#angel and devil chapter 13
dia-souls · 1 year
Diabolik lovers Angel and Devil Story [ Chapter 13 ]
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Chapter 13 : feel guilty
Loneliness must be meaningless for someone who has been alone all his life. But why does this loneliness bother him this time? Why does he feel guilty when he saw his lover cheating? What is this horrible feeling that he can't escape from and that makes his heart ache all the time.
Love was an empty and meaningless word for him. But why is he so eager for love today? The love that made him experience the pain of his childhood again. The pain that turned him into a cruel and hard-hearted devil.
Ruki has lost everything. He can never trust Yui again. But why does his heart still hurt from this incident? He sees Yui crying and writhing in pain. Usually, he should be happy to see Yui crying and in pain. But why does he feel guilty now seeing her crying and begging. Ruki can no longer trust. Not only Yui, but now he doesn't trust his own true feeling and fights with this feeling in his heart to destroy it. But Ruki doesn't know that love can never be destroyed.
_The Mukami brothers all sat in the living room and there is a deadly silence between them.
*Tick ​​tock* *tick tock*
Azusa: ...
Kou: ......
Yuma : ...
_The Mukami brothers look at their older brother in silence, who is busy reading a book and pretends to ignore them.
Ruki: Hmmm......
Yuma: Aaaahhhhhhh..... Enough Ruki. Don't pretend ya are ignoring us.
_Ruki lifts his head from the book and looks at Yuma with a cold look.
Ruki: What's wrong with you, Yuma? What is your problem with me reading my book?
Yuma: I have no problem with ya reading your book. We just want a clear answer.
Ruki: What answer do you want?
Azusa: That's enough....... Ruki-kun.....please...don't show....... yourself so carefree.
Kou: That's right, Ruki. Don't try so hard to pretend you don't care.
Ruki: I don't know at all what are you three are talking about ?
Yuma: Ya know what we mean. What did ya do to Yui? Why did ya imprison her in dungeon and do not even give her food or water? Ya forgot that she is human and needs food.
Kou: Ruki-kun, if you punish her more than this, M-Neko-chan might die.
Ruki: I don't care if she dies.
Kou: .....!
Yuma: Hahaha... ya are not serious.
_Ruki looks at Yuma with a cold look.
Ruki: Yes I'm really serious.
Yuma: .......!
Azusa: Ruki-kun, why...... did you...... change so much?
Ruki: I haven't changed at all. That's what a livestock deserves. She should be treated in this way so that she understands her position. I don't want to talk about this anymore.
_Ruki closes his book and leaves the living room and his brothers and goes to his room.
Yuma: That's enough.
_Yuma gets up from the sofa and goes to the kitchen.
Kou: Yuma-kun, what do you want to do?
Yuma: I want to cook for that poor girl. She has not had water or food for almost three days. She will surely die like this.
Kou: But if Ruki finds out...
Azusa: Wait, Yuma. I will...... come to..... help you.
Kou: Huh? Are you guys listening to me at all. If Ruki finds out, he will punish us too.
Azusa: I don't care........ if I get..... punished. I can't....... let Eve die.
Yuma: Huh. I can't let that stupid girl die.
Kou: ..... You two are either stupid or very brave.
Yuma: Now anything. Will ya help us or not?
Kou: Do ​​I have another choice?
_The Mukami brothers go to the kitchen together to make food for Yui.
_Yui struggles through intense pain. Her wrists are tied with steel chains and her body is like a limp hanging from the wall.
*Cling Cling*
Yui: (I'm hungry... I can't see anything. It's cold and dark here. I think I'm going to die.)
_Yui makes her last efforts to call for help, but her throat is so sore from crying and screaming that she can't even speak.
Yui: (It hurts. Everything hurts. My body hurts. My legs and hands hurt. But most of all, my heart hurts. God, please help me... I'm dying.)
_Yui slowly closes her eyes thinking that she will take her last breaths. But when she hears the sound of the door opening, a light of hope lights up in her heart.
*Creeeeak *
_A man comes towards Yui with a tray of food and water, but Yui's eyes cannot see his face well.
Azusa: Eve, this is...... me. Can you..... hear me ?
Yui: (this sound......) Az.... Aazuu.... sa.... ku ..... cough..... cough
Azusa: Eve, please....... don't push...... yourself. You don't....... need to talk. Calm...... down .
Azusa puts down the tray of food and walks over to Yui to untie the chains. When he unchains Yui before she falls to the ground, he gently hugs Yui's body to make sure she doesn't get hurt.
Azusa gently puts Yui in his warm arms and caresses her head. He caresses Yui's whole wounded body and wipes Yui's tears from her face and kisses her cheek just like an angel. Just like a family member.
Azusa: Don't worry, Yui-san, I'm here....... by your side. I brought........ you food.
Yui: Tha .....nk you ....Azu.......sa ..... kun ...... cough.....cough.....
Azusa: Don't talk. This will.......hurt you...... more. Come, I will..... feed you.
_As Azusa holds Yui in his arms, he picks up the spoon and slowly feeds Yui. He does this very slowly to make sure Yui doesn't get hurt.
Azusa: Well done Eve... eat more... this food..... will help you....... feel better.
Yui: Why...... ?
Azusa: Don't worry. Ruki doesn't........ understand......... anything. Kou and Yuma....... and I prepared....... this lunch....... for you.
Yui: ......
Azusa: Eve, it doesn't matter........ what Ruki says. We won't........ let him..... hurt you any more, I promise.
Yui: ...wh....yyyy ...... ?
Azusa: Yui-san. You are....... now a member..... of our family. We all love...... you. We will not...... let Ruki continue...... his work.
Azusa: What happened....... that Ruki is...... so angry? You don't need...... to speak, just give.... me a sign.
Yui: Ri.....ko......cough.....
Azusa: Riko?
_Yui faints in Azusa's arms.
Azusa: Yui-san? Are you...... alright ? please no... you mustn't die...
_Azusa puts his ear to Yui's heart and listens to her heartbeat.
Azusa: Aaaahhhhhhh. You are...... alive. You just.... passed out. I am sure...... you are in.... a lot of pain. I like pain, but..... this pain..... seems to upset you. I don't want...... you to be sad, Yui-san.
_Azusa hugs Yui and walks to a bed in the dungeon and places Yui on the bed. He throws a blanket over Yui that he brought with him in advance so that she doesn't get cold.
Azusa: We will help..... you, Yui-san. I promise.... you .
_Azusa kisses Yui's forehead.
Azusa: You are....... like an angel. I don't...... know how Ruki-kun...... can hurt you...... and not get upset.
_Azusa goes out of the dungeon and leaves Yui alone.
_The Mukami brothers are talking in the living room.
Yuma: Riko? Who is this guy?
Azusa: I don't know...... who he is, but maybe.... he knows...... what's going on?
Kou: I know him.
Azusa and Yuma at the same time: Really?
Kou: Yes, he is one of the third year students in the academy. He is a popular boy among students. He is very interested in literature and is very polite, that's why everyone likes him.
Azusa: So if we...... want to find out..... what happened, we have...... to find...... that boy.
Yuma: Good. The plan is to find that boy at school tomorrow and ask him everything.
_Mukami brothers are going to school.
Kou: Remember that Ruki should not know about this.
Yuma: Well, let's go find this boy.
_The Mukami brothers move towards the third year class and open the door.
Kou: Hai Hai. The famous idol Mukami Kou is here. Hi everyone.
Girls in the class: What? This kou-kun. He came to our class.
_The girls run towards Kou to get autographs and pictures from him.
Kou: I will sign for all of you. Be patient.
_Kou starts and gives autographs to his fans.
Yuma: What the fuck Kou? What the hell are you doing? Have you forgotten why we came here? Did you forget our plan?
Kou: Don't be so stubborn, Yuma-kun. It doesn't take long.
Azusa: We don't...... have time. We have..... to go back faster, otherwise..... Ruki will doubt us.
Yuma: Enough, I have to get to work myself.
_Yuma goes to the middle of the class to attract everyone's attention and everyone notices him because of his height.
Yuma: Everyone listen. We are looking for a third year boy named Riko. Do any of you know this boy?
Female student: He is our classmate and is one of the best students in the class, but he is not at school at the moment.
Yuma: Why?
Female student: Apparently, a young boy beat him in the street a few days ago and caused him to bleed profusely. Now he is hospitalized.
Kou: ......!
_Kou gets suspicious and makes him lose the pen.
Female student: Are you Ok kou-kun?
Kou: ...... in the hospital ......
Yuma: Well, we have to go.
_The Mukami brothers leave the third year class, but the girls try to stop Kou from leaving the class.
Female student 1: Kou-kun, wait, I haven't signed yet.
Female student 2: Wait, I want to take a picture with you.
Kou: Well, girls, I will do all these things another day. But now I have something important to do, so goodbye for now.
_Kou quickly leaves the classroom.
Girls: Awwwwww...
_The Mukami brothers quickly drift away from the third year class.
Azusa: What should...... we do now?
Yuma: Well, we can't go to the hospital to meet that boy. This is how Ruki doubts and so do the others.
Kou: So we have to wait until that boy gets better and returns to school. We can ask him then.
Azusa: We can't..... wait until..... then. In this way, Eve...... gets hurt a lot.
Yuma: Heh. It is true that we have to find another way.
Kou: Aaahhhhhh. I have no idea. This is the only way I can think of, but Azusa is right, if we wait longer, M-Neko-chan will get hurt.
Azusa: Well, what should..... we do now?
Yuma: Let's go talk to Ruki.
Kou: .......
Azusa: .......
Yuma: What?
Kou: Yuma, this is the worst possible decision.
Yuma: I know. But there is only one solution left. now let's go.
_Ruki is studying in his room.
Ruki: ...
*Tick ​​tock* *tick tock*
Ruki: (Yui used to smile when we were cooking together. Hmmm... her smile was so cute and lovely.)
*Tick ​​tock* *tick tock*
Ruki: ......! What am I thinking about?
*Tick ​​tock* *tick tock*
Ruki: (That cheeky girl, you won't leave me even in my thoughts.)
*Tick ​​tock* *tick tock*
Ruki: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......
_Ruki angrily throws his book towards the wall.
Ruki: That's enough. That stupid girl must pay for what she did to me. I won't let her have even a moment of peace because she stole my peace from me.
_Ruki angrily goes to the dungeon and opens the door.
_Ruki moves towards Yui and notices that she is unconscious and tries to wake her up by shaking her.
* Rustle Rustle *
Ruki: Oi livestock. wake up right now.
Yui: .......
Ruki: I told you to wake up. Hurry up. Insolent woman, you stole all my peace from me, now you sleep peacefully, wake up now.
*Rustle Rustle*
_Yui opens her eyes slowly and painfully.
Yui: ......Ru.....ki.....kun.....cough.....cough.....
Ruki: Stupid and rude woman. You are a very stupid person who slept safely in front of your master.
Yui: ...... I ..... I .... cough .... cough.....
