#and you're stupid for cheering for them 🙄🙄 🙄
lemotmo · 2 months
They got an ask about Buck/Eddie being written like Hen/Chimney. Because of course 🙄
A. Good evening anon, my week has been pretty decent, thank you. I hope yours was as well. Buck/Eddie are not written or played remotely similarly to Hen/Chimney. Their dynamics are purposely different. I don't know if you belong to the group of viewers whose knowledge of the show only consists of 6 episodes from season 7, but based on your ask, I'm going to assume that you are. But even if your knowledge is relegated to season 7 exclusively you should still be able to see the difference. Hen and Chimney are your textbook besties for life. They support each other. They cry with and cheer for one another. And sometimes even share one braincell. But they have always been shown to have lives separate from one another and their friendship (that's part of the show history you're deliberately avoiding). I believe Chimney has had one scene with Denny (Hen and Karen's son) throughout the entirety of the show's run. Buck and Christopher's relationship is its own unit within the show. They have episodes and arcs devoted to the two of them (that pesky show history again, sorry). Buck is not written as his sudo uncle. He's not written as his dad's best friend who occasionally babysits. He is a coparent. Eddie and Buck had one episode, Eddie's first episode, and it wasn't even the full episode, where they weren't written as immediately living in the pocket of each other. The show made a point of developing Hen and Chimney outside of their friendship. The show has deliberately chosen not to do that with Buck and Eddie. It's a season after season writing choice. It's why Kenny, Aisha, and Tim can all easily use the word friendship to describe Hen/Chimney. It's also why Oliver, Ryan and Tim cannot use the word friendship to describe Buck and Eddie. It's why in interview after interview they all struggle to describe it. The word friendship does not feel right or remotely strong enough to describe their relationship. And they all know it (again, it's that lousy show history).
It's okay to say you don't want Eddie to be canonically queer because you know what that means for Tommy. That's okay. You're allowed to hate it solely for what it means to that character. We all hate something that is canon. I hate several canon things. I won't tell you all of them, but I will share one that seems minor to a lot of people, but fills me with rage. When the show had Buck tell Eddie that he thinks Natalia 'sees' him I wanted to burn the studio to the ground. Evan Buckley looked Eddie Diaz in the face and actually said out loud that someone he just met is the person who makes him feel seen (even typing the words out made my face hot). Eddie Diaz who knows Evan Buckley better than anyone else in the world had to listen to those words be said about someone else. I hate it. I hate it so much that any time anyone mentions that scene around me all my friends groan because they know I'm about to go on a rant. I don't pretend I hate it for any other reason except it made me upset on Eddie's behalf. That's it. To me it felt wrong, wildly out of place, especially considering Buck had known her all of 5 minutes, and I thought it was stupid. That's it. I don't try to convince everyone that my feelings towards that scene are about some greater morality point. I hate it because I hate it. And that's all that matters. I don't know who told you all that you're not allowed to not want Eddie to be canonically queer because you know they'll put him with Buck. That's the reason you don't want it. Say it. You can. No one will judge you for you saying that. People are judging you because you're pretending it's all this other greater good for television bullshit. It's not. It's not because television needs a straight/queer bestie combo, those are everywhere, including 911, hello Hen and Chimney. It's not because television needs a straight man who's not afraid of his emotions. It's not because putting them in a relationship would ruin one of the best platonic relationships on television. It's none of those things. It's because he would be with Buck. Period. Just own it. It's fine.
The only problem with admitting it means you're also admitting that once his arc with Buck is complete there is no purpose for Tommy. That's why you don't want to admit it. You guys have spent the entire hiatus letting people convince you that he's becoming an integral part of the show. That he's going to have storylines and episodes devoted to him and his past. He's not. Even if they keep him around as a boyfriend for a bit he will still just exist on the fringes of the show. He will never be important as a stand alone character. The show has given zero indication that he is anything more than a plot point. They just haven't. And maybe you all are correct, and Tim has spent the downtime thinking of ways to make him more permanent. But that is very unlikely. Everything we've seen so far, including the decision to release that deleted clip, seems to indicate he has a very particular story purpose, and once they've told that particular part of the story, his services will no longer be required. You can hate it. You have absolutely every right to hate it. It doesn't matter if I, or anyone else, ever understands why you hate it. You can hate it. But it won't make it less true. It will just be part of the canon that you hate. And that's okay.
Okay, I wouldn't know what to add to this to be honest. Every single thing that has been on my mind for some time now is right there, in the answer above. The only difference is that the OP managed to summarise all of it in a few paragraphs. It would probably have taken me hours and pages of text to say what they just said in their answer.
I just want to add on thing. It's true, we all have canon parts of the show that we hate. Mine is the lawsuit arc. I can't watch it anymore. I can't even read fics that deal with the lawsuit. That is how much I hate it. I hated how they made Buck sue the Fire Department and how they made him tell that lawyer all about his friends' private lives. I absolutely detest it, because it made me dislike Buck during that time. And I've always loved Buck, even season 1 Buck. I eventually got over it and forgave Buck around the same time Eddie did. I will always hate that arc, but I also realise that it happened and that it will forever be a part of Buck's character arc.
This will be part of the canon that I hate. And that's okay. It won't make me love the show any less, but it will always be there.
