#anytime i can write some good hurt/comfort is a good day
mediumgayitalian · 6 months
“Oh, fuck.”
The clatter of her practice sword on the ground is almost louder than the crunch that rings out from his wrist. He inhales sharply, biting back a shout — no matter how many times it’s happened, he will never get used to breaking a bone. That shit hurts.
“Fuck, fuck fuck. Fuck, Seaweed Brain, is it broken?”
“Think so,” Percy grits out. He tries for a smile, and Annabeth matches it, small and worried. He leans into the hand she cups over his cheek. “Not too bad, though. If I just dump my water bottle on it —”
“Absolutely not. Water healing leaves you achey when it rains, you know that.” Shifting to wrap her arm around his waist, she helps him stand, shouldering some of his weight like it’s his ankle that’s broken. He lets her, reaching down to squeeze the hand resting on his hip — I’m fine. We’re good. She turns her hand to wrap clasp their hands together — Okay. If you’re sure.
They walk together to the infirmary, taking their time. Aside from the pain pulsing from his arm, it’s not too bad — camp is as balmy as usual, and the spring break energy is practically visible, it’s so potent. The Demeter cabin has plants growing everywhere, flowers and fruit trees blooming as bright as a box of new crayons, and the air is filled with shouts of laughter and teasing. Annabeth’s steps fall in time with his, and she’s a comfortable warmth at his side, pressed from shoulder to hip.
“You still okay?”
“Yep.” He catches her eye, smiling crookedly at her. “Doesn’t even make my top fifty.”
She rolls her eyes, hipchecking him. “Don’t I know it, ya klutz.”
“Not sure I would call being flung from the St. Louis Arch being a klutz. Or exploded in a volcano. Or crushed under the sky. Or slashed by giants. Or chased by —”
“You’re talking, but all I’m hearing is Annabeth, please, please pinch me, as hard as you can —”
“Hey! Get those claws off me, gods you’re worse than an empousai —”
“— and when you’re done pinching me please put me in the tightest headlock you can manage —”
“I am injured! You are beating up an injured person right now!”
“— and then please just bite a chunk out of my shoulder —”
“Cut it out or I’m telling Mom!”
“Wimp,” she taunts, finally releasing him. “I don’t go running to Sally every time I lose a fight.”
“Wha — you do so!”
She ducks through the infirmary door, smirking like she can’t hear him.
“You literally — you snitched on me last week! I got grounded for two days!”
“And you deserved it,” she says primly.
He gapes. “I did not!”
“Anytime you two are done,” Kayla drawls, shoving a clipboard at them. They accept it with matching sheepish grins, cowed at her perfectly arched eyebrow and slowly tapping foot. “I got patients to deal with and older brothers to harass. Let’s get this moving.”
She is shockingly good at humbling people for a thirteen year old. The two of them turn to their clipboard, chagrined, letting her stomp away with an exasperated He’ll be with you soon! Don’t set off the sprinklers again!
“That was one time,” Percy mumbles, ears reddening.
Annabeth pats him on the back. “There, there,” she says mockingly. “The fact that it was one time definitely negates the fact that you flooded the entire Big House because you got jumpscared by a child.”
“Harley can be sneaky, okay. Let me live.”
“Literally no.”
Annabeth does most of the paperwork for him, ‘cause she’s a nerd because his wrist is far too swollen for him to write properly, so it takes maybe half the time it normally would. The infirmary is crowded as Hell, though (he knows, he’s been), so they settle in for the wait, amusing themselves by tearing little pieces off of a blank form, balling them up, and tossing them in increasingly harder places. Percy is winning 7-4, although Annabeth might just pull through if she manages to toss her paper ball into Travis’ wide-open snoring mouth.
“Hey, guys. Sorry for the wait.”
Aw. She missed. Percy was looking forward to that.
“Hey, Will.”
He drags his attention away from the son of Hermes to greet his friend, but frowns before he can open his mouth.
“Woah, dude, you good? You look exhausted.”
Will snorts. “Welcome to spring break, man.” He holds his hand out for the clipboard, scanning it briefly. “Sparring injury? Oh, thank the gods. I could use a break. Here, face me.”
He climbs up onto the minimal left over space on the cot, tucking his legs under his thighs. Percy turns to mirror him, hesitantly sticking out his arm — A break? he mouths to Annabeth, meeting her eyes over Will’s head.
She shrugs.
“Just spent four hours putting Jake’s nose back on his face,” Will mumbles, placing a careful hand on his fingertips and his forearm. Percy flinches — his skin is blisteringly hot. Like someone just dropped a hot stone onto him. “I never want to sing a skin cell hymn again in my life.” He prods at Percy’s wrist for a moment, gentle enough not to hurt. “Okay, hold still, I’m gonna fix ya right up.”
Healing hymns are familiar, by now, but Percy will never get tired of them.
The cool thing about ambrosia and nectar is that as pleasure food for the gods, it’s pleasant. It’s whatever taste you want, whatever you need to have most, you get it. But healing hymns are intentional the way nectar and ambrosia aren’t. Ambrosia and nectar happen to be healing for demigods — healing hymns were constructed to knit you back together, like you mother smoothing a bandaid over a skinned knee. They’re warm and sweet and deeply, endlessly comforting in a way most things simply cannot claim to be. They don’t feel like a medical procedure or a hasty patch job, they feel like someone gripping you tightly and promising you’ll be okay. They feel like getting carried to bed when you fall asleep on the couch. They feel like sitting down after hours of standing, like a drink of water when your throat is drier than sand. Healing hymns draw the pain and sick and ache from your body, and they feel like relief.
But this time, Percy can’t focus on it.
With every word, Will seems to get a little duller. Nothing like the horrible ash-grey he went in the war, dragging the poison from Annabeth’s body, but like his usual sunny disposition was dialed down a few notches. Enough that Annabeth frowns in concern, drumming her hands on her thighs, watching him closely.
“There,” Will says, pulling away. Percy turns his now-healed wrist, noticing the slight pant to Will’s breath, the strain to his smile. The shake of his blistered fingertips.
“You look overworked,” Annabeth says quietly.
Will holds his hands up in a what can you do gesture. “Spring break.”
“You said.”
“It’s just busy, is all.”
“Yeah, but —”
“Guys,” he interrupts, smiling tiredly, “there are two hundred ADHD demigods at this camp right now who have been trapped in a classroom for six months. There are three of us. I’m going to be a little drained; we’re all a little drained. But I’m fine, okay?” He gives them a second to scrutinize his expression, eyebrows raised in amusement. “I have been running my infirmary for years. I know how to pace myself, and I certainly know how to make sure my siblings are pacing themselves. If something goes really wrong, Chiron is a whistle away. I can go longer than you guys without sleep, anyway. Apollo kid health.”
“If you say so,” Percy says reluctantly. “I just — I can wear a wrist brace, man. Not every injury needs to be handled when it happens. You can tell people no.”
“I appreciate that, Percy, and I’ll keep it in mind. Anyways, I’ve got more patients. Stay off that wrist for the rest of the day, okay? It might be tender for a bit.”
Percy turns to Annabeth as Will leaves, frowning. He’s has never noticed the so-called spring break stress before (his camp spring breaks are usually a blast, but now that he’s thinking about it, he can’t think of a single spring break where he spent any time at all with Will, which is odd), but it can’t be good for him. There’s gotta be something they can do to ease some of the bruising under their friend’s eyes.
“I could set off the fire alarms again,” Percy suggests. “That’ll certainly get this place cleared out.”
Annabeth snorts. “I think that’ll cause more harm than good, Seaweed Brain. It’ll just fall in him to clean it all up, after.”
Percy counts nine of the forty cots currently unused. Will, Kayla, and Austin are rushing from cot to cot, handing out nectar, wrapping bandages, rattling off hymns at light speed. All three of them look exhausted, squeezing shoulders when they pass each other, knocking hips, exchanging tired smiles. This is so clearly something they’re used to.
Annabeth’s head rests on his shoulder.
“It wasn’t always like this,” she whispers. “When it was fully staffed…”
Percy exhales heavily. Yeah. He remembers. There was a lot less complication, once upon a time. The most chaotic the infirmary would get was when Lee would challenge his siblings to Hymn Karaoke — trying to heal with pop songs. There was a lot more laughter, at one point. A lot more people.
Percy sighs, squeezing his eyes shut. It never does well to dwell, but he — gods, he wish they all had more time. To sit with it, to acknowledge…everything. Siblings. Friends. A camp that’s smaller than it’s supposed to be.
Annabeth squeezes his hand again, and he squeezes back, resting his head on top of hers.
“Hey,” she murmurs after a moment, pursing her lips at the front door. “Look.”
Slinking through the entrance like a criminal is Nico, in all his dork ass black camp shirt glory. He looks around shiftily, like he’s trying to make sure no one sees him, and when his gaze lands on Percy and Annabeth his eyes widen. Annabeth smiles at him, but it does nothing to ease the spooked look to his face, back arched like a startled cat. He turns to leave, but before he can slip back out the door —
The son of Hades whips back around so quickly he brains himself on the doorframe. Percy ducks his head and bites his lip, hard, because he can feel Nico’s glare at the side of his head like the press of hot coal, and if he laughs as badly as he wants to then the infirmary is about to look like a Spirit Halloween.
Will turns back to his patient, squeezing his eyes shut and rattling a hymn off so quickly it makes a burst of light pop from his whole body, and rushes over to where Nico’s standing. He only trips over two things, which is remarkable for him. Percy would be proud if he wasn’t a little embarrassed on his behalf.
“Nico! Hi!”
“He-ey, Will,” Nico says, voice cracking badly on every vowel. Annabeth shoves her face into Percy’s shoulder, body shaking.
“I didn’t know you were coming! I thought you were in the arena all day.”
Nico shrugs, shoes scuffing the floor. “I am. I just — uh, I got hurt? So. Came to see you.”
Will’s beam is so bright it hurts to look at, a little. Percy squints and realises that’s not just the excitement, actually — he really is glowing, faintly. His hands flap slightly at his sides.
“Well, you’re in the right place, then.”
Neither of them say anything for a minute, rocking back on their heels. Will watches Nico closely, biting his lip. Nico looks resolutely at the floor.
“We weren’t this bad,” Annabeth whispers, “were we?”
Percy shakes his head. “Nah, there’s no way.”
“Gods. It’s so — I don’t know whether to smile or take a dip in the Lethe. It’s embarrassing and endearing at the same time.”
“Painful to watch, but I can’t stop looking,” Percy agrees.
“What’d you hurt?” Will asks, finally. “Did you pull your shoulder again?”
A look of panic flits briefly across Nico’s face until he smooths it to something neutral, aloof.
“Yep. Totally. During — sword fighting, I swung — I did this really big thrust, actually. Just — hugely powerful, training dummy exploded on impact.” He clears his throat. “Some might say too powerful. If you can imagine.”
Percy cradles his head in his hands. “Oh my gods — ”
“Don’t laugh don’t laugh don’t laugh,” Annabeth chants, “oh my gods, don’t laugh —”
A light flush dusts Will’s cheeks. He brushes a strand of hair behind his ear, fiddling with his earrings. “Woah, really? I’ve never heard of that before.”
Nico smirks, standing up a little straighter. “Well, it’s not the first time. I tend to go pretty hard.” Remembering his supposedly hurt shoulder, he exaggerates a wince. “Too hard sometimes, I guess. Could you do the — the energy thing?”
“Oh — gods, yeah, sorry. Hold on.” He stares at Nico’s shoulder, hesitating. “It, um, works better with skin-to-skin contact.”
“I have seen crystal vases less transparent,” Annabeth says, aghast. “In two years he’s going to remember this and try to drown himself.”
“I will be counting down the days,” Percy says gleefully.
On rare, rare occasions, the gods answer his prayers. Clearly, both Nemesis and Aphrodite are looking at him kindly today. Percy makes a note to scrape some of the good stuff off his plate for them both today. Hell, maybe he’ll skip the portioning and toss them an entire roast chicken each. Or something. They deserve it.
Will places both hands — interesting, Percy notes, his wrist was snapped cleanly in two and he only needed one hand, wonder why that was — on Nico’s shoulder and closes his eyes, screwing up his face in concentration.
“Huh. I’m not feeling much damage. You said it was your right shoulder?”
“I heal quick,” Nico says loudly. “I mean, some of the damage might have — um.” He clears his throat. His face glows a faint crimson. He clears his throat again. “Y’know?”
Will’s face is a similar shade.
“Right, right. Yeah. Um, brace yourself.”
Instead of starting to sing, Will closes his eyes, holding completely still. After a moment, the tips of his fingers begin to glow; soft, ambery yellow, flickering like lit candles. He opens his eyes again and focuses intently on Nico’s bare skin, tracing patterns around every defined muscle, leaving a trail of light behind. He lingers, for a moment, when he connects the last string of light, waiting until it has faded entirely from Nico’s skin to remove his hands and shove them in the pockets of his coat.
“That better?” he asks softly.
Nico swallows. “Yeah.”
“Good. I’m glad, Nico. It means a lot that you — came to me. When you needed it.”
“I trust you, I guess.” Nico looks away. “You know what you’re doing.”
“I think I just threw up in my mouth a little,” Percy says thoughtfully.
