#and when i tell you that poor thing sounded panicked
dyrewrites · 7 months
My anxious butt stressed herself to sleep.
And now it's rp times. So I will answer asks and do tag games tomorrow.
Just know I see em >.> and thank you for em.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 7 months
This idea sort of burst out of me like Alien so it's unedited. There will probably be more.
In short, Cas picks up on the fact that Danny is pregnant at a Wayne Gala and have the right idea but the wrong context.
Danny was barely holding it together and really he had been for a long time. It had sort of been fun and games at first when he became a hero. Sure his accident had hurt like hell but he'd sort of repressed that and for real? Lunch Lady? Box Ghost? Even Skulker was sort of a joke and he hasn't actually felt threatened. Sneaking around behind his parents backs and sneaking out with his friends had been fun. It had all felt like a game at first, and then somewhere in there things had gotten very real.
He'd known he couldn't count on his family to protect him but they couldn't even see Vlad was a threat. And he felt like he had lost the last of his innocence when he saw the clone Vlad had made of him melt. He hasn't been in time, he had panicked and he had only managed to save a couple by taking them into his own body to shield their still forming cores. Ellie and... should Danny name the other one or would he name himself when he was ready?
He kept touching his stomach over where he could feel the little balls of his mirror children hovering just below his own core. He was so tired all the time as they relied on his energy, he was eating more then ever and he knew his family was worried. He didn't think he could hide this and he couldn't predict when they would emerge. What if they did in front of his parents? They definitely wouldn't react well. And Vlad kept trying to use this against Danny. Promising to look after him and the babies if he was really insisting on carrying them, as if Danny could rip those tiny 'lives' out of himself now.
And no matter how many times he tried to tell his parents that Vlad was bad news, that he creeped Danny out and made him feel unsafe they wouldn't listen! Dad didn't even hear him and mom made sympathetic noises and then told him to bear with it for Jack's sake because he didn't have many friends.
So of course when Vlad had asked if 'Daniel' could accompany him to a gala in Gotham his father had agreed! Even his mother had agreed when Vlad promised it would be educational and safe! And here Danny was, hanging on by a fucking thread in a suit that felt uncomfortably tight around his middle, having just escaped being paraded around as Vlad heir like a particularly expensive watch. He was behind the snack table having piled a plate as high as he could and scarfing it down before Vlad could find him again and scold him for being rude. He hadn't noticed yet that a family of dark haired socialites kept giving him worried looks. A young woman with dark eyes signing frantically to a man with blue eyes and a dimpled frown.
It was the man who slid up carefully next to Danny trying not to startle since he seemed to have genuine food aggression.
"Yeesh kid you seem like you're starving! All those fancy Hors d'oeuvres are fun but not very cooling and I feel like I'd be a poor host if I didn't offer you something more filling! If you'll come me to the kitchen I'm sure our family butler would be happy to whip something up for you?" The man said with an inviting some that did nothing to sooth the way Danny's hackles raised instinctively.
He was about to say no on reflex when he spotted Vlad heading towards them with an expression like a thunder cloud. Danny's back went ridged and the other man followed his gaze with a frown. "You know what ya that sounds great let's go now!" Danny said dropping his half full plate on a nearby tray and dragged the stranger away with him as Vlad shouted after him.
"Daniel come back this instant! Unhand mister Wayne! Daniel this is unacceptable!"
'Mr. Wayne' took over leading them and spirited Danny through a back door as a bubbly blonde intercepted Vlad and a small woman slid in behind them like a shadow.
"So, Danial I assume?" The man asked, amusement crinkling around his eyes as Danny grimaced.
"Mr. Wayne I assume?" Danny returned, unaware of the way one arm was protectively wrapped around his stomach, but the girl noticed. It was Dicks turn to grimace.
"Okay ya, I go by Dick. What about you?"
"Danny," he said not reacting to the name, he'd heard far stranger. "And what about you?" He asked Cas, startling Dick a little because she was doing her 'shadow thing' and not many people would have noticed her.
"That's Cas, she has a hard time talking sometimes," Dick explained as Cas materialized and gave Danny a reassuring smile and wave.
The teen harrumphed but he did follow them down to the kitchen where Alfred was drinking a cup of tea, staying well clear of the foolishness upstairs. "Ah, hello young masters," Alfred he said, glancing between the three with a raised brow. Though the two who knew him could see the way his expression softened when Danny shrunk in on himself. "What can I do for you?"
"Hey Alfred do we have any leftovers from dinner or something filling we can whip up fast? Danny here is too hungry for just the fancy font for upstairs." Dick asked cheerfully.
Alfred raised his eyebrows again and looked at Cas who was standing behind Danny. Glancing at Danny to make sure he wasn't looking she grimaced then touched her stomach and mimed holding an infant.
Alfred's expression turned stormy for just a moment then smoothed. "Of course we do, Why don't you make our guest comfortable and I'll see what I can do. Do you have any allergies young man?" Alfred asked and Danny shook his head mutely.
"You're the best Alfie!" Dick said, hovering a hand over Danny's shoulder rather then actually touching him as he leas him towards the comfortable breakfast nook.
The boy seemed tight lipped and gaunt, his eyes flicking around them as if he expected a threat to pop up at any time. Dick slipped into the booth across from him. Trying to think of the best way to ask this kid how... why, and who hurt him.
Cas has stayed in the kitchen, but not for long. She came to them with a tray of mugs moments later and slipped into the booth next to Danny. Gently she took his hands and pressed the warm mug unto them. He blinked and focused of it, as if on autopilot he lifted it to his lips, Cas keeping a hand on his elbow to steady him as he drank.
The warm comforting drink, and hand on his arm, presence by his side as Cas slid imperceptibly closet and closer till she was pressed against Danny's shoulder, felt like they were taking him apart from the inside. Thawing out the cold numbness he shielded himself behind. Half way through his tea he glanced up, at the worried blue eyes so like Jazz, so worried and warm.
He put down the mug suddenly as a sob shook his body. Cas wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, cooing comforting wordless little sounds as she let him bury his face into her chest and just sob heaving, exhausting outbursts of repressed emotion.
"Are the babies okay?" She asked and he froze, his breath catching in his throat. She clicked her tongue and rocked him gently. "Okay, okay, not in trouble," she promised.
"They- I don't know, they were so weak, I’m trying, but I don't know if I can keep them alive." Danny sobbed lifting his hands to cover his face.
"The stress can't be helping," Dick pointed out, climbing across the table like it was nothing to sit next to them and rub Danny's back. Danny gave a little hiccupping hysterical laugh. "Do you have support, or like, do you know your options?" He asked awkwardly.
"I'm not getting rid of my babies! I don't care if the man who made them is an obsessive creep who drugged me! I love them they're MINE!" The feral protectiveness seemed to startle Dick even as Cas continued to make soothing sounds.
"Your choice, only yours," she promised. "Have help?"
Danny sniffled and shook his head. "Safe?" Another shake of the head.
"The man who... did this?" Dick asked as delicately as he could. Another hysterical laugh.
"I've tried! I've tried to tell my parents he's a creep, he's dangerous but they don't listen! My dad thinks he hung the fucking stars, mom says he's harmless. They don't believe me! I-I can't tell them about the babies. They'd make me get rid of them or worse! I can't." Danny sobbed and Cas soothed.
"Okay, okay, you don't have to." She promised. "You stay with us, you and babies safe, never have to see him again."
"Ya right. Wait, your serious? What" Danny asked, pulling back and looking at her with wide bloodshot eyes.
"She's very serious young master," Alfred said as he approached making Danny jump. there was a hard set to the old man's jaw and steal in his eyes that left no room for questions as he set a plate of eggs, sausage, and fruit in front of Danny. "Master Bruce has a foster license and is a mandatory reporter. I'm sure once he hears even a fraction of this he will insist you stay. I will prepare a room for you. Am I to assume the man who's shouting demanding your return upstairs is the source of this distress?"
Danny swallowed and nodded, Alfred nodded back and paused to rest a gloved hand gently on Danny's hair before walking away briskly.
"Eat," Cas said, nudging him gently to let go of her. "As much as you want. Still hungry? We raid Tim's secret cereal stash."
"Gasp! You know where it is? You've been holding out on me?!" Dick demanded with exaggerated betrayal and as the two started to banter Danny ate. He was glad of the distraction, of not having the attention on him as he devoured the healthy, and nutritious meal the butler had made for him. It had been a while since he'd had a good home cooked meal, it made his core feel warm and he could feel the two little echoes as his hummed.
The babies were happy too, he didn't believe these people could keep him safe from Vlad really, but this was nice. Maybe he would let them try, get a few more good meals, a respite, and maybe... maybe his parents would finally notice that something was wrong and actually stand up for him?
That was probably wishful thinking but he could hope right? there was no harm in that.
Part 2
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jellojelli · 2 months
Fontaine Boys: Calling them by their names
This guy pretty much made it a thing after you started using pet names that you no longer knew a Lyney, only a baby, sweetie, honey, sugar, etc. So, don't think that pulling this prank will go over his head or that he'll let you off easy for trying to tease him like this. Because Lyney? He will never forget this injustice until he can return that favor tenfold
When you say it, just as he is leaving for work/practice with Lynette, he stalls in the hallway as he tries to process what you just did to him, because surely his sweet, loving, and gorgeous lover would never stop using his pet names without a justifiable reason. This man goes through 4 stages of grief in .2 seconds and basically sprints to the nearest calendar to see the date, anniversary, or birthday he surely must've forgotten
Because, surely, he missed something, right? right?
"Love... did I forget something?" Lyney sounds so different from usual. Almost panicked really.
This can go one of two ways:
If you can keep a straight face and keep calling him Lyney he gets more and more panicked, basically begging at your feet to tell him what he did to deserve such cold, heartless, and diabolical treatment until you give and tell him its a prank
If you can't keep a straight face Lyney can see the devious little smile on your face and pretty much gawks at you in disbelief
either way it ends with him giving you a taste of your own medicine for the rest of the day. Because really, how could you do this to him right before his practice?
So if you can't handle that, don't do that to Lyney because he can be just as teasing and mean about it no matter how much he loves you, and if you keep it up through the whole day too he will continue it into the next day until you stop
or maybe he'll do something about that attitude of yours? ;)
Are you a monster?
Genuinely why would you do this to him after all the work it took to get him to accept and also call you petnames?
Fremi thinks the world is ending tbh. He was on his way out to go diving and you just??? dropped this on him?? Are you breaking up with him?? Is he in trouble?? Please tell him it is a prank immediately or he will cry
Just like his brother he rushes to a calendar and checks every box to make sure he didn't miss anything today and for the last month or so just to be sure. And the panic that sets in when he sees that he didn't, now he's really sure you're about to say you don't love him anymore
It doesn't even matter if you can keep a straight face or not because he is in full panic mode and can't think straight enough to see that you're just pulling his leg
This poor boy is taking off his backpack and shoes and either sitting across from you or standing right in front of you with the most pitiful face asking you what's wrong
"My little marintine rose.... y/n honey....what's wrong? Did I... make you angry? Is it the diving? You can come with me, you know I love it when you come with me" Cue the biggest puppy eyes with tears
Please tell him soon that this is just a prank because again, he can and will cry if you keep this up any longer than a few minutes.
