#anon…I don’t know if I actually answered your question. this is all my brain is giving rn tho sigh
sunflowersred · 5 months
…who asked me “How. would Shanks react when he sees gear 5.” I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED YOUR ASK I’M SO SORRY. but let me respond.
at this point in the story i’m very sure we will actually see this reaction. and i’m very sure that Shanks knows the exact nature of the fruit Luffy ate—mostly because of this scene:
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Dorry and Brogy are at Egghead to find Luffy, and in the same breath call him “Sun God.” a few chapters before, we saw Shanks talking to dorry and Brogy before he left Elbaf. I don’t think that the giants knew back when they met Luffy on Little Garden that Luffy is the same as Joyboy is the same as Nika. I think we are meant to infer, from all this, that Shanks is the one who told the giants that Nika is Here, in the World, that Luffy is There, and that Luffy is Him.
as for Shanks’ reaction to seeing gear 5…I think very much about the reactions of both Bonney and Vegapunk when they saw gear 5, Bonney’s tears and Vegapunk (I would call it) enraptured expression, calling Luffy beautiful…I think it could be along that range, or even More (I will explain below). now…
it’s my personal theory that Shanks is Nika’s greatest devotee—who has dedicated his life to seeing Nika brought into the world, to Joyboy’s return. I see this in connecting the dots on my cork board with my red string with pins in Roger’s statement to Rayleigh that their meeting was fate, to Roger saying he wished he could have met Joyboy, to Shanks’ tears over whatever it was Roger told him after Roger returned from Laugh Tale, to Shanks’ crew talking about how pirates are free, to Shanks . to how now, again, I am sure Shanks knows of Luffy’s powers, and looking back on his reactions to news that Luffy is making his way through the world, he always looks. well.
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(it KILLS me, also, that this particular one happened at a WEDDING. ODA. UM. H-HELLO…)
I think very much about Oda’s offhand statement that Shanks is emotionally immature, I think about how Shanks relentlessly teased Luffy and finally expressed how much Luffy means to him after Luffy was in danger (Luffy is surprised and moved in chapter 1 when Shanks calls him “friend”!), I think about Shanks’ response to his crew saying pirates are free (“stop filling [Luffy’s] head with crazy ideas.”) I do think we will see Shanks’ true reaction to Luffy’s transformation, but I wonder if Shanks will hide his reaction from Luffy and Oda will show it only to us, the reader.
as a shipper I would find that possibility deliciously devastating. HOWEVER if it does happen like that I WILL write 1000 fics pushing them into situations where Luffy does see it because that is what feeds my soul. Shanks kissing Luffy’s hands, the hands that have brought down tyrants, Shanks kissing Luffy’s feet, the feet of his god who walks the earth. that Shanks smiled when he sacrificed his arm to save Luffy because he knew that to Nika, the Sun God, a sacrifice of food will give you his favor forever. how Shanks knows he cannot be the favorite of a god who loves all the world, but Luffy’s flag makes him feel like he could be. how Shanks wants to kneel at Luffy’s feet, but Luffy, but Nika, but Joyboy, does not want anyone to live a life on their knees. what the Experience of witnessing his god will be like for Shanks—Nika this laughing, dancing god, heartbeat the rhythm of a drum. His god, the god he has devoted his life to, sacrificed his flesh for. I think about the way Shanks COULD react, to seeing gear 5, and I think of all the great artworks of spiritual practitioners and mystics and saints and monks experiencing religious ecstasy. I think about the concept, in aesthetics, of the Sublime….
is this what we will get? I do not know. if we don’t, I will write about it (tbh, I have a couple of drafts combing over these themes and concepts that date back to the month gear 5 was revealed). so. I Will Make It Happen.
in addition to this, I would very much like to write about, whether Oda goes into it or not, how all of this gets Shanks all mixed up; loving his god, loving his boy (I think about the moment post-Wano where Shanks is looking at Luffy’s new wanted poster, the photo taken of Luffy clearly with Nika’s power awakened—and he is thinking about his happy memories of spending time with Luffy when Luffy was young) loving the man Luffy has become, how Luffy reminds Shanks of himself, how Luffy reminds Shanks of Roger, how Shanks wanted to keep Luffy safe, back then, how Luffy is the savior of oppressed and the vulnerable, now, how Shanks believes Luffy will usher in a New Age and how that will and has not been without struggle and sacrifice. Shanks, as a son of the Figarland family, a dynasty of slavers, leading a life of repentance, wanting absolution. I want to write all that WITH dimensions of sex and romantic love in their bond. To speak one more time of the canon, I think Shanks has ills in his soul (as so many of Oda’s characters do). I think as much as he has ever done Luffy will free Shanks from those. I think this will be perhaps the most intimate part of Oda’s story and I think Oda has had it in his head for all 27 years he has been writing this story and probably for a very long time before that. now…
now. am I, as they say, a “crazy fangirl” for any and/or all of the thoughts above? well. it is my experience that shipping shankslu (and ofc with lushanks agenda) is being in a state, as an audience member of this story, between hypersanity and utter delusion. either I’m God(a)‘s prettiest princess or I’m worse than the ZKK bros. either just the sheet of this ship has melded my shippers goggles to my head and it is so one with me I can’t look at the text without it, or when this ship first struck me like a bolt of lightning 3 years ago it was actually Oda, the #1 shankslu shipper, reaching out through the collective subconscious and suplexing me actually. which will it be? only time will tell.
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zepskies · 11 months
Code Red
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Pairing: Boaz Priestly x Female Reader
Summary: When you call him for help, Priestly realizes that he finally has the relationship of his dreams.
AN: So I didn’t think I’d ever write for this character, but it was prompted by a lovely anon and encouraged by my friend @thatonewriter15! I hope you enjoy. ❤️ 
Song Inspo: “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. “I’ve found a love…”
Word Count: 1,500 Tags/Warnings: Period talk, suggestiveness, mega fluff
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He was in the zone.
Four six-inch double buffalo chicken clubs with banana peppers on whole wheat bread (gross, but he wasn’t the one eating ‘em), two spicy Italians, and a tuna on rye.
Priestly wrapped them up with practiced precision and slid them down the line to Piper, Mission Impossible-style. She smiled at his antics and took them and brought them over to Tish at the register.
Priestly had another turkey and provolone on his docket, hold the mayo, when his cell buzzed in his pocket. Today he actually did have pockets. As in, he was wearing joggers, boots, and a graphic tee that said: NO TEQUILA, NO ENTRY.
He swiveled his phone in his hand like a drummer with a drumstick. He smiled when he saw your name flashing across the screen, and he answered it.
“Hey, Beautiful. What’s up?” he asked.
“Boaz, I need you,” you said. To his ears, your voice was sultry, and a bit strained.
He perked up with raised eyebrows.
“What’s holding up the turkey and cheese?” Piper asked.
Boaz held up a finger to the blonde and tucked the phone between his ear and shoulder. His hands busied themselves with the next sandwich order, but he was all too attentive to your every word.
“Oh yeah?” he replied to you. His smile deepened. “Well, that’s convenient. Because I’m craving some of you, baby.”
You gave a breathy chuckle. “Normally I’d take you up on that, but no. I need you. As in, I really need you to do something for me.”
Priestly arched a brow. His brain was already filling up with ideas of how he could best help you. He mentally took an inventory of the “tools” in your nightstand drawer, and which ones he could best use to his advantage when he—
“Uhh, well, I got about one more hour in my shift,” he said, lowering his voice, even as it deepened a notch. “But if Jen covers me, I can be outta here in half the time.”
“Oh my God, good,” you gasped. “I’m in so much fucking pain, you have no idea.” 
Priestly blinked, and any thoughts of kinky fun times came to a screeching halt. Concern took over when he realized that the strain in your voice wasn’t from the sexy kind of need.
“What’s wrong?” he asked quickly.
“I’m out of Midol, my uterus is rioting like it’s a Vietnam War protest, and…oh yeah, I need more tampons too,” you said. “But I legitimately cannot move from this couch.”
Priestly couldn’t help but smile in amusement.
“Ech, I hear ya. Are we in a Code Green, Code Yellow, or Code Red situation?”
Jen glanced over at him from where she was mopping the floor, and she gave him a questioning look.
What’s wrong? she mouthed.
“Code Red, definitely,” you answered with a sigh.
Priestly grimaced in sympathy. He mouthed back to Jen, Code Red.
She nodded in female understanding, and raised a hand that said, Say no more.
“Okay, yeah,” Priestly replied to you. “Don’t worry, I got you.”
You released a sigh of relief. “And if you want to throw in a Snickers, I wouldn’t hate it.”
He chuckled at that one.
“You got it,” he said. “I’ll be home in T minus an hour, give or take.”
You groaned. “Can’t you just steal a DeLorean or something?”
“You know, I could, but that would mean I’d be going back further into the past before you even needed to call me, and I’d still probably be making sandwiches since I’ve been working here since damn near 2000 B.C. But you know what, they should really call that movie Back to the Present, since they don’t actually go to the future until—”
“Okay,” you had to laugh, even though it was edged with discomfort. “I’ll see you later.”
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At the supermarket, after his shift at Beach City Grill, Priestly had most of the supplies he needed for a successful mission. All he was missing was his old enemy on Aisle 2.
Once again, he faced a wall of tampons. All bright colored boxes and numbers and sizes…
Okay, not Code Green, so not the slender ones that might as well be match sticks. Not Yellow, so no to Regular…ah! Here we are. Super Plus.
AKA: Code Red. Complete with leak guard, no latex. He grabbed the blue box and threw it into his basket of essentials, including no less than three assorted chocolate bars and a pint of Ben & Jerrys. He knew his girl, and you liked your Half-Baked ice cream with chocolate chip cookie dough and brownie pieces.  
He brought over his haul to the checkout line. Sure enough, Gerry, one of the locals, was finally old enough to buy a case of beer by himself. He glanced at the blue box Priestly was taking out onto the conveyor belt and smirked.
“No slender regulars this time?” Gerry remarked.
Priestly’s smile was tight. “No, Gerald. Slenders are for pussies.”
“Literally,” the blonde beanpole snorted. “What, your girlfriend got a heavy flow this month?”
Priestly rolled his eyes, and his mouth pressed in a line. The word flow still kind of grated on him like nails on a chalkboard, but what irked him more was this guy imagining any part of your intimate parts.
“All right, my girl’s flow is none of your business,” he said. “Once you hit puberty and grow your first pubes, you’ll understand.”
Gerry floundered while Priestly continued on to make his purchases. Even the cashier was smiling, trying not to laugh as he silently gave Priestly his props for a burn well made. Priestly shot the guy a nod and a smile before he left with his spoils.
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“Honey, I’m hoooome,” Priestly sing-songed.
He stepped through the door with his keys still jangling in his hand. He was trying to balance the big bag of groceries while closing the door to the apartment he shared with you.
Your head perked up from the living room couch, and your hand slowly curled up, beckoning him over. Priestly obliged you. He peered over the side of the couch and smiled at the way you were all curled up under a throw blanket, already in your pajamas, while FRIENDS reruns played on the TV.
“Finally,” you said with a tired smile. But not the kind of finally that just meant you were impatient for the goods he carried. The kind of finally that also meant you were happy to see him.
He laid a comforting hand on your head, leaned down, and pressed a kiss above your brow. You held him there by the collar of his shirt, prompting him to kiss you for real. Your hand moved up his tattooed neck and your nails gave the back of his head a little scratch, careful not to disrupt the blue mohawk.
He reluctantly pulled away from your lips, just enough to try and gauge how you were feeling.
“How’re you holdin’ up?” he asked.
“Like a beach umbrella in a hurricane,” you replied wryly. “You got the stuff?”
Priestly held the grocery bag tucked under his arm like it was a drug deal.
“Oh, I got the stuff, if you got the money,” he said.
You nodded, and your small smile turned mischievous. “I got your money, Big Man.”
With your hand delicately hooked behind his neck and the other gliding up his arm, he didn’t realize he was falling into a trap.
You tugged his arm hard enough to try and get him to fall over the back of the couch.
“Hey!” he yelped. Yet he also laughed while you tried your best to pull him overboard.
He had to toss the bag of groceries to the floor next to you, but he managed to get over and onto the couch without crushing you. He probably smelled like old sandwich and mayonnaise, but you didn’t seem to care. 
You just helped him settle in behind you, with your back to his chest. This was the only way you’d find comfort for your lower back. It had been aching since you woke up this morning.
You grabbed his closest hand and guided it under your overlarge sleep shirt, then under the waistband of your panties. You laid his warm hand flat against your cramping lower belly.
Priestly pressed a kiss behind your ear and tucked his arm underneath your head. He felt the rise and fall of your sigh as you leaned back against him, and his smile softened.
“You’re gonna fall asleep without digging into your treasure trove,” he teased. “I even got your favorite ice cream.”
You glanced at him over your shoulder in interest.
“Half-Baked?” you asked.
“Yep, for extra brownie points. Eh? See what I did there?”
Your body shook with a quiet laugh. You reached your hand back to touch his bearded cheek this time. Your fingers toyed with his many earrings.
“Did you know that you’re my favorite human?” you said. “Like, ever?”
He smiled against your neck. “Could’a sworn I was your third favorite, behind Ben and Jerry.”
“Nope, just you,” you said, snuggling back further into his warmth. “Thank you, baby.”
Priestly realized then that he’d found it.
He’d really, honest to God found the life he didn’t think he’d get, with a woman who didn’t want him to change; who just wanted him to be here.
Though he smirked when you reached for the bag and dug out the pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
“That’s what I thought,” he said.
You giggled. “Shut up.”
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AN: Priestly was such a fun character lol. I rewatched 10 Inch Hero this past week and this was the first thing I thought to write! If you liked this, let me know! (And if you want more Priestly.) 😘
Read the Prequel!
If you liked Code Red, read the start of their story:
▶️ The Miracle Man
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Priestly Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Tag List:
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sjywrites · 8 days
could i req a cute fluffy fic with a jealous ssera member? whoever you want!
༊*·˚ WHO'S THAT?
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𝓙ealous! 𝓗uh 𝓨unjin x 𝓖n!reader. 𝓖enre. fluff. 𝓢ypnosis. yunjin is a lil jealous, and she wants you to herself <3 𝓦𝓒 . 385 𝓒𝓦 . one kiss, nothing else!
𝓝ote this is my first ask omg anon I'm gonna kiss your brain
This is purely fiction and is not meant to interpret how the idol/s act in real life!
,, not proofread + english is not my first language ! ೃ⁀➷
More under cut!
