#anon so random tf
thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
So curious I don't remember ever seeing hom, but do you have a design for Red Alert. I forever associate him with the Lambos because he was listed as their brother in old extra material and shared their mold.
I read your ask and was immediately like "That's so funny, how did I not know that trivia bit?"
The terror twins have a brother like Red Alert of all people? An upstanding individual with anxiety and OCD? How much would they have put his poor spark through?
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I didn't actually have him designed before this ask. But the idea of Red Alert having to deal with his awful big (?) brothers tormenting him a little is too good to pass up. Now I just have to go apologize to Barricade for pushing his design back again...
Thank you so much for this brain-child.
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hella1975 · 8 months
hiiii haha. hello. exceptionally awkward introduction bc idrk how to start something like this so let's just jump right in. im taking a break from this account for a bit. i know i said i wanted taob out before halloween and currently im fine sticking with that deadline, but if i decide i need longer away then i will take longer away. every time ive reassured people that id never abandon a fic and updates will always come eventually i never once considered that my writing and ability to feel safe and comfortable on this site would be actively taken from me, so im not even going to apologise. i dont want this either and more importantly i dont fucking deserve it. i dont know what it is in the past year, if ive hit a certain amount of followers or 'popularity' that's made it so the natural ratio of positive to negative interactions must in turn go up, but there's been a serious uptick in weird asks for me. the annoying part is that a very small amount of them are actually objectively mean and hateful, the rest are just weird and invasive from people who seemingly dont realise that's what they're being. ive reached a point where i dont care if the intentions are good. it's not my job as a 20 year old tumblr user of all things to defend the morality of someone who couldnt even bother to come off anon. unfortunately, after blocking only one or two anons, the weird asks have decreased substantially, which says all you need to know about the fascinating and exhilarating lives led by these people, but ive also gone on to turn anon asks off entirely. this is something i actively fought against doing and had to be pushed into by my mutuals (who have been the coolest people on planet earth during this entire thing). turning off anon was a big deal to me even if it sounds silly. i felt betrayed and like id been backed into a corner because it was so vehmently something i DIDNT WANT that to feel like i had to do it anyway for my own mental health??? that sucks. so even though ive 'fixed' the problem, im still kind of reeling and uncomfortable every time i come on tumblr. i hope it's just something i need time to ease because i'll truly be devastated if this becomes 'ruined' for me. tumblr exists as the only place in the world where i am honestly every facet of myself without shame or hesitation; losing that would be insanely harmful to me. and to the people who cant appeal to the actual human behind the post, let me put that in words you can understand: we wouldn't get any more writing 😦😦😦 riots and fires and sirens, i know. so yeah. to anyone who has sent me an anon ask and you're now wondering if you were part of the problem, im firmly of the belief that you'll know if you are. when i say 'weird asks' i dont mean 'you sent me a para about your personal life just to vent or ask for advice' or 'you sent me a really deep emotional compliment about the impact me and/or my writing has had on you' - i love asks like that, so much that i put off taking a break and turning off anon solely for the joy they bring me. im sorry that it might feel like you're being punished too bc of the actions of what in reality is a HANDFUL of weird people, but this is what i feel like i have to do to feel safe and not go insane every time i log in. love you guys, hopefully ill see you soon x
#seriously another shout out to my mutuals#id particularly like to say thank you to boom who's always right there for me no matter what's happening or how insane im being#and also everyone in our little discord that wound up having to make a whole new channel for venting#bc i was there so often like 'today's weird ask isssss.... telling me about my cupsize!! rip them to shreds!!!'#hannah and theo especially being there and pushing me to finally turn off anon. war is truly over#and of course rori bc the shamelessness u show when hating on my anon asks has been genuinely really cathartic#sometimes u really do just need a rottweiler mutual to tell random people online to kill themselves 😭#okay weird oscar acceptance speechcore gratitude over. i do just rlly love my mutuals#like i went three years not telling anyone about the worse side of internet popularity for fear of looking spoiled and ungrateful#so for the first time to open up about it and be met with outrage on my behalf and people saying in fact it's MORE fucked up#than i initially realised bc ive grown desensitised to it is. yeah cathartic i guess#they are singlehandedly reassuring me of the good this cursed app still holds#so everyone thank them and send them flowers NOW#okay im done i think. see you guys soon. i truly do want to come back asap bc like i said i NEVER EVEN WANTED TO FUCKING LEAVE#SOME ASSHOLES JUST HAD TO PUT GRENADES ON WHAT I ASSUMED WERE VERY UNIVERSAL AND OBVIOUS BOUNDARIES#if you're reading this like 'ohhh fuck i defo sent something invasive lately. i thought it was a joke/we were friends'#then 1) we arent friends if you're on anon. it immediately creates a power imbalance where you know me and any necessary context#but i have no idea who you are or how much you know about me. that's already a fucked dynamic#and 2) I HOPE YOU FEEL BAD. LIKE GENUINELY I HOPE YOU FEEL AWFUL AND HAVE A GOOD LONG LOOK AT YOURSELF#okay i think that's all. ta-ra lads??? how tf do u end something like this#ive queued this to reblog a couple more times throughout the day
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luciolefire · 10 months
I uhhhhh just got a hate message from someone about a very specific topic that I don't remember talking about at all what happened
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zheph · 1 year
I mean. I wanna hear your ramblings about Zenith getting control over the player. Please?
You ask for Zenith I deliver <3
This is mainly if Zen knew about the mc + their amnesia when he's already at utira library (im going to say the infernal grunt that tries to kill Jaern at the start of the game but ends up dead is the one that informed him, phones technically exist so maybe he was able to tell him something when he saw the first augur's kid looking lost af and not even knowing who or what the second augur was).
Anyways .
Even if the mc has amnesia they have already learnt about the cults and Zenith does know this especially because them+Nora+Damian come to the library asking about the prophecy, so he wouldn't be able to mention anything cult-related.
He would literally just be very nice to the player and gain their trust that way just like he did w the people living in Oranos (and even if not as extreme also Utira). His popularity among the people would also make him seem more trustworthy so he wouldnt have a hard time gaining the players trust— He would also try to separate the mc from Nora+Damian and probably make those two seem like bad people so that the mc stays away from them.
He wouldn't really need his powers at all either, if he wanted the mc to do something specific he could always just:
a: ask favours from the mc as exchange for favours he'd done for them (like helping them find the prophecy!)
b: gaslight them even more (?
c: peer pressure them into doing whatever tf he wants (since he CAN control everyone else)
Probably at some point he would slowly introduce them to the cult, not sure how he would manage that but oh well, he is a cult leader so definitely not the first time he's done that.
And fun fact: Even if the mc is immune to his powers bcs of Nyx, they arent immune to actual manipulation tactics so l o l . If Zenith knew they'd be immune to mind control from the start i can imagine he would've just gone the manipulating (tm) route.
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catmiration · 2 years
I'm not a fan of people who act like dicks for no reason
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juleteinthrum · 1 year
I've come to try to cope with my crippling Zim-phobia. Promise me you won't come back and cause more death and destruction. You can come back if you feel the need, but we on Irk want you to save your... destructive power and... supreme knowledge... for any future invasions, if you ever perform another.
-Anon #5F0E5F
Lol i know you're on anon but who ARE you lol?! Zim phobia? On my ZIM BLOG?
Also. If you knew me at all you'd understand earth is my home. I've gone native a long. Long time ago and destruction isn't what I'm particularly known for lol! Get to know me. ThEn fear me dawg.
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n3ptoonz · 6 months
How would they react to reader pegging them HEHEHE 👁️👁️🙏
mk1 hcs: how the earthrealm guys react to pegging
sorry i took so long to get to this anon! life is on my asssss and kept getting random spurts of writers block but WE HERE
warnings: explicit, smut elements, fluff elements, sub men obviously, sphinx might have favs idk tho😹
When you suggested pegging for the first time, it intrigued him. He'd always been down to try something new, especially if you bring it to him since he does it more
Y'all would be reeallll slow in the beginning. Luckily you knew all about preparation and making sure he was relaxed and okay the whole time. It didn't take long for him to get used to it, and even take a liking
He'd prefer for it to be a regular thing after his looonngggg days after work. There's nothing he needs more than to either be treated with tender, love, and care or just straight filthy coitus with him seeing stars and his hair tangled to all hell
The first few times he was a shy boy, cute lil whimpers here and there. Now? Doesn't give a damn, he will be as vocal as he feels like. You're gonna be the one who wakes up with claw marks and bite marks in the morning
Huh? You want to what? Were you inside of his head or something? How'd you know he wanted you to absolutely mix his guts whenever he gives you attitude? Something ain't right
He only acts reluctant because he didn't wanna look eager, but the man was waiting for this moment. The second you suggested it he was like "okay i'll say yes after like the third time i gotta look cool." when whole time he wanted to fall to his knees and hug your thighs in agreement
Don't try to go slow the first few times. His patience is shorter than his temper, this mf is the most power bottom individual in the bedroom. After he's gotten used to it he'll 'allow' you to go the romantic route (he's such a lil bitch for it we love it)
He barks orders at you like you won't grab his face and give him a taste of his own medicine. One good time where you're hovering over him, a thumb on the inside of his cheek while he drools and you fuck him like your life depended on it. Mission success!
