#anyway. whenever i feel up to it again. those are the members i will likely post for first
gutsby · 9 days
Make It Stick
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Pairing: Old!Joel x Reader
Summary: Joel never thought he’d need a vasectomy. Then, one night, he accidentally finishes inside you.
Warnings: 18+. Unprotected-peepaw-p-in-v (I’m sorry). Accidental creampie. Age gap. Cumplay. Breeding kink. Ovulation has led me places I wouldn’t go with a gun.
Note: Convergence is a painting by Jackson Pollock. We studied it in high school and I thought it looked like jizz idk
Word count: 4.7k
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He should’ve gotten snipped when he had the chance.
Should’ve taken the plunge, faced his fears of needles and fluorescent-washed doctor’s offices like any man his age could have done and gotten the damn vasectomy. Now he was here, nearly two decades older and still none the wiser in this cold, dead world with a pretty young thing like you between his sheets. In lieu of elective surgery, Joel Miller had only to grit his teeth, bite hard, and repeat over and over again in his head, desperate:
‘Don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum, DON’T—’
Words like those normally worked. With women that weren’t you, they tended to serve him exceedingly well.
But you were just so tight. And wet. And welcoming. And try as Joel might to pretend like he got laid on a regular basis, the truth was that he didn’t. Wouldn’t. Couldn’t seem to think straight when it came to this fixation he’d developed for you, so, instead, he let his dick do all the decision-making whenever he found himself around you. Ten times out of ten that ended in:
“J-J-Joel—oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck—I’m gonna CUM.”
And that made it worth every last life-endangering drop.
Feeling how your flushed, lithe body came apart beneath his touch. How you needed him. How your eyes grew to half the size of your face and you gaped up at the man, lips parted, like you couldn’t even comprehend how the friction of seven inches could make you feel so good.
If he had it his way, he would’ve loved nothing more than to show you that feeling every night, and twice the next morning if his hip wasn’t giving him too much trouble.
But, at present, the man had bigger fish to fry. Like not becoming a new father at fifty-nine if he could help it.
With the last two fluttering pulses of your heat, and almost going cross-eyed from the pleasure as he felt it, Joel yanked his big, slippery cock out of your body and made a fist around his member as he always knew to do. Tugged and pulled and grunted above you—‘Sweet girl, you’re so fuckin’ good to me’—and watched your tits and your belly for the milky white ropes to ensue.
Strangely, though, your skin stayed the same.
No cum-spray Convergence appeared before him, no opaque and cloudy fluids dribbling down your ribs, nothing. Your stomach was as bare as the rest of you, save for a few beads of sweat, and that was all there was.
Joel shook his dick harder, confused. Beneath him, you were still coming down from your high smiling ear-to-ear and staring blissfully at the ceiling. Your chest rose and fell, rose and fell in quick succession, and while you endeavored to recollect your mind, Joel was losing his.
Where the FUCK was his cum?
In no naked horizontal tango to date had Joel simply…cum without noticing. Shit like that just didn’t happen to men, least of all to ones his age, so when he’d wrung his poor cock like a sodden towel and still saw nothing come out, he felt his stomach turn and plummet inside him.
He dropped to his hands and knees in less than a moment and lowered his head between your legs.
“No, Joel!” you squealed, giggling. Kicking your feet, “Another round and I’m gonna combust, you old perv!”
But Joel wasn’t looking to get his dick wet again. He was inspecting you. Or trying to, anyway. Quickly realizing he couldn’t see a thing in the darkness, he let out a breath through his nose and lifted you off the bed. Your naked frame thrown over his shoulder, bare hip beside his head and your strangled, muffled cry of, ‘What the hell, Joel?!’ hardly seemed to register with the man carrying you off.
You were toted to the bathroom. Joel was about to ease you down on your feet. Then, appearing to change his mind at the last second, he set you onto the sink instead. Your skin bristled with indignation, anger. A little arousal.
“Last time we did it on a sink we broke the faucet,” you reminded him, feigning more dismay than you really felt inside. If anything, you liked it when your fossil-age fuckbuddy switched things up. You were just exhausted.
Heedless of your words, Joel kneeled on the floor and pried your legs apart before him. When you swatted at his silver-flecked head, he brushed your hand away.
“Hold still,” he grunted.
“How come?”
“‘Cause I said.”
How quickly he commanded that tone of a father.
“Wanna sleep,” you groaned, about to roll your eyes.
But you couldn’t deny you liked being doted on by him.
Joel’s touch was gentle. Probing. Spidering down the most sensitive parts of your bare lower half, between your thighs, and slowly coaxing you closer to the edge of the sink. Your breath hitched when you saw his head tilt.
He appeared to be deep in thought—a rare sight for anyone who’d seen Joel Miller in the postcoital state. Most every time he’d blown his load before, the man was dead asleep within ten minutes. His joints could barely hold himself upright after a half hour of plowing the back forty, much less carry you, too, so you were puzzled now.
He thumbed at the seam of your cunt, and you whined:
“Can ya…push, baby?” His eyes flitted up quickly.
“Yeah, just…” With a look you couldn’t quite read, he placed the palm of his other hand on your belly. Then, pressing, “Like this. Like you’re squeezin’ somethin’ out.”
You cocked a brow in muted confusion but did as he asked. You watched his gaze, and it stayed on you.
Or, rather, on that soft and pliant spot between your legs the old man seemed to favor so much. On any other occasion, in a position like this, he surely would’ve been wearing a smile. Tonight, his lips curled into a grimace.
And twisted even further when you ‘pushed’ like you did.
At first you felt nothing. A gentle clench of your walls supplied little more than a sense of having been stretched—no novel concept to you, who’d spent the last three-and-a-half months or so getting fucked by the finest AARP affiliate alive most every night. It wasn’t until you clamped down again that you got the feeling there was something else. Something thick and warm and slow as molasses trickling out from between your folds.
You let out a low, tender, ‘Mmph’ without meaning to; it felt kind of nice. Beneath you, Joel’s face turned grave.
He watched as his spend oozed out of your freshly-fucked hole and thought of vasectomies again.
You were young—too young to know better. Too sweet and naïve to see any peril in spreading your legs for a man like him, in a world like this. And Joel swore he’d be careful. But no post-apocalyptic birth control method was perfect, or even close to it, and it was clear he’d relied too heavily on reflexes to keep him from cumming inside you. Joel was old—too old to be doing this shit.
Too grown and well-versed in sex to be making mistakes as stupid as that. His brow pinched in, and he drew his next breath as if the air around him was growing scarce.
“Joel, what’s—”
“When’s the last time you— you— uh…bled?”
Hardly more in control of his face than the rate his heart went thudding in his chest, Joel winced at the end. This time, you were the one to knit your eyebrows together. You could tell by that tight, discomfited tone he wasn’t talking papercuts, but were still unsure of his purpose.
“Like two, two and a half weeks ago. Why?”
Well, fuck.
Joel buried his face in his hands. You scooted closer to the sink’s edge, thinking little of his cum leaking out.
“Why?” you tried again. Softer this time.
An old, weathered head lifted to greet you. It was bleak.
“You see this?” Joel paused. Swiping his finger through the viscous white substance that had trickled out on the counter, in a puddle now, “Y’know what it means, right?”
You let his look, and the question, remain suspended in air for a second. Then another. Then you shrugged.
“Yeah. But…you’re old,” came your answer at length.
You’re old.
Joel and you both knew as much, but the former wasn’t quite following your train of thought. Still wanting to try and mitigate damages while he could, though, Joel reached for the roll of toilet paper that was fastened to the wall and tore himself a strip. He bunched it up and, reaching for one of your knees to spread you further for him, took to daubing the tissue across your entrance.
“What’s me bein’ old got to do with anything?” A little sharp, then, seeing you flinch when he drew too close to your clit, “‘m sorry, baby, just— gotta get this out of you.”
You made a face but let him continue anyway. Your eyes followed each movement of his hand, and reflexively, the muscles in your thighs tightened. Why bother with this when the man has so many better uses for his hands?
For a second, your eyes fluttered half-shut.
“Maria says old folks are, uh…infertile. Got something to do with a middle pause,” you said, breaths labored.
Joel stopped just long enough to shoot you a look.
“Menopause,” he corrected, all too matter-of-fact, before returning to his work, “is a woman thing.”
What the hell were they teaching in Jackson’s sex ed classes, anyway? Then Joel remembered how his brother sincerely believed that women peed out of their vaginas until he was twenty-three, and the thought of you not knowing the ins and outs of male virility wasn’t the most far-fetched idea in the universe. Besides, sexual health wasn’t exactly the community’s highest priority when the world around it was in a perpetual state of decay and hordes of fungus-faced fuckers ran rampant in the wild.
He curved a tender, careful finger against the ring of muscles framing your sex, trying to absorb more cum, and your grip on the edge of the countertop tightened.
“S-So, you—” You swallowed, throat constricting a little too, “You’re sayin’…men can make babies…whenever?”
You sounded so innocent as you said it. Joel wanted nothing more than to club himself over the head for being the cause of this predicament—of being such an instrumental part of the perceived corruption, as it was.
Meanwhile, your head was swimming in filthier thoughts.
Deeper, Joel, keep…pushing in…dee-e-per. You would have scarcely had more luck giving a fuck what Joel was talking about now than if he’d just said the room was on fire. By his voice, you knew you should’ve been paying attention, but the dexterity of his fingers was too much. He was caressing the first couple inches of your inner walls, attempting to scrape what bits of his release he could get unstuck from the flesh, but it seemed he was succeeding mostly in just turning you on. Rendering you deaf to the drone of his words as you pictured him pushing something else inside your tight, throbbing—
“—whole lotta problems for us if you’re, uh…ovulating,” Joel finished, expression taut and oblivious. You hadn’t heard the first part of that sentence and didn’t care to.
“Ovulating,” you repeated slowly. Indifferent.
Joel carried on without a hitch.
“Kids just ain’t fit for this world. I know you know that.”
You nodded along, not hearing a word.
“And if you’re— if y’ever did consider, maybe…”
Your lungs took an extra sharp inhale when Joel’s fingers coaxed out a warm, sticky glob of his load, and he petted your folds with his thumb. Then let out a breath himself.
“…y’oughta start a family with someone your own age—”
That part snagged your attention. Too swiftly, it came:
“My own age?”
Sighing, in spite of those welts of pleasure so heightened by his touch that the space between your legs began to throb and ache. Hardly possessed of more sense to form words that weren’t just echoes of his own, you tried communication from a simpler source—your foot.
You nudged his shoulder, and Joel looked up.
Parroting was, evidently, a hard habit to kill. Your toes curled into the bare skin of Joel’s shoulder, and when he re-inserted his finger, you ground your heel even deeper.
“When’s that ev…ever stopped us from doing it before, hm?” you said, tone strained but laced with some humor too, “Thought you liked sayin’ you’d make me a mama.”
Joel’s face flooded pink at the recollection—as a matter of fact, there had been several such memories. Instead of answering immediately, he just averted his gaze again. He anchored one hand to your thigh, and with the other teased out another string of your shared arousal before wiping his finger on the tissue, clinically, and repeating. All he had to offer in reply after was: ‘That’s different.’
And it was, to some extent. Joel wasn’t blind to the sea of uneasy looks that trailed behind you both whenever you walked the streets of Jackson together. How wide the eyes would get when instead of observing some filial display of affection play out before them, as expected, you’d loop your arms around his waist and take his lip between your teeth as you kissed—‘Can we please go home now, baby?’—that Joel was certain he’d been cemented as the resident pervert among everyone in town. Just how much worse that reputation was liable to get if there ever happened to be a round and swollen belly between that embrace someday was unthinkable. Dirty talk was one thing; parenthood another entirely.
This is for the best, became the low, grating refrain in his skull. Why he dug so hard, pushed so far inside the wet, velvety interior of your body without a thought for his own desires in that moment; he had to cull every trace of himself out of there, before he had half a chance to think.
“Baby, hey, hey, no—” Joel cut in a second later, abrupt.
No, no, no. You weren’t thinking either. Wrapping your hand around his wrist, pushing his fingers deeper inside.
Smiling a little, too.
“What are you— no, honey, don’t— you can’t,” Joel’s words splintered in every direction, watching you plunge his own index and middle fingers into the slick and the warmth he’d just been trying to get his cum out of. He looked up and saw your lids were heavy, about to close.
“What are you doin’? This ain’t…no, baby, it ain’t…safe.”
Back to sounding like a dad in no time at all.
“What’s wrong with leaving it in a bit longer? Feels nice.”
You had no idea what you were talking about. Joel pulled back on his hand and, in less than a second, had it freed.
“I just told you,” he huffed, “You’re too young—”
“I’m plenty old, Joel,” you returned, eyes snapping open, “You’ve shown me that more times than I can count.”
Joel was silent, stunned. He rose to his feet as your eyes seared holes into his, and for a second, he was uncertain whether to take a step back or reach out for you again.
To his surprise, something like hurt surfaced behind your eyes. You set your lips in a tighter line, and your grip on the counter grew firmer just the same. He would’ve taken that move as his cue to lean in gently, slot his body between your thighs, and venture an apology of some sort, when the next thing you did stopped him cold.
Without a word, you slipped your free hand between your legs—eyeing Joel closely, almost scornfully, as you did.
You took your middle and ring fingers and sank them into your cunt. Not intending to let a drop of his spend leak out, you wedged them in as far as they’d go. Joel watched. Gawked. Once sufficiently pleased with the look of shock taking over his handsome, aged features, you withdrew the fingers. You brought them up to your mouth, wrapped your lips around the tips, and sucked.
It was a rare thing to get a taste of you and Joel together like this, so you savored it. You moved your mouth further down to drink it all in, peering up with wide, indulgent eyes and a look that was meant to punish.
Feels nice.
Tastes alright, too.
You’d licked the last bit of this glaze off your hand when your stomach clenched. You knew it would happen. Full as you were, you feared your body still hungered for more. As such, it hardly came as a surprise when next your muscles tensed, and you shifted closer to Joel.
“Maybe I don’t want babies with someone my own age.”
Either one of your knees were nudging his hips. Drawing him in. Joel appeared to waver for a second, unsure, but the look on his face made it clear this was mostly a matter of a delayed reaction. He couldn’t get his legs to move because the rest of him was still in awe. Staring at your lips, where the residue of his spend was glistening, then to your eyes, which were no less inviting, then up to the crown of your head and over it, to fix his stare on the mirror behind it. You watched him watch his own reflection with a look that was both hard and unkind, breathing slow. When he didn’t stir from that position after a minute, you touched a hand to his lower stomach.
And, brushing the heel of your palm against what felt like a hundred grey hairs in the old man’s happy trail—your favorite ones—you smoothed a caress along his belly, back and forth, before moving it left. Your hand came to rest on a mound of muscle and fat sitting right above his hip. Love handles, Joel had remarked one morning with vague distaste. Love handles, you’d repeated, beaming. You held on tightly now, appreciatively, and used your well-loved wall of flesh to pull him closer. As with any beckoning of yours, Joel didn’t have so much as half a mind to resist. He did, however, refuse to meet your gaze while you tilted your hips and spread your legs wider, before winding your ankles around the backs of his legs.
“Don’t you think I’d look pretty?” You pouted up at him. Your folds made a light, warm suction rubbing along the front of Joel’s cock—of course he’d grown hard again, and you could hold him, point him down to that wet embrace awaiting him patiently at the edge of the sink.
Joel cursed under his breath.
