deweyduck · 2 years
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it took you 12 stinkin’ years to kiss me!
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seasononesam · 2 years
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I know who it is. I can see her now.
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felicityphoenix5 · 1 year
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moodboard for when the omens are good amirite folks
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kicksnscribs · 1 year
Me to my brain: dude we cant kill ourselves theres too much cute Oatchi art in the world please dude think of oatchi THINK OF THE SQUISHY PLUSHIE THATS COMING OUT SOON
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wheelsupin-five · 2 years
I miss hotch 😭😭😭
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the-ellia-west · 9 months
How to make your readers Feel emotions for Dummies
(Characters crying edition!)
So... You can't write characters crying? (Or you just want to read this for some reason) Well, neither do I so let's get right into it! I should be packing for a trip but oh well who cares? Not me!
Yeah. Your character is crying and you want to know...
How to not make it cringe af
How to make the Readers relate to it
How to make the readers not only relate to it, but feel DEPRESSED
Step 1 - Do NOT over describe it I've tried to write this so many times and failed that I've realized it's just like good horror. If anything, don't describe the tears, describe their impact, describe the horror of why they're happening, what they're doing to your character. (Example at the end)
Step 2 - Make it at a time when we've had time to connect to the character Put it in the middle of the 1st or only book at the earliest. Other than that, put it later. The more time you spend with the characters, the more their breaking down will emotionally scar you. And that's what we want
Step 3 - Describe other actions for the character Deep breaths, falling to their knees, screaming, choking, cradling the body of a loved one, sad dialogue, other concerned characters, ect. Actions speak louder than words and that is sooooo true in writing. This one of those rare cases where show don't tell is a must.
Ex. (I'm using A and B for the character names cause I'm lazy)
The world seemed to slow as everything came crashing down around her as his body hit the ground, a soft thud the only sound she heard as the grass slowly turned from the light lively emerald of life, to the deep crimson red of death. He was gone. She ran over to him, his quickly fading labored breaths and her crunching footsteps the only sound as the sun shone into her eyes, blinding her. She dropped to her knees beside him, the tears already beginning to fall as she began to choke on her own words, unable to speak as she grabbed his hand. It felt warm in her palm as she clutched his hand close to her chest as the world came crashing back. The burning light of the sun in her eyes, the heat of it and the adrenaline on her skin, her brother's cooling hand, his raspy breaths, her sobbing gasps, the clash of metal against metal, the falling bodies, the raining blood. Then the screams. "A! A! What are you doing?! We're in the middle of a fight! Don't you remember what I taught you?" B nearly screamed at her, causing A to cry out in a mix of anguish and agony, panic finally reaching her as the impact of what had just happened finally hit her.
(Side note: If you liked the example, it will be part of my Fantasy Book series Coming out soon! More in my profile if you're at all interested)
That wasn't as sad as it could of been because you didn't know the characters, but it's definitely better than just an extended description of crying.
Anyway, thank you lovelies and I hope this helps you even a little bit! Love you, continue being awesome!
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Wehehehe >:^D angst if u don’t mind
Uuhhhhhhh situation: MC and a brother/dateable (if u wanna) broke up (kinda messy so they ended on ehhhh terms) and they still kinda have feelings for MC
Can u do the brother’s/dateable’s reaction/thoughts to MC basically courting their opposite (example Lucifer’s opposite would probably be Levi, Mammons opposite would be Belphie, ect ect)
Even if u don’t wanna, I hope ya have a great day 🫶🫶🫶🫶
I love a bit of angst so let's go!
UPDATE: guys, it's really angsty lol i'm so sorry
As an Avatar of Pride, he didn't admit his mistakes and he didn't admit that he was way too controlling, arrogant, and insensitive to your feelings.
As he now watches you hang out with Levi, he feels blind rage swelling in his chest. He can't believe he let you go and you know tend to someone so...bland and shut-in.
When he hears you giggle in Levi's room or see you two reading the same manga, he feels bitter as the two of you never seemed to spend time together like that.
He tried talking to you once. Well, he basically grabbed your wrist and forced you to stay where you were standing while he started spitting out his thoughts and emotions.
You just walked away, without even looking back. He heard you crying in Levi's room later.
"Weak and useless", he mutters whenever Levi is in his sight. His hands clench in fists as he is absolutely helpless about the situation and it drives him insane.
Okay, maybe he told you all these things but you cry easily anyway and at first, he didn't even feel guilty
He was sure you'd miss going out with him and he spent countless nights fantasizing how he will reluctantly take you back
Now he sees you spending all your time at home, with Belphie.
Just fucking HoL, sitting on the damn couch like two elderly people in a nursing home.
He passed you once or twice, in his best outfit, wearing expensive perfume and purposefully talking on the phone with a pretty witch
You never lifted your eyes on him
You never lifted your eyes from Belhie as he lied on your knees, telling you some bullshit made-up stories
He hates you for being able to move on to something more stable, something that he was never capable of giving
He barely watched his words during this last argument and that was the end
With you, his life had some sort of meaning. Now, it turned into a pitch-black tunnel again
Watching you with Lucifer hurts him so badly he could never imagine
Lucifer is the epitome of everything you wanted him to be and he never even tried
At nights, he howl alone in his room, softening his screams with a pillow, wishing you heard him and come back
When he lifts his head from the pillow, he sometimes hears you being in the Lucifer's room - all the sounds so well known to him.
With every little moan and every little sigh that he hears from you being in Lucifer's arms, his heart shatters again and again until there is nothing left of it
He never meant to say all these words and he never meant to scare you so much
His possesiveness played a cruel joke on him and you are gone forever now, dating calm and cheerful Beelzebub instead
The worst thing is that despite being older, he feels weak compared to Beel and he hates himself for that
He once caught you in the hall and pinned you to the wall, trying to force a kiss
Beel slammed him down while you stared in horror at the blood dripping on the floor
He never spoke to you or Beel again
Sometimes he hits the wall till his knuckles bleed, imagining it's Beel
Sometimes he cries, pressing your scarf to his chest, inhaling its scent and imagining it's you
He didn't talk to you till that damn day when he saw you out with Barbatos
Barbatos? Really? A fucking butler?
