#anyways 50s daisy my love
midnightmah07 · 2 months
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Daisy pre twst!
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cowgurrrl · 8 months
I’m sorry. I am simply obsessed with rockstar!joel with crackhead twins. There is something about this hot dude in his 50s with a bad back having to raise two wild gremlins who like to gnaw on the table leg!? You know what I mean. Could I please request a cute fic where Joel is just super exhausted and feels like he is maybe not up tot he task, I don’t know maybe the girls are like in their chaos 2 year old stage. After a long day of them not being interested in him at all and him just feeling super insecure he resorts to strumming my girl on his guitar and they are just mesmerized by their dad?! Idk like the music is the moment the turn into sweet little mushy angels again? Sorry that was super long, anyway love yah.
Thank you for the request 🥺🥺 ily2 and I love that a general consensus has been reached that the twins are batshit crazy as toddlers and Sam is just a Perfect Baby Angel
My Girls
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x fem!reader
Summary: Joel braves the first of many Sophia and Violet days [1.6k]
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and the foster care system, Joel being a DILF, that’s it
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It's debated on what's harder: going from no kids to one kid or one kid to two kids. You honestly don't have a lot of skin in the game when it comes to the question because Sarah and Ellie were teenagers when you met Joel. Even then, Sarah was fourteen when Ellie came into their lives and sixteen by the time the adoption paperwork was approved. You thought going from two to three with the birth of Sam would be hard, and it was, but Sam was an amazing baby. He always wanted to cuddle, followed the rules almost to a fault, and rarely threw tantrums. He's the kid that made you think, "Oh, yeah. We could totally do this again." Sophia and Violet, however, have given you a run for your money from the moment you found out you were having twins, and two years later, they haven't stopped. 
True to form, once the girls turn two, you go back to work. Joel is accommodating because, of course, he is. He realizes you put your career on pause for almost two and a half years (if you count the mandated bed rest your doctor put you on at 32 weeks) and is more than happy to let you go and do your thing. He'd been a single dad with no help to a kid before. What's thirty years and a couple extra littles running around? As it turns out, a lot.
The day you return to set, this time as a director instead of an actor, the girls spend the first hour without you crying. Sam, being six and used to his parents' routine, is seemingly unfazed and continues watching Bluey and munching on his breakfast. Sophia and Violet bang on the door, scream and refuse to let Joel even talk to them, let alone pick them up to comfort them. They fight him the entire way to the car to get Sammy to school on time and then cry even harder because "Bammy's going to school." Joel can normally soothe his girls without any issue, but they didn't sleep well the night before and have been wound up all morning. 
When he got home with them, they demanded a snack, but they had to be different because twins. Then, Sophia collapsed in a heap on the floor because Joel peeled her banana for her instead of letting her do it (rookie mistake). The toddler dramatics sent Daisy into action to remedy the situation, which made Violet scream in protest because she suddenly decided she hates when Daisy licks her or anybody for that matter. Poor Daisy didn't know what to do besides scamper off to her bed and watch Joel struggle with big, sad eyes. Then came the drama of what game to play: Princess Tea Party or Princess Dinosaurs, which caused another explosion of unregulated emotions. By the time noon rolls around, he's staring at his phone as he tries to decide whether or not to call you. 
If there's one thing Joel Miller hates more than admitting defeat, it's seeing his kids upset. Everything he tries to do only upsets the girls more and makes him question his parenting skills. How the fuck did you do this for two years? Sure, the kids had their days, but the only time you ever sent him an SOS at work was when Violet had an asthma attack and ended up in the emergency room. Even then, you got all three kids in the car and to the hospital without help. You're a fucking force when it comes to taking care of the kids, and right now, he feels like the worst dad on the planet. After a quick cry in the pantry, while the girls watched Encanto for the umpteenth time and ate lunch, he takes a deep breath and decides he can handle a few more hours. 
With a little more fuss and frustration, he gets Daisy on a leash and the girls in a stroller and walks them down to the neighborhood playground. The change of scenery and the sunshine put the girls in a much better mood. For a blissful hour, the girls run around and play and giggle without a care in the world. Joel does everything from pushing them on the swings to going down the slide with them to letting them play with Daisy off-leash. They have fun until the dreaded hour of nap time creeps up on them. 
Thankfully, the girls (Daisy included) are tired from their adventures on the playground and start the journey home reluctantly. It's getting them to actually go to sleep that's the issue. Every time he tries to leave their room, one of them calls out the saddest "Daddy" he's ever heard in his entire life, and he turns right back around. And it would be fine if his presence wasn't enough to keep the girls awake. He knows that if the girls don't nap, it will only make the day longer and worse for everyone. He sits on the floor between their two beds and tucks a curl behind Violet's ear.
"C'mon Vi Pie, you guys gotta close your eyes and nap," he says quietly. "What can I do to get you to sleep?"
"Call Mommy?" Violet suggests, and he tsks. 
"Honey, you know Mommy's working, but she loves you, and she's gonna be home real soon, okay?" As he speaks, he can see the tears welling in Violet's big brown eyes and turns to see the same tears in Sophia's identical ones. "No. No, please don't cry. Please. You're gonna break my heart." He begs. "What can I do to get you to stop cryin', huh? Y'know, when you two were babies, I used to just hold the both of you and sway and sing to ya and…" he trails off as his eyes land on Ellie's old guitar resting against the wall of the girls' room. She gave it to them when she got her new one and told them they could use it to practice. They don't really do much more than pull at the strings and turn the tuning knobs, but they'll learn. 
He pulls himself up, his knees cracking as he does, and walks over to where the guitar sits. After some tuning and quiet adjustments, he sits on the edge of Sophia's bed and smiles at the two little girls staring at him with sleepy eyes. "Now, I haven't played this one in a while, so you be nice to your old man, but I used to play this for Sarah all the time when she was y'all's age." He says as his fingers find the chords. The girls are enraptured as Joel plays a quiet rendition of My Girl by The Temptations. He changes the lyrics to "My girls/talkin' bout my girls," and they smile as his southern drawl fills the room with warmth and serenity. 
He notices their eyes getting heavier and their blinks getting a little longer each time, so he continues. "I don't need no money/ fortune or fame/ I got all the riches baby/ one man can claim/ well I guess you'd say/'What can make me feel this way?'/ my girls." He sings softly, his own eyes getting heavy with emotion as he thinks a little too hard about the lyrics. It doesn't help that the girls look just like you when they fall asleep. Joel has to cut himself off with a guitar riff to keep his voice from cracking and disrupting the girls. 
