#ani and the corries
Hey people, this post is a little different than my usual ones.
I kinda wanted to post something on the 4th/5th but time got away from me.
I have a lot of snippets and segments of ideas from stories in this au that I wrote up.
This is... Sort of the extended segment of my little "Fox and Anakin's first meeting" snippet.
There will probably be more to follow this but for now, I hope you enjoy this little chunk of story.
"We put republic resources into your upkeep, and the bare minimum we expect in return is that you do the jobs that you were made for." The Senate guard fumed.
Anakin pushed himself back into the corner behind the trio of Clones who had all moved in front of him. The familiar mantra of 'I'm not here, there's nothing to see.' ran through his head even as he watched the exchange.
"The Chancellor has decided to cut a third of your funding until he believes that the guard has earned it back CC-1010." The man snapped.
"We need that funding to get supplies for the Men Sir." The clone said, and it almost seemed pleading even through the vocoder. And Anakin felt the surge of concern from the unfamiliar Clone Commander. 
"We're already struggling to get enough supplies after the last cut."
The other Man only snorted derisively. But Anakin was more interested by the surprise blooming in the force from the troopers around him in response to the Commander’s words.
"Perhaps you should put in more work into being worth your upkeep then." He said shortly.
And that didn't seem fair. It seemed to Anakin like the Corries did plenty of work, honestly he thought that maybe the Senators and other guards should be a little more grateful to them.
"Also, you will gather together every useless Clone that failed to stop the attack and bring them to us for proper disciplinary action.” The guard commander sneered, expression so much like that of an especially smug Master that Anakin couldn't help but lean away.
"If it were up to me I'd have them all sent for reconditioning, but unfortunately it's not.". He seemed to be enjoying this interaction a little too much.
Anakin wasn't sure what reconditioning was, but the fear that had soaked the force around them at the words spoke for itself. Anakin wasn't sure what proper disciplinary action entailed either. But the overly pleased look on the other guards face and the fear in the air brought to mind images of Electro whips and beatings, water and food restrictions, abandoning people to the freezing nights or biting sandstorms for even minor provocations.
He quickly pushed those thoughts away, this was Coruscant, not the slave yards. Things worked differently here. It was fine. Even if the words felt suspiciously like a lie even in his own head.
"Don't Talk back to me, Clone." The man snarled, snapping Anakin out of his thoughts.
He must have missed part of the conversation but he came back in time to see the man grabbing hold of the front of the commander's armor. "You do what the republic tells you, you got that? we say send half the guard to the Lower levels, you send the guard." He leaned in closer, expression angry. 
"We tell you to send your useless men back to Kamino to be Reconditioned, you send those men."
He reached in and ripped off the Clone commander's helmet. Anakin couldn't help but notice that the Clone Commander hadn't moved a muscle since the other man had grabbed his armor, he was frozen staring straight forward, short curly hair tumbling into blank eyes as the helmet came off and hit the ground with force.
"You do, as we say." The man snarled, leaning in again. "We could order you to execute your own soldiers and you'd have no choice but to obey." 
He reached up and grabbed the silent man's face. "We own you, Every pound of duplicated flesh that comes from Kamino is ours, and we will do what we wish with it, do you understand?"
"Yes Sir."
In the back of his head Anakin had the feeling that he shouldn't be here, that he was seeing something that an outsider shouldn't see. But the thoughts were dulled by the Man's words echoing in his head. 
'We own you.' He didn't want to think about it, didn't want to look at the picture that was slowly coming together in his head.
The guards almost never spoke unless addressed. They were entirely ignored unless someone needed them or took some kind of issue with them. The entire Senate seemed to treat the guard, the clones as lesser than them. He thought back to the interaction he and Padme had crashed, how the two aids had been talking about them. He'd thought that there was something wrong with how the guards were treated in the Senate, but did it go deeper than that.
'we own you.' 
Slavery was illegal in the republic, they had rules against it, Qui-Gon had told him so. 
Maybe the man meant something else, but Anakin was having trouble seeing what else 'we own you' could mean.
