#anyway happy 4.3
divinette · 10 months
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happy special program day
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
47 - mondetsuyu
47. Where I should have been looking in the first place
"My own fault," she sneers, "for expecting you to have even a modicum of originality, you filthy creature."
At that the Warrior of Light only smiles minutely, the expression hard to make out in the dim light of dusk. "Come out of the water," snaps Yotsuyu. "Before you lose your feet to the cold and all your idiotic Scions accuse me of sabotaging their great warrior."
"That won't happen." The words are spoken idly, eyes tilting back towards the horizon, and before Yotsuyu can say Oh yes it will, they'd have my head on a pike if it were up to them, the idiot adds, "You know where I came from."
As if she could ever forget, this slimy cold-blooded fish in humanoid form. "I know where you're going," says Yotsuyu to Sui-no-Mon, and then to make sure her meaning is fully understood, "which is six fulms underground, after I personally put you there."
That one gets her a laugh, somehow, and finally Sui-no-Mon tilts fully to her, those hideously green eyes locked straight onto her. "That won't happen either," she says, before sloshing forward through the water back towards land, legs revealing themselves inch by inch, no tail in sight, and when she's close enough that the water comes only to her ankles adds, "Though you're more than welcome to try."
Absolutely fucking infuriating. Give Yotsuyu her pistol back and then they'd see who'd be fucking laughing. "I despise you," she bites out, careful to enunciate each word as Sui-no-Mon comes fully onto land, still dripping water as she comes so close Yotsuyu can see each brushstroke of the facepaint she never takes off. "After I kill you I will dance on your fucking grave."
Sui-no-Mon--no, Monde now, out of water--Monde looks at her a long moment, head tilting towards the side. "What," Yotsuyu snaps. "What is it?"
Another moment, and then--"I'm just glad you'd bury me," says Monde, and as Yotsuyu's hand swings up in an open-handed slap she leans just far enough back for it to whistle past her, barely smiling all the while.
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tomurawr44 · 2 months
Tomura d1ck headcanons, honest edition plz (I love him in illness and in health but I do think he would smell a little bit musty down there)
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A/N: i have a smell I can't describe because it's actually like wild and showing how much of a whore i am both online and irl..
WARNINGS: dick descriptions..and an image of..the colors i think it would be..
I DONT THINK HE SMELLS..BAD BAD.. but i do think he does have a little stink to him, like have you SEEN his wretched room? anyway, he smells like..y'know clothes that you've worn but didn't sweat in? like old fabric kind of smell. with a little bit of a sour stink. this man does not smell good. I'm just being real with you guys.
I'm so 50/50 on his cock, it's either that's where the meat and muscle went or there was never any to begin with. so..i say i just write both parts.
he's 3.6 inches soft, and 5.3 inches hard if you want to think realistically for someone like him, it's a chubbier cock and mostly the length went to girth and it still feels good. it's a little crooked but it hits all the right spots.
he's 4.3 inches soft and 6.8 inches hard if you want to get..creative. it's skinnier and tilts to the right.
his pubes grow with a black tip to them, he doesn't know why (yet) but he excuses it as genetics from his last family or something.
he is NOT well shaved down there, you will be coughing up hairballs like a cat throughout the day if you give him head.
he has a nice faint happy trail.
his cock has one prominent vein that runs to his tip accompanied by some really faint ones also. if you look closely while his dick twitches, you can see his veins pulse.
his cum is thin and somewhat watery, but if he decided he's ditching any sort of hydration for the day, it's thick and creamy, speaking of, he tastes really bad, you have to plan ahead and feed him something sweet so you can atleast enjoy swallowing for him.
when he cums his dick jumps a little and you can feel it sometimes if it's inside.
he's a grower not a shower!
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this is so incriminating sos my digital footprint is ruined..
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—Ake (shame) 2024
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eatmyassssssssz · 1 year
How do you think the 141 boys + könig dicks look like? And how big and thick they are. Please please please
Asking for a friend
No I'm not I'm asking for me cause I'm a hoe
lilsy poopoo face. of course i will do this for you. SO.
onto the lads.
okay, so, warning for all you anons out there that keep on telling me i should die for writing smut.
warnings: peni (plural for penis'), detail, a lot of it.
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SIMON. 'ghost'. RILEY.
🍁 show-er or grower?
i believe good ol si is a grower. every single inch is used to it full potential though, don't you worry...
🍂cut or uncut?
uncut but would prefer to be cut but obviously is too late for that.
🌺 girth
the normal amount. i mean, the average is about 4.6cm in the uk, i think si has about 5.2cm. a little over but not by a stupid amount.
🌷 width
i honestly don't think hes packing as much as a horse as people say! i mean, it just don't make sense for this guy to be shclingin round a 12 incher like yall are sayin. i think its more 6.3 inches. the average is 5.7 (ish) so hes still packin more than average! thats when hes fully hard, his flaccid is about 4.7 inches.
🏷 extras:
i feel like hes had a piercing down there at least at one time. up to you if you want him still to have it, but i think he had, at one time, a jacobs ladder.
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🍁 show-er or grower?
show-er. i just..hes definitely a show-er, no one can change my mind.
🍂 cut or uncut?
cut. no doubt about it.
🌺 girth
normal girth, I'd say. about 4.6 inches. nothing special doesn't mean hes not special in bed.
🌷 width
now..i widly disagree with yall saying that soap's average. i think he's packing quite a bit. 7.3 inches.
🧼 extras:
he cums a LOT. like, a weird amount.
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🍁 shower or grower?
grower. most. fucking. definitely.
🍂 uncut or cut?
people may disagree with me on this, but i think uncut. he vastly prefers it that way as well.
🌺 girth
HOLY FUCK HES A PUSSY STRETCHER. like, worryingly thick dick disorder. 5.9 inches.
🌷 width
nothing outside the norm, particularly. i mean, its just unfair to be very thick AND long...anyways, i dont care, price is shlingin it. 5.9 at least. 4.5 flaccid.
💰 extras: his cum is STICKY. very sticky.
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im sorry i had to use the helicopters..
🍁 show-er or grower?
middle area. right inbetween.
🍂 uncut or cut?
cut. doesnt really like it though. much would prefer to be uncut but oh well, he works with it.
🌺 girth
not overtly girthy. 4.3. he makes up for it with his technique, ect.
🌷 width
hmmm a straight sixer. 6.0 inches. the perfect amount.
🚁 extras:
he had a happy trail but shaved it when he got with you. hes slowly growing it back as you begged and begged.
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his eyes are so pretty.
🍁 grow-er or shower?
hes just generally big.
🍂 cut or uncut?
i think uncut.
🌺 girth
hes a big lad, everythings a bit bigger. 5.7.
🌷 width
again, because he's 6'10, everythings a bit sized up. 6.8 inches!!
@lillianastuff @lucyisdoingfine @madamemelancholysstuff @mionacaped @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @ashiscool10 @vangoghcoffeeco @southernbluebellereader
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deinotname · 11 days
BNHA Fanfic Idea 2
Okay! Now we're leaving RotG ideas aside and going back to BNHA (I also have ONE idea for TROLLS and a bunch of ideas for Karmaland 4 [which you might not know what that is] and some very vague ones for Harry Potter). Anyway, here's the idea:
Warning, this will be long
Title: A little breeze (Like the flutter of a butterfly)
Summary: In which Izuku has a quirk considered "weak", but Izuku is also extremely intelligent, and knows that a simple screw can be the support of an entire large structure. Or, the story in which Izuku obtains a quirk related to the mixture of his parents: Inko can attract small things to herself, Hisashi can breathe fire from his mouth. The result? Izuku can control, in extremely small quantities, cold or hot air currents.
Facts: 1. For much of his childhood, Izuku was teased for not having a Quirk, as during his visit to the doctor, even though it was determined that he technically did have a Quirk, they couldn't figure out what it was. So people assume that Izuku either has a weak Quirk, or he doesn't have one at all.
1.1 His father abandoned him for the same reason, his mother stayed to support him.
1.2 Because they couldn't figure out what it was, there was a record that he had a Quirk but the box was never filled out. So, in the civil records, instead of being marked Quirkless, it just appears empty.
2. Since his mother stayed behind to support him, she taught Izuku how to control his Quirk (initially). Also, seeing during the first few years that Izuku would come home from school beaten up, and because she's a nurse, she taught him first aid and took care of preparing a small first aid kit for him for any emergency.
2.1 When they discovered Izuku's quirk, Inko was so happy for her son that she forgot to carry out the Quirk registration. This was when Izuku was 9 (not a late bloomer, they just never identified his power before).
3. When Izuku is ten years old, Inko is killed in a villain attack (she actually dies in the cave-in that occurs during the fight) and the heroes do nothing to help her or Izuku (when they find out). Izuku runs away from the police, angry at the heroes and determined to be better than them.
3.1 Being the clever little guy that he is, and for the convenience of the plot, he manages to hide his identity well: he temporarily dyes his hair (with washable paint), wears fake glasses, covers his freckles or paints on marks, among other ideas.
4. He goes to public libraries to learn. He watches parkour videos and starts training (he gets hurt a lot at first, but slowly learns). He also looks up martial arts fighting videos to learn how to fight. He eventually starts practicing gymnastics to become more elastic.
4.1 He originally tries to keep up with the school program he is supposed to follow, but because he is homeless, training on his own, has no money, and struggles to get food and live the day, he drops out.
4.2 He still teaches himself, but only subjects he finds relevant: improving his reading (so he can learn other subjects), English (potentially can help him pretend to be a foreigner if someone recognizes him), basic medicine (he remembers his mother's teachings), history (he became interested in the subject and it helps him with research). He will eventually learn advanced mathematics, so he can calculate how much wind power he will need for certain movements.
4.3 He still carries out his hero analysis, but instead of writing it down, since he doesn't have many resources, he stores it in his memory.
5. He uses his Quirk to help him with his stunts, he's a bit faster, can do more risky turns and jump a bit higher. He can also slightly withstand different temperatures (since he controls the temperature of the breeze).
5.1 Much of his practice is due to the fact that he needs to use his Quirk constantly to survive (running from dangerous guys or surviving the cold of the night). He uses his Quirk so often that he managed to slightly increase his power and incredibly his resistance using his Quirk.
5.2 When he exceeds the use of his Quirk, his head starts to hurt and he has trouble breathing, as if he were short of air.
5.3 He can eventually use the air currents to create a barrier between him and fire (it doesn't work as a constant shield, but as a temporary shield to move before receiving the blow). He can also eventually use the currents to create air bubbles around his head to resist underwater.
5.4 He uses the breezes to climb walls with parkour even if there is nowhere to grab.
6. His vigilante name is Breeze, as according to the people he saved, or the guys he stopped, he comes and goes like a breeze.
6.1 Due to suffering from Quirk discrimination (having no or weak one), Izuku doesn't like bullies, and always puts them in their place when he's Breeze.
6.1.1 He saved Shinsou, Monoma, and Toga. He talked to Monoma's parents (who didn't know their son was discriminated against) and they agreed to take care of Shinsou and Toga. Izuku later runs into Dabi, forcibly adopts him, and then gets Monoma's parents to adopt him as well.
6.2 He meets Eraserhead in his second year of being a vigilante, when he saved a girl trapped in a building about to collapse. Izuku uses his power in two approaches: running faster and pushing some falling debris out of his way.
6.3 Eraserhead tries to catch him (to bring him to Ingenium for adoption into their agency) until he realizes he's a child. He then starts bringing him food, helps him improve his fighting styles (good moves, but sloppy in several spots). He wants to gain his trust so he can help him. We're team Dadzawa here.