Annabeth laughs, shoving his shoulder. “Don’t be mean.” She pauses. “Me too.”
With a sigh that can only be described as besotted, Will steps reluctantly away.
“I have patients,” he says, in the same tone of voice Percy usually says I have midterms. “So I gotta…”
“Yeah, no, go. Do your —” Nico gestures vaguely. “Doctor thing.”
“Right. Yeah. I’m gonna — go.” He turns, walking back towards a group of Hephaestus kids who appear to be tightly entangled in some kind of net. After a few steps, though, he pauses, biting his lip, then darts back over to Nico, pressing a lightning-fast kiss to his cheek — “Um, bye. Thank you for visiting. Bye,” — and then runs back over to his siblings, shy smile on his face.
Nico’s jaw is brushing the floor of his father’s palace. He stands, still as a statue, for four entire minutes.
“I think he just died,” Annabeth observes, eyebrows climbing higher and higher up her forehead with every passing second “Damn. Survived so much only to literally die because a cute boy kissed his cheek. A true hero’s end.”
Percy, because he is a kind, concerned friend, clears his throat loudly.
“Yo, di Angelo, you alive?”
Nico startles so violently he falls right over. Percy shoves his fist in his mouth to keep from cackling.
“Shut the fuck up,” Nico hisses venomously, scrambling upright. “Both of you, shut the — not a word —”
Percy and Annabeth make the mistake of looking at each other and simply erupt. Percy can’t feel his stomach. His lungs have abandoned ship. He’s glad as hell he’s in the infirmary because he is heaving for breath, tears streaming down his face, entire body convulsing. Nico stands in front of them literally shaking with rage, entire body redder than one of Apollo’s sacred cows, trying and failing to string together a threat that will ease any and all of his suffering. Annabeth screeches, almost falling off the bed as she cackles. Percy cannot even find the strength to catch her, his muscles are so weak.
“I fucking — I hate you! Both of you! You’re dead to me!”
“Your face!” Percy shrieks.
“Percy Jackson, I am going to turn you to fucking dark matter! I despise your very essence! I —” He stomps his foot. “I’m leaving, and I’m going to leave a rotting corpse in your cabin! Screw you!”
“Oh my gods,” Annabeth wheezes, digging her nails into his arm. “Oh my gods, that was —”
Percy wipes a tear from his eye. “I love being alive. I love being alive so much.”
“It really is great.” Composing herself, and biting back the leftover giggles that keep bubbling out, Annabeth looks back towards Will. He stands much straighter, now, smile back to full brightness. His siblings, too, look rejuvenated, snickering to each other and making kissy faces behind Will’s back. “So many beautiful things to witness. I’ve never seen his face go that red.”
Percy sighs. “This is genuinely going to carry me through the semester. I think his soul died a little. And Will just — gods, that kid is bold.”
“Oh says you, Mr. Do I Get A Good Luck Kiss.”
“Hey, I earned that.”
Annabeth grins, punching him in the shoulder. He grabs her wrist and tugs her towards him, chasing the curve of her smile. She laughs into his mouth and it taste like strawberries and freedom, and he presses a kiss to her cheek, to her jaw, and the side of her neck, resting there, breathing against her skin. After a moment her hands come up and slide in his hair, gently untangling the knotted mess.
“He is one thousand percent going to put a zombie in your bed, you know,” she says after a moment.
Percy snorts. “Yeah, I know.” He smiles. “Worth it.”
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gemstone-roses · 9 months
New Year’s Eve.
Eddie Munson x Reader.
Summary: Eddie overhears you turn down an invite to Steve’s iconic nye party, stating you categorically hate the holiday, so, he invites you to spend the evening with him in his trailer instead.
Warnings; SMUT, 18+ only, p in v MINORS BE FUCKING GONE FROM THIS PLACE , mentions of drug dealing., anxiety, praise kink, hurt/comfort vibes, the holy trinity of my fics. Like soo much praise kink, fingering! This took forever to write but I’m proud of it ok. This work and this blog is intended for adults only. I am not responsible for what content you consume.
A:N - I wanted to post one more fic before the end of the year, I hope you all like it! Thankyou for all the love on this blog this past year, I am so happy my fics have been a source of comfort for some of you, I’m so thankful for all the love. it’s been a tough one for many, including myself, here’s hoping the next is easier on rveryone. Much love to everyone ❤️❤️
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“what do you mean you’re not coming!” Steve asks with mock affront, standing at the door of your trailer, your leaning against the door, steaming mug of coffee, untouched, you give Eddie a wave as he leaves his place opposite, he sends you a wicked smile and a wink as he leaves to do his dealings of the day.
You shake your head and chuckle.
“Steve, every year you ask me, every year I say no, my answer hasn’t changed and it won’t” annoyance creeps into your voice unintentionally. Steve opens his mouth feigning hurt before breaking out into a smile.
“Sorry, I just haven’t had my coffee yet, but I hope you have a wonderful party Steve” you smile, and he nods “I understand, I just have to ask you know? Maybe this year will be the year you come”. “You’ve said that every year since we’ve known each other haven’t you” you chuckle, and he nods, swiping his hand through his hair. “Anyway, lots to do, I better be off, have a good night” he waves you off before getting back in his car. You bring your coffee to your mouth, finally. “Spending New Year’s Eve alone sweetheart”? Eddie appears from the side of your trailer, his face in a huge grin you can’t help but smile.
“Yes”. You say. Eddies brow furrows, as he steps into your doorway, his aftershave invades your senses as he places a caring hand on your arm” can’t have that darlin, I’ll be back at 5, come hang with me” he’s says it so casually but the sparkle in his eyes says he’s desperate for you to say yes. You weigh up your options in your head, you were just going to go to bed early and hide under your covers, but the man in front of you makes your breath hitch whenever you see him, and that mouth,god. “Yeah, okay”. You say. And you didn’t think it possible but eddies grin gets wider. “Just come over anytime after five sweetheart” his voice cracks at the end of his sentence and you have to do everything in your power not to groan. “Okay” you whisper. And then he’s gone, leaving you feeling empty without his presence.
5 o clock comes quicker than you thought. Swiftly slipping on a black band tee you pull on a pair of comfy joggers and head over.
The door swings open before you can even knock. “Hey darlin” his eyes are sparkling again as he steps back and does a theatrical bow to show you in. You laugh at his actions as he shuts the door behind you.
“So, sweetheart, you gonna tell me why you hate this holiday so much?” He steps closer to you, his eyes wide with interest. You frown, anxiety pooling in your stomach. “Hey” he says softly. Fingers coming to cup your chin. You look at him, his soft brown eyes make your insides melt slightly. “Did I upset you” he asks and it’s so sweet and unexpected you can’t help but let out a small laugh. “No, god no, I just, it’s silly” you trail off, looking down at the floor. “Not to me” Eddie says softly, and you look up and once more think you might get lost in those eyes. He’s got a reassuring smile on his face, waiting. “I get this impending and unrelenting feeling of doom okay” you whisper, then shut your eyes as if you can hide from the words you’ve said. Eddies fingers caress your face gently. “That’s not silly” he whispers, cupping your face with his big hand. You lean into his comforting touch. “Thankyou”. You whisper, lifting up your hand and placing it on top of his. “You have the most stunning eyes” he mutters before recoiling slightly as if he didn’t mean to say it out loud. “Erm”… he rubs the back of his neck chuckling. “So do you” you say simply. “Ha, thankyou, sweetheart” he laughs awkwardly. The tension in the air hangs between you, you look at Eddie, he looks at you and you think this might be it but then his brows shoot up and he says “Oh my god I didn’t offer you a drink I’m a terrible host” he says suddenly, tripping over himself to get you a soda. “It’s fine! Don’t worry” you assure him. He mutters sorry while he hands you the can and leads you to his room. “So, what would you like to do sweetheart” his grin has returned, and even though he’s asked you you know he’s got something in his mind. “I don’t mind, film?” You say sitting down on his bed pulling your legs up. Eddie stares, completely lost in the moment, watching you do something so ordinary, and you take his breath away. “What?” You ask, burning under his stare. “You’re fucking beautiful” he states. Your heart stops in your chest, mouth falls open and you don’t realise he’s moved closer, he’s sitting opposite you, his hands on your knees, he’s leaning forward slightly, a mix of weed and his aftershave once again enveloping you. You meet his eyes, full of adoration for you, his tongue pokes out to wet his lips and you can’t tear your eyes away. “Can I- kiss you?” He asks and your heart soars as you nod, he crashes his lips to yours and you forget to breathe. The kiss is gentle but firm, he wraps his arm around your waist as he pulls you into him, one hand holds the back of your neck as he runs his long fingers up and down, sending shivers straight to your core. You moan and he stops, panting slightly, he keeps one hand at the back of your neck.
“Eddie” you breathe. “God your incredible” he says, swiping his thumb across your puffy lips, he leans into kiss your neck. He trails sloppy open mouthed kisses down to your collarbone, you writhe underneath him, each press of his lips causing your pussy to throb. “Eddie please” you moan.
‘What do you need sweetheart?” He mutters and it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. “You” you plead, clenching your thighs together to get some, any, form of relief.
“Mm, say it again” he groans, fingers waiting at the edge of your joggers. “I need you Eddie” you moan, pushing your hips up to emphasise your point. Mischief dances across his face as he slowly removes your pants, smiling at the wet patch that’s formed in your panties. He taps his fingers across your clothed pussy, watching as your head falls back in both pleasure and frustration. He bends down, breath fanning over your clothed core. “I can’t wait to feel you come around my cock” he whispers, placing an open mouthed kiss over your dripping pussy, before hooking his fingers through your underwear and pulling them down.
Eddie leans over you as his fingers dance on your inner thigh, one hand bracing on the window behind your head. He bends his head, hovering his lips next to your ear” Spread your legs wider for me darlin” he groans, and then smiles as you do. “That’s it” he says, moving his hand toward your core. “So wet” he comments, pushing his finger inside your hole, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on your clit. He moans as you clench around his finger instantly. “Mm fuck Eddie” you whine as he curls his finger inside you. He captures you in another kiss as he presses his thumb into your throbbing clit. “Ah, Eddie-“ you say, your orgasm fast approaching, he continues, alternating between circling and pressing on your sensitive button, pleasure begins to cloud your vision as he pumps his finger in and out of you, wetness dripping down your thighs.
“That’s it, good girl, come for me sweetheart” he soothes as your orgasm crashes over. He keeps rubbing gentle circles on your clit as you come down from your high, when you open your eyes he’s staring at you, awestruck. “You did so well for me” he praises and Eddie’s cock twitches in his pants watching your reaction to his words. “Eddie, that was amazing” you breathe, and he shoots a wicked smile at you that has heat flooding your body again.
“You okay”? He checks and you nod. “Drink this” he unscrews the cap on a bottle of water for you and places it to your lips. No one has ever bothered to be anywhere near as kind and considerate and your heart once again soars because of the man currently sitting between your legs. Eddie’s cock is painfully hard in his pants as he takes in your post orgasmic state. Sweat pooled on your face, your still panting slightly, come dripping from your pussy onto his bed, Eddie thinks it’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
You sit up and pull him into you, his clothed cock pressing into your naked core. He hisses at the contact. “We don’t have to, it’s completely okay if you want to stop darlin” and once again your falling hard, the softness in his voice makes you want to cry. “I don’t want to stop” you say and Eddie places a gentle kiss to your lips before pulling his pants down. His cock strains against his boxers, you reach out and tease the head with your hand. Eddie groans, it’s feral and he places his hands on your shoulders as he nips at your neck. “Lie down for me sweetheart”. Eddie removes his underwear as you do, He positions himself between your legs as you lie back, head hitting his pillow. You push up to see his hard thick cock springing up against his stomach, precum leaking from the tip, it makes your stomach flip and your mouth water. Eddie pumps his cock a few times before rolling a condom down his cock. Eddie pushes gently on your shoulders so you lie back down, he taps his cock a few times on your pussy causing you to moan unexpectedly. He positions himself at your entrance as his hand cups your face. “You okay?” He asks, waiting for your answer before he does anything. You nod, taking a deep breath as you prepare for Eddie to push into you. “Can you go slow?” You whisper, cringing slightly, hoping you didn’t kill the mood. Eddies face softens, “of course I can baby, it’s okay, I got you” he soothes softly, his other hand rubbing the inside of your thigh. His hand comes to circle your clit slowly. “Look at me” he says, and you do. The smile on his face is otherworldly, it brightens everything around you as he studies your face closely, rubbing gentle circles on your clit as he slowly pushes his cock inside you. “Breathe, baby” he comforts as your walls clench around him. “Eddie” you whine, “You’re doing so good for me” Eddie keeps praising you until his cock is nestled deep inside you. Eddie groans at the feeling of you wrapped around him. He stays put until you speak. “Move” you whisper.
Eddie thrusts into you slowly, one hand gently splayed across your lower stomach as he rocks his hips back and forth, your hands grip the sheets beneath you as Eddie’s cock reaches a spot inside you that makes your head spin.