He deadass walks out the door and takes a few minutes outside before he turns around and makes his way back inside calmly. Neuvillette is positive he misheard. His mind is playing tricks, or maybe he's getting old and his hearing is failing him because there is no way you just called him Neuvillette, his full government name, and not Neuvi, baby, honey, love, or something like that
He'd even accept a weird pet name like your fridge or your little hilichurl
The thing about Neuvillette is he knows he didn't forget anything. He will not rush to a calendar or even think to do so because he remembers everything you tell him, even things you say in passing. Like that dress you told him about 2 months ago, or the cute sea otter that you said reminded you of him
"Mon amour.... my love, my life, I think I forgot to tell you that I love you and that I'm leaving" He tries to play it cool, Nevi thinks if he can pretend he forgot to say anything that you'll correct yourself
When you don't, you're pretty sure you can hear thunder rumble in the distance as a storm tries to roll in
Say it's a prank right now or it'll storm for a week straight, he may be a big and tough dragon but he cannot handle this from you
If you crack and smile or start laughing Neuvi is not pleased, he's not pleased regardless when you reveal it's a prank
The storm is rolling in for different reasons now
He won't play the prank back on you but expect some long, displeased stares and some major frowns from him
You almost made his heart beat out of his chest in panic
Wriothesley almost laughs when you call him by his full name and not at least a Wrio
like there is no way he doesn't know you're being a menace right now
so please be prepared for the entire next week because Wrio is ruthless when it comes to payback and he will get his just desserts
I mean really, Wrio is vicious when it comes to throwing this back in your face
"Oh hey there y/n, buddy, pal, my best friend" for a week straight...
So rude....
He will tell you upfront before he leaves for work when you do this that since he's just some guy you know now that he'll call you his friend from now on
and he will just walk right out the door after that. Not even a glance back or a teasing smirk, just leaves the house and goes to work unbothered for the rest of the day
that's what you think anyway, even though he knows this is a prank he actually is really bothered and talks to Sigwennie about what happened and he's pouting and sulking at work
even the inmates at the fortress can see that their boss is bothered by something
Please say sorry soon and start calling him his cute pet names or he's going to struggle at work and Sigwinne can't deal with this for anymore than a day because Wrio can be insufferable
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daenysx · 3 months
hi hello gorgeous <3
Can i request a James x fem reader who calls him shortly after she leaves for work because she fell hard on a pavement and scratched her knee and elbow and hurt her wrist and he comes to get her and finds her crying on the pavement and poor thing is so worried for her and takes care of her?
(This exact thing happened to me today but only i was going to a final and i sat and cried but only difference is THAT I DO NOT HAVE JAMES POTTER Im sobbing)
hi baby, i hope you're okay!! thank you for requesting, here's our perfect fictional boyfriend for you, i hope you enjoy <333
james potter x fem!reader ♡
james drops the plate he has in his hand on the counter. are you crying? you sound like you're crying and that's literally his worst nightmare.
"baby?" he says quickly. "what happened? are you okay?"
your voice sounds muffled through the phone. james hears you take a deep breath before speaking. "i fell."
"where are you?" he asks, panicking. "are you okay?"
you try to walk out of people's way as you speak to james. your unoccupied wrist hurts very much and you feel something warm in your sweater.
"i couldn't get to work." you say to him. "i'm in front of the flower shop next to the park now."
"i'm coming." he says, grabbing the car keys. "10 minutes, okay? can you wait for me?"
"yes." you say. "don't rush, i'm fine."
you don't sound fine but james is sane enough to drive carefully. he prays to traffic fairies for empty roads, he can see the florist' shop in almost 9 minutes. he sees you next thing, you're sitting on the edge of a pavement with a small tear on your jeans.
he parks the car with half a mind, rushes to your side. your eyes look puffy, cheeks blushed with adrenaline and possibly pain. you hold your wrist in your other palm, james can see a tiny bit of blood dripping from your knee.
"angel." he says, cupping your cheeks. "are you okay? does it hurt too badly?"
you don't answer, instead you put your head on james's chest and cry slowly against him. you called your boss while waiting for james and thank god she's nice enough to tell you to take the day off. james holds you, the street is not too crowded and people prefer using the other side of the pavement. you cry your embarrasment and hurting on your boyfriend as he gently tries to calm you down.
"we need to see a doctor." james says before kissing your forehead. "your knee looks bad."
"it's not actually that bad." you say, sniffing. "it's just a scratch. my wrist hurts a bit."
"angel." he says, he uses his trying-to-be-convincing voice. "please don't be stubborn. they can at least make sure nothing's wrong."
"i'm fine, jamie." you say, using your better hand to dry your tears. "i'm mostly crying because of embarrassment. can we please go home?"
you're looking at him with widened eyes and james has nothing else to say. "but if you still feel pain we will go to a hospital, okay?"
you nod obediently. james helps you stand up, he takes your bag on his shoulder. you hold his hand as he leads you to car. he makes sure you're okay before sitting on the driver' seat.
he holds your hand the entire way. your tears are almost gone, you're not hurting anywhere badly but your body feels sore. you dream of your warm bed and a cup of hot tea. james's thumb rubs the back of your hand. you look at his face, his side profile is something out of heaven. you squeeze his fingers, he gives you a perfect smile. "i'm gonna take care of you so well, you'll feel better than ever." he promises you sweetly.
"i know, jamie." you say. "thank you for picking me up."
"please, angel." he scoffs. "in what world i'm leaving my girl alone in the street when she falls?"
you bring his hand to your lips to give him a little kiss. his heartbeat fastens. he's gonna give you the nicest doctor treatment when you get home. he'll probably be stuck to your side until you get sick of him.
the smell of home has never felt better. you go to the bathroom first thing, james comes after you. "let's get you out of these clothes."
"been waiting for that, haven't you?" you tease. james deserves a few jokes, he's been worried too much.
"since the minute you left for work." he says. he helps you until you are left in your panties and your little tank top.
"baby." he whispers when he sees your knee clearly. he makes a pitiful sound. your knee is scratched and it looks a bit bloody. your wrist feels better but it's definitely gonna need ice. you show james your elbow, it has a tinier scratch too. james starts cleaning up your knee first with you sitting on the closed lid of the toilet.
"tell me if it hurts." he says. he has big hands but he knows how to use them gently. you don't make a sound when he cleans up your knee. "do you think we can use the cream we got for my hand on your scratches?" he asks. james once hit his hand on the sharp side of his locker in gym and he had to use a cream for his scar. you think it might be work for you. you nod.
he cleans up your elbow too, you're thankful none of your little scars need wrapping. james brings the cream and he applies it on your skin. you both wash your hands when james finishes up. he takes your dirty clothes from the bathroom floor before leaving.
"i think i need ice for my wrist." you say. "can you get me an ice pack, handsome?"
"of course." he says. "go to bed, sweetheart, i'll be right back."
your entire body relaxes when it hits the bed, you are careful when you settle down but still it feels so nice to be home. falling down in the street is something so suddenly happened, you think it's funny how you can remember the exact moment and the embarrassment you felt on the pavement. it's okay, though. it's normal.
your hero comes back with an ice pack. he sits on your side of bed, takes your wrist to his free hand softly. he presses the ice pack on the slight swollen skin. you let out a shaky breath.
"does it hurt?" he asks, his brows raised.
"no, just cold." you answer. you're gonna be okay.
james kisses your forehead. his hand still holds the ice pack. "are you hungry?" he asks. "can i get you anything?"
you shake your head. "i just wanna sleep, jamie. get under the blanket?" you ask with a hopeful look and a gentle voice. two things james can never resist.
he joins you under the blanket. he has to be the big spoon to hold the ice pack still on your wrist. he kisses your head affectionally. "do you feel better?" he asks. it doesn't hurt to be sure.
you nod. "i'm fine, promise."
sleep comes easily, especially when james draws shapes on your arm with his free hand. you love the occasional kisses he brushes on your head. he holds the ice on your skin until it starts melting, no matter how freezing it is against his hand. it's nothing more painful than seeing his girl cry.
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Meet the parents (Seungcheol x reader)
Seventeen masterlist <3
Meet the parents part 2
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“No, its Shampoo and then washing your body so the shampoo sits in your hair”
You and Cheol, your boyfriend of a 5 months, have been in his apartment, quarrelling about the stupidest thing.
You were both in the kitchen trying to cook something for dinner. Your best and safest bet was pasta and that's exactly what he tried to make. Keyword: TRIED
An abrupt doorbell rang, and you jump.
"Coward" Seungcheol laughs at you as he walks to the door. You stick your tongue out at him.
You heard him open the door. “Mom?”
You run into your room, do a quick fit check, straighten out your clothes and fix your face. Try to make yourself look as presentable as possible in the fraction of a second you got.
You stepped out of cheols room to see his parents walk in the hallway.
Do I look okay? Is my hair tidy enough? Will they let me stay? Should I make an excuse and leave? Im panicking.
All these thoughts come to your head while his parents smile at you. You smile back and wave a little awkward wave.
“This is my girlfriend, y/n”
You were glad he introduced you like that, not that you doubted he wouldn’t, but it felt good to be introduced like that, especially to his parents.
“She’s pretty” the mom says putting her stuff on the couch. You immediately help her with her stuff, taking it off her hands. All you could focus on was to make a good impression.
This is not how you had pictured meeting the parents of the love of your life. Cheol was the best boyfriend youve had and youve even spoken about marriage with each other and it had barely been 5 months. When it’s your soulmate, you just know, and this was exactly that. You’ve seen many relationships go to shit because the girlfriend did not gel with the mother, and you were terrified of the possibility. She seems like a nice lady though.
“Do I look okay?” You whisper to your said love of your life, Choi seungcheol in the kitchen now.
“You look perfect, don’t worry” he whispered back.
“He’s cooking pasta? You will have to get your stomach checked later” his mother jokes walking into the kitchen.
“I’ve been getting better! (Y/n) is teaching me! I can do pasta” Seungcheol whines.
“Poor girl, don’t ruin her stomach” his mom teases. It makes you giggle.
“If water was burnable, he’d burn that too” she says as the conversation moves to the dinner table. His mom dissing him every chance she gets is hilarious to watch.
The pasta he made was finally done and brought to the dining table.
His father engaged in some small talk. You were grateful, you couldn’t stand the awkward silences. He asked you the basics, where do you work, how you like it.
“So, do you live together?” His mom shoots at you without warning.
“Pretty much” cheol answers for you to take the pressure off.
“This new way of living together first before getting married is a good trend, it’s easier to see if you’re compatible, that’s good” she comments on nothing specific. Your face is on fire.
Neither of you knew how to respond to that so the conversation died.
“What do you do?”
“Oh Im an AI researcher at University”
They definitely don’t know what that means so the conversation died for the second time, mostly because you were nervous.
His mom accidentally dropped her fork. The sound echoed in the apartment, it was that quiet.
“Mom wait, let me get your a new fork” cheol oddly insists and rushed to the kitchen.
“Y/n, where are the forks?” You hear his voice from the kitchen. It was his acting voice.
He knows where the forks are.
“I’ll help him” you say sheepishly smiling. You get up and go into the kitchen confused.
“How do you not know where the forks are in your own apartment?” His mom calls out from the dinning table.
He motions you to come over to him with just his hand like he has a secret to tell you.