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lets Fricking GOOOOOOOOOO
I thiught she was going to release really late, so seeing her in 4.3 is great!
Definitely going to pull for her.
Anyway, have a great day and bye!!!
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caliath-ffxiv · 2 years
FFXIVWrite Day 9: "Yawn"
[T] Day 9: "Yawn"
Relationship: Cagalli / Aymeric
Characters: Cagalli, Aymeric
Spoilers: 4.3
A/N: This is the song Cagalli plays during this chapter! Attack on Titan - Vogel im Käfig (Piano Version) by Patrik Pietschmann
As per usual, it was very late when Aymeric returned home from the Congregation. 
With Cagalli away in the Far East (or was it Ala Mhigo this time?) he had long grown accustomed to returning to a silent manor, even the butlers having already retired for the night. As such, it was a pleasant surprise when Aymeric heard the melodic sounds of Cagalli’s preferred insomnia-induced pastime wafting through the hallways. 
It was a gentle piece in the beginning. Then the soft notes tapered away, suddenly giving way to harsh tones that instilled dread into Aymeric’s core. The desire to run; the desire to flee and not look back, followed by the falsest of reassurances that the danger was an illusion. The attempt to enjoy the world as it was now, for surely the serenity was fated to end. The desperate conviction to believe that there would be a happy ending, and the guttural knowing that there would be no such mercy. 
The desire to fight back. The desire to resist. The desire to survive. 
The existential knowledge it would be futile. 
Yet the determination to try anyways. 
Then came the calm before the storm. One final fleeting moment of hope that they could usher in the momentary peace forever… 
Until it would all inevitably come to a head. 
Destruction. Devastation. Violence. Ruin and annihilation. Such was the fate of all who opposed a superpower. 
Desperation and sorrow. Fear and grief. In the world of war, there was no alternative. 
And finally, the dust settles. 
A victory, yes. 
But who is left to see it? 
Before Aymeric knew it, the piece was over, and he found himself gazing blankly at Cagalli’s form, hunched over the keys of his piano. Unshed tears clawed at his eyes, threatening to spill forth as he watched Cagalli’s silhouette shudder to the sound of her stifled breathing in the otherwise-silent room. 
“Cagalli. That was…” Aymeric’s mouth worked wordlessly, his mind unable to procure a fitting word to describe the masterpiece he had just heard. 
Mildly startled, Cagalli jerked her head up, searching for Aymeric amidst the dim lighting of the music room. 
“I—Oh. It’s you.” She sighed sheepishly and hung her head, her locks draping over the sides of her head and obscuring her face. 
“I didn’t know you could play,” Aymeric remarked, making an attempt to break the silence that fell over the pair once again. 
“Haurchefant taught me. Artoirel taught me how to compose,” Cagalli replied quietly. “I suppose you just haven’t had a chance to find out yet.” 
“‘Tis… Beautiful,” Aymeric complimented. 
“Beautiful?” Cagalli asked, as though in mild disbelief. “‘Twas meant to be an elegy. For a tragedy that happened in Doma. But I got… Carried away.” 
“—Ah.” Aymeric was suddenly glad of the dim lighting to hide his wince. “I would assume I am not acquainted with the one your piece mourns. But it sounds like… You,” Aymeric said. “For lack of a better description.” 
“Then perhaps I’m the one it mourns,” Cagalli suggested solemnly. “I wrote it with Yotsuyu—the previous Garlean viceroy of Doma—in mind. Something to acknowledge how she was one of us, no matter how much we shunned her. But maybe that’s not true. Maybe the only one she, and Zenos, and all the rest, are the same as is… Me,” she finished with a whisper. 
Aymeric shook his head. “They fight to take our freedom. You fight to preserve it. You could not be more different,” he reassured. 
“I fight to take the freedom they believe is inherently theirs? How does that make me any different?” Cagalli asked, her voice wavering. “Everyone sings me praises for fighting for a good cause. But in this world, what separates good from evil? Don’t you realize, the barrier between the two is built on naive idealism?” Her voice began to rise, hands balling into fists atop the piano bench. “There are no such things as heroes or villains. There’s just people trying to do what they believe is right. People just trying to survive.” A single tear splashed on the marble keys, her breath shuddering. “And we killed them. I killed them. And for what?” 
Aymeric could not answer. 
“Our victory cannot be justified by the price we pay for it. But what choice do I have, for there is nobody else to take my place,” Cagalli finished, fighting back tears. “I’m tired. I don’t want to fight anymore. Why can’t they just… Let me rest?” 
“Mayhap they won’t. But I will,” Aymeric offered, jumping at the opportunity to provide comfort, however momentary. “Come to bed with me. You may have to resume being a beacon of hope for all tomorrow. But just for now, for tonight… You can be at peace. I will make sure of it.” He beckoned Cagalli to follow him to the master bedroom, and reluctantly, she stood up and meandered to his side, where he laid an arm around her shoulders and held her close. 
“If only it could last,” Cagalli breathed into his chest as the pair retired to their bedroom.
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It Isn’t Fair || Hotaru || Trial 4.3 || Re: Loic
Hotaru fiddles with her necklace the whole time Loic talks, eyes narrowing. She shoots a sympathetic glance towards Ken and then to Maxime. If this is right...if they’re really there, then he’s about to lose his little brother.  She can’t imagine it. If something happened to Haruto, she’d fall apart. But Maxime has always been so steady. Even after Ikko died, he still stayed standing in front of all of them.
She does feel bad. She can’t blame him for wanting to keep Loic safe, or patching him up. She can’t blame him for any of it. Hotaru had offered some words to Maxime's little brother not so long ago.
“He probably doesn’t mind too much, I’m sure. He chose to help you anyway. It’s just a responsibility for big brothers.”
"He might not mind, but I do. I don't want him getting himself hurt trying to help me.”
“That’s just what older siblings have to do. I don’t think you can really stop it.”
She could tell even back then that it was only barely reassuring him. How can he understand that the sacrifices you make for your family are never really sacrifices? You have a duty and a love for them and the pain is worth it if it keeps them safe.
So for Maxime, she feels plenty of heartbreak.
For Loic?
Jinpachi says there’s no point, and she nods in agreement, but Hotaru can’t help but glance down at the borrowed necklace in thought before looking back up at him, hand resting against the podium. There really isn't a point. But she'll speak anyway.
“I know Yvette-san is right. Nobody would have been a ‘good’ choice but...why her? Is it because you knew she was smart enough to be a threat? Or was it you decided that she was the biggest freak of all because you knew her secret, no matter the circumstances? We just lost Ikko. That didn’t stop you? What your brother is going to go through now, did you ever think about that? What about Hisakata would have wanted, for you to be happy and safe? We made an agreement. You want to talk about listening to yourself? How about everything we talked about when he was in your shoes a few weeks ago? About how he was a good person because he tried to save a life? About how this game wants us to be monsters? What does that make you?”
The famous Luca Knight who her and her brother used to watch and giggle over was long gone, but Hotaru had finally come around to like and appreciate and be interested in the real man. She wanted to try and understand him and have him understand her. She wanted to keep him safe for the man they both love. Now her voice rises without her even noticing as her eyes narrow to fight back her tears. She’s so tired. She’s lost two people she loves in the span of a few days. Any charity she might have toward this man for saving her and her loved ones from dying of starvation or heat exhaustion is gone.
“I really can’t...” She laughs in disbelief. “’I don’t have a kill list, because I’m so normal. Don’t even joke about that’. Were you already planning it then? You can think I’m a freak all you want, but at least I care about these people. I care about you. Sayuri did too. She wanted to help all of us and get out with us. You took her from so many people who love her. You’re about to take yourself from so many people who love you.”
She takes a deep breath, calming down as she turns to Maxime. She truly doesn’t want him to be hurt. She does care about him, as much as she hates that feeling. Isn’t that terribly ironic? That that burning anger in her gut just confirms to her that the one who did try to understand, the one who did extend a helping hand, the one who will be left behind is someone she honestly values?
“I’m sorry. I told him I’d look out for him, and I didn’t.  I’m sorry for what I said. And I’m sorry for what’s about to come next.”
Somewhere one of her best friends is lying dead under the desert sky. There is no room in her heart for mercy.
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votivecandleholder · 2 years
25 Epic Happy Birthday Decor Ideas To Celebrate In Style
New Post has been published on https://happybirthdaydecor.com/epic-happy-birthday-decor-ideas-to-celebrate-in-style
25 Epic Happy Birthday Decor Ideas To Celebrate In Style
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Birthday is one of the most special occasions in any person’s life, no matter their age. This is why birthdays call for a memorable celebration— complete with attractive and joyous happy birthday decor to add color to your party and exude happy, cheerful vibes all around.
1 Epic Happy Birthday Decor Ideas
2 Popular & Trending Birthday Party Themes
3 Exciting Birthday Themes For Kids
3.1 1. All Things Candy Birthday Theme
3.2 2. Cheerful Circus Party Theme
3.3 3. All At Sea Nautical Themed Party
3.4 4. Mystical Mermaid Themed Birthday Party
4 Interesting Birthday Party Themes For Adults
4.1 1. Epic Disco-Themed Party
4.2 2. Classic Movie Night Party
4.3 3. Woodland Wonderland Theme
5 Stunning Happy Birthday Decoration Items
5.1 1. Colorful Balloons
5.2 2. Hanging Tassels
5.3 3. Vibrant Paper Pinwheels
5.4 4. Charming Paper Lanterns
5.5 5. Flamboyant Pom Poms & Honeycombs
5.6 6. Enticing Floral Decorations
5.7 7. Festive Wall Banners
5.8 8. Adorable Cake Toppers
6 Enchanting & Easy Happy Birthday Decoration Ideas
6.1 1. Glam Up Your Walls
6.2 2. Revisit The Memories With Photograph Garlands & Collages
6.3 3. Use Food & Tableware As Your Birthday Party Decor
6.4 4. Give A Unique Twist To Your Balloon Decorations
Epic Happy Birthday Decor Ideas
Whether it’s your child’s 1st birthday party or you’re throwing a bash for your parents 50th birthday, a birthday celebration is surely incomplete without peppy happy birthday decoration that not only makes the guest of honor feel extremely special but also helps all the guests get in the mood for a joyous celebration.
Moreover, setting a birthday theme and incorporating theme decorations in your happy birthday decor can turn an ordinary bash into a magical celebration elevating the ambiance and excitement to a whole new level.  In case you’re searching for happy birthday decoration ideas, party themes, or unique happy birthday decoration items that you can use to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for your party, we’ve got you covered! Just keep on reading as we have gathered an extensive list of popular birthday themes and party supplies along with unique and charming happy birthday decoration ideas and tips to help you pull off an incredible party for your loved ones!
Popular & Trending Birthday Party Themes
When it comes to birthday party decorations, choosing a theme is a great jumping off point to set things in motion. A good theme can take your party from average and boring to wildly creative and fun. Thus, pull out all the stops and celebrate another trip around the sun by picking an eccentric and trendy theme for your party that’ll get everyone excited. Whether the birthday guest is turning 2 or 52, we’ve mustered up some awesome happy birthday theme decorations and ideas that’ll give you all kinds of festive inspiration for an auspicious celebration.
Exciting Birthday Themes For Kids
Every kid deserves to have a special celebration on their birthday and assigning a theme to the shindig is a fantastic way to give them a birthday party of their dreams! Here are the cutest birthday themes that are perfect for a kid’s birthday bash!
