#anti girl in the fireplace
doverstar · 2 months
So the way Steven Moffat wrote The Girl In The Fireplace, now that we have access to that script, is odious, particularly in the way he handled Rose in between dialogue. Was surprised to learn he is a writer every bit as childish and pompous as the episode makes him seem.
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Something I've been thinking about if Reinette had come aboard the TARDIS in The Girl in the Fireplace; would she have replaced Rose as the Doctor's love interest or would the Doctor try to have his cake and eat it by having both Rose and Reinette on the go at the same time? Quite frankly, I don't either option would reflect too greatly on the Doctor, as romancing two women at the same time is a disgusting, misogynist thing to do, but then so is ditching someone you've been close to for some time for someone fancier. I don't know; the more I think about the Doctor's characterisation in that episode, the more I think Steven Moffat needs an education on what is and isn't acceptable when it comes to writing relationships. GITF certainly raises a lot of alarm flags about Moffat's attitude towards women. Anyone else got any thoughts on how having both Rose and Reinette in the TARDIS would've worked out?
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khruschevshoe · 4 months
Just rewatched The Girl In the Fireplace for the first time in about nine years and Steven Moffat really read the Time Traveller's Wife one time and decided that every single woman companion he was going to write on the show (with the exception of Bill, and since she's a lesbian, she literally couldn't fall for the Doctor) was going to meet the Doctor as a child and then fall in love with him later on, didn't he? Reinette snogged him when she met him as an adult. Amy snogged him the day before she was getting married. River had, well, every single thing about her arc, birth to death. Even Clara, after being introduced as just friends, is revealed to have met the Doctor as a teenager and then is revealed to fancy him in the regeneration episode. Like, it's an absolutely bizarre and a little bit uncomfortable recurring plot point that these women met a man briefly as a child, imprinted on him, and fell in love/had a sexual interest in him/were obsessed with him as an adult, making large portions of their lives from childhood revolve around this man. Like...a bit of a yikes.
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i love moffat's rtd episodes as much as the next person, but every so often the doctor will say a line, and i just stop for a moment and think
'god they should not have let him be showrunner'
it's so clear the cracks were in his writing even back in season one and two
it's like watching 42 in hindsight after season 11-13
the signs were all there, shrouded by someone else looking over what he was writing
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darklinaforever · 7 months
Me, when people say that the doctor didn't really love Rose, and had a great romance with Madame de pompadour :
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Honestly... how stupid can you be ?
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Madame de Pompadour is literally there for a single episode, completely forgotten later. This is an episode that has no impact on the main plot. Not to mention that you can easily explain the doctor's behavior in relation to his complicated relationship with Rose. He almost told her he loved her. Became all the more aware of his mortality and therefore the impossibility of their relationship. The fear of seeing her die. He took Mickey, his boyfriend, on board. In short, you can easily tell yourself that he is trying to run away from his feelings for Rose. Even more so if we think of Jack and his sentence about blondes compared to the Doctor... Not to mention the fact that Madame de Pompadour is also an historical figure of whom the doctor is a very fan. (Even though the reality is that moffat just wrote a really bad episode in terms of continuity)
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There is really this tendency that I was unaware of to hate the character of Rose and to deny her importance in the first 4 seasons of the series (Present over 2 entire seasons, mentioned as much as possible in season 3 and back in season 4). I even saw someone say that she wasn't that important because she had only been there for 2 seasons (wtf ?), that the doctor never saw her as an equal (wtf ?), or even really loved her (wtf ?). Where does all this bullshit come from ? The 10th Doctor's very identity essentially revolves around / is intrinsically linked to Rose. It's crazy though.
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deardiary17 · 1 year
When you rewatch doctor who reruns of Doctor/Rose era, do you skip over girl in the fireplace?
Hello, friend!
To tell you something......I've only ever watched Girl in the Fireplace twice. Once in 2019 when I was half-delirious with pneumonia, and once in 2021 especially to write what I dislike about that episode when someone asked me about it. So, yes...GITF is a skip for me!
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pankratz · 2 years
the doctor is so extremely out of character in ‘the girl in the fireplace’ and ‘the beast below.’ interesting how both of those episodes are written by moffat...
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casasupernovas · 2 years
i'm sorry i am so MAD. sophia myles is a complete idiot. to say that noel never hurt me and he is my friend which apparently makes the over 20+ women accusing him of sexual harassment and bullying null and void is complete horseshit. to call them 'nobodies'. she was literally dating david, THE STAR OF THE SHOW! of course he didn't touch you! an unnamed actress literally said he harassed her and when she turned him down he bad mouthed her in the industry. he had naked auditions. FILMED them without consent. shared it with his friends. production workers had to be moved into different departments to get away. for her to discredit them in the most misogynistic way because she apparently wasn't even at her "fittest" back then so of course he wouldn't have touched her...she is a complete lunatic. and to host a twitter space you dare call a 'safe space' with NOEL IN IT. and block people who rightfully called you out? get in the bin.
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variousqueerthings · 7 months
fascinated that in toeing the line of "the doctor both is and is not asexual, and because the show is ostensibly sexier now there should be imagery of especially david tennant and various women (shockingly no men with ten) smooshing lips," it means that the doctor only ever instigates a kiss when it's got some scifi-type reason behind it, even starting with nine removing the time vortex from rose.
