#anon over here reviving the fandom
sea-jello · 1 year
I’ve been curious about everyone’s favorite bmc songs.
So! Rant to me about your favorite bmc song >:)
first up is ALWAYS gtikbi idc it's a FUN SONG it's bouncy and happy it’s cringe it’s campy it’s the basic romance song for the female lead and i love it and i love christine and i love stephanie hsu she sounds amazing and the jake twist at the end the first time i heard it I was like 😦
i’m going off of the music but if we talk about the visuals then the HEARTS the cardboard hearts are so fun they’re so high school theater esque and the rest of the cast popping in and dancing and singing the way they randomly stick their head in kinda makes me feel like they were eavesdropping or something tbh and the way the squip was so sure of himself in bway he was literally smiling and conducting them hello
a strong STRONG contender is mts we’re introduced to everybody and it gives a good look into everyone’s character and a good look into JEREMY specifically and how he interacts with everyone and how life is for him and for everyone there’s michaels little solo which is a BOP every time everyone sounds so good and there are a bunch of underlaying motifs/melodies from other coming songs which is so cool for example smartphone hour when they’re talking about madeline and mitb + pants song during michael and jeremy’s convo
and VISUALS the bus effect and the classroom choreo is so funny every time and all their little mannerisms and the way they interact with each other throughout show their personality there are SO MANY DETAILS i think i lowkey learned the end bit of the bway choreo from watching it so much
i can go on about more songs but i think these are top two anyways thank you for the ask anon!! i bet a lot of people had a lot of fun answering them
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
Here's a fun little Project Sekai fact! Almost all of your faves have appropriated other cultures as costumes and some have even done blackface. If you're supporting this game and refusing to make a meaningful statement about it beyond "b-b-but i said it was bad! 🥺", you are fucking racist.
You're either anti-racist, or you're a pro-seka blog. Choose one. You can't be both.
Basically everything is problematic and actually I have criticised the cultural appropriation and racism present in the game multiple times, at no point have I refused to acknowledge it (and you’re not the first person to send an anon in). You can play the game and be anti-racist actually it’s called being critical of the media you consume and having social awareness, we’ve been over this. Everything is problematic you probably like problematic media too.
Yeah the game did revival my dream and that was fucking racist, the costumes are stereotypical and they didn’t research into any specifc native culture they just wanted to make something that would get them money. it’s not princess mononoke put the trained costumes next to each other, the trained costumes are heavily stylised to look "pretty and fashionable" and forego accuracy. I’m aware of that, I’ve said this before multiple times but you wouldn’t know that because you just randomly came here to send me this message.
Then there's also the kamikou sports fes set. Luka's qipao is very obviously altered for the sake of fanservice which is just so wrong, do not sexualise other cultures for money. Rui's I think is meant to be some sort of military hanfu? But quite stylised, which again for someone outside the original culture to stylise a traditional outfit just is a no-go because you will probably get things wrong. Mizuki's outfit seems to be based on Qi-lolita and there's a whole thing surrounding that about whether you should wear it if you aren't chinese.
and then there's the island panic cards which are both orientalist. yes, not just the boys, the girls too. the outfits aren't based on any specific culture and just mishmash different swana and south asian cultures and stereotypes together to make something that looks "exotic".
If you notice a recurring thing is that all of these are in some way wxs related, and wonder why that is, it’s because they’re the theatre unit. They wear costumes, these are just cultures being appropriated as stage outfits, because the devs don’t care they just want a quick bit of money.
all of these are horribly common in idol games and gacha games, not just project sekai, and it's important to recognise the problems rather than just blindly consuming it. If it makes money, devs will continue to include ca, recognise that.
and yeah puchiseka episode 6 happened at no point have i ever denied that. it should have never happened but it did and at the very least the fandom was able to rally together and get sega to take it down. even after they did that sega and clpl should still be held accountable for even letting it be released. while they didn't make the episode, that was entirely handled by an external company (who should also be held accountable for their actions - we're never getting a second season for a reason), sega still released it knowing full well the contents. it wasn't ganguro like people said it was extremely clearly based on a very racist and crude interpretation of african tribes, and for part of a joke no less. It was disgusting. And it’s not ganguro like how people defend it; ganguro is part of the gyaru subculture and the outfits in that episode were not that. there is no defence for what happened. at the very least, it was impressive that the fandom called out the episode and actually got staff to listen and learn. that doesn't happen in other games, and we managed to do it again with rmd. the fanbase is calling the game out and actually educating staff. It’s just critical consumption - fans of the media were able to recognise that the episode was racist and correctly called out management with enough of a voice to make staff correct their mistakes. They apologised, it’s not my apology to accept, and I still hold them accountable for the fact it even happened.
