#also she meets ortho and she goes WHAT
midnightmah07 · 5 months
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traveler-at-heart · 5 days
The Doctor's In - Part 4
Summary: Wanda and R have their first date ;)
Wanda: Sorry I missed you before you left for work. Wanna come over for dinner with us?
Y/N: Would love to :)
“You’re awfully cheerful for someone who just got dumped” Darcy says as you smile at your phone.
“Who got what?”
“Carol and Maria…”
“No one dump me, there was no relationship to end” you say, locking your phone. You have noticed that Carol has been avoiding you, which is pretty idiotic, considering a lot of the trauma cases that come your way are ortho related.
That would also explain why Kamala rambled so much every time you requested a consult, so you made a note to speak to Carol about it.
“So…” Darcy ponders, and you wish she’d just drop it. She snaps her fingers. “The hot mom!”
“Her name is Wanda, and we are just talking” you refuse to look at her, knowing she can smell the bullshit from miles away.
“Something tells me talking wasn’t the only thing you did with your mouths” she insists, pulling on your sleeve.
“Fine! We kissed and it was awesome! Happy, you little pestering gnome?”
“Yes, lesbian whore. Congrats on securing a ticket to MILF paradise”
“Fuck you”
“Doctor Y/L/N” Kamala enters the room as you give Darcy the middle finger. “I can come back! Sorry!”
“Look what you’ve done” you mumble as Darcy cackles. The joy doesn’t last long, as you steal her chips. She’s too distracted making fun of you to notice.
“Hey, not fair”
You close the door and go after the resident.
“Hey, Kamala”
“Oh, hi. Doctor Danvers asked me to show you some X-Rays”
“Tell Doctor Danvers to show me herself. Or better yet, I will go directly to her. Where can I find her, Doctor Kahn?”
“Uh… I…”
“Never mind, I’ll ask Maria” you turn to leave  and Kamala screeches in horror.
“OR 2. She’s in OR 2. Please don’t do it, my Baba will never forgive me if I get kicked out of the program” the young doctor clings to your arm.
“Kamala. Get it together. It’s gonna be fine. If Carol gets mad, you can be in my service for a week” you promise and she barely stops hyperventilating.
By the time you reach the OR, Carol is done with her surgery. She stops in her tracks when your eyes meet.
“Doctor Danvers, a word?” you ask, trying to sound professional.
“Of course” she nods. Leading you to an empty scrub room, Carol opens the door for you, fidgeting. “What’s up?”
“Stop making everything so awkward. I’m not mad at you. Kamala is about to have a stress induced stroke from all the consults you send her to avoid me”
“You’re really not mad?” Carol says.
“No! I never expected anything else from you. We didn’t talk about it but I always knew what your true feelings were”
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be, honestly. Just, stop acting like you left me at the altar or some weird shit. We’re colleagues and friends”
“That makes me happy. I didn’t want to stop talking to you” she relaxes. “Though I have to be honest, I told Maria what happened between us”
“Is she mad?”
“Only a bit and just to me. I’ll manage to turn it around” the blonde smiles, a dreamy look on her eyes.
“If it helps, tell her I have a date on Thursday” you say, leaving the room, Carol right behind you.
“Oh, let me guess. The hot mom?” she jokes.
“Her name is Wanda!” you repeat.
“Well, let me know how the date goes?” Carol pats your shoulder, and you nod.
“Will do. Now page your resident and tell her we’re all set before she gets admitted to the Psych ward”
The footsteps approaching on the other side make your heart jump. You wonder if the flowers are too much, but when Wanda sees them, her face lights up and you know it was the right thing to do.
“Come on in” Wanda says, taking the flowers and then standing on her toes to kiss your cheek. “The boys are in the living room”
“Want some help with the food?”
“No, I’m almost done. It will be more helpful if you entertain the twins for a little” she says, pulling the flowers close to her chest.
“Alright, then” you’re about to kiss her when the boys walk in. They’re so excited to see you that they don’t notice how close you are to their mother.
“Y/N” Billy says, running towards you.
“Hey, kiddos” you pick them up, carrying them over your shoulder and they giggle. “Come on, there’s a new game I wanna show you”
You take your time to set everything up, explaining a bit about the game. They giggle as Crash jumps and turns in the sand of the first level, and you finish it all, including the tricky jump at the end.
“Who wants to go next?”
“Me” Tommy says, sitting next to you. They are both focused on the game, so you take advantage of the distraction to go see Wanda.
Sliding into the kitchen, you grab her by the waist.
“You scared me” she laughs, allowing you to press against her back, kissing her temple. “What’s going on?”
“I have approximately fifty seconds before they ask for my help so I’m making sure they count” you turn her around and lean forward, capturing her lips and sighing against her mouth. “You look very pretty”
“Thank you”
“You smell really nice” you add, kissing her again, making Wanda laugh. “And I really, really, like kissing you”
Wanda smiles at that, her hand caressing your cheek.
“Y/N!” the boys chant in unison.
“Like clockwork” you mutter, kissing Wanda’s forehead as you go back to the living room.
You spend a few more minutes playing with the kids, until Wanda calls everyone for dinner.
“How’s the arm, kiddo?” you say, sitting next to Billy with Tommy and Wanda in front of you. As you take a bite of the chicken, you notice a funny flavor. “Is this brocc…”
Wanda widens her eyes and kicks you under the table.
“You ok?” Tommy asks, none the wiser.
“Yeah, I just bit my tongue” you lie, Wanda taking a sip of her water to hide her laugh.
“Kids, eat” she encourages them, and you get the hint. The flavor of the broccoli is hidden with the cheese, so you smile and continue to eat, enjoying every single bite.
“I’m on cleaning duty” you say as soon as everyone finishes, taking the dishes and cleaning the table.
Billy and Tommy run to the living room to continue playing, and as you get ready to wash the dishes, Wanda leans forward and kisses your cheek.
“It’s nice to have you here”
“You have an odd way of showing it, Miss Maximoff” you joke, leaning against her touch.
“In my defense, it’s the only way to get them to eat their greens” she jokes and you lean forward, your lips inches away from hers. In that precise moment, the boys call for her.
“Behave” she warns the children, pulling away to see what the fuss is about.
“Have you thought about boarding schools?” you joke and she pinches your side. “Ah, kidding! I would miss them too much”
You load the dishwasher, clean the pots and put the rest of the food on some containers. By the time you’re done, the kids are getting ready to go to bed.
“Can you come over again tomorrow?”
“If your mom wants me to, sure. I can bring the food this time so she takes a break from cooking” you offer, smiling at Wanda.
“We’ll see about that, Y/N works hard enough as it is. Say goodbye to her, boys”
Tommy and Billy wave at you, already dragging their feet. You stay on the living room, and a few minutes later Wanda comes down.
“Hi” she plops down next to you and you smile.
“All good?”
“A bit tired, that’s all. Just ignore me, you’re the one that works all those crazy hours”
“Nah, it’s fine. I’m used to it by now” you shrug your shoulders.
“Would you like some wine?”
“Sure, I don’t have work tomorrow”
“How come?” Wanda asks when she returns, handing you a glass of red wine and sitting closer to you on the couch.
“Well, I have a really hot date coming up and I need to plan every detail”
“She sounds like a lucky girl” Wanda blushes, biting her lip.
“Oh, I’m the lucky one” you say, placing both of your glasses on the coffee table. “She’s smart, funny, has legs for days, cooks amazing food…”
“Stop” she laughs, and you shake your head no. Wanda is still laughing when you connect your lips with hers, a sigh leaving her mouth when you lift her and place her on your lap, her legs straddling you.
“Is this ok?”
“Yeah” she nods, leaning her forehead against yours. “More than ok. As a matter of fact, I remember reading that kissing is good for your health”
“It’s so good” you say, your lips traveling to her jaw, behind her ear, down her neck. “I’d say do it as often as possible”
“Doctor’s orders?” Wanda jokes, her voice faltering as you come back to her mouth, your tongue swiping across her bottom lip.
“Doctor’s orders”
The plan is coming along. You have the tickets for the exhibit and the next thing on the list should be the dinner reservation. Your pager beeps the minute you call the restaurant. 
You sprint to the car, knowing no one would call you outside of work if it wasn’t serious. 
“What’s wrong?” you walk to the ER, looking around.
“What on Earth is this?” Tony Stark, neurosurgeon and professional asshole gets in your face the minute you get there.
“I don’t know, I’ve been off work since yesterday, Stark” you take the chart, reading all the information until you get to the signature. The writing got progressively worse, until it was just senseless lines.
“This person was clearly having a stroke, and the staff didn’t notice. I have to scrub in and see if I can save his life”
“And you’re wasting time arguing with me” you roll your eyes, pushing the chart to his chest and walking to the OR.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“To scrub in. If you want to blame me, that’s fine. I’m staying by this patient’s side until he pulls through”
“If he pulls through” Stark says angrily and you ignore him. 
Before scrubbing in, you check your phone.
Wanda: Is everything ok? I saw you leaving in a hurry. 
“By all means, take your time” Stark says, glaring as he walks by you.
You spend the entire surgery in his OR, standing still and doing everything he asks. He’s a rude, pretentious cunt, but if anyone can work a miracle, it’s him, so you suck it up and take every snide comment with a blank stare.
After hours working, Tony sighs, nodding at his work. 
“Close him, Parker,” he asks his resident. You stand watching the young man’s work, until the surgeon asks you to come with him.
“I’m sorry” he blurts out the minute you step out. “This wasn’t your patient, nor your responsibility. And I made it seem like it was”
“It’s still not right. If I had been here, I would have noticed”
“I know. Your work is impeccable” he acknowledges and you nod. Even if he’s an ass, this is the hospital his father built, and he’s a genius with years ahead of you in experience.
“Will he be alright?”
“There’s a good chance he’ll pull through. Let’s be cautiously optimistic. I’ll let Parker explain everything to the family. Sorry for interrupting your days off”
“Not a problem” 
“It’s the first time you’ve taken PTO in 3 years. Fury’s gonna have my head for making you come” Tony says, laughing.
The patient is moved to the ICU, but you’re still not comfortable leaving, so you go back to the on-call room, sitting in a bed to gather your thoughts. Yelling in the hallway makes you stand up, watching as Parker tries to speak to a man and his wife. 
“You discharged him, said he was fine” the man yells, pointing at Peter’s face. 
“Sir, I can assure you, we’re doing our best to make sure your son…”
“We wanna see him now” the man takes Peter by his coat, almost lifting him off the ground. The young man stutters, not knowing how to deescalate the situation.
“Hey, that’s enough” you step in, not realizing the man is about to throw a punch until you make him drop Peter, his elbow connecting with your cheek.
“Crap, Doctor Y/L/N, are you ok?” Peter says, rushing to your side.
“Yeah, fine”
Fucking fantastic. 
“Sir, I’m going to ask you to wait in the foyer, or I’ll call security” Carol steps in, glaring at the man. She waits until he’s gone, muttering an apology your way. “You ok?”
“Mhm, great”
“I thought you had a few days off”
“Yeah, me too”
“Come on, let’s have a look at that punch” Carol says, dragging you to one of the exam rooms. You sigh, trying to keep your eye closed. “No stitches needed”
“Great” you mumble, pulling out your phone. There’s like five messages from Wanda but before you can answer, she calls you.
“Hey, are you ok? You had me worried”
“Yeah, there was a thing at the hospital and I… ouch! Carol, a little warning?” you hiss as the blonde pours some disinfectant on the bruised skin.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were busy” Wanda says, her demeanor changing. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave you alone”
“Wait, Wanda!” you say but it’s too late, the call cut off. “God, could this day get any worse? I have to go”
“Want me to drive you there?” Carol says with a smile and you roll your eyes.
“Yeah. That will make Wanda so happy”
“Whipped” Carol jokes and you try to glare, but it hurts your eye.
Wanda barely put the kids to bed, when she hears a knock on the door. She’s prepared to give you an attitude but then sees your swollen cheek.
“Oh, my God, what happened to you, are you ok?” the brunette says, immediately forgetting she’s mad at you.
“It’s a long story. But that doesn’t matter. Listen, I know how it seems, I tell you I’m busy and when you call me I’m with Carol”
“I know you work together. It’s fine” Wanda lies.
“No, it’s not, come on”
“Ok, just come in and explain everything while I get you some ice, ok?”
