#anon this was hysterical i just HAD to do this. the inspiration was THERE in an instant thank you so much
I'm reading GOOMT rn and every time I saw a reference to 'the author' I thought it was a self insert. Then I remembered that Harry is an author. I was so confused for about a third of the story till it clicked.
hi there! thank you much for sending me this ask 🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏💖💖💖 and thank you SOO MUCH for reading GOOMT!!!! i hope you've been having fun and getting a kick out of it :3c
and you know, now that you mention it................. i suppose there are two types of authors when it comes to GOOMT. so i thought it wouldn't be such a half-bad idea to whip up a handy-dandy reference sheet in just in case there is ever any doubt about who "the author" descriptor refers to and the connotations involved. :3c sooo here we are!!: how to use "the author" descriptor correctly in GOOMT, vs how NOT to use it oh mhy god the. power the power thE POWER THE POWER TH E
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--- hahahahaaaaaa so yeah!! i hope that helps!! :)!! thank u so much for reading GOOMT and i hope SOOOO much that you are enjoying it, and continue to!!! see u in the next chapter ;)c
...... >:3c!!!!!!
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
A Glimpse of Them
Pairings: Rooster x Wife!Reader, Goose x Carole, Maverick x Penny
Author’s Note: Inspired by this absolutely precious Anon request, as well as my great love for the iconic Goose and Carole Bradshaw.
Warnings: Super fluffy fluff, as well as a little bit of angst that comes from missing the people you love.
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From the very beginning, Maverick knew that you and Bradley were meant to be.
Because every time he looked at the two of you, he saw them.
It caught him off guard, the first time it happened. You were all at the beach, enjoying a barbeque Penny was hosting at The Hard Deck. Mav was helping her at the grill when he heard a loud shriek behind him. Turning, he immediately spotted Bradley chasing you across the sand as you laughed and tried to duck out of his hold. It wasn’t long, however, before he managed to catch you and sling you over his shoulder, victoriously carrying you towards the water as you pounded playfully on his back.
“Goose Bradshaw, you put me down this instant!” Carole shrieked, smacking her boyfriend’s back as he swung her around with a big grin plastered across his face.
“Do you hear something, Mav?” Goose asked, turning left and right and cupping his ear with a look of mock confusion on his face.
“Mav, you tell him to put me down right now!” Carole demanded, her cheeks turning red as she hung over Goose’s shoulder.
From his spot on his beach chair, Maverick couldn’t help but grin at his friend and his friend’s girl. One month, and Goose was already a goner for Carole.
“I don’t know, Goose, I think I hear something, but I can’t quite put my finger on it,” Mav laughed, sliding his Aviators back on.
“Oh, you two idiots!” Carole groaned, pounding on Goose’s back some more.
“Must be the sun getting to me,” Goose grinned mischievously, tightening his hold on Carole’s waist. “Better go cool off.”
“Nicholas Bradshaw, don’t even think about it!” Carole squealed, letting out a yelp as Goose took off towards the water, submerging them both in an instant.
“You big idiot!” Carole cried, though she was laughing hysterically as she wiped the salt water out of her eyes.
“I think you mean stud, honey,” Goose smirked, pulling her into his arms and kissing her soundly.
“Yeah, yeah,” Carole smiled, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him back.
Maverick blinked and suddenly Goose and Carole were gone. Instead, it was you and Rooster laughing like a couple of schoolchildren on the beach, Rooster tugging playfully on your wet ponytail and kissing you tenderly.
“Pete, you alright?” Penny asked, resting a hand on his back as she followed his gaze.
“Yeah,” Mav nodded, shaking his head slightly. “Just remembering something, that’s all,” he told her with a smile.
After that day, Maverick saw glimpses of his dearest friends in you and Rooster all the time.
He saw Goose in the way Rooster gazed at you when you weren’t looking, like his whole world was wrapped up in you and you alone. Goose had always looked at Carole that way.
He saw Carole in the way you rested against Rooster, your head on his shoulder and your hand slipped inside his, like you never wanted to let him go. Carole had been the same way with Goose.
Whenever Rooster returned home from a mission, Maverick always kept his eyes on you, watching for your reaction. The way you would throw your arms open wide and call out his name, a smile made of pure sunshine lighting up your face, made him recall the reunions he got to witness between Goose and Carole whenever they made their way home. Rooster held you in the same way that Goose had held Carole, like he would never let you go, even if the world was crumbling around you.
The first time Maverick saw the two of you at the piano together, he’d had to step outside for a minute, too overcome with emotion to remain in the bar. It was no great surprise to hear Rooster singing “Great Balls of Fire,” as he’d heard him sing it many times as he was growing up, but when he pulled you down onto his lap and pressed a kiss to your shoulder, he looked so much like his father that Mav could have sworn it was Goose in the room that night. And when you threw your head back and laughed with careless abandon, gazing at Rooster with complete adoration in your eyes, it was like he was getting to see Carole again after so many years. It took his breath away, how much he missed his friends.
But it also brought him comfort, knowing how happy Goose and Carole would be to know that their son had found someone to love, someone who loved him just as much in return.
He shed a tear when Bradley texted him a picture of the two of you on vacation in the Bahamas. It was a candid shot, one that looked as if it had been snapped almost accidentally. Bradley’s head was turned so that he was gazing down at you, your hand resting on his chest and your mouth open in laughter. It was the looks in both your eyes that made him see Goose and Carole. The two of them had never been good at posing for photographs. One was always looking at the other, one was always making the other laugh. Both of them were always gazing at each other with that look of unguarded, unadulterated love.
Maverick printed that picture that Bradley sent him and hung it right beside a similar shot of Goose and Carole from their honeymoon.
When you and Bradley got engaged, Maverick felt Goose and Carole’s presence there that night, celebrating with you all.
“Mav, isn’t it beautiful?” you asked, holding up your engagement ring for him to see.
“Mav, isn’t it beautiful?” Carole beamed, her face split with a giant smile as she held up the engagement ring Goose had slipped on her finger just hours before.
“It’s beautiful, Carole,” Mav grinned, slapping Goose on the shoulder in congratulations.
“It’s beautiful, kid,” Mav smiled, slapping Rooster on the shoulder in congratulations.
When he walked you down the aisle on your wedding day, your eyes aglow as they rested on your groom, Maverick couldn’t help but remember the sight of Carole on her wedding day, that megawatt smile of hers turned all the way up as she glided down the aisle on her father’s arm.
Rooster’s bright smile, and the light sheen of tears glistening in his eyes as he looked back at you, were identical to his father’s as he had gazed at his mother.
God, Rooster looked so much like Goose.
Maverick’s heart throbbed with memory the day that you and Bradley told him you were expecting your first child.
“You’re going to be a great-uncle, Mav,” Rooster chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder as he glowed with pride and slipped his hand inside yours.
“A great great-uncle!” you added, the three of you laughing as you leaned over to hug him.
“You’re going to be an uncle, Mav! How do you like that?” Goose grinned, clapping him on the shoulder as he wrapped his other arm around Carole.
“The best uncle there is!” Carole smiled, wrapping her arms around Maverick and giving him a big hug.
Rooster was the picture of his father the night you went into labor, prepared as anything but also as frantic as could be.
“I’m going to be a father, Mav,” he kept saying over and over again when he called to let him know that the two of you were at the hospital. “I’m going to be a father.”
“I’m going to be a father, Mav,” Goose murmured into the payphone, running his fingers through his hair. “I’m going to be a father! Oh my God, I gotta go,” he exclaimed, slamming the phone down as Mav chuckled.
“You’re going to be a great father,” Mav assured Rooster, smiling through the phone.
And he was. You both were incredible parents.
Every time you brought Nick to the base to visit everyone, every time you and your son were there to greet Rooster at his homecomings, every time Rooster lifted your little boy into his arms or sat him up on his shoulders, Maverick saw glimpses of the past. Glimpses of all that had been.
The day you both told him that you had started calling your son Goose, he hadn’t been able to say anything. Emotion clogging his throat, he’d just pulled the two of you into his arms and held on tightly.
You both had known exactly what he meant. Words weren’t needed.
As Maverick watched your family grow, he thought often of his beloved friends. They would have loved to see the life you and Bradley were creating. They would have been so proud of the man their son had become. They would have loved you and treated you like their own daughter. They would have adored doting on their grandchildren.
There wasn’t a day that went by that Maverick didn’t miss Goose and Carole. But when he looked at you and Bradley, he caught a glimpse of them.
And that was enough until he could see them again.
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Heed (Roman Roy x Mencken!Reader)
Chatacter/s: Roman, Mencken, Logan mention
Word Count: 1,413
Inspired By: Nothing's New by Rio Romeo
Requested: hihi! ahh i loved your newest roman fic! i also have severe roman brain rot & would love a fic that is super fluffy & hurt/comfort where he is super soft with the reader (either his s/o or situationship or friend or lil sibling i don’t mind & hope that isn’t to vague) & treats them like he does with kerry in ep4 at logans wake.thank you so so so much xx - anon
A/N: Are you ready for the hurt/comfort my love???? Because I don't think you are!!! :P This was so cute, he was literally so cute in that moment like god please let him be soft!!! Thank you for requesting my love!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Succession Masterlist
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You scream his name, but it’s too late. They recognize you. They’re grabbing at you, pulling at your clothes, tearing them from your body. You’ve fallen to the ground, on your hands and knees, begging for them to stop. Crying out to him. There’s too many of them, they’ve made a wall around you, a bubble he can’t pop. They’re kicking you, punching you, pulling at your hair. The road burns under your skin, your palms being torn to shreds. You taste blood in your mouth, choking on it, unable to cry out any longer. He’s calling your name, crying out to you, but you can’t move. You can’t fight. There’s too many. You can feel it in your stomach, in your sides, your chest: their anger. They won’t stop. All of them are so angry, so full of rage, taking it out on you. Your shirt is torn open, torn off, discarded in the crowd, one of your shoes gone. Your left eye has swollen completely shut and there’s a terrible, pulsing ache on the side of your head. It vibrates through your skull, making you nauseous, terribly aware of the iron taste in your mouth. Something wet and hot drips down your face, your chin. It feels like forever, hands groping you, touching you. They spit their words. Words meant for your brother, your family, not you. You had nothing to do with his campaign, his supposed win. Nothing. You shared a single last name, that was all. That was all. Eternity passes before they’ve grown tired, bored, before you’ve gone limp, crying quietly to yourself, your arms wrapped around you, protecting you from the cold of night. They’ve moved on, leaving you shaking, whimpering. Someone touches you, but you pull away, screaming at them to get away from you, get away. He just shushes you. It’s me, he says as gently as possible, It’s just me. You open your good eye, staring up at him. He’s bleeding. One of his eyes has gone completely red. He looks frantic, disheveled. He can’t think, he can’t breathe, all he can see is the crowd swarming around you, hurting you, you calling out for him and he’s unable to help. He’d never felt so helpless. Steadily, holding out his hands, he reaches for his jacket. He slips it off, putting it around your bare shoulders, making sure you see his every action. Despite yourself, you flinch. Despite yourself, you fall into him, shuddering, shaking, crying. He doesn’t think about it, instead instinctively putting his arms around you, holding you tight. It’s okay, he whispers, everything is going to be okay. 
