#anyway i'm SO glad this support line didn't go the way i was worried it was going
sxturdaysun · 10 months
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ah. i see he met my other inserts.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
me: don't think about it
me: Charlie going to the demon over lords like "hey look! heaven attacked and we fought and (mostly) didn't die and a sinner got yeeted up to heaven! Will you please support my (newly rebuilt) hotel now??"
(most) demon over lords looking at charlie like: shit the second most powerful person currently in hell, who was BORN with that power, is trying to fuck up the power that WE clawed our way to the top of (she's ruining it by giving sinners hope) (meaning they won't be so eager to sell themselves off to bigger demons) (meaning bigger demons will have less power) (if she has it her way they'll be fewer sinners at ALL) (which won't work) (bc this is all still Stupid) (BUT) (if the people of hell start thinking they have a chance...) AND she wants us to stick OUR necks on the line in the fight against heaven (who don't traditionally go after her or her family anyway but love hunting US) now she's also got her dad actively backing her up, so we can't just say a flat "no" or try fighting her over it, especially not since she's shown herself to be not so lame after all.... we need a way to get all of hell doubting and mistrusting her, so they don't go to her hotel thing instead of to us... but what can we use against her? what weak spot does she h-
over lords, looking over at charlie's girlfriend vaggie, and her newly returned, never-before mentioned angel wings: ......Hmmm...
charlie: trying to explain that her gf WAS an exorcist yes ok, and sure she DID kill lots of sinners but- No charlie didn't know that when they started dating but they've worked through it and vaggie- look she fought on hell's side during the hotel battle she was right there with charlie up in heaven advocating for sinners getting a second chance-
What? Yeah she, she went back to heaven that one time. No I guess she's not banished exactly, they just tore off her wings and left her to die here after she- NO she does NOT want to go back- yes ok she COULD but she doesn't WANT to, the hotel is her home now and- look she almost died fighting for it-
it wasn't a LIE, she just, she was scared and didn't tell the truth! What do you mean "can't trust your judgment"? I know her and I knew she'd have my back and she DID, the whole POINT of the hotel, which WORKS by the way, is that people can change-
NO SHE ISN'T SPYING ON US FOR HEAVEN! she hates them! no I'm not "just" saying that because "she said so" I can TELL we've been together for THREE YEARS- YES FINE SHE WAS HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME ALL THAT TIME OKAY but look at what she's done and been DOING! Yes, thank you Caramilla- she got her wings back and used them to fight for- she- WHAT?! NO! She's the hotel manager- she's OUR hotel's manager- she can't leave, that's- wh- fire her? It's her HOME! I'm her partner not her boss!! No I'm not listening to this! This is stupid- the whole hotel wouldn't even BE a thing if I hadn't MET her and it wouldn't work without her! I-
vaggie: I'll go vaggie: charlie's being modest. she's got things covered here vaggie: I'll be hell's spy in heaven, if it'll help. IF you all support the hotel.
and the overlords smile and promise-
(of course of course they will, really, it's nothing against her just a little PR issue, a matter of building trust, so naturally she'll report only to them yes? she and charlie will make a little deal not to contact each other otherwise? they're just worried, you see, wouldn't want an angel taking advantage of the princess of hell's confidence again, so glad she understands)
-nice and sharp and already watching eagerly as charlie's newfound backbone crumples while she stares at vaggie, wordless again just like up in heaven, and doesn't react when vaggie takes her hand and gives her a pleading look-
back at the hotel, alone, vaggie is swapping out her hotel vest for the clothes she was in when they met, wrinkled and crammed at the bottom of drawer, while charlie sits on their bed refusing to watch. vaggie doesn't pack for heaven. she walks over with just her spear and holds it out- here. she'll feel better, about being away, if charlie keeps this with her. charlie doesn't take it. charlie doesn't answer. charlie's crying and she latches on tight when vaggie drops the spear to hug her. she should've been able to stop this- she can't keep the hotel running on her- she doesn't WANT to TRY doing this alone-
she won't be. vaggie reminders her, lucifer and the others are all here, charlie isn't alone anymore. she's got the hotel. she's GOT this. and vaggie will come back
but she's tired of being scared and she's not gonna risk both their dream because of it. not again.
so, vaggie goes to heaven, supposedly to help sir pentious settle into his new life up there, with the help of emily to smooth things over and the fact that adam and lute swept her under the rug instead of making her fall an official thing- and considering the circumstances, emily argues, they were in the wrong anyway, especially now a sinner HAS been redeemed
meanwhile charlie stays in hell, at the hotel, without her.
and she's short tempered with worry, impatient with the everyday problems of the hotel- vaggie up in heaven with LUTE the woman who ripped out her eye ripped off her wings tried to kill her- all because charlie couldn't convince the overlords- couldn't convince (wasn't enough to convince?) vaggie to STAY- and,
the other's notice, notice that asking how things are NOW is too raw but asking about the past is easier, lighter, get's charlie lost in memory instead of on of her worry spirals, and there's flashbacks of them getting together- there's vaggie up in heaven quiet and listless as she shadows sir pentious around keeping lute at bay and he looks over at her nervously, he brings up how much he misses cherri, and how he could use a few relationship tips for when she (surely) eventually ends up here too-
charlie and vaggie, both of them apart in the present, neither of them okay, maybe vaggie's snooping up in heaven leads her to lilith and gets her in trouble- maybe charlie makes deals she regrets down in hell trying to keep things going without her- but we see them in the past, together, and them pulling on those memories now, trying to get back to each other again
or something like that.
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danwhobrowses · 4 months
One Piece Chapter 1105 - Initial Thoughts
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So we are back again, after a big impactful chapter last week we're looking to reach full incident territory now
Buster Call No. 3 here we go...
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Carrot cover page is welcome but also reminds me how I wish she was Nakama
With the buster call summoned everyone is fleeing the scene, most of whom unaware of the situation
Doll suggests that Saturn and Kizaru leave too, but Saturn states they're staying
It seems that Doll is unaware of the regen, but she doesn't question Kizaru's reaffirming to do as ordered
Vegapunk confronts Saturn again, imploring him to call off the Buster Call due to how it will hamper the world's technology by a century
Saturn notes though they don't need more advancement, and can't trust that Vegapunk's hiding something else...which he kinda is but still
Apparently a ship also left Egghead, guessing it was the former inhabitants during the Labophase Among Us situation we didn't see
But Saturn had it hunted down, on the threat that they may know something about the Void Century, Akainu tactics there
Vegapunk once more is appalled but Saturn rebukes that he dug their graves by seeking forbidden knowledge
Everyone's in movement though, except the Mark IIIs who are the perimeter for the island
Sanji directs Kuma, Bonney, Franky and Atlas to the vacuum rocket, assuring Bonney that Vegapunk will be safe
He also briefs Nami on what's going on above, surprising the group that there's yet ANOTHER buster call to go through
After several months we finally see Robin alive and well...mostly, she's on a hoverbed and in clear discomfort, probably from wounds and trauma
Jinbe has been sent to get Zoro so he doesn't get lost, but apparently he's still fighting Lucci
Lilith meanwhile didn't even make it to ground, she was still with the ship and got assistance from Brook
And he's found a clever way to get the ship to the rendez-vous, using his ice powers to freeze the clouds and skate on them
There is however the matter of braking, which Lilith quickly rescinded her praise for Brook after he had no ideas, plus the Vega Force 01 is still not an option for flying out
They make a point in saying that the Labostratum still has its barrier, meaning that the place will have some safety from bombardment, but the first barrage begins even with soldiers still evacuating
As Vegapunk laments the loss of another island, the Vacuum Rocket shoots off
But once again, Kizaru's here for the intercept
Sanji sees the intercept and goes to rescue Bonney, while Saturn orders the Pacifista to fire at Bonney and Kuma
Internally he sickly enjoys the irony that Kuma gave away his life to protect his daughter, only for his clones to be the cause of her death
Vegapunk meanwhile looks on in horror, remembering his worry that even though Bonney's Kuma's daughter, a pacifista won't hesitate to kill her if ordered
And Oda makes it clear there'll be no Luffy save, the navy have found him again stuffed and unable to move right now as he lays next to the vending machine thing we saw earlier in the arc
Aren't these soldiers supposed to be running from the Buster Call though?
HOWEVER, we also flash back to the alleged sunken ship Vegapunk sent out yesterday, except it's not!
The destroyed ship is in fact the warship Saturn sent, and they have no idea how they're gonna report their failure to Kizaru
But another player is about to enter the game, they are on their way to Egghead
Until the very end there it seemed like a simpler albeit dire chapter to follow the heights of the Kuma punch, the Buster Call is here and most of our heroes are tied up in some shape or form; Zoro is still uncharacteristically dealing with Lucci, Robin our queen who I'm glad to see alive but sad to see still hurt is forced to rest, Luffy overate and is once again surrounded by marines, Sanji is running towards the line of fire even though Kuma is literally shielding Bonney anyway, Vegapunk is alone to the mercy of Saturn, Franky's falling, Brook is skating the Sunny without a brake, Kizaru's still being a government cog, it's all meant to feel like it's gonna go wrong.
But there are still the outside factors to play; the giant mecha will still have to help in some way, and there is still the slight possibility that the Mark IIIs do in fact hold an echo of humanity that resided in Kuma - which'd call back to the weaponized sea beasts still having their animal instincts - to not fire at Bonney. And now we have this other player that's coming, unless it's the Blackbeard ship from before. I do wanna hope it's Smoker but chances are low on that, why would you want to contact an admiral directly about that? Another Yonko ship on the move or the Revolutionaries seems like the Fleet Admiral would be warned so I'm still wondering if it's someone else we've not seen much of; Law & Bepo or maybe Perona & Moria.
The goose is not cooked yet of course, but our Straw Hats could do with a bit of gritting their teeth and stepping up, escaping a buster call doesn't quite have the same impact it did in Enies Lobby, stopping a Buster Call is yonko-level.