He's the one who brought it to you. Any objections? I think tf not. He isn't saying it aloud, but his eyes are silently begging you to treat him like the town's whore
He likes both the romance and the pure filth. It's entirely up to you; he will never say no to anything you suggest. Fuck him like you're mad at him or go slow and steady while you kiss his jaw and play with his hair and sing his praises
Any and all positions available. If you can somehow prone this big boy, DO IT. He'd totally ride you too if you really down for the count. We are troopers around this bitch!
Sometimes it would concern you how rarely he tapped out, especially when shit was getting intense and didn't calm down for a while. If you were absolutely demolishing his ass, you'd see a pool of drool escaping his lips, his eyes glossed over, his whines and moans gradually getting louder, and when you asked if he was okay, he would nod and give you a thumbs up like he didn't just bust 3 times in a row
Johnny Cage
Every time I do any sexual hcs of this mf, I will continue to say he's a brat. I do not care. He's a fucking diva and will dare to bark orders at you too like you're not the one who brought it up
Y'all know that Meg the stallion lyric where she's like "no don't fuck me like that fuck me like this"? THATS HIS ASS. He KNOWS it'll piss you off but go one of two ways: you indeed do fuck him like that but added aggression, OR! you stop completely and pretend like you're gonna leave the room. Works every time
He thoroughly enjoys straight up sex over romantic sex, but every once in a while he indulges in popping champagne, throwing down rose petals, and playing sexy music in the back to set the mood. Ol dramatic ass
Remember how I said in my riding hcs that he records everything? Yeah. Even as far as come to you and be like "okay so like what if we sold these? i could cut your face out if you want-" and you're like !1!2? HOWEVER ik some of yall are FREEKIE FUCKS. If you say "fuck that leave my face in it", prepare to never need a job ever again
Kenshi Takahashi
Surprisingly is down with it. That's what #love does to a mf. He's like Kuai, anything you want you shall receive. If you wanna play around in that ass, say no more!
97% of the time wants to go slow and steady. He just loves looking at your face with the power of Sento while making love. Tell him how much you love and appreciate him and how he's doing so good for you and he'll instantly become the butter to your bread (like melting- ok y'all get it cool)
That 3%?? He would be on his knees and begging you to fuck the stress out of him. He's had such a tough week, just shove his head into the pillow and get to work!
If it's missionary just grip his neck, get real close to his face so he can feel your breath, and welcome him to pound town. All aboard the slut-Kenshi-out train
Secretly a whore. The first green light into pegging territory, you could see his pearly browns sparkle in excitement and eagerness. He's relatively chill and calm about it at first because he didn't want to scare you away, but that's gone in an instant when you actually do the deed
Walks up to microphone Raiden...enjoys the prepping damn near more than the actual pegging. This pretty boy sure loves to see you break out the lubricant and gloves just so you can get him ready. Bro is on the edge of the bed swinging his feet while you have the most devious look in your eye
He's 50/50 on sensual nights vs getting down and dirty. Literally has zero preference, just spread him!
Back to how I said he's secretly a whore, sometimes he does subtle things that get you riled up throughout the day so you can take it out on him later. It's kinda funny sometimes cause he can be vocal but he's more shy than ever, but he'll break soon, trust
Liu Kang
Out of everyone he'd probably enjoy it the most. Now hear me out, he's not used to something like this, so it may take some convincing, but it's very little. It's good that he was mortal before so this level of intimacy isn't completely out of bounds
Once you get the stamp of approval and you try it for the first time, he's in love. It's like all he wants to do. Like holy fuck, where has this been for all these eons? This is the ultimate relaxation and he gets to forget his worries for a few hours??
He's so fascinated that he'd be the one introducing YOU to different types of straps all the way down to the patterns. "A dragon one... have you heard of this one?" like damn bro we get it you fw dragons (literally 😹)
Given how calm he is he prefers slow and sensual. It's only when he's truly curious that he'd be like hmm...it certainly wouldn't hurt to try (prepare for his godly stamina to have you on the brink of death btw). also, there's no way he wouldn't request for his hair to be pulled 😮‍💨
Kung Lao
Kung Lao my beloved. Morphs into alpha with huge muscles and impeccable imagination. Kung Lao, the egotistical and prideful man he is would think he has the up on you simply because he brought it up before you did. This fine ass man can and will come prepared on his own, case full of toys and all
And if I said he likes to be tooted up with music in the back and you pulling his hair while being used like a barracks bunny, would you arrest me?? For speaking TRUTH? He's a whore your honor
He don't give a damn about slow and steady but he'll do it if you want to. Just know it will never end in slow and steady, the pace always seems to be picked up and all of a sudden he's strap-warming you as a punishment (he literally wanted this to happen)
Idek what more to say Kung Lao is a slut and I need him in a way that's concerning to women's suffrage. I will make that hat chucking dimple having sexy ass man a fucking mother, just you wait. [he is one of the first I will breed]
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rstarsims3 · 1 year
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► 4t3 - Island Living - Mermaid Stuff - DF & non-DF
Alright, so...this is not as much a conversion as it is a mash up (a.k.a. Frankenmesh). Here’s what I mean by that:
- Meshes: I took the tails from TS3 and combined them with the fins from TS4 (because the S4 tails have a different UV and in order to fit TS3 they would’ve needed to be re-UV-mapped);
- Textures: a combination of TS3 and TS4 textures -TS3 for tails and TS4 for fins (only because the S4 textures look horrendous in TS3, at least the ones for tails do).
PLEASE READ the details I listed under CREATOR NOTES bellow !!! 
Original meshes by EA/Maxis, I just put them together;
Ages: Teen to Elder, both genders;
All LODs & Morphs;
Disabled for random (for non-defaults);
Custom normal maps included;
Custom thumbnails for both Launcher and CAS (though the game might ignore them and generate normal thumbnails instead;
Format: package files;
Programs: S4Studio, Blender, Milkshape, Photoshop, MeshToolKit, TSRW, S3PE.
!!! The Sims 3 Island Paradise required (for everything except the male tops, those are base game).
What does this upload contain? (so glad you asked!)
2 mermaid tails named Fin One and Fin Two (DF & non-DF) from TS4;
2 female tops - non-DF - these were made by me because of -again- questionable textures n TS4 that don’t match TS3 art-style;
1 male top (converted from TS4 <-> non-DF because by design the male mermaids in TS3 don’t have a default mermaid top);
1 (pair of) stockings - DF M & F (made by me; will replace the “markings” your mermaid sims have on their legs while on land).
EDIT: On a anon's request,  I added a NON-DF version for the accessory scales. It's base game compatible, has 3 presets with 3 recolorable channels and is available for both genders from teen to elder.
Edit 16.07.2023: uploaded the male kelp top as accessory as requested by @dezailes2cochon. 
!!! FOR Default Replacements install only ONE OF EACH !!!
Tails AF: Fin One - 1.9k; Fin Two - 1.7k (original - 1.6k)
Tails AM: Fin One - 1.9k; Fin Two - 1.7k (original - 1.1k)
Tails TF: Fin One - 1.9k; Fin Two - 1.7k (original - 1.6k)
Tails TM: Fin One - 1.9k; Fin Two - 1.7k (original - 1.1k)
Tails EF: Fin One - 1.9k; Fin Two - 1.7k (original - 1.5k)
Tails EM: Fin One - 1.9k; Fin Two - 1.7k (original - 1.1k)
Tops: same polycount as the original TS3 items (they’re just painted on the base mesh)
! The reason why I listed the polycounts like this is because it’s up to you to decide whether you’re comfortable using:
the default-replacements (and have all the mermaid sims in town use these items); or 
the non-default-replacements (in which case only your sims will use them as long as you’ve changed them in CAS). 