He plays another song or two just to make sure they're fully asleep before he carefully puts the guitar down and tucks his girls in. "Love you, Soph a Loaf," he whispers as he kisses Sophia's head. He repeats his actions at the other bed with a gentle, "Love you, Vi Pie," before tiptoeing out of the room. On the other side of the scribbled-on door sits Daisy with a smile on her face as she looks up at Joel. He smiles back and pets her head. 
"My girls." He sings to her, too, making her lean into his touch lovingly and stick close to him even when he goes back downstairs to let the girls rest. 
"Did you write a new song?" You ask that weekend when all the kids are down for the night, and Joel gives you a confused look.
"Not that I know of. Why?" He asks, and you shrug. 
"The girls asked if they could listen to 'Daddy's new song.'” You say. He chuckles and shakes his head. 
"D'you remember the song I used to sing when you were pregnant with the girls?" 
"Of course I do. It was the only way they'd settle down…" You extend your vowels as the connection sparks in your brain. 
"It was the only way I could get 'em to nap earlier this week. Played it on Ellie's guitar and everythin'." He says simply, and you take a deep breath as you stare at him. He's wearing a shirt Ellie helped design to raise money for kids in foster care, but it's stained with nail polish from when the girls decided he needed a manicure before he could play baseball with Sam in the backyard. He took it all in stride and didn't flinch at any of the insane requests your kids threw at him. You sigh and peel your eyes away from him. 
"It's really not fair how good of a dad you are," you sigh. "It's annoyingly hot." He smiles and kisses your cheek smugly. 
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha
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bitzandbotz · 8 months
Rolfe Dewolfe Headcanons!
He is my current microwave blorbo (he is rotating around in my brain rn) and I have many thoughts about him!
This post is sfw of course!
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He has a huge inferiority complex and some major ego issues. Bro is a little delulu but we love that.
I headcanon that Wolfman (lead singer of The Wolf Pack 5) is his older brother. This is where a large majority of his insecurities stem from, as his brother is far more well-liked and successful than he is.
He struggles to emulate Wolfman’s natural charm and charisma, so his attempts come off as forced and disingenuous as a result… Just ✨neurodivergent things✨
Not a headcanon but he forged prescriptions for pain medication???? Back pain allegedly, according to the Smitty’s introduction tape at least. Perhaps he’s a chronic pain king who couldn’t afford them!
I know it’s heavily implied that Earle is his own entity and whatnot, but I personally prefer the idea that Rolfe is just using his puppet to vent his frustrations with… Well, himself! It’s his own way of trying to tell people he’s self aware, but everyone seems to take his outlandish persona seriously…
Going based on that headcanon, he’d have to have some good vocal range too. His singing voice might not be the best but he’s definitely got some good impressions up his sleeve.
He’s funnier when he’s being authentic and not trying to be funny, if that makes sense. His jokes on stage are all very corny but behind the scenes I think he has his own unique sense of humor that the others often miss out on.
He loves disco. Canon technically, but it’s cute enough to mention. He was probably going to a lot of discotechs back when he was younger, since he was likely a young man during the time period in which disco would be relevant.
Age wise I feel like he’d be somewhere in his 30s-40s. Gray is a common color for wolves but he gives washed up celebrity vibes, yk?
He could wear shoes but he chooses not to wear them, it’s a sensory thing. He doesn’t like how constricting they feel, and I’d imagine it’d be hard finding shoes in his size anyway.
He’s the typa fella to go to sleep with that old ahh nightgown and the long droopy hat and comically flap his jowls when he snores.
Him and Fats bicker a lot but I think it’s mostly playful banter, they’re the kind of friends who start fake beef with each other just for fun. Fats is probably the one he’s closest to out of the band members, since they have a mutual understanding of one another and what makes each other tick.
Absolutely a terrible shopper. Do not send him to the store (even with a list), he will buy the most expensive versions of everything and a bunch of stuff you didn’t ask for (he only wants the best for you but he can’t keep paying 50$ for orange juice 😭).
In denial about his wrinkles. He’s still fresh as a daisy, or at least that’s what he tells you. His rosy cheeks are real though, no makeup needed for those.
If he gets frustrated enough he’ll do that dog thing that’s not a growl but a little bit of a low rumble.
In high school, he was the “weird puppet guy.” It was like every social interaction with him was a dry run for his future standup routines, he’d never talk to anyone without Earle also being involved in the conversation. It was a comfort thing for him, and it made interacting with others easier, but most people thought he was just weird for it. Once again I say ✨neurodivergent things✨
Avid vest and bowtie collector of course. He’s like Saul Goodman if he didn’t wear pants.
He knows how to play some weirdly specific instrument that sadly wouldn’t fit in with the rest of the bands lineup, but it’s something you’d never know until you’re like shopping for a replacement for your instrument and you see him trot over to a fucking theremin and start making some alien invasion ahh music
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bhaalbabebardlock · 5 months
Daisies On My Nightstand
The story of my resist durge Ilara, and everything leading up to the netherbrain and after.
CW for
violent thoughts/urges, death, having no control, murder, smut, dom/sub themes, memory loss, grief, trauma, a terrible past, whipping, knife play, character death, self hatred. I promise there's some happy stuff. Sometimes. Please read all tags!!!
spoilers for the dark urge storyline, huge plotlines with Enver Gortash and Orin, spoilers for acts 2&3, spoilers for past relationships with people, romance with Gortash, Astarion's romance/ (down the line) ascended storyline.
About Ilara
AO3 Link
Playlist that tells this story
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Chapter 1- The Beach
Chapter 2- Alfira
Chapter 3- The Tiefling Party pt 1
Chapter 4 Tiefling party pt 2
Chapter 5- Only In My Dreams
Chapter 6- I Said, I love you
Chapter 7- Something Like Heaven
Chapter 8- Forgive Me, Father
Chapter 9- Hold Me Down
Chapter 10-Innocence
Chapter 11- The Daughter of a God
Chapter 12- The Blood on My Hands
Chapter 13- What You've Done
Chapter 14- Slaughter-kin
Chapter 15- The Archduke of Baldur's Gate
Chapter 16- What You Were Made For
Chapter 17- The Price of Freedom
Chapter 18- The Lute and the Charcoal
Chapter 18.5 (not necessary for the rest of the story, pure smut!)- Trouble Part 1
Chapter 19- The Chosen of Bhaal and The Fist of Bane
Chapter 20- Vulnerable
Chapter 21- Sweetness
Chapter 22- Blood Sister
Chapter 23- The Edict of Bane
Chapter 24- Blood & Brandy
Chapter 25- The Ghost on the Beach
Chapter 26- A Gift
Chapter 27- Taste
Chapter 28- The Boudoir
Chapter 29- Touch
Chapter 30- Trust.