1. All Things Candy Birthday Theme
You’re already going to have the cake, cupcakes, and sweets all lined up on the table anyway, so why not throw in some candies into the mix and plan a candy-themed birthday party for your sweet little one! Make every kid’s favorite thing—candies and sweets the main highlight of your birthday party decorations to add plenty of color making it extra special and oh-so-delicious!
2. Cheerful Circus Party Theme
A circus themed party decor works great for both girls and boys and helps give them an exciting party experience, after all who doesn’t love a circus! Hand out clown rubber noses to all the guests and dress your tables with bright striped tablecloths or polka dot printed linens to imbue the authentic circus feel! Also, fill up a piñata with circus animal shaped cookies and candies for the little ones to go crazy with joy!
3. All At Sea Nautical Themed Party
Got a little adventurer? Plan an exciting day full of nautical fun and anchor aweigh with ocean-inspired theme decorations to spark their imagination! From sailing ships, anchors, floats, and buoys to the nautical star, compass, and sea life, explore jaunty nautical motifs and incorporate them into your happy birthday decor for a proper nautical themed birthday celebration that’ll even get King Neptune excited!
4. Mystical Mermaid Themed Birthday Party
For a mystical mermaid themed party, think ethereal decor in shimmering blue, green, and purple colors and include all the magical under-the-sea elements in your party decor to enchant away the little mermaids! From pearl and shell decorations to sandcastles and more, there are so many ways you can give a mermaid-inspired look to your birthday party and show off your creative side!
Interesting Birthday Party Themes For Adults
Searching for theme ideas for happy birthday decoration for adults? We’ve got a few awesome birthday theme ideas up our sleeve that are elegant and ideal for adults-only celebrations because why should kids have all the fun, right?
1. Epic Disco-Themed Party
As if a lively dance party wasn’t enough fun already, giving your party a groovy disco touch will take it to a whole another level! Include different sized disco balls, sequin linens, disco lights, and other dramatic and shimmery decorations to create a rocking ambiance for an epic disco-themed birthday party!
2. Classic Movie Night Party
Who doesn’t love a movie night? Pick the birthday guest’s favorite movie and create a theme around it or select a movie that allows you to get dramatic with your birthday decor such as The Great Gatsby! Get your costumes on or get under the blanket and make sure there’s no shortage of cake and popcorns!
3. Woodland Wonderland Theme
Calling all nature lovers! A magnificent woodland wonderland theme is just perfect for people who have a passion for nature. Think buffalo plaid patterns, sylvan accents, and forest greenery to curate a fascinating rustic woodland birthday theme party decor!
Stunning Happy Birthday Decoration Items
Whether you’re throwing an indoor birthday party at your home or hall or you’re taking the fun outside in your backyard, park, beach, or any other outdoor location, birthday party decorations are definitely a must.  However, when it comes to choosing supplies to decorate your party venue, there is an entire sea of options you can dive in to whip up an amazing happy birthday decor. Here’s a list of happy birthday decoration items you can use to creatively bedeck your next birthday bash.
1. Colorful Balloons
Needless to say, balloons are the mainstays of any and all birthday party decorations. A birthday celebration is surely incomplete without some bright and colorful balloons taking the spotlight and adding a pop of color and festivity to the party. Moreover, since balloons are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, they can also be effortlessly worked into all happy birthday theme decorations and color schemes for a charming birthday decor that is bound to impress your party guests.
2. Hanging Tassels
Peppy, colorful, and eye-catching, tassels are yet another birthday party decor item that never goes out of style. These fringy, hanging party supplies fashioned from tissue or crepe paper strips are not only cheap but are also versatile enough to pep up any dull and dreary spot. Plus, there are endless ways to incorporate fringe tassels into your happy birthday decor. Use tassels to stylishly frame your windows, mantel shelf, and doorways, or hang them on walls and ceilings, or you can also outline your dessert or cake table with vibrant tassels to creatively jazz things up. Just string up several paper tassels using twine, ribbon, or monofilament thread to create a lovely tassel garland that’ll make the perfect addition to your happy birthday party decorations. Moreover, you can also use tassels as balloon streamers to add a cheery flair to your balloon decoration.
3. Vibrant Paper Pinwheels
Pinwheel paper fans are classic party decor accessories that work for all types of events and not just birthday parties. Whether they’re drooped from the ceiling at varying lengths or clustered together to create a fantastic happy birthday wall decoration, decorating with paper pinwheels will bring a whimsical element to your birthday decorations.
4. Charming Paper Lanterns
Paper lanterns are the perfect birthday party decorations as they bring a sense of whimsy and wonder to the decor. Use bright paper lanterns as they are or bedeck them with bunting, laces, ribbons, glitter, or confetti for customized happy birthday decor. However, if you’re looking to elevate the elegant and sophisticated appeal of your decor, you can also use paper lanterns with LED lights to exude a soft glowing radiance that’ll ooze oodles of grace and charm.
5. Flamboyant Pom Poms & Honeycombs
Whether you’re decorating for a kid’s birthday party or you’re searching for happy birthday decorations for adults, there is nothing better than pom poms and honeycombs to add a flamboyant visual kick to your party decor. Drop down varying-sized colorful pom poms and honeycombs from the ceiling to add a celebratory and festive pop to your soiree.
6. Enticing Floral Decorations
With their mesmeric beauty and enticing appeal, flowers imbue a feel of celebration like none other. Floral decorations are a gorgeous addition to any event decor and a fun way to impress your guest of honor and party guests. While real flowers are pretty, they’re a bit expensive and don’t last for long. Whereas, paper flowers and artificial flowers impart an equally glorious appeal but are a much cheaper and more durable alternative to adorn your party venue. Create a riveting wall backdrop using a mix of giant tissue paper flowers to inject some drama into your party decorations or accentuate your happy birthday table decorations with gorgeous floral arrangement centerpieces for a captivating yet sophisticated birthday party decor.
7. Festive Wall Banners
Spell out the reason for the celebration with happy birthday banners to make it extra special for the honored guest. No matter you’re throwing a grand party or celebrating amongst friends, every birthday party can use a glittery and sparkling happy birthday decoration banner to boost the festivities up a notch. Write a quirky phrase on the wall with letter balloon banners or hang it over the dining table to give it a festive look and spread joyous and happy vibes all around.
8. Adorable Cake Toppers
The birthday cake is the most important part of any birthday celebration, thus augmenting its beauty with cake toppers makes perfect sense. Use number or phrase cake toppers to spell out something festive on your cake without actually writing on it. Whereas, figurine cake toppers can be used to highlight the theme of the party pulling all the different elements of the birthday party decor together for a cohesive and harmonized appeal.
Enchanting & Easy Happy Birthday Decoration Ideas
Birthday decorations featuring colorful balloons, funky decor accents, and props are definitely a must-have to celebrate the occasion in style. But in order to make your party decor memorable and Instagram-worthy, you need to up your game and unleash your creativity to create unique and striking DIY happy birthday decor. Ring in another great year filled with hope, happiness, and joy using these charming happy birthday decoration ideas and tips.
1. Glam Up Your Walls
Wondering where to start your birthday party decorations? Set the ball rolling by adorning your walls with charming decorating supplies to create a festive and vibrant photo wall backdrop for your event. Choose a large windowless and blank wall and fill it up with several balloons from the ceiling to the floor for a dramatic and flamboyant wall decor that screams happy birthday in the utmost creative way! You can also tie colorful streamers to your balloons for added flair and style. Likewise, hanging a happy birthday decoration banner on your wall creates a simple and easy but wonderful happy birthday wall decoration that is perfect for both small and big-scale celebrations. However, if a balloon wall doesn’t fit in your thematic decorations, you can also adorn your wall space with hundreds of colorful, shimmering round-shaped confetti to elegantly glam up an otherwise plain and boring wall.
2. Revisit The Memories With Photograph Garlands & Collages
Birthdays are all about celebrating the blessings and cherishing the memories of all the past years with your loved ones. You can either make garlands out of all the memorable photographs and accent them with twinkling hanging fairy string lights or elegantly frame a giant photo collage on the wall to take your guests down a nostalgic journey while creating a mesmeric focal point that is surely going to be the highlight of your party decor. This happy birthday decoration idea works exceptionally well if you’re planning for milestone birthdays that mark a big birthday year such as the 1st birthday, 18th birthday, 50th birthday, or any other big milestone.
3. Use Food & Tableware As Your Birthday Party Decor
A great way to enhance your party decor is to turn your food into decorations. Thus, in order to accentuate your birthday decorations up a notch, decorate your cake and cupcakes with lovely decorative toppers that complement your theme and display them on tall cake stands adding a gorgeous dimension to your happy birthday table decorations. Moreover, find decorative serveware and dinnerware that’ll make all the food and sweet treats look even more appealing. Also, make sure to pick stylish favor boxes or bags to hold your party favors adding charm to each place setting. Are you planning a surprise 21st birthday party for your best friend? Go the extra mile and bedazzle the champagne glasses with glitter, ribbons, washi tape, stickers, diamond rhinestones, and other shimmering decorative accents to make your celebrations even more memorable.
4. Give A Unique Twist To Your Balloon Decorations
Though balloons are the go-to decorations for birthday parties that never go out of style, simply putting up a few colored balloons won’t cut it if you’re looking to make a stunning decor statement. To make balloons the highlight of your party, it is important that you add a personalized unique touch to your balloon decorations. Work your artistic magic and creatively arrange varying-sized colorful balloons on balloon stands or a curved balloon arch and finish it off with glimmering fairy string lights, and pretty floral and foliage decorations to set up a one-of-a-kind balloon arch. You can use it to stylishly decorate your entrance or doorways to make a grand first impression! Similarly, you can also create unique balloon garlands using a mix of different happy birthday paper decorations, colorful balloons, and LED balloons to add extra pizzazz and pop to your party. However, to spruce up those standard balloons, roll them up in shimmering glitter to bring sparkle and festivity centerstage. You can also stuff up some transparent balloons with a whole of confetti or sweets and candies to create balloon piñatas for a fun-filled activity after the candles are blown off!
‘Wild One’ Birthday Theme for our One year old pic.twitter.com/utbBBnAHFu
— Cody & Jana (@CodyandJana) January 29, 2023
Whether you’re planning a birthday party for a child or an adult, over-the-top birthday party decorations are a great way to get everyone excited. As you can see, there are so many ways you can make your happy birthday decor special for a truly memorable celebration. So get your party hats on and get creating!
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elysianslove · 3 years
Have you ever done..
