#animation is pretty much my entire life TBH
saetoru · 11 months
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✩ ‧₊˚ ✩ my life with you (that’s way over now)
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synopsis. some people get drunk calls from their exes, maybe even flowers with hand written apologies. you get a knock on your front door with two random kids and a murder case
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length. 3.0k words (once more it was supposed to be short)
contents. exes to lovers, ex boyfriend! suguru, gn! reader, slightly deviated from canon (he doesn’t kill the entire village + doesn’t defect), slightly a fix-it fic, blood, murder, child abuse + neglect (canon events with suguru and the twins), angst to slight fluff with hopeful ending (pretty much happy tbh), mentions of family + kids, suguru pretty much being a broke and depressed lil guy lollll
notes. idk what this is but it was written for me i just wanted to write it so here. take it and look away
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right before you graduate, you and suguru break up. you don’t want to, but he insists it’s only fair—he can hardly be there for you the way you need him to be, he says. something’s changed in him, it has since that day last year. but still—you don’t want to break up.
so you argue, he stays firm, you cry, he doesn’t change his mind, you break up, he leaves, and the world momentarily collapses.
it’s the way things work, you suppose. they don’t quite always go the way you planned. you graduate not long after that, leaving him behind to throw yourself into work while you toe into the baby steps of adulthood. real adulthood—the jujutsu world has a way of thrusting you into that faster than normal, anyway.
by the time it’s late summer, you get your first apartment. it’s a rundown place—the bathroom tiles look dirty no matter how much you scrub, the walls haven’t been repainted in what seems like decades, and the thermostat never works properly to feel like what the temperature indicates.
but it’s yours—you leave jujutsu high fresh into the real world, paying your taxes and buying your groceries all while you exorcise curses for a living. barely an adult, barely getting by, barely alive as you get up each day and live.
and then suguru comes knocking on your door half past midnight.
“hey,” he says nonchalantly, like there’s nothing wrong with standing there—but you know him better than that. you can hear that detachment in his voice as he stares between your eyes, but not quite in them.
“you—” you start, staring at him incredulously before you decide to give up. there are no surprises with suguru, not anymore you suppose. you don’t really know him anymore. “suguru, it’s midnight,” you sigh—and that’s when you see them: two small children that can’t be much older than five.
bruises are clear as day on their arms, even while standing in the darkness outside. there’s also the slight swollen curve of their eyes, and you can’t help but notice how they’re practically skin and bone. children who have probably not yet even lived for five winters, and you almost wonder if they’ve been through more than you have in you’re entire lifetime.
suguru clears his throat before you can stare at them any longer.
“this is nanako,” he gestures at the blonde, “and this is mimiko.” the brunette one seems more shy, curls behind his leg further as her name is uttered.
you don’t know what to say, so you settle for smiling—you’re not sure if it comes out too genuine, but you try. it’s all you can offer, really.
“hello,” you hum for a moment. and then you turn back to suguru, “it’s midnight.”
“i know.”
“you should be at school grounds.”
“i know.”
“suguru,” you sigh, eyeing the blood stained on his cheek. you don’t like where this is heading. there’s a sick feeling twisting in your gut, bubbling, bubbling, bubbling.
bile. you can taste it. something’s not right.
“where did you find these kids?”
“on a mission,” he says simply, “village heads were keepin’ em locked in a cage like animals. can you believe it?”
again, that casual tone. it almost as easy as humming your favorite tune, as smooth as your skin on freshly washed sheets, as quiet as the first day of snow when the world is still. but something about it is hollow—something’s not right.
“why’d you bring them here? instead of school? shoko should look at them—”
“i told them they’d be safe here.”
they’d be safe anywhere, you think. as long as suguru’s there too. as long they’re under his watchful gaze, nothing could hope to beat down on their youth like it already has their whole lives. but you don’t say that—something tells you he won’t believe you.
maybe not right now.
you don’t look at him. you can’t. something’s not right, but there are children present. so you throw on your best smile and open the door wider, offering them to come in.
your apartment is small, just one bedroom and one bath. there’s hardly enough food for yourself for tonight, you still have to go grocery shopping this week. the missions were lined up back to back to back—but that’s just life as a sorcerer, you suppose. most days you hardly have the energy to eat more than a few apple slices when you return home anyway.
you wave your hand at your place dramatically as you say, “come on in, ladies. your humble abode awaits.”
they giggle slightly at that—it’s the first time suguru hears them laugh. you have that effect, he knew you would. it’s why he brings them here and not there. and…well, there’s a more complicated issue at hand. but that’s for later.
right now…well, for right now, he lets you guide them to the bathroom.
“you have money on you right?” you ask. he blinks, staring at you for a moment before slowly shaking his head.
“spent the last of it on cigarettes this morning.”
great, you think, before sighing and trudging over to grab your wallet as you press a few crisp bills of cash in his hands.
“what’s this for?” he raises a brow.
“go buy them clothes,” you look at him like he’s stupid. he might be, in all honesty. just a little. “i’m not putting them back in…those once they’re all cleaned.”
“wha—i’ve never shopped for children before,” he gapes, “and i don’t know what size they are, or—”
“figure it out, suguru,” you say tiredly. it’s half past midnight—by now, you’d be passed out from your mission. he seems to take the hint. “and bring some snacks too. should be enough.”
“fine,” he grumbles—and then he’s walking out the door.
for a second, it feels familiar watching him leave. but then you decide not to dwell on it—there are much more important matters at hand.
you turn to the two girls before crouching in front of them with a gentle smile, “who’s ready for bubbles?”
nanako and mimiko have never had a bubble bath before. you decide to let them taste the first tendrils of youth by splashing in your tiny bathtub while you find suguru for some much needed answers.
he sits on your couch, shirt wrinkled and hair falling loose and blood still staining his cheek as he hunches over his legs, elbows resting on his thighs as he thinks. and thinks. and thinks and thinks and thinks.
you wonder about what—what could be plaguing his mind? a lot you’re sure, but this isn’t suguru. not the one you know, at least.
the one you knew, the voice in your mind hisses—do you really even know him at all anymore?
“so,” you sit on the opposite side of the sofa, curling your legs under yourself as you eye him from the side, “care to explain?”
“i killed them,” he mutters. you go still. “the village heads. i did it without hesitating. that’s bad, right?”
“well fuck, suguru,” you breathe, restless, “that’s certainly not good.”
“i had a reason,” he argues, “all i needed was one.”
“there’s nothing that excuses murder—”
“oh, but we can excuse locking kids in cages, is that right? why? cause they’re sorcerers? they’re not—they’re children.”
“i didn’t say that,” you rub your forehead. this is all too much. too, too much.
being a sorcerer is too much. being in front of suguru is too much.
you finish your third year with a broken heart and graduate in spring—at one point you’d hoped graduating wouldn’t change anything between you and your friends, between you and the boy you loved. everything would be the same, even if you’d leave the place that held you all together—you’d still find a way back to each other, you liked to think. but then it all changes before you can even comprehend.
haibara is dead. nanami is hardly coping. gojo is everywhere but here. shoko is in high demand. suguru is hardly present even when he’s right in front of you. nothing is the same and you don’t think it ever will be. you lose the one thing you count on being yours forever, and now, he’s right here again. but not really here—not with you so much as near you.
suguru has killed people, sitting on your couch with you while the two children he finds are bathing happily in your bathtub.
there’s some irony in that—maybe in a perfect world, suguru and you would sit on the couch, much happier than right now, though. maybe you’d be tucked under his arm and curled into his side as you both chuckle at the happy squeals in the distance. maybe in a perfect world.
but this world is cruel. too cruel, in fact. it forces children to grow up too fast during some times and lets adults continue to be children during others. it’s sickening and all too much.
but this is the world you live in. there’s not much to change in that—not much you can change. maybe sitting on the couch with suguru is what you should be grateful for, whether it’s in this world or another.
“i came here because it’s safe,” he mumbles, quieter this time, “i don’t…i didn’t trust anywhere else.”
something tells you he’s not talking about the kids. you look at him for the first time that night—really look at him. you take in the lost weight, the sunken cheekbones and the bruised under eyes from the lack of sleep. the cracked lips from being chapped and the dry hair that’s lost its normal shine.
something’s not right—you won’t be able to mend it, but you think you can keep it from getting worse.
“it is safe here,” you murmur, nodding in assurance, “but you can’t…i can’t let you do that. not again.”
“what? kill people?” he snorts in dry amusement. it’s quiet for a bit—you open your mouth a few times like you want to say something, but nothing ever comes. he finally decides to fill the silence. “i don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong anymore. people shouldn’t kill. but some people shouldn’t live.”
“i think jujutsu is supposed to save people. not everyone will deserve it, but i suppose we wouldn’t be much better than them if we used it for anything other than that,” you whisper. he looks over at you at that, peers at you deep in thought as he contemplates your words.
“that’s funny,” he chuckles, “i used to think that too.”