Ruki: Hahaha... what? can't you talk Pffff.... you are really disappointing. You cried and screamed so much that you brought this disaster on yourself.
Yui: ...... (He is pretending to be innocent. But all this happens to be his fault.)
Ruki: It's really pathetic. You must suffer and cry from pain. Not to sleep peacefully. It is no longer called punishment.
Yui: ......
Ruki: In any case, I'm not that hard-hearted. As your master, I can punish you to the point of death, but I must be careful that you don't die. So tell me if you need anything?
Yui: ....... Wa.... tttt.....er .....
Ruki: Water? Don't tell me that all you want is water. Haha... humans are very weak. OK. I will bring you water. Wait here.
_Yui is still waiting for Ruki as her body falls on the ground. Ruki leaves the dungeon and returns with a glass of water.
Ruki: Well, I brought you water.
Ruki moves towards Yui, who is lying on the ground with a wounded body, to give her water. With great effort, Yui tries to get up from the ground to drink water, but her hands do not have the strength to lift her up, and Yui falls to the ground again.
Yui's body hit the ground so hard that the sound of the cold ground scraping against her soft skin could be heard. Ruki looks at her small and scarred body. His heart beats faster than ever. As if he wants to hug her and caress her wounds.
Ruki brought this disaster to his angel. Even though he blames Yui, he feels guilty. The guilt of breaking a heavenly goddess with his evil hands and burning her heart in fire. This feeling is ridiculous for him and he cannot bear it. He wants to get rid of these feelings and guilt, but he doesn't know how.
_Ruki approaches Yui with slow steps and hugs her body to give her water.
Ruki: Don't push yourself, I will help you to drink water.
_Ruki takes the glass to Yui's mouth and helps her to drink.
Yui: Mmmm.......
*Gulp Gulp*
Ruki: Good. Calm down now. Do you want anything else
Yui: ......Rrr....iiiii...kkkoooo.......
Ruki: ......! (Why? Why are you still talking about that boy now that I'm kind to you? I can't believe it at all.)
_Hearing Riko's name, Ruki cannot control his anger and slaps Yui's cheek hard.
Yui: Ooooowww........
_Ruki pushes Yui's body on the ground and gets up from the ground.
Ruki: You are really embarrassing. I can't believe that you are still talking about that boy after suffering all that punishment and pain. You are an ungrateful livestock. You should be thankful that I still didn't kill you, but it seems that you are looking for a heavier punishment.
Yui: ..... wrrr...oonggg.......
Ruki: Wrong? What is wrong. Only my trust in you is wrong. You are pathetic.
Ruki leaves the dungeon by saying cruel words and locks it. He not only locks the door of the dungeon, but also locks the door of his heart. He thought he could let his heart experience love at least once. But he was wrong.
His heart has become the darkest of all. It is impossible to save him. But the goddess still has hope. She knows that he can transform the dark world of this devil if he has hope and continues to try.
His hand burned my cheek with fire.
He made my face red with a strong blow.
This punishment hurts.
But I am not aware of the pain in his heart.
He didn't want to fall in love because he was afraid.
I don't know what is the reason for his fear.
But the field of his world can be colored if he wants you to come out of this dark world.
I want to save him from the dark world.
But before that I have to save myself from this darkness.
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enbysiriusblack · 10 months
just posted the next chapter of tdwaaf!! some more manipulative, murderous lily evans for the soul <3 (she's so hot)
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dynabolt · 2 months
🌕 moonstruck
social media au smau | bakukami / kamibaku
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synopsis: denki, member of a popular rock band HEROES, is a secret fan of katsuki who is a horror game streamer. when he accidentally tweets about him on main instead of his secret fan account, he decides to just roll with it until. that is until he catches the attention of a certain somebody…
genre: band / streamers au, crack treated seriously, humor
status: complete !!!!
tag list (ask to be added!): @jkoowarre @bnhababe @daetko @spongeybrain @krak-jj @mystiriuminc @xn4vyl1c1ousx @fantrash @shotos-angelic-whore @amaiwrites @sleepydisorder @robinsgochirp
HEROES band members
Bakusquad streamers
[0.1] oh wrong account
[0.2] F in the chat
[0.3] speak of the devil
[0.4] that went well
[0.5] fight back
[0.6] the way to a man’s heart
[0.7] tuned in
[0.8] world pause
[0.9] do this properly
[10.] scared
[11.] new day new me
[12.] aw shucks
[13.] wrong account: electric boogaloo
[14.] concert day
[15.] Together Again
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heaven In Your Eyes || Masterlist
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Pairing: Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC (Heaven Lavey Shelby)
Additional content/Info: CLICK HERE
Fic Summary: He meets her at church one dreary night, guided by her singing. Her name? Heaven Lavey. White ivory hair, fair porcelain skin, and petite shape, this almost ethereal creature is Arthur's strict opposite. Yet, all it took was one dive into her heavenly eyes for him to be convinced God has sent His sweetest angel to save his bastard soul. The two lovebirds, obsessed with each other, are determined to live their love no matter people's judgments and no matter the dangers of a Peaky Blinder's life. They are together through the best and through the worst.
But behind her holy appearance and sweet facade, Heaven Lavey is dangerous. With rumors of witchcraft and murder, her shady past weighs on her shoulders. And if she is a blessing for Arthur Shelby, she will soon prove to be a curse for those who dare to stand in her and her husband's way. Even Thomas Shelby himself.
She is Arthur’s Angel, but don't get fooled by her doe eyes: for the rest of us, she is the White Devil.
And by extend, you are too.
Why? Because Heaven Lavey… It’s you.
TW: Major character death, explicit sexual content, canonical violence, graphic description of violence, blasphemy, witch trials and burning of innocent women, dependent relationship (if Arthur and Heaven are happy in their relationship, they are obsessed and possessive, which leads to bursts of violence and deifying from Arthur. By no means I am claiming their relationship is healthy, but it is what works for them)
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♢ Ch. 1 || Heaven in Your Eyes
♢ Ch. 2 || Never Did, Never Dared
♢ Ch. 3 || Something Wicked This Way Comes 🔞
♢ Ch. 4 || Dead Bird at Witchin Hour
♢ Ch. 5 || The Hell in His Eyes
♢ Ch. 6 || The One They Should Have Burned
♢ Ch. 7 || Of Matches and Gasoline 🔞
♢ Ch. 8 || Tango on Broken Dreams
♢ Ch. 9 || For Whom the Bells Toll
♢ Ch. 10 || Closer to Heaven or Closer to Hell? 🔞
♢ Ch. 11 || When The Bridges Burn
♢ Ch. 12 || As They Always Did
♢ Ch. 13 || Cross My Heart and Hope to Die
♢ Ch. 14 || Pure As a Lamb 🔞
♢ Ch. 15 || Women Like Me in a Men's World
♢ Ch. 16 || Après Moi le Déluge ( c o m i n g . . .)
♢ Ch. 17 || ( Il Diàvulu Biancu)
♢ Ch. 18 ||
♢ Ch. 18 ||
♢ Ch. 19 ||
♢ Ch. 20 ||
♢ Ch. 21 ||
♢ Ch. 22 ||
♢ Ch. 23 ||
♢ Ch. 24 ||
♢ Ch. 25 ||
♢ The series can be longer.
Some events from the show are taken and obviously reworked. Yet, except for a few quotes and scenes, everything else is imagined by the author.
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Related works - in chronological order-
♢ From Blood We Will Grow
♢ To Bark and Bite
♢ Kaiser Meeting Cyril (requested)
♢ A Bone to Pick With It (requested)
♢ Perfect Lines
♢ Savage Daughter
♢ A Slice of Us (Modern!HYE)
♢ Love Ritual (@zablife's celebration)
♢ The Woods Whisper 1, 2 (Halloween Horror)
♢Little Lamb 1, 2, 3 (Yandere!AU)
Moodboards and other content
♢ Playlist
♢ Moodboard Aesthetic
♢ Moodboard Chapter 6
♢Heaven In your Eyes Act II trailer
♢ Moodboard Chapter 12
♢ Heaven in your Eyes chapter 16 trailer
Looking for more? Check out Heaven's masterlist I and II.
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @zablife @woofgocows @anathemasworld @anastasia000 @kate654 @kxnnxy @babayaga67 @meowtastick @shelbyssins @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @bluevenus19 @raincoffeeandfandoms @kishie8 @zablife @alexandra-001 @dearshelby @alexizodd @helen06dreamer @kmc1989 @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings @peakyltd @chaosinkest1996 @vanhelsingsbigtoe @cherubswhispers @he6rtshaker @bemyqueenofdarkness @cljordan-imperium @cjarbo @red-riding-wood @rysko @lokigirlszendaya
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1K notes · View notes
kryptid-writes · 1 year
A Battle of Fates
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Y/n is just a regular girl whose dreams are haunted by the devil each night. When these dreams become a reality and she is forced to face her intertwined fate with Lucifer, her world is turned upside down. She is forcefully given the gift of grace and must learn to live with her new found powers with the help of two hunters and their angel. Will she choose to give into her destiny of loving the devil, or will she choose her own fate with a certain Winchester brother?
This story is 18+
This is a slow burn fic that has two endings which allows the reader to choose Dean or Lucifer. The reader is written as female, but descriptions are kept ambiguous to look like anyone.
Characters/pairings: Lucfier x reader, Dean Winchester x reader, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley.
General warnings for this story: Graphic violence, smut, and swearing. Other warnings may apply to specific chapters.
(Thank you to my editor and bestie, Tommy)
Chapter 1 - Dream a Little Dream of Me
Chapter 2 - A Gift From the Devil
Chapter 3 - Intruders & Trenchcoats
Chapter 4 - A Winchester Welcome
Chapter 5 - The Bearer of Bad News
Chapter 6 - A Lesson in Enochian
Chapter 7 - Secrets Secrets Are No Fun
Chapter 8 - Clipped Wings
Chapter 9 - Cat’s Out
Chapter 10 - Alone Again
Chapter 11 - Desperate Times
Chapter 12 - A Deal With the Devil
Chapter 13 - Revelations 
Chapter 14 - A Battle of Fates
Chapter 15 - Defying Fate (Dean’s Ending)
Chapter 16 - To Eternity (Lucifer’s Ending)
Full Masterlist
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devilmen-collector · 4 months
Origin of the names of the angels
Since I have done a post on the origin of the names of the seven kingdoms of Hell, may as well do the origin of the names of the angels.
Warning, this post contains religious content. If you are not comfortable, please ignore this.
Now let's go on with our trivia post
Now I just want to make a distinction. The Seraphim irl are called "the Archangels", but that doesn't mean they belong to the rank of archangel, the second-to-lowest rank, it only means they are the leaders and chieftains of all the angels, including other Seraphim.
Also, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are the only named angels in the Bible.
"Michael" means "Who is like unto God?" in Hebrew. In the Bible, Michael is described as "the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people" (Daniel 12:1), the angel who disputed with the devil over the remains of Moses (Epistle of St. Jude verse 9), the leader of the heavenly army fighting against the dragon (Revelation 12:7).