Yunjin is usually not a jealous person, but the way that guy is all over you, making jokes you laugh at, touching you just a moment too long for it to be friendly makes her blood boil. She knew you didn’t notice he was flirting with you, but her eyes twitched at the thought of him knowing you had a girlfriend. I mean, it's pretty obvious you two were together, you pulled up to the party hand in hand, smiling at each other the whole night. Who could have missed that? Yunjin wasn’t sure what to do, it would be pretty embarrassing to admit she was jealous over a guy you wouldn’t even consider dating in the first place. She knew you were just trying to be friendly, oblivious to his clear motive to get you in bed.
Yunjinnie: Hey, can we go?
Y/N <3: Why? Are you okay?
Yunjinnie: Yes, it’s just… I don’t have a good feeling about the guy you’re talking with.
Y/N <3: Any particular motive for that?
Y/N <3: Did he do something to you?
Yunjinnie: No, I just don’t like him talking to you…
Y/N <3: Babe… Are you jealous?
Yunjinnie: What no!? I just…
Y/N <3: Okay baby I get it, I won’t talk to him more
Y/N <3: In fact why don't you get over here and introduce yourself as my gf? Would that make you feel better?
Yunjinnie: It actually would.
Yunjin walks over to you, glaring at the guy obviously flirting with you. She grabs your hand gently as she introduces herself,
“Hi, I’m Yunjin, Y/Ns girlfriend. Who are you?”
Her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes, obviously staring at the guy in front of her. The guy looks a little nervous when he answers her question, “Oh! Uhh, I uh, gotta go. I have to uh, find my friends. Bye!” He kind of sprints away from the both of you, almost falling over a few people on his way. Finally leaving you both alone, Yunjin relaxes. “See, nothing to be jealous over.” You say smiling up at her. “I’m not sure that’s how it works baby, but whatever you say” She smiles right back at you, slowly leaning down to capture your lips in a gentle kiss.
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and everyone cheered!! I'm so happy you guys actually like how I write I'm gonna cry, big MWAH to all of youuu
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devildom-moss · 8 months
May I possibly ask for headcaons for the brothers with a MC does not speak like at all? Like Zero words unless they’re in a position where they absolutely have to talk? Sorry for late request.
First, sorry that I still have so many requests in my inbox, and I kinda disappeared for two weeks. I was feeling kinda uninspired for a bit. None of the requests were fully clicking in my brain, but I tried. I hope you'll end up seeing this and will enjoy it, anon.
Reacting to an MC who doesn't speak unless necessary headcanons (the demon brothers)
(Suggestive for some: Lucifer, Asmodeus, Belphegor)
(Warning: Belphie's last headcanon has some creepy, messed up, dubcon-ish vibes)
Word Count: +2,600
He gets pissed off by it for the stupidest, most irrational reasons. When he lectures and nags you, he takes your lack of response as a sign that you were ignoring him or don’t care what he has to say. If he’s just trying to chat with you, and you don’t respond verbally, he assumes you’re uninterested in him. Lucifer gets especially upset when he asks you a question and you respond non-verbally (shaking or nodding your head, shrugging, pointing) – even if you’re answering him properly. All of it hurts his pride, and he’ll huff and pout about it all day.
I know he’s like the dad of the group, but if you don’t explain why you don’t talk, he’ll be so childish about it. He might even resort to giving you the silent treatment in return.
His annoyance is eased a bit when he sees that it’s not just him you don’t talk to.
You’ll confuse the poor man so much if you’re comfortable texting him. How is he supposed to take that? So, you’ll chat with him in messages, but you won’t actually speak to him? He’ll wonder if you’re mute and just never brought it up – but he hopes not, because then he would feel like an ass for getting mad.
Assumes that you’re just nervous or scared, so he tries to interrogate you for the answer. At least he’s smart enough to ask only yes or no questions.
You’re better off just explaining to him that you don’t speak unless you have to. He won’t push for your reasoning – although he’s curious. Eventually, he figures, you’ll let him know.
It’s still frustrating from time to time after he understands that it’s just how you are, but he can appreciate the quiet.
Definitely takes advantage of it to vent to you. However, he wishes you’d stop glaring at him when he does something wrong. It’s hard to enjoy the perk of you not scolding him when you’re burning holes into him.
The closer you get, the more he wants to hear your voice. You can’t tell me this man wouldn’t try to get you alone and tease you until you spoke to him, and then say some cocky shit like “There we go. Let me hear your voice. I can be the only one you share those sounds with.” Put him in horny jail.
He doesn’t understand you. Even if you explain that it’s just how you are – even if you had a perfectly rational explanation for why (other than just not wanting to), Mammon wouldn’t get it. “How could ya not wanna talk to me, the Great Mammon?”
He’s always chatting or arguing with someone, so the idea of just sitting silently is unsettling for him. When you’re quiet, he starts to worry about whether you’re enjoying hanging out with him, so he’ll often glance over at you, scanning your face for any hints of your feelings. And, honestly, he gets pretty good at picking up on your particular expressions and body language.
Mammon feels weird about being the only one talking, so he tends to ask permission and check in more often. “Can I bend your ear for a bit?” / “Ya mind if I talk during our movie?” / “Just lemme know if I’m gettin’ on ya nerves or somethin’. I don’t gotta talk.” If you welcome him talking to you, he’ll be overjoyed – albeit a bit over-confident. “Damn right. I knew ya couldn’t get bored of the Great Mammon.”
After the pact, he loves that you are sparing with the “stay” command. He can only imagine how bad it would be if you used it whenever he got slightly out of hand.
However, he also gets bummed that you don’t really stick up for him when his brothers are insulting him. The comfort from you holding his hand or offering him physical reassurance is nice, but sometimes he wants more.
Feels sad that he can’t hear any praise or kindness you offer him through messages directly from your lips. He might bring it up and ask you to say something nice to him – especially after a rough day. “Ya can’t blame a demon for wantin’ to hear ya say it. Just for today? Come on.”
If he gets you to say his name (or really anything at all) in private, he’ll beg you to say it again and again. He wants to savor the sound of your voice and engrave it in his mind.
Take the older two’s insecurity and doubt, add it up, and multiply it by 23. He assumes you hate him at first – and his first response to that is “yeah. Fair.”
He gets so consumed by self-pity that it takes him longer than it should to realize that you’re like that with everyone. You aren’t singling him out just because you hate the shut-in otaku – although he doesn’t rule out that you still might hate him.
That worry doesn’t go away until you two start texting more often. You actually seem interested in engaging with him. A part of him still thinks that it’s just wishful thinking on his end.
He needs to get confirmation that you just don’t talk unless necessary – for whatever reason. Like Lucifer, he won’t push you for a reason. He’d love for you to open up and tell him if you have one, but you don’t have to. Once he knows that, he’ll be a lot more comfortable around you.
Levi loves that you’ll just let him go on and on about his interests. He’ll even leave you lengthy voice messages and patiently wait for a response. However, his insecurity gets the better of him, and he establishes a system with you so you can get him to shut up whenever (if ever) he’s being too much for you. It’s something simple like putting both hands up during a conversation or texting a stop sign to signal that you need him to pause.
Often texts you while you’re in the same room (much to everyone’s, especially Lucifer’s, annoyance) or messages you through games. You’ve both gotten lectured by Lucifer multiple times about not having your phones out at the dinner table.
The first time he gets you to laugh out loud at one of his messages, he falls so hard. He’ll be a flustered mess and immediately get upset that he didn’t capture such a beautiful moment on video.
He notices that you don’t talk unless necessary quicker than the others, so he’s not particularly offended that you don’t speak to him.
Probably the most understanding and willing to meet you where you’re at. He won’t try to get you to talk. Instead, he’ll try to incorporate different forms of nonverbal communication with you. Satan will try to learn some sign language with you as to develop more communication options that don’t require you to speak.
He’s good about asking yes or no questions and remains patient with you while you try to communicate with him.
It feels personal to him that your feelings are taken into consideration, and you’re given the tools and time you need to express yourself. Satan still remembers all the times he wished someone had been more patient with him when he was angry or hurt.
He’ll also communicate with you via text even when you’re in the same room. It’s a win-win. You’re free to respond however you wish, and he gets to hold a secret conversation with you. It makes it easier to plot his pranks on Lucifer with you, too. Lucifer can’t overhear any plots if you two don’t speak. However, he gets incredibly shy when he’s texting you and someone points out that he has a smile on his face. He’ll blush and get all indignant. “Shut up. I was watching videos of cats.” Which is, of course, a blatant lie. If he was, he’d be trying to show the videos off while gushing about the cats.
Satan will often try to communicate with you through books. He’ll share his books with you, often leaving notes inside that you can respond to – sometimes in the margins, but often on cat-themed note cards that he tucked between pages. Also, he would 100% write letters to you. Sure, he could say that to your face or in a text, but it wouldn’t be the same.
However, sometimes, especially when he’s on the verge of a rage-induced rampage, he just wants to hear your voice. He wants to hear you comforting and soothing him as he tries to calm down. He wants to hear you praise him. He wants to hear you whisper his name.
He could talk enough for the both of you. Although he probably still talks less than Levi, Asmo has enough gossip to keep you entertained for hours. He could go on and on about nothing, just spilling ideas out for you to examine.
He doesn’t get why you don’t speak to him much, and it takes him a while to realize that you’re like that with everyone. “Aww, too stunned by my beauty to speak? Go on, you can praise me if you want. I only bite if you ask me to.”
If you shake your head “no” in response to him, he’ll be so insulted. You’ll have to explain soon after because Asmo will be pouty for days if he thinks you just don’t want to talk to him, Asmodeus, the cutest being to ever grace the Devildom.
After you explain to him that you don’t talk unless necessary (and that it’s not just him you don’t talk to), he’ll perk up cheerfully. “Oh, why didn’t you just say – oh. Well, never mind that. I’m just so glad you’re not immune to my charm.”
He appreciates it when you’re willing to listen to him. Even if you don’t respond to him verbally, he feels heard. Occasionally, he’ll ask to vent to you if he knows that your one-sided conversation is mostly going to consist of complaints.
He’ll text you a lot – often including a bunch of stickers, voice messages, and videos. In part, he’s hoping one day you’ll send him a voice message or video so he can have a file of your voice saved on his D.D.D. forever.
Pushes you to talk sometimes because he worries that he puts all the weight of his stress onto you. He doesn’t understand how you get your feelings out without talking, so he’s worried about you being all pent up. If you really won’t talk, he may try to drag you along during some of his stress-relief activities (spa days, shopping sprees, and I kind of headcanon that he would box on occasion just so he can punch something).
Definitely still flirts with you. However, instead of waiting for a response, he watches your expressions. “Well, if you’re ever feeling stressed, you can talk to me. And if you still don’t want to talk, pull me to a bed, and I’ll make you moan instead.”
He’s not a big talker himself, but the absolute silence from you makes him uneasy. At first, he assumed you might be more of a listener like him, but after he sees someone try to strike up a conversation (or if he tries himself), he realizes that isn’t the case.
Wonders if he makes you uncomfortable. Usually, others don’t approach him or talk to him because he’s intimidating. So, maybe that’s the case with you, too? If one of his brothers mentions that you don’t talk to them when he’s around, Beel might question if you’re afraid of all demons.
He’s surprisingly nervous when he tries to ask. He’ll bring you an offering of delicious snacks, asking if you want to share with him. (In his head, no one who offers good food should be seen as scary.) If you accept, he’ll smile and wait for you to try it before awkwardly asking, “Hey, MC, are you scared of me? Do you not like demons?”
He will be overjoyed when you shake your head “no.” “That’s a relief. But why don’t you want to talk to me or my brothers?”
You’ll probably have to find some way to explain it to him eventually. He’ll let you off if all you do in that moment is shrug, but his “oh” in response will sound so sad. He’s smart enough to send a text later, asking if messages were an okay way to communicate instead.
Once he understands that you just don’t talk, Beel’s pretty chill about it. He still likes spending time with you – especially now that he knows you don’t dislike him. You don’t have to talk to enjoy meals with him or watch movies or exercise together.
He’s the least likely to crave the sound of your voice. That isn’t to say he wouldn’t appreciate it, but communicating through messages and physical touch is plenty for him. A tight hug, holding his hand, a kiss, caressing his arm – all of it speaks to him just as sweetly.
It takes him longer than it should to realize you don’t talk. Partly because of this, he’s pretty chill about it at first. He likes that you don’t nag him about sleeping too much or not listening in class or dumping his chores on his brothers.
Doesn’t notice until he asks you something and you don’t speak. He would probably be using you as a pillow when he starts chatting before he drifts off to sleep. His eyes would be closed as he awaits your response. Nothing. Annoyed, he would open one eye to see why in the Devildom you’re ignoring him.
“What, not interested in talking to me?” Nod. “That’s rude – but I’ll let it go this time since you’re such a comfy pillow.” Belphie would snuggle into you. Then, it would hit him. “Have you ever spoken to me?” Shake. “Really?” Nod. “Why not?” Shrug. “You can speak, right?” Nod. Belphie would scoff and finally fall asleep.
He (thinks he) gets it: talking is such a bother sometimes. He doesn’t assume he did anything wrong, especially if you’re letting him cuddle with you.
Belphie loves napping on you in relative silence. You can still stargaze with him while he offers free lectures on the constellations.
His understanding doesn’t last long. Eventually, he hates that you don’t talk at all. He wants to hear your voice when he’s falling asleep. He wants you to call out his name when you wake him up (and in general). Messages don’t feel like enough. He wants to hear you praise him and tell him he’ll be okay. Reading comforting, affectionate words is nice, but he needs more.
He will tickle you to try to get you to talk – or at least tell him to stop. He’ll ask you whether you would be okay talking to him in a dream, and he would probably invade your dreams without permission, seeking out your voice.
Belphie’s the least understanding and somehow the most persistent. You’ll have to send him a strongly worded message (or be extra and tell him via a letter) or get one of his brothers (Beel, Satan, or Lucifer) to tell him he needs to chill.
Honestly, he’s horrible. If he has already developed feelings for you and you are okay with some forms of physical affection, he would push his luck – kissing you deeper and touching you wherever he pleases. “If you want me to stop, say it. Or just let me have my way until you’re screaming my name.” He says that, but he would probably stop at the first sign of resistance and apologize (but it’s still a pretty messed up thing to try).
A/N: Again, sorry I've been so unmotivated to write here - and kind of in general, too. I hope this came out alright and it will give me some momentum to keep working on requests. I'll see if I can get something else up this week. The thing is, some of the requests are so long that they're daunting to even start - so that might be part of it. But I'll shut up now.