“what changed?”
“then change it some more,” you shrug, “until you think it again.” he looks at you incredulously at that, eyeing you like you’re crazy.
“you’re an idiot,” he scoffs.
“says the killer,” you scoff back. you look at him this time, in the eyes and full of conviction, full of promises you couldn’t make before but fully intend to keep now. “don’t kill anyone else and i’ll help you. with those kids, i mean.”
“you want to co parent with me?” he chuckles.
co parent—the word makes your stomach twist. even after all this time, after all the hurt and pain, suguru is easy to imagine that with. he’s easy to imagine anything in the future with, really. he’s always been perfect like that, but you’re starting to realize there’s a lot more imperfections to him than you initially thought.
but it’s okay, you think. if you didn’t stop loving him before, you certainly don’t stop now. blood on his hands or not, he’s yours—even if he doesn’t want to be.
“don’t say it like that,” you murmur softly, hugging your arms around yourself, “please.”
you let yourself be vulnerable for just a moment—not because you want to, but because he needs to know. he needs to know how unfair he’s being and how patient you are with him despite it all. you deserve that much.
“sorry,” he mutters—he has the decency to look away and drop his smile.
“you don’t kill anyone, and i’ll look for a bigger place. deal?”
“for us…all?”
“yes. just until you figure it out, i’ll help you out with them. and then you’ll responsibly use your paycheck as a full time special grade sorcerer and maybe send a few checks my way to say thanks to my good will.”
he chuckles at that, shaking his head. “i’ll repay you,” he hums, tapping his foot. he does that when he’s nervous, you still remember—you could never forget anything about him. “i…i owe you, anyway.”
it’s quiet some more. you don’t know what to say, and quite frankly, you don’t want to say anything at all. but once more, he fills the silence for you after a while.
“what if…” he starts, “what if i want to co parent with you?”
“you dumped me,” you point out, unable to hide the bitterness any longer. it cracks from your tongue through your words like honey that went dry. “remember that? cause i sure remember.”
you’re an adult now, just barely, but an adult all the same. you should handle this the mature way—but you’re still young. still hurt. still blanketed in the fresh wave of nostalgia that leaves you aching with grief.
so you let yourself be bitter. suguru can handle that much after he left you to pick up your shattered pieces.
“i didn’t want to,” he says quietly. “i never wanted to.”
“but you did.”
“i didn’t…you didn’t deserve to see me unstable.”
“you’re not very stable right now either,” you pinch your nose tiredly, “you killed people, suguru. but somehow you can manage to have two kids now. but not me.”
“they need me,” he defends.
“i needed you too,” your voice cracks.
you did. you needed him—and you like to think he needed you too. maybe it wasn’t perfect, nothing ever is, especially not when you fight curses and see their ugliness every day. but that’s the best part of having each other—having something pretty amidst the hideousness.
he left you with more ugly than you knew what to do with. it’s unfair, you think for a moment, unfair that two girls who hardly know him at all have more of him than you ever did. he’d never abandon them—that much you know for sure.
you’ve laughed with him, held him and wiped his tears and kissed him under the moon until it became the sun. you’ve seen him with his hair down and his guard lowered. you’ve seen him in every way possible but in the end, he walked away.
they’ve seen him for less than a day and somehow, he’ll be there forever. there’s something unfair about that and you hate that you’re bitter with children but the world in cruel like that.
suguru slowly inches over—it’s cautious at first, and then he fills the gap all at once. you pretend you don’t feel the way your thighs touch.
“i need you too,” he admits, voice small. there’s a small, shaky crack that eats away at your heart, trying to gnaw into the raw part. the easy to reach part. the part you shouldn’t let him see anymore. “i…i always needed you. i’m sorry.”
“we were supposed to need each other,” you sniffle.
“we do,” he slowly slumps his head onto your shoulder. you let him stay there—don’t dare move a muscle in case he pulls away. “you’re the only thing that keeps me stable. i don’t think that’s fair.”
“needing someone isn’t unfair, suguru,” you scoff.
“okay,” he grabs your hand, squeezing. for the first time, he lets it all go. lets tears slowly slip from the corners of his eyes as he slumps into your side. he cries for riko. for kuroi. for satoru and the time he lost him for a moment. for their youth. for haibara. for not being enough even when he shouldn’t have had to be. somewhere amidst all that, your arms wrap around him and he’s pulled into your chest—that familiar feeling of your fingers threading into his hair makes the world start spinning again. “i need you,” he chokes.
“okay,” you say shakily, nodding slowly as you let yourself hope, “as long as you don’t stop this time.”
he buries his face into your chest, and you kiss the crown of his head.
cruelty is an unstoppable force. your love for suguru is an immovable object. neither is going anywhere, but perhaps they can coexist.
“satoru’s gonna have a massive headache when he explains this one to the higher ups,” you snort after a while.
he laughs into your shirt, real for the first time in a long time. “i’ll buy him something sweet. should make up for it,” he hums. and then he looks up, smiles innocently as he asks, “wanna lend me some cash? i’ll pay you back when i’m a responsible handler of money.”
“you’re hopeless,” you chuckle, “but at least you’re here.”
————— BONUS —————
“okay,” satoru starts, holding his hands up in surrender as he stands before the higher ups. damn old geezers, he thinks. “so he did kill a person or two…but—”
“there is no excuse,” a voice hisses.
“he didn’t mean it,” he huffs indignantly, “it was an accident. those can happen sometimes.”
“he’s going through a phase, okay? let him work through it, he’ll be fine.”
“that’s not—”
“i’ll let him off the hook this time,” satoru grins, pushing his glasses up his nose as he shrugs, “he’s got a family now, y’know? kids and a spouse, and they’re looking for a home. can’t take that away from them.”
“he’s not even married—”
“it’ll happen eventually,” he insists, “so let’s all just calm down, yeah? great, thanks!”
“see ya!”
he walks out, flashing an obnoxious peace sign at the higher ups as they hiss at him to return as he’s walking out. that takes care of that, he thinks, as long as suguru doesn’t make his life harder and kill more people, he can handle it—you did promise him kikufuku if he does.
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satoru is babygirl defender no. 1 ain’t nobody doing it like my guy 🤞🏽 he would be loyal to you while you were in jail no doubts
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planchettewrites · 1 month
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Remy LeBeau (Gambit)/AFAB!Reader
DESCRIPTION: You find out about Bella Donna Boudreaux, and you are not happy about it.
CONTENT: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Threats of Breakup, Mentions Remy's Past (*Using the Original X-Men Animation Series as Ref.)
A/N: This is not my favorite Remy work I've done, but I think it's still pretty good. This is pretty heavy hurt/comfort, and the ending is a little rushed. TBH I wanted to just write this and get it over with. WIPs can only have such a long shelf life! I may eventually update this later.
848 words | Safe!
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"Remy…" You walked cautiously into your and Remy's shared bedroom in his apartment near the school, anger bubbling inside you. In your hand, you held a letter from some woman named Bella Donna Boudreaux. The letter was old, at least five years old. You found it while cleaning out one of Remy's closets, finding it in a box on the top shelf when it came tumbling out of the closet. "What is this?"
Remy, who was reading, immediately shot up. His black and red eyes looked at you with so much shock. He looked like a man who got caught. “Ma chérie,” he started.
"What is this, Remy?" you shot, effectively cutting him off. "Who the fuck is Bella Donna Boudreaux?"
"Chérie, it's not what you think." Remy stood up from the bed and began slowly approaching you. 
You weren't stupid; you could read what the letter said, and that letter painted a rather different story than your current reality. "I think it's exactly what I think, Remy. What the hell does 'I'll forever be your wife' mean, then? Remy, we've been dating for three years, and this letter is five years old. Are you married?" you roared, your anger almost unmanageable. 
Your mind was racing with every possible answer that Remy could've given you, and none of them were positive explanations. Your relationship with Remy was the best you ever had; he was kind, generous, and giving, and overall, he was a spectacular partner who always put your needs first. You loved Remy more than you could fathom; this letter was heartbreaking.
Before he could answer, you began to read some of the letter to him. "Remy, mon amour, I miss you every day. Every day you are gone is like a stab in the heart. I still remember the day I last saw you; you looked handsome as ever, mon cœur." you stopped reading the letter and threw it on the bed. "What the fuck is this?"
"Darlin', that's all old history, Bella Donna is…"
"Your wife, apparently, Remy." you began to tear up. Nothing shattered your heart like reading that letter did. You had read through the entire thing before you confronted your boyfriend, and you knew a love letter when you read one. You started shaking your head, putting your palm up to your forehead. "I can't fucking believe this."
Without even noticing, he got closer, Remy turned you around and gently pulled your hand from your head. His face portrayed an emotion of hurt. As much as you wanted to scream at him, tear him apart, something in you knew that he had some proper explaining to do. "Darlin', listen to me. Please."
You sighed roughly, continuing to shake your head. "Fine. You better have a great explanation for this, Remy. Or I'm done."