What are the canon parts of the show that you hate(d)?
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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canirove · 10 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 2
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"I hate my kids."
"What?" I laugh.
"I hate them, Val. They all are so… so… annoying."
"You've only been with them for three hours, Emma."
"Enough to know that I hate them" she sighs. "What about yours?"
"They seem lovely so far. We've been playing some games to get to know each other and they all were really into it."
"Lucky bitch."
"Hello, girls" says Beth, the headmistress of our school,  as we walk into the staffroom. "How's the day been so far?"
"Good, good" I say, stopping Emma before she says something she shouldn't.
"That's wonderful" Beth smiles. "Oh, Valeria, this came for you earlier" she says, giving me a big bouquet of flowers.
"These are for me?"
"Yep. And there is a note too."
"Why hadn't you told me you have a secret admirer?" Emma says.
"Because I don't" I reply, opening the note.
Hope you've had a good first day and that you don't need these flowers to cheer you up, just to remind you of how cute I am. -P
"P? Who is P?"
"Just a friend" I quickly say, hiding the note.
"He must be a special one. Look at that smile and the colour of your cheeks" Beth chuckles.
"We just met, it's nothing serious."
"But if he is already sending you flowers, that's because he likes you. Luis, why have you never sent me flowers?" 
"What?" Beth's husband says, looking up from the newspaper he was reading. One where Pedri is on the cover, a big smile on his face while joking with Gavi during training. 
"You've never gotten me flowers on my first day of work."
"What is the point? We've been working together since we got married" he shrugs, hiding once again behind his newspaper.
"See what I have to deal with?" she sighs. "Your boy is a keeper."
"I agree" Emma says. "And if he has a brother or something…"
"I'll let you know" I chuckle, my eyes fixed on the newspaper, on that smile I've gotten to see almost daily for the past couple of weeks. 
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Thank you for the flowers. They are beautiful.
You're welcome 😊 
But wait, why are you texting me? Shouldn't you be in class?
I am, but they are busy painting, they aren't paying attention.
Naughty, naughty 😜 
Are they good kids?
They are. I am really lucky this year.
But I am your favourite kid, am I not? 😇
I thought I had upgraded you to young man 🤔
Is that still standing?
It is. Thanks to the flowers you've earned yourself to keep that status 😜
Thanks to being cute, you mean
Yeah, that too
Do you give your kids a sticker or something if they behave or get good grades?
I do, yes. Had to buy some Barça ones and 🤢
But I think I also deserve something 
You get to keep your status Also have I told you yet how stupid you look on your profile pic? 😂
Always so nice, Val 🙄 
I look cute, which is what I am, and the reason why I think I deserve a kiss
Are you free this afternoon to give me the one from today?
Not really. Still have to prepare some things for next week.
What if I stop by your house?
That needy are you for a kiss? 😂
You can't even imagine 😩
Then ask one of the many teenagers who slide into your dms 🤷‍♀️
But I don't want their kisses. 
I want YOURS
I'm busy
C'mon, Val. You know like them too 😏
I can't today, I'm busy
It'll be just a kiss
A teeny tiny one 🥺
We don't do that type of kisses and you know it 😂
We don't, no 😏 
But c'mon 🥺 
And if I buy you one of the cookies we ate the other day on our way back from the beach?
Is that a yes? 👀
It's a maybe. Let me think about it
Yes! 💃🏻
"Aren't you going to ask me to come in?"
"You came here for a kiss, didn't you?" I say. "You don't need to come inside for that."
"What if your neighbours see us?" Pedri asks.
"They aren't home right now."
"Are you sure?"
"I am. Did you bring me the cookie?"
"I did" he says, showing me the small paper box. "But my kiss goes first."
"Fine" I say, giving him a peck.
"That isn't a kiss."
"It is."
"Not for us. I deserve one of our kisses, I got you flowers and a cookie, remember?"
"Ok, fine" I say again, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You are so needy, Pedri." 
"As if you didn't enjoy it" he smirks. "Kiss?"
"Shut up" I say, kissing him like he wanted me to while he hugs me against him, leaving no space between our bodies. 
"Someone is coming" I whisper against his lips when I hear the lift.
"Inside, now" I say, pushing him in.
"Careful, Val! What if I get injured?"
"Not sorry. Last time you were out Barça played like shit, so" I shrug. "Can I get my cookie now?"
"You have a really nice place" he says, completely ignoring me.
"Thank you. My cookie?"
"Which one is your room?"
"This one?" 
"Can I please get my cookie?" I insist.
"Nah, this isn't yours. This one, on the other hand…" he says as he walks in.
"Hey!" I say, following him.
"Nice bed. Very comfortable."
"Get up from there."
"Why? Haven't you thought about me laying here?" he smirks.
"I haven't. Now get up."
"Pedri, get up from my bed."
"You asked for it" I say, grabbing him by the ankle and trying to move him, but he is way heavier than he looks.
"You are gonna end up hurting yourself" he chuckles.
"Then move!"
"No" he says, quickly sitting up and grabbing me by the waist, making me lay down with him.
"What are you doing?" I protest.
"Cuddling" he says with an innocent smile.
"I don't want to cuddle. I want my cookie and for you to leave. I have work to do."
"All that can wait" he says, moving us so we are spooning.