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shakooo · 8 months
Hello Shakoo! You're one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to art. I wanted to ask you something - how do you let your art be so 'free'? You sketch a lot and you dont constantly care about proportions/anatomy and making it look exactly right (it seems like it, anyway), and it makes your art look so fluid and fun. Any tips on how I can learn to do that? Thank you, and have a wonderful day/night! < 3
OOHHH HII ETSU!! srry for the delay, i've been a little busy but i had to answer this first jekej
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OMGgg!!! i am really glad to read that, the fact that you consider me part of your inspiration is an honor that i must be grateful for :")
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and well, as for the first question, well uhmm it's something difficult to explain i don't really pay much attention to that when i do sketches or stuff like that....
BUT ithink there is the thing that makes it look like that (also because of the fact that i spent my entire life making pure sketches and rarely clean drawings JAKJAKA ) when i draw or sketch something i do it in a very """dirty""" way so to speak (since normally my sketches have many lines without erasing) , at first i was worried that everything would come out clean on the first try, but that really wasn't going to happen so i stopped worrying about it a lot, of course it helps a lot to practice and see references, that has helped me like you have no idea-
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Uhm, and for the second question...!!! weeell, as someone who has never neeevver been asked for advice on how to draw jaksjak, it will be difficult for me to explain it but I will do it...sorry if i go on TOO long.
the first thing i couuld advise you is to let your hand flow... at first it is difficult, it took me a while to do it but then you will achieve it!! You can do it while you see references, try to imitate them but letting them be as fluid as possible, even if you use many strokes along the way ;D
another thing that i think helped me a lot was exaggerating the expressions of some drawings, in the purest cartoon style (although i'm still trying to get better)
and lastly it could be practicing a variety of poses, so even if they don't come out the way you have them in your mind, that helped me when i was just starting out in drawing, when i was making comics of my oc's i would draw them with poses or perspectives that i didn't understand or master it at that time... but after visualizing them in my brain and rehearsing them, they began to come out more and more fluidly :'DD
it's a long process, which to this day i still practice because sometimes even if i want to sketch in a fluid way i cannot
I'm sorry if I responded with something that doesn't help you or sounds very obvious, but since I never imagined that they would ask me about this, it means that I have to improvise in order to explain myself AAAA
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i hope it works for you at least a little, as i said before i am flattered that you consider me an inspiration 🥹💖
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask me 😋
thank youuuuu for your question and for your support !!!
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Saw that post about Rayla with over 15k notes (for some reason I can't reblog It) and holy moly haven't you said It was about her I wouldn't have known! I'm glad she got support but worried at the same time since this seems to be a very common issue in fandoms.
I saw a similar thing happening in a fandom I was in‚ the female character was judged for literally everything even stuff she did to help loved ones (mostly boyfriend) and it got way worse when they became canon. Her journey was similar to Rayla's since she went from more serious to more softie and ofc people didn't like that.. It got so bad to the point people wanted her to die while pregnant. And while that was happening they would thirst over male characters who commited genocide. Kinda like bashing Rayla but being ok with Aaravos because he gets the hot guy pass.
Also you mentioned something about reddit hating her? What? I don't get fandoms at all.. Sending you this because you are one of the few mentioning this topic and it drives me crazy. I need to vent
The OP of that post deactivated their blog, but you can find them now at @ripple-rapple! But yeah, I’ve seen it in quite a few of my fandoms myself, and it’s honestly pretty disturbing.
I don’t really follow Marvel anymore (aside from Spider-Man), but I still have a soft spot for Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I remember the fandom absolutely tearing her apart for snapping at Tony (i.e. making a single sarcastic remark) when his suit attacked her in her own bed. How dare she be mean to him when she nearly died? She’s a horrible girlfriend! And wow they were mad when the two reconciled, got married, and had a child—after all, she’s toxic and he could do way better than her. Never mind the fact she was more responsible than anyone else for changing him from a pretty horrible person to a true hero. And the best part? Shipping him instead with people whom he has far more antagonistic relationships with. You don’t have to put down a canon love interest who’s almost always a woman to enjoy a non-canon pairing.
Anyway, tangent over. That’s really disgusting… I hope everything worked out okay in the end for your girl and her child!
But yeah, I don’t go on the TDP subreddit much, because every time I do it’s a cesspool of negativity. I have a hard time believing anyone on there even likes the show. If you hate it that much just… don’t watch it? It’s also kind of the headquarters for dark magic apologists (at least it used to be), which is hilariously ironic. I can excuse a practice that corrupts your very soul, but I draw the line at a traumatized teenaged girl making a questionable decision to protect the boy she loves.
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Ok ok I'm back-
So I had an idea, Houston, Hoxton, Dallas, and wolf (if you don't do 4 you can just pick two) but their S/O gets hurt, like not fatally, but like shot in the leg or hits their head on something after getting flashbanged, and how they would react during and after the incident?
Wb wb hiiii glad to see u around ^^
Dallas, Hoxton, Houston + Wolf with hurt s/o
- Okay so I imagine it was a normal heist when all of a sudden he hears you make a loud yelp of pain behind him
- My guy almost broke his neck whipping it around that fast
- 'SHIT, (Y/N)!!'
- You had been shot in the calf D:
- He was quick to respond by running over and lending his shoulder for support as he helped you to get out of the fight
- 'Just hang on (Y/n), you'll be fine!'
- Once you both got out of the line of fire, he let you rest against a wall whilst bringing out a first aid and kneeling beside you
- 'It's alright, you're gonna be fine. Tell me what happened?'
- According to you, you had just evaded a snipers headshot but it still hit your leg
- 'I swear to god, those snipers are the bane of my existence!' (haha bane more like bain)
- After he took care of the bleeding, he stood up and held out his hand
- 'Do you think you can get back in the fight? Heist's not over yet, (Y/n).'
- If you try to get back up and fight, he's glad/proud to see it
- 'That's my (Y/n). Now come on, let's go get those damn cops!'
- He definitely stays a little closer to you and keeps an eye out during the battle
- Once it's all over, he definitely boasted about your determination and stuff while keeping an arm around your shoulder
- 'Yeah, did you see (Y/n)? They managed to kill (insert a decent number) of cops WHILE handicapped! My partner's pretty great!'
- 'Well, they're pretty and great, mind you.'
- However, if you couldn't get back up/you were in too much pain, he definitely understands
- 'Are you sure? Alright, it's fine, just stay here, we'll finish this quick and come back for you, promise.'
- With a quick kiss on the forehead he quickly runs out into the fight, still switching his view to you while he can, making sure you don't get into trouble
- After the heist is over, he low-key threatens Twitch to come all the way back to where you were so it's easier to pick you up
- 'See, told you we'd come back. Didn't take too long either right?'
- Even if you didn't participate in the rest of the heist, he's proud anyway (it shows you know when to pick your fights)
- 'It's alright (Y/n), next heist you'll get them. Let's focus on you recovering for now though.'
- TLDR: He's quick to support and understands if you can't get back up + he's proud whether or not you choose to get back up
- OH also he gives you this face 😊 in either situation bc ☺️
- Bro I hate tasers oml
- But yeah, you got caught between 2 tasers
- Not fun 😭😭😭
- When Hoxton heard the sound of tasers charging, he quickly turned to see the two of them shocking you
- 'FUCK, TASERS! (Y/N)!!!'
- Luckily man's is good at shooting so it wasn't long before you were free of the two cops
- As you collapsed from the shock, he caught you (omg I love men)
- 'I know you like me, but that doesn't mean you should literally fall for me too.'
- Anyways, he helped you up and gave you a pat on the back :)
- 'Alright, let's keep going then? Still gotta fix the damn drill.'
- (It's his way of trying to encourage you to keep going ok)
- If you keep moving he's glad, it means the injury wasn't serious :)
- 'Alright good, get going then!' (he's just being his usual teasing self fr)
- After the heist is done, he'd probably check in on you again
- 'You're still alright then? Good, I'd hate to have to bring you into the hospital.... bloody hate hospitals...'
- But if you collapse in his arms again when he tried helping you up? Panik 😟
- 'H-hey, what'd I just say about swooning? You alright (Y/n)? Can you walk still?'
- He'd definitely sound more worried if you can't walk well
- 'Alright, I'll help you to somewhere safe, okay? Just hang in there.'
- He'd let you rest in a alleyway or room and check for any severe injuries
- 'You just stay put alright? We'll just do this without you. Just.... stay safe, that's all you need to worry about.'
- After it's all over, he'd be quick to rush back to you and help you to the van
- 'How do you feel now? Better?'
- Yeah no mans might be a lil worried
- Would low-key give you better treatment than he would to any of the others
- 'Alright everyone move, (Y/n) needs a seat! Houston, let them sit down!'
- As he's helping you out, he'd give you some words of reassurance
- 'It's alright (Y/n). We still pulled it off right? Then don't worry about it. You're fine.'
- He luv u fr fr
- Bo do you have a thing for the steele brothers (I get it tbh they're so babygirl)
- Anyway, I imagine he was just fixing the drill when all of sudden-
- 'OW-'
- He turned away from the drill to see you writhing in pain, as a cloaker towered on top of your semi-conscious form
- '(Y/N)!!!'
- He picked up his gun and shot down the cloaker quick, then rushed over to you and helped you up
- 'Be more careful next time alright? I can't always be there to help you out.'
- If you got up and continued fighting, he'd probably leave you be, though next time he hears a cloaker he'd probably drop everything to make sure you don't get hurt again
- 'What would you do without me huh?'
- Once the heist was done, he'd check in on you again
- 'You sure you're alright? That bruise.... well it looks shit-'
- He's just being weird in the way he cares for you alright
- OH also he might boast a bit too if the conversation turns to that
- 'Yeah, you thought you did good today? Well, (Y/n) got knocked out and STILL managed to get more done than you. Guess my partner's just better than you.'
- If you still were out of it when he tried picking you up, he'd have a more serious tone
- 'Shit, are you.... are you okay? Here, let me move you here...'
