#anyone who hugs this man should be very careful of their fingers
helpfulhellhounds · 1 year
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“I missed you too.”
the witcher | s2e7, voloth meir
[image description: a digital painting of geralt and jaskier hugging, with jaskier’s face visible over geralt’s shoulder. the painting uses a warm, dark color palette with red tones. end ID.]
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fernandopiastri28 · 1 month
sickly sweet ~ lando norris x reader
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warnings: drinking, smut, pwp, angst 😬 mdni!
Lando Norris- known manwhore. When he's not in his car going 350 km/h, he chases that thrill in other things in life. Designer items, drinks, parties- women. But there's only one thing that he really wants, he craves her love- his bestfriend.
She felt a pair of sturdy arms wrap around her waist, almost suffocatingly tight. It made it hard to breathe, the paining sensation only increased by the already constricted airflow inside the crowded club. “Lan?” She murmured, her head turning each way in the hopes of catching a glimpse of her best friend. She felt woozy due to the alcohol seeping through her system and she really didn’t need to deal with an over insistent man who believed he had the privilege to her body in her current state.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Lando’s chin rested against her shoulder, his hot breath tickling her neck. Those were his arms around her, holding her body closer to him then anything surrounding the pair. “I’m here,” One of his hands travelled up to her hair, his fingers gliding through her frizzing hair. “Don’t worry,”
Sure, Lando was a naturally affectionate person, often insisting on hugging as a greeting and goodbye, or resting his head on the shoulder of absolutely anyone who was near him. He liked touch, saw it as the easiest way he could express his caring and love for others. But drunk him was another level- hands anywhere he could get them, face buried into their shoulder or neck. 
“Lan, you’re really drunk,” She giggled, pushing her slight anxiety down to her stomach as his lips started moving aimlessly against her neck. He wasn’t quite kissing there, but only because he was moving too quickly to be able to actually press his lips to a single spot. 
He grumbled, dissatisfied with her comment. “So? You are too,” Lando was sounding pissy already which only usually happened later into the night. By this point, he was usually going to go seek off some other girl to spend the night with who would fawn over his every move and beg for more.
Her head tilted back, resting against his chest slightly, “I am,” A grin played across her lips, forcing his grimace to transition into a smirk, his eyes full of pure adrenaline without a single thought behind them. “Not as much as you though,”
A nod of agreeance came from him, his hands idly moving up and down on her waist, settling on her hips for a few seconds as her body continued to aimlessly sway along with the music. “It’s difficult to be more drunk than I am- especially since you’re such a heavy weight,”
It was true, and something that Lando was incredibly envious of. He wanted her ability to pour endless drinks down her mouth, consuming absolutely anything she wanted at once and manage to feel perfectly fine the next morning, while he would find himself with a throbbing headache, next to a girl he couldn’t remember the name of. Maybe he’d never asked her though.
“Or maybe you’ve just drunk more,” She dragged a finger along his cheek. Even if she didn’t show it as much, she was certainly feeling very drunk. For once, she wanted to be like Lando, feel like him. She craved his complete confidence and how he would feel as if he was on top of the world each time a drop of alcohol entered his system.
Maybe tonight she’d finally score a man to bring home, be the one to tell Lando all about her most recent hookup instead of always being on the receiving end of hearing it from him.
But at least for right now, all of his attention was on her. He looked at her like she was one of the girls he’d want for even just a night, instead of the one he left behind each time they’d planned to go out together.
She knew full well that the way Lando treated his one night stands was far from something that she should be dreaming about almost nightly, to be the girl that woke up to the sight of Lando’s peaceful sleepy face, his dark lashes fluttering over his cheeks and his unruly curls- but she knew a different side of him. The one that was loving, that cared. The side of him that would talk in the highest of praise about the girls he did really like, and how he never once spoke ill of someone to her.  
He was different then how he came across, she knew that.
He held a bottle of some blue liquid, the spout of it resting against his bottom lip. She ogled up at him, her eyes wide and pupils huge. “Hello,” He grinned, laughing at her dopey upside down expression as she leaned against him. “You’re smiley tonight,” He teased, his hand wrapping tighter around her stomach to keep her up.
“I am smiley,” A deep sigh left her chest, her cheeks beginning to hurt from how wide her smile was stretching out. “I like your face,” She mumbled out, each syllable oozing into the next. “It’s a good face- a true one at that,” Her body wasn’t used to this much alcohol, and she was feeling any kind of shame melting away and just a desperate need to be completely honest. 
A rosy flush was almost definitely covering her face at this point, given how hot it felt to the touch. “I like your face too,” He smiled, his nose nudging against her forehead. It felt unexplainable, like a thousand bolts of lightning crashing into her all at once. “It’s pretty cute,” His thumb swiped along her chin, nudging it open so he could place the finish of his bottle inside her mouth, the glass heavy on her bottom teeth.
He tilted it up, letting it run over her tongue and pool up inside her mouth. It was near sickening sweet, likely what his mouth tasted like given how much he’d already drunk the majority of it. “Good,” Two of his fingers tapped her chin again, his other fingers clasping the neck of the bottle so it didn’t drop. She shut her mouth, swallowing awkwardly due to the angle her head was at. 
Once her mouth was empty again, her lips parted, her eyes moving up further to where the whites underneath her iris’ were even more visible. “More?’ She mumbled, her back shifting back unconsciously to steady herself against him. He granted her wish, keeping her mouth open as he hooked his two fingers over her bottom teeth as more alcohol spilt into her mouth.
“Fucking hell,” He hissed, his pink tongue darting out between his teeth in concentration. Their eyes refused to move and break contact, tension just building the longer the moment lasted. “You’re so fucking hot doing that,”
Her body got hotter at the praise, her mind short circuiting and essentially spilling out of her ears. “You’re sexy,” Her lips wrapped around the bottle, suckling on it gently as the final few drops spilt onto her tongue. 
He went silent, his eyes darting across her face as a way to memorise each curvature and feature complete. He wanted to engrave this moment into his mind for the rest of time. The bottle slid down her mouth further, her lips pursing and stretching thinner around the thickness. His mouth dropped open ever so slightly, his eyes near bulging out of his head at the erotic sight.
He was hard, undoubtedly. His arousal pressed against her ass where her dress clung tightly around. He grinded against her, desperate for some sense of contact and pressure against his ache. “ Baby ,” He whined into her neck, pulling the bottle away from her mouth to rest it against some table.  
Her heart pounded harder in her chest, feeling like it could explode at any given moment. The mix of the nickname, the desperation in his voice, the way his crotch was rubbing straight against her. “ Lan ,” She moaned, turning around so her chest was pressed against his, the silk fabric of his button up gliding against her exposed skin. “Please,” Her voice cracked with straight need.
“Please what ?” His hand settled into place against her jawline, his palm flush with the front of her neck, the slightest pressure against it. He knew what she wanted, both of their intentions so crystal clear, but he wanted to hear her say it- needed it.
“Kiss me,” Her voice was so fucking weak at that point, her expression completely wanton and eager for him. His eyes went straight to her lips where a glossy whine of the remaining alcohol coated them, making them even more red and wetter. The grip his hand had on her jaw tightened, putting her head into the perfect position for him.
His mouth moved against hers quickly, her bottom lip slotting in between hers in an almost practised manner. Her mouth parted, his tongue slipping inside the warm emptiness within seconds. Moans from her spilt into his mouth, the vibrating sensation going straight to his dick, somehow getting even harder with each movement she made against him.
One of her hands trailed up to his hair, tugging on his curls. They were so delicate in between her fingers, perfect coils wrapping around each digit. Her other hand snuck up under his shirt, the back of her hand brushing against the soft silk while her palm and finger tips explored his hardened abs. 
“More,” She begged, her nose nudging against his as their lips finally broke away. His breathing was heavy, laboured almost. Their bodies were still resting flush against each other as his left hand sat heavily on her ass, squeezing it, while his other remained cupping her face. 
“What do you want, gorgeous?” His voice was lower, breathless from making out for so long. He’d tipped his head down, his mouth close to her ear. There were so many things she wanted- she wanted to kiss more, she wanted to feel his tongue all around her mouth, she wanted to taste him, she really wanted to fix the ache in between her legs.
So with not even half her brain working to put together a proper cohesive sentence, she mumbled out the first thing that came to mind, “ Hotel ,”. Whether it was her hotel or his wasn’t important, all that mattered was for them to have a private room to stay up all night together in private. Because despite how at this point she could probably be convinced to drop down onto her knees and suck his cock right then and there without much effort from the brit- it wouldn’t look too good for an f1 driver to be receiving a blowjob in a random club in Singapore. 
Maybe his one would be nicer on the other hand, a Formula one driver would likely have been supplied a higher star hotel then some girl in law school using her own money to pay.
With one swift move, each of her legs were on either side of his waist, her thighs bracketing his hips to keep herself up. One of his arms snaked around her waist for stability as he navigated his way out of the club, avoiding anyone who was clearly trying to approach him for either a photo or an autograph. 
She buried her face in the collar of his shirt, one of her hands trying to cover her face in a last chance attempt to conceal her identity in case anyone had been filming. It was something she should’ve considered before they started making out, but she couldn’t change the past now.
The humid Singaporean air struck them the second they pushed past the entrance doors. A thin sheen of sweat collected on the back of Lando’s neck, but she was unaffected. Singapore was a consistent visit of hers so she’d become accustomed to the near unbearable heat. 
A taxi rolled up right to where they were standing and before she even had the chance to ask when he managed to book one, Lando’s mouth was on hers again. She didn’t even notice the taxi door being opened until he was arranging her on his lap in the backseat, his eyes going directly down to her breasts. He placed a soft kiss to one where some cleavage was exposed from the dress’s style, while his hand worked at kneading the flesh.
A whimper of satisfaction passed by her lips, earning a shit-eating grin from the man. He continued his ministrations, tugging down some of the fabric over her breast to kiss further down her chest. Her head tipped back, hitting against the headrest of the passenger seat. As she ground her hips harder into his, each bump of the road that the car hit just pushed his boner further against her drenched cunt through her panties, a wet patch forming on his trousers.
“Pretty thing,” He trailed his lips up her neck, her jaw, then suckling on just her bottom lip. “So fucking wet for me,” He growled, pulling her body impossibly closer to him. Part of her wished she’d been sober for this- to be able to enjoy this moment with complete clarity and be sure to remember each and every event the next morning.
The drive seemed excruciatingly long, but had only been a mere few minutes in reality. Her body had essentially moulded into his by the end of it, her legs unable to work to take her to the elevator up to his room. They didn’t need to work though, he was more than excited at the opportunity to carry her as long as he could.
And she sure as hell wouldn’t be able to walk by the end of the evening. 
The second the elevator doors drew to a close, Lando’s hand was tugging her panties to the side, allowing a finger to slide along her clit, “Good?” He nuzzled his head into her neck, kissing the smooth skin there over and over. The touch was met with a string of pleasured moans, all more beautiful than the last.
He got prepared before the doors reopened, grabbing his phone out with his keycard secured in the back of it, ready to open the door the second they arrived so he could be on top of her as quickly as possible. The grazing of his finger stopped long enough for him to unlock the door, and resumed as soon as it clicked shut.
“Lando, fuck, please,” She begged, overstimulated by all the drawn out teasing of the night. “Just finger me already,” She was at her wits end, completely ready to just touch herself if he wouldn’t take it a step further right then.
She didn’t have to do that though as he answered her prayers, sliding a thick finger into her aching cunt. A sigh of relief left her lips, her hole clenched around his finger in reflex. He carried her into the bedroom, settling her down on the bed as he hovered over her, his knees on either side of her hips as he covered her face in chaste open mouthed kisses.
The pleasure turned to a quick flash of dull pain when he removed his finger, pulling her underwear down and tossing them across the room in a drunken hurry. His green eyes widened as he stared directly at her pussy, his pupils shooting wide in lust. “Fuckk,” He sighed, “Can I.. taste?” He wasn’t sure exactly how to word the request but she granted him permission regardless. 
He shuffled down, his massive hands grasping her thighs to position them over his shoulders. She lifted her hips off the mattress so as to allow him to push the bottom of her dress higher up before his head dipped down, his nose nudging at her clit. The sensation sends a rush of slick straight to where his mouth was readily waiting.
Tentatively, the tip of his tongue licked alongside her hole to her clit, emitting a shudder and a groan from the girl. He squeezed down on her thighs, rubbing the right one with his thumb to help her calm down. “What colour?” He murmured, looking up at her from between her legs. 
“Green,” Her head tilted back, hitting against the pillow as she moaned into it. With the go ahead, his tongue repeated the motion, pulling more noises out of her throat. He began to eagerly lap at her wetness, the taste coating over his tongue as he grew more desperate to make her cum.
He had become increasingly more aware of the pain in his trousers, his neglected erection tenting uncomfortable in his too tight boxers. Squeezing one of her thighs tighter to make up for the loss of his hand, he reached his hand down to his crotch and began palming at the spot. He tilted his head down, his tongue fucking her while his nose buried into her bundle of nerves.
She was feeling so much. The way his tongue was buried deep inside her, how his nose was expertly rubbing her clit, his hands stroking the insides of her thighs where goosebumps prickled, and most of all- the way his deep emerald eyes remained staring into her soul. He lapped at her wetness like he’d been deprived of sex for years- in reality it couldn’t have been more than a month. 
He had a one track mind, always did. His only goal in life was win, win, win. And today’s prize was making the beautiful girl laying on his bed, his best friend, cum with his mouth. Determined to make that happen, and make it happen right then, his teeth grazed against her slit gently to overstimulate her. 
Sure enough, the action got her legs shaking and her back arching. “Fuck, Lando,” Her hand yanked on his hair, effectively pulling him away slightly. His eyes went wide in shock, it certainly hadn’t been the reaction he’d expected. 
“I’m sorry,” He kissed the inside of her left thigh, his hand idly tenderly rubbing her knee. “Did it hurt?” She shook her head, having to crane her neck to look down at him. His cheek rubbed against her leg, another kiss to the bend of her knee. That time he suckled the spot, hollowing his cheeks to leave a small red spot when he pulled away.
“No, no- just.. sensitive,” She had to take a few moments to breathe, her chest raising and dropping with forced effort. “You- you can go again,” It’s more of a request than a suggestion, and he took it seriously. 
His mouth returned to her heat, his tongue swiping up in a practised motion, each one met with more noises of delight and pleasure. A hand yanking his hair again signalled her orgasm, spilling into his mouth. He drew to a halt, going slower as she came down from her high so it wouldn’t ache from the abrupt ending.
He scooted up so his face was just mere inches above hers. He couldn’t even try to force back the smile that played on his face upon seeing how absolutely fucked out she was. Her half lidded eyes, bitten lips, sweaty skin- it was truly a sight. He kissed her, over and over, wanting nothing more than to experience the pressure of her mouth on his.
As he kept his lips on hers, he began tugging down the top of her dress to reveal her strapless bra, one of his hands moved underneath her back, his fingers toying with the clasp of her bra before snapping it open. His fingers inched the thick fabric away, the pads of his fingers grazing along her bare chest. “I’m surprised it took you so long to get that off,” She snickered, “Thought you’d wanna see my boobs first thing,” Lando felt a wave of shame rush over him, drowning in embarrassment of her comment. 
He puffed hot air up onto his top lip, a slight snarl twisting his lips. “Is that how I make you feel? Like all I want from you is your body?” His tone was harsh, piercing her skin and leaving a mark. Her expression shifted from her drunken daze to somewhat more alert. The sting behind his tone was solely just a cover for his genuine hurt, unbeknownst to her.
“No, no, Lans..” Her hand cupped his cheek, her voice softening as she said it. “I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean it like that at all,” She angled for a kiss, receiving one almost immediately as he was an absolute sucker for an apology kiss. “If anything that’s more me, I was the one begging for you earlier,” That soothed his nerves, his mood switching back to aiming for pleasure.
He sat back on his heels as she shuffled her legs closer to her, her knees bending up towards the ceiling while still straightened enough to allow them to keep their eye contact. Lando bit his bottom lip, a cheeky grin sneaking out through it. “Sex?” He finally asked, watching her expression turn to match his. 
She leaned forward, hands tangling up in the fabric of his button up. Within seconds it had joined her panties somewhere flung mindlessly across the floor. Her fingers massaged into the groves of his back muscles, relishing in how each one ripples with each sudden movement he makes.
His fingers clasped around the zip of her dress, pulling it down tantalisingly slowly. With each bit of skin that was further revealed, his lips peppered kisses down her body. Her eyes fluttered shut, lost in the pleasure and an overwhelming feeling of ‘ oh god, finally’. As she felt the last of her dress removed and likely joined the other discarded clothes, Lando let out a short breath of exhilaration.
His nose nudged her neck, lips focused on her collarbones. “Open your eyes,” He grumbled, his thumbs kneading into her waist. “Want you to see this, pretty thing,” Her eyelids were heavier than ever so opening them felt like a chore. 
A flush of wetness streamed straight to her core as she felt him rocking his hips against her cunt. With a flurry of hands and mouths on eachother, she tucked her fingers into his boxer’s waistband and shoved them down, his hardened cock smacking up to hit his stomach.
Her eyes practically turned black as her pupils grew beyond a size Lando deemed possible. “Happy?” A finger slid back inside her like it had been before, moving in and out before realising she’s definitely ready enough for a second one. 