Of course he knows where the forks are.
“What is it?” You whisper.
“They’re going on a cruise next month, ask them about it” he whispers back.
Your cutiepie, your conversation iron man had come in to rescue you from awkward silences. You peck him cheek and whisper a “thank you” becoming excited and running out front.
“I forgot where I had put them, she seems to know where my stuff is better than I do” cheol comes out behind you and hands his mom a new pair smiling foolishly.
He sure acts well.
After some more pauses, you gather the courage to bring up the cruise.
“Seungcheol had told me sometime ago that you are going on a cruise next month, are you excited?” You try to strike the conversation up again.
You see his mom’s expression change to pure joy. You could see the lady was excited.
“Yes! Its a 2 week cruise to the Mediterranean sea”
“Sounds exciting, have you been on other cruises?”
“Ever since retiring, thats all theyve been doing,” seungcheol adds.
“All for her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she buys a ship and leaves me behind here” his dad chimes in and chuckles.
“Oh sure, I’ll go to this next one with my son then, Im sure he wouldn’t mind” his mom says a little annoyed.
“Don’t drag me into your fights”
“My aunt is in administration for one of the cruises, I can ask her for a discount on your package if you’d like” you say.
is that a bribe? Almost. Who doesn’t like discounts.
Luckily his mom’s eyes lit up.
“Maybe you guys can come with us next time as a family trip”
Family trip.
You never got family. You grew up in a broken home and did not particularly understand the dynamics of a working healthy happy family, like the one you’re seeing infront of you now.
Just imagining to be a part of this family was enough to bring you joy. All you hoped and wished that you would fit in well.
The rest of the night, his parents told us all about their cruise adventures and misadventures.
“How did I do?” You ask nervously, biting your bottom lip as he turns around after closing the door.
The parents had left, it was a good time, a little nerve wracking but a good time overall.
“You’re perfect” he says snaking his arms around your waist pulling you closer. “Im sorry they came in unannounced, if I knew I would’ve asked them not to”
“Are you kidding? They’re your parents, they’re legally allowed to come unannounced, I was just very nervous”
“I really love you, I don’t want your parents to hate me” you couldn’t stand the thought.
“They could never hate you, my love”
You sigh in relief.
“Although… her impression of you might change if you don’t get her that discount now” he teases.
“Oh I will get her that discount alright, even if I have to scale the earth twice”
He giggles at your determination.
Do you want the cruise interaction??? I have a thought starter, I’m so excited
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deadghosy · 2 months
Platonic sliver trio (duo) headcannons && imagines
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Just random chaos. Literally, Ominis is wondering why you and Sebastian are having the “zoomies” in the common room.
Protective boys, doesn’t matter if you are in danger or not. They are there. 🤷🏾
You sliver trio, are just like the golden trio. Just a little bit older years ago though.
Ominis definitely drags you away from Sebastian if there is a dangerous quest. Ominis is sure to not love it down knowing you got hurt because of the sallow’s recklessness. Sebastian indeed a gets an earful while you just stand like a “good” child behind him.
Relaxing in the common room after classes is something they find you doing. So now they go with you to the common room. You three stick together just fine.
When you’re not with them, Sebastian and Ominis do this thing where they bet on where you are at. If Ominis is correct, he gets to hang out with you. Practically sleeping together is hanging out? Now if Sebastian wins, he takes you out for some honeydukes sweets and maybe go on another adventure.
Imagine you got injured only a little during an adventure, Sebastian is immediately helping you up. Finishing the cause of the injury towards you if they are a person or thing. He’s making sure you are okay while you try to tell him it’s only a small injury. Hoping Ominis will be the much more civil and calm one.
Nope he is not. He’s now panicking because of Sebastian SINCE he overreacted and made the explanation of your injury so dramatic. Ominis had to use his hands to hug you instead of using his wand to find your presence. The poor boys were just so chaotic while you stood there like “😐”
Usually if you are relaxing. Those two always somehow find you. Even if you are far away. It’s mostly Sebastian dragging your dear friend Ominis along.
“Y/N! I have a favor to ask of you.” Sebastian says, having a mischievous smile. Ominis was clearly behind him. Wand in hand with a tired expression.
“Please tell him no….” Ominis says with a frown
It’s just some classic trio things. Some Slytherin things.
Holding hands with you is a mandatory thing in the friendship of these two. Can’t anything go wrong with a little hand holding.
The mother of the group, Ominis. The badass child, Sebastian. The middle child that has to always be there to make sure the badass child isn’t alone in trouble. You. It just works that way.
Ominis is fr a single mother who works two jobs. Keeping you safe, and making sure that Sebastian and you aren’t in TOO much trouble.
When laying down with the two Slytherin boys. Sebastian has his arm around you while Ominis has his head on your chest. Loving how the sound of your heartbeat sounds. It makes Ominis feel comforted knowing you are still here.
You three for real could relax on days like those. It feels refreshing.
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
Time of the month
I mean this in no slander way, but the clones may know about sex and etc, but they definitely are dumb ass hell to a period lmfao. They are clones after not really like the other demons too lmfao
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Warnings: fem!reader, fluff & smut, periods, oral (reader receiving), hunger impulses, humor
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Aizetsu could tell someone wasn't right with you for the past few days. He explained that a demon is able to sense the hormone changes in a human, but he couldn't really make out what it is. When Aizetsu smelled blood from you, he almost panicked. "Y/n, where are you hurt?" He asked, holding your face looking around your neck and chest.
You giggled. "I'm not hurt. Why are you assuming that?" You asked "I smell blood from you" Aizetsu says almost crying and looking around your body "don't hide your pain from me it makes me sad when you do" Aizetsu kept checking until he squats down to your lower half and smelled where the blood was coming from.
You took a step back a bit nervously. "Aizetsu... I'm just on my period. Do you not know what that means?" You asked, and he just shook his head, no in response. From that day, you had to explain to Aizetsu what a period is and how it's very common for women to have one and anyone with a uterus, and he was able to understand.
You couldn't stop Aizetsu hunger when your period came. "Y/n, I'm so hungry. Please let me eat, I need to. I can't resist it anymore. " Aizetsu begs you every time, drool falling from his chin from his hunger. Aizetsu goes down on you, having his tongue lap up at the blood flowing out of you having his fill. Most of the time, Aizetsu does it to satisfy his hunger but will get carried away and end up over stimulating you.
"A-Aizetsu you said you were done" you mewl and your back arches when you feel him suck on your clit. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he moans on your pussy "forgive me" he said between licks not stopping until he's tasting your cum mixed with your blood.
Aizetsu takes notice that when you're on your period, you get more emotional and clingy to him. "Y/n, I have to go see "that man." I promise I'll come back," he said, but you just held his hand tighter. "Don't leave Aizetsu. I'll miss you, " you said and began crying, but that only made Aizetsu cry and even harder at that. "Your poor thing. You can't live with out my for more than a second, can you? " he said.
"What the fuck!? I just don't want my boyfriend leaving me" you sob "so you can live without me!?" Aizetsu asked only making him sob harder having you both because an emotional mess.
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The first time Sekido realized what a period was after you explained it to him, he literally called it stupid. He couldn't understand how the uterus could cause a person so much pain all because they aren't pregnant each month. "If it's because you're not pregnant, why don't I just get you pregnant, you fool?" He said, being very serious, and you tried not to laugh since it wouldn't really change anything.
Sekido would get mad when your period could affect your whole body. "What do you mean I can't lay my head on your chest!? You said it was just your stomach hurting you," Sekido said, sounding confused but somehow angry as well.
"Sekido, when I get my period, a lot of things happen to my body, including my boobs... they are really tender and sore right now, " you explained, but that only angered Sekido even more. "Please don't be mad," you say with tears instantly coming out of your eyes. "Why are you crying!?" He raised his voice. "Don't yell at me either!" You sob in your hands, having Sekido stand there dumb founded and feeling somewhat bad for making you cry.
Sekido had to take many months to understand you on your period and when not to say certain things. Even so, he couldn't hide his hunger when you're around on your period. "Stop squirming. The more you do, the less blood that comes out and I'm fucking hungry" he said, holding your legs open but reminds himself you are in pain and sure to have his hand on your stomach, rubbing it and giving your clit attention with his tounge to give you pleasure.
Sekido doesn't get carried away with getting his fill but there will be those days where he'll want to fuck you on your period and that's the softest sex you'll ever get from him.
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"A period? Do I get one? My dick does have a hole, so maybe i can have one..." He'll ask seriously after you explained to him why you bleed every month from your vagina. Karaku couldn't believe this was something you could do all because you weren't pregnant, and surprisingly, he made sure to take a mental note of how he should help you when this time comes around.
Karaku did realize how needy you'd get for him on your period. He'd use this opportunity to get his fill, lapping up the blood from your pussy but take his sweet time but making sure to pleasure you in the process, moaning from how good you tasted both for his hunger and your arousal.
"You're still in pain, aren't you?" Karaku rubs your stomach and gives it soft kisses. "Don't worry. I'll make the pain go away," he smirks. Karaku is able to go up to many rounds with you, that's just the stamina of a demon but he has to realize on a normal day you can only do so many but on months like this? Oh he loves how you can take his cock for more then an hour.
Karaku notices how you're much more needy for words of affirmation during this month. "y/n, you're beautiful. I love you. " he'll hold your face, squish your cheeks together, and even pet your head. "Are you still in pain?" he'll say, rubbing your back and sometimes giving you butt rubs as you lay on his chest. "It'll end soon. You'll be fine"
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"Wow! Are these pads? Look how easily they break!" He said, ripping up at least 3 of your pads with his sharp talons. You screamed at him so loud that day, saying you need them to the point where Urogi doesn't dare mess with them again.
Urogi makes fun of you for being in your period. He'll often compare you to Sekido with how angry you get. "Am I bothering you? Why aren't you talking to me? Hello, hello hello" Urogi said, knowing he's being annoying and even using his talon to poke you in a painful way to annoying you "fuck off! Stop that you annoying bird!" You yell "ok ms.sekido, " Urogi said.
You'd never have a problem with Urogi going down on you when it's that month for you since it was normal for a demon to have hunger impulses when they smell blood from a human but you never wanted to give Urogi the satisfaction of how good his tounge felt.
You can tell when Urogi has had his fill but will want to keep playing with you. You'll turn your head with a pout, not looking at his big yellow eyes staring at you. "What? Don't wanna look at me? Is it because I'm a mess with your blood" he mocks you and presses his tounge flat on your clit.
"So much more sensitive then usual" Urogi grabs your thighs spreading them open keeps licking at your clit and feel your legs trembling in his grip. "Oh? Does it feel good? Your legs are shaking, " he said "C'mon tell me how good it feels, " he stops, looking up at you, waiting for an answer
"Fuck... it feels good, keep going" you grab his hair pushing his head closer to your thobbing clit. "Don't worry, I'll have you cumming on my tounge in no time~"
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tvseries-writings · 8 months
We care about you
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Maya x Carina x reader (Amelia is reader’s bff)
Prompt: Reader has a car crash with Carina’s car and she feels so guilty that she refuses to go to the hospital and it’s not the best choice.