This probably all makes me sound like a white saviour, and I don’t want to speak over the people affected by this, but that’s what you wanted, isn’t it? You probably have me blocked already and never followed me in the first place, but if you really wanted to call out racism, then maybe you should’ve sent this to blogs that do turn a blind eye to the flaws in this game, not one that calls them out. Why just me? Was it because of the username, because you’re not the first person to make that quip. I know you won’t see this anon, but a word of advice. Most media is problematic one way or another, you can enjoy something but still be aware of and acknowledge its problems. Project sekai is not made with the intent of encouraging or funding harmful behaviour, yet it still includes some harmful content. Call it out, educate staff and tell them not to do it again, they listened once they can do it again.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 5 months
(Cont'd from here)
Anon asked:
5. Is a possible interpretation of the ending that Louis&Lestat are working together again? Lestat said he could go out again if he had Louis but Louis said he had to go. Lestat then somehow ends up going after the guy that Louis was just talking to? Obvi not a coincidence so maybe he's just following Louis…but what if he's doing what he said? He's going out again bc he has Louis. Louis set up Malloy; or at least did so only after his reaction to his story? Maybe a stupid theory lol. ^2/3 anyway, sorry to come at you with all these questions, I just can't find answers anywhere else. Loved the movie and would just like to understand it better. I also think Louis&Lestat could be working together again because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive, which is all Lestat ever really wanted him to be, is there any real reason they can't be in eachother's lives anymore? Thank you so much for any time you can give me and my questions lol! ^3/3
No worries, these are interesting questions!
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I mean, that's an interesting thought, that Louis set Daniel up for Lestat to feed on... 👀 Could be true, but based on the script and the books, and the fact that Louis never hunted with Claudia... (Louis does hunt with Lestat or other vampires on occasion later in canon) but I don't think Louis would send an innocent victim out for Lestat to kill*.
I think in the movie version of the story, my interpretation was that:
Lestat had been following Louis for a while.
When Louis and Daniel went indoors, Lestat crawled into the open backseat of Daniel's car, conveniently parked nearby. This way, he could listen to them talk (the window was open!) and it put Lestat in place for acquiring the tapes of the interview afterward (and the car! And some human blood!).
In the movie's timeline, Louis had visited Lestat in NOLA (we don't know when, but based on Louis's clothing, it looks like late '80's or early '90's) and then left him there...
We don't know how much time passed until he met with Daniel, San Francisco looks like the late '80's or early '90's, too.
So maybe Lestat went to great effort to track Louis down to San Francisco and followed him, still wounded but desperate to reconnect with Louis when he had revived with more strength.
I also think Louis&Lestat could be working together again because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive,
Yes, Louis seemed to get over his issues with killing ppl when Claudia entered the picture, she never saw him eating rats.
Maybe he wanted to set a good example for her, or maybe he just finally agreed, having tried to kill her, that human blood is more nutritious for vampires... we don't know! Lestat makes some snip at Louis about eating rats in front of Claudia and he tells her it was a long time ago, before she was born, and "I don't recommend them," with this little slurp to amuse her:
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because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive, which is all Lestat ever really wanted him to be, is there any real reason they can't be in eachother's lives anymore?
But no, Louis & Lestat aren't clearly back together again at the end of the '94 movie, but at least Lestat is mostly revived by the very end, there's hope that he's going to be his old vibrant self in a new age, and maybe even turn Daniel! I don't know what the plan was for the next movie, but there was a sequel planned for a long time, the movie rights eventually expired. The more book-focused fans might say that Louis enjoys his space and doesn't need a constant lover, and that Lestat is somewhat of a manwhore who struggles with monogamy (maybe partly BECAUSE he can't get Louis to commit to him, so he goes out looking for love surrogates), but he always pines for Louis. Now matter how hard you ship Louis and Lestat you will never ship Louis and Lestat as hard as Lestat does. [X][X @high-fructose-lesbianism]
The more book-focused fans in VC fandom generally agree that Louis gave the interview in order to get his story out, and if Lestat was still alive, it could provoke him enough to come out of hiding** bc maybe Louis still has feelings for Lestat, but killing people was not the only reason they couldn't be in each other's lives. Louis suffered in the dynamic they were in during the 65 years together in IWTV. There's been a lot of writing on it over the years but most book-focused fans agree there was some level of abuse from Lestat to Louis (and Claudia), whether emotional, verbal, and/or physical. Lestat threatened them both with harm at different times, and he had been very secretive, which created frustration for Louis and Claudia about their nature as vampires, and even if Lestat did all this out of fear for their safety, or worry that they might leave him, or any other reasons, it was still Not Great, not something Louis would want to throw himself back into so easily!
If you read the books, Louis/Lestat has a tension as a ship that continues throughout, and Anne Rice basically tried to have them finally together in the last book. She had teased us about a L/L wedding over the years, and that never went through in canon. 😭💗
**And in the Vampire Lestat, Lestat does rise and he wants to join a rock band, when he tells them his name, they thought it was marvelous that he was pretending to be the vampire Lestat:
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*In canon, Louis kills random people, so that he's not responsible for judging them as deserving of death, even murderers can serve their time and return to society! If Louis gets to know a victim at all, he has too much empathy for them to kill them. However, canonically and in the '94 movie, Lestat kills evildoers, it stems from him saving his village from wolves when he was alive, when he was praised for protecting the villagers and the livestock from those terrorizing wolves. It justifies his need as a vampire to kill, while also making him a kind of hero bc he's protecting the innocent ppl from the evildoers.
Killing evildoers takes more effort in some ways, bc Lestat has to read their minds first or see them be criminals in order to be sure they're really evil, but he enjoys it! Sometimes he spends weeks, months, years pursuing a victim.
Anyway, since Daniel's not shown in the '94 movie or canon to be an evildoer, I don't think Louis would feed him to Lestat.