In the Christian tradition, Michael is the leader of God's army fighting against Satan, helper of the faithful Christians at the moment of death, champion of God's people, protector of the Jews under of the Old Testament, and of God's Holy Church. He is also the patron of many chivalric order of knights.
Michael, having led the battle against Lucifer, is the greatest of all angels, no angel could surpass him in honor and glory.
The feast day of St. Michael in Western Christianity is held on September 29, commemorating the dedication of first church built in his honor in Western Europe. In Eastern Christianity, St. Michael and all angels have their commom feast day on the 8th of November.
"Gabriel" means "strength of God". In the Bible, he appears as the messenger of God who delivers messages of utmost importance: he tells the Prophet Daniel two prophecies concerning the successive empires and the time elapsing before the coming of Christ (Daniel chapter 8 & 9), he appears before Zachary and foretells that his son will be the Precursor of the Lord (Luke 1:5-25), and most importantly Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary the Incarnation of the God the Son and that she is going to become the Mother of God (Luke 1:26-38). According to tradition, Gabriel was also the angel who appeared in St. Joseph's dream (Matthew 1:18-25; 2: 13-23), and also the angel who consoled Jesus (Luke 22:43). Thus, Gabriel is the Archangel of Incarnation and Consolation.
Some traditions have Gabriel as the angel of mercy while Michael is the angel of justice. Some others have it vice versa.
St. Gabriel's feast day, according to an old tradition, is on the 24th of March, the day before the feast of Annunciation.
"Raphael" means "God has healed". The third Archangel appears only in the book of Tobit, in which he helps the young Tobias during his journey, ultimately aiding the young man heal his father's blindness and helping him find a good spouse. Therefore, Raphael is invoked as the angel of Healing and the Patron of finding a good partner for marriage.
Raphael was also the angel who revealed that there are seven Archangels. "For I am the angel Raphael, one of the seven, who stand before the Lord" (Tobit 12:15).
The feast day of St. Raphael, in old tradition, is on the 24th of October.
Selaphiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel
Selaphiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel aren't found in Sacred Scripture, but only in the tradition of Eastern Orthodox Church.
For these three angels, I have already made a post about it. I'll link it here for you guys.
Selaphiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel: Origin of the names
Zadkiel does not appear in the Bible, although some identify him as the unnamed Angel of the Lord who prevents Abraham from sacrificing his son during the time that God tested Abraham (Genesis 22:1-18). It's the reason why if a church (usually an Anglican church) does depict Zadkiel in its iconography, he's depicted as holding a dagger, for Abraham intended to use a dagger to sacrifice his son.
We will skip over Thrones (or Ophanim), Dominions, Virtues and Powers because there is currently no angel of those choirs in-game yet.
"Michelleel" is a name that PrettyBusy completely made up themselves. No angel is known with the name Micheleel. Micheleel is the combination of Michael written in another way "Michelle" and the suffix "el", which means "God".
Rashiel, Armisael and Zeruel
Just like with Michelleel, these three Archangels have made up names by PrettyBusy.
"Samael" means "Venom/Poison of God". He exists only in Judaism's Talmudic lore. Sometimes he is considered a fallen angel, with some people think he's Satan, while other times he is considered the angel with destructive duties.
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foolishlyzephyrus · 5 months
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This was a very silly goofy post I enjoyed but it also sparked genuine curiosity: how accurate is this? I’m a data hound, so I did some fact checking. Please be aware I am by no means an expert and this was simply a result of some cursory investigating and inputting stuff into a calculator.
For RTD, I took it to mean any episode title that was singular. Only eight out of the sixty episodes of RTD’s run have one word titles, with six having two syllables (Dalek, Doomsday, Gridlock, 42, Utopia, and Midnight) and the other two being monosyllabic (Rose and Blink). That’s roughly 13% of his episodes. Definitely a trend but he was actually quite creative with his titles. Here’s some other fun statistical stuff: the most popular words in episode titles appear to be ‘dead’ (The Unquiet Dead, Forest of the Dead and Planet of The Dead), ‘planet’ (Impossible Planet, Planet of the Ood, Planet of the Dead) and ‘time’ (Last of the Time Lords, End of Time Part 1 and End of Time Part 2) occurring at about 5% each, with ‘earth’ and ‘doctor’ occurring twice each respectively.
For Moffat, I went a little more broad, considering any episode that used the naming convention ‘of’/‘of the’ or featured ‘doctor’ in any capacity. Out of the eighty-four episodes in his run, twenty six filled the criteria, that’s about 31%. Eighteen adhered to the ‘of’ requirement (Victory of the Daleks, The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice, Day of the Moon, Curse of the Black Spot, The Wedding of River Song, Asylum of the Daleks, The Power of Three, The Bells of Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten, Journey to the Center of the TARDIS, Robot of Sherwood, In the Forest of the Night, The Husbands of River Song, The Pyramid at the End of the World, The Lie of the Land, The Empress of Mars, and The Eaters of Light), four contained the word ‘doctor’ (Vincent and the Doctor, The Doctor’s Wife, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, and The Doctor Falls), and four fit into both categories (The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor and The Return of Doctor Mysterio; it’s funny once you realize that Name, Day and Time were all released sequentially). The claim is thereby substantiated, the man loves his ‘of’s’.
Chibnall’s criteria was difficult to discern but I decided on anything that contained the name of a Who monster classic or otherwise, was a part, or similarly used ‘of’/‘of the’. My findings were quite interesting as there was bunch of overlap between my selected categories. As a whole, out of the thirty-one episodes in Chibnall’s run, eighteen fit the criteria. That’s an overwhelming 58%, so it is most definitely correct assumption. In terms of part episodes, there were eight as there are two proper parted episodes (Spyfall, Part 1 and Spyfall, Part 2) and the serialized six-episode Flux series. Thirteen episodes contain ‘of’/‘of the’ with six exclusively using ‘of’/‘of the’ (The Demons of the Punjab, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Chapter Five: Survivors of the Flux, Power of The Doctor). This is where it gets interesting, as the remaining seven episodes containing ‘of’ are all the Who monster episodes (Ascension of the Cybermen, Revolution of the Daleks, Fugitive of the Judoon, Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans, Chapter Four: Village of the Angels, Eve of the Daleks, Legend of the Sea Devils). It would appear that Chibnall is an equal fiend for ‘of’s’, especially considering the monsters. So, very on brand for classic who naming conventions as well.
To conclude, it was a largely factual silly goofy post (props to @fanonical) and I enjoyed my little data collection exercise.
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boygiwrites · 1 year
TWD Harley D. Dixon Chapter List
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Daryl Dixon & Daughter OC.
Gen Tags. Found family, Daddy issues, Abuse, Hurt and comfort, Gore.
Summary. Harley D. Dixon is a tough yet sweet little girl who until the dead started eating the living, thought she had seen it all. Alongside a mismatched group of survivors in rural Georgia, Harley and her Dad are forced to leave their small life behind and learn how to survive all over again through the horrors of the apocalypse.
— TW: This fic contains canon typical violence and gore, abuse, mentioned suicide, off-screen suicide, main character death, and has been described by my lovely readers over on Ao3 as 'gritty', 'intriguing', 'intense', and 'special'. Please read with caution!
— Note: Canon is only loosely followed. Some changes have been made to certain plot points to keep it fresh and interesting / account for the added character.
❤️Cross-Posted from Ao3.
Season 1 - 2 Word Count: 180,000 Season 3 - ? Word Count: 48,000
Chapter 1: Them That Mourn.
Chapter 2: No More Songs.
Chapter 3: My Brave Girl.
Chapter 4: Not Quite Yet.
Chapter 5: Black Out Days.
Chapter 6: Angels and Devils.
Chapter 7: Nothing's Ever Ours.
Chapter 8: In Sheep's Clothing.
Chapter 9: Rest In Piece.
Chapter 10: Play Stupid Games.
Chapter 11: Win Stupid Prizes.
Chapter 12: Daddy Dearest.
Chapter 13: A Plan And An Execution
Chapter 14: If Heaven Weren't A Lie.
Chapter 15: Mockingbird.
Chapter 16: Custody Battles.
Chapter 17: Every Corner.
Chapter 18: Custody Battles, Part II.
Chapter 19: Dreams Don't Go Unpunished.
Chapter 20: And Still Very Beautiful.
Chapter 21: Thoughts and Prayers
Chapter 22: Growing Pains.
Chapter 23: The Type Meant for Dying.
Chapter 24: Church and State
Chapter 25: And The Type That Ain't.
Chapter 26: The Last Sunday on Earth.
Chapter 27: A New Life, Pursued.
Chapter 28: These Old Homes.
Chapter 29: From Little Seeds.
Chapter 30: Red Handed.
Chapter 31: Maturity.
Chapter 32: The Best of Us.
Chapter 33: Picket Fences.
Chapter 34: Fresh Air.
Chapter 35: A Short Walk.
Chapter 36: Paradise.
Chapter 37: A Piece of Me.
Chapter 38: Heroes, Old and New.
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rorywritesjunk · 9 months
I can’t tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story.
Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He’s young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him.
Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing. Warning: Buggy’s in his early 20s. He’s an asshole. He just is because I wanted to write him loud, demanding, everything. Also, I’m not nice to Buggy when he tries to flirt. I definitely write him as a bit of a disaster when it happens. It’s just going to get a bit worse from here. This chapter is just kind of fluffy but also Buggy is kind of young and anxious and has a bit of an attack but Sunny gives him love. Bath time chat as well. A/N: I have no idea when Buggy became a Captain, so he’s a fresh faced captain in this. No clue how long this fic will be.
Title comes from “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates @the-angriest-angel @tiredemomama @valen-yamyam16 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @plethora-of-fickleness @uhnanix
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
Chapter 11
“If you’re hanging out here today, I’m putting you to work.” Miss Pins told Buggy as she glared at him as he leaned back in the chair in the shop. You were working on an order for a customer, patching holes in a jacket while Buggy sat and watched you, but your boss wasn’t having any of it.
“Do I get paid?” Buggy asked. She shook her head.
“Your payment will be getting to spend time with Sunny while at the shop.” She told him. “Now, there are some things I need put away in the backroom that Benji can’t reach with a ladder, and I’ve seen some of what that Devil Fruit of yours can do, so go help him.”
And that's how Buggy (begrudgingly) became a shop worker for the day. If it meant he got to spend the day with you, then fine. He helped organize things on the top shelves, cleaned windows, and even helped paint the front exterior of the shop with Benji (while managing to get covered in paint). The only upside was you bringing him lunch once he was hot, sweaty, and covered in purple paint. 
“Looks like you could use a bath.” You chuckled as you set a plate of sandwiches down for him and Benji. 
“What? No.” Buggy took one of the sandwiches, shoving it into his mouth as he continued talking. “I'm fine without one.”
Benji made a face as he picked his own up. “You sure?”