TW: car crash, seizure
When you open your eyes, your first thought does not go to the probable concussion you gave yourself, nor to the poor light pole you knocked down. No, your concern becomes the car: the Carina's very expensive and beautiful Porsche that you have just crumpled against a stupid pole that you could very well have avoided, had the road not been wet. Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the driver's door, yours, suddenly opening.
"Miss, miss can you hear me? Y/n?"
Vic's face appears in front of you, and as soon as he notices it's you, her gaze changes from a calm and placid one to one quite panicked.
"Are you okay? Do you want me to call Maya and Carina?"
Vic unbuckles your belt, intimating you to stay still while she checks you over. She feels your legs, asking if you can feel them. You nod. By the feel of the pain in your ribs, you probably have one or two cracked if not broken ribs, blood is pouring out of your nose since the airbag exploded in your face, and most likely the deep cut on your forehead indicates a more serious concussion than you would have liked but you don't care. The only thing you care about is the car, and right now you really have no other concerns besides.
"Were other people involved?"
"No, just a poor pole. But I don't think it will complain. We need to get you to Grey's Sloan. Montgomery, Warren! Give me a hand, we-"
Relief floods you as soon as Vic confirms that no one else besides you was involved in the accident. You know full well that it could have been worse, yet you refuse to go to the hospital, you won't let anyone waste time because of your stupid mistake. Carina's car...you destroyed it, the Italian loves that car and you literally crumpled it for her.
"Y/n, you know you have to go to the hospital. Maya and Carina would kill me if they knew I didn't take you to the hospital...please don't make me carry you or call them."
You shake your head, immediately regretting it as soon as you do when a twinge in your head makes you squint in pain.
"No, Carina is going to kill me as soon as she sees what I've done to her car..Vic, you don't understand. She loves this car more than anything, she went to pick it out with Andrew as soon as she got to Seattle-" a sob involuntarily escapes your mouth as your body is shaken as more follow. Tears line your cheeks and though you want to stop them, you really don't have the strength.
"Y/n, Carina loves you more than a stupid car...she won't care if-"
"No Vic, you don't understand, I don't want to go to the hospital, please, please, I can't look at Carina and tell her that I destroyed one of the things that reminded her of her brother. Please Vic, take me home, don't take me to Grey's Sloan. Please."
You plead with her and see her struggling internally with herself, even turning a glance over her shoulder where Ben and Travis, having heard it all, are struggling in the same dilemma as she is. Then, Vic shakes his head and you decide that you have just chosen which battle to fight, at least for the next few minutes.
"I'm sorry y/n but we need to get you checked out and Grey's Sloan is the closest. I'm really sorry."
You shake your head, tears continue copiously to line your face, and the adrenaline slowly begins to fade, making your head feel lighter and your chest feel heavier.
"No Vic, this is not your choice. I am conscious and aware of my actions, legally you have no right to transport me anywhere unless I have harmed other people."
You use your best lawyerly tone, the same tone you use in the courtroom and see them exchange a look and then nod.
"You're right, legally we can't force you but we can call Maya and Carina, y/n."
You grit your teeth; this was an option you had not calculated but, instead, you come up with an idea that is better than the others and will probably save you from going to the hospital. As they say, if Muhammad does not go to the mountain then the mountain will go to Muhammad.
"Thank you for coming."
Amelia shakes her head, a look of disapproval quite legible on her face.
"Well, when your best friend as well as roommate for a good six years of college calls you and tells you she's been in an accident, it's hard not to check in on her."
You smile at her, and before you can try to speak, she's asking you rapid-fire questions.
"Have you lost consciousness? Have you had any dizziness? Altered vision?"
Amelia pulls a small light from the breast pocket of the lab coat she is still wearing before pointing it in your eyes.
"I'm fine," you close your eyes, instinctively turning away from that blinding light.
"Mm yeah, no. You're not all right. Now be still and stop saying you're fine."
Amelia holds your head still, probing multiple places for some kind of bump and glancing at the gash on your forehead.
"This cut needs stitches and you need a CT scan. Oh and you still haven't answered my questions, don't think I forgot."
When Vic notices that you don't answer, she does it for you.
"When we arrived she was unconscious and was unconscious for about three minutes while we were there and soon after she recovered she had trouble recognizing me so I wouldn't rule out visual changes."
Ladies and gentlemen, the traitorous bastard Victoria Hughes.
"Hospital, now. No discussion. I remind you that between the two of us, I am the doctor and also one of the best."
You sigh, shaking your head a few times or at least trying to, as Amelia holds you firmly in place.
"I don't even think about it Amelia, not-"
You stop suddenly, a high-pitched ringing in your ears not allowing you to hear whatever Amelia is saying and then, your pupils rotate back and your body is suddenly shaken by convulsions and everything goes dark.
It is Amelia who takes you to the hospital, with Warren by your side as they check your vitals all the way to Grey's Sloan while Vic and Travis brush all speed limits in order to get their captain's girlfriend and great friend to the hospital as quickly as possible.
After administering Diazepam, fortunately the seizures have stopped and Amelia is squeezing your hand, as if to let you know she is with you.
"Everything will be fine, stay with me y/n. It's all right okay? It's all right. I'm here, I'm here with you."
In less than five minutes, your unconscious body is quickly brought through the doors of the emergency room at Grey's Sloan.
"Female, 25 years old, car accident. Unconscious for three minutes, probable head injury. She had a seizure episode before entering the ambulance; diazepam was administered. She has been stable ever since."
Vic says, before leaving you in the hands of Dr. Teddy Altman, who rolls her eyes as soon as she recognizes the woman lying on the stretcher.
"Y/n? Do Amelia, Maya, and Carina know?"
The neurosurgeon sighs, shaking her head and slipping on gloves and a sterile gown to carefully examine how severe your head injury is.
"Damn it, Schmitt, call Dr. DeLuca. Warren, alert your captain. I can't believe you guys didn't say anything, those two will kill you."
Warren swallows before nodding and pulling out his phone.
"What was I supposed to do? This idiot didn't want to and I remind you she's a lawyer, she knows her rights very well. We need to do a CT scan on her, Schmitt did you reserve the room?"
"Y-yes Dr. Shepard and Dr. DeLuca is coming. I told her that her partner had been in a car accident but I didn't have time to tell her that she was okay that she had already shut me down."
Teddy pinches her nose between her index finger and thumb, sighing in exasperation.
"Schmitt, did you even check that she wasn't operating?"
The resident looks at her embarrassed before shaking his head.
"No ma'am, I-"
The boy doesn't have time to finish the sentence that a worried Italian doctor enters the emergency room, nearly bursting through the doors.
"Where is she? Is she okay? Teddy tell me she is fine-"
The Italian woman suddenly stops, noticing only then your pale, unconscious body on the crib in front of the two doctors and the resident.
Caria quickly approaches you, stroking your forehead and being careful not to graze the cut before turning to Amelia as they move to the exam room to have you scanned. "What happened?"
Although she is addressing the neurosurgeon, her eyes do not leave your figure, and her hand does not detach from yours.
"She lost control of the car and drove into a light pole, the airbags deployed, which caused her to have a massive nosebleed, and a head injury. She had a seizure episode before we brought her in."
Carina gasps as she hears the last sentence.
"Has she woken up since then?"
The Italian closes her eyes, aware that this is not a good sign and praying that you have not suffered more damage than she initially expected.
As they prepare you for the CT scan, Amelia and Carina being the only ones in the room, Carina decides to ask Amelia one of the questions that came to her mind as soon as she noticed the neurosurgeon standing next to you, slightly sweaty in the face and aware of all the information from your journey from the accident site to the hospital.
"Why were you with her in the ambulance?"
"She called me; she was afraid you would be upset about the car and didn't even want to go to the hospital. She said she would report us if we took her, I doubt she would have done that and I would have done it anyway but you know, Vic and Warren weren't too keen on taking the risk. And then he called me so that they wouldn't take her to the hospital and they wouldn't call you or Maya."
Carina shakes her head as she and Amelia tuck you inside the machine, before exiting the room.
"You idiot, I don't care about the car. All I care about is that she's okay."
"I know Carina, I tried to reason with her and then...well, she had the fit. It will be fine Carina, she is a fighter. She will come back to you. She loves you too much to leave you."
Carina nods, chasing back tears as she looks at the monitors in front of her, waiting for the results of your CT scan.
The Italian gasps as she feels two powerful arms embrace her and hold her close.
"It will be okay love, Warren told me what happened. She will be fine, otherwise how could we give her a good telling off for how much she was considered?"
Maya kisses her wife's shoulder, also looking at the monitors despite not understanding anything written on them. They both sigh, looking at Amelia waiting for good news.
When you open your eyes, for the second time that day, you realize you've fucked up again. The cold white walls of the hospital room you are in are proof of that. You try to move your head to the side, to look around, but a twinge in your neck puts you off. You recognize Maya's warm grip in your right hand and the Italian's wavy hair caressing your stomach as the latter sleeps peacefully.
You give the fireman's hand a squeeze and a gentle caress to the Italian's face. Carina wakes up, crinkling her eyes and looking at you surprised, happy and worried at the same time.
"Bella, how are you feeling? Are you okay? I'll call Amelia..."
Carina speaks frantically, not even realizing she is speaking in Italian, and as she reaches toward the button to call the nurses, to the right of your bed, you fuss her wrist, turning a smile to her.
"I'm fine and before you call anyone else I...I have to tell you how sorry I am Carina. I'm so fucking sorry. I know how much you cared about that car and I'm so sorry, I wanted to try to fix it before you knew it...although I don't know if it can be fixed and-"
Carina hears the beeping sound getting louder and louder; she turns to the monitors and when she sees how fast you are breathing and your heart rate, she knows you are having a panic attack.
"Bella, love, it's okay. It's okay love, I'm not mad. I don't care about a stupid car, Andrea will always stay in my heart; I care about you, Bella. The car will buy back but you worth more than anything, do you understand?"
You keep breathing fast; the throbbing pain in your head does not allow you to think clearly, and unfortunately, Carina's words come to you so muffled that they have no effect on you.
The chaos around you makes Maya suddenly wake up; it takes the blond firefighter a few seconds to figure out what is going on and to join his wife in trying to drag you out of the panic attack.
The blond climbs onto the bed, sitting right behind you and holding you in her arms despite you trying with all your might to free yourself. Carina, on the other hand, kneels in front of you, taking your hands in her own.
"It's okay love, it's okay. Breathe, listen to my heartbeat" Maya whispers in your ear, leaving a kiss on your cheek.
"Follow my breath Bella; that's it, good, keep it up."
In less than ten minutes, the incessant sound that resonated in the hospital room is replaced by a soft, steady BIP. Your chest hurts and you rub it hard, to ease your pain, before a hand forces you to stop.
"Hey, hey, you're going to hurt yourself if you keep this up. Do you want me to call a nurse to give you something?"
You nod, closing your eyes and waiting for the nurse to arrive. Carina reaches out to press the button before immediately returning to hold your hands. Maya continues to leave kisses on your neck and face as you continue to keep your eyes closed.
Contrary to what you expected, it is not a nurse who enters the room but Amelia.
"Hey rock star, you're awake. What's wrong? Do you have a headache? Dizziness?"
You nod, opening your eyes and looking into her eyes. A small smile ripples your lips as your best friend walks over to your bed and hugs you.
"You had me worried idiot."