“‘Course I do…” he said, voice hoarse, “Y’always look—”
“I mean…with your baby inside me, Joel. Right here.”
As if to put a finer point on your words, you nestled the head of his cock inside the first inch of your body. Joel had to seize the laminate underneath you and grit his teeth to keep from letting out a groan too loud. That tip may as well have been a first-rate conductor of heat, and your warmth the thing that might send him spilling again
“You don’t—” Joel choked out, nearly incensed, “—don’t know what the hell you’re sayin’, baby. What that means.”
In truth, there wasn’t a world Joel Miller could imagine where a girl like you could give more than a passing thought to getting knocked up by him—a man his age. What good would it do? You had your whole life laid out before you like a four-course dinner spread; there was no sense whatsoever in letting the meal go to waste on him.
He communicated as much by moving to pull out.
You met the effort with a push of your own, sinking down another inch or two on his shaft and smiling when you saw his eyes roll back in his head at the dizzying friction.
“I know more than enough, old man—” Grin stretching ear-to-ear as you dug your heels in his ass and tugged him deeper, “—who do you think taught me all this?”
Of course, it had been Joel.
Always, always him—the only one, in fact.
Your walls drew him in like a hug. For once, Joel conjured up the strength to take a look between your lower half and his, and when he did, the next moan was inevitable. It trickled through his lips. Your body looked sublime swallowing a third of his cock, and it was almost as though a maggot had crawled into his brain, chanting:
‘Make her full. Make her yours. Tell any man who’d even think of looking her way she belongs to someone else.’
He couldn’t.
Joel would never be so selfish. Just think of her youth.
But when his gaze drifted back to yours, every thought and any word besides seemed gently to melt away. Beneath him, your eyes were two pools of desire.
“You like this…don’t you, Joel?” Your voice was tiny.
“I do.”
In fact, he loved it.
“Then why can’t we?” Why shouldn’t we?
Minuscule now, the words that reached him barely exceeded a whisper. It was as though the moment itself had drained all fear from your face—and out of Joel, all common sense from his brain—leaving you both to stare at the other with shared, stupid, anoetic looks of bliss. The man who had you beat by thirty-odd years seemed nearly of the same mind, with almost identical ignorance.
“Just once?” Joel croaked.
Somewhere underneath, unseen, you smiled.
“Just one?” you murmured back.
He sank in another inch. When your walls contracted around him, Joel’s hands found your hips by force of habit and pushed your back against the glass behind it. The mirror was cool, and inside you, Joel was throbbing.
“Once,” he repeated, not thinking too deeply.
“One,” you said, with a world of more purpose.
Joel relinquished the last three inches, and with it, all of his resolve. The handsome, scarred, and plainly greying features all twisted as one, and the expression that you knew too well to mean that the man was feeling good took on the slightest hint of guilt. He gripped you tighter.
“One?” Joel panted. Confused.
He pulled out halfway just to find his home again. Your pearly slick mixed together with his spend, and both coated over Joel’s shaft in a pretty, generous sheen.
“One more of you, I mean.” You sounded too sweet. There was no way in hell you’d actually meant it.
Joel’s cheeks flushed again, but he didn’t stop, either.
“Baby…” he trailed off instead. He pushed in, pulled out, felt your tender little hole make an ‘o’ around his shaft, and then he kissed the edge of your left cheek—maybe to rein in the need in his words before he spoke again: “One’a me takes and I’m givin’ ya fifteen more, y’hear?”
The smile he received told him as much as he needed to hear. He probably wouldn’t have believed it even if you’d said the words yourself. Joel’s thrusts sped up, and as the pleasure distended in the pit of his stomach with the friction and the feel, his words flowed a little more freely.
In disbelief, “Wanna be a mama that bad for me, huh?”
Your grin grew bigger. You nodded your head.
“Make your old man a daddy, is that it?”
Exactly. Senseless as it was, your look said it all.
To have slipped between the grooves and ridges of Joel’s brain and caught wind of even a fraction of the things he wanted to do to you then, a smarter girl would have run. Would have shoved him back out as swiftly as she’d let him in and told him no, that’s gross, and gone home. And, had the grey matter floating inside your own skull not been so completely dominated by primal need and wanting, that’s likely what you would have done, too. Instead, with a head full of lewd, youthful stupidity, you seized the black-grey curls dangling at the nape of his neck and drew him closer. You spread your legs wider.
“That is what you’ve wanted this whole time, right?”
Under his scruff, a muscle tensed as Joel bit down.
That’s all he’s ever wanted.
Let the neighbors talk.
Let them say what they wanted to say—it was probably all true to the point they were trying to make, anyway. That Joel was a pervert, of course. That you were naïve, also true. That you would look too good not to stare in a white cotton frock with a bump underneath, absolutely. These were the ideas permeating your brain and his while Joel took a firmer hold of your sides and brought his nose to rest against yours. With every stab of his hips, he pressed kisses to your soft, parted lips, speaking low:
“That what you want, too, darlin’?” More serious now.
The head of his cock nicked a sensitive ridge inside you, eliciting a whimper, but you nodded. You nodded again, feeling the brush of his stubble at your mouth and your chin, and nodded again when he bottomed out, stuffing you tight. It felt a little more momentous than any other time in the past, now that you were picturing a fullness that wasn’t just him. Him and you: a concrete being to soothe the sting of his absence long after Joel withdrew.
Something to stick.
“Please say it, baby.”
Someone to call yours.
“I want it,” you said, sounding desperate.
A coil was just starting to form in the place you felt him. Drifting up, pulling tight, making your eyes go glossy and wide while they stuck to Joel’s and begged him for more.
“Want what?” He sped up, and his thrusts got sloppy.
“Want you,” you breathed, “Inside me, Joel, please.”
As if predicting your next thoughts, the man lowered his hand to your belly. You hadn’t even noticed the smallest bulge had taken shape beneath the skin. Joel slowed, momentarily, then rubbed the base of his palm against the mound where your body was obliged to make room for his cock inside you. He drew soft, tender circles there and, with the motion, sent stars flying before your eyes.
“Good girl,” he murmured, “Right here?”
“Ri— right there. Right there.”
Joel adored that sound. The soft, elated look, the gentle knoll of flesh in a bump below his hand, the whimpers rolling off your tongue repeatedly, quicker and quicker the more the pleasure inside you continued to build. Joel’s release was coming soon, too. For the hundredth time that night, he silently wished he were a little younger; so he could fill you up once, twice, twenty more times until your insides were stuffed and painted white. As if reading his mind, as he had for you, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
“Hope our baby has your eyes,” you murmured to him.
It shouldn’t have had such a strong effect—but of course, it did. Joel pictured the small, sweet infant with irises that shone a bit like his, and his stomach caved in.
Tonight, tomorrow, or ten months down the line, he was getting you pregnant. He’d clear his whole schedule for it
“That right?” And now he couldn’t stop the smile as he spoke, leaning even further in, “What about their nose?”
He kissed the tip of yours.
“Hope they get this.”
He kissed either one of your cheeks.
“These too.”
You had to fight back a laugh while his scruff tickled skin. Two deep strokes away from the brink of release and he still somehow always stayed in tune with your needs.
The threat of your peak was perilously near. Joel’s spend and your slick, tender glaze made a chorus of sounds at each thrust, and the deeper he went, the bigger it swelled. Your smiles couldn’t stay for much longer when the feeling inside you both was being amplified like that. Sensing this, Joel took hold of your face and slipped his touch to cup your chin. He made you tilt your head up to him, as if to ask again, ‘Are you sure?’ and when you nodded, his lips twitched again. A fleeting hint of a grin, like he couldn’t be more eager to finish now if he tried.
Holding your face, cock swollen and throbbing and desperate between your walls, he felt a familiar twitch.
There it is.
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priniya · 1 year
Can you please write a comfort fic about jealous theo x reader? Maybe he gets jealous and then over thinks the situation so the reader comforts him?
If not that’s totally fine no stress! Thank you!
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synopsis. thedore nott gets jealous over his girlfriend’s friendship with mattheo.
notes. theodore nott x girlfriend!reader. established relationship, jealous theodore.
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theo hated jealousy.
as a child, he used to be very possessive of his things, which always resulted in silly arguments with his cousins, when he threw a tantrum over a tantrum if someone touched some of his toys. as he grow up, he began to realize how much he saw his father in himself, so nott promised himself to never show that side of him again.
and he didn’t. theodore would always bottle up his feelings and then lash it all out at someone, who accidentally got into his path, and made one mistake, receiving a rough punch in the face afterwards.
that was until he met you — the meaning of his life, the sunshine to his grumpy, the member to make his family be found or anything that would make your stomach erupts in butterflies if he said that out loud. you gave him a new point of view, the one that let him feel… lightly, feel relieved about his problems. it was refreshing, really.
he should’ve known from the beginning that you, and your best friend come in a package. and he should’ve known, because the three of you were great friends even before you two started dating.
at first, it was nothing. a mere thought that occurred to him on a sleepless night, vanishing right after his brain was clouded with exhaustion, eyes falling shut. then, the strange feeling of bottled up jealousy got him.
your boyfriend started noticing all those small things that had never really mattered to him before. the way matt’s eyes always lit up when you entered the room, how he laughed at your jokes, how his hands somehow always found its way to wrap around you, or just touch you.
jesus. it made his blood boil, every single time. the outcome would easily disappoint you if you knew right away. when theo hated his possessive side, you despised when he fought random people at parties — even though it was awfully attractive to see him all angry, you hated patching him up, being a witness of every small wince, a gasp, or a hiss as you pressed a gauze to his face. you always thought of consequences as well, what if someone told the teachers or what if it ended up as a case in ministry of magic?
you wouldn’t even know that your boyfriend was struggling with endless thoughts of you, leaving him for mattheo. thank god that you were blessed with lorenzo, who apparently couldn’t keep his mouth shut (“i wouldn’t spill it, nott! you were just sulking, i had to tell her!”).
at the beginning, you just thought it was a silly prank the boys tried to pull on you – to see if you reacted in anyway, or to just mess with your head a little. the perspective changed as soon as you noticed how stiff theo would get, whenever riddle joined you. it was all confirmed, when he began avoiding you like plague.
“teddy.” you sighed, barging into his dorm (ironically, shared with mattheo) without knocking. “we have to talk.” the way you phrased it was enough to make him straighten up in his bed.
in his eyes, you were about to break up with him and reason it that you just didn’t love him anymore, and fell in love with your best friend. he could hear his heart shattering into pieces, see the tears that would dig holes in his cheeks as soon as you leave the room.
“something happened, baby?” he asked, trying his hardest to brush off the pain, accumulating in the back of his head. “did i upset you in any way?”
theodore watched you get closer to him, resting your arms against the wooden frame. “well, was there a reason to get upset?” your eyebrows were lifted as you made eye contact with him. “hm?”
a long sighed left his lips. he stood up from the bed, leaving his sheets all messy. he took a step forward, close enough to wrap his arms around your body, trying to get you as close as possible. “y/n…” he hummed, bringing his lips to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses down to your shoulder.
it always worked if he tried to calm you down. not this time though.
“can you tell me what’s going on with you?” you asked. taking a few steps back, because you were mad at him and not a single kiss could change your mind (it could, you were just delusional). “did i do something to upset you?” you knew the answer, whatsoever you wanted to hear it from him.
“no– no, baby. why are you saying that?” theo frowned.
“so, you’ve been avoiding me all week long just for the funsies?”
shit, he thought. so you noticed it all. noticed how distant he grew. his eyes closed for a second and you really believed he would brush you off again, just like he did all this week. “it’s stupid.” he turned his head towards you. “i was jealous.”
your silence has pulled on his tongue. “of how mattheo acts around you, and uh. i got scared that if i tell you about it, you’re either gonna laugh at me or agree with my worries and leave me for matt.”
“teddy.” the way you were still using his nickname eased his worries a bit. “i love you, okay? only you, always you.” you confessed, dropping the L bomb for the first time in your relationship, finally feeling ready to. it made his heart flutter, soo much it almost pained him.
“you do?” you chuckled at his words, giving up the tough girlfriend act, your palms cupping his cheeks, bringing him a little closer. “y/n, i am so sorry, i should’ve talked to you.” his arms wrapped around your waist, forehead falling onto your shoulder.
“you should have.” the words rolled on your tongue in a soft manner as you placed a few kisses on his temple, nails gently scratching his nape. “i see where you’re coming from, but you gotta talk to me about things like that.”
it took theo five seconds to pick you up and throw you on his bed, cuddling up to you as you whispered sweet nothings into his ear, reassuring him of your feelings.
“but if you could, you’d choose me over anyone?” theo lifted his eyebrows at you, and you couldn’t hold a giggle back.
“well, over anyone?” you teased, grinning. “i could never not choose pansy.”
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anantaru · 2 years
୨୧ how long they last during no nut november feat. childe : ayato : kazuha : cyno : kaveh : diluc : al-haitham : scaramouche x fem! reader
୨୧ WARNINGS: nsfw
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the first time you suggested to him to participate in it, childe blatantly refused, he was very much aware that there wasn't a chance for him to win in the slightest. Yet after giving it some thoughts he decided to give it a try, he's never running away from a fight and this in particular, was a fight on its own. It wasn't until the first day hit him, when he saw you. You had just woken up, the sleep still visible in your eyes as you greeted him lovingly.
who thought it was a good idea for him to sleep next to you? not to mention that you were wearing nothing more than your underwear, those tiny panties hugging your figure perfectly. "what is it?", you murmured softly towards his direction, a small smirk prancing over the corners of your lips. "fuck it." ajax was sexual excited in an instant, even though his brain told him to back off he just couldn't as he walked towards you, wrapping his arms around your body before kissing you starvingly.
he didn't waste any time to slide his cold fingers past the elastic of your panties, dragging his digits over your folds. You gasped out, questioning the man in front of you if he perhaps forgot that he was actually planning to pull through that annoying little competition of yours, "this is torture, please don't make me do this again." he whined out in between kisses, his fingers working in tandem as you let out a breathy laugh, hugging him back into your embrace.
ayato wasn't sure why you would possibly think he'd actually fail the little competition you had prepared for him. He was busy all day, barely able to see you during the day and surely at night time he'd be too tired for anything more than a few cuddles anyways. What for some reason, he did not take into his calculations, was the sudden rush of frustration prickling through his veins like an electric current, he was powerless against it, couldn't turn those feelings off either.
he slid under the soft blankets after showering, his muscles sore from being at work all day while his hair was slightly damp, sticking on his forehead. You waited for him, as always, his arm wrapping around your waist as he laid his head in the nook of your neck, taking in your scent. Ayato started to get nervous whenever you'd shift in the bed, you weren‘t facing him as you talked about the various things you did today with the plush of your ass brushing over his member.
he closed his eyes, cursing himself underneath his breath, trying to not give into the sensation that was building in his gut right now as he added more strength to the grip on your hips, fingernails digging into your soft skin. His stomach was tightening, blood rushing through his veins when you noticed something rather hard poke at your ass, "are you?" you questioned in a low tone, yet it was immediately noticeable how hilarious you found the situation. Ayato groaned as a response before humming into your neck, the vibration traveling from your ear to your body, leaving a soft trail of kisses before sinking his teeth down, "i don't think i can do this all month."
kazuha's love language was always physical touch, it didn't necessarily had to be sexual, most of the times it was him holding your hand in his or simply lazily looping his arm around your shoulder to keep you close. Of course, he figured, it wouldn't be a problem for him to still do those things, but damn, you made it so incredibly difficult. Your eyes wandered over his face, a light curve in your lips as you shuffled in your seat to sit more comfortably.
his thoughts were scattering to sinful desires upon seeing your dress slightly draped up your hips, exposing just a bit of your panties to him. Kazuha swallowed thickly, his heart thumping in his chest as you noticed the way he'd nervously chew on his cheeks, face flushed a faint layer of redness. "oh, sorry." you giggled, pulling down your dress as he took another deep breath before reaching his hand over to you. The expression on your face was confused, tilting your head a little before standing up regardless, walking towards him to take his hand in yours.
your chest heaved as he abruptly, drew you on his lap, caging you in with his hands. "you did that on purpose." he whispered, low and heavy as you shook your head, yet your smile made it more than obvious that you were not saying the whole truth. Your eyes widened as kazuha bucked his hand under your dress, cupping your heat, "i thought we said we'd never lie to each other?" his chuckle formed into a purr, voice breathier than you knew it, his fingers scraping over the spongy flesh to stimulate you, "even if i lost, i count it as a victory."