Anakin pressed himself further against the wall, he didn't hear whatever else the Man said over the screaming in his ears, he couldn't tell if it was his own thoughts or the force pressing in around him. He wanted to be wrong, he had to be, he couldn't. It couldn't.
"..Ad..? Are you ok..?" A hand brushed his shoulder and he started, looking up into the helmeted face of one of the Clones.
From further away he heard snippets of voices.
"Wait, what do you mean he heard everything?"
"Fox, he's just a kid, he's not going to do anything."
He tried to peer around 'Twelve-Sixteen' to see what was going on, he could still feel distressed in the air, but it had a desolate edge to it now.
'Twelve-Sixteen' Knelt down in front of him.
"Hey, it's ok Ad'ika. Don't worry about any of that ok?"
He was trying to sound cheery, but Anakin could feel the nerves underneath the false cheer. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead of agreement or a confirmation of understanding, the words that spilled out were the ones echoing around his head.
"..They own you..?"
The words came out far louder than he'd ment them, and suddenly all four clones were looking at him. The Commander, who had put his helmet back on, sighed Audibly.
"The Coruscant guard and Grand Army of the republic are both republic property." The man said he sounded tired, like he didn't want to have this conversation.
"But… they, they can't." Anakin stammered, pushing to his feet. "You're People." 
The clone who'd been talking to the commander shook his head. "Maybe to you Ad'ika, but not to most Nat borns."
"They bought us off of the Kaminoans." 'Twelve-Sixteen' told him, shrugging. "If they hadn't brought us, we wouldn't exist."
That did not make Anakin feel better, in fact somehow that was worse. 
"But… they're not - this isn't the outer rim." Anakin stammered. The one thing in the way of his discovery was the fact that Qui-gon had said that Slavery wasn't legal in the Republic, but… that had been ten years ago… had that changed?
The guard commander sighed, if Anakin focused he could feel the storm of emotions around him.
"No, it's not, Welcome to Coruscant." He said flatly. 
"Now, you really shouldn't be here, go back to your Jedi." 
The Commander turned and stormed off, but he didn't seem angry, just tired, so so Tired.
Anakin felt frozen, even as his mind was spinning with thoughts, unfamiliar pieces clipping together into a picture that was all too familiar even as the setting was the furthest thing from.
"I.." Anakin stepped away, his hands balling into fists. "...I… They…"
The words weren't coming, but he could feel the worry and resigned acceptance suffusing the air around them.
When he eventually did find words, they weren't addressing the fact that his new friends weren't what he'd thought, maybe weren't even Free like he'd thought.
"...I… can you… I need to talk to Padme… do.. Do you know where I can find her…?"
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kingtuna · 5 months
Fox: who hurt you?
Rex: want a list?
Fox, preparing for murder: yea actually
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u5an5 · 3 months
Theory: The Clone X was not Cody like some people think or even Fives (I know he's been dead for a very long time but so was Boba Fett and look where we are. Plus, Echo was supposed to be certainly dead too; making him Winter Soldier-esque storyline wouldn't be that surprising) or not even Slick.
((Also, now that we've seen his face devoid of any tattoos or scars I think first two takes are definitely not applicable anymore; they wouldn't put that much effort to make him unrecognizable))
Back to the point: In my opinion, The Clone X was none other than...
Now let me explain.
Who else, other than X, was loyal to the law and justice dictated by it over any moral or ethic code?
Who else was portrayed with such single-minded focus on hunting down traitors of the government he served, regardless of what it was?
Who else could know not only Coruscant so well but also identify Rex like they knew each other?
He already was a remarkably successful tracker of traitors, why not make him more efficient by pointing them out for him?
Good soldiers follow orders, after all.