The neurosurgeon pulls away from the hug before giving you a weak punch on your right arm.
"I'm sorry."
Amelia shakes her head as she sticks something into your IV.
"This is a painkiller, not too strong but it should ease your pain. Call me if there is any problem. I'll be back later to check how your head is; I know you have a hard head but it's always best to be cautious."
Before you can even insult her for the joke she just made, Amelia sneers her way out of the room.
"What an idiot," you shake your head, rolling your eyes. Your body begins to relax as the medication kicks in.
"So will you tell us why you didn't go to the hospital right away? You know how dangerous a head injury can be and you still decided to not go to the hospital right away. It was stupid and reckless and you can't, you CANNOT do that with your health. Ever again."
Maya looks at you sternly, with her ‘’Captain's look’’, as you and Carina call it.
"I'm sorry Maya, I know you are angry and I understand why but my only thought was only the car and the fact that I had destroyed one of the things Andrew had given Carina."
Maya holds you close and Carina joins your embrace.
"No physical thing or not, none, will ever be worth as much as your life y/n. And don't ever have a seizure over it again, am I clear? A car will never be worth as much as you are to you and me, ever. I don't care if I have to throw it away, I don't care if I have to buy another one. I care about you and your health so don't ever pull that crap again because if you had the crisis while you were alone, at home, after getting dropped off there, then it could have ended really badly and I, we, need you to understand that Bella."
Carina strokes your face gently; some tears line her face and you promptly wipe them away. Maya leaves a kiss on your cheek, holding you close.
"Car is right love, you really scared us today and when I think about the fact that we could have lost you I..." Maya shakes her head, her voice breaking and you turn to her, pulling her into a kiss.
"I'm sorry Maya, I'm so sorry I...I won't do it again."
You hug and hold each other tightly, you know you fucked up but now that Carina has calmed you down the relief you feel is priceless; therefore, you enjoy the embrace and that warmth you love so much as the medication slips you back into sleep.
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry, I know it is not the best so excuse me… I will try to improve. Have a great day!
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charlessmiths-wife · 1 month
here - have some hcs about how the RE8 women would help you when you’re feeling a bit down! Bc we all know stress would be a lot easier to handle with some of our fave evil women by our side <3 ❤️💕💗💓
-> In my mind Alcina sort of freaks out the first time she sees you get really stressed
-> she’s not been comforted much herself in her life, so she’s not entirely sure how to do it.
-> at first, she’s a tad maternal about the whole thing. she’s accustomed to comforting her daughters, however - she soon learns there’s a difference between the comfort of a mother and the comfort of a partner
-> and so with time, I reckon Alcina shifts and grows into an excellent partner to have around in instances of stress. she’s calm, she’s cool and collected. she’ll reason with you and rationally talk you down from your stress - before doing something with you to take your mind off it. maybe going for a walk or taking you on a date.
-> either way, your stress always dissipates with Alcina’s help.
-> Ugh. She can relate.
-> Bela is a stressed girlie herself, it’s something she’s accustomed to - therefore it’s something she’s used to dealing with.
-> She’d be very helpful. She’d talk it through with you, I reckon Bela is a great listener - and she’d hold you close whilst letting you talk about it for as long as you need.
-> picture this, your head on Bela’s chest, her fingers slowly stroking and combing through your hair whilst you tell her about all your worries, and she softly hums and nods along. being there for you every step of the way. who wouldn’t feel better?
-> lmao
-> Cassandra is the love of my life, so I can confidently admit that for a while babygirl would have NO IDEA what she’s doing
-> I think Cassandra is a very rational woman, and so seeing you upset immediately makes her think there’s some sort of immediate threat that needs sorting out.
-> so her initial reaction might be more… panicked than the calm and cool response you might see from the rest of her family members
-> however once you assure her you’re in no harm or danger, she’ll calm down, and then she can get to comforting you.
-> because she’s so rational, Cassie is EXCELLENT at providing advice for your situation.
-> she’ll sort whatever’s upsetting you out instantly. she’s just that good.
-> and, of course, she’ll do her best to comfort you along the way. Pressing a kiss to your forehead and reminding you how proud she is of you. I’m in love.
-> babygirl is like a KOALA BEAR
-> when Dani can tell your stressed/generally upset, she’ll cling to you. cuddling up with you as much as she can and not letting you go.
-> “oh my poor baby! come here, lie down with me.”
-> she’ll pepper your face with kisses. all whilst letting you complain all you need about whatever’s getting you down.
-> she’ll also join in on the complaining. which is just… so funny?
-> “ugh, I’m sorry about your boss my love…. she sounds like a total jerk!” “… you don’t know her, Dani.” “Still!”
-> it’s just very loving from her. as she is with everything. she’ll hold your hand and kiss you softly and tell you how loved you are, and remind you that you’ll always have her.
-> the first time she sees you stressed or upset - DONNA. FREAKS. OUT.
-> somehow even more than Cassandra and Alcina combined.
-> however, as time passes and you guys get to know each other more and more… Donna becomes amazing?
-> she can instantly tell when somethings getting you down. and from there she acts as a silent but strong presence. she’ll guide you through whatever’s getting you down.
-> her go to plan is to run the pair of you a bath, and then cook you dinner. I head cannon Donna is an EXCELLENT cook and she knows how to cook up a comforting and hearty dish that’ll make you feel just better.
-> she’s very good at dealing with the emotional aspect of it all. she might not always know exactly what advice to give, but she is an EXCELLENT listener and she’ll always do her absolute best to calm you down. rubbing your back and holding you close, wiping your tears if needs be.
-> (can you tell im a massive Donna girlie?)
-> surprisingly, she’s excellent.
-> Miranda’s well accustomed, in my mind, to dealing with you being upset/stressed about a situation.
-> she knows if you need comforting or advice.
-> if it’s comforting you need, she’ll pull out all the stops. running you a bath, rubbing your back, letting you talk it out.
-> if it’s advice you need, Miranda is excellent. she’ll help you sort your situation out as quick as possible.
-> no matter what, she’ll brew you a cup of tea and remind you not to let things get you down. she reminds you of the importance of only concerning yourself with what you can control.
-> she’ll tell you how well you’re doing, and how loved you are. kissing you softly and resting your forehead against hers. she makes the world calm down for you.
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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can’t get the slasher au in the campcounselor!jj universe out of my mind, so have this.
the two of you being held up in your cabin together with the door bolted and jj is hammering nails needles and screws into a baseball bat. anything he can find really. he came barging through your door so fast that you thought you were next the second he stumbled on a body. his first thought was you, and how he needed to protect you because he didn’t think he’d be able to handle seeing the girl he was pretty sure he was in love with in a pool of blood.
“so why don’t they just call the police? instead of telling us to just stay in our cabins and lock the doors?” you rant, panicked and unable to be still for even a moment as you pace up and down the room.
“so uh, apparently this killer is like a genius of sorts n’cut the connection. s’why the wifi ain’t workin’ and no calls are goin’ through.” he glances up at you as he gives his hammer a few final taps against the nail in his bat. he waves a finger around in a circle in gesture to the lamps dotted around, still working. “these bad boys are solar powered though, thank god.”
“cant they send someone to go and get help? i know we’re in the middle of nowhere but there’s gotta be someone out there.” you shake your head, mostly at the poor organisational skills behind the camp owners and their lack of emergency plans.
“sent our one security dude to go n’drive ’til he finds someone. that was three hours ago so uh… safe to say it’s not lookin’ good.” jj grimaces and your face falls, hopeless as you flop into the seat.
“we are so screwed, jj.” you mewl, which forces him to tear his attention away from his makeshift weapon.
“hey, don’t talk like that okay you got me n’ this badass weapon n’i’m not gonna let anything happen to you okay so… positive thoughts. please.”
a minute of silence passes, before the quiet is filled by the sound of heavy rain coming down on the window. “hm. pathetic fallacy.” you hum and jj’s brow shoots up, glancing over to you once more.
“uh, what’d you call me?”
“wh— no. its a literary device. it means when the weather in a story reflects the overall mood of the events unfolding.” you explain with a sigh, drawing patterns on the table infront of you with your finger nail. jj ticks his head, continuing on with his project.
“smart and pretty.” he comments casually yet quietly, not bothering to look up now. despite everything, you let a little smile bite the corners of your lips.
“you think i’m pretty?”
“i said smart too. damn, talk about conceited.” he jests, glancing up at you with a smirk to ensure you knew he was teasing you. you can’t help but giggle, staring at him for a moment as you lock eyes.
he blinks, almost like he’s surprised to hear his own name being said.
“wh— yeah?”
“thanks for comin’ here to protect me. i was really scared without you.”
the blonde clears his throat, trying to get used to the whole being sincere thing. “oh, uh. yeah. no shweat.” he responds in his usual silly jj way, telling you he doesn’t know how to respond to people genuinely complimenting him. it’s kind of cute, behind the whole confident class-clown bravado.
“you promise if i die tonight you’ll reapply my lip gloss for me? i can’t have the forensic people finding me lookin’ all busted. that would be embarrassing.” you try to lighten the moment but he senses the worry in your tone. jj presses his lips together, suddenly standing out of his chair.
“look, come here.” he demands, and your brows raise. “yes. come here.” he beckons and you do so, dragging your feet to stand infront of him. his hands seem to hesitate for a moment before they grasp your shoulders, raising his eyebrows at you.
“you— ms perfect, are not gonna die tonight. y’hear me? this is jus’ gonna be one of your many cool ass stories that you get to tell in the future when we get the hell outta here. just like — as long as you promise to mention the sexy strong blonde dude that protected you with his life when you’re… y’know, recountin’ those tales…n’shit.” despite delivering the lighthearted punchline, jj’s voice softens towards the end of its delivery, staring down and getting lost in your wide worried eyes.
you smile, a hand coming up to rest on his chest. you don’t comment on the way his heart pounds against your palm. “how could i forget that detail?” you stare again at eachother for a moment, and you swear he’s about to kiss you — when thunder crashes loudly outside, startling the two of you as jj spins around, grabbing the bat and swinging it into a protective stance, guarding you. the moment settles over the two of you and you giggle, covering your mouth.
“you gonna fight the thunder, jj?”
“i was just practicin’ alright be grateful my reflexes are so damn fast. m’like a ninja.” he scoffs out a little laugh, turning back towards you.
“sheesh, i wouldn’t mess with you.” you grin and he tosses the bat aside, deciding enough was enough.
“yeah wouldn’t dream of it.” he mutters distractedly, the two of you pumped with adrenaline as he leans in, eyes on your mouth before your lips connect, the blonde pulling your body to his.
maybe you would be okay.
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girlgenius1111 · 9 months
i wake up screaming from dreaming
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ingrid engen x reader
reader has a nightmare. ingrid picks up the pieces.
It was a common dream for you to have- you'd never had a good relationship with your parents. You often thought back to the culmination of this poor relationship; the night they threw you out, spewing awful, hateful things at you. You'd long ago given up trying to stop the replaying of this event in your nightmares. It had been years, and it still plagued your dreams.
You'd never had it before around another person, though. You'd had relationships before but you'd never spent enough time with the other person for them to happen to be there when you the memory visited your dreams. It wasn't like that with Ingrid.