so only counting lip-to-lip contact for a second here*:
jack kisses the doctor (the parting of the ways)
nine removes the time vortex from rose (the parting of the ways)
cassandra kisses the doctor (new earth)
madame de pompadour kisses the doctor (the girl in the fireplace)
jackie kisses the doctor (army of ghosts)
the doctor leaves a DNA print on martha (smith and jones)
martha gives the doctor cpr (smith and jones)
john smith kisses joan (human nature)
astrid kisses the doctor (voyage of the damned)
the doctor kisses astrid goodbye as she dies (voyage of the damned -- only instigation on the doctor's part of any kiss)**
donna shocks the doctor out of being poisoned (unicorn and the wasp)
christina de souza kisses the doctor in planet of the dead and is overall very flirtatious at him in a way that almost feels like idk. an anti-romance plot. it's like everything that came before (and tbh... also amy and river song) in terms of "sexy" doctor-and-companion tension is lampshaded and made a bit silly. I don't know if this is just because the actress and dtennant have minus chemistry, but it's very funny that this is the final flirting + kiss and it's so very... "shrug, you're not going to be my companion, okay, goodbye"
*I think the only time the doctor even jokingly talks about kissing is in dalek's of manhatten, when martha and bby andrew garfield/frank have been captured and the doctor arrives. martha expresses her relief, and the doctor says something along the lines of: "well, you can kiss me later. you too frank, if you want." this is to diffuse a very scary/tense situation
**I tend to read the astrid final kiss as a kindness/comfort rather than romantic interest or sexual interest. because she is dying. and she kissed the doctor earlier, and is very scared
but wait! tentoo and rose were really going at it, you say! tentoo is part human/specifically human in a donna sense. tentoo is also super up for settling down and having a monogamous relationship, which isn't exactly the doctor's style in any regeneration. so yeah.. tentoo is another part of the tightrope, just like john smith. change the doctor into someone who is almost-but-not-quite the same, enough plausible deniability and voila, it's almost like the doctor is kissing someone, but crucially, the doctor still Is Not. in tentoo's case, the doctor is in fact watching it happen with a somewhat despondent look, before turning and leaving without waiting for rose to say goodbye. because, youknow. canonically the doctor cannot give rose what she wants (because he's not alloromantic/allosexual because he's an immortal alien) so it's better just to leave
lastly flirting: the doctor does flirt, but not often. the most flirtatious the doctor gets outside of above kissing line is when jack briefly joins nine and rose, and I'd call that the jack-contagion (affectionately, it's a good thing). ten, actually, flirts... less. comparably. (and hilariously is annoyed that jack flirts so much around him) a bit with rose in christmas invasion and new earth, but apart from the "sexy" wink, not very overtly. I mean, maybe I'm very ace, but I think they do banter rather than flirting. the one time the doctor interprets something as flirting that funnily enough isn't is when rose is talking to a cat. the doctor similarly gets flirted at (madame de pompadour, shakespeare code, martha several times, health and safety, silence of the library) but doesn't tend to enjoy it or often even notice it
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lavenderlegends · 6 months
say, don't go
ship: stiles/derek prompt: memories characters: lydia, jackson, scott, isaac, boyd, erica, allison, kira, malia, danny cw: n/a tags: light angst, fluff, stiles leaves the pack, christmas word count: 2.5k ao3 ♞♚♞♚
Stiles stares out the window of the train. He fidgets with the receipt for his ticket in his hands. Crumpling, uncrumpling, ripping tiny pieces, and eventually, shoving it into his backpack's side pocket. He swallows, but there's a lump in his throat, and he doesn't know if he can breathe anymore.
He stands up under the guise of stretching his legs, and then sits down again. Squirms. He should've taken his ADHD and anti-anxiety meds, but he was so nervous about today that it slipped his mind completely.
"Excuse me," a voice comes from beside him. Stiles looks at the young girl in the seat next to him. She eyes his bouncing knee. "Do you mind not doing that? You're making me nervous."
"Sorry," he mumbles. He tries his best to stop, but it starts up again. He gives her an apologetic look and then looks back out the window.
It's mostly trees, and he wishes that it was more distracting.
They slow down to the next stop, and the girl beside him takes someone else's seat.
Stiles inhales sharply. Just outside his window, a perfect Christmas tree. He can't help himself. He's transported back, back to before he left Beacon Hills.
"What do you think you're doing?" Lydia asks, laughing. She wraps her fingers around his wrist and tries to pull him in another direction. "C'mon, I have a gut-feeling the perfect Christmas tree is this way."
"No," Stiles says, shaking his head. He comes to a stop. "It's right there. Look at it. It's perfect."
"Perfect?" Lydia echoes. She stares at the tree before Stiles. "Actually... it just might be. Okay, I'll tell Jackson we want this one."
"Okay." Stiles lets her go and circles the tree to ensure that it really is perfect. He beams when Lydia shows up with Jackson. "This is the one."
Jackson inspects it before nodding. "Yep. It is. Stiles, bring the car around front?"
He makes his way through the tree farm and jingles Jackson's keys in his hand. It's going to be brilliant. Derek will never see it coming.
About a half hour later, they arrive at the Hale House. It's a little cold, a little empty. But it's big, beautiful, and ready to be loved again.
"Alright, I'll ask Scott to help me with the tree," Jackson says, giving Stiles a clap on the shoulder. "You go make sure everything else is in place."
"Bless," Stiles mutters as he jogs into the house. He's instantly hit with the aromas of food. Really, really good food. "God, it smells good."
"Doesn't it?" Scott asks, appearing in the living room archway. "Does Jackson need help with the tree?"
"On it." Scott pauses before slipping out the front door. "This is really something that you're doing for him."
"It's nothing," Stiles says, unsure how to handle the sweet moment.
"It's something," Scott reassures him before leaving.
Stiles makes his way down the hallway to the kitchen. He grins. Erica and Boyd are blaring Christmas songs and laughing with each other.
Boyd catches sight of Stiles and nods silently, and Erica spins around. She's beaming. "Stilinski, reporting for duty."
He laughs. "How's it going, Reyes?"
"Great. The turkey is in the oven. The mashed potatoes are mashed. The beans are dressed. The--"
Boyd puts his arms around Erica's waist and she stops short to kiss his cheek.
"Everything is going to plan," Boyd says, grinning. "Kira and Allison will take over with the cookies soon."
Stiles grins back. "Speaking of... where are they?"
"Family room," Erica and Boyd answer in unison.
"Perfect." Stiles blows them kisses and they go back to work. He swings around into the family room where Danny is bent before the new electric fireplace. "Danny, my boy, how's it going?"
"Great," Danny answers, flicking a button. The electric fireplace roars to life.
"Amazing." He glances around. Kira, Allison, and Malia are giggling in the corner. "What's going on?"
Kira spins around first, her face red. "Nothing. Nothing. We were just..."
"We can't find this ugly doll's clothes," Malia answers, showing him a hideous doll.
"It was Cora's," Allison explains. "She left explicit instructions that it was to make an appearance at the party."
"But it's naked," Kira adds, before she starts laughing nervously.
"Cora would hide all the clothes," Stiles says, shaking his head. "Maybe check with Laura where she might have put them before she left for New York?"
"On it!" Malia says, setting the doll back down.
"The decorations look amazing," Stiles murmurs, as he really allows himself to take in the room.
"Honestly, Derek had a lot of really great stuff in the shed," Allison tells him. "And anything we didn't find, Scott went out and bought."
"Nice." Stiles swings his thumb over his shoulder. "I think Erica and Boyd are cleaning up the kitchen for the cookies."
"Ooh, yay!" Kira says, grabbing Allison's hand. They rush past him.
Malia says, "Laura has an idea. Apparently, Cora has a secret back to her closet. I'll go check."
Stiles nods.
"Where do you want the tree?" Jackson's deep voice comes suddenly.