“Thanks” you mutter, sitting at the kitchen counter. You fidget with your hands, not looking up until Wanda comes closer, her eyes soft as she moves the hair out of your face.
“Cold” she warns, placing a compress against your skin. You sigh with relief, holding her hand close.
“I’m sorry. I was called in to fix something I didn’t break”
“Don’t apologize for doing your job, Y/N” she says in a soft voice. “Is everyone ok? Is that how you got hurt?”
“Everyone’s ok. The parents were just pissed and I tried to break the fight”
“Does it hurt?” Wanda pulls the compress and examines the skin. It’s a little bruised, but not too swollen.
“It will later” you sigh.
“Anything I can do to help?”
“You can kiss it better”
“Is that what Carol was doing earlier?” Wanda tilts her head, a dangerous look in her eyes that sends shivers down your spine.
“Oh, come on! Not fair!”
“I’m kidding” she says, finally kissing you softly. You close your eyes, relaxing for the first time in 12 hours. “I’m sorry for giving you a hard time, you were saving lives”
“What you feel is valid. Don’t apologize for it, ok? I’ll always listen to you, I promise” you kiss her hand, smiling when she blushes. “We’re still up for our date, right?”
“We can reschedule, you must be exhausted”
“Not a chance” you say, pulling her closer again. “I’ve been waiting too long for this”
“Well, alright. If you insist” she pecks your lips and you nod.
“I do”
“I have an… odd request” she says, avoiding your eyes.
“I won’t kink shame you, I promise”
“Can you be serious for just a second?” Wanda laughs, taking your hand. You make a motion to keep quiet, and let her speak. “Can you… pick me up around the block?”
“I can. But why am I doing it?”
“First of all, if the kids see you, they’ll want to tag along. And also… I’m not trying to be pessimistic here, I just want to protect them. It’s been the three of us since they were born and I’ve never even dated anyone, let alone someone they know” she takes a deep breath, hoping you won’t get upset.
“Billy and Tommy come first, always” you nod. “I agree to the new rule, or I can wear glasses and a fake mustache”
“Nope” she shakes her head, covering your mouth with her hand.
“A bald cap then” you mumble against her palm.
She figures the only way to make it stop is by kissing you and she leans forward, her lips against yours. You smile dreamily as she pulls apart.
“Now. Would you like some dinner?” Wanda offers, and you almost drop to your knees.
“God, you’re so fucking perfect, Wanda Maximoff”
The way she blushes and giggles makes up for all the shitty things that happened in the past hours.
“There’s food and snacks, a list of phone numbers on the fridge in case of an emergency”
“Yes, Mrs. Maximoff,” Morgan says, following the woman around the house. It’s her first time babysitting the twins, but Wanda has known the girl since she started giving her private art lessons and trusts her.
“Boys, I’m leaving” Wanda calls, the kids standing up from the table to hug their mom goodbye. “Be good to Morgan, ok?”
“Where are you going?” Tommy asks.
“A work thing” she lies, feeling terrible about hiding the truth from the twins. But still, she knows it’s for the best to keep this private.
She waves goodbye one last time and walks past the house, noticing your car is no longer in the driveway. Her heart beats fast at the expectation of an evening together.
“Hey, gorgeous” you greet, leaning against the passenger door. “You look absolutely stunning”
You admire how amazing she looks in a pair of jeans, a white tee and a long sleeve sweater.
“So do you” she kisses you, smiling as you open the door to the car.
“Thanks, the purple eye gives my look a nice touch” you say as you begin the drive.
“Are you gonna tell me where we are going?”
“You’ll find out soon enough” you say, hoping she likes the surprise. “First stop” you announce, opening the car door for Wanda and looking at the building in front of you. 
“Artechouse. Oh, I’ve heard about this” Wanda nods, intrigued.
“I did too, but never made the time to go. Come on” you lead her to the entrance, showing your tickets. “There’s a small bar if you wanna have a drink before we go in” 
“Let’s go in now” she says, looking everywhere. 
You think it’s a good sign that she’s so interested in the exhibit, so you lead her to the start, both of you gasping as you enter a room that is projecting videos of flowers from floor to ceiling. Wanda’s hand searches yours in the dark, and you smile shyly as she holds it, walking around the room.
The intimacy of the place allows you to come closer, sharing everything you see in a low voice and enjoying the show. 
“Check this out” you say, lifting your arm, the animation following your movements. Wanda lets out a laugh, doing the same.
Each room enchants Wanda even more, the next installation featuring plants that react to the touch with light and sound. Your favorite by far is the tree that reacts differently if you’re holding hands or hugging. As you walk up to it, Wanda is still holding your hand and you both look at the screen. Well, she’s looking at the projection and you’re looking at her, thinking how beautiful she is. 
Taking a step forward, your arms go around her waist and you smile, admiring how the images change.
“It’s beautiful” Wanda whispers, turning to you. “You’re not looking” 
“I have the best view right in front of me” you smile, happy when she kisses you softly.
Wanda takes her time examining everything and once she’s done, you walk to the exit. 
“That was amazing. I forgot how much I enjoy these things. Thank you, Y/N”
“Glad you liked it” 
“Best first date I’ve had,” she smiles.
“Oh, this is only the first part. You don’t really think I’d forget about the food, right?” 
“Where are we going?”
“Well, there’s a very fancy option but I don’t feel like going with this thing on my face” you point at the bruise, annoyed. “If you’re feeling adventurous we could try something different?” 
“You look perfectly fine, darling” she kisses your cheek. “But I’m up for an adventure, so lead the way” 
“Awesome” you hold her hand, walking down the street and away from the museum. This is your favorite part of town, close to the pier and the little shops that are open until late. 
You walk down the promenade, showing Wanda some of the places you love. There’s a small gallery, a cafe, and other shops. 
“We’re here” you announce, pointing excitedly at the kebab shop. “This is fine, right? We can still go to the fancy place if you like”
“Sorry this place isn’t fancy enough for you, Majesty” the owner pops out of nowhere, scaring you.
“Samir! That’s not what I meant. You know I love your food”
“Mhm” he glares, but then smiles at Wanda. “What can I get for you, angel?”
“Well, what’s good here?” Wanda wonders, not as familiar with the dishes. “Maybe a shawarma” 
“How about a kebab box, fries to share and a doner” you suggest, “And her shawarma, of course” 
“That’s a lot of food” she protests and you shrug your shoulders.
“I’m always eating leftovers before I leave for work so it’s fine, babe” 
“Oh, well” she wants to scold you about your eating habits, but the pet name makes her dizzy. 
You pay and lead them to a small table outside, unaware of Wanda’s flustered state. You hand over a soda and open your can, taking a sip.
“We can go to other art shows whenever you want, you know? Even if I don’t understand anything, I do enjoy watching you” you smile, laughing as Wanda’s cheeks go red at the comment.
“I did enjoy it, thank you. You come here often?”
“I do, I love the food here. Samir noticed I came late because of my shifts and he always saved me some food. Nice fella” you turn to make sure he’s not listening. “But I promise I’ll take you to dinner to that other place when I don’t look like a raccoon”
“You don’t have to” 
“I kinda want to see you in a dress, all fancy like that time you left for another date” you smile at the memory of how beautiful she looked.
Wanda’s heart bursts with the way you look at her, complete adoration in your eyes. She’s almost left speechless, but her phone saves her. 
“It’s my brother” she apologizes, taking the call. “Hi, Pietro. No, I’m not with them. Because, I’m out. Of course with a babysitter, stupid” she rolls her eyes, and then switches to a language that you don’t understand, but sounds like Russian. You look at her in awe, until Samir calls for you to get the food. By the time you’re back at the table, Wanda already hung up.
“Sorry about that” 
“No, don’t worry. I guess I never asked, but are you Russian?”
“Sokovian” she corrects. “We moved to the States when Pietro and I were ten” 
“Wow. I never… you don’t even have an accent” 
“It slips up from time to time, especially if I’m angry or… flustered” Wanda says, and you almost choke on the food, thinking of all the ways you could make it come out. 
“Oh, well” you clear your throat. “Is your brother ok?”
“Yeah, he wanted to ask the boys something about video games that I don’t understand. I’m sure you would” 
“I don’t know, my knowledge is limited to things that existed when I was a kid. How’s the food?”
“Amazing. Wow” Wanda says, pleased with the flavor of the meat and how it compliments the rice and dips.
“See? We’re good enough for a first date” Samir shouts from the kitchen.
“Stop listening to our conversation” you shout back and he grumbles. Wanda smiles, thinking of something she’s wanted to ask for a while now.
“Do you ever visit your family?” 
“No, not really” you shake your head. “I pretty much left for college and never returned. Except this one Christmas, where I was feeling kind of lonely and tired. I just wanted to be home, but everything was so different, my half siblings were just too much to handle for anyone… and I didn’t even know what to do, no one bought me a present because I was never around and they just thought I’d be gone like last year”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked…”
“It’s fine” you shrug your shoulders. “I know it’s weird, but I like my life, you know? My colleagues are great, I’m doing what I love… and if I hadn’t moved here, I wouldn’t have met you”
“Yeah, that’s true. It’s their loss” Wanda smiles, kissing you. You smile against her lips. “You can always spend the holidays with us, you know? I mean, it’s too soon to talk about it, I’m just saying”
“That would be nice” you interrupt her rambling. “Now, I have something very important to ask. Out of all the neighbors, which one is the most annoying and why?”
“Well, I’d say it’s… Agatha”
“Harkness! Yes! I knew you disliked her too” 
Wanda laughs and you keep the conversation going. By the time you’re done, you pay and leave a big tip for Samir, who gives you a hug as you leave the store.
“I’m so full” Wanda says, patting her stomach. 
“I know. Oh, you want ice cream?” you say, remembering the gelato store that is a few shops ahead. 
“You just said you were full!”
“It’s ice cream, come on” you take her hand, and pay for two cones. Wanda orders strawberry while you opt for chocolate.
“How is it?” you ask as you walk down the pier, enjoying the view. 
“Amazing, have some” she offers the cone, but you kiss her instead. “That’s not what I meant” Wanda laughs against your lips.
“Well, it tastes amazing to me” you say, leaning forward and chasing after her soft lips, the flavor lingering as you deepen the kiss. Wanda sighs against your mouth, pulling you closer until your hand goes down her waist. “Best ice cream I’ve ever had” 
“Yeah” Wanda nods, her eyes closed. You peck her lips one last time, and continue your walk, still talking about everything you can think of, enjoying each other’s company.
When she checks the time more than once you get the hint, ready to go home.
“I’m sorry, I’m just being annoying, we can stay longer” 
“It’s ok, I know you like to be home early. Come on, we can drink wine or I’ll let you go to bed”
You rest your hand on Wanda’s leg for the entire ride home, unaware that your touch is making the woman restless. When you’re close to your house, you stop exactly where you picked Wanda up.
“I can just park at home, right? The boys are probably asleep”
“Yeah” Wanda nods, flustered. You’re about to ask what’s wrong when she moves forward, pulling you down for a rough kiss that takes your breath away. It’s a bit messy and desperate, and you ignore the strain of your seatbelt as Wanda pulls you closer to her, sighing against your mouth.
“You can’t park here!” an annoying person knocks on your window and you both break apart. “Oh, my! Wanda? Doctor Y/L/N?”
Damn it, it’s Agatha Harkness. Your nosy, annoying neighbor. Rolling down the window and smoothing your clothes, you smile at her.
“Hey, Miss Harkness. Sorry, I’ll move right now” 
“No, don’t worry” she gives you a sly smile. “Have a good night, you two love birds”
“Night, Agatha” Wanda says and you turn on the car, finally parking in your driveway.
“That was fun” you comment, opening the door for Wanda and crossing the street to walk her home.
“Yeah, just our luck” Wanda laughs, taking your hand. “Wanna come in? Or do you have to work tomorrow?”
“Not until Saturday. Come on” you let her lead you to her house, opening the door as quietly as possible. Wanda sees Morgan at the kitchen table, doing her homework.
“How did everything go?”
“Great, they went to sleep an hour ago” 
“Morgan Stark?” you greet, closing the door behind you. 
“You two know each other?” Wanda says.
“Yeah, my parents work at the hospital with Doctor Y/L/N” Morgan says, waving at you. “Nice to see you” 
“Did you drive here? Or want me to take you home?” 
“It’s fine, I drove here” she says, and you hand over some money before Wanda can pay her. 