Middle blocker dick analysis? 🙌🥺👉👈 I love this series more than I should teehee 🤫
ohhhh this is a good batch there are so many,,, bless you for requesting it, and also, i’m very glad to hear that you’re liking this series!!! 
pls my search history is so weird rn <//3 
other versions: haikyuu captains dick analysis, haikyuu aces dick analysis, haikyuu setters dick analysis, jjk dick analysis
middle blockers done in the captains version: kuroo tetsurō
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hinata shōyō 
okay the thing about hinata is i think he’s a grower!! like i firmly believe so. so maybe he’s 4.3 when soft, but it’s so satisfying gripping him so firmly in your hand and feel him harden and grow to like 6.2 inches. and it’s actually pretty thick too, like it’s a fat cock, you know? i feel like i need to answer this question with him too: does the carpet match the drapes? yes, it does. he does in fact have ginger pubes, but they’re like wayyy darker than his hair, so it’s nearly brown you know? can’t believe i just talked about some fictional guy’s pubes. he also doesn’t shave, but will trim sometimes, just to maintain it. dark pink tip and tan, flushed shaft, super veiny surprisingly!!! feels so nice when it’s in your mouth omg! 
tsukishima kei 
skinny penis skinny penis skinny penis. long but skinny. penis. it’s maybe 6.7 or 6.8 inches, and it does not curve at all. like he loves to sit somewhere like a couch or chair and just spread his legs for you, and his dick is stiff against his stomach, staring condescendingly down at you. bright, kind of pale pink tip, and pale shaft with only a few prominent veins. is he clean shaven? is he not? depends, which would piss you off more? also not a lot of his partners paid attention to this, but once you discovered that his balls are hella sensitive, you could not let that go. it’s his biggest, biggest weakness. just suck on them or squeeze and toy at them while sucking him off and he makes the cutest noises.
suna rintarō 
definitely has a big dick. have you seen how large timeskip suna is? he is packing, i know it. he’s like 7.2 inches, nothing less and nothing more, i stand by this. head is so fat, and his dick is so hefty and heavy in your hands, like so heavy. i don’t know how else to describe it, it’s just so firm and sturdy to hold. very dark pink tip that it’s not really pink, you know? more of a color fading into his own skin color. his shaft is a little bit darker than his skin color. idk it’s just a very aesthetic dick, so pretty ngl. also it curves to the left, like slightly, but it’s noticeable. actually clean shaven, because yeah he’s lazy, but he’s very adamant on taking care of himself and making sure he’s clean, you know? have to mention that he loves to sight of you fucked out resting your head on his thigh, a mess of cum everywhere and his limp cock near you <333
matsukawa issei sincerely apologize for going off track w this one
holy fucking shit. holy shit. do i even have to? he is top 3 biggest dicks in haikyuu. he is so big, so fucking big. he’s definitely like 8.3 inches? and so much girth too? it’s literally a struggle taking him in. i think he actually was insecure about it for a little bit just cause so many people would back out of sex so quick when they saw his dick. at first it was flattering, but then it started to genuinely bother him. he’s definitely not gonna force anyone to do anything they’re uncomfortable with, and he understands cause it yeah it is big, but damn can’t a guy get his dick wet? :( do i have more to say about this? yes, but i choose to shut up. his dick is so gorgeous though, dark red tip and tan shaft, so so so veiny, and a happy trail from below his belly button to his trimmed pubes. breeder balls <333 such big balls <333 
tendō satori 
he’s definitely definitely 6.8 inches, skinny but long, and is so fucking good at what he does. like insanely good. the first push inside of you feels insanely good, just cause the way he has you, the way he’s pressing inside of you, the way he’s filling you up so well, the push of his hand against your lower stomach. yes, exactly. he’s very clean shaven, for the aesthetic i think, more than the convenience. pale, smooth shaft with no too harshly prominent veins (when he’s hard there are two very obvious ones) and as you approach the tip from the base a deep, red flush starts, darkest at the slit. is really into cumplay so, do with that what you will :) 
haiba lev 
7 inches. this himbo. my god. he knows his dick is long and also doesn’t know it, you know? like he has a concept of size, but also, at the same time, he keeps wincing whenever he enters you too early and you’re too tight like,,, what were you expecting? i think he just underestimates himself, you know? it’s a nice dick though! flushed shaft and a tip of similar shade, but slightly brighter. he shaves because he got so scared he would never get girls if he didn’t shave, poor baby </3 extremely sensitive all over, the shaft, the tip, his balls. everywhere. he came so early the first time you had sex omg. but when you’re giving him a hand job and you press and massage at the slit, he does a literal entire body shiver. 
yamaguchi tadashi 
apparently yams’s official position is middle blocker (aside pinch server), or at least that’s what wiki says. i’ll do him anyways! i really really really wanna go with yamaguchi having a big dick. like idk why but it’s satisfying to think about the fact that he might be bigger than people make him out to be, but i won’t go too overboard i guess :( he’s 6.5 inches, proportionately thick and long. it has the prettiest dark red tip, and it looks beautiful when his own face is flushed red just <333 dark tan shaft, and kinda veiny! he doesn’t really know whether to shave or not, but he tried it out once and preferred it so now it’s the norm for him! 
hirugami sachirō
pretty dick pretty dick pretty dick. like such a bright, bright pink at the tip, and a pale shaft with a few veins!!! it’s honestly more cute than anything. not because he’s small! he’s like 6 inches, or 6.1, but it just. it’s cute, okay? he has great orgasm control surprisingly, and it’s so impressive. his dick just looks so kissable when it’s drooling and leaking so much, just the tip is so glossy and the shaft is so wet and slippery, and he literally ascends the moment you suck at his tip. clean shaven for sure for sure! he just prefers it that way, you know? 
meian shūgo 
fat dick fat dick fat dick. such a fat dick. thicker than it is long, maybe 6.5 inches? very girth-y, very veiny, breeder fucking balls, like he cums so much it’s insane. tan shaft, and a golden tip with the slightest flush tint. curves to the right!! and he’s not very clean shaven, but like it’s well maintained enough not to be bothersome you know!!! his favorite favorite favorite part is watching the way you stretch around him like he purposely doesn’t prep you exactly as much as you need because he wants it to be a bit of a tight fit. anyways :)  
aone takanobu 
another one of our monster cocks <3 he is just so. sweet though. like it took forever to convince him you actually were ready to take him because he was in denial that he’d fit, and it really was a very, very tight fit. he’s just big, length and girth wise. probably 8 inches??? like genuinely????? for a good while at the start he wouldn’t even push himself all the way in :( very pale shaft, veiny but it’s not dark veins, you know? and a very very bright pink bordering on red tip. clean shaven, of course he is???? considerate is his middle name are you kidding!!!! 
kindaichi yūtarō
something about him says 5.2 inches and i don’t know why or what or how. he was so clueless on how to use it for the longest time, and he’s extremely sensitive too so that didn’t help his case. but honestly kindaichi is very giving, in the sense that he learns how to pleasure you very well, with his dick or without. golden light tip, and a light tan to the shaft. relatively veiny, and it curves to the right too!!! tip becomes really pink when he’s hard and leaking precum. also he trims very often and very well just cause he’s weirded out if it’s completely bare! 
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the saga continues 😼 hope i didn’t miss anyone and that you all enjoyed this, mwah <3 
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stardustbarbarians · 2 years
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Am I Not the One You're Dreaming Of, My Angel?
A Daniel Wagner / fem!reader fic
Summary: Daniel asks you to meet him in the city.
Tags: pure filth with a little sprinkle of plot so MNDI!, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, degradation, cheating, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, folks)
Words: 4.3 k
A/N: happy birthday Kimmothy (@t00turnttrauma) I love you so very much and I hope you enjoy! (Inspired by Meet Me in the City by Lord Huron)
You told yourself it was a one time deal. You told yourself that it was a mistake and that you’d never do it again. You told yourself that thirty times ago. 
That’s what you were thinking about while laying in the bed of some hotel room while staring at the ceiling. You had no idea where your clothes were, probably littered around the carpet along with his clothing items. He had no issue with your little arrangement. It excited him to no end, actually. 
While you were spiraling mentally, he was out on the balcony smoking a cigarette. You turned to look at him, the smoke billowing out of his mouth and up towards the heavens. The door was wide open, allowing the cool night air and the street noise to filter in unabated. 
You wondered how he was so ok with what you two had, so unaffected by your relationship. Part of you wished you shared that blasé attitude, but the other part of you knew that it was a good thing you felt so awful about what you were doing; it meant you still had a conscience. 
But how good can it be if you continue to ignore it? 
“You should probably get back soon,” he suggested, blowing out his inhale of nicotine, “your husband will be wondering where you are.” 
He pivoted his head to look at you over his shoulder, a sly clothed-mouth smile pulling at the corner of his lips. You were struck by the sight of his profile, the glow from the city lights below illuminating his features to give him a soft look that countered the mischief in his eyes. You suddenly seemed to remember why you kept this affair alive, the image of him wearing that exact smile upon your first meeting entering your mind briefly. 
“Have you already grown tired of my face?” you try to deflect, taking his suggestion anyway and beginning to search for your discarded clothes. 
You heard his chuckle float above the rest of the city clamor, your heart jumping along with a heat pooling between your legs despite having just had sex not even half an hour ago. You stood with your back to him as he approached, your gathered belongings hangin from your arms. His skin was warm as he pressed against you, his face finding the crook of your neck that you bared to him. The heat of his breath caused the contradictory reaction of goosebumps to litter your skin, your eyes involuntarily fluttering closed as his lips pressed against your neck. 
“I could never be tired of you,” he breathed, his arms pressing you firmly against his front. You wanted to give into him so badly, to just relinquish yourself fully to him once again, but he had a point. 
“I can’t stay,” you regretfully argue, forcing your eyes open and pulling away from his grip. 
“Right,” he grumbled, loosening his grip on you but making no effort to remove his arms from you, “can’t keep little Joshie Boy waiting.” 
You shoot him a warning look at his bitter comment, sliding your panties back on. “Play nice, Daniel.” 
He only rolled his eyes in response. You knew his opinion on your husband as he was not shy about voicing it. 
The two of you didn’t speak to one another while you continued to dress, hardly looking at one another as well. Standing up from the food of the bed after slipping your heels on, you walked up to him and then spun around. 
“Can you zip me up?” You gathered your hair away from the zipper, mentally steeling yourself against anything he might pull in to get you to stay. You would not give into the temptation this time. 
Daniel did as you asked, the sound of the zipper the only thing filling the void of voices in the room. You felt the fabric of your swing dress tighten as it became properly fastened. 
“Send him my regards,” he requested once he finished the task. You elected to ignore his comment, making the strides over to the door of your room. 
“Don’t call me for a few weeks,” you threw over your shoulder after opening the door. 
“Think you can last that long?” he called after you, making you freeze in place momentarily. You scoffed and slammed the door, shaking your head as you quickly walked towards the elevator. 
By the time the taxi pulled up to your house, it was well past sunset. The light on your front porch was blazing, a beacon amongst the other darkened homes within your suburb. You paid the driver his due, standing at the end of your walkway as you tried to steel yourself against the panic that was rising in your chest. You knew he was going to have questions. You knew you were going to have to lie. 
What’s one more sin?
The clicking of your heels rang out in the early summer night as you made your way to your front door. Taking a breath, you finally entered your home. It was near silent save for the ticking of the clock on your wall of the living room. Slipping off your heels, you scanned the house for any signs of your husband at all. He was nowhere in sight. 
You knew that was going to be the case. At this time of night, he was either sleeping or reading up in the bedroom. You tried not to examine your relief too closely. 
Climbing the stairs, you felt your dread increase with each step. What if you couldn’t lie well enough this time? Had you pushed your luck too far? 
“How was Carolyn’s?” Josh asked you when you entered the bedroom, briefly looking up from his book. Thankfully, he was too engrossed into the pages of his novel that he didn’t notice the momentary confusion that contorted your face. 
Right, you told him that you spent the day with your sister. 
“It was nice, she sends her regards,” you respond, inwardly cringing at what you said. Why you would repeat the last words Daniel spoke to you to your husband was beyond you. 
At this point, he put his book down and watched you walk over to the closet, you glancing at his reflection in the mirror of the closet door. It was only a second, but the eye contact that you made with him in that mirror was too much. You knew that if you looked into his eyes for too long he’d know what you were doing behind his back. 
You threw your pajamas onto the bed, sliding the door shut when you were done. You struggled with the zipper of your dress, mentally cursing Daniel for zipping it up all the way. It was almost impossible for you to unzip your dresses if they were zipped all the way. 
