#andromeda tv
angsty-violet · 8 months
Restraints and Dreams
He twisted and turned, fighting every inch of the way. It was no use. The restraints didn’t have any give in them. The Magog definitely knew what they were doing. No matter how hard he fought, he couldn’t seem to get anywhere.
For a brief second, his mind caught onto the fact that there was supposed to be someone with him. Someone who should’ve been captured. Another man, someone he knew well. But before it could really set in, the thought was fluttering away in the wind.
He moaned, quietly wanting to get away from his horrible place and having no choice but to endure. He thrashed sharply and then went limp with exhaustion. There was no way that he could possibly keep up that level of energy for very long. All he wanted to do was lay there and wait for the end. However, there was something inside of him that insisted that he keep trying. That he couldn’t give up now, of all times. He had already come so far, beaten so much, he couldn’t just give up.
Still, there was a sense of overwhelming wrongness with him. There was something inside of him that wasn’t supposed to be there.
Perhaps, if he escaped his restraints, he’d be able to rid himself of the feeling of wrongness. Maybe all he needed to do was get out of there, and he would be able to move on from that terrible feeling. That spurred on another set of thrashing and movements. This time, he actually felt something give slightly. This was more than enough to spur him on and start the movements in earnest.
He fought, and inch by inch, the restraints finally gave out. He landed with a heavy thud on the ground and barely managed to climb to his feet. As soon as he was aware of the fact that he had escaped, he was off and running. He needed to find a way out before they discovered where he was.
Another thought about the person who was supposed to be with him, but before it could solidify, he was distracted by the sounds of approaching feet.
They were coming for him in all directions, and he was overwhelmed with panic. Despite that, he could see a way out. He wasn’t sure how he knew it was a way out, but he knew it was. All he needed to do was keep going. Get through that opening. He was home free. What would be waiting on the other side, he didn’t know. All he knew was that it had to be better than here.
However, before he could reach there, clawed hands were reaching out to try and catch him. They were ripping and tearing at his clothes and hair. He was pulled away from the opening, and he cried out as he was dragged away. He continued to cry out and fight, but it seemed to be no use. There was nothing he could do.
Harper woke up with a scream. It seemed to echo through his quarters. He patted himself down quickly, and a hand rested on his stomach. His intruders were still inside him. He hadn’t found a way to get rid of them yet.
That dream, it had been him inside the Magog World Ship. But that wasn’t how it had happened. He had been with Tyr for one thing. And after they had escaped their restraints, they had managed to make it off. Harper was disoriented for a minute. Which was the truth? Had he and Tyr escaped together? Had it just been him alone on that ship, fighting for his life?
The doors to his quarters opened, and Tyr was in the doorway looking down at him. “I heard you scream. Are you alright?”
Harper looked around and then down at himself. His thrashing had kicked off the blanket, and he was shivering from the cool air. However, he wasn’t bound. The feeling wasn’t even recreated in real life. He had kicked off the covers, and there was nothing impeding his movements. He wasn’t trapped on a ship filled with a Magog, just waiting for the eggs to hatch. He was safe and sound on the Andromeda. But he didn’t feel safe. He still had the Magog larvae inside of him, and he still might die. Not to mention that the Magog World Ship was still out there.
“Will you…,” Harper trailed off for a moment. How could he ask this?
“I will stay if you wish me to.”
Harper nodded, relieved that he didn’t have to ask for it. Tyr moved closer to the bed, and Harper set it to rights. Putting the pillows back where they belonged and getting the blanket off the floor. Tyr sat next to Harper, sitting up, ready to begin his vigil.
This wasn’t the first time they had done something like this. Several times since surviving the World Ship, Tyr and Harper had watched over each other. Like it or not, a bond had been forged between them. They had survived something that should’ve killed them. Now, they were stuck with the results. Harper with a belly full of Magog and Tyr with the guilt that Harper couldn’t be saved the way he was.
“Sleep, little professor. I’ll watch over you and your dreams.”
Harper nodded and slid back under the covers. Even though he was just as safe as he had been before, it was easier to close his eyes.