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Finally found someone else who doesn't care for Lucy (or at least not her characterization/blandness) thank god
Honestly didn't know where to put this before but I'll put it here because of that but idea where (completly unlike canon, opposite even) where Lucy was on-board with rage/rage takeover and just as off-the-rocker as kipperlilly and chose to die because it would light more rage in the rest of them. I don't know. I'll take anything other than her current innocent lamb does-nothing-wrong portrayl
But thank you thank you for being the one person I've seen so far who gets that and doesn't care for it
anon speak and live your truth!! it can be hard when youre in a fandom and the Dominant Understanding of something is so far removed from your own thoughts.
as for myself, like... i like what a lot of fanworks have done with lucy! i like the version of lucy that i have in my head!
but in canon? she's so nothing. ive said it before and i'll say it again (i got a shoutout on twitter for saying this, actually, which was very nice and fun to see): lucy is sooo dead wife montage coded.
honestly like. she had a really strong potential. the idea of her being nice but not happy? that's such a succinct characterization! (one that most of the fandom seems to.,... forget about...?) like. she has potential.
but the players made her into this flawless concept, without ever really... thinking about her as a person? idk. it was very icky. i will never stop being mad about "for lucy". and then in the finale she just is soft. where is that not happy but nice energy? she should be so deeply weird and warped. she should be upset that her best friends were taken over by her goddesses sister and killed her, and that some of them were revived and some of them werent, and that everybody seems to be totally fortgiving ankarna!! she should be cold and frosty...!
your concept is really fun - it definitely contradicts, canon, but here on ratgrumblr/grundlr/grimblr/etc etc, we love violating canon. we do it well and extremely often. and the idea of her choosing herself as a sacrifical lamb is soo fun.
it also ties into my seven birds au but thats for another post-
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Top 10 worst Bruce dad moments?
So here's the thing. I'm not actually like. That well versed in the comics yet? Again like. Only been here for about six months. But I'll do my best anyway
10. Firing Dick
9. Steph as Robin
Honestly everything about this is a mess. I've only read a few pages from this arc but Tim quitting being Robin was a really difficult decision and Bruce's response was to give the job to Tim's sort-of-ex girlfriend and then treat her like crap. I believe it's canonically cause she reminded him too much of Jason, but that might just be the fandom's reading of the subtext; either way, if the shoe fits...
8. Telling Damian if he was there, Alfred wouldn't have died
7. Robin!Tim in general
Listen intentional or not Tim is written as a character that has very much internalized needing to be useful being more important than anything else. His parents simply prioritize work over him point blank - his dad doesn't even remember his birthday, for God's sake - and Bruce simply like. Does not help with this. If anything he takes advantage of it. Tim needs to be loved unconditionally, like, STAT, like, that would fix 70% of his identity issues kinda STAT, and I'm not sure he's ever felt that with Bruce
6. Free space: any time he's hit one of his children that I don't know about
I once reblogged a post that detailed every time he hit Dick but that's long gone into the ether now, I can't find it. Anyway there's no excuse to hit your child. Don't fucking do it. They shouldn't hit you, either, doesn't make it ok for you to do if they've done it fyi. Batman can do non violent solutions, we know this, so fucking use those on your children.
5. Reviving the joker
I believe Dick isn't necessarily mad about not having murdered a man basically in cold blood, but I am. What the fuck, Bruce. You tried to kill him twice, you really wanna tell me you don't understand the urge and NEED to kill him??? And then you BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE??? Again. As I've said. What the FUCK
4. Killing Dick and sending him off to Spyral
Actually Dick shouldn't ever forgive Bruce for anything he's ever done to him ever. Have you seen the panels where they have this argument? His family GRIEVES him and for what!!!! For WHAT
(I understand Grayson itself is actually great I wouldn't know I haven't read it. Doesn't make what Bruce did okay tho. I'm also not sure I trust the positive reviews it's written by Tim Seeley and Tom King like......)
3. RHatO Rebirth #25
Penguin didn't fucking die. He didn't get shot in the face with a real bullet. You don't beat your son half to death to the point where he needs to be RESCUED from you - actually no need to qualify that sentence with the intended "over something that didn't actually happen", you simply don't beat your son half to death, should be a no brainer and YET
2. UTRH end scene
Heartbreaking. We all know at this point. Batarang to the throat. Chooses the Joker over Jason. It's enough to make a fully grown (25 next month) man (eh) cry (I mean. Yeah)
See here for the ask where I talked about this (and which is presumably the ask that led to this anon). Taking Jason to Ethiopia with no warning when he's cooperating anyway just to intentionally trigger him in order to try to get Damian back to life when you never did anything like that for Jason? Holy fucking shit, you know? Just betrayal after betrayal after betrayal
Anyway I'm sure this list is missing some major moments and I'd love to know what I forgot about or, more likely, simply don't know about! I love a well written good dad!Bruce fic but lbr that's just not what he's like in canon. Calling him a mixed bag as a father figure is an understatement
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utilitycaster · 11 months
I would say this is probably more a controversial opinion rather than an unpopular opinion, but I don't think Laudna and Imogen would be a popular ship if it weren't Laura and Marisha playing them. It feels like there is a weird obsession with shipping their characters together that almost feels like shipping Laura and Marisha together. I just get weird parasocial vibes from it all
I actually cannot rate this because I am not entirely sure, but I will, in exchange, talk through it.