He never meant for this to happen. 
Your brother never should have said what he did. You knew, under that faux laugh and eye roll was someone hurting, mourning, grieving. You tried to apologize later on, but by then the damage had been done. By Jeryd, by Kendall, by that stupid video going around. From the moment you met him you liked him. You didn’t care about the friendship between him and your brother, or that he was a Roy. He was funny, and kind when no one was looking. You’d only talked a few times, but you got the sense that he liked you, too. He went to seek you out at the election party, the two of you conversing in your own private corner for over an hour. He made you laugh easily, hysterically, until you were crying. Nothing was off limits. You spoke of your brother's political career, how it had made an impact on your life. It could be worse, you shrugged, trying not to sound inconsiderate. Roman was, after all, a huge help. He’d been with him from the beginning, most of the family had, too. You’d told him how sorry you were about his father, hugging him tight, and you noticed he didn’t resist or try to side-step you like he had others. His shoulders slumped a little. He was taking it in, really taking it in, grateful you weren’t made of plastic like everyone else. It could also be better, he objected. You just nodded, unsure of what to say. It could always be better. True. You’d lost a lot of friends because of Jeryd, a lot of people in your life. It felt like, sometimes, you only had Roman. He’d asked for your number, for anything about the campaign he’d said quickly after, but you understood. You texted, you called. Sometimes about your brother. Mostly about life. How you were doing, how he was doing. He wasn’t all defensive and witty over text. He dropped the exhausting act. It was nice. You were seeing the real him. When he took off you chased after him. You couldn’t let him do what he was going to do, whatever it was, fearing the worst. He walked down the street, past his car, towards the protesters. Your stomach dropped. You watched him get hit, once twice, before going down. You called to him, trying to save him from himself, climbing over the barrier. You shouldn’t have. It was stupid. But you couldn’t let him get hurt. That’s when they recognized you, that’s when they came after you. 
You stay like that for a long time. He rubs your back, hushing your cries. It’ll be okay, we’ll get you some help. Head pounding, sides aching, everything hurt. It hurts to breathe. Slowly you make your way to the other side of the barriers where he sits you down on the sidewalk, trying to access your wounds. You’ll need stitches, he thinks dreadfully, a lot of them. As carefully as possible, he wipes the blood away, red soaking into the sleeve of his white button up. Your head is pretty banged up and you might be missing a few back teeth. He can see the bruises forming in the opening of his jacket and your palms are bright red. You’d stopped crying, now embarrassed. I’m okay, really, you protested, fighting him, but the look in his eyes was scared and stern: stay put. You couldn’t stop yourself from apologizing. If you’d been smarter, if you thought for just one second, he wouldn’t have to be doing this. Roman was quite a moment, getting to your level on the ground. This is my fault, not yours. You were, you were just being a good person. You shake your head, going on and on about what an idiot you are, but he’s not listening. He tips your chin up, making you look in those big brown eyes. So sad, you think, so hurt. Listen to me, his voice soft, shaking. This wasn’t- it’s not- none of this was your fault, okay? You just shrugged, defeated. He calls a car that should be there soon. In the meantime he sits beside you, every so often dabbing your forehead. Is it as bad as it feels? You’re quiet now. How would you explain this to your brother? How could you explain your lack of thought? You just moved, you just acted, following him because you were worried, because you were petrified about what would happen to him if you didn’t. He’d never understand. You and Roman, you weren’t anything, but you cared about him and he cared about you. It didn’t have to have a name. It didn’t have to exist to everyone else. He shakes his head, dabbing the blood. You kinda pull it off. You smile, nudging him. Really, this could be the new look. You roll your eyes. You let your head rest on his shoulder, exhausted, the adrenaline wearing off. Everything hurts, everything aches. You reach with your tongue in two empty sockets. Your teeth must be over there, on the sidewalk. He puts his arm around you, letting it hover just above your skin, not wanting to cause anymore harm. He knows you’re tender, that the booze and emotions will wear off and you’ll be in a world of pain. The car pulls up just as he’s about to call. Slowly he guides you in, climbing in beside you. They start to drive quickly, towards the nearest hospital, every so often glaring up at you two. What a sight. Your poor eye, you whisper, touching the side of his bruised face. He holds your hands, knowing how they must burn. He didn’t care the least about himself, you were his only concern. You should see the other guy.
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throwaway-yandere · 11 months
hey dear! hope you’ve been doing well <3 i’m sure school’s been a major pain in the ass for you ((hows that going?? i hope not too bad 🥲))
i just wanted to ask, do you have any plans for hysteric humanoid / plan on continuing it? (( i def understand if you don’t answer these asks because i’m sure it adds a lot of stress and can just be relatively annoying, so i sincerely apologize if this comes out that way!)
i also understand if you’ve been feeling unmotivated and too busy to work on it, especially with school! it happens to the best of us! its just that HH has been rotting in my brain rent free ever since i read it and i can’t get it out of my mind. the way you write and piece together the characters? absolutely amazing. the way you wrote lumine and dainsleif in it will forever be my favorite rendition i’ve seen of the two, this extends to the other characters that were in it too though!! i just have a major bias towards lumi and dain hehe.. i’m rambling, my apologies! i could honestly go on and on about how much i absolutely adore your work, and maybe one day i will, but until then, please do remember to take care of yourself! lots of love <<3
first off: this is probably the happiest I've been reading a "when's the next part" ask/reply lolololol. I love HysHum so much!!! OCMC and HysHum are pretty much me just absolutely fueled by either pure simping or gremlin behavior hehehe. The Dainsleif vs Lumine rivalry brain rots I had kept me up at night in this one so much. Something about Dain poetically being your most loyal servant despite not (wanting to) believing that you are indeed the "creator" and Lumine just going "Stop being delulu, they ARE the creator." hAHAHHAHAHAHA. There's just so much going on in my head. Talking about the archons here would be deep spoiler territory, but Baizhu being the one to give you your new name, Yelan implied to know about your secret and is testing the waters, Kaeya being your only somewhat-reliable confidant (and Alhaitham out there not giving a sht at all since he's focused on a certain elf lmao) is just my jam
...as for the sad news, I kind of "retired" from writing. Don't get me wrong- I do love writing the fic, A LOT, however, I'm not sure if it would be a "smart move" for me to do since I know I'm bound to get busier and busier. Additionally, not a lot of people in this world are Lumine-Dainsleif simps like you and I (hahahuhuhuhu...) so I feel like I'm just talking to a void when writing these sorts of things. My friends and I often make jokes about how my least effort writings are the ones that get more traction than the ones I research and pour my blood, sweat, and tears on. I'm very passionate about this fic- wE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO ZHONGLI'S INVOLVEMENT AND KAEYA AND DAIN'S UNENDING BANTERS YET- but huhuhu I'll have to pause on it like OCMC until I see more reasons to continue writing ;;;---;;;. Sorry, my husband Dain, and my bestie Phitre's wife, Lumine. 
Love you very much for sending this ask, anon, thank you for reading HysHum <3333 (I'd probably be more inspired to continue this fic if we actually get more Dainsleif and Abyss Twin screentime and not just a "wake up traveler" moment- but that depends on my schedule yet again)
Have this pic for now :))
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astroboots · 10 months
Hello Cici 💐 I wanted to ask, what was your favorite scene that you've written for Red Flags? And for Eyem?
OOOOH!!! 💐 anon that is such a fun question!! Thank you for asking me this.
For Red Flags
My favorite scene is when reader asks Steven about the cuffs, thinking it's a kinky sex thing and Steven's utter confusion about it. It' misunderstanding trope but instead of conflict just absolute dumbassery that leads to a sex scene, the humour in that moment is one of my favorite things I've written. I saw a meme when I first watched Moon Knight talking about how if someone that looked like Steven had that in their bedroom, it would not be a red flag for them but a green flag and it made me laugh so much that it inspired the whole story.
My second favorite scene is when Marc comes to ask reader for help with replacing Gus and she suggests snipping its fins and Marc is horrified. Again it was a scene that I had in mind when I first decided to write Red Flags, and the idea of this cool demeanoured mercenary would be horrified by animal abuse is something that I thought was so damn funny but also endearing and it was a blast to write their interaction togetehr.
oooof so so damn many. I think if you held me under gunpoint and forced me to pick it'd be when reader feeds Miguel coffee cake and he gets drunk. The image of this big 6'9 man knocking down furniture and plates cause he's drunk in your tiny apartment will never not be hysterical to me, and Miguel trying to argue back that coffee cake doesn't have to contain coffee -- his stubborness, his embarrassment was a blast to write -- and then of course my favorite thing to do in the world, do a tone switch from the humour of that to drop everyone into utter emotional devastation when he mistakes you for his version of you.
I love that scene/chapter an insane amount.
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Blygbank/Radioheads for the drabble request? Dylan and Abi are showing eachother all their tattoos and Emma and Ryan are hyperventilation in the distance and also s t a r i n g
This is so fun thanks for this one anon
It was just another day at Hacketts Quarry. Kaitlyn and Jacob had taken the kids out to the tree walk for the day until dinner. Nick was getting a headstart on dinner preparations and that left the other four counselors to bide their time as they wished. Ryan usually finds a quiet place to hang out by himself but this time he found himself helping Emma look for Abi. He was making an active effort to be more sociable with the other counselors but Emma was also very insistent.