“Mm eddie- you moan as your second orgasm builds, every nerve in your body tingling at his actions
“You feel so amazing clenching round my cock like this darlin, you’re takin me so well” he soothes, your pussy clenches at his words and Eddie moans as you squeeze his cock. “Fuck Eddie I’m gonna-
Eddie’s cock pulses as he feels you clench harder. “Eyes on me darlin” he whispers. You meet his gaze and your head clouds with pleasure again “Good, I got you, your okay, come for me baby, drench my cock, come with me, fuck!” he groans as your pussy tightens around him as you release around Eddie’s cock just as his own orgasm crashes over him.
Your ears ring as you hear muffled praise fall from Eddie’s lips, his touch grounding you as your mind clears. “You were incredible” Eddie whispers, drawing patterns on your hips with his fingers. You smile at the sight in front of you. “Eddie” you croak, voice hoarse. “Yeah darlin” he asks, and the sight of him, sweaty, curls stuck to his face, his face flushed with heat, you wish you could engrave it into your mind forever. “Can we stay like this forever?” You sigh. And Eddie chuckles before grabbing both your hands and fitting them in his. Forever sounds amazing with you”. He whispers, catching your lips in a heated kiss as fireworks light up the sky above.
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adventuringblind · 7 months
Monsters in my Mind
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Sometimes those thoughts won't leave, the ones you don't want... The ones that can be dangerous. All it takes is one person to help make them go away.
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, referenced/implied self-harm, violent thoughts, impulsive behaviors, panic attacks, non-sexual dominance as a form of coping, dom/sub undertones
Notes: My thoughts are self stabby as of late. Pardon me as I write this for myself to keep my head and hands busy.
Side Note: Consider feeding my praise kink maybe...?
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The head is a strange place. One's conscious is usually meant to help them make the right decisions and not engage in acts that could hurt them or others. Her head, however, is the opposite of that.
It's a dark twisted place where thoughts that aren't her own find refuge. They want to bathe her in the ecstasy of things that shouldn't feel good. daydreams about things that could repulse any typical human being.
Sometimes they are so strong and her bodies reactions are so out of control, that she has to find relief somewhere. The knife against her skin takes the edge off. Is it normal to moan at the sting and feel satisfied looking at her red stained thighs? She does, until the realization settles in and the guilt won't let her think.
The thoughts laugh at her for giving in so easily. They scrutinize the fact she gets off on the pain.
She walks around in fear of herself. The anxiety and exhaustion from constantly fighting herself are visible on her body. She's tired, and everyone knows it. It's why they don't come near her. Always to caught up in her own head to realize people are trying converse.
It's not like her job requires to much discussion with people. Puzzles keep her brain busy and Ferrari keeps her busy with all the strategy mishaps they throw at her. They throw her a problem, she solves it, plans for next time, and they fuck it up again by not using the solution.
Sometimes she thinks about throwing herself in front of an F1 car going full speed. That voice in her head screams at her anytime she's close to the live track.
Then there is Max. His voice sends the thoughts running and it makes her want to cling to him. She wants him to never stop talking about anything and everything.
Today had been particularly difficult with the of the driver switch coming at the end of the season. Carlos and Charles are the first drivers she's worked with and they all got along great. She doesn't want it to change. That means more unknowns.
The wind graces her cheeks and kisses her finger tips as she sits on the balcony of their apartment. Everything is to much right now and her thoughts won't quiet.
She was in Maranello when the news came out. Her head became so loud with the fear of change and worry for her friend. Enough to be sent home for the day - alone, and nothing to help her head aside from the burning desire to just end it all.
Max had made arraignments for her to spend some time with him in the Milton-Keynes. She was still alone for periods of time. Enough to have to settle herself somehow.
The color red makes something in her relax. Specifically when it's flowing out of her own body.
Now Max is with her and she's stuck in her own head. The never ending maze of twisted thoughts keeps her from moving. The fear of giving in has been looming over her head for longer then normal. It feels like she's losing something, always has been with this team, but change feels far worse then staying with them.
Max hasn't pushed her to do much aside from at least stay in his presence. Occasionally attempting to get her out of her own head with movies and games. He's even spent hours at a time just talking to her about anything and everything.
He opens the door to the balcony, but she doesn't look at him. Not until he holds his hand out for her to take. An action she does without hesitation. No thoughts are needed for this, just following Max's lead.
He leads her over to the couch and arranges them so she can sit tucked into his lap. A grounding hand runs up and down the lenght of her spine. "I've been doing some research about how we might be able to get your head to quiet down."
"I'll do anything, jus' want it to stop." Her voice sounds dry and cracked from how hard she's screamed and cried through the last few days.
"Do you trust me?"
"More then I trust anyone."
She finds herself slipping off the couch and onto her knees, in-between Max's legs with her head resting against his thigh. His touch doesn't leave her skin. "You're doing so good for me. Listen to my voice and focus on taking big breathes for me. Can you do that for me?"
She hums in response. The continual stroke of Max's fingers against her face and sound of his voice already helping immensely.
"That's it, just breathe for me. I've got you; you don't have to fight the thoughts alone. I'm right here with you, keeping them away, never leaving your side." Max grabs one of her hands with his free one. her fingers lay between his. Her favorite puzzle with how easy the pieces fit together.
"You're here with me; I've got you. Those scary thoughts aren't your own. The are unwanted and uninvited, but most importantly, they don't define you. You are brave, loved, beautiful without gaping wounds. You're not crazy or psychotic. You are yourself, with your highs and your lows."
Her body has never felt like this. Her entire being wants to give itself over to Max. His breathes guiding her own, his gentle yet firm hold on her keeping her where he wants.
She lets herself fall under his spell. If Max can take the control away from her, make her complaint and relaxed like this, then he can have her thoughts too.
"That's it, such a good girl, let me think for you. I won't leave you to fight or flounder on your own."
She follows Max's directions, lets him guide her in this place of trust and letting go of things. He's turning her brain off and letting her float without any kind of worries except what Max is telling her to do.
Until all she can think of is him. The calm the comes with his presence and the way his voice falls over her like a soft blanket. Max is all she knows, occupying every crevice of her mind and leaving no room for anything else to creep in.
"How're you feeling, geliefd?" There is a lightness to his tone that makes her swoon.
She hums against his leg. "Warm, fuzzy, head empty."
"Then you stay here as long as you need, okay? I'll keep you safe."
And she does.
She falls into the warm embrace of Max's words. She lets him protect her and keep the dark ugly thoughts away.
With Max, her head is quiet. The voices can't come though. When they do, he's there to fight them back.
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strongheartneteyam · 5 months
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I wet you like water but she stained you like blood.
Pairing: widowed!dilf!jake sully x younger!female!human!reader
CW: slight sexual language, can be triggering to some, heartbreak, age gap kink, hurt/no comfort, age gap relationship problems, angst, reader reminiscing (pls tell me if I missed anything) 
So, yeah... I never know when I'm gonna come back with another writing. My hiatus n working periods are all a bit unpredictable lol sorry. Anyways... I literally spent the whole night awake n I was struck by a sudden lightning of creativity early in the morning and I edited this chapter n wrote a bit more, but I still haven't slept at all, so, I apologize if some parts of this make no sense at all. I'll fix it when I can. Hope you guys like it <3 ily guys a whole lot :)) obs: this chapter is a shorter one.
Slightly proofread.
Chapter 4 𓆩♡𓆪
They say all's well that ends well
But I'm in a new hell every time you double-cross my mind
You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would've been fine
And that made me want to die
The idea you had of me, who was she?
A never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you
All Too Well - 10 minutes Version (Taylor Swift)
It had been 1 year since the last time you saw Jacob Sully. Or Jakey, like you used to call him. The wound never healed. It still throbbed and bled every time you remembered the words he told you that dreadful day. "I think we should stop seeing each other." It felt like you would never get over him. How can one get over such an overpowering, raw feeling? He marked you forever, like a bruise that seemed to never disappear from your skin.
The flashback came like thunder in a storm, haunting your thoughts with a loud pain that echoed through your mind. What you told Jake that night.
“The truth is I love you. The truth is I can't take this anymore. I'm giving you my everything but you don't seem to be doing the same. You're still guarded.” There was a tense period of silence “Jake… I love you. But I don't think you feel the same.”
Maybe you shouldn't have said anything. Maybe if you had kept your mouth shut, he would still be with you.
Ugh!! Stop that, now, (y/n)! Some self love, please? You're better than this. You deserve better.
You tried to convince yourself of that, at least.
The pain was unbearable at times and almost easy to conceal at other times. It depended on how distracted with work or your studies you were. These days you ran to any distraction that could ease the perpetual angst that squeezed your heart inside its hands all the fucking time. It had been like that ever since Jake left you. What were you expecting anyway? You should have known you were never truly loved by Jake. The love of his life was Neytiri and it would always be, alive and walking through Pandora or dead and with Eywa.
It felt beyond weird to have to hear people talking about Jake and have to pretend he was a stranger to you, someone you barely knew, when he had actually left a mark so strong on you, a memory ingrained in your brain, a feeling, a pain buried inside your heart that made you want to scream and hit your head against a wall. That's how much it hurt.
You would never have his body against yours again, warming you up when it was cold, after you spent the whole day in that damn lab, studying Pandoran plants but all you could really concentrate on was how much you missed his reassuring, protective presence. He made you feel safe for the first time in your life. But now he is gone. Just like every single good thing you ever had in your life. But you know what? Maybe your mother was right, maybe love wasn't really something that could ever last forever.
Did Jake ever really make a real effort to be with you? Thinking back, it was extremely easy for him to just come to you and fuck you anytime he felt sad and lonely. What if you had just been a naive, dumb girl all this time? Were you mourning a love that never actually existed? It was always so hard to talk to him about his feelings for you, he never actually let you in, to be honest. All the time you two spent together, you were never able to know if he ever saw you as a partner or just a fuck buddy. 
Oh, but the high… it was worth all the lows. The butterflies in your stomach every time you guys were almost caught fucking in the back of your work room by Norm. Eventually you guys had to tell him about your situationship because, oh well… he already knew what was going on, really. Norm is not a fool or a child. He could add 2 plus 2.
The adrenaline was worth all the tears. And, fuck… you would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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katz-rambles · 2 months
Hi! I saw your requests are open and I’m wondering if I can get a little Viktor xFem!Reader fic? 🥹
Maybe some angsty/dead dove themes, and lots of fluff? Maybe the Reader is taking care of Viktor while he’s in pain and they end up cuddling? Anything you want is fine! 💖
TIA if you decide to write this!!
Awww, yess! This sounds so cute. Viktors, my personal favorite, so I had a lot of fun writing this!
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(fluff, angst(?) w/ comfort, gn!reader, this is it?)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚₊‧꒰
Your footsteps echo throughout the empty hallway as you try and get to your lovely boyfriend as fast as you can. You haven't been able to see him all day. he and Jayce have been cooped up in the lab all day long.
It's well past midnight at this point, and Viktor still isn't home. Usually, you'd just let him do his thing, but not tonight, not when it's getting closer and closer to one in the morning, and there's still no sign of him. All signs in your mind point to the worst. Maybe he had a fit today and is in the infirmary, or maybe he just got caught up in whatever he was doing. You pray it's the latter.
The door to the lab is unlocked, so he hasn't left yet. He'd never forget to lock it. Unless there was an emergency. Your thoughts are swarming with what might have happened, none of them good. You have to brace yourself for what you think you may see when you get inside the lab.
It's quiet when you first enter, you could hear a pin drop. You look around, desperately searching for Viktor, and there he is, on the ground. "Viktor!" You quickly rush to his side, kneeling to try and figure out what's happening. He's sitting on the floor, his head resting against one of the legs of the desk behind him. His hands are gripping his leg as he lets out a low groan. He looks up at you, tears pricking the sides of his pretty eyes, and his brows are furrowed as he leans his head back and groans again.
"Okay. I'm gonna get you up, and we're going to go.. somewhere." You brush a few stray strands of hair off his face, internally panicking as you try and think of where to go. "Not the infirmary," he sighs, looking at you once again, "I've already been there." His words just make you panic even more.
You wrap one of your arms around his back and slowly help him stand up. He clings to you as you both get on your feet. His legs are wobbly, and if you weren't there, you're sure he would have fallen by now. You both take smaller steps. There's a comfort in the sound of the footsteps that are echoed by the thumping of a cane. It helps you remind yourself that he's right beside you and that he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
You silently thank whoever is listening that your shared dorm is on the same floor as the lab. It's not a far walk either, but the walk feels like it's taking forever. Every time you start to move a bit too fast, you hear Viktor groan, and it has your heart hurting for him. You know how much he hates it.
You embarrassingly fumble with the keys for a few seconds before you can actually find the right one. "It's okay, dear, I'm right here." Viktor mumbles, taking one of your hands in his. You nod and take a deep breath, finally grabbing the right key and opening the door. You help him get in the bed and leave the room to let him get changed into more comfortable wear.
He opens the door, and you immediately go inside, crawling onto the bed to lay beside him. You rest your head on his chest, and you can feel his slim fingers curl around your shoulder, pulling you closer. From this position, you can hear his heartbeat. Each beat is a tell tale sign that he's still with you. His hand starts to rub your arm, and he kisses your forehead.