“Horny,” His free hand tightened in place over her hips, lifting up to help his digits reach further into her. He ignored her clit, wanting her to finish for a second time when he was actually inside her.
The head of his cock was reddened and had drops of pre-cum lining all over it. He removed his fingers from inside of her, met with a groan of discomfort, and moved that hand to wrap around his aching shaft. “I needa fuck you right now,” Lando grumbled, his hand stroking his throbbing cock a few times before meeting her eyes, seeing only pure lust and want.
His hands gripped her legs, pulling them apart and locking them to wrap around his waist. One hand returned back to his dick, guiding it into her dripping hole. A gasp was punched from her throat as he got close to bottoming out. She was full, insanely full, as if he was to leave right then she wouldn’t have been a complete woman without him inside her.
Admittedly, there was definitely a fair amount of pain that accompanies the intrusion, but it doesn’t come close to the overwhelming pleasure. “Colour?” His voice was thick as he moved in and out of her with renewed energy.
Lando went faster and deeper. 
“Greener,” Her expression was dazed and dopey as she looked up at him, her lips lax as she tried to express that she wanted kisses while he ruined her.
He didn’t get the hint, just pushed her legs further up and went quicker.
He finished first and she followed quickly after. He collapsed on top of her in an exhausted pile of a mess, his breathing heavy and manual. “That was so fucking good,” Her eyes trailed up to the ceiling, a sort of emptiness filling the void. She wished he would shut up as he kept rambling on about how pretty she was and how perfect tonight had been. Post sex clarity set in, and hit hard.
Because not only did she just hook up with an f1 driver in a random country, that driver was the man that had been her best friend for years and was a known manwhore. “I love you,” He mumbled, his hand playing with her hair. “Always have, for fucking years I’ve loved you” She didn’t hear him though, his mouth muffled with a blanket in front of it and her ears covered by her pillow.
He fell asleep with his body half on top of her, his arm draped across her chest. Of course he wasn’t the type to practise aftercare. She wiggled out from underneath him, her eyes rimmed with exhaustion and the desperate need for sleep. As soon as her feet hit the plush cushioning of the carpet and the city lights of Singapore nightlife illuminated her face, she realised the grim mistake she’d made.
So with that, she picked her bra and underwear up off the floor, nicking a pair of his smallest shorts and an oversized McLaren hoodie, wrapped herself up in those clothes and headed downstairs to the lobby, calling a taxi to her own account despite how the receptionist said the charge could go to the room she’d stayed in- to Lando.
Even though he had plenty of money to his name and on his card, and how a fifteen dollar taxi would hardly be noticed- she didn’t want to feel an obligation to him to pay him back for this. She needed clarity and space, and feeling like she owed him wouldn’t allow that. 
With a quick text sent to him, ‘ thanks for tonight, don’t think we should do it again,’ she stepped into her taxi and headed to her own hotel, showering his touch off under scalding water.
The next morning when he woke up tangled in a heap of blankets and pillow, he noticed how cold and empty the bed was. “Love?” His voice thick with sleep, his arms aimlessly reaching for her. They hit nothing though, he was alone in his bed. 
He sat up in a panic, every single moment from the night before remembered exactly. Dancing at the club, his drink in her mouth, the look in her eyes. Back at the hotel, his hands undressing her, their mouths attached to each other’s with undoubtable passion. Him buried inside her, how she’d sounded, how gorgeous she’d looked underneath him.
He’d fucking told her he loved her. And now she was gone. 
The now cold bed sheets wound tighter around his body, the false feeling of an embrace not nearly enough to heal the hurt.
~ part 2 ~
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
I saw your requests were closed But I really couldn't help sharing one. I hope you do like the idea :)
So what about a Charles × Wolff/Hamilton reader where she is working in Health care but has a new boss recently and he passes inappropriate comments/threats etc about her and acts out of line, which keeps on escalating (As dramatic and much as you want it to) and she doesn't tell him or anyone and starts behaving irratically and is scared, but one day it was too much or he finds out about it on accident and is angry at first at her for not sharing and then is all protective and possessive and does something about it.
One shot/ Series. Honey anything to read any version of this would be just 🤌🏻
Thank you ❤️🥹
Your Safe Place || CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!Wolff!reader Warnings: 18+ only, injuries, bullying, panic attack WC: 3.3k F1 Masterlist
Translations: ma (petite) louve - my (little) wolf || chérie - sweetheart || putain - fuck || je t’aime (aussi) - I love you (too) || Quel salopard - what an asshole
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The second you closed the front door you could finally breathe again. Taking a moment to just settle after the day you had endured, you pressed your back to the door and closed your eyes. It was like you told your younger patients when they were feeling stressed: smell the flower, blow out the candle. Inhale through your nose, exhale out your mouth.
Peace calmed your mind as you smelt the dinner Charles had made, your plate kept warm in the oven like he did whenever your shift ran overtime. That was an almost daily occurrence, especially with the new boss. You took another breath to clear your mind before it could return to the man who was single handedly making you regret your entire career choice.
"Hey-oh," Charles caught himself before he could hug you, spotting the blood on your scrubs. "You, uh, have a little something-" You looked down where he gestured, his nose wrinkling at the sight.
"It's fine," you said as you dropped your bag to the floor and pulled the shirt off. "It's mine, not a patient."
He nodded with relief as he took it from you to put in the washing machine but then it dropped as he realised what you had said and took a closer look at you. "Ma louve, what happened?" his fingers were gentle as they guided your face up to the light and he saw the bruising around your nose. "Putain, you're hurt."
"It was an accident," you said softly as you took his hands from your face and stepped into his embrace. "Cassia just had an episode, you know how it is, she didn't know what she was doing."
He wasn't appeased by the answer as he led you to the kitchen where he sat you down before checking your dinner was still warm enough to eat. "Where was security?"
You were grateful his back was to you as he reheated the pasta, something he hated having to do since it was never as good as when it was fresh. You had grimaced, wondering the very same thing at the time. They should have been close in the ward but with the new boss, expenditure was more important than safety and the budget had been cut in half the moment he started.
"They got there as fast as they could." It wasn't a lie. They had run all the way from the maternity ward on the floor above but you had already reset your broken nose by the time they arrived. She had quickly calmed after a dose of haloperidol and been apologetic when she realised her actions while delirious. “I’m fine, Char.”
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Diana sighed as she bandaged your wrist, a look of pity in her eyes as she shook her head. “Why do you stay? It’s not like you need the money, hun.”
You tested the range of movement and winced at the sharp pain, just another incident to add to the growing list. “What good does quitting do? You guys would just be another nurse down and it would put more pressure on an already crumbling system.” 
The older nurse patted your hand before standing up and putting the left over roll of gauze away. “You’re too kind, but sometimes you have to put yourself first.”
You should have taken the rest of the day off but there were rounds to finish and call bells ringing left, right and centre. It was only when you couldn’t ignore your rumbling stomach any longer that you really took a proper look at your watch and saw your shift had finished over an hour ago.
“Katrina called in sick, I need you to stay on,” Tommy said without a simple hello when he caught you alone in the staff room. 
“I can’t,” you replied as you grabbed your bag with your good hand, “it’s my dad’s birthday - we’re going out to dinner.”
“I don’t give a shit if you’re having dinner with the Crown Prince himself, we need you here.”
“Albert may actually be there,” you mused as you started to leave, but an arm blocked the doorway.
“Your yearly review is due next week, and I would hate to have to make a note of insolence, poor attitude and lack of empathy for others. We are short on staff and it’s not like you have children at home.”
That had been the only reason you took some extra shifts when you could manage it, because there were nurses like Katrina who had two young ones and they often fell ill with colds and flus from their daycare. It meant you had to become the automatic fall guy when any other member of staff couldn’t make it - but that was what the on-call nurses were for, except…
“Maybe we wouldn’t be short staffed if you didn’t get rid of the on-call contractors, or if you hired more nurses like we were promised two years ago,” you snapped without thinking, your hunger and exhaustion removing the filter that stopped you from having the temper your father did. Or, passion, as he liked to call it - a Wolff trait. 
“So this is my fault?” he scoffed. “Nurses cost money. You might not know this, but money doesn’t grow on trees.”
You rolled your eyes at the reminder that you grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth, but that didn’t mean you were the spoiled daughter everyone who didn’t know you thought you were. You had studied hard and put in the effort to become a nurse because you wanted to help people. Tommy only cared about the profit.
“Healthcare shouldn’t be about money,” you muttered as you rolled your eyes. “It should be about helping the people who need it.”
“Then ask daddy dearest to make a donation, sweetcheeks,” he mocked as he pinched your cheek like a child. “That’s the only way you’ll get your precious nurses.”
You slapped his hand away from your face and ducked out the door before he could stop you but his voice echoed along the cold sterile corridor, “I hope you like night shifts, you’re going to be on them for a very long time.”
“You wouldn't,” you turned with a gasp. Charles' timetable was erratic but unless he was out of the country for a race he would always make the effort to be home by the time your shift ended. 
“I would.” He chuckled and left in the opposite direction, pointing back to the staff room as he went. “You can leave at the midnight swap.”
Sighing with defeat and tears stinging your eyes, you grabbed your phone from the bag and sent an apologetic text to your father for missing his dinner party. 
By the time midnight arrived your feet were aching and you had nearly emptied the vending machine of snacks to stave off your hunger. It wasn’t far from the hospital to the apartment you shared with Charles but it felt like a million miles when you stepped out into the cold night.
You pulled your jacket tighter around your body and shivered as you started off, your head down and hood up. You were so focused on just putting one foot in front of the other you didn’t see the shadow join you until a hand grabbed you and you screamed with terror as you were pulled into their chest.
“Ma louve, it’s me,” Charles soothed as he pulled your hoodie back and saw the tears in your eyes. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I, I,” you stammered as you tried to unscramble the thoughts in your head.
“Shh, I’m sorry, I called out to you like three times. I shouldn’t have grabbed you, that was stupid,” he chided himself.
“No, no, I’m sorry, I was in a world of my own.” You finally took notice of your surroundings and saw the car park was almost empty and none of the cars were his Pista.  “What are you doing here? Did you walk?”
“I didn’t want you walking alone at this hour,” he said with a kiss on your forehead. “You’re shaking, ma chérie.”
“It was a long day,” you murmured as you yawned, resting your head on his shoulder as he gently rocked you. “I think I have more coffee in my system than blood right now.”
“You can’t keep this up, my love, you are going to burn out.”
You pulled out of his embrace and started down the footpath so he didn’t see the tears begin to escape. “I’m fine, Char. I can handle it.”
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It was Charles' home race and you had promised him you would join him in Ferrari this year. It was one of the few races you could always attend, managing your shifts around it so you never missed it, and all week you had seen the city setting up for the pride and joy of Monaco. 
Dawn was breaking on the big day and it looked like it was going to be a stunner as the sky turned blue and you left the hospital after yet another night shift. Tommy had found a way to make your life miserable and your shifts were constantly changing just to upset your mentality and circadian rhythm. You could barely tell morning from night when it always looked the same blue hues, same cool temperatures, the only indication was which side of the city was glowing, east or west.
“Good morning, baby,” you greeted as you wrapped your arms around Charles and kissed his shoulder as you found him at the bench making breakfast, already wearing his bright red Ferrari uniform. “How did you sleep?”
“Not bad. Would have been better with you,” he said as he turned to face you, his head dipping down to indulge in a kiss. You giggled as you saw a few crumbs of toast caught in the short hairs of his beard and brushed them away. “Thank you.”
“Now you can kiss me.”
The doorbell rang and he reluctantly released you from his arms to go answer it, his finger pointing to the second plate you hadn’t noticed. “Eat, amour.”
You hummed happily as you grabbed the toast and took a bite, casting a wave to Andrea as he walked in with Charles. 
“You look half dead, Wolff,” his trainer said with a worried look.
“She just got in from a shift, and will be going to bed as soon as she has eaten, right?” Charles said pointedly while you rolled your eyes.
“Does he boss you around this much?” you asked Andrea, making him chuckle as he shook his head.
“No, but he doesn’t love me the same way.”
“Who said I love you at all?” 
“You do, every time you get a podium,” Andrea pointed out seriously.
You nearly choked on the mouthful as you tried not to laugh at the truth. Charles was very affectionate when he was celebrating, and you hoped he would have an entire night of it after today's race. Unfortunately you wouldn’t be able to share it with him since you were due back at the hospital at 7pm for another 12 hour night shift. You had tried to find someone to swap with but Tommy had made it clear there would be consequences - all because you questioned his qualifications.
You hadn’t been able to quiet any more, not when you had the imprint of a patient's dental records on your forearm from when they bit you. You started dreading going to work, somewhere that should have been a safe place, a refuge for those needing help had become the opposite for you. It was bordering on dangerous and you had to say something.
In hindsight, you shouldn’t have said it in the morning meeting in front of dozens of staff, but you had serious doubts about his ‘people skills’ and wanted to know where he got his management degree from. Suggesting it was from Hogwarts, because it must be a thing of fantasy, may have been a step too far.
You were now paying for those words.
You still stood by them.
You still hadn’t told Charles.
He would only worry, or suggest taking a sabbatical. Yes, you longed to travel with him to his races and show your support, but you didn’t feel there was any way to contribute to society with that life. Nursing gave you a sense of purpose and fulfilment that you were certain you couldn’t feel just being the driver’s girlfriend, or the principal’s daughter.
“Hey,” Charles roused you softly and you realised you were starting to fall asleep while eating. “Let’s get you to bed, ma petite louve.”
You were already closing your eyes before your head hit the pillow but you felt his lips warm your forehead. “I love you. I’ll see you in the garage,” you mumbled as sleep took over.
“Je t’aime aussi.”
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you swore as you scrambled out of the bed and pulled on the first outfit you could find, a pair of comfortable jeans and a Ferrari shirt with Leclerc across the back with the number 16. There were dozens of missed calls and even more text messages but do not disturb had automatically turned on and you had forgotten to stop the setting. Today of all days you wanted to be disturbed.
Out on the street you could already hear the high keening of the cars racing around the city and you dashed through the thick crowds to get to the paddock. You hadn’t even remembered to grab your pass as you left in a rush but for once you were thankful someone recognised you and let you through.
“Arthur, how is he doing?” you panted as you reached the Ferrari garage and grabbed the headset he held out.
“Not the best start, he was a little distracted I think. You should probably let him know you are here.”
You agreed and went to the desk at the back rather than the main set up on the pit wall, quietly asking them to connect your headset to Charles. They were hesitant but there was no need for a pit stop any time soon since he had fresh tires so they made the adjustments to the channels.
“Hey baby, sorry I’m late.”
“You had me worried, little wolf.”
“That sounds so strange to hear in English,” you giggled, knowing the rules of the comms meant he couldn’t speak French on them. “I just wanted to let you know I made it so you can stop worrying.”
“I’ll always worry about you,” he said and you didn’t need to see his face to know he was smiling. “I’ll see you soon.”
The final 12 laps went almost as quickly as your nails, the nervous habit ruining them under the stress of the tight street circuit and close calls. Every time his car went flying through the sharp corners around the pool you were sure you were going to see him crash and your heart could barely take it. You ripped the headset off and rushed out of the garage as a wave of nausea crashed over you.
“Are you alright?” Arthur asked when he caught up to you in Charles’ driver room, a bottle from his fridge pressed to your clammy forehead. Your hands could barely keep it steady as the shook uncontrollably and you ended up letting it fall to the floor with a thud as you wrapped your arms around yourself. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
You couldn’t answer him as you struggled to pull air into your lungs, the screams of the crowd outside doing little to calm the panic gripping you. Dropping your head between your knees, you tried to keep from fainting but you could feel your heartbeat in your head, the throb sounding in time to the darkening pulse invading your vision until it all faded to black.
“You’re not listening, mate, she cannot come to work. She fucking passed out from exhaustion.”
“Then she should have been sleeping and not wasting her time watching some cars go around in circles. If she doesn't show up tonight, tell her not to bother showing up ever again.”
“She won’t,” Charles ended the call and slammed your phone down. “Quel salopard!”
The anger on Charles' face softened when he saw your eyes opening and he rushed across the room, his race suit still tied around his waist. “Don’t move, just lay down, ma louve. You need to rest,” he whispered as he knelt on the floor beside the couch you were lying on, his fingers brushing your cheek bone. “Arthur’s gone to get Toto.”
You couldn’t tell if minutes or days had passed and trying to think felt like trekking through a swamp of sludge in your mind. “The race?”
“4th.” He pressed his palm to your head and ran it over your hair feeling the damp heat on his skin. “You’ve sweat almost as much as me, mamour. You should have stayed home if you weren’t feeling well.”
You shook your head and it cleared some of the haze that hindered your cognitive ability. “I’m not sick, I just had…a moment. But I’m fine now.”
“A moment?” he asked with a frown. “What type of moment? And don’t tell me you are fine, you are clearly not and you haven’t been fine for months. Talk to me, please.”
The pleading, the puppy eyes, the way he dropped his head to your shoulder like he was defeated, it crested into a tsunami of emotion that broke the wall you had built between your personal life and your work life. The two worlds crashed together and the sob broke his heart as you crumbled apart in front of him.
The wave of truth crashed upon him and everything you had tried to keep from him for the past six months was lifted from your conscience as you confessed it all. You told him about the stress you were under, the bullying you had faced and the danger you were in each night with nearly no support or security.