She was complaining about something Jacob had said or done and then wondering where Abi was in the same breath. Ryan chose not to look into it out of fear of getting involved in someone elses personal life. They eventually found her sitting with Dylan on the steps of the radio shack, completely engaged in conversation with each other. So much so, the two hadn't noticed Ryan and Emma approaching across the playground area in the middle of the cabins.
Without warning, Emma grabbed Ryans arm and yanked him with a surprising level of strength behind the tree. Ryan stumbled briefly before just walking with her, staring at the side of her face.
"What? What are we doing?"
"SHH." She put a finger to her lips and peered out from behind the tree before turning around to face Ryan, smirking.
"Aren't you a little bit curious about what those two cuties are talking about?" Speaking in a hushed voice, he put all her fingertips together, tapping them quietly.
Ryan stared back blankly. "We could just go over and ask them?"
Emma rolled her eyes and finished with a glower. "I don't know about you, but I have never seen Abi this animated in a conversation before. I'm not gonna be the one who ruins it and neither are you." She pointed an accusing finger at him until he put his hands up in surrender. Satisfied, she turned on her heel and went back to eavesdropping.
Ryan groaned and squatted down. Not putting a great deal of effort into concealing his presence while Emma peered around the tree. They could barely hear them speaking. when he looked around the tree out of pure curiosity, all Ryan really noticed was the two of them pointing at their tattoos. Dylan pointing to his left bicep and Abi pointing to her right forearm. Emma hummed, intrigued. "Ooh? Tattoo talk. Very interesting." Her lips curled up in a cat like grin and Ryan sighed. He had half the mind to just get up and walk away but he shamefully admits he was very quickly distracted by the conversation.
Abi was wearing a pair of shorts and when she sat down, you could just see the tip of a tattoo cresting from underneath the hem of her shorts on the side of her thigh. She pulled up her shorts to reveal the rest and Dylan remarked by saying "Dude, I have one in the exact same spot." Ryans ears basically perked up like a dogs.
Emma had gone completely quiet and Ryan's attention was now hyper-focused on what they were going to say next. Abi was cheerfully talking about the inspiration for the design and how long it took. Dylan replied saying "If I had my phone I could show you a picture of mine." He nodded his head to the side. "It's either that or I take my pants off."
Ryan felt his entire body get yanked by his shirt behind the tree to hide properly as Dylan sat up and looked around with a small grin on his face. "The kids don't get back for a little while..." He chirped and he stood up and undid his pants. Abi immediately covered her eyes, giggling hysterically. "Oh my god Dylan we're out in the open!"
Dylan had already slid his pants half way down his thighs by the time Emma and Ryan were brave enough to poke their heads around the tree again, and he sat back down. "It's fine there's no one else here, just look..."
Ryan immediately ducked back behind the tree and put his face in his hand. What in the fuck is he doing? Why did he let Emma rope him into this? This is literally the worst thing he's ever done. He looked back towards the path into this area to make sure no one was witnessing them being giant perverts.
Emma was smiling again. "Oh wait that's hot...Ryan you're missing it." She blindly reached out to tap his shoulder, tapping the side of his face instead. Ryan batted her hand away.
"Emma I swear to god..."
She nudged him with her leg. "Abi's got one hell of a view right now huh?" She giggled at Ryans flushed face and he recalled the short glimpse he had gotten. When Dylan was standing, there was a clear tattoo that peeked over the top of his waistband on the side of his hip and stretched down past the bottom of his boxer briefs on his thigh. It was impossible to tell what it was a tattoo of from the distance but they could hear Abi gawking at it. The conversation went on to discussing how long it took, etcetera.
Ryan needed to put a stop to this before they were caught or Ryan's heart thumped out of his chest. What if they saw them? Abi would be so embarrassed and Dylan-...Well Dylan would probably be fine with it, but he would absolutely never let Ryan live it down. Oh god what if Mr H found out about this... "Emma what we're doing is literally considered a crime in some states." He hissed, face still in his hand, other hand braced on the tree trunk. When she didn't respond, he tried again. "Emma." He snapped as quietly as he could manage.
Suddenly, Emma audibly stopped breathing, her breath catching in her throat, her eyes going wide, lips parting in shock. Ryan was too curious now. He opened his eyes and peeked his head up to see Abi pinching the front middle of her shirt with both hands and lifting it up, bunching it up around her boobs with her arms. She had a tattoo on her sternum, that spread out under her boobs, over her ribs. Again, it was impossible to see what it was but it was shaded in like Dylans. Abi looked bashful, she clearly hasn't had the chance to show it off before and looked equal parts shy and happy about Dylans enthusiasm.
Dylan had re-dressed himself by this point but once again, beamed and lifted up his own shirt revealing what seemed to be letters or a series of symbols down the middle of his chest. All of the lingering shyness visible on Abi had immediately dwindled and the two were laughing and chatting.
Emma slowly lowered herself onto the ground. "Holy Mother Mary my heart nearly dropped out my ass." she put her hand over her chest, face bright pink.
Ryan nodded slowly. "Mood."
She sighed, a tiny smile creeping onto her face as she fanned herself. "I needed like... a warning, to mentally prepare for that..."
Ryan hummed in agreement, raising an eyebrow at Emma. "I did not expect this reaction from you." He half expected Emma to grin and clap her hands, maybe pull out one of Mr H's camp polaroid cameras to snap some pictures.
Emma twisted her lips. "Well I didn't expect Abi to have a sexy little underboob tattoo, so I guess we're both getting surprised today."
Ryan looked back mildly incredulously. "Dont you, her and Kaitlyn share a cabin?" Ryan's excuse was that Dylan always woke up a solid hour before Ryan did to go and do the morning announcements.
"She always changes with her back to us! the little prude..." Emma muttered. Ryan actually had to hold back a snicker at the seemingly genuine annoyance in that mutter.
Ryan could have commented on Emmas relationship with Jacob at this point but he decided to keep his nose out of it. This was probably nothing. Sure it looked very reminiscent of gay panic and it was very similar to what Ryan was also currently experiencing, but maybe she really was just surprised.
He thought this as he watched Emma sit back up to get another peek, shoulders slumping in visible disappointment to see Abi had tucked her shirt back in.
Nope, that's definitely gay.
Ok, this needed to end. How the fuck do they get out of this?
Ryan sat there halfway to petrification, acutely aware they could be seen at any moment.
"Emma. How exactly are we supposed to leave without them seeing us?"
Emma glanced to the side at nothing, thinking, then shrugged casually. "Huh. Dunno."
Ryan felt his eye twitch. and Emma stifled a giggle, slapping his shoulder. "Oh my god, calm down lover boy. It's like five o'clock, Dylan's gotta announce what cabin is helping Nick prepare dinner over the PA soon right?"
Ryan sighed. That was true. Maybe this series of mistakes wouldn't end in a horrifyingly embarrassing way. Right at that moment, the speakers clicked on and the camp song played and faded out, replaced with Dylan's voice. Ryan whipped his head out from behind the tree and both Dylan and Abi had gone inside the shack.
"Good afternoon Hacketteers, the time is seventeen hundred on the dot, hope the tree walk was good to you! To the boys of cabin six, time to start making your way to the kitchen to give our man Nick a hand. For the rest of you, free time until dinner at six. Remember to wash your hands you little animals."
While Dylan made his announcement, Emma and Ryan darted from behind the tree, into the female counselors cabin. Once the door closed behind them, Emma was wheezing she was laughing so hard and Ryan thought he may never feel calm again. He didn't speak for what felt like much longer than it was. "Why did I let you talk me into that?"
Emma practically howled, wiping tears from her eyes "I didn't have to try very hard did I?" Ryan pursed his lips, blush darkening and heading for the door. "Ok I'm leaving. This was terrible, See ya."
Emma didn't respond, she just laughed harder. Ryan could hear it through the cabin walls as he closed the door behind him and speed walked back to the lodge, desperately trying not to let his mind wander more than it already was.
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Yes, there was a rather prolific person on Reddit a few years ago whose argument was something about:
"After watching Mikan acting like this - "accidental" failings, having hysterical reactions at normal interactions, making others look like bullies out of nothing, like she did to Hajime in her introduction scene- for ten days - one has to be an idiot to not realise Mikan is being a troll. She is not some naive or handicapped child - her FTEs and Island Mode confirm she knows what she wants. She wants people's constant attention and would do dirty and immoral things to get it. If anything, it's Mikan who is preying on Hiyoko's lack of self-control. Hiyoko had insulted Mikan once, Mikan had remembered it, and started constantly baiting Hiyoko into "abusing" her because she gets massive masochistic pleasure from it - and baiting Hiyoko into attacking you is easy since Hiyoko feels threatened by any stranger larger&stronger than her (almost everyone) and insults them as a defence mechanism."
This Anon (the one who had sent the previous ask) is like... 80% disagrees with the general idea and 100% disagrees with the way the reddit person had framed it. At least because this argument, ironically, completely infantilises Hiyoko and strips her out of any agency - which she already has a very big problem with in canon story :-(
And yes, blaming Mikan for "wanting to be hurt and provoking others to hurt her" and saying that "hurting her isn't abuse because she wants and enjoys it" is like saying that "beating up a drug addicted criminal isn't police brutality because he already willingly hurts his health by taking drugs, therefore he must enjoy being hurt", and I am saying that as a Hiyoko fan.
NOTE: This is a direct sequel to this previous ask, which also inspired these that I posted earlier today.
Wow, that's... awful. The quoted logic, I mean. That's legitimately awful non-logic in every way. And "you'd have to ben an idiot not to realize" — mmm, okay, here's my counterpoint: You'd have to be an asshole to make such a leap in logic to justify the way Mikan is abused?
I've never considered the idea that maybe Mikan's falling into compromising positions could be somehow intentional, but that's maybe the one concept from that entire quote that I'd be willing to entertain for a moment. (Still gonna ultimately reject it, but I mean, it's an interesting hypothesis that I can at least comprehend the basis of.) Oh, and also "she's preying on Hiyoko's lack of self-control." What the fuck? We're... just going to let the idea that she Hiyoko can't stop herself from insulting and belittling and torturing others just sit there while making her "the victim"? Fuuuuuuck that.