He was very proud of the speech he gave you when he approached you and made fun of your downgrade
After that, he locked himself in the room
He broke all his mirrors because in every mirror he saw the ghost of your smile when you used to hug him from behind and laugh happily
He once got down to breakfast without a hint of makeup and with messy hair
He looks exactly how he feels: crumbling into pieces
The only thing that hurts more than your scratchmarks on his back were your words about leaving him
He never thought you needed more...passion. Though he would call it uncontrollable wrath, considering you left for Satan
When he sees you with hickeys and other marks on your beautiful skin, he clenches his fists so tight it hurts
He can't really explain to himself when it all went wrong but one day, you were just gone
He know thinks he is just a big stupid jock if he was never able to see your fiesty and wild side
He made you cupcakes to try and apologise but you smashed them on the wall
When your eyes meet in the dining room, he feels sick to the stomach and can't finish his plate
Mammon, really? Like he cares
He now sleeps almost 24/7 and doesn't sometimes respond to Beel trying to wake him up
At least in his dreams he can apologize for what he did
In reality, he knows you hate him and he feels it growing on his skin, like an icy shell
He hates how confidently Mammon looks and talks
He observes how you now glow, being able to finally go out and enjoy all the wonderful life outside, the one he was keeping so fiercely away from you
Sometimes in his dreams, you tell him you forgive him
Then he wakes up though he sometimes wishes he didn't
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greywritesthings · 6 months
Spencer Reid x Autistic!Reader
Warnings: description of overwhelm? sensory overload if there's any more let me know!
A/N: not sure what the inspo what behind this but here it is, i am working on another longer fic so this is a filler for the mean time, likes, reblogs and comments appreciated! Im autistic so i have a bunch of stuff I'd like to put in for a second (possible series?). For specific senarios ect ect please feel free to send them to my ask box!!
Requests are open for Spencer Reid! Disabled & multilingual characters encouraged
Read on AO3 instead!
Part 2
The buzz of the air con unit, the incessant hum if the fluorescent lights, the constant chatter of the co workers you were unfamiliar with all came together to create an almost physically painful environment. You adored working in the BAU but these days where it was lengthy paperwork done on painfully bright computers with the general hubbub of the office made you want to scream. It often ended with Hotch sending you home with paper files to do with spencer but he was off today and you were still intimidated by Rossi so couldn't ask him. Spencer would normally ask for the both of you but he was out with Hotch, they were doing a local death row interview together. You were exhausted and it wasn't even eleven am. You decided to stop by Penelope's office who had made it as sensory friendly as possible once she found out about your autism, something you had appreciated immensely, especially for days like today. “Hey pen? Can i stay in here for a bit?” You ask, walking into the dim room. “Sure thing sugar, you can stay in here for the rest of the day, Rossi told me to come get you for a thing anyway so come over here my fine furry friend.” she beacons you over to the seat next to her. 
You couldn't have gotten out of the office faster. Penelope had helped as much as possible but the sensory overload was too much from nine am and you haven't been able to do anything about it aside from chew on some ice every so often. 
The idea of taking the subway home made your skin crawl, but you hadn't brought your car to the office this morning, driving was also being far too overwhelming. You would have called Spencer but you had no idea when he would be home given death row inmates either got really chatty or liked to drag on the interview. You decide to just sit on the curb for a while allowing the cooler night air to calm you down enough so you can try and get on the metro without crying. 
You weren't sure how long you were sitting there, legs curled tightly against you, head resting against your knees and back pressed against the wall but you flinched when someone walked up and tapped you on the shoulder and scrambled to stand up. “How long have you been out here?” the stranger asks in the darkness. As your eyes adjust you realise its Hotch, meaning Spencer is probably here too. You just shake your head with a pleading look hoping he wouldn't ask you any more questions tonight. “Spencer is in the SUV, I've told him to take that home to save you both taking the metro tonight. Go home, tomorrow's paperwork will be dropped off at your house.He didn't let you get a word in edgewise so you just nod, thank him and wish him and Jack a goodnight, setting off towards the remaining SUV with the lights on. 
“Hi honey, you okay?” Spencer asks as you hop into the car, throwing off your blazer before settling in and pulling on your belt. “Bad day?” he asks again trying to gauge how your day went without getting you to talk. You just nod as you reach across to put a hand on his thigh to try and signal that you were okay, just exhausted in every sense of the word. You tap his thigh three times then five, three to say I love you then five to encourage him to talk about his day and not worry about rambling even if you didn’t respond. 
Once you get home you drop your things and make a beeline for the couch, flopping face down and screaming into the pillows. “Bath, shower or later sweetheart?” He knew you wouldn’t go to bed without showering but also knew you were too overwhelmed to do anything that required mental effort right now given the whine you let out into the cushions at his question. “I'm going to order some Thai, then do you want to get changed and we can watch a movie? He suggests. “Nada en inglés, por favor” is all you mumble back. He was used to your disdain of English, despite it being your first language. You knew bits and pieces of French, Spanish and German prior to meeting Spencer but since meeting him you had come to learn some Korean and Russian. “Okay dear, i'll go order, you get changed.” he says as he leaves the room going to the phone. You drag yourself off the sofa across the apartment to the bedroom. Grabbing Spencer's caltech sweatshirt and joggers from the bed that you had left there this morning and throwing your suit in the hamper to be washed tomorrow.
You spent the rest of the night curled up under the weighted throw Penelope had knitted you for Christmas on your first anniversary at the BAU and watching old Russian movies. Spencer played with your hair until you fell asleep contemplating how he was going to get you to bed without waking you up.
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jewbeloved · 5 months
stan,kenny and wendy with a ghost s/o? like s/o died in south park (cause,i mean cmon,if you dont have plot armour are you really gonna survive?) and they just kinda haunt sp.they also have similar abilities to damien (flight,telekinesis,teleportation,ect),maybe they even have a human/physical form like him too 😃?
Stan, Kenny, and Wendy with a ghost s/o💙🧡🩷
warnings: Plasmophobia (If you have it)
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh ⚽
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Blud thought he was hearing things because someone kept calling his name and he didn't know where it was coming from.
Stan began to get irritated and demanded whoever was calling his name multiple times to show themselves.
You just now realized that you were invisible to Stan and he obviously cannot see you. So you make yourself visible while making the place around you cold asf.
The gif above is Stan's brief reaction before he jumps back in complete shock.
It took him a while to realize it was you but in the form of a ghost.....
Stan wasn't really close to you at all when you first came to south park. Probably because he didn't even notice you were there.
He did hear about one of the students dying on the news but he didn't think it was you.
But since you're a ghost that death that occurred confirms it was you after all. He feels guilty that he never spoken to you, not even once before you died.
You both started to have a lot of conversations with each other after your first meeting. Stan obviously snuck out during lunch or free time to go talk to you behind the school.
Stan always talked about you to Kyle though. Kyle thought he had a screw loose since Kyle can't even see you.
You like to tease Stan with your powers and scare him a lot. I'd like to think Stan always puffs his cheeks whenever he's angry and you find that cute :)
If physical contact was possible he would be so happy. If you allow him to be able to touch💙💙💙💙
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🍄
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You both already know about each other.
You always remembered the times Kenny has died and comforted him after he regenerates the next day.