You had been in a long sleeve when you went to bed but now you were in his shirt and he could see the latest wound marring your flesh, the impression of teeth setting to bruises.
Horror painted his features as he absorbed it all, then it turned to anger, hot rage as his clenched fists turned his knuckles white. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked with quiet restraint. “Pourquoi?”
You swallowed and shrank back into the couch as you felt that anger aimed at you. The shaking started again, a fine tremor coursing through your body until it reached your teeth and they chattered as a cold sweat broke out.
“Fuck, no, bébé, please,” Charles cursed as he unclenched his fists and reached for you only to freeze as you flinched. “Please, I would never hurt you. I’m not angry at you.”
“Yes, you are,” you whispered.
“Okay, I’m a little bit angry you didn’t tell me sooner. We are meant to share everything, no?” You nodded meekly. “But I would never hurt you, ma louve. I’m angry at myself, I should have noticed, I should have, I don’t know…I failed you.”
“I was scared. You would make me quit if you knew.”
His head lifted and confusion swum in those green eyes of his. “Why would you want to work for that asshole?”
“I like my job, I like what I do, Charles.” You looked away from the intensity of his stare. “I don’t know who I am without it.”
“Oh, chérie, you would still be the same selfless, kind, beautiful woman you are right now. That is who you are, and that will never change.” When he reached for you this time you let him take your hands and he kissed your knuckles before holding them to his chest. “I think it’s time to prove it to you.”
You sighed and gave him a small nod. “I think you might be right.”
The sound of relief he made brought a smile to your face and he returned it with a guilty one. “That’s a relief,” he admitted with a nervous chuckle, “because I think I got you fired.”
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Can I request a ff where reader is lewis hamilton's wife. Like they are married and reader is pregnant then lewis made some mistakes that caused them to fight one night. Reader get so angry/sad and it just makes lewis worried so much about her and grovel A LOT. High angst and fluff towards the end would be cute. THANK YOUU
moth to a flame — LH44 x pregnant!reader
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cw: jealous!lewis, pregnant!reader, angst, fluff
note: lewis is so the weeknd coded
Your birthday party went well. Well, until your ex boyfriend showed up uninvited and Lewis went crazy about it. Apparently he just wanted to say hi, but the night ended with a physical fight.
When you came back home you were so mad you couldn’t look at him in the eyes, nor you could look at his wounded hand or at the cut on his eyebrow.
“Thank you for ruining my birthday.”
“Thank that prick of your ex.”
You threw your purse on the table. “Oh so it was his fault you pushed him first?”
“C’mon Y/N, he was clearly trying to fuck you.”
You turned to him with a disgusted look on your face. “Not even if he was the last man on earth. We were just talking. Can’t I talk to another man now?”
“He was standing way too close for someone who’s aware of your condition. I’m sorry, I saw red.”
Your gaze inevitably shifted down at your own belly. It’s been almost two months since you found out you were pregnant, so it wasn’t quite visible, though you could feel it very well. “And you think getting in the way between you and him couldn’t have hurt the baby?”
The realisation struck Lewis. “Oh my God, are you okay?” He tried to come closer but you stepped back.
“I’m tired of you being jealous of everyone. You’re supposed to trust me, you’re my husband. I…” You sensed tears in your eyes. Damn it, you didn’t want to cry again. “I should feel safe with you but instead I just feel anxious all the time.”
Lewis came close to hug you. “Don’t. Leave me alone.” You fought back, wiping your eyes with your hands, but that just caused him to strengthen the grip on you until you gave up and abandoned you in his arms. There was no point in trying to fight him.
“You’re right, that was stupid, I fucked up your birthday.” He laid a kiss on your forehead, slowly caressing your hair. “I’m gonna take you some water.”
He escorted you on the sofa and brought you a glass of water from the kitchen. He covered you with a blanket and sat next to you. He touched your cheek with his palm while you drank the water and then put it on the table in front of you.
“Better?” He asked.
“Better.” You looked at him. He had that Bambi look in those big brown eyes and trying to resist it was vain.
You suddenly realized his wounds were still hurting. You sighed. “Bring me bandages and something to disinfect that cut.”
“I’m good, I don’t need–“
“Lewis.” You interrupted him firmly.
He stayed silent. He then nodded, stood up and did as you told him. It certainly wasn’t a good time to contradict you.
When he came back on the couch, you began dabbing his face gently with a wad of cotton dipped in the solution. “He was such a dick.”
A corner of his mouth curved in a little agreeing smile. “Indeed he was.”
You carefully put a band-aid on his eyebrow, then proceeded bandaging his hand. He was watching every actions of yours. You understood he was actually sorry for what he did and you couldn’t help but forgive him. His intentions towards you were kind hearted after all.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re my life. You both are.” His bandaged hand slid down on your belly.
Your hand joined his. “And you’re mine. You know I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else in the world.”
You laid on the couch and he followed you, resting his head on your chest and his body next to yours, careful not to press his weight on your womb.
Your fingers travelled in his soft braided hair. “Besides, there’s nothing about him you should be jealous of. You have everything he doesn’t have.”
“You mean a beautiful wife?”
“I was about to say seven world championships, but I guess a beautiful wife will do as well.”
You both laughed.
He squeezed you more with his arms around your back, turning serious once again. “How are you feeling?” He asked, although he was the injured one.
“Don’t worry, it was nothing.” You stroke his back with your hand. He was so strong, it felt so good having him curled against you like that. You couldn’t imagine anybody else to build a family with.
“I was scared I hurt you. I don’t want to fight. Not only for the baby, I don’t ever want to fight with you.” He kissed your abdomen and buried his face in your neck.
“It’s okay, you could never hurt me.”
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lovemomhatepolice · 1 month
carlos sainz nswf alphabet (part 1) (minors DNI!)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Carlos is such a cutie! He may not look like that, but I beg to differ - anyone who knows him knows very well that this is only an appearance. Carlos is so into you that I think he would do something to himself than if you were to feel bad. Aftercare with him includes, of course, lots of hugs, gentle kisses and a hell of a lot of words of affirmation.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) This question has been asked before…. Carlos definitely likes his big “cojones” in him. Oh, but this is not the place to tell about it. Although maybe… what's too much to say? Carlos loves how he's able to completely fill you up, while you're one big ball of whiny mass. In general, I can say that Carlos is satisfied with his appearance. He knows his worth and is well aware of how damn handsome he is. Spanish genes - that's it.
And as for you, I can answer without hesitation that your buttocks. God! Carlos is such a sucker when it comes to your ass. He always but always has to have his hand on it. Sometimes he pats you, sometimes he pinches you. Whatever just has to do with it. That's why he often prefers to stand behind you or let you pass somewhere…. Yes, the behavior of a gentleman must involve something, right?
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Nah, I don't feel like Carlos is someone who likes to mess around. But at the same time, when he sees his mess pouring out of you, oh I swear you have entangled him around your finger.
When, by a joint decision, you put aside condoms and started using pills, Carlos was incensed. The touch of skin-to-skin and the possibility of getting inside you, jesus.And the sight of your shared combined juices…. A different approach, however, is to end up on your face. Oh no, that's not what he's signed up for. Sperm on your face is not a sight he's a fan of, maybe because it makes him feel weird and it's like he doesn't respect you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He loves to fuck you in front of the mirror. Your double view in front of him, especially in the doggie position is something that makes him feel like he's going to fly away. He never said it explicitly, but the fact that your future ceiling in your shared bedroom will be a mirror should give you something to think about.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Well, Carlos has had maybe three partners in his life? Of which he was with one of them for about six years, so he is definitely experienced, but without exaggeration. Aside from the women he has been in a relationship with, he has never had sex with someone else before or in between. He's the kind of man who perceives sex in a very private and sensual way, so it wasn't for him.
He knows what he's doing, totally knows what he's doing, and if he's not sure about something, the conversation will certainly not skip. You can be sure that he will take care of every detail.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Did I mention that he loves your buttocks? Oh yes. So any position where he can grab them or look at them is most welcome. On a doggie? He loves it!!! Carlos has it in him that he likes to dominate, which doesn't bother you at all. He does it so well that, well - you are left to bend over and wait on your knees.
Or a reverse cowgirl. On the couch On the couch, it's the perfect position for him - he can still be dominant, but still give you a lot of leeway (which he also loves secretly)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) That depends. Mostly, though, Carlos tries to give your moment some spice and depth, and not play around with some silliness. You are the person in this relationship who is sooner to say something silly or start giggling. However, the room for speech and giggles when Carlos fills your feminine sphere is rare, as moaning and begging him for more definitely prevails.
Well, unless we are talking about quick sex, then it will happen. Particularly when it takes place in one of the valets in the ferrari garage and there are some liquids flying down from the cabinets around you. Yeah...
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Carlos has luscious hair. From a young age, his head is adorned with dark, strong and thick hair. The same with the hair all over his body. Nevertheless, he doesn't worry too much about it - hair is natural for every human being! But when it comes to the intimate sphere, Carlos has to be perfectly shorn there. Some hair is out of the question, especially since, unfortunately, it also grows quickly and densely there. He just doesn't like their presence next to his penis, and what's worse, as if it should be combined with sperm. Not a chance.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Sainz adores intimacy.
He may not be as much of a romantic as Charles, but he can definitely show off. He likes to spice up your sexual experience with things like hot chocolate or making shots of tequila salt and lime between your breasts. It's crazy. But that's all Chili. Let's not hide - he also often lights the lamp around you and prepares you for a romantic evening for two with a glass of wine and quietly playing music that blends with your whimpers. J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Carlos loves to masturbate in front of the mirror. As with your sex, the man likes to satisfy himself in front of the mirror. To be honest, he doesn't know why himself, it's just the way he is and it's over. And as for the frequency, he doesn't do it very often - if he wants a blowjob, for example, I think you already know it well yourself and don't leave your man in need. K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Blindly? Yes, that's definitely it. Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's Carlos, but it's something he loves. The anticipation of what's going to happen. The touch with which he gently glides over your body or you over his. And when it's topped off with hot chocolate or a massage, my goodness, you're both in heaven.
Creampie. This is the second answer. As I mentioned before - Sainz loves to watch and feel the combination of your juices pouring out of you. Damn, it turns him on so much. L = Location (favorite places to do the do) In front of the mirror. Whether in your bedroom or, as it happens, in the restroom. You nevertheless have very many mirrors in your apartment, so it doesn't really matter to him. Carlos also likes to have sex on the floor. Oh jeez, since you bought a new fluffy carpet, in addition to lying there all the time, he still pulls you onto it and you are able to spend long, long hours there. M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) You in short skirts. How many times did you have to chastise him not to lift them up “accidentally”. Or he didn't lean you over the kitchen counter when you were in them and say hot things in your ear…. Or a new set of underwear. Carlos loves to go shopping with you - and when he has the opportunity to pick out new underwear for you (or just does it himself), he even drowns in happiness.
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A/N: part two! enjoy :) i will be very pleased if you leave something behind - orders are open, and I am very close to 200 followers! maybe I can get in by the end of the week?
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
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brailsthesmolgurl · 2 months
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In another parallel universe, the legend was retold. The God of Sea and his bride has A heart so great that it holds the power to bring Lemuria back to its olden days glory. The bride however, is untouchable. If so, who is going to be salvaged?
Here comes the parallel universe ending! I know it was long awaited, but thank you for waiting patiently as all of my written stories are planned meticulously hence it takes up a LOT of time.
Read the start of this series: Damnation
Read the sequel of the Damnation: Retribution
Warnings: Angst, Spoilers for Rafayel Lore, Character Deaths, Gore and Blood (tbh its a common theme for this series already). A little bitty suggestive heh cause my hormones are raging for this man. Smol surprise at the end :)
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"Tomorrow marks the day." Rafayel's slender fingers ran through y/n's curls, a smile slowly stretched across her lips, her cheeks evidently turning rubescent under the moonlight's sheen. "Tomorrow is the day I shall bring you to visit Lemuria." The purple haired god laid next to his soon-to-be bride, on her bed, in her chambers. The thing he could do to her right here and right now were endless. And none of them involved any items of clothing. That was how much the young god was holding himself back.
The smile on her face never faded, as her small hands reached up to cup both sides of his cheeks, his face warm and soft to her touch. "I can't wait. Hearing all of those stories from you, no pictures nor drawings could possibly compare to the reality of seeing your kingdom with my own eyes." She said, eyeing Rafayel glistening under the moonlight, the shadow on his face does not cover up his ethereal looks. Rafayel leaned in closer to her, his breath mingled against her cheeks. "You know we should not kiss until tomorrow, right?"
Her reminder of the pre-wedding taboo made him grunted, his lips formed an immediate pout and he threw his head back, clearly frustrated. "I should be the one to ban such traditions next time." He grumbled, but calmed down to look at her when her hands cupped his cheeks again, thumbs smoothing over his chiselled jawline. "How could one possibly live with not kissing their bride the day before their wedding?"
His childlike remark made her giggled. "Your people had done it for ages, and I figured it would only be right if we were to go along with such customs. As I shall be the first mortal bride afterall. I do not wish to upset any of your merfolks." She raised her hand up, surrendering herself and Rafayel leaned forward to hug her tight within his arms. Laughters erupted from the both of them.
When they looked into each other's eyes, their laughters slowed down, mesmerised by one another's gaze. Y/n could barely believe that this very moment is happening to her. It felt like yesterday when she had rescued Rafayel from the sandy shores and released him back into the ocean after he had promised to return to her some day. Now, here they are, awaiting for a grand wedding tomorrow, an official bond to be tied between the God of the Sea and his mortal bride.
The once cherubic looking Rafayel had grown into the dashing young god he is today. With misty purple locks that are naturally wavy---although he constantly claimed that it was the sea water that turned it wavy. Eye colour a mixture of lilac purple and lapis blue, that could change colour depending on the lighting and his mood. A personality that not many can and would want to handle given his nonchalant-ness. Mixing in good looks and his non-chalant attitude, he is like walking trouble amongst mortals.
But she knew Rafayel better than anyone. She knows the way he talks, although condescending to some, she knows that he is not just a talker, but also a doer. He nags her over the smallest of things, be it her dress colour not matching her lip colour for the day or whatnot; she knows that he cares for everything, even for the smallest of details. He yaps like he knows what he wants and gives off the vibe of an independent individual, but deep down, he is just a needy young man, seeking for her constant comfort, validation, love and affection.
These are just some of the small characteristics of Rafayel that made her fall for him even more. She watched as Rafayel inched in, his lips aligned with hers. But before she got to utter a word, he quickly moved his lip upwards and pressed a big kiss onto her forehead. "If I could not kiss your lips, I would just have to settle for kisses on your forehead and cheeks then." He teased her and continued barraging her face with kisses. Their laughters for the night were endless.
Rafayel sat at the edge of her window sill, turning around to watch her as she was fast asleep, her brunette hair messily tousled all over the bed, but she looked picturesque, with the silvery moonlight painted across parts of her face and the steady breathing of her chest made her a living art in Rafayel's eyes. "I shall see you later, my beloved bride." Not wanting to wake her in her slumber, he dived into the water below.
"Your highness! Stop running so quickly!" The maid, Natasha cried out, struggling to keep up with the bride's quick feet. "Your dress might get dirty and unkempt! And I did not receive any other gowns from them!" Sadly, the maid was the only one who gave her blessing to y/n's marriage. The king and queen could care less as long as Rafayel kept their pockets loaded with gold.
"Come on Natasha, lessen the apprehension, would you?" The bride slowed down her footsteps and turned to flash her maid a wide smile. "Today is a big day after all and I know, everything is going to be alright." Seeing the bride's grin, Natasha sighed in defeat and trotted behind the bride, exhausted but still anticipating to watch the union ceremony.
When they arrived near the sea stacks, Natasha handed her a red velvet box. Upon opening the latch, the box opened to reveal a veil, one woven from silk that could only be harvested from sea anemones that grow in the far West, the ones that only glow during the winter times. The veil was translucent, with an iridescence of silver glow whenever the light refracted off of its material. The crown that goes around her head is made out of pearls that were harvested from oysters that could only be found in the southern region of the seas. Collected and crushed by the merfolks and infused with a rare blue gem that only Lemurians possessed to create the crown for the veil.
The veil shorts of nothing extravagant, as expected of the God of Sea's taste. Rafayel ensured that this veil was done 6 months prior to the wedding as he does not appreciate any mishaps especially when it is related to his bride. Y/n took the veil out of the box and she carefully placed it on top of her head, Natasha going behind her to dust off the excess sand off of the back of the wedding gown. She also took the time to adjust the veil behind y/n's head, wanting to make sure everything is in place before the ceremony begins.
"It has to be perfect. Perfect." She remembered the way Rafayel nodded his head towards her, spelling the word PERFECT to her just so she could understand him. But Natasha caught him the moment he said the first sentence. Although she just waved him off that time, she knew that on the day of the wedding, Rafayel is the last person she would want to upset. Who knows what would happen to her if she made him upset. The thought itself sent a shudder down her spine.
"How do I look?" Y/n turned to face Natasha and the maid's heartwarming gaze gave her just the answer she needed to hear indirectly. "I can't wait for this Natasha." She held onto the maid's hands tightly. Horns started blaring loudly and the two women looked towards the sea stacks together. The sun rise made the sea blended in with the sands on the shore, the saturated warm glow casted upon the surface of the waters a sight to behold indeed.