“Here, let me help,” your husband offered, walking over towards you. You turned around, moving your hair out of the way. You tried not to think about the parallel of Daniel doing the opposite just thirty minutes ago. 
Josh stopped after he undid your dress, his hands coming to slide onto your hips. He rested his head onto your shoulder, pulling you against his front into an embrace. Automatically, you rested your hands onto his, leaning into his embrace. 
“You know I love you, right?” you tell him, looking at him through the reflection of the closet door. You weren’t lying to him. You really did love Josh; you married him for a reason. 
“I love you too,” he responded, placing a sweet kiss onto your neck. Once again, you were forcing yourself to ignore the parallels. 
You got ready for bed, slipping out of your emerald swing dress and idly chatting with your husband about his day at work. You were expecting him to ask about what you did during the day, but he never did. 
After waving goodbye to Josh as he left for work like the good housewife you were, you set off on maintaining the house. The soft serenading of Dolly Parton floated out from the small ham radio you had plugged into the kitchen wall, offering a comfort to you in the otherwise empty household. 
My mistakes are no worse than yours just because I’m a woman
You began thinking about how you had gotten yourself into your situation, about the sin of adultery, and fire. You had been so lost in your own thoughts that the phone ringing made you jump about a foot in the air. Breathing a deep sigh, you get up from the table where you were polishing the silverware and pick up the phone hanging on the wall. It was a mint green thing, matching the rest of the appliances of the kitchen. 
“Is your husband home?” 
Your blood ran cold at the question, your mind slow on recognizing the voice growling through the speaker. You were speechless, what kind of a question was that?
“I told you not to call me for a few weeks!” you hissed into the receiver. You weren’t sure why you were trying to be quiet, you were the only one home. 
That chuckle filtered through the speaker of the phone, making your knees weak. “I just couldn’t wait.” 
“I don’t have anything to say to you,” you sternly informed, your hand resting on your hip. 
“C’mon angel, meet me in the city,” he purred. You heard the sound of him taking a drag from a cigarette on the other side of the line. 
The usage of that nickname made you weak in the knees. That name was reserved for being growled into your ear as he pounded into you from behind, your hands gripping onto the sheets like they were your only lifeline. A shiver went down your spine at the memory. 
“Daniel, I can’t. It’s too risky,” you argue, your hip resting against the counter. 
“All you gotta do is take the highway down,” he continued, almost like you didn’t talk. He was a persistent son of a bitch, you’d give him that. 
“What part of ‘it’s too risky’ don’t you understand?” At this point, you were angry. Why couldn’t he understand that your marriage was already at risk and you didn’t want to jeopardize it further? 
“C’mon, doll, get your courage up. I know you’re bored out of your mind playing wifey for that boring little bastard as it is,” he pressed, his tone becoming sharper as he talked about your husband. 
“Don’t you dare talk about Josh that way,” you warned. It was a token effort and you both knew it. 
“You aren’t exactly disagreeing with me, are you, angel?” Even though you couldn’t see his face, you knew he had that sly smile on his lips. 
You sighed deeply, wrapping the spiral cord around your finger as you thought it over. 
“You know he can’t do what I can. And I know how pent up you still are,” he purred once more, taking another drag from his cigarette. 
He was right, you were extremely pent up. As much as you loved Josh, he just couldn’t pleasure you. You had gone through your marriage faking orgasms and then sneaking off to the bathroom to finger yourself after he had fallen asleep. It was not a very sexually fulfilling relationship, to say the least. 
But then one night you met a tall, dark, and handsome stranger who not only promised to do things to you that made you wetter than you had in your entire life, but also deliver on that front? It wasn’t something you were going to give up anytime soon. 
“Fine. Same place?” 
Another deep chuckle emanated from Daniel. “Same place. Make sure you wear that dress you wore the night we met.” 
With that, the line went dead. Now you were truly alone again, the radio broadcasting a commercial for Marlboros. Sighing deeply, you hung the phone on the receiver and started to put away the silverware you were working on. Since you weren’t going to be home for dinner again, you had to make something for Josh to eat. There was a bad feeling blooming in your mind as you dressed the chicken you were about to cook. 
“He’s right. I am tired of playing housewife.” 
That bad feeling didn’t go away even as you pulled up to the hotel you had just been at twenty-four hours prior. You looked up at the tall building, feeling like it was looming over you like some kind of storybook giant deciding whether or not it wants to kill you. Swallowing down your anxiety, you rolled your shoulders to get the tension out of them and walked into the lobby. 
“Hi, I’m looking for a Mr. Wagner. Would you tell me which room I could find him in?” you asked the woman at the front desk. Without saying a word, she flipped open a large binder and began searching the pages. 
“You’ll find him in room 507,” she robotically informed, only looking you in the eyes for a second. That was all you needed to spot the judgment in them. You knew they were beginning to recognize you. 
The elevator ride up did nothing for your nerves as each ding from it made you want to jump out of your skin. You knew you were overly nervous because of the lack of time between your last visit to Daniel, you just hoped he’d be able to unwind you. 
Reaching his door, you raise your fist, poised to knock on the door. It opened before you could even touch the stained wood. 
“Darling, how unexpected to see you here,” he mused, an amused smile pulling at his lips once more. You’d never seen this man properly smile before; never with his teeth, anyway. 
At the comment, you threw him an unamused look and brushed past him. The room was similar to the one you stayed in last night. It had an amber colored carpet with a dark gray wall color, the furnishings done in a wood color similar to that of the carpet. All of the accenting in the room was done in gold, but tastefully. It wasn’t gaudy or overbearing, but just the right amount. 
As you stood there taking in the room, Daniel came up behind you and removed your white faux fur wrap off your shoulders. While he didn’t outwardly say it, he was pleased you followed his request to wear the dress you wore upon your first meeting with one another. He appreciatively ran his hands up and down the wine red velvet that conformed to your body, the skirt in a pencil style. The straps of the dress were hanging off your shoulders, his lips taking full advantage of your exposed skin. One hand strayed away from tracing the curves of your body to toy with the costume diamonds that were hanging from the fabric nestled between your breasts. 
As if on cue, you become putty in his hands. Your left hand went to nestle in the raven curls flowing from his scalp, your right fluttering to rest on top of his hand playing with the diamonds on your chest. You bared your neck to him, Daniel getting the message you were sending to him. You rested flat against his front as his lips danced all over the skin of your throat. Small and soft moans were fluttering out of your mouth with each breath you took. 
That’s how it was with you two; there was hardly any talking. It was clearly only a physical relationship, but you didn’t know if you wanted it to be anything more. Did Daniel want it to be anything more? 
“I can’t tell if this dress looks better on you or on the floor,” he growled, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you closer against him. You knew as soon as he pulled you closer that he was hard; you could feel it. 
His words made your knees weak, an involuntary noise being ripped out of your throat. You didn’t think you could take this teasing much longer. “You better do something soon or else I don’t think I can make it to the bed.” 
You felt the chuckle rumble in his chest as well as heard it directly in your ear. “What’s wrong with taking you right here on this floor?” 
You didn’t think it was possible, but the moisture between your legs increased. Your breath got caught in your throat, making you create this choking sound that seemed to drive Daniel wild. 
“Oh, you like that, huh, angel? You like the idea of me bending you over and splitting you open right here on this carpet? You’d get rug burn, you know. You’d have it all over your hands and even your face. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to see you try to lie to little Joshua when there could only be one explanation.” As he spoke that filth into your ear, he used his hold on your hips to grind them into him. 
“Daniel, please,” you begged, clenching your thighs in order to find any purchase for your throbbing pussy. He was being a particularly sadistic bastard this time around. 
“Please what,” he demanded, his arms flexing against you as he tried to pull you even tighter against him
“Please fuck me until I can’t walk. Pound into me until I go numb and feel nothing but your cock, until the only thought I can create is about you. Make me forget I have a husband,” you whined, not giving a shit about your dignity. There was only one thing you gave a shit about and it was your own pleasure. 
That seemed to give Daniel the push he needed as the next thing you knew, you were being carried over to the queen sized bed. Upon reaching it, he threw you down on it and was ordering you to take your dress off. Not having to be told twice, you opened the zipper and slid the velvet off your body and threw it on the floor. Once that was done, he helped you remove your heels and black stockings, eye-fucking you the entire time as his honeyed hands slid down your skin. 
He wasted no time removing your panties next, using his teeth on the waistband to pull them off your stomach and then handing the job off to his skilled fingers. He placed feather light yet burning kisses against the skin of your stomach, your fingers tangling into his hair and tugging him down towards your core as an impatient invitation. He, of course, ignored you in favor of undressing you. Next was your bra, unhooking it from your ribcage and discarding it with the rest of your clothing. Now with not a stitch on you, the next thing to come off your body was your wedding ring. It would be if Daniel hadn’t stopped you, his large hand clamping atop yours. 
“Leave it on,” he ordered, the fiery look in his eyes not one to be argued with. Reluctantly, you slipped the silver band back onto your finger. You knew that he was insanely turned on by the fact that you were married, but actually keeping your wedding band on while another man ravished you felt like a whole new violation to Josh. 
It excited you to no end. 
Without any warning, he dived right into you with his mouth. His tongue hungrily lapped away at your slick, taking you folds gently between his teeth and pulling away to look you in the eyes. You moaned loudly at the act, your hand coming down to paw at your clit. He batted your right hand away, making you whine petulantly. 
“No. Your left,” he growled, that fire still in his eyes. Hesitantly, you slid your left hand into Daniel’s view, the diamond glinting in the low sallow light from the lamp glowing to your right. 
The action paid off. As soon as the ring was in his sight, he began eating you out as if he had something to prove; like he had revenge planned. He left you groaning out his name, sweat accumulating on your skin as you panted and gasped for air. His fingers had long since slipped into you, doing their very best at reminding you why you continuously risked your marriage. 
You were so distracted by what Daniel’s fingers were doing to your insides that you didn’t notice that his mouth had been removed from your pussy. So you could be forgiven for being slightly startled when you heard him speak right into your ear. 
“He can’t even come close to making you feel this way, can he? Poor little Joshie doesn’t even know how to fuck his wife in the way she needs to be; doen’t even realize that she’s so desperate for good cock,” he rambled, a harshness in his tone once again. 
“I told you to leave Josh out of this,” you growled, sinking your nails into his shoulder just a little to drive home your point. 
“Stop pretending like you don’t love it when I talk like this,” he snapped. At that, he removed all contact with you, pushing off the bed. 
Before you could whine and cry about how unfair he was being, he began unclasping his pants. A jolt of arousal went through your body as you anticipated what came next. 
Within the blink of an eye, he was back on you, caging you in with his strong arms as his raven curls hung down in your face. You lost your breath as he plunged into you, pushing the limit on how much you thought you could take with each inch pressed into you. 
There was hardly time for any adjustment before he began thrusting into you at a merciless pace. Your moans were coming out at a staccato rhythm in time with his thrusts, your hands scrambling to touch any part and all of him at the same time. Both yours and his eyes were screwed shut as he pounded so hard into you that you thought the creaking of the bed frame would no doubt lead to it falling apart. 
Just as you were about to reach your peak, he grabbed onto your hips and flipped your positions. Soon, you were on top of him and he was the one with his back against the mattress. To say you were disoriented was an understatement. Your head spun for a moment as you attempted to process the change in scenery. 
“Daniel, what are you doing?” you breathlessly asked, your hands flying to remove your hair from your face. 
“Since you don’t seem to see what I do, I’m going to show you just how much of a cock hungry whore you are.” He wore that sly smile again, the one that got you into this mess in the first place. 
“What do you mean?” 