- He has no issue picking you up bridal style bc it makes him feel like a hero
- 'Just stay still alright? Take 5 and see if you feel better. If not... uh... just stay down. You'll be fine.'
- Is low-key under performing bc he's worried for you
- He keeps in a 10 meter radius of you and keeps turning to look at you
- When the heist is done and they're escaping, he rushes to you and helps you to the van
- 'Hey, you're okay right?' + 'You'll be fine, let me look at the wound more.'
- My guy is overall a lil worried
- (Uh I'm not too good at Wolf but I'll try)
- So everything was going fine until-
- My guy sent you FLYING into a wall
- When Wolf heard this, he was a mix of complete panic and also anger (which is the usual but now it was heightened)
- 'SHIT, (Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
- He quickly decided to rush the Dozer first and went mental on him fr
- My guy shouldn't have punted you fr now he's..... messed up (and dead)
- After his manic panic (hehe) calmed down, he rushed to you
- 'Sh-shit, (Y/n), you look pretty bad... Are you sure you can get up?'
- If you got up he feels a little less panicky bc at least you can get up
- 'Alright, let's go then...!'
- Protects you like a guard dog (guard wolf???) and keeps an eye on you fr
- He was always protective but now he's staying by your side
- 'I'm not gonna leave you (Y/n)!'
- Even when everything was over, he still looked worried
- 'You sure you're okay? Here, let me check...'
- If you're okay he's okay :)
- OH if you thank him for looking out for you, he's like 🤭
- 'Oh! No problem...!! :D'
- If you couldn't get back up tho???
- Ohno
- 'Shit....okay, just stay here, I'll protect you...!'
- Remember how I said he'd stay in a 10 meter radius- yeah now it's like... 5
- He watches you like a hawk and won't leave even if someone asks him to
- 'Hey Wolf! Come ove-'
- 'No.'
- When the heist finishes, he finally moves away from the spot with you in his arms
- 'Don't worry, (Y/n), you'll be fine!'
- After he checks in on you/gets someone to help you out he's still a little worried fr, holding your hand and stuff
- 'Are you okay now? I swear I'm gonna kill all of those cops and rip their spines out of their body...'
- Those cops better not hit you again otherwise... uh....
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jessikast · 1 year
Rūrangi Season 2 is out!
Out. Haha. See what I did there?
I enjoyed it a lot, even though I was dubious about some of the recasting, I was brought around. My main problem is that while Season 1 felt like a complete story (hence them being able to re-edit it into a movie) - albeit one with character arcs open to exploration - Season 2 is really only the first half of several stories.
There had BETTER be a Season 3, is what I'm saying.
More thoughts, with spoilers, under the cut.
My biggest worry was the recasting of Jem. Arlo Green was just ADORABLE in the role, and I didn't know if anyone else could exude that kind of sweet earnestness. Liam Coleman does a pretty good job! I think that he's sometimes anxious rather than sweet, but Jem's social anxiety is explored this season anyway, and I loved seeing Jem awkwardly flirting with Caz, and I also loved that we got the 'ride or die, we've been friends forever' vibe.
We also had Gerald recast, with Kirk Torrence leaving in favour of Cohen Holloway. Holloway is the "Werewolves, not swearwolves" guy from the WWDITS movie, but once you get past this I thought he was okay. He seems about 10-15 years younger than Torrence, and some of his lines I could imagine coming better from the original, but he DID manage to give us the dad (and DILF) energy the role needs.
I enjoyed Anahera's arc, which moved on beautifully from her Season 1 arc. I especially loved how it went from her reciting her pepeha to actually going out and putting her hands in the awa (river). Also her cousin is Anika Moa. Love it. Less love for the suggestion of an interesting supernatual ancestor-connection storyline which didn't have enough time to get off the ground this season.
Poor Caz! I'm so glad he's finally opening up about Andy Ainofo, but he's got SO much processing that he hasn't been able to do, and I really want him to get through it so he can be the awesome devoted boyfriend Jem deserves. I thought there was such an interesting contrast in the way he was immediately all-in on supporting the queer youth of Rūrangi, and didn't quite see that Jem was actually at the same stage of coming out and exploring his identity and probably needed that same support.
I absolutely cheered at the end of episode two when Jem and Caz made out! I felt bad for Jem - he was having some body issues in comparison to Caz, and THEN finds out he's competing with the memory of an actual pro athlete? Poor guy :-( I can also see how from Caz's POV this is something they've done before, Jem is safe and familiar; whereas for Jem it is kind of all new for him.
So as far as I can see, these are the plot threads left CRUELLING DANGLING:
Gerald's heritage - he seems to have been adopted as a baby by a Pākehā family, and is very wary or uncertain about what his Māori heritage means for him and how to interact with the local iwi
Caz's trauma - he needs to process A LOT, for someone good at being emotionally astute and supportive with The Youths, he has some blind spots (like taking Jem for granted)
Jem's confidence, and his relationship with Caz <3
The phosphate ballot (and Gerald's bees)
The housing development
Whatever Anahera's grandmother did, and her connection to her tipuna who she resembles so closely
Anahera and Ellie's flirtation
The little baby queers, including the homophobic mayor's kid
Whatever the supernatural fuck is going on in Rūrangi
Me figuring out where exactly this was filmed
Did I miss anything?
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mlmxreader · 10 months
Hey! As always, I hope you're doing well.
Okay, first off, thank you once more for gracing us with the beautiful picture that is your dog! Goodness gracious he's so flipping cute, I absolutely can not, CANNOT!!
Secondly, happy birthday? Belated, upcoming?! Either way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY🥳!! And congrats on the good work in digging those trenches. Your boss' comments and your response made me chuckle 😆.
Third, I just saw that you posted Run Away with Me ... if I could put a gif in these anonymous asks I would and it would be a stream of tears and a slow clap. The way you incorporated those lines into this piece was *chefs kiss*.
The additon of Missus Solomons being the first person he came out to and her being so fully supportive and pointedly using masculine terms had me crying with joy!! Because even in the mess that is all the bigotry, we can't forget that there are people who genuinely care about the person and I just cannot even rely how heartwarming it was for me to read that. This in addition with this line:
"He kept it all the way to the front lines. Alfie promised once. He didn't need to promise again."
Literally the feral energy you have elicited within me with this because my heart is just so incredibly full. When I requested this, I think I expected the lines to be in a comedic, fluff piece but this... yeah this was excellent!! On the backdrop of the dark reality that is being at war, you still managed to have a moment of reprieve for these two, even if the only way they can hold one another is under the guise of keeping warm. Alfie constantly thinking about his partner and wanting to make that journey to Germany, even if it could all be a hoax, regardless of the risks it could have on his person, he'd take them all because that's how much he loves his husband 😢🥹.
Thank you so, so much for writing this, you have no idea how grateful I am for this and for you!! Seriously 🤍🤍🤍!
hi!!! I'm doing alright, thank you 🫶🏻
yeah, he's dopey too lmao he does this thing called land sharking where he lies down and his lips fall out of place so his teeth are bared and he'll fall asleep like that 😅 but he did also steal a triceratops teddy bear which he now cuddles into when he's in the other dog's (Flash's) bed
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also, thank you. I don't really celebrate it anymore, but it was on the 20th - so I'm now 22 and I honestly just don't really care lmfao I'm more worried about whether or not I can get enough money to survive the month 😅
third: I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!!!!! honestly any excuse to write WW1 stuff I am taking it and I am happy w it shfksjfkdkf
WE LOVE MISSUS SOLOMONS IN THIS HOUSE!!!! SHE'S AN ABSOLUTE ICON!!!! it's a shame we never got to see her in the series, but if Alfie's anything to go by, I think it's safe to say that she's a "do no harm but take no shit" type and would 100% be more inclined towards the socialism side of things as opposed to anything else - so she's an icon!!!
the early 1900s were, admittedly, a shitty time for trans people - almost as bad as it is now and even though he was far from perfect and he didn't get everything right, Magnus Hirschfeld did open the first gender affirming clinic in 1919 (along w some other colleagues), so there WAS very much a safe place for trans people at the time.
but anyways shfkajfkajfja thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I'm genuinely so, so glad that you enjoyed it!!!
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mayhem-ensues · 2 years
Azure Gleam thoughts
I've nearly seen all of the story content in the Three Hopes demo (just got a bit of the Deer route left) so I'm gonna start posting about how I'm feeling about every route so far and maybe some general thoughts too. Gonna start with the Lions for no particular reason.
First things first, the execution scene with Dimitri and Rufus was raw as hell. It did such a good job at showing all the different emotions Dimitri was feeling there. The pain and regret of losing his only remaining family, his sense of duty and obligation, and his rage at Rufus for everything he did. Super great scene.
Everything with Rufus did feel like kind of a retcon though. The way they talk about him in Three Houses I got the sense that Rufus was more of a useless philanderer rather than a tortured soul desperate for power but also kind of ashamed of the things he did to get there. Like, in Crimson Flower Dimi takes the throne without issue and he talks about the Blaiyyd bloodline outliving him if he falls which would presumably refer to Rufus so I didn't really get the impression that Rufus was a "I want the Throne at all costs" type. That being said, I think what they did with Rufus here really worked so I'm not that fussed about any retcons they did to get there.
Anyway, really glad to see a better take on the Duscur situation then what we got in 3H. Dedue's paralogue where you have to go put down the rebellion in Duscur never sat right with me, even if the context was "if the Duscur people don't stand down they'll be slaughtered" and it was my least favorite part of the Blue Lions route, so to see Dimitri, Dedue and Rodrigue taking steps to improve things in Duscur much earlier in the timeline was fantastic.
Also nice to see more of the politics in Faerghus. This was the stuff that was missing from 3H cause Azure Moon was so laser tight focused on Dimitri. The scenes where all the Kingdom lords were discussing Dimi's coronation and then the scene talking about Edelgard and the Central Church were both well done and help make Faerghus feel like a nation of people with different thoughts and feelings. I'll be honest, I am an absolute sucker for any type of scene like this where you have a council of people all giving their own thoughts on the story unfolding. Put a scene like this in your story and I will praise the world building of that story every time.