He sighs. Remy knew this day would come eventually—whether it be when filing for marriage paperwork or when his past eventually bubbled up to the surface. If he was honest with himself, he completely forgot about that letter; it was shoved in that box with the rest of his past in the Thieves's Guild. Looking at you, his heart was breaking. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt you. 
"Well, darlin', it starts back in New Orleans. The long and the short of it is that Bella Donna Boudreaux was a member of the Assassin's Guild, and I was a member of the Thieves's Guild. We were arranged to be married in an attempt to unite the guilds. Gambit didn't love her, so he walked away from the altar. Bella Donna wrote me that letter as a last-ditch effort to get me back. I don't know how she even found my address, but she sent it. I forgot that I even kept it. I promise I didn't marry her, mon amour. I don't love her. My heart does not belong to another; it only belongs to you." He held you steady in front of him, and he watched how the tears forming in your eyes began to roll down your cheeks. 
Remy pulled you into a tight hug as you cried. "Shh, don't cry, chérie, Gambit's right here."
"Don't ever fucking scare me like that." you cried. Right now, you hated yourself. There was no way you could deny what you read, but you trusted your boyfriend with every word he said. Remy wasn't one to tell you a lie. Ever since you began dating, he has been nothing but honest and upfront with all that he said. "M’sorry, Remy. I'm really sorry."
Gently letting go of you, Remy cupped your cheeks and placed a kiss on your forehead. "No reason to apologize, mon amour. You were scared, and that situation seemed nasty. I understand."
"I was just so worried that you were keeping something from me, especially something that would change our relationship."
"I know, chérie, I know." He cooed, pulling you back into the hug. 
You sighed, letting the anxiety go. “Please forgive me.”
He smiled. “Gambit forgives ya’, chérie. Of course I do.”
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stealingyourbones · 7 months
What suggestions would you have for cool, lesser known DC characters I could write a crossover fic with.
Preferably not Gotham-based characters because as much as I love them I need a break and I want to try something new. I know you mentioned Animal Man in another post. Does he have a solo run I can look up or is he usually in group comics/a side character in somebody else’s comics?
(I am deliberately baiting you to info-dump to me about any DC characters you want and I will write a fic with them so go nuts.)
Sadly at this current moment I can’t infodump nearly as much as I’d want to because my carpal tunnel is being a lil bitch but I can give synopses:
Animal Man- Buddy Baker, a typical suburban dad who also happens to be a hero that can use abilities based on any nearby animal (including bacteria?). He is powered by The Red which is the animal version of The Green (Plant Life). The Red is less the concept of all animals but more the concept that all animals are meat. his comics are either a beautifully terrifying body horror gore fest or a 4th wall breaking mind bending creation. No in between. Having Animal Man fight the Lunch Lady and realize she’s fundamentally a different being and not of The Red would be crazy awesome.
Booster Gold or Ted Kord: Booster Gold is a Time Cop who got his job from stealing shit from the Hall of Justice Museum and heading to the Age of Heroes to fund enough money and fame to pay for his mothers cancer treatment. He could be used in Clockwork related fics a lot and he’s also equally as much as a dumbass as Danny.
Blue Beetle also known as Ted Kord, is basically in the same package deal as Booster. Ted Kord, Late owner of Kord Industries, ja a brilliant master of technology and has stuff from a massive beetle ship to a gun. He’s best friends with Booster and their bromance could be fun if you want Danny to have two partially functional adult mentors.
Wally West. The second and fastest flash. A he’s the most go with the flow dude I’ve seen in recent comics, including dealing with an inter dimensional WWE esque fight where he fights alongside Space Hulk Hogan, and has a wonderful Wife, Linda West, and (sometimes) twin kiddos. The Flash’s entire sthick is family. They’re more family centered than the Fast and Furious movies for god sake. Having Danny find a new home in any speedsters home would be incredible.
The Spectre: the embodiment of Gods Wrath. I would go on far too long of a rant remind me to do one later but for now all I’m saying is that it would be sick as fuck for The Spectre to kill Vlad for the horrible things he’s done.
Green Arrow or in general Star City: Oliver Queen, inheritor of Queen Industries is a dude who got trauma after a boat sank and some island thing (tbh I don’t know his backstory off the top of my head), but he’s a very quippy and hilarious guy who’s jokes would mesh pretty nicely with Danny’s humor and in general he’s underutilized in both dpxdc and DC so it’d be nice to see that change :)
Ok hands are getting angry but I hope that’s a fun starting example list for ya!! :D
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ecrivainalene · 2 months
Leviathan Panel at Otakon 2024
I was OVERJOYED to be at the Leviathan panel during Otakon 2024! I'll do my best to recap it below, but if you want a more coherent play by play, this Twitter user did an excellent job.
I've got a handful of photos, recap of Sharp Gender Discussion, plus misc. things I remember.
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Not everyone was up for the entire time, but I snapped this photo near the end when everyone was on stage! From left to right: Waki Kiyotaka (Studio Orange), Yoshihiro Watanabe (Studio Orange), Scott Westerfeld, Christophe Ferreira (Quibic Pictures), Justin Leach (Quibic Pictures), Katrina Minett (Quibic Pictures), and Diana Garnet (ending theme vocalist).
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New concept art! Looks like Dr. Barlow, Klopp, Alek, and Sharp, right before the Germans attack the Leviathan.
More under the cut!
Alternative shot of that art bc I couldn't get my lighting right:
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Clanker and Darwinist technology designs. Watanave explained that Studio Orange's early days were spent doing contract work on Gundam anime, so I can't wait to see how that translates to the Clanker machines.
Some more concept art:
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By the way, the entire series is being adapted at once - so we'll get the complete story at once! That in mind, the second image here makes me think of that maneuver near the beginning of Goliath to pick up the cargo.
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Sharp!!! Look at them!!!
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I don't have much to say about these but I'm fairly sure I hadn't seen them before. I am wondering if they downsized Alek's crew for the sake of the story, or perhaps we just haven't seem Bauer and Hoffman yet.
We got some new character art! The panel was very cryptic about who the character designer is. Apparently they're pretty well known, but they can't share it yet!
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Volger I am so sorry your photo was unfocused. Forgive me.
The panel jokingly described him as "Alek's dad," which feels accurate. And maybe I misunderstood, but it sounds like he plays an even more important role in the anime than he does in the books. I've always considered Volger to be a pretty important character, so I wonder what else he'll do in this new series.
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Klopp looks exactly like how I pictured him in my mind!! They said if Volger is Alek's dad, then Klopp is like his mom. Which is very fair but also made me laugh a lot.
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Dr. Barlow!! She looks amazing. There was a lot of talk about the dynamic between her and Volger and how they're often playing mental chess games with each other. I'm really glad they're leaning into that dynamic.
And one more concept art:
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This looks like the visit to Istanbul, which I'm desperately hoping means we'll see my favorite chaotic bisexual, Lilit.
That's all of the photos I have! They also showed us a preview of the show plus a live performance of the ending song with Diana Garnet. No video recording was allowed and I don't break rules, but believe me when I tell you it was stunning. The world feels so full of life and adventure and I can't wait to see the final show.
Tbh I was too busy holding back tears of joy but one thing I remember distinctly is there's a shot of Sharp getting ready for the day, and we see a sheet of paper with a bunch of names written and crossed out before finally (I think) "Dylan" is circled.
Which actually brings me to the Q&A part. TLDR, between the use of "Sharp" for Deryn's name, Scott referring to Sharp as "she/he/they" during the panel, and the scene I mentioned earlier, I feel really hopeful about how they're approaching Deryn's gender and identity in this adaptation.
I asked a question about this at the Q&A and voice recorded it, so I'll try to transcribe it here as best I can because the audio is not great lol. I stumbled through my question so I trimmed it down here but I'll transcribe the response as clearly as I can!
Me: I just finished re-reading [the series] for the first time since I was probably in high school, and one of the things that interests me about this adaptation is the approach to Sharp's character... I guess I'm just interested, like, was there a lot of thought put behind, or what kind of thought was put behind how to approach their character in the anime, I guess as a chance to re-approach the story however many years after it was originally written.
Scott Westerfeld: Yeah, there's a lot to that. The "girl dressing as a boy" as a trope was something completely different in 2007 when I started writing this than it is now. And so we really approached Deryn's identity as what was at stake rather than just... rather than just her being in disguise, it's about their recreating themselves and becoming a different person and transitioning and, and so... but it's always been interesting to me that the words that I wrote back in 2009, 10, 11, y'know, as an old guy who grew up in Texas in the 70s - who was David Bowie fan! - but otherwise didn't have a lot of access into issues of gender, I'm amazed at how many people have been [able to?] adopt Deryn/Dylan as one of their own. I just got an email a week ago from a trans boy whose chosen name is Dylan. So it is amazing to me how whatever imperfections or whatever problematics there are in the text, people still find their way into what they need from a character. And as a writer, I can say that I always respected that character, I always respected their choices, I always respected who they were. I never tried to stick them into a dress and have everyone go "Ooh now you're pretty 'because 'cause you're in dress!" We didn't do that, and I think that what may be important for people and I think that's why it's still what's gonna work here, but it's been fun to be able to update it and everybody on the team's been really great about understanding that.