Trumpets and choirs joined in with the blaring of the horns and y/n knew it was time for her to present herself walking towards the sea stacks. "Your Highness, your bouquet. Don't forget it." The maid shoved a bouquet of flame lilies and the bride muttered a thanks, hastily holding onto the bouquet before she stepped out from the backs of the huge rock.
The appearance of the bride made the merfolks gasped in awe, the off-shoulder wedding dress was made out of fine silk, and it did a great job in outlining her bodyline and curves perfectly. Her dress cut off at the mid of her thighs, but a big ribbon was attached to her right hip, aiding in the aesthetic and transitional fabric from fine silk to a chiffon tail. The tail of the dress was completely see through, with droplets of diamonds sewn on it. The bride glowed under the ray of the sun and nobody could have dreamed of a better start to a wedding.
Rafayel emerged from the waters, in his mundane form of course, riding on top of two orcas and he was delivered right onto the top of the sea stacks. His clumsy stumble made her giggled, hands going up to cover her mouth. Rafayel donned a full white suit, with a swallow tail at the back of his tuxedo, his hair neatly styled, probably with the help of his people. And the left side of his pocket peeked a corsage with flame lilies, same as the ones she has as a bouquet in her hands.
Upon seeing his bride, Rafayel was enthralled at her beauty, his jaw dropping slightly ajar before one of the merman spit water at him thus he only managed to snap himself back to reality, glaring at the merman who spat at him as he reached up to wipe the stain off of his sleeves. Not like the water did anything to his outfit either, but he had to be sure of it. It is their big day after all.
"Ain't this my bride." Rafayel said confidently when he walked to the edge of the sea stacks, reaching out his hand to her, for her to take so he could guide her onto the sea stacks. "Careful, I do not wish for my bride to be unable to walk before the grand night tonight, yeah?" His wink made her face flushed instantly and she smacked his arm playfully.
Standing next to him, she felt like everything was set in stone for her finally. She got to marry the one that she had always been in love with and she will be one of the very first mortals to visit this forbidden land under the waters. "Here, we rejoice in each other's company. One of merfolk and the other of mortal." Amund, Rafayel's trusty friend took the opportunity to solemnize the wedding.
"This moment shall mark the first of its kind in mortal and merfolk's history. A reunion to be witnessed between the God of the Sea, Rafayel, and his bride, a mortal. y/n. Shall there be any objections towards this blessed reunion..." Amund trailed off, eyes scanning the crowd, both in the waters and the only human on land before he continued. "You shall not be entertained." His sentence took everyone by surprise and everyone shared an understanding laughter. "Hence, Rafayel, would you take y/n to be your beloved wife? Through all suffrage, illness and happiness?"
Rafayel nodded, facing her and confidently saying. "I will always say yes to that. For I will love you for ages to come."
"How about you y/n, would you accept the God of the Sea, Rafayel's intentions of having to love you through all?" You immediately nodded and Amund shouted. "This reunion is blessed, you may kiss the bride!" Rafayel's lip immediately pressed against his bride's, the kiss shared between the two erupted a huge reaction from the crowd. Claps and whistlings and shoutings could be heard from all directions. The choir then resumed its melody when Rafayel pulled back from her lips. "Y/N?" His smile faltered as he watched his bride's irises had turned into a shade of blood red, matching the same colour of the liquid that was oozing out of his chest, staining his white suit into crimson red.
Y/N jolted awake in her own bed, beads of sweat littered all across her face. Running her palms across her face, surprised that her face is cold to her touch despite the current season is far from winter. Reaching over to her bedside drawer, she fetched her goblet and drank the contents of it.
A couple of knocks could be heard from her oak door. "Come in." The door slowly opened to reveal one of the maids, Clarrice. The red head walked in, silver tray in her hand, ready to be served to the princess. She bowed partially as a sign of respect, then placed the tray by the highness' study table before she walked over to pull open the heavy drapes of the curtains to reveal the warm sun rays shining in from the windows.
"It seems like your highness has chosen to sleep in today, hence I had drawn your curtains whilst you were in deep slumber." Clarrice smiled, her pink thin lips a contrast to her pale complexion, brown freckles strewn like constellations on her face. Y/N sat on the bed, eyebrows knitted together, not being able to figure out why Natasha is not greeting her as per usual. Given Natasha was the maid that was specifically assigned to care for the princess.
"Have you seen Natasha anywhere?" The princess questioned, taking another sip out of the goblet in her hand. Milk cold to the inside of her mouth, when the princess had always been accustomed to warm milk in the morning.
"Your highness, Natasha was nowhere to be found within her chambers at dawn." When the maid replied, she watched the princess' eyes narrowed and nervously added on. "It seems like Natasha had left the palace in a hurry. All of her items remained within her chambers, including her uniform. All that was missing was her common outfit. She could have left for the farmers market?" The hesitation in the maid's tone does not sit right with y/n.
"You may head on with your day now. Thank you." The princess spoke promptly and the maid hurried out of the chambers. Placing the goblet back onto the bedside drawer, y/n started retracing the dream she had earlier on. All she remembered from her memory was her being at a beach...the beach near the sea stacks!
The princess catapulted herself off of the bed, still in her outfit. Her outfit. She did not noticed the outfit she had on while she was in bed. She is wearing a gown. Specifically a fancy one, one would wear for a wedding. Wedding ceremony. Natasha. Rafayel. When the pieces started to piece together, so did her heart rate quickened. Raising her hands to her vision, she caught sight of splatters of crusted liquid on her palms, a brownish shade with specks of what seems to be blue fairy dust.
Realisation hit her with a truck and she grabbed the rope and tossed it out of her window, sliding down it as fast her hands would allow her to, the pain of the rope burn unregistered into her senses. Guards at this hour were most likely deployed to their stations within the towers hence allowing her escape all the more easier. Once her feet touched the ground, she ran with her bare feet and went out through the gardens behind the palace that leads her straight towards the seas.
Her bare feet carried her past the sandy shores, the strong currents of the sea breeze accompanying her speed. Coming across the huge rock that leads towards the sea stacks, she slowed down her footsteps, seeing bloody imprints on the sand, foot prints that belong to a human.
When she came to the sea stacks, the scene in front of her made her heart stopped beating for a good while. There laid Natasha, on the shore, with a pool of red replacing her shadow. Some parts of her blood on the shore were darkened, a natural occurrence of oxidation of the bodily fluids. The princess screamed for her maid, her friend, and ran towards her, tears uncontrollably rushed down her cheeks. She turned the maid over, only to find the young maiden was covered in stab wounds all across her torso. "Who did this to you?!" She shouted in agony, pulling the deceased into her arms as she cried, while cradling her friend.
"Y/N...." A voice cut through her cries and the nightmare does not end. "Y/N..." Just when she thought she had to suffer losing Natasha, she was met with the image of the God of the Sea, her beloved husband, her forever lover, laid on the sea stacks, blood emitting from the side of his mouth, his eyes losing their usual glow as he tried to call out to her. "RAFAYEL!" The princess cried, laying her friend down carefully onto the sand before she rushed over to Rafayel's side, stumbling her way up the sea stacks and having barnacles cutting into her skin. Yet again, her physical pain were not registered to her senses as of this moment. "RAFAYEL!" Her cries were unstoppable now, eyes turning bloodshot as she pulled her lover into her arms. "What happened?! I will go and get help..."
As she wanted to stand up to leave, Rafayel grabbed ahold of her hand and she regained the memory of the actual cause behind the happening.
The vision was murky but she could clearly hear a conversation taken place between two individuals. It seemed to take place within a cave, a female figure, with a singular eel-like tail and a merman, were having a talk. "If she remains untouchable, your kind shall perish." The feminine voice spoke, long, crooked fingers holding onto a round, translucent ball with spikes on it. She seemed to be studying the ball as she spoke. "Eradicating either one might be beneficial for you, as long as the heart is willing to be given."
"Does this mean I have to kill off the God? With my own hands?" The merman spoke, hesitation laced in his voice.
"Do not fret." The woman chanted a spell and a blue pearl appeared within her fingertips. "The mighty gem of Lemurians right? Infuse this with the crown that you would be making for her and the spell shall happen upon their kiss of rejoice, as husband and wife." She handed the blue pearl to the merman and added. "At least now, you won't get your hands dirty."
The merman kept the pearl in his pouch then placed a huge woven basket in front of the woman, a compensation of sorts for her 'service'. The merman turned to exit the caves and y/n gasped when she realised that the merman was Amund.
Her vision then flashed forward towards the moment when she wore the veil. Upon kissing Rafayel, she immediately got possesed by an unknown force, but an entity of evil origins. A dagger was summoned into her hands out of thin air and she stabbed Rafayel right in the heart with it. Y/n screamed out, but her voice was muted, playing the role of a bystander as the vision continued unfolding itself. The God of the Sea was taken aback as he had never thought he would be killed by his very own sworn lover.
His eyes looked into hers. Pupils blown out of the usual proportion before he spat out blood, splatters of it hitting her wedding gown and her face, but the possessed bride was unfazed. Merfolks were horrified as they hurriedly scattered into the seas. For an entity so evil that dares to challenge the God of the Sea, the merfolks know that they are powerless against this possessed individual, be it a mundane. So they chose to flee, hoping that the warrior amongst them, the longest friend of Rafayel's, would come to the rescue.
But Amund just stood by the shore, now in his human form, as he watched the blatant massacre happening right in front of him. A small smirk creeped up onto his face when he knew right then and there, the future of his people are secured. The foregone of a God shall mean one or two of the foretold endings. The princess willingly sacrifices herself to save Lemuria as she knew how much Lemurians mean to Rafayel. Or Amund shall dig the heart out of her if she chooses to be selfish. All with the end goal of him being viewed as the hero, salvaging Lemuria from its end days.
The vision ended, with y/n in shock, eyes staring blankly at Rafayel's body in her arms. The God of Sea finally letting his tears run astray, flowing down his cold and blanched face when his bride slowly came to her own realisation. The young god had once told his bride about the specialty of her heart, for he had given half of his heart to her when they made a promise during their first meet.
That moment, Rafayel summmoned a small blue fish within his palms, stating that blue fishes are emissaries of the sea, but he lied partially, knowing the moment she wanted to release him back into the ocean, he had fell in love with her and was sure that she will be the one. Hence, a bonding vow was made without her knowledge, and part of his heart was given to her as a contribution of his love.
The princess turned out to be the bait, the bait to kill Rafayel when he least expected it, just so Amund could gain the heart of either the God or the bride and to return glory to Lemuria. But Rafayel, although wanted to marry a mundane, had never once thought of abandoning his kind. His plan was to bring her to live with him within Lemuria, and with both of their hearts within the vicinity of one another, it could restore glory to Lemuria and no bloodshed would take place. And obviously, this plan was only known to the God of Sea himself. As a God only does what is best for his people and his actions shall reap what he sows.
"Im sorry!" Y/N's lips are only wired to speak these two words, body shaking and voice hoarse, mentally and physically pained, watching the dying God in front of her eyes. "I can't do this without you, Rafayel." Her hands cupped his cheeks, his blood painting her palms in red. "Please don't leave me..." She continued begging. "I could never forgive myself...Please don't go...."
"I am here...I will always be here..." The bride's cries would not stop, eyes avoiding his as she knew that he was stating the opposite of what he actually meant. Until her eyes landed on the dagger that was laid beside Rafayel. The same dagger that she had used to stab Rafayel in his heart, and the same dagger that Amund had used to kill Natasha as to eliminate any witnesses. Rafayel's eyes caught on eventually, but with him on the verge of death, he was physically unable to stop her.
He watched his bride, with eyes widened in terror while choking onto his own blood, trying to form words. "I love you." Were her last words before she stabbed herself with the dagger, right into her chest as well, where his and her heart lies. What comes afterwards was her choking and simultaneously spitting blood right out of her mouth, a sign of her haemorrhaging.
If nobody could take his heart, she shall not give up hers as well. A smile of relieve dawned on her face, the rosiness of her cheeks gradually fading as crimson tears replaced the redness of her cheeks. For she is a mundane, she could not hold on any longer like how Rafayel did, as it takes a while for a God to be fully bled dry.
Her whole body fell limply, like a puppet torn from its strings, and her face landed right in front of Rafayel, forehead touching his. The last breath the God of Sea took, was surrounded by the sounds of the clashing waves, basked within the warmth of the sunrise, his lifeless eyes stayed open, tear streaks are the only colours apparent on his pale face, just like his bride's.
Hundreds of years had passed. Linkon city's renowned museum held a grand exhibition, displaying all there is for one to know about the hidden city Lemuria, and its people, Lemurians. The exhibition featured paintings, artworks, artifacts and even 'theoretically-accurate' skeletal structures of the Lemurians. As this exhibition, does run on nothing factual but relying heavily on theories and legends arising from sea explorers.
Y/n held an information pamphlet in her hand, browsing the exhibition before she stopped at one of the large paintings with the title 'God of the Sea'. The painting featured a merman, a tail with two fins for the bottom half of his torso, while the upper is made of a man. Her eyes glanced over at the God of the Sea's face, a fish head that looked all too similar to a sardine fish.
"Don't you think this artwork is suspicious?" A voice travelled from beside her, the tone of the sentence laced with disgust. "In fact, I think this whole exhibition is a total scam." Y/n turned her head to face the source of the voice. A towering young man stood next to her, wearing a white V-neckline shirt and paired with a pair of black slacks and black dress shoes, his midriff secured with a wide belt. "What do you say?" He turned his head to face her, his dusky purple hair matching the shade of his purplish-pinkish-bluish eyes. A smile evidently plastered on his handsome features.
"Who are you to say that?" Y/n crossed her arms across her chest, raising her eyebrows.
"The name's Rafayel." He confidently spoke, eyes glinting with amusement. "Anyways, mind grabbing a cup of coffee with me?"
And this shall officially mark the end for the pain! The story although still had mentions of angst and still caused some evident damage to your hearts, but I made sure I shall give you guys a good ending okay! Do not confuse this timeline with Damnation and Retribution as those are coexisting with this current timeline. SO yes! If you paid enough attention the details, the sea stacks... the sea witch blah blah..... IT IS ALL INDIRECTLY CONNECTED (depending on how you piece it based on your understanding). But yes, my story is written in this specific manner because I purposely wanted the worlds to be connected!
I really really hope you guys had enjoyed this series as I shall be writing more series as such in the future, either with Zayne or Xavier so please stay tuned for that!
If you could, drop me comments on what you think about this story as well! Even if it hurts you, makes you wanna smack yourself (pls dont do that), or whether it leaves you unfazed, I am nosy and I wanna know how this series has affected you mentally! Check out my other works as well on my page!
Wardrobe Malfunction ft LNDS boys
You forgetting a date with the boys *gasps in horror*!
Thank you for reading this series of mine. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCHIES, MUACKS <3
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https-immotmari · 5 months
❝ But I can't help myself when you get close to me ❞ ─── pjsk boys!
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first request, yahey!(❁´◡`❁) and I should probably put request open for anyone getting confused if I'm open for requests or not. Also, I don't know if you want romantic or platonic so I'm doing romantic if you don't mind ^^* cute username and pfp btw!
fandom! .project sekai character(s) used! .akito shinonome, toya aoyagi, tsukasa tenma and rui kamishiro gender of reader! .gn!reader head start! .mention of toya's dad🤢
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. . .akito shinonome!
dude is perplexed the moment you snake your arms around him. It's like he hasn't been given affection (he's touch-starved)
he should have known the first time he met you, you were as bubbly as bubbles from the powerpuff girls, or even more, and just like that, you've been a daydream and nightmare to him.
back when you two were friends, you kept it minimal such as asking for his permission whenever you want to hug him and even then, akito was, and still is, a flustered mess that it gets to the point that his brain is filled with you and you alone.... okay, maybe a bit of toya but, that's a bit, kay?
now that you two are a thing thanks to an, kohane and toya, you "innocently" used the knowledge you have to make this man a mess. as you should tbh
like, run your fingers through his hair while you're cuddling him, and HE'LL MELT FASTER THAN HE CAN RAP
only in private though, when you two are out in public and you feel the urge of cuddling him there and then, he can shyly give you a side hug for now.
like, poor baby is getting multiple heart attacks whenever you just pop out and immediately attacking him with your cuddly self.
when in private though, you won't waste time in cuddling this man to death, in which he secretly appreciates it, however, can't admit out loud due to his pride and ego.
to be honest, I headcannon him being a human heater when flustered like, you two are just cuddling, you are being your beautiful self and cuddling this man to death while he's just flustered as a boiling kettle. You can even see smoke coming out of his ears.
thanks to being his human heater self, his warmth is only making you want to cuddle him more!
also, thanks to ena and mizuki teasing little bro, he prefers you two cuddling in your house since no so-called annoying older sister and her friend teasing the living daylight out of him.
SMALL SPOON! HE'S FR A SMALL SPOON! he's so touch-starved for your affection, like, after finishing band practice, he rushed to your side and waits for you to have your urge in cuddling him, in which you immediately do it.
though, he still denies being the small spoon since quote-on-quote he's the man of this relationship.
just shut him up by pecking him on the lips and he'll immediately shuts down, use this to your advantage and cuddle him.