“What’s the damn point? I'm just going to get dirty again.” Buggy told him as he ate. You shook your head and went inside to grab them both something to drink. “Besides, life on a ship doesn't allow for such a thing.”
“You're on land now.” Benji pointed out. “And you stink.” He pinched his nose and stuck his tongue out at him. 
“Yea? Well, that's because I'm a man and you're just a kid!” Buggy shot back. “I smell manly, got it? You just can't handle it.”
“No, he's right.” You said as you came back out with their drinks. “You do stink, Buggy. You need a bath.”
His jaw dropped at what you said. Did you really think so? He wondered if you were teasing him because you sat down and kissed his cheek. 
“One bath on land won't kill you.” You told him, smiling. “And getting caught in the rain doesn't count as one, okay?”
And he really did love you because he was nodding in agreement with whatever you told him. Benji was pretty impressed that he listened to you and was convinced you had magic powers for a moment, because at the end of the work day, you had Buggy in the bathroom and in the tub, washing his hair for him like you would a stray dog.
“Don't you trust me to do it myself?” He asked as you ran your fingers through his hair, making sure the shampoo was able to reach his scalp. 
“Of course I do.” You told him as you tugged on a lock of hair gently. “But why would I miss the chance to play with your beautiful hair?” 
He turned red and covered his face with his hands when you said that. Why did he have to blush every time you said things like that to him? You said nothing after that, just humming softly as you made sure his hair was fully lathered before using a cup to pour over his head, rinsing the shampoo out. It took a few minutes, but once it was done you grabbed a towel and began drying his hair.
“Buggy, can I braid your hair?”
“What? Why?” He asked as he turned to look at you. You twirled a lock of his hair around your finger with a shrug.
“Keeps it out of your face while you wash up.” You replied innocently. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at you before nodding, wondering what was going on in your mind. Honestly, you just wanted to braid it because you thought it would look nice in a crown braid on top of his head. You got up to grab a comb and some hairpins, humming once more before returning to your spot outside the tub. He turned around to look at you with a frown.
“Why are you doing this?” He asked. “Why are you… so nice all the time to me?”
You looked at him curiously, frowning a bit before you shrugged. “I don’t see a reason not to be nice, Buggy.” 
“Yea, but-”
“I only thought you were an asshole once, Buggy, and you apologized to me for it. Other than that you’ve always been nice to me.” You leaned in towards him and he leaned back just a bit. “I think you’re sweet for a scary pirate captain.”
Buggy’s face turned red as he glared at you. “Are you making fun of me?”
“What? No.” You smiled and put your hand behind his head, pulling him back to you for a kiss. He tensed up, turning redder, and when you pulled back you weren’t sure you’d seen him turn that shade of red before. “You okay?”
“Y-Yea.” He looked away from you. “I’ll finish up. Uh, you probably have things to do.”
You raised an eyebrow but nodded, kissing his cheek before getting up. “Come find me when you’re done, Buggy.”
Buggy found you in the kitchen a little while later as you started on dinner. He stood and watched you for a moment, scratching his chin, wondering if you really would marry him if he asked. Would you want to live on a ship for months at a time with him? Would you be happy with him? Why would you even think of leaving this life to join him on a ship? His mind was starting to race as he started wondering why you would even consider being with him, and he almost started to panic just a bit. 
“What’s on your mind, Buggy?” You asked, not turning around and interrupting his thoughts. “I heard you walk up.”
He hesitated but walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you carefully, letting his head rest against yours. You touched his arm softly, stirring the pot of stew with one arm carefully making sure not to spill the contents. 
“Would you really marry me?” He mumbled against you, refusing to move as he tightened his hold. You stopped what you were doing and pushed him away from the stove before turning to look at him.
“Do you not want to suddenly?” You asked with a frown. 
“I-I do! I just… wanted to know if you really want to!” He said. “Or are you just saying that to be nice?!”
You sighed softly and put your hands on his shoulders. “Buggy, honey, I do. I am not saying it to be nice, I'm saying it because I want to marry you eventually. I want to wait until I'm finished with my apprenticeship, okay? And after that you can propose however you want, but I want to marry you.” 
“Really?” He asked. You leaned in and kissed him, catching him off guard for a moment, and when he tried to hold onto it for a second longer, you pulled back and patted his cheek softly.
“Yes, really.” You insisted. “Remember, if I didn't like you, I wouldn't be this nice to you, Buggy. Feeding you, sharing my bed, all that kind of stuff. I do it because I care about you.”
“You really want to live on a pirate ship?” Buggy frowned. You shrugged and smiled at him.
“I wouldn't mind. Besides, my mom was a pirate and she used to say she could see me ending up on a ship one day like her.” You told him as you kissed him again.
“Wait, what?” He jerked away and looked at you, confused by what you just said. “Your mom was a pirate? You never said your parents were pirates!”
“My parents weren't, just my mom.” You chuckled as you smiled at him. “She was a member of the Cook Pirates under Captain Red Leg Zeff.” 
“I guess we got a lot to learn about one another, Buggy.” You said as you turned back to the stew you were making. “But I like that we have the time to do so.” You looked back at him. He looked like he was still processing what you told him. “You okay?”
“Your mom was a pirate?” He asked. “Really?”
“Yea, for a few years.” You shrugged. “Met my dad on a merchant ship they were raiding and fell in love. Decided to stop being a pirate and married my dad.”
Buggy stared at you for a moment, his mind still processing what you said. Your mom was a pirate but wasn’t anymore? Did… did he need to stop being a pirate to marry you, like your mom chose to do? He didn’t want to stop, but he loved you. Was this a choice he was going to have to make? His mind was starting to race; you looked back over at him, saw he was becoming distressed, and walked over to him.
“Hey, stop thinking for two seconds and sit down, Buggy.” You told him as you led him over to the table. 
“I don’t…. I can’t give up the sea!” He blurted out. 
“What? I wouldn’t ask you to do that!” You told him, looking surprised. “Why would you think you had to?”
“Your mom-”
“Yea, she chose to because it was what she wanted to do.” You told him as you made him sit down. “I wouldn’t ask you to do that, Buggy.”
He looked up at you, uncertainty in his eyes. You ran your fingers through his hair and sighed, letting him wrap his arms around you. What was going on, why was he suddenly so panicked? 
“What’s going on in that brain of yours?” You asked softly. “You still will be a pirate if you marry me, Buggy. I wouldn’t ask you to ever give it up and no one should.” 
“I can’t give up being a pirate.” He muttered as he closed his eyes, leaning into your touch. While you were touched that he was this comfortable around you to drop his guard like this, you were a little surprised how anxious he could become over small things. 
“You aren’t going to.” You assured him as you stroked his hair softly. “I promise. I want you to become the most feared pirate, Buggy, and I won’t let anything stand in your way, okay?”
He just nodded, refusing to look at you as you held him. This was such a contrast from when you first met him, when he demanded services after storming into the shop. Now he was sitting in your kitchen, letting you hug him after thinking he would have to give up his piratey lifestyle for you. 
“Are you okay, honey?” You asked. He could only nod. “Okay. I need to finish dinner. You can hold my hand if you want.”
“I’d like that.” He mumbled as you pulled away, his hand slipping into yours and popping off his wrist as you returned to the stove. Buggy stayed at the table, watching as you worked. You were adding a few spices into the stew before checking the flavor. Once you seemed satisfied, you took Buggy’s hand and put it on your shoulder while you set the table. He watched you, wondering now what you thought of him. He felt pathetic, getting worked up over nothing, but you were there for him, comforting him, which made him feel better in the end. 
He was starting to think he didn’t deserve you, but you finished setting the table and reached over to brush his hair out of his face, tucking a lock behind his ear before kissing him on his forehead.
“Dinner’s ready.” You told him. “I can walk you back to your ship after, okay?”
He didn’t really want to leave after dinner, however.
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AN: It’s been YEARS, possibly like a decade honestly, since I’ve written down a story idea, but I have like this incessant story bug in my brain. This series and Lucifer especially have me in a chokehold, so hopefully, this helps to ease the brain rot a bit… this is inspired by the series, obviously, but also by a clip I’ve seen of Supernatural that mentioned Nephilim and them being not accepted by heaven (I think? I’ve never watched SPN, so maybe I got the idea wrong, and the clip was out of context.. oh well, in this story, Nephilim exists, and heaven doesn’t like that.)
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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This has been lightly proofread. I needed to get the idea down finally since it's been circling my brian since I watched the finale. Also  chapter 1 is written! I’ll probably edit it a bit more tomorrow and post it by tomorrow evening. Anytime my oc is just signing and it isn't being interpreted by her assistant, it will be like this *text*. If her assistant is translating, then it will appear as regular speech.
CW: Not much yet, just some cursing
Summary: He claimed her mother seduced him, bewitched him with some devil-magic to make him fall for her, making her inherently evil. How else would a mere human have come to carry a half-angel? So he forced their offspring into hell, hid her amongst the “Losers,” and sealed her angelic half and her voice away so no one would ever know what he had done. With the extermination creeping closer to her doorstep and now being moved up, Madame C has finally had enough of her father’s hypocrisy. It’s time to leave the shadows and show Heaven and her father they’re not as great as they think.
Year – 1467
Quickly, wee one, only a bit further. We cannae’ risk being found!” The urgency in the older woman’s voice was barely masked, wishing the younger girl holding her hand could still think of this as nothing more than a game. The two slipped into a small cave opening, and the mother raised a finger to her mouth with a shaky grin.
Her tired brown eyes peaked out after a few moments searching the wood for any sign of the mob they had just outrun. The village they had only just reached a fortnight ago seemed to have decided the woman was a witch when they caught her using herbs to heal a scrape on her daughters knee. The village elder had gathered every able-bodied man and some women, armed them with anything sharp they could grab, and set the woman’s small home on fire. One had seen the “witch” and her daughter trying to sneak out of a window, and soon, the mob had begun chasing the two into the woods surrounding the village.
The woman scanned the trees half a dozen times, hoping and praying that some diety would hear her and the villagers would give up soon. She knew her daughter was growing weary, and at nearly 13, she was too heavy for the small woman to carry while trying to escape certain death. After a few tense moments of eerie silence and no sign of flames or shadowy figures, the mother breathed a small sigh and sunk into the wall of the cave. She looked to her side, seeing her daughters green eyes wide and scared – scanning her mother’s face for whether they would begin running again or if they were finally safe. For now.
In truth, the duo had been doing this for years. The young girl could barely remember a time they weren’t running or hiding, and she had only recently begun to grasp why. Witch hysteria was gripping the continent, and women healers and single women were being targeted. Someone like her mother, a healer and mother with no husband in sight, was no doubt evil and wicked. So the two were hunted, like animals, no matter how far they tried to stay away from civilization. This time, the mother had hoped to use a ruse of her husband dying on their travels to gain acceptance into a small village. It had worked for a short while until one of the older men tried to court her, and her rejection immediately put her under suspicion. Only a few short days later, their new home was behind them, and they had even fewer belongings than what they had come with, unable to grab much in their haste.