TLDR I don't want to get anyone's hopes up too high, but I'm really appreciative of the care that's being taken with Sharp's story and identity in this adaptation. It seems like Scott and the others on the team are taking that into account, and I'm excited to see how it plays out.
Other random things I remember:
THERE WAS AN ALEK COSPLAYER. I took a photo with them but I won't post it without their consent. Just trust that they looked fantastic.
Scott said one of the first things he was told was that Alek can't actually kill Nikola Tesla because he's too well loved by people in Japan, which I think is the funniest possible reason for a change to be made in an adaptation.
Diana Garnet (they/any) mentioned how much they love Sharp (don't we all) and also how they used to work at a Barnes and Noble and remembers selling lots of Westerfeld books!
Scott said his approach in writing Leviathan was taking everything he'd always wanted to write about and basically throwing it together, because he was just coming off of the success of Uglies and figured he could get away with it.
If I remember anything else I'll add on to this post! Overall, it was a wonderful panel and I'm incredibly excited for this project.
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lavouredior · 4 months
Would you be willing to do Alastor x Shy!Bunny?
Like she constantly gets flustered easily around him and he enjoys making a game of it? Please and thank you!
i have been DYING for someone to request alastor & bunny!reader so i am going to be LIVING this one up !!! might do a part 2 of this one tbh
warnings: cannibalism mention, murder mentioned, reader is referred to as prey
“oh and who would this be?” a demon you’d never need before asked charlie who was touring you around the hotel as you were their newest resident. you didn’t make eye contact with the demon. you were small to begin with and one thing you knew from the demons you had met on the street is eye contact is a bad thing to make.
“our newest resident!” the cheery hotel owner replied. the taller demon nodded. “let me continue the tour with the little bunny charlie, i’m sure you have more important things to do.” charlie nodded excited that alastor was taking charge for once.
once charlie left alastor grabbed your chin to make you look up at him. “you know little bunny it is indeed rude to not make eye contact with someone.” you just stared back at him. too scared to say anything causing a static laugh to come out of him. “oh dear, little prey like you would have never made it alive out on the streets good thing you came here. although i do love the taste of bunny.”
his last comment scared you. “b-but you’re a deer? aren’t you prey too?” he took a deep breath at that comment. “i may be prey animal but you will find that i’m quite capable of holding my own unlike you.” he let go of your chin causing you to look back at the ground. “my i must’ve forgotten my manners. i’m alastor. the radio demon.”
your heart practically stopped at the last comment. although you are already dead so it was stopped to begin with . . . you had heard about the radio demon from many different places, specifically some tv demon named vox who was very angry about the demons return.
“oh don’t look so frightened my dear! i am not planning on harming you for now!” you chose to ignore the last part of his sentence. “now i must ask what did a little bunny like you do to end up in hell hmm?”
you just stared at the ground playing with your fingers. “i stole food once for my little sister.” your response caused the demon to let out another chuckle. “how pathetic! no wonder you’re a bunny.”
he wasn’t wrong. you lived a pretty pathetic human life and being a bunny in the afterlife caused you to be even more pathetic. your nose twitching at any sense of fear, like now. you just were scared at pretty much everything.
“why are you here?” you questioned, stupidly. “why i had killed a few people, ate a few as well.”
his response caused you to back up a bit from the demon. “y-you killed people?” he let out another chuckle this time crouching down to your height so you couldn’t fight eye contact with him. “oh my dear, don’t be scared.”
that’s when alastor got a specific idea in his head. you were horrified of him, he could use it to his own advantage. have a little fun with you and your pathetic self. make a deal with you so he owns your soul before ultimately forcing you to have some sort of usefulness to him.
alastor eventually toured you around the entire hotel before leaving you in the living room for the beginning of charlie’s “team bonding”
alastor had sat on a couch opposite of you, he watched you. even though you looked everywhere but him. a tap of his microphone on the ground and your attention was immediately to him. his smile grew as he saw your face start to turn red and you pull your knees to your chest for comfort
once the team bonding was over he motioned you over to him. “quite a shame you don’t hop around.” you just looked at the floor as you stood in front of him. “oh you pathetic little bunny. how long were you out on the streets before you found yourself here?”
“a couple months . . .” he nodded. “they were horrible weren’t they?” you nodded back looking up at him for a second before turning your gaze back to the ground. he shook his head at your refusal to look at him before pulling you onto his lap.
“you know i could help you. make sure you’re protected and safe.” your ears, which were usually flopped against your head perked up, causing alastor’s smile to grow again.
he set you on the ground before extending his hand. “you sell me your soul, i protect and keep you safe?” you just stared at his hand. “why my soul?” he chuckled “because hell is no place for a shy little bunny, my dear.”
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angstydisaster02 · 5 months
An analysis about why Bakudeku is one of the most inspirational relationships. (Manga spoilers)
First part : my thoughts
Tbh, I really have this impression the manga is coming to an end very soon, which breaks my heart because I don’t know what I’ll do without my daily leaks. However, I trust Horikoshi about the rest of the story and I do think he’ll make an open ending about which “ship” is canon, even if we all know that the biggest and most developed relationship in the manga is bkdk.
It would be interesting to see the “after” of this war, the hospital beds, the tears because they lost people, the relief because it’s over and the final conversation beg the ending. Knowing Horikoshi until now, never made things randomly because everyone is thinking in advance, including the conversation between Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo.
You can’t tell me the author of this manga who always did things with a smart brain will put aside such an important detail about the dynamic between his characters.
A part of me hopes we’ll have the bkdk talk at the hospital or somewhere else because there’s no way these two idiots keep living their lives as if nothing happened. I have high expectations due to the fanfics, but I’m pretty sure I’ll never be the same once the chapter with the bkdk talk comes.
Second part : the analysis feat manga panels
looking forward, it’s incredible how Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki’s relationship started in the worst way (I’m not including the childhood memories) and…Ended up being something like that.
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I’m emotional when I think about everything they’ve been through, the many realizations about losing each other, the development of their relationship after an emotional scene such as Deku Vs Kacchan 2, the way they need to push each other’s up to be the best version of themselves in any situation.
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It’s not a surprise if these two are mean to be canon (in a platonic or romantic to way, depends about your opinion !) and each little moment highlights this statement.
Think about it : they all learned one of few important things with the other’s presence by their side, on purpose or not. Their dynamic is something unique you can’t find in others shonen or mangas, because they have this specific bond, the one getting stronger though the years because their mistakes became a reason to improve and be a better person for this childhood friend they knew since the early days.
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Izuku Midoriya needs Katsuki Bakugo like Katsuki Bakugo needs Izuku Midoriya.
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You can’t take away this part of their soul, and even when people like AFO tried, they ended up paying the price by revealing how much they care about each other.
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Don’t startd with the Heroees rising thing because I can write an entire novel about them, but this is another proof of how they’re made for each other. Their relationship improve though the years and it’s only the beginning, I can’t help but imagine how future bkdk will have an amazing relationship once they figured out everything and untold truths.
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They’re each other’s pillars, holding the other up to do the best and watch from afar their other’s improvement.
That’s why the hospital conversation might be the peak of their relationship: the moment when they’ll both break their shield, welcoming the tears and listening how life is a fragile line on a thread.
None of them refuse to break this meaningful thread, because this is something they’ve built for years, and it’s their biggest strength (and biggest weakness like Shigaraki pulled out)
In conclusion: they’re driving me crazy and I have no regrets following their journey because it’s probably one of the best relationships I’ve seen (and I watched a lot of anime/manga, read a lot of books and they’re still superior !)
Thanks for reading my analysis because it’s one of my guilty pleasures when I’m passionate about something, especially my comfort ship ! Take care of yourself <3
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zxombii · 3 months
💉🫀🦴 ︵ " Ticcin' Time Bomb! "
( ♡,, › o‹ ,, ) — ❝ was inspired to make this eheheh (mix of headcanons and just yapping) ❞ mimi says.
︶︶ . ˚ ticci toby headcanons ⑅
— gender non-specified, reader not really mentioned. warning for an animal death, wounds, and unhealthy obsessions.
— contains ticci toby, mentions of others.