He leaves his head on the crown of your head, inhaling your scent. Letting both of you know that you're with each other. "Do you think you'll be able to get better?" Your voice wavers at the last few syllables that leave your lips. You feel the vibrations of Viktor chuckling. "I hope so, my love. I really hope so." He sighs, and you move your position so you can clearly see his face. Your hand is resting on his chest, and your finger starts to trace random shapes into his skin. Moving to outline the marks that adorn him.
"But.. ehh.. don't worry about that. Let's focus on the present." He whispers, his voice barely reaches you. You place a soft kiss on his lips and rest your head back on his chest. For now, all you can do is hope that someone, somewhere, finds a cure. Maybe one day they will.
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hornsent-consort · 3 months
Varré x bloody finger hunter male reader
Warnings: reader death, hurt comfort, enemies to lovers, paralysis, no beta reader (we die like men), references to other characters (Yura and Eleonora), slightly ooc?
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(There’s like one lyric from this song paraphrased into this, but I was listening to this while writing, so it’s a little bit inspired by it)
⟢ when Varré saw you, he had known that you’d be a nuisance. You made it your job to eliminate the agents of Mohg, otherwise known as the Bloody Fingers.
⟢ Varré didn’t consider himself a bloody finger, so anytime you’d come around to do your job, he’d make the excuse that he was “just a poor war surgeon trying to make ends meet”.
⟢ it would spoil your mood and you’d have to force yourself not to kill him right there. He was truly annoying.
⟢ there were many times when he would flirt and you’d be disgusted. Days where you two did fight and ended up tired, laying against the wall of the church, legs brushed together.
⟢ Yura warned you about having relationships with the enemy. You were aware of what happened to him and eleonora. You assured him that nothing would happen between you and Varré. The thought made you sick to your stomach.
⟢ your cycle continued until the one day you weren’t interested in fighting. You were sick with deathroot and needed help, and Varré (unfortunately) had medical experience.
⟢ it hurt to walk to the church. The deathroot had pierced through your leg and was slowly taking away all feeling. Eventually, you had to just give in to the paralysis and sit against a rock.
⟢ you didn’t reach the church completely, but you were far enough where Varré could see you. He walked over to you and immediately began to tease.
“What’s wrong, hm? Can’t you use your legs?” You couldn’t see his face behind the mask, but you can see that shit eating grin just by his eyes. You stared at him, not feeling well enough to talk. You just wanted him to get the hint and help you. “Come now! Use your words.”
“Deathroot.” You stared at him and he stared back. He bent over to pick up your arm and threw it over his neck. He placed a hand on your waist and pulled you up. Slowly but surely, you made it to the church.
⟢ you were going to die. Varré knew this, but he still took care of you. When you asked him about it, he simply said that he wanted to give you false hope before your inevitable death. He wanted to see your hopeless face while you laid on your deathbed.
⟢ it didn’t hurt you since you knew you’d do the same to him.
⟢ everyday you were given Rejuvenating Boluses and soup. The soup was good and had tiny bits of prawn. “Varré must’ve gotten them from the boggart shack guy,” you thought.
⟢ Varré was fast so the death blight was slow. You couldn’t walk, but when you needed to bathe, Varré helped with no issue. The real trouble came when you needed to defecate, but you worked out a system that wouldn’t be intrusive.
⟢ While bathing, Varré made the decision to help you completely. The death blight had made its way to your spine, so you lost movement in some areas of your arms and hands. At first it was intrusive, but you grew to appreciate his presence and his help.
⟢ when you fell asleep, it was with him. You said you preferred it that way so that if you needed anything, he couldn’t pretend not to hear you.
⟢ that made Varré smile.
The sun started to rise and your eyes fluttered open. The first thing you saw was Varré. He never took off his mask or uniform. You could barely move, but you were able to muster enough strength to bring up your hand and remove his head dress. You were careful not to move the mask.
When the piece of cloth was gone, you began to rake your fingers through Varré’s hair. You saw his eyes open, but you didn’t stop. You could only feel his hair on certain parts of your hand, and having the ability to feel someone made you a little overwhelmed.
Varré sat up and helped you into the same position. You both stared at each other in silence. Varré reached behind his head and untied his mask. He was just so human. “I hate you,” you said as you let your top half go slightly limp so you’d land on his chest.
⟢ it was a month since you got infected. You were going to die soon, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
⟢ Varré stopped wearing his mask and his attitude changed. Lots of times, he’d just talk to you. He talked a lot about the past. Not his past or your past, but just the past of the world. These were, for the most part, one sided conversations.
⟢ you think he’s trying to keep your mind off dying.
Death under cut
⟢ this day was harder than the rest. By now your whole body was limp. The only thing you could feel was your lips and mouth. You talked sometimes, but it was hard.
⟢ Varré knew today was the day, and he put you against the wall and sat next to you.
“Are you scared?” You didn’t respond. He could tell you were thinking, so he gave you time to let his question sink in. Eventually, you slightly shook your head “I’m not. I know I survived this long because you cared. I know that you love me, but hope just wasn’t there.” Varré nodded and stared at the empty space that was supposed to be a wall across from them.
Varré glanced at you and saw you eying his hand. He smiled and moved it to your hand. You couldn’t feel it, but you saw it. It was enough to make you smile as you closed your eyes.
+143637 runes
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sykoangels · 1 month
Pslspslpslsls write a Logan howlett x ftm or male reader 🙏🏾🙏🏾 breeding kink….??
hi anon!! I have been playing to write this since I'm trans myself! (genderfluid afab) I'm pulling this out of my drafts so I hope you enjoy 🩷
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Logan Howlett, there are many words to describe this man most people will call him egotistical a narcissist, and have a bit of a stuck-up bitch with anger issues. Some people might say he’s the most violent creature they have ever met, is some of that slightly true yes but do you care not because you’ve seen sides of him you thought he would never show anybody. It’s probably different because you guys have been friends for so long and that friendship turned into more later down in life. You and Logan have been knowing each other for years it almost felt like when you met him for the first time he was some attractive hothead with a smoking and drinking problem with some form of family issues.
And you were right when you first met him he was all of those things, but as you continue to talk, he was a vulnerable man dealing with his emotions in the worst possible way. You saw how much she was hurting and would comfort him every day even though he would hate it, but slowly he warmed up to you. Quite nice seeing him smile and giggle from time to time you guys kind of just kept each other company. He would also worry about you a lot. He swore to you that he would always protect you no matter what even if you and him weren’t talking anymore, he would go out of his way to protect you. Later on and your friendship you came out to him as transgender.
This was one of the most nerve-racking things you have done in a while, but it went surprisingly well. Logan didn’t care he still thought you were you. He was happy that you felt like you could tell him and ever since you told him he’s been doing everything in his power to make you feel comfortable. After that, your relationship continued to grow, but while it group platonically, it grew romantically. You and Logan would hook up occasionally kind of in the realm of no-strings-attached sex because you guys thought dating would ruin the friendship. As you guys continued to hook up you guys discovered that you had feelings for each other and wanted it more than just casual sex on the weekends you guys started dating and everything changed after that.
Logan was very protective over you and always had been and you always help Logan with several things around the house and also dressing his wounds, even though he doesn’t need to do that due to his regenerative healing, but he always found it cute that he would put little Band-Aids on his wounds. Overall, your relationship is flourishing, but there was something that was still ticking at you and it would always happen anytime you saw Logan even if he wasn’t talking about anything sexual racking thoughts in your head that He could breed me and I wouldn’t say anything about it or He could hold me down and breed me, and I wouldn’t even bat an eye. In some ways, you thought you were going crazy because no way in hell that was a normal thought especially when your said boyfriend is talking to you about a failed mission and all you can think about is him ripping off your clothes and breeding you till sundown.
In reality, you thought you were good at keeping this kind of secret to yourself. you wanted to tell Logan, of course, because he was your boyfriend and there was nothing wrong with experimenting sexually, but it was just the pure thought of it all and how it made you feel that freaked you out more than anything, especially for Logan’s reaction. having such a perverse thought, like this one that constantly racks her brain for days weeks, and months on end wasn’t healthy to keep in. After a while of trying to suppress this kind of fantasy, you just couldn’t anymore you would especially think about this type of topic if Logan was away for a little while. You would slip a finger inside your cunt and circle your sensitive cock dreaming about Logan’s cock filling you up like some make-shift Twinkie.
Logan wasn’t stupid. He knew something was up with you. At first, he thought you were just going through some things because he would be talking to you and it would just look like you weren’t paying attention. When he would try to get your attention, it was almost like you had seen a ghost. He had also noticed you were being weird around him kind of like lingering and looking at him when he would be doing normal tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and even smoking. He noticed that you would stare harder than usual when he would come out of the shower the type of stare where it felt like someone was burning into your skin. You noticed the lust and desire in your eyes constantly, but he wasn’t ready to give in to whatever fantasy you were playing out in your head. He wanted you to work for it or at least come clean him about it. He knew just the perfect time on when you might confess he just wanted to give you a little push.
The air was thick with the scent of stale cigarettes and whiskey as Logan stumbled through the door, his combat boots heavy on the old wooden floor. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows across his rugged features. He tossed his keys onto the table, not bothering to look at me as he made his way towards the kitchen. "Hey," you called out, my voice hesitant yet tingling with anticipation. "Rough day?" Logan grunted in response, pulling a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. He didn't offer you any, which was typical. This night could either go two ways and you hoped it was the first option. "You want to talk about it?" I asked, leaning against the doorway, watching him pour himself a generous amount. "Nah," he muttered, taking a long swig. His eyes met mine briefly, dark and intense, before he looked away. "Just need to relax "You nodded, understanding more than he realized. "Well, let me help you with that." Without waiting for a response, I stepped closer, reaching up to unbutton his shirt. He didn’t stop me, his gaze now fixed on my hands as they worked slowly, revealing the hard lines of his chest. Each button undone felt like a small victory, a step closer to the edge you were both teetering on.
You always know how to make things better," Logan murmured, his voice rough with desire. You smirked feeling the heat rise in my face staring into his eyes. "That’s what friends are for, right?" He shot you a dirty look slightly annoyed, setting his glass down. "Isn’t that what we are? Friends?" Before you could answer, his hands were on you, pulling you close. Your bodies pressed together, the heat between the two of you palpable. His lips found yours, hungry and demanding, erasing any doubt about what we meant to each other. "Logan..." you gasped as he broke the kiss, trailing his mouth down my neck. “We’re just friends my fucking ass” he whispered, his fingers deftly undoing his belt. "no friend is gonna pleasure you like I do bub.” Your chest heaved with each rapid breath, your eyes locked onto his. "I want you. Right now." He grinned, a wicked glint in his eye. "What exactly do you want, my prince" Your voice caught in your throat, the words you wanted to say tingling at the tip of your tongue. "I... I want you to bend me over and breed me. P-please, fill my cunt until you can’t fill it anymore.” Logan's grin widened, his eyes darkening with lust. "Is that so?" he murmured, his fingers trailing down your neck, across your chest, and lower still, until they reached the waistband of your jeans. "Show me then. Show me how much you want it."
With trembling hands, you undid your belt, unzipped your jeans, and pushed them down along with your boxers, exposing your eager, throbbing cock. Logan's eyes flicked down, taking in the sight, and he gave a low whistle. "Fuck, you look good like that," he praised, his fingers circling your erection, stroking gently. You gasped, leaning your head back against the wall, your body arching into his touch. "ah fuck Logan," you whined, your voice hoarse with need. "Please, baby.” He chuckled, the sound deep and resonant. "Oh, but I thought we were just friends bub. Now you are begging your friend for his cock? How much of a dirty whore are you huh? Why don’t you learn some patience mhm? But his actions belied his words. With one swift motion, he lifted you, wrapping your legs around his waist. You cried out as he slammed into you, the sensation overwhelming, primal. Logan pinned you against the wall, his thrusts deep and relentless, each one pushing you closer to the edge. "That's it," he growled, his face buried in the crook of your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin. "Take it. Take every inch of my fat cock.”
You clung to him, your fingers digging into his shoulders, your body rocking with each powerful thrust. The world around you dissolved into a haze of pleasure, the only reality being Logan and the fierce, unyielding rhythm of his hips. "Logan, I'm... I'm close," you panted, your vision blurring with the force of your impending climax. He pulled back, his eyes fierce and commanding. "Then come for me, bub. Let me see you fall apart." That was all it took. With a strangled cry, you came, your release washing over you in waves, your body convulsing around Logan's pulsing cock. He followed soon after, his own climax hitting him hard, his seed filling you completely, sealing your mutual satisfaction. For a moment, there was only the sound of your ragged breathing and the pounding of your hearts, both of you lost in the aftermath of your passionate encounter. You could feel Logan’s warm seed slowly spilling out of your cunt. It felt so good and oddly comforting having your greatest slutty fantasy come true. Logan looks down at you with a smirk before speaking
“Oh bub I’m not finished with you I think there is enough space in that cunt of yours for more of cum. Why don’t you let me fix that for you my cock drunk baby boy.”
Logan says brushing hair out your face making sure he can see you. You look up at him with a faint smile nodding your head as well. Who would say no too Logan breeding you like a slut?
Absolutely nobody.