“Drive safely, ok? Don’t want your dad giving me crap on the next meeting”
“Will do. Good night, Miss Maximoff”
“Night, Morgan”
“You didn’t have to pay for that too” Wanda says, kissing you. “But thank you” 
“Anytime. How do you know Morgan?” you nod when she offers you a glass of wine and you walk to the living room with her.
“I’m giving her private art lessons. She’s really good. Had no idea her parents were doctors”
“Not just any doctors, baby” you say, taking a sip. “Tony’s father built the hospital we work in. And he’s done some amazing research in neurosurgery. Pepper is also one of the best plastic surgeons in the world” 
“Wow, Morgan is so sweet and down to Earth”
“She gets that from her mom, Tony can be an ass” you mutter and Wanda laughs. “So, did I secure a second date?”
“A third one as well. But only if I can pay for the next one”
“Nu-uh. I’m spoiling you, baby” you say, your hand going to her leg. You notice how Wanda’s cheeks turn red, and you’re not sure if it’s the nickname or the contact. “Come here”
You take her glass of wine, approaching her slowly and kissing her. It’s tender at first, but then your hands travel to her lower back, and Wanda moans against your mouth. You deepen the kiss, sighing when she pushes you on your back, climbing on top of you.
Wanda kisses down your neck, biting slightly. The sudden nip makes your hips jolt forward, and she has to hold back another moan.
“I don’t know how you do it” she says, shivering when your hands travel down and cup her ass through her jeans.
“Do what, baby?”
“Drive me crazy with just one touch”
“Let me take care of you” you ask, kissing her, your hands going all the way to the front of her pants.
“Shit” she mutters, both of her hands covering your mouth. “What is it, sweetheart?”
“I’m thirsty,” Tommy says.
“Alright, don’t come down, I’ll be right there, ok?” she says, hoping the boy hasn’t noticed anything strange. But he’s too sleepy so he just agrees and returns to his room. “I’m sorry”
She removes her hands from your mouth, helping you up.
“It’s fine, I enjoy the choking but just give me a heads up”
“Stop” she says, blushing. “I’ll be right back. Unless, you want to go? I’m sorry”
“I can stay” you nod, smiling at her disheveled state.
“Alright, I’ll be back” Wanda promises, pecking your lips.
You sit up, fixing your hair and taking a sip of the wine to calm down.
“Everything ok?” you say as Wanda comes down. She nods, smiling and sitting next to you.
“Yeah, I just didn’t think they’d be up. Maybe… we could wait a bit? When I’m not worried about the boys walking in on anything”
“Of course. Come here” you open your arms, and she settles, leaning her head against your shoulder. You kiss her temple. “Wanna watch some tv?”
“What about a sitcom? I love watching those”
“Like Friends?”
“Like Bewitched or… The Dick Van Dyke show” she says and you laugh, completely caught off guard by the suggestion.
“You’re fascinating, Wanda Maximoff” you say, handing over the remote, ready to watch whatever she wants.
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Vil: Riddle, please be honest with us.
Vil: Do you have an issue with the lady?
Riddle: No?
Azul: My, you don't really know how to lie, do you?
Idia: Maybe Riddle doesn't like to vibe with her. Why are we making this a big deal?
Vil: Well, let me point out a few things. All of us here, except Riddle, have become friends with her and her son.
Vil: And don't deny it, Idia. You're so comfortable when she's around that you even invited her to Ignihyde.
Idia: What? She made me a bento. And Ortho likes her too. And her kid is cool-
Leona: Yeah, yeah. We get it. She's almost like a sister.
Azul: That's why it's a question to us why Riddle is avoiding her.
Riddle: I am not avoiding her!
Azul: Oh? *pulls out his phone* *then makes a call*
Azul: Hello, my lady! Yes, yes! I'm in a housewarden meeting right now. Please come here so we can see your samples. Yes. Thank you so much.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: I'm taking my leave-
Vil: Hold him.
Leona and Kalim: *grabs him so he won't sprint away*
Riddle: Hey! Let go of me!
Azul: Now, now. MC will come here in a few minutes.
Riddle: I have better things to do!
*Someone knocks on the door, then it opens.*
F!MC: *carrying a picnic basket* *with her son sitting on her shoulders*
Toddler Riddle: Food delivery.
F!MC: Hello, everyone- Eh? What's going on here?
Vil: Hi, MC. The one Leona and Kalim is holding right now is the housewarden of Heartslabyul. Riddle Rosehearts.
F!MC: Oh. *smiles and waves at him* Nice to meet you.
Riddle: ...
F!MC: But why are you holding him like that?
Leona: He's shy.
Kalim: Yeah! And he's the only housewarden you haven't met yet! *beams*
F!MC: O-Oh... Y-You can let go of him now...
Leona: *shrugs* Okay. There you are.
Kalim: *also lets go of Riddle*
Riddle: *frowns*
Vil: Riddle, introduce yourself properly like a proper gentleman would.
Riddle: You don't have to tell me, Vil-senpai.
Riddle: *approaches MC* My name is Riddle Rosehearts. It's a pleasure to meet you.
F!MC: It's a pleasure to meet you too. *smiles*
Toddler Riddle: *takes a quick look at Riddle and-*
Toddler Riddle: Mama, he looks too short.
Riddle: ...
The other housewardens: ...
Leona, Idia, and Azul: *ended up laughing at Toddler Riddle's remark*
F!MC: R-Riddle! You don't say that! *immediately apologizes to Riddle*
F!MC: Please excuse my son- Ah, wait. *opens the picnic basket and pulls out a dessert* This is for you. *then hands it to him*
Riddle: ...Thank you.
F!MC: *to her son* Riddle, we're going to talk. *then tells everyone to try the food inside the picnic basket as she excuses herself*
Toddler Riddle: *came to visit Heartslabyul to personally apologize to Riddle* *his mother is waiting outside the gate*
Trey: He's in his study. Do you want me to take you there?
Toddler Riddle: *nods* Please do, Uncle Trey.
Trey: *chuckles* So polite.
Cater: Ridz, where is your mom?
Toddler Riddle: She's outside.
Cater: Okay! I'll go and chat with her. *goes to meet MC*
Toddler Riddle and Trey: *entered Riddle's study*
Riddle: *is in the middle of eating the dessert given by MC*
Riddle: *blushes in embarrassment when he gets spotted by them*
Riddle: *puts it down and sips his tea, then clears his throat*
Riddle: I didn't hear you knock, Trey.
Trey: Of course.
Toddler Riddle: Was it good?
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Yes... Your mother is a good cook.
Toddler Riddle: *smiles proudly*
Riddle: ...
Riddle: What is he doing here, Trey?
Trey: He came here to apologize. But I think he had already forgotten, *chuckles*
F!MC and Cater: *waiting at the gate and they saw Riddle and her son approaching*
Toddler Riddle: Mama! I said sorry! *runs to her*
F!MC: Really? *carries him up* Great job, Riddle! And please don't do it again, okay?
Toddler Riddle: *nods*
Riddle: ...
F!MC: *looks at Riddle* *smiles* Did you like the dessert?
Riddle: !!!
Riddle: *averted his gaze because he felt shy* Yes. It's good.
Toddler Riddle: Mama, he wants you to make more.
Riddle: !!!
Cater: *internally laughing at his reaction*
F!MC: Oh. Okay! *chuckles* I'll make sure to bring some for you, Riddle.
Riddle: N-No, miss! It's fine!
Toddler Riddle: Mama, his face is turning pink.
Riddle: IT'S NOT!
Cater: *laughs* No, Riddle! Ridz is right! You are really pink now!
Riddle: *is angry now that Cater is teasing him*
Cater: Oops.
F!MC: So... Riddle? Feel free to visit us in the Pop Music Clubroom. *smiles gently at him*
Riddle: ...
Riddle: *immediately calms down* I will when I have time.
Cater: *snaps a photo of him*
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Cater.
Toddler Riddle: Rest in peace, Uncle Cater.
Cater: Ayo- Don't say that, Ridz!
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ghostieyanyan · 3 months
hi ~🤍 how do you think (yan or not). demon twst react to find out mc is a human girl ? they khow she is magicless but ahem...
~Human girl in NRC?!~
Yan!DemonAU!Idia x fab!mc
Yan!DemonAU!Jack x fab!mc
Yan!DemonAU!Leona x fab!mc
I'll still use they/them pronouns even if mc is female. so if you're male, there is talk about future kids so processed with caution
i don't know if you sent this twice or if someone just asked the same question but i don't mind either way. i picked some random students to write about since you didn't specify which one you wanted. i hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: maybe a lot of grammar issues (sorry), future kids talk, stalking, creepy behavior, hint of nsfw, cannibalistic behavior
Idia found out second hand, aka from Ortho.
Apparently, when ortho meets anyone, he does an automatic scan of them. It basically tells him everything about the person, mainly physically. That scan also goes into Idia's computer and he happened to see it.
To see the mysterious prefect has more layers of mysteriousness??? You must be a legendary pull!!!!! He HAS to know more. but it wasn't like he'll talk to you himself.... his heart couldn't take that.
Instead, he asked ortho to check up on you. which wasn't too hard cause you already consider Ortho as one of the first years in your group.
He recorded every interaction you had with ortho, pretending you were talking to him~
"How are you today?"
"You did great, Orth--- ████ !!"
"Hey, you wanna stop by Ramshackle dorm after school?"
He'd probably made an AI voice box like your voice for his sick fantasy.
Talking about Ramshackle, he also had installed hidden cameras in every corner of that dorm. One in the kitchen, one in the living room, two in the bathroom, two in your room, and much more. Inside, outside, everywhere!
He likes watching you when you're alone. He also hates to see anyone else in your dorm, with the exception of his own brother and that cute kitty.
Idia likes to think, in a fantasy world where he has more courage, you'll be in the kitchen making him something because work called him in last and when he gets home, you'll greet him with a "welcome home, master" with cat ears---!!!! fantasy world but still!!!
No only is he just feed his sick fantasy of you, he imagined what a future with you would be like... You had no magic so if he took you away to the Island of Woe, you'll have a really hard time running away from him, nearly impossible.
Plus... he's family is a pretty powerful family.... one day, he'll have to think about future kids...
With that, he's decided he'll try to talk to you. It'll be easy with your connect with Ortho, plus Ortho could help.
Ortho would probably see this as helping his older brother with a crush and if that crush helps his brother out of his shell, its a win win!
Idia will, of course, only tell his brother about his innocent pining for you and keep his dark fantasies to himself for now. Until he's sure you wouldn't might him share his fantasies with you. And if you do mind... sorry to break it to you-
Maybe when he takes the overblot students to the island of woe, he'll also take you. saying it's for your safety. No one knows why there's been a coincident amount of students in NRC overblot. Plus you being caught in is most of them time is worrisome. you staying in NRC will likely end you life if you keep in countering these Overblots.
Ortho couldn't help but agree with his brother but also saw this opportunity to get you more closer to his brother.
"What do you think, prefect?"
Jack was one of the first to find out about your little secret. It was your scent... But he's not the type to share it if you haven't shared it yourself. And if any other beastmen tried to share that information or point it out without your permissions, he'll have a nice chat with them. You don't have to worry a thing!
Whether you, him, or anyone that notices, wants to admit or point out, jake has been stuck to your hip. He will 100% be like a personal. Make sure no one enters a room when you are changing. Make sure that when you use the restroom, no one is trying to peek at you. Especially makes sure that no one tries anything that might be a threat to you!
He'll total imagine you running your fingers through his hair, scratching behind his ears, and rubbing the base of his horns. He will go feral.
If you ask Jack about how this world works, his tail will start wagging. (he's happy you came to him with your questions.) He'll answer any questions you have, even the "obvious" ones. He not the type to make you feel guilty about asking a question that you don't know, unlike ace.
If the topic changes to the future, he'll say that he's planning to find a mate so that he can proudly work hard for his mate and his pups. But he's "not in a rush to look for one right now." Cause he's already found his mate...
Some people on the outside of your relationship with Jack, might say that you have Jack wrapped around your little finger. You want to lay down on him? He'll turn into his wolf form so you'll be comfortable. You late to something? He'll give you a ride! (He could change into his wolf form but he could also give you a piggy back ride.. and feel your legs wrapped around him~)
Jack tries his hardest to not let his animal instincts scary you off. It's not like he thinks your weak, anything but that! He actually admires you, you were thrown into an unknown world and learned to adapted and you've made yourself home here. You've also make home in his heart~
He could only hope that your relationship grows enough that you wouldn't want to leave...