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shizunitis · 2 months
No, ur absolutely so right about Bingcest. Preach louder because like. It’s just so fun. Any reason why they would be doing it is so fun. Is Bingge fucking Bingmei to show him how he needs to fuck Shizun? Is it a domination thing? What crazy kinks would Bingmei learn from Bingge? How would he try and incorporate them with Shizun? So many questions. I want Bingge to bite Bingmei’s lips when they kiss.
anon i love you and am willing to go through the abyss for you empty-handed and with my hands tied. will give you my firstborn. thank you for letting me talk about this please never leave me
now that the bingmei rp is over, and keeping in mind that i am forever sleep deprived, in a vaguely bingge mood, and also very sorry for what that means for any passersby, here’s my answer. horniness and thoughts (hopefully coherent enough) under the cut
though i find the shizun sandwich version of bingcest to be extremely tasty and a great apperitif, i feel like the pure bingge-bingmei storylines my brain throws at me every now and then are so fucking good (read: hhNnNg) on their own.
a non-exhaustive list of some ideas i didn’t ever think too deeply about but like for reasons:
what if bingge is bingmei’s shizun.
what if bingmei gets stranded in pidw.
what if bingge accompanies bingmei in the abyss.
what if instead of only having bingge and bingmei, we also throw in oo!lbh into the mix and make this the worst throuple to have ever existed.
what if the system fucks up and there’s two binghe’s from the very beginning, twins or clones or whatever, and they brave the world on their own so as not to strain the washerwoman’s already precarious situation further than they did the first time around.
what if bingmei wishes very, very hard for a father during his disciplehood, and the system plops bingge into his world when shen yuan is mia.
what if bingge goes out and tries to find the svsss world again but ends up in oo!pidw.
what if bingge and bingmei live to the ends of their lives and meet after the universe is wiped as cosmic beings and they have incomprehensible sex to soothe the pain.
what if bingmei suspects bingge came back to steal shizun during the monthly wifeplots, and just jumps the gun and goes after the fucker directly.
what if modern au.
what if modern au where they’re separated at birth.
what if actual lab clones of each other!
et cetera (many more examples. none of which i can think of right now and if i’m being honest? half of these i thought up on the fly, so i was lying. fibbing. other words. never ever assume i know what i’m talking about)
in any and all these situations shen qingqiu and/or shen yuan could and perhaps should be integrated, but for my purposes he can take a moment to breathe. i’ll return him his husbands shortly.
back to the point: i love every iteration of bingcest.
bingge and bingmei being very alpha vs. alpha about fucking and literally fighting for dominance. bingmei being horrible at kissing and bingge getting annoyed with the teeth thing and showing him how to actually bite someone (stealing your desires as they perfectly align with mine, anon) and then finding out that what bingge would consider lowly and ignoble (is that how you use the word? probably not), bingmei blushes and whines for so prettily.
exchanging blood and it fails to do anything but induce arousal in the other and then using that as a way to torment each other.
i want the snapping teeth and the clawing and the violence. the almost-tangible, suffocating hatred and frustration. them choking on their leashes tied together without their knowledge. choking on them where the’re tied to opposite ends of the bed as they try to get to the other. and so forth
but soft bingcest works beautifully too. don’t know how they’d end up in that situation but i’m picturing it and it’s very nice.
bingge’s vanity and desire to be perfect projected onto his own self staring back at him, bingmei’s bratty disobedience challenging bingge’s desire to subjugate and conquer and take, all of this culminating in the two of them understanding their differences but also loathing them in a way. why is he different, he’s me, why can’t he understand, why isn’t he doing what i would, why does he hate me, the likes
oh!! bingmei should yell that at bingge actually. or growl it while he pins bingge down to get him to listen to him. and bingge should want to say, “are you stupid?” but holds back because now isn’t the time. where did the brat even get that idea from? he’s done everything he could to make him stronger, to make him realise that the world is a shit, cruel place and they only have each other in the end, and yeah it’s a shit hand to be dealt, but is it? is it really?
hm. don’t really know where that thought ends up but i’m pretty sure it ends up with both of them fucking unbearably tenderly (by their standards) in a forest somewhere.
i don’t mean to exclude shizun because. i wouldn’t fucking dare? but bingcest is. it’s dear to me. i’m a bingcest purist if you’d like, but bingcestqiu/yuan is second on the list. third is mobingcumplane/moshangbingqiu but that’s another thing altogether
(i have no actual clue if there’s ship names for these already. surely there are?)
BUT. adding shizun into the mix is wonderful. i’ve rec’ed it before but through the eye of a needle is SUCH a good fic PLEASE give it a read it’s my favourite fic ever ever in the history of ever
i love the idea of shizun trying to tame these two idiots and failing miserably. i also love the idea of him succeeding. i want bingmei making bingge drink some ‘respect shizun’ juice and i want bingge to give bingmei some much needed ‘fuck shizun’ lessons. i want shizun to direct their every movement while he casually drinks his tea and pretends like he’s not foaming at the mouth seeing the two protagonists being “forced” to go at each other like they’re passionate, devoted lovers.
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there’s so much i want from bingcest. i want the guilt, and the confusion, and the rage! i want the angst! the territorial spats, the dick measuring contests (literal and metaphorical). the comfort! the. idk man they should be allowed to be horrible to each other, it’s not like they can die.
(holy shit what if one of them dies. fuck i’m exhausted but please. kill one of them and make the other revive him. somehow. maybe we can make regret of chunshan reality but it’s bingcest, if you understand)
but mainly i want the two pretty idiots humping each other’s thighs like teenagers. making bingge crawl for bingmei is also a very fun thought that would make him (plural) react in a very entertaining way. getting bingmei to power bottom is chef’s kiss when bingge’s on the other end. teaching bingge about the beauty of surrendering to his own self, which he does not trust with anything but also understands more than he’d like or wants to acknowledge is also neat. they would get up to degeneracies that i can’t speak of. i’m shy and also inarticulate about them
oooh also lebingcest. exactly the same as before but it’s better. because lesbian yaoi
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lelengerine · 1 year
helloo!!! I am so glad you are back again,really missed seeing you on my dash:(
also,from your mini drabble list, the arranged marriage au really caught my eye! can you please write it with jeno as the main protagonist? I don't have anything specific in mind except that I am obsessed with the opposites attract kinda trope but you can write it anyway you want! thank you in advance <3
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love, lee
pairing | prince!jeno x princess!reader
genre | royalty + arranged marriage au, jeno uses a nickname for reader (love), no pronouns are specifically used for this, lmk if there’s any i missed!
wc | 0.9k
notes | i think my love for royalty aus are really stating to show now TT this is my first jeno work and there were actually multiple entries for jeno with the arranged marriage trope so i hope this suffices for now (maybe i’ll make a part two or follow another req if i can !!) it’s not exactly the same as what anon mentioned because i tried to condense the ideas to the size of a drabble as much as possible but i love all ur brains so much LIKE TELL ME MORE 😭😭 anw likes, rbs, and feedbacks are very appreciated ;0;
this is part of my drabble req event here!
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there’s this prophecy that landed upon your kingdom just as its walls were newly established, one that spoke of prosperity if two individuals coming from royal backgrounds were to be wed under every full moon.
of course, that hasn’t come true (and you don’t believe it ever will), but both the civilians and the royal family hold onto that sliver of hope ever so dearly. though, in the position of being someone forced into the position of marriage, you can’t help but view the tradition as something simply bizarre and unnecessary.
moreover, you haven't a clue who you are about to marry. the thought irritates you to the core, and your mother’s repetitive words on how this was ‘something she experienced too’ not making you feel any better — in fact, it was dampening your already sour mood even further.
just why hadn’t this been dropped centuries ago? the answer to that question doesn’t seem to be keen on revealing itself to you.
and so here you are, behind tall wooden doors in a dress you struggle to move in — much less breathe in — that will soon reveal a banquet hall filled with your and your groom’s relatives, a plethora of aristocrats that you couldn’t even dare to name no matter how long you stared at them, and reporters who were ready to swarm you with questions whenever they’d get the chance.
“there’s no need to fear, my dear.” your mother states by your side, and a scoff is the first response she receives.
“i hope you understand that what you’ve said lacks any sensitivity for my situation.” you bitterly reply with a blank expression, not even turning to face her once. with that, she decides to keep silent, not wanting to aggravate you any longer.
the doors open, finally placing you on display for everyone to see, and the first person your eyes search for is your husband-to-be.
he stands in front of the beautifully decorated altar in a navy blue suit and fur coat that looks just as uncomfortable as the white gown you’re wearing, and you start to feel a little sympathy for him knowing he probably didn’t have any plans of marrying you either.
you were both victims in this grand scheme, after all.
a step, two steps, and before you know it, you’re meeting his gaze for the first time. he offers a soft smile that puffs up his cheeks ever so slightly, pupils shining beneath the lights that brighten up the entire hall, and for a moment, you forget how much you’ve detested this day to come.
‘get a grip, it’s definitely for show’, you mentally tell yourself as your lips return the kind gesture.
the ceremony soon starts, and the words spoken by the priest pass through your ears like static fuzz, not paying attention to the prophecy that was being retold to the audience.
“i assume you were forced into this?” you begin in a whisper, wanting only the person beside you to hear your voice.
you turn to gaze at him and he looks a little surprised you actually started a conversation. “sure.”
sure? what kind of response was that? the least he could do was respond with a decisive yes or no to not leave you hanging like this. perhaps that smile from earlier really was to fool the reporters on a loveless marriage
“could you at least tell me your name?” you try to reach out once more, “it’s laughable as is to know we are in the middle of being wed and i have not a single clue on who you are.”
“lee, jeno.” he responds, and though it technically is an answer to your question, you’re oddly left unsatisfied at how perfunctory it was. “yours?”
“l/n, y/n.” you state in the same manner as if you wanted him to feel the same as you did just moments prior. “how does it feel to get married to a stranger? because i surely find this unsettling.”
you tried to play into humor, hoping to get a better reaction out of him, but what he says shocks you instead. “we aren’t strangers though.”
“what-” you start to sputter, however the priest cuts you off at the mention of announcing your respective vows.
“i’m sure you’ll recall it soon enough.” jeno’s expression finally shifts from his icy facade to a sly smirk that perfectly exemplifies his features, and you’re not sure whether to find the sight unsettling or absolutely breathtaking. “because i’ve known you my entire life, love.”
the nickname has your mind reeling in circles, paying no attention to the vows jeno was now dictating like a memorized poem of sorts. there was ever only one person who’s called you by that name, though it could never be someone like him… could it?
you snuck out of the castle to one of the town’s bakeries back when you were younger, meeting a boy who told you he was doing the exact same thing because he swore their garlic bread was absolutely out of this world, and that’s exactly why you came in the first place. it was like you both clicked, and that meeting became the first of many. though, as you grew older, your hectic tutoring schedules made it difficult for you to frequent the bakery as much as you used to.
still, you remember he suggested exchanging letters as a means of keeping in contact, and he’s the only one who’s referred to you as love. his love.
you’re abruptly taken away from your thoughts as the priest repeats your name, “princess, your vows if you may.”
“oh um, sorry.” you quickly apologize, trying to gather yourself back up.
jeno’s gaze on you looks much more animated than before, almost as if there was a playful glint that replaced the cold ones from earlier. where was the man you met moments ago as the event started? “i suppose you remember now.”
“yeah.” you breathe out, “yeah, i do.”
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the-power-of-stuff · 7 months
The Live-Action Sukka Manifesto that I Just Couldn't Keep in My Head
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So I've been marinating in my live-action Sukka thoughts for the past three days, and when someone sent me an anon asking if I had any thoughts about the changes, at first I went, "DO I EVER?!" and proceeded to dump my entire brain on the page.
But then I worried maybe the anon wouldn't want to see my entire brain and figured I'd make my own post with my Many, Many Thoughts, and reel it in a bit when I answer the ask. And then link here if they're interested in the dissertation.
I'll put all the excessive details and spoilery stuff under a cut, but I'll start by saying, I didn't hate it! And I was afraid that I would.
There were things that I was bummed or had mixed feelings about, but there was also a lot that I genuinely enjoyed. All the Sukka interactions were cute and still had some decent character development, and I had fun with the episode overall (I've watched it thrice mind you, and definitely have not given the rest of the series that kind of attention). And I didn't necessarily dislike the differences from the original; I think I've just taken more of a "that was an interesting interpretation" approach.
But I better start that cut now, because I'm about to go on and on about this. I'd love to know what others think, though!! Even if the opinions aren't the same as mine! Please feel free to comment, reblog, shoot me an ask. If nothing else, I'm excited that the LA has gotten people talking about ATLA again.
So, I want to start with Suki’s characterization, which overall I found to be delightful, even if it was a bit of a watered-down version of her animated self.
In the original show, Suki is confident, sassy, and doesn’t take shit from anybody. She’s proud to the point of almost being arrogant, and even a little mean. What we get in the LA is someone who’s still confident in terms of her status and her skills, and still proud of her heritage and her role in her community, but with significantly less sass. And while LA Suki still seems like someone who wouldn’t take anyone’s shit, we don’t actually see LA Suki deal with that much shit from anyone (because Sokka isn’t really giving her any). 
There is one moment in the show where her interaction with Sokka is a little contentious, which is when he tries to relate to her as a fellow guardian of his people. I think Suki’s question to Sokka about how is he protecting his village if he’s not there is meant to be a challenge to his swagger. However, the line is delivered with a softness that makes it seem as though Suki is, at least in part, genuinely curious. (This curiosity makes even more sense when we consider the fact that Suki’s eventually going to leave Kyoshi Island so she and her Warriors can take part in the war effort, and that she will have to contend with the question of “how do you do that without abandoning your people?” when coming to that decision. The LA lays a lot more of this groundwork than the animated show did: Suki outwardly expressing her desire to see the world, her mother’s secretive looks every time Suki gazes longingly at Sokka the possibilities…)
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Compare these two moments, for example. These are both scenes where Suki expresses disbelief at Sokka's claims about his warrior-hood. But in the LA, Suki speaks rather quietly and mildly, in contrast to the brash sarcasm of her animated counterpart. LA Suki is also tilting her head down and away, looking at Sokka indirectly. OG Suki is leaning in close, getting in his face, smirking derisively with her hands on her hips.  