But when he heard that you died he was so sad that he couldn't stop crying because you weren't immortal like him so you couldn't come back to life.
That all changed when he started shivering because his room got cold all of a sudden and this woke him up out of his sleep.
He thought that he accidentally left the window open so got up to go look, only for him to find out that it was never opened.
He then felt a soft tap on his shoulder and turned around immediately while flinching.
"Oh for heavens sake Kenny, It's just me (Name)...".
Wait what?
A ghost?
I guess he shouldn't be surprised just by seeing that. He was so happy and relieved to hear that it was just you.
You really came back to see him...well in a ghostly form anyway because you're dead.... Kenny's happy nonetheless!
You both can go back to interacting with each other again! But he's still a bit sad that he isn't able to feel your heartbeat anymore whenever he hugs you. Please cheer him up.
Since Kenny is immortal, you both can literally spend the rest of your lives together forever now that you're here <33333🧡🧡🧡🧡
🩷 Wendy Testaburger 💮
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Like Kenny, you and her have known each other ever since you moved to south park.....or whatever you did in order to get there.
She one day saw that you weren't home at all and she panicked thinking you went missing.
It wasn't until your parents told her that you recently had died (Or if she finds out on her own if you don't have any parents).
You and her had a close bonding relationship and she was devastated to hear the news.
She will wear anything you had left behind before you died (hats, scarfs, etc.)
When she was cleaning out her locker for her next class. She saw a bunch of students running away from the janitor's closet, screaming about how the closet is haunted or something.
Wendy brushed it off as them being weird until Bebe told her that she saw a ghost in the closet. Wendy signed and went to check it out for herself since she trusts Bebe.
She opened the closet door and saw nothing inside.
She was about to go and confront Bebe for lying to her until she saw a ghostly figure that looked exactly like her.
She screamed until you shifted back into your normal self and reassured her that it was just only you.
She couldn't believe it, she always thought ghosts weren't real...how is it possible for someone to be able to see ghosts????
She's going through the five stages of grief right now that she can't even mutter another word out. Eventually she can't escape reality in the end.
She doesn't know exactly what to do now that she is seeing you again as a ghost?? But those tears streaming down her cheeks told you everything you needed to know about how she feels.
You noticed that she was wearing your stuff (If you had any) while you were hugging her.
You kept hugging and comforting her until she stopped crying. Telling her that you would never leave her even in death. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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ratskinsuit · 6 months
—𝑀𝑜𝓉𝒽 𝐿𝑒𝒻𝓉 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝐵𝓊𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔—
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“You are Vox’a personal assistiant, and recently him and Valentino had a rough fight, leaving Vox a wreck”
Tags/Warning: Dark content, Mentally unstable Vox, Unhealthy behaviors, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Mentions of unhealthy/toxic relationships,Mental breakdowns, Self harm mentions, Slight assault, Crying, Unhealthy dependency, Abandonment issues, Violence, Manipulation mentions, no use of Y/N, not x reader but can be portrayed that way, implied Valentino x Vox
A/N: I have never written full angst (nad I’m shit at comforting) so I hope that this is okay, PLEASE READ THE TAGS. And enjoy!
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You are Vox’s personal assistiant at Vox Tech. You died around 3 years ago in a fatal head-on collision car crash, your airbags had failed and it resulted in you smashing through your front windshield.
You honestly don’t know how you ended up here in hell, you thought you did pretty well in life. I mean yes you messed up a bit, but so hasent? You never did anything that you considered to be completely sinful, such as murder, rape, ect-
Even with your predicament, you knew you went just going to sit there, so you accepted your situation pretty fast. You found a simple abandoned apartment that you spruced up a bit to make it livable, and made your way by scrapping together whatever cash or opportunities you could find. After while of growing adjusted and learning the ways around hell, you decided to try getting a job. Specifically as a computer tech, as it was your job before you died, so you thought it would be a job you could do well.
And of course, the best place you though of what Vox Tech. Even though you heard of the torment that the overlords, the Vees, would put their workers through, but honestly you didn’t mind, you just needed something to live off of. Even if it was temporary, you were going to make sure not to do anything stupid.
So you applied for a position there and hoping that you got the job. But sadly they said you just weren’t quite fit for the position you were applying for, and you guess that the lady felt bad for you, because before you could leave she let you know that the overlord of the part you were applying for, Vox, was looking for a personal assistiant.
Of course you hesitated at first, but ended up accepting the job anyways, mainly because the perks and the pay were pretty great. However before you answered to accept, the hiring personnel said that the last personal assistiant was no longer working here is because they got in the way of Vox after him and Valentino had a fight. Yet, you chose to ignore that fact, planning on this being a temporary job.
So, you started working for him. At first, he treated you like actual shit. He would order you around like a dog, yelling at you anytime you messed up, and even if you didn’t, he would find a reason. He acted as if you weren’t even a human being. Your suprised he didn’t kill hou.
After a while, you grew used to it, somehow keeping yourself from getting killed by learning the boundaries. Making sure to do what he says and keeping away as much as you can.
However one day, you heard that Valentino and Vox had a particularly bad fight. Still, you had to go to work and serve him, so you had headed to his office. When you got there though, you found him sobbing and curled up on the floor in a ball, trembling.
Of course when he saw you he screamed at you to get out, but even though danger was staring at straight at your face, you were a naturally empathetic person.
So you went over to him and asked him what was wrong, and at first he threatened and yelled and screamed at you. But when he found you weren’t leaving, he just broke down.
You spent the next couple hours listening as he rants attentively, and soothing him. After that you two grew closer, still within a boss and worker status, but closer as friends.
You learned all the ways to help him through his breakdowns and comfort him. He would often confide in you and you would listen, making him feel better.
The fights between him and his boyfriend never stopped but you made it much better. He eventually stopped fighting and just let you hold him.
However recently, they had the worst fight they ever have had before. And it ended with Valentino leaving. At first it seemed like Val throwing his normal fist, but he didn’t show after a week, or another, or another. After 3 weeks he showed up but would completely ignore vox, and this honestly broke him.
From what you could tell he’s been burrowing himself in his work, and has been completely emotionless to cope recently, and taht scared you. Because you know that sometime soon, he would break and it would all come crashing down.
So your currrently one your way to his office with a plate of snacks, icecream, and some tea. You heard from your coworkers he hasent been out of his office all day, so your wondering if he finally cracked.
You reach the end of the hallway, landing you infront of Vox’s door. You hesitate, wondering if it was better to know and say something to alert him of your presence, or to just open the door and then have him realize it’s you right away.
After a moment of pondering, you decide it’s easier to go with the latter. Grasping the handle, you turn it and push the door open, making a whooshing sound.