"i was so close." cyno muttered, his warm breath hovering over your wet core before your muscles tensed, digging your heels into the bed to slightly lift your hips up to him. Your body jolted forward into his mouth, cyno was devouring you, flicking his tongue over your folds to finally taste you again. It has barely been two weeks, yet it was so incredibly stressful, his body getting off from merely your voice, all form of self control turned into nothing.
"you did a good job." you chuckled, biting and chewing on your lower lip to muffle a moan as he continued to map it out, leaving nothing unturned with his tongue. you could sense a little sting of his sharp teeth grazing over the pulsating flesh, his brows furrowing in concentration when he circled his arms around your hips to have a tight grip on you. Cyno truly couldn't take his eyes off you, your folds glistering as he began to suck on them, humming in pleasure when his spit melted with your essence.
sweat was beautifying your skin, your mouth hanging open with every moan falling to deaf ears. Cyno fluttered his eyes open to look at the sinful expression on your face, his cock throbbing in his pants, waiting to be finally freed by you. It was painful to him, the last time he actually had an orgasm was weeks ago, involuntarily humping the mattress underneath him as every nerve in him felt like on fire, catching his breath before grinding his tongue into your cunt again.
"fuck." kaveh cursed out in between making out with you, "i was so close baby, i really was." he complained, digging his fingernails into your hips while rutting himself into your heat. "but it got so unbearable, you don't even know half of it." you couldn't help it but laugh at his words, he was so overdramatic, wrapping your arms around his neck before slightly repositioning your hips. You bended your knees a bit more so he could reach further into you, your legs spread open.
kaveh sank into your hole, his cock twitching against your walls when he dropped his hips into your warmth. "that's so much better, don't you think?" he questioned with the answer clearly displayed on your expression that showed nothing but pleasure. You sighed out, lowering your eyes as you watched him through your lashes, his pace becoming even with shallow breaths tickling your neck.
kaveh felt how you clenched down around his girth, how you whined at every thrust forward as he looked in between your bodies, quickly licking his thumb before placing it on your clit to swipe it over the sensitive nerves. Your body jolted forward, tossing your head into the pillow as you cried out his name in fast chants, your legs shivering around his body. Your noises turned into cries, melting and unraveling underneath him as his grip on you tightened, not giving a single fuck anymore that he lost the small competition between the both of you.
by the end of the month, you're going to be a whiny little mess while diluc will simply sit next to you, bright smile, with a triumphal expression painted on his face. If he's determined to do something, he will push through it until its done, there was no losing in his eyes, only victory to be claimed. Contrary to popular belief, your boyfriend had a sense of humor, even though he didn't show it often he wouldn't pass on an opportunity to joke about it to you in a lighthearted manner.
he had you spread on the bed by the end, his breath hot on your shoulder as he licked all the way down to your collarbone, biting down. "how did i do?" he asked cheekily, flashing you his canine teeth with a smile, your lips pouting as you whined out, the words dying in your throat. Diluc hummed, moving closer to your ear while spreading your legs so he'd rest in between them.
"i'll give you what you want now." he promised, rolling the words off slowly as he slid himself in, your cunt sweet and tight taking him all in. You arched your spine into his body, tossing your head to the side when you moaned his name prettily. You weren't able to understand how diluc seemed to have gotten through this month without a slip up, his determination was otherworldly as he decided for a slow but deep pace, your mind empty as your body grew hotter, warmer with a prickling sensation dashing through your veins.
"you did so well." you cooed into al-haitham's ear, pecking his rosy cheeks before kissing his lips, muffling the tiny groans that escaped his throat. Your hand caressed his soft, pale skin, trailing your fingers over the aching muscles of his chest all the way down to his stomach. Al-haitham slid his hand into his hair to smooth it back, watching you work on his belt to free his cock from its restraints.
his eyes met yours in full force, "i told you I'd pull through." he proudly stated his victory, before his breath hitched, getting stuck in his throat. your hand was wrapped around his shaft, his pants pulled down to his knees as you didn't bother to fully getting rid of them. You spoke in low whispers, sweet chants only for him to hear as you circled your wrist around his shaft, fisting his stiff cock.
playful rubbing turned into skilled stroking, his hips bucking into your hand each and every time. "fuck, i missed that." he admitted bluntly without a care in the world, the curve in his lips evident as his breath came out in fastened spurts with a sigh of relief accompanying them. The sweet tenderness of your hold on him was to die for, his muscles turning tense as he moaned out, gasping frantically as he came, the warm white ropes of cum running down your knuckles. His his hips stuttered, continuing to buck into you when convulsed in great pleasure.
there's no way in hell he would've ever lost, not in a million years, scaramouche was pulling through that rough month with a determination you've never seen before. "you didn't think I'd actually win, admit it." his smirk was wide, his voice hoarse with a sprinkle of lust in it. He was watching your every move, a wry smile on his face with an amused twinkle in his eyes, the way you squirmed underneath him was making him lick his lips in anticipation.
"don't worry, i won't tease you tonight." your face was clouded in confused upon hearing him speak his words, not buying it, "i can be nice too, you know." scaramouche spread his fingers to brush them over your belly, feeling your skin underneath his pads. His eyelids fluttered low before pressing himself on top of you with one of his hands right above your head— so you wouldn't hit your head on the headboard. You bent your knees, spreading your legs wider so he'd be able to thrust his hips better into you, his tip already prodding on your little hole.
the stretch was painful at first, you missed that feeling and so did he, truth was, scaramouche simply couldn't tease you tonight, it had nothing to do with him being nice for once. He was more than riled up, frustrated and annoyed with the burn that would always occur in his legs and never fade away. Scaramouche placed his lower lips in between his teeth, his brows furrowing in concentration as he slid himself in until fully sheathed, splitting your cunt open and fuck, he dreamed about this every day, the overbearing sensitivity only adding into his play.
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do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTARU 2022
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fairyhaos · 2 months
seventeen's "loser line" in a relationship
[ requested by @valenhui ]
based off of the "losers when in love"* bullet point in this headcanon! theyre literally SO fuckinfg cute oml i might write full fics for them if i have time ><
*consists of junhui, mingyu, chan.
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pathetic and adorable kind of loser. pathetic really.... is genuinely the best way to describe it. he's so desperately, pathetically in love with you and literally acts like he's still hopelessly pining over you even though you've already started dating. laughs super hard at your jokes and stares at you with sparkles in his eyes and flirts with you at every given opportunity like he isn't already dating you and hasn't already won over your affections ages ago. but hey, he's dedicated, and you can't exactly complain at being showered with all of his attention.
also randomly informs you that he's in love with you at any time of day. you'll be watching a movie in the theatre and he'll tug your sleeve, leaning into your space almost shyly and being like "hey. hey. i just wanted to let you know... im kind of in love with you" before scrunching his shoulders up all shy and leaning quickly away from you again. hes always so adorable, ears turning pink even as he flirts with you into oblivion before tacking on a cute "im in love with you, by the way" at the end. every time he says it, you feel so overwhelmed because god, you're so in love with him too
wet puppy kind of loser. i'm talking whining 24/7, pouting dramatically whenever you're not clinging to his side, and snuggling into you whenever possible. it's like dating a large, overgrown puppy that doesn't realise he's as big as he is, if that puppy suddenly found out how to talk and cook and do the laundry and looks up at you with big, shining eyes when you come home and goes "hello!! i made every single one of your favourite foods when you were gone bc i missed you so much. how was your day??" at least twice a week. (you're beginning to worry that mingyu might have some sort of separation anxiety.)
also he Does Not care if the other members tease him for being so in love with you, bc hey, yoon jeonghan's just jealous of your lurrrve anyway. but he will sulk if You tease him about it bc hey :(( you're the love of his life :((( don't be mean to him :((( gives you those big, wet, sad eyes every time you tease him until you finally laugh and give him a big kiss to placate him. tells you he loves you every single hour of the day. the members can tease him all they want, but all that matters to him is that you're aware that he Genuinely loves you to pieces.
devastatingly infatuated kind of loser. he literally just. ADORES you so much in a kinda adorable, kinda incredible way because it surprises you again and again when he does something and you realise he loves you so much. and he does things, a lot, because this man is literally doing everything for you. hangs onto your every word like they hold the secrets to the universe, and remembers everything you tell him like it's his life's mission to become an expert on your likes and dislikes. has definitely zoned out whilst staring at you too many times to count.
i gotta stress how in love this man is tho, like. would 100% change his profession into loving you 24/7 if he could. no one wants to go out drinking when the two of you are together bc when chan gets drunk, he just repeats how in love with you he is over and over again like a broken record. (hoshi made the mistake of joining you two, once. he recounts the incident with a look of mild horror every single gathering the 14 of you have.) he doesn't say ily to your face a lot, but it's mostly bc he just forgets cuz he's been staring at you in an utterly lovesick way for far too long.
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @kikohao @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @sea-moon-star @nonononranghaee @isabellah29 @mcu-incorrect @hrts4hanniehae @suraandsugar @pan-de-seungcheol @dokyeomkyeom @melodicrabbit @bunnliix @bananabubble
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nightcolorz · 3 months
I hope that whenever amc iwtv introduces Marius and they have the plot line where Marius and Armand reunite, their dynamic isn’t openly hostile or openly loving, or overly intense or dramatized. I rlly want it to be the way it was in the books from queen of the damned to the vampire Armand (hopefully with more depth explored), where Armand is very polite but very distant when he interacts with Marius, and admits that the reason he can’t seem to interact with him in in anyway beyond impersonal but polite small talk is bcus hes scared of him but doesn’t understand why, and he fears that if he tries to rebuild his relationship with Marius he will become subservient and consumed by him again. And like!!! Ugh!!! That awkward politeness masking a history of abuse and those deep seated feelings of betrayal and fear feels so authentic. Usually interacting with a past abuser (especially in cases like Armand’s where said past abuser is functionally a family member to him who he is expected to have a cordial relationship with), doesn’t include big displays of emotion or confrontation. It’s so real that for Armand it’s just, Marius kisses him on the cheek and it makes him uncomfortable, Armand smiles at him and tells him about his day, Marius tries to invite Armand to his house, Armand doesn’t understand why he feels so repulsed by the prospect, etc. under the right writer that dynamic could be so interesting and complex and say sm about like real, complicated abusive dynamics, so I have high high hopes and rlly hope amc doesn’t screw it up by overdramatizing it lol
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junkissed · 6 months
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member — jeonghan x f reader genre — smut word count — 1.8k synopsis — your boyfriend has a surprise for you, and he can't wait for you to find it. warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, hannie with nipple piercings, switch!hannie, nipple play, marking, punishment (kinda not really), ab/chest riding, thigh riding (i know he has those sickly little victorian boy legs but this is fiction pls pretend for the sake of plot), nicknames (baby, angel, brat, etc), multiple orgasms, blond!hannie, he cums untouched notes — this is for @onlymingyus and @duhnova i hope you suffer soooo much from this ily <3 anyway big thanks to mars and nova for cheering me on with this fic, it would not have happened without them. if you enjoyed this, please let me know in the reblogs or send me an ask, i'd love to hear your thoughts! enjoy!
you were always plenty willing and eager whenever jeonghan came home and told you he wanted you on his lap. that was a given, especially when your boyfriend looks like that, as gorgeous as he is.
but tonight after he’d told you that he has a surprise to show you, you can’t seem to get on him fast enough, stripping your clothes away and leaving you in nothing but his favorite pair of lingerie, straddling his lap on the couch.
quickly settling into what’s become an almost nightly routine between the two of you, you begin to trace your fingers along his tight white t-shirt, dragging your fingers down his chest. but when you get to his nipples, something feels… different. you narrow your eyes at him questioningly, and he nods his head at you to continue, the corner of his mouth lifting into a grin.
jeonghan smirks as you tug his shirt up and over his head, a little gasp leaving your lips at the sight in front of you. the usual thin silver chain that rests around his neck is now accompanied by shiny round studs that sit on either side of each of his nipples, connected by a bar through the center.
“mm… these are new.” you reach out tentatively, eyeing him as you lay your hands softly against his pecs. he sits back against the couch with a grin, leaning his head back as if giving you permission.
“thought you’d like them,” he says with a cocky smile as you run your thumbs over the cold metal adorning his nipples, making him shiver at your touch.
he spreads his legs wider apart as you adjust your position on his lap, pushing your knee between his legs and sinking down to straddle his thigh. you lift your arms as he yanks your shirt off, your hands quickly finding their way back to his chest.
you tug on the metal bars experimentally, breaking out into a grin when his cocky expression falls and a whimper leaves his lips.
“what d’you think, angel?” he says, his voice husky as you continue to toy with them gently.
you run your fingers across his chest, pausing as you trace slow circles around his piercings with your thumbs. “do they hurt?” you ask almost in a whisper.
he grins wickedly, grabbing your hands to guide them back up to his chest. “not at all. feels so fucking good… ‘specially when you touch them.” he holds your hands in place against his chest, your fingers brushing lightly against the metal studs and sending a shiver down his spine. “go on, baby.”
at his coaxing you slide your hands down his torso, coming to rest firmly on his slender waist as you lean closer to him. you push your face into his chest and lift your eyes to look at him through your lashes, a smile playing on your lips.