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to silly for his own good and gets into mischief occasionally, but if he is having extra aggressive tics or just them happening more then usual, bpd acting out, etc.: he usually opts out and becomes that midwest emo (whos kinda mean) we all love and adore once more.
gay in denial. “i wish u were a female..” type thing. wompwomp for him👎
^^ as he has gotten older, i think he has hesitantly come to the fact that he is bisexual. possibly pansexual. he doesnt know how to feel about all this lgbtqia+ stuff.
he stole a golden retriever from someone and had it as a pet but was like, really bad at taking care of it. the dog died in under a month and the stench of dead dog stayed in his room for a good while (gross..)
when he loves someone, he Loves someone. like, his love gets to the point of an unhealthy obsession😕 he never felt love truly when a kid so he seeks it out from those around him (usually from older ppl aswell).
only numb to pain, not numb to both pain and weather. he overheats easily as he dislikes taking off his face wear cause of his scars,,, although since he is numb to pain—as long as he doesnt look in a mirror—he kinda forgets its even there, including the other gashes he has contained that covered his skin. face color drains immediately when he remembers the scars he has obtained. poor little guy☹️
goes from listening to washing machine heart to listening to the most country music ever. lowkey weird music taste. up for anything anyways. (<- self indulgent)
kinda dumb lowkey👎 dont ask toby for help on anything school related that needs genuine brain power. he can do addition, subtraction, times, dividing (barely).. and thats all he really remembers (BOOO SLENDERMAN TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO /j). will send the person to someone else if he doesnt know tbh😭
kinda brain rot talk. BEN somehow roped him into speaking like that and does say alpha sometimes as a joke to the others. EX: “oh a-alpha,” he would say in a dreamy voice with a sigh, stifling back a laugh as he continued his jittery speech, “thank u ss-sso much for healing—stupid!—my wuh-wounds.”
really bad sleep schedule. with his tics and major ptsd, he struggles at night to sleep– like, fully struggles. twisting and turning in hopes that he would just go slumpt in just the right position, but ofc it was a no. stares up at the roof, rethinking his entire life.. and before he knows it, it had already became morning!! time really passes when u r just trauma dumping to urself.
remember when i said he was kinda dumb? yeah, uh, he is Not with mythology. bro is a total nerd on it cause one day he delved to deep into the internet, leaving the laptop happier then the average person would after going deep into the web of safari or google. warning for all: dont ask him anything mythology related, dont speak about anything mythology related.. yeah. yk. if u do, u have just set off a yapping man who wont stop for a good while. leaves when he gets hungry (which isnt often), so i advise u to sit tight and try not to fall asleep cause he will shake u awake with a side eye afterwards before continuing his rambling.
bro is mean if he doesnt get his way and will throw a tantrum. not a pretty tantrum will be thrown!!!
actually likes the tea parties sally does. usually only the girls like it, but he genuinely enjoys dressing up and all the socialization he can get into (certified yapperton citizen). like yeah, its childish, but he loves sally, so it flies right past his head as smth weird.
absolute loser☠️ little crybaby most likely over the dumbest stuff. definitely cried over his ice cream dropping to the floor (as if he was a little kid). grown man or not, he has the mindset of a angsty teen. atleast the mental age of a 16-17 year old who is kinda immature😭🙏
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— i do not allow my work to be translated, stolen, or anything similar. everything i write is made by me and only me unless i say differently on that post. credits to zxombii on tumblr. i have no side blogs.
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mewsmagic · 5 months
Alright I did say I’d bring my infodumps and fantheying here to tumblr instead so lemme actually do this for once!!
Spoiler warning for Alrecchino’s animated short!
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If you haven’t watched it yet, here’s the link!
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Alright first things first! It looks like Clervie and Bulle Fruit girl were Alrecchino’s closest friends/sisters, which’s just so cute 🥺
From the visual storytelling and just how we saw Arle and Clervie together much more often than with Bulle Fruit girl, it also appears like Clervie was much much closer to Arlecchino, which’s so interesting!!
I love how Arlecchino is all about blacks, whites and occasional reds, she was always quiet and doing her own thing, and SHE HAD ACTUAL SHORT HAIR UNTIL RECENTLY ACTUALLY!!!! Gnc nation won!!!!
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Anyway ahemmm LOL and Clervie was the opposite. A pink, outgoing girl, full of life and wonder for the world she lives in. Also, she was “girly” and wears dresses, while Arlecchino doesn’t seem fond of them (like me omggg)
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Like, they’re literally opposites in everything, yet they were so close and so important to each other. Thinking about what comes next hurts my heart like nothing else just because of this.
Another thing I wanna bring up before we move on is: in this part, we learn that Arle’s deal with the black hand is indeed some kind of curse. And that’s probably why she was able to tell Furina’s also cursed, she had experience with one since birth after all
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I LOVE THAT THEY HAD THEIR OWN PLUSHIES MADE IN THEIR IMAGE!!!! Arlecchino’s plushie is so cute!!! I wonder if she kept Clervie’s after all these years 🥺
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In this part we also learn that their “mother” usually “argues” with her daughters, and for some reason Clervie has quite some injuries. From this, it’s not hard to assume she’s literally beating them up, which’s nasty.
A full grown woman beating up literal kids who cannot defend themselves? As a survivor of parental abuse, I felt this so hard, and I hate that hag so fucking much already.
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This part I didn’t get at first, probably bc I didn’t pay attention to the beginning; when I watched it again, I caught it however. Their “mother” not only physically abused them but also made them battle each other to death.
Resulting in Arlecchino being the very one that killed Clervie, and potentially Bulle Fruit girl too.
Naturally, she was full of rage. I would be too, if I were in her shoes.
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And that’s why I love her battle against “mother”. I didn’t take many screenshots because it’s a fast moving scene, but “mother”’s dialogue seems to hint that she’s the kind of mother that pretends to be caring and gentle but is actually cruel and ruthless in her actions. Which’s tbh the worst kind of mother probably.
Another detail that caught my eye was that Arlecchino was no match for her without her curse. But as soon as she released and embraced her curse, she not only defeated her “mother”, she blew up the entire building. Which’s epic as hell and I love that for her LOL
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I find it interesting that Arlecchino was actually pretty close to becoming a criminal because of killing “mother”. Which’s so tragic when you think that she had already killed Fatui members before (Clervie and Bulle Fruit girl), but they weren’t ranked enough for it to be a big deal, like their deaths didn’t mean anything. But to Arlecchino they did… Aaaaanywayyyy.
For some reason I thought the Arlecchino title succession was much more automatic, like 1. Kill your parent 2. You’re now king. I think it’s because I’ve seen this in other shows before, but here she was taken to Snezhnaya to be judged by the Tsaritsa herself.
Luckily, the Tsaritsa not only pardoned her crimes but also promoted her to Arlecchino. Also I gotta say, her words… “My poor, mad, cursed Knave” hit me so hard. The Tsaritsa does seem to not be that cold and to empathize with her. Based of her tbh.
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And at the end, we see a seemingly orphan child. At first I thought this was Freminet, but he has a more yellowish tone of eye color, so maybe this is a random kid?
Anyway, the thing that matters here is that Arlecchino says that she’ll be his strict and unfeeling “father”, which immediately stood out to me against her “mother”’s “kind and caring” approach.
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Looks like she decided to be a “strict and unfeeling father” to not become like her own “mother”. This is so real of her tbh. I already knew the previous Knave was nasty, but with this animation it really hit home to me, as a survivor too.
I wanna pull her even more now LOL may all Arlecchino wanters become Arlecchino havers!!!!! I’m so excited!!!!
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white-poppie · 2 years
ST✩RBOY: random hxh hcs
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Now playing- STARBOY by The weekend ft. Killua, Kurapika, Chrollo, Illumi Tw: dissociation
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💿 Kurapika
The most perfect man there is to exist!!?!!
So I know Kurapika had to almost grow up by himself, so I think he can handle household chores very well.
I would like to think that he somehow discovers baking. I just know he would be good at it <3
I just know he has super pretty cursive handwriting -sighs dreamily-
If you hug him, I know he would be so hesitant, but would slowly nuzzle deeper. If you were close to him and finally hug him, he would literally try his best to hold back tears (Please tell him, it's okay to cry!)
He smells so good omfg. I can't decide between Vanilla or some earthy smell, either way, it's so comforting yet at the same time it's like *eyes roll to the back of head*
You can read this for more scent hcs: Serenade my Senses
Call him pretty boy and he would be so shocked the first time, but as he gets used to it, he gives coy smile <33
I like the think it takes him a long time to get comfortable, but when he does it's so soft that it feels like breathing air. He is so touch-starved tho, so I can imagine him getting clingy after a while. (same bro same)
He is the knuckle and neck kisses type of dude *cue the flusters*
He hates Andrew Tate and his fans like he would go spit on them if could, this guy has the most healthy masculinity in all of anime and I love him for that.
Doesn't really understand the concept of memes tbh, he needs some explaining but he will laugh a little when you send them, he will once in a blue moon send memes but only the cat ones.
(realises how much I wrote for him while about to write more. This man has me on a chokehold frfr)
💿 Killua
He has trans-supporting t-shirts for him and Alluka. They are all matching.
Takes Alluka to pride parades! He has them sat on his shoulder the entire time too!!
Cant comfort a person even if his life depends on it. If you are crying he is just there like 🧍, awkwardly offering you some chocolate robots tho.