Specific Details (for non-defaults):
Tops, bottoms and accessories sections;
Tails: 5 presets; 4 recolorable channels
Tops Female: 5 presets each, 4 recolorable channels
Top male: 3 presets; 3 recolorable channels
Mermaid Stockings: 5 presets; 3 recolorable channels
Categories: Everyday, Sleepwear, Swimwear, 
Available for Maternity (female versions).
!!! Attn !!! -> The default replacement tails and female tops use only the first preset because I haven’t found a way to integrate additional maps (UVs, in this case) to a default replacement. 
Creator Notes:
Here’s where it gets interesting!
If you decide on using the DFs - INSTALL ONLY ONE OF EACH!!!!!!!
And to give you an example, here’s how I’m using the default replacements: Fin One for females (the DF files for TF, AF& EF), Fin Two for males (the DF files for TM, AM & EM), stockings for both genders (DF female & DF male).
As I said above the DF files have only the first preset. The non-DF have 5 presets, each with their own individual UV. Meaning I’ve made patterns out of the UVs to better emulate the patterns on the S4 tails. See bellow the difference in UVs and how they control the channels. It’s applicable to both tails and female tops. This is the only advantage of using the non-DFs in my opinion. But you can have both DFs (only one of each!!!) & non-DFs in your game at the same time and maybe use one of the patterns in the non-DF for that one “special” mermaid.
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The stockings aren’t the best aligned to the UV, I’ll admit it. But any misalignments (only along the seams) can only be noticed if you look closely.
This appears to be a common issue when installing default-replacements (you’ll know this if you have DF hairs in your game). Upon loading the DFs for the first time you might encounter a texture issue where you can see the new mesh, but the texture has not loaded properly. Like in this example:
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To fix it, you either take the sim in CAS with Nraas MC - Stylist (you don’t need to change anything, just get them in and out of CAS) and/or -if that doesn’t work- go ahead and save, quit and reload the game. This should fix the issues. 
For NON-DF tails it’s mandatory that you use invisible feet This is what I’m using: 1 or 2 (find the null feet files inside the download). But keep in mind that because of the way the package was constructed, Dashboard might display them as corrupted. That’s because of the age categories being all in one file and not separated. Haven’t caused issues in my game so far and I've been using them since December. Anyway, the important thing is you need invisible feet for NON-DFs.
Let me know if you encounter any issues or need some further clarification.
Watch the tails in action HERE
You can tag me so I can see your beautiful mermaids & reblog your posts!
DOWNLOAD: Patreon / MF / SFS
Download scales acc NON-DF: MF / SFS
Download male kelp top as acc:  MF / SFS
Hope you enjoy them!
Happy Simming!
If you like my work and would like to support me, you can do so on my Patreon & Ko-fi.
TOU 🔊 Do not re-upload my creations. Do not claim as your own. Do not put them anywhere up for download and don’t add adfly to my links.    
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eli0004 · 22 days
Any Levi headcanons you’d like to share with the audience 🥹
Whew😮‍💨 Anon, as a dedicated Levi stan of multiple years, you know i do!
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Pairing: Levi x GN! Reader
Synopsis: Random relationship hcs!!! Woohoo!
Warnings: Levi struggling with emotions, gossiping, mentions of substance use, very slight nsfw implication
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Levi isn’t really someone who cares too much about what music he listens to. He’ll listen to whatever you put on, even if it’s like…loud angry metal, he’ll sit there like 😬 Yes this is great i love it and i’m absolutely not horribly overstimulated right now. He just likes to see you happy.
This man is made of 100% husband material. He thrives living the quiet married life, and feeling appreciated and loved for doing the simplest, most menial household chores.
For the most part, if you were to ask him if he wants children i think he would say no, but then he watches you interact with children and it patches up this broken place inside of him, and suddenly he’s dreaming of little feet pattering around the house.
If he accidentally hurts your feelings with some dumb joke he made, he will feel intensely guilty. It will eat him alive, he can’t believe himself. But he also has no idea how to say that, so he’ll just make you tea and torture himself over it.
Even if you’re years into your relationship with him and living together, he still gets butterflies when he sees you again after a long day. You’re his solitude, his safe place, his home isn’t a home without you there in it.
He likes to listen to you gossip with your friends. Every once in a while he’ll pipe in and share his thoughts on something, and you’re like…? Since when did you start paying attention to this?
He has a high tolerance for alcohol, but half an edible has him absolutely faded. It’s actually ridiculous. And high Levi is so soft and sleepy, and he seems so genuinely relaxed, it’s a blessing to be able to witness him in that state.
Levi is hardly interested in status symbols, and values practicality over luxury. In a modern AU he probably drives a slightly beat up older classic car, but has no idea it’s a classic, so when car people compliment it he’s like ??? Tf
He’s a slightly picky eater, but if you make dinner one night and it doesn’t look appetizing to him, he’ll gather every ounce of courage in his body to take a bite and try it for you, since you went out of your way to make him something.
He has a keen sense of smell, and he loves fresh, fragrant aromas. He definitely stops in the candle aisle in the grocery store to smell all of them, and then gives himself a massive headache.
When you get out of the shower and smell all nice and clean, that shit gets him so bricked up.
I mentioned this before in another post, but if you ask him to pick something up from the store and it’s on a shelf he can’t reach, he will literally leave that store and go to a different one. He’s not going to ask the 16 year old cashier girl to help him reach it, and he’s definitely not climbing the shelves like a mad man. You’ll just have to wait a while longer.
Literally blushes from ear to ear when you call him pretty, or cute. If he gets compliments on his physical appearance, it’s usually said that he’s “sexy” or “handsome” which are still great things to hear, but it’s about the loving adoration in your eyes and the gentleness with which you touch his face. The genuine honesty behind your compliments, and the way it feels like you see something in him that nobody else does.
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sir-fluffbutts · 2 months
tf did i dream up
Ok so I dreamt that I, Kenny and Achii were despretly trying to set up jj and pepper..... and like pepper was trying to get JJ to take a hint and then they finnaly all go to the bookstore where pepper tries picking up random gay romance books to try to get JJ to once again take a hint.... JJ however does not notice this in the slightest
(and may never will)
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we love wacky anon dream adventures here
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diagonal-queen · 4 months
Your blog is very safe, me thinks. Very comfort, if that makes sense lol. I have a request, feel free to ignore this but I can't help but to wonder what a few BSD men would be like with a very mature/maternal and responsible s/o who tends to put themsleves last and burn themselves out (preferably fem, as I am an older sister who has taken on the role of caregiver and project HEAVILY) I'd like to see Fyodor, Poe, Ranpo and Jouno. (You can throw in anyone else if you want)
BSD boys with a self-sacrificing girlfriend
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♡ pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Edgar Allan Poe, Ranpo Edogawa, Saigiku Jouno x fem!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are they with a caring and self-sacrificing girlfriend?
♡ cw: Swearing, use of fem titles, she/her pronouns, mentions of stress and burnout.
note: Thank you for the sweet message anon <3 it's truly a shame that you and i are the exact same person who have experienced the exact same burden of raising children we didn't choose to have. but i've moved out now so i'm free!! come live with me queen tf we're besties now. apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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Fyodor is a trad man. I'm sure he has some weird beliefs about how women are supposed to have some normalised feminine traits, but this is too much even for him.
It really pains him to see you be so selfless, truly. Though he admires your kindness and patience, he just wants you to be content. He wants you to be comfortable.
Does he enjoy having what is basically a personal maid around? Yes, yes he does. Does he feel guilty for feeling that? No. But does he recognise that your current self-sacrificing routine is unhealthy? YES HE DOES.
So...he simply does not make you do anything at all. If you want to do something for him that's on you.
If you want to do something for someone *else*, he probably won't really let you. Unless it's like family or something, then he understands, but no, you're not helping that random child get their kite unstuck from that tree no matter how much you want to, myshka.
Fyodor absolutely doesn't involve you in his work. He knows that'll only stress you out more, and that's the last thing you need. As such he keeps you away from his coworkers (especially Mykola. Sorry Mykola lovers)
He comes to value his time spent relaxing with you, because he also acknowledges that he could use a break every now and then as well. There's nothing quite as comforting to him as lounging around alongside you- you don't have to be talking or even doing the same thing, as long as you're there together.
Listen, Fyodor does care about you, and he values your health and wants you to be relaxed and uncaring as much as is possible. But if you, his sweet woman, wants to make him a cup of tea, who is he to turn you down?