Once open, you take a step in and open your mouth to speak. But before you could, Vox snaps his head to the door, giving a death glare.
“Who the fuck do you think you are, just coming in wit-“ His anger dies down as he recognizes you, and his tense form relaxes a bit.
“Shit, sorry didn’t uh.. realize it was you.,” He mourners, rubbing the back of his neck out of habit. He glances away, resting his hands back his desk, before looking back at you.
You give him a small smile, and glance around the room, a bit suprised at the state of him and his surroundings. His face looks tired and a bit glitchy, small colorful pixels appearing and disappearing on the edge of his screen. His head has some wires sticking out of tear sun places. Other parts are dented and scraped, from what you assume was him banging his head against the seat and scratching at himself.
His jacket is laying on the floor a couple feet away from where he is seated. His bow tie seated next to the dozens of coffee cups that litter his desk. His clothes are wrinkled and messed up. His shirt halfway done and seemily hastily put on.
There is trash all around his desk, strewn about. His trash can is full, papers filling it to the brim. Random wires are hung all around the room, hanging from the ceiling and the floor, some torn and other fully put together. All around his chair and his desk is glass. Broken pieces everywhere, but Vox doesn’t seem to care, as he’s gone back to looking at his cameras.
The most disturbing part being his monitors. All but three are broken. They seem to have been broken by having things thrown at them. You assume he threw the lights, as there are random stage lights on the floor and on his desk with the broken glass. Well at least you know where the glass came from.
On the remaining cameras are three scenes. Alastor’s radio tower, the entrance to the building, and Valentinos room.
Vox stares at the cameras, unblinking and staring up like it’s hypnotizing him, like he’s unable to look away. Not even seeming to notice, or care about you being there. Just stuck, his eyes glued to the screens in-front of him.
You hesitate, taking a deep breath, and then you slowly walk over to where Vox is at his desk, he doesn’t seem to realize or care that your coming over to him until you reach him, and begin to speak .
“Vox.. is everything okay?..” you ask softly, placing a hand on his shoulder and he flinches, glancing at you.
“Yes of course I’m fucking fine, just peachy terrific even.” He says with a glare. “Why would you think otherwise?” He says turning away from you back to the screen, obviously trying to hide it.
You take a deep breath, “You just seem to be a bit ..strung up right now, is…” You hesitate, not wanting to anger him or get him more stressed then he already is. But you don’t want him to stay in this cycle of depression that he gets into occasionally.
It usually is triggered when him and Val would have fights. The would scream at eachother, saying nasty things and throwing random items at eachother. And would usually only end once one of them left, which was almost always Valentino.
For the first hour after the fight, Vox would seem fine. Just a bit more angry and pissy, getting riled up over teh smallest of things. Whether it be someone messing up on some paperwork or their job, pe an employee simply tripping. But during those periods it’s best for the workers to avoid him. You, however, just stay by his side the entire time, waiting for it to all come crashing down.
After a while he would just fall. Once alone he would just start crying, and crying, and crying. You would hold him and comfort him, as he rocked and sobbed in your arms. He would go through stages of being completely silent and unmoving, not wanting to talk, sitting with a blank look on his face. To crying and screaming, calling Valentino over and over again apologizing. To anger, yelling and shouting at anybody that moves, leaving angry voicemails into Val’s inbox.
Of course, you would stay with him the entire time. He may yell, scream, or even try to hurt or threaten you at times. But you knew he coudlent help it, he was in an unstable mindset. So the entire time you would try to comfort him.
So not wanting to throw him into that phase at the moment, you chose your next words carefully. “How are you dealing with… Valentino leaving..? Is everything okay, anything you need? I can get you, or do to he- you begin, but are cut off by Vox snapping his neck to you.
He just stares at you for a moment, maintaining eye contact. The two of you staring at eachother in silence, neither of you breaking eye contact in this silent staring contest.
Suddenly, he breaks out into laughter. He puts a hand against his face, chest bubbling with loud laughter. And not normal laughter, this was hysterical, full of instability. His eyes wide and blown out.
It echos in the room, bouncing against the walls as his chest heaves, while he continues laughing loudly. You stand there, frozen in shock from his sudden outburst. Your going to be honestly, it kind of freaked you out.
After a couple of minutes, he swipes his fingers under his eyes as to wipe away tears. His manic laughter now slowed down to giggles, as he breathed heavily, a wide grin of his face. “I-of course I’m fine, haha… why wouldn’t I be!? I’m perrrfectly okay, heh heh…” He says, his grin widening as you stand there in-front of him unmoving.
“I’m fineeeee, I don’t know what the FUCK your talking about, I’m okay, why? Do I not seem okay!?” He begins, his tone slowly beginning to become more on edge. “Why!? Do you think one thing is fucking wrong with me..!? Why the hell would you think something is wrong with me.!?” He says, beginning to raise his voice as he pushes his chair away from the cameras and stands up suddenly, palms to the desk.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying at all, I just mean that … you tend to get a bit…. Upset when you and Val-“ You try to start, but he interrupts you, anger forming on his face.
“IM NOT UPSET. if- if anything, I’m glad that he’s gone, for once I can actually focus on my work without that dick sucking bitch in my face all the time.” he hisses, starting to stalk over to you, a predatory glint in his eyes, full of malice and anger.
You talk a couple steps back as he starts to get closer. “Why are you backing up? What!? Are you fucking scared??!” He growls lowly, and before you can respond, you blink and he’s in front of you, towering over your form, and you gasp in surprise, not expecting that, stumbling back a bit.
“Why are you scared? Haha, I’m not going to hurt you.” He snickers, looking you up and down. “but Maybe. Maybe I will, havent decided yet “He says, clicking his tongue and tilting his head.
“V…vox you don’t seem to be in the right state of mind right now… why don’t we just sit down and-“ before you finish your slammed into the wall, knocking the breath out of you. Once your burry vision clears you see Vox above you, teeth bared, eyes glaring holes into you as he has you pinned to the wall.
“I.am.fine.!” he says, punctuating each word by pulling you to him and pushing you back into the wall with each word hissed out at you with venom. And you try to prevent your head from bashing against the wall.
You look down fro a moment once he stops, and he suddenly grabs your chin with his fingers, claws digging into your cheeks, drawing blood, and he turns your face to look at him. His eyes blazing into yours. “Don’t you dare fucking look away from me, I’m speaking to you, fucking LOOk AT ME..” He yells, blood getting onto his claws from the gash on your cheek, further smearing it.
You stare at him in terror, realizing that Val really fucked him up. He giggles at the fear in your eyes, smirking. “Awe, are you scar-scared? Hm? That’s fucking hilarious hehe…” he giggles maniacally, eyes wises and blown out as he looks at you.