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ihatedtoadmit · 9 months
I wanna request a fluffy very fluffy poly!OT8 x F!reader where their all dating each other obviously and idk a oneshots of sum fluffy like maybe....the boys have a day off and they just have a cute cozy day together lazily hanging out In the dorm together js so cute and soft baby! Love youuu
word count: 1.6k
genre: fluff, a tad bit of hurt/comfort, kinda went into crack at the end
author's note: Ofc pookie, you can request here anytime. Hope you'll like it!
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You were looking forward to the next day, the knowledge that all your extremely busy boyfriends were finally having a day off just overwhelming you with giddiness, making you vibe through all night instead of getting your much needed sleep. But it didn’t matter, not to you, the adrenaline returning to your veins just from the mere thought, the schedule you had made for it flashing before your eyes clearly.
You would have the best, most comfiest day with all your boyfriends even if it cost you your soul, dang it!
So, with a passionate fire burning in your eyes -that rested above dark circles, mind you-, you started getting ready. After all the years you had spent with them, you knew they didn’t care a smudge if you put any makeup on or not, never hesitating to compliment you. That was why you decided to skip that step, instead putting on some comfy sweatpants, fluffy socks and one of the boys’ sweater. This one in particular was Jeongin’s, although it changed every week or so, your wardrobe filled with stolen clothes from them all.
Nodding to yourself in the mirror, you got around to taming your hair, throwing it into a lazy bun, but one that was still carefully crafted, certain strands pulled and pushed to stay in their place and frame your face delightfully.
Glancing back, you once again nodded, satisfied with your look, but only after deciding to hide your newly acquired eyebags at least a little bit. You didn’t want to worry the boys, after all, and you knew how fussy they could get.
The ride to their dorms was short, the driver they had sent for you quick and efficient at his job. Although you found it strange none of the idols decided to join you, especially the two eldest, knowing how overprotective they could get. But even after checking your phone for the third time, no new messages from them could be seen, something that struck you as odd.
Never once did they fail to update you about plans, at least one of them quick to write it down for you, along with an apology and a promise to make it up to you.
So what was this all about?
Questions swirled around in your head, the differently coloured little hearts on your screen they had sent blinking back at you. Pushing it to the back of your mind, you shrugged and got out of the car, using an entrance well hidden from prying eyes to get into the building.
The road to their dorms was silent, giving ample time for useless worries to start forming in your head, your earlier excitement slowly dying and leaving exhaustion in its place. Were they hiding something? Were you not good enough anymore? They had each other, so getting the idea that they wanted you as well by their side was something you struggled with constantly, even after long, long years.
Taking a deep breath, you opened their door, your fingers automatically punching in the code from sheer muscle memory.
Glitter and confetti greeted you the moment you stepped foot inside, strings of paper landing on your hair and making it shine as you just stood there, blinking in surprise.
Well, this definitely wasn’t what you were expecting.
Every single one of them were standing in front of you, shouting a warm welcome, their faces lit with the brightest of smiles you had seen in a while. Something that soon started melting off as your eyes turned glossy, too late to hide behind your hands. Well, you tried to anyway.
“Wait, baby, what’s wrong?” - Chan asked, quick to be by your side. “Jagi?” - Jisung was next, arms gently prying yours away from your wet face.
You dove into the quokka’s arms, hiding yourself in there instead, shame still clinging to you harshly. Amidst your sobs, you tried telling them why the sudden tears, words slowly forming sentences. It told them how you thought they had finally gotten bored of you, how relieved you had felt by their warm welcome. They gently shushed you, compliment after compliment leaving their mouths, hands gently gliding along your form.
“Next time we’ll text you it’s a surprise, hm?” - Felix’s deep voice tried to do some damage control, causing you to nod into Jisung’s shoulder. “Yah, what will we ever do with you? Our cute lil crybaby.” - Seungmin teased, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, flashing you his cute smile as a reward. “Minnieee, not now!” “What?” “You’re not really helping with your teasing right now!” “It’s only you and your sensitive soul that cannot deal with it, Hyunjin hyung.”
A dramatic gasp could be heard, chuckling following it, yours joining theirs as well.
“Alright, let’s get our Kitten inside, we can’t stand here all day.” - Minho said, leaving a chaste kiss on Jisung’s lips as he passed by, not before gliding his hand along your bottom.
You gently shook your head at his antics, long ago used to them, the small smile on your face betraying that small fact. Jeongin took you out of Jisung’s arms before the latter could realise it, a devious little smirk on the maknae’s face as he carried you away, a surprised yelp escaping you.
And thus their little war had started up again, the two usually fighting for the right to cuddle you on the couch whenever you came over. Although usually somehow Seungmin swept you away, the other two too busy to notice you were gone, just like now.
You were now sat in the puppy’s lap, merely 5 minutes after your first abduction, the others too amused to stop any of it from happening. Felix was sat in Hyunjin’s lap, playing with the artist’s fingers calmly. Chan somehow wrestled both Changbin and Minho into his lap, something you had always found extremely impressive, given how fussy both could get, especially that cat.
Fingers started gently massaging your hands, drawing little shapes into your skin occasionally, chasing away the last bit of your worries. A nose buried itself into your hair, a sigh joining it soon after. You practically melted into him, his torso being the only thing holding you up, his arms that circled around your waist keeping you in place.
“Wait– NOT AGAIN!” “Ah, he got us again…”
You couldn’t help the snort that left you at that, the two previously arguing members’ reaction way too funny for you. The others thought so as well, some not even trying to hide their laughter. You could feel Seungmin’s chest rumble behind you with each chuckle, sending pleasant chills through your chest.
“I’m amazed you guys never learn.” - he muttered out, voice muffled from behind your hair.
Jeongin and Jisung merely huffed at that, all their excuses falling on deaf ears.
“No, for real though, how can you guys let it happen every single time?” - Changbin asked, his delightfully shrill laughter hidden in each syllable. “It’s like you fight for the sake of fighting, not even to cuddle our cute babygirl.” - Chan joined in, drawing up an eyebrow at them. “You know they do, Hyung, both too feisty for their own good. Not like I mind it though.” - Minho added in with a smirk, making the bickering couple shut up immediately.
You wriggled in the puppy’s lap, successfully breaking free from his hold, only to jump up with way too much enthusiasm.
“Okay, enough! I have everything planned for today, we’re gonna have all the fun we can! First, we’ll start with a movie, maybe a Ghibli one? Anyway, we watch something while we eat lunch that we should order soon, then we’ll play some Mario Kart so I can beat your guys’ asses again, then me and Lixie will go and bake some stuff like his heavenly brownies, then we’ll all play some Just Dance, then–” - a hand tried stopping your excited rambles, even though you kept listing your plans off in a muffled voice without slowing down even just a bit. “Babe, we get it, but breathe, please.” - Hyunjin begged, having dove at you from his place, Felix still in his other arm safely secured.
Having rambled out your plans, even though no one had heard it besides you, a devilish light glinted in your eyes and you licked the idol’s hand, forcing him to yank it away with a disgusted expression now sitting on his face, dragging the licked palm into your own clothes. Meanwhile, you just giggled there, the sound only becoming stronger by each second, enforced by everyone’s else’s nearby.
Before Hyunjin could grab you to take his revenge, you dashed away and hid behind Jeongin and Jisung, the two still standing instead of sitting down, too entranced by your shenanigans.
“Get out of there and stop being a lil maniac, you–” “Oh, that was a mistake, Hyune.” - Felix commented as everyone watched your expression shift along with Jisung’s, little imaginary horns growing on top of your heads in front of their very eyes.
Because you both started singing their song, MANIAC, full force, lungs at full capacity and without a single sign of stopping anytime soon. No, you both started even dancing it -well, you kinda tried to at least-, Innie and Felix joining you, while Hyunjin just cringed away from you, looking as if he wanted to dig a hole for himself. Changbin wasn’t far behind to hop up and take his place alongside you, Chan singing his soul out while Minho playfully rolled his eyes. Your puppy was doing something similar as well, but you knew they all enjoyed it, especially when they joined at your request, even the dramatic little weasel.
Truly, their day off couldn’t have started any better.
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aboutkiyoomi · 1 year
new person, same old mistakes
synopsis: you broke up with suna so “he could focus” and you both agreed to get back together when the time would permit. truth is, that won’t be happening anytime soon.
genre: angst. no fluff or comfort, we hurt feelings tonight.
a/n: writing is an outlet, so enjoy hurting over our fav foxy boy.
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‘ you guys broke up after he had been neglecting you, claiming he was too busy with exams and graduation approaching.
‘ you did this under the guise of ‘lessening his burdens’ but in reality, you only did it because suna was seriously neglecting the basic needs of your relationship.
‘ it took 2 months of awkward interactions for the actual end of your guys’ relationship comes. it definitely hurt a lot more than the first ‘break’.
“rin, i think we should break up. you’re so busy lately and i know it’s all for good reason but...you’re not keeping your promise.” you spoke, your fingers twitching at the hem of your uniform bottoms.
suna’s eyes widened slightly before returning to their natural state. his eyebrows fell downcast as he sighed and slung his volleyball bag further over his shoulder.
“so, what? we’re done?” suna sighed, seeming almost bored.
“i mean.. do you even care? i’m doing this so you can get your shit together and we can be happy again.” you scoff, unable to believe that the same suna who promised to always find a way to keep you happy and grow to be your ‘perfect boyfriend’ could seem so indifferent.
“of course i care. what do you expect me to say, i won’t argue with you.” he says, his eyes looking away. unable to face you or look you into your eyes.
“rin...we’ll talk later. i love you too much for us to end on bad terms, i’m leaving you alone.” you spoke, giving one more sad glance before turning on your heels and walking off towards your station.
two months had passed since that day. during that time, you and suna only kept up simple conversations of checking in on each other. sometimes bringing up the break up and discussing where your feelings stood for each other.
you were very obviously still in love with him but you were going to stand your ground, if you two were going to get back together, it would be on suna’s terms.
suna, on the other hand, very clearly was keeping himself ridiculously busy so he couldn’t focus on you. it drove you crazy but you continued to tell yourself, this was for the best for both of you and for the sake of strengthening your relationship.
it wasn’t until the traditional third year picnic, a month before graduation, that the realization that you and rintarou wouldn’t be getting back together.
you walked in and immediately made your way towards osamu who welcomed you with open arms as you started up some friendly chatter. when suna arrived, osamu glanced worriedly at you.
“are you sure this won’t be awkward y/n?” osamu questioned as suna stopped to greet atsumu and some of the other third years.
“it’ll be fine, we’re on good terms.” you smiled softly, hope ringing in your ears as you remembered your last conversation with suna.
“i love you but now isn’t time yet, maybe later” read suna’s text to you. ever since that text, you were hopeful.
those hopes were crushed when suna greeted osamu with a side hug and his bright smile and you got an awkward wave before he shuffled away. the entire picnic consisted of suna speaking to everyone except you, which was odd considering he was closest with you and the twins, yet he seemed to be speaking to everyone else, excluding you.
your mood was dampened but it was your last third year event and you refused to spoil it for yourself. you continued to tell yourself suna was just trying to step out of his comfort zone since it was the last time all the third years would be together before graduation. that was until, you saw some girl wrapped around his arm, giggling at something he had said.
osamu noticed and his eyes immediately went to yours. you caught sight of his nervous gaze and immediately plastered on an emergency grin, hoping to avoid the pity and the comfort.
as people start to leave, you immediately begin packing up. the whole event was draining for you. you began saying goodbye to the twins, giving them both big hugs and wishing them well on their exams. when you approached suna, his  grin immediately fizzled into a straight line with a slight twitch.
“bye rintarou, good luck on your exams.” you speak, a small smile gracing your features. the same smile that you reserved specifically for him. you began reaching your arms out for a hug when suna grimaced slightly.
“ah..bye y/n. same to you.” he spoke, polite smile on his face as he pat your back, unallowing you to wrap your arms around him. he quickly removed his hands and began waving.
you felt the tears begin to well in your eyes, you held back and spoke.
“i think we should just forget about each other...it was nice and our love was amazing...while it lasted. i wish you the best, suna.” you spoke, voice wobbling slightly before you spun on your heels and exited the park. leaving suna speechless as he watched you walk off.
you calling him by his given name really solidified the end of you and suna’s relationship. you were tired of being stuck in the gray area of being in love and having hope and being sad over loosing something that wasn’t even yours anymore.  so, as you walked away, tears in your eyes. your chest began to burn, the pain of ending it came too soon. you almost wanted to go back and revoke your words but you knew that this was truly for the best.
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h-harleybaby · 2 years
Hi hi!! Honest to god I adore ur perverted Butters headcanons like so fcking much im foaming at the mouth kicking my feet giggling into my hands… Anywhoooo could I request some general relationship headcanons for Butters,, maybe some small nsfw headcanons thrown in as well pls?? >:)) Thank you and have a nice day!! <3
Also Ty <3
Dating Butters Stotch hcs
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• Dating Butters is so wholesome <333 he always wants to cuddle or hold hands but he's soooo embarrassed
• Just kissing his cheek just gets him all flustered but he loves it sm. He loves your attention and affection but unlike Cartman, he understands when you're busy and need space
• He's always ready to hear whatever happened during your day with open arms
• Butters seems like he likes being the kitchen and he sucks at cooking but he's good at baking so he's always baking for you. It's not always the best but it's the thought that countssss
• His parents hate that he's baking so often but like, you enjoy it so he endures them yelling at him for you
• But his parents love you, and that's the biggest green flag for Butters. If his parents love you then it's meant to be!