"That's my name, yes" he says while kissing my neck, the feeling making me shudder.
"You have to leave."
"No" he whispers, kissing my neck again as his hand moves under my t-shirt.
"I'm serious."
"So am I."
"Pe…" But I can't keep talking, the feeling of his thumb over my nipple and his lips on my neck making me moan.
"Were saying?" he chuckles against my skin. 
"I… want…"
"Yes?" he says, kissing me and moving his thumb once again. 
"I want you to leave."
"No, you don't."
"I… I do. Leave."
"That's not what you want and you know it" he whispers in my ear while still moving his thumb, my hips unconsciously moving against him. "Tell me what you really want."
"I… I want…"
"Yes?" he whispers.
"I… I want you" I say, finally giving up.
"Didn't you want the cookie?" he teases me.
"No" I say, turning to face him. "I want you, Pedri. Now. Here. Naked and all over me, on me, inside me. I want you. All of you."
"Thought you would never ask, Valeria" he smiles before kissing me. 
"Val?" Silvia says, knocking on the door. "Val, are you awake?"
"Kind of" I grunt.
"You left your phone in the living room and your alarm has been going off for a while. If you don't get up you are going to be late for work."
"Just five more minutes."
"Ok… I'll be back in five minutes" she sighs. "Don't fall asleep again."
"I won't" I yawn.
"You are definitely falling asleep again" someone chuckles next to me before kissing my neck.
"Fuck!" I scream, sitting up on the bed.
"Or maybe not" Pedri laughs.
"What… What are you doing here?"
"That wasn't the first thing I expected to hear when I woke up today" he laughs again.
"I expected to wake up to something like good morning, handsome while we cuddled for a bit."
"Not happening" I say, leaving the bed.
"Next time then."
"There won't be a next time, Pedri" I say while looking for my underwear among all the clothes scattered on the floor.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Because I don't believe a word you just said. And neither do you, to be honest."
"It won't happen again" I insist. 
"Sure, Val. Sure. And they are here, by the way."
"Your knickers" he says, nodding to his left. "I know because I threw them there. They are really cute, I like them."
"Shut up" I say, quickly picking them up and putting them on. "What time is it?" I ask while looking for something else to throw on.
"What time do the classes start?"
"Then you still have time for some cuddles" he says.
"No, I don't. Because yesterday I should have washed my hair, and now I have to do that today. And shower. I'm all sticky."
"We had a good workout yesterday, didn't we? Or a few workouts" he smirks, putting an arm behind his head, his biceps popping. Focus, Valeria. Focus.
"Whatever" I say, managing to look away. 
"Why don't you come back here?"
"I've told you I can't! I have to shower, and get ready, and then it's Friday today, which means that there will be more traffic and the tube will be packed, and I'll probably be late. And it's all your fault."
"Mine? Why?"
"Do you seriously have to ask?" I say, rolling my eyes.
"It's not my fault I'm irresistible."
"Irre… whatever. I'm going to shower" I say after finally finding something to wear.
"Do you want compa… Ok, ok" he laughs after I give him my most murderous look. "But that t-shirt you are wearing is mine."
"Not anymore" I smile before leaving my room. 
"Why are you still here?" I say, walking into the kitchen after finishing getting ready.
"Val, manners!" Silvia scolds me.
"Why are you still here, Pedri?" I repeat, completely ignoring her.
"One, because I don't have a t-shirt and I can't go outside half naked, and two, because your lovely flatmate invited me to have breakfast with her."
"You did?"
"I couldn't let him leave on an empty stomach after all the exercise he did yesterday. He is a professional athlete but he also is human, you know?" Silvia says while sipping from her cup and trying to hide her smile. 
"Urgh" I groan.
"Where are you going now?"
"To find your t-shirt so you can finally leave!"
"And your breakfast?" Silvia asks.
"I'm not hungry!"
"But Val, you can't leave on an empty stomach either! You need to recharge your energy!" 
"I'm fine" I say when I'm back, throwing the t-shirt at Pedri's face. "And now you can leave."
"I'm not leaving until you eat something" he says.
"You two are so annoying."
"We just care about you. Don't we, P?" 
"We do."
"P?" I laugh. "Since when are you bffs?"
"Since we've been chatting a bit and getting to know each other. And I've also seen him shirtless and heard him while practicing a very intimate activity, something I didn't ask for despite wanting it to happen, but oh well. At least you guys had fun."
"We did" he smirks. 
"Well, if you aren't leaving, I am."
"Oh, c'mon Val" Silvia says. "Don't be like that."
"I can't be late on my second day of work."
"You can't and you shouldn't. But wait" Pedri says, quickly leaving the kitchen.
"Where is he going now?"
"I don't know" Silvia shrugs.
"Here" he says when he comes back.
"My cookie?" I chuckle.
"You didn't get to eat it yesterday. It may not taste as good, but at least you will be eating something."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome" he smiles. "Can I get a goodbye kiss?"
"A kiss is what got us into this mess, so no, you can't. Goodbye."
"Ok, fine" he sighs. "I'll text you later."
"I won't reply" I say, opening the door.
"That's what you always say, and then…" Pedri smirks, his smile being the last thing I see before I leave. 
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Were you late for work?