"And please answer fast, it's heavy!" Scott chimes in.
Stiles laughs. "That corner, please."
"I'll go get the decorations," Danny calls out.
Stiles helps Jackson and Scott set up the tree. Jackson and Scott chat about nothing of importance, so Stiles zones out and makes sure that every branch is placed perfectly.
Danny and Scott decorate the tree, and Stiles would be worried, but they know how important this is. They hang everything with extra care, and ask Stiles for direction multiple times.
An hour later, everything is in place.
"Where's Isaac and Derek?" Stiles mutters, looking at the time on his phone.
"Coming up the drive right now," Jackson announces from the window.
"Places, people!" Lydia calls out. She turns to Stiles and says, "You ready for your big surprise?"
"Not in the slightest," Stiles mutters.
He moves towards the front door, and takes a deep breath. He had given the pack strict instructions to leave the front foyer the same. It's all part of the surprise.
It feels like forever until the front door swings open. Derek steps in, Isaac following close behind. Derek frowns.
"Stilinski, what are you up to?"
Stiles laughs. "Nothing. We just borrowed your kitchen to make cookies. That's all."
"Oh." Derek shrugs off his jacket and hangs it up. "Fine, but can you ask permission next time? You forget how potent the cookie scent is when Allison and Kira bake. They use so much sugar. It's sickenly sweet."
That's what I'm counting on, Stiles thinks. He grins. "Sure. Want to join us for a game in the family room?"
Derek glances at Isaac, who shrugs innocently. "...sure."
Stiles can't wait.
It's his best present ever.
He trails behind Derek and Isaac and despite expecting it, startles when everyone shouts "Surprise!"
"What--" Derek stammers. "What is this?"
"Merry Christmas," Stiles whispers beside him.
Everyone comes out from their hiding spots, settling into various places in the family room, and Derek turns to Stiles. "You did this?"
"Yeah. Couldn't have you celebrating Christmas all by yourself, now, could we?" Stiles asks, grinning.
"Oh my god," Derek mutters, looking over Stiles' shoulder. "Did Cora tell you about that doll?"
"Huh?" Stiles glances back and then says, "Yeah. Why?"
"It used to give me nightmares," Derek mutters. Stiles laughs, surprising himself. Derek takes a deep breath and says, "You know Cora and Laura are just in New York. It's not like they're... gone."
"I know." Stiles leans into Derek as Danny passes him. "We just wanted to do something for you. Make sure you knew that we'll always be a pack."
"I don't know what to say, Stiles. The place looks great." Derek glances around. "Thank you."
"Any time, bud."
Derek's face falls, and Stiles isn't sure what he did wrong. He takes a breath before adding, "Erica and Boyd made dinner."
"Amazing," Derek says, but it sounds different. Like he's not excited at all.
"Stiles, come settle an argument!" Jackson calls out.
"What makes you think I'm siding with you?" Stiles calls back. He pauses and says, "I'll be back."
"Sure," Derek says, as Kira comes bouncing up and wraps her arms around him.
Stiles walks over to settle an argument, and can't help but feel that saying goodbye to Derek is going to be harder than he expected.
Now, it's a year later, and Stiles is on the train back to Beacon Hills. The train starts moving, snapping him out of the memory. He swallows. Telling Derek that night that he had been given a job offer in Vancouver had been hard.
Derek hadn't yelled. Hadn't even blamed him for leaving. He'd simply said, "That's why you did this. It's a goodbye party."
Stiles squirms, just thinking of it now.
And three hours later, he's getting off the train. He'd texted the almost defunct pack chat that he'd be getting home now. Scott assured him someone would be here to pick him up.
He just didn't expect it to be Derek.
"What--" Stiles starts and falters. He almost trips. "Derek?"
"Hey, Stilinski." It's said so flatly.
"Hi. I wasn't..."
"Expecting me?" Derek finishes for him when he trails off. "Yeah, well. Everyone else just conveniently happen to be busy."
"Let's go," Derek interrupts. He turns around and stalks off towards the parking lot. Stiles scrambles to follow him.
It's not until they're in the safety of Derek's Corvette that he manages to catch his breath. Seeing Derek after all this time... it's so hard.
He keeps getting flashes of memories. Of how he'd been so excited for the job opportunity. How everyone encouraged him to go, follow his dreams, and that Derek would be fine. If Derek had only said, "Don't go." Stiles would've happily stayed in Beacon Hills.
But Derek hadn't said anything. In fact, Derek had ignored every text, every midnight call, every olive branch.
"Can we talk?" Stiles asks, as they pull out of the parking lot.
"How are you?"
"No. Like... talk. Talk about how you haven't said a damn word to me since last year and--"
"And how you said we'd always be a pack and then ran away?" Derek interrupts. "Sure, we can talk about that."
"Derek, please." Stiles hates pleading, but he misses his best friend. He's about to tell him as much when Derek snorts. Anger flares up in Stiles. "Why are you acting like me leaving was the end of the pack?"
"Because it was." Derek glances at Stiles and hesitates before pulling his gaze back to the road. "Did you not get the memo?"
"Clearly not! What are you talking about!" Stiles shouts, hating that he's raising his voice to Derek.
Derek sighs and then explains. "After you left, the pack sort of disbanded. Everyone just got busy with their own thing. Lydia and Jackson travelled. Danny sort of faded out completely. Erica and Boyd do their own thing. Scott and Allison are focused on their vet clinic. Kira and Malia moved out of town. Isaac... who the fuck knows where he is or what he's doing these days. Last I heard he got a job at an autobody shop."
Stiles blinks. "What... what are you talking about?"
"You were the glue," Derek mutters. "And when you left, it all fell apart. Didn't you notice that the pack group chat hasn't been used in over six months before you decided to waltz back in?"
"I--" Stiles starts, but Derek's on a roll.
"Didn't you think about us?" he asks. Then quieter, "Didn't you think about me?"
"Of course, I did!" Stiles argues. "That's why I threw that huge Christmas party at your place! So, you'd know you'd never be alone."
Derek snorts. "Look at how well that turned out."
"Derek, I'm sorry, but..." Stiles frowns and rubs his face. "I didn't know. I had no idea. If I could go back in time, I would! I wouldn't go to Vancouver. I would stay right here."
"Would you?"
He's had a lot of time to think about this and nods. "Yeah. Yeah. I would. And you wanna know why?"
"Why?" Derek snaps.
"I miss you."
Derek's eyes are glued to the road, and Stiles wonders what he's thinking. There used to be a time when he'd just know. When they were in sync.