“can i…?” you ask in a low voice, blinking innocently up at him, though your intentions are anything but.
he smirks again and nods, and without hesitating you carefully wrap your lips around one of his nipples. he moans when you swirl your tongue around the metal, sucking it gently into your mouth between your teeth.
his hands fall to grab at your hips in an attempt to ground himself, knuckles turning white from how hard he's gripping you as he continues to groan at your touch. he kneads the skin of your thighs, pulling your legs closer to him and letting his hands wander over your ass, squeezing roughly.
your mouth leaves his nipple with a wet pop, using your fingers to continue twirling the piercing as you move to his other. eventually your lips begin to wander, your fingers twisting and toying with them as you suck deep marks into his chest, dark bruises beginning to bloom immediately across his skin.
by the time you feel jeonghan thread his fingers in your hair and yank your head away from his chest, you’re out of breath and he’s completely soaked. now coated in your spit, the metal piercings sparkle in the light even more than before. the chain around his neck that’s always driving you crazy seems almost dull in comparison to the shiny new studs, and you briefly wonder what it would be like to have him hovering over you with both the chain and his piercings dangling in your face as he pounds you into the bed.
but it seems you’ll have plenty of time to experiment with that later, because suddenly you feel his long fingers sliding down between your bodies, tracing circles around your clit before roughly pinching it much like you’d done to his piercings earlier. you gasp and push your hips down hard, putting all of your weight onto his thigh as he begins to bounce his leg in a way that has your cunt clenching uncontrollably.
you let out a whine as he continues to push and pull at your hips, guiding your clothed pussy over his leg. you’re already so far gone that you don’t even have the brainpower to fuck yourself on his thigh, letting him do all the work as you keep your hands firmly planted on his shoulders, your thumbs flicking his piercings every so often and relishing in the high-pitched whines that escape his throat.
you squeeze your eyes shut as you struggle to ride out the waves of pleasure suddenly searing through you, weakly grinding your hips down against his thigh. your mind goes blank when you feel jeonghan pressing his lips desperately against yours, pulling your body as close to his chest as possible so that you can feel his piercings pressing into your skin. you moan into his kiss, arching your back to feel the cold metal bars against your own hardened nipples.
as soon as the breath returns to your lungs and the clouds in your vision start to clear, you grab his shoulders and push him roughly down against the couch, filled with newfound energy as you lay him flat on his back.
he grins and shoves at his pants to help you, the wet stain smeared across one pantleg lying visible on the floor. he fists his cock and starts to jerk his hand a couple times to prepare himself for you, but you reach down to stop him and he narrows his eyes in confusion.
you pull his hand away from his cock and crawl further past his hips, grinning as you sit straddling his waist just above his belly button. “i’m not done with you yet, angel,” you lean down to whisper against his ear as you plant your hips down, smirking as you use the nickname he usually calls you.
his nostrils flare in excitement, easily giving in and letting you do what you please. you press your palms flat against his chest, pushing down hard to give yourself more leverage to drag your pussy across his stomach. 
your wetness leaks through your panties, pooling in the ridges of his abs as you glide across him. your fingers lay splayed out across his pecs, your nails pressing into his skin as you ride him. each time you lean your hips back you can feel his cock brushing against your ass, and you smile at the knowledge that he must be painfully hard by now. 
“please, baby—” he whines, confirming your thoughts. his voice comes out strained and breathy, unable to even finish a sentence from how badly he needs to feel himself inside you, desperate to have you around his cock.
you shake your head and tsk as you look down at him, eyeing the chain that rests in the divot between his collarbones and watching the way it moves every time he moans for you. “uh uh, baby. this is your punishment for going out and getting these—” you trace your fingers across his nipples, pinching lightly but just hard enough to draw another whimper out of him, “—without telling me. i get to have my fun with you first, since you’ve been such a selfish little brat.”
sweat-drenched strands of blond hair stick to his forehead as he moans breathlessly. he grips onto your waist practically for dear life, but his arms make no efforts to move your hips for you. unlike earlier when he had you on his thigh, this time you’re in control. 
“mmph— got them for you, baby,” he rasps, practically pleading with you. “knew you’d like them. all for you, angel. wanted to make you happy.”
you can’t pretend that you aren’t pleased with his surprise, and you can already feel yourself being pushed closer and closer to the edge much quicker than usual. satisfied with his response, you give in, grazing your fingers over his chest once more before you lean forward, struggling to get a better angle to grind against his abs. your hands grip his shoulders, fingernails digging into his collarbones, and jeonghan knows you well enough to know that sometimes you just need a little extra help.
he reaches up and squeezes your ass, pulling your hips down against his abdomen and spreading your legs further apart, still giving you that stupid cocky grin even as he’s so close to falling apart himself. “one more time for me, baby, please. make a mess all over me, show me how good i am for you.”
and your body instantly complies. you bury your head in his chest one more time, sinking your teeth into his shoulder as you let out a string of whimper matching his own. your head is spinning as your cunt spasms, walls fluttering around nothing as you cum a second time.
you don’t catch the barely audible “fuck…” that falls from jeonghan’s lips in the heat of the moment, but you immediately feel the hot, sticky ropes that shoot across your ass and back and the way his hips jerk up against you before you’ve even had time to come down from your own orgasm.
once you’ve regained enough of your composure you push yourself to sit up with a shaky sigh, your pussy throbbing in oversensitivity yet still frustrated from going so long being empty. you swing your legs around and move down his body to sit between his legs, watching as his cock continues to twitch from the aftershocks of his orgasm. you wipe your thumb across his stomach, smearing the trail of white drops across his abs and mixing it with your own wetness.
jeonghan’s eyes are lidded and heavy as your hand snakes back up to his chest, pinching one nipple between your fingers while your other hand moves lower to press roughly against his cock. you trace the veins that cover his shaft with a fingertip, already feeling him beginning to harden again. you finally wrap your hand around his cock, holding his length between your legs and slowly tightening your grip until he lets out a ragged moan.
“so… when are you gonna get this pierced, too?” 
i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
Hihi! I really like your writings. 💕
I would like to make a request. One for ot8.
I would like to know the boys' reaction when you moan their name in your sleep. Like, you're best friends with so and so member and your sleeping over and you're having a wet dream and you moan their name out loud. What would their reaction be? What would they do? Would they say something to you or keep it to themselves? Would they make a move?
If you do this request, thank you so much! 💕
And if not, no worries and thank you nonetheless. 💕
i kept this in the vault for TOO LONG im sorry
chan is a slut for you. S. L. U. T. even if you don’t know it. everyone knows this man is a night owl, so to get in your channie-time, you stay up with him a couple nights a week. one of those days happens to be in his bedroom. while he’s on a roll with this melody that’s stuck in his head, he’s humming into the microphone and has his big ass headphones on, so he doesn’t see you start to drift off. but when he finally returns to the outside world, he hears you mumbling in your sleep. you look so cute wrapped up in his bed, blanket tucked under your chin and taking up the entire single pillow he has. then you do it again, more intelligible this time. is that… his name?? he doesn’t do anything to stop you or wake you up. hard as a fucking rock, excuses himself to take a cold shower and get rid of the filthy thoughts swimming in his head. little does he realize that his mic is still recording. only later the next day when he’s going over the project does he catch the small moans in the background. those get put in an extra secret, extra secure folder on his phone. just for him, his hand, and the late, late night.
minho is the most straight forward out of all of them. he warned you, he didn’t want you to fall asleep in the first place because he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep fighting off the stupid warm bubbling in his belly cus you’re so damn cute. you always thought he was being his normal teasing self whenever he’d tell you, “stop falling asleep around me, i’ll fall in love with you, i swear.” no way did he have a crush on you, too. refusing to admit it, you fall asleep in his bed one night anyways. doesn’t get hard cus he’s in shock and almost bursts into laughter at you moaning his name in your sleep. not because he thinks you’re funny, but because he can’t believe you’re actually doing it. of your own free will— well, as much free will as you have when you’re unconscious. wakes you up immediately by tapping the pillow you lay on. his face is right in front of yours with the most serious look on his face. you don’t remember the dream, but still, he won’t let you sleep until you admit what you did >:(
changbin would wake you up immediately. what the fuck do you mean, you moan his name in your sleep?! this whole time?! he’s not gentle about it, his cute aggression a lot stronger now that he knows you feel the same. it was the first time you’d fallen asleep in front of him, and this happens?! he would’ve made you stay over more often if it would’ve led to this. cus he kisses you as soon as you confess that yes, you’re incredibly into him and care for him more than a friend. things get steamy, but you’re still half asleep! it is the a.m., after all. don’t worry, he doesn’t wanna move too fast. you’re the needy one (his words), so he’ll do all the work for now. some nice, desperately in love head for the first of many mind numbing orgasms, it practically rocks you back to sleep. this time, with him cuddled up beside you.
hyunjin knew it from the beginning. he’s intuitive when it comes to other people’s feelings and emotions, is also very emotionally mature. it helps that he knows you so well. falling asleep in his bed, you can’t help the wet dreams when he’s a dream personified. light touches of his fingertips over the outline of your body from your head to your ankles, not wanting to disturb you but also not being subtle. you mumbling his name in your sleep solidifies that you want him just as bad, he can’t pass up the opportunity! brushing your hair with his fingers softly, that wakes you up but only enough to know that it’s him touching you. he’d come in close to press a kiss to your cheek and you think that it’s just a sweet gesture, until he comes in closer and closer to your lips. oops, now you’re making out— and you don’t wanna stop. he’ll stick his hand down your sleep shorts, let you use him however you’d like, but that’s as far as he’ll go until you’re more of a sound mind. would love if he could kiss you until he fell asleep, too.
jisung is another one where you think he’s kidding every time he tells you he’s in love with you. he says it to everyone! he pretends to kiss all of his friends! except he only started doing it to mask how much he liked you. a movie night with him turned into a slumber party, you on the couch and him on the floor in front of you. when you fall asleep on your belly, one hand hanging off the edge and it whacks him in the face, then he hears the slightly incoherent murmurs of you saying his name. ohhh he’s hit the jackpot now, and bricked up like no fucking other. would kiss the inside of your palm to softly wake you up, except you’re deep in this dream and need a bit more than that to come back to reality. slips a hand under the back of your shirt to feel your warm skin and he almost melts cus you say his name louder, consciously. at least, semi. would— and will— rut against the side of the couch when you lead his hand down the back of your shorts to feel how much you want him. rips the fucking fabric off you immediately and goes to town just like that. does not care whatsoever if it’s an unconventional position for a first intimate moment together, he wants you. and later intends to make it clear that he will not try to kiss his friends anymore if you say you’ll date him.
felix is so timid when it comes to romantic relationships, so his mouth is like a vault locked and sealed away when he hears you moan his name in your sleep. however, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t pitch a tent in his pants, cus holy hell is he fucking hard. he isn’t shy when it comes to anything sexual, though. you two are close! so close that he feels comfortable enough to roll onto his back and pull his dick out of his underwear and dry fist himself to the sounds of your pretty whimpers for him. does he feel guilty? a little. would he do it again? absolutely. cums hard when your hips start to twitch slightly as though you’re reaching your own peak within the dream. will he be confessing after this? maybe, maybe not. who knows if he can even look you in the eyes again.
seungmin would also wake you up as soon as you say his name even just once. he’s not sweet about it, but he doesn’t make you feel like shit. kinda teases you and goads you into annoyedly confessing that yes, you have a massive fucking crush on him and yes, you were having a wonderful wet dream until he decided to ruin it. raises his eyebrows and smirks, “a wet dream about me,” as if you didn’t already fucking know that. asshole. kisses you to make you stay and forgive him for waking you up, but won’t outwardly admit he likes you back. intends on showing you that the feelings are reciprocated by making you cum on his fingers and in his mouth, “isn’t the real thing better? should’ve been having wet dreams about me this whole time.” “i have been.” “good to know. now, think you can handle more? one for each dream you’re gonna tell me about. who knows? maybe i’ll be nice enough to make it come true.”
jeongin is more flustered than you are when he accidentally falls off the bed and wakes you during his attempt at escaping. he’s only embarrassed because he’s hard as fuck and should not be thinking about his best friend like that— even if you’re thinking the same about him. it’s wrong! it’s immoral! and that’s why it turns him on so much. when you jolt awake to see him on the floor clutching his dick, he gets red in the face and ultimately admits that he was listening to you whimper his name in your sleep. it’s you who makes the first move and invites him back to bed, making him lay beside you while reassuring him that it’s okay to feel this way. he’s not doing anything wrong when you feel exactly the same. uh oh, you’re leaning in, does he kiss you? he wants to so bad. you’re so warm and smell so good. shivers covers his body when you trail your hand towards his waistband and simultaneously guide one of his towards your aching center. who would’ve thought a routine sleep over would’ve ended in the two of you hand fucking each other until you were kissed breathless and eventually fell back asleep in one another’s arms? he definitely didn’t.
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babyleostuff · 1 year
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genre | a lot of fluff
author’s note | if you’d like me to do this with any other member, let me know <3
𓆩♡𓆪 SO PROTECTIVE of you (it’s such a cliche, but I love it anyways) 
𓆩♡𓆪 99% of the time has an arm wrapped around you when you’re out in public or at least holds your hand
𓆩♡𓆪 the 1% that he doesn’t is because you try to mess with him and push his hand away (he gets SO sulky)
𓆩♡𓆪 if you’re attending any big gatherings, he always checks up on you to see if you’re alright and having fun
𓆩♡𓆪  and if someone is mean to you or dares to make you feel uncomfortable, your adorable boyfriend changes form Cheol to S.coups really fast
𓆩♡𓆪 generally, he’s even MORE sulkier and MORE poutier when he’s with you
𓆩♡𓆪 he just knows that you cannot resist him and that you’ll kiss the pout away
𓆩♡𓆪 so more often that not, he uses it just for you to kiss him (which he gets so cocky about)
𓆩♡𓆪 we know that Cheol is a big gift giver, so be ready to get spoiled to death
𓆩♡𓆪 no matter how many times you tell him that you don’t actually need all those things, he doesn’t want to hear any of it
𓆩♡𓆪 how can he not spoil the love of his life? it’s basically his duty 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’re his nr.1 spot when he’s in need of comfort 
𓆩♡𓆪 your presence alone gives him a great sense of comfort
𓆩♡𓆪 often when he’s stressed about work and his schedules, you put on a movie just to have an excuse to cuddle for the next two and a half hour 
𓆩♡𓆪 and when you give him surprise visits at the company, he falls in love with you even more (if that's even possible, he already loves you to death)
𓆩♡𓆪 adores when you wear his clothes
𓆩♡𓆪 the type to “accidentally” leave his hoodie at your place, just to act “surprised” when he sees you wearing it the next day 
𓆩♡𓆪 he tries to act unbothered whenever he sees you in his clothes, but on the inside he’s all rainbows and unicorns 
𓆩♡𓆪 also, it’s his silent way of showing everyone around that you’re his baby 🥰
𓆩♡𓆪 gets so mushy when you call him by pet names
𓆩♡𓆪 especially if you shorten his name to Cheol or Cheollie 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d also call you by a pet name (he strikes me as the “honey” type)
𓆩♡𓆪 sometimes people wonder whether you ever use your actual names 
𓆩♡𓆪 but it’s your little way of showing how much you love each other
𓆩♡𓆪 then again, if you ever call him by his full name, he knows he’s in trouble 
𓆩♡𓆪 his favorite places to kiss you are your lips and cheeks 
𓆩♡𓆪 he just can’t resist you, so sometimes you randomly get smothered with kisses all over your face
𓆩♡𓆪 HAS to kiss you before he or you leave for work  
𓆩♡𓆪 also not afraid of showing PDA in front of the rest of the boys (we know how affectionate he’s with them, so it’s going to be the same when he’s with you)
𓆩♡𓆪 he gets “annoyed” when you baby him in front of them (or in front of anyone for that matter)
𓆩♡𓆪 but when you stop, he’s all 🥺 why did you stop? 