Something about knowing the Tyr was right there beside him made it so the world was a lot less scary. Maybe just having a Nietzschean with him made him feel indestructible. Or perhaps it was Tyr specifically. They had fought their way out together twice. If there was anyone who could help get him through this fight, it was Tyr.
Harper finally closed his eyes, and sleep was on him. He had been working overtime to get the ship up to fighting shape, and he was truly exhausted.
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wtaffy · 4 months
begins... With a blast...
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writergeekrhw · 23 days
Feel free not to answer if it would be kicking a hornet's nest: I read at the time, or perhaps only inferred, that you were fired from Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda because Kevin Sorbo wanted the fight to restore the Commonweath ended and you didn't.
There were a lot of prints on those knives and a lot of reasons for the gang stabbing. But hey, almost everyone who ided me is out of the business or in the far margins and I'm still here, so I'm gonna declare victory and move on.
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renaissanceousia · 6 months
"salacia" being the name of neptune's wife and rick naming percy's mom "sally" oooh i see you
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twinsarekeepers · 1 month
Princess Andromeda, Annabeth and Season 2 Predictions
In honor of the season 2 teaser trailer drop, here is an obscenely long and convoluted post stemming from my excitement lol.
Necessary mythological context: Andromeda was Perseus’s wife in the Greek myths. The story goes that her mother boasted about how she was more beautiful than the sea nymphs and so Poseidon sent a monster to ravage their kingdom. Her parents chained her to a rock in the middle of the sea as an offering to the beast to save themselves. Perseus, on his way back from slaying Medusa, ran across her and killed the beast, saving Andromeda. Some more stuff happens but that’s irrelevant to my analysis so let’s just skip to the happily ever after part because they settle down, have a bunch of kids, and live out the rest of their days in peace.
Other than the fact this it is just quite insane to name your boat after the wife of Perseus, it’s also an indicator of Luke’s motivation: Annabeth.
Because, and reader I know you know where this is going, Annabeth is the Andromeda of the PJO story. It’s more explicit in the show (in which they literally have a Perseus who is on a quest to save his mother hold a recently slain Medusa’s head up to kill a monster that has been hunting her since childhood while she watches. Very wild of them, I’ve never stopped thinking about it), but the books aren’t subtle about it either lol.
And this is where the Andromeda parallel really starts getting complicated. Because Annabeth is obviously Percy’s Andromeda, but she’s also Luke’s.
Luke and Thalia find Annabeth at her most vulnerable: her mortal parents have essentially fed her to the wolves by letting her run away, knowing she’ll be hunted by monsters, all to save themselves. Luke and Thalia take her in, care for her, and protect her. If they hadn’t found her, Annabeth very likely would have died. They take her to camp, where Thalia dies, but Luke and Annabeth are safe and they get to live peacefully (for some time).
But, Annabeth still feels trapped in some way. She wants to get out of camp to really prove herself as a warrior and a daughter of Athena. In comes Percy, the second and truer (literally lol) Perseus. He “unchains” her from camp (and Luke) by taking her with him on his quest.
All the tlt stuff happens and Luke betrays them and runs off. Next time we see him he’s an evil frat boy on a yacht named the Princess Andromeda and we NEVER GET AN EXPLANATION FOR WHY THATS THE NAME. Did Luke name it himself? Did it come named Princess Andromeda and, if so, what was Luke’s reaction because I know that man did not need more reminders of Percy around him lmao.
The show already honed in on the Perseus-Andromeda parallels in season 1, so I just know they’re coming up with something crazy for season 2 now that Andromeda’s name has a reason to be brought up.
Definitely think Andromeda’s story is going to be told in some capacity, especially so that people who aren’t mythology nerds can figure out the parallel that they set up in season 1 more completely.
Maybe they’ll replace Agrius and Oreius with it because it could serve the same function. Luke told their story to criticize the gods, and Andromeda’s story can also be used in the same way. I think it’ll be even more interesting because Poseidon plays the villain in her myth.