The young girl stared at her mother a few moments longer until a gentle, calloused hand began to smooth out unruly brown hair and a small smile stretched on the older woman’s face. Just barely gracing the planet for 28 years, the woman looked much older in this moment. So tired and broken from the last 11 years of running and hiding, unable to give her daughter the life she deserved, all because of a “man” that had promised her everything and then disappeared. The girl wanted nothing more than to ease her mother’s worries, put a stop to the need to run, and escape certain death. With exhaustion pulling her closer to sleep, all she could do at the time was collapse into her mother’s lap and cuddle into the last bit of safety she would feel for many years.
Green eyes cracked open at the sound of a knock on the bedroom door. Red light was peeking through curtains, unable to break through the darkness of the rest of the room.
“Madame C? We’ve got breakfast ready, and Miss Carmine’ll be here in an hour,” a gruff voice called through the door before footsteps could be heard pacing away from the door.
The woman In the bed stretched before sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes. Slowly rising from her bed, her feet softly padded over the wooden floors towards her small ensuite bathroom. After washing her face and getting dressed, she allowed herself to be enveloped in darkness, appearing to everyone as a shadow figure anywhere she went. The only visible part of her – green eyes and the short white gloves she wore so everyone could see her sign. The rest of her appearance she had found, after the first hundred years, was too close to her father’s for Hell.
Exiting her room, there stood a slightly buff hell hound watching the area around her door. He began to follow her to her office while speaking into an ear mic, “Madame C is on the move. Bring breakfast to the office.” Reaching the large double doors to her office, the first hell hound greeted another smaller, younger hell hound with a nod before they opened and shut the doors, allowing their boss through and positioning themselves on either side. Inside the office, the small shadow figure seemed to float to her desk, turning on a small light on her way and taking a seat in her chair with a sigh.
Not long later, a female hell hound came through the doors; dressed in leather and spikes, the only sign she was a secretary was the tray of food in one hand and a stack of files in another. The hell hound’s mouth turned up into a smirk seeing her boss slumped in her chair already. “C’mon boss lady, don’t tell me ya didn’t get any sleep? You got important shit to take care of today!”
Madame C gave a wry grin. When did she ever sleep well? She made a motion with her hand, waving off Nia’s question before signing to ask for the coffee on the breakfast tray. After setting the tray down and handing the coffee to her boss, Nia launched into a spiel about who had scheduled a meeting and why. Sipping her coffee, Madame C sat and listened to her assistant before a knock sounded on the office doors, signaling the start of another long day for the woman blanketed in shadows.
Hours later, Nia was absently scribbling in a notebook, bored out of her mind and not bothering to hide it. The meetings had ended 30 minutes ago; new contracts had been made, old ones were closed and paid out, and others would have to have bill collectors sent out to ensure clients paid their dues. Madame C sat back in her chair after signing checks for the hell hounds she employees, stretching her fingers out and rolling her shoulders to ease the ache that had settled in.
She looked at Nia with a small smile before tapping her desk to catch the young hell hound’s attention. Her white gloved hands began to move as soon as Nia looked up, *You should go. Beelzebub has a party tonight, right? Go.*
The female hell hound's head perked up, and her tail began to wag as she practically vibrated out of her seat. “Oh my Satan! Are you sure?! It’s supposed to be a big one tonight, so that’d be amazing if I could leave, like, now, but I totally understand if you need me! But, there’s also, like, this super hot guy that’s supposed to be there and I really want to shoot my shot, ya know? Ugh! He’s so fucking hot. I just-“
*Yes! Go! Please.* Hands moved quickly to cut the hell hound off. The green-eyed woman cut off Nia’s rambling, all but pushing her out of the office doors. Nia shouted a quick thank you, running off with the pile of envelopes leaving Madame C and the 2 hell hounds outside her office shaking their heads in amusement. The smaller demon looked between her 2 guards, signing that they should be heading home, too.
“You sure, ma’am?” One questioned.
“We don’t mind sticking around. Sinners are getting a bit braver with the next extermination coming up,” the other added.
*Go home, I could use the quiet. Plus, Carmilla left me a couple of new toys. I might enjoy a reason to test them!* White gloves signed as green eyes shone bright and sharp white teeth poked through a grin, accompanied with a short, silent laugh.
After sending the rest of her employees home, Madame C closed her office doors and collapsed onto a small couch to the side of the room, releasing a sigh. She had dreamt of that awful night again, the last time she had been able to hug her mother and feel her warmth. Her final moments of life before they came and cornered her and her mother. Before she was cast into hell and striped of her identity and voice. A gloved hand reached up to the center of her chest, where binding marks lay beneath her clothes.
One day, she’ll break the chains her father wrapped her in and show everyone just how evil he truly is.
Soon. Very soon. Were her last thoughts before she allowed sleep to claim her, hoping for no dreams to plague her tonight.
~I'm screaming inside. I hope ya'll like this at least a little. 🙏~
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amberlynnmurdock · 1 year
Blind Faith (Ch. 13)
Chapter Thirteen: The Devil Has Many Disguises
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: You take up Zach's offer to have dinner at his apartment.
WARNINGS: attempted assault, getting drugged, losing consciousness, side effects of drugs
A/N: PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION! This was a tough chapter to write because I didn't want to write anything too crazy but also not anything not-crazy... this was always in the plan/outline. PLEASE be aware of what you drink when you go out! It's a crazy world. I know this subject can be sensitive. I KNOW. I took this seriously in school and something I always thought was I wish Daredevil was real so sick people could get the justice they deserve! With that said, I hope you like this update, because I can't wait for the next one!
Tags at the end!
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2 Corinthians 11:14-15 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
Office of Nelson & Murdock
Rain pattered softly against the windows of Nelson & Murdock. It was a quiet and calm day, completely opposite of what you felt inside. Inside, your heart was racing at the thought of your plans tonight, your mind felt like you were thinking a million different things at the same time, and in the pit of your stomach was an excitement you hadn’t felt since the beginning of summer. 
A week had gone by since the Bar dinner, and Zach was successful in his attempts to ask you out on a date—was it a date? Tonight, you were to go to his apartment just a little uptown to have dinner and discuss all things LSAT and law school. What really won you over was his genuineness, even over the phone. 
Gone was the slightly cocky, sure-of-himself lawyer you met at the dinner. Instead, Zach actually seemed shy and sweet on the phone. He blamed his attitude on the alcohol, which you’ll admit, you blamed yours on that as well. If you were comfortable enough to come to his apartment, he offered to have dinner there and show you his library of law school books and whatnot. 
“Excited for tonight?” Karen asked as she walked past your desk to drop off a few files for you to input into the system. She smiled and sat on the corner of your desk, pushing a strawberry blonde strand behind her ear. 
“I am,” you admitted, feeling your cheeks turn hot. You spoke in a low voice, so Matt or Foggy couldn’t hear. “I mean, a free fancy dinner and LSAT help? It really can’t get that much better for me right now.”
“I’m sure you’ll have a good time,” Karen said. “Text me, though, if you feel uncomfortable at all or if the date seems to be going wrong, or if he just grosses you out. I’ve had my fair share of dipping on dates early.”
You laughed, “Well, let’s hope it doesn’t go down like that.” 
Karen told you more about the files she dropped on your desk—most of them didn’t have to be put in until Monday, and instead you could use most of the day to read and learn them first. Foggy came out of his office, whooshing past you and Karen, and straight into Matt’s office.
Matt locked himself in his office all week, seemingly avoiding any small talk or conversations. He must’ve been busy with his cases—there were a lot more coming in this week—or so you thought. No, Matt’s mind was occupied with something else, something that’s been slowly eating at him since the Bar dinner last week. 
He sits in his office quietly, one earbud connected to his Orbit reader, the other trying not to eavesdrop on your conversation with Karen, but who was he kidding? He knows Zach has been reaching out to you the entire week, trying to invite you to his apartment for dinner… but something wasn’t right. Matt didn’t know what it was, but something didn’t feel right. 
So what did he do? What he does best—investigate that annoying, hard-to-ignore intuition. Earlier this week, he decided to pay a visit to Landman & Zack on his lunch break without telling anyone. Like clockwork, Zach’s been calling you right at 1:00 p.m. 
Matt was able to listen in from the third floor of Landman & Zack’s building, from the inside of a broom closet, all the way up to the 10th floor where Zach’s office was.
“Miss __,”
“Is this Zach?”
“It sure is,” he chuckled lightly over the phone. 
“How can I help you, Zach?” 
“Well, I—I haven’t stopped thinking of our meeting at the dinner last week. I was wondering if I could see you again.”
“You were, were you?”
“Yes,” Zach said, with a hint of impatience only Matt could hear. “I was.”
“I was serious about the LSAT help, but I was also thinking we could combine dinner with that, at my apartment uptown?”
“I’m not usually one to go to someone’s house on a first date.”
“None of that,” Zach shook his head. “I just want to help, that’s all. And treat you to dinner, of course.”
It wasn’t the way Matt could hear Zach tapping a pencil on his desk, or the way Matt knew the palms of his hands were sweaty that was off-putting, but it was the way Zach’s heart was beating when he spoke those last few lines to you—about wanting to help.
He was lying. 
And since that moment, Matt’s been contemplating what the right thing to do was. So, by locking himself in his office and avoiding your presence, he thought the answer would come to him—well, it was clear, but it was a matter of whether he should ignore it or not. He listens to you as you gush to Karen about your plans with Zach tonight. He doesn’t realize how tightly he’s clenching his jaw until Foggy walks into his office, seemingly picking up on what your plans are. 
“Hey man,” Foggy greets casually, “can we talk?” Matt leans forward on his desk as Foggy shuts his door. 
“What’s up?” Matt asks. 
“I didn’t want to ask to be weird, so I figured I’d come to you. Did—what happened at the Bar dinner last week? We sort of talked about it, but I don’t think I got the full scope,” Foggy explained, gesturing to you and Karen. 
Matt sighed and ran his hand over his cheek in annoyance. “We ran into an old colleague of ours,” Matt said with a forced smile, “Zachary Zack.”
“I gathered that, but—is—don’t tell me that asshole is coming onto her,” Foggy said. He runs his hand through his long blonde locks. “That guy got everything handed to him at that firm because of his father! And now, he thinks he can just cozy up to one of our employees and bribe her to leave us?”
“He’s not bribing her, Fog—he’s trying to win her over, see her—I don’t know,” Matt said exasperated. “You should’ve heard him at the party. He’s the same pompous asshole as he always was.”
“What, you mean like ask her out on a date?” Foggy asked with concern. “He asked her out, and that’s what she and Karen are talking about?” 
Matt nodded his head slowly. Hearing it said out loud caused Matt to feel an uncomfortable rush in his chest. He hands turned to fists as he took a deep breath. 
“He gave her his number at the party. I’m assuming she must’ve messaged him because he’s been calling her every day. Yesterday, he finally asked her to dinner at his apartment and to help her with the LSAT.” 