𓆩♡𓆪 secretly loves when you’re the big spoon 
𓆩♡𓆪 there’s just nothing better for him when you wrap your arms around him and he can put his head on your chest and forget about all his worries 
𓆩♡𓆪 makes you feel so loved and appreciated
𓆩♡𓆪 not a day goes by that he doesn't tell you how pretty you are, with the most lovestruck expression
𓆩♡𓆪 he’s your nr.1 supporter and cheerleader, no matter what you do 
𓆩♡𓆪 he just wants you to feel like the most beautiful and accomplished person on earth 
𓆩♡𓆪 he will spend the rest of his life proving it to you
<3 your messages
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348kg · 3 months
stupid cupid (soul)
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ꕤ haku shota 白翔太 (soul) x choreographer!reader
18+ mdni
wc : 2.3k
: friends to lovers
tags : afab reader, fluff, smut, oral sex, vaginal sex, talk of wet dreams, porn with plot (kinda), most basic smut ull ever read oops, jongseob + intak mentioned, reader and shota are the same age, cupid in this case is shotas horny mind, oneshot
synopsis : having a wet dream about a staff member is not the way to go
an : catch me in my writer era … i listened to nct dreams stupid cupid as i wrote this (this only took an hour and i didn't proof read so pls lmk if there's errors)
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shota had a problem.
shota had a big problem, a problem he never even considered could be a problem until a few nights before, as he sat up in bed with one hand covering his mouth while the other fisted his throbbing cock, following the explicit dream he had just woken up from.
said problem was his choreographer and friend, who ever since that night has been looking a little too beautiful and perfect for comfort.
and now said problem was touching his waist to help him perfect the move he was working on, and shota was doing everything in his power to keep his erection from showing. as a dancer, he took pride in his body and movement, but right now he felt so out of control of himself and it made him want to melt into the floor where he was currently laying.
all of a sudden he longed to know what you tasted like, to feel your hands in places where you'd never touched him befo—
"shota!" you yell.
he shoots up. "huh?"
"are you okay? these past few days you've been... out of it. is there something you want to talk about?"
yeah, because you were definitely the right person to confide in about his issue.
"i'm fine... i'm, um, sick?"
your face scrunches in concern. "why are you here if you're sick? go home and sleep. it's getting late anyway." you grab his arm to get him off the ground before pressing your palms flat against his back to shove him out of the studio.
"text me if you're still feeling off tomorrow. i can finish off the section we were working on, if that's okay with you?" he could only stare at you. how were you so pretty and perfect and hard working and competent and talented and pretty—
"soul," you wave your hand in front of his face, "are you sure you can make it back to your dorm alone? you don't seem... in good condition right now."
he nods, "i— yeah, i'll be fine. i'll text you when i'm home." you were left in confusion as he backed towards the elevator in big, awkward steps. he lets out a sigh of relief as soon as the metal doors shut.
keeping up with his grueling schedule was tough enough as it is, and this was not helping relieve the constant pressure on his shoulders.
"jongseob." shota spoke as he lay in bed that night, turning to face his friend that was sat upright in the bed across the room, nintendo switch in hand.
"hm?" he doesn't look up from his game.
"do you ever have, um... dreams?"
jongseob furrows his brow, letting out a laugh. "yeah, i have dreams sometimes. whats this about?"
"no, i mean, like, those kind of dreams."
he looked up, face morphing into one of disgust. "aw, dude, that's nasty!"
"i'm serious! i need help!" his face burned.
"okay, who was it?" he tosses his switch in front of him.
shota covers his face with his hands, letting out a muffled, "yn." he was sure his face was the equivalent color to a ripe tomato.
jongseob snorts, shaking his head as he reaches for his game again. "don't you like her anyway? ask her out. me and intak have a bet going, so if you did id make $20. no pressure though."
shota shoots upright. "what are you talking about? i don't like her."
the face jongseob makes in response is one that has shota inwardly reflecting on every single interaction hes ever had with you.
"if she doesn't reciprocate it would make both of our jobs very awkward."
"dude... whenever i see you two interact she's completely smitten. she likes you. i even heard some of the other staff talking about it last week." jongseob reaches for the lamp on his nightstand and shuts it off, leaving the room in darkness.
shota sighs, smushing his face in his pillow, still feeling unsure as sleep washes over him.
shota 👽
[8:37am] i'm sick (¬_¬”) don't wait up for me
[8:41am] feel better!
you stared at your phone screen, mentally running through everything you were supposed to get done today, then racked your brain to scheme up a way to finish before noon. you quickly finished the final steps of shota's routine and dropped off some footage at your bosses office before speed walking out of the fnc building to the nearest pharmacy.
when shota answered the incessant knocking at his door that woke him up from his nap, the last person he expected to see was you, much less expected to see you with arms full of gatorade bottles and various painkillers and cough syrups.
"ah... i wasn't sure what you needed, so i got everything. gatorade is supposed to be good for dehydration." you rambled, and he wanted nothing more then to kiss the words out of your mouth.
"you didn't have to do all this." he gestures you into the kitchen, and you drop the pile of cure-all on his counter. he tries to hide the grin that was sneaking onto his face.
"gah, don't make fun of me! i was worried, you've been acting super weird. have you seen a doctor yet?"
"no... uh, it didn't seem necessary."
"what kind of sickness do you even have? a fever?" you stand on your tiptoes to press your palm to his forehead. "weird... you don't feel hot, but your face is super red."
it was ironic, because shota felt like his face was on fire. every time you stepped closer to him and pressed your hands to his body, he could feel his blood rush straight to his dick.
he realized he was staring when you tapped his elbow. you were way too close to him now, your brow furrowed as you inspected his face. all of a sudden he felt something brush against his groin.
he froze. you froze.
you looked down to where your hand sat, mouth opened slightly. "you're not actually sick... are you?" you spoke slow as you looked back up at him, and the soft tone of your voice was not helping shota as he frantically searched his brain for the right response.
sensing his panic, you continued, motioning to his crotch. "is this... for me?" shota thanked god for your confidence that he loves so much.
he searched your eyes for any look of disinterest or discomfort. when all he found was a look that made him feel like he was being swallowed whole, he nodded, voice dropping an octave. "for you."
you took his response as a green light to step forward and wrap your arms around his neck, moving your hips to press your clothed cunt into his hard cock. groaning, he reciprocated by thrusting his hips forward, desperate for friction. you let out a squeak when he reached to grip your waist with one hand, cheek with the other.
you could feel his breath fan your face as he stared at you.
you grinned. "are you gonna kiss me, or just stand ther—"
he cuts you off, smashing his lips to yours. he feels you sigh and he can't help but smile against you. it isn't long before it escalates, groaning into each other's mouths as your tongues dance together. he feels you begin to walk backwards to lead him into his shared bedroom.
"do you know when your members are coming back?" you spoke between frantic kisses, as if he was your only source of oxygen.
"they talked about having dinner plans later, which could stretch out past midnigh—" he held his breathe as you sucked at his neck to cut him off. he grabs your thighs with his strong arms to lift you into his lap and sits down on the edge of his bed. you pulled back to play with the bottom of his t-shirt. taking the hint, he reached to lift it off, leaving his abs that you can't help but ogle at in all their glory. while you're distracted, he unzips your hoodie and throws it to the floor, leaving you in only a red lacy bra.
"were you planning on jumping me before you got here? wearing something so pretty..."
you giggled, kissing your way down his neck, licking at his abs before situating yourself between his legs. he tugged his shorts and boxers down, and his thick, hard cock hit his stomach with a smack, already leaking with precum. you hummed in delight when shota twitched as you licked at his tip, hands moving to wrap around the base of his dick as you took him in your mouth.
"oh, god, yn."
you let out a strangled noise when you started to bob your head, matching the pace of your mouth with your hand as you fisted the bottom of his length where your mouth couldn't reach. you could hear his breathing grow faster and his hips begin to twitch as he grunted out your name over and over, ropes of cum painting your throat as you suctioned your lips to his tip.
"you didn't last very long." you giggled as you pulled off of him, licking your lips to get the remainder of his cum off of your face. shota didn't think he'd ever seen something so sexy, and it wasn't helping him as he attempted to catch his breath before responding to you.
"couldn't help it, you... fuckin— dreamt about that. dreamt about you. you're so— fuck."
you crawled back on top of him, pressing your mouth to his. he chased your lips when you pulled away. cocking your head to the side, you looked into his eyes innocently. "dreams about me? what did you dream about, sho?" shota swore he was going to die if you kept looking at him like that.
"dreamt... about this." he doesn't give you the chance to question him further before hes pulling himself beneath you so his face sits between your thighs.
he tugs at your shorts and panties with his teeth. "can i take these off?"
shota feels the air knock out of him as he looks straight into your dewy pussy. he kisses your inner thigh, "wet for me, baby?"
"all for you, sho. dreamt about this too— oh!" you gasp when you feel shota press his nose into your core. wasting no time, he presses a kiss to your clit and slides his tongue through your folds in one painfully long lick. your hands flew to grip his long blonde hair, hips bucking upwards in a hopeless attempt to chase the pleasure you were feeling.
"patience, baby."
shota realized quickly that he couldn't follow his own advice, already addicted to the taste of you. how did you taste this good? he licked and sucked at your clit like a starved man, speeding up when he felt your grip on his hair tighten. the pretty noises you were making were making him groan into you in return, and he could feel his dick growing harder by the second.
"sho, oh my god! m'close, m'so close!"
to help push you over the edge, he took 2 fingers and quickly slid them into your hole, fingertips pressing into your gummy walls over and over. you felt the rubber band in your core snap as you reached your climax, hips spasming as he pulled his fingers out and quickly latched his mouth to your cunt, licking up every last drop of your release.
giving you a chance to come back to earth, he slowly readjusts himself so he's over top of you again, and he can't help but marvel at the mess he's made you. the sight of your red cheeks and teary eyes alone nearly had him orgasming a second time.
"need you inside of me." you breathe, leaning up to connect your lips in a lazy kiss. shota reaches into his bottom drawer to grab a condom, quickly ripping the packaging and sliding it over his length. he grabbed his cock with one hand, aligning it with your hole.
"are you sure?" he muttered against your lips. when you responded with frantic nods, he didn't waste a second to sink himself into you slowly, holding back a groan at the feeling of you stretching out as your walls squeezed his cock, and at the whines and begs that began to spill from your mouth. he slowly started to move and you matched his rhythm, hips bucking together. you hadn't even noticed that your bra had come off at some point until you felt shotas lips attach to your tit, licking and sucking while he groped the other.
"prettiest fucking girl in the whole world. want you all to myself. so fucking perfect." your whining intensified at his words, tears falling down your cheeks.
"yours, sho! m'yours!" you began to lose all ability to form coherent sentences as he pounded into your cunt, grabbing your thighs to readjust your legs so he'd have better access to your hole. your thrusts became messier as you felt yourself reaching your high, and the chants of your name that were leaving his mouth signaled that he was too.
"gonna come, baby?" he kissed the corner of your mouth.
"yeah i— shota!" you saw white as your orgasm washed over you, mouth wide open. shota followed shortly after, chanting your name into your skin as he emptied into the condom and pulled out of you. you both took a minute to recollect yourselves, and you watched in a daze as shota left the room, only to return a minute later with a towel. he wordlessly cleaned you up before crawling back into bed. he pulled you into his chest and you reached for his hand to intertwine your fingers.
"in case that wasn't clear enough, i really really like you." you shyly tuck your face into his neck, feeling a blush creep onto your cheeks. shota kissed the top of your head and played with a strand of your hair.
"good, because i really really like you too."
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© 348kg please do not copy my work
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justporo · 11 months
The Push and the Pull (There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin)
I'm so deep in my feelings today, just sitting on the sofa being sick. So this is what you get: an angsty, fluffy, deeply corny fic of Astarion and Tav having a heart to heart. (Fueled by Taylor Swift and underlined by a Hozier lyric in the title, we really out here using all the clichés today)
And I'd really like to dedicate this to all my friendly and lovely and caring mutuals and friends here today - those I talk to almost every day now, those who created lovely art for me and those who are just all around so so lovely to me.
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Summary: Since Astarion's confession, Tav and the vampire have spent every single possible moment together, getting closer, but guilt weighs on her and so she speaks her mind - about more than one thing apparently.
Pairing: Astarion/Fem!Tav (You)
Warnings: Talk about sex and past trauma
Wordcount: 2,4k
Song: This is me trying - Taylor Swift
You laid with Astarion in his tent, all entangled: your arms around his upper body, one leg hooked around his and the other mushed between his as well. And Astarion held you just as desperately. His arms always seemed to drag you in closer as to not allow just the tiniest piece of space between you. His hands were roaming your back, softly caressing it and his face burrowed in your hair, softly nuzzling you with his nose.
Your face was buried in his chest, breathing in his scent: camp fire smoke, forest pine needles and some of the scent he liked to put on with bergamot and brandy.
You wanted to hold him as closely as possible. Wanting to give him as much of this comfort as possible.
Since his confession at Moonrise Towers you had spent every single night together. At first Astarion had seemed a bit surprised when you had come over and told him you wanted to spend the evening and the night with him. Seemingly he hadn’t been able to wrap his head around the fact that you actually wanted to spend time with him – with both your clothes on. Despite you assuring him after his confession that you cared deeply for him and were more than prepared to aid him in figuring out what he needed. And waiting, waiting until he was comfortable again for other stuff – or even finding new ways altogether if that was what was required.
But soon he’d been awaiting you every evening to come over, seeming like a kid that was desperate to be allowed to finally leave the dinner table to go play whenever you and the rest set up camp for the night. And so usually during the evening when the whole party retired you spent your nights with the vampire. Talking, detangling his hair, kissing, him massaging your tensed back, joking around until you both almost cried, worrying about what the next day or battle would bring, reading, playing cards with a deck you had pickpocketed somewhere, just getting to know each other better.
At this point you both really enjoyed that your elven nature allowed you to stay up way longer than most other party members – grateful for the extra time to spend with each other.
But the thing you probably spent most of your time with was: holding each other. Laying like this, feeling each other’s bodies, delighting in the comfort to know the other one was alive and just as eager to be held.
Astarion could seemingly  never get enough of having you in his arms. Always pulling you back into his arms in the morning when you tried to crawl out of his tent to start the day. Always groaning and hugging you harder when you started to protest until you gave in – if only for five more minutes. And how could you deny him anyway – this was the bare minimum he deserved after two hundred years of torment and being stripped of the most basic needs.
And also you wanted to imprint the feeling of his arms around you and his body against yours on your mind, wanting to memorise his smell – so to be able to always conjure this sensation and the feelings that came with it: warmth, joy, love.
You hadn’t quite put that last thing in words yet, but you’d known you felt like that for some time now. Your heart swelled achingly whenever you thought about Astarion. Your dearest wish being to keep him safe, help him heal and hold him close for as long as you were able to.
But tonight, you couldn’t shake a feeling of sadness. With all the positive developments in your relationship with the vampire there was this one thing that kept gnawing on your thoughts and lay heavy on your mind. And you felt you had to get it out now.
You pushed up from your cuddling position, Astarion immediately making a displeased noise and face while you leant on your arms to hover above him and look directly into his eyes. And you saw how his facial expression changed from mocking annoyance to worry, his brows drawing together, as he looked at you and obviously saw in your face that something was the matter.
He softly cupped your face with one hand: “What is it, my love? Is something wrong? Have I done something wro-“ “I’m-I’m sorry, Astarion”, you blurted out.
Immediately Astarion’s eyes filled with shock, his lips parted slightly – he obviously immediately thought that he had messed up in some kind of way. So you quickly continued to rip him out of his spiralling negative thoughts.
“I feel like… No… I took advantage of you and for that I feel terrible, Astarion, I’m so sorry. I know this does not changed what happened, but I wanted you to know that. And I hope you can forgive me for that”, you said and sat up, suddenly feeling you needed to be in an upright position to have this conversation.
Astarion sat up as well, leaning back on his hands and looking utterly confused. His eyes weren’t full of fear anymore but now filled with worry: “Love, could you please clarify because it seems I can’t catch up with what you mean.”
“The nights we slept with each other”, you replied immediately, feeling how the words and the feelings in you were desperate to get out. Tears started to well up in your eyes which you angrily started to rub away with your hands. “I treated you just as everyone else did. I don’t want that, I don’t want to use you, you deserve better”, you continued as the tears really started flowing in hot streams over your cheeks.