Chapter 31- The Dark.
Chapter 32- The Devil We Know
Chapter 33- Karlach
Chapter 34- Cania.
Chapter 35- Red.
Chapter 36- Please.
Chapter 37- Tender.
Chapter 38- Vanilla.
Chapter 39- Glacier.
Chapter 40- Love.
Chapter 41- The Cult of the Absolute
Chapter 42- Warning.
Chapter 43- Forgive Me Father.
Chapter 44- Disappearing.
Chapter 45- Then She Was Gone.
Chapter 46- The Flymms.
Chapter 47- Red Eyes
Chapter 48- Awake
Chapter 49- Regret
Chapter 50- !
Chapter 51- Space
Chapter 52- Summer.
Chapter 53- Forgotten
Chapter 54- Bad Idea.
Chapter 55- Don't Trust Him, Trust Me.
Chapter 56- Orin.
Chapter 57- The Chosen One.
Chapter 58- I Died.
Chapter 59- Ascending.
Chapter 60- 7,000 Souls.
Chapter 61- Ascended.
Chapter 62- Shadowheart.
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leiflitter · 2 months
The Quotable Catton
These chapters needed their own section because Felix’s Bedroom Brain means he's extra quotable. I don't make the rules.
"Technically I'm a Baronet, but that's not really a job, it just means ol’ King James the first went to… I think it was Thomas Catton? Anyway, Ol’ King Jim said, Hey Tom, you're a well-off fellow, if you lob me some cash for soldiers I'll give you a hereditary title. So here I am.”
Chapter 50
“Venetia did ‘em, and I did hers. Mum decided to get us this learning experience with a tattoo artist pal of hers when I was sixteen- christmas prezzie. Of course, we were meant to just use the fake skin stuff, but we got a little squiffy at that year's New Years do and oopsie daisy.”
Chapter 50
“Whoa. If you showed my dentist I bet he'd know I did it."
Chapter 50
“But Ollie, how can I Carpe the Diem if I'm busy behaving? It's simply not possible, I've got to be a bit naughty.” [...] “It's on me forever, you know, so I have to live up to it.”
Chapter 50
“Aye aye, captain.” [...] “Okay. That's out of my system, I promise.”
Chapter 50
“I have been paying attention, you know. Useful stuff- I'll have to buy shares in the company.”
Chapter 51
“Gonna knock you up, you little fucking- Oh, Christ-”
Chapter 51
"I might be ridiculous, but you're in love with me.”
Chapter 51
“Fine. I did warn you, you little ragamuffin.” [...] “Nope, can't get out of it. You're having a fucking bath, Oliver.”
Chapter 52
“Please stroke my ego, Ollie, it's taken a fucking beating this last week.” [...] “Had fucking Farleigh tell me I was shit in bed, and he wasn't the cousin I got a little too friendly with. Pretty, pretty please?”
Chapter 52
“Oh, Olls, not the eyes, the spirit is incredibly willing but the flesh is weak.”
Chapter 52
“I told you, didn't I? It's all because of your eyes, because I was absolutely normal before I got up close and you looked up at me and… Christ, Ollie, it made me absolutely stupid. What sort of prick assumes that a stranger'd wheel his bike back to college instead of just chaining the fucking thing up and getting it later? And shit, you know what I was like- I was looking for you, Olls, else I wouldn't have spotted you in the pub. I'd have blown you off like everyone else who did things for Felix. ” [...] “Because Ollie… as soon as you looked up… And of course I had to kiss you… And you drove me absolutely bonkers that whole term… Couldn’t understand it and I swear to God, Oliver, if you'd… I was trying so hard…”
Chapter 52
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ddejavvu · 2 years
We're engraved in each other's hearts
daisy daisy daisy.. braiding eddie’s hair before he goes down on you so it’s not in his way </3
congrats again!! u deserve everybody’s praise, everybody’s love, good snacks, and the fluffiest eddie fics :’’) ily
come celebrate 5.7k with me!
sweetheart you have to be the kindest person on the planet :(( you are so good to me, you make me smile every time we talk and i wish i could take your brain out of your head and kiss it because you always have the best ideas. i'll settle for a forehead kiss, though, because that's close to your brain and also because that means i get to kiss your forehead :') i love you too baby, i hope you end up enjoying this!!
this post is 18+, minors dni.
"Baby," Eddie whines, his fingers prying greedily at the hem of your panties, "Lemme in!"
"Eddie!" Your fingers slip around his bicep where you're trying to pull him towards you, his muscles flexing as he tries squirming out of your grip, "I just want to help you!"
"Making me wait is not helping." He pouts, and you want to kiss it off of his face. You do, in fact, and when you blink your eyes open again he's staring at you with lovesick, honey-sweet eyes, the pout still in tact as long as your panties are over your cunt.
"It'll take two seconds," You promise, combing a thick strand of hair from in front of his ear and tucking it with the rest of his mane behind him.
"One, two." Eddie supplies dryly, his hand already reaching for your underwear again, "Time's up!"
"Eddie," You scold, "Sit still or you're not getting anything tonight."
Your threat is empty, but scares him all the same. You both know that neither could resist the other, but you're thankful for the forced compliance it gives you anyways. Eddie sits bolt-upright in front of you, his back stiff as your fingers ghost over it. He's still impatient, his leg bouncing up and off the bed as he waits, but you're tired of watching him struggle to keep his hair at bay while he eats you out, and this was the only thing you could think of.
You part his hair into three messy sections, weaving them together into a sloppy braid. There's flyaway strands here and there, and one strand ends significantly higher up the braid than the other two, but it'll do.
You sling a rubber band around the end, twisting it as many times as it can manage and finally letting him go. He waits for your approval, clearly waiting for another torturously long step in the process, but you pat his back, "Go ahead, bub."