All that being said, If I saw the line completely out of context, I would have thought that Dimitri’s line about the people in Faerghus not “needing radical new freedoms” was from a Black Eagles route fanfic with a "Dimitri-bashing tag." Like come on Dimi, you're better than that.
Also Gilbert's torn loyalty between the Church and the Kingdom was resolved way too easily here given how much it torments him in 3H and it's part of a larger issue I have with Three Hopes as a whole. I understand why Three Hopes is rushing through things that 3H already covered. The majority of the people playing are already familiar with that stuff so it does make sense to skip to the new status quo as soon as possible. That being said I do worry that not taking the time to give story elements the attention and build up they deserve is going to lead to the later parts of the story not being as satisfying as they really should be.
Anyway I wrote a lot more than I thought I would so I'll talk about the supports in a different post I guess.
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theyourstruly · 3 months
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If you're wondering what happened with Prince Alexander absolutely nothing because they didn't exchange numbers, so anyways, I mean it's not like he was really interested in her, probably just wanted someone to talk to.
Eleanor moves on.
She has joined the theater club and will be performing tonight.
She's been enjoying it a lot. It's way for her to disappear and become a completely new character.
She's excited for her role as leanne
After one more rehearsal, it's time to get ready.
she only has a supporting role, but she does get the opportunity to sing the main part with her other cast members, and even though she's nervous there is an excitement about all of it.
Getting her make up done she chats with Stella who is also in the play.
"I'm so excited the day is finally here" Stella squeals with delight.
"I know right I can't wait"
"Are you nervous? I mean you will be singing in front of a crowd."
"I mean a little bit, but I'm not gonna think about all of that you know, just gonna stay focused and do what I'm meant to do" Eleanor replies heart raising slightly
"True, but make one wrong mistake, and it will be talked about the entire year"
"Very funny thank you for making me feel so at ease Stella"
"Oh, come on I'm just joking around, I know you will do well okay, you have nothing to worry about."
Finishing with her hair and make up and being put into her costume it's time for everyone to stand in line and wait for their cues.
It's finally time, Eleanor arrives on stage and sings and dances to her song with her other cast members.
The crowd seems to really enjoy it, so for Eleanor it's a win in her books.
"You were really amazing tonight"
Looking back, she notices Alexander
The play had wrapped up an hour ago, after giving back her costume, helping crew mates wrap things up and saying goodbye to Stella, who was surprised by her boyfriend, and went to spend time with him
She walks back to her dorm only to once again cross paths with Alexander.
"You saw?" She replies startled "What are you doing here?"
"A mate of mine's little sister was in the play, so I just tagged along. I didn't know you were in it as well"
All of a sudden, she feels embarrassed
Avoiding eye contact she replies "Ooh well uhm I'm glad you enjoyed it"
"Do you have anything else planned for tonight?"
"Not really, but I'm really tired you know so..."
"Oh yeah, no worries I uhm. Can I get your number? I mean I completely forgot to ask you when we were on the train so if you don't mind, of course, you can say no that's, that's fine"
She isn't so sure why would he want her number? He of all people, he can't possibly be interested in her, right? She's not from some Aristocratic family or anything like that, so why?
But another voice in her head tells her to just take a chance just go for it, and see where it goes.
"Okay since you asked nicely, why not" She responds quietly
Exchanging numbers and a little chat later, they say their goodbyes
Returning back to her room she receives a text from Alexander.
Hey it's Alex I just wanted to wish you good night and once again tell you how amazing you were.
P.S you definitely have to teach me how to dance like that.
Feeling butterflies in her stomach she feels very giddy, but she still isn't so sure. All of this seems a little silly.
After a quick reply back her phone chimes again but this time it's a text from her ex boyfriend Arthur.
Just wanted to let you know how amazing you were tonight. Sorry If I'm being too pushy, but I'm glad to see you doing what you love. Miss you x
Sending a thank you back, she gets ready for bed. Thankfully her weekend starts tomorrow. so she's glad that she can sleep in.
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luvvwins · 2 years
NOT ME EP.9 MUSINGS (a.k.a screaming)
I was so stressed, I didn't want to watch because I was scared that I was just going to be so disappointed.
My dumb ass decided that going on tumblr was a good idea, so all the damn spoilers 😒😒😒
But omg these spoilers got me screaming.
Anyways, five minutes in and I AM SOBBING. SOBBING MY DAMN EYES OUT BECAUSE (mainly I'm off my anxiety meds haha..ha...ha) BUT OFFGUN IS JUST. I am so proud of them. They have come so far and they deserve all the recognition they can get and MORE.
Okay BUT black AND THE Tear AND HE'S AWAKE BUT THIS IS...?!?! this timing is just...I have so many feelings.
I am so glad that Sean and White actually TALK. So many relationships are ruined because people don't want to talk, and wow we LOVE a communicative relationship 😍
Yok is my kind of flirty...you know...flirty with intent. Also love how the attraction is palpable no matter what kind of scene the two share.
BUT ITS THE ART. The interest, respect, emotional attachment to the art is what gets to me.
'I want you to meet her.'
I'm not saying I choked on a sob, but damn this man got me going hysterical with tears.
How DanYok have the least amount of scenes as a couple BUT they are just so powerful together. It is just amazing.
White looking at Sean after he jumped. The 'bitch no' expression he had 🤣
I would be like, you're cool and I like you, but I'll admire from a distance thanks.
Does anyone else struggle to breath during their scenes? No...? Just me?
The cigarette thing, I don't why but that was just *chef's kiss*. Yok looking like, damn, you really are a 'good-guy' kinda cop.
Dan wants to help, but Yok NEEDS HIM TO PROMISE...wait...is my obsession with them because I am protecting myself onto YOk?!?!
'If I take you to the destination, you won't leave me.'
I would die for First & Fluke though. First is truly like one of my favorite characters, I can't breathe.
Disgusted (in a good way) by how cute Sean and White are. Hate it. Love it. Ugh.
THE PHONE CALL. I feel like we're going to actually get real answers finally!!!
BIG SHOUT OUT to the females in the show. Namo & Eugene. Literally the emotion they play and the support they actually give us so amazing and they don't let *ugh* boys *ugh* stop them from still being the bad ass ladies they are. Ugh women 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Also the way Nuch delivers in every scene even its one line.
Anyways back to the dudes!!!
Black and White's reunion went EXACTLY how I thought it would. EXACTLY what I pictured. Its was weepy, and then Black was a jerk, while White was worried, and then Todd. We all knew about Todd. T'was obvious 😒
What actually got to me though was White's reaction to Black removing everything from his body, like the piercing. It truly looked like he was being stripped of his identity and I felt like sobbing for him.
The contrast between the two are so amazing. GUN IS AN ACTOR™. HE ACTS™. Give him all the awards.
Overall: this is the happy fluff before the shit show that is coming and we're all going to simultaneously hate and love it at the same time.
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digital-corruption · 3 years
Serial Connection Part 6
"Could you hold the light still?" Jake asked as he fumbled under the hood of the SUV.
"Ugh, you’re taking so long my arm is getting tired," Raven groaned.
"It'd be easier if I did this in the morning," he reminded her. "Are you really that eager to leave me?"
"I see no reason to stay," she mumbled.
"We have a common enemy, we could work together," he offered.
"You have my number," she shook her head.
"And I thought all you wanted was for us to be together," he teased.
"You’re confusing me with her again," she frowned.
"There, I found the tracking device," he stood up straight and held up the small box. "Now I need to pull apart the sat-nav inside."
"What? More!?" she groaned.
"I can do the last part on my own if you want to go back to the room and wait there," he offered as he closed the hood.
"No, I’m not leaving you alone with the vehicle," she narrowed her eyes.
"Because you know what I'm doing to it now," he laughed as he opened the driver's side door of the vehicle.
Raven eyed up Jake to see if he was joking. "You haven't had time to do anything major."
"Cutting break lines only takes but a moment, but you would already know that wouldn't you?" he questioned as he pulled out the SUV's sat-nav panel.
"I had nothing to do with Dan's accident! I mean sure I was there and I saw the idiot getting drunk, but he managed that accident on his own," she explained. "He didn't need any assistance in crashing his car."
"If you say so. I've got the chip. Now I need to reprogram it upstairs," Jake said as he put the console back into the car.
Back in the motel room Jake busily worked on programming the chip to send false, randomized location data to the satellites, while Raven sewed her pants. As soon as she finished she pulled off Jake’s sweatpants and put her pants back on. He snuck a peek from the corner of his eye when she thought he was too distracted to have noticed.
"Are you sure you're going to be ok on your own? You've always had support in the past," he asked.
"By support you mean my pointy friend? Cause that's all I usually have on missions," she put her dagger's holster back on.
"But you were always given intel. You knew what you were headed into, you weren't going in blind," he pointed out.
"It’s cute that you still worry about her, but I'll be fine," she looked over at Jake sitting at his computer.
"Are you still going to make your services available for hire?" he questioned.
"Yes... no... I don't know. I mean who wants to hire an outed assassin? It'll take a long time for this to pass," she sighed.
Jake stood up and walked over to her, "I would."
Raven laughed, "You can't afford me!"
"I couldn’t afford you previously, you mean," he smirked.
She frowned, "I'm not going to sell myself short out of desperation."
"My friends and I are offering to pay you upfront an equivalent share of what we stole," he offered.
She raised an eyebrow at him, "Upfront? What about after?"
"Well, that would depend on the payouts. All you need to do is kill the hand that fed you, which I know you plan to do anyway, but you are to ensure that they never pursue us again," he grinned.
"There is only one way to guarantee that," she sighed. "And that’s for me to kill the entire chain, which is still more than your ridiculous band of hackers can afford."