I have a perhaps interesting perspective in that due to the fact that I've been vocal about what I would want from this ship to give a shit from fairly early on, I've attracted people who strongly disagree from just as early on. I also do from time to time go through some, at least, of my blocklist, and see if I blocked in a fit of pique vs. due to someone being actually unpleasant on my posts.
What this means is that I happen to know that the people who got mad at me on main (rather than on anon) during the gnarlrock fight? Most of them are gone - either fully gone from Tumblr, or else they have barely posted about Critical Role in months. A lot of the people who got mad at everyone who entertained the idea that it would not be the worst thing, narratively, if Laudna could not be revived? Also not around or significantly less present in the fandom than they were a year ago. A good deal of the people who were obnoxious early this year about how Imogen is actually so good and she's trying so hard and how dare you point out her flaws are still around, but in a much reduced capacity and mostly reblog fic and art with no meta to be found. There aren't really arguments or meta anymore and there's been pretty much full turnover of that particular corner of the fandom since the start of the campaign, at least among people who were primarily watching for that.
I have openly noted that the fandom tends to ship Marisha and Laura's characters (and Liam and Taliesin's for that matter) without any real consideration of character (or for that matter, player) chemistry and I've never seen any attempt to explain it on that broader scale (ie, not just for a specific pairing) that was from someone in favor so I only have my own hypotheses to work with, and they are admittedly not in good faith and as such I don't want to make an assumption as to why. I will say that you're right that there is a weird parasocial thing going on, and that might still be present on Twitter. But honestly? I think now it's just boilerplate roving slash; I used to assume that this was a continuation of the Vex and Keyleth to Beau and Jester throughline but actually I think most of those people gave up at least a year ago, at least on Tumblr. I think it's mostly just a bunch of people who were told "hey, F/F ship over here" and rushed over, and who would (to their credit) have liked an actually good F/F ship that wasn't between Marisha and Laura (so, Beauyasha) just as much.
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Bold are things I say, and normal are things Tabs has said (her internet is doing weird things)
We have decided to revive an old Avatar: The Last Airbender x The Dragon Prince x Lego Monkie Kid crossover fic we started last year!
Just so everyone seeing this knows, ANYONE can join in if you know the fandoms <33
Details are under the cut <;33
Inspired by a tumblr post talking about the cartoon incarnations of jack de sena: Sokka from A:TLA, Callum from The Dragon Prince, and MK from Lego Monkie Kid
Since we have both seen all these shows, we feel that we are better able to characterize our children and write their interactions better
Let it be known that you do not have to have watched all these shows to participate, if you know at least one of them well, then you're good <;33
One slight problem: we're kinda busy with. well. not pointing fingers cough, kara, cough (hey) but we also have a number of unfinished fics we should probably finish
but we're not peasants so we will juggle them all
So for this three-way crossover fic, we are inviting any writers well versed in any of these shows who are also willing to help on this project!!
We are still working out the logistics of having multiple people from across the world working on a single document, especially with accounts being a problem for some of us, so if you guys have any ideas, definitely share them!
As of right now, we have a google doc!! Accounts only appear as anons, so thats good! But you will have to put "—[your pseud]" with any brainstorming sentence idea (if you want!)
You do not need an AO3 account to participate! We'll just use your tumblr url, or any other preference that you may have, and credit you that way <3
We, uh,
We also have no plot to this story, other than the boys get dropped into a room together!! so we need help with that too!! yay!
Okay, that's about it for the logistics so far :D I'll be tagging our mutuals here, so if those people have anyone they'd like to tag to, reblog and do that PLEASE
@filijester @cryptidwithaninternetconnection @maiawhimsicalt @mythicalmagical-monkeyman @thebritishdragon @freshstatixnow @hyperfixatezz @ghostshadowmx @hyperfixation-tangentopia @pumpkinspice202 @faggy-boy @demigirl-w01fwalk3r @history-obssesed-boy-over-here @somebody-random-lol @firerose @addrianastarflower @then-be-a-warrior
Remember, this is purely optional <33 DM me or tabs, and we'll like idk take you off the tag list for this or smth dunno lol
oh, yeah, and if you have AO3, reply with your name, so we can write it down
Tabs does not have a disc smh smh
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qprsmackdown · 1 year
what submissions have the most convincing propaganda: rather for being silly or being serious
hi anon. mod zazie here. i read through every single one of the submissions to answer this because i am insane. and the results are as follows ^-^
techno & phil fans are INSANE over "for you phil, the world!!" as they should be!! i, too, read bunfloras' phil & techno fics. but even if i didnt already know who emeraldduo was, you all have VERY GOOD propaganda. Immortal lifelong best friends... <3
dsmp fans i love you im holding out my hand to you in a gesture of friendship. hello. both mods are also mcyt fans and dsmp fans. we know abt characters vs ccs. we also despise cc!dream. you are safe here. im sorry that previous polls have traumatized you :((
c!tubbo/c!ranboo fans also fucking turned out you have VERY convincing propaganda
ive never read the locked tomb, know nothing of the characters, but to the submitters who sent in Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus youve convinced me. VERY good job. where can i find your media i need to learn more. no like fr
jrwi fans are you okay. good lord /pos. also youll be pleased to know WE HAVE NOT ONE BUT TWO SUBMISSIONS OF THE GREATER MANA POLYCULE
to the etho/skizz fan who submitted an essay. hi. i think youre so right for putting them in a httyd au. very convincing propaganda. also are you okay.