You'd been together for only a few months, but already, you knew what you had with her was different. She knew you more than most people did, having an odd ability to see through you when you pretended to be fine. She didn't know everything, but all that she did know, didn't scare her off. The Norwegian always seemed like she wanted to know more, in fact.
Still, when you startled awake to the sound of her voice calling your name, rousing you from the horrifying memory, you couldn't help the fresh wave of fear that washed through you.
You were drenched in sweat, breathing hard, and looking around frantically. It was obvious to Ingrid what had happened, and she could tell how panicked you were, even with how out of it you seemed.
"Y/n, elskling," Ingrid called softly, careful not to touch you when you were in such a state. You looked at her from where you were propped up on your elbows, eyes wild. She reached over to the bedside table, flicking on the lamp, squinting as the light filled the room.
"Ingrid," you said breathlessly, as if just now really processing that she was there. Ingrid hated the look on your face, as if you were shocked that she was still laying next to you.
"Yeah, I'm right here," she said soothingly. Tentatively, she reached out a hand. You responded by all but launching yourself across the bed into her. She took your weight easily, leaning back and letting you settle on top of her. She could feel your chest stuttering with every inhale, and she began to run her nails up and down your back.
"It was just a dream, elskling, you're here with me, and you're completely safe," she murmured into your ear, feeling you nod against her chest. Being pressed up against her was calming you down fast; her long arms wrapped tightly around your body, holding you securely to her.
"Sorry for waking you," you gasped out.
"Don't be sorry, I'm glad I woke up," Ingrid shushed you. She sounded so sweet, so genuine. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, tone telling you that it was okay if you didn't.
"Not right now," you told her, wanting nothing more than to forget everything about the dream.
"That's okay. What about a warm shower?" she asked, wanting to find something that would make your body stop trembling.
At this, you pushed up off of her, rolling back to your side of the bed, face flushing red.
"I'm sorry, I'm all gross," you panicked, "I'll go shower now." You moved to get out of the bed, even as a little of the panic began to return now that you weren't inhaling the scent of Ingrid; pine and pear that made you feel safe.
Ingrid stopped you, though, with a gentle hand wrapping around your wrist. "No, kjære, that's not what I meant."
You looked at her, thick hair sleep tousled, but expression alert, awake. You didn't understand. Ingrid's heart ached at the how your bottom lip quivered, watery eyes hesitantly meeting hers.
"I thought a shower might calm you down, but if you want to stay laying here with me, that's fine to," she told you delicately.
"A shower sounds nice," you said faintly, again moving to stand up from the bed. Ingrid let you this time, and you walked shakily into the bathroom. The soft patter of footsteps behind you caused you to turn around, and you looked at Ingrid in confusion.
"Let me help," she insisted, stepping around you to turn the shower on. You did, allowing her to undress you and tie your hair up, before she absentmindedly tugged her own clothes off, attention completely focused on you.
"Ingrid, you don't have to," you started, but the brunette interrupted you, as she pulled her hair up into a loose bun.
"I want to," she said simply, and you decided to stop arguing as she pulled you into the shower. You reached for the soap, but she stopped you, guiding you to lean back against her under the stream of warm water.
"Just relax, jenta mi," she soothed. You hadn't realized you were still shaking, until Ingrid's arms were stilling your movements, and the warm water was washing over you. You let your eyes slip shut, leaning back against your girlfriend. "There you go," she murmured, leaning down to kiss your temple lightly.
After a few minutes, once your body had stopped trembling, Ingrid released you, fighting back a smile at the noise of complaint you let out. She grabbed the soap, lathering your body in it, her hands movement gently across your skin. She was so careful, so intentional with her movements, it made you feel loved, cherished. You stepped back under the spray, rinsing off, and she pressing you back into her chest, hands splaying out across your bare back. She completely enveloped you, your smaller frame fitting against her, tucked away.
It was so peaceful, in the dimly lit bathroom, the warm water raining down on you both, and your eyes fluttered shut once again. You didn't realize you started to drift off, through, until Ingrid pulled back, cupping your face with her hands, and pressing a peck to your lips.
"Don't sleep yet, let's get out of the shower first," she told you, and you could hear the amusement in her voice. You grumbled, but let her tug you out of the shower and dry you off. Your eyes remained closed, body following Ingrid's lead, until you felt her fingers lightly tap your cheek. You blinked open, finding her emerald eyes looking down at you.
"Wake up," she teased. "I'm gonna get some clothes, don't fall over,"
You nodded, fighting to keep your eyelids from falling shut. She left and returned quickly, and you felt a rush of emotion, of love, when she wordlessly helped you pull on a pair of her shorts and one of her shirts. Once she had pulled on clothes of her own, you sagged into her, completely drained. She supported your weight easily, leading you out of the bathroom, across the soft carpet, and back into bed.
You felt refreshed, calm, and so comfortable as you settled under the covers, resting your head on Ingrid's chest, scooting right up against her side.
The Norwegian was content to lay there with you, in silence, until you fell back asleep, which she assumed would be soon based on how you'd almost drifted off standing up in the shower. She lazily ran her fingertips up and down your arm, feeling sleep tug at her too.
She jolted slightly when you shifted, scooching up to rest your head higher on her shoulder, until your breath tickled the skin of her neck.
"Love you," you mumbled into her shirt, already half asleep, but unwilling to drift off until you'd made sure Ingrid knew how much you appreciated her.
Ingrid melted a little at your sleepy voice. "I love you too, elskling," she promised.
You allowed yourself to drift off, then, confident that if another nightmare found you, Ingrid would be there to bring you back to earth.
writing about ingrid but not with mapi feels... incorrect. anyway here is something short and sweet :)
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misomiho · 9 months
𝙅𝙅𝙆 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙗𝙪𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮'𝙡𝙡 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𖤐⭒๋࣭
Part 1 ☆Part 2
Genre: sfw and tooth rotting fluff
Pairing: JJK x Fem!Reader |Inumaki, Nanami,Maki,Okkotsu|
A/N: hi! this is like my first time ever to post after half a year :[ I'm so sorry!
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𝙄𝙣𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙞 𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙚 ⭑
→He was panicking inside a little bit, poor boy. You always shared everything with him and always liked everything you came in contact with so it's impossible to narrow everything in to one.
→He was rummaging through his things when a magazine with a guitar picture imprinted on it flew on top of his head, that gave him an idea.
"Inumaki, here's the thing you asked for..!"
"Is it for (Y/N)..?!"
"Ohh, didn't know you were that romantic!"
"bonito flakes!"
→He gave you a guitar pick he customized himself, he always loved how your voice sounded and the way you strang the guitar's strings. He badly wanted to tell you how your voice is so angelic.
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𝙉𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞 𝙆𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙤 ⭑
→Kento is an old fashioned guy, romantic I might say. He didn't find it hard to give you the gifts that would make your heart squeeze.
→He pondered on how you always seemed to like flowers but he already gave you one last time so he found a way to give you one but with a twist.
"Is this all the flowers, sir..?"
"Yes but I have a question in mind"
"May I hear it..?"
"Do you mind teaching me about flower arrangements? I can pay for the lesson"
"Oh..no need sir! I am willing to teach you so"
→What he made isn't exactly the best (in his opinion) but the effort, time, and love he put in to them is more than enough to make you happy.
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𝙕𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙖𝙠𝙞 ⭑
→She didn't really specialize in this kind of things since picking one always ends up in a calamity. She remembered how she gave you a weapon once as a gift.
→She was about to head out when a paper slipped past infront of her. It was one of your sketches of her.
"Oh no, I'm out of paper in my sketchbook..!"
"I'm not surprised, you're always sketching every second"
"How can I not when you're so pretty to draw"
"It's true..!"
→Maki gave you another sketchbook, a thicker one where it would take awhile to ran out of paper. She secretly likes it when you draw her.
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𝙊𝙠𝙠𝙤𝙩𝙨𝙪 𝙔𝙪𝙩𝙖 ⭑
→He almost forgot! probably because of how stressed he was and was worrying about what you would've liked.
→He asked Maki for advice! he thought that since you're both girls, she might be able to help pick one for you!
→They were both chaotic as hell, Maki even teased him a little bit when Yuta finally saw the 'perfect' gift.
"Yutaaaa! this is so adorable...!"
"I'm sorry, it was kind of rushed and-"
"No..! I like it and it's the best, I can now have something to cuddle with"
"That kind of hurts, I'm here you know..."
"I'm kidding..! I have an exception for you!"
→He gave you a plushie of your favorite animal, he once saw you admiring principal Yaga's cursed corpses and recalled how you wanted one of them! it was not as cool as the ones imbued with curse energy but it was special to you nonetheless.
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hyukasmiles · 10 months
Fem reader
Warnings: NSFW// kinda in a public space? (workplace but private office) // spanking // oral (f) // spit // squirting // NOT PROOF READ
he’s the CEO of like a small company idk 😭
CEO! Soobin who is so mean to you. Always making you redo your work, making you stay late, yelling at you. The whole office knows about it too, constantly trying to cheer you up.
CEO! Soobin who calls you into his office, pinching his nose bridge. Your coworkers look at you like you’re a kicked puppy as you walk towards him, a couple of them shooting thumbs up towards you.
CEO! Soobin who locks the heavy oak door behind you, his breath hot on your neck. “You didn’t even pretend this time.” He laughs, pulling your hair to one side. “Just sent me an empty doc.”
CEO! Soobin who chuffs when you bat your eyelashes and whine about how sorry you are, pout about how you were afraid of missing the deadline and panicked and sent him the wrong thing. Big fat crocodile tears roll down your cheeks as you cross your arms under your chest basically pushing your boobs into his face. “You won’t fire me will you?” You whine.
CEO! Soobin who leads you to his big wooden desk and bends you over it and it’s so tall your feet don’t even touch the ground. He smacks your ass pushing your skirt over the fat. “Fuckin’ soaking wet down here aren’t you, just pathetic, I don’t even need to look.” He laughs, landing another hit. You squeal at the sensation, your legs kicking up reflexively. “I’ll fix your work this time.” He spreads your thighs open so easy, laughing more at the almost puddle in between your thighs.
CEO! Soobin who hates when you wear pantyhose cause he has to be extra careful when getting them off so no one notices anything, and he knows you only wear them when you’re trying to be difficult. “Should I rip them?” He asks, pressing two fingers against your cunt. “Have everyone in the office wondering what happened to them?”
“No-“ You whine, closing your thighs around his hand. “I’ll take them off.” Reaching behind you, you quickly pull the thin nylon down to your knees. “Good enough?”
CEO! Soobin who looks at your now bare cunt like a starved animal. “I should fuck you till you can’t walk.” He spanks you again, grabbing fist fulls of your ass. “You can go home early, it’s more expensive to keep you here anyway. Doesn’t that sound good? Half a day off?”
“But my work.” You pout, wiggling your ass a little. “I gotta do… that… thing.”
CEO! Soobin who tells you to shut up before he’s scooting you up the desk and propping your knees on the wood leaving your cunt level with his face. His thumbs spread open your pussy giving him room to lap at your cunt. He shoves his tongue into your cunt as far as it will go and licks at your gummy walls until you’re shaking, your upper body giving out leaving your chest and face squished against the oak.
You whine when he pulls away to spit on your cunt, using his thumbs to smear it across your clit. You arch your back at the stimulation, hoping to give him better access to the little bundle of nerves.