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. . .toya aoyagi! (my fave&lt;;3)
another touch-starved baby since his father didn't give him enough love till now. L in the comments for toya's dad.
now, unlike your human heater, this guy is your human cooler.
so, whenever the summer hits and you feel like you're getting cooked to a T, just cuddle this guy and you'll feel like you're in the north pole. (merry christmas btw)
baby over here is melting from your cuddles and his gleeful smile and fond chuckles explains it.
I feel like he'll read you a story whenever you two are cuddling on his bed, since this is the only room he can have privacy besides the bathroom, he'll just one hand on the book and the other hand is wrapped around your waist or on your hair, twirling a strand or two.
even though he's fine with public pda, he's still cautious about his actions, his what ifs are like "what if somebody insults them whenever we do this" since toya cares about your feelings very much and he doesn't want your day and your feelings to be ruin by somebody who pokes their noses in other people's business. #stantoyaaoyagi
still, he'll keep an arm around you because toya wouldn't want to make your pretty head thinks he's tired of your cuddles,
it's actually the opposite, he's can never get tired of your affection and you.
though when in private, you can bet this man shows you his touch-starved self.
your cuddles are the medicine to every bad thing happening to him like, that one time where he and his dad got into a serious argument, he would go to your house and cuddle you there. once you open the door and see his rather saddened looked, your arms are already around him, whispering sweet words to him till he feels better.
no words can describe how much he places you above everything, even himself sometimes, baby just grateful to the gods above that he gets another person he can cherished besides his friends.
he was quite shy when you two were new but as time passed, you influenced him with your affection and cuddles, and now look at him, the same cuddly person as you are, maybe even more.
you guys having an unspoken rule on who's giving more cuddles and you damn well when it comes to game, toya aoyagi isn't losing but, he'll make an exception just for you<3
him being small or big spoon depends on his mood that day, like when he's feeling lovely as ever and wants to return every affection you've given him, he'll be the big spoon, especially if you had a bad day. this guy is a good listener and he'll be understanding of the situation. of course, you as well return his affection ^^.
and him being small spoon when him feeling tired after band practice, having a bad day, or whenever he feels like it.
you sometimes tease him about him being your baby and he just blushes, he doesn't deny it since he sometimes admits that he can be quite clingy and cuddly as an infant.
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. . .tsukasa tenma!
this dude is ecstatic to have a partner like you (≧∀≦)ゞ
just two sunshines cuddling each other, nothing to see here~
to be honest, he doesn't care if you two are in public or private spaces, just cuddle the man right there and then.
though, if you're shy in public, he'll be understanding after teasing you a bit.
whenever some nosy people give their comments about give singles respect and blah blah blah and if it makes you feel bad about your cuddles, he'll declare war on them. he's a theater blonde, of course he's gonna do that.
it's rare seeing you two separated tbh. like, in school, every student can see you two having your arms around each other, in phoenix wonderland, his band mates, the guests, mascot, AND EVEN MIKU can see you two cuddling each other, even at his or your home!
you two just can't get enough of each other (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
though, whenever he's needed somewhere while he was cuddling with you, he'll whine before carrying you. he'll bring you everywhere since he needs his darling co-star to refill his energy whenever he feels tired.
his band mates just shake their heads and let their leader do whatever he wants.
tsukasa has the tendencies to squeeze you, he sometimes thinks you can squeak whenever he does that like a stuff toy he had when he was younger that he used to cuddle in his sleep.
though, speaking of family, his family especially saki adores you!
for saki, she's happy that her older brother has a partner like you since he always tires himself out just for her so it's wonderful seeing his brother having someone cuddly as you.
he flexes you to others. like, "look at my beloved starling! aren't they the cutest thing your eyes have ever seen?" and it's a picture of you sleeping while cuddling him and the person is just "huh?"
he flexes you as if you're a trophy or a great achievement in which you are.
it honestly relaxes him whenever you cuddle him, especially when it's such a peaceful day and without rui's inventions blowing him up. just you and him, in his bed, cuddling each other in peace while you two tell each other about your days and how it's been doing.
he cherished those moments with you, and nothing can replace those moments even when it's something expensive as gold.
like toya, him being small or big soon depends on his mood. if he wants to be pampered by you and your affection then he'll be the small spoon but, if he wants to return those pampering from you then he'll be the big spoon and pamper you! it's a win-win situation.
you make his heart go crazy, as well as his mind, that he made a play dedicated to you and you only.
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. . .rui kamishiro!
aye! you like cuddles, he likes them as well! after some reassurance from you that is
from the start of your guys' relationship, he was not sure about being touchy with you but once you accepted him in those warm arms of yours, he's in.
like tsukasa, he doesn't care if you two are in public or private but, if you're too shy in public, he'll just give you a teasing cat smile and just gives wraps an arm around you all the while teasing you.
it ain't rui kamishiro without him teasing you at least 10 times a day.
you know those two faces/personality octopus plushies? the ones where each side has a different expression of the octopus plushie, you two have those but quite different from the normal ones, thanks to mizuki's help, he made two plushies for the two of you. one of the sides of the octopus plushie has a '^^' expression while the other side said, 'I'm having the urge to cuddle you rn'.
so, whenever you want to cuddle this man and you're too shy to say it, just flip the octopus plushie and he'll understand. I can imagine him being the big spoon cuddling you while both of your octopus plushies are on top of your guys' head, having the "^^" expression on them.
it's so cute that it'll give other cavities q(≧▽≦q)
just like his leader, direct over here will carry you everywhere just for the dose of his daily cuddles. he can either carry you bridal style, on his back, or maybe on his shoulders if he's feeling very teasing at that moment.
surprised attack cuddles!
you'll have to make a perfect plan to catch him off guard since he's always on guard due to you doing your surprised attack cuddles very often.
but, once you did catch him off guard with your surprised attack cuddles, he'll simply chuckles and say "such a sly partner I have~" but if you squint, you can see his cheeks being painted with the beautiful colour of red.
yes, rui kamishiro can be flustered, you just have to work hard on it.
sometimes nene just third wheel you two while you two cuddle and she's just playing her game, she doesn't feel bothered by it since she's grown used to the two of you being like this, i mean, she was the one who helped along in setting you two up.
if he was a cat, he would purr in your embrace. little kamishiro just can't get enough of you and it shows.
you're as cuddly as a teddy bear if he were to describe you. whatever occasion the world has, you two simply cuddle each other like every other day yet rui feels like he's on cloud nine.
he's mostly the big spoon when it comes to cuddles since he wants to just have you laying on his chest while he ruffles your hair, something peaceful he needed in his rather chaotic life.
however, if you want to be the big spoon this time, he'll reluctantly agree, after teasing you of course, and be the one being pampered by you.
every picture of you in his phone is you cuddling on him, and he cherishes those pictures, two of the pictures are set as his wallpaper in home and lock screen.
he just can't wait to get home after practice so you can attack him with those cuddles of yours (/≧▽≦)/
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my goodness I feel like some sort of creature possessed me and gave me motivation for this! Hope this tale satisfied you, @hearts4saki! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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rules! + masterlist!
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alevicke · 7 months
Hii!! I saw requests were open!! I was wondering, if you write for trickster, could you write some headcanons of trickster with a survivor s/o who’s very clingy and cuddly and wants constant cuddles from him? Like she’d even go up to him during a trial and beg him to cuddle with her.
Hi! Thank you for requesting, it's actually the first time in my life someone requests something ^^ i hope you don't mind that I added The Huntress and The Spirit as well because I'm weak for them 💖 I'll use gn reader! Hope you like it 💖
Killer x clingy!reader
Characters: Trickster, The Huntress and The Spirit
No TWs! Or if you think something should be mentioned let me know. Also sorry for the mistakes, English isn't my native language and I have no one to proof read this D:
For this man it really depends how much you know each other or if you're already together (just as with anyone else in reality)
To be fair, he's famous and handsome. He knows already people want to cuddle him, he's well used to crazy fan girls who could do ANYTHING to even get close to him. Cuddling is a FANTASY for them.
But so is for you. Although you see more than the others. When the others think about Trickster they think about the softness of his skin, the sweet voice whispering in their ears, the fingers along their skin... But that's about it, they only see a pretty face to cling onto, a trophy and Trickster knows that
But he always felt something different from you
You didn't look at him like a crazy fangirl who would rip his fingers just to have something from him closer. You were seeing more from him
At first, he would shrug, laugh at you and keep you away using his bat like a long twig to keep the distance. No touchy for people he doesn't know. You could have your fingers dirty with oil from the generators and ruin his amazing skin routine that takes so much time to do
You get closer to him to hug him in a trial? Oh heck no (not yet)
But as time passes and you keep wanting to stay by his side even when he doesn't allow you to touch him, he starts to slowly allow you closer. It's not like suddenly, one day, he will let you hug him, but will slowly allow you to sit closer, some days he will let you grab his hand so you can see his new nail polish, to see his make up that turned amazing today...
And day by day you realize he's way more comfortable around you until he finally wraps his arm around your shoulder, allowing you to cuddle in his chest.
He's warm and sweet once he finally trusts you, he's careful not to mess with your hair and he touches you so gently as if he was scared he could break you
He will start allowing you to hug him, he doesn't mind you doing it if it's not getting in the middle of his routines or similar or if it's a situation when no one can be in danger. He would never forgive himself if you get hurt trying to hug him in a trial or similar so he sets that strict rule. But once everyone is dead in the trial? You're more than welcome between his arms. He's just scared of hurting you. He truly wants to hug you in the trial but it's impossible to do it without it being dangerous for both of you.
Although, he often allows you to be the last survivor so you both can cuddle while he finishes off one of your team mates down
When you hug him he specially loves having your hair closer to him. No matter if it's curly, straight, short, long, blonde, brunettte, black or dyed, he likes your hair a lot and the sweet smell of it.
It's not unusual for him to fall asleep cuddling with you once you both are used to this. He likes to be the big spoon but doesn't mind being the small one every now and then
It takes him more time for him to allow you to pet his hair though. He's still over protective of his hairstyle
She's so confused the first time you try to hug her. It doesn't happen out of the blue or else she would completely kill you for touching her when she didn't want to and could only see you as a survivor, but it's still strange
She had a really hard trial. Every now and then, Anna cannot help but let the feelings overwhelm her. She lost her mother long ago and has been alone on her own for so long and while she is strong, god knows that, she is sometimes that scared child that wishes to be hold by someone. It doesn't matter how many muscles she has, it doesn't matter how strong she is nor how tall she is compared to the others. She still has a sweet heart and love to give inside but doesn't know how to
And after a really hard trial with everyone flashing her, breaking pallets in her back even several times, you found her sitting on the ground.
It seemed like the rest had already given up from annoying tf out of her and already escaped. They stole all they could from the map and after basically emptying the flashlight batteries on her, there was nothing else fun to do there, more taking in mind that Anna seemed to had given up
You have been there against her in a few trials already. That wasn't normal. She was always so strong and amazing! You always admired it. Her figure, her muscles and her strength to carry on. Deep down you just wanted to hold onto those muscles and cuddle against her
But you found a defeated Anna and... You still wanted to cuddle her, but in a bit different way
Anna barely looked up when she heard your footsteps. She thought one of the survivors didn't had enough yet. But she was surprised to see you, softly tilting her head. She thought you would have escaped like the others. You were always nice. But you were there still. Did you want to laugh at her as well?
Her jaw almost drops when you lean down to her figure and hug her. You can feel her muscles tense and for a moment you feel scared you fcked up and she would kill you. But you slowly felt her body relax under your embrace
She took you in her arms, sat you on her lap and covered your figure in her embrace. You felt happy you were finally able to get close to the giant woman and she felt happy she finally had someone to hug. Your embrace meant the world to her in that moment
From that time, things between you were different. She was never too hard against you in trials because you weren't mean, but since then, she was always missing shots with you. Oops, she was clumsy that day, haha, right? Oh shit there goes Nea's head, that was so accurate
But no axe against your skin
She loved having you around, feeling your arms trying to embrace her large figure. You could feel her chest puff as she would laugh whenever you tried your best to completely hug her but couldn't.
She had no restrictions. You could hug her whenever and however you wanted. But PLEASE, be careful with her axes! Those are extremely sharp!
Everytime you hugged her and tried to cling onto her, if you are ok, she would happily hold you in her arms and put you on her shoulders. Sometimes she would pick you up bridal style and bring you everywhere until she finds a nice spot to cuddle with you
For quite some time she isn't comfortable taking her mask off. But if you give her enough time and don't pressure her, she will eventually take it off to snuggle with you. She loves pressing her face against you, to feel your warmth and see that she isn't alone anymore
What? You wanted to hug her? Why? Her whole body is covered by broken glass!
She doesn't trust you the first times you try to get close to her. She will always attack, hiss you and push you away. She doesn't want you any closer to her. She has the feeling you're trying a weird trick on her to hurt her. She doesn't know what, but she is so sure no one would want to be closer to her. At least not for something good
But she starts to see little by little that you aren't hurting her and you're being pretty gentle with her. As gentle as you can actually be against a killer trying to kill you. But you seemed sad to have to break pallets on her back and you hissed in pain when you could see the pieces of glass get deeper in her skin with each hit. Like... You felt empathy for her?
She had so many mixed feelings from that. She knew you wanted to get close to her, she knew you weren't hurting her. But she didn't know why? She couldn't understand that someone could appreciate her enough to get closer due to what she went through and what her body had
She doesn't really speak your language so she doesn't even know how to ask you what do you want or what your intentions are. But you realize that every attempt you make to get closer to her is slowly being a bit more succesful than the previous one
Oh, don't think it's gonna take you just a few, no. It's gonna take you probably a lot more than a month or even a few months for her to finally trust you to get closer to her. But patience is the key with her. She has suffered so much even from people closer to her she has struggles trusting
The first time you try to reach her hand, she struggles to keep her physical form. She "glitches" trying to process your action but doesn't move away until you finally grab her hand, carefully, softly. Your thumb caress her cold skin and she barely moves. She's speechless, but feeling someone elses' touch is like a dream for her
She almost melts in your touch, if it wasn't because she can't...
She is ok with you holding her hand pretty often, but the attemps to hug her are way harder. Is not like she doesn't trust you, the opposite, she trusts you and doesn't want to hurt you
Trust me when I say she wishes with her whole soul to hug you and get some comfort cuddling with you, but she is so SCARED to hurt you. It doesn't matter how many times you tell her it's ok because you have medkits and nothing can really go THAT bad down the entitie's eyes. She won't allow a survivor to die outside a trial. But she's still is scared to hurt you
Although, you end up managing to find the best spots to hug her avoiding all her pieces of glass. It's a work between you both but you find several cuddling poses that keep your arms and hands and even your body away from the sharp edges
True, every now and then you hiss in pain feeling a cut. And she still tries to run away when she realizes she has hurt you. But you still manage to calm her down and keep her on your side
She learnt to take care of your wounds in the most soft possible way so cuddles become way more frequent. She's so in love with your hugs !
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luveline · 1 year
can i request something from the valentine prompts with reader conforting james and the prompt "if you take care of everyone, who takes care of you?" and basically her taking care of him. Thank you so much!
luveline's valentine's mini party ♥︎
thank you for your request! tw ment anxiety attack | fem!reader
James is a ball of stress when you finally find him. 
"You're very hard to track down when you want to be," you say, hand falling to his shoulder.
He covers your hand with his own, anchoring you to his shoulder as you sit. He looks to you, nods apologetically, and then stares back out over the garden. His shoulders are rigid.
"Sorry, shorts, I'm just thinking." 
Shorts is an abbreviation for shortcake, but everybody who hears him say it thinks he's taking the piss. You pull your knees up and take back your hand. 
You stare out at the garden with him. The grass is green, the sky blue. It's a nice summer's day, and he should be relaxing here in a lounger or out playing rugby with his friends.
"I talked to Remus. He's feeling fine, and he doesn't need you to go over if you're not feeling well." 
James doesn't look betrayed, exactly, but close. "I can't not go see him, he's just had surgery." 
"A week ago. And you've been to see him everyday, I'm sure he wouldn't mind some time alone." 
James holds out his hand and you twine your fingers together. He pulls it to his chest, squeezes. 
"I spoke to Sirius too," you admit.
He looks down at your hands with a chuckle. "'Course you did." 
"He says to stop being a wuss and to cancel plans via text like a real man." 
"I didn't cancel plans. You did." 
You prop your head against his shoulder. He puts his cheek atop your head. 
"I'm really sorry if I crossed the line, Jamie, but I… I don't think what happened this morning was okay." 
James in the bathroom, his back turned away from you. He'd tried to hide it but he'd been hyperventilating, breath coming in tight and shallow, gripping the bathroom sink for dear life. He hadn't been able to explain it to you and you couldn't make sense of it, all you could do was stand with him, waiting for it to pass. 
"How's your hand?" he asks. 
The hand James isn't holding is a little worse for wear, but it isn't important. 
"It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it, but maybe we should just not talk about anyone else, either," you say carefully. "You're worrying too much. You're stressed about everybody you know, and it's beautiful that you care so much but it's gonna make you really sick, you know?" 
"I have people I need to take care of," he says gently. "That's a good thing." 
"But if you take care of everyone else, who takes care of you?" 
"You do." His nose kisses your temple. His breath fans out over your skin. "You take care of me." 
"I'm trying to," you say. 
You swing your bad hand around his chest and hug him even when it aches. You lift up from your seat on the deck to encourage his head into your neck, kiss kiss kissing across the top of his head, curls thick and fragrant under your lips. "I need you take care of yourself, too," you say. "I know that's another person on the long list, but it should be the first, yeah?" 