He stroked your cheek with his thumb as he doesn’t break eye contact. “What to do to you… hm..” he looks at you with hysteria Im his eyes, he’s trembling slightly.
“I could, gut you…” He says, scratching your face with his index finger, leaving a bleeding gash on your face and you gasp, earning you a chuckle. “Hang your intestines alllll across the door like a fucking birthday bash.” He says, grin somehow stretching wider.
“No no, that would kill you ro quick, how about a boy of waterboardung before that? Ha?” He snickers, “oh maybe I could choke you? Or or or, you know what would be fun? Shoving firecrackers down your throat and lighting them.” He says, smiling with sadistic glee as you stare in horror.
If course whenever he goes into these stages, he sometimes threatens to hurt you, but never this gruesome, and honestly, your wondering if coming here this early was a good idea.
“Oh so many posibilityyysss,..!” He sings, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you against him, your arms uncomfortably pushed against his chest. And he leans into your neck whispers into your ear.
“Soo many options…” he hums, giggling lowly as he burys his face into the crook of your neck, soft giggling can be heard from him. You stand there as he mutters to himself, keeping you in his embrace as your terrified of why he will do to you.
After a minute his giggling ceases and you can’t her him murmuring anymore but he’s not letting you go.
You hope that maybe he’s calmed down a bit and you can get him to sit down, but before you can open your mouth you begin to hear soft sniffles coming from him.
You feel wetness begin to run down your shoulder, and it becomes apparent that he’s stated crying. You crane your neck to look at his face, seeing his eyes clenched shut as eas fall from his cheeks.
You sigh, knowing you can’t do anything at the moment to get him out of this state without further digging him deeper.
So instead you go for the safer option as your boss sobs into your neck. You rub soothing circles into his back and shush him as he grips onto you tightly as if your going to lean e him. “Hey hey… your okay.. sh… that’s it let it out..” you sooth and he cries harder.
He begins to let his body go limp, the two on your sliding onto the floor. His sitting inbetween your legs, face still burried into the crook of your neck as you embrace him comfortingly.
“wh-at-zz wrong- mi- with me..” he cries, rocking back in forth in your arms and you just let him, trying to support his weight while not getting crushed.
You slowly push his face away from your shoulder, him looking absolutely wrecked. Tears somehow coming through the screen and dripping down his face. A look of desperation on his features as he scans your face. “Shh… nothing is wrong with you, your just overwealmed that’s all..” you say, putting your hand out and he rests his head in it, sniffling.
“…r-e-eally…?” He asks and you nod, patting his back. You hear him let out shakes breaths as he clings to you, head burried in your neck while you comfort him.
“Don’t worry… I’m not going to leave you..” you say, and he seems to relax a bit more at that statement.
After a couple minutes of sitting like that, him resting against you as you soothe him. You notice he has seemed to calm down a bit, no longer trembling and his beating has evened out. But his fans are still going haywire, trying to cool him down. And his body is overheating h excessively.
So you wait a minute and decide you are going to get him some icepacks and a fan to help him cool off.
So you carefully push him off, and he gives you a confused look. His eyes widening in fear as you stand up. And he goes to acramble afte him but you just motion for him to sit back down. “Don’t worry, I’m just going to get you a fan and some ice packs, your overheating and we need to get your temperature down.” You say.
You turn around, starting to head to the door. And you assume that he is okay with it, because your almost at the door and you hadn’t heard any footsteps.
As you go to step out you are suddenly tackled to the ground, knocking the wind out of you. Your flipped over to see Vox straddling you, teeth bared and eyes widened in anger.
“Why the FUCK are you trying to leave me!?”
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A/N: Sorry I’ve been dead 🙃 I have no motivation, and I have been very busy recently. I have like 25 requests to do so I will start working on those soon, but try not to be be too expectant. Also this was kind of just something I thought of randomly, this is just Pt. 1 I have plans for what happens after but idk if i should do a pt 2., what do you all think? Also this has so many grammar and spelling misstated because I just wanted to get it out soon, so I will be coming back later to fix them.
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sircantus · 23 days
OOOOO the dark sbi one sounds fun! Are there any other wips that is dark sbi?
Anyways I am VERY interested in Yoink the identity one please do share🙏
Funny you say that bc yoink the identity is also a dark sbi au!! Kinda. Its actually just more of a horror au if anything (but also yeah a couple of the aus there have got dark elements i cant remember which tho my memory of them only activates when i focus on one)
anyhow that wip is about a shapeshifter au in which wilbur and Phil are supposed to have their weekly dinner night together, but then Wil gets a call with Phil panicking and screaming on the other end, telling him to rush over to his apartment. Wilbur goes over thinking something horrible happened, but when he gets there Phil has no idea what Wil is talking about with the phone call and he seems entirely fine.
They kinda go on with their dinner night but Phil keeps really odd, not quite getting details in the conversation right, seeming lost in his own house, ect. Wilbur ends up hearing a weird noise and sneaks off to investigate to find actual Phil locked in a closet.
To where he then realizes he was not talking with the real Phil and something is seriously fucked up here. They both sneak around the apartment trying to avoid the not Phil thing, who realizes actual Phil got out and starts to try to lure them out by mimicking their voices (it keeps calling for Phil in wilburs voice, “Phil? Phil, whered you go?” And then it switches to Phils voice screaming for help, which makes Wilbur just keep looking at real Phil desperately trying to reassure himself the noise isnt real)
They end up escaping the apartment and calling Techno, their mutual buddy, for help, but then the shapeshifter starts following them outside and they’re running across the empty streets in the middle of the night to try and lose it. Techno eventually finds them and nearly runs them over, and then proceeds to try purposely running the shapeshifter over upon seeing it come around the corner, looking like Phil but with everything about him seeming just Wrong. (Eyes glinting too hard, his walk stumbling too much, the voice from his mouth still being Wilburs-) so sbi is in the car now. Techno hits the thing with his car. They check to see if they killed it, and they watch as the shapeshifter tries to then turn into a kid, but still clinging onto Phils features, so then it just looks like a kid version of Phil (tommy!! Yays)
Its then crying about getting hit with a car and mimicking all their voices interchangeably to ask for help, and Techno is about to get back in the car to run it over a second time!! Only for Phil to stop him bc he wants to know what the heck the shapeshifter is even trying to do. Here is where i lose the plot a bit but i think from there on it would be cool for the three of them to argue amongst themselves over if they should be pitying a monster thing, not noticing Tommy getting closer until he’s right next to them and he’s taken Technos form and voice to try and join their conversation. This somehow results in them realizing he’s really not that harmful. Family dynamics
The thing is “Tommy” is meant to be a very naive type of shapeshifter who doesnt really have a grasp on humans, and he took Phils place first bc he heard about the dinner and he wanted to meet Wil. And then he sees Techno and how Phil and Wilbur talk with him and thats why he turns into a Techno. He also turns young when hes hurt bc he recognizes that humans treat their young gently. Its a neat concept! Alas its also a wip. I have no idea where the family dynamics will form but by god theyre gonna be somewhere
Also its called yoink the identity bc obviously tommy shapeshifter took phils place for a second there haha
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coffee-master · 8 months
Hello! I want to say that ur AU is AWESOME. I love the way Kai has to deal with being the master of water and basically everything else that comes with it. ANYWAY I want to ask, are u planning on adding stuff about seabound? If so, im rly excited to see how u portray that!