Astarion sat up further until he was in a cross-legged position and could lean to you to grab your hands that kept wiping away tears you felt you weren’t allowed to shed in this moment.
“Love, you feel like you took advantage of me when I told you I manipulated you into falling for me and now feel bad that you did exactly what I wanted you to do?”, he replied with sorrow on his face and you realised he had heaps of his own guilt.
You didn’t know how to reply so you just kept looking at him. “Tav, I understand what you mean but… How were you even supposed to know at that point?” You started to shrug, trying to say something like you would have had to know better but Astarion shushed you. He moved to cup your cheek.
“My sweet, please, I can’t even say how much I appreciate you saying this but please – leave it in the past, alright? I understand you feel bad for that and so do I for seducing you with ulterior motives in mind.”
You wanted to immediately reassure him that you were over this, but again he made you stay silent with softly lifting his free hand to silence you.
“Let us just agree to leave this behind us, alright? We are here now. Let’s not burden yourself with more than we already have going on, my love. This is a hard lesson I had to learn in life: you can’t undo what has happened, so sometimes it’s better to not let your mind be consumed by it.”
You softly nodded when he looked at you with raised eyebrows awaiting your approval. The tears had slowly subsided, but Astarion’s fingers were still softly brushing over your cheeks.
“And if it’s any reconciliation: it’s been different with you, from the very beginning.” He angled his head and his crimson gaze drifted away softly as he remembered.
 “You were so eager to be held, to open your heart and give yourself to me. And more so, so eager to give back”, he whispered and absent-mindedly a warm smile crept onto his face before his brows drew together again. “And now you are with me. Every single free second you have you spend with me although I can’t… It’s…”, his words trailed off, his hand dropped from your face.
Astarion sighed and lifted his face to the ceiling of the tent. “I know you said you were willing to wait and… not have sex with me until I was ready for it. And the next time I want to fall into your arms, I want to be sure it's without fear, without a slither of doubt, with nothing on my mind but having you, but…” His words trailed off again, his gaze dropping to the floor. You cautiously reached for one of his hands, starting to softly knead it with yours.
After a few moments, Astarion sighed and looked directly at you, red eyes piercing: “The truth is… I want you, desperately. I can’t stop thinking about how your naked body felt against mine. Hells, I get aroused basically every time you’re even remotely close to me. I feel like a giddy adolescent around you at the best of times. Sometimes I can't stop thinking about burying my face between your legs, slobbering at you like a godsdamned dog until you forget anything but my name. Or about wanting to immerse myself in you, lose myself under your hands for I know I would not have to fear drowning. But it all feels so rotten. It’s so frustrating.” He withdrew his hand from yours and pressed both of them against his eyes with a sigh of frustration.
You could only sit there and listen to his speech, your cheeks heating slightly at his confession. And you realised that he was walking around with so much worry and pain and desperation.
“Would you rather I keep more of a dista-“ “NO!”, Astarion immediately exclaimed and stared at you. “Unless…”, he continued more calmly and with a tinge of worry in his voice, “I mean unless it makes you uncomfortable that I’m like a needy youth around you.” You immediately shook your head eagerly. Astarion went back to pressing his hands to his eyes.
“Astarion, I’m…” – you wanted to apologise again but Astarion shortly lifted his hands and gave you a stare that dared you to utter the words, so you just sighed and went on – “If I can do anything to help you, please tell me. But other than that: firstly, I want you too – more than is probably healthy, I’m sure you know that. But - look at me” – you grabbed his hands this time, forced him to look at you for the next words – “I love spending time with you like this. These are the best parts of my day. You’re a delight to be around, Astarion, you’re so smart and witty. I could listen to you talk for hours. If we could just stay here, laying in each other’s arms forever, you can bet your sweet ass, I would!”
You had almost shouted the last words, riling yourself up so much with your feelings for the vampire spawn. And you felt your feelings almost boil over in your chest, so you proceeded with the thought racing through your mind before you got too shy and wouldn’t put it out there:
“I love you, Astarion!”
It came out almost a little forceful and you pressed your lips together after the words had left your mouth. But you immediately were sure that it had been the right thing to do.
Astarion’s eyes widened at you, his mouth hanging open. His eyes jumped all over you, from your one eye to the other, to your lips and back again.
The silence drew out and you started to become uneasy, awkwardly starting to shift around in your sitting position as you waited for Astarion to react with something more than surprise.
“Sorry, I shouted”, you said and bit your lip “and you don’t have to say it back.” “Gods, stop apologising already, you idiot”, Astarion immediately replied and swung over to grab your face and kiss you – forcefully and passionately.
After some long moments he broke the kiss shortly: “Also I love you too, Tav.” And then he kissed you again, pulling you over until you sat in his lap. “I love you more than I ever loved anything”, he whispered in between kisses.
Somewhen, you leaned back until you were laying there again just like at the beginning of the night. Still kissing. And you stayed like this for a long time.
Much later you broke away, both your lips swollen from kissing, and just looked into each other’s eyes. You pressed your hand against Astarion’s with spread fingers – observing the differences between your hand and his.
“Hm?”, he simply hummed and kept staring at you.
“You said I didn’t have to apologise.”
“I’ll have you know the same goes for you, okay? Because don’t think I didn’t realise you only spoke about me and left yourself out! I mean, yes, you manipulated you, but you fell for me in the end, you clown, and look where all that got you”, you said and couldn’t help grinning. You closed your fingers around Astarion’s hand.
Astarion grinned back: “Right in the best kind of mess I could have ever imagined. And now you’re stuck with this clown.” He moved his free hand to motion towards himself. “And I would argue a much more attractive clown than the average jester.”
You laughed softly at that and moved in to press another kiss to his lips. Then you buried your face against his chest again while he wrapped his arms around you closer.
“Would you mind saying it again?”, Astarion whispered softly.
For a moment, you were confused but then caught on. You lifted your head again to look directly into his open and shining red eyes: “I love you, Astarion.”
His eyes started to shine even more: “I love you, Tav.”
And you grinned at each other giddily until you had to press your head against his shirt and let out a little squeal of happiness and kick your feet while you heard and felt Astarion’s soft laugh rumbling through his chest.
Then you snuggled up against each other until you both lay comfortably and you both drifted off into your trance – while your hearts had yet moved a bit closer together.
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scremogirl · 11 months
adding to idgaf reader, they let the yans grope them whenever
I got carried away with yandere nerds, srry 😭
There was really nothing you could do to stop him. Yandere! Nerd is definitely the most handsy and since he knows you don’t care, he’s absolutely taking advantage of your laid back personality.
Sitting down at your desk you listen to the professor present today's lesson. You're so focused on taking notes that you’re unconsciously ignoring your precious yan. Sure, you have 5/7 classes with each other and will see him literally next period, but he wants attention now!
Therefore, once he shifts his hand onto your thigh under the table, you pay him no mind. He’s always like this so you think he can wait it out just a little more. Oh how wrong you were. Still facing forward, you ignore him as his hand slides farther up, fingertips brushing up against your sex. You shoot a quick glance at him, something akin to “really, right now?” but he decides to be petty and ignore you too. You huff a little knowing he’s not gonna give up and drop your pen; he’s gonna give you the notes anyways 🤷🏽‍♀️. He smiles at your quick defeat and after remaining stationary for a couple minutes, runs his finger along your arousal.
You lean back and let him rub against you, feeling heat pool between your legs. Out of the corner of your eye you see him smirk when your hips buck just noticeable for him to see. Your eyes still remain on the teacher and with a straight face and slightest groan, fall apart in the middle of class. Soon after the bell rings you grab your stuff, feeling your cum drip down your pants leg. You walk to your next class with him right on your heels before making a sharp left into the staff bathroom. As council members, it’s one of the perks you’re allowed (nobody likes using those dirty ass school restrooms bffr).
You close the lid of the toilet pulling him by the tie into the stall with you. You shoved down your pants down and undo his tie, using it to wipe up the mess he made before shoving it in his mouth. He looks up at you with glassy eyes and whines around the garment.
“Nuh uh, only good boys get to cum,”
Sure, you ended up missing a class or two and left the sore between your thighs, will you do it again? Yes.
To no one's surprise, you're here again at Yandere! Council president’s house again for another “study session”. And by study session I mean laying down in his large bed with his hands up your shirt and body pressed so close against yours you can barely move. Not that you mind tho, you're too preoccupied with the random ‘try not to laugh’ he put on to keep your attention from straying to him. This is one of the only moments he has you to himself and can sit back and relax with nothing to worry about.
Warm hands rest on your chest, an additional squeeze here and there. The silence is comfortable until it’s broken by your surprised gasp. For whatever reason, he wanted to give your nipples a gentle tug. He proceeds to grind against you from behind, snuggling closer. You look back a little only to find him nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
Again silence passes until his hands shifted to your hip and down your pants. He just left them there, resting against you and applying just the right amount of pressure. Not being one to be on the receiving end of teasing, you move his hands out and flip him on his back. Crawling on top you look into his eyes with a curt “stop,”. All you get is a cheeky smile as he places his hands on either side of your face.
“You’re so pretty,” all he gets in return is a roll of your eyes as you lay down on his chest as he scratches your scalp and slowly falls into sleep.
As revenge you woke him up with that sloppy toppy w/ no release as revenge. You had a rough time in gym the next day 🤭.
It was 50/50 with you. You liked going to the mall because most of the time you weren’t the one paying, on the other hand Yandere! Childhood friend would do everything in his power to make y’all seem like a couple. You knew the truth about your relationship so the jealous stares and whispers of “aww how cute,” and “I wish that was me,” never got to you.
“Hey babe, try on this one! The color really matches your eyes,” ignoring the babe part you stare at him questiongly. Sure, it does suit you very well, the only problem is it’s like 2x smaller than what you normally buy. You take it anyways, not willing to hear him make up dumb excuses on why he thinks you’ll like it.
Making your way to the dressing room you try it on and I’m not joking when it says it gives you the lift of a lifetime while simultaneously choking the shit outta you. You come out to where he was sitting and he looks up to you with the widest eyes and a wolf whistle.
“I always knew you were sexy, but this is a whole new level. Remind me not to rip this one off tonight,” the attendant gives you a shocked and slightly disgusted look before acting like she heard nothing when you turn around. With a flat look directed his way, you turn around before hearing a loud SMACK as short jolts of pain flow on your ass. Whipping your head around you feel a large palm grab and smooth over the area as Yandere! Childhood friends smirks at you.
“Keep the jeans on too,”
Y’all fucked in the mall bathroom and had to dash before security caught you 👍🏾
Special Guest!!!
With the first quarter ending in just a couple days, all your classes have been either free periods or makeup work. Today was just another work day for you, so you decided to make some last minute updates on your final in the school's empty courtyard. Of course, Yandere! Serial killer took the time to kill two birds with one stone; having you to himself and finishing up some assignments.
“Hey, (Y/N); mind looking at this for me? I’m not sure if I got all the details right,” he pouts. You reach over to take a quick peak, unsuspecting of a strategically placed paint can.
“Hm? What’doyou mean? I think it looks completely fin-“ your cut off before tripping but are caught before you can land. The grip he has on your hips is tight as he pulls you up, shifting his hands to your side.
“Whoa, are you okay? You could’ve hit the ground really hard if I wasn’t there to catch you,” you let out an embarrassed smile before thanking him with a hug. He slings his arm around pulling you into his lap and kicking the van away.
“Just stay with me here for a while, yea? Nothing can hurt you when your with me,”
Hope you enjoyed My Love, this is the first anon I’ve done w/ Keegan so it’s a little shorter; wanna know how y’all feel about him first. Buh bye!!!!!
-Love, Sos ❤️
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callsign-datura · 8 months
i loved your post describing ghosts dick! could you make one for another member of the 141? i love them equally so i dont care which one of them <3
Price... 6.7 inches. 17 centimeters. he's not very thick, but his dick is obsession-worthy. he's a menace. he knows how to fucking use what he's got. loves to fuck missionary and switch, sitting back on his legs and lifting you up by your hips to drag you onto him, splitting your cunt out on his cock and hitting that spot inside you that has you seeing white. this man fucking loves the faces you make. he stares at you so often, and this man knows about microexpression. he can tell if he hurts you on accident, he can tells if you're really liking something he's doing, and he takes advantage of that. 6.7 inches, 17 centimeters when he's hard. he's veiny, though. his cock is littered with them, and it's a real sensation ride whenever he's fucking you. he's heavy, too. even when he's hard and proud, it hangs a bit, and that's another reason why he likes missionary or when you're on your back or on your knees with your ass up and your front half down. it makes it a bit easier and doesn't really cause him to strain when he fucks you. don't even get me started on how it feels. your walls clamp on him over and over again when he's fucking you, cause goddammit, feeling his weight inside you is borderline comforting, even when you're on the verge of cumming. he also doesn't let his pubes grow too long. keeps himself trimmed. sometimes if he hasn't trimmed or shaved in a while, he doesn't like it when you surprise him while he's working; mostly because he doesn't want to give you a rash from the consistent friction, so he'll take extra care in fucking you during those times. he can never stay mad at you when you start panting and whimpering like that. and inevitably you do end up with a small rash on the inside of your thighs after, but he'll kiss it better, don't worry. he's vocal. very, very vocal. keeps his voice stern and low as he talks to you, talking you through each orgasm he inflicts on you, talking you through it as he overstimulates you... his voice never wavers. not very often, anyway. sometimes it'll shake a little when he whispers to you and he's about to cum, and you relish in it; that little tremor that fades into a grunt? holy fuck. cumming on the spot. slow fucker as well. slow and rough. bucks into you and pulls out slowly before bucking into you again, purring in that raspy voice of his at you as you mewl for him in that pretty voice of yours. angles his hips upward when you're on your back to drag along your inner wall, bucking deeper as if he's trying to mold his body with yours; which, in a way, he is. he wants nothing more than to stay inside you for however long he can. bonus kink list: cockwarming. no explanation needed. overstimulation, he kinda likes to see you whimper and grimace when he touches your over-sensitive flesh. always begs you for another, convincing you that you can take another; you can, after all. you end up cumming around 2 more times after that. breeding kink. no explanation needed for this one, but i will explain it anyway. if you're ever apart and he needs some kind of relief and he starts thinking about stuffing his cock into you and filling you up with his cum? hard on the spot oh my god. definitely wakes up hard if he dreams about you guys ever having kids.
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minhosimthings · 8 months
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I wanna be yours
Request: could you a friends w benefits fic with lee know x black f reader? like lee know got jealous bc of you hanging out w your guy best friend ( could be any one of the members) and lee know just fucks all his jealousy into you!!
Pairings: Minho × fem!reader
Warnings: smut MINORS DNI, fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex (not recommended), overstimulation, swearing, degradation (sorta), dirty talk, fwb with Minho, dom!Minho, sub!reader
A/N: thank you for the request babyy. Alright I don't really write for any specific skintone even though I have dark skin myself, so I didn't give much of a description of skin tones or anything in this if you don't mind anonnie!
Lee Minho was an enigma, a sphinx, a puzzle you could try forever to solve but never can. And to read his emotions? That was simply an imposible feat.
And it surprised you how much you knew exactly when he was angry, or joyful, or even hiding that he had a fever.
It surprised the other boys greatly. You? A girl Minho met at dance class when he was perhaps 16? A year before he would go on to become dance leader of a world famous 4th gen boy group knows as Stray Kids? Yeah no way.