• He probably asks to have dinners with him and his parents because his parents wanna meet this girl he's always talking about and baking for. You're both really nervous so y'all hold hands under the table and occasionally when one of y'all gets really nervous he'll either rub your knuckle with his thumb or you'll do the same to him
• It's really comforting to him and he wants to comfort you in the same way you do him :)
• Butters also takes you on cute little dates ALL THE TIME
• He probably blows all his allowance on it but he doesn't mind as long as you're happy and he spends time with you. He's such a gentleman
• Butters is so nervous around you, you're so pretty he can't help but get a boner around you all the time 😭
• When he's finally sure he's ready to do anything, the first thing he does is do research. Specifically research on how to please a woman because he knows next to nothing. It really helped him out tho!
• He's now learned that his favorite thing to do is eat you out, especially when you sit on his face with a cute lil skirt on
• He gets so into it too! He's gonna give you multiple orgasms from eating you out and maybe cum while doing it a couple times before he does anything because he wants to make sure you're satisfied <333
• He definitely whimpers and melts whenever you give him a blowjob, god you really know how to use your mouth. He probably gently grips your hair to guide you with his eyes closed, he always makes sure he's careful because he doesn't wanna hurt you
• Butters is also way too nervous to do anything in public/semi-public rn, poor things scared y'all will get caught. That might change in the future tho 🤫
• One time y'all were making out on the couch at his house and he had his hands rubbing your thighs while your hands were on his neck and hair- then his parents came home... safe to say he was grounded for a couple weeks and refused to look either of his parents in the eye for a month
• Poor guy, he's so scared that'll happen again that anytime y'all make out now that y'all are either in his room (with the door locked), your room (with the door locked), or in some kind of room WITH A LOCK. He's kinda obsessed with that now
• Hear me out, he's kinda strong from being Professor Chaos so he can pick you up and carry you up the stairs (specifically at his house) so y'all could still be making out as he carries you up the stairs to his room
• He's really gentle and soft when y'all are fucking so his pace is normally slow and gentle. But if he really needs you he's probably gonna go a lot rougher and you don't have the heart to tell him you like when he's rough because he's scared he'll hurt you
Sorry if it’s a bit awkward, I was gonna post this like- an hour ago but I felt weird about it
Like I loved writing it I’m just not confident in my writing 😭
Hope you like it <33
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ccawz · 11 months
pick me up
hwang hyunjin x gnreader
warnings: death of a pet, food mentions. | 313 words
a/n: one of my ferrets passed today, I hope he’s doing okay now that he’s resting. this is just a little comfort I needed.
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Hyunjin didn’t know how to approach you.
How could he, how should he? Your back is facing him, your fingers are gripping the edge of the bed like it’s the only thing keeping you from falling, and he figures it is.
You’ve been like this for an hour, food half eaten and left cold on the table, mind running at a mile a minute because you’d gotten told something you were scared of.
Hyunjin reaches for you, hand brushing against your shoulder lightly. “My love,” his voice is raspy. He’d been crying, yet kept it to himself, afraid to upset you further. “Talk to me, please.”
“I can’t believe he’s gone.” Hyunjin felt the tears creeping back to his eyes when you looked at him, eyes puffed and red. “I mean, I knew it would happen one day, but–” you sigh, rubbing your face to rid the tears.
Hyunjin isn’t too sure on where to go from here.
“What can I do?” He asks quietly, hesitantly taking your hand. “Is there anything I can do?” You shake your head, smiling at him as best as you could. Hyunjin might cry.
“It’s okay, hyune,” your thumb brushed against his knuckles. “I’m okay.”
He wants to believe you, but he can tell just by your spaced-out look that this hurt isn’t going to heal anytime soon.
“Let’s go for a walk,” he suggested, nodding to the window. “Clear our heads, and we’ll come home, make some ice cream floats, and watch a movie. Does that sound good?”
You hum, the only response you could muster up without your voice breaking mid-sentence because hyunjin was too caring for you to handle.
“We’ll be okay,” Hyunjin whispers, pulling you up by your hand. “We’ll get through this together, yeah?” You nod, smile at him, and kiss his hand. Hyunjin doesn’t miss the quiet ‘love you’ that’s whispered.
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a/n: as I was writing this I remembered hyune is represented by a ferret and got sad 😭
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Hi for requests, can I ask for a reader (gender doesnt matter) who used to be an assassin back in their home world and their interactions with the vice dorm leaders? They haven’t told anyone yet, but who would catch on?
vice dorm leaders x reader who used to be an assassin in their world (gn!reader)
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THIS IS SUCH A COOL REQUEST i'm gonna be honest, i've been wanting to write something about an assassin!reader for a long time 🤭
these headcanons can be interpreted as both romantic or platonic (though some of them are a bit more romantic than others). also jamil headcanons turned out to be much longer than i intended. oh well jamil simps here's your food
warnings: mentions of murders, death, weapons and some minor physical violence (such as attacking and threatening other characters)
trey clover.
♡ he actually did have a feeling that there's more to you than meets the eye. don't take him wrong, he's sure that you're a kind and gentle person, but you just have this.. vibe, as cater would say. he felt like you're hiding something and not just from him, but from everyone here. of course, he wanted to know the truth, but he wouldn't force you to tell him anything. he respects your privacy and he's sure that you will tell him everything yourself if you feel comfortable with it.
♡ he has to admit, you can be.. kinda scary sometimes, haha. you sure know a lot about poisons, you'd be a perfect pomefiore student, honestly. and you're not scared of sharp things like knives, syringes, scissors, etc, at all, in fact, you look so.. confident when you use them? but like, confident in a scary way, you look so intense when you hold those things, it's like you could kill anyone with that thing right now, haha. y-you wouldn't actually kill anyone, right?..
♡ he would find out the truth about you by accident, he would just make a joke about you secretly being an assassin because of your knowledge and your skills. and that's when you would grab him by the throat, not worried about anyone finding you since it's just you two alone right now. wow, trey knew that you're good at p.e, but your physical strength is.. truly something. you could easily choke him anytime now, you're just holding back because you want to know how he found out. and when it turns out that it really was just an innocent joke, even though trey did have some suspicions about you.. you sigh heavily and let him go. this guy has to be more careful with his sense of humor.
♡ starting from that day, you know that there's no reason for you to try and hide anything from trey. no matter how hard you try to deny it, this guy knows for sure that you're an assassin now. you have no choice but to ask him not to tell anyone and if he does tell- wait, he's actually okay with it? he simply laughs and says that he knows what you're gonna do if he tells others the truth about you, so you don't have to worry about him exposing you or anything. as long as you don't actually hurt anyone, he doesn't mind your company, he likes you a lot, actually. you're so confused, why is this guy not scared of you at all?? you almost ended up choking him to death, why does he still want to be friends with you (or possibly, even something more)? ah, it's because he's so used to dealing with those chaotic heartslabyul students that he's not really scared of anything, even assassins..
ruggie bucchi.
♡ another guy who had a feeling that you're not so innocent.. however, he's totally okay with it. he won't try to learn more about your past or anything like that. it's not like he even cares that much about it. everyone has their own secrets, after all. well, unless someone orders him to find more information about you and promises to pay him well, that's when he will actually try to find out who you really are. come on, what else did you expect from him?
♡ he can't figure you out at all, but he does have a feeling that you killed someone in the past. at first it's just something that he jokes about and doesn't take too seriously, but.. something about you just makes him feel a bit uneasy. and that's already a lot, it can be quite hard to scare someone like ruggie. you know what, he's not even gonna try to find out more about you anymore. his life is more important than that and he's pretty sure that you could easily take his life if you wanted. so nope, better safe than sorry.
♡ he would find out your secret on accident and similar to trey, he would casually go "wow, y/n, i wouldn't be surprised if you turned out to be a serial killer or something". and of course, he's wrong, you're not exactly a serial killer.. but you're still a killer. SO NEVERMIND HE IS SURPRISED. you make him fall on the ground and grab his head, forcing him to tell you where he got that info from. you promise not to hurt him if he tells you, though you're not sure if you can keep that promise. ruggie tries to assure you that it was just a joke and he didn't actually think that you killed someone- that's a lie. that's a lie, he was sure that you killed at least one person in the past.
♡ you know that other students may find you if this guy makes too much noise, so you let him go. honestly, that was kind of stupid, now that you think about it. you were an assassin in your home world, but this is a completely different world, so.. you don't have to be an assassin anymore. you apologize to ruggie and tell him that it was just an old habit. he jokes about you having very interesting habits, but right after that he quietly asks if you actually are a serial killer. you know, it's not like he's scared of you, haha.. "yes", you say, deadpan. OH. OKAY. COOL. great, he really has to be more careful with you now- you laugh because of how funny his face expression looks and tell him that it was just a joke. he almost calms down, but then you go "i'm an assassin actually". t-that's not any better, you know that?? you don't have to worry about ruggie telling anyone anything though.. well, if someone asks and promises to pay- fine, fine, he really won't tell anyone.
jade leech.
♡ ANOTHER ONE. he probably figured out your true identity right when he met you. he didn't say anything though, so you can thank him for that. he would do it only if he got something in return, similar to ruggie, but it's still not that easy to make him talk. he's the curious type, so he would try to find out more, even though he can confidently say that you have killed someone before. he wants to know the details: how have you killed that person, who was that person, are you an insane serial killer or do you have a more sympathetic motivation? hm.. maybe it was actually your job?
♡ just so you know, he doesn't judge you or anything like that. no matter what reason you had for killing that person or those people, it's your life, it's your choice, so yeah, keep slaying, king/queen/monarch <3 and as you spend more time with him, he will give you hints about knowing more about your past than you think. of course, these hints make you very nervous, but don't worry, HE DOES IT INTENTIONALLY. hehe, it's so fun to see you react like that, considering that you're very calm most of the time and don't get scared often. but hey, if you react like this, it means he's on the right track, right?
♡ when the time comes, he would ask you about it himself. and he also would do it in a crowded place, so that killing him to keep your secret won't be that easy. don't worry, it's not like he would ask this question right in front of everyone, he would do it quietly, it's basically a whisper compared to voices of other people and noises that they make. and it's enough to make you panic, because you can't really make him shut up right now. so you just ask him as quietly as he did, "what do you want?". huh? what does he mean by "nothing"? he just thought that you should know that he's aware of your "dark side". ah, and again, he just wanted to see your reaction too. this guy is more dangerous than you even though you're literally an assassin..
♡ after that, jade would raise the topic of you being an assassin only in private, unless he thinks that you're brave and reckless enough to try to kill him. you still can't believe that he doesn't want anything from you, you can't remember the leech twins being so kind. it's probably because he's not afraid of you at all, even though you've killed people before. this guy also can use magic, so.. he's probably stronger than you, even though you don't want to admit it. before you leave, he suddenly tells you that he can still tell everyone who you really are, if he wants, so.. you better behave and not try anything funny, okay? yeah, this guy is terrifying.
jamil viper.
♡ he does get this weird feeling whenever he sees you, so he tries to be as careful as he can. he also doesn't let you spend too much time with kalim, because if you do something to him.. honestly, he wouldn't even blame you, it's easy to fool someone like kalim, but if anything happens to him, jamil will be in huge trouble. he would try to find more information about you though. he probably shouldn't be afraid of someone who has no magical abilities at all, but still, who knows what you're actually capable of. and why does his heart beat faster when you're around.. no, he's pretty sure it's not because he has a crush on you.
♡ .. hey, what if he actually tries to get to know you better? you know, totally not because he wants to understand if you're dangerous or not, haha. it feels believable too, because it's not like jamil became more friendly all of a sudden. he's still his usual self, it's just that he talks to you a bit more often now. you're surprised to realize that you actually enjoy his company, but you still can't help but feel like you should pay closer attention to him. after all, you also think that jamil is hiding something. wait, maybe you should try and find out his secret before he finds out yours? that way you can blackmail him if he even tries to reveal your identity! haha, that's it, you two are besties now, he doesn't have a choice <3
♡ your interactions are actually very entertaining to watch. you two are lying to each other and pretending to be friends even though you both know that you're doing this just so that you can go "I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE" when the other person lets their guard down. kalim is just happy to see you becoming friends and doesn't find it suspicious at all :D and eventually, you two start getting closer to the truth. you start to notice that jamil's smile whenever he's talking to kalim looks a bit forced and jamil notices that you become.. very enthusiastic whenever someone mentions a murder, a weapon or anything related to that. someone jokingly asks "hey what's the best way to kill someone" and you give such a detailed answer, everyone else goes shocked. and you have stars in your eyes the whole time. yeah, you're definitely insane.