"Do you really think we'll be sitting on our hands while you do all the work? While you attack, we'll be leaving their coffers empty," Jake’s expression turned very dark before Raven's eyes.
"You and your friends?" she looked at him with doubt.
"Yes, but I'll be your point of contact," Jake stepped towards Raven. "You will be taking orders from me."
"What makes you think I would accept this offer?" she laughed.
He stepped even closer to her so that he was mere inches away, "Do you have any other offers to consider?"
"Tch," she frowned. "I'll do it, but only because I'm pissed they burnt me so fast."
Jake lowered his face to hers, grinning, "Glad to hear it."
"What are you looking so smug about?" she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.
"Oh I was just thinking in the past 36 hours Hannah was saved, I have MC in my company, I defeated the Man Without a Face," he spoke quietly. "And now I have a cute assassin to deal with our pursuers."
"Firstly only one of those things is-" Raven began, but was interrupted by Jake pressing his lips against hers.
Raven quickly pulled out her dagger and held it up against Jake’s throat. He paused, looking intensely into Raven's eyes. Her hand shook, causing the dagger to ever so slightly cut his neck. Still he slowly moved in to kiss her again without taking his eyes off of her. She pulled away.
"I will cut you!" she threatened.
"No you won't," he went in to kiss her again.
"Stop!" she pushed him away. "I mean it!"
Jake pinched the dagger between his fingers, then pulled it out of her grip to place it on the table beside them. "If you meant it, you wouldn't be kissing back."
Raven put her hand to her lips, "That’s not what..."
"No?" he took her hand and gently moved it aside. He moved in again, grazing his lips across hers. "Tell me what it isn't, MC."
She closed her eyes as her heart raced. Her body kept trying to betray her resolve. There was a brief peck at her lips, making her heart skip a beat. Then another. She opened her eyes to look into Jake’s again.
"Fuck it," she mumbled.
Raven grabbed Jake by the collar to pull him down to her lips. He smiled as she kissed him aggressively at first, but soon soothed into mutual loving kisses. Her hands relaxed from his collar and rested against his chest while Jake gently placed his hands on her waist to pull her in closer. She pulled away and hid her face in his neck.
"Don't fraternize with the client," she whispered to herself.
"If that’s the case, then we won't pay you," he teased, earning him a slap to the chest.
"Don't become attached to your mark," she groaned.
"I'm glad you did," he kissed the top of her head gently.
"Jake, my name isn't MC," she reminded him.
"And my name isn't Jake, but what does that matter?" he asked. "I'll take the name that sounds best on your lips."
She pulled her head and looked up at him, the stranger she knew so well. The two unknowns locked lips again in heated passion.
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xsugarysweetsx · 2 years
AU where Todoroki dates busty s/o and everything's the same except Mineta'a a girl ( headcannons ) )
Facts about s/o :
- S/o is busty . Like , Lucy-Heartfilia-busty.
- But she's kind of a mom friend and very kind and caring . 
- Gives a hot mom image.
- But kinda naive . Not innocent though . 
- Has stress acne . Only slightly though .
- Dates Todoroki
When Minori Mineta disturbs Todoroki hcs :
- He would be minding his own business
- All of a sudden a certain purple haired girl appears in front of him, smirking
- " Hey Todoroki ! "
- He would politely ask her if he could help her.
- " Let's play Titanic. You be the iceberg and I'll go down ! "
- He would be a blushing mess 
- " Please refrain from telling such things , Mineta. "
    " But you're so hot ! Especially your body ! "
- He knows his s/o would kill Mineta if she knew , but for the EXACT same reason he doesn't tell her.
- Even during a training , when they both paired up , she didn't concentarte on the training . Rather , on his body . She kept trying to grope him when the CCTV  camera didn't focus on them.
- He was glad to finish the training soon.
- It kept happening . When Yaoyorozu offered to walk with him whenever you weren't around after hearing of this ( to protect him ) , Mineta still did such things. When the Creation Quirk girl asked her to stop , Mineta simply said she was ' jealous ' that she didn't have the courage to hit on him like that.
- But whenever you would walk with him after school , Mineta pretended he didn't exist and harassed other boys.
- He was confused but glad .
- S/o was confused why he kept asking you to walk with him after school everyday, as you just didn't do it whenever you had to visit the Support course students .
- He kept clinging to you all the time. Nobody in class seemed to mind that . Even Bakugou didn't call him out.
Now that's strange .
- " Y/n , I'm heading to my room , will you come with me ? "
- " Let's get lunch together ."
- " But I have to get my new upgrades from Hatsume ! "
- " I'll go with you ."
 " Didn't you say you were very hungry earlier ?"
" It's gone now . "
- She was confused cuz he never behaved this way.
" Sho , baby you keep wanting to be around me. What's wrong ? "
 " Nothing , I just miss you ."
- His tone was a little nervous and was fidgeting . S/o caught on to that .
- " Then why are you nervous ? And fidgety ? "
" No reason . Maybe I'm nervous about exams ."
    " Sweetie we just finished exams a week ago . "
    " I'm worried about the next exam ."
      " That's months away ."
                    " Oh ."
He was sus , s/o decided .
- One day though , she comes to know . 
- Todoroki let her go for a while cuz she wanted to use the restroom . He was standing at the line for the cafetaria lunch , with very few classmates next to him.
- Big mistake .
- He saw purple .
- " Hey Todoroki ? Where's your girlfriend ? "
- " Probably the classroom . I think she left something . "
- " Anyways , I want to ask you , are a balloon ? Cause I wanna blow you ! "
His classmates , including the girl , asked Mineta to stop . The other students stared at her in shock , horror ....you name it .
" Why is he letting her talk like that to him ? "
" She always does that , it's not like her classmates can stop her. They are too soft on her. "
" Ew, I feel bad for them now. "
- Todoroki's face twisted into a disgusted expression . " You know I have a girlfriend . Why do you keep talking like this ? I don't hate you but please stop doing such things . Not only to me but all the boys . "
" Your girlfriend got you with her goods ! What do girls like me do ? "
" Goods ? " He suddenly realized what she was talking about.
" I'm dating Y/n because I like her , not her body or chest . "
" Oh , please ! " Mineta said . " But it's ok if you want girls like me too ! I can please you~ "
" Is this why you always wanted to be around me ? " Both of them heard a frigid voice that belonged to ..... Todoroki's girlfriend .
He could see the rage behind her eyes . 
" You " she seethed as she picked Mineta by the collar " How dare you make him uncomfortable ? You've been doing this to all the boys in our class. Don't think I didn't notice. "
" How can I control myself ?! Your boyfriend is hot !  So are the other boys ! Besides , you can get any other guy with your chest - "
Todoroki knew Mineta crossed the line. His girlfriend was very sweet and kind of naive , but she was a demon when she got angry . That was a thing he both loved and kind of disliked about her.
" Y/n , it's ok . She didn't make me uncomf-"
" And you never told me . " S/o turned to him .
Todoroki stopped in his tracks.
" Say your last wishes Mineta ."
As Mineta screamed a strangles " NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " and S/o gathered her quirk , she was knocked out by Aizawa.
Yaoyorozu and Iida and some students from the rest of the class explained the situation while Todoroki and Uraraka detained S/o.She still got detention as Aizawa stated that she she still had intentions to harm her classmate . Mineta got a harsher punishment due to deliberate harassment of her classmate .
.After detention , Todoroki walked S/o back to the dorms . 
" Baby , you shouldn't have done that . "
" It's worth it if that rat stopped bothering you . Why didn't you or the rest of Class 1-A tell me ? "
" Because we knew you would kill her . Like you almost did during lunch today . "
" At least she won't bother you now . Let's go and cuddle. " She chuckled.
- But all's well that ends well and Mineta knew not to bother any boy again with her perverted manners before S/o . If she did though.....She knew she will face consequences.
This is my first hc fanfic ! I hope you liked it ! 
Hello anon! Thank you so much for your submission :) I think you did a lovely job for your first fanfic!! I enjoyed reading this thank you so much!
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Fred Weasley x Reader
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Prompts: 13, 19 & 23
"I'm so happy and not at all jealous."/"We had a deep and meaningful relationship/What was their last name?"/"I thought it mattered what I said or when I said it. Then I realised, all that matters is that you make me happier than I ever thought I could be."
Warnings: Swearing. War Scene - blood & injury. Angsty.
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Y/n was trouble with a capital T. She was daring, confident, snarky and a massive Quidditch fan. In other words; she were Fred Weasleys perfect woman.
But it's not what you think, they were just friends. Chaotic, hell raising, perfect-for-each-other friends.
With the Twins and y/n around Hogwarts it were remarkable the Castle were still standing. But not for their lack of trying. After an especially careless prank, which left the Gryffindor Common Room with a new window, it's safe to say the threesome were there for one another through thick and thin.
Pranks however, weren't the only area in which Y/n, and Fred for that matter, were careless.
Both had the tendency to be rather frivolous in romantic relationships. It seemed like every other week the pair had a new partner on their arm. George liked to joke that, of all the people left in their age group, the only people they hadn't 'had a round' with were each other. The rumours, jokes or insults to character never bothered them though. They were young and weren't looking for anything serious - so what's the harm in having a little fun? That was y/ns reasoning anyway. It had been Freds as well...in the beginning. Until he were struck with a rather bracing realisation.
The reason why he rushed so fast into new relationships without a care wasn't so much 'for the fun of it' or genuine interest in the other, but denial. He were running and burying his head in the sand, or rather the bedsheets - as it were, to distract himself from the very chilling reality that he was desperately, hopelessly and unequivocally in love with his best friend. With y/n.
So after that particularly bitter pill to swallow, Fred's relations became a means to an end. A means of getting over her. Of finding someone to replace her.
It never worked, of course, because no other girl was her. No one made him laugh or smile like her. Nor did anyone get his heart racing like she did.
He did everything he could to bury his feelings; under piles of work, copious amounts of alcohol and an abundance of meaningless sex, and it genuinely seemed to be working...until the War came.