(Also possibly the whole Aspheera situation but no pressure on that)
Have a good day (or whatever time it is where u are) 😁
Dear anon..
There is no such way that I am NOT adding seabound here!!!
I'm planning to make some incorrect quotes and write a fic about the seabound part later.
There is no way that I'd miss such opportunity for angst!
I want write Kai struggle. I want to write him becoming one with the water.
I want to write ninjas break.
I want to see them the those three heartbroken and devastated, while not able to say goodbye.
She'd try to grab her brother's hand unsuccessfully, try to talk to him, but he doesn't listen.
Even though she tries, but when her brother starts going to the water she's scared.
Nya starts yelling at him, while trying to stop him. To hold him. But she can't-
And there he's gone.
I want to see Nya's breaking point, where she blames herself. Where she's devastated, that she lost her older brother once again. (In the pilot Nya wasn't kidnapped by the skeletons. Kai allowed himself to be kidnapped by them to keep his sister safe)
She would be angry, because Kai once again sacrificed himself for their good.
She would burst into flames, while screaming and pounding her fists on the ground senselessly, until the anger is gone and what's left is sadness.
She starts crying on the ground desperately. Jay would come to her and hug her and she'd cry more.
Oh, as if this boy didn't need earlier therapy..
He'd stood there heartbroken, devastated seeing as the person who promised to take care of him and always be by his side suddenly leaves him as if he didn't meant anything.
The Big Brother, who gave him some normal childhood, family-bond or even teached how to tie shoes.. He dissapeares forever.
Lloyd blames himself, for lossing him.
Kai had always protected him, before and after he got powers. He was always able to safe him and be there for him.
And right now Lloyd wasn't able to do the same.
But Lloyd was the green ninja, he should have safed him, he should have been able to do this.
Why this one time he couldn't safe him? Why?
It makes him stood there broken, crying, while looking at the see.
How do you feel when another person, who you loved deeply dies in front of you once again?
When you're aware, that you can't do anything.
When you see them smilling, as if nothing was happening, bit deep down you know that something is wrong.
That this is goodbye.
He's scared. He's broken.
His boyfriend is littelary a floating water, who sounds and looks like Kai, but doesn't behave like Kai. Who talks weird.
Something is wrong.
He's scared, because he knows what's going to happen.
He's broken, because he's going to lose him too.
And before he notices, he's gone.
But for now..
Firstly I want to do more about incorrect quotes for other seasons in my au, answer questions so that people would know how looks the situation in this universe and ect.
Moreover I also want to write more fics for this au, before going into seabound season.
On ao3 I have a series, where some one-shots about this au will be published, but for now I was only able to publish one work.
I'm very slow writer, that's why I know it'll take me a while.
So for now let's enjoy some silly incorrect quotes, please?
Besides that yeah, I'll also add the situation with Aspheera, and It'll be probably more focused on Nya and Jay.
First | More about AU | Previous | Next
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brotherwtf · 12 days
Hi hi hi!! Love ur writing so much lovey!! ^^
Can I request a freaky clegan age gap!au drabble? I was thinking something like John is doing some paper work or something at home in his office, and Gale is just like SO NEEDY. Like this man is going feral for John, literally on all fours.
Gale keeps trying to subtly hint to John how he’s feeling and what he wants, and John is just so focused on his work and completely oblivious to gale’s now aching arousal.
Gale is like on the verge of tears at this point, just needing John’s touch and praise ect. Eventually he just can’t take it anymore and snaps, barging into John’s office and straddling his lap, kissing him desperately and that leads to…yk what 😏
Thank you sm hun!! >< 💝💝
thank you so much!! I really appreciate the kind words 💕💕
freaky age gap clegan aus are always welcome, in fact they are encouraged keep sending some ideas for those freaks!!
it's a good thing that Gale is at school and John works that they don't get a lot of down time together except on weekends, because those assholes would be in bed 24/7 if they could
thinking maybe they got snowed in or something, they can't leave the house so they both have to stay in and just be around each other
and Gale is feeling so fucking horny, couldn't even place what was doing this to him, but he wants to be fucked SO BAD, and it's not helping that John is RIGHT THERE. AND HES NOT DOING ANYTHING
he starts by wearing a cropped sweatshirt he got to match with Marge, walks in front of John's office, brings him water or lunch so that maybe John will notice him, but John's busy signing important papers (tm) to notice Gale's flaunting his waist around
so Gale tries again, puts on a pair of shorts that shows the curve of his ass perfectly, bends over obnoxiously when John comes into the kitchen to put his dishes away, but John just gives him a kiss on the cheek and goes back to his office and Gale wants to scream, he's been so fucking hard all morning and just wants John to help him
the last straw is when Gale calls John "daddy", something that always works, but either John's so locked in or straight up didn't hear him that he doesn't respond, gives Gale a chaste kiss and returns back to work
Gale's gonna throw hands at this point, is so close to just throwing the pieces of paper away, but he has one final defense: putting himself between John and his work
so he straddles John's hips, grinding his ass back against John's cock and shoves his face into John's hair, whining and making pretty noises to get John's attention away from him
it works a little bit, John's definitely distracted, can't exactly do paperwork around Gale's body, so he puts his hands on Gales waist and kisses him, asks him how he's doing
and Gale just fucking snaps "I've been so fucking horny all day, you look so damn hot and fuckable when you're all serious and doing your paperwork and I've been trying to get you to come fuck me for the past three hours but you're too fucking dense to see how desperate I am for it" and Johns jaw just goes slack
and finally, FINALLY, John picks Gale up with his hands under his thighs, pushes the papers to the side and drops Gale on the desk, kissing and marking up his neck instantly
he'll finger Gale until he's crying and sensitive, will kiss him through it until Gale can hardly breathe, and then will fuck a second orgasm out of him until his thighs are trembling and he can hardly hold himself up with his arms, moans echoing throughout the office
anyway, I don't think John will go that long without noticing again
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mythicalmyles · 2 years
hiii ^^ I hope your having a wonderful day ^^ I have a request for Masky and Hoodie with a confident and dominant reader that ultimately bottoms ^^
Maybe the reader is also a killer and break into the same house Masky and Hoodie does they kinda fight in the kitchen that turns into a sex scene were they all have to keep quiet otherwise the house owner will wake up and call the police
Also if your okay with it can you add a knife kink, degrading praise and marking (bitemarks, hickeys, scratch marks, ect)
(Daddy ment,violence 18+)
(Name) let out a groan of pain as someone ran into his side, throwing him into the wall. He quickly dodged a kick to the stomach, blood rushing through his ears, usually he had the upper hand. Choosing to quickly kill off whoever.
