#anti-john winchester
John Winchester if he slayed
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roachingurcoach · 3 months
okay I don't really know how to frame this. but like. funniest way to confirm Dean is Ben's dad is
20 year-old Ben takes a genetics test for fun or whatever, and the results he gets back are just batshit insane. it's like. oh hey. my biological father is a known serial killer who's still on the FBI's most wanted list and has been found or thought dead multiple times. and my uncle. and my grandfather. and my grandmother. and my--
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I love transmasc Dean headcanons because it implies that John was the world's shittiest father, but still drew the line at transphobia. Like, "of course I'm not gonna call him a girl, I'm not a monster. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a son to traumatize"
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vespbj · 3 months
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Well, let's see. OMG! no Sam, no Bobby, no parents, no Ellen, no Jo, no Cass like all the people that really matter in his life suddenly didn't exist Madness... right?
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captain-sodapop · 2 years
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Sam when Dean - who's on hiatus from Heaven because that's a thing you can apparently do - hands him his 1000 page fanfic about their parents.
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spn-lesbian · 1 year
Mary: I told Dean to fight his demons and he swung at his dad
Cas: good
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icvrusxx · 7 months
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Dad knew who you really were. Good soldier, nothing else. Daddy's blunt little instrument. Your own father didn't care whether you lived or died. Why should you?
let dead dogs lie, silas denver melvin // i am a dog. i have blood all over my teeth, sciencedfiction // spn 1x16, shadow // chapter viii, chen chen // hannibal 2x12, tome-wan // the hour of the star, clarice lispector // spn 3x10, dream a little dream of me // i don’t smoke, mitski // i’m your man, mitski // spn 2x22, all hell breaks loose pt 2 // mary, the death riders
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holybeejesus · 9 months
Need Cas to beat Johns ass in the reboot I’m begging
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fleursfairies · 6 months
why tf is everyone always so mad at sam for having his happiest memories (in heaven) not be about his family? i mean why would they be? his mom is dead, his dads a dick, and his brother, the person who cares about him the most, is lowkey always making fun of him and picking on him. people call him selfish because he was actually able to get out. thats so stupid. he was able to go to school and live his life for awhile, he did NOT abandon his family. and yeah sure, its sad that he left dean but it is NOT his responsibility to not follow his dreams so his adult brother is less lonely, and it is NOT his fault dean stayed.
calling someone selfish for getting out of a toxic environment and trying to live a normal life is actually crazy
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I simply cannot handle the emotional turmoil that supernatural causes me like the fact that Dean knows John is possessed because John was being nice to him!!!!! John was being supportive and understanding and that was an immediate red flag!!!! bc he never would’ve treated Dean with that level of empathy!!!! I’m going to throw up!!!
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Every single person i've seen saying underaged x way older and incest dynamics are inherently lgbt culture has been white...........Yeah okay okay,i think i get it now
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dearmrshudson · 5 months
The post of saddest(?) supernatural moment gave me the idea to maka a list of my own... You know, an honest list which will not push any agenda or exclude one of the main character completely to forcefully feed to a romantic pair which does not even exist.
so here it goes-
10. Dean's reaction after Sam's death in 13x21 :
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This one is so nominal and insignificant to be in this list and not one of top moments for a lot, but this scene ripped my heart open when I saw it for the first time. It manages to show us how Dean's whole world will literally fall apart and make him an empty vessel if Sam is gone and he can do nothing about it - and Jensen manages to portray it with just a walk, two blank eyes and then one drop of tear. Kudos.
9. Church Scene in 'Sacrifice' (8x23):
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Anyone who has not cried in this scene? Perfeftly shows the core of the show, the deep love between two brothers- despite all the reasons, all the idiological differences, all the mature discussion and all- Sam is the baby brother of Dean; at the end he needs Dean to be there as a big bro, to tell him to let it go, to clutch him in his chest. Ultimately they will always choose each other and nothing else will come between them.
8. Dean's death in 9x23:
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One of the saddest death of Dean, and perhaps it comes to this list because of the build-up and drama follows this. Both had their own reasons for the tension they had this whole season, but when the tragedy comes it hits so hard that all those logics fell apart. It scares to peep in Sam's headspace at this time of dean's dying- imagine you discarding the person you love the most as you are reasonably angry with him, and in a few days he is dying in your arms when you have hardly talked out your differences.
7. Why don’t you believe in us too (14x12) :
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Probably should come much later in this list, but this scene stood out in my eyes because it was such a fresh air in the terrible plotless mimicry that SPN had become in later seasons. The scene after ages which sums up Sam and Dean, the codependent brothers whom we had forgotten. Such a long time after we see Sam the little brother, witness the emotional turmoil he was going through silently and how it exploded. The only scene which makes season 14 worth remembering. Also Jared just nailed this scene!
6.) Dead or Alive (3x16):
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This scene breaks my heart in pieces. Dean bravely going for the last fight before the horrible death he will be facing. And he trying to cheer up baby bro, he wants the last memory with his brother to be in this car- singing along together... How his face slowly glooms at the end and his eyes full of fear... Early seasons really were gems!