He's on his knees at the edge of the bed before you can process, eagerly tugging you forwards by your hips so that your core rests on the edge of the bed. You squeal indignantly, gripping the bedsheets as if they could help stabilize you, and your gaze trails down to Eddie's shit-eating grin, his braid an adorable compliment to his face.
His eyes rove over your pretty pink patterned panties eagerly, the lacy hem only getting him more worked up.
"Stunning." He insists, leaning in to press a kiss to where he knows your clit is beneath the fabric. Then he drags his tongue over the dry cotton, a string of saliva soaking into the fabric in his wake, "Can I rip 'em off with my teeth?"
"No, Eddie." You gripe, "These cost $35!"
"$35?!" His expression turns from delight to momentary horror, but his face nudges forwards into your clothed cunt and all indignation is gone, his voice muffled as he speaks, "You think I could offer them weed instead of cash for a new pair?"
"I'd say you've got a 50/50 shot of the cops being called on you."
"50/50 is good enough for me," Eddie shrugs, already slipping his tongue past your thigh and underneath the left leg hole of your underwear. He expertly drags the material into his mouth, his teeth catching the thin fabric. He rears his head back and they're gone, shreds in his mouth that he spits proudly at his feet.
"You're horrible." You deduce, burying your flushed face in your hands. He reaches up, tugging your hands away from your cheeks, prying you up and off of the mattress, and craning his neck up to kiss you.
"Horribly addicted to you. Got the test results back yesterday." He states, a soft pout on his lips that's much less genuine this time, "No cure."
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marvelsfavoriteuncle · 3 months
CONFESSION TIME / — Talk Time With Me (I need a cool/better title idk)
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Peggy Cater didn't marry Daniel Sousa, made everyone at SHIELD look like she was single or whatever. (Daniel Sousa is now together with Daisy Johnson aka Quake, so they are happy too.)
But that girl securely got hitched with my EX-girlfriend at the time, Angie Martinelli who is a waitress and aspiring actress, and went on a little honeymoon in Paris with her. I am not bitter, I am more than happy that Peggy found plenty of love over the years and enjoyed her small wedding in New York City.
Me and Angie had a short term relationship, but stayed friends over the years (and especially after my accident, I knew she deserved way better than myself to protect and provide her with everything she needs in life).
We are all friends. I love my girl Angie, one of the best waitresses in NYC during the 1940s and 50s. She stole my heart in all the best ways, both girls did and I am more than happy they ended up getting their dreams. As a highly talented agent ( + Founder Of SHIELD) and a respected actress of the era.
Peggy might kill me for letting everyone know about this BUT I don't care love is love is love is love. They have a friends to lovers relationship.
Anyways folks, that’s a little weird but nice confession (I am/was tiny weeny bit tipsy from a last night), but remember you guys can ask me anything you like!
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @ask-starrk @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea @rooster-84 and etc
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thetwelfthcrow · 7 months
I wanna know
5: Your most read Fandom this year
13: Your personal favorite fic you read this year
42: Canon pairing you read the most this year
48: Oldest fic you read this year
50: Your favorite comment you left or received this year
thanks anon!!! putting all of these behind a read more since esp. the last one is a Long Answer lmaaooo
5: Your most read Fandom this year
vroom vroom bitches it's F1
13: Your personal favorite fic you read this year
answered here ! (it's three small daisies)
42: Canon pairing you read the most this year
no such thing as a canon pairing in this household. canon holds no weight over me. if canon was a person i'd tie them up and have my way with them until it fundamentally alters their brain chemistry. in this world, i am in charge. but anyway since lewis wore his engagement ring to the las vegas gp i think it's quite ok to say the canon pairing i read most is 4433 (all jokes aside: i read two charlie spring/nick nelson fics, so that is the serious n honest answer.)
48: Oldest fic you read this year
lmao my h20 love got me to check the rikki/zane tag and this fic from 2013 is really nice:
Thunderstorm by bananacosmicgirl | 2,2k | G
Her eyes travelled onto the TV-screen, which was showing the weather report. Storm clouds piled up on the screen – a thunderstorm was heading their way.
50: Your favorite comment you left or received this year
woah this was absolutely my favorite question to answer bc i just went through my ao3 inbox to read what people have commented this year and it filled me with so so so much joy <33
some of my favs i've received:
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there's a special place in my heart for this comment:
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some of my favs i've left (mostly based on how the author responded):
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i left a very long comment that doesn't fit in a screenshot on god i love you (would be far too easy) - i looove leaving long comments hehe. also my BELOVED wife @wormeo-and-juliette and i have an entire string of comments in three small daisies that always makes me laugh.
[AO3 wrapped ask game]
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misspearly1 · 2 years
Hello my love 😍
Congrats on being on this crazy site a year and blessing us with your amazing work. So proud to call you a friend 💕😘
Ok so….I have a request 😜 I have been in my Ezra feels lately and would love a little something written for him, if you don’t mind. Please and thank you ☺️
I was hoping to have something soft and sweet with a good mixture of smut 😜 (been a lil down about my body lately, happens quite often since I had kids. It’s just not the same and although my husband says I’m beautiful and I’m forever grateful for it for giving me my babies, I’m human.) Anyway, if I could get these prompts please for my comfort character Ezra 🙏
23. I love your body,baby.Everything you hate about it is what drives me crazy.
50. You're so beautiful...so,so beautiful...
It’s also by bday this weekend so it would be a double whammy and I would be forever grateful to you 😍🙌
You can of course completely ignore it if you don’t vibe with it because I know how it is with requests, I won’t be offended.
Ok that’s it, love ya bitch 😍🤘
Char!! The number of times I've wanted to drop in your inbox and be like 'bitch, guess what?' I stop myself because I worry that the word bitch isn't coming across as affectionate as I intend it to be lmao 🤣.
Ohh, yes! All good vibes, all good vibes. I'm loving this request and I've really enjoyed typing something up for you! You are beautiful my dear and I understand sometimes that when someone tells you so, it just doesn't quite sink in the way you hope it does. You gotta feel beautiful and I think I've got something in mind to help with that. 🥰
Thank you for sending something in! Happy Birthday and love ya too bitch 😉.