In dyer situations, Jack will protect you. He'll shield you with his own body, protecting you from tiny things like falling books or from big powerful spells.
He also really likes to watch you nurse him back to health. If you were anyone else, he'll brush you off, saying "he's fine" or "he can take care of himself." But since your the one nursing him, he's a little more weaking on his protest.
Watching you take care of him, makes me super excited for the future. Maybe he'll help you were sick? Or maybe he'll walk in on you care for your pups?
Man... if it weren't for both of you being in college and freakily not financially ready for kids, he would-
He was one of the first people to find out. He usually wouldn't care much about it. he would have just allowed you to be and keeps his distance. And if you were paths do cross, he'll be mindful of the things he says to you, aka not being too rude to you. (Only people that were sharp notice his demeaner but it wasn't like they'll go up to the lion about it)
Without realizing it, he kinda became fond of you. How you go get things but not in an obedient pet way, just because you can help way... you often cant say no but you also could stand up for in justince? How you are still kind to the people who hurt you or used you, tricked you.. How you still help people with any background.
He couldn't understand it but he was also fascinated of it.
The day when you came to savanaclaw because you and your cat beast were kicked out of your dorm was, in better words, interesting.
He wasn't proud of it but when you slept in leona's room, he couldn't help himself from watching you sleep. Watching how your chest moved as you breathed in and out subconsciously. How savanaclaw's heat made you kick your blanket away, showing him your sweat glazed body. It made his mouth water..
he wonders how'd you taste..? No, your sweat wasn't enough to satisfy this lion, but you. Your blood, the meat that clung to your skin and bones, your organs... he wont mind killing you here and now just to have a taste...
But it was too soon, way too soon... he'll spoil himself if he wasn't patient.
For right now, watching you from a distance will be enough. unless you keep trying to interact with him, he cant make any promises...
After watching you for quite a while, hes thoughts about killing your just to taste you slowly subsided. but it was quickly replaced with another thought..
Cheka was at NRC for one of his visits, much to leona's dismay. but he'd overheard that cheka had taken a liking to you!
Whenever Cheka returned to leona's side, he'd always asked, "why does that not-demon live so far away..? They must be really lonely.." or "why not bring that not-demon home with us?! Then they wont be lonely anymore!!"
After Cheka left and leona had some time to think to himself. He thought, he could bring you back to Sunset Savana. You took care of cheka like he was your own. You wont be able to say no to cheka.
You'll also be taken care of. Food, roof over your head, secrity, what more could you need?
The only problem was how to make you stay...
He thought about it long enough and rolled over in his bed to take a nap.
Cheka would leave him alone if he had a new cousin to play with...
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amxrany · 10 months
I am not in the mood to study so yeah (Part 3):
The senate (which are just these 3 floaty thingies) start to blame him for Meleanor's death and they punish him by banning him from the capital (which makes Silver and Sebek realize why Lilia can't do certain things). BUT BAD NEWS GUYS THE BLOT IS BACK and it's forming around Lilia with him muttering that he'll join them (Meleanor and Leverne) soon...
All of a sudden the ring (yknow the one Silver has) teleports them to another old memory, taking place 10 years after the war where Lilia was secretly called by Maleficia. Apparently Malleus eggo stopped accepting her magic and that direct touch and love would be more efficient
Baul wants Lilia to travel to various to find ways to hatch Malleus eggo and also reminds Lilia of Meleanor's last words where if she's gone, Lilia will be the one in charge of hatching him (as well as acting like a married couple with Leverne OKAYYYYYY)
Lilia tells the eggo that if he ends up in the stars before Lilia returns, eggo's parents are going to scold him so he asks Malleus to hold on AND MOTHERFUCKER
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Lilia travels around the world, but everytime he brings up the egg people immediately shum him out, saying that dragons only exist in fairy tales. But every time Lilia comes back to Malleus eggo, Baul notices that the magic increases. Then Lilia suddenly brings up that Meleanor was a picky eater while Leverne was a honor student but in reality the dude hid his veggies under the table 😭😭😭
A rumor goes around that there was a castle holding dragons so Lilia goes to check it out, but he was too late. He then breaks down asking if anyone knew how to hatch the egg until magic suddenly overflows and boom we got the origin story of Lilia's UM. He uses this to his advantage to find more research to hatch Malleus
200 years has passed and Lilia was succesful
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Lilia breaks down cuz after 200 YEARS MAN HE FINALLY DID IT , MALLEUS GAVE HIM HOPE 🥹
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Silver finally understands why the dream turned out like this, Lilia lost everyone but his happiest moment was bringing Malleus to life. The senate praise Lilia for being a hero but something happens
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Malleus pretty much goes nuts here because the senate and Maleficia were lying to him. He then asks Lilia what dream does he want: One where Meleanor and Leverne lived or something else that makes him happy BUT SILVER AND SEBEK MANAGE TO INTERVENE AND SNAP LILIA BACK TO REALITY YEYYYYYY
With Lilia now back to us, the group proceeds to run away but while that was happening Lilia mentioned this
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Then Silver promises Lilia that they will meet again and activates his UM BUT THEN A HOLGRAM OF ORTHO APPEARS TO THEM
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Manifesting real hard for the next update being the Shroud bros segment cuz if you think about it Idia didn't need any assistance to escape the dream LIKE BRO ACCEPTED THE FACT HIS BROTHER IS DEAD AND THAT'S HARD
This was surprisingly short (or maybe I was rushing) with only 3 parts but hope you guys enjoyed it!!
Previous: Part 2
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if could do an Eddie Diaz request.
eddie meets reader at a hospital when the 118 drop a victim off because she’s a doctor there. she’s a new attending and as he comes more and more they get closer with each visit and she asks him out. they’ve been dating a few months when the hospital goes on lockdown and he gets a call from the reader. she’s crying as she says her goodbyes and that’s all i can think of but happy ending please 🥺😁
falling in reverse - e.d
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summary: request
eddie diaz x reader
a/n: this got pretty deep… this is also inspired by the hospital shooting episodes of greys anatomy, which were written so well. please note this and decide if you want to continue because this is not just something that happens in tv. it’s talked about in the media but there is not nearly enough change that needs to be happening. be aware of the resources in your area and stay. educated. thank you for the request, love 🩶
the whole team arrives back to the station after a quick call. bobby came out of the passengers seat as everyone else came out of the back, putting their gear back up and heading upstairs. eddie runs his hands back down his pockets, checking to make sure the small box was still inside. he opens it up and is bombarded with the shine of the bright diamond that is sat inside the velvet.
he smiles at the thought of it, finally being ready to say those 4 quick, but massive words. he’s been preparing himself and even christopher, and he decided he was ready. there’s no one he wants more than y/n. he completely cherished her inside and out, making sure to admire every single part of her. every time he thought about her the butterflies fluttered in his stomach like he was back in middle school. he couldn’t imagine a more perfect outcome than her being in his arms every night. eddie has struggled immensely with relationships and connections after losing shannon, feeling like everything he touches just disintegrates through his fingers. he knew the first time he saw her that it wasn’t just quick fling, it was intensely love swimming over him.
eddie sped through the streets to pull up the the ER entrance with his, hens, and chimneys patient in the back. he had been severely bleeding from his abdomen and had to be extracted from a burning workplace.
eddie turned the sirens off, climbed out the drivers seat, and yanked open the back doors of the ambulance. he unlocked the wheels of the gurney and helped to pull it down. the flood of nurses came rushing out along with several different doctors in trauma scrubs.
one doctor came following out, pulling her hair back and tying it up as she slid her blue gloves on. “what do we got?” she asks.
“tyler rodrigues, male, 32,” eddie starts saying. “probable internal bleeding and third degree burns on lower extremities, BPs stable.
“alright, get him into trauma two, page plastics and ortho, sanchez, get that ultrasound up and running immediately!” she says, handing out demands to the interns in different colored scrubs.
eddie definitely is not the type of guy to take an interest of someone when he’s working or worse- when they’re both working. but the way she handled herself and the way she spoke to those patients had him in a trance. she was also beautiful, her hair fell perfectly around her face and she moved around so gracefully.
she walked out of the sliding doors of the trauma room, discarding her covering gown and sauntered over to the three first responders at the front desk. hen elbows eddie in his ribs, “careful, diaz, she’s coming this way.”
“w-what?” he mumbles and looks back to see her making her way over with a smile on her face.
“just act normal.”
“chimney…” she begins, and chim pulls her into a hug. “how is everything, you feeling good?”
“no stab wounds, no rebar, i’m living the life,” chimney smiles and pulls away as hen whispers to eddie.
“she was his surgeon when he got hurt,” hen informs.
“and i cant forget about miss henrietta wilson!” she comes over and wraps her arms around her. they exchange quick conversation about their lives, karen and denny. “and diaz?”
eddie’s face drops and he swears he’s as red as a tomato. he doesn’t remember ever meeting her, even when chimney was stabbed by doug. “yeah, ha-have we met?”
“no, not properly,” y/n tells him. “i saw your name tag,” she says with a bright smile and eddie blushes a little. he thought he grew out of the awkward crush stage, but guess not.
“right,” he laughs. “eddie diaz, 118.”
“dr. y/n y/l/n, it’s nice to finally speak to you,” she slips out. “or meet you! sorry, i’ve just seen you come in a few times.”
“don’t worry about it,” he grins and they all look down at the prominent beeping noise coming from her waistband.
“well, i have a surgery so i’ll see you guys later?” they all nod and begin to turn away. “nice seeing you, eddie.”
eddie trails behind the partners, with a small smirk on his face. “oh he’s got it bad,” hen says.
“that woman saved my life and i think she forgot we were there,” chimney says, with his head down as they pile back into the aid car.
eddie stamped back up the stairs, pulling out his phone from his bag when he got there. everyone was crowded around the kitchen island, talking about the call or their own thoughts. eddie was facing his own nightmare when he saw the notifications flashed on his screen.
y/n/n: 11:34
12 missed calls
he rapidly unlocked his phone, smashing in the password numbers and checking his texts and voicemails. his face dropped when he saw the one remaining voice mail from y/n.
one unread voice message from y/n/n at 11:41
he quickly moved himself away from everyone, barricading himself in the corner. he shakily pressed play on the voice message, loudly. he didn’t care if anyone heard.
“hey, baby,” she starts, quietly and shakily. “i know you’re probably on a call, but i wanted you to listen to me. i don’t want you to freak out or anything yet, but, um, i think someone has a gun. im doing everything i can, but i had to call you and tell you how much i love you…” she breathes and deeply exhales. “i love you more than anyone and i’d do anything for you. i love you so, so much, eddie. i know what you’d say, don’t think this way but i had to say my goodbye just in case… in case i don’t make it out of here. you’re in my heart forever, eddie.”
eddie has no tears in his eyes from the pure terror. she’s alone in this building and has no idea what might be on the other side. he stares at the wall, and the ringing in his ears becomes severe and he feels like he was hit by a car. the whole team overheard, drowning in their own fear as well. the noises of the TV were spat out at them.
“we have breaking news to interrupt our regular programs, several shots have been fired at LA general hospital and an active shooter warning has been sent out-“
everyone’s mouths were gaped open, looking directly at eddie who is already sprinting out of the station and into the engine. he knows they’ll be called soon anyway, so why not get a head start? and everyone follows him, getting into the engine.
eddie plays the message on repeat, looking for any little details and hope. the second they arrived on scene, eddie barely gave the engine time to stop before he was out. his mind was in complete fight mode, which almost gave him the impulse to run in and find his soon to be fiancé.
gathered around the hospital are multiple SWAT trucks and tens of police units. they were coming in and out, and eddie almost dropped to his knees when he heard the three words, “suspect in custody.”
the hospital was eerily silent. it was terrifying to y/n, as it was always busy and loud and now, there wasn’t even beeping of machines or hissing of intubation. it was like the whole world stopped. she had ran into the bathroom of a patient, not leaving the room for any reason. locate, lockdown. the four L’s were speeding through her mind in a desperate fight to survive. when you get the training, you assume it’ll never happen to you. but it can.
she was splattered with blood from the bank in a desperate attempt to save herself if needed, but then found herself locked in the small room. her mind had almost become a blur, waiting forever to get the all clear before she heard the SWAT teams come into the room and help lead her out. her eyes were glued to the ceiling to avoid any contact with the horror ensuing.
she had finally been confronted with the fresh california air, walking outside and looking around for anyone she knew. her hands were fallen loosely around her sides, but her posture was stiff.
meanwhile, behind the yellow tapes and barriers, eddie was attempting to get inside to find y/n, having no idea that she was almost right in front of him. “i swear to god, athena, i need to get in there and find her, i have no clue where she is and i need her to be ok, so please,” he rapidly spits out when he feels bobby place a calm hand on his shoulder.