Thought you weren't going to reply to my texts 🤔
What are your plans for the weekend?
Not for me
I'm alone in the house this weekend
And? Are you scared? 😂
I actually am, yes. Will you come and make me company? 🥺 
I could show you around the neighborhood. And the weather still is nice, we could swim in the pool. And while I'm at training you can work. And then on Sunday you could come watch me play, it's the first game of the season. 
I'm not setting a foot on the Camp Nou 🤢
C'mon, Val. It'll be fun. A weekend just for you and I, getting to know each other. 
And you don't have to cheer for me. You can boo me if you want
That's what I'll probably do, yes. But from my sofa
Please, Valeria 🥺 
I would like to have you there
The game is at 9, I have to work on Monday
I'll drive you home after the game and then leave, I promise. 
Please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Fine 🙄  I'll think about it
I'll pick you up at 8 😊
Wait, what? I didn't say yes
When you say you'll think about it you always mean yes 🤷🏻‍♂️
I don't
Yes, you do 😊 
Pack some comfy clothes and something nice for the game. The pyjamas and the bikini are optional 😏
See you at 8! 🥰
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toomuchracket · 8 months
this is random but I had a thought about maybe flatmate girlie getting a bit put out by the girls in the girls video. like not mega jealous, but maybe a bit insecure? like obviously they’re GORGEOUS and stuff but seeing them all in their underwear and matty is obviously around them and looking at them and stuff. idk, just a thought. like maybe they’d get home and she’d be a bit snappy and short with him (I too get like that when I’m jel or sad lol), and he’s like have I done something wrong? is everything okay? and she just doesn’t know how to say how she feels without being like I want it to be me that you gawk at in lingerie!!!!!!
you meet them in the pub after the shoot and it's all nice and fun until hann (bless him) slides his phone to you and says "here, we did a little behind the scenes thing to show you because you couldn't make it earlier"; literally the second clip is matty chatting to a couple of the models in their underwear and them being a bit giggly, right into an actual video clip of them kissing him on the cheek, and you're literally clenching your teeth to try and keep a straight face as you ooh and aah at the rest of it. matty leans forward after you've watched it to be like "so this is the idea it's a pisstake of pop vids and then there's the robert palmer reference with the hot girls and the lipstick and-", and you cut him off like "yeah i'm not stupid i understand the concept and the inspo" - he's slightly taken aback like "oh. of course. yeah. sorry, darlin", but you're already chatting to george about something. and it's all fine for a little bit, until ross casually says "matty. are you gonna see that girl with the short hair again? she was cool. seemed to really like you", and he's like "oh maybe. she's so fit. couldn't keep my eyes off her when she was pretending to be me, to be honest lol", and that's IT for you; you're like "oh it's my round, same again? i'll be back in a minute", and go up to the bar for a bit of space and some silent seething. but that's fucking ruined by matty following you like a lost puppy giving it "hi sweetheart. thought you might want a hand carrying everything over. missed you today", and all you can do is hum in response - he's immediately concerned like "you alright, darlin?", and you're like "yeah. just tired. i'll take these two drinks back if you can get the others. cheers" and walk back to the table. he can tell there's definitely something up with you, but he can't tell what specifically; there's no way you're jealous, right? no, must be something else (🙄). he asks when you get back to the flat and wordlessly take your shoes off in the hall, before you can go to your room and slam the door - he's like "darlin, i know you're upset with me, and i want you to tell me why so i can properly address it, please. was it me explaining the video? i didn't mean to make you feel like i think you're daft, you're the smartest person i know. i'm sorry if i came across like that", and you sigh like "it's not that. it's just..." and you think of how best to phrase it without giving yourself away before continuing like "i think i feel a bit left out". not a lie, because you want him to look at YOU in your underwear and not some random model, and matty just nods and says "because this is the first 75 vid you haven't been on set for?", and you're like "mhmm yes that's it. just felt out of the loop! exactly". he hugs you and apologises, and you feel better after the contact; even better when he looks at you softly and says "you know, you look really beautiful today, if you don't mind me saying" (and you don't), because shocker! he was wishing you were the one he was looking at the whole time too! god you two are so stupid in the early days lol. cute though <3
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crazyalien87 · 17 days
If you're not a terf but reblog from terfs you know that means you're comfortable with their transphobia and racism right? There's no way around that, you're comfortable enough with their disgusting behavior to support them and give them a platform. Idk I just think that's something to think about. Cheers tho 🤙
Reblogging something from someone doesn't mean I agree with everything they say🤦‍♀️🙄😒.
If you think that me reblogging a post means I agree with everything op said, that is your problem. If I only reblogged from people with whom I agreed with 100% on literally everything, I would reblog from no one.
Idk if you are lying or just stupid but I don't have to waste any time on your crap.
Besides, by this logic, if I reblog from lots of trans people, it apparently means I agree with all the misogyny (e.g. "if you like stereotypically feminine things it means you are a woman") and racism (e.g. "black women look just as manly as pre-transition trans women") in the trans community🤔. I don't think all trans people are like that of course, because I'm not a terf and I actually understand nuance.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
I know you probably dont do hcs but after that housewarden yuu that is about to go off the rails, how do you think it'll go? Tbh I'm expecting the other dormleaders pulling "why are you acting up right now? What do you want this is so not you 🙄" like every toxic people who are getting their own medicine
Oh don't worry, I'm cool with headcanons.