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anstarwar · 2 years
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*taps microphone* so i’d just like to talk about all the little kids in coruscant who would absolutely be out of their mind with love and awe for the corrie guard, and their fire engine red painted armour
these kids
these kids would wait at their windows to watch them drive past their window on a scheduled patrol. they’d be so thrilled to see them in the market. or when Fox is standing next to Palpatine in the press in his extra red paint
their parent will be like ‘want to talk to them?’ and the kids will get all shy.
they might even draw pictures of them to give to them
because no matter what the adults think, abiut flesh droids or military police being given more and more responsibility (that theybwould see as power) as the war went on, but little kids know what’s up. they know how cool garbage men are, and fire men (with the shiny red paint), and other civil servants that adults don’t think are awesome but kids know
and you know, you just know that Sergeant Hound, with his cute mastiff and awesome bucket paint would be the absolute pinnacle of coolness to an eight year old coruscanti child
#I forgot to take my pain meds today and then did things so I’n stuck in bed in agony but I thot I’d write out the cute headcanon#that I’ve been thinking about for a while#how the adults would listen to the propoganda that makes civil unrest more likely#because palps wanted turmoil at home to make the senators nervous so they gave him more power#he would absolutely use the guard like a sledgehammer#adults would also know why the corries have mastifs and riot gear and why there were shock troopers posted on a republic planet#and about the raids that keep happening to innocent people#and all of the money and drugs and material goods and wven food and water that were being confiscated for the most flimsy of reasons#and the people who were being arrested never to be seen again#but the kids#would think they were so cool and act like they were celebrities#ok good meeting#I’m writing a winged clone fic and so you can imagine how much this is turned up to eleven when the corries have WINGS and can FLY#some kids would obviously think cody or rex or any of the other clones that ended up in propoganda next to obi-wan and anakin etc were#the best but they would get into arguments with the kids who were all about the corries#some autistic kid thinking hound is the height of clone existsnce#some other autistic kid thinking the logistics offocers were awesome#I just like thinking about it#coruscant guard#corrie shenanigans#corrie guard#commander fox#commander thorn#commander thire#commander stone#sergeant hound#clone trooper hound#star wars ​headcanons#fluff
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papa-evershed · 7 months
Love the dad Rob content but I feel like young Rob content (Down to Earth, Corrie, even Love Life) is rare. Possible to share some maybe never-before-seen or just super rare gifs from that era of Rob?
Okay so I know you sent this forever ago and I'm so sorry for the very late reply. But instead of making you wait another 500 years, I've just thrown what I already had under the cut. It's 99.9% Corrie in various sizes and quality. None of them are never seen before and some I've already posted on my blog but I just don't know when I'm gonna be able to sort through the 300 episodes of Corrie to really tackle this request properly. 😅 They may at least scratch your itch a little bit, I hope.
Also, as for Love Life, just search "Joe Nolastname" on my blog and a decent amount of gifs should come up. I do actively gif Love Life from time to time because the quality is manageable unlike Corrie or Down To Earth.
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!!!!Technically Not Really Halloween Ends Spoilers!!!!
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I have so many thoughts on this movie but DAMNNNNNNN COREY IS FINNNEEEE
I went in with one bloody crush and left with two sweet jesus ♡
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sun-roach · 11 months
@t3mpest98 your evil plan is working
I tried to make mood boards for my oc’s as well
Here is the first one:
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just-heathers-memes · 3 months
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matchademi · 9 months
Rex:*post Zyggerria out cold curled up on Fox's bunk
Fox:*grabs Falls shoulder tightly* chill out shiny, your captain is with me and asleep. He is safe, I will send him straight to you in the morning, but he is staying with me tonight
Falls:*physically deflates* he comes to me, not your medics, not Kix me understood commander
Fox:understood medic now. Please stop scaring my guard
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ender-galaxy · 1 year
there’s a lot of coruscant guard fics where it’s nothing but angst and sadness, especially fox fics and i love those, but i really wanna see healing fics.
i want fics where palpatine gets found out and the guard struggles to adjust to normal life. how they struggle to reconnect with their gar brothers who have no clue to what they’ve been through. how both sides are awkward with each other because they’ve spent so long apart that they don’t know how to act with each other. because one side thought the other was safe and don’t know how to cope with the fact that they weren’t, while the other side felt helpless as their brothers fought and died for a republic that didn’t care about them.
i want them to slowly learn how to be brothers again. how they slowly learn to get past their differences as they weep into each other’s arms, the trust that had been lost in the beginning coming back stronger than ever. how they stand firm next to each other in support as they fight for their rights and for peaceful lives.
how when they finally get their rights, they smile and cheer and laugh and cry because they won. they won the war and their rights and they won back the trust and familiarity that had been lost between them. because now they’re brothers again and they would be damned if they let anything break them apart again.