hi silmarillion fans. do you need hot cocoa.
jrwi fans are literally so not normal about their guys. sorry to call you out but oh my god not a single one of you is normal /pos. its great.
not a fnaf fan but "Theyre also both canonically queer, if that helps. That has nothing to do with the lobotomies or the dying and being revived as a soulless walking corpse, though." is the sentence of all time. i hope whoever wrote that is doing well.
good evening to the homestuck fan who wrote jake & dirk propaganda so convincing that for a moment i wanted to go check out their media only to remember its Homestuck and ONLY to the homestuck fan who wrote jake & dirk propaganda so convincing that for a moment i wanted to go check out their media only to remember its Homestuck.
we've been over the jesus christ/mary magdalene submission but did you know apparently there's actual evidence to back it up? lots of it in fact? i did not expect to read that tonight (for future reference slash in case you're curious i am an atheist & cycad is christian)
the little women fan has some SERIOUS propaganda. my respect o7
hello to the autistic sp (south park) fan who wrote a genuine essay on kenny mccormick and eric cartman. wish you well (and like, we got a voltron submission as well. i dont know either of those shows/fandoms at all besides vague knowledge that they're not great but eh we're here to have fun. who cares (this is in response to you mentioning you didnt know if sp was allowed (i dont know actually youd have to ask cycad but im like 95% sure its fine (can you tell i have adhd))))
GIGOLAS FAN SPOTTED. they didnt write a lot of propaganda but HELL YEAH WE GOT SOME LOTR FANS HERE. theyre so qpr to me you dont even KNOW
i didnt even think about link/zelda being a qpr before this but you have convinced me. youre so right. they Are
besties who drink poison together STAY together!!! (merlin and arthur). fuck yeah baby!!! i have never seen merlin bbc
oh moirails are a homestuck thing i saw those in our asks and was unsure what they were
CANON QPR IN FABLE SMP? oh i need to check that out. fable smp fans ik this is a long shot but if anyone wants to give me reccomendations for where to start watching.
hiya qsmp fans. no need to worry you have turned out in both numbers AND propaganda. wowzers.
we have One submission for q!quackbur but now im wondering why no one has submitted c!quackbur. theyre literally homoeretic business rivals whose relationship could be viewed as platonic or romantic. smh
Roman and Youngblood from Roleslaying with Roman have very dedicated fans.
divorce quartet the divorced qp polycule ever but also im very biased. (both scott/cleo and scott/martyn were submitted multiple times)
we have some very fun ocs & real life qp relationships and im so here for it.
oh hey lifesteal smp i know those guys. wow damn theyre kinda fucked up arent they.
Hi. Person who submitted both jesus/mary magdalene and now hamlet/ophelia. I love you. You are here to cause CHAOS and i for one applaud you for it. Can we kiss /j
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cosmokyrin · 1 year
(Penny 3.0 Theorist Anon)
HAHA you don't have to worry about sounding crazy and mad and insane because I'm totally in the same boat as you; immediately after TLW was released, I mulled over what happened, looked at everyone else's reactions, and immediately went "...Yeah they ain't done with her yet, time to construct the Penny 3.0 Theory :)" LMAOOO
To me it was just. Very obvious CRWBY has something up their sleeve. There were just too many coincidences, too many moments that made me go "Hm. That's Weird. That's Suspicious!"- the color of the Maiden Powers when Penny was transferring them, the fact that her Aura-made (right? I'm pretty sure they're Aura-made) Floating Array are still around, the fact she was smiling and rocking on the heels of her feet when meeting Winter, the "trust me"... I could go on and on, but for the sake of my own sanity, I won't (for now).
I trust CRWBY; In my honest opinion, they've improved on their writing these past couple of seasons, and for them to just heel-face turn and kill of Penny in V8, going against everything in her arc... I don't think they'd be that incompetent.
ANYWAYS, I think it'd be cool for Penny to come back as like. a human-android hybrid, and I definitely think Winter, Pietro, and maybe Jaune will be involved. Only time will tell, I suppose! :)
oh man, good for you to have actually mulled over the V8 finale when it came out honestly dksfjsd (I mean I was literally like grieving hard for someone after it came out lmao). Took me a while to warm up to the Penny revival theories (though I immediately latched as soon as I can pfft)
But yeah, the whole Penny thing just doesn't make sense if they were to end it there; I think the general reaction of the NND / Penny fandom really honed that in. Just from a general reading of Penny's character and how RWBY themes go, one could already have expectations on her arc's direction, but then it suddenly goes awry just when it's getting good? So that was really, really weird and that's what helped me accept that they might not really be done with her at all, and then we get all the clues from V9, inconclusive as they may seem.
I really wanna trust CRWBY's writing on this. V7 was, to me, a great start of a really good era, ngl. V7 brought back my love for RWBY (and that's why I was so excited with V8) and I loved V9 all in all, and here's to hoping this all permeates back to my favorite RWBY character ever lmao
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Jess so would have been a tumblr boy
Would he? 😅 Well, elaborate on that, dear Anon. What do you think Jess would be doing out here on tumblr.com?