I don't know exactly how to explain Poe here. Just hear me out
He is genuinely so like stressed and anguished about your lack of self-preservation in favour of caring about others. He constantly thinks about it and writes tragic poems about it and shit
Like he's like 'my love......she does not see herself as i do, as a beautiful star....with every act of kindness her light dims ever so slightly...until she's reduced to nothing.........the irony of the good deeds of man..............;-;'
He will go all out in his attempts to make you feel calm and comfortable and happy. Oh he will buy you SO many presents it's disgusting. He will rent out whole restaurants and like even theme parks and shit if that's your thing. He'll stop at no lengths to give you some respite, and it's honestly quite sweet
All that being said, he does love that you're so attentive and caring about Karl. He's definitely watched you play with him and then started blushing super hard because the word 'parents' suddenly crossed his mind and now he's thinking about children and aaaaaa
ABSOLUTELY writes a scenario in which you can relax. Whatever you want- an empty beach, a forest, a liminal space, he'll write it all for you, and gift you the book so you can go there whenever you want :>
He's basically a sugar daddy, except you're in an actual relationship and it's not all about the money. Your boyfriend just happens to be loaded as fuck
At the end of the day, Poe is such a hypocrite because he himself is such a workaholic that he practically lets it consume him, too!
You're both absolute messes. Drink some water and sleep for god's sake. And for the love of all things good take care of each other.
Bro knows exactly what's up. Sorry, he's got you all figured out fr
That doesn't mean he won't let you baby him though. At first. He'll just let you, along with everyone else, clean up after him and buy him shit
BUT soon, soon he realises that this behaviour is rather detrimental to your health. He sees the circles under your eyes, he notices these things. And he's like '...oh shit'
Ranpo doesn't have any shame or reservations. He straight up confronts you about it. 'Why don't you ever take care of yourself?' And he's not playing around this time
And no matter what your excuse is, he's like 'not good enough. We're going to get ice cream RIGHT NOW and you're going to talk to me about this. Now lead me to the ice cream parlour immediately'
(I may or may not be paraphrasing this particular quote)
The point is that he presents you an avenue to open up about your struggles, stress and psyche. And he really does want to help- the fact that he gets ice cream out of this is just a bonus
From here on out he'll keep an eye out for you. Every time you find yourself getting overworked or burning out he'll make you take a break. This could be a nap or sending you home or a surprise outing- anything to get your mind off work and people.
Ranpo is a stickler for the rules, sure, but he's also lazy as shit. Any time he doesn't feel like working, you're now not allowed to work either. You have to hang out with him or else (he'll be a little sad)
He doesn't necessarily introduce any...permanent solutions to your predicament, but he does have you looking forward to your couples-down time each day, and that's something!
Over time, you do learn to balance yourself and external responsibilities. And he will absolutely be taking credit for it lmao
Jouno is very...self-important, we'll say. Not like, completely selfish or anything, but very much tends to prioritise his own opinions and time and such.
You make him do a complete reassessment and breakdown of all of his thoughts and beliefs he's built up over the course of his lifetime
/j but really, you're unbelievably different from him. You're both willing to put yourself in danger or wear yourselves down, but *you* don't have anatomical medical adjustments that practically make you invincible.
Jouno wants to protect you- and he's not willing to negotiate. He's not letting anyone hurt you, even if on accident. He's especially not willing to let anybody take advantage of your generous nature, which is probably more likely anyway.
He's such a scary dog actually (lol get it?? get it cause he's one of the Hunting Dogs? DO YOU GET IT-) he'll accompany you anywhere if you ask him to.
When he wants to do something for you, he will do it. You're not lifting a finger miss girl
Like he really will take care of you! When he's off work, of course. His job is kind of important, but you best believe you're getting pampered when Jouno is off the clock.
My mans is romantic as FUCK: cooking you nice dinners, reading to you before bed, massages, cuddles- as well as engaging in your interests alongside you of course
He just thinks it's so cute to see you engrossed in something that YOU enjoy, and will encourage your down time
Jouno is gonna make sure that you take care of yourself too, because when he's not around, who better to look after anybody than you? That's the most important thing to him.
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco, @pinkiipeachiikeen
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euovennia · 1 year
Okay hi hello I’ve just binged your platonic Simon x reader headcannons and as an aspec person I am absolutely EATING THIS SHIT UP - Simon deserves someone to lean on and seeing him be vulnerable and care for someone like that and who will do the same for him makes my heart melt.
however, I am also a hopeless romantic and an absolute sucker for pain and the thought of Ghost catching feelings and being completely unaware of them because he’s barely used to having a friend let alone a crush; only realising after y/n does something he’d usually find stupid only to find himself completely smitten over it and him just going “oh. oh nO” and queue the internal turmoil because he has no idea what tf to do with himself and god forbid if y/n actually likes him back-
This has been plaguing me all morning and I cannot act right so I had to share it :,)
this can be a read as part of the bff ghost series i have going on, but i see it more as a "what if" kinda thing bc i strongly believe this man just needs a good friend. thank you for requesting, and as always, i hope you enjoy <3
warnings: nothing comes to mind, but lmk if you see something that needs to be added and i'll do it asap!
summary: ghost panics when he realizes he likes you just a little too much.
anon you're so smart for this because i genuinely feel like friends to lovers is the the easiest way for simon to fall in love
like there's already a deep, established trust there (in terms of being on the battlefield)
i mean obviously because if there wasn't you wouldn't even be on the team in the first place
but the trust he places in you on the field paired with the trust he has in you off the field?
i think it's safe to say that while this man doesn't realize it yet, he's already a goner
the meals you share, the low-budget hollywood action films you hate watch, and the unbelievable amount of patience he has for your shenanigans
basically, you two have become two peas in a pod (despite him not wanting to be in the pod in the first place but who cares he's your friend and that's all that matters)
and i genuinely believe of he were to start falling for one of his friends (aka you) it would be a very slow process, one that neither of you realize is even taking place
it would be the little things like you willingly making making the same dish two days in a row for your little meal times because he just likes it that much
maybe even leaning your head on his shoulder while you two watch those bad action films because, deep down, he loves knowing you trust him enough to feel so comfortable with him (bonus points if you end up falling asleep)
ordering him his favorite brand of loose leaf tea that he can never seem to find anywhere on store shelves
god forbid you memorize the way he prepares his tea and randomly show up with a steaming mug of it at random times of the day
as i said before, it's the little things that do it for him
but imagine doing all of those things on the. same. day.
you know he woke up extra early to help price take care of some paperwork and while he's doing that you stroll in a mug of tea
then later on when you see him for lunch he finds you made two plates of bangers and mash (sausages and mashed potatoes, it's a british thing apparently) despite having it the day before and when he asks why you just say something like, "yesterday you said you wished you could have more, figured i'd make more"
then later in the evening when everyone's retired to their rooms, you walk into his with the all too familiar box of loose-leaf tea in your hands along with a blanket
you just kinda set the box on the bedside table before dragging him to sit on the floor in front of the tv the two of you snuck into his room one night after price banned them after soap broke his and he was the one who had to clean up the mess
he totally saw you two sneak it in but never bothered to say anything because he trusts you
you flick on the tv and put on the third installment of that god awful 'sharknado' movie series you two had found out was a thing not too long ago
and all is well
until you lay your head on his shoulder and grab onto his arm as you look over his tattoos
he'll probably give you a little glance before turning his attention back to the movie, it's not uncommon for you to do things like this
but then he'll feel something cold press up against his skin and he'll look down again just to see you holding a colored marker and scribbling inside the lines of his tattoo
and as much as he wants to pull away and throw that marker to the other end of the room
he just can't bring himself to do it
not when you're pressed up against his side with your hands cradling his arm as if he was worthy of such care in the first place
obviously this night wouldn't be complete without you falling asleep against his shoulder, so that's exactly what you do
he lays you to sleep on his bed while he makes himself cozy on the floor :)
anyway cue him getting up early for his morning shower and the complete and utter shock that hits him like a truck when the marker you used the night prior to color in his tattoos doesn't wash off
he makes a bee line for his room and immediately picks up the marker you used only to find out it's sharpie
and while he knows that this would be a perfectly acceptable time for him to wake you up and chastise you for doing such a thing, he doesn't
because when he looks down at his arm he can practically feel his chest bloom with a warm, fuzzy feeling because you did that
and it's after he's stared at the colorful markings that now grace his skin does he realize he's got a small smile etched onto his face
then it hits him like a truck
he likes it because of you
he likes you
it cannot be overstated how quickly he grabs his stuff and leaves the room, not caring in the slightest that you're still wrapped up in his sheets
he doesn't do much work that day
just a lot of aimless walking around base as he tries to, in his words, get his shit together
because, in his mind, this is probably just about the stupidest thing he can do
and it's not even because he's technically your superior, that's a mess all on its own
it's the fact that either one of you could quite literally die at any given point while on a mission
and that's not even bringing up his own mountain of trust issues and insecurities
it's a mess
he's a mess
and how does he deal with this mess?