That walk into the Great Hall after the initial Battle is one Fred would never forget.
The smell; of death and destruction. The way his body ached and longed to rest.
Slowly limping through the destroyed arched doorway, accompanied by Percy - who's shoulders he'd drapped an arm across seeking support. They were talking with one another, throwing around light-hearted brotherly insults here and there, which helped keep Freds mind off the immense pain surging through his leg at the time, small smiles adorning their faces.
That's when they heard it.
A blood curdling scream. One of pure agony.
Their eyes shot directly to the source, on the far side of the room - where all the Weasleys were gathered around a body. A girls.
Arthur was holding tight onto Molly as she sobbed uncontrollably. Ron stood on the outskirts pale and afraid, while Bill and Charlie had a hold of Ginny in attempt to shield her. Fred's gaze flickered to where he saw George had knelt beside the body.
He was gripping one of her hands as his other tried desperately to keep her still on the floor while she writhed and cried out in pain.
She were covered in blood as Madam Pomfrey worked frantically to mend the severe wounds in her abdomen, where shards of debris protruded from her flesh.
The cry had been caused from the extraction of a particularly large shard, of what Fred didn't know.
George was running a tender hand over y/ns head, gently stroking her hair and the sides of her face as he whispered soothing sounds and comforting words in her ear.
Fred didn't know how long he'd stood there, staring in shock, he'd felt petrified - numb to everything but the fear coursing through his veins. Till suddenly his feet were moving.
A first painful step, which nearly crippled him, was followed by an equally sore but determined second. Then a third, and before he knew it he was running. Sprinting as fast as he could regardless of the pain it inflicted, nothing could stop him from reaching her side.
Barging past friends and family members he collapsed on Georges otherside. Eyes raking the ever paling and blood covered woman laid before him. George was shaking as he looked to his brother with tear-filled eyes but Freds stare was unwavering.
Somehow mustering the strength he spoke the only words playing through his mind, "What can I do?" His eyes never left y/ns wound, above which Pomfreys hands hovered as she worked.
"Fred?" Y/n cried through deep breaths, her head turning to the side in an attempt to see him. "I'm here, Sweetheart." He placed a hand to her knee. Her eyes were screwed tight shut as she threw her head back against the hard, cold floor. Tears parted tracks through the thick dust and muck plastered to her cheeks as she clenched her jaw inhaling sharply as the next piece of debris was removed - a relatively small piece in comparison to the earlier one. George continued to soothe his friend as Pomfrey instructed Fred on what to do.
They wished everything had gotten better from there. That after they successfully removed all the debris and stopped the blood from further pouring from her body that she'd been able to recover simply. But news only seemed to get worse once they reached St Mungo's.
She'd fallen into a coma. Y/n had suffered severe internal injuries and the Healers never held out much hope that she'd survive.
Y/n always was full of surprises.
She'd come out of her coma and began showing signs she could yet make a recovery. No one could have possibly anticipated the day healers would begin talk of rehab. They considered it a miracle she were even breathing.
Naturally the Twins were there every step of the way. Especially Fred. There were whole nights, even before she'd regained consciousness, where he'd spend every minute by her bedside. Nights he'd spend working tirelessly in the shops office to perfect ideas they'd concocted to help ease and enhance y/ns physical therapy. Inventions that worked so well Healers from all over were lining up to get their hands on, after seeing how successful y/ns recovery were as a direct result of their products. Hell, most days you couldn't even tell she'd been through a war - her scars the only physical reminder, to the untrained eye.
There were no doubt left in Freds body after that. He loved her with every part of his soul and that was never going to change, and so his involvement in the dating scene became virtually non-existent.
Y/ns on the other hand...well some things don’t change.
She was given a second chance and wasn't about to waste it worrying about what 'could' have happened. Life were too short for that. She did, however, start keeping an eye out for 'Mr/Mrs Right' during her rendezvous'.
Fred tried his hardest to be supportive. Opting rather to love her from the sidelines than risk hurting their relationship by getting his hands dirty and playing the game. After Y/ns most recent conquest however his happy facade may officially be waning.
It was just past sunset in Diagon Alley and so Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, much like all the other stores, were going through their nightly closing routine.
Fred was working through the registers whilst, much to his dismay, George were left to the Twins least favourite chore - cleaning and restocking the store.
That's when the front door burst open.
"Evening, Boys!" Y/n announced happily as she strode into the store. "Fred! I told you to lock the door, lest the riff-raff barge in!" George called jokingly over the railing of the second floor. Fred couldn't help but smile, not looking up from the task at hand "My mistake!". Y/n scowled up at George as she hopped onto the front desk, "Like that could keep me out." Leaning over the counter top she placed a kiss to Freds cheek, "Heya Freddie". He looked to her, instantly finding himself on cloud nine, and leant casually onto the counter to speak with her. "Hey, Lovely. How was your day?" "Oh, I am so glad you asked!" Y/n said beaming as she clapped her palms against her knees, kicking one leg atop the other. "It was fantastic!" "Do tell." George spoke, decending the stair case, "What's 'fantastic's name?" He goaded.
Y/n glared at him playfully, "Think you have me all worked out do you?" "You know we do." Fred interjects. "Can read you like a book, Darling. You've got not secrets from us"
"Especially after our little incident during rehab, when I had to help you in the shower." George added with a teasing brow, this causing y/n to scrunch her nose. "Okay, George, that's talking about it when we agreed never to talk about it!" The Twins laughed at her embarrassed expression. "Anyway, 'fantastic's name is Mason."
Fred swallowed thickly at the news of, yet another, romantic partner but still he suppressed his distaste as he normally would.
The next 30 minutes or so were spent listening to y/ns retelling of how she met, Mason. About how great they made her feel. Fred couldn't help but envy the way the mere thought of them had y/n biting her lip in attempt to suppress a giddy smile. He'd give anything for her to look that way while thinking about him.
Fred had been quiet through most of the conversation, untrusting of his own voice not to give away his utter disdain at the news. Still he smiled when he should and convincingly feigned interested as she spoke. It wasn't until she began talking about her date, tonight, with them that he finally spared himself the heartache and stopped listening.
Later that evening, Fred was trying hard to keep himself occupied with thoughts on anything but the date the love of his life currently found herself on. As George and he just finished their own meal he'd taken to determinately cleaning the dishes piled within their sink - whilst George dried, a small habit the two fell into thanks to years of Molly putting the pair on dish duty after meals.
Unknowingly to Fred, he'd been uncharacteristically quiet for the whole evening. Something his brother had not failed to notice. "So..." he began breaking the long running silence of the night, "y/n seems pretty bent on this new bloke doesn't she?" "Mmm" "Never know this one may even last" George let out a breathy laugh as he prodded Fred's shoulder with his elbow, watching carefully for his reaction.
George wasn't stupid. He knew exactly how Fred felt, well before the night of the battle.
Fred's eyebrows quirked, lips parting as he clicked his jaw, visibly unsettled by his Twins topic of discussion.
"You okay, Freddie?" "Yeah. No, they sound great. Absolutely perfect. He's bloody 'Mr Fantastic'" His voice was laced with attitude and sarcasm as he spoke.
Finishing washing the final glass Fred throws the dish sponge against the back wall of the sink harder than intended in his frustration. "Easy there mate, get you're not happy but don't take your jealousy out on the poor bloody sponge" George picks it up from where it'd landed, mockingly shielding it from his brother with an overly concerned expression. "What are you on about?" Fred sneered defensively, "I'm so happy and not at all jealous."
"Sure you are" George replied with a look which read 'really?' "Yeah no, I get it. I'd be fine too if the girl I fancied was out on a date with some other bloke." He shrugged nonchalantly as he walked back to the living room, lounging comfortably across their sofa.
Fred looked to his brother as if he'd grown another head. "Don't give me that look. We both know I know." George rolled his eyes. "Well then tell me, oh wise and all-knowing Brother" Fred bowed mockingly, "what would you do in my situation?" He walked over with an expectant brow, perching himself of the sofas opposite arm rest.
"Oh, I dunno...maybe confess to the poor girl." "You say that like it's the simplest thing in the world." "It is, Freddie." "No. No it's not, whatever this is it's not simple." "It won't get any easier if you don't try. Here look I'll help you" George sat up eagerly, leaning against the back of the couch. "You be you, I'll be- don't give me that look. I'll be y/n. Tell me what you'd say to her." "This is stupid" Fred rolled his eyes. "Don't be a prat, just...go. I won't judge." "Right, cause that sounds like you." "Fred-" George warned. "Fiiiine!" He groaned which only caused his brother to smile cockily, satisfied he finally got what he wants.
Fred looked at his brother who flicked his hair and batted his eyelashes dramatically. There's no way he can do this looking at him. Rolling his eyes again he looked away with a scoff, contemplating all the things he'd say to y/n if he had the courage to.
"Well?..." "I don't know. I don't know what'd I'd say to her or where to start, I've never thought about it." "Maybe it's time you start thinking about it Freddie." George clapped him on the leg as he stood from his place on the couch.
He were half way to his bedroom before stopping, having just faintly heard the words whispered after him...
"I love her, Georgie." George smiles sadly to himself, only just turning his head he murmurs a reply. "Tell her that."
The store was closed for the day and Fred had choose to have a rather uneventful night in, and so he sat on the end of the sofa reading the paper hoping for product inspiration to strike. George on the other hand were getting ready to go out for the night when came a rhythmic knock on the flat door. No need to ask who it were as they let themselves in, per usual.
"Hello, Boys" y/n bounded into the apartment, flopping casually onto their couch with her head in Freds lap.
He lifted the paper into one hand to better see her smiling face looking cheekily back up at him. His own fond and loving smile shown back. "Hey, Freddie" "Hey, Gorgeous." "HELLO, GEORGE?" She shouted listening intently for his response, "YEAH YEAH, Hello freeloader!" He yells back causing her smile to grow.