Honestly, I think the housewardens like Riddle Kalim, and Malleus would genuinely feel bad about Yuu absolutely losing it and lashing out at everyone. Malleus because he's Yuus friend and has an idea of what they've been through, like when Ramshackle was taken. Kalim is just good natured, once Yuu vocalized their frustrations he would feel bad and apologize if he had contributed to this feeling. And Riddle,like i said in the other post, Yuu is lashing out very similarly to him, and Riddle understands this.
Leona on some level gets it, though wouldn't say anything. We all know he has the mind set of "nothing you do matters in the end." And that more or less is what Yuu is dealing with. Nothing they do is getting them the respect or recognition they deserve and Leona sees it. So he isn't surprised when they finally breakdown in front of everyone.
Everyone else is probably on the "this isn't you, why are you acting like this." Train. Though admittedly I haven't read enough stuff with Vil and Idia to say if that's accurate or not.
Since In these post I keep talking about a girl!Yuu, or Miss Yuu, as I like to call her. I just imagine this girl whose very much a typical Disney heroine. You know wide eyed, kind, cheerful. Then she ends up in Twisted Wonderland and does her best to make the most of it, to help everyone and have some hope that it will get better. Only it doesn't. Everyone just expects more and more until she's worn down, and that sweet girl that tried to be friendly with everyone is now short tempered and lashing out at everyone.
Until one day shes dragged into another mess and something finally snaps.
"Honestly, Yuu," Azul says, not knowing the dam he was about to make burst. "There's no need to get so snappy with is. This isn't your usual smiley self."
"You're right. This isn't me. It's what you all made me. I used be good. I didn't get so angry all the time. I had more patience than this, I used be nice! Then you all,and your stupid school came along and ruined me!" She screamed out at him, the tears burning down her face. "All you Night Raven bastards do is take and take without a single thank you, and I'm sick of it. If getting a little snappy will make you all leave me alone, then you can suck it up. Because I'm sick of you, I'm sick of this school,and I'm sick of this world!"
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kenmolly · 3 years
can i request headcanons or a scenario with chuuya and how he would feel if there was new worker in the pm and they get partnered up with the reader and like a few weeks later everybody starts shipping them because they’re relationship is like soukoku. i understand if this is too much i spent 10 minutes trying to explain it the best i can if its too much feel free to ignore me<3
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𝄰 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤᎓ Nakahara Chuuya x gn!reader
𝄰 𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢᎓ fluff, crack ‹3
𝄰 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤᎓ non proofread so ignore any stupid mistakes please
𝄰 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢᎓ i need ya'll to stop feeling sorry for sending in requests :rage: i'm grateful that all of you send in your ideas! i'd never ignore them and will definitely work on them! anyways thanks for the request!! thank you for spending time to make the request clear, many loves <33
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─ so one day in the pm meeting, you spot a new face in the office. 'maybe it's just a new subordinate, nothing special' you thought as you continue to talk with your fiancé; chuuya. all of you greeted mori once he entered as he starts the meeting by announcing something.
─ he announced that there will be a new worker, and will be your partner from now on. none of you had objections. you were pretty excited since, new partner = new friend to hang around with. chuuya didn't really mind it, since it's just a working partner, it wouldn't hurt. well, that what he thought.
─ you and chuuya kept your relationship semi-private, only close people know about it. the both of you would always bicker at work, so most of the subordinates would sometimes try to keep you two as far away as possible- but only sometimes since chuuya's scary to them.
─ right after the meeting, you have your first mission with your new partner. your fiancé waved you off as you jogged to your new partner excitedly, waving and smiling at him. you could see that he's actually quite excited too- but, he was quite shy.
─ bringing your cheerful side out, you led him to the transportation while showering him with lots of questions. his name's kaishu (凯殊), originally from china; he came to japan just to join this mafia. of course, that brought up your curiosity to him. the both of you entered the assigned car as you immediately go into serious mode. guess that's just how you are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
─ weeks and months passed and lots of people shipped you two so fucking much. some would even fangirl/fanboy from the littlest contact between you and kaishu. of course chuuya knows about this, he's so annoyed about it too.
─ he'd always try to push the feeling about revealing your relationship away, but something just has to make the desire stronger.
─ if he's around when you and kaishu hang out, he'd definitely have his arm around your waist or holding your hand. he'd show you affection ESPECIALLY when your mission partner is looking. (he doesn't normally do this but, what could he do?)
─ sometimes he'd even purposely keep you occupied if he knows that you have plans with kaishu later on
─ if some subordinates talk about you and kaishu, it's definitely shut their fucking mouth up. mood ruined easily haha- anyways, he'd give a reason saying that it's distracting him from work, they're just being annoying.
─ but he knows that you would never leave him. i mean, you always mention kaishu as your brother so like- how??