He doesn’t come off as much of a social media guy period to me (though whether Tumblr falls into that category or not could be debatable), judging by his aversion to cellphones as a teen (which he only got over, as far as we know, to keep in contact with his family) and his reaction of complete estrangement when he sees everyone glued to their laptops at Luke’s diner in the revival. However, I do agree with the idea that adult Jess resorts to it out of necessity — to promote his business and his books.
Funnily enough, I was shocked to find out a few months ago that Milo used to have a tumblr?? 😂 So yeah, anything’s possible, my friend (but I have to say that does seem less unlikely for Milo than it does for Jess).
Just to make it clear, I don’t believe there’s anything inherently “cool” or “uncool” about being active online on any platform or not, and then again, Jess — and I, for that matter, since I’m currently running a fandom blog 😂 — “could care less about being cool”. My struggle is seeing what would motivate him to maintain a Tumblr account… Would he be posting reviews of the books he reads, sharing all his “notes in the margins” online? He sure likes to talk about books and literature in general… with Rory especially, but really, with anyone willing to have a discussion (e.g., Paris). But would he be interested in doing that with random faceless strangers online? Would he care enough to take the time and effort to keep a Tumblr blog? I’m not so sure about that… And aren’t there other more appropriate platforms where he could do that anyway? The same questions could be asked about a hypothetical blog dedicated to his other interests (movies and music) or all of them collectively. I just don’t see him as someone who would bother to do that 😅. But I don’t know… you guys tell me.
You probably weren’t looking for this long ass answer, dear Anon, but there you have it anyway. Thanks for dropping by!
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fancyfade · 2 years
I always thought it was a shame that Ostrander and Yale never got to write for Jason Todd because essentially everything that happened to him because of his publication as Robin made him the perfect candidate to what they usually liked in their comic book characters. Just food for thought as I’m someone who really looks at the writers who are behind decisions before I pass judgment on characters as a whole. My favorite character is Barbara Gordon and while I understand the general hate for Todd, I’m angry that DC took a character that was relatable to kids during the Reagan era and then revived him with white writers who absolutely did not come from the same background or cared for those who were rooting for him and didn’t want to be seen as poor = evil or always meant to be evil.
look anon, I'm not trying to be mean here. I like Robin Jason too. I actually don't hate Jason, I think there can be some interesting stories with him, I mostly hate fan discourse around him, how many characters are simplified or have their edges shaved off for him in fandom and sometimes canon, and how many of his fans wind up repeating pro death-penalty rhetoric or war-on-crime stuff but think they are being super progressive about it.
And like... most Jason fans wind up liking Jason for Red Hood Jason. Many of the times I interact with people who like Winick's Jason... until I point out that he's still written as not a great person. So this is part of my general short patience here. IDK whether that's you or not. But I hear people talking about Jason and whatever Jason is doing as an adult, I generally assume it's Red Hood Jason
Also like. Jason is white. it seems kind of like... IDK a distractor? To be bringing this up. and I disagree that the writing of Jason was classist. Winick's writing of Jason did not tie any of villainous actions into his poverty as a child. His actions were tied into his death. Some fandom interpretations of Jason are far more classist than canon ever was about Jason, deciding of over-emphasize the misery in his childhood to a trauma-porn like extent, as well as new 52 lobdell making Jason's bio father abusive since he was poor and involved in street crime.
Ostrander and yale are good writers, but there's no guarantee they would've made Red Hood Jason more soft or palatable to the reader or whatever the idea they'd do here. there are lots of characters in suicide squad who are good (written) characters, but not very sympathetic and still do questionable or bad things or are undone by their flaws. I can easily see Red Hood Jason fitting in there, even with the flaws he demonstrates under Winick. I think his flaws he demonstrates under Winick (lashing out at the world, unable to get over his trauma, killing w/ zero compunction) could fit in pretty well in suicide squad
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bigolclownman11037 · 2 years
!Requests Open: 1/6!
Blog Rules!
Hello Friends Welcome To My Cringe Fanfic Haven :)
Im 18+ And My Blog Is 14+
There Will Be Swearing And Some Dark Topics So Be Aware.
Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Ableism, Bodyshaming, And Any Other Form Of Discrimination Is Not Tolerated On My Blog.
I Will Do Those Emoji Anon Things So Pick An Emoji If You Wanna :D
If You Plan To Request, Please Read My Rules And Make Sure Requests Are Open!
Random Important Stuff:
I Only Take 6 Requests At A Time So Make Sure That Their Open. It Will Always Say It At The Top Of This Post.
Just Be Respectful. Dont Insult Me Or My Work, Dont Demand Me To Write Stuff, And Dont Rush Me To Write It.
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I Only Accept Requests Through The Ask Box. It Just Makes It Easier To Do Stuff If Its All In My Inbox.
Do Not Repost/Translate My Work To Benefit From It. And If You See Anyone Do This, Please Notify Me.
My Ask Box Is Always Open To Any Other Stuff Too <3
My Tags Are
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#biggests sillys(Random Stuff/Responding To Non-Fanfic Questions)
Fandoms You Can Request From(In Alphabetical Order):
A Date With Death
Bendy And The Ink Machine + Bendy And The Dark Revival
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Bungo Stray Dogs
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Death Note
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Welcome Home
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You And Me And Her: A Love Story
Zenless Zone Zero
What I Will Write:
Character X Reader
Readers With Specific Traits(Nurse!Reader, Reader Who Likes Art, Black!Reader, Anything You Want Basically)
Ill Write For 4 Characters Per Request
Those Alphabet Headcannon Things. Heres The Template.