Most of that is very much like "If those crabs didn't want to be killed by Hiyoko for her amusement, why were they on the beach at the same time she was there?" It's just... so far removed from being logical while also stretching desperately to justify the bad behavior.
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mini-minish · 6 months
I wasn't aware that, because I consume a certain media and am part of a "fandom" I have an obligation to voice my opinion about every atrocity happening in the world. There are about 30 military conflicts happening in the world atm, with 10K+ casualties. Am I, and/or every content creator, artist and what have you, obligated to voice my 2 cents regarding every single one of these conflicts? Will whatever my opinion is, going to stop these conflicts?
it's such a good thing then that the world revolves around you 💕 you're so sure of yourself and how right you are but still sent me this message on anon, thats funny.
hey just in case someone else isn't aware either: this is not *just* about cr, but my dissappointment with them has been great BECAUSE critical role has a very large fanbase, of mostly white americans, that they could use to bring awareness to a conflict that has killed 16,000-20,000 people in only TWO MONTHS, but instead they decided to be silent about it, unlike of when they had their fundraiser for ukraine, and other political conflicts worldwide.
this on top of profiting off of SWANA culture, and a white american man using palestine as inspiration for the map of his campaign. and their slogan is "remember to love each other". how cute.
so yes, you and i and all other small artists with barely a platform at all could be silent or could be in favour or against this conflict. but the way some of yall bend backwards to excuse wrong things people on the other side of a screen do is hysterical to say the least.
i'm not even asking anyone to attack them or send them hate, i'm just asking y'all to learn to hold people accountable.
i try not to be rude to messages, but since you haven't given me the courtesy of politeness i don't have to do the same to you. that's how your reasoning seems to work anyways.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
“…there’s a contingent of VERY bitter shipping/meta people that screamed I was *too arrogant* about the authors or alchemy interpretation, because *they* had brought *their* moby dick meta or whatever and Jensen was like “?????? no?” Did Jensen shoot down the Chuck Won thing? I know someone was trying to give him a physical copy at the Phoenix con on behalf of its author.
IDK about Chuck Won yet, but look. I've been here a long, long time. What 2po has literally done is groom a dedicated cult server of people with agendas and biases.
The section I was talking about was the S14~ period that 2po *started* the "cult" screaming because tarot and alchemy meta. It's where those hysterics of his originated before he drifted his reasoning dramatically, as compulsive liars do.
Back in the day, people were all THATS JUST UR INTERPRETATION and I was like. no sorry it's just the show. UR SO ARROGANT!!! *OUR* meta got shot down what makes YOU better. IDK. Not trying to force a square peg through a round hole and writing about what they're actually doing. YOU CAN'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING yes I fuckin' can. OUR META GOT SHUT DOWN damn, sucks to suck. -- which, now you see, this is why he can't read or acknowledge the crew saying how much it all means while they tweet it out. This was the audience he played to with his cult hysterics first, before migrating the messaging to groom in other people with other biases and hate boners.
So anyway, you get bundles of Pissy Cool Girls mad about that. You get the banned server coup gremlins. You get the doxxy motherfuckers. You get the wincels, the bibros, and everyone trying to build their last stand of relevance. You shove them all in one server where they pretend "CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?" fandom moderacy is a new concept nobody ever tried in 2022. And really they're more of a hatedom that plasters over charity work they were nearly forced into from heat. You know. Spend 50K at gold panel cons "for charity autos" to raise a whole 4K for the charity back. Why gold and not silver? Iunno.
spnscripthunt is some of the deepest bloated rot of the worst lanes of fandom and piloted heavily by people with agendas like that. Hell, wigglebox was someone banned for a bunch of shit like stalking jensen's personal private home address via tree triangulation (hilariously, 2po once tried to go OH YEAH WHAT ABOUT THIS and show... me looking at roofs in a general neighborhood in hawaii nobody lives at?). She stunted bad over the 15x20 scripts, got weird as fuck, bitched and moaned about The Purples cuz she couldn't get access in my server, then OH LOOK WHO'S IN THERE SUPPORTING 2PO BEING SALTY AS FUCK, I WONDER HOW THAT HAPPENED.
Don't forget when, among the many misguided doxxing or accusation attempts 2po has tried (doxxing the wrong person as mish related, screaming about the wrong patreon), 2po dragged another Winchesters fan hub account that he thought I was still involved with, but had left months ago. Why? Because if he got shrill he could divert them to WIGGLEBOX's Winchesters Updates, and she was fine with these attacks against Winchesters Hub.
It's literally a hatedom server that's been spitshined enough that people don't realize it going in, it puts on a nice mask, but if by the end you aren't hating on the show or engaging in doxxing people, are you really part of that server at this point? Regardless of what any individual users THINK they're doing, the mods explicitly cultivate that server to inspire bad biases and use their following for aggro hate attacks, anon storms, doxxing, and more, by warping information and keeping them segregated out of culture like an ACTUAL cult by telling them DONT GO ACTUALLY READ WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING, JUST READ WHAT I TELL YOU THEY ARE SAYING shit. Which is how you get people insisting I say things that are DEAD OPPOSITE my blog messaging. He only sends them to my blog long enough to dump hate anons. Or attack a Winchester hub. Or attack a user. Or doxx a person. Or threaten a person.
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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Diego 🤝 Carewyn
Requested by Anon
Diego Caplan was widely considered a dueling prodigy at school. He easily reigned over all other competition at Hogwarts’ Dueling Club, mastering non-verbal magics well before his peers and easily dodging spells with his graceful, precise footwork. One of the very few people who could give Diego a real challenge on the dueling field was Carewyn “Cursebreaker” Cromwell -- unlike Diego’s friend and dueling pupil Merula Snyde, though, Diego relished that challenge. 
“Why, who wouldn’t love meeting a lady who could both serenade them with song and utterly kick their arse?” he said at one point, waggling his eyebrows mischievously.
The lower, “suave” tone of voice in which he said this proceeded to make Carewyn cover her face, unable to completely stifle the hysterical giggling erupting out of her. 
Carewyn had always found Diego’s “charm” absolutely hilarious, mentally comparing him to Lando Calrissian from Star Wars trying to sweep Princess Leia off her feet. Fortunately Diego didn’t seem at all put-out by how much his behavior amused Carewyn -- the Cursebreaker was such a serious person so much of the time that it was kind of nice, to see her actually smiling and having a good time for a change. Carewyn’s stoicism and dynamic talent for leadership was actually what inspired Diego to nickname her “General,” after the formation of the Circle of Khanna -- though, true to form, Diego couldn’t resist punctuating that nickname with additives like “dear General” or “sweet General” now and again. 
One of these times in particular Diego was discussing the Circle’s combat division’s progress with Carewyn over a friendly duel of their own. 
“Ben has been doing excellently, of course,” said Diego, as he lobbed a silent Stunner at Carewyn that she had to block with a quick “Protego!” “And as much as I wasn’t sure about him enlisting Cedric at first, I must admit...the kid does have potential.”
Considering how jealous Diego had been about Cedric getting so much attention for his dueling talent earlier this year, Carewyn thought that said a lot. 
“Ugh -- that’s good,” she said. “Immobulus -- I’m glad he’s doing well.”
The last thing I want is for Cedric to get hurt, just because he wants so much to help bring R and Rakepick to justice. 
Diego dodged Carewyn’s spell with the grace of a dancer. 
“His sense of honor is impeccable, on the dueling field -- ” He shot a Disarming Charm, which Carewyn ducked. “ -- that may, however, run into problems when his opponent does not share that honor...”
“Protego -- like Rakepick,” agreed Carewyn. 
She silently blasted a Banishment Charm at Diego, which collided with his foot and threw him off-balance -- fortunately Diego managed to sweep through the air and land on his feet with the grace of a cat.
“Woo! Fantastic shot, General,” Diego complimented, before silently shooting off another red Stunner for Carewyn to block. “But yes -- Ben expressed concern that Cedric may need some instruction in how to expect and counteract more underhanded dueling tactics. I believe chucking potion bottles at him would be a good place to start...”
“Cantus -- are you sure you don’t just want to do that for your own sake, Diego?” Carewyn asked very coolly. 
Diego grinned impishly. “Perhaps just a little bit.”
He silently shot three more red spells one after another, all of which bounced off the Shield Charm Carewyn formed in response.
“Your Shield Charms really are marvelous!” Diego praised, as he continued to blast spells at her barriers. “As strong and protective as you!”
Carewyn bit back a giggle. “If I’m a Shield Charm, what does that make you, Diego Caplan?”
“General! To pick just one!” Diego shot back jovially. He continued to blast different-colored flares of light, naming each one as he did so. “Confundo, for when I throw my opponents off-guard -- Bombarda, when I blast through my competition -- Tarentallegra, for my killer dance moves -- Levicorpus, for when I sweep people off their feet -- !”
Carewyn was giggling despite herself -- it was making it hard for her to verbalize her spells, so she tried hard to cast them non-verbally, even if she wasn’t as good at it. Diego’s mouth was spread into a huge, victorious grin seeing Carewyn’s amusement.
“Or perhaps, taking your laughter into account, I am Rictusempra!”
Carewyn wasn’t able to form a Shield fast enough to block his Tickling Charm, which collided square with her chest like a puff of white dust. Now laughing fully, Carewyn struggled to articulate another spell. 
“D-Depulso -- hahaha -- well -- haha -- you certainly have -- ha -- practiced playing dirty!”
Diego grinned more broadly than ever as he dashed forward, ready to make his closing move. Carewyn, however, despite laughing so hard she could hardly breathe, had a strangely triumphant smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. As soon as Diego got close enough, she sideswiped him, dodging his Stunner while also silently aiming another spell right at his chest. In an instant, a flood of water erupted out of Carewyn’s wand, knocking Diego backward.
“G-Glacius Duo!” Carewyn cast her next spell through her jinxed laughter. 
Within seconds, Diego felt his wet clothes molting with ice that encapsulated his arms and legs, making him unable to move. 
With her opponent effectively disabled, Carewyn quickly pointed her wand at herself, choked out a weak “F-Finite Incantantum” to stop her laughter, and then bustled over to thaw Diego out.