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martydearest · 1 month
disney has the golden opportunity to make the princess andromeda a Disney cruse ship
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zipadeea · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians (TV 2023) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Annabeth Chase & Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase & Frederick Chase Characters: Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Percy Jackson, Frederick Chase, Matthew Chase, Bobby Chase, Annabeth's Stepmom, whom i've named kara?, lol idk her name or if she ever gets one, Ariel (Disney) Additional Tags: Family, Family Feels, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Grief/Mourning, Love, how annabeth learns to live in the moment, and stop worrying so much about the future, pt. one, of many, Disney World & Disneyland, Disney References, Spoilers, Spoilers for the book series, probably turn away if you've only seen the show, but also you should watch the show before you read this, or some of the setup will not make sense lol Summary:
“Just be a kid,” Annabeth muttered to herself as she dragged Bobby through the crowds of Fantasyland by his small, sweating hand. “Just be a kid, he said.”
“Annabeth, who are you talking to?” Bobby asked sweetly, his other hand holding a lollipop bigger than his head. “Are we almost to Ariel?”
“Gods, I hope so."
Annabeth goes to Disney World. She meets someone unexpected once she gets there.
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lunatheseus · 1 year
Endgame Couples in Harry Potter that I often wonder about - rambles and questions
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Angelina Johnson & George Weasley:
Angelina eventually marries her late boyfriend's brother?
I'm curious as to how that even happens. What's the thought process behind that for her? What about how George feels about it?
Like- girl ended up with her dead boyfriend minus one ear and half of his livelihood gone...
Don't get me wrong, George definitely deserves a great life and future...
But also, (for George) how do you date your dead brother's girlfriend in the first place?
Idk the only real "solution" is that they helped each other through the grieving process of Fred's death???
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Bill Weasley & Fleur Delacour
I can't say I'm well versed in the details of their relationship but... it's definitely interesting.
They definitely have relationship goals moments:
They met by chance: at Gringotts as coworkers
Fought alongside each other during the war
But also...
Bill caught Fleur's eye when she was in the Triwizard Tournament: Fleur was 17 Bill was 24 💀💀
How'd that even happen????
Like- whaaaat?
That means that Bill was 18 when Fleur was just starting school at Beauxbatons (which I assume was when she was 11)...
I mean- in hindsight, it's not that bad... but I wish we got more or a build up yk?
Like- Charlie was literally working at the Triwizard Tournament because of the Dragons... how did she not meet him first?
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Ginny Weasley & Harry Potter
No. They had an amazing setup, but no.
It's like dating your younger sister.
There was also no buildup, chemistry, or reason.
I also thought the saving Ginny from Tom Riddle was supposed to be a nod at the "Handsome Prince saves the Damsel in Distress" trope... yeah no.
Also, Ginny literally disappears and has no relevance/importance to the stories after that, only becoming relevant when she started dating Dean Thomas (which I personally thought was cute) and Harry suddenly realized that he was in love with her all of a sudden. There's no buildup, and they had no chemistry in the supposed romantic scenes...
They honestly just did Ginny dirty....
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Nymphadora Tonks & Remus Lupin
Ouch. This made me cry.
Ok I get that the 13 year difference is a bit odd... but to some degree it makes sense:
Remember that Tonks' mother married for love, even if it was out of the norm. Tonks is literally continuing the legacy lol
Lupin and Tonks were both outcasts, they relate to each other and appreciate their uniqueness
Anyway, their sacrifice was brutal but also devastatingly beautiful
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How the hell do you clean the gunk out of a charging port
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spockvarietyhour · 4 months
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Wonder what's on....
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jamessredconverse · 6 months
Lily is an evermore girl
Marlene is a 1989 girl
Dorcas is a folklore girl
Mary is a red girl
Pandora is a debut girl
Bellatrix is a reputation girl
Andromeda is a speak now girl
James was a downhard lover boy
Sirius was a midnights boy
(Idk what it really is like but I’m just making an educated guess on this one)
Narcissa is a tortured poets department girl
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weatherman667 · 2 years
Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda
A confusing series to describe.  It’s called Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda because it was KIND of created by Gene Roddenberry.  If it was actually created by him, you probably wouldn’t see his name on it.  Star Trek was often advertised as created by Gene Roddenberry, but none of them had the gall to actually put his name on it... until after he died.
For the record, the last Star Trek Gene Roddenberry had ANY direct involvement over was DS9.