I think there’s something to be said about the LA in general smoothing away certain personality traits that could be seen as negatives but that are actually strengths that are so narratively well-developed they occasionally show up as flaws (for instance, Katara’s fury, or lack thereof). Animated Suki is prideful and stubborn; she berates Sokka until he gives her sad puppy-dog eyes and has zero hesitation about making an example of him in front of her whole class. It’s a little ruthless, but these traits are also 1) what gets through Sokka’s thick skull (he, too, is prideful and stubborn), and 2) what makes her such a dedicated ambassador of Kyoshi and such a strong leader of the island’s Warriors at such a young age. I feel like the LA writers were afraid of making any of the protagonists seem too abrasive—everyone in the LA has had their edges sanded down, including Zuko, including Aang—and in general this tends to lead to less realistic representations of humanity and conflict, less satisfying character development arcs, and fewer opportunities for reflection and learning. 
That being said! I went into watching the LA with negative expectations about what we would see in terms of character development, and thus was pleasantly surprised. 
The LA removed the need for Suki to be as ruthlessly stubborn as she is in the animated show because LA Sokka’s skull is not so thick (and I'll get into that a bit more later). So what we get instead is a sheltered Suki with a helicopter mom who is so hilariously awkward that she has no idea how to interact with other humans. And, to be honest, I enjoyed this version of her so much that I even thought to myself, “I wish I’d thought of that!”
Suki is a straight-up weirdo in the LA and I love that for her. The way she puts Sokka in a chokehold and then looks at him after she sets him free like, “That was good flirting, yes? Would you like to be my boyfriend now?” And then her disappointment when Sokka walks away as if she’s thinking, “Why didn’t that go well, I thought boys loved getting put in chokeholds?” She is so precious, I just want to put her in my pocket. And this characterization might even be more broadly relatable than a super-confident Suki brimming with sass. Who among us hasn’t made a complete fool of ourselves in front of a crush by coming on way too strong and having no idea how to flirt? I mean…real. 
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And because Sokka is also mostly just making a fool of himself trying to impress a pretty and talented peer (instead of covering up his insecurities by wrapping himself in misogyny) this leaves room for the two of them to be attracted to each other right off the bat and for their interactions to be more overtly romantic throughout the entire episode. Which, avid shipper that I am, I have to admit I have been gobbling up for the past three days straight. This episode was an IV drip of romantic tropes hooked straight to every Sukka shipper’s veins. 
Shy glances from across the room? Check.
Walking in on the other person half-naked? Check. (Y’all, Suki looks Sokka up and down for a FULL TWENTY SECONDS yes I timed it from the moment she appears in the background, yes you should count it to see how long that really is. Talk about awkward.) 
Tripping so they end up falling into each other’s arms? Check.
Wide-eyed shock that turns into surprise thirst after being pinned to the ground? Check.
Shooting each other satisfied smirks as they kick ass side-by-side? Check.
Jumping in front of literal fire for each other? Check and check!
Like, I could live off this for the rest of the year. 
But look, there’s a lot that I love about the way Sokka and Suki’s relationship is portrayed in this episode besides those romantically indulgent tension-creating moments, and it has to do with Suki’s admiration and validation of Sokka. 
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Suki really looked at this boy with his mouth stuffed half-full of steamed bun and went, “Must have.”
With the removal of overt sexism from this episode (for better or worse), the story focused much more heavily on Sokka’s development as a leader. He still has that sort of posturing display of self-confidence that comes from inexperience and trying too hard to prove oneself (“Ferociously…deadly tiger whales…”), and while at first Suki seems put off by this and his attempts to liken himself to her (“I’m not just a warrior, I’m a Kyoshi warrior”) it doesn’t take her long to decide (*cough*after seeing him shirtless*cough*) that she doesn’t actually mind this behavior (and in fact maybe she kind of likes it because maybe it means he likes her and maybe it means she can show him how much she likes him by slicing the tops off all those melons with her fan). She seems genuinely interested in his boomerang and impressed that he hunts, and then later, she immediately takes interest in training him in the Kyoshi Warrior style. 
After they spar, she casually refers back to the fact that he’s his village’s protector, and this time, she does it without the disbelief and defensiveness. Because he’s finally stopped posturing. He opened himself up and gave himself over to Suki’s expertise, and in that way he proved that he has the will and desire—the heart—of a warrior. And Suki tells him so while touching him gently and gazing at him longingly in the soft golden glow of the late-afternoon sun. And as a die-hard Sokka stan, I love seeing him loved and appreciated like this. Adamantly. Ardently. The Sokka cheerleader in my head is going wild. “YEESSSS!! Our boy deserves this!!” Because we know that, in the animated show, he goes through a lot more struggle and self-doubt before he receives this kind of external validation. And while we also know that this makes for an incredibly satisfying growth arc, I gotta admit that it’s a fun bit of indulgence to watch Suki talk Sokka up directly to his face and then want to kiss him really bad. Y’know. As a treat.
That said, I'm very attached to and appreciative of the way their relationship is framed in the animated series. I love that their respect and affection for each other grows even after the disaster that is their first few interactions. In the LA, they are drawn to each other immediately, and the only barrier seems to be a bit of awkward stepping-in-it-ness. In the original, they have legitimate conflict, and they both have to give a little—Sokka becomes more humble, Suki becomes more tender—before they get to that point of potential romantic interest. And I think it says a lot about Sokka’s character and his desire to learn and grow that he is willing to humble himself in front of someone who, as far as he’s seen, has very little regard for him (slash has a good deal of animosity towards him). Giving himself over to Suki’s expertise costs him more in the animated show. But once he does, he and Suki learn and grow together. He shows Suki who he really is, shows her how dedicated and determined (and fun and a quick learner) he is, to the point that, by the end of the episode, she can allow herself to be vulnerable with him. And she does validate him in the original Kyoshi Warriors episode, just less directly than the LA. Her kiss on his cheek and “...but I’m a girl, too” is about forgiveness and acceptance and acknowledgement and respect, as much as or even more than it is about affection. There’s a little bit of romance, too, but it’s just little baby seeds of it, and it feels very natural to let those seeds germinate over time until we see Suki again later in the series. 
Which brings me to the live-action kiss. 
I’ll be honest, I was a little on the fence about the kiss. I want Sokka and Suki to kiss as much as possible in every conceivable universe. So there’s a part of me that was banging on the table and whistling with obscene joy. But the other part of me thought it was too much too soon. However, my hesitance pre-supposes some things about the second season (not least of which that there will be one), namely that it will handle the reunion with Suki and crossing the Serpent’s Pass anything like how it was done in the original. (Of course, one thing we now know for certain can't happen in a hypothetical LA season 2 is Suki pranking Sokka at the ferry station because he doesn't recognize her without her makeup. Do I love the expression on LA Sokka's face the first time he sees Suki's? Yes. Am I sad that this completely ruins their whole "You don't remember me? Maybe you'll remember this!" game? Also yes. But truthfully, I don't know if LA Suki would've been up to the prank, anyway. Not sassy enough. ;))
The Serpent’s Pass is one of my favorite episodes of all time, and that moment on the bluffs when Sokka and Suki are talking around Sokka’s loss, with the moon shining down on them all the while, and they almost kiss with the moon hanging between them in the background, and then Sokka pulls away without any other explanation besides, “I can’t”? That scene is so absurdly powerful and beautiful and an amazing moment of character development for them both, and I feel like it loses a lot of impact if they’ve already made out once. The fact that they kiss for the first time after that moonlit moment, when Sokka realizes that Suki doesn’t need protecting the way he thought she did, and in fact she was there to protect him, and he can finally just let go of this burden that he’s been carrying with him since Suki first mentioned she was joining them (slash since his dad put him in charge of an entire village at 13), and then and only then can he open his heart to what he feels for Suki, and in fact opens it so wide that he just cannot help but jam his mouth onto hers before she’s even finished talking…? I mean. C’mon. That’s poetry. But, again…loses impact if they’ve already had a first kiss.
But who knows what, if anything, they’ll actually do with that storyline. So for now, I’ll just enjoy my live-action Sukka kiss because, honestly, dream come true.    
Or almost a dream come true. Because there's a huge camelephant in the room that I haven't addressed yet, isn't there? The lack of Sokka in the Kyoshi Warrior uniform...
And I don’t think we can talk about the omission of Sokka’s Kyoshi Warrior uniform without talking about the omission of Sokka’s sexism. Because if Sokka isn’t sexist, then why do you have to put him in the dress and makeup of traditionally female warriors to make a point about how women are strong and capable, too? So here’s what I’ll say about that (and I know there’s a lot that people have said already, so I’ll try not to belabor the point.) I don’t think leaving out Sokka’s sexism was necessarily a detriment to his character arc. I do think, however, that leaving out Sokka’s sexism was a detriment to the message the show was trying to convey about sexism. 
Now, in the Northern Water Tribe episodes, the LA still gives us a message about fighting against the kind of systemic, institutionalized sexism that you might not be surprised to encounter within a very old-fashioned society or from a very old-fashioned gray-haired man. But what about the off-the-cuff, everyday kind of sexism that you might experience from an otherwise good person who is close to you? A person who loves you and would do anything for you but who gets carried away teasing you about “girly” things because of intrinsically-held biases that they’re not even that conscious of having? 
I think it’s important and meaningful for male and female audiences alike, and everyone in between, to see these different forms of sexism and misogyny—to see them, to recognize those behaviors in others and in ourselves, to be able to name them, and to have examples of fighting against them. We see the former kind—institutionalized, systemic—in Pakku. And we did see the latter kind—familiar, personal—in Sokka. And now that’s lost.
Not only that, but there’s the form of sexism that says boys aren’t allowed to do feminine things lest they relinquish their maleness. And in the animated show, we got to see Sokka combating this form of sexism, too. Not only does Suki show him that girls can be fierce warriors as well as boys, but he learns that wearing makeup and a dress does not make him any less of a young man.  
So, yes, I think the lack of Sokka in Kyoshi Warrior garb was a missed opportunity. And not just because Sokka looked really good in uniform and we all should have had the chance to see that, including and especially Suki. 
Alright, this is more than long enough, so I'll leave off with a moment from the LA that gave me great pleasure.
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I needed this moment, y'all. And I was so afraid it wouldn't happen. I needed Sokka being protective, I needed him using his newfound Kyoshi Warrior skills to fight, and I needed him jumping in front of fire for the girl who'd taught him. If we couldn't have Sokka in the Kyoshi Warrior uniform, at least we had this.
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Hypothetically speaking, if curses suddenly ceased to exist in the jujutsu world, would gojo be happy?
It was mentioned/implied that gojo enjoyed being a sorcerer or exorcising curses in the afterlife chapter so I’m soooo lost 😭😭😭
BITING MY FIST…… this is a heartbreaking question anon……… my brain is spinning though so let’s see.
WELL…. first of all, like you said, gojo sincerely enjoys fighting!!! i think he had the most fun he’s Ever had (aside from his time with suguru) during the sukugo fight for…. many reasons but one of them is just that he likes the thrill <333 being able to go all out when you have that much power must feel really nice, right?
BUT BUT BUT… i also think it’s important to remember that gojo was literally raised as a weapon 😭 of course he’d like fighting, it’s his purpose as a human being as far as the world is concerned. i think you Could make an argument that his fondness for fighting is a defense mechanism…. idk if i believe that entirely because i do think he’s a bit of a freak all on his own. but it’s there. i don’t think satoru would enjoy violence much at all if he had been born as a non-sorcerer, though, so there’s that.
buuuut to answer your question!! no, i don’t think he’d be happy. i think he’d be unhappy, actually 😭 at least at first!! mostly because gojo’s lived his abnormal life far too long to be able to adjust to a ”normal” one. if curses stopped existing, his strength would stop having a purpose, so we’d end up with the same dilemma that’s been plaguing gojo for over a decade: is his strength all that defines him? maybe if he lives that way for a long time he’ll eventually find his answer and end up happy, but at least at first, i think the sudden change would be more like a curse for him. it’d take a WHILE for him to adjust, let alone accept it and start to heal.
….. if he had been REborn into a world without curses then i think he’d be happy though :3 and i think gojo’s happy in canon too!! he’s isolated and lonely but he’s also a really positive guy. even if his life is busy, tough, and awful, he’ll keep on smiling, and i don’t think it’s fake. one must imagine gojo satoru happy, or something. you know?
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luimagines · 2 years
Oooooh, another one! What about the reader accidentally letting out which one is their favorite? Because they have a bit of a crush on them? ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 take care, ily ^^
..... Anon, I adore you and your brain. I'm doing this.
Immediate Reader! Boys under the cut!
It was a pleasant day all things considered. You were lost in your own thoughts as the group traveled.
You could hear them talking and teasing each other and vaguely you could see them rough house with each other. But nothing other than that registered.
You kept your head down and you kicked a stone ahead of you. It bounced off of other rocks and rolled through the dirt until it came to a stop.
One of the boys calls your name. “Hey! We have a question.”
You don’t look up and kick another rock. “Yes? How can I help you?”
“Which one of us is your favorite?”
“My favorite Link is the Traveler.”
Said Link’s head snaps up in question and his jaw drops. “...Really?”
Some of the other sighs and nods their heads in understanding.
You trip over yourself. It was not you intention to actually answer their question.
“I get it.” Wild holds his hands up in surrender. “I would argue that point but I get it.”
“He is pretty great.” Sky adds on. “He is definitely worthy of that spot.”
“Yup.” Wind nods. “I can’t even be mad.”
Hyrule’s face slowly turns pink. He looses his nerve to keep his head up, alternatively covering his face with his hands so that he doesn’t have to look at everyone.
You let out a small breath. The attention is off you for now. This is fine. Better than fine, actually. Besides, Hyrule deserves it.
You nod along, happy to have started this train of thought. “He’s the coolest out of all you.”
He squeaks.
You bite your grin like your life depends on it. He can’t know why you’re saying this. He can’t get even the slightest hint of your true feelings.
“He is a hero in his own right and we’re glad to have him as our brother.” Warrior claps the poor boy on the shoulder, nearly sending him face first into the soft earth beneath him.
Hyrule coughs and stumbles but he manages to let his hands fall just below his eyes. “...Thanks...”
You snap your head pointedly in the other direction. Hyrule is completely beet red from the tips of his ears to below his neck and under his tunic. It’s cute. He’s cute. He’s so cute!
You can hear him clear his throat and bashfully look up at the others. “You guys are pretty cool too.”
“But you can do magic~” Legend claps the other shoulder of the Traveler. “And none of us can do that.”
Hyrule groans. “That’s not true! you all have your ways of magic-”
“Ah-ah! With weapons and tools.” Legend amends. “You don’t need that.”
You grin, feeling your own happiness be buoyed by Hyrule being recognized for his talents.