─ but it just annoys him so much when you seem so much more cheerful around him at work- PLUS everyone talking and shipping the both of you
─ until one day his line just breaks, he decides to reveal your relationship
─ but he doesn't tell you it cuz he knows you'll make it a big deal 🙄
─ so next day at work, he places his arm around your arm as you both walk into the pm hall, while you're just too busy with your phone ykyk
─ eyes were all on you both, you finally look up from your phone after feeling those stares that could literally pierce through your body
─ "what?" you look at them, raising an eyebrow still unaware of the situation. 'pfft, this clueless fucker istg' chuuya thought as he holds back a chuckle
─ "good morning si- sis? why is chuuya's arm on your-"
─ "chill the fuck out my dear; i'm gonna reveal our relationship to everyone, what do you think?" you shot your fiancé a confused look, but your body refused to push him away. well, your brain doesn't want this, but does your heart want it? yuh, ofc
─ so you just let chuuya announce your relationship to everyone, your head hung low to hide your burning face. you could literally hear the smugness in his voice when he hears someone gasp and whisper about stuff to their friend or wtv
─ so kaishu rushed to your side, his eyes being as bright as ever as he shakes you like two girl besties does when something happens to either one of them
─ "why didn't you tell me about this?!! especially when you're engaged too!"
─ "stOP SHAKING ME- I'm gonna puke all over your face if you continue" kaishu apologized and continued to ask you a ton of questions. oh how the tables have turned
─ you can say that chuuya felt pretty happy after that, especially when people actually respect your relationship
─ from that day on, expect him to hold your hand every day when you're heading to work together cuz he just loves the attention
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© cara (@kenmolly). all rights reserved. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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High School AU!! Headcanons!! (The Hobbit//LOTR)
Let me just start off by saying... SOMEONE, PLEASE DO A SERIES OF THESE, BECAUSE I'M TOO LAZY-
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Let's begin, shall we?? And get the boring headcanons over with!!!
In this 🌟 canonical 🌟Universe, you (Reader) attend a new School after moving a few towns over, and end up here
To kick off these headcanons, I'd prefer the Races/Species to all stay the same!!
That means YES, there ARE hobbits, elves, dwarves, etc!!!
(And you, can be whatever race you choose 👌)
I also find peoples OC's so cute!! The main characters and you are NOT the only people who attend this school, so if you have OC ideas, please share!!! 💜💜
You're also a very well known student, that everyone knows by name!!
Some of our older characters would be teachers
So, Gandalf, Bilbo, Balin, Elrond, you get the gist
Bilbo, I think, would undoubtedly be either a History teacher, or librarian at the least!!
He's got such extensive knowledge of maps and books, so the job would be perfect 💜
Celeborn and Galadriel as the principles, Gandalf runs the guidance Office and Elrond as the school Counselor 💙💙
They may also have some sparring or self-defense classes as well!!
Obviously, it's high school, so we're still going to include some of the stereotypes...
however, I'll try not to make them too adamant, because I want to get each character as close as possible!!
Clubs, Sports, and Extracurriculars are a MUST 📚
Art club, book club, agricultural sciences, FFA, all that jazz 🙌
(most of these include American classes, so lemme know if you want a class that we might not have, included!!)
Jocks would probably include some of our more "hardy" or athletically inclined people (Legolas, Gimli, Fili & Kili, Aragorn, Eomer)
Maybe some "techies" or nerds (Merry, Faramir, Lindir)
And of course the popular kids 🙄✋ (Boromir, Legolas, Nori, Eomer, Pippin)
And although we love our heroes, I feel strongly that Orcs and villains would also attend this high school
This includes Sauron!! He's the schools biggest Senior bully 🔥
And the 3 trolls, each in a different grade
Really quick, here's a tier list that I created!! The top 3 that were cut out are Balin, Dori, and Radagast, (in that order)
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This one is for Clubs, Sports, and other high-school-cliches that I felt need be included
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Now, I feel that some of these characters belong in more than one category, but I put them in what best seemed fit
Just imagining some of the school memories being made makes me so happy
So now onto the FUN HEADCANONS
Imagine Cheering on Legolas at football games 🥴 💚
Studying in the library with Frodo and Lindir 📖 🌹
Stupid class presentations and group projects with Merry and Pippin 💀
Passing notes with Eowyn and Arwen about crushes 📝
Maybe learning the great History of Middle earth in Mr. Baggins class!!
Speaking of which, Bilbo's just a tired old gay teacher, please just leave him alone 😩
Getting all fancied up for a school dance with your friends//partner 😩✋
And we ALL know the things that teachers do when they ship students 🙄💜
Yeah, Balin always makes sure to sit you and your future husband/ wife together
And Gandalf always stopping by in the classes or at lunch and subtly dropping hints...
(The Romance Grandpas™ 👀, if you don't understand, just read this... 💜)
Galadriel being EVERYONE'S favorite principal, no questions asked!!
Denethor is the creepy Janitor because WE CAN NOT STAND HIM 😒
Finding 'Boromir was here' scratched onto the tops of desks and Bathroom stalls
Thorin is the annoyingly hot and athletic Football (American) Coach-
Girls and boys whispering to each other about how HOT Aragorn be looking today 👀
This is a personal preference, but I think accents and long hair should definitely stick around!!
Maybe with the exception of pulling hair up into man-buns and ponytails 😩💜
Also, definitely modern clothes
Because DAYUM, the hobbits with their own aesthetic??? Yes???
*insert Kidcore pippin* 👀👀👀
Cottage Core TAURIEL...