He just can't sit without moving every second! Literally a cat 😒
Older! Killua around 16-17 is a massive flirt! He is so quick to pull out reactions from anyone and takes a sick pleasure in it too??
Calls himself 'The Rizz lord' unironically.
His top Spotify artists would be Chase Atlantic, Mother-mother, The Scotts, Nirvana, Mitski and the Arctic Monkeys. Basically really an alt-rock/indie thing going on (us bro.)
💿 Chrollo
Mansplain, Manslaughter, Manwhore, Manipulate, Malewife ™️
Reads macabre literature like Crime and Punishment, No longer human, if we were villains, the secret history etc.
Tbh I feel like unlike how the fandom portrays him, he is a rather normal dude.
Gothic Academia ultra pro max.
Did the Soldier/Poet/King test, wanted 'king' but got 'poet'
Doesn't have pets because he thinks he can not take care of them
He loves animals tho, idk he seems the birds type of guy.
He likes the 'ominous' kind of birds more; like Ravens, Crows, Vultures and eagles.
Listens to Lana Del Ray and Maneskin, no questions asked.
Is scared of diving into conspiracy theories because he knows he would get sucked into the black hole because he is very interested in morbid things.
He is a DC fan, especially Gothan chronicles. (is that what it's called? Yk the things related to Gotham: joker, poison ivy, harlequin etc.)
Tried journalling once, failed terribly, and stopped after a week.
💿 Illumi
Oh wow, he is a difficult one to write about, but you guys love him, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I hate to say this, but I think he frequently dissociates, usually for very short periods of time, he doesn't even know it tbh, just thinks he is out of the element.
He is subconsciously under a lot of stress so his mind tries to flee from it by dissociating.
I wrote a little more about this here: Stuck in a vicious cycle
I think he likes potted plants, especially succulents. He is patient so I can see him take care of even the very difficult ones.
If he is going on a mission, he would go to his mother (because he cannot trust his siblings and father in this matter) like 'take care of my child.'
She actually manages to keep it alive somehow??
I think he knows how to do origami (he saw a child making a paper crane once and got curious.)
Illumi genuinely doesn't know how to care for his hair, he just follows whatever his mom tells him to do, so thank Kikuyo for those luscious tresses.
He has a hyper-fixation on mushrooms (not the psychedelic kind you weirdo). He knows the names of a lot of mushrooms.
Just imagine him and Hisoka taking walk and he randomly spots a mushroom and mumbles to himself 'Coprinus comatus'
and Hisoka is like:
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(yes it's a bad meme, but it's the effort that counts)
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🏷 Tags: @denkis111, @jazzylove, @lordmypantsaresocool, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @kristaline2dmensimp,@rintaroubby @nanaseishiro @innerpurple, @cleaningfairylevi, @webawee
⤷‧₊˚ Hunter x Hunter (ハンタ x ハンタ)
🥀 BYI/DNI ♡⌇ Request Rules 𓏸 🗝️ ₊﹒《 Join my Taglist •
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mooechi · 8 months
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..hey there y'all 😁
so it's been approx. a day since I found out exams have been moved to next week, and I may or may not have ended up dramatically sulking thus resulting in being inactive bcuz I prepared for nothing LMFAAOOOO
but then again, I couldn't find myself gathering the time to open tumblr at all tbh. this week's been a tough one, w all the bombarding of events and all
anyways, I fortunately had enough spare time today to add in a few drawings to make up for my loss (LOL) , and yes, that includes that lazy ass scrap above.
even though I'm most likely gonna be inactive for a little further while, I'd still like to thank my good ol' childhood bestie for taking me out of my whiny slacking shell even temporarily. that mfs definitely gonna reblog this again, so you'll know what I mean.
so first and foremost-- since I've gotten addicted to fbje all the more lately, I stumbled upon a very pretty artwork within the manga. it's official, and I wondered how it'd fare if I were to implement it in terms of demon slayer's gaiden artstyle.
here's how it turned out!
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it's not the best, I think I ended up making her look fierce..I honestly wanted to give it komorebi--dappled sunlight, if you will--but my brush ended up not being as compatible with the chosen style of gaiden so...yeah, I ditched that and went for this idea instead!
moreover, I was pleasantly surprised to see the amount of notifs I've missed. I'm so sorry that I've just seen it, but I'm glad that I now did..@muitsuri , WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO⁉️⁉️..I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ANTICS UVE DONE- FEEDING THE EVAKARI NATION⁉️⁉️ HELL YEA!!
I express my sincerest of gratitude's to all the appreciation too, thank you all so much! 💕
hence, I've done a lil smth...
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I'm never designing wooden walls again cuz wtf did I do
remember that one idea where they snuggle (smth like that) back then? YEPPP finally got the motivation to bring that to life..somewhat.
you see, this was supposed to be in manga style..so imagine the truck that hit me when my dumbass finally noticed that I've been using THE WRONG BRUSH THIS WHOLE TIME
ofc, ended up questioning my life choices at that point. but hey, since it was late alr and I unfortunately couldn't afford to go back anymore, I forced through it 💪
well, that'd be all for now! I'm gonna go get some rest now--though not b4 I catch up to the updates 😘
i am not entirely satisfied yet displeased with the end product of all this..
I used fbje as reference, both anime and manga.
still, please refrain from stealing. you can take inspo tho!
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
I legitimately could not stomach waking up and separating from this wild dream I had about this so…
These ocs have already been posted about before I just haven’t given them appearances and tbh I didn’t like Yan! Love Interest that much before but seeing as how HOT he is in my dreams I’m just like 🙇🏻‍♂️ my apologies have this post dedicated to you king
warnings: mentions of prostitution, classicism, elitism, aliens, mentions of seggs.
this post is for readers 16 and above, otherwise dni
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In this scenario we have YAN! LOVE INTEREST. He’s loved you since time immemorial. He has lost all sense of affection for the world and everything in it since he was trapped in this wicked cycle. That is, everything but you.
You held no memories of your past lives and thus changed quite a lot in the ones that followed but even then he fell hard each time.
The lives I remember from my dreams are as follows:
YAN ! LOVE INTEREST is head over heels for you. It’s been a few lives since he started remembering everything that happened before as such he’s still not as yan as he currently is.
This is set around “ancient japan” but like anime/genshin ancient japan cause he has pink hair and the prettiest ruby eyes I’m-
Anyways he’s arranged to marry his cousin who happens to be YAN! LOVE RIVAL. She’s also super pretty but unfortunately does not retain her memories like he does.
In my dreams he gets drunk, flirts with her and ends up biting her lips while he has her underneath him. YAN! LOVE RIVAL is just relieved he’s starting to move on from you but oop what does he whisper in her ears? Your name.
(Note: After this incident, YAN! LOVE INTEREST now never gets drunk without your or trusty YAN! SECOND LEAD presence around to anchor him. That and he doesn’t drink that often anymore since stalking you has become a much more uh- fulfilling vice)
Furious she goes over to your residence and you come from a new money sort of family which impressed her since she thought you’d be some pretty peasant or ‘hostess’ from a ditch somewhere.
And when she sees you she’s just like “God damn.” (for some reason her exchange with you went down in Korean in my dream-)
In that life you were a refined lady. Literally everything she idolized in YAN! LOVE INTEREST, but better. You carried yourself with such elegance and had a such an entrancing temperament that she immediate forgets what she was angry about. Also YAN! LOVE RIVAL is a bit of a face con so you bet she thought you were beautiful af.
You two end up fucking like animals that it alerts the entire noble world. Eventually leading to your execution.
From that life onward YAN! LOVE INTEREST swore to enact vengeance on all of YAN! LOVE RIVAL’s lives for your sake. Not knowing his family is the reason you died in the first place ( and. yan! love rival did her best to save you )
This life is set in highschool (ish) where you and YAN! LOVE INTEREST have recently broken up due to rumors of him cheating on you arising. At least that’s what you told him. The truth was that you learnt he was getting married to YAN! LOVE RIVAL and decided you weren’t going to be part of this drama like at all.
In this life you don’t interact much with the YANs because oh shit aliens have invaded and now you’re in a survival game.
Told ya this dream was wild.
Anyways this life follows the typical Infinite Flow/Quick Transmigration format and has you traveling different universes to accrue points and well, survive.
While you’re out here suffering, YAN! LOVE INTEREST just immediately gets an S-rank due to his reincarnations and memories. You learn to hug the golden thigh and got back with him solely for the sake of staying alive.
Once you got to the same ranking as him you dump him to get with SECOND LEAD.
You underestimated how petty this man could be so in a last ditch attempt to have you in the end, YAN! LOVE INTEREST turns back time with the help of YAN! LOVE RIVAL to make you pay.
Anyways to HEAD-CANNONS !
Each character could look vastly different in each life but have identifiers you can point out from em. YAN! LOVE INTEREST always has red eyes that glow when he has menacing plans. They’re also unlike my other yan! oc eve are hella blank. super flat, reminiscent of kafka’s eyes in the opening of HSR. Also he’s usually a short king.