“You are going to fuck yourself on my cock, that’s what I mean.” 
That didn’t sit well with you, but you also were so turned on that you were in no position to argue. Doing just as he told you to, you began bouncing on his dick. Your knees and thighs began to burn, but it was a good kind of burn. Even though the act was the same, this felt different. Normally you were the static one in this arrangement, laying there as he did most of the work. 
“This is wrong,” you moaned out, your eyes screwed shut against the stimulation, “this is so very wrong.” 
“If our love is so wrong, tell me: why does it feel so right?” 
That made you open your eyes. He wore a self-satisfied smirk on his lips, his arms tucked behind his head like he was the most casual man in the world. 
You didn’t respond to that, your mind was too preoccupied on trying to get yourself off. You knew that you yourself were close, but you had no idea if Daniel was or not. You got your answer right after you came, your walls throbbing against his aching dick. Grabbing onto your hips so hard it would leave bruises, he began pounding up into you with no regard for your overstimulation. His arms wrapped around your torso, pulling you flush against his chest as his hips snapped up into you over and over again. He growled low in your ear as he spilled into you, moaning out timidly as you felt the warmth stuff you full. 
Immediately, you knew letting him do that was a mistake. However, that thought was just a pesky little irritant against your sudden exhaustion. 
“I want you to go home and say goodbye to him forever,” he breathlessly commanded, his arms still wrapped around you and his cock still wedged deeply inside you. 
Without thinking, you scoffed at him. You thought he was joking. 
“Tell your ball and chain you won’t be back around,” he continued, nudging your chin up gently with his fingers, urging you to look into his eyes. 
“Stop playing, Daniel. I’m not in the mood for that,” you bit, batting his hand away from your chin. You were so tired and all you wanted to do was rest for a few minutes before you had to lie once more to Josh’s face. 
“I’m not joking, angel. Forget the life you had and don’t look back,” he implored, his fingers playing with your hair. 
You were silent as you thought it over. 
“I’ll think about it,” you lied to him; for the very first time. 
He huffed out a laugh at that. Not a chuckle, but a humorless breath of laughter that you felt move your hair that was close to his mouth. 
“Am I not the one you want to love forever?” 
He wasn’t. You knew that. You knew that no matter what, Josh was the one you wanted to come home to every night. But you knew that you didn’t want to let Daniel go just yet. It was selfish and cruel, but you knew what you needed. 
A/N: this is set in the 1960s btw
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maybenotmei · 2 years
HIII :-) for event #2, can i rq hina hikawa x reader modern au in which her & reader go to the planetarium? :D
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you knew hina was full of free time.
ever since she was rejected by a talent agency, she has spent her life going around in places she has never been before. any curiosity of hers about a place has most likely been fulfilled at this point, except for one place.
you knew she always wanted to go to a planetarium.
the stars, the night sky, space, it was full of mysteries. and you know hina very well— she loves the things she doesn't understand. what lies beyond the atmosphere of this world? what goes beyond our system? why do they shine so brightly? you would catch her ask you, despite knowing you didn't know the answer either. even if you did know, she would still be confused. maybe that confusion was the main factor of her want to go to a planetarium for ages.
luckily enough, you were able to snatch up two tickets to the huge planetarium by the city. it was well known for its amazing displays and high-quality projections. the telescopes were apparently astonishing, too.
"a planetarium?" hina tilted her head to the left, looking at the tickets in your hand. you nod, handing one of them to her. she grinned, taking one and grabbing your free hand after. "thank you!"
"it's at 7pm, don't be late, okay?"
hina nodded, tucking the ticket inside her bag. "we still have time! lets go walk around the city!" she smiled, pointing downtown.
"everyone, please take a seat and wait for the program to start." the MC announced as you and hina took a seat. a switch was flicked before the dome went dark, followed by the sparkle of light from a projector. the MC stands by the stage as hina's eyes glitter at the projection. even if it was merely a projection, it was still fascinating to her.
it all went like a blur. you could barely remember what happened except for when hina finally spoke up, snapping you out from your trance at looking at the "stars."
"uh, MC?" she raised her hand to the speaker, who gladly answered her call. "why are you using a projector than the stars themselves?" she questioned, standing up from her seat. "can't we see them from here?"
despite it being the first question, you knew she'll be asking the speaker nonstop from here on. you sweatdropped, bracing yourself for the next couple of moments filled with hina's overflowing questions.
you don't mind. she's happy, right? and knowing she's happy is enough for you.
"look at this!" she tapped you on the shoulder, pointing to the telescope. "look through here— it's suuuuper clear from here! it's so boppin!" she smiled, gesturing you to look through the telescope. you look through it, seeing a clear view of what looks to be a brown-ish looking celestial body.
"that's centauri b," she began, standing beside you as you observed the celestial body in front of you. "it's a potentially habitable exoplanet that's kinda close to earth, well not really since it's 4.3 light years away but it's still kiiinda close anyway..." she kept going and going as you looked through the telescope.
"i wanna know what it's like there," she looks up, putting a finger on her chin. you chuckle, looking away from the telescope to look at her. "maybe they'll find a way to bring us there one day," you reply as hina looks back at you.
"hm... i don't know if we'll be alive by then..." she mumbles. "but you'll still be with me by then, right?"
you chuckle. "i promise."
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notes: oh my gosh i'm sorry this took a month,,,, donmt worry ur request is 100% OK !!!! i understood it :,,,,) this was unbetad and written late at night Again looools i hope it's ok!! (idk anything abt planetarium) Sry if hina's ooc 😢😢😢
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One Punch Man ship reviews bc I’m bored
GenoSai: do I even have to say it?? They compliment each other so well and are already besties. They make me so happy and I love their love. Genos literally came into Saitama’s life and brought so much new life and excitement when Saitama thought he’d never get any. Genos gives him love and appreciation all the time and never abandons him. Saitama isn’t connected to his feelings, but he cares about Genos and would do just about anything for him, to keep him safe. Genos constantly teases Saitama and Saitama grumbles and takes it with some banter, Genos is super emotional and Saitama does his best to comfort him, they fucking love shopping together and just hanging out period, they talk about the dumbest shit and somehow they still understand each other with the one brain cell they both share. It takes Genos forever to realize his feelings are deeper and Saitama has to be TOLD by their friends that he should fucking realize his feelings already. Just...I could keep going but I’ll stop! 2718873737839439/10 (let’s not talk about the age gap btw, 6 years isn’t bad and Genos is a legal adult.)
FubuSai: the stereotypical straight ship ppl gravitate to. Eh. I can see it, but at the same time I feel like they don’t completely compliment each other. Are they a hot couple? Duh. But I feel like their pride and communication issues would get in the way. 4/10
TatsuSai: hnghhhh. Someone mentioned this before, can’t remember who, but Saitama literally thinks she’s a child in canon. So that just....makes it gross. Same problems as FubuSai but worse. I’d rather see them as hesitant friends w a weird bond. 0/10
SonSai/SonicSai/idk the ship name: eh, toxic. Cant see them getting past communication issues and pride, again. Plus Sonic wants to kill his ass. Also, I just feel no romantic tension?? Even in fanfic it just falls flat for me. 3/10
MumenSai: a favorite!! Wish I saw it more, it’s very cute. Mumen is so kind and would absolutely be there to help him w self esteem and just help him be a better person period. And Saitama would have a cute little kind guy to tease and open up to. I could maybe see Mumen’s kindness getting on Saitama’s nerves when he’s in a bad mood bc Mumen almost never snaps and Saitama feels shittier, or maybe Mumen being mad at Saitama for being kinda lazy at home while Mumen is working his ass off and he’s like babe I just got home, please stop playing the fucking game and pay attention to me I have a concussion again. Prob too nitpicky on this one, heh, but 8.4/10
Genos x Sonic: wtf? As a crack ship, sure. That’s hilarious. But as a serious ship, 1.3/10 bc I could MAYBE see them bond over their love of my chemical romance or sum.
Anyone x Puri: -128382839287473828739219833468282/10. Fuck Puri.
TatsuKing: eh. Indifferent on this one too. I can see them getting along and Tatsu being the mean but supportive gf in public, but a sweet gf in private. King could be like her calm oasis of video games and sweet blonde shy bf. I sway more towards ace/aro King and queer non binary Tatsu, but this is still good. 6/10
FubuPsy/Fubuki x Psykos/idk: hell yeah!! This series NEEDS more wlw ships, both for me to project onto and to cry over. Prob my fav Fubuki ship, cuz they’ve known each other since they were young and had a tenuous friendship. I didn’t use to ship it until I saw that scene in the wc after the MA arc (u know the one) but here we are. They’re big personalities so any interaction is bound to be chaotic at first, but I really think they’d work. Pride put to the side, Psykos could be someone for Fubuki to finally rely on other than the Blizzard Bunch, someone to confide in, a badass partner to fight monsters with, talk about nothing for hours with, be a super fashionable #girlboss couple with, and someone who would really see her for who she is-especially w Psykos knowledge of her from the past. Hell, Psykos might even know her better than Tatsumaki. Fubuki could be an anchor to her like she currently is in the wc, providing a quiet comfort and making her open up little by little. Would prob be toxic at first bc of the MA arc and their desire for power, but is a very good ship I think. 9/10
Speedal/Sonic x Mumen: an old fav! Sonic would have a hard time not hating Mumen at first bc he’s the picture definition of a hero, sum he hates. But hanging out with him would show him Mumen is a GOOD guy genuinely and he’d be like ohhhh shit I’m in love w this man. Mumen would thoroughly appreciate someone to make him live a little, break some rules and stand up to ppl when they talk over him. He’d DEFINITELY be upset when finding out Sonic is an assassin, but would prob be conflicted bc he knows Sonic is a good person despite that. Would prob make Sonic give up on killing for them to be together. Sucks bc of the assassin thing and bc they haven’t met in canon! So we’re not sure how they’d interact with each other, sigh. 7.4/10
Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: a very underrated ship! To be clear, I headcanon Kama as a trans woman and so does most of the fandom. Anyway, very sweet and already built as a friendship bc of their partnership under Atomic Samurai. I can’t remember who writes fic and makes art of them on tumblr but AAAAA it’s so good! Very sweet. Basically depicted Bushi as a nervous himbo who’s honest about his feelings but scared to say them and Kama as a sweet lady who’s crazy about Bushi. Very sweet. Want more of them!! 6.1/10
OneZon/Zombieman x One Shotter: never even thought of the ship till I saw @megidolan art work! Very wholesome, and from what little we know of Shotter we know he’s a sort of nervous yet strong willed guy, and Zombieman would totally help him calm down bc he’s so chill. I could see them sharing cigarettes and talking shit on heroes while cuddling u know? 7/10 only because I don’t see enough of it but very good concept.