"...It can be second," he bargains. 
You rub his shoulders. "I can work with that."
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Don't Speak 22
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating, dissociation, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber
Note: So Tuesday was a mess.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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Dr. Kemp leans forward, elbows on his knees as he watches you. Patient, intent, he listens without distraction to every word you say. His attention is almost eerie but only because you’re not used to it. He hangs off of every word.
“I don’t hate Amber,” you frown and hug your legs, only then realising how small you’ve made yourself in the chair, “I love her… I just don’t know if she ever loved me.”
He nods and sits up, dragging his fingers down his chin as he props an elbow on the armrest. He presses his finger against his mouth as he hums thoughtfully. He drops his hand and smiles.
“Are you worried about if she loves you or… are you afraid that you don’t deserve her love? Or anyone’s?” He prompts gently.
You bit down on your tongue. You lower your chin as you think. Your heart plummets deep as your skin tingles hotly.
“Both,” you admit.
“It’s like I said, sweetheart, you have to love yourself first. Then you will see how others can love you,” he drapes one leg over the other, “but we should unpack your relationship with your sister a bit further. We can’t do all that today, but we can start.”
You nod and cup your chin. You make yourself sit up and look at him. You push your feet over the edge and straighten your back.
“Codependency. It’s very toxic. Amber has her flaws, as we all do. What you’ve pointed out about her isn’t out of the question but I don’t know her, I can’t diagnose her. But I can help you draw boundaries and make sense of things,” he explains, “you feel that you were a burden, that you were entirely helpless without her. Did you ever consider she felt the same way? That she attached herself to you because otherwise, she felt useless.”
You look above him and examine the curtain. That’s easier than looking him in the face. You put your hands in your lap and wring them tightly. No, you never thought of it that way because that can’t be true.
“Why… why would she feel like that? I give her nothing. I’m…”
“Now, let’s stop right there,” he raises a thick finger, “what did I say about talking about yourself? Be kind.”
“Yes, Doctor,” you murmur, “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t owe me an apology, you owe yourself one.”
You bow your head guiltily. The more you talk to him, the more aware you are of all your bad habits. Isn’t this supposed to help you feel better? Not feel worse?
“It’s work, it hurts and then it feels good,” he says, “but the important thing is that you keep going. You keep the progress up, even if some days we don’t take a step forward, he have to keep looking ahead.” He lowers his hand over the end of the armrest, “I think this week you should write about Amber, try to get your thoughts out. Along with your other homework which is…”
You blink at him and give a dumb look. He smiles, “be nice to you. I want you to write down everything you do all week to that end. Baths, moisturising, reading a book, sketching something, anything that makes you happy.”
“Okay,” you grip your knees, slowly trailing your hands up to tug down the pleats of your skirt. You’re not used to it, you almost forgot you were wearing the thing, “I’ll try.”
“You’ll do great,” he encourages, “you already have done so much.”
You're exhausted after the session. Almost despondent on the drive to Andy's as everything Steve said swirls in your mind. A thousand thoughts to add to your already overcrowded head. 
"Honey," Andy's voice cuts through your trance, "are you okay?"
"Uh, I'm sorry," you say, stunned to find the car parked in front of his house, his eyes boring into you with concern, "yeah, I'm fine."
"Oh, you haven't said a word," he slides the keys free of the ignition, "and you weren't responding."
"No, no, it's... I was thinking."
"Ah," he nods, hesitating to get out of the car as he hovers his hand against the door, "about... did Steve say something?"
"Um, just about stuff," you reply evasively, "nothing big."
"Well, you now I'm always here for you, right? That you can talk to me too?"
You nod and fake a smile. He's nice and all but you can't tell him everything. You can't even tell Steve everything you put in your journal. Somethings are meant just for you.
"I know," you murmur, "is it alright if I lay down for a bit. I'm really tired out."
"Sure you can, dove," he reaches over you caress the crease of your skirt, "just for a little. You don't want to waste the day."
"I won't," you promise and pull the handle on your door.
You turn and hide your face from him. He's right but it still irks you. Sometimes he can be so bossy. You've done what he wants. You're doing the therapy, so why can't you have one day to just burrow away.
You spend your time alone staring at the ceiling, all tied up with Andy’s suggestion. Don’t sleep the day away. Sigh, now you can’t even close your eyes. You’re too worried about doing just that.
After a few hours, you give up, hoping to find some solace in a cup of tea. You can pop out and assure Andy that you’re awake. Maybe you should work on the painting. He must be getting impatient for that as well.
You pull on a loose wooly cardigan, the one with the patch sewn into it, and hide your clingy t-shirt beneath it.  You come downstairs and pass the archway of the living room. The TV is lit up with the menu but Andy’s nowhere to be found.
You hear him. You go further down and peek into the kitchen. Something tinkles against porcelain as you watch him pour the contents of a bag into a bowl. There are several set out already, on a neat wooden tray with two glass bottles of soda.
“Um…” you step into the doorway. “I… was going to put the kettle on.”
He looks over at you and smiles. It’s only then you notice his clothing. A pair of thin plaid pajamas and a navy blue sweatshirt. He looks cozy. You’re not used to that. He’s all buttoned-up and tidy.
“Oh, sure,” he says, “I can get some tea out… but er,” he sets the bowl with the rest, “you kinda walked in on my surprise.”
“Surprise?” You wonder.
“Yeah, uh, I was thinking we could do a movie night. Your choice,” he presses closed the seal of the M&Ms bag and puts it at the back of the counter. “I got all these snacks and some soda if you like, but if you want tea instead–”
“Oh,” you bat your lashes.
“Oh?” He sounds nervous as he echoes your syllable.
“I… I wasn’t expecting this. I…” you fold your arms over your stomach, “you really… did all this?”
You tiptoe forward and raise your chin to see onto the tray. He grins proudly as you near and see the assortment of snacks; trail mix, chips, gummies, chocolate…
“Pretty simple but I figured maybe it would be fun.”
You suck your lower lip in and look up at him. His eyes are shining, almost hopeful. He did all this for you. He actually wants to spend time with you. He was even excited about it.
“It’s wonderful,” you say, “I hope… I hope you don’t think I’m ungrateful. Only surprised.”
“Of course, honey,” he slides the tray off the counter, “let me get this.”
He carries the spread across the kitchen and you trail him into the front room. You linger at the threshold as he sets down the snacks on the low coffee table. The room smells of raspberry. You hum at the scent and notice the candle already lit on the table. The lights are dim as the flame lends a flicker to the space.
“Like it?” Andy looks up at your audible sniff. 
“Smells nice,” you assure him.
“Well? You gonna just stand there or find something to watch?”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you scurry over as he holds out the remote.
You sit on the couch and he drops down beside you. As you sit forward, he leans back, his arm stretched out behind you carelessly. You flick through the title cards of all the movies, intimidated by the endless selection.
“What kind of movies do you like?” You ask, almost embarrassed to choose one yourself.
“Whatever you like, dove,” he says.
It feels like the back of your shirt is moving, just along the bottom. The sensation is so light and you’re too nervous to look at Andy. You put your elbow on your knee and cup your chin. You guess it doesn’t really matter. You choose a title your recognise, not recalling what the movie is about.
“Don’t forget to dig in,” Andy sits up.
“Er, okay,” you put the remote down and take the bottle of soda. You read the label in the low light. It looks fancy. You try to twist the metal cap off but it threatens to cut into your hand. “Ow.”
“Here,” Andy reaches over, “let me.”
He grips the neck and pops off the metal lid with ease. He hands it back to you and takes his own. You thank him under your breath and hover your mouth over the top. You take a sip, the bubbles tickling your nose.
“Mmm,” you hide a cough at the carbonation, “ooh, pretzels.”
You reach for one of the twisted treats. He chuckles as the credits play and he takes a rippled chip. You bite into a pretzel and focus on the screen. He’s sitting so close. You glance over, there’s lots of couch free.
You nibble nervously as the opening scene plays. You focus on the dialogue, not quite picking up on everything. The movie’s much more serious than you expected. You finish a handful of the dry food and wash it down with soda before flopping back.
You squint at the screen and try to untangle the furling plot. It’s kind of boring. You hide a yawn in your cuff and keep your hand to your mouth. The scene shifts and suddenly a bed frame rocks, knocking against the wall as the camera pans down to reveal the two bodies writhing on the mattress.
Oh my! There’s always one of these scenes.
You fight not to close your eyes. You’re mortified as you stare wide-eyed, the room hotly silent except for the activity on screen. You can hear Andy’s breaths and your own. His foot moves as he adjusts his leg and you flinch, almost expecting him to move closer. No, why would he do that?
The scene finally ends. That was torture. Amber always lets you fast forward through those ones. You lean forward to hide your discomfort with another swig of soda. Andy clears his throat but doesn’t comment.
You munch on a mixture of sweet and salty, your stomach squirming. You’re just going to make yourself sick. You recline again, eyes burning and itchy as they threaten to close. No, you don’t want to upset Andy. You can’t fall asleep.
The man and woman argue in the street. You don’t know who would ever do that. Those sorts of conversations are better behind closed doors. You don’t really get relationships; they seem confusing and stressful.
You arch your back, stretching out a kink in your side and a snort from beside you makes you flinch. You don’t look over, not until it comes again. Andy’s shadow sits with its head back, nose to the ceiling as he snores. Oh no, he fell asleep first!
You’re almost happy it’s him. You were so afraid of doing so, fearing at how he might react. You just think it’s funny. This movie really is boring.
You giggle and call his name. He doesn’t react. You call again, “wake up.”
Still nothing. You chew your lip and raise a shaky hand. You touch his arm, poking him with two fingers. You repeat his name. He’s now waking up. You nudge him hard and he slips, first one way then back towards you. Before you can react, he folds over onto your lap.
His weight hits your legs and you squeak. You don’t think as you grab onto his shoulder and try to shake him. He’s so heavy! And big. The difference between you is obvious but even more in that moment. He is immovable, like a boulder crushing you.
“Andy,” you say, “please, wake up.”
He bends his arm and grips your knee, nestling in as he snorts deeper. He must be exhausted. He drove you all the way to therapy and then got all these snacks together for movie night. And now, he can’t even enjoy it. All for you. All his effort spoiled because of you.
You deflate and sink back into the cushions. You kick your legs and try to wiggle free of him. You can’t seem to get out. You surrender and look at the screen. You guess you’ll finish this darn movie.
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luizd3ad · 1 month
Lover Of Mine | Regulus Black x Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader
WC: 1,200
CW: talks of break up, swearing, use of Y/N, its pretty fluffy with a little angst
Author's Note: I didn’t think anyone would want a part two to Amnesia so I couldn’t decide if I should do a happy or sad ending so I did both, this is the happy ending.
Summary: you just needed to see regulus one more time. You could see him without pass feelings coming up. Right?
Pt1 Amnesia
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Why were you doing this? Why did you come here? Why did you think asking Barty if Regulus still lived here was a good idea?
Before you could think you knocked. Before you could run the door opened.
There he was, the man you planned on spending your life with. He was still as beautiful as when you left but he was a mess. 
You could tell he wasn't taking care of himself. His hair was longer than you'd ever seen it, he had stubble, bags so dark under his eyes that it reminded you of a time before he left Grimmauld place, paler than before and he was skinnier. At that moment all you wanted to do was hug him, make sure he had something to eat and make sure he got enough sleep, like you used to. 
But that wasn't your place anymore.
“Hi, Reg.”
It was the only thing you felt like you could say. You thought seeing him would be easier. That all the feelings you spent so long getting rid of would stay gone, apparently you were wrong.
You felt like you did in your first year when you saw him the first time, you got butterflies in your stomach and felt your heart skip a beat. 
“Y/N.” Regulus whispered as if he was scared that if he spoke too loud that you would disappear. 
“How are you Regulus?”
“Why are you here?” Regulus didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as it did but he couldn't help but be on edge. He was masking his emotions, not letting you know what he was feeling.
“Honestly? I don't know.” You could feel yourself getting more and more anxious. Maybe he didn't want you there. Did he move on already? Maybe he's seeing someone? No, there's no way Barty or Evan would have said something. You started picking at your fingers, it was a nervous habit that you pick back up after the break up. You didn't even realize you were doing it anymore. 
Like no time had passed Regulus grabbed your hand stopping you from picking at your fingers. When he touched your hand it felt like a rush of electricity was sent through your body, and by the look of his face you weren't the only one who felt it.
“Do you want to come in?” His mask started to come off, you could tell he wanted you to come in but you couldn't help but worry that he only asked to be polite. 
He still hadn't let your hand go, but you made no effort to get away either.
“I would love to, if you have time…”
“I will always have time for you.” Regulus said without a moment of hesitation. 
You found yourself back on the couch in the flat you swore to yourself you'd never set foot in again. Looking around it was like you never left. The same pictures on the walls, the few books you left scattered around, things you forgot still remained almost exactly where you put them. 
“How have you been, Reg?” you couldn't help but smile at him, it felt nice to be around him.
“I'm as fine as I can be. You?” His answer made your smile drop a bit. You were hoping that he would be happy at the very least he'd be okay.
“I've been okay.”
“You're lying.”
“You're lying.”
“Why do you think that?”
“You're pulling on your necklace. You only do that when you're lying.”
You look down and sure enough, your fingers were wrapped around a necklace you were wearing,
“You remembered that?”
“Of course I do.”
Why did something as insignificant as knowing when you're lying make your heart skip a beat? You felt a small blush creep up your cheeks. You also caught the small smirk that Regulus was now wearing.
“I guess some things never change, huh?”
Regulus said with an eyebrow raised. You couldn't help but laugh a little. You and Regulus started to laugh and talk like no time had passed at all. You were reminiscing about your time at hogwarts. The time spent with Pandora, Barty, Dorcas and Evan. The stupid pranks Sirius and his friends would pull.
“No, because you would instigate Sirius all the time! You're going to sit here and tell that when they flooded the Slytherin common room it wasn't because you told him his hair was as greasy as Snaps?”
You all but yelled while laughing. 
“Okay maybe some of the pranks were my fault.” Regulus said with a smile on his face. He felt like it was his first real smile in so long. But that was the effect you had on him, you made everything better, you brightened up his life.
“We had some good times didn't we?” you sat there remembering all the good times you had together before everything went downhill. It broke you that you two didn't last. 
Regulus let out a little sigh and looked down. “Yeah we did… Can I ask you a question?”
You nod. “Of course.”
“Barty said you started seeing someone. Said you seemed happy. If you're happy… why are you here?”
“I was. Seeing someone I mean, and they were great. But I kept finding myself comparing them to… you and that wasn't fair to them. So I ended it.”
You admitted looking down and picking at your fingers once again, and then there was Regulus like clock work grabbing your hands once again to stop you. 
“Do you remember when we would dance everywhere? It didn't matter where we were, if there was even music on, we would just dance.”
You keep your eyes on your hands that fit so perfectly in his, while his words brought up so many amazing memories together. 
“How could I forget?” you chuckled slightly, your heart feeling full at just the thought of dancing with him again. 
Regulus lets go of your hands and stands up doing a slight bow while holding his hand out with a cheeky little smile on his face. “May I have this dance?”
You couldn't help but laugh but you nodded anyway with a smile on your face grabbing his hand. You two danced around the living room smiling and laughing, getting lost in each other. There was no music, there was no one else, there was nothing else, just the two of you. It felt so normal to be close to him to be in his arms once more.
“When I look at my life and think about everything I’ve done, all the mistakes, fucked up things I’ve done or said I reget all of it, but you? Having you in my life was the only thing I did right. To know that there's a possibility that my name will never fall off your lips again seems like such a shame. So I don't know if I can give you away again, I've already made that mistake once.”
Looking into Regulus' eyes you can see he meant every word. You could feel your heart speed up and you could feel butterflies in your stomach.
“You don't have to Reg. I'm here.”
Lie to me (Alt Sad Ending)
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literallylexa · 4 months
Imagine: You die and your life flashes before your eyes, how you met Dean Winchester. You wait for Dean to finally arrive in heaven. CONTAINS SMUT
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Scenes of your past flash before your eyes as you lay dying. The first time you met Dean Winchester you had already fallen in love with him.
“Hello this is my partner Agent Smith and I am also Agent Smith..uh no correlation.” Dean smiles at you. “We are following up on a missing persons case. Your friend, or uh roommate?”
The night before you had come home to your friend slaughtered. Fingers chopped off and a slit neck. “Yes, how can I help you?” You ask, a sad tone in your voice.
“Did your friend have any enemies? Anyone who would want to hurt her?” Dean asks.
“No. She was a very friendly person. However…I don’t know you might think I’m crazy but the nights leading up to her..murder.” You choke, “She was saying that she saw her ex boyfriend. But he’s been dead for almost 2 months now.”
“What was the name of her ex?”
You’re stuck in a salt circle. The ghost trying to get through to kill you. You clutch onto Dean’s jacket tightly, legs shaking. Even though you’ve only known him for a day, you trusted him. He was strong, handsome, confident, and comforting. “I got you. Nothing will happen to you. Sammy should be done any moment now.” Dean looks down at you with a soft smile. His green eyes making contact with yours, making you blush. The next second, the ghost burns away into thin air. Everything was quiet. You hug Dean, standing on your tippy toes to reach his neck. His thick, muscular arms wrapping around your small frame, holding your waist.