YAN! LOVE RIVAL always has purple/pink eyes. Is usually femme and has wavy hair. In comparison to LOVE INTEREST’s eyes, hers are always sparkly and full of life.
YAN! SECOND LEAD has blue eyes reminiscent of the sky. Fashion icon. You’ll never see him in crappy drip.
You can also pretty much identify them from their personalities. YAN! LOVE INTEREST is super flirty, often hypersexual and horny. He’s the most sadistic bitch I’ve ever written. He yearns for blood as much as he yearns to fuck you.
YAN! LOVE RIVAL is prissy, entitled and deliciously cruel. Somehow is always rich in every life, whether it’s new, old or lucky money.
YAN! SECOND LEAD is a clean freak. He usually either hates you at first or is indifferent. There’s actually a life where YAN! LOVE INTEREST confused him for you, and this led to YAN! LOVE INTEREST literally selling you to prostitution. SECOND LEAD saved your ass and you end up living happily together for the rest of that life as LOVE INTEREST was too busy dying out of guilt.
YAN! SECOND LEAD’s danger as a yandere mostly stems from how subtle it is. Manipulation king. Sometimes he doesn’t even know it, but he’s already making you hate the other two and come to him for comfort.
Have I mentioned how cute YAN! LOVE INTEREST is? He genuinely loves you to the moon and beyond, but because of the reincarnations he’d slowly gone insane. Your early lives together were diabetes inducingly cute. Mostly of him shirking his responsibility to be with you. If this post goes well I’m definitely drawing these three god im horknee for this man.
But for some reason despite literally having lives of experience fucking you (and him) as every gender/sex somehow YAN! LOVE RIVAL is the most physically compatible with you.
Honestly, if these three set aside their differences they’d make a great poly relationship with you. Unfortunately they hate each other too much for that to happen 😭
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kitramune · 3 months
Popping by seeking your thoughts about Chapter 176: Kagome’s Heart, this specifically:
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As we know, it’s a major turning point in the story. Kagome asks to stay by Inuyasha’s side, rather than leave him, the feudal era, and the jewel shard mission behind.
Now this is pure speculation, but I like to speculate. What if Kagome had left? Certainly, that’s an entirely different story, but I’m curious what you think may have happened in this scenario.
Some particular questions I have are:
Would Inuyasha have teamed up with Kikyo to try to collect shards and defeat Naraku?
Kagome was the glue that brought the Inugang together. In her absence at /this/ point of the story (the 3 year separation is different), would they have parted? As in, would Miroku, Sango, and Shippo parted ways with Inuyasha if he teamed up with Kikyo (I don’t see her being a fan of traveling with the inugang)? If so, do they fight Naraku in their smaller group, do they survive, etc.
Would Naraku/ the jewel still have been defeated?
Even *if* InuKik defeated Naraku/ the jewel (I don’t think they would have), how does the story end? Kikyo isn’t alive so she.. dies? Achieves nirvana and Inuyasha just.. grieves the rest of his life or joins her in death? I don’t see a happy ending ☹️
Just seeking civil discussion as always not trying to light any fires xD
Oh man, this is a sad one, let me strap in with a depressing yearning/pining playlist. First off, I think this arc shows a LOT of things about both Inuyasha and Kagome's character, good and bad. Mostly good, but perhaps in bad context. Or at least very sad context. I mean we got Inuyasha going from this:
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... to this:
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(I know this isn't the same arc but bear with me, the character development is there and he has a similar change of heart here, for her emotional wellbeing, not just physical.) The important thing to note is Kikyou wanted to die at this point, and still to take Inuyasha with her.
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And Inuyasha's response was this:
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So even if it's born out of extreme guilt and trauma, I find it unlikely they would have fought Naraku at all. Kikyou talks a big game, but first chance she gets she is always trying to call Inuyasha to her side strictly to die, never for his help. (At this point.) Inuyasha more than likely would have been coerced to Hell even against his better judgement. Shippou was willing to leave the group once already without Kagome (after the Sess fight, he only came back cuz of the wolves chasing him) and Miroku is used to being a loner vagabond. Who knows what would happen to Shippou but Miroku and Sango would have likely drifted apart, encountered Naraku, and perished, even if they were together tbh. (Let's face it, Sango's pretty helpless against the Kohaku card.) Even Kagome would have been miserable having her tie to Inuyasha go unfulfilled and always regretting not knowing if everyone was still alive and safe or if she left them to their doom. So with that being said, as much as I love this scene as a pure example of her devotion to Inuyasha, there realistically WAS some pressure on her decision. I think she fully knew Kikyou intended to kill Inuyasha and that he couldn't say no because of his vulnerabilities and perceived superior love for her. (That hurts me to say but it's Kagome's POV.) That's why she had the lines about wanting him to feel like he's allowed to be happy and she wants that for him. She feels that normally, yes, but even moreso in the wake of knowing he'll likely forfeit his life. (I think the anime even emphasized this by adding her saying "You have to know that I want you to live." SOMEONE had to show him they care enough or he'd be too far gone.) The beautiful part is that Kagome DID full-on save Inuyasha's life by making her choice. Because she's unsure if she'll be able to help him enough to keep him around forever, but he's shown an uncanny desire to LIVE for her. Which obviously he continues to show again and again, and is my favorite part of their relationship. An outcast so abused and conditioned to it that the first person to care about him tells him to die and he absolutely will. But that outcast learns he wants to live way more, through interacting with unconditional love. I've said it before but Kikyou to me was always a metaphor for Inuyasha's grief and succumbing to the pain, whereas Kagome was always symbolic for a desire to live and be happy again.
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ihatebrainstorm · 3 months
I blame you for my new hyperfixation on DC. I now know all of the Robin's (Grayson and Tim are my favs) and am obsessing over Superboy (Kon-El). Now I have to read not only the Transformers comics, but also find out where to even start with what I want from DC. (No, but seriously, love your au and can't wait for more.)
MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHA WELCOME TO MY HELL (i don’t know why im laughing im suffering the same fate ;v;) but hey we can all be on the same sinking ship together! (Can I steer the life raft?)
Thank you tho! I still have. so many things to draw for this au, except I’m super budged for time atm so they’re on my backburner in the meantime… Grayson and Timbo as fav robin choices tho is so real (love them all, Damian and Grayson are my favs but TNBA Timbo takes the cake)
Comic + more info about getting into the TF comics and DC vvv
With the comics, I will say that I’m pretty sure the TF ones are generally easier to get into? The 3 main storylines most commonly read are IDW1, IDW2, or Skybound/ the Energon Universe, which all have their own reading guides. IDW1 can be pretty damn long tho so I don’t blame you if you want to skip and only read the MTMTE or Wreckers runs :P
For DC it’s uh… ok so they retcon stuff constantly, reset timelines, have multiverse shenanigans, and so many different runs happening all at once?? You can try and follow big separate eras/timelines like Rebirth, The New 52, etc? But yeah honestly it’d be easier to find specific runs that have your favourite characters/characterizations of those characters, and read those instead ;v; (I think Tim and Kon are pretty centric in the Young Justice comics? Never read it, so could be wrong- Grayson and Kon are very centric in the YJ animated show tho!) Or alternatively, there are non-mainline DC canon comics that are their own little contained stories/universes! They may only be one book or are shorter runs, so they’re much easier to get into.
[Non-main timeline DC Batman-centric comic runs I highly recommend: Batman: White Knight -> Murphyverse, The Boy Wonder (2024), Gotham Adventures -> DC Animated Universe tie-in (DCAU), Batman Adventures v2 -> DCAU tie-in, L’il Gotham]
Tbh I kinda grew up with the animated shows, movies, and games more? (Did a thing where I tried to watch every single Batman animated show lmao.. didn’t succeed) Most are their own separate timelines tho (minus the DCAU and DCAMU) so they’re pretty easy to follow!
[A couple I highly recommend: Batman the Animated Series & The New Batman Adventures (BTAS/TNBA, starting point to the entire DCAU), Young Justice!!!!, Teen Titans, the mainline Arkhamverse games, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (JL/JLU, DCAU timeline), the Under the Red Hood Movie, Justice League Action (JLA), Batman the Brave and Bold, and uh… a couple of the DC Animated Movies Universe (DCAMU) movies were pretty good imo? (Also heard the new Superman show is really good? Haven’t seen it just yet tho :’)]
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phantasmiafxndom · 5 months
Out of all the animes you’ve watch what ones are your favorites
...you know what, you get the serious answer. I used to track my anime watching, so out of the 450+ completed ones on my list, here are some of my top recommendations! (In terms of quality, more so than what I've spent the most time dwelling on.)
. . .
One Piece — I haven't technically watched all of this one, but after falling back into the fandom after an 8-ish year break, I really can't understate the quality. One Piece's story is amazing, and I'm consistently impressed by the author's characters/worldbuilding.