Mumarou/Mumen x Garou: a lot of ppl are gonna hate me for this but....I don’t like it. I’ve tried! I just—idk. I’ve read so many good fics about them that make me like it a bit, but the concept is just eh. I think their relationship is, in most reps, really cliche angsty stuff. I wish I could elaborate I just...gah! Basically, there’s better ships for the both of them imo. Sorry!! 4.3/10
Sonic x Flashy/SonFlash: yes!! Prob my fav Sonic ship. They have soooo much tension, it’s almost worse than Genos’ tension w Saitama. Flashy LITERALLY poisoned Sonic so that he wouldn’t be forced to kill him at the ninja graduation. He cares. They’ll never say it out loud, but they care. They have someone who understands what they went through in each other and someone they’re both so similar to, yet so different from. Sonic is more vocal about his expressions and let’s people know it while Flashy often keeps things to himself, they could really influence the other to be more this or that. I could see a lot of comfort with these two, and not much is needed for relationship development; they already have so much unspoken between them after meeting for the first time in years. Love it. Wish I saw it more! 10/11
KingSai: wonderful! Out of the few ppl Saitama is close to, def my second fav pick for a ship for him. There’s a post saying how Saitama doesn’t cut King off when he’s going on rants about games and stuff bc he’s talking TO Saitama, not at him like Genos tends to do on accident. They’re already great buddies! Saitama could find a shy gamer man who he can talk to about manga and stuff and also a passionate bf who could break out of his shell w Saitama and be himself with no lies. King can have someone to protect him, duh, someone who finally understands his weird sense of humor, and someone to shower him in the love and kindness he deserves when Saitama is in the mood to be all out like that w his affections. Plus he’s Saitama’s anchor and brings him back down when he’s super anxious and depressed and tells him what’s up that he needs to fix without sugarcoating it. Would def have a bunch of inside jokes and go on dates that are just staying inside playing video games all night. Domestic af. 10/10
Fubuki x Mizuki: my first wlw Fubuki ship! Hard to find but very good. Mizuki is this big ball of kindness, energy, and raw power that would make Fubuki go ‘Ohhhhhhh, big pretty lady make brain go brrr.’ I could see Mizuki grounding Fubuki when she’s in over her head, giving her random gifts bc she saw sum and thought of her, doing a marathon run and wildly waving at Fubuki in the crowd, and all around being a dependable woman confident in herself and in love with a mysterious esper. Prob a little shy when it comes to anything physical bc she loves Fubuki so much and is overwhelmed by the realness of being w her. Fubuki gives Mizuki advice on ‘acting like a proper hero’ or whatever and though Mizuki thinks she doesn’t need it, Fubuki still helps her a lot w her career and being taken more seriously by others. Would give Mizuki someone who loves her for who she is and would go wild on her in private when she can be open about her affection, would be someone Mizuki could exercise with and listen intently to Mizuki’s physical knowledge, and would absolutely bandage her when she’s all banged up. Hnghh love this ship. It’s only behind the FubuPsy ship juuuuust a little bc they haven’t met in canon so we can’t be sure about their interactions and stuff. 8.8/10, I love WOMEN
Batarou: how could I go this far without mentioning them?! They have SOOOO much tension in the centichoro fight, like come on. Both snarky assholes who are huge softies one the inside, Badd being the more logical one (still a himbo, tho) and Garou being the more chaotic one. Probably take forever to admit their feelings bc they’re so prideful and stupid <3 flirt through constant wrestling matches and it takes Genos saying ‘they should kiss already, they’re getting on his nerves’ for them to finally realize what’s up. (@rayadraws has a great au where Garou Genos and Badd are a chaotic friend squad and Genos is the only brain of the group, haha. Very good au y’all check it out!) Would constantly pick on each other affectionately and switch into concerned SO when the other is hurt like the big teddy bears they are. Raise Zenko together for sure. Garou would fumble being romantic and Badd would find it both hilarious and cute. 11/12
Zombie mask/Amai x Zombieman:
So. I don’t like Amai Mask and I used to hate him, BUT the webcomic and fic have really helped me calm down on him (he’s still a dick tho), so it’s easier to want to ship him and stuff. Bc of Amai’s anger issues and controlling behavior, I could see this relationship being super toxic and icky—but I think they have some form of understanding that pulls Amai back from being a complete dick, you know? Start off as fuck buddies and slowly form something else from spending companionable time together other than screwing. Zombieman pulls Amai back from his angry fits and soothes him over with his logic. Talk maaaaaad shit about heroes, but only when they’re alone because Zombieman knows Amai will talk loud af about the heroes they’re roasting and Zombie doesn’t wanna stop a fight from happening. Zombieman loves making Amai flustered and has a secret check list in his head of all the things that get Amai red faced. Loves to listen to Amai rant about things for hours and loves to watch his face go through almost cartoon like expressions as he talks. He won’t admit it, but Zombie loves to be spoiled by Amai’s shit tons of cash and often takes rides in Amai’s limos when he wants to smoke and think to himself. Amai has a hard time realizing how his feelings have changed, but gets hit hard with it when he wakes up to Zombie making them breakfast one morning while wearing Amai’s underwear. Amai also loves to spoil Zombie and takes him out to restaurants and buys him cool new weapons on the weekends. @batneko has pretty much gotten me into this ship and I strongly suggest looking at their works! 7.9/10
DemonKnight/Genos x Zero/Drive Knight: I’m pretty sure this used to be a crack ship before the past like 10 manga chapters—and now here we are! Not a fav bc 1. ZERO LEFT GENOS TO SELF DESTRUCT AFTER THEY COMBINED TO FORM THE FUCKING JET HE WAS JUST LIKE lol bye SO LIKE if he left him to die that’s super hard for me to forgive and ship grrr 2. Disregarding the manga’s canon and looking at the wc, while I love the little trip they went on where Zero demonstrated his abilities and helped Genos kill monsters, it’s super sus. He knew alllll of this info on Metal Knight and was super supportive and understanding when Genos said he needed time to think. Like,,,what are his intentions? We know so little about him—is he trying to trick Genos or was he being sincere? THAT STUFF ASIDE, they’re a really fun ship. They’re both huge fucking nerds and can keep up with their talk on robotics for hours, they’re both cyborgs so they understand each other’s pain, and they’re both super cool and angsty. I think they could really settle into a deep bond that can go platonic or romantic, just depends. Genos needs more ppl in his life so hell yeah! Plus, he can really let go with Zero bc they don’t have that teacher/student relationship and Zero, if he’s really a sincere and kind guy like in the wc, can be there for Genos and listen to him. Don’t have much to say on this ship other than @wellthisisembarrassing makes GORGEOUS art of them! 6.3/10
Webuiko/Suiko x Webigaza: YEAH I KNOW THEY HAVENT INTERACTED IN CANON AND WE DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT THEM BUT HEAR ME OUT. Webigaza—cool af determined cyborg idol who’s surprisingly down to earth when talking with Child Emperor. Suiko—sassy and honest fighter who doesn’t take shit and is very passionate. Suiko would go to talk to Web then immediately freak out bc aaaa she’s way prettier than she thought, she can’t do this! Web would have to gently encourage Suiko to talk and at first is like ‘ah man, must be an adoring fan, ugh I’m so tired. At least she’s hot’ but when Suiko snaps out of her shyness Web is like oh! She’s super cool wtf. Always bump into each other during fights and help each other get fixed up, Suiko using her muscle power to lift Web’s pieces (and give Web a great view of Suiko’s muscles holy SHIT) and Web would patch Suiko up. Not to be stereotypical, but they’re def a masc/femme couple. I love the idea of this ship soooo much and I really hope they interact! 6.6/10 only bc they haven’t met 😭😭😭 look them up on here! There’s some great art of them by a few blogs
Dr. Kuseno x Bang: pretty sure @baldyborg came up with this one! Super cute. Just two old dudes finding a nice friendship in each other, maybe after Bang helps carry Genos to Kuseno’s after a day of fighting. Bang would find Kuseno to be a very cute little nerd man and would be sooo impressed by Kuseno’s mad scientist skills. Kuseno would be super impressed when seeing Bang in action too. They’d prob talk as soon as they meet each other and Genos would be in the background like you guys it’s been an hour, please fix me I’m on the verge of death 🧍🏻Bang would give Kuseno advice on training techniques to teach Genos and advice on making his bodies more martial arts ready or sum, meanwhile Kuseno would give his take on how to be kinder to Garou so that Bang would learn to repair the relationship with a gentleness he’s seemingly lacking (yes I’m talking about the chapter where he and Garou start fighting and Bang is just not doing enough to reach out to Garou, he’s being a callous old man! So yeah I’m still mad about that). Genos and Saitama would prob be out on a date and Saitama would be like oh theres Bang, wonder what he’s doing? Then Kuseno would walk up and kiss Bang and Genos and Sai would be shocked like SIRS 👬 Genos would tell Bang he doesn’t need another adoptive dad and Bang would be like....ok.... I see them retiring in a cottage together and Bang would become a huge softie. Yes I’m actively ignoring chapter 141 of the wc, shut up. 7.6/10
TankTop master x Mumen: they have a nice friendship going on in the manga right now! Just bros supporting bros. Tank is the picture definition of a muscly himbo and Mumen is his cute passionate bf. Also workout buddies af!! Don’t have much to say other than pretty good ship, just not a fav. 5.2/10
To sum it up—
GenoSai: 2718873737839439/10, Batarou: 11/12, SonFlash: 10/11, KingSai: 10/10, FubuPsy: 9/10, Fubuki x Mizuki: 8.8/10, MumenSai: 8.4/10, ZombieMask: 7.9/10, Dr. Kuseno x Bang: 7.6/10, Speedal: 7.4/10, OneZon: 7/10, Webuiko: 6.6/10, DemonKnight: 6.3/10, Okamaitachi x Bushidrill: 6.1/10, TatsuKing: 6/10, TankTop Master x Mumen: 5.2/10, Mumarou: 4.3/10, FubuSai: 4/10, SonSai: 3/10, Genos x Sonic: 1.3/10, TatsuSai: 0/10, anyone x Puri: -1283828319833468282/10
If there’s any ships I left out, it’s bc I don’t know them, don’t wanna talk about them, or just don’t have an opinion strong enough. Also, I know there are some poly ships like Genos x Saitama x Fubuki, but I’ve read only one fic about that (it was pretty good, here’s the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/5406992 ) so I don’t feel like talking about it. Hope no ones offended! All my opinion here :)
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imma-ben · 3 years
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263 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 21:58:13 GMT
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OKAY guys but consider: chris adopts topher and they're friends :-)
278 notes • Posted 2021-07-22 13:22:24 GMT
don’t you guys love when lego characters just?? sit??
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293 notes • Posted 2021-03-25 21:14:45 GMT
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hi i’m hyperfixating on ninjago again!! so is fandom even still alive??? i need mutuals pls ;-(( but anyway, i drew zane bc i love him a lot, i spend waaay too much time on this but i’m very happy with how it turned out especially since i’ve never drawn metal before <3 also i’d be very grateful for reblogs!! <3
362 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 12:37:06 GMT
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417 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 00:15:57 GMT
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zhoufeis · 2 years
can you choose the 3 cdramas you are loving the most? as in the ones you would choose if you had to choose just out of your personal preference, because they're the dearest to your heart?
This is sorta challenging, especially when I have new obsessions like Who Rules the World, but I guess, currently, I'd choose:
- 且试天下 (engl. Who Rules the World), 2022. [Rating so far: 4.9/5 stars] - 明月照我心 (engl. The Love by Hypnotic), 2019. [Rating: 4.9/5 stars] - 有翡 (engl. Legend of Fei), 2020/21. [Rating: 4.3/5 stars]
I have shows I rated higher, like The Romance of Tiger and Rose (the only cdrama to date holding a 5/5 stars rating by me), but these 3 shows just made me obsessed. It’s my love for the characters (specifically on Fei, I enjoy basically the whole crew and I genuinely care about most characters) as much as it is the messages these shows are sending. The Love by Hypnotic is the only show focusing on romance to actually be capable of intriguing you anyway for 36 episodes (LoF is focusing on the heroine’s journey, WRTW on political matters - and therefore have it easier to intrigue you for more than 24 episodes). The female characters are fleshed out and incredibly written on all 3 shows and equally important as their male co-leads (on Fei, Fei is actually more important to the story development than Yun - after all, it is called Legend of Fei). All 3 shows present nice leading ships with an interesting story and nice development. But the most important thing is that whenever I think of one of the shows, I wanna rewatch parts and I wanna make metas and I smile - smile because the shows have been written in ways that make me smile. The depth these shows have given to different aspects, the changes these shows presented in character and relationship development as well as the vibe they offered in certain scenes - scenes reaching from endless freedom to inner peace to selfless love - have made me love them. The small things and the big things. I guess not everyone shares the feelings I have about these shows but I utterly love them because thinking of them makes me happy. They offer me a sort of solace and freedom I don’t find in other shows.