by avoiding you like the damn plague
you thought it was bad when he was trying to duck out of your pre-friendship interactions when you seemed to always be trying to find a way to bug him? think again.
he becomes practically invisible to you
his callsign isn't 'ghost' for no reason
i can honestly see it getting so bad to the point where you start to really only see him on group missions
which isn't too horrible admittedly because you always manage to squeeze in some small talk, but it's not enough
but one day, price calls the two of you into his office with laswell patiently sat waiting on a video chat over his laptop
and it's revealed that you two are being sent on a mission to gather some intel about some new terrorist group that's popped up on laswell's radar
and he just kinda sits there and accepts the fact he'll have to be paired up with you because what's he gonna do? tell laswell and price no? absolutely not
i imagine the mission going off without a hitch
i'm talking real simple, just a quick in and out before ghosts is on comms requesting an evac
that's where things go wrong
because you'll get some bullshit response like, "oh no, bad weather, can't fly like this, looks like you'll have to wait! get cozy!!"
and while you are a bit disappointed when he breaks the news, you can't help but feel a little happy because now you actually get to see and interact with simon for more than five minutes
but while you're over in your head having a small celebration over the unforeseen circumstances, simon is pretty much dreading it
he knows you know he's been avoiding you and he's 100% sure you're going to make him sit through an awkward conversation about it
and what's worse, he's certain you won't stop until he tells you why
well it's a good thing he knows how to keep his mouth shut!
at least he thought he did
because after having you ask him for the reason of his sudden avoidance of you for what he swears has to be the hundredth time, he just spits it out in a small fit of anger and annoyance
and i highly doubt he'll realize what he just said until he looks over to you after not getting a response and seeing you there with your eyes wide and jaw open
he'll definitely try to backtrack with something like, "forget what i said. you didn't hear anything."
and then your brain will finally kick in after going haywire for an unnecessarily long amount of time and you'll just kinda ask him in a small voice, "did you mean it?"
and as tempted as he is to brush you off and say no, he can't bring himself to do that
but remember, simon is still a very hurt man underneath that mask and heavy duty gear, so i can imagine him just letting out a small sigh before saying something along the lines of
"i'm sorry."
and your heart just breaks because you can practically feel the shame radiating from him as he turns himself away from you and averts his gaze to the floor
simon riley, perhaps one of the most hardened and strongest men you'll ever come to know, apologizing for the way he feels
you can't help but shuffle closer to him until you're sitting by his side
and you'll sit in silence this way for a while as he tries to ignore just how close you are while you try to find a gentle way to approach this
you're stumped
but eventually, your eyes will fall onto the floor and simon's gloved hand will come into your vision
and there's not a single thought in your mind before you're reaching out and putting your hand on top of his
the man practically malfunctions
he's sitting there, thoughts going a mile a minute as he tries to decipher what this means
but then you'll lean your head on his shoulder and he's almost startled at the way all of the noise in his head seems to just disappear
but still, he can't resist asking
"what now?"
and you'll let out a small, wistful sigh as you nuzzle your head further into his shoulder
"whatever we want."
he'll look down at you with an almost shy gaze, "and if i want you?"
and you'll interlace your fingers and punctuate it with a squeeze, "then you can have me."
and that's good enough for the both of you
at least until you get back to base
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hey-kae · 2 years
In love with all you fics! Ugh I’ve read them multiple times bcs I can’t get enough of them. I was wondering if you could do one where Max is with Kelly (or just a random OC with a kid) but has a baby girl with the reader. The readers daughter is doubting Max’s love for her since she sees how much time he spends with his girlfriend child. And the reader and Max don’t exactly have the best relationship since it was only supposed to be a one night stand but they are now bonded for life. Can the reader be very shy, understanding of Max’s situation and caring but when it comes to her baby she takes out her claws. Idk I just love me some f1!Dad lol The reader can either end up with Max or another driver I just want some good angst with a fluff ending 🥲
Seamless Transition
Pairing: dad!max verstappen x female reader
Warnings: Language, mentions and implication of sex, mention of pregnancy.
a/n: in a hypothetical, unrealistic world where i have a child with Max, my only request would be for jos to stay tf away from my kid💀 i switched kelly with an oc cause i don’t feel comfortable writing about irl partners in situations like these. anyway, i hope you enjoy this! Feedback is appreciated… (i’m happy u enjoy my writing, anon!!💕)
“Pa” is dutch for “dad” apparently…
All throughout your life, there's always been one sentence that felt provocative and almost stupid, one that was widely known, widely repeated and reused, ringing in your ear as it rolled off different tongues, with different tones and accents but the same challenging certainty crippling behind its words.
"Your whole life can change in a day." People would insist and you would absolutely refuse to believe in such saying, until you found yourself staring at a positive pregnancy test that was definitely supposed to come out negative; at least you were hoping and praying that it would.
Instead, the plus sign felt like a mocking nemesis, pointing a ridiculing finger at you and laughing its heart out as the memories from over a week ago played, replayed, and rewinded in your mind like a broken record you couldn't stop the spin of. The only thing left for you to see was the hazy, blurry image of Max on top of you as the two of you engaged in a drunken mistake that left its permanent mark on your lives in the form of a child.
Was it exactly the right time for a baby to show up in your life? No, far from it, but that mistake ended up giving you the most precious gift of your lifetime, a baby girl that quickly became the one person in this wicked world that you'd be more than ready to defend with your blood and life.
Fast forward four years, it was safe to say that little Lilly Verstappen was the center of your world and the most important person in your life by a long shot. She was a ball of sunshine that lit up your days with the smallest of smiles and a tiny glimpse of her sparkling blue eyes.
Her features were a mix of you and Max. It was like she chose the best out of each of her parents and adopted it as her own.
At the time, telling Max that you were pregnant was the most nerve wracking thing you'd ever done, rightfully so since the two of you were merely friends that hooked up, acquaintances that didn't exactly get along smoothly but shared a night together as more of an accurate description. There is no denying that the both of you freaked out about the outcome but Max was supportive nonetheless. Sure, everything between you and him was tense but he was still just as understanding as you were. Eventually, you had come to the conclusion that parenting a child together wouldn't be the worst thing. You'd be able to manage it.
He gets to see her on his free days where he's home and you get to keep her when he's away, bar a few weekends where he invited you to watch the grand prix so his daughter could watch him race, as per her own request a few months after after she started talking.
However, it should've been obvious that things were too smooth sailing for the peace to last. You, Max and Lilly often dined together from time to time to give her the best out of a not so ideal situation, a taste of having both her parents by her side at the same time. Many afternoons were spent with you over at Max's apartment or his at yours with toys spread out on the floor and the three of you entertaining Lilly as best as you could, sometimes even putting her to sleep together only to fall into a tense and awkward silence that threatened to explode within seconds when her eyes would fall shut. Despite everything, things had went as far as taking road-trips together and enjoying your daughter's sweet moments and giggles on the way to whatever destination Max planned to surprise her with.
To put it briefly, besides the bond Max shared with his daughter, you were now somewhat used to his presence. To a certain degree, the lines of just co-parenting that you agreed on had blurred.
All was perfectly well until Max sat you down and told you he was dating someone and that she had a kid as well, both of you questioning how his time with Lilly would be affected by the presence of another woman, Valerie and another child around. He told you that maybe they can be friends, the other kid also being a girl, Ella and just a few months older than Lilly.
That conversation happened around a year ago and while there never was any bad blood between you and Max's girlfriend, it seemed like things weren't as smooth sailing on Lilly's side.
One day, as Max dropped off Lilly at your place, you noticed a frown on your daughter's face, her hand up to her mouth as she bit her nails with her head slightly bowed. It was an unmistakable expression.
"Is everything okay?" You asked Max as you picked Lilly up, her arms wrapping around your neck immediately.
"She seems a little upset but she wouldn't tell me why." He explained, reaching over and fluffing Lilly's hair.
"You don't wanna say goodbye to pa, angel?" He asked her softly.
She twisted in your arms and wrapped him in a hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek while he smiled and rubbed her back.
"Bye-bye, pa." Her small voice spoke.
"I will see you in a week, princess. Okay?"