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A Man of My Word
Send Me Requests (supplied prompts)
Pairing: Ezra (propsect) x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Content. Minors DNI. Insecurities. Self-conscious reader. Ezra being a gentleman and a tease. Lots of compliments and lots of fluff. Hints to Sex. Fade to black oral sex.
Prompts: "I love your body, baby. Everything you hate about it is what drives me crazy." // "You're so beautiful...so,so beautiful..." (I changed baby, to moonbeam instead. Hope that's okay, my love).
Stepping out of the shower as fresh as a daisy, the smile on your lips faded as soon as you looked in the mirror and you stepped forward to take a closer look.  
The image staring back at you felt wrong. It didn't look like you, didn’t feel like you and disgust quickly began to settle in the more you observed. It was only yesterday that you stepped out of the shower and adored the image of your body in the mirror. You looked as pretty as a picture and felt sexy, today however, you can’t say the same. 
It’s both scary and intriguing to see the differences in the span of twenty-four hours. You turn to look at your body from behind and the expression on your face worsens. You don’t like what you see. You don’t like the extra weight in areas where it shouldn’t be, don’t like the cellulite and the stretch marks. They didn’t stand out like this yesterday, or maybe you just didn’t notice them as easily as you do right now. 
Shaking your head while also attempting to shake off your sudden insecurities, the sound of Ezra cleaning his throat startles you and you turn swiftly to see the man sitting on the edge of the bed. You didn’t know he was there, but you should have known better because almost every time you run the shower, he rushes into the bedroom to watch you bathe. He loves to gaze at your physique, watching the water cascade like a waterfall down your body, rolling off the end of your breasts is especially his favourite part. You should have known he’d be watching you, it’s actually why you subconsciously leave the door open. 
“Do you require my assistance, little dove?” He asks, calling you out immediately for the way you just looked at yourself in the mirror. “Whatever it was that you think you saw, it’s not real. The cruel workings of the mind are just playing tricks on your eyes.”
“I don’t think it’s my mind playing tricks on me,” You shake your head with a small smile, “But I appreciate what you’re saying. Thank you, Ez.” You turn to face the sink, avoiding the mirror as you reach for the towel on the rack to cover yourself up. 
“Leave it,” Ezra calls out softly, “Leave it and come to me in your bare form, moonbeam. I wish to remind you of your beauty.” 
“Ez really, it’s okay. It’s nothing to wor-” You cut yourself when you turn to look at him again and see the expression on his face. It speaks of passion and desire, his eyes feral and dark as if he were starving and you were a delicious meal. It makes your cheeks burn a little before the memory of what you saw in the mirror pops back into your mind and snatches your blush to replace it with embarrassment instead. You felt embarrassed to be nude in front of him. 
“Come to me, Y/N,” He asks again, this time holding both his arms out persuasively, “I vow to exile what plagues your mind and restore your confident glow.” He promises, to which you scoff and use humour to deflect your sadness. “You vow to exile what plagues my mind? Oh, okay. Didn’t know you were a wizard, Ez.” 
“Yes, I do. Cross my heart and hope to die.” Ezra whispers as you walk towards him slowly, “My word is my honour, is it not, moonbeam?” He reaches out and holds your hips firmly, resting his chin against your stomach as he looks up into your eyes. “You're so beautiful…” He sighs breathily, his brows knitting together as he tugs his lip between his teeth. “So, so beautiful.” 
“You think I’m beautiful, Ez,” You reply, your lip pouting a little as his compliment was gratefully appreciated, but it just doesn’t seem to penetrate the thick cloud of insecurities hanging above your head as much as you hoped it would. There are days where you feel as beautiful as he claims you to be, and there are days where you don’t feel attractive enough to justify the way he looks at you; he looks at you like you’re the most magnificent lady he’s ever laid eyes on. 
Though, you still felt self-conscious, and the man heard you loud and clear. He could see that you needed something more to help make you see clearly, so in order to help, he asked: “What don’t you think looks beautiful in the mirror, moonbeam?” 
“Um…” You hesitate, not expecting him to ask you to point out and shine a light on what exactly makes you feel insecure, but you like the approach and answer honestly. “This, those and that,” You pointed everything out for him, and of course, Ezra had his spectacular way with words to reassure your doubts. “I love your body, moonbeam. Everything you hate about it is what drives me crazy.” He growls with a voice thick like sweet honey, “Your cellulite is as pretty as the dimples in your smile. Your stretch marks are the signs of a life lived and these-” He grabs the extra supple flesh on your hips with a smirk. “-These are my handles, my guidance system, my leverage that I cling onto for dear life.” 
“Ezra!” You bark out a giggle while shaking your head at him, as if you were disappointed but your blushing smile said otherwise. His different approach worked. It makes you laugh genuinely and forget about what bothers you for a moment, and to keep you in this positive mood, he offers. “I would be glad to demonstrate my point. More than glad as a matter of fact,” He emphasizes his words by groping your hips, grabbing handfuls of the flesh with that same hungry look in his dark brown eyes. Your falls open with a surprised sound slipping past your lips as he plants a kiss above your mound. “I’ve not yet fulfilled my vow and I have many more ways to restore that glow, moonbeam.” 
“Oh, you do?” You ask, to which he nods eagerly and plants another kiss, this time lowering to the hairs on your mound. “I do indeed, little dove-” He slips off the bed and falls to his knees, giving you a glimpse of the growing tent in his slacks as he drinks in the sight of your burning heat directly in his face. A shuddering exhale escapes him, his face softening with desire and sheer need before licking his lips. It’s as if he could already taste what he’s so desperately hungry for. He looks up and the irises of his eyes expand with love and adoration as he teases:
“I’m a man of my word, am I not?”
Perma Taglist (Everything): @marydjarin @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20 @harriedandharassed @joelmillerscoffee @joelsrifle @swtaura @alexxavicry @boliv-jenta @dragonsondragons @practicalghost @janebby @faceache111 @sleepylunarwolf @tusk89 @anismaria @graciexmarvel 
All Pedro Pascal Character Content: @joelsflannel @mswarriorbabe80 @readsalot73 @allthe-ships @avengersftspn @hb8301 @scorpio-marionette @squidwell @sunnshineeexoxo @trickstersp8 @graciexmarvel @tanzthompson @bbyanarchist  @oogaboogasphincter 
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asliceofbreath · 9 days
I was just taking a walk after I spent some time fixing my friends car. I walked past my old friends house as he was getting picked up. I got a daisy. I walked back. It's been a week since you broke up with me. Lately, I've been more tired of you. Disappointed. I thought you were gonna be different than everyone. I thought you were gonna stay. Your family & some friends included. I got sad because it's probably gonna take into my late 20's before I find the people that are gonna stay, if I even do. It's sad how I've never had people stick around for the first ⅓ of my life. Your life is so rich and filled with friends and family. Nobody's stuck around with me, nobody who really had a choice. And some that didn't left anyways. I hope I figure out what's wrong with me. Sometimes I want to die to see who'd miss me, but I can't pass up the opportunity for future love. I like love. Sometimes I wanna move cities & see who'd wonder where I'd gone & miss me. Then I think about it for three seconds longer & wonder if anyone would realize I'm missing at all. I don't think so. I wish I had permanence.