CEO! Soobin who nips and sucks at your clit until you’re so close to cumming you can taste it and then pulls away and moves to your poor little hole to do the same again and again and again until you’re sobbing so loud he tugs his tie off and shoves it in your mouth.
He works you up one more time before sucking on your clit to harshly it shoves you into an orgasm so strong it pushes all the air out of your lungs.
CEO! Soobin who sits there with his jaw slack, your release sprayed all over his designer suit and expensive desk. “Fuck- fuck- what- so fucking hot, squirted all over me.” He groans, spreading your cunt open again this time to just look at it.
CEO! Soobin who’s snapped out of his trance when his secretary knocks on the door, he moves quickly to get the two of you looking put together, pulling up your pantyhose and trying to dry off his suit with napkins. But when he helps you up your legs are too shaky to hold yourself up so he picks you up and takes you to the small bathroom connected to his office, leaving you on the sink counter so he can get back to work.
CEO! Soobin who tells all your coworkers you left during their lunch hour and that he’s got a big conference call he’s going to be on for the rest of the day and everyone's a little skeptical about it but they dismiss it because they’re too busy to get caught up on it. Little do they know he has you caged under him, your knees against your chest as he fucks you and demands you squirt for him again.
Inbox always open 🫶
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ipegchangbin · 7 months
...your nerd chan inbox answer is fucking *chefs kiss*. let me know if you have anywhere i can send a tip for a pt 2 thanks<3
♡ … part 1
@staysinbloom youre lucky i run this thing for free! i accept tips in the form of love and reblogs. without further ado heres the sequel
🏷️ sub!nerd!chan, dom!gn!reader, edging & overstim, phone sex
chan almost stumbles over on the bed when you finally turn your video on in the call. he’s mesmerized but also desperate at this point.
he could just cum to the sight of you.
his cock is extra angry now, frustrated in every single way — his balls are firm and full of unreleased cum, his curved shaft’s veins keep pulsing, and his tip is the most sensitive it’s ever been in his life. chan could only imagine how much it would hurt if you were just physically there with him to tease him even more.
“oh, look at you. getting so antsy over me,” you smirk, “how about you straighten your body for me?”
chan gets up from his hunched position and shows himself to you, kneeling on the bed.
“wow. what a big boy,” you coo through the phone screen.
he’s red all over with more tears in his eyes. there are drool stains on the sides of his mouth from your previous teasing. he bites his tongue back from begging, pleading, and wailing like he was earlier to just cum.
you wouldn’t want a disobedient boy after all.
“now do as i say and don’t cum.” your voice alone sends shivers down his spine, abdomen clenching from both need and attraction.
your smirk turns into a gentle, unassuming smile. “fuck your hands for me, channie.”
chan doesn’t question your commands one bit. he immediately ducks his head to look at his raging cock and cups it with both hands.
it hurts, it aches. the moment his hands touch his dick, his whole body trembles and he has to bite his luscious bottom lip to stop the whines from escaping his system. he’s so sensitive, one rub of a thumb on the intersection of his tip and shaft making him want to burst immediately.
when he cums, he knows he’ll cum a lot.
“is it wet enough?”
“real wet, y/n,” chan responds with a worried look on his face.
“hmm, but i want to see it dripping.” the sheets are already drenched in his sweat and precum, but you don’t care.
“spit on it.”
he desperately wants to ask why. it’s likely to tease him and make him feel how much of a mess he’s making — how much he’s already made. chan’s aching to relieve himself though, and he spits right on his cock.
the added wetness along with the feeling of his own spit hitting his dick makes his thighs shiver. he lets out a shaky groan, the lewd sounds resounding like droplets of heaven through the call. he feels humiliated like this — as if he wasn’t already — and the way his leaking cock, spit, and sweat mix together bring him closer and closer to an orgasm.
but he can’t.
“now fuck your hands.” your voice is so stern and you shift out of the bed. he wonders where you’re going before he thrusts by instinct, leaving him closer to cumming.
he keeps going, sounding oh-so pretty like this, bucking his hips into his hands and moaning as if he’d never felt anything like this before. he doesn’t let his rhythm down, accelerating his strokes, going faster and faster, and it doesn’t seem to—
a load of cum shoots out of his cock. surprised, chan stops bucking and groans loudly.
“did i tell you to stop?”
he’s panicked. “n-no, no! y/n! i came!”
disobedience is something chan loathes. he doesn’t know what your punishments are. he doesn’t know if you’ll get as angry as he thinks. the poor boy simply sits on his legs as he kneels with cum all over his fingers, himself, and his sheets.
“i’m sorry! i couldn’t help it, i—”
“i said, did i tell you to stop?”
you sound so strict.
chan ducks his head in…guilt? embarrassment? he isn’t sure what to feel at this point; you’re breaking him past the point of thought. his head is spinning like crazy and he’s still cumming. it feels good, that’s all he knows, and he loves you all the more for getting him like this.
a disgusting thought washes over him and overrides all his senses.
while one hand strokes his cock, the other takes all of the cum dripping out of his hole and slides it down his entire length, including his balls. it makes him shoot out even more, the thick and creamy substance making its way all over chan’s most sensitive parts. he massages it all through.
before fucking his dirty hands, takes a lick of his cum-stained finger. he tastes so savory. his chest blushes along with his ears at the taste of himself, his dirty actions spurring him on even after cumming accidentally. and you didn’t tell him to stop.
thrusting and thrusting, chan fucks his hands again with no intention of letting his rhythm die out, even if he simply doesn’t stop shooting loads. you can see his cum burst out as he goes, laughing through the call at how thoroughly you’ve broken this nerd of a boy.
a voice then speaks up, quietly.
“ch-channie’s…a…g-good boy…” he stutters to himself.
isn’t that so cute. chan repeats himself with no shame left in his system, calming down and praising himself just to keep him going.
“aren’t you such a good boy. good channie,” you praise, watching his priceless reactions through your phone screen.
at this point, you turn your camera off and watch him peacefully. he relishes in your praise, bucking his hips into his creamy hands as if it were a filled asshole. he tightens his grip around himself. his abs flex and relax, repeating your words; “i-i’m so good. i’m a…good boy…good channie, good channie…”
after finishing his orgasm, he only feels the sensitivity rising again, ready for a second orgasm. he feels so broken, his senses mixing up everywhere until his mind is blurry and hazy from all the sensations. even his cute ass clenches, ready for release once again.
that is, until the call ends abruptly.
“y-y/n? y/n? oh god…” chan panics.
he doesn’t know what’s going on. he doesn’t know what to do. he’s made a mess of himself and his sheets. he grabs his glasses and frantically checks his phone for any sign of you.
that is, until the doorbell rings.
“hey, channie!” your voice blares through the halls of his apartment.
“i’m here.” holy shit, you’re there.
chan doesn’t give a shit about his clothes, running for the door naked with an abused cock hanging out. he doesn’t care as long as it’s you, as long as you’re finally there for him.
he answers the door and is greeted with your big, beaming, sinister smile.
“let me help you, channie.”
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straykids-97 · 1 year
Call Me by Your Name
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"Words have meaning, but names have power."
There are a lot of things in the world that Chris loves... But hearing you say his name, is probably his favorite...
Warnings: soft! Dom Chan, sub!reader, mentions chubby thighs, (Chris is a thigh/ass man, you can't convince me otherwise), slight bondage, manhandling, teasing, unprotected sex, cuddling, and fluff at the beginning and end lmk if I forgot anything!!
Word Count: 2.6k
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Chan has many hobbies. Playing piano, singing, writing, you name it. Some of them had long forgotten the day you walked into the lobby of the hotel he was staying in. 
The poor man nearly tripped over his bags when he watched you pull your sunglasses off your face, a bright smile spreading across your face. 
He knew he was a goner when your eyes fell on his shocked face. 
It had been a little over a year since that day, and you two were deeply in love. That much was evident because Chan always had his hands on you; PDA was his favorite. He loved that everyone knew you were his, one way or another. 
“Chris!” You shout, getting his attention from across the pier. You were standing with his friend, Felix, watching people mill about the beach below. Chris looked a little startled when you said his name, his face looking confused and panicked as his brown eyes found yours. It quickly dissolved when he found a smile on your face. “Come here!” You waved him over and he instantly left the booth he was at and joined you by the railing. 
You pointed down at the beast swimming around the wooden pillars of the pier, “Look! It’s a shark.” You whispered, almost as if saying its name would invoke its wrath. He giggled, “I forget sometimes that you don’t see this kind of thing.” You playfully shove him, “Don’t be rude.” You grumble as he pulls you into his side, “You’re like a baby,” he murmured in your ear, sending a chill down your spine. “I like seeing you experience things for the first time.” He nibbled your earlobe and you tried not to squeak. Felix was used to the display of PDA. And luckily he hadn’t heard what your boyfriend whispered in your ear. “Good thing no one swimming right now,” Felix sighed, relieved. “I don’t wanna see something like that.” His implication made you shiver. No one said the words, but you knew what he was talking about. 
“Let’s go to the Ferris wheel!” You plead, trying to change the subject. “Are you sure? It’s getting kind of late.” Chris checked his watch to see that it was nearing 11:30.” You pout at him, “But you promised me that you would take me on it before we left.” He couldn’t argue with that. 
A bright smile spread across his face, “Alright… Let’s go.” 
After the long wait in line, you and Chris manage to get a good spot on the ferris wheel. “Oh my,” You stare at the horizon as the large machine takes you higher into the sky. Chris beams at you, “Pretty, isn’t it?” He asks, making you turn to him. “Of course,” You mirror his cheeky grin. 
The ferris wheel spins a few times and now it’s slowing down to let people off. You realize that you’ll be one of the last people off, not that you mind. You lean into your boyfriend's side and squeeze his arm, “Tonight was perfect, thank you.” You tell him as he squeezes your thigh, “Your welcome, baby.” He purrs. You stiffen, his voice made you tingle with heat. 
“Chris,” you warn. He chuckles at your reaction, “What?” He asked innocently. You glare at him, “You know what.” His hand slides up the bareness of your thigh, “Oh? Do i?” He teases, biting his bottom lip as his fingers dance along your damp panties. The air that Chris sucked between his teeth sounded like a hiss, “Someone a little… Needy? Hmm, princess?” Your mouth falls open as he presses a soft teasing kiss to your lips. 
He rubs the now wet cloth of your panties and you let out a soft moan, “Chris.” You whine his name, digging your nails into his forearm as he grins wickedly. “What baby?” he sucks on his bottom lip before he kisses you again, his tongue dancing along yours, “What’s the matter?” 
Your head is spinning as he rubs gentle teasing rings over your clit. Your head lulls between your shoulders and Chris wastes no time latching his lips to your neck, nibbling your skin as he trails up to your ear, “Baby-” You pant as he pulls away, pulling your skirt down. You were about to protest but then realize that the wheel was closer to the ground, and you were about to climb off. You huff out an annoyed breath and follow Chris out. 
Felix is waiting diligently for you two on the ground, holding up a paper bowl of food in the air like it was the largest bounty he had ever managed to find. You can’t help but laugh at him, “Felix-” Felix interrupts you, “The pier is closing soon but I managed to get you some of those nacho fries you wanted.” He held the bowl to you, “Oh, you have to have some too,” you say, and Felix doesn’t protest. 