Platonic, Familial, Romantic, One-sided, And Polyamorous Relationships
Love Triangles/Squares/Whatever Shape You Want
Any Genre Except Smut. Im Not Good At It :C
Any Dere Types(Yandere, Tsundere, Kuudere, Etc)
Any AUs Besides Pet, Kid, And School/College Aus. Also Please Describe The AU To Me So I Get It Right
I Write Crossovers. Maximum Amount Of Fandoms Is 4.
Light Violence
Self Harm And Suicide But Not Graphically
Cheating Relationships
What I Wont Write:
Character X Character/Oc
Overly Detailed Readers To The Point It Feels Like An Oc
Full Length Oneshots.
I Will Not Write Cultural Themes, Disabilitys, Trans Reader, Or Plus-Size Reader Because I Dont Have Experience With Of Those And Dont Wanna Make Any Mistakes.
Littles/Age Regression Stuff. I Support It, I Just Dont Understand It That Much.
Heavy Violence
Romantic Oneshots For Characters 12 And Under. Its Gross <3
Gross Kink Shit Like Noncon, Pedophilia, Age Play, Large Age Gaps, Incest, Vore, Abuse, Teacher X Student, Vomit, Scat, Race Play.
Also Heres My Masterlist :)
Anyways Thats It :)
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Moonstone. Oh no! Oh fuck! Not another one of THOSE anons! Look away!!!
Anyway, I'm just waiting for someone to roll up with a more interesting plot thread or AU to chew on beyond the base shock value of "ew ew ew incest ship how gross and immoral". How DO you ship these two without grossly mischaracterizing Moon or Pebbles?
Haha, you can't. The source material doesn't show any chemistry between anyone.. Of course it won't allow for something as fucked up as Moonstone. You have to break them first.
Rephrasing the question: How do you maintain suspension of disbelief when changing and warping the characters and their world? Hm. It's the plot. Note that I skip over incest ships as a general rule when scrolling through my fanfiction site of choice. Most of them squick me out (surprise!).
But.. just this one time, I saw an interesting premise and chose to give it a chance. It turned out to be a well written tragedy that burned itself into my psyche. Felt like a Dead Dove Do Not Eat. Sibling killed the other, regretted it, revived them, realized they came back wrong, killed them again, repeat obsessively. All while the world fell apart around them. Both of the main characters were written in compelling ways. The incest was the rotten cherry on top of the squirming maggot cake (endearing) and I relished it.
You see, the fandom that spawned this particular piece of fiction had more material to work off of. Rainworld has had to wholesale come up with its own fanlore and work around the simple fact that the iterators are immobile tin cans the size of cities.
The point I'm trying to make here is: You guys have GOT to try harder! Involve the ancients. Play around with iterators dying and then re-experiencing the moment they booted up the 'first' time. Flip the power dynamic. Make them grossly codependent. Make it SOMEWHAT believable with buildup. Slow burn. Meat on bone. Break them.
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bleachbleachbleach · 9 months
Hi! I was the one who sent the asks abt: shinji and momo, the burdock imagery (of which I got to see in ur latest fic, comment pending), one stray ask abt the bathroom systems in soul society and that one ask wayyy back abt my thoughts on hinamori & Hitsugaya, esp how both are within the Institution that is the Gotei (can’t wait to see the manga panel side to side of ur answer to that hehe no pressure tho don’t worry). After much thought, I decided to go off anon cuz of your encouragement. I’ve been on the bleach fandom around 2012/2013 and got back on it during the TYBW anime bleach renaissance and it has been refreshing to see fresh takes on the Canon from you and tumblr user troius! As you can tell from the theme of my asks, u can already tell who my blorbo is lmao. I’ve always had a soft spot for characters who aren’t conventionally “strong” (aka yelling Bankai every other episode) like Hinamori and Orihime & it definitely hit harder for me back then the way these girls were put thru the absolute RINGER in the narrative & in fandom discussion PHEWWW. As an adult whose bound to navigate her own bureaucratic Institution in a specific field, Hinamori’s story now resonates in a different way. In particular, I love how ur academy era fics have her using the institution as a means to soar towards opportunities hard to come by & to fulfil a genuine desire to do some good while doing so. Like it makes so much sense!! Ppl tend forget that she had to have had a burning ambition of her own in joining the academy—to the point of making it to the honors class—an ambition outside of Aizen. (This kinda links to my hc abt hinamori being a ravenclaw but that’s for another time). Anyways, before I go off tangent, hi! I’m Xela and I’m happy to openly discuss bleach (aka my fave workplace comedy) with u haha.
PS. Per my previous ask, when I meant “weird boundaries” between Aizen & momo I meant like how companies who screw u over almost always blur boundaries by going “we’re a family here!” To let u get ur guard down before they screw u over which tends to be common in Asian workplaces. I didn’t mean it in That context but I understand that bringing up their dynamic tends to revive that discourse so it’s inevitable.