Diego shivered all over once Carewyn had dislodged him from the ice.
“Whew, that was...really quite good...” He grinned more brightly than ever. “Excellent form, General! A brilliant combination of spells.”
Carewyn smiled modestly. “Thanks. Jacob taught me that trick.”
She helped Diego dry off his still sopping wet clothes. Diego even held up his sleeve to make it easier for her.
“Maybe when you’re training with Cedric, you could look into using spells that aren’t as commonly used for dueling,” Carewyn suggested. “Jacob’s best at Transfiguration, so he uses a lot of Switching Spells and such, when he duels. It might help throw off your opponent.”
Diego looked both thoughtful and excited at the prospect. “Mm, yes! Ben has always done incredibly well, whenever he’s been able to employ his advanced Charmwork in battle...he’s used Meteolojinx Recanto beautifully, to blind his opponent before launching a counterattack...”
Once Diego’s clothes were dry, he followed along after Carewyn as they headed back toward the castle.
“I must say,” Diego said with a dashing grin, “I do not envy anyone who has to face off against us, brave General. They would most assuredly have reason to quake in their boots.”
Friendship Drabble Prompt!
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aninklingof · 2 years
A Warrior’s Weakness
This is a fic inspired by this ask! Credit to “Scurry Anon” as I’m calling them for the the idea!
Lee! Wilbur, Ler! Technoblade— PLATONIC!!
Warnings: Swearing, mild panic attack
Enjoy! ❤️
Wilbur charged forward with a loud war cry, his wooden sparring sword held high above his head. Technoblade quickly calculated the best counter the the attack, noting all of the possible weak points the brunette had foolishly left open. With one swift move he swept the man’s legs and effectively knocked him to the ground, pointing his own sword down at his twin with a smirk.
“I win again Soot,” Techno teased.
With a frustrated growl pushed himself up and chucked his sword into the dirt, kicking it before storming off toward the house.
The piglin hybrid stared blankly after the musician before shrugging and taking both swords back to the house. Wilbur was usually sour after losing a sparring match so he didn’t pay any mind to the small tantrum he threw.
As the day went along however, the man’s sulky mood lingered. He was unusually quiet, the normal humming or rhythmic tapping absent from his presence. He simply stared into the air in deep thought.
Finally Techno approached Wilbur, who was curled up under a tree with his face in his knees. The man sat down next to his brother and hesitated for a moment before he spoke.
“Somethin’ wrong?”
“Nope, I’m fine.” He mumbled.
Techno snorted. “Bullshit. What’s eating you?”
“Nothing.” The brunette persisted.
“Wilbur, I’m serious. What’s wrong,” the hybrid pushed.
The other huffed in defeat. “It’s just— you’re so much stronger than me.”
“I train more than you.”
“I know, but even Tommy is starting to beat me. I feel weak.”
“You’re not though—“ Techno started, but was cut off.
“You don’t know that!” Wilbur exclaimed. “You’re ‘The Blade’, you’ve never had to worry about being weak!”
“That’s not true—“
“I’m watching everyone else get stronger and stronger while I’m still a weak little shit who can’t even beat his little brother!”
“Wilbur!” Techno raised his voice, silencing the hysterical man instantly. “You are not weak. You’re one of the strongest people I know.”
“You’re—“ Wilbur sniffled “You’re just saying that.”
“It’s true. I’ve seen you fighting zombies and things to protect Tommy and Tubbo. You carried me back to the house the day I broke my leg too, remember? All on your own.”
“I remember,” Wilbur responded. “You were heavy as hell.”
“You still did it.” Techno smiled, taking the brunette’s shaky hands in his own calloused ones. “You’re also strong mentally, ya’know? You can solve puzzles faster than I can blink.”
The musician ducked his head shyly at the compliment and Techno took this as a sign to continue. “Also I do know what it’s like. To feel powerless and all that.”
“I wasn’t born as ‘The Blade’. I used to lose to Phil constantly. It pissed me off so bad,” the piglin said. “But Phil once told me that even the strongest warriors have their weaknesses.”
“I do have weaknesses. And so do you.” Techno stated. An idea suddenly came to him and he smirked. “For example—“
The piglin hybrid’s hands jumped to Wilbur’s sides quickly, squeezing up and down them repeatedly. The brunette squealed, bursting into loud, bright laughter.
“TEHE— Tehehehechno! Stahahahap! Noho tihihihickling!”
“Being ticklish could be counted as a weakness, albeit an adorable one,” Techno explained teasingly, spidering his fingers up to his brother’s ribs.
Wilbur arched his back at the feeling, pushing into the ticklish touches on accident and causing his laughter to climb an octave. “Plehehehease, Tehehech! N-nahahaha!”
“Are you enjoying this? That’s another possible weakness,” Techno continued dryly. “If an enemy starts to tickle you and you enjoy it, they’ll never let you go!”
“Stahahahap teheheheasing!!” The man giggled, his cheeks flushing bright pink.
“Teasing gets you too? Jeez, you’d better hope your opponent doesn’t find out about this or you’re a goner.” As the piglin spoke he tickled all up and down his twin’s sides and ribs, occasionally scribbling his tummy to hear him squeak before continuing.
“Yohohohou dihihihick! Ahahaha!” Wilbur laughed and laughed, never actually trying to stop the tickling over his torso.
Techno hummed. “You’d also better hope no one finds this spot,” he migrated his scratching on Wilbur’s sides to squeezing to his hips, making him cackle and squirm like a fish out of water.
“NAHA TEHEHECHNOHOHO NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE! MEHEHERCY!” At the plea for mercy Techno stopped immediately, rubbing away the ghostly tingles as the man regained his breath.
Once Wilbur’s residual giggles died off Techno spike again. “You feeling better now?”
“I am, yeah,” the musician smiled softly. “Thanks.”
“Of course, big man,” the piglin replied, throwing an arm over the other’s shoulder happily. “You wanna go team up on Toms?”
The brunette smirked at him. “Fuck yeah.”
Needless to say the rest of the afternoon was filled with childlike laughter and brotherly rivalry, of which Wilbur came out on top in the end. He felt pretty damn strong that day.
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nikoruistyping · 2 years
hi, please please one of Tony Stark x Fem Reader, which is inspired by the scene in Endgame where Morgan says "Shit!" and Tony tells her that's Mom's word. Only this time they're cooking (Tony trying to make dinner this time because Reader always does) and Tony gets burned by something hot and Morgan is just there "helping" but laughing at her dad.
You could say that Reader is sick and that's why Tony wanted to make dinner. Or she’s just working in her office. <333 xxx
Shit! Shit...|| Tony Stark
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Dad!Tony Stark x Wife!Fem!reader​
Summary: You’re completely swamped with work and stuck in your home office. Knowing how busy you are Tony offers to cook and enlists the help of your daughter Morgan who ends up learning a bad word while she watched Dad cook dinner...
TW: Fluff, Adult Language/Cursing, Married Couple, Scolding a Child (Nothing Harsh), Endgame Spoilers (Kinda? There isn't any plot spoilers or extreme angst but this scene is from the movie so thought I should mention it anyways)
Word Count: 1,925
A/N: I had so much fun writing this! I absolutely love love love writing Domestic!/Dad! Tony content because it’s the ending he deserved! Thank you Anon for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!
Your eyes darted back and forth between your computer screen, the papers littered all over your desk, and the very thick book you had open on the desk that had at least ten sticky notes sticking out of the sides. You were completely swamped down with work and you knew that this was going to be a very long night for you. You held your head in your hands, your fingers pressing into your temples as you took a very long and deep breath, your head slipping from your hands and laying on the desk. You were completely drained from not only work but also the little five year old you had running around the house who caused chaos wherever she went. You smiled at the thought because of course you loved your daughter but right now you really just needed utter silence and peace maybe even some well deserved "Me Time" if you will. You heard a small knock on the door and your head slowly lifted up with a groan looking at who was standing in the door way. Tony was smiling while he held Morgan in his arms, her arms wrapping around his neck hugging closely to him as she waved at you with her other hand. You found the strength to give them both a small smile and a wave right back.
"Hey you two, what are my loves up to?" You asked raising an eyebrow at them both, Tony walked closer to your desk and you stood up from behind it.
"Oh nothing..." Tony said with a chuckle, whispering something into Morgan's ear.
"Sorry Mommy can't say! It's top secret super hero stuffs only, Daddy said so." She said with a small giggle hiding her face in the crook of Tony's neck.
"Oh ok I see how it is, fine I won't ask again." You say with a bigger smile on your face now and you put your hands up with a shrug of your shoulders.
"So Honey, what's on the menu for tonight? Our little gremlin here is getting hungry." He said in a playful voice, his hand tickled Morgan's belly and she kept laughing hysterically.
"Oh jeez...I've just been so busy with work I forgot to go to the store to get something." You say pinching your forehead and letting out a deep sigh at how you could forget such an important thing.
"Don't worry about it Honey I got this. Do we have eggs at least?" Tony asked as you looked up with wide eyes surprised that Tony was offering to cook. He was a terrible cook, he tried at least you could give him that, but all the other times he has cooked let's just say it later would involve a fire extinguisher or it took a good three hours just to get done.
"Yeah we have eggs but Tony it's fine I can cook-" You scrambled to say but he leaned closer to you over the desk and kissed your cheek and you had ended up returning the favor by kissing his cheek and Morgan's as well sitting back down in your chair.
"Don't worry about it one bit. I know this new job has you super busy and you need to concentrate. We got this right?" He said looking at Morgan and she nodded her head excitedly squirming in Tony's arms.
"Yeah! I wanna help you Daddy!" Morgan said hugging him.
"Ok if you say you got it handled then I'll leave you to it but just incase I'll move myself to the sofa and watch while I read. The last thing we need is another kitchen fire to happen." You said while smiling at both Tony and Morgan both of them turning and were already headed for the door to exit your office and towards the kitchen.
"Hey! I'll have you know that I've actually been practicing in my free time to get better. F.R.I.D.A.Y has been helping me learn some recipes." He said proudly boasting about the fact that he was truly getting better at cooking because he felt that he should know how to cook since you already do so much around the house as it is and he knew that ordering out wasn't always the solution.