But the truth is out there now, so he might as well keep talking. "I miss you, you idiot. I miss how you'd show up at my bedroom window at the strangest hours, and sometimes, you had updates on situations, and sometimes... you just wanted some company. I miss how you always, always control the music in the car even though that is totally a passenger's responsibility."
Derek's lips twitch. Slightly. But it's enough for him to keep going.
"I miss the way you kept me on my toes. I never knew if you'd finally admit how you felt about me, or if I was making all the signs up in my head. I miss the way I would silently beg you to kiss me, and you'd be too busy laughing to notice. I miss the way you hug and smell and I miss the way you loved me."
Stiles lets out a deep breath.
Derek doesn't look at him, but simply pulls up in front of Stiles' dad's house.
"I never meant to hurt you, Derek." He swallows hard. "I just... I was going mad with confusion. I took the job because I thought maybe I'd take some space and sort out my thoughts. But I'm not over it. I don't think I'm ever going to be over you."
"Would you shut up?" Derek asks, but his voice is soft and there's no anger in it. "I'm processing."
Stiles nods, because he knows Derek needs time to sort out his thoughts. After all, it's a lot of information to receive at once.
But he starts to fidget. And his knee starts bouncing. And he can't contain himself much longer.
"I... I didn't know that you felt the same way," Derek finally says.
Stiles' lips part but he closes them. It's Derek's turn now.
"I'm an idiot. I'm sorry."
"You know, if you had told me to stay, I would've." Stiles rubs his hands together. "I loved you."
"Love," Stiles corrects. "I loved you then, and I love you now."
"And tomorrow?" Derek asks, softly.
"And tomorrow, I'll love you."
Derek's lips twitch into a smile and that's all Stiles ever needed to see. He doesn't hesitate this time. Doesn't worry that he's making a huge mistake. Because he knows. Deep down, he knows that it was always meant to be him and Derek.
They're kissing and it's glorious and beautiful and hot and sexy and all the treasures at once.
"I love you too," Derek murmurs. "Quit your job. Move back. Come home."
"Boy, do I have good news for you," Stiles whispers, laughing. Derek tilts his head. "I quit my job two weeks ago."
Derek grins.
It's not everything they have to work through, Stiles knows, but for now, it's enough.
"We have a pack to get back together!" Stiles announces.
"Tomorrow," Derek says, before pulling him into another kiss.
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tanith-rhea · 1 year
Only Pretending #5
Ok, here we go, @anti-bright-places, @the-bagel24, @regalbootie, @tundra1029, @thoroughly-confused, @lilsmeaux, @poorwritingandstalecoffee, @alder-saan, @jelly-frogss, @enchantressb, @imean-its-just-me, @lvinhs, @iloveyall-18, @kimiinou, @jeweleegrey, thank you, people, so much, I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 3.6k Authors note: this one took me so long because I was debating causing trouble or playing safe. You can decide which one I chose.
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You could kill Morticia then and there, but you didn’t, because it would be much nicer to see her choke on her own tongue at just how intimate you could be with Larissa… from a faking point of view.
She came out of the shower not much longer and you didn’t mention your brief encounter with her former roommate. You knew it would be better to warn her about Morticia’s possible suspicion, but it seemed to be nothing more than her trying to push your buttons instead of thinking you weren’t together.
“Are you almost done?” you asked when it was close to nine and she was still applying makeup.
She only looked at you with a mildly annoyed expression and you realized this was very important to her. Maybe you should have told her about the time restriction.
“I don’t mind you taking your time, it’s just that dinner will be served at nine.” You shrugged, trying to make it sound less important.
“What? Why didn’t you tell me!” she changed from annoyed to bewildered in an instant and you cringed from causing her to feel that way, “I still have to apply eyeliner and it takes me a century to get it right!” She put down her lipstick and leant her forehead on the tip of her fingers.
“I can do it! I used to do the girl’s makeup at uni all the time and I got quite good at it.” It was true, and while your heart was still slightly racing from her previous exasperation, you felt a little calmer knowing you could fix at least a bit of the situation.
Larissa eyed you sideways, her face sulky and quite adorable with her lips pressed firmly together before giving up.
“Okay, fine. Do it. But you should have told me sooner, you absolute-“ she cut herself suddenly.
You arched one eyebrow at her, picking up on the spot of colour rising on her neck, and approached to pick her eyeliner from her makeup organizer. “You absolute what?” you teased as she turned to face you. You sat at the vanity, diagonally to her.
“Forget it, I wasn’t going anywhere with it.” She only mumbled, lifting her chin for your hand to secure it.
You held her face firmly, but gently, with your thumb underneath her chin and index along her jaw. She smelt sweetly of roses, as she always did, and you leaned forward to look at her closely while painting the line close to her lashes.
It was so very difficult to concentrate, but your desire to please her and make her feel beautiful won over. You loved her deep blue irises, their outer lines darker as the border of a watercolour, and having the power to draw attention to them felt intoxicating. You were given the most beautiful canvas and told to make people see it.
“All done.” You whispered when it was over, absentmindedly caressing her cheek.
You smiled softly, contemplating your handiwork with pride. Larissa’s eyes were fixed on yours; she looked deep in thought for a moment, then snapped right back with several blinks and a deep breath.
“Thank you,” she sounded a bit hoarse, and you wondered if she would catch a cold from coming from the steamy bathroom into your colder bedroom. You made a note of lighting the fireplace once you got back from dinner so she would be warm at night.
“It was nothing.” You smiled, getting up from the vanity and offering her a hand to get up as well.
She accepted, and soon you were leaving for the dinner, arm in arm through the high-ceiling corridor.
“Wednesday!” you greeted the girl excitedly as soon as you entered the foyer where she and her parents were, as well as her younger brother and an elderly woman you assumed was her grandmother.
The girl turned around to see you and Larissa descending the last steps of the stairs. She approached with her usual perfectly erect posture and rigid steps.
“Professor,” she greeted, nodding, “It is truly mitigating seeing you here.” She eyed from you to Larissa, stopping midway to arch a brow at your linked arms. “Principal Weems,” her look lingered more on your companion as if they were having their own private conversation, “Your presence is also appreciated.”
Larissa half-smiled at that, a hint of fondness in her eyes.
“I’m happy to be here, miss Addams.”
At that, Wednesday nodded curtly and went back to her parent’s company, as did you and Larissa.
“Oh, don’t you look precious together!” Morticia’s bassy voice welcomed you to the group and you tried to unclench your jaw and smile; you wouldn’t go down without a fight.
“Anything looks precious when Larissa is involved.” You gave her a sweet smile, finding it not so necessary to pretend when you looked at her.