His eyebrows shot up under his mask as he caught sight if Masky, rage filling his body. He knew that if Masky was here his little friend would be too far behind. “My kill.” Was all (Name) muttered before rushing past Masky, who was quick to grab him by the neck and throw him onto the couch. Masky’s hands wrapped around (Names) neck, cutting off his oxygen. (Names) nails clawed at Masky’s arms, he threw his fist out taking Masky by surprise.
(Name) quickly jumped off, running towards the kitchen. His plan to take out Masky was cut short when someone grabbed his hair and slammed his head off of the counter. (Names) vision went blurry as he tried ti recover, groaning in pain and gripping his head. He jumped out of his body when hands gripped his pants, yanking them down his ass. “Don’t you dare you cunt.” (Name) growled out, before he could try stop Masky pulling them down further Hoodie gripped his wrists and slammed them to the counter. “Shut the fuck up, be a good boy and take what you’re given.” Masky growled out before spreading (Names) ass cheeks and spitting on his hole. “I don’t take it stop.” (Name) growled kicking out. Hoodie grabbed his hair and yanked his head back, a choked sound flying from (Names) lips.
His watery eyes glared into Hoodie’s red stitched ones. Hoodie suddenly he flicked out his switch blade, drawing a light line across (Names) neck. (Name) sucked in a breath, realising how fucked he was. “Be a good boy. Or i leave you tied up and spread open for the police.” (Names) body tensed, the words making his cock twitch. “D-dont you dare.” (Name) growled out, sqeaking when Masky’s hand slammed off of his ass resulting in a cry being torn from his lips.
“C’mon, just be a good boy. Don’t worry, we’ll take good care if you.” Masky chuckles before sliding two fingers into (Names) ass. A guttural moan was torn from the pinned killer as the other two quickly dominated him. “God you’re so weak. You shouldn’t bother, you make a better fuckhole anyway pretty boy.” (Names) body shook as he tried to hold back his moans as Masky’s fingers assaulted his prostate, Masky’s digits pressed against and rubbed it to the point of tears falling down his cheeks as his mouth fell open in a silent scream.
(Name) wanted to lash out but as pleasure rolled down his spine his eyes rolled, moans finally pouring from his throat. “Aw, good boy.” Masky muttered in a snide tone as he slapped (Names) ass four times, one after the other. All (Name) could do was cry and moan as he tried his best to not lean into the blade Hoodie still had pressed to his throat.
“Call me daddy.” Masky muttered as he dragged his jagged nails down (Names) back and ass, bloody shredded flesh left in their trail. (Name) moaned loud enough to have Masky slap his hand over his mouth. “N-no.” (Name) choked out, his voice muffled. Masky dropped him, pushing him flat against the counter. Masky laughed as he took Hoodie’s knife, dragging it down (Names) back. (Names) body arched as he let out a loud moan, his orgasm sending his body shaking. “Say it.” Masky growled as he began cutting down the otherside of (Names) back. “A-ah! Daddy, daddy.” (Name) chanted as Masky chuckled and praised him, (Name) hated the fact tears dripped down his cheeks as he was being taken by his rivals. "Such a good boy!" Masky praised.
“St-stop.” (Name) weakly choked out as Masky’s cock rubbed against his hole. Masky slapped his ass hard. “What do you call me?” He demanded, (Name) tried not to sob as he fixed his words. “Da-daddy, please sto-.” Halfway through his words Masky slid inti him, cutting off his words as he tried not to scream at the penetration.
(Names) nails dug into the counter so hard he was sure he’d leave a mark, his eyes scrunched up and his mouth dropped in a silent scream as he had a cock pushed into him for the first time. (Names) eyes rolled as he finally submitted his body to the more experienced killers. Hoodie’s hands dove into his hair, bringing his mouth to his cock. (Name) knew if he tried anything he’d be dead in the spot. He let out a deep breath as he shakily licked the tip of Hoodie’s cock. Hoodie growled and shoved his cock straight down (Names) throat, relishing in the look of panic that flew across his face as Hoodie’s cock hit the back of his throat. “Relax.” Hoodie ordered as he began fucking (Names) mouth, enjoying every gag that left (Name). “Aw, look at you. Big killed bent over a counter, getting spit-roasted.
All (Name) could do was choke out moans when Hoodie would pull his cock out, mind reeling as his prostate was rammed by Masky’s cock and choked on Hoodie’s. “I think he can take us both.” (Names) dazed eyes silently plead with Hoodie not to. “Oh no, don’t bother looking at me like that. J just want to ruin you more now.” (Name) whimpered as Hoodie pulled him away by his hair, panic setting into (Name) as he realised they were both going to be inside of him.
(Name) whimpered and begged as Masky manoeuvred him so his hands were holding his legs spread. The feeling of Masky’s cock moving inside of him had (Name) whining and bucking his hips despite his protests. “Shh pretty boy, you’ll wake them up.” Hoodie muttered as he pulled up his face covering, quick to press his lips to (Names).
(Name) whimpered as Hoodie took control of their kiss, lining his cock up next to Masky’s. Hoodie chased him as he shook his head, a loud sob tearing through his throat as Hoodie pushed his cock into his ass. (Name) gripped Hoodie’s jacket while Hoodie’s hands slid around his waist. Hoodie’s hand shot over (Names) mouth as he bottomed out, stopping his scream from waking up their victim.
All (Name) could do was babble and moan as they split him open on their cocks, (name) let out a choked moan as Masky’s nails dug into his thighs. His back twisted as Hoodie’s hands began teasing his nipples and tugging on them. (Name) felt overwhelmed as they used him, he could barley think each slide of their cocks into him driving him closer to the edge.
(Name) didn’t last long as they easily slid him up and down their cocks, slamming against his prostate as he spasmed. (Name) almost screamed as he came, Hoodie’s hand quick to cut him off. (Name) clenched hard on their cocks causing them to cum, hips snapping into (Names) as they rode out their highs.
(Name) whimpered as overstimulation ran through his body, twitching as they filled him up with cum despite his weak protests not to. “Shut up, you loved it.” Masky chuckled as they threw him onto the couch. “Ill be taking these.” Hoodie grinned, holding up his pants and boxers. (Name) tried to get up and chase him, only to stumble and fall onto his face as red hot pain flared up his spine.