♡ so, how would jamil try to find out your secret? oh, HE WOULD JUST TRY TO PROVOKE YOU. if you're angry enough, it's possible that you will end up accidentally revealing something about yourself. he wouldn't do it in a crowded place though, unlike jade, because even though this guy is obviously pretending to be your friend and he totally didn't become attached in the process he still respects you and he will keep your secret unless.. you know, you're actually dangerous. so while you two are cooking together, jamil suddenly ruins the warm and friendly atmosphere and asks, is there anything that you're hiding from him? oh, don't be shy, he's sure your secret isn't that bad, you're friends, right? it's not like you killed someone or anything- hey. hey, y/n, you're supposed to use this knife for cooking, WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
♡ you point your knife at him and ask what does he mean by that. how much does he know? did he know about it this whole time? does this mean that.. he won? he found out your secret and you still don't know much about him, you just think that he actually hates kalim and.. that's it. it's nothing compared to your secret. but it means nothing to you, so when you mention that you think jamil is just pretending to be this nice and polite person.. he does get a bit nervous. but hey, it's not like you have any proof. and jamil can't really prove that you're an assassin because no one would believe him if he says that you tried to kill him with a knife, you're pretty popular here.. fine. you were an assassin, right? you're not actually planning to kill anyone, right? so.. how about you two make a deal? jamil doesn't tell anyone anything about you and you don't tell anyone anything about jamil. you do want to tell everyone that this guy is more dangerous than he looks, but if he promises to keep your secret.. well, it looks like you'll have to pretend to be friends for a bit longer than you expected.
rook hunt.
♡ HE IS SO EXCITED YOU HAVE NO IDEA. oh, this guy knows. he knows that you're not so sweet and innocent. oh, you have nothing to be afraid of, he's not planning to reveal your secrets or anything like that. something is telling him that you're not planning to go back to that job of yours and you want to start a new life in this world, so why should he ruin it? and also he doesn't think it's that bad, you probably did it just because it was your job.. ah, and he doesn't have any problem with you enjoying it! you had fun, so again, why should he ruin it?
♡ he still wants to learn more though. not because he wants to tell others about your past, but simply because he finds you interesting. he really does want to get to know you better. did you enjoy killing people? did you hate your job? why did you become an assassin? could it be that your reason was actually very tragic and you had no other choice? or you actually hate people and you were more than glad to get a job like that? he won't judge, you will still be beautiful in his eyes. why? hm.. let's say that you're beautiful in this "special" way. you're so mysterious, of course a guy like him would want to know more!
♡ but you're smart, it's easy for you to notice that rook's been spending quite a lot of time with you lately and he asked you so many questions that it starts to feel like he's not just being friendly with you, this guy has either figured out who you are OR HE'S PLANNING TO KILL YOU. both options are terrifying. but no matter what he's planning, you won't give up without a fight. it doesn't help that this guy's been stalking you for a while now, that's even more suspicious. it's okay though, in case something happens, you will be able to fight back. wait, actually, maybe you should be the one to make a first move?
♡ YOU WERE WRONG. YOU WERE SO WRONG. you two are equally strong, but rook still manages to win. so here you are, lying on the ground and struggling to breathe properly. huh.. this is so weird. you're supposed to feel awful, you're supposed to hate this guy or even be afraid of him, but.. you're actually impressed? you even had fun fighting him like this?? and maybe it was kinda hot of him haha- he tells you that he tried to be nice, but oh well, it looks like you had other plans and you decided to use that kindness of his to deceive him. but he still won't tell anyone who you really are, so you don't have to worry about anything. why? ah.. it's because he had fun fighting you too. things like this don't happen often, so it felt like something new and exciting to him. also, he's sure that if he does tell everyone about your past, you still won't let him live a long life and he doesn't want that. not because he's scared of you, but because he's sure you two can be great friends.
lilia vanrouge.
♡ just like most of these guys, he does have a feeling that you're actually more dangerous than you look. oh, it's not just a feeling, he's absolutely sure of it. hey, he does have a reason to believe that, this guy was literally a general, he knows a person who killed someone in the past when he sees one. he's one of those guys who would try to find out more about you just because he finds you interesting. no, he's not scared at all, he may be old, but he's sure that if you two had to fight, he would win. and you would regret trying to kill him anyway however, he makes sure you don't try to hurt other students. he wants to trust you and he knows that most of these students are strong enough, but still.. there's a chance of you becoming another person who's precious to him, so don't try to kill other people who are just as precious to him, okay?
♡ honestly, you want to kill this guy just because of how annoying he is. he is so nice to you, but he also teases you and pranks you so often that it's hard to fight the urge to just stab him right there. you force yourself to calm down and take a deep breath. you don't have to go back to your ways, you can just live a nice and normal as normal as it can be in this world life, you don't need any enemies here. also you know better than try to fight lilia vanrouge himself, you know that you're stronger than some students despite being magicless, but you still doubt that it would be a good decision considering the things this guy says sometimes.
♡ if you can't fight him, then you will try your best to ignore him. or, you know, just act normal around him. don't act suspicious, don't act like you used to be this extremely dangerous assassin in your home world who was proud of their job and was not just good, but great at it. but lilia can see right through your act and he even finds it entertaining. it's so funny to watch you try and convince everyone that you actually have a huge fear of knives right after you showed that you seem to have a talent for knife throwing. it's so funny that it's kind of cute even. keep acting like that and lilia might just fall in love with you, haha. come on, it was just a joke, don't take it so seriously!
♡ he would mention the topic of you being an assassin right after inviting you to go on a walk with him, you know, old men like him need to go outside more often, haha- anyway, you've killed people in the past, right? you want to attack this guy so bad, but you know that you can't. it would be too stupid and you know that you shouldn't underestimate lilia. so you just sigh and tell him the truth. for some reason, you feel like lilia isn't the type to expose you anyway. he's a surprisingly good listener and he doesn't interrupt you, you even find yourself wanting to tell him more about your past. you know you shouldn't trust him so easily though. when it's time for you two to go back to nrc, lilia thanks you for being honest with him and promises that he won't tell anyone about it. he actually had a lot of fun talking to you and.. he understands your feelings quite well. hey, maybe you two should be friends? oh, but can you promise him not to hurt anyone unless it's absolutely necessary? and if you try to hurt the people who are dear to him- nah, you wouldn't do that, you're too smart for making lilia angry on purpose.
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axel-skz · 1 year
You’re not funny…
A/N: I feel not tired at all and kind of nauseous. I think I’m severely dehydrated but drinking the water gives me even more nausea so… tf do I do? Write a fanfic and ignore my problems. I did not proof read it and It’s not a literary masterpiece so please, lower your expectations lol (shuffled my stray kids playlist and we got thunderous this time ;) for our boys thunderous dance moves (I mean that was terrible but I wanna play a song for every fic now so, yeah lol))
Summary: Minho is expecting a nice weekend together that he needed very much but you’re planning to play a prank.
Minho x Gender neutral reader
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Minho had been getting frustrated very fast lately. Getting burnt out a lot because this comeback had been so demanding. He could see all the work coming too because they had been told, they were going on tour.
Now he was agitated because he was working all the time and he couldn’t spend time with his loved ones.
He knew what would make him feel better though. Spending time with you. All he was looking forward to all week was a whole weekend with you.
What he didn’t know was that the perfect storm was brewing. At the time where he wanted nothing but affection fhe most, you had the plan to play a prank on him.
You would try your best to swerve anytime he wanted a kiss or a hug. You had seen it on tiktok a lot recently and you just really wanted to try it out.
Horrible timing honestly but you had no idea.
He had called on monday and you would both be spending the weekend together. He hadn’t told you about the tour either because he hadn’t got the chance to. You would never be playing this prank if you knew.
Friday afternoon, he arrives. You hear him knocking on your door and instantly, you ready yourself. Usually you would run to him in the most dramatic way possible and give him a hug. He acted like he hated it but it made him feel wanted.
While he thought about how much he needed that hug, you were making sure you wouldn’t do it. As you opened the door, he stood there for what felt like a century, expecting the hug. You looked st him with confusion.
‘You good?’ You asked with a puzzled look.
‘You usually hug me when you open the door,’ he also looked extremely confused.
‘Oh, you hate it so I thought I wouldn’t do it. Come in,’ you smiled at him. As he walked in, you took the things he was carrying. It was your way of busying yourself.
He let out a sigh as he sat on the sofa, ‘I’m so tired. I could barely sleep yesterday.’
‘Aww, that’s sad. Have you had a hard time sleeping for a while or just last night?’ You came back after putting his bag in your room.
He looked at you and you could see how tired he was, ‘all week. So much work and I just don’t even want to think about it. It’s early as hell but can we watch a movie and take a nap?’
Code for watch something and cuddle. He wasn’t one to just outright ask for physical contact so you had gotten use to recognising when he wanted it and how he asked.
‘Of course we can do that,’ you smiled at him and set up everything for a movie.
You got some sweets and popcorn with the softest blankets. You picked a feel good movie that you both really liked and started to get settled. You played the movie and sat down on the floor.
He was surprised, ‘why are you on the floor? There’s plenty of room on the sofa.’
‘You should stretch out and get comfy. It’ll be easier to fall asleep. I have some work I need to do so I’ll sit here and do it when you fall asleep,’ you said while feigning interest in the movie.
It’s like you could feel him pouting. And he was.
‘Could you not do the work tomorrow?’
‘I’m sorry, my love. It’s urgent. I need to get it in by the end of the day.’
‘S’okay…’ he covered himself in blankets and got comfortable. He didn’t let it show just how hurt he was by it.
He fell asleep after a little while. He woke up a couple hours later and you had nodded off while working on the floor. Your brief was on the table and he looked at it.
He tried to help you with your work sometimes because you liked his opinions on it. As he read through it, he noticed it wasn’t due for another two weeks. That hurt him again because he didn’t understand why you lied.
He moved back and laid back down. He didn’t know how long he stared at the cieling before you woke up. He pretended to sleep when you got up to check on him. You picked up your stuff after you fixed the blanket so it was covering him properly.
After that, you started cooking for dinner. He took a little while before he got up. He acted groggy as he walked into kitchen. You heard him shuffle in and it was so hard not to hug him when he looked so cute with the wayward hair and the puffy cheeks.
‘Sleep well?’ You asked as you moved to the fridge.
‘Mhm, something about this place helps me sleep,’ he smiled.
‘Pff- you’re so sweet,’ you giggled a bit as you gave him some juice.
‘I was talking about your sofa and the tv but whatever helps you sleep at night.’
You playfully glared at him, ‘they’re mine and they help you so ultimately, it’s all me.’
You began washing some extra pots as you let him know what you were cooking and that it was almost done. You felt him get up and walk over. As he got closer, you quickly put what you were washing down and moved away to the stove.
A look of hurt and confusion flashed on his face for a second but it was gone as fast as it came. He followed to look at the food but kept a little distance. He didn’t understand at all what was going on.
You guys set the table up and ate your meal.
He was extremely silent the whole time and it was a very awkward 25 minutes. He offered to do the dishes and as he grabbed the last one, he leaned in to kiss you out of habit as he said thank you. You swerved and this seemed to be his breaking point.
He froze for a moment but then put the plate down and kneeled next to you. He took your hands in his and he looked into your eyes.
‘Y/N, what have I done? I don’t remember doing anything to hurt you and that may also be bad but whatever it is, I’m sorry. Please just tell me and let me fix it,’ he looked so torn up inside and it hurt your heart to see him like that.
And then you broke. (Because you would be a menace to society if you didn’t finally tell him what was going on)
‘I’M SO SORRY! Hold on… I’ll explain,’ You pulled him off the floor and took him over to the sofa. You both sat down. ‘It was such a stupid idea but I saw this prank on tik tok and I wanted to do it.’
The sad look on his face hurt your soul, ‘so you don’t hate me?’
‘God no! I could never!’ You leaned forward and gave him a hug. ‘I’m so sorry! It was a stupid idea!’
He hugged you back in an instant. You were basically in his lap, his face hidden in your neck. ‘Can we just stay like this for a while?’
You nodded and hugged him harder, ‘Can I turn off the kitchen light first?’
‘I’ll pay your electricity bill.’
‘I was kidding,’ you smiled.
‘Someone has to tell you, you’re not funny,’ you could feel him smirk.
‘So mean and hurtful, for what reason?!’ You jokingly sniffled.
‘Feel my pain,’ he laughed.
‘If it makes you feel better, fine,’ you hugged him a little tighter. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘S’okay. I’m just glad it was a prank.’
‘I love you most.’
‘I love you even more’
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A/N: I’m thinking of a part two for this. I dont know. Cus I mentioned a tour so maybe it’s worth playing that out a bit. Lemme know what you think.
Please like and reblog and submit your prompts/requests :)
I’m writing anything that comes to mind right now so suggestions would be great.
[I’ve tried to look over it but if there’s anything that isn’t gender neutral about the reader, lemme know and I’ll fix it]
The following parts will probably not come and this was made as a stand alone story. If you’re still wanting to continue reading after this, go for it :) I just wanted to warn you cus if I were you, Id want someone to warn me.
Part 2
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toyaslove · 5 months
Hiiiii! Please don’t overwork yourself and take your time with this if you want to do it, but can I please request Toya (headcanons or fic, I don’t mind) with a reader who had a bad experience in a past relationship and now is really awkward with physical touch but they secretly love it. Again, only do this if you want to and have a great day/night.
PS: apparently Brazil time is 4 hours behind Uk time so I can figure out what time it is there >:) no idea what I’ll do with that information but oh well
A/N: YAAAAY hello! Finally doing your req🔥 yep we already talked about it and Brazil is 4 hours behind hehehebdjbe. Hope you're doing good! This wasn't so hard to write bc I'm just like you rhakruwo but not exactly the same thing
Tw: stablished relationship
Toya Aoyagi x GN!Reader
Tags: @sentientsoil @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane
Writing style: some hcs and a little scenario!