“Oh, shush.” Her cheeks were colouring, and you felt immensely pleased with yourself.
“Larissa is quite the formidable woman,” Gomez agreed, smiling kindly at you, “You must be quite accomplished as well to catch her eye.”
You felt you could very easily like Gomez. Strangely, the fact that Larissa was infatuated with him in her youth didn’t feel threatening to you, not nearly as much as the intellectual tug-of-war she had with Morticia.
“I can’t begin to guess what she saw in me. But I’m tremendously lucky she did.” You squeezed her upper arm, seeking comfort from the nervousness you felt all of a sudden.
The woman you guessed was Wednesday’s grandmother then got up with a roll of her eyes. “If this is what you interrupted me for, I would much prefer to resume wrestling with the alligator in the cellar.”
“Mamma!” Morticia intercepted her, rounding her shoulders with an arm. “Don’t leave us so soon, we will dine now,” she reassured the woman, who only grumbled and went through an archway to what you saw was a dining room with a long mahogany table.
You followed Morticia and Gomez to the same room, Wednesday right behind you with her brother. The table was already set, and all family members took their usual spots with ease. The hosting couple were at the ends and Wednesday and her brother sat in front of each other closest to Gomez’s side while Mother Addams sat beside her grandson. You took a seat near Wednesday and Larissa took hers right beside you.
For the first half hour, everything was fine. Morticia was a gracious host and the hors d'oeuvre and appetizer were delicious if morbid-looking; their presentation resembled eyes, fingers and the like. The chef was skilful, you had to give them that, but taking a forkful of mushroom and walnut pate was somewhat unnerving when it looked like ears stuffed into a human brain.
When you started to feel confident in your skin, the conversation shifted from professional chit-chat to the prodding you were waiting, if not too excited, for.
“So, Larissa, I must admit I was very surprised when you arrived accompanied.” Morticia set her fork down, a smirk slowly forming on her mouth. “How come such miraculous news didn’t get to me?”
Miraculous? The nerve!
“Excuse me. Miraculous?” you smiled largely, unable to keep your eyes from squinting and your voice from dripping with ill-concealed venom.
Her fake stunned expression was award-worthy. “Oh, I just meant that Larissa can be very intense at times, and it takes a very rare, special kind of person to be able to… manage it.”
“We decided to keep our relationship private for these first few months,” Larissa stated, cutting you from responding to Morticia’s last comment. Clever woman.
“So you’re your boss’ little secret?” an amused voice joined in, Wednesday’s grandmother.
You were shocked beyond speech. Were they together to make your life hell? Was all this a plot? At your slack jaw, the old woman started again.
“Oh, sweetie, I don’t mean it in a bad way. You just became much less boring than I thought you were.” She winked at you and took a bite of her salad. “You’re right in doing whatever you want and if forbidden love gets your juices flowing, go for it.”
You coughed at that. You weren’t eating anymore but suddenly the air seemed enough matter to choke on.
“Mamma!” Morticia chastised, sounding more amused than reprimanding.
“Forgive Grandma Addams,” Gomez asked you with kind worry, “She’s just very supportive and can come across differently than she wishes.”
“It’s fine… thank you…”
“You can call me grandmama, darling,” the curious woman said.
“Thank you, grandmama.” You smiled; a sense of incredulity and almost child-like happiness bubbled in your stomach at finally being taken seriously. She was an odd one, and her forwardness reminded you of Wednesday, if not her disposition for good humour when Wednesday’s leaned more on crudeness.
Was she joking when she mentioned the cellar? She must have been.
“Right, I believe we can call out the third course,” Morticia announced, and promptly it was brought.
As the evening went on, conversation flowed rather tamely. More dishes were brought, and you were amazed at the chef’s capability. By the end of it, the kids and their grandma had retired, and only you and Larissa remained with Gomez and Morticia.
“Maybe we could bring this to the study.” Morticia said, getting up and grabbing the bottle of whisky she’d produced half an hour earlier. “I think y/n would love to see the remnants of Wednesday’s childhood experiments. She seemed very interested when we mentioned it.”
You were interested, in fact. At one point in the evening, grandmama mentioned how Wednesday would plot increasingly creative ways to endanger family members. It was a family game, almost, but the girl was said to be very ingenious with her plans.
Following the couple, Gomez showed the collection of plant-based poisons and potions the girl used through the years with a weirdly proud countenance. You supposed it was fitting of such a family and found it quite endearing to witness.
“I’ll never forget the time she almost got my ear with that falling spear,” he said dreamily, “I really didn’t see that one coming. My brilliant storm cloud.”
“Didn’t it pierce your shoulder?” you asked, flabbergasted.
“Oh, no! I was in bed. We had to change the mattress though.”
Suddenly you were impressed by Wednesday’s tame behaviour at school; if this was her childhood, you admired her restraint.
“Enough about our child’s exploits, amore mio, you’ll bore the guests.” Morticia gestured for him to seat in the chair she leant on.
Larissa had sat in a loveseat, and you joined her as Gomez went for Morticia, who sat in his lap.
“I’m dying to know how you two ended up together.” She scrunched her nose at Larissa, a smirk playing on her mouth, and your annoyance was back in half a second.
“The usual…” Larissa looked at you and you linked your fingers on her lap, “Office romance.” Seemingly more confident, she looked back to Morticia with a squeeze on your hand.
“Oh, don’t be so boring, Rissa! I know there must have been more than just that to catch our eye. You always had a type.” She arched a brow, and you didn’t understand a thing in their conversation. While it seemed straightforward, Morticia’s tone and body language suggested things you didn’t comprehend. Did Larissa prefer a different type of aesthetic? Personality? Gender?
“People change,” Larissa said simply, almost icily, without breaking eye contact.
“You see, I don’t think they do to such a radical extent.” She only smiled.
“We can’t know what happens behind closed doors, cara mia.” Gomez laughed softly, trying to lighten things a bit, and you could hug him for it. He leant close to her a kissed her cheek in a gesture you found heart-warmingly sweet, and even disliking Morticia you felt happy for her to have someone who showed his appreciation and love so openly (that when it wasn’t too uncomfortably intimate, of course).
“You’re right, carino.” Her eyes went from his to pierce right into yours, “But I think I’ve seen enough.” She stood up and held her hand to him. “Come, my love, I miss having you on our bed,” ok you could have gone without that.
“Feel free to stay if you’d like,” Gomez said hurriedly, not taking his eyes off Morticia’s blazing gaze, “You can help yourselves to more whiskey or enjoy one of our reds back in the saloon, be our guest.” And with that, the pair scurried away hand in hand like excited teenagers.