“eddie,” he says, turning his attention to the fearful woman standing in the middle of the parking lot. he’d been waiting for hours for her to be evacuated, the process feeling like years.
when eddie adjusts himself and focuses his eyes, he pulls his stapled feet off the ground and walks over to y/n with his hands out shortly. she sees him coming up, sighing out of exhaustion and was finally in repose. her eyes were red and tired, filled with non-stop tears that were subconsciously falling down her cheeks.
“eddie?” she practically whispers.
“yeah, honey, it’s me,” he replies, stepping in closer as she falls into his embrace. “it’s ok, you’re gonna be ok, you’re safe,” he murmurs sweet comforts into her ear and places his hand on the back of her head. her shivering hands were placed against his back.
being able to fall against him and cry on his shoulder almost erased all of y/n’s thoughts. she knew she did everything she had to do, and now was the last step. live
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mynameismckenziemae · 8 months
In Case You Didn’t Know
Part 4
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OFC
Summary: After some encouragement, you and Jake finally talk…and more.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, dry-humping, hand job, cum play, talk about feelings, etc.
He rips the blankets up and throws his arm over his face in embarrassment.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry-I just heard my name and I wasn’t sure if you needed-just…I’m so sorry!” You rush out, quickly closing the door behind you.
“It’s fine,” he says hoarsely.
You quickly get dressed, ignoring the arousal between your legs.
Okay, that was fucking hot.
“I’m heading out, I’ll be back around 11:45 to pick you up for your appointment. Call me if you need anything!” You say as you rush past his door.
“Okay, see ya,” Jake replies, rubbing his hands over his face, cringing at the uncomfortable wet spot in his boxer briefs as he sits up.
Last night he was almost relieved when Charlie gave him a boner; he hadn’t been able to get fully hard since he crashed. It’s also likely why he came in his underwear in his sleep like a damn teenager; he’s used to getting off almost daily.
After he cleans up in the bathroom, he texts Bradley.
Jake: So...we almost kissed last night.
🐓: Almost? Why didn’t you?
Jake: We’d had a few beers. She was dancing, being goofy, then ended up in my lap. I think realized what she was doing and pulled away.
🐓: Did you talk about it?
Jake: No, we went to bed after.
🐓: Then talk to her tonight. She likes you too. Why else would she be in your lap?
Jake: I don’t fucking know. She also kinda busted me having a wet dream about her this morning.
🐓: LOL. About time you hit puberty.
Jake: 🙄 jerking off hasn’t really been my main priority since almost dying. Guess it caught up to me.
🐓: What’d she do?
Jake: Almost tripped closing the door and rushed to work as fast as she could.
🐓: She saw how small it is, huh? That sucks man.
Jake: 🖕🏻
🐓: Talk to her.
🐓: Or I will. We’d be good together. Charlie Bradshaw has a nice ring to it.
Jake: Some days I really regret saving your life. I’ll talk to her tonight.
🐓: Let me know how it goes.
Jake: Will do.
“Thanks,” Hayes says, taking the coffee you offer. “Are you feeling okay? You’re a little flushed.”
“Yeah, I’m good. Just overslept,” you lie.
“Up too late with your houseguest?” He teases.
“No!” you reply quickly. Too quickly.
He quirks his brow.
You sigh. “I don’t know what’s going on. Something almost happened last night…and then something did happen this morning. So I know he’s at least attracted to me. I just don’t want to fuck this up, Hayes. He’s my best friend, and his family is the only family I’ve got now.”
You blink back the tears start to fill your eyes.
“If he’s as good of a guy you say he is, he won’t take them away from you if things go south. It also sounds like his family wouldn’t let him do that even if he tries,” Hayes responds, squeezing your shoulder.
You nod, wiping the tears that escaped. “God, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying. Fuck,” you laugh, embarrassed.
“It’s alright. Not gonna lie, I’m excited to meet him and see what all the fuss is about,” Hayes winks before walking down the hall to see his first patient.
The ride back to the clinic with Jake is awkwardly quiet, but thankfully it’s only a few minutes drive.
“The ortho and PT department is way on the other end of the hospital. Just get in the fucking wheelchair,” you say through clenched teeth when Jake starts to argue, smiling at an older woman who gasps at your foul language. “He’s a friend.”
“Doesn’t it seem like it the way you’re talking to him,” she mutters as she continues on her way.
You both burst out laughing once she’s out of earshot.
“Thank God I took my badge off, otherwise I’m sure she’d report me,” you laugh as you push him down the hall.
“I wouldn’t blame her if she did. You can’t be swearing at poor crippled patients like that,” Jake teases.
“Here we are,” you say a few minutes later as you roll him into an exam room. “I’ll get you on the exam table and then get Dr. Hayes.”
You get him situated and he catches your arm, pulling you close before you leave. “Thank you again, Charlie. For everything,” he murmurs, eyes dipping to your lips.
“You’re welcome, Jake,” you whisper, ready to lean in, but a knock at the door startles you apart.
“Hey there, Jake. I’m Dr. Ben Hayes, you can call me Hayes if you want. Nice to finally meet the guy I’ve heard so much about,” Hayes introduces himself and smirks at you before shaking his hand.
“Likewise,” Jake says, also looking at you.
There’s another knock at the door, this time the receptionist. “Charlie? Sorry to interrupt but your 11:00 came back and has some questions.”
“Okay, I’ll be right there,” you say to her before turning back to them both. “Just find me when you’re done.”
They nod and you follow her out.
Hayes looks over Jake’s records and the orders with him before laying him back on the exam table.
“Everything looks like it’s healing the way it should. 4-6 more weeks with this cast and then we’ll see if we can get you in a removable one and get some weight on it. Any falls or further injuries since?” Hayes asks after finishing the exam and sitting him back up.
“Yeah, I tripped up Charlie’s porch step Sunday morning trying to juggle the crutches and my suitcase,” Jake sighs. “My arms and good knee took my weight though.”
“Any increased swelling or pain after?”
“No pain. I was already swollen from the plane ride, but it seemed to get better once Charlie elevated it,” Jake replies.
“Gotcha, she’s pretty amazing, huh?”
“Yeah. She really is,” Jake agrees, trying to keep the jealousy out of his tone.
“You know I took her out once?” Hayes asks, sitting down.
“Yeah, she told me,” Jake nods.
“She tell you why it was only once?” Hayes asks.
“Just said it wasn’t right,” Jake shrugs, wondering where he’s going with this.
“It wasn’t right,” Hayes agrees. “Because I’m not you.”
“Charlie? Jake’s all set. I’ve got him laying back with an ice pack though. I took out the sutures under his chin and he got a bit lightheaded,” Hayes tells you when he finds you in your office.
You can’t help but laugh. “He’s not a fan of hospitals, needles, blood…basically anything medical. “I’ll check on him quick, then I’m gonna do his PT here if he’s feeling better and then head out if that’s okay? My last appointment cancelled.”
“Sure. Sounds like you guys have a lot to tell about.” Hayes says with a smile before disappearing around the corner.
Jake’s still a little pale but insists he can do PT.
He’s quiet though, like something’s on his mind. But you don’t press the issue. Instead focusing on making him sweat.
Back at your house, you wrap his leg in one of the plastic shower covers you snagged at work before getting him into the shower.
You change out of your scrubs into some loose running shorts and a sports bra while he’s doing that.
“I’m gonna go for a run if you don’t need anything?” You ask through the door but he opens it, your eyes level with his bare chest. He’s also got shorts on, slung low on his hips.
“Can we talk first?” He asks.
“Sure,” you reply, suddenly feeling nervous.
“What’s up?” You ask as you flop down on the couch.
He sits next to you with a heavy exhale.
“So about this morning-,” he starts, not looking at you.
“Jake, it’s fine…it’s a totally normal thing,” you interrupt, not wanting him to feel awkward.
“It’s not-,” he sighs. “Charlie, I’m in-…I have feelings for you, and I have for a long time. I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last before I go to sleep...and also on my mind when I jerk off, as you found out this morning,” he laughs, the cutest blush rising to his cheeks. “And when you smile at me? Fuck, it’s like I got sucker punched. You’re so beautiful, so smart, so caring.”
Your heart pounds and your stomach flips as you take in his words.
He hesitates and there are tears in his eyes as keeps going. “I almost died. My life…well actually our life, flashed before my eyes while I was in and out of consciousness. I couldn’t bear the thought of dying and leaving you behind, especially since I hadn’t told you how I felt. I started coming to and I swear I heard your voice telling me to eject. You…the thought of you saved my life.”
Tears are streaming down your face as you reach for his hand. He looks at your fingers intertwined with his and continues. “If you feel the same about me and we try this…nothing will change the relationship you have with my family. I won’t let that happen, neither will they. You are family. Always have been, always will be.”
It’s everything you needed to hear and more.
You straddle his lap and weave your fingers into his hair to pull him in for a kiss.
Your heart skips a beat as his lips brush yours in a tentative, curious, and nervous way; so similar to your first kiss almost 20 years ago.
You pull back to meet his eyes. “I feel the same way, Jake. I’ve wanted this for so long. I’m terrified of losing you but I can’t not try. I want this. I want you.”
Your slippery shorts against his have your hips sliding forward as you lean in again, and a whimper escapes when the head of his cock bumps where you want him most. The sound flips a switch within him and he deepens the kiss, licking into your mouth and tightening his grip on your hips.
Your lips leave his to kiss along his jaw. “I think about you when I touch myself too,” you murmur against his ear and rock your hips. Your hands leave his hair to trail down his chest, tweaking his nipples.
“Fuck Charlie,” he groans, head dropping back as he rocks back.
He sounds as wrecked as you feel.
“Oh Jake, you’re huge,” you gasp before sucking a bruise into his neck. “I want you inside me.”
He makes a strangled noise as his fingers move to your ass, pulling you into him harder, contradictory to his next words. “S-S-Should we-God Charlie…do you think we should slow down?”
“Yeah, we probably should,” you pant, but can’t find the self-control to stop. It’s been so long and his cock feels so good grinding against you.
You’re getting close as his mouth finds your neck, then to your collarbone. When he latches on to your nipple through the fabric of your sports bra, you’re a goner. You cry out, hands flying back up to his hair to keep him on your breast as your orgasm washes over you.
He’s unable to keep his hips still as you come down, placing sweet kisses on the exposed skin of your chest above your bra.
You rock against him experimentally and he shudders. “I’m gonna cum in my shorts twice in one day, a new record,” he chuckles, strained.
“Mmm, we can’t have that,” you say, scooting your hips back and gently pushing his chest against the couch. You lean down for a biting kiss as your left-hand pulls his waistband, giving your right enough room to reach down and grasp him. He inhales sharply at your touch and it only takes a few pulls before he’s cumming with a groan, white stripes landing over your fingers and on the ridges of his abs.
He watches with rapt attention as you bring your coated fingers to your mouth, moaning at the taste. His spent cock twitches with interest.
“Can I take you out? Like on a real date?” Jake asks, tucking you into his side on the couch after you’re both cleaned up.
“I’d like that,” you smile; the happiest you’ve felt since your mom died.
A/N: Well…they talked (thanks to Hayes and Bradley) and things are heating up! 🔥
I should’ve added this in the warnings…although the specialty I work in works with physical therapy and ortho a lot, there very well could be medical inaccuracies.
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing your feedback in comments/reblogs.