"You seem awfully happy, have a good day?" Fred asks as he begins to softly run his hands through y/ns hair out of a developed habit from all their late nights at Hogwarts. "Yeah it was good, just went out with Mason. We had a nice time but I'm just happy to be here with you losers." "Losers? How flattering" George calls from his bedroom. "Oh" at the mention of y/ns partner, Fred puts an end to his hands actions. Turning his attention pointedly back to the paper he'd been reading previously. "And how is 'Mr Fantastic'?" He sneers. "Yeah great...I think. I don't know, he sorta got carried away talking about work. Barely got a word in myself." Y/n chuckles fakely. Sensing her pent up reservations Fred can't help but resume his earlier actions, stroking her hair, but still his eyes stay on the page in front of him. Even if he can't seem to read a single word - too focused on the warmth y/ns body provides pressed against his. Wishing this were how he could spend every night, wrapped up on the couch with her in his arms.
"Alright, children!" George emerges from his bedroom, "I'm off. Don't destroy the place while I'm gone." "Oh that's right!" Y/n sits up excitedly to peer over the back of the sofa. "Tonights the big date" she rests her chin atop her arms as they fold over the backrest looking to George as he collects his wallet and keys. "That's right, Dearest." He ruffles her hair as he strides past to the door, "You're not the only one around here who goes out." He winks before leaving, a quick 'behave!' Called over his shoulder.
Y/n lays back down across Freds lap with a warm smile on her lips. "So...what do you wanna do tonight?"
Fred was quietly thankful for George being out of the apartment for the night, the quality time spent with y/n were more than he could possibly ask for. It felt like being back in school, when they'd sneak to the Lake or Astronomy tower past curfew.
They were currently sat on the lounge room floor; a bottle of firewiskey and several stolen sweets from George's stash, scattered in front of them.
"I can't believe you just called me a slag!" Fred shouts as y/n laughed loudly. "W-well it's true." She shrugged, speaking through poorly restrained giggles. "Need I remind you of your time spent with Alice?" "Hey! We had a deep, and meaningful relationship." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!" "What was her last name?" Freds mouth opened in retort before swiftly closing. Eyes blankly scanning the room in search of the answer before realising he didn't have one. He nodded and shrugged in acknowledgement. "Point taken. Not that you're one to judge" he chuckled, taking a swig from the bottle of whiskey before offering it to her. "Also true." Y/n accepted.
"When was the last time you waited until the third date?" "Honestly?" "No. Lie to me." Y/n rolled her eyes at his question. "Katie Bell." "Noooo...in 6th year?" "Yeah. Go on then, when was the last time you didn't just give it up?" "What, 'Honestly'?" "No. Lie to me." Fred threw an every flavour bean at her for the mockery. "Okay...Mr Fantastic." "Noooo..." "yeah." "I don't believe you." "What!? Why?" "Because you're whipped by the bloke! Surprised he even made it to a first date- OW! Hey, chocolate frogs are NOT for throwing!"
Neither were sure how this odd game of confessions began, perhaps somewhere around the half way mark on their bottle of Whiskey, but the embarrassing dirty little secrets they'd begun to reveal to one another had them both in hysterics as a result.
"So, why not?" "I dunno he just...hasn't got me feeling that way, ya know? Like, he's great, and we have a good time together - I guess. But it's not like this" she guestured between herself and Fred, who was listening intently. "I can't seem to relax and just be myself around him. He doesn't get me laughing till it hurts. Or make me feel safe and comfortable." Fred's lips parted slightly at her words, eyes dancing hopefully back and forth between hers which seemed to hold the same emotion his did in that moment. Was it possible she felt the same way?
"Or ya know, something less sappy." She chuckled, taking a drink from the Whiskey bottle and turning away from him. Whatever moment he'd felt was gone, and reality set in with the familiar bitter pill settling in his mouth which he refused to swallow.
He shook his head, trying to rid himself of the disappointment that began to creep in. Over her comparison, in wanting someone like him, but in the end, not him. Never him. A sharp breath left him before speaking, "Yeah, well, I ah- I have work in the morning so I'd best call it a night." He avoided eye contact as he stood from his spot on the floor, all joints painfully stiff from the lack of movement.
Y/n was shocked by his abrupt change in attitude. He were no longer smiling, and there was an edge to his voice which wasn't there moments ago.
"Woah, wait...what just happened here? I thought we were having a good time." "We were" y/n stood, taking a tentative step towards him "So, what changed?" "Nothing"
"Fred? Come on, sit back down...please?" She grabbed one of his hands holding it close to her chest as she pouted at him. For a second Fred caught himself smiling at her antics. But only for a second. He shook his head, pulling his hand back from hers and stressfully running it through his hair.
"I can't, love." "Can't what?" Her brows furrowed in confusion. "I just can't sit there and listen to you talk about us; me and him." He snapped looking away from her. "Why? What's that have t-"
"Because I'm fucking in love with you!" Fred shouted, turning back to y/n in anger. "I'm in love with you and sitting there listening to you talk about how I make you feel safe - and how you wish it were him - it's ripping my fucking heart out y/n! But I'm stuck. Because I can't move on but I can't have you. So I just sit here like an idiot, watching you jump from one relationship to another, waiting- hoping that you'll care. I keep hanging onto moments - like right there - thinking there may be the slightest chance you might feel the same way. But you don't. And I can't do it anymore...so don't ask me to."
"Fred-" "I think you should go." "No, Fred I-" "Please! Go."
Y/n stood in place, staring in shock as her body seemed reluctant to move. She were petrified - numb to everything, but the fear swimming within her blood. What would happen if she walked out that door. Would he ever let her back in, or was this it? What if she leaves and loses him forever - and he never knew...
She drew a shaking breath that seemed to give a modicum of control back over her body. Her eyes flickered over the expanse of the boys flat. It were always so cheerful and warm - so why did she feel so cold? Her body trembled as her feet began to move, each step more painful than the last.
As she opened the door every nerve screamed for her to turn back around. Her head turned to the side, mouth falling dry and lips parting to speak though no words came. But the tears did. Rolling sadly down her cheeks as the door sealed shut behind her.
She was gone.
Fred fell to the couch. Any strength that were holding him from the ground disappearing as she did. Slouched over his knees, elbows digging into his thighs whilst he ran his hands through his hair.
He let out a heavy breath, a small relief spreading in his chest from the weight that'd been lifted. But mostly all that came was pain and tears from the heartache he'd tried so hard to shield himself from for all these years.
There's no telling how long he sat there, furiously rubbing at his eyes as the tears refused to stop falling. Not till the familiar crack of apparation reached his ears could he fully hold himself high again. George couldn't see him like this, he wouldn't let him.
With the creaking of the front doors hinges Fred stood, clearing his throat and running a final hand across his puffy, tear stained cheeks. "You're back early, what'd happen you strike out?" He joked, turning only to be met with the equally teary eyes of y/n. Although hers held something else as well - anger. Fred felt cold. What was she doing back here?
"Where do you get the nerve?" She snapped. Freds expression screwed between a mixture of insult and confusion. "Don't you dare, for a second, think you know how I feel." "I do." "No. No you don't! Otherwise you would have realised that I fucking love you too!" "W-what?"
"You think you're the only one? That after all these years together; after all those nights in the Astronomy tower. After all those days you spent by my side as I laid dying in that hospital bed. After all your time spent healing me; that I haven't fallen in love with you?"
Freds mouth was open but no words were coming. He let out a defeated breath, leaning against the back of the sofa as the weight of everything set in.
"...when?" "I don't know when I fell. Only when I realised. Guess that was the only good thing to come from that evil, pink bitch being around." Y/n chuckled sadly.
"THEN!? you knew then?" "After your first detention. I bandaged your hand and we spent the night together in the common room. You fell asleep in my lap, that's...that's when I knew."
This was all so overwhelming. So much for the quiet night in. Fred stared fixedly at a point on the side wall in thought, lightly shaking his head, unsure of exactly how he felt or what to do. This was everything he'd ever wanted to hear and that scared him a little bit.
"Look, I didn't say anything because you mean too much to me to ever risk jeopardising what we had and I- I could never find the words to..." Y/n swallowed thickly as all emotion caught in her throat. Taking his hand tightly in hers she tried to ground herself within the moment. The action turning Freds gaze back to hers.
"I thought it mattered what I said, or when I said it. Then I realised, all that matters is that you make me happier than I ever thought I could be. I never want to lose that and if you’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. All you have to do is just tell me; what do you want?"
Fred watched as the tears welled within y/ns eyes the longer she spoke, he wondered how they ever managed to be so goddamn obliviously stupid, that neither realised.
A soft smile crept across his lips as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "All I've ever wanted...is you." Y/ns whole body relaxed at his words, head falling in relief. Looking back into his eyes she bit her lip to suppress a giddy, lovestruck, smile.
"You've always had me."