Morticia was much more tolerable when occupied lusting for her husband, you decided.
Letting a breath out, you allowed yourself another glass and got up to pour it. Larissa was strangely still beside you and when you had your back to her while serving the drink, you heard her say:
“What did she see?”
You stopped pouring; your grip on the bottle suddenly white-knuckled. Her voice was low and dangerous, not towards you particularly, just sharp in a way you heard her use when trying to conceal her feelings. It was a good strategy because you had no idea what was going through her mind.
“She visited our bedroom earlier when you were in the shower.” You clarified, turning to look at her slowly, taking in her features. She had a very good poker face. Damn her mediator abilities.
“And what did she see?”
You sat beside her, offering her your glass. She took it and sipped it twice before you thought of some less uncomfortable way of recounting the exchange. You couldn’t; so the crude truth would have to do.
“She came to tell us dinner would be in a few moments-“ Larissa passed you the glass, taking pity on you, “Then she realized you were showering and that I had already, so I…” You took a big gulp; the liquid went down burning. “…I wouldn’t be- joining you.”
Larissa only nodded at that.
“And she used that to cause you discomfort?” Larissa said in a less unaffected tone that somewhat soothed the pain forming in the back of your neck, “Do you think she doesn’t believe in us?”
You took a moment to choose your words, then said, “At first I didn’t think she was suspicious, but she looked at me just now like she knew every bit of the entire story.”
You wanted to make it work, you wanted to help Larissa and you knew you looked entirely smitten with her because that was simply your new natural state. But Morticia was anything but not stupid and you had the feeling she could tell how this all went: you were foolishly in love with your boss who didn’t want a thing from you if not a favour and in the best of cases a friendship. You thought you were living the best possible case. Too bad what you truly wanted wasn’t possible.
Unexpectedly, Larissa got up in a swift and gracious move, went to the globe bar and took an expensive swig. She didn’t say anything, her shoulders were tight even with the amount of alcohol the four of you had consumed and the healthy quantity she just downed. Without looking at you or gesturing, she just left, walking back to your room.
You followed not too closely behind her. You wanted to give her space. Maybe she was mad at you, maybe she was disappointed, maybe she was just tired of your constant insufficiency (in being all in on the plan, in being completely honest with her, in acting rather than indulging your wants and needs – even if she wasn’t aware of the latter).
When you arrived, Larissa was changing into her nightgown, a cream-coloured long, sleeveless, silky dress that accentuated her hips and exposed her clavicles, shoulders and neck. If you weren’t so anxious you might have fainted.
You started a fire, sure that she would be cold if that was all she would sleep in. You heard her settling underneath the covers and when the fire was good enough to grow on its own you left for the bathroom to change into your much warmer, comfortable pyjamas.
You got into bed as well, feeling tense and strange and so different than you thought you would while pacing around in your quarters at Nevermore. You didn’t have time to fret and feel insecure and weird like you thought you would, you were too busy worried about Larissa for that. Why was she so silent? Did she officially hate you? Were you going home tomorrow never to talk about this again and barely look into each other’s faces forever? You spent the better part of an hour pondering the scenarios.
You were so engrossed in imagining all the terrible things that could result from this that you almost didn’t notice the soft shaking beside you. Was that a little whimper?
You quickly sat on your side of the bed, safely away by almost a foot and a half, and examined her silhouette outlined but the firelight. She was quietly sobbing once every twenty or thirty seconds, shoulders tight together. Whether it was from the cold or the exertion of being silent you thought you could manage to decipher.
“Larissa… I’m awake.” You whispered, giving one uncovered shoulder the lightest touch you could. She stilled. “Do you want to talk about it?” After a moment, she shook her head no.
Not knowing what to do, you found her hand tucked close to her neck and nudged her to sit as well. She did, silently looking at the mattress between you. In this angle, you were both facing the fire. You could see bright trails under her eyes going to the left, one small pool of brightness at the side of her nose where the few tears gathered. She still had her updo, so you moved closer and started taking away her clips and letting her soft locks fall beside her face, onto the spotless skin of her shoulders, hiding her milk-white back.
“I’m sorry if tomorrow it’s all ended.” You whispered finally, after watching her not speak for almost a minute.
She looked at you slowly, for the first time in what felt like aeons but were only two hours at best. She gave you the smallest smile and said, “Why is it so unbelievable?”
It took you two seconds too many to understand what she meant, and in the next, you were shaking your head and controlling your mouth not to say too much while you just hugged her chanting “No, no, no, it’s not unbelievable at all,” in a low voice you prayed soothed her in any way.
You pressed your lips to her temple for so long that you ended up just leaning against her, your nose on her hairline catching the faint smell of orange flowers.
“I swear to you, you are one of the most deserving people I know. You are greatly respected and admired by everyone who works with you and studies at your school. You are kind, loving, intelligent, relentless and every single bit of you is deserving of love and of finding someone that will appreciate the entirety of you unconditionally.”
You knew you shouldn’t, but you could not keep from muttering it all against her skin, couldn’t keep from caressing her cheek and running a hand up and down her arm. You loved her too much to let her believe there was no one out there who would commit themselves to her and love her as deeply and madly as she deserved. Maybe it wasn’t you, but there was someone, and you needed to make sure she knew that.
While you talked, Larissa let herself melt into you. You hugged her close and let her rest her head on your shoulder. She was sobbing a bit more than before, small sounds muffled against your fuzzy jumper. She felt so warm and soft and real that you almost let yourself believe you could have this. Have her; be hers. It was the alcohol, most likely. You were the worst handsy drunk, even if you didn’t feel drunk at all anymore.
You parted slightly, not sure if she would like to go back to sleep, and when Larissa noticed your movement, she lifted her head from you and suddenly her face was so much closer than you expected.
She had such beautiful eyes; you could never tire of looking at them. They were a bit red and puffy but also glowing, you could see the dance of shadows the fire created behind you in her eyes, her pupils blown from the dark. Your gaze drifted to her mouth for a split second, however quickly you couldn’t mask it, she saw, you were face to face. When she did the same to yours but lingered there, it was too easy to lean in.
Her lips were soft. Softer than you’d imagined, but then she was always more than you could ever muster in your naïve and foolish brain. Her hand came to your face and carefully held you in place. You opened your lips but didn’t dare ask her for anything more. Whatever she wanted from you was hers to take. She pressed more firmly against you, so tenderly you could not understand how she managed to be both at the same time. How could she make you feel so much with just a press of her lips? Your chest hurt and all your bones felt cold, and you wanted the pain so much, but you didn’t know if this was what she wanted or if you just happened to be there when she needed human connection.