Dominion Tank Police (1988) — I have FEELINGS about the villain in this one... Overall, 80s sci-fi vibes mix with themes of ethical responsibility and societal peacekeeping, and the "don't you just want to go apeshit? :)" protagonist (who's also extremely aromantic-coded) is a hilarious, yet wonderfully earnest little menace!
Kyousougiga — I've been rewatching this one recently, and the sheer detail in every scene is STUNNING. I keep having to pause to mentally scream about the symbolism, and tbh, knowing the plot from my original watch is only improving the experience.
Tekkon Kinkreet — This one's a movie, not a series, but SKLJKHS IT HAUNTS ME. Absolutely chilling, by the time the big plot twists roll around... Beyond that, the overall aesthetic/vibe is impeccable, and the exaggerated, messy art style only adds to that.
Kemonozume — Monster/human forbidden romance with stunning art and a great soundtrack. The plot started out a bit confusing, but all of the scattered story elements came together nicely in the end!
The Tatami Galaxy — The "get your shit together and start enjoying your life" anime. It's plenty good as just a story, but I got some excellent life lessons out of it too. Solid mix of comedy, drama, and charismatic-yet-extremely-bizarre characters interacting.
Monster — Excellent slow-paced, psychological horror packed with ethical dilemmas, traumatic backstories, and so many Extremely Depressed Men. In other words, there's a very good reason why Johan Liebert used to end up on so many "best anime villains" lists.
Paranoia Agent — I have nothing but praise for Satoshi Kon's work, in general, and Paranoia Agent has been my favorite of the ones I've seen so far. Compared to his movies, it really benefits from the extra space for plot development, and the big emotional twist hits hard.
Revolutionary Girl Utena — A true classic. <3 There are enough tumblr essays about this tragic yuri masterpiece that I won't go into detail myself, but yes, it's every bit as good as you've heard.
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail — The entire Black Lagoon series is excellent, but Roberta is my special girl. Unfortunately, the OAV adaption compresses the manga's version of her arc pretty heavily (and the altered ending is kind of dumb), but I still have to recommend it. Babygirl's breakdown is a REAL mess kjshghs
Claymore — Excellent pseudo-medieval fantasy with badass female characters, lots of body horror, and top-tier monster design. The manga is MUCH better than the anime after a certain point, however.
Kuuchuu Buranko — An episodic series about an eccentric psychiatrist interacting with his troubled patients. The mixed-media animation style and bizarre characters are what sold it for me, along with the exploration of mental health through storytelling tropes.
Cannon Fodder — An artistic short movie that's twenty minutes of aesthetic experience and fascinating worldbuilding implications. I love the vibe, and the "one, long horizontal frame" style is neat.
Flowers of Evil — The art style. The VIBES. The whole thing is incredibly eerie and off-putting, with a plot that's pretty much: "congrats! two shitty teenagers are tearing each other's lives apart!".
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
As the resident pet play expert, is there any big difference between puppy play and kitten play? (I guess it would be called that?) As in, your sub is a kitten instead of a puppy? And do you think Ghost would be interested in having both a puppy and a kitten? I think Johnny would enjoy feeling like a big dog playing rough with a Kitten!Reader
ok wait as funny as it is to call me the resident pet play expert, i do want to make it clear that 90% of my writing is really not a good introduction to kink lmao. pretty much nothing i write is consensual, which automatically makes it unhealthy kink. pls god set boundaries and safewords when fucking around with pet play in real life, i am begging you :')
anyways! oh man i am so glad you asked because there is a reason i prefer puppy play to kitten play, but it is entirely based on my own personal preference and perception of those kinks lmao
so at their base, puppy play and kitten play are essentially the same. they both fall into pet play and that idea of being treated like an animal. that inherently has some degradation (since the person is literally less than human), but to me it's very different types of degradation
for me, i prefer puppy play because it feels inherently more degrading in general, and i prefer that as a kink. a puppy is sweet, sure, but a puppy is something that has to be trained, that's often too energetic to be trained easily (lending itself to words like silly and stupid). a puppy is overeager and desperate to please and impress, a puppy is something that needs to be guided with a stern hand and shown who's in charge
kitten play always feels softer, more affectionate to me. a kitten is cute, something to be cradled in your palm, something soft and sweet. maybe they've got claws or small sharp teeth, but overall they're mostly harmless and something to be doted on, and any attempt at an attack is a joke. to me, kitten play lends itself more to praise and pillow princess. works great for some characters, but it's just not something i personally prefer to write!
anyways i've written both with ghoap x reader (in asks at least), but i personally prefer puppy play so i tend to lean away from kitten play. i will say - i'm not sure ghost would lean into pet play without soap there. as much as i can see him loving to dote on something sweet, i think he would need the roughness of puppy play to balance out all that softness
i'm mixed on whether or not johnny would like to have a kitten!reader. in my writing (aka noncon stuff)? sure! because he can ignore that she doesn't like the rougher play, doesn't like having a pup on top of her :/ but i think he'd have a harder time calming himself down in a consensual world lol
however, if you'd like to read some johnny x reader petplay: @/bunnyreaper's fic collars and cages is a great read that i've loved! i really love her characterization of johnny and tbh im super jealous of her grasp on him as a character :,)
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tryingtimi · 7 months
Books of 2024 (2023 or close to it)
Thank you for the tag @barbex it sounds like a fun one hehe. 9 books should be listed that were read in the last 12 months (or alternatively liked when you read it) if I'm right. And when I read the rules I had the same reaction: mind went blank on if I ever read a single book lol. Luckily I keep track of my reading because I like watching them back.
No pressure tagging: @aninkwellofnectar, @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @the-void-writes, @circa-specturgia, @aalinaaaaaa, @dyrewrites, @italiangothicwriteblr, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @blind-the-winds and anyone who wants to join.
All of the listed were read last year and which I liked especially.
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When The Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew (@aninkwellofnectar). Bi MC, gaslamp fantasy, gothic, court intrigue, delicious spice
You've already seen this many times on my page, because I really enjoyed this book and it was a window to many things I didn't know I'd enjoy in a story. So many beautiful description, beautifully emotional and sexy sex, rarely seen complex character dynamics and so much mouth watering food.
Éjféli Iskolák (Midnight Schools) by Attila Veres. lovecraftian horror set in Budapest
It's a horror short story collection by a hungarian author who I got recommended by a collegue. Attila Veres has a talent to capture that melancholic, sometimes surrelistic feeling living in Budapest which makes his work so authentic. But also very Big Ew for all the horroristic shit he created (in the best way.) My favourite one was the 'Porn After Midnight'.
Yumi and The Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanders. M/F romance focus, sci-fi/fantasy, anime-esque
You all know I'm a Sanderson trash. And the fact I, the slowest reader on the earth, read this book in two days, proved that very much lol. It felt like watching an anime, I swear to god. There's magic, time travel kinda thing, pretty innocent humour, loads of painting in it.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickenes. christmas nostalgia, historical fiction?
We all know this, but I'm very behind on classics book-wise so I began to catch up last year. Espceially because I love the animated movie so much. It was a lovely and educative read.
Y/N by Esther Yi. litfic, kpop fandom and industry satire basically, comteporary
It was one of my favourites from last year tbh, because I couldn't put down the damn e-reader. A very strange little read, 100% unhinged, but made me realise I might enjoy litfic, so I'll read more this year. Also, the story is not "summarizable" but the fact that this is the first two review on GoodReads tells a lot I think: reading this feels like that one night when i accidentally smoked weed for the first time I sort of feel like I just hallucinated this entire thing Yeah.
Even Though I Knew The End by C. L. Polk. F/F romance, fantasy, novella
Lesbian magical detective. Done, sold. I wanted to read this a while now, and it did not disappoint. It gave exactly what it promised. Fast paced little adventure with some humour and a lovely couple. Not a life-chaning read but as I mentioned, it gave what it promised. I enjoyed it anyway.
Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice. M/M romance kinda, supernatural, philosophical
Finally started to read the books my all time favourite movies are made of. Loved every bits of this, though sometimes it got way too wordy or I don't even know what. Overall though, it got me. Full of contemplation about human nature, God (though I could do a bit less without that) and death, plus the iconic vampire husbands and their arguments. It's just a real long broody monologue of Louis tbh. I'm fine with that it seems, though.
Legend & Lattes by Travis Baldree. F/F romance (not focus), cosy fantasy
Read pretty fast too. It's very much what it promises also. Cosy, and relaxing, and endearing. Love the concept of how a stoic warrior woman can settle finally and do something other than fighting. It was cute.
Tress of The Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson. M/F romance (not that important i think), cosy fantasy, Princess Bride-vibes
Yes, I got all the secret project, because of course I would. This one was also something like Legends & Lattes imo. In Sanderson style tho. I'm also loving when the narrator is a third person telling the story. Those are always fun. Oh and the story had many cuteness, humour and Our Flag Means Death kinda pirates.
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