention back to me, “Where were we?”
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lizzibennet · 1 year
i’ve always lived among people who had much more money than my family because my mom worked for rich people and my brother and i always got scholarships because of good grades. and so one of the things that always kind of bothered me was that my friends always had much cooler, cleaner, tidier houses than i did. we’d go to their places after school for homework or just to hang and there wouldn’t be a hair out of place. one of my friends had a mezzanine with comics and a nintendo wii especially for her to hang out with friends. the other lived in a corner house with a tennis court which i always admired when passing in front of and i literally freaked out when i realized he lived there. one of them had a barbie house taller than us, one had a pool, one had a rooftop pool and cherry trees that were blossoming when i was over, etc. and i would tell them wow your house is so cool. mine is so messy and always dirty, and if i want it clean i usually am the one who ends up cleaning it, and i do my own laundry whereas you even have maids everyday! and they’d shrug and be like it’s cool i guess. but it’s not my house, it’s my parents’.
and that would always give me pause.
i’d think about the completely out of place shell dish that lives on top of the living room rack for the sole reason that my mom puts the earrings she steals from me there so i can retrieve them if i leave before she’s woken up. i think about my dad’s “mess closet” which is precisely what it sounds like but it’s where he goes when i ask him for the shoemaker’s glue to fix my jelly shoes and for the mini electric saw he used to saw through one of my dolls’ neck (long story) and where he goes when my brother asks him for specific sized screwdrivers to open up his childhood remote controlled toys. i’d think about the laundry closet divided in two because my mom owns a lot of delicate work shirts and swears i wash them better than her (it’s the same washing machine at the same cycle). i’d think about the four little giraffes besides the tv - according to my mom, tallest to shortest representing my brother, me, my dad and my mom, which my dad has never loved because Obviously He Is Taller Than Me but encourages the cat to curl up next to them to sleep so he can take a picture and send our family whatsapp group named “grimy family”. i’d think about my brother’s car’s engine laying open in the garage because he couldn’t finish it in time before returning to uni and my dad carefully picking it all up and tidying before he returns except my dad really is kind of shit at tidying so it’s all just kinda. laying there. i’d think about my mom washing my clothes on the weekend and laying them at the foot of the stairs because i don’t like when she just shoves my stuff into my room even though clothing in the stairs obviously makes the living room look even worse. i’d think about the medicine books lining the living room table because my mom saw them at an auction and picked them up for me even though i’m not in med school yet and i’d think about the socks my dad leaves besides the cat besides the giraffes besides the tv because my mom often falls asleep watching the novela and gets cold feet and i’d think about the hideous rio de janeiro postal my brother brought me one day when he was on break that hangs in the kitchen and i’d think about the air fryer and the juicer my dad never fucking puts away and permanently now live atop the cooktop which has been broken since 2015 and i’d think about my jelly shoes under the chair where the cat likes to sleep with my smell near and my hair clip that broke the first time i went out with my girlfriend which my mom kept, you guessed it, on top of my representative giraffe because she thinks she wears it better than i do, even if it’s broken, that’s fine, doesn’t it still look so pretty? and i’d look around at the pristine white pillars and granite and impeccably kept real wood and the techy dishwashers and color changing lamps and king sized beds of my friends’ and i’d finally cave in and text grimy family and be like can any of u guys come get me. and 5 mins later my mom would say “your dad and i are on our way”. and i’d breathe a sigh of relief. and come back to the messy house in front of the square. it was either this one or the one between the family that owns the range rover and the police chief that owns the old reformed cadillac and i wanted this one and my dad immediately agreed even though he loves both cadillacs and jeeps and campaigned for the other house before. and i’d lay down in my silly little square front house in my bed with my cat and my parents next door and my brother’s empty room full of his correspondence next to my bathroom full of hair masks atop the cabinet. and i wouldn’t have it any other fucking way
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heyidkyay · 7 months
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'This song is about a girl [friend] that I had. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I loved her but she didn’t feel the same way. I don’t even think she knew I loved her. This song is about the times I had with her. As she and I became close friends, we had traditions. It was kinda like our thing, y'know? We’d somehow always coincidentally be out at exactly 1:02AM, so that was our thing. Now whenever I’m awake at 1:02AM, I think of her and I let her go.'
102 (Acoustic) - The 1975
She doesn't know.
Doesn’t know what it does to him when she thieves the cigarette right from out of his mouth. Doesn’t know how hard his heart pounds when she settles in closer, when her knee touches his own. Doesn’t see the way he watches her grin, eyes always catching. 
Doesn’t realise how far gone he is now. She doesn’t know.
“Guess what time it is then.” She says to him, smiling coyly while her eyes dance over the expression he wears. They’re at the common again, she’s sat close enough that her arm brushes his whenever she rants, and he can’t find it in him to pull away. It's a little masochistic.
He gifts her a glance, then pretends to look away because what she doesn’t know is that he can still see her just out of the corner of his eye. The corner of his mind. “Ask a better question.”