“Jesus…” Foggy sighed. “I mean, I don’t want to scare her or tell her what to do, but Zack was bad news back then. I wouldn’t want him to hurt her or take advantage—what’s his intention?”
“I don’t know,” Matt said cooly. “But I do know he lied to her about wanting to help.”
“Lied—how do you know?”
Matt sighed and took off his dark red glasses. 
“The other day, I took my lunch and decided to go to Landman & Zack, right before I knew he would call her. I…listened to their conversation and could hear Zach’s heartbeat. He was lying, Foggy,” Matt whispered. “I don’t like that.” 
“What should we do?” Foggy asked. 
“Not we,” Matt shook his head. “What am I going to do.” 
“God Matt,” Foggy shook his head, “you really think it could be that serious?” 
“I don’t know,” Matt answered. “Just to make sure she’s safe, I’ll follow her. That’s all. If he seems fine, then I’ll leave. Maybe his heartbeat was a product of nerves asking her.”
“Maybe,” Foggy said. “Well, be careful. And make sure she’s safe.”
Matt nodded as Foggy left the room. He sat there for a moment, thoughts swimming in his head—he thought of the last night you banished him from his life, as the man in the mask, as Daredevil, as your savior. He thought of the very first night he ever met you, the first night you shared on your rooftop. This wasn’t about his feelings for you anymore, or his heartache, or yours—it was about making sure you were safe. 
Entering the last case in the system, you nervously watched as the clock finally struck 5:00 p.m. Karen was gathering her bags and jacket and Foggy was almost halfway out the door. He stopped in Matt’s office for something and then wished you a good weekend, and to be safe. 
“You too, Fog,” you smiled. He looked at you with a soft expression before heading out. Karen walked by your desk to wish the same thing. 
“Let me know how it goes,” she said quietly. “Great job today, by the way.”
“Thank you,” you blushed. “Have a good weekend!” 
She said goodbye to Matt and shut the door quietly. You finished typing your last sentence before you began to pack your own things up. 
Zach said to come by his apartment anytime after work, so you weren’t going to put pressure on yourself to get ready in a rush. Though, you did want to get there at around eight o’clock. 
As you were about to head out, you noticed Matt was still sitting at his desk, hunched over a pile of papers, running his fingers over the braille. He was so concentrated, you weren’t sure if you should slip out or wish him a good weekend. He may have felt your presence, you weren’t sure, but he looked up behind his dark red glasses as you stood in the doorway. 
“Heading out?” Matt asked. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Just wanted to say goodbye and have a good weekend. Got any plans?” 
Matt chuckled a little as if to say, me, plans? 
“Not really,” Matt answered. “Think I’ll take this weekend to relax, maybe catch up on work.”
“You’re always working,” you smiled and spoke softly. “Why don’t you take a break and actually relax?” 
“I take a break, the cases pile up even more,” Matt said. “Do you have any plans?” 
“Not much going on. I am—I’m going to have dinner with that old colleague of yours, Zach?” You told Matt. “Took him up on his offer to help me with studying. He’s making dinner, too.”
“Hm,” Matt replied, “that’s good. A date?”
“I’m not sure,” you laughed nervously. Telling Matt these things treaded weird territory, but you felt comfortable enough to talk to him like this. You remembered that night outside of Josie’s when you confided in him about your savior. “What was he like? When you worked with him, I mean. How was he?”
Matt shifted in his seat. You wanted to say never mind, but then he started to speak. 
“He was… loud.”
“Don’t hold back now,” you smirked. 
“He was a little pretentious. I don’t know if you know, but his father is the elder Zack. I never worked that closely with him, but everyone knew who he was.”
“Hm,” you answered thoughtfully, “why did you and Foggy leave?”
“We didn’t agree with how they ran their firm,” Matt said. 
“Interesting,” you replied. “Well, I guess I’ll let you know if he’s still pretentious.”
“I’m sure not much has changed,” Matt laughed, “But I hope it goes well. I really, really do.”
With that, you smiled once more at Matt, before leaving him alone in his office. 
⠋⠁⠊⠞⠓ Uptown 8 PM 
Zach’s apartment was a little bit uptown, but not much. Just like you were stunned at the venue of the Bar dinner, your reaction to his apartment was no different. On the 12th floor, his apartment had a beautiful view of Manhattan, especially at night—the building lights twinkled as you looked out his giant living room windows. He had an open floor plan, so when you first walked in you basically saw almost all of his apartment. To the right was a kitchen with a white marble countertop, and to the left was a small dining room with the same countertop. In front was the large living room, and beautiful large windows. 
He was in his kitchen, keeping an eye on the linguine he was boiling. That and the shrimp in the pan smelled delicious. 
“Like the view?” He called from the kitchen. Separating you was his large living space, with a tan suede moon crescent-shaped couch. The ceiling had a diamond chandelier and a glass coffee table. You were happy you opted to wear a white silk shirt and matching skirt. For some reason, you had a feeling his apartment would be minimalistic and classy. 
“I do,” you answered, “but nothing I haven’t seen before.” 
He laughed as he stirred the pasta. “Guess the view of the city all depends on where you stand. Wait til I show you my library.” You looked at him—he wore a white button-down shirt and khakis. His blonde hair looked more warm in the lighting. 
“The library,” you repeated. “Where all your law books are?”
“And even more,” he smiled brightly—his chiseled smile caused goosebumps to form on your arms. “Do you want some chardonnay?” 
“Please,” you accepted his offer. He turned the stove on medium heat before grabbing a brand new bottle from his separate wine cellar. Bringing out two large wine glasses, you watched as he poured you the cold, golden liquid. 
“Say when,” he said, catching your eyes. Your heart leaped. 
“When,” you smiled. 
Zach raised his glass—you mirrored him as the wine glasses clinked. He held your gaze for a moment before you both took a sip of wine. It tasted sweet. You blushed and looked away. 
Suddenly, the pot on the stove overflowed. Zach immediately turned the stove down and took the lid off the pot, scratching the back of his head. 
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, “I’m not much of a chef. Why don’t I show you the library now?” 
You laughed, sort of caught off guard by how he seemed unsure of himself. Taking another sip of wine, you nodded your head. 
He walked you down a narrow hallway in his apartment. At the end of the hall was a glass door, away from the view of the city. When Zach pressed a light switch on the wall, the room lit up a soft glow and your reaction was similar to the first time you saw the giant blue whale hanging in the middle of the Museum of Natural History. You were in awe.
“The rest of the collection is at my dad’s,” Zach laughed as he watched you gape in the room. Against each wall were bookshelves lined with the most beautiful leather-bound books. Between blank spaces were the scales of justice, or a mini statue of lady justice. At the front of the room was a long mahogany desk with two lamps on either side and a quill and ink bottle for style. You gravitated towards it, running your fingers over the smooth wood. 
“Where are the LSAT books? Could we take a look?”
“When dinner’s over and we have some more drinks in us,” Zach smiled. Part of your heart fell from disappointment, but it made sense to not rush into what you came here for. Plus, you were really hungry. And this wine was delicious. 
By the time you made it back to the kitchen, you finished your wine. You took a seat in a golden chair at the marble table and looked at this side of the room. There was a long mirror against the wall and some house plants in each corner. Zach wasn’t much for decorating, you could tell. 
With his back to you in the kitchen, Zach poured you another glass of chardonnay. He brought you your glass before he went back and prepared two plates of shrimp linguine. You drank from the wine glass and started to feel that familiar buzz wine gave you. 
“Dinner’s served,” Zach smiled as he sat in the seat next to you. It smelled delicious—you wasted no time twisting your fork in the pasta and taking your first bite with a small piece of shrimp. 
“This is amazing,” you breathed, “wow.” 
“Thank you,” Zach nodded, “it's a recipe from my grandmother. It goes perfectly with the chardonnay.”
“It really does,” you said, taking another sip of the wine. “I’m actually not much of a wine drinker, but I do enjoy it occasionally with dinner.”
“I love it,” Zach smiled. 
“So, I have a question,” you began. “What was it like working with my bosses?”
“Nelson and Murdock?” Zach questioned, “I didn’t work with them that closely. They weren’t even there that long. To be honest, they seemed a little too soft for this field.”
“Woah,” you said in defense, “these are my bosses you’re talking about—be careful, Zack,” you squinted your eyes playfully. Zach shrugged his shoulders, seemingly serious about what he was saying. 
“Being a lawyer isn’t all about justice. I learned that the hard way,” Zach said, “it’s more than just lady justice and good vs. evil. It’s a business. You’ll learn that in law school.”
You didn’t agree with what he said. The whole point of the justice system was to serve justice—it’s not all business and it’s not all money. 
“Maybe it’s business for Landman & Zack, but not for Nelson & Murdock,” you gently argued. 
“That’s why our building is on Fifth Ave and yours is off a corner in the Kitchen,” he said rather smugly. Not wanting to push the matter further—clearly, there was some weird tension between Zach and your bosses--you smiled and took another bite of linguine. 
After your next sip of wine, you placed the glass next to your plate, and there was something unsettling about the way the liquid splashed on the glass. You watched curiously as if in slow motion, as the cold wine splashed outside the wine glass and on the back of your hand. You felt an inclination to react, but you sat there, staring in confusion. 
“You okay?” You heard Zach’s voice, which strangely sounded muffled. Were you drunk already, after only one and a half glasses in? You knew wine could have this effect on you—your wine drunk was different from your tequila drunk—but why were you such a lightweight tonight? 
“Yeah,” you said or tried to say—your voice felt like it was a thousand miles away from you, and you were still staring at the glass and your hand covered in the sweet, sticky liquid. Did you even hear your voice? Were you going deaf? Where did this loud ringing sound come from? 
You watched as Zach dabbed your hand with a napkin. You flinched at his touch and tried to bring your hand close to you, but it felt like it weighed a ton. You couldn’t move it. It was like when your arm fell asleep from sleeping on it wrong—not even a pinch you could feel. Your eyes fell to your shrimp linguine, which suddenly was nauseating to look at, even smell. The linguine noodles looked like a bowl of just yellow, with a few orange dots that tried to be shrimp. You shut your eyes, blinked really hard, and opened them to feel even more dizzy. 
“Something’s not right,” you said weakly, so softly you weren’t even sure Zach heard you. Your tongue felt thick. Your heart started to pound, no, hammer in your chest—not a rapid beat from adrenaline, but an agonizingly slow and steady beat—you could hear it in your ears, your pulse, like a hammer was hitting your chest from the inside, telling you that something wasn’t right. An impending feeling of fear washed over you like an ice-cold wave, but at the same time, everything started to feel too hot. 
“Let’s lay you down,” Zach’s muffled voice said. You tried to get up from the seat but even that was too difficult. You could barely hold onto the armchairs. Zach expertly got up and pulled your seat out, lifting you from behind. You stood on your feet but nearly fell over the table. Your glass of wine spilled across the table, the glass shattering into pieces. “Let’s lay you down,” he says again.