“Not to mention his innate talent of picking a direction and it being the right one.” Twilight continues. “He has incredible sense of direction.”
“So naturally, our friend has a lot of reason to think he’s the best of us.” Time says and adds a cheeky wink. “I can’t complain with that.”
Four grins and skips ahead to bump your hip with his. “So are these the reasons you like him then?”
Your grin drops, your blood going cold in your veins.
Four’s grin widens, bordering on a knowing and malicious mischievous smile. “Can you name something else then?”
You turn to glare at the short boy but Hyrule catches your eye. For once, it’s to your chagrin. He looks up, almost hopeful and whatever you have to say.
You grit your teeth. ”Of course I have other reasons to like him.”
Four pokes your side and seals his fate. “What are they then?”
You step on his foot “on accident” and shrug. “He’s already embarrassed. I don’t see why I have to make it worse even if what you all said is true.”
“But what is it?” He says quietly, stopping you from storming off away from the snickering boys and their knowing smiles.
You stop and barely contain yourself from sagging. He looks so endearing. You have it within yourself to curse your fate. How are you going to dig yourself out of this one?
Warrior actually trips on his feet and spins toward you. 
“My condolences.” Legend snorts, firing the shot easily.
“Hey!” Warrior spins to him instead of acknowledging what you said. You take that as your escape and try to speed up your walk, trying to make your way to the front before anyone can look deeper into your subconsciously very honest answer.
“Wait- where are you going?” Wind calls after you.
You realize belatedly that you had disregarded any sort of subtlety in your attempt to escape the awkward conversation to follow. You cough and almost trip on your feet again but you manage to play it off. Until your voice cracks. Shush. It’s fine. “Nowhere don’t worry about it.”
Warrior makes an effort to jog up to you. He catches up to your fairly easily.  
You wince and try to keep the grimace off of your face when you feel his hand on your shoulder. You can’t school your features fast enough when he appears in your vision.
He has a blinding smile on his face. “Are you serious?”
You can feel the blush slowly appear on your cheek even as you nod. You don’t want to seem rude and break eye contact. You were doing so well these past few weeks. This is not how you wanted to let him know.
“Of course they mean it.” Sky laughs somewhere behind you. You vow to get revenge on a later date. “They answered incredibly fast for it to be anything other than an honest answer. They’ve thought of it before.”
That seems to only goad Warrior further. “Really?”
Well, you think to yourself, at least he seems happy about it.
Warrior then has the audacity to giggle as the information process. “Well then... Aren’t I lucky?”
You snort and roll your eyes. You try to walk further ahead and get to the safety of Time- the one who to disperse shenanigans by being in his presence. You think it’s because Time is in his hero mode more often than not but you can appreciate the safety of being by his side. The boys won’t bother him too much. You should be in the clear if you can reach him.
“They’re running away.” Twilight remarks. “I wonder why.”
Now you spin around. “Shut up Twilight!”
Warrior only seems to beam. “Yeah, shut up Twilight.”
“You-” You turn to Warrior again but he looks so incredible pleased by this that you have to bite your tongue. “Don’t encourage them.”
“Aww... but aren’t I your favorite?” He leans close to your face.
Your face burns a bit brighter. “Nope. I never said that. You heard nothing.”
You turn and power walk away again. Warrior is fast on your heels much to your chagrin. Why, oh why, did your own tongue betray you?
Warrior actually grabs your wrist, gently slowing you don’t from your near sprint to safety. Time turns around at last to witness all of this. You plead your eyes. Save me, you tell him, get them to stop.
The menace in disguise smirks and raises an eyebrow only to turn around again. The illusion of safety shatters. He’s as bad as the rest of them.
Warrior is still laughing under his breath. “Oh come on, I can’t be all that bad, can I?”
You bite your lip, taking the chance to hold his hand. To your surprise, he takes the initiative to lace your fingers together and pulls you a little closer to his side. “N-no.... you’re not.”
“Good.” Warrior looks pleased with himself. “Don’t think too much on it. But if I had to say one thing.... You look cute when you blush.”
Now you hide your face in shame. You’ve been found out.
“Four, of course.”
“Of course?” Twilight raises an eyebrow. You realize your mistake too late.
Four on the other hand, look like the cat that caught the canary. “I told you.”
You gawk and turn to look at the blacksmith, horrified by the implication of his words. Were you that obvious? Was he able to tell the entire time? Oh this is bad. This is very very bad.
Sky groans and run his hands through his hair- but it’s Hyrule who ends up coughing up a small bag of rupees.
You gawk some more, a small part of you daring to be offended. “You gambled on my answer!?”
Four turns to you with a grin. “I don’t gamble. I’ve made an investment.”
You clench your jaw and look away, trying to be as serious and collected as possible, not wanting to catastrophize just yet. “I take it back you’re no longer my favorite.”
Four actually looks concerned for a split second. “Wait. Please-”
“Who’s your favorite then?” Sky grins, leaning into your space. He has another cheeky smile on his face and you swear he’s more perceptive than anyone gave him the right to be.
You glare at him from the corner of your eyes and shrug, trying to appear nonchalant. It would work if you hadn’t picked up speed as well. “Wild is.”
Wild laughs in the background while Four runs up to catch up with you. “Oh come on we both know that’s not true.”
He’s joking but you feel like messing with him for a little moment. “Nope. I don’t even know who you are. What’s your name again?”
Four’s face drops. “Hey now.”
You turn to Twilight who’s watching with the biggest- if badly hidden smirk on his face. “Do you know who this is? Why is this sassy child left alone? Where are his parents?”
Twilight snorts and tries to clear his throat of the sound. “I have no clue.”
“Twilight, not funny.” Four glares.
You keep going forward, not sparring him a glance. Maybe if you keep this up it’ll die and then you can ignore that this ever happened. “Crazy. The wind almost sounds like it’s talking. Weird. Do you hear anything Warrior?”
Warrior raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. He’s not blind. Four may be oblivious but the smith isn’t blind either. Most of them know at this point that you’ve sweet on him. Warrior didn’t think you’d react this way, but then again he didn’t think you would answer so honestly to begin with. Now he can se that it wasn’t intentional. “No clue.”
“Oh come on! No you too!” Four all but shrieks.
You nearly crack a grin at the sound of his voice but you don’t give up. If anything you start walking faster once more.
“Hey!” Four calls after you, picking up speed as well. “Stop! Where do you think you’re going?”
“Away from this.” You answer.
“Oh so now you can hear me!” He yells and it breaks you. 
You start laughing and take off running. You don’t even know where the group plans on going but you’re going to get there first.
Four tackles you.
You also shriek and try to fight him off. Four puts his arms by your head and pouts. “....Say it.”
You blink and only start to laugh harder than before. “You’re insane! Are you serious?”
Four blushes and looks away for a moment before meeting you head on once more. “Say it.”
“...No.” You grin.
Four frowns before he smiles and starts poking your sides. Your laughter starts to ring out through the forest.
“Who’s going to tell them?” Legend raise an eyebrow.
“Don’t you dare.” Wild chastises the other boy. “I still have money it.“
“You and me both.” Sky says quietly.
“My favorite person is Sky.”
“Awww...” Sky responds delightfully. “You’re my favorite person too.”
“Sky.” Four puts his hand to his heart. He dramatically takes a step back in mock betrayal. “You lied to me. I thought we had something.”
Sky grins and crosses his arms, intending on walking ahead of the group. “We could have, Smithy. But I like them more than you.”
You cough, trying to not choke on your own spit. You can feel your face burn up a bit even as Sky continues to tease and jest with the other boys.
Luckily, the attention is off of you for the time being. 
You take a breath and calm down. You straighten up your tunic and fix your hair and smack your face enough to hopefully knock you out of the funk you’ve found yourself in.
That was too close for comfort.
You wiggle a bit, shaking your hands by your side before you stand straighter and hold your head up high. This is fine. So what if he knows. It’s not like you were lying. It’s was just the implications of your massive stupid school crush on the boy who holds the sword that seals the darkness. Hylia’s Chosen Hero.
You’re fine
You are not fine.
He’s incredibly intelligent. What if he figures it out? What if he doesn’t figure it out? What if someone else figures it out? What if they tell him before you can?
“Are you ok?” Time pokes your shoulder gently. “You seem a bit pale.... but also incredibly flushed.”
Time stops you from walking and puts his finger tips to your cheek first, before dropping them to under your jaw and lastly up to your forehead. He frowns. “You’re not getting sick are you?”
You put his hands down. “No, no, I’m ok. Honest.”
Sky managed to catch wind of that though. Before you could even register that he moved, he was already in front of you. “Are you feeling sick? You are a bit warm. Do you feel dizzy? Nauseous? Do you need to take a break?”
You can feel your face heat up more as a consequence which only spurs Sky on to keep looking you over. He frowns and ends up pulling you closer so that he can get a better look at your face.
It’s suddenly very hard to avoid eye contact- I wonder why. And yet, he’s being so incredibly gentle with you. So genuinely worried that you may be ill.
You’re heart is pounding within your rib cage. It threatens to jump out of your chest entirely. It even tries to escape through your throat, only to try dropping to your stomach the next.
Time clicks his tongue and takes pity on you. He pulls Sky away. “I know what’s the problem.”
Sky swerves to him. “You do?”
“You do?” You gulp. There’s too much going on. Your anxiety is spiking and your blood pressure is doing parkour on the charts and you think you’ve stopped breathing a while ago.
“They need to take a moment to rest.” Time gently puts his arm around your shoulders. “They’ll be fine. If they would take a nap it would be batter but we can take a break here. It’s around the time we should eat something anyway.”
Sky nods and looks back at you. Time stops him again. “Can you let the Champion know that they need something special to get their energy back?”
Sky’s eyes widen and he salutes the older man. “On it!”
Time grins and leads to a spot to sit your down. You gulp again, not wanting to face the Old Man. “...So... You know the problem?”
“Of course, love sickness is no laughing matter.”
“Oh my god, kill me.”
Time laughs and ruffles your hair. “I won’t tell him.”
“...Thank you.”
“I take it back.”
“I’m kidding.”
“Are you?”
“Am I?”
You glare at him and punch his arm. Time only laughs louder.
“Twilight is.”
Twilight doesn’t say anything but you can see him puff his chest out a bit in pride as he clasps his hands behind his back.
Wild rolls his eyes and drops his arm around your shoulders. ”Ok... fair. But who’s your second favorite. We have to settle a score here.”
You deadpan, borderline glaring at the boy next to you. “Wolfie.” You drop his arm. “Get off of me.”
Wild splutters and flails his arms round, trying to regain his mental footing. “You’re joking- You can’t be serious.”
“I said what I said.” You try to save face. You stare ahead, not wanting to give the boys the satisfaction of a reaction. “Twilight is great- actually, I take that back. Wolfie first, then Twilight. Wolfie wouldn’t ask me stupid questions.” 
Wild actually seems to despair at your words. He whines a bit in the back of his throat. “Come on, work with me here. Tell me you’re kidding.”
Four is laughing. Silently. But he’s laughing. Now you’re sure you’re missing more information that you thought you were.
Twilight for his part is blushing but grinning from ear to ear. The look is cute on him and you try to not stare. You cough, clearing your throat and turning back to Wild. “Is there a problem with my answer?”
“Yes.” Wild sags forward like a puppet with cut strings. “But I can’t tell you what.”
“Nope.” Twilight interrupts and wraps his arm around Wild, lifting him up easily. “You’re answer is perfect Darlin’, don’t worry about it,”
You’re eyes widen, zeroing in on his bicep as it flexes to compensate for the weight of the other boy. You don’t want to pay too much attention.... but the sight is very magnetic.
You gulp a bit and tear your eyes away. This is a dangerous game. Your own cheek burn up a bit and you look down to the ground. You smile though. He called you Darlin’. “I won’t then.”
Twilight takes two steps forward and only then turns to look at you once more. “They made a bet.” He tells you. “And they didn’t expect your answer. Just Four.”
You snap your gaze to the smith. He has a splitting grin on his face. Four waves.
You pout but wave back. Four laughs louder.
Twilight seems to miss the meaning of your exchange but he laughs quietly as well. “Don’t take it to heart. You know we care about you.”
“I can’t believe this.” Wild groans. Twilight puts him back on the ground, gently hitting the side of the younger boy’s head. “I could have sword-”
“Hush.” Twilight ruffles his hair and pushes the champion forward. “I’m the favorite. So what?”
“Yeah, so what?” Four is giggling like a mad man as he slide up next to you. “I was right.”
“I lost that bet.” Wild sighs.
“You did.” Four place both of his hands behind his back. “You can pay me later.”
“I hate all of you.” You whine.
Four snorts. “Except Twilight.”
“....Shut up...”
“I know whyyyy~~”
“Tell him and I smite you, Smithy.”
Four smirks. “I wouldn’t dare. But getting you see you tell him yourself would be a treat.”
“Not happening.”
“We’ll see.”
You start power walking away. He’s too perceptive for his own good. You’ll take this to your grave if you have to. Just like telling... he’s your favorite... Oh my god, you might actually blurt it out. You despair similar to Wild. Four is plotting now and Twilight is going to be hit in the crossfire. 
“Wind is my favorite.”
The pirate perk up and cheers. “Yeeeeaaahh!!!! You can all suck it!”
“Easy Sailor.” Warrior rolls his eyes. He’s not surprised, if a bruised in his ego considering Wind instantly rubbed it in.
Wind grins and runs up yo you, taking your hand and lacing your fingers with his. “I am the favorite.”
You cough and blush a bit. You didn’t necessarily want him to know that but he looks happy and you’re telling the truth and he’s holding your hand. So you don’t feel like complaining.
You only hope tat your palms don’t start to get sweaty and that it bothers him.
“I am the favorite~!” Wind sings, swinging your arms back and forth dramatically.
Legend groans loudly and gently knocks the back of Wind’s head with his wrist. “Ok. We get it. You win.”
Wind giggles, unbothered by the act. His cheeks go a bit pink and it travels up to his ears. It’s cute. “I win and you lose.”
You begin to blush, squeezing his hand a little tighter. You didn’t think it was that big of a deal. The other boys seem to be in a similar boat than you.
They roll their eyes and act annoyed, but some of them seem very happy by it. Whether it’s because Wind is happy by it or not, you’re not sure. But you can see the way the sneak little satisfied and pleased smiles when they look at the two of you.
Wind lets go of your hand suddenly and it feel cold. He swings his arms around your shoulders and pulls you closer, nearly throwing you off of your feet. He has a bright smile on his face. It’s lovely.