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months
okay, i'm going to elaborate on what i said about how you can't convince me that deuce spade isn't directly inspired by jim hawkins, because i can't believe i haven't seen anyone talk about it before:
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yes, i know deuce is a card soldier. everyone who's ever played twst knows this. however. many of the characters seem to take inspiration from multiple characters and multiple movies. lilia is one of maleficent's armored minions but also has elements of the three fairies, vil is the evil queen but kind of played the role of hercules in book 6, ortho has parallels to both pinocchio and baymax, the cater cinderella theory is a thing, etc.
one of yana toboso's favorite disney movies is treasure planet, so it is not at all implausible that she took inspiration from it for one of her characters.
they're both raised by single mothers. we know nothing about deuce's father iirc, and all we know of jim's father is that he left one day when jim was little and never came back.
deuce used to be a diligent kid who studied hard but became frustrated with his grades not matching the effort he put in, so he stopped trying and became a delinquent.
jim is a smart kid who used to be curious and sweet, but after his father left he changed. he became a delinquent who was failing in school and frequently got in trouble with the police.
jim goes for joyrides on aircrafts called solar surfers and is skilled at building and maintaining them.
deuce goes for joyrides on blastcycles/magical wheels and is also skilled with machinery.
deuce talks about how one day he overheard his mom on the phone with his grandmother, in tears and saying that she must've been a horrible mother because of how deuce turned out. then when he got his letter from NRC he decided he wanted to change so he wouldn't hurt his mom anymore.
in treasure planet, there's a scene where jim overhears his mother talking to dr. doppler about how she's at the end of her rope with jim's behavior and doesn't know what to do anymore because she feels like she's tried everything. then he decides he wants to make things up to her by finding treasure planet.
by the time we meet deuce, he's already cleaned his act up and decided to try and become an honor student so his mother can be proud of him. the end of treasure planet implies that jim has enrolled in the interstellar academy that captain amelia wanted to recommend him to, and in fact the canceled sequel was going to focus on jim's time there.
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wonderlandhour · 2 months
First Year Funfacts
Sebek goes quiet and peaceful in the rain, especially a good thunderstorm
Deuce knows a lot about tea and had a few custom blends that get mailed to him regularly
Ace has 3 siblings, two older brothers he calls Jack and Ocho and one younger sister named Regina. the sibling he has that no one ever really talks about his is decade older half sibling, Folly.
Sora refuses to eat most veggies cooked, stating he doesn't like them. his mom just boils them all so he doesn't like them cooked until he finds ash roasting some. his favorite veggies made by Ash are roasted brussel sprouts and sauteed asparagus.
Ash's favorite food is passion fruit in twisted wonderland. she'd never and fresh ones before but in TW it's slightly less sweet and has a naturally stronger flavor.
Sebek starts giving Sora one of his favorite apples every time they see each other and it takes Sora weeks to realize why he gets excited whenever he sees Sebek
Ash thinks it's absolutely hilarious that Sebek Pavloved Sora into liking him. this is what gets the verb form of Pavlov into TW.
Ortho is a giant parrot and likes to copy things he hears others say in the same way they said it.
he and Idia both hack into things to see who can do it faster for fun. on occasion Ortho has hacked into things for Ash. he will not do it for anyone else in their friend group.
Ace has called Jamil 'mom' and 'team mom' on more than one occasion. apparently it started with Floyd.
In a burst of anger at Azul once at club, Grim yelled at him 'you're not my dad!' Azul didn't let him forget about it for ages.
Grim only verbally admitted he considers Ash like a mom to him once, right after getting her back from her treatment at STYX. when edged on by Sebek and Ruggie, loudly states he will never see Malleus or Leona has a dad. But they're welcome to try and tempt him! (it's a ploy for fancy tuna)
Epel has also called Vil mom and finds it hilarious that Vil refuses to accept it when he responds to being referred to as mom without fail.
Jack howls sometimes to see who's where, forgetting that his friends are not wolves. however it doesn't stop them from answering. if they can hear him, Ortho, Epel, Deuce, and Sora all answer no matter what. about half the time Sebek, Ash, and Grim will answer. Ace only answers if he's by himself or no one can see him at that moment (he has the best howl out of everyone).
whenever Ash isn't in a mental position to take up leadership of their group, Ace steps up into that older sibling role seamlessly.
at the beginning of their second year, Ortho returns from summer break with a new body entirely, less robotic looking with more functions, and he looks about 14-15 in age. He's the one who designed his new body.
Ash is a minor sugar baby of the other housewardens and thoroughly enjoys it . . . with the exception of Vil and his need for her to have a giant expensive (in Ash's opinion) skin care routine (it's five things across morning and night).
Sebek once accidentally gave Ash an alcohol that's nearly indistinguishable from water that belongs to Lilia. as it turns out, ash has zero alcohol tolerance and spent the entire night as diasomnia giggling at Malleus for being pretty and looking for her faovrite people for cuddles. it ended in the biggest slumber party in NRC's history across pretty much every dorm. (she almost killed Sebek for the hangover.)
Grim can't cook for shit, he's burned water and has been banned from even attempting to cook at both Ramshackle and the main school building.
the others can tell if she went out with Malleus or Leona depending on if she comes back with beads in her hair or a new necklace. Ash cannot figure out for the life of her how they know who she's meeting up with before the date even happens though.
Epel has three piercings in his ears and one nose piercing he rarely wears since getting into NRC for minor fear of Vil giving him a lecture about them.
ear piercings for beastmen are pretty intimate because of how sensitive their ears are. Jack didn't have any before NRC, but got his first ones from Leona after his overblot. Ruggie also got his first piercings from Leona. The earrings in his ears are both a gift and a claim from the prince.
Deuce has a tongue piercing and no one finds out until the first time he and Ace kiss.
Sebek goes hard with a deep scary rumbling purr when you scratch his chin and upper neck of the scales along his back. he does not move when you do that either.
Sora is a pegsus beastman but pegasi have a lot of bird instincts compared to horses which means that the number of times he's perched on top of things and ended up scaring the shit out of people in very high. because he also goes completely quiet when he does that sometimes. Ortho almost shot him once when he scared the shit out of Idia and Ash threw a knife at him the first time he did that in the middle of the night.
one time when there was a small group of students from the Land of the Red Dragon visiting, they were highly impressed by Epel's fruit carving ability. he found of from them that the ability to peel a fruit as close to the peel as possible is seen as a test of how good of a wife a girl will be. it's also common though for parents to show their kids they care with peeled and cut fruit. it causes epel, who has a hard time saying how much people mean to him, to show it with platters of cut and peeled fruit.
if any of them need help or advice with life or relationships, they go to Ash. if any of them need history homework help, they go to Sebek. if they want math help they go to Ace. Ortho rarely ever helps them with homework since he considers it cheating since he has access to the literal internet.
Deuce knows a lot of random fun facts and spends a lot on audio books to listen to while running. he might not understand everything he listens to but he retains the information really well.
Sebek is austistic, Sora is ADHD, Deuce had both dyslexia and dyscalcula, Ash has PTSD and Depression. Ortho hallucinates things sometimes when he runs for too long without taking a sleep cycle (2.5 days. think low battery Baymax on steriods.) Grim has separation anxiety and some basic training as a therapy animal for all of them but mostly Ash. As the only 'normal' member of their group, Ace regularly complains about it but has never once turned them down when they need help.
Ace regularly forgets that Jack is also a 'normal' one because he's one of the quieter ones and doesn't talk about it. Ace will say no while actively helping you. Jack will show he cares in a softer way, solely with actions.
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twstinginthewind · 2 months
19. Pick only one from each dorm! For Joker and Punch. 1 fav person from each dorm?
(Questions here!)
Joker has so much trouble picking a favorite! These are some of her best friends, folks she admires, and more than one crush! She's leaning towards Trey, though, predictably. He's kind, he's clever, he can bake ANYTHING, and he's darned nice to look at! But she loves all of her dormies...
Punch's favorite person at Heartslabyul (besides his sister) is Riddle. He really thinks that the housewarden has got it all together, and really admires him!
Punch's favorite Savanaclaw is Jack, hands down. They sometimes go running together, and Punch appreciates Jack's outlook on life. He sees how hard Jack works, and it's inspiring!
Joker's very fond of Ruggie. She thinks his laugh is adorable, and they occasionally swap recipes and cooking ideas. She thinks he's too clever to be in Savanaclaw, but hey, if it works for him? It's fine.
In another unsurprising choice, Joker likes Floyd. He's fun, he's talented, and he's a fellow music lover. And she likes his nickname for her, too; it makes her feel cute.
Punch spends a lot of time with Azul, since they're in a club together, and even though he doesn't completely trust him and his motives, he does know what to expect from him, and they manage to actually have a good time together when they're both relaxed.
Both of the twins ADORE Kalim. He's the sweetest person on campus. How can you not love this guy?
Punch's best friend (and crush) (fine he'll say it) is Epel! He loves how fiery that little country boy can get, and sometimes indulges his rebellious side. They've gotten along great since they first met.
Joker thinks Epel's pretty great, too, but her best friend is also in Pomefiore - @twst-the-night-away's Savvy! They've got a lot of differences, but the things they have in common overwhelm that, and they want to see each other's dreams come true.
Joker is not speaking to @twst-the-night-away's Sparky this week (they're fine; they do that), so aside from her brother, her vote goes to the most adorable guy in the whole dorm - ORTHO! He's such a sweet kid, and Joker adores him. One day she might even meet the older brother he's so proud of!
Fellow musician and with all the charm that he'd love to emulate, Punch is very glad to have made a friend in @the-trinket-witch's Lázaro! Hopefully they're not too loud for the others there.
Punch was assigned to work with Silver once in a multi-class project, and he was so impressed by the upperclassman's dedication and kind-heartedness. He hopes he can get a chance to work with him more in the future, because he admires him a lot.
Joker's favorite is Lilia. Hands down. He's her club friend, and they have so much fun making music together, gossiping, and laughing. Someday, she wants to shadow him in the kitchen, and help him make something actually edible...
Please let the Carders pet Grim. Please. He's so cute and fuzzy-wuzzy. Please??
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m34gs · 11 days
A thought that isn't really an ask but made me giggle. An AU of our Saw AU where Ms. Yamada meets the Twst boys and they instantly stop trapping people lol. (She gives them the 🤨 look.)
OH. MY GOD. That is so perfect. Friend. I love your brain. Alrighty, let's talk about another AU of our AU!!
(for those confused, feel free to check out our Twisted Wonderland Saw AU in the pinned post here, and our multi-universe Bar AU on AO3 here)
Mrs. Yamada gives the boys One (1) disapproving look and their reactions are as follows:
Riddle - in tears because he has sorely disappointed the sweetest elderly lady he's ever met and he is So Ashamed. He needs a hug and a sweet treat.
Cater - is definitely ashamed but tries to laugh it off a little. He is totally caught by surprise when she gives him a hug and pats his head (he needed it though).
Ace and Deuce - on their knees begging forgiveness
Bonus, Trey, who does not participate in traps - he is baking in her kitchen and giving every single one of the others an "I Told You So" look :D (he does get a little scolded for not stopping them though)
Leona - he definitely gets a little pouty, like a child that knows he's been caught doing something he's not supposed to
Ruggie - Mrs. Yamada's look is a OHKO. How could he justify disappointing this sweet granny, who reminds him of his own?
Jack - ears down and tail between his legs while he apologizes
Azul - he definitely tries to convince her a little bit, but Mrs. Yamada is having None of it. He is quickly defeated. And she makes him take a vacation because goddammit Azul you work too much.
Jade - he's surprised at himself, at how easily he wants to go along with what this elderly woman is asking of him. He needs 3-5 business days to reflect on this feeling and process it (it's guilt. the feeling is guilt.)
Floyd - Mrs. Yamada says "no more murders" and Floyd goes "Kayyy!😊😊😊" and proceeds to sit on her couch and munch on the cookies she gives him
Kalim - Kalim is instantly on-board. He has tea with Mrs. Yamada regularly. They discuss how to help Jamil be less vindictive.
Jamil - he's reluctant to stop but she convinces him and then Mrs. Yamada makes him sit on the couch and relax while her and Kalim cook something for him and at first he's all tense, but then when it's not a disaster he finally lets himself get some much-needed rest.
Vil - would not dare turn down a request from such a sweet, kindhearted woman who dresses so nicely and speaks so eloquently. He would much rather have tea with her than do a trap anyway.
Rook - initially, he is a bit uncertain because he thinks there *is* some art to the traps (this is Rook, he finds beauty everywhere) but he does consider Mrs. Yamada's outlook to be rather beautiful too, so he does agree and he joins Vil and her for tea.