“It’s getting late anyway,” Chris checks his phone. “We should drop Felix off and get going.” 
The drive to Felix’s home was shorter than you expected or remembered. Maybe it was because Chris was drawing slow circles on the skin of your thigh, driving you mad. “Bye, Felix!” You wave at him as he offers you one of his cheeky grins before going up the stairs to his house. 
As soon as you roll up the window, you turn and glare at Chris as he pulls away from the curb. “How dare you.” you try to move his hand but he digs his fingers into your plump thigh, “Ah, ah.” He chastises, “Don’t.” His voice is low and threatening. “Your teasing.” You whine and give up, glaring out the window. 
The rest of the way back to your and Chris’s shared home was torture. He was running circuits between your knee and thigh, but never touching you where you wanted- needed him. You were close to smacking his hand away as he put the car into park, but the pause between turning the car off and unbuckling himself made you stop. 
You watch as he moved his seat back, giving you a heated glance before patting his lap. “Come here, Princess.” He pulls his black jean jacket off as you unbuckle and climb onto him. He pushes your skirt up to reveal your soaked undergarments. He lets out a sound that sounded like a mix of a groan and a growl. He brushes his thumb over your clit, and you dig your fingernails into the headrest as he lets out a breathy chuckle. 
“So fucking wet for me.” He sucks on his bottom lip as he looks up into your eyes. “Wanna play a game?” He asks, and the question catches you off guard. “What kind of game?” You inquire, a wicked grin plastering over your face. “A chase…” His voice was low, sending shivers down your spine as his fingers ghosted up your sides, “What about it Doll? Are you up for a game? Or are you too spun tight?” His teeth clamped over your earlobe, making you squeak. Warmth flooded your veins as he spoke again, “I could just keep teasing you… I like to see you beg.” 
You shake your head, “No- I’ll play.” You squeak, earning a chuckle as he pulls away. “Perfect.” He opens his door, “I’ll give you the count of 10 to find somewhere to hide. If I find you in less than 5 minutes, I get to do whatever I want to you…” He trails off, his dark, lust-filled eyes ghosting over you before he continues, “If not, then you get to do whatever you want to me. Deal?” You nod and he smiles, “Alright then. One… Two…” He starts to count and you scramble off his lap and into the open garage door.  
You yank open the door and sprint into the house. Not the kitchen, that’s too obvious… Easy. You sprint up the stairs to the second-floor bathroom and pause, maybe I could trick him? You think and go to the closed bedroom door, cracking it open just enough to look like you didn’t have enough time to close it before running back to the bathroom and sliding into the room, closing the door. 
The room was dark so you had difficulty finding the door handle to the closet. You managed to get it open just as you heard Chris enter the house and you slide into the door, settling on the cool marble floor. You cover your mouth to conceal your panting as you hear Chris singing on the first floor. The blood was pumping so hard in your ears that it was hard to hear what it was. 
Not that it really mattered. You held your breath as he climbed the stairs to the second floor, you realize that he’s singing ‘House of Cards’ by BTS. You glare at the dark door in front of you. That smug bastard singing that song-
You freeze when you hear the bedroom door open, had he taken the bait? You wait and to your shock, he didn’t. 
You hear the bathroom door open and Chris chuckle, “You almost had me.” He admits, turning the bathroom light on, “But I remember closing this door before we left… And your purple robe definitely wasn’t sticking out of it.” You groan as he opens the door to the closet. You slump in defeat, “Damn it.” He holds his hand out and he pulls you to your feet. “Almost, baby.” He grins as he turns to the robe, pulling out the rope. “Come with me.” 
He leads you to your room where he closes the door, “Strip.” He demands. You gasp, “Wha-”
“You heard me.” He glares at you and you instantly follow his demands. You pull your white t-shirt over your head and shove your skirt down your thighs, leaving you in your mismatched undergarments. Chris grins, “White bra, black panties…” His smile only seems to deepen as he closes in on you. “An angel mixed with a demon… How fitting.” He winks and reaches behind you to tie your arms together. 
You gasp as he nudged you back toward the bed. 
There was a smirk on his face as you land on your ass. Gasping, you look up to your smug-looking boyfriend as he takes a few steps back. “Now this…” He trails off, admiring the view in front of him, “I can get used to.” 
You watch as he kneels in front of you, pulling your legs apart and resting them on either side of his shoulders. “I’m starving…” Chris hums, massaging your skin as his rough hands climb higher up to the apex of your thighs. You whimper, biting your lip as his thumb brushes where you need him most, making him chuckle. “Always so needy…” He nibbles the skin of your plump thigh and you nearly faint. 
How could someone be so gorgeous and act so sinful? Maybe Chris wasn’t a heaven send, maybe he crawled up from hell- 
You are drawn back to reality as he licks a bold strip across your panties. You gasp, your head lulling between your shoulders, “Chris- please!” You beg, tears pricking your eyes. He had been teasing you ever since the ferris wheel. He laughs as you squirm, “Awh, poor baby can’t take what she dishes out?” You groan, “S’not funny.” You grumble as he rights himself. 
“Oh? It’s not?” He hums, pulling his black shirt over his head, and stares down at you. “Only funny when your giving, not receiving?” The silence was his answer; he grins down at you salaciously. He grabs you by your upper arms and pushes you toward the headboard, causing a shocked squeak to erupt from your throat. 
He crawls up your body like a snake, and you are a squeaking helpless mouse. Chris holds himself up as he makes fists by either side of your head, staring down at you. His silver chain dangles as he watches you. Chris cocks his head to the side and uses one hand to pull your bra down to let your breasts bounce free. 
You whimper as he shifts back onto his calves and watch as he undoes his belt, the button of his jeans. Biting your lip as he frees himself from the confines of his jeans and holds his cock in his palm. Chris hisses as he drags his hand up the length, “Fuck,” he draws out the word as if it were the best thing he had tasted. He shifts forward and rubs the tip against you, making you become stiff, your mouth falling open. 
“Chris-” you hiccup as he moves your panties to the slide, that same lustful grin plastered on his face. He bites his lips as he rolls his hips into yours, his mouth falling open and his eyebrows knitting together. You both moan into each other’s mouths, satisfaction finally finding both of you. 
He growls and begins to thrust fast into you, your mind instantly becomes mush. Chris grips your throat and buries his face into the crook of your neck, panting as he fucks you into the bed. 
You wish you could hold him, dig your nails into his skin, anything but your restrained hands could only clutch the bedding to prevent your head hitting the headboard. “Fuck- Chris!” You squeal as your pent-up orgasm washes over you so suddenly that you’re breathless.
Fucking you through your bliss, Chris leans up and waits for you to stop clenching him before he flips you onto your stomach. You suddenly realize that your bonds weren’t just for keeping you restrained. 
They were also a handle for Chris to hold. 
He grabs the rope and pulls you so that you were a few inches off the bed, gasping and trying to balance yourself. Chris groans as you adjust to the new position, and he wastes no time fucking you like that, a hand on your hip, and one laced between the soft rope of your robe. 
You hear him groan, panting behind you as he tries to remain in control but you could tell he was slipping. Just as you thought that, he lets go of the rope and your chest falls to the mattress, making you gasp in surprise. He presses his hands into the small of your back, raising his hips up so that he was quite literally fucking you into the mattress. The springs squeaked as he fucked you harder, groaning, “Fuck!” Before stopping, his hips smacked against your ass cheeks one last time before he pulled out. 
He flopped beside you and you curled onto your side, staring over at Chris for a few moments. After his post-nut clarity faded, he turned to you and sat up to untie you. “Are you alright? These weren’t too tight were they?” You shake your head, “No. They weren’t baby.” You smile up at him softly. He mirrors your smile as he tosses away the rope and pulls his clothes off as well. 
Chris pulls you into his chest and gives you a sloppy kiss on the forehead, “Fuck- we should do that more often.” He admits with a sigh. “You didn’t last that long.” You note, making him pinch your side playfully, “I wonder why.” He growls, nipping at your nose. You giggle, pushing at his chest. “That makes two of us then.” You sit up and go to slide off the bed but the grip on your arm makes you pause. “Where do you think your going?” He asks, looking you over. “To the bathroom? To clean up?” 
“Oh no angel, we’re not done yet.” 
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Tag list: @leeknowri @ilevaar @sky-outta
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mbbmz · 1 month
if you’re still taking requests, would you be open to doing an angst ask? Tokyo Revengers boys with a gf who gets seriously hurt or dies because of a rival gang or something like that? I don’t mind which characters but I really love Mitsuya!
Hello honey! So I never really wrote angst, but I tried for you. You said you liked Mitsuya, here some Mitsuya food! Also did Rindou bc why not. Rindou’s part is kinda messy bc I wanted to write too much things-
Warning : Angst/no comfort, depictions of injuries, death
He was running in the street, a frown replacing his usual calm expression. He had left in the middle of a Toman meeting, but at this point he didn’t care.
He had received a call from your best friend, telling him you were beaten up roughly. In his mind, he knew. He knew this was because of him, of his membership to Toman.
By the time he arrived at the hospital, he was breathless. He frantically searched for your room, a now panicked look on his face. He finally arrived in front of your room, anxious of what he would find inside. Were you even awake? Would you hate him for what happened to you? For not being there to protect you?
Eaten by guilt and remorse, he opened the door, and nothing could have prepared him to what he found.
Your best friend, crying loudly next to your limp body, your skin covered in blue and purple. He got closer, almost mechanically, silently taking your swollen hand in his.
Your heartbeat on the monitor resonated in the room, getting slower, weaker, until any noise was replaced by a loud beep.
His eyes widened. What was this sound?.. What did that mean?.. He asked himself, bathing in denial. Because he knew what that meant, yet he didn’t want to accept it. He squeezed your hand, shaking your shoulder as if you’d magically wake up and smile at him, like you always did.
But your smile was gone, and so were you.
He wasn’t paying attention to the minutes, the hours passing as he sat in the white, lifeless room.
He had one single missed call from his brother, who must have understood where he was when he didn’t respond.
The first time he came to see you, your body was in poor state. Bruises and broken bones, even damaged organs. He couldn’t believe his eyes for a moment.
Now, the bruises were gone, the blue on your body replaced by a pale, blemish color. It made him sick to his stomach. How much it must have hurt, and he wasn’t even fucking there.
It would have been different if he had been there. He would have protected you. But no, he was at a fucking Tenjiku meeting, ignoring your calls, too busy to spare you a minute.
What kind of boyfriend was he?
He pinched the bridge of his nose, if he had answered, he would have heard your voice, your beautiful voice one last time.
No. Surely he would hear it again. Surely.
But the days passed, and each time he entered the room to see you still unconscious, he swore a piece of his sanity was leaving him.
Your hand was getting thinner and thinner, the IV barely sustaining you. He could feel your bones every time he touched you. And it hurt.
A single tear rolled on his cheek. This wasn’t a life. This was far from the life he promised you. All those moments he wanted to spend with you, going to dates, kissing you, touching you, all this would now only exist in his imagination.
Deep down, he knew. He knew you’d never wake up. Yet he wouldn’t admit it. Not until your heartbeat on the monitor would stop. He’d come everyday, staying beside you until a nurse threw him out.
He’d come everyday, until you took your last breath.
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