I think I'm gonna stop hoping for people to stick around. I'll just appreciate them while they pass through and try to not dwell on how soon my chapter in their life will end. I wish I shared an origin story with someone.
6 / 14 / 24, 10:50 p.m.
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princeloww · 3 months
Fic Writer Ask!!! 1, 31 and 50!!!!
Thank you so much for asking!!
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I think I'd have to say multi-chaptered fics. Obviously, they take a lot more time and are a lot longer, but I really enjoy the freedom of spreading a story out over several chapters. I like to slowly build things under other things, and a multi-chapter format can really lend itself to that. On my AO3, I've only got one multi-chaptered fic, The Never-Ending Sky, but I've written quite a few over the past couple years. There are a few abandoned on Wattpad, most notably a god-awful Harry Potter fanfic that somehow managed to get 388k reads, despite being the most embarrassing thing I've ever written. I definitely enjoy both, and they both have their benefits, but the space and also audience engagement that multi-chaptered fics offer is really appealing to me.
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Oooh, well I suppose the plot? With OCs I'd say the characters, because I tend to build plots specifically around an already created character, but when it comes to fanfics its usually a random scene or plot idea that will pop into my head and refuse to leave. I'm not sure where the Campbell part of Never-Ending Sky came from, but I remember I started actually writing it after I thought of a sweet Alec & Daisy scene.
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I have NO idea how long the aforementioned god-awful Harry Potter fanfic was. It had 70 little Wattpad parts, but they were all quite short. Wattpad says the estimated reading time is six hours, which doesn't sound that long?
I think it's actually one of my older fics (I have many scattered pathetically across sites), and I think it had around 70k words? That's what I wrote down, anyway, although it sounds like a lot. Unfortunately it is not David Tennant related.
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(See questions here) (PLEASE send me more. I would love to answer all of these) (I'm particularly eager to answer question 2)
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ninja-muse · 1 year
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I completely abandoned any pretense about reaching my yearly reading goal this December, but I did manage to read one TBR book per month and read 50 of the books I wanted to in 2022, so I’m counting the year as a win. And I got close to the goal, anyway, at least if you include the picture books. (I do not like to include the picture books.) This month also included surprise highlights, surprise disappointments, and not one, but two, history books, which I feel like I never do.
December also, obviously, included a book haul. I got a couple books I asked for for Christmas, a couple books that came from the “give everyone an essay about my tastes” wishlists, and The Atlas Six, which arrived at work too damaged to sell but is still perfectly readable and it had been recommended by a friend…. The highlight is Weirdos of the Universe Unite!, however. I read this at least three times as a kid, via the public library, and I’m pretty sure we can credit my love of urban fantasy to it. That one’s actually part of my birthday haul, but the postal system got in the way. Very excited to (hopefully) reread it in 2023!
The Mummy! - Jane C. Webb Louden A plan to resurrect a mummy somehow upends the monarchy and everyone’s love lives. Melodramatic satire on a grand scale. - Egyptian secondary character
Beneath Another Sky - Norman Davies A world tour of countries subsumed by the colonial West and the ways they’re rebuilding after. - diverse nations and peoples covered - warning: colonial mindsets 1491 - Charles C. Mann An examination of what is known about pre-contact life in the Americas, versus what has often been taught and believed. - Indigenous subject matter - warning: racists, genocide
The Great Believers - Rebecca Makkai Yale is trying for a bequest to his gallery while navigating a relationship and watching his friends die of AIDS. Thirty years later, Fiona is searching for her daughter and reckoning with how Yale’s friend-group has affected her life. - largely 🏳️‍🌈 cast, Jewish protagonist, Jewish secondary character, Black secondary character - warning: deaths from AIDS, period-typical homophobia, including apathy and hate crimes
Books and Libraries - Andrew Scrimgeour, ed. A collection of poetry dedicated to the love of books.
The World We Make - N.K. Jemisin The boroughs of New York thought they’d fought their biggest battle, but then a populist politician comes to town. - ensemble cast containing Black, Indigenous, Indian, Latina, and 🏳️‍🌈 protagonists, Black author, #ownvoices for Blackness
Don't Fear the Reaper - Stephen Graham Jones Jade Jennifer Daniels returns to Proofrock the week a serial killer escapes in a blizzard. Out in February. - Blackfoot protagonist, Indigenous secondary characters, Black secondary character, disabled secondary characters, Blackfoot author, #ownvoices for Blackfoot representation - warning: death, gore, animal death
Grumpy New Year - Katrina Moore with Xindi Yan (illustrator) Daisy’s going to China to visit her Yeh-Yeh for Lunar New Year! Daisy should have slept—but she didn’t. - Chinese cast
The Golden Spoon - Jessa Maxwell Six contestants, two hosts, one world-famous baking show. And a body. Out in March. - ensemble cast containing Black, Latina, neurodivergent, and 🏳️‍🌈 characters
The Jolly Christmas Postman - Allan Ahlberg with Janet Ahlberg (illustrator) A postman delivers Christmas mail to the fairy tale and nursery rhyme residents of his village.