Epel - part of him wants to fight back (verbally) because he has Issues with Authority, but he also knows better than to defy an elderly lady when she gives him a disapproving look. And, he can show Mrs. Yamada his favourite apple pie recipe. :D
Idia - at first, Idia pulls his typical Idia-move and mutters something under his breath about "annoying old ladies" but Mrs. Yamada has Excellent Hearing. She whacks him with her umbrella. He immediately repents (and he and Renji can bond over it later lol)
Ortho - he's on board if Idia is. In fact, he loves Mrs. Yamada. He sits with her and listens to all her stories about how life was for her growing up and he goes through photo albums with her and watches her do embroidery.
Malleus - he does his best to impress upon Mrs. Yamada the importance of creating a better world for Yuu. Mrs. Yamada counters that there are other and better ways to protect someone. He can't exactly argue. That is that.
Lilia - Listen, Lilia knows a Powerful Entity when he sees one. Sorry, John, but he's not going up against Mrs. Yamada. Not today.
Silver - he follows Malleus and Lilia's lead, of course. He does make a very formal and proper apology to Mrs. Yamada.
Sebek - he argues initially, because who is this human lady to tell Lord Malleus what to do???? But he relents after (several) whacks from her umbrella. Then, since she bested him in a duel, she has his utmost respect and he praises her almost as much as he does Lilia and Malleus. lol.
Those are my thoughts! Please add yours, I'd love to see where we can go with this little thought exercise hehehe!💜💜💜
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ryuichirou · 6 months
More replies about recent stuff, ships, antis, etc etc, business as usual~ there are a couple (literally) of headcanons in this post too!
Anonymous asked:
I’m going to assume that the recent Lilidia comic is before they know that they’re online buddies and that Idia was the one who sent the shirt?
This one is related to a comic we posted on ko-fi today <3
And yes, Anon, you are correct! That was the idea behind the comic hehe. They were meant to meet offline for the first time this evening but they yet need some time to realise they’re looking for each other lol
Alright, now a couple of asks about the RookVil post from yesterday. I am very happy that you liked that one.
Anonymous asked:
“Distracted”…you mean by Niege?
By Vil in her beautiful dress of course  
Anonymous asked:
Sorry for the caps but thank you hahaha it gave me energy
Also I was reading some of the asks and I just wanna say those Ortho/Malleus sounds so good! Shoutout to that guy and sorry for using this ask about it 🤭
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 They bring me joy too, it always feels very self-indulgent when I draw them, especially as girls lol
Yesss this is such a good ship. Shoutout to the OruMal person! I’m glad they’re getting appreciation for their big brains…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Fem Vil is DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN Mummy -sorry mummy- sorry –
Fem Vil is always either mummy or just a mum… well, technically this also applies to regular Vil lol Also, technically, she (and he) is a step-mummy or a step-mum...
I’m glad you liked it! <3
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Ortho x Malleus... Hmmm...you know I might get on that train, it's actually pretty cute the more I think about it and I'm just imagining a double date with Idia and Lilia and Ortho and Malleus, maybe even a triple date if we add Sebek and Silver
Ahhh, Ortho/Malleus and Lilia/Idia would be a very fun combo!! Sebek and Silver too… Sebek would get way too distracted by Malleus being with Ortho though, things would probably get a bit messy lol
Anonymous asked:
"Slenderman is scared to see Rook when he turns around" Rook truly is the most horrifying horror monster of all time lol.  The non-human students would survive a horror setting simply because nothing compares to being hunted by Rook.
And sorry if you already answered this, but in your Prison au how do you decide who's a guard and who's a prisoner?
(this one is related to this post)
You’re SO RIGHT ANON LOL If they survived being around Rook for 3 years, they won’t be scared of anything. This is what a little bit of Rook Hunt does to a collective. Influencing people in a good way by being an absolute creep…
And to answer your question, the roles are pretty flexible: Katsu mentioned in this reply that they could be either one (both would work for a lot of them really), but some characters just feel more suitable for one role and not the other I guess? Plus, it implies their relationship with the characters around them. So, whatever option sounds more fun and could lead to a more interesting scenario.
Anonymous asked:
I know you mentioned in a previous reply that you don’t ship Jack/Epel often, but I would still love to hear any few headcannons you might have about them. I have one where Jack goes to Vil for advice on how to approach Epel in a romantic fashion since Jack would have a secret crush on him. Meanwhile Rook is probably giving very detailed advice to Epel (who also has a secret crush on Jack) on how to “properly tame your partner” and Epel just gets super confused and embarrassed
Sorry for the late reply, Anon!
Oh god I can practically hear Vil’s “ara?” when Jack goes to him for advice… What an experience for him, considering how close he is with both Jack and Epel, to suddenly have these two show some interest in each other lol
And it makes sense that Epel would go to Rook for that, and not really because of his hunter thing, but he is absolutely going to end up listening to a lecture about taming and recognising the signs of courtship behaviour… this isn’t even remotely going the way Epel thought it would…
I still don’t have many thoughts about them, unfortunately. But here is a couple of things that come to mind as I’m thinking about these two right now…
When their club activities don’t happen at the same time, they visit each other. Sometimes just to wait until the other one is done, sometimes to cheer a little (just a little though), sometimes just to hang out. But Jack tries not to do that often because Epel gets very distracted when he is around + his senpais tease him a lot.
Epel doesn’t always like how caring and sweet Jack is, sometimes it feels to him like he is being babied by him, but he does know that Jack has a wilder side (Vil hinted on it once because he knew Epel would feel that way), so now Epel tries to poke the wolf bear (that is Jack) from time to time to see if he would react.
Anonymous asked:
Idia, probably: What in the fifty shades of moe is this?
(this one is related to this comic)
Yeah, he had no idea stuff like this could happen to him…
Anonymous asked:
Had an encounter with an anti on a different app; their argument was that shotacons are creepy and how they talk about little boys are creepy.  Good ole' Google tells me shotacon does not apply to TWST so Idk why they brought it up.  And the only little boys are Cheka and Gidel.  If they were genuinely referring to the main cast as little boys, maybe it's just me, but calling high schoolers that is weird.  I didn't handle the encounter well, but thinking back it feels like they had no clue what they were saying.  Their argument was about something completely different and had nothing to do with TWST if they even know what it is.  The logic ain't logic-ing with these folks.
Yeah, technically there are no shotas other than Cheka and Gidel in TWST, but some could also count Ortho or even Lilia (Ace commented on him looking much younger than a 16 y.o., which all those people fucking ignore, as you might’ve noticed, because they’re hypocrites) and Epel, because while they aren’t of the needed age category, they’re rather small. And with Ortho people love to talk about how he is a 5 y.o., which is a lie lol
You are right that they don’t really know what they’re talking about. They never do, because the point of the conversation isn’t to make an argument and have a proper discussion, it’s to make the opponent sound so wrong, so appalling, so sick, that they come out of this thing feeling like the only beacon of moral excellence surrounded by gross perverts with zero self-control. When in fact they’re just uneducated enjoyers of spreading moral panic + emotional vampires lol
The thing is, shota and all the other “dead dove tropes” is a niche within a niche. People in general don’t understand shipping and our way of interacting with fiction, and even fewer people understand problematic tropes. It’s okay, it’s not for everyone. But it sure is a convenient reason to attack people!
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windalchemist001 · 1 month
So I don't know if I talked about it yet if the twisted cast meet the next generation but when most don't have trama so like when their tiny little ones 3, 4 and 5 for the first, second and third years
Since it's just Brigitte she would most likely be riding on the back of a deer or something that takes her to silver while she clings to her stuff animal that her dad gave her. I feel ilia would just cool at her and malleus would be touched that she calls him uncle and she just clings to silver and doesn't seem to be scared of sebek and she just seems rather chill. And so they don't have to worry to much
Since it's again just meri she might just be found in the green house with a tablet and giggling and playing with flora fairy (boy) and she's giggling ans smiling and showing how she hacked the school system to go on the wolds version of YouTube she was found because she did in fact trip a few things because she is four and ortho is the one who finds her and drags her to her dad because she still has the shroud hair so kind of clear what her blood line is. She just chill and sort of gives spoilers that her parents meet at a con and that they love each ver much but its more ortho dealing with her and idia is just freaking out the whole time.
Henry is found just sitting in a chair staring blanking at the wall glmices of him be a child Is there but over all just like porcelain doll. It is rather concerning he does respond and interact but only rook and vil seem to notice that the child isn't fully there all the other pomefiore don't notice what so ever and epel doesn't know what is up but know something is up with the boy, over all it is okish
So this one is where we get a older kid watching the babies though not much older since Farah is only nine and she's watching over a five (rotem) and four (chaim) year old. And she is actual very weary of her father and trust Jamil more since he's clearly a viper and thus she knows they are meant to serve her family and while she doesn't remember all her uncles and aunts but it wouldn't be the first time they tried to hurt her or her brother. But over all she doesn't fully trust either of them. And when she gets a chance she does ask Jamil how much does his loyalty cost, for she longs to know how trust worthy he is. Farah holds herself like she believes her mother would and is trying her best to make sure her brother and rotem stay safe since one is her baby brother and the other feels like family. The over all thing would be very tension filled mostly due to Farah and the boys seem alright but when she figures out that kailm is her father she will make sure to ask her father to be kind and playful in the future because for once her baby brother feels loved by their dad and it hurts her to see how happy he is and know that it won't be the same when they get back that it hurts her heart.
The sad thing is Mona doesn't realize that azul isn't his older self since she mostly sees him via old photos so she sees him and goes to hug azul and refuses to let go. Because it has been a while since she's seen him and she refuses to let go the mini twins are glaring at azul the whole time when their not wobbly on their feet or messing with their uncle and father. Mona is actually very good when it comes to walking and honestly is able to run cicles around the twins and does tease them every once in a while when they try to catch her (when jade or floyd peel her off and before she re attaches to her dad.) She does also tell her dad about all the things she's does and what not but hopes her dad is proud of her. So over the thing is a bit bothersome but over ok
Has the oldest of the next generation what with sefu being fifteen, imani is five and her little brother Baraka is two. Also Rama is also five. Since their beast men they would be the small children would figure it out who their dad is so Rama would go to his dad and try to play with him. Sefu would be like "cool dad isn't old... well not an geezer I'm going to go prove how cool I am to him" and than proceed to some how end up on his face after rolling a few times from falling down. Thus waddle to two year old and five year old said five year old going though a backpack to give her eldest brother a bandaid and do her little best to scold him before trying to give him his meds when an alarm goes off and when ruggie starts laughing she goes to scold him for being mean. So imani does her best to keep an eye on both her brothers and after much trouble she does end up napping near Leona. So the whole this is a bit crazy but over all ok
Mina being ten is hold Samantha's (three) hand while also holding David who is (months old) followed by Lewis who seems to want to know whats going on. Lewis causes a bunch of trouble to both of his fathers. And mina just talks with her dad and tend to her siblings over all it is 50/50 because mina takes care of her siblings and is pretty good while ace and riddle are tried after running after Lewis
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lovelyjasmari · 1 year
Awhile back you mentioned that you think Vil shares a lot of traits with Adam/The Beast. Why is that? (I can see some similarities, but I'm curious as to your reasoning.)
Hello! 💙
First off, apologies for delayed response. I’ve been thinking more about this for a while anyway for my own writing and wanted to give you the most thorough answer I could. 
Beyond the obvious similarities between Vil and Beast/Adam, namely their noble spirits masked behind harshness, the largest similarities between them that I see is how they see themselves and how it’s juxtaposed with their actions. Both good and bad.
Full answer under the cut because this is LONG
I can’t speak for how Adam is before he’s cursed or before he meets Belle (don’t talk to me abt the midquels, lol). But one thing I’ve noticed is that at some point, Beast came to genuinely see himself as a monster and despise himself for it. It’s true some of his early traits are pretty monstrous, he imprisons Maurice, he’s extremely childish, and has a violent temper. But behind that harsh exterior lies a very tortured soul desperate for the curse upon him and his companions to be lifted but feels like it never will. And worst of all, it’s his own fault. 
I like to imagine that being a beast for a decade, Adam has had ample time to contemplate his fate and his part in bringing it about. Because he was so young when he was cursed, he’s likely internalized a lot of self-hatred. And self-hatred can often cause people to do terrible things because they don’t think they deserve better. There are many moments in the film where right after Beast does something bad, he has a moment where he thinks about what he’s done and regrets it. There’s this one scene in particular right after he rages at Belle and she runs off, he crumpled up in despair because he realizes what he’s done. Once again he screwed up his hope to break the curse, maybe even the last he’ll have. 