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miceandmonsters · 4 years
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Male Orc x Female Character
FWB to Friends to Lovers; nerd/jock; multi-chapter
Sometimes the first is not the worst, not even a little bit. ; 2.2k
Part 1 
Part 2
If the digital clock on the bank was accurate, Ruban was in deep shit. Admittedly, he didn’t know Nikki particularly well outside of class. But someone who graduated with a 4.3 GPA didn’t seem like the kind of person who tolerated lateness in anyone, and especially not in good-looking athletes who semi-seduced her into tutoring them. ...Not that there were many out there with enough balls– or perhaps stupidity– to try that particular move.
Ruban tore into the parking lot of her apartment complex, killing the engine on his motorcycle, and taking the stairs three at a time up to the third floor. It was a rundown complex, tired and aged, but always full up with how close it was to campus. 
He was running so fast that he nearly sprinted right past her unit, till he caught himself and knocked twice on the door. The momentary pause gave him a chance to catch his breath before the door opened. Yeah, as expected, Nikki didn’t look too happy.
“I know I’m late, but I have a good reason,” Ruban said quickly. She just lifted an eyebrow in reply. “Practice ran long, and I figured you didn’t want me smelling like… anyway, I’m clean and I’m here and I’m sorry.”
Her face softened, and she stepped back to let him in. “Just text me if you need to reschedule next time.”
“I will remember that. I promise.”
The apartment was tiny, but looked like a catalogue showroom. There was a cleanly crisp scented candle burning on the coffee table, a fluffy blanket folded neatly over the couch arm. The books on the shelves were alphabetized. Did she always live like this? ...Knowing Nikki Williams, yes. Yes, she did.
“I figured that we could work in here,” she said, meandering to the kitchen attached to the living space. “Table’s better than a couch.”
He nodded. “Usually.” Dropping his backpack next to a chair, he looked down at her. “Should we… get started?”
“Might as well.”
“Cool.” Enthusiastically, he caught her chin with his fingers and dipped down to kiss her--
But she made a surprised noise and pulled back, eyes wide. “What are you doing?”
His eyebrows flickered together. “We already talked about this? You know, the… arrangement?” Great, now he sounded like someone out of those soaps his great aunt watched.
“Yes, but…” She glanced around as if someone could be hiding in her postage stamp of a kitchen. “I didn’t think you were actually serious.”
“Oh, I’m always serious,” he joked, a grin teasing his lips. It dimmed when a new idea crossed his mind. “Do you want this?”
“Do you want this?” she asked back.
Ohh. He paused and actually gave it a few seconds of thought. Eventually, he decided that there was something deeply hot about seeing a woman like Nikki flustered and on the verge of blushing like she was right then. “Yeah, definitely.”
The blush actually spread across her cheeks now. Cute. “Okay,” she breathed. She nodded once and squared up her shoulders, a confident and straight-forward look in her eye. Determination was all nice and good, but he really wanted to see how flustered he could make her. How far down did that blush really go?
So instead of going for that kiss she was obviously angling her head for, his hands drifted to her hips. She was thrown slightly off rhythm and let him guide her backwards, step by step, till she was leaning against the kitchen counter. 
“Counter’s better than a table,” he said, grinning slightly again.
“Usually,” she replied, picking up on his joke, but her words still wobbling slightly.
There was something in the anticipation, the fact that they both knew what was about to happen, that was nearly intoxicating. He’d barely touched her and already he could see her pupils expand to consume the warm brown of her eyes.
She was wearing a light blue dress with a skirt that fluttered about her thighs. He caught the hem between his fingers, just toying with it slightly. “This dress is nice…” 
“Thanks,” she whispered back. 
He held her gaze as he slowly pulled the hem up, brushing fingertips over her thigh. She inhaled as he brushed over the soft lace of her underwear and then slid his hand between her legs. Her eyes closed and her head tilted back as he stroked her through the thin fabric, hips slightly moving to match his rhythm. He was wrong before. This, being able to watch her slow surrender, was intoxicating. Keeping the same pace, he trailed up over her underwear and then slipped underneath. Her skin was so soft. She whimpered as one of his fingers dipped between her folds--she was already wet. “Damn Nikki,” he breathed, feeling a little affected himself.
“Nicole. I…” Her eyes opened and locked with his. “I go by Nicole now–why am I saying this when you have your finger practically inside me?”
He laughed softly, enjoying the way she gripped his arm as he found her clit. “Too much?” he asked before he stroked directly again. But she quickly shook her head. “So, why the change, Nicole?” he asked, conversationally, as he circled her.
“I, uh… Ah… I thought it sounded… more… more mature,” she answered, her voice gone breathy.
“That sounds about right. Suppose Dr. Nicole is more respectable than Dr. Nikki. Sounds like a daytime television host.” He dipped his finger back to her growing wet before returning to her clit.
“Ye–yeah… that’s…” She shuddered and gripped both of his arms now. “Fuck–that’s the idea.”
“So you are going to go for your doctorate?”
“S-someda–” She blinked and seemed to realize what had just been happening. “Why are you asking me this right now?”
“Because it’s fun watching you try to concentrate while I finger you.” Her response was cut off into a groan as he slid one finger inside her. Fuck, she was going to feel amazing. But then he withdrew, making her clench around him and whine. “Turn around,” he said in a low, gravelly voice. Her eyes went wide, but she did as she was told. He shrugged off his leather jacket and then ran his palms over her shoulders, down her arms. “Hands on the counter, yeah, like that. You still want it?” he asked, mostly just to hear her ask for it again.
“Yes,” she groaned, head leaning back against his shoulder. Now, finally, he kissed her, deep and greedy, as his hand returned to her center. He started with just one finger, rocking and stroking, then added a second to grasp and press against her front wall, grinding his palm against her clit. Her knees quickly started wobbling so he wrapped his free arm around her, holding her up and against him. Every wordless groan or gritted swear fell from her lips shot straight down to his cock–he was really starting to regret the choice to wear jeans to this meeting. 
However, it wasn’t very long before she found a handhold at his neck and melted in his arms. No doubt he now sported four little half-moon indents, but he really didn’t mind at all. As he’d hoped, she was deeply sexy now that she was flushed and panting.
“Should… shouldn’t we study first?” was her first question when she’d put herself back together enough to ask.
He chuckled, tracing his tusk along her shoulder. “I’ve always been a dessert first sort of orc. And I’m not sure how well I can concentrate now.” To prove his point, he pressed his bulge against her ass, making her moan and shudder. Excellent. He kissed up her neck, nipping her ear lobe before asking, “Want some more?”
“Yes, please.”
He scooped her off her feet and sat her on the counter. She had a delighted little smile on her face as he reached under her skirt to pull off her underwear and toss them aside. “Don’t think you’ll be needing those.”
“Definitely not–oh.” Her whole core clenched and shuddered as he cupped her center while brushing his lips along her jaw. He’d intended to just tease her, but she grabbed his head and pulled him in for a demanding kiss that somehow just made him harder than he was before. 
It took a little fumbling to find the buttons on the front of her dress without stopping the kiss, but he was successful enough to expose her bra. It was the same ivory lace as her underwear. Ah, so she hadn’t actually thought he wasn’t serious… or she hadn’t wanted to run the risk of her being unready if he was serious, which sounded more like her. 
He stepped back to just look at her, breathless and the least put-together he’d ever seen her. “Damn Nikki–shit, Nicole. I’ll be better at that when I don’t have a hard-on.”
“It’s okay.” Still holding his gaze, she ran her hands over her breasts, squeezing slightly. Damn Nicole. Condom, he needed a condom now. He stepped away and snagged one from his backpack. She looked a little concerned when he turned back around and held up his trophy.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere, baby,” he promised, unzipping his pants finally. Her eyes on him could probably melt steel, which only made him take his time. However, he couldn’t stop his groan of relief as he freed his cock and then stroked himself a few times, thoroughly enjoying watching her squirm.
“Would you just get over here and fuck me already?” she demanded, looking about two seconds from tackling him to the ground. 
Grinning, he opened the condom with his teeth and rolled it on as he sauntered back towards her. She was so eager, but he really wanted to enjoy the anticipation. Rarely was a first time this good. So he just ran his cock between her folds, teasing her clit as she whimpered and mewled.
“For fuck’s sake–” she said right before she grabbed him by the ass and pulled him close enough for him to partially slip inside. They both moaned, and it was a moment before he could see straight. She was every bit as amazing as he’d thought she’d be.
“Fuck, Nic– A little warning might be–” He stopped as she started rocking her hips against him. Oh, he could watch her literally fuck herself with his cock all night–but she was going to leave him in the dust if he didn’t get moving. 
He pulled her to the edge of the counter and matched her rhythm, deep and thorough. It wasn’t artful, but damn if it wasn’t satisfying. He left long kisses down her neck, trailing down to run his tongue over her pert nipples under the lace of her bra. Carefully, he tilted the angle of his hips and was rewarded with a loud, “There!” from Nicole. He sped up, desperately wanting to see her fall apart again.
Her grip on his upper arms tightened again, eight more half-moons, the only warning he got before she shattered. A stuttered version of his name came from her lips, right before he pulled her tight to him and gave her a bruising kiss. Her pulsing around him nearly finished him off, he just– Chasing her to the edge, he picked her up with ease, bouncing her on his cock for the last few thrusts and following her over. The world whited out as he held her tightly, jerking with each wave. 
A minute– maybe, he honestly wasn’t exactly sure– later, he carefully put her back on the counter. The kitchen was filled with just the sounds of their panting as they both tried to catch their breath. He tossed the condom in the trash and zipped back up his jeans. Damn, he’d just had time-alteringly good sex with Nikki Williams. High school Ruban would have said that he was a dirty liar. Hell, three days ago Ruban would have said he was a dirty liar. But there she was, leaning back against her cabinets, a little bit sweaty, and looking like she’d just seen a god. 
She swallowed then looked over at him and asked, “Are you up to graphing polynomials? Or have you finished that unit already?”
His smug grin died. “I… you were thinking about polynomials while we were having sex?”
She nibbled on the corner of her thumbnail. “No. Just we’re done and it’s the next thing,” she answered, obviously half in thought. Then she looked his way and suddenly seemed to catch up to the conversation they were actually having. “I wasn’t--I mean, this was good. Really, really good. I promise. You were--” She made an ok sign, then quickly amended it to a thumbs up, before dropping her head in her hand. “Fuck, I’m sorry.”
He shrugged a shoulder and batted a hand against her knee. “Hey, it’s okay… your brain just… doesn’t ever stop, huh?”
She lifted her head to shake it. “No.”
“Doesn’t that make it hard to like… chill?”
Suddenly, everything he knew about her made a lot more sense. “That explains a lot, actually. But yeah, we’re on polynomials now.”
A blinding smile spread across her face. “Great, I’m good at those. Let me go grab my graphing calculator.” Nicole hopped off the counter and dashed out of the kitchen. 
Ruban smiled as he realized she’d left her underwear behind.
Part 3 - Coming soon!
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