“Since I’m your favorite it means that you’re on my side, right?” He grins conspiratorially.
“Wind, what are you planning?” Twilight looks over with mock disapproval.
“Nothing.” Wind cries out, shaking you a little bit in the process. He turns to you with the same grin. “Right?”
You nod, not trusting your mouth to not betray you once more.
Wind’s Cheshire Cat grin gets impossibly wider. “See! Nothing to worry about.”
“There’s always something to worry about.” Warrior laughs. “Especially when you say it like that.”
“Quiet you.” Wind points a finger at him before turning to you again. “So you’re on my side right?”
You giggle and nod along. You don’t know what he means exactly, or what he’s planning, but you know that you’re going to be side regardless. So there’s no point in lying to him.
Wind cheers again and laughs. “Good!”
You hum and hug the arm that wraps around the front. You knew that Wind could get excitedly easily but this wasn’t what you were expecting.
“And you know what?” Wind proclaims loudly for the whole group to hear. “You’re my favorite too. You’re much cool than the Captain or Time.”
Time just smiles.
Wind sticks his tongue out. “It’s true.”
Time laughs under his breath. “I concede.”
“I don’t!” Warrior cries out. “I’m cool!”
“You’re not.”
You laugh louder and miss the look on Wind’s face. He looks prouder in this instance than the last. As if he was trying for that all along.
“Yes?” The man in question turns around and looks at you. It appears that he wasn’t paying attention either.
“Oh.” Wind calms down. “Well that’s no fun.”
“It explains a lot though.” Legend scoffs. “Those two are more similar than anyone of us are going to admit.”
“What are you boys talking about?” Time raises an eyebrow.
“They say you’re their favorite.” Twilight provides with a mild deadpan expression.
You don’t react nor do you say anything. You didn’t expect yourself to have your guard lowered to that extent. You can feel a faint blush bloom across your features.
You knew that you had admired him. Time was strong, kind and determined in ways that seemed to seamlessly take your breath away. It was nothing major and you were sure it was going to die away like the stupid school yard crush that it was.
If you weren’t looking up before, this time it’s completely intentional.
Time looks over to you and smiles. “Is that so?”
Your blush deepens. “It’s nothing.”
Time smirks and turns back around to keep the group moving forward. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Ohhhhh no. You don’t like that. Nope. That spells trouble. He already has something planned.
Time chuckles under his breath and winks. At least, you think so.
You didn’t even notice when you looked up to see that. You’re head snapped up for all you knew.
Warrior catches your reaction and nudges your shoulders with his elbow. You unfortunately glance his way and he bounces his eyebrows suggestively.
You shove him away. He laughs.
Within moments you think the matter is dropped and you go back to minding your own business. That is until... he starts walking next to you.
“I’m your favorite?”
You trip over your own feet. Time catches you by the arm and pulls you back onto your feet. “Easy there. I can’t have you falling for me, now can we?”
You cough and straighten yourself the best you can. “Nope. That would be... unwise... and painful... and dumb.”
“Aw, I can’t be that bad.” He gently flicks the side of your head. You’re too flustered to really fire back any lines. You still can’t believe that you admitted to him being your favorite as quickly as you had. Should you lose your nerve, you could do a lot of damage.
“No... I suppose you’re not.” You flick him back. It hurts you a bit more than it hurts him. You had flicked his arm guard but the sentiments are still there.
“In that case then maybe you can answer some questions of mine.” Time replies easily enough.
You’re guard goes up about as much as you can handle when it comes to this man. Which is to say that if he asked you to jump into the river you doubt you would have any second thoughts.
You gulp and nod, putting your hands behind your back. “What is it?”
“If I were to do this-” Time leans over and gets into your personal space, just shy of brushing his cheek to yours. You’re heart starts pounding. You’ve completely stopped breathing. 
He doesn’t say anything else and you’re both stuck in that position for a while until he pulls away, satisfied with whatever conclusion he came to. “Interesting. Thank you for your answer.”
You gulp for air. “Bu-but I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to.”
And then he walks away.
“I love the Champion.”
Wild trips over himself for a second before he stands up and sends the most blinding smile your way.
Your face explodes into a blush and you smack you hand over your mouth. You clear your throat and smack your cheeks a bit. Hopefully, it looks like the smack gave you the pink cheeks instead of your own emotions betraying you.
Wild starts walking straighter with what you would only call a ‘pep in his step’. Warrior snickers from your right side, throwing his arm around your shoulders. “I can’t say that I’m surprised.”
“Captain, please-”
“You are sweet on him.” He winks at you.
Your face darkens without your consent and you cross your arms. You want to cover your face but you have the littlest inkling that it would be more incriminating than if you just let it run its course.
Wild begins to giggle incessantly. He bounds up to you and can feel your neck begin to lose inches. He gets right up to your face and Warrior laughs behind your back. Warrior lets you go and you’re left alone to deal with the Champion. While every one else watches.
Wild gets a little cheeky and pokes your cheek. “Interesting choice of words.”
By the gods- Someone just pitch you into the sun already. You nod. “Yup. Uh-huh.”
Wild then wraps his arm around your shoulders. “Nice. Noted.”
“Oh my god.” You clear your throat and hang your head in shame. “Yes. I said it. what of it.”
Wild picks up a bit of your hair and you can feel him twirl it around his finger. “Do you mean it?”
“You’re impossible.” You huff and look away even though you make no move to pull away from him. “Of course. You’re my favorite. That’s that. Don’t make me change my mind.”
Wild grins and pulls you closer. You can feel your hip hit his and his grip get tighter around. “It’s ok. I love you too.”
“Huzzah.” You try to say as monotonely as possible. “I feel so relieved. Happy day. This is the best day of my life.”
Wild giggles. “You’re so mean.”
You feel yourself softening up. “Now we both know that’s not true.”
“Kiss and make up somewhere else please!” Legend calls out, interrupting your moment together.
Wild actually pulls away from you for a moment and glares at the other hero. “Jealous?”
“Not really.” He shrugs. “But it’s a bit much to forget about the rest of us while we’re here.”
“You started it.” You point out and accuse the other boy. “You asked the question and I gave my answer. This is your fault.”
Sky starts laughing. His shoulders shake and you can see the amount of effort it takes for him to keep silent. You deadpan and let your shoulders drop. “Sky... you’re the worse.”
He laughs a little louder.
You miss the looks Hyrule and Twilight send to Wild but he becomes indignant and pointedly turns your way and kisses your cheek making you freeze on the spot.
“There. I did it. Screw you both.” Wild growls.
You blink and give up on trying to keep your dignity. Your hands fly over your face and fall into a squat. The group stops to let you have your moment.
Time rolls his eyes. The heart of youth... He doesn’t envy it.
“It’s Legend.”
“Oh snap, really?” Wild turns his head to look at you.
You take a moment to let the comment sink into your head and then you turn to him, offended on Legend behalf. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Yeah, Champion. What is that supposed to mean?” Legend walks up to him and glares at him. It doesn’t do much considering the other hero is considerably taller.
You take the moment to get away and leave the situation before the tension rises and it inevitably leads back to you.
“Wait! No no nonono nono. Hold up.” Four calls after you. “Where do you think you’re going? I want to know why he’s your favorite.”
You cringe and stop mid-step. “Do I really need a reason?”
“Yes-” “I mean-” Legend interjects. “Of course you don’t.... But I wouldn’t mind hearing it.”
You turn to him. A part of you wats to feel betrayed but then you see his face. He can’t even stand to make direct eye contact with you. He keeps his head down as he scratches the back of his neck. He kicks the dirt from under his boot with his toe and his cheeks and ear are delightfully pink.
To everyone else that is.
You can feel your face heat up similarly and cough into the back of your hand. “Well... What am I to say?”
Time takes mercy on you. “Nothing.”
He smiles and walks up to you to put a hand on your shoulder. He spins you around and pushes you forward by the small of your back, keeping you from looking back to where the rest of the boys are congregated. “They owe no one an explanation and you shouldn’t expect one from them either.”
You sag your shoulders in relief. Thank you, Old Man Time.
You feel as if you can walk in silence now and not have to worry about anything. With Time’s intervention on the matter, it’s been set to rest and no one would dare bring it up again without your approval.
And you don’t plan on handing it out any time soon.
At least, that was your idea. You’re about an hour from the break when you can feel someone slide up to your side. You stick your courage to the sticking place and lift your head to peak at who it might be.
It’s Legend and butterflies instantly fly through your stomach up to your throat. You try to cough and send them on their way, but a few stubbornly hang on.
Legend mistakes this as you try to get his attention and you clamp your mouth shut in horror. “So uh... About what you said... you didn’t even think twice about it.”
“Nope.” You blurt out, cursing the butterflies as you go. “I don’t need to.”
Legend nods and smiles. He takes a moment to look at the other boys. They are trying and failing to hide that they are ever so curious about your conversation with the boy next to you. Legend takes it as a need to be quieter so he leans in and whispers. “Do you want to know a secret?”
You lean in as well, happy to humor him and ready for a change in conversation. You whisper back. “What is it?”
You can feel more than see the way Legend breaks into a grin. “You’re my favorite too.”
You snap your head up, unable to hide the blush on your face. You cover your mouth with your hand but nod. “...ThAnks...”
You clear your throat some more. The butterflies are now messing with your voice. No one is going to be able to take you serious after this.
Legend takes the reaction in stride- dare you say pride- and shrugs. “And thank you.”
“...Of course.”
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whinlatter · 23 days
Hi! Just wanting to say I adore Beasts. Well- I adore all your fics that I have been making my way through, but Beasts has just been marinating in my brain quite happily lately! I enjoy how you don’t shy away from the complexities of what it would be like for our characters in post, pre, current, and then post again war time conditions.
I was wondering since you brought up the McGonagall vs Kingsley or more specifically Hogwarts vs Ministry and who is responsible for the youth or the abuse that said youth experienced- how would that impact the canonical abuse/neglect Harry experienced both at the Dursleys but also the fact that he had an attempt on his life every year he was at hogwarts. I have always wondered in that ever really coming to light- who would the public be saying should be held responsible? I know people in fandom tend to place all the blame neatly on Dumbledore (which I personally disagree with) but how about the ministry? Child services?
Would his abuse by the Dursleys cause an upturn in anti muggle sentiment? I remember in the fourth book when Hermione was receiving hate mail in regards to her “hurting” Harry she had people simultaneously supporting Harry for stopping Voldemort but also being wildly blood supremacist towards her in the same breath. I could imagine for Kingsley, trying to face a wildly anti muggle status quo culture, if it got out the nature of Harry’s relationship with his muggle relatives people might actually riot.
Along with the “telling each other things” part of their relationship and Harry realizing how he needs to be better at providing more emotional support for Ginny and how much support Ginny already provides for him- if the nature of his abuse or even mentioning the cupboard ever came out how that could potentially shift things. The fact that we never know for certain if Harry ever even TOLD anyone about the cupboard in canon actually blows my mind
thank you so much for this interesting question, anon, and for reading beasts and and enjoying it and having a good ol think about it (every fic author's dream, having your story camp out for a bit in someone else's head - makes me beam). have tried to answer said interesting question - on what harry’s friends, family and a wizarding public would make of his time at the dursleys, and broader wizarding cultural ideas about child welfare and protection - below!
TW: generalised, non-specific references to child abuse and neglect
your question is interesting because it raises the question both of wizarding perceptions of muggle child-rearing and norms in wizarding society about the idea of child protection. i've written a bit before about how i tend to think about harry's abuse at the hands of the dursleys, which to try and put it in context as a literary trope in a particular genre (eg. the dursleys as roald dahl-esque pantomime anti-orphan villains) that the series outgrows and then tries to sidestep dealing with. harry's abuse at the dursleys is one of the most glaring examples of the series' tonal shifts and muddy, dissatisfactory space between genre conventions: a series that begins with harry as a matilda-esque figure dealing with pantomime cartoonish child-hating baddies and by the end is busy heavily implying the fact of egregious, gruesome violence against children (ariana dumbledore, for instance). morfin gaunt's violence against his daughter merope, as depicted in HBP, is absolutely not supposed to be farcical quaint slapstick, and as such it jars with the way harry's relationship with the dursleys is depicted early on in the series, which is a much more light-hearted story of ten years of dodging frying pans wielded by baffoonish, ridiculous cariactures of suburban english tories.
the dursleys exist for the young reader to jeer at and immediately hate rather than be taken seriously as portraits of child abusers. that somewhat colours how i personally tend to approach writing about harry's views of his upbringing - eg. don't spend too long trying to make the dursley plot consistent because the author certainly didn't.
i also tend to take cues from how harry the character canonically seems to reflect on and process his upbringing (ie. he recognises it was abuse, but he also recognises he didn't deserve it, and while he is certainly shaped and affected by it, he is not singularly traumatised by it, particularly relative to all of his other terrible teenage experiences). i think harry isn’t hiding the dursleys’ treatment of him from his friends. but nor is he talking about it all the time. as of book 2 the weasleys have decided his treatment is horrific and worthy of a jailbreak, which doesn't suggest they're all in the dark about it ('they were starving him, mum!') - i think they follow his cues on how much he wants to talk about it and have filled in the blanks well enough.
what a broader wizarding public would make of harry's treatment by the dursleys if they knew about it is tricker to think through, and asks us to read between the lines of the text re wizards' expectations/understanding of child welfare and children's protection, and how they might collide with wizards' varying attitudes to muggle culture, which range from polite fascination all the way to wanting to slaughter muggles en masse and hunt them down for sport.