Instead Andromeda is a product of a number of Gene Roddenberry’s failed products being  combined together.  Make no mistake, they were combined together extremely well.  The problem was actually:
Kevin Sorbo demanded every episode be rewritten to focus entirely on him, to the point that character development was literally written out for almost every character.
It was a FOX show, and as such, executive meddling was constant.  This resulted in the show being rewritten for the lowest common denominator.
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The premise of the show is that genetically engineered Human subspecies rebels.  We later find out the incredibly moral reasons for the rebellion, but in the first episode Dylan Hunt’s Systems-Commonwealth High Guard warship gets trapped near a black hole for three hundred years.
And this is where the show proves it ACTUALLY DID THE RESEARCH.  This wasn’t Star Trek that left (technobabble) in the script, and had some researchers add to it, but actually included the physics deep in the story.
Because the Andromeda Ascendant was trapped near the black hole, time dilation kicked in, to the point that time almost did not pass for Captain Hunt.  He then gets pulled out by scavengers only to realize that the Systems-Commonwealth was gone.  They were in what was being called The Long Night.  The civil war ended with neither faction winning.  Most of civilization was single planets, of varying technological levels.  The only polities to cross between systems were fighting warbands
Dylan Hunt decides to rebuild civilization, and recruits the scavengers.  He has a startling realization that the scavengers are only supporting him because of three-hots-and-a-cot.  Over the course of the story, we have three of the rebellious Human subspecies.  They call themselves Nietzschean, and try to uphold his ideals.   The problem is that Friedrich Nietzsche asked a lot of tough questions, and didn’t answer them.  He honestly didn’t know if anyone could.  This is why he gets accused of nihilism.  The three main Nietzschean characters represent two points of this debate.  Tyr Anasazi represents the belief that they are better than Humans, and therefore have the right to do as they please.  They create an entirely self-centred form of morality, (which is not a morality at all).  Geheris and Telemachus Rhade.  They believe that they were supposed to be warrior-poets bringing civilization to the stars.  They were better, and therefore had more responsibility.  Because the Nietzscheans are the most powerful factions, much of the show is spent on the debate between the two Nietzschean factions.  The show presents morally complex issues, and doesn’t answer them.  They allow the audience to create their own answers.
As such, the various characters from all of the factions can come across as heroes or villains.
The social and political consequences are allowed to follow, and the show goes extremely deep into it’s technological basis.  Unlike the Entreprise, the Andromeda Ascendant had very finite, if terrifying combat abilities.  Combat requires strategy.  Technology is limited, and is also not designed for Humans.  This is because Humans didn’t create the Systems Commonwealth, Vedrans did.  Humans just were driven to become the best at everything, (Space Orks), and so occupied every part of the Commonwealth, (even worlds that required genetic engineering to allow them to survive one).  But, the Commonwealth was designed for Vedrans, (which have four legs).
The biggest problem with the series is that all of the rewrites demanded by the Executives, and Kevin Sorbo, completely destroyed the long-term story, and the attempt to resolve the long-term-story was a complete failure.
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thefuzzhead · 2 years
This has been on my mind as I went through all of Stargate in 2020 and I’m currently on the Highlander TV series. Some old shows can’t help but appear cheesy in modern standards I imagine.
(Do feel free to discuss your beloved tv shows and their cheesiness in comments and tags)
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writergeekrhw · 23 days
From your work in any Trek series, what is a character you wish you'd gotten to write more for, or a storyline you wish you could've built out more? Any little thing you wanted to develop but for some reason couldn't?
So... been buried in work, but I figured I should answer some of my backlog before the Bell Riots start.
I only got to write for Ezri once and Nikki is so great so i wish I'd been able to write more for her.
I wish we could have rescued poor Tom.
I really wish I'd been able to do the story for DS9 I turned into "Angel Dark, Demon Bright" for Andromeda.
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nerds-yearbook · 10 months
On December 1, 2015, the final episode of "Unsealed: Alien Files" aired. The episode examined the possibility and what the possible reaction to a first contact with an alien form. ("First Contact", Unsealed: Alien Files, TV, Event)
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scifipinups · 5 months
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Christa Miller The Andromeda Strain (2008)
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