So Beast rightfully sees himself as a monster and everything he does before the confrontation with the wolves only confirms it to him. Yet at the same time his arrogance doesn’t allow him to see the error of his ways right away and he doesn’t really know how else to be until Belle brings him back to the castle to tend to his wounds. Only then does he realize he has to do better.
While these moments with Vil are more subtle, he also has similar moments where it’s shown that he’s internalized his vilanous persona. Theres one moment at the start of Book 5 where Vil is scolding Epel for not practicing and he says “oh, so I’m not the villain?” or something along those lines. Even though he wants to make sure Epel isn’t slacking off, he goes about it rather harshly and he might even be aware of it, but doesn’t know how else to be. There’s another scene after Vil snaps at the other NRC Tribe members and then goes into the hallway to talk to Mira and when she confirms that Neige is still more beautiful he dispairs, that scene in particular kinda reminded me of when Beast was looking into his own magic mirror, and disparaging when he saw that Belle didn’t want anything to do with him. 
And then there’s his overblot, or better yet the moments right before it happened. Vil’s moment of anguish when he realized what he could have done, not so unlike Beast’s moment of anguish after he scared Belle off and he realized he could have very well ruined his last chance. And like Beast realzing in that moment what a monster he was, Vil realized that in trying so hard to prove to the world that he wasn’t a villain, he became just that. He was the “villain” to his teammates, to Epel, and now to Neige. And after his overblot, Vil appeared to more or less fully embrace his “villanry” with his boasts right before NRC Tribe took the stage. 
However, both Beast and Vil have their moments of redemption. I have a lot of opinions about Book 6 (most of them negative) but it can’t be denied that Vil’s plunge into the underworld to save Idia, Ortho and Grim was incredibly heroic and noble. And Beast displayed his own heroism when he rescued Belle from the wolves. And hiis nobility shone through when he was fighting off Gaston but didn’t kill him because he didn’t want Belle to see him as a monster, nor did he want to become one. 
And even with their less-than-ideal traits, both Vil and Adam have even further moments of nobility. Beast gifts Belle the library out of a genuine desire to see her happy and understanding of her interests. And he sets her free once he realizes how much she wishes to be with her father, and the understands that he can’t bear to keep her prisoner any longer because he loves her. For all of Vil’s harshness, he truly wants to see those around him become the best versions of themselves. He teaches the other students about cosmetics and makeup and even gifts them products of his own creation, He takes notes of all of his dorm mates' credentials so he can better help them become stronger and more beautiful. Even with Epel, Vil is implied to at least try to help Epel be his best self in a way that Epel doesn’t completely hates. And all of this he does not because he wants people to like him, but because he wants to. 
Though I think that’s where the similarities end. Sadly, Vil is likely to continue internalizing the false, villainous perception of himself if the end of Book 5 and Book 6 are anything to go on. And Beast only learned to stop being such a jerkass when he realized that wasn’t going to help him break the curse upon him. But I’d like to imagine that with the right influence, Vil might also learn not to be so harsh and critical because 99.9999% of the time, he has good intentions. He doesn’t have to shed his entire personality since I also imagine Vil is even harsher on himself. But maybe come to realize that it’s possible to get his point across without coming off as cruel. 
As always, I’m not sure if I was able to explain myself adequately. Most of the time my thoughts stay in my head until it’s time for me to write but you can probably see that I spend a lot of time thinking about Vil’s character. lol
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sleepy-bunbun-ace · 1 year
i'm still disappointed by no femc in the p3 remake so i'm gonna do what i do with all of my blorbos, isekai her.
this time i'm not gonna use pla but twst instead mostly because there's more opportunities to use personas in twst than in pla where the only way i see her getting access to her persona is during the red sky thing. i'm also gonna rotate between names since i don't feel like choosing a name.
prologue + chapter 1 only
so since the femc's route isn't canon, she doesn't become the great seal because makoto/minato is already the great seal.
whatever brings yuu to the twst wonderland world sees her up for grabs and brings her to the before prologue area where she's then isekai'd to twst.
not without erasing her memories, of course.
minako wakes up in a coffin, grim opens it with his fire, yadda yadda, the whole beginning of the prologue is the same.
the dark mirror takes an interest in her because while she doesn't belong in any of the dorms, she has incredible potential and takes notice of the contract she's not aware she has.
grim escapes and causes arson and hamuko goes off to help kalim who's butt is on fire.
she feels a connection trying to be made with him but something is preventing it from happening (sorry kotone, no social links yet).
again, things go the same for the most part in all honesty throughout the prologue just with hamuko having more dialogue inputs.
a key difference is no ghost fight when she first gets to ramshackle dorm because she somehow manages to befriend the ghosts (which causes questions as to how she's not afraid of them because she's most definitely never seen ghosts before).
another key difference is during the mine battle where kotone actually helps fighting the monster using a stick she found near the cabin while also giving out orders.
there's social links desperately wanting to be made with grim, ace and deuce but the time hasn't come for that yet.
on the night of the last day of the prologue, at exactly the point where 11:59 changes to midnight, the sky turns green and people turn into coffins for an hour, but nobody is awake to notice.
chapter 1
first day of classes for hamuko and grim. also ace got collared for eating a slice of a tart and decided he's a ramshackle kid now.
things mostly go the same for the most part but there are a few changes.
kotone runs into ortho when chasing after grim and immediately feels melancholic and sad. he reminds her of... of... who does he remind her of?
the whole lunch thing is a bit different too with minako immediately noticing how there's something off with jamil and how kalim seems to be hiding emotions (like her. but she isn't hiding her emotions, is she?). this does not affect chapter 1 but does affect chapter 4.
when kotone first meets riddle, it's like all her attention is immediately on him and not in the 'tyrant housewarden' way but in a 'he's somehow like me' way. a blue butterfly only she seems to notice flutters between them.
before i forget, the dreams!! they still do show the particular scenes from alice in wonderland but alice acts strange. she looks the same as in the movie but with yellow eyes instead. she tells minako to "save the queen, he has yet to awaken" or something along those lines.
okay, back to chapter 1. for the most part, it goes rather the same seeing as hamuko is trying to make sure her friends stay alive.
the day before the unbirthday party, the boys find out she's a girl and freak out as if they've never interacted with a girl in their lives. minako can understand why they thought she was a boy with how she looks but is just kinda done with them as they freak out.
crewel figures out she's a girl because it's crewel. you don't question him.
now, the whole battle for housewarden aftermath is different with kotone having more impact. she essentially rewords what ace is conveying towards riddle with her own observations. she's trying to make sure the situation doesn't get worse while also making riddle realize that maybe how he's been handling punishments isn't really good housewarden behavior.
it doesn't work, riddle still overblots.
now, just because minako doesn't remember the events of p3, that doesn't mean the skills she learned doesn't exactly go away. it only takes a few minutes for her to realize that they had to target the phantom and not riddle. she tells ace and deuce to focus on the phantom while she finds a way to separate it from the overblotted boy.
turns out jumping out a tree that started to float while you were climbing onto strings made of ink hurts a lot. feels like death.
so the memory thing goes quite different (i'm basing the concept off of on the eight wishes of a resident therapist by adaven on ao3). both riddle and kotone wake up in a void where the only other things there are a desk with two papers on it and a very familiar looking boy.
he tells them the only way to keep going is to sign the contract that will bind them to all responsibility of their actions.
"i will chooseth this fate of mine own free will."
they sign the contracts and the boy disappears with a smile. impromptu therapy time as they go through riddle's memories.
he starts with denial in the beginning but nearing the end he just spills because he's so drained from everything that's been going on. he's tired and doesn't know what to do anymore.
hamuko promises to help him become better because "that's what friends are for" and riddle is so confused. "he wants to be my friend??? after everything i've done??"
they wake up after the promise (the social link isn't established yet) with riddle still looking like his overblot self but now in control of himself. the phantom is still alive, desperately trying to reconnect to riddle.
minako's pocket feels heavy and she pulls out something very similar to a gun. there's no time to think, she puts it up to her head while shielding riddle from the phantom.
orpheus makes her return from the sea of souls.
the battle is soon finished with riddle and kotone being the most injured (i think that attacks that use hp cause injuries on the users body). with only a few questions about orpheus before crowley shows back up, the chapter finishes as normal with only riddle and kotone being taken to the infirmary.
at the end of the chapter, hamuko tells riddle she remembers her name.
at the exact point where 11:59 changes to midnight, the sky turns green and people turn to coffins, only this time the two in the infirmary are awake to experience the hour.
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amxrany · 7 months
Hi I just got home, so let's get to it (Part 1):
Picking up where we left off, where the main gang meet up with Idia. Sebek thought that all of them were awake in the real world but Idia was like "nah we're still stuck in the dream world"
I completely forgot that Idia barely touches grass (joke) in the main story so he introduces himself to the Silver and Sebek and when Sebek introduces himself Idia got scared cuz of how loud he was 😭
Since Idia's awake, Silver immediately goes on defense thinking that the darkness or even Malleus will attack. But then, Ortho comes on screen (like literally he appears on a monitor) telling the gang that they don't have to worry about that for a while.
Edit: There's this one part I legit forgot to add which I will now cuz it's funny where Silver and Sebek were just sandwiching Idia and Idia's says something along the lines of getting hurt from being squeezed between armor (Sebek) and HARD MUSCLES (Silver) LIKE WE GET IT IDIA WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE
Ortho then explains to the rest about how he managed to escape the dream world and transfer his consciousness to STYX. Although he's not able to conjur Unique Magic because he's not a mage, but rather a humanoid robot, he still has his unique perks (aw that's cute)
Flashback Time: So we have Cerberus Ortho investigating the current situation of Sage Island, trying to prevent the thorns from spreading as well as break through the shield, which is apparently much harder than the open gates of the Underworld. But don't worry guys the Shroud Parents are also there to help him out.
Ortho was given a 20 minute time limit to analyze Malleus's magic, because once those 20 minutes are up he shuts down, which was difficult. UNTIL THE MAN OF THE HOUR MALLEUS APPEARS, who's surprised that Ortho was awake. But Ortho tells Malleus that he simply switched bodies cuz he's an AI, which is something Malleus probably doesn't understand (damn AHAHAHAHAHA)
Knowing that he needed to buy some for the machinery thingies (idk what they're called don't even ask) to collect the needed data, Ortho challenges Malleus. Malleus admires the fact Ortho can keep his sanity for so long, thinking that it's the pinnacle of technology. It was a crazy battle, with Ortho losing one of his dogs
OH MALLEUS I LOVE YOU BUT YOU BITCHHHH (mostly the latter btw)
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Ortho's running out of time, with only 30 seconds left and Malleus is about is to put him to sleep. he says he's sorry to his parents NOOOO
BUT SOMETHING HAPPENS, the attack stops; STYX came in just in time to intervene. The Shroud parents uses their drones to attack Malleus's shield and Ortho uses a full blast to get him out of Sage Island and land himself back to STYX and we get this moment of the Shrouds (minus Idia) collapsing into each other's arms.
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Ortho regains consciousness after awhile and tells his parents that he's guilty the the two robot dogs were destroyed (oh yeah forgot to mention the other one was destroyed too whoopsie), but Mama Shroud said that they can just repair them and we just have this heartfelt moment in the family.
That is, until Papa Shroud brings up that the magic used by Malleus reminds him of the ancient magic surrounding Grim. Another thing is that it's downright impossible to destroy Malleus's realm from the outside UNLESS Malleus himself disappears. They can't destroy the realm by force either because it will also permamnently lock all victims inside of it. The only thing they can do is to be as persuasive as possible to let Malleus let go of everyone (but trust me when I say I don't think that will work)
So they bring up Maleficia as someone who can persuade Malleus, but Mama Shroud has something else in mind and shows Ortho a live from Idia's dream, which is when he notices something was off. It's possible that she found a way to access everyone's dreams (and let's just say Idia is just like his mum). That;s when Ortho realizes what his mom meant, and that is to find a way to get everyone to wake up and find a way to disrupt the dream world.
Okay Ima end the first part here for now, sorry this took awhile guys I had lots of things to do the moment I got home 😭. But I promise to get things out as quick as I can (I still have a reflection paper to speedrun lmao)
Next: Part 2
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