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For those who have a soft spot for fix it fic's Star wars Chaos and The Courscant Guard.
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gaeasun · 1 year
16 + Dogma! it's my lucky number :) I've never watched star trek but that's such a fun idea
You actually picked such a good number. Have some Coruscant Guard Dogma as a treat (@kkrazy256 i have mentioned your boy)
“You wanted to see me, sir?” Dogma took off his helmet. Commander Fox liked to see their faces during the reports. 
“Yes. Stone’s already back on duty, but I heard there were some… interesting details on this mission. Besides,” Fox didn’t- smile exactly, but the side of his face quirked up. “It will be good experience for when you get a promotion.”
Dogma still didn’t understand why Commander Fox liked him. Not that he could tell, but Commander Thorn once found Dogma to tease him about it. 
Dogma didn’t think he deserved a promotion. But he could still give a report without worrying about that. 
“Yes sir. We were ordered to escort Admiral Jameson for a hostage negotiation. As far as I can tell, the trip there was uneventful. Until…” 
Fox leaned forward. In the sharp lighting of his office the lines, the scars, the bruises under his eyes stood out. “Until?” Dogma’s eyes, against his will, darted to the gray locks on Fox’s temple. “Until the Admiral collapsed. Croissant ran an analysis on his blood, and found, in his words, ‘a karking mess of a drug cocktail.’ The Admiral said its purpose was to turn him into a young man again.”
“And did it work?”
Dogma thought about how the Admirals wrinkles had disappeared in days, how he had gone from a hoverchair-bound geriatric with a hunchback to walking around as he pleased. How he had seizures of pain. How he had died in his wife’s arms as his organs ‘karking imploded’ (Croissant liked to swear a lot. His dislike of escort trips hadn’t helped).
“It made him younger, sir. But it didn’t save his life.”
Fox scoffed. A low, dirty noise of disgust endemic to Coruscant. “Natborns. He had a full eight-five years, and that wasn’t enough for him.” 
There were so many ads on Coruscant. Sixteen point three percent of all of the ones Dogma had seen were for some sort of anti-aging product.
Dogma didn’t even know how to respond. So he just didn’t. 
Fox tapped his fingers on his desk. “Did Croissant get a blood sample?”
“Yes sir.” “Does he still have it?”
“I believe so.”
Fox closed his eyes. “Dogma. If anyone asks you about that report who is not a member of the Coruscant Guard, Croissant disposed of it. Am I clear?” Maybe in the 501st, Dogma would have gaped at being asked to lie in such a way.
But he was in the Coruscant Guard now. The only people who helped them were themselves.
“Yes sir.” As he left, he heard Fox in the beginning of a comm: “Remedy? I’d like you to have a look at something…” Dogma put that out of his mind too. 
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ani-bunnie13 · 5 months
"i like cats, books, horror movies, the smell of petrol and rain, and music. i love music."
-this is not a love story (?), written by @corryglover
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jetii-mando · 1 year
Hi, not abandoning this! School has just been kicking my butt lately, but hopefully with summer coming soon I’ll finally be able to actually sit down and do more than just day dream of this AU.
Anyway, here is some more wholesome Fox and Anakin content :D
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[Transcript of what is written (cuz my handwriting might not be the easiest to read): *Fox, wondering how in the world his work is already done*, *Anakin, who worked all night cuz he wanted to spend a day with Fox*]
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weirdo-and-proud · 6 months
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Yeah I would also like to know this actually?!
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