Currently reading:
A Killing In Costumes - Zac Bissonnette Jay and Cindy just got an offer that might save their movie memorabilia business. Unfortunately, their competitor has turned up dead and that might sink everything. - 🏳️‍🌈 protagonists
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle Victorian detective stories - major disabled character
 - warning: colonialism, racism


Monthly total: 9
 Yearly total: 145 + 2
 Queer books: 1
 Authors of colour: 2
 Books by women: 5
 Canadian authors: 0
 Off the TBR shelves: 2
 DNFs: 0
January February March April May June July August September October November
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Art of Ducktales Review: Just Ducky
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Hello everyone and welcome to an extra crunchy bonus review, as I take a look at something you knew I was going to get eventually but thanks to mom telling me I wasn't getting it for christmas, I bought way sooner than expected: The Art of Ducktales, the art book released just last week from Dark Horse, containing interviews with tons of the crew, mostly Matt and Frank as you'd expect, behind the scenes art, and more good stuff. It was 50 bucks for the standard version but was it worth it? Join me to find out This was something I was jazzed for and for good reason: My love of ducktales is well documetented on this blog having covered the major arcs for season, all of season 3 and some assorted episodes. And i'm not really slowing down as I have a Gizmoduck arc planned for sometime next year (whenever Kev wants to do it), and a review of "last Christmas!" in just a few weeks. While I plan to still pace myself I do want to have reviewed EVERY episode at some point. Ducktales was everything I coudl've hoped for, more and then more AFTER THAT, an expertly crafted show spread over three wonderful seasons that should've gotten a fourth. What we got was still great though, so naturally a book honoring that, especially from disney who RARELY makes merch for older fans of their DTVA shows, and one that's sales could impact us getting one for Owl House, was like catnip. The fact that it was written and put together by Ken Plume, the same great dude who put together the awesome Art of Venture Bros that I still use reguarly for my Venture Bros retrospective was just the cherry on top So did it live up to the hype? Welll... yes and no. The bad news is while I HOPED for some content about what episodes could've been, some new factoids about the characters already.. there wasn't much of that. What we have gotten through tumblr (and Kev sending me posts) has mostly been thorugh the supplemental book that came with the deluxe edition I didn't buy because it was 80 dollary doos. I was already pushing my budget getting this. From that we did find out Hortense and Quackmore are still alive and living on Grandma Duck's farm.. but...
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Like... did they meet the kids before Della came back? Why would they go along with Donald's lies? why did they never try to patch the donald and scrooge riff?
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What is their relationship with the kids? How would they react to Webby, both pre and post revelation about her being a clone now and the two of her just a hangin around donald adopted? how would they treat Daisy? why are they on a farm? These are questions we fans can answer and i'll have fun doing so, this book reignited my passion and writins for the show so I might just do that, but it's stil baffling to just drop that bomb and not fill it Out matt, and especailly in the delxue edition. We also get conformation it was Matt who clearly missed the queer subtext with Webby and Lena as not only does it never come up but he outright calls them "friends who are sisters". Maybe he dosen't care some fans ship them? maybe it's his interpretation? I dunno and as one of the co creators it's fair for him to interpret it that way.. in a sense
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All in good fun of course. I do respect Matt. But I also expect my right to disagree. Anyways, we don't get any new blistering insights into the world itself. But it's MORE than made up for. While this book lacks in what we coudl've had it's a really GORGEOUS celebration of what we did get. For starters we get a LOT of in depth info on the creation of the show, it's themes, and I gained a new respect for a guy I didn't even really know existed, Seam Jimenz who was the shows art director. The stuff he pulled off for the show, the tone he set and everything he and his crew were amazing. A lot of the book is he or other people on the show detailing how they pulled off shit that came off efortless to me and making me love the show even more. From blocking an episode in an enclosed place for Last Crash of the Sunchaser, to how they ONLY used fog for Missing Links of Morshire or the castle eps as a stylistic choice, to the little bits of comic fuz you see in every background there's a lot of cool details. We also get lots of great art, from the protype designs of the kids, to Lena's own evolution, to various concept art for characters. There were a lot of good designs before the awesome ones we landed on. We also get art of incidental stuff like the posters from Terror of the Terra Firmians, the very gay cake from Night on Killmotor hill, the darkwing first darkness poster.. if your a hardcore fan of thes how like I am there's a LOT to love here. So in short, as this is a fairly short review if you love hearing the people who made this show fantastic talk about how they pulled that offf, character stuff, episode ideas and other neat little stuff, this is for you. if your hoping for more of the show.. this sadly isn't it.. but maybe it'll get us more. Either way it's a great insight into the beautiful found family this show created that gave us one of my faviorite shows of the last decade. Woo-Ooo!a
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marmiteprinter · 10 months
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Labour time! Ash called Kobe in from the garden as she felt the nooboo coming. He rushed inside but stood there helplessly, shrugging his shoulders.
"What am I supposed to do, babe?"
"Just hold my haaaaaaand!" she screamed.
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Soon, the nooboo arrived and Kobe looked like he was thinking the same thing as me - "Whose goddamn white baby is that?" 🤣 Nah, I'm kidding - I actually love that I'm finally using geneticized skins and that this is a possibility, just like in real life!
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Welcome to the world, Daisy Hudson! She may or may not be a PlantSim but she's getting a plant-based name anyway. When she becomes a toddler, I will roll to see if she inherits her mum's supernaturalism. It's not an automatic thing in my game - she'll have a 50% chance to inherit.
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New dad Kobe gently put his nooboo down in her new room after feeding her and making sure she was comfortable. Ash, meanwhile, despite not needing energy or comfort, had discovered that giving birth had taken a lot out of her anyway so she was recharging with a relaxing bath.
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This looks like some sort of wild character arc and on one hand it kind of is but on the other hand I didn’t become a full time Spotify user until mid 2019 and I had a full blown identity crisis for all of 2017. But now that I’m thinking it out in previous years I listened to pretty much everything big-umbrella alternative so what you can’t see in these graphics is that this is really a journey back to myself.
Some fun stats:
- There are twenty artists represented in thirty top artist spots. The Wonder Years is ranked most at four years. Future Teens appears in three, and Hot Mulligan, Sufjan Stevens, Stand Atlantic, Frankie Cosmos, and Daisy the Great all appear twice.
- There are 22 artists represented in thirty top track spots. Seven of these artists are not ranked in any year: Bad Bad Hats, Julia Nunes, Local Natives, mansionz., The 1975, Wilson Phillips, State Champs, Waterparks, and Heart Attack Man. The Wonder Years and Daisy the Great have three ranked tracks, and Frankie Cosmos, Grayscale, Hot Mulligan, and Future Teens all have two.
- Of my top artists, I’ve seen nine live: Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, The Wonder Years (x9), Daisy the Great, Soccer Mommy, Future Teens (x5), Hot Mulligan, Origami Angel (x4), and Sincere Engineer. If including unranked artists with top tracks I’ve also seen State Champs and Heart Attack Man (x2).