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I feel like this is a really old response and I should answer more in depth and etc but like,, I'm a tired person
I married all the lis (except Sean, or like I did but I think I didn't finished the chapter idk) and I flirted with everyone except him in book 1 because I was kind of more worried about doing everything to make Michelle like me and because that type of self-sacrificing isn't my type (like he's an amazing person and character but dating someone like that? Akskjdkdkdkd) anyways I do love him and I jave spend so much time thinking about him like he does value his life is just that he sort of values the Doing The Right Thing (arguably) more and like wow issues
Eh babe really, don't sweat it, I've taken wayy longer to reply to your asks before lol. Sometimes we just don't have spoons and that's how it is
Also fair. You don't really lose points with Michelle for flirting with Sean (except for one time in that diamond scene at the pool, and only if you win at Marco Polo for some reason, so it's avoidable) which is another point in my ever growing list of Reasons Michelle Is Lesbian A.F like for someone who's not over Sean she sure seems to be over Sean. Like again I don't like jealousy trope and I'm glad they didn't force me to experience this annoying ass monog drama but I do find it very sus that she started the story being like "I want Sean back :( I'm not over it it was all a misunderstanding" and then two days later when your MC is with him she's like oh well. Sucks to suck. I will now go have insane chemistry with every female character in this series. Like alright
Also so valid on the dating someone like that thing, lol. I project like crazy on characters like that and I have strong "I can fix him" feelings for my fave characters' fucked up psyche so there's that. Also the way I interact with self insert characters is like... Weird. I don't really see them as myself at all, just another character whose decisions I can sometimes control. And because I don't see them as myself, I would need to actually see myself in them to relate to them. But that's almost impossible because I.F MCs are blank slates by default. So they end up being the characters I relate the least to and care the least about (which I think is one of the reasons why I don't really feel like the Vaanu ending was a sad ending at all. Like Unhinged is actually one of the MCs I feel has the most personality and that I've become attached to the most, but he's still one of the characters I care the least about. So I wasn't super sad about it)
So what happens is that I don't really feel like I'm dating the L.I, a lot of the time i identify way more with the L.I than the MC, and I kind of just have the MC be like, my self insert who shows up to uplift my favorite character. So it's not necessarily about who I'd date or not. Like I'd still date Sean if he was real cuz I'm like that but it's a different sort of relationship I think. I'm extremely tired and in pain rn btw so maybe none of this makes sense but I'm doing my best to put this in words
But also on a funnier/crackier note, I have some ideas to write a crackfic about exactly how fucking. Exhausting it is to try to get Sean to behave like a normal person with self preservation instincts. In the form of a metamour support group with the MC, Craig, and Michelle, who's not even dating Sean anymore but still runs the group because she'll be tired of this for at least three more years. But also I have quite a few fics lined up that I haven't had spoons to write so idk if anything will come of it. I just find the idea of MC, Craig, and Michelle sitting in a group like "we are gathered here today to complain that Sean tried to single handedly fight a gigantic murderous crab. Again" extremely funny
And yeah, I think Sean is one of the most interesting characters in E.S, regardless of whether or not you romanced him. Like of course you don't even get a lot of important parts of his backstory without spending gems (I did a no-gems run one time and like without gems they don't even mention that he's a chile abuse survivor? Bro) but he's still very interesting regardless. Like he's the only L.I to get a whole chapter of the story named after his personal issues (that I remember of) regardless of whether or not you romanced them, and yeah [keysmash] like again he's my type so I'm sus but I do think that he is super fascinating as a character and so underexplored by the fandom
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mallowstep · 3 years
What happened to Reedwhisker in your AU? In Canon, he is Mistyfoot and Blackclaw's only surviving kit. (Tbh I have NO IDEA how the poor boy survived Tigerclan in Canon. He was an apprentice, his mom and uncle were locked up, his remaining siblings were also locked up-I-... sometimes I look at some of your information on your Misty AU and think about that with THAT Canon fact, that Reedpaw, somehow, escaped the prison hole and torture but had to watch Tigerstar with his Mom, him abusing her, his uncle 'killed,' his brother starved, his sister being abused to where she gets sepsis, and eventually this child grows into a Tom. Something...Misty doesn't like.... This poor fucking child. I think about Reedwhisker alot and what he saw, and just....like...I'm glad this is such a fucking horrible thing to say) you didn't keep him alive like in Canon in your AU, but sometimes the idea of him living through the Misty AU like in canon...that keeps me up at night. Like. Him, alone in the apprentices den until Twanypaw shows up, him wondering Why He was so special not to be targeted by Tigerstar as well? Him, eyes wide as he watches Tigerstar playing house with his mom, his father being an absolute dick, Mudfur doing his best to both keep an eye on Reedpaw and keep him out of sight, just...this child has seen shit and....just Reedwhisker making himself smaller around Feather and Misty, or being the first to jump to their defense at any perceived slight. Just him.
ah, reedwhisker. yes, i feel with you. i too wonder a lot about him in canon, to the point where i often forget he lived through tigerclan.
i killed him because i really, really, really wanted tigerstar to say,
"Ah, I'm sorry," he says. "They're dead, aren't they?"
to mistyfoot. that's pretty much it. that and -- i needed her whole first litter of kits to be dead for the emotional arc, but i could've killed him during the great battle for those purposes. primrosepaw is said to die of greencough, and so in the misty au, that's how reedpaw died as well.
but. putting that aside for the sake of digging into the absolutely wonderful angst of him not dying that i sadly, due to narrative, had to pass up,
(see this is part of why i like talking abt ideas. i don't Have to worry about Story Arcs. i'm allowed to just enjoy myself.)
okay so -- uh i should put a cut in yeah.
cw: sexual assault
okay so -- i have dawnpaw down as an apprentice at the same time as featherpaw and co, so reedpaw is thankfully not Terribly alone. also, cedarpaw and rowanpaw of shadowclan but -- dawnpaw doesn't talk to them. and nor would reedpaw.
Dawnpaw watches her with barely veiled contempt. "Ignore her," Rowanpaw says. "She's like that with everyone." Dawnpaw flicks her tail. She doesn't eat with them, and the only reason she sleeps in the same den as them is by necessity. Heavystep beckons her over. "RiverClan thinks they're all that," Rowanpaw says. "You know how it is."
rowanpaw you socially inept idiot.
anyway, i think...maybe it's best if he escapes through subterfuge? maybe tigerstar doesn't know that he's mistyfoot's kit and no one tells him and when they realize what's happening -- if they can save just one apprentice, of course they would lie about it.
(also, for added angst, in the misty au, blackclaw and mistyfoot fall out because the combined stress of losing four children and mistyfoot being revealed as half clan. so -- blackclaw and mistyfoot are like. way better in this. hnng.)
oh yeah. he has a lot to watch dear god in heaven. he'd prob be made to fight featherpaw too? like oh my god. ohmygodohmygodohmygod.
okay if i wrote the misty au like this, the scene where featherpaw beats dawnpaw would be replaced with featherpaw beating reedpaw. just so you know. that angst would be there. and mistyfoot is like "aw fuck."
because they can't talk about reedpaw even in their prison. they could be overheard, and then reedpaw would be -- maybe killed. or featherpaw would be. or both of them. so they can't say a word about it, ever, ever ever ever.
and -- i think. oh god. i dunno. i think -- i mean it's hard for everyone. obviously. but featherpaw knows mistyfoot intimately, like. the way you do when you go thru something with someone. you understand and predict their reactions in a very specific way.
and stonefur and stormheart are both angry. stonefur is a lot "colder" of an anger, and stormheart doesn't have any published pov, but he's angry.
but reedpaw -- reedwhisker. he knows but did not experience, he's angry but also aware of how his anger would be perceived by his mother and sister and. oh. god. the angst.
and -- god. he wouldn't even like. okay so maximum angst would be keeping the line about kits and tigerstar just -- doesn't realize reedpaw is one of mistyfoot's kits, which means that tigerstar knows that blackclaw and mistyfoot are mates, which means that reedpaw can't even look to his father for comfort. he's got dawnpaw, and again, sharing a den with shadowclan apprentices. so he just -- has to pretend that this is all dispersonal.
like of course he feels bad about it -- all of riverclan does -- but he can't let on that this is his family. hnng.
and oh my god like. yeah. tawnypaw and reedpaw as "way too aware of the misty/tiger shit."
tawnypaw as "my father is raping someone regularly and is proud of it and he wants me to be supportive of it?"
and reedpaw as "my mother is being raped and we're not even supposed to be upset about it and i think he would probably kill my sister if i let on that they're my family so i just have to be okay with this despite being extremely not okay with this."
(and mistyfoot as. oh my god mistyfoot. i'm so sorry.
like this scene
Mudfur tries to approach her, as she walks back to Featherpaw, but she doesn't acknowledge him. That is the condition, she thinks, because no one is walking her back. They are watching her, of course, but she walks freely to Featherpaw.
like oh my god. oh my god. what does -- like. ahhh. she's hurt in this scene -- maybe visibly, maybe not. certainly -- clan knows what happened last night. and now she's walking across camp and she's -- if she derails or acknowledges anyone then -- she doesn't know what will happen but she doesn't think it'd be good.
and she really wants to know is if her son is okay. is he okay is he okay is he okay. but she can't do or say anything. mudfur can't do or say anything. blackclaw can't do or say anything. they all have to keep this secret and -- oh.)
yeah. i don't know who reedpaw's mentor is...oh. no.
okay here's a fun idea. shadepelt as reedpaw's mentor. she's a little young but hear me out. reedpaw gets reassigned to a shadowclan mentor because shadepelt might have corrupted him and. oh. oh my god.
anyway. wait that's actually. because pre-rescue, shadepelt and mudfur and all of riverclan are keeping reedpaw out of sight. just. trying to not to fail everyone. but now his mentor is like.
his mentor is blackfoot. you know. one of. oh my god.
tawnypaw and reedpaw as "we're supposed to be from okay to supportive of this" oh my god.
and reedwhisker would wrack up so much survivor's guilt. feathertail would -- probably be scared of him. she really only fights shadowclan cats but -- they want reedpaw to prove his loyalty. and she doesn't want to be -- that's her brother, she loves him -- but she can't help it.
bet she Tries To Hide It.
reedwhisker would Definitely step in. i think he'd blame blackclaw. for not doing more. yeah. that's good angst. he'd also.
okay so. when stormpaw comes back. reedpaw has been -- they've had not even a day of freedom. and he's already juggling all of this complicated stuff but then stormpaw terrifies featherpaw and reedpaw is so mad at him.
like. she wanted to see you, was happy to see you -- how do you fuck it up that bad?
it's not that it's actually stormpaw's fault, but reedpaw feels like it is.
all of the apprentices are now At Odds with one another. ahhh. angst.
and i think -- yeah. he'd actually probably be mad at stormpaw for a while. it'd be mutual.
because stormheart is like -- why didn't you do something? and reedwhisker is like -- why didn't you come back for them? and.
yeah. and the whole thing makes Feathertail Feel Terrible and when they realize that she's been caught in the crossfire now they just are angry at themselves.
god. anyway. thanks for giving me more angst to ramble about.
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