Sam and Dean leave town after that. “So ghosts, vampires, and just monsters are real, huh?” You ask Dean.
“Unfortunately…But hey, here’s my number. In case you see or hear anything. Call me immediately.” Dean grabs your phone and puts his number in. You blush even harder. “You can’t stay for longer?” You ask Dean, hope gleaming in your eyes.
“I’m sorry sweetheart but no. We gotta hit the road. Take care of yourself okay?”
You grab Dean by his shirt and pull him down to your lips. He’s taken by surprise by your actions, but ultimately pulls you in closer, grabbing your hips and grinds against his. His lips are soft and wet, crashing against yours you feel out of breath. “For the road.” You say breaking apart, face hot and red. Dean bites his lips and says goodbye, getting into Baby and driving away.
After that encounter, you started to hunt on your own, mostly giving hunters tips of locations and the possible supernatural creatures. “Glad you could make it.” You say to Dean. “You called, I answered.” He chuckles. You guys hug, you take a deep breath. It feels like the whole in your heart was filled again. Excitement, love, and arousal filled your body. Dean was the sexiest man you’ve ever seen. Not to mention having an amazing personality too. If only he wasn’t a hunter, maybe you’d have a chance to actually be together. His eyes linger for a little bit too long on your lips and breasts. As you walk in front of him to your apartment you can feel him staring at your ass too. “You want a beer?” You ask opening the fridge. “Always.” Dean looks around your apartment, picking up old pictures of you and your deceased dog. The room is silent, however the sexual tension between you two did not go unnoticed.
“So!” You exclaim tapping the table top. “What have you been up to?”
Dean takes a gulp of his beer and sets it down. “Oh you know the same old stuff. Hunting.”
“Speaking of hunting. Thats why I called you here. I’m pretty sure a demon is possessing my neighbor.” You say quickly, trying not to make the conversation even more awkward than it already is.
“What?!” Dean yells, walking over to you. “Nah uh you’re not about to have a demon next door. Pack up your things, we are staying at a motel until we get this figured out.”
Unfortunately for the bed, but fortunately for you, the motel only had one bed- no couch. “We can just share the bed.” You say sheepishly. Dean smirks, “There’s a lot of things we can share on the bed.” You giggle and punch his shoulder. He’s not lying though. There’s many things that you’d like to share with him on that bed. Many things.
You and Dean end up exorcising the demon. Luckily the person was still alive, you call the ambulance to have them picked up. “Good job back there.” Dean says, looking at you up and down.
You know that things would never get that far with Dean, but it didn’t stop you from being so incredibly attracted to him. Maybe he felt the same way. Dean steps closer to you, lifting up your chin to look at him, brushing hair out of your face. He crashes his lips against yours, picking you up and setting you on the counter. With your legs wrapped around his waist, he grinds up against you. Dean groans from the friction, a bulge growing in his pants. His hands run up and down your body, caressing your curves. He finds his way under your shirt, massaging your breasts. You moan from his touch, oh very badly did you crave it. You unbutton your shirt and he grins, taking your bra off exposing your breasts, the coldness of the room hardening your nipples. Dean licks his lips and begins to take one nipple in his mouth, kissing, licking, and biting it while his hand twists and massages the other. You put a hand through his soft short hair, needing more of him. You tug at his flannel to take it off. He obliges, removing his flannel and shirt, leaving you both naked from the waist up. “You’re beautiful.” Dean says in between kisses.
“Want to take this to the bedroom?” You ask Dean. He picks you up and carries you to the bedroom. He lays you gently down on the bed, he kisses from your breasts down to your belly, stopping at the hem of your pants. He unbuttons them, lifting your legs up to take them off. “You’re already soaking wet for me baby.” Dean groans, seeing your wet panties. He takes them off greedily, drooling at the sight of your pussy. His stubble brushes across your inner thighs as he begins to lick at your folds. You gasp when he sticks his warm tongue inside you. “(Y/N) you taste so good.” Dean says. He continues to tongue fuck you until the point you can’t take it anymore. However, before you can orgasm he stops. He couldn’t handle anymore foreplay. He needs his cock to be inside of you. He begins to unbutton his pants and you wait in anticipation to see what he’s been hiding. His cock pops out from his boxes, already leaking pre cum from his long dick. You squirm, desperately needing him inside you. “Please Dean.” You cry. “Not yet. You need to get it wet first.” Dean manages to say. He helps you sit up facing his cock. He strokes it a couple times, massaging his balls in the process. You grab his cock and lick him from the base to the tip, swirling it around on your tongue. Then, slowly putting the tip in your mouth, down the shaft, to the base of his large cock, getting use to the length. Dean moans almost embarrassingly loud, twitching at your movements. You lick up and down his long cock, tasting every inch of him. His balls were hanging low, you get off the bed and onto your knees, you grab his balls and put them both in your mouth, his dick hitting your forehead has you do so. Dean grips your hair into a ponytail, moaning out your name. “Fuck (Y/N).” Dean groans, then throwing you onto the bed, your ass facing him. Before you both even have time to think about putting on a condom, his dick rubs against your pussy lips becoming slippery. “Please fuck me Dean!” You cry out, becoming sexually frustrated, you need him inside you.
He slowly slides his cock into your pussy, “Baby you’re so tight.” You feel every inch of Dean as he slides into you, taking his length in full. With your pussy already leaking wet, Dean starts off with a slow pace, grabbing you by the hips, getting a rhythm. He is already hitting all the sweet spots, something no other man could do for you. “Dean you feel so good inside me.” You moan out, clutching the blankets beneath you. Dean had already wanted to cum the second he went inside you, so nice and tight, so wet for him. He speeds up his rhythm, slamming his cock deep inside your pussy, making you cream all over his cock. Your moans, screams, skin slapping, and the wetness from your pussy fill the air as he ruthlessly fucks you.
Dean pushes your head down onto the bed, grabbing your ass and smacking it leaving red hand marks. Dean has never been this horny in his life before, you are just so irresistible to him. Dean was in a trance by hearing your moans for him, taking all of his dick inside your pussy. “You’re taking my cock so good baby.” Dean moans out, feeling like he’s going to cum soon. Dean stops and pulls out, turning you over on your back, legs up in the air resting on his shoulders. Once again he slams into you, filling you up whole. He leaves lingering kisses along your breasts and neck as you moan out his name. Dean didn’t want this to end, he could go all night with you, and you could do the same. “Fuck I’m about to cum!” Dean yells, pulling out and squirting his hot cum all over your pussy lips. You giggle looking down at his mess. You’re still horny, needing to cum. You start to play with your clit, massaging his hot cum all over your pussy lips. Dean gasps as he sees you doing so, gently sticking one finger inside you as you play with your clit. You moan out as he rubs your g-spot, adding in another finger as he continues. This was all too much for you to handle, after a couple minutes of doing so, you cream all over his fingers and he gladly licks it off his fingers.
The night continues of you and Dean not getting enough of each other, fucking and cumming until you fall asleep for the night.
After that night, Dean invited you to stay at the bunker with Sam and him. Sometimes Cas showed up. “I just want to keep you safe.” Dean admits. You’ve known each other for a couple years now, texting back and forth and exchanging phone calls and stories, occasionally seeing each other once a month or so. You pack up all your things and move into the bunker with the boys. You and Dean end up being official a couple weeks after that. You buy new furniture and decor for the boys room, “Trying to make it more homey.” You say.
Life seemed to be almost perfect. Until one faithful day.
“Dean!” You scream out, the demon grabbing you by the neck, choking you.
“Let her go, now.” Dean spits, raising a gun.
The demon stabs your gut, letting you fall to the ground. “I let her go.” The demon snickers.
By the time Dean gets over to you and the demon, they vanish. Dean holds you as you lay dying. “No baby please stay with me.” Dean says in desperation.
“I love you, Dean.” You choke out, blood flowing down your face. Your eyes meet his for one last time, and then you see bright white.
“I can’t leave.” You say to the reaper, looking at Dean as he’s sobbing over your body. “It’s too early, we didn’t get to spend our life together. We didn’t get out the life, we didn’t have any children or animals together.” You cry, a pain in your heart, too unbearable to deal with anymore.
“You know what will happen if you stay.” The reaper puts a cold hand on your sunken shoulders. “All those angry spirits you hunt, you will become one.”
“Will I see him again, wherever I go?” You ask.
“I can’t tell you that.” The reaper smiles, “It’s okay to go.”
You leave Dean a cold kiss on his forehead, he looks up shocked. “(Y/N)?” He says, looking around. He could feel your presence.
“Goodbye, Dean.” You say as you walk through the light.
Heaven. On the other side it’s beautiful. Mountains covered with large pine trees. A river flows underneath a bridge. The echoing of birds chirping fill the air. A small house, perfect as you could ever imagined lives on the top of the hill, watching over the river. You enter it, pictures of your family, friends, and Dean hang on the walls. Tears fills your eyes, you miss Dean. A knock at the door brings you back to your senses. You open the door, revealing John and Mary Winchester. Both smiling as they hold housewarming gifts. You’ve never met either of them before, but they seemed to know who you were, as they were always watching over Dean.
“Dean will be here soon.” Mary comforts you, placing a gentle hand on your back.
You spend the next couple weeks doing the things you love the most. Cooking all your favorite foods, swimming in the always warm water, drinking your favorite liquor. Everyone’s heaven is together. Sometimes you’d go up to the Winchesters house and have dinner, sometimes you’d go fishing with Bobby. Ellen and Joe were there sometimes too; along with all the other hunters you’ve lost along the way.
One day, you were walking down to the lake as you always do. Towel and a book in hand. From afar you notice a tall figure, you immediately knew who it was. “Dean!” You scream out, dropping everything and run to him. He turns around in shock, running towards you also. He picks you up and twirls you around, pulling you in for a long kiss after. Tears flow down Dean’s face as he looks at you. “I love you too.” Dean cries, brushing your hair out of your face, finding it hard to be real that he’s able to see your beautiful self again. “I’ve been waiting for you.” You say, pressing your face into his shoulder, breathing him in. Your heart felt full again. You and Dean take hands and walk up the hill to the bridge, there sits Baby parked. Dean squeals in excitement, immediately jumping in the drivers seat. You laugh and get into the passengers seat. “Head up to that house over there. I have a surprise for you.” You say. Dean obliges.
You knock at the Winchesters door. Mary answers. “Mom?!” Dean cries, hugging her. John walks up too, pulling Dean into an embrace. “We are just waiting for Sam now.” You say to Dean. “Time will go by fast.”
Eventually Sam joins everyone in heaven. Everything was complete. You and Dean had your own house, and got married. Dean enjoys mowing the lawn while you tend to the garden. On the weekends you guys host BBQ’s with all of your friends and family in heaven.
Maybe somethings last forever after all.
“A cold beer's got twelve ounces
A good truck's got maybe three hundred thousand
You only get so much until it's gone
Duracells in a Maglite
A needle drop on a forty-five
Are the kinda things that only last so long
When the new wears off and they get to getting old
Sooner or later, time's gonna take its toll
They say nothing lasts forever
But they ain't seen us together
Or the way the moonlight dances in your eyes
Just a t-shirt in the kitchen
With no make-up and a million
Other things that I could look at my whole life
A love like that makes a man have second thoughts
Maybe some things last forever after all
FM station on the outskirts
Blue jeans after years of shift work
All fading out like I always knew they would
The strings on this guitar
The first love lost on a young heart
Those things are gonna break after the getting's good
'Cause the new wears off and they get to getting old
Yeah, sooner or later, time's gonna take its toll
They say nothing lasts forever
But they ain't seen us together
Or the way the moonlight dances in your eyes
Just a t-shirt in the kitchen
With no make-up and a million
Other things that I could look at my whole life
A love like that makes a man have second thoughts
Maybe some things last forever after all
They say nothing lasts forever
But they ain't seen us together
Or the way the moonlight dances in your eyes
And I know there'll be that moment
The good Lord calls one of us home and
One won't have the other by their side
But heaven knows that that won't last too long
Maybe some things last forever after all”
AUTHORS NOTE: I will never forgive SPN writers making that ending so rushed and short. I would have absolutely LOVED for Sam and Dean to see their parents again, Bobby, and just everyone that they’ve lost in heaven together. I wish they would have had an episode “feel good” episode of just everyone being happy in heaven, throwing parties and bbq’s, and just drinking until they’re too drunk. Let me know how you think SPN should have ended!
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justpearlysworld · 6 months
Good evening! I love your thoughts and mind, so beautiful!! I want to kiss your brain MUAH!
Have you considered Daddy Price x smol and sweet reader?
I know everyone says it, but Price is 100% daffiest daddy. This man would take care of his woman and kill anyone without hesitation is they so much as lay a finger on her! <3
absolutely:333 and thank you !!!!!!!!!! i would give you a hug and maybe some flowers if i could :3🐻‍❄️ note: i’ll probably do a part two to this one as well—🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️
captain price w/hyperfem!reader
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° .
★. at first, he was really nervous to approach you! he thought that he may have been a little too rough and gruff and he didn’t want to scare you off
★. laswell had assigned you to 141 as another sniper. you were small and soft spoken. you were also very quick and quiet, which made you a perfect candidate.
★. asides from being a great asset to the team, you were also very sweet! during the times that you did talk, you were just a ball of sunshine. you helped out with anything around the base, you were very polite, and well-mannered. price too this into account when wanted to make a move on you.
★. during one encounter, soap had pushed ghost a little too hard and ghost had hit you while you were walking back to your seat in the mess hall. you dropped your food and spilled some of it on yourself as well.
★. john saw this and rushed to your aid!!
“are you alright private? here, let me pick that up for you”
★. “oh dear, i’m sorry lieutenant! i should have watched where i was going, i’m so sorry.”
★ ghost glared at soap who had a flustered look on his face.
- “it’s alright private. mactavish should have watched where he was going.”
★. price sent flares up at the two of them and they walked away.
★. he helped you clean up and escorted you to the barracks so you could change your undershirt.
★. something that he always fell back in was this fierce protection over you. whether it be keeping a hand on your hip when you walk through crowded space, or putting your safety first during a mission.
★. asides from being protective of you, price is practically glued to your hip.
★. he’s constantly checking in on your wellbeing! you were smaller than the rest of them, he always made sure to ask if you were ok
★. after a few weeks of this continuous princess-knight dynamic, price has finally asked you out on a date
★. you accepted! you had always felt connected to him in a way that you couldn’t really put your finger on. he treated you like a princess and it made you so giggly and flustered
★. on your first date, he had taken you out to eat at a some-what fancy restaurant! you two talked and connected even deeper the whole night.
- “your dress is awfully cute; fit for a princess might I add?”
★. you laughed at his comments and shook your head.
- “thank you captain!”
-“john, you can call me john from now on.”
★ you let your hands fall in the table and he gripped them, giving you a kiss.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° .
★. from that point on, he had become irresistible to you! you couldn’t not be around him
★. on base, you would always have your arms wrapped around his bicep and your side squished to his
★. during the debriefings, you always chose the seat closest to him! (if you had to option to sit in his lap you would)
★. whenever he would sign off in documents or just work on paperwork, you would sit in his office and babble cutely about your day
★. his favorite part about your guys relationship was how vulnerable you got with him. you could finally let loose and be soft and gentle (not that you weren’t already, but, you definitely had to ramp it up when you were on a mission)
★. you could allow yourself to lay in his lap pressed to his chest and gently coo in his ear
★. you loved him so much, how couldn’t you?!! you thought he was just the perfect man! you two fit together like puzzle pieces!
★. at the end of every night, before you two split off to sleep in your separate bunks, you lay with him. you let him pet your hair while you stayed snuggled up to his chest.
★. he would let his strong arms wrap around you protectively and he would whisper sweet nothings in your ears.
★. you two were truly a match made in heaven.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° .
Requests Are Open!
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gatheredfates · 10 days
For the relationship ask thing: Kor & Alphinaud!
Have your followers send you NPCs and you describe your OC's feelings/relationship to that NPC! I have nothing to say except I went insane.
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He is just a child.
She reminded herself of this fact through gnashed teeth and folded arms; he is just a child, he does not deserve your ire.
But Kor was very tired of children. She had only recently interred one to the sea — to the crabs, the fish and the three-day rot — and the arrogant intervention wore thin in the repetitive belief that Alphinaud knew better simply because he was the prodigal grandson of a man who gave his life to Eorzea. He intermingled with the potentate, both of city-states and non, and she watched with loosely contained annoyance how he prattled on.
But she watched. That was one thing the Captain was good at, she supposed — watching. Guarding. He monopolised it with lazy gestures and self-assured smiles, and she fell easily into the role of dog to its master. Not because she respected him exactly, but because it was all she knew. Because she couldn't be better.
Should she have said something? Should she have intervened? She saw the way they looked at him like he was a thing to be used, a stepping-stone to their aspirations, armies and Warrior of Light. When Ilberd glanced to her she could see intention in the edges of his easy smile, "Daughter of Ala Mhigo, don't you see the opportunity?"
If looks could kill she'd encase him in the amber of her eyes, right at the juncture where equitable manner bordered on ridicule.
Why didn't she? Because the last time she had said something, the last time she tried to intervene, it only sent the child running.
Right into the jaws of the deep.