With that and a small nod from Lilly, Max left, closing the door behind him as you carried your daughter inside, into the living room where she got preoccupied with a coloring book and some pencils while you eyed her attentively as she began scribbling onto the already messy pages.
"Hey, Lilly." You called to catch her attention, "How was your time with pa, sweetie?"
Moving to sit by her side, you pulled her onto your lap, brushing her soft blonde hair behind her ears. She carried the coloring book over and kept coloring as you kissed her head.
"It was okay." She replied with a small shrug.
"What did you do? Did you have fun with him?"
She smiled and nodded, "He got us ice-cream and i helped him to train then we we played with Poot and small cars." She gushed, tossing one coloring pencil on the floor and hopping off to grab her purple teddy bear at the mention of his name.
"That's good, princess." You watched her dig through her bag for the bear, in your mind a million different thoughts because she still wasn't acting normally.
Usually, she'd be gushing about her time with Max when he dropped her off, talking, telling and retelling you every detail until she fell asleep but it seemed like you had to pull the information out of her this time, and coupled with the upset face she had on earlier, it left you suspicious.
Figuring you'd have to find out about what went wrong in a different way, you decided to change the subject.
"What do you want for dinner?"
Following that and her answer to the question, the two of you headed for the kitchen where she sat by the table in the corner, drawing on loose papers while you cooked for the two of you, then you told Lilly to put away her pens and papers in her room and you set the table to eat when she came back.
The night went smoothly after dinner. You got Lilly to shower then dried her hair before putting her to bed early for school tomorrow then left her room to retrieve the laundry from the dryer, folding each item neatly and separating the clothes into two stacks, yours and Lilly's.
On your way to your room, you stopped by your daughter's room to drop off her clothes.
Not wanting to disturb her slumber, you placed the stack on her desk and figured you'd just put them away tomorrow morning. However, as you picked the laundry basket back up, you noticed some interesting drawings on some of the papers on the desk.
With a deep set frown twisting your expression, you picked up the papers, tossed them in the basket and rushed to your room.
Laundry was long forgotten as you launched yourself onto your bed with Lilly's drawings in your hand.
Paper after paper, you scanned her various drawings of stick figures. Each one was drawn in a different color and you knew your daughter enough to know who each color symbolized.
A purple stick figure with blonde, or rather yellow hair was always drawn at a distance from everyone else, often times at the bottom corner of the page, with a sad expression drawn onto its face.
Your heart shattered because purple was her favorite color. Purple was her.
The other people portrayed were often holding hands, two tall figures on the sides with a smaller one in the middle.
The only other time someone was drawn alongside the purple stick figure on the bottom was in one drawing and the person symbolized was taller than the one in purple and was scribbled in dark green, a color you often chose to buy your things in.
You were bewildered as you stared at the papers, dropped them on the mattress then picking them up again to stare some more.
Was Lilly feeling neglected when she spent time with Max?
Every additional detail you noticed in the drawings angered you more, especially her attempt the draw a tongue poking out of the smaller stick figure between the two tall ones, Ella presumably.
While the little girl always seemed polite and harmless, it wasn't a secret how mean children could be.
You'd have to talk to Max about this.
Within seconds, your phone was in your clutch, ready to call Lilly's father but something stopped you. You needed to ask Lilly about her drawings first, about how things were between her and Max and how things were between her and Ella.
The plush mattress welcomed you with open arms as you fell back onto it, sighing heavily as the thought of your daughter feeling left out. Needless to say, it was a sleepless night for you. You sat in bed, pondering the possible situations and conversations you'd have to have in the morning.
You just hoped it would all work out at the end, that everything you were assuming would be just that, assumptions, because you might be completely understanding of Max's relationship and job, but nothing would be stopping you from defending your daughter and making sure she's getting the treatment and care she deserves.
Max was so insistent that he wanted to be in her life, wanted to be her dad, so he better be acting like it.
At sunrise, you were up and so was Lilly, tired eyes watching you as she ate her breakfast at the kitchen table and you prepared her school lunchbox. Despite complaints and grumblings, she had gotten dressed and sat in front of you for you to do her hair.
However, as you rushed through the different morning chores and rituals, only one thing was on your mind. How the hell we you supposed to bring up last night's subject to Lilly in a way that wouldn't cause her to repress whatever was happening?
Max usually called before school to chat with her a bit and say good morning. After the phone call would be a perfect opportunity.
A few minutes later, you grabbed your car keys and your daughter bag and just like always, as you headed for the front door, your phone rang and Max's name flashed on the screen.
You handed Lilly the phone and she immediately answered, pressing the device to her ear while the two of you walked to the car, your hand holding onto her free one.
In the silence of the vehicle, you listened in on the conversationsr as you started driving.
"Choco corn flakes and milk." Lilly's small voice replied to Max who was probably asking her about her breakfast.
"No, pa. I didn't have homework. I was with you yesterday, silly." A small giggle echoed in the car.
The conversation went on for a few minutes, leaving you about 10 other to interrogate Lilly.
"Daddy says hi to you." She smiled at you and handed you the phone when she hung up.
"Oh. Daddy is the best, isn't he?" You tested with a false grin.
"Yeah." Lilly hummed half heartedly and you gripped onto that loose thread as you took a left turn.
"You have fun with him and Ella when you're at his place?"
"Yes, mommy. But pa and Ella have more fun together." She shrugged her shoulders, "They laugh so much, sometimes i don't know why. Maybe he loves her more, because he wants to marry her mommy."
Your heart broke at the way her voice shifted from cheery to dull and tinged with disappointment. From what you saw, Max was a good father, but obviously you couldn't be there for all the time he spends with Lilly so you clearly can't be sure of how well he's fulfilling the role of a dad.
You slowed the car down a little. Some delay from school wouldn't be much of a deal, especially in this case.
"You don't like being at pa's place? Does he not play with you?" You asked cautiously, not wanting to feed into the idea that Max doesn't love her as much as he loves Ella, because despite that statement being the main thought claiming your mind, you wouldn't want to lead Lilly to believe in that further.
"I just get bored sometimes, when pa is with Ella or Valerie. But it's okay. I'm a big girl and big girls sit alone like grown ups sometimes."
You hummed to show her you were listening and miraculously, she carried on talking, "I know pa loves Valerie but she's a meanie. She shouts all the time."
Your heart was beating increasingly fast, "She does, baby? Has she ever shouted at you?"
"No." She replied too fast.
"Lilly, don't lie to mommy. No one is allowed to scream at you, princess so if anyone does, you need to tell me." You said with a gentle voice.
"Sometimes she shouts at me... but it's okay, because she shouts at Ella too."
Just as she spit that out, you pulled up in front of her school, your heart heavy with Lilly's thoughts now and your mind turbulent with worry over your daughter's feelings. You were already planning Max's murder... and maybe Valerie's.
You dropped her off and drove back home like a mad woman. Before even making your way up to your apartment, your phone was against your ear, ringing as you waited for Max to pick up.
"What's up?" His chill voice asked.
"We need to talk. Come over." You hung up and stormed upstairs.
The half hour it took Max to arrive and knock at you door seemed to last forever and ever but when the doorbell finally rang and echoed through the apartment, you swung it open harshly and was met with confused blue eyes and furrowed brows.
"What's happening? Is Lilly okay?"
"Get in, Max." You gestured inside and moved out of the way.
Max was clueless and confused as he walked inside the familiar, calm apartment and sat down on the couch centering the living room, looking behind him to watch as you walked over and sat in a loveseat on his side, a troubled, unsettling look on your face.
"Look, i don't wanna come off as rude but you out of all people know that i will always go out of my way and try my hardest to protect Lilly and make sure she's happy." You started lightly, making Max slightly nervous. He leaned forward so his arms were resting on his knees, his expression showing hints of worry now as he gaped at you.
"What? Protect her from what exactly? I don't understand." He asked.
"Are Lilly and Ella on good terms?" A blunt question left your mouth.
Max's eyes widened for a mere second as he absorbed the shock of such interrogation. In his head, he searched through all the memories he had of the two young girls together, no red flags making themselves known. He was wondering where all of this was coming from too.
"I don't think i've seen them disagree or fight. Why?" He answered but you didn't acknowledge his question.
"What exactly do you guys do when Lilly's staying at your place? How do you pass time?" You felt like a detective and you hated it but you needed to know everything, needed Max to know how his daughter felt and see his reaction to it, see if he was taking his role as her dad seriously.
"Like normally, really. Breakfast, playing, training, lunch, a drive around or a walk, maybe going to a park, then dinner and just some sitting around before going to bed. You need to tell me if something is wrong." He explained then returned back to wondering why did it seem so urgent that he comes over if this is what you wanted to talk about.