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— Toya is a sweetie. It's so dumb seeing he doing that, but he ALWAYS will ask if you're ok with any kind of physical touch. If he wants to only slightly hold your pinkie he will ask. He will never ever touch you without your permission, he wants you to be comfortable around him (plus if you give him the white flag, he will touch you in the gentlest manner. He's a gentleman)
— If a friend comes to hug you, he will always put a hand in front of the friend and explain to them that you're not comfortable with that. If you're ok with hugging at the moment, you'd just tell them, because Toya will never be stopped from speaking up for you.
— When he discovers that you actually love physical touch, he will be a bit confused, but will definitely give you the warmest hugs and forehead kisses 24/7! (Plus, his favourite kind of touch is cuddling, if you see him just lying down, go on his chest and see what happens. You got your boyfriend flustered with the biggest and warmest smile!!)
— He would hold your hand on big crowds, if it's too many people, he would hold your waist.
— When he has his lives with VBS, he will always bring you and give you forehead kisses before and after. || "Y/N: Congrats Toya! You did so well!!" You give him a tight and warm hug. You could feel that he was shaking and his cheeks were going warm... how cute! ||
— Ok so, let me understand... — Toya puts a hand on his chin — You like physical touch from some people and dislike from other specific people? But you actually enjoy physical touch with me, is that correct?
You nod your head as you speak
— I was actually afraid of telling you that and regretting in the future, ending up feeling uncomfortable with your touch and maybe hurting you like pushing you away... but after a while, I realised I love your touch... — You look to the side, a bit shy admitting this
Toya laughs, patting your head and giving you a tight and warm hug. This was the first time he ever touched you without asking.
— If you anytime feel uncomfortable with my touch, let me know... anything, any situation, just tell me and I'll be there for you.
And after all, you lay down on Toya's chest and enjoys his warm and big embrace. You two keep snuggling and casually speaking to each other, until you fall asleep. You feel so safe and comfortable around him... What a lovely boyfriend you have...
A/N: UGHHH i hate toya so much I hope he explodes (no I love him) uhfjsjfjsjd so cute, thank you for your request though!! I had a fun time writing it :3
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Welcome back!!!! You are currently my favorite writer on this platform!
I wanted to request an angst but with a happy ending, of course. Can you write about the loves accidentally insulting the reader really bad about something they are insecure about. Doesn't have to be about looks could be about their cooking or their fighting skills. Of course, their lover is devastated and hurt by the comment and takes to ignoring them. Of course, the loves can tell they messed up and have to apologize and make it up to her in their own ways. Happy ending with them making up with Lu bu, Thor, Buddha, Odin, Jack, and Tesla and whoever else you'd want in there!
I am excited for the rest of season 2 as well! I can't wait to see Buddha!
-He knew he messed up, as soon as he uttered those terrible words he could never take back and seeing your heartbroken face, he had never known such regret.
-He had never made you purposely cry, that wasn’t happy tears, it made him feel like a monster, and when you turned to run from him, he felt like a statue, he couldn’t speak, couldn’t move.
-You returned to your big brother, Shiva, who spent hours comforting you, and supported your decision, when he asked when (Love) came to see you, that you didn’t want to see him.
-You ignored his calls, his texts, and anytime he came around, you refused to even acknowledge him, which only made his guilt, his pain, feel even worse.
-He knew he needed to do something drastic so he could apologize, he didn’t want to lose you.
-Lu Bu- “You wouldn’t have made it as one of my soldiers. You’re too soft.” Lu Bu didn’t regret things often, but those words- those damned words, he would do anything to take them back. When you finally decided to speak with him, after he had been camped outside Shiva’s house for a week, he bowed deeply at the waist, apologizing so sincerely to you that it took you off guard. Lu Bu, seeing you weren’t yelling or running away, stood and spoke, “I’m sorry Y/N, I know I can’t ever take those words back. You’re not soft, you are a strong person, one I’m not worthy of having.” His words meant more to you than he could begin to imagine, and you managed to take him by surprise by leaping into his arms, hugging him around his neck, peppering his face with kisses.
-Thor- “I don’t understand why I’m with a weakling like you.” Thor cursed himself and hasn’t stopped cursing himself ever sense he said those words to you. He had been mad, annoyed that he was stuck fighting weaklings, other warriors who couldn’t give him a challenge, as Lu Bu was on vacation and not around. You offered to spar with him, to give him the exercise he wanted, and he bit back with his venomous words. Thor was a very proud man, but for you, he was willing to do whatever it took to get you back into his arms. He went to Shiva, every day, to ask to speak to you, to apologize, and each day he remained outside of your brother’s home, waiting for you, even after Shiva told him you didn’t want to speak with Thor. When you saw him, sitting and waiting for you, holding a single red rose, you finally went out and he apologized, giving you the red rose, “I was an idiot, I was mad and I took it out on you, one of the only people in this world that makes me happy.” You forgave him, hugging him tightly before Shiva ruined the moment, threatening Thor that he would take care of things next time, if there ever was one.
-Buddha- “Your cakes don’t taste as good as the ones at Artemis’ Sweet Shop.” He realized that what he had said came out much crueler than he intended, and you had been practicing hard to make homemade sweets for your lover, and after tasting some, he realized his insult after you ran off crying. Your big brother was hands on sight when he saw Buddha, the two getting into a fist fight that his three wives had to break up, scolding the both of them for fighting before Buddha begged to see you, to apologize to you. Shiva supported you when you didn’t want to, still pissed at Buddha, but after several days of begging him, Shiva had to admit that he had to respect Buddha determination. Buddha bowed, his head touching the floor, on his hands and knees, apologizing to you, begging you not to leave and when you told him that you were hurt more by his lack of support because you were trying so hard to make him sweets, yourself. You forgave him and Buddha surprised you at home with things to make a cake with, “Would you like to make a cake with me?” seeing his determination, his kindness, made you smile as you nodded.
-Odin- “Why aren’t your magic skills improving? Are you slacking off?” when you turned and left him, he was at first unsure why you did that until Muninn and Huginn offered insight, that you had been working every day, hours a day, and he insulted your hard work, he insulted you. Shiva laughed when Odin tried to demand to see you, your brother stating you were crying with his wives at the moment, and you didn’t want to see him. Guilt gnawed at Odin for days, wanting to speak with you, just so he could apologize. When you finally came out, you weren’t alone, Shiva and his three wives all glaring at him as well, but he didn’t care about them, he only cared about you. He apologized so sincerely it stole your breath away, you were stunned, “You’ve been working so hard, I know that, and I know my words were cruel, as I insulted your hard work. I’m truly sorry, Y/N.” you went home with Odin that night, after you made him take you out on a date, which made him and Shiva both laugh.
-Jack- “Have you thought about cooking lessons?” the spatula fell out of your hand at his words, after you gave him some food. You had been working hard, teaching yourself how to cook new dishes, and in those words, Jack immediately froze, realizing how cruel they sounded. He tried to run after you, but you refused to listen as you walked right into your brother’s house and told him you didn’t want to see Jack. Shiva had never seen you so pissed and knew he had to do as he was told, despite being the big brother. It was a week of ignoring his calls and texts, and ignoring him at the front door, but when you finally came out, wanting him to leave you alone so you could pout in peace, he stunned you with a bouquet of roses and sunflowers, your favorite flowers, bowing his head, “I’m truly sorry for my crass words, Y/N. I didn’t mean it in a cruel way, I know how hard you’ve been working at making meals for me and I appreciate each and every one of them.” You pushed the flowers out of your way, so he held them to the side so you could wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him and he embraced you tightly, apologizing over and over again.
-Tesla- “What’s so hard to understand this equation? Can’t you do something this simple?” when you suddenly up and left, Nikola froze, realizing that he, unintentionally, insulted you in the heat of the moment. The equation he was trying to show you, as you wanted his help to learn more, was simple, to him at least, as he knew how to calculate it, you didn’t. He was beside himself with anguish, crying himself as you ignored his messages, leaving him on read, and ignoring his calls, as he couldn’t get close to you as Shiva threatened him after Nikola made you cry. Nikola gathered the courage and showed up with a small bouquet of red roses and when the door opened he shoved them right into Shiva’s face as he bowed his head, apologizing. It wasn’t until you giggled when he looked up, seeing that he had apologized and given the roses to Shiva. Shiva was a brat, taking the flowers, “These are mine now!” before running off with them and you and Nikola looked at each other and he bowed deeply apologizing, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I sometimes get frustrated when I forget that some people can’t do things as easily as I can. It’s like you baking, I can’t do it without setting the oven on fire.” You giggled again, forgiving him before you held his hand and went home.
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Hi. Can I pls req dazai x reader. So,Dazai and reader were once in a relationship. (Female reader). At some point they broke up. Stopped talking started ignoring each other. Then dazai approached her to be friends again. They again became besties.
The reader is now feeling attracted to a guy. She talks to that guy but didn't take things further, she is hesitant to be in a relationship due to his previous relationship with dazai. Dazai realises, and says that he doesn't want to be the reason to hold back each other... basically you make/write the conversation after dazai realises. Please🥺🥺
(Ps: dazai is actually sad to know the reader is attracted to someone new)
Ah yes, good old unrequited love. I hope you enjoy this, and please come back anytime. So sorry this took so long, the first time I wrote it I accidentally deleted it and had to do it all over. <333
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It was hard to believe that at a point, you had been in love with him. But it was true; at one point, the two of you shared a love like sunlight. You fought and loved with the same passion, often burning one another before falling back together for comfort, for peace, to quell the ache that pulled you back together time and time again. But you were so bright you could hardly stand to look; so warm the pain began to show through more and more. Eventually, you licked your wounds on your own, the risk of being hurt outweighing the reward of a love so strong.
Yes, like he always did, Osamu Dazai had pushed you away. And when he did, the hole that you filled inside of him opened up again.
When you were gone, he could hardly stand to look at you without remembering the way you said his name - like no one else did, soft and sweet, drawing out each syllable and vowel - or how your bare skin felt pressed against his while you slept. When he was gone, you could hardly bear the sound of his voice without thinking of nights spent with your clothes strewn across the floor, or the way he would trace the lines in the palms of your hand, his eyes looking at you like the world meant nothing in comparison.
You thought you would never be able to look at those eyes again.
But slowly, things began to repair themselves. Like spring budding from barren branches, you began to pass smiles to one another again. You started to talk more, joking and teasing like you used too before love, before everything had changed. Slowly, you made your way back into his life- slowly, the two of you pushed the memories of a love brighter than sunlight down until it was swallowed by expanses of darker space.
And slowly, Dazai realized that you weren't his anymore.
"...hey- Hey!" Your voice startled him from his thoughts, his fingers beginning to sting from holding onto the chilled glass for too long.
"Sorry," he muttered, taking a drink. "You were saying?"
"You alright," you asked, concerned curiosity in your eyes. "It's not like you to just disappear like that."
He shrugged. "Long week I guess. Anyway?"
You looked down at your drink awkwardly. "Well I was telling you about this guy I met just the other day- met him in the cafe under the office, he works nearby. He was sweet, actually asked me to meet him at another spot he knows later tonight." you chewed your lips nervously. "I don't think I'll go though; it's too soon don't you think? I mean it hasn't even been a year since..." You let your voice trail off.
Dazai looked at you, saw the way your body hunched into itself, but saw the way your eyes slightly looked over at him, waiting for a reaction, a sliver of approval or disappointment. And he realized what you were waiting for.
You were waiting for him to let go.
And it broke him completely that the look in your eyes, the look of slight fear and sorrow was his doing- that even after time had gone by, you still felt trapped by him. Try as he might, he hadn't been able to move past you; worse, you knew it as well as he did and yet here you were, asking him one more time for permission. You were asking his permission to break his heart again.
And what could he do but let you? He loved you so much, so desperately it consumed him; it swallowed him whole every night as he tried to sleep, chased you through dreams and just barely let you escape every time. And he loved you so much that he would release you- he would break every bone in his body if it forced him to let you go. Because he wasn't what you needed. And he knew that the best way for him to love was to let you be loved by someone who was safer. Someone who could give you the life you deserved.
He simply couldn't be that person.
"Go," he said quietly. He was looking at you now, a smile on his face that you both tried to pretend was masking the melancholy behind it. "You should go." He got up, draping your coat around your shoulders. "I mean we both know you can't stay hung up on me forever," he said with a wink. You got up with a smile, the two of you simply staring at each other, the hum of chatter in the bar going quiet for a split second. And you hugged him; you stepped close and wrapped your arms around him, tucking your head into his chest the way you always used to. And it was good you couldn't see him, see his face or the look of surprise he couldn't stop. Gingerly, he place his hands on your back, holding you against him one last time before he gently pulled you away by your shoulders.
"Go on," he smiled. "Get out of here."
You nodded, walking out of the room before you could lose your nerve; you left before you had time to look back. If you had though, if you had stopped to look at the man you couldn't deny you still loved, you would've seen how he watched you go until you vanished onto the dark street, how he stared after you long after you had gone, the scent of your skin still clinging to him like the ghost of you always would.
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