But you seemed to know Minho more than he seemed to know himself. You were- What was it called again? Oh yes.
Friends with benefits.
It enraged you. It maddened you. It drove you crazy. You craved him so much, to touch every part of his body. But you did that every night anyway. You wished fervently to touch his soul instead, to tell him, 'hey I like like you'.
So it was a mystery as to how you never noticed how petty and jealous Minho got whenever your skin was tainted by literally anyone else.
And he knew.
He knew that he probably shouldn't do it. You were a person of your own and he wasn't your boyfriend so why should he have any control over your personal life?
And yet a fire of jealousy burnt in him, when he found out that you had hung out with Hyunjin all day, instead of staying home with him. He had wanted to bake something with you, maybe those Ghibli cookies you had seen on the internet, but you had gently refused him, saying that you had promised to go get your nails down with Hyunjin. To say that he was offended would have been an understatement. Hyunjin? Over him?
But then again, he didn't own you. He wasn't someone you could kiss everyday and call your boyfriend. And that's why psychology is a powerful subject. To know about the feelings of people who called one another 'just friends' and yet had a magnetic force against between them, to have an urge to address each other not only sexually, but emotionally, that is true power.
"Well that was a nice trip." Hyunjin blew on his nails as his car stopped infront of your house, "Wanna do it sometime later?"
You smiled up at Hyunjin as you got down from his car, slamming the door shut and looking at his through the window.
"If Mr Lee Minho doesn't react like a sourpuss everytime I don't want to hang out with him, yeah I can hang out."
Hyunjin rolled his eyes at your statement. "He's in love with you!" He said in a sing-song voice before driving off, leaving you shaking your head and inserting your keys into your house's front door.
The familiar scent of cologne hit your nose as soon as you opened the door. Minho's cologne.
"And what the fuck are you doing in my house?" You deposited your bag onto the table, and marched upto the brown haired man sitting promptly on the couch and watching tv.
"Can't I visit your house?" Minho replied, not taking his eyes off of the tv, "I have a key."
"For emergencies Minho, you have it for emergencies." You sighed, taking the remote and shutting the tv off.
"I was watching that!" Minho glared at you, getting up to snatch the remote from your hands, which you quickly withdrew before he could.
"You have the biggest tv at your house, go watch it there." You grumbled, putting the remote down on the table.
You barely had any more time to process anything as Minho hands landed on your hips, maneuvering your body to fall forcefully against the couch, with him on top of you.
"Hyunjin's a handsome guy isn't he?" Minho said, brushing his fingers across your bra and carefully removing your bra, "So why don't you just go date him?"
Your scoff earned you a tight squeeze of your hips as Minho's hands worked fast to remove your leggings.
"Why would I want to date him?" You quizzed Minho, trying hard not to whimper as his bulge pressed against your panties.
"I don't know you always hang out with him."
"Jealous are we Minho?" You cocked a grin on your face at Minho, who glared at you and furrowed his brows.
Something about those four little words sent him into a tizzy of laughter. Pure, high-pitched, glorious laughter. You loved his laugh dearly, but you wouldn’t flatter him now. Not when you had him in the palm of your hand. At least, for the moment.
"Why should I be jealous of someone when I know you like me far more than you do him?" Minho shot back, his brows furrowed.
Your fingers traced his neck, his pecs, abs, until you felt his cock in your hands. He grunted softly, beautiful eyes fluttering as you touched him.
"You think I like you?" A blatant lie escaped your lips, making Minho's land on top of them. His kissed were always sweet, akin to something a bride would receive on her special day, but you never questioned it. He could have kissed you rough, aggressive, like the people in those porn videos do, but he never did.
He leaned in once more, this time, pressing a chaste kiss to your jaw, effectively silencing you. You tilted your head back, giving him better access to the crook of your neck. You sucked in a shaky breath as you felt the points of his teeth grazing feather light across the sensitive skin, goosebumps erupting on your skin and heat settling in your lower stomach. You could practically feel him smile against you at your reaction, always proud to make you putty between his hands.
"You're such a pathetic slut for me aren't you kitten?"
You threw him a half-hearted glare, not trusting your voice to deliver a retort in case it proved the point he was already trying to make. Instead, you pulled his face towards your own, locking him into a passionate kiss. You earned a particularly delicious groan as you gently dragged your tongue along his lower lip, silently prodding for access.
You whined into the kiss, causing the man to chuckle darkly, “What’s the matter, kitten? Needy are we?” He teased.
Minho's fingers went between you legs and he began rapidly playing with your clit. You moaned his name is cries loud enough for the neighbours to question.
"Oh?" Minho raised a brow at your actions, "You can't keep quiet for me can you kitten?"
Minho's finger flicked out against your clit, making you yelp and squeeze your thighs against his legs. Your grip on his curls tightened and you used them to try and pull him closer to your cunt. This time he ran his finger up to your clit and then back down and into you. You moaned, rocking your hips into his. Minho laughed, digging his hands into your hips, uncaring if he broke skin.
“More,” you moaned, wiggling your hips uselessly.
"Don't worry darling we'll get there." Minho chuckled, amused at how much you craved his touch.
The pace of his fingers fastened, as his middle finger drove across your clit, repeatedly assaulting the place Minho knew drove you crazy.
"Min- Min ah fuck!" A string of broken moans escaped your lips, as you felt the knot in your stomach tightening. Your mind has forgotten all about the fact that you were mad at him, your attention now only on the way his fingers fit inside your pussy, like a glove.
The knot in your stomach tightened quickly, making your hips jerk erratically against Minho's hand. Your breathing was heavy as choked sounds escaped your lips.
"You're so adorable kitten you know that?" Minho pressed a kiss onto your chest, "Always such a good whore for me."
When an answer didn't come from your mouth, Minho leaned down to you, his erection pressing against your pussy, making you whimper.
"Do you need me that bad kitten?" He growled into your ear.
"Say it, say you need me."
The pressure on your pussy was too much for you. You had the urge to refuse him, to tell him to just pick himself up and fuck off. But your mind was currently being controlled by your pussy.
"I need you.." you let out a low mumble
"Couldn't hear you kitten." Minho made his way to get up, making your hands fly to his collar and pull him back
"Yes- fuck I need you Min!"
"Then have me." He answered simply.
You hurried to undo his belt as he was fondling your breasts while placing kisses along your collar bones. He lifted his hips just enough for you to pull his pants down. He took a nipple into his mouth as you palmed his bulge through his boxers.
You freed his rock hard erection from his boxers and stroked it a few times. Minho let out a soft moan at the pleasurable feeling.
Minho settles between your legs again, sliding his hands under your thighs to gently manipulate you upwards. His bare cock slides through your slick folds, the head catching on your clit and making you groan in unrestrained want. You reach out to grab his body, dizzy with desire, dragging your hand down his abdomen to angle his cock right towards your aching hole. 
“ah-ah Minho....” You lift your hips and slowly begin to sink down on his cock. His fingers dig into your skin, you place your hands on his chest.
You start to rock back and forth and up and down, just the way you know drives Minho mad. He doesn’t bother to hold back from moaning his approval. You lean down after a few minutes, so your lips are almost touching his ear, and with each movement of your hips, you say his name like a prayer.
“You’re all nice and wet for me huh sweetheart? You treat me so well” Minho hummed as he ran his cock through your folds. You nodded dumbly, your eyes trained on his cock as he teased you with a dumb smile on his face.
“Please Minho-” you whined as he watched in amusement. He hushed you as he pushed into you slowly, a heavy moan leaving his lips as he bit his lower lip. He furrowed his eyebrows as he felt you clench around him but before you could tell him how good he felt, Minho began to pound you into the couch.
You moaned at his heavy slams, each of them knocking the wind out of you as he bullied your cunt. Animalistic moans filled your ears as Minho rambled to himself.
“Why’d you have to feel so fucking good, huh? Makin’ me feel like wanting to be your boyfriend?” Minho groans. His hips drive into yours sharply, the tip of his cock hitting your g-spot with each move. He finds a rhythm with ease, sinking deep into you with each stroke of his body. 
"Min ahh-ahh fuck-fuck fuck!,” you babble, unable to string together a coherent sentence as your body takes it all in — the heat and pressure of his body on yours, his hands roaming up your body, the feeling of him inside you, so deep that your pelvis is flush against his. You can feel your slick dripping to your inner thighs, to his balls, making a mess of it all. Worth it.
Minho could see it on your face, you were close. He was already learning what each scrunch of your eyebrow and the pitch of your moans meant. “you're mine and mine only got it kitten?” he huffed, "No one else gets this."
You clench around him as you feel yourself near your climax, and Minho groans, but his rhythm remains unfaltering, relentless in his pursuit of pleasure— both yours and his. He thumbs at your clit, pushing you over the edge as an orgasm spreads across your body.
"Minho 'm cumming!" You scream.
"That's it, cum for me baby, cum all over my cock." Minho groans in response. God, he really did love you.
Pulsing warmth spreads from your cunt, drowning you in waves of pleasure as your vision whites out at the edges.
You couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh as Minho plopped down next to you. Once again you were buried in his arms, both of you a mess as he ran a hand down your shoulder.
"Were- were you really jealous of Hyunjin?" You asked him, a cheeky smile decorating your face.
Minho stayed silent for a minute before answering. "It's childish of me, but yeah I-I was."
Silence filled the room, as you relaxed into Minho's hold and he did the same thing, neither of you willing to say anything.
"Baby?" Minho spoke up at last, to which you hummed in response.
"I really do love you you know that right?"
His words brought shock to your mind, but you simultaneously felt a wave of relief wash over you.
"I love you too Min."
"A date tomorrow then?"
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blueberry-pride · 2 years
How do you think trey, Idia, rook, leona and kalim would deal with having a sweet and cute s/o who is convinced the boys are the cute ones of the relationship and s/o is puzzled when other people don’t agree with the guys being the cute one? They’re convinced other people have bad tastes. As hcs please :))
Don't Deny It Babe~
warnings: Berry's grammar, semi proof-read and like two curse words
Berry: I greatly apologize for those who have been waiting for these since February from the 100 followers event. And thank you all for the overwhelming support from the last post, love you guuys 🥰
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"Are you sure about that babe? I mean..." He chuckled as he scratched the back of nis neck.
Trey would be as confused as the others at first when he heard you claim that he's the cute one in the relationship
Would just have a sheepish smile as he rolls with your antics cuz why not? you're not hurtin anybody but he does get shy when you would debate about it ESPECIALLY with the other Heartslabyul members
Moments like these happened often, which would gradually led to Trey feeling more comfortable and started teasing you about it when the opportunity presents itself. like putting a dash of flour on your nose to have flustered or even calling you 'cutie' at times~
I also see as this goes on that he'd be the one to tell Heartlsabyul or among close friends that you're cute just to see you're reaction. (goodluck (Y/N)!)
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"Maybe you should get your eyes checked Pillow, ain't no way in hell I'm...'cute'"
He's the type who wholeheartedly disagrees about your statement more than others. Just imagine Savanaclaw. Ruggie was legit concerned about you when you told him.
He'd do that thing where whenever you guys are walking around campus, his arm is always draped on your shoulders just in case if ever the convo is directed at him being the cute one, he'd clamp your mouth and say farewell to whomever you're both talking with
I also see that when you're trying to convince him, he'd squish your cheeks so you're mouth would be puckered as another way to shut you up (may or may not lead to a kiss) He'd look into your eyes and smirk.
"Now who's the cute one now huh~?"
Even if he realizes it or is just in plain denial (stubborn ass) He'll slowly just let you go with whatever you're spouting about him cuz honestly he likes it when you debate about it ESPECIALLY if it just so happens to be with Vil. "Yeah Vil, don't you see I'm fuckin AdOraBlE?"
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"Eh? Sunshine, you think I'm cute?" Kalim's eyes lit up as he looked at you to which you affirmed with a chuckle. Kalim stood up and ran towards the kitchen. "JAMIL , (Y/N) THINKS I'M CUTE!"
You know, we know, the entirety of NRC knows, he's one golden boi whenever you call him cute or talk about it with others.
Give some moral support to Jamil cuz he's gonna be hearing this everyday from now on. "Hey I know we have this important dorm leader meeting to attend to in a min but (Y/N) called me cute again toda-"
When it comes to people that says otherwise, he's likely to pull you out of it before it drags on. He'd chuckle as he drags you back to Scarabia for some afternoon snacks to distract you~
Would start giving you more compliments but not the ones that are generic like "you look good today" but rather he'd say "Y'know I really like it when you do this little quirk of yours. I find it really interesting cuz it's well...you" all said with a genuine smile and a soft gaze. (ma heart)
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"Ma belle my heart swoons over your flattery~" Rook smiles as a faint blush grows across his cheeks. I see him being flustered but is just really good at hiding cuz internally he's like 'I've been complimenting other people all my life but now?? You came along??'
Would lovingly watch you argue if people say otherwise. Cuz despite you claiming that he's the cute one, why not you AND him? well just between you two anyway and who cares what other people think!
He's in it for the dramatics both in private or in public so when you compliment him, he'd like put a hand on his chest, go down on one knee and act as if he's part of a play~
you two test Vil and Leona's patience istg
Whenever it's time to print out his photographs of the two of you, he'd write little captions on it "I'm the cute one, she says~" or "there are 2 cuties in this picture." It's corny but this man is in love knowing that you see him that way <3
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All I could think of at first is that this man would have war flashbacks to that time he got abducted by Eliza
"EH??" Idia exclaimed. Straight up denial like Leona but I see this fire son of a- would just start talking in immense speed and list down all the possibilities on why he's not.
Remember that one groovy in ghost bride where his hair turns slightly pink cuz everyone was flustering him? yeah his locks went from #3a8df7 to #FA86c4 through majority of your guys' relationship
Though... that's in public. But when its just the two of you in his room, he'll slowly warm up to your claims (along with some persistence from his bro Ortho like him randomly leaving sticky notes with the words 'you're cute, stop it.' printed on it)
"Heh,I mean I guess..." His cocky smile grows. "My archetype in an anime or a video game would be seen as cute~ would that mean I'm your Oshi then (Y/N)-shi~?"
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iheartcake123 · 4 months
hii hello!! I'm your new follower. I really like and enjoy your stories, especially with sweet home's fanfiction!! Eumm- if you don't mind, can you make another story about Kim Yeonghu x reader and others soldier x reader please?? I'm desperately want it, but it's kinda difficult to find more stories about them :(
anyway, have a good day and thank you <3
hello!! im so glad you enjoy my fics :) im so sorry this has taken so long😭 but i am working on more fics currently and will have some more up soon!! (hopefully lol) in the mean time here’s a jin-ho fic since i’ve never done one for him <33 let me know if you’d like a part two bc this was so fun to write hehe
bang jin-ho X f!reader for @kuebandungs
you had met jin-ho through your work with the platoon. you were very skilful in technology before everything happened and when the platoon needed help, you were first to give a hand.
you worked along side jin-ho and discovered he was quiet, he kept to himself mostly and only really spoke with those he was close to. which wasn’t many.
there’d be times where he had no choice but to converse with you. after all, you would help the platoon members whenever they asked.
this time was like no other.
“did you try disconnecting and reconnecting it?” you asked jin-ho and he sighed in response
“that was the first thing i did” he told you and you nodded.
“well it looks like we have to take it apart” you pulled a seat up and was about to sit next to him.
“don’t worry, i can do it myself” he stopped you before you sat down.
“right..” you awkwardly cleared your throat and moved the chair back the original position “well if you do need a hand, give me a shout”
you then slowly walked away, to head back to your room. as you made your way back sergeant tak was in the hallway and he joined you.