"Max, do you pay attention to Lilly's mood when she's with you?" Desperation and frustration were starting to lace your voice and slip out between words as you watched Max frown.
"Why do i feel like you're hiding something and throwing accusations? I'm Lilly's dad. I need to know if something is going on." He started getting angry.
"Are you acting like it? You practically begged to be in her life. You repeated it a thousand fucking times that you can be the dad she deserves. Are you actually doing that?" You got up and found yourself pacing behind the couch where Max was sat.
"What the hell? What the fuck makes you think i'm not properly taking care of her? Fucking tell me." He turned in his seat to look at your constantly moving figure, his eyebrows raised and his mouth agape in a mix of anger and confusion.
"She did, Max! She made me think that." You shouted, "She was saying things like how it's okay that she sits alone and gets bored and, fuck- just feeling left out."
"What?" He was shocked, the words you said making him stand to his feet, properly turning around to look at you.
"Look, i've always been understanding of your job, of your relationship, of the presence of another child in your life but never, never will i ever tolerate knowing my daughter is feeling left out and alone when she's with you. I grew up feeling that way, lonely and i sure as fuck won't allow that to happen to Lilly." You were furious with how calm he was about this while your blood was a mere celsius away from boiling. Not once in your life were you ever this angry but when Lilly was on the line, you were a different person.
"I promise you, i never leave her alone." He defended.
"Then why did she say you love Ella more than her? Tell me why?" You shouted, "You want to be her dad, act like it!" You were teetering close on the edge of loosing all composure and control.
"I'm trying!" He shouted back, "You gotta keep it in mind that this is new to me. This is my first time having a kid of my own! Just because you so naturally adjusted to it, it doesn't mean that it's gonna come so effortlessly for me too. I'm trying to make the best out an unconventional and weird situation, I'm really trying to be a good dad for Lilly."
You fell silent and leaned against the back of the couch, rubbing at your forehead out of stress, the wrinkles of a frown creasing your skin as your thoughts raced.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a fidgety Max.
He cared. You didn't know him that much but you definitely knew him enough to realize and see that. He was clearly trying but was also failing at some part of the whole parenting role without even realizing.
Like he said, having a child was something that both of you were continuously getting used to so, to some degree, you couldn't blame him.
"We should stop screaming at each other. It wouldn't be good to go back to fighting." He referred to the earlier days before the hookup and the pregnancy, where you and Max in the same room inevitably meant an incoming explosion.
"Yeah." You muttered, "Yeah, you're right."
You eyed him cautiously, not knowing where to go from here.
Luckily, he gave you a small smile and patted the space beside him on the couch, "Come here. We need to figure out a solution. I really want the best for Lilly."
You sighed and allowed your shoulders to drop, ignoring the little tingling in your heart at the way Max was smiling at you. You just took a seat at a comfortable distance from him, slacking against the back cushions of the sofa and pulling a pillow into your lap for comfort, all while Max watched your moves attentively.
"Tell me what she said first. We need to figure out where things went to shit first, right?"
"Yeah, that's a good call." You confirmed as you picked at the skin by your nails, "She said that you and Ella have more fun together, that you laugh more and she doesn't know why..."
"That you love Ella more because you're in love with her mother. I think that's the thing that i hated hearing, because i understand not being able to give her your undivided attention all the time but i just don't want her to feel like her dad is favoring someone else over her, you know?" You teared up at the thought of Lilly not having the assurance that both her parents love her.
Taking notice of your glistening eyes, Max patted your shoulder, taking you by surprise. It had you thinking how weird it, two people who have literally seen and touched almost all of each other's bodies at some point, being so awkward about a touch to the shoulder that lasted maybe a total of 3 seconds.
"We'll figure it out. Lilly will always be my priority. I will make up for everything, i promise." He reassured, breaking you out of your thoughts, "One more question, because i need to know this to figure out a plan."
You sighed, "Okay... Shoot."
"Is she fighting with Ella? Like... Do they get along okay? Did she mention anything about their relationship?"
You cringed at that. You were gonna have to tell him about the way Valerie plays into this.
"What?" He questioned once he noticed your expression, "What is it? They don't get along, do they?" He asked and watched you struggle to put words together.
"She didn't mention Ella much." You started.
"Okay..." He frowned, "I've never heard or seen them fight so i kind of knew that."
"Yeah..." You hesitated, "Max, do you remember how we agreed to never shout at Lilly? And to never let anyone shout at her either?"
He nodded.
"Valerie kinda... screamed at her, but she thinks it's okay because Ella gets screamed at too." You said with a low voice.
"What?" Max was surprised, "I talked to her many times about our rules that we follow with Lilly and she told me she respects that."
You sat in silence for a while, not knowing what to say while Max's head raced with how much he hadn't been noticing about the time his daughter spent at his place.
He wanted his house to feel comfortable for Lilly, for her to feel just as at home as she did in your apartment, so he couldn't really help thinking that he failed at that, failed at reserving enough attention to his daughter.
"Do you think i'm a bad father?" He asked.
"I never said that, Max." You felt a hint of guilt at the thought of making him feel that way.
"No, be honest, because i feel like i shouldn't take care of Lilly alone anymore if i don't notice all this shit." He blurted with his eyebrows raised then he pursed him lips.
"Please, don't say that. It's not what i meant. I don't expect you to be perfect." You sighed, "I'm not a perfect mother either but that's because we're humans, because we're still figuring out this whole parenting thing, and honestly, i feel like figuring it out isn't something that ever ends."
Subconsciously, your hand landed comfortingly on his shoulder, "You try your hardest to be a good presence in your daughter's life, i can see that, it's just that she's growing up. She can understand and speculate about everything around her now, so we just need to be better at regarding her feelings and making sure not to give her wrong impressions."
He rubbed at his eyes with frustration seizing his muscles and finally allowed his back to meet the cushions behind him as he nodded.
"I'm gonna need your help for a while, though. Just to understand what to change." Max mumbled.
You smiled, "Don't worry, I'm always happy to help."
"Thank you."
A quiet few minutes of silence followed then Max got up to leave.
"I need to talk to Val." He groaned as he grabbed his phone and keys.
"I hope everything goes well." You wished.
"Yeah." He replied nonchalantly, "How about i pick you up later and we go get her from school together? We can go eat somewhere, just the three of us."
Smiling, you nodded and walked with him to the door.
"See you later, then." He said just as he starting walking down the stairs.
You shut the door while trying to figure out the feeling in you chest and why something was telling you today would be the start of major changes in your life and Lilly's.
Following that day, everything seemed to work itself out.
Max picked you up as planned and everything went really well. On the way to get Lilly from school, he told you he talked extensively with Valerie and that lead to a fight, and a breakup.
Worried that he would be thinking that was what you wanted, you were quick to show support.
"Is everything okay?" You asked and he quickly nodded, giving you a quick glance and smile as he drove.
"I really didn't mean for the two of you to break up. I know you love her and Ella and want-" You couldn't help rushing.
"Hey, hey," he interrupted, "i told you. Everything's okay. It was a long time coming kinda thing. Don't blame yourself, please."
As days went on, Max made it a point to come up with plans for the three of you and the first time he had Lilly staying with him afterwards, he got her to invite you for dinner, something that became a repeated pattern and for some reason, your heart was starting to beat faster at every invite and every smile Max would give you.
It wasn't much later when you realized you were catching feelings for the father of your child and you weren't quite sure what to do about that.
A month later, on an afternoon when you were meant to pick up Lilly from Max's place, he opened the door for you and instead of letting you in, he stepped out and closed the front door behind him.
"Can we talk?" He asked with his hands stuffed in his jeans' pockets.
"But... Lilly..." you pointed to the door.
"Mom is there with her." Max reassured that your daughter wasn't on her own and proceeded to guide you away.
With your eyes narrowed in suspicion, you followed him, your nerves getting worse by the second.
"So, car ride or a walk?" He asked once you were out of the building.
Frowning, you tilted your head to the side and responded, "Walking's fine."
Max nodded and so the two of you began taking small steps along the sidewalk.
Silence reigned for a while. You couldn't really figure out anything to say and it was rather obvious that Max was planning the approach to whatever he wanted to talk about in his head.
By the time he spoke up, the two of you were a few buildings away.
"I've been really enjoying our time with Lilly." He awkwardly said and if anything, that confused you more.
"Yeah, it's been good." You agreed with a nod.
"I like it when it's just the three of us." Max continued.
"I like it too. I want Lilly to have as many normal experiences as possible."