“Awh, come on!” She complains around a hearty chuckle, nudging him with her elbow just as he takes another drag. He’d brought ten on his way over, only has about four left now. The thought has him wondering how far he can stretch them, how far he could keep her for. “It’s our thing, don’t ruin it by bein’ a prat.”
He snorts, blowing out smoke with it, then he rolls his eyes. “One, oh three.”
She narrows her eyes in turn, “You’re actually a proper dickhead.”
He grins, can feel the stretch of it even as tries to dampen it. She reaches out then, stealing the fag for herself. She looks maddening in that moment, in this light, and he hates himself for thinking it, for the way he watches her lips wrap around his cigarette, ‘cause he knows it’s the only that way theirs would ever meet. Around the butt of a shared smoke. A shared joke.
“Wanna know who I saw earlier anyway, when I was out with our Kirsty?” She continues on, always so oblivious to his state of mind.
“Go on then.” He replies, picking at a fray in his jeans to keep from wanting to touch. Though he can already guess who.
“Fucking Dean.” And yeah, there it is. He prods her for his cigarette back and she gives him it, already yapping away again, completely unaware of how his entire being has slumped at the name.
Dean Willis was a right cunt. A mug amongst mugs, in truth. He’d been in the year above them at school, threw a couple good parties in his time, and had played for the local rugby team. He’d moved down south to try and make it big, but he’d heard Dean was back home when talking with Ross the other day. He hadn’t said a thing to her about it, hoping that the prick was just stopping in to see his mum.
“.. and he had the nerve to just smile when he passed us by, said an ‘alright’ and then carried on!" Matty tunes back in to hear her complain, smiling softly when he sees the way her nose has scrunched up unhappily and how she’s now gesturing this way and that. “You believe that? After what we had and what he did, he just swans back in with an alright! He’s a right cunt is what he is.”
Ha. He takes another drag before passing it back off to her.
“What you smiling about anyway?” She tuts, rolling her eyes at him before she finishes off the embering end.
“Nothing,” He answers, still smiling yes, he knows, but he can’t seem to help it. “Just like seein’ you all riled up.”
She glares but concedes easily enough, the beginnings of a smile wilting her stern frown. She knocks their shoulders together, “He just pisses me off is all. That, and the fact that he’s back for good. Upped and left without a second thought to what it’d do to-”
He stopped listening after that. Back for good, she’d said. What the fuck did that mean for them then, for him? Back for good. He was stuck on it. 
By the time he made it in that night, it was gone three. He’d wandered about outside for a bit after he’d dropped her off home, chuckling away to himself as he’d watched her shuffle up a drainpipe to her bedroom window, before he’d finally slipped his way through his own front door.
His dad’s away in Spain again, filming, but he knows his mum's around, he’d seen her earlier that same morning, so he has to be quiet getting in. Though it isn't all that hard, not when he’s had years of practice. 
He makes his way through the kitchen, grabbing at whatever leftovers his mum had left when she’d gone out for dinner and then shuffles his way up the stairs. Lou’s room is right by the landing so he treads a little lighter there and closes his own bedroom door with a quiet click, glad for the ability to finally shuck off his jeans.
By the time he’s stuck the stereo on low and settled himself on the end of his bed to eat, he's all but ready to pass the fuck out. Knows he shouldn’t though, that he should have something more than a pack of fags for tea, but he hardly ever feels tired. And it’s the drowsy sort, the kind he knows will knock him out instead of coercing him under the covers only to plague him with another fit of insomnia.
He chews on a few bites, his stomach hungry for it but the thought of sleep turning it all to mush in his mouth. He gets up to throw it down onto his desk, figures he’ll deal with it tomorrow or when it gets all grim and his mum complains about a smell. 
But before he can turn around again, he spots the shirt hanging off the back of the desk chair there. The same one she’d stolen and sported the last time she’d been round. When she’d fallen asleep on his bed whilst watching a film and he’d been left to keeping quiet in the dark in hopes not to wake her.
He stills for a long second, then almost unconsciously sees his hand reaching out to grasp it. Her perfume flutters at the movement, filling his head, and so he doesn’t really feel his feet start to move, or the way he falls to sit down on the edge of his bed. Contemplating what to do with it, to do with himself. 
An itch gnaws at him, the voice in the back of his head telling him to phone her because it simply wants to hear her voice. But he knows she’ll be asleep, it’s closer to four than three now. 
He clutches at the shirt and thinks back to tonight, how she’d complained for ages and he’d just listened, to the promise of her buying the first round this Friday when they all went out, to her shoes and how they’re fucking worn to bits but also the only way ones she favours.
Sleep crowds the edges of his mind but all he’s got are words now filling up his head, so he keeps the shirt close, even as he gets up to grab his guitar and then settle back on the bed. Lets it sit in his lap whilst he plucks at strings. Thoughts of her filling his room.
“You, you, you..”
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