“y/n, how are things going? i heard you’re helping the platoon more often” he said accompanying you.
“yes sir, it’s mainly just with little things here and there though” you answered with a smile.
“how would you feel if i got someone to start training you, that way- you can join the platoon and help with excursions? you’d basically be a second to jin-ho”
“oh um i appreciate the offer sir but i like where i am at the moment. i don’t mind helping the platoon here and there but just the thought of helping with excursions is a bit daunting”
“i can’t say im not a little disappointed y/n but i understand, just think about it and if you do change your mind. i’ll be more than happy to sort something for you”
you sent sergeant tak a small smile with a nod before rushing back to your room.
you couldn’t possibly help the crow platoon.
before you knew it, you were in front of sergeant tak again. this time, you were agreeing to his offer.
you didn’t know why you changed your mind. but you did.
“im glad you’re joining us y/n. bang jin-ho! come in!” sergeant tak had yelled that last part and in came jin-ho who saluted the sergeant before standing straight.
“from now on, you’ll follow jin-ho’ lead. he will train you and will get you prepared for what’s ahead. once he’s happy that you can protect yourself, then you’ll start by going on excursions. is that okay?” sergeant tak told you and you nodded.
“yes sir” you voice was quieter than expected.
“good. you may both leave now”
with a nod you followed jin-ho out the room.
“uh so what do we do first?” you smiled at jin-ho and he let out a sigh.
“look y/n, i don’t know what made you want to join the platoon. i didn’t think you would but here we are. so, we will train whenever we get a free chance. follow me” jin-ho got straight to the point and you followed him.
he took you outside, it was chilly and the dark grey clouds made everything feel especially gloomy.
“you need to run from here to the fence and back 100 times” he pointed to the fence in the distance.
you let out a laugh. he surely had to be joking, right? however, when he didn’t say anything further, it suddenly set in. he wasn’t joking.
“seriously?” you questioned and he just nodded.
with a gulp you started to run. as you did each lap, you felt your legs burn as you mentally pushed yourself to continue. no matter how much your body told you to stop, you were determined to complete the 100 laps. the trick was making sure your pace was consistent and you blocked out any distractions.
by the time you had completed it, the sun was beginning to set and you felt like throwing up. you hadn’t stopped for a water break and you wanted to just collapse. a part of you was also pissed off.
why did jin-ho throw you in the deep end by making you do 100 laps? was he trying to test you? see if you’d quit and change your mind about the whole joining the platoon? well if he was, you weren’t going to give in and give up so soon.
“happy?” you voice was harsh as you tried to catch your breath while making your way back into the stadium.
jin-ho stared at you as you walked away. you desperately wanted to just fall onto the floor and curl into a ball but you weren’t going to do that in front of him. instead, you dragged yourself through the halls back to your room where you immediately collapsed onto your bed and chugged down a bunch of water.
“asshole” you cursed throwing your bottle across your room.
not shortly after, there was a soft knock at your door and you huffed before opening it.
“what do you want?” you immediately questioned after seeing jin-ho stood there.
he had his hands on his hips before he reached his hand out.
you wearily shook his hand.
“welcome to the platoon” he nodded his head and you raised your eyebrow “i’ll be honest i didn’t think you’d finish those laps but you proved me wrong. the real training starts tomorrow”
jin-ho then let go of your hand before promptly leaving.
you couldn’t understand him.
over the next few weeks you trained with jin-ho on various things like fighting, self defense, stealth and how to use a gun. this was all so that you could start going on expeditions with the platoon when they went.
it would’ve been a lie if you said it was easy. most days would end with you laying in bed with all your limbs aching but it was slowly getting easier. you had started to see a change in your self. the way you carried yourself was a lot more confident and platoon members started to respect you more. in fact, you’d become close with some of them. more specifically seok-chan.
he was just a really kind person and he helped you a lot. and while jin-ho wasn’t horrible, he was surprisingly very strict and you’d only converse with him when he was giving you orders. there was a tension between the two of you and you couldn’t quite understand it.
the day started like no other, you woke up early, got changed and headed to the training area. you started with a warm up and soon decided to do some boxing. there was a punching bag in the corner of the room so you wrapped your fists up before jabbing the bag.
one. two. one. two.
you had a rhythm going.
“balance your weight. you’re all over the place” the sudden sound of jin-ho’ voice shocked you and you rolled your eyes before doing what he told you.
jin-ho folded his arms as he leaned on the door, watching you train.
you felt yourself begin to heat up. you hated when he watched you because he always managed to find flaws in whatever you were doing.
you really did try your best to continue but you just couldn’t. you brought your hands to your side and rested one on your hip as you turned to jin-ho.
“i don’t understand what the problem is? i just want to train in peace without the pressure of you watching. you look at me as if everything i do is wrong. so please show me if you think you can do better!” you snapped at him.
jin-ho smirked slightly as he stood straight.
“okay, i won’t watch you” he answered and you breathed a sigh of relief.
“thank you-“ you began but he cut you off.
“i’ll fight you” he started to wrap him hands
your jaw dropped.
“what?” you gulped.
“let’s spar, seok-chan says you’ve improved and since you don’t want me watching. maybe fighting and sparring with you will be better. and there’s no rules with this, punching and kicking are allowed”
he finally finished wrapping his hands.
you couldn’t back down so you both got into position. you held your hands up in front of you to defend yourself and at the ready to punch.
a couple of minutes into it and you found yourself with a bloodied lip. you could taste the blood in your mouth but you refused to let him win. with one swift movement you made contact with his chin and he stumbled backwards slightly. after he regained his balance he lifted his leg and you felt it hit your stomach which caused you to fall on your back.
you winced in pain as you glared at jin-ho. you attempted to get up but he then managed to get you into a head lock. his arms tightened around you and although you tried breaking free, you couldn’t. plus it was getting hard to breath so, a few seconds later and you found yourself tapping out.
jin-ho immediately let go and you let out a harsh cough as you caught your breath. you remained on the floor with your hand on your neck slowly going back to normal as jin-ho stood above you.
when you looked up, he had his hand out to help you up but you ignored him.
you didn’t need his help to get up. jin-ho let out a chuckle as he watched you get up. you avoided his gaze as you turned your back on him, you brought your fingers up to your busted lip and winced in pain as you saw your finger covered in blood now too.
“your lips bleeding pretty bad, let me have a look” jin-ho’ eyebrows furrowed in concern and he reached an arm out to your shoulder.
“leave me alone” you instantly brushed him off and harshly moved away from him “i don’t need or want your help”
after saying those words you left the training room, ignoring jin-ho calling out to stop you.
you were now sat in front of seok-chan in the infirmary, he was cleaning your lip and trying to make you feel better.
“he only pushes you so hard because he wants what’s best for you. im sure he can see the effort you’re putting in and appreciates it” seok-chan said as his eyes remained focused on your lip.
“yeah, well it sure doesn’t feel like it. it seems quite the opposite- he hates me and i don’t know why” your voice came out in a croak as you held back tears.
why didn’t jin-ho like you? and why was he always so hard on you?
“trust me y/n, i wouldn’t lie to you” seok-chan finished up with your lip and you hopped of the table.
“i know…thank you for tending to my lip. i better get back to training or something” you blinked back tears and left to go back to your room.
meanwhile, seok-chan had gone to find jin-ho.
“jin-ho!” he called out to him and he hummed in response “you really bust y/n’ lip up pretty good. do you think maybe next time go a bit easy on her? she’s been finding it a bit tough”
“what do you mean? she did well. considering when we began she couldn’t even throw a punch” jin-ho answered.
“come on dude, she was almost in tears when i saw her. you’ve been so tough on her and she thinks you hate her. i’m not trying to tell you how to do your job but just take it a bit easier on her”
“does she really think that i hate her? i know i’ve been tough on her but i don’t hate her. seok-chan do you know where she is?”
“i don’t know, i think she’s gone back to her room or the training area”
jin-ho felt really bad. did you really think he hated you? he searched the training areas firstly but after seeing you weren’t there, he headed over to your room.
he hands banged on your door urgently and when you opened the door your eyes went wide with shock.
why was jin-ho here? and why was he knocking like a mad man?
he didn’t say anything and entered your room, closing the door behind him.
“jin-ho. why are you-“ you tried to ask him but he’d stopppef you mid sentence.
“do you think i hate you?” he blurted out and you were stunned. he was never so impulsive or erratic, usually he was very serious, calm and collected when he spoke.
this was different.
“who told you that?”
“y/n is it true? you think i hate you?”
you meekly nodded looking at the floor.
“why do you think that?” he stared at you so intently and your heart beat quickened as you briefly looked up and locked eyes with him.
“you’re just always so strict and you never say anything nice. i know im crap at this whole platoon stuff but im still learning and i think you forget that” you said honestly.
“i can assure you that i do not hate you, not even close. y/n you’re doing so well with training and i push you because i know you’re capable”
“but- you’re always so cold towards me and you barely talk to me..”
his eyes softened as he saw how upset you were and it was your first time seeing him like this. he actually had emotions.
“i promise you, i do not hate you. tell me how can i prove it to you” suddenly he brought his one hand up to cup your face.
you were in awe.
this was a whole new jin-ho.
“tell me y/n” his voice was soft and you admired jin-ho’ warm touch.
he waited for you answer.
“tell me”
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When You Know, You Know {Osamu Dazai}
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A/n: so this idea came like this morning and omg I wanted to write it so bad because I need some good angsty yet sort of fluffy Dazai fic mostly because I want Dazai to get comfort. Also YES I USED A SNOW LINE FROM HUNGER GAMES. ANYWAYS PLEASE READ THE TRIGGER WARNINGS
Pairing: Dazai x assassin!fem!reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: character deaths, mentions of violent crime scene, Mori, murder, YES I AM A MORI HATER, blood, mentions of abuse
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It had been four years since you left Port Mafia. You left the day after Dazai did -after enduring the torture Mori ordered upon you because he thought Dazai had contacted you- without contacting a single soul even though it was more than certain that the few people close to you -Chuuya and Koyou- would be worried sick. Was it because you wanted to get out of the organisation as soon as possible or because you wanted to somehow get revenge because Dazai had left you alone without a single warning.
Like everyone in the Port Mafia you heard about Oda's death the day after it happened -the day Dazai left- and something in your heart broke because even though you, seventeen years old at the time, were under the protection and guidance of Koyou along with Chuuya, you knew Oda. He had grown on you and if it hadn't been for Dazai mentioning him whenever the two of you sat in the dark in his container, it would have been because of Oda's gentle personality amidst the cruelty of the Port Mafia.
It went without saying that with Chuuya and Dazai being closest to you in age with them being one year older, you had naturally developed a somewhat nice relationship which had first started because of your respective positions: Dazai and Chuuya being executives and you being an assassin. You often went to missions with Dazai and Chuuya -always upon Dazai's request of your abilities- so after some time you became friends with the bandaged executive and soon after, lovers.
Had your relationship with Dazai been toxic? Absolutely yes and even though you both knew it, you couldn't actually help but come back for more. Both of you. So when he left like that? You were simply devastated.
And it took you a long time to feel like yourself again. In the meantime, you still worked as an assassin, performing various missions given to you by quite the important people.
You put your life in the Port Mafia in the past, a dark past that you didn't like visiting. But since you worked in the Underground you heard all sorts of things. That was how the fact that Mori had requested for a member of the Detective Agency to be transfered to the Port Mafia reached your ears.
You had heard that Dazai was now working for the Detective Agency and had reached the point of visiting him countless times before. The thought that he could be the one transfered to the Port Mafia kept you up at night for numerous days. How you had reached the point of caring for someone who perhaps hadn't cared about you was beyond you and yet there you were.
The sound the elevator at the Port Mafia building made when it reached Mori's floor specifically was almost like a stab right in the heart. All those memories were coming back, days of torture and manipulation from Mori's side that if not all then almost everyone among the higher-ups in the organisation had endured.
The whole thing lasted fifteen minutes. Just fifteen minutes was all it took for the man who ruined lives to die.
"Y/n?" Chuuya's voice snapped you out of your train of thought. Slowly, you lifted your head, your eyes falling upon the clock on the wall on the other end of the hallway. No wonder Chuuya was there, it was nearly eight in the morning, all Port Mafia members would start coming to work sooner or later.
You leaned your head back on the wall, bringing your knees even closer to your chest as you sat down on the floor. A small sigh of relief escaped your lips. Chuuya had been the one to find you. There was something odd in the way he looked down at you.
Chuuya, one of the most proud Port Mafia members, possibly the only member who respected the organisation for some reason. He wasn't freaked out, angry... he didn't pity you. It was as if he understood. He didn't have to ask or push the door of Mori's room open to understand what you had done -even though the blood on your hands and clothes was making it obvious.
"Come." He removed his gloves and after placing them on his shoulders, he helped you stand up. That was when you noticed Akutagawa standing behind him, waiting for his orders. "Inform Koyou." was all Chuuya told him and led you towards the elevator.
"What?" Akutagawa's voice came out trembling as if he didn't believe how someone who had just killed the Port Mafia's boss was walking away without any consequencies. But the young man didn't question his superior's orders further. Maybe because he had known you since he first arrived at the Port Mafia with you being the closest thing he had to a doctor after patching up any wounds inflicted by Dazai.
"I did it for Q and Koyou and that Detective Agency doctor and for Oda and Kyoka and Osamu and me." Your voice was barely above a whisper as you reached the underground parking lot where Chuuya had his car.
"I know." Chuuya handed you a handkerchief but you refused, your eyes focused on your bloodied clothes.
Other than that the car ride was silent. And when Chuuya stopped the car in front of the building you had almost entered many times in the past four years all you did was look at him. "Won't you come with me?"
Chuuya chuckled, shaking his head. "No, I have to clean the mess you left behind."
"If someone can become the new boss then please..." If your hands weren't covered in blood you would have hugged him. "Please take the position, and give Aku a better place as well."
Chuuya only smiled and opened the door for you. "I assume we will see each other again."
You took the elevator to the floor where the office of the Detective Agency was. Before you could do it yourself, the door of the office opened, a boy with blonde hair and a straw hat standing behind it with a smile on his face.
"Chuuya told us you will be coming."
"Did he now?" You let out a chuckle. It was slightly forced and very ironic considering that you were covered in the blood of one if not the most important man in Yokohama.
"Yosano!" The boy shouted and made way for you to enter the office.
You had heard of the doctor. You knew her ability and you knew her past. Mori didn't really keep his achievements private when he wanted to terrify his opponent.
Yosano was leaning against the door of her examine room, a sorrowful expression on her face. "I killed Mori Ougai." You mumbled.
"It must have been awful" A ginger haired boy said. Yosano approached you, ready to examine you fully.
"It was... yet it felt... powerful." You muttered, no sign of emotion in your voice. "The blood is not mine." You looked down.
"I will bring you a new change of clothes then so you can meet the president" She patted your back and opened the door of her examine room to lead you inside. You heard it close behind you and let out a heavy sigh.
"Long time no see."
The voice was familiar and soft like velvet with perhaps a hint of a small smile.
"That is all you have to say?"
Dazai's eyes were blooshot red and it didn't take much thinking to understand that he had been crying before you walked in there. He let out a sad laugh and nodded.
You took a small step and sat beside him on the bed that was meant for patients. He turned to look at you before taking your hand in his as if he hadn't left you without notice four years ago.
"My hands are covered in blood." You managed to say, fighting tears.
"So are mine, let me take half the blame."
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