For some reason, the silence returned after that. Meanwhile, your heart had begun racing out of control as you laid out the various paths that this conversation would take, the one outcome you wished you'd end up with being repressed and avoided. Instead, you found yourself considering other options.
What is something happened with Lilly?
Are they not getting along?
Does he want to change anything about their relationship? Or about the way the two of you parent her?
What if he was dating someone new?
Sure, it has barely been a month since his breakup but according to the pieces of information you'd pick during your time with him, and Lilly of course, you'd concluded that he wasn't actually in love with Valerie.
Interrupting your thoughts, Max sighed heavily by your side.
"You know, I'm trying hard to be smooth with this but-" he chuckled, "I'm clearly shit at that."
"How about you tell me what this is about as a head-start..." you suggested.
Max nodded and seemed to calculate his words for a mere second, "The nature of our... relationship?" He hesitated.
"Oh..." You let your confusion show, "What about it?"
He fiddled with his hands for a while before finally speaking, "I wanna try- No. I wanna ask you if you would agree to trying something new."
The determination in his voice confused you even further.
"New... Like, how?"
"Would you be open to the idea of a date? No Lilly, just me and you going somewhere nice together."
You stopped dead in your tracks and stared at Max like you were speculating if he was serious, all while your heart was dancing to an unknown tune that had slowly been becoming its favorite.
"I know this can be potentially risky, because what if we actually date and - i don't want it to seem like I'm getting ahead of myself - get in a relationship? It could complicate things with Lilly and shit but we've been co-parenting for four years now even though we hated each other's guts so, really, we're capable of working through anything." He took a breath, "I just want something more with you. I really like you, so much more than as just Lilly's mom. Just consider it 'cause i just think we would have something good, that we'd be worth a shot, you know? I've been thinki-"
"Max!" You interrupted his rant with a chuckle of his name and a wide smile, "Breathe, please."
"So?" He seemed nervous as he asked and you found it adorable.
"I'll go on a date with you." You nodded with a big smile, making Max grin so wide.
From that point on, everything is just history.
The first date went so amazingly well that the second followed so soon after it, then a third, and on the fourth, Max asked you to be his girlfriend and you instantly agreed.
The transition was practically seamless.
Lilly was over the moon once she noticed the nature of your interactions with Max shift. The first night she got to spend the night with both her mom and dad under the same roof as her, she was absolutely beaming.
Things between you and Max were going so well, it almost seemed surreal, but both of you, and Lilly of course, couldn't be happier that it was in fact your reality.
A few months into the relationship, you and Lilly fully moved in with him and the first free weekend morning spent there, you woke up to them making breakfast together.
It was a moment you truly cherished, when you walked into the kitchen to find Max holding his daughter on his shoulders so she'd be able to grab plates from the high cupboards, both of them displaying big and genuine smiles.
"I feel left out, I'm not gonna lie." You walked in joking, effectively grabbing both their attentions.
The three of you had a delicious and peaceful breakfast together and when Lilly finished eating and ran off to her room, Max moved you off your chair and onto his lap, his eyes locking with yours. Your legs were dangling off of one side, your arms hooking behind his neck as you kissed his lips lightly.
He smiled at you and pulled you back in, keeping the curve of his lips throughout the short peck.
When he pulled away, his grin grew and he brushed his hand through the front strands of your hair, securing it behind your ear.
"I love you." He spoke softly and, like always, it made your heart pound.
"I love you too, Max."
Just like that, the two people from five years ago who couldn’t be in the same room for over three minutes without fighting were long gone.
And just like that, everything worked out in a way that no one expected it to but in the idealist of ways possible.
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aboyscriminalrecord · 13 days
Halloo! Is the same person who did the y/n w a constant pout thing then smiles after Al tells them too. I LOVED IT BTW, I JS randomly had another Idea and wanted to share it so imagine y/n writing stuff like, random stuff then js finds themselves drawing Al, and Al sees them. And he's like 'what a wonderful sketch dear' and dude js keeps praising them. NO RUSH BTW TAKE UR TIME AND TAKE CARE OF URSELF HEHE
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Im glad you liked it!!
I can imagine y/n holding the sketch up and Alastor just appearing behind them like “wow! You’re an amazing artist!” And scaring tf outta them
I can see it becoming a routine almost, everytime y/n writes/sketches, Alastor just finds it relaxing to stand behind them and watch (don’t think it’s very relaxing for y/n having this creepy mf watch them all the time but yk) LMAO
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go to sleep asmi
here is a bedtime story to help you get tf to sleep
One day there was a demon with red hair who really loved cars and Queen. This demon was very silly, and was also very lonely. One day, the demon thought, 'huh! Maybe I should find myself a friend! An angel!' So, every weekend, the demon would knock on random bookshops until they found their angel. One day, the demon knocked on the door to a particular bookshop - one belonging to a certain Mr fell! This angel invited the demon inside, and there they sipped tea on the couch together for all eternity.
The end.
*closes book*
HNNNGGGGGGG but anon maggot you see i do not want to sleep i want to CHAOS and besides I have to finish understanding cufflinks to see what fastenings the cufflinks on Crowley's wedding dress will have it's very important you see abso-fucking-lutely crucial to the proceedings
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wintersera · 9 months
I just dropped from masters to diamond in Overwatch ranked and I’m gonna cry but besides that
I been thinking of like shy g!p gym rat kazuha that like you go to the gym with her one time and someone is flirting with you in front of her and she just gets mad and fucks you like I have one of the biggest crushes in this girl man
cw: public sex, g!p kazuha, oral (giving)
anon… please carry me 😭 i used to be hard stuck gold back in ow1. good luck if you’re tryna climb back uo to master!!
but anyways YES shy g!p gym rat zuha you say?? ouhh girly invited you to go to the gym one day with her bc yk workouts RAAAHH💪 GAINS💪💪 jokes-😭 its more of a poor excuse to get you to wear gym clothes (the ones where you can SEE 👀 everything) and its also another poor excuse to get you to see her abs and biceps 🤤
well zuha is,, shy and doesn’t know how to talk to women correctly, even you 😭 yeah you guys are friends and she sees you in a non friend way partner like ooooh she has a crush on youuu 🤭 like she doesn’t even know why you stick around with her bc she doesn’t really talk that much, only bc she doesn’t know what exactly to say to you.
anywayss,,, you two were just doing regular gym stuff. you trying to bench press at least more than you usually do and zuha is spotting you like the good gym rat she is :)) and then a random man had the audacity to talk to you while you were lifting heavy ass weights?? LIKE MOOOVEE?;!;?:??;
“hey cutie, do you want me to help you? those seem too heavy for your pretty hands to hold?”
oh man,, zuha had never felt this pissed off before- like she was getting bolddd,, all that shyness she once had leaves her body as soon as that man opened his mouth.
mhmhm yk where this is going,, had to shove that man away from the bench, like fr shove him tf away 😭😭 she’s strong as hell so she had no issues with pushing a guy out the way- anwyays after she did all that, she grabbed your hand and dragged you to the changing rooms :)) as she was feeling extra bold today she wanted to yk relieve some of the tension AND there’s definitely gonna be some tension relieving 🤭
you noticed her bulge showing through her compression pants (bc she’s simply just that big 🤤) and being the good friend you are, you ask to suck her off? now normally shy zuha would say something like “ah- no it’s okay you don’t have to” :<< BUT SHE WAS FEELING PISSED,, accepting your offer bc she needed to feel less stressed abt the situation-
already ready to get cock sucked, she’s lifting your hair up in a makeshift ponytail, pulling you closer and closer to herd bulge,, you sliding down her sweatpants and her compression pants her cock springs up and hits the side of your face 😳😳
makes you deepthroat her so quickly that i catches you wayyyy off guard. zuha head pusher fr!! like she’s so caught up in the pleasure that she doesn’t realise she’s moving her hands on there own,, having two hands on your head moving it to her will AUGH ZUHAAA?:!/: doesn’t even give you time to breath, her mind thinking of cumming all over your pretty face.
cock twitching in you mouth, her legs starting to shake- ouuhh she was close to cumming. now mind you, you’re in a PUBLIC changing room with those stalls. zuha, on the verge of cumming, bites her lip as continues to rock her hips into your mouth. feeling your hot tongue on the base of her cock, she lets her senses wash over her body- muffled moans as she’s making sure no one could hear her cum,, finally letting go of your head once she’s poured out all her semen down your throat :))
a/n: this isn’t proofread yet- it’s 5am and i’m about to snooze i’ll edit it it when i wake up 😭
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