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He is just a child. He was tired. Alphinaud doesn't complain (perhaps he knew better the limits of her patience), but she could see the weariness in his eyes — exhaustion hugging the corners, hoping to fuse with the rest of the cold truths.
And they were cold. Not just of the temperature, for Ishgard was abysmally frigid, but of the loss of their comrades and the fall of their station; how their pedigree had diminished to the kindness of an foreign nation determined to arise from the ice, even if their sanctuary to accused murders might isolate them all over again.
Or heresy. Koret thought herself more superstitious than religious, though maybe it was all the same in the end. An offering to a deity, a prayer for good luck (give Llymlaen a Dagger just so she can throw it at the bastard again), click your heels three times or whatever-the-fuck. She wasn't praying to anyone when she rescued Tataru and he from the Tribunal. She only knew outrage and the acrid taste of bile in the back of her throat at the thought she could lose them too.
"Are you alright?" It was the first time she reached for him since the banquet, her fingers just a little too tight on the groove of his shoulder. Kor hadn't even thought about it, so natural was the movement, but when he jumped and fixed his gaze to her, she immediately knew her misstep.
"...I am fine, my friend," he answered, and before she could whip her hand away he had laid his own atop of it. They stood there for a far too long in their strange silence until Kor thought to squeeze once and finally relinquish her hold. She stepped back, awkward in her intimacy, and could not look directly in the eye.
She soon realised he was learning the values of leadership, too. He saw them in Aymeric's careful navigation, Estinien's brute force and Ysyale's hope. All had their merits but all had their flaws. He internalised them and stepped carefully over the ruins of his mistakes until his friends were whole and hearty again.
Not a leader, just a comrade... a friend.
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He is just a child, but fucking hell he's a clever one. Kor couldn't deny his intelligence, especially given what she knew of Sharlayan, but she was reminded of the old idiom of teaching a man to fish: teach a boy bureaucracy and he might become a man through it. Show him what it means to lead, to plan and to prepare; allow him the privilege of the floor, but be prepared to challenge him when he oversteps. Do not squander his inexperience, but allow innovation to bleed through tried methods.
Frankly, she appreciated his methodology, for it allowed her little room to think about herself. He was the enthusiastic foreigner, not the diaspora grasping at the hems of the little culture his father felt prudent to leave him. He could meet the gaze of M'naago, Lyse and Conrad instead of staring just a little too far to the left.
She only had the left these days. When she woke up screaming in the night, disorientated from a lack of vision, his were the hands intermingled among the many that grasped her frantic fingers. "You are safe," he reassured her, squeezing tightly in the din. "Koret, you are safe."
She wasn't sure she believed him, but it was comforting all the same. There was a familiarity in their company now, whether she liked it or not. Kor teased him for his whimsy and his innocence (the art, the sword — fuck, he was a terrible swimmer) while he offered wisdom beyond his years and a hope they could make a difference in the world.
So who was holding him — why did he need to be held? It was her job to protect him, her job to guard; she knew the job well well since the banquet, it was the one thing she was good at. Kor ran to him so desperately, wrenching his lifeless figure out of their arms as if her violence might be the one thing that would bring him back to her, yet his weight was like an anchor that pulled them roughly to the ground.
She cradled him, one hand in his hair while the other gripped him far too tightly, but he did not wake. Not even when she shook him, not even when the other Scions had to pull her from him, not even when her voice cracked in its snarl. "Wake up you fucking — WAKE UP!"
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She wondered if he was a child in body only, given all the things he'd seen. Weeks for her was a whole year for him; a year of separation, strife and sorrow. Alphinaud was so infuriatingly formal when she found him, as if embarrassed by his failings on the Source, and balked when she wrapped her arms tight around him to prove to herself he was real.
"A-Are you alright?" By the navigator did she laugh! It was a desperate, pained sound, but how could she hope to encapsulate anger and relief in the same breath?
"Just dandy. Now shut up."
And he did, bless him. He hugged her tightly back.
She wanted... a lot of things then. Mostly she just wanted to apologise. She wanted to apologise for failing him and forcing him to this foreign world. She wanted to tell him that she was alright, even when she was igniting from the inside and spewing hot ichor across the floor.
Kor wanted to lie to him, but she was a terrible liar. When she writhed on the floor of the Crystarium, and the veins in her hands turned a vibrant gold, she wanted to scream that he was just a kid! He was a child discussing how much time she had left, contemplating how they might survive if she were to purify in front of them. He did not deserve it. Alisae did not deserve it. Ryne did not deserve it.
He had weathered the brunt of her suicidal ideation for far too long. Enough. Enough.
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"If the fucking bastard is going to disown you, I'll just adopt you myself. It can't be that hard. You're like, what, seventeen —?"
The way Kor paused was enough to make them snort with laugher, so stunned was she that she rendered herself speechless. The Captain looked like she had swallowed a lemon, as if she only just became reacquainted with the passage of time, and her single eye narrowed to glare at the twins suspiciously.
"How old are you?"
"Literally or figuratively?" Alisaie asked, slicing through the tension of the hour with impish wit.
Koret Swan threw up her hands as she came to the horrific realisation they weren't really children anymore. But they were hers — they were her kids — and they only laughed harder despite it.
"I think I should like to watch you contemplate a bell longer," Alphinaud teased, that self-assured smile appearing when Alisaie snickered, and she had a mind to strange him anew.
"I think I should like to kick your arse," Kor answered, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Fuck me."
"Brother, we graduated! She swears openly in our company!"
Never mind, she was going to kick both their arses. They could be orphans.
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The end of the universe was no place for anyone, least of all them. They held her hands in theirs, small when pressed against the leather of her gloves, and it was their steps that carried her to the precipice of apathy.
It wasn't that Kor would not continue (they had come so far, seen so much, done too much), but that she knew what taking those last few steps meant.
She thought she knew death a thousand times. She swore It was her friend when her sister died, a siren calling her so sweetly from the craggy rocks as it ushered her into the king-tide. It wore the faces of friends — occasionally her enemies if it suited — and soothed her aching bones when exhaustion became almost too much to bear. "There is a solution," it cooed, "if you're brave enough to take it."
No! She wanted to live! For fuck sake, she wanted to live — and she wanted them to live! She didn't want to walk towards the yawning void with its songbird's dead-eyed stare; she wanted to be home in Mor Dhona with the their annoying merrymaking and cheap, frothy beer. She didn't want to keep stepping over ground earned with her loved ones' lives while the Endsinger herself prised her ribcage higher with her butchers knife. I will take everything from you, and you will only know despair.
Kor did not feel worthy. Tears streaked her cheeks as she tried not to cry, and the tension in her jaw was excruciating when she stalled.
There was no bravery in death, but they were so brave. Alphinaud sensed her pause and took the first step forward, turning just enough to face her, and smiled as he squeezed her fingers in his.
"Come, my dearest friend," he softly encouraged, "There's not much farther left."
I love you, I love you, I love you. She wanted to tell them more than anything but her mouth would not make the sound. Instead, Kor looked to both of them, desperately trying to memorise every inch of their faces on the chance she might lose them forever. I love you. I don't want you to do this. I don't want to do this.
Acceptance was the swallow that felt like ingesting razor wire. When this was over she would bring them back, and she would give them everything.
They deserved everything.
Hence, she walked.
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Lucky Charm
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Request: Would you write about surprising Ted with lingerie or in one of his shirts or jerseys when he gets home from travelling? 😈
Description: You welcome Ted home from his win against Liverpool, a welcome he will excitedly accept.
Warning: smut, oral (f receiving)
Pairing: Ted Lasso x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Ted’s head snapped up as soon as his chin hit his chest, letting out a squeak as he startles awake. Beard closes his book, using a finger to keep his spot, “What’s up, coach?” Ted rubs his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose as he takes a deep breath, “Nothin’ coach. Just don’t wanna fall asleep so close to home, y’know?” The right-hand man nods in understanding, opening his book once again as Ted glances out the window, watching the fields turn into buildings as they enter the city. 
Jumping a little at the buzz of his phone, Ted scoffs at himself and how tired he feels, though his exhaustion doesn’t last long when he opens his messages. 
Y/N 😍❤️: Congrats on your win, Coach Lasso. Hope you’re not too celebrated out xxx [image attached]
Ted checks over his shoulder at lightning speed when he opens the accompanying image, not wanting to withstand any teasing but also not okay with anyone seeing his girl. He knows the photo isn’t the most revealing, all parts are covered, yet he would have to watch pigs fly during a cold day in hell while it rains cats and dogs before he lets any eyes but his own view that sacred photo.
Looking back down once he knows the coast is clear, Ted’s eyes widen as his face reddens and his pants tighten slightly. With the sheets of your shared bed as the background, the posed photo focuses on your body from the neck down, a Richmond jersey hugging your body, stopping just below where your hips meet your bare legs. Ted takes in a deep breath, staring at the expanse of your thighs before tracing back up to the jersey, hardening even more at the knowledge that the back of your jersey has his last name plastered on it. 
After an eon of a bouncing leg, a stared-at phone, and a leaking head, Ted, who normally waited for all the players to exit the bus before he did, ran off the vehicle, backpack on his shoulder as he yelled something about an upset stomach and seeing the team on Monday. 
One more eon later (each “eon” being about 15 minutes in reality), Ted fished his keys out of his pocket before struggling to get his key in the lock, his hands shaking with excitement. Toeing his shoes off at the door and hanging up his puffer, Ted breathes out a sigh of relief as he heads to the bedroom, eager for release after 30 minutes of his cock leaking and not softening at all.
Opening the door, Ted lets out a low groan at the sight of you in the middle of the bed, hand under the bottom of the jersey as you squeeze your eyes shut, small gasps leaving your lips, “You getting yourself ready for me, beautiful?”
Opening your eyes to see Ted moving towards the bed, discarding his clothes as he nears, a wide smile shows on your face, “I’m always ready for you coach Lasso.” Ted moans in contentment at the title, taking off his pants so he is left in only his underwear, standing at the bottom of the bed. You lift yourself onto your knees, staring at him as you remove your hand, bringing up your glistening fingers so that it is in between you two, “Should I take care of this or would you like to?”
Ted takes one more step forward, knees hitting the side of the mattress as his hand grasps your wrist, bringing your hand to his mouth as he takes your three fingers in his mouth, sucking on them as he maintains eye contact with you before closing his eyes and throwing his head back as he lets out a guttural moan. You take the opportunity to inch closer, throwing yourself into his chest as you wrap your arms around his torso, leaving a kiss on his Adam’s apple. Licking from the base of his neck to below his ear, you breathily give him your congratulations, “Very nice job on your win today, baby.”
Looking back at you, Ted’s eyes are blown with lust as he rakes in the image of you in his jersey, “Thanks, darling. Only happened because of my lucky charm.” You wrap your arms around his neck as he pushes you up the bed, laying you down on your back as he slots himself in between your legs, “Your lucky charm?”
Ted nods affirmatively, lowering himself so he is at eye level with your dripping core that he sees as he pushes the jersey up, eliciting a moan from him, “Yeah, my lucky charm. The love of my life watching me from home while wearing my jersey, and apparently nothing else”. You let out a whine at the combination of his words and his hot breath as he blows on your swollen clit.
“Now let me thank my lucky charm, ‘lright?” Before you can even respond, Ted licks up your slit slowly before latching onto your nub, sucking rhythmically as you let out a string of whines. Moving your hands down to tug at Ted’s hair, you brace your feet on the bed as you thrust up. Chuckling at your eagerness, Ted looks up at you through his hooded eyelids, “Give me a second sweetheart, let me taste ya before I give you what you want.” 
You nod desperately, wanting any kind of relief but also anxious to see the throbbing cock that had made a wet spot on the front of Ted’s briefs. Ted curls two of his fingers into you before his tongue follows, lapping up as much of your juice as you can. He groans in delight, his mustache tickling your clit as it is on high alert, pushing you close to the edge. “T-Ted, Imma…”  Ted pulls away barely from your pussy, his thumb rubbing your clit at the perfect pace, “I know sugar, let go for me. Come all over my mouth, it’s just how I want ya.”
With Ted’s reaffirming words and resumed attack on your core as his thumb continues on your clit, you reach your peak while you let out a loud moan, pulling at Ted’s hair. As you come back down earth, you feel Ted cleaning you up with his tongue, not a single drop left behind as he hums Richmond’s chant to himself. 
He pushes himself up so he’s level with your face, emphatically kissing you, bringing a moan from you at the taste of yourself on his lips. You quickly reach down, tugging his briefs down before he wiggles out of them and kicks them to the ground. You grasp him, rubbing your thumb over the tip, “Want you in me, coach.”
Ted groans deeply before nodding, latching onto your neck to leave a mark as he positions his dick right above your entrance. You move to take off the jersey before Ted stops you, grabbing your hands as he puts his weight on his knees, not yet entering you, “Hey there now. Wanna keep my lucky charm just as it is. Gonna fuck you as you wear my name, get a taste of what it’ll be like when I marry ya, okay sweetness?” 
Ted was thanking every god above that he didn’t fall asleep on the bus back to Richmond.
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shentheauthor · 1 year
I’m so glad you include Pulcinella in your romantic (maybe romantic) headcanons 😭. It’s a nice change! Do you do suggestive stuff? If not it’s totally fine! Can you do plus-sized S/O with the harbingers?
Fucking hell I had half of this done but it deleted all of it, kill me
Anyway tho— I don’t do suggestive stuff, sorry. And of course I can’t leave out my favorite gnome <3
Harbingers with a plus size s/o—
More of you to love ayy
He will happily hold you
Makes it so clear he absolutely adores you
Loves your body so much, you have no idea
He gets very stressed, so he will let you lay on him like a weighted blanket
Give this touch starved old man some love raaahhh
He’s lowkey proud he can lift you no matter what
He isn’t prideful, but he’s proud of you
Internally he’s like “yes, this is my s/o, look at how gorgeous they are”
Externally he’s like 😐
At least it’s very clear to you how much he loves you gjekkgkekg
If you’re insecure, he’ll just lift you up and compliment you sm
Loves your stretch marks, if you have them. He likes tracing them with his fingers.
He won’t compliment you on your looks without being directly asked
Unless you show insecurity
If you’re insecure, he’ll spit scientific facts about body weight and how healthiness looks different for everyone
I’m sorry he’ll just start infodumping JFJGKKDKG
But hey, if you’re dating him, you probably don’t mind
He values intelligence more than looks, so as long as you’re smart and can hold a conversation, or at least are willing to learn, he loves you
Love love loves you
She’s small, so she likes being held by you
You’re like a big ol teddy bear
Another one that likes tracing stretch marks
She’ll just try to touch and hold as much of you as she can
She will make you feel so loved, insecure or not
You’ve already made it this far with her, so she isn’t very reserved lmao
Nobody will ever dare to make a rude comment about you on her watch
She also will not compliment you directly
Unless you’re outwardly insecure
“Don’t be ridiculous, I wouldn’t be with you if I didn’t think you were just fine the way you are.”
Kinda cold, but fiogkgkrkgkrkg she will soften over time
Her actions speak louder than her words tho
She loves holding you, and will make that very clear
Will find a way to hold you no matter what, unless it’s in public
Tiny man
If you cuddle him, he is the happiest mf alive
PLEASE cuddle him
He get so stressed from work, so if you hug him, he just melts
He is a sappy bastard, so he will compare you to legendary gods/goddesses and figures from mythology
Literally just loves you so much
He LOVES how small he is compared to you
He’s like a teddy bear
“Why should I care about what you look like?”
He finds the concern a bit stupid, but mostly because he doesn’t understand why people would be rude about it
It doesn’t matter to him, why should it matter to mortals?
Still, he will make it clear that he loves you and your body
He loves your rolls and stretch marks if you have them
He thinks it looks like kintsukuroi, the process of repairing cracks in pottery and lacquerware with gold or silver
I couldn’t resist throwing in my pottery knowledge gjjejgjejg sorry
He doesn’t compliment you directly without making it seem like he’s being harsh
But you get the idea
I love him sm
She adores you
She likes playing dress up with you, and your body gives her opportunities to get creative
She does treat you like you’re one of her “dolls,” but if you don’t mind, it’s fine gjejgjekg
She thinks your rolls and stretch marks make you look like a mosaic
A beautiful, moving statue
She will lay on you while tinkering with small projects
Give her all the love, she needs it
Can and will brutally maim anyone who’s rude to you
Ok so she’s SUPER tall
Which means she has longer arms
Which means she can hold you properly
She ADORES you
She will trace your body and compliment you all the time
“I love every single inch of you, dear”
She will destroy anyone who dares to make you feel insecure
Drop kicks them into the sun
She clings to you and does not let go. You managed to thaw her heart, and she will make it so clear that she cares so much
He thinks you’re the most beautiful person to walk Teyvat
He will gift you with clothes perfectly sized for you
That accentuate your body to where it looks even more perfect than it was before
Another who will compare any stretch marks to kintsukuroi
He will do paperwork with you either laying on him, or him laying on you
He literally loves you so much dude
Your body is a temple
And he will treat it as such
He will hold you and trace your skin and kiss you all over
“I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to have such a beautiful s/o”
You are the entire world to him
He will make you feel like the most special person on the planet
If anyone dares to make you feel insecure about your body, he will challenge them to a duel and NOT hold back (aka that mf is very injured after)
He is giggling and kicking his feet around you
Just… hold him and he will be SO happy
Golden retriever man
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