5. Sam in Mystery spot (3x11) :
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Undoubtedly one of the best SPN episode with perfect blend of mystery, fun, laughter, tragedy and emotion... The funny vibe of the episode ends in a moment when we see Sam is not waking up from the nightmare loop. Then we see a robot- a scary robot who only wants to get his brother back at any cost. This episode is yet another example of how Sam loves Dean just as fiercely as Dean does, and he is not any less codependent.
4. Barn scene and alone Sam (15x20) :
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God! What can I say about this!
Just want to add, Sam wandering alone in the bunker after creamating Dean hurts me equally.
3. John's death (2x01):
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Cannot forget this one. This episode happens to be another favourite of mine, and the way John sacrifices himself for his son proves that a father can go to any extent for his children. The farewell scene of John - where he asks for forgiveness and goodbye to dean without him understanding brings tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful acting by JDM and so realistic portrayal of a flawed, helpless and loving father.
2. End of Season 5 (5x22)
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The ground was set, the battle was about to begin, the ultimate faceoff between Lucifer and Michael was going to start- then what happens? A stubborn idiot boy with a muscle car and hellbent attitude comes in between- knowing that he cannot survive this- just because one of these celestial entities have captured his brother as a vessel and he won’t leave his brother alone. Till his last drop of blood he keeps on trying- trying to reach his brother who is trapped under something much bigger- keeps on telling that It's okay, he is not alone, his big brother is here. And guess what, he succeed. His brother broke free the bind of one of the strongest entity of universe and fought. The climax scene gives me goosebump always followed by a bunch of grief and saddness the ending carries. Had season 5 been the last season of SPN, and this be the exact way the series ended, I would absolutely have no regret!
1. Sammy's first Death (2x21):
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No matter how many sad scenes are perfectly executed in SPN, nothing can exceed the emotion of this one. Jensen will also not be able to exceed the level of performance be set in this particular scene. Period.
So this is it... I must have excluded many. And turns out my list is full of Sam and Dean only and I am also not unbiased 🤣🤣 Well, there are sad scenes that do not involve only the brothers and I still like them, but not my top 10. Maybe have to make list of top 11 to 20 in order to include them. 😁
Please share your favourite saddest top 10 as well.
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dean died because john winchester didn’t get him his tetanus shots
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John for Dean’s entire life: Your life is to be dedicated to the hunt and ONLY the hunt. You exist for two reasons: protect Sammy, and avenge your mother’s death. You don’t get to have a childhood. You don’t get to have friends. You don’t get to play games or sports. Don’t even THINK about college. Your happiness means nothing. If you die young and alone, so be it. That’s life, kid. No happily ever after for you. Quit whining about it.
John meeting Dean in the future: No wife and kids? 😢 No grandkids for Johnny Boy? 😢 No house with white picket fence? Why you still hunting?????? Johnny sad 😢
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sastielsfandom · 11 months
(this is a repost)
This has been on my mind lately. First, let me make this clear, this is not a Dean positive post. Do not try to make it so. I understand how Dean came about to be as he is but I do not sympathize with him. I'd be ashamed of myself if I did.
Dean does not see Sam as a person, that is fairly obvious especially in later seasons but that isn't what I have been pondering lately.
I have been thinking about how Dean perceives Sam and how it affects Sam. The best way I can describe it is, Dean sees Sam as a trophy that he has to protect because he was always told he had to.
Going along that thought, I have noticed how much Dean seems (is) resentful of the golden trophy his Father told him to keep safe.
Dean has made sacrifices in his childhood to keep his brother safe and Sam didn't always comply. Which is normal because Sam wasn't aware of these sacrifices. I've been in both Dean's and Sam's shoes and I understand how both feel.
How are you supposed to be grateful for something you don't know about? And it can be painful to make difficult sacrifices with no reward but I have never made a sacrifice expecting praise. It's not why you should make one.
So I see why Dean feels when Sam isn't aware of those sacrifices, Sam was being ungrateful. Sam isn't because when Sam learns about them he holds them in praise, but Dean still isn't satisfied. Because those sacrifices were never about Sam, it was about John and keep his trophy safe.
So it means nothing to Dean when Sam is mentally distraught and needs help as long as Sam is physically well and they can do their job without an issue.
And why Dean doesn't care about Sam the same way Sam cares about Dean.
Sam would rather go on without his brother to respect his brother's wishes of staying dead than to cling onto him when Dean doesn't want to live. Dean accepted his death so Sam had to as well.
When it was flipped, Dean didn't give a damn about if Sam was ready to go or not. Dean refused to let go so it trumped over Sam's feelings.
This is not a one-time thing, Dean is okay with people using Sam's autonomy and makes decisions, deals, with supernatural creatures to keep Sam alive, even if Sam isn't the same person he was before.
Sam can be reduced to nothing but as long as he is physically there and Dean can see him as his little brother, Sam can suffer.
Or how Dean sees it, Dad's trophy is the original and in one piece, I am doing my job. I have nothing to feel guilty about, I am in control.
That is not an older brother protecting his younger brother. That's Dean trying to control Sam and when he can't he manipulates Sam into doing what he wants. That is fucked up and I can never praise it.
Dean should have never been a parent so young and deserved a childhood, but Sam is not the one to fault for this, that is all on John Winchester.
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