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(here's miss trunchbull from matilda, fulfilling genre conventions as only she can, also demonstrating what is likely a popular wizarding pastime: yeeting children).
on the one hand, there doesn't seem to be any kind of child protective services in the wizarding world or responsibility on the part of the state for child welfare. when it comes to children’s health and wellbeing, the wizarding state is hands off and happy about it. a few examples:
bob ogden's visit to the gaunts, for instance, ends in arrests, but seemingly not for child abuse - morfin and marvolo go to jail for attacking muggles and ministry employees, not for abusing merope, suggesting at a minimum there isn't much appetite for prosecuting child abuse or, in an unlikely but still possible reading, there are no express laws against abusing children in the wizarding world under which marvolo and morfin could have been charged.
muriel is critical of the dumbledore family's treatment of ariana ('though to take it to the extreme of actually imprisoning a little girl in the house and pretending she didn’t exist - '), but in the same breath also reveals that ariana was never examined or treated by any healer working at st mungo's, suggesting a distinct lack of scrutiny over children's health and wellbeing.
filch, longstanding school caretaker kept on under dumbledore (who, for all fandom’s ire at him, is a progressive among wizards on all sorts of things including on education and child welfare), frequently expresses a desire to 'whip students raw' and string them up by their ankles. the day umbridge tells filch she's going to sign an approval for whipping is clearly the happiest of his life, and filch exits the text having been outdone as a child abuser only by the carrows (eg. the two who literally encourage child on child torture), which is saying something. mcgonagall calls him a 'fool' (what are you like, argus!) and then lets him supervise the evacuation from the castle. just caretaker things!
does this mean witches and wizards don’t care about child abuse? i don’t want to say a flat no to that. as the muriel point on ariana suggests, even old-fashioned wizarding elders seem to think there is a right and a wrong way to care for children, and believe there are lines that can be crossed in terms of what’s fair and right to do to children under your care. umbridge cites a concern for the vulnerable children of hogwarts in making her case for more ministry interference at hogwarts, a case that makes her popular with many in the wizarding public, which implies some cultural sense of children as innocents who need to be protected. at the same time, though, we also see even progressive witches and wizards use corporeal punishment (the weasleys smack their children for particularly severe transgressions, as many middle class british families did well up to the millennium), and poor neville gets dangled out of a sodding window and his family are supposed to be kind of goodies. as we’re also told in canon witches and wizards are hardier and more durable physically than muggles, we also might expect that may shape wizarding attitudes to what you can do to a child in punishment without lasting damage or moral qualm. so it seems that wizards do have a cultural understanding of child abuse, even if they’re a bit hazy (or more forgiving) in what counts as abusive.
but. the example you mention - a wizarding public who are happy to hate harry but also happy to ride to his defence if they think a muggleborn tart has wronged him because of their kneejerk blood supremacy - is a really good one. canon is clear that hypocrisy is wizarding's britain's bread and butter. so i can absolutely see a right-wing commentariat doing what right-wing commentariats love to do most, which is selectively care about imagined or real violence against children only when it suits their political agenda. given the wizarding press canonically implies dumbledore has sinister intentions with harry potter the troubled youth (nonce allegations abound), i don’t think it would be a surprise if an anti-dumbledore camp seized on knowledge of harry’s experiences at the dursleys as proof of dumbledore’s hypocrisy, cruelty and dishonour.
as you mentioned ginny i will indulge myself and say a few remaining words about our girl. the question of how ginny would think about harry’s upbringing, and specifically what she would make of dumbledore leaving harry to the dursleys’ neglect for the greater good, is - i’m afraid - very interesting to me. ginny lives out ‘for the greater good’ in her war in lots of different ways; for one, she has to accept the likely prospect of harry’s death because of it. now, we know ginny names her son after albus dumbledore. i don’t think this is an act of charity, but a statement of how she and harry come to think of dumbledore and the sacrifices his plan demanded of them and others around them — ie. ultimately, they accept and support them, even if they acknowledge the terrible cost incurred. it’s not a particularly popular view in fandom at the minute, because (understandably and not entirely wrongly) audiences now see the surrendering of a very young child to abusive parents as part of a broader political and military strategy as perverse. that’s a changing-cultural-tastes-genre-trope issue as much as anything. but any of our revulsion at the idea is not how these characters - or even a wizarding public en masse - would necessarily would come to think of dumbledore’s decision to leave harry at the dursleys. (thinking of sirius’ very sad, very important line from OotP here: that ‘there are things worth dying for’).
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Hello! Raven. I hope you're doing well. I'm the anon who sent the acotar and malleus related ask. It's been quite some time since I sent that ask I thought you were not going to reply 😅. Thank you so much for replying. So is it okay if a ask is not twst related but like fantasy, fairytale and fae related in general? Fantasy is my fav genre. Dragons & fae or both combined are a bonus. What kind of romantasy or fantasy novels do you like? Do you have any book recommendations? Also can I be 🐉anon
[Referencing this post!]
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Welcome back, 🐉 Anon~
Please note that if I choose to respond to an ask, it may take several weeks for my reply to be posted 😅 This is because I may have as many as 30 to 60+ in my queue at any given time (with new asks coming in every day). I give priority to immediate TWST content updates and news. Casual asks and/or questions not immediately relevant will likely be queued to go up later.
I would prefer that most asks be related to TWST in some way. The occasional off-topic-but-still-related-to-my-interests ask is fine, I just don’t want people to feel like they can talk to me about anything and everything. This is because I don't want to give readers the false impression that I'm a close internet friend they can hit up to chat about whatever. It might make people too comfortable with me to the point where they start to cross my boundaries of comfort. In fact, it has happened multiple times before so I want to discourage this whenever possible.
When it comes to fantasy novels, I actually don't like high fantasy. It's hard for me to follow along with all the terminology and unconventional names. I like a world that's well-fleshed out, but the magic system doesn't necessarily need to be well-defined. I'd actually say I prefer a soft magic system since it lets me fill in the gaps with my own imagination and there are fewer restraints on what is and is not possible. This kind of magic also feels a lot more whimsical, which I, as a fan of Alice in Wonderland, adore. I can enjoy fantasy books with good vibes or pretty writing alone if I turn my brain off; there doesn't need to be an amazing story or characters (though I would prefer them all be present). The problem with romantasy specifically, however, is that the emphasis tends to be on the romance part and not the fantasy part, and that tends to fall flat for me when I struggle to find a couple I care about. Every Shadow Daddy feels the same after a while, and while that’s great for people who love Shadow Daddies, it’s not so for those who don’t.
My point is that even within a genre, there's a lot of variation and not all genre readers will like or look for the same thing. You might like high fantasy for all I know, or like or dislike certain tropes, so maybe whatever I'd theoretically recommend to you wouldn't click. I can already see that you're very into dragons and fae in your books, whereas I'm much more picky with their depiction. It's for that reason that I'm afraid I won't be providing any titles. If you're looking for a new book to pick up, I think it would be more beneficial to ask someone more familiar with your tastes and/or for you to pick something out for yourself.
I'm sorry if this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but I'm afraid that's all I feel comfortable saying on this matter.
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moodymelanist · 6 months
Last anon again, for more of an angsty wlw Nessian maybe Nesta finding out that Mor is Cass's ex and getting insecure about it? Only if that vibes with you of course!
just something quick from when I was waiting for the eclipse to peak earlier 🌘🌘
“That’s your ex?” Nesta seethed the second Mor walked into the party, turning to look at Cass with as fierce of a glare as she could muster up. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“I didn’t know she would be here,” Cass replied with a grimace. “It’s not like I planned this!”
Cass had invited Nesta as her plus one to Rhysand’s birthday party, and to everyone’s surprise, the ever-elusive Morrigan had been in town long enough to actually show up. Nesta had never met the other woman until just now, although she’d heard plenty about her over the almost eight months she and Cass had been officially dating.
Perfect, golden Mor, with her sunny smiles and bubbly personality. She was the exact opposite of Nesta, and God, did Nesta fucking know it. She was actually personable, people seemed excited to see her, and she had to be one of the most gorgeous women Nesta had ever seen.
What the hell was someone like Cass doing with someone like Nesta when Mor was in her orbit? Nesta was all sharp edges and snarky comments on the best of days, and seeing Mor in the flesh was like a slap in the face. Cass could be doing so much better; who the hell was Nesta to think she deserved someone like Cass—
“Sweetheart,” Cass said, calling Nesta’s attention back to her. Her girlfriend was biting her lip a little nervously, and Nesta would’ve felt bad for worrying her had she not been so caught up in her own head. “You okay?”
“She’s just…” Nesta trailed off, not sure how to answer the question. “I just don’t get why you’d settle for me when you already had someone like that.”
“Settle for you?” Cass repeated with an incredulous little laugh. Nesta’s eye twitched a little at being laughed at, and Cass sighed heavily. “Sorry, sorry. I just — Nes, why would you ever think that?”
“Because she’s actually nice and friendly and a way better person than me,” Nesta grumbled. “So.”
Cass sighed again before guiding Nesta to a more secluded area of the bar they were in. “Where is this coming from?”
“I’d never actually seen her before,” Nesta eventually answered, wishing she was anywhere but here having this conversation about her feelings. “And now I’m just sitting here watching everyone love on her!”
“Not me,” Cass argued back with a little frown. She pushed some of her curls back out of her face before adding, “I’ve been over her for years, Nes. I love you.”
“What?” Nesta blurted out, shocked. They hadn’t said those words yet, and to say it here of all places…
“That wasn’t— I didn’t mean for it to come out like that,” Cass answered. Her cheeks were turning a little red and she stepped in closer to Nesta. “I’m sorry.”
“But did you mean it?” Nesta asked, her heart pounding in her chest.
“Yes,” Cass told her. “Sweetheart, come on, how couldn’t I feel that way?”
“You already had the best,” Nesta muttered.
“You’re not a fucking downgrade,” Cass snapped, clearly losing her patience a little bit. “She fucking cheated on me! Why would I want to go back to that?”
Nesta felt like a little bit of an idiot, but to be fair, they hadn’t exactly talked about it. “Oh.”
“And even if she hadn’t,” Cass continued, clearly on a roll now, “you’re way out of my fucking league, and I’m in love with you, so why does this even matter.”
“Just— because,” Nesta answered lamely. It was a little hard to feel insecure when Cass had said twice now that she loved Nesta, but her brain seemed to always find a way. “I’m sorry. This was stupid.”
“You’re not stupid,” Cass automatically countered. “I just hate that you’re thinking about yourself like this, Nes.”
“It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose.”
“I know, sweetheart.”
“Okay.” Cass leaned down to give Nesta a kiss, her lips warm and soft against Nesta’s. “You ready to go back to the party now?”
“Yeah,” Nesta said, and then was embarrassed all over again when realized she hadn’t answered Cass’ words earlier. “And I love you too, you know.”
“I know,” Cass said back with an easy grin. She offered Nesta her hand and they both smiled a little goofily at each other for a few moments. “Come on, Nes.”
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @fieldofdaisiies | @goddess-aelin | @c-e-d-dreamer | @talkfantasytome | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @sv0430 | @talibunny30 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @champanheandluxxury | @lilah-asteria | @burningsnowleopard | @sayosdreams | @readskk | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @bellaful08 | @readergalaxy | @podemechamardek | @pearlfortears | @nerdperson524 | @jmoonjones | @kale-theteaqueen | @autumnbabylon | @hiimheresworld | @illyrianshadowhunter | @dustjacketmusings | @live-the-fangirl-life | @that-little-red-head | @sweet-pea1 | @brieq | @queercontrarian | @jsmelodies | @afflicted-with-wanderlust
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infiniteeight8 · 3 months
I don't know if you are familer with this trope but:
Guide and Senital ironstrange
Anon, not only am I familiar with this trope, I wrote the tumblr post that quite a few people have used to explain it. 😀
I can actually rationalize Stephen and Tony in either role, but I decided to go with the most obvious (to me, anyway) version. This time, anyway! 
This is also a “Sentinels and Guides are known” style AU.
Tony tries very, very hard not to use his senses at all. 
It’s not that he doesn’t want them. He may have issues, but they aren’t those particular issues. He’d be happy to lean into those genetic advantages if, in his case, they outweighed the risks. Which they don’t. Three Sentinel and Guide centers (his local California Center first, then the California State Center, then the New York Center) all agree that Tony is, quote, “unusually susceptible to zone outs.” 
Which more or less means that damn near anything can tip him into one, and damn near nothing can get him out of one. Pepper, despite being so weak a Guide she only just registers on the test, is the best at getting him out of them. Given a quiet place and about half an hour undisturbed, she can get him back about half the time. The rest of the time, there’s nothing to do but wait. He usually comes out of a zone after four or five hours. Usually.
Once, he had to be put into care in the S&G Center for three days.
No one enjoys that, least of all Tony. So he does his best not to give his brain the opportunity to hyperfocus, and he meets the Guides the Center sends to match with him, and he tries not to envy the Sentinels who can snap out of a zone with a few words from the right person. 
Unfortunately, Tony’s work regularly involves intense focus on very small objects. Soldering a circuit board is legitimately dangerous for him, but like hell he’s going to give the job to someone else, especially when it concerns the armor. He tells himself that even when FRIDAY warns him against such work while Pepper is out of town.
The tiny…
The low rumble of a voice. A warm hand holding his, trembling faintly. The scent of tea and dust and something like but unlike ozone. It’s the scent that Tony follows back into the world. Blinking, Tony carefully straightens up from where he was hunched over his work bench. He doesn’t feel sore, which is unusual.
Tony turns to find Stephen Strange sitting next to him, eyebrows knitted in concern. Tony clears his throat, but it doesn’t feel dry. “Yeah, I’m here. How long was I out?”
FRIDAY answers, “Fifteen minutes. With Ms. Potts out of town, I considered calling the S&G Center, but Doctor Strange is a registered Guide and I decided he was more likely to respond quickly.”
“You did good, FRIDAY,” Tony reassures her automatically, and then really registers her words. He turns to Strange. “You got me back in fifteen minutes?”
“More like ten, once I got here,” Strange says. “I’m sorry, it shouldn’t take that long.”
“That long?” Tony laughs. “Strange, that’s the fastest anyone has ever gotten me out of zone out in my entire life. That’s assuming they even can get me back. Are you bonded? Tell me you’re not bonded.”
Strange lets out an incredulous huff of laughter and shakes his head. “I’m not bonded,” he says. “And to anticipate your next question, yes, I’m amenable to a courtship.”
“Amenable,” Tony snorts, but he’s smiling. “Fantastic. FRIDAY, is there paperwork? If there is, get it started.”
Strange looks bemused, but in a good way, like he’s enjoying the ride. It’s a good sign, Tony decides.
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merakiui · 3 months
Hello! It is me, the anon that asked where you are in Penacony. I am also Amethyst Anon! I’ve sent ideas and stuff before about other stuff, mostly TWST, through anon cause I’m shy, but I want to be more involved with my blog so here I am off anon :3
Anyways, Sunday has officially rotted my brain. I lost interest in HSR because the Luofu storyline was kinda…meh to me, but seeing all this stuff about Sunday on tumblr made me go 👀 While I did have some things spoiled for me, playing it was still sooooo fun and every time he was on screen I was blushing hehe
Anyways, he has so much yandere potential that I came up with so many ideas that I might (?) want to pursue with writing once I muster up the courage to start writing again (I’ve got a difficult relationship with it rn 😫). I jotted them down in my phone and I just have to share them lest I explode. Dw there won’t be anything that spoils past where you said you’re at!