"Really?! The 'Tony Stark' learning how to cook? I thought I'd never see the day. Well I'm looking forward to dinner then." You say clutching the book you had gotten off your desk and you followed behind them walking through the hallway to the kitchen and Livingroom space.
"You will see, it's gonna be great right Morgan?" He asked her and she nodded her head frantically excited to help out in the kitchen.
You smiled seeing Morgan's face light up and you finally walked into the Livingroom going over to the sofa to get comfortable in your favorite spot and also where you had a better view of the kitchen. Both of them walked into the kitchen and you sunk into your spot on the sofa, proceeding to open your book. You couldn't help but peek over the top of the pages and watch them both with the widest smile on your face. How could you possible concentrate when you knew that they totally were going to make a mess in your perfectly pristine kitchen?! You tried not to worry too much about it and you continued to watch from behind the pages, not paying attention at all to the material.
"Ok, first things first, you little miss you're going to sit right here," Tony said setting Morgan down on the kitchen counter, her little feet dangling off the ledge.
"And then I'm going to check out what's in the fridge," He said to himself as Morgan smiled sitting on the counter rocking back and forth.
As Tony looked into the fridge, his eyes wide when he realized you weren't kidding when you said you guys only had eggs. The fridge was in dire need of a restock and it was too late to go on a grocery run especially when your little cabin was pretty far from the nearest town.
"You definitely weren't exaggerating at all when you said we only have eggs," He shouted to you on the sofa.
"Hope you can manage over there sweetie!" You shouted right back, hiding your face behind your book still watching how cute the two of them were. You could already see Tony's frantic face knowing that he would have to make omelettes and that was the one thing he was absolutely horrible at making, he could just never seem to get them right not even when the two of you were dating.
He made a determined face as he looked at the eggs and he wasn't going to accept defeat, not again.
"So what are you going to make Daddy?" Morgan asked playing with her hair and trying to peek at what Tony was doing.
"Well Morgan we gotta improvise and today it's going to be breakfast for dinner. How does that sound?" He asked smiling at her as he cracked the eggs into a bowl, whisking together the bright yellow liquid.
"So cool!" She exclaimed as Tony grabbed a pan from the cabinet and put it on the stove and he turned up the flame of the stove.
This was his moment to shine, was he going to mess it up or was he finally going to master the omelette?! He quickly poured the eggs into the hot pan and it sizzled like crazy, he tossed the empty bowl to Morgan for her to hold as he watched over the eggs making sure they didn't burn this time. The eggs kept sizzling and splashing a bit more than usual probably because Tony had forgotten to put any butter or oil into the pan but of course he didn't know that. A piece of hot egg splashing onto his hand and burning him and you could hear him loudly curse at the pain.
"Shit!" He yelled trying to brush it off and continue to curdle the eggs so that he could flip the omelette.
"Shit." Morgan repeated what Tony had just said with a giggle coming from her lips. Tony's head quickly turned and cocked to the side looking at her with a stern look on his face, your head fully popped up from behind the book staring down the two.
"No. We don't say that, only Mommy says that word. She coined it, it belongs to her." Tony tries to explain while still keeping his eye on the eggs getting so distracted that the omelette ended up turning into scrambled eggs due to how much stirring he was doing.
"I heard that little miss! Mommy already said that those are 'adult words' and you're still a kid so you can't say them just yet. You can hear them but don't repeat them, got it?" You say all the way from the sofa scolding Morgan as she had turned her little body to look at you and she was giving you the puppy dog eyes.
"I'm sorry Mommy, I won't do it again...Does this mean no juice pops later?" She asked her little eyes looking at you from across the room and you couldn't help but smile anyways, you couldn't resist her.
You got up from the sofa putting your book down and walking over into the kitchen since you might as well join them. You walked up in front of the counter that Morgan was sitting on and you gave her a big hug, you could feel her little arms wrapping around your neck and her legs also doing the same to your waist. You kissed her neck silly as she just laughed at how it tickled.
"Of course you can have juice pops later my love. Just don't go around repeating what Mommy and Daddy say that's all." You say in a calm voice as you picked her up and carried her in your arms as you got closer to the stove and watched over Tony's shoulder a chuckle coming from your lips.
"It's looking more like a scramble Chef Tony, are you sure you don't want some help?" You say while Morgan points at the pan and Tony can't help but smile at his two beautiful girls.
"I'll be fine plus I mean eggs are eggs who cares how they are cooked as long as they aren't raw I call that an accomplishment." He says with a chuckle, turning off the heat to let the eggs cool.
"So definitely not defeat but accomplishment this time?" You say raising an eyebrow knowing that Tony would get ticked off.
"You will see, I'll master it one day, just today is not that day," He says rolling his eyes at you and coming up closer putting his arm around you and kissing the top of Morgan's head.
"Come on now my two lovely ladies, let's go eat." Tony says with a smile as both you and Morgan look at him and you lean in to kiss his lips quickly and Morgan cover's her eyes playfully.
Although you knew that Tony wasn't the best of cooks you appreciated all he had done to try and learn to cook by helping you take a load off every once in a while. No matter what he ended up making or how many times he probably had burned himself and cursed, you would eat his food any day over some five-star restaurants. These little moments you were able to watch and share with Tony and Morgan were the most precious of all as one big happy family.
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Hey! I love your blog and your writing, especially how really you make all the characters feel.
I came out to my mom last night and she just kinda dismissed it as "you'll get over it" so I'm feeling kinda shitty. If you have time, energy and ideas, could you write some parent/child hurt/comfort? Possibly with one of the Lupins/Dumo with Sirius?
Thank you :)
Good news anon! I'm your mom now! You deserve all the love and support and I am so proud of you <3 Here's a headcanon list of Sirius and the Lupins (partially inspired by discussions on the server), and SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for implied bad childhood, mention of the airport outing
- The first time Hope gives him a Midwestern Mom cheek pinch and goes "oh aren't you cute" he just dies a little from sheer affection
- Lyall ruffles everyone's hair (hey, he's tall and a dad. It's just what they do) and even though Sirius is taller than him, Lyall makes an effort to reach up and make him feel included
- Speaking of, Sirius helps him put up holiday lights and it becomes a tradition
- When the news of Sirius' disownment goes public (or whenever Walburga/ Orion talk shit), both Hope and Lyall are ready to throw down 1v1 and Remus really won't stop them
- The armchair in their living room is perfect for naps--Sirius always falls asleep in it at like 9 pm when Coops visit and Hope tucks the nearest blanket around him with a light pat to his head
- (nobody did that for him before her. Sirius has A Lot of feelings the first time)
- Hope knows that Sirius only asks her for recipes when he's super stressed out, so she cherry-picks the most calming and repetitive ones to send him
- He sends her pictures of the finished product with a little " : ) " each time
- Sirius wasn't quite sure how to act around them at first because a) he already had Dumo and Celeste as his adopted parents and b) the Lupins are so,,,,, normal? They're normal, likeable, empathetic people?
- He thought he had to choose between the Dumais and the Lupins and it was very uncomfortable for him until he realized that wasn't true at all--both families loved him in their own way, so he could have both
- All the "I hate my in-laws" jokes simply do not compute
- After the airport (as written about here), he carries the guilt around for a literal age until he comes to understand neither of them blame him or secretly think he's a horrible person
- Lyall lowkey still can't believe his son married The Sirius Black (Sirius notices and thinks it's so fucking funny. Remus is beyond embarrassed)
- At first, Sirius was worried about how Reg would get along with them, but he fit in quite easily. Hope thinks he's the sweetest kid and Lyall thinks his muttered commentary on every hockey game they watch together is hysterical
- There are days Hope fantasizes about personally throwing Walburga and Orion in jail. Not many. But some.
- Reg and Sirius don't talk about their childhood, but the Lupins put it together pretty quick and it breaks their hearts
- Lyall is a chill, quiet, peaceful dude. Would he call Orion a little bitch through a megaphone given the chance? Yup.
- It takes about six months for Sirius to break the habit of going in for a handshake when they meet up and accept the inevitable hug, and when he finally does it's one of the Lupins' proudest moments
- Sirius' physical affection love language thrives in that house
- Sirius: "Do your parents actually like me, or are they just pretending?"
Remus, who has been on the receiving end of Lily's 'haha your parents like your fiancé more than they like you' jokes for half a year: "W h a t."
- All the Lupin love. All of it. Sirius would have been included in the Lupin family reunions/ pictures/ holiday cards even if he didn't put a ring on it
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railingsofsorrow · 3 years
Can I please please request one where freya and rebekah find their youngest sister (human) heavily injured and they both try to stay calm but they’re hysterical. They try to keep her awake by talking to her and telling her their favorite memories. Please make it as angsty as you want
The Taste Of Your Own Tongue
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summary: No one can strike a nerve in an Original unless they let them. Except for Y/N Mikaelson. She has the power to bring peace and hurricane within the family in seconds. There is no in-between.
pairing: platonic!rebekah mikaelson x platonic!freya mikaelson x mikaelson!reader
word count: 1.9K
warnings/content: description of injury and blood; cursing; siblings arguments; but also !siblings bonding!; klaus is an ass in this one
A/N: it's longer than I expected. hope you like it, dear anon <3 and sorry for taking too long, the inspiration wasn't coming for this one. instead of freya and rebekah telling her the memories, I made her remember them by herself. hope you don't mind.
➶ ➷
“You will not dictate my life as you do to everyone else, Klaus Mikaelson!”
Y/N Mikaelson was pissed. And she had every right to be. She didn't know that being a human in a family full of vampires with a hero complex implied that she needed to be controlled at all times.
“You can't date them.” “You can't leave home today.” Every day was a new order.
She was so done.
“Y/N...” Elijah tries to mediate peacefully. But she yanks her arm away from his reach.
“No, Elijah. Why do you always take his side on everything?” She snapped, eyeing both of them. When her eyes stop on Klaus, who had a scowl plastered on his face, her orbs darkened slightly, “And I can go anywhere I want. I can travel to Paris, I can move to Hawaii. The only place I don't wanna be is here, you know why? Because you suffocate me, Klaus! I might be human but at least I don't pause my life to get paranoid over enemies that don't even exist!”
He scoffed, throwing his arms around completely annoyed by her antics. Once Y/N slammed the door shut, he rolled his eyes. Elijah gave him a look.