With a pang in your heart, you separated the smallest fraction. She made a small sound at your absence, and you forbade your brain from reading too much into it.
“I’m sorry… are you sure this is-“ and she was onto you in an instant, fervently, fingers slipping through your hair and desperately asking permission to deepen your kiss. You were only human and gave in too easily.
Tomorrow you would deal with the consequences.
Chapter Six
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Little idea for GITF-fix it stories, what if Rose and Mickey find a weapons locker on the ship and are able to get some blasters or phasers from it and thus simply shoot the clockwork robots with them, preventing the robots from causing any more trouble?
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 5 months
This may be a weird request, but pls hear me out. Could you do something in the format of those headcanons you write for EM characters—like which planet they are associated with—but just describing the character and their role in the series/movie in like 2-3 sentences? Like a trivia of sorts. I’ve only seen HOTD, and while some of his chars can be googled easily, like Osferth or Tom Bennet, the ones like Genyen or Michael are very obscure to me due to not having seen the stuff they’re from yet, and there isn’t always a wiki page available for them. You being the #1 Ewan Mitchell expert, I don’t really know who else to approach with such a thing. Please & I’d be very thankful 🏵💞🍀
Yeah, I can certainly do that for you. Below the cut!
Abraham - features in only one episode of a long running soap opera called Grantchester. The main protagonist of the series happens across a Romani camp. Ewan plays a character who is engaged to a girl named Luella. Luella keeps disappearing off. When Luella's father won't tell Abraham where she's going, he kills him with a fireplace poker. It later transpires that Luella is having an affair with the farmer whose land they're camped on and she doesn't want to marry Abraham at all. He's upset, not only at the loss of his wife-to-be, but also because he was next in line to become leader of their settlement, and has ruined that by killing someone from their community.
Aemond - Second son of Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower. Bit of a twat, resentful because his dragon egg never hatched in his cradle. Claims his dead aunt's dragon, and his nephew gets the arsehole with him and knifes him in the face for it. He loses hie eye, but puts a gnarly sapphire in the socket in its place. Kills his nephew for rocking up to Storm's End and cockblocking him, which starts a war within his family and loads of them die. Gets distracted by a big tiddy witch and spends the rest of the war slinging one up her until eventually him and his uncle commit murder suicide.
Billy Taylor - sweetest little treasure in the world. Works as a bell boy at a hotel called the Halcyon, which quite frankly ought to be shut down for its negligent business practices. Anyway, Billy is sweet on a maid called Kate. When a hotel guest assaults her, he pulls the guy's own gun on him and narrowly avoids getting the sack for it. His mum interferes in his drafting, because she doesn't want him going overseas to fight in the war, so he's stationed at the London army barracks manning the anti aircraft guns. Dies anyway, because he gets blown up.
Billy Washington - hopeless brother of boss bitch Lana Washington. Doesn't have a job, has been refused from the army and feels pretty shit about life. His girlfriend has left him and his flat's a shit state. Because of his mardy outlook on life, a fascist organisation is able to radicalise him and frames him for vandalising a Halal butcher's. They later plant a bomb in his car, with the intention of it going off when he gets out at Farringdon station, where an anti fascist protest is taking place. Lana intercepts him on route, and he drives to Cranstead Gardens instead. He panics in the car, not knowing what to do, and against all advice, ends up opening the door to get out, which sets off the bomb and kills him.
Ettore - on board a space ship with other death row inmates to try to find alternative energy resources. Essentially understood that it's a suicide mission, but the doctor on board is conducting heinous fertility experiments on everyone. They are not allowed to sleep with each other, but have a "box" that they can go into to masturbate. Ettore is generally considered creepy by everyone on board, and he is really perverted - lots of inappropriate staring, etc. One night, he sneaks into the cell of an inmate called Boyse and tries to rape her. When her bunkmate, Mink, tries to defend her he beats her up. Eventually, male members of crew are alerted and Ettore is beaten to a pulp. Mink then stabs him through the eye and he's chucked out of the airlock.
Genyen - Only in one episode of a soap opera called Doctors. Introduced in a Buddhist centre with a senior monk called Jinba. Jinba tells him to go out and collect money for the centre. A doctor from the series runs into him while he's collecting and feels sorry for him because he looks cold. He gives him his lunch and donates £20, which Genyen tucks into his robe instead of the charity box. Jinba sees and takes the money off of Genyen. At this point it seems as though Genyen is being mistreated by Jinba, and the doctor seems to think this too, so when Genyen wants to leave he gives him cash to help him. It then transpires that the reason Jinba doesn't want Genyen handling large sums of money is because he steals. He stole Jinba's bank card when he left and empties his bank account at an ATM. He is apprehended by the doctor though and the police are called.
Jack - from the short, Fire. Jack has an ability where the angrier he gets the more fire he is able to produce. His dad and him have made a living out of stealing cars. Jack runs away when he decides he doesn't want to do it anymore and his dad pursues him through the woods. Gets so angry his fire powers causes him to fell an entire tree.
Jason - from the film, Just Charlie, plays a guy hanging out at a play park. Beats up a girl when he finds out she's trans.
Michael Gavey - a student at Oxford. Befriends Oliver Quick because he believes him to be a social outcast, much like he is. Is a mathematical genius. Is quickly ditched by Oliver when he manages to befriend the more popular students. Incredibly abrasive, outspoken and looks down upon the popular students as he believes them to be "vapid cunts".
Osferth - King Alfred's bastard. Enrolled as a novice monk, but leaves the monastery when he's of age to join Uhtred, as his uncle Leofric had always spoken fondly of him. Not a particularly seasoned fighter, but brave in his own right and extremely loyal. Incredibly kind and maintains his faith throughout, but has some absolutely cracking one lines. "What is smite?" "Well, it's a word, isn't it?" Fucks like a dinosaur, according to the prostitutes of Winchester. Dies when he's stabbed in the side during battle, and it's honestly one of the most heart wrenching scenes I've ever watched in my life.
Poacher - from the short, Stalker, this film is minutes long and Ewan appears in it for seconds and says nothing. Plays a poacher that is in trouble for illegally hunting deer on private land. Just stands there holding a rifle.
Scott - from the film Stereotype. Literally only a voice part - a voicemail of Scott encouraging his friend to beat someone up.