Okay, so there’s that ability that Halovians have that he referred to as tuning. When he used it to interrogate Aventurine I was scared and horny, and thought about Sunday using it on his darling. I don’t remember exactly how it works so this is at the top of my head but! everyday he’ll ask “Question: do you love me?” and of course you say no. It’s easy to answer that because it’s the truth. But one day when you say “no” you feel a searing pain in your head, like you’re being torn apart, and you’re horrified to realize that for the first time since he used his tuning ability on you, you’re lying. It doesn’t hurt to admit the truth (literally - the pain instantly goes away) but you feel your heart breaking forever…
I think that little diorama of Golden Hour he has in the pavilion technically belongs to every head in the family, but I like to think Sunday is fixated on it the most. Imagine he puts you there as punishment. Okay, you don’t want to spend time with him? (And he has so little free time, how could you be so cruel?) Into the makeshift doll house you go! He’ll loom over you like a giant and you can try to run and hide from his sight, but he can easily pick you up like you’re a little mouse, gently laying you on the palm of your hand. I think he’d like to undress and dress you while you’re so tiny, you’re his little delicate doll >:3c
So the part where the crew win the Soulglad competition and Sunday makes them answer three questions based on his life experiences, I felt like I was being personally targeted 😫 The fact that I had to choose one option or the other, with no room for nuance, and that for the first two I actually AGREED with him made me feel like he was psychologically tormenting me. Self aware Sunday who knows he’s in a video game??? I don’t think he’d need his tuning ability to manipulate you. All he has to do is talk in order to get you questioning yourself.
And perhaps my most unhinged idea…Sunday using tuning to make you cum without even having to touch you :3c
Hehe…those are my thots! I have so much more but they have to do with rest of the Penacony story! Btw the photo of him in the confessional…I instantly saved on my phone. Have you ever seen a man more beautiful?…And I also saved a screen shot of what Himeko said about him…
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…Dom!Sunday aksiejskakakwnsnqjnan
( ˶°ㅁ°) !! Amethyst anon, hello!!!!!!! It is lovely to chat with you off anon!! I must thank you for always sending such wonderful thoughts hehe. <3
I am officially trapped in the Sunday pit. It's like Kikuo's Hole-Dwelling, only this is the Sunday-Dwelling, an inescapable pit in which all are destined to love him forever. Every day is Sunday if you're obsessed like me. OTL hsr cooked such an exquisite meal. I fear no character can compete with Sunday,,,, he is perfect. ✨
I'm happy you could enjoy Penacony despite being spoiled! The entirety of the Luofu storyline was spoiled for me, but I still enjoyed it because I got to fight Phantylia. She's so pretty uuwuwaaa. >w< that aside, I was also blushing whenever there was a scene with Sunday. I've taken so many screenshots of him,,, it's crazy how one man can rot my brain so intensely, but this is no different than my adoration for Scara and Azul. orz
The tuning ability AAAAAAAAAAA. That entire scene was so tense. I loved it. Poor Aventurine really didn't stand a chance. T_T Sunday plays 4D chess; it's impossible to beat him. That's such a brilliant idea,,,, Sunday using his tuning ability on you. The way you slowly but surely adopt different thoughts as your brain feels like it's burning. Inevitably, just as birds crash to their deaths, you will love him.
The Golden Hour model..... omg I had the same thought when Aventurine was shrunk and put inside it. Sunday who peers down at you and you're nothing more than a tiny ant from his perspective, perfectly palm-sized. He would treat you like a little doll and put you in all kinds of outfits, and you have no choice but to remain still because he could crush you between two fingers if he so pleases. Maybe he builds a small cage for you so that he can keep you at his bedside when he sleeps. :D
THOSE QUESTIONS!!!! I couldn't believe it, but I was also agreeing with him. It was a moment of, "Hold on. Let him keep talking." When Sunday also said that all days should be rest days (Sundays), I realized he may have been cooking with that one. ;;;;; self-aware Sunday is such a yummy thought... he's not asking the Trailblazer these questions; he's asking you, the person behind the Trailblazer. aaaaa it really is psychological torment. >_<
Tuning to make you cum without even lifting a finger or touching you...... omg that's genius. The way he'd be so coy and self-satisfied,,, smiling at you... maybe even doing that cute, sinister chuckle of his under his breath. He would be so mischievous with that once he realizes just how wonderful it is seeing you come apart from something like this. Sunday who becomes a little too attached to teasing you!!!!
AAAAAA your thoughts are all so scrumptious...... orz orz I'm eating them up like they're to be my last meal. The confessional scene is burned into my brain forever. Even now, I'm still shocked that such a beautiful character like Sunday exists. Nothing can ever surpass the greatness that is the confessional scene and all of Sunday's religious symbolism!!!!! >:D
AND THAT HIMEKO QUOTE!!!!! I also saved it as soon as I read it,,,, the "strong conviction and a desire for dominance." Himeko, you cannot do this to me.... making such an observation like that!!!!! It's dangerous for my heart. (๑﹏๑//) dom Sunday........... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Some replies! Mostly about weird dicks and ehh having kids I guess…
characharing asked:
''Is Ruggie's grandma packing?'' OF COURSE SHE IS, ANON, GILF RIGHTS
Anonymous asked:
Somtimes i feel like when I leave this blog for a few days, idia gains like, 270 new kinks
Exactly, now imagine how Idia feels. Every new day should feel like a holiday, but he sure is struggling lol
Anonymous asked:
Yesss, Riddle gets to savor all the exotic dicks whether he likes it or not as the Queen intended. Wonder which one he'll like the most? I feel like Deuce might also join in but probably by accident
I am a romantic at heart, so I would assume that Riddle’s favourite one would be the long, supple and slippery eel one. It just sounds right. 😌 It’s also probably the most unpredictable because it moves, and Riddle hates unpredictability, so we get a perfect match.
Deuce would definitely join in by accident, and he would probably feel kind of guilty for enjoying the exotic dick so much… maybe because of how much adrenalin and panic he felt when he experienced knotting for the first time, but his body reacts very strongly to Jack now. And experiencing one of the tweels would feel so weird that it would actually fry his brain for a couple of hours…
Che’nya should visit NRC more often. For no reason in particular, he just should.
Anonymous asked:
On the topic of parents, I was asking myself who would be the most likely to raise a kid together in canon in the future, and I think that if Kalim has kids he will definitely rope in Jamil, no matter the kind of relationship they have. His life would be even more at risk as the head of the Asim, so I can imagine he would try to get someone he can trust to become the legal guardian of his child/children in case something happens to him, and we all know that there is no one he trusts as much as Jamil. "And when I'll die you'll take care of them" "When!?". I don't know, it's just kind of funny to think about how even without Kalim, Jamil would still be stuck with the kalimlings (who probably don't even get along with da-, I mean, uncle Jamil)
Oh there is absolutely no chance for Jamil to get away from nurturing another Kalim, even if the first Kalim hires 10 nannies for the kid. For the sake of protection too.
“When I’ll die” lol so ready to kick the bucket and leave Jamil with kalimlings…what a word 😭 Jamil’s entire life is Kalim. Even if Kalim is gone, Kalim is still there. Maybe Kalim will do what his father did and leave 30+ kalimlings behind just so uncle Jamil doesn’t get lonely.
Anonymous asked:
out of the twst cast, who do you think would selfishly ~baby trap~ their partner? like tbh i don’t see floyd as the type, if anything a baby would make him fuck off lol
Yeah, a baby would absolutely make Floyd fuck off lol Which is ironic, because while I don’t see Riddle as someone who would necessarily do it, he gets pretty unexpectedly unhinged sometimes… I don’t see it, but I don’t not see it if that makes sense. It wouldn’t be a premeditated decision; it’s more like a crime of passion. If he manages to make a baby with magic somehow… the chances are super low, but considering how unstable Floyd can make him, never zero lol
To answer your question properly, I can’t think of many options to be honest, but two characters who came to mind first would be Malleus and Azul. My reasoning for Malleus: lay an egg => demand attention.
And Azul would do anything to tie a person to himself if he needs to; a baby would bring a lot of unnecessary expenses, but if nothing else works, putting a bunch of eggs inside his lover’s body is always an option. Wow, both of them are egg related…
We are talking about the boys here, but I feel like even if Azul was a lady, he wouldn’t want to get pregnant herself. The world would hear the most menacing “I’ve already paid the surrogate, Idia-san” ever.
Ortho could do it in a yandere scenario, I think. Sebek and Kalim are also suuuuper not likely, but somehow more likely than the rest of the boys.
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Look….more mommy hwa and more answered asks about Christopher being possessive and freaky…
I needed this thank you 🥹
Today is very very hard and I’m feeling a lot of hard feelings and life rn so overwhelming and confusing. I’m the type of person who’s got a hard shell but it’s made of like bulletproof armor on the outside but I’m v gooey and sensitive inside. I didn’t realize I needed some good brainrot inducing delulu soup to distract me so 🤌🏻 thank you
So Christopher *sigh* idk what I want to ask just my aqua sun6h/Scorpio moon3h/Leo rising/aqua Mercury 7h/sag Venus5h/Leo mars1h ass is like…………
Imagine him like soft dom but so so so into like corruption but not necessarily always meaning inexperienced partner, but maybe inexperienced in all the kinks and little taboos. I read him as wanting to break someone who’s normally very strong minded and kept together and so like very much Brat Tamer I guess. Like after he makes you cum on his mouth and then on his fingers, he wants to degrade you in the gentlest way and praise you, his voice saccharine, while he manhandles you and fucks you hard. You’re cock drunk and starting to cry a little from how good it feels and from the overstimulation. The type to make you tell him out loud what you want and where you want him and that you don’t want him to stop and make you beg him to cum and tell him how good he feels and that only he does that to you bc he’s possessive and he’s got an ego and needs you to need him in every way possible.
something about him and his Gemini rising tells me he might be good with his hands ~that might be my hand kink tho clouding my judgement(Gemini Lilith 😅) ~ *cough*cough*
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He wants to break you open and make sure you can be that vulnerable and submissive to him and him only, also to know you at a very deep level. Whether you get to know him at that deep of a level is another story and depends on how deep he is in his fuckboy ways. He wants you a lady in the streets and HIS freak in the sheets. But he totally wants to corrupt you and his sag mars: he wants to try new shit with you and be adventurous and explore new kinks etc etc.
Every break down of this man’s chart has me like “oh yes pls, 😊. yes ma’am I’ll take one, where do I purchase this?”
And everyone’s like he’s this and that and potentially toxic in these ways and idk if I’m enamored by his Libra charm or what but I’m like “I can handle him, the question is actually ‘Can he handle me?’” and it’s very delulu but also I think that thought is kinda true. (hypothetically and astrologically speaking) In my little brainrot soup for the night 🥰
I can’t even begin on mommy Hwa and the gooey lovey mess he turns my brain into. Something about him is so tender but also like so so so so so freaky but like gentle but so fucking kinky? Idk that man + mommy kink + body worship + needy/clingy doms is so so so good. You’re one of my fav fic writers, and my fav mommy hwa enthusiast. Thank you for serving and thank you for your brain and thank you for the distraction on a hard day like today 🖤
Much appreciate, have a lovely rest of your week, and as always cool pillow on both sides for you!
I CANT PUT PICS IN ANONYMOUS ASKS WTF…. Fuck it I’ll go off anon for this
This is 🖤Anon on my side blog/lurk account 😅
I am ending tonight's 2 hour post of going through my asks with this absolute banger of an ask from @youre-alittle-taste-of-hell and also hi Izzy!
I'm Ruby! It's nice meeting you *hugs*
I understand how life can feeling overwhelming and frustrating when things don't go you way. I am also a golden retriever disguised as a black cat and us fire placements want love and care too.
I hope things get better for you <3
Imagine him like soft dom but so so so into like corruption but not necessarily always meaning inexperienced partner, but maybe inexperienced in all the kinks and little taboos.
This section has me feeling shit at 10:33 pm on a Tuesday afternoon while watching Chris D'Elia 'Man On Fire' on Netflix.
I just love how Bang Chan stans have silently agreed that Chan's corruption kink is fucking massive and do we have any physical evidence?
But with his massive caregiver complex and Daddy kink, it kinda goes hand in hand.
I can just imagine that paragraph so vividly just him covered in sweat, his black hair sticking to the sides of his face and his mouth all shiny with spit and your cum just smirking at how fucked out you are, your eyes are beginning to cross and there's drool against the pillow.
'Don't black out on me yet baby girl, mmmh? Daddy still needs to cum'
You're crying and sobbing against the pillow because he's edged you within an inch of your breath and the pressure is so tight it HURTS and your legs are spasming and face contorted with need as you just beg your pretty heart out.
'Please, I can't take it anymore, please make me cum, I'll do anything, please Daddy i just need it'
And then he would hover over you, wipe the drool from your mouth and press gentle kisses across your face as he pushes himself into you.
'See, that wasn't so hard wasn't it? Daddy will always reward my baby girl when she asks for something yeah?'
I also don't know how ppl enjoy being edged so severely man, I would tap out after 20 mins.
Overstimulation all the way for me.
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Yeah, his Gemini Rising means he would be an exceptional kisser and great with his fingers.
His Libra stellium also means he has amazing stroke game but moving back to the kissing.
I feel like he would be a messy kisser (in a good way) like the loud smacking noises, drool and spit, definitely makes little sighs and noises of satisfaction in between kisses.
When Chan leaves his fuckboi era, sex would be incredibly emotionally intimate because he loves and adores how he sees you in a way no one does.
I have this thought that sex with Bang Chan could be so intimate, you would both end up crying and not in a dacryphilia way but in a 'i fucking love you so much and it's so emotional' way.
As much as Bang Chan likes fucking, he enjoys making love more.
And here's the thing right, Bang Chan's frontal lobe has developed so he doesn't even has the neurological excuse of 'well his brain is not fully developed yet' because NOW IT IS.
Also, your placements are low-key intimidating because wow, they are powerful.
I think Bang Chan would like the challenge of being able to handle you.
Seonghwa is definitely freaky and kinky and is very hardcore, he likes it hard, he likes it rough, he prefers a jackhammering pace (which is a bit of an ick of me because that doesn't sound enjoyable but okay).
I think the reason why jackhammering gives me an ick is because rough and fast doesn't always mean good okay?
I think a slow but deep and firm pace is better because you can get a better angle and hit the right spot every time.
But I also understand that some ppl like being treated like a battering ram during sex and that is also okay.
He would give you brilliant aftercare and reassurance though and that's what matters.
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Thank you for the thirst my sweet, I will gobble this up and use this as my fantasy thoughts for sleep tonight.
Yum yum.
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