“Oh, let her go, will ya? Bloody nineteen-year-old can get as far away from this house as she wants. Better for my sanity!” The hybrid exclaimed, going upstairs while ignoring the worry on his chest. If she doesn't want my help, then so be it.
As soon as night arrived in New Orleans, Freya felt a shiver down her spine. Everything was too quiet. The silence was deafening and she didn't know why.
“Where the hell is Y/N?” Rebekah's unhappy voice echoed throughout the compound.
“Ask Klaus.” Elijah took a sip of his scotch, unnerved.
“Probably went to a circus for her screaming pitch show. Why?” Klaus knowledged the upcoming question before Rebekah could shriek a word.
The blond Original huffed, snatching the cup from Elijah's hand to gulp down the rest. Her frustration was up the roof. “She took my bloody bracelet that's why! I told her a thousand times to not mess with my stuff—” Rebekah was cut short by Freya entering the room with a hand holding her necklace tightly.
“Something's happened to Y/N. I- I can feel it.”
Rebekah eyed the pitch-black stone on her sister's necklace. Many years ago Freya had created a spell that connected the girl to the stone, just in case she was in any danger. Now, it was slightly burning her fingers and that did not mean she was safe.
“Let's go.” Breaking the heavy silence that was installed in the room, Rebekah took Freya's forearm guiding her out of the compound and into the streets. The childish fight already forgotten for her sister's safety came first. Always. They needed to find Y/N.
“Couldn't she wait until after the full moon to act like a kid? Such a convenient time...” Rebekah grunted the last part under her breath. They were searching around the woods for about half an hour, she was starting to think Freya's spell hadn't worked out that well and was playing tricks instead. “Freya, are you sure—”
“Oh, my god.”
Both girls froze on their step upon the scene before their eyes: Y/N Mikaelson was laid in a pool of blood with ripped clothes and several bruises and cuts around her whole body. And her leg. Her leg displayed a werewolf bite right below her knee.
Freya was the first one to run to the passed-out girl, quickly managing to check her pulse. She could barely focus her enhanced hearing on it from afar after seeing the state of her sister. “She's alive. Uh,” Looking around desperately, Freya couldn't point out what she was searching for.
“What?” Rebekah prompted nervously, still staring at the bite marks on her leg. It was getting infected. They needed to do something, fast. “Freya!” She nudged her older sister out of the daydream she was inserted in.
Freya blinked away her tears, trying to control her shaking breath as she searched for a healing spell in her mind. Why was it so hard for the words to come to her right now? Right when she needed them?
Y/N Mikaelson was everyone's weak spot. It was common knowledge that the human girl was off limits to mess with on the whole town of New Orleans. Every citizen knew that, specially the Mikaelson's enemies. That didn't mean they didn't chose to risk their necks on trying to hurt the girl. It had never happened.
Until now.
“We have to keep her awake, Rebekah.”
“Okay, okay. I'll—,” Rebekah moved away a strand that was in the girl's eyelash. “Hey, Y/N? You need to stay here, alright? Don't follow any light or nothing of the sorts.” Freya rolled her eyes as she took the youngest hands into her own. She was cold. Too cold for a human. “Remember that time you pushed Kol because he was pissing you off and as a payback he pushed your boyfriend out if a balcony?” The tactic she was using was to bring back a memory that she despised so she would wake up and scold her for it.
Freya felt Y/N's fingers twich.
“Here, let me try something.” She adjusted to be in Rebekah's previous position, so she could press her fingers in Y/N's temple. Freya mumbled words in a whisper, making the girl stir and moan in pain.
“You're hurting her.” Rebekah frowned.
“No, I'm healing her. At least until we take her home. If we as much as move her here we might make it worst. I'm slowing down the bite effect.”
Inside Y/N's head, there was a buzz that wouldn't stop and she was slipping in and out of unconsciousness. As cold fingers pressed against the side of her head, she completely fell into darkness.
Y/N felt bad about plucking out the flowers from their garden. She was ripping then from their lives. She wondered if they felt any pain? But, for her sister, she'd do anything. Even if Rebekah was already the prettiest woman she had ever seen without flowers in her hair.
“You don't have to be human for people to like you, you know?” Y/N lets out softly, admiring her job through the mirror after finishing.
Rebekah smiled, looking at her hair in contentment.
“I know. If I could—”
“... you'd go back to being human.” Y/N completes her sentence, squeezing her shoulder. “I know. Maybe after this whole mess you will.” She referred to the deal her sister had made with Elijah for the vampire cure.
“You think I could do it?” Rebekah turned to her with hopeful eyes, “Be human for one night, I mean?”
Y/N grinned, intertwining their fingers and kissing her forehead, “You could be whoever you wanted to be, Beks. And I'll love you no matter what.”
Blood started to pour out of her mouth as Y/N caughed. Freya didn't budge as her eyes were closed during the enchantment. Rebekah grimaced, tightening her hold on Y/N's hand. Now she knew her blood didn't help with he healing since she had just threw it up.
“Could you make me fly?”
Freya stopped reading and glanced up. “What?”
“With magic. Can you make me fly?” Y/N got into the room completely, flickering her fingers through some witchcraft books with curiosity. “If you think about it, I'm the only one in the family that doesn't have any gift. It would be cool to fly, wouldn't it?”
Freya chuckles, shaking her head. “You have a lot of gifts.”
“Name one, Freya. Just one. And it can't be above average grades on math.” She gave her a stern look, which made Freya laugh.
“No, I can't make you fly. But I can teach some things.”
“Cool things?”
Freya rolled her eyes and closed the book, “Whatever you define as ‘cool things’, Y/N.”
“This will slow down the process,” Freya explained to Rebekah as she withdrew her hands after finishing the spell. “We need to take her to Klaus.”
Her subconscious carried out all of the old memories with her family as a way to keep her grounded for a while.
“We'll be okay, right?” Her voice sounded broken. In a way, it resembled her heart. Finn Mikaelson was gone. Again. Despite all their disparities, he was still her brother and she would always miss him.
No one reacted for a long minute. And then, Elijah let out a sigh, “Yes. We will.”
“Always and forever,” Klaus muttered, raising a glass of wine. Soon everyone followed.
“Always and forever.”
Rebekah nods, getting on her knees to take Y/N into her arms.
“Be careful! She's really hurt.”
Rebekah provided a confused look, “Why are you standing there? We need to go.”
“Can you take her home?”
Rebekah studies her eyes for a moment, detecting a glimpse of something she was way too familiar with to not recognize.
“Yes.” Rebekah let out, “Be careful.”
Oh, and she was. But the wolf responsible for that didn't live to howl during another full moon.
Sunlight tickled her eyelashes as she drifted away from her dreams and into reality. Y/N groaned, covering her face with her arms. Who leaves the curtains open?!
“That is for you to learn to not mess with my stuff again.”
The teenager gasped, almost falling off the bed when someone spoke beside her. Rebekah was giving her an amused look.
The blonde rolled her eyes, turning her interest to her nails. “How's that bite going, by the way?”
Y/N froze in midst of getting out of bed. As she scanned her body for injuries, nothing was found. She let out a shaky breath; all the memories coming together inside her head. A pool of tears welled up and she didn't fight them. Rebekah was by her side in a second.
“No, don't cry. You're okay.” The vampire reassured, wiping away her cheeks. Y/N started to sob violently and Rebekah didn't find another alternative other than hug her. “Shh. I got you, baby sis. You're safe.”
In between hiccups, she tried to apologize. “I'm- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have—”
“I know. It's okay. You're okay, hm?” Rebekah cupped her cheeks so she would meet her eyes, “You're at home. Safe and sound. See? It's alright, Y/N.”
“Just don't scare us like that again.” Freya blurted out by the door, causing both to look over. She smiled softly at them. “We might hover a lot... And we'll manage that. But, Y/N. We love you, that's the only reason why we do that. If anything happens, we'd never forgive ourselves.”
Y/N nodded weakly, resting her forehead on Rebekah's shoulder as the older one slipped her fingers through her hair. “I know. I'm sorry. I overreacted, it was stupid.”
“You still need to stop treating me like a kid.” She mumbled.
Freya and Rebekah glanced at each other, “We know.”
“It would make it easier if you stopped acting like one, too.”
Y/N whined as Rebekah smirked, “And stop stealing my stuff!”
“It looks better on me anyway!”
And just like that, everything was back to normal. Well, the most normal the Mikaelson household could afford.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Tell Me You Love Me (My Hero Academia)
One Shot
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Oh, heck yes. This was so much fun and so cute to work on, omg! I love these two! I hope you’re prepared though, anon, because Bakugou doesn’t go easy with the teasing in this one! Enjoy! ^^
35. “I’m not even touching you.”
The teases in this fic were inspired by YOU lovely people! Thank you for your valuable feedback!
“Hey, Izuku,” Bakugou said tiredly as he stepped into the room, plopping his bag onto the floor by the door.
Deku glanced at him and smiled. “It’s weird that you call me that.”
“You’d rather I call you Deku? It was supposed to be an insult, not your hero name, you know.”
“I know. But it’s kind of grown past that. Coming from you now is almost endearing.”
Bakugou grunted, but offered a small smile anyway. “Whatever you say, nerd.” He moved to the desk and leaned on the back of the chair where his boyfriend sat. “What are you working on?”
“A research project.”
Bakugou peered over his shoulder. “You’re researching hedgehogs?”
“Okay, so I went down a rabbit hole. It started out as research.”
“You mean a hedgehog hole.” The blonde chuckled and wrapped his arms around Deku’s shoulders from behind. “Come to bed, Deku.”
Deku blushed. “Kacchan, I have work to do.”
“You’re watching a video of a hedgehog sneezing. I think you’ve done enough work for today.”
“Deku~” Bakugou warned in a teasing tone, reaching a hand down to trail up his side. “Come on, now. Enough work. Let’s have fun.”
Deku hesitated for a moment, then decided it would be better to go with it than resist. Besides, he had done a lot of actual work today, even if Kacchan couldn’t see it. He closed his laptop and stood up, but no sooner had he gotten to his feet than he was swept right off of them. He yelped as Bakugou carried him to the bed and tossed him onto it.