“I don’t feel good,” you slurred. It was the strangest thing you’ve ever felt, a mix of terror and confusion. You were still wondering how you ended up so drunk, and why you suddenly felt a strong urge to go home. You could barely walk, let alone stand. Zach was practically dragging you to the long, suede couch. And you’re not sure if you tripped, but you flung onto the couch and landed on your side, feeling your whole body weigh you down like you were made of sand bags. Your heart was still hammering slowly in your chest, and you felt like you were sinking. Sinking into doom, into fear, into an abyss you couldn’t crawl out of. Sinking in a dream you couldn’t wake up from. 
The only way you could describe it was like being in the middle of a terrible, terrible nightmare—the worst you could think of—and just as things were about to get terrifying, just as whatever dream-maker had control over your dreams was going to commence the final act of doom, you think you will wake up to sweet relief and reality—except, the nightmare keeps going, and this is your reality. Tunnel vision now. You can barely see. 
“You said you wanted to lay down,” Zach appeared over your head now, his once-blue eyes now beady as he looked down at you. His fingers felt meaty as they forced you to look up at him. You furrowed your brows—I wanted to lay down? I asked?—you tried to wipe your hair out of your face but an unpleasant grip took your wrist and threw it above your head. You felt heavy, numb, powerless. 
“Shh,” Zach cooed in a sing-song voice, “it’s okay, you wanted this. Remember?” He’s leaning over you now, and you’re watching as he begins to unbutton your white shirt. 
You don’t remember. You don’t remember how you ended up on the couch, and his voice made you turn your face and push into the soft velvet cushion, away from him, an attempt to escape. An attempt to have any kind of control. To hide. 
And then suddenly, his body weight on top of you was gone, like an intense pressure on your chest immediately disappearing. 
You looked at the soft, suede, tan-colored couch. The sort of color that reminds you of old peeling wallpaper in a doctor’s office; uninviting, ugly, yellow and dry. Before, the color of this couch was ordinary—but with your cheek pressed against it and you lying on your side, you see the color for what it is. Boring, ugly, and something you absolutely hate to look at. And you want to hold onto anything familiar in your mind—a familiar feeling, a familiar image, but you can’t. You’re breathing heavily, and your eyes feel like they weigh a ton. You struggle to keep them open but now the room looks like it's spinning from the way you lie—like a washing machine. You see a figure in black moving around before black is simply all you see. 
Hell’s Kitchen 12 AM 
The first thing you wake up to is your uncontrollable shaking. It reminds you of a time when you were in middle school and you came down with the flu. You remembered being wrapped in a hoodie and sweatpants and socks, under thick blankets, and shivering like you were out in the cold. Your mom brought you chicken soup and your dad put on your favorite cartoon. There was a huge difference between then and now. You were shivering, but there wasn’t that familiar feeling of home. Only panic.
Your eyes shoot open and it takes you a moment to realize you’re not in a room you recognize—your eyes first land on dojo-type sliding doors, a soft glow coming behind them. You look around a little more, and there’s not much in the room except for a wooden armoire tucked in the corner and tiny windows in the front. Bright, neon lights shine through them before they disappear again. You shut your eyes once more. It’s then you realize you have an IV in your arm. A strange, tight pinch in the middle of your arm, on your most delicate skin. 
You shoot up in bed, shaking, and your head pounding. The bed you were in must be king-size, covered in dark silk sheets. Black or dark blue, you couldn’t tell. You’ve never slept in silk sheets before. At the edge of the bed are more folded blankets, and you immediately grab them, desperate for some more warmth. Throwing them over yourself, you immediately lay back down, cautious of the IV in your arm. Your teeth started to clatter. 
You’ve been wanting to avoid the only answer that brought you here. You didn’t even want to say his name, think of him, or that God-awful voice he used… 
Tears welled in your eyes—you can’t remember much other than that. You don’t remember how it happened, all you know now was you were in bed, with an IV in your arm. Tears streamed down your face, and the familiar hammering heartbeat started in your chest again. It wasn’t from terror, but sadness. You felt so incredibly sad, and you didn’t know why. Your whole body felt weak and cold. Your chest felt heavy. 
You jumped when you saw the dojo doors slide open slightly. Wiping your tears and holding your breath, you looked around nervously for a weapon to use against whoever stood behind the doors. 
You felt immense relief and confusion when you saw your savior step into the room—his room, you concluded. It had been months since you’d seen him, the lightness that filled your chest was telling you—that you missed him, so much. But what strange circumstances were you in now? 
“M-Mike?” God, even your voice was quivering and hard to mask. “What—you brought me here?” 
He was silent in his movements, his face half covered and in his usual black outfit. You were relieved it was him but confused all the same. Did he know where you were? How? Did he save you? 
Of course, he did. 
“Yes,” he said, slowly walking over to you. You flinched, for some reason, like second nature as he got closer. He stopped in his movements and held up his hands. “It’s me. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I know,” you said in a shaky voice, pulling your knees to your chest. “I don’t know why I flinched.“
“It’s okay,” he said softly. “Can I sit next to you?”
“Yeah,” you answered weakly, more like a desperate plea. “Yes.” 
“Okay,” he nodded, and you scooted over a little to give him room. The bed dipped when he sat down. You stayed in your fetal position, shaking. You wanted to reach up and touch him, but you were all too weak. “How do you feel?” He asked, even though he knew the answer was obvious. 
“I can’t stop shaking like I have a fever,” you said. “My head is pounding. My throat is dry.”
“You do have a fever, but the IV is helping bring it down,” your savior explained softly. 
“Did you hook me up to it?”
He shook his head. “No. A friend did.” 
“Mike,” you whispered, “what happened to me?” Your voice cracked at your question, and your savior’s throat bobbed, like this was hard for him, too.
“Nothing happened to you,” he said softly. “I didn’t let him.” 
“Did he… I felt like everything was fine and then suddenly I couldn’t walk. Did he slip my drink something?” 
Your savior didn’t speak, he only nodded. “You’re experiencing the side effects now. It’ll be in your system for 12 hours, but the IV is flushing it out.”
“Oh my, God,” you cried, “oh my, God,” you cried into his silk pillow, feeling something tighten in your chest. You felt his warm hand on your shoulder, caressing your skin. You sobbed, hiccuping cries, and your savior stayed there, holding your arm. 
“__,” he said your name after your cries softened. “You’re with me.” 
You opened your eyes and wiped your tears, looking at your savior. Slowly drawing his hand away from you, he reached behind the back of his head and pulled his black mask loose. With his head down, he slowly drew it back and off his face, and you swore you couldn’t tell if you believed who you saw or if the drug's side effects were still in your system because you were looking at Matt Murdock right in his hazel-brown eyes.
@starry-night-20 @sumsytee @queerqueenlynn @mattmurdocksstarlight @marvelcinematiquniverse @hailey-murdock (please let me know if I missed you!)
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rainbowagate · 4 months
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Against The World With You chapter 13
Mafia AU with angel and demon powers instead of devil fruits
Rated: T (with Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Pairings: Zoro/Sanji, Law/Luffy
“Zoro likes being in control. He likes knowing where his fists will land, knowing where his feet will run, and knowing where his eyes will wander. The part of him that’s intrigued by Sanji is closer to his true feelings.
It’s not just because he’s been dreaming of the man, either. He has to admit that Sanji is exactly his type: long, strong legs, a pretty face, and from what Zoro can tell, a soft, yet smarmy attitude. Zoro’s every fantasy in a man rolled up into a neat package.
But the man is fragile. He’s only just come to a sense of self after being numbed for two years. They’re the same age; Zoro can’t imagine having lost two years of his adult development like that. It would fuck him up irreversibly.
Not to say that Sanji’s damaged goods, it’s just… complicated. Zoro feels bad for even thinking of Sanji in any way other than friendly. That’s not what the man needs right now.”
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mellybaggins · 6 months
Fanfic Master Post
My fics are now locked to A03 members only
Please send me an ask if you would like to continue reading and you don't have an account.
About the Author Q&A post
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angst. self discovery. trauma healing.
Act 1 - Chapters 1-12 - Complete
Morwen vowed she'd never lead anyone again after the disastrous mission that led to breaking her oath. But the gods laugh while you make plans, and her abduction by mind flayers and a concerning brush with the devil is forcing her to face her fears. In her search for a cure, she gathers a disparate group of other infected and reluctantly leads them on a journey towards their unknown fates.
Act 2 - Chapters 13-51 - Complete
As the group enter the Shadow Cursed Lands, Raphael returns and forces Morwen to make a choice. In seeming retaliation for her refusal, he breaks the mental blocks keeping the memories of her past from her, forcing her to confront the darkness she thought had been locked away forever.
Act 3 - Chapters 52-? - in progress
With her memories fully restored, Morwen prepares to enter Baldur's Gate, not only to disrupt and dismantle the evil plot of the Dead Three, but also to force a reckoning with her own past. If the darkness doesn't consume her first.
This is an ongoing fic about betrayal, redemption, religious trauma, abuse, and why good people do bad things. She also has romances along the way because despite everything she has never lost her capacity to love.
This fic contains smut, drama, violence (there is also dead dove content especially in the middle-late act 2 and beyond) and is probably the work I'm the most proud of.
I try to update every Monday, but sometimes life gets in the way.
Character Profile - Morwen (Idril)
Character Word Association Game
Oathbreaker on Ao3
Oathbreaker Chapter 1 tumblr post / more photos
Early Game Photo Dump
Bite scene photo dump
Late Act 2 Photo Dump
Fantasy Casting for Original Characters
Morwen recast
Act 1 Chapters:
Chapter 5 - Freefall (First meeting with Raphael)
Act 2 Chapters:
Chapter 41 - Rainy Day (Gauntlet of Shar)
Chapter 42 - This Too Shall Pass
Chapter 43 - Frozen Angels
Chapter 44 - Numb (Backstory Chapter)
Chapter 45 - Fire Burning (the Battle of Moonrise Towers)
Chapter 46 - Make Yourself (Oathbreak Chapter)
Chapter 47 - Thunderstruck
Chapter 48 - Way Down We Go
Chapter 49 - Losing My Religion (Ain't No Rest For The Wicked)
Chapter 50 - Roads
Chapter 51 - Hunter (End of Act 2)
Act 3 Chapters
Chapter 52 - Porcelain (Sweet Dreams)
Chapter 53 - Clandestino (Decaparecido)
Chapter 54 - I'm A Wanted Man (Kryptonite)
Chapter 55 - It's Been A While
Chapter 56 - Come With Me Now (Disappear)
Chapter 57 - Entertainers
Chapter 58 - Cold Blood
Chapter 59 - Angel
Chapter 60 - Mercy
Chapter 61 - Savage Daughter
Chapter 62 - Dance, Monkey
Chapter 63 - Hold On
One Shots:
This Protector (Act 2, Reithwin Tollhouse)
Come Undone (Act 1, Gale/Shadowheart scene)
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Laileth of Waterdeep
fluff. romance. two worlds one heart.