Some fun facts:
- I went to a historically women’s college 2015-2019 and it shows
- I have absolutely no memory of ever listening to Frankie Cosmos. I didn’t at the time either. Tbf i did get sober in December 2019 but I was literally so shocked they made the top 5 twice lmao
- an honest to god catholic monk who found me on Twitter randomly mailed me free tickets to a The Wonder Years show in October 2019 and future teens opened and I had never listened to them but I was so captivated by their performance I immediately bought a ticket to another one of their shows 3 weeks later and the whole ordeal changed the trajectory of my entire life
- my car only had a CD player until 2019 so I very stubbornly listened to the 150+ CDs I kept crammed in every crevice of my shitty and beloved 03 ford focus (mostly mixtapes I made myself using youtube converter). I insisted this was the only proper way to listen to pop punk and emo “for the vibes”. When I finished college I treated myself to a new car stereo with bluetooth and the car ended up dying 4 months later. Current car is 10 years newer and came with Bluetooth. I miss the intentionality that came with burning CDs. 80 minutes of music arranged to play in a cohesive order. I still make Spotify playlists this way sometimes, but it’s not the same. I was also, just, like, admirably committed to completing a time-consuming task solely for my own enjoyment.
Some more fun data:
- My top 2 songs this year both had more plays than my top song last year
- I also track on last.fm and my top artists #5-7 were all within 50 scrobbles of one another (Hot Mulligan, Heart Attack Man, Spanish Love Songs) but there’s a 500 scrobble cliff after that
- every single one of my top tracks was in a different order for the same time period on last.fm
- similarly my top genres are very different between Spotify and last.fm for this year but I think they just categorize music differently
Anyway if you’re still reading this concludes me being insufferable on the internet for at least a few hours
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hislittleraincloud · 2 months
No hate at all but please tell me what's up with your deep hatred for Jenna. What did she say about Miller's girl that was so bad??
"Deep hatred"? I wouldn't say it's deep hatred. I've always said it was/is a love/hate. I can't truly hate something/someone who brought me back into writing. (So if she out there readin' (LOL), I don't hate you, Mama...you just annoy the crap out of me sometimes.)
Regarding Miller's Girl, that post I clipped of her talking about it annoys me, since she says she'd never read any character like Cairo before. You know, Cairo being a brilliant, ahead-of-everyone-around-her teen writer with a bigger vocabulary than her peers who lives in a big haunted mansion and who hates crowds.
Nah, she never read any character like that before.
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I get it, she isn't about to compare the two roles because press promo for MG could never. But some of the stuff that comes out of her mouth is vapid as all Hell, like talking as if college/education prospects are a million miles behind her ("I really wanted to go, I tried for a minute!" both Elle and Jenna acting like Jenna's 50 years old and the capability to go to college just eludes her...she was 20 when she gave that interview 💀). I have very low level of respect for those who don't think they can go get an education while they're living the celebrity life; if Emma Watson could do it, so can she, if she really wants to. But she doesn't, so 🤷🏽‍♂️
The bar goes even lower when I read how strongly of a Jesus Beater she is from her book. The indoctrination is thick with this one, but that's how it typically is with the religious Mexicans (I know, because I have them in my family) and you have to be sharp to escape the cultural programming. My 81yo father broke away 70 years ago after discovering science, and after thinking for himself (and after witnessing the priests going after the Pretty Choir Boys in his church). I could talk a long time about this aspect, but it's a touchy subject for me and one that involves lots of fucking [religious] trauma, none of which has anything to do with my parents/family (just girls who were so frighteningly indoctrinated that common sense was non-existent in their brains, and it upended my life for the worse each time). However, she was 18 and still relatively insulated when she published that book. So maybe time will tell. Doubtful, given how ingrained it is w/her fam, but one never knows, esp. in Hollyweird. Something in her changed though, I've noticed, from 18 to now. 😕 Now that I've kind of sort of 'caught up' some on her as an actress, because prior to me hearing of her casting for Wednesday, I didn't know who she was. I still didn't know after I watched the show in January '23 (I was convinced to, by the friend I have who is now missing). And when I found out she was that chick from the Babysitter 2, I was all, "No way, I thought she was the worst!" I kept hoping her character would get dispatched 💀🤣. I had to see if I was missing something, since her fanbase is a really weird soup of young lesbians and old cishet guys sharing half-naked AI pics of her using her 15-year-old face on Facebook. It fascinates me that those are her biggest, drooliest fans. I like "weird" shit, and this is def weird shit to me.)
I will give her this: She did admit that her accent work is bad. But when Elle Fanning said it wouldn't be if she had a dialogue coach, she didn't have much of a response. I have much more respect for the Fannings. Hell, I just watched Elle in Benjamin Button again (I love that movie). That...was a child star. He accent was on point, she was adorable in it as Young Daisy 🥰🤩. But anyway.
No deep hatred. Deep annoyance. Disney has been annoying me since before its broad integration into regular households, so it makes sense. I don't care for Disney, celebrity, or religious culture, all things she's deeply steeped in, and yes, it's very irritating to have a muse that's the complete opposite of what you stand for.
But inspiration does not have a type. She's a cunning shapeshifter, and she can still sit on your shoulder some moreso than others, ha and whisper sweet nothings in your ear until you've got no choice but to write them down. I suppose I was conditioned in a way to be able to keep separate the actor from the role, so if you ask me, "Hey, are you attracted to her?" the answer would be, "No, I'm attracted to her characters." Except for that stupid bitch in X. God what a dumbass. And not in a mere sexual sense, but in more of a self-identification, since I was always (and still am, apparently) the outcast.
I've also always been a huge fan of Ricci's Wednesday, so of course I'd be interested in this iteration. I might have been interested to see any young actress try to tackle Wednesday. We just happened to get her. I'm too curious/too invested in this shit now that I want to see what she's going to do in S2.
And why do I feel like that movie with Percy is also going to be, like Miller's Girl, a flop? If she really wants to stretch her acting, she needs a period piece of some sort. Get her out of her human form and into something completely alien to her, force her to act. Even if it meant a 'soft'/unserious 'period piece' like say...Pirates.
Does that make sense? If not, remember what day it is, kids...Happy 4/20🌿
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