BOFUR DRESSES UP AS THE SCHOOL MASCOT (which is coincidentally a green dragon)
I have so many more ideas, but not enough time, so if you'd like a part two, just let me know!!
Not all of these are totally accurate, but what I felt strongly about!! If you have another idea, just disagree respectfully and share!!!
And if you'd like to use these for a story or series, just tag me so I can read them!!! I LOVE reading those!!!
Please share and reblog if you like!!! 💜
TY lovelies!! 💜💜
People that I think would enjoy this...
@luna-xial @rowandor @tolkien-fantasy @ineffablebean @trxblemaker @kumqu4t @celestialxplanet @legolaslovely
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bokubooo-archived · 3 years
iwaizumi h. — deck the halls
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my piece for @lostinwildflowers Birch's 12 Days of Cheer Collab <33
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x GN!reader
cw: n/a (will add warnings if requested to with reasonable reasons)
notes: no I did not get this done literally the day before I set my deadline to 🙄✋ anyway uh iwa <3
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wonderful Christmas time, in which people came together for the exchange of gifts and visiting family. when snow would fall to the ground in sheets, shining like diamonds.
and you and to admit, it was probably one of your favorite times of year. you loved decorating the Christmas tree and enjoying a dinner with relatives. seeing your little cousins and your grandparents and your aunts and uncles.
though you had to say, you hadn't been expecting the situation you were in as of now.
after spending the whole day setting up decorations in the gym (after Tooru insisted everyone get into the holiday spirit,) you were ready to sit down and watch the boys play.
things went south when you heard a crash outside, and you leaped to your feet and was out the door in mere seconds. there, on the ground, sat Hajime, rubbing his arm and grimacing a bit, a few boxes strewn about around him.
"Hajime!" you shout, hurrying down the steps of the gym, squatting beside him. "are you alright? why didn't you ask for help carrying the stuff?"
the boy huffed, pouting a bit as he swatted you away. "I'm fine. I can handle them on my own."
"the way you're on the ground with your boxes all over the place says otherwise," you giggle. you made quick work collecting the boxes, splitting them so you could help Hajime carry them inside.
as you passed through the door side-by-side, silence fell over the gym, and for what ever reason, everyone's eyes were on you and Hajime (and you had to say, the other third years had very suspicious smirks on their face, as if they knew something you and Hajime didn't.)
"..why are you guys staring at us?" you ask, shuffling your feet as you felt yourself getting a bit uncomfortable with everyone's eyes on you.
Tooru giggled to himself, pointing above you and Hajime's heads.
your head snapped up and your heart exploded into hard thumping, your brain racing a million miles a minute, and you didn't doubt your face was as flushed as it felt.
a mistletoe hung from the doorway to the gym, swaying gently in the wind from outside, seemingly taunting you.
you stole a glance at Hajime, whose face was as red as yours, but he quickly averted his face to the ground.
"'s just a stupid mistletoe, that's kinda childish, Shittykawa."
you took note of the slight stumble in his words.
"doesn't matter, Iwa-Chan. it's the rules. you two gotta kiss." Tooru placed his hands on his hips, looking very proud of himself, and you concluded that he'd planned this.
you turned back to Hajime.
"it's okay Haji, you don't have to if you don't want to."
there was a yell of protest from Tooru, on addition with him shouting "oh yes you do!"
you ignored the setter, trying to catch Hajime's eyes. he remained silent and it worried you.
"Hajime? did you hear me?"
the boy grumbled under his breath, setting down his boxes on the ground and taking off his jacket. he held the white and teal item up so the team couldn't see you and Hajime's heads. before you knew it he quickly leaned on, pressing the softest kiss you could ever imagine to the corner of your lips (seriously, who knew such a rough guy could be so gentle? well, you sure knew. you knew from the moments spent with him, when he offered his jacket to you on a freezing winter night, when he left little snacks in your locker and always made sure you were drinking water, how he seemed to constantly br looking after you- you knew he could be this caring.)
he pulled back, face the reddest you'd ever seen, the tips of his ears were even flushed. he pulled his jacket back on, picked up his boxes and returned to walking into the gym, though he was noticeably silent, and he didn’t look up from the floor once.
Tooru whines from his place across the gym, having been prepared before to get pictures of the moment between you and Hajime. seemed like Hajime had thought ahead though.
you couldn't stop the giddy smile on your face, you followed after Hajime like a giddy puppy, skipping after him (or the best you could skip with a bunch of boxes in your hands.)
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
NOOOOOO THATS SO CUTEEEEE!!! i don’t play many games but alshskhdkdkd cuddling while they play games??? and cheering them on?
when i visited my cousins and had game nights with them every night and it was so funnn. and i just– doing that with your partner on a day both of you need to unwind. like for me personally, i do play ps5 games(sometimes) but like i’m not super good at them 🤡🤡 so getting him to teach me or just… visibly going easy on me and like cheering on every tiny little achievement i make in the game 😭😭 i would be so soft!!
or omg. arm wrestling and like they’re super cheeky and kind of let you struggle for a bit and almost beat you but right before they do, they do a 180 and decide to throw the game. but it’s like 🙄🙄 I KNOW YOU THREW THE GAME!! so it turns into a little playful argument full of giggles and teasing, ending with tiny kisses peppered all over either one’s face hehehehehe
STOBBBB IM LITERALYY SOBBING!!! This all sounds like perfection to meeeeee WHERE IS MY PERSON TO DO ALL OF THIS WITH?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
not to mention!! if you get mad at him for something stupid and they know you're pouting and being dumb about it all. they just randomly start tickling you or teasing you for pouting so much "if you carry on pouting you'll look like a fish stuck to the side of the tank" or he just randomly goes and buys your favourite snack and gives it to you
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Watching Mr and Mrs Smith
Huh, they're being interviewed
I love her correcting him on how many years they've been together.😂
Uh-oh, if you're alone you're not safe.