This is Laileth. She is a forest elf who hails from Suldanessellar inside the forest of Wealdalth/Tethir, as far south of Baldur's Gate as Waterdeep is north. I've unconsciously been treating her like a Tolkien Silvan elf, so finally decided (though not stated in the fics themselves) that by some magic a group of elves from Mirkwood found themselves transplanted into Faerûn and therefore they were extremely reclusive and rarely dealt with outsiders except to trade. This is her first time meeting people of other races except at the bargaining table and she's fallen in love with Faerûn and it's people. She's also quite young, comparatively, and full of wonder and love of life and eagerness to learn and explore.
One person in particular though, Gale of Waterdeep. I've created a Series on Ao3 to keep all of her various drabbles together. They're all one-shots and her story will (mostly) be at the mercy of the prompts from the BG3 Writers Discord server. Many contain smut, and Laileth and Gale are into dom/sub play.
Character Profile - Laileth
Laileth of Waterdeep Posts on Tumblr:
(in story timeline order)
Helvegen on Tumblr
Kvitravn on Tumblr
Odal on Tumblr
Grá post on Tumblr
Synkverv on Tumblr
Solringen post on Tumblr
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Baby You Were My Picket Fence
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Series Summary: You are a first grade teacher in sunny Los Angeles, California. Ben Hardy is the father of your most challenging student. Things quickly get complicated in this unconventional love story.  
Chapter 1: Bad To The Bone
Chapter 2: Should I Stay Or Should I Go
Chapter 3: Light My Fire
Chapter 4: Dream On
Chapter 5: Paradise City
Chapter 6: Have You Ever Seen The Rain
Chapter 7: Let It Be
Chapter 8: Kickstart My Heart
Chapter 9: Sympathy For The Devil
Chapter 10: I Want You To Want Me
Chapter 11: White Wedding
Chapter 12: Welcome To The Jungle
Chapter 13: Peace Of Mind
Chapter 14: Smoke On The Water
Chapter 15: The Chain
Chapter 16: All Along The Watchtower
Chapter 17: No One Like You
Chapter 18: Surrender
Chapter 19: Stairway To Heaven 
Chapter 20: Home Sweet Home
💜 All of my writing can be found HERE! 💜
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sunnydaleherald · 21 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, September 1st
Willy: What are you gonna do with him anyway? Spike: I'm thinkin' maybe dinner and a movie. I don't want to rush into anything. I've been hurt, you know.
~~What's My Line? Part 2~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Never Too Safe by veronyxk84 (Spike & Dawn, PG-13)
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Late Night in the Lab by Anonymous (Fred & Wesley, G)
Creature Comforts by evesock (Darla/Drusilla, E)
ya got a way about ya by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, T)
Reasons to be Respectful by spikesgirl58 (Spike, Doctor Who crossover, G)
Teenagers by TheMarti (OC & Willow, T, in Italian)
Scarborough, 1897 by esskay123 (Fanged Four, T)
Surrendering To Desire by badly_knitted (Buffy/Angel, E)
Curses by MadeInGold (Angel/Spike, E)
Podfic: The Mayor by ChokolatteJedi, read by pieces0fstars (Buffy& Giles, T)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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get under my skin (i'll fall to pieces), Chapter 1 by ameliakepner (Buffy/Faith, M)
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Stab in the back, Chapter 25 by MelG_2005 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 98 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lost in Desolation, Chapter 6 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Great Escape from Oz, Chapter 5 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Tumble in Time, Chapter 4 by thedoppleganger (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Stupid Thing, Chapter 4 by Misti (Buffy/Spike, R)
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The Magic of Sunnydale, Chapter 10 by Buffyworldbuilder (Ensemble, Harry Potter crossover, FR15)
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The Watcher, Chapter 28 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Viral, Chapter 1 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, R)
Getaway Gang, Chapter 1 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Next to me, Chapter 1 by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Enchanted Dawn, Chapter 1 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Reaping, Chapter 1 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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🎨 Banner Art #20 — For “Legend Has it” event [2 banners] by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Manip: The Jersey Devil by Harmony99 (Buffy & Spike, worksafe)
Manip: Sleeping Beauty by Harmony99 (Buffy & Spike, worksafe)
Manip: Lords of the Dragons by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Manip: A Fairy Tale by Claire (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Artwork: Buffy in Helpless by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Artwork: Spike by snottiesnot (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy and Willow pixel art by v-thinks (worksafe)
Sketches: episode screenshot redraws so far by bugscribbles (Buffy, Darla, Jenny, Willow, Xander, Teacher's Pet praying mantis, worksafe)
Collage: Buffy and Willow by sunflower1109 (worksafe)
Collage: Buffy and Giles by sunflower1109 (worksafe)
Gifset: 1880's outfits by clarkgriffon (Drusilla, Cecily, William, Anne Pratt, worksafe)
Gifset: Willow/Tara by lovebvffys (worksafe)
Merchandise: barq’s 1999 btvs cans by justsomeguycore (worksafe)
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Cosplay: Spike (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) by Leon QueerAF
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lookbook (goth/alt/punk) by Rattus Rattus
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel - I'll still love you the same by Dacy Toxic
Fanvid: Buffy the vampire slayer BOYS 12!!! by MelonTango
Fanvid: SPUFFY in 2 minutes or less (part 2) by Love Bites
Fanvid: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Opening Credits (Charmed Style) by Rotten Lemonade
Fanvid: Buffy & Spike - Destiny of Souls | The Full Story by Buffy & Spike Channel
Fanvid: Enchanted [Spike] by True Hunter
Fanvid: like a prayer [btvs season finales] by Aurora Edits
Fanvid: my tears ricochet [buffy and giles] by Aurora Edits
Fanvid: Illicit Affairs [spike + buffy] by Aurora Edits
Fanvid: Buffy vs Faith - All My H8 by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy the Vampire slayer - Bend by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy Summers - What's Up by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: [Buffy, set to teenage dream by Olivia Rodrigo] by Danica
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - I Luv This Shit By August Alsina by Naki-a Littlejohn
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - We Not Humpin By Flo Milli by Naki-a Littlejohn
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - Crazy In Love by Naki-a Littlejohn
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - War of Hearts by Naki-a Littlejohn
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - Hit The Road Jack by Naki-a Littlejohn
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - Just that Girl By Drew Seeley by Naki-a Littlejohn
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - Haunted By Beyoncé by Naki-a Littlejohn
Resource: Buffy The Vampire Slayer | Buffy and Angel ~ Scene Pack by DeanxSalv (also posted several other scenepacks)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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hannahlibbie's BtVS rewatch: S01E01 Welcome to the Hellmouth​ by hannahlibbie
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Video: Up The Buff! Ep 1 'What is your childhood trauma?!' 90s Nostalgia Alert: Belfast Boys Buffy Binge by BigBadLlama
Video: Him-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: Buffy the Unaired (and for good reason) Pilot : Toxic Rewatch by Lord Toxic
Video: We finished Season 3, let's talk about it! Buffy the Vampire Slayer by The Buff Summer
Video: S4E02: Living Conditions by One Girl in All the World
Video: Buffy 2.13 & 2.14 Surprise and Innocence by Jan Katz and Ryan Something
Podcast: If The Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me - TRAILER by The Final Pod TV
Podcast: Buffy the Vampire Slayer [movie] and What We Do In the Shadows with Angel Krause by Creepy and Geeky Presents
Podcast: BwB 102 - Arazmadus the Vampire by Beer with Buffy (also posted several other reviews)
Podcast: Bring on the Night S7 E10 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
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Fic rec: The Closing Distance by fluffernutter8 (buffy/Angel, T) recced by iwillrememberyoumarathon
[Fandom Discussions]
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Nightmares Fashion Part One by theoverlookedoneedits1997
You ever stop to think about the fact that B is Faith's nickname for Buffy, like exclusively? by annieofhearts
Vampire Xander was just some guy by aphony-cree
Xander Harris Was The Worst Part Of 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' by trealtox
Actually the craziest thing about buffy angel cordelia and spike is that they all choose the mission over each other every single time by watchriverdale
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Spike a little gay ? continued by multiple posters
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Rewatch thoughts and questions [Unleashed, Hellbound] continued by multiple posters
So let's talk about Rack.... continued by StateOfSiege97
Why Stakes? continued by multiple posters
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"The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco" invitation by gimmesomespace
Angel and Cordelia's Love by Samravenclaw21
In 7X4 "Help" Buffy mocks the jock cult & misnames Blue Öyster Cult but in 7X6 "Him" she has their album Fire of Unknown Origin on the CD pile in her house by KneeHighMischief
Tara is top 5 characters in Buffy to this day by Senior-Leave779
Did you guys read Buffy as Bi in the show? by Valuable-Judgment602
Favourite character who suits this [bad guy / not bad guy] by Lady_borg
[Dark] Willow appreciation post by lexifer999
The new Bronze sign by BudHaven10
What was Buffy referring to? ["Killing people changes you"] by brwitch
spike could have saved dawn in 'the gift' if dawn hadn't wrecked it by Prestigious-Ear-3337
Jonathan by anthonycaruana
Did the Monk's implanted memories help humanize soulless Spike? by Flyestgit
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satureja13 · 8 months
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A Gothy Imbolc - Part 2 Part 1 is 👉 here
The crowd went crazy and stormed the dancefloor when Ji Ho and Jeb played the first tunes of Temple of Love from the Sisters of Mercy (I just imagined Ji Ho singing the female part and Jeb the rest and got goosebumps ö.ö')
In the temple of love you hide together Believing pain and fear outside But someone near you rides the weather And the tears he cried will rain on walls As wide as lovers eyes
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Ah, I love to see them happy and carefree after all they had to go through. Ji Ho is doing a good job with his Siren's Spells.
In the temple of love: Shine like thunder In the temple of love: Cry like rain In the temple of love: Hear my calling In the temple of love: Hear my name
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Aouwww Vlad and Saiwa are dancing together!
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And the devil in black dress watches over My guardian angel walks away Life is short and love is always over in the morning Black wind come carry me far away
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I'd been so disappointed with the clothes from the Goth Galore Kit but it inspired us to make this special so it was worth the 5€ :3
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In the black sky thunder sweeping Underground and over water Sounds of crying weeping will not save Your faith for bricks and dreams for mortar All your prayers must seem as nothing Ninety-six below the wave When stone is dust and only air remains
Ji Ho was amazing too. I didn't change his hair back to black this time. So he's a blonde goth tonight ^^' At least he's in a dark mood ^w^
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(Black is even his natural hair color haha. I really wish we could set different hair colors for the outfits without going in CAS. Same with the beards. I mean wigs and fake beards are a thing since - um always? At least since 'The Life of Brian' 2.000+ years ago! -.-)
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The concert came to an end but they all continued to dance and celebrate for a while. Until Ji Ho's Siren's Spells faded.
Jeb is very pleased with how the evening went. He'd feared the worst since they all are at the edge because of Kiyoshi's return and try to avoid each other.
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And then I caught Ji Ho and Vlad like this :3 How cute they are <3 And Great Uncle Eddie is in charge of the bar 💀
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home happy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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