“Ah! Kacchan, don’t throw me!” Deku protested, giggling, feeling his heartbeat quicken when his boyfriend straddled his waist with a wicked grin. Immediately his giggles became unstoppable. He lifted his hands defensively. “No, nohohohoho, Kacchan…”
“I’m not even touching you yet,” Bakugou teased, chuckling along with him. “Are you seriously that ticklish?”
“You know I am.”
“Mhm. Especially here.” The blonde rested his hands lightly on Deku’s hips, making the green-haired boy whine between his giggles. Bakugou laughed. “I haven’t even started yet. Save some for the real thing!”
“I cahahahan’t help it!” Deku pouted. “You’re teheheheasing me!”
“Is that what you’re giggling about? You like it when I tease you?” Bakugou started randomly poking at various ticklish spots on his boyfriend’s torso, grinning at the little yelps and giggles he got in response. “You like it? Huh? You like being teased? You like being tickled? Show me that smile, you adorable nerd~”
Deku covered his face with his hands instead, too flustered to look at him. “Kacchahahahan, dohohohohohon’t!”
“Why not? You’re way too cute like this for me to let you go now.”
“Dohohohohohon’t say thahahahat!”
Bakugou grinned, starting to scribble along his ribs and sides, forcing even more giggles from him as well as some squirming. “I’ll say whatever I want, thank you. For example: you’re the cutest little nerd I’ve ever met, and you’re so much fun to tickle because I love hearing that adorable laugh of yours. Come on, Izuku – let me hear it!”
“Stohohohohohoooooop,” Deku whined, still covering his face with his hands. “Kacchan, you’re so mehehehehehehean…”
“You like it.” Bakugou slipped his hands beneath Deku’s shirt and pinched up and down his sides. “Don’t pretend you’re not enjoying this.”
“F-Fihihihine, I do lihihihihihike it, but plehehehease, Kacchan—”
“Don’t make me come and get that laughter.”
“B-But I’m alreheheheady lahahahahaughing!”
“No, you’re giggling.” Bakugou settled himself even more on Deku’s waist, gently grasping his hips again. “You know what I want to hear.”
Deku peeked through his fingers, blushing and beaming. “Thehehen you’d behehehetter come and gehehehet it.”
Bakugou quirked a brow, smirking and pressing his thumbs in a little harder. “You sure you want to sass me when you’re in this position?”
“Eehehehehehehehehe! Kacchahahahahahahahan!”
“Fine. We can do this the hard way. But you’d better show me that smile if you don’t want me to absolutely torture you.”
Deku squeaked, but quickly covered his face again, shaking his head.
Bakugou growled playfully, digging into his hips without mercy. “You asked for it.”
“Aw, does it tickle here? Is this a bad spot? Hmm?”
“You walked right into this. Now deal with it, Deku.” Bakugou grinned at the shrieking, flailing form beneath him, satisfied when his boyfriend was finally forced to bring his arms down to try and push him away, showing off that bright smile of his. “Aw, there’s that adorable smile. I was looking for that.”
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Deku screamed with laughter, thrashing on the bed as much as possible, desperately trying to push Kacchan off of him. It was all for naught.
“No way.” Bakugou chuckled. “Tickle, tickle, tickle, little nerd~”
Bakugou smiled endearingly down at his desperate boyfriend, enjoying how he shrieked and flailed and laughed uncontrollably, cheeks red and smile bright and tears leaking from his eyes. Izuku Midoriya was far too cute for his own good. The blonde leaned down to kiss him, still tickling his hips relentlessly.
“You are,” he said between kisses, “the most *kiss* adorable *kiss* nerd *kiss* I’ve ever met.”
The kisses had descended to his neck at this point, making Deku completely hysterical. He kicked his legs frantically. “KACCHAN PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! PLEASE, IT TIHIHIHICKLES TOO MUHUHUHUHUHUCH!!”
“Oh, does it now?” Bakugou kept up his merciless assault. “All right, then, I’ll stop…as soon as you admit that you’re adorable.”
“Guess I’ll keep tickling you, then. Tickle, tickle, tickle.” Bakugou bit his ear playfully. “You’re not going anywhere and you know it. Tickle, tickle—”
“FINE!! FIHIHIHIHIHIHIHINE I’M ADOHOHOHOHORABLE!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Deku screamed, unable to do much more than laugh and grasp weakly at Kacchan’s shirt at this point, completely spent. “PLEASE, KACCHAN!!”
Sensing that his boyfriend really couldn’t take any more, Bakugou gradually stopped his relentless tickling and sat up just enough to look Deku in his teary eyes. He murmured, “Tell me you love me.”
“Of course I love you,” Deku whispered, breathless. “I love you, Kacchan.”
“I love you, too.” Bakugou kissed him again, deeply. “You adorable, ticklish little nerd.”
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amymel86 · 3 years
I do NOT want to be that person but are there any snippets from anything you could or would like to give us, cause our little addiction is having a bit of a withdrawal? #crackheadforyourjonsafic 😅
lol honestly, anon - please BE that person because I jump at any chance for external validation lbr...
So this is a little something from a fic I'm working on. It's a modern, college au but Sansa was raised by Lysa who is a devout follower of The Maiden. No Robb, Cat died giving birth to Sansa. Sansa doesn't know who her father is. A few of the scenes I have in mind are inspired by a horror film but there's no demonic possession or r*pist priest in this one - don't worry!
The nervous excitement had soured. Sansa blinks down at the little ceramic statue of The Maiden and the prayer book that lay atop her clothes in her suitcase.
She had not been the one to put them there.
A vibration in her cardigan pocket jumpstarts her heart into an erratic beat. She can guess who might be calling; either Aunt Lysa or Father Baelish.
“Why haven’t you called?”
Sansa resists the urge to chew on her thumbnail. “I’ve only just arrived, Aunt Lysa, I was going to-“
“Your coach arrived three hours ago.”
“I had to wait to be shown my room allocation. It was very busy. And I wanted to get unpacked-“
“You left your prayer book and Maiden, Sansa.”
“I-“ Sansa stared at the reflection of herself in the full length mirror hung on her dorm room wardrobe door. Going to college, getting away from her Aunt and her overbearing ways was meant to be a new start for Sansa; a way to finally experience some of the world – something that was her own.
There was no use arguing with her though. “Yes, Aunt Lysa,” she said, turning away from the mirror. “I forgot them, I’m sorry.”
There’s a long-suffering sigh from the phone and Sansa can quite clearly picture her Aunt standing in the old, beige hallway, receiver to her ear while she fusses with her own Maiden statue that she keeps on the telephone table, on top of one of her more elaborate handmade doilies. Going to college has been the first thing that her Aunt has let her do for herself – it’s the first thing that Aunt Lysa hasn’t had control over.
“You are getting more and more like your mother.”
It should be meant as a compliment – it is not.
Sansa has heard the comparison time and time again – she’s seen photographs of her mother who passed away when Sansa was born. She always looks so beautiful and kind in those old photos. But that’s not what Aunt Lysa is referring to.
That is what Aunt Lysa means when she compares Sansa to her mother.
“Those places are full of temptation and sin, Sansa. Your mother was led away from her faith and went all too willingly-“
“It’s not like that, Aunt Lysa, it’s-“
“No, no,” she mutters in response, “Father Baelish and I discussed this at length and we really do think that you should return and-“
Sansa’s eyes began to sting. “Please,” she begs softly, “please don’t make me come back. I promise I’ll be good. I promise you don’t need to worry about me.”
The dorm room door clicks open making Sansa spin around. A pretty girl with brown, wavy hair flashes a smile as she lugs the biggest suitcase Sansa has ever seen over the threshold.
“I have to go Aunt Lysa,” Sansa hurriedly whispers down the phone, breaking off the call.
“Hi!” the new girl in her room says with a grin as she dumps her bags. “I’m Margaery! We’re roommates I guess!”
“I’m Sansa,” she squeaks, possibly all too quickly. Should she extend her hand to shake? That’s what you do when you meet people at the Sept on Sundays. But her palms are a little sweaty. No-one wants to shake a sweaty hand. Sansa worries the skirt of her floral dress, still wondering what she should be doing to make a good first impression.
Margaery, on the other hand has turned her back on her and is rooting around in her bag for something. She wears the shortest denim shorts Sansa has ever seen. Aunt Lysa would pitch a fit and would probably make Sansa scrub the floorboards of the whole house andthe Sept if she’d ever even dreamt about wearing anything like that.
“Welcome drink?!”Margaery spins ‘round excitedly after apparently finding what it was she was looking for; a bottle of Wildling Vodka.
Sansa’s cheeks are hot. “Oh! I... Um...” She’s worrying her skirt again and shakes her head to decline.
Margaery’s smile dims a little and her eyes slide down Sansa’s frame to take in her long floral dress and then to the Maiden statue and prayer book out on the desk. “Alright,” she says, her lips twitching. “That’s cool...uh, I’m gonna... I’m gonna go introduce myself to our neighbours on this floor.”
Sansa watches her new roommate sashay out of the room, bottle in hand and lets out a long breath. It’s probably what she should be doing too, right? Being sociable?
Creeping over to the open door, Sansa peeps into the hallway. Most students are arriving today, although some seem to have been here yesterday too. There’s all manner of person milling about – lugging bags and boxes, hanging posters on doors, blasting music from their open dorm room doors.
“Theon! No!”someone screams and then laughs hysterically. It makes Sansa jump and turn to see a boy lifting her roommate, Margaery over his shoulder and attempt to run down the hall with her.
Sansa watches him sprint a little way down the hall while Margaery squeals and giggles. All Sansa can do is stare after them... until the door to the next dorm over opens and a shirtless guy leans against the frame. His dark hair was wet and he had a towel around the back of his neck. He shakes his head at the ruckus but his lips look as though they’re fighting back a smile. Sansa’s gaze dips and she feels hot all over as she takes in the lean muscle and smooth skin – the trail of dark hair that travels southward from his navel, disappearing inside his shorts.
What are you doing?! What are you doing?! What are you doing?!
You are getting more and more like your mother.
Her eyes snap up to find the shirtless guy looking at her. Her skin feels ablaze with guilt and her heart is pumping painfully. He gives her a soft sort of smile but all Sansa can do is squeak and slam the door shut.
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