Guess I'm dangerous *finger guns*
*explosions* "I'm Jane." "I'm John." 😂
FIREEEEE! Oh good, they're dancing. Annnnnnd They've had sex.
How did they get the sheet to start up like a dress? I could never do that.
Her missing on purpose with the gun game and then him getting them all, now her competitive side has come out
"Beginners luck." XD
I love her 😍
They're fine.
*Watching them drive in separate directions* You can go your own wayyyyyyyyy! Go your own wayyyy
Oh, I low-key thought that black haired dude was gonna show up and Jane was gonna kil him, since they showed him in the office scene before.
John probably thinks she's the perfect housewife 🙄
She fought a dude for curtains? Oh I wish I were a fly on the wall at the store to see that.😂
"If you don't like them we can take em back." "Okay, I don't like them." "You'll get used to them." I'm with her dude.
Her not turning the light off and then saying 5 more minutes, brings back memories of being a little kid sharing a room with my sister who liked to read with the light on until late😂
That therapist is not helpful.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's quite the ensemble to wear if she's dealing with someone who crashed a car. In a hotel room. And I suppose those handcuffs are because she's gonna arrest them?
John, I feel you lack subtlety.
Oh ok, not bad, but damn dude, those bros were just trying to play some games and you gotta be a party killer? Damn.
They really made her a dominatrix to kill her dude, but John got to play a game of poker to get his? Come on!
Oh my god, she's like an adult Nanny McPhee. I wanna purse like that.
Jane is me whenever I'm asked to hold a baby.
Damn, John really meant what he said about where he keeps his stuff.
I want that oven in my future kitchen. Fully equipped with those weapons.
Eddie listing the perks of living with his mom is so funny. 😂
FINALLY! We're getting to see some action of where they work!
"Oh look, more desert." Mood.
Ok damn, she's really doing quite awesome with her stakeout point.😂
John is very much an idot.
You definitely should not be allowed to buy those things.
Jane is pissed.
Why did I think Father was actually her dad calling cause he was worried?😂
He hid the knife only for her to come back with an even bigger one, he's panicking slightly.
She has another!
She is way better at being calmer than he is, he looks like a nervous mouse
She tried something new, I think he thinks she poisoned him XD
Oh no, the wine slipped!
Dude can't possibly catch up to her car
Hopefully he'll pay to have that fence fixed.
Annnnnnnnd he shot the windshield, that can not end well for him
Dude, do not run into the street to say it was an accident, thus putting yourself in the path of your angry wife.
Honestly? Can't even disagree with her decision to hit him with her car, dude has no self-preservation.
And he broke into the car, so she jumped out😂
Eddie, tho stupid, is hilarious.
Men are idiots.
Eddie has such a way of cheering a friend up.☺️
The garden party looks like fun
John really took a neighbor as a human shield
He's in the vents!
I want that gun thing, it could be fun
Oooooooo they like each other!
Eddie really is funny
He's sulking 😂
I mean I guess I would be too if I was him
Aw, she's crying a single tear
and he's there
They're at the place he proposed 😍
They're disarming each other while they dance, I want that
He tried to blow her up?!
Oh it's ok, she tried the same.
I ship them so hard.
She hit his car so she could get into the drive first 😂 Whata mood
And Jane's taken the house as her base😂
That poor house
The music 😂
"Who's your daddy now?" 😂
The neighbors at the door 😂
Oh shit, people are after them now
That is not good
Yeah John, why does she get the girl gun?
Much better
Yeah, steal the car from the Colemans!
I would react the same way as Jane if I found out the person I was married to was married before and didn't tell me
"What's her name and social security number?" "No, you're not gonna kill her." 😂
She hired a dude to pretend to be her dad omg
Also it's so funny that she never cooked anything 😂
Eddie getting rude about Jane and then her popping up😂
They're matching outfits tho *chef's kiss*
Oh John is feeling funny cause his wife's body count is way higher than his!
"Who are you people?!" I love that they're bickering and Benjamin is in the background 😂
John: "This is a really good store."
Jane: *glares*
They're adorable
She threw a knife and it hit him in the thigh 😂
The elevator music is so cheerful 😂
Oh shit, Jane fell from the celling!
They've both been shot!
I swear if this movie ends with them both dying I'm gonna be pissed.
Oh thank goodness, they're wearing bulletproof vests
Me: *singing* "When I am with you there's no place I'd rather be no no no no!"
Oh my god, they're in therapy again 😂
They redid the house, the poor neighbors 😂 bet they left the Smiths alone tho!
What a fantastic movie, was pretty worried it would be meh, but it was good!
And in conclusion, if I wasn't already thirsting for Angelina Jolie, I am now.
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