Tom Bennett - a troublemaker that always seems to be attracting the attention of the police. He doesn't want to be drafted into the war, so decides to sign up as a conscientious objector. However, when it transpires that his latest crime is more serious than he realised, he enlists in the navy to avoid going to prison. Is stationed aboard the HMS Exeter and has a canary named Vera, which he takes bets for which ports she'll lay eggs in. Survives the Battle of the River Plate and it matures him. He's short in Dunkirk and ends up in a hospital in Paris around the time that they surrender to the Nazis. Is snuck out and across the Spanish border. In season two, somewhere on his way back home he stopped for a haircut that was administered by a lawnmower. His father died when their house was shelled and he blames his sister for it. He then goes back to war.
Will - from the short Salad Days. Robs people's houses with two of his friends. Discovers a gun in one of them and uses it to hold up a post office. Takes a worker hostage and his friends freak out and run away. He lets the guy go, but when his friend reveals he wants to go to the police about what they did, he beats him up because he doesn't want to go to prison or give back the money they stole.
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anagirl-23 · 11 months
Lyrics that make me think of my ed and make me cry
"Shut up, count your calories. I never looked good in mom jeans. Wish I was like you. Blue-eyed blondie, perfect body. Maybe I should try harder" -Prom Queen, Beach Bunny
"Why do I always spill? I feel it coming out my throat, guess I better wash my mouth out with soap" -Soap, Melanie Martinez
"And I could lie say I like it like that, like it like that. But nothin' is better sometimes" -When the party's over, Billie Eilish
"Then hate my reflection, for years and years. I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost" -The Archer, Taylor Swift
"I can change everything about me to fit in...And I'm still a believer, but I don't know why. I've never been a natural, all I do is try try try" -Mirrorball, Taylor Swift
"I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room, 'cause all I see are girls too good to be true. With paper white teeth and perfect bodies. Wish I didn't care. I know that beauty's not my lack but it feels like that weight is on my back" -Jealousy Jealousy, Olivia Rodrigo
"Everybody wants you. But I don't like a hold rush. What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?" -Gold Rush, Taylor Swift
"You say to me your jeans don't fit. You don't feel pretty and it's hard to miss" -Perfect Now, Louis Tomlinson (the whole song brings me so much comfort, I can't put it onto words)
"And she's got that body, always gotta flaunt it. Everybody's looking up. When she walks by you wanna be her" -Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner
"They say these are the golden years but I wish I could disappear. Ego crush is so severe" -Brutal, Olivia Rodrigo
"Pill diet, piell diet. If they give you a new pill then you will but it. If they say to kill yourself then you will try it. All the make-up in the world, won't make you less insecure. You got weights in your pockets when you go to the doctor's" -Sippy Cup, Melanie Martinez
"I'm a soldier who's returning half her weight" -All too well (10 minute version), Taylor Swift
"From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes. I have my blood, sweat and tears for this. I hosted parties and starved my body. Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss. The jokes weren't funny" -You're on your own kid, Taylor Swift
"She wants to feel like she did before. She looks into her mirror wishing someone could hear her, so loud" -Mirrors, Niall Horan
"Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby. And I'm a monster on the hill. Too big to hang out" -Anti-Hero, Taylor Swift
"You never want to know how much you weight. You still have to squeeze into your jeans, but you're perfect to me" -Little Things, One Direction
"I wanna eat, I wanna stay thin. I wanna dance but I gotta stay in. Hey, skinny skinny, don't you think about the futur. Hey, skinny skinny too bad, too bad" -Skinny Skinny, Ashton Irwin
And the whole fucking song Smaller than this by Sara Kays, like, every damn line
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quantumshade · 9 months
🔥favorite and least favorite doctor who episodes (if you can choose at all lol)
OUGH this is hard... can i do top five and bottom five maybe
bottom five:
let's kill h*tler. do i need to explain this one? i don't think i need to explain this one
spyfall part 2. i don't think i need to explain this one either.
girl in the fireplace. i know that's the one my pfp is from. rose is just so pretty in it. anyway. it's a poorly written episode that gets way too much praise, not to mention just how painfully ooc everyone is. you can really feel how much moffat hates rose in that one. and also it feels so gross when you think about how the real madame de pompadour was groomed from age 6 to be a king's consort and basically allowed no agency in her life whatsoever, coupled with moffat's weird obsession with "someone meets the doctor as a little kid and grows up to be obsessed with him" is so painfully... icky.
kill the moon. outside of being an awful episode with a weirdly anti abortion message, it's the episode that made SO MANY PEOPLE give up on my baby girl twelve. if you stopped watching twelve because of that episode i'm begging you on my knees to give him another shot his era is so so good other than a couple stinkers.
legend of the sea devils. i cannot even begin to express my sheer hatred for this episode. everything about it sucks so so bad and i'm beating it with hammers in my mind 24/7. it's just everything i hate about the chibnall era coalesced into one steaming pile of dogshit.
top five:
heaven sent. sorry to be basic but. heaven sent. i love it so much it's so perfect. and reading it through a classics lens makes it even better. i'm planning on doing the capstone for my degree (partly) on this episode as a modern representation of katabasis. the acting, the music, rachel talalay's directing, g-d. it's so good.
dalek. honestly every single one of nine's episodes fuck so hard and i don't dislike a single one of them. but eccleston really acted his ass off in this one and it's such a wonderful exploration of the doctor's time war trauma. it's the only episode that manages to make daleks scary. rose is amazing in it. "it's not the one pointing a gun at me" and "and what about you, doctor? what the hell are you changing into?" "oh rose. they're all dead" OUGHHHH. the ending hits so fucking hard.
mummy on the orient express. i think i'm legally obligated to put this one on my top five because i have watched it nearly a dozen times this year alone. it's such a good episode. great monster. clara and the doctor both get to be incredibly bisexual. it's the one episode of doctor who in which the phrase "sex machine" exists. what more could you possibly ask for.
the christmas invasion. it's sooooo good it's so good. it's tied with the husbands of river song as my favorite christmas special, but it's higher on my list of Overall Episodes. if that makes sense. again rose is incredible in it. david tennant makes the entrance of all time. they're so in love and so fucking stupid about it. song for ten... well i woke up today... and the world was a restless plaaaace.... it could have been that way for me........
the pilot. bill is gorgeous and perfect and wonderful. twelve being a wacky professor was the best choice anyone has ever made. it's like a crash course in doctor who but also a fun and well made episode with absolutely gorgeous music. i love it i love it i love it. murray gold put the s10 soundtrack on spotify right now.
it's so hard limiting myself to just five... i'm sure i'll think of an episode tomorrow and be like DAMN that should have been on the list... but that's okay <3
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deardiary17 · 2 years
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Sophia Myles as Madame De Pompadour
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