Oh yay, hello hello, Xela! <333 It’s so nice to meet you! We first got into Bleach 2007-2008, but got back into it, and really really into it in 2020, to the extent that we were then compelled to make this blog in 2021. At the time we had no idea there was going to be a TYBW anime so that was serendipitous! (And the Hell Chapter, too?!)
It pleases me greatly that Hinamori is one of your blorbos. <33333 I love her so much, and she deserves all the love. I’m always excited to meet a Hinamori enjoyer. (And Orihime, too!)
Thank you so much for introducing yourself!
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ariddletobesolved · 2 years
Being direct, aren't we? I don't know what you're asking of me, anon, is this meant to be a writing prompt or something? Since you're not being specific, I will just share my opinions/thoughts on Frozen 3. Assuming you know that I ship Helsa and I like Hans (else, why are you asking me? I don't often interact with general Frozen fans here), I'll probably bring it up in this post. (Warning, this will get personal.)
My first thought when I saw the announcement was, "Well, someone has to milk they cashcows at some point, right?"
I wasn't thrilled, in fact I was rather sceptical. I don't like Frozen 2 for a lot of reasons (I won't elaborate it because it's exhausting having to repeat it, I'd rather not talk about it or see anyone paraphrase it for me, thanks), and in my head the franchise is done, just like that. Some people I know also lost their interest in the Frozen fandom, prompting me to do the same (the only things keeping here are my friends, Helsa, and Frozen the Musical), so am I excited to have my love for Frozen rekindled? Not really. But am I excited to see the fandom revived and the possible new contents that will come along with it? Absolutely!
I'm rather indifferent about Frozen 3, honestly, and I have ZERO expectation about it, whatsoever. At the end, Disney is a multibillion dollar company, and they are likely to prioritise profit over quality content. But if it ends up getting a good writing, that's good for them, I guess. Though, I'm personally planning to avoid any news related to Frozen 3.
I would like to see them explore other places too, tho, maybe The Southern Isles? I wouldn't mind a redemption arc for Hans (although the chance seems highly unlikely, lol, that's how low I set my bar). I don't need Helsa to be canon, but maybe and interaction would be nice to see (or I could write my own enemies to lovers fic for self indulgence purposes instead, idk).
If I had to guess the plot, however, I'd say Frozen 2 is just a fever dream but the moment Elsa goes about her day, she hears that 4-note siren call, and she goes on a journey but *gasp* there's someone behind the bushes, at least Anna is there with a sword looking cool like in that trailer, etc. (this is a joke, please don't take it seriously), or maybe it could be assassin!Anna, spy!Elsa, and telepath!Olaf trying to prevent a war from breaking out (again this is my attempt at humour, based on a conversation I had with some friends), who bloody knows? Anything could happen, really.
All I'm saying is that, try to manage your expectations and maybe mute tags/keywords of topics you wanna avoid for your own sake (I do that, and my online experience has never been better). I hope these answers are satisfying for you, anon.
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space-kitten-606 · 2 years
Hiii!! Honestly what helped me overcome being discouraged when writing is posting on AO3 instead! I’ve never had work on ao3 not have at least a few comments. I’ve been on tumblr since 2011 and I’ve noticed that fanfiction is only popular when the fandom itself is popular (for example with mysme, just when mysme was huge back then & then the revival during quarantine, same with the other few fandoms I’m in). Aside from that, I never rly saw my own work or fellow authors work get many notes here, especially considering the tag system sucks for searching for fanfiction 🙃. If it’s not seen the first few days it’s just not seen at all. Anyway, just wanted to suggest that & to let you know that I appreciate the work you put into this blog. Thank you!
I appreciate your advice (saying that because idk if my wording my come across otherwise)!!
You see, I am on AO3. I've started at some point to carry my stuff over (my one shots at least, I wasn't too sure if the hc format works so well on AO3). I stopped because. Well actually no good reason other than I was not only just copy pasting them over but also trying to fix them a lil bit (and also setting the upload date to when I posted them on Tumblr because I didn't want to clog the mysme tag lmao) so it ended up being a lot of work to my hellbrain. I should actually get on that again, so thanks for the reminder.
Overall however, the outcome on AO3 is the same for me as here. A few hundred hits, less than hundred kudos, and max 5 comments. Except there, the comments aren't from my friends lol
You see. The reason why creators on this site, including me, keep complaining, is because it didn't use to be like that*. Most of us don't want to leave. For many of us, Tumblr is our main platform to post because it's our home.
*regardless on the popularity of the media at the time. If you didn't get many reblogs, people would at least interact (ask games, random convos etc.)
But seeing that you have been here since 2011, I probably don't need to tell you that lol
These posts in particular are about the people that are still interacting, which is plenty actually when it comes down to it! They are about the people that go through a writers blog, reblogging every single piece of art, but leaving just a like on the writing, because they don't understand how "read more" works and I suppose a wall of text is ruining their precious aesthetic (well and because they refuse to understand the tumblr algorithm).
Plus this is the exact thing the post is warning about:
"Appreciate the writers before they leave" (this includes to another platform)
Because yes, the sensible thing to do is to leave to another platform (the most obvious being AO3).
I don't know if this entire thing made sense, especially because I had to leave it in the middle because I had to work! Still, of course, I very much appreciate you anon, for trying to help and also for letting me know that you value my work.
Also yes, I know I can also post on AO3 and Tumblr at the same time just. My brain being my brain.
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