He whimpered as he felt their cum dribble out of his hole, panicked eyes staring at where they once were.
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stgosupremacy · 1 year
so yeah i said i would do one so here i am. honestly dont know how long this will be so let's get stuck in lmao <33
I'm starting after the 'im glad i met you part', bc i kind of already did a post on that anyway lol (and just wanted to add, in the dub they changed it to 'I'm sure glad i met you,' and Ash says it so soft omg i literally died on the spot watching it ;-;
(headsup ignore the fact some of the images are off a youtube channel i couldn't find the scenes💀)
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so i hope this is all in order, but this bit is so so SO sweet when Goh tells him 'thanks for reaching out for me' like no surprise i was literally crying at that point like sgdxkjnfsgf it's so sweet to me that without Ash none of his journey would have really happened, but tbf you could say the same for all of his companion tbh. either way, i am very glad goh met satoshi too omg <3 🥺
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theennnnnn this part is Ash just offering some sweet words of advice and comfort, talking ab their dreams ect, like, nothing too bittersweet to see here, but i guess you can say the way he said 'WE' and meant both of them is sweet lmao
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OK so on the palm of our hands thing i have a few things to say
first of all i love how Ash knew that he knew what to continue with bc they are just so in sync with each other ofc <3 and OFC they had to put that scene in for the last episode, like when it was in the Mewto episode for the first time, i was honestly screaming of how cute it was LIKE THE FACT ASH MADE THE LITTLE ADD ON OF 'OUR HANDS' IN THE FIRST TIME THEY DID IT JUST MAKES IT EVEN MORE CUTER EJHSKF
but anyways as much as i love this scene because of how 'the future is in the palm of our hands', can be interpreted in some otherways, 👀 I also couldnt help but thing about something else.
after/before the Project mew stuff actually started/finished (pretty sure it was after,) we see a scene of Goh, Gary and Horace using the 'palm of our hands' phrase together, and yeah its rlly cute lmao, but i was kind of hoping it was something unique for Ash and Goh, not trying to be a fusspot, but i think the scene now feels slightly less special to me now Goh used it with some other people?
I mean sure, ash and goh were still the first people who did it, and it IS their kind of thing lmao, like they created it. Even tho it was just an initial thought, it is still really sweet that goh used it with others don't get me wrong <3
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when i was watching this i was like no way this is it lol like are you not gonna confess
jokes but thankfully they made a bittttt more to it (and good bc if they left it there I would be sitting there like what)
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so they start to walk away from each other and you see Goh is still quite sad while Ash is still holding up, my heart was dying </3
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OFC ASH HAS TO CALL OUT TO HIM AND THE WAY GOH'S EYES HAVE THE LITTLE SPARKLE WHEN HE HEARS HIS VOICE 💖 The fact Ash actually thought while he was walking away 'oh shit need to check up on the bf' lol and climbed up the little hill to wave him off again is the cutest thing; CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE this made their whole goodbye for me tbh 💕💕💕
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ofc they want each other to achieve their dreams aww
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ok but THIS
the bit where they nod at each other is so comforting to me like it's weird, but it gave me a little more satisfaction i'll say, lmao. also gives you a hint that they are wrapping up the goodbyes fully so it gave me some very brief preparation time 😢
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and with that, Goh runs off into the distance.
</3 (my boy has grown up sm) 🥺
OK i do love that when he runs off, he's more confident, and when it switches back to Ash, it has him watching over Goh until he can't see him anymore, which is rlly cute <333 ahhh they're so pure man
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Ash runs off to his new journey too, and he begins to talk about Pallet Town to Pikachu...
Thats it
uhmmm so first things first. Did i like the goodbye for them? Well, yeah, it was quite cute, especially the end part where Ash gives him that last bit of encouragement and called out his name, because SHEESH if they left that part out and gave them that first goodbye without Ash calling out to him, and they just left each other....yeah, i wouldn't be happy.
see, i just kind of thought they deserved a bit better. It was v cute and all, but like they've been through so much together 😭 😭 😭 😭 like I'm saying this as a shipper but still 😂 tbf if they hugged I probably would have cried but let's be honest I could cry at anything at this point
but hey what we got was pretty cute, I just would have tweaked some things because honesty this duo are literally the closest I've ever seen in the anime, and I would have hoped for a little bit more, BUT IT'S FINE IT HAPPENED *mentally counts*
9 MONTHS AGO (??? where has the time gone)
but thank you for coming to my TED talk <33
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farbexx · 5 months
it's me farbexx, but you can also call me Matías!! Here's few things about me:]
• I'm 15
• I use mostly they/he pronouns
• I'm half Polish half Ukrainian, but speak English (no shit) and Español as well (and a bit of Ukrainian)
• Reminder that I'm dyslexic and autistic, so sorry for spelling mistakes ect.
• My favorite color is faded green
• I really like blood, don't know why tho
• I'm a fake ginger
Interests and fandoms!:
• Hamilton
• Be More Chill
• EPIC: The Musical
• Little Shop Of Horrors
• Falsettos
• Ride The Cyclone
• The Heathers
• Dear Evan Hansen
• Good Omens
• Eddsworld
• Saw
• Scream
• Fight Club
• Dead Poets Society
• Heartstopper
• The Walking Dead
• Jurassic Park
• Spiderman and Deadpool stuff
• Basically gory movies
• Creepypasta (comics on the internet)
• Hannibal
• Camp Camp
Games:D :
• Faith: The Unholy Trinity
• Sally Face
• Cry Of Fear
• Afraid Of Monsters
• Call Of Duty
• Resident Evil
• Postal
• The Walking Dead
• Uncharted
• Minecraft
• Roblox
• Doki Doki Literature Club
• The Last Of Us
Music bands:] :
• My Chemical Romance (my favorite band)
• Clipping (favorite band too)
• Nirvana
• KoЯn
• System Of A Down
• Mindless Self Indulgence (don't support them tho)
• HappySad
• McCafferty
• Rammstein
• Green Day
• making art
• skating on my skateboard
• playing guitar
• criminology!!
• gaming
• reading
• listening to music
• If you want to talk, you can always text me on my discord
• I take commissions, all you have to do is, text something you want me to draw in the askbox/ on my pv on discord
• Oh, and I really love sharks and raccoons!! Mako sharks, nurse sharks and tiger sharks are my favourites!
• I'm hypersexual, so some arts of me, can be provocative and uncomfortable for some!! :( I'm sorry
• Discord; farbexxo
• TikTok; farbexx
• Instagram; farbexx__
Anyways that's all! Have a good day/night!:3c <33
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